// Made with Amplify Shader Editor v1.9.1.5 // Available at the Unity Asset Store - http://u3d.as/y3X Shader "Distant Lands/Cozy/URP/Stylized Clouds (Ghibli Mobile)" { Properties { [HideInInspector] _AlphaCutoff("Alpha Cutoff ", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5 [HideInInspector] _EmissionColor("Emission Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) //_TessPhongStrength( "Tess Phong Strength", Range( 0, 1 ) ) = 0.5 //_TessValue( "Tess Max Tessellation", Range( 1, 32 ) ) = 16 //_TessMin( "Tess Min Distance", Float ) = 10 //_TessMax( "Tess Max Distance", Float ) = 25 //_TessEdgeLength ( "Tess Edge length", Range( 2, 50 ) ) = 16 //_TessMaxDisp( "Tess Max Displacement", Float ) = 25 [HideInInspector] _QueueOffset("_QueueOffset", Float) = 0 [HideInInspector] _QueueControl("_QueueControl", Float) = -1 [HideInInspector][NoScaleOffset] unity_Lightmaps("unity_Lightmaps", 2DArray) = "" {} [HideInInspector][NoScaleOffset] unity_LightmapsInd("unity_LightmapsInd", 2DArray) = "" {} [HideInInspector][NoScaleOffset] unity_ShadowMasks("unity_ShadowMasks", 2DArray) = "" {} } SubShader { LOD 0 Tags { "RenderPipeline"="UniversalPipeline" "RenderType"="Opaque" "Queue"="Transparent" "UniversalMaterialType"="Unlit" } Cull Front AlphaToMask Off Stencil { Ref 221 Comp Always Pass Zero Fail Keep ZFail Keep } HLSLINCLUDE #pragma target 3.5 #pragma prefer_hlslcc gles // ensure rendering platforms toggle list is visible #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Filtering.hlsl" #ifndef ASE_TESS_FUNCS #define ASE_TESS_FUNCS float4 FixedTess( float tessValue ) { return tessValue; } float CalcDistanceTessFactor (float4 vertex, float minDist, float maxDist, float tess, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos ) { float3 wpos = mul(o2w,vertex).xyz; float dist = distance (wpos, cameraPos); float f = clamp(1.0 - (dist - minDist) / (maxDist - minDist), 0.01, 1.0) * tess; return f; } float4 CalcTriEdgeTessFactors (float3 triVertexFactors) { float4 tess; tess.x = 0.5 * (triVertexFactors.y + triVertexFactors.z); tess.y = 0.5 * (triVertexFactors.x + triVertexFactors.z); tess.z = 0.5 * (triVertexFactors.x + triVertexFactors.y); tess.w = (triVertexFactors.x + triVertexFactors.y + triVertexFactors.z) / 3.0f; return tess; } float CalcEdgeTessFactor (float3 wpos0, float3 wpos1, float edgeLen, float3 cameraPos, float4 scParams ) { float dist = distance (0.5 * (wpos0+wpos1), cameraPos); float len = distance(wpos0, wpos1); float f = max(len * scParams.y / (edgeLen * dist), 1.0); return f; } float DistanceFromPlane (float3 pos, float4 plane) { float d = dot (float4(pos,1.0f), plane); return d; } bool WorldViewFrustumCull (float3 wpos0, float3 wpos1, float3 wpos2, float cullEps, float4 planes[6] ) { float4 planeTest; planeTest.x = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[0]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) + (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[0]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) + (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[0]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ); planeTest.y = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[1]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) + (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[1]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) + (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[1]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ); planeTest.z = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[2]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) + (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[2]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) + (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[2]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ); planeTest.w = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[3]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) + (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[3]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) + (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[3]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ); return !all (planeTest); } float4 DistanceBasedTess( float4 v0, float4 v1, float4 v2, float tess, float minDist, float maxDist, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos ) { float3 f; f.x = CalcDistanceTessFactor (v0,minDist,maxDist,tess,o2w,cameraPos); f.y = CalcDistanceTessFactor (v1,minDist,maxDist,tess,o2w,cameraPos); f.z = CalcDistanceTessFactor (v2,minDist,maxDist,tess,o2w,cameraPos); return CalcTriEdgeTessFactors (f); } float4 EdgeLengthBasedTess( float4 v0, float4 v1, float4 v2, float edgeLength, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos, float4 scParams ) { float3 pos0 = mul(o2w,v0).xyz; float3 pos1 = mul(o2w,v1).xyz; float3 pos2 = mul(o2w,v2).xyz; float4 tess; tess.x = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos1, pos2, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams); tess.y = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos2, pos0, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams); tess.z = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos0, pos1, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams); tess.w = (tess.x + tess.y + tess.z) / 3.0f; return tess; } float4 EdgeLengthBasedTessCull( float4 v0, float4 v1, float4 v2, float edgeLength, float maxDisplacement, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos, float4 scParams, float4 planes[6] ) { float3 pos0 = mul(o2w,v0).xyz; float3 pos1 = mul(o2w,v1).xyz; float3 pos2 = mul(o2w,v2).xyz; float4 tess; if (WorldViewFrustumCull(pos0, pos1, pos2, maxDisplacement, planes)) { tess = 0.0f; } else { tess.x = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos1, pos2, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams); tess.y = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos2, pos0, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams); tess.z = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos0, pos1, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams); tess.w = (tess.x + tess.y + tess.z) / 3.0f; } return tess; } #endif //ASE_TESS_FUNCS ENDHLSL Pass { Name "Forward" Tags { "LightMode"="UniversalForwardOnly" } Blend One Zero, One Zero ZWrite On ZTest LEqual Offset 0 , 0 ColorMask RGBA HLSLPROGRAM #pragma multi_compile_instancing #define _ALPHATEST_ON 1 #define ASE_SRP_VERSION 120108 #pragma multi_compile _ _DBUFFER_MRT1 _DBUFFER_MRT2 _DBUFFER_MRT3 #pragma multi_compile _ LIGHTMAP_ON #pragma multi_compile _ DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED #pragma shader_feature _ _SAMPLE_GI #pragma multi_compile _ DEBUG_DISPLAY #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_UNLIT #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/DBuffer.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Debug/Debugging3D.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Input.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/SurfaceData.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.shadergraph/ShaderGraphLibrary/Functions.hlsl" struct VertexInput { float4 vertex : POSITION; float3 ase_normal : NORMAL; float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID }; struct VertexOutput { float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION; #if defined(ASE_NEEDS_FRAG_WORLD_POSITION) float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0; #endif #if defined(REQUIRES_VERTEX_SHADOW_COORD_INTERPOLATOR) && defined(ASE_NEEDS_FRAG_SHADOWCOORDS) float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD1; #endif #ifdef ASE_FOG float fogFactor : TEXCOORD2; #endif float4 ase_texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3; float4 ase_texcoord4 : TEXCOORD4; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID UNITY_VERTEX_OUTPUT_STEREO }; CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial) #ifdef ASE_TESSELLATION float _TessPhongStrength; float _TessValue; float _TessMin; float _TessMax; float _TessEdgeLength; float _TessMaxDisp; #endif CBUFFER_END float4 CZY_CloudHighlightColor; float CZY_FilterSaturation; float CZY_FilterValue; float4 CZY_FilterColor; float4 CZY_CloudFilterColor; float4 CZY_CloudColor; float4 CZY_CloudTextureColor; float CZY_Spherize; float CZY_WindSpeed; float CZY_CloudCohesion; float CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float CZY_MainCloudScale; float CZY_ShadowingDistance; float _UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; float _FullySubmerged; sampler2D _UnderwaterMask; float CZY_ClippingThreshold; float3 HSVToRGB( float3 c ) { float4 K = float4( 1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0 ); float3 p = abs( frac( c.xxx + K.xyz ) * 6.0 - K.www ); return c.z * lerp( K.xxx, saturate( p - K.xxx ), c.y ); } float3 RGBToHSV(float3 c) { float4 K = float4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0); float4 p = lerp( float4( c.bg, K.wz ), float4( c.gb, K.xy ), step( c.b, c.g ) ); float4 q = lerp( float4( p.xyw, c.r ), float4( c.r, p.yzx ), step( p.x, c.r ) ); float d = q.x - min( q.w, q.y ); float e = 1.0e-10; return float3( abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x); } float2 voronoihash35_g75( float2 p ) { p = float2( dot( p, float2( 127.1, 311.7 ) ), dot( p, float2( 269.5, 183.3 ) ) ); return frac( sin( p ) *43758.5453); } float voronoi35_g75( float2 v, float time, inout float2 id, inout float2 mr, float smoothness, inout float2 smoothId ) { float2 n = floor( v ); float2 f = frac( v ); float F1 = 8.0; float F2 = 8.0; float2 mg = 0; for ( int j = -1; j <= 1; j++ ) { for ( int i = -1; i <= 1; i++ ) { float2 g = float2( i, j ); float2 o = voronoihash35_g75( n + g ); o = ( sin( time + o * 6.2831 ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ); float2 r = f - g - o; float d = 0.5 * dot( r, r ); if( d v) { TessellationFactors o; float4 tf = 1; float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax; float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp; #if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION) tf = FixedTess( tessValue ); #elif defined(ASE_DISTANCE_TESSELLATION) tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_CULL_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes ); #endif o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w; return o; } [domain("tri")] [partitioning("fractional_odd")] [outputtopology("triangle_cw")] [patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")] [outputcontrolpoints(3)] VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID) { return patch[id]; } [domain("tri")] VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation) { VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0; o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z; o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z; o.ase_texcoord = patch[0].ase_texcoord * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord * bary.z; #if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION) float3 pp[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) pp[i] = o.vertex.xyz - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(o.vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i].vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal)); float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength; o.vertex.xyz = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) * o.vertex.xyz; #endif UNITY_TRANSFER_INSTANCE_ID(patch[0], o); return VertexFunction(o); } #else VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v ) { return VertexFunction( v ); } #endif half4 frag ( VertexOutput IN ) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID( IN ); UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX( IN ); #if defined(ASE_NEEDS_FRAG_WORLD_POSITION) float3 WorldPosition = IN.worldPos; #endif float4 ShadowCoords = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); #if defined(ASE_NEEDS_FRAG_SHADOWCOORDS) #if defined(REQUIRES_VERTEX_SHADOW_COORD_INTERPOLATOR) ShadowCoords = IN.shadowCoord; #elif defined(MAIN_LIGHT_CALCULATE_SHADOWS) ShadowCoords = TransformWorldToShadowCoord( WorldPosition ); #endif #endif float3 hsvTorgb2_g77 = RGBToHSV( CZY_CloudHighlightColor.rgb ); float3 hsvTorgb3_g77 = HSVToRGB( float3(hsvTorgb2_g77.x,saturate( ( hsvTorgb2_g77.y + CZY_FilterSaturation ) ),( hsvTorgb2_g77.z + CZY_FilterValue )) ); float4 temp_output_10_0_g77 = ( float4( hsvTorgb3_g77 , 0.0 ) * CZY_FilterColor ); float4 CloudHighlightColor91_g73 = ( temp_output_10_0_g77 * CZY_CloudFilterColor ); float3 hsvTorgb2_g76 = RGBToHSV( CZY_CloudColor.rgb ); float3 hsvTorgb3_g76 = HSVToRGB( float3(hsvTorgb2_g76.x,saturate( ( hsvTorgb2_g76.y + CZY_FilterSaturation ) ),( hsvTorgb2_g76.z + CZY_FilterValue )) ); float4 temp_output_10_0_g76 = ( float4( hsvTorgb3_g76 , 0.0 ) * CZY_FilterColor ); float4 CloudColor73_g73 = ( temp_output_10_0_g76 * CZY_CloudFilterColor ); Gradient gradient68_g73 = NewGradient( 0, 2, 2, float4( 0, 0, 0, 0.8676432 ), float4( 1, 1, 1, 0.9294118 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, float2( 1, 0 ), float2( 1, 1 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); float2 texCoord11_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord3.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_54_0_g73 = ( texCoord11_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult23_g73 = dot( temp_output_54_0_g73 , temp_output_54_0_g73 ); float Dot28_g73 = saturate( (0.85 + (dotResult23_g73 - 0.0) * (3.0 - 0.85) / (1.0 - 0.0)) ); float time35_g75 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId35_g75 = 0; float2 texCoord21_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord3.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 CentralUV17_g73 = ( texCoord21_g73 + float2( -0.5,-0.5 ) ); float2 temp_output_21_0_g75 = (CentralUV17_g73*1.58 + 0.0); float2 break2_g75 = abs( temp_output_21_0_g75 ); float saferPower4_g75 = abs( break2_g75.x ); float saferPower3_g75 = abs( break2_g75.y ); float saferPower6_g75 = abs( ( pow( saferPower4_g75 , 2.0 ) + pow( saferPower3_g75 , 2.0 ) ) ); float Spherize29_g73 = CZY_Spherize; float Flatness30_g73 = ( 20.0 * CZY_Spherize ); float mulTime14_g73 = _TimeParameters.x * ( 0.001 * CZY_WindSpeed ); float Time8_g73 = mulTime14_g73; float2 Wind51_g73 = ( Time8_g73 * float2( 0.1,0.2 ) ); float2 temp_output_10_0_g75 = (( ( temp_output_21_0_g75 * ( pow( saferPower6_g75 , Spherize29_g73 ) * Flatness30_g73 ) ) + float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )*( 2.0 / 5.0 ) + Wind51_g73); float2 coords35_g75 = temp_output_10_0_g75 * 60.0; float2 id35_g75 = 0; float2 uv35_g75 = 0; float fade35_g75 = 0.5; float voroi35_g75 = 0; float rest35_g75 = 0; for( int it35_g75 = 0; it35_g75 <2; it35_g75++ ){ voroi35_g75 += fade35_g75 * voronoi35_g75( coords35_g75, time35_g75, id35_g75, uv35_g75, 0,voronoiSmoothId35_g75 ); rest35_g75 += fade35_g75; coords35_g75 *= 2; fade35_g75 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi35_g75 voroi35_g75 /= rest35_g75; float time13_g75 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId13_g75 = 0; float2 coords13_g75 = temp_output_10_0_g75 * 25.0; float2 id13_g75 = 0; float2 uv13_g75 = 0; float fade13_g75 = 0.5; float voroi13_g75 = 0; float rest13_g75 = 0; for( int it13_g75 = 0; it13_g75 <2; it13_g75++ ){ voroi13_g75 += fade13_g75 * voronoi13_g75( coords13_g75, time13_g75, id13_g75, uv13_g75, 0,voronoiSmoothId13_g75 ); rest13_g75 += fade13_g75; coords13_g75 *= 2; fade13_g75 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi13_g75 voroi13_g75 /= rest13_g75; float time11_g75 = 17.23; float2 voronoiSmoothId11_g75 = 0; float2 coords11_g75 = temp_output_10_0_g75 * 9.0; float2 id11_g75 = 0; float2 uv11_g75 = 0; float fade11_g75 = 0.5; float voroi11_g75 = 0; float rest11_g75 = 0; for( int it11_g75 = 0; it11_g75 <2; it11_g75++ ){ voroi11_g75 += fade11_g75 * voronoi11_g75( coords11_g75, time11_g75, id11_g75, uv11_g75, 0,voronoiSmoothId11_g75 ); rest11_g75 += fade11_g75; coords11_g75 *= 2; fade11_g75 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi11_g75 voroi11_g75 /= rest11_g75; float2 texCoord12_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord3.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_15_0_g73 = ( texCoord12_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult7_g73 = dot( temp_output_15_0_g73 , temp_output_15_0_g73 ); float ModifiedCohesion22_g73 = ( CZY_CloudCohesion * 1.0 * ( 1.0 - dotResult7_g73 ) ); float lerpResult15_g75 = lerp( saturate( ( voroi35_g75 + voroi13_g75 ) ) , voroi11_g75 , ModifiedCohesion22_g73); float CumulusCoverage113_g73 = CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float lerpResult16_g75 = lerp( lerpResult15_g75 , 1.0 , ( ( 1.0 - CumulusCoverage113_g73 ) + -0.7 )); float time35_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId35_g78 = 0; float2 temp_output_21_0_g78 = CentralUV17_g73; float2 break2_g78 = abs( temp_output_21_0_g78 ); float saferPower4_g78 = abs( break2_g78.x ); float saferPower3_g78 = abs( break2_g78.y ); float saferPower6_g78 = abs( ( pow( saferPower4_g78 , 2.0 ) + pow( saferPower3_g78 , 2.0 ) ) ); float Scale24_g73 = ( CZY_MainCloudScale * 0.1 ); float2 temp_output_10_0_g78 = (( ( temp_output_21_0_g78 * ( pow( saferPower6_g78 , Spherize29_g73 ) * Flatness30_g73 ) ) + float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )*( 2.0 / ( Scale24_g73 * 1.5 ) ) + ( Wind51_g73 * float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )); float2 coords35_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 60.0; float2 id35_g78 = 0; float2 uv35_g78 = 0; float fade35_g78 = 0.5; float voroi35_g78 = 0; float rest35_g78 = 0; for( int it35_g78 = 0; it35_g78 <2; it35_g78++ ){ voroi35_g78 += fade35_g78 * voronoi35_g78( coords35_g78, time35_g78, id35_g78, uv35_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId35_g78 ); rest35_g78 += fade35_g78; coords35_g78 *= 2; fade35_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi35_g78 voroi35_g78 /= rest35_g78; float time13_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId13_g78 = 0; float2 coords13_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 25.0; float2 id13_g78 = 0; float2 uv13_g78 = 0; float fade13_g78 = 0.5; float voroi13_g78 = 0; float rest13_g78 = 0; for( int it13_g78 = 0; it13_g78 <2; it13_g78++ ){ voroi13_g78 += fade13_g78 * voronoi13_g78( coords13_g78, time13_g78, id13_g78, uv13_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId13_g78 ); rest13_g78 += fade13_g78; coords13_g78 *= 2; fade13_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi13_g78 voroi13_g78 /= rest13_g78; float time11_g78 = 17.23; float2 voronoiSmoothId11_g78 = 0; float2 coords11_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 9.0; float2 id11_g78 = 0; float2 uv11_g78 = 0; float fade11_g78 = 0.5; float voroi11_g78 = 0; float rest11_g78 = 0; for( int it11_g78 = 0; it11_g78 <2; it11_g78++ ){ voroi11_g78 += fade11_g78 * voronoi11_g78( coords11_g78, time11_g78, id11_g78, uv11_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId11_g78 ); rest11_g78 += fade11_g78; coords11_g78 *= 2; fade11_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi11_g78 voroi11_g78 /= rest11_g78; float lerpResult15_g78 = lerp( saturate( ( voroi35_g78 + voroi13_g78 ) ) , voroi11_g78 , ( ModifiedCohesion22_g73 * 1.1 )); float lerpResult16_g78 = lerp( lerpResult15_g78 , 1.0 , ( ( 1.0 - CumulusCoverage113_g73 ) + -0.7 )); float temp_output_25_0_g73 = saturate( (0.0 + (( Dot28_g73 * ( 1.0 - lerpResult16_g78 ) ) - 0.6) * (1.0 - 0.0) / (1.0 - 0.6)) ); float IT2PreAlpha80_g73 = temp_output_25_0_g73; float temp_output_77_0_g73 = (0.0 + (( Dot28_g73 * ( 1.0 - lerpResult16_g75 ) ) - 0.6) * (IT2PreAlpha80_g73 - 0.0) / (1.5 - 0.6)); float clampResult71_g73 = clamp( temp_output_77_0_g73 , 0.0 , 0.9 ); float AdditionalLayer66_g73 = SampleGradient( gradient68_g73, clampResult71_g73 ).r; float4 lerpResult88_g73 = lerp( CloudColor73_g73 , ( CloudColor73_g73 * CZY_CloudTextureColor ) , AdditionalLayer66_g73); float4 ModifiedCloudColor97_g73 = lerpResult88_g73; Gradient gradient87_g73 = NewGradient( 0, 2, 2, float4( 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.4411841 ), float4( 1, 1, 1, 0.5794156 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, float2( 1, 0 ), float2( 1, 1 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); float time35_g74 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId35_g74 = 0; float2 ShadowUV59_g73 = ( CentralUV17_g73 + ( CentralUV17_g73 * float2( -1,-1 ) * CZY_ShadowingDistance * Dot28_g73 ) ); float2 temp_output_21_0_g74 = ShadowUV59_g73; float2 break2_g74 = abs( temp_output_21_0_g74 ); float saferPower4_g74 = abs( break2_g74.x ); float saferPower3_g74 = abs( break2_g74.y ); float saferPower6_g74 = abs( ( pow( saferPower4_g74 , 2.0 ) + pow( saferPower3_g74 , 2.0 ) ) ); float2 temp_output_10_0_g74 = (( ( temp_output_21_0_g74 * ( pow( saferPower6_g74 , Spherize29_g73 ) * Flatness30_g73 ) ) + float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )*( 2.0 / ( Scale24_g73 * 1.5 ) ) + ( Wind51_g73 * float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )); float2 coords35_g74 = temp_output_10_0_g74 * 60.0; float2 id35_g74 = 0; float2 uv35_g74 = 0; float fade35_g74 = 0.5; float voroi35_g74 = 0; float rest35_g74 = 0; for( int it35_g74 = 0; it35_g74 <2; it35_g74++ ){ voroi35_g74 += fade35_g74 * voronoi35_g74( coords35_g74, time35_g74, id35_g74, uv35_g74, 0,voronoiSmoothId35_g74 ); rest35_g74 += fade35_g74; coords35_g74 *= 2; fade35_g74 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi35_g74 voroi35_g74 /= rest35_g74; float time13_g74 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId13_g74 = 0; float2 coords13_g74 = temp_output_10_0_g74 * 25.0; float2 id13_g74 = 0; float2 uv13_g74 = 0; float fade13_g74 = 