Proxima supports editing most types of properties:
If you think Proxima is missing an important type, please post your suggestion on the Discord Server.
Proxima Inspector is designed to have minimal impact on your game performance. It uses a WebSocket connection to send minimal changes to the browser, and will only performs work when the relevant browser page is open:
Unity does not preserve the order of gameObjects in the scene of a built game. Even assigning a sibling index to the transform component will have no effect. This is why you can't reorder root gameObjects.
Proxima searches for serialized fields on components to display them in the inspector. This is the same as Unity's default behavior for MonoBehaviours. However, some components have custom editors which control their appearance in the Unity inspector. All custom editor code is stripped out of a built game, and so Proxima cannot access this information.
Proxima prevents code stripping for many Unity component properties like Transform's localPosition by explicitly referencing them in Proxima/Runtime/Generated/ProximaReflection.Generated.cs. You can use one of the techniques described in the link above to prevent your components from being stripped.
Unity does not preserve the list of tags in a built game. You can assign a tag to any string.
Proxima depends on Unity's update loop to detect gameObject and component updates. When your game is not in focus, the update loop may be paused. You can configure this setting in Unity under: "Project Settings > Player > Resolution and Presentation > Run In Background"
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