// Generated by dart2js (NullSafetyMode.sound, trust primitives, omit checks, lax runtime type, no-legacy-javascript, csp), the Dart to JavaScript compiler version: 2.16.2. // The code supports the following hooks: // dartPrint(message): // if this function is defined it is called instead of the Dart [print] // method. // // dartMainRunner(main, args): // if this function is defined, the Dart [main] method will not be invoked // directly. Instead, a closure that will invoke [main], and its arguments // [args] is passed to [dartMainRunner]. // // dartDeferredLibraryLoader(uri, successCallback, errorCallback, loadId): // if this function is defined, it will be called when a deferred library // is loaded. It should load and eval the javascript of `uri`, and call // successCallback. If it fails to do so, it should call errorCallback with // an error. The loadId argument is the deferred import that resulted in // this uri being loaded. // // dartCallInstrumentation(id, qualifiedName): // if this function is defined, it will be called at each entry of a // method or constructor. Used only when compiling programs with // --experiment-call-instrumentation. (function dartProgram() { function copyProperties(from, to) { var keys = Object.keys(from); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; to[key] = from[key]; } } function mixinPropertiesHard(from, to) { var keys = Object.keys(from); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (!to.hasOwnProperty(key)) to[key] = from[key]; } } function mixinPropertiesEasy(from, to) { Object.assign(to, from); } var supportsDirectProtoAccess = function() { var cls = function() { }; cls.prototype = {p: {}}; var object = new cls(); if (!(object.__proto__ && object.__proto__.p === cls.prototype.p)) return false; try { if (typeof navigator != "undefined" && typeof navigator.userAgent == "string" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome/") >= 0) return true; if (typeof version == "function" && version.length == 0) { var v = version(); if (/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(v)) return true; } } catch (_) { } return false; }(); function setFunctionNamesIfNecessary(holders) { function t() { } ; if (typeof t.name == "string") return; for (var i = 0; i < holders.length; i++) { var holder = holders[i]; var keys = Object.keys(holder); for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { var key = keys[j]; var f = holder[key]; if (typeof f == "function") f.name = key; } } } function inherit(cls, sup) { cls.prototype.constructor = cls; cls.prototype["$is" + cls.name] = cls; if (sup != null) { if (supportsDirectProtoAccess) { cls.prototype.__proto__ = sup.prototype; return; } var clsPrototype = Object.create(sup.prototype); copyProperties(cls.prototype, clsPrototype); cls.prototype = clsPrototype; } } function inheritMany(sup, classes) { for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) inherit(classes[i], sup); } function mixinEasy(cls, mixin) { mixinPropertiesEasy(mixin.prototype, cls.prototype); cls.prototype.constructor = cls; } function mixinHard(cls, mixin) { mixinPropertiesHard(mixin.prototype, cls.prototype); cls.prototype.constructor = cls; } function lazyOld(holder, name, getterName, initializer) { var uninitializedSentinel = holder; holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel; holder[getterName] = function() { holder[getterName] = function() { A.throwCyclicInit(name); }; var result; var sentinelInProgress = initializer; try { if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel) { result = holder[name] = sentinelInProgress; result = holder[name] = initializer(); } else result = holder[name]; } finally { if (result === sentinelInProgress) holder[name] = null; holder[getterName] = function() { return this[name]; }; } return result; }; } function lazy(holder, name, getterName, initializer) { var uninitializedSentinel = holder; holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel; holder[getterName] = function() { if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel) holder[name] = initializer(); holder[getterName] = function() { return this[name]; }; return holder[name]; }; } function lazyFinal(holder, name, getterName, initializer) { var uninitializedSentinel = holder; holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel; holder[getterName] = function() { if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel) { var value = initializer(); if (holder[name] !== uninitializedSentinel) A.throwLateFieldADI(name); holder[name] = value; } var finalValue = holder[name]; holder[getterName] = function() { return finalValue; }; return finalValue; }; } function makeConstList(list) { list.immutable$list = Array; list.fixed$length = Array; return list; } function convertToFastObject(properties) { function t() { } t.prototype = properties; new t(); return properties; } function convertAllToFastObject(arrayOfObjects) { for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; ++i) convertToFastObject(arrayOfObjects[i]); } var functionCounter = 0; function instanceTearOffGetter(isIntercepted, parameters) { var cache = null; return isIntercepted ? function(receiver) { if (cache === null) cache = A.closureFromTearOff(parameters); return new cache(receiver, this); } : function() { if (cache === null) cache = A.closureFromTearOff(parameters); return new cache(this, null); }; } function staticTearOffGetter(parameters) { var cache = null; return function() { if (cache === null) cache = A.closureFromTearOff(parameters).prototype; return cache; }; } var typesOffset = 0; function tearOffParameters(container, isStatic, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, needsDirectAccess) { if (typeof funType == "number") funType += typesOffset; return {co: container, iS: isStatic, iI: isIntercepted, rC: requiredParameterCount, dV: optionalParameterDefaultValues, cs: callNames, fs: funsOrNames, fT: funType, aI: applyIndex || 0, nDA: needsDirectAccess}; } function installStaticTearOff(holder, getterName, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex) { var parameters = tearOffParameters(holder, true, false, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, false); var getterFunction = staticTearOffGetter(parameters); holder[getterName] = getterFunction; } function installInstanceTearOff(prototype, getterName, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, needsDirectAccess) { isIntercepted = !!isIntercepted; var parameters = tearOffParameters(prototype, false, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, !!needsDirectAccess); var getterFunction = instanceTearOffGetter(isIntercepted, parameters); prototype[getterName] = getterFunction; } function setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag(newTags) { var tags = init.interceptorsByTag; if (!tags) { init.interceptorsByTag = newTags; return; } copyProperties(newTags, tags); } function setOrUpdateLeafTags(newTags) { var tags = init.leafTags; if (!tags) { init.leafTags = newTags; return; } copyProperties(newTags, tags); } function updateTypes(newTypes) { var types = init.types; var length = types.length; types.push.apply(types, newTypes); return length; } function updateHolder(holder, newHolder) { copyProperties(newHolder, holder); return holder; } var hunkHelpers = function() { var mkInstance = function(isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, applyIndex) { return function(container, getterName, name, funType) { return installInstanceTearOff(container, getterName, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, [name], funType, applyIndex, false); }; }, mkStatic = function(requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, applyIndex) { return function(container, getterName, name, funType) { return installStaticTearOff(container, getterName, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, [name], funType, applyIndex); }; }; return {inherit: inherit, inheritMany: inheritMany, mixin: mixinEasy, mixinHard: mixinHard, installStaticTearOff: installStaticTearOff, installInstanceTearOff: installInstanceTearOff, _instance_0u: mkInstance(0, 0, null, ["call$0"], 0), _instance_1u: mkInstance(0, 1, null, ["call$1"], 0), _instance_2u: mkInstance(0, 2, null, ["call$2"], 0), _instance_0i: mkInstance(1, 0, null, ["call$0"], 0), _instance_1i: mkInstance(1, 1, null, ["call$1"], 0), _instance_2i: mkInstance(1, 2, null, ["call$2"], 0), _static_0: mkStatic(0, null, ["call$0"], 0), _static_1: mkStatic(1, null, ["call$1"], 0), _static_2: mkStatic(2, null, ["call$2"], 0), makeConstList: makeConstList, lazy: lazy, lazyFinal: lazyFinal, lazyOld: lazyOld, updateHolder: updateHolder, convertToFastObject: convertToFastObject, setFunctionNamesIfNecessary: setFunctionNamesIfNecessary, updateTypes: updateTypes, setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag: setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag, setOrUpdateLeafTags: setOrUpdateLeafTags}; }(); function initializeDeferredHunk(hunk) { typesOffset = init.types.length; hunk(hunkHelpers, init, holders, $); } var A = { detectBrowserEngineByVendorAgent(vendor, agent) { var exp; if (vendor === "Google Inc.") { exp = A.RegExp_RegExp("SAMSUNG|SGH-[I|N|T]|GT-[I|N]|SM-[A|N|P|T|Z]|SHV-E|SCH-[I|J|R|S]|SPH-L", true); if (exp._nativeRegExp.test(agent.toUpperCase())) return B.BrowserEngine_5; return B.BrowserEngine_0; } else if (vendor === "Apple Computer, Inc.") return B.BrowserEngine_1; else if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(agent, "edge/")) return B.BrowserEngine_3; else if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(agent, "Edg/")) return B.BrowserEngine_0; else if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(agent, "trident/7.0")) return B.BrowserEngine_4; else if (vendor === "" && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(agent, "firefox")) return B.BrowserEngine_2; A.print("WARNING: failed to detect current browser engine."); return B.BrowserEngine_6; }, detectOperatingSystem() { var userAgent, maxTouchPoints, t1 = window.navigator.platform; t1.toString; userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent; if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t1, "Mac")) { maxTouchPoints = window.navigator.maxTouchPoints; if ((maxTouchPoints == null ? 0 : maxTouchPoints) > 2) return B.OperatingSystem_0; return B.OperatingSystem_4; } else if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1.toLowerCase(), "iphone") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1.toLowerCase(), "ipad") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1.toLowerCase(), "ipod")) return B.OperatingSystem_0; else if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(userAgent, "Android")) return B.OperatingSystem_1; else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t1, "Linux")) return B.OperatingSystem_2; else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t1, "Win")) return B.OperatingSystem_3; else return B.OperatingSystem_5; }, isIOS15() { var t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); return t1 === B.OperatingSystem_0 && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(window.navigator.userAgent, "OS 15_"); }, _detectWebGLVersion() { var t1, canvas = A.CanvasElement_CanvasElement(1, 1); if (B.CanvasElement_methods.getContext$1(canvas, "webgl2") != null) { t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); if (t1 === B.OperatingSystem_0) return 1; return 2; } if (B.CanvasElement_methods.getContext$1(canvas, "webgl") != null) return 1; return -1; }, canvasKit() { return $.__canvasKit._readField$0(); }, toSkM44FromFloat32(matrix4) { var r, t1, c, skM44 = new Float32Array(16); for (r = 0; r < 4; ++r) for (t1 = r * 4, c = 0; c < 4; ++c) skM44[c * 4 + r] = matrix4[t1 + c]; return skM44; }, toSkMatrixFromFloat32(matrix4) { var i, matrix4Index, skMatrix = new Float32Array(9); for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { matrix4Index = B.List_yXZ[i]; if (matrix4Index < 16) skMatrix[i] = matrix4[matrix4Index]; else skMatrix[i] = 0; } return skMatrix; }, toSkPoint(offset) { var point = new Float32Array(2); point[0] = offset._dx; point[1] = offset._dy; return point; }, toSkColorStops(colorStops) { var skColorStops, i; if (colorStops == null) return $.$get$_kDefaultSkColorStops(); skColorStops = new Float32Array(4); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) skColorStops[i] = colorStops[i]; return skColorStops; }, mallocFloat32List(size) { return self.window.flutterCanvasKit.Malloc(self.Float32Array, size); }, _populateSkColor(skColor, color) { var array = J.toTypedArray$0$x(skColor), t1 = color.value; array[0] = (t1 >>> 16 & 255) / 255; array[1] = (t1 >>> 8 & 255) / 255; array[2] = (t1 & 255) / 255; array[3] = (t1 >>> 24 & 255) / 255; return array; }, toSkRect(rect) { var skRect = new Float32Array(4); skRect[0] = rect.left; skRect[1] = rect.top; skRect[2] = rect.right; skRect[3] = rect.bottom; return skRect; }, fromSkRect(skRect) { return new A.Rect(skRect[0], skRect[1], skRect[2], skRect[3]); }, toSkRRect(rrect) { var skRRect = new Float32Array(12); skRRect[0] = rrect.left; skRRect[1] = rrect.top; skRRect[2] = rrect.right; skRRect[3] = rrect.bottom; skRRect[4] = rrect.tlRadiusX; skRRect[5] = rrect.tlRadiusY; skRRect[6] = rrect.trRadiusX; skRRect[7] = rrect.trRadiusY; skRRect[8] = rrect.brRadiusX; skRRect[9] = rrect.brRadiusY; skRRect[10] = rrect.blRadiusX; skRRect[11] = rrect.blRadiusY; return skRRect; }, toFlatColors(colors) { var i, len = colors.length, result = new Uint32Array(len); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) result[i] = colors[i].value; return result; }, SkParagraphStyleProperties$(receiver) { return new A.SkParagraphStyleProperties(); }, SkTextStyleProperties$(receiver) { return new A.SkTextStyleProperties(); }, SkStrutStyleProperties$(receiver) { return new A.SkStrutStyleProperties(); }, SkFontStyle$(receiver) { return new A.SkFontStyle(); }, ProductionCollector$() { var t1 = new A.ProductionCollector(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SkDeletable)); t1.ProductionCollector$0(); return t1; }, patchCanvasKitModule(canvasKitScript) { var _s14_ = "defineProperty", t1 = $.$get$_context(), objectConstructor = type$.JsFunction._as(t1.$index(0, "Object")); if (t1.$index(0, "exports") == null) objectConstructor.callMethod$2(_s14_, [t1, "exports", A.JsObject_JsObject$jsify(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["get", A.allowInterop(new A.patchCanvasKitModule_closure(canvasKitScript, objectConstructor)), "set", A.allowInterop(new A.patchCanvasKitModule_closure0()), "configurable", true], type$.String, type$.dynamic))]); if (t1.$index(0, "module") == null) objectConstructor.callMethod$2(_s14_, [t1, "module", A.JsObject_JsObject$jsify(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["get", A.allowInterop(new A.patchCanvasKitModule_closure1(canvasKitScript, objectConstructor)), "set", A.allowInterop(new A.patchCanvasKitModule_closure2()), "configurable", true], type$.String, type$.dynamic))]); document.head.appendChild(canvasKitScript); }, Mutator$transform(matrix) { var _null = null; return new A.Mutator(B.MutatorType_3, _null, _null, _null, matrix, _null); }, diffViewList(active, next) { var index, i, t1, t2, _null = null; if (active.length === 0 || next.length === 0) return _null; index = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(active, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(next)); if (index !== -1) { for (i = 0; t1 = i + index, t1 < active.length; ++i) { if (!J.$eq$(active[t1], next[i])) return _null; if (i === next.length - 1) if (index === 0) return new A.ViewListDiffResult(B.JSArray_methods.sublist$1(active, i + 1), B.List_empty13, true, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(next)); else return new A.ViewListDiffResult(B.JSArray_methods.sublist$2(active, 0, index), B.List_empty13, false, _null); } return new A.ViewListDiffResult(B.JSArray_methods.sublist$2(active, 0, index), B.JSArray_methods.sublist$1(next, active.length - index), false, _null); } index = B.JSArray_methods.lastIndexOf$1(active, B.JSArray_methods.get$last(next)); if (index !== -1) { for (i = 0; t1 = index - i, t1 >= 0; ++i) { t2 = next.length; if (t2 <= i || !J.$eq$(active[t1], next[t2 - 1 - i])) return _null; } return new A.ViewListDiffResult(B.JSArray_methods.sublist$1(active, index + 1), B.JSArray_methods.sublist$2(next, 0, next.length - index - 1), true, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(active)); } return _null; }, FontFallbackData_createNotoFontTree() { var t2, _i, font, t3, t4, _i0, range, t1 = type$.NotoFont, ranges = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.List_CodeunitRange); for (t2 = $.$get$_notoFonts(), _i = 0; _i < 25; ++_i) { font = t2[_i]; font._decodingCompleter = font.resolvedFont = null; for (t3 = font.approximateUnicodeRanges, t4 = t3.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i0) { range = t3[_i0]; J.add$1$ax(ranges.putIfAbsent$2(0, font, new A.FontFallbackData_createNotoFontTree_closure()), range); } } return A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges(ranges, t1); }, findFontsForMissingCodeunits(codeUnits) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), t3, t4, t5, _i, codeUnit, results, unmatchedCodeUnits, resolvedFonts, t6, t7, t1, fonts, t2, coveredCodeUnits, missingCodeUnits; var $async$findFontsForMissingCodeunits = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $.$get$FontFallbackData__instance(); fonts = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.NotoFont); t2 = type$.int; coveredCodeUnits = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t2); missingCodeUnits = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t2); for (t3 = codeUnits.length, t4 = t1.notoTree, t5 = t4.$ti._eval$1("JSArray<1>"), t4 = t4.root, _i = 0; _i < codeUnits.length; codeUnits.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(codeUnits), ++_i) { codeUnit = codeUnits[_i]; results = A._setArrayType([], t5); t4.searchForPoint$2(codeUnit, results); fonts.addAll$1(0, results); if (results.length !== 0) coveredCodeUnits.add$1(0, codeUnit); else missingCodeUnits.add$1(0, codeUnit); } t3 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(fonts, fonts._collection$_modifications), t4 = A._instanceType(t3)._precomputed1; case 2: // for condition if (!t3.moveNext$0()) { // goto after for $async$goto = 3; break; } $async$goto = 4; return A._asyncAwait(t4._as(t3._collection$_current).ensureResolved$0(), $async$findFontsForMissingCodeunits); case 4: // returning from await. // goto for condition $async$goto = 2; break; case 3: // after for unmatchedCodeUnits = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(coveredCodeUnits, t2); fonts = A.findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits(unmatchedCodeUnits, fonts); resolvedFonts = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$._ResolvedNotoSubset); for (t2 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(coveredCodeUnits, coveredCodeUnits._collection$_modifications), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) { t4 = t3._as(t2._collection$_current); for (t5 = new A._LinkedHashSetIterator(fonts, fonts._collection$_modifications), t5._collection$_cell = fonts._collection$_first, t6 = A._instanceType(t5)._precomputed1; t5.moveNext$0();) { t7 = t6._as(t5._collection$_current).resolvedFont; if (t7 == null) continue; t7 = t7.tree; results = A._setArrayType([], t7.$ti._eval$1("JSArray<1>")); t7.root.searchForPoint$2(t4, results); resolvedFonts.addAll$1(0, results); } } t2 = $.$get$notoDownloadQueue(); resolvedFonts.forEach$1(0, t2.get$add(t2)); if (missingCodeUnits._collection$_length !== 0 || unmatchedCodeUnits._collection$_length !== 0) if (!t1.registeredSymbolsAndEmoji) A._registerSymbolsAndEmoji(); else { t2 = $.$get$notoDownloadQueue(); t3 = t2.pendingSubsets; if (!(t3.get$isNotEmpty(t3) || t2._fontsLoading != null)) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Could not find a set of Noto fonts to display all missing characters. Please add a font asset for the missing characters. See: https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/design/fonts"); t1.codeUnitsWithNoKnownFont.addAll$1(0, missingCodeUnits); } } // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$findFontsForMissingCodeunits, $async$completer); }, _makeResolvedNotoFontFromCss(css, $name) { var t1, t2, fontFaceUnicodeRanges, fontFaceUrl, resolvingFontFace, t3, urlStart, rawRanges, _i, startEnd, rangeValue, startRange, endRange, rangesMap, subset, t4, _i0, range, _null = null, _s34_ = "Unable to parse Google Fonts CSS: ", subsets = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__ResolvedNotoSubset); for (t1 = new A._SyncStarIterator(A.LineSplitter_split(css)._outerHelper()), t2 = type$.JSArray_CodeunitRange, fontFaceUnicodeRanges = _null, fontFaceUrl = fontFaceUnicodeRanges, resolvingFontFace = false; t1.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t1.get$current(t1); if (!resolvingFontFace) { if (t3 !== "@font-face {") continue; resolvingFontFace = true; } else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t3, " src:")) { urlStart = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(t3, "url("); if (urlStart === -1) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Unable to resolve Noto font URL: " + t3); return _null; } fontFaceUrl = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t3, urlStart + 4, B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(t3, ")")); resolvingFontFace = true; } else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t3, " unicode-range:")) { fontFaceUnicodeRanges = A._setArrayType([], t2); rawRanges = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t3, 17, t3.length - 1).split(", "); for (t3 = rawRanges.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) { startEnd = J.split$1$s(rawRanges[_i], "-"); if (startEnd.length === 1) { rangeValue = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$single(startEnd), 2), 16); fontFaceUnicodeRanges.push(new A.CodeunitRange(rangeValue, rangeValue)); } else { startRange = startEnd[0]; endRange = startEnd[1]; fontFaceUnicodeRanges.push(new A.CodeunitRange(A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$1(startRange, 2), 16), A.int_parse(endRange, 16))); } } resolvingFontFace = true; } else { if (t3 === "}") { if (fontFaceUrl == null || fontFaceUnicodeRanges == null) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1(_s34_ + css); return _null; } subsets.push(new A._ResolvedNotoSubset(fontFaceUrl, $name, fontFaceUnicodeRanges)); } else continue; resolvingFontFace = false; } } if (resolvingFontFace) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1(_s34_ + css); return _null; } t1 = type$._ResolvedNotoSubset; rangesMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.List_CodeunitRange); for (t2 = subsets.length, _i = 0; _i < subsets.length; subsets.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(subsets), ++_i) { subset = subsets[_i]; for (t3 = subset.ranges, t4 = t3.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i0) { range = t3[_i0]; J.add$1$ax(rangesMap.putIfAbsent$2(0, subset, new A._makeResolvedNotoFontFromCss_closure()), range); } } if (rangesMap.get$isEmpty(rangesMap)) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Parsed Google Fonts CSS was empty: " + css); return _null; } return new A._ResolvedNotoFont($name, A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges(rangesMap, t1)); }, _registerSymbolsAndEmoji() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, emojiCss, symbolsCss, emojiFontUrl, symbolsFontUrl, t1; var $async$_registerSymbolsAndEmoji = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $.$get$FontFallbackData__instance(); if (t1.registeredSymbolsAndEmoji) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } t1.registeredSymbolsAndEmoji = true; $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait($.$get$notoDownloadQueue().downloader.downloadAsString$1("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Noto+Color+Emoji+Compat"), $async$_registerSymbolsAndEmoji); case 3: // returning from await. emojiCss = $async$result; $async$goto = 4; return A._asyncAwait($.$get$notoDownloadQueue().downloader.downloadAsString$1("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Noto+Sans+Symbols"), $async$_registerSymbolsAndEmoji); case 4: // returning from await. symbolsCss = $async$result; t1 = new A._registerSymbolsAndEmoji_extractUrlFromCss(); emojiFontUrl = t1.call$1(emojiCss); symbolsFontUrl = t1.call$1(symbolsCss); if (emojiFontUrl != null) $.$get$notoDownloadQueue().add$1(0, new A._ResolvedNotoSubset(emojiFontUrl, "Noto Color Emoji Compat", B.List_empty1)); else $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Error parsing CSS for Noto Emoji font."); if (symbolsFontUrl != null) $.$get$notoDownloadQueue().add$1(0, new A._ResolvedNotoSubset(symbolsFontUrl, "Noto Sans Symbols", B.List_empty1)); else $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Error parsing CSS for Noto Symbols font."); case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_registerSymbolsAndEmoji, $async$completer); }, findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits(codeUnits, fonts) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, _box_0, t10, t11, maxCodeUnitsCovered, t12, t13, t14, codeUnitsCovered, t15, t16, minimumFonts = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.NotoFont), bestFonts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_NotoFont), t1 = window.navigator, language = t1.language || t1.userLanguage; for (t1 = language === "ja", t2 = language === "zh-HK", t3 = language !== "zh-Hant", t4 = language !== "zh-Hans", t5 = language !== "zh-CN", t6 = language !== "zh-SG", t7 = language === "zh-MY", t8 = language !== "zh-TW", t9 = language === "zh-MO"; codeUnits._collection$_length !== 0;) { _box_0 = {}; B.JSArray_methods.set$length(bestFonts, 0); for (t10 = new A._LinkedHashSetIterator(fonts, fonts._collection$_modifications), t10._collection$_cell = fonts._collection$_first, t11 = A._instanceType(t10)._precomputed1, maxCodeUnitsCovered = 0; t10.moveNext$0();) { t12 = t11._as(t10._collection$_current); for (t13 = new A._LinkedHashSetIterator(codeUnits, codeUnits._collection$_modifications), t13._collection$_cell = codeUnits._collection$_first, t14 = A._instanceType(t13)._precomputed1, codeUnitsCovered = 0; t13.moveNext$0();) { t15 = t14._as(t13._collection$_current); t16 = t12.resolvedFont; if ((t16 == null ? null : t16.tree.root.containsDeep$1(t15)) === true) ++codeUnitsCovered; } if (codeUnitsCovered > maxCodeUnitsCovered) { B.JSArray_methods.set$length(bestFonts, 0); bestFonts.push(t12); maxCodeUnitsCovered = codeUnitsCovered; } else if (codeUnitsCovered === maxCodeUnitsCovered) bestFonts.push(t12); } if (maxCodeUnitsCovered === 0) break; _box_0.bestFont = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(bestFonts); if (bestFonts.length > 1) if (B.JSArray_methods.every$1(bestFonts, new A.findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits_closure())) if (!t4 || !t5 || !t6 || t7) { if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(bestFonts, $.$get$_notoSansSC())) _box_0.bestFont = $.$get$_notoSansSC(); } else if (!t3 || !t8 || t9) { if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(bestFonts, $.$get$_notoSansTC())) _box_0.bestFont = $.$get$_notoSansTC(); } else if (t2) { if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(bestFonts, $.$get$_notoSansHK())) _box_0.bestFont = $.$get$_notoSansHK(); } else if (t1) if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(bestFonts, $.$get$_notoSansJP())) _box_0.bestFont = $.$get$_notoSansJP(); codeUnits._filterWhere$2(new A.findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits_closure0(_box_0), true); minimumFonts.addAll$1(0, bestFonts); } return minimumFonts; }, NotoFont$($name, approximateUnicodeRanges) { return new A.NotoFont($name, approximateUnicodeRanges); }, RegisteredFont$(bytes, family, typeface) { J.getGlyphBounds$3$x(new self.window.flutterCanvasKit.Font(typeface), A._setArrayType([0], type$.JSArray_int), null, null); return new A.RegisteredFont(family, bytes, typeface); }, _detectRenderer() { if (self.window.flutterWebRenderer != null) { var t1 = self.window.flutterWebRenderer; t1.toString; return J.$eq$(t1, "canvaskit"); } t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); return J.containsKey$1$x(B.Set_69tl2._collection$_map, t1); }, initializeCanvasKit() { var t2, t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), canvasKitCompleter = new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_void); if (self.window.flutterCanvasKit != null) { t2 = self.window.flutterCanvasKit; t2.toString; $.__canvasKit.__late_helper$_value = t2; canvasKitCompleter.complete$0(0); } else { A._startDownloadingCanvasKit(null); $._canvasKitLoaded.then$1$1(0, new A.initializeCanvasKit_closure(canvasKitCompleter), type$.Null); } $.skiaSceneHost = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag("flt-scene", null); t2 = $._flutterViewEmbedder; if (t2 == null) t2 = $._flutterViewEmbedder = A.FlutterViewEmbedder$(); t2.renderScene$1($.skiaSceneHost); return t1; }, _startDownloadingCanvasKit(canvasKitBase) { var canvasKitJavaScriptUrl, loadSubscription, t2, t1 = $._configuration; if (t1 == null) t1 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); canvasKitJavaScriptUrl = t1.get$canvasKitBaseUrl(t1) + "profiling/canvaskit.js"; t1 = $._configuration; if (t1 == null) t1 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); t1 = t1.get$canvasKitBaseUrl(t1) + "profiling/"; $._currentCanvasKitBase = t1; if (self.window.flutterCanvasKit == null) { t1 = $._canvasKitScript; if (t1 != null) B.ScriptElement_methods.remove$0(t1); t1 = document.createElement("script"); $._canvasKitScript = t1; t1.src = canvasKitJavaScriptUrl; t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void); $._canvasKitLoaded = t1; loadSubscription = A._Cell$named("loadSubscription"); t2 = $._canvasKitScript; t2.toString; loadSubscription.__late_helper$_value = A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "load", new A._startDownloadingCanvasKit_closure(loadSubscription, new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_void)), false, type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_Event._precomputed1); t1 = $._canvasKitScript; t1.toString; A.patchCanvasKitModule(t1); } }, IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges(rangesMap, $T) { var t1, intervals = A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray>")); rangesMap.forEach$1(0, new A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges_closure(intervals, $T)); B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(intervals, new A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges_closure0($T)); t1 = new A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges__makeBalancedTree($T).call$1(intervals); t1.toString; new A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges__computeHigh($T).call$1(t1); return new A.IntervalTree(t1, $T._eval$1("IntervalTree<0>")); }, CkPaint$() { var t1 = new A.CkPaint(B.BlendMode_3, B.PaintingStyle_0, B.Color_4278190080); t1.ManagedSkiaObject$1(null, type$.SkPaint); return t1; }, CkPath$() { var t1 = new A.CkPath(B.PathFillType_0); t1.ManagedSkiaObject$1(null, type$.SkPath); return t1; }, SkiaObjects_registerCleanupCallback() { if ($.SkiaObjects__addedCleanupCallback) return; $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().get$rasterizer()._postFrameCallbacks.push(A._engine_SkiaObjects_postFrameCleanUp$closure()); $.SkiaObjects__addedCleanupCallback = true; }, SkiaObjects_markCacheForResize(cache) { A.SkiaObjects_registerCleanupCallback(); if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1($.SkiaObjects_cachesToResize, cache)) return; $.SkiaObjects_cachesToResize.push(cache); }, SkiaObjects_postFrameCleanUp() { var i, object; if ($.SkiaObjects_resurrectableObjects.length === 0 && $.SkiaObjects_cachesToResize.length === 0) return; for (i = 0; i < $.SkiaObjects_resurrectableObjects.length; ++i) { object = $.SkiaObjects_resurrectableObjects[i]; object.delete$0(0); object.didDelete$0(); } B.JSArray_methods.set$length($.SkiaObjects_resurrectableObjects, 0); for (i = 0; i < $.SkiaObjects_cachesToResize.length; ++i) $.SkiaObjects_cachesToResize[i].resize$0(0); B.JSArray_methods.set$length($.SkiaObjects_cachesToResize, 0); }, SurfaceFactory_instance() { var t2, t3, t4, t5, _s20_ = "flt-canvas-container", t1 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance; if (t1 == null) { t1 = $._configuration; if (t1 == null) t1 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); t1 = t1.get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces(t1); t2 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s20_, null); t3 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s20_, null); t4 = type$.JSArray_Surface; t5 = A._setArrayType([], t4); t4 = A._setArrayType([], t4); t1 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance = new A.SurfaceFactory(new A.Surface(t2), new A.Surface(t3), t1, t5, t4); } return t1; }, CkTextStyle_CkTextStyle(background, color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, foreground, height, leadingDistribution, letterSpacing, locale, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing) { return new A.CkTextStyle(color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontWeight, fontStyle, textBaseline, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontSize, letterSpacing, wordSpacing, height, leadingDistribution, locale, background, foreground, shadows, fontFeatures); }, toSkFontStyle(fontWeight, fontStyle) { var style = A.SkFontStyle$(null); if (fontWeight != null) style.weight = $.$get$_skFontWeights()[fontWeight.index]; return style; }, CkParagraphBuilder$(style) { var t2, t3, t4, _null = null, t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__ParagraphCommand); type$.CkParagraphStyle._as(style); t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_double); t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CkTextStyle); t4 = J.MakeFromFontProvider$2$x(J.get$ParagraphBuilder$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0()), style.skParagraphStyle, $._skiaFontCollection.fontProvider); t3.push(A.CkTextStyle_CkTextStyle(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, style._fontFamily, _null, _null, style._fontSize, style._fontStyle, style._fontWeight, _null, style.__engine$_height, style._leadingDistribution, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null)); return new A.CkParagraphBuilder(t4, style, t1, t2, t3); }, _getEffectiveFontFamilies(fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback) { var fontFamilies = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); if (fontFamily != null) fontFamilies.push(fontFamily); if (fontFamilyFallback != null && !B.JSArray_methods.every$1(fontFamilyFallback, new A._getEffectiveFontFamilies_closure(fontFamily))) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(fontFamilies, fontFamilyFallback); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(fontFamilies, $.$get$FontFallbackData__instance().globalFontFallbacks); return fontFamilies; }, CanvasKitError$(message) { return new A.CanvasKitError(message); }, makeFreshSkColor(color) { var result = new Float32Array(4); result[0] = (color.get$value(color) >>> 16 & 255) / 255; result[1] = (color.get$value(color) >>> 8 & 255) / 255; result[2] = (color.get$value(color) & 255) / 255; result[3] = (color.get$value(color) >>> 24 & 255) / 255; return result; }, computeSkShadowBounds(path, elevation, devicePixelRatio, matrix) { var isComplex, ambientBlur, spotBlur, t1, spotOffsetX, spotOffsetY, shadowBounds, inverse, pathBounds = A.fromSkRect(J.getBounds$0$x(path.get$skiaObject())); if (elevation === 0) return pathBounds; isComplex = !matrix.isIdentityOrTranslation$0(); if (isComplex) pathBounds = A.transformRect(matrix, pathBounds); ambientBlur = Math.min(elevation * 0.0078125 * 64, 150); spotBlur = 1.1 * elevation; t1 = -elevation; spotOffsetX = t1 * 0; spotOffsetY = t1 * -0.75; shadowBounds = new A.Rect(pathBounds.left - 1 + (spotOffsetX - ambientBlur - spotBlur) * devicePixelRatio, pathBounds.top - 1 + (spotOffsetY - ambientBlur - spotBlur) * devicePixelRatio, pathBounds.right + 1 + (spotOffsetX + ambientBlur + spotBlur) * devicePixelRatio, pathBounds.bottom + 1 + (spotOffsetY + ambientBlur + spotBlur) * devicePixelRatio); if (isComplex) { inverse = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); if (inverse.copyInverse$1(matrix) !== 0) return A.transformRect(inverse, shadowBounds); else return shadowBounds; } else return shadowBounds; }, drawSkShadow(skCanvas, path, color, elevation, transparentOccluder, devicePixelRatio) { var t3, t4, flags = transparentOccluder ? 5 : 4, inAmbient = A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0((color.get$value(color) >>> 24 & 255) * 0.039), color.get$value(color) >>> 16 & 255, color.get$value(color) >>> 8 & 255, color.get$value(color) & 255), inSpot = A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0((color.get$value(color) >>> 24 & 255) * 0.25), color.get$value(color) >>> 16 & 255, color.get$value(color) >>> 8 & 255, color.get$value(color) & 255), inTonalColors = {ambient: A.makeFreshSkColor(inAmbient), spot: A.makeFreshSkColor(inSpot)}, tonalColors = J.computeTonalColors$1$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0(), inTonalColors), t1 = path.get$skiaObject(), t2 = new Float32Array(3); t2[2] = devicePixelRatio * elevation; t3 = new Float32Array(3); t3[0] = 0; t3[1] = -450; t3[2] = devicePixelRatio * 600; t4 = J.getInterceptor$x(tonalColors); J.drawShadow$7$x(skCanvas, t1, t2, t3, devicePixelRatio * 1.1, t4.get$ambient(tonalColors), t4.get$spot(tonalColors), flags); }, PasteFromClipboardStrategy_PasteFromClipboardStrategy() { var t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); return t1 === B.BrowserEngine_2 || window.navigator.clipboard == null ? new A.ExecCommandPasteStrategy() : new A.ClipboardAPIPasteStrategy(); }, FlutterViewEmbedder$() { var t1 = document.body; t1.toString; t1 = new A.FlutterViewEmbedder(t1); t1.reset$0(0); return t1; }, FlutterViewEmbedder__deviceOrientationToLockType(deviceOrientation) { switch (deviceOrientation) { case "DeviceOrientation.portraitUp": return "portrait-primary"; case "DeviceOrientation.landscapeLeft": return "portrait-secondary"; case "DeviceOrientation.portraitDown": return "landscape-primary"; case "DeviceOrientation.landscapeRight": return "landscape-secondary"; default: return null; } }, applyGlobalCssRulesToSheet(sheet, browserEngine, hasAutofillOverlay) { var t1, isWebKit = browserEngine === B.BrowserEngine_1, isFirefox = browserEngine === B.BrowserEngine_2; if (isFirefox) sheet.insertRule("flt-ruler-host p, flt-scene p { margin: 0; line-height: 100%;}", sheet.cssRules.length); else sheet.insertRule("flt-ruler-host p, flt-scene p { margin: 0; }", sheet.cssRules.length); sheet.insertRule(" flt-semantics input[type=range] {\n appearance: none;\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n width: 100%;\n position: absolute;\n border: none;\n top: 0;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n left: 0;\n }\n ", sheet.cssRules.length); if (isWebKit) sheet.insertRule("flt-semantics input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb { -webkit-appearance: none;}", sheet.cssRules.length); if (isFirefox) { sheet.insertRule("input::-moz-selection { background-color: transparent;}", sheet.cssRules.length); sheet.insertRule("textarea::-moz-selection { background-color: transparent;}", sheet.cssRules.length); } else { sheet.insertRule("input::selection { background-color: transparent;}", sheet.cssRules.length); sheet.insertRule("textarea::selection { background-color: transparent;}", sheet.cssRules.length); } sheet.insertRule(' flt-semantics input,\n flt-semantics textarea,\n flt-semantics [contentEditable="true"] {\n caret-color: transparent;\n }\n ', sheet.cssRules.length); if (isWebKit) sheet.insertRule(" flt-glass-pane * {\n -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;\n }\n ", sheet.cssRules.length); sheet.insertRule(" .flt-text-editing::placeholder {\n opacity: 0;\n }\n ", sheet.cssRules.length); t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t1 !== B.BrowserEngine_0) if (t1 !== B.BrowserEngine_5) t1 = t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; if (t1) sheet.insertRule(" .transparentTextEditing:-webkit-autofill,\n .transparentTextEditing:-webkit-autofill:hover,\n .transparentTextEditing:-webkit-autofill:focus,\n .transparentTextEditing:-webkit-autofill:active {\n -webkit-transition-delay: 99999s;\n }\n ", sheet.cssRules.length); }, ensureFlutterViewEmbedderInitialized() { var t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder; return t1 == null ? $._flutterViewEmbedder = A.FlutterViewEmbedder$() : t1; }, transformWithOffset(transform, offset) { var effectiveTransform; if (offset.$eq(0, B.Offset_0_0)) return transform; effectiveTransform = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); effectiveTransform.setFrom$1(transform); effectiveTransform.translate$3(0, offset._dx, offset._dy, 0); return effectiveTransform; }, drawParagraphElement(paragraph, offset, transform) { var paragraphElement = paragraph.toDomElement$0(); if (transform != null) A.setElementTransform(paragraphElement, A.transformWithOffset(transform, offset).__engine$_m4storage); return paragraphElement; }, sendFontChangeMessage() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.dynamic); var $async$sendFontChangeMessage = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start if (!$._fontChangeScheduled) { $._fontChangeScheduled = true; B.Window_methods.requestAnimationFrame$1(window, new A.sendFontChangeMessage_closure()); } // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$sendFontChangeMessage, $async$completer); }, BitmapCanvas$(_bounds, renderStrategy, density) { var t1 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag("flt-canvas", null), t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Element), t3 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(), t4 = _bounds.left, t5 = _bounds.right - t4, t6 = A.BitmapCanvas_widthToPhysical(t5), t7 = _bounds.top, t8 = _bounds.bottom - t7, t9 = A.BitmapCanvas_heightToPhysical(t8); t8 = new A.CanvasPool(A.BitmapCanvas_widthToPhysical(t5), A.BitmapCanvas_heightToPhysical(t8), density, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SaveStackEntry), A.Matrix4$identity()); t3 = new A.BitmapCanvas(_bounds, t1, t8, t2, t6, t9, t3, density, renderStrategy); t9 = t1.style; t9.position = "absolute"; t3._canvasPositionX = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t4) - 1; t3._canvasPositionY = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t7) - 1; t3._updateRootElementTransform$0(); t8._rootElement = type$.HtmlElement._as(t1); t3._setupInitialTransform$0(); return t3; }, BitmapCanvas_widthToPhysical(width) { return B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0((width + 1) * A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio()) + 2; }, BitmapCanvas_heightToPhysical(height) { return B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0((height + 1) * A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio()) + 2; }, blendModeToCssMixBlendMode(blendMode) { if (blendMode == null) return null; switch (blendMode.index) { case 3: return "source-over"; case 5: return "source-in"; case 7: return "source-out"; case 9: return "source-atop"; case 4: return "destination-over"; case 6: return "destination-in"; case 8: return "destination-out"; case 10: return "destination-atop"; case 12: return "lighten"; case 1: return "copy"; case 11: return "xor"; case 24: case 13: return "multiply"; case 14: return "screen"; case 15: return "overlay"; case 16: return "darken"; case 17: return "lighten"; case 18: return "color-dodge"; case 19: return "color-burn"; case 20: return "hard-light"; case 21: return "soft-light"; case 22: return "difference"; case 23: return "exclusion"; case 25: return "hue"; case 26: return "saturation"; case 27: return "color"; case 28: return "luminosity"; default: throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Flutter Web does not support the blend mode: " + blendMode.toString$0(0))); } }, stringForStrokeCap(strokeCap) { switch (strokeCap.index) { case 0: return "butt"; case 1: return "round"; case 2: default: return "square"; } }, stringForStrokeJoin(strokeJoin) { switch (strokeJoin.index) { case 1: return "round"; case 2: return "bevel"; case 0: default: return "miter"; } }, _clipContent(clipStack, $content, offset, currentTransform) { var root, curElement, clipIndex, entry, t2, newElement, t3, rect, newClipTransform, transformKind, clipOffsetX, clipOffsetY, newClipTransform0, t4, t5, value, borderRadius, t6, ovalBounds, reverseTransformDiv, _s8_ = "absolute", _s6_ = "hidden", _s16_ = "transform-origin", _s9_ = "transform", _s13_ = "border-radius", _s15_ = "transform-style", t1 = type$.JSArray_Element, clipDefs = A._setArrayType([], t1), len = clipStack.length; for (root = null, curElement = null, clipIndex = 0; clipIndex < len; ++clipIndex, curElement = reverseTransformDiv) { entry = clipStack[clipIndex]; t2 = document; newElement = t2.createElement("div"); t3 = newElement.style; t3.position = _s8_; t3 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t3 === B.BrowserEngine_1) { t3 = newElement.style; t3.zIndex = "0"; } if (root == null) root = newElement; else curElement.appendChild(newElement); rect = entry.rect; newClipTransform = entry.currentTransform; t3 = newClipTransform.__engine$_m4storage; transformKind = A.transformKindOf(t3); if (rect != null) { clipOffsetX = rect.left; clipOffsetY = rect.top; t3 = new Float32Array(16); newClipTransform0 = new A.Matrix40(t3); newClipTransform0.setFrom$1(newClipTransform); newClipTransform0.translate$2(0, clipOffsetX, clipOffsetY); t4 = newElement.style; t4.overflow = _s6_; t5 = A.S(rect.right - clipOffsetX) + "px"; t4.width = t5; t5 = A.S(rect.bottom - clipOffsetY) + "px"; t4.height = t5; t4 = newElement.style; t5 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t4, _s16_); t4.setProperty(t5, "0 0 0", ""); value = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t3); t3 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t4, _s9_); t4.setProperty(t3, value, ""); newClipTransform = newClipTransform0; } else { t4 = entry.rrect; if (t4 != null) { borderRadius = A.S(t4.tlRadiusX) + "px " + A.S(t4.trRadiusX) + "px " + A.S(t4.brRadiusX) + "px " + A.S(t4.blRadiusX) + "px"; clipOffsetX = t4.left; clipOffsetY = t4.top; t3 = new Float32Array(16); newClipTransform0 = new A.Matrix40(t3); newClipTransform0.setFrom$1(newClipTransform); newClipTransform0.translate$2(0, clipOffsetX, clipOffsetY); t5 = newElement.style; t6 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t5, _s13_); t5.setProperty(t6, borderRadius, ""); t5.overflow = _s6_; t6 = A.S(t4.right - clipOffsetX) + "px"; t5.width = t6; t4 = A.S(t4.bottom - clipOffsetY) + "px"; t5.height = t4; t4 = newElement.style; t5 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t4, _s16_); t4.setProperty(t5, "0 0 0", ""); value = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t3); t3 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t4, _s9_); t4.setProperty(t3, value, ""); newClipTransform = newClipTransform0; } else { t4 = entry.path; if (t4 != null) { t5 = t4.pathRef; if ((t5.fIsOval ? t5.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx : -1) !== -1) { ovalBounds = t4.getBounds$0(0); clipOffsetX = ovalBounds.left; clipOffsetY = ovalBounds.top; t3 = new Float32Array(16); newClipTransform0 = new A.Matrix40(t3); newClipTransform0.setFrom$1(newClipTransform); newClipTransform0.translate$2(0, clipOffsetX, clipOffsetY); t4 = newElement.style; t4.overflow = _s6_; t5 = A.S(ovalBounds.right - clipOffsetX) + "px"; t4.width = t5; t5 = A.S(ovalBounds.bottom - clipOffsetY) + "px"; t4.height = t5; t5 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t4, _s13_); t4.setProperty(t5, "50%", ""); t4 = newElement.style; t5 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t4, _s16_); t4.setProperty(t5, "0 0 0", ""); value = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t3); t3 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t4, _s9_); t4.setProperty(t3, value, ""); newClipTransform = newClipTransform0; } else { t5 = newElement.style; value = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t3); t3 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t5, _s9_); t5.setProperty(t3, value, ""); t3 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t5, _s16_); t5.setProperty(t3, "0 0 0", ""); clipDefs.push(A.createSvgClipDef(newElement, t4)); } } } } reverseTransformDiv = t2.createElement("div"); t2 = reverseTransformDiv.style; t2.position = _s8_; t2 = new Float32Array(16); t3 = new A.Matrix40(t2); t3.setFrom$1(newClipTransform); t3.copyInverse$1(t3); t3 = reverseTransformDiv.style; t4 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t3, _s16_); t3.setProperty(t4, "0 0 0", ""); value = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t2); t2 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t3, _s9_); t3.setProperty(t2, value, ""); if (transformKind === B.TransformKind_2) { t2 = newElement.style; t3 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t2, _s15_); t2.setProperty(t3, "preserve-3d", ""); t2 = reverseTransformDiv.style; t3 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t2, _s15_); t2.setProperty(t3, "preserve-3d", ""); } newElement.appendChild(reverseTransformDiv); } t2 = root.style; t2.position = _s8_; curElement.appendChild($content); A.setElementTransform($content, A.transformWithOffset(currentTransform, offset).__engine$_m4storage); t1 = A._setArrayType([root], t1); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, clipDefs); return t1; }, maskFilterToCanvasFilter(maskFilter) { var t1, t2; if (maskFilter != null) { t1 = maskFilter._sigma; t2 = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio; return "blur(" + A.S(t1 * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2)) + "px)"; } else return "none"; }, createSvgClipDef(element, clipPath) { var t3, pathBounds = clipPath.getBounds$0(0), t1 = pathBounds.right, t2 = pathBounds.bottom, svgClipPath = A.pathToSvgClipPath(clipPath, 0, 0, 1 / t1, 1 / t2); A.setClipPath(element, "url(#svgClip" + $._clipIdCounter + ")"); t3 = element.style; t1 = A.S(t1) + "px"; t3.width = t1; t1 = A.S(t2) + "px"; t3.height = t1; return svgClipPath; }, buildDrawRectElement(rect, paint, tagName, transform) { var isStroke, strokeWidth, t2, t3, left, right, $top, bottom, effectiveTransform, translated, style, cssColor, sigma, t1 = document.createElement(tagName); type$.HtmlElement._as(t1); isStroke = paint.style === B.PaintingStyle_1; strokeWidth = paint.strokeWidth; if (strokeWidth == null) strokeWidth = 0; t2 = rect.left; t3 = rect.right; left = Math.min(t2, t3); right = Math.max(t2, t3); t3 = rect.top; t2 = rect.bottom; $top = Math.min(t3, t2); bottom = Math.max(t3, t2); if (transform.isIdentity$0(0)) if (isStroke) { t2 = strokeWidth / 2; effectiveTransform = "translate(" + A.S(left - t2) + "px, " + A.S($top - t2) + "px)"; } else effectiveTransform = "translate(" + A.S(left) + "px, " + A.S($top) + "px)"; else { t2 = new Float32Array(16); translated = new A.Matrix40(t2); translated.setFrom$1(transform); if (isStroke) { t3 = strokeWidth / 2; translated.translate$2(0, left - t3, $top - t3); } else translated.translate$2(0, left, $top); effectiveTransform = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t2); } style = t1.style; style.position = "absolute"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, "transform-origin"), "0 0 0", ""); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, "transform"), effectiveTransform, ""); t2 = paint.color; if (t2 == null) cssColor = "#000000"; else { t2 = A.colorToCssString(t2); t2.toString; cssColor = t2; } t2 = paint.maskFilter; if (t2 != null) { sigma = t2._sigma; t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t2 === B.BrowserEngine_1 && !isStroke) { t2 = "0px 0px " + A.S(sigma * 2) + "px " + cssColor; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, "box-shadow"), t2, ""); t2 = paint.color; if (t2 == null) t2 = B.Color_4278190080; t2 = A.colorToCssString(new A.Color(((B.JSNumber_methods.round$0((1 - Math.min(Math.sqrt(sigma) / 6.283185307179586, 1)) * (t2.get$value(t2) >>> 24 & 255)) & 255) << 24 | t2.get$value(t2) & 16777215) >>> 0)); t2.toString; cssColor = t2; } else { t2 = "blur(" + A.S(sigma) + "px)"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, "filter"), t2, ""); } } t2 = right - left; if (isStroke) { t2 = A.S(t2 - strokeWidth) + "px"; style.width = t2; t2 = A.S(bottom - $top - strokeWidth) + "px"; style.height = t2; t2 = A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(strokeWidth) + " solid " + cssColor; style.border = t2; } else { t2 = A.S(t2) + "px"; style.width = t2; t2 = A.S(bottom - $top) + "px"; style.height = t2; style.backgroundColor = cssColor; } return t1; }, applyRRectBorderRadius(style, rrect) { var t3, t4, t1 = rrect.tlRadiusX, t2 = rrect.trRadiusX; if (t1 === t2) { t3 = rrect.blRadiusX; if (t1 === t3) { t4 = rrect.brRadiusX; t3 = t1 === t4 && t1 === rrect.tlRadiusY && t2 === rrect.trRadiusY && t3 === rrect.blRadiusY && t4 === rrect.brRadiusY; } else t3 = false; } else t3 = false; if (t3) { t1 = A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.blRadiusX); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, "border-radius"), t1, ""); return; } t1 = A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(t1) + " " + A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.tlRadiusY); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, "border-top-left-radius"), t1, ""); t2 = A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(t2) + " " + A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.trRadiusY); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, "border-top-right-radius"), t2, ""); t2 = A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.blRadiusX) + " " + A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.blRadiusY); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, "border-bottom-left-radius"), t2, ""); t2 = A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.brRadiusX) + " " + A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.brRadiusY); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, "border-bottom-right-radius"), t2, ""); }, _borderStrokeToCssUnit(value) { return B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(value === 0 ? 1 : value, 3) + "px"; }, pathToSvgElement(path, paint, width, height) { var svgPath, color, t1, t2, _s4_ = "fill", root = A.SvgSvgElement_SvgSvgElement(); root.setAttribute("width", width + "px"); root.setAttribute("height", height + "px"); root.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + width + " " + height); svgPath = type$.PathElement._as(type$.SvgElement._as(B.HtmlDocument_methods.createElementNS$2(document, "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"))); root.appendChild(svgPath); color = paint.color; t1 = color == null; if (t1) color = B.Color_4278190080; t2 = paint.style; if (t2 !== B.PaintingStyle_1) if (t2 !== B.PaintingStyle_0) { t2 = paint.strokeWidth; t2 = t2 !== 0 && t2 != null; } else t2 = false; else t2 = true; if (t2) { t1 = A.colorToCssString(color); t1.toString; svgPath.setAttribute("stroke", t1); t1 = paint.strokeWidth; svgPath.setAttribute("stroke-width", A.S(t1 == null ? 1 : t1)); svgPath.setAttribute(_s4_, "none"); } else if (!t1) { t1 = A.colorToCssString(color); t1.toString; svgPath.setAttribute(_s4_, t1); } else svgPath.setAttribute(_s4_, "#000000"); if (path._fillType === B.PathFillType_1) svgPath.setAttribute("fill-rule", "evenodd"); svgPath.setAttribute("d", A.pathToSvg(path.pathRef, 0, 0)); return root; }, Conic__subdivide(src, level, pointList) { var dst, t1, t2, startY, endY, midY, t3; if (0 === level) { pointList.push(new A.Offset(src.p1x, src.p1y)); pointList.push(new A.Offset(src.p2x, src.p2y)); return; } dst = new A._ConicPair(); src._chop$1(dst); t1 = dst.first; t1.toString; t2 = dst.second; t2.toString; startY = src.p0y; endY = src.p2y; if (A.SPath_between(startY, src.p1y, endY)) { midY = t1.p2y; if (!A.SPath_between(startY, midY, endY)) t3 = t1.p2y = t2.p0y = Math.abs(midY - startY) < Math.abs(midY - endY) ? startY : endY; else t3 = midY; if (!A.SPath_between(startY, t1.p1y, t3)) t1.p1y = startY; if (!A.SPath_between(t2.p0y, t2.p1y, endY)) t2.p1y = endY; } --level; A.Conic__subdivide(t1, level, pointList); A.Conic__subdivide(t2, level, pointList); }, Conic_evalNumerator(p0, p1, p2, w, t) { var src2w = p1 * w; return ((p2 - 2 * src2w + p0) * t + 2 * (src2w - p0)) * t + p0; }, Conic_evalDenominator(w, t) { var $B = 2 * (w - 1); return (-$B * t + $B) * t + 1; }, chopCubicAtYExtrema(points, dest) { var t1, roots, t2, t3, rootCount, y0 = points[1], y1 = points[3], y2 = points[5], _quadRoots = new A.QuadRoots(); _quadRoots.findRoots$3(points[7] - y0 + 3 * (y1 - y2), 2 * (y0 - y1 - y1 + y2), y1 - y0); t1 = _quadRoots.root0; if (t1 == null) roots = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_double); else { t2 = _quadRoots.root1; t3 = type$.JSArray_double; roots = t2 == null ? A._setArrayType([t1], t3) : A._setArrayType([t1, t2], t3); } if (roots.length === 0) return 0; A._chopCubicAt(roots, points, dest); rootCount = roots.length; if (rootCount > 0) { t1 = dest[7]; dest[9] = t1; dest[5] = t1; if (rootCount === 2) { t1 = dest[13]; dest[15] = t1; dest[11] = t1; } } return rootCount; }, _chopCubicAt(tValues, points, outPts) { var i, t, t1, bufferPos, p3y, p0x, t2, p0y, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, bufferPos0, p3x, t3, ab1x, ab1y, bc1x, bc1y, cd1x, cd1y, abc1x, abc1y, bcd1x, bcd1y, outIndex, outIndex0, i0, rootCount = tValues.length; if (0 === rootCount) for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) outPts[i] = points[i]; else { t = tValues[0]; for (t1 = rootCount - 1, bufferPos = 0, i = 0; i < rootCount; i = i0, bufferPos = bufferPos0) { p3y = points[bufferPos + 7]; p0x = points[bufferPos]; t2 = bufferPos + 1; p0y = points[t2]; p1x = points[bufferPos + 2]; p1y = points[bufferPos + 3]; p2x = points[bufferPos + 4]; p2y = points[bufferPos + 5]; bufferPos0 = bufferPos + 6; p3x = points[bufferPos0]; t3 = 1 - t; ab1x = p0x * t3 + p1x * t; ab1y = p0y * t3 + p1y * t; bc1x = p1x * t3 + p2x * t; bc1y = p1y * t3 + p2y * t; cd1x = p2x * t3 + p3x * t; cd1y = p2y * t3 + p3y * t; abc1x = ab1x * t3 + bc1x * t; abc1y = ab1y * t3 + bc1y * t; bcd1x = bc1x * t3 + cd1x * t; bcd1y = bc1y * t3 + cd1y * t; outPts[bufferPos] = p0x; outIndex = t2 + 1; outPts[t2] = p0y; outIndex0 = outIndex + 1; outPts[outIndex] = ab1x; outIndex = outIndex0 + 1; outPts[outIndex0] = ab1y; outIndex0 = outIndex + 1; outPts[outIndex] = abc1x; outIndex = outIndex0 + 1; outPts[outIndex0] = abc1y; outIndex0 = outIndex + 1; outPts[outIndex] = abc1x * t3 + bcd1x * t; outIndex = outIndex0 + 1; outPts[outIndex0] = abc1y * t3 + bcd1y * t; outIndex0 = outIndex + 1; outPts[outIndex] = bcd1x; outIndex = outIndex0 + 1; outPts[outIndex0] = bcd1y; outIndex0 = outIndex + 1; outPts[outIndex] = cd1x; outIndex = outIndex0 + 1; outPts[outIndex0] = cd1y; outPts[outIndex] = p3x; outPts[outIndex + 1] = p3y; if (i === t1) break; i0 = i + 1; t2 = tValues[i0]; t3 = tValues[i]; t = A.validUnitDivide(t2 - t3, 1 - t3); if (t == null) { t1 = points[bufferPos0 + 3]; outPts[bufferPos0 + 6] = t1; outPts[bufferPos0 + 5] = t1; outPts[bufferPos0 + 4] = t1; break; } } } }, chopMonoAtY(_buffer, bufferStartPos, y) { var tNeg, tPos, t1, t2, t3, tMid, y01, y12, y012, y0123, ycrv0 = _buffer[1 + bufferStartPos] - y, ycrv1 = _buffer[3 + bufferStartPos] - y, ycrv2 = _buffer[5 + bufferStartPos] - y, ycrv3 = _buffer[7 + bufferStartPos] - y; if (ycrv0 < 0) { if (ycrv3 < 0) return null; tNeg = 0; tPos = 1; } else { if (!(ycrv0 > 0)) return 0; tNeg = 1; tPos = 0; } t1 = ycrv1 - ycrv0; t2 = ycrv2 - ycrv1; t3 = ycrv3 - ycrv2; do { tMid = (tPos + tNeg) / 2; y01 = ycrv0 + t1 * tMid; y12 = ycrv1 + t2 * tMid; y012 = y01 + (y12 - y01) * tMid; y0123 = y012 + (y12 + (ycrv2 + t3 * tMid - y12) * tMid - y012) * tMid; if (y0123 === 0) return tMid; if (y0123 < 0) tNeg = tMid; else tPos = tMid; } while (Math.abs(tPos - tNeg) > 0.0000152587890625); return (tNeg + tPos) / 2; }, evalCubicPts(c0, c1, c2, c3, t) { return (((c3 + 3 * (c1 - c2) - c0) * t + 3 * (c2 - c1 - c1 + c0)) * t + 3 * (c1 - c0)) * t + c0; }, SurfacePath$() { var t1 = new A.SurfacePath(A.PathRef$(), B.PathFillType_0); t1._resetFields$0(); return t1; }, _computeMinScale(radius1, radius2, limit, scale) { var totalRadius = radius1 + radius2; if (totalRadius <= limit) return scale; return Math.min(limit / totalRadius, scale); }, PathIterator$(pathRef, forceClose) { var t1 = new A.PathIterator(pathRef, true, pathRef._fVerbsLength); if (pathRef.fBoundsIsDirty) pathRef._computeBounds$0(); if (!pathRef.fIsFinite) t1._verbIndex = pathRef._fVerbsLength; return t1; }, PathRef$() { var t1 = new Float32Array(16); t1 = new A.PathRef(t1, new Uint8Array(8)); t1._fVerbsCapacity = t1._fPointsCapacity = 8; t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = 172; return t1; }, PathRef__fPointsFromSource(source, offsetX, offsetY) { var i, t1, sourceLength = source._fPointsLength, sourceCapacity = source._fPointsCapacity, dest = new Float32Array(sourceCapacity * 2), sourcePoints = source.fPoints, len = sourceLength * 2; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { dest[i] = sourcePoints[i] + offsetX; t1 = i + 1; dest[t1] = sourcePoints[t1] + offsetY; } return dest; }, pathToSvg(pathRef, offsetX, offsetY) { var outPts, verb, w, points, len, i, t1, t2, buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""), iter = new A.PathRefIterator(pathRef); iter.PathRefIterator$1(pathRef); outPts = new Float32Array(8); for (; verb = iter.next$1(0, outPts), verb !== 6;) switch (verb) { case 0: buffer._contents += "M " + A.S(outPts[0] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[1] + offsetY); break; case 1: buffer._contents += "L " + A.S(outPts[2] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[3] + offsetY); break; case 4: buffer._contents += "C " + A.S(outPts[2] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[3] + offsetY) + " " + A.S(outPts[4] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[5] + offsetY) + " " + A.S(outPts[6] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[7] + offsetY); break; case 2: buffer._contents += "Q " + A.S(outPts[2] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[3] + offsetY) + " " + A.S(outPts[4] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[5] + offsetY); break; case 3: w = pathRef._conicWeights[iter._conicWeightIndex]; points = new A.Conic(outPts[0], outPts[1], outPts[2], outPts[3], outPts[4], outPts[5], w).toQuads$0(); len = points.length; for (i = 1; i < len; i += 2) { t1 = points[i]; t2 = points[i + 1]; buffer._contents += "Q " + A.S(t1._dx + offsetX) + " " + A.S(t1._dy + offsetY) + " " + A.S(t2._dx + offsetX) + " " + A.S(t2._dy + offsetY); } break; case 5: buffer._contents += "Z"; break; default: throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Unknown path verb " + verb)); } t1 = buffer._contents; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; }, SPath_between(a, b, c) { return (a - b) * (c - b) <= 0; }, SPath_scalarSignedAsInt(x) { var t1; if (x < 0) t1 = -1; else t1 = x > 0 ? 1 : 0; return t1; }, validUnitDivide(numer, denom) { var r; if (numer < 0) { numer = -numer; denom = -denom; } if (denom === 0 || numer === 0 || numer >= denom) return null; r = numer / denom; if (isNaN(r)) return null; if (r === 0) return null; return r; }, isRRectOval(rrect) { var t3, t4, t1 = rrect.tlRadiusX, t2 = rrect.trRadiusX; if (t1 + t2 !== rrect.right - rrect.left) return false; t3 = rrect.tlRadiusY; t4 = rrect.trRadiusY; if (t3 + t4 !== rrect.bottom - rrect.top) return false; if (t1 !== rrect.blRadiusX || t2 !== rrect.brRadiusX || t3 !== rrect.blRadiusY || t4 !== rrect.brRadiusY) return false; return true; }, SkQuadCoefficients$(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) { return new A.SkQuadCoefficients(x2 - 2 * x1 + x0, y2 - 2 * y1 + y0, 2 * (x1 - x0), 2 * (y1 - y0), x0, y0); }, PathWinding__checkOnCurve(x, y, startX, startY, endX, endY) { if (startY === endY) return A.SPath_between(startX, x, endX) && x !== endX; else return x === startX && y === startY; }, PathWinding__chopQuadAtExtrema(buffer) { var p01x, p01y, p12x, p12y, x0 = buffer[0], y0 = buffer[1], x1 = buffer[2], y1 = buffer[3], x2 = buffer[4], y2 = buffer[5], t1 = y0 - y1, tValueAtExtrema = A.validUnitDivide(t1, t1 - y1 + y2); if (tValueAtExtrema != null) { p01x = x0 + tValueAtExtrema * (x1 - x0); p01y = y0 + tValueAtExtrema * (y1 - y0); p12x = x1 + tValueAtExtrema * (x2 - x1); p12y = y1 + tValueAtExtrema * (y2 - y1); buffer[2] = p01x; buffer[3] = p01y; buffer[4] = p01x + tValueAtExtrema * (p12x - p01x); buffer[5] = p01y + tValueAtExtrema * (p12y - p01y); buffer[6] = p12x; buffer[7] = p12y; buffer[8] = x2; buffer[9] = y2; return 1; } buffer[3] = Math.abs(t1) < Math.abs(y1 - y2) ? y0 : y2; return 0; }, PathWinding__isQuadMonotonic(quad) { var y0 = quad[1], y1 = quad[3], y2 = quad[5]; if (y0 === y1) return true; if (y0 < y1) return y1 <= y2; else return y1 >= y2; }, tangentLine(pts, x, y, tangents) { var x0, x1, dx, dy, y0 = pts[1], y1 = pts[3]; if (!A.SPath_between(y0, y, y1)) return; x0 = pts[0]; x1 = pts[2]; if (!A.SPath_between(x0, x, x1)) return; dx = x1 - x0; dy = y1 - y0; if (!(Math.abs((x - x0) * dy - dx * (y - y0)) < 0.000244140625)) return; tangents.push(new A.Offset(dx, dy)); }, tangentQuad(pts, x, y, tangents) { var x0, x1, x2, roots, n, $A, $B, index, t1, t, y0 = pts[1], y1 = pts[3], y2 = pts[5]; if (!A.SPath_between(y0, y, y1) && !A.SPath_between(y1, y, y2)) return; x0 = pts[0]; x1 = pts[2]; x2 = pts[4]; if (!A.SPath_between(x0, x, x1) && !A.SPath_between(x1, x, x2)) return; roots = new A.QuadRoots(); n = roots.findRoots$3(y0 - 2 * y1 + y2, 2 * (y1 - y0), y0 - y); for ($A = x2 - 2 * x1 + x0, $B = 2 * (x1 - x0), index = 0; index < n; ++index) { if (index === 0) { t1 = roots.root0; t1.toString; t = t1; } else { t1 = roots.root1; t1.toString; t = t1; } if (!(Math.abs(x - (($A * t + $B) * t + x0)) < 0.000244140625)) continue; tangents.push(A._evalQuadTangentAt(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, t)); } }, _evalQuadTangentAt(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, t) { var t1, bx, by; if (!(t === 0 && x0 === x1 && y0 === y1)) t1 = t === 1 && x1 === x2 && y1 === y2; else t1 = true; if (t1) return new A.Offset(x2 - x0, y2 - y0); bx = x1 - x0; by = y1 - y0; return new A.Offset(((x2 - x1 - bx) * t + bx) * 2, ((y2 - y1 - by) * t + by) * 2); }, tangentConic(pts, x, y, weight, tangents) { var x0, x1, x2, $B, quadRoots, n, src2w, $A, B0, A0, index, t1, t, y0 = pts[1], y1 = pts[3], y2 = pts[5]; if (!A.SPath_between(y0, y, y1) && !A.SPath_between(y1, y, y2)) return; x0 = pts[0]; x1 = pts[2]; x2 = pts[4]; if (!A.SPath_between(x0, x, x1) && !A.SPath_between(x1, x, x2)) return; $B = y1 * weight - y * weight + y; quadRoots = new A.QuadRoots(); n = quadRoots.findRoots$3(y2 + (y0 - 2 * $B), 2 * ($B - y0), y0 - y); for (src2w = x1 * weight, $A = x2 - 2 * src2w + x0, $B = 2 * (src2w - x0), B0 = 2 * (weight - 1), A0 = -B0, index = 0; index < n; ++index) { if (index === 0) { t1 = quadRoots.root0; t1.toString; t = t1; } else { t1 = quadRoots.root1; t1.toString; t = t1; } if (!(Math.abs(x - (($A * t + $B) * t + x0) / ((A0 * t + B0) * t + 1)) < 0.000244140625)) continue; tangents.push(new A.Conic(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, weight).evalTangentAt$1(t)); } }, tangentCubic(pts, x, y, tangents) { var x0, x1, x2, x3, dst, n, i, bufferPos, t, y3 = pts[7], y0 = pts[1], y1 = pts[3], y2 = pts[5]; if (!A.SPath_between(y0, y, y1) && !A.SPath_between(y1, y, y2) && !A.SPath_between(y2, y, y3)) return; x0 = pts[0]; x1 = pts[2]; x2 = pts[4]; x3 = pts[6]; if (!A.SPath_between(x0, x, x1) && !A.SPath_between(x1, x, x2) && !A.SPath_between(x2, x, x3)) return; dst = new Float32Array(20); n = A.chopCubicAtYExtrema(pts, dst); for (i = 0; i <= n; ++i) { bufferPos = i * 6; t = A.chopMonoAtY(dst, bufferPos, y); if (t == null) continue; if (!(Math.abs(x - A.evalCubicPts(dst[bufferPos], dst[bufferPos + 2], dst[bufferPos + 4], dst[bufferPos + 6], t)) < 0.000244140625)) continue; tangents.push(A._evalCubicTangentAt(dst, bufferPos, t)); } }, _evalCubicTangentAt(points, bufferPos, t) { var t2, dx, dy, coeff, y3 = points[7 + bufferPos], y0 = points[1 + bufferPos], y1 = points[3 + bufferPos], y2 = points[5 + bufferPos], x0 = points[bufferPos], x1 = points[2 + bufferPos], x2 = points[4 + bufferPos], x3 = points[6 + bufferPos], t1 = t === 0; if (!(t1 && x0 === x1 && y0 === y1)) t2 = t === 1 && x2 === x3 && y2 === y3; else t2 = true; if (t2) { if (t1) { dx = x2 - x0; dy = y2 - y0; } else { dx = x3 - x1; dy = y3 - y1; } if (dx === 0 && dy === 0) { dx = x3 - x0; dy = y3 - y0; } return new A.Offset(dx, dy); } else { coeff = A.SkQuadCoefficients$(x3 + 3 * (x1 - x2) - x0, y3 + 3 * (y1 - y2) - y0, 2 * (x2 - 2 * x1 + x0), 2 * (y2 - 2 * y1 + y0), x1 - x0, y1 - y0); return new A.Offset(coeff.evalX$1(t), coeff.evalY$1(t)); } }, pathToSvgClipPath(path, offsetX, offsetY, scaleX, scaleY) { var root, t1, t2, defs, clipId, clipPath, svgPath, _s26_ = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; $._clipIdCounter = $._clipIdCounter + 1; root = type$.SvgSvgElement._as($.$get$kSvgResourceHeader().cloneNode(false)); t1 = document; t2 = type$.SvgElement; defs = type$.DefsElement._as(t2._as(B.HtmlDocument_methods.createElementNS$2(t1, _s26_, "defs"))); root.appendChild(defs); clipId = "svgClip" + $._clipIdCounter; clipPath = type$.ClipPathElement._as(t2._as(B.HtmlDocument_methods.createElementNS$2(t1, _s26_, "clipPath"))); defs.appendChild(clipPath); clipPath.id = clipId; svgPath = type$.PathElement._as(t2._as(B.HtmlDocument_methods.createElementNS$2(t1, _s26_, "path"))); clipPath.appendChild(svgPath); svgPath.setAttribute("fill", "#FFFFFF"); t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t1 !== B.BrowserEngine_2) { clipPath.setAttribute("clipPathUnits", "objectBoundingBox"); svgPath.setAttribute("transform", "scale(" + A.S(scaleX) + ", " + A.S(scaleY) + ")"); } svgPath.setAttribute("d", A.pathToSvg(type$.SurfacePath._as(path).pathRef, offsetX, offsetY)); return root; }, reduceCanvasMemoryUsage() { var i, t1, t2, canvasCount = $._recycledCanvases.length; for (i = 0; i < canvasCount; ++i) { t1 = $._recycledCanvases[i]._canvasPool; t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t2 === B.BrowserEngine_1 && t1.__engine$_canvas != null) { t2 = t1.__engine$_canvas; t2.height = 0; t2.width = 0; } t1._clearActiveCanvasList$0(); } B.JSArray_methods.set$length($._recycledCanvases, 0); }, _recycleCanvas(canvas) { if (canvas != null && B.JSArray_methods.contains$1($._recycledCanvases, canvas)) return; if (canvas instanceof A.BitmapCanvas) { canvas._elementCache = null; if (canvas._devicePixelRatio === A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio()) { $._recycledCanvases.push(canvas); if ($._recycledCanvases.length > 30) B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1($._recycledCanvases, 0)._canvasPool.dispose$0(0); } else canvas._canvasPool.dispose$0(0); } }, PersistedPicture__predictTrend(delta, extent) { if (delta <= 0) return extent * 0.1; else return Math.min(Math.max(extent * 0.5, delta * 10), extent); }, _computePixelDensity(transform, width, height) { var m, t1, t2, minX, t3, minY, t4, t5, t6, t7, wp, t8, t9, t10, t11, xp, t12, t13, t14, t15, yp, minX0, maxX, minY0, maxY, scale; if (transform == null || transform.isIdentityOrTranslation$0()) return 1; m = transform.__engine$_m4storage; t1 = m[12]; t2 = m[15]; minX = t1 * t2; t3 = m[13]; minY = t3 * t2; t4 = m[3]; t5 = t4 * width; t6 = m[7]; t7 = t6 * height; wp = 1 / (t5 + t7 + t2); t8 = m[0]; t9 = t8 * width; t10 = m[4]; t11 = t10 * height; xp = (t9 + t11 + t1) * wp; t12 = m[1]; t13 = t12 * width; t14 = m[5]; t15 = t14 * height; yp = (t13 + t15 + t3) * wp; minX0 = Math.min(minX, xp); maxX = Math.max(minX, xp); minY0 = Math.min(minY, yp); maxY = Math.max(minY, yp); wp = 1 / (t4 * 0 + t7 + t2); xp = (t8 * 0 + t11 + t1) * wp; yp = (t12 * 0 + t15 + t3) * wp; minX = Math.min(minX0, xp); maxX = Math.max(maxX, xp); minY = Math.min(minY0, yp); maxY = Math.max(maxY, yp); wp = 1 / (t5 + t6 * 0 + t2); xp = (t9 + t10 * 0 + t1) * wp; yp = (t13 + t14 * 0 + t3) * wp; minX = Math.min(minX, xp); maxX = Math.max(maxX, xp); minY = Math.min(minY, yp); scale = Math.min((maxX - minX) / width, (Math.max(maxY, yp) - minY) / height); if (scale < 1e-9 || scale === 1) return 1; if (scale > 1) { scale = Math.min(4, B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(scale / 2) * 2); t1 = width * height; if (t1 * scale * scale > 4194304 && scale > 2) scale = 3355443.2 / t1; } else scale = Math.max(2 / B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(2 / scale), 0.0001); return scale; }, _measureBorderRadius(x, y) { var clampedX = x < 0 ? 0 : x, clampedY = y < 0 ? 0 : y; return clampedX * clampedX + clampedY * clampedY; }, _getPaintSpread(paint) { var t2, t1 = paint._paintData, maskFilter = t1.maskFilter, spread = maskFilter != null ? 0 + maskFilter._sigma * 2 : 0; t1 = t1.strokeWidth; t2 = t1 == null; if ((t2 ? 0 : t1) !== 0) spread += (t2 ? 0 : t1) * 0.70710678118; return spread; }, NormalizedGradient_NormalizedGradient(colors, stops) { var colorCount, addFirst, addLast, normalizedCount, t1, bias, scale, t2, thresholds, targetIndex, thresholdIndex, _i, targetIndex0, t3, thresholdIndex0, lastColorIndex, i, t, colorIndex; if (stops == null) stops = B.List_0_1; colorCount = colors.length; addFirst = stops[0] !== 0; addLast = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(stops) !== 1; normalizedCount = addFirst ? colorCount + 1 : colorCount; if (addLast) ++normalizedCount; t1 = normalizedCount * 4; bias = new Float32Array(t1); scale = new Float32Array(t1); t1 = normalizedCount - 1; t2 = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(t1, 4); thresholds = new Float32Array(4 * (t2 + 1)); if (addFirst) { t2 = colors[0].value; bias[0] = (t2 >>> 16 & 255) / 255; bias[1] = (t2 >>> 8 & 255) / 255; bias[2] = (t2 & 255) / 255; bias[3] = (t2 >>> 24 & 255) / 255; thresholds[0] = 0; targetIndex = 4; thresholdIndex = 1; } else { targetIndex = 0; thresholdIndex = 0; } for (t2 = colors.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) { targetIndex0 = targetIndex + 1; t3 = colors[_i].value; bias[targetIndex] = (t3 >>> 16 & 255) / 255; targetIndex = targetIndex0 + 1; bias[targetIndex0] = (t3 >>> 8 & 255) / 255; targetIndex0 = targetIndex + 1; bias[targetIndex] = (t3 & 255) / 255; targetIndex = targetIndex0 + 1; bias[targetIndex0] = (t3 >>> 24 & 255) / 255; } for (t2 = stops.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i, thresholdIndex = thresholdIndex0) { thresholdIndex0 = thresholdIndex + 1; thresholds[thresholdIndex] = stops[_i]; } if (addLast) { targetIndex0 = targetIndex + 1; t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(colors).value; bias[targetIndex] = (t2 >>> 16 & 255) / 255; targetIndex = targetIndex0 + 1; bias[targetIndex0] = (t2 >>> 8 & 255) / 255; bias[targetIndex] = (t2 & 255) / 255; bias[targetIndex + 1] = (t2 >>> 24 & 255) / 255; thresholds[thresholdIndex] = 1; } lastColorIndex = 4 * t1; for (i = 0; i < lastColorIndex; ++i) { thresholdIndex = i >>> 2; scale[i] = (bias[i + 4] - bias[i]) / (thresholds[thresholdIndex + 1] - thresholds[thresholdIndex]); } scale[lastColorIndex] = 0; scale[lastColorIndex + 1] = 0; scale[lastColorIndex + 2] = 0; scale[lastColorIndex + 3] = 0; for (i = 0; i < normalizedCount; ++i) { t = thresholds[i]; colorIndex = i * 4; bias[colorIndex] = bias[colorIndex] - t * scale[colorIndex]; t1 = colorIndex + 1; bias[t1] = bias[t1] - t * scale[t1]; t1 = colorIndex + 2; bias[t1] = bias[t1] - t * scale[t1]; t1 = colorIndex + 3; bias[t1] = bias[t1] - t * scale[t1]; } return new A.NormalizedGradient(thresholds, bias, scale, normalizedCount); }, writeUnrolledBinarySearch(method, start, end, biasName, probe, scaleName, sourcePrefix) { var biasSource, scaleSource, mid, t1, thresholdAtMid; if (start === end) { biasSource = biasName + "_" + start; method.addStatement$1(biasName + " = " + biasSource + ";"); scaleSource = scaleName + "_" + start; method.addStatement$1(scaleName + " = " + scaleSource + ";"); } else { mid = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(start + end, 2); t1 = mid + 1; thresholdAtMid = sourcePrefix + "_" + B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(t1, 4) + ("." + "xyzw"[B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t1, 4)]); method.addStatement$1("if (" + probe + " < " + thresholdAtMid + ") {"); ++method._indentLevel; A.writeUnrolledBinarySearch(method, start, mid, biasName, probe, scaleName, sourcePrefix); --method._indentLevel; method.addStatement$1("} else {"); ++method._indentLevel; A.writeUnrolledBinarySearch(method, t1, end, biasName, probe, scaleName, sourcePrefix); --method._indentLevel; method.addStatement$1("}"); } }, _addColorStopsToCanvasGradient(gradient, colors, colorStops, isDecal) { var scale, offset, t1, i, colorStop, _s9_ = "#00000000"; if (isDecal) { gradient.addColorStop(0, _s9_); scale = 0.999; offset = 0.0005000000000000004; } else { scale = 1; offset = 0; } if (colorStops == null) { t1 = A.colorToCssString(colors[0]); t1.toString; gradient.addColorStop(offset, t1); t1 = A.colorToCssString(colors[1]); t1.toString; gradient.addColorStop(1 - offset, t1); } else for (i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) { colorStop = B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(colorStops[i], 0, 1); t1 = A.colorToCssString(colors[i]); t1.toString; gradient.addColorStop(colorStop * scale + offset, t1); } if (isDecal) gradient.addColorStop(1, _s9_); }, _writeSharedGradientShader(builder, method, gradient, tileMode) { var t1, t2, t3, i, probeName, _s8_ = "tiled_st"; method.addStatement$1("vec4 bias;"); method.addStatement$1("vec4 scale;"); for (t1 = gradient.thresholdCount, t2 = t1 - 1, t3 = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(t2, 4) + 1, i = 0; i < t3; ++i) builder.addUniform$2$name(11, "threshold_" + i); for (i = 0; i < t1; ++i) { builder.addUniform$2$name(11, "bias_" + i); builder.addUniform$2$name(11, "scale_" + i); } switch (tileMode.index) { case 0: method.addStatement$1("float tiled_st = clamp(st, 0.0, 1.0);"); probeName = _s8_; break; case 3: probeName = "st"; break; case 1: method.addStatement$1("float tiled_st = fract(st);"); probeName = _s8_; break; case 2: method.addStatement$1("float t_1 = (st - 1.0);"); method.addStatement$1("float tiled_st = abs((t_1 - 2.0 * floor(t_1 * 0.5)) - 1.0);"); probeName = _s8_; break; default: probeName = "st"; } A.writeUnrolledBinarySearch(method, 0, t2, "bias", probeName, "scale", "threshold"); return probeName; }, ShaderBuilder_typeToString(dataType) { switch (dataType) { case 0: return "bool"; case 1: return "int"; case 2: return "float"; case 3: return "bvec2"; case 4: return "bvec3"; case 5: return "bvec4"; case 6: return "ivec2"; case 7: return "ivec3"; case 8: return "ivec4"; case 9: return "vec2"; case 10: return "vec3"; case 11: return "vec4"; case 12: return "mat2"; case 13: return "mat3"; case 14: return "mat4"; case 15: return "sampler1D"; case 16: return "sampler2D"; case 17: return "sampler3D"; case 18: return "void"; } throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(null, null)); }, commitScene(scene) { var request, _i, i, t1 = $.paintQueue, t2 = t1.length; if (t2 !== 0) try { if (t2 > 1) B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(t1, new A.commitScene_closure()); for (t1 = $.paintQueue, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { request = t1[_i]; request.paintCallback$0(); } } finally { $.paintQueue = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PaintRequest); } t1 = $.retainedSurfaces; t2 = t1.length; if (t2 !== 0) { for (i = 0; i < t2; ++i) t1[i].__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_1; $.retainedSurfaces = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface); } for (t1 = $.frameReferences, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) t1[i].value = null; $.frameReferences = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_FrameReference_dynamic); }, PersistedContainerSurface__discardActiveChildren(surface) { var i, child, t1 = surface.__engine$_children, $length = t1.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { child = t1[i]; if (child.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1) child.discard$0(); } }, registerHotRestartListener(listener) { $._hotRestartListeners.push(listener); }, initializeEngine() { var t1 = {}; if ($._engineInitialized) return; A._addUrlStrategyListener(); A.registerExtension("ext.flutter.disassemble", new A.initializeEngine_closure()); $._engineInitialized = true; if ($._flutterViewEmbedder == null) $._flutterViewEmbedder = A.FlutterViewEmbedder$(); t1.waitingForAnimation = false; $.scheduleFrameCallback = new A.initializeEngine_closure0(t1); if ($.Keyboard__instance == null) $.Keyboard__instance = A.Keyboard$_(); if ($.MouseCursor__instance == null) $.MouseCursor__instance = new A.MouseCursor(); }, _addUrlStrategyListener() { self._flutter_web_set_location_strategy = A.allowInterop(new A._addUrlStrategyListener_closure()); $._hotRestartListeners.push(new A._addUrlStrategyListener_closure0()); }, toMatrix32(matrix64) { var matrix32 = new Float32Array(16); matrix32[15] = matrix64[15]; matrix32[14] = matrix64[14]; matrix32[13] = matrix64[13]; matrix32[12] = matrix64[12]; matrix32[11] = matrix64[11]; matrix32[10] = matrix64[10]; matrix32[9] = matrix64[9]; matrix32[8] = matrix64[8]; matrix32[7] = matrix64[7]; matrix32[6] = matrix64[6]; matrix32[5] = matrix64[5]; matrix32[4] = matrix64[4]; matrix32[3] = matrix64[3]; matrix32[2] = matrix64[2]; matrix32[1] = matrix64[1]; matrix32[0] = matrix64[0]; return matrix32; }, Keyboard$_() { var t1 = new A.Keyboard(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Timer)); t1.Keyboard$_$0(); return t1; }, _noopCallback(data) { }, createHistoryForExistingState(urlStrategy) { var state; if (urlStrategy != null) { state = urlStrategy.getState$0(0); if (A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory__isOriginEntry(state) || A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory__isFlutterEntry(state)) return A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory$(urlStrategy); } return A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory$(urlStrategy); }, MultiEntriesBrowserHistory$(urlStrategy) { var t1 = new A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory(urlStrategy); t1.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory$1$urlStrategy(urlStrategy); return t1; }, SingleEntryBrowserHistory$(urlStrategy) { var t1 = new A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory(urlStrategy, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["flutter", true], type$.String, type$.bool)); t1.SingleEntryBrowserHistory$1$urlStrategy(urlStrategy); return t1; }, SingleEntryBrowserHistory__isOriginEntry(state) { return type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(state) && J.$eq$(J.$index$asx(state, "origin"), true); }, SingleEntryBrowserHistory__isFlutterEntry(state) { return type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(state) && J.$eq$(J.$index$asx(state, "flutter"), true); }, EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() { var ratio = window.devicePixelRatio; return ratio === 0 ? 1 : ratio; }, EnginePlatformDispatcher__zonedPlatformMessageResponseCallback(callback) { return new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__zonedPlatformMessageResponseCallback_closure($.Zone__current, callback); }, EnginePlatformDispatcher_parseBrowserLanguages() { var locales, t1, t2, parts, languages = window.navigator.languages; if (languages == null || J.get$isEmpty$asx(languages)) return B.List_Locale_en_US; locales = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Locale); for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(languages); t1.moveNext$0();) { t2 = t1.get$current(t1); parts = t2.split("-"); if (parts.length > 1) locales.push(new A.Locale(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(parts), B.JSArray_methods.get$last(parts))); else locales.push(new A.Locale(t2, null)); } return locales; }, _handleWebTestEnd2EndMessage(codec, data) { var decoded = codec.decodeMethodCall$1(data), ratio = A.double_parse(A._asString(decoded.$arguments)); switch (decoded.method) { case "setDevicePixelRatio": $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio = ratio; $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance()._onMetricsChanged.call$0(); return true; } return false; }, invoke(callback, zone) { if (callback == null) return; if (zone === $.Zone__current) callback.call$0(); else zone.runGuarded$1(callback); }, invoke1(callback, zone, arg) { if (callback == null) return; if (zone === $.Zone__current) callback.call$1(arg); else zone.runUnaryGuarded$2(callback, arg); }, invoke2(callback, zone, arg1, arg2) { if (zone === $.Zone__current) callback.call$2(arg1, arg2); else zone.runGuarded$1(new A.invoke2_closure(callback, arg1, arg2)); }, invoke3(callback, zone, arg1, arg2, arg3) { if (callback == null) return; if (zone === $.Zone__current) callback.call$3(arg1, arg2, arg3); else zone.runGuarded$1(new A.invoke3_closure(callback, arg1, arg2, arg3)); }, createPlatformViewSlot(viewId) { var slot, slotName = "flt-pv-slot-" + viewId, t1 = document, wrapper = t1.createElement("flt-platform-view-slot"), t2 = wrapper.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t2, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t2, "pointer-events"), "auto", ""); slot = t1.createElement("slot"); slot.setAttribute("name", slotName); wrapper.appendChild(slot); return wrapper; }, convertButtonToButtons(button) { switch (button) { case 0: return 1; case 1: return 4; case 2: return 2; default: return B.JSInt_methods.$shl(1, button); } }, _BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(milliseconds) { var ms = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(milliseconds); return A.Duration$(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0((milliseconds - ms) * 1000), ms); }, timeAction($name, action) { var t1 = action.call$0(); return t1; }, frameTimingsOnVsync() { if ($.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance()._onReportTimings == null) return; $._vsyncStartMicros = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(window.performance.now() * 1000); }, frameTimingsOnBuildStart() { if ($.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance()._onReportTimings == null) return; $._buildStartMicros = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(window.performance.now() * 1000); }, frameTimingsOnBuildFinish() { if ($.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance()._onReportTimings == null) return; $._buildFinishMicros = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(window.performance.now() * 1000); }, frameTimingsOnRasterStart() { if ($.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance()._onReportTimings == null) return; $._rasterStartMicros = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(window.performance.now() * 1000); }, frameTimingsOnRasterFinish() { var now, t2, t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); if (t1._onReportTimings == null) return; now = $._rasterFinishMicros = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(window.performance.now() * 1000); $._frameTimings.push(new A.FrameTiming(A._setArrayType([$._vsyncStartMicros, $._buildStartMicros, $._buildFinishMicros, $._rasterStartMicros, now, now, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], type$.JSArray_int))); $._rasterFinishMicros = $._rasterStartMicros = $._buildFinishMicros = $._buildStartMicros = $._vsyncStartMicros = -1; if (now - $.$get$_frameTimingsLastSubmitTime() > 100000) { $._frameTimingsLastSubmitTime = now; t2 = $._frameTimings; A.invoke1(t1._onReportTimings, t1._onReportTimingsZone, t2); $._frameTimings = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_FrameTiming); } }, _nowMicros() { return B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(window.performance.now() * 1000); }, createPlainJsObject(properties) { var t1 = A.JsObject_JsObject$jsify(properties); return t1; }, parseFloat(source) { var result = self.parseFloat.call$1(source); if (result == null || isNaN(result)) return null; return result; }, tryCreateCanvasElement(width, height) { var exception, canvas = document.createElement("CANVAS"); if (canvas == null) return null; try { canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; } catch (exception) { return null; } return canvas; }, AccessibilityAnnouncements$_() { var t1 = new A.AccessibilityAnnouncements(); t1.AccessibilityAnnouncements$_$0(); return t1; }, _checkableKindFromSemanticsFlag(semanticsObject) { var t1 = semanticsObject.__engine$_flags; if ((t1 & 256) !== 0) return B._CheckableKind_1; else if ((t1 & 65536) !== 0) return B._CheckableKind_2; else return B._CheckableKind_0; }, Incrementable$(semanticsObject) { var t1 = new A.Incrementable(A.InputElement_InputElement(), semanticsObject); t1.Incrementable$1(semanticsObject); return t1; }, SemanticsObject__clearSemanticElementTransform(element) { var t1 = element.style; t1.removeProperty("transform-origin"); t1.removeProperty("transform"); t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); if (t1 !== B.OperatingSystem_0) t1 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_4; else t1 = true; if (t1) { t1 = element.style; t1.top = "0px"; t1.left = "0px"; } else { t1 = element.style; t1.removeProperty("top"); t1.removeProperty("left"); } }, EngineSemanticsOwner$_() { var t1 = type$.SemanticsObject, t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable_SemanticsObject), t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function), t4 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); t4 = J.containsKey$1$x(B.Set_69tl2._collection$_map, t4) ? new A.DesktopSemanticsEnabler() : new A.MobileSemanticsEnabler(); t4 = new A.EngineSemanticsOwner(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.nullable_int, t1), t2, t3, new A.EngineSemanticsOwner__now_closure(), new A.SemanticsHelper(t4), B.GestureMode_1, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_nullable_void_Function_GestureMode)); t4.EngineSemanticsOwner$_$0(); return t4; }, longestIncreasingSubsequence(list) { var longest, i, elem, hi, lo, mid, seq, k, len = list.length, t1 = type$.JSArray_int, predecessors = A._setArrayType([], t1), mins = A._setArrayType([0], t1); for (longest = 0, i = 0; i < len; ++i) { elem = list[i]; for (hi = longest, lo = 1; lo <= hi;) { mid = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(lo + hi, 2); if (list[mins[mid]] < elem) lo = mid + 1; else hi = mid - 1; } predecessors.push(mins[lo - 1]); if (lo >= mins.length) mins.push(i); else mins[lo] = i; if (lo > longest) longest = lo; } seq = A.List_List$filled(longest, 0, false, type$.int); k = mins[longest]; for (i = longest - 1; i >= 0; --i) { seq[i] = k; k = predecessors[k]; } return seq; }, SemanticsTextEditingStrategy_ensureInitialized(owner) { var t1 = $.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy__instance; if (t1 != null && t1.owner === owner) { t1.toString; return t1; } return $.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy__instance = new A.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy(owner, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_StreamSubscription_Event)); }, WriteBuffer_WriteBuffer() { var t1 = new Uint8Array(0), eightBytes = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8)); return new A.WriteBuffer0(new A.Uint8Buffer0(t1, 0), eightBytes, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(eightBytes.buffer, 0, null)); }, computeShadowOffset(elevation) { if (elevation === 0) return B.Offset_0_0; return new A.Offset(200 * elevation / 600, 400 * elevation / 600); }, computeShadow(shape, elevation) { if (elevation === 0) return null; return new A.SurfaceShadowData(Math.min(elevation * ((800 + (shape.right - shape.left) * 0.5) / 600), elevation * ((800 + (shape.bottom - shape.top) * 0.5) / 600)), A.computeShadowOffset(elevation)); }, applyCssShadow(element, shape, elevation, color) { var t1, t2, t3, _s10_ = "box-shadow", shadow = A.computeShadow(shape, elevation); if (shadow == null) { t1 = element.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, _s10_), "none", ""); } else { color = A.toShadowColor(color); t1 = element.style; t2 = shadow.offset; t3 = color.value; t3 = A.S(t2._dx) + "px " + A.S(t2._dy) + "px " + A.S(shadow.blurWidth) + "px 0px rgba(" + (t3 >>> 16 & 255) + ", " + (t3 >>> 8 & 255) + ", " + (t3 & 255) + ", " + A.S((t3 >>> 24 & 255) / 255) + ")"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, _s10_), t3, ""); } }, toShadowColor(color) { var t1 = color.value; return new A.Color(((B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(0.3 * (t1 >>> 24 & 255)) & 255) << 24 | t1 & 16777215) >>> 0); }, _applySpanStylesToParagraph(element, spans) { var t1, fontSize, fontFamily, _i, t2, spanFontSize, cssStyle; for (t1 = spans.length, fontSize = 0, fontFamily = null, _i = 0; _i < spans.length; spans.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(spans), ++_i) { t2 = spans[_i].style; spanFontSize = t2.fontSize; if (spanFontSize != null && spanFontSize > fontSize) { if (t2.isFontFamilyProvided) fontFamily = t2.get$effectiveFontFamily(); fontSize = spanFontSize; } } cssStyle = element.style; if (fontSize !== 0) { t1 = A.S(fontSize) + "px"; cssStyle.fontSize = t1; } if (fontFamily != null) { t1 = A.canonicalizeFontFamily(fontFamily); cssStyle.fontFamily = t1 == null ? "" : t1; } }, FontManager_FontManager() { var t1 = type$.JSArray_Future_void; if ($.$get$supportsFontLoadingApi()) return new A.FontManager(A._setArrayType([], t1)); else return new A._PolyfillFontManager(A._setArrayType([], t1)); }, LineBuilder$_(paragraph, spanometer, accumulatedHeight, lineNumber, maxWidth, start) { return new A.LineBuilder(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LineSegment), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RangeBox), maxWidth, paragraph, spanometer, start, lineNumber, accumulatedHeight, start); }, ensureLineLookupInitialized() { var t1 = $._lineLookup; if (t1 == null) { t1 = type$.LineCharProperty; t1 = $._lineLookup = new A.UnicodePropertyLookup(A._unpackProperties(string$.x3000000, 937, B.List_UVg, t1), B.LineCharProperty_8, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, t1), type$.UnicodePropertyLookup_LineCharProperty); } return t1; }, nextLineBreak(text, index, maxEnd) { var unsafeResult = A._unsafeNextLineBreak(text, index, maxEnd); if (unsafeResult.index > maxEnd) return new A.LineBreakResult(maxEnd, Math.min(maxEnd, unsafeResult.indexWithoutTrailingNewlines), Math.min(maxEnd, unsafeResult.indexWithoutTrailingSpaces), B.LineBreakType_1); return unsafeResult; }, _unsafeNextLineBreak(text, index, maxEnd) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, lastNonNewlineIndex, lastNonSpaceIndex, prev1, regionalIndicatorCount, t5, t6, t7, t8, curr0, isCurrZWJ0, t9, t10, codePoint = A.getCodePoint(text, index), curr = A.ensureLineLookupInitialized().findForChar$1(codePoint), baseOfSpaceSequence = curr === B.LineCharProperty_5 ? B.LineCharProperty_29 : null, isCurrZWJ = curr === B.LineCharProperty_26; if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_0 || isCurrZWJ) curr = B.LineCharProperty_8; for (t1 = text.length, t2 = type$.LineCharProperty, t3 = type$.int, t4 = type$.UnicodePropertyLookup_LineCharProperty, lastNonNewlineIndex = index, lastNonSpaceIndex = lastNonNewlineIndex, prev1 = null, regionalIndicatorCount = 0; index < t1; isCurrZWJ = isCurrZWJ0, prev1 = curr, curr = curr0) { if (index > maxEnd) return new A.LineBreakResult(maxEnd, Math.min(maxEnd, lastNonNewlineIndex), Math.min(maxEnd, lastNonSpaceIndex), B.LineBreakType_1); t5 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_35; regionalIndicatorCount = t5 ? regionalIndicatorCount + 1 : 0; index = (codePoint != null && codePoint > 65535 ? index + 1 : index) + 1; t6 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_5; t7 = !t6; if (t7) baseOfSpaceSequence = null; codePoint = A.getCodePoint(text, index); t8 = $._lineLookup; curr0 = (t8 == null ? $._lineLookup = new A.UnicodePropertyLookup(A._unpackProperties(string$.x3000000, 937, B.List_UVg, t2), B.LineCharProperty_8, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t2), t4) : t8).findForChar$1(codePoint); isCurrZWJ0 = curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_26; if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_2 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_3) return new A.LineBreakResult(index, lastNonNewlineIndex, lastNonSpaceIndex, B.LineBreakType_2); if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_4) if (curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_2) continue; else return new A.LineBreakResult(index, lastNonNewlineIndex, lastNonSpaceIndex, B.LineBreakType_2); if (t7) lastNonSpaceIndex = index; if (curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_2 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_3 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_4) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (index >= t1) return new A.LineBreakResult(t1, index, lastNonSpaceIndex, B.LineBreakType_3); if (curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_5) { baseOfSpaceSequence = t6 ? baseOfSpaceSequence : curr; lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_25) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_25 || baseOfSpaceSequence === B.LineCharProperty_25) return new A.LineBreakResult(index, index, lastNonSpaceIndex, B.LineBreakType_0); if (curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_0 || isCurrZWJ0) { if (!t6) { if (t5) --regionalIndicatorCount; lastNonNewlineIndex = index; curr0 = curr; continue; } curr0 = B.LineCharProperty_8; } if (isCurrZWJ) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_29 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_29) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_18) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (!(!t7 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_1 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_14) && curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_18) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (t7) t5 = curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_17 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_12 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_6 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_13 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_15; else t5 = false; if (t5) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_11) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } t5 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_7; if (t5 && curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_11) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } t7 = curr !== B.LineCharProperty_17; if ((!t7 || baseOfSpaceSequence === B.LineCharProperty_17 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_12 || baseOfSpaceSequence === B.LineCharProperty_12) && curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_24) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if ((curr === B.LineCharProperty_27 || baseOfSpaceSequence === B.LineCharProperty_27) && curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_27) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (t6) return new A.LineBreakResult(index, index, lastNonSpaceIndex, B.LineBreakType_0); if (t5 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_7) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_34 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_34) return new A.LineBreakResult(index, index, lastNonSpaceIndex, B.LineBreakType_0); if (curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_1 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_14 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_24 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_19) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (prev1 === B.LineCharProperty_20) t5 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_14 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_1; else t5 = false; if (t5) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } t5 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_15; if (t5 && curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_20) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_28) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } t6 = curr !== B.LineCharProperty_8; if (!((!t6 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_20) && curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_16)) if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_16) t8 = curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_8 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_20; else t8 = false; else t8 = true; if (t8) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } t8 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_9; if (t8) t9 = curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_30 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_31 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_36; else t9 = false; if (t9) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if ((curr === B.LineCharProperty_30 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_31 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_36) && curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_10) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } t9 = !t8; if (!t9 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_10) t10 = curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_8 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_20; else t10 = false; if (t10) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (!t6 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_20) t10 = curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_9 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_10; else t10 = false; if (t10) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (!t7 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_12 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_16) t7 = curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_10 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_9; else t7 = false; if (t7) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } t7 = curr !== B.LineCharProperty_10; if ((!t7 || t8) && curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_11) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if ((!t7 || !t9 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_14 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_13 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_16 || t5) && curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_16) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } t5 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_21; if (t5) t7 = curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_21 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_22 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_32 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_33; else t7 = false; if (t7) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } t7 = curr !== B.LineCharProperty_22; if (!t7 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_32) t9 = curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_22 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_23; else t9 = false; if (t9) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } t9 = curr !== B.LineCharProperty_23; if ((!t9 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_33) && curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_23) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if ((t5 || !t7 || !t9 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_32 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_33) && curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_10) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (t8) t5 = curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_21 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_22 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_23 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_32 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_33; else t5 = false; if (t5) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (!t6 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_20) t5 = curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_8 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_20; else t5 = false; if (t5) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_13) t5 = curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_8 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_20; else t5 = false; if (t5) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (!t6 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_20 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_16) if (curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_11) { t5 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, index); if (t5 !== 9001) if (!(t5 >= 12296 && t5 <= 12317)) t5 = t5 >= 65047 && t5 <= 65378; else t5 = true; else t5 = true; t5 = !t5; } else t5 = false; else t5 = false; if (t5) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_12) { t5 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, index - 1); if (t5 !== 9001) if (!(t5 >= 12296 && t5 <= 12317)) t5 = t5 >= 65047 && t5 <= 65378; else t5 = true; else t5 = true; if (!t5) t5 = curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_8 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_20 || curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_16; else t5 = false; } else t5 = false; if (t5) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } if (curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_35) if ((regionalIndicatorCount & 1) === 1) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } else return new A.LineBreakResult(index, index, lastNonSpaceIndex, B.LineBreakType_0); if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_31 && curr0 === B.LineCharProperty_36) { lastNonNewlineIndex = index; continue; } return new A.LineBreakResult(index, index, lastNonSpaceIndex, B.LineBreakType_0); } return new A.LineBreakResult(t1, lastNonNewlineIndex, lastNonSpaceIndex, B.LineBreakType_3); }, measureSubstring(_canvasContext, text, start, end, letterSpacing) { var cssFont, width, t1; if (start === end) return 0; cssFont = _canvasContext.font; if (start === $._lastStart && end === $._lastEnd && text === $._lastText && cssFont === $._lastCssFont) width = $._lastWidth; else { t1 = _canvasContext.measureText(start === 0 && end === text.length ? text : B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, start, end)).width; t1.toString; width = t1; } $._lastStart = start; $._lastEnd = end; $._lastText = text; $._lastCssFont = cssFont; $._lastWidth = width; if (letterSpacing == null) letterSpacing = 0; return B.JSNumber_methods.round$0((letterSpacing !== 0 ? width + letterSpacing * (end - start) : width) * 100) / 100; }, _calculateJustifyPerSpaceBox(paragraph, line, lastLine, lastBox) { var t1, spaceBoxesToJustify; if (!line.$eq(0, lastLine) && isFinite(paragraph.get$_layoutService().width) && paragraph.paragraphStyle.textAlign === B.TextAlign_3) { t1 = paragraph.get$_layoutService().width; spaceBoxesToJustify = line.spaceBoxCount; if (lastBox instanceof A.SpanBox && lastBox.isSpaceOnly) --spaceBoxesToJustify; if (spaceBoxesToJustify > 0) return (t1 - line.width) / spaceBoxesToJustify; } return 0; }, EngineTextStyle$only(background, color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, foreground, height, letterSpacing, locale, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing) { var t1 = fontFamily == null, t2 = t1 ? "" : fontFamily; return new A.EngineTextStyle(color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontWeight, fontStyle, textBaseline, !t1, t2, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, letterSpacing, wordSpacing, height, locale, background, foreground, shadows); }, fontWeightToCss(fontWeight) { if (fontWeight == null) return null; return A.fontWeightIndexToCss(fontWeight.index); }, fontWeightIndexToCss(fontWeightIndex) { switch (fontWeightIndex) { case 0: return "100"; case 1: return "200"; case 2: return "300"; case 3: return "normal"; case 4: return "500"; case 5: return "600"; case 6: return "bold"; case 7: return "800"; case 8: return "900"; } return ""; }, _placeholderAlignmentToCssVerticalAlign(placeholder) { switch (placeholder.get$alignment()) { case B.PlaceholderAlignment_3: return "top"; case B.PlaceholderAlignment_5: return "middle"; case B.PlaceholderAlignment_4: return "bottom"; case B.PlaceholderAlignment_1: return "baseline"; case B.PlaceholderAlignment_2: return "-" + A.S(placeholder.get$height(placeholder)) + "px"; case B.PlaceholderAlignment_0: return A.S(placeholder.get$baselineOffset().$sub(0, placeholder.get$height(placeholder))) + "px"; } }, _decorationStyleToCssString(decorationStyle) { switch (decorationStyle.index) { case 3: return "dashed"; case 2: return "dotted"; case 1: return "double"; case 0: return "solid"; case 4: return "wavy"; default: return null; } }, textDirectionToCss(textDirection) { if (textDirection == null) return null; return A.textDirectionIndexToCss(textDirection.index); }, textDirectionIndexToCss(textDirectionIndex) { switch (textDirectionIndex) { case 0: return "rtl"; case 1: return null; } return null; }, textAlignToCssValue(align, textDirection) { switch (align) { case B.TextAlign_0: return "left"; case B.TextAlign_1: return "right"; case B.TextAlign_2: return "center"; case B.TextAlign_3: return "justify"; case B.TextAlign_5: switch (textDirection.index) { case 1: return "end"; case 0: return "left"; } break; case B.TextAlign_4: switch (textDirection.index) { case 1: return ""; case 0: return "right"; } break; case null: return ""; } }, getDirectionalBlockEnd(text, start, end) { var t2, t3, blockDirection, i, codePoint, t1 = start.index; if (t1 === end.index) return new A.DirectionalPosition(end, null, false); t2 = end.indexWithoutTrailingSpaces; if (t1 === t2) return new A.DirectionalPosition(end, null, true); t3 = $.$get$_textDirectionLookup(); blockDirection = t3.find$2(0, text, t1); i = t1 + 1; for (; i < t2;) { codePoint = A.getCodePoint(text, i); if ((codePoint == null ? t3.defaultProperty : t3.findForChar$1(codePoint)) != blockDirection) break; ++i; } if (i === end.indexWithoutTrailingNewlines) return new A.DirectionalPosition(end, blockDirection, false); return new A.DirectionalPosition(new A.LineBreakResult(i, i, i, B.LineBreakType_1), blockDirection, false); }, getCodePoint(text, index) { var char; if (index < 0 || index >= text.length) return null; char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, index); if ((char & 63488) === 55296 && index < text.length - 1) return (char >>> 6 & 31) + 1 << 16 | (char & 63) << 10 | B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, index + 1) & 1023; return char; }, UnicodePropertyLookup$(ranges, defaultProperty, $P) { return new A.UnicodePropertyLookup(ranges, defaultProperty, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, $P), $P._eval$1("UnicodePropertyLookup<0>")); }, _unpackProperties(packedData, singleRangesCount, propertyEnumValues, $P) { var t1, i, rangeStart, rangeEnd, i0, ranges = A._setArrayType([], $P._eval$1("JSArray>")), dataLength = packedData.length; for (t1 = $P._eval$1("UnicodeRange<0>"), i = 0; i < dataLength; i = i0) { rangeStart = A._consumeInt(packedData, i); i += 4; if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(packedData, i) === 33) { ++i; rangeEnd = rangeStart; } else { rangeEnd = A._consumeInt(packedData, i); i += 4; } i0 = i + 1; ranges.push(new A.UnicodeRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd, propertyEnumValues[A._getEnumIndexFromPackedValue(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(packedData, i))], t1)); } return ranges; }, _getEnumIndexFromPackedValue(charCode) { if (charCode <= 90) return charCode - 65; return 26 + charCode - 97; }, _consumeInt(packedData, index) { return A._getIntFromCharCode(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(packedData, index + 3)) + A._getIntFromCharCode(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(packedData, index + 2)) * 36 + A._getIntFromCharCode(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(packedData, index + 1)) * 36 * 36 + A._getIntFromCharCode(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(packedData, index)) * 36 * 36 * 36; }, _getIntFromCharCode(charCode) { if (charCode <= 57) return charCode - 48; return charCode - 97 + 10; }, EngineInputType_fromName($name, isDecimal) { switch ($name) { case "TextInputType.number": return isDecimal ? B.C_DecimalInputType : B.C_NumberInputType; case "TextInputType.phone": return B.C_PhoneInputType; case "TextInputType.emailAddress": return B.C_EmailInputType; case "TextInputType.url": return B.C_UrlInputType; case "TextInputType.multiline": return B.C_MultilineInputType; case "TextInputType.none": return B.C_NoTextInputType; case "TextInputType.text": default: return B.C_TextInputType; } }, TextCapitalizationConfig$fromInputConfiguration(inputConfiguration) { var t1; if (inputConfiguration === "TextCapitalization.words") t1 = B.TextCapitalization_0; else if (inputConfiguration === "TextCapitalization.characters") t1 = B.TextCapitalization_2; else t1 = inputConfiguration === "TextCapitalization.sentences" ? B.TextCapitalization_1 : B.TextCapitalization_3; return new A.TextCapitalizationConfig(t1); }, _emptyCallback(_) { }, _hideAutofillElements(domElement, isOffScreen) { var t1, _s11_ = "transparent", _s4_ = "none", elementStyle = domElement.style; elementStyle.whiteSpace = "pre-wrap"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(elementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(elementStyle, "align-content"), "center", ""); elementStyle.padding = "0"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(elementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(elementStyle, "opacity"), "1", ""); elementStyle.color = _s11_; elementStyle.backgroundColor = _s11_; elementStyle.background = _s11_; elementStyle.outline = _s4_; elementStyle.border = _s4_; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(elementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(elementStyle, "resize"), _s4_, ""); elementStyle.width = "0"; elementStyle.height = "0"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(elementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(elementStyle, "text-shadow"), _s11_, ""); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(elementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(elementStyle, "transform-origin"), "0 0 0", ""); if (isOffScreen) { elementStyle.top = "-9999px"; elementStyle.left = "-9999px"; } t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t1 !== B.BrowserEngine_0) if (t1 !== B.BrowserEngine_5) t1 = t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; if (t1) domElement.classList.add("transparentTextEditing"); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(elementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(elementStyle, "caret-color"), _s11_, null); }, EngineAutofillForm_fromFrameworkMessage(focusedElementAutofill, fields) { var t1, elements, items, formElement, ids, focusedElement, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, autofillInfo, t7, autofill, htmlElement, _i, id, formIdentifier, form, submitButton; if (focusedElementAutofill == null) return null; t1 = type$.String; elements = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.HtmlElement); items = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.AutofillInfo); formElement = document.createElement("form"); formElement.noValidate = true; formElement.method = "post"; formElement.action = "#"; B.FormElement_methods.addEventListener$2(formElement, "submit", new A.EngineAutofillForm_fromFrameworkMessage_closure()); A._hideAutofillElements(formElement, false); ids = J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, t1); focusedElement = A.AutofillInfo_AutofillInfo$fromFrameworkMessage(focusedElementAutofill, B.TextCapitalizationConfig_TextCapitalization_3); if (fields != null) for (t1 = type$.Map_String_dynamic, t2 = J.cast$1$0$ax(fields, t1), t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = focusedElement.uniqueIdentifier, t4 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) { t5 = t4._as(t2._current); t6 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t5); autofillInfo = t1._as(t6.$index(t5, "autofill")); t7 = A._asString(t6.$index(t5, "textCapitalization")); if (t7 === "TextCapitalization.words") t7 = B.TextCapitalization_0; else if (t7 === "TextCapitalization.characters") t7 = B.TextCapitalization_2; else t7 = t7 === "TextCapitalization.sentences" ? B.TextCapitalization_1 : B.TextCapitalization_3; autofill = A.AutofillInfo_AutofillInfo$fromFrameworkMessage(autofillInfo, new A.TextCapitalizationConfig(t7)); t7 = autofill.uniqueIdentifier; ids.push(t7); if (t7 !== t3) { htmlElement = A.EngineInputType_fromName(A._asString(J.$index$asx(t1._as(t6.$index(t5, "inputType")), "name")), false).createDomElement$0(); autofill.editingState.applyToDomElement$1(htmlElement); autofill.applyToDomElement$1(htmlElement); A._hideAutofillElements(htmlElement, false); items.$indexSet(0, t7, autofill); elements.$indexSet(0, t7, htmlElement); formElement.appendChild(htmlElement); } } else ids.push(focusedElement.uniqueIdentifier); B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(ids); for (t1 = ids.length, _i = 0, t2 = ""; _i < t1; ++_i) { id = ids[_i]; t2 = (t2.length > 0 ? t2 + "*" : t2) + id; } formIdentifier = t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2; form = $.formsOnTheDom.$index(0, formIdentifier); if (form != null) B.FormElement_methods.remove$0(form); submitButton = A.InputElement_InputElement(); A._hideAutofillElements(submitButton, true); submitButton.className = "submitBtn"; submitButton.type = "submit"; formElement.appendChild(submitButton); return new A.EngineAutofillForm(formElement, elements, items, formIdentifier); }, AutofillInfo_AutofillInfo$fromFrameworkMessage(autofill, textCapitalization) { var t2, t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(autofill), uniqueIdentifier = A._asString(t1.$index(autofill, "uniqueIdentifier")), hintsList = type$.nullable_List_dynamic._as(t1.$index(autofill, "hints")), firstHint = hintsList == null || J.get$isEmpty$asx(hintsList) ? null : A._asString(J.get$first$ax(hintsList)), editingState = A.EditingState_EditingState$fromFrameworkMessage(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(t1.$index(autofill, "editingValue"))); if (firstHint != null) { t2 = $.$get$BrowserAutofillHints__singletonInstance()._flutterToEngineMap.$index(0, firstHint); if (t2 == null) t2 = firstHint; } else t2 = null; return new A.AutofillInfo(editingState, uniqueIdentifier, t2, A._asStringQ(t1.$index(autofill, "hintText"))); }, EditingState$(baseOffset, extentOffset, text) { var t1 = baseOffset == null, t2 = t1 ? 0 : baseOffset, t3 = extentOffset == null, t4 = t3 ? 0 : extentOffset; t4 = Math.max(0, Math.min(t2, t4)); t1 = t1 ? 0 : baseOffset; t2 = t3 ? 0 : extentOffset; return new A.EditingState(text, t4, Math.max(0, Math.max(t1, t2))); }, EditingState_EditingState$fromFrameworkMessage(flutterEditingState) { var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(flutterEditingState); return A.EditingState$(A._asInt(t1.$index(flutterEditingState, "selectionBase")), A._asInt(t1.$index(flutterEditingState, "selectionExtent")), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(flutterEditingState, "text"))); }, EditingState_EditingState$fromDomElement(domElement) { var t1; if (type$.InputElement._is(domElement)) { t1 = domElement.value; return A.EditingState$(domElement.selectionStart, domElement.selectionEnd, t1); } else if (type$.TextAreaElement._is(domElement)) { t1 = domElement.value; return A.EditingState$(domElement.selectionStart, domElement.selectionEnd, t1); } else throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Initialized with unsupported input type")); }, InputConfiguration$fromFrameworkMessage(flutterInputConfiguration) { var t5, t6, t7, t8, _s9_ = "inputType", _s8_ = "autofill", t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(flutterInputConfiguration), t2 = type$.Map_String_dynamic, t3 = A._asString(J.$index$asx(t2._as(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, _s9_)), "name")), t4 = A._asBoolQ(J.$index$asx(t2._as(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, _s9_)), "decimal")); t3 = A.EngineInputType_fromName(t3, t4 === true); t4 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, "inputAction")); if (t4 == null) t4 = "TextInputAction.done"; t5 = A._asBoolQ(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, "obscureText")); t6 = A._asBoolQ(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, "readOnly")); t7 = A._asBoolQ(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, "autocorrect")); t8 = A.TextCapitalizationConfig$fromInputConfiguration(A._asString(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, "textCapitalization"))); t2 = t1.containsKey$1(flutterInputConfiguration, _s8_) ? A.AutofillInfo_AutofillInfo$fromFrameworkMessage(t2._as(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, _s8_)), B.TextCapitalizationConfig_TextCapitalization_3) : null; return new A.InputConfiguration(t3, t4, t6 === true, t5 === true, t7 !== false, t2, A.EngineAutofillForm_fromFrameworkMessage(type$.nullable_Map_String_dynamic._as(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, _s8_)), type$.nullable_List_dynamic._as(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, "fields"))), t8); }, saveForms() { $.formsOnTheDom.forEach$1(0, new A.saveForms_closure()); }, cleanForms() { var t1, t2, t3; for (t1 = $.formsOnTheDom.get$values($.formsOnTheDom), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) { t2 = t1.get$current(t1); t3 = t2.parentNode; if (t3 != null) t3.removeChild(t2); } $.formsOnTheDom.clear$0(0); }, setElementTransform(element, matrix4) { var t2, t1 = element.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform-origin"), "0 0 0", ""); t2 = A.float64ListToCssTransform(matrix4); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform"), t2, ""); }, float64ListToCssTransform(matrix) { var transformKind = A.transformKindOf(matrix); if (transformKind === B.TransformKind_1) return "matrix(" + A.S(matrix[0]) + "," + A.S(matrix[1]) + "," + A.S(matrix[4]) + "," + A.S(matrix[5]) + "," + A.S(matrix[12]) + "," + A.S(matrix[13]) + ")"; else if (transformKind === B.TransformKind_2) return A.float64ListToCssTransform3d(matrix); else return "none"; }, transformKindOf(matrix) { if (!(matrix[15] === 1 && matrix[14] === 0 && matrix[11] === 0 && matrix[10] === 1 && matrix[9] === 0 && matrix[8] === 0 && matrix[7] === 0 && matrix[6] === 0 && matrix[3] === 0 && matrix[2] === 0)) return B.TransformKind_2; if (matrix[0] === 1 && matrix[1] === 0 && matrix[4] === 0 && matrix[5] === 1 && matrix[12] === 0 && matrix[13] === 0) return B.TransformKind_0; else return B.TransformKind_1; }, float64ListToCssTransform3d(matrix) { var tx, ty, t1 = matrix[0]; if (t1 === 1 && matrix[1] === 0 && matrix[2] === 0 && matrix[3] === 0 && matrix[4] === 0 && matrix[5] === 1 && matrix[6] === 0 && matrix[7] === 0 && matrix[8] === 0 && matrix[9] === 0 && matrix[10] === 1 && matrix[11] === 0 && matrix[14] === 0 && matrix[15] === 1) { tx = matrix[12]; ty = matrix[13]; return "translate3d(" + A.S(tx) + "px, " + A.S(ty) + "px, 0px)"; } else return "matrix3d(" + A.S(t1) + "," + A.S(matrix[1]) + "," + A.S(matrix[2]) + "," + A.S(matrix[3]) + "," + A.S(matrix[4]) + "," + A.S(matrix[5]) + "," + A.S(matrix[6]) + "," + A.S(matrix[7]) + "," + A.S(matrix[8]) + "," + A.S(matrix[9]) + "," + A.S(matrix[10]) + "," + A.S(matrix[11]) + "," + A.S(matrix[12]) + "," + A.S(matrix[13]) + "," + A.S(matrix[14]) + "," + A.S(matrix[15]) + ")"; }, transformRect(transform, rect) { var t1 = $.$get$_tempRectData(); t1[0] = rect.left; t1[1] = rect.top; t1[2] = rect.right; t1[3] = rect.bottom; A.transformLTRB(transform, t1); return new A.Rect(t1[0], t1[1], t1[2], t1[3]); }, transformLTRB(transform, ltrb) { var t2, m00, m01, m02, m03, m10, m11, m12, m13, m20, m21, m22, m23, m30, m31, m32, m33, argStorage, w, t1 = $.$get$_tempPointData(); t1[0] = ltrb[0]; t1[4] = ltrb[1]; t1[8] = 0; t1[12] = 1; t1[1] = ltrb[2]; t1[5] = ltrb[1]; t1[9] = 0; t1[13] = 1; t1[2] = ltrb[0]; t1[6] = ltrb[3]; t1[10] = 0; t1[14] = 1; t1[3] = ltrb[2]; t1[7] = ltrb[3]; t1[11] = 0; t1[15] = 1; t2 = $.$get$_tempPointMatrix().__engine$_m4storage; m00 = t2[0]; m01 = t2[4]; m02 = t2[8]; m03 = t2[12]; m10 = t2[1]; m11 = t2[5]; m12 = t2[9]; m13 = t2[13]; m20 = t2[2]; m21 = t2[6]; m22 = t2[10]; m23 = t2[14]; m30 = t2[3]; m31 = t2[7]; m32 = t2[11]; m33 = t2[15]; argStorage = transform.__engine$_m4storage; t2[0] = m00 * argStorage[0] + m01 * argStorage[4] + m02 * argStorage[8] + m03 * argStorage[12]; t2[4] = m00 * argStorage[1] + m01 * argStorage[5] + m02 * argStorage[9] + m03 * argStorage[13]; t2[8] = m00 * argStorage[2] + m01 * argStorage[6] + m02 * argStorage[10] + m03 * argStorage[14]; t2[12] = m00 * argStorage[3] + m01 * argStorage[7] + m02 * argStorage[11] + m03 * argStorage[15]; t2[1] = m10 * argStorage[0] + m11 * argStorage[4] + m12 * argStorage[8] + m13 * argStorage[12]; t2[5] = m10 * argStorage[1] + m11 * argStorage[5] + m12 * argStorage[9] + m13 * argStorage[13]; t2[9] = m10 * argStorage[2] + m11 * argStorage[6] + m12 * argStorage[10] + m13 * argStorage[14]; t2[13] = m10 * argStorage[3] + m11 * argStorage[7] + m12 * argStorage[11] + m13 * argStorage[15]; t2[2] = m20 * argStorage[0] + m21 * argStorage[4] + m22 * argStorage[8] + m23 * argStorage[12]; t2[6] = m20 * argStorage[1] + m21 * argStorage[5] + m22 * argStorage[9] + m23 * argStorage[13]; t2[10] = m20 * argStorage[2] + m21 * argStorage[6] + m22 * argStorage[10] + m23 * argStorage[14]; t2[14] = m20 * argStorage[3] + m21 * argStorage[7] + m22 * argStorage[11] + m23 * argStorage[15]; t2[3] = m30 * argStorage[0] + m31 * argStorage[4] + m32 * argStorage[8] + m33 * argStorage[12]; t2[7] = m30 * argStorage[1] + m31 * argStorage[5] + m32 * argStorage[9] + m33 * argStorage[13]; t2[11] = m30 * argStorage[2] + m31 * argStorage[6] + m32 * argStorage[10] + m33 * argStorage[14]; t2[15] = m30 * argStorage[3] + m31 * argStorage[7] + m32 * argStorage[11] + m33 * argStorage[15]; w = argStorage[15]; if (w === 0) w = 1; ltrb[0] = Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(t1[0], t1[1]), t1[2]), t1[3]) / w; ltrb[1] = Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(t1[4], t1[5]), t1[6]), t1[7]) / w; ltrb[2] = Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(t1[0], t1[1]), t1[2]), t1[3]) / w; ltrb[3] = Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(t1[4], t1[5]), t1[6]), t1[7]) / w; }, rectContainsOther(rect, other) { return rect.left <= other.left && rect.top <= other.top && rect.right >= other.right && rect.bottom >= other.bottom; }, colorToCssString(color) { var value, hexValue, t1; if (color == null) return null; value = color.get$value(color); if ((value & 4278190080) >>> 0 === 4278190080) { hexValue = B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(value & 16777215, 16); switch (hexValue.length) { case 1: return "#00000" + hexValue; case 2: return "#0000" + hexValue; case 3: return "#000" + hexValue; case 4: return "#00" + hexValue; case 5: return "#0" + hexValue; default: return "#" + hexValue; } } else { t1 = "" + "rgba(" + B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(value >>> 16 & 255) + "," + B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(value >>> 8 & 255) + "," + B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(value & 255) + "," + B.JSNumber_methods.toString$0((value >>> 24 & 255) / 255) + ")"; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } }, _fallbackFontFamily() { if (A.isIOS15()) return "BlinkMacSystemFont"; var t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); if (t1 !== B.OperatingSystem_0) t1 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_4; else t1 = true; if (t1) return "-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont"; return "Arial"; }, canonicalizeFontFamily(fontFamily) { var t1; if (J.containsKey$1$x(B.Set_wIvsi._collection$_map, fontFamily)) return fontFamily; t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); if (t1 !== B.OperatingSystem_0) t1 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_4; else t1 = true; if (t1) if (fontFamily === ".SF Pro Text" || fontFamily === ".SF Pro Display" || fontFamily === ".SF UI Text" || fontFamily === ".SF UI Display") return A._fallbackFontFamily(); return '"' + A.S(fontFamily) + '", ' + A._fallbackFontFamily() + ", sans-serif"; }, clampInt(value, min, max) { if (value < min) return min; else if (value > max) return max; else return value; }, listEquals(a, b) { var index; if (a == null) return b == null; if (b == null || a.length !== b.length) return false; for (index = 0; index < a.length; ++index) if (!J.$eq$(a[index], b[index])) return false; return true; }, httpFetch(url) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Body), $async$returnValue, t1, $async$temp1; var $async$httpFetch = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = window; $async$temp1 = type$.Body; $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(A.promiseToFuture(t1.fetch(url, null), type$.dynamic), $async$httpFetch); case 3: // returning from await. $async$returnValue = $async$temp1._as($async$result); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$httpFetch, $async$completer); }, setElementStyle(element, $name, value) { var t1 = element.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, $name), value, null); }, setClipPath(element, value) { var t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1) { t1 = element.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "-webkit-clip-path"), value, null); } t1 = element.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "clip-path"), value, null); }, drawEllipse(context, centerX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, antiClockwise) { var t1 = $._ellipseFeatureDetected; if (t1 == null ? $._ellipseFeatureDetected = context.ellipse != null : t1) context.ellipse(centerX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, antiClockwise); else { context.save(); context.translate(centerX, centerY); context.rotate(rotation); context.scale(radiusX, radiusY); context.arc(0, 0, 1, startAngle, endAngle, antiClockwise); context.restore(); } }, removeAllChildren(node) { var t1, t2; for (; t1 = node.lastChild, t1 != null;) { t2 = t1.parentNode; if (t2 != null) t2.removeChild(t1); } }, Matrix4_tryInvert0(other) { var r = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); if (r.copyInverse$1(other) === 0) return null; return r; }, Matrix4$identity() { var t1 = new Float32Array(16); t1[15] = 1; t1[0] = 1; t1[5] = 1; t1[10] = 1; return new A.Matrix40(t1); }, Matrix4$fromFloat32List(_m4storage) { return new A.Matrix40(_m4storage); }, EngineSingletonFlutterWindow$(windowId, platformDispatcher) { var t1 = new A.EngineSingletonFlutterWindow(windowId, platformDispatcher, A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.void), B.WindowPadding_0_0_0_0); t1.EngineFlutterWindow$2(windowId, platformDispatcher); return t1; }, AlarmClock: function AlarmClock(t0) { var _ = this; _._timestampFunction = t0; _.callback = _._datetime = _._timer = null; }, AssetManager: function AssetManager() { }, AssetManager__baseUrl_closure: function AssetManager__baseUrl_closure() { }, AssetManager__baseUrl_closure0: function AssetManager__baseUrl_closure0() { }, AssetManagerException: function AssetManagerException(t0, t1) { this.url = t0; this.httpStatus = t1; }, BrowserEngine: function BrowserEngine(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, OperatingSystem: function OperatingSystem(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, CanvasPool: function CanvasPool(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._contextHandle = _.__engine$_context = null; _._widthInBitmapPixels = t0; _._heightInBitmapPixels = t1; _._rootElement = _.