import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'dart:io'; import 'venue.dart'; class VenueInfo { static const photoSize = '600x400'; //Can be replaced with custom size (Example Format: '300x400') late String _photo = ''; late int _priceClass = -1; late double _rating = -1; late int _totalRatings = -1; late bool _openNow = false; late String _openHoursToday = 'N/A'; late String _fsqLink; late double _popularity = -1; late List _hoursPopular = []; VenueInfo(); Future getVenueInfo(Venue venue) async { String venueName = venue.venueName; double lat = venue.position.latitude; double lng = venue.position.longitude; final response1 = await http.get( Uri.parse('$venueName&ll=$lat%2C$lng&types=place'), headers: { HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: 'fsq3LBbeZ8imQK8X1hov7DTb9F64Xs1fs2bojHQ99QNm4TE=', }); if(response1.statusCode == 200) { Map data = jsonDecode(response1.body); List results = data['results']; if(results.isNotEmpty && data['results'][0]['link'] != null) { _fsqLink = data['results'][0]['link']; final response2 = await http.get( Uri.parse('$_fsqLink?fields=price%2Crating%2Cphotos%2Chours%2Cstats%2Cpopularity%2Chours_popular'), headers: { HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: 'fsq3LBbeZ8imQK8X1hov7DTb9F64Xs1fs2bojHQ99QNm4TE=', } ); if(response2.statusCode == 200) { Map data = jsonDecode(response2.body); data['price'] != null ? _priceClass = data['price']: null; data['rating'] != null ? _rating = data['rating']: null; data['hours']['open_now'] != null ? _openNow = data['hours']['open_now']: null; data['stats']['total_ratings'] != null ? _totalRatings = data['stats']['total_ratings']: null; data['hours']['display'] != null ? _openHoursToday = data['hours']['display']: null; data['popularity'] != null ? _popularity = data['popularity']: null; data['photos'][0]['prefix'] != null && data['photos'][0]['suffix'] != null ? _photo = data['photos'][0]['prefix'] + photoSize + data['photos'][0]['suffix']: null; _hoursPopular = data['hours_popular'] != null ? _hoursPopular = data['hours_popular']: null; } else { throw const HttpException("No connection to"); } } } else { throw const HttpException("No connection to"); } } String getPopularHoursToday() { var today = DateFormat('EEEE').format(; if(_hoursPopular.isEmpty) { return 'N/A'; } if(today == 'Monday') { return findPopularHours(1); } if(today == 'Tuesday') { return findPopularHours(2); } if(today == 'Wednesday') { return findPopularHours(3); } if(today == 'Thursday') { return findPopularHours(4); } if(today == 'Friday') { return findPopularHours(5); } if(today == 'Saturday') { return findPopularHours(6); } if(today == 'Sunday') { return findPopularHours(7); } return 'N/A'; } String findPopularHours(int dayNumber) { String toReturn = ''; for(var h in _hoursPopular) { if(h['day'] == dayNumber) { toReturn += (h['open'] + '-' + h['close'] + '\n'); } } return toReturn; } String getRating() { return _rating != -1 ? _rating.toString() + '/10': 'N/A'; } String getTotalRatings() { return _totalRatings != -1 ? _totalRatings.toString(): 'N/A'; } String getOpenStatus() { return _openNow ? 'Yes': 'No'; } String getOpeningHours() { String splitString; if(_openHoursToday.isNotEmpty) { splitString = _openHoursToday.replaceAll(';', '\n'); return splitString; } return 'N/A'; } String getPriceClass () { return _priceClass != -1 ? '\$'*_priceClass : 'N/A'; } String getPhotoURL () { return _photo; } String getPopularity() { return _popularity != -1 ? (_popularity*100).truncate().toString() + '%': 'N/A'; } bool isOpenNow() { return _openNow; } String getVenueURL () { return '$_fsqLink'; } }