2021-12-03 18:30:47 +01:00

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Please note that for every command there is a
manual. Type "man" and the tool/command that you
want to read the manual for. E.g. "man dig" will
dispay the manual for dig (a domain name mapping
$ - indicates regular user
# - indicates root user
Get IP address behind a domain name
$ dig facebook.com
Get information about an IP address
$ whois
Calculate hash sums of text strings
$ echo -n "stockholm" | md5sum
$ echo -n "stockholm" | sha1sum
$ echo -n "stockholm" | sha256sum
$ echo -n "stockholm" | whirlpool
Calculate hash sums of all files in the location /etc/
$ md5sum /etc/*
A more powerful hashing tool is md5deep or sha1deep
$ md5deep -r /etc/
Calculcate the hash sum of all files in all folders (recursive mode) in the location /etc/
$ md5deep -r /etc/
Calculate the hash sums of all the files in all folders in the location (etc) and point out the ones that include the digits 789
$ md5deep -r /etc/ | grep 789
Identify file type of a certain file, for example audio.mp3
$ file audio.mp3
Change keyboard layout to Ukrainian layout
$ setxkbmap ua
Get durrent date
$ date
Go to another directory
$ cd
Please note that can use the TAB key on your keyboard to search for folders that you do not know the full name of.
Let us say that you know there is a folder called something like home, but you do not know. Then just type
"cd h" and press the TAB key, and the Terminal will suggest /home/ to you. If you press tab twice it will give you
more suggestions (if there are more folders starting with "h")
This works with commands as well. Type the beginning of a command and then press TAB. Like for instance "dat" and then TAB.
Then the Terminal will suggest "date" as an autocomplete suggestion.
Go to the Kali user's home folder/directory
$ cd /home/kali/
Go to the Kali user's home folder/directory
$ cd /home/kali/Downloads
Get the caldendar for 2048
$ cal 2048
Get the run time of a certain command
$ time mda5sum /etc/*
Run a command every 2 seconds
$ watch date
Search for a keyword in all text files in the folder /etc/
$ grep "bitcoin" /etc/*.txt
Monitor a text file (e.g. a log file)
$ tail -f /var/log/auth.log
Read a text file in the terminal
$ cat /var/log/auth.log
Read a text file a bit at a time in the terminal
$ less /var/log/auth.log
Check how much disk space is free or used
$ df -h