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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <copyright file="PunSceneSettings.cs" company="Exit Games GmbH">
// PhotonNetwork Framework for Unity - Copyright (C) 2018 Exit Games GmbH
// </copyright>
// <summary>
// Optional lowest-viewID setting per-scene. So PhotonViews don't get the same ID.
// </summary>
// <author>developer@exitgames.com</author>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Photon.Pun
public class SceneSetting
public SceneAsset sceneAsset;
public string sceneName;
public int minViewId;
public class PunSceneSettings : ScriptableObject
// Suppressing compiler warning "this variable is never used". Only used in the CustomEditor, only in Editor
#pragma warning disable 0414
bool SceneSettingsListFoldoutOpen = true;
#pragma warning restore 0414
public List<SceneSetting> MinViewIdPerScene = new List<SceneSetting>();
private const string SceneSettingsFileName = "PunSceneSettingsFile.asset";
// we use the path to PunSceneSettings.cs as path to create a scene settings file
private static string punSceneSettingsCsPath;
public static string PunSceneSettingsCsPath
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(punSceneSettingsCsPath))
return punSceneSettingsCsPath;
// Unity 4.3.4 does not yet have AssetDatabase.FindAssets(). Would be easier.
var result = Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath, "PunSceneSettings.cs", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
if (result.Length >= 1)
punSceneSettingsCsPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(result[0]);
punSceneSettingsCsPath = punSceneSettingsCsPath.Replace('\\', '/');
punSceneSettingsCsPath = punSceneSettingsCsPath.Replace(Application.dataPath, "Assets");
// AssetDatabase paths have to use '/' and are relative to the project's folder. Always.
punSceneSettingsCsPath = punSceneSettingsCsPath + "/" + SceneSettingsFileName;
return punSceneSettingsCsPath;
private static PunSceneSettings instanceField;
public static PunSceneSettings Instance
if (instanceField != null)
return instanceField;
instanceField = (PunSceneSettings)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(PunSceneSettingsCsPath, typeof(PunSceneSettings));
if (instanceField == null)
instanceField = CreateInstance<PunSceneSettings>();
#pragma warning disable 0168
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(instanceField, PunSceneSettingsCsPath);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("-- WARNING: PROJECT CLEANUP NECESSARY -- If you delete pun from your project, make sure you also clean up the Scripting define symbols from any reference to PUN like 'PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING ");
#pragma warning restore 0168
return instanceField;
public static int MinViewIdForScene(string sceneName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sceneName))
return 1;
PunSceneSettings pss = Instance;
if (pss == null)
Debug.LogError("pss cant be null");
return 1;
foreach (SceneSetting setting in pss.MinViewIdPerScene)
if (setting.sceneName.Equals(sceneName))
return setting.minViewId;
return 1;
public static void SanitizeSceneSettings()
if (Instance == null)
foreach (SceneSetting sceneSetting in Instance.MinViewIdPerScene)
if (sceneSetting.sceneAsset == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sceneSetting.sceneName))
string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets(sceneSetting.sceneName + " t:SceneAsset");
foreach (string guid in guids)
string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) == sceneSetting.sceneName)
sceneSetting.sceneAsset =
// Debug.Log("SceneSettings : ''"+sceneSetting.sceneName+"'' scene is missing: Issue corrected",Instance);
//Debug.Log("SceneSettings : ''"+sceneSetting.sceneName+"'' scene is missing",Instance);
if (sceneSetting.sceneAsset != null && sceneSetting.sceneName!= sceneSetting.sceneAsset.name )
// Debug.Log("SceneSettings : '"+sceneSetting.sceneName+"' mismatch with sceneAsset: '"+sceneSetting.sceneAsset.name+"' : Issue corrected",Instance);
sceneSetting.sceneName = sceneSetting.sceneAsset.name;