1082 lines
41 KiB
1082 lines
41 KiB
#region "Imports"
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using RoadArchitect;
namespace RoadArchitect.EdgeObjects
public class EdgeObjectMaker
#region "Vars"
public bool isRequiringUpdate = false;
public string UID = "";
public SplineN node = null;
public bool isDefault = false;
public GameObject edgeObject = null;
public string edgeObjectString = "";
public bool isMaterialOverriden = false;
public Material edgeMaterial1 = null;
public Material edgeMaterial2 = null;
public string edgeMaterial1String = null;
public string edgeMaterial2String = null;
public bool isMatchingTerrain = true;
public bool isCombinedMesh = false;
public bool isCombinedMeshCollider = false;
public GameObject masterObject = null;
public List<Vector3> edgeObjectLocations;
public List<Vector3> edgeObjectRotations;
public List<GameObject> edgeObjects;
public SignPlacementSubTypeEnum subType = SignPlacementSubTypeEnum.Right;
public float meterSep = 5f;
public bool isToggled = false;
public bool isBridge = false;
#region "Horizontal offsets"
public float horizontalSep = 5f;
public AnimationCurve horizontalCurve;
#region "Vertical offsets"
public float verticalRaise = 0f;
public AnimationCurve verticalCurve;
// Custom Rotation
public Vector3 customRotation = default(Vector3);
public bool isRotationAligning = true;
public bool isXRotationLocked = true;
public bool isYRotationLocked = false;
public bool isZRotationLocked = false;
public bool isOncomingRotation = true;
// EdgeObject is static
public bool isStatic = true;
// The CustomScale of the EdgeObject
public Vector3 customScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
// Start and EndTime
public float startTime = 0f;
public float endTime = 1f;
public float singleOnlyBridgePercent = 0f;
public Vector3 startPos = default(Vector3);
public Vector3 endPos = default(Vector3);
public bool isSingle = false;
// Should it be only on a single position
public float singlePosition;
public bool isStartMatchRoadDefinition = false;
public float startMatchRoadDef = 0f;
// EdgeObjectName
public string objectName = "EdgeObject";
public string thumbString = "";
public string desc = "";
public string displayName = "";
public EdgeObjectMaker Copy()
EdgeObjectMaker EOM = new EdgeObjectMaker();
EOM.edgeObjectString = edgeObjectString;
EOM.edgeObject = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath<GameObject>(edgeObjectString);
EOM.isDefault = isDefault;
EOM.isCombinedMesh = isCombinedMesh;
EOM.isCombinedMeshCollider = isCombinedMeshCollider;
EOM.subType = subType;
EOM.meterSep = meterSep;
EOM.isToggled = isToggled;
EOM.isMatchingTerrain = isMatchingTerrain;
EOM.isMaterialOverriden = isMaterialOverriden;
EOM.edgeMaterial1 = edgeMaterial1;
EOM.edgeMaterial2 = edgeMaterial2;
EOM.masterObject = masterObject;
EOM.edgeObjectLocations = edgeObjectLocations;
EOM.edgeObjectRotations = edgeObjectRotations;
EOM.node = node;
EOM.startTime = startTime;
EOM.endTime = endTime;
EOM.startPos = startPos;
EOM.endPos = endPos;
EOM.singleOnlyBridgePercent = singleOnlyBridgePercent;
EOM.isBridge = isBridge;
EOM.horizontalSep = horizontalSep;
EOM.horizontalCurve = new AnimationCurve();
if (horizontalCurve != null && horizontalCurve.keys.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < horizontalCurve.keys.Length; i++)
EOM.verticalRaise = verticalRaise;
EOM.verticalCurve = new AnimationCurve();
if (verticalCurve != null && verticalCurve.keys.Length > 0)
for (int index = 0; index < verticalCurve.keys.Length; index++)
EOM.customRotation = customRotation;
EOM.isRotationAligning = isRotationAligning;
EOM.isXRotationLocked = isXRotationLocked;
EOM.isYRotationLocked = isYRotationLocked;
EOM.isZRotationLocked = isZRotationLocked;
EOM.isOncomingRotation = isOncomingRotation;
EOM.isStatic = isStatic;
