fragment. Fragments are delimited like this: ¤¤ name 1 ¤¤ fragment 1 ¤¤ name 2 ¤¤ fragment 2 ¤¤ name 3 ¤¤ fragment 3 The first delimiter and name ('¤¤ name 1 ¤¤' in the above example) can be omitted, in which case the first fragment will be assigned the name 'base'. All other fragments must be named. Throws an exception if: - any fragment except the first is missing a name - two (or more) fragments share a name */ function get_fragments($infile) { $out = array(); $name = ''; $current_fragment = ''; $filecontents = file($infile); $iter = 0; foreach($filecontents as $line) { if(strpos(trim($line), '¤¤') === 0) { if($iter != 0) { $out = try_adding($name, $current_fragment, $out, $infile); } $name = trim($line, "\t\n\r ¤"); $current_fragment = ''; } else { $current_fragment .= $line; } $iter++; } return try_adding($name, $current_fragment, $out, $infile); } function try_adding($key, $value, $array, $filename) { if(array_key_exists($key, $array)) { throw new Exception('There is already a fragment with that name in '.$filename); } else if($key === '') { throw new Exception('There is an unnamed fragment in '.$filename); } $array[$key] = trim($value); return $array; } /* Takes an associative array and a string. Returns a string. Replaces each occurrence of each array key in the input string with the associated array value, and returns the result. */ function replace($assoc_arr, $subject) { $keys = array(); $values = array(); foreach($assoc_arr as $key => $value) { $keys[] = '¤'.$key.'¤'; $values[] = $value; } return str_replace($keys, $values, $subject); } function make_page($page) { switch($page) { default: case 'checkout': return new CheckoutPage(); case 'return': return new ReturnPage(); case 'search': return new SearchPage(); case 'products': return new ProductPage(); case 'new': return new NewPage(); case 'users': return new UserPage(); case 'inventory': return new InventoryPage(); case 'history': return new HistoryPage(); case 'ajax': return new Ajax(); case 'qr': return new QR(); case 'print': return new Printer(); case 'dl': return new Download(); } } function get_ids($type) { $append = ''; switch($type) { case 'user': break; case 'product': $append = 'where `discardtime` is null'; break; case 'product_discarded': $type = 'product'; $append = 'where `discardtime` is not null'; break; case 'event': break; case 'event_active': $type = 'event'; $append = 'where `returntime` is null'; break; case 'inventory': break; case 'inventory_old': $append = 'where `endtime` is not null order by `id` desc'; $type = 'inventory'; break; default: $err = "$type is not a valid argument."; throw new Exception($err); break; } $query = "select `id` from `$type`"; if($append) { $query .= " $append"; } $get = prepare($query); execute($get); $ids = array(); foreach(result_list($get) as $row) { $ids[] = $row['id']; } return $ids; } function get_items($type) { $construct = null; switch($type) { case 'user': $construct = function($id) { return new User($id); }; break; case 'product': case 'product_discarded': $construct = function($id) { return new Product($id); }; break; case 'event': case 'event_active': $construct = function($id) { return new Event($id); }; break; case 'inventory': case 'inventory_old': $construct = function($id) { return new Inventory($id); }; break; default: $err = "$type is not a valid argument."; throw new Exception($err); break; } $ids = get_ids($type); $list = array(); foreach($ids as $id) { $list[] = $construct($id); } return $list; } function suggest($type) { $search = ''; $typename = 'name'; switch($type) { case 'user': $search = prepare('select `name` from `user` order by `name`'); break; case 'template': $search = prepare('select `name` from `template` order by `name`'); break; case 'tag': $search = prepare( '(select `tag` from `product_tag`) union (select `tag` from `template_tag`) order by `tag`'); $typename = 'tag'; break; case 'field': $search = prepare( '(select `field` from `product_info`) union (select `field` from `template_info`) order by `field`'); $typename = 'field'; break; default: return array(); } execute($search); $out = array(); foreach(result_list($search) as $row) { $out[] = $row[$typename]; } return $out; } function suggest_content($fieldname) { $search = ''; $resultfield = $fieldname; switch($fieldname) { case 'name': $search = prepare('select distinct `name` from `product` order by `name`'); break; case 'brand': $search = prepare('select distinct `brand` from `product` order by `brand`'); break; default: $search = prepare("select distinct `data` from `product_info` where `field` = ? order by `data`"); bind($search, 's', $fieldname); $resultfield = 'data'; } $out = array(); execute($search); try { $results = result_list($search); } catch(Exception $e) { return array(); } foreach($results as $row) { $out[] = $row[$resultfield]; } return $out; } function match($searchterms, $subject) { if(!is_array($searchterms)) { $searchterms = array($searchterms); } foreach($searchterms as $term) { if(fnmatch('*'.$term.'*', $subject, FNM_CASEFOLD)) { return true; } } return false; } function format_date($date) { if($date) { return gmdate('Y-m-d', $date); } return $date; } function default_loan_end($start) { return $start + 604800; # 1 week later } ### Database interaction functions ### $db = new mysqli($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); if($db->connect_errno) { $error = 'Failed to connect to db. The error was: '.$db->connect_error; throw new Exception($error); } function prepare($statement) { global $db; if(!($s = $db->prepare($statement))) { $error = 'Failed to prepare the following statement: '.$statement; $error .= '\n'; $error .= $db->error.' ('.$db->errno.')'; throw new Exception($error); } return $s; } function bind($statement, $types, ...$values) { global $db; return $statement->bind_param($types, ...$values); } function execute($statement) { if(!$statement->execute()) { $error = 'Failed to execute statement.'; $error .= '\n'; $error .= $statement->error.' ('.$statement->errno.')'; throw new Exception($error); } return true; } function result_list($statement) { return $statement->get_result()->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); } function result_single($statement) { $out = result_list($statement); switch(count($out)) { case 0: return null; case 1: foreach($out as $value) { return $value; } default: throw new Exception('More than one result available.'); } } function begin_trans() { global $db; $db->begin_transaction(MYSQLI_TRANS_START_WITH_CONSISTENT_SNAPSHOT); } function commit_trans() { global $db; $db->commit(); return true; } function revert_trans() { global $db; $db->rollback(); return false; } ?>