using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace FreeD { [RequireComponent(typeof(Camera))] [ExecuteInEditMode] public class FreeDReceiver : MonoBehaviour { public int cameraId; [Header("Listening on port")] public int listeningPort = 40_000; [Tooltip("Run the server in edit mode")] public new bool runInEditMode = true; [Tooltip("Show received messages in Unity console")] public bool showPacketInConsole = true; private string latestMessage; [Tooltip("Apply position modification to Unity")] public bool modifyPositionWithFreeD = false; public bool useRestrictionsPanasonicAW_UE = true; [Header("Debug")] [Tooltip("Apply the values received to the gameObject")] public bool apply = true; FreeDServer server; Packet packet; public Packet lastPacket; void OnEnable() { if (!Application.isPlaying && !runInEditMode) return; server = FreeDServer.Get(listeningPort); server.received += OnPacketReceived; } void OnDisable() { if (server == null) return; server.received -= OnPacketReceived; server.Stop(); } private void OnPacketReceived(Packet packet) { if (packet.Id != cameraId) return; this.packet = packet; if (showPacketInConsole) latestMessage = $"Receiving Camera ID {packet.Id}: {packet.Id},{packet.Pan},{packet.Tilt},{packet.Roll},{packet.PosZ},{packet.PosX},{packet.PosY},{packet.Zoom},{packet.Focus}"; } void Update() { if (!Application.isPlaying && !runInEditMode) return; if (packet == null) return; lastPacket = packet; if (!apply) return; // Cameras don't need to respond to position if(modifyPositionWithFreeD) { transform.localPosition = new Vector3(packet.PosX / 1000f, packet.PosY / 1000f, -packet.PosZ / 1000f); } transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, packet.Pan); transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 90f); transform.Rotate(Vector3.right, -packet.Tilt); transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, -packet.Roll); var camera = GetComponent(); if (camera != null) { if (packet.Zoom > 0) { if(useRestrictionsPanasonicAW_UE) { float newFocalLength = (packet.Zoom / (4095f / 179f)); } else { camera.focalLength = Mathf.Clamp(packet.Zoom / (4095f / 179f), 0.001f, 179f); } } camera.focusDistance = -packet.Focus / 1000f; } packet = null; } void OnDrawGizmos() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { UnityEditor.EditorApplication.QueuePlayerLoopUpdate(); UnityEditor.SceneView.RepaintAll(); } #endif } private void OnGUI() { Rect rectPosOnScreen = new Rect(0, 10 + (cameraId * 20f), Screen.width, 0.05f * Screen.height); if (showPacketInConsole) { GUIStyle textStyle = new GUIStyle(; textStyle.normal.textColor =; textStyle.fontSize = 10; GUI.Label(rectPosOnScreen, latestMessage, textStyle); } else { GUI.Label(rectPosOnScreen, ""); } } } #if UNITY_EDITOR [CustomEditor(typeof(FreeDReceiver))] public class FreeDReceiverEditor : Editor { public override void OnInspectorGUI() { FreeDReceiver myScript = (FreeDReceiver)target; if (myScript.enabled) { if (GUILayout.Button($"Stop Receiving from Camera ID {myScript.cameraId}")) { myScript.enabled = false; myScript.apply= false; } } else { if (GUILayout.Button($"Start Receiving from Camera ID {myScript.cameraId}")) { myScript.enabled = true; myScript.apply = true; } } DrawDefaultInspector(); } } #endif }