0.5; float voroi13_g74 = 0; float rest13_g74 = 0; for( int it13_g74 = 0; it13_g74 <2; it13_g74++ ){ voroi13_g74 += fade13_g74 * voronoi13_g74( coords13_g74, time13_g74, id13_g74, uv13_g74, 0,voronoiSmoothId13_g74 ); rest13_g74 += fade13_g74; coords13_g74 *= 2; fade13_g74 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi13_g74 voroi13_g74 /= rest13_g74; float time11_g74 = 17.23; float2 voronoiSmoothId11_g74 = 0; float2 coords11_g74 = temp_output_10_0_g74 * 9.0; float2 id11_g74 = 0; float2 uv11_g74 = 0; float fade11_g74 = 0.5; float voroi11_g74 = 0; float rest11_g74 = 0; for( int it11_g74 = 0; it11_g74 <2; it11_g74++ ){ voroi11_g74 += fade11_g74 * voronoi11_g74( coords11_g74, time11_g74, id11_g74, uv11_g74, 0,voronoiSmoothId11_g74 ); rest11_g74 += fade11_g74; coords11_g74 *= 2; fade11_g74 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi11_g74 voroi11_g74 /= rest11_g74; float lerpResult15_g74 = lerp( saturate( ( voroi35_g74 + voroi13_g74 ) ) , voroi11_g74 , ( ModifiedCohesion22_g73 * 1.1 )); float lerpResult16_g74 = lerp( lerpResult15_g74 , 1.0 , ( ( 1.0 - CumulusCoverage113_g73 ) + -0.7 )); float4 lerpResult104_g73 = lerp( CloudHighlightColor91_g73 , ModifiedCloudColor97_g73 , saturate( SampleGradient( gradient87_g73, saturate( (0.0 + (( Dot28_g73 * ( 1.0 - lerpResult16_g74 ) ) - 0.6) * (1.0 - 0.0) / (1.0 - 0.6)) ) ).r )); float4 IT2Color100_g73 = lerpResult104_g73; Gradient gradient93_g73 = NewGradient( 0, 2, 2, float4( 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.4617685 ), float4( 1, 1, 1, 0.5117723 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, float2( 1, 0 ), float2( 1, 1 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); float IT2Alpha101_g73 = SampleGradient( gradient93_g73, temp_output_25_0_g73 ).r; bool enabled20_g79 =(bool)_UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; bool submerged20_g79 =(bool)_FullySubmerged; float4 screenPos = IN.ase_texcoord4; float4 ase_screenPosNorm = screenPos / screenPos.w; ase_screenPosNorm.z = ( UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE >= 0 ) ? ase_screenPosNorm.z : ase_screenPosNorm.z * 0.5 + 0.5; float textureSample20_g79 = tex2Dlod( _UnderwaterMask, float4( ase_screenPosNorm.xy, 0, 0.0) ).r; float localHLSL20_g79 = HLSL20_g79( enabled20_g79 , submerged20_g79 , textureSample20_g79 ); float3 BakedAlbedo = 0; float3 BakedEmission = 0; float3 Color = IT2Color100_g73.rgb; float Alpha = ( IT2Alpha101_g73 * ( 1.0 - localHLSL20_g79 ) ); float AlphaClipThreshold = CZY_ClippingThreshold; float AlphaClipThresholdShadow = 0.5; #ifdef _ALPHATEST_ON clip( Alpha - AlphaClipThreshold ); #endif #if defined(_DBUFFER) ApplyDecalToBaseColor(IN.clipPos, Color); #endif #if defined(_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON) Color *= Alpha; #endif #ifdef LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE LODDitheringTransition( IN.clipPos.xyz, unity_LODFade.x ); #endif #ifdef ASE_FOG Color = MixFog( Color, IN.fogFactor ); #endif return half4( Color, Alpha ); } ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "ShadowCaster" Tags { "LightMode"="ShadowCaster" } ZWrite On ZTest LEqual AlphaToMask Off ColorMask 0 HLSLPROGRAM #pragma multi_compile_instancing #define _ALPHATEST_ON 1 #define ASE_SRP_VERSION 120108 #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #pragma multi_compile _ _CASTING_PUNCTUAL_LIGHT_SHADOW #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_SHADOWCASTER #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.shadergraph/ShaderGraphLibrary/Functions.hlsl" struct VertexInput { float4 vertex : POSITION; float3 ase_normal : NORMAL; float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID }; struct VertexOutput { float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION; #if defined(ASE_NEEDS_FRAG_WORLD_POSITION) float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0; #endif #if defined(REQUIRES_VERTEX_SHADOW_COORD_INTERPOLATOR) && defined(ASE_NEEDS_FRAG_SHADOWCOORDS) float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD1; #endif float4 ase_texcoord2 : TEXCOORD2; float4 ase_texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID UNITY_VERTEX_OUTPUT_STEREO }; CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial) #ifdef ASE_TESSELLATION float _TessPhongStrength; float _TessValue; float _TessMin; float _TessMax; float _TessEdgeLength; float _TessMaxDisp; #endif CBUFFER_END float CZY_Spherize; float CZY_MainCloudScale; float CZY_WindSpeed; float CZY_CloudCohesion; float CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float _UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; float _FullySubmerged; sampler2D _UnderwaterMask; float CZY_ClippingThreshold; float2 voronoihash35_g78( float2 p ) { p = float2( dot( p, float2( 127.1, 311.7 ) ), dot( p, float2( 269.5, 183.3 ) ) ); return frac( sin( p ) *43758.5453); } float voronoi35_g78( float2 v, float time, inout float2 id, inout float2 mr, float smoothness, inout float2 smoothId ) { float2 n = floor( v ); float2 f = frac( v ); float F1 = 8.0; float F2 = 8.0; float2 mg = 0; for ( int j = -1; j <= 1; j++ ) { for ( int i = -1; i <= 1; i++ ) { float2 g = float2( i, j ); float2 o = voronoihash35_g78( n + g ); o = ( sin( time + o * 6.2831 ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ); float2 r = f - g - o; float d = 0.5 * dot( r, r ); if( d v) { TessellationFactors o; float4 tf = 1; float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax; float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp; #if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION) tf = FixedTess( tessValue ); #elif defined(ASE_DISTANCE_TESSELLATION) tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_CULL_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes ); #endif o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w; return o; } [domain("tri")] [partitioning("fractional_odd")] [outputtopology("triangle_cw")] [patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")] [outputcontrolpoints(3)] VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID) { return patch[id]; } [domain("tri")] VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation) { VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0; o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z; o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z; o.ase_texcoord = patch[0].ase_texcoord * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord * bary.z; #if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION) float3 pp[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) pp[i] = o.vertex.xyz - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(o.vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i].vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal)); float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength; o.vertex.xyz = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) * o.vertex.xyz; #endif UNITY_TRANSFER_INSTANCE_ID(patch[0], o); return VertexFunction(o); } #else VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v ) { return VertexFunction( v ); } #endif half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET { UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID( IN ); UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX( IN ); #if defined(ASE_NEEDS_FRAG_WORLD_POSITION) float3 WorldPosition = IN.worldPos; #endif float4 ShadowCoords = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); #if defined(ASE_NEEDS_FRAG_SHADOWCOORDS) #if defined(REQUIRES_VERTEX_SHADOW_COORD_INTERPOLATOR) ShadowCoords = IN.shadowCoord; #elif defined(MAIN_LIGHT_CALCULATE_SHADOWS) ShadowCoords = TransformWorldToShadowCoord( WorldPosition ); #endif #endif Gradient gradient93_g73 = NewGradient( 0, 2, 2, float4( 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.4617685 ), float4( 1, 1, 1, 0.5117723 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, float2( 1, 0 ), float2( 1, 1 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); float2 texCoord11_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord2.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_54_0_g73 = ( texCoord11_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult23_g73 = dot( temp_output_54_0_g73 , temp_output_54_0_g73 ); float Dot28_g73 = saturate( (0.85 + (dotResult23_g73 - 0.0) * (3.0 - 0.85) / (1.0 - 0.0)) ); float time35_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId35_g78 = 0; float2 texCoord21_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord2.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 CentralUV17_g73 = ( texCoord21_g73 + float2( -0.5,-0.5 ) ); float2 temp_output_21_0_g78 = CentralUV17_g73; float2 break2_g78 = abs( temp_output_21_0_g78 ); float saferPower4_g78 = abs( break2_g78.x ); float saferPower3_g78 = abs( break2_g78.y ); float saferPower6_g78 = abs( ( pow( saferPower4_g78 , 2.0 ) + pow( saferPower3_g78 , 2.0 ) ) ); float Spherize29_g73 = CZY_Spherize; float Flatness30_g73 = ( 20.0 * CZY_Spherize ); float Scale24_g73 = ( CZY_MainCloudScale * 0.1 ); float mulTime14_g73 = _TimeParameters.x * ( 0.001 * CZY_WindSpeed ); float Time8_g73 = mulTime14_g73; float2 Wind51_g73 = ( Time8_g73 * float2( 0.1,0.2 ) ); float2 temp_output_10_0_g78 = (( ( temp_output_21_0_g78 * ( pow( saferPower6_g78 , Spherize29_g73 ) * Flatness30_g73 ) ) + float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )*( 2.0 / ( Scale24_g73 * 1.5 ) ) + ( Wind51_g73 * float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )); float2 coords35_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 60.0; float2 id35_g78 = 0; float2 uv35_g78 = 0; float fade35_g78 = 0.5; float voroi35_g78 = 0; float rest35_g78 = 0; for( int it35_g78 = 0; it35_g78 <2; it35_g78++ ){ voroi35_g78 += fade35_g78 * voronoi35_g78( coords35_g78, time35_g78, id35_g78, uv35_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId35_g78 ); rest35_g78 += fade35_g78; coords35_g78 *= 2; fade35_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi35_g78 voroi35_g78 /= rest35_g78; float time13_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId13_g78 = 0; float2 coords13_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 25.0; float2 id13_g78 = 0; float2 uv13_g78 = 0; float fade13_g78 = 0.5; float voroi13_g78 = 0; float rest13_g78 = 0; for( int it13_g78 = 0; it13_g78 <2; it13_g78++ ){ voroi13_g78 += fade13_g78 * voronoi13_g78( coords13_g78, time13_g78, id13_g78, uv13_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId13_g78 ); rest13_g78 += fade13_g78; coords13_g78 *= 2; fade13_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi13_g78 voroi13_g78 /= rest13_g78; float time11_g78 = 17.23; float2 voronoiSmoothId11_g78 = 0; float2 coords11_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 9.0; float2 id11_g78 = 0; float2 uv11_g78 = 0; float fade11_g78 = 0.5; float voroi11_g78 = 0; float rest11_g78 = 0; for( int it11_g78 = 0; it11_g78 <2; it11_g78++ ){ voroi11_g78 += fade11_g78 * voronoi11_g78( coords11_g78, time11_g78, id11_g78, uv11_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId11_g78 ); rest11_g78 += fade11_g78; coords11_g78 *= 2; fade11_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi11_g78 voroi11_g78 /= rest11_g78; float2 texCoord12_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord2.