using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace WPM { public partial class WorldMapEditor : MonoBehaviour { public int GUICityIndex; public string GUICityName = ""; public string GUICityNewName = ""; public string GUICityPopulation = ""; public string GUICityProvince = ""; public Vector2 GUICityLatLon; public CITY_CLASS GUICityClass = CITY_CLASS.CITY; public int cityIndex = -1; public bool cityChanges; // if there's any pending change to be saved public bool cityAttribChanges; // private fields int lastCityCount = -1; string[] _cityNames; public string[] cityNames { get { if (map.cities != null && lastCityCount != map.cities.Count) { cityIndex = -1; ReloadCityNames(); } return _cityNames; } } #region Editor functionality public void ClearCitySelection() { map.HideCityHighlights(); cityIndex = -1; GUICityName = ""; GUICityIndex = -1; GUICityNewName = ""; } /// /// Adds a new city to current country. /// public void CityCreate(Vector3 newPoint) { if (countryIndex < 0) return; GUICityName = "New City " + (map.cities.Count + 1); newPoint = newPoint.normalized * 0.5f; City newCity = new City(GUICityName, GUIProvinceName, countryIndex, 100, newPoint, GUICityClass); map.cities.Add(newCity); map.DrawCities(); lastCityCount = -1; ReloadCityNames(); cityChanges = true; } public bool CityUpdate() { if (cityIndex < 0) return false; bool changes = false; City city = map.cities[cityIndex]; if (city.cityClass != GUICityClass) { city.cityClass = GUICityClass; changes = true; } int newPopulation; if (int.TryParse(GUICityPopulation, out newPopulation) && city.population != newPopulation) { city.population = newPopulation; changes = true; } if (city.latlon != GUICityLatLon) { city.latlon = GUICityLatLon; changes = true; } string prevName =; GUICityNewName = GUICityNewName.Trim(); if (!prevName.Equals(GUICityNewName)) { = GUICityNewName; GUICityName = GUICityNewName; lastCityCount = -1; ReloadCityNames(); changes = true; } if (changes) { map.DrawCities(); cityChanges = true; } return true; } public void CityMove(Vector3 destination) { if (cityIndex < 0) return; map.cities[cityIndex].localPosition = destination.normalized * 0.5f; UpdateCityVisualPosition(); cityChanges = true; } void UpdateCityVisualPosition() { GameObject cityObj = map.cities[cityIndex].gameObject; if (cityObj != null) { cityObj.transform.localPosition = map.cities[cityIndex].localPosition * 1.001f; } } public void CitySelectByCombo(int selection) { GUICityName = ""; GUICityIndex = selection; if (GetCityIndexByGUISelection()) { if (Application.isPlaying) { map.BlinkCity(cityIndex,,, 1.2f, 0.2f); } } CitySelect(); } bool GetCityIndexByGUISelection() { if (GUICityIndex < 0 || GUICityIndex >= cityNames.Length) return false; string[] s = cityNames[GUICityIndex].Split(new char[] { '(', ')' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (s.Length >= 2) { GUICityName = s[0].Trim(); if (int.TryParse(s[1], out cityIndex)) { return true; } } return false; } public void CitySelect() { if (cityIndex < 0 || cityIndex > map.cities.Count) return; // If no country is selected (the city could be at sea) select it City city = map.cities[cityIndex]; int cityCountryIndex = city.countryIndex; if (cityCountryIndex < 0) { SetInfoMsg("Country not found in this country file."); } if (countryIndex != cityCountryIndex && cityCountryIndex >= 0) { ClearSelection(); countryIndex = cityCountryIndex; countryRegionIndex = map.countries[countryIndex].mainRegionIndex; CountryRegionSelect(); } // Just in case makes GUICountryIndex selects appropiate value in the combobox GUICityName =; GUICityPopulation = city.population.ToString(); GUICityClass = city.cityClass; GUICityProvince = city.province; GUICityLatLon = city.latlon; SyncGUICitySelection(); if (cityIndex >= 0) { GUICityNewName =; CityHighlightSelection(); } } public bool CitySelectByScreenClick(Ray ray, int countryIndex = -1) { int targetCityIndex; if (map.GetCityIndex(ray, out targetCityIndex, countryIndex)) { cityIndex = targetCityIndex; CitySelect(); return true; } return false; } void CityHighlightSelection() { if (cityIndex < 0 || cityIndex >= map.cities.Count) return; // Colorize city map.HideCityHighlights(); map.ToggleCityHighlight(cityIndex,, true); } public void ReloadCityNames() { if (map == null || map.cities == null) { lastCityCount = -1; return; } lastCityCount = map.cities.Count; // check this size, and not result from GetCityNames because it could return additional rows (separators and so) _cityNames = map.GetCityNames(countryIndex, true); SyncGUICitySelection(); CitySelect(); // refresh selection } void SyncGUICitySelection() { // recover GUI city index