using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace RoadArchitect { public static class IntersectionObjects { /// Destroy all intersection objects public static void CleanupIntersectionObjects(GameObject _masterGameObj) { int childCount = _masterGameObj.transform.childCount - 1; if (childCount < 0) { return; } Transform child; for (int index = childCount; index >= 0; index--) { child = _masterGameObj.transform.GetChild(index); if ("stopsign")) { Object.DestroyImmediate(child.gameObject); continue; } if ("trafficlight")) { Object.DestroyImmediate(child.gameObject); } } } #region "Stop Sign All Way" public static void CreateStopSignsAllWay(GameObject _masterGameObj, bool _isRB = true) { CreateStopSignsAllWayDo(ref _masterGameObj, _isRB); } /// Adds a rigidbody to the stop signs private static void AddRigidbodyToSign(GameObject _obj, bool _isRB) { if (_isRB) { Rigidbody RB = _obj.AddComponent(); RB.mass = 100f; RB.centerOfMass = new Vector3(0f, -10f, 0f); RB.useGravity = false; RB.isKinematic = true; } } /// Creates the stop signs on a cross or T intersection private static void CreateStopSignsAllWayDo(ref GameObject _masterGameObj, bool _isRB) { Object prefab; prefab = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath(RoadEditorUtility.GetBasePath() + "/Prefabs/Signs/StopSignAllway.prefab"); RoadIntersection roadIntersection = _masterGameObj.GetComponent(); SplineC spline = roadIntersection.node1.spline; GameObject tObj = null; //Vector3 xDir = default(Vector3); Vector3 tDir = default(Vector3); //float roadWidth = spline.road.RoadWidth(); //float laneWidth = spline.road.laneWidth; float ShoulderWidth = spline.road.shoulderWidth; //Cleanup: CleanupIntersectionObjects(_masterGameObj); //Get four points: float DistFromCorner = (ShoulderWidth * 0.45f); Vector3 tPosRR = default(Vector3); Vector3 tPosRL = default(Vector3); Vector3 tPosLR = default(Vector3); Vector3 tPosLL = default(Vector3); GetFourPoints(roadIntersection, out tPosRR, out tPosRL, out tPosLL, out tPosLR, DistFromCorner); //RR: spline = roadIntersection.node1.spline; tObj = Object.Instantiate(prefab,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; //xDir = (roadIntersection.CornerRR - roadIntersection.transform.position).normalized; tDir = StopSignGetRotRR(roadIntersection, spline); tObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f); AddRigidbodyToSign(tObj, _isRB); tObj.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; tObj.transform.position = tPosRR; = "StopSignRR"; if (roadIntersection.ignoreCorner == 0) { Object.DestroyImmediate(tObj); } //LL: spline = roadIntersection.node1.spline; tObj = Object.Instantiate(prefab,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; //xDir = (roadIntersection.CornerLL - roadIntersection.transform.position).normalized; tDir = StopSignGetRotLL(roadIntersection, spline); tObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f); AddRigidbodyToSign(tObj, _isRB); tObj.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; tObj.transform.position = tPosLL; = "StopSignLL"; if (roadIntersection.ignoreCorner == 2) { Object.DestroyImmediate(tObj); } //RL: spline = roadIntersection.node2.spline; tObj = Object.Instantiate(prefab,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; //xDir = (roadIntersection.CornerRL - roadIntersection.transform.position).normalized; tDir = StopSignGetRotRL(roadIntersection, spline); tObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f); AddRigidbodyToSign(tObj, _isRB); tObj.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; tObj.transform.position = tPosRL; = "StopSignRL"; if (roadIntersection.ignoreCorner == 1) { Object.DestroyImmediate(tObj); } //LR: spline = roadIntersection.node2.spline; tObj = Object.Instantiate(prefab,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; //xDir = (roadIntersection.CornerLR - roadIntersection.transform.position).normalized; tDir = StopSignGetRotLR(roadIntersection, spline); tObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f); AddRigidbodyToSign(tObj, _isRB); tObj.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; tObj.transform.position = tPosLR; = "StopSignLR"; if (roadIntersection.ignoreCorner == 3) { Object.DestroyImmediate(tObj); } } /// Returns rotation for stop sign right right private static Vector3 StopSignGetRotRR(RoadIntersection _intersection, SplineC _spline) { float tDist = ((Vector3.Distance(_intersection.cornerRL, _intersection.cornerRR) / 2f) + (0.025f * Vector3.Distance(_intersection.cornerLL, _intersection.cornerRR))) / _spline.distance; float p = Mathf.Clamp(_intersection.node1.time - tDist, 0f, 1f); Vector3 rotation = _spline.GetSplineValue(p, true); return (rotation * -1); } /// Returns rotation for stop sign left left private static Vector3 StopSignGetRotLL(RoadIntersection _intersection, SplineC _spline) { float tDist = ((Vector3.Distance(_intersection.cornerLR, _intersection.cornerLL) / 2f) + (0.025f * Vector3.Distance(_intersection.cornerLL, _intersection.cornerRR))) / _spline.distance; float p = Mathf.Clamp(_intersection.node1.time + tDist, 0f, 1f); Vector3 rotation = _spline.GetSplineValue(p, true); return rotation; } /// Returns rotation for stop sign right left private static Vector3 StopSignGetRotRL(RoadIntersection _intersetion, SplineC _spline) { float tDist = ((Vector3.Distance(_intersetion.cornerLL, _intersetion.cornerRL) / 2f) + (0.025f * Vector3.Distance(_intersetion.cornerLR, _intersetion.cornerRL))) / _spline.distance; float p = -1f; if (_intersetion.isFlipped) { p = Mathf.Clamp(_intersetion.node2.time - tDist, 0f, 1f); } else { p = Mathf.Clamp(_intersetion.node2.time + tDist, 0f, 1f); } Vector3 rotation = _spline.GetSplineValue(p, true); //rotation = Vector3.Cross(rotation, Vector3.up); if (_intersetion.isFlipped) { return (rotation * -1); } else { return rotation; } } /// Returns rotation for stop sign left right private static Vector3 StopSignGetRotLR(RoadIntersection _intersection, SplineC _spline) { float tDist = ((Vector3.Distance(_intersection.cornerRR, _intersection.cornerLR) / 2f) + (0.025f * Vector3.Distance(_intersection.cornerLR, _intersection.cornerRL))) / _spline.distance; float p = -1f; if (_intersection.isFlipped) { p = Mathf.Clamp(_intersection.node2.time + tDist, 0f, 1f); } else { p = Mathf.Clamp(_intersection.node2.time - tDist, 0f, 1f); } Vector3 rotation = _spline.GetSplineValue(p, true); //rotation = Vector3.Cross(rotation, Vector3.up); if (_intersection.isFlipped) { return rotation; } else { return (rotation * -1); } } #endregion #region "Traffic light bases" /// Creates and rotates the traffic light bases public static void CreateTrafficLightBases(GameObject _masterGameObj, bool _isTrafficLight1 = true) { RoadIntersection intersection = _masterGameObj.GetComponent(); SplineC spline = intersection.node1.spline; bool isRB = true; //float RoadWidth = spline.road.RoadWidth(); float LaneWidth = spline.road.laneWidth; float ShoulderWidth = spline.road.shoulderWidth; int Lanes = spline.road.laneAmount; int