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_15_0_g73 = ( texCoord12_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult7_g73 = dot( temp_output_15_0_g73 , temp_output_15_0_g73 ); float ModifiedCohesion22_g73 = ( CZY_CloudCohesion * 1.0 * ( 1.0 - dotResult7_g73 ) ); float lerpResult15_g78 = lerp( saturate( ( voroi35_g78 + voroi13_g78 ) ) , voroi11_g78 , ( ModifiedCohesion22_g73 * 1.1 )); float CumulusCoverage113_g73 = CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float lerpResult16_g78 = lerp( lerpResult15_g78 , 1.0 , ( ( 1.0 - CumulusCoverage113_g73 ) + -0.7 )); float temp_output_25_0_g73 = saturate( (0.0 + (( Dot28_g73 * ( 1.0 - lerpResult16_g78 ) ) - 0.6) * (1.0 - 0.0) / (1.0 - 0.6)) ); float IT2Alpha101_g73 = SampleGradient( gradient93_g73, temp_output_25_0_g73 ).r; bool enabled20_g79 =(bool)_UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; bool submerged20_g79 =(bool)_FullySubmerged; float4 screenPos = IN.ase_texcoord3; float4 ase_screenPosNorm = screenPos / screenPos.w; ase_screenPosNorm.z = ( UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE >= 0 ) ? ase_screenPosNorm.z : ase_screenPosNorm.z * 0.5 + 0.5; float textureSample20_g79 = tex2Dlod( _UnderwaterMask, float4( ase_screenPosNorm.xy, 0, 0.0) ).r; float localHLSL20_g79 = HLSL20_g79( enabled20_g79 , submerged20_g79 , textureSample20_g79 ); float Alpha = ( IT2Alpha101_g73 * ( 1.0 - localHLSL20_g79 ) ); float AlphaClipThreshold = CZY_ClippingThreshold; float AlphaClipThresholdShadow = 0.5; #ifdef _ALPHATEST_ON #ifdef _ALPHATEST_SHADOW_ON clip(Alpha - AlphaClipThresholdShadow); #else clip(Alpha - AlphaClipThreshold); #endif #endif #ifdef LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE LODDitheringTransition( IN.clipPos.xyz, unity_LODFade.x ); #endif return 0; } ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "DepthOnly" Tags { "LightMode"="DepthOnly" } ZWrite On ColorMask 0 AlphaToMask Off HLSLPROGRAM #pragma multi_compile_instancing #define _ALPHATEST_ON 1 #define ASE_SRP_VERSION 120108 #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.shadergraph/ShaderGraphLibrary/Functions.hlsl" struct VertexInput { float4 vertex : POSITION; float3 ase_normal : NORMAL; float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID }; struct VertexOutput { float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION; #if defined(ASE_NEEDS_FRAG_WORLD_POSITION) float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0; #endif #if defined(REQUIRES_VERTEX_SHADOW_COORD_INTERPOLATOR) && defined(ASE_NEEDS_FRAG_SHADOWCOORDS) float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD1; #endif float4 ase_texcoord2 : TEXCOORD2; float4 ase_texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID UNITY_VERTEX_OUTPUT_STEREO }; CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial) #ifdef ASE_TESSELLATION float _TessPhongStrength; float _TessValue; float _TessMin; float _TessMax; float _TessEdgeLength; float _TessMaxDisp; #endif CBUFFER_END float CZY_Spherize; float CZY_MainCloudScale; float CZY_WindSpeed; float CZY_CloudCohesion; float CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float _UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; float _FullySubmerged; sampler2D _UnderwaterMask; float CZY_ClippingThreshold; float2 voronoihash35_g78( float2 p ) { p = float2( dot( p, float2( 127.1, 311.7 ) ), dot( p, float2( 269.5, 183.3 ) ) ); return frac( sin( p ) *43758.5453); } float voronoi35_g78( float2 v, float time, inout float2 id, inout float2 mr, float smoothness, inout float2 smoothId ) { float2 n = floor( v ); float2 f = frac( v ); float F1 = 8.0; float F2 = 8.0; float2 mg = 0; for ( int j = -1; j <= 1; j++ ) { for ( int i = -1; i <= 1; i++ ) { float2 g = float2( i, j ); float2 o = voronoihash35_g78( n + g ); o = ( sin( time + o * 6.2831 ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ); float2 r = f - g - o; float d = 0.5 * dot( r, r ); if( d v) { TessellationFactors o; float4 tf = 1; float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax; float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp; #if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION) tf = FixedTess( tessValue ); #elif defined(ASE_DISTANCE_TESSELLATION) tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_CULL_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes ); #endif o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w; return o; } [domain("tri")] [partitioning("fractional_odd")] [outputtopology("triangle_cw")] [patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")] [outputcontrolpoints(3)] VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID) { return patch[id]; } [domain("tri")] VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation) { VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0; o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z; o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z; o.ase_texcoord = patch[0].ase_texcoord * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord * bary.z; #if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION) float3 pp[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) pp[i] = o.vertex.xyz - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(o.vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i].vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal)); float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength; o.vertex.xyz = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) * o.vertex.xyz; #endif UNITY_TRANSFER_INSTANCE_ID(patch[0], o); return VertexFunction(o); } #else VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v ) { return VertexFunction( v ); } #endif half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET { UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID(IN); UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX( IN ); #if defined(ASE_NEEDS_FRAG_WORLD_POSITION) float3 WorldPosition = IN.worldPos; #endif float4 ShadowCoords = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); #if defined(ASE_NEEDS_FRAG_SHADOWCOORDS) #if defined(REQUIRES_VERTEX_SHADOW_COORD_INTERPOLATOR) ShadowCoords = IN.shadowCoord; #elif defined(MAIN_LIGHT_CALCULATE_SHADOWS) ShadowCoords = TransformWorldToShadowCoord( WorldPosition ); #endif #endif Gradient gradient93_g73 = NewGradient( 0, 2, 2, float4( 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.4617685 ), float4( 1, 1, 1, 0.5117723 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, float2( 1, 0 ), float2( 1, 1 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); float2 texCoord11_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord2.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_54_0_g73 = ( texCoord11_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult23_g73 = dot( temp_output_54_0_g73 , temp_output_54_0_g73 ); float Dot28_g73 = saturate( (0.85 + (dotResult23_g73 - 0.0) * (3.0 - 0.85) / (1.0 - 0.0)) ); float time35_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId35_g78 = 0; float2 texCoord21_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord2.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 CentralUV17_g73 = ( texCoord21_g73 + float2( -0.5,-0.5 ) ); float2 temp_output_21_0_g78 = CentralUV17_g73; float2 break2_g78 = abs( temp_output_21_0_g78 ); float saferPower4_g78 = abs( break2_g78.x ); float saferPower3_g78 = abs( break2_g78.y ); float saferPower6_g78 = abs( ( pow( saferPower4_g78 , 2.0 ) + pow( saferPower3_g78 , 2.0 ) ) ); float Spherize29_g73 = CZY_Spherize; float Flatness30_g73 = ( 20.0 * CZY_Spherize ); float Scale24_g73 = ( CZY_MainCloudScale * 0.1 ); float mulTime14_g73 = _TimeParameters.x * ( 0.001 * CZY_WindSpeed ); float Time8_g73 = mulTime14_g73; float2 Wind51_g73 = ( Time8_g73 * float2( 0.1,0.2 ) ); float2 temp_output_10_0_g78 = (( ( temp_output_21_0_g78 * ( pow( saferPower6_g78 , Spherize29_g73 ) * Flatness30_g73 ) ) + float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )*( 2.0 / ( Scale24_g73 * 1.5 ) ) + ( Wind51_g73 * float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )); float2 coords35_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 60.0; float2 id35_g78 = 0; float2 uv35_g78 = 0; float fade35_g78 = 0.5; float voroi35_g78 = 0; float rest35_g78 = 0; for( int it35_g78 = 0; it35_g78 <2; it35_g78++ ){ voroi35_g78 += fade35_g78 * voronoi35_g78( coords35_g78, time35_g78, id35_g78, uv35_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId35_g78 ); rest35_g78 += fade35_g78; coords35_g78 *= 2; fade35_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi35_g78 voroi35_g78 /= rest35_g78; float time13_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId13_g78 = 0; float2 coords13_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 25.0; float2 id13_g78 = 0; float2 uv13_g78 = 0; float fade13_g78 = 0.5; float voroi13_g78 = 0; float rest13_g78 = 0; for( int it13_g78 = 0; it13_g78 <2; it13_g78++ ){ voroi13_g78 += fade13_g78 * voronoi13_g78( coords13_g78, time13_g78, id13_g78, uv13_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId13_g78 ); rest13_g78 += fade13_g78; coords13_g78 *= 2; fade13_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi13_g78 voroi13_g78 /= rest13_g78; float time11_g78 = 17.23; float2 voronoiSmoothId11_g78 = 0; float2 coords11_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 9.0; float2 id11_g78 = 0; float2 uv11_g78 = 0; float fade11_g78 = 0.5; float voroi11_g78 = 0; float rest11_g78 = 0; for( int it11_g78 = 0; it11_g78 <2; it11_g78++ ){ voroi11_g78 += fade11_g78 * voronoi11_g78( coords11_g78, time11_g78, id11_g78, uv11_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId11_g78 ); rest11_g78 += fade11_g78; coords11_g78 *= 2; fade11_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi11_g78 voroi11_g78 /= rest11_g78; float2 texCoord12_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord2.