__engine$_canvas = _._reusablePool = _._activeCanvasList = null; _._saveContextCount = 0; _._density = t2; _._saveStack = t3; _.clipStack = null; _._currentTransform = t4; }, ContextStateHandle: function ContextStateHandle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.context = t0; _._canvasPool = t1; _.density = t2; _._currentBlendMode = t3; _._currentStrokeCap = t4; _._currentStrokeJoin = t5; _._currentStrokeStyle = _._currentFillStyle = null; _._currentLineWidth = 1; _._shaderBounds = _._lastUsedPaint = _._currentFilter = null; _._debugIsPaintSetUp = false; }, _SaveStackTracking: function _SaveStackTracking() { }, CkCanvas: function CkCanvas(t0) { this.skCanvas = t0; }, RecordingCkCanvas: function RecordingCkCanvas(t0, t1) { this.pictureSnapshot = t0; this.skCanvas = t1; }, CkPictureSnapshot: function CkPictureSnapshot(t0, t1) { this._bounds = t0; this._commands = t1; }, CkPaintCommand: function CkPaintCommand() { }, CkClearCommand: function CkClearCommand(t0) { this.color = t0; }, CkSaveCommand: function CkSaveCommand() { }, CkRestoreCommand: function CkRestoreCommand() { }, CkRestoreToCountCommand: function CkRestoreToCountCommand(t0) { this.count = t0; }, CkTranslateCommand: function CkTranslateCommand(t0, t1) { this.dx = t0; this.dy = t1; }, CkTransformCommand: function CkTransformCommand(t0) { this.matrix4 = t0; }, CkClipRectCommand: function CkClipRectCommand(t0, t1, t2) { this.rect = t0; this.clipOp = t1; this.doAntiAlias = t2; }, CkClipRRectCommand: function CkClipRRectCommand(t0, t1) { this.rrect = t0; this.doAntiAlias = t1; }, CkClipPathCommand: function CkClipPathCommand(t0, t1) { this.path = t0; this.doAntiAlias = t1; }, CkDrawPaintCommand: function CkDrawPaintCommand(t0) { this.paint = t0; }, CkDrawRectCommand: function CkDrawRectCommand(t0, t1) { this.rect = t0; this.paint = t1; }, CkDrawRRectCommand: function CkDrawRRectCommand(t0, t1) { this.rrect = t0; this.paint = t1; }, CkDrawDRRectCommand: function CkDrawDRRectCommand(t0, t1, t2) { this.outer = t0; this.inner = t1; this.paint = t2; }, CkDrawCircleCommand: function CkDrawCircleCommand(t0, t1, t2) { this.c = t0; this.radius = t1; this.paint = t2; }, CkDrawPathCommand: function CkDrawPathCommand(t0, t1) { this.path = t0; this.paint = t1; }, CkDrawShadowCommand: function CkDrawShadowCommand(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.path = t0; _.color = t1; _.elevation = t2; _.transparentOccluder = t3; }, CkDrawParagraphCommand: function CkDrawParagraphCommand(t0, t1) { this.paragraph = t0; this.offset = t1; }, CkDrawPictureCommand: function CkDrawPictureCommand(t0) { this.picture = t0; }, CkSaveLayerCommand: function CkSaveLayerCommand(t0, t1) { this.bounds = t0; this.paint = t1; }, CanvasKit: function CanvasKit() { }, CanvasKitInitOptions: function CanvasKitInitOptions() { }, CanvasKitInitPromise: function CanvasKitInitPromise() { }, ColorSpace: function ColorSpace() { }, SkWebGLContextOptions: function SkWebGLContextOptions() { }, SkSurface: function SkSurface() { }, SkGrContext: function SkGrContext() { }, SkFontSlantEnum: function SkFontSlantEnum() { }, SkFontSlant: function SkFontSlant() { }, SkFontWeightEnum: function SkFontWeightEnum() { }, SkFontWeight: function SkFontWeight() { }, SkAffinityEnum: function SkAffinityEnum() { }, SkAffinity: function SkAffinity() { }, SkTextDirectionEnum: function SkTextDirectionEnum() { }, SkTextDirection: function SkTextDirection() { }, SkTextAlignEnum: function SkTextAlignEnum() { }, SkTextAlign: function SkTextAlign() { }, SkTextHeightBehaviorEnum: function SkTextHeightBehaviorEnum() { }, SkTextHeightBehavior: function SkTextHeightBehavior() { }, SkRectHeightStyleEnum: function SkRectHeightStyleEnum() { }, SkRectHeightStyle: function SkRectHeightStyle() { }, SkRectWidthStyleEnum: function SkRectWidthStyleEnum() { }, SkRectWidthStyle: function SkRectWidthStyle() { }, SkVertexModeEnum: function SkVertexModeEnum() { }, SkVertexMode: function SkVertexMode() { }, SkPointModeEnum: function SkPointModeEnum() { }, SkPointMode: function SkPointMode() { }, SkClipOpEnum: function SkClipOpEnum() { }, SkClipOp: function SkClipOp() { }, SkFillTypeEnum: function SkFillTypeEnum() { }, SkFillType: function SkFillType() { }, SkPathOpEnum: function SkPathOpEnum() { }, SkPathOp: function SkPathOp() { }, SkBlurStyleEnum: function SkBlurStyleEnum() { }, SkBlurStyle: function SkBlurStyle() { }, SkStrokeCapEnum: function SkStrokeCapEnum() { }, SkStrokeCap: function SkStrokeCap() { }, SkPaintStyleEnum: function SkPaintStyleEnum() { }, SkPaintStyle: function SkPaintStyle() { }, SkBlendModeEnum: function SkBlendModeEnum() { }, SkBlendMode: function SkBlendMode() { }, SkStrokeJoinEnum: function SkStrokeJoinEnum() { }, SkStrokeJoin: function SkStrokeJoin() { }, SkTileModeEnum: function SkTileModeEnum() { }, SkTileMode: function SkTileMode() { }, SkFilterModeEnum: function SkFilterModeEnum() { }, SkFilterMode: function SkFilterMode() { }, SkMipmapModeEnum: function SkMipmapModeEnum() { }, SkMipmapMode: function SkMipmapMode() { }, SkAlphaTypeEnum: function SkAlphaTypeEnum() { }, SkAlphaType: function SkAlphaType() { }, SkColorTypeEnum: function SkColorTypeEnum() { }, SkColorType: function SkColorType() { }, SkAnimatedImage: function SkAnimatedImage() { }, SkImage: function SkImage() { }, SkShaderNamespace: function SkShaderNamespace() { }, SkShader: function SkShader() { }, SkMaskFilterNamespace: function SkMaskFilterNamespace() { }, SkPaint: function SkPaint() { }, CkFilterOptions: function CkFilterOptions() { }, _CkCubicFilterOptions: function _CkCubicFilterOptions() { }, _CkTransformFilterOptions: function _CkTransformFilterOptions() { }, SkMaskFilter: function SkMaskFilter() { }, SkColorFilterNamespace: function SkColorFilterNamespace() { }, SkColorFilter: function SkColorFilter() { }, SkImageFilterNamespace: function SkImageFilterNamespace() { }, SkImageFilter: function SkImageFilter() { }, SkPathNamespace: function SkPathNamespace() { }, _NativeFloat32ArrayType: function _NativeFloat32ArrayType() { }, SkFloat32List: function SkFloat32List() { }, SkPath: function SkPath() { }, SkContourMeasureIter: function SkContourMeasureIter() { }, SkContourMeasure: function SkContourMeasure() { }, SkPictureRecorder: function SkPictureRecorder() { }, SkCanvas: function SkCanvas() { }, SkPicture: function SkPicture() { }, SkParagraphBuilderNamespace: function SkParagraphBuilderNamespace() { }, SkParagraphBuilder: function SkParagraphBuilder() { }, SkParagraphStyle: function SkParagraphStyle() { }, SkParagraphStyleProperties: function SkParagraphStyleProperties() { }, SkTextStyle: function SkTextStyle() { }, SkTextDecorationStyleEnum: function SkTextDecorationStyleEnum() { }, SkTextDecorationStyle: function SkTextDecorationStyle() { }, SkTextBaselineEnum: function SkTextBaselineEnum() { }, SkTextBaseline: function SkTextBaseline() { }, SkPlaceholderAlignmentEnum: function SkPlaceholderAlignmentEnum() { }, SkPlaceholderAlignment: function SkPlaceholderAlignment() { }, SkTextStyleProperties: function SkTextStyleProperties() { }, SkStrutStyleProperties: function SkStrutStyleProperties() { }, SkFontStyle: function SkFontStyle() { }, SkTextShadow: function SkTextShadow() { }, SkFontFeature: function SkFontFeature() { }, SkTypeface: function SkTypeface() { }, SkFont: function SkFont() { }, SkFontMgr: function SkFontMgr() { }, TypefaceFontProvider: function TypefaceFontProvider() { }, SkLineMetrics: function SkLineMetrics() { }, SkParagraph: function SkParagraph() { }, SkTextPosition: function SkTextPosition() { }, SkTextRange: function SkTextRange() { }, SkVertices: function SkVertices() { }, SkTonalColors: function SkTonalColors() { }, SkFontMgrNamespace: function SkFontMgrNamespace() { }, TypefaceFontProviderNamespace: function TypefaceFontProviderNamespace() { }, SkTypefaceFactory: function SkTypefaceFactory() { }, ProductionCollector: function ProductionCollector(t0) { this.__ProductionCollector__skObjectFinalizationRegistry = $; this._skiaObjectCollectionQueue = t0; this._skiaObjectCollectionTimer = null; }, ProductionCollector_closure: function ProductionCollector_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, ProductionCollector_collect_closure: function ProductionCollector_collect_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, SkiaObjectCollectionError: function SkiaObjectCollectionError(t0, t1) { this.error = t0; this.stackTrace = t1; }, SkDeletable: function SkDeletable() { }, JsConstructor: function JsConstructor() { }, SkObjectFinalizationRegistry: function SkObjectFinalizationRegistry() { }, SkData: function SkData() { }, SkImageInfo: function SkImageInfo() { }, SkPartialImageInfo: function SkPartialImageInfo() { }, patchCanvasKitModule_closure: function patchCanvasKitModule_closure(t0, t1) { this.canvasKitScript = t0; this.objectConstructor = t1; }, patchCanvasKitModule_closure0: function patchCanvasKitModule_closure0() { }, patchCanvasKitModule_closure1: function patchCanvasKitModule_closure1(t0, t1) { this.canvasKitScript = t0; this.objectConstructor = t1; }, patchCanvasKitModule_closure2: function patchCanvasKitModule_closure2() { }, CanvasKitCanvas: function CanvasKitCanvas(t0) { this.__engine$_canvas = t0; }, HtmlViewEmbedder: function HtmlViewEmbedder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) { var _ = this; _._viewsUsingBackupSurface = t0; _._pictureRecordersCreatedDuringPreroll = t1; _._backupPictureRecorder = null; _._pictureRecorders = t2; _._currentCompositionParams = t3; _._viewClipChains = t4; _._overlays = t5; _._viewsToRecomposite = t6; _._compositionOrder = t7; _._visibleViewCount = 0; _._activeCompositionOrder = t8; _._frameSize = t9; _._clipPathCount = 0; _._svgPathDefs = null; _._svgClipDefs = t10; }, HtmlViewEmbedder_getOverlayCanvases_closure: function HtmlViewEmbedder_getOverlayCanvases_closure() { }, HtmlViewEmbedder__compositeWithParams_closure: function HtmlViewEmbedder__compositeWithParams_closure(t0) { this.viewId = t0; }, HtmlViewEmbedder__applyMutators_closure: function HtmlViewEmbedder__applyMutators_closure() { }, HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure: function HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure() { }, HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure0: function HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure0() { }, HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure1: function HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure1(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, HtmlViewEmbedder__updateOverlays_closure: function HtmlViewEmbedder__updateOverlays_closure() { }, ViewClipChain: function ViewClipChain(t0, t1) { this._root = t0; this.__engine$_slot = t1; this._clipCount = -1; }, EmbeddedViewParams: function EmbeddedViewParams(t0, t1, t2) { this.offset = t0; this.size = t1; this.mutators = t2; }, MutatorType: function MutatorType(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, Mutator: function Mutator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.type = t0; _.rect = t1; _.rrect = t2; _.path = t3; _.matrix = t4; _.alpha = t5; }, MutatorsStack: function MutatorsStack(t0) { this._mutators = t0; }, ViewListDiffResult: function ViewListDiffResult(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.viewsToRemove = t0; _.viewsToAdd = t1; _.addToBeginning = t2; _.viewToInsertBefore = t3; }, FontFallbackData: function FontFallbackData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.registeredSymbolsAndEmoji = false; _.codeUnitsWithNoKnownFont = t0; _.knownCoveredCodeUnits = t1; _.notoTree = t2; _.registeredFallbackFonts = t3; _.globalFontFallbacks = t4; _.fontFallbackCounts = t5; _._codeUnitsToCheckAgainstFallbackFonts = t6; _._scheduledCodeUnitCheck = false; }, FontFallbackData_createNotoFontTree_closure: function FontFallbackData_createNotoFontTree_closure() { }, FontFallbackData_ensureFontsSupportText_closure: function FontFallbackData_ensureFontsSupportText_closure() { }, FontFallbackData_registerFallbackFont_closure: function FontFallbackData_registerFallbackFont_closure() { }, _makeResolvedNotoFontFromCss_closure: function _makeResolvedNotoFontFromCss_closure() { }, _registerSymbolsAndEmoji_extractUrlFromCss: function _registerSymbolsAndEmoji_extractUrlFromCss() { }, findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits_closure: function findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits_closure() { }, findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits_closure0: function findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits_closure0(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, NotoFont: function NotoFont(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.name = t0; _.approximateUnicodeRanges = t1; _.resolvedFont = _._decodingCompleter = null; }, CodeunitRange: function CodeunitRange(t0, t1) { this.start = t0; this.end = t1; }, _ResolvedNotoFont: function _ResolvedNotoFont(t0, t1) { this.name = t0; this.tree = t1; }, _ResolvedNotoSubset: function _ResolvedNotoSubset(t0, t1, t2) { this.url = t0; this.family = t1; this.ranges = t2; }, FallbackFontDownloadQueue: function FallbackFontDownloadQueue(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.downloader = t0; _.downloadedSubsets = t1; _.pendingSubsets = t2; _._fontsLoading = null; }, FallbackFontDownloadQueue_startDownloads_closure: function FallbackFontDownloadQueue_startDownloads_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.subset = t1; this.downloadedData = t2; }, NotoDownloader: function NotoDownloader() { this._debugActiveDownloadCount = 0; }, NotoDownloader_downloadAsBytes_closure: function NotoDownloader_downloadAsBytes_closure() { }, NotoDownloader_downloadAsBytes__closure: function NotoDownloader_downloadAsBytes__closure() { }, NotoDownloader_downloadAsString_closure: function NotoDownloader_downloadAsString_closure() { }, NotoDownloader_downloadAsString__closure: function NotoDownloader_downloadAsString__closure() { }, SkiaFontCollection: function SkiaFontCollection(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._unloadedFonts = t0; _._registeredFonts = t1; _.familyToFontMap = t2; _.fontProvider = null; }, SkiaFontCollection_ensureFontsLoaded_closure: function SkiaFontCollection_ensureFontsLoaded_closure() { }, SkiaFontCollection_ensureFontsLoaded_closure0: function SkiaFontCollection_ensureFontsLoaded_closure0() { }, SkiaFontCollection__getArrayBuffer_closure: function SkiaFontCollection__getArrayBuffer_closure() { }, RegisteredFont: function RegisteredFont(t0, t1, t2) { this.family = t0; this.bytes = t1; this.typeface = t2; }, initializeCanvasKit_closure: function initializeCanvasKit_closure(t0) { this.canvasKitCompleter = t0; }, initializeCanvasKit__closure: function initializeCanvasKit__closure() { }, initializeCanvasKit__closure0: function initializeCanvasKit__closure0(t0) { this.canvasKitCompleter = t0; }, _startDownloadingCanvasKit_closure: function _startDownloadingCanvasKit_closure(t0, t1) { this.loadSubscription = t0; this.canvasKitLoadCompleter = t1; }, IntervalTree: function IntervalTree(t0, t1) { this.root = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges_closure: function IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges_closure(t0, t1) { this.intervals = t0; this.T = t1; }, IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges_closure0: function IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges_closure0(t0) { this.T = t0; }, IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges__makeBalancedTree: function IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges__makeBalancedTree(t0) { this.T = t0; }, IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges__computeHigh: function IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges__computeHigh(t0) { this.T = t0; }, IntervalTreeNode: function IntervalTreeNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.value = t0; _.low = t1; _.high = t2; _.computedHigh = t3; _.right = _.left = null; _.$ti = t4; }, Layer: function Layer() { }, PrerollContext: function PrerollContext(t0, t1) { this.viewEmbedder = t0; this.mutatorsStack = t1; }, PaintContext: function PaintContext(t0, t1, t2) { this.internalNodesCanvas = t0; this.leafNodesCanvas = t1; this.viewEmbedder = t2; }, ContainerLayer: function ContainerLayer() { }, RootLayer: function RootLayer(t0, t1) { this._layers = t0; this.parent = null; this.paintBounds = t1; }, ClipPathEngineLayer: function ClipPathEngineLayer(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.__engine$_clipPath = t0; _.__engine$_clipBehavior = t1; _._layers = t2; _.parent = null; _.paintBounds = t3; }, ClipRectEngineLayer: function ClipRectEngineLayer(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.__engine$_clipRect = t0; _.__engine$_clipBehavior = t1; _._layers = t2; _.parent = null; _.paintBounds = t3; }, OpacityEngineLayer: function OpacityEngineLayer(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.__engine$_alpha = t0; _.__engine$_offset = t1; _._layers = t2; _.parent = null; _.paintBounds = t3; }, TransformEngineLayer: function TransformEngineLayer(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.__engine$_transform = t0; _._layers = t1; _.parent = null; _.paintBounds = t2; }, OffsetEngineLayer: function OffsetEngineLayer(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.__engine$_transform = t0; _._layers = t1; _.parent = null; _.paintBounds = t2; }, PictureLayer0: function PictureLayer0(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.picture = t0; _.offset = t1; _.parent = null; _.paintBounds = t2; }, PhysicalShapeEngineLayer: function PhysicalShapeEngineLayer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.__engine$_elevation = t0; _._color = t1; _.__engine$_shadowColor = t2; _.__engine$_path = t3; _.__engine$_clipBehavior = t4; _._layers = t5; _.parent = null; _.paintBounds = t6; }, PlatformViewLayer0: function PlatformViewLayer0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.viewId = t0; _.offset = t1; _.width = t2; _.height = t3; _.parent = null; _.paintBounds = t4; }, LayerScene: function LayerScene(t0) { this.layerTree = t0; }, LayerSceneBuilder: function LayerSceneBuilder(t0) { this.rootLayer = t0; this.__LayerSceneBuilder_currentLayer = $; }, LayerTree: function LayerTree(t0, t1) { this.rootLayer = t0; this.frameSize = t1; }, Frame: function Frame(t0, t1, t2) { this.canvas = t0; this.rasterCache = t1; this.viewEmbedder = t2; }, Frame_raster_closure: function Frame_raster_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.layerTree = t1; this.ignoreRasterCache = t2; }, Frame_raster_closure0: function Frame_raster_closure0(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.layerTree = t1; this.ignoreRasterCache = t2; }, CompositorContext: function CompositorContext() { }, CkNWayCanvas: function CkNWayCanvas(t0) { this._canvases = t0; }, CkPaint: function CkPaint(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._blendMode = t0; _._style = t1; _._strokeWidth = 0; _._color = t2; _.rawSkiaObject = _._managedImageFilter = _._imageFilter = _._ckMaskFilter = _._maskFilter = _._shader = null; }, CkPath: function CkPath(t0) { this._fillType = t0; this.rawSkiaObject = this._cachedCommands = null; }, CkPicture: function CkPicture(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.cullRect = t0; _._snapshot = t1; _._isDisposed = false; _.rawSkiaObject = null; }, CkPictureRecorder: function CkPictureRecorder() { this._recordingCanvas = this._skRecorder = this._cullRect = null; }, Rasterizer: function Rasterizer(t0, t1) { this.context = t0; this._postFrameCallbacks = t1; }, CkShader: function CkShader() { }, CkGradientLinear: function CkGradientLinear(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.from = t0; _.to = t1; _.colors = t2; _.colorStops = t3; _.tileMode = t4; _.matrix4 = t5; _.rawSkiaObject = null; }, SkiaObjectCache: function SkiaObjectCache(t0, t1, t2) { this.maximumSize = t0; this._itemQueue = t1; this._itemMap = t2; }, SynchronousSkiaObjectCache: function SynchronousSkiaObjectCache(t0, t1, t2) { this.maximumSize = t0; this._itemQueue = t1; this._itemMap = t2; }, SkiaObject: function SkiaObject() { }, ManagedSkiaObject: function ManagedSkiaObject() { }, SurfaceFrame: function SurfaceFrame(t0, t1) { this.skiaSurface = t0; this.submitCallback = t1; }, Surface: function Surface(t0) { var _ = this; _._surface = null; _._forceNewContext = true; _._contextLost = false; _._skiaCacheBytes = _._glContext = _._grContext = _._cachedContextRestoredListener = _._cachedContextLostListener = null; _.htmlElement = t0; _.htmlCanvas = null; _._pixelHeight = _._pixelWidth = -1; _._addedToScene = false; _._currentSurfaceSize = _._currentCanvasPhysicalSize = null; _._currentDevicePixelRatio = -1; }, Surface_acquireFrame_closure: function Surface_acquireFrame_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, CkSurface: function CkSurface(t0) { this.surface = t0; this._isDisposed = false; }, SurfaceFactory: function SurfaceFactory(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.baseSurface = t0; _.backupSurface = t1; _.maximumSurfaces = t2; _._liveSurfaces = t3; _.__engine$_cache = t4; }, CkParagraphStyle: function CkParagraphStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _.skParagraphStyle = t0; _.__engine$_textDirection = t1; _._fontFamily = t2; _._fontSize = t3; _.__engine$_height = t4; _._fontWeight = t5; _._fontStyle = t6; _._leadingDistribution = t7; }, CkTextStyle: function CkTextStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19) { var _ = this; _.color = t0; _.decoration = t1; _.decorationColor = t2; _.decorationStyle = t3; _.decorationThickness = t4; _.fontWeight = t5; _.fontStyle = t6; _.textBaseline = t7; _.fontFamily = t8; _.fontFamilyFallback = t9; _.fontSize = t10; _.letterSpacing = t11; _.wordSpacing = t12; _.height = t13; _.leadingDistribution = t14; _.locale = t15; _.background = t16; _.foreground = t17; _.shadows = t18; _.fontFeatures = t19; _.__CkTextStyle_skTextStyle = _.__CkTextStyle_effectiveFontFamilies = $; }, CkTextStyle_skTextStyle_closure: function CkTextStyle_skTextStyle_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, CkParagraph: function CkParagraph(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._skParagraph = t0; _._paragraphStyle = t1; _._paragraphCommands = t2; _._lastLayoutConstraints = null; _._alphabeticBaseline = 0; _._didExceedMaxLines = false; _.__engine$_width = _._minIntrinsicWidth = _._maxIntrinsicWidth = _._longestLine = _._ideographicBaseline = _.__engine$_height = 0; _._boxesForPlaceholders = null; }, CkParagraphBuilder: function CkParagraphBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._paragraphBuilder = t0; _._style = t1; _._commands = t2; _._placeholderScales = t3; _._styleStack = t4; }, _ParagraphCommand: function _ParagraphCommand(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.type = t0; _.text = t1; _.style = t2; _.placeholderStyle = t3; }, _ParagraphCommandType: function _ParagraphCommandType(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _getEffectiveFontFamilies_closure: function _getEffectiveFontFamilies_closure(t0) { this.fontFamily = t0; }, CanvasKitError: function CanvasKitError(t0) { this.message = t0; }, ClipboardMessageHandler: function ClipboardMessageHandler(t0, t1) { this._copyToClipboardStrategy = t0; this._pasteFromClipboardStrategy = t1; }, ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure: function ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.callback = t1; }, ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure0: function ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure0(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.callback = t1; }, ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure: function ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure(t0) { this.callback = t0; }, ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure0: function ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure0(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.callback = t1; }, ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall__closure: function ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall__closure(t0) { this.callback = t0; }, ClipboardAPICopyStrategy: function ClipboardAPICopyStrategy() { }, ClipboardAPIPasteStrategy: function ClipboardAPIPasteStrategy() { }, ExecCommandCopyStrategy: function ExecCommandCopyStrategy() { }, ExecCommandPasteStrategy: function ExecCommandPasteStrategy() { }, FlutterConfiguration: function FlutterConfiguration(t0) { this._js = t0; }, JsFlutterConfiguration: function JsFlutterConfiguration() { }, FlutterViewEmbedder: function FlutterViewEmbedder(t0) { var _ = this; _._glassPaneShadow = _._glassPaneElement = _._staleHotRestartState = _._sceneElement = _._semanticsHostElement = _._resourcesHost = _._sceneHostElement = _._viewportMeta = _._styleElement = _._localeSubscription = _._resizeSubscription = null; _.rootElement = t0; }, FlutterViewEmbedder_reset_closure: function FlutterViewEmbedder_reset_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; this.initialInnerWidth = t2; }, FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure: function FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure(t0) { this.completer = t0; }, FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure0: function FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure0(t0) { this.completer = t0; }, EngineCanvas: function EngineCanvas() { }, SaveStackEntry: function SaveStackEntry(t0, t1) { this.transform = t0; this.clipStack = t1; }, SaveClipEntry: function SaveClipEntry(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.rect = t0; _.rrect = t1; _.path = t2; _.currentTransform = t3; }, _SaveElementStackEntry: function _SaveElementStackEntry(t0, t1) { this.savedElement = t0; this.transform = t1; }, SaveElementStackTracking: function SaveElementStackTracking() { }, sendFontChangeMessage_closure: function sendFontChangeMessage_closure() { }, sendFontChangeMessage__closure: function sendFontChangeMessage__closure() { }, FrameReference: function FrameReference(t0) { this.value = t0; }, CrossFrameCache: function CrossFrameCache() { this._reusablePool = this.__engine$_cache = null; }, ShadowDomHostNode: function ShadowDomHostNode() { this.__ShadowDomHostNode__shadow = $; }, ElementHostNode: function ElementHostNode() { this.__ElementHostNode__element = $; }, BitmapCanvas: function BitmapCanvas(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _._bounds = t0; _._elementCache = null; _.rootElement = t1; _._canvasPool = t2; _._cachedLastCssFont = null; _.__engine$_children = t3; _.widthInBitmapPixels = t4; _.heightInBitmapPixels = t5; _._saveCount = 0; _._devicePixelRatio = t6; _._canvasPositionY = _._canvasPositionX = null; _._preserveImageData = _._contains3dTransform = _._childOverdraw = false; _._density = t7; _._renderStrategy = t8; }, SurfaceCanvas: function SurfaceCanvas(t0) { this.__engine$_canvas = t0; }, _DomClip: function _DomClip() { }, PersistedClipRect: function PersistedClipRect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.clipBehavior = t0; _.rect = t1; _._DomClip__childContainer = t2; _.__engine$_children = t3; _._oldLayer = t4; _.__engine$_index = -1; _.__engine$_state = t5; _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null; }, PersistedPhysicalShape: function PersistedPhysicalShape(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) { var _ = this; _.path = t0; _.pathBounds = t1; _.elevation = t2; _.color = t3; _.shadowColor = t4; _.clipBehavior = t5; _._svgElement = _._clipElement = null; _._DomClip__childContainer = t6; _.__engine$_children = t7; _._oldLayer = t8; _.__engine$_index = -1; _.__engine$_state = t9; _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null; }, PersistedClipPath: function PersistedClipPath(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.clipPath = t0; _.clipBehavior = t1; _._clipElement = null; _.__engine$_children = t2; _._oldLayer = t3; _.__engine$_index = -1; _.__engine$_state = t4; _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null; }, DomCanvas: function DomCanvas(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.rootElement = t0; _.SaveElementStackTracking__saveStack = t1; _.SaveElementStackTracking__elementStack = t2; _.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform = t3; }, PersistedOffset: function PersistedOffset(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.dx = t0; _.dy = t1; _._localTransformInverse = null; _.__engine$_children = t2; _._oldLayer = t3; _.__engine$_index = -1; _.__engine$_state = t4; _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null; }, PersistedOpacity: function PersistedOpacity(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.alpha = t0; _.offset = t1; _._localTransformInverse = null; _.__engine$_children = t2; _._oldLayer = t3; _.__engine$_index = -1; _.__engine$_state = t4; _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null; }, SurfacePaint: function SurfacePaint(t0) { this._paintData = t0; this._frozen = false; }, SurfacePaintData: function SurfacePaintData() { var _ = this; _.strokeJoin = _.strokeCap = _.strokeWidth = _.style = _.blendMode = null; _.isAntiAlias = true; _.colorFilter = _.filterQuality = _.maskFilter = _.shader = _.color = null; }, Conic: function Conic(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.p0x = t0; _.p0y = t1; _.p1x = t2; _.p1y = t3; _.p2x = t4; _.p2y = t5; _.fW = t6; }, QuadBounds: function QuadBounds() { var _ = this; _.maxY = _.maxX = _.minY = _.minX = 0; }, ConicBounds: function ConicBounds() { var _ = this; _.maxY = _.maxX = _.minY = _.minX = 0; }, _ConicPair: function _ConicPair() { this.second = this.first = null; }, CubicBounds: function CubicBounds() { var _ = this; _.maxY = _.minY = _.maxX = _.minX = 0; }, SurfacePath: function SurfacePath(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.pathRef = t0; _._fillType = t1; _.fLastMoveToIndex = 0; _._firstDirection = _._convexityType = -1; }, PathIterator: function PathIterator(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.pathRef = t0; _._forceClose = t1; _._verbCount = t2; _._needClose = false; _._segmentState = 0; _._conicWeightIndex = -1; _._pointIndex = _._verbIndex = _._moveToY = _._moveToX = _._lastPointY = _._lastPointX = 0; }, PathRef: function PathRef(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.cachedBounds = _.fBounds = null; _._fVerbsCapacity = _._fPointsLength = _._fPointsCapacity = 0; _.fPoints = t0; _._fVerbs = t1; _._conicWeightsCapacity = _._fVerbsLength = 0; _._conicWeights = null; _._conicWeightsLength = 0; _.fIsFinite = _.fBoundsIsDirty = true; _.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = _.fIsRect = _.fIsRRect = _.fIsOval = false; _.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = -1; _.fSegmentMask = 0; }, PathRefIterator: function PathRefIterator(t0) { var _ = this; _.pathRef = t0; _._conicWeightIndex = -1; _.iterIndex = _._pointIndex = _._verbIndex = 0; }, QuadRoots: function QuadRoots() { this.root1 = this.root0 = null; }, SkQuadCoefficients: function SkQuadCoefficients(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.ax = t0; _.ay = t1; _.bx = t2; _.by = t3; _.cx = t4; _.cy = t5; }, PathWinding: function PathWinding(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.pathRef = t0; _.x = t1; _.y = t2; _._onCurveCount = _._w = 0; _.__engine$_buffer = t3; }, PaintRequest: function PaintRequest(t0, t1) { this.canvasSize = t0; this.paintCallback = t1; }, PersistedPicture: function PersistedPicture(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.__engine$_canvas = null; _.dx = t0; _.dy = t1; _.picture = t2; _.localPaintBounds = t3; _._density = 1; _._requiresRepaint = false; _._elementCache = t4; _._exactLocalCullRect = _._exactGlobalCullRect = _._optimalLocalCullRect = null; _._oldLayer = t5; _.__engine$_index = -1; _.__engine$_state = t6; _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null; }, PersistedPicture__applyBitmapPaint_closure: function PersistedPicture__applyBitmapPaint_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, PersistedPlatformView: function PersistedPlatformView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.viewId = t0; _.dx = t1; _.dy = t2; _.width = t3; _.height = t4; _._oldLayer = t5; _.__engine$_index = -1; _.__engine$_state = t6; _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null; }, RecordingCanvas: function RecordingCanvas(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._paintBounds = t0; _._pictureBounds = null; _._commands = t1; _.renderStrategy = t2; _._recordingEnded = _._didDraw = false; _._saveCount = 1; }, PaintCommand: function PaintCommand() { }, DrawCommand: function DrawCommand() { }, PaintSave: function PaintSave() { }, PaintRestore: function PaintRestore() { }, PaintTranslate: function PaintTranslate(t0, t1) { this.dx = t0; this.dy = t1; }, PaintTransform: function PaintTransform(t0) { this.matrix4 = t0; }, PaintClipRect: function PaintClipRect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.rect = t0; _.clipOp = t1; _.isClippedOut = false; _.leftBound = t2; _.topBound = t3; _.rightBound = t4; _.bottomBound = t5; }, PaintClipRRect: function PaintClipRRect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.rrect = t0; _.isClippedOut = false; _.leftBound = t1; _.topBound = t2; _.rightBound = t3; _.bottomBound = t4; }, PaintClipPath: function PaintClipPath(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.path = t0; _.isClippedOut = false; _.leftBound = t1; _.topBound = t2; _.rightBound = t3; _.bottomBound = t4; }, PaintDrawRect: function PaintDrawRect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.rect = t0; _.paint = t1; _.isClippedOut = false; _.leftBound = t2; _.topBound = t3; _.rightBound = t4; _.bottomBound = t5; }, PaintDrawRRect: function PaintDrawRRect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.rrect = t0; _.paint = t1; _.isClippedOut = false; _.leftBound = t2; _.topBound = t3; _.rightBound = t4; _.bottomBound = t5; }, PaintDrawDRRect: function PaintDrawDRRect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.outer = t0; _.inner = t1; _.paint = t2; _.path = null; _.isClippedOut = false; _.leftBound = t3; _.topBound = t4; _.rightBound = t5; _.bottomBound = t6; }, PaintDrawCircle: function PaintDrawCircle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.c = t0; _.radius = t1; _.paint = t2; _.isClippedOut = false; _.leftBound = t3; _.topBound = t4; _.rightBound = t5; _.bottomBound = t6; }, PaintDrawParagraph: function PaintDrawParagraph(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.paragraph = t0; _.offset = t1; _.isClippedOut = false; _.leftBound = t2; _.topBound = t3; _.rightBound = t4; _.bottomBound = t5; }, _PaintBounds: function _PaintBounds(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.maxPaintBounds = t0; _._didPaintInsideClipArea = false; _.__engine$_top = _.__engine$_left = 17976931348623157e292; _.__engine$_bottom = _.__engine$_right = -17976931348623157e292; _.__engine$_transforms = t1; _._clipStack = t2; _._currentMatrixIsIdentity = true; _._currentMatrix = t3; _._clipRectInitialized = false; _._currentClipBottom = _._currentClipRight = _._currentClipTop = _._currentClipLeft = 0; }, RenderStrategy: function RenderStrategy() { this.isInsideSvgFilterTree = this.hasArbitraryPaint = this.hasParagraphs = false; }, _WebGlRenderer: function _WebGlRenderer() { }, SurfaceScene: function SurfaceScene(t0) { this.webOnlyRootElement = t0; }, PersistedScene: function PersistedScene(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._localTransformInverse = null; _.__engine$_children = t0; _._oldLayer = t1; _.__engine$_index = -1; _.__engine$_state = t2; _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null; }, SurfaceSceneBuilder: function SurfaceSceneBuilder(t0) { this._surfaceStack = t0; }, SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure: function SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure0: function SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, NormalizedGradient: function NormalizedGradient(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._thresholds = t0; _._bias = t1; _._scale = t2; _.thresholdCount = t3; }, EngineGradient: function EngineGradient() { }, GradientLinear: function GradientLinear(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.from = t0; _.to = t1; _.colors = t2; _.colorStops = t3; _.tileMode = t4; _.matrix4 = t5; }, ShaderBuilder: function ShaderBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.declarations = t0; _._methods = t1; _.floatPrecision = null; _._uniformCounter = _._varyingCounter = _._attribCounter = 0; _.isWebGl2 = t2; _._isFragmentShader = t3; _._fragmentColorDeclaration = null; _.__engine$_buffer = t4; }, ShaderMethod: function ShaderMethod(t0, t1) { this.name = t0; this._statements = t1; this._indentLevel = 1; }, ShaderDeclaration: function ShaderDeclaration(t0, t1, t2) { this.name = t0; this.dataType = t1; this.storage = t2; }, commitScene_closure: function commitScene_closure() { }, PersistedSurfaceState: function PersistedSurfaceState(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, PersistedSurface: function PersistedSurface() { }, PersistedLeafSurface: function PersistedLeafSurface() { }, PersistedContainerSurface: function PersistedContainerSurface() { }, PersistedContainerSurface__matchChildren_closure: function PersistedContainerSurface__matchChildren_closure() { }, _PersistedSurfaceMatch: function _PersistedSurfaceMatch(t0, t1, t2) { this.newChild = t0; this.oldChildIndex = t1; this.matchQuality = t2; }, PrerollSurfaceContext: function PrerollSurfaceContext() { }, PersistedTransform: function PersistedTransform(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._matrixStorage = t0; _._localTransformInverse = _._matrix4 = null; _.__engine$_children = t1; _._oldLayer = t2; _.__engine$_index = -1; _.__engine$_state = t3; _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null; }, initializeEngine_closure: function initializeEngine_closure() { }, initializeEngine_closure0: function initializeEngine_closure0(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, initializeEngine__closure: function initializeEngine__closure(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, _addUrlStrategyListener_closure: function _addUrlStrategyListener_closure() { }, _addUrlStrategyListener_closure0: function _addUrlStrategyListener_closure0() { }, Keyboard: function Keyboard(t0) { var _ = this; _._keydownTimers = t0; _._keyupListener = _._keydownListener = null; _._lastMetaState = 0; }, Keyboard$__closure: function Keyboard$__closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, Keyboard$__closure0: function Keyboard$__closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, Keyboard$__closure1: function Keyboard$__closure1(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, Keyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure: function Keyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.timerKey = t1; this.event = t2; }, Keyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure0: function Keyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure0(t0) { this.event = t0; }, _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure() { }, _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure0: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure0() { }, _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure1: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure1() { }, _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure2: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure2() { }, _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure3: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure3() { }, _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure4: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure4() { }, _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure5: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure5() { }, _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure6: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure6() { }, KeyboardBinding: function KeyboardBinding(t0) { this.__KeyboardBinding__converter = $; this._listeners = t0; }, KeyboardBinding__addEventListener_loggedHandler: function KeyboardBinding__addEventListener_loggedHandler(t0) { this.handler = t0; }, KeyboardBinding__onKeyData_closure: function KeyboardBinding__onKeyData_closure(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, KeyboardBinding__setup_closure: function KeyboardBinding__setup_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, KeyboardBinding__setup_closure0: function KeyboardBinding__setup_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent: function FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent(t0) { this._event = t0; }, KeyboardConverter: function KeyboardConverter(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.performDispatchKeyData = t0; _.onMacOs = t1; _._dispatchKeyData = null; _._disposed = false; _._pressingRecords = t2; _._keyGuards = t3; }, KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure: function KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._box_0 = t0; _.$this = t1; _.callback = t2; _.getData = t3; }, KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure0: function KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure0(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure: function KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.$this = t0; _.currentTimeStamp = t1; _.physicalKey = t2; _.logicalKey = t3; }, KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure0: function KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure0(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.physicalKey = t1; }, KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure: function KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.event = t0; _.character = t1; _.eventKey = t2; _.physicalKey = t3; }, KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure0: function KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure0(t0, t1, t2) { this.timeStamp = t0; this.physicalKey = t1; this.logicalKey = t2; }, KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure1: function KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure1(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.physicalKey = t1; }, KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure2: function KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure2(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.event = t1; this.timeStamp = t2; }, KeyboardConverter__handleEvent__closure: function KeyboardConverter__handleEvent__closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.logicalKey = t1; this.timeStamp = t2; }, KeyboardConverter_handleEvent_closure: function KeyboardConverter_handleEvent_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; }, MouseCursor: function MouseCursor() { }, BrowserHistory: function BrowserHistory() { }, MultiEntriesBrowserHistory: function MultiEntriesBrowserHistory(t0) { var _ = this; _.urlStrategy = t0; _.__BrowserHistory__unsubscribe = _.__MultiEntriesBrowserHistory__lastSeenSerialCount = $; _._isDisposed = _._isTornDown = false; }, MultiEntriesBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure: function MultiEntriesBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure() { }, SingleEntryBrowserHistory: function SingleEntryBrowserHistory(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.urlStrategy = t0; _._flutterState = t1; _._userProvidedRouteName = null; _.__BrowserHistory__unsubscribe = $; _._isDisposed = _._isTornDown = false; }, SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure: function SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure() { }, SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure0: function SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure0() { }, JsUrlStrategy: function JsUrlStrategy() { }, UrlStrategy: function UrlStrategy() { }, HashUrlStrategy: function HashUrlStrategy() { }, HashUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure: function HashUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.fn = t1; }, HashUrlStrategy__waitForPopState_closure: function HashUrlStrategy__waitForPopState_closure(t0, t1) { this.unsubscribe = t0; this.completer = t1; }, CustomUrlStrategy: function CustomUrlStrategy(t0) { this.delegate = t0; }, PlatformLocation: function PlatformLocation() { }, BrowserPlatformLocation: function BrowserPlatformLocation() { }, EnginePictureRecorder: function EnginePictureRecorder() { this.__engine$_canvas = null; this.__EnginePictureRecorder_cullRect = $; this._isRecording = false; }, EnginePicture: function EnginePicture(t0) { this.recordingCanvas = t0; }, EnginePlatformDispatcher: function EnginePlatformDispatcher(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._configuration = t0; _._windows = t1; _._windowConfigurations = t2; _._onLocaleChanged = _._platformViewMessageHandler = _._onReportTimingsZone = _._onReportTimings = _._onKeyDataZone = _._onKeyData = _._onPointerDataPacketZone = _._onPointerDataPacket = _._onDrawFrameZone = _._onDrawFrame = _._onBeginFrameZone = _._onBeginFrame = _._onMetricsChangedZone = _._onMetricsChanged = null; _._brightnessMediaQuery = t3; _._defaultRouteName = _._onSemanticsActionZone = _._onSemanticsAction = _._onSemanticsEnabledChangedZone = _._onSemanticsEnabledChanged = _._onPlatformBrightnessChangedZone = _._onPlatformBrightnessChanged = _._brightnessMediaQueryListener = null; _.__EnginePlatformDispatcher_rasterizer = $; }, EnginePlatformDispatcher_invokeOnKeyData_closure: function EnginePlatformDispatcher_invokeOnKeyData_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.callback = t0; this.onKeyData = t1; this.data = t2; }, EnginePlatformDispatcher__zonedPlatformMessageResponseCallback_closure: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__zonedPlatformMessageResponseCallback_closure(t0, t1) { this.registrationZone = t0; this.callback = t1; }, EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.callback = t1; }, EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure0: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure0(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.callback = t1; }, EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure1: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure1(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.callback = t1; }, EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure2: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure2(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.callback = t1; }, EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure3: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure3() { }, EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure4: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure4(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.callback = t1; }, EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure0: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, EnginePlatformDispatcher_replyToPlatformMessage_closure: function EnginePlatformDispatcher_replyToPlatformMessage_closure(t0, t1) { this.callback = t0; this.data = t1; }, invoke2_closure: function invoke2_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.callback = t0; this.arg1 = t1; this.arg2 = t2; }, invoke3_closure: function invoke3_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.callback = t0; _.arg1 = t1; _.arg2 = t2; _.arg3 = t3; }, PlatformViewManager: function PlatformViewManager(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._factories = t0; _.__engine$_contents = t1; _._invisibleViews = t2; _._viewIdToType = t3; }, PlatformViewManager_renderContent_closure: function PlatformViewManager_renderContent_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.$this = t0; _.slotName = t1; _.viewType = t2; _.viewId = t3; _.params = t4; }, PlatformViewMessageHandler: function PlatformViewMessageHandler(t0, t1) { this._contentManager = t0; this._contentHandler = t1; }, PointerBinding: function PointerBinding(t0, t1) { this.glassPaneElement = t0; this._pointerDataConverter = t1; this.__PointerBinding__adapter = $; }, PointerSupportDetector: function PointerSupportDetector() { }, _BaseAdapter: function _BaseAdapter() { }, _BaseAdapter_addEventListener_loggedHandler: function _BaseAdapter_addEventListener_loggedHandler(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.acceptOutsideGlasspane = t1; this.handler = t2; }, _WheelEventListenerMixin: function _WheelEventListenerMixin() { }, _WheelEventListenerMixin__addWheelEventListener_closure: function _WheelEventListenerMixin__addWheelEventListener_closure(t0) { this.handler = t0; }, _SanitizedDetails: function _SanitizedDetails(t0, t1) { this.change = t0; this.buttons = t1; }, _ButtonSanitizer: function _ButtonSanitizer() { this._pressedButtons = 0; }, _PointerAdapter: function _PointerAdapter(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._sanitizers = t0; _.glassPaneElement = t1; _.__engine$_callback = t2; _._pointerDataConverter = t3; }, _PointerAdapter__ensureSanitizer_closure: function _PointerAdapter__ensureSanitizer_closure() { }, _PointerAdapter__addPointerEventListener_closure: function _PointerAdapter__addPointerEventListener_closure(t0) { this.handler = t0; }, _PointerAdapter_setup_closure: function _PointerAdapter_setup_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _PointerAdapter_setup_closure0: function _PointerAdapter_setup_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _PointerAdapter_setup_closure1: function _PointerAdapter_setup_closure1(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _PointerAdapter_setup_closure2: function _PointerAdapter_setup_closure2(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _PointerAdapter_setup_closure3: function _PointerAdapter_setup_closure3(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _TouchAdapter: function _TouchAdapter(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._pressedTouches = t0; _.glassPaneElement = t1; _.__engine$_callback = t2; _._pointerDataConverter = t3; }, _TouchAdapter__addTouchEventListener_closure: function _TouchAdapter__addTouchEventListener_closure(t0) { this.handler = t0; }, _TouchAdapter_setup_closure: function _TouchAdapter_setup_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _TouchAdapter_setup_closure0: function _TouchAdapter_setup_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _TouchAdapter_setup_closure1: function _TouchAdapter_setup_closure1(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _TouchAdapter_setup_closure2: function _TouchAdapter_setup_closure2(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _MouseAdapter: function _MouseAdapter(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._sanitizer = t0; _.glassPaneElement = t1; _.__engine$_callback = t2; _._pointerDataConverter = t3; }, _MouseAdapter__addMouseEventListener_closure: function _MouseAdapter__addMouseEventListener_closure(t0) { this.handler = t0; }, _MouseAdapter_setup_closure: function _MouseAdapter_setup_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _MouseAdapter_setup_closure0: function _MouseAdapter_setup_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _MouseAdapter_setup_closure1: function _MouseAdapter_setup_closure1(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _MouseAdapter_setup_closure2: function _MouseAdapter_setup_closure2(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _PointerState: function _PointerState(t0, t1) { this._pointer = null; this.x = t0; this.y = t1; }, PointerDataConverter: function PointerDataConverter(t0) { this._pointers = t0; this._activeButtons = 0; }, PointerDataConverter__ensureStateForPointer_closure: function PointerDataConverter__ensureStateForPointer_closure(t0, t1) { this.x = t0; this.y = t1; }, Profiler: function Profiler() { }, JsPromise: function JsPromise() { }, ImageDecoder: function ImageDecoder() { }, ImageDecoderOptions: function ImageDecoderOptions() { }, DecodeResult: function DecodeResult() { }, DecodeOptions: function DecodeOptions() { }, VideoFrame: function VideoFrame() { }, ImageTrackList: function ImageTrackList() { }, ImageTrack: function ImageTrack() { }, GlProgram: function GlProgram(t0) { this.program = t0; }, GlContext: function GlContext(t0) { var _ = this; _.glContext = t0; _._heightInPixels = _._widthInPixels = _.__engine$_canvas = _._kUnsignedShort = _._kUnsignedByte = _._kLinkStatus = _._kTriangles = _._kColorBufferBit = _._kFloat = _._kStaticDraw = _._kElementArrayBuffer = _._kArrayBuffer = _._kCompileStatus = null; }, OffScreenCanvas: function OffScreenCanvas(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.canvasElement = _.offScreenCanvas = null; _.width = t0; _.height = t1; }, AccessibilityAnnouncements: function AccessibilityAnnouncements() { this.__engine$_element = this._removeElementTimer = null; }, AccessibilityAnnouncements$__closure: function AccessibilityAnnouncements$__closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, AccessibilityAnnouncements_handleMessage_closure: function AccessibilityAnnouncements_handleMessage_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _CheckableKind: function _CheckableKind(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, Checkable: function Checkable(t0, t1) { this.__engine$_kind = t0; this.semanticsObject = t1; }, ImageRoleManager: function ImageRoleManager(t0) { this._auxiliaryImageElement = null; this.semanticsObject = t0; }, Incrementable: function Incrementable(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.__engine$_element = t0; _._currentSurrogateValue = 1; _._gestureModeListener = null; _._pendingResync = false; _.semanticsObject = t1; }, Incrementable_closure: function Incrementable_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.semanticsObject = t1; }, Incrementable_closure0: function Incrementable_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, LabelAndValue: function LabelAndValue(t0) { this._auxiliaryValueElement = null; this.semanticsObject = t0; }, LiveRegion: function LiveRegion(t0) { this.semanticsObject = t0; }, Scrollable: function Scrollable(t0) { var _ = this; _._scrollListener = _._gestureModeListener = null; _._effectiveNeutralScrollPosition = 0; _.semanticsObject = t0; }, Scrollable_update_closure: function Scrollable_update_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, Scrollable_update_closure0: function Scrollable_update_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, Scrollable_update_closure1: function Scrollable_update_closure1(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, SemanticsUpdate: function SemanticsUpdate(t0) { this.__engine$_nodeUpdates = t0; }, SemanticsNodeUpdate: function SemanticsNodeUpdate(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26) { var _ = this; _.id = t0; _.flags = t1; _.actions = t2; _.textSelectionBase = t3; _.textSelectionExtent = t4; _.scrollChildren = t5; _.scrollIndex = t6; _.scrollPosition = t7; _.scrollExtentMax = t8; _.scrollExtentMin = t9; _.rect = t10; _.label = t11; _.labelAttributes = t12; _.hint = t13; _.hintAttributes = t14; _.value = t15; _.valueAttributes = t16; _.increasedValue = t17; _.increasedValueAttributes = t18; _.decreasedValue = t19; _.decreasedValueAttributes = t20; _.tooltip = t21; _.textDirection = t22; _.transform = t23; _.childrenInTraversalOrder = t24; _.childrenInHitTestOrder = t25; _.additionalActions = t26; }, Role: function Role(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _roleFactories_closure: function _roleFactories_closure() { }, _roleFactories_closure0: function _roleFactories_closure0() { }, _roleFactories_closure1: function _roleFactories_closure1() { }, _roleFactories_closure2: function _roleFactories_closure2() { }, _roleFactories_closure3: function _roleFactories_closure3() { }, _roleFactories_closure4: function _roleFactories_closure4() { }, _roleFactories_closure5: function _roleFactories_closure5() { }, _roleFactories_closure6: function _roleFactories_closure6() { }, RoleManager: function RoleManager() { }, SemanticsObject: function SemanticsObject(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.__engine$_flags = 0; _._tooltip = _._additionalActions = _._childrenInHitTestOrder = _.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder = _.__engine$_transform = _.__engine$_textDirection = _._decreasedValueAttributes = _._decreasedValue = _._increasedValueAttributes = _._increasedValue = _._valueAttributes = _.__engine$_value = _._hintAttributes = _._hint = _._labelAttributes = _._label = _.__engine$_rect = _.__engine$_scrollExtentMin = _.__engine$_scrollExtentMax = _.__engine$_scrollPosition = _.__engine$_scrollIndex = _._scrollChildren = _._textSelectionExtent = _._textSelectionBase = _.__engine$_actions = null; _.id = t0; _.owner = t1; _.element = t2; _._dirtyFields = -1; _.__engine$_parent = _._childContainerElement = null; _._roleManagers = t3; _.horizontalContainerAdjustment = _.verticalContainerAdjustment = 0; _._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder = null; }, AccessibilityMode: function AccessibilityMode(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, GestureMode: function GestureMode(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, EngineSemanticsOwner: function EngineSemanticsOwner(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _._semanticsTree = t0; _._attachments = t1; _._detachments = t2; _._oneTimePostUpdateCallbacks = t3; _._rootSemanticsElement = null; _._now = t4; _.semanticsHelper = t5; _._semanticsEnabled = false; _._gestureMode = t6; _._gestureModeClock = null; _._gestureModeListeners = t7; }, EngineSemanticsOwner$__closure: function EngineSemanticsOwner$__closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, EngineSemanticsOwner__now_closure: function EngineSemanticsOwner__now_closure() { }, EngineSemanticsOwner__getGestureModeClock_closure: function EngineSemanticsOwner__getGestureModeClock_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, EnabledState: function EnabledState(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, SemanticsHelper: function SemanticsHelper(t0) { this._semanticsEnabler = t0; }, SemanticsEnabler: function SemanticsEnabler() { }, DesktopSemanticsEnabler: function DesktopSemanticsEnabler() { this._semanticsPlaceholder = null; }, DesktopSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure: function DesktopSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, MobileSemanticsEnabler: function MobileSemanticsEnabler() { var _ = this; _._semanticsPlaceholder = _.semanticsActivationTimer = null; _.semanticsActivationAttempts = 0; _._schedulePlaceholderRemoval = false; }, MobileSemanticsEnabler_tryEnableSemantics_closure: function MobileSemanticsEnabler_tryEnableSemantics_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, MobileSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure: function MobileSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, Tappable: function Tappable(t0) { this._clickListener = null; this.semanticsObject = t0; }, Tappable_update_closure: function Tappable_update_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, SemanticsTextEditingStrategy: function SemanticsTextEditingStrategy(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._queuedStyle = _.inputConfig = _.activeTextField = null; _.owner = t0; _.isEnabled = false; _.domElement = null; _.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration = $; _.onAction = _.onChange = _.geometry = _.style = _.lastEditingState = null; _.subscriptions = t1; _._appendedToForm = false; }, TextField: function TextField(t0) { this.__TextField_editableElement = $; this._hasFocused = false; this.semanticsObject = t0; }, TextField__initializeForBlink_closure: function TextField__initializeForBlink_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure: function TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure0: function TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure0(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; }, TextField_update_closure: function TextField_update_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _TypedDataBuffer: function _TypedDataBuffer() { }, _IntBuffer: function _IntBuffer() { }, Uint8Buffer0: function Uint8Buffer0(t0, t1) { this.__engine$_buffer = t0; this.__engine$_length = t1; }, MethodCall: function MethodCall(t0, t1) { this.method = t0; this.$arguments = t1; }, JSONMessageCodec: function JSONMessageCodec() { }, JSONMethodCodec: function JSONMethodCodec() { }, StandardMessageCodec: function StandardMessageCodec() { }, StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure0: function StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure0(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.buffer = t1; }, StandardMethodCodec: function StandardMethodCodec() { }, WriteBuffer0: function WriteBuffer0(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._debugFinalized = false; _.__engine$_buffer = t0; _.__engine$_eightBytes = t1; _._eightBytesAsList = t2; }, ReadBuffer0: function ReadBuffer0(t0) { this.data = t0; this.__engine$_position = 0; }, SurfaceShadowData: function SurfaceShadowData(t0, t1) { this.blurWidth = t0; this.offset = t1; }, CanvasParagraph: function CanvasParagraph(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.spans = t0; _.paragraphStyle = t1; _.plainText = t2; _.drawOnCanvas = t3; _.isLaidOut = false; _._lastUsedConstraints = null; _.__CanvasParagraph__paintService = _.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService = $; _._cachedDomElement = null; }, FlatTextSpan: function FlatTextSpan(t0, t1, t2) { this.style = t0; this.start = t1; this.end = t2; }, StyleNode: function StyleNode() { }, ChildStyleNode: function ChildStyleNode(t0, t1) { this.parent = t0; this.style = t1; this._cachedStyle = null; }, RootStyleNode: function RootStyleNode(t0) { this.paragraphStyle = t0; this._cachedStyle = null; }, CanvasParagraphBuilder: function CanvasParagraphBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _._plainTextBuffer = t0; _._paragraphStyle = t1; _._spans = t2; _._styleStack = t3; _._rootStyleNode = t4; _._placeholderScales = t5; _._drawOnCanvas = true; }, FontCollection: function FontCollection() { this._testFontManager = this._assetFontManager = null; }, FontManager: function FontManager(t0) { this._fontLoadingFutures = t0; }, FontManager__loadFontFace_closure: function FontManager__loadFontFace_closure(t0) { this.fontFace = t0; }, FontManager__loadFontFace_closure0: function FontManager__loadFontFace_closure0(t0) { this.family = t0; }, _PolyfillFontManager: function _PolyfillFontManager(t0) { this._fontLoadingFutures = t0; }, _PolyfillFontManager_registerAsset__watchWidth: function _PolyfillFontManager_registerAsset__watchWidth(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.paragraph = t0; _.sansSerifWidth = t1; _.completer = t2; _._fontLoadStart = t3; _.family = t4; }, _PolyfillFontManager_registerAsset_closure: function _PolyfillFontManager_registerAsset_closure(t0) { this.fontStyleMap = t0; }, TextLayoutService: function TextLayoutService(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.paragraph = t0; _.context = t1; _.width = -1; _.height = 0; _.longestLine = null; _.maxIntrinsicWidth = _.minIntrinsicWidth = 0; _.ideographicBaseline = _.alphabeticBaseline = -1; _.didExceedMaxLines = false; _.lines = t2; }, RangeBox: function RangeBox() { }, PlaceholderBox: function PlaceholderBox() { }, SpanBox: function SpanBox(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) { var _ = this; _.spanometer = t0; _.span = t1; _.contentDirection = t2; _.isSpaceOnly = t3; _.height = t4; _.baseline = t5; _.start = t6; _.end = t7; _.__RangeBox_startOffset = $; _.width = t8; _.__RangeBox_lineWidth = $; _.paragraphDirection = t9; _.boxDirection = t10; }, LineSegment: function LineSegment(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.span = t0; _.start = t1; _.end = t2; _.width = t3; _.widthIncludingSpace = t4; }, LineBuilder: function LineBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _._segments = t0; _._boxes = t1; _.maxWidth = t2; _.paragraph = t3; _.spanometer = t4; _.start = t5; _.lineNumber = t6; _.accumulatedHeight = t7; _.__engine$_end = t8; _.descent = _.ascent = _.widthIncludingSpace = _.width = 0; _.isBreakable = false; _._spaceBoxCount = 0; _.__LineBuilder__currentContentDirection = _.__LineBuilder__currentBoxDirection = $; _._currentBoxStartOffset = 0; _._cachedNextBreak = null; }, Spanometer: function Spanometer(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.paragraph = t0; _.context = t1; _._cssFontString = ""; _._currentSpan = _._currentRuler = null; }, LineCharProperty: function LineCharProperty(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, LineBreakType: function LineBreakType(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, LineBreakResult: function LineBreakResult(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.index = t0; _.indexWithoutTrailingNewlines = t1; _.indexWithoutTrailingSpaces = t2; _.type = t3; }, RulerHost: function RulerHost(t0) { this._rulerHost = t0; }, TextPaintService: function TextPaintService(t0) { this.paragraph = t0; }, EngineLineMetrics: function EngineLineMetrics(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) { var _ = this; _.ellipsis = t0; _.startIndex = t1; _.endIndex = t2; _.endIndexWithoutNewlines = t3; _.boxes = t4; _.spaceBoxCount = t5; _.hardBreak = t6; _.ascent = t7; _.descent = t8; _.height = t9; _.width = t10; _.widthWithTrailingSpaces = t11; _.left = t12; _.baseline = t13; _.lineNumber = t14; }, EngineParagraphStyle: function EngineParagraphStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) { var _ = this; _.textAlign = t0; _.textDirection = t1; _.fontWeight = t2; _.fontStyle = t3; _.maxLines = t4; _.fontFamily = t5; _.fontSize = t6; _.height = t7; _._textHeightBehavior = t8; _._strutStyle = t9; _.ellipsis = t10; _.locale = t11; }, EngineTextStyle: function EngineTextStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19) { var _ = this; _.color = t0; _.decoration = t1; _.decorationColor = t2; _.decorationStyle = t3; _.decorationThickness = t4; _.fontWeight = t5; _.fontStyle = t6; _.textBaseline = t7; _.isFontFamilyProvided = t8; _.fontFamily = t9; _.fontFamilyFallback = t10; _.fontFeatures = t11; _.fontSize = t12; _.letterSpacing = t13; _.wordSpacing = t14; _.height = t15; _.locale = t16; _.background = t17; _.foreground = t18; _.shadows = t19; _._cssFontString = null; _.__EngineTextStyle_heightStyle = $; }, TextHeightStyle: function TextHeightStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.fontFamily = t0; _.fontSize = t1; _.height = t2; _.fontFeatures = t3; _.__TextHeightStyle_hashCode = $; }, TextDimensions: function TextDimensions(t0) { this.__engine$_element = t0; this._cachedBoundingClientRect = null; }, TextHeightRuler: function TextHeightRuler(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.textHeightStyle = t0; _.rulerHost = t1; _.__TextHeightRuler__host = _.__TextHeightRuler__probe = $; _._dimensions = t2; _.__TextHeightRuler_height = _.__TextHeightRuler_alphabeticBaseline = $; }, DirectionalPosition: function DirectionalPosition(t0, t1, t2) { this.lineBreak = t0; this.textDirection = t1; this.isSpaceOnly = t2; }, _ComparisonResult: function _ComparisonResult(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, UnicodeRange: function UnicodeRange(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.start = t0; _.end = t1; _.property = t2; _.$ti = t3; }, UnicodePropertyLookup: function UnicodePropertyLookup(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.ranges = t0; _.defaultProperty = t1; _.__engine$_cache = t2; _.$ti = t3; }, BrowserAutofillHints: function BrowserAutofillHints(t0) { this._flutterToEngineMap = t0; }, EngineInputType: function EngineInputType() { }, NoTextInputType: function NoTextInputType() { }, TextInputType: function TextInputType() { }, NumberInputType: function NumberInputType() { }, DecimalInputType: function DecimalInputType() { }, PhoneInputType: function PhoneInputType() { }, EmailInputType: function EmailInputType() { }, UrlInputType: function UrlInputType() { }, MultilineInputType: function MultilineInputType() { }, TextCapitalization: function TextCapitalization(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, TextCapitalizationConfig: function TextCapitalizationConfig(t0) { this.textCapitalization = t0; }, EngineAutofillForm: function EngineAutofillForm(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.formElement = t0; _.elements = t1; _.items = t2; _.formIdentifier = t3; }, EngineAutofillForm_fromFrameworkMessage_closure: function EngineAutofillForm_fromFrameworkMessage_closure() { }, EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey: function EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.subscriptions = t1; }, EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey_closure: function EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.key = t1; this.element = t2; }, AutofillInfo: function AutofillInfo(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.editingState = t0; _.uniqueIdentifier = t1; _.autofillHint = t2; _.placeholder = t3; }, EditingState: function EditingState(t0, t1, t2) { this.text = t0; this.baseOffset = t1; this.extentOffset = t2; }, InputConfiguration: function InputConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _.inputType = t0; _.inputAction = t1; _.readOnly = t2; _.obscureText = t3; _.autocorrect = t4; _.autofill = t5; _.autofillGroup = t6; _.textCapitalization = t7; }, GloballyPositionedTextEditingStrategy: function GloballyPositionedTextEditingStrategy(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.owner = t0; _.isEnabled = false; _.domElement = null; _.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration = $; _.onAction = _.onChange = _.geometry = _.style = _.lastEditingState = null; _.subscriptions = t1; _._appendedToForm = false; }, SafariDesktopTextEditingStrategy: function SafariDesktopTextEditingStrategy(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.owner = t0; _.isEnabled = false; _.domElement = null; _.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration = $; _.onAction = _.onChange = _.geometry = _.style = _.lastEditingState = null; _.subscriptions = t1; _._appendedToForm = false; }, DefaultTextEditingStrategy: function DefaultTextEditingStrategy() { }, DefaultTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure: function DefaultTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure: function DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure() { }, DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure0: function DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure0() { }, DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure1: function DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure1() { }, IOSTextEditingStrategy: function IOSTextEditingStrategy(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._positionInputElementTimer = null; _._canPosition = true; _.owner = t0; _.isEnabled = false; _.domElement = null; _.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration = $; _.onAction = _.onChange = _.geometry = _.style = _.lastEditingState = null; _.subscriptions = t1; _._appendedToForm = false; }, IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure: function IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0: function IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, IOSTextEditingStrategy__addTapListener_closure: function IOSTextEditingStrategy__addTapListener_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, IOSTextEditingStrategy__schedulePlacement_closure: function IOSTextEditingStrategy__schedulePlacement_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, AndroidTextEditingStrategy: function AndroidTextEditingStrategy(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.owner = t0; _.isEnabled = false; _.domElement = null; _.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration = $; _.onAction = _.onChange = _.geometry = _.style = _.lastEditingState = null; _.subscriptions = t1; _._appendedToForm = false; }, AndroidTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure: function AndroidTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, FirefoxTextEditingStrategy: function FirefoxTextEditingStrategy(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.owner = t0; _.isEnabled = false; _.domElement = null; _.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration = $; _.onAction = _.onChange = _.geometry = _.style = _.lastEditingState = null; _.subscriptions = t1; _._appendedToForm = false; }, FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure: function FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0: function FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, FirefoxTextEditingStrategy__postponeFocus_closure: function FirefoxTextEditingStrategy__postponeFocus_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, TextInputCommand: function TextInputCommand() { }, TextInputSetClient: function TextInputSetClient(t0, t1) { this.clientId = t0; this.configuration = t1; }, TextInputUpdateConfig: function TextInputUpdateConfig() { }, TextInputSetEditingState: function TextInputSetEditingState(t0) { this.state = t0; }, TextInputShow: function TextInputShow() { }, TextInputSetEditableSizeAndTransform: function TextInputSetEditableSizeAndTransform(t0) { this.geometry = t0; }, TextInputSetStyle: function TextInputSetStyle(t0) { this.style = t0; }, TextInputClearClient: function TextInputClearClient() { }, TextInputHide: function TextInputHide() { }, TextInputSetMarkedTextRect: function TextInputSetMarkedTextRect() { }, TextInputSetCaretRect: function TextInputSetCaretRect() { }, TextInputRequestAutofill: function TextInputRequestAutofill() { }, TextInputFinishAutofillContext: function TextInputFinishAutofillContext(t0) { this.saveForm = t0; }, saveForms_closure: function saveForms_closure() { }, TextEditingChannel: function TextEditingChannel(t0) { this.implementation = t0; }, TextEditingChannel_handleTextInput_closure: function TextEditingChannel_handleTextInput_closure(t0) { this.callback = t0; }, HybridTextEditing: function HybridTextEditing() { var _ = this; _.__HybridTextEditing_channel = $; _._clientId = null; _.isEditing = false; _.configuration = null; _.__HybridTextEditing_strategy = $; }, HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure0: function HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure: function HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, EditableTextStyle: function EditableTextStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.fontSize = t0; _.fontWeight = t1; _.fontFamily = t2; _.textAlign = t3; _.textDirection = t4; }, EditableTextGeometry: function EditableTextGeometry(t0, t1, t2) { this.width = t0; this.height = t1; this.globalTransform = t2; }, TransformKind: function TransformKind(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, Matrix40: function Matrix40(t0) { this.__engine$_m4storage = t0; }, EngineFlutterWindow: function EngineFlutterWindow() { }, EngineFlutterWindow_closure: function EngineFlutterWindow_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, EngineFlutterWindow_handleNavigationMessage_closure: function EngineFlutterWindow_handleNavigationMessage_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.data = t1; }, EngineSingletonFlutterWindow: function EngineSingletonFlutterWindow(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._debugDevicePixelRatio = null; _._windowId = t0; _.platformDispatcher = t1; _._browserHistory = null; _._endOfTheLine = t2; _._viewInsets = t3; _._physicalSize = null; }, WindowPadding: function WindowPadding(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.left = t0; _.top = t1; _.right = t2; _.bottom = t3; }, _DomCanvas_EngineCanvas_SaveElementStackTracking: function _DomCanvas_EngineCanvas_SaveElementStackTracking() { }, _PersistedClipRect_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip: function _PersistedClipRect_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip() { }, _PersistedPhysicalShape_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip: function _PersistedPhysicalShape_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip() { }, __MouseAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin: function __MouseAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin() { }, __PointerAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin: function __PointerAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin() { }, JS_CONST: function JS_CONST() { }, CastIterable_CastIterable(source, $S, $T) { if ($S._eval$1("EfficientLengthIterable<0>")._is(source)) return new A._EfficientLengthCastIterable(source, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("_EfficientLengthCastIterable<1,2>")); return new A.CastIterable(source, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("CastIterable<1,2>")); }, LateError$fieldADI(fieldName) { return new A.LateError("Field '" + fieldName + "' has been assigned during initialization."); }, LateError$fieldNI(fieldName) { return new A.LateError("Field '" + fieldName + "' has not been initialized."); }, LateError$localNI(localName) { return new A.LateError("Local '" + localName + "' has not been initialized."); }, hexDigitValue(char) { var letter, digit = char ^ 48; if (digit <= 9) return digit; letter = char | 32; if (97 <= letter && letter <= 102) return letter - 87; return -1; }, parseHexByte(source, index) { var digit1 = A.hexDigitValue(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, index)), digit2 = A.hexDigitValue(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, index + 1)); return digit1 * 16 + digit2 - (digit2 & 256); }, SystemHash_combine(hash, value) { hash = hash + value & 536870911; hash = hash + ((hash & 524287) << 10) & 536870911; return hash ^ hash >>> 6; }, SystemHash_finish(hash) { hash = hash + ((hash & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911; hash ^= hash >>> 11; return hash + ((hash & 16383) << 15) & 536870911; }, SystemHash_hash2(v1, v2, seed) { return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(seed, v1), v2)); }, SystemHash_hash4(v1, v2, v3, v4, seed) { return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(seed, v1), v2), v3), v4)); }, checkNotNullable(value, $name, $T) { return value; }, SubListIterable$(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength, $E) { A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(_start, "start"); if (_endOrLength != null) { A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(_endOrLength, "end"); if (_start > _endOrLength) A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$range(_start, 0, _endOrLength, "start", null)); } return new A.SubListIterable(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength, $E._eval$1("SubListIterable<0>")); }, MappedIterable_MappedIterable(iterable, $function, $S, $T) { if (type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable)) return new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(iterable, $function, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>")); return new A.MappedIterable(iterable, $function, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedIterable<1,2>")); }, TakeIterable_TakeIterable(iterable, takeCount, $E) { var _s9_ = "takeCount"; A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(takeCount, _s9_); A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(takeCount, _s9_); if (type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable)) return new A.EfficientLengthTakeIterable(iterable, takeCount, $E._eval$1("EfficientLengthTakeIterable<0>")); return new A.TakeIterable(iterable, takeCount, $E._eval$1("TakeIterable<0>")); }, SkipIterable_SkipIterable(iterable, count, $E) { var _s5_ = "count"; if (type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable)) { A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(count, _s5_); A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, _s5_); return new A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable(iterable, count, $E._eval$1("EfficientLengthSkipIterable<0>")); } A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(count, _s5_); A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, _s5_); return new A.SkipIterable(iterable, count, $E._eval$1("SkipIterable<0>")); }, FollowedByIterable_FollowedByIterable$firstEfficient(first, second, $E) { return new A.FollowedByIterable(first, second, $E._eval$1("FollowedByIterable<0>")); }, IterableElementError_noElement() { return new A.StateError("No element"); }, IterableElementError_tooMany() { return new A.StateError("Too many elements"); }, IterableElementError_tooFew() { return new A.StateError("Too few elements"); }, Sort_sort(a, compare) { A.Sort__doSort(a, 0, J.get$length$asx(a) - 1, compare); }, Sort__doSort(a, left, right, compare) { if (right - left <= 32) A.Sort__insertionSort(a, left, right, compare); else A.Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(a, left, right, compare); }, Sort__insertionSort(a, left, right, compare) { var i, t1, el, j, j0; for (i = left + 1, t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(a); i <= right; ++i) { el = t1.$index(a, i); j = i; while (true) { if (!(j > left && compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, j - 1), el) > 0)) break; j0 = j - 1; t1.$indexSet(a, j, t1.$index(a, j0)); j = j0; } t1.$indexSet(a, j, el); } }, Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(a, left, right, compare) { var t0, less, great, k, ak, comp, great0, less0, pivots_are_equal, t2, sixth = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(right - left + 1, 6), index1 = left + sixth, index5 = right - sixth, index3 = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(left + right, 2), index2 = index3 - sixth, index4 = index3 + sixth, t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(a), el1 = t1.$index(a, index1), el2 = t1.$index(a, index2), el3 = t1.$index(a, index3), el4 = t1.$index(a, index4), el5 = t1.$index(a, index5); if (compare.call$2(el1, el2) > 0) { t0 = el2; el2 = el1; el1 = t0; } if (compare.call$2(el4, el5) > 0) { t0 = el5; el5 = el4; el4 = t0; } if (compare.call$2(el1, el3) > 0) { t0 = el3; el3 = el1; el1 = t0; } if (compare.call$2(el2, el3) > 0) { t0 = el3; el3 = el2; el2 = t0; } if (compare.call$2(el1, el4) > 0) { t0 = el4; el4 = el1; el1 = t0; } if (compare.call$2(el3, el4) > 0) { t0 = el4; el4 = el3; el3 = t0; } if (compare.call$2(el2, el5) > 0) { t0 = el5; el5 = el2; el2 = t0; } if (compare.call$2(el2, el3) > 0) { t0 = el3; el3 = el2; el2 = t0; } if (compare.call$2(el4, el5) > 0) { t0 = el5; el5 = el4; el4 = t0; } t1.$indexSet(a, index1, el1); t1.$indexSet(a, index3, el3); t1.$indexSet(a, index5, el5); t1.$indexSet(a, index2, t1.$index(a, left)); t1.$indexSet(a, index4, t1.$index(a, right)); less = left + 1; great = right - 1; if (J.$eq$(compare.call$2(el2, el4), 0)) { for (k = less; k <= great; ++k) { ak = t1.$index(a, k); comp = compare.call$2(ak, el2); if (comp === 0) continue; if (comp < 0) { if (k !== less) { t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less)); t1.$indexSet(a, less, ak); } ++less; } else for (; true;) { comp = compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el2); if (comp > 0) { --great; continue; } else { great0 = great - 1; if (comp < 0) { t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less)); less0 = less + 1; t1.$indexSet(a, less, t1.$index(a, great)); t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak); great = great0; less = less0; break; } else { t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, great)); t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak); great = great0; break; } } } } pivots_are_equal = true; } else { for (k = less; k <= great; ++k) { ak = t1.$index(a, k); if (compare.call$2(ak, el2) < 0) { if (k !== less) { t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less)); t1.$indexSet(a, less, ak); } ++less; } else if (compare.call$2(ak, el4) > 0) for (; true;) if (compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el4) > 0) { --great; if (great < k) break; continue; } else { great0 = great - 1; if (compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el2) < 0) { t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less)); less0 = less + 1; t1.$indexSet(a, less, t1.$index(a, great)); t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak); less = less0; } else { t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, great)); t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak); } great = great0; break; } } pivots_are_equal = false; } t2 = less - 1; t1.$indexSet(a, left, t1.$index(a, t2)); t1.$indexSet(a, t2, el2); t2 = great + 1; t1.$indexSet(a, right, t1.$index(a, t2)); t1.$indexSet(a, t2, el4); A.Sort__doSort(a, left, less - 2, compare); A.Sort__doSort(a, great + 2, right, compare); if (pivots_are_equal) return; if (less < index1 && great > index5) { for (; J.$eq$(compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, less), el2), 0);) ++less; for (; J.$eq$(compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el4), 0);) --great; for (k = less; k <= great; ++k) { ak = t1.$index(a, k); if (compare.call$2(ak, el2) === 0) { if (k !== less) { t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less)); t1.$indexSet(a, less, ak); } ++less; } else if (compare.call$2(ak, el4) === 0) for (; true;) if (compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el4) === 0) { --great; if (great < k) break; continue; } else { great0 = great - 1; if (compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el2) < 0) { t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less)); less0 = less + 1; t1.$indexSet(a, less, t1.$index(a, great)); t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak); less = less0; } else { t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, great)); t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak); } great = great0; break; } } A.Sort__doSort(a, less, great, compare); } else A.Sort__doSort(a, less, great, compare); }, _CastIterableBase: function _CastIterableBase() { }, CastIterator: function CastIterator(t0, t1) { this._source = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, CastIterable: function CastIterable(t0, t1) { this._source = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, _EfficientLengthCastIterable: function _EfficientLengthCastIterable(t0, t1) { this._source = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, _CastListBase: function _CastListBase() { }, CastList: function CastList(t0, t1) { this._source = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, CastMap: function CastMap(t0, t1) { this._source = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, CastMap_putIfAbsent_closure: function CastMap_putIfAbsent_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.ifAbsent = t1; }, CastMap_forEach_closure: function CastMap_forEach_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.f = t1; }, CastMap_entries_closure: function CastMap_entries_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, LateError: function LateError(t0) { this._message = t0; }, CodeUnits: function CodeUnits(t0) { this._string = t0; }, nullFuture_closure: function nullFuture_closure() { }, SentinelValue: function SentinelValue() { }, EfficientLengthIterable: function EfficientLengthIterable() { }, ListIterable: function ListIterable() { }, SubListIterable: function SubListIterable(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._iterable = t0; _._start = t1; _._endOrLength = t2; _.$ti = t3; }, ListIterator: function ListIterator(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._iterable = t0; _._length = t1; _._index = 0; _._current = null; }, MappedIterable: function MappedIterable(t0, t1, t2) { this._iterable = t0; this._f = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, EfficientLengthMappedIterable: function EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t0, t1, t2) { this._iterable = t0; this._f = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, MappedIterator: function MappedIterator(t0, t1) { this._current = null; this._iterator = t0; this._f = t1; }, MappedListIterable: function MappedListIterable(t0, t1, t2) { this._source = t0; this._f = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, WhereIterable: function WhereIterable(t0, t1, t2) { this._iterable = t0; this._f = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, WhereIterator: function WhereIterator(t0, t1) { this._iterator = t0; this._f = t1; }, ExpandIterable: function ExpandIterable(t0, t1, t2) { this._iterable = t0; this._f = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, ExpandIterator: function ExpandIterator(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._iterator = t0; _._f = t1; _._currentExpansion = t2; _._current = null; }, TakeIterable: function TakeIterable(t0, t1, t2) { this._iterable = t0; this._takeCount = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, EfficientLengthTakeIterable: function EfficientLengthTakeIterable(t0, t1, t2) { this._iterable = t0; this._takeCount = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, TakeIterator: function TakeIterator(t0, t1) { this._iterator = t0; this._remaining = t1; }, SkipIterable: function SkipIterable(t0, t1, t2) { this._iterable = t0; this._skipCount = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, EfficientLengthSkipIterable: function EfficientLengthSkipIterable(t0, t1, t2) { this._iterable = t0; this._skipCount = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, SkipIterator: function SkipIterator(t0, t1) { this._iterator = t0; this._skipCount = t1; }, SkipWhileIterable: function SkipWhileIterable(t0, t1, t2) { this._iterable = t0; this._f = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, SkipWhileIterator: function SkipWhileIterator(t0, t1) { this._iterator = t0; this._f = t1; this._hasSkipped = false; }, EmptyIterable: function EmptyIterable(t0) { this.$ti = t0; }, EmptyIterator: function EmptyIterator() { }, FollowedByIterable: function FollowedByIterable(t0, t1, t2) { this.__internal$_first = t0; this._second = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, FollowedByIterator: function FollowedByIterator(t0, t1) { this._currentIterator = t0; this._nextIterable = t1; }, WhereTypeIterable: function WhereTypeIterable(t0, t1) { this._source = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, WhereTypeIterator: function WhereTypeIterator(t0, t1) { this._source = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, FixedLengthListMixin: function FixedLengthListMixin() { }, UnmodifiableListMixin: function UnmodifiableListMixin() { }, UnmodifiableListBase: function UnmodifiableListBase() { }, ReversedListIterable: function ReversedListIterable(t0, t1) { this._source = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, Symbol: function Symbol(t0) { this.__internal$_name = t0; }, __CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin: function __CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin() { }, ConstantMap__throwUnmodifiable() { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable Map")); }, GeneralConstantMap__constantMapHashCode(key) { if (typeof key == "number") return B.JSNumber_methods.get$hashCode(key); if (type$.Symbol._is(key)) return key.get$hashCode(key); if (type$.Type._is(key)) return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(key); return A.objectHashCode(key); }, GeneralConstantMap__typeTest($T) { return new A.GeneralConstantMap__typeTest_closure($T); }, instantiate1(f, T1) { var t1 = new A.Instantiation1(f, T1._eval$1("Instantiation1<0>")); t1.Instantiation$1(f); return t1; }, unminifyOrTag(rawClassName) { var preserved = init.mangledGlobalNames[rawClassName]; if (preserved != null) return preserved; return rawClassName; }, isJsIndexable(object, record) { var result; if (record != null) { result = record.x; if (result != null) return result; } return type$.JavaScriptIndexingBehavior_dynamic._is(object); }, S(value) { var result; if (typeof value == "string") return value; if (typeof value == "number") { if (value !== 0) return "" + value; } else if (true === value) return "true"; else if (false === value) return "false"; else if (value == null) return "null"; result = J.toString$0$(value); return result; }, Primitives_objectHashCode(object) { var t1, hash, property = $.Primitives__identityHashCodeProperty; if (property == null) { t1 = Symbol("identityHashCode"); property = $.Primitives__identityHashCodeProperty = t1; } hash = object[property]; if (hash == null) { hash = Math.random() * 0x3fffffff | 0; object[property] = hash; } return hash; }, Primitives_parseInt(source, radix) { var decimalMatch, maxCharCode, digitsPart, t1, i, _null = null, match = /^\s*[+-]?((0x[a-f0-9]+)|(\d+)|([a-z0-9]+))\s*$/i.exec(source); if (match == null) return _null; decimalMatch = match[3]; if (radix == null) { if (decimalMatch != null) return parseInt(source, 10); if (match[2] != null) return parseInt(source, 16); return _null; } if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(radix, 2, 36, "radix", _null)); if (radix === 10 && decimalMatch != null) return parseInt(source, 10); if (radix < 10 || decimalMatch == null) { maxCharCode = radix <= 10 ? 47 + radix : 86 + radix; digitsPart = match[1]; for (t1 = digitsPart.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(digitsPart, i) | 32) > maxCharCode) return _null; } return parseInt(source, radix); }, Primitives_parseDouble(source) { var result, trimmed; if (!/^\s*[+-]?(?:Infinity|NaN|(?:\.\d+|\d+(?:\.\d*)?)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)\s*$/.test(source)) return null; result = parseFloat(source); if (isNaN(result)) { trimmed = B.JSString_methods.trim$0(source); if (trimmed === "NaN" || trimmed === "+NaN" || trimmed === "-NaN") return result; return null; } return result; }, Primitives_objectTypeName(object) { return A.Primitives__objectTypeNameNewRti(object); }, Primitives__objectTypeNameNewRti(object) { var interceptor, dispatchName, t1, $constructor, constructorName; if (object instanceof A.Object) return A._rtiToString(A.instanceType(object), null); interceptor = J.getInterceptor$(object); if (interceptor === B.Interceptor_methods || interceptor === B.JavaScriptObject_methods || type$.UnknownJavaScriptObject._is(object)) { dispatchName = B.C_JS_CONST(object); t1 = dispatchName !== "Object" && dispatchName !== ""; if (t1) return dispatchName; $constructor = object.constructor; if (typeof $constructor == "function") { constructorName = $constructor.name; if (typeof constructorName == "string") t1 = constructorName !== "Object" && constructorName !== ""; else t1 = false; if (t1) return constructorName; } } return A._rtiToString(A.instanceType(object), null); }, Primitives_dateNow() { return Date.now(); }, Primitives_initTicker() { var $window, performance; if ($.Primitives_timerFrequency !== 0) return; $.Primitives_timerFrequency = 1000; if (typeof window == "undefined") return; $window = window; if ($window == null) return; performance = $window.performance; if (performance == null) return; if (typeof performance.now != "function") return; $.Primitives_timerFrequency = 1000000; $.Primitives_timerTicks = new A.Primitives_initTicker_closure(performance); }, Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(array) { var result, i, i0, chunkEnd, end = array.length; if (end <= 500) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array); for (result = "", i = 0; i < end; i = i0) { i0 = i + 500; chunkEnd = i0 < end ? i0 : end; result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array.slice(i, chunkEnd)); } return result; }, Primitives_stringFromCodePoints(codePoints) { var t1, _i, i, a = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int); for (t1 = codePoints.length, _i = 0; _i < codePoints.length; codePoints.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(codePoints), ++_i) { i = codePoints[_i]; if (!A._isInt(i)) throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i)); if (i <= 65535) a.push(i); else if (i <= 1114111) { a.push(55296 + (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(i - 65536, 10) & 1023)); a.push(56320 + (i & 1023)); } else throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i)); } return A.Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(a); }, Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(charCodes) { var t1, _i, i; for (t1 = charCodes.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) { i = charCodes[_i]; if (!A._isInt(i)) throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i)); if (i < 0) throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i)); if (i > 65535) return A.Primitives_stringFromCodePoints(charCodes); } return A.Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(charCodes); }, Primitives_stringFromNativeUint8List(charCodes, start, end) { var i, result, i0, chunkEnd; if (end <= 500 && start === 0 && end === charCodes.length) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, charCodes); for (i = start, result = ""; i < end; i = i0) { i0 = i + 500; chunkEnd = i0 < end ? i0 : end; result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, charCodes.subarray(i, chunkEnd)); } return result; }, Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode) { var bits; if (0 <= charCode) { if (charCode <= 65535) return String.fromCharCode(charCode); if (charCode <= 1114111) { bits = charCode - 65536; return String.fromCharCode((B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(bits, 10) | 55296) >>> 0, bits & 1023 | 56320); } } throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(charCode, 0, 1114111, null, null)); }, Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver) { if (receiver.date === void 0) receiver.date = new Date(receiver._core$_value); return receiver.date; }, Primitives_getYear(receiver) { return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCFullYear() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getFullYear() + 0; }, Primitives_getMonth(receiver) { return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCMonth() + 1 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getMonth() + 1; }, Primitives_getDay(receiver) { return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCDate() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getDate() + 0; }, Primitives_getHours(receiver) { return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCHours() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getHours() + 0; }, Primitives_getMinutes(receiver) { return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCMinutes() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getMinutes() + 0; }, Primitives_getSeconds(receiver) { return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCSeconds() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getSeconds() + 0; }, Primitives_getMilliseconds(receiver) { return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCMilliseconds() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getMilliseconds() + 0; }, Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) { var $arguments, namedArgumentList, t1 = {}; t1.argumentCount = 0; $arguments = []; namedArgumentList = []; t1.argumentCount = positionalArguments.length; B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1($arguments, positionalArguments); t1.names = ""; if (namedArguments != null && !namedArguments.get$isEmpty(namedArguments)) namedArguments.forEach$1(0, new A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure(t1, namedArgumentList, $arguments)); "" + t1.argumentCount; return J.noSuchMethod$1$($function, new A.JSInvocationMirror(B.Symbol_call, 0, $arguments, namedArgumentList, 0)); }, Primitives_applyFunction($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) { var t1, argumentCount, jsStub; if (Array.isArray(positionalArguments)) t1 = namedArguments == null || namedArguments.get$isEmpty(namedArguments); else t1 = false; if (t1) { argumentCount = positionalArguments.length; if (argumentCount === 0) { if (!!$function.call$0) return $function.call$0(); } else if (argumentCount === 1) { if (!!$function.call$1) return $function.call$1(positionalArguments[0]); } else if (argumentCount === 2) { if (!!$function.call$2) return $function.call$2(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1]); } else if (argumentCount === 3) { if (!!$function.call$3) return $function.call$3(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1], positionalArguments[2]); } else if (argumentCount === 4) { if (!!$function.call$4) return $function.call$4(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1], positionalArguments[2], positionalArguments[3]); } else if (argumentCount === 5) if (!!$function.call$5) return $function.call$5(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1], positionalArguments[2], positionalArguments[3], positionalArguments[4]); jsStub = $function["call" + "$" + argumentCount]; if (jsStub != null) return jsStub.apply($function, positionalArguments); } return A.Primitives__generalApplyFunction($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments); }, Primitives__generalApplyFunction($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) { var defaultValuesClosure, t1, defaultValues, interceptor, jsFunction, maxArguments, missingDefaults, keys, _i, defaultValue, used, t2, $arguments = Array.isArray(positionalArguments) ? positionalArguments : A.List_List$of(positionalArguments, true, type$.dynamic), argumentCount = $arguments.length, requiredParameterCount = $function.$requiredArgCount; if (argumentCount < requiredParameterCount) return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments); defaultValuesClosure = $function.$defaultValues; t1 = defaultValuesClosure == null; defaultValues = !t1 ? defaultValuesClosure() : null; interceptor = J.getInterceptor$($function); jsFunction = interceptor["call*"]; if (typeof jsFunction == "string") jsFunction = interceptor[jsFunction]; if (t1) { if (namedArguments != null && namedArguments.get$isNotEmpty(namedArguments)) return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments); if (argumentCount === requiredParameterCount) return jsFunction.apply($function, $arguments); return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments); } if (Array.isArray(defaultValues)) { if (namedArguments != null && namedArguments.get$isNotEmpty(namedArguments)) return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments); maxArguments = requiredParameterCount + defaultValues.length; if (argumentCount > maxArguments) return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, null); if (argumentCount < maxArguments) { missingDefaults = defaultValues.slice(argumentCount - requiredParameterCount); if ($arguments === positionalArguments) $arguments = A.List_List$of($arguments, true, type$.dynamic); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1($arguments, missingDefaults); } return jsFunction.apply($function, $arguments); } else { if (argumentCount > requiredParameterCount) return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments); if ($arguments === positionalArguments) $arguments = A.List_List$of($arguments, true, type$.dynamic); keys = Object.keys(defaultValues); if (namedArguments == null) for (t1 = keys.length, _i = 0; _i < keys.length; keys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keys), ++_i) { defaultValue = defaultValues[keys[_i]]; if (B.C__Required === defaultValue) return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments); B.JSArray_methods.add$1($arguments, defaultValue); } else { for (t1 = keys.length, used = 0, _i = 0; _i < keys.length; keys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keys), ++_i) { t2 = keys[_i]; if (namedArguments.containsKey$1(0, t2)) { ++used; B.JSArray_methods.add$1($arguments, namedArguments.$index(0, t2)); } else { defaultValue = defaultValues[t2]; if (B.C__Required === defaultValue) return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments); B.JSArray_methods.add$1($arguments, defaultValue); } } if (used !== namedArguments.get$length(namedArguments)) return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments); } return jsFunction.apply($function, $arguments); } }, diagnoseIndexError(indexable, index) { var $length, _s5_ = "index"; if (!A._isInt(index)) return new A.ArgumentError(true, index, _s5_, null); $length = J.get$length$asx(indexable); if (index < 0 || index >= $length) return A.IndexError$(index, indexable, _s5_, null, $length); return A.RangeError$value(index, _s5_); }, diagnoseRangeError(start, end, $length) { if (start > $length) return A.RangeError$range(start, 0, $length, "start", null); if (end != null) if (end < start || end > $length) return A.RangeError$range(end, start, $length, "end", null); return new A.ArgumentError(true, end, "end", null); }, argumentErrorValue(object) { return new A.ArgumentError(true, object, null, null); }, checkNum(value) { return value; }, wrapException(ex) { var wrapper, t1; if (ex == null) ex = new A.NullThrownError(); wrapper = new Error(); wrapper.dartException = ex; t1 = A.toStringWrapper; if ("defineProperty" in Object) { Object.defineProperty(wrapper, "message", {get: t1}); wrapper.name = ""; } else wrapper.toString = t1; return wrapper; }, toStringWrapper() { return J.toString$0$(this.dartException); }, throwExpression(ex) { throw A.wrapException(ex); }, throwConcurrentModificationError(collection) { throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(collection)); }, TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(message) { var match, $arguments, argumentsExpr, expr, method, receiver; message = A.quoteStringForRegExp(message.replace(String({}), "$receiver$")); match = message.match(/\\\$[a-zA-Z]+\\\$/g); if (match == null) match = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); $arguments = match.indexOf("\\$arguments\\$"); argumentsExpr = match.indexOf("\\$argumentsExpr\\$"); expr = match.indexOf("\\$expr\\$"); method = match.indexOf("\\$method\\$"); receiver = match.indexOf("\\$receiver\\$"); return new A.TypeErrorDecoder(message.replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$arguments\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$argumentsExpr\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$expr\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$method\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$receiver\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)"), $arguments, argumentsExpr, expr, method, receiver); }, TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn(expression) { return function($expr$) { var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$"; try { $expr$.$method$($argumentsExpr$); } catch (e) { return e.message; } }(expression); }, TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn(expression) { return function($expr$) { try { $expr$.$method$; } catch (e) { return e.message; } }(expression); }, JsNoSuchMethodError$(_message, match) { var t1 = match == null, t2 = t1 ? null : match.method; return new A.JsNoSuchMethodError(_message, t2, t1 ? null : match.receiver); }, unwrapException(ex) { if (ex == null) return new A.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException(ex); if (ex instanceof A.ExceptionAndStackTrace) return A.saveStackTrace(ex, ex.dartException); if (typeof ex !== "object") return ex; if ("dartException" in ex) return A.saveStackTrace(ex, ex.dartException); return A._unwrapNonDartException(ex); }, saveStackTrace(ex, error) { if (type$.Error._is(error)) if (error.$thrownJsError == null) error.$thrownJsError = ex; return error; }, _unwrapNonDartException(ex) { var message, number, ieErrorCode, t1, nsme, notClosure, nullCall, nullLiteralCall, undefCall, undefLiteralCall, nullProperty, undefProperty, undefLiteralProperty, match, _null = null; if (!("message" in ex)) return ex; message = ex.message; if ("number" in ex && typeof ex.number == "number") { number = ex.number; ieErrorCode = number & 65535; if ((B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(number, 16) & 8191) === 10) switch (ieErrorCode) { case 438: return A.saveStackTrace(ex, A.JsNoSuchMethodError$(A.S(message) + " (Error " + ieErrorCode + ")", _null)); case 445: case 5007: t1 = A.S(message) + " (Error " + ieErrorCode + ")"; return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.NullError(t1, _null)); } } if (ex instanceof TypeError) { nsme = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern(); notClosure = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern(); nullCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern(); nullLiteralCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern(); undefCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern(); undefLiteralCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern(); nullProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern(); $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern(); undefProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern(); undefLiteralProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern(); match = nsme.matchTypeError$1(message); if (match != null) return A.saveStackTrace(ex, A.JsNoSuchMethodError$(message, match)); else { match = notClosure.matchTypeError$1(message); if (match != null) { match.method = "call"; return A.saveStackTrace(ex, A.JsNoSuchMethodError$(message, match)); } else { match = nullCall.matchTypeError$1(message); if (match == null) { match = nullLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message); if (match == null) { match = undefCall.matchTypeError$1(message); if (match == null) { match = undefLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message); if (match == null) { match = nullProperty.matchTypeError$1(message); if (match == null) { match = nullLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message); if (match == null) { match = undefProperty.matchTypeError$1(message); if (match == null) { match = undefLiteralProperty.matchTypeError$1(message); t1 = match != null; } else t1 = true; } else t1 = true; } else t1 = true; } else t1 = true; } else t1 = true; } else t1 = true; } else t1 = true; if (t1) return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.NullError(message, match == null ? _null : match.method)); } } return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.UnknownJsTypeError(typeof message == "string" ? message : "")); } if (ex instanceof RangeError) { if (typeof message == "string" && message.indexOf("call stack") !== -1) return new A.StackOverflowError(); message = function(ex) { try { return String(ex); } catch (e) { } return null; }(ex); return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.ArgumentError(false, _null, _null, typeof message == "string" ? message.replace(/^RangeError:\s*/, "") : message)); } if (typeof InternalError == "function" && ex instanceof InternalError) if (typeof message == "string" && message === "too much recursion") return new A.StackOverflowError(); return ex; }, getTraceFromException(exception) { var trace; if (exception instanceof A.ExceptionAndStackTrace) return exception.stackTrace; if (exception == null) return new A._StackTrace(exception); trace = exception.$cachedTrace; if (trace != null) return trace; return exception.$cachedTrace = new A._StackTrace(exception); }, objectHashCode(object) { if (object == null || typeof object != "object") return J.get$hashCode$(object); else return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(object); }, fillLiteralMap(keyValuePairs, result) { var index, index0, index1, $length = keyValuePairs.length; for (index = 0; index < $length; index = index1) { index0 = index + 1; index1 = index0 + 1; result.$indexSet(0, keyValuePairs[index], keyValuePairs[index0]); } return result; }, fillLiteralSet(values, result) { var index, $length = values.length; for (index = 0; index < $length; ++index) result.add$1(0, values[index]); return result; }, invokeClosure(closure, numberOfArguments, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) { switch (numberOfArguments) { case 0: return closure.call$0(); case 1: return closure.call$1(arg1); case 2: return closure.call$2(arg1, arg2); case 3: return closure.call$3(arg1, arg2, arg3); case 4: return closure.call$4(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure")); }, convertDartClosureToJS(closure, arity) { var $function; if (closure == null) return null; $function = closure.$identity; if (!!$function) return $function; $function = function(closure, arity, invoke) { return function(a1, a2, a3, a4) { return invoke(closure, arity, a1, a2, a3, a4); }; }(closure, arity, A.invokeClosure); closure.$identity = $function; return $function; }, Closure_fromTearOff(parameters) { var $prototype, $constructor, t2, trampoline, applyTrampoline, i, stub, stub0, stubName, stubCallName, container = parameters.co, isStatic = parameters.iS, isIntercepted = parameters.iI, needsDirectAccess = parameters.nDA, applyTrampolineIndex = parameters.aI, funsOrNames = parameters.fs, callNames = parameters.cs, $name = funsOrNames[0], callName = callNames[0], $function = container[$name], t1 = parameters.fT; t1.toString; $prototype = isStatic ? Object.create(new A.StaticClosure().constructor.prototype) : Object.create(new A.BoundClosure(null, null).constructor.prototype); $prototype.$initialize = $prototype.constructor; if (isStatic) $constructor = function static_tear_off() { this.$initialize(); }; else $constructor = function tear_off(a, b) { this.$initialize(a, b); }; $prototype.constructor = $constructor; $constructor.prototype = $prototype; $prototype.$_name = $name; $prototype.$_target = $function; t2 = !isStatic; if (t2) trampoline = A.Closure_forwardCallTo($name, $function, isIntercepted, needsDirectAccess); else { $prototype.$static_name = $name; trampoline = $function; } $prototype.$signature = A.Closure__computeSignatureFunctionNewRti(t1, isStatic, isIntercepted); $prototype[callName] = trampoline; for (applyTrampoline = trampoline, i = 1; i < funsOrNames.length; ++i) { stub = funsOrNames[i]; if (typeof stub == "string") { stub0 = container[stub]; stubName = stub; stub = stub0; } else stubName = ""; stubCallName = callNames[i]; if (stubCallName != null) { if (t2) stub = A.Closure_forwardCallTo(stubName, stub, isIntercepted, needsDirectAccess); $prototype[stubCallName] = stub; } if (i === applyTrampolineIndex) applyTrampoline = stub; } $prototype["call*"] = applyTrampoline; $prototype.$requiredArgCount = parameters.rC; $prototype.$defaultValues = parameters.dV; return $constructor; }, Closure__computeSignatureFunctionNewRti(functionType, isStatic, isIntercepted) { if (typeof functionType == "number") return functionType; if (typeof functionType == "string") { if (isStatic) throw A.wrapException("Cannot compute signature for static tearoff."); return function(recipe, evalOnReceiver) { return function() { return evalOnReceiver(this, recipe); }; }(functionType, A.BoundClosure_evalRecipe); } throw A.wrapException("Error in functionType of tearoff"); }, Closure_cspForwardCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function) { var getReceiver = A.BoundClosure_receiverOf; switch (needsDirectAccess ? -1 : arity) { case 0: return function(entry, receiverOf) { return function() { return receiverOf(this)[entry](); }; }(stubName, getReceiver); case 1: return function(entry, receiverOf) { return function(a) { return receiverOf(this)[entry](a); }; }(stubName, getReceiver); case 2: return function(entry, receiverOf) { return function(a, b) { return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b); }; }(stubName, getReceiver); case 3: return function(entry, receiverOf) { return function(a, b, c) { return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b, c); }; }(stubName, getReceiver); case 4: return function(entry, receiverOf) { return function(a, b, c, d) { return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b, c, d); }; }(stubName, getReceiver); case 5: return function(entry, receiverOf) { return function(a, b, c, d, e) { return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b, c, d, e); }; }(stubName, getReceiver); default: return function(f, receiverOf) { return function() { return f.apply(receiverOf(this), arguments); }; }($function, getReceiver); } }, Closure_forwardCallTo(stubName, $function, isIntercepted, needsDirectAccess) { var arity, t1; if (isIntercepted) return A.Closure_forwardInterceptedCallTo(stubName, $function, needsDirectAccess); arity = $function.length; t1 = A.Closure_cspForwardCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function); return t1; }, Closure_cspForwardInterceptedCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function) { var getReceiver = A.BoundClosure_receiverOf, getInterceptor = A.BoundClosure_interceptorOf; switch (needsDirectAccess ? -1 : arity) { case 0: throw A.wrapException(new A.RuntimeError("Intercepted function with no arguments.")); case 1: return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) { return function() { return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this)); }; }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver); case 2: return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) { return function(a) { return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a); }; }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver); case 3: return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) { return function(a, b) { return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b); }; }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver); case 4: return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) { return function(a, b, c) { return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b, c); }; }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver); case 5: return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) { return function(a, b, c, d) { return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b, c, d); }; }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver); case 6: return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) { return function(a, b, c, d, e) { return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b, c, d, e); }; }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver); default: return function(f, interceptorOf, receiverOf) { return function() { var a = [receiverOf(this)]; Array.prototype.push.apply(a, arguments); return f.apply(interceptorOf(this), a); }; }($function, getInterceptor, getReceiver); } }, Closure_forwardInterceptedCallTo(stubName, $function, needsDirectAccess) { var receiverField, arity, t1, interceptorField = $.BoundClosure__interceptorFieldNameCache; interceptorField == null ? $.BoundClosure__interceptorFieldNameCache = A.BoundClosure__computeFieldNamed("interceptor") : interceptorField; receiverField = $.BoundClosure__receiverFieldNameCache; receiverField == null ? $.BoundClosure__receiverFieldNameCache = A.BoundClosure__computeFieldNamed("receiver") : receiverField; arity = $function.length; t1 = A.Closure_cspForwardInterceptedCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function); return t1; }, closureFromTearOff(parameters) { return A.Closure_fromTearOff(parameters); }, BoundClosure_evalRecipe(closure, recipe) { return A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(init.typeUniverse, A.instanceType(closure._receiver), recipe); }, BoundClosure_receiverOf(closure) { return closure._receiver; }, BoundClosure_interceptorOf(closure) { return closure._interceptor; }, BoundClosure__computeFieldNamed(fieldName) { var t1, i, $name, template = new A.BoundClosure("receiver", "interceptor"), names = J.JSArray_markFixedList(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(template)); for (t1 = names.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) { $name = names[i]; if (template[$name] === fieldName) return $name; } throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Field name " + fieldName + " not found.", null)); }, throwCyclicInit(staticName) { throw A.wrapException(new A.CyclicInitializationError(staticName)); }, getIsolateAffinityTag($name) { return init.getIsolateTag($name); }, defineProperty(obj, property, value) { Object.defineProperty(obj, property, {value: value, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true}); }, lookupAndCacheInterceptor(obj) { var interceptor, interceptorClass, altTag, mark, t1, tag = $.getTagFunction.call$1(obj), record = $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[tag]; if (record != null) { Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true}); return record.i; } interceptor = $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[tag]; if (interceptor != null) return interceptor; interceptorClass = init.interceptorsByTag[tag]; if (interceptorClass == null) { altTag = $.alternateTagFunction.call$2(obj, tag); if (altTag != null) { record = $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[altTag]; if (record != null) { Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true}); return record.i; } interceptor = $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[altTag]; if (interceptor != null) return interceptor; interceptorClass = init.interceptorsByTag[altTag]; tag = altTag; } } if (interceptorClass == null) return null; interceptor = interceptorClass.prototype; mark = tag[0]; if (mark === "!") { record = A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor); $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[tag] = record; Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true}); return record.i; } if (mark === "~") { $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[tag] = interceptor; return interceptor; } if (mark === "-") { t1 = A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor); Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: t1, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true}); return t1.i; } if (mark === "+") return A.patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor); if (mark === "*") throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(tag)); if (init.leafTags[tag] === true) { t1 = A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor); Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: t1, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true}); return t1.i; } else return A.patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor); }, patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor) { var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); Object.defineProperty(proto, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, null, null), enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true}); return interceptor; }, makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor) { return J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, false, null, !!interceptor.$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior); }, makeDefaultDispatchRecord(tag, interceptorClass, proto) { var interceptor = interceptorClass.prototype; if (init.leafTags[tag] === true) return A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor); else return J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, null, null); }, initNativeDispatch() { if (true === $.initNativeDispatchFlag) return; $.initNativeDispatchFlag = true; A.initNativeDispatchContinue(); }, initNativeDispatchContinue() { var map, tags, fun, i, tag, proto, record, interceptorClass; $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags = Object.create(null); $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags = Object.create(null); A.initHooks(); map = init.interceptorsByTag; tags = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(map); if (typeof window != "undefined") { window; fun = function() { }; for (i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) { tag = tags[i]; proto = $.prototypeForTagFunction.call$1(tag); if (proto != null) { record = A.makeDefaultDispatchRecord(tag, map[tag], proto); if (record != null) { Object.defineProperty(proto, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true}); fun.prototype = proto; } } } } for (i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) { tag = tags[i]; if (/^[A-Za-z_]/.test(tag)) { interceptorClass = map[tag]; map["!" + tag] = interceptorClass; map["~" + tag] = interceptorClass; map["-" + tag] = interceptorClass; map["+" + tag] = interceptorClass; map["*" + tag] = interceptorClass; } } }, initHooks() { var transformers, i, transformer, getTag, getUnknownTag, prototypeForTag, hooks = B.C_JS_CONST0(); hooks = A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST1, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST2, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST3, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST3, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST4, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST5, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST6(B.C_JS_CONST), hooks))))))); if (typeof dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer != "undefined") { transformers = dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer; if (typeof transformers == "function") transformers = [transformers]; if (transformers.constructor == Array) for (i = 0; i < transformers.length; ++i) { transformer = transformers[i]; if (typeof transformer == "function") hooks = transformer(hooks) || hooks; } } getTag = hooks.getTag; getUnknownTag = hooks.getUnknownTag; prototypeForTag = hooks.prototypeForTag; $.getTagFunction = new A.initHooks_closure(getTag); $.alternateTagFunction = new A.initHooks_closure0(getUnknownTag); $.prototypeForTagFunction = new A.initHooks_closure1(prototypeForTag); }, applyHooksTransformer(transformer, hooks) { return transformer(hooks) || hooks; }, JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(source, multiLine, caseSensitive, unicode, dotAll, global) { var m = multiLine ? "m" : "", i = caseSensitive ? "" : "i", u = unicode ? "u" : "", s = dotAll ? "s" : "", g = global ? "g" : "", regexp = function(source, modifiers) { try { return new RegExp(source, modifiers); } catch (e) { return e; } }(source, m + i + u + s + g); if (regexp instanceof RegExp) return regexp; throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Illegal RegExp pattern (" + String(regexp) + ")", source, null)); }, stringContainsUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex) { var t1 = receiver.indexOf(other, startIndex); return t1 >= 0; }, escapeReplacement(replacement) { if (replacement.indexOf("$", 0) >= 0) return replacement.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$"); return replacement; }, quoteStringForRegExp(string) { if (/[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/.test(string)) return string.replace(/[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, "\\$&"); return string; }, stringReplaceAllUnchecked(receiver, pattern, replacement) { var t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUncheckedString(receiver, pattern, replacement); return t1; }, stringReplaceAllUncheckedString(receiver, pattern, replacement) { var $length, t1, i, index; if (pattern === "") { if (receiver === "") return replacement; $length = receiver.length; t1 = "" + replacement; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) t1 = t1 + receiver[i] + replacement; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } index = receiver.indexOf(pattern, 0); if (index < 0) return receiver; if (receiver.length < 500 || replacement.indexOf("$", 0) >= 0) return receiver.split(pattern).join(replacement); return receiver.replace(new RegExp(A.quoteStringForRegExp(pattern), "g"), A.escapeReplacement(replacement)); }, stringReplaceFirstUnchecked(receiver, pattern, replacement, startIndex) { var index = receiver.indexOf(pattern, startIndex); if (index < 0) return receiver; return A.stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, index, index + pattern.length, replacement); }, stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, start, end, replacement) { var prefix = receiver.substring(0, start), suffix = receiver.substring(end); return prefix + replacement + suffix; }, ConstantMapView: function ConstantMapView(t0, t1) { this._collection$_map = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, ConstantMap: function ConstantMap() { }, ConstantMap_map_closure: function ConstantMap_map_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.transform = t1; this.result = t2; }, ConstantStringMap: function ConstantStringMap(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.__js_helper$_length = t0; _._jsObject = t1; _._keys = t2; _.$ti = t3; }, ConstantStringMap_values_closure: function ConstantStringMap_values_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _ConstantMapKeyIterable: function _ConstantMapKeyIterable(t0, t1) { this._map = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, GeneralConstantMap: function GeneralConstantMap(t0, t1) { this._jsData = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, GeneralConstantMap__typeTest_closure: function GeneralConstantMap__typeTest_closure(t0) { this.T = t0; }, Instantiation: function Instantiation() { }, Instantiation1: function Instantiation1(t0, t1) { this._genericClosure = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, JSInvocationMirror: function JSInvocationMirror(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.__js_helper$_memberName = t0; _.__js_helper$_kind = t1; _._arguments = t2; _._namedArgumentNames = t3; _._typeArgumentCount = t4; }, Primitives_initTicker_closure: function Primitives_initTicker_closure(t0) { this.performance = t0; }, Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure: function Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_0 = t0; this.namedArgumentList = t1; this.$arguments = t2; }, TypeErrorDecoder: function TypeErrorDecoder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _._pattern = t0; _._arguments = t1; _._argumentsExpr = t2; _._expr = t3; _._method = t4; _._receiver = t5; }, NullError: function NullError(t0, t1) { this.__js_helper$_message = t0; this._method = t1; }, JsNoSuchMethodError: function JsNoSuchMethodError(t0, t1, t2) { this.__js_helper$_message = t0; this._method = t1; this._receiver = t2; }, UnknownJsTypeError: function UnknownJsTypeError(t0) { this.__js_helper$_message = t0; }, NullThrownFromJavaScriptException: function NullThrownFromJavaScriptException(t0) { this._irritant = t0; }, ExceptionAndStackTrace: function ExceptionAndStackTrace(t0, t1) { this.dartException = t0; this.stackTrace = t1; }, _StackTrace: function _StackTrace(t0) { this._exception = t0; this._trace = null; }, Closure: function Closure() { }, Closure0Args: function Closure0Args() { }, Closure2Args: function Closure2Args() { }, TearOffClosure: function TearOffClosure() { }, StaticClosure: function StaticClosure() { }, BoundClosure: function BoundClosure(t0, t1) { this._receiver = t0; this._interceptor = t1; }, RuntimeError: function RuntimeError(t0) { this.message = t0; }, _Required: function _Required() { }, JsLinkedHashMap: function JsLinkedHashMap(t0) { var _ = this; _.__js_helper$_length = 0; _._last = _._first = _.__js_helper$_rest = _._nums = _._strings = null; _._modifications = 0; _.$ti = t0; }, JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure: function JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, JsLinkedHashMap_containsValue_closure: function JsLinkedHashMap_containsValue_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.value = t1; }, JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure: function JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, LinkedHashMapCell: function LinkedHashMapCell(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.hashMapCellKey = t0; _.hashMapCellValue = t1; _._previous = _._next = null; }, LinkedHashMapKeyIterable: function LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t0, t1) { this._map = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, LinkedHashMapKeyIterator: function LinkedHashMapKeyIterator(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._map = t0; _._modifications = t1; _.__js_helper$_current = _._cell = null; }, initHooks_closure: function initHooks_closure(t0) { this.getTag = t0; }, initHooks_closure0: function initHooks_closure0(t0) { this.getUnknownTag = t0; }, initHooks_closure1: function initHooks_closure1(t0) { this.prototypeForTag = t0; }, JSSyntaxRegExp: function JSSyntaxRegExp(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.pattern = t0; _._nativeRegExp = t1; _._nativeAnchoredRegExp = _._nativeGlobalRegExp = null; }, _MatchImplementation: function _MatchImplementation(t0) { this._match = t0; }, StringMatch: function StringMatch(t0, t1) { this.start = t0; this.pattern = t1; }, _StringAllMatchesIterable: function _StringAllMatchesIterable(t0, t1, t2) { this._input = t0; this._pattern = t1; this.__js_helper$_index = t2; }, _StringAllMatchesIterator: function _StringAllMatchesIterator(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._input = t0; _._pattern = t1; _.__js_helper$_index = t2; _.__js_helper$_current = null; }, throwLateFieldADI(fieldName) { return A.throwExpression(A.LateError$fieldADI(fieldName)); }, _Cell$named(_name) { var t1 = new A._Cell(_name); return t1.__late_helper$_value = t1; }, _lateReadCheck(value, $name) { if (value === $) throw A.wrapException(A.LateError$fieldNI($name)); return value; }, _lateWriteOnceCheck(value, $name) { if (value !== $) throw A.wrapException(new A.LateError("Field '" + $name + "' has already been initialized.")); }, _lateInitializeOnceCheck(value, $name) { if (value !== $) throw A.wrapException(A.LateError$fieldADI($name)); }, _Cell: function _Cell(t0) { this.__late_helper$_name = t0; this.__late_helper$_value = null; }, _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length) { }, _ensureNativeList(list) { var t1, result, i; if (type$.JSIndexable_dynamic._is(list)) return list; t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list); result = A.List_List$filled(t1.get$length(list), null, false, type$.dynamic); for (i = 0; i < t1.get$length(list); ++i) result[i] = t1.$index(list, i); return result; }, NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length) { A._checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length); return $length == null ? new DataView(buffer, offsetInBytes) : new DataView(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length); }, NativeFloat32List_NativeFloat32List($length) { return new Float32Array($length); }, NativeFloat64List_NativeFloat64List($length) { return new Float64Array($length); }, NativeFloat64List_NativeFloat64List$view(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length) { A._checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length); return new Float64Array(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length); }, NativeInt32List_NativeInt32List($length) { return new Int32Array($length); }, NativeInt32List_NativeInt32List$view(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length) { A._checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length); return new Int32Array(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length); }, NativeInt8List__create1(arg) { return new Int8Array(arg); }, NativeUint16List_NativeUint16List$fromList(list) { return new Uint16Array(A._ensureNativeList(list)); }, NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$fromList(elements) { return new Uint8Array(A._ensureNativeList(elements)); }, NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length) { A._checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length); return $length == null ? new Uint8Array(buffer, offsetInBytes) : new Uint8Array(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length); }, _checkValidIndex(index, list, $length) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= $length) throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(list, index)); }, _checkValidRange(start, end, $length) { var t1; if (!