* checklists:
bugfixes, supervisors can now see cheklists and admin is working again
implemented functionality to delete checklists and fixed some bugs
added delete functionality for checklistfiles
Implemented funtionality to upload files to checklists
daily commit
added design to the checklist listviews
finalized funtionality to answer checklists and change your answer
trafficlight now uses new images
partially added the functionality to answer checklists
added functionality to show a checklist
added functionality to add checklists to projects
many additions to checklist classes
started on addCheckListToProjectPanel
Made layout fixes for firefox where some components where floating outside the website to the right
* fixes_for_ff:
Fixed css for firefox in author, conference
Fixed css for firefox in supervisor, schedule
* 'develop' of ssh://git.dsv.su.se/git/scipro/scipro: (21 commits)
code cleanup after failed wicket test
design changes when performing reviews and feedback panel error fix.
Design changes when a reviewer is performing a review.
Added cancel button to aborted peer panel
fixade så att flikarnas storlek nu kan modifieras ifrån en enda klass
gjorde toppdelen lite mindre
Aborting accepted peer reviews with notification to requester and reviewers supervisor.
fixade positionering av toppflikarna igen
flyttade resources och communications mer till höger
fixade bakgrund på flikarna och rundade kanter
tog bort border från multitabmenu
fixade så alla flikar använder multitabmenucssklass
fixade bort bakgrunder och lite borders på multitab
fixade tillbaka, gjorde fel
fixade så att både toppflikarna och underflikarna är samma css klasser
flyttade in resource o messagesfliken lite till höger
removed icons from buttons in peer portal.
tog bort hänvisning till css klass som inte finns (abstract-menu)
flyttade ner toppflikarna
Aborting peer review features. Dialog in My requests and reviews added.
* peer_design:
code cleanup after failed wicket test
design changes when performing reviews and feedback panel error fix.
Design changes when a reviewer is performing a review.
fixade så att flikarnas storlek nu kan modifieras ifrån en enda klass
* develop:
Added cancel button to aborted peer panel
Aborting accepted peer reviews with notification to requester and reviewers supervisor.
Aborting peer review features. Dialog in My requests and reviews added.
* aborted_peers:
Added cancel button to aborted peer panel
Aborting accepted peer reviews with notification to requester and reviewers supervisor.
Aborting peer review features. Dialog in My requests and reviews added.
* develop:
fixade positionering av toppflikarna igen
flyttade resources och communications mer till höger
fixade bakgrund på flikarna och rundade kanter
tog bort border från multitabmenu
fixade så alla flikar använder multitabmenucssklass
fixade bort bakgrunder och lite borders på multitab
fixade tillbaka, gjorde fel
fixade så att både toppflikarna och underflikarna är samma css klasser
flyttade in resource o messagesfliken lite till höger
tog bort hänvisning till css klass som inte finns (abstract-menu)
flyttade ner toppflikarna
* peer_improvements:
removed icons from buttons in peer portal.
removed show more from latestreviewerspanel and some style corrections on peer button icons.
* develop:
Added fix for auto-initialization of project-classes, not optimal.
Semi-quick hack to support failing workerthreads.
Removed unneeded imports
testar commita demopage och två csser
Modified tests to accomodate refactoring changes.
Refactoring of the lookup/json-mess, this is slightly experimental and the code base is so messy it will likely end up needing a total re-write at some point. Note: this currently fails many unit-tests due to some weird stuff in the development branch, needs to be fixed.
Small fix to user switching, roles should be correctly reset now.
Removed old unused data initializers, and rewrote the one in-use.
Remote request-queries now again uses the live server, this is to ensure proper deployment configuration.
More refactoring and a workaround to support the iPhone/android way of authenticating.
1: Permanently Removed deprecated "getUserByUsername" methods. 2: Lookups and Json response handlers now use Autowiring instead of xml-boilerplate 3: Some minor refactoring in the response handlers, lots more to come
Lots of restructuring, we'll need to dive deeper into this to make the import jobs actually work