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<div class="flex flex-col w-full lg:pl-10 py-10 lg:ml-[300px]"><div class="doc flex flex-col gap-5 svelte-yue6wq"><h1>Built-in Commands</h1>
<h2 class="text-2xl text-orange-400 font-bold">General Commands</h2>
<div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">Get</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: g</p>
<p>Get the value of the given property. Can be used with most gameObject properties, component properties, and some statics including: Application, Time, Physics, Screen, AudioSettings, QualitySettings, Input, Physics2D.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>pattern: String </p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> g cube*.transform.position
<br>Cube1 [123] [1, 2, 3]<br>Cube2 [456] [1, 2, 3]<br>Cube3 [789] [1, 2, 3]</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">Set</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: s</p>
<p>Set the value of the given property. Can be used with most gameObject properties, component properties, and some statics including: Application, Time, Physics, Screen, AudioSettings, QualitySettings, Input, Physics2D.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>property: String </p><p>value: Object </p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> s cube*.transform.position [1, 2, 3]
<br>Set Cube1 [123] to [1, 2, 3]<br>Set Cube2 [456] to [1, 2, 3]<br>Set Cube3 [789] to [1, 2, 3]</p>
<p></p></div></div><h2 class="text-2xl text-orange-400 font-bold">Scene Commands</h2>
<div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">Load</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: ld</p>
<p>Load scene by name or build index. If additive is true, the scene is added to the current scene.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>sceneOrIndex: String </p><p>additive: Boolean (Default: false)</p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> ld SampleScene
<br>Loading scene SampleScene.</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">Unload</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: ul</p>
<p>Unload scene by name or build index.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>sceneOrIndex: String </p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> ul SampleScene
<br>Unloading scene SampleScene.</p>
<p></p></div></div><h2 class="text-2xl text-orange-400 font-bold">GameObject Commands</h2>
<div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">AddComponent</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: ac</p>
<p>Add the component to all gameObjects with the given name.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>name: String </p><p>component: String </p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> ac cube* Rigidbody
<br>Added Rigidbody to Cube1 [123]<br>Added Rigidbody to Cube2 [456]<br>Added Rigidbody to Cube3 [789]</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">Destroy</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: x</p>
<p>Destroy all game objects with the given name.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>name: String </p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> x cube*
<br>Destroyed Cube1 [123]<br>Destroyed Cube2 [456]<br>Destroyed Cube3 [789]</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">Disable</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: d</p>
<p>Disable the given gameObjects.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>name: String </p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> d cube*
<br>Disabled Cube1 [123]<br>Disabled Cube2 [456]<br>Disabled Cube3 [789]</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">Enable</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: e</p>
<p>Enable the given gameObjects.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>name: String </p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> e cube*
<br>Enabled Cube1 [123]<br>Enabled Cube2 [456]<br>Enabled Cube3 [789]</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">GetComponents</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: comp</p>
<p>Get the components of the given gameObjects.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>name: String </p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> comp cube1
<br>Cube1 [123] Components:<br> Transform<br> MeshFilter<br> MeshRenderer</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">Instantiate</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: i</p>
<p>Instantiate a prefab by name with optional position, rotation, and parent transform.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>prefabName: String </p><p>position: Vector3 (Default: [0,0,0])</p><p>rotation: Quaternion (Default: [0,0,0])</p><p>parent: Transform (Default: null)</p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> i SamplePrefab [0, 1, 0] [0, 45, 0] cube.transform
<br>Instantiated SamplePrefab(Clone) [123].</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">List</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: ls</p>
<p>List all game objects with the given name.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>name: String (Default: *)</p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> ls cube*
<br>Cube1 [123]<br>Cube2 [456]<br>Cube3 [789]</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">LookAt</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: lk</p>
<p>Look at the given target.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>name: String </p><p>target: Vector3 (Default: [0,0,0])</p><p>worldUp: Vector3 (Default: [0,0,0])</p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> lk cube* player1.transform.position
<br>Rotated Cube1 [123] to [0, 1, 0]<br>Rotated Cube2 [456] to [0, 1, 0]<br>Rotated Cube3 [789] to [0, 1, 0]</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">Move</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: mv</p>
<p>Move all game objects with the given name to the given position.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>name: String </p><p>position: Vector3 (Default: [0,0,0])</p><p>local: Boolean (Default: false)</p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> mv cube* [0, 1, 0]
<br>Moved Cube1 [123] to [0, 1, 0]<br>Moved Cube2 [456] to [0, 1, 0]<br>Moved Cube3 [789] to [0, 1, 0]</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">RemoveComponent</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: rc</p>
<p>Remove the component from all gameObjects with the given name.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>name: String </p><p>component: String </p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> rc cube* Rigidbody
<br>Removed Rigidbody from Cube1 [123]<br>Removed Rigidbody from Cube2 [456]<br>Removed Rigidbody from Cube3 [789]</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">Rotate</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: rt</p>
<p>Rotate all game objects with the given name to the given rotation.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>name: String </p><p>rotation: Quaternion (Default: [0,0,0])</p><p>local: Boolean (Default: false)</p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> rt cube* [0, 45, 0]
<br>Rotated Cube1 [123] to [0, 45, 0]<br>Rotated Cube2 [456] to [0, 45, 0]<br>Rotated Cube3 [789] to [0, 45, 0]</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">Scale</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: sc</p>
<p>Scale all game objects with the given name to the given scale.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>name: String </p><p>scale: Vector3 (Default: [0,0,0])</p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> sc cube* [2, 2, 2]
<br>Scaled Cube1 [123] to [2, 2, 2]<br>Scaled Cube2 [456] to [2, 2, 2]<br>Scaled Cube3 [789] to [2, 2, 2]</p>
<p></p></div></div><div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex flex-col gap-3 w-full text-left"><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-mono text-lg"><button><img class="w-[15px]" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt=""></button>
<p class="">SendMessage</p>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 "><p class="font-mono">Alias: sm</p>
<p>Call a method on all gameObjects with the given name using SendMessage.</p>
<div class="ml-5 font-mono"><p>name: String </p><p>method: String </p></div>
<p class="font-mono bg-[#222] p-3 mt-2 w-full">> sm cube* OnHit
<br>Sent message OnHit to Cube1 [123]<br>Sent message OnHit to Cube2 [456]<br>Sent message OnHit to Cube3 [789]</p>
<div class="h-[200px] flex flex-col"><p class="text-gray-400 m-10">© 2023 Virtual Maker Corporation</p></div></div></div>