The GameObject Inspector lets you view and edit any gameObject and component in your scene, just like the Unity inspector.
The left side displays the gameObject hierarchy. Select a gameObject to view its properties and components in the inspector on the right side.
You can reorder or reparent gameObjects by dragging them in the hierarchy.
You can search for a gameObject by name in the Search Box.
GameObjects and Components which are hidden with hideFlags can be made visible in Proxima by clicking the Show Hidden toggle.
You can create an empty gameObject and its children by pressing the "New" button.
You can duplicate a gameObject and its children by pressing the "Duplicate" button or Ctrl-D key while the gameObject is selected.
You can destroy a gameObject and its children by pressing the "Destroy" button or the delete key while the gameObject is selected.
Change a property value by entering a value or dragging left-right on its name.
You can destroy a component the "Destroy" button next to the component name.
You can add a component by typing its class name without spaces in the input field at the bottom of the inspector.
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