(start >>> 0 !== start)) if (end == null) t1 = start > $length; else t1 = end >>> 0 !== end || start > end || end > $length; else t1 = true; if (t1) throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseRangeError(start, end, $length)); if (end == null) return $length; return end; }, NativeByteBuffer: function NativeByteBuffer() { }, NativeTypedData: function NativeTypedData() { }, NativeByteData: function NativeByteData() { }, NativeTypedArray: function NativeTypedArray() { }, NativeTypedArrayOfDouble: function NativeTypedArrayOfDouble() { }, NativeTypedArrayOfInt: function NativeTypedArrayOfInt() { }, NativeFloat32List: function NativeFloat32List() { }, NativeFloat64List: function NativeFloat64List() { }, NativeInt16List: function NativeInt16List() { }, NativeInt32List: function NativeInt32List() { }, NativeInt8List: function NativeInt8List() { }, NativeUint16List: function NativeUint16List() { }, NativeUint32List: function NativeUint32List() { }, NativeUint8ClampedList: function NativeUint8ClampedList() { }, NativeUint8List: function NativeUint8List() { }, _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin() { }, _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin() { }, _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin() { }, _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin() { }, Rti__getQuestionFromStar(universe, rti) { var question = rti._precomputed1; return question == null ? rti._precomputed1 = A._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(universe, rti._primary, true) : question; }, Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(universe, rti) { var future = rti._precomputed1; return future == null ? rti._precomputed1 = A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, "Future", [rti._primary]) : future; }, Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(rti) { var kind = rti._kind; if (kind === 6 || kind === 7 || kind === 8) return A.Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(rti._primary); return kind === 11 || kind === 12; }, Rti__getCanonicalRecipe(rti) { return rti._canonicalRecipe; }, findType(recipe) { return A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, recipe, false); }, instantiatedGenericFunctionType(genericFunctionRti, instantiationRti) { var t1, cache, key, probe, rti; if (genericFunctionRti == null) return null; t1 = instantiationRti._rest; cache = genericFunctionRti._bindCache; if (cache == null) cache = genericFunctionRti._bindCache = new Map(); key = instantiationRti._canonicalRecipe; probe = cache.get(key); if (probe != null) return probe; rti = A._substitute(init.typeUniverse, genericFunctionRti._primary, t1, 0); cache.set(key, rti); return rti; }, _substitute(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth) { var baseType, substitutedBaseType, interfaceTypeArguments, substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments, base, substitutedBase, $arguments, substitutedArguments, returnType, substitutedReturnType, functionParameters, substitutedFunctionParameters, bounds, substitutedBounds, index, argument, kind = rti._kind; switch (kind) { case 5: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: return rti; case 6: baseType = rti._primary; substitutedBaseType = A._substitute(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth); if (substitutedBaseType === baseType) return rti; return A._Universe__lookupStarRti(universe, substitutedBaseType, true); case 7: baseType = rti._primary; substitutedBaseType = A._substitute(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth); if (substitutedBaseType === baseType) return rti; return A._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(universe, substitutedBaseType, true); case 8: baseType = rti._primary; substitutedBaseType = A._substitute(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth); if (substitutedBaseType === baseType) return rti; return A._Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(universe, substitutedBaseType, true); case 9: interfaceTypeArguments = rti._rest; substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments = A._substituteArray(universe, interfaceTypeArguments, typeArguments, depth); if (substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments === interfaceTypeArguments) return rti; return A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, rti._primary, substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments); case 10: base = rti._primary; substitutedBase = A._substitute(universe, base, typeArguments, depth); $arguments = rti._rest; substitutedArguments = A._substituteArray(universe, $arguments, typeArguments, depth); if (substitutedBase === base && substitutedArguments === $arguments) return rti; return A._Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, substitutedBase, substitutedArguments); case 11: returnType = rti._primary; substitutedReturnType = A._substitute(universe, returnType, typeArguments, depth); functionParameters = rti._rest; substitutedFunctionParameters = A._substituteFunctionParameters(universe, functionParameters, typeArguments, depth); if (substitutedReturnType === returnType && substitutedFunctionParameters === functionParameters) return rti; return A._Universe__lookupFunctionRti(universe, substitutedReturnType, substitutedFunctionParameters); case 12: bounds = rti._rest; depth += bounds.length; substitutedBounds = A._substituteArray(universe, bounds, typeArguments, depth); base = rti._primary; substitutedBase = A._substitute(universe, base, typeArguments, depth); if (substitutedBounds === bounds && substitutedBase === base) return rti; return A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, substitutedBase, substitutedBounds, true); case 13: index = rti._primary; if (index < depth) return rti; argument = typeArguments[index - depth]; if (argument == null) return rti; return argument; default: throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Attempted to substitute unexpected RTI kind " + kind)); } }, _substituteArray(universe, rtiArray, typeArguments, depth) { var changed, i, rti, substitutedRti, $length = rtiArray.length, result = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length); for (changed = false, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { rti = rtiArray[i]; substitutedRti = A._substitute(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth); if (substitutedRti !== rti) changed = true; result[i] = substitutedRti; } return changed ? result : rtiArray; }, _substituteNamed(universe, namedArray, typeArguments, depth) { var changed, i, t1, t2, rti, substitutedRti, $length = namedArray.length, result = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length); for (changed = false, i = 0; i < $length; i += 3) { t1 = namedArray[i]; t2 = namedArray[i + 1]; rti = namedArray[i + 2]; substitutedRti = A._substitute(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth); if (substitutedRti !== rti) changed = true; result.splice(i, 3, t1, t2, substitutedRti); } return changed ? result : namedArray; }, _substituteFunctionParameters(universe, functionParameters, typeArguments, depth) { var result, requiredPositional = functionParameters._requiredPositional, substitutedRequiredPositional = A._substituteArray(universe, requiredPositional, typeArguments, depth), optionalPositional = functionParameters._optionalPositional, substitutedOptionalPositional = A._substituteArray(universe, optionalPositional, typeArguments, depth), named = functionParameters._named, substitutedNamed = A._substituteNamed(universe, named, typeArguments, depth); if (substitutedRequiredPositional === requiredPositional && substitutedOptionalPositional === optionalPositional && substitutedNamed === named) return functionParameters; result = new A._FunctionParameters(); result._requiredPositional = substitutedRequiredPositional; result._optionalPositional = substitutedOptionalPositional; result._named = substitutedNamed; return result; }, _setArrayType(target, rti) { target[init.arrayRti] = rti; return target; }, closureFunctionType(closure) { var signature = closure.$signature; if (signature != null) { if (typeof signature == "number") return A.getTypeFromTypesTable(signature); return closure.$signature(); } return null; }, instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti) { var rti; if (A.Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(testRti)) if (object instanceof A.Closure) { rti = A.closureFunctionType(object); if (rti != null) return rti; } return A.instanceType(object); }, instanceType(object) { var rti; if (object instanceof A.Object) { rti = object.$ti; return rti != null ? rti : A._instanceTypeFromConstructor(object); } if (Array.isArray(object)) return A._arrayInstanceType(object); return A._instanceTypeFromConstructor(J.getInterceptor$(object)); }, _arrayInstanceType(object) { var rti = object[init.arrayRti], defaultRti = type$.JSArray_dynamic; if (rti == null) return defaultRti; if (rti.constructor !== defaultRti.constructor) return defaultRti; return rti; }, _instanceType(object) { var rti = object.$ti; return rti != null ? rti : A._instanceTypeFromConstructor(object); }, _instanceTypeFromConstructor(instance) { var $constructor = instance.constructor, probe = $constructor.$ccache; if (probe != null) return probe; return A._instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss(instance, $constructor); }, _instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss(instance, $constructor) { var effectiveConstructor = instance instanceof A.Closure ? instance.__proto__.__proto__.constructor : $constructor, rti = A._Universe_findErasedType(init.typeUniverse, effectiveConstructor.name); $constructor.$ccache = rti; return rti; }, getTypeFromTypesTable(index) { var rti, table = init.types, type = table[index]; if (typeof type == "string") { rti = A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, type, false); table[index] = rti; return rti; } return type; }, getRuntimeType(object) { var rti = object instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(object) : null; return A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(object) : rti); }, createRuntimeType(rti) { var recipe, starErasedRecipe, starErasedRti, type = rti._cachedRuntimeType; if (type != null) return type; recipe = rti._canonicalRecipe; starErasedRecipe = recipe.replace(/\*/g, ""); if (starErasedRecipe === recipe) return rti._cachedRuntimeType = new A._Type(rti); starErasedRti = A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, starErasedRecipe, true); type = starErasedRti._cachedRuntimeType; return rti._cachedRuntimeType = type == null ? starErasedRti._cachedRuntimeType = new A._Type(starErasedRti) : type; }, typeLiteral(recipe) { return A.createRuntimeType(A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, recipe, false)); }, _installSpecializedIsTest(object) { var t1, unstarred, isFn, $name, testRti = this; if (testRti === type$.Object) return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isObject); if (!A.isStrongTopType(testRti)) if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Object)) t1 = false; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; if (t1) return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isTop); t1 = testRti._kind; unstarred = t1 === 6 ? testRti._primary : testRti; if (unstarred === type$.int) isFn = A._isInt; else if (unstarred === type$.double || unstarred === type$.num) isFn = A._isNum; else if (unstarred === type$.String) isFn = A._isString; else isFn = unstarred === type$.bool ? A._isBool : null; if (isFn != null) return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, isFn); if (unstarred._kind === 9) { $name = unstarred._primary; if (unstarred._rest.every(A.isTopType)) { testRti._specializedTestResource = "$is" + $name; if ($name === "List") return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isListTestViaProperty); return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isTestViaProperty); } } else if (t1 === 7) return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._generalNullableIsTestImplementation); return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._generalIsTestImplementation); }, _finishIsFn(testRti, object, isFn) { testRti._is = isFn; return testRti._is(object); }, _installSpecializedAsCheck(object) { var t1, testRti = this, asFn = A._generalAsCheckImplementation; if (!A.isStrongTopType(testRti)) if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Object)) t1 = false; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; if (t1) asFn = A._asTop; else if (testRti === type$.Object) asFn = A._asObject; else { t1 = A.isNullable(testRti); if (t1) asFn = A._generalNullableAsCheckImplementation; } testRti._as = asFn; return testRti._as(object); }, _nullIs(testRti) { var t1, kind = testRti._kind; if (!A.isStrongTopType(testRti)) if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Object)) if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Never)) if (kind !== 7) t1 = kind === 8 && A._nullIs(testRti._primary) || testRti === type$.Null || testRti === type$.JSNull; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; return t1; }, _generalIsTestImplementation(object) { var testRti = this; if (object == null) return A._nullIs(testRti); return A._isSubtype(init.typeUniverse, A.instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti), null, testRti, null); }, _generalNullableIsTestImplementation(object) { if (object == null) return true; return this._primary._is(object); }, _isTestViaProperty(object) { var tag, testRti = this; if (object == null) return A._nullIs(testRti); tag = testRti._specializedTestResource; if (object instanceof A.Object) return !!object[tag]; return !!J.getInterceptor$(object)[tag]; }, _isListTestViaProperty(object) { var tag, testRti = this; if (object == null) return A._nullIs(testRti); if (typeof object != "object") return false; if (Array.isArray(object)) return true; tag = testRti._specializedTestResource; if (object instanceof A.Object) return !!object[tag]; return !!J.getInterceptor$(object)[tag]; }, _generalAsCheckImplementation(object) { var t1, testRti = this; if (object == null) { t1 = A.isNullable(testRti); if (t1) return object; } else if (testRti._is(object)) return object; A._failedAsCheck(object, testRti); }, _generalNullableAsCheckImplementation(object) { var testRti = this; if (object == null) return object; else if (testRti._is(object)) return object; A._failedAsCheck(object, testRti); }, _failedAsCheck(object, testRti) { throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError$fromMessage(A._Error_compose(object, A.instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti), A._rtiToString(testRti, null)))); }, _Error_compose(object, objectRti, checkedTypeDescription) { var objectDescription = A.Error_safeToString(object), objectTypeDescription = A._rtiToString(objectRti == null ? A.instanceType(object) : objectRti, null); return objectDescription + ": type '" + objectTypeDescription + "' is not a subtype of type '" + checkedTypeDescription + "'"; }, _TypeError$fromMessage(message) { return new A._TypeError("TypeError: " + message); }, _TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, type) { return new A._TypeError("TypeError: " + A._Error_compose(object, null, type)); }, _isObject(object) { return object != null; }, _asObject(object) { if (object != null) return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "Object")); }, _isTop(object) { return true; }, _asTop(object) { return object; }, _isBool(object) { return true === object || false === object; }, _asBool(object) { if (true === object) return true; if (false === object) return false; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "bool")); }, _asBoolS(object) { if (true === object) return true; if (false === object) return false; if (object == null) return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "bool")); }, _asBoolQ(object) { if (true === object) return true; if (false === object) return false; if (object == null) return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "bool?")); }, _asDouble(object) { if (typeof object == "number") return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "double")); }, _asDoubleS(object) { if (typeof object == "number") return object; if (object == null) return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "double")); }, _asDoubleQ(object) { if (typeof object == "number") return object; if (object == null) return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "double?")); }, _isInt(object) { return typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object; }, _asInt(object) { if (typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object) return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "int")); }, _asIntS(object) { if (typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object) return object; if (object == null) return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "int")); }, _asIntQ(object) { if (typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object) return object; if (object == null) return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "int?")); }, _isNum(object) { return typeof object == "number"; }, _asNum(object) { if (typeof object == "number") return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "num")); }, _asNumS(object) { if (typeof object == "number") return object; if (object == null) return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "num")); }, _asNumQ(object) { if (typeof object == "number") return object; if (object == null) return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "num?")); }, _isString(object) { return typeof object == "string"; }, _asString(object) { if (typeof object == "string") return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "String")); }, _asStringS(object) { if (typeof object == "string") return object; if (object == null) return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "String")); }, _asStringQ(object) { if (typeof object == "string") return object; if (object == null) return object; throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "String?")); }, _rtiArrayToString(array, genericContext) { var s, sep, i; for (s = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < array.length; ++i, sep = ", ") s += sep + A._rtiToString(array[i], genericContext); return s; }, _functionRtiToString(functionType, genericContext, bounds) { var boundsLength, outerContextLength, offset, i, t1, t2, typeParametersText, typeSep, boundRti, kind, t3, parameters, requiredPositional, requiredPositionalLength, optionalPositional, optionalPositionalLength, named, namedLength, returnTypeText, argumentsText, sep, _s2_ = ", "; if (bounds != null) { boundsLength = bounds.length; if (genericContext == null) { genericContext = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); outerContextLength = null; } else outerContextLength = genericContext.length; offset = genericContext.length; for (i = boundsLength; i > 0; --i) genericContext.push("T" + (offset + i)); for (t1 = type$.nullable_Object, t2 = type$.legacy_Object, typeParametersText = "<", typeSep = "", i = 0; i < boundsLength; ++i, typeSep = _s2_) { typeParametersText = B.JSString_methods.$add(typeParametersText + typeSep, genericContext[genericContext.length - 1 - i]); boundRti = bounds[i]; kind = boundRti._kind; if (!(kind === 2 || kind === 3 || kind === 4 || kind === 5 || boundRti === t1)) if (!(boundRti === t2)) t3 = false; else t3 = true; else t3 = true; if (!t3) typeParametersText += " extends " + A._rtiToString(boundRti, genericContext); } typeParametersText += ">"; } else { typeParametersText = ""; outerContextLength = null; } t1 = functionType._primary; parameters = functionType._rest; requiredPositional = parameters._requiredPositional; requiredPositionalLength = requiredPositional.length; optionalPositional = parameters._optionalPositional; optionalPositionalLength = optionalPositional.length; named = parameters._named; namedLength = named.length; returnTypeText = A._rtiToString(t1, genericContext); for (argumentsText = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < requiredPositionalLength; ++i, sep = _s2_) argumentsText += sep + A._rtiToString(requiredPositional[i], genericContext); if (optionalPositionalLength > 0) { argumentsText += sep + "["; for (sep = "", i = 0; i < optionalPositionalLength; ++i, sep = _s2_) argumentsText += sep + A._rtiToString(optionalPositional[i], genericContext); argumentsText += "]"; } if (namedLength > 0) { argumentsText += sep + "{"; for (sep = "", i = 0; i < namedLength; i += 3, sep = _s2_) { argumentsText += sep; if (named[i + 1]) argumentsText += "required "; argumentsText += A._rtiToString(named[i + 2], genericContext) + " " + named[i]; } argumentsText += "}"; } if (outerContextLength != null) { genericContext.toString; genericContext.length = outerContextLength; } return typeParametersText + "(" + argumentsText + ") => " + returnTypeText; }, _rtiToString(rti, genericContext) { var s, questionArgument, argumentKind, $name, $arguments, t1, kind = rti._kind; if (kind === 5) return "erased"; if (kind === 2) return "dynamic"; if (kind === 3) return "void"; if (kind === 1) return "Never"; if (kind === 4) return "any"; if (kind === 6) { s = A._rtiToString(rti._primary, genericContext); return s; } if (kind === 7) { questionArgument = rti._primary; s = A._rtiToString(questionArgument, genericContext); argumentKind = questionArgument._kind; return (argumentKind === 11 || argumentKind === 12 ? "(" + s + ")" : s) + "?"; } if (kind === 8) return "FutureOr<" + A._rtiToString(rti._primary, genericContext) + ">"; if (kind === 9) { $name = A._unminifyOrTag(rti._primary); $arguments = rti._rest; return $arguments.length > 0 ? $name + ("<" + A._rtiArrayToString($arguments, genericContext) + ">") : $name; } if (kind === 11) return A._functionRtiToString(rti, genericContext, null); if (kind === 12) return A._functionRtiToString(rti._primary, genericContext, rti._rest); if (kind === 13) { t1 = rti._primary; return genericContext[genericContext.length - 1 - t1]; } return "?"; }, _unminifyOrTag(rawClassName) { var preserved = init.mangledGlobalNames[rawClassName]; if (preserved != null) return preserved; return rawClassName; }, _Universe_findRule(universe, targetType) { var rule = universe.tR[targetType]; for (; typeof rule == "string";) rule = universe.tR[rule]; return rule; }, _Universe_findErasedType(universe, cls) { var $length, erased, $arguments, i, $interface, t1 = universe.eT, probe = t1[cls]; if (probe == null) return A._Universe_eval(universe, cls, false); else if (typeof probe == "number") { $length = probe; erased = A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(universe, 5, "#"); $arguments = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length); for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) $arguments[i] = erased; $interface = A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, cls, $arguments); t1[cls] = $interface; return $interface; } else return probe; }, _Universe_addRules(universe, rules) { return A._Utils_objectAssign(universe.tR, rules); }, _Universe_addErasedTypes(universe, types) { return A._Utils_objectAssign(universe.eT, types); }, _Universe_eval(universe, recipe, normalize) { var rti, t1 = universe.eC, probe = t1.get(recipe); if (probe != null) return probe; rti = A._Parser_parse(A._Parser_create(universe, null, recipe, normalize)); t1.set(recipe, rti); return rti; }, _Universe_evalInEnvironment(universe, environment, recipe) { var probe, rti, cache = environment._evalCache; if (cache == null) cache = environment._evalCache = new Map(); probe = cache.get(recipe); if (probe != null) return probe; rti = A._Parser_parse(A._Parser_create(universe, environment, recipe, true)); cache.set(recipe, rti); return rti; }, _Universe_bind(universe, environment, argumentsRti) { var argumentsRecipe, probe, rti, cache = environment._bindCache; if (cache == null) cache = environment._bindCache = new Map(); argumentsRecipe = argumentsRti._canonicalRecipe; probe = cache.get(argumentsRecipe); if (probe != null) return probe; rti = A._Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, environment, argumentsRti._kind === 10 ? argumentsRti._rest : [argumentsRti]); cache.set(argumentsRecipe, rti); return rti; }, _Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti) { rti._as = A._installSpecializedAsCheck; rti._is = A._installSpecializedIsTest; return rti; }, _Universe__lookupTerminalRti(universe, kind, key) { var rti, t1, probe = universe.eC.get(key); if (probe != null) return probe; rti = new A.Rti(null, null); rti._kind = kind; rti._canonicalRecipe = key; t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti); universe.eC.set(key, t1); return t1; }, _Universe__lookupStarRti(universe, baseType, normalize) { var t1, key = baseType._canonicalRecipe + "*", probe = universe.eC.get(key); if (probe != null) return probe; t1 = A._Universe__createStarRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize); universe.eC.set(key, t1); return t1; }, _Universe__createStarRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize) { var baseKind, t1, rti; if (normalize) { baseKind = baseType._kind; if (!A.isStrongTopType(baseType)) t1 = baseType === type$.Null || baseType === type$.JSNull || baseKind === 7 || baseKind === 6; else t1 = true; if (t1) return baseType; } rti = new A.Rti(null, null); rti._kind = 6; rti._primary = baseType; rti._canonicalRecipe = key; return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti); }, _Universe__lookupQuestionRti(universe, baseType, normalize) { var t1, key = baseType._canonicalRecipe + "?", probe = universe.eC.get(key); if (probe != null) return probe; t1 = A._Universe__createQuestionRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize); universe.eC.set(key, t1); return t1; }, _Universe__createQuestionRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize) { var baseKind, t1, starArgument, rti; if (normalize) { baseKind = baseType._kind; if (!A.isStrongTopType(baseType)) if (!(baseType === type$.Null || baseType === type$.JSNull)) if (baseKind !== 7) t1 = baseKind === 8 && A.isNullable(baseType._primary); else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; if (t1) return baseType; else if (baseKind === 1 || baseType === type$.legacy_Never) return type$.Null; else if (baseKind === 6) { starArgument = baseType._primary; if (starArgument._kind === 8 && A.isNullable(starArgument._primary)) return starArgument; else return A.Rti__getQuestionFromStar(universe, baseType); } } rti = new A.Rti(null, null); rti._kind = 7; rti._primary = baseType; rti._canonicalRecipe = key; return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti); }, _Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(universe, baseType, normalize) { var t1, key = baseType._canonicalRecipe + "/", probe = universe.eC.get(key); if (probe != null) return probe; t1 = A._Universe__createFutureOrRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize); universe.eC.set(key, t1); return t1; }, _Universe__createFutureOrRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize) { var t1, t2, rti; if (normalize) { t1 = baseType._kind; if (!A.isStrongTopType(baseType)) if (!(baseType === type$.legacy_Object)) t2 = false; else t2 = true; else t2 = true; if (t2 || baseType === type$.Object) return baseType; else if (t1 === 1) return A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, "Future", [baseType]); else if (baseType === type$.Null || baseType === type$.JSNull) return type$.nullable_Future_Null; } rti = new A.Rti(null, null); rti._kind = 8; rti._primary = baseType; rti._canonicalRecipe = key; return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti); }, _Universe__lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti(universe, index) { var rti, t1, key = "" + index + "^", probe = universe.eC.get(key); if (probe != null) return probe; rti = new A.Rti(null, null); rti._kind = 13; rti._primary = index; rti._canonicalRecipe = key; t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti); universe.eC.set(key, t1); return t1; }, _Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin($arguments) { var s, sep, i, $length = $arguments.length; for (s = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < $length; ++i, sep = ",") s += sep + $arguments[i]._canonicalRecipe; return s; }, _Universe__canonicalRecipeJoinNamed($arguments) { var s, sep, i, t1, nameSep, s0, $length = $arguments.length; for (s = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < $length; i += 3, sep = ",") { t1 = $arguments[i]; nameSep = $arguments[i + 1] ? "!" : ":"; s0 = $arguments[i + 2]._canonicalRecipe; s += sep + t1 + nameSep + s0; } return s; }, _Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, $name, $arguments) { var probe, rti, t1, s = $name; if ($arguments.length > 0) s += "<" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin($arguments) + ">"; probe = universe.eC.get(s); if (probe != null) return probe; rti = new A.Rti(null, null); rti._kind = 9; rti._primary = $name; rti._rest = $arguments; if ($arguments.length > 0) rti._precomputed1 = $arguments[0]; rti._canonicalRecipe = s; t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti); universe.eC.set(s, t1); return t1; }, _Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, base, $arguments) { var newBase, newArguments, key, probe, rti, t1; if (base._kind === 10) { newBase = base._primary; newArguments = base._rest.concat($arguments); } else { newArguments = $arguments; newBase = base; } key = newBase._canonicalRecipe + (";<" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(newArguments) + ">"); probe = universe.eC.get(key); if (probe != null) return probe; rti = new A.Rti(null, null); rti._kind = 10; rti._primary = newBase; rti._rest = newArguments; rti._canonicalRecipe = key; t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti); universe.eC.set(key, t1); return t1; }, _Universe__lookupFunctionRti(universe, returnType, parameters) { var sep, t1, key, probe, rti, s = returnType._canonicalRecipe, requiredPositional = parameters._requiredPositional, requiredPositionalLength = requiredPositional.length, optionalPositional = parameters._optionalPositional, optionalPositionalLength = optionalPositional.length, named = parameters._named, namedLength = named.length, recipe = "(" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(requiredPositional); if (optionalPositionalLength > 0) { sep = requiredPositionalLength > 0 ? "," : ""; t1 = A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(optionalPositional); recipe += sep + "[" + t1 + "]"; } if (namedLength > 0) { sep = requiredPositionalLength > 0 ? "," : ""; t1 = A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoinNamed(named); recipe += sep + "{" + t1 + "}"; } key = s + (recipe + ")"); probe = universe.eC.get(key); if (probe != null) return probe; rti = new A.Rti(null, null); rti._kind = 11; rti._primary = returnType; rti._rest = parameters; rti._canonicalRecipe = key; t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti); universe.eC.set(key, t1); return t1; }, _Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, baseFunctionType, bounds, normalize) { var t1, key = baseFunctionType._canonicalRecipe + ("<" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(bounds) + ">"), probe = universe.eC.get(key); if (probe != null) return probe; t1 = A._Universe__createGenericFunctionRti(universe, baseFunctionType, bounds, key, normalize); universe.eC.set(key, t1); return t1; }, _Universe__createGenericFunctionRti(universe, baseFunctionType, bounds, key, normalize) { var $length, typeArguments, count, i, bound, substitutedBase, substitutedBounds, rti; if (normalize) { $length = bounds.length; typeArguments = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length); for (count = 0, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { bound = bounds[i]; if (bound._kind === 1) { typeArguments[i] = bound; ++count; } } if (count > 0) { substitutedBase = A._substitute(universe, baseFunctionType, typeArguments, 0); substitutedBounds = A._substituteArray(universe, bounds, typeArguments, 0); return A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, substitutedBase, substitutedBounds, bounds !== substitutedBounds); } } rti = new A.Rti(null, null); rti._kind = 12; rti._primary = baseFunctionType; rti._rest = bounds; rti._canonicalRecipe = key; return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti); }, _Parser_create(universe, environment, recipe, normalize) { return {u: universe, e: environment, r: recipe, s: [], p: 0, n: normalize}; }, _Parser_parse(parser) { var t2, i, ch, t3, array, head, base, parameters, optionalPositional, named, item, source = parser.r, t1 = parser.s; for (t2 = source.length, i = 0; i < t2;) { ch = source.charCodeAt(i); if (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57) i = A._Parser_handleDigit(i + 1, ch, source, t1); else if ((((ch | 32) >>> 0) - 97 & 65535) < 26 || ch === 95 || ch === 36) i = A._Parser_handleIdentifier(parser, i, source, t1, false); else if (ch === 46) i = A._Parser_handleIdentifier(parser, i, source, t1, true); else { ++i; switch (ch) { case 44: break; case 58: t1.push(false); break; case 33: t1.push(true); break; case 59: t1.push(A._Parser_toType(parser.u, parser.e, t1.pop())); break; case 94: t1.push(A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti(parser.u, t1.pop())); break; case 35: t1.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 5, "#")); break; case 64: t1.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 2, "@")); break; case 126: t1.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 3, "~")); break; case 60: t1.push(parser.p); parser.p = t1.length; break; case 62: t3 = parser.u; array = t1.splice(parser.p); A._Parser_toTypes(parser.u, parser.e, array); parser.p = t1.pop(); head = t1.pop(); if (typeof head == "string") t1.push(A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(t3, head, array)); else { base = A._Parser_toType(t3, parser.e, head); switch (base._kind) { case 11: t1.push(A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(t3, base, array, parser.n)); break; default: t1.push(A._Universe__lookupBindingRti(t3, base, array)); break; } } break; case 38: A._Parser_handleExtendedOperations(parser, t1); break; case 42: t3 = parser.u; t1.push(A._Universe__lookupStarRti(t3, A._Parser_toType(t3, parser.e, t1.pop()), parser.n)); break; case 63: t3 = parser.u; t1.push(A._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(t3, A._Parser_toType(t3, parser.e, t1.pop()), parser.n)); break; case 47: t3 = parser.u; t1.push(A._Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(t3, A._Parser_toType(t3, parser.e, t1.pop()), parser.n)); break; case 40: t1.push(parser.p); parser.p = t1.length; break; case 41: t3 = parser.u; parameters = new A._FunctionParameters(); optionalPositional = t3.sEA; named = t3.sEA; head = t1.pop(); if (typeof head == "number") switch (head) { case -1: optionalPositional = t1.pop(); break; case -2: named = t1.pop(); break; default: t1.push(head); break; } else t1.push(head); array = t1.splice(parser.p); A._Parser_toTypes(parser.u, parser.e, array); parser.p = t1.pop(); parameters._requiredPositional = array; parameters._optionalPositional = optionalPositional; parameters._named = named; t1.push(A._Universe__lookupFunctionRti(t3, A._Parser_toType(t3, parser.e, t1.pop()), parameters)); break; case 91: t1.push(parser.p); parser.p = t1.length; break; case 93: array = t1.splice(parser.p); A._Parser_toTypes(parser.u, parser.e, array); parser.p = t1.pop(); t1.push(array); t1.push(-1); break; case 123: t1.push(parser.p); parser.p = t1.length; break; case 125: array = t1.splice(parser.p); A._Parser_toTypesNamed(parser.u, parser.e, array); parser.p = t1.pop(); t1.push(array); t1.push(-2); break; default: throw "Bad character " + ch; } } } item = t1.pop(); return A._Parser_toType(parser.u, parser.e, item); }, _Parser_handleDigit(i, digit, source, stack) { var t1, ch, value = digit - 48; for (t1 = source.length; i < t1; ++i) { ch = source.charCodeAt(i); if (!(ch >= 48 && ch <= 57)) break; value = value * 10 + (ch - 48); } stack.push(value); return i; }, _Parser_handleIdentifier(parser, start, source, stack, hasPeriod) { var t1, ch, t2, string, environment, recipe, i = start + 1; for (t1 = source.length; i < t1; ++i) { ch = source.charCodeAt(i); if (ch === 46) { if (hasPeriod) break; hasPeriod = true; } else { if (!((((ch | 32) >>> 0) - 97 & 65535) < 26 || ch === 95 || ch === 36)) t2 = ch >= 48 && ch <= 57; else t2 = true; if (!t2) break; } } string = source.substring(start, i); if (hasPeriod) { t1 = parser.u; environment = parser.e; if (environment._kind === 10) environment = environment._primary; recipe = A._Universe_findRule(t1, environment._primary)[string]; if (recipe == null) A.throwExpression('No "' + string + '" in "' + A.Rti__getCanonicalRecipe(environment) + '"'); stack.push(A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(t1, environment, recipe)); } else stack.push(string); return i; }, _Parser_handleExtendedOperations(parser, stack) { var $top = stack.pop(); if (0 === $top) { stack.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 1, "0&")); return; } if (1 === $top) { stack.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 4, "1&")); return; } throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Unexpected extended operation " + A.S($top))); }, _Parser_toType(universe, environment, item) { if (typeof item == "string") return A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, item, universe.sEA); else if (typeof item == "number") return A._Parser_indexToType(universe, environment, item); else return item; }, _Parser_toTypes(universe, environment, items) { var i, $length = items.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) items[i] = A._Parser_toType(universe, environment, items[i]); }, _Parser_toTypesNamed(universe, environment, items) { var i, $length = items.length; for (i = 2; i < $length; i += 3) items[i] = A._Parser_toType(universe, environment, items[i]); }, _Parser_indexToType(universe, environment, index) { var typeArguments, len, kind = environment._kind; if (kind === 10) { if (index === 0) return environment._primary; typeArguments = environment._rest; len = typeArguments.length; if (index <= len) return typeArguments[index - 1]; index -= len; environment = environment._primary; kind = environment._kind; } else if (index === 0) return environment; if (kind !== 9) throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Indexed base must be an interface type")); typeArguments = environment._rest; if (index <= typeArguments.length) return typeArguments[index - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Bad index " + index + " for " + environment.toString$0(0))); }, _isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv) { var t1, sKind, leftTypeVariable, tKind, sBounds, tBounds, sLength, i, sBound, tBound; if (s === t) return true; if (!A.isStrongTopType(t)) if (!(t === type$.legacy_Object)) t1 = false; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; if (t1) return true; sKind = s._kind; if (sKind === 4) return true; if (A.isStrongTopType(s)) return false; if (s._kind !== 1) t1 = false; else t1 = true; if (t1) return true; leftTypeVariable = sKind === 13; if (leftTypeVariable) if (A._isSubtype(universe, sEnv[s._primary], sEnv, t, tEnv)) return true; tKind = t._kind; t1 = s === type$.Null || s === type$.JSNull; if (t1) { if (tKind === 8) return A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv); return t === type$.Null || t === type$.JSNull || tKind === 7 || tKind === 6; } if (t === type$.Object) { if (sKind === 8) return A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv); if (sKind === 6) return A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv); return sKind !== 7; } if (sKind === 6) return A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv); if (tKind === 6) { t1 = A.Rti__getQuestionFromStar(universe, t); return A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t1, tEnv); } if (sKind === 8) { if (!A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv)) return false; return A._isSubtype(universe, A.Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(universe, s), sEnv, t, tEnv); } if (sKind === 7) { t1 = A._isSubtype(universe, type$.Null, sEnv, t, tEnv); return t1 && A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv); } if (tKind === 8) { if (A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv)) return true; return A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, A.Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(universe, t), tEnv); } if (tKind === 7) { t1 = A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, type$.Null, tEnv); return t1 || A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv); } if (leftTypeVariable) return false; t1 = sKind !== 11; if ((!t1 || sKind === 12) && t === type$.Function) return true; if (tKind === 12) { if (s === type$.JavaScriptFunction) return true; if (sKind !== 12) return false; sBounds = s._rest; tBounds = t._rest; sLength = sBounds.length; if (sLength !== tBounds.length) return false; sEnv = sEnv == null ? sBounds : sBounds.concat(sEnv); tEnv = tEnv == null ? tBounds : tBounds.concat(tEnv); for (i = 0; i < sLength; ++i) { sBound = sBounds[i]; tBound = tBounds[i]; if (!A._isSubtype(universe, sBound, sEnv, tBound, tEnv) || !A._isSubtype(universe, tBound, tEnv, sBound, sEnv)) return false; } return A._isFunctionSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv); } if (tKind === 11) { if (s === type$.JavaScriptFunction) return true; if (t1) return false; return A._isFunctionSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv); } if (sKind === 9) { if (tKind !== 9) return false; return A._isInterfaceSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv); } return false; }, _isFunctionSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv) { var sParameters, tParameters, sRequiredPositional, tRequiredPositional, sRequiredPositionalLength, tRequiredPositionalLength, requiredPositionalDelta, sOptionalPositional, tOptionalPositional, sOptionalPositionalLength, tOptionalPositionalLength, i, t1, sNamed, tNamed, sNamedLength, tNamedLength, sIndex, tIndex, tName, sName, sIsRequired; if (!A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv)) return false; sParameters = s._rest; tParameters = t._rest; sRequiredPositional = sParameters._requiredPositional; tRequiredPositional = tParameters._requiredPositional; sRequiredPositionalLength = sRequiredPositional.length; tRequiredPositionalLength = tRequiredPositional.length; if (sRequiredPositionalLength > tRequiredPositionalLength) return false; requiredPositionalDelta = tRequiredPositionalLength - sRequiredPositionalLength; sOptionalPositional = sParameters._optionalPositional; tOptionalPositional = tParameters._optionalPositional; sOptionalPositionalLength = sOptionalPositional.length; tOptionalPositionalLength = tOptionalPositional.length; if (sRequiredPositionalLength + sOptionalPositionalLength < tRequiredPositionalLength + tOptionalPositionalLength) return false; for (i = 0; i < sRequiredPositionalLength; ++i) { t1 = sRequiredPositional[i]; if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tRequiredPositional[i], tEnv, t1, sEnv)) return false; } for (i = 0; i < requiredPositionalDelta; ++i) { t1 = sOptionalPositional[i]; if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tRequiredPositional[sRequiredPositionalLength + i], tEnv, t1, sEnv)) return false; } for (i = 0; i < tOptionalPositionalLength; ++i) { t1 = sOptionalPositional[requiredPositionalDelta + i]; if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tOptionalPositional[i], tEnv, t1, sEnv)) return false; } sNamed = sParameters._named; tNamed = tParameters._named; sNamedLength = sNamed.length; tNamedLength = tNamed.length; for (sIndex = 0, tIndex = 0; tIndex < tNamedLength; tIndex += 3) { tName = tNamed[tIndex]; for (; true;) { if (sIndex >= sNamedLength) return false; sName = sNamed[sIndex]; sIndex += 3; if (tName < sName) return false; sIsRequired = sNamed[sIndex - 2]; if (sName < tName) { if (sIsRequired) return false; continue; } t1 = tNamed[tIndex + 1]; if (sIsRequired && !t1) return false; t1 = sNamed[sIndex - 1]; if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tNamed[tIndex + 2], tEnv, t1, sEnv)) return false; break; } } for (; sIndex < sNamedLength;) { if (sNamed[sIndex + 1]) return false; sIndex += 3; } return true; }, _isInterfaceSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv) { var rule, recipes, $length, supertypeArgs, i, t1, t2, sName = s._primary, tName = t._primary; for (; sName !== tName;) { rule = universe.tR[sName]; if (rule == null) return false; if (typeof rule == "string") { sName = rule; continue; } recipes = rule[tName]; if (recipes == null) return false; $length = recipes.length; supertypeArgs = $length > 0 ? new Array($length) : init.typeUniverse.sEA; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) supertypeArgs[i] = A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(universe, s, recipes[i]); return A._areArgumentsSubtypes(universe, supertypeArgs, null, sEnv, t._rest, tEnv); } t1 = s._rest; t2 = t._rest; return A._areArgumentsSubtypes(universe, t1, null, sEnv, t2, tEnv); }, _areArgumentsSubtypes(universe, sArgs, sVariances, sEnv, tArgs, tEnv) { var i, t1, t2, $length = sArgs.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { t1 = sArgs[i]; t2 = tArgs[i]; if (!A._isSubtype(universe, t1, sEnv, t2, tEnv)) return false; } return true; }, isNullable(t) { var t1, kind = t._kind; if (!(t === type$.Null || t === type$.JSNull)) if (!A.isStrongTopType(t)) if (kind !== 7) if (!(kind === 6 && A.isNullable(t._primary))) t1 = kind === 8 && A.isNullable(t._primary); else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; return t1; }, isTopType(t) { var t1; if (!A.isStrongTopType(t)) if (!(t === type$.legacy_Object)) t1 = false; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; return t1; }, isStrongTopType(t) { var kind = t._kind; return kind === 2 || kind === 3 || kind === 4 || kind === 5 || t === type$.nullable_Object; }, _Utils_objectAssign(o, other) { var i, key, keys = Object.keys(other), $length = keys.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { key = keys[i]; o[key] = other[key]; } }, _Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length) { return $length > 0 ? new Array($length) : init.typeUniverse.sEA; }, Rti: function Rti(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._as = t0; _._is = t1; _._cachedRuntimeType = _._specializedTestResource = _._precomputed1 = null; _._kind = 0; _._canonicalRecipe = _._bindCache = _._evalCache = _._rest = _._primary = null; }, _FunctionParameters: function _FunctionParameters() { this._named = this._optionalPositional = this._requiredPositional = null; }, _Type: function _Type(t0) { this._rti = t0; }, _Error: function _Error() { }, _TypeError: function _TypeError(t0) { this.__rti$_message = t0; }, _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate() { var div, span, t1 = {}; if (self.scheduleImmediate != null) return A.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride$closure(); if (self.MutationObserver != null && self.document != null) { div = self.document.createElement("div"); span = self.document.createElement("span"); t1.storedCallback = null; new self.MutationObserver(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback(t1), 1)).observe(div, {childList: true}); return new A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure(t1, div, span); } else if (self.setImmediate != null) return A.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate$closure(); return A.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer$closure(); }, _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride(callback) { self.scheduleImmediate(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback(callback), 0)); }, _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate(callback) { self.setImmediate(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback(callback), 0)); }, _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer(callback) { A.Timer__createTimer(B.Duration_0, callback); }, Timer__createTimer(duration, callback) { var milliseconds = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(duration._duration, 1000); return A._TimerImpl$(milliseconds < 0 ? 0 : milliseconds, callback); }, Timer__createPeriodicTimer(duration, callback) { var milliseconds = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(duration._duration, 1000); return A._TimerImpl$periodic(milliseconds < 0 ? 0 : milliseconds, callback); }, _TimerImpl$(milliseconds, callback) { var t1 = new A._TimerImpl(true); t1._TimerImpl$2(milliseconds, callback); return t1; }, _TimerImpl$periodic(milliseconds, callback) { var t1 = new A._TimerImpl(false); t1._TimerImpl$periodic$2(milliseconds, callback); return t1; }, _makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($T) { return new A._AsyncAwaitCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncAwaitCompleter<0>")); }, _asyncStartSync(bodyFunction, completer) { bodyFunction.call$2(0, null); completer.isSync = true; return completer._future; }, _asyncAwait(object, bodyFunction) { A._awaitOnObject(object, bodyFunction); }, _asyncReturn(object, completer) { completer.complete$1(0, object); }, _asyncRethrow(object, completer) { completer.completeError$2(A.unwrapException(object), A.getTraceFromException(object)); }, _awaitOnObject(object, bodyFunction) { var t1, future, thenCallback = new A._awaitOnObject_closure(bodyFunction), errorCallback = new A._awaitOnObject_closure0(bodyFunction); if (object instanceof A._Future) object._thenAwait$1$2(thenCallback, errorCallback, type$.dynamic); else { t1 = type$.dynamic; if (type$.Future_dynamic._is(object)) object.then$1$2$onError(0, thenCallback, errorCallback, t1); else { future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic); future._state = 8; future._resultOrListeners = object; future._thenAwait$1$2(thenCallback, errorCallback, t1); } } }, _wrapJsFunctionForAsync($function) { var $protected = function(fn, ERROR) { return function(errorCode, result) { while (true) try { fn(errorCode, result); break; } catch (error) { result = error; errorCode = ERROR; } }; }($function, 1); return $.Zone__current.registerBinaryCallback$1(new A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure($protected)); }, _IterationMarker_yieldStar(values) { return new A._IterationMarker(values, 1); }, _IterationMarker_endOfIteration() { return B._IterationMarker_null_2; }, _IterationMarker_uncaughtError(error) { return new A._IterationMarker(error, 3); }, _makeSyncStarIterable(body, $T) { return new A._SyncStarIterable(body, $T._eval$1("_SyncStarIterable<0>")); }, AsyncError$(error, stackTrace) { var t1 = A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object); return new A.AsyncError(t1, stackTrace == null ? A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error) : stackTrace); }, AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error) { var stackTrace; if (type$.Error._is(error)) { stackTrace = error.get$stackTrace(); if (stackTrace != null) return stackTrace; } return B.C__StringStackTrace; }, Future_Future(computation, $T) { var result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")); A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, new A.Future_Future_closure(result, computation)); return result; }, Future_Future$value(value, $T) { var t1 = value == null ? $T._as(value) : value, t2 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")); t2._asyncComplete$1(t1); return t2; }, Future_Future$error(error, stackTrace, $T) { var t1; A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object); $.Zone__current !== B.C__RootZone; if (stackTrace == null) stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error); t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")); t1._asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace); return t1; }, Future_Future$delayed(duration, $T) { var result, t1 = !$T._is(null); if (t1) throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(null, "computation", "The type parameter is not nullable")); result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")); A.Timer_Timer(duration, new A.Future_Future$delayed_closure(null, result, $T)); return result; }, Future_wait(futures, $T) { var error, stackTrace, handleError, future, pos, e, st, t1, t2, exception, _box_0 = {}, cleanUp = null, eagerError = false, _future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future>")); _box_0.values = null; _box_0.remaining = 0; error = A._Cell$named("error"); stackTrace = A._Cell$named("stackTrace"); handleError = new A.Future_wait_handleError(_box_0, cleanUp, eagerError, _future, error, stackTrace); try { for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(futures), t2 = type$.Null; t1.moveNext$0();) { future = t1.get$current(t1); pos = _box_0.remaining; J.then$1$2$onError$x(future, new A.Future_wait_closure(_box_0, pos, _future, cleanUp, eagerError, error, stackTrace, $T), handleError, t2); ++_box_0.remaining; } t1 = _box_0.remaining; if (t1 === 0) { t1 = _future; t1._completeWithValue$1(A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray<0>"))); return t1; } _box_0.values = A.List_List$filled(t1, null, false, $T._eval$1("0?")); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); st = A.getTraceFromException(exception); if (_box_0.remaining === 0 || eagerError) return A.Future_Future$error(e, st, $T._eval$1("List<0>")); else { error.__late_helper$_value = e; stackTrace.__late_helper$_value = st; } } return _future; }, Completer_Completer($T) { return new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0>")); }, _completeWithErrorCallback(result, error, stackTrace) { if (stackTrace == null) stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error); result._completeError$2(error, stackTrace); }, _Future__chainCoreFuture(source, target) { var t1, listeners; for (; t1 = source._state, (t1 & 4) !== 0;) source = source._resultOrListeners; if ((t1 & 24) !== 0) { listeners = target._removeListeners$0(); target._cloneResult$1(source); A._Future__propagateToListeners(target, listeners); } else { listeners = target._resultOrListeners; target._state = target._state & 1 | 4; target._resultOrListeners = source; source._prependListeners$1(listeners); } }, _Future__propagateToListeners(source, listeners) { var t2, _box_0, t3, t4, hasError, nextListener, nextListener0, sourceResult, t5, zone, oldZone, result, current, _box_1 = {}, t1 = _box_1.source = source; for (t2 = type$.Future_dynamic; true;) { _box_0 = {}; t3 = t1._state; t4 = (t3 & 16) === 0; hasError = !t4; if (listeners == null) { if (hasError && (t3 & 1) === 0) { t1 = t1._resultOrListeners; A._rootHandleError(t1.error, t1.stackTrace); } return; } _box_0.listener = listeners; nextListener = listeners._nextListener; for (t1 = listeners; nextListener != null; t1 = nextListener, nextListener = nextListener0) { t1._nextListener = null; A._Future__propagateToListeners(_box_1.source, t1); _box_0.listener = nextListener; nextListener0 = nextListener._nextListener; } t3 = _box_1.source; sourceResult = t3._resultOrListeners; _box_0.listenerHasError = hasError; _box_0.listenerValueOrError = sourceResult; if (t4) { t5 = t1.state; t5 = (t5 & 1) !== 0 || (t5 & 15) === 8; } else t5 = true; if (t5) { zone = t1.result._zone; if (hasError) { t3 = t3._zone === zone; t3 = !(t3 || t3); } else t3 = false; if (t3) { A._rootHandleError(sourceResult.error, sourceResult.stackTrace); return; } oldZone = $.Zone__current; if (oldZone !== zone) $.Zone__current = zone; else oldZone = null; t1 = t1.state; if ((t1 & 15) === 8) new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback(_box_0, _box_1, hasError).call$0(); else if (t4) { if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback(_box_0, sourceResult).call$0(); } else if ((t1 & 2) !== 0) new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError(_box_1, _box_0).call$0(); if (oldZone != null) $.Zone__current = oldZone; t1 = _box_0.listenerValueOrError; if (t2._is(t1)) { t3 = _box_0.listener.$ti; t3 = t3._eval$1("Future<2>")._is(t1) || !t3._rest[1]._is(t1); } else t3 = false; if (t3) { result = _box_0.listener.result; if (t1 instanceof A._Future) if ((t1._state & 24) !== 0) { current = result._resultOrListeners; result._resultOrListeners = null; listeners = result._reverseListeners$1(current); result._state = t1._state & 30 | result._state & 1; result._resultOrListeners = t1._resultOrListeners; _box_1.source = t1; continue; } else A._Future__chainCoreFuture(t1, result); else result._chainForeignFuture$1(t1); return; } } result = _box_0.listener.result; current = result._resultOrListeners; result._resultOrListeners = null; listeners = result._reverseListeners$1(current); t1 = _box_0.listenerHasError; t3 = _box_0.listenerValueOrError; if (!t1) { result._state = 8; result._resultOrListeners = t3; } else { result._state = result._state & 1 | 16; result._resultOrListeners = t3; } _box_1.source = result; t1 = result; } }, _registerErrorHandler(errorHandler, zone) { if (type$.dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(errorHandler)) return zone.registerBinaryCallback$1(errorHandler); if (type$.dynamic_Function_Object._is(errorHandler)) return errorHandler; throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(errorHandler, "onError", string$.Error_)); }, _microtaskLoop() { var entry, next; for (entry = $._nextCallback; entry != null; entry = $._nextCallback) { $._lastPriorityCallback = null; next = entry.next; $._nextCallback = next; if (next == null) $._lastCallback = null; entry.callback.call$0(); } }, _startMicrotaskLoop() { $._isInCallbackLoop = true; try { A._microtaskLoop(); } finally { $._lastPriorityCallback = null; $._isInCallbackLoop = false; if ($._nextCallback != null) $.$get$_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure().call$1(A.async___startMicrotaskLoop$closure()); } }, _scheduleAsyncCallback(callback) { var newEntry = new A._AsyncCallbackEntry(callback), lastCallback = $._lastCallback; if (lastCallback == null) { $._nextCallback = $._lastCallback = newEntry; if (!$._isInCallbackLoop) $.$get$_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure().call$1(A.async___startMicrotaskLoop$closure()); } else $._lastCallback = lastCallback.next = newEntry; }, _schedulePriorityAsyncCallback(callback) { var entry, lastPriorityCallback, next, t1 = $._nextCallback; if (t1 == null) { A._scheduleAsyncCallback(callback); $._lastPriorityCallback = $._lastCallback; return; } entry = new A._AsyncCallbackEntry(callback); lastPriorityCallback = $._lastPriorityCallback; if (lastPriorityCallback == null) { entry.next = t1; $._nextCallback = $._lastPriorityCallback = entry; } else { next = lastPriorityCallback.next; entry.next = next; $._lastPriorityCallback = lastPriorityCallback.next = entry; if (next == null) $._lastCallback = entry; } }, scheduleMicrotask(callback) { var _null = null, currentZone = $.Zone__current; if (B.C__RootZone === currentZone) { A._rootScheduleMicrotask(_null, _null, B.C__RootZone, callback); return; } A._rootScheduleMicrotask(_null, _null, currentZone, currentZone.bindCallbackGuarded$1(callback)); }, StreamIterator_StreamIterator(stream) { A.checkNotNullable(stream, "stream", type$.Object); return new A._StreamIterator(); }, StreamController_StreamController(onListen, sync, $T) { var _null = null; return sync ? new A._SyncStreamController(onListen, _null, _null, _null, $T._eval$1("_SyncStreamController<0>")) : new A._AsyncStreamController(onListen, _null, _null, _null, $T._eval$1("_AsyncStreamController<0>")); }, StreamController_StreamController$broadcast(sync, $T) { var _null = null; return sync ? new A._SyncBroadcastStreamController(_null, _null, $T._eval$1("_SyncBroadcastStreamController<0>")) : new A._AsyncBroadcastStreamController(_null, _null, $T._eval$1("_AsyncBroadcastStreamController<0>")); }, _runGuarded(notificationHandler) { var e, s, exception; if (notificationHandler == null) return; try { notificationHandler.call$0(); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); s = A.getTraceFromException(exception); A._rootHandleError(e, s); } }, _ControllerSubscription$(_controller, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, $T) { var t1 = $.Zone__current, t2 = cancelOnError ? 1 : 0, t3 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(t1, onData), t4 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(t1, onError), t5 = onDone == null ? A.async___nullDoneHandler$closure() : onDone; return new A._ControllerSubscription(_controller, t3, t4, t5, t1, t2, $T._eval$1("_ControllerSubscription<0>")); }, _BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(zone, handleData) { return handleData == null ? A.async___nullDataHandler$closure() : handleData; }, _BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(zone, handleError) { if (handleError == null) handleError = A.async___nullErrorHandler$closure(); if (type$.void_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(handleError)) return zone.registerBinaryCallback$1(handleError); if (type$.void_Function_Object._is(handleError)) return handleError; throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("handleError callback must take either an Object (the error), or both an Object (the error) and a StackTrace.", null)); }, _nullDataHandler(value) { }, _nullErrorHandler(error, stackTrace) { A._rootHandleError(error, stackTrace); }, _nullDoneHandler() { }, Timer_Timer(duration, callback) { var t1 = $.Zone__current; if (t1 === B.C__RootZone) return A.Timer__createTimer(duration, callback); return A.Timer__createTimer(duration, t1.bindCallbackGuarded$1(callback)); }, Timer_Timer$periodic(duration, callback) { var t1 = $.Zone__current; if (t1 === B.C__RootZone) return A.Timer__createPeriodicTimer(duration, callback); return A.Timer__createPeriodicTimer(duration, t1.bindUnaryCallbackGuarded$1$1(callback, type$.Timer)); }, _rootHandleError(error, stackTrace) { A._schedulePriorityAsyncCallback(new A._rootHandleError_closure(error, stackTrace)); }, _rootRun($self, $parent, zone, f) { var old, t1 = $.Zone__current; if (t1 === zone) return f.call$0(); $.Zone__current = zone; old = t1; try { t1 = f.call$0(); return t1; } finally { $.Zone__current = old; } }, _rootRunUnary($self, $parent, zone, f, arg) { var old, t1 = $.Zone__current; if (t1 === zone) return f.call$1(arg); $.Zone__current = zone; old = t1; try { t1 = f.call$1(arg); return t1; } finally { $.Zone__current = old; } }, _rootRunBinary($self, $parent, zone, f, arg1, arg2) { var old, t1 = $.Zone__current; if (t1 === zone) return f.call$2(arg1, arg2); $.Zone__current = zone; old = t1; try { t1 = f.call$2(arg1, arg2); return t1; } finally { $.Zone__current = old; } }, _rootScheduleMicrotask($self, $parent, zone, f) { if (B.C__RootZone !== zone) f = zone.bindCallbackGuarded$1(f); A._scheduleAsyncCallback(f); }, _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback: function _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure: function _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_0 = t0; this.div = t1; this.span = t2; }, _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback: function _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback(t0) { this.callback = t0; }, _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback: function _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback(t0) { this.callback = t0; }, _TimerImpl: function _TimerImpl(t0) { this._once = t0; this._handle = null; this._tick = 0; }, _TimerImpl_internalCallback: function _TimerImpl_internalCallback(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.callback = t1; }, _TimerImpl$periodic_closure: function _TimerImpl$periodic_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.$this = t0; _.milliseconds = t1; _.start = t2; _.callback = t3; }, _AsyncAwaitCompleter: function _AsyncAwaitCompleter(t0, t1) { this._future = t0; this.isSync = false; this.$ti = t1; }, _awaitOnObject_closure: function _awaitOnObject_closure(t0) { this.bodyFunction = t0; }, _awaitOnObject_closure0: function _awaitOnObject_closure0(t0) { this.bodyFunction = t0; }, _wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure: function _wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure(t0) { this.$protected = t0; }, _IterationMarker: function _IterationMarker(t0, t1) { this.value = t0; this.state = t1; }, _SyncStarIterator: function _SyncStarIterator(t0) { var _ = this; _._body = t0; _._suspendedBodies = _._nestedIterator = _._async$_current = null; }, _SyncStarIterable: function _SyncStarIterable(t0, t1) { this._outerHelper = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, AsyncError: function AsyncError(t0, t1) { this.error = t0; this.stackTrace = t1; }, _BroadcastStream: function _BroadcastStream(t0, t1) { this._async$_controller = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, _BroadcastSubscription: function _BroadcastSubscription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._eventState = 0; _._async$_previous = _._async$_next = null; _._async$_controller = t0; _._async$_onData = t1; _._onError = t2; _._onDone = t3; _._zone = t4; _._state = t5; _._pending = _._cancelFuture = null; _.$ti = t6; }, _BroadcastStreamController: function _BroadcastStreamController() { }, _SyncBroadcastStreamController: function _SyncBroadcastStreamController(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.onListen = t0; _.onCancel = t1; _._state = 0; _._doneFuture = _._addStreamState = _._lastSubscription = _._firstSubscription = null; _.$ti = t2; }, _SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendData_closure: function _SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendData_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.data = t1; }, _SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendError_closure: function _SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendError_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.error = t1; this.stackTrace = t2; }, _SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendDone_closure: function _SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendDone_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _AsyncBroadcastStreamController: function _AsyncBroadcastStreamController(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.onListen = t0; _.onCancel = t1; _._state = 0; _._doneFuture = _._addStreamState = _._lastSubscription = _._firstSubscription = null; _.$ti = t2; }, Future_Future_closure: function Future_Future_closure(t0, t1) { this.result = t0; this.computation = t1; }, Future_Future$delayed_closure: function Future_Future$delayed_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.computation = t0; this.result = t1; this.T = t2; }, Future_wait_handleError: function Future_wait_handleError(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _._box_0 = t0; _.cleanUp = t1; _.eagerError = t2; _._future = t3; _.error = t4; _.stackTrace = t5; }, Future_wait_closure: function Future_wait_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _._box_0 = t0; _.pos = t1; _._future = t2; _.cleanUp = t3; _.eagerError = t4; _.error = t5; _.stackTrace = t6; _.T = t7; }, _Completer: function _Completer() { }, _AsyncCompleter: function _AsyncCompleter(t0, t1) { this.future = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, _FutureListener: function _FutureListener(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._nextListener = null; _.result = t0; _.state = t1; _.callback = t2; _.errorCallback = t3; _.$ti = t4; }, _Future: function _Future(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._state = 0; _._zone = t0; _._resultOrListeners = null; _.$ti = t1; }, _Future__addListener_closure: function _Future__addListener_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.listener = t1; }, _Future__prependListeners_closure: function _Future__prependListeners_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; }, _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure: function _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0: function _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1: function _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.e = t1; this.s = t2; }, _Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure: function _Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.value = t1; }, _Future__chainFuture_closure: function _Future__chainFuture_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.value = t1; }, _Future__asyncCompleteError_closure: function _Future__asyncCompleteError_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.error = t1; this.stackTrace = t2; }, _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_0 = t0; this._box_1 = t1; this.hasError = t2; }, _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure(t0) { this.originalSource = t0; }, _Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.sourceResult = t1; }, _Future__propagateToListeners_handleError: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleError(t0, t1) { this._box_1 = t0; this._box_0 = t1; }, _AsyncCallbackEntry: function _AsyncCallbackEntry(t0) { this.callback = t0; this.next = null; }, Stream: function Stream() { }, Stream_length_closure: function Stream_length_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; }, Stream_length_closure0: function Stream_length_closure0(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.future = t1; }, StreamSubscription: function StreamSubscription() { }, StreamTransformerBase: function StreamTransformerBase() { }, _StreamController: function _StreamController() { }, _StreamController__subscribe_closure: function _StreamController__subscribe_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _StreamController__recordCancel_complete: function _StreamController__recordCancel_complete(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _SyncStreamControllerDispatch: function _SyncStreamControllerDispatch() { }, _AsyncStreamControllerDispatch: function _AsyncStreamControllerDispatch() { }, _AsyncStreamController: function _AsyncStreamController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._varData = null; _._state = 0; _._doneFuture = null; _.onListen = t0; _.onPause = t1; _.onResume = t2; _.onCancel = t3; _.$ti = t4; }, _SyncStreamController: function _SyncStreamController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._varData = null; _._state = 0; _._doneFuture = null; _.onListen = t0; _.onPause = t1; _.onResume = t2; _.onCancel = t3; _.$ti = t4; }, _ControllerStream: function _ControllerStream(t0, t1) { this._async$_controller = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, _ControllerSubscription: function _ControllerSubscription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._async$_controller = t0; _._async$_onData = t1; _._onError = t2; _._onDone = t3; _._zone = t4; _._state = t5; _._pending = _._cancelFuture = null; _.$ti = t6; }, _BufferingStreamSubscription: function _BufferingStreamSubscription() { }, _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError: function _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.error = t1; this.stackTrace = t2; }, _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone: function _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _StreamImpl: function _StreamImpl() { }, _DelayedEvent: function _DelayedEvent() { }, _DelayedData: function _DelayedData(t0) { this.value = t0; this.next = null; }, _DelayedError: function _DelayedError(t0, t1) { this.error = t0; this.stackTrace = t1; this.next = null; }, _DelayedDone: function _DelayedDone() { }, _PendingEvents: function _PendingEvents() { }, _PendingEvents_schedule_closure: function _PendingEvents_schedule_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.dispatch = t1; }, _StreamImplEvents: function _StreamImplEvents() { this.lastPendingEvent = this.firstPendingEvent = null; this._state = 0; }, _DoneStreamSubscription: function _DoneStreamSubscription(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._zone = t0; _._state = 0; _._onDone = t1; _.$ti = t2; }, _StreamIterator: function _StreamIterator() { }, _ForwardingStream: function _ForwardingStream() { }, _ForwardingStreamSubscription: function _ForwardingStreamSubscription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._stream = t0; _._subscription = null; _._async$_onData = t1; _._onError = t2; _._onDone = t3; _._zone = t4; _._state = t5; _._pending = _._cancelFuture = null; _.$ti = t6; }, _WhereStream: function _WhereStream(t0, t1, t2) { this._test = t0; this._async$_source = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, _Zone: function _Zone() { }, _rootHandleError_closure: function _rootHandleError_closure(t0, t1) { this.error = t0; this.stackTrace = t1; }, _RootZone: function _RootZone() { }, _RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure: function _RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.f = t1; }, _RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure: function _RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.f = t1; this.T = t2; }, HashMap_HashMap($K, $V) { return new A._HashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_HashMap<1,2>")); }, _HashMap__getTableEntry(table, key) { var entry = table[key]; return entry === table ? null : entry; }, _HashMap__setTableEntry(table, key, value) { if (value == null) table[key] = table; else table[key] = value; }, _HashMap__newHashTable() { var table = Object.create(null); A._HashMap__setTableEntry(table, "", table); delete table[""]; return table; }, LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(hashCode, isValidKey, $K, $V) { if (isValidKey == null) { if (hashCode == null) return new A.JsLinkedHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("JsLinkedHashMap<1,2>")); } else if (hashCode == null) hashCode = A.collection___defaultHashCode$closure(); return A._LinkedCustomHashMap$(A.collection___defaultEquals$closure(), hashCode, isValidKey, $K, $V); }, LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(keyValuePairs, $K, $V) { return A.fillLiteralMap(keyValuePairs, new A.JsLinkedHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("JsLinkedHashMap<1,2>"))); }, LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty($K, $V) { return new A.JsLinkedHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("JsLinkedHashMap<1,2>")); }, _LinkedCustomHashMap$(_equals, _hashCode, validKey, $K, $V) { var t1 = validKey != null ? validKey : new A._LinkedCustomHashMap_closure($K); return new A._LinkedCustomHashMap(_equals, _hashCode, t1, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_LinkedCustomHashMap<1,2>")); }, HashSet_HashSet($E) { return new A._HashSet($E._eval$1("_HashSet<0>")); }, _HashSet__newHashTable() { var table = Object.create(null); table[""] = table; delete table[""]; return table; }, LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet($E) { return new A._LinkedHashSet($E._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<0>")); }, LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty($E) { return new A._LinkedHashSet($E._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<0>")); }, LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal(values, $E) { return A.fillLiteralSet(values, new A._LinkedHashSet($E._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<0>"))); }, _LinkedHashSet__newHashTable() { var table = Object.create(null); table[""] = table; delete table[""]; return table; }, _LinkedHashSetIterator$(_set, _modifications) { var t1 = new A._LinkedHashSetIterator(_set, _modifications); t1._collection$_cell = _set._collection$_first; return t1; }, _defaultEquals(a, b) { return J.$eq$(a, b); }, _defaultHashCode(a) { return J.get$hashCode$(a); }, IterableBase_iterableToShortString(iterable, leftDelimiter, rightDelimiter) { var parts, t1; if (A._isToStringVisiting(iterable)) { if (leftDelimiter === "(" && rightDelimiter === ")") return "(...)"; return leftDelimiter + "..." + rightDelimiter; } parts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); $._toStringVisiting.push(iterable); try { A._iterablePartsToStrings(iterable, parts); } finally { $._toStringVisiting.pop(); } t1 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(leftDelimiter, parts, ", ") + rightDelimiter; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; }, IterableBase_iterableToFullString(iterable, leftDelimiter, rightDelimiter) { var buffer, t1; if (A._isToStringVisiting(iterable)) return leftDelimiter + "..." + rightDelimiter; buffer = new A.StringBuffer(leftDelimiter); $._toStringVisiting.push(iterable); try { t1 = buffer; t1._contents = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(t1._contents, iterable, ", "); } finally { $._toStringVisiting.pop(); } buffer._contents += rightDelimiter; t1 = buffer._contents; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; }, _isToStringVisiting(o) { var t1, i; for (t1 = $._toStringVisiting.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) if (o === $._toStringVisiting[i]) return true; return false; }, _iterablePartsToStrings(iterable, parts) { var next, ultimateString, penultimateString, penultimate, ultimate, ultimate0, elision, it = iterable.get$iterator(iterable), $length = 0, count = 0; while (true) { if (!($length < 80 || count < 3)) break; if (!it.moveNext$0()) return; next = A.S(it.get$current(it)); parts.push(next); $length += next.length + 2; ++count; } if (!it.moveNext$0()) { if (count <= 5) return; ultimateString = parts.pop(); penultimateString = parts.pop(); } else { penultimate = it.get$current(it); ++count; if (!it.moveNext$0()) { if (count <= 4) { parts.push(A.S(penultimate)); return; } ultimateString = A.S(penultimate); penultimateString = parts.pop(); $length += ultimateString.length + 2; } else { ultimate = it.get$current(it); ++count; for (; it.moveNext$0(); penultimate = ultimate, ultimate = ultimate0) { ultimate0 = it.get$current(it); ++count; if (count > 100) { while (true) { if (!($length > 75 && count > 3)) break; $length -= parts.pop().length + 2; --count; } parts.push("..."); return; } } penultimateString = A.S(penultimate); ultimateString = A.S(ultimate); $length += ultimateString.length + penultimateString.length + 4; } } if (count > parts.length + 2) { $length += 5; elision = "..."; } else elision = null; while (true) { if (!($length > 80 && parts.length > 3)) break; $length -= parts.pop().length + 2; if (elision == null) { $length += 5; elision = "..."; } } if (elision != null) parts.push(elision); parts.push(penultimateString); parts.push(ultimateString); }, LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(other, $K, $V) { var t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, $K, $V); t1.addAll$1(0, other); return t1; }, LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(elements, $E) { var t1, result = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet($E); for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();) result.add$1(0, $E._as(t1.get$current(t1))); return result; }, LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(elements, $E) { var t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet($E); t1.addAll$1(0, elements); return t1; }, MapBase_mapToString(m) { var result, t1 = {}; if (A._isToStringVisiting(m)) return "{...}"; result = new A.StringBuffer(""); try { $._toStringVisiting.push(m); result._contents += "{"; t1.first = true; J.forEach$1$ax(m, new A.MapBase_mapToString_closure(t1, result)); result._contents += "}"; } finally { $._toStringVisiting.pop(); } t1 = result._contents; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; }, DoubleLinkedQueue$($E) { var t1 = new A._DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel($E._eval$1("_DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel<0>")); t1._previousLink = t1; t1._nextLink = t1; return new A.DoubleLinkedQueue(t1, $E._eval$1("DoubleLinkedQueue<0>")); }, ListQueue$(initialCapacity, $E) { return new A.ListQueue(A.List_List$filled(A.ListQueue__calculateCapacity(initialCapacity), null, false, $E._eval$1("0?")), $E._eval$1("ListQueue<0>")); }, ListQueue__calculateCapacity(initialCapacity) { if (initialCapacity == null || initialCapacity < 8) return 8; else if ((initialCapacity & initialCapacity - 1) >>> 0 !== 0) return A.ListQueue__nextPowerOf2(initialCapacity); return initialCapacity; }, ListQueue__nextPowerOf2(number) { var nextNumber; number = (number << 1 >>> 0) - 1; for (; true; number = nextNumber) { nextNumber = (number & number - 1) >>> 0; if (nextNumber === 0) return number; } }, _UnmodifiableSetMixin__throwUnmodifiable() { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot change an unmodifiable set")); }, _HashMap: function _HashMap(t0) { var _ = this; _._collection$_length = 0; _._collection$_keys = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null; _.$ti = t0; }, _HashMap_values_closure: function _HashMap_values_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _HashMap_addAll_closure: function _HashMap_addAll_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _IdentityHashMap: function _IdentityHashMap(t0) { var _ = this; _._collection$_length = 0; _._collection$_keys = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null; _.$ti = t0; }, _HashMapKeyIterable: function _HashMapKeyIterable(t0, t1) { this._collection$_map = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, _HashMapKeyIterator: function _HashMapKeyIterator(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._collection$_map = t0; _._collection$_keys = t1; _._offset = 0; _._collection$_current = null; }, _LinkedIdentityHashMap: function _LinkedIdentityHashMap(t0) { var _ = this; _.__js_helper$_length = 0; _._last = _._first = _.__js_helper$_rest = _._nums = _._strings = null; _._modifications = 0; _.$ti = t0; }, _LinkedCustomHashMap: function _LinkedCustomHashMap(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._equals = t0; _._hashCode = t1; _._validKey = t2; _.__js_helper$_length = 0; _._last = _._first = _.__js_helper$_rest = _._nums = _._strings = null; _._modifications = 0; _.$ti = t3; }, _LinkedCustomHashMap_closure: function _LinkedCustomHashMap_closure(t0) { this.K = t0; }, _HashSet: function _HashSet(t0) { var _ = this; _._collection$_length = 0; _._elements = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null; _.$ti = t0; }, _HashSetIterator: function _HashSetIterator(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._set = t0; _._elements = t1; _._offset = 0; _._collection$_current = null; }, _LinkedHashSet: function _LinkedHashSet(t0) { var _ = this; _._collection$_length = 0; _._collection$_last = _._collection$_first = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null; _._collection$_modifications = 0; _.$ti = t0; }, _LinkedHashSetCell: function _LinkedHashSetCell(t0) { this._element = t0; this._collection$_previous = this._collection$_next = null; }, _LinkedHashSetIterator: function _LinkedHashSetIterator(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._set = t0; _._collection$_modifications = t1; _._collection$_current = _._collection$_cell = null; }, IterableBase: function IterableBase() { }, LinkedList: function LinkedList(t0) { var _ = this; _._collection$_length = _._modificationCount = 0; _._collection$_first = null; _.$ti = t0; }, _LinkedListIterator: function _LinkedListIterator(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._collection$_list = t0; _._modificationCount = t1; _._collection$_current = null; _._collection$_next = t2; _._visitedFirst = false; }, LinkedListEntry: function LinkedListEntry() { }, ListBase: function ListBase() { }, ListMixin: function ListMixin() { }, MapBase: function MapBase() { }, MapBase_mapToString_closure: function MapBase_mapToString_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.result = t1; }, MapMixin: function MapMixin() { }, MapMixin_entries_closure: function MapMixin_entries_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _MapBaseValueIterable: function _MapBaseValueIterable(t0, t1) { this._collection$_map = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, _MapBaseValueIterator: function _MapBaseValueIterator(t0, t1) { this._collection$_keys = t0; this._collection$_map = t1; this._collection$_current = null; }, _UnmodifiableMapMixin: function _UnmodifiableMapMixin() { }, MapView: function MapView() { }, UnmodifiableMapView: function UnmodifiableMapView(t0, t1) { this._collection$_map = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry: function _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry() { }, _DoubleLinkedQueueElement: function _DoubleLinkedQueueElement(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._queue = t0; _.element = t1; _._nextLink = _._previousLink = null; _.$ti = t2; }, _DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel: function _DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel(t0) { this._nextLink = this._previousLink = null; this.$ti = t0; }, DoubleLinkedQueue: function DoubleLinkedQueue(t0, t1) { this._sentinel = t0; this._elementCount = 0; this.$ti = t1; }, _DoubleLinkedQueueIterator: function _DoubleLinkedQueueIterator(t0, t1) { this._queue = t0; this._nextEntry = t1; this._collection$_current = null; }, ListQueue: function ListQueue(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._table = t0; _._modificationCount = _._tail = _._head = 0; _.$ti = t1; }, _ListQueueIterator: function _ListQueueIterator(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._queue = t0; _._end = t1; _._modificationCount = t2; _._position = t3; _._collection$_current = null; }, SetMixin: function SetMixin() { }, _SetBase: function _SetBase() { }, _UnmodifiableSetMixin: function _UnmodifiableSetMixin() { }, _UnmodifiableSet: function _UnmodifiableSet(t0, t1) { this._collection$_map = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, _ListBase_Object_ListMixin: function _ListBase_Object_ListMixin() { }, _UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin: function _UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin() { }, __SetBase_Object_SetMixin: function __SetBase_Object_SetMixin() { }, __UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin: function __UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin() { }, _parseJson(source, reviver) { var e, exception, t1, parsed = null; try { parsed = JSON.parse(source); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); t1 = A.FormatException$(String(e), null, null); throw A.wrapException(t1); } t1 = A._convertJsonToDartLazy(parsed); return t1; }, _convertJsonToDartLazy(object) { var i; if (object == null) return null; if (typeof object != "object") return object; if (Object.getPrototypeOf(object) !== Array.prototype) return new A._JsonMap(object, Object.create(null)); for (i = 0; i < object.length; ++i) object[i] = A._convertJsonToDartLazy(object[i]); return object; }, Utf8Decoder__convertIntercepted(allowMalformed, codeUnits, start, end) { var casted, result; if (codeUnits instanceof Uint8Array) { casted = codeUnits; end = casted.length; if (end - start < 15) return null; result = A.Utf8Decoder__convertInterceptedUint8List(allowMalformed, casted, start, end); if (result != null && allowMalformed) if (result.indexOf("\ufffd") >= 0) return null; return result; } return null; }, Utf8Decoder__convertInterceptedUint8List(allowMalformed, codeUnits, start, end) { var decoder = allowMalformed ? $.$get$Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal() : $.$get$Utf8Decoder__decoder(); if (decoder == null) return null; if (0 === start && end === codeUnits.length) return A.Utf8Decoder__useTextDecoder(decoder, codeUnits); return A.Utf8Decoder__useTextDecoder(decoder, codeUnits.subarray(start, A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, codeUnits.length))); }, Utf8Decoder__useTextDecoder(decoder, codeUnits) { var t1, exception; try { t1 = decoder.decode(codeUnits); return t1; } catch (exception) { } return null; }, Base64Codec__checkPadding(source, sourceIndex, sourceEnd, firstPadding, paddingCount, $length) { if (B.JSInt_methods.$mod($length, 4) !== 0) throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 padding, padded length must be multiple of four, is " + $length, source, sourceEnd)); if (firstPadding + paddingCount !== $length) throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 padding, '=' not at the end", source, sourceIndex)); if (paddingCount > 2) throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 padding, more than two '=' characters", source, sourceIndex)); }, JsonUnsupportedObjectError$(unsupportedObject, cause, partialResult) { return new A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError(unsupportedObject, cause); }, _defaultToEncodable(object) { return object.toJson$0(); }, _JsonStringStringifier$(_sink, _toEncodable) { var t1 = _toEncodable == null ? A.convert___defaultToEncodable$closure() : _toEncodable; return new A._JsonStringStringifier(_sink, [], t1); }, _JsonStringStringifier_stringify(object, toEncodable, indent) { var t1, output = new A.StringBuffer(""), stringifier = A._JsonStringStringifier$(output, toEncodable); stringifier.writeObject$1(object); t1 = output._contents; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; }, LineSplitter_split($async$lines) { return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() { var lines = $async$lines; var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, sliceStart, char, i, char0, end; return function $async$LineSplitter_split($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(0, null, lines.length); sliceStart = 0, char = 0, i = 0; case 2: // for condition if (!(i < end)) { // goto after for $async$goto = 4; break; } char0 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(lines, i); if (char0 !== 13) { if (char0 !== 10) { // goto for update $async$goto = 3; break; } if (char === 13) { sliceStart = i + 1; // goto for update $async$goto = 3; break; } } $async$goto = 5; return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(lines, sliceStart, i); case 5: // after yield sliceStart = i + 1; case 3: // for update ++i, char = char0; // goto for condition $async$goto = 2; break; case 4: // after for $async$goto = sliceStart < end ? 6 : 7; break; case 6: // then $async$goto = 8; return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(lines, sliceStart, end); case 8: // after yield case 7: // join // implicit return return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration(); case 1: // rethrow return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError); } }; }, type$.String); }, _Utf8Decoder_errorDescription(state) { switch (state) { case 65: return "Missing extension byte"; case 67: return "Unexpected extension byte"; case 69: return "Invalid UTF-8 byte"; case 71: return "Overlong encoding"; case 73: return "Out of unicode range"; case 75: return "Encoded surrogate"; case 77: return "Unfinished UTF-8 octet sequence"; default: return ""; } }, _Utf8Decoder__makeUint8List(codeUnits, start, end) { var t1, i, b, $length = end - start, bytes = new Uint8Array($length); for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(codeUnits), i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { b = t1.$index(codeUnits, start + i); bytes[i] = (b & 4294967040) >>> 0 !== 0 ? 255 : b; } return bytes; }, _JsonMap: function _JsonMap(t0, t1) { this._original = t0; this._processed = t1; this._data = null; }, _JsonMap_values_closure: function _JsonMap_values_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _JsonMapKeyIterable: function _JsonMapKeyIterable(t0) { this._convert$_parent = t0; }, Utf8Decoder__decoder_closure: function Utf8Decoder__decoder_closure() { }, Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal_closure: function Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal_closure() { }, Base64Codec: function Base64Codec() { }, Base64Encoder: function Base64Encoder() { }, Codec: function Codec() { }, Converter: function Converter() { }, Encoding: function Encoding() { }, JsonUnsupportedObjectError: function JsonUnsupportedObjectError(t0, t1) { this.unsupportedObject = t0; this.cause = t1; }, JsonCyclicError: function JsonCyclicError(t0, t1) { this.unsupportedObject = t0; this.cause = t1; }, JsonCodec: function JsonCodec() { }, JsonEncoder: function JsonEncoder(t0) { this._toEncodable = t0; }, JsonDecoder: function JsonDecoder(t0) { this._reviver = t0; }, _JsonStringifier: function _JsonStringifier() { }, _JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure: function _JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.keyValueList = t1; }, _JsonStringStringifier: function _JsonStringStringifier(t0, t1, t2) { this._sink = t0; this._seen = t1; this._toEncodable = t2; }, Utf8Codec: function Utf8Codec() { }, Utf8Encoder: function Utf8Encoder() { }, _Utf8Encoder: function _Utf8Encoder(t0) { this._bufferIndex = 0; this._buffer = t0; }, Utf8Decoder: function Utf8Decoder(t0) { this._allowMalformed = t0; }, _Utf8Decoder: function _Utf8Decoder(t0) { this.allowMalformed = t0; this._convert$_state = 16; this._charOrIndex = 0; }, Function_apply($function, positionalArguments) { return A.Primitives_applyFunction($function, positionalArguments, null); }, Expando__checkType(object) { var t1 = typeof object == "number" || typeof object == "string"; if (t1) throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(object, string$.Expand, null)); }, int_parse(source, radix) { var value = A.Primitives_parseInt(source, radix); if (value != null) return value; throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(source, null, null)); }, double_parse(source) { var value = A.Primitives_parseDouble(source); if (value != null) return value; throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid double", source, null)); }, Error__objectToString(object) { if (object instanceof A.Closure) return object.toString$0(0); return "Instance of '" + A.Primitives_objectTypeName(object) + "'"; }, Error__throw(error, stackTrace) { error = A.wrapException(error); error.stack = stackTrace.toString$0(0); throw error; throw A.wrapException("unreachable"); }, DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millisecondsSinceEpoch, isUtc) { var t1; if (Math.abs(millisecondsSinceEpoch) <= 864e13) t1 = false; else t1 = true; if (t1) A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("DateTime is outside valid range: " + millisecondsSinceEpoch, null)); A.checkNotNullable(isUtc, "isUtc", type$.bool); return new A.DateTime(millisecondsSinceEpoch, isUtc); }, List_List$filled($length, fill, growable, $E) { var i, result = growable ? J.JSArray_JSArray$growable($length, $E) : J.JSArray_JSArray$fixed($length, $E); if ($length !== 0 && fill != null) for (i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) result[i] = fill; return result; }, List_List$from(elements, growable, $E) { var t1, list = A._setArrayType([], $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>")); for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();) list.push(t1.get$current(t1)); if (growable) return list; return J.JSArray_markFixedList(list); }, List_List$of(elements, growable, $E) { var t1; if (growable) return A.List_List$_of(elements, $E); t1 = J.JSArray_markFixedList(A.List_List$_of(elements, $E)); return t1; }, List_List$_of(elements, $E) { var list, t1; if (Array.isArray(elements)) return A._setArrayType(elements.slice(0), $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>")); list = A._setArrayType([], $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>")); for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();) list.push(t1.get$current(t1)); return list; }, List_List$unmodifiable(elements, $E) { return J.JSArray_markUnmodifiableList(A.List_List$from(elements, false, $E)); }, String_String$fromCharCodes(charCodes, start, end) { var array, len; if (Array.isArray(charCodes)) { array = charCodes; len = array.length; end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, len); return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(start > 0 || end < len ? array.slice(start, end) : array); } if (type$.NativeUint8List._is(charCodes)) return A.Primitives_stringFromNativeUint8List(charCodes, start, A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, charCodes.length)); return A.String__stringFromIterable(charCodes, start, end); }, String__stringFromIterable(charCodes, start, end) { var t1, it, i, list, _null = null; if (start < 0) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, J.get$length$asx(charCodes), _null, _null)); t1 = end == null; if (!t1 && end < start) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, J.get$length$asx(charCodes), _null, _null)); it = J.get$iterator$ax(charCodes); for (i = 0; i < start; ++i) if (!it.moveNext$0()) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, i, _null, _null)); list = []; if (t1) for (; it.moveNext$0();) list.push(it.get$current(it)); else for (i = start; i < end; ++i) { if (!it.moveNext$0()) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, i, _null, _null)); list.push(it.get$current(it)); } return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(list); }, RegExp_RegExp(source, caseSensitive) { return new A.JSSyntaxRegExp(source, A.JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(source, false, caseSensitive, false, false, false)); }, StringBuffer__writeAll(string, objects, separator) { var iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(objects); if (!iterator.moveNext$0()) return string; if (separator.length === 0) { do string += A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator)); while (iterator.moveNext$0()); } else { string += A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator)); for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) string = string + separator + A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator)); } return string; }, NoSuchMethodError$(receiver, memberName, positionalArguments, namedArguments) { return new A.NoSuchMethodError(receiver, memberName, positionalArguments, namedArguments); }, _Uri__uriEncode(canonicalTable, text, encoding, spaceToPlus) { var t1, bytes, i, t2, byte, _s16_ = "0123456789ABCDEF"; if (encoding === B.C_Utf8Codec) { t1 = $.$get$_Uri__needsNoEncoding()._nativeRegExp; t1 = t1.test(text); } else t1 = false; if (t1) return text; bytes = encoding.get$encoder().convert$1(text); for (t1 = bytes.length, i = 0, t2 = ""; i < t1; ++i) { byte = bytes[i]; if (byte < 128 && (canonicalTable[byte >>> 4] & 1 << (byte & 15)) !== 0) t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(byte); else t2 = spaceToPlus && byte === 32 ? t2 + "+" : t2 + "%" + _s16_[byte >>> 4 & 15] + _s16_[byte & 15]; } return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2; }, StackTrace_current() { var stackTrace, exception; if ($.$get$_hasErrorStackProperty()) return A.getTraceFromException(new Error()); try { throw A.wrapException(""); } catch (exception) { stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception); return stackTrace; } }, DateTime$_withValue(_value, isUtc) { var t1; if (Math.abs(_value) <= 864e13) t1 = false; else t1 = true; if (t1) A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("DateTime is outside valid range: " + _value, null)); A.checkNotNullable(isUtc, "isUtc", type$.bool); return new A.DateTime(_value, isUtc); }, DateTime__fourDigits(n) { var absN = Math.abs(n), sign = n < 0 ? "-" : ""; if (absN >= 1000) return "" + n; if (absN >= 100) return sign + "0" + absN; if (absN >= 10) return sign + "00" + absN; return sign + "000" + absN; }, DateTime__threeDigits(n) { if (n >= 100) return "" + n; if (n >= 10) return "0" + n; return "00" + n; }, DateTime__twoDigits(n) { if (n >= 10) return "" + n; return "0" + n; }, Duration$(microseconds, milliseconds) { return new A.Duration(microseconds + 1000 * milliseconds); }, Error_safeToString(object) { if (typeof object == "number" || A._isBool(object) || object == null) return J.toString$0$(object); if (typeof object == "string") return JSON.stringify(object); return A.Error__objectToString(object); }, AssertionError$(message) { return new A.AssertionError(message); }, ArgumentError$(message, $name) { return new A.ArgumentError(false, null, $name, message); }, ArgumentError$value(value, $name, message) { return new A.ArgumentError(true, value, $name, message); }, ArgumentError_checkNotNull(argument, $name) { return argument; }, RangeError$(message) { var _null = null; return new A.RangeError(_null, _null, false, _null, _null, message); }, RangeError$value(value, $name) { return new A.RangeError(null, null, true, value, $name, "Value not in range"); }, RangeError$range(invalidValue, minValue, maxValue, $name, message) { return new A.RangeError(minValue, maxValue, true, invalidValue, $name, "Invalid value"); }, RangeError_checkValueInInterval(value, minValue, maxValue, $name) { if (value < minValue || value > maxValue) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(value, minValue, maxValue, $name, null)); return value; }, RangeError_checkValidIndex(index, indexable, $name, $length) { if ($length == null) $length = indexable.get$length(indexable); if (0 > index || index >= $length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, indexable, $name == null ? "index" : $name, null, $length)); return index; }, RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, $length) { if (0 > start || start > $length) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, $length, "start", null)); if (end != null) { if (start > end || end > $length) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, $length, "end", null)); return end; } return $length; }, RangeError_checkNotNegative(value, $name) { if (value < 0) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(value, 0, null, $name, null)); return value; }, IndexError$(invalidValue, indexable, $name, message, $length) { var t1 = $length == null ? J.get$length$asx(indexable) : $length; return new A.IndexError(t1, true, invalidValue, $name, "Index out of range"); }, UnsupportedError$(message) { return new A.UnsupportedError(message); }, UnimplementedError$(message) { return new A.UnimplementedError(message); }, StateError$(message) { return new A.StateError(message); }, ConcurrentModificationError$(modifiedObject) { return new A.ConcurrentModificationError(modifiedObject); }, Exception_Exception(message) { return new A._Exception(message); }, FormatException$(message, source, offset) { return new A.FormatException(message, source, offset); }, Map_castFrom(source, $K, $V, K2, V2) { return new A.CastMap(source, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._bind$1(K2)._bind$1(V2)._eval$1("CastMap<1,2,3,4>")); }, Object_hash(object1, object2, object3, object4, object5, object6) { var t1, t2; if (B.C_SentinelValue === object3) return A.SystemHash_hash2(J.get$hashCode$(object1), J.get$hashCode$(object2), $.$get$_hashSeed()); if (B.C_SentinelValue === object4) { t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1); object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2); object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3); return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3)); } if (B.C_SentinelValue === object5) return A.SystemHash_hash4(J.get$hashCode$(object1), J.get$hashCode$(object2), J.get$hashCode$(object3), J.get$hashCode$(object4), $.$get$_hashSeed()); if (B.C_SentinelValue === object6) { t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1); object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2); object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3); object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4); object5 = object5.get$hashCode(object5); return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5)); } t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1); object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2); object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3); object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4); object5 = object5.get$hashCode(object5); object6 = object6.get$hashCode(object6); t2 = $.$get$_hashSeed(); return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(t2, t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6)); }, Object_hashAll(objects) { var t1, hash = $.$get$_hashSeed(); for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(objects); t1.moveNext$0();) hash = A.SystemHash_combine(hash, J.get$hashCode$(t1.get$current(t1))); return A.SystemHash_finish(hash); }, print(object) { A.printString(A.S(object)); }, Stopwatch$() { $.$get$Stopwatch__frequency(); return new A.Stopwatch(); }, _combineSurrogatePair(start, end) { return 65536 + ((start & 1023) << 10) + (end & 1023); }, Uri_parse(uri) { var delta, indices, schemeEnd, hostStart, portStart, pathStart, queryStart, fragmentStart, isSimple, scheme, t1, t2, schemeAuth, queryStart0, pathStart0, userInfoStart, userInfo, host, portNumber, port, path, query, _null = null, end = uri.length; if (end >= 5) { delta = ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 4) ^ 58) * 3 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 0) ^ 100 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 1) ^ 97 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 2) ^ 116 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 3) ^ 97) >>> 0; if (delta === 0) return A.UriData__parse(end < end ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, 0, end) : uri, 5, _null).get$uri(); else if (delta === 32) return A.UriData__parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, 5, end), 0, _null).get$uri(); } indices = A.List_List$filled(8, 0, false, type$.int); indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = -1; indices[2] = -1; indices[7] = -1; indices[3] = 0; indices[4] = 0; indices[5] = end; indices[6] = end; if (A._scan(uri, 0, end, 0, indices) >= 14) indices[7] = end; schemeEnd = indices[1]; if (schemeEnd >= 0) if (A._scan(uri, 0, schemeEnd, 20, indices) === 20) indices[7] = schemeEnd; hostStart = indices[2] + 1; portStart = indices[3]; pathStart = indices[4]; queryStart = indices[5]; fragmentStart = indices[6]; if (fragmentStart < queryStart) queryStart = fragmentStart; if (pathStart < hostStart) pathStart = queryStart; else if (pathStart <= schemeEnd) pathStart = schemeEnd + 1; if (portStart < hostStart) portStart = pathStart; isSimple = indices[7] < 0; if (isSimple) if (hostStart > schemeEnd + 3) { scheme = _null; isSimple = false; } else { t1 = portStart > 0; if (t1 && portStart + 1 === pathStart) { scheme = _null; isSimple = false; } else { if (!(queryStart < end && queryStart === pathStart + 2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "..", pathStart))) t2 = queryStart > pathStart + 2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "/..", queryStart - 3); else t2 = true; if (t2) { scheme = _null; isSimple = false; } else { if (schemeEnd === 4) if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "file", 0)) { if (hostStart <= 0) { if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "/", pathStart)) { schemeAuth = "file:///"; delta = 3; } else { schemeAuth = "file://"; delta = 2; } uri = schemeAuth + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, pathStart, end); schemeEnd -= 0; t1 = delta - 0; queryStart += t1; fragmentStart += t1; end = uri.length; hostStart = 7; portStart = 7; pathStart = 7; } else if (pathStart === queryStart) { ++fragmentStart; queryStart0 = queryStart + 1; uri = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(uri, pathStart, queryStart, "/"); ++end; queryStart = queryStart0; } scheme = "file"; } else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "http", 0)) { if (t1 && portStart + 3 === pathStart && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "80", portStart + 1)) { fragmentStart -= 3; pathStart0 = pathStart - 3; queryStart -= 3; uri = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(uri, portStart, pathStart, ""); end -= 3; pathStart = pathStart0; } scheme = "http"; } else scheme = _null; else if (schemeEnd === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "https", 0)) { if (t1 && portStart + 4 === pathStart && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "443", portStart + 1)) { fragmentStart -= 4; pathStart0 = pathStart - 4; queryStart -= 4; uri = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(uri, portStart, pathStart, ""); end -= 3; pathStart = pathStart0; } scheme = "https"; } else scheme = _null; isSimple = true; } } } else scheme = _null; if (isSimple) { if (end < uri.length) { uri = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, 0, end); schemeEnd -= 0; hostStart -= 0; portStart -= 0; pathStart -= 0; queryStart -= 0; fragmentStart -= 0; } return new A._SimpleUri(uri, schemeEnd, hostStart, portStart, pathStart, queryStart, fragmentStart, scheme); } if (scheme == null) if (schemeEnd > 0) scheme = A._Uri__makeScheme(uri, 0, schemeEnd); else { if (schemeEnd === 0) A._Uri__fail(uri, 0, "Invalid empty scheme"); scheme = ""; } if (hostStart > 0) { userInfoStart = schemeEnd + 3; userInfo = userInfoStart < hostStart ? A._Uri__makeUserInfo(uri, userInfoStart, hostStart - 1) : ""; host = A._Uri__makeHost(uri, hostStart, portStart, false); t1 = portStart + 1; if (t1 < pathStart) { portNumber = A.Primitives_parseInt(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, t1, pathStart), _null); port = A._Uri__makePort(portNumber == null ? A.throwExpression(A.FormatException$("Invalid port", uri, t1)) : portNumber, scheme); } else port = _null; } else { port = _null; host = port; userInfo = ""; } path = A._Uri__makePath(uri, pathStart, queryStart, _null, scheme, host != null); query = queryStart < fragmentStart ? A._Uri__makeQuery(uri, queryStart + 1, fragmentStart, _null) : _null; return A._Uri$_internal(scheme, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragmentStart < end ? A._Uri__makeFragment(uri, fragmentStart + 1, end) : _null); }, Uri_decodeComponent(encodedComponent) { return A._Uri__uriDecode(encodedComponent, 0, encodedComponent.length, B.C_Utf8Codec, false); }, Uri__parseIPv4Address(host, start, end) { var i, partStart, partIndex, char, part, partIndex0, _s43_ = "IPv4 address should contain exactly 4 parts", _s37_ = "each part must be in the range 0..255", error = new A.Uri__parseIPv4Address_error(host), result = new Uint8Array(4); for (i = start, partStart = i, partIndex = 0; i < end; ++i) { char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i); if (char !== 46) { if ((char ^ 48) > 9) error.call$2("invalid character", i); } else { if (partIndex === 3) error.call$2(_s43_, i); part = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, partStart, i), null); if (part > 255) error.call$2(_s37_, partStart); partIndex0 = partIndex + 1; result[partIndex] = part; partStart = i + 1; partIndex = partIndex0; } } if (partIndex !== 3) error.call$2(_s43_, end); part = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, partStart, end), null); if (part > 255) error.call$2(_s37_, partStart); result[partIndex] = part; return result; }, Uri_parseIPv6Address(host, start, end) { var parts, i, partStart, wildcardSeen, seenDot, char, atEnd, t1, last, bytes, wildCardLength, index, value, j, _null = null, error = new A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_error(host), parseHex = new A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex(error, host); if (host.length < 2) error.call$2("address is too short", _null); parts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int); for (i = start, partStart = i, wildcardSeen = false, seenDot = false; i < end; ++i) { char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i); if (char === 58) { if (i === start) { ++i; if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i) !== 58) error.call$2("invalid start colon.", i); partStart = i; } if (i === partStart) { if (wildcardSeen) error.call$2("only one wildcard `::` is allowed", i); parts.push(-1); wildcardSeen = true; } else parts.push(parseHex.call$2(partStart, i)); partStart = i + 1; } else if (char === 46) seenDot = true; } if (parts.length === 0) error.call$2("too few parts", _null); atEnd = partStart === end; t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(parts); if (atEnd && t1 !== -1) error.call$2("expected a part after last `:`", end); if (!atEnd) if (!seenDot) parts.push(parseHex.call$2(partStart, end)); else { last = A.Uri__parseIPv4Address(host, partStart, end); parts.push((last[0] << 8 | last[1]) >>> 0); parts.push((last[2] << 8 | last[3]) >>> 0); } if (wildcardSeen) { if (parts.length > 7) error.call$2("an address with a wildcard must have less than 7 parts", _null); } else if (parts.length !== 8) error.call$2("an address without a wildcard must contain exactly 8 parts", _null); bytes = new Uint8Array(16); for (t1 = parts.length, wildCardLength = 9 - t1, i = 0, index = 0; i < t1; ++i) { value = parts[i]; if (value === -1) for (j = 0; j < wildCardLength; ++j) { bytes[index] = 0; bytes[index + 1] = 0; index += 2; } else { bytes[index] = B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(value, 8); bytes[index + 1] = value & 255; index += 2; } } return bytes; }, _Uri$_internal(scheme, _userInfo, _host, _port, path, _query, _fragment) { return new A._Uri(scheme, _userInfo, _host, _port, path, _query, _fragment); }, _Uri__defaultPort(scheme) { if (scheme === "http") return 80; if (scheme === "https") return 443; return 0; }, _Uri__fail(uri, index, message) { throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(message, uri, index)); }, _Uri__makePort(port, scheme) { if (port != null && port === A._Uri__defaultPort(scheme)) return null; return port; }, _Uri__makeHost(host, start, end, strictIPv6) { var t1, t2, index, zoneIDstart, zoneID, i; if (host == null) return null; if (start === end) return ""; if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, start) === 91) { t1 = end - 1; if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, t1) !== 93) A._Uri__fail(host, start, "Missing end `]` to match `[` in host"); t2 = start + 1; index = A._Uri__checkZoneID(host, t2, t1); if (index < t1) { zoneIDstart = index + 1; zoneID = A._Uri__normalizeZoneID(host, B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(host, "25", zoneIDstart) ? index + 3 : zoneIDstart, t1, "%25"); } else zoneID = ""; A.Uri_parseIPv6Address(host, t2, index); return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, index).toLowerCase() + zoneID + "]"; } for (i = start; i < end; ++i) if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i) === 58) { index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(host, "%", start); index = index >= start && index < end ? index : end; if (index < end) { zoneIDstart = index + 1; zoneID = A._Uri__normalizeZoneID(host, B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(host, "25", zoneIDstart) ? index + 3 : zoneIDstart, end, "%25"); } else zoneID = ""; A.Uri_parseIPv6Address(host, start, index); return "[" + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, index) + zoneID + "]"; } return A._Uri__normalizeRegName(host, start, end); }, _Uri__checkZoneID(host, start, end) { var index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(host, "%", start); return index >= start && index < end ? index : end; }, _Uri__normalizeZoneID(host, start, end, prefix) { var index, sectionStart, isNormalized, char, replacement, t1, t2, tail, sourceLength, slice, buffer = prefix !== "" ? new A.StringBuffer(prefix) : null; for (index = start, sectionStart = index, isNormalized = true; index < end;) { char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index); if (char === 37) { replacement = A._Uri__normalizeEscape(host, index, true); t1 = replacement == null; if (t1 && isNormalized) { index += 3; continue; } if (buffer == null) buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""); t2 = buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index); if (t1) replacement = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, index, index + 3); else if (replacement === "%") A._Uri__fail(host, index, "ZoneID should not contain % anymore"); buffer._contents = t2 + replacement; index += 3; sectionStart = index; isNormalized = true; } else if (char < 127 && (B.List_nxB[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0) { if (isNormalized && 65 <= char && 90 >= char) { if (buffer == null) buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""); if (sectionStart < index) { buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index); sectionStart = index; } isNormalized = false; } ++index; } else { if ((char & 64512) === 55296 && index + 1 < end) { tail = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index + 1); if ((tail & 64512) === 56320) { char = (char & 1023) << 10 | tail & 1023 | 65536; sourceLength = 2; } else sourceLength = 1; } else sourceLength = 1; slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index); if (buffer == null) { buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""); t1 = buffer; } else t1 = buffer; t1._contents += slice; t1._contents += A._Uri__escapeChar(char); index += sourceLength; sectionStart = index; } } if (buffer == null) return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, end); if (sectionStart < end) buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, end); t1 = buffer._contents; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; }, _Uri__normalizeRegName(host, start, end) { var index, sectionStart, buffer, isNormalized, char, replacement, t1, slice, t2, sourceLength, tail; for (index = start, sectionStart = index, buffer = null, isNormalized = true; index < end;) { char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index); if (char === 37) { replacement = A._Uri__normalizeEscape(host, index, true); t1 = replacement == null; if (t1 && isNormalized) { index += 3; continue; } if (buffer == null) buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""); slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index); t2 = buffer._contents += !isNormalized ? slice.toLowerCase() : slice; if (t1) { replacement = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, index, index + 3); sourceLength = 3; } else if (replacement === "%") { replacement = "%25"; sourceLength = 1; } else sourceLength = 3; buffer._contents = t2 + replacement; index += sourceLength; sectionStart = index; isNormalized = true; } else if (char < 127 && (B.List_qNA[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0) { if (isNormalized && 65 <= char && 90 >= char) { if (buffer == null) buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""); if (sectionStart < index) { buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index); sectionStart = index; } isNormalized = false; } ++index; } else if (char <= 93 && (B.List_2Vk[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0) A._Uri__fail(host, index, "Invalid character"); else { if ((char & 64512) === 55296 && index + 1 < end) { tail = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index + 1); if ((tail & 64512) === 56320) { char = (char & 1023) << 10 | tail & 1023 | 65536; sourceLength = 2; } else sourceLength = 1; } else sourceLength = 1; slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index); if (!isNormalized) slice = slice.toLowerCase(); if (buffer == null) { buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""); t1 = buffer; } else t1 = buffer; t1._contents += slice; t1._contents += A._Uri__escapeChar(char); index += sourceLength; sectionStart = index; } } if (buffer == null) return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, end); if (sectionStart < end) { slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, end); buffer._contents += !isNormalized ? slice.toLowerCase() : slice; } t1 = buffer._contents; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; }, _Uri__makeScheme(scheme, start, end) { var i, containsUpperCase, codeUnit; if (start === end) return ""; if (!A._Uri__isAlphabeticCharacter(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(scheme, start))) A._Uri__fail(scheme, start, "Scheme not starting with alphabetic character"); for (i = start, containsUpperCase = false; i < end; ++i) { codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(scheme, i); if (!(codeUnit < 128 && (B.List_JYB[codeUnit >>> 4] & 1 << (codeUnit & 15)) !== 0)) A._Uri__fail(scheme, i, "Illegal scheme character"); if (65 <= codeUnit && codeUnit <= 90) containsUpperCase = true; } scheme = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(scheme, start, end); return A._Uri__canonicalizeScheme(containsUpperCase ? scheme.toLowerCase() : scheme); }, _Uri__canonicalizeScheme(scheme) { if (scheme === "http") return "http"; if (scheme === "file") return "file"; if (scheme === "https") return "https"; if (scheme === "package") return "package"; return scheme; }, _Uri__makeUserInfo(userInfo, start, end) { if (userInfo == null) return ""; return A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(userInfo, start, end, B.List_gRj, false); }, _Uri__makePath(path, start, end, pathSegments, scheme, hasAuthority) { var result, isFile = scheme === "file", ensureLeadingSlash = isFile || hasAuthority; if (path == null) return isFile ? "/" : ""; else result = A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(path, start, end, B.List_qg4, true); if (result.length === 0) { if (isFile) return "/"; } else if (ensureLeadingSlash && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(result, "/")) result = "/" + result; return A._Uri__normalizePath(result, scheme, hasAuthority); }, _Uri__normalizePath(path, scheme, hasAuthority) { var t1 = scheme.length === 0; if (t1 && !hasAuthority && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "/")) return A._Uri__normalizeRelativePath(path, !t1 || hasAuthority); return A._Uri__removeDotSegments(path); }, _Uri__makeQuery(query, start, end, queryParameters) { var result, t1 = {}; if (query != null) { if (queryParameters != null) throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Both query and queryParameters specified", null)); return A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(query, start, end, B.List_CVk, true); } if (queryParameters == null) return null; result = new A.StringBuffer(""); t1.separator = ""; queryParameters.forEach$1(0, new A._Uri__makeQuery_closure(new A._Uri__makeQuery_writeParameter(t1, result))); t1 = result._contents; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; }, _Uri__makeFragment(fragment, start, end) { if (fragment == null) return null; return A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(fragment, start, end, B.List_CVk, true); }, _Uri__normalizeEscape(source, index, lowerCase) { var firstDigit, secondDigit, firstDigitValue, secondDigitValue, value, t1 = index + 2; if (t1 >= source.length) return "%"; firstDigit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, index + 1); secondDigit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, t1); firstDigitValue = A.hexDigitValue(firstDigit); secondDigitValue = A.hexDigitValue(secondDigit); if (firstDigitValue < 0 || secondDigitValue < 0) return "%"; value = firstDigitValue * 16 + secondDigitValue; if (value < 127 && (B.List_nxB[B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(value, 4)] & 1 << (value & 15)) !== 0) return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(lowerCase && 65 <= value && 90 >= value ? (value | 32) >>> 0 : value); if (firstDigit >= 97 || secondDigit >= 97) return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, index, index + 3).toUpperCase(); return null; }, _Uri__escapeChar(char) { var codeUnits, flag, encodedBytes, index, byte, _s16_ = "0123456789ABCDEF"; if (char < 128) { codeUnits = new Uint8Array(3); codeUnits[0] = 37; codeUnits[1] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, char >>> 4); codeUnits[2] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, char & 15); } else { if (char > 2047) if (char > 65535) { flag = 240; encodedBytes = 4; } else { flag = 224; encodedBytes = 3; } else { flag = 192; encodedBytes = 2; } codeUnits = new Uint8Array(3 * encodedBytes); for (index = 0; --encodedBytes, encodedBytes >= 0; flag = 128) { byte = B.JSInt_methods._shrReceiverPositive$1(char, 6 * encodedBytes) & 63 | flag; codeUnits[index] = 37; codeUnits[index + 1] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, byte >>> 4); codeUnits[index + 2] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, byte & 15); index += 3; } } return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(codeUnits, 0, null); }, _Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(component, start, end, charTable, escapeDelimiters) { var t1 = A._Uri__normalize(component, start, end, charTable, escapeDelimiters); return t1 == null ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(component, start, end) : t1; }, _Uri__normalize(component, start, end, charTable, escapeDelimiters) { var t1, index, sectionStart, buffer, char, replacement, sourceLength, t2, tail, _null = null; for (t1 = !escapeDelimiters, index = start, sectionStart = index, buffer = _null; index < end;) { char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(component, index); if (char < 127 && (charTable[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0) ++index; else { if (char === 37) { replacement = A._Uri__normalizeEscape(component, index, false); if (replacement == null) { index += 3; continue; } if ("%" === replacement) { replacement = "%25"; sourceLength = 1; } else sourceLength = 3; } else if (t1 && char <= 93 && (B.List_2Vk[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0) { A._Uri__fail(component, index, "Invalid character"); sourceLength = _null; replacement = sourceLength; } else { if ((char & 64512) === 55296) { t2 = index + 1; if (t2 < end) { tail = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(component, t2); if ((tail & 64512) === 56320) { char = (char & 1023) << 10 | tail & 1023 | 65536; sourceLength = 2; } else sourceLength = 1; } else sourceLength = 1; } else sourceLength = 1; replacement = A._Uri__escapeChar(char); } if (buffer == null) { buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""); t2 = buffer; } else t2 = buffer; t2._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(component, sectionStart, index); t2._contents += A.S(replacement); index += sourceLength; sectionStart = index; } } if (buffer == null) return _null; if (sectionStart < end) buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(component, sectionStart, end); t1 = buffer._contents; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; }, _Uri__mayContainDotSegments(path) { if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, ".")) return true; return B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(path, "/.") !== -1; }, _Uri__removeDotSegments(path) { var output, t1, t2, appendSlash, _i, segment; if (!A._Uri__mayContainDotSegments(path)) return path; output = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); for (t1 = path.split("/"), t2 = t1.length, appendSlash = false, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) { segment = t1[_i]; if (J.$eq$(segment, "..")) { if (output.length !== 0) { output.pop(); if (output.length === 0) output.push(""); } appendSlash = true; } else if ("." === segment) appendSlash = true; else { output.push(segment); appendSlash = false; } } if (appendSlash) output.push(""); return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(output, "/"); }, _Uri__normalizeRelativePath(path, allowScheme) { var output, t1, t2, appendSlash, _i, segment; if (!A._Uri__mayContainDotSegments(path)) return !allowScheme ? A._Uri__escapeScheme(path) : path; output = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); for (t1 = path.split("/"), t2 = t1.length, appendSlash = false, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) { segment = t1[_i]; if (".." === segment) if (output.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(output) !== "..") { output.pop(); appendSlash = true; } else { output.push(".."); appendSlash = false; } else if ("." === segment) appendSlash = true; else { output.push(segment); appendSlash = false; } } t1 = output.length; if (t1 !== 0) t1 = t1 === 1 && output[0].length === 0; else t1 = true; if (t1) return "./"; if (appendSlash || B.JSArray_methods.get$last(output) === "..") output.push(""); if (!allowScheme) output[0] = A._Uri__escapeScheme(output[0]); return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(output, "/"); }, _Uri__escapeScheme(path) { var i, char, t1 = path.length; if (t1 >= 2 && A._Uri__isAlphabeticCharacter(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 0))) for (i = 1; i < t1; ++i) { char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, i); if (char === 58) return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(path, 0, i) + "%3A" + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, i + 1); if (char > 127 || (B.List_JYB[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) === 0) break; } return path; }, _Uri__hexCharPairToByte(s, pos) { var byte, i, charCode; for (byte = 0, i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { charCode = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(s, pos + i); if (48 <= charCode && charCode <= 57) byte = byte * 16 + charCode - 48; else { charCode |= 32; if (97 <= charCode && charCode <= 102) byte = byte * 16 + charCode - 87; else throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid URL encoding", null)); } } return byte; }, _Uri__uriDecode(text, start, end, encoding, plusToSpace) { var simple, codeUnit, t1, bytes, i = start; while (true) { if (!(i < end)) { simple = true; break; } codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i); if (codeUnit <= 127) if (codeUnit !== 37) t1 = false; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; if (t1) { simple = false; break; } ++i; } if (simple) { if (B.C_Utf8Codec !== encoding) t1 = false; else t1 = true; if (t1) return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, start, end); else bytes = new A.CodeUnits(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, start, end)); } else { bytes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int); for (t1 = text.length, i = start; i < end; ++i) { codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i); if (codeUnit > 127) throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Illegal percent encoding in URI", null)); if (codeUnit === 37) { if (i + 3 > t1) throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Truncated URI", null)); bytes.push(A._Uri__hexCharPairToByte(text, i + 1)); i += 2; } else bytes.push(codeUnit); } } return encoding.decode$1(0, bytes); }, _Uri__isAlphabeticCharacter(codeUnit) { var lowerCase = codeUnit | 32; return 97 <= lowerCase && lowerCase <= 122; }, UriData__parse(text, start, sourceUri) { var t1, i, slashIndex, char, equalsIndex, lastSeparator, t2, data, _s17_ = "Invalid MIME type", indices = A._setArrayType([start - 1], type$.JSArray_int); for (t1 = text.length, i = start, slashIndex = -1, char = null; i < t1; ++i) { char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i); if (char === 44 || char === 59) break; if (char === 47) { if (slashIndex < 0) { slashIndex = i; continue; } throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s17_, text, i)); } } if (slashIndex < 0 && i > start) throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s17_, text, i)); for (; char !== 44;) { indices.push(i); ++i; for (equalsIndex = -1; i < t1; ++i) { char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i); if (char === 61) { if (equalsIndex < 0) equalsIndex = i; } else if (char === 59 || char === 44) break; } if (equalsIndex >= 0) indices.push(equalsIndex); else { lastSeparator = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(indices); if (char !== 44 || i !== lastSeparator + 7 || !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(text, "base64", lastSeparator + 1)) throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Expecting '='", text, i)); break; } } indices.push(i); t2 = i + 1; if ((indices.length & 1) === 1) text = B.C_Base64Codec.normalize$3(0, text, t2, t1); else { data = A._Uri__normalize(text, t2, t1, B.List_CVk, true); if (data != null) text = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(text, t2, t1, data); } return new A.UriData(text, indices, sourceUri); }, _createTables() { var _i, t1, t2, t3, b, _s77_ = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-._~!