374 lines
13 KiB
374 lines
13 KiB
// Distant Lands 2024
// COZY: Stylized Weather 3
// All code included in this file is protected under the Unity Asset Store Eula
using DistantLands.Cozy.Data;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DistantLands.Cozy
public class CozyBiome : CozySystem
public float transitionTime = 5;
public float transitionDistance = 5;
public Collider trigger;
public List<ICozyBiomeModule> modules = new List<ICozyBiomeModule>();
public CozyWeather weatherSphere
if (!cachedWeatherSphere)
cachedWeatherSphere = CozyWeather.instance;
return cachedWeatherSphere;
public CozyWeather cachedWeatherSphere;
[Range(0, 1)]
public float maxWeight = 1;
public enum BiomeMode
public BiomeMode mode;
public enum TransitionMode
public TransitionMode transitionMode;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
if (Application.isPlaying)
void Update()
if (modules.Count == 0)
modules = GetComponents<ICozyBiomeModule>().ToList();
if (mode == BiomeMode.Global)
targetWeight = maxWeight;
if (transitionMode == TransitionMode.Distance)
foreach (ICozyBiomeModule module in modules)
public void SetWeightByDistance()
if (!weatherSphere)
targetWeight = 0;
if (mode == BiomeMode.Global)
targetWeight = maxWeight;
if (!trigger)
targetWeight = 0;
trigger = GetComponent<Collider>();
var weatherSpherePoint = weatherSphere.transform.position;
var closestPoint = trigger.ClosestPoint(weatherSpherePoint);
var distToClosestPoint = Vector3.Distance(weatherSpherePoint, closestPoint);
targetWeight = distToClosestPoint <= transitionDistance
? CozyUtilities.Remap(0, transitionDistance, maxWeight, 0, distToClosestPoint)
: 0f;
public void SetWeightByTime()
if (!weatherSphere)
targetWeight = 0;
if (mode == BiomeMode.Global)
targetWeight = maxWeight;
if (!trigger)
targetWeight = 0;
Vector3 closestPoint = trigger.ClosestPoint(weatherSphere.transform.position);
if (transitionTime > 0)
if (weatherSphere.transform.position == closestPoint)
targetWeight = Mathf.Clamp01(targetWeight + (1 / transitionTime * Time.deltaTime));
targetWeight = Mathf.Clamp01(targetWeight - (1 / transitionTime * Time.deltaTime));
targetWeight = maxWeight;
public CozyModule GetModule(Type type)
foreach (ICozyBiomeModule j in modules)
if (j.GetType() == type)
return (CozyModule)j;
return null;
public T GetModule<T>() where T : CozyModule
Type type = typeof(T);
foreach (CozyModule j in modules)
if (j.GetType() == type)
return j as T;
return null;
public void InitializeModule(Type module)
if (GetModule(module))
ICozyBiomeModule mod = (ICozyBiomeModule)gameObject.AddComponent(module);
if (!mod.CheckBiome())
// ((CozyModule)mod).system = this;
public void RemoveModule(Type module)
if (!GetModule(module))
ICozyBiomeModule mod = modules.Find(x => x.GetType() == module);
// [CanEditMultipleObjects]
// [CustomEditor(typeof(CozyBiome))]
// public class CozyBiomeEditor : Editor
// {
// protected static bool managementFoldout;
// protected static bool weatherFoldout;
// protected static bool biomeFoldout;
// protected static bool boundsFoldout;
// protected static bool infoFoldout;
// public CozyBiome biome;
// public CozyWeather weatherSphere;
// public List<Type> mods;
// public List<E_BiomeModule> editors = new List<E_BiomeModule>();
// SerializedProperty mode;
// SerializedProperty transitionMode;
// SerializedProperty trigger;
// SerializedProperty weight;
// SerializedProperty priority;
// SerializedProperty transitionDistance;
// SerializedProperty transitionTime;
// public void OnEnable()
// {
// biome = (CozyBiome)target;
// weatherSphere = CozyWeather.instance;
// mode = serializedObject.FindProperty("mode");
// transitionMode = serializedObject.FindProperty("transitionMode");
// trigger = serializedObject.FindProperty("trigger");
// weight = serializedObject.FindProperty("maxWeight");
// priority = serializedObject.FindProperty("priority");
// transitionDistance = serializedObject.FindProperty("transitionDistance");
// transitionTime = serializedObject.FindProperty("transitionTime");
// }
// public void CacheEditors()
// {
// editors.Clear();
// foreach (ICozyBiomeModule module in biome.modules)
// editors.Add(CreateEditor((CozyModule)module) as E_BiomeModule);
// }
// public override void OnInspectorGUI()
// {
// serializedObject.Update();
// if (editors.Count != biome.modules.Count)
// CacheEditors();
// EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
