Erik Thuning dec2da4310 Added a preprocessor for arec recorders.
Also moved the code for creating a basic jobspec and pulling information from
the relevant daisy booking into the preprocessor superclass so it can be
called by both the cattura and arec preprocessors.
2024-06-04 15:53:46 +02:00

81 lines
3.0 KiB

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from ..queuethread import QueueThread
class Preprocessor(QueueThread, metaclass=ABCMeta):
Base class for handlers to be registered with a QueuePickup instance.
def __init__(self, distributor, daisy, uldir, config):
self.distributor = distributor
self.daisy = daisy
self.uploaddir_parent = uldir
self.config = config
def _process(self, job):
Apply preprocessing to job and send the result to the distributor.
def _init_jobspec(self, upload_dir=None, created=0, title=''):
jobspec = {'created': created,
'title': {'sv': title,
'en': title},
'description': '',
'presenters': [],
'courses': [],
'thumb': '',
'tags': [],
'sources': {}}
if upload_dir is not None:
jobspec['upload_dir'] = str(upload_dir)
return jobspec
def _fill_jobspec_from_daisy(self, starttime, endtime, room_id, outspec):
booking = self.daisy.get_booking(starttime, endtime, room_id)
if booking is not None:
title = {'sv': booking['displayStringLong']['swedish'],
'en': booking['displayStringLong']['english']}
outspec['title'] = title
outspec['presenters'] = booking['teachers']
if booking['description']:
outspec['description'] = booking['description']
if not outspec['presenters'] and booking['bookedBy']:
outspec['courses'] = booking['courseSegmentInstances']
if booking['educationalType']:
for i in booking['educationalType'].values():
# Add both english and swedish name;
# sometimes they're identical so don't add twice
if i not in outspec['tags']:
def validate(self, queueitem):
Validate a jobspec according to this preprocessor's format.
To be implemented by subclasses.
Should return True if successful, otherwise throw a KeyError or
ValueError with a descriptive message.
raise NotImplementedError('validate must be implemented '
'by Preprocessor subclasses')
def _preprocess(self, job):
Abstract method to implement the functionality of this preprocessor.
To be implemented by subclasses.
raise NotImplementedError('_preprocess must be implemented '
'by Preprocessor subclasses')