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<div class="flex flex-col w-full lg:pl-10 py-10 lg:ml-[300px]"><div class="doc flex flex-col gap-5 svelte-yue6wq"><h1 class="mb-10">Viewing Logs Offline</h1>
<p>Sometimes, it is impractical to debug issues live. Fortunately, Proxima provies a way to download your logs and view them later in your browser.</p>
<h2 class="text-zinc-100 text-xl mt-5">Saving Logs</h2>
<img src="../docs/log-controls.png" alt="Log Controls">
<p>Clicking the <b>Save</b> dropdown reveals the following options:</p>
<ul class="ml-5 list-disc leading-8"><li><b>Save Proxima Log</b>: saves the current log window contents.</li>
<li><b>Download Unity Log</b>: Downloads the standard Unity log file (if enabled).</li>
<li><b>Download Previous Unity Log</b>: Downloads the standard Unity log file (if enabled).</li></ul>
<h2 class="text-zinc-100 text-xl mt-5">Viewing Log Files</h2>
<p>If you have a Proxima connection open, you can easily view any log file by Proxima by clicking the <b>Load</b> button and selecting the file.
<div class="bg-gray-800 p-5 text-zinc-300">If you do not have access to a device running Proxima, there's a no-cost online version of the Log Viewer at <a href="https://www.unityproxima.com">unityproxima.com/log</a>.<br><br>
<b>You do not need Proxima to use this viewer</b>, since it can parse any Unity log file. Support the project by sharing the availability of this complimentary tool with your network!
<h2 class="text-zinc-100 text-xl mt-5">Unity Log Files</h2>
<p>If enabled, Unity saves two log files (a current and previous) to your device from the previous two runs that you can download by clicking "Download Unity Log" or "Download Previous Unity Log". Learn how to configure
these logs files on <a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" href="https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/LogFiles.html">Unity's Documentation</a>.</p>
<p>Proxima can load these files, but they are missing the following information:</p>
<ul class="ml-5 list-disc leading-8"><li>Unity's log files do not include the timestamp.</li>
<li>Unity's log files do not include the log type (info, warning, error). Proxima Log Viewer will do its best to detect the type of log from the stack trace, if enabled.</li></ul></div></div></div>
<div class="h-[200px] flex flex-col"><p class="text-gray-400 m-10">© 2023 Virtual Maker Corporation</p></div></div></div>