LanesHalf = Lanes / 2; float LanesForInter = -1; if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes) { LanesForInter = LanesHalf + 1f; } else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane) { LanesForInter = LanesHalf + 1f; } else { LanesForInter = LanesHalf; } float DistFromCorner = (ShoulderWidth * 0.45f); float TLDistance = (LanesForInter * LaneWidth) + DistFromCorner; GameObject tObjRR = null; GameObject tObjRL = null; GameObject tObjLL = null; GameObject tObjLR = null; //Vector3 xDir = default(Vector3); Vector3 tDir = default(Vector3); Vector3 zeroVect = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); Vector3 StartVec = default(Vector3); Vector3 EndVec = default(Vector3); //bool bContains = false; //MeshFilter MF = null; //Vector3[] tVerts = null; //Get four points: Vector3 tPosRR = default(Vector3); Vector3 tPosRL = default(Vector3); Vector3 tPosLR = default(Vector3); Vector3 tPosLL = default(Vector3); GetFourPoints(intersection, out tPosRR, out tPosRL, out tPosLL, out tPosLR, DistFromCorner); //Cleanup: CleanupIntersectionObjects(_masterGameObj); float[] tempDistances = new float[4]; tempDistances[0] = Vector3.Distance(intersection.cornerRL, intersection.cornerLL); tempDistances[1] = Vector3.Distance(intersection.cornerRL, intersection.cornerRR); tempDistances[2] = Vector3.Distance(intersection.cornerLR, intersection.cornerLL); tempDistances[3] = Vector3.Distance(intersection.cornerLR, intersection.cornerRR); float MaxDistanceStart = Mathf.Max(tempDistances); bool OrigPoleAlignment = intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment; //Node1: //RL: tObjRL = CreateTrafficLight(TLDistance, true, true, MaxDistanceStart, intersection.isTrafficPoleStreetLight, spline.road.isSavingMeshes); //xDir = (intersection.cornerRL - intersection.transform.position).normalized; tDir = TrafficLightBaseGetRotRL(intersection, spline, DistFromCorner); if (tDir == zeroVect) { tDir = new Vector3(0f, 0.0001f, 0f); } tObjRL.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, -180f, 0f); tObjRL.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; StartVec = tPosRL; EndVec = (tDir.normalized * TLDistance) + StartVec; if (!intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment && intersection.ContainsLine(StartVec, EndVec)) { //Convert to regular alignment if necessary tObjRL.transform.parent = null; tDir = TrafficLightBaseGetRotRL(intersection, spline, DistFromCorner, true); if (tDir == zeroVect) { tDir = new Vector3(0f, 0.0001f, 0f); } tObjRL.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, -180f, 0f); tObjRL.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; } else { intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment = true; Object.DestroyImmediate(tObjRL); tObjRL = CreateTrafficLight(TLDistance, true, true, MaxDistanceStart, intersection.isTrafficPoleStreetLight, spline.road.isSavingMeshes); //xDir = (intersection.cornerRL - intersection.transform.position).normalized; tDir = TrafficLightBaseGetRotRL(intersection, spline, DistFromCorner); if (tDir == zeroVect) { tDir = new Vector3(0f, 0.0001f, 0f); } tObjRL.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, -180f, 0f); tObjRL.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; StartVec = tPosRL; EndVec = (tDir.normalized * TLDistance) + StartVec; intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment = OrigPoleAlignment; } tObjRL.transform.position = tPosRL; = "TrafficLightRL"; AddRigidbodyToTrafficLight(tObjRL, isRB); //LR: tObjLR = CreateTrafficLight(TLDistance, true, true, MaxDistanceStart, intersection.isTrafficPoleStreetLight, spline.road.isSavingMeshes); //xDir = (intersection.cornerLR - intersection.transform.position).normalized; tDir = TrafficLightBaseGetRotLR(intersection, spline, DistFromCorner); if (tDir == zeroVect) { tDir = new Vector3(0f, 0.0001f, 0f); } tObjLR.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, -180f, 0f); tObjLR.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; StartVec = tPosLR; EndVec = (tDir.normalized * TLDistance) + StartVec; if (!intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment && intersection.ContainsLine(StartVec, EndVec)) { //Convert to regular alignment if necessary tObjLR.transform.parent = null; tDir = TrafficLightBaseGetRotLR(intersection, spline, DistFromCorner, true); if (tDir == zeroVect) { tDir = new Vector3(0f, 0.0001f, 0f); } tObjLR.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, -180f, 0f); tObjLR.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; } else { intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment = true; Object.DestroyImmediate(tObjLR); tObjLR = CreateTrafficLight(TLDistance, true, true, MaxDistanceStart, intersection.isTrafficPoleStreetLight, spline.road.isSavingMeshes); //xDir = (intersection.cornerLR - intersection.transform.position).normalized; tDir = TrafficLightBaseGetRotLR(intersection, spline, DistFromCorner); if (tDir == zeroVect) { tDir = new Vector3(0f, 0.0001f, 0f); } tObjLR.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, -180f, 0f); tObjLR.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; StartVec = tPosLR; EndVec = (tDir.normalized * TLDistance) + StartVec; intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment = OrigPoleAlignment; } tObjLR.transform.position = tPosLR; = "TrafficLightLR"; AddRigidbodyToTrafficLight(tObjLR, isRB); //Node2: //RR: tObjRR = CreateTrafficLight(TLDistance, true, true, MaxDistanceStart, intersection.isTrafficPoleStreetLight, spline.road.isSavingMeshes); //xDir = (intersection.cornerRR - intersection.transform.position).normalized; tDir = TrafficLightBaseGetRotRR(intersection, spline, DistFromCorner); if (tDir == zeroVect) { tDir = new Vector3(0f, 0.0001f, 0f); } tObjRR.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, -180f, 0f); tObjRR.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; StartVec = tPosRR; EndVec = (tDir.normalized * TLDistance) + StartVec; if (!intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment && intersection.ContainsLine(StartVec, EndVec)) { //Convert to regular alignment if necessary tObjRR.transform.parent = null; tDir = TrafficLightBaseGetRotRR(intersection, spline, DistFromCorner, true); if (tDir == zeroVect) { tDir = new Vector3(0f, 0.0001f, 0f); } tObjRR.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 0f); tObjRR.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; } else { intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment = true; Object.DestroyImmediate(tObjRR); tObjRR = CreateTrafficLight(TLDistance, true, true, MaxDistanceStart, intersection.isTrafficPoleStreetLight, spline.road.isSavingMeshes); //xDir = (intersection.cornerRR - intersection.transform.position).normalized; tDir = TrafficLightBaseGetRotRR(intersection, spline, DistFromCorner); if (tDir == zeroVect) { tDir = new Vector3(0f, 0.0001f, 0f); } tObjRR.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, -180f, 0f); tObjRR.