-- These tables need to be emptied first in order to run the below milestone stuff DELETE FROM milestone; DELETE FROM milestone_activity; DELETE FROM milestone_activity_project_class; -- Phase table CREATE TABLE `milestone_phase` ( `id` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `dateCreated` DATETIME NOT NULL, `lastModified` DATETIME NOT NULL, `version` INT(11) NOT NULL, `deleted` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, `description` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, `title` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `sortOrder` INT(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `deleted_index` (`deleted`) ) ENGINE =InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET =latin1; ALTER TABLE `milestone_activity` ADD `sortOrder` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE `milestone_activity` ADD `phase` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `milestone_activity` ADD CONSTRAINT `FK42DAA8FE233E1A72` FOREIGN KEY (`phase`) REFERENCES `milestone_phase` (`id`); DELETE FROM board_message_board_message; DELETE FROM message_board_board_message; DELETE FROM board_message; DELETE FROM message_board; DROP TABLE board_message_board_message; DROP TABLE message_board_board_message; DROP TABLE board_message; DROP TABLE message_board; DELETE FROM supervisor_board_message_supervisor_board_message; DELETE FROM supervisor_message_board_supervisor_board_message; DELETE FROM supervisor_board_message; DELETE FROM supervisor_message_board; DROP TABLE supervisor_board_message_supervisor_board_message; DROP TABLE supervisor_message_board_supervisor_board_message; DROP TABLE supervisor_board_message; DROP TABLE supervisor_message_board; DELETE FROM Student_Exemption; DELETE FROM Exemption; DROP TABLE Student_Exemption; DROP TABLE Exemption; ALTER TABLE `TurnitinSettings` ADD `lastFailedDate` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL; DELETE FROM web_notification; DROP TABLE web_notification; DROP TABLE peer_queue; ALTER TABLE checklist DROP FOREIGN KEY FK17CCD1A65563395; ALTER TABLE checklist_upload DROP FOREIGN KEY FK6BCD32BA1F327355; ALTER TABLE checklist DROP checkListUpload_id; ALTER TABLE checklist_upload DROP checklist_id; DROP TABLE checklist_upload; DROP TABLE string_resource; DROP TABLE weights; ALTER TABLE `comment` CHANGE `id` `id` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; CREATE TABLE `Program` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `dateCreated` datetime NOT NULL, `lastModified` datetime NOT NULL, `version` int(11) NOT NULL, `externalId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE `role_Program` ( `role_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `programs_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`role_id`,`programs_id`), KEY `FK_i1i38rcos28p2hu4xgel3ftcw` (`programs_id`), KEY `FK_90cvbm5wx89wvlqnkq3vusner` (`role_id`), CONSTRAINT `FK_90cvbm5wx89wvlqnkq3vusner` FOREIGN KEY (`role_id`) REFERENCES `role` (`id`), CONSTRAINT `FK_i1i38rcos28p2hu4xgel3ftcw` FOREIGN KEY (`programs_id`) REFERENCES `Program` (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; ALTER TABLE `newidea_student` ADD `program_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, ADD KEY `FK_c5py593l4g261jdkuvwdmcmgj` (`program_id`); # select * from final_seminar_active_participation # where finalSeminar_id not in # (select id from final_seminar); DELETE FROM `scipro`.`final_seminar_active_participation` WHERE `final_seminar_active_participation`.`id` = 2958; DELETE FROM `scipro`.`final_seminar_active_participation` WHERE `final_seminar_active_participation`.`id` = 2959; # select * from final_seminar_opposition # where finalSeminar_id not in # (select id from final_seminar); DELETE FROM `scipro`.`final_seminar_opposition` WHERE `final_seminar_opposition`.`id` = 1628; DELETE FROM `scipro`.`final_seminar_opposition` WHERE `final_seminar_opposition`.`id` = 1853; # select * from projectPartner # where projectClass_id not in # (select id from project_class); DELETE FROM `scipro`.`projectPartner` WHERE `projectPartner`.`id` = 1; DELETE FROM `scipro`.`projectPartner` WHERE `projectPartner`.`id` = 2; # select * from project_student # where project_id not in # (select id from project); DELETE FROM `scipro`.`project_student` WHERE `project_student`.`project_id` = 1121 AND `project_student`.`projectParticipants_id` = 4006; alter table final_seminar_active_participation add index FK_mk920fce29yhjgv33wr69fe8a (finalSeminar_id), add constraint FK_mk920fce29yhjgv33wr69fe8a foreign key (finalSeminar_id) references final_seminar (id); alter table final_seminar_opposition add index FK_62i59u7j6x5ma0iydx9no6m4i (finalSeminar_id), add constraint FK_62i59u7j6x5ma0iydx9no6m4i foreign key (finalSeminar_id) references final_seminar (id); alter table projectPartner add index FK_2ar5my1wm4p3uevf1xrrv4cgd (projectClass_id), add constraint FK_2ar5my1wm4p3uevf1xrrv4cgd foreign key (projectClass_id) references project_class (id); alter table project_student add index FK_o3axkuf5be8j9tvi46b5uovdd (project_id), add constraint FK_o3axkuf5be8j9tvi46b5uovdd foreign key (project_id) references project (id);