$&'()*+,;=", _s1_ = ".", _s1_0 = ":", _s1_1 = "/", _s1_2 = "?", _s1_3 = "#", tables = A._setArrayType(new Array(22), type$.JSArray_Uint8List); for (_i = 0; _i < 22; ++_i) tables[_i] = new Uint8Array(96); t1 = new A._createTables_build(tables); t2 = new A._createTables_setChars(); t3 = new A._createTables_setRange(); b = t1.call$2(0, 225); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 1); t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 14); t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 34); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 3); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(14, 225); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 1); t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 15); t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 34); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 234); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(15, 225); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 1); t2.call$3(b, "%", 225); t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 34); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 9); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(1, 225); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 1); t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 34); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 10); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(2, 235); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 139); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 131); t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 146); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(3, 235); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 68); t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 18); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(4, 229); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 5); t3.call$3(b, "AZ", 229); t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 102); t2.call$3(b, "@", 68); t2.call$3(b, "[", 232); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 138); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(5, 229); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 5); t3.call$3(b, "AZ", 229); t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 102); t2.call$3(b, "@", 68); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 138); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(6, 231); t3.call$3(b, "19", 7); t2.call$3(b, "@", 68); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 138); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(7, 231); t3.call$3(b, "09", 7); t2.call$3(b, "@", 68); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 138); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); t2.call$3(t1.call$2(8, 8), "]", 5); b = t1.call$2(9, 235); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11); t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 16); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 234); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(16, 235); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11); t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 17); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 234); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(17, 235); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 9); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(10, 235); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11); t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 18); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 234); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(18, 235); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11); t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 19); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 234); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(19, 235); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 234); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(11, 235); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11); t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 10); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 172); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(12, 236); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 12); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 12); t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 205); b = t1.call$2(13, 237); t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 13); t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 13); t3.call$3(t1.call$2(20, 245), "az", 21); b = t1.call$2(21, 245); t3.call$3(b, "az", 21); t3.call$3(b, "09", 21); t2.call$3(b, "+-.", 21); return tables; }, _scan(uri, start, end, state, indices) { var i, table, char, transition, tables = $.$get$_scannerTables(); for (i = start; i < end; ++i) { table = tables[state]; char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, i) ^ 96; transition = table[char > 95 ? 31 : char]; state = transition & 31; indices[transition >>> 5] = i; } return state; }, NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure: function NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.sb = t1; }, Comparable: function Comparable() { }, DateTime: function DateTime(t0, t1) { this._core$_value = t0; this.isUtc = t1; }, Duration: function Duration(t0) { this._duration = t0; }, _Enum: function _Enum() { }, Error: function Error() { }, AssertionError: function AssertionError(t0) { this.message = t0; }, TypeError: function TypeError() { }, NullThrownError: function NullThrownError() { }, ArgumentError: function ArgumentError(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._hasValue = t0; _.invalidValue = t1; _.name = t2; _.message = t3; }, RangeError: function RangeError(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.start = t0; _.end = t1; _._hasValue = t2; _.invalidValue = t3; _.name = t4; _.message = t5; }, IndexError: function IndexError(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.length = t0; _._hasValue = t1; _.invalidValue = t2; _.name = t3; _.message = t4; }, NoSuchMethodError: function NoSuchMethodError(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._core$_receiver = t0; _._memberName = t1; _._core$_arguments = t2; _._namedArguments = t3; }, UnsupportedError: function UnsupportedError(t0) { this.message = t0; }, UnimplementedError: function UnimplementedError(t0) { this.message = t0; }, StateError: function StateError(t0) { this.message = t0; }, ConcurrentModificationError: function ConcurrentModificationError(t0) { this.modifiedObject = t0; }, OutOfMemoryError: function OutOfMemoryError() { }, StackOverflowError: function StackOverflowError() { }, CyclicInitializationError: function CyclicInitializationError(t0) { this.variableName = t0; }, _Exception: function _Exception(t0) { this.message = t0; }, FormatException: function FormatException(t0, t1, t2) { this.message = t0; this.source = t1; this.offset = t2; }, Expando: function Expando(t0) { this._jsWeakMap = t0; }, Iterable: function Iterable() { }, Iterator: function Iterator() { }, MapEntry: function MapEntry(t0, t1, t2) { this.key = t0; this.value = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, Null: function Null() { }, Object: function Object() { }, _StringStackTrace: function _StringStackTrace() { }, Stopwatch: function Stopwatch() { this._stop = this._core$_start = 0; }, RuneIterator: function RuneIterator(t0) { var _ = this; _.string = t0; _._nextPosition = _._core$_position = 0; _._currentCodePoint = -1; }, StringBuffer: function StringBuffer(t0) { this._contents = t0; }, Uri__parseIPv4Address_error: function Uri__parseIPv4Address_error(t0) { this.host = t0; }, Uri_parseIPv6Address_error: function Uri_parseIPv6Address_error(t0) { this.host = t0; }, Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex: function Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex(t0, t1) { this.error = t0; this.host = t1; }, _Uri: function _Uri(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.scheme = t0; _._userInfo = t1; _._host = t2; _._port = t3; _.path = t4; _._query = t5; _._fragment = t6; _.___Uri_hashCode = _.___Uri_pathSegments = _.___Uri__text = $; }, _Uri__makeQuery_writeParameter: function _Uri__makeQuery_writeParameter(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.result = t1; }, _Uri__makeQuery_closure: function _Uri__makeQuery_closure(t0) { this.writeParameter = t0; }, UriData: function UriData(t0, t1, t2) { this._text = t0; this._separatorIndices = t1; this._uriCache = t2; }, _createTables_build: function _createTables_build(t0) { this.tables = t0; }, _createTables_setChars: function _createTables_setChars() { }, _createTables_setRange: function _createTables_setRange() { }, _SimpleUri: function _SimpleUri(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _._uri = t0; _._schemeEnd = t1; _._hostStart = t2; _._portStart = t3; _._pathStart = t4; _._queryStart = t5; _._fragmentStart = t6; _._schemeCache = t7; _._hashCodeCache = null; }, _DataUri: function _DataUri(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.scheme = t0; _._userInfo = t1; _._host = t2; _._port = t3; _.path = t4; _._query = t5; _._fragment = t6; _.___Uri_hashCode = _.___Uri_pathSegments = _.___Uri__text = $; }, _FakeUserTag__FakeUserTag(label) { var t1, existingTag = $._FakeUserTag__instances.$index(0, label); if (existingTag != null) return existingTag; if ($._FakeUserTag__instances.get$length($._FakeUserTag__instances) === 64) throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("UserTag instance limit (64) reached.")); t1 = new A._FakeUserTag(); $._FakeUserTag__instances.$indexSet(0, label, t1); return t1; }, ServiceExtensionResponse$result(result) { A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(result, "result"); return new A.ServiceExtensionResponse(); }, ServiceExtensionResponse__validateErrorCode(errorCode) { var _s9_ = "errorCode"; A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(errorCode, _s9_); if (errorCode === -32602) return; if (errorCode >= -32016 && errorCode <= -32000) return; throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(errorCode, _s9_, "Out of range")); }, registerExtension(method, handler) { A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(method, "method"); if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(method, "ext.")) throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(method, "method", "Must begin with ext.")); if ($._extensions.$index(0, method) != null) throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Extension already registered: " + method, null)); A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(handler, "handler"); $._extensions.$indexSet(0, method, handler); }, postEvent(eventKind, eventData) { A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(eventKind, "eventKind"); A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(eventData, "eventData"); B.C_JsonCodec.encode$1(eventData); }, Timeline_startSync($name, $arguments, flow) { A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull($name, "name"); $.Timeline__stack.push(null); return; }, Timeline_finishSync() { var block, t1; if ($.Timeline__stack.length === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Uneven calls to startSync and finishSync")); block = $.Timeline__stack.pop(); if (block == null) return; A._argumentsAsJson(block._developer$_arguments); t1 = block._flow; if (t1 != null) { A.S(t1.id); block._flow.toString; A._argumentsAsJson(null); } }, Timeline_instantSync($name, $arguments) { A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull($name, "name"); return; }, TimelineTask$() { return new A.TimelineTask(0, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable__AsyncBlock)); }, _argumentsAsJson($arguments) { if ($arguments == null || $arguments.get$length($arguments) === 0) return "{}"; return B.C_JsonCodec.encode$1($arguments); }, _FakeUserTag: function _FakeUserTag() { }, ServiceExtensionResponse: function ServiceExtensionResponse() { }, TimelineTask: function TimelineTask(t0, t1) { this._taskId = t0; this._stack = t1; }, window() { return window; }, document() { return document; }, CanvasElement_CanvasElement(height, width) { var e = document.createElement("canvas"); if (width != null) e.width = width; if (height != null) e.height = height; return e; }, _ChildrenElementList__remove(_element, object) { return false; }, _ChildrenElementList__first(_element) { var result = _element.firstElementChild; if (result == null) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); return result; }, Element_Element$html(html, treeSanitizer, validator) { var t1 = document.body; t1.toString; t1 = new A.WhereIterable(new A._ChildNodeListLazy(B.BodyElement_methods.createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(t1, html, treeSanitizer, validator)), new A.Element_Element$html_closure(), type$._ChildNodeListLazy._eval$1("WhereIterable")); return type$.Element._as(t1.get$single(t1)); }, Element_Element$tag(tag) { return A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(tag, null); }, Element__safeTagName(element) { var t1, exception, result = "element tag unavailable"; try { t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(element); t1.get$tagName(element); result = t1.get$tagName(element); } catch (exception) { } return result; }, _ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(tag, typeExtension) { return document.createElement(tag); }, FontFace_FontFace(family, source, descriptors) { var t1 = new FontFace(family, source, A.convertDartToNative_Dictionary(descriptors)); return t1; }, HttpRequest_request(url, responseType) { var t2, t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_HttpRequest), completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_HttpRequest), xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); B.HttpRequest_methods.open$3$async(xhr, "GET", url, true); xhr.responseType = responseType; t2 = type$.ProgressEvent; A._EventStreamSubscription$(xhr, "load", new A.HttpRequest_request_closure(xhr, completer), false, t2); A._EventStreamSubscription$(xhr, "error", completer.get$completeError(), false, t2); xhr.send(); return t1; }, InputElement_InputElement() { var exception, type = null, t1 = document.createElement("input"), e = type$.InputElement._as(t1); if (type != null) try { e.type = type; } catch (exception) { } return e; }, _EventStreamSubscription$(_target, _eventType, onData, _useCapture, $T) { var t1 = onData == null ? null : A._wrapZone(new A._EventStreamSubscription_closure(onData), type$.Event); t1 = new A._EventStreamSubscription(_target, _eventType, t1, false, $T._eval$1("_EventStreamSubscription<0>")); t1._tryResume$0(); return t1; }, _Html5NodeValidator$(uriPolicy) { var e = document.createElement("a"), t1 = new A._SameOriginUriPolicy(e, window.location); t1 = new A._Html5NodeValidator(t1); t1._Html5NodeValidator$1$uriPolicy(uriPolicy); return t1; }, _Html5NodeValidator__standardAttributeValidator(element, attributeName, value, context) { return true; }, _Html5NodeValidator__uriAttributeValidator(element, attributeName, value, context) { var t3, t1 = context.uriPolicy, t2 = t1._hiddenAnchor; t2.href = value; t3 = t2.hostname; t1 = t1._loc; if (!(t3 == t1.hostname && t2.port === t1.port && t2.protocol === t1.protocol)) if (t3 === "") if (t2.port === "") { t1 = t2.protocol; t1 = t1 === ":" || t1 === ""; } else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = true; return t1; }, _TemplatingNodeValidator$() { var t1 = type$.String, t2 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(B.List_wSV, t1), t3 = A._setArrayType(["TEMPLATE"], type$.JSArray_String); t1 = new A._TemplatingNodeValidator(t2, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(t1), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(t1), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(t1), null); t1._SimpleNodeValidator$4$allowedAttributes$allowedElements$allowedUriAttributes(null, new A.MappedListIterable(B.List_wSV, new A._TemplatingNodeValidator_closure(), type$.MappedListIterable_String_String), t3, null); return t1; }, _convertNativeToDart_EventTarget(e) { var $window; if ("postMessage" in e) { $window = A._DOMWindowCrossFrame__createSafe(e); return $window; } else return e; }, _convertNativeToDart_XHR_Response(o) { if (type$.Document._is(o)) return o; return new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy(o, true); }, _DOMWindowCrossFrame__createSafe(w) { if (w === window) return w; else return new A._DOMWindowCrossFrame(w); }, _wrapZone(callback, $T) { var t1 = $.Zone__current; if (t1 === B.C__RootZone) return callback; return t1.bindUnaryCallbackGuarded$1$1(callback, $T); }, HtmlElement: function HtmlElement() { }, AccessibleNodeList: function AccessibleNodeList() { }, AnchorElement: function AnchorElement() { }, AreaElement: function AreaElement() { }, BaseElement: function BaseElement() { }, Blob: function Blob() { }, Body: function Body() { }, BodyElement: function BodyElement() { }, BroadcastChannel: function BroadcastChannel() { }, ButtonElement: function ButtonElement() { }, CanvasElement: function CanvasElement() { }, CanvasRenderingContext2D: function CanvasRenderingContext2D() { }, CharacterData: function CharacterData() { }, Credential: function Credential() { }, CredentialUserData: function CredentialUserData() { }, CssKeyframesRule: function CssKeyframesRule() { }, CssPerspective: function CssPerspective() { }, CssRule: function CssRule() { }, CssStyleDeclaration: function CssStyleDeclaration() { }, CssStyleDeclarationBase: function CssStyleDeclarationBase() { }, CssStyleSheet: function CssStyleSheet() { }, CssStyleValue: function CssStyleValue() { }, CssTransformComponent: function CssTransformComponent() { }, CssTransformValue: function CssTransformValue() { }, CssUnparsedValue: function CssUnparsedValue() { }, DataTransferItemList: function DataTransferItemList() { }, DivElement: function DivElement() { }, Document: function Document() { }, DomError: function DomError() { }, DomException: function DomException() { }, DomRectList: function DomRectList() { }, DomRectReadOnly: function DomRectReadOnly() { }, DomStringList: function DomStringList() { }, DomTokenList: function DomTokenList() { }, _ChildrenElementList: function _ChildrenElementList(t0, t1) { this._html$_element = t0; this._childElements = t1; }, _FrozenElementList: function _FrozenElementList(t0, t1) { this._nodeList = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, Element0: function Element0() { }, Element_Element$html_closure: function Element_Element$html_closure() { }, EmbedElement: function EmbedElement() { }, Entry: function Entry() { }, Entry_remove_closure: function Entry_remove_closure(t0) { this.completer = t0; }, Entry_remove_closure0: function Entry_remove_closure0(t0) { this.completer = t0; }, Event: function Event() { }, EventTarget: function EventTarget() { }, FederatedCredential: function FederatedCredential() { }, FieldSetElement: function FieldSetElement() { }, File: function File() { }, FileList: function FileList() { }, FileSystem: function FileSystem() { }, FileWriter: function FileWriter() { }, FontFace: function FontFace() { }, FormElement: function FormElement() { }, Gamepad: function Gamepad() { }, History: function History() { }, HtmlCollection: function HtmlCollection() { }, HtmlDocument: function HtmlDocument() { }, HttpRequest: function HttpRequest() { }, HttpRequest_request_closure: function HttpRequest_request_closure(t0, t1) { this.xhr = t0; this.completer = t1; }, HttpRequestEventTarget: function HttpRequestEventTarget() { }, IFrameElement: function IFrameElement() { }, ImageData: function ImageData() { }, InputElement: function InputElement() { }, KeyboardEvent: function KeyboardEvent() { }, LabelElement: function LabelElement() { }, Location: function Location() { }, MapElement: function MapElement() { }, MediaKeySession: function MediaKeySession() { }, MediaList: function MediaList() { }, MediaQueryList: function MediaQueryList() { }, MediaQueryListEvent: function MediaQueryListEvent() { }, MessagePort: function MessagePort() { }, MetaElement: function MetaElement() { }, MidiInputMap: function MidiInputMap() { }, MidiInputMap_keys_closure: function MidiInputMap_keys_closure(t0) { this.keys = t0; }, MidiInputMap_values_closure: function MidiInputMap_values_closure(t0) { this.values = t0; }, MidiOutputMap: function MidiOutputMap() { }, MidiOutputMap_keys_closure: function MidiOutputMap_keys_closure(t0) { this.keys = t0; }, MidiOutputMap_values_closure: function MidiOutputMap_values_closure(t0) { this.values = t0; }, MidiPort: function MidiPort() { }, MimeType: function MimeType() { }, MimeTypeArray: function MimeTypeArray() { }, MouseEvent: function MouseEvent() { }, NavigatorUserMediaError: function NavigatorUserMediaError() { }, _ChildNodeListLazy: function _ChildNodeListLazy(t0) { this._this = t0; }, Node: function Node() { }, NodeList: function NodeList() { }, ObjectElement: function ObjectElement() { }, OffscreenCanvas: function OffscreenCanvas() { }, OutputElement: function OutputElement() { }, OverconstrainedError: function OverconstrainedError() { }, ParagraphElement: function ParagraphElement() { }, ParamElement: function ParamElement() { }, PasswordCredential: function PasswordCredential() { }, PerformanceEntry: function PerformanceEntry() { }, PerformanceServerTiming: function PerformanceServerTiming() { }, Plugin: function Plugin() { }, PluginArray: function PluginArray() { }, PointerEvent0: function PointerEvent0() { }, ProgressEvent: function ProgressEvent() { }, RtcStatsReport: function RtcStatsReport() { }, RtcStatsReport_keys_closure: function RtcStatsReport_keys_closure(t0) { this.keys = t0; }, RtcStatsReport_values_closure: function RtcStatsReport_values_closure(t0) { this.values = t0; }, ScreenOrientation: function ScreenOrientation() { }, ScriptElement: function ScriptElement() { }, SelectElement: function SelectElement() { }, SharedWorkerGlobalScope: function SharedWorkerGlobalScope() { }, SlotElement: function SlotElement() { }, SourceBuffer: function SourceBuffer() { }, SourceBufferList: function SourceBufferList() { }, SpeechGrammar: function SpeechGrammar() { }, SpeechGrammarList: function SpeechGrammarList() { }, SpeechRecognitionResult: function SpeechRecognitionResult() { }, SpeechSynthesisEvent: function SpeechSynthesisEvent() { }, SpeechSynthesisVoice: function SpeechSynthesisVoice() { }, Storage: function Storage() { }, Storage_keys_closure: function Storage_keys_closure(t0) { this.keys = t0; }, Storage_values_closure: function Storage_values_closure(t0) { this.values = t0; }, StyleElement: function StyleElement() { }, StyleSheet: function StyleSheet() { }, TableElement: function TableElement() { }, TableRowElement: function TableRowElement() { }, TableSectionElement: function TableSectionElement() { }, TemplateElement: function TemplateElement() { }, TextAreaElement: function TextAreaElement() { }, TextTrack: function TextTrack() { }, TextTrackCue: function TextTrackCue() { }, TextTrackCueList: function TextTrackCueList() { }, TextTrackList: function TextTrackList() { }, TimeRanges: function TimeRanges() { }, Touch: function Touch() { }, TouchEvent: function TouchEvent() { }, TouchList: function TouchList() { }, TrackDefaultList: function TrackDefaultList() { }, UIEvent: function UIEvent() { }, Url: function Url() { }, VideoTrackList: function VideoTrackList() { }, WheelEvent: function WheelEvent() { }, Window: function Window() { }, WorkerGlobalScope: function WorkerGlobalScope() { }, _Attr: function _Attr() { }, _CssRuleList: function _CssRuleList() { }, _DomRect: function _DomRect() { }, _GamepadList: function _GamepadList() { }, _NamedNodeMap: function _NamedNodeMap() { }, _SpeechRecognitionResultList: function _SpeechRecognitionResultList() { }, _StyleSheetList: function _StyleSheetList() { }, _AttributeMap: function _AttributeMap() { }, _ElementAttributeMap: function _ElementAttributeMap(t0) { this._html$_element = t0; }, EventStreamProvider: function EventStreamProvider(t0, t1) { this._eventType = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, _EventStream: function _EventStream(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._target = t0; _._eventType = t1; _._useCapture = t2; _.$ti = t3; }, _ElementEventStreamImpl: function _ElementEventStreamImpl(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._target = t0; _._eventType = t1; _._useCapture = t2; _.$ti = t3; }, _EventStreamSubscription: function _EventStreamSubscription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._pauseCount = 0; _._target = t0; _._eventType = t1; _._onData = t2; _._useCapture = t3; _.$ti = t4; }, _EventStreamSubscription_closure: function _EventStreamSubscription_closure(t0) { this.onData = t0; }, _Html5NodeValidator: function _Html5NodeValidator(t0) { this.uriPolicy = t0; }, ImmutableListMixin: function ImmutableListMixin() { }, NodeValidatorBuilder: function NodeValidatorBuilder(t0) { this._validators = t0; }, NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsElement_closure: function NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsElement_closure(t0) { this.element = t0; }, NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsAttribute_closure: function NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsAttribute_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.element = t0; this.attributeName = t1; this.value = t2; }, _SimpleNodeValidator: function _SimpleNodeValidator() { }, _SimpleNodeValidator_closure: function _SimpleNodeValidator_closure() { }, _SimpleNodeValidator_closure0: function _SimpleNodeValidator_closure0() { }, _TemplatingNodeValidator: function _TemplatingNodeValidator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._templateAttrs = t0; _.allowedElements = t1; _.allowedAttributes = t2; _.allowedUriAttributes = t3; _.uriPolicy = t4; }, _TemplatingNodeValidator_closure: function _TemplatingNodeValidator_closure() { }, _SvgNodeValidator: function _SvgNodeValidator() { }, FixedSizeListIterator: function FixedSizeListIterator(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._array = t0; _._html$_length = t1; _._html$_position = -1; _._html$_current = null; }, Console: function Console() { }, _DOMWindowCrossFrame: function _DOMWindowCrossFrame(t0) { this._html$_window = t0; }, _SameOriginUriPolicy: function _SameOriginUriPolicy(t0, t1) { this._hiddenAnchor = t0; this._loc = t1; }, _ValidatingTreeSanitizer: function _ValidatingTreeSanitizer(t0) { this.validator = t0; this.numTreeModifications = 0; }, _ValidatingTreeSanitizer_sanitizeTree_walk: function _ValidatingTreeSanitizer_sanitizeTree_walk(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _CssStyleDeclaration_JavaScriptObject_CssStyleDeclarationBase: function _CssStyleDeclaration_JavaScriptObject_CssStyleDeclarationBase() { }, _DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _MidiInputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin: function _MidiInputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin() { }, _MidiOutputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin: function _MidiOutputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin() { }, _MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _RtcStatsReport_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin: function _RtcStatsReport_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin() { }, _SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin: function _SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin() { }, _SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _Storage_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin: function _Storage_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin() { }, _TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin: function _TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin() { }, _TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, __CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function __CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, __CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, __GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function __GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, __GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, __NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function __NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, __NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, __SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function __SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, __SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, __StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function __StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, __StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _convertNativeToDart_Value(value) { var values, i; if (value == null) return value; if (typeof value == "string" || typeof value == "number" || A._isBool(value)) return value; if (A.isJavaScriptSimpleObject(value)) return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(value); if (Array.isArray(value)) { values = []; for (i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) values.push(A._convertNativeToDart_Value(value[i])); return values; } return value; }, convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(object) { var dict, keys, t1, _i, key; if (object == null) return null; dict = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic); keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object); for (t1 = keys.length, _i = 0; _i < keys.length; keys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keys), ++_i) { key = keys[_i]; dict.$indexSet(0, key, A._convertNativeToDart_Value(object[key])); } return dict; }, _convertDartToNative_Value(value) { var array; if (value == null) return value; if (typeof value == "string" || typeof value == "number" || A._isBool(value)) return value; if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(value)) return A.convertDartToNative_Dictionary(value); if (type$.List_dynamic._is(value)) { array = []; J.forEach$1$ax(value, new A._convertDartToNative_Value_closure(array)); value = array; } return value; }, convertDartToNative_Dictionary(dict) { var object = {}; J.forEach$1$ax(dict, new A.convertDartToNative_Dictionary_closure(object)); return object; }, isJavaScriptSimpleObject(value) { var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(value); return proto === Object.prototype || proto === null; }, Device_userAgent() { return window.navigator.userAgent; }, _StructuredClone: function _StructuredClone() { }, _StructuredClone_walk_closure: function _StructuredClone_walk_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; }, _StructuredClone_walk_closure0: function _StructuredClone_walk_closure0(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; }, _AcceptStructuredClone: function _AcceptStructuredClone() { }, _AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure: function _AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; }, _convertDartToNative_Value_closure: function _convertDartToNative_Value_closure(t0) { this.array = t0; }, convertDartToNative_Dictionary_closure: function convertDartToNative_Dictionary_closure(t0) { this.object = t0; }, _StructuredCloneDart2Js: function _StructuredCloneDart2Js(t0, t1) { this.values = t0; this.copies = t1; }, _AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js: function _AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js(t0, t1) { this.values = t0; this.copies = t1; this.mustCopy = false; }, FilteredElementList: function FilteredElementList(t0, t1) { this._html_common$_node = t0; this._childNodes = t1; }, FilteredElementList__iterable_closure: function FilteredElementList__iterable_closure() { }, FilteredElementList__iterable_closure0: function FilteredElementList__iterable_closure0() { }, FilteredElementList_removeRange_closure: function FilteredElementList_removeRange_closure() { }, Database: function Database() { }, Index: function Index() { }, KeyRange: function KeyRange() { }, ObjectStore: function ObjectStore() { }, VersionChangeEvent: function VersionChangeEvent() { }, _callDartFunction(callback, captureThis, $self, $arguments) { var arguments0, t1; if (captureThis) { arguments0 = [$self]; B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(arguments0, $arguments); $arguments = arguments0; } t1 = type$.dynamic; return A._convertToJS(A.Function_apply(callback, A.List_List$from(J.map$1$1$ax($arguments, A.js___convertToDart$closure(), t1), true, t1))); }, JsObject_JsObject($constructor) { var t1 = A._wrapToDart(new (A._convertToJS($constructor))()); return t1; }, JsObject_JsObject$jsify(object) { return A._wrapToDart(A.JsObject__convertDataTree(object)); }, JsObject__convertDataTree(data) { return new A.JsObject__convertDataTree__convert(new A._IdentityHashMap(type$._IdentityHashMap_dynamic_dynamic)).call$1(data); }, JsArray__checkRange(start, end, $length) { var _null = null; if (start > $length) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, $length, _null, _null)); if (end < start || end > $length) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, $length, _null, _null)); }, _castToJsObject(o) { return o; }, _defineProperty(o, $name, value) { var exception; try { if (Object.isExtensible(o) && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, $name)) { Object.defineProperty(o, $name, {value: value}); return true; } } catch (exception) { } return false; }, _getOwnProperty(o, $name) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, $name)) return o[$name]; return null; }, _convertToJS(o) { if (o == null || typeof o == "string" || typeof o == "number" || A._isBool(o)) return o; if (o instanceof A.JsObject) return o._js$_jsObject; if (A.isBrowserObject(o)) return o; if (type$.TypedData._is(o)) return o; if (o instanceof A.DateTime) return A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(o); if (type$.Function._is(o)) return A._getJsProxy(o, "$dart_jsFunction", new A._convertToJS_closure()); return A._getJsProxy(o, "_$dart_jsObject", new A._convertToJS_closure0($.$get$_dartProxyCtor())); }, _getJsProxy(o, propertyName, createProxy) { var jsProxy = A._getOwnProperty(o, propertyName); if (jsProxy == null) { jsProxy = createProxy.call$1(o); A._defineProperty(o, propertyName, jsProxy); } return jsProxy; }, _convertToDart(o) { if (o == null || typeof o == "string" || typeof o == "number" || typeof o == "boolean") return o; else if (o instanceof Object && A.isBrowserObject(o)) return o; else if (o instanceof Object && type$.TypedData._is(o)) return o; else if (o instanceof Date) return A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(o.getTime(), false); else if (o.constructor === $.$get$_dartProxyCtor()) return o.o; else return A._wrapToDart(o); }, _wrapToDart(o) { if (typeof o == "function") return A._getDartProxy(o, $.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME(), new A._wrapToDart_closure()); if (o instanceof Array) return A._getDartProxy(o, $.$get$_DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME(), new A._wrapToDart_closure0()); return A._getDartProxy(o, $.$get$_DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME(), new A._wrapToDart_closure1()); }, _getDartProxy(o, propertyName, createProxy) { var dartProxy = A._getOwnProperty(o, propertyName); if (dartProxy == null || !(o instanceof Object)) { dartProxy = createProxy.call$1(o); A._defineProperty(o, propertyName, dartProxy); } return dartProxy; }, _convertDartFunctionFast(f) { var ret, existing = f.$dart_jsFunction; if (existing != null) return existing; ret = function(_call, f) { return function() { return _call(f, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); }; }(A._callDartFunctionFast, f); ret[$.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME()] = f; f.$dart_jsFunction = ret; return ret; }, _callDartFunctionFast(callback, $arguments) { return A.Function_apply(callback, $arguments); }, allowInterop(f) { if (typeof f == "function") return f; else return A._convertDartFunctionFast(f); }, JsObject__convertDataTree__convert: function JsObject__convertDataTree__convert(t0) { this._convertedObjects = t0; }, _convertToJS_closure: function _convertToJS_closure() { }, _convertToJS_closure0: function _convertToJS_closure0(t0) { this.ctor = t0; }, _wrapToDart_closure: function _wrapToDart_closure() { }, _wrapToDart_closure0: function _wrapToDart_closure0() { }, _wrapToDart_closure1: function _wrapToDart_closure1() { }, JsObject: function JsObject(t0) { this._js$_jsObject = t0; }, JsFunction: function JsFunction(t0) { this._js$_jsObject = t0; }, JsArray: function JsArray(t0, t1) { this._js$_jsObject = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, _JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin: function _JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin() { }, hasProperty(o, $name) { return $name in o; }, getProperty(o, $name) { return o[$name]; }, callMethod(o, method, args) { return o[method].apply(o, args); }, _callMethodUnchecked0(o, method) { return o[method](); }, _callMethodUnchecked1(o, method, arg1) { return o[method](arg1); }, promiseToFuture(jsPromise, $T) { var t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")), completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0>")); jsPromise.then(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A.promiseToFuture_closure(completer), 1), A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A.promiseToFuture_closure0(completer), 1)); return t1; }, NullRejectionException: function NullRejectionException(t0) { this.isUndefined = t0; }, promiseToFuture_closure: function promiseToFuture_closure(t0) { this.completer = t0; }, promiseToFuture_closure0: function promiseToFuture_closure0(t0) { this.completer = t0; }, Point: function Point(t0, t1, t2) { this.x = t0; this.y = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, SvgSvgElement_SvgSvgElement() { var el = type$.SvgElement._as(B.HtmlDocument_methods.createElementNS$2(document, "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg")); el.setAttribute("version", "1.1"); return type$.SvgSvgElement._as(el); }, ClipPathElement: function ClipPathElement() { }, DefsElement: function DefsElement() { }, GeometryElement: function GeometryElement() { }, GraphicsElement: function GraphicsElement() { }, Length: function Length() { }, LengthList: function LengthList() { }, Number: function Number() { }, NumberList: function NumberList() { }, PathElement: function PathElement() { }, PointList: function PointList() { }, ScriptElement0: function ScriptElement0() { }, StringList: function StringList() { }, SvgElement: function SvgElement() { }, SvgSvgElement: function SvgSvgElement() { }, Transform0: function Transform0() { }, TransformList: function TransformList() { }, _LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, _TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() { }, _TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() { }, Endian: function Endian() { }, PictureRecorder_PictureRecorder() { var t1 = A._detectRenderer(); if (t1) return new A.CkPictureRecorder(); else return new A.EnginePictureRecorder(); }, Canvas_Canvas(recorder, cullRect) { var _s62_ = '"recorder" must not already be associated with another Canvas.', t1 = A._detectRenderer(); if (t1) { if (recorder.get$isRecording()) A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s62_, null)); if (cullRect == null) cullRect = B.Rect_aha; return new A.CanvasKitCanvas(type$.CkPictureRecorder._as(recorder).beginRecording$1(0, cullRect)); } else { type$.EnginePictureRecorder._as(recorder); if (recorder._isRecording) A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$(_s62_, null)); return new A.SurfaceCanvas(recorder.beginRecording$1(0, cullRect == null ? B.Rect_aha : cullRect)); } }, SceneBuilder_SceneBuilder() { var t2, t3, t1 = A._detectRenderer(); if (t1) { t1 = new A.RootLayer(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Layer), B.Rect_0_0_0_0); t2 = new A.LayerSceneBuilder(t1); t2.__LayerSceneBuilder_currentLayer = t1; return t2; } else { t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedContainerSurface); t2 = $.SurfaceSceneBuilder__lastFrameScene; t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface); t2 = new A.FrameReference(t2 != null && t2.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? t2 : null); $.frameReferences.push(t2); t2 = new A.PersistedScene(t3, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0); t2.transform = A.Matrix4$identity(); t1.push(t2); return new A.SurfaceSceneBuilder(t1); } }, Offset_lerp(a, b, t) { if (b == null) if (a == null) return null; else return a.$mul(0, 1 - t); else if (a == null) return b.$mul(0, t); else return new A.Offset(A._lerpDouble(a._dx, b._dx, t), A._lerpDouble(a._dy, b._dy, t)); }, Size_lerp(a, b, t) { if (b == null) if (a == null) return null; else return a.$mul(0, 1 - t); else if (a == null) return b.$mul(0, t); else return new A.Size(A._lerpDouble(a._dx, b._dx, t), A._lerpDouble(a._dy, b._dy, t)); }, Rect$fromCircle(center, radius) { var t1 = center._dx, t2 = radius * 2 / 2, t3 = center._dy; return new A.Rect(t1 - t2, t3 - t2, t1 + t2, t3 + t2); }, Rect$fromPoints(a, b) { var t1 = a._dx, t2 = b._dx, t3 = a._dy, t4 = b._dy; return new A.Rect(Math.min(t1, t2), Math.min(t3, t4), Math.max(t1, t2), Math.max(t3, t4)); }, Rect_lerp(a, b, t) { var k, t1, t2, t3, t4; if (b == null) if (a == null) return null; else { k = 1 - t; return new A.Rect(a.left * k, a.top * k, a.right * k, a.bottom * k); } else { t1 = b.left; t2 = b.top; t3 = b.right; t4 = b.bottom; if (a == null) return new A.Rect(t1 * t, t2 * t, t3 * t, t4 * t); else return new A.Rect(A._lerpDouble(a.left, t1, t), A._lerpDouble(a.top, t2, t), A._lerpDouble(a.right, t3, t), A._lerpDouble(a.bottom, t4, t)); } }, Radius_lerp(a, b, t) { var k, t1, t2; if (b == null) if (a == null) return null; else { k = 1 - t; return new A.Radius(a.x * k, a.y * k); } else { t1 = b.x; t2 = b.y; if (a == null) return new A.Radius(t1 * t, t2 * t); else return new A.Radius(A._lerpDouble(a.x, t1, t), A._lerpDouble(a.y, t2, t)); } }, RRect$fromRectAndRadius(rect, radius) { var t1 = radius.x, t2 = radius.y; return new A.RRect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, t1, t2, t1, t2, t1, t2, t1, t2, t1 === t2); }, RRect$fromRectAndCorners(rect, bottomLeft, bottomRight, topLeft, topRight) { var t1 = topLeft.x, t2 = topLeft.y, t3 = topRight.x, t4 = topRight.y, t5 = bottomLeft.x, t6 = bottomLeft.y, t7 = bottomRight.x, t8 = bottomRight.y, t9 = t1 === t2 && t1 === t3 && t1 === t4 && t1 === t5 && t1 === t6 && t1 === t7 && t1 === t8; return new A.RRect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, t1, t2, t3, t4, t7, t8, t5, t6, t9); }, _Jenkins_combine(hash, o) { hash = hash + J.get$hashCode$(o) & 536870911; hash = hash + ((hash & 524287) << 10) & 536870911; return hash ^ hash >>> 6; }, _Jenkins_finish(hash) { hash = hash + ((hash & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911; hash ^= hash >>> 11; return hash + ((hash & 16383) << 15) & 536870911; }, hashValues(arg01, arg02, arg03, arg04, arg05, arg06, arg07, arg08, arg09, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, arg16, arg17, arg18, arg19, arg20) { var result = A._Jenkins_combine(A._Jenkins_combine(0, arg01), arg02); if (!J.$eq$(arg03, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg03); if (!J.$eq$(arg04, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg04); if (!J.$eq$(arg05, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg05); if (!J.$eq$(arg06, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg06); if (!J.$eq$(arg07, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg07); if (!J.$eq$(arg08, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg08); if (!J.$eq$(arg09, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg09); if (!J.$eq$(arg10, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg10); if (!J.$eq$(arg11, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg11); if (!J.$eq$(arg12, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg12); if (!J.$eq$(arg13, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg13); if (!J.$eq$(arg14, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg14); if (!J.$eq$(arg15, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg15); if (!J.$eq$(arg16, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg16); if (arg17 !== B.C__HashEnd) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg17); if (!J.$eq$(arg18, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg18); if (!J.$eq$(arg19, B.C__HashEnd)) { result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg19); if (!J.$eq$(arg20, B.C__HashEnd)) result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, arg20); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return A._Jenkins_finish(result); }, hashList($arguments) { var t1, result; if ($arguments != null) for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax($arguments), result = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) result = A._Jenkins_combine(result, t1.get$current(t1)); else result = 0; return A._Jenkins_finish(result); }, webOnlyInitializePlatform() { var initializationFuture = A._initializePlatform(null); A.scheduleMicrotask(new A.webOnlyInitializePlatform_closure()); return initializationFuture; }, _initializePlatform(assetManager) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), t1; var $async$_initializePlatform = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start A.initializeEngine(); t1 = A._detectRenderer(); $async$goto = t1 ? 2 : 3; break; case 2: // then $async$goto = 4; return A._asyncAwait(A.initializeCanvasKit(), $async$_initializePlatform); case 4: // returning from await. case 3: // join $async$goto = 5; return A._asyncAwait(A.webOnlySetAssetManager(B.C_AssetManager), $async$_initializePlatform); case 5: // returning from await. t1 = A._detectRenderer(); $async$goto = t1 ? 6 : 8; break; case 6: // then $async$goto = 9; return A._asyncAwait($._skiaFontCollection.ensureFontsLoaded$0(), $async$_initializePlatform); case 9: // returning from await. // goto join $async$goto = 7; break; case 8: // else $async$goto = 10; return A._asyncAwait($._fontCollection.ensureFontsLoaded$0(), $async$_initializePlatform); case 10: // returning from await. case 7: // join // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_initializePlatform, $async$completer); }, webOnlySetAssetManager(assetManager) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, t1, t2; var $async$webOnlySetAssetManager = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start if (assetManager === $._assetManager) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $._assetManager = assetManager; t1 = A._detectRenderer(); if (t1) { if ($._skiaFontCollection == null) $._skiaFontCollection = new A.SkiaFontCollection(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Future_nullable_RegisteredFont), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RegisteredFont), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.List_SkFont)); } else { t1 = $._fontCollection; if (t1 == null) t1 = $._fontCollection = new A.FontCollection(); t1._testFontManager = t1._assetFontManager = null; if ($.$get$supportsFontsClearApi()) document.fonts.clear(); } $async$goto = $._assetManager != null ? 3 : 4; break; case 3: // then t1 = A._detectRenderer(); t2 = $._assetManager; $async$goto = t1 ? 5 : 7; break; case 5: // then t1 = $._skiaFontCollection; t1.toString; t2.toString; $async$goto = 8; return A._asyncAwait(t1.registerFonts$1(t2), $async$webOnlySetAssetManager); case 8: // returning from await. // goto join $async$goto = 6; break; case 7: // else t1 = $._fontCollection; t1.toString; t2.toString; $async$goto = 9; return A._asyncAwait(t1.registerFonts$1(t2), $async$webOnlySetAssetManager); case 9: // returning from await. case 6: // join case 4: // join case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$webOnlySetAssetManager, $async$completer); }, KeyData__typeToString(type) { switch (type.index) { case 1: return "up"; case 0: return "down"; case 2: return "repeat"; } }, lerpDouble(a, b, t) { var t1; if (a != b) if ((a == null ? null : isNaN(a)) === true) t1 = (b == null ? null : isNaN(b)) === true; else t1 = false; else t1 = true; if (t1) return a == null ? null : a; if (a == null) a = 0; if (b == null) b = 0; return a * (1 - t) + b * t; }, _lerpDouble(a, b, t) { return a * (1 - t) + b * t; }, _lerpInt(a, b, t) { return a * (1 - t) + b * t; }, _scaleAlpha(a, factor) { return A.Color$fromARGB(A.clampInt(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0((a.get$value(a) >>> 24 & 255) * factor), 0, 255), a.get$value(a) >>> 16 & 255, a.get$value(a) >>> 8 & 255, a.get$value(a) & 255); }, Color$fromARGB(a, r, g, b) { return new A.Color(((a & 255) << 24 | (r & 255) << 16 | (g & 255) << 8 | b & 255) >>> 0); }, Color__linearizeColorComponent(component) { if (component <= 0.03928) return component / 12.92; return Math.pow((component + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); }, Color_lerp(a, b, t) { if (b == null) if (a == null) return null; else return A._scaleAlpha(a, 1 - t); else if (a == null) return A._scaleAlpha(b, t); else return A.Color$fromARGB(A.clampInt(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(A._lerpInt(a.get$value(a) >>> 24 & 255, b.get$value(b) >>> 24 & 255, t)), 0, 255), A.clampInt(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(A._lerpInt(a.get$value(a) >>> 16 & 255, b.get$value(b) >>> 16 & 255, t)), 0, 255), A.clampInt(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(A._lerpInt(a.get$value(a) >>> 8 & 255, b.get$value(b) >>> 8 & 255, t)), 0, 255), A.clampInt(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(A._lerpInt(a.get$value(a) & 255, b.get$value(b) & 255, t)), 0, 255)); }, Color_alphaBlend(foreground, background) { var invAlpha, backAlpha, t2, t3, outAlpha, t1 = foreground.value, alpha = t1 >>> 24 & 255; if (alpha === 0) return background; invAlpha = 255 - alpha; backAlpha = background.get$value(background) >>> 24 & 255; t2 = t1 & 255; t3 = t1 >>> 16 & 255; t1 = t1 >>> 8 & 255; if (backAlpha === 255) return A.Color$fromARGB(255, B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(alpha * t3 + invAlpha * (background.get$value(background) >>> 16 & 255), 255), B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(alpha * t1 + invAlpha * (background.get$value(background) >>> 8 & 255), 255), B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(alpha * t2 + invAlpha * (background.get$value(background) & 255), 255)); else { backAlpha = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(backAlpha * invAlpha, 255); outAlpha = alpha + backAlpha; return A.Color$fromARGB(outAlpha, B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(t3 * alpha + (background.get$value(background) >>> 16 & 255) * backAlpha, outAlpha), B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(t1 * alpha + (background.get$value(background) >>> 8 & 255) * backAlpha, outAlpha), B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(t2 * alpha + (background.get$value(background) & 255) * backAlpha, outAlpha)); } }, Gradient_Gradient$linear(from, to, colors, colorStops, tileMode) { var t1 = A._detectRenderer(); if (t1) { t1 = new A.CkGradientLinear(from, to, colors, colorStops, tileMode, null); t1.ManagedSkiaObject$1(null, type$.SkShader); } else t1 = new A.GradientLinear(from, to, colors, colorStops, tileMode, null); return t1; }, Path_Path() { var t1 = A._detectRenderer(); if (t1) return A.CkPath$(); else return A.SurfacePath$(); }, PlatformConfiguration$(accessibilityFeatures, alwaysUse24HourFormat, defaultRouteName, locales, platformBrightness, semanticsEnabled, textScaleFactor) { return new A.PlatformConfiguration(accessibilityFeatures, false, semanticsEnabled, platformBrightness, textScaleFactor, locales, defaultRouteName); }, PointerData$(buttons, change, device, distance, distanceMax, kind, obscured, orientation, physicalDeltaX, physicalDeltaY, physicalX, physicalY, platformData, pointerIdentifier, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, size, synthesized, tilt, timeStamp) { return new A.PointerData(timeStamp, change, kind, signalKind, device, pointerIdentifier, physicalX, physicalY, physicalDeltaX, physicalDeltaY, buttons, false, synthesized, pressure, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, platformData, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY); }, FontWeight_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t1 = a == null; if (t1 && b == null) return null; t1 = t1 ? null : a.index; if (t1 == null) t1 = 3; t2 = b == null ? null : b.index; t1 = A.lerpDouble(t1, t2 == null ? 3 : t2, t); t1.toString; return B.List_27p[A.clampInt(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1), 0, 8)]; }, TextStyle_TextStyle(background, color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, foreground, height, leadingDistribution, letterSpacing, locale, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing) { var t1 = A._detectRenderer(); if (t1) { t1 = type$.nullable_CkPaint; return A.CkTextStyle_CkTextStyle(t1._as(background), color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, t1._as(foreground), height, leadingDistribution, letterSpacing, locale, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing); } else return A.EngineTextStyle$only(background, color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, foreground, height, letterSpacing, locale, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing); }, ParagraphStyle_ParagraphStyle(ellipsis, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, height, locale, maxLines, strutStyle, textAlign, textDirection, textHeightBehavior) { var properties, t2, t3, skStrutStyle, effectiveLeadingDistribution, skTextStyle, _null = null, t1 = A._detectRenderer(); if (t1) { properties = A.SkParagraphStyleProperties$(_null); t1 = $.$get$_skTextAligns()[textAlign.index]; properties.textAlign = t1; t1 = textDirection == null; if (!t1) properties.textDirection = $.$get$_skTextDirections()[textDirection.index]; if (maxLines != null) properties.maxLines = maxLines; t2 = height != null; if (t2) properties.heightMultiplier = height; t3 = textHeightBehavior == null; if (!t3) properties.textHeightBehavior = $.$get$_skTextHeightBehaviors()[0]; if (ellipsis != null) properties.ellipsis = ellipsis; if (strutStyle != null) { type$.CkStrutStyle._as(strutStyle); skStrutStyle = A.SkStrutStyleProperties$(_null); skStrutStyle.fontFamilies = A._getEffectiveFontFamilies(strutStyle._fontFamily, strutStyle._fontFamilyFallback); skStrutStyle.heightMultiplier = strutStyle.__engine$_height; effectiveLeadingDistribution = t3 ? _null : textHeightBehavior.leadingDistribution; switch (effectiveLeadingDistribution) { case null: break; case B.TextLeadingDistribution_1: skStrutStyle.halfLeading = true; break; case B.TextLeadingDistribution_0: skStrutStyle.halfLeading = false; break; } skStrutStyle.leading = strutStyle._leading; skStrutStyle.fontStyle = A.toSkFontStyle(strutStyle._fontWeight, strutStyle._fontStyle); skStrutStyle.forceStrutHeight = strutStyle._forceStrutHeight; skStrutStyle.strutEnabled = true; properties.strutStyle = skStrutStyle; } skTextStyle = A.SkTextStyleProperties$(_null); if (fontWeight != null || false) skTextStyle.fontStyle = A.toSkFontStyle(fontWeight, fontStyle); if (fontSize != null) skTextStyle.fontSize = fontSize; if (t2) skTextStyle.heightMultiplier = height; skTextStyle.fontFamilies = A._getEffectiveFontFamilies(fontFamily, _null); properties.textStyle = skTextStyle; t2 = J.ParagraphStyle$1$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0(), properties); t1 = t1 ? B.TextDirection_1 : textDirection; return new A.CkParagraphStyle(t2, t1, fontFamily, fontSize, height, fontWeight, fontStyle, t3 ? _null : textHeightBehavior.leadingDistribution); } else return new A.EngineParagraphStyle(textAlign, textDirection, fontWeight, fontStyle, maxLines, fontFamily, fontSize, height, textHeightBehavior, type$.nullable_EngineStrutStyle._as(strutStyle), ellipsis, locale); }, ParagraphBuilder_ParagraphBuilder(style) { var t1 = A._detectRenderer(); if (t1) return A.CkParagraphBuilder$(style); type$.EngineParagraphStyle._as(style); return new A.CanvasParagraphBuilder(new A.StringBuffer(""), style, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ParagraphSpan), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_StyleNode), new A.RootStyleNode(style), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_double)); }, PluginUtilities_getCallbackHandle(callback) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); }, PluginUtilities_getCallbackFromHandle(handle) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); }, ClipOp: function ClipOp(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, PathFillType: function PathFillType(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _ChannelCallbackRecord: function _ChannelCallbackRecord(t0, t1) { this._callback = t0; this._ui$_zone = t1; }, _StoredMessage: function _StoredMessage(t0, t1, t2) { this.data = t0; this._callback = t1; this._ui$_zone = t2; }, _Channel: function _Channel(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._ui$_queue = t0; _.debugEnableDiscardWarnings = true; _._capacity = t1; _._draining = false; _._channelCallbackRecord = null; }, ChannelBuffers: function ChannelBuffers(t0) { this._channels = t0; }, ChannelBuffers_push_closure: function ChannelBuffers_push_closure() { }, ChannelBuffers_setListener_closure: function ChannelBuffers_setListener_closure() { }, OffsetBase: function OffsetBase() { }, Offset: function Offset(t0, t1) { this._dx = t0; this._dy = t1; }, Size: function Size(t0, t1) { this._dx = t0; this._dy = t1; }, Rect: function Rect(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.left = t0; _.top = t1; _.right = t2; _.bottom = t3; }, Radius: function Radius(t0, t1) { this.x = t0; this.y = t1; }, RRect: function RRect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) { var _ = this; _.left = t0; _.top = t1; _.right = t2; _.bottom = t3; _.tlRadiusX = t4; _.tlRadiusY = t5; _.trRadiusX = t6; _.trRadiusY = t7; _.brRadiusX = t8; _.brRadiusY = t9; _.blRadiusX = t10; _.blRadiusY = t11; _.webOnlyUniformRadii = t12; }, _HashEnd: function _HashEnd() { }, webOnlyInitializePlatform_closure: function webOnlyInitializePlatform_closure() { }, KeyEventType: function KeyEventType(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, KeyData: function KeyData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.timeStamp = t0; _.type = t1; _.physical = t2; _.logical = t3; _.character = t4; _.synthesized = t5; }, KeyData__logicalToString_closure: function KeyData__logicalToString_closure(t0) { this.planeNum = t0; }, KeyData__quotedCharCode_closure: function KeyData__quotedCharCode_closure() { }, Color: function Color(t0) { this.value = t0; }, StrokeCap: function StrokeCap(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, StrokeJoin: function StrokeJoin(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, PaintingStyle: function PaintingStyle(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, BlendMode: function BlendMode(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, Clip: function Clip(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, FilterQuality: function FilterQuality(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, PlatformDispatcher: function PlatformDispatcher() { }, PlatformConfiguration: function PlatformConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.accessibilityFeatures = t0; _.alwaysUse24HourFormat = t1; _.semanticsEnabled = t2; _.platformBrightness = t3; _.textScaleFactor = t4; _.locales = t5; _.defaultRouteName = t6; }, ViewConfiguration0: function ViewConfiguration0() { }, FrameTiming: function FrameTiming(t0) { this._ui$_data = t0; }, AppLifecycleState: function AppLifecycleState(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, Locale: function Locale(t0, t1) { this._languageCode = t0; this._countryCode = t1; }, PointerChange: function PointerChange(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, PointerDeviceKind: function PointerDeviceKind(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, PointerSignalKind: function PointerSignalKind(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, PointerData: function PointerData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27) { var _ = this; _.timeStamp = t0; _.change = t1; _.kind = t2; _.signalKind = t3; _.device = t4; _.pointerIdentifier = t5; _.physicalX = t6; _.physicalY = t7; _.physicalDeltaX = t8; _.physicalDeltaY = t9; _.buttons = t10; _.obscured = t11; _.synthesized = t12; _.pressure = t13; _.pressureMin = t14; _.pressureMax = t15; _.distance = t16; _.distanceMax = t17; _.size = t18; _.radiusMajor = t19; _.radiusMinor = t20; _.radiusMin = t21; _.radiusMax = t22; _.orientation = t23; _.tilt = t24; _.platformData = t25; _.scrollDeltaX = t26; _.scrollDeltaY = t27; }, PointerDataPacket: function PointerDataPacket(t0) { this.data = t0; }, SemanticsAction: function SemanticsAction(t0) { this.index = t0; }, SemanticsFlag: function SemanticsFlag(t0) { this.index = t0; }, SemanticsUpdateBuilder: function SemanticsUpdateBuilder(t0) { this._nodeUpdates = t0; }, PlaceholderAlignment: function PlaceholderAlignment(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, FontWeight: function FontWeight(t0) { this.index = t0; }, TextAlign: function TextAlign(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, TextBaseline: function TextBaseline(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, TextDecoration: function TextDecoration(t0) { this._mask = t0; }, TextDecorationStyle: function TextDecorationStyle(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, TextLeadingDistribution: function TextLeadingDistribution(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, TextDirection: function TextDirection(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, TextBox: function TextBox(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.left = t0; _.top = t1; _.right = t2; _.bottom = t3; _.direction = t4; }, TextAffinity: function TextAffinity(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, TextPosition: function TextPosition(t0, t1) { this.offset = t0; this.affinity = t1; }, TextRange: function TextRange(t0, t1) { this.start = t0; this.end = t1; }, ParagraphConstraints: function ParagraphConstraints(t0) { this.width = t0; }, BoxHeightStyle: function BoxHeightStyle(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, BoxWidthStyle: function BoxWidthStyle(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, TileMode: function TileMode(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, FlutterView: function FlutterView() { }, FlutterWindow: function FlutterWindow() { }, SingletonFlutterWindow: function SingletonFlutterWindow() { }, AccessibilityFeatures: function AccessibilityFeatures() { }, Brightness: function Brightness(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, CallbackHandle: function CallbackHandle(t0) { this._ui$_handle = t0; }, GestureSettings: function GestureSettings() { }, AudioBuffer: function AudioBuffer() { }, AudioParamMap: function AudioParamMap() { }, AudioParamMap_keys_closure: function AudioParamMap_keys_closure(t0) { this.keys = t0; }, AudioParamMap_values_closure: function AudioParamMap_values_closure(t0) { this.values = t0; }, AudioTrackList: function AudioTrackList() { }, BaseAudioContext: function BaseAudioContext() { }, OfflineAudioContext: function OfflineAudioContext() { }, _AudioParamMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin: function _AudioParamMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin() { }, ActiveInfo: function ActiveInfo() { }, HeapPriorityQueue: function HeapPriorityQueue(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.comparison = t0; _._priority_queue$_queue = t1; _._priority_queue$_modificationCount = _._priority_queue$_length = 0; _.$ti = t2; }, AnimationStatus: function AnimationStatus(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, Animation0: function Animation0() { }, AnimationController$(debugLabel, duration, reverseDuration, value, vsync) { var t1 = new A.AnimationController(debugLabel, duration, reverseDuration, B._AnimationDirection_0, B.AnimationStatus_0, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function)); t1._ticker = vsync.createTicker$1(t1.get$_animation_controller$_tick()); t1._internalSetValue$1(value == null ? 0 : value); return t1; }, _AnimationDirection: function _AnimationDirection(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, AnimationBehavior: function AnimationBehavior(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, AnimationController: function AnimationController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.debugLabel = t0; _.duration = t1; _.reverseDuration = t2; _._simulation = _._ticker = null; _.__AnimationController__value = $; _._direction = t3; _.__AnimationController__status = $; _._lastReportedStatus = t4; _.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners = t5; _.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners = t6; }, _InterpolationSimulation: function _InterpolationSimulation(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._durationInSeconds = t0; _._begin = t1; _._animation_controller$_end = t2; _._curve = t3; _.tolerance = t4; }, _AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin: function _AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin() { }, _AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin: function _AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin() { }, _AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin: function _AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin() { }, ProxyAnimation$(animation) { var t1 = new A.ProxyAnimation(new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function), 0); t1._animations$_parent = animation; if (animation == null) { t1._status = B.AnimationStatus_0; t1._animations$_value = 0; } return t1; }, CurvedAnimation$(curve, $parent, reverseCurve) { var t1 = new A.CurvedAnimation($parent, curve, reverseCurve); t1._updateCurveDirection$1($parent.get$status($parent)); $parent.addStatusListener$1(t1.get$_updateCurveDirection()); return t1; }, TrainHoppingAnimation$(_currentTrain, _nextTrain, onSwitchedTrain) { var t2, t3, t1 = new A.TrainHoppingAnimation(_currentTrain, _nextTrain, onSwitchedTrain, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function)); if (J.$eq$(_currentTrain.get$value(_currentTrain), _nextTrain.get$value(_nextTrain))) { t1._currentTrain = _nextTrain; t1._nextTrain = null; t2 = _nextTrain; } else { if (_currentTrain.get$value(_currentTrain) > _nextTrain.get$value(_nextTrain)) t1._mode = B._TrainHoppingMode_1; else t1._mode = B._TrainHoppingMode_0; t2 = _currentTrain; } t2.addStatusListener$1(t1.get$_statusChangeHandler()); t2 = t1.get$_valueChangeHandler(); t1._currentTrain.addListener$1(0, t2); t3 = t1._nextTrain; if (t3 != null) { t3.didRegisterListener$0(); t3 = t3.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners; t3._isDirty = true; t3._list.push(t2); } return t1; }, AnimationMin$(first, next, $T) { return new A.AnimationMin(first, next, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function), 0, $T._eval$1("AnimationMin<0>")); }, _AlwaysCompleteAnimation: function _AlwaysCompleteAnimation() { }, _AlwaysDismissedAnimation: function _AlwaysDismissedAnimation() { }, AnimationWithParentMixin: function AnimationWithParentMixin() { }, ProxyAnimation: function ProxyAnimation(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._animations$_parent = _._animations$_value = _._status = null; _.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners = t0; _.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners = t1; _.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter = t2; }, ReverseAnimation: function ReverseAnimation(t0, t1, t2) { this.parent = t0; this.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners = t1; this.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter = t2; }, CurvedAnimation: function CurvedAnimation(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.parent = t0; _.curve = t1; _.reverseCurve = t2; _._curveDirection = null; }, _TrainHoppingMode: function _TrainHoppingMode(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, TrainHoppingAnimation: function TrainHoppingAnimation(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._currentTrain = t0; _._nextTrain = t1; _._mode = null; _.onSwitchedTrain = t2; _._lastValue = _._lastStatus = null; _.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners = t3; _.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners = t4; }, CompoundAnimation: function CompoundAnimation() { }, AnimationMin: function AnimationMin(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.first = t0; _.next = t1; _._lastValue = _._lastStatus = null; _.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners = t2; _.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners = t3; _.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter = t4; _.$ti = t5; }, _CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin: function _CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin() { }, _CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin: function _CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin() { }, _CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin: function _CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin() { }, _CurvedAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin: function _CurvedAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin() { }, _ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin: function _ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin() { }, _ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin: function _ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin() { }, _ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin: function _ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin() { }, _ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin: function _ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin() { }, _ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin: function _ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin() { }, _TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin: function _TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin() { }, _TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin: function _TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin() { }, _TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin: function _TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin() { }, ParametricCurve: function ParametricCurve() { }, Curve: function Curve() { }, _Linear: function _Linear() { }, Interval: function Interval(t0, t1, t2) { this.begin = t0; this.end = t1; this.curve = t2; }, Threshold: function Threshold() { }, Cubic: function Cubic(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.a = t0; _.b = t1; _.c = t2; _.d = t3; }, FlippedCurve: function FlippedCurve(t0) { this.curve = t0; }, AnimationLazyListenerMixin: function AnimationLazyListenerMixin() { }, AnimationEagerListenerMixin: function AnimationEagerListenerMixin() { }, AnimationLocalListenersMixin: function AnimationLocalListenersMixin() { }, AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin: function AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin() { }, Tween$(begin, end, $T) { return new A.Tween(begin, end, $T._eval$1("Tween<0>")); }, CurveTween$(curve) { return new A.CurveTween(curve); }, Animatable: function Animatable() { }, _AnimatedEvaluation: function _AnimatedEvaluation(t0, t1, t2) { this.parent = t0; this._evaluatable = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, _ChainedEvaluation: function _ChainedEvaluation(t0, t1, t2) { this._tween$_parent = t0; this._evaluatable = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, Tween: function Tween(t0, t1, t2) { this.begin = t0; this.end = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, ReverseTween: function ReverseTween(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.parent = t0; _.begin = t1; _.end = t2; _.$ti = t3; }, ColorTween: function ColorTween(t0, t1) { this.begin = t0; this.end = t1; }, RectTween: function RectTween(t0, t1) { this.begin = t0; this.end = t1; }, IntTween: function IntTween(t0, t1) { this.begin = t0; this.end = t1; }, CurveTween: function CurveTween(t0) { this.curve = t0; }, __AnimatedEvaluation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin: function __AnimatedEvaluation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin() { }, CupertinoDynamicColor_maybeResolve(resolvable, context) { var inheritedTheme, t1, brightness, isHighContrastEnabled, resolved, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _null = null; if (resolvable == null) return _null; if (resolvable instanceof A.CupertinoDynamicColor) { if (resolvable.get$_isPlatformBrightnessDependent()) { inheritedTheme = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._InheritedCupertinoTheme); t1 = inheritedTheme == null ? _null : inheritedTheme.theme.data.get$brightness(); if (t1 == null) { t1 = A.MediaQuery_maybeOf(context); t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.platformBrightness; brightness = t1; } else brightness = t1; if (brightness == null) brightness = B.Brightness_1; } else brightness = B.Brightness_1; if (resolvable.get$_isHighContrastDependent()) { t1 = A.MediaQuery_maybeOf(context); t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.highContrast; isHighContrastEnabled = t1 === true; } else isHighContrastEnabled = false; if (resolvable.get$_isInterfaceElevationDependent()) A.CupertinoUserInterfaceLevel_maybeOf(context); switch (brightness.index) { case 1: switch (0) { case 0: resolved = isHighContrastEnabled ? resolvable.highContrastColor : resolvable.color; break; } break; case 0: switch (0) { case 0: resolved = isHighContrastEnabled ? resolvable.darkHighContrastColor : resolvable.darkColor; break; } break; default: resolved = _null; } t1 = resolvable.color; t2 = resolvable.darkColor; t3 = resolvable.highContrastColor; t4 = resolvable.darkHighContrastColor; t5 = resolvable.elevatedColor; t6 = resolvable.darkElevatedColor; t7 = resolvable.highContrastElevatedColor; t8 = resolvable.darkHighContrastElevatedColor; t8 = new A.CupertinoDynamicColor(resolved, resolvable._colors$_debugLabel, _null, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, 0); t1 = t8; } else t1 = resolvable; return t1; }, CupertinoDynamicColor: function CupertinoDynamicColor(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) { var _ = this; _._effectiveColor = t0; _._colors$_debugLabel = t1; _._debugResolveContext = t2; _.color = t3; _.darkColor = t4; _.highContrastColor = t5; _.darkHighContrastColor = t6; _.elevatedColor = t7; _.darkElevatedColor = t8; _.highContrastElevatedColor = t9; _.darkHighContrastElevatedColor = t10; _.value = t11; }, CupertinoDynamicColor_toString_toString: function CupertinoDynamicColor_toString_toString(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _CupertinoDynamicColor_Color_Diagnosticable: function _CupertinoDynamicColor_Color_Diagnosticable() { }, CupertinoIconThemeData: function CupertinoIconThemeData(t0, t1, t2) { this.color = t0; this._opacity = t1; this.size = t2; }, _CupertinoIconThemeData_IconThemeData_Diagnosticable: function _CupertinoIconThemeData_IconThemeData_Diagnosticable() { }, _CupertinoLocalizationsDelegate: function _CupertinoLocalizationsDelegate() { }, DefaultCupertinoLocalizations: function DefaultCupertinoLocalizations() { }, CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin__isPopGestureEnabled(route) { var t1; if (route.get$isFirst()) return false; t1 = route.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory; if (t1 != null && t1.length !== 0) return false; t1 = route._animationProxy; if (t1.get$status(t1) !== B.AnimationStatus_3) return false; t1 = route._secondaryAnimationProxy; if (t1.get$status(t1) !== B.AnimationStatus_0) return false; if (route._navigator$_navigator.userGestureInProgressNotifier._change_notifier$_value) return false; return true; }, CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions(route, context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child, $T) { var t5, t6, t7, t1 = route._navigator$_navigator.userGestureInProgressNotifier._change_notifier$_value, t2 = t1 ? animation : A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_izR, animation, B.Cubic_OcD), t3 = $.$get$_kRightMiddleTween(), t4 = type$.Animation_double; t4._as(t2); t5 = t1 ? secondaryAnimation : A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_izR, secondaryAnimation, B.Cubic_OcD); t6 = $.$get$_kMiddleLeftTween(); t4._as(t5); t1 = t1 ? animation : A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_izR, animation, null); t7 = $.$get$_CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_kTween(); return new A.CupertinoPageTransition(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t2, t3, t3.$ti._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t5, t6, t6.$ti._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t4._as(t1), t7, A._instanceType(t7)._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), new A._CupertinoBackGestureDetector(child, new A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure(route), new A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure0(route, $T), null, $T._eval$1("_CupertinoBackGestureDetector<0>")), null); }, _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t3, t4, i, t5, t6, t1 = a == null; if (t1 && b == null) return null; if (t1) { t1 = b._colors; if (t1 == null) t1 = b; else { t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Color>"); t2 = new A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure(t), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"))); t1 = t2; } return t1; } if (b == null) { t1 = a._colors; if (t1 == null) t1 = a; else { t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Color>"); t2 = new A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure0(t), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"))); t1 = t2; } return t1; } t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Color); for (t2 = b._colors, t3 = a._colors, t4 = t3 == null, i = 0; i < t2.length; ++i) { t5 = t4 ? null : t3[i]; t6 = t2[i]; t5 = A.Color_lerp(t5, t6, t); t5.toString; t1.push(t5); } return new A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration(t1); }, CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure: function CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure(t0) { this.route = t0; }, CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure0: function CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure0(t0, t1) { this.route = t0; this.T = t1; }, CupertinoPageTransition: function CupertinoPageTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._primaryPositionAnimation = t0; _._secondaryPositionAnimation = t1; _._primaryShadowAnimation = t2; _.child = t3; _.key = t4; }, _CupertinoBackGestureDetector: function _CupertinoBackGestureDetector(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.enabledCallback = t1; _.onStartPopGesture = t2; _.key = t3; _.$ti = t4; }, _CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState: function _CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._backGestureController = null; _.___CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState__recognizer = $; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t0; _._framework$_element = null; _.$ti = t1; }, _CupertinoBackGestureController: function _CupertinoBackGestureController(t0, t1) { this.controller = t0; this.navigator = t1; }, _CupertinoBackGestureController_dragEnd_closure: function _CupertinoBackGestureController_dragEnd_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.animationStatusCallback = t1; }, _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration: function _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration(t0) { this._colors = t0; }, _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure: function _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure(t0) { this.t = t0; }, _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure0: function _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure0(t0) { this.t = t0; }, _CupertinoEdgeShadowPainter: function _CupertinoEdgeShadowPainter(t0, t1) { this._route$_decoration = t0; this.onChanged = t1; }, CupertinoTheme: function CupertinoTheme(t0, t1, t2) { this.data = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, _InheritedCupertinoTheme: function _InheritedCupertinoTheme(t0, t1, t2) { this.theme = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, CupertinoThemeData: function CupertinoThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._defaults = t0; _.brightness = t1; _.primaryColor = t2; _.primaryContrastingColor = t3; _.textTheme = t4; _.barBackgroundColor = t5; _.scaffoldBackgroundColor = t6; }, NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData: function NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.brightness = t0; _.primaryColor = t1; _.primaryContrastingColor = t2; _.textTheme = t3; _.barBackgroundColor = t4; _.scaffoldBackgroundColor = t5; }, _CupertinoThemeDefaults: function _CupertinoThemeDefaults() { }, _CupertinoTextThemeDefaults: function _CupertinoTextThemeDefaults() { }, _CupertinoThemeData_NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData_Diagnosticable: function _CupertinoThemeData_NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData_Diagnosticable() { }, defaultTargetPlatform() { var t1 = $.$get$_testPlatform(); return t1 == null ? $.$get$_browserPlatform() : t1; }, _testPlatform_closure: function _testPlatform_closure() { }, _browserPlatform_closure: function _browserPlatform_closure() { }, ErrorDescription$(message) { var _null = null, t1 = A._setArrayType([message], type$.JSArray_Object); return new A.ErrorDescription(_null, false, true, _null, _null, _null, false, t1, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, false, _null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_7); }, ErrorSummary$(message) { var _null = null, t1 = A._setArrayType([message], type$.JSArray_Object); return new A.ErrorSummary(_null, false, true, _null, _null, _null, false, t1, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_6, _null, false, false, _null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_7); }, ErrorHint$(message) { var _null = null, t1 = A._setArrayType([message], type$.JSArray_Object); return new A.ErrorHint(_null, false, true, _null, _null, _null, false, t1, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_5, _null, false, false, _null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_7); }, ErrorSpacer$() { var _null = null; return new A.ErrorSpacer("", false, true, _null, _null, _null, false, _null, B.C__NoDefaultValue, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, "", true, false, _null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8); }, FlutterError_FlutterError(message) { var lines = A._setArrayType(message.split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String), t1 = A._setArrayType([A.ErrorSummary$(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(lines))], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode), t2 = A.SubListIterable$(lines, 1, null, type$.String); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A.FlutterError_FlutterError_closure(), t2.$ti._eval$1("MappedListIterable"))); return new A.FlutterError(t1); }, FlutterError__defaultStackTraceDemangler(stackTrace) { return stackTrace; }, FlutterError_dumpErrorToConsole(details, forceReport) { if ($.FlutterError__errorCount === 0 || false) A.debugPrintStack(J.toString$0$(details.exception), 100, details.stack); else A.print__debugPrintThrottled$closure().call$1("Another exception was thrown: " + details.get$summary().toString$0(0)); $.FlutterError__errorCount = $.FlutterError__errorCount + 1; }, FlutterError_defaultStackFilter($frames) { var skipped, index, t1, frame, className, $package, reasons, t2, _i, result, index0, t3, suffix, removedPackagesAndClasses = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["dart:async-patch", 0, "dart:async", 0, "package:stack_trace", 0, "class _AssertionError", 0, "class _FakeAsync", 0, "class _FrameCallbackEntry", 0, "class _Timer", 0, "class _RawReceivePortImpl", 0], type$.String, type$.int), parsedFrames = A.StackFrame_fromStackString(J.join$1$ax($frames, "\n")); for (skipped = 0, index = 0; t1 = parsedFrames.length, index < t1; ++index) { frame = parsedFrames[index]; className = "class " + frame.className; $package = frame.packageScheme + ":" + frame.$package; if (removedPackagesAndClasses.containsKey$1(0, className)) { ++skipped; removedPackagesAndClasses.update$2(removedPackagesAndClasses, className, new A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure()); B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(parsedFrames, index); --index; } else if (removedPackagesAndClasses.containsKey$1(0, $package)) { ++skipped; removedPackagesAndClasses.update$2(removedPackagesAndClasses, $package, new A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure0()); B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(parsedFrames, index); --index; } } reasons = A.List_List$filled(t1, null, false, type$.nullable_String); for (t2 = $.FlutterError__stackFilters.length, _i = 0; _i < $.FlutterError__stackFilters.length; $.FlutterError__stackFilters.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)($.FlutterError__stackFilters), ++_i) $.FlutterError__stackFilters[_i].filter$2(0, parsedFrames, reasons); t2 = type$.JSArray_String; result = A._setArrayType([], t2); for (--t1, index = 0; index < parsedFrames.length; index = index0 + 1) { index0 = index; while (true) { if (index0 < t1) { t3 = reasons[index0]; t3 = t3 != null && J.$eq$(reasons[index0 + 1], t3); } else t3 = false; if (!t3) break; ++index0; } if (reasons[index0] != null) suffix = index0 !== index ? " (" + (index0 - index + 2) + " frames)" : " (1 frame)"; else suffix = ""; t3 = reasons[index0]; result.push(A.S(t3 == null ? parsedFrames[index0].source : t3) + suffix); } t1 = A._setArrayType([], t2); for (t2 = removedPackagesAndClasses.get$entries(removedPackagesAndClasses), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2.get$current(t2); if (t3.value > 0) t1.push(t3.key); } B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(t1); if (skipped === 1) result.push("(elided one frame from " + B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1) + ")"); else if (skipped > 1) { t2 = t1.length; if (t2 > 1) t1[t2 - 1] = "and " + B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1); if (t1.length > 2) result.push("(elided " + skipped + " frames from " + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ") + ")"); else result.push("(elided " + skipped + " frames from " + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, " ") + ")"); } return result; }, FlutterError_reportError(details) { var t1 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError(); if (t1 != null) t1.call$1(details); }, debugPrintStack(label, maxFrames, stackTrace) { var lines, t1; if (label != null) A.print__debugPrintThrottled$closure().call$1(label); lines = A._setArrayType(B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(J.toString$0$(stackTrace == null ? A.StackTrace_current() : A.FlutterError__defaultStackTraceDemangler(stackTrace))).split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String); t1 = lines.length; lines = J.take$1$ax(t1 !== 0 ? new A.SkipWhileIterable(lines, new A.debugPrintStack_closure(), type$.SkipWhileIterable_String) : lines, maxFrames); A.print__debugPrintThrottled$closure().call$1(B.JSArray_methods.join$1(A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter(lines), "\n")); }, DiagnosticsStackTrace$($name, stack, stackFilter) { var t1 = A.DiagnosticsStackTrace__applyStackFilter(stack, stackFilter); return new A.DiagnosticsStackTrace(B.List_empty, t1, "", stack, true, $name, true, true, null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_7); }, DiagnosticsStackTrace__applyStackFilter(stack, stackFilter) { if (stack == null) return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); return J.map$1$1$ax(A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter(A._setArrayType(B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(A.S(A.FlutterError__defaultStackTraceDemangler(stack))).split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String)), A.assertions_DiagnosticsStackTrace__createStackFrame$closure(), type$.DiagnosticsNode).toList$0(0); }, DiagnosticsStackTrace__createStackFrame(frame) { return A.DiagnosticsNode_DiagnosticsNode$message(frame, false, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8); }, _FlutterErrorDetailsNode$($name, style, value) { return new A._FlutterErrorDetailsNode(value, $name, true, true, null, style); }, _ErrorDiagnostic: function _ErrorDiagnostic() { }, ErrorDescription: function ErrorDescription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) { var _ = this; _._description = t0; _.expandableValue = t1; _.allowWrap = t2; _.ifNull = t3; _.ifEmpty = t4; _.tooltip = t5; _.missingIfNull = t6; _._value = t7; _._valueComputed = true; _._diagnostics$_exception = null; _.defaultValue = t8; _._defaultLevel = t9; _.name = t10; _.showSeparator = t11; _.showName = t12; _.linePrefix = t13; _.style = t14; }, ErrorSummary: function ErrorSummary(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) { var _ = this; _._description = t0; _.expandableValue = t1; _.allowWrap = t2; _.ifNull = t3; _.ifEmpty = t4; _.tooltip = t5; _.missingIfNull = t6; _._value = t7; _._valueComputed = true; _._diagnostics$_exception = null; _.defaultValue = t8; _._defaultLevel = t9; _.name = t10; _.showSeparator = t11; _.showName = t12; _.linePrefix = t13; _.style = t14; }, ErrorHint: function ErrorHint(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) { var _ = this; _._description = t0; _.expandableValue = t1; _.allowWrap = t2; _.ifNull = t3; _.ifEmpty = t4; _.tooltip = t5; _.missingIfNull = t6; _._value = t7; _._valueComputed = true; _._diagnostics$_exception = null; _.defaultValue = t8; _._defaultLevel = t9; _.name = t10; _.showSeparator = t11; _.showName = t12; _.linePrefix = t13; _.style = t14; }, ErrorSpacer: function ErrorSpacer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) { var _ = this; _._description = t0; _.expandableValue = t1; _.allowWrap = t2; _.ifNull = t3; _.ifEmpty = t4; _.tooltip = t5; _.missingIfNull = t6; _._value = t7; _._valueComputed = true; _._diagnostics$_exception = null; _.defaultValue = t8; _._defaultLevel = t9; _.name = t10; _.showSeparator = t11; _.showName = t12; _.linePrefix = t13; _.style = t14; }, FlutterErrorDetails: function FlutterErrorDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.exception = t0; _.stack = t1; _.library = t2; _.context = t3; _.informationCollector = t4; _.silent = t5; }, FlutterErrorDetails_summary_formatException: function FlutterErrorDetails_summary_formatException(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure: function FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure() { }, FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure0: function FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure0() { }, FlutterErrorDetails_debugFillProperties_closure: function FlutterErrorDetails_debugFillProperties_closure() { }, FlutterError: function FlutterError(t0) { this.diagnostics = t0; }, FlutterError_FlutterError_closure: function FlutterError_FlutterError_closure() { }, FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure: function FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure() { }, FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure0: function FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure0() { }, FlutterError_toString_closure: function FlutterError_toString_closure(t0) { this.renderer = t0; }, debugPrintStack_closure: function debugPrintStack_closure() { }, DiagnosticsStackTrace: function DiagnosticsStackTrace(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) { var _ = this; _._diagnostics$_children = t0; _._properties = t1; _._description = t2; _.value = t3; _.allowTruncate = t4; _.name = t5; _.showSeparator = t6; _.showName = t7; _.linePrefix = t8; _.style = t9; }, _FlutterErrorDetailsNode: function _FlutterErrorDetailsNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.value = t0; _._cachedBuilder = null; _.name = t1; _.showSeparator = t2; _.showName = t3; _.linePrefix = t4; _.style = t5; }, _FlutterError_Error_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _FlutterError_Error_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() { }, _FlutterErrorDetails_Object_Diagnosticable: function _FlutterErrorDetails_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, BindingBase: function BindingBase() { }, BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure: function BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure() { }, BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure0: function BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure0() { }, BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure1: function BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure1() { }, BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure2: function BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure2() { }, BindingBase_lockEvents_closure: function BindingBase_lockEvents_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.timelineTask = t1; }, BindingBase_registerBoolServiceExtension_closure: function BindingBase_registerBoolServiceExtension_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.$this = t0; _.setter = t1; _.name = t2; _.getter = t3; }, BindingBase_registerNumericServiceExtension_closure: function BindingBase_registerNumericServiceExtension_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.$this = t0; _.name = t1; _.setter = t2; _.getter = t3; }, BindingBase_registerStringServiceExtension_closure: function BindingBase_registerStringServiceExtension_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.$this = t0; _.setter = t1; _.name = t2; _.getter = t3; }, BindingBase_registerServiceExtension_closure: function BindingBase_registerServiceExtension_closure(t0, t1) { this.methodName = t0; this.callback = t1; }, BindingBase_registerServiceExtension__closure: function BindingBase_registerServiceExtension__closure() { }, DebugReassembleConfig: function DebugReassembleConfig(t0) { this.widgetName = t0; }, ValueNotifier$(_value) { return new A.ValueNotifier(_value, A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)); }, Listenable: function Listenable() { }, ValueListenable: function ValueListenable() { }, ChangeNotifier: function ChangeNotifier() { }, ChangeNotifier_notifyListeners_closure: function ChangeNotifier_notifyListeners_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _MergingListenable: function _MergingListenable(t0) { this._change_notifier$_children = t0; }, ValueNotifier: function ValueNotifier(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._change_notifier$_value = t0; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, TextTreeConfiguration$(addBlankLineIfNoChildren, afterDescriptionIfBody, afterName, afterProperties, beforeName, beforeProperties, bodyIndent, footer, isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren, isNameOnOwnLine, lineBreak, lineBreakProperties, linkCharacter, mandatoryFooter, prefixLastChildLineOne, prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines, prefixOtherLinesRootNode, propertyPrefixIfChildren, propertyPrefixNoChildren, propertySeparator, showChildren, suffixLineOne) { return new A.TextTreeConfiguration(prefixLineOne, suffixLineOne, prefixOtherLines, prefixLastChildLineOne, prefixOtherLinesRootNode, propertyPrefixIfChildren, propertyPrefixNoChildren, linkCharacter, B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", linkCharacter.length), lineBreak, lineBreakProperties, beforeName, afterName, afterDescriptionIfBody, beforeProperties, afterProperties, propertySeparator, bodyIndent, showChildren, addBlankLineIfNoChildren, isNameOnOwnLine, footer, mandatoryFooter, isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren); }, _PrefixedStringBuilder__wordWrapLine(message, wrapRanges, width, otherLineOffset, startOffset) { var wrappedLine, startForLengthCalculations, lastWordStart, noWrap, t2, addPrefix, index, mode, lastWordEnd, start, t3, _box_0 = {}, t1 = message.length; if (t1 + startOffset < width) return A._setArrayType([message], type$.JSArray_String); wrappedLine = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); startForLengthCalculations = -startOffset; lastWordStart = A._Cell$named("lastWordStart"); _box_0.currentChunk = 0; noWrap = new A._PrefixedStringBuilder__wordWrapLine_noWrap(_box_0, wrapRanges); for (t2 = lastWordStart.__late_helper$_name, addPrefix = false, index = 0, mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_0, lastWordEnd = null, start = 0; true;) switch (mode.index) { case 0: while (true) { if (!(index < t1 && message[index] === " ")) break; ++index; } lastWordStart.__late_helper$_value = index; mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_1; break; case 1: while (true) { if (index < t1) t3 = message[index] !== " " || noWrap.call$1(index); else t3 = false; if (!t3) break; ++index; } mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_2; break; case 2: t3 = index - startForLengthCalculations; if (t3 > width || index === t1) { if (t3 <= width || lastWordEnd == null) lastWordEnd = index; wrappedLine.push(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(message, start, lastWordEnd)); if (lastWordEnd >= t1) return wrappedLine; if (lastWordEnd === index) { while (true) { if (!(index < t1 && message[index] === " ")) break; ++index; } start = index; mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_1; } else { start = lastWordStart.__late_helper$_value; if (start === lastWordStart) A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t2)); mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_2; } startForLengthCalculations = start - otherLineOffset; addPrefix = true; lastWordEnd = null; } else { lastWordEnd = index; mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_0; } break; } }, DiagnosticsNode_DiagnosticsNode$message(message, allowWrap, style) { var _null = null; return A.DiagnosticsProperty$("", _null, allowWrap, B.C__NoDefaultValue, message, false, _null, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, false, true, style, _null, type$.void); }, DiagnosticsProperty$($name, value, allowWrap, defaultValue, description, expandableValue, ifEmpty, ifNull, level, linePrefix, missingIfNull, showName, showSeparator, style, tooltip, $T) { var t1; if (ifNull == null) t1 = missingIfNull ? "MISSING" : null; else t1 = ifNull; return new A.DiagnosticsProperty(description, false, allowWrap, t1, ifEmpty, tooltip, missingIfNull, value, defaultValue, level, $name, showSeparator, showName, linePrefix, style, $T._eval$1("DiagnosticsProperty<0>")); }, DiagnosticableTreeNode$($name, style, value) { return new A.DiagnosticableTreeNode(value, $name, true, true, null, style); }, shortHash(object) { return B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(J.get$hashCode$(object) & 1048575, 16), 5, "0"); }, DiagnosticLevel: function DiagnosticLevel(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, DiagnosticsTreeStyle: function DiagnosticsTreeStyle(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, TextTreeConfiguration: function TextTreeConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23) { var _ = this; _.prefixLineOne = t0; _.suffixLineOne = t1; _.prefixOtherLines = t2; _.prefixLastChildLineOne = t3; _.prefixOtherLinesRootNode = t4; _.propertyPrefixIfChildren = t5; _.propertyPrefixNoChildren = t6; _.linkCharacter = t7; _.childLinkSpace = t8; _.lineBreak = t9; _.lineBreakProperties = t10; _.beforeName = t11; _.afterName = t12; _.afterDescriptionIfBody = t13; _.beforeProperties = t14; _.afterProperties = t15; _.propertySeparator = t16; _.bodyIndent = t17; _.showChildren = t18; _.addBlankLineIfNoChildren = t19; _.isNameOnOwnLine = t20; _.footer = t21; _.mandatoryFooter = t22; _.isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren = t23; }, _WordWrapParseMode: function _WordWrapParseMode(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _PrefixedStringBuilder: function _PrefixedStringBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.prefixLineOne = t0; _._prefixOtherLines = t1; _._nextPrefixOtherLines = null; _.wrapWidth = t2; _._diagnostics$_buffer = t3; _._currentLine = t4; _._wrappableRanges = t5; _._numLines = 0; }, _PrefixedStringBuilder__wordWrapLine_noWrap: function _PrefixedStringBuilder__wordWrapLine_noWrap(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.wrapRanges = t1; }, _NoDefaultValue: function _NoDefaultValue() { }, TextTreeRenderer: function TextTreeRenderer(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._wrapWidth = t0; _._wrapWidthProperties = t1; _._minLevel = t2; _._maxDescendentsTruncatableNode = t3; }, TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_visitor: function TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_visitor(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.descendants = t1; }, TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_closure: function TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, DiagnosticsNode: function DiagnosticsNode() { }, DiagnosticsProperty: function DiagnosticsProperty(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) { var _ = this; _._description = t0; _.expandableValue = t1; _.allowWrap = t2; _.ifNull = t3; _.ifEmpty = t4; _.tooltip = t5; _.missingIfNull = t6; _._value = t7; _._valueComputed = true; _._diagnostics$_exception = null; _.defaultValue = t8; _._defaultLevel = t9; _.name = t10; _.showSeparator = t11; _.showName = t12; _.linePrefix = t13; _.style = t14; _.$ti = t15; }, DiagnosticableNode: function DiagnosticableNode() { }, DiagnosticableTreeNode: function DiagnosticableTreeNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.value = t0; _._cachedBuilder = null; _.name = t1; _.showSeparator = t2; _.showName = t3; _.linePrefix = t4; _.style = t5; }, DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder: function DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder(t0, t1) { this.properties = t0; this.defaultDiagnosticsTreeStyle = t1; this.emptyBodyDescription = null; }, Diagnosticable: function Diagnosticable() { }, DiagnosticableTree: function DiagnosticableTree() { }, DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function DiagnosticableTreeMixin() { }, DiagnosticsBlock: function DiagnosticsBlock() { }, _DiagnosticableTree_Object_Diagnosticable: function _DiagnosticableTree_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, Key: function Key() { }, LocalKey: function LocalKey() { }, ValueKey: function ValueKey(t0, t1) { this.value = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, _TypeLiteral: function _TypeLiteral(t0) { this.$ti = t0; }, LicenseEntry: function LicenseEntry() { }, LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks: function LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks() { }, AbstractNode: function AbstractNode() { }, ObserverList$($T) { return new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray<0>")), $T._eval$1("ObserverList<0>")); }, ObserverList: function ObserverList(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._list = t0; _._isDirty = false; _.__ObserverList__set = $; _.$ti = t1; }, HashedObserverList: function HashedObserverList(t0, t1) { this._observer_list$_map = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, TargetPlatform: function TargetPlatform(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, WriteBuffer$() { var t1 = A.Uint8Buffer$(), t2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8)); t1 = new A.WriteBuffer(t1, t2); t1.__WriteBuffer__eightBytesAsList = A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(t2.buffer, 0, null); return t1; }, WriteBuffer: function WriteBuffer(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._serialization$_buffer = t0; _._isDone = false; _._eightBytes = t1; _.__WriteBuffer__eightBytesAsList = $; }, ReadBuffer: function ReadBuffer(t0) { this.data = t0; this._serialization$_position = 0; }, StackFrame_fromStackString(stack) { var t1 = type$.WhereTypeIterable_StackFrame; return A.List_List$of(new A.WhereTypeIterable(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(A._setArrayType(B.JSString_methods.trim$0(stack).split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String), new A.StackFrame_fromStackString_closure(), type$.WhereIterable_String), A.stack_frame_StackFrame_fromStackTraceLine$closure(), type$.MappedIterable_of_String_and_nullable_StackFrame), t1), true, t1._eval$1("Iterable.E")); }, StackFrame__parseWebFrame(line) { var t1 = A.StackFrame__parseWebNonDebugFrame(line); return t1; }, StackFrame__parseWebNonDebugFrame(line) { var classAndMethod, className, _s9_ = "", match = $.$get$StackFrame__webNonDebugFramePattern().firstMatch$1(line); if (match == null) return null; classAndMethod = A._setArrayType(match._match[1].split("."), type$.JSArray_String); className = classAndMethod.length > 1 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$first(classAndMethod) : _s9_; return new A.StackFrame(line, -1, _s9_, _s9_, _s9_, -1, -1, className, classAndMethod.length > 1 ? A.SubListIterable$(classAndMethod, 1, null, type$.String).join$1(0, ".") : B.JSArray_methods.get$single(classAndMethod)); }, StackFrame_fromStackTraceLine(line) { var t1, t2, method, className, parts, packageUri, packagePath, $package, t3, t4, _s9_ = ""; if (line === "") return B.StackFrame_SOW; else if (line === "...") return B.StackFrame_8sg; if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(line, "#")) return A.StackFrame__parseWebFrame(line); t1 = A.RegExp_RegExp("^#(\\d+) +(.+) \\((.+?):?(\\d+){0,1}:?(\\d+){0,1}\\)$", true).firstMatch$1(line)._match; t2 = t1[2]; t2.toString; method = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t2, ".", ""); if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(method, "new")) { className = method.split(" ").length > 1 ? method.split(" ")[1] : _s9_; if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(className, ".")) { parts = className.split("."); className = parts[0]; method = parts[1]; } else method = ""; } else if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(method, ".")) { parts = method.split("."); className = parts[0]; method = parts[1]; } else className = ""; t2 = t1[3]; t2.toString; packageUri = A.Uri_parse(t2); packagePath = packageUri.get$path(packageUri); if (packageUri.get$scheme() === "dart" || packageUri.get$scheme() === "package") { $package = packageUri.get$pathSegments()[0]; packagePath = B.JSString_methods.replaceFirst$2(packageUri.get$path(packageUri), A.S(packageUri.get$pathSegments()[0]) + "/", ""); } else $package = _s9_; t2 = t1[1]; t2.toString; t2 = A.int_parse(t2, null); t3 = packageUri.get$scheme(); t4 = t1[4]; if (t4 == null) t4 = -1; else { t4 = t4; t4.toString; t4 = A.int_parse(t4, null); } t1 = t1[5]; if (t1 == null) t1 = -1; else { t1 = t1; t1.toString; t1 = A.int_parse(t1, null); } return new A.StackFrame(line, t2, t3, $package, packagePath, t4, t1, className, method); }, StackFrame: function StackFrame(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _.source = t0; _.number = t1; _.packageScheme = t2; _.$package = t3; _.packagePath = t4; _.line = t5; _.column = t6; _.className = t7; _.method = t8; }, StackFrame_fromStackString_closure: function StackFrame_fromStackString_closure() { }, SynchronousFuture: function SynchronousFuture(t0, t1) { this._synchronous_future$_value = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, SynchronousFuture_whenComplete_closure: function SynchronousFuture_whenComplete_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GestureDisposition: function GestureDisposition(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, GestureArenaMember: function GestureArenaMember() { }, GestureArenaEntry: function GestureArenaEntry(t0, t1, t2) { this._arena = t0; this._arena$_pointer = t1; this._member = t2; }, _GestureArena: function _GestureArena(t0) { var _ = this; _.members = t0; _.isOpen = true; _.hasPendingSweep = _.isHeld = false; _.eagerWinner = null; }, _GestureArena_toString_closure: function _GestureArena_toString_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GestureArenaManager: function GestureArenaManager(t0) { this._arenas = t0; }, GestureArenaManager_add_closure: function GestureArenaManager_add_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.pointer = t1; }, GestureArenaManager__tryToResolveArena_closure: function GestureArenaManager__tryToResolveArena_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.pointer = t1; this.state = t2; }, FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher$(context, $event, exception, hitTestEntry, informationCollector, library, stack) { return new A.FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher(exception, stack, library, context, informationCollector, false); }, _Resampler: function _Resampler(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _._resamplers = t0; _._frameCallbackScheduled = false; _._frameTime = t1; _._frameTimeAge = t2; _._lastSampleTime = t3; _._lastEventTime = t4; _._handlePointerEvent = t5; _._handleSampleTimeChanged = t6; _._samplingInterval = t7; _._binding2$_timer = null; }, GestureBinding: function GestureBinding() { }, GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure: function GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure(t0) { this.event = t0; }, GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure0: function GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure0(t0, t1) { this.event = t0; this.entry = t1; }, FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher: function FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.exception = t0; _.stack = t1; _.library = t2; _.context = t3; _.informationCollector = t4; _.silent = t5; }, _synthesiseDownButtons(buttons, kind) { switch (kind.index) { case 1: return buttons; case 0: case 2: case 3: return buttons === 0 ? 1 : buttons; case 4: return buttons === 0 ? 1 : buttons; } }, PointerEventConverter_expand(data, devicePixelRatio) { var t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(data); return new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(data, new A.PointerEventConverter_expand_closure(), t1._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>")), new A.PointerEventConverter_expand_closure0(devicePixelRatio), t1._eval$1("MappedIterable<1,PointerEvent>")); }, PointerEventConverter_expand_closure: function PointerEventConverter_expand_closure() { }, PointerEventConverter_expand_closure0: function PointerEventConverter_expand_closure0(t0) { this.devicePixelRatio = t0; }, DragDownDetails: function DragDownDetails(t0) { this.globalPosition = t0; }, DragStartDetails: function DragStartDetails(t0) { this.globalPosition = t0; }, DragUpdateDetails: function DragUpdateDetails(t0, t1, t2) { this.delta = t0; this.primaryDelta = t1; this.globalPosition = t2; }, DragEndDetails: function DragEndDetails(t0) { this.velocity = t0; }, PointerEvent_transformPosition(transform, position) { var position3, t1; if (transform == null) return position; position3 = new A.Vector3(new Float64Array(3)); position3.setValues$3(position._dx, position._dy, 0); t1 = transform.perspectiveTransform$1(position3)._v3storage; return new A.Offset(t1[0], t1[1]); }, PointerEvent_transformDeltaViaPositions(transform, transformedEndPosition, untransformedDelta, untransformedEndPosition) { if (transform == null) return untransformedDelta; if (transformedEndPosition == null) transformedEndPosition = A.PointerEvent_transformPosition(transform, untransformedEndPosition); return transformedEndPosition.$sub(0, A.PointerEvent_transformPosition(transform, untransformedEndPosition.$sub(0, untransformedDelta))); }, PointerEvent_removePerspectiveTransform(transform) { var t2, t3, t1 = new Float64Array(4), vector = new A.Vector4(t1); vector.setValues$4(0, 0, 1, 0); t2 = new Float64Array(16); t3 = new A.Matrix4(t2); t3.setFrom$1(transform); t2[11] = t1[3]; t2[10] = t1[2]; t2[9] = t1[1]; t2[8] = t1[0]; t3.setRow$2(2, vector); return t3; }, PointerAddedEvent$(device, distance, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, position, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMax, radiusMin, tilt, timeStamp) { return new A.PointerAddedEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, 0, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, 0, false, false, 0, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, 0, 0, 0, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, false, null, null); }, PointerRemovedEvent$(device, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, position, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMax, radiusMin, timeStamp) { return new A.PointerRemovedEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, 0, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, 0, false, false, 0, pressureMin, pressureMax, 0, distanceMax, 0, 0, 0, radiusMin, radiusMax, 0, 0, 0, false, null, null); }, PointerHoverEvent$(buttons, delta, device, distance, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, position, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, synthesized, tilt, timeStamp) { return new A.PointerHoverEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, 0, kind, device, position, delta, buttons, false, false, 0, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, synthesized, null, null); }, PointerEnterEvent$(buttons, delta, device, distance, distanceMax, down, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, pointer, position, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, synthesized, tilt, timeStamp) { return new A.PointerEnterEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, kind, device, position, delta, buttons, down, false, 0, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, synthesized, null, null); }, PointerExitEvent$(buttons, delta, device, distance, distanceMax, down, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, pointer, position, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, synthesized, tilt, timeStamp) { return new A.PointerExitEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, kind, device, position, delta, buttons, down, false, 0, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, synthesized, null, null); }, PointerDownEvent$(buttons, device, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, pointer, position, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, tilt, timeStamp) { return new A.PointerDownEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, buttons, true, false, pressure, pressureMin, pressureMax, 0, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, false, null, null); }, PointerMoveEvent$(buttons, delta, device, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, platformData, pointer, position, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, synthesized, tilt, timeStamp) { return new A.PointerMoveEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, kind, device, position, delta, buttons, true, false, pressure, pressureMin, pressureMax, 0, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, platformData, synthesized, null, null); }, PointerUpEvent$(buttons, device, distance, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, pointer, position, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, tilt, timeStamp) { return new A.PointerUpEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, buttons, false, false, pressure, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, false, null, null); }, PointerScrollEvent$(device, embedderId, kind, position, scrollDelta, timeStamp) { return new A.PointerScrollEvent(scrollDelta, embedderId, timeStamp, 0, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, 0, false, false, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, null, null); }, PointerCancelEvent$(buttons, device, distance, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, pointer, position, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, tilt, timeStamp) { return new A.PointerCancelEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, buttons, false, false, 0, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, false, null, null); }, computeHitSlop(kind, settings) { switch (kind.index) { case 1: return 1; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 0: return 18; } }, computePanSlop(kind, settings) { switch (kind.index) { case 1: return 2; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 0: return 36; } }, PointerEvent: function PointerEvent() { }, _PointerEventDescription: function _PointerEventDescription() { }, _AbstractPointerEvent: function _AbstractPointerEvent() { }, _TransformedPointerEvent: function _TransformedPointerEvent() { }, _CopyPointerAddedEvent: function _CopyPointerAddedEvent() { }, PointerAddedEvent: function PointerAddedEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) { var _ = this; _.embedderId = t0; _.timeStamp = t1; _.pointer = t2; _.kind = t3; _.device = t4; _.position = t5; _.delta = t6; _.buttons = t7; _.down = t8; _.obscured = t9; _.pressure = t10; _.pressureMin = t11; _.pressureMax = t12; _.distance = t13; _.distanceMax = t14; _.size = t15; _.radiusMajor = t16; _.radiusMinor = t17; _.radiusMin = t18; _.radiusMax = t19; _.orientation = t20; _.tilt = t21; _.platformData = t22; _.synthesized = t23; _.transform = t24; _.original = t25; }, _TransformedPointerAddedEvent: function _TransformedPointerAddedEvent(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.original = t0; _.transform = t1; _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition = $; }, _CopyPointerRemovedEvent: function _CopyPointerRemovedEvent() { }, PointerRemovedEvent: function PointerRemovedEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) { var _ = this; _.embedderId = t0; _.timeStamp = t1; _.pointer = t2; _.kind = t3; _.device = t4; _.position = t5; _.delta = t6; _.buttons = t7; _.down = t8; _.obscured = t9; _.pressure = t10; _.pressureMin = t11; _.pressureMax = t12; _.distance = t13; _.distanceMax = t14; _.size = t15; _.radiusMajor = t16; _.radiusMinor = t17; _.radiusMin = t18; _.radiusMax = t19; _.orientation = t20; _.tilt = t21; _.platformData = t22; _.synthesized = t23; _.transform = t24; _.original = t25; }, _TransformedPointerRemovedEvent: function _TransformedPointerRemovedEvent(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.original = t0; _.transform = t1; _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition = $; }, _CopyPointerHoverEvent: function _CopyPointerHoverEvent() { }, PointerHoverEvent: function PointerHoverEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) { var _ = this; _.embedderId = t0; _.timeStamp = t1; _.pointer = t2; _.kind = t3; _.device = t4; _.position = t5; _.delta = t6; _.buttons = t7; _.down = t8; _.obscured = t9; _.pressure = t10; _.pressureMin = t11; _.pressureMax = t12; _.distance = t13; _.distanceMax = t14; _.size = t15; _.radiusMajor = t16; _.radiusMinor = t17; _.radiusMin = t18; _.radiusMax = t19; _.orientation = t20; _.tilt = t21; _.platformData = t22; _.synthesized = t23; _.transform = t24; _.original = t25; }, _TransformedPointerHoverEvent: function _TransformedPointerHoverEvent(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.original = t0; _.transform = t1; _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition = $; }, _CopyPointerEnterEvent: function _CopyPointerEnterEvent() { }, PointerEnterEvent: function PointerEnterEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) { var _ = this; _.embedderId = t0; _.timeStamp = t1; _.pointer = t2; _.kind = t3; _.device = t4; _.position = t5; _.delta = t6; _.buttons = t7; _.down = t8; _.obscured = t9; _.pressure = t10; _.pressureMin = t11; _.pressureMax = t12; _.distance = t13; _.distanceMax = t14; _.size = t15; _.radiusMajor = t16; _.radiusMinor = t17; _.radiusMin = t18; _.radiusMax = t19; _.orientation = t20; _.tilt = t21; _.platformData = t22; _.synthesized = t23; _.transform = t24; _.original = t25; }, _TransformedPointerEnterEvent: function _TransformedPointerEnterEvent(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.original = t0; _.transform = t1; _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition = $; }, _CopyPointerExitEvent: function _CopyPointerExitEvent() { }, PointerExitEvent: function PointerExitEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) { var _ = this; _.embedderId = t0; _.timeStamp = t1; _.pointer = t2; _.kind = t3; _.device = t4; _.position = t5; _.delta = t6; _.buttons = t7; _.down = t8; _.obscured = t9; _.pressure = t10; _.pressureMin = t11; _.pressureMax = t12; _.distance = t13; _.distanceMax = t14; _.size = t15; _.radiusMajor = t16; _.radiusMinor = t17; _.radiusMin = t18; _.radiusMax = t19; _.orientation = t20; _.tilt = t21; _.platformData = t22; _.synthesized = t23; _.transform = t24; _.original = t25; }, _TransformedPointerExitEvent: function _TransformedPointerExitEvent(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.original = t0; _.transform = t1; _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition = $; }, _CopyPointerDownEvent: function _CopyPointerDownEvent() { }, PointerDownEvent: function PointerDownEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) { var _ = this; _.embedderId = t0; _.timeStamp = t1; _.pointer = t2; _.kind = t3; _.device = t4; _.position = t5; _.delta = t6; _.buttons = t7; _.down = t8; _.obscured = t9; _.pressure = t10; _.pressureMin = t11; _.pressureMax = t12; _.distance = t13; _.distanceMax = t14; _.size = t15; _.radiusMajor = t16; _.radiusMinor = t17; _.radiusMin = t18; _.radiusMax = t19; _.orientation = t20; _.tilt = t21; _.platformData = t22; _.synthesized = t23; _.transform = t24; _.original = t25; }, _TransformedPointerDownEvent: function _TransformedPointerDownEvent(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.original = t0; _.transform = t1; _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition = $; }, _CopyPointerMoveEvent: function _CopyPointerMoveEvent() { }, PointerMoveEvent: function PointerMoveEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) { var _ = this; _.embedderId = t0; _.timeStamp = t1; _.pointer = t2; _.kind = t3; _.device = t4; _.position = t5; _.delta = t6; _.buttons = t7; _.down = t8; _.obscured = t9; _.pressure = t10; _.pressureMin = t11; _.pressureMax = t12; _.distance = t13; _.distanceMax = t14; _.size = t15; _.radiusMajor = t16; _.radiusMinor = t17; _.radiusMin = t18; _.radiusMax = t19; _.orientation = t20; _.tilt = t21; _.platformData = t22; _.synthesized = t23; _.transform = t24; _.original = t25; }, _TransformedPointerMoveEvent: function _TransformedPointerMoveEvent(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.original = t0; _.transform = t1; _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition = $; }, _CopyPointerUpEvent: function _CopyPointerUpEvent() { }, PointerUpEvent: function PointerUpEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) { var _ = this; _.embedderId = t0; _.timeStamp = t1; _.pointer = t2; _.kind = t3; _.device = t4; _.position = t5; _.delta = t6; _.buttons = t7; _.down = t8; _.obscured = t9; _.pressure = t10; _.pressureMin = t11; _.pressureMax = t12; _.distance = t13; _.distanceMax = t14; _.size = t15; _.radiusMajor = t16; _.radiusMinor = t17; _.radiusMin = t18; _.radiusMax = t19; _.orientation = t20; _.tilt = t21; _.platformData = t22; _.synthesized = t23; _.transform = t24; _.original = t25; }, _TransformedPointerUpEvent: function _TransformedPointerUpEvent(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.original = t0; _.transform = t1; _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition = $; }, PointerSignalEvent: function PointerSignalEvent() { }, _CopyPointerScrollEvent: function _CopyPointerScrollEvent() { }, PointerScrollEvent: function PointerScrollEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26) { var _ = this; _.scrollDelta = t0; _.embedderId = t1; _.timeStamp = t2; _.pointer = t3; _.kind = t4; _.device = t5; _.position = t6; _.delta = t7; _.buttons = t8; _.down = t9; _.obscured = t10; _.pressure = t11; _.pressureMin = t12; _.pressureMax = t13; _.distance = t14; _.distanceMax = t15; _.size = t16; _.radiusMajor = t17; _.radiusMinor = t18; _.radiusMin = t19; _.radiusMax = t20; _.orientation = t21; _.tilt = t22; _.platformData = t23; _.synthesized = t24; _.transform = t25; _.original = t26; }, _TransformedPointerScrollEvent: function _TransformedPointerScrollEvent(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.original = t0; _.transform = t1; _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition = $; }, _CopyPointerCancelEvent: function _CopyPointerCancelEvent() { }, PointerCancelEvent: function PointerCancelEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) { var _ = this; _.embedderId = t0; _.timeStamp = t1; _.pointer = t2; _.kind = t3; _.device = t4; _.position = t5; _.delta = t6; _.buttons = t7; _.down = t8; _.obscured = t9; _.pressure = t10; _.pressureMin = t11; _.pressureMax = t12; _.distance = t13; _.distanceMax = t14; _.size = t15; _.radiusMajor = t16; _.radiusMinor = t17; _.radiusMin = t18; _.radiusMax = t19; _.orientation = t20; _.tilt = t21; _.platformData = t22; _.synthesized = t23; _.transform = t24; _.original = t25; }, _TransformedPointerCancelEvent: function _TransformedPointerCancelEvent(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.original = t0; _.transform = t1; _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition = $; }, _PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() { }, _PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerAddedEvent: function _PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerAddedEvent() { }, _PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() { }, _PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerCancelEvent: function _PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerCancelEvent() { }, _PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() { }, _PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerDownEvent: function _PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerDownEvent() { }, _PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() { }, _PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerEnterEvent: function _PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerEnterEvent() { }, _PointerEvent_Object_Diagnosticable: function _PointerEvent_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, _PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() { }, _PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerExitEvent: function _PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerExitEvent() { }, _PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() { }, _PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerHoverEvent: function _PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerHoverEvent() { }, _PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() { }, _PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerMoveEvent: function _PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerMoveEvent() { }, _PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() { }, _PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerRemovedEvent: function _PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerRemovedEvent() { }, _PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription() { }, _PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScrollEvent: function _PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScrollEvent() { }, _PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() { }, _PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerUpEvent: function _PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerUpEvent() { }, __TransformedPointerAddedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerAddedEvent: function __TransformedPointerAddedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerAddedEvent() { }, __TransformedPointerCancelEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerCancelEvent: function __TransformedPointerCancelEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerCancelEvent() { }, __TransformedPointerDownEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerDownEvent: function __TransformedPointerDownEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerDownEvent() { }, __TransformedPointerEnterEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerEnterEvent: function __TransformedPointerEnterEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerEnterEvent() { }, __TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable: function __TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable() { }, __TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable__PointerEventDescription: function __TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable__PointerEventDescription() { }, __TransformedPointerExitEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerExitEvent: function __TransformedPointerExitEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerExitEvent() { }, __TransformedPointerHoverEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerHoverEvent: function __TransformedPointerHoverEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerHoverEvent() { }, __TransformedPointerMoveEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerMoveEvent: function __TransformedPointerMoveEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerMoveEvent() { }, __TransformedPointerRemovedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerRemovedEvent: function __TransformedPointerRemovedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerRemovedEvent() { }, __TransformedPointerScrollEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScrollEvent: function __TransformedPointerScrollEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScrollEvent() { }, __TransformedPointerUpEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerUpEvent: function __TransformedPointerUpEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerUpEvent() { }, DeviceGestureSettings: function DeviceGestureSettings(t0) { this.touchSlop = t0; }, HitTestResult$() { var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_HitTestEntry), t2 = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); t2.setIdentity$0(); return new A.HitTestResult(t1, A._setArrayType([t2], type$.JSArray_Matrix4_2), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__TransformPart)); }, HitTestEntry: function HitTestEntry(t0) { this.target = t0; this._transform = null; }, _TransformPart: function _TransformPart() { }, _MatrixTransformPart: function _MatrixTransformPart(t0) { this.matrix = t0; }, _OffsetTransformPart: function _OffsetTransformPart(t0) { this.offset = t0; }, HitTestResult: function HitTestResult(t0, t1, t2) { this._path = t0; this._transforms = t1; this._localTransforms = t2; }, LongPressGestureRecognizer: function LongPressGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _._longPressAccepted = false; _._velocityTracker = _.onTertiaryLongPressEnd = _.onTertiaryLongPressUp = _.onTertiaryLongPressMoveUpdate = _.onTertiaryLongPressStart = _.onTertiaryLongPress = _.onTertiaryLongPressCancel = _.onTertiaryLongPressDown = _.onSecondaryLongPressEnd = _.onSecondaryLongPressUp = _.onSecondaryLongPressMoveUpdate = _.onSecondaryLongPressStart = _.onSecondaryLongPress = _.onSecondaryLongPressCancel = _.onSecondaryLongPressDown = _.onLongPressEnd = _.onLongPressUp = _.onLongPressMoveUpdate = _.onLongPressStart = _.onLongPress = _.onLongPressCancel = _.onLongPressDown = _._long_press$_initialButtons = _._longPressOrigin = null; _.deadline = t0; _.postAcceptSlopTolerance = t1; _._recognizer$_state = t2; _._initialPosition = _._primaryPointer = null; _._gestureAccepted = false; _._recognizer$_timer = null; _._recognizer$_entries = t3; _._trackedPointers = t4; _._team = null; _.debugOwner = t5; _._supportedDevices = t6; _._pointerToKind = t7; }, _Vector: function _Vector(t0, t1, t2) { this._lsq_solver$_offset = t0; this._lsq_solver$_length = t1; this._lsq_solver$_elements = t2; }, _Matrix: function _Matrix(t0, t1) { this._columns = t0; this._lsq_solver$_elements = t1; }, PolynomialFit: function PolynomialFit(t0) { this.coefficients = t0; this.__PolynomialFit_confidence = $; }, LeastSquaresSolver: function LeastSquaresSolver(t0, t1, t2) { this.x = t0; this.y = t1; this.w = t2; }, DragGestureRecognizer__defaultBuilder($event) { return new A.VelocityTracker($event.get$kind($event), A.List_List$filled(20, null, false, type$.nullable__PointAtTime)); }, HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer$(debugOwner) { var t1 = type$.int, t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1); return new A.HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer(B.DragStartBehavior_1, B._DragState_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.VelocityTracker), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t2, debugOwner, null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind)); }, _DragState: function _DragState(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, DragGestureRecognizer: function DragGestureRecognizer() { }, DragGestureRecognizer__checkDown_closure: function DragGestureRecognizer__checkDown_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.details = t1; }, DragGestureRecognizer__checkStart_closure: function DragGestureRecognizer__checkStart_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.details = t1; }, DragGestureRecognizer__checkUpdate_closure: function DragGestureRecognizer__checkUpdate_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.details = t1; }, DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure: function DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure(t0, t1) { this.estimate = t0; this.velocity = t1; }, DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure0: function DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure0(t0) { this.estimate = t0; }, DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure1: function DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure1(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; }, VerticalDragGestureRecognizer: function VerticalDragGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _.dragStartBehavior = t0; _.onCancel = _.onEnd = _.onUpdate = _.onStart = _.onDown = null; _._monodrag$_state = t1; _.