2024-11-19 11:48:21 +01:00

6967 lines
334 KiB

#region "Imports"
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using RoadArchitect;
using RoadArchitect.Threading;
namespace RoadArchitect.Threading
public static class RoadCreationT
#region "Road Prelim"
public static void RoadJobPrelim(ref Road _road)
#region "Vars"
SplineC spline = _road.spline;
//Road,shoulder,ramp and lane widths:
float roadWidth = _road.RoadWidth();
float shoulderWidth = _road.shoulderWidth;
float roadSeperation = roadWidth / 2f;
float roadSeperationNoTurn = roadWidth / 2f;
float shoulderSeperation = roadSeperation + shoulderWidth;
float laneWidth = _road.laneWidth;
float roadSep1Lane = (roadSeperation + (laneWidth * 0.5f));
float roadSep2Lane = (roadSeperation + (laneWidth * 1.5f));
float shoulderSep1Lane = (shoulderSeperation + (laneWidth * 0.5f));
float shoulderSep2Lane = (shoulderSeperation + (laneWidth * 1.5f));
//Vector3 buffers used in construction:
Vector3 rightVector = default(Vector3);
Vector3 leftVector = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderR_rVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderR_lVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderL_rVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderL_lVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampR_R = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampR_L = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampL_R = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampL_L = default(Vector3);
//Previous temp storage values:
Vector3 tVect_Prev = default(Vector3);
Vector3 rVect_Prev = default(Vector3);
Vector3 lVect_Prev = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderR_PrevLVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderL_PrevRVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderR_PrevRVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderL_PrevLVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampR_PrevR = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampR_PrevL = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampL_PrevR = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampL_PrevL = default(Vector3);
//Height and angle variables, used to change certain parameters of road depending on past & future angle and height changes.
float Step = _road.roadDefinition / spline.distance;
Vector3 tHeight0 = new Vector3(0f, 0.1f, 0f);
float OuterShoulderWidthR = 0f;
float OuterShoulderWidthL = 0f;
float RampOuterWidthR = (OuterShoulderWidthR / 6f) + OuterShoulderWidthR;
float RampOuterWidthL = (OuterShoulderWidthL / 6f) + OuterShoulderWidthL;
Vector3 tVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 POS = default(Vector3);
float TempY = 0f;
float heightAdded = 0f;
Vector3 gHeight = default(Vector3);
//Bridge variables:
bool isBridge = false;
bool isTempbridge = false;
float BridgeUpComing;
//Tunnel variables:
bool isTunnel = false;
bool isTempTunnel = false;
# region Intersection variables:
float intersectionHeight = 0f;
float intersectionStrength = 0f;
//float tIntStrength_temp = 0f;
RoadIntersection intersection = null;
bool isPastInter = false;
bool isMaxIntersection = false;
bool isWasPrevMaxInter = false;
SplineN xNode = null;
float tInterSubtract = 4f;
float tLastInterHeight = -4f;
bool isOverridenRampR = false;
bool isOverridenRampL = false;
Vector3 RampR_Override = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampL_Override = default(Vector3);
bool isFirstInterNode = false;
bool isInterPrevWasCorner = false;
bool isInterCurrentIsCorner = false;
bool isInterCurrentIsCornerRR = false;
bool isInterCurreIsCornerRL = false;
bool isInterCurreIsCornerLL = false;
bool isInterCurreIsCornerLR = false;
bool isInterPrevWasCornerRR = false;
bool isInterPrevWasCornerRL = false;
bool isInterPrevWasCornerLL = false;
bool isInterPrevWasCornerLR = false;
Vector3 iTemp_HeightVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 rVect_iTemp = default(Vector3);
Vector3 lVect_iTemp = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderR_R_iTemp = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderL_L_iTemp = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampR_R_iTemp = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampR_L_iTemp = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampL_R_iTemp = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampL_L_iTemp = default(Vector3);
Vector3 tempIVect_Prev = default(Vector3);
Vector3 tempIVect = tVect;
bool is0LAdded = false;
bool is1LAdded = false;
bool is2LAdded = false;
bool isf0LAdded = false;
bool isf1LAdded = false;
bool isf2LAdded = false;
bool isShoulderSkipR = false;
bool isShoulderSkipL = false;
bool isShrinkRoadB = false;
bool isShrinkRoadFNext = false;
bool isShrinkRoadF = false;
bool isNextInter = false;
SplineN currentNode = null;
int currentNodeID = -1;
int previousNodeID = -1;
int NodeCount = spline.GetNodeCount();
bool isDynamicCut = false;
float CullDistanceSQ = (3f * roadWidth) * (3f * roadWidth);
float mCornerDist = 0f;
Vector2 CornerRR = default(Vector2);
Vector2 CornerRL = default(Vector2);
Vector2 CornerLR = default(Vector2);
Vector2 CornerLL = default(Vector2);
Vector2 rVect2D = default(Vector2);
Vector2 lVect2D = default(Vector2);
Vector3 tempIVect_prev = default(Vector3);
Vector3 POS_Next = default(Vector3);
Vector3 tVect_Next = default(Vector3);
Vector3 rVect_Next = default(Vector3);
Vector3 lVect_Next = default(Vector3);
Vector3 xHeight = default(Vector3);
bool isLRtoRR = false;
bool isLLtoLR = false;
bool isLine = false;
bool isImmuneR = false;
bool isImmuneL = false;
bool isTriggerInterAddition = false;
bool isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreR = false;
bool isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreL = false;
float bMod1 = 1.75f;
float bMod2 = 1.25f;
float t2DDist = -1f;
List<Vector3> vList = null;
List<int> eList = null;
float param2 = 0f;
float param1 = 0f;
bool isRecordShoulderForNormals = false;
bool isRecordShoulderLForNormals = false;
//Prev storage of shoulder variable (2 step history).
//Vector3 ShoulderR_PrevRVect2 = default(Vector3);
//Prev storage of shoulder variable (2 step history).
//Vector3 ShoulderL_PrevLVect2 = default(Vector3);
//Prev storage of shoulder variable (3 step history).
//Vector3 ShoulderR_PrevRVect3 = default(Vector3);
//Prev storage of shoulder variable (3 step history).
//Vector3 ShoulderL_PrevLVect3 = default(Vector3);
//Prev storage of outer shoulder direction (euler).
//Vector3 ShoulderR_OuterDirectionPrev = default(Vector3);
//Prev storage of outer shoulder direction (euler).
//Vector3 ShoulderL_OuterDirectionPrev = default(Vector3);
//Vector3 ShoulderR_OuterDirection = default(Vector3);
//Vector3 ShoulderL_OuterDirection = default(Vector3);
//Vector3 tHeight2 = new Vector3(0f,0.15f,0f);
//Vector3 tHeight1 = new Vector3(0f,0.2f,0f);
//bool bTempYWasNegative = false;
//Vector3 tY = new Vector3(0f,0f,0f);
//float[] HeightChecks = new float[5];
//int eCount = -1;
//int eIndex = -1;
//int uCount = -1;
//int uIndex = -1;
//Unused for now, for later partial construction methods:
bool isInterseOn = _road.RCS.isInterseOn;
isInterseOn = true;
//Prelim intersection construction and profiling:
RootUtils.StartProfiling(_road, "RoadJob_Prelim_Inter");
if (isInterseOn)
RoadJobPrelimInter(ref _road);
RootUtils.EndStartProfiling(_road, "RoadPrelimForLoop");
//Road/shoulder cuts: Init necessary since a road cut is added for the last segment after this function:
if (_road.isRoadCutsEnabled || _road.isDynamicCutsEnabled)
if (_road.isShoulderCutsEnabled || _road.isDynamicCutsEnabled)
//Start initializing the loop. Convuluted to handle special control nodes, so roads don't get rendered where they aren't supposed to, while still preserving the proper curvature.
float FinalMax = 1f;
float StartMin = 0f;
if (spline.isSpecialEndControlNode)
//If control node, start after the control node:
FinalMax = spline.nodes[spline.GetNodeCount() - 2].time;
if (spline.isSpecialStartControlNode)
//If ends in control node, end construction before the control node:
StartMin = spline.nodes[1].time;
bool isFinalEnd = false;
//Storage of incremental start values for the road connection mesh construction at the end of this function.
float RoadConnection_StartMin1 = StartMin;
//Storage of incremental end values for the road connection mesh construction at the end of this function.
float RoadConnection_FinalMax1 = FinalMax;
if (spline.isSpecialEndNodeIsStartDelay)
//If there's a start delay (in meters), delay the start of road construction: Due to special control nodes for road connections or 3 way intersections.
StartMin += (spline.specialEndNodeDelayStart / spline.distance);
else if (spline.isSpecialEndNodeIsEndDelay)
//If there's a end delay (in meters), cut early the end of road construction: Due to special control nodes for road connections or 3 way intersections.
FinalMax -= (spline.specialEndNodeDelayEnd / spline.distance);
//Storage of incremental start values for the road connection mesh construction at the end of this function.
//float RoadConnection_StartMin2 = StartMin;
//Storage of incremental end values for the road connection mesh construction at the end of this function.
//float RoadConnection_FinalMax2 = FinalMax;
float i = StartMin;
//int StartIndex = tSpline.GetClosestRoadDefIndex(StartMin,true,false);
//int EndIndex = tSpline.GetClosestRoadDefIndex(FinalMax,false,true);
bool kSkip = true;
bool kSkipFinal = false;
int kCount = 0;
int vCount = kCount;
int kFinalCount = spline.RoadDefKeysArray.Length;
if (RootUtils.IsApproximately(StartMin, 0f, 0.0001f))
kSkip = false;
if (RootUtils.IsApproximately(FinalMax, 1f, 0.0001f))
kSkipFinal = true;
//If startmin > 0 then kcount needs to start at proper road def
int StartMinIndex1 = 0;
if (StartMin > 0f)
kCount = spline.GetClosestRoadDefIndex(StartMin, true, false);
StartMinIndex1 = 1;
while (!isFinalEnd)
if (kSkip)
i = StartMin;
kSkip = false;
if (kCount >= kFinalCount)
i = FinalMax;
if (kSkipFinal)
i = spline.TranslateInverseParamToFloat(spline.RoadDefKeysArray[kCount]);
kCount += 1;
if (i > 1f)
if (i < 0f)
i = 0f;
if (RootUtils.IsApproximately(i, FinalMax, 0.00001f))
isFinalEnd = true;
else if (i > FinalMax)
isFinalEnd = true;
if (spline.isSpecialEndControlNode)
i = FinalMax;
//Set the current node.
currentNode = spline.GetCurrentNode(i);
//Set the current node ID.
currentNodeID = currentNode.idOnSpline;
//If different than the previous node id, time to make a cut, if necessary:
if (currentNodeID != previousNodeID && (_road.isRoadCutsEnabled || _road.isDynamicCutsEnabled))
//Don't ever cut the first node, last node, intersection node, special control nodes, bridge nodes or bridge control nodes:
if (currentNodeID > StartMinIndex1 && currentNodeID < (NodeCount - 1) && !currentNode.isIntersection && !currentNode.isSpecialEndNode)
// && !cNode.bIsBridge_PreNode && !cNode.bIsBridge_PostNode){
if (_road.isDynamicCutsEnabled)
isDynamicCut = currentNode.isRoadCut;
isDynamicCut = true;
if (isDynamicCut)
//Add the vector index to cut later.
//Store the node which was at the beginning of this cut.
if (_road.isShoulderCutsEnabled && isDynamicCut)
//If option shoulder cuts is on.
//Add the vector index to cut later.
//Store the node which was at the beginning of this cut.
//If different than the previous node id, we store the RoadVectorsHeights in initialRoadHeight
if (currentNodeID != previousNodeID)
if (_road.RCS.RoadVectors.Count > 0)
currentNode.initialRoadHeight = _road.RCS.RoadVectors[_road.RCS.RoadVectors.Count - 1].y;
//Store the current node ID as previous for the next round.
//Done now with road cuts as far as this function is concerned.
previousNodeID = currentNodeID;
//Set all necessary intersection triggers to false:
isInterCurrentIsCorner = false;
isInterCurrentIsCornerRR = false;
isInterCurreIsCornerRL = false;
isInterCurreIsCornerLL = false;
isInterCurreIsCornerLR = false;
is0LAdded = false;
is1LAdded = false;
is2LAdded = false;
isf0LAdded = false;
isf1LAdded = false;
isf2LAdded = false;
isShrinkRoadB = false;
isShrinkRoadF = false;
isNextInter = false;
if (isShrinkRoadFNext)
isShrinkRoadFNext = false;
isShrinkRoadF = true;
isRecordShoulderForNormals = false;
isRecordShoulderLForNormals = false;
//Bridges: Note: This is convoluted due to need for triggers:
isTempbridge = spline.IsInBridge(i);
if (!isBridge && isTempbridge)
isBridge = true;
else if (isBridge && !isTempbridge)
isBridge = false;
//Check if this is the last bridge run for this bridge:
if (isBridge)
isTempbridge = spline.IsInBridge(i + Step);
//Tunnels: Note: This is convoluted due to need for triggers:
isTempTunnel = spline.IsInTunnel(i);
if (!isTunnel && isTempTunnel)
isTunnel = true;
else if (isTunnel && !isTempTunnel)
isTunnel = false;
//Check if this is the last Tunnel run for this Tunnel:
if (isTunnel)
isTempTunnel = spline.IsInTunnel(i + Step);
//Master Vector3 for the current road construction location:
spline.GetSplineValueBoth(i, out tVect, out POS);
//Detect downward or upward slope:
TempY = POS.y;
//bTempYWasNegative = false;
if (TempY < 0f)
//bTempYWasNegative = true;
TempY *= -1f;
if (tVect.y < 0f)
tVect.y = 0f;
//Determine if intersection:
if (isInterseOn)
//If past intersection
isPastInter = false;
intersectionStrength = _road.spline.IntersectionStrength(ref tVect, ref intersectionHeight, ref intersection, ref isPastInter, ref i, ref xNode);
//1f strength = max intersection
isMaxIntersection = (intersectionStrength >= 1f);
isFirstInterNode = false;
//Outer widths of intersection:
if (isMaxIntersection && isInterseOn)
intersection.signHeight = intersectionHeight;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane0DoneFinalThisRound = false;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane1DoneFinalThisRound = false;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane2DoneFinalThisRound = false;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane3DoneFinalThisRound = false;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane0DoneFinalThisRound = false;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane1DoneFinalThisRound = false;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane2DoneFinalThisRound = false;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane3DoneFinalThisRound = false;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFrontFirstRound = false;
// Intersections type
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
OuterShoulderWidthR = shoulderSeperation;
OuterShoulderWidthL = shoulderSeperation;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
OuterShoulderWidthR = shoulderSep1Lane;
OuterShoulderWidthL = shoulderSep1Lane;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
if (isPastInter)
OuterShoulderWidthR = shoulderSep1Lane;
OuterShoulderWidthL = shoulderSep2Lane;
OuterShoulderWidthR = shoulderSep2Lane;
OuterShoulderWidthL = shoulderSep1Lane;
if (TempY < 0.5f || isBridge || isTunnel)
OuterShoulderWidthR = shoulderSeperation;
OuterShoulderWidthL = shoulderSeperation;
OuterShoulderWidthR = shoulderSeperation + (TempY * 0.05f);
OuterShoulderWidthL = shoulderSeperation + (TempY * 0.05f);
if (isBridge)
//No ramps for bridges:
RampOuterWidthR = OuterShoulderWidthR;
RampOuterWidthL = OuterShoulderWidthL;
RampOuterWidthR = (OuterShoulderWidthR / 4f) + OuterShoulderWidthR;
RampOuterWidthL = (OuterShoulderWidthL / 4f) + OuterShoulderWidthL;
//The master outer road edges vector locations:
if (isMaxIntersection && isInterseOn)
//If in maximum intersection, adjust road edge (also the shoulder inner edges):
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
rightVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSeperationNoTurn * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperationNoTurn * -POS.normalized.x));
leftVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSeperationNoTurn * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperationNoTurn * POS.normalized.x));
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
rightVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
leftVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.x));
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
if (isPastInter)
rightVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
leftVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSep2Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep2Lane * POS.normalized.x));
rightVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSep2Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep2Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
leftVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.x));
rightVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSeperation * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperation * -POS.normalized.x));
leftVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSeperation * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperation * POS.normalized.x));
//Typical road/shoulder inner edge location:
rightVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSeperation * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperation * -POS.normalized.x));
leftVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSeperation * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperation * POS.normalized.x));
//Shoulder right vectors:
ShoulderR_rVect = (tVect + new Vector3(OuterShoulderWidthR * POS.normalized.z, 0, OuterShoulderWidthR * -POS.normalized.x));
//Note that the shoulder inner edge is the same as the road edge vector.
ShoulderR_lVect = rightVector;
//Shoulder left vectors:
//Note that the shoulder inner edge is the same as the road edge vector.