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; StartVec = tPosRR; EndVec = (tDir.normalized * TLDistance) + StartVec; intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment = OrigPoleAlignment; } tObjRR.transform.position = tPosRR; = "TrafficLightRR"; AddRigidbodyToTrafficLight(tObjRR, isRB); //LL: tObjLL = CreateTrafficLight(TLDistance, true, true, MaxDistanceStart, intersection.isTrafficPoleStreetLight, spline.road.isSavingMeshes); //xDir = (intersection.cornerLL - intersection.transform.position).normalized; tDir = TrafficLightBaseGetRotLL(intersection, spline, DistFromCorner); if (tDir == zeroVect) { tDir = new Vector3(0f, 0.0001f, 0f); } tObjLL.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, -180f, 0f); tObjLL.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; StartVec = tPosLL; EndVec = (tDir.normalized * TLDistance) + StartVec; if (!intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment && intersection.ContainsLine(StartVec, EndVec)) { //Convert to regular alignment if necessary tObjLL.transform.parent = null; tDir = TrafficLightBaseGetRotLL(intersection, spline, DistFromCorner, true); if (tDir == zeroVect) { tDir = new Vector3(0f, 0.0001f, 0f); } tObjLL.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 0f); tObjLL.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; } else { intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment = true; Object.DestroyImmediate(tObjLL); tObjLL = CreateTrafficLight(TLDistance, true, true, MaxDistanceStart, intersection.isTrafficPoleStreetLight, spline.road.isSavingMeshes); //xDir = (intersection.cornerLL - intersection.transform.position).normalized; tDir = TrafficLightBaseGetRotLL(intersection, spline, DistFromCorner); if (tDir == zeroVect) { tDir = new Vector3(0f, 0.0001f, 0f); } tObjLL.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tDir) * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, -180f, 0f); tObjLL.transform.parent = _masterGameObj.transform; StartVec = tPosLL; EndVec = (tDir.normalized * TLDistance) + StartVec; intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment = OrigPoleAlignment; } tObjLL.transform.position = tPosLL; = "TrafficLightLL"; AddRigidbodyToTrafficLight(tObjLL, isRB); //Create the actual lights: CreateTrafficLightMains(_masterGameObj, tObjRR, tObjRL, tObjLL, tObjLR); intersection.TogglePointLights(intersection.isLightsEnabled); } /// Adds a rigidbody to the traffic lights private static void AddRigidbodyToTrafficLight(GameObject _obj, bool _isRB) { if (_isRB) { Rigidbody RB = _obj.AddComponent(); RB.mass = 12500f; RB.centerOfMass = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 4f); _obj.AddComponent(); } } private static bool IsTrafficLightBaseInIntersection(RoadIntersection _intersection, ref Vector3 _startVec, ref Vector3 _endVec) { return _intersection.ContainsLine(_startVec, _endVec); } private static GameObject CreateTrafficLight(float _distance, bool _isTrafficLight1, bool _isOptionalCollider, float _distanceX, bool _isLight, bool _isSavingAsset) { GameObject tObj = null; string tTrafficLightNumber = "1"; if (!_isTrafficLight1) { tTrafficLightNumber = "2"; } bool bDoCustom = false; //Round up to nearest whole F _distanceX = Mathf.Ceil(_distanceX); _distance = Mathf.Ceil(_distance); //string assetName = "InterTLB" + tTrafficLightNumber + "_" + tDistance.ToString("F0") + "_" + xDistance.ToString("F0") + ".prefab"; string assetNameAsset = "InterTLB" + tTrafficLightNumber + "_" + _distance.ToString("F0") + "_" + _distanceX.ToString("F0") + ".asset"; string BackupFBX = "InterTLB" + tTrafficLightNumber + ".FBX"; float tMod = _distance / 5f; float hMod = (_distance / 10f) * 0.7f; float xMod = ((_distanceX / 20f) + 2f) * 0.3334f; xMod = Mathf.Clamp(xMod, 1f, 20f); tMod = Mathf.Clamp(tMod, 1f, 20f); hMod = Mathf.Clamp(hMod, 1f, 20f); bool bXMod = false; if (!RootUtils.IsApproximately(xMod, 1f, 0.0001f)) { bXMod = true; } string basePath = RoadEditorUtility.GetBasePath(); Mesh xMesh; xMesh = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath(basePath + "/Mesh/Signs/TrafficLightBases/" + assetNameAsset); if (xMesh == null) { xMesh = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath(basePath + "/Mesh/Signs/TrafficLightBases/" + BackupFBX); bDoCustom = true; } tObj = new GameObject("TempTrafficLight"); MeshFilter MF = tObj.AddComponent(); MeshRenderer MR = tObj.AddComponent(); RoadEditorUtility.SetRoadMaterial(basePath + "/Materials/Signs/InterTLB" + tTrafficLightNumber + ".mat", MR); if (!bDoCustom) { MF.sharedMesh = xMesh; } float tempMaxHeight = 7.6f * hMod; float xValue = tempMaxHeight - 7.6f; if (bDoCustom) { Mesh tMesh = new Mesh(); tMesh.vertices = xMesh.vertices; tMesh.triangles = xMesh.triangles; tMesh.uv = xMesh.uv; tMesh.normals = xMesh.normals; tMesh.tangents = xMesh.tangents; MF.sharedMesh = tMesh; Vector3[] tVerts = tMesh.vertices; xValue = (xMod * 6f) - 6f; if ((xMod * 6f) > (tempMaxHeight - 1f)) { xValue = (tempMaxHeight - 1f) - 6f; } bool bIgnoreMe = false; int mCount = tVerts.Length; Vector2[] uv = tMesh.uv; //List tUVInts = new List(); for (int index = 0; index < mCount; index++) { bIgnoreMe = false; // Scale width of traffic light if (RootUtils.IsApproximately(tVerts[index].y, 5f, 0.01f)) { tVerts[index].y = _distance; if (uv[index].y > 3.5f) { uv[index].y *= tMod; } bIgnoreMe = true; } // Scale height of traffic light if (!bIgnoreMe && tVerts[index].z > 7.5f) { tVerts[index].z *= hMod; if (uv[index].y > 3.8f) { uv[index].y *= hMod; } } // Increase overall height of mesh if (bXMod && tVerts[index].z > 4.8f && tVerts[index].z < 6.2f) { //tVerts[index].z += xValue; } } tMesh.vertices = tVerts; tMesh.uv = uv; tMesh.RecalculateNormals(); tMesh.RecalculateBounds(); //Save: if (_isSavingAsset) { EngineIntegration.CreateAsset(tMesh, basePath + "/Mesh/Signs/TrafficLightBases/" + assetNameAsset); } } BoxCollider BC = tObj.AddComponent(); float MaxHeight = MF.sharedMesh.bounds.size.z; BC.size = new Vector3(0.35f, 0.35f, MaxHeight); = new Vector3(0f, 0f, (MaxHeight / 2f)); // Todo: Should be moved where tMesh is getting scaled with lanes /* if (_isOptionalCollider) { float MaxWidth = MF.sharedMesh.bounds.size.y; GameObject tObjCollider = new GameObject("col2"); BC = tObjCollider.AddComponent(); BC.size = new Vector3(0.175f, MaxWidth, 0.175f); // Needs adjustment depending on lanes and turn lanes = new Vector3(0f, MaxWidth / 2f, 5.808f); tObjCollider.transform.parent = tObj.transform; } */ if (_isLight) { GameObject yObj; yObj = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath(basePath + "/Prefabs/Signs/TrafficLight.prefab"); GameObject kObj = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(yObj); kObj.transform.position = tObj.transform.position; kObj.transform.position += new Vector3(0f, 0f, MaxHeight - 7.6f); kObj.transform.parent = tObj.transform; kObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; = "StreetLight"; } //Bounds calcs: MeshFilter[] tMeshes = tObj.GetComponents(); for (int index = 0; index < tMeshes.Length; index++) { tMeshes[index].sharedMesh.RecalculateBounds(); } return tObj; } private static Vector3 TrafficLightBaseGetRotRL(RoadIntersection _intersection, SplineC _spline, float _distFromCorner, bool _isOverridingRegular = false) { Vector3 rotation = default(Vector3); if (!_intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment && !_isOverridingRegular) { //float dist = ((Vector3.Distance(_intersection.cornerRR, _intersection.cornerRL) / 2f) + _distFromCorner) / _spline.distance; float p = Mathf.Clamp(_intersection.node1.time, 0f, 1f); rotation = _spline.GetSplineValue(p, true); rotation = Vector3.Cross(rotation, Vector3.up); return rotation; } else { rotation = _intersection.cornerRL - _intersection.cornerLL; return rotation * -1; } } private static Vector3 TrafficLightBaseGetRotLR(RoadIntersection _intersection, SplineC _spline, float _distFromCorner, bool _isOverridingRegular = false) { Vector3 rotation = default(Vector3); if (!_intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment && !_isOverridingRegular) { //float dist = ((Vector3.Distance(_intersection.cornerLR, _intersection.cornerLL) / 2f) + _distFromCorner) / _spline.distance; float p = Mathf.Clamp(_intersection.node1.time, 0f, 1f); rotation = _spline.GetSplineValue(p, true); rotation = Vector3.Cross(rotation, Vector3.up); return rotation * -1; } else { rotation = _intersection.cornerRR - _intersection.cornerLR; return rotation; } } private static Vector3 TrafficLightBaseGetRotRR(RoadIntersection _intersection, SplineC _spline, float _distFromCorner, bool _isOverridingRegular = false) { Vector3 rotation = default(Vector3); if (!_intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment && !_isOverridingRegular) { //float dist = ((Vector3.Distance(_intersection.cornerRR, _intersection.cornerLR) / 2f) + _distFromCorner) / _spline.distance; float p = Mathf.Clamp(_intersection.node2.time, 0f, 1f); rotation = _spline.GetSplineValue(p, true); rotation = Vector3.Cross(rotation, Vector3.up); if (_intersection.isFlipped) { rotation = rotation * -1; } } else { rotation = _intersection.cornerLL - _intersection.cornerLR; } return rotation; } private static Vector3 TrafficLightBaseGetRotLL(RoadIntersection _intersection, SplineC _spline, float _distFromCorner, bool _isOverridingRegular = false) { Vector3 rotation = default(Vector3); if (!_intersection.isRegularPoleAlignment && !_isOverridingRegular) { //float dist = ((Vector3.Distance(_intersection.cornerLL, _intersection.cornerRL) / 2f) + _distFromCorner) / _spline.distance; float p = Mathf.Clamp(_intersection.node2.time, 0f, 1f); rotation = _spline.GetSplineValue(p, true); rotation = Vector3.Cross(rotation, Vector3.up); if (_intersection.isFlipped) { rotation = rotation * -1; } } else { rotation = _intersection.cornerRL - _intersection.cornerRR; } return rotation * -1; } #endregion #region "Traffic light mains" private static void CreateTrafficLightMains(GameObject _masterGameObj, GameObject _RR, GameObject _RL, GameObject _LL, GameObject _LR) { RoadIntersection roadIntersection = _masterGameObj.GetComponent(); SplineC tSpline = roadIntersection.node1.spline; float tDist = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.cornerRL, roadIntersection.cornerRR) / 2f) / tSpline.distance; Vector3 tan = tSpline.GetSplineValue(roadIntersection.node1.time + tDist, true); ProcessPole(_masterGameObj, _RL, tan * -1, 1, Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.cornerRL, roadIntersection.cornerRR)); tDist = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.cornerLR, roadIntersection.cornerLL) / 2f) / tSpline.distance; tan = tSpline.GetSplineValue(roadIntersection.node1.time - tDist, true); ProcessPole(_masterGameObj, _LR, tan, 3, Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.cornerLR, roadIntersection.cornerLL)); float InterDist = Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.cornerRL, roadIntersection.cornerLL); tDist = (InterDist / 2f) / tSpline.distance; tan = tSpline.GetSplineValue(roadIntersection.node1.time + tDist, true); float fTime1 = roadIntersection.node2.time + tDist; float fTime2neg = roadIntersection.node2.time - tDist; tSpline = roadIntersection.node2.spline; if (roadIntersection.isFlipped) { tan = tSpline.GetSplineValue(fTime1, true); ProcessPole(_masterGameObj, _RR, tan, 0, InterDist); tan = tSpline.GetSplineValue(fTime2neg, true); ProcessPole(_masterGameObj, _LL, tan * -1, 2, InterDist); } else { tan = tSpline.GetSplineValue(fTime2neg, true); ProcessPole(_masterGameObj, _RR, tan * -1, 0, InterDist); tan = tSpline.GetSplineValue(fTime1, true); ProcessPole(_masterGameObj, _LL, tan, 2, InterDist); } // Delete objects on specific corners if (roadIntersection.ignoreCorner == 0) { Object.DestroyImmediate(_RR); } else if (roadIntersection.ignoreCorner == 1) { Object.DestroyImmediate(_RL); } else if (roadIntersection.ignoreCorner == 2) { Object.DestroyImmediate(_LL); } else if (roadIntersection.ignoreCorner == 3) { Object.DestroyImmediate(_LR); } } private static void AdjustLightPrefab(GameObject _light) { string basePath = RoadEditorUtility.GetBasePath(); foreach (Light light in _light.GetComponentsInChildren()) { if (light.type == LightType.Point) { light.flare = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath(basePath + "/Flares/SodiumBulb.flare"); } } } /// Creates traffic lights private static void ProcessPole(GameObject _masterGameObj, GameObject _obj, Vector3 _tan, int _corner, float _interDist) { RoadIntersection intersection = _masterGameObj.GetComponent(); SplineC spline = intersection.node1.spline; //float RoadWidth = tSpline.road.RoadWidth(); float LaneWidth = spline.road.laneWidth; float ShoulderWidth = spline.road.shoulderWidth; int Lanes = spline.road.laneAmount; int LanesHalf = Lanes / 2; float LanesForInter = -1; if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes) { LanesForInter = LanesHalf + 1f; } else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane) { LanesForInter = LanesHalf + 1f; } else { LanesForInter = LanesHalf; } float DistFromCorner = (ShoulderWidth * 0.35f); float TLDistance = (LanesForInter * LaneWidth) + DistFromCorner; MeshFilter MF = _obj.GetComponent(); Mesh tMesh = MF.sharedMesh; Vector3[] tVerts = tMesh.vertices; Vector3 StartVec = new Vector3(0f, 0.5f, 5.8f); Vector3 EndVec = new Vector3(0f, tMesh.bounds.extents.y * 2, 5.8f); StartVec = (((EndVec - StartVec) * (DistFromCorner / TLDistance)) + StartVec); Vector3 tLanePosR = StartVec - new Vector3(0f, 1.6f, 0.5f); float SmallerDist = Vector3.Distance(StartVec, EndVec); //StartVec = Corner //2.5m = lane //7.5m = lane //12.5m = lane Vector3[] tLanePos = new Vector3[LanesHalf]; for (int index = 0; index < LanesHalf; index++) { tLanePos[index] = (((EndVec - StartVec) * (((LaneWidth * 0.5f) + (index * LaneWidth)) / SmallerDist)) + StartVec); } Vector3 tLanePosL = default(Vector3); Vector3 tLanePosL_Sign = default(Vector3); if (intersection.isLeftTurnYieldOnGreen) { tLanePosL = ((EndVec - StartVec) * ((SmallerDist - 