using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Scripting; namespace Proxima { internal delegate void PropertySetter(object obj, object value); internal delegate object PropertyGetter(object obj); internal delegate bool PropertyUpdater(object obj, ref object value); internal class ProximaComponentCommands { [Serializable] internal class ButtonInfo { public string Id; public string Text; [NonSerialized] public MethodInfo Method; } [Serializable] internal class PropertyInfo { public string Name; public string Type; [SerializeIf("ShouldSerializeValue")] public object Value; [Preserve] public bool ShouldSerializeValue() { return Children == null; } public object Children; public List ChildProps => (List)Children; [NonSerialized] public PropertySetter Setter; [NonSerialized] public PropertyGetter Getter; [NonSerialized] public PropertyUpdater Updater; [NonSerialized] public Type PropertyType; } [Serializable] internal class ComponentInfo { public int Id; public int Order; public string Name; public object Properties; public List Props => (List)Properties; public object Buttons; public List Btns => (List)Buttons; [NonSerialized] public Component Component; [NonSerialized] public bool Temp; } [Serializable] internal class ComponentList { public object Components = new List(); public List Comps => (List)Components; public List Destroyed = new List(); } private static Dictionary _goToStream; private static Dictionary _streams; private static Dictionary _idToComponentInfo; public static Dictionary IdToComponentInfo => _idToComponentInfo; private static List _pool = new List(); private static readonly int _poolSize = 25; internal static Action ProHook_CreateComponentButtons; private static ComponentInfo GetFromPool(int id, string name, Component component, bool temp) { ComponentInfo info; if (_pool.Count > 0) { info = _pool[_pool.Count - 1]; _pool.RemoveAt(_pool.Count - 1); } else { info = new ComponentInfo { Properties = new List(), Buttons = new List() }; } info.Id = id; info.Name = name; info.Component = component; info.Temp = temp; return info; } private static void ReturnToPool(ComponentInfo info) { if (_pool.Count >= _poolSize) { return; } info.Id = 0; info.Name = null; info.Component = null; info.Props.Clear(); info.Btns.Clear(); _pool.Add(info); } private static bool AreEqual(object lhs, object rhs) { if (lhs == null && rhs == null) { return true; } if (lhs == null || rhs == null) { return false; } return lhs.Equals(rhs); } [ProximaInitialize] public static void Init() { _goToStream = new Dictionary(); _streams = new Dictionary(); _idToComponentInfo = new Dictionary(); } [ProximaTeardown] public static void Teardown() { foreach (var stream in _streams.Values) { stream.Cleanup(); } _goToStream.Clear(); _streams.Clear(); _idToComponentInfo.Clear(); } private class ComponentStream { public HashSet ActiveStreamIds = new HashSet(); public HashSet PendingStreamIds = new HashSet(); public int GameObjectId; private List _components = new List(); private ComponentList _componentList = new ComponentList(); private ComponentList _changeList = new ComponentList(); private int _lastUpdateFrame; private int _lastUpdatedIndex; public ComponentList Update(string id) { UpdateChangeList(); if (PendingStreamIds.Contains(id)) { PendingStreamIds.Remove(id); ActiveStreamIds.Add(id); return _componentList; } bool changed = _changeList.Comps.Count > 0 || _changeList.Destroyed.Count > 0; return changed ? _changeList : null; } public void Cleanup() { foreach (var ci in _componentList.Comps) { _idToComponentInfo.Remove(ci.Id); ReturnToPool(ci); } } private void UpdateChangeList() { if (_lastUpdateFrame == Time.frameCount) { return; } _lastUpdateFrame = Time.frameCount; var cis = _changeList.Comps; for (int i = 0 ; i < cis.Count; i++) { if (cis[i].Temp) { ReturnToPool(cis[i]); } } _changeList.Comps.Clear(); _changeList.Destroyed.Clear(); if (!ProximaGameObjectCommands.IdToGameObject.TryGetValue(GameObjectId, out var go) || !go) { return; } go.GetComponents(_components); UpdateDeletedComponents(); if (_lastUpdatedIndex >= _components.Count) { if (_lastUpdatedIndex < ProximaInspector.MaxComponentUpdateFrequency) { _lastUpdatedIndex++; return; } else { _lastUpdatedIndex = 0; } } UpdateComponentInfo(_components[_lastUpdatedIndex], _lastUpdatedIndex); _lastUpdatedIndex++; } private bool ShouldHide(Component component) { return !ProximaGameObjectCommands.ShowHidden && component.hideFlags.HasFlag(HideFlags.HideInInspector); } private void UpdateDeletedComponents() { for (int i = _componentList.Comps.