ShoulderL_rVect = leftVector;
ShoulderL_lVect = (tVect + new Vector3(OuterShoulderWidthL * -POS.normalized.z, 0, OuterShoulderWidthL * POS.normalized.x));
//Now to start the main lane construction for the intersection:
if (isMaxIntersection && isInterseOn)
//if(kCount >= tSpline.RoadDefKeysArray.Length)
// vCount = tSpline.RoadDefKeysArray.Length-1;
// vCount = kCount-1;
vCount = kCount;
param2 = spline.TranslateInverseParamToFloat(spline.RoadDefKeysArray[vCount]);
float tInterStrNext = _road.spline.IntersectionStrengthNext(spline.GetSplineValue(param2, false));
if (RootUtils.IsApproximately(tInterStrNext, 1f, 0.001f) || tInterStrNext > 1f)
isNextInter = true;
isNextInter = false;
if (string.Compare(xNode.uID, intersection.node1.uID) == 0)
isFirstInterNode = true;
isFirstInterNode = false;
tempIVect = tVect;
if (isPastInter)
bool isLLtoRL = isFirstInterNode;
bool isRLtoRR = !isFirstInterNode;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Count == 0)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFrontFirstRound = true;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFrontFirstRoundTriggered = true;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane0DoneFinalThisRound = true;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane1DoneFinalThisRound = true;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane2DoneFinalThisRound = true;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane3DoneFinalThisRound = true;
if (intersection.isFlipped && !isFirstInterNode)
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[0], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[3], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[3], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[4], intersectionHeight));
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[0], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[3], intersectionHeight));
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[0], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[2], intersectionHeight));
if (isLLtoRL)
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[4], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[3], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[3], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[0], intersectionHeight));
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[3], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[0], intersectionHeight));
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerLLCornerRL[0], intersectionHeight));
else if (isRLtoRR)
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[4], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[3], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[3], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[0], intersectionHeight));
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[3], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[0], intersectionHeight));
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[2], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[0], intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderEndFR = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L[0];
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderEndFL = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3R[0];
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderEndFL = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2R[0];
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderEndFL = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R[0];
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderFLStartIndex = _road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Count - 2;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderFRStartIndex = _road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Count - 2;
//Line 0:
xNode.intersectionConstruction.f0LAttempt = rightVector;
if (!xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane0Done && !intersection.Contains(ref rightVector))
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(rightVector, intersectionHeight));
isf0LAdded = true;
//Line 1:
// if(f0LAdded){
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
tempIVect = tVect;
if (!xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane1Done && !intersection.Contains(ref tempIVect) && !intersection.ContainsLine(tempIVect, rightVector))
if (isf0LAdded)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
isf1LAdded = true;
if (isf0LAdded)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.RemoveAt(xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Count - 1);
isf0LAdded = false;
tempIVect = (tVect + new Vector3((laneWidth * 0.5f) * POS.normalized.z, 0f, (laneWidth * 0.5f) * -POS.normalized.x));
if (!xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane1Done && !intersection.Contains(ref tempIVect) && !intersection.ContainsLine(tempIVect, rightVector))
if (isf0LAdded)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
isf1LAdded = true;
if (isf0LAdded)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.RemoveAt(xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Count - 1);
isf0LAdded = false;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.f0RAttempt = tempIVect;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.f1LAttempt = tempIVect;
//Line 2:
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
tempIVect = leftVector;
if (!xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane2Done && !intersection.Contains(ref tempIVect) && !intersection.ContainsLine(tempIVect, rightVector))
if (isf1LAdded)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
if (isf1LAdded && xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Count > 1)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.RemoveAt(xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Count - 1);
isf1LAdded = false;
tempIVect = (tVect + new Vector3((laneWidth * 0.5f) * -POS.normalized.z, 0f, (laneWidth * 0.5f) * POS.normalized.x));
tempIVect_prev = tempIVect;
if (!xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane2Done && !intersection.Contains(ref tempIVect) && !intersection.ContainsLine(tempIVect, rightVector))
if (isf1LAdded)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
isf2LAdded = true;
if (isf1LAdded)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.RemoveAt(xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Count - 1);
isf1LAdded = false;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.f1RAttempt = tempIVect;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.f2LAttempt = tempIVect;
//Line 3 / 4:
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
tempIVect = (tVect + new Vector3(((laneWidth * 0.5f) + roadSeperation) * -POS.normalized.z, 0, ((laneWidth * 0.5f) + roadSeperation) * POS.normalized.x));
if (!xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane3Done && !intersection.Contains(ref tempIVect) && !intersection.ContainsLine(leftVector, tempIVect))
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3L.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3R.Add(ReplaceHeight(leftVector, intersectionHeight));
//if(bIsNextInter && roadIntersection.iType == RoadIntersection.IntersectionTypeEnum.FourWay){
if (isf2LAdded)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
if (isf2LAdded)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2L.RemoveAt(xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2L.Count - 1);
isf2LAdded = false;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
tempIVect = (tVect + new Vector3(((laneWidth * 0.5f) + roadSeperation) * -POS.normalized.z, 0, ((laneWidth * 0.5f) + roadSeperation) * POS.normalized.x));
if (isf2LAdded && !intersection.Contains(ref tempIVect) && !intersection.ContainsLine(rightVector, tempIVect))
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
else if (isf2LAdded)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2L.RemoveAt(xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2L.Count - 1);
isf2LAdded = false;
// }
xNode.intersectionConstruction.f2RAttempt = tempIVect;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.f3LAttempt = tempIVect;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.f3RAttempt = leftVector;
if (!isNextInter && !xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFDone)
//xNode.intersectionConstruction.bFDone = true;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane0Done = true;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane1Done = true;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane2Done = true;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane3Done = true;
POS_Next = default(Vector3);
tVect_Next = default(Vector3);
param1 = spline.TranslateInverseParamToFloat(spline.RoadDefKeysArray[kCount]);
spline.GetSplineValueBoth(param1, out tVect_Next, out POS_Next);
rVect_Next = (tVect_Next + new Vector3(roadSeperation * POS_Next.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperation * -POS_Next.normalized.x));
lVect_Next = (tVect_Next + new Vector3(roadSeperation * -POS_Next.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperation * POS_Next.normalized.x));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(rVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(tVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(tVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
if (_road.laneAmount == 2)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(((rVect_Next - lVect_Next) * 0.475f) + lVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
else if (_road.laneAmount == 4)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(((rVect_Next - lVect_Next) * 0.488f) + lVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
else if (_road.laneAmount == 6)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(((rVect_Next - lVect_Next) * 0.492f) + lVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
if (_road.laneAmount == 2)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3L.Add(ReplaceHeight(((rVect_Next - lVect_Next) * 0.03f) + lVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
else if (_road.laneAmount == 4)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3L.Add(ReplaceHeight(((rVect_Next - lVect_Next) * 0.015f) + lVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
else if (_road.laneAmount == 6)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3L.Add(ReplaceHeight(((rVect_Next - lVect_Next) * 0.01f) + lVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3R.Add(ReplaceHeight(lVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(tVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
if (_road.laneAmount == 2)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(((rVect_Next - lVect_Next) * 0.475f) + lVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
else if (_road.laneAmount == 4)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(((rVect_Next - lVect_Next) * 0.488f) + lVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
else if (_road.laneAmount == 6)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(((rVect_Next - lVect_Next) * 0.492f) + lVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(tVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(lVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(tVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(lVect_Next, intersectionHeight));
isShrinkRoadFNext = true;
//bShrinkRoadF = true;
isLRtoRR = isFirstInterNode;
isLLtoLR = !isFirstInterNode;
//Line 0:
tempIVect = leftVector;
bool isFirst123 = false;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0R.Count == 0)
isShrinkRoadB = true;
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R.Add((tVect_Prev + new Vector3((laneWidth * 0.05f) * POS.normalized.z, 0, (laneWidth * 0.05f) * -POS.normalized.x)));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane3L.Add(((lVect_Prev - rVect_Prev) * 0.03f) + rVect_Prev);
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R.Add((tVect_Prev + new Vector3((laneWidth * 0.05f) * POS.normalized.z, 0, (laneWidth * 0.05f) * -POS.normalized.x)));
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderStartBL = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L[0];
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderStartBR = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane3R[0];
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderStartBL = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L[0];
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderStartBR = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2R[0];
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderStartBL = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L[0];
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderStartBR = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R[0];
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderBLStartIndex = _road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Count - 2;
xNode.intersectionConstruction.shoulderBRStartIndex = _road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Count - 2;
//goto InterSkip;
isLine = false;
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
isLine = !intersection.ContainsLine(tempIVect, (tVect + new Vector3((laneWidth * 0.5f) * -POS.normalized.z, 0, (laneWidth * 0.5f) * POS.normalized.x)));
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
isLine = !intersection.ContainsLine(tempIVect, (tVect + new Vector3((laneWidth * 0.5f) * -POS.normalized.z, 0, (laneWidth * 0.5f) * POS.normalized.x)));
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
isLine = !intersection.ContainsLine(leftVector, tVect);
if (!xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane0Done && !intersection.Contains(ref tempIVect) && isLine)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
is0LAdded = true;
else if (!xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane0DoneFinal)
//Finalize lane 0:
InterFinalizeiBLane0(ref xNode, ref intersection, ref intersectionHeight, isLRtoRR, isLLtoLR, isFirstInterNode);
//Line 1:
if (xNode.intersection.roadType != RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L.Count == 2)
tempIVect = (tVect + new Vector3((laneWidth * 0.5f) * -POS.normalized.z, 0, (laneWidth * 0.5f) * POS.normalized.x));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
tempIVect_Prev = tempIVect;
tempIVect = (tVect + new Vector3((laneWidth * 0.5f) * -POS.normalized.z, 0, (laneWidth * 0.5f) * POS.normalized.x));
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
tempIVect = tVect;
isLine = false;
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
isLine = !intersection.ContainsLine(tempIVect, (tVect + new Vector3((laneWidth * 0.5f) * POS.normalized.z, 0, (laneWidth * 0.5f) * -POS.normalized.x)));
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
isLine = !intersection.ContainsLine(tempIVect, rightVector);
isLine = !intersection.ContainsLine(tempIVect, rightVector);
tempIVect_Prev = tempIVect;
if (is0LAdded && !xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane1Done && !intersection.Contains(ref tempIVect) && isLine)
if (is0LAdded && (xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L.Count != 2 || intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane))
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
is1LAdded = true;
else if (!xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane1DoneFinal)
//Finalize lane 1:
InterFinalizeiBLane1(ref xNode, ref intersection, ref intersectionHeight, isLRtoRR, isLLtoLR, isFirstInterNode, ref is0LAdded);
//Line 2:
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R.Count == 0 && xNode.intersection.roadType != RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(tVect, intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(tVect, intersectionHeight));
is2LAdded = true;
is2LAdded = true;
tempIVect = (tVect + new Vector3((laneWidth * 0.5f) * POS.normalized.z, 0, (laneWidth * 0.5f) * -POS.normalized.x));
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
tempIVect = rightVector;
if (is1LAdded)
isLine = !intersection.ContainsLine(tempIVect, tempIVect_Prev);
isLine = !intersection.ContainsLine(tempIVect, rightVector);
if (!xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane2Done && !intersection.Contains(ref tempIVect) && isLine)
if (is1LAdded)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
is2LAdded = true;
else if (!xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane2DoneFinal)
InterFinalizeiBLane2(ref xNode, ref intersection, ref intersectionHeight, isLRtoRR, isLLtoLR, isFirstInterNode, ref is2LAdded, ref is1LAdded, ref is0LAdded);
//Line 3 / 4:
tempIVect = (tVect + new Vector3(((laneWidth * 0.5f) + roadSeperation) * POS.normalized.z, 0, ((laneWidth * 0.5f) + roadSeperation) * -POS.normalized.x));
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
tempIVect = rightVector;
if (!xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane3Done && !intersection.ContainsLine(rightVector, tempIVect) && !intersection.ContainsLine(rightVector, leftVector))
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane3L.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane3R.Add(ReplaceHeight(rightVector, intersectionHeight));
if (!isFirst123 && intersection.intersectionType == RoadIntersection.IntersectionTypeEnum.FourWay)
if (is2LAdded)
xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(tempIVect, intersectionHeight));
else if (!xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane3DoneFinal)
InterFinalizeiBLane3(ref xNode, ref intersection, ref intersectionHeight, isLRtoRR, isLLtoLR, isFirstInterNode, ref is2LAdded, ref is1LAdded, ref is0LAdded);
if (!isBridge)
BridgeUpComing = _road.spline.BridgeUpComing(i);
// if(TempY < 0.5f){
// gHeight = tHeight0;
// }else if(TempY < 2f){
// gHeight = tHeight2;
// }else{
// if(bTempYWasNegative){
// tY = new Vector3(0f,(TempY*0.035f),0f);
// }
// if(tY.y < tHeight1.y){
// tY = tHeight1;
// }
// gHeight = tY;
// }
if (BridgeUpComing < 0.2f)
BridgeUpComing = 0.2f;
// gHeight.y = gHeight.y * BridgeUpComing;
// if(tRoad.opt_MatchTerrain){
gHeight.y = 0f;
// }
leftVector += gHeight;
rightVector += gHeight;
ShoulderR_lVect += gHeight;
ShoulderL_rVect += gHeight;
ShoulderL_lVect += gHeight;
ShoulderR_rVect += gHeight;
heightAdded = gHeight.y;
if (intersectionStrength >= 1f)
tVect.y -= tInterSubtract;
tLastInterHeight = tVect.y;
rightVector.y -= tInterSubtract;
leftVector.y -= tInterSubtract;
ShoulderL_rVect.y = intersectionHeight;
ShoulderR_lVect.y = intersectionHeight;
ShoulderR_rVect.y = intersectionHeight;
ShoulderL_lVect.y = intersectionHeight;
//tIntStrength_temp = tRoad.spline.IntersectionStrength(ref ShoulderL_rVect,ref intersectionHeight, ref roadIntersection,ref bIsPastInter,ref i, ref xNode);
// ShoulderL_rVect.y = (tIntStrength_temp*intersectionHeight) + ((1-tIntStrength_temp)*ShoulderL_rVect.y);
//tIntStrength_temp = tRoad.spline.IntersectionStrength(ref ShoulderR_lVect,ref intersectionHeight, ref roadIntersection,ref bIsPastInter,ref i, ref xNode);
// ShoulderR_lVect.y = (tIntStrength_temp*intersectionHeight) + ((1-tIntStrength_temp)*ShoulderR_lVect.y);
//tIntStrength_temp = tRoad.spline.IntersectionStrength(ref ShoulderR_rVect,ref intersectionHeight, ref roadIntersection,ref bIsPastInter,ref i, ref xNode);
// ShoulderR_rVect.y = (tIntStrength_temp*intersectionHeight) + ((1-tIntStrength_temp)*ShoulderR_rVect.y);
//tIntStrength_temp = tRoad.spline.IntersectionStrength(ref ShoulderL_lVect,ref intersectionHeight, ref roadIntersection,ref bIsPastInter,ref i, ref xNode);
// ShoulderL_lVect.y = (tIntStrength_temp*intersectionHeight) + ((1-tIntStrength_temp)*ShoulderL_lVect.y);
else if (intersectionStrength > 0f)
rightVector.y = (intersectionStrength * intersectionHeight) + ((1 - intersectionStrength) * rightVector.y);
ShoulderR_lVect = rightVector;
leftVector.y = (intersectionStrength * intersectionHeight) + ((1 - intersectionStrength) * leftVector.y);
ShoulderL_rVect = leftVector;
ShoulderR_rVect.y = (intersectionStrength * intersectionHeight) + ((1 - intersectionStrength) * ShoulderR_rVect.y);
ShoulderL_lVect.y = (intersectionStrength * intersectionHeight) + ((1 - intersectionStrength) * ShoulderL_lVect.y);
//if (!Mathf.Approximately(intersectionStrength, 0f))
// tVect.y = (intersectionStrength * intersectionHeight) + ((1 - intersectionStrength) * tVect.y);
//tIntStrength_temp = tRoad.spline.IntersectionStrength(ref rVect,ref intersectionHeight, ref roadIntersection,ref bIsPastInter,ref i, ref xNode);
//if (!Mathf.Approximately(tIntStrength_temp, 0f))
// rVect.y = (tIntStrength_temp*intersectionHeight) + ((1-tIntStrength_temp)*rVect.y);
// ShoulderR_lVect = rVect;
//tIntStrength_temp = tRoad.spline.IntersectionStrength(ref lVect,ref intersectionHeight, ref roadIntersection,ref bIsPastInter,ref i, ref xNode);
// lVect.y = (tIntStrength_temp*intersectionHeight) + ((1-tIntStrength_temp)*lVect.y);
// ShoulderL_rVect = lVect;
//tIntStrength_temp = tRoad.spline.IntersectionStrength(ref ShoulderR_rVect,ref intersectionHeight, ref roadIntersection,ref bIsPastInter,ref i, ref xNode);
// ShoulderR_rVect.y = (tIntStrength_temp*intersectionHeight) + ((1-tIntStrength_temp)*ShoulderR_rVect.y);
//tIntStrength_temp = tRoad.spline.IntersectionStrength(ref ShoulderL_lVect,ref intersectionHeight, ref roadIntersection,ref bIsPastInter,ref i, ref xNode);
//ShoulderL_lVect.y = (tIntStrength_temp*intersectionHeight) + ((1-tIntStrength_temp)*ShoulderL_lVect.y);
#region "Ramp:"
RampR_L = ShoulderR_rVect;
RampL_R = ShoulderL_lVect;
if (isBridge)
RampR_R = RampR_L;
RampL_L = RampL_R;
RampR_R = (tVect + new Vector3(RampOuterWidthR * POS.normalized.z, 0, RampOuterWidthR * -POS.normalized.x)) + gHeight;
SetVectorHeight2(ref RampR_R, ref i, ref spline.HeightHistory, ref spline);
RampR_R.y -= _road.desiredRampHeight;
RampL_L = (tVect + new Vector3(RampOuterWidthL * -POS.normalized.z, 0, RampOuterWidthL * POS.normalized.x)) + gHeight;
SetVectorHeight2(ref RampL_L, ref i, ref spline.HeightHistory, ref spline);
RampL_L.y -= _road.desiredRampHeight;
//Merge points to intersection corners if necessary:
if (isMaxIntersection && !isBridge && !isTunnel && isInterseOn)
mCornerDist = _road.roadDefinition * 1.35f;
mCornerDist *= mCornerDist;
CornerRR = new Vector2(intersection.cornerRR.x, intersection.cornerRR.z);
CornerRL = new Vector2(intersection.cornerRL.x, intersection.cornerRL.z);
CornerLR = new Vector2(intersection.cornerLR.x, intersection.cornerLR.z);
CornerLL = new Vector2(intersection.cornerLL.x, intersection.cornerLL.z);
rVect2D = new Vector2(rightVector.x, rightVector.z);
lVect2D = new Vector2(leftVector.x, leftVector.z);
isOverridenRampR = false;
isOverridenRampL = false;
isImmuneR = false;
isImmuneL = false;
bMod1 = 1.75f;
bMod2 = 1.25f;
t2DDist = -1f;
//Find equatable lane vect and move it too
// eCount = -1;
// eIndex = -1;
// uCount = -1;
// uIndex = -1;
xHeight = new Vector3(0f, -0.1f, 0f);
float tempRoadDef = Mathf.Clamp(_road.laneWidth, 3f, 5f);
if (intersection.evenAngle > 90f)
mCornerDist = tempRoadDef * bMod1;
mCornerDist = tempRoadDef * bMod2;
mCornerDist *= mCornerDist;
t2DDist = Vector2.SqrMagnitude(CornerRR - rVect2D);
if (t2DDist < mCornerDist)
isImmuneR = true;
isInterCurrentIsCorner = true;
isInterCurrentIsCornerRR = true;
if (isFirstInterNode)
vList = null;
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane1DoneFinalThisRound)
vList = null;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2R;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane2DoneFinalThisRound)
vList = null;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane3R;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane3DoneFinalThisRound)
vList = null;
eList = new List<int>();
if (vList != null)
for (int m = 0; m < vList.Count; m++)
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(vList[m] - ShoulderR_lVect) < 0.01f)
if (!(RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].x, intersection.cornerRR.x, 0.01f) && RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].z, intersection.cornerRR.z, 0.01f)))
for (int m = (eList.Count - 1); m >= 0; m--)
eList = null;
//2nd node can only come through RR as front with R
vList = null;
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L;
eList = new List<int>();
if (vList != null)
for (int m = 1; m < vList.Count; m++)
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(vList[m] - ShoulderR_lVect) < 0.01f)
if (!(RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].x, intersection.cornerRR.x, 0.01f) && RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].z, intersection.cornerRR.z, 0.01f)))
for (int m = (eList.Count - 1); m >= 0; m--)
eList = null;
ShoulderR_lVect = new Vector3(CornerRR.x, intersectionHeight, CornerRR.y);
ShoulderR_rVect = new Vector3(intersection.cornerRROuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerRROuter.z);
RampR_Override = new Vector3(intersection.cornerRRRampOuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerRRRampOuter.z);
isRecordShoulderForNormals = true;
t2DDist = Vector2.SqrMagnitude(CornerRR - lVect2D);
if (t2DDist < mCornerDist)
isImmuneL = true;
isInterCurrentIsCorner = true;
isInterCurrentIsCornerRR = true;
//2nd node can come in via left
if (!isFirstInterNode)
vList = null;
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane0DoneFinalThisRound)
vList = null;
eList = new List<int>();
if (vList != null)
for (int m = 0; m < vList.Count; m++)
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(vList[m] - ShoulderL_rVect) < 0.01f)
if (!(RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].x, intersection.cornerRR.x) && RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].z, intersection.cornerRR.z)))
for (int m = (eList.Count - 1); m >= 0; m--)
eList = null;
ShoulderL_rVect = new Vector3(CornerRR.x, intersectionHeight, CornerRR.y);
ShoulderL_lVect = new Vector3(intersection.cornerRROuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerRROuter.z);
RampL_Override = new Vector3(intersection.cornerRRRampOuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerRRRampOuter.z);
isRecordShoulderLForNormals = true;
if (intersection.oddAngle > 90f)
mCornerDist = tempRoadDef * bMod1;
mCornerDist = tempRoadDef * bMod2;
mCornerDist *= mCornerDist;
t2DDist = Vector2.SqrMagnitude(CornerRL - rVect2D);
if (t2DDist < mCornerDist)
isImmuneR = true;
isInterCurrentIsCorner = true;
isInterCurreIsCornerRL = true;
if (isFirstInterNode)
vList = null;
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L;
eList = new List<int>();
if (vList != null)
for (int m = 1; m < vList.Count; m++)
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(vList[m] - ShoulderR_lVect) < 0.01f)
if (!(RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].x, intersection.cornerRL.x) && RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].z, intersection.cornerRL.z)))
for (int m = (eList.Count - 1); m >= 0; m--)
eList = null;
vList = null;
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2R;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane3R;
//Hitting RL from backside with second node:
if (!isFirstInterNode)
eList = new List<int>();
if (vList != null)
for (int m = 0; m < vList.Count; m++)
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(vList[m] - ShoulderR_lVect) < 0.01f)
if (!(RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].x, intersection.cornerRL.x) && RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].z, intersection.cornerRL.z)))
for (int m = (eList.Count - 1); m >= 0; m--)
eList = null;
ShoulderR_lVect = new Vector3(CornerRL.x, intersectionHeight, CornerRL.y);
ShoulderR_rVect = new Vector3(intersection.cornerRLOuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerRLOuter.z);
RampR_Override = new Vector3(intersection.cornerRLRampOuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerRLRampOuter.z);
isRecordShoulderForNormals = true;
t2DDist = Vector2.SqrMagnitude(CornerRL - lVect2D);
if (t2DDist < mCornerDist)
isImmuneL = true;
isInterCurrentIsCorner = true;
isInterCurreIsCornerRL = true;
if (!isFirstInterNode)
vList = null;
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane1DoneFinalThisRound)
vList = null;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2R;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane2DoneFinalThisRound)
vList = null;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3R;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.isFLane3DoneFinalThisRound)
vList = null;
eList = new List<int>();
if (vList != null)
for (int m = 1; m < vList.Count; m++)
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(vList[m] - ShoulderL_rVect) < 0.01f)
if (!(RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].x, intersection.cornerRL.x) && RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].z, intersection.cornerRL.z)))
for (int m = (eList.Count - 1); m >= 0; m--)
eList = null;
ShoulderL_rVect = new Vector3(CornerRL.x, intersectionHeight, CornerRL.y);
ShoulderL_lVect = new Vector3(intersection.cornerRLOuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerRLOuter.z);
RampL_Override = new Vector3(intersection.cornerRLRampOuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerRLRampOuter.z);
isRecordShoulderLForNormals = true;
if (intersection.oddAngle > 90f)
mCornerDist = tempRoadDef * bMod1;
mCornerDist = tempRoadDef * bMod2;
mCornerDist *= mCornerDist;
t2DDist = Vector2.SqrMagnitude(CornerLR - rVect2D);
if (t2DDist < mCornerDist)
isImmuneR = true;
isInterCurrentIsCorner = true;
isInterCurreIsCornerLR = true;
if (!isFirstInterNode)
vList = null;
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane1DoneFinalThisRound)
vList = null;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2R;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane2DoneFinalThisRound)
vList = null;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane3R;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane3DoneFinalThisRound)
vList = null;
eList = new List<int>();
if (vList != null)
for (int m = 0; m < vList.Count; m++)
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(vList[m] - ShoulderR_lVect) < 0.01f)
if (!(RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].x, intersection.cornerLR.x) && RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].z, intersection.cornerLR.z)))
for (int m = (eList.Count - 1); m >= 0; m--)
eList = null;
ShoulderR_lVect = new Vector3(CornerLR.x, intersectionHeight, CornerLR.y);
ShoulderR_rVect = new Vector3(intersection.cornerLROuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerLROuter.z);
RampR_Override = new Vector3(intersection.cornerLRRampOuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerLRRampOuter.z);
isRecordShoulderForNormals = true;
t2DDist = Vector2.SqrMagnitude(CornerLR - lVect2D);
if (t2DDist < mCornerDist)
isImmuneL = true;
isInterCurrentIsCorner = true;
isInterCurreIsCornerLR = true;
if (isFirstInterNode)
vList = null;
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane0DoneFinalThisRound)
vList = null;
eList = new List<int>();
if (vList != null)
for (int m = 0; m < vList.Count; m++)
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(vList[m] - ShoulderL_rVect) < 0.01f)
if (!(RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].x, intersection.cornerLR.x) && RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].z, intersection.cornerLR.z)))
for (int m = (eList.Count - 1); m >= 0; m--)
eList = null;
//2nd node can only come through LR as front with L
vList = null;
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2R;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3R;
eList = new List<int>();
if (vList != null)
for (int m = 1; m < vList.Count; m++)
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(vList[m] - ShoulderL_rVect) < 0.01f)
if (!(RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].x, intersection.cornerLR.x) && RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].z, intersection.cornerLR.z)))
for (int m = (eList.Count - 1); m >= 0; m--)
eList = null;
ShoulderL_rVect = new Vector3(CornerLR.x, intersectionHeight, CornerLR.y);
ShoulderL_lVect = new Vector3(intersection.cornerLROuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerLROuter.z);
RampL_Override = new Vector3(intersection.cornerLRRampOuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerLRRampOuter.z);
isRecordShoulderLForNormals = true;
if (intersection.evenAngle > 90f)
mCornerDist = tempRoadDef * bMod1;
mCornerDist = tempRoadDef * bMod2;
mCornerDist *= mCornerDist;
t2DDist = Vector2.SqrMagnitude(CornerLL - rVect2D);
if (t2DDist < mCornerDist)
isImmuneR = true;
isInterCurrentIsCorner = true;
isInterCurreIsCornerLL = true;
if (!isFirstInterNode)
vList = null;
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane0L;
eList = new List<int>();
if (vList != null)
for (int m = 1; m < vList.Count; m++)
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(vList[m] - ShoulderR_lVect) < 0.01f)
if (!(RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].x, intersection.cornerLL.x) && RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].z, intersection.cornerLL.z)))
for (int m = (eList.Count - 1); m >= 0; m--)
eList = null;
ShoulderR_lVect = new Vector3(CornerLL.x, intersectionHeight, CornerLL.y);
ShoulderR_rVect = new Vector3(intersection.cornerLLOuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerLLOuter.z);
RampR_Override = new Vector3(intersection.cornerLLRampOuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerLLRampOuter.z);
isRecordShoulderForNormals = true;
t2DDist = Vector2.SqrMagnitude(CornerLL - lVect2D);
if (t2DDist < mCornerDist)
isImmuneL = true;
isInterCurrentIsCorner = true;
isInterCurreIsCornerLL = true;
if (isFirstInterNode)
vList = null;
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane1R;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane2R;
else if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iFLane3R;
eList = new List<int>();
if (vList != null)
for (int m = 1; m < vList.Count; m++)
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(vList[m] - ShoulderL_rVect) < 0.01f)
if (!(RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].x, intersection.cornerLL.x) && RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].z, intersection.cornerLL.z)))
for (int m = (eList.Count - 1); m >= 0; m--)
eList = null;
vList = null;
vList = xNode.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L;
if (xNode.intersectionConstruction.isBLane0DoneFinalThisRound)
vList = null;
eList = new List<int>();
if (vList != null)
for (int m = 0; m < vList.Count; m++)
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(vList[m] - ShoulderL_rVect) < 0.01f)
if (!(RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].x, intersection.cornerLL.x) && RootUtils.IsApproximately(vList[m].z, intersection.cornerLL.z)))
for (int m = (eList.Count - 1); m >= 0; m--)
eList = null;
ShoulderL_rVect = new Vector3(CornerLL.x, intersectionHeight, CornerLL.y);
ShoulderL_lVect = new Vector3(intersection.cornerLLOuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerLLOuter.z);
RampL_Override = new Vector3(intersection.cornerLLRampOuter.x, intersectionHeight, intersection.cornerLLRampOuter.z);
isRecordShoulderLForNormals = true;
if (isImmuneR)
isOverridenRampR = true;
if (!_road.RCS.ImmuneVects.Contains(ShoulderR_lVect))
if (!_road.RCS.ImmuneVects.Contains(ShoulderR_rVect))
if (isImmuneL)
isOverridenRampL = true;
if (!_road.RCS.ImmuneVects.Contains(ShoulderL_rVect))
if (!_road.RCS.ImmuneVects.Contains(ShoulderL_lVect))
if (isShrinkRoadB)
if (lVect_Prev != new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f))
if (isShrinkRoadF)
if (leftVector != new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f))
//Add bounds for later removal:
if (!isBridge && !isTunnel && isMaxIntersection && isWasPrevMaxInter && isInterseOn)
bool isGoAhead = true;
if (xNode.isEndPoint)
if (xNode.idOnSpline == 1)
if (i < xNode.time)
isGoAhead = false;
if (i > xNode.time)
isGoAhead = false;
//Get this and prev leftVect rightVect rects:
if ((Vector3.SqrMagnitude(xNode.pos - tVect) < CullDistanceSQ) && isGoAhead)
Construction2DRect vRect = new Construction2DRect(
new Vector2(leftVector.x, leftVector.z),
new Vector2(rightVector.x, rightVector.z),
new Vector2(lVect_Prev.x, lVect_Prev.z),
new Vector2(rVect_Prev.x, rVect_Prev.z),
// GameObject tObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
// tObj.transform.position = lVect;
// tObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f,20f,0.2f);
// tObj.transform.name = "temp22";
// tObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
// tObj.transform.position = rVect;
// tObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f,20f,0.2f);
// tObj.transform.name = "temp22";
//Ramp construction:
RampR_L = ShoulderR_rVect;
RampL_R = ShoulderL_lVect;
if (isBridge)
RampR_R = RampR_L;
RampL_L = RampL_R;
RampR_R = (tVect + new Vector3(RampOuterWidthR * POS.normalized.z, 0, RampOuterWidthR * -POS.normalized.x)) + gHeight;
if (isOverridenRampR)
RampR_R = RampR_Override;
} //Overrides will come from intersection.
