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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Proxima
/// Proxima Inspector enables remote inspecting, debugging, and control of a Unity application.
public class ProximaInspector : MonoBehaviour
// The name displayed to show in the browser when connected.
private string _displayName;
public string DisplayName
get => _displayName;
set => _displayName = value;
// The port number to host the embedded Proxima server.
private int _port = 7759;
public int Port
get => _port;
set => _port = value;
// The password required to connect to Proxima. See unityproxima.com/docs/security for more information.
private string _password = "";
public string Password
get => _password;
set => _password = value;
// Enables and disables HTTPS for encryption. See unityproxima.com/docs/security for more information.
private bool _useHttps = false;
public bool UseHttps
get => _useHttps;
set => _useHttps = value;
// Optional TLS certificate. By default Proxima uses Proxima/Resources/Proxima/ProximaEmbeddedCert.pfx.
private PfxAsset _certificate;
public PfxAsset Certificate
get => _certificate;
set => _certificate = value;
// Password for the TLS certificate.
private string _certificatePassword;
public string CertificatePassword
get => _certificatePassword;
set => _certificatePassword = value;
// Automatically starts the Proxima server when this component is enabled.
private bool _runOnEnable = true;
public bool StartOnEnable
get => _runOnEnable;
set => _runOnEnable = value;
// Maximum number of log messages to keep in memory.
private int _logBufferSize = 1000;
public int LogBufferSize
get => _logBufferSize;
set => ProximaLogCommands.SetLogCapacity(value);
// Instantiates Proxima/Resources/Proxima/ProximaStatusUI.prefab on startup.
// This UI lets you see the current status of Proxima at the bottom of your screen.
private bool _instantiateStatusUI = true;
public bool InstantiateStatusUI
get => _instantiateStatusUI;
set => _instantiateStatusUI = value;
// Instantiates Proxima/Resources/Proxima/ProximaConnectUI.prefab on startup.
// This UI appears when the user presses F2 and allows the user to start and stop the server
// with a display name and password.
private bool _instantiateConnectUI = false;
public bool InstantiateConnectUI
get => _instantiateConnectUI;
set => _instantiateConnectUI = value;
// Adds the gameObject with the Proxima Inspector to the DontDestroyOnLoad scene,
// which keeps connections alive when transitioning between scenes.
private bool _dontDestroyOnLoad = true;
// When Proxima starts, sets Application.runInBackground to true. When Proxima stops,
// sets Application.runInBackground back to its previous value. This allows Proxima
// to work when connecting from a browseer on the same device, since normally Unity
// will pause the app when focus is set to the browser.
private bool _setRunInBackground = true;
// Stores the current status of Proxima and raises events when it changes.
public ProximaStatus Status = new ProximaStatus();
public enum ServerTypes
// Is the Proxima server embedded or hosted remotely?
// This feature is a work in progress, and so is disabled.
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
private ServerTypes _serverType = ServerTypes.Embedded;
public ServerTypes ServerType
get => _serverType;
set => _serverType = value;
/// URL of the remote Proxima Server.
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
private string _serverUrl = "";
public string ServerUrl
get => _serverUrl;
set => _serverUrl = value;
// Performance options
public static int MaxGameObjectUpdatesPerFrame = 10;
public static int MaxComponentUpdateFrequency = 10;
private struct OpenStream
public ProximaConnection Connection;
public string Id;
public string Guid;
public StreamInfo Info;
private class StreamInfo
public MethodInfo StartMethod;
public MethodInfo StopMethod;
public MethodInfo UpdateMethod;
private ProximaServer _server;
private static List<MethodInfo> _inits = new List<MethodInfo>();
private static List<MethodInfo> _teardowns = new List<MethodInfo>();
private static Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> _commands = new Dictionary<string, MethodInfo>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public static Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> Commands => _commands;
private static bool _staticInitialized;
private static Dictionary<string, StreamInfo> _streams = new Dictionary<string, StreamInfo>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private Dictionary<string, List<OpenStream>> _openStreams;
private ProximaDispatcher _dispatcher;
private ProximaStatusUI _statusUI;
private ProximaConnectUI _connectUI;
private bool _wasRunInBackgroundSet;
void Awake()
if (!_staticInitialized)
_staticInitialized = true;
_dispatcher = new ProximaDispatcher(this);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_displayName))
_displayName = Application.companyName + "." + Application.productName + "." + Application.version;
void OnEnable()
if (_dontDestroyOnLoad)
if (_runOnEnable)
if (_instantiateStatusUI)
_statusUI = Instantiate(Resources.Load<ProximaStatusUI>("Proxima/ProximaStatusUI"));
_statusUI.ProximaInspector = this;
if (_instantiateConnectUI)
_connectUI = Instantiate(Resources.Load<ProximaConnectUI>("Proxima/ProximaConnectUI"));
_connectUI.ProximaInspector = this;
_connectUI.GetComponent<ProximaStatusUI>().ProximaInspector = this;
void OnApplicationQuit()
void OnDestroy()
void OnDisable()
if (_statusUI)
_statusUI = null;
if (_connectUI)
_connectUI = null;
// Starts the Proxima Server with the current configuration.
