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<b class="text-orange-400 mt-5">Connection</b>
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<b class="text-orange-400 mt-5">Inspector</b>
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<div class="flex flex-col w-full lg:pl-10 py-10 lg:ml-[300px]"><div class="doc flex flex-col gap-5 svelte-yue6wq"><h1>Connect to Your Game</h1>
<h2>Building your Game with Proxima (non-WebGL)</h2>
<ul class="list-decimal ml-5 leading-8"><li>Add an empty GameObject to your scene and add a Proxima Inspector component.</li>
<li>Assign a 4 or 5 digit port number that is not already in use on your target device.</li>
<li>If you want your connection to be encrypted, <a href="../docs/security.html">enable HTTPS</a>. <b>This is required for Android and iOS.</b></li>
<li>Your Proxima Inspector component should look something like this:
<img class="p-5" src="../docs/device-config.png" alt="Proxima Component Configuration"></li>
<li>Build, deploy, and run your game.</li></ul>
<h2 class="text-zinc-100 text-xl mt-5">Connecting to Your Game (non-WebGL)</h2>
<ul class="list-decimal ml-5 leading-8"><li>Ensure that both the device running your game and the device running your browser are connected to the same local network.</li>
<li>If you've enabled the "Instantiate Connect UI", you can click the Proxima icon and click "Open in Browser". Otherwise:</li>
<li>Navigate to <b>http://[your-ip-address]:[port]</b>. <a href="#ipaddress">How do I find my device's IP address?</a></li></ul>
<div class="bg-gray-800 p-5 text-zinc-300">If you've enabled HTTPS, your browser may warn you that Proxima's certificate is not trusted. It is ok to bypass this warning if you're connecting to your device's IP directly on your local network.
See the <a href="../docs/security.html">Security Considerations</a> page for more information.
<h2 class="text-zinc-100 text-xl mt-5">Building and Connecting to Your Game (WebGL)</h2>
<ul class="list-decimal ml-5 leading-8"><li><b>WebGL</b> builds connect directly through a BroadcastChannel in the browser. The port and HTTPS options are not used.</li>
<li>This also means you cannot connect to WebGL builds remotely. You must connect in the same browser that is running the game,
and you must use the same URL origin.
<li>If you've enabled the "Instantiate Connect UI", you can click the Proxima icon and click "Open in Browser". Otherwise:</li>
<li>Navigate to <b>http://your-game-address/path/to/game/<span class="text-yellow-600">StreamingAssets/Proxima/index.html</span></b></li></ul>
<h2 id="ipaddress" class="text-zinc-100 text-xl mt-5">How do I find my device's IP address?</h2>
<p>If you checked <b>Instantiate Status UI</b> on the Proxima Inspector component, your device IP will be displayed at the bottom of your game.</p>
<img src="../docs/status-ui.png" alt="Proxima Status UI">
<p>Alternatively, you can also find your device's IP address by:</p>
<ul class="list-disc ml-10"><li>Windows: In the command line type: <div class="ml-5 text-orange-400 font-mono">ipconfig | findstr /C:"IPv4 Address"</div></li>
<li>macOS: In the terminal type: <div class="ml-5 text-orange-400 font-mono">ifconfig getifaddr en0</div></li>
<li>Android: Go to "Settings > Wi-Fi Settings > ... > Advanced" and scroll to the bottom.</li>
<li>iOS: Go to "Settings > Wi-Fi > Your Wi-Fi" and scroll down.</li></ul>
<h2 class="text-zinc-100 text-xl mt-5">Troubleshooting</h2>
<p>If you're unable to connect to Proxima, check the following:</p>
<ul class="list-disc ml-10"><li>Your game is running (not paused or in the background).</li>
<li>Both devices are on the same network.</li>
<li>The chosen port is open on the device.</li>
<li>Your device's firewall is not blocking the chosen port.</li>
<li>Your router's firewall is not blocking the chosen port.</li>
<li>For WebGL builds, you are using the same browser as the game and the same URL origin.</li></ul></div></div></div>
<div class="h-[200px] flex flex-col"><p class="text-gray-400 m-10">© 2023 Virtual Maker Corporation</p></div></div></div>