1.8f) / SmallerDist)) + StartVec; tLanePosL_Sign = ((EndVec - StartVec) * ((SmallerDist - 3.2f) / SmallerDist)) + StartVec; } else { tLanePosL = ((EndVec - StartVec) * ((SmallerDist - 2.5f) / SmallerDist)) + StartVec; } Vector3 tPos1 = default(Vector3); if (_corner == 0) { //RR tPos1 = intersection.cornerLR; } else if (_corner == 1) { //RL tPos1 = intersection.cornerRR; } else if (_corner == 2) { //LL tPos1 = intersection.cornerRL; } else if (_corner == 3) { //LR tPos1 = intersection.cornerLL; } int mCount = tLanePos.Length; float mDistance = -50000f; float tDistance = 0f; for (int index = 0; index < mCount; index++) { tDistance = Vector3.Distance(_obj.transform.TransformPoint(tLanePos[index]), tPos1); if (tDistance > mDistance) { mDistance = tDistance; } } tDistance = Vector3.Distance(_obj.transform.TransformPoint(tLanePosL), tPos1); if (tDistance > mDistance) { mDistance = tDistance; } tDistance = Vector3.Distance(_obj.transform.TransformPoint(tLanePosR), tPos1); if (tDistance > mDistance) { mDistance = tDistance; } float tScaleSense = ((200f - intersection.scalingSense) / 200f) * 200f; tScaleSense = Mathf.Clamp(tScaleSense * 0.1f, 0f, 20f); float ScaleMod = ((mDistance / 17f) + tScaleSense) * (1f / (tScaleSense + 1f)); if (RootUtils.IsApproximately(tScaleSense, 20f, 0.05f)) { ScaleMod = 1f; } ScaleMod = Mathf.Clamp(ScaleMod, 1f, 1.5f); Vector3 tScale = new Vector3(ScaleMod, ScaleMod, ScaleMod); bool bScale = true; if (RootUtils.IsApproximately(ScaleMod, 1f, 0.001f)) { bScale = false; } //Debug.Log (mDistance + " " + ScaleMod + " " + tScaleSense); GameObject tRight = null; GameObject tLeft = null; GameObject tLeft_Sign = null; Object prefab = null; MeshRenderer MR_Left = null; MeshRenderer MR_Right = null; MeshRenderer[] MR_Mains = new MeshRenderer[LanesHalf]; int cCount = -1; string basePath = RoadEditorUtility.GetBasePath(); if (intersection.roadType != RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane) { if (intersection.isLeftTurnYieldOnGreen) { prefab = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath(basePath + "/Prefabs/Signs/TrafficLightLeftYield.prefab"); } else { prefab = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath(basePath + "/Prefabs/Signs/TrafficLightLeft.prefab"); } tLeft = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(prefab,, Quaternion.identity); AdjustLightPrefab(tLeft); tLeft.transform.position = _obj.transform.TransformPoint(tLanePosL); tLeft.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(_tan) * Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 0f); tLeft.transform.parent = _obj.transform; = "LightLeft"; cCount = tLeft.transform.childCount; for (int index = 0; index < cCount; index++) { if (tLeft.transform.GetChild(index).name.ToLower() == "lights") { MR_Left = tLeft.transform.GetChild(index).GetComponent(); } } if (bScale) { tLeft.transform.localScale = tScale; } if (intersection.isLeftTurnYieldOnGreen) { prefab = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath(basePath + "/Prefabs/Signs/YieldOnGreenSign.prefab"); tLeft_Sign = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(prefab,, Quaternion.identity); tLeft_Sign.transform.position = _obj.transform.TransformPoint(tLanePosL_Sign); tLeft_Sign.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(_tan) * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 90f, 0f); tLeft_Sign.transform.parent = _obj.transform; = "SignYieldOnGreen"; if (bScale) { tLeft_Sign.transform.localScale = tScale; } } } if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes) { prefab = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath(basePath + "/Prefabs/Signs/TrafficLightRight.prefab"); tRight = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(prefab,, Quaternion.identity); AdjustLightPrefab(tRight); tRight.transform.position = _obj.transform.TransformPoint(tLanePosR); tRight.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(_tan) * Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 0f); tRight.transform.parent = _obj.transform; = "LightRight"; if (bScale) { tRight.transform.localScale = tScale; } cCount = tRight.transform.childCount; for (int index = 0; index < cCount; index++) { if (tRight.transform.GetChild(index).name.ToLower() == "lights") { MR_Right = tRight.transform.GetChild(index).GetComponent(); } } } GameObject[] tLanes = new GameObject[LanesHalf]; prefab = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath(basePath + "/Prefabs/Signs/TrafficLightMain.prefab"); for (int index = 0; index < LanesHalf; index++) { tLanes[index] = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(prefab,, Quaternion.identity); AdjustLightPrefab(tLanes[index]); tLanes[index].transform.position = _obj.transform.TransformPoint(tLanePos[index]); tLanes[index].transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(_tan) * Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 0f); tLanes[index].transform.parent = _obj.transform; tLanes[index] = "Light" + index.ToString(); if (bScale) { tLanes[index].transform.localScale = tScale; } cCount = tLanes[index].transform.childCount; for (int j = 0; j < cCount; j++) { if (tLanes[index].transform.GetChild(j).name.ToLower() == "lights") { MR_Mains[index] = tLanes[index].transform.GetChild(j).GetComponent(); } } } TrafficLightController LM = new TrafficLightController(ref tLeft, ref tRight, ref tLanes, ref MR_Left, ref MR_Right, ref MR_Mains); if (_corner == 0) { intersection.lightsRR = LM; } else if (_corner == 1) { intersection.lightsRL = LM; } else if (_corner == 2) { intersection.lightsLL = LM; } else if (_corner == 3) { intersection.lightsLR = LM; } } #endregion /// Calculates and assigns the corner positions of the intersections public static void GetFourPoints(RoadIntersection _roadIntersection, out Vector3 _posRR, out Vector3 _posRL, out Vector3 _posLL, out Vector3 _posLR, float _distFromCorner) { //Get four points: float pos1 = 0f; float pos2 = 0f; Vector3 tan1 = default(Vector3); Vector3 tan2 = default(Vector3); float node1Width = -1f; float node2Width = -1f; Vector3 vectorRR = _roadIntersection.cornerRR; Vector3 vectorRL = _roadIntersection.cornerRL; Vector3 vectorLR = _roadIntersection.cornerLR; Vector3 vectorLL = _roadIntersection.cornerLL; Vector3 direction = default(Vector3); float shoulderWidth1 = _roadIntersection.node1.spline.road.shoulderWidth; float shoulderWidth2 = _roadIntersection.node2.spline.road.shoulderWidth; if (!