public void Run()
if (_server != null)
Log.Warning("Run was called, but Proxima is already running.");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_displayName))
Status.SetError("Display name is required to start Proxima.");
Log.Error("Display name is required to start Proxima.");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_password))
Status.SetError("Password is required to start Proxima.");
Log.Error("Password is required to start Proxima.");
foreach (var method in _inits)
method.Invoke(null, null);
if (_setRunInBackground)
_wasRunInBackgroundSet = Application.runInBackground;
Application.runInBackground = true;
var remoteServerType = Type.GetType("Proxima.ProximaRemoteServer");
var demoServerType = Type.GetType("Proxima.ProximaDemoServer");
if (remoteServerType != null && _serverType == ServerTypes.Remote)
_server = (ProximaServer)Activator.CreateInstance(remoteServerType, _dispatcher, Status, _serverUrl);
else if (demoServerType != null && _serverType == ServerTypes.Demo)
_server = (ProximaServer)Activator.CreateInstance(demoServerType, _dispatcher, Status);
_server = new ProximaWebGLServer(_dispatcher, Status);
_server = new ProximaEmbeddedServer(_dispatcher, Status, _port, _useHttps, _certificate, _certificatePassword);
_server.Start(_displayName, _password);
catch (Exception e)
if (e.InnerException != null)
e = e.InnerException;
// Stops the Proxima Server, closing any connections.
public void Stop()
if (_server != null)
Log.Info("Proxima shutting down.");
foreach (var method in _teardowns)
method.Invoke(null, null);
private void Cleanup()
if (_server != null && _setRunInBackground)
Application.runInBackground = _wasRunInBackgroundSet;
_server = null;
_openStreams = null;
void Update()
if (_server == null)
if (_server.TryGetMessage(out var item))
var (connection, message) = item;
var response = HandleMessage(connection, message);
if (response != null)
private MemoryStream HandleMessage(ProximaConnection connection, string message)
ProximaRequest request;
request = JsonUtility.FromJson<ProximaRequest>(message);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error("Failed to parse request: " + ex.Message);
return ProximaSerialization.ErrorResponse(message, "Invalid request.");
if (request.Type == ProximaRequestType.StartStream)
return HandleStreamStartRequest(connection, request);
else if (request.Type == ProximaRequestType.StopStream)
return HandleStreamStopRequest(connection, request);
else if (request.Type == ProximaRequestType.Command)
return HandleCommand(request);
else if (request.Type == ProximaRequestType.List)
return ProximaSerialization.DataResponse(request, "");
else if (request.Type == ProximaRequestType.Select)
return ProximaSerialization.ErrorResponse(request, "Already selected.");
return ProximaSerialization.ErrorResponse(request, "Invalid request type.");
private MemoryStream HandleStreamStartRequest(ProximaConnection connection, ProximaRequest request)
var stream = request.Cmd;
if (!_streams.TryGetValue(stream, out var streamInfo))
return ProximaSerialization.ErrorResponse(request, "Invalid stream.");
if (_openStreams == null)
_openStreams = new Dictionary<string, List<OpenStream>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (!_openStreams.ContainsKey(stream))
_openStreams.Add(stream, new List<OpenStream>());
var guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
if (streamInfo.StartMethod != null)
var args = new string[request.Args.Length + 1];
args[0] = guid;
Array.Copy(request.Args, 0, args, 1, request.Args.Length);
if (!TryInvoke(streamInfo.StartMethod, args, out var data, out var error))
return ProximaSerialization.ErrorResponse(request, error);
var openStream = new OpenStream {
Connection = connection,
Id = request.Id,
Guid = guid,
Info = streamInfo
return null;
private MemoryStream HandleStreamStopRequest(ProximaConnection connection, ProximaRequest request)
var stream = request.Cmd;
if (!_streams.TryGetValue(stream, out var streamInfo))
return ProximaSerialization.ErrorResponse(request, "Invalid stream name.");
if (_openStreams == null)
return ProximaSerialization.ErrorResponse(request, "Stream not open. (A)");
if (!_openStreams.TryGetValue(stream, out var listeners))
return ProximaSerialization.ErrorResponse(request, "Stream not open. (B)");
var idx = listeners.FindIndex(os => os.Connection == connection && os.Id == request.Id);
if (idx < 0)
return ProximaSerialization.ErrorResponse(request, "Stream not open. (C)");
var guid = listeners[idx].Guid;
if (!TryInvoke(streamInfo.StopMethod, new string[] { guid }, out var result, out var error))
return ProximaSerialization.ErrorResponse(request, error);
return ProximaSerialization.DataResponse(request, "<STREAM-END>");
private MemoryStream HandleCommand(ProximaRequest request)