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset = _.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition = $; _._lastTransform = _._initialButtons = _._lastPendingEventTimestamp = null; _.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved = $; _._velocityTrackers = t2; _._acceptedActivePointers = t3; _._recognizer$_entries = t4; _._trackedPointers = t5; _._team = null; _.debugOwner = t6; _._supportedDevices = t7; _._pointerToKind = t8; }, HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer: function HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _.dragStartBehavior = t0; _.onCancel = _.onEnd = _.onUpdate = _.onStart = _.onDown = null; _._monodrag$_state = t1; _.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset = _.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition = $; _._lastTransform = _._initialButtons = _._lastPendingEventTimestamp = null; _.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved = $; _._velocityTrackers = t2; _._acceptedActivePointers = t3; _._recognizer$_entries = t4; _._trackedPointers = t5; _._team = null; _.debugOwner = t6; _._supportedDevices = t7; _._pointerToKind = t8; }, PanGestureRecognizer: function PanGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _.dragStartBehavior = t0; _.onCancel = _.onEnd = _.onUpdate = _.onStart = _.onDown = null; _._monodrag$_state = t1; _.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset = _.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition = $; _._lastTransform = _._initialButtons = _._lastPendingEventTimestamp = null; _.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved = $; _._velocityTrackers = t2; _._acceptedActivePointers = t3; _._recognizer$_entries = t4; _._trackedPointers = t5; _._team = null; _.debugOwner = t6; _._supportedDevices = t7; _._pointerToKind = t8; }, _CountdownZoned: function _CountdownZoned() { this._timeout = false; }, _TapTracker: function _TapTracker(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.pointer = t0; _.entry = t1; _._initialGlobalPosition = t2; _.initialButtons = t3; _._doubleTapMinTimeCountdown = t4; _._isTrackingPointer = false; }, DoubleTapGestureRecognizer: function DoubleTapGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._firstTap = _._doubleTapTimer = _.onDoubleTapCancel = _.onDoubleTap = _.onDoubleTapDown = null; _._trackers = t0; _.debugOwner = t1; _._supportedDevices = t2; _._pointerToKind = t3; }, PointerRouter: function PointerRouter(t0, t1) { this._routeMap = t0; this._globalRoutes = t1; }, PointerRouter_addRoute_closure: function PointerRouter_addRoute_closure() { }, PointerRouter__dispatchEventToRoutes_closure: function PointerRouter__dispatchEventToRoutes_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.referenceRoutes = t1; this.event = t2; }, PointerSignalResolver: function PointerSignalResolver() { this._currentEvent = this._firstRegisteredCallback = null; }, DragStartBehavior: function DragStartBehavior(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, GestureRecognizer: function GestureRecognizer() { }, OneSequenceGestureRecognizer: function OneSequenceGestureRecognizer() { }, GestureRecognizerState: function GestureRecognizerState(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer: function PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer() { }, PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer_addAllowedPointer_closure: function PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer_addAllowedPointer_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.event = t1; }, OffsetPair: function OffsetPair(t0, t1) { this.local = t0; this.global = t1; }, _GestureRecognizer_GestureArenaMember_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _GestureRecognizer_GestureArenaMember_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() { }, TapDownDetails: function TapDownDetails(t0) { this.globalPosition = t0; }, BaseTapGestureRecognizer: function BaseTapGestureRecognizer() { }, TapGestureRecognizer: function TapGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _.onTertiaryTapCancel = _.onTertiaryTapUp = _.onTertiaryTapDown = _.onSecondaryTapCancel = _.onSecondaryTapUp = _.onSecondaryTapDown = _.onSecondaryTap = _.onTapCancel = _.onTap = _.onTapUp = _.onTapDown = null; _._wonArenaForPrimaryPointer = _._sentTapDown = false; _._up = _._down = null; _.deadline = t0; _.postAcceptSlopTolerance = t1; _._recognizer$_state = t2; _._initialPosition = _._primaryPointer = null; _._gestureAccepted = false; _._recognizer$_timer = null; _._recognizer$_entries = t3; _._trackedPointers = t4; _._team = null; _.debugOwner = t5; _._supportedDevices = t6; _._pointerToKind = t7; }, TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapDown_closure: function TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapDown_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.details = t1; }, _CombiningGestureArenaEntry: function _CombiningGestureArenaEntry(t0, t1) { this._combiner = t0; this._team$_member = t1; }, _CombiningGestureArenaMember: function _CombiningGestureArenaMember(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._team$_owner = t0; _._members = t1; _._team$_pointer = t2; _._resolved = false; _._entry = _._winner = null; }, GestureArenaTeam: function GestureArenaTeam(t0) { this._combiners = t0; this.captain = null; }, GestureArenaTeam_add_closure: function GestureArenaTeam_add_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.pointer = t1; }, Velocity: function Velocity(t0) { this.pixelsPerSecond = t0; }, VelocityEstimate: function VelocityEstimate(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.pixelsPerSecond = t0; _.confidence = t1; _.duration = t2; _.offset = t3; }, _PointAtTime: function _PointAtTime(t0, t1) { this.time = t0; this.point = t1; }, VelocityTracker: function VelocityTracker(t0, t1) { this.kind = t0; this._samples = t1; this._velocity_tracker$_index = 0; }, MaterialApp_createMaterialHeroController() { return new A.HeroController(new A.MaterialApp_createMaterialHeroController_closure(), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Object, type$._HeroFlight)); }, ThemeMode: function ThemeMode(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, MaterialApp: function MaterialApp(t0, t1, t2) { this.home = t0; this.title = t1; this.key = t2; }, MaterialApp_createMaterialHeroController_closure: function MaterialApp_createMaterialHeroController_closure() { }, MaterialScrollBehavior: function MaterialScrollBehavior() { }, _MaterialAppState: function _MaterialAppState(t0) { var _ = this; _.___MaterialAppState__heroController = $; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t0; _._framework$_element = null; }, _MaterialAppState__buildWidgetApp_closure: function _MaterialAppState__buildWidgetApp_closure() { }, _MaterialAppState_build_closure: function _MaterialAppState_build_closure() { }, AppBarTheme: function AppBarTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) { var _ = this; _.brightness = t0; _.backgroundColor = t1; _.foregroundColor = t2; _.elevation = t3; _.shadowColor = t4; _.shape = t5; _.iconTheme = t6; _.actionsIconTheme = t7; _.textTheme = t8; _.centerTitle = t9; _.titleSpacing = t10; _.toolbarHeight = t11; _.toolbarTextStyle = t12; _.titleTextStyle = t13; _.systemOverlayStyle = t14; _.backwardsCompatibility = t15; }, _AppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _AppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, _maxBy(input, keyFunc) { var maxKey, _i, value, key, maxValue = A._Cell$named("maxValue"); for (maxKey = null, _i = 0; _i < 4; ++_i) { value = input[_i]; key = keyFunc.call$1(value); if (maxKey == null || key > maxKey) { maxValue.__late_helper$_value = value; maxKey = key; } } return maxValue._readLocal$0(); }, MaterialPointArcTween: function MaterialPointArcTween(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._arc$_dirty = true; _._endAngle = _._beginAngle = _._radius = _._center = null; _.begin = t0; _.end = t1; }, MaterialPointArcTween__initialize_sweepAngle: function MaterialPointArcTween__initialize_sweepAngle(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.distanceFromAtoB = t1; }, _CornerId: function _CornerId(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _Diagonal: function _Diagonal(t0, t1) { this.beginId = t0; this.endId = t1; }, MaterialRectArcTween: function MaterialRectArcTween(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._arc$_dirty = true; _.__MaterialRectArcTween__endArc = _.__MaterialRectArcTween__beginArc = $; _.begin = t0; _.end = t1; }, MaterialRectArcTween__initialize_closure: function MaterialRectArcTween__initialize_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.centersVector = t1; }, MaterialBannerThemeData: function MaterialBannerThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.backgroundColor = t0; _.contentTextStyle = t1; _.elevation = t2; _.padding = t3; _.leadingPadding = t4; }, _MaterialBannerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _MaterialBannerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, BottomAppBarTheme: function BottomAppBarTheme(t0, t1, t2) { this.color = t0; this.elevation = t1; this.shape = t2; }, _BottomAppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _BottomAppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, BottomNavigationBarThemeData: function BottomNavigationBarThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) { var _ = this; _.backgroundColor = t0; _.elevation = t1; _.selectedIconTheme = t2; _.unselectedIconTheme = t3; _.selectedItemColor = t4; _.unselectedItemColor = t5; _.selectedLabelStyle = t6; _.unselectedLabelStyle = t7; _.showSelectedLabels = t8; _.showUnselectedLabels = t9; _.type = t10; _.enableFeedback = t11; _.landscapeLayout = t12; }, _BottomNavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _BottomNavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, BottomSheetThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t6, t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t), t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t), t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.modalBackgroundColor, b.modalBackgroundColor, t), t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.modalElevation, b.modalElevation, t), t5 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t); if (t < 0.5) t6 = a.clipBehavior; else t6 = b.clipBehavior; return new A.BottomSheetThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.constraints, b.constraints, t)); }, BottomSheetThemeData: function BottomSheetThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.backgroundColor = t0; _.elevation = t1; _.modalBackgroundColor = t2; _.modalElevation = t3; _.shape = t4; _.clipBehavior = t5; _.constraints = t6; }, _BottomSheetThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _BottomSheetThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, RawMaterialButton: function RawMaterialButton(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20) { var _ = this; _.onPressed = t0; _.mouseCursor = t1; _.textStyle = t2; _.fillColor = t3; _.focusColor = t4; _.hoverColor = t5; _.splashColor = t6; _.elevation = t7; _.hoverElevation = t8; _.focusElevation = t9; _.highlightElevation = t10; _.disabledElevation = t11; _.constraints = t12; _.shape = t13; _.child = t14; _.materialTapTargetSize = t15; _.focusNode = t16; _.autofocus = t17; _.clipBehavior = t18; _.enableFeedback = t19; _.key = t20; }, _RawMaterialButtonState: function _RawMaterialButtonState(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates = t0; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t1; _._framework$_element = null; }, _InputPadding: function _InputPadding(t0, t1, t2) { this.minSize = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, _RenderInputPadding: function _RenderInputPadding(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._minSize = t0; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t2; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _RenderInputPadding_hitTest_closure: function _RenderInputPadding_hitTest_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.center = t1; }, __RawMaterialButtonState_State_MaterialStateMixin: function __RawMaterialButtonState_State_MaterialStateMixin() { }, ButtonBarThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t1 = t < 0.5; if (t1) t2 = a.alignment; else t2 = b.alignment; if (t1) t3 = a.mainAxisSize; else t3 = b.mainAxisSize; if (t1) t4 = a.buttonTextTheme; else t4 = b.buttonTextTheme; t5 = A.lerpDouble(a.buttonMinWidth, b.buttonMinWidth, t); t6 = A.lerpDouble(a.buttonHeight, b.buttonHeight, t); t7 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.buttonPadding, b.buttonPadding, t); if (t1) t8 = a.buttonAlignedDropdown; else t8 = b.buttonAlignedDropdown; if (t1) t9 = a.layoutBehavior; else t9 = b.layoutBehavior; if (t1) t1 = a.overflowDirection; else t1 = b.overflowDirection; return new A.ButtonBarThemeData(t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t1); }, ButtonBarThemeData: function ButtonBarThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _.alignment = t0; _.mainAxisSize = t1; _.buttonTextTheme = t2; _.buttonMinWidth = t3; _.buttonHeight = t4; _.buttonPadding = t5; _.buttonAlignedDropdown = t6; _.layoutBehavior = t7; _.overflowDirection = t8; }, _ButtonBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ButtonBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, ButtonStyle_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, _null = null, t1 = a == null; if (t1 && b == null) return _null; t2 = t1 ? _null : a.textStyle; t3 = b == null; t4 = t3 ? _null : b.textStyle; t4 = A.ButtonStyle__lerpProperties(t2, t4, t, A.text_style_TextStyle_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_TextStyle); t2 = t1 ? _null : a.backgroundColor; t5 = t3 ? _null : b.backgroundColor; t6 = type$.nullable_Color; t5 = A.ButtonStyle__lerpProperties(t2, t5, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t6); t2 = t1 ? _null : a.foregroundColor; t2 = A.ButtonStyle__lerpProperties(t2, t3 ? _null : b.foregroundColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t6); t7 = t1 ? _null : a.overlayColor; t7 = A.ButtonStyle__lerpProperties(t7, t3 ? _null : b.overlayColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t6); t8 = t1 ? _null : a.shadowColor; t6 = A.ButtonStyle__lerpProperties(t8, t3 ? _null : b.shadowColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t6); t8 = t1 ? _null : a.elevation; t9 = t3 ? _null : b.elevation; t9 = A.ButtonStyle__lerpProperties(t8, t9, t, A.ui__lerpDouble$closure(), type$.nullable_double); t8 = t1 ? _null : a.padding; t10 = t3 ? _null : b.padding; t10 = A.ButtonStyle__lerpProperties(t8, t10, t, A.edge_insets_EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_EdgeInsetsGeometry); t8 = t1 ? _null : a.minimumSize; t11 = t3 ? _null : b.minimumSize; t12 = type$.nullable_Size; t11 = A.ButtonStyle__lerpProperties(t8, t11, t, A.ui_Size_lerp$closure(), t12); t8 = t1 ? _null : a.fixedSize; t8 = A.ButtonStyle__lerpProperties(t8, t3 ? _null : b.fixedSize, t, A.ui_Size_lerp$closure(), t12); t13 = t1 ? _null : a.maximumSize; t12 = A.ButtonStyle__lerpProperties(t13, t3 ? _null : b.maximumSize, t, A.ui_Size_lerp$closure(), t12); t13 = t1 ? _null : a.side; t13 = A.ButtonStyle__lerpSides(t13, t3 ? _null : b.side, t); t14 = t1 ? _null : a.shape; t14 = A.ButtonStyle__lerpShapes(t14, t3 ? _null : b.shape, t); t15 = t < 0.5; if (t15) t16 = t1 ? _null : a.mouseCursor; else t16 = t3 ? _null : b.mouseCursor; if (t15) t17 = t1 ? _null : a.visualDensity; else t17 = t3 ? _null : b.visualDensity; if (t15) t18 = t1 ? _null : a.tapTargetSize; else t18 = t3 ? _null : b.tapTargetSize; if (t15) t19 = t1 ? _null : a.animationDuration; else t19 = t3 ? _null : b.animationDuration; if (t15) t20 = t1 ? _null : a.enableFeedback; else t20 = t3 ? _null : b.enableFeedback; t21 = t1 ? _null : a.alignment; t21 = A.AlignmentGeometry_lerp(t21, t3 ? _null : b.alignment, t); if (t15) t1 = t1 ? _null : a.splashFactory; else t1 = t3 ? _null : b.splashFactory; return new A.ButtonStyle(t4, t5, t2, t7, t6, t9, t10, t11, t8, t12, t13, t14, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t1); }, ButtonStyle__lerpProperties(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T) { if (a == null && b == null) return null; return new A._LerpProperties(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T._eval$1("_LerpProperties<0>")); }, ButtonStyle__lerpSides(a, b, t) { if (a == null && b == null) return null; return new A._LerpSides(a, b, t); }, ButtonStyle__lerpShapes(a, b, t) { if (a == null && b == null) return null; return new A._LerpShapes(a, b, t); }, ButtonStyle: function ButtonStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18) { var _ = this; _.textStyle = t0; _.backgroundColor = t1; _.foregroundColor = t2; _.overlayColor = t3; _.shadowColor = t4; _.elevation = t5; _.padding = t6; _.minimumSize = t7; _.fixedSize = t8; _.maximumSize = t9; _.side = t10; _.shape = t11; _.mouseCursor = t12; _.visualDensity = t13; _.tapTargetSize = t14; _.animationDuration = t15; _.enableFeedback = t16; _.alignment = t17; _.splashFactory = t18; }, _LerpProperties: function _LerpProperties(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.a = t0; _.b = t1; _.t = t2; _.lerpFunction = t3; _.$ti = t4; }, _LerpSides: function _LerpSides(t0, t1, t2) { this.a = t0; this.b = t1; this.t = t2; }, _LerpShapes: function _LerpShapes(t0, t1, t2) { this.a = t0; this.b = t1; this.t = t2; }, _ButtonStyle_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ButtonStyle_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, ButtonTextTheme: function ButtonTextTheme(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, ButtonThemeData: function ButtonThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _._buttonColor = t0; _._disabledColor = t1; _._focusColor = t2; _._hoverColor = t3; _._highlightColor = t4; _._splashColor = t5; _.colorScheme = t6; _._materialTapTargetSize = t7; }, _ButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, CardTheme: function CardTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.clipBehavior = t0; _.color = t1; _.shadowColor = t2; _.elevation = t3; _.margin = t4; _.shape = t5; }, _CardTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _CardTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, CheckboxThemeData__lerpProperties(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T) { if (a == null && b == null) return null; return new A._LerpProperties4(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T._eval$1("_LerpProperties4<0>")); }, CheckboxThemeData__lerpSides(a, b, t) { if (a == null && b == null) return null; a.toString; b.toString; return A.BorderSide_lerp(a, b, t); }, CheckboxThemeData: function CheckboxThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _.mouseCursor = t0; _.fillColor = t1; _.checkColor = t2; _.overlayColor = t3; _.splashRadius = t4; _.materialTapTargetSize = t5; _.visualDensity = t6; _.shape = t7; _.side = t8; }, _LerpProperties4: function _LerpProperties4(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.a = t0; _.b = t1; _.t = t2; _.lerpFunction = t3; _.$ti = t4; }, _CheckboxThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _CheckboxThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, ChipThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t15, t16, t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t), t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.deleteIconColor, b.deleteIconColor, t), t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledColor, b.disabledColor, t), t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectedColor, b.selectedColor, t), t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.secondarySelectedColor, b.secondarySelectedColor, t), t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t), t7 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectedShadowColor, b.selectedShadowColor, t), t8 = A.Color_lerp(a.checkmarkColor, b.checkmarkColor, t), t9 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.labelPadding, b.labelPadding, t), t10 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.padding, b.padding, t), t11 = A.ChipThemeData__lerpSides(a.side, b.side, t), t12 = A.ChipThemeData__lerpShapes(a.shape, b.shape, t), t13 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.labelStyle, b.labelStyle, t), t14 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.secondaryLabelStyle, b.secondaryLabelStyle, t); if (t < 0.5) { t15 = a.brightness; if (t15 == null) t15 = B.Brightness_1; } else { t15 = b.brightness; if (t15 == null) t15 = B.Brightness_1; } t16 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t); return new A.ChipThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, A.lerpDouble(a.pressElevation, b.pressElevation, t)); }, ChipThemeData__lerpSides(a, b, t) { var t1 = a == null; if (t1 && b == null) return null; if (t1) { t1 = b.color.value; return A.BorderSide_lerp(new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1), b, t); } if (b == null) { t1 = a.color.value; return A.BorderSide_lerp(new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1), a, t); } return A.BorderSide_lerp(a, b, t); }, ChipThemeData__lerpShapes(a, b, t) { if (a == null && b == null) return null; return type$.nullable_OutlinedBorder._as(A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a, b, t)); }, ChipThemeData: function ChipThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) { var _ = this; _.backgroundColor = t0; _.deleteIconColor = t1; _.disabledColor = t2; _.selectedColor = t3; _.secondarySelectedColor = t4; _.shadowColor = t5; _.selectedShadowColor = t6; _.checkmarkColor = t7; _.labelPadding = t8; _.padding = t9; _.side = t10; _.shape = t11; _.labelStyle = t12; _.secondaryLabelStyle = t13; _.brightness = t14; _.elevation = t15; _.pressElevation = t16; }, _ChipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ChipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, ColorScheme$(background, brightness, error, errorContainer, inversePrimary, inverseSurface, onBackground, onError, onErrorContainer, onInverseSurface, onPrimary, onPrimaryContainer, onSecondary, onSecondaryContainer, onSurface, onSurfaceVariant, onTertiary, onTertiaryContainer, outline, primary, primaryContainer, primaryVariant, secondary, secondaryContainer, secondaryVariant, shadow, surface, surfaceVariant, tertiary, tertiaryContainer) { return new A.ColorScheme(brightness, primary, onPrimary, primaryContainer, onPrimaryContainer, secondary, onSecondary, secondaryContainer, onSecondaryContainer, tertiary, onTertiary, tertiaryContainer, onTertiaryContainer, error, onError, errorContainer, onErrorContainer, background, onBackground, surface, onSurface, surfaceVariant, onSurfaceVariant, outline, shadow, inverseSurface, onInverseSurface, inversePrimary, primaryVariant, secondaryVariant); }, ColorScheme: function ColorScheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29) { var _ = this; _.brightness = t0; _.primary = t1; _.onPrimary = t2; _._primaryContainer = t3; _._onPrimaryContainer = t4; _.secondary = t5; _.onSecondary = t6; _._secondaryContainer = t7; _._onSecondaryContainer = t8; _._tertiary = t9; _._onTertiary = t10; _._tertiaryContainer = t11; _._onTertiaryContainer = t12; _.error = t13; _.onError = t14; _._errorContainer = t15; _._onErrorContainer = t16; _.background = t17; _.onBackground = t18; _.surface = t19; _.onSurface = t20; _._surfaceVariant = t21; _._onSurfaceVariant = t22; _._outline = t23; _._shadow = t24; _._inverseSurface = t25; _._onInverseSurface = t26; _._inversePrimary = t27; _._primaryVariant = t28; _._secondaryVariant = t29; }, _ColorScheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ColorScheme_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, MaterialColor: function MaterialColor(t0, t1) { this._swatch = t0; this.value = t1; }, DataTableThemeData__lerpProperties(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T) { if (a == null && b == null) return null; return new A._LerpProperties3(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T._eval$1("_LerpProperties3<0>")); }, DataTableThemeData: function DataTableThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) { var _ = this; _.decoration = t0; _.dataRowColor = t1; _.dataRowHeight = t2; _.dataTextStyle = t3; _.headingRowColor = t4; _.headingRowHeight = t5; _.headingTextStyle = t6; _.horizontalMargin = t7; _.columnSpacing = t8; _.dividerThickness = t9; _.checkboxHorizontalMargin = t10; }, _LerpProperties3: function _LerpProperties3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.a = t0; _.b = t1; _.t = t2; _.lerpFunction = t3; _.$ti = t4; }, _DataTableThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _DataTableThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, DialogTheme: function DialogTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.backgroundColor = t0; _.elevation = t1; _.shape = t2; _.alignment = t3; _.titleTextStyle = t4; _.contentTextStyle = t5; }, _DialogTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _DialogTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, DividerThemeData: function DividerThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.color = t0; _.space = t1; _.thickness = t2; _.indent = t3; _.endIndent = t4; }, _DividerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _DividerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, DrawerThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t), t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.scrimColor, b.scrimColor, t), t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t); return new A.DrawerThemeData(t1, t2, t3, A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t)); }, DrawerThemeData: function DrawerThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.backgroundColor = t0; _.scrimColor = t1; _.elevation = t2; _.shape = t3; }, _DrawerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _DrawerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, ElevatedButtonThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { return new A.ElevatedButtonThemeData(A.ButtonStyle_lerp(a.style, b.style, t)); }, ElevatedButtonThemeData: function ElevatedButtonThemeData(t0) { this.style = t0; }, _ElevatedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ElevatedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, _DefaultHeroTag: function _DefaultHeroTag() { }, _FloatingActionButtonType: function _FloatingActionButtonType(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, FloatingActionButton: function FloatingActionButton(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.onPressed = t1; _.mouseCursor = t2; _.isExtended = t3; _._floatingActionButtonType = t4; _._extendedLabel = t5; _.key = t6; }, _ChildOverflowBox: function _ChildOverflowBox(t0, t1) { this.child = t0; this.key = t1; }, _RenderChildOverflowBox: function _RenderChildOverflowBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._resolvedAlignment = null; _._alignment = t0; _._shifted_box$_textDirection = t1; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t3; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _AnimationSwap$(first, next, $parent, swapThreshold, $T) { return new A._AnimationSwap($parent, swapThreshold, first, next, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function), 0, $T._eval$1("_AnimationSwap<0>")); }, FloatingActionButtonLocation: function FloatingActionButtonLocation() { }, StandardFabLocation: function StandardFabLocation() { }, FabFloatOffsetY: function FabFloatOffsetY() { }, FabEndOffsetX: function FabEndOffsetX() { }, _EndFloatFabLocation: function _EndFloatFabLocation() { }, FloatingActionButtonAnimator: function FloatingActionButtonAnimator() { }, _ScalingFabMotionAnimator: function _ScalingFabMotionAnimator() { }, _AnimationSwap: function _AnimationSwap(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _.parent = t0; _.swapThreshold = t1; _.first = t2; _.next = t3; _._lastValue = _._lastStatus = null; _.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners = t4; _.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners = t5; _.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter = t6; _.$ti = t7; }, __EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX: function __EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX() { }, __EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX_FabFloatOffsetY: function __EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX_FabFloatOffsetY() { }, FloatingActionButtonThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.foregroundColor, b.foregroundColor, t), t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t), t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.focusColor, b.focusColor, t), t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.hoverColor, b.hoverColor, t), t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.splashColor, b.splashColor, t), t6 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t), t7 = A.lerpDouble(a.focusElevation, b.focusElevation, t), t8 = A.lerpDouble(a.hoverElevation, b.hoverElevation, t), t9 = A.lerpDouble(a.disabledElevation, b.disabledElevation, t), t10 = A.lerpDouble(a.highlightElevation, b.highlightElevation, t), t11 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t); if (t < 0.5) t12 = a.enableFeedback; else t12 = b.enableFeedback; t13 = A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.sizeConstraints, b.sizeConstraints, t); t14 = A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.smallSizeConstraints, b.smallSizeConstraints, t); t15 = A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.largeSizeConstraints, b.largeSizeConstraints, t); t16 = A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.extendedSizeConstraints, b.extendedSizeConstraints, t); t17 = A.lerpDouble(a.extendedIconLabelSpacing, b.extendedIconLabelSpacing, t); t18 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.extendedPadding, b.extendedPadding, t); return new A.FloatingActionButtonThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, A.TextStyle_lerp(a.extendedTextStyle, b.extendedTextStyle, t)); }, FloatingActionButtonThemeData: function FloatingActionButtonThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18) { var _ = this; _.foregroundColor = t0; _.backgroundColor = t1; _.focusColor = t2; _.hoverColor = t3; _.splashColor = t4; _.elevation = t5; _.focusElevation = t6; _.hoverElevation = t7; _.disabledElevation = t8; _.highlightElevation = t9; _.shape = t10; _.enableFeedback = t11; _.sizeConstraints = t12; _.smallSizeConstraints = t13; _.largeSizeConstraints = t14; _.extendedSizeConstraints = t15; _.extendedIconLabelSpacing = t16; _.extendedPadding = t17; _.extendedTextStyle = t18; }, _FloatingActionButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _FloatingActionButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, InkHighlight: function InkHighlight(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) { var _ = this; _._ink_highlight$_shape = t0; _._ink_highlight$_radius = t1; _._ink_highlight$_borderRadius = t2; _._ink_highlight$_customBorder = t3; _._rectCallback = t4; _._ink_highlight$_textDirection = t5; _.__InkHighlight__alphaController = _.__InkHighlight__alpha = $; _._active = true; _._ink_well$_color = t6; _._controller = t7; _.referenceBox = t8; _.onRemoved = t9; _._material$_debugDisposed = false; }, _getClipCallback(referenceBox, containedInkWell, rectCallback) { if (rectCallback != null) return rectCallback; return new A._getClipCallback_closure(referenceBox); }, _getTargetRadius(referenceBox, containedInkWell, rectCallback, position) { var t1, size, d1, d2, t2, d3, d4; if (rectCallback != null) { t1 = rectCallback.call$0(); size = new A.Size(t1.right - t1.left, t1.bottom - t1.top); } else { t1 = referenceBox._size; t1.toString; size = t1; } d1 = position.$sub(0, B.Offset_0_0).get$distance(); t1 = 0 + size._dx; d2 = position.$sub(0, new A.Offset(t1, 0)).get$distance(); t2 = 0 + size._dy; d3 = position.$sub(0, new A.Offset(0, t2)).get$distance(); d4 = position.$sub(0, new A.Offset(t1, t2)).get$distance(); return Math.ceil(Math.max(Math.max(d1, d2), Math.max(d3, d4))); }, _getClipCallback_closure: function _getClipCallback_closure(t0) { this.referenceBox = t0; }, _InkSplashFactory: function _InkSplashFactory() { }, InkSplash: function InkSplash(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) { var _ = this; _._ink_splash$_position = t0; _._ink_splash$_borderRadius = t1; _._customBorder = t2; _._targetRadius = t3; _._clipCallback = t4; _._repositionToReferenceBox = t5; _._ink_splash$_textDirection = t6; _.__InkSplash__alpha = _.__InkSplash__radiusController = _.__InkSplash__radius = $; _._alphaController = null; _._ink_well$_color = t7; _._controller = t8; _.referenceBox = t9; _.onRemoved = t10; _._material$_debugDisposed = false; }, InteractiveInkFeature: function InteractiveInkFeature() { }, InteractiveInkFeatureFactory: function InteractiveInkFeatureFactory() { }, _ParentInkResponseProvider: function _ParentInkResponseProvider(t0, t1, t2) { this.state = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, InkResponse: function InkResponse() { }, _InkResponseStateWidget: function _InkResponseStateWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.onTap = t1; _.onTapDown = t2; _.onTapCancel = t3; _.onDoubleTap = t4; _.onLongPress = t5; _.onHighlightChanged = t6; _.onHover = t7; _.mouseCursor = t8; _.containedInkWell = t9; _.highlightShape = t10; _.radius = t11; _.borderRadius = t12; _.customBorder = t13; _.focusColor = t14; _.hoverColor = t15; _.highlightColor = t16; _.overlayColor = t17; _.splashColor = t18; _.splashFactory = t19; _.enableFeedback = t20; _.excludeFromSemantics = t21; _.onFocusChange = t22; _.autofocus = t23; _.focusNode = t24; _.canRequestFocus = t25; _.parentState = t26; _.getRectCallback = t27; _.debugCheckContext = t28; _.key = t29; }, _HighlightType: function _HighlightType(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _InkResponseState: function _InkResponseState(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._currentSplash = _._splashes = null; _._hovering = false; _._highlights = t0; _.___InkResponseState__actionMap = $; _._activeChildren = t1; _._hasFocus = false; _.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle = t2; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t3; _._framework$_element = null; }, _InkResponseState_highlightsExist_closure: function _InkResponseState_highlightsExist_closure() { }, _InkResponseState_updateHighlight_handleInkRemoval: function _InkResponseState_updateHighlight_handleInkRemoval(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.type = t1; }, _InkResponseState__createInkFeature_onRemoved: function _InkResponseState__createInkFeature_onRemoved(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; }, _InkResponseState__handleFocusHighlightModeChange_closure: function _InkResponseState__handleFocusHighlightModeChange_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, InkWell: function InkWell(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.onTap = t1; _.onTapDown = t2; _.onTapCancel = t3; _.onDoubleTap = t4; _.onLongPress = t5; _.onHighlightChanged = t6; _.onHover = t7; _.mouseCursor = t8; _.containedInkWell = t9; _.highlightShape = t10; _.radius = t11; _.borderRadius = t12; _.customBorder = t13; _.focusColor = t14; _.hoverColor = t15; _.highlightColor = t16; _.overlayColor = t17; _.splashColor = t18; _.splashFactory = t19; _.enableFeedback = t20; _.excludeFromSemantics = t21; _.onFocusChange = t22; _.autofocus = t23; _.focusNode = t24; _.canRequestFocus = t25; _.key = t26; }, __InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin: function __InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin() { }, FloatingLabelAlignment__stringify(x) { if (x === -1) return "FloatingLabelAlignment.start"; if (x === 0) return "FloatingLabelAlignment.center"; return "FloatingLabelAlignment(x: " + B.JSInt_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(x, 1) + ")"; }, FloatingLabelBehavior: function FloatingLabelBehavior(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, FloatingLabelAlignment: function FloatingLabelAlignment() { }, InputDecorationTheme: function InputDecorationTheme() { }, _InputDecorationTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _InputDecorationTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, ListTileThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t1 = t < 0.5; if (t1) t2 = a.dense; else t2 = b.dense; t3 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t); if (t1) t4 = a.style; else t4 = b.style; t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectedColor, b.selectedColor, t); t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.iconColor, b.iconColor, t); t7 = A.Color_lerp(a.textColor, b.textColor, t); t8 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.contentPadding, b.contentPadding, t); t9 = A.Color_lerp(a.tileColor, b.tileColor, t); t10 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectedTileColor, b.selectedTileColor, t); t11 = A.lerpDouble(a.horizontalTitleGap, b.horizontalTitleGap, t); t12 = A.lerpDouble(a.minVerticalPadding, b.minVerticalPadding, t); t13 = A.lerpDouble(a.minLeadingWidth, b.minLeadingWidth, t); if (t1) t1 = a.enableFeedback; else t1 = b.enableFeedback; return new A.ListTileThemeData(t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t1); }, ListTileThemeData: function ListTileThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) { var _ = this; _.dense = t0; _.shape = t1; _.style = t2; _.selectedColor = t3; _.iconColor = t4; _.textColor = t5; _.contentPadding = t6; _.tileColor = t7; _.selectedTileColor = t8; _.horizontalTitleGap = t9; _.minVerticalPadding = t10; _.minLeadingWidth = t11; _.enableFeedback = t12; }, _ListTileThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ListTileThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, Material$(animationDuration, child, clipBehavior, color, elevation, key, shape, textStyle, type) { return new A.Material(child, type, elevation, color, textStyle, shape, clipBehavior, animationDuration, key); }, _MaterialState__transparentInterior(clipBehavior, contents, context, shape) { var child = new A._ShapeBorderPaint(contents, shape, true, null); if (clipBehavior === B.Clip_0) return child; return A.ClipPath$(child, clipBehavior, new A.ShapeBorderClipper(shape, A.Directionality_maybeOf(context))); }, MaterialType: function MaterialType(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, Material: function Material(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.type = t1; _.elevation = t2; _.color = t3; _.textStyle = t4; _.shape = t5; _.clipBehavior = t6; _.animationDuration = t7; _.key = t8; }, _MaterialState: function _MaterialState(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._inkFeatureRenderer = t0; _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t1; _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t3; _._framework$_element = null; }, _MaterialState_build_closure: function _MaterialState_build_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _RenderInkFeatures: function _RenderInkFeatures(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.vsync = t0; _.absorbHitTest = t1; _._inkFeatures = null; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t3; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _InkFeatures: function _InkFeatures(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.color = t0; _.vsync = t1; _.absorbHitTest = t2; _.child = t3; _.key = t4; }, InkFeature: function InkFeature() { }, ShapeBorderTween: function ShapeBorderTween(t0, t1) { this.begin = t0; this.end = t1; }, _MaterialInterior: function _MaterialInterior(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.shape = t1; _.borderOnForeground = t2; _.clipBehavior = t3; _.elevation = t4; _.color = t5; _.shadowColor = t6; _.curve = t7; _.duration = t8; _.onEnd = t9; _.key = t10; }, _MaterialInteriorState: function _MaterialInteriorState(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._border = _._shadowColor = _._elevation = null; _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation = _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller = $; _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0; _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t2; _._framework$_element = null; }, _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure: function _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure() { }, _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure0: function _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure0() { }, _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure1: function _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure1() { }, _ShapeBorderPaint: function _ShapeBorderPaint(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.shape = t1; _.borderOnForeground = t2; _.key = t3; }, _ShapeBorderPainter: function _ShapeBorderPainter(t0, t1, t2) { this.border = t0; this.textDirection = t1; this._repaint = t2; }, __MaterialState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __MaterialState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() { }, _MaterialLocalizationsDelegate: function _MaterialLocalizationsDelegate() { }, DefaultMaterialLocalizations: function DefaultMaterialLocalizations() { }, MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(value, states, $T) { if ($T._eval$1("MaterialStateProperty<0>")._is(value)) return value.resolve$1(states); return value; }, MaterialState: function MaterialState(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, MaterialStateMouseCursor: function MaterialStateMouseCursor() { }, _EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor: function _EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor() { }, MaterialStateMixin: function MaterialStateMixin() { }, MaterialStateMixin_updateMaterialState_closure: function MaterialStateMixin_updateMaterialState_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.key = t1; this.onChanged = t2; }, MaterialStateMixin_addMaterialState_closure: function MaterialStateMixin_addMaterialState_closure() { }, MaterialStateMixin_removeMaterialState_closure: function MaterialStateMixin_removeMaterialState_closure() { }, NavigationBarThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t6, t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.height, b.height, t), t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t), t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.indicatorColor, b.indicatorColor, t), t4 = A.NavigationBarThemeData__lerpProperties(a.labelTextStyle, b.labelTextStyle, t, A.text_style_TextStyle_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_TextStyle), t5 = A.NavigationBarThemeData__lerpProperties(a.iconTheme, b.iconTheme, t, A.icon_theme_data_IconThemeData_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_IconThemeData); if (t < 0.5) t6 = a.labelBehavior; else t6 = b.labelBehavior; return new A.NavigationBarThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6); }, NavigationBarThemeData__lerpProperties(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T) { if (a == null && b == null) return null; return new A._LerpProperties2(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T._eval$1("_LerpProperties2<0>")); }, NavigationBarThemeData: function NavigationBarThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.height = t0; _.backgroundColor = t1; _.indicatorColor = t2; _.labelTextStyle = t3; _.iconTheme = t4; _.labelBehavior = t5; }, _LerpProperties2: function _LerpProperties2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.a = t0; _.b = t1; _.t = t2; _.lerpFunction = t3; _.$ti = t4; }, _NavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _NavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, NavigationRailThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t9, t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t), t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t), t3 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.unselectedLabelTextStyle, b.unselectedLabelTextStyle, t), t4 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.selectedLabelTextStyle, b.selectedLabelTextStyle, t), t5 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(a.unselectedIconTheme, b.unselectedIconTheme, t), t6 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(a.selectedIconTheme, b.selectedIconTheme, t), t7 = A.lerpDouble(a.groupAlignment, b.groupAlignment, t), t8 = t < 0.5; if (t8) t9 = a.labelType; else t9 = b.labelType; if (t8) t8 = a.useIndicator; else t8 = b.useIndicator; return new A.NavigationRailThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t9, t8, A.Color_lerp(a.indicatorColor, b.indicatorColor, t)); }, NavigationRailThemeData: function NavigationRailThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) { var _ = this; _.backgroundColor = t0; _.elevation = t1; _.unselectedLabelTextStyle = t2; _.selectedLabelTextStyle = t3; _.unselectedIconTheme = t4; _.selectedIconTheme = t5; _.groupAlignment = t6; _.labelType = t7; _.useIndicator = t8; _.indicatorColor = t9; }, _NavigationRailThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _NavigationRailThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, OutlinedButtonThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { return new A.OutlinedButtonThemeData(A.ButtonStyle_lerp(a.style, b.style, t)); }, OutlinedButtonThemeData: function OutlinedButtonThemeData(t0) { this.style = t0; }, _OutlinedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _OutlinedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, MaterialPageRoute: function MaterialPageRoute(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13) { var _ = this; _.builder = t0; _.fullscreenDialog = t1; _._routes$_offstage = false; _._secondaryAnimationProxy = _._animationProxy = null; _._willPopCallbacks = t2; _._scopeKey = t3; _._subtreeKey = t4; _._storageBucket = t5; _.__ModalRoute__modalBarrier = $; _._modalScopeCache = null; _.__ModalRoute__modalScope = $; _.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory = t6; _._transitionCompleter = t7; _._popFinalized = false; _._routes$_controller = _._routes$_animation = null; _._secondaryAnimation = t8; _._trainHoppingListenerRemover = _._result = null; _._overlayEntries = t9; _._navigator$_navigator = null; _._settings = t10; _._restorationScopeId = t11; _._popCompleter = t12; _.$ti = t13; }, MaterialRouteTransitionMixin: function MaterialRouteTransitionMixin() { }, _MaterialPageRoute_PageRoute_MaterialRouteTransitionMixin: function _MaterialPageRoute_PageRoute_MaterialRouteTransitionMixin() { }, _FadeUpwardsPageTransition: function _FadeUpwardsPageTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._positionAnimation = t0; _._opacityAnimation = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, PageTransitionsBuilder: function PageTransitionsBuilder() { }, FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder: function FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder() { }, CupertinoPageTransitionsBuilder: function CupertinoPageTransitionsBuilder() { }, PageTransitionsTheme: function PageTransitionsTheme() { }, PageTransitionsTheme__all_closure: function PageTransitionsTheme__all_closure(t0) { this.builders = t0; }, _PageTransitionsTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _PageTransitionsTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, PopupMenuThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t5, t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t), t2 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t), t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t), t4 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.textStyle, b.textStyle, t); if (t < 0.5) t5 = a.enableFeedback; else t5 = b.enableFeedback; return new A.PopupMenuThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5); }, PopupMenuThemeData: function PopupMenuThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.color = t0; _.shape = t1; _.elevation = t2; _.textStyle = t3; _.enableFeedback = t4; }, _PopupMenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _PopupMenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, ProgressIndicatorThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t), t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.linearTrackColor, b.linearTrackColor, t), t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.linearMinHeight, b.linearMinHeight, t), t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.circularTrackColor, b.circularTrackColor, t); return new A.ProgressIndicatorThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, A.Color_lerp(a.refreshBackgroundColor, b.refreshBackgroundColor, t)); }, ProgressIndicatorThemeData: function ProgressIndicatorThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.color = t0; _.linearTrackColor = t1; _.linearMinHeight = t2; _.circularTrackColor = t3; _.refreshBackgroundColor = t4; }, _ProgressIndicatorThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ProgressIndicatorThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, RadioThemeData__lerpProperties(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T) { if (a == null && b == null) return null; return new A._LerpProperties1(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T._eval$1("_LerpProperties1<0>")); }, RadioThemeData: function RadioThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.mouseCursor = t0; _.fillColor = t1; _.overlayColor = t2; _.splashRadius = t3; _.materialTapTargetSize = t4; _.visualDensity = t5; }, _LerpProperties1: function _LerpProperties1(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.a = t0; _.b = t1; _.t = t2; _.lerpFunction = t3; _.$ti = t4; }, _RadioThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _RadioThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, _ScaffoldSlot: function _ScaffoldSlot(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, ScaffoldMessenger: function ScaffoldMessenger(t0, t1) { this.child = t0; this.key = t1; }, ScaffoldMessengerState: function ScaffoldMessengerState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _._scaffolds = t0; _._materialBanners = t1; _._snackBars = t2; _._accessibleNavigation = _._snackBarTimer = null; _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t3; _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t4; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t5; _._framework$_element = null; }, ScaffoldMessengerState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure: function ScaffoldMessengerState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.completer = t1; this.reason = t2; }, _ScaffoldMessengerScope: function _ScaffoldMessengerScope(t0, t1, t2) { this._scaffoldMessengerState = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry: function ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _.floatingActionButtonSize = t0; _.bottomSheetSize = t1; _.contentBottom = t2; _.minInsets = t3; _.minViewPadding = t4; _.scaffoldSize = t5; _.snackBarSize = t6; _.textDirection = t7; }, ScaffoldGeometry: function ScaffoldGeometry(t0, t1) { this.bottomNavigationBarTop = t0; this.floatingActionButtonArea = t1; }, _ScaffoldGeometryNotifier: function _ScaffoldGeometryNotifier(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.context = t0; _.floatingActionButtonScale = null; _.geometry = t1; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t2; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, _BodyBoxConstraints: function _BodyBoxConstraints(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.bottomWidgetsHeight = t0; _.appBarHeight = t1; _.materialBannerHeight = t2; _.minWidth = t3; _.maxWidth = t4; _.minHeight = t5; _.maxHeight = t6; }, _BodyBuilder: function _BodyBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.body = t0; _.extendBody = t1; _.extendBodyBehindAppBar = t2; _.key = t3; }, _ScaffoldLayout: function _ScaffoldLayout(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) { var _ = this; _.extendBody = t0; _.extendBodyBehindAppBar = t1; _.minInsets = t2; _.minViewPadding = t3; _.textDirection = t4; _.geometryNotifier = t5; _.previousFloatingActionButtonLocation = t6; _.currentFloatingActionButtonLocation = t7; _.floatingActionButtonMoveAnimationProgress = t8; _.floatingActionButtonMotionAnimator = t9; _.isSnackBarFloating = t10; _.snackBarWidth = t11; _.extendBodyBehindMaterialBanner = t12; _._debugChildrenNeedingLayout = _._idToChild = null; }, _FloatingActionButtonTransition: function _FloatingActionButtonTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.fabMoveAnimation = t1; _.fabMotionAnimator = t2; _.geometryNotifier = t3; _.currentController = t4; _.key = t5; }, _FloatingActionButtonTransitionState: function _FloatingActionButtonTransitionState(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentRotationAnimation = _.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__extendedCurrentScaleAnimation = _.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentScaleAnimation = _.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousRotationAnimation = _.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousScaleAnimation = _.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController = $; _._previousChild = null; _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t0; _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t2; _._framework$_element = null; }, _FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged_closure: function _FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.status = t1; }, Scaffold: function Scaffold(t0, t1, t2) { this.body = t0; this.floatingActionButton = t1; this.key = t2; }, ScaffoldState: function ScaffoldState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) { var _ = this; _._drawerKey = t0; _._endDrawerKey = t1; _._appBarMaxHeight = null; _._drawerOpened = t2; _._endDrawerOpened = t3; _._accessibleNavigation = _._scaffoldMessenger = null; _._snackBars = t4; _._messengerMaterialBanner = _._messengerSnackBar = _._snackBarTimer = null; _._dismissedBottomSheets = t5; _._currentBottomSheet = null; _._currentBottomSheetKey = t6; _.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonAnimator = _.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonMoveController = $; _._floatingActionButtonLocation = _._previousFloatingActionButtonLocation = null; _.__ScaffoldState__geometryNotifier = _.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonVisibilityController = $; _._showBodyScrim = false; _._bodyScrimColor = t7; _.RestorationMixin__bucket = t8; _.RestorationMixin__properties = t9; _.RestorationMixin__debugPropertiesWaitingForReregistration = t10; _.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = t11; _.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t12; _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t13; _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t14; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t15; _._framework$_element = null; }, ScaffoldState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure: function ScaffoldState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.completer = t1; this.reason = t2; }, ScaffoldState__updateSnackBar_closure: function ScaffoldState__updateSnackBar_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.messengerSnackBar = t1; }, ScaffoldState__updateMaterialBanner_closure: function ScaffoldState__updateMaterialBanner_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.messengerMaterialBanner = t1; }, ScaffoldState_build_closure: function ScaffoldState_build_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._box_0 = t0; _.$this = t1; _._extendBody = t2; _.minInsets = t3; _.minViewPadding = t4; _.textDirection = t5; _.children = t6; }, _ScaffoldScope: function _ScaffoldScope(t0, t1, t2) { this.hasDrawer = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, _ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure: function _ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure() { }, _ScaffoldMessengerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _ScaffoldMessengerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() { }, _ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() { }, _ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin: function _ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin() { }, __FloatingActionButtonTransitionState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __FloatingActionButtonTransitionState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() { }, ScrollbarThemeData__lerpProperties(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T) { if (a == null && b == null) return null; return new A._LerpProperties5(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T._eval$1("_LerpProperties5<0>")); }, _lerpBool(a, b, t) { return t < 0.5 ? a : b; }, ScrollbarThemeData: function ScrollbarThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) { var _ = this; _.thickness = t0; _.trackVisibility = t1; _.showTrackOnHover = t2; _.isAlwaysShown = t3; _.interactive = t4; _.radius = t5; _.thumbColor = t6; _.trackColor = t7; _.trackBorderColor = t8; _.crossAxisMargin = t9; _.mainAxisMargin = t10; _.minThumbLength = t11; }, _LerpProperties5: function _LerpProperties5(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.a = t0; _.b = t1; _.t = t2; _.lerpFunction = t3; _.$ti = t4; }, _ScrollbarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ScrollbarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, SliderThemeData: function SliderThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26) { var _ = this; _.trackHeight = t0; _.activeTrackColor = t1; _.inactiveTrackColor = t2; _.disabledActiveTrackColor = t3; _.disabledInactiveTrackColor = t4; _.activeTickMarkColor = t5; _.inactiveTickMarkColor = t6; _.disabledActiveTickMarkColor = t7; _.disabledInactiveTickMarkColor = t8; _.thumbColor = t9; _.overlappingShapeStrokeColor = t10; _.disabledThumbColor = t11; _.overlayColor = t12; _.valueIndicatorColor = t13; _.overlayShape = t14; _.tickMarkShape = t15; _.thumbShape = t16; _.trackShape = t17; _.valueIndicatorShape = t18; _.rangeTickMarkShape = t19; _.rangeThumbShape = t20; _.rangeTrackShape = t21; _.rangeValueIndicatorShape = t22; _.showValueIndicator = t23; _.valueIndicatorTextStyle = t24; _.minThumbSeparation = t25; _.thumbSelector = t26; }, _SliderThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SliderThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, SnackBarClosedReason: function SnackBarClosedReason(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, SnackBarThemeData: function SnackBarThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.backgroundColor = t0; _.actionTextColor = t1; _.disabledActionTextColor = t2; _.contentTextStyle = t3; _.elevation = t4; _.shape = t5; _.behavior = t6; }, _SnackBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SnackBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, SwitchThemeData__lerpProperties(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T) { if (a == null && b == null) return null; return new A._LerpProperties0(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T._eval$1("_LerpProperties0<0>")); }, SwitchThemeData: function SwitchThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.thumbColor = t0; _.trackColor = t1; _.materialTapTargetSize = t2; _.mouseCursor = t3; _.overlayColor = t4; _.splashRadius = t5; }, _LerpProperties0: function _LerpProperties0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.a = t0; _.b = t1; _.t = t2; _.lerpFunction = t3; _.$ti = t4; }, _SwitchThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SwitchThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, TabBarTheme: function TabBarTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.indicator = t0; _.indicatorSize = t1; _.labelColor = t2; _.labelPadding = t3; _.labelStyle = t4; _.unselectedLabelColor = t5; _.unselectedLabelStyle = t6; }, _TabBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TabBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, TextButtonThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { return new A.TextButtonThemeData(A.ButtonStyle_lerp(a.style, b.style, t)); }, TextButtonThemeData: function TextButtonThemeData(t0) { this.style = t0; }, _TextButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TextButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, TextSelectionThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.cursorColor, b.cursorColor, t), t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectionColor, b.selectionColor, t); return new A.TextSelectionThemeData(t1, t2, A.Color_lerp(a.selectionHandleColor, b.selectionHandleColor, t)); }, TextSelectionThemeData: function TextSelectionThemeData(t0, t1, t2) { this.cursorColor = t0; this.selectionColor = t1; this.selectionHandleColor = t2; }, _TextSelectionThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TextSelectionThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, TextTheme$(bodyLarge, bodyMedium, bodySmall, displayLarge, displayMedium, displaySmall, headlineLarge, headlineMedium, headlineSmall, labelLarge, labelMedium, labelSmall, titleLarge, titleMedium, titleSmall) { var _null = null, t1 = displayLarge == null ? _null : displayLarge, t2 = displayMedium == null ? _null : displayMedium, t3 = displaySmall == null ? _null : displaySmall, t4 = headlineMedium == null ? _null : headlineMedium, t5 = headlineSmall == null ? _null : headlineSmall, t6 = titleLarge == null ? _null : titleLarge, t7 = titleMedium == null ? _null : titleMedium, t8 = titleSmall == null ? _null : titleSmall, t9 = bodyLarge == null ? _null : bodyLarge, t10 = bodyMedium == null ? _null : bodyMedium, t11 = bodySmall == null ? _null : bodySmall, t12 = labelLarge == null ? _null : labelLarge; return new A.TextTheme(t1, t2, t3, headlineLarge, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, labelMedium, labelSmall == null ? _null : labelSmall); }, TextTheme_lerp(a, b, t) { var t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, _null = null, t1 = a == null, t2 = t1 ? _null : a.displayLarge, t3 = b == null; t2 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t2, t3 ? _null : b.displayLarge, t); t4 = t1 ? _null : a.displayMedium; t4 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t4, t3 ? _null : b.displayMedium, t); t5 = t1 ? _null : a.displaySmall; t5 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t5, t3 ? _null : b.displaySmall, t); t6 = t1 ? _null : a.headlineLarge; t6 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t6, t3 ? _null : b.headlineLarge, t); t7 = t1 ? _null : a.headlineMedium; t7 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t7, t3 ? _null : b.headlineMedium, t); t8 = t1 ? _null : a.headlineSmall; t8 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t8, t3 ? _null : b.headlineSmall, t); t9 = t1 ? _null : a.titleLarge; t9 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t9, t3 ? _null : b.titleLarge, t); t10 = t1 ? _null : a.titleMedium; t10 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t10, t3 ? _null : b.titleMedium, t); t11 = t1 ? _null : a.titleSmall; t11 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t11, t3 ? _null : b.titleSmall, t); t12 = t1 ? _null : a.bodyLarge; t12 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t12, t3 ? _null : b.bodyLarge, t); t13 = t1 ? _null : a.bodyMedium; t13 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t13, t3 ? _null : b.bodyMedium, t); t14 = t1 ? _null : a.bodySmall; t14 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t14, t3 ? _null : b.bodySmall, t); t15 = t1 ? _null : a.labelLarge; t15 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t15, t3 ? _null : b.labelLarge, t); t16 = t1 ? _null : a.labelMedium; t16 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t16, t3 ? _null : b.labelMedium, t); t1 = t1 ? _null : a.labelSmall; return A.TextTheme$(t12, t13, t14, t2, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t15, t16, A.TextStyle_lerp(t1, t3 ? _null : b.labelSmall, t), t9, t10, t11); }, TextTheme: function TextTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) { var _ = this; _.displayLarge = t0; _.displayMedium = t1; _.displaySmall = t2; _.headlineLarge = t3; _.headlineMedium = t4; _.headlineSmall = t5; _.titleLarge = t6; _.titleMedium = t7; _.titleSmall = t8; _.bodyLarge = t9; _.bodyMedium = t10; _.bodySmall = t11; _.labelLarge = t12; _.labelMedium = t13; _.labelSmall = t14; }, _TextTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TextTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, Theme_of(context) { var theme, inheritedTheme = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._InheritedTheme), category = A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations) == null ? null : B.ScriptCategory_0; if (category == null) category = B.ScriptCategory_0; theme = inheritedTheme == null ? null : inheritedTheme.theme.data; if (theme == null) theme = $.$get$Theme__kFallbackTheme(); return A.ThemeData_localize(theme, theme.typography.geometryThemeFor$1(category)); }, Theme: function Theme(t0, t1, t2) { this.data = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, _InheritedTheme: function _InheritedTheme(t0, t1, t2) { this.theme = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, ThemeDataTween: function ThemeDataTween(t0, t1) { this.begin = t0; this.end = t1; }, AnimatedTheme: function AnimatedTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.data = t0; _.child = t1; _.curve = t2; _.duration = t3; _.onEnd = t4; _.key = t5; }, _AnimatedThemeState: function _AnimatedThemeState(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._theme$_data = null; _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation = _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller = $; _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0; _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t2; _._framework$_element = null; }, _AnimatedThemeState_forEachTween_closure: function _AnimatedThemeState_forEachTween_closure() { }, ThemeData_ThemeData(brightness) { var materialTapTargetSize, visualDensity, _brightness, isDark, t1, primaryColor, _primaryColorBrightness, primaryColorLight, primaryColorDark, primaryIsDark, toggleableActiveColor, accentColor, accentColorBrightness, accentIsDark, focusColor, hoverColor, canvasColor, bottomAppBarColor, cardColor, dividerColor, primaryIsDark0, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, colorScheme, unselectedWidgetColor, secondaryHeaderColor, backgroundColor, dialogBackgroundColor, indicatorColor, hintColor, buttonTheme, disabledColor, highlightColor, splashColor, typography, defaultTextTheme, defaultPrimaryTextTheme, defaultAccentTextTheme, textTheme, primaryTextTheme, iconTheme, primaryIconTheme, textSelectionColor, textSelectionHandleColor, accentTextTheme, accentIconTheme, buttonColor, _null = null, platform = A.defaultTargetPlatform(); platform = platform; switch (platform.index) { case 0: case 1: case 2: materialTapTargetSize = B.MaterialTapTargetSize_0; break; case 3: case 4: case 5: materialTapTargetSize = B.MaterialTapTargetSize_1; break; default: materialTapTargetSize = _null; } visualDensity = A.VisualDensity_adaptivePlatformDensity(); _brightness = brightness; isDark = _brightness === B.Brightness_0; if (isDark) { t1 = B.Map_HFpTk.$index(0, 900); t1.toString; primaryColor = t1; } else primaryColor = B.MaterialColor_Map_JNwaj_4280391411; _primaryColorBrightness = A.ThemeData_estimateBrightnessForColor(primaryColor); if (isDark) { t1 = B.Map_HFpTk.$index(0, 500); t1.toString; primaryColorLight = t1; } else { t1 = B.Map_JNwaj.$index(0, 100); t1.toString; primaryColorLight = t1; } if (isDark) primaryColorDark = B.Color_4278190080; else { t1 = B.Map_JNwaj.$index(0, 700); t1.toString; primaryColorDark = t1; } primaryIsDark = _primaryColorBrightness === B.Brightness_0; if (isDark) { t1 = B.Map_iTYZn.$index(0, 200); t1.toString; toggleableActiveColor = t1; } else { t1 = B.Map_JNwaj.$index(0, 600); t1.toString; toggleableActiveColor = t1; } if (isDark) { t1 = B.Map_iTYZn.$index(0, 200); t1.toString; accentColor = t1; } else { t1 = B.Map_JNwaj.$index(0, 500); t1.toString; accentColor = t1; } accentColorBrightness = A.ThemeData_estimateBrightnessForColor(accentColor); accentIsDark = accentColorBrightness === B.Brightness_0; focusColor = isDark ? A.Color$fromARGB(31, 255, 255, 255) : A.Color$fromARGB(31, 0, 0, 0); hoverColor = isDark ? A.Color$fromARGB(10, 255, 255, 255) : A.Color$fromARGB(10, 0, 0, 0); if (isDark) { t1 = B.Map_HFpTk.$index(0, 850); t1.toString; canvasColor = t1; } else { t1 = B.Map_HFpTk.$index(0, 50); t1.toString; canvasColor = t1; } if (isDark) { t1 = B.Map_HFpTk.$index(0, 800); t1.toString; bottomAppBarColor = t1; } else bottomAppBarColor = B.Color_4294967295; if (isDark) { t1 = B.Map_HFpTk.$index(0, 800); t1.toString; cardColor = t1; } else cardColor = B.Color_4294967295; dividerColor = isDark ? B.Color_536870911 : B.Color_520093696; primaryIsDark0 = A.ThemeData_estimateBrightnessForColor(B.MaterialColor_Map_JNwaj_4280391411) === B.Brightness_0; t1 = A.ThemeData_estimateBrightnessForColor(accentColor); if (isDark) { t2 = B.Map_iTYZn.$index(0, 700); t2.toString; } else { t2 = B.Map_JNwaj.$index(0, 700); t2.toString; } if (isDark) { t3 = B.Map_HFpTk.$index(0, 700); t3.toString; } else { t3 = B.Map_JNwaj.$index(0, 200); t3.toString; } t4 = B.Map_JNc9P.$index(0, 700); t4.toString; t5 = primaryIsDark0 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080; t1 = t1 === B.Brightness_0 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080; t6 = isDark ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080; t7 = primaryIsDark0 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080; colorScheme = A.ColorScheme$(t3, _brightness, t4, _null, _null, _null, t7, isDark ? B.Color_4278190080 : B.Color_4294967295, _null, _null, t5, _null, t1, _null, t6, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.MaterialColor_Map_JNwaj_4280391411, _null, primaryColorDark, accentColor, _null, t2, _null, cardColor, _null, _null, _null); t1 = B.Map_HFpTk.$index(0, 100); t1.toString; unselectedWidgetColor = isDark ? B.Color_3019898879 : B.Color_2315255808; if (isDark) { t2 = B.Map_HFpTk.$index(0, 700); t2.toString; secondaryHeaderColor = t2; } else { t2 = B.Map_JNwaj.$index(0, 50); t2.toString; secondaryHeaderColor = t2; } if (isDark) { t2 = B.Map_HFpTk.$index(0, 700); t2.toString; backgroundColor = t2; } else { t2 = B.Map_JNwaj.$index(0, 200); t2.toString; backgroundColor = t2; } if (isDark) { t2 = B.Map_HFpTk.$index(0, 800); t2.toString; dialogBackgroundColor = t2; } else dialogBackgroundColor = B.Color_4294967295; indicatorColor = accentColor.$eq(0, primaryColor) ? B.Color_4294967295 : accentColor; hintColor = isDark ? B.Color_2583691263 : A.Color$fromARGB(153, 0, 0, 0); t2 = B.Map_JNc9P.$index(0, 700); t2.toString; if (isDark) { t3 = B.Map_JNwaj.$index(0, 600); t3.toString; } else { t3 = B.Map_HFpTk.$index(0, 300); t3.toString; } buttonTheme = new A.ButtonThemeData(t3, _null, focusColor, hoverColor, _null, _null, colorScheme, materialTapTargetSize); disabledColor = isDark ? B.Color_1660944383 : B.Color_1627389952; highlightColor = isDark ? B.Color_1087163596 : B.Color_1723645116; splashColor = isDark ? B.Color_1087163596 : B.Color_1724434632; typography = A.Typography_Typography$material2014(platform); defaultTextTheme = isDark ? typography.white : typography.black; defaultPrimaryTextTheme = primaryIsDark ? typography.white : typography.black; defaultAccentTextTheme = accentIsDark ? typography.white : typography.black; textTheme = defaultTextTheme.merge$1(_null); primaryTextTheme = defaultPrimaryTextTheme.merge$1(_null); iconTheme = isDark ? B.IconThemeData_Color_4294967295_null_null : B.IconThemeData_Color_3707764736_null_null; primaryIconTheme = primaryIsDark ? B.IconThemeData_Color_4294967295_null_null : B.IconThemeData_Color_4278190080_null_null; if (isDark) textSelectionColor = accentColor; else { t3 = B.Map_JNwaj.$index(0, 200); t3.toString; textSelectionColor = t3; } if (isDark) { t3 = B.Map_iTYZn.$index(0, 400); t3.toString; textSelectionHandleColor = t3; } else { t3 = B.Map_JNwaj.$index(0, 300); t3.toString; textSelectionHandleColor = t3; } accentTextTheme = defaultAccentTextTheme.merge$1(_null); accentIconTheme = accentIsDark ? B.IconThemeData_Color_4294967295_null_null : B.IconThemeData_Color_4278190080_null_null; if (isDark) { t3 = B.Map_JNwaj.$index(0, 600); t3.toString; buttonColor = t3; } else { t3 = B.Map_HFpTk.$index(0, 300); t3.toString; buttonColor = t3; } return A.ThemeData$raw(accentColor, accentColorBrightness, accentIconTheme, accentTextTheme, _null, B.AppBarTheme_6cf, false, backgroundColor, B.MaterialBannerThemeData_6JY, bottomAppBarColor, B.BottomAppBarTheme_null_null_null, B.BottomNavigationBarThemeData_aBG, B.BottomSheetThemeData_OEE, B.ButtonBarThemeData_A0t, buttonColor, buttonTheme, canvasColor, cardColor, B.CardTheme_hKX, B.CheckboxThemeData_EkK, B.ChipThemeData_OhV, colorScheme, _null, B.Color_4282549748, B.DataTableThemeData_SL9, dialogBackgroundColor, B.DialogTheme_zPV, disabledColor, dividerColor, B.DividerThemeData_Tnu, B.DrawerThemeData_null_null_null_null, B.ElevatedButtonThemeData_null, t2, true, B.FloatingActionButtonThemeData_ebz, focusColor, highlightColor, hintColor, hoverColor, iconTheme, indicatorColor, B.C_InputDecorationTheme, B.ListTileThemeData_b9P, materialTapTargetSize, B.NavigationBarThemeData_Jeh, B.NavigationRailThemeData_Tlj, B.OutlinedButtonThemeData_null, B.C_PageTransitionsTheme, platform, B.PopupMenuThemeData_XJe, primaryColor, _primaryColorBrightness, primaryColorDark, primaryColorLight, primaryIconTheme, primaryTextTheme, B.ProgressIndicatorThemeData_Z49, B.RadioThemeData_gDe, canvasColor, B.ScrollbarThemeData_NUU, secondaryHeaderColor, t1, B.Color_4278190080, B.SliderThemeData_Q5Z, B.SnackBarThemeData_gc6, splashColor, B.C__InkSplashFactory, B.SwitchThemeData_v9F, B.TabBarTheme_Srx, B.TextButtonThemeData_null, textSelectionColor, textSelectionHandleColor, B.TextSelectionThemeData_null_null_null, textTheme, B.TimePickerThemeData_10O, B.ToggleButtonsThemeData_UsI, toggleableActiveColor, B.TooltipThemeData_kSE, typography, unselectedWidgetColor, false, true, visualDensity); }, ThemeData$raw(accentColor, accentColorBrightness, accentIconTheme, accentTextTheme, androidOverscrollIndicator, appBarTheme, applyElevationOverlayColor, backgroundColor, bannerTheme, bottomAppBarColor, bottomAppBarTheme, bottomNavigationBarTheme, bottomSheetTheme, buttonBarTheme, buttonColor, buttonTheme, canvasColor, cardColor, cardTheme, checkboxTheme, chipTheme, colorScheme, cupertinoOverrideTheme, cursorColor, dataTableTheme, dialogBackgroundColor, dialogTheme, disabledColor, dividerColor, dividerTheme, drawerTheme, elevatedButtonTheme, errorColor, fixTextFieldOutlineLabel, floatingActionButtonTheme, focusColor, highlightColor, hintColor, hoverColor, iconTheme, indicatorColor, inputDecorationTheme, listTileTheme, materialTapTargetSize, navigationBarTheme, navigationRailTheme, outlinedButtonTheme, pageTransitionsTheme, platform, popupMenuTheme, primaryColor, primaryColorBrightness, primaryColorDark, primaryColorLight, primaryIconTheme, primaryTextTheme, progressIndicatorTheme, radioTheme, scaffoldBackgroundColor, scrollbarTheme, secondaryHeaderColor, selectedRowColor, shadowColor, sliderTheme, snackBarTheme, splashColor, splashFactory, switchTheme, tabBarTheme, textButtonTheme, textSelectionColor, textSelectionHandleColor, textSelectionTheme, textTheme, timePickerTheme, toggleButtonsTheme, toggleableActiveColor, tooltipTheme, typography, unselectedWidgetColor, useMaterial3, useTextSelectionTheme, visualDensity) { return new A.ThemeData(androidOverscrollIndicator, applyElevationOverlayColor, cupertinoOverrideTheme, inputDecorationTheme, materialTapTargetSize, pageTransitionsTheme, platform, scrollbarTheme, splashFactory, visualDensity, false, colorScheme, primaryColor, primaryColorLight, primaryColorDark, focusColor, hoverColor, shadowColor, canvasColor, scaffoldBackgroundColor, bottomAppBarColor, cardColor, dividerColor, highlightColor, splashColor, selectedRowColor, unselectedWidgetColor, disabledColor, secondaryHeaderColor, backgroundColor, dialogBackgroundColor, indicatorColor, hintColor, errorColor, toggleableActiveColor, typography, textTheme, primaryTextTheme, iconTheme, primaryIconTheme, appBarTheme, bannerTheme, bottomAppBarTheme, bottomNavigationBarTheme, bottomSheetTheme, buttonBarTheme, buttonTheme, cardTheme, checkboxTheme, chipTheme, dataTableTheme, dialogTheme, dividerTheme, drawerTheme, elevatedButtonTheme, floatingActionButtonTheme, listTileTheme, navigationBarTheme, navigationRailTheme, outlinedButtonTheme, popupMenuTheme, progressIndicatorTheme, radioTheme, sliderTheme, snackBarTheme, switchTheme, tabBarTheme, textButtonTheme, textSelectionTheme, timePickerTheme, toggleButtonsTheme, tooltipTheme, true, textSelectionColor, cursorColor, textSelectionHandleColor, accentColor, accentColorBrightness, accentTextTheme, accentIconTheme, buttonColor, true, primaryColorBrightness); }, ThemeData_ThemeData$fallback() { return A.ThemeData_ThemeData(B.Brightness_1); }, ThemeData_localize(baseTheme, localTextGeometry) { return $.$get$ThemeData__localizedThemeDataCache().putIfAbsent$2(0, new A._IdentityThemeDataCacheKey(baseTheme, localTextGeometry), new A.ThemeData_localize_closure(baseTheme, localTextGeometry)); }, ThemeData_estimateBrightnessForColor(color) { var t1 = 0.2126 * A.Color__linearizeColorComponent((color.get$value(color) >>> 16 & 255) / 255) + 0.7152 * A.Color__linearizeColorComponent((color.get$value(color) >>> 8 & 255) / 255) + 0.0722 * A.Color__linearizeColorComponent((color.get$value(color) & 255) / 255) + 0.05; if (t1 * t1 > 0.15) return B.Brightness_1; return B.Brightness_0; }, VisualDensity_adaptivePlatformDensity() { switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) { case 0: case 2: case 1: break; case 3: case 4: case 5: return B.VisualDensity_m2_m2; } return B.VisualDensity_0_0; }, MaterialTapTargetSize: function MaterialTapTargetSize(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, ThemeData: function ThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57, t58, t59, t60, t61, t62, t63, t64, t65, t66, t67, t68, t69, t70, t71, t72, t73, t74, t75, t76, t77, t78, t79, t80, t81, t82) { var _ = this; _.androidOverscrollIndicator = t0; _.applyElevationOverlayColor = t1; _.cupertinoOverrideTheme = t2; _.inputDecorationTheme = t3; _.materialTapTargetSize = t4; _.pageTransitionsTheme = t5; _.platform = t6; _.scrollbarTheme = t7; _.splashFactory = t8; _.visualDensity = t9; _.useMaterial3 = t10; _.colorScheme = t11; _.primaryColor = t12; _.primaryColorLight = t13; _.primaryColorDark = t14; _.focusColor = t15; _.hoverColor = t16; _.shadowColor = t17; _.canvasColor = t18; _.scaffoldBackgroundColor = t19; _.bottomAppBarColor = t20; _.cardColor = t21; _.dividerColor = t22; _.highlightColor = t23; _.splashColor = t24; _.selectedRowColor = t25; _.unselectedWidgetColor = t26; _.disabledColor = t27; _.secondaryHeaderColor = t28; _.backgroundColor = t29; _.dialogBackgroundColor = t30; _.indicatorColor = t31; _.hintColor = t32; _.errorColor = t33; _.toggleableActiveColor = t34; _.typography = t35; _.textTheme = t36; _.primaryTextTheme = t37; _.iconTheme = t38; _.primaryIconTheme = t39; _.appBarTheme = t40; _.bannerTheme = t41; _.bottomAppBarTheme = t42; _.bottomNavigationBarTheme = t43; _.bottomSheetTheme = t44; _.buttonBarTheme = t45; _.buttonTheme = t46; _.cardTheme = t47; _.checkboxTheme = t48; _.chipTheme = t49; _.dataTableTheme = t50; _.dialogTheme = t51; _.dividerTheme = t52; _.drawerTheme = t53; _.elevatedButtonTheme = t54; _.floatingActionButtonTheme = t55; _.listTileTheme = t56; _.navigationBarTheme = t57; _.navigationRailTheme = t58; _.outlinedButtonTheme = t59; _.popupMenuTheme = t60; _.progressIndicatorTheme = t61; _.radioTheme = t62; _.sliderTheme = t63; _.snackBarTheme = t64; _.switchTheme = t65; _.tabBarTheme = t66; _.textButtonTheme = t67; _.textSelectionTheme = t68; _.timePickerTheme = t69; _.toggleButtonsTheme = t70; _.tooltipTheme = t71; _.useTextSelectionTheme = t72; _.textSelectionColor = t73; _.cursorColor = t74; _.textSelectionHandleColor = t75; _.accentColor = t76; _.accentColorBrightness = t77; _.accentTextTheme = t78; _.accentIconTheme = t79; _.buttonColor = t80; _.fixTextFieldOutlineLabel = t81; _.primaryColorBrightness = t82; }, ThemeData_localize_closure: function ThemeData_localize_closure(t0, t1) { this.baseTheme = t0; this.localTextGeometry = t1; }, MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData: function MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _._materialTheme = t0; _._cupertinoOverrideTheme = t1; _._defaults = t2; _.brightness = t3; _.primaryColor = t4; _.primaryContrastingColor = t5; _.textTheme = t6; _.barBackgroundColor = t7; _.scaffoldBackgroundColor = t8; }, _IdentityThemeDataCacheKey: function _IdentityThemeDataCacheKey(t0, t1) { this.baseTheme = t0; this.localTextGeometry = t1; }, _FifoCache: function _FifoCache(t0, t1, t2) { this._cache = t0; this._maximumSize = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, VisualDensity: function VisualDensity(t0, t1) { this.horizontal = t0; this.vertical = t1; }, _ThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, _VisualDensity_Object_Diagnosticable: function _VisualDensity_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, TimePickerThemeData: function TimePickerThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) { var _ = this; _.backgroundColor = t0; _.hourMinuteTextColor = t1; _.hourMinuteColor = t2; _.dayPeriodTextColor = t3; _.dayPeriodColor = t4; _.dialHandColor = t5; _.dialBackgroundColor = t6; _.dialTextColor = t7; _.entryModeIconColor = t8; _.hourMinuteTextStyle = t9; _.dayPeriodTextStyle = t10; _.helpTextStyle = t11; _.shape = t12; _.hourMinuteShape = t13; _.dayPeriodShape = t14; _.dayPeriodBorderSide = t15; _.inputDecorationTheme = t16; }, _TimePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TimePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, ToggleButtonsThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t1 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.textStyle, b.textStyle, t), t2 = A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.constraints, b.constraints, t), t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t), t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectedColor, b.selectedColor, t), t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledColor, b.disabledColor, t), t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.fillColor, b.fillColor, t), t7 = A.Color_lerp(a.focusColor, b.focusColor, t), t8 = A.Color_lerp(a.highlightColor, b.highlightColor, t), t9 = A.Color_lerp(a.hoverColor, b.hoverColor, t), t10 = A.Color_lerp(a.splashColor, b.splashColor, t), t11 = A.Color_lerp(a.borderColor, b.borderColor, t), t12 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectedBorderColor, b.selectedBorderColor, t), t13 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledBorderColor, b.disabledBorderColor, t), t14 = A.BorderRadius_lerp(a.borderRadius, b.borderRadius, t); return new A.ToggleButtonsThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t10, t9, t11, t12, t13, A.lerpDouble(a.borderWidth, b.borderWidth, t), t14); }, ToggleButtonsThemeData: function ToggleButtonsThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) { var _ = this; _.textStyle = t0; _.constraints = t1; _.color = t2; _.selectedColor = t3; _.disabledColor = t4; _.fillColor = t5; _.focusColor = t6; _.highlightColor = t7; _.splashColor = t8; _.hoverColor = t9; _.borderColor = t10; _.selectedBorderColor = t11; _.disabledBorderColor = t12; _.borderWidth = t13; _.borderRadius = t14; }, _ToggleButtonsThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ToggleButtonsThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, TooltipThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t6, t7, t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.height, b.height, t), t2 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.padding, b.padding, t), t3 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.margin, b.margin, t), t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.verticalOffset, b.verticalOffset, t), t5 = t < 0.5; if (t5) t6 = a.preferBelow; else t6 = b.preferBelow; if (t5) t5 = a.excludeFromSemantics; else t5 = b.excludeFromSemantics; t7 = A.Decoration_lerp(a.decoration, b.decoration, t); return new A.TooltipThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t6, t5, t7, A.TextStyle_lerp(a.textStyle, b.textStyle, t)); }, TooltipThemeData: function TooltipThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _.height = t0; _.padding = t1; _.margin = t2; _.verticalOffset = t3; _.preferBelow = t4; _.excludeFromSemantics = t5; _.decoration = t6; _.textStyle = t7; }, _TooltipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TooltipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, Typography_Typography$material2014(platform) { return A.Typography_Typography$_withPlatform(platform, null, null, B.TextTheme_gSp, B.TextTheme_jnH, B.TextTheme_uww); }, Typography_Typography$_withPlatform(platform, black, white, englishLike, dense, tall) { switch (platform) { case B.TargetPlatform_2: black = B.TextTheme_QJO; white = B.TextTheme_vru; break; case B.TargetPlatform_0: case B.TargetPlatform_1: black = B.TextTheme_WrZ; white = B.TextTheme_8I8; break; case B.TargetPlatform_5: black = B.TextTheme_pEW; white = B.TextTheme_3nh; break; case B.TargetPlatform_4: black = B.TextTheme_6bg; white = B.TextTheme_uDC; break; case B.TargetPlatform_3: black = B.TextTheme_AZd; white = B.TextTheme_Zy0; break; case null: break; } black.toString; white.toString; return new A.Typography(black, white, englishLike, dense, tall); }, ScriptCategory: function ScriptCategory(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, Typography: function Typography(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.black = t0; _.white = t1; _.englishLike = t2; _.dense = t3; _.tall = t4; }, _Typography_Object_Diagnosticable: function _Typography_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, AlignmentGeometry_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t3, t1 = a == null; if (t1 && b == null) return null; if (t1) return b.$mul(0, t); if (b == null) return a.$mul(0, 1 - t); if (a instanceof A.Alignment && b instanceof A.Alignment) return A.Alignment_lerp(a, b, t); if (a instanceof A.AlignmentDirectional && b instanceof A.AlignmentDirectional) return A.AlignmentDirectional_lerp(a, b, t); t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_x(), b.get$_x(), t); t1.toString; t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_alignment$_start(a), b.get$_alignment$_start(b), t); t2.toString; t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_y(), b.get$_y(), t); t3.toString; return new A._MixedAlignment(t1, t2, t3); }, Alignment_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.x, b.x, t); t1.toString; t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.y, b.y, t); t2.toString; return new A.Alignment(t1, t2); }, Alignment__stringify(x, y) { var t2, t3, t1 = x === -1; if (t1 && y === -1) return "Alignment.topLeft"; t2 = x === 0; if (t2 && y === -1) return "Alignment.topCenter"; t3 = x === 1; if (t3 && y === -1) return "Alignment.topRight"; if (t1 && y === 0) return "Alignment.centerLeft"; if (t2 && y === 0) return "Alignment.center"; if (t3 && y === 0) return "Alignment.centerRight"; if (t1 && y === 1) return "Alignment.bottomLeft"; if (t2 && y === 1) return "Alignment.bottomCenter"; if (t3 && y === 1) return "Alignment.bottomRight"; return "Alignment(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(x, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(y, 1) + ")"; }, AlignmentDirectional_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.start, b.start, t); t1.toString; t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.y, b.y, t); t2.toString; return new A.AlignmentDirectional(t1, t2); }, AlignmentDirectional__stringify(start, y) { var t2, t3, t1 = start === -1; if (t1 && y === -1) return "AlignmentDirectional.topStart"; t2 = start === 0; if (t2 && y === -1) return "AlignmentDirectional.topCenter"; t3 = start === 1; if (t3 && y === -1) return "AlignmentDirectional.topEnd"; if (t1 && y === 0) return "AlignmentDirectional.centerStart"; if (t2 && y === 0) return "AlignmentDirectional.center"; if (t3 && y === 0) return "AlignmentDirectional.centerEnd"; if (t1 && y === 1) return "AlignmentDirectional.bottomStart"; if (t2 && y === 1) return "AlignmentDirectional.bottomCenter"; if (t3 && y === 1) return "AlignmentDirectional.bottomEnd"; return "AlignmentDirectional(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(start, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(y, 1) + ")"; }, AlignmentGeometry: function AlignmentGeometry() { }, Alignment: function Alignment(t0, t1) { this.x = t0; this.y = t1; }, AlignmentDirectional: function AlignmentDirectional(t0, t1) { this.start = t0; this.y = t1; }, _MixedAlignment: function _MixedAlignment(t0, t1, t2) { this._x = t0; this._alignment$_start = t1; this._y = t2; }, flipAxis(direction) { switch (direction.index) { case 0: return B.Axis_1; case 1: return B.Axis_0; } }, RenderComparison: function RenderComparison(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, Axis: function Axis(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, VerticalDirection: function VerticalDirection(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, AxisDirection: function AxisDirection(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, PaintingBinding: function PaintingBinding() { }, _SystemFontsNotifier: function _SystemFontsNotifier(t0) { this._systemFontsCallbacks = t0; }, BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(a, b, t) { var t1 = a == null; if (t1 && b == null) return null; if (t1) a = B.BorderRadius_tLn; return a.add$1(0, (b == null ? B.BorderRadius_tLn : b).subtract$1(a).$mul(0, t)); }, BorderRadius$all(radius) { return new A.BorderRadius(radius, radius, radius, radius); }, BorderRadius$circular(radius) { var t1 = new A.Radius(radius, radius); return new A.BorderRadius(t1, t1, t1, t1); }, BorderRadius_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t3, t4, t1 = a == null; if (t1 && b == null) return null; if (t1) return b.$mul(0, t); if (b == null) return a.$mul(0, 1 - t); t1 = A.Radius_lerp(a.topLeft, b.topLeft, t); t1.toString; t2 = A.Radius_lerp(a.topRight, b.topRight, t); t2.toString; t3 = A.Radius_lerp(a.bottomLeft, b.bottomLeft, t); t3.toString; t4 = A.Radius_lerp(a.bottomRight, b.bottomRight, t); t4.toString; return new A.BorderRadius(t1, t2, t3, t4); }, BorderRadiusGeometry: function BorderRadiusGeometry() { }, BorderRadius: function BorderRadius(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.topLeft = t0; _.topRight = t1; _.bottomLeft = t2; _.bottomRight = t3; }, _MixedBorderRadius: function _MixedBorderRadius(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _._topLeft = t0; _._topRight = t1; _._bottomLeft = t2; _._bottomRight = t3; _._topStart = t4; _._topEnd = t5; _._bottomStart = t6; _._bottomEnd = t7; }, BorderSide_lerp(a, b, t) { var t1, t2, t3, colorA, colorB; if (t === 0) return a; if (t === 1) return b; t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.width, b.width, t); t1.toString; if (t1 < 0) return B.BorderSide_0CF; t2 = a.style; t3 = b.style; if (t2 === t3) { t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t); t3.toString; return new A.BorderSide(t3, t1, t2); } switch (t2.index) { case 1: colorA = a.color; break; case 0: t2 = a.color.value; colorA = A.Color$fromARGB(0, t2 >>> 16 & 255, t2 >>> 8 & 255, t2 & 255); break; default: colorA = null; } switch (t3.index) { case 1: colorB = b.color; break; case 0: t2 = b.color.value; colorB = A.Color$fromARGB(0, t2 >>> 16 & 255, t2 >>> 8 & 255, t2 & 255); break; default: colorB = null; } t2 = A.Color_lerp(colorA, colorB, t); t2.toString; return new A.BorderSide(t2, t1, B.BorderStyle_1); }, ShapeBorder_lerp(a, b, t) { var t1, result = b != null ? b.lerpFrom$2(a, t) : null; if (result == null && a != null) result = a.lerpTo$2(b, t); if (result == null) t1 = t < 0.5 ? a : b; else t1 = result; return t1; }, _CompoundBorder_lerp(a, b, t) { var t1, index, localA, localB, t2, localResult, aList = a instanceof A._CompoundBorder ? a.borders : A._setArrayType([a], type$.JSArray_nullable_ShapeBorder), bList = b instanceof A._CompoundBorder ? b.borders : A._setArrayType([b], type$.JSArray_nullable_ShapeBorder), results = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ShapeBorder), $length = Math.max(aList.length, bList.length); for (t1 = 1 - t, index = 0; index < $length; ++index) { localA = index < aList.length ? aList[index] : null; localB = index < bList.length ? bList[index] : null; t2 = localA != null; if (t2 && localB != null) { localResult = localA.lerpTo$2(localB, t); if (localResult == null) localResult = localB.lerpFrom$2(localA, t); if (localResult != null) { results.push(localResult); continue; } } if (localB != null) results.push(localB.scale$1(0, t)); if (t2) results.push(localA.scale$1(0, t1)); } return new A._CompoundBorder(results); }, BorderStyle: function BorderStyle(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, BorderSide: function BorderSide(t0, t1, t2) { this.color = t0; this.width = t1; this.style = t2; }, ShapeBorder: function ShapeBorder() { }, OutlinedBorder: function OutlinedBorder() { }, _CompoundBorder: function _CompoundBorder(t0) { this.borders = t0; }, _CompoundBorder_dimensions_closure: function _CompoundBorder_dimensions_closure() { }, _CompoundBorder_scale_closure: function _CompoundBorder_scale_closure(t0) { this.t = t0; }, _CompoundBorder_toString_closure: function _CompoundBorder_toString_closure() { }, BoxShape: function BoxShape(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, CircleBorder: function CircleBorder(t0) { this.side = t0; }, ClipContext: function ClipContext() { }, ClipContext_clipPathAndPaint_closure: function ClipContext_clipPathAndPaint_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.path = t1; }, ClipContext_clipRectAndPaint_closure: function ClipContext_clipRectAndPaint_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.rect = t1; }, ColorSwatch: function ColorSwatch() { }, Decoration_lerp(a, b, t) { var _null = null, t1 = a == null; if (t1 && b == null) return _null; if (t1) { t1 = b.lerpFrom$2(_null, t); return t1 == null ? b : t1; } if (b == null) { t1 = a.lerpTo$2(_null, t); return t1 == null ? a : t1; } if (t === 0) return a; if (t === 1) return b; t1 = b.lerpFrom$2(a, t); if (t1 == null) t1 = a.lerpTo$2(b, t); if (t1 == null) if (t < 0.5) { t1 = a.lerpTo$2(_null, t * 2); if (t1 == null) t1 = a; } else { t1 = b.lerpFrom$2(_null, (t - 0.5) * 2); if (t1 == null) t1 = b; } return t1; }, Decoration: function Decoration() { }, BoxPainter: function BoxPainter() { }, _Decoration_Object_Diagnosticable: function _Decoration_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t1 = a == null; if (t1 && b == null) return null; if (t1) return b.$mul(0, t); if (b == null) return a.$mul(0, 1 - t); if (a instanceof A.EdgeInsets && b instanceof A.EdgeInsets) return A.EdgeInsets_lerp(a, b, t); if (a instanceof A.EdgeInsetsDirectional && b instanceof A.EdgeInsetsDirectional) return A.EdgeInsetsDirectional_lerp(a, b, t); t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_left(a), b.get$_left(b), t); t1.toString; t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_right(a), b.get$_right(b), t); t2.toString; t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_edge_insets$_start(a), b.get$_edge_insets$_start(b), t); t3.toString; t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_edge_insets$_end(), b.get$_edge_insets$_end(), t); t4.toString; t5 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_top(a), b.get$_top(b), t); t5.toString; t6 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_bottom(a), b.get$_bottom(b), t); t6.toString; return new A._MixedEdgeInsets(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6); }, EdgeInsets$fromWindowPadding(padding, devicePixelRatio) { return new A.EdgeInsets(padding.left / devicePixelRatio, padding.top / devicePixelRatio, padding.right / devicePixelRatio, padding.bottom / devicePixelRatio); }, EdgeInsets_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t3, t4, t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.left, b.left, t); t1.toString; t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.top, b.top, t); t2.toString; t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.right, b.right, t); t3.toString; t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.bottom, b.bottom, t); t4.toString; return new A.EdgeInsets(t1, t2, t3, t4); }, EdgeInsetsDirectional_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t3, t4, t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.start, b.start, t); t1.toString; t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.top, b.top, t); t2.toString; t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.end, b.end, t); t3.toString; t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.bottom, b.bottom, t); t4.toString; return new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(t1, t2, t3, t4); }, EdgeInsetsGeometry: function EdgeInsetsGeometry() { }, EdgeInsets: function EdgeInsets(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.left = t0; _.top = t1; _.right = t2; _.bottom = t3; }, EdgeInsetsDirectional: function EdgeInsetsDirectional(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.start = t0; _.top = t1; _.end = t2; _.bottom = t3; }, _MixedEdgeInsets: function _MixedEdgeInsets(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _._left = t0; _._right = t1; _._edge_insets$_start = t2; _._edge_insets$_end = t3; _._top = t4; _._bottom = t5; }, ImageCache: function ImageCache(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._pendingImages = t0; _._image_cache$_cache = t1; _._liveImages = t2; _._currentSizeBytes = 0; }, ImageConfiguration: function ImageConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.bundle = t0; _.devicePixelRatio = t1; _.locale = t2; _.textDirection = t3; _.size = t4; _.platform = t5; }, InlineSpanSemanticsInformation$(text, recognizer, semanticsLabel, stringAttributes) { return new A.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation(text, semanticsLabel, recognizer, false, stringAttributes); }, combineSemanticsInfo(infoList) { var t2, workingText, workingLabel, _i, info, effectiveLabel, effectiveLabel0, t3, t4, t5, _i0, infoAttribute, t6, combined = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_InlineSpanSemanticsInformation), t1 = type$.JSArray_StringAttribute, workingAttributes = A._setArrayType([], t1); for (t2 = infoList.length, workingText = "", workingLabel = "", _i = 0; _i < infoList.length; infoList.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(infoList), ++_i) { info = infoList[_i]; if (info.requiresOwnNode) { combined.push(new A.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation(workingText, workingLabel, null, false, workingAttributes)); workingAttributes = A._setArrayType([], t1); combined.push(info); workingText = ""; workingLabel = ""; } else { effectiveLabel = info.text; workingText += effectiveLabel; effectiveLabel0 = info.semanticsLabel; effectiveLabel = effectiveLabel0 == null ? effectiveLabel : effectiveLabel0; for (t3 = info.stringAttributes, t4 = t3.length, t5 = workingLabel.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i0) { infoAttribute = t3[_i0]; t6 = infoAttribute.range; workingAttributes.push(infoAttribute.copy$1$range(0, new A.TextRange(t6.start + t5, t6.end + t5))); } workingLabel += effectiveLabel; } } combined.push(A.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation$(workingText, null, workingLabel, workingAttributes)); return combined; }, Accumulator: function Accumulator() { this._inline_span$_value = 0; }, InlineSpanSemanticsInformation: function InlineSpanSemanticsInformation(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.text = t0; _.semanticsLabel = t1; _.recognizer = t2; _.requiresOwnNode = t3; _.stringAttributes = t4; }, InlineSpan: function InlineSpan() { }, InlineSpan_getSpanForPosition_closure: function InlineSpan_getSpanForPosition_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_0 = t0; this.position = t1; this.offset = t2; }, RoundedRectangleBorder: function RoundedRectangleBorder(t0, t1) { this.borderRadius = t0; this.side = t1; }, _RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder: function _RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(t0, t1, t2) { this.borderRadius = t0; this.circleness = t1; this.side = t2; }, StadiumBorder: function StadiumBorder(t0) { this.side = t0; }, _StadiumToCircleBorder: function _StadiumToCircleBorder(t0, t1) { this.circleness = t0; this.side = t1; }, _StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder: function _StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(t0, t1, t2) { this.borderRadius = t0; this.rectness = t1; this.side = t2; }, TextPainter$(ellipsis, locale, maxLines, strutStyle, text, textAlign, textDirection, textHeightBehavior, textScaleFactor, textWidthBasis) { return new A.TextPainter(text, textAlign, textDirection, textScaleFactor, ellipsis, locale, maxLines, strutStyle, textWidthBasis, textHeightBehavior); }, TextOverflow: function TextOverflow(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, PlaceholderDimensions: function PlaceholderDimensions(t0, t1) { this.size = t0; this.baseline = t1; }, TextWidthBasis: function TextWidthBasis(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, TextPainter: function TextPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) { var _ = this; _._paragraph = null; _._rebuildParagraphForPaint = true; _._text_painter$_text = t0; _._textAlign = t1; _._text_painter$_textDirection = t2; _._textScaleFactor = t3; _._ellipsis = t4; _._text_painter$_locale = t5; _._maxLines = t6; _._text_painter$_strutStyle = t7; _._textWidthBasis = t8; _._text_painter$_textHeightBehavior = t9; _._lastMaxWidth = _._lastMinWidth = _._text_painter$_placeholderDimensions = _._inlinePlaceholderScales = _._inlinePlaceholderBoxes = null; }, TextSpan$(children, style, text) { return new A.TextSpan(text, children, B.C__DeferringMouseCursor, style); }, TextSpan: function TextSpan(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.text = t0; _.children = t1; _.mouseCursor = t2; _.style = t3; }, TextSpan_debugDescribeChildren_closure: function TextSpan_debugDescribeChildren_closure() { }, TextStyle$(background, backgroundColor, color, debugLabel, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, foreground, height, inherit, leadingDistribution, letterSpacing, locale, overflow, $package, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing) { return new A.TextStyle(inherit, color, backgroundColor, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, $package, fontSize, fontWeight, fontStyle, letterSpacing, wordSpacing, textBaseline, height, leadingDistribution, locale, foreground, background, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, debugLabel, shadows, fontFeatures, overflow); }, TextStyle_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, _null = null, t1 = a == null; if (t1 && b == null) return _null; if (t1) { t1 = b.inherit; t2 = A.Color_lerp(_null, b.color, t); t3 = A.Color_lerp(_null, b.backgroundColor, t); t4 = t < 0.5; t5 = t4 ? _null : b.fontSize; t6 = A.FontWeight_lerp(_null, b.fontWeight, t); t7 = t4 ? _null : b.fontStyle; t8 = t4 ? _null : b.letterSpacing; t9 = t4 ? _null : b.wordSpacing; t10 = t4 ? _null : b.textBaseline; t11 = t4 ? _null : b.height; t12 = t4 ? _null : b.leadingDistribution; t13 = t4 ? _null : b.locale; t14 = t4 ? _null : b.foreground; t15 = t4 ? _null : b.background; t16 = t4 ? _null : b.shadows; t17 = t4 ? _null : b.fontFeatures; t18 = t4 ? _null : b.decoration; t19 = A.Color_lerp(_null, b.decorationColor, t); t20 = t4 ? _null : b.decorationStyle; t21 = t4 ? _null : b.decorationThickness; t22 = t4 ? _null : b.get$_text_style$_fontFamily(b); t23 = t4 ? _null : b.get$fontFamilyFallback(); t24 = t4 ? _null : b._package; return A.TextStyle$(t15, t3, t2, _null, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t17, t5, t7, t6, t14, t11, t1, t12, t8, t13, t4 ? _null : b.overflow, t24, t16, t10, t9); } if (b == null) { t1 = a.inherit; t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, _null, t); t3 = A.Color_lerp(_null, a.backgroundColor, t); t4 = t < 0.5; t5 = t4 ? a.fontSize : _null; t6 = A.FontWeight_lerp(a.fontWeight, _null, t); t7 = t4 ? a.fontStyle : _null; t8 = t4 ? a.letterSpacing : _null; t9 = t4 ? a.wordSpacing : _null; t10 = t4 ? a.textBaseline : _null; t11 = t4 ? a.height : _null; t12 = t4 ? a.leadingDistribution : _null; t13 = t4 ? a.locale : _null; t14 = t4 ? a.foreground : _null; t15 = t4 ? a.background : _null; t16 = t4 ? a.shadows : _null; t17 = t4 ? a.fontFeatures : _null; t18 = t4 ? a.decoration : _null; t19 = A.Color_lerp(a.decorationColor, _null, t); t20 = t4 ? a.decorationStyle : _null; t21 = t4 ? a.decorationThickness : _null; t22 = t4 ? a.get$_text_style$_fontFamily(a) : _null; t23 = t4 ? a.get$fontFamilyFallback() : _null; t24 = t4 ? a._package : _null; return A.TextStyle$(t15, t3, t2, _null, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t17, t5, t7, t6, t14, t11, t1, t12, t8, t13, t4 ? a.overflow : _null, t24, t16, t10, t9); } t1 = b.inherit; t2 = a.foreground; t3 = t2 == null; t4 = t3 && b.foreground == null ? A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t) : _null; t5 = a.background; t6 = t5 == null; t7 = t6 && b.background == null ? A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t) : _null; t8 = a.fontSize; t9 = t8 == null ? b.fontSize : t8; t10 = b.fontSize; t8 = A.lerpDouble(t9, t10 == null ? t8 : t10, t); t9 = A.FontWeight_lerp(a.fontWeight, b.fontWeight, t); t10 = t < 0.5; t11 = t10 ? a.fontStyle : b.fontStyle; t12 = a.letterSpacing; t13 = t12 == null ? b.letterSpacing : t12; t14 = b.letterSpacing; t12 = A.lerpDouble(t13, t14 == null ? t12 : t14, t); t13 = a.wordSpacing; t14 = t13 == null ? b.wordSpacing : t13; t15 = b.wordSpacing; t13 = A.lerpDouble(t14, t15 == null ? t13 : t15, t); t14 = t10 ? a.textBaseline : b.textBaseline; t15 = a.height; t16 = t15 == null ? b.height : t15; t17 = b.height; t15 = A.lerpDouble(t16, t17 == null ? t15 : t17, t); t16 = t10 ? a.leadingDistribution : b.leadingDistribution; t17 = t10 ? a.locale : b.locale; if (!t3 || b.foreground != null) if (t10) { if (t3) { t2 = A._detectRenderer(); t2 = t2 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); t3 = a.color; t3.toString; t2.set$color(0, t3); } } else { t2 = b.foreground; if (t2 == null) { t2 = A._detectRenderer(); t2 = t2 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); t3 = b.color; t3.toString; t2.set$color(0, t3); } } else t2 = _null; if (!t6 || b.background != null) if (t10) if (t6) { t3 = A._detectRenderer(); t3 = t3 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); t5 = a.backgroundColor; t5.toString; t3.set$color(0, t5); } else t3 = t5; else { t3 = b.background; if (t3 == null) { t3 = A._detectRenderer(); t3 = t3 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); t5 = b.backgroundColor; t5.toString; t3.set$color(0, t5); } } else t3 = _null; t5 = t10 ? a.shadows : b.shadows; t6 = t10 ? a.fontFeatures : b.fontFeatures; t18 = t10 ? a.decoration : b.decoration; t19 = A.Color_lerp(a.decorationColor, b.decorationColor, t); t20 = t10 ? a.decorationStyle : b.decorationStyle; t21 = a.decorationThickness; t22 = t21 == null ? b.decorationThickness : t21; t23 = b.decorationThickness; t21 = A.lerpDouble(t22, t23 == null ? t21 : t23, t); t22 = t10 ? a.get$_text_style$_fontFamily(a) : b.get$_text_style$_fontFamily(b); t23 = t10 ? a.get$fontFamilyFallback() : b.get$fontFamilyFallback(); t24 = t10 ? a._package : b._package; return A.TextStyle$(t3, t7, t4, _null, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t6, t8, t11, t9, t2, t15, t1, t16, t12, t17, t10 ? a.overflow : b.overflow, t24, t5, t14, t13); }, TextStyle: function TextStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24) { var _ = this; _.inherit = t0; _.color = t1; _.backgroundColor = t2; _.fontFamily = t3; _._text_style$_fontFamilyFallback = t4; _._package = t5; _.fontSize = t6; _.fontWeight = t7; _.fontStyle = t8; _.letterSpacing = t9; _.wordSpacing = t10; _.textBaseline = t11; _.height = t12; _.leadingDistribution = t13; _.locale = t14; _.foreground = t15; _.background = t16; _.decoration = t17; _.decorationColor = t18; _.decorationStyle = t19; _.decorationThickness = t20; _.debugLabel = t21; _.shadows = t22; _.fontFeatures = t23; _.overflow = t24; }, _TextStyle_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TextStyle_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, Simulation: function Simulation() { }, Tolerance: function Tolerance(t0, t1) { this.distance = t0; this.velocity = t1; }, RendererBinding: function RendererBinding() { }, RendererBinding__scheduleMouseTrackerUpdate_closure: function RendererBinding__scheduleMouseTrackerUpdate_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, BoxConstraints$tight(size) { var t1 = size._dx, t2 = size._dy; return new A.BoxConstraints(t1, t1, t2, t2); }, BoxConstraints$tightFor(height, width) { var t3, t4, t1 = width == null, t2 = t1 ? 0 : width; t1 = t1 ? 1 / 0 : width; t3 = height == null; t4 = t3 ? 0 : height; return new A.BoxConstraints(t2, t1, t4, t3 ? 1 / 0 : height); }, BoxConstraints_lerp(a, b, t) { var t2, t3, t4, t1 = a == null; if (t1 && b == null) return null; if (t1) return b.$mul(0, t); if (b == null) return a.$mul(0, 1 - t); t1 = a.minWidth; if (isFinite(t1)) { t1 = A.lerpDouble(t1, b.minWidth, t); t1.toString; } else t1 = 1 / 0; t2 = a.maxWidth; if (isFinite(t2)) { t2 = A.lerpDouble(t2, b.maxWidth, t); t2.toString; } else t2 = 1 / 0; t3 = a.minHeight; if (isFinite(t3)) { t3 = A.lerpDouble(t3, b.minHeight, t); t3.toString; } else t3 = 1 / 0; t4 = a.maxHeight; if (isFinite(t4)) { t4 = A.lerpDouble(t4, b.maxHeight, t); t4.toString; } else t4 = 1 / 0; return new A.BoxConstraints(t1, t2, t3, t4); }, BoxHitTestResult$() { var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_HitTestEntry), t2 = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); t2.setIdentity$0(); return new A.BoxHitTestResult(t1, A._setArrayType([t2], type$.JSArray_Matrix4_2), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__TransformPart)); }, BoxConstraints: function BoxConstraints(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.minWidth = t0; _.maxWidth = t1; _.minHeight = t2; _.maxHeight = t3; }, BoxConstraints_toString_describe: function BoxConstraints_toString_describe() { }, BoxHitTestResult: function BoxHitTestResult(t0, t1, t2) { this._path = t0; this._transforms = t1; this._localTransforms = t2; }, BoxHitTestEntry: function BoxHitTestEntry(t0, t1) { this.localPosition = t0; this.target = t1; this._transform = null; }, BoxParentData: function BoxParentData(t0) { this.offset = t0; }, ContainerBoxParentData: function ContainerBoxParentData() { }, RenderBox: function RenderBox() { }, RenderBox_getDryLayout_closure: function RenderBox_getDryLayout_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.constraints = t1; }, RenderBox_getDistanceToActualBaseline_closure: function RenderBox_getDistanceToActualBaseline_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.baseline = t1; }, RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() { }, RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_defaultHitTestChildren_closure: function RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_defaultHitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_0 = t0; this.position = t1; this.childParentData = t2; }, _ContainerBoxParentData_BoxParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin: function _ContainerBoxParentData_BoxParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin() { }, MultiChildLayoutParentData: function MultiChildLayoutParentData(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.id = null; _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0; _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1; _.offset = t2; }, MultiChildLayoutDelegate: function MultiChildLayoutDelegate() { }, RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox: function RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._delegate = t0; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t1; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t2; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t3; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t4; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() { }, _RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function _RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() { }, RenderCustomPaint__updateSemanticsChildren(oldSemantics, newChildSemantics) { var t1, oldChildrenBottom, newChildren, haveOldChildren, newSemantics, newChild, oldKeyedChildren, oldChildrenTop, t2, newChildrenTop, key, t3, oldChild, _box_0 = {}; _box_0.newChildSemantics = newChildSemantics; if (oldSemantics == null) oldSemantics = B.List_empty9; t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(oldSemantics); oldChildrenBottom = t1.get$length(oldSemantics) - 1; newChildren = A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_SemanticsNode); haveOldChildren = 0 <= oldChildrenBottom; while (true) { if (!false) break; t1.$index(oldSemantics, 0); newSemantics = newChildSemantics[0]; newSemantics.get$key(newSemantics); break; } while (true) { if (!false) break; t1.$index(oldSemantics, oldChildrenBottom); newChild = newChildSemantics[-1]; newChild.get$key(newChild); break; } oldKeyedChildren = A._Cell$named("oldKeyedChildren"); if (haveOldChildren) { oldKeyedChildren.set$finalLocalValue(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Key, type$.SemanticsNode)); for (oldChildrenTop = 0; oldChildrenTop <= oldChildrenBottom;) { t1.$index(oldSemantics, oldChildrenTop); ++oldChildrenTop; } haveOldChildren = true; } else oldChildrenTop = 0; for (t2 = oldKeyedChildren.__late_helper$_name, newChildrenTop = 0; false;) { newSemantics = _box_0.newChildSemantics[newChildrenTop]; if (haveOldChildren) { key = newSemantics.get$key(newSemantics); t3 = oldKeyedChildren.__late_helper$_value; if (t3 === oldKeyedChildren) A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t2)); oldChild = J.$index$asx(t3, key); if (oldChild != null) { newSemantics.get$key(newSemantics); oldChild = null; } } else oldChild = null; newChildren[newChildrenTop] = A.RenderCustomPaint__updateSemanticsChild(oldChild, newSemantics); ++newChildrenTop; } t1.get$length(oldSemantics); while (true) { if (!false) break; newChildren[newChildrenTop] = A.RenderCustomPaint__updateSemanticsChild(t1.$index(oldSemantics, oldChildrenTop), _box_0.newChildSemantics[newChildrenTop]); ++newChildrenTop; ++oldChildrenTop; } return new A.CastList(newChildren, A._arrayInstanceType(newChildren)._eval$1("CastList<1,SemanticsNode>")); }, RenderCustomPaint__updateSemanticsChild(oldChild, newSemantics) { var t1, newChild = oldChild == null ? A.SemanticsNode$(newSemantics.get$key(newSemantics), null) : oldChild, properties = newSemantics.get$properties(), config = A.SemanticsConfiguration$(); properties.get$sortKey(); config._semantics$_sortKey = properties.get$sortKey(); config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; properties.get$checked(properties); t1 = properties.get$checked(properties); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_1, true); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_2, t1); properties.get$selected(properties); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_4, properties.get$selected(properties)); properties.get$button(properties); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_8, properties.get$button(properties)); properties.get$link(); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_4194304, properties.get$link()); properties.get$textField(); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_16, properties.get$textField()); properties.get$slider(); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_8388608, properties.get$slider()); properties.get$keyboardKey(); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_16777216, properties.get$keyboardKey()); properties.get$readOnly(properties); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_1048576, properties.get$readOnly(properties)); properties.get$focusable(); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_2097152, properties.get$focusable()); properties.get$focused(properties); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_32, properties.get$focused(properties)); properties.get$enabled(properties); t1 = properties.get$enabled(properties); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_64, true); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_128, t1); properties.get$inMutuallyExclusiveGroup(); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_256, properties.get$inMutuallyExclusiveGroup()); properties.get$obscured(); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_1024, properties.get$obscured()); properties.get$multiline(properties); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_524288, properties.get$multiline(properties)); properties.get$hidden(properties); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_8192, properties.get$hidden(properties)); properties.get$header(); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_512, properties.get$header()); properties.get$scopesRoute(); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_2048, properties.get$scopesRoute()); properties.get$namesRoute(); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_4096, properties.get$namesRoute()); properties.get$liveRegion(); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_32768, properties.get$liveRegion()); properties.get$maxValueLength(); config.set$maxValueLength(properties.get$maxValueLength()); properties.get$currentValueLength(); config.set$currentValueLength(properties.get$currentValueLength()); properties.get$toggled(); t1 = properties.get$toggled(); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_65536, true); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_131072, t1); properties.get$image(properties); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_16384, properties.get$image(properties)); properties.get$label(properties); config._semantics$_attributedLabel = new A.AttributedString(properties.get$label(properties), B.List_empty2); config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; properties.get$value(properties); config._semantics$_attributedValue = new A.AttributedString(properties.get$value(properties), B.List_empty2); config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; properties.get$increasedValue(); config._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = new A.AttributedString(properties.get$increasedValue(), B.List_empty2); config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; properties.get$decreasedValue(); config._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = new A.AttributedString(properties.get$decreasedValue(), B.List_empty2); config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; properties.get$hint(properties); config._semantics$_attributedHint = new A.AttributedString(properties.get$hint(properties), B.List_empty2); config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; properties.get$textDirection(properties); config._semantics$_textDirection = properties.get$textDirection(properties); config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; properties.get$onTap(); config.set$onTap(properties.get$onTap()); properties.get$onLongPress(); config.set$onLongPress(properties.get$onLongPress()); properties.get$onScrollLeft(); config.set$onScrollLeft(properties.get$onScrollLeft()); properties.get$onScrollRight(); config.set$onScrollRight(properties.get$onScrollRight()); properties.get$onScrollUp(); config.set$onScrollUp(properties.get$onScrollUp()); properties.get$onScrollDown(); config.set$onScrollDown(properties.get$onScrollDown()); properties.get$onIncrease(); config.set$onIncrease(properties.get$onIncrease()); properties.get$onDecrease(); config.set$onDecrease(properties.get$onDecrease()); properties.get$onCopy(properties); config.set$onCopy(0, properties.get$onCopy(properties)); properties.get$onCut(properties); config.set$onCut(0, properties.get$onCut(properties)); properties.get$onPaste(properties); config.set$onPaste(0, properties.get$onPaste(properties)); properties.get$onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter(); config.set$onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter(properties.get$onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter()); properties.get$onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter(); config.set$onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter(properties.get$onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter()); properties.get$onMoveCursorForwardByWord(); config.set$onMoveCursorForwardByWord(properties.get$onMoveCursorForwardByWord()); properties.get$onMoveCursorBackwardByWord(); config.set$onMoveCursorBackwardByWord(properties.get$onMoveCursorBackwardByWord()); properties.get$onSetSelection(); config.set$onSetSelection(properties.get$onSetSelection()); properties.get$onSetText(); config.set$onSetText(properties.get$onSetText()); properties.get$onDidGainAccessibilityFocus(); config.set$onDidGainAccessibilityFocus(properties.get$onDidGainAccessibilityFocus()); properties.get$onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus(); config.set$onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus(properties.get$onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus()); properties.get$onDismiss(); config.set$onDismiss(properties.get$onDismiss()); newChild.updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config(0, B.List_empty9, config); newChild.set$rect(0, newSemantics.get$rect(newSemantics)); newChild.set$transform(0, newSemantics.get$transform(newSemantics)); newChild.tags = newSemantics.get$tags(); return newChild; }, CustomPainter: function CustomPainter() { }, RenderCustomPaint: function RenderCustomPaint(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._custom_paint$_painter = t0; _._foregroundPainter = t1; _._preferredSize = t2; _.isComplex = t3; _.willChange = t4; _._foregroundSemanticsNodes = _._backgroundSemanticsNodes = _._foregroundSemanticsBuilder = _._backgroundSemanticsBuilder = null; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t5; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t6; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin: function DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin() { }, RenderErrorBox: function RenderErrorBox(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.message = t0; _.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph = $; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t1; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _startIsTopLeft(direction, textDirection, verticalDirection) { switch (direction.index) { case 0: switch (textDirection) { case B.TextDirection_1: return true; case B.TextDirection_0: return false; case null: return null; } break; case 1: switch (verticalDirection) { case B.VerticalDirection_1: return true; case B.VerticalDirection_0: return false; case null: return null; } break; } }, FlexParentData: function FlexParentData(t0, t1, t2) { this.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0; this.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1; this.offset = t2; }, MainAxisSize: function MainAxisSize(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, MainAxisAlignment: function MainAxisAlignment(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, CrossAxisAlignment: function CrossAxisAlignment(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, RenderFlex: function RenderFlex(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) { var _ = this; _._flex$_direction = t0; _._mainAxisAlignment = t1; _._mainAxisSize = t2; _._crossAxisAlignment = t3; _._flex$_textDirection = t4; _._verticalDirection = t5; _._flex$_textBaseline = t6; _._flex$_overflow = 0; _._flex$_clipBehavior = t7; _._flex$_clipRectLayer = t8; _.DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin__indicatorLabel = t9; _.DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin__overflowReportNeeded = t10; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t11; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t12; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t13; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t14; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _LayoutSizes: function _LayoutSizes(t0, t1, t2) { this.mainSize = t0; this.crossSize = t1; this.allocatedSize = t2; }, _RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() { }, _RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function _RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() { }, _RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin: function _RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin() { }, LayerHandle$() { return new A.LayerHandle(); }, TransformLayer$(transform) { return new A.TransformLayer(transform, B.Offset_0_0, A.LayerHandle$()); }, PhysicalModelLayer$() { return new A.PhysicalModelLayer(B.Clip_0, A.LayerHandle$()); }, AnnotationResult: function AnnotationResult(t0, t1) { this._layer$_entries = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, Layer0: function Layer0() { }, LayerHandle: function LayerHandle() { this._layer = null; }, PictureLayer: function PictureLayer(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.canvasBounds = t0; _._picture = null; _._layer$_debugDisposed = _._willChangeHint = _._isComplexHint = false; _._parentHandle = t1; _._refCount = 0; _._needsAddToScene = true; _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, TextureLayer: function TextureLayer(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.rect = t0; _.textureId = t1; _.freeze = t2; _._layer$_debugDisposed = false; _._parentHandle = t3; _._refCount = 0; _._needsAddToScene = true; _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, PlatformViewLayer: function PlatformViewLayer(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.rect = t0; _.viewId = t1; _._layer$_debugDisposed = false; _._parentHandle = t2; _._refCount = 0; _._needsAddToScene = true; _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, PerformanceOverlayLayer: function PerformanceOverlayLayer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _._overlayRect = t0; _.optionsMask = t1; _.rasterizerThreshold = t2; _.checkerboardRasterCacheImages = t3; _.checkerboardOffscreenLayers = t4; _._layer$_debugDisposed = false; _._parentHandle = t5; _._refCount = 0; _._needsAddToScene = true; _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, ContainerLayer0: function ContainerLayer0() { }, OffsetLayer: function OffsetLayer(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._layer$_offset = t0; _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null; _._layer$_debugDisposed = false; _._parentHandle = t1; _._refCount = 0; _._needsAddToScene = true; _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, ClipRectLayer: function ClipRectLayer(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._clipRect = null; _._layer$_clipBehavior = t0; _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null; _._layer$_debugDisposed = false; _._parentHandle = t1; _._refCount = 0; _._needsAddToScene = true; _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, ClipPathLayer: function ClipPathLayer(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._clipPath = null; _._layer$_clipBehavior = t0; _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null; _._layer$_debugDisposed = false; _._parentHandle = t1; _._refCount = 0; _._needsAddToScene = true; _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, TransformLayer: function TransformLayer(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._layer$_transform = t0; _._invertedTransform = _._lastEffectiveTransform = null; _._inverseDirty = true; _._layer$_offset = t1; _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null; _._layer$_debugDisposed = false; _._parentHandle = t2; _._refCount = 0; _._needsAddToScene = true; _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, OpacityLayer: function OpacityLayer(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._alpha = null; _._layer$_offset = t0; _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null; _._layer$_debugDisposed = false; _._parentHandle = t1; _._refCount = 0; _._needsAddToScene = true; _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, PhysicalModelLayer: function PhysicalModelLayer(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._clipPath = null; _._layer$_clipBehavior = t0; _._lastChild = _._firstChild = _._layer$_shadowColor = _._layer$_color = _._layer$_elevation = null; _._layer$_debugDisposed = false; _._parentHandle = t1; _._refCount = 0; _._needsAddToScene = true; _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _Layer_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _Layer_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() { }, MouseTracker__shouldMarkStateDirty(state, $event) { var lastEvent; if (state == null) return true; lastEvent = state._latestEvent; if (type$.PointerSignalEvent._is($event)) return false; return type$.PointerAddedEvent._is(lastEvent) || type$.PointerRemovedEvent._is($event) || !lastEvent.get$position(lastEvent).$eq(0, $event.get$position($event)); }, MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents(details) { var lastAnnotations, nextAnnotations, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, enteringAnnotations, baseEnterEvent, result = details.triggeringEvent; if (result == null) result = details.previousEvent; lastAnnotations = details.lastAnnotations; nextAnnotations = details.nextAnnotations; t1 = result.get$timeStamp(result); t2 = result.get$pointer(); t3 = result.get$kind(result); t4 = result.get$device(result); t5 = result.get$position(result); t6 = result.get$delta(); t7 = result.get$buttons(result); result.get$obscured(); t8 = result.get$pressureMin(); t9 = result.get$pressureMax(); t10 = result.get$distance(); t11 = result.get$distanceMax(); t12 = result.get$size(result); t13 = result.get$radiusMajor(); t14 = result.get$radiusMinor(); t15 = result.get$radiusMin(); t16 = result.get$radiusMax(); t17 = result.get$orientation(result); t18 = result.get$tilt(); lastAnnotations.forEach$1(0, new A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure(nextAnnotations, A.PointerExitEvent$(t7, t6, t4, t10, t11, result.get$down(), 0, t3, false, t17, t2, t5, t9, t8, t13, t16, t15, t14, t12, result.get$synthesized(), t18, t1).transformed$1(result.get$transform(result)), lastAnnotations)); t1 = nextAnnotations.get$keys(nextAnnotations); t18 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable"); enteringAnnotations = A.List_List$of(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure0(lastAnnotations), t18), true, t18._eval$1("Iterable.E")); t18 = result.get$timeStamp(result); t1 = result.get$pointer(); t12 = result.get$kind(result); t14 = result.get$device(result); t15 = result.get$position(result); t16 = result.get$delta(); t13 = result.get$buttons(result); result.get$obscured(); t8 = result.get$pressureMin(); t9 = result.get$pressureMax(); t5 = result.get$distance(); t2 = result.get$distanceMax(); t17 = result.get$size(result); t3 = result.get$radiusMajor(); t11 = result.get$radiusMinor(); t10 = result.get$radiusMin(); t4 = result.get$radiusMax(); t6 = result.get$orientation(result); t7 = result.get$tilt(); baseEnterEvent = A.PointerEnterEvent$(t13, t16, t14, t5, t2, result.get$down(), 0, t12, false, t6, t1, t15, t9, t8, t3, t4, t10, t11, t17, result.get$synthesized(), t7, t18).transformed$1(result.get$transform(result)); for (t1 = new A.ReversedListIterable(enteringAnnotations, A._arrayInstanceType(enteringAnnotations)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2._as(t1._current); if (t3.get$validForMouseTracker() && t3.get$onEnter(t3) != null) { t4 = t3.get$onEnter(t3); t4.toString; t4.call$1(baseEnterEvent.transformed$1(nextAnnotations.$index(0, t3))); } } }, _MouseState: function _MouseState(t0, t1) { this._annotations = t0; this._latestEvent = t1; }, _MouseTrackerUpdateDetails: function _MouseTrackerUpdateDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.lastAnnotations = t0; _.nextAnnotations = t1; _.previousEvent = t2; _.triggeringEvent = t3; }, MouseTracker: function MouseTracker(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._mouseCursorMixin = t0; _._mouseStates = t1; _._debugDuringDeviceUpdate = false; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t2; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdate_closure: function MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdate_closure() { }, MouseTracker_updateWithEvent_closure: function MouseTracker_updateWithEvent_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.$this = t0; _.existingState = t1; _.event = t2; _.device = t3; _.result = t4; }, MouseTracker_updateWithEvent__closure: function MouseTracker_updateWithEvent__closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.