/* Licence: Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 * Icons: Book by Mike Rowe from the Noun Project, * Justice by Creative Stall from the Noun Project * Author: Jesper Bergman (jesperbe@dsv.su.se) */ /* Start by importing functions */ import {modifyDatabaseEntry, saveHighlightedText, syncWithServer, syncCategories} from './auto_store.js'; function onCreated(){ if (browser.runtime.lastError) { console.log(`Error: ${browser.runtime.lastError}`); } else { console.log("Background script started succesfully."); let categories = browser.storage.local.get("category").then((categoriesArray) => {pickOut(categoriesArray);}); } } async function pickOut(categoryArray){ console.log("|--- CategoryArray: ", categoryArray); var categories = categoryArray["category"]; if(categories == undefined){ syncCategories(); } } /* Called when the item has been removed. We'll just log success here. */ function onRemoved() { console.log("Item removed successfully"); } /*function getCategories(){ var test = browser.storage.local.get("category").then((categoriesArray) => {console.log("Fetching categories from local.storage.", categoriesArray["category"]);}); var cat = categoriesArray["category"]; var cat1 = cat[2]; var cat2 = cat[0]; var cat3 = cat[1]; var categories = cat1.concat("\n", cat2, "\n", cat3); console.log("|-- In this strange getCategories function."); return categories; }*/ browser.contextMenus.create({ id: "log-selection", title: "D3-Annotator Menu", contexts: ["selection"] }, onCreated); browser.menus.create({ id: "separator-1", type: "separator", contexts: ["all"] }, onCreated); // Save highlighted alias/username. // If the title contains an ampersand "&" // then the next character will be used as // an access key for the item, and the ampersand will not be displayed. browser.menus.create({ id: "highlightedText", type: "radio", title: "&Save Highlighted Text", contexts: ["selection"], checked: true, icons: { "16": "icons/16.png", "32": "icons/32.png" } }, onCreated); // Save highlighted free text // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/menus/create browser.menus.create({ id: "annotateAndCategorise", type: "radio", title: "Annotate and Categorise Page", contexts: ["all"], checked: true, icons: { "16": "icons/16.png", "32": "icons/32.png" } }, onCreated); // Offer the opportunity to create new categories browser.menus.create({ id: "newcategory", type: "radio", title: "Create new Category", contexts: ["all"], checked: true, icons: { "16": "icons/16.png", "32": "icons/32.png" } }, onCreated); browser.menus.create({ id: "separator-2", type: "separator", contexts: ["all"] }, onCreated); /* Open sidebar menu entry browser.menus.create({ id: "open-sidebar", title: "Open the sidebar", contexts: ["all"], command: "_execute_sidebar_action" }, onCreated); /*More sidebar menu stuff browser.menus.create({ id: "tools-menu", title: "Toools menu", contexts: ["tools_menu"], }, onCreated);*/ var checkedState = true; function onError(error){ console.log("Error in background.js - ", error); } function updateCheckUncheck(){ checkedState = !checkedState; if (checkedState) { browser.menus.update("check-uncheck", { title: browser.i18n.getMessage("menuItemUncheckMe"), }); } else { browser.menus.update("check-uncheck", { title: browser.i18n.getMessage("menuItemCheckMe"), }); } } // Get the existing categories function getExistingCategories(item){ var categories = item; console.log("in getCategories now. must be fulfilled: ", categories); return categories; } browser.menus.onClicked.addListener((info, tab) => { switch (info.menuItemId){ case "log-selection": console.log(info.selectionText); break; case "remove-me": var removing = browser.menus.remove(info.menuItemId); removing.then(onRemoved, onError); break; case "newcategory": let category_popup = browser.windows.create({type:"detached_panel", titlePreface:"Add a new DWA Category", url:"popup/add_category.html", width:250, height:200}); break; /* * Save the page to a category and/or save an annotation to the page. */ case "annotateAndCategorise": /* Save highlighted text in some way with URLs in save_to_category.js Open popup to display categories and annotation options */ if(info.selctionText != ""){ saveHighlightedText(info.selectionText); console.log("Annotation command triggered from menu, but sending clipboard to saveHighlightedText function as well."); } let save_popup = browser.windows.create({type:"detached_panel", titlePreface:"Save to category", url:"popup/save_to_category.html", width:550, height:620}); //modifyDatabaseEntry("highlighted", info.selectionText); break; /* * Save the marked text to local.storage DB. */ case "highlightedText": saveHighlightedText(info.selectionText); browser.notifications.create({ "type": "basic", "iconUrl": browser.runtime.getURL("icons/48.png"), "title": "The following text was stored to the DB", "message": info.selectionText }); break; } });