SetVectorHeight2(ref RampR_R, ref i, ref spline.HeightHistory, ref spline);
RampR_R.y -= _road.desiredRampHeight;
RampL_L = (tVect + new Vector3(RampOuterWidthL * -POS.normalized.z, 0, RampOuterWidthL * POS.normalized.x)) + gHeight;
if (isOverridenRampL)
RampL_L = RampL_Override;
} //Overrides will come from intersection.
SetVectorHeight2(ref RampL_L, ref i, ref spline.HeightHistory, ref spline);
RampL_L.y -= _road.desiredRampHeight;
isOverridenRampR = false;
isOverridenRampL = false;
//If necessary during intersection construction, sometimes an addition will be created inbetween intersection corner points.
//This addition will create a dip between corner points to 100% ensure there is no shoulder visible on the roads between corner points.
isTriggerInterAddition = false;
if (isMaxIntersection && isInterseOn)
if (isFirstInterNode)
if ((isInterPrevWasCornerLR && isInterCurreIsCornerLL) || (isInterPrevWasCornerRR && isInterCurreIsCornerRL))
isTriggerInterAddition = true;
if (!intersection.isFlipped)
if ((isInterPrevWasCornerLL && isInterCurreIsCornerRL) || (isInterPrevWasCornerLR && isInterCurrentIsCornerRR) || (isInterPrevWasCornerRR && isInterCurreIsCornerLR))
isTriggerInterAddition = true;
if ((isInterPrevWasCornerRR && isInterCurreIsCornerLR) || (isInterPrevWasCornerLR && isInterCurrentIsCornerRR) || (isInterPrevWasCornerRL && isInterCurreIsCornerLL))
isTriggerInterAddition = true;
if (intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
isTriggerInterAddition = false;
//For 3-way intersections:
isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreR = false;
isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreL = false;
if (intersection.ignoreSide > -1)
if (intersection.ignoreSide == 0)
//RR to RL:
if (isFirstInterNode && (isInterPrevWasCornerRR && isInterCurreIsCornerRL))
isTriggerInterAddition = false;
else if (intersection.ignoreSide == 1)
//RL to LL:
if (!isFirstInterNode && ((isInterPrevWasCornerRL && isInterCurreIsCornerLL) || (isInterPrevWasCornerLL && isInterCurreIsCornerRL)))
//bTriggerInterAddition = false;
if (intersection.isFlipped)
isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreR = true;
isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreL = true;
else if (intersection.ignoreSide == 2)
//LL to LR:
if (isFirstInterNode && (isInterPrevWasCornerLR && isInterCurreIsCornerLL))
isTriggerInterAddition = false;
else if (intersection.ignoreSide == 3)
//LR to RR:
if (!isFirstInterNode && ((isInterPrevWasCornerRR && isInterCurreIsCornerLR) || (isInterPrevWasCornerLR && isInterCurrentIsCornerRR)))
//bTriggerInterAddition = false;
if (intersection.isFlipped)
isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreL = true;
isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreR = true;
if (isTriggerInterAddition)
iTemp_HeightVect = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
rVect_iTemp = (((rVect_Prev - rightVector) * 0.5f) + rightVector) + iTemp_HeightVect;
lVect_iTemp = (((lVect_Prev - leftVector) * 0.5f) + leftVector) + iTemp_HeightVect;
ShoulderR_R_iTemp = (((ShoulderR_PrevRVect - ShoulderR_rVect) * 0.5f) + ShoulderR_rVect) + iTemp_HeightVect;
ShoulderL_L_iTemp = (((ShoulderL_PrevLVect - ShoulderL_lVect) * 0.5f) + ShoulderL_lVect) + iTemp_HeightVect;
RampR_R_iTemp = (((RampR_PrevR - RampR_R) * 0.5f) + RampR_R) + iTemp_HeightVect;
RampR_L_iTemp = (((RampR_PrevL - RampR_L) * 0.5f) + RampR_L) + iTemp_HeightVect;
RampL_R_iTemp = (((RampL_PrevR - RampL_R) * 0.5f) + RampL_R) + iTemp_HeightVect;
RampL_L_iTemp = (((RampL_PrevL - RampL_L) * 0.5f) + RampL_L) + iTemp_HeightVect;
//ShoulderL_L_iTemp = lVect_iTemp;
//RampL_R_iTemp = lVect_iTemp;
//RampL_L_iTemp = lVect_iTemp;
//ShoulderR_R_iTemp = rVect_iTemp;
//RampR_R_iTemp = rVect_iTemp;
//RampR_L_iTemp = rVect_iTemp;
if (isTriggerInterAddition && !(intersection.isFlipped && !isFirstInterNode))
if (isFirstInterNode)
if ((isInterPrevWasCornerRR && isInterCurreIsCornerRL && !isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreR))
//Right shoulder:
if ((isInterPrevWasCornerLR && isInterCurreIsCornerLL && !isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreL))
//Left shoulder:
if ((isInterPrevWasCornerLR && isInterCurrentIsCornerRR && !isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreR))
//Right shoulder:
if ((isInterPrevWasCornerLL && isInterCurreIsCornerRL && !isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreL))
//Left shoulder:
else if (isTriggerInterAddition && (intersection.isFlipped && !isFirstInterNode))
if ((isInterPrevWasCornerRR && isInterCurreIsCornerLR && !isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreL))
//Left shoulder:
if ((isInterPrevWasCornerRL && isInterCurreIsCornerLL && !isSpecialThreeWayIgnoreR))
//Right shoulder:
//Right shoulder:
if (!isShoulderSkipR)
if (isRecordShoulderForNormals)
//Double up to prevent normal errors from intersection subtraction:
if (isImmuneR && isRecordShoulderForNormals)
//Left shoulder:
if (!isShoulderSkipL)
if (isRecordShoulderLForNormals)
//Double up to prevent normal errors from intersection subtraction:
if (isImmuneL && isRecordShoulderForNormals)
//Previous storage:
tVect_Prev = tVect;
rVect_Prev = rightVector;
lVect_Prev = leftVector;
ShoulderR_PrevLVect = ShoulderR_lVect;
ShoulderL_PrevRVect = ShoulderL_rVect;
//ShoulderR_PrevRVect3 = ShoulderR_PrevRVect2;
//ShoulderL_PrevLVect3 = ShoulderL_PrevLVect2;
//ShoulderR_PrevRVect2 = ShoulderR_PrevRVect;
//ShoulderL_PrevLVect2 = ShoulderL_PrevLVect;
ShoulderR_PrevRVect = ShoulderR_rVect;
ShoulderL_PrevLVect = ShoulderL_lVect;
RampR_PrevR = RampR_R;
RampR_PrevL = RampR_L;
RampL_PrevR = RampL_R;
RampL_PrevL = RampL_L;
//Store more prev variables:
isWasPrevMaxInter = isMaxIntersection;
isInterPrevWasCorner = isInterCurrentIsCorner;
isInterPrevWasCornerRR = isInterCurrentIsCornerRR;
isInterPrevWasCornerRL = isInterCurreIsCornerRL;
isInterPrevWasCornerLL = isInterCurreIsCornerLL;
isInterPrevWasCornerLR = isInterCurreIsCornerLR;
//i+=Step;//Master step incrementer.
RootUtils.EndStartProfiling(_road, "RoadJob_Prelim_FinalizeInter");
//Finalize intersection vectors:
if (isInterseOn)
RoadJobPrelimFinalizeInter(ref _road);
RootUtils.EndStartProfiling(_road, "RoadJob_Prelim_RoadConnections");
//Creates road connections if necessary:
//float ExtraHeight = 0f;
//float RampPercent = 0.2f;
if (spline.isSpecialEndNodeIsStartDelay)
Vector3[] RoadConn_verts = new Vector3[4];
RampR_R = _road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors[7];
ShoulderR_rVect = _road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors[3];
rightVector = _road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors[0];
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, RampR_R);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, RampR_R);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderR_rVect);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderR_rVect);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderR_rVect);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderR_rVect);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, rightVector);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, rightVector);
RampL_L = _road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors[4];
ShoulderL_lVect = _road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors[0];
leftVector = _road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors[3];
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderL_lVect);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderL_lVect);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, RampL_L);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, RampL_L);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, leftVector);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, leftVector);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderL_lVect);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderL_lVect);
RoadConn_verts[0] = leftVector;
RoadConn_verts[1] = rightVector;
spline.GetSplineValueBoth(RoadConnection_StartMin1, out tVect, out POS);
roadSeperation = spline.specialEndNodeDelayStartResult / 2f;
rightVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSeperation * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperation * -POS.normalized.x));
leftVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSeperation * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperation * POS.normalized.x));
shoulderSeperation = roadSeperation + shoulderWidth;
OuterShoulderWidthR = shoulderSeperation;
OuterShoulderWidthL = shoulderSeperation;
RampOuterWidthR = (OuterShoulderWidthR / 4f) + OuterShoulderWidthR;
RampOuterWidthL = (OuterShoulderWidthL / 4f) + OuterShoulderWidthL;
ShoulderR_rVect = (tVect + new Vector3(shoulderSeperation * POS.normalized.z, 0, shoulderSeperation * -POS.normalized.x));
ShoulderL_lVect = (tVect + new Vector3(shoulderSeperation * -POS.normalized.z, 0, shoulderSeperation * POS.normalized.x));
RampR_R = (tVect + new Vector3(RampOuterWidthR * POS.normalized.z, 0, RampOuterWidthR * -POS.normalized.x));
SetVectorHeight2(ref RampR_R, ref i, ref spline.HeightHistory, ref spline);
RampR_R.y -= (_road.desiredRampHeight + 0.10f); // normal was 0.35f; Here was 0.45f
RampL_L = (tVect + new Vector3(RampOuterWidthL * -POS.normalized.z, 0, RampOuterWidthL * POS.normalized.x));
SetVectorHeight2(ref RampL_L, ref i, ref spline.HeightHistory, ref spline);
RampL_L.y -= (_road.desiredRampHeight + 0.10f);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, RampR_R + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, RampR_R + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderR_rVect + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderR_rVect + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderR_rVect + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderR_rVect + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, rightVector + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Insert(0, rightVector + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderL_lVect + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderL_lVect + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, RampL_L + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, RampL_L + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, leftVector + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, leftVector + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderL_lVect + tHeight0);
_road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Insert(0, ShoulderL_lVect + tHeight0);
RoadConn_verts[2] = leftVector + tHeight0;
RoadConn_verts[3] = rightVector + tHeight0;
int[] RoadConn_tris = new int[6];
RoadConn_tris[0] = 2;
RoadConn_tris[1] = 0;
RoadConn_tris[2] = 3;
RoadConn_tris[3] = 0;
RoadConn_tris[4] = 1;
RoadConn_tris[5] = 3;
Vector3[] RoadConn_normals = new Vector3[4];
RoadConn_normals[0] = -Vector3.forward;
RoadConn_normals[1] = -Vector3.forward;
RoadConn_normals[2] = -Vector3.forward;
RoadConn_normals[3] = -Vector3.forward;
Vector2[] RoadConn_uv = new Vector2[4];
float tMod1 = -1;
float tMod2 = -1;
if (_road.laneAmount == 2)
tMod1 = 0.5f - (laneWidth / spline.specialEndNodeDelayStartResult);
tMod2 = 0.5f + (laneWidth / spline.specialEndNodeDelayStartResult);
else if (_road.laneAmount == 4)
tMod1 = 0.5f - ((laneWidth * 2f) / spline.specialEndNodeDelayStartResult);
tMod2 = 0.5f + ((laneWidth * 2f) / spline.specialEndNodeDelayStartResult);
RoadConn_uv[0] = new Vector2(tMod1, 0f);
RoadConn_uv[1] = new Vector2(tMod2, 0f);
RoadConn_uv[2] = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
RoadConn_uv[3] = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
else if (spline.isSpecialEndNodeIsEndDelay)
Vector3[] RoadConn_verts = new Vector3[4];
int rrCount = _road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Count;
RampR_R = _road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors[rrCount - 1];
ShoulderR_rVect = _road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors[rrCount - 3];
rightVector = _road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors[rrCount - 7];
//Right shoulder:
rrCount = _road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Count;
RampL_L = _road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors[rrCount - 3];
ShoulderL_lVect = _road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors[rrCount - 1];
leftVector = _road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors[rrCount - 5];
//Left shoulder:
RoadConn_verts[0] = leftVector;
RoadConn_verts[1] = rightVector;
spline.GetSplineValueBoth(RoadConnection_FinalMax1, out tVect, out POS);
roadSeperation = spline.specialEndNodeDelayEndResult / 2f;
rightVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSeperation * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperation * -POS.normalized.x));
leftVector = (tVect + new Vector3(roadSeperation * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperation * POS.normalized.x));
shoulderSeperation = roadSeperation + shoulderWidth;
OuterShoulderWidthR = shoulderSeperation;
OuterShoulderWidthL = shoulderSeperation;
RampOuterWidthR = (OuterShoulderWidthR / 4f) + OuterShoulderWidthR;
RampOuterWidthL = (OuterShoulderWidthL / 4f) + OuterShoulderWidthL;
ShoulderR_rVect = (tVect + new Vector3(shoulderSeperation * POS.normalized.z, 0, shoulderSeperation * -POS.normalized.x));
ShoulderL_lVect = (tVect + new Vector3(shoulderSeperation * -POS.normalized.z, 0, shoulderSeperation * POS.normalized.x));
RampR_R = (tVect + new Vector3(RampOuterWidthR * POS.normalized.z, 0, RampOuterWidthR * -POS.normalized.x));
SetVectorHeight2(ref RampR_R, ref i, ref spline.HeightHistory, ref spline);
RampR_R.y -= _road.desiredRampHeight;
RampL_L = (tVect + new Vector3(RampOuterWidthL * -POS.normalized.z, 0, RampOuterWidthL * POS.normalized.x));
SetVectorHeight2(ref RampL_L, ref i, ref spline.HeightHistory, ref spline);
RampL_L.y -= _road.desiredRampHeight;
//Right shoulder:
//Left shoulder:
RoadConn_verts[2] = leftVector;
RoadConn_verts[3] = rightVector;
int[] RoadConn_tris = new int[6];
RoadConn_tris[0] = 0;
RoadConn_tris[1] = 2;
RoadConn_tris[2] = 1;
RoadConn_tris[3] = 2;
RoadConn_tris[4] = 3;
RoadConn_tris[5] = 1;
Vector3[] RoadConn_normals = new Vector3[4];
RoadConn_normals[0] = -Vector3.forward;
RoadConn_normals[1] = -Vector3.forward;
RoadConn_normals[2] = -Vector3.forward;
RoadConn_normals[3] = -Vector3.forward;
Vector2[] RoadConn_uv = new Vector2[4];
float tMod = (roadWidth / spline.specialEndNodeDelayEndResult) / 2f;
RoadConn_uv[0] = new Vector2(tMod, 0f);
RoadConn_uv[1] = new Vector2(tMod * 3f, 0f);
RoadConn_uv[2] = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
RoadConn_uv[3] = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
#region "Road prelim helpers"
/// <summary> Returns a new Vector3 with _v1.x, _height, _v1.z </summary>
private static Vector3 ReplaceHeight(Vector3 _v1, float _height)
return new Vector3(_v1.x, _height, _v1.z);
/// <summary> Usage: tDir = forward dir of player. tVect = direction from player to enemy </summary>
/// <returns> <c>true</c> if this instance is vect in front the specified tDir tVect; otherwise, <c>false</c>. </returns>
/// <param name='_dir'> If set to <c>true</c> t dir. </param>
/// <param name='_vect'> If set to <c>true</c> t vect. </param>
private static bool IsVectInFront(Vector3 _dir, Vector3 _vect)
return (Vector3.Dot(_dir.normalized, _vect) > 0);
/// <summary> Returns a new Vector2 from _vect.x, _vect.z </summary>
private static Vector2 ConvertVect3ToVect2(Vector3 _vect)
return new Vector2(_vect.x, _vect.z);
private static void InterFinalizeiBLane0(ref SplineN _node, ref RoadIntersection _intersection, ref float _intHeight, bool _isLRtoRR, bool _isLLtoLR, bool _isFirstInterNode)
if (_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane0DoneFinal)
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane0Done = true;
if (_intersection.isFlipped && !_isFirstInterNode)
if (_intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[4], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[3], _intHeight));
else if (_intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[3], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[2], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[2], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1], _intHeight));
if (_isLRtoRR)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLRCornerRR[0], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLRCornerRR[1], _intHeight));
else if (_isLLtoLR)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[0], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[1], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane0DoneFinal = true;
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane0DoneFinalThisRound = true;
private static void InterFinalizeiBLane1(ref SplineN _node, ref RoadIntersection _intersection, ref float _intHeight, bool _isLRtoRR, bool _isLLtoLR, bool _isFirstInterNode, ref bool _is0LAdded)
if (_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane1DoneFinal)
if (_is0LAdded && !_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane0DoneFinal)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L.RemoveAt(_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane0L.Count - 1);
_is0LAdded = false;
InterFinalizeiBLane0(ref _node, ref _intersection, ref _intHeight, _isLRtoRR, _isLLtoLR, _isFirstInterNode);
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane1Done = true;
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane0Done = true;
if (_intersection.isFlipped && !_isFirstInterNode)
if (_intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[3], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[2], _intHeight));
else if (_intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[2], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[0], _intHeight)); //b1RAdded = true;
if (_isLRtoRR)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLRCornerRR[1], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLRCornerRR[2], _intHeight)); //b1RAdded = true;
else if (_isLLtoLR)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[1], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[2], _intHeight)); //b1RAdded = true;
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane1DoneFinal = true;
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane1DoneFinalThisRound = true;
if (_isFirstInterNode && _intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBackRRPassed = true;
private static void InterFinalizeiBLane2(ref SplineN _node, ref RoadIntersection _intersection, ref float _intHeight, bool _isLRtoRR, bool _isLLtoLR, bool _isFirstInterNode, ref bool _is2LAdded, ref bool _is1LAdded, ref bool _is0LAdded)
if (_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane2DoneFinal)
if (_is1LAdded && !_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane1DoneFinal)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1L.RemoveAt(_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane1L.Count - 1);
_is1LAdded = false;
InterFinalizeiBLane1(ref _node, ref _intersection, ref _intHeight, _isLRtoRR, _isLLtoLR, _isFirstInterNode, ref _is0LAdded);
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane1Done = true;
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane2Done = true;
if (_intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes || _intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
if (_intersection.isFlipped && !_isFirstInterNode)
if (_intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[2], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1], _intHeight));
else if (_intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[0], _intHeight));
if (_isLRtoRR)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLRCornerRR[2], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLRCornerRR[3], _intHeight));
else if (_isLLtoLR)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[2], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[3], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane2DoneFinal = true;
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane2DoneFinalThisRound = true;
if (_isFirstInterNode && _intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBackRRPassed = true;
private static void InterFinalizeiBLane3(ref SplineN _node, ref RoadIntersection _intersection, ref float _intHeight, bool _isLRtoRR, bool _isLLtoLR, bool _isFirstInterNode, ref bool _is2LAdded, ref bool _is1LAdded, ref bool _is0LAdded)
if (_is2LAdded && !_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane2DoneFinal)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2L.RemoveAt(_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane2L.Count - 1);
_is2LAdded = false;
InterFinalizeiBLane2(ref _node, ref _intersection, ref _intHeight, _isLRtoRR, _isLLtoLR, _isFirstInterNode, ref _is2LAdded, ref _is1LAdded, ref _is0LAdded);
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane2Done = true;
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane3Done = true;
if (_intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
if (_intersection.isFlipped && !_isFirstInterNode)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane3L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane3R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerRLCornerRR[0], _intHeight));
if (_isLRtoRR)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane3L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLRCornerRR[3], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane3R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLRCornerRR[4], _intHeight));
else if (_isLLtoLR)
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane3L.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[3], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.iBLane3R.Add(ReplaceHeight(_intersection.cornerLLCornerLR[4], _intHeight));
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane3DoneFinal = true;
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBLane3DoneFinalThisRound = true;
if (_isFirstInterNode && _intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
_node.intersectionConstruction.isBackRRPassed = true;
#region "Intersection Prelim"
private static void RoadJobPrelimInter(ref Road _road)
SplineC spline = _road.spline;
float roadWidth = _road.RoadWidth();
float shoulderWidth = _road.shoulderWidth;
float roadSeperation = roadWidth / 2f;
float roadSeperationNoTurn = roadWidth / 2f;
float shoulderSeperation = roadSeperation + shoulderWidth;
float laneWidth = _road.laneWidth;
float roadSep1Lane = (roadSeperation + (laneWidth * 0.5f));
float roadSep2Lane = (roadSeperation + (laneWidth * 1.5f));
Vector3 POS = default(Vector3);
bool isPastInter = false;
bool isOldMethod = false;
//If left collides with left, etc
//This will speed up later calculations for intersection 4 corner construction:
int nodeCount = spline.GetNodeCount();
float PreInter_RoadWidthMod = 4.5f;
if (!isOldMethod)
PreInter_RoadWidthMod = 5.5f;
float preInterDistance = (spline.RoadWidth * PreInter_RoadWidthMod) / spline.distance;
SplineN iNode;
for (int j = 0; j < nodeCount; j++)
if (!spline.nodes[j].isIntersection)
iNode = spline.nodes[j];
//First node set min / max float:
if (iNode.intersectionConstruction == null)
iNode.intersectionConstruction = new iConstructionMaker();
if (!iNode.intersectionConstruction.isTempConstructionProcessedInter1)
preInterDistance = (iNode.spline.RoadWidth * PreInter_RoadWidthMod) / iNode.spline.distance;
iNode.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_InterStart = iNode.time - preInterDistance;
iNode.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_InterEnd = iNode.time + preInterDistance;
iNode.intersectionConstruction.isTempConstructionProcessedInter1 = true;
