153 lines
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153 lines
4.3 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Splines;
public class waypointSystem : MonoBehaviour
public List<waypoint> waypoints = new List<waypoint>(); // List of all waypoints in the scene
public bool editMode = false; // Toggle for enabling or disabling edit mode
[HideInInspector] public float handleSize = 5f; // Adjustable handle size for waypoints (hidden in Inspector)
public Spline CreateSplineFromPath(List<waypoint> waypointList)
Spline newSpline = new Spline(); // Create a new spline instance
// Add points from the shortest path to the spline
foreach (waypoint wp in waypointList)
Vector3 position = wp.Position;
BezierKnot knot = new BezierKnot(position); // Create a new Bezier knot with the waypoint position
newSpline.Add(knot); // Add the knot to the spline
// Set tangent mode to AutoSmooth for smooth curves
for (int i = 0; i < newSpline.Count; i++)
newSpline.SetTangentMode(i, TangentMode.AutoSmooth); // Ensure smooth tangents
return newSpline; // Return the created spline
public waypoint GetNearestWaypoint(Vector3 position)
waypoint nearestWaypoint = null;
float nearestDistance = Mathf.Infinity;
foreach (waypoint waypoint in waypoints)
float distance = Vector3.Distance(waypoint.Position, position);
if (distance < nearestDistance)
nearestDistance = distance;
nearestWaypoint = waypoint;
return nearestWaypoint;
public List<waypoint> GetShortestPath(waypoint start, waypoint goal)
var openSet = new List<waypoint>();
var cameFrom = new Dictionary<waypoint, waypoint>();
var gScore = new Dictionary<waypoint, float>();
foreach (waypoint waypoint in waypoints)
gScore[waypoint] = Mathf.Infinity;
gScore[start] = 0;
while (openSet.Count > 0)
openSet.Sort((a, b) => gScore[a].CompareTo(gScore[b]));
waypoint current = openSet[0];
if (current == goal)
return ReconstructPath(cameFrom, current);
foreach (waypoint neighbor in current.connections)
if (neighbor == null) continue;
float tentativeGScore = gScore[current] + Vector3.Distance(current.Position, neighbor.Position);
if (tentativeGScore < gScore[neighbor])
cameFrom[neighbor] = current;
gScore[neighbor] = tentativeGScore;
if (!openSet.Contains(neighbor))
return null;
private List<waypoint> ReconstructPath(Dictionary<waypoint, waypoint> cameFrom, waypoint current)
var totalPath = new List<waypoint> { current };
while (cameFrom.ContainsKey(current))
current = cameFrom[current];
totalPath.Insert(0, current);
return totalPath;
public void AlignWaypointsToGround()
foreach (waypoint wp in waypoints)
Ray ray = new Ray(wp.Position, Vector3.down);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 1000f))
wp.transform.position = hit.point;
#region Utility Functions
public waypoint GetWaypointAtPosition(Vector3 position)
foreach (waypoint wp in waypoints)
if (Vector3.Distance(wp.transform.position, position) < handleSize)
return wp;
return null;
public void RenameWaypoints()
for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.Count; i++)
waypoints[i].name = "Waypoint " + i;