* 'develop' of ssh://git.dsv.su.se/git/scipro/scipro:
fixade till menysystemet mer under supervisor/project details
updated unit tests for peer listings
lade till ny design för supervisor>project details
* 'develop' of ssh://git.dsv.su.se/git/scipro/scipro:
fixade krash som orsakas av att titta på checklista då inget aktivt projekt är markerat
commit för push
rensade bort utkommenterad kod + fixade lite kommentarer
Bugfixes with the menu-selection
Refactoring some stuff with the menu panels, removing a certain anti-pattern.
lade till html ändringar
Fixed rendering bug due to missing css-class usage, also pre-emptive bug fix for user-switching
Added stars to required fields in peer and changed some display logic regarding comment panel on displayed reviews
fixed failing unit test for peer requests
unit test modifications
Added unit tests for admin peer pages and peer review/request dao
Delete function is added to the Peer request list
PeerRequestList is now sorted to show the latest created request first
Added links to peer reviews in the admin list of all reviews. Reviews are displayed in new page AdminPeerReviewPage to keep the Admin tab highlighted.
only waiting peer requests are now deletable.
All peer requests and reviews are now listed for admins.
* adminPeerList:
Delete function is added to the Peer request list
PeerRequestList is now sorted to show the latest created request first
Added links to peer reviews in the admin list of all reviews. Reviews are displayed in new page AdminPeerReviewPage to keep the Admin tab highlighted.
only waiting peer requests are now deletable.
All peer requests and reviews are now listed for admins.
* 'develop' of ssh://git.dsv.su.se/git/scipro/scipro:
Revert "css klass för underflikarna supervisor"
css klass för underflikarna supervisor
fixade till menysystemet supervisor>project details så det liknar mockuperna mer.
changed color
changed picture
added classes for git demo
* 'develop' of ssh://git.dsv.su.se/git/scipro/scipro:
Added unit tests of error pages, and some minor refactoring.
Added some minor previewability stuff, not sure if we can do anything with this due to
fixade snyggare tabell supervisormyprojects
testar minska storleken på bilder
testar minska storleken på bilder
Added ability to create custom error pages, implementation might be a bit
fixade supervisor my projects tabellen enligt mockups
Logout link removed when external authentication is configured.
lade in panel på supervisordelen, fixade så att den går att ladda
buggfixes where the wrong roles were sent as parameter