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var ci = _componentList.Comps[i]; if (!ci.Component || ShouldHide(ci.Component)) { _idToComponentInfo.Remove(ci.Id); _componentList.Comps.RemoveAt(i); _changeList.Destroyed.Add(ci.Id); ReturnToPool(ci); } } } private void UpdateComponentInfo(Component component, int order) { if (ShouldHide(component)) { return; } var id = component.GetInstanceID(); if (!_idToComponentInfo.TryGetValue(id, out var ci)) { ci = GetFromPool(id, component.GetType().Name, component, false); ci.Order = order; _componentList.Comps.Add(ci); _idToComponentInfo.Add(component.GetInstanceID(), ci); CreateComponentProperties(component, ci); ProHook_CreateComponentButtons?.Invoke(component, ci); _changeList.Comps.Add(ci); } else { UpdateProperties(ci, order); } } private bool CallUpdater(object parent, PropertyInfo property) { return property.Updater(parent, ref property.Value); } private bool UpdatePropertyValue(object parent, PropertyInfo property, bool force) { if (force && property.Getter != null) { property.Value = property.Getter(parent); return true; } else if (property.Updater != null) { return CallUpdater(parent, property); } else if (property.Getter != null) { var value = property.Getter(parent); if (!AreEqual(value, property.Value)) { property.Value = value; return true; } } return false; } private bool UpdateProperty(object parent, PropertyInfo property) { bool changed = UpdatePropertyValue(parent, property, false); if (property.Value != null && property.Children != null) { if (ArrayOrList.IsArrayOrList(property.PropertyType)) { changed = UpdateArrayItemProperties(property) || changed; } if (property.ChildProps != null) { foreach (var child in property.ChildProps) { changed = UpdateProperty(property.Value, child) || changed; } } } return changed; } private void UpdateProperties(ComponentInfo ci, int order) { ComponentInfo clci = null; for (int i = 0; i < ci.Props.Count; i++) { var property = ci.Props[i]; if (UpdateProperty(ci.Component, property)) { if (clci == null) { clci = GetFromPool(ci.Id, ci.Name, ci.Component, true); _changeList.Comps.Add(clci); } clci.Props.Add(property); } } if (ci.Order != order) { ci.Order = order; if (clci == null) { clci = GetFromPool(ci.Id, ci.Name, ci.Component, true); _changeList.Comps.Add(clci); } clci.Order = order; } } private void UpdateChildProperties(PropertyGetter parentGetter, List list) { var parent = parentGetter(null); if (parent != null) { foreach (var property in list) { UpdatePropertyValue(parent, property, false); } } } private void CreateComponentProperties(Component component, ComponentInfo ci) { ci.Properties = new List(); var type = component.GetType(); if (ProximaReflection_Generated.Properties.TryGetValue(component.GetType().FullName, out var props)) { CreatePropertiesFromOverride(ci, props); } else if (component is MonoBehaviour) { CreatePropertiesForMonoBehaviour(component, ci); } else { CreatePropertiesForNativeObject(component, ci); } } private void CreatePropertiesFromOverride(ComponentInfo ci, PropertyInfo[] props) { foreach (var prop in props) { AddPropertyRecursively(ci.Component, ci.Props, prop.Name, prop.PropertyType, prop.Setter, prop.Getter, prop.Updater); } } private PropertyInfo AddPropertyToList(object parent, List list, string name, Type type, PropertySetter setter, PropertyGetter getter, PropertyUpdater updater) { var propInfo = new PropertyInfo { Name = name, Type = ProximaSerialization.GetSerializedTypeName(type), PropertyType = type, Setter = setter, Getter = getter, Updater = updater }; UpdatePropertyValue(parent, propInfo, true); list.Add(propInfo); return propInfo; } private PropertyGetter GetPropertyGetter(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property, FieldInfo field) { if (property != null && property.CanRead) { return property.GetValue; } else if (field != null) { return field.GetValue; } return null; } private PropertySetter GetPropertySetter(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property, FieldInfo field) { if (property != null && property.CanWrite) { return property.SetValue; } else if (field != null) { return field.SetValue; } return