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* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Oculus SDK License Agreement (the "License");
* you may not use the Oculus SDK except in compliance with the License,
* which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
* otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://developer.oculus.com/licenses/oculussdk/
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus SDK
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using Photon.Pun;
namespace Common
public class SceneApiSceneCaptureStrategy: MonoBehaviour
private static readonly Dictionary<string, ObstacleType> _obstacleTypeMap = new Dictionary<string, ObstacleType>()
{"DESK", ObstacleType.Desk}, {"COUCH", ObstacleType.Couch}, {"DOOR_FRAME", ObstacleType.Door}, {"WINDOW_FRAME", ObstacleType.Window}, {"TABLE", ObstacleType.Table}, {"STORAGE", ObstacleType.Storage}, {"OTHER", ObstacleType.Other}
private ulong _roomLayoutQuery = ulong.MinValue;
private ulong _roomEntitiesQuery = ulong.MinValue;
private List<Plane> _walls;
private List<Obstacle> _obstacles;
private Scene _scene;
private bool _idQueryCompleted;
private int _componentEnablingInProgress;
public const string RoomDataKey = "roomData";
WorldGenerationController worldGenerationController;
bool _callbacksInitialized = false;
public void InitSceneCapture()
if (!_callbacksInitialized)
Debug.Log("Subscribing all OVRManager listeners");
OVRManager.SceneCaptureComplete += OnSceneCaptureComplete;
OVRManager.SpaceQueryComplete += OnSpaceQueryCompleted;
OVRManager.SpaceSetComponentStatusComplete += OnSpaceSetComponentStatusComplete;
private void OnDestroy()
public void BeginCaptureScene()
public void CaptureScene()
SampleController.Instance.Log($"{nameof(SceneApiSceneCaptureStrategy)} - Scene Capture Started");
private void Cleanup()
SampleController.Instance.Log("Unsubscribing all OVRManager listeners");
OVRManager.SceneCaptureComplete -= OnSceneCaptureComplete;
OVRManager.SpaceQueryComplete -= OnSpaceQueryCompleted;
OVRManager.SpaceSetComponentStatusComplete -= OnSpaceSetComponentStatusComplete;
_callbacksInitialized = false;
private void StartRoomCapture()
_walls = new List<Plane>();
_obstacles = new List<Obstacle>();
_scene = new Scene();
var req = "ROOMBOX";
var id = ulong.MinValue;
SampleController.Instance.Log("requesting scene capture");
var success = OVRPlugin.RequestSceneCapture(req, out id);
if (!success)
SampleController.Instance.Log("Failure requesting scene capture. Attempting to load room layout");
/// <summary>
/// This is called when the user finished the room capture flow
/// </summary>
private void OnSceneCaptureComplete(ulong requestId, bool result)
SampleController.Instance.Log("Scene capture complete");
/// <summary>
/// Create a query for the RoomLayout
/// </summary>
private void LoadRoomLayout()
var spatialEntityFilterInfoComponents = new OVRPlugin.SpaceFilterInfoComponents
Components = new OVRPlugin.SpaceComponentType[OVRPlugin.SpaceFilterInfoComponentsMaxSize],
NumComponents = 1,
spatialEntityFilterInfoComponents.Components[0] = OVRPlugin.SpaceComponentType.RoomLayout;
var queryInfo = new OVRPlugin.SpaceQueryInfo()
QueryType = OVRPlugin.SpaceQueryType.Action,
MaxQuerySpaces = 30,
Timeout = 0,
Location = OVRPlugin.SpaceStorageLocation.Local,
ActionType = OVRPlugin.SpaceQueryActionType.Load,
FilterType = OVRPlugin.SpaceQueryFilterType.Components,
ComponentsInfo = spatialEntityFilterInfoComponents
SampleController.Instance.Log("Starting Room Layout query");
OVRPlugin.QuerySpaces(queryInfo, out _roomLayoutQuery);
/// <summary>
/// This is called once per query, when all results have been returned
/// </summary>
private void OnSpaceQueryCompleted(ulong requestId, bool result)
Debug.Log($"{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name} requestId: [{requestId}]");
OVRPlugin.RetrieveSpaceQueryResults(requestId, out var results);
if (requestId == _roomLayoutQuery)
// After the roomlayout query we now load the individual entities in the room
var ids = ExtractEntityIdsFromRoomLayout(results);
else if (requestId == _roomEntitiesQuery)
_idQueryCompleted = true;
Debug.Log($"Unknown request ID [{requestId}]");
/// <summary>
/// Fetches the IDs of the all entities in the RoomLayout
/// </summary>
private HashSet<Guid> ExtractEntityIdsFromRoomLayout(OVRPlugin.SpaceQueryResult[] results)
var idsToQuery = new HashSet<Guid>();
for (var i = 0; i < results.Length; i++)
var space = results[i].space;
// This will fetch all entities in this room: Walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, ...