_roadIntersection.isFlipped) { //RR: node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorRR, _roadIntersection.node1.pos) + shoulderWidth1) / _roadIntersection.node1.spline.distance; node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorRR, _roadIntersection.node2.pos) + shoulderWidth2) / _roadIntersection.node2.spline.distance; pos1 = _roadIntersection.node1.time - node1Width; tan1 = _roadIntersection.node1.spline.GetSplineValue(pos1, true) * -1f; pos2 = _roadIntersection.node2.time + node2Width; tan2 = _roadIntersection.node2.spline.GetSplineValue(pos2, true); direction = (tan1.normalized + tan2.normalized).normalized; _posRR = vectorRR + (direction * _distFromCorner); //RL: node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorRL, _roadIntersection.node1.pos) + shoulderWidth1) / _roadIntersection.node1.spline.distance; node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorRL, _roadIntersection.node2.pos) + shoulderWidth2) / _roadIntersection.node2.spline.distance; pos1 = _roadIntersection.node1.time + node1Width; if (_roadIntersection.intersectionType == RoadIntersection.IntersectionTypeEnum.ThreeWay) { pos1 = _roadIntersection.node1.time; } tan1 = _roadIntersection.node1.spline.GetSplineValue(pos1, true); pos2 = _roadIntersection.node2.time + node2Width; tan2 = _roadIntersection.node2.spline.GetSplineValue(pos2, true); direction = (tan1.normalized + tan2.normalized).normalized; _posRL = vectorRL + (direction * _distFromCorner); //LL: node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorLL, _roadIntersection.node1.pos) + shoulderWidth1) / _roadIntersection.node1.spline.distance; node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorLL, _roadIntersection.node2.pos) + shoulderWidth2) / _roadIntersection.node2.spline.distance; pos1 = _roadIntersection.node1.time + node1Width; if (_roadIntersection.intersectionType == RoadIntersection.IntersectionTypeEnum.ThreeWay) { pos1 = _roadIntersection.node1.time; } tan1 = _roadIntersection.node1.spline.GetSplineValue(pos1, true); pos2 = _roadIntersection.node2.time - node2Width; tan2 = _roadIntersection.node2.spline.GetSplineValue(pos2, true) * -1f; direction = (tan1.normalized + tan2.normalized).normalized; _posLL = vectorLL + (direction * _distFromCorner); //LR: node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorLR, _roadIntersection.node1.pos) + shoulderWidth1) / _roadIntersection.node1.spline.distance; node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorLR, _roadIntersection.node2.pos) + shoulderWidth2) / _roadIntersection.node2.spline.distance; pos1 = _roadIntersection.node1.time - node1Width; tan1 = _roadIntersection.node1.spline.GetSplineValue(pos1, true) * -1f; pos2 = _roadIntersection.node2.time - node2Width; tan2 = _roadIntersection.node2.spline.GetSplineValue(pos2, true) * -1f; direction = (tan1.normalized + tan2.normalized).normalized; _posLR = vectorLR + (direction * _distFromCorner); } else { //RR: node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorRR, _roadIntersection.node1.pos) + shoulderWidth1) / _roadIntersection.node1.spline.distance; node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorRR, _roadIntersection.node2.pos) + shoulderWidth2) / _roadIntersection.node2.spline.distance; pos1 = _roadIntersection.node1.time - node1Width; tan1 = _roadIntersection.node1.spline.GetSplineValue(pos1, true) * -1f; pos2 = _roadIntersection.node2.time - node2Width; tan2 = _roadIntersection.node2.spline.GetSplineValue(pos2, true) * -1f; direction = (tan1.normalized + tan2.normalized).normalized; _posRR = vectorRR + (direction * _distFromCorner); //RL: node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorRL, _roadIntersection.node1.pos) + shoulderWidth1) / _roadIntersection.node1.spline.distance; node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorRL, _roadIntersection.node2.pos) + shoulderWidth2) / _roadIntersection.node2.spline.distance; pos1 = _roadIntersection.node1.time + node1Width; if (_roadIntersection.intersectionType == RoadIntersection.IntersectionTypeEnum.ThreeWay) { pos1 = _roadIntersection.node1.time; } tan1 = _roadIntersection.node1.spline.GetSplineValue(pos1, true); pos2 = _roadIntersection.node2.time - node2Width; tan2 = _roadIntersection.node2.spline.GetSplineValue(pos2, true) * -1f; direction = (tan1.normalized + tan2.normalized).normalized; _posRL = vectorRL + (direction * _distFromCorner); //LL: node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorLL, _roadIntersection.node1.pos) + shoulderWidth1) / _roadIntersection.node1.spline.distance; node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorLL, _roadIntersection.node2.pos) + shoulderWidth2) / _roadIntersection.node2.spline.distance; pos1 = _roadIntersection.node1.time + node1Width; if (_roadIntersection.intersectionType == RoadIntersection.IntersectionTypeEnum.ThreeWay) { pos1 = _roadIntersection.node1.time; } tan1 = _roadIntersection.node1.spline.GetSplineValue(pos1, true); pos2 = _roadIntersection.node2.time + node2Width; tan2 = _roadIntersection.node2.spline.GetSplineValue(pos2, true); direction = (tan1.normalized + tan2.normalized).normalized; _posLL = vectorLL + (direction * _distFromCorner); //LR: node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorLR, _roadIntersection.node1.pos) + shoulderWidth1) / _roadIntersection.node1.spline.distance; node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(vectorLR, _roadIntersection.node2.pos) + shoulderWidth2) / _roadIntersection.node2.spline.distance; pos1 = _roadIntersection.node1.time - node1Width; tan1 = _roadIntersection.node1.spline.GetSplineValue(pos1, true) * -1f; pos2 = _roadIntersection.node2.time + node2Width; tan2 = _roadIntersection.node2.spline.GetSplineValue(pos2, true); direction = (tan1.normalized + tan2.normalized).normalized; _posLR = vectorLR + (direction * _distFromCorner); } // Todo: Remove this limitation in future // Prevent corners of intersections to have different heights _posRR.y = _roadIntersection.signHeight; _posRL.y = _roadIntersection.signHeight; _posLL.y = _roadIntersection.signHeight; _posLR.y = _roadIntersection.signHeight; //DebugFourPoints(_posRR, _posRL, _posLL, _posLR); } /// Creates dummy cubes. Does not work with multi threading private static void DebugFourPoints(Vector3 _posRR, Vector3 _posRL, Vector3 _posLL, Vector3 _posLR) { GameObject tObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); tObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f, 20f, 0.2f); = "temp22_RR"; tObj.transform.position = _posRR; tObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); tObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f, 20f, 0.2f); = "temp22_RL"; tObj.transform.position = _posRL; tObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); tObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f, 20f, 0.2f); = "temp22_LL"; tObj.transform.position = _posLL; tObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); tObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f, 20f, 0.2f); = "temp22_LR"; tObj.transform.position = _posLR; } /* public static void GetOrigFour(RoadIntersection roadIntersection, out Vector3 tPosRR, out Vector3 tPosRL, out Vector3 tPosLL, out Vector3 tPosLR) { //Get four points: float tPos1 = 0f; float tPos2 = 0f; Vector3 tTan1 = default(Vector3); Vector3 tTan2 = default(Vector3); float Node1Width = -1f; float Node2Width = -1f; Vector3 tDirRR = default(Vector3); Vector3 tDirRL = default(Vector3); Vector3 tDirLL = default(Vector3); Vector3 tDirLR = default(Vector3); float tAngleRR = 85f; float tAngleRL = 85f; float tAngleLL = 85f; float tAngleLR = 85f; float ShoulderWidth1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.road.opt_ShoulderWidth; float ShoulderWidth2 = roadIntersection.Node2.spline.road.opt_ShoulderWidth; Vector3 xPos1 = default(Vector3); Vector3 xPos2 = default(Vector3); if(!roadIntersection.bFlipped) { //RR: Node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerRR,roadIntersection.Node1.pos) + ShoulderWidth1)/roadIntersection.Node1.spline.distance; Node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerRR,roadIntersection.Node2.pos) + ShoulderWidth2)/roadIntersection.Node2.spline.distance; tPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.tTime - Node1Width; tTan1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1,true) * -1f; tPos2 = roadIntersection.Node2.tTime + Node2Width; tTan2 = roadIntersection.Node2.