EOM.isSingle = isSingle;
EOM.singlePosition = singlePosition;
EOM.isStartMatchRoadDefinition = isStartMatchRoadDefinition;
EOM.startMatchRoadDef = startMatchRoadDef;
RootUtils.SetupUniqueIdentifier(ref EOM.UID);
EOM.objectName = objectName;
EOM.thumbString = thumbString;
EOM.desc = desc;
EOM.displayName = displayName;
return EOM;
public void UpdatePositions()
startPos = node.spline.GetSplineValue(startTime);
endPos = node.spline.GetSplineValue(endTime);
#region "Library"
/// <summary> Saves object as xml into Library folder. Auto prefixed with EOM and extension .rao </summary>
public void SaveToLibrary(string _fileName = "", bool _isDefault = false)
EdgeObjectLibraryMaker EOLM = new EdgeObjectLibraryMaker();
string libraryPath = RootUtils.GetDirLibrary();
string filePath = Path.Combine(libraryPath, "EOM" + objectName + ".rao");
if (_fileName.Length > 0)
if (_isDefault)
filePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(libraryPath, "EdgeObjects"), "EOM" + _fileName + ".rao");
filePath = Path.Combine(libraryPath, "EOM" + _fileName + ".rao");
RootUtils.CreateXML<EdgeObjectLibraryMaker>(ref filePath, EOLM);
/// <summary> Loads _fileName from Library folder. Auto prefixed with EOM and extension .rao </summary>
public void LoadFromLibrary(string _fileName, bool _isQuickAdd = false)
string libraryPath = RootUtils.GetDirLibrary();
string filePath = Path.Combine(libraryPath, "EOM" + _fileName + ".rao");
if (_isQuickAdd)
filePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(libraryPath, "EdgeObjects"), "EOM" + _fileName + ".rao");
EdgeObjectLibraryMaker ELM = RootUtils.LoadXML<EdgeObjectLibraryMaker>(ref filePath);
isRequiringUpdate = true;
public void LoadFromLibraryWizard(string _fileName)
string libraryPath = RootUtils.GetDirLibrary();
string filePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(libraryPath, "W"), _fileName + ".rao");
EdgeObjectLibraryMaker ELM = RootUtils.LoadXML<EdgeObjectLibraryMaker>(ref filePath);
isRequiringUpdate = true;
public string ConvertToString()
EdgeObjectLibraryMaker EOLM = new EdgeObjectLibraryMaker();
return RootUtils.GetString<EdgeObjectLibraryMaker>(EOLM);
/// <summary> Loads _EOLM into this EdgeObjectMaker </summary>
public void LoadFromLibraryBulk(ref EdgeObjectLibraryMaker _EOLM)
public static EdgeObjectLibraryMaker ELMFromData(string _data)
EdgeObjectLibraryMaker ELM = RootUtils.LoadData<EdgeObjectLibraryMaker>(ref _data);
return ELM;
return null;
/// <summary> Stores .rao files which begin with EOM from Library folder into _names and _paths </summary>
public static void GetLibraryFiles(out string[] _names, out string[] _paths, bool _isDefault = false)
_names = null;
_paths = null;
DirectoryInfo info;
string libraryPath = RootUtils.GetDirLibrary();
if (_isDefault)
info = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(libraryPath, "EdgeObjects"));
info = new DirectoryInfo(libraryPath);
FileInfo[] fileInfos = info.GetFiles();
int count = 0;
foreach (FileInfo tInfo in fileInfos)
if (tInfo.Name.Contains("EOM") && tInfo.Extension.ToLower().Contains("rao"))
count += 1;
_names = new string[count];
_paths = new string[count];
count = 0;
foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in fileInfos)
if (fileInfo.Name.Contains("EOM") && fileInfo.Extension.ToLower().Contains("rao"))
_names[count] = fileInfo.Name.Replace(".rao", "").Replace("EOM", "");
_paths[count] = fileInfo.FullName;
count += 1;
/// <summary> Saves _mesh as an asset into /Mesh/Generated/CombinedEdgeObj folder beside the /Asset folder </summary>
private void SaveMesh(Mesh _mesh, bool _isCollider)
if (!node.spline.road.isSavingMeshes)
string sceneName;
sceneName = UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;
sceneName = sceneName.Replace("/", "");
sceneName = sceneName.Replace(".", "");
