using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace WPM { public partial class WorldMapEditor : MonoBehaviour { public int GUIMountPointIndex; public string GUIMountPointName = ""; public string GUIMountPointNewName = ""; public string GUIMountPointNewType = ""; public string GUIMountPointNewTagKey = ""; public string GUIMountPointNewTagValue = ""; public int mountPointIndex = -1; public bool mountPointChanges; // if there's any pending change to be saved // private fields int lastMountPointCount = -1; string[] _mountPointNames; public string[] mountPointNames { get { if (map.mountPoints != null && lastMountPointCount != map.mountPoints.Count) { mountPointIndex = -1; ReloadMountPointNames(); } return _mountPointNames; } } #region Editor functionality public void ClearMountPointSelection() { map.HideMountPointHighlights(); mountPointIndex = -1; GUIMountPointIndex = -1; GUIMountPointName = ""; GUIMountPointNewName = ""; GUIMountPointNewTagKey = ""; GUIMountPointNewTagValue = ""; GUIMountPointNewType = ""; } /// /// Adds a new mount point to current country. /// public void MountPointCreate(Vector3 newPoint) { int countryIndex = _map.GetCountryIndex(newPoint); if (countryIndex < 0) return; GUIMountPointName = "New Mount Point " + (map.mountPoints.Count + 1); newPoint = newPoint.normalized * 0.5f; int provinceIndex = _map.GetProvinceIndex(newPoint); MountPoint newMountPoint = new MountPoint(GUIMountPointName, countryIndex, provinceIndex, newPoint); if (map.mountPoints == null) map.mountPoints = new List(); map.mountPoints.Add(newMountPoint); map.DrawMountPoints(); lastMountPointCount = -1; ReloadMountPointNames(); mountPointChanges = true; } public bool MountPointUpdateType() { if (mountPointIndex < 0) return false; int type = map.mountPoints[mountPointIndex].type; int.TryParse(GUIMountPointNewType, out type); map.mountPoints[mountPointIndex].type = type; mountPointChanges = true; return true; } public bool MountPointRename() { if (mountPointIndex < 0) return false; string prevName = map.mountPoints[mountPointIndex].name; GUIMountPointNewName = GUIMountPointNewName.Trim(); if (prevName.Equals(GUIMountPointNewName)) return false; map.mountPoints[mountPointIndex].name = GUIMountPointNewName; GUIMountPointName = GUIMountPointNewName; lastMountPointCount = -1; ReloadMountPointNames(); map.DrawMountPoints(); mountPointChanges = true; return true; } public void MountPointMove(Vector3 destination) { if (mountPointIndex < 0) return; map.mountPoints[mountPointIndex].localPosition = destination.normalized * 0.5f; Transform t = map.transform.Find(WorldMapGlobe.MOUNT_POINTS_LAYER + "/" + mountPointIndex.ToString()); if (t != null) t.localPosition = destination * 1.001f; mountPointChanges = true; } public void MountPointSelectByCombo(int selection) { GUIMountPointIndex = selection; GUIMountPointName = ""; GetMountPointIndexByGUISelection(); MountPointSelect(); } bool GetMountPointIndexByGUISelection() { if (GUIMountPointIndex < 0 || GUIMountPointIndex >= mountPointNames.Length) return false; string[] s = mountPointNames[GUIMountPointIndex].Split(new char[] { '(', ')' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (s.Length >= 2) { GUIMountPointName = s[0].Trim(); if (int.TryParse(s[1], out mountPointIndex)) { return true; } } return false; } public void MountPointSelect() { if (mountPointIndex < 0 || mountPointIndex > map.mountPoints.Count) return; // If no country is selected (the mount point could be at sea) select it MountPoint mp = map.mountPoints[mountPointIndex]; int mpCountryIndex = mp.countryIndex; if (mpCountryIndex < 0) { SetInfoMsg("Country not found in this country file."); } if (countryIndex != mpCountryIndex && mpCountryIndex >= 0) { ClearSelection(); countryIndex = mpCountryIndex; countryRegionIndex = map.countries[countryIndex].mainRegionIndex; CountryRegionSelect(); } // Just in case makes GUICountryIndex selects appropiate value in the combobox GUIMountPointName =; SyncGUIMountPointSelection(); if (mountPointIndex >= 0) { GUIMountPointNewName =; GUIMountPointNewType = mp.type.ToString(); MountPointHighlightSelection(); } } public bool MountPointSelectByScreenClick(Ray ray, int countryIndex = -1) { int targetMountPointIndex; if (map.GetMountPointIndex(ray, out targetMountPointIndex, countryIndex)) { mountPointIndex = targetMountPointIndex; MountPointSelect(); return true; } return false; } void MountPointHighlightSelection() { if (mountPointIndex < 0 || mountPointIndex >= map.mountPoints.Count) return; // Colorize mount point map.HideMountPointHighlights(); map.ToggleMountPointHighlight(mountPointIndex,, true); } public void ReloadMountPointNames() { if (map == null || map.mountPoints == null) { lastMountPointCount = -1; return; } lastMountPointCount = map.mountPoints.Count; // check this size, and not result from GetCityNames because it could return additional rows (separators and so) _mountPointNames = map.GetMountPointNames(countryIndex); SyncGUIMountPointSelection(); MountPointSelect(); // refresh selection } void SyncGUIMountPointSelection() { // recover GUI mount point index selection if (GUIMountPointName.Length > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < mountPointNames.Length; k++) { if (_mountPointNames[k].TrimStart().StartsWith(GUIMountPointName)) { GUIMountPointIndex = k; mountPointIndex = map.GetMountPointIndex(countryIndex, GUIMountPointName); return; } } SetInfoMsg("Mount point " + GUIMountPointName + " not found in database."); } GUIMountPointIndex = -1; GUIMountPointName = ""; } /// /// Deletes current mount point /// public void DeleteMountPoint() { if (map.mountPoints == null || mountPointIndex < 0 || mountPointIndex >= map.mountPoints.Count) return; map.HideMountPointHighlights(); map.mountPoints.RemoveAt(mountPointIndex); mountPointIndex = -1; GUIMountPointName = ""; SyncGUIMountPointSelection(); map.DrawMountPoints(); mountPointChanges = true; } /// /// Deletes all mount points of current selected country /// public void DeleteCountryMountPoints() { if (countryIndex < 0) return; map.HideMountPointHighlights(); if (map.mountPoints != null) { int k = -1; while (++k < map.mountPoints.Count) { if (map.mountPoints[k].countryIndex == countryIndex) { map.mountPoints.RemoveAt(k); k--; } } } mountPointIndex = -1; GUIMountPointName = ""; SyncGUIMountPointSelection(); map.DrawMountPoints(); mountPointChanges = true; } /// /// Deletes all mount points of current selected country's continent /// public void DeleteMountPointsSameContinent() { if (countryIndex < 0 || map.mountPoints == null) return; map.HideMountPointHighlights(); int k = -1; string continent = map.countries[countryIndex].continent; while (++k < map.mountPoints.Count) { int cindex = map.mountPoints[k].countryIndex; if (cindex >= 0) { string mpContinent = map.countries[cindex].continent; if (mpContinent.Equals(continent)) { map.mountPoints.RemoveAt(k); k--; } } } mountPointIndex = -1; GUIMountPointName = ""; SyncGUIMountPointSelection(); map.DrawMountPoints(); mountPointChanges = true; } #endregion #region IO stuff /// /// Returns the file name corresponding to the current mount point data file /// public string GetMountPointGeoDataFileNameLegacy() { return "mountPoints.txt"; } /// /// Exports the geographic data in packed string format. /// public string GetMountPointGeoData() { if (map.mountPoints == null) return null; int count = map.mountPoints.Count; if (count == 0) return ""; JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) { MountPoint mp = map.mountPoints[k]; JSONObject mpJSON = new JSONObject(); mpJSON.AddField("Name",; mpJSON.AddField("Country", _map.countries[mp.countryIndex].name); mpJSON.AddField("Province", mp.provinceIndex); mpJSON.AddField("Type", mp.type); mpJSON.AddField("X", (int)(mp.localPosition.x * WorldMapGlobe.MAP_PRECISION)); mpJSON.AddField("Y", (int)(mp.localPosition.y * WorldMapGlobe.MAP_PRECISION)); mpJSON.AddField("Z", (int)(mp.localPosition.z * WorldMapGlobe.MAP_PRECISION)); mpJSON.AddField("Attrib", mp.attrib); json.Add(mpJSON); } return json.Print(true); } #endregion } }