null; } private bool UpdateArrayItemProperties(PropertyInfo property) { if (property.Value == null) { if (property.Children != null) { property.Children = null; return true; } return false; } if (property.Children == null) { property.Children = new List(); } var length = ArrayOrList.Count(property.Value); var oldLength = property.ChildProps.Count; if (length < oldLength) { property.ChildProps.RemoveRange(length, oldLength - length); return true; } if (length > oldLength) { var elementType = ArrayOrList.GetElementType(property.PropertyType); while (length > oldLength) { var index = oldLength; PropertySetter setter = (o, v) => ArrayOrList.Set(o, index, v); PropertyGetter getter = (o) => ArrayOrList.Get(o, index); AddPropertyRecursively(property.Value, property.ChildProps, index.ToString(), elementType, setter, getter); oldLength++; } return true; } return false; } private void AddPropertyRecursively(object parent, List list, string name, Type type, PropertySetter setter, PropertyGetter getter, PropertyUpdater updater = null) { if (HasEditor(type)) { AddPropertyToList(parent, list, name, type, setter, getter, updater); } else if (ArrayOrList.IsArrayOrList(type)) { var propInfo = AddPropertyToList(parent, list, name, type, setter, getter, updater); UpdateArrayItemProperties(propInfo); } else { var propInfo = AddPropertyToList(parent, list, name, type, setter, getter, updater); propInfo.Children = new List(); if (propInfo.Value != null) { AddChildProperties(propInfo.Value, type, propInfo.ChildProps); } } } private void AddPropertyRecursively(object parent, List list, string name, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property, FieldInfo field) { var type = property != null ? property.PropertyType : field.FieldType; var setter = GetPropertySetter(property, field); var getter = GetPropertyGetter(property, field); AddPropertyRecursively(parent, list, name, type, setter, getter); } private void AddEnabledProperty(ComponentInfo ci) { PropertySetter setter = (c, v) => ((MonoBehaviour)c).enabled = (bool)v; PropertyGetter getter = c => ((MonoBehaviour)c).enabled; PropertyUpdater updater = (object o, ref object v) => { var x = ((MonoBehaviour)o).enabled; if (!x.Equals((System.Boolean)v)) { v = x; return true; } return false; }; AddPropertyToList(ci.Component, ci.Props, "enabled", typeof(bool), setter, getter, updater); } private static List _nativeSerializedTypes = new List() { typeof(Gradient), // These types are problematic because Gradient returns a new array copy in the getter. // typeof(GradientColorKey), typeof(GradientAlphaKey), #if UNITY_PHYSICS typeof(SoftJointLimit), typeof(SoftJointLimitSpring), typeof(JointDrive), typeof(JointMotor), typeof(JointSpring), typeof(JointLimits), typeof(WheelFrictionCurve), #endif #if UNITY_PHYSICS_2D typeof(JointAngleLimits2D), typeof(JointTranslationLimits2D), typeof(JointMotor2D), typeof(JointSuspension2D), #endif #if UNITY_UI typeof(RectOffset), #endif }; private void AddChildProperties(object parent, Type type, List list) { foreach (var field in type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) { if ((field.IsPublic || field.GetCustomAttribute() != null) && field.GetCustomAttribute() == null) { // If there's a custom editor, often just changing a field will have no effect. // Search for a corresponding property we can use instead. // var fieldWithoutPrefix = field.Name.StartsWith("m_") ? field.Name.Substring(2) : // field.Name.StartsWith("k") ? field.Name.Substring(1) : // This isn't true... field.Name.StartsWith("_") ? field.Name.Substring(1) : field.Name; var fieldWithoutPrefixUpperCase = fieldWithoutPrefix[0].ToString().ToUpper() + fieldWithoutPrefix.Substring(1); var property = type.GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == fieldWithoutPrefix || p.Name == fieldWithoutPrefixUpperCase); if (property != null && property.PropertyType == field.FieldType && ShouldUseProperty(property)) { AddPropertyRecursively(parent, list, property.Name, property, field); } else if (ShouldUseField(field)) { AddPropertyRecursively(parent, list, field.Name, null, field); } } } if (_nativeSerializedTypes.Contains(type)) { foreach (var property in type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) { if (property.CanWrite && ShouldUseProperty(property)) { AddPropertyRecursively(parent, list, property.Name, property, null); } } } } private