if (string.Compare(iNode.uID, iNode.intersection.node1.uID) == 0)
iNode = iNode.intersection.node2;
iNode = iNode.intersection.node1;
//Grab other intersection node and set min / max float
if (!iNode.intersectionConstruction.isTempConstructionProcessedInter1)
preInterDistance = (iNode.spline.RoadWidth * PreInter_RoadWidthMod) / iNode.spline.distance;
iNode.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_InterStart = iNode.time - preInterDistance;
iNode.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_InterEnd = iNode.time + preInterDistance;
iNode.intersectionConstruction.isTempConstructionProcessedInter1 = true;
//Do nothing
//Now get the four points per intersection:
SplineN oNode1 = null;
SplineN oNode2 = null;
float PreInterPrecision1 = -1f;
float PreInterPrecision2 = -1f;
Vector3 PreInterVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 PreInterVectR = default(Vector3);
Vector3 PreInterVectR_RightTurn = default(Vector3);
Vector3 PreInterVectL = default(Vector3);
Vector3 PreInterVectL_RightTurn = default(Vector3);
RoadIntersection roadIntersection = null;
for (int j = 0; j < nodeCount; j++)
oNode1 = spline.nodes[j];
if (oNode1.isIntersection)
oNode1 = oNode1.intersection.node1;
oNode2 = oNode1.intersection.node2;
if (isOldMethod)
PreInterPrecision1 = 0.1f / oNode1.spline.distance;
PreInterPrecision2 = 0.1f / oNode2.spline.distance;
PreInterPrecision1 = 4f / oNode1.spline.distance;
PreInterPrecision2 = 4f / oNode2.spline.distance;
roadIntersection = oNode1.intersection;
if (oNode1.intersectionConstruction.isTempConstructionProcessedInter2 && oNode2.intersectionConstruction.isTempConstructionProcessedInter2)
roadIntersection = oNode1.intersection;
roadIntersection.isCornerRR1Enabled = false;
roadIntersection.isCornerRR2Enabled = false;
roadIntersection.isCornerRL1Enabled = false;
roadIntersection.isCornerRL2Enabled = false;
roadIntersection.isCornerLR1Enabled = false;
roadIntersection.isCornerLR2Enabled = false;
roadIntersection.isCornerLL1Enabled = false;
roadIntersection.isCornerLL2Enabled = false;
if (!oNode1.intersectionConstruction.isTempConstructionProcessedInter2)
oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R = new List<Vector2>();
oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L = new List<Vector2>();
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R_RightTurn = new List<Vector2>();
oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L_RightTurn = new List<Vector2>();
for (float i = oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_InterStart; i < oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_InterEnd; i += PreInterPrecision1)
oNode1.spline.GetSplineValueBoth(i, out PreInterVect, out POS);
isPastInter = oNode1.spline.IntersectionIsPast(ref i, ref oNode1);
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
if (isPastInter)
PreInterVectR = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectL = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep2Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep2Lane * POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectR = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep2Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep2Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectL = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.x));
else if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
PreInterVectR = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectL = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectR = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSeperationNoTurn * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperationNoTurn * -POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectL = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSeperationNoTurn * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperationNoTurn * POS.normalized.x));
oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R.Add(new Vector2(PreInterVectR.x, PreInterVectR.z));
oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L.Add(new Vector2(PreInterVectL.x, PreInterVectL.z));
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
PreInterVectR_RightTurn = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep2Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep2Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectL_RightTurn = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep2Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep2Lane * POS.normalized.x));
//Process second node:
if (oNode2.intersectionConstruction == null)
oNode2.intersectionConstruction = new iConstructionMaker();
if (!oNode2.intersectionConstruction.isTempConstructionProcessedInter2)
oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R = new List<Vector2>();
oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L = new List<Vector2>();
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R_RightTurn = new List<Vector2>();
oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L_RightTurn = new List<Vector2>();
for (float i = oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_InterStart; i < oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_InterEnd; i += PreInterPrecision2)
oNode2.spline.GetSplineValueBoth(i, out PreInterVect, out POS);
isPastInter = oNode2.spline.IntersectionIsPast(ref i, ref oNode2);
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
if (isPastInter)
PreInterVectR = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectL = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep2Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep2Lane * POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectR = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep2Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep2Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectL = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.x));
else if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
PreInterVectR = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectL = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectR = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSeperationNoTurn * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperationNoTurn * -POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectL = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSeperationNoTurn * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSeperationNoTurn * POS.normalized.x));
oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R.Add(new Vector2(PreInterVectR.x, PreInterVectR.z));
oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L.Add(new Vector2(PreInterVectL.x, PreInterVectL.z));
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
PreInterVectR_RightTurn = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep2Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep2Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
PreInterVectL_RightTurn = (PreInterVect + new Vector3(roadSep2Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, roadSep2Lane * POS.normalized.x));
bool isFlipped = false;
bool isFlippedSet = false;
int hCount1 = oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R.Count;
int hCount2 = oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R.Count;
int N1RCount = oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R.Count;
int N1LCount = oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L.Count;
int N2RCount = oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R.Count;
int N2LCount = oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L.Count;
int[] tCounts = new int[4];
tCounts[0] = N1RCount;
tCounts[1] = N1LCount;
tCounts[2] = N2RCount;
tCounts[3] = N2LCount;
int MaxCount = -1;
MaxCount = Mathf.Max(N2RCount, N2LCount);
for (int h = 0; h < hCount1; h++)
for (int k = 0; k < MaxCount; k++)
if (k < N2RCount)
if (Vector2.Distance(oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[h], oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[k]) < _road.roadDefinition)
isFlipped = false;
isFlippedSet = true;
if (k < N2LCount)
if (Vector2.Distance(oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[h], oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L[k]) < _road.roadDefinition)
isFlipped = true;
isFlippedSet = true;
if (isFlippedSet)
oNode1.intersection.isFlipped = isFlipped;
//Three-way intersections lane specifics:
roadIntersection.isNode2BLeftTurnLane = true;
roadIntersection.isNode2BRightTurnLane = true;
roadIntersection.isNode2FLeftTurnLane = true;
roadIntersection.isNode2FRightTurnLane = true;
//Three-way intersections:
roadIntersection.ignoreSide = -1;
roadIntersection.ignoreCorner = -1;
roadIntersection.intersectionType = RoadIntersection.IntersectionTypeEnum.FourWay;
if (roadIntersection.isFirstSpecialFirst)
roadIntersection.ignoreSide = 3;
roadIntersection.intersectionType = RoadIntersection.IntersectionTypeEnum.ThreeWay;
if (roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.StopSign_AllWay)
roadIntersection.ignoreCorner = 0;
else if (roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.TrafficLight1 || roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.TrafficLight2)
roadIntersection.ignoreCorner = 1;
if (!oNode1.intersection.isFlipped)
roadIntersection.isNode2FLeftTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2BRightTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2BLeftTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2FRightTurnLane = false;
else if (roadIntersection.isFirstSpecialLast)
roadIntersection.ignoreSide = 1;
roadIntersection.intersectionType = RoadIntersection.IntersectionTypeEnum.ThreeWay;
if (roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.StopSign_AllWay)
roadIntersection.ignoreCorner = 2;
else if (roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.TrafficLight1 || roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.TrafficLight2)
roadIntersection.ignoreCorner = 3;
if (!oNode1.intersection.isFlipped)
roadIntersection.isNode2BLeftTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2FRightTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2FLeftTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2BRightTurnLane = false;
if (!isFlipped)
if (roadIntersection.isSecondSpecialFirst)
roadIntersection.ignoreSide = 2;
roadIntersection.intersectionType = RoadIntersection.IntersectionTypeEnum.ThreeWay;
if (roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.StopSign_AllWay)
roadIntersection.ignoreCorner = 3;
else if (roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.TrafficLight1 || roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.TrafficLight2)
roadIntersection.ignoreCorner = 0;
if (!oNode1.intersection.isFlipped)
roadIntersection.isNode2BLeftTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2FRightTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2FLeftTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2BRightTurnLane = false;
else if (roadIntersection.isSecondSpecialLast)
roadIntersection.ignoreSide = 0;
roadIntersection.intersectionType = RoadIntersection.IntersectionTypeEnum.ThreeWay;
if (roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.StopSign_AllWay)
roadIntersection.ignoreCorner = 1;
else if (roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.TrafficLight1 || roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.TrafficLight2)
roadIntersection.ignoreCorner = 2;
if (!oNode1.intersection.isFlipped)
roadIntersection.isNode2BLeftTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2FRightTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2FLeftTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2BRightTurnLane = false;
if (roadIntersection.isSecondSpecialFirst)
roadIntersection.ignoreSide = 0;
roadIntersection.intersectionType = RoadIntersection.IntersectionTypeEnum.ThreeWay;
if (roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.StopSign_AllWay)
roadIntersection.ignoreCorner = 1;
else if (roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.TrafficLight1 || roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.TrafficLight2)
roadIntersection.ignoreCorner = 2;
if (!oNode1.intersection.isFlipped)
roadIntersection.isNode2BLeftTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2FRightTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2FLeftTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2BRightTurnLane = false;
else if (roadIntersection.isSecondSpecialLast)
roadIntersection.ignoreSide = 2;
roadIntersection.intersectionType = RoadIntersection.IntersectionTypeEnum.ThreeWay;
if (roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.StopSign_AllWay)
roadIntersection.ignoreCorner = 3;
else if (roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.TrafficLight1 || roadIntersection.intersectionStopType == RoadIntersection.iStopTypeEnum.TrafficLight2)
roadIntersection.ignoreCorner = 0;
if (!oNode1.intersection.isFlipped)
roadIntersection.isNode2BLeftTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2FRightTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2FLeftTurnLane = false;
roadIntersection.isNode2BRightTurnLane = false;
//Find corners:
Vector2 tFoundVectRR = default(Vector2);
Vector2 tFoundVectRL = default(Vector2);
Vector2 tFoundVectLR = default(Vector2);
Vector2 tFoundVectLL = default(Vector2);
if (!isOldMethod)
if (!isFlipped)
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
tFoundVectRR = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R_RightTurn, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R);
tFoundVectRR = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R);
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
tFoundVectRR = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R_RightTurn, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L);
tFoundVectRR = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L);
if (!isFlipped)
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
tFoundVectRL = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L_RightTurn);
tFoundVectRL = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L);
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
tFoundVectRL = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R_RightTurn);
tFoundVectRL = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R);
if (!isFlipped)
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
tFoundVectLL = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L_RightTurn, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L);
tFoundVectLL = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L);
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
tFoundVectLL = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L_RightTurn, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R);
tFoundVectLL = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R);
if (!isFlipped)
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
tFoundVectLR = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R_RightTurn);
tFoundVectLR = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R);
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
tFoundVectLR = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L_RightTurn);
tFoundVectLR = IntersectionCornerCalc(ref oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L, ref oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L);
//Now two lists of R and L on each intersection node, now match:
float eDistanceRR = 5000f;
float oDistanceRR = 0f;
float eDistanceRL = 5000f;
float oDistanceRL = 0f;
float eDistanceLR = 5000f;
float oDistanceLR = 0f;
float eDistanceLL = 5000f;
float oDistanceLL = 0f;
bool isHasBeen1mRR = false;
bool isHasBeen1mRL = false;
bool isHasBeen1mLR = false;
bool isHasBeen1mLL = false;
bool isHasBeen1mRR_ignore = false;
bool isHasBeen1mRL_ignore = false;
bool isHasBeen1mLR_ignore = false;
bool isHasBeen1mLL_ignore = false;
bool isHasBeen1mRRIgnoreMax = false;
bool isHasBeen1mRLIgnoreMax = false;
bool isHasBeen1mLRIgnoreMax = false;
bool isHasBeen1mLLIgnoreMax = false;
float mMin = 0.2f;
float mMax = 0.5f;
MaxCount = Mathf.Max(tCounts);
int MaxHCount = Mathf.Max(hCount1, hCount2);
for (int h = 0; h < MaxHCount; h++)
isHasBeen1mRR = false;
isHasBeen1mRL = false;
isHasBeen1mLR = false;
isHasBeen1mLL = false;
isHasBeen1mRR_ignore = false;
isHasBeen1mRL_ignore = false;
isHasBeen1mLR_ignore = false;
isHasBeen1mLL_ignore = false;
for (int k = 0; k < MaxCount; k++)
if (!isFlipped)
if (!isHasBeen1mRRIgnoreMax && !isHasBeen1mRR_ignore && (h < N1RCount && k < N2RCount))
oDistanceRR = Vector2.Distance(oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[h], oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[k]);
if (oDistanceRR < eDistanceRR)
eDistanceRR = oDistanceRR;
tFoundVectRR = oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[h]; //RR
if (eDistanceRR < 0.07f)
isHasBeen1mRRIgnoreMax = true;
if (oDistanceRR > mMax && isHasBeen1mRR)
isHasBeen1mRR_ignore = true;
if (oDistanceRR < mMin)
isHasBeen1mRR = true;
if (!isHasBeen1mRLIgnoreMax && !isHasBeen1mRL_ignore && (h < N1RCount && k < N2LCount))
oDistanceRL = Vector2.Distance(oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[h], oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L[k]);
if (oDistanceRL < eDistanceRL)
eDistanceRL = oDistanceRL;
tFoundVectRL = oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[h]; //RL
if (eDistanceRL < 0.07f)
isHasBeen1mRLIgnoreMax = true;
if (oDistanceRL > mMax && isHasBeen1mRL)
isHasBeen1mRL_ignore = true;
if (oDistanceRL < mMin)
isHasBeen1mRL = true;
if (!isHasBeen1mLRIgnoreMax && !isHasBeen1mLR_ignore && (h < N1LCount && k < N2RCount))
oDistanceLR = Vector2.Distance(oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L[h], oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[k]);
if (oDistanceLR < eDistanceLR)
eDistanceLR = oDistanceLR;
tFoundVectLR = oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L[h]; //LR
if (eDistanceLR < 0.07f)
isHasBeen1mLRIgnoreMax = true;
if (oDistanceLR > mMax && isHasBeen1mLR)
isHasBeen1mLR_ignore = true;
if (oDistanceLR < mMin)
isHasBeen1mLR = true;
if (!isHasBeen1mLLIgnoreMax && !isHasBeen1mLL_ignore && (h < N1LCount && k < N2LCount))
oDistanceLL = Vector2.Distance(oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L[h], oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L[k]);
if (oDistanceLL < eDistanceLL)
eDistanceLL = oDistanceLL;
tFoundVectLL = oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L[h]; //LL
if (eDistanceLL < 0.07f)
isHasBeen1mLLIgnoreMax = true;
if (oDistanceLL > mMax && isHasBeen1mLL)
isHasBeen1mLL_ignore = true;
if (oDistanceLL < mMin)
isHasBeen1mLL = true;
if (!isHasBeen1mRRIgnoreMax && !isHasBeen1mRR_ignore && (h < N1RCount && k < N2LCount))
oDistanceRR = Vector2.Distance(oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[h], oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L[k]);
if (oDistanceRR < eDistanceRR)
eDistanceRR = oDistanceRR;
tFoundVectRR = oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[h]; //RR
if (eDistanceRR < 0.07f)
isHasBeen1mRRIgnoreMax = true;
if (oDistanceRR > mMax && isHasBeen1mRR)
isHasBeen1mRR_ignore = true;
if (oDistanceRR < mMin)
isHasBeen1mRR = true;
if (!isHasBeen1mRLIgnoreMax && !isHasBeen1mRL_ignore && (h < N1RCount && k < N2RCount))
oDistanceRL = Vector2.Distance(oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[h], oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[k]);
if (oDistanceRL < eDistanceRL)
eDistanceRL = oDistanceRL;
tFoundVectRL = oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[h]; //RL
if (eDistanceRL < 0.07f)
isHasBeen1mRLIgnoreMax = true;
if (oDistanceRL > mMax && isHasBeen1mRL)
isHasBeen1mRL_ignore = true;
if (oDistanceRL < mMin)
isHasBeen1mRL = true;
if (!isHasBeen1mLRIgnoreMax && !isHasBeen1mLR_ignore && (h < N1LCount && k < N2LCount))
oDistanceLR = Vector2.Distance(oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L[h], oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L[k]);
if (oDistanceLR < eDistanceLR)
eDistanceLR = oDistanceLR;
tFoundVectLR = oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L[h]; //LR
if (eDistanceLR < 0.07f)
isHasBeen1mLRIgnoreMax = true;
if (oDistanceLR > mMax && isHasBeen1mLR)
isHasBeen1mLR_ignore = true;
if (oDistanceLR < mMin)
isHasBeen1mLR = true;
if (!isHasBeen1mLLIgnoreMax && !isHasBeen1mLL_ignore && (h < N1LCount && k < N2RCount))
oDistanceLL = Vector2.Distance(oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L[h], oNode2.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_R[k]);
if (oDistanceLL < eDistanceLL)
eDistanceLL = oDistanceLL;
tFoundVectLL = oNode1.intersectionConstruction.tempconstruction_L[h]; //LL
if (eDistanceLL < 0.07f)
isHasBeen1mLLIgnoreMax = true;
if (oDistanceLL > mMax && isHasBeen1mLL)
isHasBeen1mLL_ignore = true;
if (oDistanceLL < mMin)
isHasBeen1mLL = true;
oNode1.intersectionConstruction.isTempConstructionProcessedInter2 = true;
oNode2.intersectionConstruction.isTempConstructionProcessedInter2 = true;
Vector3 tVectRR = new Vector3(tFoundVectRR.x, 0f, tFoundVectRR.y);
Vector3 tVectRL = new Vector3(tFoundVectRL.x, 0f, tFoundVectRL.y);
Vector3 tVectLR = new Vector3(tFoundVectLR.x, 0f, tFoundVectLR.y);
Vector3 tVectLL = new Vector3(tFoundVectLL.x, 0f, tFoundVectLL.y);
oNode1.intersection.cornerRR = tVectRR;
oNode1.intersection.cornerRL = tVectRL;
oNode1.intersection.cornerLR = tVectLR;
oNode1.intersection.cornerLL = tVectLL;
float[] tMaxFloats = new float[4];
tMaxFloats[0] = Vector3.Distance(((tVectRR - tVectRL) * 0.5f) + tVectRL, oNode1.pos) * 1.25f;
tMaxFloats[1] = Vector3.Distance(((tVectRR - tVectLR) * 0.5f) + tVectLR, oNode1.pos) * 1.25f;
tMaxFloats[2] = Vector3.Distance(((tVectRL - tVectLL) * 0.5f) + tVectLL, oNode1.pos) * 1.25f;
tMaxFloats[3] = Vector3.Distance(((tVectLR - tVectLL) * 0.5f) + tVectLL, oNode1.pos) * 1.25f;
roadIntersection.maxInterDistance = Mathf.Max(tMaxFloats);
float[] tMaxFloatsSQ = new float[4];
tMaxFloatsSQ[0] = Vector3.SqrMagnitude((((tVectRR - tVectRL) * 0.5f) + tVectRL) - oNode1.pos) * 1.25f;
tMaxFloatsSQ[1] = Vector3.SqrMagnitude((((tVectRR - tVectLR) * 0.5f) + tVectLR) - oNode1.pos) * 1.25f;
tMaxFloatsSQ[2] = Vector3.SqrMagnitude((((tVectRL - tVectLL) * 0.5f) + tVectLL) - oNode1.pos) * 1.25f;
tMaxFloatsSQ[3] = Vector3.SqrMagnitude((((tVectLR - tVectLL) * 0.5f) + tVectLL) - oNode1.pos) * 1.25f;
roadIntersection.maxInterDistanceSQ = Mathf.Max(tMaxFloatsSQ);
float TotalLanes = (int) (roadWidth / laneWidth);
float TotalLanesI = TotalLanes;
float LanesPerSide = TotalLanes / 2f;
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
TotalLanesI = TotalLanes + 2f;
//Lower left to lower right:
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR = new Vector3[5];
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR[0] = tVectLR;
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR[1] = ((tVectRR - tVectLR) * (LanesPerSide / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLR;
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR[2] = ((tVectRR - tVectLR) * ((LanesPerSide + 1) / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLR;
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR[3] = ((tVectRR - tVectLR) * ((LanesPerSide + 1 + LanesPerSide) / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLR;
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR[4] = tVectRR;
//Upper right to lower right:
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR = new Vector3[5];
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR[0] = tVectRL;
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1] = ((tVectRR - tVectRL) * (1 / TotalLanesI)) + tVectRL;
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR[2] = ((tVectRR - tVectRL) * ((LanesPerSide + 1) / TotalLanesI)) + tVectRL;
