Improve degree level classification of authors used during the idea stage #119

opened 2025-02-26 18:52:21 +01:00 by ansv7779 · 1 comment

In the early days authors could pick or submit ideas on any type (bachelor, one-year master, and master). This lead to issues when students chose the wrong type. The projects could not start since they were not registered on a course for that type.

To remedy this, the available types were filtered based on the assumed level the author was studying at. The way the level is guessed is based on what the level of the most recent program the author has been active (either admitted or course registered) within is.

What happens is, students who are studying at a higher level (one-year master or master) decide they want to get a bachelor degree instead and therefore have to write a bachelor thesis. Since their most recent program is then at a higher level they are prevented from picking or submitting ideas at the bachelor level.

Refence:;TicketID=380787#1458935 (this has happened more than once)

In the early days authors could pick or submit ideas on any type (bachelor, one-year master, and master). This lead to issues when students chose the wrong type. The projects could not start since they were not registered on a course for that type. To remedy this, the available types were filtered based on the assumed level the author was studying at. The way the level is guessed is based on what the level of the most recent program the author has been active (either admitted or course registered) within is. What happens is, students who are studying at a higher level (one-year master or master) decide they want to get a bachelor degree instead and therefore have to write a bachelor thesis. Since their most recent program is then at a higher level they are prevented from picking or submitting ideas at the bachelor level. Refence:;TicketID=380787#1458935 (this has happened more than once)
ansv7779 added the
label 2025-02-26 18:52:21 +01:00
ansv7779 changed title from Improve degree type classification of authors used during the idea stage to Improve degree level classification of authors used during the idea stage 2025-02-26 19:49:29 +01:00

Vi börjar med att skriva kort för att få information från DaisyAPI. Vi behöver följande info via API: vilken/vilka uppsatskurs(er) en student är reggad på?, Vilken Termin, hur många poäng är kursen studenten är reggad på, vilken nivå är uppsatskursen.
@andan skriver kort om API-behovet i Daisykanban

Vi börjar med att skriva kort för att få information från DaisyAPI. Vi behöver följande info via API: vilken/vilka uppsatskurs(er) en student är reggad på?, Vilken Termin, hur många poäng är kursen studenten är reggad på, vilken nivå är uppsatskursen. @andan skriver kort om API-behovet i Daisykanban
andan removed the
label 2025-02-27 13:27:30 +01:00
andan added this to the SciPro project 2025-02-27 13:27:36 +01:00
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Reference: DMC/scipro#119
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