// Distant Lands 2024 // COZY: Stylized Weather 3 // All code included in this file is protected under the Unity Asset Store Eula using System; using UnityEngine; namespace DistantLands.Cozy { [ExecuteAlways] public class CozyTransitModule : CozyModule { [System.Serializable] public struct TimeWeightRelation { [MeridiemTimeAttribute] public float time; [Range(0, 360)] public float sunHeight; [Range(0, 1)] public float weight; public TimeWeightRelation(float time, float sunHeight, float weight) { this.time = time; this.sunHeight = sunHeight; this.weight = weight; } } [HideInInspector] public AnimationCurve sunMovementCurve; [Tooltip("Specifies the default weight of the sunrise.")] [CozySearchable] public TimeWeightRelation sunriseWeight = new TimeWeightRelation(0.25f, 90, 0.2f); [Tooltip("Specifies the default weight of the day.")] [CozySearchable] public TimeWeightRelation dayWeight = new TimeWeightRelation(0.5f, 180, 0.2f); [Tooltip("Specifies the default weight of the sunset.")] [CozySearchable] public TimeWeightRelation sunsetWeight = new TimeWeightRelation(0.75f, 270, 0.2f); [Tooltip("Specifies the default weight of the night.")] [CozySearchable] public TimeWeightRelation nightWeight = new TimeWeightRelation(1, 360, 0.2f); [Tooltip("Specifies the day length multiplier in the spring.")] [Range(-1, 1)] [CozySearchable] public float springDayLengthOffset = 0; [Tooltip("Specifies the day length multiplier in the summer.")] [Range(-1, 1)] [CozySearchable] public float summerDayLengthOffset = 0.4f; [Tooltip("Specifies the day length multiplier in the fall.")] [Range(-1, 1)] [CozySearchable] public float fallDayLengthOffset = 0; [Tooltip("Specifies the day length multiplier in the winter.")] [Range(-1, 1)] [CozySearchable] public float winterDayLengthOffset = -0.3f; [HideTitle(4)] public AnimationCurve dayWeightsDisplayCurve; [HideTitle(4)] public AnimationCurve yearWeightsCurve; public enum TimeCurveSettings { linearDay, simpleCurve, advancedCurve } public TimeCurveSettings timeCurveSettings; [System.Serializable] public class TimeBlock { public MeridiemTime start; public MeridiemTime end; public TimeBlock(float startDayPercentage, float endDayPercentage) { start = startDayPercentage; end = endDayPercentage; } } [CozySearchable] public TimeBlock dawnBlock = new TimeBlock(4f / 24f, 5.5f / 24f); [CozySearchable] public TimeBlock morningBlock = new TimeBlock(6f / 24f, 7f / 24f); [CozySearchable] public TimeBlock dayBlock = new TimeBlock(7.5f / 24f, 9f / 24f); [CozySearchable] public TimeBlock afternoonBlock = new TimeBlock(13f / 24f, 14f / 24f); [CozySearchable] public TimeBlock eveningBlock = new TimeBlock(16f / 24f, 18f / 24f); [CozySearchable] public TimeBlock twilightBlock = new TimeBlock(20f / 24f, 21f / 24f); [CozySearchable] public TimeBlock nightBlock = new TimeBlock(21f / 24f, 22f / 24f); public enum TimeBlockName { dawn, morning, day, afternoon, evening, twilight, night } public void GetModifiedDayPercent() { yearWeightsCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[5] { new Keyframe(0, winterDayLengthOffset, 0, 0), new Keyframe(0.25f, springDayLengthOffset, 0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, summerDayLengthOffset, 0, 0), new Keyframe(0.75f, fallDayLengthOffset, 0, 0), new Keyframe(1, winterDayLengthOffset, 0, 0) }); float offset = yearWeightsCurve.Evaluate(weatherSphere.timeModule.yearPercentage) / 5; switch (timeCurveSettings) { case TimeCurveSettings.advancedCurve: sunMovementCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[5] { new Keyframe(0, 0, 0, 0, nightWeight.weight, nightWeight.weight), new Keyframe(sunriseWeight.time - offset, sunriseWeight.sunHeight, 0, 0, sunriseWeight.weight, sunriseWeight.weight), new Keyframe(dayWeight.time, dayWeight.sunHeight, 0, 0, dayWeight.weight, dayWeight.weight), new Keyframe(sunsetWeight.time + offset, sunsetWeight.sunHeight, 0, 0, sunsetWeight.weight, sunsetWeight.weight), new Keyframe(1, sunsetWeight.sunHeight > dayWeight.sunHeight ? 360 : 0, 0, 0, nightWeight.weight, nightWeight.weight) }); dayWeightsDisplayCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[5] { new Keyframe(0, 0, 0, 0, nightWeight.weight, nightWeight.weight), new Keyframe(sunriseWeight.time - offset, sunriseWeight.sunHeight, 0, 0, sunriseWeight.weight, sunriseWeight.weight), new Keyframe(dayWeight.time, dayWeight.sunHeight, 0, 0, dayWeight.weight, dayWeight.weight), new Keyframe(sunsetWeight.time + offset, sunsetWeight.sunHeight > 180 ? 