string folderName = Path.Combine(RoadEditorUtility.GetBasePath(), "Mesh");
folderName = Path.Combine(folderName, "Generated");
folderName = Path.Combine(folderName, "CombinedEdgeObj");
string roadName = node.spline.road.transform.name;
string fileName = sceneName + "-" + roadName + "-" + objectName;
string finalName = Path.Combine(folderName, fileName + ".asset");
if (_isCollider)
finalName = Path.Combine(folderName, fileName + "-collider.asset");
string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.dataPath);
path = Path.Combine(path, folderName);
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
finalName = EngineIntegration.GetUnityFilePath(finalName);
EngineIntegration.CreateAsset(_mesh, finalName);
#region "Library object"
public class EdgeObjectLibraryMaker
#region "Vars"
public string edgeObjectString = "";
public bool isCombinedMesh = false;
public bool isCombinedMeshCollider = false;
public List<Vector3> edgeObjectLocations;
public List<Vector3> edgeObjectRotations;
public SignPlacementSubTypeEnum subType = SignPlacementSubTypeEnum.Right;
public float meterSep = 5f;
public bool isToggled = false;
public bool isBridge = false;
public bool isDefault = false;
public bool isOncomingRotation = true;
public bool isStatic = true;
public bool isMatchingTerrain = true;
public bool isSingle = false;
public bool isMaterialOverriden = false;
public string edgeMaterial1String = "";
public string edgeMaterial2String = "";
//Horizontal offsets:
public float horizontalSep = 5f;
public AnimationCurve horizontalCurve;
//Vertical offsets:
public float verticalRaise = 0f;
public AnimationCurve verticalCurve;
public Vector3 customRotation = default(Vector3);
public bool isRotationAligning = true;
public bool isXRotationLocked = true;
public bool isYRotationLocked = false;
public bool isZRotationLocked = false;
public float startTime = 0f;
public float endTime = 1f;
public float singleOnlyBridgePercent = 0f;
public float singlePosition;
public bool isStartMatchingRoadDefinition = false;
public float startMatchRoadDef = 0f;
public string objectName = "EdgeObject";
public string thumbString = "";
public string desc = "";
public string displayName = "";
/// <summary> Setup using _EOM </summary>
public void Setup(EdgeObjectMaker _EOM)
edgeObjectString = _EOM.edgeObjectString;
isCombinedMesh = _EOM.isCombinedMesh;
isCombinedMeshCollider = _EOM.isCombinedMeshCollider;
//SignPlacementSubTypeEnum SubType = _EOM.SubType;
meterSep = _EOM.meterSep;
isToggled = _EOM.isToggled;
isDefault = _EOM.isDefault;
isMaterialOverriden = _EOM.isMaterialOverriden;
edgeMaterial1String = _EOM.edgeMaterial1String;
edgeMaterial2String = _EOM.edgeMaterial2String;
horizontalSep = _EOM.horizontalSep;
horizontalCurve = _EOM.horizontalCurve;
verticalRaise = _EOM.verticalRaise;
verticalCurve = _EOM.verticalCurve;
isMatchingTerrain = _EOM.isMatchingTerrain;
customRotation = _EOM.customRotation;
isRotationAligning = _EOM.isRotationAligning;
isXRotationLocked = _EOM.isXRotationLocked;
isYRotationLocked = _EOM.isYRotationLocked;
isZRotationLocked = _EOM.isZRotationLocked;
isOncomingRotation = _EOM.isOncomingRotation;
isStatic = _EOM.isStatic;
isSingle = _EOM.isSingle;
singlePosition = _EOM.singlePosition;
objectName = _EOM.objectName;
singleOnlyBridgePercent = _EOM.singleOnlyBridgePercent;
isStartMatchingRoadDefinition = _EOM.isStartMatchRoadDefinition;
startMatchRoadDef = _EOM.startMatchRoadDef;
thumbString = _EOM.thumbString;
desc = _EOM.desc;
isBridge = _EOM.isBridge;
displayName = _EOM.displayName;
/// <summary> Copy relevant attributes to _EOM </summary>
public void LoadTo(EdgeObjectMaker _EOM)
_EOM.edgeObjectString = edgeObjectString;
_EOM.edgeObject = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath<GameObject>(edgeObjectString);
if (edgeMaterial1String.Length > 0)