var success = OVRPlugin.GetSpaceContainer(space, out var entityUuids);
Debug.Log($"SpatialEntityGetContainer: success [{success}], count [{entityUuids.Length}]");
if (!success)
foreach (var uuid in entityUuids)
Debug.Log($"SpatialEntityGetContainer: UUID [{uuid.ToString()}]");
return idsToQuery;
private void LoadEntitiesById(List<Guid> ids)
var numIds = Math.Min(OVRPlugin.SpaceFilterInfoIdsMaxSize, ids.Count);
var idInfo = new OVRPlugin.SpaceFilterInfoIds()
NumIds = Math.Min(OVRPlugin.SpaceFilterInfoIdsMaxSize, ids.Count),
Ids = new Guid[OVRPlugin.SpaceFilterInfoIdsMaxSize]
for (var i = 0; i < idInfo.NumIds; ++i)
idInfo.Ids[i] = ids[i];
Debug.Log($"{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name} UUID to query [{ids[i]}]");
var queryInfo = new OVRPlugin.SpaceQueryInfo()
QueryType = OVRPlugin.SpaceQueryType.Action,
MaxQuerySpaces = 30,
Timeout = 0,
Location = OVRPlugin.SpaceStorageLocation.Local,
ActionType = OVRPlugin.SpaceQueryActionType.Load,
FilterType = OVRPlugin.SpaceQueryFilterType.Ids,
IdInfo = idInfo
Debug.Log($"Starting entity ID query for [{numIds}] ids: [{string.Join(", ", idInfo.Ids.Select(uuid => uuid.ToString()))}]");
OVRPlugin.QuerySpaces(queryInfo, out _roomEntitiesQuery);
/// <summary>
/// Enable Storable & Locatable on the given entities. These are base components needed to get the position of objects
/// </summary>
private void EnableBaseComponents(OVRPlugin.SpaceQueryResult[] entities)
for (var i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
var space = entities[i].space;
// Enable Storable and Locatable components, as they are not enabled when the space is loaded from the storage for the first time.
// EnableComponentIfNecessary(space, OVRPlugin.SpaceComponentType.Storable);
if (!EnableComponentIfNecessary(space, OVRPlugin.SpaceComponentType.Locatable))
private void DebugLogInitialPose(ulong space)
OVRPlugin.Posef posef;
if (OVRPlugin.TryLocateSpace(space, OVRPlugin.GetTrackingOriginType(), out posef))
Debug.Log($"Initial posef for entity [{space}] = {posef.ToString()}");
/// <summary>
/// Converts the entity into a object for the Room.
/// The entity needs to have the Locatable component enabled!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="space"></param>
private void AddEntityToRoom(ulong space)
Debug.Log($"Adding entity for space [{space}]");
// Get the locatable component
OVRPlugin.GetSpaceComponentStatus(space, OVRPlugin.SpaceComponentType.Locatable, out var locatableEnabled, out _);
if (!locatableEnabled)
Debug.LogWarning($"Entity [{space}] is not Locatable!");
OVRPlugin.Posef posef;
if (OVRPlugin.TryLocateSpace(space, OVRPlugin.GetTrackingOriginType(), out posef) == false)
Debug.LogWarning($"TryLocateSpace failed [{space}]");
var worldPose = OVRExtensions.ToWorldSpacePose(posef.ToOVRPose(), Camera.main);
// Get the semantic labels
OVRPlugin.GetSpaceSemanticLabels(space, out var labels);
Debug.Log($"GetSpaceSemanticLabels space [{space}] labels [{labels}]");
// Handle both 2D and 3D bounding boxes
OVRPlugin.GetSpaceComponentStatus(space, OVRPlugin.SpaceComponentType.Bounded2D, out var bounded2dEnabled, out _);
Debug.Log($"{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name} space: [{space}] bounded2dEnabled [{bounded2dEnabled}]");
OVRPlugin.GetSpaceComponentStatus(space, OVRPlugin.SpaceComponentType.Bounded3D, out var bounded3dEnabled, out _);
Debug.Log($"{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name} space: [{space}] bounded3dEnabled [{bounded3dEnabled}]");
if (bounded3dEnabled)
var success = OVRPlugin.GetSpaceBoundingBox3D(space, out var boundsf);
Debug.Log($"GetSpaceBoundingBox3D success [{success}]");
if (!success) return;
Add3DEntityToRoom(boundsf, worldPose, labels);
else if (bounded2dEnabled)
var success = OVRPlugin.GetSpaceBoundingBox2D(space, out var rectf);
Debug.Log($"GetSpaceBoundingBox2D success [{success}]");
if (!success) return;
Add2DEntityToRoom(rectf, worldPose, labels);
Debug.LogWarning($"{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name} entity has no bounding box - space: [{space}]");
private void Add2DEntityToRoom(OVRPlugin.Rectf rectf, OVRPose worldPose, string labels)
switch (labels)
case "WALL_FACE":
var plane = CreatePlane(rectf, worldPose, labels);
case "FLOOR":
var plane = CreatePlane(rectf, worldPose, labels);
_scene.floor = plane;
case "CEILING":
