2024-11-19 11:48:21 +01:00

128 lines
3.8 KiB

#region "Imports"
using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using System;
using UnityEditor;
namespace RoadArchitect
public static class RoadEditorUtility
private static string basePath = "";
private static readonly string[] validFolders =
/// <summary> Returns the relative base of the RoadArchitect folder </summary>
public static string GetBasePath()
if (basePath != "")
return basePath;
string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath("e9c7aa1199abeb64c82a4831b3c7286f");
if (path != "" && path.Contains("RoadArchitect.asmdef"))
basePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
return basePath;
if ('/' != Path.DirectorySeparatorChar && '/' != Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar)
foreach (string folder in validFolders)
if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, folder.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))))
basePath = folder;
return folder;
foreach (string folder in validFolders)
if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, folder)))
basePath = folder;
return folder;
throw new Exception("GUID of RoadArchitect.asmdef was changed. " +
"Alternatively RoadArchitect can be placed in one of the valid folders. " +
"You can change these suppoted folders by modifiying validFolders on top of this script");
return "";
/// <summary> Returns the relative base of the RoadArchitect folder with OS compatible directory separator </summary>
public static string GetBasePathForIO()
string basePath = GetBasePath();
if('/' != Path.DirectorySeparatorChar && '/' != Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar)
return basePath.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
return basePath;
/// <summary> Loads _assetPath materials and applies them to _MR.sharedMaterials </summary>
public static void SetRoadMaterial(string _assetPath, MeshRenderer _MR, string _assetPath2 = "")
Material material;
Material material2;
Material[] tMats;
material = LoadMaterial(_assetPath);
if (_assetPath2.Length > 0)
material2 = LoadMaterial(_assetPath2);
tMats = new Material[2];
tMats[1] = material2;
tMats = new Material[1];
tMats[0] = material;
_MR.sharedMaterials = tMats;
/// <summary> Returns the Material from _assetPath </summary>
public static Material LoadMaterial(string _assetPath)
return EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath<Material>(_assetPath);
/// <summary> Returns the PhysicsMaterial from _assetPath </summary>
public static PhysicMaterial LoadPhysicsMaterial(string _assetPath)
return EngineIntegration.LoadAssetFromPath<PhysicMaterial>(_assetPath);