using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace Gley.UrbanSystem.Editor { internal abstract class GridSetupWindowBase : SetupWindowBase { private GridEditorData _gridData; private GridCreator _gridCreator; private Color _oldColor; private int _gridCellSize; protected GridDrawer _gridDrawer; protected bool _viewGrid; internal override SetupWindowBase Initialize(WindowProperties windowProperties, SettingsWindowBase window) { _gridData = new GridEditorData(); _gridCreator = new GridCreator(_gridData); _gridDrawer = new GridDrawer(_gridData); _gridCellSize = _gridData.GetGridCellSize(); return base.Initialize(windowProperties, window); } protected override void TopPart() { base.TopPart(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("The grid is used to improve the performance. Moving agents are generated in the cells adjacent to player cell.\n\n" + "The cell size should be smaller if your player speed is low and should increase if your speed is high.\n\n" + "You can experiment with this settings until you get the result you want."); } protected override void ScrollPart(float width, float height) { _gridCellSize = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Grid Cell Size: ", _gridCellSize); if (GUILayout.Button("Regenerate Grid")) { _gridCreator.GenerateGrid(_gridCellSize); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); _oldColor = GUI.backgroundColor; if (_viewGrid == true) { GUI.backgroundColor =; } if (GUILayout.Button("View Grid")) { _viewGrid = !_viewGrid; SceneView.RepaintAll(); } GUI.backgroundColor = _oldColor; base.ScrollPart(width, height); } internal override void DestroyWindow() { _gridDrawer?.OnDestroy(); } } }