_EOM.edgeMaterial1 = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath<Material>(edgeMaterial1String);
if (edgeMaterial2String.Length > 0)
_EOM.edgeMaterial2 = EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath<Material>(edgeMaterial2String);
_EOM.isMaterialOverriden = isMaterialOverriden;
_EOM.isCombinedMesh = isCombinedMesh;
_EOM.isCombinedMeshCollider = isCombinedMeshCollider;
_EOM.subType = subType;
_EOM.meterSep = meterSep;
_EOM.isToggled = isToggled;
_EOM.isDefault = isDefault;
_EOM.horizontalSep = horizontalSep;
_EOM.horizontalCurve = horizontalCurve;
_EOM.verticalRaise = verticalRaise;
_EOM.verticalCurve = verticalCurve;
_EOM.isMatchingTerrain = isMatchingTerrain;
_EOM.customRotation = customRotation;
_EOM.isRotationAligning = isRotationAligning;
_EOM.isXRotationLocked = isXRotationLocked;
_EOM.isYRotationLocked = isYRotationLocked;
_EOM.isZRotationLocked = isZRotationLocked;
_EOM.isOncomingRotation = isOncomingRotation;
_EOM.isStatic = isStatic;
_EOM.isSingle = isSingle;
_EOM.singlePosition = singlePosition;
_EOM.objectName = objectName;
_EOM.singleOnlyBridgePercent = singleOnlyBridgePercent;
_EOM.isStartMatchRoadDefinition = isStartMatchingRoadDefinition;
_EOM.startMatchRoadDef = startMatchRoadDef;
_EOM.thumbString = thumbString;
_EOM.desc = desc;
_EOM.isBridge = isBridge;
_EOM.displayName = displayName;
#region "Setup and processing"
public void Setup(bool _isCollecting = true)
List<GameObject> errorObjs = new List<GameObject>();
SetupDo(ref errorObjs);
if (_isCollecting)
node.spline.road.isTriggeringGC = true;
catch (System.Exception exception)
if (errorObjs != null && errorObjs.Count > 0)
int objCount = errorObjs.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < objCount; index++)
throw exception;
private void SetupDo(ref List<GameObject> _errorObjs)
if (edgeObjects == null)
edgeObjects = new List<GameObject>();
if (horizontalCurve == null)
horizontalCurve = new AnimationCurve();
horizontalCurve.AddKey(0f, 1f);
horizontalCurve.AddKey(1f, 1f);
if (verticalCurve == null)
verticalCurve = new AnimationCurve();
verticalCurve.AddKey(0f, 1f);
verticalCurve.AddKey(1f, 1f);
RootUtils.SetupUniqueIdentifier(ref UID);
edgeObjectString = RootUtils.GetPrefabString(edgeObject);
if (edgeMaterial1 != null)
edgeMaterial1String = EngineIntegration.GetAssetPath(edgeMaterial1);
if (edgeMaterial2 != null)
edgeMaterial2String = EngineIntegration.GetAssetPath(edgeMaterial2);
edgeObjects = new List<GameObject>();
Quaternion xRot = default(Quaternion);
xRot = Quaternion.identity;
xRot.eulerAngles = customRotation;
int lCount = edgeObjectLocations.Count;
//Quaternion OrigRot = Quaternion.identity;
Material[] tMats = null;
GameObject tObj = null;
if (edgeObject != null)
GameObject mObj = new GameObject(edgeObject.name);
masterObject = mObj;
mObj.transform.position = node.transform.position;
mObj.transform.parent = node.transform;
mObj.name = objectName;
MeshRenderer OrigMR = edgeObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
for (int j = 0; j < lCount; j++)
tObj = EngineIntegration.InstantiatePrefab(edgeObject);
tObj.transform.position = edgeObjectLocations[j];
if (edgeObjectRotations[j] == default(Vector3))
tObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(edgeObjectRotations[j]);
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(edgeObjectRotations[j]);
Vector3 eulerRotation = rotation.eulerAngles;
eulerRotation.x = 0;
if (isYRotationLocked)
eulerRotation.y = 0;
if (isZRotationLocked)
eulerRotation.z = 0;
rotation = Quaternion.Euler(eulerRotation);
tObj.transform.rotation = rotation;
//OrigRot = tObj.transform.rotation;
tObj.transform.rotation *= xRot;
tObj.transform.localScale = customScale;
// Turn object by 180 for other side of road
if (isOncomingRotation && subType == SignPlacementSubTypeEnum.Left)
Quaternion tRot = new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