void CreatePropertiesForMonoBehaviour(Component component, ComponentInfo ci) { AddEnabledProperty(ci); AddChildProperties(component, component.GetType(), ci.Props); } private static HashSet _propertySkipList = new HashSet { "name", "tag", "hideFlags", "gameObject", "transform", "camera", "light", "meshFilter", "meshRenderer", "boxCollider", "scene", "material", "mesh" }; private static HashSet _typesWithEditor = new HashSet { typeof(string).Name, typeof(bool).Name, typeof(byte).Name, typeof(sbyte).Name, typeof(short).Name, typeof(ushort).Name, typeof(int).Name, typeof(uint).Name, typeof(long).Name, typeof(ulong).Name, typeof(float).Name, typeof(double).Name, typeof(Vector2).Name, typeof(Vector3).Name, typeof(Vector4).Name, typeof(Vector2Int).Name, typeof(Vector3Int).Name, typeof(Quaternion).Name, typeof(Rect).Name, typeof(RectInt).Name, typeof(Bounds).Name, typeof(BoundsInt).Name, typeof(Color).Name, typeof(LayerMask).Name }; private static HashSet _disallowedAttrs = new HashSet { "HideInInspector", "ObsoleteAttribute", "NativeConditionalAttribute", "EditorBrowsableAttribute" }; private bool HasEditor(Type type) { return _typesWithEditor.Contains(type.Name) || type.IsEnum || type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UnityEngine.Object)); } private bool ShouldUseType(Type type) { if (!type.IsArray && type.IsSerializable) { return true; } if (HasEditor(type)) { return true; } if (type.IsArray && ShouldUseType(type.GetElementType())) { return true; } if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(type) && type.IsGenericType && ShouldUseType(type.GetGenericArguments()[0])) { return true; } if (_nativeSerializedTypes.Contains(type)) { return true; } return false; } private bool ShouldUse(IEnumerable attributes, string name, Type type) { var attrs = attributes.Select(a => a.GetType().Name); return !_propertySkipList.Contains(name) && ShouldUseType(type) && !attrs.Intersect(_disallowedAttrs).Any(); } private bool ShouldUseProperty(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property) { return ShouldUse(property.GetCustomAttributes(), property.Name, property.PropertyType); } private bool ShouldUseField(FieldInfo field) { return ShouldUse(field.GetCustomAttributes(), field.Name, field.FieldType); } private void CreatePropertiesForNativeObject(Component component, ComponentInfo ci) { // Fallback to just enumerating public properties. This works well for some components. foreach (var property in component.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)) { if (ShouldUseProperty(property)) { AddPropertyRecursively(ci.Component, ci.Props, property.Name, property, null); } } } } [ProximaStreamStart("Components")] public static void StartStream(string id, int gameObjectId) { if (!_goToStream.TryGetValue(gameObjectId, out var stream)) { stream = new ComponentStream(); stream.GameObjectId = gameObjectId; _goToStream.Add(gameObjectId, stream); } stream.PendingStreamIds.Add(id); _streams.Add(id, stream); } [ProximaStreamUpdate("Components")] public static ComponentList UpdateStream(string id) { if (_streams.TryGetValue(id, out var stream)) { return stream.Update(id); } return null; } [ProximaStreamStop("Components")] public static void StopStream(string id) { if (_streams.TryGetValue(id, out var stream)) { stream.PendingStreamIds.Remove(id); stream.ActiveStreamIds.Remove(id); if (stream.PendingStreamIds.Count == 0 && stream.ActiveStreamIds.Count == 0) { stream.Cleanup(); _goToStream.Remove(stream.GameObjectId); } } _streams.Remove(id); } [ProximaCommand("Internal")] public static void DestroyComponent(int id) { if (!_idToComponentInfo.TryGetValue(id, out var ci)) { Log.Warning($"DestroyComponent: Component with id {id} not found"); return; } if (ci.Component) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(ci.Component); } } public static object GetPropertyValueForTest(int componentId, string name) { if (_idToComponentInfo.TryGetValue(componentId, out var ci)) { var prop = ci.Props.Find(p => p.Name == name); if (prop != null) { return prop.Getter(ci.Component); } } return null; } public static Type GetPropertyTypeForTest(int componentId, string name) { if (_idToComponentInfo.TryGetValue(componentId, out var ci)) { var prop = ci.Props.Find(p => p.Name == name); if (prop != null) { return prop.PropertyType; } } return null; } } }