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_15_0_g73 = ( texCoord12_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult7_g73 = dot( temp_output_15_0_g73 , temp_output_15_0_g73 ); float ModifiedCohesion22_g73 = ( CZY_CloudCohesion * 1.0 * ( 1.0 - dotResult7_g73 ) ); float lerpResult15_g78 = lerp( saturate( ( voroi35_g78 + voroi13_g78 ) ) , voroi11_g78 , ( ModifiedCohesion22_g73 * 1.1 )); float CumulusCoverage113_g73 = CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float lerpResult16_g78 = lerp( lerpResult15_g78 , 1.0 , ( ( 1.0 - CumulusCoverage113_g73 ) + -0.7 )); float temp_output_25_0_g73 = saturate( (0.0 + (( Dot28_g73 * ( 1.0 - lerpResult16_g78 ) ) - 0.6) * (1.0 - 0.0) / (1.0 - 0.6)) ); float IT2Alpha101_g73 = SampleGradient( gradient93_g73, temp_output_25_0_g73 ).r; bool enabled20_g79 =(bool)_UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; bool submerged20_g79 =(bool)_FullySubmerged; float4 screenPos = IN.ase_texcoord3; float4 ase_screenPosNorm = screenPos / screenPos.w; ase_screenPosNorm.z = ( UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE >= 0 ) ? ase_screenPosNorm.z : ase_screenPosNorm.z * 0.5 + 0.5; float textureSample20_g79 = tex2Dlod( _UnderwaterMask, float4( ase_screenPosNorm.xy, 0, 0.0) ).r; float localHLSL20_g79 = HLSL20_g79( enabled20_g79 , submerged20_g79 , textureSample20_g79 ); float Alpha = ( IT2Alpha101_g73 * ( 1.0 - localHLSL20_g79 ) ); float AlphaClipThreshold = CZY_ClippingThreshold; #ifdef _ALPHATEST_ON clip(Alpha - AlphaClipThreshold); #endif #ifdef LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE LODDitheringTransition( IN.clipPos.xyz, unity_LODFade.x ); #endif return 0; } ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "SceneSelectionPass" Tags { "LightMode"="SceneSelectionPass" } Cull Off HLSLPROGRAM #pragma multi_compile_instancing #define _ALPHATEST_ON 1 #define ASE_SRP_VERSION 120108 #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #define ATTRIBUTES_NEED_NORMAL #define ATTRIBUTES_NEED_TANGENT #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_DEPTHONLY #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.shadergraph/ShaderGraphLibrary/Functions.hlsl" struct VertexInput { float4 vertex : POSITION; float3 ase_normal : NORMAL; float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID }; struct VertexOutput { float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION; float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0; float4 ase_texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID UNITY_VERTEX_OUTPUT_STEREO }; CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial) #ifdef ASE_TESSELLATION float _TessPhongStrength; float _TessValue; float _TessMin; float _TessMax; float _TessEdgeLength; float _TessMaxDisp; #endif CBUFFER_END float CZY_Spherize; float CZY_MainCloudScale; float CZY_WindSpeed; float CZY_CloudCohesion; float CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float _UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; float _FullySubmerged; sampler2D _UnderwaterMask; float CZY_ClippingThreshold; float2 voronoihash35_g78( float2 p ) { p = float2( dot( p, float2( 127.1, 311.7 ) ), dot( p, float2( 269.5, 183.3 ) ) ); return frac( sin( p ) *43758.5453); } float voronoi35_g78( float2 v, float time, inout float2 id, inout float2 mr, float smoothness, inout float2 smoothId ) { float2 n = floor( v ); float2 f = frac( v ); float F1 = 8.0; float F2 = 8.0; float2 mg = 0; for ( int j = -1; j <= 1; j++ ) { for ( int i = -1; i <= 1; i++ ) { float2 g = float2( i, j ); float2 o = voronoihash35_g78( n + g ); o = ( sin( time + o * 6.2831 ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ); float2 r = f - g - o; float d = 0.5 * dot( r, r ); if( d v) { TessellationFactors o; float4 tf = 1; float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax; float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp; #if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION) tf = FixedTess( tessValue ); #elif defined(ASE_DISTANCE_TESSELLATION) tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_CULL_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes ); #endif o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w; return o; } [domain("tri")] [partitioning("fractional_odd")] [outputtopology("triangle_cw")] [patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")] [outputcontrolpoints(3)] VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID) { return patch[id]; } [domain("tri")] VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation) { VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0; o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z; o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z; o.ase_texcoord = patch[0].ase_texcoord * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord * bary.z; #if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION) float3 pp[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) pp[i] = o.vertex.xyz - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(o.vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i].vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal)); float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength; o.vertex.xyz = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) * o.vertex.xyz; #endif UNITY_TRANSFER_INSTANCE_ID(patch[0], o); return VertexFunction(o); } #else VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v ) { return VertexFunction( v ); } #endif half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET { SurfaceDescription surfaceDescription = (SurfaceDescription)0; Gradient gradient93_g73 = NewGradient( 0, 2, 2, float4( 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.4617685 ), float4( 1, 1, 1, 0.5117723 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, float2( 1, 0 ), float2( 1, 1 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); float2 texCoord11_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_54_0_g73 = ( texCoord11_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult23_g73 = dot( temp_output_54_0_g73 , temp_output_54_0_g73 ); float Dot28_g73 = saturate( (0.85 + (dotResult23_g73 - 0.0) * (3.0 - 0.85) / (1.0 - 0.0)) ); float time35_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId35_g78 = 0; float2 texCoord21_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 CentralUV17_g73 = ( texCoord21_g73 + float2( -0.5,-0.5 ) ); float2 temp_output_21_0_g78 = CentralUV17_g73; float2 break2_g78 = abs( temp_output_21_0_g78 ); float saferPower4_g78 = abs( break2_g78.x ); float saferPower3_g78 = abs( break2_g78.y ); float saferPower6_g78 = abs( ( pow( saferPower4_g78 , 2.0 ) + pow( saferPower3_g78 , 2.0 ) ) ); float Spherize29_g73 = CZY_Spherize; float Flatness30_g73 = ( 20.0 * CZY_Spherize ); float Scale24_g73 = ( CZY_MainCloudScale * 0.1 ); float mulTime14_g73 = _TimeParameters.x * ( 0.001 * CZY_WindSpeed ); float Time8_g73 = mulTime14_g73; float2 Wind51_g73 = ( Time8_g73 * float2( 0.1,0.2 ) ); float2 temp_output_10_0_g78 = (( ( temp_output_21_0_g78 * ( pow( saferPower6_g78 , Spherize29_g73 ) * Flatness30_g73 ) ) + float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )*( 2.0 / ( Scale24_g73 * 1.5 ) ) + ( Wind51_g73 * float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )); float2 coords35_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 60.0; float2 id35_g78 = 0; float2 uv35_g78 = 0; float fade35_g78 = 0.5; float voroi35_g78 = 0; float rest35_g78 = 0; for( int it35_g78 = 0; it35_g78 <2; it35_g78++ ){ voroi35_g78 += fade35_g78 * voronoi35_g78( coords35_g78, time35_g78, id35_g78, uv35_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId35_g78 ); rest35_g78 += fade35_g78; coords35_g78 *= 2; fade35_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi35_g78 voroi35_g78 /= rest35_g78; float time13_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId13_g78 = 0; float2 coords13_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 25.0; float2 id13_g78 = 0; float2 uv13_g78 = 0; float fade13_g78 = 0.5; float voroi13_g78 = 0; float rest13_g78 = 0; for( int it13_g78 = 0; it13_g78 <2; it13_g78++ ){ voroi13_g78 += fade13_g78 * voronoi13_g78( coords13_g78, time13_g78, id13_g78, uv13_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId13_g78 ); rest13_g78 += fade13_g78; coords13_g78 *= 2; fade13_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi13_g78 voroi13_g78 /= rest13_g78; float time11_g78 = 17.23; float2 voronoiSmoothId11_g78 = 0; float2 coords11_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 9.0; float2 id11_g78 = 0; float2 uv11_g78 = 0; float fade11_g78 = 0.5; float voroi11_g78 = 0; float rest11_g78 = 0; for( int it11_g78 = 0; it11_g78 <2; it11_g78++ ){ voroi11_g78 += fade11_g78 * voronoi11_g78( coords11_g78, time11_g78, id11_g78, uv11_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId11_g78 ); rest11_g78 += fade11_g78; coords11_g78 *= 2; fade11_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi11_g78 voroi11_g78 /= rest11_g78; float2 texCoord12_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_15_0_g73 = ( texCoord12_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult7_g73 = dot( temp_output_15_0_g73 , temp_output_15_0_g73 ); float ModifiedCohesion22_g73 = ( CZY_CloudCohesion * 1.0 * ( 1.0 - dotResult7_g73 ) ); float lerpResult15_g78 = lerp( saturate( ( voroi35_g78 + voroi13_g78 ) ) , voroi11_g78 , ( ModifiedCohesion22_g73 * 1.1 )); float CumulusCoverage113_g73 = CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float lerpResult16_g78 = lerp( lerpResult15_g78 , 1.0 , ( ( 1.0 - CumulusCoverage113_g73 ) + -0.7 )); float temp_output_25_0_g73 = saturate( (0.0 + (( Dot28_g73 * ( 1.0 - lerpResult16_g78 ) ) - 0.6) * (1.0 - 0.0) / (1.0 - 0.6)) ); float IT2Alpha101_g73 = SampleGradient( gradient93_g73, temp_output_25_0_g73 ).r; bool enabled20_g79 =(bool)_UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; bool submerged20_g79 =(bool)_FullySubmerged; float4 screenPos = IN.ase_texcoord1; float4 ase_screenPosNorm = screenPos / screenPos.w; ase_screenPosNorm.z = ( UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE >= 0 ) ? ase_screenPosNorm.z : ase_screenPosNorm.z * 0.5 + 0.5; float textureSample20_g79 = tex2Dlod( _UnderwaterMask, float4( ase_screenPosNorm.xy, 0, 0.0) ).r; float localHLSL20_g79 = HLSL20_g79( enabled20_g79 , submerged20_g79 , textureSample20_g79 ); surfaceDescription.Alpha = ( IT2Alpha101_g73 * ( 1.0 - localHLSL20_g79 ) ); surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold = CZY_ClippingThreshold; #if _ALPHATEST_ON float alphaClipThreshold = 0.01f; #if ALPHA_CLIP_THRESHOLD alphaClipThreshold = surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold; #endif clip(surfaceDescription.Alpha - alphaClipThreshold); #endif half4 outColor = half4(_ObjectId, _PassValue, 1.0, 1.0); return outColor; } ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "ScenePickingPass" Tags { "LightMode"="Picking" } HLSLPROGRAM #pragma multi_compile_instancing #define _ALPHATEST_ON 1 #define ASE_SRP_VERSION 120108 #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #define ATTRIBUTES_NEED_NORMAL #define ATTRIBUTES_NEED_TANGENT #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_DEPTHONLY #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.shadergraph/ShaderGraphLibrary/Functions.hlsl" struct VertexInput { float4 vertex : POSITION; float3 ase_normal : NORMAL; float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID }; struct VertexOutput { float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION; float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0; float4 