tRot = Quaternion.identity;
tRot.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 180f, 0f);
tObj.transform.rotation *= tRot;
tObj.isStatic = isStatic;
tObj.transform.parent = mObj.transform;
MeshRenderer NewMR = tObj.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
if (NewMR == null)
NewMR = tObj.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
if (!isMaterialOverriden && OrigMR != null && OrigMR.sharedMaterials.Length > 0 && NewMR != null)
NewMR.sharedMaterials = OrigMR.sharedMaterials;
if (edgeMaterial1 != null)
if (edgeMaterial2 != null)
tMats = new Material[2];
tMats[0] = edgeMaterial1;
tMats[1] = edgeMaterial2;
tMats = new Material[1];
tMats[0] = edgeMaterial1;
NewMR.sharedMaterials = tMats;
lCount = edgeObjects.Count;
if (lCount > 1 && isCombinedMesh)
Material[] tMat = null;
Mesh xMeshBuffer = null;
xMeshBuffer = edgeObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
if (isMaterialOverriden)
if (edgeMaterial1 != null)
if (edgeMaterial2 != null)
tMat = new Material[2];
tMat[0] = edgeMaterial1;
tMat[1] = edgeMaterial2;
tMat = new Material[1];
tMat[0] = edgeMaterial1;
tMat = edgeObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterials;
Vector3[] kVerts = xMeshBuffer.vertices;
int[] kTris = xMeshBuffer.triangles;
Vector2[] kUV = xMeshBuffer.uv;
int OrigMVL = kVerts.Length;
int OrigTriCount = xMeshBuffer.triangles.Length;
List<Vector3[]> hVerts = new List<Vector3[]>();
List<int[]> hTris = new List<int[]>();
List<Vector2[]> hUV = new List<Vector2[]>();
Transform tTrans;
for (int j = 0; j < lCount; j++)
tTrans = edgeObjects[j].transform;
hVerts.Add(new Vector3[OrigMVL]);
hTris.Add(new int[OrigTriCount]);
hUV.Add(new Vector2[OrigMVL]);
//Vertex copy:
System.Array.Copy(kVerts, hVerts[j], OrigMVL);
//Tri copy:
System.Array.Copy(kTris, hTris[j], OrigTriCount);
//UV copy:
System.Array.Copy(kUV, hUV[j], OrigMVL);
for (int index = 0; index < OrigMVL; index++)
hVerts[j][index] = (tTrans.rotation * hVerts[j][index]) + tTrans.localPosition;
GameObject xObj = new GameObject(objectName);
MeshRenderer MR = xObj.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
if (MR == null)
MR = xObj.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
xObj.isStatic = isStatic;
xObj.transform.parent = masterObject.transform;
xObj.transform.name = xObj.transform.name + "Combined";
xObj.transform.name = xObj.transform.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
MeshFilter MF = xObj.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (MF == null)
MF = xObj.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
MF.sharedMesh = CombineMeshes(ref hVerts, ref hTris, ref hUV, OrigMVL, OrigTriCount);
MeshCollider MC = xObj.GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
if (MC == null)
MC = xObj.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();
xObj.transform.position = node.transform.position;
xObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
for (int j = (lCount - 1); j >= 0; j--)
for (int j = 0; j < edgeObjects.Count; j++)
edgeObjects[j] = null;
edgeObjects.RemoveRange(0, lCount);
if (tMat != null && MR != null)
MR.sharedMaterials = tMat;
BoxCollider BC = xObj.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
int cCount = xObj.transform.childCount;
int spamc = 0;
while (cCount > 0 && spamc < 10)
cCount = xObj.transform.childCount;
spamc += 1;
if (isCombinedMeshCollider)
if (MC == null)
MC = xObj.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();
MC.sharedMesh = MF.sharedMesh;
MC = null;
if (node.spline.road.isSavingMeshes && MF != null && isCombinedMesh)
SaveMesh(MF.sharedMesh, false);
if (MC != null)
if (MF.sharedMesh != MC.sharedMesh)
SaveMesh(MC.sharedMesh, true);
//tMesh = null;
//Zero these out, as they are not needed anymore:
RootUtils.NullifyList(ref edgeObjectLocations);