var plane = CreatePlane(rectf, worldPose, labels);
_scene.ceiling = plane;
case "DESK":
case "COUCH":
case "DOOR_FRAME":
if (!_obstacleTypeMap.TryGetValue(labels, out var obstacleType))
Debug.LogWarning($"{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name} Unhandled labels: [{labels}]");
var obstacle = CreateObstacle(worldPose, rectf, labels, obstacleType);
Debug.LogWarning($"{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name} Unhandled labels: [{labels}]");
private void Add3DEntityToRoom(OVRPlugin.Boundsf boundsf, OVRPose worldPose, string labels)
if (!_obstacleTypeMap.TryGetValue(labels, out var obstacleType))
Debug.LogWarning($"{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name} Unhandled labels: [{labels}]");
var obstacle = CreateObstacle(worldPose, boundsf, labels, obstacleType);
private static Plane CreatePlane(OVRPlugin.Rectf rectf, OVRPose worldPose, string labels)
var plane = new Plane
rect = new Rect(rectf.Pos.x, rectf.Pos.y, rectf.Size.w, rectf.Size.h),
position = worldPose.position,
rotation = worldPose.orientation,
//Debug.Log($"Plane Data for [{labels}]:" + plane.ToJson());
return plane;
private static Obstacle CreateObstacle(OVRPose worldPose, OVRPlugin.Rectf rectf, string labels, ObstacleType obstacleType)
var size = new Vector3(rectf.Size.w, rectf.Size.h, worldPose.position.y);
var obstacle = new Obstacle
position = worldPose.position,
rotation = worldPose.orientation,
type = obstacleType,
boundingBox = new Bounds(Vector3.zero, size)
//Debug.Log($"Obstacle Data for [{labels}]:" + obstacle.ToJson());
return obstacle;
private static Obstacle CreateObstacle(OVRPose worldPose, OVRPlugin.Boundsf boundsf, string labels, ObstacleType obstacleType)
var size = new Vector3(boundsf.Size.w, boundsf.Size.h, boundsf.Size.d);
var obstacle = new Obstacle
position = worldPose.position,
rotation = worldPose.orientation,
type = obstacleType,
boundingBox = new Bounds(Vector3.zero, size)
//Debug.Log($"Obstacle Data for [{labels}]:" + obstacle.ToJson());
return obstacle;
/// <summary>
/// Enables the given component on the entity if not already enabled
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if it was necessary to enable</returns>
private bool EnableComponentIfNecessary(ulong space, OVRPlugin.SpaceComponentType componentType)
OVRPlugin.GetSpaceComponentStatus(space, componentType, out var enabled, out _);
if (enabled)
Debug.Log($"{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name} component [{componentType}] is already enabled for space [{space}]");
return false;
const double dTimeout = 10 * 1000f;
OVRPlugin.SetSpaceComponentStatus(space, componentType, true, dTimeout, out var requestId);
Debug.Log($"{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name} component [{componentType}] requested for space [{space}] with requestId [{requestId}]");
Debug.Log($"_componentEnablingInProgress now at [{_componentEnablingInProgress}]");
return true;
private void OnSpaceSetComponentStatusComplete(ulong requestId, bool result, OVRSpace space, Guid id, OVRPlugin.SpaceComponentType componentType, bool enabled)
Debug.Log($"{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name} requestId [{requestId}] for space [{space}] result [{result}]");
Debug.Log($"_componentEnablingInProgress now at [{_componentEnablingInProgress}]");
if (componentType == OVRPlugin.SpaceComponentType.Locatable)
/// <summary>
/// Ends the room capture if we're not waiting on any callbacks anymore
/// </summary>
private void EndSceneModelLoadingIfReady()
if (!_idQueryCompleted || _componentEnablingInProgress > 0) return;
_scene.walls = _walls.ToArray();
_scene.obstacles = _obstacles.ToArray();
private void UpdateLoadedSceneModel(Scene scene)
public void ShareRoomOnPhoton(Scene scene = null)
if (scene == null)
scene = _scene;
if (PhotonNetwork.InRoom && PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
byte[] serializedData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(JsonUtility.ToJson(scene));
if (serializedData != null)
var roomProps = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable
[RoomDataKey] = serializedData
SampleController.Instance.Log($"{nameof(ShareRoomOnPhoton)}- Room Shared over Photon room properties");
public void AlignmentApplied()
if (Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
if (worldGenerationController)