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR[3] = ((tVectRR - tVectRL) * ((LanesPerSide + 2) / TotalLanesI)) + tVectRL;
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR[4] = tVectRR;
//Upper left to upper right:
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL = new Vector3[5];
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL[0] = tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL[1] = ((tVectRL - tVectLL) * (1 / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL[2] = ((tVectRL - tVectLL) * ((LanesPerSide + 1) / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL[3] = ((tVectRL - tVectLL) * ((LanesPerSide + 2) / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL[4] = tVectRL;
//Upper left to lower left:
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR = new Vector3[5];
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR[0] = tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR[1] = ((tVectLR - tVectLL) * (LanesPerSide / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR[2] = ((tVectLR - tVectLL) * ((LanesPerSide + 1) / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR[3] = ((tVectLR - tVectLL) * ((LanesPerSide + 1 + LanesPerSide) / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR[4] = tVectLR;
else if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
TotalLanesI = TotalLanes + 1;
//Lower left to lower right:
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR = new Vector3[4];
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR[0] = tVectLR;
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR[1] = ((tVectRR - tVectLR) * (LanesPerSide / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLR;
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR[2] = ((tVectRR - tVectLR) * ((LanesPerSide + 1) / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLR;
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR[3] = tVectRR;
//Upper right to lower right:
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR = new Vector3[4];
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR[0] = tVectRL;
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1] = ((tVectRR - tVectRL) * (LanesPerSide / TotalLanesI)) + tVectRL;
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR[2] = ((tVectRR - tVectRL) * ((LanesPerSide + 1) / TotalLanesI)) + tVectRL;
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR[3] = tVectRR;
//Upper left to upper right:
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL = new Vector3[4];
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL[0] = tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL[1] = ((tVectRL - tVectLL) * (LanesPerSide / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL[2] = ((tVectRL - tVectLL) * ((LanesPerSide + 1) / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL[3] = tVectRL;
//Upper left to lower left:
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR = new Vector3[4];
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR[0] = tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR[1] = ((tVectLR - tVectLL) * (LanesPerSide / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR[2] = ((tVectLR - tVectLL) * ((LanesPerSide + 1) / TotalLanesI)) + tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR[3] = tVectLR;
else if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
TotalLanesI = TotalLanes + 0;
//Lower left to lower right:
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR = new Vector3[3];
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR[0] = tVectLR;
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR[1] = ((tVectRR - tVectLR) * 0.5f) + tVectLR;
roadIntersection.cornerLRCornerRR[2] = tVectRR;
//Upper right to lower right:
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR = new Vector3[3];
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR[0] = tVectRL;
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR[1] = ((tVectRR - tVectRL) * 0.5f) + tVectRL;
roadIntersection.cornerRLCornerRR[2] = tVectRR;
//Upper left to upper right:
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL = new Vector3[3];
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL[0] = tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL[1] = ((tVectRL - tVectLL) * 0.5f) + tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerRL[2] = tVectRL;
//Upper left to lower left:
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR = new Vector3[3];
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR[0] = tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR[1] = ((tVectLR - tVectLL) * 0.5f) + tVectLL;
roadIntersection.cornerLLCornerLR[2] = tVectLR;
//Use node1/node2 for angles instead
float tShoulderWidth = shoulderWidth * 1.75f;
float tRampWidth = shoulderWidth * 2f;
oNode1.intersection.oddAngle = Vector3.Angle(roadIntersection.node2.tangent, roadIntersection.node1.tangent);
oNode1.intersection.evenAngle = 180f - Vector3.Angle(roadIntersection.node2.tangent, roadIntersection.node1.tangent);
IntersectionObjects.GetFourPoints(roadIntersection, out roadIntersection.cornerRROuter, out roadIntersection.cornerRLOuter, out roadIntersection.cornerLLOuter, out roadIntersection.cornerLROuter, tShoulderWidth);
IntersectionObjects.GetFourPoints(roadIntersection, out roadIntersection.cornerRRRampOuter, out roadIntersection.cornerRLRampOuter, out roadIntersection.cornerLLRampOuter, out roadIntersection.cornerLRRampOuter, tRampWidth);
roadIntersection.cornerRR2D = new Vector2(tVectRR.x, tVectRR.z);
roadIntersection.cornerRL2D = new Vector2(tVectRL.x, tVectRL.z);
roadIntersection.cornerLL2D = new Vector2(tVectLL.x, tVectLL.z);
roadIntersection.cornerLR2D = new Vector2(tVectLR.x, tVectLR.z);
if (!oNode1.intersection.isSameSpline)
if (string.Compare(_road.spline.uID, oNode1.spline.road.spline.uID) != 0)
AddIntersectionBounds(ref oNode1.spline.road, ref _road.RCS);
else if (string.Compare(_road.spline.uID, oNode2.spline.road.spline.uID) != 0)
AddIntersectionBounds(ref oNode2.spline.road, ref _road.RCS);
private static Vector2 IntersectionCornerCalc(ref List<Vector2> _primaryList, ref List<Vector2> _secondaryList)
int PrimaryCount = _primaryList.Count;
int SecondaryCount = _secondaryList.Count;
Vector2 t2D_Line1Start = default(Vector2);
Vector2 t2D_Line1End = default(Vector2);
Vector2 t2D_Line2Start = default(Vector2);
Vector2 t2D_Line2End = default(Vector2);
bool isDidIntersect = false;
Vector2 tIntersectLocation = default(Vector2);
for (int i = 1; i < PrimaryCount; i++)
isDidIntersect = false;
t2D_Line1Start = _primaryList[i - 1];
t2D_Line1End = _primaryList[i];
for (int k = 1; k < SecondaryCount; k++)
isDidIntersect = false;
t2D_Line2Start = _secondaryList[k - 1];
t2D_Line2End = _secondaryList[k];
isDidIntersect = RootUtils.Intersects2D(ref t2D_Line1Start, ref t2D_Line1End, ref t2D_Line2Start, ref t2D_Line2End, out tIntersectLocation);
if (isDidIntersect)
return tIntersectLocation;
return tIntersectLocation;
private static void AddIntersectionBounds(ref Road _road, ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
#region "Vars"
bool isBridge = false;
bool isTempBridge = false;
bool isTunnel = false;
bool isTempTunnel = false;
RoadIntersection roadIntersection = null;
bool isPastInter = false;
bool isMaxIntersection = false;
bool isWasPrevMaxInter = false;
Vector3 tVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 POS = default(Vector3);
float tIntHeight = 0f;
float tIntStrength = 0f;
float tIntStrength_temp = 0f;
//float tIntDistCheck = 75f;
bool isFirstInterNode = false;
Vector3 tVect_Prev = default(Vector3);
Vector3 rVect_Prev = default(Vector3);
Vector3 lVect_Prev = default(Vector3);
Vector3 rVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 lVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderR_rVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderR_lVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderL_rVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderL_lVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampR_R = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampR_L = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampL_R = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampL_L = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderR_PrevLVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderL_PrevRVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderR_PrevRVect = default(Vector3);
Vector3 ShoulderL_PrevLVect = default(Vector3);
//Vector3 ShoulderR_PrevRVect2 = default(Vector3);
//Vector3 ShoulderL_PrevLVect2 = default(Vector3);
//Vector3 ShoulderR_PrevRVect3 = default(Vector3);
//Vector3 ShoulderL_PrevLVect3 = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampR_PrevR = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampR_PrevL = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampL_PrevR = default(Vector3);
Vector3 RampL_PrevL = default(Vector3);
SplineC tSpline = _road.spline;
//Road width:
float RoadWidth = _road.RoadWidth();
float ShoulderWidth = _road.shoulderWidth;
float RoadSeperation = RoadWidth / 2f;
float RoadSeperation_NoTurn = RoadWidth / 2f;
float ShoulderSeperation = RoadSeperation + ShoulderWidth;
float LaneWidth = _road.laneWidth;
float RoadSep1Lane = (RoadSeperation + (LaneWidth * 0.5f));
float RoadSep2Lane = (RoadSeperation + (LaneWidth * 1.5f));
float ShoulderSep1Lane = (ShoulderSeperation + (LaneWidth * 0.5f));
float ShoulderSep2Lane = (ShoulderSeperation + (LaneWidth * 1.5f));
float Step = _road.roadDefinition / tSpline.distance;
SplineN xNode = null;
float tInterSubtract = 4f;
float tLastInterHeight = -4f;
//GameObject xObj = null;
//xObj = GameObject.Find("temp22");
//while(xObj != null)
// Object.DestroyImmediate(xObj);
// xObj = GameObject.Find("temp22");
//xObj = GameObject.Find("temp23");
//while(xObj != null)
// Object.DestroyImmediate(xObj);
// xObj = GameObject.Find("temp23");
//xObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_RR");
//while(xObj != null)
// Object.DestroyImmediate(xObj);
// xObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_RR");
//xObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_RL");
//while(xObj != null)
// Object.DestroyImmediate(xObj);
// xObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_RL");
//xObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_LR");
//while(xObj != null)
// Object.DestroyImmediate(xObj);
// xObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_LR");
//xObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_LL");
//while(xObj != null)
// Object.DestroyImmediate(xObj);
// xObj = GameObject.Find("temp22_LL");
bool isFinalEnd = false;
float i = 0f;
float FinalMax = 1f;
float StartMin = 0f;
if (tSpline.isSpecialEndControlNode)
FinalMax = tSpline.nodes[tSpline.GetNodeCount() - 2].time;
if (tSpline.isSpecialStartControlNode)
StartMin = tSpline.nodes[1].time;
//int StartIndex = tSpline.GetClosestRoadDefIndex(StartMin,true,false);
//int EndIndex = tSpline.GetClosestRoadDefIndex(FinalMax,false,true);
bool isSkip = true;
bool isSkipFinal = false;
int kCount = 0;
int kFinalCount = tSpline.RoadDefKeysArray.Length;
int spamcheckmax1 = 18000;
int spamcheck1 = 0;
if (RootUtils.IsApproximately(StartMin, 0f, 0.0001f))
isSkip = false;
if (RootUtils.IsApproximately(FinalMax, 1f, 0.0001f))
isSkipFinal = true;
while (!isFinalEnd && spamcheck1 < spamcheckmax1)
if (isSkip)
i = StartMin;
isSkip = false;
if (kCount >= kFinalCount)
i = FinalMax;
if (isSkipFinal)
i = tSpline.TranslateInverseParamToFloat(tSpline.RoadDefKeysArray[kCount]);
kCount += 1;
if (i > 1f)
if (i < 0f)
i = 0f;
if (RootUtils.IsApproximately(i, FinalMax, 0.00001f))
isFinalEnd = true;
else if (i > FinalMax)
if (tSpline.isSpecialEndControlNode)
i = FinalMax;
isFinalEnd = true;
isFinalEnd = true;
tSpline.GetSplineValueBoth(i, out tVect, out POS);
isPastInter = false;
tIntStrength = tSpline.IntersectionStrength(ref tVect, ref tIntHeight, ref roadIntersection, ref isPastInter, ref i, ref xNode);
if (RootUtils.IsApproximately(tIntStrength, 1f, 0.001f) || tIntStrength > 1f)
isMaxIntersection = true;
isMaxIntersection = false;
if (isMaxIntersection)
if (string.Compare(xNode.uID, roadIntersection.node1.uID) == 0)
isFirstInterNode = true;
isFirstInterNode = false;
//Convoluted for initial trigger:
isTempBridge = tSpline.IsInBridge(i);
if (!isBridge && isTempBridge)
isBridge = true;
else if (isBridge && !isTempBridge)
isBridge = false;
//Check if this is the last bridge run for this bridge:
if (isBridge)
isTempBridge = tSpline.IsInBridge(i + Step);
//Convoluted for initial trigger:
isTempTunnel = tSpline.IsInTunnel(i);
if (!isTunnel && isTempTunnel)
isTunnel = true;
else if (isTunnel && !isTempTunnel)
isTunnel = false;
//Check if this is the last Tunnel run for this Tunnel:
if (isTunnel)
isTempTunnel = tSpline.IsInTunnel(i + Step);
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
rVect = (tVect + new Vector3(RoadSeperation_NoTurn * POS.normalized.z, 0, RoadSeperation_NoTurn * -POS.normalized.x));
lVect = (tVect + new Vector3(RoadSeperation_NoTurn * -POS.normalized.z, 0, RoadSeperation_NoTurn * POS.normalized.x));
else if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
rVect = (tVect + new Vector3(RoadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, RoadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
lVect = (tVect + new Vector3(RoadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, RoadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.x));
else if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
if (isPastInter)
rVect = (tVect + new Vector3(RoadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, RoadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
lVect = (tVect + new Vector3(RoadSep2Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, RoadSep2Lane * POS.normalized.x));
rVect = (tVect + new Vector3(RoadSep2Lane * POS.normalized.z, 0, RoadSep2Lane * -POS.normalized.x));
lVect = (tVect + new Vector3(RoadSep1Lane * -POS.normalized.z, 0, RoadSep1Lane * POS.normalized.x));
rVect = (tVect + new Vector3(RoadSeperation * POS.normalized.z, 0, RoadSeperation * -POS.normalized.x));
lVect = (tVect + new Vector3(RoadSeperation * -POS.normalized.z, 0, RoadSeperation * POS.normalized.x));
if (tIntStrength >= 1f)
tVect.y -= tInterSubtract;
tLastInterHeight = tVect.y;
rVect.y -= tInterSubtract;
lVect.y -= tInterSubtract;
if (!RootUtils.IsApproximately(tIntStrength, 0f, 0.001f))
tVect.y = (tIntStrength * tIntHeight) + ((1 - tIntStrength) * tVect.y);
tIntStrength_temp = _road.spline.IntersectionStrength(ref rVect, ref tIntHeight, ref roadIntersection, ref isPastInter, ref i, ref xNode);
if (!RootUtils.IsApproximately(tIntStrength_temp, 0f, 0.001f))
rVect.y = (tIntStrength_temp * tIntHeight) + ((1 - tIntStrength_temp) * rVect.y);
ShoulderR_lVect = rVect;
//Add bounds for later removal:
Construction2DRect vRect = null;
if (!isBridge && !isTunnel && isMaxIntersection && isWasPrevMaxInter)
bool isGoAhead = true;
if (xNode.isEndPoint)
if (xNode.idOnSpline == 1)
if (i < xNode.time)
isGoAhead = false;
if (i > xNode.time)
isGoAhead = false;
//Get this and prev lvect rvect rects:
if (Vector3.Distance(xNode.pos, tVect) < (3f * RoadWidth) && isGoAhead)
if (roadIntersection.isFlipped && !isFirstInterNode)
vRect = new Construction2DRect(
new Vector2(rVect.x, rVect.z),
new Vector2(lVect.x, lVect.z),
new Vector2(rVect_Prev.x, rVect_Prev.z),
new Vector2(lVect_Prev.x, lVect_Prev.z),
vRect = new Construction2DRect(
new Vector2(lVect.x, lVect.z),
new Vector2(rVect.x, rVect.z),
new Vector2(lVect_Prev.x, lVect_Prev.z),
new Vector2(rVect_Prev.x, rVect_Prev.z),
//GameObject tObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
//tObj.transform.position = lVect;
//tObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f,20f,0.2f);
//tObj.transform.name = "temp22";
//tObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
//tObj.transform.position = rVect;
//tObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f,20f,0.2f);
//tObj.transform.name = "temp22";
isWasPrevMaxInter = isMaxIntersection;
tVect_Prev = tVect;
rVect_Prev = rVect;
lVect_Prev = lVect;
ShoulderR_PrevLVect = ShoulderR_lVect;
ShoulderL_PrevRVect = ShoulderL_rVect;
//ShoulderR_PrevRVect3 = ShoulderR_PrevRVect2;
//ShoulderL_PrevLVect3 = ShoulderL_PrevLVect2;
//ShoulderR_PrevRVect2 = ShoulderR_PrevRVect;
//ShoulderL_PrevLVect2 = ShoulderL_PrevLVect;
ShoulderR_PrevRVect = ShoulderR_rVect;
ShoulderL_PrevLVect = ShoulderL_lVect;
RampR_PrevR = RampR_R;
RampR_PrevL = RampR_L;
RampL_PrevR = RampL_R;
RampL_PrevL = RampL_L;
#region "Intersection Prelim Finalization"
private static void RoadJobPrelimFinalizeInter(ref Road _road)
int nodeCount = _road.spline.GetNodeCount();
SplineN node;
for (int index = 0; index < nodeCount; index++)
node = _road.spline.nodes[index];
if (node.isIntersection)
Inter_OrganizeVertices(ref node, ref _road);
node.intersectionConstruction = null;
private static bool InterOrganizeVerticesMatchEdges(ref List<Vector3> _list1, ref List<Vector3> _list2, string _warning, bool _isSkip1 = false, bool _isSkippingFirstListOne = false, bool _isSkippingBoth = false)
List<Vector3> PrimaryList;
List<Vector3> SecondaryList;
List<Vector3> tList1New;
List<Vector3> tList2New;
if (_isSkip1)
if (_isSkippingBoth)
tList1New = new List<Vector3>();
tList2New = new List<Vector3>();
for (int index = 1; index < _list1.Count; index++)
for (int index = 1; index < _list2.Count; index++)
if (_isSkippingFirstListOne)
tList1New = new List<Vector3>();
for (int index = 1; index < _list1.Count; index++)
tList2New = _list2;
tList2New = new List<Vector3>();
for (int index = 1; index < _list2.Count; index++)
tList1New = _list1;
tList1New = _list1;
tList2New = _list2;
int tList1Count = tList1New.Count;
int tList2Count = tList2New.Count;
if (tList1Count == tList2Count)
return false;
if (tList1Count > tList2Count)
PrimaryList = tList1New;
SecondaryList = tList2New;
PrimaryList = tList2New;
SecondaryList = tList1New;
if (SecondaryList == null || SecondaryList.Count == 0)
return true;
SecondaryList = new List<Vector3>();
for (int index = 0; index < PrimaryList.Count; index++)
if (tList1Count > tList2Count)
_list2 = SecondaryList;
_list1 = SecondaryList;
return false;
private static void InterOrganizeVerticesMatchShoulder(ref List<Vector3> _shoulderList, ref List<Vector3> _toMatch, int _startI, ref Vector3 _startVec, ref Vector3 _endVect, float _height, bool _isF = false)
List<Vector3> BackupList = new List<Vector3>();
for (int index = 0; index < _toMatch.Count; index++)
Vector2 t2D = default(Vector2);
Vector2 t2D_Start = ConvertVect3ToVect2(_startVec);
Vector2 t2D_End = ConvertVect3ToVect2(_endVect);
int RealStartID = -1;
_startI = _startI - 30;
if (_startI < 0)
_startI = 0;
for (int index = _startI; index < _shoulderList.Count; index++)
t2D = ConvertVect3ToVect2(_shoulderList[index]);
//if(t2D.x > 745f && t2D.x < 755f && t2D.y > 1240f && t2D.y < 1250f)
// int testInteger = 1;
if (t2D == t2D_Start)
//if(tShoulderList[i] == StartVec){
RealStartID = index;
_toMatch = null;
_toMatch = new List<Vector3>();
int spamcounter = 0;
bool bBackup = false;
if (RealStartID == -1)
bBackup = true;
if (!bBackup)
if (_isF)
for (int index = RealStartID; index > 0; index -= 8)
t2D = ConvertVect3ToVect2(_shoulderList[index]);
if (t2D == t2D_End)
//if(tShoulderList[i] == EndVect){
spamcounter += 1;
if (spamcounter > 100)
bBackup = true;
for (int index = RealStartID; index < _shoulderList.Count; index += 8)
t2D = ConvertVect3ToVect2(_shoulderList[index]);
if (t2D == t2D_End)
//if(tShoulderList[i] == EndVect){
spamcounter += 1;
if (spamcounter > 100)
bBackup = true;
// if(!bBackup){
// for(int i=0;i<tToMatch.Count;i++){
// tToMatch[i] = new Vector3(tToMatch[i].x,tHeight,tToMatch[i].z);
// }
// }
// //Backup if above fails:
// if(bBackup){
// tToMatch.Clear();
// tToMatch = new List<Vector3>();
// for(int i=0;i<BackupList.Count;i++){
// tToMatch.Add(BackupList[i]);
// }
// }
private static void Inter_OrganizeVertices(ref SplineN _node, ref Road _road)
iConstructionMaker iCon = _node.intersectionConstruction;
RoadIntersection roadIntersection = _node.intersection;
//Skipping (3 ways):
bool isSkipF = false;
if (iCon.iFLane0L.Count == 0)
isSkipF = true;
bool isSkipB = false;
if (iCon.iBLane0L.Count == 0)
isSkipB = true;
//Is primary node and is first node on a spline, meaning t junction: It does not have a B:
if (_node.idOnSpline == 0 && string.CompareOrdinal(roadIntersection.node1uID, _node.uID) == 0)
isSkipB = true;
//Is primary node and is last node on a spline, meaning t junction: It does not have a F:
if (_node.idOnSpline == (_node.spline.GetNodeCount() - 1) && string.CompareOrdinal(roadIntersection.node1uID, _node.uID) == 0)
isSkipF = true;
//Other node is t junction end node, meaning now we figure out which side we're on
if (_node.intersectionOtherNode.idOnSpline == 0 || _node.idOnSpline == (_node.spline.GetNodeCount() - 1))
//Reverse all fronts:
if (!isSkipF)
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
iCon.shoulderStartFR = iCon.iFLane0L[0];
iCon.shoulderStartFL = iCon.iFLane3R[0];
else if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
iCon.shoulderStartFR = iCon.iFLane0L[0];
iCon.shoulderStartFL = iCon.iFLane2R[0];
iCon.shoulderStartFR = iCon.iFLane0L[0];
iCon.shoulderStartFL = iCon.iFLane1R[0];
if (!isSkipB)
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
iCon.shoulderEndBL = iCon.iBLane0L[iCon.iBLane0L.Count - 1];
iCon.shoulderEndBR = iCon.iBLane3R[iCon.iBLane3R.Count - 1];
else if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
iCon.shoulderEndBL = iCon.iBLane0L[iCon.iBLane0L.Count - 1];
iCon.shoulderEndBR = iCon.iBLane2R[iCon.iBLane2R.Count - 1];
iCon.shoulderEndBL = iCon.iBLane0L[iCon.iBLane0L.Count - 1];
iCon.shoulderEndBR = iCon.iBLane1R[iCon.iBLane1R.Count - 1];
if (!isSkipB)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchShoulder(ref _road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors, ref iCon.iBLane0L, iCon.shoulderBLStartIndex, ref iCon.shoulderStartBL, ref iCon.shoulderEndBL, roadIntersection.height);
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchShoulder(ref _road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors, ref iCon.iBLane3R, iCon.shoulderBRStartIndex, ref iCon.shoulderStartBR, ref iCon.shoulderEndBR, roadIntersection.height);
else if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchShoulder(ref _road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors, ref iCon.iBLane2R, iCon.shoulderBRStartIndex, ref iCon.shoulderStartBR, ref iCon.shoulderEndBR, roadIntersection.height);
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchShoulder(ref _road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors, ref iCon.iBLane1R, iCon.shoulderBRStartIndex, ref iCon.shoulderStartBR, ref iCon.shoulderEndBR, roadIntersection.height);
if (!isSkipF)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchShoulder(ref _road.RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors, ref iCon.iFLane0L, iCon.shoulderFRStartIndex, ref iCon.shoulderStartFR, ref iCon.shoulderEndFR, roadIntersection.height, true);
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchShoulder(ref _road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors, ref iCon.iFLane3R, iCon.shoulderFLStartIndex, ref iCon.shoulderStartFL, ref iCon.shoulderEndFL, roadIntersection.height, true);
else if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchShoulder(ref _road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors, ref iCon.iFLane2R, iCon.shoulderFLStartIndex, ref iCon.shoulderStartFL, ref iCon.shoulderEndFL, roadIntersection.height, true);
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchShoulder(ref _road.RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors, ref iCon.iFLane1R, iCon.shoulderFLStartIndex, ref iCon.shoulderStartFL, ref iCon.shoulderEndFL, roadIntersection.height, true);