if (!_commands.TryGetValue(request.Cmd, out var method))
return ProximaSerialization.ErrorResponse(request, $"Method {request.Cmd} not found.");
if (!TryInvoke(method, request.Args, out var data, out var error))
return ProximaSerialization.ErrorResponse(request, error);
return ProximaSerialization.DataResponse(request, data);
private static StreamInfo GetOrCreateStreamInfo(string name)
if (!_streams.TryGetValue(name, out var streamInfo))
streamInfo = new StreamInfo();
_streams.Add(name, streamInfo);
return streamInfo;
private void RegisterBuiltInCommands()
public static void RegisterCommands<T>()
public static void RegisterCommands(Type type)
foreach (var method in type.GetRuntimeMethods())
if (!method.IsStatic) continue;
var initAttribute = method.GetCustomAttribute<ProximaInitializeAttribute>();
if (initAttribute != null)
Log.Verbose("Found init: " + type.Name + "." + method.Name);
var teardownAttribute = method.GetCustomAttribute<ProximaTeardownAttribute>();
if (teardownAttribute != null)
Log.Verbose("Found teardown: " + type.Name + "." + method.Name);
var commandAttribute = method.GetCustomAttribute<ProximaCommandAttribute>();
if (commandAttribute != null)
if (_commands.ContainsKey(method.Name))
throw new Exception($"Multiple Proxima commands found with name {type.Name}.{method.Name}.");
Log.Verbose("Found command: " + type.Name + "." + method.Name);
_commands.Add(method.Name, method);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commandAttribute.Alias))
Log.Verbose("Found command alias: " + commandAttribute.Alias);
_commands.Add(commandAttribute.Alias, method);
var streamStart = method.GetCustomAttribute<ProximaStreamStartAttribute>();
if (streamStart != null)
var streamInfo = GetOrCreateStreamInfo(streamStart.Name);
if (streamInfo.StartMethod != null)
throw new Exception($"Multiple Proxima stream start methods found for stream {type.Name}.{streamStart.Name}.");
Log.Verbose($"Found stream start: {type.Name}.{streamStart.Name}");
streamInfo.StartMethod = method;
var streamStop = method.GetCustomAttribute<ProximaStreamStopAttribute>();
if (streamStop != null)
var streamInfo = GetOrCreateStreamInfo(streamStop.Name);
if (streamInfo.StopMethod != null)
throw new Exception($"Multiple Proxima stream stop methods found for stream {type.Name}.{streamStop.Name}.");
Log.Verbose($"Found stream stop: {type.Name}.{streamStop.Name}");
streamInfo.StopMethod = method;
var streamUpdate = method.GetCustomAttribute<ProximaStreamUpdateAttribute>();
if (streamUpdate != null)
var streamInfo = GetOrCreateStreamInfo(streamUpdate.Name);
if (streamInfo.UpdateMethod != null)
throw new Exception($"Multiple Proxima stream update methods found for stream {type.Name}.{streamUpdate.Name}.");
Log.Verbose($"Found stream update: {type.Name}.{streamUpdate.Name}");
streamInfo.UpdateMethod = method;
private void UpdateStreams()
if (_openStreams != null)
foreach (var stream in _openStreams)
var listeners = stream.Value;
// Close streams that disconnected
foreach (var listener in listeners)
if (!listener.Connection.Open)
TryInvoke(listener.Info.StopMethod, new string[] { listener.Guid });
listeners.RemoveAll(os => !os.Connection.Open);
foreach (var listener in listeners)
object data = null;
string error = null;
data = listener.Info.UpdateMethod?.Invoke(null, new object[] { listener.Guid });
catch (Exception e)
error = e.Message;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
listener.Connection.SendMessage(ProximaSerialization.ErrorResponse(listener.Id, error));
else if (data != null)
listener.Connection.SendMessage(ProximaSerialization.DataResponse(listener.Id, data));
private bool TryInvoke(MethodInfo method, string[] args)
return TryInvoke(method, args, out var result, out var error);
private bool TryInvoke(MethodInfo method, string[] args, out object result, out string error)
result = null;
error = string.Empty;
if (method == null) return true;
var parameters = method.GetParameters();
var values = new object[parameters.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
var parameter = parameters[i];
if (args == null || args.Length <= i)
if (parameters[i].HasDefaultValue)
values[i] = parameters[i].DefaultValue;
error = $"Required argument {parameter.Name} not found.";
return false;
if (typeof(IPropertyOrValue).IsAssignableFrom(parameter.ParameterType))
values[i] = Activator.CreateInstance(parameter.ParameterType, new object[] { args[i] });
if (ProximaSerialization.TryDeserialize(parameter.ParameterType, args[i], out var value))
values[i] = value;
error = $"Unable to deserialize argument {parameter.Name} as {parameter.ParameterType.Name}.";
return false;
if (method.ReturnType == typeof(void))
method.Invoke(null, values);
result = method.Invoke(null, values);
catch (Exception e)
error = e.InnerException.Message;
return false;
return true;
} |