using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.InputSystem; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal; namespace Gley.UrbanSystem.Internal { /// /// This class is for testing purpose only /// It is the car controller provided by Unity: /// /// [System.Serializable] public class AxleInfo { public WheelCollider leftWheel; public WheelCollider rightWheel; public bool motor; public bool steering; } public class PlayerCar : MonoBehaviour { public InputActionReference vrJoystick; public List axleInfos; public Transform centerOfMass; public float maxMotorTorque; public float maxSteeringAngle; IVehicleLightsComponent lightsComponent; bool mainLights; bool brake; bool reverse; bool blinkLeft; bool blinkRifgt; float realtimeSinceStartup; Rigidbody rb; public InputActionProperty joystick; public InputActionAsset inputActions; public GameObject steeringWheel; private InputAction moveCar; UIInput inputScript; public Volume postProcessingVolume; private Vignette vignette; // To hold the vignette effect public float vignetteMin = 0.2f; // Minimum vignette intensity public float vignetteMax = 0.6f; // Maximum vignette intensity public float speedVignetteMultiplier = 0.01f; // How much speed affects vignette intensity private void OnEnable() { joystick.action.Enable(); } private void OnDisable() { joystick.action.Disable(); } private void Start() { GetComponent().centerOfMass = centerOfMass.localPosition; inputScript = gameObject.AddComponent().Initialize(); lightsComponent = gameObject.GetComponent(); lightsComponent.Initialize(); rb = GetComponent(); } // finds the corresponding visual wheel // correctly applies the transform public void ApplyLocalPositionToVisuals(WheelCollider collider) { if (collider.transform.childCount == 0) { return; } Transform visualWheel = collider.transform.GetChild(0); Vector3 position; Quaternion rotation; collider.GetWorldPose(out position, out rotation); visualWheel.transform.position = position; visualWheel.transform.rotation = rotation; } public void UpdateSteeringWheel(float steering) { steeringWheel.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.forward * steering * 2 *-1; } public void FixedUpdate() { Vector2 joystickInput = vrJoystick.action.ReadValue(); float motor = maxMotorTorque * (inputScript.GetVerticalInput() + joystickInput.y); float steering = maxSteeringAngle * (inputScript.GetHorizontalInput() + joystickInput.x); UpdateSteeringWheel(steering); #if UNITY_6000_0_OR_NEWER var velocity = rb.linearVelocity; #else var velocity = rb.velocity; #endif float localVelocity = transform.InverseTransformDirection(velocity).z + 0.1f; reverse = false; brake = false; if (localVelocity < 0) { reverse = true; } if (motor < 0) { if (localVelocity > 0) { brake = true; } } else { if (motor > 0) { if (localVelocity < 0) { brake = true; } } } foreach (AxleInfo axleInfo in axleInfos) { if (axleInfo.steering) { axleInfo.leftWheel.steerAngle = steering; axleInfo.rightWheel.steerAngle = steering; } if (axleInfo.motor) { axleInfo.leftWheel.motorTorque = motor; axleInfo.rightWheel.motorTorque = motor; } ApplyLocalPositionToVisuals(axleInfo.leftWheel); ApplyLocalPositionToVisuals(axleInfo.rightWheel); } UpdateVignetteEffect(localVelocity); } private void UpdateVignetteEffect(float localVelocity) { if (vignette != null) { // Calculate vignette intensity based on speed float speed = Mathf.Abs(localVelocity); float vignetteIntensity = Mathf.Clamp(vignetteMin + speed * speedVignetteMultiplier, vignetteMin, vignetteMax); vignette.smoothness.Override(vignetteIntensity); } } private void Update() { realtimeSinceStartup += Time.deltaTime; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { mainLights = !mainLights; lightsComponent.SetMainLights(mainLights); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q)) { blinkLeft = !blinkLeft; if (blinkLeft == true) { blinkRifgt = false; lightsComponent.SetBlinker(BlinkType.BlinkLeft); } else { lightsComponent.SetBlinker(BlinkType.Stop); } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) { blinkRifgt = !blinkRifgt; if (blinkRifgt == true) { blinkLeft = false; lightsComponent.SetBlinker(BlinkType.BlinkRight); } else { lightsComponent.SetBlinker(BlinkType.Stop); } } lightsComponent.SetBrakeLights(brake); lightsComponent.SetReverseLights(reverse); lightsComponent.UpdateLights(realtimeSinceStartup); } } }