* projectIdeaSubmission:
added default keyword types to data initialiser
removed group selector from language check boxes
changed from radio choices to checkboxes when selecting supervision languages
added creation of default languages to DataInitialiser
working on some submission logic
some changes in output data from auto completion of supervisors and small improvements on facade
minor code cleanup
refactoring when choosing project partner. it now uses its own panel
started working on facade class that is used to save project ideas
added properties file for customized feedback messages on project idea submission. also some changes when populating lists for keywords.
Keyword selection now works properly. All keyword selection now has its own panel inside the form.
started to add keyword selection for project idea submission
code refactoring
more changes to property models to work better with project ideas
some model changes to form components
changes in auto completion of supervisor so it now works with project class and language capabilities.
some model changes to form components
changes in auto completion of supervisor so it now works with project class and language capabilities.
* develop:
changed a test to use a new methodname
small changes
added filter functionality for projectIdea dataview
half done with the projectIdea dataprovider and the 3 dataViews on the projectManagementpage
started with admin dataviews
added dataproviders for match and project idea
added improvements to add all algorithm
changed sentence, request from janne
* matchDataviews:
small changes
added filter functionality for projectIdea dataview
half done with the projectIdea dataprovider and the 3 dataViews on the projectManagementpage
started with admin dataviews
added dataproviders for match and project idea
* develop:
Fixed preferred supervisor database storage
added functionality to order checklistTemplates and they are now added in the correct order
Added so that only available supervisors are forwarded to matching strategy
Changed so that availabily uses real object
Added matcher and matching strategy