$this = t0; _.existingState = t1; _.event = t2; _.device = t3; _.result = t4; }, MouseTracker_updateAllDevices_closure: function MouseTracker_updateAllDevices_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.hitTest = t1; }, MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure: function MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.nextAnnotations = t0; this.baseExitEvent = t1; this.lastAnnotations = t2; }, MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure0: function MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure0(t0) { this.lastAnnotations = t0; }, __MouseTrackerUpdateDetails_Object_Diagnosticable: function __MouseTrackerUpdateDetails_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, PaintingContext__repaintCompositedChild(child, childContext, debugAlsoPaintedParent) { var layer, t1 = child._layerHandle, childLayer = type$.nullable_OffsetLayer._as(t1._layer); if (childLayer == null) { layer = new A.OffsetLayer(B.Offset_0_0, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.set$layer(0, layer); t1 = layer; } else { childLayer.removeAllChildren$0(); t1 = childLayer; } childContext = new A.PaintingContext(t1, child.get$paintBounds()); child._paintWithContext$2(childContext, B.Offset_0_0); childContext.stopRecordingIfNeeded$0(); }, RenderObject__cleanChildRelayoutBoundary(child) { child._cleanRelayoutBoundary$0(); }, _SemanticsGeometry__transformRect(rect, transform) { var t1; if (rect == null) return null; if (!rect.get$isEmpty(rect)) { t1 = transform._m4storage; t1 = t1[0] === 0 && t1[1] === 0 && t1[2] === 0 && t1[3] === 0 && t1[4] === 0 && t1[5] === 0 && t1[6] === 0 && t1[7] === 0 && t1[8] === 0 && t1[9] === 0 && t1[10] === 0 && t1[11] === 0 && t1[12] === 0 && t1[13] === 0 && t1[14] === 0 && t1[15] === 0; } else t1 = true; if (t1) return B.Rect_0_0_0_0; return A.MatrixUtils_inverseTransformRect(transform, rect); }, _SemanticsGeometry__applyIntermediatePaintTransforms(ancestor, child, transform, clipRectTransform) { var t2, intermediateParent, t3, t1 = child._node$_parent; t1.toString; t2 = type$.RenderObject; t2._as(t1); for (intermediateParent = t1; intermediateParent !== ancestor; intermediateParent = t1, child = t3) { intermediateParent.applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform); t1 = intermediateParent._node$_parent; t1.toString; t2._as(t1); t3 = child._node$_parent; t3.toString; t2._as(t3); } ancestor.applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform); ancestor.applyPaintTransform$2(child, clipRectTransform); }, _SemanticsGeometry__intersectRects(a, b) { if (a == null) return b; if (b == null) return a; return a.intersect$1(b); }, ParentData: function ParentData() { }, PaintingContext: function PaintingContext(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._containerLayer = t0; _.estimatedBounds = t1; _._canvas = _._recorder = _._currentLayer = null; }, PaintingContext_pushClipRect_closure: function PaintingContext_pushClipRect_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.painter = t1; this.offset = t2; }, PaintingContext_pushClipPath_closure: function PaintingContext_pushClipPath_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.painter = t1; this.offset = t2; }, Constraints: function Constraints() { }, SemanticsHandle: function SemanticsHandle(t0, t1) { this._object$_owner = t0; this.listener = t1; }, PipelineOwner: function PipelineOwner(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.onNeedVisualUpdate = t0; _.onSemanticsOwnerCreated = t1; _.onSemanticsOwnerDisposed = t2; _._rootNode = null; _._nodesNeedingLayout = t3; _._debugAllowMutationsToDirtySubtrees = _._debugDoingLayout = false; _._nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate = t4; _._nodesNeedingPaint = t5; _._debugDoingPaint = false; _._semanticsOwner = null; _._outstandingSemanticsHandles = 0; _._debugDoingSemantics = false; _._nodesNeedingSemantics = t6; }, PipelineOwner_flushLayout_closure: function PipelineOwner_flushLayout_closure() { }, PipelineOwner_flushCompositingBits_closure: function PipelineOwner_flushCompositingBits_closure() { }, PipelineOwner_flushPaint_closure: function PipelineOwner_flushPaint_closure() { }, PipelineOwner_flushSemantics_closure: function PipelineOwner_flushSemantics_closure() { }, RenderObject: function RenderObject() { }, RenderObject_reassemble_closure: function RenderObject_reassemble_closure() { }, RenderObject__debugReportException_closure: function RenderObject__debugReportException_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, RenderObject__updateCompositingBits_closure: function RenderObject__updateCompositingBits_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, RenderObject_clearSemantics_closure: function RenderObject_clearSemantics_closure() { }, RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure: function RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._box_0 = t0; _.$this = t1; _.childrenMergeIntoParent = t2; _.fragments = t3; _.toBeMarkedExplicit = t4; _.config = t5; _.producesForkingFragment = t6; }, RenderObjectWithChildMixin: function RenderObjectWithChildMixin() { }, ContainerParentDataMixin: function ContainerParentDataMixin() { }, ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function ContainerRenderObjectMixin() { }, RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin: function RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin() { }, _SemanticsFragment: function _SemanticsFragment() { }, _ContainerSemanticsFragment: function _ContainerSemanticsFragment(t0, t1) { this.interestingFragments = t0; this.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings = t1; }, _InterestingSemanticsFragment: function _InterestingSemanticsFragment() { }, _RootSemanticsFragment: function _RootSemanticsFragment(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._object$_children = t0; _._ancestorChain = t1; _._object$_tagsForChildren = null; _.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings = t2; }, _SwitchableSemanticsFragment: function _SwitchableSemanticsFragment(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._mergeIntoParent = t0; _._config = t1; _._isConfigWritable = false; _._object$_children = t2; _._isExplicit = false; _._ancestorChain = t3; _._object$_tagsForChildren = null; _.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings = t4; }, _SemanticsGeometry: function _SemanticsGeometry() { var _ = this; _._semanticsClipRect = _._paintClipRect = null; _.___SemanticsGeometry__rect = _.___SemanticsGeometry__transform = $; _._markAsHidden = false; }, _RenderObject_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _RenderObject_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() { }, TextParentData: function TextParentData(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.scale = null; _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0; _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1; _.offset = t2; }, RenderParagraph: function RenderParagraph(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._textPainter = t0; _._cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos = _._cachedAttributedLabel = null; _.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans = $; _._softWrap = t1; _._overflow = t2; _._needsClipping = false; _._cachedChildNodes = _._semanticsInfo = _._placeholderDimensions = _._overflowShader = null; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t3; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t4; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t5; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t6; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderParagraph__extractPlaceholderSpans_closure: function RenderParagraph__extractPlaceholderSpans_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, RenderParagraph_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderParagraph_hitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_0 = t0; this.position = t1; this.textParentData = t2; }, RenderParagraph_paint_closure: function RenderParagraph_paint_closure(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, RenderParagraph_describeSemanticsConfiguration_closure: function RenderParagraph_describeSemanticsConfiguration_closure() { }, _RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() { }, _RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function _RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() { }, _RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin: function _RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin() { }, RenderPerformanceOverlay: function RenderPerformanceOverlay(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._optionsMask = t0; _._rasterizerThreshold = t1; _._checkerboardRasterCacheImages = t2; _._checkerboardOffscreenLayers = t3; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t4; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _factoryTypesSetEquals(a, b, $T) { if (a === b) return true; if (b == null) return false; return A.setEquals(A._factoriesTypeSet(a, $T), A._factoriesTypeSet(b, $T)); }, _factoriesTypeSet(factories, $T) { var t1 = A._instanceType(factories)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable"); return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(factories, new A._factoriesTypeSet_closure($T), t1), t1._eval$1("Iterable.E")); }, RenderAndroidView$(clipBehavior, gestureRecognizers, hitTestBehavior, viewController) { var t1 = new A.RenderAndroidView(B._PlatformViewState_0, viewController, clipBehavior, A.LayerHandle$(), null, null, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = true; t1.RenderAndroidView$4$clipBehavior$gestureRecognizers$hitTestBehavior$viewController(clipBehavior, gestureRecognizers, hitTestBehavior, viewController); return t1; }, _UiKitViewGestureRecognizer$(controller, gestureRecognizerFactories) { var t1 = type$.int, t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1); t1 = new A._UiKitViewGestureRecognizer(gestureRecognizerFactories, controller, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t2, null, null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind)); t1._UiKitViewGestureRecognizer$3$supportedDevices(controller, gestureRecognizerFactories, null); return t1; }, _PlatformViewGestureRecognizer$(handlePointerEvent, gestureRecognizerFactories) { var t1 = type$.int, t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1); t1 = new A._PlatformViewGestureRecognizer(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.List_PointerEvent), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), gestureRecognizerFactories, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t2, null, null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind)); t1._PlatformViewGestureRecognizer$3$supportedDevices(handlePointerEvent, gestureRecognizerFactories, null); return t1; }, PlatformViewHitTestBehavior: function PlatformViewHitTestBehavior(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _PlatformViewState: function _PlatformViewState(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _factoriesTypeSet_closure: function _factoriesTypeSet_closure(t0) { this.T = t0; }, RenderAndroidView: function RenderAndroidView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _._platform_view0$_state = t0; _._viewController = t1; _._platform_view0$_clipBehavior = t2; _.__RenderAndroidView__currentAndroidViewSize = $; _._clipRectLayer = t3; _._PlatformViewGestureMixin__hitTestBehavior = t4; _._PlatformViewGestureMixin__handlePointerEvent = t5; _._PlatformViewGestureMixin__gestureRecognizer = t6; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t7; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderAndroidView_closure: function RenderAndroidView_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, RenderUiKitView: function RenderUiKitView(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._viewController = t0; _.hitTestBehavior = t1; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = _._lastPointerDownEvent = _._gestureRecognizer = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t2; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _UiKitViewGestureRecognizer: function _UiKitViewGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.gestureRecognizerFactories = t0; _.___UiKitViewGestureRecognizer__gestureRecognizers = $; _.controller = t1; _._recognizer$_entries = t2; _._trackedPointers = t3; _._team = null; _.debugOwner = t4; _._supportedDevices = t5; _._pointerToKind = t6; }, _UiKitViewGestureRecognizer_closure: function _UiKitViewGestureRecognizer_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _PlatformViewGestureRecognizer: function _PlatformViewGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _.___PlatformViewGestureRecognizer__handlePointerEvent = $; _.cachedEvents = t0; _.forwardedPointers = t1; _.gestureRecognizerFactories = t2; _.___PlatformViewGestureRecognizer__gestureRecognizers = $; _._recognizer$_entries = t3; _._trackedPointers = t4; _._team = null; _.debugOwner = t5; _._supportedDevices = t6; _._pointerToKind = t7; }, _PlatformViewGestureRecognizer_closure: function _PlatformViewGestureRecognizer_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _PlatformViewGestureMixin: function _PlatformViewGestureMixin() { }, _RenderAndroidView_RenderBox__PlatformViewGestureMixin: function _RenderAndroidView_RenderBox__PlatformViewGestureMixin() { }, RenderConstrainedBox$(additionalConstraints) { var t1 = new A.RenderConstrainedBox(additionalConstraints, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, RenderProxyBox: function RenderProxyBox() { }, RenderProxyBoxMixin: function RenderProxyBoxMixin() { }, HitTestBehavior: function HitTestBehavior(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, RenderProxyBoxWithHitTestBehavior: function RenderProxyBoxWithHitTestBehavior() { }, RenderConstrainedBox: function RenderConstrainedBox(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._additionalConstraints = t0; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t2; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderLimitedBox: function RenderLimitedBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._maxWidth = t0; _._maxHeight = t1; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t3; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin: function RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin() { }, RenderAnimatedOpacity: function RenderAnimatedOpacity(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alpha = t0; _.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__currentlyNeedsCompositing = t1; _.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__opacity = t2; _.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alwaysIncludeSemantics = t3; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t4; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t5; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, CustomClipper: function CustomClipper() { }, ShapeBorderClipper: function ShapeBorderClipper(t0, t1) { this.shape = t0; this.textDirection = t1; }, _RenderCustomClip: function _RenderCustomClip() { }, RenderClipPath: function RenderClipPath(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._clipper = t0; _._clip = null; _._proxy_box$_clipBehavior = t1; _._debugText = _._debugPaint = null; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t3; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _RenderPhysicalModelBase: function _RenderPhysicalModelBase() { }, RenderPhysicalModel: function RenderPhysicalModel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _._shape = t0; _._proxy_box$_borderRadius = t1; _._proxy_box$_elevation = t2; _._proxy_box$_shadowColor = t3; _._proxy_box$_color = t4; _._clipper = t5; _._clip = null; _._proxy_box$_clipBehavior = t6; _._debugText = _._debugPaint = null; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t7; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t8; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderPhysicalShape: function RenderPhysicalShape(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._proxy_box$_elevation = t0; _._proxy_box$_shadowColor = t1; _._proxy_box$_color = t2; _._clipper = t3; _._clip = null; _._proxy_box$_clipBehavior = t4; _._debugText = _._debugPaint = null; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t5; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t6; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, DecorationPosition: function DecorationPosition(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, RenderDecoratedBox: function RenderDecoratedBox(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._painter = null; _._proxy_box$_decoration = t0; _._proxy_box$_position = t1; _._proxy_box$_configuration = t2; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t3; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t4; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderTransform: function RenderTransform(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._textDirection = _._proxy_box$_alignment = _._origin = null; _.transformHitTests = t0; _._proxy_box$_filterQuality = _._proxy_box$_transform = null; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t2; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderTransform_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderTransform_hitTestChildren_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, RenderFractionalTranslation: function RenderFractionalTranslation(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._translation = t0; _.transformHitTests = t1; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t3; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderFractionalTranslation_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderFractionalTranslation_hitTestChildren_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, RenderPointerListener: function RenderPointerListener(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _.onPointerDown = t0; _.onPointerMove = t1; _.onPointerUp = t2; _.onPointerHover = t3; _.onPointerCancel = t4; _.onPointerSignal = t5; _.behavior = t6; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t7; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t8; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderMouseRegion: function RenderMouseRegion(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._proxy_box$_opaque = t0; _.onEnter = t1; _.onHover = t2; _.onExit = t3; _._cursor = t4; _._validForMouseTracker = true; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t5; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t6; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderRepaintBoundary: function RenderRepaintBoundary(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._debugAsymmetricPaintCount = _._debugSymmetricPaintCount = 0; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t0; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t1; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderIgnorePointer: function RenderIgnorePointer(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._ignoring = t0; _._ignoringSemantics = t1; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t3; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderOffstage: function RenderOffstage(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._offstage = t0; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t2; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderAbsorbPointer: function RenderAbsorbPointer(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._absorbing = t0; _._ignoringSemantics = t1; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t3; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderSemanticsGestureHandler: function RenderSemanticsGestureHandler(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._onVerticalDragUpdate = _._onHorizontalDragUpdate = _._onLongPress = _._onTap = null; _.behavior = t0; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t2; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderSemanticsAnnotations: function RenderSemanticsAnnotations(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57) { var _ = this; _._container = t0; _._explicitChildNodes = t1; _._excludeSemantics = t2; _._checked = t3; _._enabled = t4; _._selected = t5; _._button = t6; _._slider = t7; _._keyboardKey = t8; _._proxy_box$_link = t9; _._header = t10; _._textField = t11; _._readOnly = t12; _._focusable = t13; _._focused = t14; _._inMutuallyExclusiveGroup = t15; _._obscured = t16; _._multiline = t17; _._scopesRoute = t18; _._namesRoute = t19; _._hidden = t20; _._image = t21; _._liveRegion = t22; _._proxy_box$_maxValueLength = t23; _._proxy_box$_currentValueLength = t24; _._toggled = t25; _._attributedLabel = t26; _._attributedValue = t27; _._attributedIncreasedValue = t28; _._attributedDecreasedValue = t29; _._attributedHint = t30; _._hintOverrides = t31; _._textDirection = t32; _._sortKey = t33; _._tagForChildren = t34; _._onTap = t35; _._onDismiss = t36; _._onLongPress = t37; _._onScrollLeft = t38; _._onScrollRight = t39; _._onScrollUp = t40; _._onScrollDown = t41; _._onIncrease = t42; _._onDecrease = t43; _._onCopy = t44; _._onCut = t45; _._onPaste = t46; _._onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter = t47; _._onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter = t48; _._onMoveCursorForwardByWord = t49; _._onMoveCursorBackwardByWord = t50; _._onSetSelection = t51; _._onSetText = t52; _._onDidGainAccessibilityFocus = t53; _._onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus = t54; _._proxy_box$_customSemanticsActions = t55; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t56; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t57; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderBlockSemantics: function RenderBlockSemantics(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._blocking = t0; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t2; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderMergeSemantics: function RenderMergeSemantics(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t0; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t1; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderExcludeSemantics: function RenderExcludeSemantics(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._excluding = t0; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t2; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderProxyBoxMixin: function _RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderProxyBoxMixin() { }, _RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderProxyBoxMixin_RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin: function _RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderProxyBoxMixin_RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin() { }, _RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin: function _RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin() { }, _RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin: function _RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin() { }, RenderShiftedBox: function RenderShiftedBox() { }, RenderShiftedBox_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderShiftedBox_hitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.position = t1; this.childParentData = t2; }, RenderPadding: function RenderPadding(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._resolvedPadding = null; _._padding = t0; _._shifted_box$_textDirection = t1; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t3; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderAligningShiftedBox: function RenderAligningShiftedBox() { }, RenderPositionedBox: function RenderPositionedBox(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _._widthFactor = t0; _._heightFactor = t1; _._resolvedAlignment = null; _._alignment = t2; _._shifted_box$_textDirection = t3; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t4; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t5; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _RenderShiftedBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin: function _RenderShiftedBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin() { }, RenderStack_layoutPositionedChild(child, childParentData, size, alignment) { var t2, childConstraints, x, hasVisualOverflow, y, t1 = childParentData.left; if (t1 != null && childParentData.right != null) { t2 = childParentData.right; t2.toString; t1.toString; childConstraints = B.BoxConstraints_mlX.tighten$1$width(size._dx - t2 - t1); } else { t1 = childParentData.width; childConstraints = t1 != null ? B.BoxConstraints_mlX.tighten$1$width(t1) : B.BoxConstraints_mlX; } t1 = childParentData.top; if (t1 != null && childParentData.bottom != null) { t2 = childParentData.bottom; t2.toString; t1.toString; childConstraints = childConstraints.tighten$1$height(size._dy - t2 - t1); } child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(0, childConstraints, true); x = childParentData.left; if (!(x != null)) { t1 = childParentData.right; t2 = child._size; if (t1 != null) x = size._dx - t1 - t2._dx; else { t2.toString; x = alignment.alongOffset$1(type$.Offset._as(size.$sub(0, t2)))._dx; } } hasVisualOverflow = (x < 0 || x + child._size._dx > size._dx) && true; y = childParentData.top; if (!(y != null)) { t1 = childParentData.bottom; t2 = child._size; if (t1 != null) y = size._dy - t1 - t2._dy; else { t2.toString; y = alignment.alongOffset$1(type$.Offset._as(size.$sub(0, t2)))._dy; } } if (y < 0 || y + child._size._dy > size._dy) hasVisualOverflow = true; childParentData.offset = new A.Offset(x, y); return hasVisualOverflow; }, RelativeRect: function RelativeRect(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.left = t0; _.top = t1; _.right = t2; _.bottom = t3; }, StackParentData: function StackParentData(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.height = _.width = _.left = _.bottom = _.right = _.top = null; _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0; _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1; _.offset = t2; }, StackFit: function StackFit(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, Overflow: function Overflow(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, RenderStack: function RenderStack(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _._stack$_hasVisualOverflow = false; _._stack$_resolvedAlignment = null; _._stack$_alignment = t0; _._stack$_textDirection = t1; _._fit = t2; _._clipBehavior = t3; _._stack$_clipRectLayer = t4; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t5; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t6; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t7; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t8; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() { }, _RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function _RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() { }, ViewConfiguration: function ViewConfiguration(t0, t1) { this.size = t0; this.devicePixelRatio = t1; }, RenderView: function RenderView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._view$_size = t0; _._view$_configuration = t1; _._window = t2; _._rootTransform = null; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t3; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t4; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _RenderView_RenderObject_RenderObjectWithChildMixin: function _RenderView_RenderObject_RenderObjectWithChildMixin() { }, timeDilation(value) { var t1; if ($._timeDilation === value) return; t1 = $.SchedulerBinding__instance; if (t1 != null) t1.resetEpoch$0(); $._timeDilation = value; }, SchedulerBinding__taskSorter(e1, e2) { return -B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(e1.priority, e2.priority); }, defaultSchedulingStrategy(priority, scheduler) { var t1 = scheduler.SchedulerBinding__transientCallbacks; if (t1.get$length(t1) > 0) return priority >= 100000; return true; }, _FrameCallbackEntry: function _FrameCallbackEntry(t0) { this.callback = t0; this.debugStack = null; }, SchedulerPhase: function SchedulerPhase(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, SchedulerBinding: function SchedulerBinding() { }, SchedulerBinding_endOfFrame_closure: function SchedulerBinding_endOfFrame_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure: function SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure0: function SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure0(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.hadScheduledFrame = t1; }, SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure1: function SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure1(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.timelineTask = t1; }, SchedulerBinding__handleDrawFrame_closure: function SchedulerBinding__handleDrawFrame_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, SchedulerBinding_handleBeginFrame_closure: function SchedulerBinding_handleBeginFrame_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, TickerFuture$complete() { var t1 = new A.TickerFuture(new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void)); t1._ticker$_complete$0(); return t1; }, Ticker: function Ticker(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._ticker$_future = null; _._muted = false; _._startTime = null; _._onTick = t0; _._animationId = null; _.debugLabel = t1; _.__Ticker__debugCreationStack = $; }, TickerFuture: function TickerFuture(t0) { this._primaryCompleter = t0; this._completed = this._secondaryCompleter = null; }, TickerFuture_whenCompleteOrCancel_thunk: function TickerFuture_whenCompleteOrCancel_thunk(t0) { this.callback = t0; }, TickerCanceled: function TickerCanceled(t0) { this.ticker = t0; }, SemanticsBinding: function SemanticsBinding() { }, CustomSemanticsAction_getIdentifier(action) { var result = $.CustomSemanticsAction__ids.$index(0, action); if (result == null) { result = $.CustomSemanticsAction__nextId; $.CustomSemanticsAction__nextId = result + 1; $.CustomSemanticsAction__ids.$indexSet(0, action, result); $.CustomSemanticsAction__actions.$indexSet(0, result, action); } return result; }, SemanticsData__sortedListsEqual(left, right) { var i; if (left.length !== right.length) return false; for (i = 0; i < left.length; ++i) if (!J.$eq$(left[i], right[i])) return false; return true; }, _SemanticsDiagnosticableNode$(childOrder, $name, style, value) { return new A._SemanticsDiagnosticableNode(childOrder, value, $name, true, true, null, style); }, SemanticsNode$(key, showOnScreen) { var t14, t1 = $.$get$SemanticsNode__kEmptyConfig(), t2 = t1._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants, t3 = t1._actions, t4 = t1._customSemanticsActions, t5 = t1._actionsAsBits, t6 = t1._flags, t7 = t1._semantics$_attributedLabel, t8 = t1._semantics$_attributedValue, t9 = t1._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue, t10 = t1._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue, t11 = t1._semantics$_attributedHint, t12 = t1._semantics$_elevation, t13 = t1._thickness; t1 = t1._semantics$_textDirection; t14 = ($.SemanticsNode__lastIdentifier + 1) % 65535; $.SemanticsNode__lastIdentifier = t14; return new A.SemanticsNode(key, t14, showOnScreen, B.Rect_0_0_0_0, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t1); }, _pointInParentCoordinates(node, point) { var t1, vector; if (node._semantics$_transform == null) return point; t1 = new Float64Array(3); vector = new A.Vector3(t1); vector.setValues$3(point._dx, point._dy, 0); node._semantics$_transform.transform3$1(vector); return new A.Offset(t1[0], t1[1]); }, _childrenInDefaultOrder(children, textDirection) { var t1, _i, child, t2, verticalGroups, group, depth, edge, edges = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__BoxEdge); for (t1 = children.length, _i = 0; _i < children.length; children.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(children), ++_i) { child = children[_i]; t2 = child._semantics$_rect; edges.push(new A._BoxEdge(true, A._pointInParentCoordinates(child, new A.Offset(t2.left - -0.1, t2.top - -0.1))._dy, child)); edges.push(new A._BoxEdge(false, A._pointInParentCoordinates(child, new A.Offset(t2.right + -0.1, t2.bottom + -0.1))._dy, child)); } B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(edges); verticalGroups = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__SemanticsSortGroup); for (t1 = edges.length, t2 = type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode, group = null, depth = 0, _i = 0; _i < edges.length; edges.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(edges), ++_i) { edge = edges[_i]; if (edge.isLeadingEdge) { ++depth; if (group == null) group = new A._SemanticsSortGroup(edge.offset, textDirection, A._setArrayType([], t2)); group.nodes.push(edge.node); } else --depth; if (depth === 0) { group.toString; verticalGroups.push(group); group = null; } } B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(verticalGroups); t1 = type$.ExpandIterable__SemanticsSortGroup_SemanticsNode; return A.List_List$of(new A.ExpandIterable(verticalGroups, new A._childrenInDefaultOrder_closure(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("Iterable.E")); }, SemanticsConfiguration$() { return new A.SemanticsConfiguration(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.SemanticsAction, type$.void_Function_nullable_Object), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.CustomSemanticsAction, type$.void_Function), new A.AttributedString("", B.List_empty2), new A.AttributedString("", B.List_empty2), new A.AttributedString("", B.List_empty2), new A.AttributedString("", B.List_empty2), new A.AttributedString("", B.List_empty2)); }, _concatAttributedString(otherAttributedString, otherTextDirection, thisAttributedString, thisTextDirection) { if (otherAttributedString.string.length === 0) return thisAttributedString; if (thisTextDirection != otherTextDirection && otherTextDirection != null) switch (otherTextDirection.index) { case 0: otherAttributedString = new A.AttributedString("\u202b", B.List_empty2).$add(0, otherAttributedString).$add(0, new A.AttributedString("\u202c", B.List_empty2)); break; case 1: otherAttributedString = new A.AttributedString("\u202a", B.List_empty2).$add(0, otherAttributedString).$add(0, new A.AttributedString("\u202c", B.List_empty2)); break; } if (thisAttributedString.string.length === 0) return otherAttributedString; return thisAttributedString.$add(0, new A.AttributedString("\n", B.List_empty2)).$add(0, otherAttributedString); }, AttributedString: function AttributedString(t0, t1) { this.string = t0; this.attributes = t1; }, SemanticsData: function SemanticsData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22) { var _ = this; _.flags = t0; _.actions = t1; _.attributedLabel = t2; _.attributedValue = t3; _.attributedIncreasedValue = t4; _.attributedDecreasedValue = t5; _.attributedHint = t6; _.textDirection = t7; _.textSelection = t8; _.scrollChildCount = t9; _.scrollIndex = t10; _.scrollPosition = t11; _.scrollExtentMax = t12; _.scrollExtentMin = t13; _.platformViewId = t14; _.maxValueLength = t15; _.currentValueLength = t16; _.rect = t17; _.tags = t18; _.transform = t19; _.elevation = t20; _.thickness = t21; _.customSemanticsActionIds = t22; }, _SemanticsDiagnosticableNode: function _SemanticsDiagnosticableNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.childOrder = t0; _.value = t1; _._cachedBuilder = null; _.name = t2; _.showSeparator = t3; _.showName = t4; _.linePrefix = t5; _.style = t6; }, SemanticsProperties: function SemanticsProperties(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55) { var _ = this; _.enabled = t0; _.checked = t1; _.toggled = t2; _.selected = t3; _.button = t4; _.link = t5; _.header = t6; _.textField = t7; _.slider = t8; _.keyboardKey = t9; _.readOnly = t10; _.focusable = t11; _.focused = t12; _.inMutuallyExclusiveGroup = t13; _.hidden = t14; _.obscured = t15; _.multiline = t16; _.scopesRoute = t17; _.namesRoute = t18; _.image = t19; _.liveRegion = t20; _.maxValueLength = t21; _.currentValueLength = t22; _.label = t23; _.attributedLabel = t24; _.value = t25; _.attributedValue = t26; _.increasedValue = t27; _.attributedIncreasedValue = t28; _.decreasedValue = t29; _.attributedDecreasedValue = t30; _.hint = t31; _.attributedHint = t32; _.hintOverrides = t33; _.textDirection = t34; _.sortKey = t35; _.tagForChildren = t36; _.onTap = t37; _.onLongPress = t38; _.onScrollLeft = t39; _.onScrollRight = t40; _.onScrollUp = t41; _.onScrollDown = t42; _.onIncrease = t43; _.onDecrease = t44; _.onCopy = t45; _.onCut = t46; _.onPaste = t47; _.onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter = t48; _.onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter = t49; _.onSetSelection = t50; _.onSetText = t51; _.onDidGainAccessibilityFocus = t52; _.onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus = t53; _.onDismiss = t54; _.customSemanticsActions = t55; }, SemanticsNode: function SemanticsNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) { var _ = this; _.key = t0; _._id = t1; _._showOnScreen = t2; _._semantics$_transform = null; _._semantics$_rect = t3; _.indexInParent = _.elevationAdjustment = _.parentPaintClipRect = _.parentSemanticsClipRect = null; _._isMergedIntoParent = false; _._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode = t4; _._semantics$_children = null; _.__SemanticsNode__debugPreviousSnapshot = $; _._semantics$_dirty = _._dead = false; _._actions = t5; _._customSemanticsActions = t6; _._actionsAsBits = t7; _.tags = null; _._flags = t8; _._semantics$_attributedLabel = t9; _._semantics$_attributedValue = t10; _._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = t11; _._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = t12; _._semantics$_attributedHint = t13; _._semantics$_elevation = t14; _._thickness = t15; _._semantics$_hintOverrides = null; _._semantics$_textDirection = t16; _._currentValueLength = _._maxValueLength = _._platformViewId = _._scrollExtentMin = _._scrollExtentMax = _._scrollPosition = _._scrollIndex = _._scrollChildCount = _._textSelection = _._semantics$_sortKey = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, SemanticsNode_getSemanticsData_closure: function SemanticsNode_getSemanticsData_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; this.customSemanticsActionIds = t2; }, SemanticsNode__childrenInTraversalOrder_closure: function SemanticsNode__childrenInTraversalOrder_closure() { }, SemanticsNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure: function SemanticsNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure(t0) { this.childOrder = t0; }, _BoxEdge: function _BoxEdge(t0, t1, t2) { this.isLeadingEdge = t0; this.offset = t1; this.node = t2; }, _SemanticsSortGroup: function _SemanticsSortGroup(t0, t1, t2) { this.startOffset = t0; this.textDirection = t1; this.nodes = t2; }, _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinVerticalGroup_closure: function _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinVerticalGroup_closure() { }, _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure: function _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure() { }, _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_search: function _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_search(t0, t1, t2) { this.visitedIds = t0; this.edges = t1; this.sortedIds = t2; }, _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure0: function _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure0() { }, _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure1: function _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure1(t0) { this.nodeMap = t0; }, _childrenInDefaultOrder_closure: function _childrenInDefaultOrder_closure() { }, _TraversalSortNode: function _TraversalSortNode(t0, t1, t2) { this.node = t0; this.sortKey = t1; this.position = t2; }, SemanticsOwner: function SemanticsOwner(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._semantics$_dirtyNodes = t0; _._nodes = t1; _._detachedNodes = t2; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t3; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure: function SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure0: function SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure0() { }, SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure1: function SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure1() { }, SemanticsOwner__getSemanticsActionHandlerForId_closure: function SemanticsOwner__getSemanticsActionHandlerForId_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.action = t1; }, SemanticsConfiguration: function SemanticsConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._hasBeenAnnotated = _.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes = _.explicitChildNodes = _._isSemanticBoundary = false; _._actions = t0; _._actionsAsBits = 0; _._currentValueLength = _._maxValueLength = _._platformViewId = _._scrollIndex = _._scrollChildCount = _._indexInParent = _._semantics$_sortKey = null; _._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants = false; _._customSemanticsActions = t1; _._semantics$_attributedLabel = t2; _._semantics$_attributedValue = t3; _._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = t4; _._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = t5; _._semantics$_attributedHint = t6; _._semantics$_hintOverrides = null; _._thickness = _._semantics$_elevation = 0; _._tagsForChildren = _._scrollExtentMin = _._scrollExtentMax = _._scrollPosition = _._textSelection = _._semantics$_textDirection = null; _._flags = 0; }, SemanticsConfiguration__addArgumentlessAction_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration__addArgumentlessAction_closure(t0) { this.handler = t0; }, SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter_closure(t0) { this.value = t0; }, SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter_closure(t0) { this.value = t0; }, SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByWord_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByWord_closure(t0) { this.value = t0; }, SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByWord_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByWord_closure(t0) { this.value = t0; }, SemanticsConfiguration_onSetSelection_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration_onSetSelection_closure(t0) { this.value = t0; }, SemanticsConfiguration_onSetText_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration_onSetText_closure(t0) { this.value = t0; }, DebugSemanticsDumpOrder: function DebugSemanticsDumpOrder(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, SemanticsSortKey: function SemanticsSortKey() { }, OrdinalSortKey: function OrdinalSortKey(t0, t1) { this.order = t0; this.name = t1; }, _SemanticsData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SemanticsData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, _SemanticsNode_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _SemanticsNode_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() { }, _SemanticsSortKey_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SemanticsSortKey_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, SemanticsEvent: function SemanticsEvent() { }, TapSemanticEvent: function TapSemanticEvent(t0) { this.type = t0; }, AssetBundle__utf8decode(data) { return B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(data.buffer, 0, null)); }, AssetBundle: function AssetBundle() { }, CachingAssetBundle: function CachingAssetBundle() { }, PlatformAssetBundle: function PlatformAssetBundle(t0, t1) { this._stringCache = t0; this._structuredDataCache = t1; }, BinaryMessenger: function BinaryMessenger() { }, ServicesBinding__parseLicenses(rawLicenses) { var t1, _i, license, t2, split, _licenseSeparator = "\n" + B.JSString_methods.$mul("-", 80) + "\n", result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LicenseEntry), licenses = rawLicenses.split(_licenseSeparator); for (t1 = licenses.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) { license = licenses[_i]; t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(license); split = t2.indexOf$1(license, "\n\n"); if (split >= 0) { t2.substring$2(license, 0, split).split("\n"); t2.substring$1(license, split + 2); result.push(new A.LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks()); } else result.push(new A.LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks()); } return result; }, ServicesBinding__parseAppLifecycleMessage(message) { switch (message) { case "AppLifecycleState.paused": return B.AppLifecycleState_2; case "AppLifecycleState.resumed": return B.AppLifecycleState_0; case "AppLifecycleState.inactive": return B.AppLifecycleState_1; case "AppLifecycleState.detached": return B.AppLifecycleState_3; } return null; }, ServicesBinding: function ServicesBinding() { }, ServicesBinding__addLicenses_closure: function ServicesBinding__addLicenses_closure(t0) { this.controller = t0; }, _DefaultBinaryMessenger: function _DefaultBinaryMessenger() { }, _DefaultBinaryMessenger_send_closure: function _DefaultBinaryMessenger_send_closure(t0) { this.completer = t0; }, _DefaultBinaryMessenger_setMessageHandler_closure: function _DefaultBinaryMessenger_setMessageHandler_closure(t0) { this.handler = t0; }, KeyEventManager__eventFromData(keyData) { var logicalKey, timeStamp, t1 = keyData.physical, physicalKey = B.Map_Q5S3m.$index(0, t1); if (physicalKey == null) physicalKey = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(t1); t1 = keyData.logical; logicalKey = B.Map_mUsBb.$index(0, t1); if (logicalKey == null) logicalKey = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(t1); timeStamp = keyData.timeStamp; switch (keyData.type.index) { case 0: return new A.KeyDownEvent(physicalKey, logicalKey, keyData.character, timeStamp, keyData.synthesized); case 1: return new A.KeyUpEvent(physicalKey, logicalKey, null, timeStamp, keyData.synthesized); case 2: return new A.KeyRepeatEvent(physicalKey, logicalKey, keyData.character, timeStamp, false); } }, KeyboardLockMode: function KeyboardLockMode(t0) { this.logicalKey = t0; }, KeyEvent: function KeyEvent() { }, KeyDownEvent: function KeyDownEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.physicalKey = t0; _.logicalKey = t1; _.character = t2; _.timeStamp = t3; _.synthesized = t4; }, KeyUpEvent: function KeyUpEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.physicalKey = t0; _.logicalKey = t1; _.character = t2; _.timeStamp = t3; _.synthesized = t4; }, KeyRepeatEvent: function KeyRepeatEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.physicalKey = t0; _.logicalKey = t1; _.character = t2; _.timeStamp = t3; _.synthesized = t4; }, HardwareKeyboard: function HardwareKeyboard(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._pressedKeys = t0; _._lockModes = t1; _._handlers = t2; _._duringDispatch = false; _._modifiedHandlers = null; }, KeyDataTransitMode: function KeyDataTransitMode(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, KeyMessage: function KeyMessage(t0, t1) { this.events = t0; this.rawEvent = t1; }, KeyEventManager: function KeyEventManager(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.keyMessageHandler = null; _._hardwareKeyboard = t0; _._rawKeyboard = t1; _._transitMode = null; _._keyEventsSinceLastMessage = t2; }, _KeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable: function _KeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, KeyboardKey: function KeyboardKey() { }, LogicalKeyboardKey: function LogicalKeyboardKey(t0) { this.keyId = t0; }, PhysicalKeyboardKey: function PhysicalKeyboardKey(t0) { this.usbHidUsage = t0; }, _KeyboardKey_Object_Diagnosticable: function _KeyboardKey_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, PlatformException$(code, details, message, stacktrace) { return new A.PlatformException(code, message, details, stacktrace); }, MissingPluginException$(message) { return new A.MissingPluginException(message); }, MethodCall0: function MethodCall0(t0, t1) { this.method = t0; this.$arguments = t1; }, PlatformException: function PlatformException(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.code = t0; _.message = t1; _.details = t2; _.stacktrace = t3; }, MissingPluginException: function MissingPluginException(t0) { this.message = t0; }, StringCodec: function StringCodec() { }, JSONMessageCodec0: function JSONMessageCodec0() { }, JSONMethodCodec0: function JSONMethodCodec0() { }, StandardMessageCodec0: function StandardMessageCodec0() { }, StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure: function StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.buffer = t1; }, StandardMethodCodec0: function StandardMethodCodec0() { }, _DeferringMouseCursor_firstNonDeferred(cursors) { var t1, t2, t3; for (t1 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(cursors._iterable), cursors._f), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._rest[1]; t1.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2._as(t1._current); if (!t3.$eq(0, B.C__DeferringMouseCursor)) return t3; } return null; }, MouseCursorManager: function MouseCursorManager(t0, t1) { this.fallbackMouseCursor = t0; this._lastSession = t1; }, MouseCursorSession: function MouseCursorSession() { }, MouseCursor0: function MouseCursor0() { }, _DeferringMouseCursor: function _DeferringMouseCursor() { }, _NoopMouseCursorSession: function _NoopMouseCursorSession(t0, t1) { this.cursor = t0; this.device = t1; }, _NoopMouseCursor: function _NoopMouseCursor() { }, _SystemMouseCursorSession: function _SystemMouseCursorSession(t0, t1) { this.cursor = t0; this.device = t1; }, SystemMouseCursor: function SystemMouseCursor(t0) { this.kind = t0; }, _MouseCursor_Object_Diagnosticable: function _MouseCursor_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, BasicMessageChannel: function BasicMessageChannel(t0, t1, t2) { this.name = t0; this.codec = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, BasicMessageChannel_setMessageHandler_closure: function BasicMessageChannel_setMessageHandler_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.handler = t1; }, MethodChannel: function MethodChannel(t0, t1) { this.name = t0; this.codec = t1; }, MethodChannel_setMethodCallHandler_closure: function MethodChannel_setMethodCallHandler_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.handler = t1; }, OptionalMethodChannel: function OptionalMethodChannel(t0, t1) { this.name = t0; this.codec = t1; }, PlatformViewsService_initAndroidView(creationParams, creationParamsCodec, id, layoutDirection, onFocus, viewType) { var t1 = type$.int, t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_int), t3 = $.$get$PlatformViewsService__instance()._focusCallbacks; t3.$indexSet(0, id, onFocus); return new A.TextureAndroidViewController(id, viewType, new A._AndroidMotionEventConverter(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.AndroidPointerCoords), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.AndroidPointerProperties), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1)), layoutDirection, B._AndroidViewState_0, creationParams, creationParamsCodec, t2); }, PlatformViewsService_initUiKitView(creationParams, creationParamsCodec, id, layoutDirection, viewType) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.UiKitViewController), $async$returnValue, args, paramsByteData; var $async$PlatformViewsService_initUiKitView = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start args = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["id", id, "viewType", viewType], type$.String, type$.dynamic); paramsByteData = creationParamsCodec.encodeMessage$1(creationParams); args.$indexSet(0, "params", A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(paramsByteData.buffer, 0, paramsByteData.byteLength)); $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(B.MethodChannel_gkc._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("create", args, false, type$.void), $async$PlatformViewsService_initUiKitView); case 3: // returning from await. $async$returnValue = new A.UiKitViewController(id, layoutDirection); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$PlatformViewsService_initUiKitView, $async$completer); }, AndroidViewController__getAndroidDirection(direction) { switch (direction.index) { case 1: return 0; case 0: return 1; } }, AndroidViewController_pointerAction(pointerId, action) { return pointerId << 8 & 65280 | action & 255; }, PlatformViewsRegistry: function PlatformViewsRegistry() { this._nextPlatformViewId = 0; }, PlatformViewsService: function PlatformViewsService(t0) { this._focusCallbacks = t0; }, AndroidPointerProperties: function AndroidPointerProperties(t0, t1) { this.id = t0; this.toolType = t1; }, AndroidPointerCoords: function AndroidPointerCoords(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _.orientation = t0; _.pressure = t1; _.size = t2; _.toolMajor = t3; _.toolMinor = t4; _.touchMajor = t5; _.touchMinor = t6; _.x = t7; _.y = t8; }, AndroidMotionEvent: function AndroidMotionEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) { var _ = this; _.downTime = t0; _.eventTime = t1; _.action = t2; _.pointerCount = t3; _.pointerProperties = t4; _.pointerCoords = t5; _.metaState = t6; _.buttonState = t7; _.xPrecision = t8; _.yPrecision = t9; _.deviceId = t10; _.edgeFlags = t11; _.source = t12; _.flags = t13; _.motionEventId = t14; }, AndroidMotionEvent__asList_closure: function AndroidMotionEvent__asList_closure() { }, AndroidMotionEvent__asList_closure0: function AndroidMotionEvent__asList_closure0() { }, _AndroidViewState0: function _AndroidViewState0(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _AndroidMotionEventConverter: function _AndroidMotionEventConverter(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.pointerPositions = t0; _.pointerProperties = t1; _.usedAndroidPointerIds = t2; _.___AndroidMotionEventConverter__pointTransformer = $; _.downTimeMillis = null; }, _AndroidMotionEventConverter_toAndroidMotionEvent_closure: function _AndroidMotionEventConverter_toAndroidMotionEvent_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _AndroidMotionEventConverter_toAndroidMotionEvent_closure0: function _AndroidMotionEventConverter_toAndroidMotionEvent_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, AndroidViewController: function AndroidViewController() { }, TextureAndroidViewController: function TextureAndroidViewController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _._textureId = null; _.__TextureAndroidViewController__size = $; _.viewId = t0; _._viewType = t1; _._motionEventConverter = t2; _._platform_views$_layoutDirection = t3; _._platform_views$_state = t4; _._creationParams = t5; _._creationParamsCodec = t6; _._platformViewCreatedCallbacks = t7; }, UiKitViewController: function UiKitViewController(t0, t1) { this.id = t0; this._platform_views$_debugDisposed = false; this._platform_views$_layoutDirection = t1; }, PlatformViewController: function PlatformViewController() { }, RawKeyEvent_RawKeyEvent$fromMessage(message) { var data, t1, repeat, _box_0 = {}; _box_0.character = null; data = new A.RawKeyEvent_RawKeyEvent$fromMessage__dataFromWeb(_box_0, message).call$0(); t1 = $.$get$RawKeyboard_instance()._keysPressed; t1 = t1.get$keys(t1); repeat = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")).contains$1(0, data.get$physicalKey()); t1 = J.$index$asx(message, "type"); t1.toString; A._asString(t1); switch (t1) { case "keydown": return new A.RawKeyDownEvent(_box_0.character, repeat, data); case "keyup": return new A.RawKeyUpEvent(null, false, data); default: throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError_FlutterError("Unknown key event type: " + t1)); } }, KeyboardSide: function KeyboardSide(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, ModifierKey: function ModifierKey(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, RawKeyEventData: function RawKeyEventData() { }, RawKeyEvent: function RawKeyEvent() { }, RawKeyEvent_RawKeyEvent$fromMessage__dataFromWeb: function RawKeyEvent_RawKeyEvent$fromMessage__dataFromWeb(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.message = t1; }, RawKeyDownEvent: function RawKeyDownEvent(t0, t1, t2) { this.character = t0; this.repeat = t1; this.data = t2; }, RawKeyUpEvent: function RawKeyUpEvent(t0, t1, t2) { this.character = t0; this.repeat = t1; this.data = t2; }, RawKeyboard: function RawKeyboard(t0, t1, t2) { this._raw_keyboard$_listeners = t0; this._keysPressed = t1; this._hiddenKeysPressed = t2; }, RawKeyboard__synchronizeModifiers_closure: function RawKeyboard__synchronizeModifiers_closure(t0) { this.anySideKeys = t0; }, _ModifierSidePair: function _ModifierSidePair(t0, t1) { this.modifier = t0; this.side = t1; }, _RawKeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable: function _RawKeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, _RawKeyEventData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _RawKeyEventData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, RawKeyEventDataFuchsia: function RawKeyEventDataFuchsia() { }, RawKeyEventDataLinux: function RawKeyEventDataLinux() { }, RawKeyEventDataMacOs: function RawKeyEventDataMacOs() { }, RawKeyEventDataWeb: function RawKeyEventDataWeb(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.code = t0; _.key = t1; _.location = t2; _.metaState = t3; }, RestorationManager: function RestorationManager(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._pendingRootBucket = _._restoration$_rootBucket = null; _._serializationScheduled = _._debugDoingUpdate = _._isReplacing = _._rootBucketIsValid = false; _._bucketsNeedingSerialization = t0; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, RestorationManager_handleRestorationUpdateFromEngine_closure: function RestorationManager_handleRestorationUpdateFromEngine_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, RestorationManager_scheduleSerializationFor_closure: function RestorationManager_scheduleSerializationFor_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, RestorationBucket: function RestorationBucket(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _._rawData = t0; _._debugOwner = null; _._restoration$_manager = t1; _._restoration$_parent = t2; _._restorationId = t3; _._claimedChildren = t4; _._childrenToAdd = t5; _._debugDisposed = _._needsSerialization = false; }, RestorationBucket__rawChildren_closure: function RestorationBucket__rawChildren_closure() { }, RestorationBucket__rawValues_closure: function RestorationBucket__rawValues_closure() { }, RestorationBucket__addChildData_closure: function RestorationBucket__addChildData_closure() { }, RestorationBucket__visitChildren_closure: function RestorationBucket__visitChildren_closure() { }, SystemChrome_setApplicationSwitcherDescription(description) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void); var $async$SystemChrome_setApplicationSwitcherDescription = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.invokeMethod$1$2(string$.System, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["label", description.label, "primaryColor", description.primaryColor], type$.String, type$.dynamic), type$.void), $async$SystemChrome_setApplicationSwitcherDescription); case 2: // returning from await. // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$SystemChrome_setApplicationSwitcherDescription, $async$completer); }, ApplicationSwitcherDescription: function ApplicationSwitcherDescription(t0, t1) { this.label = t0; this.primaryColor = t1; }, SystemSound_play(type) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void); var $async$SystemSound_play = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.invokeMethod$1$2("SystemSound.play", "SystemSoundType." + type._name, type$.void), $async$SystemSound_play); case 2: // returning from await. // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$SystemSound_play, $async$completer); }, SystemSoundType: function SystemSoundType(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, TextSelection$(baseOffset, extentOffset) { var t1 = baseOffset < extentOffset, t2 = t1 ? baseOffset : extentOffset; return new A.TextSelection(baseOffset, extentOffset, t2, t1 ? extentOffset : baseOffset); }, TextSelection: function TextSelection(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.baseOffset = t0; _.extentOffset = t1; _.start = t2; _.end = t3; }, _getParent(context) { var $parent = A._Cell$named("parent"); context.visitAncestorElements$1(new A._getParent_closure($parent)); return $parent._readLocal$0(); }, Actions$(actions, child) { return new A.Actions(actions, child, null); }, Actions__visitActionsAncestors(context, visitor) { var t2, ancestor, t1 = type$._ActionsMarker, actionsElement = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(t1); for (; t2 = actionsElement != null, t2; actionsElement = ancestor) { if (J.$eq$(visitor.call$1(actionsElement), true)) break; t2 = A._getParent(actionsElement)._inheritedWidgets; ancestor = t2 == null ? null : t2.$index(0, A.createRuntimeType(t1)); } return t2; }, Actions__findDispatcher(context) { var t1 = {}; t1.dispatcher = null; A.Actions__visitActionsAncestors(context, new A.Actions__findDispatcher_closure(t1)); return B.C_ActionDispatcher; }, Actions_maybeFind(context, intent, $T) { var t1 = {}; t1.action = null; A.getRuntimeType(intent); A.Actions__visitActionsAncestors(context, new A.Actions_maybeFind_closure(t1, intent, context, $T)); return t1.action; }, Actions__castAction(actionsMarker, intent, $T) { var t1 = A.getRuntimeType(intent), mappedAction = actionsMarker.actions.$index(0, t1); if ($T._eval$1("Action<0>?")._is(mappedAction)) return mappedAction; else return null; }, DoNothingAction$(consumesKey) { return new A.DoNothingAction(consumesKey, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent)); }, _getParent_closure: function _getParent_closure(t0) { this.parent = t0; }, Intent: function Intent() { }, Action: function Action() { }, CallbackAction: function CallbackAction(t0, t1, t2) { this.onInvoke = t0; this._actions$_listeners = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, ActionDispatcher: function ActionDispatcher() { }, Actions: function Actions(t0, t1, t2) { this.actions = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, Actions__findDispatcher_closure: function Actions__findDispatcher_closure(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, Actions_maybeFind_closure: function Actions_maybeFind_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._box_0 = t0; _.intent = t1; _.context = t2; _.T = t3; }, _ActionsState: function _ActionsState(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.listenedActions = t0; _.rebuildKey = t1; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t2; _._framework$_element = null; }, _ActionsState__handleActionChanged_closure: function _ActionsState__handleActionChanged_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _ActionsMarker: function _ActionsMarker(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.dispatcher = t0; _.actions = t1; _.rebuildKey = t2; _.child = t3; _.key = t4; }, DoNothingAction: function DoNothingAction(t0, t1) { this._consumesKey = t0; this._actions$_listeners = t1; }, ActivateIntent: function ActivateIntent() { }, ButtonActivateIntent: function ButtonActivateIntent() { }, DismissIntent: function DismissIntent() { }, DismissAction: function DismissAction() { }, PrioritizedIntents: function PrioritizedIntents() { }, PrioritizedAction: function PrioritizedAction(t0) { this.__PrioritizedAction__selectedIntent = this.__PrioritizedAction__selectedAction = $; this._actions$_listeners = t0; }, _Action_Object_Diagnosticable: function _Action_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, _ActionDispatcher_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ActionDispatcher_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, _Intent_Object_Diagnosticable: function _Intent_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, basicLocaleListResolution(preferredLocales, supportedLocales) { var t1, t2, allSupportedLocales, languageAndCountryLocales, languageAndScriptLocales, languageLocales, countryLocales, _i, locale, t3, t4, matchesLanguageCode, matchesCountryCode, localeIndex, userLocale, match, resolvedLocale; if (preferredLocales == null || preferredLocales.length === 0) return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(supportedLocales); t1 = type$.String; t2 = type$.Locale; allSupportedLocales = A.HashMap_HashMap(t1, t2); languageAndCountryLocales = A.HashMap_HashMap(t1, t2); languageAndScriptLocales = A.HashMap_HashMap(t1, t2); languageLocales = A.HashMap_HashMap(t1, t2); countryLocales = A.HashMap_HashMap(type$.nullable_String, t2); for (_i = 0; _i < 1; ++_i) { locale = supportedLocales[_i]; t1 = locale._languageCode; t2 = B.Map_YCOho.$index(0, t1); t2 = (t2 == null ? t1 : t2) + "_null_"; t3 = locale._countryCode; t4 = B.Map_0Agg9.$index(0, t3); t2 += A.S(t4 == null ? t3 : t4); if (allSupportedLocales.$index(0, t2) == null) allSupportedLocales.$indexSet(0, t2, locale); t2 = B.Map_YCOho.$index(0, t1); t2 = (t2 == null ? t1 : t2) + "_null"; if (languageAndScriptLocales.$index(0, t2) == null) languageAndScriptLocales.$indexSet(0, t2, locale); t2 = B.Map_YCOho.$index(0, t1); t2 = (t2 == null ? t1 : t2) + "_"; t4 = B.Map_0Agg9.$index(0, t3); t2 += A.S(t4 == null ? t3 : t4); if (languageAndCountryLocales.$index(0, t2) == null) languageAndCountryLocales.$indexSet(0, t2, locale); t2 = B.Map_YCOho.$index(0, t1); t1 = t2 == null ? t1 : t2; if (languageLocales.$index(0, t1) == null) languageLocales.$indexSet(0, t1, locale); t1 = B.Map_0Agg9.$index(0, t3); if (t1 == null) t1 = t3; if (countryLocales.$index(0, t1) == null) countryLocales.$indexSet(0, t1, locale); } for (matchesLanguageCode = null, matchesCountryCode = null, localeIndex = 0; localeIndex < preferredLocales.length; ++localeIndex) { userLocale = preferredLocales[localeIndex]; t1 = userLocale._languageCode; t2 = B.Map_YCOho.$index(0, t1); t2 = (t2 == null ? t1 : t2) + "_null_"; t3 = userLocale._countryCode; t4 = B.Map_0Agg9.$index(0, t3); if (allSupportedLocales.containsKey$1(0, t2 + A.S(t4 == null ? t3 : t4))) return userLocale; t2 = B.Map_0Agg9.$index(0, t3); if ((t2 == null ? t3 : t2) != null) { t2 = B.Map_YCOho.$index(0, t1); t2 = (t2 == null ? t1 : t2) + "_"; t4 = B.Map_0Agg9.$index(0, t3); match = languageAndCountryLocales.$index(0, t2 + A.S(t4 == null ? t3 : t4)); if (match != null) return match; } if (matchesLanguageCode != null) return matchesLanguageCode; t2 = B.Map_YCOho.$index(0, t1); match = languageLocales.$index(0, t2 == null ? t1 : t2); if (match != null) { if (localeIndex === 0) { t2 = localeIndex + 1; if (t2 < preferredLocales.length) { t2 = preferredLocales[t2]._languageCode; t4 = B.Map_YCOho.$index(0, t2); t2 = t4 == null ? t2 : t4; t4 = B.Map_YCOho.$index(0, t1); t1 = t2 === (t4 == null ? t1 : t4); } else t1 = false; t1 = !t1; } else t1 = false; if (t1) return match; matchesLanguageCode = match; } if (matchesCountryCode == null) { t1 = B.Map_0Agg9.$index(0, t3); t1 = (t1 == null ? t3 : t1) != null; } else t1 = false; if (t1) { t1 = B.Map_0Agg9.$index(0, t3); match = countryLocales.$index(0, t1 == null ? t3 : t1); if (match != null) matchesCountryCode = match; } } resolvedLocale = matchesLanguageCode == null ? matchesCountryCode : matchesLanguageCode; return resolvedLocale == null ? B.JSArray_methods.get$first(supportedLocales) : resolvedLocale; }, WidgetsApp_defaultShortcuts() { return B.Map_zPybB; }, WidgetsApp: function WidgetsApp(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33) { var _ = this; _.navigatorKey = t0; _.onGenerateRoute = t1; _.onGenerateInitialRoutes = t2; _.pageRouteBuilder = t3; _.routeInformationParser = t4; _.routerDelegate = t5; _.backButtonDispatcher = t6; _.routeInformationProvider = t7; _.home = t8; _.routes = t9; _.onUnknownRoute = t10; _.initialRoute = t11; _.navigatorObservers = t12; _.builder = t13; _.title = t14; _.onGenerateTitle = t15; _.textStyle = t16; _.color = t17; _.locale = t18; _.localizationsDelegates = t19; _.localeListResolutionCallback = t20; _.localeResolutionCallback = t21; _.supportedLocales = t22; _.showPerformanceOverlay = t23; _.checkerboardRasterCacheImages = t24; _.checkerboardOffscreenLayers = t25; _.showSemanticsDebugger = t26; _.inspectorSelectButtonBuilder = t27; _.debugShowCheckedModeBanner = t28; _.shortcuts = t29; _.actions = t30; _.restorationScopeId = t31; _.useInheritedMediaQuery = t32; _.key = t33; }, _WidgetsAppState: function _WidgetsAppState(t0) { var _ = this; _._widget = _._app$_locale = _._navigator = _._defaultRouteInformationProvider = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t0; _._framework$_element = null; }, _WidgetsAppState__onGenerateRoute_closure: function _WidgetsAppState__onGenerateRoute_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _WidgetsAppState_didChangeLocales_closure: function _WidgetsAppState_didChangeLocales_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.newLocale = t1; }, _WidgetsAppState_build_closure: function _WidgetsAppState_build_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; }, __WidgetsAppState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver: function __WidgetsAppState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver() { }, KeepAliveNotification: function KeepAliveNotification() { }, KeepAliveHandle: function KeepAliveHandle(t0) { var _ = this; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t0; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin: function AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin() { }, _NullWidget: function _NullWidget(t0) { this.key = t0; }, Directionality$(child, textDirection) { return new A.Directionality(textDirection, child, null); }, Directionality_maybeOf(context) { var widget = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); return widget == null ? null : widget.textDirection; }, CustomPaint$(child, foregroundPainter, painter) { return new A.CustomPaint(painter, foregroundPainter, child, null); }, ClipPath$(child, clipBehavior, clipper) { return new A.ClipPath(clipper, clipBehavior, child, null); }, Center$(child, heightFactor, widthFactor) { return new A.Center(B.Alignment_0_0, widthFactor, heightFactor, child, null); }, SizedBox$(child, height, width) { return new A.SizedBox(width, height, child, null); }, Stack$(alignment, children, fit) { return new A.Stack(alignment, fit, children, null); }, Positioned$(bottom, child, height, key, left, right, $top, width) { return new A.Positioned(left, $top, right, bottom, width, height, child, key); }, RichText$(locale, maxLines, overflow, softWrap, strutStyle, text, textAlign, textDirection, textHeightBehavior, textScaleFactor, textWidthBasis) { return new A.RichText(text, textAlign, textDirection, true, overflow, textScaleFactor, maxLines, locale, strutStyle, textWidthBasis, textHeightBehavior, A.RichText__extractChildren(text), null); }, RichText__extractChildren(span) { var result, t1 = {}; t1.index = 0; result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget); span.visitChildren$1(new A.RichText__extractChildren_closure(t1, result)); return result; }, Listener$(behavior, child, onPointerCancel, onPointerDown, onPointerUp) { return new A.Listener(onPointerDown, onPointerUp, onPointerCancel, behavior, child, null); }, MouseRegion$(child, cursor, onEnter, onExit) { return new A.MouseRegion(onEnter, onExit, cursor, child, null); }, Semantics$(button, child, container, enabled, explicitChildNodes, focusable, focused, label, onDismiss, onLongPress, onTap, scopesRoute, sortKey, tagForChildren, textDirection) { var _null = null; return new A.Semantics(new A.SemanticsProperties(enabled, _null, _null, _null, button, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, focusable, focused, _null, _null, _null, _null, scopesRoute, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, label, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, textDirection, sortKey, tagForChildren, onTap, onLongPress, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, onDismiss, _null), container, explicitChildNodes, false, child, _null); }, BlockSemantics$(child) { return new A.BlockSemantics(child, null); }, Directionality: function Directionality(t0, t1, t2) { this.textDirection = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, CustomPaint: function CustomPaint(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.painter = t0; _.foregroundPainter = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, ClipPath: function ClipPath(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.clipper = t0; _.clipBehavior = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, PhysicalModel: function PhysicalModel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _.shape = t0; _.clipBehavior = t1; _.borderRadius = t2; _.elevation = t3; _.color = t4; _.shadowColor = t5; _.child = t6; _.key = t7; }, PhysicalShape: function PhysicalShape(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.clipper = t0; _.clipBehavior = t1; _.elevation = t2; _.color = t3; _.shadowColor = t4; _.child = t5; _.key = t6; }, Transform: function Transform(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.transform = t0; _.alignment = t1; _.transformHitTests = t2; _.filterQuality = t3; _.child = t4; _.key = t5; }, FractionalTranslation: function FractionalTranslation(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.translation = t0; _.transformHitTests = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, Padding: function Padding(t0, t1, t2) { this.padding = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, Align: function Align(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.alignment = t0; _.widthFactor = t1; _.heightFactor = t2; _.child = t3; _.key = t4; }, Center: function Center(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.alignment = t0; _.widthFactor = t1; _.heightFactor = t2; _.child = t3; _.key = t4; }, LayoutId: function LayoutId(t0, t1, t2) { this.id = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, CustomMultiChildLayout: function CustomMultiChildLayout(t0, t1, t2) { this.delegate = t0; this.children = t1; this.key = t2; }, SizedBox: function SizedBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.width = t0; _.height = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, ConstrainedBox: function ConstrainedBox(t0, t1, t2) { this.constraints = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, LimitedBox: function LimitedBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.maxWidth = t0; _.maxHeight = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, Offstage: function Offstage(t0, t1, t2) { this.offstage = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, _OffstageElement: function _OffstageElement(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._debugReassembleConfig = _._parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = _._framework$_child = null; _._cachedHash = t0; _._slot = null; _.__Element__depth = $; _._widget = t1; _._owner = null; _._lifecycleState = t2; _._dependencies = _._inheritedWidgets = null; _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _._dirty = true; _._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false; }, Stack: function Stack(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.alignment = t0; _.fit = t1; _.children = t2; _.key = t3; }, Positioned: function Positioned(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _.left = t0; _.top = t1; _.right = t2; _.bottom = t3; _.width = t4; _.height = t5; _.child = t6; _.key = t7; }, PositionedDirectional: function PositionedDirectional(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.start = t0; _.top = t1; _.bottom = t2; _.width = t3; _.child = t4; _.key = t5; }, Flex: function Flex() { }, Row: function Row(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _.direction = t0; _.mainAxisAlignment = t1; _.mainAxisSize = t2; _.crossAxisAlignment = t3; _.textDirection = t4; _.verticalDirection = t5; _.textBaseline = t6; _.children = t7; _.key = t8; }, RichText: function RichText(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) { var _ = this; _.text = t0; _.textAlign = t1; _.textDirection = t2; _.softWrap = t3; _.overflow = t4; _.textScaleFactor = t5; _.maxLines = t6; _.locale = t7; _.strutStyle = t8; _.textWidthBasis = t9; _.textHeightBehavior = t10; _.children = t11; _.key = t12; }, RichText__extractChildren_closure: function RichText__extractChildren_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.result = t1; }, Listener: function Listener(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.onPointerDown = t0; _.onPointerUp = t1; _.onPointerCancel = t2; _.behavior = t3; _.child = t4; _.key = t5; }, MouseRegion: function MouseRegion(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.onEnter = t0; _.onExit = t1; _.cursor = t2; _.child = t3; _.key = t4; }, _MouseRegionState: function _MouseRegionState(t0) { this._widget = null; this._debugLifecycleState = t0; this._framework$_element = null; }, _RawMouseRegion: function _RawMouseRegion(t0, t1, t2) { this.owner = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, RepaintBoundary: function RepaintBoundary(t0, t1) { this.child = t0; this.key = t1; }, IgnorePointer: function IgnorePointer(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.ignoring = t0; _.ignoringSemantics = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, AbsorbPointer: function AbsorbPointer(t0, t1, t2) { this.absorbing = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, Semantics: function Semantics(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.properties = t0; _.container = t1; _.explicitChildNodes = t2; _.excludeSemantics = t3; _.child = t4; _.key = t5; }, MergeSemantics: function MergeSemantics(t0, t1) { this.child = t0; this.key = t1; }, BlockSemantics: function BlockSemantics(t0, t1) { this.child = t0; this.key = t1; }, ExcludeSemantics: function ExcludeSemantics(t0, t1, t2) { this.excluding = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, KeyedSubtree: function KeyedSubtree(t0, t1) { this.child = t0; this.key = t1; }, Builder: function Builder(t0, t1) { this.builder = t0; this.key = t1; }, ColoredBox: function ColoredBox(t0, t1, t2) { this.color = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, _RenderColoredBox: function _RenderColoredBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._basic$_color = t0; _.behavior = t1; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t3; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, RenderObjectToWidgetElement$(widget, $T) { var t1 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t1; return new A.RenderObjectToWidgetElement(t1, widget, B._ElementLifecycle_0, $T._eval$1("RenderObjectToWidgetElement<0>")); }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_dispatchEvent_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_dispatchEvent_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.hitTestResult = t1; this.event = t2; }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initInstances_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initInstances_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_initInstances_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_initInstances_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, WidgetsBindingObserver: function WidgetsBindingObserver() { }, WidgetsBinding: function WidgetsBinding() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_drawFrame_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_drawFrame_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; }, WidgetsBinding_scheduleAttachRootWidget_closure: function WidgetsBinding_scheduleAttachRootWidget_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.rootWidget = t1; }, RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter: function RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.container = t1; _.debugShortDescription = t2; _.key = t3; _.$ti = t4; }, RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure: function RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; this.owner = t2; }, RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure0: function RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure0(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, RenderObjectToWidgetElement: function RenderObjectToWidgetElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._debugReassembleConfig = _._parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = _._newWidget = _._child = null; _._cachedHash = t0; _._slot = null; _.__Element__depth = $; _._widget = t1; _._owner = null; _._lifecycleState = t2; _._dependencies = _._inheritedWidgets = null; _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _._dirty = true; _._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false; _.$ti = t3; }, WidgetsFlutterBinding: function WidgetsFlutterBinding(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52) { var _ = this; _.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner = t0; _.WidgetsBinding__observers = t1; _.WidgetsBinding__needToReportFirstFrame = t2; _.WidgetsBinding__firstFrameCompleter = t3; _.WidgetsBinding_debugBuildingDirtyElements = t4; _.WidgetsBinding__renderViewElement = t5; _.WidgetsBinding__readyToProduceFrames = t6; _.RendererBinding__debugIsRenderViewInitialized = t7; _.RendererBinding__mouseTracker = t8; _.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner = t9; _.RendererBinding__semanticsHandle = t10; _.RendererBinding__debugMouseTrackerUpdateScheduled = t11; _.RendererBinding__firstFrameDeferredCount = t12; _.RendererBinding__firstFrameSent = t13; _.SemanticsBinding___SemanticsBinding__accessibilityFeatures = t14; _.PaintingBinding__imageCache = t15; _.PaintingBinding__systemFonts = t16; _.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyboard = t17; _.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyEventManager = t18; _.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger = t19; _.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__restorationManager = t20; _.ServicesBinding__systemUiChangeCallback = t21; _.SchedulerBinding__timingsCallbacks = t22; _.SchedulerBinding__lifecycleState = t23; _.SchedulerBinding_schedulingStrategy = t24; _.SchedulerBinding__taskQueue = t25; _.SchedulerBinding__hasRequestedAnEventLoopCallback = t26; _.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCallbackId = t27; _.SchedulerBinding__transientCallbacks = t28; _.SchedulerBinding__removedIds = t29; _.SchedulerBinding__persistentCallbacks = t30; _.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks = t31; _.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCompleter = t32; _.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame = t33; _.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase = t34; _.SchedulerBinding__framesEnabled = t35; _.SchedulerBinding__warmUpFrame = t36; _.SchedulerBinding__firstRawTimeStampInEpoch = t37; _.SchedulerBinding__epochStart = t38; _.SchedulerBinding__lastRawTimeStamp = t39; _.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp = t40; _.SchedulerBinding__debugFrameNumber = t41; _.SchedulerBinding__debugBanner = t42; _.SchedulerBinding__rescheduleAfterWarmUpFrame = t43; _.SchedulerBinding__frameTimelineTask = t44; _.GestureBinding__pendingPointerEvents = t45; _.GestureBinding_pointerRouter = t46; _.GestureBinding_gestureArena = t47; _.GestureBinding_pointerSignalResolver = t48; _.GestureBinding__hitTests = t49; _.GestureBinding___GestureBinding__resampler = t50; _.GestureBinding_resamplingEnabled = t51; _.GestureBinding_samplingOffset = t52; _._lockCount = 0; }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding() { }, _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding() { }, DecoratedBox$(child, decoration, position) { return new A.DecoratedBox(decoration, position, child, null); }, Container$(alignment, child, color, decoration, margin, padding, width) { var t1; if (width != null || false) t1 = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(null, width); else t1 = null; return new A.Container(child, alignment, padding, color, decoration, t1, margin, null); }, DecoratedBox: function DecoratedBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.decoration = t0; _.position = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, Container: function Container(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.alignment = t1; _.padding = t2; _.color = t3; _.decoration = t4; _.constraints = t5; _.margin = t6; _.key = t7; }, DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__shortcuts() { var t1 = $.$get$DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__webShortcuts(); return t1; }, DefaultTextEditingShortcuts: function DefaultTextEditingShortcuts(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.shortcuts = t0; _.child = t1; _.debugLabel = t2; _.key = t3; }, combineKeyEventResults(results) { var t1, hasSkipRemainingHandlers, _i; for (t1 = results.length, hasSkipRemainingHandlers = false, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) switch (results[_i].index) { case 0: return B.KeyEventResult_0; case 2: hasSkipRemainingHandlers = true; break; case 1: break; } return hasSkipRemainingHandlers ? B.KeyEventResult_2 : B.KeyEventResult_1; }, FocusNode$(canRequestFocus, debugLabel, descendantsAreFocusable, onKey, onKeyEvent, skipTraversal) { return new A.FocusNode(skipTraversal, canRequestFocus, true, onKey, onKeyEvent, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_FocusNode), A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)); }, FocusScopeNode$(canRequestFocus, debugLabel, skipTraversal) { var t1 = type$.JSArray_FocusNode; return new A.FocusScopeNode(A._setArrayType([], t1), skipTraversal, canRequestFocus, true, null, null, A._setArrayType([], t1), A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)); }, FocusManager__defaultModeForPlatform() { switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) { case 0: case 1: case 2: var t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.RendererBinding__mouseTracker._mouseStates; if (t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1)) return B.FocusHighlightMode_1; return B.FocusHighlightMode_0; case 3: case 4: case 5: return B.FocusHighlightMode_1; } }, KeyEventResult: function KeyEventResult(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _Autofocus: function _Autofocus(t0, t1) { this.scope = t0; this.autofocusNode = t1; }, FocusAttachment: function FocusAttachment(t0) { this._node = t0; }, UnfocusDisposition: function UnfocusDisposition(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, FocusNode: function FocusNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._skipTraversal = t0; _._focus_manager$_canRequestFocus = t1; _._focus_manager$_descendantsAreFocusable = t2; _._context = null; _.onKey = t3; _.onKeyEvent = t4; _._focus_manager$_parent = _._descendants = _._ancestors = _._manager = null; _._children = t5; _._attachment = _._focus_manager$_debugLabel = null; _._requestFocusWhenReparented = false; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t6; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, FocusNode_traversalDescendants_closure: function FocusNode_traversalDescendants_closure() { }, FocusNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure: function FocusNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, FocusScopeNode: function FocusScopeNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _._focusedChildren = t0; _._skipTraversal = t1; _._focus_manager$_canRequestFocus = t2; _._focus_manager$_descendantsAreFocusable = t3; _._context = null; _.onKey = t4; _.onKeyEvent = t5; _._focus_manager$_parent = _._descendants = _._ancestors = _._manager = null; _._children = t6; _._attachment = _._focus_manager$_debugLabel = null; _._requestFocusWhenReparented = false; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t7; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, FocusHighlightMode: function FocusHighlightMode(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, FocusHighlightStrategy: function FocusHighlightStrategy(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, FocusManager: function FocusManager(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._lastInteractionWasTouch = _._highlightMode = null; _._focus_manager$_listeners = t0; _.rootScope = t1; _._primaryFocus = null; _._dirtyNodes = t2; _._markedForFocus = null; _._pendingAutofocuses = t3; _._haveScheduledUpdate = false; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t4; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, _FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() { }, _FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier: function _FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier() { }, _FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() { }, _FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier: function _FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier() { }, Focus$(autofocus, canRequestFocus, child, debugLabel, descendantsAreFocusable, focusNode, includeSemantics, key, onFocusChange, onKey, onKeyEvent, skipTraversal) { return new A.Focus(child, focusNode, autofocus, onFocusChange, onKeyEvent, onKey, canRequestFocus, skipTraversal, descendantsAreFocusable, includeSemantics, debugLabel, key); }, Focus_maybeOf(context, scopeOk) { var marker = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._FocusMarker), node = marker == null ? null : marker.notifier; if (node == null) return null; return node; }, _FocusState$() { return new A._FocusState(B._StateLifecycle_0); }, FocusScope$(autofocus, child, key, node) { var _null = null; return new A.FocusScope(child, node, autofocus, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, key); }, FocusScope_of(context) { var t1, marker = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._FocusMarker); if (marker == null) t1 = null; else t1 = marker.notifier.get$nearestScope(); return t1 == null ? context._owner.focusManager.rootScope : t1; }, _FocusMarker$(child, node) { return new A._FocusMarker(node, child, null); }, Focus: function Focus(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.focusNode = t1; _.autofocus = t2; _.onFocusChange = t3; _._onKeyEvent = t4; _._onKey = t5; _._canRequestFocus = t6; _._focus_scope$_skipTraversal = t7; _._descendantsAreFocusable = t8; _.includeSemantics = t9; _._debugLabel = t10; _.key = t11; }, _FocusState: function _FocusState(t0) { var _ = this; _._internalNode = null; _.___FocusState__descendantsWereFocusable = _.___FocusState__couldRequestFocus = _.___FocusState__hadPrimaryFocus = $; _._didAutofocus = false; _._widget = _._focusAttachment = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t0; _._framework$_element = null; }, _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure: function _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.hasPrimaryFocus = t1; }, _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure0: function _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure0(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.canRequestFocus = t1; }, _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure1: function _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure1(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.descendantsAreFocusable = t1; }, FocusScope: function FocusScope(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.focusNode = t1; _.autofocus = t2; _.onFocusChange = t3; _._onKeyEvent = t4; _._onKey = t5; _._canRequestFocus = t6; _._focus_scope$_skipTraversal = t7; _._descendantsAreFocusable = t8; _.includeSemantics = t9; _._debugLabel = t10; _.key = t11; }, _FocusScopeState: function _FocusScopeState(t0) { var _ = this; _._internalNode = null; _.___FocusState__descendantsWereFocusable = _.___FocusState__couldRequestFocus = _.___FocusState__hadPrimaryFocus = $; _._didAutofocus = false; _._widget = _._focusAttachment = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t0; _._framework$_element = null; }, _FocusMarker: function _FocusMarker(t0, t1, t2) { this.notifier = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, _getAncestor(context, count) { var t1 = {}; t1.count = count; t1.target = null; context.visitAncestorElements$1(new A._getAncestor_closure(t1)); return t1.target; }, _focusAndEnsureVisible(node, alignmentPolicy) { var t1; node.requestFocus$0(); t1 = node._context; t1.toString; A.Scrollable_ensureVisible(t1, 1, alignmentPolicy); }, _FocusTraversalGroupInfo$(marker, defaultPolicy, members) { var t1 = marker == null ? null : marker.policy; if (t1 == null) t1 = defaultPolicy; return new A._FocusTraversalGroupInfo(t1, members); }, _ReadingOrderSortData_commonDirectionalityOf(list) { var t1, t2, common, common0, allAncestors = new A.MappedListIterable(list, new A._ReadingOrderSortData_commonDirectionalityOf_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(list)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Set>")); for (t1 = new A.ListIterator(allAncestors, allAncestors.get$length(allAncestors)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, common = null; t1.moveNext$0();) { common0 = t2._as(t1._current); common = (common == null ? common0 : common).intersection$1(0, common0); } if (common.get$isEmpty(common)) return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(list).directionality; return B.JSArray_methods.firstWhere$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(list).get$directionalAncestors(), common.get$contains(common)).textDirection; }, _ReadingOrderSortData_sortWithDirectionality(list, directionality) { A.mergeSort(list, new A._ReadingOrderSortData_sortWithDirectionality_closure(directionality), type$._ReadingOrderSortData); }, _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_sortWithDirectionality(list, directionality) { A.mergeSort(list, new A._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_sortWithDirectionality_closure(directionality), type$._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData); }, _getAncestor_closure: function _getAncestor_closure(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, _FocusTraversalGroupInfo: function _FocusTraversalGroupInfo(t0, t1) { this.policy = t0; this.members = t1; }, TraversalDirection: function TraversalDirection(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, FocusTraversalPolicy: function FocusTraversalPolicy() { }, FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_visitGroups: function FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_visitGroups(t0, t1) { this.groups = t0; this.sortedDescendants = t1; }, FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_closure: function FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_closure() { }, _DirectionalPolicyDataEntry: function _DirectionalPolicyDataEntry(t0, t1) { this.direction = t0; this.node = t1; }, _DirectionalPolicyData: function _DirectionalPolicyData(t0) { this.history = t0; }, DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin() { }, _ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_changedScope_closure: function _ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_changedScope_closure(t0) { this.node = t0; }, DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFindInitial_closure: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFindInitial_closure(t0, t1) { this.vertical = t0; this.first = t1; }, DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure() { }, DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure0: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure0(t0) { this.target = t0; }, DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure1: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure1(t0) { this.target = t0; }, DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure() { }, DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure0: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure0(t0) { this.target = t0; }, DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure1: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure1(t0) { this.target = t0; }, DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__popPolicyDataIfNeeded_popOrInvalidate: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__popPolicyDataIfNeeded_popOrInvalidate(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.policyData = t1; this.nearestScope = t2; }, DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure(t0) { this.band = t0; }, DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure0: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure0(t0) { this.focusedChild = t0; }, DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure1: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure1(t0) { this.band = t0; }, DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure2: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure2(t0) { this.focusedChild = t0; }, _ReadingOrderSortData: function _ReadingOrderSortData(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _.directionality = t0; _.rect = t1; _.node = t2; _._directionalAncestors = null; }, _ReadingOrderSortData_commonDirectionalityOf_closure: function _ReadingOrderSortData_commonDirectionalityOf_closure() { }, _ReadingOrderSortData_sortWithDirectionality_closure: function _ReadingOrderSortData_sortWithDirectionality_closure(t0) { this.directionality = t0; }, _ReadingOrderSortData_directionalAncestors_getDirectionalityAncestors: function _ReadingOrderSortData_directionalAncestors_getDirectionalityAncestors() { }, _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData: function _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData(t0) { this.members = t0; this._rect = null; }, _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_rect_closure: function _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_rect_closure() { }, _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_sortWithDirectionality_closure: function _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_sortWithDirectionality_closure(t0) { this.directionality = t0; }, ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy: function ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy(t0) { this.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__policyData = t0; }, ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_closure: function ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_closure() { }, ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand: function ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand() { }, ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand_closure: function ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand_closure(t0) { this.band = t0; }, FocusTraversalGroup: function FocusTraversalGroup(t0, t1, t2) { this.policy = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, _FocusTraversalGroupState: function _FocusTraversalGroupState(t0) { var _ = this; _._widget = _.focusNode = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t0; _._framework$_element = null; }, _FocusTraversalGroupMarker: function _FocusTraversalGroupMarker(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.policy = t0; _.focusNode = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, RequestFocusAction: function RequestFocusAction(t0) { this._actions$_listeners = t0; }, NextFocusIntent: function NextFocusIntent() { }, NextFocusAction: function NextFocusAction(t0) { this._actions$_listeners = t0; }, PreviousFocusIntent: function PreviousFocusIntent() { }, PreviousFocusAction: function PreviousFocusAction(t0) { this._actions$_listeners = t0; }, DirectionalFocusAction: function DirectionalFocusAction(t0) { this._actions$_listeners = t0; }, _FocusTraversalPolicy_Object_Diagnosticable: function _FocusTraversalPolicy_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, _ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin: function _ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin() { }, __ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_Object_Diagnosticable: function __ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, __ReadingOrderSortData_Object_Diagnosticable: function __ReadingOrderSortData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, _InactiveElements__deactivateRecursively(element) { element.deactivate$0(); element.visitChildren$1(A.framework__InactiveElements__deactivateRecursively$closure()); }, Element__sort(a, b) { var t1, _s6_ = "_depth"; if (A._lateReadCheck(a.__Element__depth, _s6_) < A._lateReadCheck(b.__Element__depth, _s6_)) return -1; if (A._lateReadCheck(b.__Element__depth, _s6_) < A._lateReadCheck(a.__Element__depth, _s6_)) return 1; t1 = b._dirty; if (t1 && !a._dirty) return -1; if (a._dirty && !t1) return 1; return 0; }, Element__activateRecursively(element) { element.activate$0(); element.visitChildren$1(A.framework_Element__activateRecursively$closure()); }, _ElementDiagnosticableTreeNode$($name, stateful, style, value) { return new A._ElementDiagnosticableTreeNode(stateful, value, $name, true, true, null, style); }, ErrorWidget__defaultErrorWidgetBuilder(details) { var exception = details.exception, t1 = exception instanceof A.FlutterError ? exception : null; return new A.ErrorWidget("", t1, new A.UniqueKey()); }, StatefulElement$(widget) { var t1 = widget.createState$0(), t2 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t2; t2 = new A.StatefulElement(t1, t2, widget, B._ElementLifecycle_0); t1._framework$_element = t2; t1._widget = widget; return t2; }, InheritedElement$(widget) { var t1 = A.HashMap_HashMap(type$.Element_2, type$.nullable_Object), t2 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t2; return new A.InheritedElement(t1, t2, widget, B._ElementLifecycle_0); }, SingleChildRenderObjectElement$(widget) { var t1 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t1; return new A.SingleChildRenderObjectElement(t1, widget, B._ElementLifecycle_0); }, MultiChildRenderObjectElement$(widget) { var t1 = A.HashSet_HashSet(type$.Element_2), t2 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t2; return new A.MultiChildRenderObjectElement(t1, t2, widget, B._ElementLifecycle_0); }, _debugReportException(context, exception, stack, informationCollector) { var details = new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "widgets library", context, informationCollector, false); A.FlutterError_reportError(details); return details; }, _debugShouldReassemble(config, widget) { var t1; if (config != null) { t1 = config.widgetName; if (t1 != null) t1 = (widget == null ? null : A._rtiToString(A.getRuntimeType(widget)._rti, null)) === t1; else t1 = true; } else t1 = true; return t1; }, UniqueKey: function UniqueKey() { }, GlobalKey: function GlobalKey() { }, LabeledGlobalKey: function LabeledGlobalKey(t0, t1) { this._framework$_debugLabel = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, GlobalObjectKey: function GlobalObjectKey(t0, t1) { this.value = t0; this.$ti = t1; }, Widget: function Widget() { }, StatelessWidget: function StatelessWidget() { }, StatefulWidget: function StatefulWidget() { }, _StateLifecycle: function _StateLifecycle(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, State: function State() { }, ProxyWidget: function ProxyWidget() { }, ParentDataWidget: function ParentDataWidget() { }, InheritedWidget: function InheritedWidget() { }, RenderObjectWidget: function RenderObjectWidget() { }, LeafRenderObjectWidget: function LeafRenderObjectWidget() { }, SingleChildRenderObjectWidget: function SingleChildRenderObjectWidget() { }, MultiChildRenderObjectWidget: function MultiChildRenderObjectWidget() { }, _ElementLifecycle: function _ElementLifecycle(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _InactiveElements: function _InactiveElements(t0) { this._locked = false; this._framework$_elements = t0; }, _InactiveElements__unmount_closure: function _InactiveElements__unmount_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.element = t1; }, BuildOwner: function BuildOwner(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.onBuildScheduled = null; _._inactiveElements = t0; _._dirtyElements = t1; _._scheduledFlushDirtyElements = false; _._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting = null; _.focusManager = t2; _._debugStateLockLevel = 0; _._debugBuilding = false; _._debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans = _._debugCurrentBuildTarget = null; _._globalKeyRegistry = t3; }, BuildOwner_buildScope_closure: function BuildOwner_buildScope_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_1 = t0; this.$this = t1; this.element = t2; }, Element: function Element() { }, Element_reassemble_closure: function Element_reassemble_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, Element_renderObject_visit: function Element_renderObject_visit(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, Element_updateSlotForChild_visit: function Element_updateSlotForChild_visit(t0) { this.newSlot = t0; }, Element__updateDepth_closure: function Element__updateDepth_closure(t0) { this.expectedDepth = t0; }, Element_detachRenderObject_closure: function Element_detachRenderObject_closure() { }, Element_attachRenderObject_closure: function Element_attachRenderObject_closure(t0) { this.newSlot = t0; }, Element_debugDescribeChildren_closure: function Element_debugDescribeChildren_closure(t0) { this.children = t0; }, _ElementDiagnosticableTreeNode: function _ElementDiagnosticableTreeNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _.stateful = t0; _.value = t1; _._cachedBuilder = null; _.name = t2; _.showSeparator = t3; _.showName = t4; _.linePrefix = t5; _.style = t6; }, ErrorWidget: function ErrorWidget(t0, t1, t2) { this.message = t0; this._flutterError = t1; this.key = t2; }, ComponentElement: function ComponentElement() { }, ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure: function ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure0: function ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, StatelessElement: function StatelessElement(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._debugReassembleConfig = _._parent = _._framework$_child = null; _._cachedHash = t0; _._slot = null; _.__Element__depth = $; _._widget = t1; _._owner = null; _._lifecycleState = t2; _._dependencies = _._inheritedWidgets = null; _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _._dirty = true; _._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false; }, StatefulElement: function StatefulElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._framework$_state = t0; _._didChangeDependencies = false; _._debugReassembleConfig = _._parent = _._framework$_child = null; _._cachedHash = t1; _._slot = null; _.__Element__depth = $; _._widget = t2; _._owner = null; _._lifecycleState = t3; _._dependencies = _._inheritedWidgets = null; _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _._dirty = true; _._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false; }, ProxyElement: function ProxyElement() { }, ParentDataElement: function ParentDataElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._debugReassembleConfig = _._parent = _._framework$_child = null; _._cachedHash = t0; _._slot = null; _.__Element__depth = $; _._widget = t1; _._owner = null; _._lifecycleState = t2; _._dependencies = _._inheritedWidgets = null; _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _._dirty = true; _._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false; _.$ti = t3; }, ParentDataElement__applyParentData_applyParentDataToChild: function ParentDataElement__applyParentData_applyParentDataToChild(t0) { this.widget = t0; }, InheritedElement: function InheritedElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._dependents = t0; _._debugReassembleConfig = _._parent = _._framework$_child = null; _._cachedHash = t1; _._slot = null; _.__Element__depth = $; _._widget = t2; _._owner = null; _._lifecycleState = t3; _._dependencies = _._inheritedWidgets = null; _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _._dirty = true; _._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false; }, RenderObjectElement: function RenderObjectElement() { }, RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_replaceWithNullIfForgotten: function RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_replaceWithNullIfForgotten(t0) { this.forgottenChildren = t0; }, RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_slotFor: function RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_slotFor(t0) { this.slots = t0; }, RootRenderObjectElement: function RootRenderObjectElement() { }, LeafRenderObjectElement: function LeafRenderObjectElement(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._debugReassembleConfig = _._parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = null; _._cachedHash = t0; _._slot = null; _.__Element__depth = $; _._widget = t1; _._owner = null; _._lifecycleState = t2; _._dependencies = _._inheritedWidgets = null; _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _._dirty = true; _._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false; }, SingleChildRenderObjectElement: function SingleChildRenderObjectElement(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._debugReassembleConfig = _._parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = _._framework$_child = null; _._cachedHash = t0; _._slot = null; _.__Element__depth = $; _._widget = t1; _._owner = null; _._lifecycleState = t2; _._dependencies = _._inheritedWidgets = null; _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _._dirty = true; _._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false; }, MultiChildRenderObjectElement: function MultiChildRenderObjectElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.__MultiChildRenderObjectElement__children = $; _._forgottenChildren = t0; _._debugReassembleConfig = _._parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = null; _._cachedHash = t1; _._slot = null; _.__Element__depth = $; _._widget = t2; _._owner = null; _._lifecycleState = t3; _._dependencies = _._inheritedWidgets = null; _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _._dirty = true; _._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false; }, IndexedSlot: function IndexedSlot(t0, t1, t2) { this.value = t0; this.index = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, _NullElement: function _NullElement(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._debugReassembleConfig = _._parent = null; _._cachedHash = t0; _._slot = null; _.__Element__depth = $; _._widget = t1; _._owner = null; _._lifecycleState = t2; _._dependencies = _._inheritedWidgets = null; _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _._dirty = true; _._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false; }, _NullWidget0: function _NullWidget0(t0) { this.key = t0; }, _State_Object_Diagnosticable: function _State_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, GestureDetector$(behavior, child, dragStartBehavior, excludeFromSemantics, key, onDoubleTap, onHorizontalDragCancel, onHorizontalDragDown, onHorizontalDragEnd, onHorizontalDragUpdate, onLongPress, onPanDown, onPanEnd, onPanUpdate, onTap, onTapCancel, onTapDown, onVerticalDragEnd, onVerticalDragStart, onVerticalDragUpdate) { return new A.GestureDetector(child, onTapDown, onTap, onTapCancel, onDoubleTap, onLongPress, onVerticalDragStart, onVerticalDragUpdate, onVerticalDragEnd, onHorizontalDragDown, onHorizontalDragUpdate, onHorizontalDragEnd, onHorizontalDragCancel, onPanDown, onPanUpdate, onPanEnd, behavior, excludeFromSemantics, dragStartBehavior, key); }, GestureRecognizerFactory: function GestureRecognizerFactory() { }, GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers: function GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers(t0, t1, t2) { this._constructor = t0; this._initializer = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, GestureDetector: function GestureDetector(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.onTapDown = t1; _.onTap = t2; _.onTapCancel = t3; _.onDoubleTap = t4; _.onLongPress = t5; _.onVerticalDragStart = t6; _.onVerticalDragUpdate = t7; _.onVerticalDragEnd = t8; _.onHorizontalDragDown = t9; _.onHorizontalDragUpdate = t10; _.onHorizontalDragEnd = t11; _.onHorizontalDragCancel = t12; _.onPanDown = t13; _.onPanUpdate = t14; _.onPanEnd = t15; _.behavior = t16; _.excludeFromSemantics = t17; _.dragStartBehavior = t18; _.key = t19; }, GestureDetector_build_closure: function GestureDetector_build_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GestureDetector_build_closure0: function GestureDetector_build_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GestureDetector_build_closure1: function GestureDetector_build_closure1(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GestureDetector_build_closure2: function GestureDetector_build_closure2(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GestureDetector_build_closure3: function GestureDetector_build_closure3(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GestureDetector_build_closure4: function GestureDetector_build_closure4(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GestureDetector_build_closure5: function GestureDetector_build_closure5(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GestureDetector_build_closure6: function GestureDetector_build_closure6(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GestureDetector_build_closure7: function GestureDetector_build_closure7(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GestureDetector_build_closure8: function GestureDetector_build_closure8(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GestureDetector_build_closure9: function GestureDetector_build_closure9(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GestureDetector_build_closure10: function GestureDetector_build_closure10(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, RawGestureDetector: function RawGestureDetector(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.gestures = t1; _.behavior = t2; _.excludeFromSemantics = t3; _.semantics = t4; _.key = t5; }, RawGestureDetectorState: function RawGestureDetectorState(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._recognizers = t0; _._widget = _._gesture_detector$_semantics = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t1; _._framework$_element = null; }, _GestureSemantics: function _GestureSemantics(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.behavior = t0; _.assignSemantics = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, SemanticsGestureDelegate: function SemanticsGestureDelegate() { }, _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate(t0) { this.detectorState = t0; }, _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getTapHandler_closure: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getTapHandler_closure(t0) { this.tap = t0; }, _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getLongPressHandler_closure: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getLongPressHandler_closure(t0) { this.longPress = t0; }, _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure(t0) { this.horizontal = t0; }, _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure0: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure0(t0) { this.pan = t0; }, _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure1: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure1(t0, t1) { this.horizontalHandler = t0; this.panHandler = t1; }, _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure(t0) { this.vertical = t0; }, _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure0: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure0(t0) { this.pan = t0; }, _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure1: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure1(t0, t1) { this.verticalHandler = t0; this.panHandler = t1; }, Hero__allHeroesFor(context, isUserGestureTransition, $navigator) { var result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Object, type$._HeroState); context.visitChildren$1(new A.Hero__allHeroesFor_visitor($navigator, new A.Hero__allHeroesFor_inviteHero(result, isUserGestureTransition))); return result; }, _HeroFlightManifest__boundingBoxFor(context, ancestorContext) { var t2, t1 = context.get$renderObject(); t1.toString; type$.RenderBox._as(t1); t2 = t1.getTransformTo$1(0, ancestorContext == null ? null : ancestorContext.get$renderObject()); t1 = t1._size; return A.MatrixUtils_transformRect(t2, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy)); }, HeroFlightDirection: function HeroFlightDirection(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, Hero: function Hero(t0, t1, t2) { this.tag = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, Hero__allHeroesFor_inviteHero: function Hero__allHeroesFor_inviteHero(t0, t1) { this.result = t0; this.isUserGestureTransition = t1; }, Hero__allHeroesFor_visitor: function Hero__allHeroesFor_visitor(t0, t1) { this.navigator = t0; this.inviteHero = t1; }, _HeroState: function _HeroState(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._heroes$_key = t0; _._placeholderSize = null; _._shouldIncludeChild = true; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t1; _._framework$_element = null; }, _HeroState_startFlight_closure: function _HeroState_startFlight_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.box = t1; }, _HeroState_endFlight_closure: function _HeroState_endFlight_closure() { }, _HeroFlightManifest: function _HeroFlightManifest(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) { var _ = this; _.type = t0; _.overlay = t1; _.navigatorSize = t2; _.fromRoute = t3; _.toRoute = t4; _.fromHero = t5; _.toHero = t6; _.createRectTween = t7; _.shuttleBuilder = t8; _.isUserGestureTransition = t9; _.isDiverted = t10; _.___HeroFlightManifest_isValid = _.___HeroFlightManifest_toHeroLocation = _.___HeroFlightManifest_fromHeroLocation = $; }, _HeroFlight: function _HeroFlight(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.onFlightEnded = t0; _.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween = $; _.shuttle = null; _._heroOpacity = t1; _.___HeroFlight_manifest = _.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation = $; _.overlayEntry = null; _._scheduledPerformAnimationUpdate = _._aborted = false; }, _HeroFlight__buildOverlay_closure: function _HeroFlight__buildOverlay_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _HeroFlight__handleAnimationUpdate_delayedPerformAnimationUpdate: function _HeroFlight__handleAnimationUpdate_delayedPerformAnimationUpdate(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.navigator = t1; }, HeroController: function HeroController(t0, t1) { this.createRectTween = t0; this._flights = t1; this._navigator$_navigator = null; }, HeroController_didStopUserGesture_isInvalidFlight: function HeroController_didStopUserGesture_isInvalidFlight() { }, HeroController__maybeStartHeroTransition_closure: function HeroController__maybeStartHeroTransition_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.$this = t0; _.from = t1; _.to = t2; _.animation = t3; _.flightType = t4; _.isUserGestureTransition = t5; }, Icon: function Icon(t0, t1) { this.icon = t0; this.key = t1; }, IconData: function IconData(t0) { this.codePoint = t0; }, IconTheme$(child, data, key) { return new A.IconTheme(data, child, key); }, IconTheme_merge(child, data) { return new A.Builder(new A.IconTheme_merge_closure(null, data, child), null); }, IconTheme__getInheritedIconThemeData(context) { var iconTheme = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.IconTheme), t1 = iconTheme == null ? null : iconTheme.data; return t1 == null ? B.IconThemeData_Color_4278190080_1_24 : t1; }, IconTheme: function IconTheme(t0, t1, t2) { this.data = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, IconTheme_merge_closure: function IconTheme_merge_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.key = t0; this.data = t1; this.child = t2; }, IconThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) { var t4, _null = null, t1 = a == null, t2 = t1 ? _null : a.color, t3 = b == null; t2 = A.Color_lerp(t2, t3 ? _null : b.color, t); t4 = t1 ? _null : a.get$opacity(a); t4 = A.lerpDouble(t4, t3 ? _null : b.get$opacity(b), t); t1 = t1 ? _null : a.size; return new A.IconThemeData(t2, t4, A.lerpDouble(t1, t3 ? _null : b.size, t)); }, IconThemeData: function IconThemeData(t0, t1, t2) { this.color = t0; this._opacity = t1; this.size = t2; }, _IconThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _IconThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, DecorationTween: function DecorationTween(t0, t1) { this.begin = t0; this.end = t1; }, BorderRadiusTween: function BorderRadiusTween(t0, t1) { this.begin = t0; this.end = t1; }, TextStyleTween: function TextStyleTween(t0, t1) { this.begin = t0; this.end = t1; }, ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget: function ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget() { }, ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState: function ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState() { }, ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_initState_closure: function ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_initState_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_didUpdateWidget_closure: function ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_didUpdateWidget_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__constructTweens_closure: function ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__constructTweens_closure(t0, t1) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; }, AnimatedWidgetBaseState: function AnimatedWidgetBaseState() { }, AnimatedWidgetBaseState__handleAnimationChanged_closure: function AnimatedWidgetBaseState__handleAnimationChanged_closure() { }, AnimatedDefaultTextStyle: function AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.style = t1; _.curve = t2; _.duration = t3; _.onEnd = t4; _.key = t5; }, _AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState: function _AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._implicit_animations$_style = null; _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation = _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller = $; _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0; _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t2; _._framework$_element = null; }, _AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState_forEachTween_closure: function _AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState_forEachTween_closure() { }, AnimatedPhysicalModel: function AnimatedPhysicalModel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.shape = t1; _.clipBehavior = t2; _.elevation = t3; _.color = t4; _.animateColor = t5; _.shadowColor = t6; _.curve = t7; _.duration = t8; _.onEnd = t9; _.key = t10; }, _AnimatedPhysicalModelState: function _AnimatedPhysicalModelState(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._implicit_animations$_shadowColor = _._implicit_animations$_color = _._implicit_animations$_elevation = _._borderRadius = null; _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation = _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller = $; _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0; _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t2; _._framework$_element = null; }, _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure: function _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure() { }, _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure0: function _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure0() { }, _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure1: function _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure1() { }, _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure2: function _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure2() { }, _ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function _ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() { }, InheritedModel: function InheritedModel() { }, InheritedModelElement: function InheritedModelElement(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._dependents = t0; _._debugReassembleConfig = _._parent = _._framework$_child = null; _._cachedHash = t1; _._slot = null; _.__Element__depth = $; _._widget = t2; _._owner = null; _._lifecycleState = t3; _._dependencies = _._inheritedWidgets = null; _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _._dirty = true; _._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false; _.$ti = t4; }, InheritedNotifier: function InheritedNotifier() { }, _InheritedNotifierElement: function _InheritedNotifierElement(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _._inherited_notifier$_dirty = false; _._dependents = t0; _._debugReassembleConfig = _._parent = _._framework$_child = null; _._cachedHash = t1; _._slot = null; _.__Element__depth = $; _._widget = t2; _._owner = null; _._lifecycleState = t3; _._dependencies = _._inheritedWidgets = null; _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _._dirty = true; _._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false; _.$ti = t4; }, InheritedTheme: function InheritedTheme() { }, _loadAll(locale, allDelegates) { var types, delegates, _i, delegate, t3, t4, inputValue, futureValue, _box_1 = {}, t1 = type$.Type, t2 = type$.dynamic, output = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2); _box_1.pendingList = null; types = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1); delegates = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LocalizationsDelegate_dynamic); for (t1 = allDelegates.length, _i = 0; _i < allDelegates.length; allDelegates.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(allDelegates), ++_i) { delegate = allDelegates[_i]; t3 = A.instanceType(delegate)._eval$1("LocalizationsDelegate.T"); if (!types.contains$1(0, A.createRuntimeType(t3)) && delegate.isSupported$1(locale)) { types.add$1(0, A.createRuntimeType(t3)); delegates.push(delegate); } } for (t1 = delegates.length, t3 = type$.JSArray__Pending, _i = 0; _i < delegates.length; delegates.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(delegates), ++_i) { t4 = {}; delegate = delegates[_i]; inputValue = delegate.load$1(0, locale); t4.completedValue = null; futureValue = inputValue.then$1$1(0, new A._loadAll_closure(t4), t2); if (t4.completedValue != null) output.$indexSet(0, A.createRuntimeType(A._instanceType(delegate)._eval$1("LocalizationsDelegate.T")), t4.completedValue); else { t4 = _box_1.pendingList; if (t4 == null) t4 = _box_1.pendingList = A._setArrayType([], t3); t4.push(new A._Pending(delegate, futureValue)); } } t1 = _box_1.pendingList; if (t1 == null) return new A.SynchronousFuture(output, type$.SynchronousFuture_Map_Type_dynamic); return A.Future_wait(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._loadAll_closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Future<@>>")), t2).then$1$1(0, new A._loadAll_closure1(_box_1, output), type$.Map_Type_dynamic); }, Localizations_maybeLocaleOf(context) { var scope = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._LocalizationsScope); return scope == null ? null : scope.localizationsState._localizations$_locale; }, Localizations_of(context, type, $T) { var scope = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._LocalizationsScope); return scope == null ? null : $T._eval$1("0?")._as(J.$index$asx(scope.localizationsState._typeToResources, type)); }, _Pending: function _Pending(t0, t1) { this.delegate = t0; this.futureValue = t1; }, _loadAll_closure: function _loadAll_closure(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, _loadAll_closure0: function _loadAll_closure0() { }, _loadAll_closure1: function _loadAll_closure1(t0, t1) { this._box_1 = t0; this.output = t1; }, LocalizationsDelegate: function LocalizationsDelegate() { }, _WidgetsLocalizationsDelegate: function _WidgetsLocalizationsDelegate() { }, DefaultWidgetsLocalizations: function DefaultWidgetsLocalizations() { }, _LocalizationsScope: function _LocalizationsScope(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.localizationsState = t0; _.typeToResources = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, Localizations: function Localizations(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.locale = t0; _.delegates = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, _LocalizationsState: function _LocalizationsState(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._localizedResourcesScopeKey = t0; _._typeToResources = t1; _._widget = _._localizations$_locale = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t2; _._framework$_element = null; }, _LocalizationsState_load_closure: function _LocalizationsState_load_closure(t0) { this._box_0 = t0; }, _LocalizationsState_load_closure0: function _LocalizationsState_load_closure0(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.locale = t1; }, _LocalizationsState_load__closure: function _LocalizationsState_load__closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.value = t1; this.locale = t2; }, MediaQueryData$(accessibleNavigation, alwaysUse24HourFormat, boldText, devicePixelRatio, disableAnimations, displayFeatures, gestureSettings, highContrast, invertColors, navigationMode, padding, platformBrightness, size, systemGestureInsets, textScaleFactor, viewInsets, viewPadding) { return new A.MediaQueryData(size, devicePixelRatio, textScaleFactor, platformBrightness, viewInsets, padding, viewPadding, systemGestureInsets, false, accessibleNavigation, invertColors, highContrast, disableAnimations, boldText, navigationMode, gestureSettings, displayFeatures); }, MediaQuery_maybeOf(context) { var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.MediaQuery); return t1 == null ? null : t1.data; }, MediaQueryData: function MediaQueryData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) { var _ = this; _.size = t0; _.devicePixelRatio = t1; _.textScaleFactor = t2; _.platformBrightness = t3; _.viewInsets = t4; _.padding = t5; _.viewPadding = t6; _.systemGestureInsets = t7; _.alwaysUse24HourFormat = t8; _.accessibleNavigation = t9; _.invertColors = t10; _.highContrast = t11; _.disableAnimations = t12; _.boldText = t13; _.navigationMode = t14; _.gestureSettings = t15; _.displayFeatures = t16; }, MediaQuery: function MediaQuery(t0, t1, t2) { this.data = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, NavigationMode: function NavigationMode(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _MediaQueryFromWindow: function _MediaQueryFromWindow(t0, t1) { this.child = t0; this.key = t1; }, _MediaQueryFromWindowState: function _MediaQueryFromWindowState(t0) { this._widget = null; this._debugLifecycleState = t0; this._framework$_element = null; }, _MediaQueryFromWindowState_didChangeMetrics_closure: function _MediaQueryFromWindowState_didChangeMetrics_closure() { }, _MediaQueryFromWindowState_didChangePlatformBrightness_closure: function _MediaQueryFromWindowState_didChangePlatformBrightness_closure() { }, __MediaQueryFromWindowState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver: function __MediaQueryFromWindowState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver() { }, ModalBarrier$(barrierSemanticsDismissible, color, dismissible, semanticsLabel) { return new A.ModalBarrier(color, false, true, semanticsLabel, null); }, ModalBarrier: function ModalBarrier(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.color = t0; _.dismissible = t1; _.barrierSemanticsDismissible = t2; _.semanticsLabel = t3; _.key = t4; }, ModalBarrier_build_handleDismiss: function ModalBarrier_build_handleDismiss(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.context = t1; }, _AnyTapGestureRecognizer: function _AnyTapGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _.onAnyTapUp = null; _._wonArenaForPrimaryPointer = _._sentTapDown = false; _._up = _._down = null; _.deadline = t0; _.postAcceptSlopTolerance = t1; _._recognizer$_state = t2; _._initialPosition = _._primaryPointer = null; _._gestureAccepted = false; _._recognizer$_timer = null; _._recognizer$_entries = t3; _._trackedPointers = t4; _._team = null; _.debugOwner = t5; _._supportedDevices = t6; _._pointerToKind = t7; }, _ModalBarrierSemanticsDelegate: function _ModalBarrierSemanticsDelegate(t0) { this.onDismiss = t0; }, _AnyTapGestureRecognizerFactory: function _AnyTapGestureRecognizerFactory(t0) { this.onAnyTapUp = t0; }, _ModalBarrierGestureDetector: function _ModalBarrierGestureDetector(t0, t1, t2) { this.child = t0; this.onDismiss = t1; this.key = t2; }, Navigator_of(context) { var t1, $navigator; if (context instanceof A.StatefulElement) { t1 = context._framework$_state; t1.toString; t1 = t1 instanceof A.NavigatorState; } else t1 = false; if (t1) { t1 = context._framework$_state; t1.toString; type$.NavigatorState._as(t1); $navigator = t1; } else $navigator = null; if ($navigator == null) $navigator = context.findAncestorStateOfType$1$0(type$.NavigatorState); t1 = $navigator; t1.toString; return t1; }, Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes($navigator, initialRouteName) { var t1, routeParts, t2, _i, t3, routeName, _null = null, result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable_Route_dynamic); if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(initialRouteName, "/") && initialRouteName.length > 1) { initialRouteName = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(initialRouteName, 1); t1 = type$.dynamic; result.push($navigator._routeNamed$1$3$allowNull$arguments("/", true, _null, t1)); routeParts = initialRouteName.split("/"); if (initialRouteName.length !== 0) for (t2 = routeParts.length, _i = 0, t3 = ""; _i < t2; ++_i, t3 = routeName) { routeName = t3 + ("/" + A.S(routeParts[_i])); result.push($navigator._routeNamed$1$3$allowNull$arguments(routeName, true, _null, t1)); } if (B.JSArray_methods.get$last(result) == null) B.JSArray_methods.set$length(result, 0); } else if (initialRouteName !