string warning = "Intersection " + roadIntersection.intersectionName + " in road " + _road.roadName + " at too extreme angle to process this intersection type. Reduce angle or reduce lane count.";
if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
if (!isSkipB)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchEdges(ref iCon.iBLane0R, ref iCon.iBLane1L, warning);
if (!isSkipF)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchEdges(ref iCon.iFLane0R, ref iCon.iFLane1L, warning);
else if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
if (!isSkipB)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchEdges(ref iCon.iBLane0R, ref iCon.iBLane1L, warning);
if (!isSkipF)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchEdges(ref iCon.iFLane0R, ref iCon.iFLane1L, warning);
if (!isSkipB)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchEdges(ref iCon.iBLane1R, ref iCon.iBLane2L, warning);
if (!isSkipF)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchEdges(ref iCon.iFLane1R, ref iCon.iFLane2L, warning);
else if (roadIntersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
if (!isSkipB)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchEdges(ref iCon.iBLane0R, ref iCon.iBLane1L, warning);
if (!isSkipF)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchEdges(ref iCon.iFLane0R, ref iCon.iFLane1L, warning);
if (!isSkipB)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchEdges(ref iCon.iBLane1R, ref iCon.iBLane2L, warning, true, true);
if (!isSkipF)
InterOrganizeVerticesMatchEdges(ref iCon.iFLane1R, ref iCon.iFLane2L, warning, true, true);
//if (!isSkipB)
// Inter_OrganizeVerticesMatchEdges(ref iCon.iBLane2R, ref iCon.iBLane3L, warning, true, false);
//if (!isSkipF)
// Inter_OrganizeVerticesMatchEdges(ref iCon.iFLane2R, ref iCon.iFLane3L, warning, true, false);
//Back main plate left:
int mCount = -1;
if (!isSkipB)
mCount = iCon.iBLane0L.Count;
for (int m = 0; m < mCount; m++)
//Front main plate left:
if (!isSkipF)
mCount = iCon.iFLane0L.Count;
for (int m = 0; m < mCount; m++)
//Back main plate right:
if (!isSkipB)
if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
mCount = iCon.iBLane1R.Count;
for (int m = 0; m < mCount; m++)
else if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
mCount = iCon.iBLane2R.Count;
for (int m = 0; m < mCount; m++)
else if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
mCount = iCon.iBLane3R.Count;
for (int m = 0; m < mCount; m++)
//Front main plate right:
if (!isSkipF)
if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
mCount = iCon.iFLane1R.Count;
for (int m = 0; m < mCount; m++)
else if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
mCount = iCon.iFLane2R.Count;
for (int m = 0; m < mCount; m++)
else if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
mCount = iCon.iFLane3R.Count;
for (int m = 0; m < mCount; m++)
mCount = _road.RCS.RoadVectors.Count;
// float mDistance = 0.05f;
Vector3 tVect = default(Vector3);
bool biBLane0L = (iCon.iBLane0L.Count > 0);
bool biBLane0R = (iCon.iBLane0R.Count > 0);
bool biBMainPlateL = (iCon.iBMainPlateL.Count > 0);
bool biBMainPlateR = (iCon.iBMainPlateR.Count > 0);
bool biFLane0L = (iCon.iFLane0L.Count > 0);
bool biFLane0R = (iCon.iFLane0R.Count > 0);
bool biFMainPlateL = (iCon.iFMainPlateL.Count > 0);
bool biFMainPlateR = (iCon.iFMainPlateR.Count > 0);
bool biBLane2L = (iCon.iBLane2L.Count > 0);
bool biBLane2R = (iCon.iBLane2R.Count > 0);
bool biFLane2L = (iCon.iFLane2L.Count > 0);
bool biFLane2R = (iCon.iFLane2R.Count > 0);
bool biBLane3L = (iCon.iBLane3L.Count > 0);
bool biBLane3R = (iCon.iBLane3R.Count > 0);
bool biFLane3L = (iCon.iFLane3L.Count > 0);
bool biFLane3R = (iCon.iFLane3R.Count > 0);
mCount = _road.RCS.RoadVectors.Count;
int cCount = _road.spline.GetNodeCount();
int tStartI = 0;
int tEndI = mCount;
//Start and end the next loop after this one later for opt:
if (cCount > 2)
if (!_road.spline.nodes[0].isIntersection && !_road.spline.nodes[1].isIntersection)
for (int i = 2; i < cCount; i++)
if (_road.spline.nodes[i].isIntersection)
if (i - 2 >= 1)
tStartI = (int) (_road.spline.nodes[i - 2].time * mCount);
if (cCount > 3)
if (!_road.spline.nodes[cCount - 1].isIntersection && !_road.spline.nodes[cCount - 2].isIntersection)
for (int i = (cCount - 3); i >= 0; i--)
if (_road.spline.nodes[i].isIntersection)
if (i + 2 < cCount)
tEndI = (int) (_road.spline.nodes[i + 2].time * mCount);
if (tStartI > 0)
if (tStartI % 2 != 0)
tStartI += 1;
if (tStartI > mCount)
tStartI = mCount - 4;
if (tStartI < 0)
tStartI = 0;
if (tEndI < mCount)
if (tEndI % 2 != 0)
tEndI += 1;
if (tEndI > mCount)
tEndI = mCount - 4;
if (tEndI < 0)
tEndI = 0;
for (int i = tStartI; i < tEndI; i += 2)
tVect = _road.RCS.RoadVectors[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
if (biBLane0L && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iBLane0L[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipB)
iCon.iBLane0L[j] = tVect;
if (biBMainPlateL && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iBMainPlateL[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipB)
iCon.iBMainPlateL[j] = tVect;
if (biBMainPlateR && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iBMainPlateR[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipB)
iCon.iBMainPlateR[j] = tVect;
if (biFLane0L && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iFLane0L[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipF)
iCon.iFLane0L[j] = tVect;
if (biFMainPlateL && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iFMainPlateL[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipF)
iCon.iFMainPlateL[j] = tVect;
if (biFMainPlateR && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iFMainPlateR[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipF)
iCon.iFMainPlateR[j] = tVect;
if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
if (biBLane3L && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iBLane3L[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipB)
iCon.iBLane3L[j] = tVect;
if (biBLane3R && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iBLane3R[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipB)
iCon.iBLane3R[j] = tVect;
if (biFLane3L && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iFLane3L[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipF)
iCon.iFLane3L[j] = tVect;
if (biFLane3R && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iFLane3R[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipF)
iCon.iFLane3R[j] = tVect;
else if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
if (biBLane2L && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iBLane2L[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipB)
iCon.iBLane2L[j] = tVect;
if (biBLane2R && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iBLane2R[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipB)
iCon.iBLane2R[j] = tVect;
if (biFLane2L && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iFLane2L[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipF)
iCon.iFLane2L[j] = tVect;
if (biFLane2R && Vector3.SqrMagnitude(tVect - iCon.iFLane2R[j]) < 0.01f && !isSkipF)
iCon.iFLane2R[j] = tVect;
// float b0 = -1f;
// float f0 = -1f;
// if(!isSkipB){ b0 = iCon.iBMainPlateL[0].y; }
// if(!bSkipF){ f0 = iCon.iFMainPlateL[0].y; }
// if(iCon.iBLane0R == null || iCon.iBLane0R.Count == 0){
// isSkipB = true;
// }
if (iCon.iBMainPlateR == null || iCon.iBMainPlateR.Count == 0)
isSkipB = true;
if (iCon.iBMainPlateL == null || iCon.iBMainPlateL.Count == 0)
isSkipB = true;
if (!isSkipB)
iCon.iBLane0R[0] = ((iCon.iBMainPlateR[0] - iCon.iBMainPlateL[0]) * 0.5f + iCon.iBMainPlateL[0]);
if (!isSkipF)
iCon.iFLane0R[0] = ((iCon.iFMainPlateR[0] - iCon.iFMainPlateL[0]) * 0.5f + iCon.iFMainPlateL[0]);
// if(tNode.roadIntersection.rType != RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane){
if (!isSkipB)
iCon.iBLane1L[0] = iCon.iBLane0R[0];
iCon.iBLane1R[0] = new Vector3(iCon.iBLane1R[0].x, iCon.iBLane1L[0].y, iCon.iBLane1R[0].z);
if (!isSkipF)
iCon.iFLane1L[0] = iCon.iFLane0R[0];
iCon.iFLane1R[0] = new Vector3(iCon.iFLane1R[0].x, iCon.iFLane1L[0].y, iCon.iFLane1R[0].z);
// }
if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
if (!isSkipB)
iCon.iBLane3L[0] = new Vector3(iCon.iBLane3L[0].x, iCon.iBLane3R[0].y, iCon.iBLane3L[0].z);
if (!isSkipF)
iCon.iFLane3L[0] = new Vector3(iCon.iFLane3L[0].x, iCon.iFLane3R[0].y, iCon.iFLane3L[0].z);
else if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
if (!isSkipB)
iCon.iBLane2L[0] = new Vector3(iCon.iBLane2L[0].x, iCon.iBLane2R[0].y, iCon.iBLane2L[0].z);
if (!isSkipF)
iCon.iFLane2L[0] = new Vector3(iCon.iFLane2L[0].x, iCon.iFLane2R[0].y, iCon.iFLane2L[0].z);
List<Vector3> iBLane0 = null;
List<Vector3> iBLane1 = null;
List<Vector3> iBLane2 = null;
List<Vector3> iBLane3 = null;
if (!isSkipB)
iBLane0 = InterVertices(iCon.iBLane0L, iCon.iBLane0R, _node.intersection.height);
iBLane1 = InterVertices(iCon.iBLane1L, iCon.iBLane1R, _node.intersection.height);
if (_node.intersection.roadType != RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
iBLane2 = InterVertices(iCon.iBLane2L, iCon.iBLane2R, _node.intersection.height);
if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
iBLane3 = InterVertices(iCon.iBLane3L, iCon.iBLane3R, _node.intersection.height);
//Front lanes:
List<Vector3> iFLane0 = null;
List<Vector3> iFLane1 = null;
List<Vector3> iFLane2 = null;
List<Vector3> iFLane3 = null;
if (!isSkipF)
iFLane0 = InterVertices(iCon.iFLane0L, iCon.iFLane0R, _node.intersection.height);
iFLane1 = InterVertices(iCon.iFLane1L, iCon.iFLane1R, _node.intersection.height);
if (_node.intersection.roadType != RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
iFLane2 = InterVertices(iCon.iFLane2L, iCon.iFLane2R, _node.intersection.height);
if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
iFLane3 = InterVertices(iCon.iFLane3L, iCon.iFLane3R, _node.intersection.height);
//Main plates:
List<Vector3> iBMainPlate = null;
List<Vector3> iFMainPlate = null;
if (!isSkipB)
iBMainPlate = InterVertices(iCon.iBMainPlateL, iCon.iBMainPlateR, _node.intersection.height);
if (!isSkipF)
iFMainPlate = InterVertices(iCon.iFMainPlateL, iCon.iFMainPlateR, _node.intersection.height);
// //Marker plates:
// List<Vector3> iBMarkerPlate = InterVertices(iCon.iBMarkerPlateL,iCon.iBMarkerPlateR, tNode.roadIntersection.Height);
// List<Vector3> iFMarkerPlate = InterVertices(iCon.iFMarkerPlateL,iCon.iFMarkerPlateR, tNode.roadIntersection.Height);
//Now add these to RCS:
if (!isSkipB)
if (_node.intersection.roadType != RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
if (iBLane2 != null)
if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
//Front lanes:
if (!isSkipF)
if (_node.intersection.roadType != RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
if (_node.intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
//Main plates:
if (iBMainPlate != null && !isSkipB)
if (iFMainPlate != null && !isSkipF)
// //Marker plates:
// tRoad.RCS.iBMarkerPlates.Add(iBMarkerPlate.ToArray());
// tRoad.RCS.iFMarkerPlates.Add(iFMarkerPlate.ToArray());
// tRoad.RCS.IntersectionTypes.Add((int)tNode.roadIntersection.rType);
if (_node.intersection.roadType != RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
if (!isSkipB)
if (!isSkipF)
if (!isSkipB)
if (!isSkipF)
private static bool IsVecSame(ref Vector3 _vect1, Vector3 _vect2)
return ((Vector3.SqrMagnitude(_vect1 - _vect2) < 0.01f));
private static List<Vector3> InterVertices(List<Vector3> _left, List<Vector3> _right, float _height)
if (_left.Count == 0 || _right.Count == 0)
return null;
List<Vector3> tList = new List<Vector3>();
int tCountL = _left.Count;
int tCountR = _right.Count;
int spamcheck = 0;
while (tCountL < tCountR && spamcheck < 5000)
_left.Add(_left[tCountL - 1]);
tCountL = _left.Count;
spamcheck += 1;
spamcheck = 0;
while (tCountR < tCountL && spamcheck < 5000)
_right.Add(_right[tCountR - 1]);
tCountR = _right.Count;
spamcheck += 1;
if (spamcheck > 4000)
Debug.LogWarning("spamcheck InterVertices");
int tCount = Mathf.Max(tCountL, tCountR);
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
return tList;
/// <summary> Handles most triangles and normals construction. In certain scenarios for efficiency reasons UV might also be processed. </summary>
/// <param name='_RCS'> The road construction buffer, by reference. </param>/
public static void RoadJob1(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
//Triangles and normals:
//RootUtils.StartProfiling(RCS.tRoad, "ProcessRoad_IntersectionCleanup");
if (_RCS.isInterseOn)
ProcessRoadIntersectionCleanup(ref _RCS);
ProcessRoadTrisBulk(ref _RCS);
_RCS.tris_ShoulderR = ProcessRoadTrisShoulder(_RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Count);
_RCS.tris_ShoulderL = ProcessRoadTrisShoulder(_RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Count);
if (_RCS.road.isShoulderCutsEnabled || _RCS.road.isDynamicCutsEnabled)
ProcessRoadTrisShoulderCutsR(ref _RCS);
ProcessRoadTrisShoulderCutsL(ref _RCS);
ProcessRoadNormalsBulk(ref _RCS);
ProcessRoadNormalsShoulders(ref _RCS);
/// <summary>
/// Handles most UV and tangent construction. Some scenarios might involve triangles and normals or lack UV construction for efficiency reasons.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='_RCS'> The road construction buffer, by reference. </param>
public static void RoadJob2(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
//Bridge UV is processed with tris and normals.
//For one big road mesh:
if (_RCS.isRoadOn)
if (!_RCS.tMeshSkip)
_RCS.uv = ProcessRoadUVs(_RCS.RoadVectors.ToArray());
if (!_RCS.tMesh_SRSkip)
_RCS.uv_SR = ProcessRoadUVsShoulder(_RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.ToArray());
if (!_RCS.tMesh_SLSkip)
_RCS.uv_SL = ProcessRoadUVsShoulder(_RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.ToArray());
//UVs for pavement:
if (!_RCS.tMeshSkip)
int vCount = _RCS.RoadVectors.Count;
_RCS.uv2 = new Vector2[vCount];
for (int index = 0; index < vCount; index++)
_RCS.uv2[index] = new Vector2(_RCS.RoadVectors[index].x * 0.2f, _RCS.RoadVectors[index].z * 0.2f);
//For road cuts:
if (_RCS.road.isRoadCutsEnabled || _RCS.road.isDynamicCutsEnabled)
ProcessRoadUVsRoadCuts(ref _RCS);
int cCount = _RCS.cut_RoadVectors.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < cCount; index++)
_RCS.cut_tangents.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.cut_tris[index], _RCS.cut_normals[index], _RCS.cut_uv[index], _RCS.cut_RoadVectors[index].ToArray()));
_RCS.cut_tangents_world.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.cut_tris[index], _RCS.cut_normals[index], _RCS.cut_uv_world[index], _RCS.cut_RoadVectors[index].ToArray()));
if (_RCS.road.isShoulderCutsEnabled || _RCS.road.isDynamicCutsEnabled)
// Add shoulders for right side
int rCount = _RCS.cut_ShoulderR_Vectors.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < rCount; index++)
ProcessRoadUVsShoulderCut(ref _RCS, false, index);
_RCS.cut_tangents_SR.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.cut_tris_ShoulderR[index], _RCS.cut_normals_ShoulderR[index], _RCS.cut_uv_SR[index], _RCS.cut_ShoulderR_Vectors[index].ToArray()));
_RCS.cut_tangents_SR_world.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.cut_tris_ShoulderR[index], _RCS.cut_normals_ShoulderR[index], _RCS.cut_uv_SR_world[index], _RCS.cut_ShoulderR_Vectors[index].ToArray()));
// Add shoulders for left side
int lCount = _RCS.cut_ShoulderL_Vectors.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < lCount; index++)
ProcessRoadUVsShoulderCut(ref _RCS, true, index);
_RCS.cut_tangents_SL.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.cut_tris_ShoulderL[index], _RCS.cut_normals_ShoulderL[index], _RCS.cut_uv_SL[index], _RCS.cut_ShoulderL_Vectors[index].ToArray()));
_RCS.cut_tangents_SL_world.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.cut_tris_ShoulderL[index], _RCS.cut_normals_ShoulderL[index], _RCS.cut_uv_SL_world[index], _RCS.cut_ShoulderL_Vectors[index].ToArray()));
// Update type full or intersection
if (_RCS.isInterseOn)
ProcessRoadUVsIntersections(ref _RCS);
// Update type full, intersection or bridge
if (_RCS.isRoadOn)
if (!_RCS.tMeshSkip)
_RCS.tangents = RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.tris, _RCS.normals, _RCS.uv, _RCS.RoadVectors.ToArray());
_RCS.tangents2 = RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.tris, _RCS.normals, _RCS.uv2, _RCS.RoadVectors.ToArray());
if (!_RCS.tMesh_SRSkip)
_RCS.tangents_SR = RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.tris_ShoulderR, _RCS.normals_ShoulderR, _RCS.uv_SR, _RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.ToArray());
if (!_RCS.tMesh_SLSkip)
_RCS.tangents_SL = RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.tris_ShoulderL, _RCS.normals_ShoulderL, _RCS.uv_SL, _RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.ToArray());
for (int index = 0; index < _RCS.tMesh_RoadConnections.Count; index++)
_RCS.RoadConnections_tangents.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.RoadConnections_tris[index], _RCS.RoadConnections_normals[index], _RCS.RoadConnections_uv[index], _RCS.RoadConnections_verts[index]));
if (_RCS.isInterseOn)
//Back lanes:
int vCount = _RCS.iBLane0s.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < vCount; index++)
_RCS.iBLane0s_tangents.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.iBLane0s_tris[index], _RCS.iBLane0s_normals[index], _RCS.iBLane0s_uv[index], _RCS.iBLane0s[index]));
vCount = _RCS.iBLane1s.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < vCount; index++)
_RCS.iBLane1s_tangents.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.iBLane1s_tris[index], _RCS.iBLane1s_normals[index], _RCS.iBLane1s_uv[index], _RCS.iBLane1s[index]));
vCount = _RCS.iBLane2s.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < vCount; index++)
_RCS.iBLane2s_tangents.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.iBLane2s_tris[index], _RCS.iBLane2s_normals[index], _RCS.iBLane2s_uv[index], _RCS.iBLane2s[index]));
vCount = _RCS.iBLane3s.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < vCount; index++)
_RCS.iBLane3s_tangents.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.iBLane3s_tris[index], _RCS.iBLane3s_normals[index], _RCS.iBLane3s_uv[index], _RCS.iBLane3s[index]));
//Front lanes:
vCount = _RCS.iFLane0s.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < vCount; index++)
_RCS.iFLane0s_tangents.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.iFLane0s_tris[index], _RCS.iFLane0s_normals[index], _RCS.iFLane0s_uv[index], _RCS.iFLane0s[index]));
vCount = _RCS.iFLane1s.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < vCount; index++)
_RCS.iFLane1s_tangents.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.iFLane1s_tris[index], _RCS.iFLane1s_normals[index], _RCS.iFLane1s_uv[index], _RCS.iFLane1s[index]));
vCount = _RCS.iFLane2s.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < vCount; index++)
_RCS.iFLane2s_tangents.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.iFLane2s_tris[index], _RCS.iFLane2s_normals[index], _RCS.iFLane2s_uv[index], _RCS.iFLane2s[index]));
vCount = _RCS.iFLane3s.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < vCount; index++)
_RCS.iFLane3s_tangents.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.iFLane3s_tris[index], _RCS.iFLane3s_normals[index], _RCS.iFLane3s_uv[index], _RCS.iFLane3s[index]));
//Main plates:
vCount = _RCS.iBMainPlates.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < vCount; index++)
_RCS.iBMainPlates_tangents.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.iBMainPlates_tris[index], _RCS.iBMainPlates_normals[index], _RCS.iBMainPlates_uv[index], _RCS.iBMainPlates[index]));
vCount = _RCS.iBMainPlates.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < vCount; index++)
_RCS.iBMainPlates_tangents2.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.iBMainPlates_tris[index], _RCS.iBMainPlates_normals[index], _RCS.iBMainPlates_uv2[index], _RCS.iBMainPlates[index]));
vCount = _RCS.iFMainPlates.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < vCount; index++)
_RCS.iFMainPlates_tangents.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.iFMainPlates_tris[index], _RCS.iFMainPlates_normals[index], _RCS.iFMainPlates_uv[index], _RCS.iFMainPlates[index]));
vCount = _RCS.iFMainPlates.Count;
for (int index = 0; index < vCount; index++)
_RCS.iFMainPlates_tangents2.Add(RootUtils.ProcessTangents(_RCS.iFMainPlates_tris[index], _RCS.iFMainPlates_normals[index], _RCS.iFMainPlates_uv2[index], _RCS.iFMainPlates[index]));
#region "Intersection Cleanup"
private static void ProcessRoadIntersectionCleanup(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
List<Construction2DRect> tList = _RCS.tIntersectionBounds;
int constructionCount = tList.Count;
_RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors = ProcessRoadIntersectionCleanupHelper(ref _RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors, ref tList, constructionCount, ref _RCS.ImmuneVects);
_RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors = ProcessRoadIntersectionCleanupHelper(ref _RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors, ref tList, constructionCount, ref _RCS.ImmuneVects);
private static List<Vector3> ProcessRoadIntersectionCleanupHelper(ref List<Vector3> _vects, ref List<Construction2DRect> _list, int _count, ref HashSet<Vector3> _immuneVects)
Construction2DRect tRect = null;
int MVL = _vects.Count;
Vector2 Vect2D = default(Vector2);
Vector2 tNearVect = default(Vector2);
float tMax2 = 2000f;
float tMax2SQ = 0f;
//GameObject tObj = GameObject.Find("Inter1");
//Vector2 tObj2D = ConvertVect3_To_Vect2(tObj.transform.position);
//int fCount = 0;
//bool bTempNow = false;
for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++)
tRect = _list[i];
tMax2 = tRect.MaxDistance * 1.5f;
tMax2SQ = (tMax2 * tMax2);
//Debug.Log (tRect.ToString());
for (int j = 0; j < MVL; j++)
Vect2D.x = _vects[j].x;
Vect2D.y = _vects[j].z;
if (Vector2.SqrMagnitude(Vect2D - tRect.P1) > tMax2SQ)
j += 32;
//if(Vector2.Distance(Vect2D,tObj2D) < 20f && (j % 16 == 0))
// fCount+=1;
// GameObject xObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
// xObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.05f,40f,0.05f);
// xObj.transform.position = tVects[j];
// xObj.name = "temp22";
//bTempNow = false;
if (tRect.Contains(ref Vect2D))
if (_immuneVects.Contains(_vects[j]))
//if(Vect2D == tRect.P1)
// continue;
//else if(Vect2D == tRect.P2)
// continue;
//}else if(Vect2D == tRect.P3)
// continue;
//}else if(Vect2D == tRect.P4)
// continue;
// GameObject hObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
// hObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.05f,40f,0.05f);
// hObj.transform.position = tVects[j];
// hObj.name = "temp23";
// bTempNow = true;
// Debug.Log (tVects[j]);
//Calling near when it shouldn't ?
if (tRect.Near(ref Vect2D, out tNearVect))
{ //If near the rect, set it equal
_vects[j] = new Vector3(tNearVect.x, _vects[j].y, tNearVect.y);
_vects[j] = new Vector3(_vects[j].x, tRect.Height, _vects[j].z);
// GameObject xObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
// xObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.05f,40f,0.05f);
// xObj.transform.position = tVects[j];
// xObj.name = "temp22";
// Debug.Log ("to: " + tVects[j]);
//Debug.Log ("Fcount: " + fCount);
return _vects;
#region "Tris"
private static void ProcessRoadTrisBulk(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
//, ref Mesh tShoulderR, ref Mesh tShoulderL){
//Next come the triangles. Since we want two triangles, each defined by three integers, the triangles array will have six elements in total.