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2,true); xPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1); xPos2 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2); tDirRR = (tTan1.normalized + tTan2.normalized).normalized; //tAngleRR = Vector3.Angle(tTan1,tTan2); tAngleRR = Vector3.Angle(xPos1 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos,xPos2 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos); //RL: Node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerRL,roadIntersection.Node1.pos) + ShoulderWidth1)/roadIntersection.Node1.spline.distance; Node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerRL,roadIntersection.Node2.pos) + ShoulderWidth2)/roadIntersection.Node2.spline.distance; tPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.tTime + Node1Width; tTan1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1,true); tPos2 = roadIntersection.Node2.tTime + Node2Width; tTan2 = roadIntersection.Node2.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2,true); xPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1); xPos2 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2); tDirRL = (tTan1.normalized + tTan2.normalized).normalized; //tAngleRL = Vector3.Angle(tTan1,tTan2); tAngleRL = Vector3.Angle(xPos1 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos,xPos2 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos); //LL: Node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerLL,roadIntersection.Node1.pos) + ShoulderWidth1)/roadIntersection.Node1.spline.distance; Node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerLL,roadIntersection.Node2.pos) + ShoulderWidth2)/roadIntersection.Node2.spline.distance; tPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.tTime + Node1Width; tTan1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1,true); tPos2 = roadIntersection.Node2.tTime - Node2Width; tTan2 = roadIntersection.Node2.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2,true) * -1f; xPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1); xPos2 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2); tDirLL = (tTan1.normalized + tTan2.normalized).normalized; //tAngleLL = Vector3.Angle(tTan1,tTan2); tAngleLL = Vector3.Angle(xPos1 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos,xPos2 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos); //LR: Node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerLR,roadIntersection.Node1.pos) + ShoulderWidth1)/roadIntersection.Node1.spline.distance; Node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerLR,roadIntersection.Node2.pos) + ShoulderWidth2)/roadIntersection.Node2.spline.distance; tPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.tTime - Node1Width; tTan1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1,true) * -1f; tPos2 = roadIntersection.Node2.tTime - Node2Width; tTan2 = roadIntersection.Node2.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2,true) * -1f; xPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1); xPos2 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2); tDirLR = (tTan1.normalized + tTan2.normalized).normalized; //tAngleLR = Vector3.Angle(tTan1,tTan2); tAngleLR = Vector3.Angle(xPos1 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos,xPos2 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos); } else { //RR: Node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerRR,roadIntersection.Node1.pos) + ShoulderWidth1)/roadIntersection.Node1.spline.distance; Node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerRR,roadIntersection.Node2.pos) + ShoulderWidth2)/roadIntersection.Node2.spline.distance; tPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.tTime - Node1Width; tTan1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1,true) * -1f; tPos2 = roadIntersection.Node2.tTime - Node2Width; tTan2 = roadIntersection.Node2.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2,true) * -1f; tDirRR = (tTan1.normalized + tTan2.normalized).normalized; //tAngleRR = Vector3.Angle(tTan1,tTan2); xPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1); xPos2 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2); tAngleRR = Vector3.Angle(xPos1 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos,xPos2 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos); //RL: Node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerRL,roadIntersection.Node1.pos) + ShoulderWidth1)/roadIntersection.Node1.spline.distance; Node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerRL,roadIntersection.Node2.pos) + ShoulderWidth2)/roadIntersection.Node2.spline.distance; tPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.tTime + Node1Width; tTan1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1,true); tPos2 = roadIntersection.Node2.tTime - Node2Width; tTan2 = roadIntersection.Node2.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2,true) * -1f; tDirRL = (tTan1.normalized + tTan2.normalized).normalized; //tAngleRL = Vector3.Angle(tTan1,tTan2); xPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1); xPos2 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2); tAngleRL = Vector3.Angle(xPos1 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos,xPos2 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos); //LL: Node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerLL,roadIntersection.Node1.pos) + ShoulderWidth1)/roadIntersection.Node1.spline.distance; Node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerLL,roadIntersection.Node2.pos) + ShoulderWidth2)/roadIntersection.Node2.spline.distance; tPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.tTime + Node1Width; tTan1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1,true); tPos2 = roadIntersection.Node2.tTime + Node2Width; tTan2 = roadIntersection.Node2.