// managementFoldout = EditorGUILayout.BeginFoldoutHeaderGroup(managementFoldout, " Management Settings", EditorUtilities.FoldoutStyle);
// EditorGUILayout.EndFoldoutHeaderGroup();
// if (managementFoldout)
// {
// EditorGUI.indentLevel++;
// EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(mode);
// EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(transitionMode);
// if (mode.intValue == 1)
// {
// if (!biome.trigger)
// {
// biome.trigger = biome.GetComponent<Collider>();
// EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Local biomes require a collider! Please add a collider to this game object or manually assign a collider.", MessageType.Warning);
// }
// else if (!biome.trigger.isTrigger)
// EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("You will likely want to change your collider's trigger mode to on.", MessageType.Warning);
// EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(trigger);
// if (transitionMode.intValue == 0)
// EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(transitionDistance, new GUIContent("Transition Distance"));
// else
// EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(transitionTime, new GUIContent("Transition Time"));
// }
// EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(weight, new GUIContent("Weight"));
// EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(priority, new GUIContent("Priority"));
// EditorGUI.indentLevel--;
// }
// EditorGUI.indentLevel += 2;
// foreach (E_BiomeModule module in editors)
// {
// if (module == null) continue;
// ((E_CozyModule)module).DisplayToolar(false);
// module.DrawInlineBiomeUI();
// }
// EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 2;
// infoFoldout = EditorGUILayout.BeginFoldoutHeaderGroup(infoFoldout, " Current Information", EditorUtilities.FoldoutStyle);
// EditorGUILayout.EndFoldoutHeaderGroup();
// if (infoFoldout)
// {
// EditorGUI.indentLevel++;
// // EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Currently it is " + Mathf.Round(biome.currentTemperature) + "F or " + Mathf.Round(biome.currentTemperatureCelsius) + "C with a precipitation chance of " + Mathf.Round(biome.currentPrecipitation) + "%.\n" +
// // "Temperatures will " + (biome.currentTemperature > biome.GetTemperature(false, weatherSphere.perennialProfile.ticksPerDay) ? "drop" : "rise") + " tomorrow, bringing the temprature to " + Mathf.Round(biome.GetTemperature(false, weatherSphere.perennialProfile.ticksPerDay)) + "F", MessageType.None);
// // EditorGUILayout.Space();
// // if (biome.currentForecast.Count == 0)
// // {
// // EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No forecast information yet!", MessageType.None);
// // }
// // else
// // {
// // EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Currently it is " + biome.weatherSphere.currentWeather.name, MessageType.None);
// // for (int i = 0; i < biome.currentForecast.Count; i++)
// // {
// // EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Starting at " + biome.weatherSphere.perennialProfile.FormatTime(false, biome.currentForecast[i].startTicks) + " the weather will change to " +
// // biome.currentForecast[i].profile.name + " for " + Mathf.Round(biome.currentForecast[i].weatherProfileDuration) +
// // " ticks or unitl " + biome.weatherSphere.perennialProfile.FormatTime(false, biome.currentForecast[i].endTicks) + ".", MessageType.None, true);
// // EditorGUILayout.Space(2);
// // }
// // }
// foreach (E_BiomeModule module in editors)
// if (module != null)
// module.DrawBiomeReports();
// EditorGUI.indentLevel--;
// }
// if (GUILayout.Button("Add Modules"))
// {
// if (mods == null)
// mods = EditorUtilities.ResetBiomeModulesList();
// if (mods.Contains(typeof(ICozyBiomeModule)))
// mods.Remove(typeof(ICozyBiomeModule));
// if (mods.Contains(typeof(CozyBiomeModuleBase<>)))
// mods.Remove(typeof(CozyBiomeModuleBase<>));
// foreach (ICozyBiomeModule a in biome.modules)
// if (mods.Contains(a.GetType()))
// mods.Remove(a.GetType());
// // BiomeModulesSearchProvider provider = CreateInstance<BiomeModulesSearchProvider>();
// // provider.modules = mods;
// // provider.biome = biome;
// // SearchWindow.Open(new SearchWindowContext(GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(Event.current.mousePosition)), provider);
// }
// serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties();
// }
// }
// #endif
} |