ase_texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID UNITY_VERTEX_OUTPUT_STEREO }; CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial) #ifdef ASE_TESSELLATION float _TessPhongStrength; float _TessValue; float _TessMin; float _TessMax; float _TessEdgeLength; float _TessMaxDisp; #endif CBUFFER_END float CZY_Spherize; float CZY_MainCloudScale; float CZY_WindSpeed; float CZY_CloudCohesion; float CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float _UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; float _FullySubmerged; sampler2D _UnderwaterMask; float CZY_ClippingThreshold; float2 voronoihash35_g78( float2 p ) { p = float2( dot( p, float2( 127.1, 311.7 ) ), dot( p, float2( 269.5, 183.3 ) ) ); return frac( sin( p ) *43758.5453); } float voronoi35_g78( float2 v, float time, inout float2 id, inout float2 mr, float smoothness, inout float2 smoothId ) { float2 n = floor( v ); float2 f = frac( v ); float F1 = 8.0; float F2 = 8.0; float2 mg = 0; for ( int j = -1; j <= 1; j++ ) { for ( int i = -1; i <= 1; i++ ) { float2 g = float2( i, j ); float2 o = voronoihash35_g78( n + g ); o = ( sin( time + o * 6.2831 ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ); float2 r = f - g - o; float d = 0.5 * dot( r, r ); if( d v) { TessellationFactors o; float4 tf = 1; float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax; float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp; #if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION) tf = FixedTess( tessValue ); #elif defined(ASE_DISTANCE_TESSELLATION) tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_CULL_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes ); #endif o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w; return o; } [domain("tri")] [partitioning("fractional_odd")] [outputtopology("triangle_cw")] [patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")] [outputcontrolpoints(3)] VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID) { return patch[id]; } [domain("tri")] VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation) { VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0; o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z; o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z; o.ase_texcoord = patch[0].ase_texcoord * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord * bary.z; #if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION) float3 pp[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) pp[i] = o.vertex.xyz - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(o.vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i].vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal)); float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength; o.vertex.xyz = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) * o.vertex.xyz; #endif UNITY_TRANSFER_INSTANCE_ID(patch[0], o); return VertexFunction(o); } #else VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v ) { return VertexFunction( v ); } #endif half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET { SurfaceDescription surfaceDescription = (SurfaceDescription)0; Gradient gradient93_g73 = NewGradient( 0, 2, 2, float4( 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.4617685 ), float4( 1, 1, 1, 0.5117723 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, float2( 1, 0 ), float2( 1, 1 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); float2 texCoord11_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_54_0_g73 = ( texCoord11_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult23_g73 = dot( temp_output_54_0_g73 , temp_output_54_0_g73 ); float Dot28_g73 = saturate( (0.85 + (dotResult23_g73 - 0.0) * (3.0 - 0.85) / (1.0 - 0.0)) ); float time35_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId35_g78 = 0; float2 texCoord21_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 CentralUV17_g73 = ( texCoord21_g73 + float2( -0.5,-0.5 ) ); float2 temp_output_21_0_g78 = CentralUV17_g73; float2 break2_g78 = abs( temp_output_21_0_g78 ); float saferPower4_g78 = abs( break2_g78.x ); float saferPower3_g78 = abs( break2_g78.y ); float saferPower6_g78 = abs( ( pow( saferPower4_g78 , 2.0 ) + pow( saferPower3_g78 , 2.0 ) ) ); float Spherize29_g73 = CZY_Spherize; float Flatness30_g73 = ( 20.0 * CZY_Spherize ); float Scale24_g73 = ( CZY_MainCloudScale * 0.1 ); float mulTime14_g73 = _TimeParameters.x * ( 0.001 * CZY_WindSpeed ); float Time8_g73 = mulTime14_g73; float2 Wind51_g73 = ( Time8_g73 * float2( 0.1,0.2 ) ); float2 temp_output_10_0_g78 = (( ( temp_output_21_0_g78 * ( pow( saferPower6_g78 , Spherize29_g73 ) * Flatness30_g73 ) ) + float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )*( 2.0 / ( Scale24_g73 * 1.5 ) ) + ( Wind51_g73 * float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )); float2 coords35_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 60.0; float2 id35_g78 = 0; float2 uv35_g78 = 0; float fade35_g78 = 0.5; float voroi35_g78 = 0; float rest35_g78 = 0; for( int it35_g78 = 0; it35_g78 <2; it35_g78++ ){ voroi35_g78 += fade35_g78 * voronoi35_g78( coords35_g78, time35_g78, id35_g78, uv35_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId35_g78 ); rest35_g78 += fade35_g78; coords35_g78 *= 2; fade35_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi35_g78 voroi35_g78 /= rest35_g78; float time13_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId13_g78 = 0; float2 coords13_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 25.0; float2 id13_g78 = 0; float2 uv13_g78 = 0; float fade13_g78 = 0.5; float voroi13_g78 = 0; float rest13_g78 = 0; for( int it13_g78 = 0; it13_g78 <2; it13_g78++ ){ voroi13_g78 += fade13_g78 * voronoi13_g78( coords13_g78, time13_g78, id13_g78, uv13_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId13_g78 ); rest13_g78 += fade13_g78; coords13_g78 *= 2; fade13_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi13_g78 voroi13_g78 /= rest13_g78; float time11_g78 = 17.23; float2 voronoiSmoothId11_g78 = 0; float2 coords11_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 9.0; float2 id11_g78 = 0; float2 uv11_g78 = 0; float fade11_g78 = 0.5; float voroi11_g78 = 0; float rest11_g78 = 0; for( int it11_g78 = 0; it11_g78 <2; it11_g78++ ){ voroi11_g78 += fade11_g78 * voronoi11_g78( coords11_g78, time11_g78, id11_g78, uv11_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId11_g78 ); rest11_g78 += fade11_g78; coords11_g78 *= 2; fade11_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi11_g78 voroi11_g78 /= rest11_g78; float2 texCoord12_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_15_0_g73 = ( texCoord12_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult7_g73 = dot( temp_output_15_0_g73 , temp_output_15_0_g73 ); float ModifiedCohesion22_g73 = ( CZY_CloudCohesion * 1.0 * ( 1.0 - dotResult7_g73 ) ); float lerpResult15_g78 = lerp( saturate( ( voroi35_g78 + voroi13_g78 ) ) , voroi11_g78 , ( ModifiedCohesion22_g73 * 1.1 )); float CumulusCoverage113_g73 = CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float lerpResult16_g78 = lerp( lerpResult15_g78 , 1.0 , ( ( 1.0 - CumulusCoverage113_g73 ) + -0.7 )); float temp_output_25_0_g73 = saturate( (0.0 + (( Dot28_g73 * ( 1.0 - lerpResult16_g78 ) ) - 0.6) * (1.0 - 0.0) / (1.0 - 0.6)) ); float IT2Alpha101_g73 = SampleGradient( gradient93_g73, temp_output_25_0_g73 ).r; bool enabled20_g79 =(bool)_UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; bool submerged20_g79 =(bool)_FullySubmerged; float4 screenPos = IN.ase_texcoord1; float4 ase_screenPosNorm = screenPos / screenPos.w; ase_screenPosNorm.z = ( UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE >= 0 ) ? ase_screenPosNorm.z : ase_screenPosNorm.z * 0.5 + 0.5; float textureSample20_g79 = tex2Dlod( _UnderwaterMask, float4( ase_screenPosNorm.xy, 0, 0.0) ).r; float localHLSL20_g79 = HLSL20_g79( enabled20_g79 , submerged20_g79 , textureSample20_g79 ); surfaceDescription.Alpha = ( IT2Alpha101_g73 * ( 1.0 - localHLSL20_g79 ) ); surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold = CZY_ClippingThreshold; #if _ALPHATEST_ON float alphaClipThreshold = 0.01f; #if ALPHA_CLIP_THRESHOLD alphaClipThreshold = surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold; #endif clip(surfaceDescription.Alpha - alphaClipThreshold); #endif half4 outColor = 0; outColor = _SelectionID; return outColor; } ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "DepthNormals" Tags { "LightMode"="DepthNormalsOnly" } ZTest LEqual ZWrite On HLSLPROGRAM #pragma multi_compile_instancing #define _ALPHATEST_ON 1 #define ASE_SRP_VERSION 120108 #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #define ATTRIBUTES_NEED_NORMAL #define ATTRIBUTES_NEED_TANGENT #define VARYINGS_NEED_NORMAL_WS #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_DEPTHNORMALSONLY #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.shadergraph/ShaderGraphLibrary/Functions.hlsl" struct VertexInput { float4 vertex : POSITION; float3 ase_normal : NORMAL; float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID }; struct VertexOutput { float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION; float3 normalWS : TEXCOORD0; float4 ase_texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1; float4 ase_texcoord2 : TEXCOORD2; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID UNITY_VERTEX_OUTPUT_STEREO }; CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial) #ifdef ASE_TESSELLATION float _TessPhongStrength; float _TessValue; float _TessMin; float _TessMax; float _TessEdgeLength; float _TessMaxDisp; #endif CBUFFER_END float CZY_Spherize; float CZY_MainCloudScale; float CZY_WindSpeed; float CZY_CloudCohesion; float CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float _UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; float _FullySubmerged; sampler2D _UnderwaterMask; float CZY_ClippingThreshold; float2 voronoihash35_g78( float2 p ) { p = float2( dot( p, float2( 127.1, 311.7 ) ), dot( p, float2( 269.5, 183.3 ) ) ); return frac( sin( p ) *43758.5453); } float voronoi35_g78( float2 v, float time, inout float2 id, inout float2 mr, float smoothness, inout float2 smoothId ) { float2 n = floor( v ); float2 f = frac( v ); float F1 = 8.0; float F2 = 8.0; float2 mg = 0; for ( int j = -1; j <= 1; j++ ) { for ( int i = -1; i <= 1; i++ ) { float2 g = float2( i, j ); float2 o = voronoihash35_g78( n + g ); o = ( sin( time + o * 6.2831 ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ); float2 r = f - g - o; float d = 0.5 * dot( r, r ); if( d v) { TessellationFactors o; float4 tf = 1; float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax; float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp; #if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION) tf = FixedTess( tessValue ); #elif defined(ASE_DISTANCE_TESSELLATION) tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_CULL_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes ); #endif o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w; return o; } [domain("tri")] [partitioning("fractional_odd")] [outputtopology("triangle_cw")] [patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")] [outputcontrolpoints(3)] VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID) { return patch[id]; } [domain("tri")] VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation) { VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0; o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z; o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z; o.ase_texcoord = patch[0].ase_texcoord * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord * bary.z; #if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION) float3 pp[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) pp[i] = o.vertex.xyz - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(o.vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i].vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal)); float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength; o.vertex.xyz = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) * o.vertex.xyz; #endif UNITY_TRANSFER_INSTANCE_ID(patch[0], o); return VertexFunction(o); } #else VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v ) { return VertexFunction( v ); } #endif half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET { SurfaceDescription surfaceDescription = (SurfaceDescription)0; Gradient gradient93_g73 = NewGradient( 0, 2, 2, float4( 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.4617685 ), float4( 1, 1, 1, 0.5117723 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, float2( 1, 0 ), float2( 1, 1 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); float2 texCoord11_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord1.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_54_0_g73 = ( texCoord11_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult23_g73 = dot( temp_output_54_0_g73 , temp_output_54_0_g73 ); float Dot28_g73 = saturate( (0.85 + (dotResult23_g73 - 0.0) * (3.0 - 0.85) / (1.0 - 0.0)) ); float time35_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId35_g78 = 0; float2 texCoord21_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord1.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 CentralUV17_g73 = ( texCoord21_g73 + float2( -0.5,-0.5 ) ); float2 temp_output_21_0_g78 = CentralUV17_g73; float2 break2_g78 = abs( temp_output_21_0_g78 ); float saferPower4_g78 = abs( break2_g78.x ); float saferPower3_g78 = abs( break2_g78.y ); float saferPower6_g78 = abs( ( pow( saferPower4_g78 , 2.0 ) + pow( saferPower3_g78 , 2.0 ) ) ); float Spherize29_g73 = CZY_Spherize; float Flatness30_g73 = ( 20.0 * CZY_Spherize ); float Scale24_g73 = ( CZY_MainCloudScale * 0.1 ); float mulTime14_g73 = _TimeParameters.x * ( 0.001 * CZY_WindSpeed ); float Time8_g73 = mulTime14_g73; float2 Wind51_g73 = ( Time8_g73 * float2( 0.1,0.2 ) ); float2 temp_output_10_0_g78 = (( ( temp_output_21_0_g78 * ( pow( saferPower6_g78 , Spherize29_g73 ) * Flatness30_g73 ) ) + float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )*( 2.0 / ( Scale24_g73 * 1.5 ) ) + ( Wind51_g73 * float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )); float2 coords35_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 60.0; float2 id35_g78 = 0; float2 uv35_g78 = 0; float fade35_g78 = 0.5; float voroi35_g78 = 0; float rest35_g78 = 0; for( int it35_g78 = 0; it35_g78 <2; it35_g78++ ){ voroi35_g78 += fade35_g78 * voronoi35_g78( coords35_g78, time35_g78, id35_g78, uv35_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId35_g78 ); rest35_g78 += fade35_g78; coords35_g78 *= 2; fade35_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi35_g78 voroi35_g78 /= rest35_g78; float time13_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId13_g78 = 0; float2 coords13_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 25.0; float2 id13_g78 = 0; float2 uv13_g78 = 0; float fade13_g78 = 0.5; float voroi13_g78 = 0; float rest13_g78 = 0; for( int it13_g78 = 0; it13_g78 <2; it13_g78++ ){ voroi13_g78 += fade13_g78 * voronoi13_g78( coords13_g78, time13_g78, id13_g78, uv13_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId13_g78 ); rest13_g78 += fade13_g78; coords13_g78 *= 2; fade13_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi13_g78 voroi13_g78 /= rest13_g78; float time11_g78 = 17.23; float2 voronoiSmoothId11_g78 = 0; float2 coords11_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 9.0; float2 id11_g78 = 0; float2 uv11_g78 = 0; float fade11_g78 = 0.5; float voroi11_g78 = 0; float rest11_g78 = 0; for( int it11_g78 = 0; it11_g78 <2; it11_g78++ ){ voroi11_g78 += fade11_g78 * voronoi11_g78( coords11_g78, time11_g78, id11_g78, uv11_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId11_g78 ); rest11_g78 += fade11_g78; coords11_g78 *= 2; fade11_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi11_g78 voroi11_g78 /= rest11_g78; float2 texCoord12_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord1.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_15_0_g73 = ( texCoord12_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult7_g73 = dot( temp_output_15_0_g73 , temp_output_15_0_g73 ); float ModifiedCohesion22_g73 = ( CZY_CloudCohesion * 1.0 * ( 1.0 - dotResult7_g73 ) ); float lerpResult15_g78 = lerp( saturate( ( voroi35_g78 + voroi13_g78 ) ) , voroi11_g78 , ( ModifiedCohesion22_g73 * 1.1 )); float CumulusCoverage113_g73 = CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float lerpResult16_g78 = lerp( lerpResult15_g78 , 1.0 , ( ( 1.0 - CumulusCoverage113_g73 ) + -0.7 )); float temp_output_25_0_g73 = saturate( (0.0 + (( Dot28_g73 * ( 1.0 - lerpResult16_g78 ) ) - 0.6) * (1.0 - 0.0) / (1.0 - 0.6)) ); float IT2Alpha101_g73 = SampleGradient( gradient93_g73, temp_output_25_0_g73 ).r; bool enabled20_g79 =(bool)_UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; bool submerged20_g79 =(bool)_FullySubmerged; float4 screenPos = IN.ase_texcoord2; float4 ase_screenPosNorm = screenPos / screenPos.w; ase_screenPosNorm.z = ( UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE >= 0 ) ? ase_screenPosNorm.z : ase_screenPosNorm.z * 0.5 + 0.5; float textureSample20_g79 = tex2Dlod( _UnderwaterMask, float4( ase_screenPosNorm.xy, 0, 0.0) ).r; float localHLSL20_g79 = HLSL20_g79( enabled20_g79 , submerged20_g79 , textureSample20_g79 ); surfaceDescription.Alpha = ( IT2Alpha101_g73 * ( 1.0 - localHLSL20_g79 ) ); surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold = CZY_ClippingThreshold; #if _ALPHATEST_ON clip(surfaceDescription.Alpha - surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold); #endif #ifdef LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE LODDitheringTransition( IN.clipPos.xyz, unity_LODFade.x ); #endif float3 normalWS = IN.normalWS; return half4(NormalizeNormalPerPixel(normalWS), 0.0); } ENDHLSL } Pass { Name "DepthNormalsOnly" Tags { "LightMode"="DepthNormalsOnly" } ZTest LEqual ZWrite On HLSLPROGRAM #pragma multi_compile_instancing #define _ALPHATEST_ON 1 #define ASE_SRP_VERSION 120108 #pragma exclude_renderers glcore gles gles3 #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #define ATTRIBUTES_NEED_NORMAL #define ATTRIBUTES_NEED_TANGENT #define ATTRIBUTES_NEED_TEXCOORD1 #define VARYINGS_NEED_NORMAL_WS #define VARYINGS_NEED_TANGENT_WS #define SHADERPASS SHADERPASS_DEPTHNORMALSONLY #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.shadergraph/ShaderGraphLibrary/Functions.hlsl" struct VertexInput { float4 vertex : POSITION; float3 ase_normal : NORMAL; float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID }; struct VertexOutput { float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION; float3 normalWS : TEXCOORD0; float4 ase_texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1; float4 ase_texcoord2 : TEXCOORD2; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID UNITY_VERTEX_OUTPUT_STEREO }; CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial) #ifdef ASE_TESSELLATION float _TessPhongStrength; float _TessValue; float _TessMin; float _TessMax; float _TessEdgeLength; float _TessMaxDisp; #endif CBUFFER_END float CZY_Spherize; float CZY_MainCloudScale; float CZY_WindSpeed; float CZY_CloudCohesion; float CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float _UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; float _FullySubmerged; sampler2D _UnderwaterMask; float CZY_ClippingThreshold; float2 voronoihash35_g78( float2 p ) { p = float2( dot( p, float2( 127.1, 311.7 ) ), dot( p, float2( 269.5, 183.3 ) ) ); return frac( sin( p ) *43758.5453); } float voronoi35_g78( float2 v, float time, inout float2 id, inout float2 mr, float smoothness, inout float2 smoothId ) { float2 n = floor( v ); float2 f = frac( v ); float F1 = 8.0; float F2 = 8.0; float2 mg = 0; for ( int j = -1; j <= 1; j++ ) { for ( int i = -1; i <= 1; i++ ) { float2 g = float2( i, j ); float2 o = voronoihash35_g78( n + g ); o = ( sin( time + o * 6.2831 ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ); float2 r = f - g - o; float d = 0.5 * dot( r, r ); if( d v) { TessellationFactors o; float4 tf = 1; float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax; float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp; #if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION) tf = FixedTess( tessValue ); #elif defined(ASE_DISTANCE_TESSELLATION) tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams ); #elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_CULL_TESSELLATION) tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes ); #endif o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w; return o; } [domain("tri")] [partitioning("fractional_odd")] [outputtopology("triangle_cw")] [patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")] [outputcontrolpoints(3)] VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID) { return patch[id]; } [domain("tri")] VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation) { VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0; o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z; o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z; o.ase_texcoord = patch[0].ase_texcoord * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord * bary.z; #if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION) float3 pp[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) pp[i] = o.vertex.xyz - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(o.vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i].vertex.xyz, patch[i].ase_normal)); float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength; o.vertex.xyz = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) * o.vertex.xyz; #endif UNITY_TRANSFER_INSTANCE_ID(patch[0], o); return VertexFunction(o); } #else VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v ) { return VertexFunction( v ); } #endif half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET { SurfaceDescription surfaceDescription = (SurfaceDescription)0; Gradient gradient93_g73 = NewGradient( 0, 2, 2, float4( 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.06119964, 0.4617685 ), float4( 1, 1, 1, 0.5117723 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, float2( 1, 0 ), float2( 1, 1 ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); float2 texCoord11_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord1.