== "/") result.push($navigator._routeNamed$1$3$allowNull$arguments(initialRouteName, true, _null, type$.dynamic)); if (!!result.fixed$length) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeWhere")); B.JSArray_methods._removeWhere$2(result, new A.Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes_closure(), true); if (result.length === 0) result.push($navigator._routeNamed$1$2$arguments("/", _null, type$.dynamic)); return new A.CastList(result, type$.CastList_of_nullable_Route_dynamic_and_Route_dynamic); }, _RouteEntry$(route, initialState, restorationInformation) { var t1 = $.$get$_RouteEntry_notAnnounced(); return new A._RouteEntry(route, restorationInformation, initialState, t1, t1, t1); }, _RouteEntry_isPresentPredicate(entry) { return entry.get$isPresent(); }, _RouteEntry_suitableForTransitionAnimationPredicate(entry) { var t1 = entry.currentState.index; return t1 <= 10 && t1 >= 3; }, _RouteEntry_willBePresentPredicate(entry) { var t1 = entry.currentState.index; return t1 <= 7 && t1 >= 1; }, _RouteEntry_isRoutePredicate(route) { return new A._RouteEntry_isRoutePredicate_closure(route); }, _RestorationInformation__RestorationInformation$fromSerializableData(data) { var t1, t2, t3; type$.List_nullable_Object._as(data); t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(data); t2 = t1.$index(data, 0); t2.toString; switch (B.List_MYz[A._asInt(t2)].index) { case 0: t1 = t1.sublist$1(data, 1); t2 = t1[0]; t2.toString; A._asInt(t2); t3 = t1[1]; t3.toString; A._asString(t3); return new A._NamedRestorationInformation(t2, t3, t1.length > 2 ? t1[2] : null, B._RouteRestorationType_0); case 1: t1 = t1.sublist$1(data, 1)[1]; t1.toString; type$.Route_dynamic_Function_2_BuildContext_and_nullable_Object._as(A.PluginUtilities_getCallbackFromHandle(new A.CallbackHandle(A._asInt(t1)))); return null; } }, RoutePopDisposition: function RoutePopDisposition(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, Route: function Route() { }, Route_didPush_closure: function Route_didPush_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, Route_didAdd_closure: function Route_didAdd_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, Route_isCurrent_closure: function Route_isCurrent_closure() { }, Route_isCurrent_closure0: function Route_isCurrent_closure0() { }, Route_isFirst_closure: function Route_isFirst_closure() { }, Route_isFirst_closure0: function Route_isFirst_closure0() { }, Route_isActive_closure: function Route_isActive_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, Route_isActive_closure0: function Route_isActive_closure0() { }, RouteSettings: function RouteSettings(t0, t1) { this.name = t0; this.$arguments = t1; }, NavigatorObserver: function NavigatorObserver() { }, HeroControllerScope: function HeroControllerScope(t0, t1, t2) { this.controller = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, RouteTransitionRecord: function RouteTransitionRecord() { }, TransitionDelegate: function TransitionDelegate() { }, DefaultTransitionDelegate: function DefaultTransitionDelegate() { }, Navigator: function Navigator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _.initialRoute = t0; _.onGenerateRoute = t1; _.onUnknownRoute = t2; _.observers = t3; _.restorationScopeId = t4; _.onGenerateInitialRoutes = t5; _.reportsRouteUpdateToEngine = t6; _.key = t7; }, Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes_closure: function Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes_closure() { }, _RouteLifecycle: function _RouteLifecycle(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _NotAnnounced: function _NotAnnounced(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._navigator$_navigator = null; _._settings = t0; _._restorationScopeId = t1; _._popCompleter = t2; }, _RouteEntry: function _RouteEntry(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.route = t0; _.restorationInformation = t1; _.currentState = t2; _.lastAnnouncedPreviousRoute = t3; _.lastAnnouncedPoppedNextRoute = t4; _.lastAnnouncedNextRoute = t5; _.pendingResult = null; _._reportRemovalToObserver = true; _._isWaitingForExitingDecision = false; }, _RouteEntry_handlePush_closure: function _RouteEntry_handlePush_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.navigator = t1; }, _RouteEntry_dispose_closure: function _RouteEntry_dispose_closure() { }, _RouteEntry_dispose_closure0: function _RouteEntry_dispose_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._box_0 = t0; _.$this = t1; _.entry = t2; _.listener = t3; }, _RouteEntry_isRoutePredicate_closure: function _RouteEntry_isRoutePredicate_closure(t0) { this.route = t0; }, _NavigatorObservation: function _NavigatorObservation() { }, _NavigatorPushObservation: function _NavigatorPushObservation(t0, t1) { this.primaryRoute = t0; this.secondaryRoute = t1; }, _NavigatorPopObservation: function _NavigatorPopObservation(t0, t1) { this.primaryRoute = t0; this.secondaryRoute = t1; }, _NavigatorRemoveObservation: function _NavigatorRemoveObservation(t0, t1) { this.primaryRoute = t0; this.secondaryRoute = t1; }, _NavigatorReplaceObservation: function _NavigatorReplaceObservation(t0, t1) { this.primaryRoute = t0; this.secondaryRoute = t1; }, NavigatorState: function NavigatorState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) { var _ = this; _.__NavigatorState__overlayKey = $; _._history = t0; _._serializableHistory = t1; _._observedRouteAdditions = t2; _._observedRouteDeletions = t3; _.focusScopeNode = t4; _._debugLocked = false; _._heroControllerFromScope = null; _.__NavigatorState__effectiveObservers = $; _._rawNextPagelessRestorationScopeId = t5; _._lastAnnouncedRouteName = null; _._flushingHistory = _._debugUpdatingPage = false; _._userGesturesInProgressCount = 0; _.userGestureInProgressNotifier = t6; _._activePointers = t7; _.RestorationMixin__bucket = t8; _.RestorationMixin__properties = t9; _.RestorationMixin__debugPropertiesWaitingForReregistration = t10; _.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = t11; _.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t12; _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t13; _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t14; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t15; _._framework$_element = null; }, NavigatorState_restoreState_closure: function NavigatorState_restoreState_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure: function NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure() { }, NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure0: function NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure0() { }, NavigatorState__afterNavigation_closure: function NavigatorState__afterNavigation_closure() { }, NavigatorState_maybePop_closure: function NavigatorState_maybePop_closure() { }, NavigatorState_maybePop_closure0: function NavigatorState_maybePop_closure0() { }, NavigatorState_maybePop_closure1: function NavigatorState_maybePop_closure1() { }, NavigatorState_maybePop_closure2: function NavigatorState_maybePop_closure2() { }, NavigatorState__cancelActivePointers_closure: function NavigatorState__cancelActivePointers_closure(t0) { this.absorber = t0; }, _RouteRestorationType: function _RouteRestorationType(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, _RestorationInformation: function _RestorationInformation() { }, _NamedRestorationInformation: function _NamedRestorationInformation(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.restorationScopeId = t0; _.name = t1; _.$arguments = t2; _.type = t3; _._serializableData = null; }, _AnonymousRestorationInformation: function _AnonymousRestorationInformation(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.restorationScopeId = t0; _.routeBuilder = t1; _.$arguments = t2; _.type = t3; _._serializableData = null; }, _HistoryProperty: function _HistoryProperty(t0) { var _ = this; _._restoration0$_owner = _._restoration0$_restorationId = _._pageToPagelessRoutes = null; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t0; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, _HistoryProperty_fromPrimitives_closure: function _HistoryProperty_fromPrimitives_closure() { }, _NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure: function _NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure() { }, _NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() { }, _NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin: function _NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin() { }, Notification0: function Notification0() { }, NotificationListener: function NotificationListener(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.child = t0; _.onNotification = t1; _.key = t2; _.$ti = t3; }, OverlayEntry$(builder, maintainState) { return new A.OverlayEntry(builder, maintainState, new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey__OverlayEntryWidgetState), A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)); }, OverlayEntry: function OverlayEntry(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.builder = t0; _._opaque = false; _._maintainState = t1; _._mounted = false; _._overlay = null; _._key = t2; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t3; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, OverlayEntry_remove_closure: function OverlayEntry_remove_closure(t0) { this.overlay = t0; }, _OverlayEntryWidget: function _OverlayEntryWidget(t0, t1, t2) { this.entry = t0; this.tickerEnabled = t1; this.key = t2; }, _OverlayEntryWidgetState: function _OverlayEntryWidgetState(t0) { this._widget = null; this._debugLifecycleState = t0; this._framework$_element = null; }, _OverlayEntryWidgetState__markNeedsBuild_closure: function _OverlayEntryWidgetState__markNeedsBuild_closure() { }, Overlay: function Overlay(t0, t1) { this.initialEntries = t0; this.key = t1; }, OverlayState: function OverlayState(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._entries = t0; _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t1; _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t3; _._framework$_element = null; }, OverlayState_insert_closure: function OverlayState_insert_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.$this = t0; _.below = t1; _.above = t2; _.entry = t3; }, OverlayState_insertAll_closure: function OverlayState_insertAll_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.$this = t0; _.below = t1; _.above = t2; _.entries = t3; }, OverlayState_rearrange_closure: function OverlayState_rearrange_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.$this = t0; _.newEntriesList = t1; _.old = t2; _.below = t3; _.above = t4; }, OverlayState__markDirty_closure: function OverlayState__markDirty_closure() { }, OverlayState__didChangeEntryOpacity_closure: function OverlayState__didChangeEntryOpacity_closure() { }, _Theatre: function _Theatre(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.skipCount = t0; _.clipBehavior = t1; _.children = t2; _.key = t3; }, _TheatreElement: function _TheatreElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.__MultiChildRenderObjectElement__children = $; _._forgottenChildren = t0; _._debugReassembleConfig = _._parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = null; _._cachedHash = t1; _._slot = null; _.__Element__depth = $; _._widget = t2; _._owner = null; _._lifecycleState = t3; _._dependencies = _._inheritedWidgets = null; _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _._dirty = true; _._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false; }, _RenderTheatre: function _RenderTheatre(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) { var _ = this; _._hasVisualOverflow = false; _._overlay$_resolvedAlignment = null; _._overlay$_textDirection = t0; _._overlay$_skipCount = t1; _._overlay$_clipBehavior = t2; _._overlay$_clipRectLayer = t3; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t4; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t5; _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t6; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t7; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _RenderTheatre_hitTestChildren_closure: function _RenderTheatre_hitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_0 = t0; this.position = t1; this.childParentData = t2; }, _OverlayState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _OverlayState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() { }, __RenderTheatre_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function __RenderTheatre_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() { }, PageStorageBucket: function PageStorageBucket() { }, PageStorage: function PageStorage(t0, t1) { this.child = t0; this.key = t1; }, PageRoute: function PageRoute() { }, PerformanceOverlay: function PerformanceOverlay(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.optionsMask = t0; _.checkerboardRasterCacheImages = t1; _.checkerboardOffscreenLayers = t2; _.key = t3; }, AndroidView: function AndroidView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.viewType = t0; _.onPlatformViewCreated = t1; _.gestureRecognizers = t2; _.creationParams = t3; _.creationParamsCodec = t4; _.key = t5; }, UiKitView: function UiKitView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.viewType = t0; _.onPlatformViewCreated = t1; _.creationParams = t2; _.creationParamsCodec = t3; _.gestureRecognizers = t4; _.key = t5; }, _AndroidViewState: function _AndroidViewState(t0) { var _ = this; _._platform_view$_id = null; _.___AndroidViewState__controller = $; _._layoutDirection = null; _._initialized = false; _._widget = _._focusNode = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t0; _._framework$_element = null; }, _AndroidViewState__createNewAndroidView_closure: function _AndroidViewState__createNewAndroidView_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _AndroidViewState__onFocusChange_closure: function _AndroidViewState__onFocusChange_closure() { }, _AndroidViewState__onFocusChange_closure0: function _AndroidViewState__onFocusChange_closure0() { }, _UiKitViewState: function _UiKitViewState(t0) { var _ = this; _._layoutDirection = _._platform_view$_controller = null; _._initialized = false; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t0; _._framework$_element = null; }, _UiKitViewState__createNewUiKitView_closure: function _UiKitViewState__createNewUiKitView_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.controller = t1; }, _AndroidPlatformView: function _AndroidPlatformView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.controller = t0; _.hitTestBehavior = t1; _.gestureRecognizers = t2; _.clipBehavior = t3; _.key = t4; }, _UiKitPlatformView: function _UiKitPlatformView(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.controller = t0; _.hitTestBehavior = t1; _.gestureRecognizers = t2; _.key = t3; }, PrimaryScrollController_of(context) { var result = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.PrimaryScrollController); return result == null ? null : result.controller; }, PrimaryScrollController: function PrimaryScrollController(t0, t1, t2) { this.controller = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, RestorationScope_of(context) { var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.UnmanagedRestorationScope); return t1 == null ? null : t1.bucket; }, UnmanagedRestorationScope$(bucket, child) { return new A.UnmanagedRestorationScope(bucket, child, null); }, RestorationScope: function RestorationScope(t0, t1, t2) { this.child = t0; this.restorationId = t1; this.key = t2; }, _RestorationScopeState: function _RestorationScopeState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) { var _ = this; _.RestorationMixin__bucket = t0; _.RestorationMixin__properties = t1; _.RestorationMixin__debugPropertiesWaitingForReregistration = t2; _.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = t3; _.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t4; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t5; _._framework$_element = null; }, UnmanagedRestorationScope: function UnmanagedRestorationScope(t0, t1, t2) { this.bucket = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, RootRestorationScope: function RootRestorationScope(t0, t1, t2) { this.child = t0; this.restorationId = t1; this.key = t2; }, _RootRestorationScopeState: function _RootRestorationScopeState(t0) { var _ = this; _._okToRenderBlankContainer = null; _._rootBucketValid = false; _._ancestorBucket = _._rootBucket = null; _._isLoadingRootBucket = false; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t0; _._framework$_element = null; }, _RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary_closure: function _RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary__closure: function _RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary__closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.bucket = t1; }, RestorableProperty: function RestorableProperty() { }, RestorationMixin: function RestorationMixin() { }, RestorationMixin_registerForRestoration_listener: function RestorationMixin_registerForRestoration_listener(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.property = t1; }, __RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure: function __RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure() { }, __RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin: function __RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin() { }, RestorableBool$(defaultValue) { return new A.RestorableBool(false, A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)); }, RestorableValue: function RestorableValue() { }, _RestorablePrimitiveValueN: function _RestorablePrimitiveValueN() { }, _RestorablePrimitiveValue: function _RestorablePrimitiveValue() { }, RestorableNum: function RestorableNum(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._defaultValue = t0; _._restoration0$_owner = _._restoration0$_restorationId = _._restoration_properties$_value = null; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; _.$ti = t2; }, RestorableBool: function RestorableBool(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._defaultValue = t0; _._restoration0$_owner = _._restoration0$_restorationId = _._restoration_properties$_value = null; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, RouteInformation: function RouteInformation(t0, t1) { this.location = t0; this.state = t1; }, RouteInformationProvider: function RouteInformationProvider() { }, PlatformRouteInformationProvider: function PlatformRouteInformationProvider(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._router$_value = t0; _._valueInEngine = t1; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t2; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, _PlatformRouteInformationProvider_RouteInformationProvider_WidgetsBindingObserver: function _PlatformRouteInformationProvider_RouteInformationProvider_WidgetsBindingObserver() { }, _PlatformRouteInformationProvider_RouteInformationProvider_WidgetsBindingObserver_ChangeNotifier: function _PlatformRouteInformationProvider_RouteInformationProvider_WidgetsBindingObserver_ChangeNotifier() { }, ModalRoute_of(context, $T) { var widget = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._ModalScopeStatus), t1 = widget == null ? null : widget.route; return $T._eval$1("ModalRoute<0>?")._as(t1); }, OverlayRoute: function OverlayRoute() { }, TransitionRoute: function TransitionRoute() { }, TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation__jumpOnAnimationEnd: function TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation__jumpOnAnimationEnd(t0, t1, t2) { this.$this = t0; this.nextTrain = t1; this.nextRoute = t2; }, TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure: function TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_0 = t0; this.nextTrain = t1; this._jumpOnAnimationEnd = t2; }, TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure0: function TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure0(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_0 = t0; this.$this = t1; this.nextRoute = t2; }, TransitionRoute__setSecondaryAnimation_closure: function TransitionRoute__setSecondaryAnimation_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.animation = t1; }, LocalHistoryRoute: function LocalHistoryRoute() { }, _DismissModalAction: function _DismissModalAction(t0, t1) { this.context = t0; this._actions$_listeners = t1; }, _ModalScopeStatus: function _ModalScopeStatus(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.isCurrent = t0; _.canPop = t1; _.route = t2; _.child = t3; _.key = t4; }, _ModalScope: function _ModalScope(t0, t1, t2) { this.route = t0; this.key = t1; this.$ti = t2; }, _ModalScopeState: function _ModalScopeState(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _._page = null; _.___ModalScopeState__listenable = $; _.focusScopeNode = t0; _.primaryScrollController = t1; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t2; _._framework$_element = null; _.$ti = t3; }, _ModalScopeState__forceRebuildPage_closure: function _ModalScopeState__forceRebuildPage_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _ModalScopeState_build_closure: function _ModalScopeState_build_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _ModalScopeState_build_closure0: function _ModalScopeState_build_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _ModalScopeState_build__closure0: function _ModalScopeState_build__closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _ModalScopeState_build___closure: function _ModalScopeState_build___closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, _ModalScopeState_build__closure: function _ModalScopeState_build__closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, ModalRoute: function ModalRoute() { }, ModalRoute_offstage_closure: function ModalRoute_offstage_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.value = t1; }, ModalRoute_changedInternalState_closure: function ModalRoute_changedInternalState_closure() { }, FocusTrap: function FocusTrap(t0, t1, t2) { this.focusScopeNode = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, _RenderFocusTrap: function _RenderFocusTrap(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.cachedResults = t0; _._focusScopeNode = t1; _.behavior = t2; _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t3; _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null; _._computingThisDryLayout = false; _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null; _._debugActivePointers = 0; _._object$_debugDisposed = false; _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null; _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false; _._debugCanParentUseSize = null; _._debugMutationsLocked = false; _._needsLayout = true; _._relayoutBoundary = null; _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; _._constraints = null; _._debugDoingThisPaint = false; _._layerHandle = t4; _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = $; _._needsPaint = true; _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _._semantics = null; _._depth = 0; _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null; }, _ModalRoute_TransitionRoute_LocalHistoryRoute: function _ModalRoute_TransitionRoute_LocalHistoryRoute() { }, ScrollBehavior: function ScrollBehavior() { }, ScrollConfiguration: function ScrollConfiguration(t0, t1, t2) { this.behavior = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, ScrollController: function ScrollController(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._positions = t0; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, _ScrollNotificationObserverScope: function _ScrollNotificationObserverScope(t0, t1, t2) { this._scrollNotificationObserverState = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, ScrollNotificationObserver: function ScrollNotificationObserver(t0, t1) { this.child = t0; this.key = t1; }, ScrollNotificationObserverState: function ScrollNotificationObserverState(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._scroll_notification_observer$_listeners = t0; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t1; _._framework$_element = null; }, ScrollNotificationObserverState__notifyListeners_closure: function ScrollNotificationObserverState__notifyListeners_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, ScrollNotificationObserverState_build_closure: function ScrollNotificationObserverState_build_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy: function ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, Scrollable_of(context) { context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._ScrollableScope); return null; }, Scrollable_ensureVisible(context, alignment, alignmentPolicy) { var t1, targetRenderObject, t2, t3, futures = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Future_void), scrollable = A.Scrollable_of(context); for (t1 = type$._ScrollableScope, targetRenderObject = null; false; scrollable = null) { t2 = scrollable.get$position(scrollable); t3 = context.get$renderObject(); t3.toString; futures.push(t2.ensureVisible$6$alignment$alignmentPolicy$curve$duration$targetRenderObject(t3, alignment, alignmentPolicy, B.Cubic_JUR, B.Duration_0, targetRenderObject)); if (targetRenderObject == null) targetRenderObject = context.get$renderObject(); context = scrollable.get$context(scrollable); context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(t1); } t1 = futures.length; if (t1 !== 0) t2 = 0 === B.Duration_0._duration; else t2 = true; if (t2) return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.void); if (t1 === 1) return B.JSArray_methods.get$single(futures); t1 = type$.void; return A.Future_wait(futures, t1).then$1$1(0, new A.Scrollable_ensureVisible_closure(), t1); }, Scrollable_ensureVisible_closure: function Scrollable_ensureVisible_closure() { }, ScrollIncrementType: function ScrollIncrementType(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, ScrollIncrementDetails: function ScrollIncrementDetails() { }, ScrollIntent: function ScrollIntent(t0, t1) { this.direction = t0; this.type = t1; }, ScrollAction: function ScrollAction(t0) { this._actions$_listeners = t0; }, SharedAppData: function SharedAppData(t0, t1) { this.child = t0; this.key = t1; }, _SharedAppDataState: function _SharedAppDataState(t0) { var _ = this; _.___SharedAppDataState_data = $; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t0; _._framework$_element = null; }, _SharedAppModel: function _SharedAppModel(t0, t1, t2) { this.data = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, SingleActivator$(trigger, alt, control, meta, shift) { return new A.SingleActivator(trigger, control, shift, alt, meta); }, ShortcutManager$() { return new A.ShortcutManager(B.Map_empty4, A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)); }, ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts(source) { var result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey, type$.List__ActivatorIntentPair); source.forEach$1(0, new A.ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts_closure(result)); return result; }, SingleActivator: function SingleActivator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.trigger = t0; _.control = t1; _.shift = t2; _.alt = t3; _.meta = t4; }, _ActivatorIntentPair: function _ActivatorIntentPair(t0, t1) { this.activator = t0; this.intent = t1; }, ShortcutManager: function ShortcutManager(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._shortcuts = t0; _._indexedShortcutsCache = null; _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1; _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0; _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false; }, ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts_closure: function ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts_closure(t0) { this.result = t0; }, ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts__closure: function ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts__closure() { }, Shortcuts: function Shortcuts(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.shortcuts = t0; _.child = t1; _.debugLabel = t2; _.key = t3; }, _ShortcutsState: function _ShortcutsState(t0) { var _ = this; _._widget = _._internalManager = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t0; _._framework$_element = null; }, _ShortcutsMarker: function _ShortcutsMarker(t0, t1, t2) { this.notifier = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, _ShortcutManager_ChangeNotifier_Diagnosticable: function _ShortcutManager_ChangeNotifier_Diagnosticable() { }, _SingleActivator_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SingleActivator_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, __ActivatorIntentPair_Object_Diagnosticable: function __ActivatorIntentPair_Object_Diagnosticable() { }, DefaultTextStyle$(child, maxLines, overflow, softWrap, style, textAlign, textHeightBehavior, textWidthBasis) { return new A.DefaultTextStyle(style, textAlign, true, overflow, maxLines, textWidthBasis, textHeightBehavior, child, null); }, DefaultTextStyle: function DefaultTextStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) { var _ = this; _.style = t0; _.textAlign = t1; _.softWrap = t2; _.overflow = t3; _.maxLines = t4; _.textWidthBasis = t5; _.textHeightBehavior = t6; _.child = t7; _.key = t8; }, _NullWidget1: function _NullWidget1(t0) { this.key = t0; }, Text: function Text(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.data = t0; _.textSpan = t1; _.style = t2; _.key = t3; }, DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent: function DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent() { }, TickerMode_getNotifier(context) { var t1 = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._EffectiveTickerMode); t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$widget(); type$.nullable__EffectiveTickerMode._as(t1); t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.notifier; return t1 == null ? new A.ValueNotifier(true, A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)) : t1; }, TickerMode: function TickerMode(t0, t1, t2) { this.enabled = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, _TickerModeState: function _TickerModeState(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._ancestorTicketMode = true; _._effectiveMode = t0; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t1; _._framework$_element = null; }, _EffectiveTickerMode: function _EffectiveTickerMode(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.enabled = t0; _.notifier = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() { }, TickerProviderStateMixin: function TickerProviderStateMixin() { }, _WidgetTicker: function _WidgetTicker(t0, t1, t2) { var _ = this; _._creator = t0; _._ticker$_future = null; _._muted = false; _._startTime = null; _._onTick = t1; _._animationId = null; _.debugLabel = t2; _.__Ticker__debugCreationStack = $; }, Title: function Title(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.title = t0; _.color = t1; _.child = t2; _.key = t3; }, SlideTransition$(child, position, textDirection, transformHitTests) { return new A.SlideTransition(textDirection, transformHitTests, child, position, null); }, ScaleTransition$(child, scale) { return new A.ScaleTransition(child, scale, null); }, RotationTransition$(child, turns) { return new A.RotationTransition(child, turns, null); }, FadeTransition$(child, opacity) { return new A.FadeTransition(opacity, child, null); }, AnimatedBuilder$(animation, builder, child) { return new A.AnimatedBuilder(builder, child, animation, null); }, AnimatedWidget: function AnimatedWidget() { }, _AnimatedState: function _AnimatedState(t0) { this._widget = null; this._debugLifecycleState = t0; this._framework$_element = null; }, _AnimatedState__handleChange_closure: function _AnimatedState__handleChange_closure() { }, SlideTransition: function SlideTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.textDirection = t0; _.transformHitTests = t1; _.child = t2; _.listenable = t3; _.key = t4; }, ScaleTransition: function ScaleTransition(t0, t1, t2) { this.child = t0; this.listenable = t1; this.key = t2; }, RotationTransition: function RotationTransition(t0, t1, t2) { this.child = t0; this.listenable = t1; this.key = t2; }, FadeTransition: function FadeTransition(t0, t1, t2) { this.opacity = t0; this.child = t1; this.key = t2; }, DecoratedBoxTransition: function DecoratedBoxTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.decoration = t0; _.child = t1; _.listenable = t2; _.key = t3; }, AnimatedBuilder: function AnimatedBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.builder = t0; _.child = t1; _.listenable = t2; _.key = t3; }, MyApp: function MyApp(t0) { this.key = t0; }, MapSample: function MapSample(t0) { this.key = t0; }, MapSampleState: function MapSampleState(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _._main$_controller = t0; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t1; _._framework$_element = null; }, MapSampleState_build_closure: function MapSampleState_build_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GoogleMapController_init(id, initialCameraPosition, googleMapState) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.GoogleMapController), $async$returnValue, t1; var $async$GoogleMapController_init = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait($.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance().ensureChannelInitialized$1(id)._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("map#waitForMap", null, false, type$.void), $async$GoogleMapController_init); case 3: // returning from await. t1 = new A.GoogleMapController(id, googleMapState); t1._connectStreams$1(id); $async$returnValue = t1; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$GoogleMapController_init, $async$completer); }, UnknownMapObjectIdError$(objectType, objectId, context) { return new A.UnknownMapObjectIdError(objectType, objectId, context); }, _GoogleMapOptions$fromWidget(map) { return new A._GoogleMapOptions(true, true, B.C_CameraTargetBounds, map.mapType, B.C_MinMaxZoomPreference, true, true, true, false, true, true, false, false, true, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, false, false, true); }, GoogleMapController: function GoogleMapController(t0, t1) { this.mapId = t0; this._googleMapState = t1; }, GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure: function GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure0: function GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure0(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure1: function GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure1(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure2: function GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure2(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure3: function GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure3(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure4: function GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure4(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure5: function GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure5(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure6: function GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure6(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure7: function GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure7(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure8: function GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure8(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, UnknownMapObjectIdError: function UnknownMapObjectIdError(t0, t1, t2) { this.objectType = t0; this.objectId = t1; this.context = t2; }, GoogleMap: function GoogleMap(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) { var _ = this; _.onMapCreated = t0; _.initialCameraPosition = t1; _.mapType = t2; _.markers = t3; _.key = t4; }, _GoogleMapState: function _GoogleMapState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._mapId = t0; _._google_maps_flutter$_controller = t1; _._markers = t2; _._polygons = t3; _._polylines = t4; _._circles = t5; _.___GoogleMapState__googleMapOptions = $; _._widget = null; _._debugLifecycleState = t6; _._framework$_element = null; }, _GoogleMapOptions: function _GoogleMapOptions(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17) { var _ = this; _.compassEnabled = t0; _.mapToolbarEnabled = t1; _.cameraTargetBounds = t2; _.mapType = t3; _.minMaxZoomPreference = t4; _.rotateGesturesEnabled = t5; _.scrollGesturesEnabled = t6; _.tiltGesturesEnabled = t7; _.trackCameraPosition = t8; _.zoomControlsEnabled = t9; _.zoomGesturesEnabled = t10; _.liteModeEnabled = t11; _.myLocationEnabled = t12; _.myLocationButtonEnabled = t13; _.padding = t14; _.indoorViewEnabled = t15; _.trafficEnabled = t16; _.buildingsEnabled = t17; }, _GoogleMapOptions_updatesMap_closure: function _GoogleMapOptions_updatesMap_closure(t0) { this.prevOptionsMap = t0; }, MapEvent: function MapEvent() { }, _PositionedMapEvent: function _PositionedMapEvent() { }, CameraMoveStartedEvent: function CameraMoveStartedEvent(t0, t1) { this.mapId = t0; this.value = t1; }, CameraMoveEvent: function CameraMoveEvent(t0, t1) { this.mapId = t0; this.value = t1; }, CameraIdleEvent: function CameraIdleEvent(t0, t1) { this.mapId = t0; this.value = t1; }, MarkerTapEvent: function MarkerTapEvent(t0, t1) { this.mapId = t0; this.value = t1; }, InfoWindowTapEvent: function InfoWindowTapEvent(t0, t1) { this.mapId = t0; this.value = t1; }, MarkerDragStartEvent: function MarkerDragStartEvent(t0, t1, t2) { this.position = t0; this.mapId = t1; this.value = t2; }, MarkerDragEvent: function MarkerDragEvent(t0, t1, t2) { this.position = t0; this.mapId = t1; this.value = t2; }, MarkerDragEndEvent: function MarkerDragEndEvent(t0, t1, t2) { this.position = t0; this.mapId = t1; this.value = t2; }, PolylineTapEvent: function PolylineTapEvent(t0, t1) { this.mapId = t0; this.value = t1; }, PolygonTapEvent: function PolygonTapEvent(t0, t1) { this.mapId = t0; this.value = t1; }, CircleTapEvent: function CircleTapEvent(t0, t1) { this.mapId = t0; this.value = t1; }, MapTapEvent: function MapTapEvent(t0, t1, t2) { this.position = t0; this.mapId = t1; this.value = t2; }, MapLongPressEvent: function MapLongPressEvent(t0, t1, t2) { this.position = t0; this.mapId = t1; this.value = t2; }, UnknownMapIDError: function UnknownMapIDError(t0) { this.mapId = t0; }, MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter: function MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter(t0, t1, t2) { this._method_channel_google_maps_flutter$_channels = t0; this._tileOverlays = t1; this._mapEventStreamController = t2; }, MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter_ensureChannelInitialized_closure: function MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter_ensureChannelInitialized_closure(t0, t1) { this.$this = t0; this.mapId = t1; }, MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter__events_closure: function MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter__events_closure(t0) { this.mapId = t0; }, GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform: function GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform() { }, BitmapDescriptor: function BitmapDescriptor() { }, CameraPosition_fromMap(json) { var t1, target; if (json == null || !type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(json)) return null; t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(json); target = A.LatLng_fromJson(t1.$index(json, "target")); if (target == null) return null; return new A.CameraPosition(t1.$index(json, "bearing"), target, t1.$index(json, "tilt"), t1.$index(json, "zoom")); }, CameraPosition: function CameraPosition(t0, t1, t2, t3) { var _ = this; _.bearing = t0; _.target = t1; _.tilt = t2; _.zoom = t3; }, CircleId: function CircleId(t0) { this.value = t0; }, CircleUpdates$from(previous, current) { var t1 = new A.CircleUpdates("circle"); t1.MapsObjectUpdates$from$3$objectName(previous, current, "circle", type$.Circle); return t1; }, CircleUpdates: function CircleUpdates(t0) { var _ = this; _.objectName = t0; _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToChange = _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectIdsToRemove = _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToAdd = $; }, LatLng_fromJson(json) { var t1, t2; if (json == null) return null; type$.List_dynamic._as(json); t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(json); t2 = t1.$index(json, 0); t1 = t1.$index(json, 1); if (t2 < -90) t2 = -90; else if (90 < t2) t2 = 90; return new A.LatLng(t2, t1 >= -180 && t1 < 180 ? t1 : B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(t1 + 180, 360) - 180); }, LatLng: function LatLng(t0, t1) { this.latitude = t0; this.longitude = t1; }, MapsObjectId: function MapsObjectId() { }, MapsObjectUpdates: function MapsObjectUpdates() { }, MapsObjectUpdates$from__idToCurrentObject: function MapsObjectUpdates$from__idToCurrentObject(t0, t1) { this.currentObjects = t0; this.T = t1; }, MapsObjectUpdates$from_hasChanged: function MapsObjectUpdates$from_hasChanged(t0, t1) { this.previousObjects = t0; this.T = t1; }, MapsObjectUpdates_toJson_addIfNonNull: function MapsObjectUpdates_toJson_addIfNonNull(t0) { this.updateMap = t0; }, MapsObjectUpdates_toJson_closure: function MapsObjectUpdates_toJson_closure(t0) { this.$this = t0; }, InfoWindow: function InfoWindow(t0) { this.title = t0; }, InfoWindow__toJson_addIfPresent: function InfoWindow__toJson_addIfPresent(t0) { this.json = t0; }, MarkerId: function MarkerId(t0) { this.value = t0; }, Marker: function Marker(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) { var _ = this; _.markerId = t0; _.alpha = t1; _.anchor = t2; _.consumeTapEvents = t3; _.draggable = t4; _.flat = t5; _.icon = t6; _.infoWindow = t7; _.position = t8; _.rotation = t9; _.visible = t10; _.zIndex = t11; _.onTap = t12; _.onDragStart = t13; _.onDragEnd = t14; _.onDrag = t15; }, Marker_toJson_addIfPresent: function Marker_toJson_addIfPresent(t0) { this.json = t0; }, MarkerUpdates$from(previous, current) { var t1 = new A.MarkerUpdates("marker"); t1.MapsObjectUpdates$from$3$objectName(previous, current, "marker", type$.Marker); return t1; }, MarkerUpdates: function MarkerUpdates(t0) { var _ = this; _.objectName = t0; _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToChange = _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectIdsToRemove = _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToAdd = $; }, PolygonId: function PolygonId(t0) { this.value = t0; }, PolygonUpdates$from(previous, current) { var t1 = new A.PolygonUpdates("polygon"); t1.MapsObjectUpdates$from$3$objectName(previous, current, "polygon", type$.Polygon); return t1; }, PolygonUpdates: function PolygonUpdates(t0) { var _ = this; _.objectName = t0; _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToChange = _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectIdsToRemove = _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToAdd = $; }, PolylineId: function PolylineId(t0) { this.value = t0; }, PolylineUpdates$from(previous, current) { var _s8_ = "polyline", t1 = new A.PolylineUpdates(_s8_); t1.MapsObjectUpdates$from$3$objectName(previous, current, _s8_, type$.Polyline); return t1; }, PolylineUpdates: function PolylineUpdates(t0) { var _ = this; _.objectName = t0; _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToChange = _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectIdsToRemove = _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToAdd = $; }, Tile: function Tile() { }, Tile_toJson_addIfPresent: function Tile_toJson_addIfPresent(t0) { this.json = t0; }, TileOverlayId: function TileOverlayId(t0) { this.value = t0; }, TileOverlayUpdates$from(previous, current) { var _s11_ = "tileOverlay", t1 = new A.TileOverlayUpdates(_s11_); t1.MapsObjectUpdates$from$3$objectName(previous, current, _s11_, type$.TileOverlay); return t1; }, TileOverlayUpdates: function TileOverlayUpdates(t0) { var _ = this; _.objectName = t0; _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToChange = _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectIdsToRemove = _.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToAdd = $; }, MapType: function MapType(t0, t1) { this.index = t0; this._name = t1; }, CameraTargetBounds: function CameraTargetBounds() { }, MinMaxZoomPreference: function MinMaxZoomPreference() { }, keyByMapsObjectId(objects, $T) { var t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty($T._eval$1("MapsObjectId<0>"), $T); t1.addEntries$1(t1, new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(objects, new A.keyByMapsObjectId_closure($T), A._instanceType(objects)._eval$1("@")._bind$1($T._eval$1("MapEntry,0>"))._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>"))); return t1; }, serializeMapsObjectSet(mapsObjects) { var t1 = A._instanceType(mapsObjects)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable"); return A.List_List$of(new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(mapsObjects, new A.serializeMapsObjectSet_closure(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("Iterable.E")); }, keyByMapsObjectId_closure: function keyByMapsObjectId_closure(t0) { this.T = t0; }, serializeMapsObjectSet_closure: function serializeMapsObjectSet_closure() { }, PlatformInterface: function PlatformInterface() { }, TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers(_this, onData, $S, $T) { var t1 = {}, controller = _this._async$_source.get$isBroadcast() ? A.StreamController_StreamController$broadcast(true, $T) : A.StreamController_StreamController(null, true, $T); t1.subscription = null; controller.set$onListen(new A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers_closure(t1, _this, onData, controller, A.instantiate1(A.from_handlers__TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleError$closure(), $T), A.instantiate1(A.from_handlers__TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleDone$closure(), $T), $S)); return controller.get$stream(controller); }, TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleError(error, stackTrace, sink) { sink.addError$2(error, stackTrace); }, TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleDone(sink) { sink.close$0(0); }, TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers_closure: function TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) { var _ = this; _._box_1 = t0; _._this = t1; _.handleData = t2; _.controller = t3; _.handleError = t4; _.handleDone = t5; _.S = t6; }, TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure: function TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure(t0, t1, t2) { this.handleData = t0; this.controller = t1; this.S = t2; }, TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure1: function TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure1(t0, t1) { this.handleError = t0; this.controller = t1; }, TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure0: function TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure0(t0, t1, t2) { this._box_0 = t0; this.handleDone = t1; this.controller = t2; }, TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure2: function TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure2(t0, t1) { this._box_1 = t0; this._box_0 = t1; }, Where_whereType(_this, $T, $S) { return A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers(_this, new A.Where_whereType_closure($S, $T), $T, $S); }, Where_whereType_closure: function Where_whereType_closure(t0, t1) { this.S = t0; this.T = t1; }, Uint8Buffer$() { return new A.Uint8Buffer(new Uint8Array(0), 0); }, TypedDataBuffer: function TypedDataBuffer() { }, _IntBuffer0: function _IntBuffer0() { }, Uint8Buffer: function Uint8Buffer(t0, t1) { this._typed_buffer$_buffer = t0; this._typed_buffer$_length = t1; }, Matrix4_tryInvert(other) { var r = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); if (r.copyInverse$1(other) === 0) return null; return r; }, Matrix4$zero() { return new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); }, Matrix4_Matrix4$identity() { var t1 = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); t1.setIdentity$0(); return t1; }, Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(x, y, z) { var t1 = new Float64Array(16), t2 = new A.Matrix4(t1); t2.setIdentity$0(); t1[14] = z; t1[13] = y; t1[12] = x; return t2; }, Matrix4_Matrix4$diagonal3Values(x, y, z) { var t1 = new Float64Array(16); t1[15] = 1; t1[10] = z; t1[5] = y; t1[0] = x; return new A.Matrix4(t1); }, Matrix4: function Matrix4(t0) { this._m4storage = t0; }, Vector3: function Vector3(t0) { this._v3storage = t0; }, Vector4: function Vector4(t0) { this._v4storage = t0; }, CupertinoUserInterfaceLevel_maybeOf(context) { context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.CupertinoUserInterfaceLevel); return null; }, Tooltip_dismissAllToolTips() { var openedTooltips, t1, _i; if ($.Tooltip__openedTooltips.length !== 0) { openedTooltips = A._setArrayType($.Tooltip__openedTooltips.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType($.Tooltip__openedTooltips)); for (t1 = openedTooltips.length, _i = 0; _i < openedTooltips.length; openedTooltips.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(openedTooltips), ++_i) openedTooltips[_i]._dismissTooltip$1$immediately(true); return true; } return false; }, isBrowserObject(o) { return type$.Blob._is(o) || type$.Event._is(o) || type$.KeyRange._is(o) || type$.ImageData._is(o) || type$.Node._is(o) || type$.Window._is(o) || type$.WorkerGlobalScope._is(o); }, printString(string) { if (typeof dartPrint == "function") { dartPrint(string); return; } if (typeof console == "object" && typeof console.log != "undefined") { console.log(string); return; } if (typeof window == "object") return; if (typeof print == "function") { print(string); return; } throw "Unable to print message: " + String(string); }, compute(callback, message, debugLabel, $Q, $R) { return A.compute$body(callback, message, debugLabel, $Q, $R, $R); }, compute$body(callback, message, debugLabel, $Q, $R, $async$type) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type), $async$returnValue; var $async$compute = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(null, $async$compute); case 3: // returning from await. $async$returnValue = callback.call$1(message); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$compute, $async$completer); }, setEquals(a, b) { var t1; if (a == null) return b == null; if (b == null || a.get$length(a) !== b.get$length(b)) return false; if (a === b) return true; for (t1 = a.get$iterator(a); t1.moveNext$0();) if (!b.contains$1(0, t1.get$current(t1))) return false; return true; }, listEquals0(a, b) { var index; if (a == null) return b == null; if (b == null || a.length !== b.length) return false; if (a === b) return true; for (index = 0; index < a.length; ++index) if (!J.$eq$(a[index], b[index])) return false; return true; }, mapEquals(a, b) { var key, t1 = a.get$length(a), t2 = b.get$length(b); if (t1 !== t2) return false; if (a === b) return true; for (t1 = a.get$keys(a), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) { key = t1.get$current(t1); if (!b.containsKey$1(0, key) || !J.$eq$(b.$index(0, key), a.$index(0, key))) return false; } return true; }, mergeSort(list, compare, $T) { var middle, secondLength, scratchSpace, firstTarget, end = list.length, $length = end - 0; if ($length < 2) return; if ($length < 32) { A._insertionSort(list, compare, end, 0, $T); return; } middle = B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1($length, 1); secondLength = end - middle; scratchSpace = A.List_List$filled(secondLength, list[0], false, $T); A._mergeSort(list, compare, middle, end, scratchSpace, 0); firstTarget = end - (middle - 0); A._mergeSort(list, compare, 0, middle, list, firstTarget); A._merge(compare, list, firstTarget, end, scratchSpace, 0, secondLength, list, 0); }, _insertionSort(list, compare, end, start, $T) { var pos, element, max, min, mid; for (pos = start + 1; pos < end;) { element = list[pos]; for (max = pos, min = start; min < max;) { mid = min + B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(max - min, 1); if (compare.call$2(element, list[mid]) < 0) max = mid; else min = mid + 1; } ++pos; B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(list, min + 1, pos, list, min); list[min] = element; } }, _movingInsertionSort(list, compare, start, end, target, targetOffset) { var i, element, max, max0, min, mid, $length = end - start; if ($length === 0) return; target[targetOffset] = list[start]; for (i = 1; i < $length; ++i) { element = list[start + i]; max = targetOffset + i; for (max0 = max, min = targetOffset; min < max0;) { mid = min + B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(max0 - min, 1); if (compare.call$2(element, target[mid]) < 0) max0 = mid; else min = mid + 1; } B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, min + 1, max + 1, target, min); target[min] = element; } }, _mergeSort(list, compare, start, end, target, targetOffset) { var middle, firstLength, targetMiddle, $length = end - start; if ($length < 32) { A._movingInsertionSort(list, compare, start, end, target, targetOffset); return; } middle = start + B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1($length, 1); firstLength = middle - start; targetMiddle = targetOffset + firstLength; A._mergeSort(list, compare, middle, end, target, targetMiddle); A._mergeSort(list, compare, start, middle, list, middle); A._merge(compare, list, middle, middle + firstLength, target, targetMiddle, targetMiddle + (end - middle), target, targetOffset); }, _merge(compare, firstList, firstStart, firstEnd, secondList, secondStart, secondEnd, target, targetOffset) { var targetOffset0, cursor10, cursor20, cursor1 = firstStart + 1, firstElement = firstList[firstStart], cursor2 = secondStart + 1, secondElement = secondList[secondStart]; for (; true; targetOffset = targetOffset0) { targetOffset0 = targetOffset + 1; if (compare.call$2(firstElement, secondElement) <= 0) { target[targetOffset] = firstElement; if (cursor1 === firstEnd) { targetOffset = targetOffset0; break; } cursor10 = cursor1 + 1; firstElement = firstList[cursor1]; } else { target[targetOffset] = secondElement; if (cursor2 !== secondEnd) { cursor20 = cursor2 + 1; secondElement = secondList[cursor2]; cursor2 = cursor20; continue; } targetOffset = targetOffset0 + 1; target[targetOffset0] = firstElement; B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, targetOffset, targetOffset + (firstEnd - cursor1), firstList, cursor1); return; } cursor1 = cursor10; } targetOffset0 = targetOffset + 1; target[targetOffset] = secondElement; B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, targetOffset0, targetOffset0 + (secondEnd - cursor2), secondList, cursor2); }, debugInstrumentAction(description, action, $T) { return A.debugInstrumentAction$body(description, action, $T, $T); }, debugInstrumentAction$body(description, action, $T, $async$type) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type), $async$returnValue, t1; var $async$debugInstrumentAction = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = action.call$0(); $async$returnValue = t1; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$debugInstrumentAction, $async$completer); }, debugFormatDouble(value) { if (value == null) return "null"; return B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(value, 1); }, debugPrintThrottled(message, wrapWidth) { var messageLines = A._setArrayType(message.split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String); $.$get$_debugPrintBuffer().addAll$1(0, messageLines); if (!$._debugPrintScheduled) A._debugPrintTask(); }, _debugPrintTask() { var line, t1 = $._debugPrintScheduled = false, t2 = $.$get$_debugPrintStopwatch(); if (A.Duration$(t2.get$elapsedMicroseconds(), 0)._duration > 1000000) { if (t2._stop == null) t2._stop = $.Primitives_timerTicks.call$0(); t2.reset$0(0); $._debugPrintedCharacters = 0; } while (true) { if ($._debugPrintedCharacters < 12288) { t2 = $.$get$_debugPrintBuffer(); t2 = !t2.get$isEmpty(t2); } else t2 = t1; if (!t2) break; line = $.$get$_debugPrintBuffer().removeFirst$0(); $._debugPrintedCharacters = $._debugPrintedCharacters + line.length; A.printString(line); } t1 = $.$get$_debugPrintBuffer(); if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) { $._debugPrintScheduled = true; $._debugPrintedCharacters = 0; A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_1000000, A.print___debugPrintTask$closure()); if ($._debugPrintCompleter == null) $._debugPrintCompleter = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void); } else { $.$get$_debugPrintStopwatch().start$0(0); t1 = $._debugPrintCompleter; if (t1 != null) t1.complete$0(0); $._debugPrintCompleter = null; } }, ElevationOverlay_applyOverlay(context, color, elevation) { var t1, theme = A.Theme_of(context); if (elevation > 0) if (theme.applyElevationOverlayColor) { t1 = theme.colorScheme; if (t1.brightness === B.Brightness_0) { t1 = t1.surface.value; t1 = A.Color$fromARGB(255, color.get$value(color) >>> 16 & 255, color.get$value(color) >>> 8 & 255, color.get$value(color) & 255).$eq(0, A.Color$fromARGB(255, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255)); } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; else t1 = false; if (t1) { t1 = theme.colorScheme.onSurface.value; return A.Color_alphaBlend(A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(255 * ((4.5 * Math.log(elevation + 1) + 2) / 100)), t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), color); } return color; }, Feedback_forTap(context) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue; var $async$Feedback_forTap = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) $async$outer: switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start context.get$renderObject().sendSemanticsEvent$1(B.TapSemanticEvent_tap); switch (A.Theme_of(context).platform.index) { case 0: case 1: $async$returnValue = A.SystemSound_play(B.SystemSoundType_0); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break $async$outer; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: $async$returnValue = A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.void); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break $async$outer; } case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$Feedback_forTap, $async$completer); }, MatrixUtils_getAsTranslation(transform) { var values = transform._m4storage; if (values[0] === 1 && values[1] === 0 && values[2] === 0 && values[3] === 0 && values[4] === 0 && values[5] === 1 && values[6] === 0 && values[7] === 0 && values[8] === 0 && values[9] === 0 && values[10] === 1 && values[11] === 0 && values[14] === 0 && values[15] === 1) return new A.Offset(values[12], values[13]); return null; }, MatrixUtils_matrixEquals(a, b) { var t1, t2; if (a === b) return true; if (a == null) return A.MatrixUtils_isIdentity(b); t1 = a._m4storage; t2 = b._m4storage; return t1[0] === t2[0] && t1[1] === t2[1] && t1[2] === t2[2] && t1[3] === t2[3] && t1[4] === t2[4] && t1[5] === t2[5] && t1[6] === t2[6] && t1[7] === t2[7] && t1[8] === t2[8] && t1[9] === t2[9] && t1[10] === t2[10] && t1[11] === t2[11] && t1[12] === t2[12] && t1[13] === t2[13] && t1[14] === t2[14] && t1[15] === t2[15]; }, MatrixUtils_isIdentity(a) { var t1 = a._m4storage; return t1[0] === 1 && t1[1] === 0 && t1[2] === 0 && t1[3] === 0 && t1[4] === 0 && t1[5] === 1 && t1[6] === 0 && t1[7] === 0 && t1[8] === 0 && t1[9] === 0 && t1[10] === 1 && t1[11] === 0 && t1[12] === 0 && t1[13] === 0 && t1[14] === 0 && t1[15] === 1; }, MatrixUtils_transformPoint(transform, point) { var storage = transform._m4storage, x = point._dx, y = point._dy, rx = storage[0] * x + storage[4] * y + storage[12], ry = storage[1] * x + storage[5] * y + storage[13], rw = storage[3] * x + storage[7] * y + storage[15]; if (rw === 1) return new A.Offset(rx, ry); else return new A.Offset(rx / rw, ry / rw); }, MatrixUtils__accumulate(m, x, y, first, isAffine) { var t1, w = isAffine ? 1 : 1 / (m[3] * x + m[7] * y + m[15]), tx = (m[0] * x + m[4] * y + m[12]) * w, ty = (m[1] * x + m[5] * y + m[13]) * w; if (first) { t1 = $.$get$MatrixUtils__minMax(); t1[2] = tx; t1[0] = tx; t1[3] = ty; t1[1] = ty; } else { t1 = $.$get$MatrixUtils__minMax(); if (tx < t1[0]) t1[0] = tx; if (ty < t1[1]) t1[1] = ty; if (tx > t1[2]) t1[2] = tx; if (ty > t1[3]) t1[3] = ty; } }, MatrixUtils_transformRect(transform, rect) { var isAffine, wx, hx, rx, wy, hy, ry, left, right, $top, bottom, hw, rw, ulx, uly, urx, t3, ury, t4, llx, lly, lrx, lry, storage = transform._m4storage, x = rect.left, y = rect.top, t1 = rect.right, w = t1 - x, t2 = rect.bottom, h = t2 - y; if (!isFinite(w) || !isFinite(h)) { isAffine = storage[3] === 0 && storage[7] === 0 && storage[15] === 1; A.MatrixUtils__accumulate(storage, x, y, true, isAffine); A.MatrixUtils__accumulate(storage, t1, y, false, isAffine); A.MatrixUtils__accumulate(storage, x, t2, false, isAffine); A.MatrixUtils__accumulate(storage, t1, t2, false, isAffine); t1 = $.$get$MatrixUtils__minMax(); return new A.Rect(t1[0], t1[1], t1[2], t1[3]); } t1 = storage[0]; wx = t1 * w; t2 = storage[4]; hx = t2 * h; rx = t1 * x + t2 * y + storage[12]; t2 = storage[1]; wy = t2 * w; t1 = storage[5]; hy = t1 * h; ry = t2 * x + t1 * y + storage[13]; t1 = storage[3]; if (t1 === 0 && storage[7] === 0 && storage[15] === 1) { left = rx + wx; if (wx < 0) right = rx; else { right = left; left = rx; } if (hx < 0) left += hx; else right += hx; $top = ry + wy; if (wy < 0) bottom = ry; else { bottom = $top; $top = ry; } if (hy < 0) $top += hy; else bottom += hy; return new A.Rect(left, $top, right, bottom); } else { t2 = storage[7]; hw = t2 * h; rw = t1 * x + t2 * y + storage[15]; ulx = rx / rw; uly = ry / rw; t2 = rx + wx; t1 = rw + t1 * w; urx = t2 / t1; t3 = ry + wy; ury = t3 / t1; t4 = rw + hw; llx = (rx + hx) / t4; lly = (ry + hy) / t4; t1 += hw; lrx = (t2 + hx) / t1; lry = (t3 + hy) / t1; return new A.Rect(A.MatrixUtils__min4(ulx, urx, llx, lrx), A.MatrixUtils__min4(uly, ury, lly, lry), A.MatrixUtils__max4(ulx, urx, llx, lrx), A.MatrixUtils__max4(uly, ury, lly, lry)); } }, MatrixUtils__min4(a, b, c, d) { var e = a < b ? a : b, f = c < d ? c : d; return e < f ? e : f; }, MatrixUtils__max4(a, b, c, d) { var e = a > b ? a : b, f = c > d ? c : d; return e > f ? e : f; }, MatrixUtils_inverseTransformRect(transform, rect) { var transform0; if (A.MatrixUtils_isIdentity(transform)) return rect; transform0 = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); transform0.setFrom$1(transform); transform0.copyInverse$1(transform0); return A.MatrixUtils_transformRect(transform0, rect); }, ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild(child, constraints) { return child.getDryLayout$1(constraints); }, ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild(child, constraints) { var t1; child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(0, constraints, true); t1 = child._size; t1.toString; return t1; }, SystemNavigator_pop() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void); var $async$SystemNavigator_pop = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.invokeMethod$1$2("SystemNavigator.pop", null, type$.void), $async$SystemNavigator_pop); case 2: // returning from await. // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$SystemNavigator_pop, $async$completer); }, SystemNavigator_routeInformationUpdated($location, replace, state) { return B.OptionalMethodChannel_urv.invokeMethod$1$2("routeInformationUpdated", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["location", $location, "state", state, "replace", replace], type$.String, type$.dynamic), type$.void); }, createLocalImageConfiguration(context) { var t1, t2; context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.DefaultAssetBundle); t1 = $.$get$rootBundle(); t2 = A.MediaQuery_maybeOf(context); t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.devicePixelRatio; if (t2 == null) t2 = 1; return new A.ImageConfiguration(t1, t2, A.Localizations_maybeLocaleOf(context), A.Directionality_maybeOf(context), null, A.defaultTargetPlatform()); }, main() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9; var $async$main = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait(A.webOnlyInitializePlatform(), $async$main); case 2: // returning from await. if ($.WidgetsBinding__instance == null) { t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_WidgetsBindingObserver); t2 = $.Zone__current; t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_List_FrameTiming); t4 = A.List_List$filled(7, null, false, type$.nullable__TaskEntry_dynamic); t5 = type$.int; t6 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t5); t7 = type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Duration; t8 = A._setArrayType([], t7); t7 = A._setArrayType([], t7); t9 = A.TimelineTask$(); new A.WidgetsFlutterBinding(null, t1, true, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t2, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void), false, null, false, false, null, $, null, false, 0, false, $, null, new A._SystemFontsNotifier(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.void_Function)), $, $, $, $, null, t3, null, A.binding__defaultSchedulingStrategy$closure(), new A.HeapPriorityQueue(A.binding_SchedulerBinding__taskSorter$closure(), t4, type$.HeapPriorityQueue__TaskEntry_dynamic), false, 0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, type$._FrameCallbackEntry), t6, t8, t7, null, false, B.SchedulerPhase_0, true, false, null, B.Duration_0, B.Duration_0, null, 0, null, false, t9, A.ListQueue$(null, type$.PointerEvent_2), new A.PointerRouter(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, type$.Map_of_void_Function_PointerEvent_and_nullable_Matrix4), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.void_Function_PointerEvent, type$.nullable_Matrix4)), new A.GestureArenaManager(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, type$._GestureArena)), new A.PointerSignalResolver(), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, type$.HitTestResult), $, false, B.Duration_m38000).BindingBase$0(); } t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance; t1.scheduleAttachRootWidget$1(new A.MyApp(null)); t1.scheduleWarmUpFrame$0(); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$main, $async$completer); } }, J = { makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, extension, indexability) { return {i: interceptor, p: proto, e: extension, x: indexability}; }, getNativeInterceptor(object) { var proto, objectProto, $constructor, interceptor, t1, record = object[init.dispatchPropertyName]; if (record == null) if ($.initNativeDispatchFlag == null) { A.initNativeDispatch(); record = object[init.dispatchPropertyName]; } if (record != null) { proto = record.p; if (false === proto) return record.i; if (true === proto) return object; objectProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); if (proto === objectProto) return record.i; if (record.e === objectProto) throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Return interceptor for " + A.S(proto(object, record)))); } $constructor = object.constructor; if ($constructor == null) interceptor = null; else { t1 = $._JS_INTEROP_INTERCEPTOR_TAG; if (t1 == null) t1 = $._JS_INTEROP_INTERCEPTOR_TAG = init.getIsolateTag("_$dart_js"); interceptor = $constructor[t1]; } if (interceptor != null) return interceptor; interceptor = A.lookupAndCacheInterceptor(object); if (interceptor != null) return interceptor; if (typeof object == "function") return B.JavaScriptFunction_methods; proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); if (proto == null) return B.PlainJavaScriptObject_methods; if (proto === Object.prototype) return B.PlainJavaScriptObject_methods; if (typeof $constructor == "function") { t1 = $._JS_INTEROP_INTERCEPTOR_TAG; if (t1 == null) t1 = $._JS_INTEROP_INTERCEPTOR_TAG = init.getIsolateTag("_$dart_js"); Object.defineProperty($constructor, t1, {value: B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true}); return B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods; } return B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods; }, JSArray_JSArray$fixed($length, $E) { if ($length < 0 || $length > 4294967295) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range($length, 0, 4294967295, "length", null)); return J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(new Array($length), $E); }, JSArray_JSArray$growable($length, $E) { if ($length < 0) throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Length must be a non-negative integer: " + $length, null)); return A._setArrayType(new Array($length), $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>")); }, JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(allocation, $E) { return J.JSArray_markFixedList(A._setArrayType(allocation, $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"))); }, JSArray_markFixedList(list) { list.fixed$length = Array; return list; }, JSArray_markUnmodifiableList(list) { list.fixed$length = Array; list.immutable$list = Array; return list; }, JSArray__compareAny(a, b) { return J.compareTo$1$ns(a, b); }, JSString__isWhitespace(codeUnit) { if (codeUnit < 256) switch (codeUnit) { case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 32: case 133: case 160: return true; default: return false; } switch (codeUnit) { case 5760: case 8192: case 8193: case 8194: case 8195: case 8196: case 8197: case 8198: case 8199: case 8200: case 8201: case 8202: case 8232: case 8233: case 8239: case 8287: case 12288: case 65279: return true; default: return false; } }, JSString__skipLeadingWhitespace(string, index) { var t1, codeUnit; for (t1 = string.length; index < t1;) { codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, index); if (codeUnit !== 32 && codeUnit !== 13 && !J.JSString__isWhitespace(codeUnit)) break; ++index; } return index; }, JSString__skipTrailingWhitespace(string, index) { var index0, codeUnit; for (; index > 0; index = index0) { index0 = index - 1; codeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, index0); if (codeUnit !== 32 && codeUnit !== 13 && !J.JSString__isWhitespace(codeUnit)) break; } return index; }, getInterceptor$(receiver) { if (typeof receiver == "number") { if (Math.floor(receiver) == receiver) return J.JSInt.prototype; return J.JSNumNotInt.prototype; } if (typeof receiver == "string") return J.JSString.prototype; if (receiver == null) return J.JSNull.prototype; if (typeof receiver == "boolean") return J.JSBool.prototype; if (receiver.constructor == Array) return J.JSArray.prototype; if (typeof receiver != "object") { if (typeof receiver == "function") return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype; return receiver; } if (receiver instanceof A.Object) return receiver; return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver); }, getInterceptor$ansx(receiver) { if (typeof receiver == "number") return J.JSNumber.prototype; if (typeof receiver == "string") return J.JSString.prototype; if (receiver == null) return receiver; if (receiver.constructor == Array) return J.JSArray.prototype; if (typeof receiver != "object") { if (typeof receiver == "function") return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype; return receiver; } if (receiver instanceof A.Object) return receiver; return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver); }, getInterceptor$asx(receiver) { if (typeof receiver == "string") return J.JSString.prototype; if (receiver == null) return receiver; if (receiver.constructor == Array) return J.JSArray.prototype; if (typeof receiver != "object") { if (typeof receiver == "function") return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype; return receiver; } if (receiver instanceof A.Object) return receiver; return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver); }, getInterceptor$ax(receiver) { if (receiver == null) return receiver; if (receiver.constructor == Array) return J.JSArray.prototype; if (typeof receiver != "object") { if (typeof receiver == "function") return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype; return receiver; } if (receiver instanceof A.Object) return receiver; return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver); }, getInterceptor$in(receiver) { if (typeof receiver == "number") { if (Math.floor(receiver) == receiver) return J.JSInt.prototype; return J.JSNumNotInt.prototype; } if (receiver == null) return receiver; if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object)) return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype; return receiver; }, getInterceptor$n(receiver) { if (typeof receiver == "number") return J.JSNumber.prototype; if (receiver == null) return receiver; if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object)) return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype; return receiver; }, getInterceptor$ns(receiver) { if (typeof receiver == "number") return J.JSNumber.prototype; if (typeof receiver == "string") return J.JSString.prototype; if (receiver == null) return receiver; if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object)) return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype; return receiver; }, getInterceptor$s(receiver) { if (typeof receiver == "string") return J.JSString.prototype; if (receiver == null) return receiver; if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object)) return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype; return receiver; }, getInterceptor$x(receiver) { if (receiver == null) return receiver; if (typeof receiver != "object") { if (typeof receiver == "function") return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype; return receiver; } if (receiver instanceof A.Object) return receiver; return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver); }, getInterceptor$z(receiver) { if (receiver == null) return receiver; if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object)) return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype; return receiver; }, set$length$asx(receiver, value) { return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).set$length(receiver, value); }, get$All$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$All(receiver); }, get$Alphabetic$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Alphabetic(receiver); }, get$Bevel$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Bevel(receiver); }, get$BlendMode$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$BlendMode(receiver); }, get$Bold$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Bold(receiver); }, get$Butt$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Butt(receiver); }, get$Center$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Center(receiver); }, get$Clamp$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Clamp(receiver); }, get$Clear$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Clear(receiver); }, get$ClipOp$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$ClipOp(receiver); }, get$Color$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Color(receiver); }, get$ColorBurn$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$ColorBurn(receiver); }, get$ColorDodge$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$ColorDodge(receiver); }, get$Darken$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Darken(receiver); }, get$Dashed$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Dashed(receiver); }, get$Decal$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Decal(receiver); }, get$DecorationStyle$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$DecorationStyle(receiver); }, get$Difference$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Difference(receiver); }, get$DisableAll$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$DisableAll(receiver); }, get$DisableFirstAscent$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$DisableFirstAscent(receiver); }, get$DisableLastDescent$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$DisableLastDescent(receiver); }, get$Dotted$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Dotted(receiver); }, get$Double$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Double(receiver); }, get$Dst$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Dst(receiver); }, get$DstATop$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$DstATop(receiver); }, get$DstIn$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$DstIn(receiver); }, get$DstOut$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$DstOut(receiver); }, get$DstOver$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$DstOver(receiver); }, get$End$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$End(receiver); }, get$EvenOdd$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$EvenOdd(receiver); }, get$Exclusion$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Exclusion(receiver); }, get$ExtraBlack$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$ExtraBlack(receiver); }, get$ExtraBold$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$ExtraBold(receiver); }, get$ExtraLight$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$ExtraLight(receiver); }, get$Fill$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Fill(receiver); }, get$FillType$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$FillType(receiver); }, get$FontWeight$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$FontWeight(receiver); }, get$HardLight$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$HardLight(receiver); }, get$Hue$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Hue(receiver); }, get$Ideographic$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Ideographic(receiver); }, get$IncludeLineSpacingBottom$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$IncludeLineSpacingBottom(receiver); }, get$IncludeLineSpacingMiddle$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$IncludeLineSpacingMiddle(receiver); }, get$IncludeLineSpacingTop$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$IncludeLineSpacingTop(receiver); }, get$Intersect$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Intersect(receiver); }, get$Justify$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Justify(receiver); }, get$LTR$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$LTR(receiver); }, get$Left$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Left(receiver); }, get$Light$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Light(receiver); }, get$Lighten$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Lighten(receiver); }, get$LineThroughDecoration$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$LineThroughDecoration(receiver); }, get$Luminosity$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Luminosity(receiver); }, get$Max$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Max(receiver); }, get$Medium$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Medium(receiver); }, get$Mirror$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Mirror(receiver); }, get$Miter$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Miter(receiver); }, get$Modulate$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Modulate(receiver); }, get$Multiply$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Multiply(receiver); }, get$NoDecoration$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$NoDecoration(receiver); }, get$Normal$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Normal(receiver); }, get$Overlay$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Overlay(receiver); }, get$OverlineDecoration$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$OverlineDecoration(receiver); }, get$PaintStyle$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$PaintStyle(receiver); }, get$ParagraphBuilder$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$ParagraphBuilder(receiver); }, get$Path$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Path(receiver); }, get$Plus$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Plus(receiver); }, get$RTL$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$RTL(receiver); }, get$RectHeightStyle$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$RectHeightStyle(receiver); }, get$RectWidthStyle$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$RectWidthStyle(receiver); }, get$Repeat$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Repeat(receiver); }, get$Right$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Right(receiver); }, get$Round$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Round(receiver); }, get$Saturation$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Saturation(receiver); }, get$Screen$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Screen(receiver); }, get$SemiBold$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$SemiBold(receiver); }, get$Shader$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Shader(receiver); }, get$SoftLight$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$SoftLight(receiver); }, get$Solid$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Solid(receiver); }, get$Square$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Square(receiver); }, get$Src$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Src(receiver); }, get$SrcATop$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$SrcATop(receiver); }, get$SrcIn$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$SrcIn(receiver); }, get$SrcOut$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$SrcOut(receiver); }, get$SrcOver$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$SrcOver(receiver); }, get$Start$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Start(receiver); }, get$Stroke$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Stroke(receiver); }, get$StrokeCap$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$StrokeCap(receiver); }, get$StrokeJoin$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$StrokeJoin(receiver); }, get$Strut$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Strut(receiver); }, get$TextAlign$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$TextAlign(receiver); }, get$TextBaseline$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$TextBaseline(receiver); }, get$TextDirection$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$TextDirection(receiver); }, get$TextHeightBehavior$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$TextHeightBehavior(receiver); }, get$Thin$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Thin(receiver); }, get$Tight$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Tight(receiver); }, get$TileMode$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$TileMode(receiver); }, get$Typeface$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Typeface(receiver); }, get$TypefaceFontProvider$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$TypefaceFontProvider(receiver); }, get$UnderlineDecoration$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$UnderlineDecoration(receiver); }, get$Wavy$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Wavy(receiver); }, get$Winding$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Winding(receiver); }, get$Xor$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$Xor(receiver); }, get$add$ax(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$add(receiver); }, get$attributes$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$attributes(receiver); }, get$baseline$z(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$baseline(receiver); }, get$canvasKitBaseUrl$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$canvasKitBaseUrl(receiver); }, get$canvasKitForceCpuOnly$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$canvasKitForceCpuOnly(receiver); }, get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces(receiver); }, get$children$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$children(receiver); }, get$debugShowSemanticsNodes$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$debugShowSemanticsNodes(receiver); }, get$entries$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$entries(receiver); }, get$first$ax(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$first(receiver); }, get$hashCode$(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).get$hashCode(receiver); }, get$isEmpty$asx(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$isEmpty(receiver); }, get$isNotEmpty$asx(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$isNotEmpty(receiver); }, get$iterator$ax(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$iterator(receiver); }, get$keys$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$keys(receiver); }, get$last$ax(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$last(receiver); }, get$length$asx(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$length(receiver); }, get$message$z(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$message(receiver); }, get$name$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$name(receiver); }, get$offset$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$offset(receiver); }, get$runtimeType$(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).get$runtimeType(receiver); }, get$sign$in(receiver) { if (typeof receiver === "number") return receiver > 0 ? 1 : receiver < 0 ? -1 : receiver; return J.getInterceptor$in(receiver).get$sign(receiver); }, get$stream$z(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$stream(receiver); }, get$target$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$target(receiver); }, get$value$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$value(receiver); }, get$values$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$values(receiver); }, $add$ansx(receiver, a0) { if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number") return receiver + a0; return J.getInterceptor$ansx(receiver).$add(receiver, a0); }, $eq$(receiver, a0) { if (receiver == null) return a0 == null; if (typeof receiver != "object") return a0 != null && receiver === a0; return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).$eq(receiver, a0); }, $index$asx(receiver, a0) { if (typeof a0 === "number") if (receiver.constructor == Array || typeof receiver == "string" || A.isJsIndexable(receiver, receiver[init.dispatchPropertyName])) if (a0 >>> 0 === a0 && a0 < receiver.length) return receiver[a0]; return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).$index(receiver, a0); }, $indexSet$ax(receiver, a0, a1) { if (typeof a0 === "number") if ((receiver.constructor == Array || A.isJsIndexable(receiver, receiver[init.dispatchPropertyName])) && !receiver.immutable$list && a0 >>> 0 === a0 && a0 < receiver.length) return receiver[a0] = a1; return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).$indexSet(receiver, a0, a1); }, $mul$ns(receiver, a0) { if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number") return receiver * a0; return J.getInterceptor$ns(receiver).$mul(receiver, a0); }, $sub$n(receiver, a0) { if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number") return receiver - a0; return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$sub(receiver, a0); }, GetWebGLContext$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).GetWebGLContext$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, Make$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).Make$0(receiver); }, MakeFreeTypeFaceFromData$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).MakeFreeTypeFaceFromData$1(receiver, a0); }, MakeFromCmds$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).MakeFromCmds$1(receiver, a0); }, MakeFromFontProvider$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).MakeFromFontProvider$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, MakeGrContext$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).MakeGrContext$1(receiver, a0); }, MakeLinearGradient$6$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).MakeLinearGradient$6(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); }, MakeOnScreenGLSurface$4$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).MakeOnScreenGLSurface$4(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3); }, MakeSWCanvasSurface$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).MakeSWCanvasSurface$1(receiver, a0); }, ParagraphStyle$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).ParagraphStyle$1(receiver, a0); }, TextStyle$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).TextStyle$1(receiver, a0); }, _replaceChild$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver)._replaceChild$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, add$1$ax(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).add$1(receiver, a0); }, addEventListener$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).addEventListener$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, addEventListener$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).addEventListener$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2); }, addOval$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).addOval$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2); }, addPopStateListener$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).addPopStateListener$1(receiver, a0); }, addRRect$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).addRRect$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, addRect$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).addRect$1(receiver, a0); }, addText$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).addText$1(receiver, a0); }, beginRecording$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).beginRecording$1(receiver, a0); }, build$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).build$0(receiver); }, cancel$0$z(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).cancel$0(receiver); }, cast$1$0$ax(receiver, $T1) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).cast$1$0(receiver, $T1); }, cast$2$0$ax(receiver, $T1, $T2) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).cast$2$0(receiver, $T1, $T2); }, clamp$2$n(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).clamp$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, clear$0$ax(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).clear$0(receiver); }, clear$1$ax(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).clear$1(receiver, a0); }, clipPath$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).clipPath$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2); }, clipRRect$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).clipRRect$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2); }, clipRect$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).clipRect$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2); }, close$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).close$0(receiver); }, compareTo$1$ns(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$ns(receiver).compareTo$1(receiver, a0); }, complete$0$z(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).complete$0(receiver); }, computeTonalColors$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).computeTonalColors$1(receiver, a0); }, concat$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).concat$1(receiver, a0); }, contains$1$asx(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).contains$1(receiver, a0); }, contains$2$asx(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).contains$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, containsKey$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).containsKey$1(receiver, a0); }, copy$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).copy$0(receiver); }, copy$1$range$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).copy$1$range(receiver, a0); }, delete$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).delete$0(receiver); }, didExceedMaxLines$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).didExceedMaxLines$0(receiver); }, dispose$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).dispose$0(receiver); }, drawCircle$4$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).drawCircle$4(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3); }, drawDRRect$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).drawDRRect$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2); }, drawPaint$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).drawPaint$1(receiver, a0); }, drawParagraph$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).drawParagraph$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2); }, drawPath$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).drawPath$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, drawPicture$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).drawPicture$1(receiver, a0); }, drawRRect$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).drawRRect$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, drawRect$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).drawRect$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, drawShadow$7$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).drawShadow$7(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); }, elementAt$1$ax(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).elementAt$1(receiver, a0); }, flush$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).flush$0(receiver); }, focus$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).focus$0(receiver); }, forEach$1$ax(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).forEach$1(receiver, a0); }, getAlphabeticBaseline$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getAlphabeticBaseline$0(receiver); }, getBounds$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getBounds$0(receiver); }, getCanvas$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getCanvas$0(receiver); }, getComputedStyle$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getComputedStyle$0(receiver); }, getGlyphBounds$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getGlyphBounds$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2); }, getGlyphIDs$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getGlyphIDs$1(receiver, a0); }, getGlyphPositionAtCoordinate$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getGlyphPositionAtCoordinate$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, getHeight$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getHeight$0(receiver); }, getIdeographicBaseline$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getIdeographicBaseline$0(receiver); }, getLongestLine$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getLongestLine$0(receiver); }, getMaxIntrinsicWidth$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getMaxIntrinsicWidth$0(receiver); }, getMaxWidth$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getMaxWidth$0(receiver); }, getMinIntrinsicWidth$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getMinIntrinsicWidth$0(receiver); }, getPath$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getPath$0(receiver); }, getRange$2$ax(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).getRange$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, getRectsForPlaceholders$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getRectsForPlaceholders$0(receiver); }, getRectsForRange$4$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getRectsForRange$4(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3); }, getState$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).getState$0(receiver); }, go$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).go$1(receiver, a0); }, isDeleted$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).isDeleted$0(receiver); }, isIdentity$0$z(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).isIdentity$0(receiver); }, join$0$ax(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).join$0(receiver); }, join$1$ax(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).join$1(receiver, a0); }, layout$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).layout$1(receiver, a0); }, listener$1$z(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).listener$1(receiver, a0); }, map$1$1$ax(receiver, a0, $T1) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).map$1$1(receiver, a0, $T1); }, map$2$1$ax(receiver, a0, $T1, $T2) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).map$2$1(receiver, a0, $T1, $T2); }, noSuchMethod$1$(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).noSuchMethod$1(receiver, a0); }, pop$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).pop$0(receiver); }, pushPaintStyle$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).pushPaintStyle$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2); }, pushState$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).pushState$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2); }, pushStyle$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).pushStyle$1(receiver, a0); }, putIfAbsent$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).putIfAbsent$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, register$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).register$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, registerFont$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).registerFont$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext$0(receiver); }, remove$0$ax(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).remove$0(receiver); }, remove$1$ax(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).remove$1(receiver, a0); }, removeEventListener$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).removeEventListener$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, removeEventListener$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).removeEventListener$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2); }, removeLast$0$ax(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).removeLast$0(receiver); }, replaceState$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).replaceState$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2); }, replaceWith$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).replaceWith$1(receiver, a0); }, restore$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).restore$0(receiver); }, restoreToCount$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).restoreToCount$1(receiver, a0); }, save$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).save$0(receiver); }, saveLayer$4$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).saveLayer$4(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3); }, select$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).select$0(receiver); }, setBlendMode$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).setBlendMode$1(receiver, a0); }, setColorInt$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).setColorInt$1(receiver, a0); }, setFillType$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).setFillType$1(receiver, a0); }, setRange$4$ax(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).setRange$4(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3); }, setResourceCacheLimitBytes$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).setResourceCacheLimitBytes$1(receiver, a0); }, setShader$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).setShader$1(receiver, a0); }, setStrokeWidth$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).setStrokeWidth$1(receiver, a0); }, setStyle$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).setStyle$1(receiver, a0); }, skip$1$ax(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).skip$1(receiver, a0); }, sort$1$ax(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).sort$1(receiver, a0); }, split$1$s(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).split$1(receiver, a0); }, submit$0$z(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).submit$0(receiver); }, take$1$ax(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).take$1(receiver, a0); }, then$1$x(receiver, a0) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).then$1(receiver, a0); }, then$1$1$x(receiver, a0, $T1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).then$1$1(receiver, a0, $T1); }, then$1$2$onError$x(receiver, a0, a1, $T1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).then$1$2$onError(receiver, a0, a1, $T1); }, toCmds$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).toCmds$0(receiver); }, toList$0$ax(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).toList$0(receiver); }, toLowerCase$0$s(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).toLowerCase$0(receiver); }, toSVGString$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).toSVGString$0(receiver); }, toSet$0$ax(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).toSet$0(receiver); }, toString$0$(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).toString$0(receiver); }, toTypedArray$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).toTypedArray$0(receiver); }, transform$9$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).transform$9(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); }, translate$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).translate$2(receiver, a0, a1); }, trimLeft$0$s(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).trimLeft$0(receiver); }, trimRight$0$s(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).trimRight$0(receiver); }, unlock$0$x(receiver) { return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).unlock$0(receiver); }, Interceptor: function Interceptor() { }, JSBool: function JSBool() { }, JSNull: function JSNull() { }, JavaScriptObject: function JavaScriptObject() { }, LegacyJavaScriptObject: function LegacyJavaScriptObject() { }, PlainJavaScriptObject: function PlainJavaScriptObject() { }, UnknownJavaScriptObject: function UnknownJavaScriptObject() { }, JavaScriptFunction: function JavaScriptFunction() { }, JSArray: function JSArray(t0) { this.$ti = t0; }, JSUnmodifiableArray: function JSUnmodifiableArray(t0) { this.$ti = t0; }, ArrayIterator: function ArrayIterator(t0, t1) { var _ = this; _.__interceptors$_iterable = t0; _.__interceptors$_length = t1; _.__interceptors$_index = 0; _.__interceptors$_current = null; }, JSNumber: function JSNumber() { }, JSInt: function JSInt() { }, JSNumNotInt: function JSNumNotInt() { }, JSString: function JSString() { } }, B = {}; var holders = [A, J, B]; hunkHelpers.setFunctionNamesIfNecessary(holders); var $ = {}; A.AlarmClock.prototype = { set$datetime(value) { var now, t1, t2, _this = this; if (J.$eq$(value, _this._datetime)) return; if (value == null) { _this._cancelTimer$0(); _this._datetime = null; return; } now = _this._timestampFunction.call$0(); t1 = value._core$_value; t2 = now._core$_value; if (t1 < t2) { _this._cancelTimer$0(); _this._datetime = value; return; } if (_this._timer == null) _this._timer = A.Timer_Timer(A.Duration$(0, t1 - t2), _this.get$_timerDidFire()); else if (_this._datetime._core$_value > t1) { _this._cancelTimer$0(); _this._timer = A.Timer_Timer(A.Duration$(0, t1 - t2), _this.get$_timerDidFire()); } _this._datetime = value; }, _cancelTimer$0() { var t1 = this._timer; if (t1 != null) t1.cancel$0(0); this._timer = null; }, _timerDidFire$0() { var _this = this, now = _this._timestampFunction.call$0(), t1 = _this._datetime, t2 = now._core$_value; t1 = t1._core$_value; if (t2 >= t1) { _this._timer = null; t1 = _this.callback; if (t1 != null) t1.call$0(); } else _this._timer = A.Timer_Timer(A.Duration$(0, t1 - t2), _this.get$_timerDidFire()); } }; A.AssetManager.prototype = { get$_baseUrl() { var t1 = new A.WhereTypeIterable(new A._FrozenElementList(window.document.querySelectorAll("meta"), type$._FrozenElementList_Element), type$.WhereTypeIterable_nullable_MetaElement).firstWhere$2$orElse(0, new A.AssetManager__baseUrl_closure(), new A.AssetManager__baseUrl_closure0()); return t1 == null ? null : t1.content; }, getAssetUrl$1(asset) { var t1; if (A.Uri_parse(asset).get$hasScheme()) return A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_gnE, asset, B.C_Utf8Codec, false); t1 = this.get$_baseUrl(); if (t1 == null) t1 = ""; return A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_gnE, t1 + ("assets/" + asset), B.C_Utf8Codec, false); }, load$1(_, asset) { return this.load$body$AssetManager(0, asset); }, load$body$AssetManager(_, asset) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.ByteData), $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, request, response, e, target, t1, exception, url, $async$exception; var $async$load$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start url = $async$self.getAssetUrl$1(asset); $async$handler = 4; $async$goto = 7; return A._asyncAwait(A.HttpRequest_request(url, "arraybuffer"), $async$load$1); case 7: // returning from await. request = $async$result; response = type$.ByteBuffer._as(A._convertNativeToDart_XHR_Response(request.response)); t1 = A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(response, 0, null); $async$returnValue = t1; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; $async$handler = 2; // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 4: // catch $async$handler = 3; $async$exception = $async$currentError; t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception); if (type$.ProgressEvent._is(t1)) { e = t1; target = A._convertNativeToDart_EventTarget(e.target); if (type$.HttpRequest._is(target)) { if (target.status === 404 && asset === "AssetManifest.json") { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Asset manifest does not exist at `" + A.S(url) + "` \u2013 ignoring."); $async$returnValue = A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(new Uint8Array(A._ensureNativeList(B.C_Utf8Codec.get$encoder().convert$1("{}"))).buffer, 0, null); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } t1 = target.status; t1.toString; throw A.wrapException(new A.AssetManagerException(url, t1)); } $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Caught ProgressEvent with target: " + A.S(target)); throw $async$exception; } else throw $async$exception; // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 3: // uncaught // goto rethrow $async$goto = 2; break; case 6: // after finally case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); case 2: // rethrow return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$load$1, $async$completer); } }; A.AssetManager__baseUrl_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { return J.$eq$(J.get$name$x(e), "assetBase"); }, $signature: 88 }; A.AssetManager__baseUrl_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { return null; }, $signature: 7 }; A.AssetManagerException.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return 'Failed to load asset at "' + this.url + '" (' + this.httpStatus + ")"; }, $isException: 1 }; A.BrowserEngine.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "BrowserEngine." + this._name; } }; A.OperatingSystem.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "OperatingSystem." + this._name; } }; A.CanvasPool.prototype = { get$context(_) { var t1, ctx = this.__engine$_context; if (ctx == null) { this._createCanvas$0(); t1 = this.__engine$_context; t1.toString; ctx = t1; } return ctx; }, get$contextHandle() { if (this.__engine$_canvas == null) this._createCanvas$0(); var t1 = this._contextHandle; t1.toString; return t1; }, _createCanvas$0() { var canvas0, requiresClearRect, t2, t3, t4, t5, exception, ctx, _this = this, reused = false, canvas = null, t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas; if (t1 != null) { t1.width = 0; _this.__engine$_canvas.height = 0; _this.__engine$_canvas = null; } t1 = _this._reusablePool; if (t1 != null && t1.length !== 0) { t1.toString; canvas0 = B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(t1, 0); _this.__engine$_canvas = canvas0; canvas = canvas0; reused = true; requiresClearRect = true; } else { t1 = _this._widthInBitmapPixels; t2 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); t3 = _this._heightInBitmapPixels; t4 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); canvas = _this._allocCanvas$2(t1, t3); t5 = canvas; _this.__engine$_canvas = t5; if (t5 == null) { A.reduceCanvasMemoryUsage(); canvas = _this._allocCanvas$2(t1, t3); } t5 = canvas.style; t5.position = "absolute"; t1 = A.S(t1 / t2) + "px"; t5.width = t1; t1 = A.S(t3 / t4) + "px"; t5.height = t1; requiresClearRect = false; } t1 = _this._rootElement; t2 = t1.lastChild; t3 = canvas; if (t2 == null ? t3 != null : t2 !== t3) t1.appendChild(canvas); try { if (reused) canvas.style.removeProperty("z-index"); _this.__engine$_context = canvas.getContext("2d"); } catch (exception) { } t1 = _this.__engine$_context; if (t1 == null) { A.reduceCanvasMemoryUsage(); t1 = _this.__engine$_context = canvas.getContext("2d"); } t2 = _this._density; _this._contextHandle = new A.ContextStateHandle(t1, _this, t2, B.BlendMode_3, B.StrokeCap_0, B.StrokeJoin_0); ctx = _this.get$context(_this); ctx.save(); ++_this._saveContextCount; ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); if (requiresClearRect) ctx.clearRect(0, 0, _this._widthInBitmapPixels * t2, _this._heightInBitmapPixels * t2); ctx.scale(A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() * t2, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() * t2); _this._replayClipStack$0(); }, _allocCanvas$2(width, height) { var t1 = this._density; return A.tryCreateCanvasElement(B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(width * t1), B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(height * t1)); }, clear$0(_) { var ctx, e, exception, t1, t2, _this = this; _this.super$_SaveStackTracking$clear(0); if (_this.__engine$_canvas != null) { ctx = _this.__engine$_context; if (ctx != null) try { ctx.font = ""; } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); if (!J.$eq$(e.name, "NS_ERROR_FAILURE")) throw exception; } } if (_this.__engine$_canvas != null) { _this._restoreContextSave$0(); _this._contextHandle.reset$0(0); t1 = _this._activeCanvasList; if (t1 == null) t1 = _this._activeCanvasList = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CanvasElement); t2 = _this.__engine$_canvas; t2.toString; t1.push(t2); _this._contextHandle = _this.__engine$_context = null; } _this._reusablePool = _this._activeCanvasList; _this._contextHandle = _this.__engine$_context = _this.__engine$_canvas = _this._activeCanvasList = null; }, _replaySingleSaveEntry$4(clipDepth, prevTransform, transform, clipStack) { var clipCount, t1, t2, clipEntry, clipTimeTransform, t3, t4, ratio, t5, path, _this = this, ctx = _this.get$context(_this); if (clipStack != null) for (clipCount = clipStack.length, t1 = _this._density, t2 = type$.SurfacePath; clipDepth < clipCount; ++clipDepth) { clipEntry = clipStack[clipDepth]; clipTimeTransform = clipEntry.currentTransform; t3 = clipTimeTransform.__engine$_m4storage; t4 = prevTransform.__engine$_m4storage; if (t3[0] !== t4[0] || t3[1] !== t4[1] || t3[4] !== t4[4] || t3[5] !== t4[5] || t3[12] !== t4[12] || t3[13] !== t4[13]) { ratio = window.devicePixelRatio; ratio = (ratio === 0 ? 1 : ratio) * t1; ctx.setTransform(ratio, 0, 0, ratio, 0, 0); ctx.transform(t3[0], t3[1], t3[4], t3[5], t3[12], t3[13]); prevTransform = clipTimeTransform; } t3 = clipEntry.rect; if (t3 != null) { ctx.beginPath(); t4 = t3.left; t5 = t3.top; ctx.rect(t4, t5, t3.right - t4, t3.bottom - t5); ctx.clip(); } else { t3 = clipEntry.rrect; if (t3 != null) { path = A.Path_Path(); path.addRRect$1(0, t3); _this._runPath$2(ctx, t2._as(path)); ctx.clip(); } else { t3 = clipEntry.path; if (t3 != null) { _this._runPath$2(ctx, t3); if (t3._fillType === B.PathFillType_0) ctx.clip(); else ctx.clip("evenodd"); } } } } t1 = transform.__engine$_m4storage; t2 = prevTransform.__engine$_m4storage; if (t1[0] !== t2[0] || t1[1] !== t2[1] || t1[4] !== t2[4] || t1[5] !== t2[5] || t1[12] !== t2[12] || t1[13] !== t2[13]) { ratio = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() * _this._density; ctx.setTransform(ratio, 0, 0, ratio, 0, 0); ctx.transform(t1[0], t1[1], t1[4], t1[5], t1[12], t1[13]); } return clipDepth; }, _replayClipStack$0() { var clipDepth, saveStackIndex, saveEntry, prevTransform0, _this = this, ctx = _this.get$context(_this), prevTransform = A.Matrix4$identity(), t1 = _this._saveStack, len = t1.length; for (clipDepth = 0, saveStackIndex = 0; saveStackIndex < len; ++saveStackIndex, prevTransform = prevTransform0) { saveEntry = t1[saveStackIndex]; prevTransform0 = saveEntry.transform; clipDepth = _this._replaySingleSaveEntry$4(clipDepth, prevTransform, prevTransform0, saveEntry.clipStack); ctx.save(); ++_this._saveContextCount; } _this._replaySingleSaveEntry$4(clipDepth, prevTransform, _this._currentTransform, _this.clipStack); }, endOfPaint$0() { var t2, _i, e, t3, t1 = this._reusablePool; if (t1 != null) { for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { e = t1[_i]; t3 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t3 === B.BrowserEngine_1) { e.height = 0; e.width = 0; } t3 = e.parentNode; if (t3 != null) t3.removeChild(e); } this._reusablePool = null; } this._restoreContextSave$0(); }, _restoreContextSave$0() { for (; this._saveContextCount !== 0;) { this.__engine$_context.restore(); --this._saveContextCount; } }, translate$2(_, dx, dy) { var _this = this; _this.super$_SaveStackTracking$translate(0, dx, dy); if (_this.__engine$_canvas != null) _this.get$context(_this).translate(dx, dy); }, __engine$_clipRect$2(ctx, rect) { var t1, t2; ctx.beginPath(); t1 = rect.left; t2 = rect.top; ctx.rect(t1, t2, rect.right - t1, rect.bottom - t2); ctx.clip(); }, _clipRRect$2(ctx, rrect) { var path = A.Path_Path(); path.addRRect$1(0, rrect); this._runPath$2(ctx, type$.SurfacePath._as(path)); ctx.clip(); }, clipPath$1(_, path) { var ctx, _this = this; _this.super$_SaveStackTracking$clipPath(0, path); if (_this.__engine$_canvas != null) { ctx = _this.get$context(_this); _this._runPath$2(ctx, path); if (path._fillType === B.PathFillType_0) ctx.clip(); else ctx.clip("evenodd"); } }, _runPath$2(ctx, path) { var p, t1, iter, verb, w, points, len, i, t2, t3; ctx.beginPath(); p = $.$get$CanvasPool__runBuffer(); t1 = path.pathRef; iter = new A.PathRefIterator(t1); iter.PathRefIterator$1(t1); for (; verb = iter.next$1(0, p), verb !== 6;) switch (verb) { case 0: ctx.moveTo(p[0], p[1]); break; case 1: ctx.lineTo(p[2], p[3]); break; case 4: ctx.bezierCurveTo(p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7]); break; case 2: ctx.quadraticCurveTo(p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]); break; case 3: w = t1._conicWeights[iter._conicWeightIndex]; points = new A.Conic(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], w).toQuads$0(); len = points.length; for (i = 1; i < len; i += 2) { t2 = points[i]; t3 = points[i + 1]; ctx.quadraticCurveTo(t2._dx, t2._dy, t3._dx, t3._dy); } break; case 5: ctx.closePath(); break; default: throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Unknown path verb " + verb)); } }, _runPathWithOffset$4(ctx, path, offsetX, offsetY) { var p, t1, iter, verb, w, points, len, i, t2, t3; ctx.beginPath(); p = $.$get$CanvasPool__runBuffer(); t1 = path.pathRef; iter = new A.PathRefIterator(t1); iter.PathRefIterator$1(t1); for (; verb = iter.next$1(0, p), verb !== 6;) switch (verb) { case 0: ctx.moveTo(p[0] + offsetX, p[1] + offsetY); break; case 1: ctx.lineTo(p[2] + offsetX, p[3] + offsetY); break; case 4: ctx.bezierCurveTo(p[2] + offsetX, p[3] + offsetY, p[4] + offsetX, p[5] + offsetY, p[6] + offsetX, p[7] + offsetY); break; case 2: ctx.quadraticCurveTo(p[2] + offsetX, p[3] + offsetY, p[4] + offsetX, p[5] + offsetY); break; case 3: w = t1._conicWeights[iter._conicWeightIndex]; points = new A.Conic(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], w).toQuads$0(); len = points.length; for (i = 1; i < len; i += 2) { t2 = points[i]; t3 = points[i + 1]; ctx.quadraticCurveTo(t2._dx + offsetX, t2._dy + offsetY, t3._dx + offsetX, t3._dy + offsetY); } break; case 5: ctx.closePath(); break; default: throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Unknown path verb " + verb)); } }, drawPath$2(_, path, style) { var t2, _this = this, shaderBounds = _this.get$contextHandle()._shaderBounds, t1 = type$.SurfacePath; if (shaderBounds == null) _this._runPath$2(_this.get$context(_this), t1._as(path)); else _this._runPathWithOffset$4(_this.get$context(_this), t1._as(path), -shaderBounds.left, -shaderBounds.top); t1 = _this.get$contextHandle(); t2 = path._fillType; if (style === B.PaintingStyle_1) t1.context.stroke(); else { t1 = t1.context; if (t2 === B.PathFillType_0) t1.fill(); else t1.fill("evenodd"); } }, dispose$0(_) { var t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1 && this.__engine$_canvas != null) { t1 = this.__engine$_canvas; t1.height = 0; t1.width = 0; } this._clearActiveCanvasList$0(); }, _clearActiveCanvasList$0() { var t2, _i, c, t3, t1 = this._activeCanvasList; if (t1 != null) for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { c = t1[_i]; t3 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t3 === B.BrowserEngine_1) { c.height = 0; c.width = 0; } t3 = c.parentNode; if (t3 != null) t3.removeChild(c); } this._activeCanvasList = null; } }; A.ContextStateHandle.prototype = { set$fillStyle(_, colorOrGradient) { var t1 = this._currentFillStyle; if (colorOrGradient == null ? t1 != null : colorOrGradient !== t1) { this._currentFillStyle = colorOrGradient; this.context.fillStyle = colorOrGradient; } }, set$strokeStyle(_, colorOrGradient) { var t1 = this._currentStrokeStyle; if (colorOrGradient == null ? t1 != null : colorOrGradient !== t1) { this._currentStrokeStyle = colorOrGradient; this.context.strokeStyle = colorOrGradient; } }, setUpPaint$2(paint, shaderBounds) { var t1, t2, paintStyle, colorString, maskFilter, tempVector, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY, _this = this; _this._lastUsedPaint = paint; t1 = paint.strokeWidth; if (t1 == null) t1 = 1; if (t1 !== _this._currentLineWidth) { _this._currentLineWidth = t1; _this.context.lineWidth = t1; } t1 = paint.blendMode; if (t1 != _this._currentBlendMode) { _this._currentBlendMode = t1; t1 = A.blendModeToCssMixBlendMode(t1); if (t1 == null) t1 = "source-over"; _this.context.globalCompositeOperation = t1; } if (B.StrokeCap_0 !== _this._currentStrokeCap) { _this._currentStrokeCap = B.StrokeCap_0; t1 = A.stringForStrokeCap(B.StrokeCap_0); t1.toString; _this.context.lineCap = t1; } if (B.StrokeJoin_0 !== _this._currentStrokeJoin) { _this._currentStrokeJoin = B.StrokeJoin_0; _this.context.lineJoin = A.stringForStrokeJoin(B.StrokeJoin_0); } t1 = paint.shader; if (t1 != null) { if (t1 instanceof A.EngineGradient) { t2 = _this._canvasPool; paintStyle = t1.createPaintStyle$3(t2.get$context(t2), shaderBounds, _this.density); _this.set$fillStyle(0, paintStyle); _this.set$strokeStyle(0, paintStyle); _this._shaderBounds = shaderBounds; _this.context.translate(shaderBounds.left, shaderBounds.top); } } else { t1 = paint.color; if (t1 != null) { colorString = A.colorToCssString(t1); _this.set$fillStyle(0, colorString); _this.set$strokeStyle(0, colorString); } else { _this.set$fillStyle(0, "#000000"); _this.set$strokeStyle(0, "#000000"); } } maskFilter = paint.maskFilter; t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (!(t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1 || false)) { if (!J.$eq$(_this._currentFilter, maskFilter)) { _this._currentFilter = maskFilter; _this.context.filter = A.maskFilterToCanvasFilter(maskFilter); } } else if (maskFilter != null) { t1 = _this.context; t1.save(); t1.shadowBlur = maskFilter._sigma * 2; t2 = paint.color; if (t2 != null) { t2 = A.colorToCssString(A.Color$fromARGB(255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255)); t2.toString; t1.shadowColor = t2; } else { t2 = A.colorToCssString(B.Color_4278190080); t2.toString; t1.shadowColor = t2; } t1.translate(-50000, 0); tempVector = new Float32Array(2); t2 = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio; tempVector[0] = 50000 * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2); t2 = _this._canvasPool; t2._currentTransform.transform2$1(tempVector); shadowOffsetX = tempVector[0]; shadowOffsetY = tempVector[1]; tempVector[1] = 0; tempVector[0] = 0; t2._currentTransform.transform2$1(tempVector); t1.shadowOffsetX = shadowOffsetX - tempVector[0]; t1.shadowOffsetY = shadowOffsetY - tempVector[1]; } }, tearDownPaint$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._lastUsedPaint; if ((t1 == null ? null : t1.maskFilter) != null) { t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); t1 = t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1 || false; } else t1 = false; if (t1) _this.context.restore(); t1 = _this._shaderBounds; if (t1 != null) { _this.context.translate(-t1.left, -t1.top); _this._shaderBounds = null; } }, paint$1(style) { var t1 = this.context; if (style === B.PaintingStyle_1) t1.stroke(); else t1.fill(); }, reset$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.context; t1.fillStyle = ""; _this._currentFillStyle = t1.fillStyle; t1.strokeStyle = ""; _this._currentStrokeStyle = t1.strokeStyle; t1.shadowBlur = 0; t1.shadowColor = "none"; t1.shadowOffsetX = 0; t1.shadowOffsetY = 0; t1.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; _this._currentBlendMode = B.BlendMode_3; t1.lineWidth = 1; _this._currentLineWidth = 1; t1.lineCap = "butt"; _this._currentStrokeCap = B.StrokeCap_0; t1.lineJoin = "miter"; _this._currentStrokeJoin = B.StrokeJoin_0; _this._shaderBounds = null; } }; A._SaveStackTracking.prototype = { clear$0(_) { B.JSArray_methods.set$length(this._saveStack, 0); this.clipStack = null; this._currentTransform = A.Matrix4$identity(); }, save$0(_) { var t1 = this._currentTransform, t2 = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); t2.setFrom$1(t1); t1 = this.clipStack; t1 = t1 == null ? null : A.List_List$from(t1, true, type$.SaveClipEntry); this._saveStack.push(new A.SaveStackEntry(t2, t1)); }, restore$0(_) { var entry, t1 = this._saveStack; if (t1.length === 0) return; entry = t1.pop(); this._currentTransform = entry.transform; this.clipStack = entry.clipStack; }, translate$2(_, dx, dy) { this._currentTransform.translate$2(0, dx, dy); }, transform$1(_, matrix4) { this._currentTransform.multiply$1(0, new A.Matrix40(matrix4)); }, clipRect$1(_, rect) { var t2, t3, t1 = this.clipStack; if (t1 == null) t1 = this.clipStack = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SaveClipEntry); t2 = this._currentTransform; t3 = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); t3.setFrom$1(t2); t1.push(new A.SaveClipEntry(rect, null, null, t3)); }, clipRRect$1(_, rrect) { var t2, t3, t1 = this.clipStack; if (t1 == null) t1 = this.clipStack = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SaveClipEntry); t2 = this._currentTransform; t3 = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); t3.setFrom$1(t2); t1.push(new A.SaveClipEntry(null, rrect, null, t3)); }, clipPath$1(_, path) { var t2, t3, t1 = this.clipStack; if (t1 == null) t1 = this.clipStack = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SaveClipEntry); t2 = this._currentTransform; t3 = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); t3.setFrom$1(t2); t1.push(new A.SaveClipEntry(null, null, path, t3)); } }; A.CkCanvas.prototype = { clear$1(_, color) { J.clear$1$ax(this.skCanvas, A._populateSkColor($.$get$_sharedSkColor1(), color)); }, clipPath$2(_, path, doAntiAlias) { J.clipPath$3$x(this.skCanvas, path.get$skiaObject(), $.$get$_clipOpIntersect(), doAntiAlias); }, clipRRect$2(_, rrect, doAntiAlias) { J.clipRRect$3$x(this.skCanvas, A.toSkRRect(rrect), $.$get$_clipOpIntersect(), true); }, clipRect$3(_, rect, clipOp, doAntiAlias) { J.clipRect$3$x(this.skCanvas, A.toSkRect(rect), $.$get$_skClipOps()[clipOp.index], doAntiAlias); }, drawCircle$3(_, c, radius, paint) { J.drawCircle$4$x(this.skCanvas, c._dx, c._dy, radius, paint.get$skiaObject()); }, drawDRRect$3(_, outer, inner, paint) { J.drawDRRect$3$x(this.skCanvas, A.toSkRRect(outer), A.toSkRRect(inner), paint.get$skiaObject()); }, drawPaint$1(_, paint) { J.drawPaint$1$x(this.skCanvas, paint.get$skiaObject()); }, drawParagraph$2(_, paragraph, offset) { var t1 = paragraph._lastLayoutConstraints; t1.toString; J.drawParagraph$3$x(this.skCanvas, paragraph._ensureInitialized$1(t1), offset._dx, offset._dy); if (!$.$get$CkParagraph__paragraphCache().markUsed$1(paragraph)) $.$get$CkParagraph__paragraphCache().add$1(0, paragraph); }, drawPath$2(_, path, paint) { J.drawPath$2$x(this.skCanvas, path.get$skiaObject(), paint.get$skiaObject()); }, drawPicture$1(_, picture) { J.drawPicture$1$x(this.skCanvas, picture.get$skiaObject()); }, drawRRect$2(_, rrect, paint) { J.drawRRect$2$x(this.skCanvas, A.toSkRRect(rrect), paint.get$skiaObject()); }, drawRect$2(_, rect, paint) { J.drawRect$2$x(this.skCanvas, A.toSkRect(rect), paint.get$skiaObject()); }, drawShadow$4(_, path, color, elevation, transparentOccluder) { var t1 = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t1 == null) t1 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); A.drawSkShadow(this.skCanvas, path, color, elevation, transparentOccluder, t1); }, restore$0(_) { J.restore$0$x(this.skCanvas); }, restoreToCount$1(_, count) { J.restoreToCount$1$x(this.skCanvas, count); }, save$0(_) { return J.save$0$x(this.skCanvas); }, saveLayer$2(_, bounds, paint) { var t1 = paint == null ? null : paint.get$skiaObject(); J.saveLayer$4$x(this.skCanvas, t1, A.toSkRect(bounds), null, null); }, transform$1(_, matrix4) { J.concat$1$x(this.skCanvas, A.toSkM44FromFloat32(matrix4)); }, translate$2(_, dx, dy) { J.translate$2$x(this.skCanvas, dx, dy); }, get$pictureSnapshot() { return null; } }; A.RecordingCkCanvas.prototype = { clear$1(_, color) { this.super$CkCanvas$clear(0, color); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkClearCommand(color)); }, clipPath$2(_, path, doAntiAlias) { this.super$CkCanvas$clipPath(0, path, doAntiAlias); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkClipPathCommand(path, doAntiAlias)); }, clipRRect$2(_, rrect, doAntiAlias) { this.super$CkCanvas$clipRRect(0, rrect, true); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkClipRRectCommand(rrect, true)); }, clipRect$3(_, rect, clipOp, doAntiAlias) { this.super$CkCanvas$clipRect(0, rect, clipOp, doAntiAlias); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkClipRectCommand(rect, clipOp, doAntiAlias)); }, drawCircle$3(_, c, radius, paint) { this.super$CkCanvas$drawCircle(0, c, radius, paint); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkDrawCircleCommand(c, radius, paint)); }, drawDRRect$3(_, outer, inner, paint) { this.super$CkCanvas$drawDRRect(0, outer, inner, paint); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkDrawDRRectCommand(outer, inner, paint)); }, drawPaint$1(_, paint) { this.super$CkCanvas$drawPaint(0, paint); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkDrawPaintCommand(paint)); }, drawParagraph$2(_, paragraph, offset) { this.super$CkCanvas$drawParagraph(0, paragraph, offset); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkDrawParagraphCommand(paragraph, offset)); }, drawPath$2(_, path, paint) { this.super$CkCanvas$drawPath(0, path, paint); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkDrawPathCommand(path, paint)); }, drawPicture$1(_, picture) { this.super$CkCanvas$drawPicture(0, picture); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkDrawPictureCommand(picture)); }, drawRRect$2(_, rrect, paint) { this.super$CkCanvas$drawRRect(0, rrect, paint); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkDrawRRectCommand(rrect, paint)); }, drawRect$2(_, rect, paint) { this.super$CkCanvas$drawRect(0, rect, paint); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkDrawRectCommand(rect, paint)); }, drawShadow$4(_, path, color, elevation, transparentOccluder) { this.super$CkCanvas$drawShadow(0, path, color, elevation, transparentOccluder); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkDrawShadowCommand(path, color, elevation, transparentOccluder)); }, restore$0(_) { this.super$CkCanvas$restore(0); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(B.C_CkRestoreCommand); }, restoreToCount$1(_, count) { this.super$CkCanvas$restoreToCount(0, count); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkRestoreToCountCommand(count)); }, save$0(_) { this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(B.C_CkSaveCommand); return this.super$CkCanvas$save(0); }, saveLayer$2(_, bounds, paint) { this.super$CkCanvas$saveLayer(0, bounds, paint); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkSaveLayerCommand(bounds, paint)); }, transform$1(_, matrix4) { this.super$CkCanvas$transform(0, matrix4); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkTransformCommand(matrix4)); }, translate$2(_, dx, dy) { this.super$CkCanvas$translate(0, dx, dy); this.pictureSnapshot._commands.push(new A.CkTranslateCommand(dx, dy)); }, get$pictureSnapshot() { return this.pictureSnapshot; } }; A.CkPictureSnapshot.prototype = { toPicture$0() { var t2, t3, _i, skPicture, recorder = new self.window.flutterCanvasKit.PictureRecorder(), t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(recorder), skCanvas = t1.beginRecording$1(recorder, A.toSkRect(this._bounds)); for (t2 = this._commands, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) t2[_i].apply$1(skCanvas); skPicture = t1.finishRecordingAsPicture$0(recorder); t1.delete$0(recorder); return skPicture; }, dispose$0(_) { var t1, _i; for (t1 = this._commands.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) ; } }; A.CkPaintCommand.prototype = {}; A.CkClearCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.clear$1$ax(canvas, A._populateSkColor($.$get$_sharedSkColor1(), this.color)); } }; A.CkSaveCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.save$0$x(canvas); } }; A.CkRestoreCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.restore$0$x(canvas); } }; A.CkRestoreToCountCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.restoreToCount$1$x(canvas, this.count); } }; A.CkTranslateCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.translate$2$x(canvas, this.dx, this.dy); } }; A.CkTransformCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.concat$1$x(canvas, A.toSkM44FromFloat32(this.matrix4)); } }; A.CkClipRectCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.clipRect$3$x(canvas, A.toSkRect(this.rect), $.$get$_skClipOps()[this.clipOp.index], this.doAntiAlias); } }; A.CkClipRRectCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.clipRRect$3$x(canvas, A.toSkRRect(this.rrect), $.$get$_clipOpIntersect(), true); } }; A.CkClipPathCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.clipPath$3$x(canvas, this.path.get$skiaObject(), $.$get$_clipOpIntersect(), this.doAntiAlias); } }; A.CkDrawPaintCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.drawPaint$1$x(canvas, this.paint.get$skiaObject()); } }; A.CkDrawRectCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.drawRect$2$x(canvas, A.toSkRect(this.rect), this.paint.get$skiaObject()); } }; A.CkDrawRRectCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.drawRRect$2$x(canvas, A.toSkRRect(this.rrect), this.paint.get$skiaObject()); } }; A.CkDrawDRRectCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.drawDRRect$3$x(canvas, A.toSkRRect(this.outer), A.toSkRRect(this.inner), this.paint.get$skiaObject()); } }; A.CkDrawCircleCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { var t1 = this.c; J.drawCircle$4$x(canvas, t1._dx, t1._dy, this.radius, this.paint.get$skiaObject()); } }; A.CkDrawPathCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.drawPath$2$x(canvas, this.path.get$skiaObject(), this.paint.get$skiaObject()); } }; A.CkDrawShadowCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { var _this = this, t1 = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t1 == null) t1 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); A.drawSkShadow(canvas, _this.path, _this.color, _this.elevation, _this.transparentOccluder, t1); } }; A.CkDrawParagraphCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { var t3, t1 = this.paragraph, t2 = t1._lastLayoutConstraints; t2.toString; t3 = this.offset; J.drawParagraph$3$x(canvas, t1._ensureInitialized$1(t2), t3._dx, t3._dy); if (!$.$get$CkParagraph__paragraphCache().markUsed$1(t1)) $.$get$CkParagraph__paragraphCache().add$1(0, t1); } }; A.CkDrawPictureCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { J.drawPicture$1$x(canvas, this.picture.get$skiaObject()); } }; A.CkSaveLayerCommand.