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2,true); tDirLL = (tTan1.normalized + tTan2.normalized).normalized; //tAngleLL = Vector3.Angle(tTan1,tTan2); xPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1); xPos2 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2); tAngleLL = Vector3.Angle(xPos1 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos,xPos2 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos); //LR: Node1Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerLR,roadIntersection.Node1.pos) + ShoulderWidth1)/roadIntersection.Node1.spline.distance; Node2Width = (Vector3.Distance(roadIntersection.CornerLR,roadIntersection.Node2.pos) + ShoulderWidth2)/roadIntersection.Node2.spline.distance; tPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.tTime - Node1Width; tTan1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1,true) * -1f; tPos2 = roadIntersection.Node2.tTime + Node2Width; tTan2 = roadIntersection.Node2.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2,true); tDirLR = (tTan1.normalized + tTan2.normalized).normalized; //tAngleLR = Vector3.Angle(tTan1,tTan2); xPos1 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos1); xPos2 = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.GetSplineValue(tPos2); tAngleLR = Vector3.Angle(xPos1 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos,xPos2 - roadIntersection.Node1.pos); } //D = B*cos(angle/2) float tWidth = roadIntersection.Node1.spline.road.opt_RoadWidth * 0.5f; float tAngleRR_Opp = 180f - tAngleRR; float tAngleRL_Opp = 180f - tAngleRL; float tAngleLL_Opp = 180f - tAngleLL; float tAngleLR_Opp = 180f - tAngleLR; float tOffSetRR = tWidth*(Mathf.Cos((tAngleRR*0.5f)*Mathf.Deg2Rad)); float tOffSetRL = tWidth*(Mathf.Cos((tAngleRL*0.5f)*Mathf.Deg2Rad)); float tOffSetLL = tWidth*(Mathf.Cos((tAngleLL*0.5f)*Mathf.Deg2Rad)); float tOffSetLR = tWidth*(Mathf.Cos((tAngleLR*0.5f)*Mathf.Deg2Rad)); float tOffSetRR_opp = tWidth*(Mathf.Cos((tAngleRR_Opp*0.5f)*Mathf.Deg2Rad)); float tOffSetRL_opp = tWidth*(Mathf.Cos((tAngleRL_Opp*0.5f)*Mathf.Deg2Rad)); float tOffSetLL_opp = tWidth*(Mathf.Cos((tAngleLL_Opp*0.5f)*Mathf.Deg2Rad)); float tOffSetLR_opp = tWidth*(Mathf.Cos((tAngleLR_Opp*0.5f)*Mathf.Deg2Rad)); Vector3 tPos = roadIntersection.Node1.pos; //tOffSetRR *=2f; //tOffSetRL *=2f; //tOffSetLL *=2f; //tOffSetLR *=2f; tPosRR = tPos + (tDirRR * (tOffSetRR+tOffSetRR_opp)); tPosRL = tPos + (tDirRL * (tOffSetRL+tOffSetRL_opp)); tPosLL = tPos + (tDirLL * (tOffSetLL+tOffSetLL_opp)); tPosLR = tPos + (tDirLR * (tOffSetLR+tOffSetLR_opp)); GameObject tObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_RR"); if(tObj != null) { Object.DestroyImmediate(tObj); } tObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_RL"); if(tObj != null) { Object.DestroyImmediate(tObj); } tObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_LL"); if(tObj != null) { Object.DestroyImmediate(tObj); } tObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_LR"); if(tObj != null) { Object.DestroyImmediate(tObj); } GameObject tCubeRR = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); tCubeRR.transform.position = tPosRR; = "temp22_RR"; tCubeRR.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f,20f,0.2f); tCubeRR = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); tCubeRR.transform.position = tPosRL; = "temp22_RL"; tCubeRR.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f,20f,0.2f); tCubeRR = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); tCubeRR.transform.position = tPosLL; = "temp22_LL"; tCubeRR.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f,20f,0.2f); tCubeRR = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); tCubeRR.transform.position = tPosLR; = "temp22_LR"; tCubeRR.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f,20f,0.2f); } public static void GetCornerVectors_Test(RoadIntersection roadIntersection, out Vector3 tPosRR, out Vector3 tPosRL, out Vector3 tPosLL, out Vector3 tPosLR) { SplineN tNode = null; SplineC tSpline = null; tNode = roadIntersection.Node1; tSpline = tNode.spline; float tOffset = tSpline.road.opt_RoadWidth * 0.5f; float tPos1 = tNode.tTime - (tOffset/tSpline.distance); float tPos2 = tNode.tTime + (tOffset/tSpline.distance); Vector3 tVect1 = tSpline.GetSplineValue(tPos1); Vector3 POS1 = tSpline.GetSplineValue(tPos1,true); Vector3 tVect2 = tSpline.GetSplineValue(tPos2); Vector3 POS2 = tSpline.GetSplineValue(tPos2,true); tPosRR = (tVect1 + new Vector3(5f*POS1.normalized.z,0,5f*-POS1.normalized.x)); tPosLR = (tVect1 + new Vector3(5f*-POS1.normalized.z,0,5f*POS1.normalized.x)); tPosRL = (tVect2 + new Vector3(5f*POS2.normalized.z,0,5f*-POS2.normalized.x)); tPosLL = (tVect2 + new Vector3(5f*-POS2.normalized.z,0,5f*POS2.normalized.x)); tNode = roadIntersection.Node2; tSpline = tNode.spline; tOffset = tSpline.road.opt_RoadWidth * 0.5f; tPos1 = tNode.tTime - (tOffset/tSpline.distance); tPos2 = tNode.tTime + (tOffset/tSpline.distance); tVect1 = tSpline.GetSplineValue(tPos1); POS1 = tSpline.GetSplineValue(tPos1,true); tVect2 = tSpline.GetSplineValue(tPos2); POS2 = tSpline.GetSplineValue(tPos2,true); Vector3 tPosRR2 = default(Vector3); Vector3 tPosLR2 = default(Vector3); Vector3 tPosRL2 = default(Vector3); Vector3 tPosLL2 = default(Vector3); if(roadIntersection.bFlipped) { tPosRL2 = (tVect1 + new Vector3(5f*POS1.normalized.z,0,5f*-POS1.normalized.x)); tPosRR2 = (tVect1 + new Vector3(5f*-POS1.normalized.z,0,5f*POS1.normalized.x)); tPosLL2 = (tVect2 + new Vector3(5f*POS2.normalized.z,0,5f*-POS2.normalized.x)); tPosLR2 = (tVect2 + new Vector3(5f*-POS2.normalized.z,0,5f*POS2.normalized.x)); } else { tPosLR2 = (tVect1 + new Vector3(5f*POS1.normalized.z,0,5f*-POS1.normalized.x)); tPosLL2 = (tVect1 + new Vector3(5f*-POS1.normalized.z,0,5f*POS1.normalized.x)); tPosRR2 = (tVect2 + new Vector3(5f*POS2.normalized.z,0,5f*-POS2.normalized.x)); tPosRL2 = (tVect2 + new Vector3(5f*-POS2.normalized.z,0,5f*POS2.normalized.x)); } tPosRR = ((tPosRR-tPosRR2)*0.5f)+tPosRR; tPosLR = ((tPosLR-tPosLR2)*0.5f)+tPosLR; tPosRL = ((tPosRL-tPosRL2)*0.5f)+tPosRL; tPosLL = ((tPosLL-tPosLL2)*0.5f)+tPosLL; GameObject tObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_RR"); if(tObj != null) { Object.DestroyImmediate(tObj); } tObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_RL"); if(tObj != null) { Object.DestroyImmediate(tObj); } tObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_LL"); if(tObj != null) { Object.DestroyImmediate(tObj); } tObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_LR"); if(tObj != null) { Object.DestroyImmediate(tObj); } GameObject tCubeRR = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); tCubeRR.transform.position = tPosRR; = "temp22_RR"; tCubeRR.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f,20f,0.2f); tCubeRR = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); tCubeRR.transform.position = tPosRL; = "temp22_RL"; tCubeRR.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f,20f,0.2f); tCubeRR = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); tCubeRR.transform.position = tPosLL; = "temp22_LL"; tCubeRR.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f,20f,0.2f); tCubeRR = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); tCubeRR.transform.position = tPosLR; = "temp22_LR"; tCubeRR.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f,20f,0.2f); } */ } }