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_54_0_g73 = ( texCoord11_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult23_g73 = dot( temp_output_54_0_g73 , temp_output_54_0_g73 ); float Dot28_g73 = saturate( (0.85 + (dotResult23_g73 - 0.0) * (3.0 - 0.85) / (1.0 - 0.0)) ); float time35_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId35_g78 = 0; float2 texCoord21_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord1.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 CentralUV17_g73 = ( texCoord21_g73 + float2( -0.5,-0.5 ) ); float2 temp_output_21_0_g78 = CentralUV17_g73; float2 break2_g78 = abs( temp_output_21_0_g78 ); float saferPower4_g78 = abs( break2_g78.x ); float saferPower3_g78 = abs( break2_g78.y ); float saferPower6_g78 = abs( ( pow( saferPower4_g78 , 2.0 ) + pow( saferPower3_g78 , 2.0 ) ) ); float Spherize29_g73 = CZY_Spherize; float Flatness30_g73 = ( 20.0 * CZY_Spherize ); float Scale24_g73 = ( CZY_MainCloudScale * 0.1 ); float mulTime14_g73 = _TimeParameters.x * ( 0.001 * CZY_WindSpeed ); float Time8_g73 = mulTime14_g73; float2 Wind51_g73 = ( Time8_g73 * float2( 0.1,0.2 ) ); float2 temp_output_10_0_g78 = (( ( temp_output_21_0_g78 * ( pow( saferPower6_g78 , Spherize29_g73 ) * Flatness30_g73 ) ) + float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )*( 2.0 / ( Scale24_g73 * 1.5 ) ) + ( Wind51_g73 * float2( 0.5,0.5 ) )); float2 coords35_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 60.0; float2 id35_g78 = 0; float2 uv35_g78 = 0; float fade35_g78 = 0.5; float voroi35_g78 = 0; float rest35_g78 = 0; for( int it35_g78 = 0; it35_g78 <2; it35_g78++ ){ voroi35_g78 += fade35_g78 * voronoi35_g78( coords35_g78, time35_g78, id35_g78, uv35_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId35_g78 ); rest35_g78 += fade35_g78; coords35_g78 *= 2; fade35_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi35_g78 voroi35_g78 /= rest35_g78; float time13_g78 = 0.0; float2 voronoiSmoothId13_g78 = 0; float2 coords13_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 25.0; float2 id13_g78 = 0; float2 uv13_g78 = 0; float fade13_g78 = 0.5; float voroi13_g78 = 0; float rest13_g78 = 0; for( int it13_g78 = 0; it13_g78 <2; it13_g78++ ){ voroi13_g78 += fade13_g78 * voronoi13_g78( coords13_g78, time13_g78, id13_g78, uv13_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId13_g78 ); rest13_g78 += fade13_g78; coords13_g78 *= 2; fade13_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi13_g78 voroi13_g78 /= rest13_g78; float time11_g78 = 17.23; float2 voronoiSmoothId11_g78 = 0; float2 coords11_g78 = temp_output_10_0_g78 * 9.0; float2 id11_g78 = 0; float2 uv11_g78 = 0; float fade11_g78 = 0.5; float voroi11_g78 = 0; float rest11_g78 = 0; for( int it11_g78 = 0; it11_g78 <2; it11_g78++ ){ voroi11_g78 += fade11_g78 * voronoi11_g78( coords11_g78, time11_g78, id11_g78, uv11_g78, 0,voronoiSmoothId11_g78 ); rest11_g78 += fade11_g78; coords11_g78 *= 2; fade11_g78 *= 0.5; }//Voronoi11_g78 voroi11_g78 /= rest11_g78; float2 texCoord12_g73 = IN.ase_texcoord1.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 ); float2 temp_output_15_0_g73 = ( texCoord12_g73 - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) ); float dotResult7_g73 = dot( temp_output_15_0_g73 , temp_output_15_0_g73 ); float ModifiedCohesion22_g73 = ( CZY_CloudCohesion * 1.0 * ( 1.0 - dotResult7_g73 ) ); float lerpResult15_g78 = lerp( saturate( ( voroi35_g78 + voroi13_g78 ) ) , voroi11_g78 , ( ModifiedCohesion22_g73 * 1.1 )); float CumulusCoverage113_g73 = CZY_CumulusCoverageMultiplier; float lerpResult16_g78 = lerp( lerpResult15_g78 , 1.0 , ( ( 1.0 - CumulusCoverage113_g73 ) + -0.7 )); float temp_output_25_0_g73 = saturate( (0.0 + (( Dot28_g73 * ( 1.0 - lerpResult16_g78 ) ) - 0.6) * (1.0 - 0.0) / (1.0 - 0.6)) ); float IT2Alpha101_g73 = SampleGradient( gradient93_g73, temp_output_25_0_g73 ).r; bool enabled20_g79 =(bool)_UnderwaterRenderingEnabled; bool submerged20_g79 =(bool)_FullySubmerged; float4 screenPos = IN.ase_texcoord2; float4 ase_screenPosNorm = screenPos / screenPos.w; ase_screenPosNorm.z = ( UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE >= 0 ) ? ase_screenPosNorm.z : ase_screenPosNorm.z * 0.5 + 0.5; float textureSample20_g79 = tex2Dlod( _UnderwaterMask, float4( ase_screenPosNorm.xy, 0, 0.0) ).r; float localHLSL20_g79 = HLSL20_g79( enabled20_g79 , submerged20_g79 , textureSample20_g79 ); surfaceDescription.Alpha = ( IT2Alpha101_g73 * ( 1.0 - localHLSL20_g79 ) ); surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold = CZY_ClippingThreshold; #if _ALPHATEST_ON clip(surfaceDescription.Alpha - surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold); #endif #ifdef LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE LODDitheringTransition( IN.clipPos.xyz, unity_LODFade.x ); #endif float3 normalWS = IN.normalWS; return half4(NormalizeNormalPerPixel(normalWS), 0.0); } ENDHLSL } } CustomEditor "EmptyShaderGUI" FallBack "Hidden/Shader Graph/FallbackError" Fallback "Hidden/InternalErrorShader" } /*ASEBEGIN Version=19105 Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;1231;96,-400;Float;False;True;-1;2;EmptyShaderGUI;0;13;Distant Lands/Cozy/URP/Stylized Clouds Ghibli 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Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;1232;-406.0242,-441.7039;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;13;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;ShadowCaster;0;2;ShadowCaster;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;;False;True;0;False;;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;;255;False;;255;False;;7;False;;1;False;;1;False;;1;False;;7;False;;1;False;;1;False;;1;False;;False;False;False;False;True;4;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;UniversalMaterialType=Unlit;True;3;True;12;all;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;;False;False;False;True;False;False;False;False;0;False;;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;1;False;;True;3;False;;False;True;1;LightMode=ShadowCaster;False;False;0;Hidden/InternalErrorShader;0;0;Standard;0;False;0 Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;1234;-406.0242,-441.7039;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;13;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;Meta;0;4;Meta;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;;False;True;0;False;;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;;255;False;;255;False;;7;False;;1;False;;1;False;;1;False;;7;False;;1;False;;1;False;;1;False;;False;False;False;False;True;4;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;UniversalMaterialType=Unlit;True;3;True;12;all;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;2;False;;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;1;LightMode=Meta;False;False;0;Hidden/InternalErrorShader;0;0;Standard;0;False;0 Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;1235;-406.0242,-391.7039;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;13;New Amplify 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Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;1236;-406.0242,-391.7039;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;13;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;SceneSelectionPass;0;6;SceneSelectionPass;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;;False;True;0;False;;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;0;False;;255;False;;255;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;False;False;False;False;True;4;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;UniversalMaterialType=Unlit;True;3;True;12;all;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;2;False;;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;1;LightMode=SceneSelectionPass;False;False;0;;0;0;Standard;0;False;0 Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;1237;-406.0242,-391.7039;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;13;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;ScenePickingPass;0;7;ScenePickingPass;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;;False;True;0;False;;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;0;False;;255;False;;255;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;False;False;False;False;True;4;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;UniversalMaterialType=Unlit;True;3;True;12;all;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;1;LightMode=Picking;False;False;0;;0;0;Standard;0;False;0 Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;1238;-406.0242,-391.7039;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;13;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;DepthNormals;0;8;DepthNormals;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;;False;True;0;False;;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;0;False;;255;False;;255;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;False;False;False;False;True;4;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;UniversalMaterialType=Unlit;True;3;True;12;all;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;1;False;;True;3;False;;False;True;1;LightMode=DepthNormalsOnly;False;False;0;;0;0;Standard;0;False;0 Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;1239;-406.0242,-391.7039;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;13;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;DepthNormalsOnly;0;9;DepthNormalsOnly;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;;False;True;0;False;;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;0;False;;255;False;;255;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;0;False;;False;False;False;False;True;4;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;UniversalMaterialType=Unlit;True;3;True;12;all;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;1;False;;True;3;False;;False;True;1;LightMode=DepthNormalsOnly;False;True;9;d3d11;metal;vulkan;xboxone;xboxseries;playstation;ps4;ps5;switch;0;;0;0;Standard;0;False;0 Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.FunctionNode;1247;-329.8141,-407.8941;Inherit;False;Stylized Clouds (Ghibli Mobile);0;;73;0e3bfd67c40d9414689466ab81c18717;0;0;3;COLOR;0;FLOAT;126;FLOAT;127 WireConnection;1231;2;1247;0 WireConnection;1231;3;1247;126 WireConnection;1231;4;1247;127 ASEEND*/ //CHKSM=D8E3A26C0989D8B0F464F5CB233167669D10AB87