//Remembering the clockwise rule for ordering the corners, the lower left triangle will use 0, 2, 1 as its corner indices, while the upper right one will use 2, 3, 1.
_RCS.tris = ProcessRoadTrisBulkHelper(_RCS.RoadVectors.Count);
if (_RCS.road.isRoadCutsEnabled || _RCS.road.isDynamicCutsEnabled)
ProcessRoadTrisRoadCuts(ref _RCS);
if (_RCS.isInterseOn)
//For intersection parts:
//Back lanes:
ProcessRoadTrisIntersectionProcessor(ref _RCS.iBLane0s_tris, ref _RCS.iBLane0s);
ProcessRoadTrisIntersectionProcessor(ref _RCS.iBLane1s_tris, ref _RCS.iBLane1s);
ProcessRoadTrisIntersectionProcessor(ref _RCS.iBLane2s_tris, ref _RCS.iBLane2s);
ProcessRoadTrisIntersectionProcessor(ref _RCS.iBLane3s_tris, ref _RCS.iBLane3s);
//Front lanes:
ProcessRoadTrisIntersectionProcessor(ref _RCS.iFLane0s_tris, ref _RCS.iFLane0s);
ProcessRoadTrisIntersectionProcessor(ref _RCS.iFLane1s_tris, ref _RCS.iFLane1s);
ProcessRoadTrisIntersectionProcessor(ref _RCS.iFLane2s_tris, ref _RCS.iFLane2s);
ProcessRoadTrisIntersectionProcessor(ref _RCS.iFLane3s_tris, ref _RCS.iFLane3s);
//Main plates:
ProcessRoadTrisIntersectionProcessor(ref _RCS.iBMainPlates_tris, ref _RCS.iBMainPlates);
ProcessRoadTrisIntersectionProcessor(ref _RCS.iFMainPlates_tris, ref _RCS.iFMainPlates);
private static int[] ProcessRoadTrisBulkHelper(int _MVL)
int TriCount = 0;
int x1, x2, x3;
int xCount = (int) (_MVL * 0.25f * 6) - 6;
//if(xCount < 0)
// xCount = 0;
int[] tri = new int[xCount];
for (int i = 0; i < _MVL; i += 4)
if (i + 4 == _MVL)
x1 = i;
x2 = i + 4;
x3 = i + 2;
tri[TriCount] = x1;
TriCount += 1;
tri[TriCount] = x2;
TriCount += 1;
tri[TriCount] = x3;
TriCount += 1;
x1 = i + 4;
x2 = i + 6;
x3 = i + 2;
tri[TriCount] = x1;
TriCount += 1;
tri[TriCount] = x2;
TriCount += 1;
tri[TriCount] = x3;
TriCount += 1;
return tri;
private static void ProcessRoadTrisRoadCuts(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
//Road cuts aren't working right for the special nodes on cuts
int cCount = _RCS.RoadCuts.Count;
int PrevRoadCutIndex = 0;
int CurrentRoadCutIndex = 0;
List<List<Vector3>> tVects = new List<List<Vector3>>();
List<Vector3> tVectListSingle = null;
Vector3 xVect = default(Vector3);
for (int j = 0; j < cCount; j++)
CurrentRoadCutIndex = _RCS.RoadCuts[j];
tVectListSingle = new List<Vector3>();
xVect = _RCS.RoadVectors[PrevRoadCutIndex];
for (int i = PrevRoadCutIndex; i < CurrentRoadCutIndex; i++)
tVectListSingle.Add(_RCS.RoadVectors[i] - xVect);
PrevRoadCutIndex = CurrentRoadCutIndex - 4;
if (PrevRoadCutIndex < 0)
PrevRoadCutIndex = 0;
int mMax = _RCS.RoadVectors.Count;
tVectListSingle = new List<Vector3>();
xVect = _RCS.RoadVectors[PrevRoadCutIndex];
for (int i = PrevRoadCutIndex; i < mMax; i++)
tVectListSingle.Add(_RCS.RoadVectors[i] - xVect);
int vCount = tVects.Count;
List<int[]> tTris = new List<int[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < vCount; i++)
int[] tTriSingle = ProcessRoadTrisBulkHelper(tVects[i].Count);
_RCS.cut_RoadVectors = tVects;
_RCS.cut_tris = tTris;
private static void ProcessRoadTrisShoulderCutsR(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
int cutsCount = _RCS.ShoulderCutsR.Count;
int PrevRoadCutIndex = 0;
int CurrentRoadCutIndex = 0;
List<List<Vector3>> tVects = new List<List<Vector3>>();
List<Vector3> tVectListSingle = null;
Vector3 xVect = default(Vector3);
for (int j = 0; j < cutsCount; j++)
CurrentRoadCutIndex = _RCS.ShoulderCutsR[j];
tVectListSingle = new List<Vector3>();
xVect = _RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors[PrevRoadCutIndex];
for (int i = PrevRoadCutIndex; i < CurrentRoadCutIndex; i++)
tVectListSingle.Add(_RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors[i] - xVect);
PrevRoadCutIndex = CurrentRoadCutIndex - 8;
if (PrevRoadCutIndex < 0)
PrevRoadCutIndex = 0;
int mMax = _RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Count;
tVectListSingle = new List<Vector3>();
xVect = _RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors[PrevRoadCutIndex];
for (int i = PrevRoadCutIndex; i < mMax; i++)
tVectListSingle.Add(_RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors[i] - xVect);
int vCount = tVects.Count;
List<int[]> tTris = new List<int[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < vCount; i++)
int[] tTriSingle = ProcessRoadTrisShoulder(tVects[i].Count);
_RCS.cut_ShoulderR_Vectors = tVects;
_RCS.cut_tris_ShoulderR = tTris;
private static void ProcessRoadTrisShoulderCutsL(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
int cCount = _RCS.ShoulderCutsL.Count;
int PrevRoadCutIndex = 0;
int CurrentRoadCutIndex = 0;
List<List<Vector3>> tVects = new List<List<Vector3>>();
List<Vector3> tVectListSingle = null;
Vector3 xVect = default(Vector3);
for (int j = 0; j < cCount; j++)
CurrentRoadCutIndex = _RCS.ShoulderCutsR[j];
tVectListSingle = new List<Vector3>();
xVect = _RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors[PrevRoadCutIndex];
for (int i = PrevRoadCutIndex; i < CurrentRoadCutIndex; i++)
tVectListSingle.Add(_RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors[i] - xVect);
PrevRoadCutIndex = CurrentRoadCutIndex - 8;
if (PrevRoadCutIndex < 0)
PrevRoadCutIndex = 0;
int mMax = _RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Count;
tVectListSingle = new List<Vector3>();
xVect = _RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors[PrevRoadCutIndex];
for (int i = PrevRoadCutIndex; i < mMax; i++)
tVectListSingle.Add(_RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors[i] - xVect);
int vCount = tVects.Count;
List<int[]> tTris = new List<int[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < vCount; i++)
int[] tTriSingle = ProcessRoadTrisShoulder(tVects[i].Count);
_RCS.cut_ShoulderL_Vectors = tVects;
_RCS.cut_tris_ShoulderL = tTris;
private static int[] ProcessRoadTrisShoulder(int _MVL)
int TriCount = 0;
int x1, x2, x3;
int xCount = (int) ((_MVL / 2) * 0.25f * 6) - 6;
if (xCount < 0)
xCount = 0;
xCount = xCount * 2;
int[] tri = new int[xCount];
for (int i = 0; i < _MVL; i += 8)
if (i + 8 == _MVL)
x1 = i;
x2 = i + 8;
x3 = i + 2;
tri[TriCount] = x1;
TriCount += 1;
tri[TriCount] = x2;
TriCount += 1;
tri[TriCount] = x3;
TriCount += 1;
x1 = i + 8;
x2 = i + 10;
x3 = i + 2;
tri[TriCount] = x1;
TriCount += 1;
tri[TriCount] = x2;
TriCount += 1;
tri[TriCount] = x3;
TriCount += 1;
x1 = i + 4;
x2 = i + 12;
x3 = i + 6;
tri[TriCount] = x1;
TriCount += 1;
tri[TriCount] = x2;
TriCount += 1;
tri[TriCount] = x3;
TriCount += 1;
x1 = i + 12;
x2 = i + 14;
x3 = i + 6;
tri[TriCount] = x1;
TriCount += 1;
tri[TriCount] = x2;
TriCount += 1;
tri[TriCount] = x3;
TriCount += 1;
return tri;
//For intersection parts:
private static void ProcessRoadTrisIntersectionProcessor(ref List<int[]> _triList, ref List<Vector3[]> _vertexList)
if (_triList == null)
_triList = new List<int[]>();
int vListCount = _vertexList.Count;
int[] tris;
for (int i = 0; i < vListCount; i++)
tris = ProcessRoadTrisBulkHelper(_vertexList[i].Length);
#region "Normals"
private static void ProcessRoadNormalsBulk(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
//A mesh with just the vertices and triangles set up will be visible in the editor but will not look very convincing since it is not correctly shaded without the normals.
//The normals for the flat plane are very simple - they are all identical and point in the negative Z direction in the plane's local space.
//With the normals added, the plane will be correctly shaded but remember that you need a light in the scene to see the effect.
//Bridge normals are processed at same time as tris.
int MVL = _RCS.RoadVectors.Count;
Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[MVL];
//Vector3 tVect = -Vector3.forward;
//for(int i=0;i<MVL;i++)
// normals[i] = tVect;
_RCS.normals = normals;
//Road cuts normals:
if (_RCS.road.isRoadCutsEnabled || _RCS.road.isDynamicCutsEnabled)
ProcessRoadNormalsRoadCuts(ref _RCS);
if (_RCS.road.isShoulderCutsEnabled || _RCS.road.isDynamicCutsEnabled)
ProcessRoadNormalsShoulderCutsR(ref _RCS);
ProcessRoadNormalsShoulderCutsL(ref _RCS);
//Intersection normals:
if (_RCS.isInterseOn)
//For intersection parts:
//Back lanes:
ProcessRoadNormalsIntersectionsProcessor(ref _RCS.iBLane0s_normals, ref _RCS.iBLane0s);
ProcessRoadNormalsIntersectionsProcessor(ref _RCS.iBLane1s_normals, ref _RCS.iBLane1s);
ProcessRoadNormalsIntersectionsProcessor(ref _RCS.iBLane2s_normals, ref _RCS.iBLane2s);
ProcessRoadNormalsIntersectionsProcessor(ref _RCS.iBLane3s_normals, ref _RCS.iBLane3s);
//Front lanes:
ProcessRoadNormalsIntersectionsProcessor(ref _RCS.iFLane0s_normals, ref _RCS.iFLane0s);
ProcessRoadNormalsIntersectionsProcessor(ref _RCS.iFLane1s_normals, ref _RCS.iFLane1s);
ProcessRoadNormalsIntersectionsProcessor(ref _RCS.iFLane2s_normals, ref _RCS.iFLane2s);
ProcessRoadNormalsIntersectionsProcessor(ref _RCS.iFLane3s_normals, ref _RCS.iFLane3s);
//Main plates:
ProcessRoadNormalsIntersectionsProcessor(ref _RCS.iBMainPlates_normals, ref _RCS.iBMainPlates);
ProcessRoadNormalsIntersectionsProcessor(ref _RCS.iFMainPlates_normals, ref _RCS.iFMainPlates);
//Marker plates:
ProcessRoadNormalsIntersectionsProcessor(ref _RCS.iBMarkerPlates_normals, ref _RCS.iBMarkerPlates);
ProcessRoadNormalsIntersectionsProcessor(ref _RCS.iFMarkerPlates_normals, ref _RCS.iFMarkerPlates);
private static void ProcessRoadNormalsRoadCuts(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
int cCount = _RCS.cut_RoadVectors.Count;
for (int j = 0; j < cCount; j++)
int MVL = _RCS.cut_RoadVectors[j].Count;
Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[MVL];
//Vector3 tVect = -Vector3.forward;
//for(int i=0;i<MVL;i++)
// normals[i] = tVect;
private static void ProcessRoadNormalsShoulderCutsR(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
int cCount = _RCS.cut_ShoulderR_Vectors.Count;
for (int j = 0; j < cCount; j++)
int MVL = _RCS.cut_ShoulderR_Vectors[j].Count;
Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[MVL];
//Vector3 tVect = -Vector3.forward;
//for(int i=0;i<MVL;i++)
// normals[i] = tVect;
private static void ProcessRoadNormalsShoulderCutsL(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
int cCount = _RCS.cut_ShoulderL_Vectors.Count;
for (int j = 0; j < cCount; j++)
int MVL = _RCS.cut_ShoulderL_Vectors[j].Count;
Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[MVL];
//Vector3 tVect = -Vector3.forward;
//for(int i=0;i<MVL;i++)
// normals[i] = tVect;
private static void ProcessRoadNormalsShoulders(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
//A mesh with just the vertices and triangles set up will be visible in the editor but will not look very convincing since it is not correctly shaded without the normals.
//The normals for the flat plane are very simple - they are all identical and point in the negative Z direction in the plane's local space.
//With the normals added, the plane will be correctly shaded but remember that you need a light in the scene to see the effect.
int MVL = _RCS.ShoulderL_Vectors.Count;
Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[MVL];
//Vector3 tVect = -Vector3.forward;
//for(int i=0;i<MVL;i++)
// normals[i] = tVect;
_RCS.normals_ShoulderL = normals;
MVL = _RCS.ShoulderR_Vectors.Count;
normals = new Vector3[MVL];
//tVect = -Vector3.forward;
//for(int i=0;i<MVL;i++)
// normals[i] = tVect;
_RCS.normals_ShoulderR = normals;
//For intersection parts:
private static void ProcessRoadNormalsIntersectionsProcessor(ref List<Vector3[]> _normalList, ref List<Vector3[]> _vertexList)
if (_normalList == null)
_normalList = new List<Vector3[]>();
int vListCount = _vertexList.Count;
Vector3[] normals;
int MVL = -1;
//Vector3 tVect = -Vector3.forward;
for (int index = 0; index < vListCount; index++)
MVL = _vertexList[index].Length;
normals = new Vector3[MVL];
//for(int j=0;j<MVL;j++)
// normals[j] = tVect;
#region "UVs"
private static Vector2[] ProcessRoadUVs(Vector3[] _verts)
//Finally, adding texture coordinates to the mesh will enable it to display a material correctly.
//Assuming we want to show the whole image across the plane, the UV values will all be 0 or 1, corresponding to the corners of the texture.
int MVL = _verts.Length;
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[MVL];
int i = 0;
bool isOddToggle = true;
float distance = 0f;
float distanceLeft = 0f;
float distanceRight = 0f;
float distanceLeftSum = 0f;
float distanceRightSum = 0f;
float distanceSum = 0f;
while (i + 6 < MVL)
distance = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i], _verts[i + 4]);
distance = distance / 5f;
uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, distanceSum);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(1f, distanceSum);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(0f, distance + distanceSum);
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(1f, distance + distanceSum);
//Last segment needs adjusted due to double vertices:
if ((i + 7) == MVL)
if (isOddToggle)
//First set: Debug.Log ("+5:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 3] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 1] = uv[i + 6];
//Last set: Debug.Log ("+3:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 4] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 2] = uv[i + 6];
if (isOddToggle)
i += 5;
i += 3;
distanceLeftSum += distanceLeft;
distanceRightSum += distanceRight;
distanceSum += distance;
isOddToggle = !isOddToggle;
return uv;
/// <summary> Processes uvs for road cuts </summary>
private static void ProcessRoadUVsRoadCuts(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
//Finally, adding texture coordinates to the mesh will enable it to display a material correctly.
//Assuming we want to show the whole image across the plane, the UV values will all be 0 or 1, corresponding to the corners of the texture.
//int MVL = tMesh.vertices.Length;
int cCount = _RCS.cut_RoadVectors.Count;
float distance = 0f;
float distanceSum = 0f;
for (int j = 0; j < cCount; j++)
Vector3[] tVerts = _RCS.cut_RoadVectors[j].ToArray();
int MVL = tVerts.Length;
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[MVL];
Vector2[] uv_world = new Vector2[MVL];
int i = 0;
bool isOddToggle = true;
while (i + 6 < MVL)
distance = Vector3.Distance(tVerts[i], tVerts[i + 4]);
distance = distance / 5f;
uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, distanceSum);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(1f, distanceSum);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(0f, distance + distanceSum);
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(1f, distance + distanceSum);
//Last segment needs adjusted due to double vertices:
if ((i + 7) == MVL)
if (isOddToggle)
//First set: Debug.Log ("+5:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 3] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 1] = uv[i + 6];
//Last set: Debug.Log ("+3:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 4] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 2] = uv[i + 6];
if (isOddToggle)
i += 5;
i += 3;
distanceSum += distance;
isOddToggle = !isOddToggle;
for (i = 0; i < MVL; i++)
uv_world[i] = new Vector2(tVerts[i].x * 0.2f, tVerts[i].z * 0.2f);
private static Vector2[] ProcessRoadUVsShoulder(Vector3[] _verts)
int MVL = _verts.Length;
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[MVL];
int i = 0;
//bool bOddToggle = true;
//float tDistance= 0f;
//float tDistanceLeft = 0f;
//float tDistanceRight = 0f;
//float tDistanceLeftSum = 0f;
//float tDistanceRightSum = 0f;
//float tDistanceSum = 0f;
//float xDistance = 0f;
//float rDistance1 = 0f;
//float rDistance2 = 0f;
//float fDistance = Vector3.Distance(_verts[0],_verts[2]);
for (i = 0; i < MVL; i++)
uv[i] = new Vector2(_verts[i].x * 0.2f, _verts[i].z * 0.2f);
return uv;
//while(i+8 < MVL){
// tDistanceLeft = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i],_verts[i+8]);
// tDistanceRight = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i+2],_verts[i+10]);
// tDistance = tDistance / 5f;
// tDistanceLeft = tDistanceLeft / 5f;
// tDistanceRight = tDistanceRight / 5f;
// uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceSum);
// uv[i+2] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceSum);
// uv[i+8] = new Vector2(0f, tDistance+tDistanceSum);
// uv[i+10] = new Vector2(1f, tDistance+tDistanceSum);
// rDistance1 = (Vector3.Distance(_verts[i+4],_verts[i+6]));
// rDistance2 = (Vector3.Distance(_verts[i+12],_verts[i+14]));
// if(!bIsLeft)
// {
// uv[i+4] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceSum);
// xDistance = (rDistance1 / fDistance) + 1f;
// uv[i+6] = new Vector2(xDistance, tDistanceSum);
// uv[i+12] = new Vector2(1f, tDistance+tDistanceSum);
// xDistance = (rDistance2 / fDistance) + 1f;
// uv[i+14] = new Vector2(xDistance, tDistance+tDistanceSum);
// }
// else
// {
// xDistance = (rDistance1 / fDistance);
// uv[i+4] = new Vector2(-xDistance, tDistanceSum);
// uv[i+6] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceSum);
// xDistance = (rDistance2 / fDistance);
// uv[i+12] = new Vector2(-xDistance, tDistance+tDistanceSum);
// uv[i+14] = new Vector2(0f, tDistance+tDistanceSum);
// }
// uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeftSum);
// uv[i+2] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceRightSum);
// uv[i+8] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeft+tDistanceLeftSum);
// uv[i+10] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceRight+tDistanceRightSum);
// uv[i] = new Vector2(_verts[i].x/5f,_verts[i].z/5f);
// uv[i+2] = new Vector2(_verts[i+2].x/5f,_verts[i+2].z/5f);
// uv[i+8] = new Vector2(_verts[i+8].x/5f,_verts[i+8].z/5f);
// uv[i+10] = new Vector2(_verts[i+10].x/5f,_verts[i+10].z/5f);
// rDistance1 = (Vector3.Distance(_verts[i+4],_verts[i+6]));
// rDistance2 = (Vector3.Distance(_verts[i+12],_verts[i+14]));
// if(!bIsLeft)
// {
// uv[i+4] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceRightSum);
// xDistance = (rDistance1 / fDistance) + 1f;
// uv[i+6] = new Vector2(xDistance, tDistanceRightSum);
// uv[i+12] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceRight+tDistanceRightSum);
// xDistance = (rDistance2 / fDistance) + 1f;
// uv[i+14] = new Vector2(xDistance, tDistanceRight+tDistanceRightSum);
// }
// else
// {
// xDistance = (rDistance1 / fDistance);
// uv[i+4] = new Vector2(-xDistance, tDistanceLeftSum);
// uv[i+6] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeftSum);
// xDistance = (rDistance2 / fDistance);
// uv[i+12] = new Vector2(-xDistance, tDistanceLeft+tDistanceLeftSum);
// uv[i+14] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeft+tDistanceLeftSum);
// }
// uv[i+4] = new Vector2(_verts[i+4].x/5f,_verts[i+4].z/5f);
// uv[i+6] = new Vector2(_verts[i+6].x/5f,(_verts[i+6].z/5f));
// uv[i+12] = new Vector2(_verts[i+12].x/5f,_verts[i+12].z/5f);
// uv[i+14] = new Vector2(_verts[i+14].x/5f,(_verts[i+14].z/5f));
// //Last segment needs adjusted due to double vertices:
// if((i+11) == MVL)
// {
// if(bOddToggle)
// {
// //First set: Debug.Log ("+5:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
// uv[MVL-3] = uv[i+4];
// uv[MVL-1] = uv[i+6];
// }
// else
// {
// //Last set: Debug.Log ("+3:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
// uv[MVL-4] = uv[i+4];
// uv[MVL-2] = uv[i+6];
// }
// }
// if(bOddToggle)
// {
// i+=9;
// }
// else
// {
// i+=7;
// }
// tDistanceLeftSum+=tDistanceLeft;
// tDistanceRightSum+=tDistanceRight;
// tDistanceSum+=tDistance;
// bOddToggle = !bOddToggle;
//return uv;
private static void ProcessRoadUVsShoulderCut(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS, bool _isLeft, int _j)
int i = 0;
Vector3[] tVerts;
if (_isLeft)
tVerts = _RCS.cut_ShoulderL_Vectors[_j].ToArray();
tVerts = _RCS.cut_ShoulderR_Vectors[_j].ToArray();
int MVL = tVerts.Length;
Vector2[] uv_world = new Vector2[MVL];
for (i = 0; i < MVL; i++)
uv_world[i] = new Vector2(tVerts[i].x * 0.2f, tVerts[i].z * 0.2f);
if (_isLeft)
float distance = 0f;
float distanceSum = 0f;
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[MVL];
float rDistance1 = 0f;
float rDistance2 = 0f;
bool isOddToggle = true;
float fDistance = Vector3.Distance(tVerts[0], tVerts[2]);
float xDistance = 0f;
i = 0;
float TheOne = _RCS.road.shoulderWidth / _RCS.road.roadDefinition;
while (i + 8 < MVL)
distance = Vector3.Distance(tVerts[i], tVerts[i + 8]) * 0.2f;
uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, distanceSum);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(TheOne, distanceSum);
uv[i + 8] = new Vector2(0f, distance + distanceSum);
uv[i + 10] = new Vector2(TheOne, distance + distanceSum);
rDistance1 = (Vector3.Distance(tVerts[i + 4], tVerts[i + 6]));
rDistance2 = (Vector3.Distance(tVerts[i + 12], tVerts[i + 14]));
if (!_isLeft)
//8 10 12 14
//0 2 4 6
//0f 1f 1f X
xDistance = TheOne + (rDistance1 / fDistance);
uv[i + 4] = uv[i + 2];
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(xDistance, distanceSum);
xDistance = TheOne + (rDistance2 / fDistance);
uv[i + 12] = uv[i + 10];
uv[i + 14] = new Vector2(xDistance, distance + distanceSum);
//12,13 14,15 8,9 10,11
//4,5 6,7 0,1 2,3
//0f-X 0f 0f 1f
xDistance = 0f - (rDistance1 / fDistance);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(xDistance, distanceSum);
uv[i + 6] = uv[i];
xDistance = 0f - (rDistance2 / fDistance);
uv[i + 12] = new Vector2(xDistance, distance + distanceSum);
uv[i + 14] = uv[i + 8];
//Last segment needs adjusted due to double vertices:
if ((i + 11) == MVL)
if (isOddToggle)
//First set: Debug.Log ("+5:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 3] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 1] = uv[i + 6];
//Last set: Debug.Log ("+3:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 4] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 2] = uv[i + 6];
if (isOddToggle)
i += 9;
i += 7;
distanceSum += distance;
isOddToggle = !isOddToggle;
if (_isLeft)
#region "Intersection UV"
private static void ProcessRoadUVsIntersections(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS)
int tCount = -1;
tCount = _RCS.iBLane0s.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
_RCS.iBLane0s_uv.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionLane0(ref _RCS, _RCS.iBLane0s[i]));
tCount = _RCS.iBLane1s.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
if (_RCS.iBLane1s_IsMiddleLane[i])
_RCS.iBLane1s_uv.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionMiddleLane(ref _RCS, _RCS.iBLane1s[i]));
_RCS.iBLane1s_uv.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionFullLane(ref _RCS, _RCS.iBLane1s[i]));
tCount = _RCS.iBLane2s.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
_RCS.iBLane2s_uv.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionFullLane(ref _RCS, _RCS.iBLane2s[i]));
tCount = _RCS.iBLane3s.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
_RCS.iBLane3s_uv.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionLane4(ref _RCS, _RCS.iBLane3s[i]));
tCount = _RCS.iFLane0s.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
_RCS.iFLane0s_uv.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionLane0(ref _RCS, _RCS.iFLane0s[i]));
tCount = _RCS.iFLane1s.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
if (_RCS.iFLane1s_IsMiddleLane[i])
_RCS.iFLane1s_uv.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionMiddleLane(ref _RCS, _RCS.iFLane1s[i]));
_RCS.iFLane1s_uv.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionFullLane(ref _RCS, _RCS.iFLane1s[i]));
tCount = _RCS.iFLane2s.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
_RCS.iFLane2s_uv.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionFullLane(ref _RCS, _RCS.iFLane2s[i]));
tCount = _RCS.iFLane3s.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
_RCS.iFLane3s_uv.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionLane4(ref _RCS, _RCS.iFLane3s[i]));
//Main plates:
tCount = _RCS.iBMainPlates.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
_RCS.iBMainPlates_uv.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionMainPlate(ref _RCS, _RCS.iBMainPlates[i]));
tCount = _RCS.iFMainPlates.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
_RCS.iFMainPlates_uv.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionMainPlate(ref _RCS, _RCS.iFMainPlates[i]));
tCount = _RCS.iBMainPlates.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
_RCS.iBMainPlates_uv2.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionMainPlate2(ref _RCS, _RCS.iBMainPlates[i], _RCS.iBMainPlates_tID[i]));
tCount = _RCS.iFMainPlates.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
_RCS.iFMainPlates_uv2.Add(ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionMainPlate2(ref _RCS, _RCS.iFMainPlates[i], _RCS.iFMainPlates_tID[i]));
//Marker plates:
tCount = _RCS.iBMarkerPlates.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
_RCS.iBMarkerPlates_uv.Add(ProcessRoad_UVs_Intersection_MarkerPlate(ref _RCS, _RCS.iBMarkerPlates[i]));
tCount = _RCS.iFMarkerPlates.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
_RCS.iFMarkerPlates_uv.Add(ProcessRoad_UVs_Intersection_MarkerPlate(ref _RCS, _RCS.iFMarkerPlates[i]));
private static Vector2[] ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionFullLane(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS, Vector3[] _verts)
//Finally, adding texture coordinates to the mesh will enable it to display a material correctly.