360 - sunsetWeight.sunHeight : sunsetWeight.sunHeight, 0, 0, sunsetWeight.weight, sunsetWeight.weight), new Keyframe(1, 0, 0, 0, nightWeight.weight, nightWeight.weight) }); break; case TimeCurveSettings.simpleCurve: sunMovementCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[5] { new Keyframe(0, 0, 0, 0, nightWeight.weight, nightWeight.weight), new Keyframe(0.25f - offset, 90f, 0, 0, sunriseWeight.weight, sunriseWeight.weight), new Keyframe(0.5f, 180f, 0, 0, dayWeight.weight, dayWeight.weight), new Keyframe(0.75f + offset, 270f, 0, 0, sunsetWeight.weight, sunsetWeight.weight), new Keyframe(1, 360, 0, 0, nightWeight.weight, nightWeight.weight) }); dayWeightsDisplayCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[5] { new Keyframe(0, 0, 0, 0, nightWeight.weight, nightWeight.weight), new Keyframe(0.25f - offset, 90f, 0, 0, sunriseWeight.weight, sunriseWeight.weight), new Keyframe(0.5f, 180f, 0, 0, dayWeight.weight, dayWeight.weight), new Keyframe(0.75f + offset, 90, 0, 0, sunsetWeight.weight, sunsetWeight.weight), new Keyframe(1, 0, 0, 0, nightWeight.weight, nightWeight.weight) }); break; case TimeCurveSettings.linearDay: sunMovementCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[5] { new Keyframe(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Keyframe(0.25f - offset, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, 180, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Keyframe(0.75f + offset, 270, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Keyframe(1, 360, 0, 0, 0, 0) }); dayWeightsDisplayCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[5] { new Keyframe(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Keyframe(0.25f - offset, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, 180, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Keyframe(0.75f + offset, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Keyframe(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) }); break; } } public void GetSunTransitTime(out MeridiemTime sunrise, out MeridiemTime sunset) { yearWeightsCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[5] { new Keyframe(0, winterDayLengthOffset, 0, 0), new Keyframe(0.25f, springDayLengthOffset, 0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, summerDayLengthOffset, 0, 0), new Keyframe(0.75f, fallDayLengthOffset, 0, 0), new Keyframe(1, winterDayLengthOffset, 0, 0) }); float offset = yearWeightsCurve.Evaluate(weatherSphere.timeModule.yearPercentage) / 5; sunrise = 0.25f - offset; sunset = 0.75f + offset; if (timeCurveSettings == TimeCurveSettings.advancedCurve) { sunrise = sunriseWeight.time - offset; sunset = sunsetWeight.time + offset; } } public override void InitializeModule() { base.SetupModule(new Type[1] { typeof(CozyTimeModule) }); CozyWeather.Events.onNewDay += GetModifiedDayPercent; if (weatherSphere.timeModule) { weatherSphere.timeModule.transit = this; } } void Start() { SetupTimeEvents(); GetModifiedDayPercent(); } void Update() { ManageTimeEvents(); } private void ManageTimeEvents() { if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor && !(weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > nightBlock.start && weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor == dawnBlock.start)) { if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > nightBlock.start && weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor == nightBlock.start) { weatherSphere.events.RaiseOnNight(); weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = dawnBlock.start; } else if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > twilightBlock.start && weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor == twilightBlock.start) { weatherSphere.events.RaiseOnTwilight(); weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = nightBlock.start; } else if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > eveningBlock.start && weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor == eveningBlock.start) { weatherSphere.events.RaiseOnEvening(); weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = twilightBlock.start; } else if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > afternoonBlock.start && weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor == afternoonBlock.start) { weatherSphere.events.RaiseOnAfternoon(); weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = eveningBlock.start; } else