RootUtils.NullifyList(ref edgeObjectRotations);
/// <summary> Setup objects positions and rotations </summary>
private void SetupLocations()
float origHeight = 0f;
startTime = node.spline.GetClosestParam(startPos);
endTime = node.spline.GetClosestParam(endPos);
float fakeStartTime = startTime;
if (isStartMatchRoadDefinition)
int index = node.spline.GetClosestRoadDefIndex(startTime, false, true);
float time1 = node.spline.TranslateInverseParamToFloat(node.spline.RoadDefKeysArray[index]);
float time2 = time1;
if (index + 1 < node.spline.RoadDefKeysArray.Length)
time2 = node.spline.TranslateInverseParamToFloat(node.spline.RoadDefKeysArray[index + 1]);
fakeStartTime = time1 + ((time2 - time1) * startMatchRoadDef);
//int eCount = EdgeObjects.Count;
//Vector3 rVect = default(Vector3);
//Vector3 lVect = default(Vector3);
//float fTimeMax = -1f;
int mCount = node.spline.GetNodeCount();
if (node.idOnSpline >= mCount - 1)
//fTimeMax = tNode.spline.mNodes[tNode.idOnSpline+1].tTime;
//float tStep = -1f;
Vector3 tVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 POS = default(Vector3);
//tStep = MeterSep / tNode.spline.distance;
//Destroy old objects:
//Make sure old locs and rots are fresh:
RootUtils.NullifyList(ref edgeObjectLocations);
RootUtils.NullifyList(ref edgeObjectRotations);
edgeObjectLocations = new List<Vector3>();
edgeObjectRotations = new List<Vector3>();
bool bIsCenter = RootUtils.IsApproximately(horizontalSep, 0f, 0.02f);
//Set rotation and locations:
//Vector2 temp2DVect = default(Vector2);
Ray tRay = default(Ray);
RaycastHit[] tRayHit = null;
float[] tRayYs = null;
if (isSingle)
// If the Object is a SingleObject
node.spline.GetSplineValueBoth(singlePosition, out tVect, out POS);
origHeight = tVect.y;
//Horizontal offset:
if (!bIsCenter)
//if(HorizontalSep > 0f)
tVect = (tVect + new Vector3(horizontalSep * POS.normalized.z, 0, horizontalSep * -POS.normalized.x));
// tVect = (tVect + new Vector3(HorizontalSep*-POS.normalized.z,0,HorizontalSep*POS.normalized.x));
if (isMatchingTerrain)
tRay = new Ray(tVect + new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f), Vector3.down);
tRayHit = Physics.RaycastAll(tRay);
if (tRayHit.Length > 0)
tRayYs = new float[tRayHit.Length];
for (int g = 0; g < tRayHit.Length; g++)
tRayYs[g] = tRayHit[g].point.y;
tVect.y = Mathf.Max(tRayYs);
tVect.y += verticalRaise;
startPos = tVect;
endPos = tVect;
if (float.IsNaN(tVect.y))
tVect.y = origHeight;
// If this Object is not marked as a single Object
//Get the vector series that this mesh is interpolated on:
List<float> tTimes = new List<float>();
float cTime = fakeStartTime;
int SpamGuard = 5000;
int SpamGuardCounter = 0;
float pDiffTime = endTime - fakeStartTime;
float CurrentH = 0f;
float fHeight = 0f;
Vector3 xVect = default(Vector3);
while (cTime < endTime && SpamGuardCounter < SpamGuard)
node.spline.GetSplineValueBoth(cTime, out tVect, out POS);
fHeight = horizontalCurve.Evaluate((cTime - fakeStartTime) / pDiffTime);
CurrentH = fHeight * horizontalSep;
// Hoirzontal1:
if (CurrentH < 0f)
// So we get a positiv Number again
CurrentH *= -1f;
tVect = (tVect + new Vector3(CurrentH * (-POS.normalized.x + (POS.normalized.y / 2)), 0, CurrentH * (POS.normalized.z + +(POS.normalized.y / 2))));
// I implemented the POS.normalized.y value to make sure we get to a value of 1 overall to ensure 50m distance, is this mathematicly correct?
// Original: tVect = (tVect + new Vector3(CurrentH * -POS.normalized.z, 0, CurrentH * POS.normalized.x));
else if (CurrentH > 0f)
tVect = (tVect + new Vector3(CurrentH * (-POS.normalized.x + (POS.normalized.y / 2)), 0, CurrentH * (POS.normalized.z + (POS.normalized.y / 2))));
// I implemented the POS.normalized.y value to make sure we get to a value of 1 overall to ensure 50m distance, is this mathematicly correct?