//Assuming we want to show the whole image across the plane, the UV values will all be 0 or 1, corresponding to the corners of the texture.
//int MVL = tMesh.vertices.Length;
int MVL = _verts.Length;
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[MVL];
int i = 0;
bool bOddToggle = true;
float tDistance = 0f;
float tDistanceLeft = 0f;
float tDistanceRight = 0f;
float tDistanceLeftSum = 0f;
float tDistanceRightSum = 0f;
float tDistanceSum = 0f;
while (i + 6 < MVL)
tDistance = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i], _verts[i + 4]);
tDistance = tDistance / 5f;
uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(0f, tDistance + tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(1f, tDistance + tDistanceSum);
//Last segment needs adjusted due to double vertices:
if ((i + 7) == MVL)
if (bOddToggle)
//First set: Debug.Log ("+5:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 3] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 1] = uv[i + 6];
//Last set: Debug.Log ("+3:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 4] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 2] = uv[i + 6];
if (bOddToggle)
i += 5;
i += 3;
tDistanceLeftSum += tDistanceLeft;
tDistanceRightSum += tDistanceRight;
tDistanceSum += tDistance;
bOddToggle = !bOddToggle;
return uv;
private static Vector2[] ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionLane4(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS, Vector3[] _verts)
//Finally, adding texture coordinates to the mesh will enable it to display a material correctly.
//Assuming we want to show the whole image across the plane, the UV values will all be 0 or 1, corresponding to the corners of the texture.
//int MVL = tMesh.vertices.Length;
int MVL = _verts.Length;
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[MVL];
int i = 0;
bool bOddToggle = true;
float tDistance = 0f;
float tDistanceLeft = 0f;
float tDistanceRight = 0f;
float tDistanceLeftSum = 0f;
float tDistanceRightSum = 0f;
float tDistanceSum = 0f;
while (i + 6 < MVL)
tDistance = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i], _verts[i + 4]);
tDistance = tDistance / 5f;
if (i == 0)
uv[i] = new Vector2(0.94f, tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(0f, tDistance + tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(1f, tDistance + tDistanceSum);
uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(0f, tDistance + tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(1f, tDistance + tDistanceSum);
//Last segment needs adjusted due to double vertices:
if ((i + 7) == MVL)
if (bOddToggle)
//First set: Debug.Log ("+5:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 3] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 1] = uv[i + 6];
//Last set: Debug.Log ("+3:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 4] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 2] = uv[i + 6];
if (bOddToggle)
i += 5;
i += 3;
tDistanceLeftSum += tDistanceLeft;
tDistanceRightSum += tDistanceRight;
tDistanceSum += tDistance;
bOddToggle = !bOddToggle;
return uv;
private static Vector2[] ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionMiddleLane(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS, Vector3[] _verts)
//Finally, adding texture coordinates to the mesh will enable it to display a material correctly.
//Assuming we want to show the whole image across the plane, the UV values will all be 0 or 1, corresponding to the corners of the texture.
//int MVL = tMesh.vertices.Length;
int MVL = _verts.Length;
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[MVL];
int i = 0;
bool bOddToggle = true;
float tDistance = 0f;
float tDistanceLeft = 0f;
float tDistanceRight = 0f;
float tDistanceLeftSum = 0f;
float tDistanceRightSum = 0f;
float tDistanceSum = 0f;
while (i + 6 < MVL)
tDistance = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i], _verts[i + 4]);
tDistance = tDistance / 5f;
if (i == 0)
uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(0.05f, tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(0f, tDistance + tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(1f, tDistance + tDistanceSum);
uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(0f, tDistance + tDistanceSum);
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(1f, tDistance + tDistanceSum);
//Last segment needs adjusted due to double vertices:
if ((i + 7) == MVL)
if (bOddToggle)
//First set: Debug.Log ("+5:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 3] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 1] = uv[i + 6];
//Last set: Debug.Log ("+3:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 4] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 2] = uv[i + 6];
if (bOddToggle)
i += 5;
i += 3;
tDistanceLeftSum += tDistanceLeft;
tDistanceRightSum += tDistanceRight;
tDistanceSum += tDistance;
bOddToggle = !bOddToggle;
return uv;
private static Vector2[] ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionLane0(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS, Vector3[] _verts)
//Finally, adding texture coordinates to the mesh will enable it to display a material correctly.
//Assuming we want to show the whole image across the plane, the UV values will all be 0 or 1, corresponding to the corners of the texture.
//int MVL = tMesh.vertices.Length;
int MVL = _verts.Length;
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[MVL];
int i = 0;
bool bOddToggle = true;
float tDistance = 0f;
float tDistanceLeft = 0f;
float tDistanceRight = 0f;
float tDistanceLeftSum = 0f;
float tDistanceRightSum = 0f;
float tDistanceSum = 0f;
while (i + 6 < MVL)
tDistanceLeft = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i], _verts[i + 4]);
tDistanceRight = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i + 2], _verts[i + 6]);
tDistanceLeft = tDistanceLeft / 5f;
tDistanceRight = tDistanceRight / 5f;
//Below is for uniform
// if(i==0){
// uv[i] = new Vector2(0.5f, tDistanceLeftSum);
// uv[i+2] = new Vector2(1.5f, tDistanceRightSum);
// uv[i+4] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeft+tDistanceLeftSum);
// uv[i+6] = new Vector2(1.5f, tDistanceRight+tDistanceRightSum);
// }else{
// uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeftSum);
// uv[i+2] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceRightSum);
// uv[i+4] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeft+tDistanceLeftSum);
// uv[i+6] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceRight+tDistanceRightSum);
// }
uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeftSum);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceRightSum);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeft + tDistanceLeftSum);
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceRight + tDistanceRightSum);
//Last segment needs adjusted due to double vertices:
if ((i + 7) == MVL)
if (bOddToggle)
//First set: Debug.Log ("+5:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 3] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 1] = uv[i + 6];
//Last set: Debug.Log ("+3:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 4] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 2] = uv[i + 6];
if (bOddToggle)
i += 5;
i += 3;
tDistanceLeftSum += tDistanceLeft;
tDistanceRightSum += tDistanceRight;
tDistanceSum += tDistance;
bOddToggle = !bOddToggle;
return uv;
private static Vector2[] ProcessRoad_UVs_Intersection_MarkerPlate(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS, Vector3[] _verts)
//Finally, adding texture coordinates to the mesh will enable it to display a material correctly.
//Assuming we want to show the whole image across the plane, the UV values will all be 0 or 1, corresponding to the corners of the texture.
//int MVL = tMesh.vertices.Length;
int MVL = _verts.Length;
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[MVL];
int i = 0;
bool bOddToggle = true;
float tDistanceLeft = 0f;
float tDistanceRight = 0f;
float tDistanceLeftSum = 0.1f;
float tDistanceRightSum = 0.1f;
float mDistanceL = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i], _verts[_verts.Length - 3]);
float mDistanceR = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i + 2], _verts[_verts.Length - 1]);
while (i + 6 < MVL)
tDistanceLeft = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i], _verts[i + 4]);
tDistanceRight = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i + 2], _verts[i + 6]);
tDistanceLeft = tDistanceLeft / mDistanceL;
tDistanceRight = tDistanceRight / mDistanceR;
uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeftSum);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceRightSum);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeft + tDistanceLeftSum);
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(1f, tDistanceRight + tDistanceRightSum);
//Last segment needs adjusted due to double vertices:
if ((i + 7) == MVL)
if (bOddToggle)
//First set: Debug.Log ("+5:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 3] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 1] = uv[i + 6];
//Last set: Debug.Log ("+3:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 4] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 2] = uv[i + 6];
if (bOddToggle)
i += 5;
i += 3;
tDistanceLeftSum += tDistanceLeft;
tDistanceRightSum += tDistanceRight;
bOddToggle = !bOddToggle;
return uv;
private static Vector2[] ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionMainPlate(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS, Vector3[] _verts)
//Finally, adding texture coordinates to the mesh will enable it to display a material correctly.
//Assuming we want to show the whole image across the plane, the UV values will all be 0 or 1, corresponding to the corners of the texture.
//int MVL = tMesh.vertices.Length;
int MVL = _verts.Length;
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[MVL];
int i = 0;
//bool bOddToggle = true;
//float tDistance= 0f;
//float tDistanceLeft = 0f;
//float tDistanceRight = 0f;
//float tDistanceLeftSum = 0f;
//float tDistanceRightSum = 0f;
//float tDistanceSum = 0f;
//float DistRepresent = 5f;
//float mDistanceL = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i],_verts[_verts.Length-3]);
//float mDistanceR = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i+2],_verts[_verts.Length-1]);
for (i = 0; i < MVL; i++)
uv[i] = new Vector2(_verts[i].x * 0.2f, _verts[i].z * 0.2f);
return uv;
// while(i+6 < MVL){
// tDistanceLeft = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i],_verts[i+4]);
// tDistanceRight = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i+2],_verts[i+6]);
// tDistanceLeft = tDistanceLeft / 5f;
// tDistanceRight = tDistanceRight / 5f;
//// if(i==0){
//// uv[i] = new Vector2(0.25f, tDistanceLeftSum);
//// uv[i+2] = new Vector2(1.25f, tDistanceRightSum);
//// uv[i+4] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeft+tDistanceLeftSum);
//// uv[i+6] = new Vector2(2f, tDistanceRight+tDistanceRightSum);
//// }else{
//// uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeftSum);
//// uv[i+2] = new Vector2(2f, tDistanceRightSum);
//// uv[i+4] = new Vector2(0f, tDistanceLeft+tDistanceLeftSum);
//// uv[i+6] = new Vector2(2f, tDistanceRight+tDistanceRightSum);
//// }
// uv[i] = new Vector2(_verts[i].x/5f, _verts[i].z/5f);
// uv[i+2] = new Vector2(_verts[i+2].x/5f, _verts[i+2].z/5f);
// uv[i+4] = new Vector2(_verts[i+4].x/5f, _verts[i+4].z/5f);
// uv[i+6] = new Vector2(_verts[i+6].x/5f, _verts[i+6].z/5f);
// //Last segment needs adjusted due to double vertices:
// if((i+7) == MVL){
// if(bOddToggle){
// //First set: Debug.Log ("+5:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
// uv[MVL-3] = uv[i+4];
// uv[MVL-1] = uv[i+6];
// }else{
// //Last set: Debug.Log ("+3:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
// uv[MVL-4] = uv[i+4];
// uv[MVL-2] = uv[i+6];
// }
// }
// if(bOddToggle){
// i+=5;
// }else{
// i+=3;
// }
// tDistanceLeftSum+=tDistanceLeft;
// tDistanceRightSum+=tDistanceRight;
// //tDistanceSum+=tDistance;
// bOddToggle = !bOddToggle;
// }
// return uv;
private static Vector2[] ProcessRoadUVsIntersectionMainPlate2(ref RoadConstructorBufferMaker _RCS, Vector3[] _verts, RoadIntersection _intersection)
//Finally, adding texture coordinates to the mesh will enable it to display a material correctly.
//Assuming we want to show the whole image across the plane, the UV values will all be 0 or 1, corresponding to the corners of the texture.
//int MVL = tMesh.vertices.Length;
int MVL = _verts.Length;
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[MVL];
int i = 0;
bool bOddToggle = true;
// float tDistance= 0f;
float tDistanceLeft = 0f;
float tDistanceRight = 0f;
float tDistanceLeftSum = 0f;
float tDistanceRightSum = 0f;
// float tDistanceSum = 0f;
// float DistRepresent = 5f;
float mDistanceL = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i + 4], _verts[_verts.Length - 3]);
float mDistanceR = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i + 6], _verts[_verts.Length - 1]);
mDistanceL = mDistanceL * 1.125f;
mDistanceR = mDistanceR * 1.125f;
// int bHitMaxL = 0;
// int bHitMaxR = 0;
float tAdd1;
float tAdd2;
float tAdd3;
float tAdd4;
float RoadWidth = _RCS.road.RoadWidth();
float LaneWidth = _RCS.road.laneWidth;
float iWidth = -1;
if (_intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
iWidth = RoadWidth + (LaneWidth * 2f);
else if (_intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
iWidth = RoadWidth + (LaneWidth * 1f);
iWidth = RoadWidth;
while (i + 6 < MVL)
if (i == 0)
if (_intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.BothTurnLanes)
//(Lane width / 2)/roadwidth
//1-((lanewidth / 2)/roadwidth)
uv[i] = new Vector2((LaneWidth * 0.5f) / iWidth, 0f);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(1f - (((LaneWidth * 0.5f) + LaneWidth) / iWidth), 0f);
//Debug.Log (roadIntersection.name + " " + uv[i+2].x);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(0f, 0.125f);
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(1f, 0.125f);
else if (_intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.TurnLane)
uv[i] = new Vector2((LaneWidth * 0.5f) / iWidth, 0f);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(1f - ((LaneWidth * 0.5f) / iWidth), 0f);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(0f, 0.125f);
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(1f, 0.125f);
else if (_intersection.roadType == RoadIntersection.RoadTypeEnum.NoTurnLane)
uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(1f, 0f);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(0f, 0.125f);
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(1f, 0.125f);
tDistanceLeft = 0.125f;
tDistanceRight = 0.125f;
tDistanceLeft = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i], _verts[i + 4]);
tDistanceRight = Vector3.Distance(_verts[i + 2], _verts[i + 6]);
tDistanceLeft = tDistanceLeft / mDistanceL;
tDistanceRight = tDistanceRight / mDistanceR;
// if(bHitMaxL > 0 || (tDistanceLeftSum+tDistanceLeft) > 1f){
// tDistanceLeftSum = 0.998f + (0.0001f*bHitMaxL);
// tDistanceLeft = 0.001f;
// bHitMaxL+=1;
// }
// if(bHitMaxR > 0 || (tDistanceRightSum+tDistanceRight) > 1f){
// tDistanceRightSum = 0.998f + (0.0001f*bHitMaxR);
// tDistanceRight = 0.001f;
// bHitMaxR+=1;
// }
tAdd1 = tDistanceLeftSum;
if (tAdd1 > 1f)
tAdd1 = 1f;
tAdd2 = tDistanceRightSum;
if (tAdd2 > 1f)
tAdd2 = 1f;
tAdd3 = tDistanceLeft + tDistanceLeftSum;
if (tAdd3 > 1f)
tAdd3 = 1f;
tAdd4 = tDistanceRight + tDistanceRightSum;
if (tAdd4 > 1f)
tAdd4 = 1f;
uv[i] = new Vector2(0f, tAdd1);
uv[i + 2] = new Vector2(1f, tAdd2);
uv[i + 4] = new Vector2(0f, tAdd3);
uv[i + 6] = new Vector2(1f, tAdd4);
//Debug.Log (tAdd3 + " R:"+ tAdd4 + " RLoc: " + _verts[i+6]);
//Debug.Log ("1.0 R:1.0 RLoc: " + _verts[i+6]);
//Last segment needs adjusted due to double vertices:
if ((i + 7) == MVL)
if (bOddToggle)
//First set: Debug.Log ("+5:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 3] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 1] = uv[i + 6];
//Last set: Debug.Log ("+3:"+i+" "+(i+2)+" "+(i+4)+" "+(i+6));
uv[MVL - 4] = uv[i + 4];
uv[MVL - 2] = uv[i + 6];
if (bOddToggle)
i += 5;
if (i + 6 >= MVL)
uv[i + 4 - 5] = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
uv[i + 6 - 5] = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
i += 3;
if (i + 6 >= MVL)
uv[i + 4 - 3] = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
uv[i + 6 - 3] = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
tDistanceLeftSum += tDistanceLeft;
tDistanceRightSum += tDistanceRight;
bOddToggle = !bOddToggle;
// uv[MVL-1].y = 1f;
// uv[MVL-2].y = 1f;
// uv[MVL-3].y = 1f;
// uv[MVL-4].y = 1f;
return uv;
#region "Set vector heights"
private static void SetVectorHeight2(ref Vector3 _worldVector, ref float _p, ref List<KeyValuePair<float, float>> _list, ref SplineC _spline)
int mCount = _list.Count;
int index = 0;
if (mCount < 1)
_worldVector.y = 0f;
float cValue = 0f;
for (index = 0; index < (mCount - 1); index++)
if (_p >= _list[index].Key && _p < _list[index + 1].Key)
cValue = _list[index].Value;
if (index > 3)
if (_list[index - 1].Value < cValue)
cValue = _list[index - 1].Value;
if (_list[index - 2].Value < cValue)
cValue = _list[index - 2].Value;
if (_list[index - 3].Value < cValue)
cValue = _list[index - 3].Value;
if (index < (mCount - 3))
if (_list[index + 1].Value < cValue)
cValue = _list[index + 1].Value;
if (_list[index + 2].Value < cValue)
cValue = _list[index + 2].Value;
if (_list[index + 3].Value < cValue)
cValue = _list[index + 3].Value;
//if(p > 0.95f && RootUtils.IsApproximately(cValue,0f,0.001f)){
// float DeadValue = 0f;
// Vector3 tPos = tSpline.GetSplineValue(p,false);
// if(!tSpline.IsNearIntersection(ref tPos,ref DeadValue)){
// cValue = tList[tList.Count-1].Value;
// }
//Zero protection:
if (RootUtils.IsApproximately(cValue, 0f, 0.001f) && _worldVector.y > 0f)
cValue = _worldVector.y - 0.35f;
_worldVector.y = cValue;