using OVRSimpleJSON; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Security.Cryptography; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; [Serializable] public class DataPoint { public string name; public string levelType; public int level; public string unit; public List values; } [Serializable] public class DataPerHour { public string validTime; public List parameters; } [Serializable] public class ApiResponse { public string approvedTime; public string referenceTime; public string geometry; public List timeSeries; } public class API : MonoBehaviour { public TextMeshProUGUI voltageValue; public TextMeshProUGUI windDirValue; public TextMeshProUGUI temperatureValue; public TextMeshProUGUI loc; public GameObject webSocketController; public TurbineController turbineController; // Reference to the TurbineController to control rotation private WebSocketController webSocketControllerScript; private float LatestT; private float latestWD; private string unit; void Start() { webSocketControllerScript = webSocketController.GetComponent(); //TestFromJsonToData(); // Uncomment this to test JSON parsing independently EmergencyButtonClick(); } public void OnButtonClick() { StartCoroutine(GetText()); } public void EmergencyButtonClick() { loc.SetText("----"); windDirValue.SetText("----"); temperatureValue.SetText("----"); } IEnumerator GetText() { UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(""); yield return www.SendWebRequest(); if (www.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success) { Debug.Log(www.error); } else { Debug.Log("Received data: " + www.downloadHandler.text); // Log the JSON data received ExtractDataFromJson(www.downloadHandler.text); } } public void ExtractDataFromJson(string json) { ApiResponse response = JsonUtility.FromJson(json); //Debug.Log("Api response worked!!!!"); // Access the latest hour DataPerHour timeResponse = response.timeSeries[0]; List dataPoints = timeResponse.parameters; loc.SetText("Kista(Lat:59.4067 Long:17.9452)"); // Set the location display voltageValue.text = webSocketControllerScript.voltageValue.ToString(); // Update voltage value display for (int i = 0; i < dataPoints.Count; i++) { DataPoint point = dataPoints[i]; if ( == "wd") // Handling wind direction { latestWD = point.values[0]; windDirValue.SetText(latestWD.ToString() + " degrees"); //turbineController.SetRotationSpeed(latestWD); // Adjust turbine rotation based on wind direction + ": take input"); } if ( == "t") // Handling temperature { LatestT = point.values[0]; unit = point.unit; temperatureValue.SetText(LatestT.ToString() + " " + unit); } } } public void TestFromJsonToData() { string testJson = "{\r\n \"name\": \"t\",\r\n \"levelType\": \"hl\",\r\n \"level\": 2,\r\n \"unit\": \"Cel\",\r\n \"values\": [\r\n 21.3\r\n ]\r\n }"; DataPoint dataTurbine = JsonUtility.FromJson(testJson); //Debug.Log(; //Debug.Log(dataTurbine.values[0]); } }