Andreas Svanberg 2716fc9a77 Automatically deploy pull requests for testing (#8)
When a pull request is opened, will deploy that branch to `<reponame>-<branchname>.branch.dsv.su.se` with branch name having `/` replaced with `-` and all characters that do not match `[a-z0-9-]` are removed.
Co-authored-by: Andreas Svanberg <andreass@dsv.su.se>
Co-committed-by: Andreas Svanberg <andreass@dsv.su.se>
2024-07-08 14:29:40 +02:00

22 lines
374 B

FROM tomcat:10-jdk21-openjdk-bookworm as build
LABEL authors="thuning"
WORKDIR /build
COPY .mvn .mvn/
COPY pom.xml pom.xml
COPY mvnw mvnw
RUN ./mvnw -B dependency:go-offline
COPY src src
RUN ./mvnw clean package
FROM tomcat:10-jdk21-openjdk-bookworm as run
LABEL authors="thuning"
COPY --from=build /build/target/*.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war