if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > dayBlock.start && weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor == dayBlock.start) { weatherSphere.events.RaiseOnDay(); weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = afternoonBlock.start; } else if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > morningBlock.start && weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor == morningBlock.start) { weatherSphere.events.RaiseOnMorning(); weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = dayBlock.start; } else { weatherSphere.events.RaiseOnDawn(); weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = morningBlock.start; } } // if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime < weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor - 0.25f) { SetupTimeEvents(); } if (Mathf.FloorToInt(weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime * 24) != weatherSphere.events.currentHour) { weatherSphere.events.currentHour = Mathf.FloorToInt(weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime * 24); weatherSphere.events.RaiseOnNewHour(); } if (Mathf.FloorToInt(weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime * 1440) != weatherSphere.events.currentMinute) { weatherSphere.events.currentMinute = Mathf.FloorToInt(weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime * 1440); weatherSphere.events.RaiseOnMinutePass(); } } private void SetupTimeEvents() { weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = dawnBlock.start; if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > dawnBlock.start) weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = morningBlock.start; if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > morningBlock.start) weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = dayBlock.start; if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > dayBlock.start) weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = afternoonBlock.start; if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > afternoonBlock.start) weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = eveningBlock.start; if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > eveningBlock.start) weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = twilightBlock.start; if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > twilightBlock.start) weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = nightBlock.start; if (weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime > nightBlock.start) weatherSphere.events.timeToCheckFor = dawnBlock.start; weatherSphere.events.currentHour = Mathf.FloorToInt(weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime * 24); weatherSphere.events.currentMinute = Mathf.FloorToInt(weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime * 1440); } public float ModifyDayPercentage(float input) { return sunMovementCurve.Evaluate(input); } public TimeBlockName GetTimeBlock() { TimeBlockName currentBlock = TimeBlockName.night; float time = weatherSphere.timeModule.currentTime; if (time > dawnBlock.start && time < morningBlock.start) currentBlock = TimeBlockName.dawn; if (time > morningBlock.start && time < dayBlock.start) currentBlock = TimeBlockName.morning; if (time > dayBlock.start && time < afternoonBlock.start) currentBlock = TimeBlockName.day; if (time > afternoonBlock.start && time < eveningBlock.start) currentBlock = TimeBlockName.afternoon; if (time > eveningBlock.start && time < twilightBlock.start) currentBlock = TimeBlockName.evening; if (time > twilightBlock.start && time < nightBlock.start) currentBlock = TimeBlockName.twilight; return currentBlock; } public TimeBlockName GetTimeBlock(float time) { TimeBlockName currentBlock = TimeBlockName.night; if (time > dawnBlock.start && time < morningBlock.start) currentBlock = TimeBlockName.dawn; if (time > morningBlock.start && time < dayBlock.start) currentBlock = TimeBlockName.morning; if (time > dayBlock.start && time < afternoonBlock.start) currentBlock = TimeBlockName.day; if (time > afternoonBlock.start && time < eveningBlock.start) currentBlock = TimeBlockName.afternoon; if (time > eveningBlock.start && time < twilightBlock.start) currentBlock = TimeBlockName.evening; if (time > twilightBlock.start && time < nightBlock.start) currentBlock = TimeBlockName.twilight; return currentBlock; } } }