selection if (GUICityName.Length > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < cityNames.Length; k++) { if (_cityNames[k].TrimStart().StartsWith(GUICityName)) { GUICityIndex = k; if (provinceIndex >= 0) { cityIndex = map.GetCityIndexInProvince(provinceIndex, GUICityName); } if (cityIndex < 0) { cityIndex = map.GetCityIndexInCountry(countryIndex, GUICityName); } return; } } if (map.GetCityIndex(GUICityName) < 0) { SetInfoMsg("City " + GUICityName + " not found in database."); } } GUICityIndex = -1; GUICityName = ""; } /// /// Deletes current city /// public void DeleteCity() { if (cityIndex < 0 || cityIndex >= map.cities.Count) return; map.HideCityHighlights(); map.cities.RemoveAt(cityIndex); cityIndex = -1; GUICityName = ""; SyncGUICitySelection(); map.DrawCities(); cityChanges = true; } /// /// Deletes all cities of current selected country /// public void DeleteCountryCities() { if (countryIndex < 0) return; map.HideCityHighlights(); int k = -1; while (++k < map.cities.Count) { if (map.cities[k].countryIndex == countryIndex) { map.cities.RemoveAt(k); k--; } } cityIndex = -1; GUICityName = ""; SyncGUICitySelection(); map.DrawCities(); cityChanges = true; } /// /// Deletes all cities of current selected country's continent /// public void DeleteCitiesSameContinent() { if (countryIndex < 0) return; map.HideCityHighlights(); int k = -1; string continent = map.countries[countryIndex].continent; while (++k < map.cities.Count) { int cindex = map.cities[k].countryIndex; if (cindex >= 0) { string cityContinent = map.countries[cindex].continent; if (cityContinent.Equals(continent)) { map.cities.RemoveAt(k); k--; } } } cityIndex = -1; GUICityName = ""; SyncGUICitySelection(); map.DrawCities(); cityChanges = true; } /// /// Calculates correct province for cities /// public void FixOrphanCities() { if (_map.provinces == null) return; int countryAssigned = 0; int provinceAssigned = 0; int cityCount = _map.cities.Count; for (int c = 0; c < cityCount; c++) { City city = _map.cities[c]; if (city.countryIndex == -1) { for (int k = 0; k < _map.countries.Length; k++) { Country co = _map.countries[k]; if (co.regions == null) continue; int regCount = co.regions.Count; for (int kr = 0; kr < regCount; kr++) { if (co.regions[kr].Contains(city.latlon)) { city.countryIndex = k; countryAssigned++; cityChanges = true; k = 100000; break; } } } } if (city.countryIndex == -1) { float minDist = float.MaxValue; for (int k = 0; k < _map.countries.Length; k++) { Country co = _map.countries[k]; if (co.regions == null) continue; int regCount = co.regions.Count; for (int kr = 0; kr < regCount; kr++) { float dist = (co.regions[kr].latlonCenter - city.latlon).sqrMagnitude; if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; city.countryIndex = k; cityChanges = true; countryAssigned++; } } } } if (city.province.Length == 0) { Country country = _map.countries[city.countryIndex]; if (country.provinces == null) continue; for (int p = 0; p < country.provinces.Length; p++) { Province province = country.provinces[p]; if (province.regions == null) _map.ReadProvincePackedString(province); if (province.regions == null) continue; int regCount = province.regions.Count; for (int pr = 0; pr < regCount; pr++) { Region reg = province.regions[pr]; if (reg.Contains(city.latlon)) { city.province =; cityChanges = true; p = 100000; break; } } } } } for (int c = 0; c < cityCount; c++) { City city = _map.cities[c]; if (city.province.Length == 0) { float minDist = float.MaxValue; int pg = -1; for (int p = 0; p < _map.provinces.Length; p++) { Province province = _map.provinces[p]; if (province.regions == null) _map.ReadProvincePackedString(province); if (province.regions == null) continue; int regCount = province.regions.Count; for (int pr = 0; pr < regCount; pr++) { Region pregion = province.regions[pr]; for (int prp = 0; prp < pregion.latlon.Length; prp++) { float dist = (city.latlon - pregion.latlon[prp]).sqrMagnitude; if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; pg = p; } } } } if (pg >= 0) { city.province = _map.provinces[pg].name; provinceAssigned++; cityChanges = true; } } else { // check for differences in capitals #if !UNITY_WSA if (! && String.Compare(, city.province, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, System.Globalization.CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace) == 0) { = city.province; cityChanges = true; } #endif } } Debug.Log(countryAssigned + " cities were assigned a new country."); Debug.Log(provinceAssigned + " cities were assigned a new province."); if (countryAssigned > 0 || provinceAssigned > 0) { cityChanges = true; } } #endregion } }