252 lines
11 KiB
252 lines
11 KiB
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import logging
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from requests.sessions import Session
from daisy import DaisyHandler
class PackageException(Exception):
def __init__(self, package, problem):
self.package = package
self.problem = problem
class Mediasite:
def __init__(self, config):
self.incoming = config['daemon']['incoming']
self.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(config['mediasite']['user'],
self.chunk_size = 10485760 # 10MiB; seems optimal for speed
# Tested 8k, 10MiB and 20MiB
self.logger = logging.getLogger('play-daemon')
def pack(self, pres_id, queue_item):
data = queue_item['data']
base = os.path.join(self.incoming, pres_id)
if os.path.exists(base):
presenters = []
for item in data['presenters']:
mypackage = {'id': pres_id,
'base': base,
'origin': queue_item['type'],
'creation': data['created'],
'title': data['title'],
'description': data['description'],
'presenters': presenters,
'courses': data['courses'],
'duration': int(data['duration'])/1000,
'tags': data['tags'],
'sources': []}
if 'id' in data:
mypackage['notification_id'] = data['id']
# Create one session for all the downloads
with Session() as session:
session.auth = self.auth
session.stream = True
mypackage['thumb'] = self._download(base, data['thumb'], session)
# Download video sources, and store the information with a local file path in mypackage for the transcoder
for source in data['sources']:
mysource = {'video': self._download(base, source['video'], session),
'poster': self._download(base, source['poster'], session),
'playAudio': source['playAudio']}
# Slides exist, create a package for creating a video from the slides
if 'slides' in data:
slides_path = os.path.join(base, 'slides')
slides = []
demux_file = os.path.join(slides_path, 'demux.txt')
with open(demux_file, 'w') as f:
f.write('ffconcat version 1.0\n')
num_slides = len(data['slides'])
# loop all slides and download, calculate the duration and create a text file holding all the info for he ffmpeg demuxer
for i in range(num_slides):
# Download the source file and store the url as a local file path
myslide = { 'url': os.path.join(slides_path, self._download(slides_path, data['slides'][i]['url'], session))}
# Handle the different edgecases for indiviual slide duration
if i == num_slides - 1: # last slide
myslide['duration'] = '{}ms'.format(data['duration'] - int(data['slides'][i]['duration']))
elif i == 0: # first slide
myslide['duration'] = '{}ms'.format(int(data['slides'][i+1]['duration']))
else: # all other slides
myslide['duration'] = '{}ms'.format(int(data['slides'][i+1]['duration']) - int(data['slides'][i]['duration']))
# Commit to the demuxfile. Duration is assumed to be seconds unless staded otherwise
# https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-utils.html#Time-duration
# https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Slideshow
f.write('file \'{}\'\n'.format(myslide['url']))
f.write('duration {}\n'.format(myslide['duration']))
# to accomodate for an ffmpeg quirk that needs the last slide twice
f.write('file \'{}\'\n'.format(slides[-1]['url']))
# put all the slides info in mypackage for the transcoder to rework into a mp4 video
mypackage['sources'].append({'demux_file': demux_file,
'poster': slides[0]['url'],
'playAudio': False })
return mypackage
# function to download the material from mediasite
def _download(self, base, remotefile, session):
localname = remotefile.split('/')[-1]
localpath = os.path.join(base, localname)
r = session.get(remotefile)
with open(localpath, 'xb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=self.chunk_size):
return localname
class Manual:
def pack(self, pres_id, queue_item):
data = queue_item['data']
mypackage = {'id': pres_id,
'base': data['base'],
'origin': queue_item['type'],
'notification_id': data['id'],
'creation': data['created'],
'title': data['title'],
'description': data['description'],
'presenters': data['presenters'],
'courses': data['courses'],
'duration': data['duration'],
'thumb': data.get('thumb', ''),
'tags': data['tags'],
'sources': []}
for source in data['sources']:
mysource = {'video': source['video'],
'poster': source.get('poster', ''),
'playAudio': source['playAudio']}
return mypackage
class Cattura:
def __init__(self, config):
self.recorders = config['recorders']
self.daisy = DaisyHandler(config)
def pack(self, pres_id, queue_item):
data = queue_item['data']
recorder = queue_item['recorder']
info = self._find_packageinfo(pres_id, data['publishedOutputs'])
name = info['name']
rawpath = info['path']
regex = re.compile('^(sftp://[^/]+/)(.+?)/([^/]+)$')
host, path, pkgfile = regex.match(rawpath).group(1, 2, 3)
mediapackage = None
with open(os.path.join(path, pkgfile)) as f:
mediapackage = json.load(f)
mypackage = {'id': pres_id,
'base': path,
'origin': 'cattura',
'creation': int(mediapackage['creationDate'] / 1000),
'title': "Unknown title",
'presenters': [],
'courses': [],
'duration': 0,
'thumb': '',
'tags': [],
'sources': []}
outputs = mediapackage['outputs']
for key in outputs.keys():
if key.startswith('media/'):
media = outputs[key]
richfile = self._find_enrichment(
media['element']['video']['sourceID'], mediapackage)
enrichment = None
with open(os.path.join(path, richfile)) as f:
enrichment = json.load(f)
source = {'name': media['element']['name'],
'video': media['file'],
'poster': self._find_poster(enrichment),
'playAudio': False}
if source['name'] == 'main':
source['playAudio'] = True
dur = media['element']['duration']['timestamp'] / 1000
mypackage['duration'] = dur
mypackage['thumb'] = source['poster']
start = datetime.fromtimestamp(mypackage['creation'])
end = start + timedelta(days=1, seconds=mypackage['duration'])
booking = self.daisy.get_booking(start, end,
if booking is not None:
mypackage['title'] = booking['title']
mypackage['presenters'] = [self.daisy.get_person(teacher['id'])
for teacher in booking['teachers']]
mypackage['description'] = booking['description']
if not mypackage['presenters']:
mypackage['courses'] = [self.daisy.get_course(course['id'])
for course
in booking['courseSegmentInstances']]
return mypackage
def _find_packageinfo(self, pres_id, data):
for key in data.keys():
if key.startswith('mediapackage:'):
return data[key]
raise PackageException(json.dumps(data),
"can't find mediapackage element")
def _find_enrichment(self, sourceid, mediapackage):
_, sourceid = sourceid.split(',')
tocid = 'toc:' + sourceid
return mediapackage['outputs'][tocid]['file']
def _find_poster(self, enrichment):
for frame in enrichment['entries']:
if frame['timestamp']['timestamp'] == 0:
return frame['screenshot']['path']
return ""
class Update:
def pack(self, temp_id, queue_item):
data = queue_item['data']
mypackage = {'id': temp_id,
'update_id': data['id'],
'base': data['base'],
'origin': queue_item['type'],
'creation': data['created'],
'title': data['title'],
'presenters': data['presenters'],
'courses': data['courses'],
'duration': data['duration'],
'thumb': data.get('thumb', ''),
'tags': data['tags'],
'sources': []}
for source in data['sources']:
mysource = {'video': source['video'],
'poster': source.get('poster', ''),
'playAudio': source['playAudio']}
return mypackage