using UnityEngine; namespace RoadArchitect { [System.Serializable] public class Construction3DTri { public Vector3 P1, P2, P3; const float NearDist = 0.15f; const float NearDistSQ = 0.0225f; Vector2[] poly2D; Vector3[] poly3D; public float MaxDistance = 200f; public float MaxDistanceSq = 200f; public Vector3 normal = default(Vector3); public Vector3 pMiddle = default(Vector3); public float MinI = 0f; public float MaxI = 1f; public Construction3DTri(Vector3 _P1, Vector3 _P2, Vector3 _P3, float _MinI, float _MaxI) { MinI = _MinI; MaxI = _MaxI; P1 = _P1; P2 = _P2; P3 = _P3; poly2D = new Vector2[3]; poly2D[0] = new Vector2(P1.x, P1.z); poly2D[1] = new Vector2(P2.x, P2.z); poly2D[2] = new Vector2(P3.x, P3.z); poly3D = new Vector3[3]; poly3D[0] = P1; poly3D[1] = P2; poly3D[2] = P3; float[] tMaxes = new float[3]; tMaxes[0] = Vector3.Distance(P1, P2); tMaxes[1] = Vector3.Distance(P1, P3); tMaxes[2] = Vector3.Distance(P2, P3); MaxDistance = Mathf.Max(tMaxes) * 1.5f; float[] tMaxesSQ = new float[3]; tMaxesSQ[0] = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(P1 - P2); tMaxesSQ[1] = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(P1 - P3); tMaxesSQ[2] = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(P2 - P3); MaxDistanceSq = Mathf.Max(tMaxesSQ) * 1.5f; PlaneFrom3Points(out normal, out pMiddle, P1, P2, P3); normal = Vector3.Cross((P3 - P1), (P2 - P1)); //////This creates middle point: //Vector3 tMiddle1 = ((P3 - P1) * 0.5f) + P1; //Vector3 tMiddle2 = ((P2 - P1) * 0.5f) + P1; //pMiddle = ((tMiddle2 - tMiddle1) * 0.5f) + tMiddle1; } /// Get the intersection between a line and a plane. /// If the line and plane are not parallel, the function outputs true, otherwise false. public Vector3 LinePlaneIntersection(ref Vector3 _F1) { _F1.y = 0f; //calculate the distance between the linePoint and the line-plane intersection point float dotNumerator = Vector3.Dot((pMiddle - _F1), normal); float dotDenominator = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.up.normalized, normal); //line and plane are not parallel if (!RootUtils.IsApproximately(0f, dotDenominator, 0.001f)) { //get the coordinates of the line-plane intersection point return (_F1 + (Vector3.up.normalized * (dotNumerator / dotDenominator))); } else { //output not valid return default(Vector3); } } /// Convert a plane defined by 3 points to a plane defined by a vector and a point. /// The plane point is the middle of the triangle defined by the 3 points. public static void PlaneFrom3Points(out Vector3 _planeNormal, out Vector3 _planePoint, Vector3 _pointA, Vector3 _pointB, Vector3 _pointC) { _planeNormal =; _planePoint =; //Make two vectors from the 3 input points, originating from point A Vector3 AB = _pointB - _pointA; Vector3 AC = _pointC - _pointA; //Calculate the normal _planeNormal = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(AB, AC)); //Get the points in the middle AB and AC Vector3 middleAB = _pointA + (AB / 2.0f); Vector3 middleAC = _pointA + (AC / 2.0f); //Get vectors from the middle of AB and AC to the point which is not on that line. Vector3 middleABtoC = _pointC - middleAB; Vector3 middleACtoB = _pointB - middleAC; //Calculate the intersection between the two lines. This will be the center //of the triangle defined by the 3 points. //We could use LineLineIntersection instead of ClosestPointsOnTwoLines but due to rounding errors //this sometimes doesn't work. Vector3 temp; ClosestPointsOnTwoLines(out _planePoint, out temp, middleAB, middleABtoC, middleAC, middleACtoB); } /// Two non-parallel lines which may or may not touch each other have a point on each line which are closest /// to each other. This function finds those two points. If the lines are not parallel, the function /// outputs true, otherwise false. public static bool ClosestPointsOnTwoLines(out Vector3 _closestPointLine1, out Vector3 _closestPointLine2, Vector3 _linePoint1, Vector3 _lineVec1, Vector3 _linePoint2, Vector3 _lineVec2) { _closestPointLine1 =; _closestPointLine2 =; float a = Vector3.Dot(_lineVec1, _lineVec1); float b = Vector3.Dot(_lineVec1, _lineVec2); float e = Vector3.Dot(_lineVec2, _lineVec2); float d = a * e - b * b; //lines are not parallel if (d != 0.0f) { Vector3 r = _linePoint1 - _linePoint2; float c = Vector3.Dot(_lineVec1, r); float f = Vector3.Dot(_lineVec2, r); float s = (b * f - c * e) / d; float t = (a * f - c * b) / d; _closestPointLine1 = _linePoint1 + _lineVec1 * s; _closestPointLine2 = _linePoint2 + _lineVec2 * t; return true; } else { return false; } } /// Creates a vector of direction _vector with length _size public static Vector3 SetVectorLength(Vector3 _vector, float _size) { //normalize the vector Vector3 vectorNormalized = Vector3.Normalize(_vector); //scale the vector return vectorNormalized *= _size; } /// Returns true if _p is contained in this public bool Contains2D(ref Vector2 _p) { if (Vector2.SqrMagnitude(_p - poly2D[0]) > MaxDistanceSq) { return false; } //if(Vector2.Distance(p,P1) > MaxDistance) //{ // return false; //} //if(poly2D.Length != 3) //{ // return false; //} Vector2 x1; Vector2 x2; Vector2 oldPoint; Vector2 newPoint; bool inside = false; oldPoint = new Vector2(poly2D[3 - 1].x, poly2D[3 - 1].y); for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++) { newPoint = new Vector2(poly2D[index].x, poly2D[index].y); if (newPoint.x > oldPoint.x) { x1 = oldPoint; x2 = newPoint; } else { x1 = newPoint; x2 = oldPoint; } if ((newPoint.x < _p.x) == (_p.x <= oldPoint.x) && (_p.y - x1.y) * (x2.x - x1.x) < (x2.y - x1.y) * (_p.x - x1.x)) { inside = !inside; } oldPoint = newPoint; } return inside; } /// Returns true if Vector2(_p.x, _p.z) is contained in this public bool Contains2D(ref Vector3 _p) { Vector2 tVect = new Vector2(_p.x, _p.z); return Contains2D(ref tVect); } /// Returns true if _vect is near the P1-P3 values public bool Near(ref Vector3 _vect, out Vector3 _nearVect) { if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(_vect - P1) > MaxDistanceSq) { //if(Vector3.Distance(tVect,P1) > MaxDistance){ _nearVect = default(Vector3); return false; } //if(Vector3.Distance(tVect,P1) < NearDist){ if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(_vect - P1) < NearDistSQ) { _nearVect = P1; return true; } //if(Vector3.Distance(tVect,P2) < NearDist){ if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(_vect - P2) < NearDistSQ) { _nearVect = P2; return true; } //if(Vector3.Distance(tVect,P3) < NearDist){ if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(_vect - P3) < NearDistSQ) { _nearVect = P3; return true; } _nearVect = default(Vector3); return false; } public string ToStringRA() { return ("P1:" + P1.ToString() + " P2:" + P2.ToString() + " P3:" + P3.ToString()); } } }