//Original: tVect = (tVect + new Vector3(CurrentH * POS.normalized.z, 0, CurrentH * -POS.normalized.x));
xVect = (POS.normalized * meterSep) + tVect;
cTime = node.spline.GetClosestParam(xVect, false, false);
if (cTime > endTime)
SpamGuardCounter += 1;
int vSeriesCount = tTimes.Count;
float min = fakeStartTime;
float max = endTime;
float percent = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < vSeriesCount; index++)
node.spline.GetSplineValueBoth(tTimes[index], out tVect, out POS);
percent = ((tTimes[index] - min) / (max - min));
CurrentH = (horizontalCurve.Evaluate(percent) * horizontalSep);
if (CurrentH < 0f)
CurrentH *= -1f;
// Why has this Code a "wrong" logic, it multiplies z to x and x to z.
// Original Code: tVect = (tVect + new Vector3(CurrentH * -POS.normalized.z, 0, CurrentH * POS.normalized.x));
tVect = (tVect + new Vector3(CurrentH * (-POS.normalized.z + (POS.normalized.y / 2)), 0, CurrentH * (POS.normalized.x + (POS.normalized.y / 2))));
else if (CurrentH > 0f)
// Original Code: tVect = (tVect + new Vector3(CurrentH * POS.normalized.z, 0, CurrentH * -POS.normalized.x));
// Look at the Bug embeddedt/RoadArchitect/issues/4
tVect = (tVect + new Vector3(CurrentH * (POS.normalized.z + (POS.normalized.y / 2)), 0, CurrentH * (-POS.normalized.x + (POS.normalized.y / 2))));
if (isMatchingTerrain)
tRay = new Ray(tVect + new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f), Vector3.down);
tRayHit = Physics.RaycastAll(tRay);
if (tRayHit.Length > 0)
tRayYs = new float[tRayHit.Length];
for (int g = 0; g < tRayHit.Length; g++)
tRayYs[g] = tRayHit[g].point.y;
tVect.y = Mathf.Max(tRayYs);
// Adds the Height to the Node including the VerticalRaise
tVect.y += (verticalCurve.Evaluate(percent) * verticalRaise);
// Adds the Vector and the POS to the List of the EdgeObjects, so they can be created
startPos = node.spline.GetSplineValue(startTime);
endPos = node.spline.GetSplineValue(endTime);
//ref _verts, ref _tris, ref hNormals, ref _uv, ref hTangents
private Mesh CombineMeshes(ref List<Vector3[]> _verts, ref List<int[]> _tris, ref List<Vector2[]> _uv, int _origMVL, int _origTriCount)
int mCount = _verts.Count;
int NewMVL = _origMVL * mCount;
Vector3[] tVerts = new Vector3[NewMVL];
int[] tTris = new int[_origTriCount * mCount];
Vector3[] tNormals = new Vector3[NewMVL];
Vector2[] tUV = new Vector2[NewMVL];
int CurrentMVLIndex = 0;
int CurrentTriIndex = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < mCount; j++)
CurrentMVLIndex = _origMVL * j;
CurrentTriIndex = _origTriCount * j;
if (j > 0)
for (int index = 0; index < _origTriCount; index++)
_tris[j][index] += CurrentMVLIndex;
System.Array.Copy(_verts[j], 0, tVerts, CurrentMVLIndex, _origMVL);
System.Array.Copy(_tris[j], 0, tTris, CurrentTriIndex, _origTriCount);
System.Array.Copy(_uv[j], 0, tUV, CurrentMVLIndex, _origMVL);
Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
mesh.vertices = tVerts;
mesh.triangles = tTris;
mesh.uv = tUV;
mesh.normals = tNormals;
mesh.tangents = RootUtils.ProcessTangents(tTris, tNormals, tUV, tVerts);
return mesh;
/// <summary> Destroys edgeObjects and masterObject </summary>
public void ClearEOM()
if (edgeObjects != null)
int hCount = edgeObjects.Count - 1;
for (int h = hCount; h >= 0; h--)
if (edgeObjects[h] != null)
public void SetDefaultTimes(bool _isEndPoint, float _time, float _timeNext, int _idOnSpline, float _dist)
if (!_isEndPoint)
startTime = _time;
endTime = _timeNext;
if (_idOnSpline < 2)
startTime = _time;
endTime = _timeNext;
startTime = _time;
endTime = _time - (125f / _dist);