77 lines
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77 lines
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// Distant Lands 2024
// COZY: Stylized Weather 3
// All code included in this file is protected under the Unity Asset Store Eula
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DistantLands.Cozy.Data
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Distant Lands/Cozy/Perennial Profile", order = 361)]
public class PerennialProfile : CozyProfile
public bool pauseTime;
[Tooltip("Should this profile use a series of months for a more realistic year.")]
public bool realisticYear;
[Tooltip("Should this profile use a longer year every 4th year.")]
public bool useLeapYear;
[Tooltip("Should this system reset the time when it loads?")]
public bool resetTimeOnStart = false;
[Tooltip("The time that this system should start at when the scene is loaded.")]
public MeridiemTime startTime = new MeridiemTime(9, 00);
[Tooltip("Specifies the amount of in-game minutes that pass in a real-world second.")]
public float timeMovementSpeed = 1;
[Tooltip("Change the rate at which time moves based on the current time.")]
public bool modulateTimeSpeed = true;
[Tooltip("Changes the time speed based on the day percentage.")]
public AnimationCurve timeSpeedMultiplier;
[Tooltip("Will the day move to the next day at 12:00 midnight")]
public bool progressDay = true;
public class Month
public string name;
public int days;
public Month[] standardYear = new Month[12] { new Month() { days = 31, name = "January"}, new Month() { days = 28, name = "Febraury" },
new Month() { days = 31, name = "March"}, new Month() { days = 30, name = "April"}, new Month() { days = 31, name = "May"},
new Month() { days = 30, name = "June"}, new Month() { days = 31, name = "July"}, new Month() { days = 31, name = "August"},
new Month() { days = 30, name = "September"}, new Month() { days = 31, name = "October"}, new Month() { days = 30, name = "Novemeber"},
new Month() { days = 31, name = "December"}};
public Month[] leapYear = new Month[12] { new Month() { days = 31, name = "January"}, new Month() { days = 29, name = "Febraury" },
new Month() { days = 31, name = "March"}, new Month() { days = 30, name = "April"}, new Month() { days = 31, name = "May"},
new Month() { days = 30, name = "June"}, new Month() { days = 31, name = "July"}, new Month() { days = 31, name = "August"},
new Month() { days = 30, name = "September"}, new Month() { days = 31, name = "October"}, new Month() { days = 30, name = "Novemeber"},
new Month() { days = 31, name = "December"}};
public enum DefaultYear { January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December }
public enum TimeDivisors { Early, Mid, Late }
public int daysPerYear = 48;
public int GetRealisticDaysPerYear(int currentYear)
int i = 0;
foreach (Month j in (useLeapYear && currentYear % 4 == 0) ? leapYear : standardYear) i += j.days;
return i;
} |