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { var t1 = this.paint; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$skiaObject(); J.saveLayer$4$x(canvas, t1, A.toSkRect(this.bounds), null, null); } }; A.CanvasKit.prototype = {}; A.CanvasKitInitOptions.prototype = {}; A.CanvasKitInitPromise.prototype = {}; A.ColorSpace.prototype = {}; A.SkWebGLContextOptions.prototype = {}; A.SkSurface.prototype = {}; A.SkGrContext.prototype = {}; A.SkFontSlantEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkFontSlant.prototype = {}; A.SkFontWeightEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkFontWeight.prototype = {}; A.SkAffinityEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkAffinity.prototype = {}; A.SkTextDirectionEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkTextDirection.prototype = {}; A.SkTextAlignEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkTextAlign.prototype = {}; A.SkTextHeightBehaviorEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkTextHeightBehavior.prototype = {}; A.SkRectHeightStyleEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkRectHeightStyle.prototype = {}; A.SkRectWidthStyleEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkRectWidthStyle.prototype = {}; A.SkVertexModeEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkVertexMode.prototype = {}; A.SkPointModeEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkPointMode.prototype = {}; A.SkClipOpEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkClipOp.prototype = {}; A.SkFillTypeEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkFillType.prototype = {}; A.SkPathOpEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkPathOp.prototype = {}; A.SkBlurStyleEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkBlurStyle.prototype = {}; A.SkStrokeCapEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkStrokeCap.prototype = {}; A.SkPaintStyleEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkPaintStyle.prototype = {}; A.SkBlendModeEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkBlendMode.prototype = {}; A.SkStrokeJoinEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkStrokeJoin.prototype = {}; A.SkTileModeEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkTileMode.prototype = {}; A.SkFilterModeEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkFilterMode.prototype = {}; A.SkMipmapModeEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkMipmapMode.prototype = {}; A.SkAlphaTypeEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkAlphaType.prototype = {}; A.SkColorTypeEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkColorType.prototype = {}; A.SkAnimatedImage.prototype = {}; A.SkImage.prototype = {}; A.SkShaderNamespace.prototype = {}; A.SkShader.prototype = {}; A.SkMaskFilterNamespace.prototype = {}; A.SkPaint.prototype = {}; A.CkFilterOptions.prototype = {}; A._CkCubicFilterOptions.prototype = {}; A._CkTransformFilterOptions.prototype = {}; A.SkMaskFilter.prototype = {}; A.SkColorFilterNamespace.prototype = {}; A.SkColorFilter.prototype = {}; A.SkImageFilterNamespace.prototype = {}; A.SkImageFilter.prototype = {}; A.SkPathNamespace.prototype = {}; A._NativeFloat32ArrayType.prototype = {}; A.SkFloat32List.prototype = {}; A.SkPath.prototype = {}; A.SkContourMeasureIter.prototype = {}; A.SkContourMeasure.prototype = {}; A.SkPictureRecorder.prototype = {}; A.SkCanvas.prototype = {}; A.SkPicture.prototype = {}; A.SkParagraphBuilderNamespace.prototype = {}; A.SkParagraphBuilder.prototype = {}; A.SkParagraphStyle.prototype = {}; A.SkParagraphStyleProperties.prototype = {}; A.SkTextStyle.prototype = {}; A.SkTextDecorationStyleEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkTextDecorationStyle.prototype = {}; A.SkTextBaselineEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkTextBaseline.prototype = {}; A.SkPlaceholderAlignmentEnum.prototype = {}; A.SkPlaceholderAlignment.prototype = {}; A.SkTextStyleProperties.prototype = {}; A.SkStrutStyleProperties.prototype = {}; A.SkFontStyle.prototype = {}; A.SkTextShadow.prototype = {}; A.SkFontFeature.prototype = {}; A.SkTypeface.prototype = {}; A.SkFont.prototype = {}; A.SkFontMgr.prototype = {}; A.TypefaceFontProvider.prototype = {}; A.SkLineMetrics.prototype = {}; A.SkParagraph.prototype = {}; A.SkTextPosition.prototype = {}; A.SkTextRange.prototype = {}; A.SkVertices.prototype = {}; A.SkTonalColors.prototype = {}; A.SkFontMgrNamespace.prototype = {}; A.TypefaceFontProviderNamespace.prototype = {}; A.SkTypefaceFactory.prototype = {}; A.ProductionCollector.prototype = { ProductionCollector$0() { var t1 = new self.window.FinalizationRegistry(A.allowInterop(new A.ProductionCollector_closure(this))); A._lateWriteOnceCheck(this.__ProductionCollector__skObjectFinalizationRegistry, "_skObjectFinalizationRegistry"); this.__ProductionCollector__skObjectFinalizationRegistry = t1; }, register$2(_, wrapper, deletable) { J.register$2$x(A._lateReadCheck(this.__ProductionCollector__skObjectFinalizationRegistry, "_skObjectFinalizationRegistry"), wrapper, deletable); }, collect$1(deletable) { var _this = this; _this._skiaObjectCollectionQueue.push(deletable); if (_this._skiaObjectCollectionTimer == null) _this._skiaObjectCollectionTimer = A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, new A.ProductionCollector_collect_closure(_this)); }, collectSkiaObjectsNow$0() { var firstError, firstStackTrace, deletable, error, stackTrace, $length, i, exception, _s25_ = "SkObject collection-start", _s23_ = "SkObject collection-end"; window.performance.mark(_s25_); $length = this._skiaObjectCollectionQueue.length; firstError = null; firstStackTrace = null; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { deletable = this._skiaObjectCollectionQueue[i]; if (J.isDeleted$0$x(deletable)) continue; try { J.delete$0$x(deletable); } catch (exception) { error = A.unwrapException(exception); stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception); if (firstError == null) { firstError = error; firstStackTrace = stackTrace; } } } this._skiaObjectCollectionQueue = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SkDeletable); window.performance.mark(_s23_); window.performance.measure("SkObject collection", _s25_, _s23_); if (firstError != null) throw A.wrapException(new A.SkiaObjectCollectionError(firstError, firstStackTrace)); } }; A.ProductionCollector_closure.prototype = { call$1(deletable) { if (!J.isDeleted$0$x(deletable)) this.$this.collect$1(deletable); }, $signature: 141 }; A.ProductionCollector_collect_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this; t1._skiaObjectCollectionTimer = null; t1.collectSkiaObjectsNow$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A.SkiaObjectCollectionError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "SkiaObjectCollectionError: " + A.S(this.error) + "\n" + A.S(this.stackTrace); }, $isError: 1, get$stackTrace() { return this.stackTrace; } }; A.SkDeletable.prototype = {}; A.JsConstructor.prototype = {}; A.SkObjectFinalizationRegistry.prototype = {}; A.SkData.prototype = {}; A.SkImageInfo.prototype = {}; A.SkPartialImageInfo.prototype = {}; A.patchCanvasKitModule_closure.prototype = { call$0() { if (document.currentScript === this.canvasKitScript) return A.JsObject_JsObject(this.objectConstructor); else return $.$get$_context().$index(0, "_flutterWebCachedExports"); }, $signature: 34 }; A.patchCanvasKitModule_closure0.prototype = { call$1(value) { $.$get$_context().$indexSet(0, "_flutterWebCachedExports", value); }, $signature: 3 }; A.patchCanvasKitModule_closure1.prototype = { call$0() { if (document.currentScript === this.canvasKitScript) return A.JsObject_JsObject(this.objectConstructor); else return $.$get$_context().$index(0, "_flutterWebCachedModule"); }, $signature: 34 }; A.patchCanvasKitModule_closure2.prototype = { call$1(value) { $.$get$_context().$indexSet(0, "_flutterWebCachedModule", value); }, $signature: 3 }; A.CanvasKitCanvas.prototype = { save$0(_) { this.__engine$_canvas.save$0(0); }, saveLayer$2(_, bounds, paint) { this.__engine$_canvas.saveLayer$2(0, bounds, type$.CkPaint._as(paint)); }, restore$0(_) { this.__engine$_canvas.restore$0(0); }, translate$2(_, dx, dy) { this.__engine$_canvas.translate$2(0, dx, dy); }, transform$1(_, matrix4) { this.__engine$_canvas.transform$1(0, A.toMatrix32(matrix4)); }, clipRect$3$clipOp$doAntiAlias(_, rect, clipOp, doAntiAlias) { this.__engine$_canvas.clipRect$3(0, rect, clipOp, doAntiAlias); }, clipRect$2$doAntiAlias($receiver, rect, doAntiAlias) { return this.clipRect$3$clipOp$doAntiAlias($receiver, rect, B.ClipOp_1, doAntiAlias); }, clipRect$1($receiver, rect) { return this.clipRect$3$clipOp$doAntiAlias($receiver, rect, B.ClipOp_1, true); }, clipRRect$2$doAntiAlias(_, rrect, doAntiAlias) { this.__engine$_canvas.clipRRect$2(0, rrect, true); }, clipRRect$1($receiver, rrect) { return this.clipRRect$2$doAntiAlias($receiver, rrect, true); }, clipPath$2$doAntiAlias(_, path, doAntiAlias) { this.__engine$_canvas.clipPath$2(0, type$.CkPath._as(path), doAntiAlias); }, clipPath$1($receiver, path) { return this.clipPath$2$doAntiAlias($receiver, path, true); }, drawRect$2(_, rect, paint) { this.__engine$_canvas.drawRect$2(0, rect, type$.CkPaint._as(paint)); }, drawRRect$2(_, rrect, paint) { this.__engine$_canvas.drawRRect$2(0, rrect, type$.CkPaint._as(paint)); }, drawDRRect$3(_, outer, inner, paint) { this.__engine$_canvas.drawDRRect$3(0, outer, inner, type$.CkPaint._as(paint)); }, drawCircle$3(_, c, radius, paint) { this.__engine$_canvas.drawCircle$3(0, c, radius, type$.CkPaint._as(paint)); }, drawParagraph$2(_, paragraph, offset) { this.__engine$_canvas.drawParagraph$2(0, type$.CkParagraph._as(paragraph), offset); } }; A.HtmlViewEmbedder.prototype = { getOverlayCanvases$0() { var t2, overlayCanvases, t1 = $._configuration; if (t1 == null) t1 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); t1 = t1.get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces(t1) <= 1; if (t1) return B.List_empty12; t1 = this._pictureRecordersCreatedDuringPreroll; t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,CkCanvas>"); overlayCanvases = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.HtmlViewEmbedder_getOverlayCanvases_closure(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); t1 = this._backupPictureRecorder; if (t1 != null) { t1 = t1._recordingCanvas; t1.toString; B.JSArray_methods.add$1(overlayCanvases, t1); } return overlayCanvases; }, prerollCompositeEmbeddedView$2(viewId, params) { var pictureRecorder, t2, _this = this, t1 = $._configuration; if (t1 == null) t1 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); t1 = t1.get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces(t1) <= 1; if (!t1 && !$.$get$platformViewManager().isInvisible$1(viewId)) { t1 = _this._pictureRecordersCreatedDuringPreroll; if (t1.length >= A.SurfaceFactory_instance().maximumSurfaces - 2 && true) { if (_this._backupPictureRecorder == null) { pictureRecorder = new A.CkPictureRecorder(); t1 = _this._frameSize; pictureRecorder.beginRecording$1(0, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy)); pictureRecorder._recordingCanvas.clear$1(0, B.Color_0); _this._backupPictureRecorder = pictureRecorder; } } else { pictureRecorder = new A.CkPictureRecorder(); t2 = _this._frameSize; pictureRecorder.beginRecording$1(0, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy)); pictureRecorder._recordingCanvas.clear$1(0, B.Color_0); t1.push(pictureRecorder); } } t1 = _this._currentCompositionParams; if (J.$eq$(t1.$index(0, viewId), params)) { if (!B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(_this._activeCompositionOrder, viewId)) _this._viewsToRecomposite.add$1(0, viewId); return; } t1.$indexSet(0, viewId, params); _this._viewsToRecomposite.add$1(0, viewId); }, compositeEmbeddedView$1(viewId) { var t1, t2, needOverlay, _this = this, overlayIndex = _this._visibleViewCount; _this._compositionOrder.push(viewId); t1 = $.$get$platformViewManager(); if (!t1.isInvisible$1(viewId)) ++_this._visibleViewCount; t2 = $._configuration; if (t2 == null) t2 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); t2 = t2.get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces(t2) <= 1; needOverlay = !t2 && !t1.isInvisible$1(viewId); if (needOverlay) { t1 = _this._pictureRecordersCreatedDuringPreroll; t2 = _this._pictureRecorders; if (overlayIndex < t1.length) t2.$indexSet(0, viewId, t1[overlayIndex]); else { _this._viewsUsingBackupSurface.add$1(0, viewId); t1 = _this._backupPictureRecorder; t1.toString; t2.$indexSet(0, viewId, t1); } } t1 = _this._viewsToRecomposite; if (!t1.contains$1(0, viewId)) if (needOverlay) return _this._pictureRecorders.$index(0, viewId)._recordingCanvas; else return null; t2 = _this._currentCompositionParams.$index(0, viewId); t2.toString; _this._compositeWithParams$2(viewId, t2); t1.remove$1(0, viewId); if (needOverlay) return _this._pictureRecorders.$index(0, viewId)._recordingCanvas; else return null; }, _compositeWithParams$2(viewId, params) { var currentClippingCount, _this = this, clipChain = _this._viewClipChains.putIfAbsent$2(0, viewId, new A.HtmlViewEmbedder__compositeWithParams_closure(viewId)), slot = clipChain.__engine$_slot, t1 = slot.style, t2 = params.size, t3 = A.S(t2._dx) + "px"; t1.width = t3; t2 = A.S(t2._dy) + "px"; t1.height = t2; t1.position = "absolute"; t1 = params.mutators; currentClippingCount = _this._countClips$1(t1); if (currentClippingCount !== clipChain._clipCount) { clipChain._root = _this._reconstructClipViewsChain$3(currentClippingCount, slot, clipChain._root); clipChain._clipCount = currentClippingCount; } _this._applyMutators$3(t1, slot, viewId); }, _countClips$1(mutators) { var t1, t2, clipCount, t3; for (t1 = mutators._mutators, t1 = new A.ReversedListIterable(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, clipCount = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2._as(t1._current).type; if (t3 === B.MutatorType_0 || t3 === B.MutatorType_1 || t3 === B.MutatorType_2) ++clipCount; } return clipCount; }, _reconstructClipViewsChain$3(numClips, platformView, headClipView) { var t1, indexInFlutterView, head, clipIndex, head0; if (headClipView.parentElement != null) { t1 = $.skiaSceneHost; t1.toString; t1 = J.get$children$x(t1); indexInFlutterView = t1.indexOf$1(t1, headClipView); J.remove$0$ax(headClipView); } else indexInFlutterView = -1; head = platformView; clipIndex = 0; while (true) { if (!(head !== headClipView && clipIndex < numClips)) break; t1 = head.parentElement; t1.toString; ++clipIndex; head = t1; } for (; clipIndex < numClips; head = head0) { head0 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag("flt-clip", null); head0.appendChild(head); ++clipIndex; } J.remove$0$ax(head); if (indexInFlutterView > -1) { t1 = $.skiaSceneHost; t1.toString; J.get$children$x(t1).insert$2(0, indexInFlutterView, head); } return head; }, _cleanUpClipDefs$1(viewId) { var t2, nodesToRemove, t3, t4, t5, _i, node, t1 = this._svgClipDefs; if (t1.containsKey$1(0, viewId)) { t2 = this._svgPathDefs.querySelector("#sk_path_defs"); t2.toString; nodesToRemove = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Element); t3 = t1.$index(0, viewId); t3.toString; for (t2 = J.get$children$x(t2), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t4 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) { t5 = t4._as(t2.__interceptors$_current); if (t3.contains$1(0, t5.id)) nodesToRemove.push(t5); } for (t2 = nodesToRemove.length, _i = 0; _i < nodesToRemove.length; nodesToRemove.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(nodesToRemove), ++_i) { node = nodesToRemove[_i]; t3 = node.parentNode; if (t3 != null) t3.removeChild(node); } t1 = t1.$index(0, viewId); t1.toString; J.clear$0$ax(t1); } }, _applyMutators$3(mutators, embeddedView, viewId) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, head, embeddedOpacity, t7, t8, headTransform0, value, clipView, t9, clipId, temp, temp0, scale, inverseScale, _this = this, _s16_ = "transform-origin", _s8_ = "absolute", _s9_ = "transform", _s9_0 = "clip-path", headTransform = A.Matrix4$identity(), t1 = embeddedView.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, _s16_), "0 0 0", ""); t1 = embeddedView.style; t1.position = _s8_; _this._cleanUpClipDefs$1(viewId); for (t1 = mutators._mutators, t1 = new A.ReversedListIterable(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = _this._svgClipDefs, t4 = type$.SvgElement, t5 = type$.PathElement, t6 = type$.ClipPathElement, head = embeddedView, embeddedOpacity = 1; t1.moveNext$0();) { t7 = t2._as(t1._current); switch (t7.type.index) { case 3: t7 = t7.matrix; t7.toString; t8 = new Float32Array(16); headTransform0 = new A.Matrix40(t8); headTransform0.setFrom$1(t7); headTransform0.multiply$1(0, headTransform); t7 = head.style; value = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t8); t8 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t7, _s9_); t7.setProperty(t8, value, ""); headTransform = headTransform0; break; case 0: case 1: case 2: clipView = head.parentElement; t8 = clipView.style; t8.clip = ""; t8 = clipView.style; t9 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t8, _s9_0); t8.setProperty(t9, "", ""); headTransform = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); headTransform.Matrix4$identity$0(); t8 = clipView.style; t9 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t8, _s9_); t8.setProperty(t9, "", ""); t8 = t7.rect; if (t8 != null) { t7 = clipView.style; t8 = "rect(" + A.S(t8.top) + "px, " + A.S(t8.right) + "px, " + A.S(t8.bottom) + "px, " + A.S(t8.left) + "px)"; t7.clip = t8; } else { t7 = t7.path; if (t7 != null) { _this._ensureSvgPathDefs$0(); t8 = _this._svgPathDefs.querySelector("#sk_path_defs"); t8.toString; clipId = "svgClip" + ++_this._clipPathCount; t9 = document; temp = t9.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "clipPath"); temp = t6._as(t4._as(temp)); temp.id = clipId; temp0 = t9.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"); temp0 = t5._as(t4._as(temp0)); t9 = t7.rawSkiaObject; t7 = J.toSVGString$0$x(t9 == null ? t7._doResurrect$0() : t9); t7.toString; temp0.setAttribute("d", t7); temp.appendChild(temp0); t8.appendChild(temp); J.add$1$ax(t3.putIfAbsent$2(0, viewId, new A.HtmlViewEmbedder__applyMutators_closure()), clipId); t8 = clipView.style; value = "url(#" + clipId + ")"; t7 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t8, _s9_0); t8.setProperty(t7, value, ""); } } t7 = clipView.style; t8 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t7, _s16_); t7.setProperty(t8, "0 0 0", ""); t7 = clipView.style; t7.position = _s8_; head = clipView; break; case 4: t7 = t7.alpha; t7.toString; embeddedOpacity *= t7 / 255; break; } } t1 = embeddedView.style; t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.toString$0(embeddedOpacity); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "opacity"), t2, ""); scale = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio; inverseScale = 1 / (scale == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : scale); t1 = new Float32Array(16); t1[15] = 1; t1[10] = 1; t1[5] = inverseScale; t1[0] = inverseScale; headTransform = new A.Matrix40(t1).multiplied$1(headTransform); t1 = head.style; t2 = A.float64ListToCssTransform(headTransform.__engine$_m4storage); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, _s9_), t2, ""); }, _ensureSvgPathDefs$0() { var t1, t2; if (this._svgPathDefs != null) return; t1 = type$.SvgSvgElement._as($.$get$kSvgResourceHeader().cloneNode(false)); this._svgPathDefs = t1; t2 = type$.DefsElement._as(type$.SvgElement._as(B.HtmlDocument_methods.createElementNS$2(document, "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "defs"))); t2.id = "sk_path_defs"; t1.appendChild(t2); t2 = $.skiaSceneHost; t2.toString; t1 = this._svgPathDefs; t1.toString; t2.appendChild(t1); }, submitFrame$0(_) { var t2, diffResult, t3, t4, insertBeforeMap, t5, t6, _didPaintBackupSurface, i, viewId, t7, viewType, t8, t9, t10, t11, backupFrame, frame, unusedViews, elementToInsertBefore, _i, platformViewRoot, overlay, _this = this, _null = null, _s20_ = "flt-canvas-container", t1 = _this._activeCompositionOrder; if (t1.length !== 0) if (_this._compositionOrder.length !== 0) { t2 = $._configuration; if (t2 == null) t2 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); t2 = t2.get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces(t2) <= 1; } else t2 = true; else t2 = true; if (t2) diffResult = _null; else { t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"); t3 = _this._compositionOrder; t4 = A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"); diffResult = A.diffViewList(A.List_List$of(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("Iterable.E")), A.List_List$of(new A.WhereIterable(t3, new A.HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure0(), t4), true, t4._eval$1("Iterable.E"))); } insertBeforeMap = _this._updateOverlays$1(diffResult); t2 = $._configuration; if (t2 == null) t2 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); t2 = t2.get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces(t2) <= 1; if (!t2) for (t2 = _this._compositionOrder, t3 = _this._overlays, t4 = _this._pictureRecorders, t5 = _this._viewsUsingBackupSurface, t6 = type$.JSArray_Surface, _didPaintBackupSurface = false, i = 0; i < t2.length; ++i) { viewId = t2[i]; t7 = $.$get$platformViewManager(); viewType = t7._viewIdToType.$index(0, viewId); if (viewType != null && t7._invisibleViews.contains$1(0, viewType)) continue; if (t5.contains$1(0, viewId)) { if (!_didPaintBackupSurface) { t7 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance; if (t7 == null) { t7 = $._configuration; t7 = (t7 == null ? $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration) : t7)._js; t7 = t7 == null ? _null : J.get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces$x(t7); if (t7 == null) t7 = 8; t8 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s20_, _null); t9 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s20_, _null); t10 = A._setArrayType([], t6); t11 = A._setArrayType([], t6); t7 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance = new A.SurfaceFactory(new A.Surface(t8), new A.Surface(t9), t7, t10, t11); } backupFrame = t7.backupSurface.acquireFrame$1(_this._frameSize); t7 = J.getCanvas$0$x(backupFrame.skiaSurface.surface); t8 = _this._backupPictureRecorder.endRecording$0(); t9 = t8.rawSkiaObject; J.drawPicture$1$x(t7, t9 == null ? t8._doResurrect$0() : t9); _this._backupPictureRecorder = null; backupFrame.submit$0(0); _didPaintBackupSurface = true; } } else { frame = t3.$index(0, viewId).acquireFrame$1(_this._frameSize); t7 = J.getCanvas$0$x(frame.skiaSurface.surface); t8 = t4.$index(0, viewId).endRecording$0(); t9 = t8.rawSkiaObject; J.drawPicture$1$x(t7, t9 == null ? t8._doResurrect$0() : t9); frame.submit$0(0); } } else _didPaintBackupSurface = false; B.JSArray_methods.set$length(_this._pictureRecordersCreatedDuringPreroll, 0); t2 = _this._pictureRecorders; t2.clear$0(0); _this._viewsUsingBackupSurface.clear$0(0); t3 = _this._compositionOrder; if (A.listEquals(t3, t1)) { B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t3, 0); _this._visibleViewCount = 0; return; } unusedViews = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(t1, type$.int); B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t1, 0); if (diffResult != null) { t4 = diffResult.viewsToRemove; _this.disposeViews$1(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(t4, A._arrayInstanceType(t4)._precomputed1)); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, t3); unusedViews.removeAll$1(t3); t1 = diffResult.addToBeginning; if (t1) { t4 = diffResult.viewToInsertBefore; t4.toString; elementToInsertBefore = _this._viewClipChains.$index(0, t4)._root; } else elementToInsertBefore = _null; for (t4 = diffResult.viewsToAdd, t5 = t4.length, t6 = _this._viewClipChains, t7 = _this._overlays, _i = 0; _i < t4.length; t4.length === t5 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t4), ++_i) { viewId = t4[_i]; if (t1) { platformViewRoot = t6.$index(0, viewId)._root; $.skiaSceneHost.insertBefore(platformViewRoot, elementToInsertBefore); overlay = t7.$index(0, viewId); if (overlay != null) $.skiaSceneHost.insertBefore(overlay.htmlElement, elementToInsertBefore); } else { platformViewRoot = t6.$index(0, viewId)._root; $.skiaSceneHost.appendChild(platformViewRoot); overlay = t7.$index(0, viewId); if (overlay != null) $.skiaSceneHost.appendChild(overlay.htmlElement); } } if (insertBeforeMap != null) insertBeforeMap.forEach$1(0, new A.HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure1(_this)); if (_didPaintBackupSurface) { t1 = $.skiaSceneHost; t1.toString; t1.appendChild(A.SurfaceFactory_instance().backupSurface.htmlElement); } } else { t4 = A.SurfaceFactory_instance(); B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(t4.__engine$_cache, t4.get$_removeFromDom()); J.remove$0$ax(t4.backupSurface.htmlElement); for (t4 = _this._viewClipChains, t5 = _this._overlays, i = 0; i < t3.length; ++i) { viewId = t3[i]; platformViewRoot = t4.$index(0, viewId)._root; overlay = t5.$index(0, viewId); $.skiaSceneHost.appendChild(platformViewRoot); if (overlay != null) $.skiaSceneHost.appendChild(overlay.htmlElement); t1.push(viewId); unusedViews.remove$1(0, viewId); } if (_didPaintBackupSurface) { t1 = $.skiaSceneHost; t1.toString; t1.appendChild(A.SurfaceFactory_instance().backupSurface.htmlElement); } } B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t3, 0); _this._visibleViewCount = 0; _this.disposeViews$1(unusedViews); t2.clear$0(0); }, disposeViews$1(viewsToDispose) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, clipChain, t8, t9, _this = this; for (t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(viewsToDispose, viewsToDispose._collection$_modifications), t2 = _this._currentCompositionParams, t3 = _this._viewsToRecomposite, t4 = _this._svgClipDefs, t5 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t6 = _this._viewClipChains; t1.moveNext$0();) { t7 = t5._as(t1._collection$_current); clipChain = t6.remove$1(0, t7); if (clipChain != null) { t8 = clipChain._root; t9 = t8.parentNode; if (t9 != null) t9.removeChild(t8); } t2.remove$1(0, t7); t3.remove$1(0, t7); _this._cleanUpClipDefs$1(t7); t4.remove$1(0, t7); } }, _releaseOverlay$1(viewId) { var t2, t1 = this._overlays; if (t1.$index(0, viewId) != null) { t2 = t1.$index(0, viewId); t2.toString; A.SurfaceFactory_instance().releaseSurface$1(t2); t1.remove$1(0, viewId); } }, _updateOverlays$1(diffResult) { var t1, t2, t3, viewsNeedingOverlays, numOverlays, i, viewId, t4, t5, t6, t7, overlay, availableOverlays, viewsToDispose, index, index0, t8, t9, t10, t11, overlaysToAssign, lastOriginalIndex, insertBeforeMap, viewType, _this = this, _null = null, _s20_ = "flt-canvas-container"; if (_this._viewsUsingBackupSurface._collection$_length === 0) A.SurfaceFactory_instance().releaseSurface$1(A.SurfaceFactory_instance().backupSurface); t1 = diffResult == null; if (!t1 && diffResult.viewsToAdd.length === 0 && diffResult.viewsToRemove.length === 0) return _null; if (t1) { t1 = A.SurfaceFactory_instance(); t2 = t1._liveSurfaces; B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1.__engine$_cache, t2); B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t2, 0); t2 = _this._overlays; t2.clear$0(0); t1 = _this._compositionOrder; t3 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"); viewsNeedingOverlays = A.List_List$of(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.HtmlViewEmbedder__updateOverlays_closure(), t3), true, t3._eval$1("Iterable.E")); numOverlays = Math.min(A.SurfaceFactory_instance().maximumSurfaces - 2, viewsNeedingOverlays.length); for (t1 = type$.JSArray_Surface, i = 0; i < numOverlays; ++i) { viewId = viewsNeedingOverlays[i]; t3 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance; if (t3 == null) { t3 = $._configuration; t3 = (t3 == null ? $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration) : t3)._js; t3 = t3 == null ? _null : J.get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces$x(t3); if (t3 == null) t3 = 8; t4 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s20_, _null); t5 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s20_, _null); t6 = A._setArrayType([], t1); t7 = A._setArrayType([], t1); t3 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance = new A.SurfaceFactory(new A.Surface(t4), new A.Surface(t5), t3, t6, t7); } overlay = t3.getOverlay$0(); overlay.createOrUpdateSurface$1(_this._frameSize); t2.$indexSet(0, viewId, overlay); } _this._assertOverlaysInitialized$0(); return _null; } else { t1 = diffResult.viewsToRemove; B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(t1, _this.get$_releaseOverlay()); t2 = A.SurfaceFactory_instance(); availableOverlays = t2.maximumSurfaces - 2 - t2._liveSurfaces.length; if (diffResult.addToBeginning) { t1 = diffResult.viewsToAdd; if (t1.length > availableOverlays) { viewsToDispose = Math.min(A.SurfaceFactory_instance().maximumSurfaces - 2, t1.length - availableOverlays); index = A.SurfaceFactory_instance().maximumSurfaces - 2 - t1.length; for (t2 = _this._overlays, t3 = _this._activeCompositionOrder, t4 = type$.JSArray_Surface; viewsToDispose > 0; index = index0) { index0 = index + 1; t5 = t3[index]; if (t2.$index(0, t5) != null) { t6 = t2.$index(0, t5); t6.toString; t7 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance; if (t7 == null) { t7 = $._configuration; t7 = (t7 == null ? $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration) : t7)._js; t7 = t7 == null ? _null : J.get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces$x(t7); if (t7 == null) t7 = 8; t8 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s20_, _null); t9 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s20_, _null); t10 = A._setArrayType([], t4); t11 = A._setArrayType([], t4); t7 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance = new A.SurfaceFactory(new A.Surface(t8), new A.Surface(t9), t7, t10, t11); } t7.releaseSurface$1(t6); t2.remove$1(0, t5); } --viewsToDispose; } } t2 = t1.length; t3 = A.SurfaceFactory_instance(); overlaysToAssign = Math.min(t2, t3.maximumSurfaces - 2 - t3._liveSurfaces.length); for (t2 = _this._overlays, t3 = type$.JSArray_Surface, i = 0; i < overlaysToAssign; ++i) { t4 = t1[i]; t5 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance; if (t5 == null) { t5 = $._configuration; t5 = (t5 == null ? $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration) : t5)._js; t5 = t5 == null ? _null : J.get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces$x(t5); if (t5 == null) t5 = 8; t6 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s20_, _null); t7 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s20_, _null); t8 = A._setArrayType([], t3); t9 = A._setArrayType([], t3); t5 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance = new A.SurfaceFactory(new A.Surface(t6), new A.Surface(t7), t5, t8, t9); } overlay = t5.getOverlay$0(); overlay.createOrUpdateSurface$1(_this._frameSize); t2.$indexSet(0, t4, overlay); } _this._assertOverlaysInitialized$0(); return _null; } else { t2 = _this._compositionOrder; overlaysToAssign = Math.min(t2.length, availableOverlays); lastOriginalIndex = _this._activeCompositionOrder.length - t1.length; t1 = type$.int; insertBeforeMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1); t1 = _this._overlays; t3 = type$.JSArray_Surface; index = 0; while (true) { if (!(overlaysToAssign > 0 && index < t2.length)) break; viewId = t2[index]; if (!t1.containsKey$1(0, viewId)) { t4 = $.$get$platformViewManager(); viewType = t4._viewIdToType.$index(0, viewId); t4 = !(viewType != null && t4._invisibleViews.contains$1(0, viewType)); } else t4 = false; if (t4) { t4 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance; if (t4 == null) { t4 = $._configuration; t4 = (t4 == null ? $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration) : t4)._js; t4 = t4 == null ? _null : J.get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces$x(t4); if (t4 == null) t4 = 8; t5 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s20_, _null); t6 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s20_, _null); t7 = A._setArrayType([], t3); t8 = A._setArrayType([], t3); t4 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance = new A.SurfaceFactory(new A.Surface(t5), new A.Surface(t6), t4, t7, t8); } overlay = t4.getOverlay$0(); overlay.createOrUpdateSurface$1(_this._frameSize); t1.$indexSet(0, viewId, overlay); --overlaysToAssign; if (index < lastOriginalIndex) { t4 = index + 1; if (t4 < t2.length) insertBeforeMap.$indexSet(0, viewId, t2[t4]); else insertBeforeMap.$indexSet(0, viewId, -1); } } ++index; } _this._assertOverlaysInitialized$0(); return insertBeforeMap; } } }, _assertOverlaysInitialized$0() { } }; A.HtmlViewEmbedder_getOverlayCanvases_closure.prototype = { call$1(r) { var t1 = r._recordingCanvas; t1.toString; return t1; }, $signature: 190 }; A.HtmlViewEmbedder__compositeWithParams_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = A.createPlatformViewSlot(this.viewId); return new A.ViewClipChain(t1, t1); }, $signature: 248 }; A.HtmlViewEmbedder__applyMutators_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.String); }, $signature: 321 }; A.HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure.prototype = { call$1(viewId) { return !$.$get$platformViewManager().isInvisible$1(viewId); }, $signature: 27 }; A.HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure0.prototype = { call$1(viewId) { return !$.$get$platformViewManager().isInvisible$1(viewId); }, $signature: 27 }; A.HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure1.prototype = { call$2(viewId, viewIdToInsertBefore) { var nextSibling, t1 = this.$this, overlay = t1._overlays.$index(0, viewId).htmlElement; if (viewIdToInsertBefore !== -1) { nextSibling = t1._viewClipChains.$index(0, viewIdToInsertBefore)._root; $.skiaSceneHost.insertBefore(overlay, nextSibling); } else $.skiaSceneHost.appendChild(overlay); }, $signature: 251 }; A.HtmlViewEmbedder__updateOverlays_closure.prototype = { call$1(viewId) { return !$.$get$platformViewManager().isInvisible$1(viewId); }, $signature: 27 }; A.ViewClipChain.prototype = {}; A.EmbeddedViewParams.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; return other instanceof A.EmbeddedViewParams && other.offset.$eq(0, _this.offset) && other.size.$eq(0, _this.size) && other.mutators.$eq(0, _this.mutators); }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.offset, this.size, this.mutators, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A.MutatorType.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "MutatorType." + this._name; } }; A.Mutator.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (!(other instanceof A.Mutator)) return false; t1 = _this.type; if (t1 !== other.type) return false; switch (t1.index) { case 0: return J.$eq$(_this.rect, other.rect); case 1: return true; case 2: return _this.path == other.path; case 3: return _this.matrix == other.matrix; case 4: return _this.alpha == other.alpha; default: return false; } }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.type, _this.rect, _this.rrect, _this.path, _this.matrix, _this.alpha, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A.MutatorsStack.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (other === this) return true; return other instanceof A.MutatorsStack && A.listEquals(other._mutators, this._mutators); }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashList(this._mutators); }, get$iterator(_) { var t1 = this._mutators; t1 = new A.ReversedListIterable(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")); return new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)); } }; A.ViewListDiffResult.prototype = {}; A.FontFallbackData.prototype = { ensureFontsSupportText$2(text, fontFamilies) { var isAscii, runesToCheck, t2, t3, rune, codeUnits, fonts, _i, font, typefacesForFamily, codeUnitsSupported, testString, glyphs, t4, t5, missingCodeUnits, _this = this, t1 = text.length, i = 0; while (true) { if (!(i < t1)) { isAscii = true; break; } if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i) >= 160) { isAscii = false; break; } ++i; } if (isAscii) return; runesToCheck = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.int); for (t1 = new A.RuneIterator(text), t2 = _this.knownCoveredCodeUnits, t3 = _this.codeUnitsWithNoKnownFont; t1.moveNext$0();) { rune = t1._currentCodePoint; if (!(rune < 160 || t2.contains$1(0, rune) || t3.contains$1(0, rune))) runesToCheck.add$1(0, rune); } if (runesToCheck._collection$_length === 0) return; codeUnits = A.List_List$of(runesToCheck, true, runesToCheck.$ti._eval$1("SetMixin.E")); fonts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SkFont); for (t1 = fontFamilies.length, _i = 0; _i < fontFamilies.length; fontFamilies.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(fontFamilies), ++_i) { font = fontFamilies[_i]; typefacesForFamily = $._skiaFontCollection.familyToFontMap.$index(0, font); if (typefacesForFamily != null) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(fonts, typefacesForFamily); } t1 = codeUnits.length; codeUnitsSupported = A.List_List$filled(t1, false, false, type$.bool); testString = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(codeUnits, 0, null); for (t2 = fonts.length, _i = 0; _i < fonts.length; fonts.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(fonts), ++_i) { glyphs = J.getGlyphIDs$1$x(fonts[_i], testString); for (t3 = glyphs.length, i = 0; i < t3; ++i) { t4 = codeUnitsSupported[i]; if (glyphs[i] === 0) { t5 = codeUnits[i]; if (!(t5 < 32)) t5 = t5 > 127 && t5 < 160; else t5 = true; } else t5 = true; codeUnitsSupported[i] = B.JSBool_methods.$or(t4, t5); } } if (B.JSArray_methods.any$1(codeUnitsSupported, new A.FontFallbackData_ensureFontsSupportText_closure())) { missingCodeUnits = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int); for (i = 0; i < t1; ++i) if (!codeUnitsSupported[i]) missingCodeUnits.push(codeUnits[i]); _this._codeUnitsToCheckAgainstFallbackFonts.addAll$1(0, missingCodeUnits); if (!_this._scheduledCodeUnitCheck) { _this._scheduledCodeUnitCheck = true; $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().get$rasterizer()._postFrameCallbacks.push(_this.get$_ensureFallbackFonts()); } } }, _ensureFallbackFonts$0() { var t1, codeUnits, codeUnitsSupported, testString, t2, t3, t4, _i, font, fontsForFamily, t5, glyphs, t6, i, t7, t8, keepGoing, _i0, _this = this; _this._scheduledCodeUnitCheck = false; t1 = _this._codeUnitsToCheckAgainstFallbackFonts; codeUnits = A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("SetMixin.E")); t1.clear$0(0); t1 = codeUnits.length; codeUnitsSupported = A.List_List$filled(t1, false, false, type$.bool); testString = A.String_String$fromCharCodes(codeUnits, 0, null); for (t2 = _this.globalFontFallbacks, t3 = t2.length, t4 = _this.knownCoveredCodeUnits, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) { font = t2[_i]; fontsForFamily = $._skiaFontCollection.familyToFontMap.$index(0, font); if (fontsForFamily == null) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("A fallback font was registered but we cannot retrieve the typeface for it."); continue; } for (t5 = J.get$iterator$ax(fontsForFamily); t5.moveNext$0();) { glyphs = J.getGlyphIDs$1$x(t5.get$current(t5), testString); for (t6 = glyphs.length, i = 0; i < t6; ++i) { t7 = glyphs[i] === 0; if (!t7) t4.add$1(0, codeUnits[i]); t8 = codeUnitsSupported[i]; if (t7) { t7 = codeUnits[i]; if (!(t7 < 32)) t7 = t7 > 127 && t7 < 160; else t7 = true; } else t7 = true; codeUnitsSupported[i] = B.JSBool_methods.$or(t8, t7); } } _i0 = 0; while (true) { if (!(_i0 < t1)) { keepGoing = false; break; } if (!codeUnitsSupported[_i0]) { keepGoing = true; break; } ++_i0; } if (!keepGoing) return; } for (i = codeUnits.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (codeUnitsSupported[i]) B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(codeUnits, i); A.findFontsForMissingCodeunits(codeUnits); }, registerFallbackFont$2(family, bytes) { var t1, t2, t3, countedFamily, _this = this, typeface = J.MakeFreeTypeFaceFromData$1$x(J.get$Typeface$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0()), bytes.buffer); if (typeface == null) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Failed to parse fallback font " + family + " as a font."); return; } t1 = _this.fontFallbackCounts; t1.putIfAbsent$2(0, family, new A.FontFallbackData_registerFallbackFont_closure()); t2 = t1.$index(0, family); t2.toString; t3 = t1.$index(0, family); t3.toString; t1.$indexSet(0, family, t3 + 1); countedFamily = family + " " + A.S(t2); _this.registeredFallbackFonts.push(A.RegisteredFont$(bytes, countedFamily, typeface)); if (family === "Noto Color Emoji Compat") { t1 = _this.globalFontFallbacks; if (B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1) === "Roboto") B.JSArray_methods.insert$2(t1, 1, countedFamily); else B.JSArray_methods.insert$2(t1, 0, countedFamily); } else _this.globalFontFallbacks.push(countedFamily); } }; A.FontFallbackData_createNotoFontTree_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CodeunitRange); }, $signature: 80 }; A.FontFallbackData_ensureFontsSupportText_closure.prototype = { call$1(x) { return !x; }, $signature: 241 }; A.FontFallbackData_registerFallbackFont_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return 0; }, $signature: 35 }; A._makeResolvedNotoFontFromCss_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CodeunitRange); }, $signature: 80 }; A._registerSymbolsAndEmoji_extractUrlFromCss.prototype = { call$1(css) { var t1, t2, urlStart; for (t1 = new A._SyncStarIterator(A.LineSplitter_split(css)._outerHelper()); t1.moveNext$0();) { t2 = t1.get$current(t1); if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(t2, " src:")) { urlStart = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(t2, "url("); if (urlStart === -1) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Unable to resolve Noto font URL: " + t2); return null; } return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t2, urlStart + 4, B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(t2, ")")); } } $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Unable to determine URL for Noto font"); return null; }, $signature: 140 }; A.findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits_closure.prototype = { call$1(font) { return B.JSArray_methods.contains$1($.$get$_cjkFonts(), font); }, $signature: 138 }; A.findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits_closure0.prototype = { call$1(codeUnit) { return this._box_0.bestFont.resolvedFont.tree.root.containsDeep$1(codeUnit); }, $signature: 27 }; A.NotoFont.prototype = { ensureResolved$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, t1, t2, $async$temp1; var $async$ensureResolved$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = $async$self.resolvedFont == null ? 2 : 3; break; case 2: // then t1 = $async$self._decodingCompleter; $async$goto = t1 == null ? 4 : 6; break; case 4: // then $async$self._decodingCompleter = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void); t1 = $.$get$notoDownloadQueue().downloader; t2 = $async$self.name; $async$temp1 = A; $async$goto = 7; return A._asyncAwait(t1.downloadAsString$1("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=" + A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t2, " ", "+")), $async$ensureResolved$0); case 7: // returning from await. $async$self.resolvedFont = $async$temp1._makeResolvedNotoFontFromCss($async$result, t2); $async$self._decodingCompleter.complete$0(0); // goto join $async$goto = 5; break; case 6: // else $async$goto = 8; return A._asyncAwait(t1.future, $async$ensureResolved$0); case 8: // returning from await. case 5: // join case 3: // join // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$ensureResolved$0, $async$completer); }, get$name(receiver) { return this.name; } }; A.CodeunitRange.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (!(other instanceof A.CodeunitRange)) return false; return other.start === this.start && other.end === this.end; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.start, this.end, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "[" + this.start + ", " + this.end + "]"; } }; A._ResolvedNotoFont.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return this.name; } }; A._ResolvedNotoSubset.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_ResolvedNotoSubset(" + this.family + ", " + this.url + ")"; } }; A.FallbackFontDownloadQueue.prototype = { add$1(_, subset) { var t1, firstInBatch, _this = this; if (_this.downloadedSubsets.contains$1(0, subset) || _this.pendingSubsets.containsKey$1(0, subset.url)) return; t1 = _this.pendingSubsets; firstInBatch = t1.get$isEmpty(t1); t1.$indexSet(0, subset.url, subset); if (firstInBatch) A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, _this.get$startDownloads()); }, startDownloads$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, t2, t3, t4, downloadOrder, _i, url, t1, downloads, downloadedData; var $async$startDownloads$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = type$.String; downloads = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Future_void); downloadedData = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Uint8List); for (t1 = $async$self.pendingSubsets, t2 = t1.get$values(t1), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = type$.void; t2.moveNext$0();) { t4 = t2.get$current(t2); downloads.$indexSet(0, t4.url, A.Future_Future(new A.FallbackFontDownloadQueue_startDownloads_closure($async$self, t4, downloadedData), t3)); } $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait(A.Future_wait(downloads.get$values(downloads), t3), $async$startDownloads$0); case 2: // returning from await. t2 = downloadedData.get$keys(downloadedData); t2 = A.List_List$of(t2, true, A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(t2); t3 = A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>"); downloadOrder = A.List_List$of(new A.ReversedListIterable(t2, t3), true, t3._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); t2 = downloadOrder.length, _i = 0; case 3: // for condition if (!(_i < t2)) { // goto after for $async$goto = 5; break; } url = downloadOrder[_i]; t3 = t1.remove$1(0, url); t3.toString; t4 = downloadedData.$index(0, url); t4.toString; $.$get$FontFallbackData__instance().registerFallbackFont$2(t3.family, t4); $async$goto = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) ? 6 : 7; break; case 6: // then t3 = $._skiaFontCollection.ensureFontsLoaded$0(); $async$self._fontsLoading = t3; $async$handler = 8; $async$goto = 11; return A._asyncAwait(t3, $async$startDownloads$0); case 11: // returning from await. $async$next.push(10); // goto finally $async$goto = 9; break; case 8: // uncaught $async$next = [1]; case 9: // finally $async$handler = 1; $async$self._fontsLoading = null; // goto the next finally handler $async$goto = $async$next.pop(); break; case 10: // after finally A.sendFontChangeMessage(); case 7: // join case 4: // for update ++_i; // goto for condition $async$goto = 3; break; case 5: // after for $async$goto = t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1) ? 12 : 13; break; case 12: // then $async$goto = 14; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.startDownloads$0(), $async$startDownloads$0); case 14: // returning from await. case 13: // join // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); case 1: // rethrow return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$startDownloads$0, $async$completer); } }; A.FallbackFontDownloadQueue_startDownloads_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, e, t1, exception, t2, buffer, $async$exception; var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start buffer = null; $async$handler = 4; t1 = $async$self.subset; $async$goto = 7; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.$this.downloader.downloadAsBytes$2$debugDescription(t1.url, t1.family), $async$call$0); case 7: // returning from await. buffer = $async$result; $async$handler = 2; // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 4: // catch $async$handler = 3; $async$exception = $async$currentError; e = A.unwrapException($async$exception); t1 = $async$self.subset; t2 = t1.url; $async$self.$this.pendingSubsets.remove$1(0, t2); $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Failed to load font " + t1.family + " at " + t2); $.$get$printWarning().call$1(J.toString$0$(e)); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 3: // uncaught // goto rethrow $async$goto = 2; break; case 6: // after finally t1 = $async$self.subset; $async$self.$this.downloadedSubsets.add$1(0, t1); $async$self.downloadedData.$indexSet(0, t1.url, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(buffer, 0, null)); case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); case 2: // rethrow return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer); }, $signature: 17 }; A.NotoDownloader.prototype = { downloadAsBytes$2$debugDescription(url, debugDescription) { var result = A.httpFetch(url).then$1$1(0, new A.NotoDownloader_downloadAsBytes_closure(), type$.ByteBuffer); return result; }, downloadAsString$1(url) { var result = A.httpFetch(url).then$1$1(0, new A.NotoDownloader_downloadAsString_closure(), type$.String); return result; } }; A.NotoDownloader_downloadAsBytes_closure.prototype = { call$1(fetchResult) { return A.promiseToFuture(fetchResult.arrayBuffer(), type$.dynamic).then$1$1(0, new A.NotoDownloader_downloadAsBytes__closure(), type$.ByteBuffer); }, $signature: 92 }; A.NotoDownloader_downloadAsBytes__closure.prototype = { call$1(x) { return type$.ByteBuffer._as(x); }, $signature: 99 }; A.NotoDownloader_downloadAsString_closure.prototype = { call$1(response) { var t1 = type$.String; return A.promiseToFuture(response.text(), t1).then$1$1(0, new A.NotoDownloader_downloadAsString__closure(), t1); }, $signature: 123 }; A.NotoDownloader_downloadAsString__closure.prototype = { call$1(x) { return A._asString(x); }, $signature: 127 }; A.SkiaFontCollection.prototype = { ensureFontsLoaded$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i, font, t4, t5; var $async$ensureFontsLoaded$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait($async$self._loadFonts$0(), $async$ensureFontsLoaded$0); case 2: // returning from await. t1 = $async$self.fontProvider; if (t1 != null) { J.delete$0$x(t1); $async$self.fontProvider = null; } $async$self.fontProvider = J.Make$0$x(J.get$TypefaceFontProvider$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0())); t1 = $async$self.familyToFontMap; t1.clear$0(0); for (t2 = $async$self._registeredFonts, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) { font = t2[_i]; t4 = $async$self.fontProvider; t4.toString; t5 = font.family; J.registerFont$2$x(t4, font.bytes, t5); J.add$1$ax(t1.putIfAbsent$2(0, t5, new A.SkiaFontCollection_ensureFontsLoaded_closure()), new self.window.flutterCanvasKit.Font(font.typeface)); } for (t2 = $.$get$FontFallbackData__instance().registeredFallbackFonts, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) { font = t2[_i]; t4 = $async$self.fontProvider; t4.toString; t5 = font.family; J.registerFont$2$x(t4, font.bytes, t5); J.add$1$ax(t1.putIfAbsent$2(0, t5, new A.SkiaFontCollection_ensureFontsLoaded_closure0()), new self.window.flutterCanvasKit.Font(font.typeface)); } // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$ensureFontsLoaded$0, $async$completer); }, _loadFonts$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, t3, t4, t1, $async$temp1; var $async$_loadFonts$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self._unloadedFonts; if (t1.length === 0) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$temp1 = J; $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(A.Future_wait(t1, type$.nullable_RegisteredFont), $async$_loadFonts$0); case 3: // returning from await. t2 = $async$temp1.get$iterator$ax($async$result), t3 = $async$self._registeredFonts; case 4: // for condition if (!t2.moveNext$0()) { // goto after for $async$goto = 5; break; } t4 = t2.get$current(t2); if (t4 != null) t3.push(t4); // goto for condition $async$goto = 4; break; case 5: // after for B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t1, 0); case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_loadFonts$0, $async$completer); }, registerFonts$1(assetManager) { return this.registerFonts$body$SkiaFontCollection(assetManager); }, registerFonts$body$SkiaFontCollection(assetManager) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, e, exception, t1, fontManifest, t2, t3, t4, t5, registeredRoboto, t6, t7, family, fontAssets, byteData, $async$exception; var $async$registerFonts$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start byteData = null; $async$handler = 4; $async$goto = 7; return A._asyncAwait(assetManager.load$1(0, "FontManifest.json"), $async$registerFonts$1); case 7: // returning from await. byteData = $async$result; $async$handler = 2; // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 4: // catch $async$handler = 3; $async$exception = $async$currentError; t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception); if (t1 instanceof A.AssetManagerException) { e = t1; if (e.httpStatus === 404) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Font manifest does not exist at `" + e.url + "` \u2013 ignoring."); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } else throw $async$exception; } else throw $async$exception; // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 3: // uncaught // goto rethrow $async$goto = 2; break; case 6: // after finally fontManifest = type$.nullable_List_dynamic._as(B.C_JsonCodec.decode$1(0, B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(byteData.buffer, 0, null)))); if (fontManifest == null) throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$(string$.There_)); for (t1 = type$.Map_String_dynamic, t2 = J.cast$1$0$ax(fontManifest, t1), t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = $async$self._unloadedFonts, t4 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1, t5 = type$.List_dynamic, registeredRoboto = false; t2.moveNext$0();) { t6 = t4._as(t2._current); t7 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t6); family = A._asString(t7.$index(t6, "family")); fontAssets = t5._as(t7.$index(t6, "fonts")); if (family === "Roboto") registeredRoboto = true; for (t6 = J.get$iterator$ax(fontAssets); t6.moveNext$0();) t3.push($async$self._registerFont$2(assetManager.getAssetUrl$1(A._asString(J.$index$asx(t1._as(t6.get$current(t6)), "asset"))), family)); } if (!registeredRoboto) t3.push($async$self._registerFont$2("https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/roboto/v20/KFOmCnqEu92Fr1Me5WZLCzYlKw.ttf", "Roboto")); case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); case 2: // rethrow return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$registerFonts$1, $async$completer); }, _registerFont$2(url, family) { return this._registerFont$body$SkiaFontCollection(url, family); }, _registerFont$body$SkiaFontCollection(url, family) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_RegisteredFont), $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, e, exception, bytes, typeface, buffer, $async$exception; var $async$_registerFont$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start buffer = null; $async$handler = 4; $async$goto = 7; return A._asyncAwait(A.httpFetch(url).then$1$1(0, $async$self.get$_getArrayBuffer(), type$.ByteBuffer), $async$_registerFont$2); case 7: // returning from await. buffer = $async$result; $async$handler = 2; // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 4: // catch $async$handler = 3; $async$exception = $async$currentError; e = A.unwrapException($async$exception); $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Failed to load font " + family + " at " + url); $.$get$printWarning().call$1(J.toString$0$(e)); $async$returnValue = null; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 3: // uncaught // goto rethrow $async$goto = 2; break; case 6: // after finally bytes = A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(buffer, 0, null); typeface = J.MakeFreeTypeFaceFromData$1$x(J.get$Typeface$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0()), bytes.buffer); if (typeface != null) { $async$returnValue = A.RegisteredFont$(bytes, family, typeface); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } else { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Failed to load font " + family + " at " + url); $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Verify that " + url + " contains a valid font."); $async$returnValue = null; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); case 2: // rethrow return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_registerFont$2, $async$completer); }, _getArrayBuffer$1(fetchResult) { return A.promiseToFuture(fetchResult.arrayBuffer(), type$.dynamic).then$1$1(0, new A.SkiaFontCollection__getArrayBuffer_closure(), type$.ByteBuffer); } }; A.SkiaFontCollection_ensureFontsLoaded_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SkFont); }, $signature: 81 }; A.SkiaFontCollection_ensureFontsLoaded_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SkFont); }, $signature: 81 }; A.SkiaFontCollection__getArrayBuffer_closure.prototype = { call$1(x) { return type$.ByteBuffer._as(x); }, $signature: 99 }; A.RegisteredFont.prototype = {}; A.initializeCanvasKit_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { J.then$1$x(self.window.CanvasKitInit({locateFile: A.allowInterop(new A.initializeCanvasKit__closure())}), A.allowInterop(new A.initializeCanvasKit__closure0(this.canvasKitCompleter))); }, $signature: 10 }; A.initializeCanvasKit__closure.prototype = { call$2(file, unusedBase) { var t1 = $._currentCanvasKitBase; t1.toString; return t1 + file; }, $signature: 148 }; A.initializeCanvasKit__closure0.prototype = { call$1(ck) { $.__canvasKit.__late_helper$_value = ck; self.window.flutterCanvasKit = $.__canvasKit._readField$0(); this.canvasKitCompleter.complete$0(0); }, $signature: 162 }; A._startDownloadingCanvasKit_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { J.cancel$0$z(this.loadSubscription._readLocal$0()); this.canvasKitLoadCompleter.complete$0(0); }, $signature: 1 }; A.IntervalTree.prototype = {}; A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, rangeList) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5; for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(rangeList), t2 = this.intervals, t3 = this.T._eval$1("IntervalTreeNode<0>"); t1.moveNext$0();) { t4 = t1.get$current(t1); t5 = t4.start; t4 = t4.end; t2.push(new A.IntervalTreeNode(key, t5, t4, t4, t3)); } }, $signature() { return this.T._eval$1("~(0,List)"); } }; A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges_closure0.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { return a.low - b.low; }, $signature() { return this.T._eval$1("int(IntervalTreeNode<0>,IntervalTreeNode<0>)"); } }; A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges__makeBalancedTree.prototype = { call$1(nodes) { var mid, root, t1 = nodes.length; if (t1 === 0) return null; if (t1 === 1) return B.JSArray_methods.get$single(nodes); mid = t1 / 2 | 0; root = nodes[mid]; root.left = this.call$1(B.JSArray_methods.sublist$2(nodes, 0, mid)); root.right = this.call$1(B.JSArray_methods.sublist$1(nodes, mid + 1)); return root; }, $signature() { return this.T._eval$1("IntervalTreeNode<0>?(List>)"); } }; A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges__computeHigh.prototype = { call$1(root) { var t3, _this = this, t1 = root.left, t2 = t1 == null; if (t2 && root.right == null) root.computedHigh = root.high; else if (t2) { t1 = root.right; t1.toString; _this.call$1(t1); root.computedHigh = Math.max(root.high, root.right.computedHigh); } else { t2 = root.right; t3 = root.high; if (t2 == null) { _this.call$1(t1); root.computedHigh = Math.max(t3, root.left.computedHigh); } else { _this.call$1(t2); t1 = root.left; t1.toString; _this.call$1(t1); root.computedHigh = Math.max(t3, Math.max(root.left.computedHigh, root.right.computedHigh)); } } }, $signature() { return this.T._eval$1("~(IntervalTreeNode<0>)"); } }; A.IntervalTreeNode.prototype = { containsShallow$1(x) { return this.low <= x && x <= this.high; }, containsDeep$1(x) { var t1, _this = this; if (x > _this.computedHigh) return false; if (_this.containsShallow$1(x)) return true; t1 = _this.left; if ((t1 == null ? null : t1.containsDeep$1(x)) === true) return true; if (x < _this.low) return false; t1 = _this.right; return (t1 == null ? null : t1.containsDeep$1(x)) === true; }, searchForPoint$2(x, result) { var t1, _this = this; if (x > _this.computedHigh) return; t1 = _this.left; if (t1 != null) t1.searchForPoint$2(x, result); if (_this.containsShallow$1(x)) result.push(_this.value); if (x < _this.low) return; t1 = _this.right; if (t1 != null) t1.searchForPoint$2(x, result); } }; A.Layer.prototype = { dispose$0(_) { } }; A.PrerollContext.prototype = {}; A.PaintContext.prototype = {}; A.ContainerLayer.prototype = { preroll$2(prerollContext, matrix) { this.paintBounds = this.prerollChildren$2(prerollContext, matrix); }, prerollChildren$2(context, childMatrix) { var t1, t2, childPaintBounds, _i, layer, t3; for (t1 = this._layers, t2 = t1.length, childPaintBounds = B.Rect_0_0_0_0, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { layer = t1[_i]; layer.preroll$2(context, childMatrix); if (childPaintBounds.left >= childPaintBounds.right || childPaintBounds.top >= childPaintBounds.bottom) childPaintBounds = layer.paintBounds; else { t3 = layer.paintBounds; if (!(t3.left >= t3.right || t3.top >= t3.bottom)) childPaintBounds = childPaintBounds.expandToInclude$1(t3); } } return childPaintBounds; }, paintChildren$1(context) { var t1, t2, _i, layer, t3; for (t1 = this._layers, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { layer = t1[_i]; t3 = layer.paintBounds; if (!(t3.left >= t3.right || t3.top >= t3.bottom)) layer.paint$1(context); } } }; A.RootLayer.prototype = { paint$1(paintContext) { this.paintChildren$1(paintContext); } }; A.ClipPathEngineLayer.prototype = { preroll$2(prerollContext, matrix) { var childPaintBounds, clipBounds, _null = null, t1 = this.__engine$_clipPath, t2 = prerollContext.mutatorsStack._mutators; t2.push(new A.Mutator(B.MutatorType_2, _null, _null, t1, _null, _null)); childPaintBounds = this.prerollChildren$2(prerollContext, matrix); clipBounds = A.fromSkRect(J.getBounds$0$x(t1.get$skiaObject())); if (childPaintBounds.overlaps$1(clipBounds)) this.paintBounds = childPaintBounds.intersect$1(clipBounds); t2.pop(); }, paint$1(paintContext) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = paintContext.internalNodesCanvas; t1.save$0(0); t2 = _this.__engine$_clipBehavior; t1.clipPath$2(0, _this.__engine$_clipPath, t2 !== B.Clip_1); t2 = t2 === B.Clip_3; if (t2) t1.saveLayer$2(0, _this.paintBounds, null); _this.paintChildren$1(paintContext); if (t2) t1.restore$0(0); t1.restore$0(0); }, $isClipPathEngineLayer0: 1 }; A.ClipRectEngineLayer.prototype = { preroll$2(prerollContext, matrix) { var childPaintBounds, _null = null, t1 = this.__engine$_clipRect, t2 = prerollContext.mutatorsStack._mutators; t2.push(new A.Mutator(B.MutatorType_0, t1, _null, _null, _null, _null)); childPaintBounds = this.prerollChildren$2(prerollContext, matrix); if (childPaintBounds.overlaps$1(t1)) this.paintBounds = childPaintBounds.intersect$1(t1); t2.pop(); }, paint$1(paintContext) { var t2, t3, t1 = paintContext.internalNodesCanvas; t1.save$0(0); t2 = this.__engine$_clipRect; t3 = this.__engine$_clipBehavior; t1.clipRect$3(0, t2, B.ClipOp_1, t3 !== B.Clip_1); t3 = t3 === B.Clip_3; if (t3) t1.saveLayer$2(0, t2, null); this.paintChildren$1(paintContext); if (t3) t1.restore$0(0); t1.restore$0(0); }, $isClipRectEngineLayer0: 1 }; A.OpacityEngineLayer.prototype = { preroll$2(prerollContext, matrix) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this, _null = null, childMatrix = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); childMatrix.setFrom$1(matrix); t1 = _this.__engine$_offset; t2 = t1._dx; t1 = t1._dy; childMatrix.translate$2(0, t2, t1); t3 = A.Matrix4$identity(); t3.setTranslationRaw$3(t2, t1, 0); t4 = prerollContext.mutatorsStack._mutators; t4.push(A.Mutator$transform(t3)); t4.push(new A.Mutator(B.MutatorType_4, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.__engine$_alpha)); _this.super$ContainerLayer$preroll(prerollContext, childMatrix); t4.pop(); t4.pop(); _this.paintBounds = _this.paintBounds.translate$2(0, t2, t1); }, paint$1(paintContext) { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this, paint = A.CkPaint$(); paint.set$color(0, A.Color$fromARGB(_this.__engine$_alpha, 0, 0, 0)); t1 = paintContext.internalNodesCanvas; t1.save$0(0); t2 = _this.__engine$_offset; t3 = t2._dx; t2 = t2._dy; t1.translate$2(0, t3, t2); t1.saveLayer$2(0, _this.paintBounds.shift$1(new A.Offset(-t3, -t2)), paint); _this.paintChildren$1(paintContext); t1.restore$0(0); t1.restore$0(0); }, $isOpacityEngineLayer0: 1 }; A.TransformEngineLayer.prototype = { preroll$2(prerollContext, matrix) { var t1 = this.__engine$_transform, childMatrix = matrix.multiplied$1(t1), t2 = prerollContext.mutatorsStack._mutators; t2.push(A.Mutator$transform(t1)); this.paintBounds = A.transformRect(t1, this.prerollChildren$2(prerollContext, childMatrix)); t2.pop(); }, paint$1(paintContext) { var t1 = paintContext.internalNodesCanvas; t1.save$0(0); t1.transform$1(0, this.__engine$_transform.__engine$_m4storage); this.paintChildren$1(paintContext); t1.restore$0(0); }, $isTransformEngineLayer0: 1 }; A.OffsetEngineLayer.prototype = {$isOffsetEngineLayer0: 1}; A.PictureLayer0.prototype = { preroll$2(prerollContext, matrix) { this.paintBounds = this.picture.cullRect.shift$1(this.offset); }, paint$1(paintContext) { var t1; paintContext.leafNodesCanvas.save$0(0); t1 = this.offset; paintContext.leafNodesCanvas.translate$2(0, t1._dx, t1._dy); paintContext.leafNodesCanvas.drawPicture$1(0, this.picture); paintContext.leafNodesCanvas.restore$0(0); } }; A.PhysicalShapeEngineLayer.prototype = { preroll$2(prerollContext, matrix) { var t1, _this = this; _this.prerollChildren$2(prerollContext, matrix); t1 = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t1 == null) t1 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); _this.paintBounds = A.computeSkShadowBounds(_this.__engine$_path, _this.__engine$_elevation, t1, matrix); }, paint$1(paintContext) { var t2, t3, t4, paint, saveCount, _this = this, t1 = _this.__engine$_elevation; if (t1 !== 0) { t2 = paintContext.leafNodesCanvas; t3 = _this.__engine$_shadowColor; t3.toString; t4 = _this._color; t2.drawShadow$4(0, _this.__engine$_path, t3, t1, (t4.get$value(t4) >>> 24 & 255) !== 255); } paint = A.CkPaint$(); paint.set$color(0, _this._color); t1 = _this.__engine$_clipBehavior; t2 = t1 === B.Clip_3; if (!t2) paintContext.leafNodesCanvas.drawPath$2(0, _this.__engine$_path, paint); t3 = paintContext.internalNodesCanvas; saveCount = t3.save$0(0); switch (t1.index) { case 1: t3.clipPath$2(0, _this.__engine$_path, false); break; case 2: t3.clipPath$2(0, _this.__engine$_path, true); break; case 3: t3.clipPath$2(0, _this.__engine$_path, true); t3.saveLayer$2(0, _this.paintBounds, null); break; case 0: break; } if (t2) paintContext.leafNodesCanvas.drawPaint$1(0, paint); _this.paintChildren$1(paintContext); t3.restoreToCount$1(0, saveCount); }, $isPhysicalShapeEngineLayer0: 1 }; A.PlatformViewLayer0.prototype = { preroll$2(prerollContext, matrix) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.offset, t2 = t1._dx, t3 = t1._dy, t4 = _this.width, t5 = _this.height; _this.paintBounds = new A.Rect(t2, t3, t2 + t4, t3 + t5); t3 = prerollContext.viewEmbedder; t3.toString; t3.prerollCompositeEmbeddedView$2(_this.viewId, new A.EmbeddedViewParams(t1, new A.Size(t4, t5), new A.MutatorsStack(A.List_List$from(prerollContext.mutatorsStack._mutators, true, type$.Mutator)))); }, paint$1(paintContext) { var canvas = paintContext.viewEmbedder.compositeEmbeddedView$1(this.viewId); if (canvas != null) paintContext.leafNodesCanvas = canvas; } }; A.LayerScene.prototype = { dispose$0(_) { } }; A.LayerSceneBuilder.prototype = { addPerformanceOverlay$2(enabledOptions, bounds) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); }, addPicture$4$isComplexHint$willChangeHint(offset, picture, isComplexHint, willChangeHint) { var t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__LayerSceneBuilder_currentLayer, "currentLayer"), t2 = new A.PictureLayer0(type$.CkPicture._as(picture), offset, B.Rect_0_0_0_0); t2.parent = t1; t1._layers.push(t2); }, addRetained$1(retainedLayer) { var t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__LayerSceneBuilder_currentLayer, "currentLayer"); type$.Layer._as(retainedLayer); retainedLayer.parent = t1; t1._layers.push(retainedLayer); }, addTexture$6$filterQuality$freeze$height$offset$width(textureId, filterQuality, freeze, height, offset, width) { }, addPlatformView$4$height$offset$width(viewId, height, offset, width) { var t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__LayerSceneBuilder_currentLayer, "currentLayer"), t2 = new A.PlatformViewLayer0(viewId, offset, width, height, B.Rect_0_0_0_0); t2.parent = t1; t1._layers.push(t2); }, build$0(_) { return new A.LayerScene(new A.LayerTree(this.rootLayer, $.$get$window().get$physicalSize())); }, pop$0(_) { var t1, _this = this, _s12_ = "currentLayer"; if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__LayerSceneBuilder_currentLayer, _s12_) === _this.rootLayer) return; t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__LayerSceneBuilder_currentLayer, _s12_).parent; t1.toString; _this.__LayerSceneBuilder_currentLayer = t1; }, pushClipPath$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer(path, clipBehavior, oldLayer) { return this.pushLayer$1(new A.ClipPathEngineLayer(type$.CkPath._as(path), clipBehavior, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Layer), B.Rect_0_0_0_0)); }, pushClipRect$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer(rect, clipBehavior, oldLayer) { return this.pushLayer$1(new A.ClipRectEngineLayer(rect, clipBehavior, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Layer), B.Rect_0_0_0_0)); }, pushOffset$3$oldLayer(dx, dy, oldLayer) { var t1 = A.Matrix4$identity(); t1.setTranslationRaw$3(dx, dy, 0); return this.pushLayer$1(new A.OffsetEngineLayer(t1, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Layer), B.Rect_0_0_0_0)); }, pushOpacity$3$offset$oldLayer(alpha, offset, oldLayer) { return this.pushLayer$1(new A.OpacityEngineLayer(alpha, offset, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Layer), B.Rect_0_0_0_0)); }, pushPhysicalShape$6$clipBehavior$color$elevation$oldLayer$path$shadowColor(clipBehavior, color, elevation, oldLayer, path, shadowColor) { return this.pushLayer$1(new A.PhysicalShapeEngineLayer(elevation, color, shadowColor, type$.CkPath._as(path), clipBehavior, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Layer), B.Rect_0_0_0_0)); }, pushTransform$2$oldLayer(matrix4, oldLayer) { return this.pushLayer$1(new A.TransformEngineLayer(new A.Matrix40(A.toMatrix32(matrix4)), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Layer), B.Rect_0_0_0_0)); }, setCheckerboardOffscreenLayers$1(checkerboard) { }, setCheckerboardRasterCacheImages$1(checkerboard) { }, setRasterizerTracingThreshold$1(frameInterval) { }, pushLayer$1$1(layer) { var t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__LayerSceneBuilder_currentLayer, "currentLayer"); layer.parent = t1; t1._layers.push(layer); return this.__LayerSceneBuilder_currentLayer = layer; }, pushLayer$1(layer) { return this.pushLayer$1$1(layer, type$.ContainerLayer); } }; A.LayerTree.prototype = { paint$2$ignoreRasterCache(frame, ignoreRasterCache) { var t3, overlayCanvases, i, t4, t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CkCanvas), internalNodesCanvas = new A.CkNWayCanvas(t1), t2 = frame.canvas; t1.push(t2); t3 = frame.viewEmbedder; overlayCanvases = t3.getOverlayCanvases$0(); for (i = 0; i < overlayCanvases.length; ++i) t1.push(overlayCanvases[i]); internalNodesCanvas.clear$1(0, B.Color_0); t1 = this.rootLayer; t4 = t1.paintBounds; if (!t4.get$isEmpty(t4)) t1.paintChildren$1(new A.PaintContext(internalNodesCanvas, t2, t3)); } }; A.Frame.prototype = { raster$2$ignoreRasterCache(layerTree, ignoreRasterCache) { A.timeAction("preroll_frame", new A.Frame_raster_closure(this, layerTree, true)); A.timeAction("apply_frame", new A.Frame_raster_closure0(this, layerTree, true)); return true; } }; A.Frame_raster_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.layerTree.rootLayer; t1.paintBounds = t1.prerollChildren$2(new A.PrerollContext(this.$this.viewEmbedder, new A.MutatorsStack(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Mutator))), A.Matrix4$identity()); }, $signature: 0 }; A.Frame_raster_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { this.layerTree.paint$2$ignoreRasterCache(this.$this, this.ignoreRasterCache); }, $signature: 0 }; A.CompositorContext.prototype = {}; A.CkNWayCanvas.prototype = { save$0(_) { var t1, saveCount, i; for (t1 = this._canvases, saveCount = 0, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) saveCount = t1[i].save$0(0); return saveCount; }, saveLayer$2(_, bounds, paint) { var t1, i; for (t1 = this._canvases, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) t1[i].saveLayer$2(0, bounds, paint); }, restore$0(_) { var t1, i; for (t1 = this._canvases, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) t1[i].restore$0(0); }, restoreToCount$1(_, count) { var t1, i; for (t1 = this._canvases, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) t1[i].restoreToCount$1(0, count); }, translate$2(_, dx, dy) { var t1, i; for (t1 = this._canvases, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) t1[i].translate$2(0, dx, dy); }, transform$1(_, matrix) { var t1, i; for (t1 = this._canvases, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) t1[i].transform$1(0, matrix); }, clear$1(_, color) { var t1, i; for (t1 = this._canvases, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) t1[i].clear$1(0, color); }, clipPath$2(_, path, doAntiAlias) { var t1, i; for (t1 = this._canvases, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) t1[i].clipPath$2(0, path, doAntiAlias); }, clipRect$3(_, rect, clipOp, doAntiAlias) { var t1, i; for (t1 = this._canvases, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) t1[i].clipRect$3(0, rect, clipOp, doAntiAlias); } }; A.CkPaint.prototype = { set$blendMode(value) { if (this._blendMode === value) return; this._blendMode = value; J.setBlendMode$1$x(this.get$skiaObject(), $.$get$_skBlendModes()[value.index]); }, get$style(_) { return this._style; }, set$style(_, value) { if (this._style === value) return; this._style = value; J.setStyle$1$x(this.get$skiaObject(), $.$get$_skPaintStyles()[value.index]); }, get$strokeWidth() { return this._strokeWidth; }, set$strokeWidth(value) { if (this._strokeWidth === value) return; this._strokeWidth = value; J.setStrokeWidth$1$x(this.get$skiaObject(), value); }, get$color(_) { return this._color; }, set$color(_, value) { if (this._color.$eq(0, value)) return; this._color = value; J.setColorInt$1$x(this.get$skiaObject(), value.get$value(value)); }, set$shader(value) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (_this._shader == value) return; _this._shader = type$.nullable_CkShader._as(value); t1 = _this.get$skiaObject(); t2 = _this._shader; J.setShader$1$x(t1, t2 == null ? null : t2.get$skiaObject()); }, createDefault$0() { var t2, paint = new self.window.flutterCanvasKit.Paint(), t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(paint); t1.setAntiAlias$1(paint, true); t2 = this._color; t1.setColorInt$1(paint, t2.get$value(t2)); return paint; }, resurrect$0() { var _this = this, _null = null, paint = new self.window.flutterCanvasKit.Paint(), t1 = _this._blendMode, t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(paint); t2.setBlendMode$1(paint, $.$get$_skBlendModes()[t1.index]); t1 = _this._style; t2.setStyle$1(paint, $.$get$_skPaintStyles()[t1.index]); t2.setStrokeWidth$1(paint, _this._strokeWidth); t2.setAntiAlias$1(paint, true); t1 = _this._color; t2.setColorInt$1(paint, t1.get$value(t1)); t1 = _this._shader; t2.setShader$1(paint, t1 == null ? _null : t1.get$skiaObject()); t1 = _this._ckMaskFilter; t2.setMaskFilter$1(paint, t1 == null ? _null : t1.get$skiaObject()); t2.setColorFilter$1(paint, _null); t1 = _this._managedImageFilter; t2.setImageFilter$1(paint, t1 == null ? _null : t1.get$skiaObject()); t2.setStrokeCap$1(paint, $.$get$_skStrokeCaps()[0]); t2.setStrokeJoin$1(paint, $.$get$_skStrokeJoins()[0]); t2.setStrokeMiter$1(paint, 0); return paint; }, delete$0(_) { var t1 = this.rawSkiaObject; if (t1 != null) J.delete$0$x(t1); } }; A.CkPath.prototype = { set$fillType(newFillType) { if (this._fillType === newFillType) return; this._fillType = newFillType; J.setFillType$1$x(this.get$skiaObject(), $.$get$_skFillTypes()[newFillType.index]); }, addOval$1(_, oval) { J.addOval$3$x(this.get$skiaObject(), A.toSkRect(oval), false, 1); }, addRRect$1(_, rrect) { J.addRRect$2$x(this.get$skiaObject(), A.toSkRRect(rrect), false); }, addRect$1(_, rect) { J.addRect$1$x(this.get$skiaObject(), A.toSkRect(rect)); }, close$0(_) { J.close$0$x(this.get$skiaObject()); }, contains$1(_, point) { return J.contains$2$asx(this.get$skiaObject(), point._dx, point._dy); }, getBounds$0(_) { var t1 = J.getBounds$0$x(this.get$skiaObject()); return new A.Rect(t1[0], t1[1], t1[2], t1[3]); }, shift$1(offset) { var t1, t2, t3, shiftedPath = J.copy$0$x(this.get$skiaObject()); J.transform$9$x(shiftedPath, 1, 0, offset._dx, 0, 1, offset._dy, 0, 0, 1); t1 = new A.CkPath(this._fillType); t1.ManagedSkiaObject$1(shiftedPath, type$.SkPath); t2 = t1.get$skiaObject(); t3 = t1._fillType; J.setFillType$1$x(t2, $.$get$_skFillTypes()[t3.index]); return t1; }, get$isResurrectionExpensive() { return true; }, createDefault$0() { var path = new self.window.flutterCanvasKit.Path(), t1 = this._fillType; J.setFillType$1$x(path, $.$get$_skFillTypes()[t1.index]); return path; }, delete$0(_) { var t1; this._cachedCommands = J.toCmds$0$x(this.get$skiaObject()); t1 = this.rawSkiaObject; if (t1 != null) J.delete$0$x(t1); }, resurrect$0() { var path, t1 = J.get$Path$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0()), t2 = this._cachedCommands; t2.toString; path = J.MakeFromCmds$1$x(t1, t2); t2 = this._fillType; J.setFillType$1$x(path, $.$get$_skFillTypes()[t2.index]); return path; } }; A.CkPicture.prototype = { dispose$0(_) { var t1, _this = this; _this._isDisposed = true; t1 = _this._snapshot; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); t1 = _this.rawSkiaObject; if (t1 != null) J.delete$0$x(t1); _this.rawSkiaObject = null; }, get$isResurrectionExpensive() { return true; }, createDefault$0() { throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Unreachable code")); }, resurrect$0() { return this._snapshot.toPicture$0(); }, delete$0(_) { var t1; if (!this._isDisposed) { t1 = this.rawSkiaObject; if (t1 != null) J.delete$0$x(t1); } } }; A.CkPictureRecorder.prototype = { beginRecording$1(_, bounds) { var recorder, skCanvas; this._cullRect = bounds; recorder = new self.window.flutterCanvasKit.PictureRecorder(); this._skRecorder = recorder; skCanvas = J.beginRecording$1$x(recorder, A.toSkRect(bounds)); return this._recordingCanvas = $.$get$browserSupportsFinalizationRegistry() ? new A.CkCanvas(skCanvas) : new A.RecordingCkCanvas(new A.CkPictureSnapshot(bounds, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CkPaintCommand)), skCanvas); }, endRecording$0() { var t1, skPicture, _this = this, recorder = _this._skRecorder; if (recorder == null) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("PictureRecorder is not recording")); t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(recorder); skPicture = t1.finishRecordingAsPicture$0(recorder); t1.delete$0(recorder); _this._skRecorder = null; t1 = new A.CkPicture(_this._cullRect, _this._recordingCanvas.get$pictureSnapshot()); t1.ManagedSkiaObject$1(skPicture, type$.SkPicture); return t1; }, get$isRecording() { return this._skRecorder != null; } }; A.Rasterizer.prototype = { draw$1(layerTree) { var frame, canvas, compositorFrame, t1, t2; try { t1 = layerTree.frameSize; if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) return; frame = A.SurfaceFactory_instance().baseSurface.acquireFrame$1(t1); $.$get$HtmlViewEmbedder_instance()._frameSize = t1; canvas = new A.CkCanvas(J.getCanvas$0$x(frame.skiaSurface.surface)); compositorFrame = new A.Frame(canvas, null, $.$get$HtmlViewEmbedder_instance()); compositorFrame.raster$2$ignoreRasterCache(layerTree, true); t1 = A.SurfaceFactory_instance().baseSurface; if (!t1._addedToScene) { t2 = $.skiaSceneHost; t2.toString; J.get$children$x(t2).insert$2(0, 0, t1.htmlElement); } t1._addedToScene = true; J.submit$0$z(frame); $.$get$HtmlViewEmbedder_instance().submitFrame$0(0); } finally { this._runPostFrameCallbacks$0(); } }, _runPostFrameCallbacks$0() { var t1, i; for (t1 = this._postFrameCallbacks, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) t1[i].call$0(); for (t1 = $.frameReferences, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) t1[i].value = null; B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t1, 0); } }; A.CkShader.prototype = { delete$0(_) { var t1 = this.rawSkiaObject; if (t1 != null) J.delete$0$x(t1); } }; A.CkGradientLinear.prototype = { createDefault$0() { var _this = this, t1 = J.get$Shader$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0()), t2 = A.toSkPoint(_this.from), t3 = A.toSkPoint(_this.to), t4 = A.toFlatColors(_this.colors), t5 = A.toSkColorStops(_this.colorStops), t6 = $.$get$_skTileModes()[_this.tileMode.index], t7 = _this.matrix4; return J.MakeLinearGradient$6$x(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7 != null ? A.toSkMatrixFromFloat32(t7) : null); }, resurrect$0() { return this.createDefault$0(); } }; A.SkiaObjectCache.prototype = { get$length(_) { return this._itemQueue._elementCount; }, add$1(_, object) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._itemQueue; t1.addFirst$1(object); t2 = t1._sentinel._nextLink._asNonSentinelEntry$0(); t2.toString; _this._itemMap.$indexSet(0, object, t2); if (t1._elementCount > _this.maximumSize) A.SkiaObjects_markCacheForResize(_this); }, resize$0(_) { var t1, t2, t3, i, result, itemsToDelete = this.maximumSize / 2 | 0; for (t1 = this._itemQueue, t2 = t1._sentinel, t3 = this._itemMap, i = 0; i < itemsToDelete; ++i) { result = t2._previousLink._remove$0(0); --t1._elementCount; t3.remove$1(0, result); result.delete$0(0); result.didDelete$0(); } } }; A.SynchronousSkiaObjectCache.prototype = { get$length(_) { return this._itemQueue._elementCount; }, add$1(_, object) { var t1 = this._itemQueue; t1.addFirst$1(object); t1 = t1._sentinel._nextLink._asNonSentinelEntry$0(); t1.toString; this._itemMap.$indexSet(0, object, t1); this._enforceCacheLimit$0(); }, markUsed$1(object) { var t2, t1 = this._itemMap, item = t1.$index(0, object); if (item == null) return false; item.remove$0(0); t2 = this._itemQueue; t2.addFirst$1(object); t2 = t2._sentinel._nextLink._asNonSentinelEntry$0(); t2.toString; t1.$indexSet(0, object, t2); return true; }, _enforceCacheLimit$0() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, result; for (t1 = this._itemQueue, t2 = this.maximumSize, t3 = t1._sentinel, t4 = this._itemMap; t1._elementCount > t2;) { result = t3._previousLink._remove$0(0); --t1._elementCount; t4.remove$1(0, result); result.delete$0(0); result.didDelete$0(); } } }; A.SkiaObject.prototype = {}; A.ManagedSkiaObject.prototype = { ManagedSkiaObject$1(instance, $T) { var _this = this, defaultObject = instance == null ? _this.createDefault$0() : instance; _this.rawSkiaObject = defaultObject; if ($.$get$browserSupportsFinalizationRegistry()) $.$get$Collector__instance().register$2(0, _this, type$.SkDeletable._as(defaultObject)); else if (_this.get$isResurrectionExpensive()) { A.SkiaObjects_registerCleanupCallback(); $.$get$SkiaObjects_expensiveCache().add$1(0, _this); } else { A.SkiaObjects_registerCleanupCallback(); $.SkiaObjects_resurrectableObjects.push(_this); } }, get$skiaObject() { var skiaObject, _this = this, t1 = _this.rawSkiaObject; if (t1 == null) { skiaObject = _this.resurrect$0(); _this.rawSkiaObject = skiaObject; if (_this.get$isResurrectionExpensive()) { A.SkiaObjects_registerCleanupCallback(); $.$get$SkiaObjects_expensiveCache().add$1(0, _this); } else { A.SkiaObjects_registerCleanupCallback(); $.SkiaObjects_resurrectableObjects.push(_this); } t1 = skiaObject; } return t1; }, _doResurrect$0() { var _this = this, skiaObject = _this.resurrect$0(); _this.rawSkiaObject = skiaObject; if (_this.get$isResurrectionExpensive()) { A.SkiaObjects_registerCleanupCallback(); $.$get$SkiaObjects_expensiveCache().add$1(0, _this); } else { A.SkiaObjects_registerCleanupCallback(); $.SkiaObjects_resurrectableObjects.push(_this); } return skiaObject; }, didDelete$0() { if (this.rawSkiaObject == null) return; this.rawSkiaObject = null; }, get$isResurrectionExpensive() { return false; } }; A.SurfaceFrame.prototype = { submit$0(_) { return this.submitCallback.call$2(this, new A.CkCanvas(J.getCanvas$0$x(this.skiaSurface.surface))); } }; A.Surface.prototype = { _syncCacheBytes$0() { var t2, t1 = this._skiaCacheBytes; if (t1 != null) { t2 = this._grContext; if (t2 != null) J.setResourceCacheLimitBytes$1$x(t2, t1); } }, acquireFrame$1(size) { return new A.SurfaceFrame(this.createOrUpdateSurface$1(size), new A.Surface_acquireFrame_closure(this)); }, createOrUpdateSurface$1(size) { var previousSurfaceSize, t1, t2, previousCanvasSize, newSize, htmlCanvas, t3, glContext, surfaceHeight, _this = this, _s20_ = "webglcontextrestored", _s16_ = "webglcontextlost"; if (size.get$isEmpty(size)) throw A.wrapException(A.CanvasKitError$("Cannot create surfaces of empty size.")); previousSurfaceSize = _this._currentSurfaceSize; if (!_this._forceNewContext && previousSurfaceSize != null && size._dx === previousSurfaceSize._dx && size._dy === previousSurfaceSize._dy) { t1 = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t1 == null) t1 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); if (t1 !== _this._currentDevicePixelRatio) _this._updateLogicalHtmlCanvasSize$0(); t1 = _this._surface; t1.toString; return t1; } t1 = $.$get$window(); t2 = t1._debugDevicePixelRatio; _this._currentDevicePixelRatio = t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2; previousCanvasSize = _this._currentCanvasPhysicalSize; if (_this._forceNewContext || previousCanvasSize == null || size._dx > previousCanvasSize._dx || size._dy > previousCanvasSize._dy) { newSize = previousCanvasSize == null ? size : size.$mul(0, 1.4); t2 = _this._surface; if (t2 != null) t2.dispose$0(0); _this._surface = null; _this._addedToScene = false; t2 = _this._grContext; if (t2 != null) J.releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext$0$x(t2); t2 = _this._grContext; if (t2 != null) J.delete$0$x(t2); _this._grContext = null; t2 = _this.htmlCanvas; if (t2 != null) { B.CanvasElement_methods.removeEventListener$3(t2, _s20_, _this._cachedContextRestoredListener, false); t2 = _this.htmlCanvas; t2.toString; B.CanvasElement_methods.removeEventListener$3(t2, _s16_, _this._cachedContextLostListener, false); t2 = _this.htmlCanvas; t2.toString; B.CanvasElement_methods.remove$0(t2); _this._cachedContextLostListener = _this._cachedContextRestoredListener = null; } _this._pixelWidth = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(newSize._dx); t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(newSize._dy); _this._pixelHeight = t2; htmlCanvas = _this.htmlCanvas = A.CanvasElement_CanvasElement(t2, _this._pixelWidth); t2 = htmlCanvas.style; t2.position = "absolute"; _this._updateLogicalHtmlCanvasSize$0(); _this._cachedContextRestoredListener = _this.get$_contextRestoredListener(); t2 = _this.get$_contextLostListener(); _this._cachedContextLostListener = t2; B.CanvasElement_methods.addEventListener$3(htmlCanvas, _s16_, t2, false); B.CanvasElement_methods.addEventListener$3(htmlCanvas, _s20_, _this._cachedContextRestoredListener, false); t2 = _this._contextLost = _this._forceNewContext = false; t3 = $._cachedWebGLVersion; if ((t3 == null ? $._cachedWebGLVersion = A._detectWebGLVersion() : t3) !== -1) { t2 = $._configuration; if (t2 == null) t2 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); t2 = !t2.get$canvasKitForceCpuOnly(t2); } if (t2) { t2 = $.__canvasKit._readField$0(); t3 = $._cachedWebGLVersion; if (t3 == null) t3 = $._cachedWebGLVersion = A._detectWebGLVersion(); glContext = _this._glContext = J.GetWebGLContext$2$x(t2, htmlCanvas, {antialias: 0, majorVersion: t3}); if (glContext !== 0) { t2 = J.MakeGrContext$1$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0(), glContext); _this._grContext = t2; if (t2 == null) A.throwExpression(A.CanvasKitError$("Failed to initialize CanvasKit. CanvasKit.MakeGrContext returned null.")); _this._syncCacheBytes$0(); } } _this.htmlElement.appendChild(htmlCanvas); _this._currentCanvasPhysicalSize = newSize; } _this._currentSurfaceSize = size; surfaceHeight = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(size._dy); t2 = _this._pixelHeight; t1 = t1._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t1 == null) t1 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); t3 = _this.htmlCanvas.style; t1 = "translate(0, -" + A.S((t2 - surfaceHeight) / t1) + "px)"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t3, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t3, "transform"), t1, ""); return _this._surface = _this._createNewSurface$1(size); }, _updateLogicalHtmlCanvasSize$0() { var t4, t5, t1 = this._pixelWidth, t2 = $.$get$window(), t3 = t2._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t3 == null) t3 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); t4 = this._pixelHeight; t2 = t2._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t2 == null) t2 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); t5 = this.htmlCanvas.style; t3 = A.S(t1 / t3) + "px"; t5.width = t3; t1 = A.S(t4 / t2) + "px"; t5.height = t1; }, _contextRestoredListener$1($event) { this._contextLost = false; $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnMetricsChanged$0(); $event.stopPropagation(); $event.preventDefault(); }, _contextLostListener$1($event) { var _this = this, factory = A.SurfaceFactory_instance(); _this._contextLost = true; if (factory.isLive$1(_this)) { _this._forceNewContext = true; $event.preventDefault(); } else _this.dispose$0(0); }, _createNewSurface$1(size) { var t2, skSurface, _this = this, t1 = $._cachedWebGLVersion; if ((t1 == null ? $._cachedWebGLVersion = A._detectWebGLVersion() : t1) === -1) { t1 = _this.htmlCanvas; t1.toString; return _this._makeSoftwareCanvasSurface$2(t1, "WebGL support not detected"); } else { t1 = $._configuration; if (t1 == null) t1 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); if (t1.get$canvasKitForceCpuOnly(t1)) { t1 = _this.htmlCanvas; t1.toString; return _this._makeSoftwareCanvasSurface$2(t1, "CPU rendering forced by application"); } else if (_this._glContext === 0) { t1 = _this.htmlCanvas; t1.toString; return _this._makeSoftwareCanvasSurface$2(t1, "Failed to initialize WebGL context"); } else { t1 = $.__canvasKit._readField$0(); t2 = _this._grContext; t2.toString; skSurface = J.MakeOnScreenGLSurface$4$x(t1, t2, B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(size._dx), B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(size._dy), self.window.flutterCanvasKit.ColorSpace.SRGB); if (skSurface == null) { t1 = _this.htmlCanvas; t1.toString; return _this._makeSoftwareCanvasSurface$2(t1, "Failed to initialize WebGL surface"); } return new A.CkSurface(skSurface); } } }, _makeSoftwareCanvasSurface$2(htmlCanvas, reason) { if (!$.Surface__didWarnAboutWebGlInitializationFailure) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("WARNING: Falling back to CPU-only rendering. " + reason + "."); $.Surface__didWarnAboutWebGlInitializationFailure = true; } return new A.CkSurface(J.MakeSWCanvasSurface$1$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0(), htmlCanvas)); }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.htmlCanvas; if (t1 != null) B.CanvasElement_methods.removeEventListener$3(t1, "webglcontextlost", _this._cachedContextLostListener, false); t1 = _this.htmlCanvas; if (t1 != null) B.CanvasElement_methods.removeEventListener$3(t1, "webglcontextrestored", _this._cachedContextRestoredListener, false); _this._cachedContextRestoredListener = _this._cachedContextLostListener = null; J.remove$0$ax(_this.htmlElement); t1 = _this._surface; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); } }; A.Surface_acquireFrame_closure.prototype = { call$2(surfaceFrame, canvas) { J.flush$0$x(this.$this._surface.surface); return true; }, $signature: 196 }; A.CkSurface.prototype = { dispose$0(_) { if (this._isDisposed) return; J.dispose$0$x(this.surface); this._isDisposed = true; } }; A.SurfaceFactory.prototype = { getOverlay$0() { var surface, _this = this, t1 = _this.__engine$_cache, t2 = t1.length; if (t2 !== 0) { surface = t1.pop(); _this._liveSurfaces.push(surface); return surface; } else { t1 = _this._liveSurfaces; if (t1.length + t2 + 2 < _this.maximumSurfaces) { surface = new A.Surface(A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag("flt-canvas-container", null)); t1.push(surface); return surface; } else return null; } }, _removeFromDom$1(surface) { J.remove$0$ax(surface.htmlElement); }, releaseSurface$1(surface) { if (surface === this.backupSurface) { J.remove$0$ax(surface.htmlElement); return; } J.remove$0$ax(surface.htmlElement); B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(this._liveSurfaces, surface); this.__engine$_cache.push(surface); }, isLive$1(surface) { if (surface === this.baseSurface || surface === this.backupSurface || B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(this._liveSurfaces, surface)) return true; return false; } }; A.CkParagraphStyle.prototype = {}; A.CkTextStyle.prototype = { get$skTextStyle() { var result, _this = this, value = _this.__CkTextStyle_skTextStyle; if (value === $) { result = new A.CkTextStyle_skTextStyle_closure(_this).call$0(); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__CkTextStyle_skTextStyle, "skTextStyle"); _this.__CkTextStyle_skTextStyle = result; value = result; } return value; } }; A.CkTextStyle_skTextStyle_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var decorationValue, t2, value, result, t1 = this.$this, color = t1.color, decoration = t1.decoration, decorationColor = t1.decorationColor, decorationStyle = t1.decorationStyle, decorationThickness = t1.decorationThickness, fontWeight = t1.fontWeight, textBaseline = t1.textBaseline, fontSize = t1.fontSize, letterSpacing = t1.letterSpacing, wordSpacing = t1.wordSpacing, height = t1.height, background = t1.background, foreground = t1.foreground, properties = A.SkTextStyleProperties$(null); if (background != null) properties.backgroundColor = A.makeFreshSkColor(background._color); if (color != null) properties.color = A.makeFreshSkColor(color); if (decoration != null) { decorationValue = J.get$NoDecoration$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0()); t2 = decoration._mask; if ((t2 | 1) === t2) decorationValue = (decorationValue | J.get$UnderlineDecoration$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0())) >>> 0; if ((t2 | 2) === t2) decorationValue = (decorationValue | J.get$OverlineDecoration$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0())) >>> 0; properties.decoration = (t2 | 4) === t2 ? (decorationValue | J.get$LineThroughDecoration$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0())) >>> 0 : decorationValue; } if (decorationThickness != null) properties.decorationThickness = decorationThickness; if (decorationColor != null) properties.decorationColor = A.makeFreshSkColor(decorationColor); if (decorationStyle != null) properties.decorationStyle = $.$get$_skTextDecorationStyles()[decorationStyle.index]; if (textBaseline != null) properties.textBaseline = $.$get$_skTextBaselines()[textBaseline.index]; if (fontSize != null) properties.fontSize = fontSize; if (letterSpacing != null) properties.letterSpacing = letterSpacing; if (wordSpacing != null) properties.wordSpacing = wordSpacing; if (height != null) properties.heightMultiplier = height; switch (t1.leadingDistribution) { case null: break; case B.TextLeadingDistribution_1: properties.halfLeading = true; break; case B.TextLeadingDistribution_0: properties.halfLeading = false; break; } value = t1.__CkTextStyle_effectiveFontFamilies; if (value === $) { result = A._getEffectiveFontFamilies(t1.fontFamily, t1.fontFamilyFallback); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(t1.__CkTextStyle_effectiveFontFamilies, "effectiveFontFamilies"); t1.__CkTextStyle_effectiveFontFamilies = result; value = result; } properties.fontFamilies = value; if (fontWeight != null || false) properties.fontStyle = A.toSkFontStyle(fontWeight, t1.fontStyle); if (foreground != null) properties.foregroundColor = A.makeFreshSkColor(foreground._color); return J.TextStyle$1$x($.__canvasKit._readField$0(), properties); }, $signature: 243 }; A.CkParagraph.prototype = { _ensureInitialized$1(constraints) { var e, builder, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _i, command, t6, didRebuildSkiaObject, constraintsChanged, exception, _this = this, paragraph = _this._skParagraph; if (paragraph == null) { builder = A.CkParagraphBuilder$(_this._paragraphStyle); for (t1 = _this._paragraphCommands, t2 = t1.length, t3 = builder._commands, t4 = builder._paragraphBuilder, t5 = J.getInterceptor$x(t4), _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { command = t1[_i]; switch (command.type.index) { case 0: t6 = command.text; t6.toString; builder.addText$1(0, t6); break; case 1: builder.pop$0(0); break; case 2: t6 = command.style; t6.toString; builder.pushStyle$1(0, t6); break; case 3: t6 = command.placeholderStyle; t6.toString; t3.push(new A._ParagraphCommand(B._ParagraphCommandType_3, null, null, t6)); t5.addPlaceholder$5(t4, t6.get$width(t6), t6.get$height(t6), t6.get$alignment(), t6.get$baseline(t6), t6.get$offset(t6)); break; } } paragraph = builder._buildSkParagraph$0(); _this._skParagraph = paragraph; didRebuildSkiaObject = true; } else didRebuildSkiaObject = false; constraintsChanged = !J.$eq$(_this._lastLayoutConstraints, constraints); if (didRebuildSkiaObject || constraintsChanged) { _this._lastLayoutConstraints = constraints; try { J.layout$1$x(paragraph, constraints.width); _this._alphabeticBaseline = J.getAlphabeticBaseline$0$x(paragraph); _this._didExceedMaxLines = J.didExceedMaxLines$0$x(paragraph); _this.__engine$_height = J.getHeight$0$x(paragraph); _this._ideographicBaseline = J.getIdeographicBaseline$0$x(paragraph); _this._longestLine = J.getLongestLine$0$x(paragraph); _this._maxIntrinsicWidth = J.getMaxIntrinsicWidth$0$x(paragraph); _this._minIntrinsicWidth = J.getMinIntrinsicWidth$0$x(paragraph); _this.__engine$_width = J.getMaxWidth$0$x(paragraph); _this._boxesForPlaceholders = _this.skRectsToTextBoxes$1(J.getRectsForPlaceholders$0$x(paragraph)); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); $.$get$printWarning().call$1('CanvasKit threw an exception while laying out the paragraph. The font was "' + A.S(_this._paragraphStyle._fontFamily) + '". Exception:\n' + A.S(e)); throw exception; } } return paragraph; }, delete$0(_) { var t1 = this._skParagraph; t1.toString; J.delete$0$x(t1); }, didDelete$0() { this._skParagraph = null; }, get$alphabeticBaseline(_) { return this._alphabeticBaseline; }, get$didExceedMaxLines(_) { return this._didExceedMaxLines; }, get$height(_) { return this.__engine$_height; }, get$ideographicBaseline(_) { return this._ideographicBaseline; }, get$longestLine() { return this._longestLine; }, get$maxIntrinsicWidth() { return this._maxIntrinsicWidth; }, get$width(_) { return this.__engine$_width; }, getBoxesForPlaceholders$0() { var t1 = this._boxesForPlaceholders; t1.toString; return t1; }, getBoxesForRange$4$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(start, end, boxHeightStyle, boxWidthStyle) { var t1, paragraph, index, t2; if (start < 0 || end < 0) return B.List_empty11; t1 = this._lastLayoutConstraints; t1.toString; paragraph = this._ensureInitialized$1(t1); t1 = $.$get$_skRectHeightStyles()[boxHeightStyle.index]; index = boxWidthStyle.index; t2 = $.$get$_skRectWidthStyles(); return this.skRectsToTextBoxes$1(J.getRectsForRange$4$x(paragraph, start, end, t1, t2[index < 2 ? index : 0])); }, skRectsToTextBoxes$1(skRects) { var t1, t2, t3, i, rect, t4, result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextBox); for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(skRects), t2 = type$.List_double, t3 = this._paragraphStyle.__engine$_textDirection, i = 0; i < t1.get$length(skRects); ++i) { rect = t2._as(t1.$index(skRects, i)); t4 = J.getInterceptor$asx(rect); result.push(new A.TextBox(t4.$index(rect, 0), t4.$index(rect, 1), t4.$index(rect, 2), t4.$index(rect, 3), t3)); } return result; }, getPositionForOffset$1(offset) { var positionWithAffinity, affinity, t1 = this._lastLayoutConstraints; t1.toString; positionWithAffinity = J.getGlyphPositionAtCoordinate$2$x(this._ensureInitialized$1(t1), offset._dx, offset._dy); t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(positionWithAffinity); affinity = B.List_TextAffinity_0_TextAffinity_1[J.get$value$x(t1.get$affinity(positionWithAffinity))]; return new A.TextPosition(t1.get$pos(positionWithAffinity), affinity); }, layout$1(_, constraints) { var _this = this; if (J.$eq$(_this._lastLayoutConstraints, constraints)) return; _this._ensureInitialized$1(constraints); if (!$.$get$CkParagraph__paragraphCache().markUsed$1(_this)) $.$get$CkParagraph__paragraphCache().add$1(0, _this); } }; A.CkParagraphBuilder.prototype = { addText$1(_, text) { var fontFamilies = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String), style = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._styleStack), t1 = style.fontFamily; if (t1 != null) fontFamilies.push(t1); t1 = style.fontFamilyFallback; if (t1 != null) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(fontFamilies, t1); $.$get$FontFallbackData__instance().ensureFontsSupportText$2(text, fontFamilies); this._commands.push(new A._ParagraphCommand(B._ParagraphCommandType_0, text, null, null)); J.addText$1$x(this._paragraphBuilder, text); }, build$0(_) { return new A.CkParagraph(this._buildSkParagraph$0(), this._style, this._commands); }, _buildSkParagraph$0() { var t1 = this._paragraphBuilder, t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1), result = t2.build$0(t1); t2.delete$0(t1); return result; }, get$placeholderScales() { return this._placeholderScales; }, pop$0(_) { var t1 = this._styleStack; if (t1.length <= 1) return; this._commands.push(B._ParagraphCommand_6TA); t1.pop(); J.pop$0$x(this._paragraphBuilder); }, pushStyle$1(_, style) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, skStyle, foreground, background, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = _this._styleStack, baseStyle = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1); type$.CkTextStyle._as(style); t2 = style.color; if (t2 == null) t2 = baseStyle.color; t3 = style.decoration; if (t3 == null) t3 = baseStyle.decoration; t4 = style.decorationColor; if (t4 == null) t4 = baseStyle.decorationColor; t5 = style.decorationStyle; if (t5 == null) t5 = baseStyle.decorationStyle; t6 = style.decorationThickness; if (t6 == null) t6 = baseStyle.decorationThickness; t7 = style.fontWeight; if (t7 == null) t7 = baseStyle.fontWeight; t8 = style.textBaseline; if (t8 == null) t8 = baseStyle.textBaseline; t9 = style.fontFamily; if (t9 == null) t9 = baseStyle.fontFamily; t10 = style.fontFamilyFallback; if (t10 == null) t10 = baseStyle.fontFamilyFallback; t11 = style.fontSize; if (t11 == null) t11 = baseStyle.fontSize; t12 = style.letterSpacing; if (t12 == null) t12 = baseStyle.letterSpacing; t13 = style.wordSpacing; if (t13 == null) t13 = baseStyle.wordSpacing; t14 = style.height; if (t14 == null) t14 = baseStyle.height; t15 = style.background; if (t15 == null) t15 = baseStyle.background; t16 = style.foreground; if (t16 == null) t16 = baseStyle.foreground; skStyle = A.CkTextStyle_CkTextStyle(t15, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t9, t10, baseStyle.fontFeatures, t11, baseStyle.fontStyle, t7, t16, t14, baseStyle.leadingDistribution, t12, baseStyle.locale, baseStyle.shadows, t8, t13); t1.push(skStyle); _this._commands.push(new A._ParagraphCommand(B._ParagraphCommandType_2, _null, style, _null)); t1 = skStyle.foreground; t2 = t1 == null; if (!t2 || skStyle.background != null) { foreground = t2 ? _null : t1.get$skiaObject(); if (foreground == null) { foreground = $.$get$CkParagraphBuilder__defaultTextForeground(); t1 = skStyle.color; t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.get$value(t1); J.setColorInt$1$x(foreground, t1 == null ? 4278190080 : t1); } t1 = skStyle.background; background = t1 == null ? _null : t1.get$skiaObject(); if (background == null) background = $.$get$CkParagraphBuilder__defaultTextBackground(); J.pushPaintStyle$3$x(_this._paragraphBuilder, skStyle.get$skTextStyle(), foreground, background); } else J.pushStyle$1$x(_this._paragraphBuilder, skStyle.get$skTextStyle()); } }; A._ParagraphCommand.prototype = {}; A._ParagraphCommandType.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_ParagraphCommandType." + this._name; } }; A._getEffectiveFontFamilies_closure.prototype = { call$1(font) { return this.fontFamily === font; }, $signature: 28 }; A.CanvasKitError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "CanvasKitError: " + this.message; } }; A.ClipboardMessageHandler.prototype = { setDataMethodCall$2(methodCall, callback) { var t1 = {}; t1.errorEnvelopeEncoded = false; this._copyToClipboardStrategy.setData$1(0, A._asStringQ(J.$index$asx(methodCall.$arguments, "text"))).then$1$1(0, new A.ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure(t1, callback), type$.Null).catchError$1(new A.ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure0(t1, callback)); }, getDataMethodCall$1(callback) { this._pasteFromClipboardStrategy.getData$0(0).then$1$1(0, new A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure(callback), type$.Null).catchError$1(new A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure0(this, callback)); } }; A.ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure.prototype = { call$1(success) { var t1 = this.callback; if (success) { t1.toString; t1.call$1(B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true])); } else { t1.toString; t1.call$1(B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(["copy_fail", "Clipboard.setData failed", null])); this._box_0.errorEnvelopeEncoded = true; } }, $signature: 46 }; A.ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure0.prototype = { call$1(_) { var t1; if (!this._box_0.errorEnvelopeEncoded) { t1 = this.callback; t1.toString; t1.call$1(B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(["copy_fail", "Clipboard.setData failed", null])); } }, $signature: 3 }; A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure.prototype = { call$1(data) { var map = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["text", data], type$.String, type$.dynamic), t1 = this.callback; t1.toString; t1.call$1(B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([map])); }, $signature: 286 }; A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure0.prototype = { call$1(error) { var t1; if (error instanceof A.UnimplementedError) { A.Future_Future$delayed(B.Duration_0, type$.void).then$1$1(0, new A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall__closure(this.callback), type$.Null); return; } t1 = this.callback; A.print("Could not get text from clipboard: " + A.S(error)); t1.toString; t1.call$1(B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(["paste_fail", "Clipboard.getData failed", null])); }, $signature: 3 }; A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall__closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { var t1 = this.callback; if (t1 != null) t1.call$1(null); }, $signature: 10 }; A.ClipboardAPICopyStrategy.prototype = { setData$1(_, text) { return this.setData$body$ClipboardAPICopyStrategy(0, text); }, setData$body$ClipboardAPICopyStrategy(_, text) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool), $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], error, t1, exception, $async$exception; var $async$setData$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$handler = 4; t1 = window.navigator.clipboard; t1.toString; text.toString; $async$goto = 7; return A._asyncAwait(A.promiseToFuture(t1.writeText(text), type$.dynamic), $async$setData$1); case 7: // returning from await. $async$handler = 2; // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 4: // catch $async$handler = 3; $async$exception = $async$currentError; error = A.unwrapException($async$exception); A.print("copy is not successful " + A.S(error)); t1 = A.Future_Future$value(false, type$.bool); $async$returnValue = t1; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 3: // uncaught // goto rethrow $async$goto = 2; break; case 6: // after finally $async$returnValue = A.Future_Future$value(true, type$.bool); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); case 2: // rethrow return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$setData$1, $async$completer); } }; A.ClipboardAPIPasteStrategy.prototype = { getData$0(_) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String), $async$returnValue; var $async$getData$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$returnValue = A.promiseToFuture(window.navigator.clipboard.readText(), type$.String); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$getData$0, $async$completer); } }; A.ExecCommandCopyStrategy.prototype = { setData$1(_, text) { return A.Future_Future$value(this._setDataSync$1(text), type$.bool); }, _setDataSync$1(text) { var tempTextArea, result, error, exception, _s8_ = "-99999px", _s11_ = "transparent", t1 = document, tempElement = t1.createElement("textarea"), elementStyle = tempElement.style; elementStyle.position = "absolute"; elementStyle.top = _s8_; elementStyle.left = _s8_; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(elementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(elementStyle, "opacity"), "0", ""); elementStyle.color = _s11_; elementStyle.backgroundColor = _s11_; elementStyle.background = _s11_; t1.body.appendChild(tempElement); tempTextArea = tempElement; tempTextArea.value = text; J.focus$0$x(tempTextArea); J.select$0$x(tempTextArea); result = false; try { result = t1.execCommand("copy"); if (!result) A.print("copy is not successful"); } catch (exception) { error = A.unwrapException(exception); A.print("copy is not successful " + A.S(error)); } finally { J.remove$0$ax(tempTextArea); } return result; } }; A.ExecCommandPasteStrategy.prototype = { getData$0(_) { return A.Future_Future$error(new A.UnimplementedError("Paste is not implemented for this browser."), null, type$.String); } }; A.FlutterConfiguration.prototype = { get$canvasKitBaseUrl(_) { var t1 = this._js; t1 = t1 == null ? null : J.get$canvasKitBaseUrl$x(t1); return t1 == null ? "https://unpkg.com/canvaskit-wasm@0.33.0/bin/" : t1; }, get$canvasKitForceCpuOnly(_) { var t1 = this._js; t1 = t1 == null ? null : J.get$canvasKitForceCpuOnly$x(t1); return t1 == null ? false : t1; }, get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces(_) { var t1 = this._js; t1 = t1 == null ? null : J.get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces$x(t1); return t1 == null ? 8 : t1; }, get$debugShowSemanticsNodes(_) { var t1 = this._js; t1 = t1 == null ? null : J.get$debugShowSemanticsNodes$x(t1); return t1 == null ? false : t1; } }; A.JsFlutterConfiguration.prototype = {}; A.FlutterViewEmbedder.prototype = { renderScene$1(sceneElement) { var t1 = this._sceneElement; if (sceneElement == null ? t1 != null : sceneElement !== t1) { if (t1 != null) J.remove$0$ax(t1); this._sceneElement = sceneElement; t1 = this._sceneHostElement; t1.toString; sceneElement.toString; t1.appendChild(sceneElement); } }, reset$0(_) { var t3, t4, t5, t6, glassPaneElement, glassPaneElementHostNode, semanticsHostElement, _accessibilityPlaceholder, _this = this, _s1_ = "0", _s4_ = "none", _s8_ = "absolute", _box_0 = {}, t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(), isWebKit = t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1, t2 = _this._styleElement; if (t2 != null) B.StyleElement_methods.remove$0(t2); t2 = document; t3 = t2.createElement("style"); _this._styleElement = t3; _this._resourcesHost = null; t2.head.appendChild(t3); t3 = _this._styleElement.sheet; t3.toString; type$.CssStyleSheet._as(t3); if (t1 !== B.BrowserEngine_0) if (t1 !== B.BrowserEngine_5) t4 = isWebKit; else t4 = true; else t4 = true; A.applyGlobalCssRulesToSheet(t3, t1, t4); t4 = t2.body; t4.toString; t1 = A._detectRenderer(); t4.setAttribute("flt-renderer", (t1 ? "canvaskit" : "html") + " (auto-selected)"); t4.setAttribute("flt-build-mode", "profile"); A.setElementStyle(t4, "position", "fixed"); A.setElementStyle(t4, "top", _s1_); A.setElementStyle(t4, "right", _s1_); A.setElementStyle(t4, "bottom", _s1_); A.setElementStyle(t4, "left", _s1_); A.setElementStyle(t4, "overflow", "hidden"); A.setElementStyle(t4, "padding", _s1_); A.setElementStyle(t4, "margin", _s1_); A.setElementStyle(t4, "user-select", _s4_); A.setElementStyle(t4, "-webkit-user-select", _s4_); A.setElementStyle(t4, "-ms-user-select", _s4_); A.setElementStyle(t4, "-moz-user-select", _s4_); A.setElementStyle(t4, "touch-action", _s4_); A.setElementStyle(t4, "font", "normal normal 14px sans-serif"); A.setElementStyle(t4, "color", "red"); t4.spellcheck = false; for (t1 = new A._FrozenElementList(t2.head.querySelectorAll('meta[name="viewport"]'), type$._FrozenElementList_Element), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t3 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) { t5 = t3._as(t1._current); t6 = t5.parentNode; if (t6 != null) t6.removeChild(t5); } t1 = _this._viewportMeta; if (t1 != null) B.MetaElement_methods.remove$0(t1); t1 = t2.createElement("meta"); t1.setAttribute("flt-viewport", ""); t1.name = "viewport"; t1.content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"; _this._viewportMeta = t1; t2.head.appendChild(t1); t1 = _this._glassPaneElement; if (t1 != null) J.remove$0$ax(t1); glassPaneElement = t2.createElement("flt-glass-pane"); _this._glassPaneElement = glassPaneElement; t1 = glassPaneElement.style; t1.position = _s8_; t1.top = _s1_; t1.right = _s1_; t1.bottom = _s1_; t1.left = _s1_; t4.appendChild(glassPaneElement); glassPaneElementHostNode = _this._glassPaneShadow = _this._createHostNode$1(glassPaneElement); t1 = t2.createElement("flt-scene-host"); t3 = t1.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t3, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t3, "pointer-events"), _s4_, ""); _this._sceneHostElement = t1; semanticsHostElement = t2.createElement("flt-semantics-host"); t1 = semanticsHostElement.style; t1.position = _s8_; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform-origin"), "0 0 0", ""); _this._semanticsHostElement = semanticsHostElement; _this.updateSemanticsScreenProperties$0(); t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance; _accessibilityPlaceholder = (t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1).semanticsHelper._semanticsEnabler.prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder$0(); t1 = glassPaneElementHostNode.get$nodes(glassPaneElementHostNode); t2 = _this._sceneHostElement; t2.toString; t1.addAll$1(0, A._setArrayType([semanticsHostElement, _accessibilityPlaceholder, t2], type$.JSArray_Node)); t1 = $._configuration; if (t1 == null) t1 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); if (t1.get$debugShowSemanticsNodes(t1)) { t1 = _this._sceneHostElement.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "opacity"), "0.3", ""); } if ($.PointerBinding__instance == null) { t1 = new A.PointerBinding(glassPaneElement, new A.PointerDataConverter(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$._PointerState))); t1.__PointerBinding__adapter = t1._createAdapter$0(); $.PointerBinding__instance = t1; } if ($.KeyboardBinding__instance == null) { t1 = new A.KeyboardBinding(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic_Function_Event)); t1._setup$0(); $.KeyboardBinding__instance = t1; } _this._sceneHostElement.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); if (window.visualViewport == null && isWebKit) { t1 = window.innerWidth; t1.toString; _box_0.checkCount = 0; A.Timer_Timer$periodic(B.Duration_100000, new A.FlutterViewEmbedder_reset_closure(_box_0, _this, t1)); } t1 = _this.get$_metricsDidChange(); t2 = type$.Event; if (window.visualViewport != null) { t3 = window.visualViewport; t3.toString; _this._resizeSubscription = A._EventStreamSubscription$(t3, "resize", t1, false, t2); } else _this._resizeSubscription = A._EventStreamSubscription$(window, "resize", t1, false, t2); _this._localeSubscription = A._EventStreamSubscription$(window, "languagechange", _this.get$_languageDidChange(), false, t2); t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); t1._configuration = t1._configuration.copyWith$1$locales(A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_parseBrowserLanguages()); }, _createHostNode$1(root) { var t1, t2, shadowRootStyleElement, t3, t4; if (root.attachShadow != null) { t1 = new A.ShadowDomHostNode(); t2 = root.attachShadow(A.convertDartToNative_Dictionary(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["mode", "open", "delegatesFocus", false], type$.String, type$.dynamic))); t1.__ShadowDomHostNode__shadow = t2; shadowRootStyleElement = document.createElement("style"); A._lateReadCheck(t2, "_shadow").appendChild(shadowRootStyleElement); t2 = shadowRootStyleElement.sheet; t2.toString; type$.CssStyleSheet._as(t2); t3 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t3 !== B.BrowserEngine_0) if (t3 !== B.BrowserEngine_5) t4 = t3 === B.BrowserEngine_1; else t4 = true; else t4 = true; A.applyGlobalCssRulesToSheet(t2, t3, t4); return t1; } else { t1 = new A.ElementHostNode(); t2 = document.createElement("flt-element-host-node"); t1.__ElementHostNode__element = t2; root.appendChild(A._lateReadCheck(t2, "_element")); return t1; } }, updateSemanticsScreenProperties$0() { var t1 = this._semanticsHostElement.style, t2 = "scale(" + A.S(1 / window.devicePixelRatio) + ")"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform"), t2, ""); }, _metricsDidChange$1($event) { var t1; this.updateSemanticsScreenProperties$0(); t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); if (!J.containsKey$1$x(B.Set_69tl2._collection$_map, t1) && !$.$get$window().isRotation$0() && $.$get$textEditing().isEditing) { $.$get$window().computeOnScreenKeyboardInsets$1(true); $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnMetricsChanged$0(); } else { t1 = $.$get$window(); t1.computePhysicalSize$0(); t1.computeOnScreenKeyboardInsets$1(false); $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnMetricsChanged$0(); } }, _languageDidChange$1($event) { var t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); t1._configuration = t1._configuration.copyWith$1$locales(A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_parseBrowserLanguages()); t1 = $.$get$window().platformDispatcher._onLocaleChanged; if (t1 != null) t1.call$0(); }, setPreferredOrientation$1(orientations) { var lockType, completer, t1, exception, screenOrientation = window.screen.orientation; if (screenOrientation != null) { t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(orientations); if (t1.get$isEmpty(orientations)) { t1 = screenOrientation; t1.toString; J.unlock$0$x(t1); return A.Future_Future$value(true, type$.bool); } else { lockType = A.FlutterViewEmbedder__deviceOrientationToLockType(A._asStringQ(t1.get$first(orientations))); if (lockType != null) { completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_bool), type$._AsyncCompleter_bool); try { A.promiseToFuture(screenOrientation.lock(lockType), type$.dynamic).then$1$1(0, new A.FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure(completer), type$.Null).catchError$1(new A.FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure0(completer)); } catch (exception) { t1 = A.Future_Future$value(false, type$.bool); return t1; } return completer.future; } } } return A.Future_Future$value(false, type$.bool); } }; A.FlutterViewEmbedder_reset_closure.prototype = { call$1(t) { var t1 = ++this._box_0.checkCount; if (this.initialInnerWidth !== window.innerWidth) { t.cancel$0(0); this.$this._metricsDidChange$1(null); } else if (t1 > 5) t.cancel$0(0); }, $signature: 322 }; A.FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { this.completer.complete$1(0, true); }, $signature: 3 }; A.FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure0.prototype = { call$1(error) { this.completer.complete$1(0, false); }, $signature: 3 }; A.EngineCanvas.prototype = {}; A.SaveStackEntry.prototype = {}; A.SaveClipEntry.prototype = {}; A._SaveElementStackEntry.prototype = {}; A.SaveElementStackTracking.prototype = { save$0(_) { var t2, t3, _this = this, t1 = _this.SaveElementStackTracking__elementStack; t1 = t1.length === 0 ? _this.rootElement : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1); t2 = _this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform; t3 = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); t3.setFrom$1(t2); _this.SaveElementStackTracking__saveStack.push(new A._SaveElementStackEntry(t1, t3)); }, restore$0(_) { var entry, t2, t3, _this = this, t1 = _this.SaveElementStackTracking__saveStack; if (t1.length === 0) return; entry = t1.pop(); _this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform = entry.transform; t1 = _this.SaveElementStackTracking__elementStack; t2 = entry.savedElement; t3 = _this.rootElement; while (true) { if (!((t1.length === 0 ? t3 : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1)) !== t2)) break; t1.pop(); } }, translate$2(_, dx, dy) { this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform.translate$2(0, dx, dy); }, transform$1(_, matrix4) { this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform.multiply$1(0, new A.Matrix40(matrix4)); } }; A.sendFontChangeMessage_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { $._fontChangeScheduled = false; $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/system", $.$get$_fontChangeMessage(), new A.sendFontChangeMessage__closure()); }, $signature: 68 }; A.sendFontChangeMessage__closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { }, $signature: 11 }; A.FrameReference.prototype = {}; A.CrossFrameCache.prototype = { commitFrame$0() { this._reusablePool = this.__engine$_cache; this.__engine$_cache = null; } }; A.ShadowDomHostNode.prototype = { append$1(_, node) { return A._lateReadCheck(this.__ShadowDomHostNode__shadow, "_shadow").appendChild(node); }, get$node() { return A._lateReadCheck(this.__ShadowDomHostNode__shadow, "_shadow"); }, get$nodes(_) { return new A._ChildNodeListLazy(A._lateReadCheck(this.__ShadowDomHostNode__shadow, "_shadow")); } }; A.ElementHostNode.prototype = { append$1(_, node) { return A._lateReadCheck(this.__ElementHostNode__element, "_element").appendChild(node); }, get$node() { return A._lateReadCheck(this.__ElementHostNode__element, "_element"); }, get$nodes(_) { return new A._ChildNodeListLazy(A._lateReadCheck(this.__ElementHostNode__element, "_element")); } }; A.BitmapCanvas.prototype = { set$bounds(_, newValue) { var newCanvasPositionX, newCanvasPositionY, _this = this; _this._bounds = newValue; newCanvasPositionX = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(newValue.left) - 1; newCanvasPositionY = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(_this._bounds.top) - 1; if (_this._canvasPositionX !== newCanvasPositionX || _this._canvasPositionY !== newCanvasPositionY) { _this._canvasPositionX = newCanvasPositionX; _this._canvasPositionY = newCanvasPositionY; _this._updateRootElementTransform$0(); } }, _updateRootElementTransform$0() { var t1 = this.rootElement.style, t2 = "translate(" + this._canvasPositionX + "px, " + this._canvasPositionY + "px)"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform"), t2, ""); }, _setupInitialTransform$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._bounds, t2 = t1.left; t1 = t1.top; _this._canvasPool.translate$2(0, -t2 + (t2 - 1 - _this._canvasPositionX) + 1, -t1 + (t1 - 1 - _this._canvasPositionY) + 1); }, doesFitBounds$2(newBounds, newDensity) { return this.widthInBitmapPixels >= A.BitmapCanvas_widthToPhysical(newBounds.right - newBounds.left) && this.heightInBitmapPixels >= A.BitmapCanvas_heightToPhysical(newBounds.bottom - newBounds.top) && this._density === newDensity; }, clear$0(_) { var t1, len, t2, i, child, t3, _this = this; _this._contains3dTransform = false; _this._canvasPool.clear$0(0); t1 = _this.__engine$_children; len = t1.length; for (t2 = _this.rootElement, i = 0; i < len; ++i) { child = t1[i]; if (child.parentElement === t2) { t3 = child.parentNode; if (t3 != null) t3.removeChild(child); } } B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t1, 0); _this._childOverdraw = false; _this._cachedLastCssFont = null; _this._setupInitialTransform$0(); }, save$0(_) { var t1 = this._canvasPool; t1.super$_SaveStackTracking$save(0); if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null) { t1.get$context(t1).save(); ++t1._saveContextCount; } return this._saveCount++; }, restore$0(_) { var t1 = this._canvasPool; t1.super$_SaveStackTracking$restore(0); if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null) { t1.get$context(t1).restore(); t1.get$contextHandle().reset$0(0); --t1._saveContextCount; } --this._saveCount; this._cachedLastCssFont = null; }, translate$2(_, dx, dy) { this._canvasPool.translate$2(0, dx, dy); }, transform$1(_, matrix4) { var t1; if (A.transformKindOf(matrix4) === B.TransformKind_2) this._contains3dTransform = true; t1 = this._canvasPool; t1.super$_SaveStackTracking$transform(0, matrix4); if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null) t1.get$context(t1).transform(matrix4[0], matrix4[1], matrix4[4], matrix4[5], matrix4[12], matrix4[13]); }, clipRect$2(_, rect, clipOp) { var path, t2, t1 = this._canvasPool; if (clipOp === B.ClipOp_0) { path = A.SurfacePath$(); path._fillType = B.PathFillType_1; t2 = this._bounds; path.addRectWithDirection$3(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + (t2.right - t2.left), 0 + (t2.bottom - t2.top)), 0, 0); path.addRectWithDirection$3(rect, 0, 0); t1.clipPath$1(0, path); } else { t1.super$_SaveStackTracking$clipRect(0, rect); if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null) t1.__engine$_clipRect$2(t1.get$context(t1), rect); } }, clipRRect$1(_, rrect) { var t1 = this._canvasPool; t1.super$_SaveStackTracking$clipRRect(0, rrect); if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null) t1._clipRRect$2(t1.get$context(t1), rrect); }, clipPath$1(_, path) { this._canvasPool.clipPath$1(0, path); }, _useDomForRenderingFill$1(paint) { var t1, _this = this; if (!_this._renderStrategy.isInsideSvgFilterTree) if (!(!_this._preserveImageData && _this._contains3dTransform)) t1 = _this._childOverdraw && _this._canvasPool.__engine$_canvas == null && paint.maskFilter == null && paint.shader == null && paint.style !== B.PaintingStyle_1; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; return t1; }, _useDomForRenderingFillAndStroke$1(paint) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._renderStrategy; if (!t1.isInsideSvgFilterTree) if (!(!_this._preserveImageData && _this._contains3dTransform)) { if (!_this._childOverdraw) t1 = t1.hasParagraphs; else t1 = true; t1 = t1 && _this._canvasPool.__engine$_canvas == null && paint.maskFilter == null && paint.shader == null; } else t1 = true; else t1 = true; return t1; }, drawRect$2(_, rect, paint) { var t2, shaderBounds, t3, t4, t5, t6, t1 = this._canvasPool; if (this._useDomForRenderingFillAndStroke$1(paint)) this._drawElement$3(A.buildDrawRectElement(rect, paint, "draw-rect", t1._currentTransform), new A.Offset(Math.min(rect.left, rect.right), Math.min(rect.top, rect.bottom)), paint); else { t1.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(paint, rect); t2 = paint.style; t1.get$context(t1).beginPath(); shaderBounds = t1.get$contextHandle()._shaderBounds; t3 = rect.left; t4 = rect.top; t5 = rect.right - t3; t6 = rect.bottom - t4; if (shaderBounds == null) t1.get$context(t1).rect(t3, t4, t5, t6); else t1.get$context(t1).rect(t3 - shaderBounds.left, t4 - shaderBounds.top, t5, t6); t1.get$contextHandle().paint$1(t2); t1.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0(); } }, _drawElement$3(element, offset, paint) { var clipElements, t3, _i, clipElement, blendMode, _this = this, t1 = _this._canvasPool, t2 = t1.clipStack; if (t2 != null) { clipElements = A._clipContent(t2, element, B.Offset_0_0, A.transformWithOffset(t1._currentTransform, offset)); for (t1 = clipElements.length, t2 = _this.rootElement, t3 = _this.__engine$_children, _i = 0; _i < clipElements.length; clipElements.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(clipElements), ++_i) { clipElement = clipElements[_i]; t2.appendChild(clipElement); t3.push(clipElement); } } else { _this.rootElement.appendChild(element); _this.__engine$_children.push(element); } blendMode = paint.blendMode; if (blendMode != null) { t1 = element.style; t2 = A.blendModeToCssMixBlendMode(blendMode); if (t2 == null) t2 = ""; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "mix-blend-mode"), t2, ""); } _this._closeCurrentCanvas$0(); }, drawRRect$2(_, rrect, paint) { var element, shaderBounds, left, right, $top, bottom, t0, trRadiusX, tlRadiusX, trRadiusY, tlRadiusY, blRadiusX, brRadiusX, blRadiusY, brRadiusY, t1 = rrect.left, t2 = rrect.top, t3 = rrect.right, t4 = rrect.bottom, t5 = this._canvasPool; if (this._useDomForRenderingFillAndStroke$1(paint)) { element = A.buildDrawRectElement(new A.Rect(t1, t2, t3, t4), paint, "draw-rrect", t5._currentTransform); A.applyRRectBorderRadius(element.style, rrect); this._drawElement$3(element, new A.Offset(Math.min(t1, t3), Math.min(t2, t4)), paint); } else { t5.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(paint, new A.Rect(t1, t2, t3, t4)); t1 = paint.style; shaderBounds = t5.get$contextHandle()._shaderBounds; t2 = t5.get$context(t5); rrect = (shaderBounds == null ? rrect : rrect.shift$1(new A.Offset(-shaderBounds.left, -shaderBounds.top))).scaleRadii$0(); left = rrect.left; right = rrect.right; $top = rrect.top; bottom = rrect.bottom; if (left > right) { t0 = right; right = left; left = t0; } if ($top > bottom) { t0 = bottom; bottom = $top; $top = t0; } trRadiusX = Math.abs(rrect.trRadiusX); tlRadiusX = Math.abs(rrect.tlRadiusX); trRadiusY = Math.abs(rrect.trRadiusY); tlRadiusY = Math.abs(rrect.tlRadiusY); blRadiusX = Math.abs(rrect.blRadiusX); brRadiusX = Math.abs(rrect.brRadiusX); blRadiusY = Math.abs(rrect.blRadiusY); brRadiusY = Math.abs(rrect.brRadiusY); t2.beginPath(); t2.moveTo(left + trRadiusX, $top); t3 = right - trRadiusX; t2.lineTo(t3, $top); A.drawEllipse(t2, t3, $top + trRadiusY, trRadiusX, trRadiusY, 0, 4.71238898038469, 6.283185307179586, false); t3 = bottom - brRadiusY; t2.lineTo(right, t3); A.drawEllipse(t2, right - brRadiusX, t3, brRadiusX, brRadiusY, 0, 0, 1.5707963267948966, false); t3 = left + blRadiusX; t2.lineTo(t3, bottom); A.drawEllipse(t2, t3, bottom - blRadiusY, blRadiusX, blRadiusY, 0, 1.5707963267948966, 3.141592653589793, false); t3 = $top + tlRadiusY; t2.lineTo(left, t3); A.drawEllipse(t2, left + tlRadiusX, t3, tlRadiusX, tlRadiusY, 0, 3.141592653589793, 4.71238898038469, false); t5.get$contextHandle().paint$1(t1); t5.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0(); } }, drawCircle$3(_, c, radius, paint) { var element, t1, t2, shaderBounds, t3, cx, cy, _this = this, rect = A.Rect$fromCircle(c, radius); if (_this._useDomForRenderingFillAndStroke$1(paint)) { element = A.buildDrawRectElement(rect, paint, "draw-circle", _this._canvasPool._currentTransform); _this._drawElement$3(element, new A.Offset(Math.min(rect.left, rect.right), Math.min(rect.top, rect.bottom)), paint); t1 = element.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "border-radius"), "50%", ""); } else { t1 = paint.shader != null ? A.Rect$fromCircle(c, radius) : null; t2 = _this._canvasPool; t2.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(paint, t1); t1 = paint.style; t2.get$context(t2).beginPath(); shaderBounds = t2.get$contextHandle()._shaderBounds; t3 = shaderBounds == null; cx = c._dx; cx = t3 ? cx : cx - shaderBounds.left; cy = c._dy; cy = t3 ? cy : cy - shaderBounds.top; A.drawEllipse(t2.get$context(t2), cx, cy, radius, radius, 0, 0, 6.283185307179586, false); t2.get$contextHandle().paint$1(t1); t2.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0(); } }, drawPath$2(_, path, paint) { var t1, transform, pathAsLine, t2, t3, t4, rect, pathAsRect, pathAsRRect, pathBounds, svgElm, style, cssColor, sigma, _this = this; if (_this._useDomForRenderingFill$1(paint)) { t1 = _this._canvasPool; transform = t1._currentTransform; type$.SurfacePath._as(path); pathAsLine = path.pathRef.getStraightLine$0(); if (pathAsLine != null) { t2 = pathAsLine.top; t3 = pathAsLine.bottom; t4 = pathAsLine.left; rect = t2 === t3 ? new A.Rect(t4, t2, t4 + (pathAsLine.right - t4), t2 + 1) : new A.Rect(t4, t2, t4 + 1, t2 + (t3 - t2)); _this._drawElement$3(A.buildDrawRectElement(rect, paint, "draw-rect", t1._currentTransform), new A.Offset(Math.min(rect.left, rect.right), Math.min(rect.top, rect.bottom)), paint); return; } pathAsRect = path.pathRef.getRect$0(); if (pathAsRect != null) { _this.drawRect$2(0, pathAsRect, paint); return; } t2 = path.pathRef; pathAsRRect = t2.fIsRRect ? t2._getRRect$0() : null; if (pathAsRRect != null) { _this.drawRRect$2(0, pathAsRRect, paint); return; } pathBounds = path.getBounds$0(0); svgElm = A.pathToSvgElement(path, paint, A.S(pathBounds.right), A.S(pathBounds.bottom)); if (t1.clipStack == null) { style = svgElm.style; style.position = "absolute"; if (!transform.isIdentity$0(0)) { t1 = A.float64ListToCssTransform(transform.__engine$_m4storage); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, "transform"), t1, ""); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, "transform-origin"), "0 0 0", ""); } } if (paint.maskFilter != null) { t1 = paint.style; t2 = paint.color; if (t2 == null) cssColor = "#000000"; else { t2 = A.colorToCssString(t2); t2.toString; cssColor = t2; } sigma = paint.maskFilter._sigma; t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t2 === B.BrowserEngine_1 && t1 !== B.PaintingStyle_1) { t1 = svgElm.style; t2 = "0px 0px " + A.S(sigma * 2) + "px " + cssColor; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "box-shadow"), t2, ""); } else { t1 = svgElm.style; t2 = "blur(" + A.S(sigma) + "px)"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "filter"), t2, ""); } } _this._drawElement$3(svgElm, B.Offset_0_0, paint); } else { t1 = paint.shader != null ? path.getBounds$0(0) : null; t2 = _this._canvasPool; t2.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(paint, t1); t1 = paint.style; if (t1 == null && paint.strokeWidth != null) t2.drawPath$2(0, path, B.PaintingStyle_1); else t2.drawPath$2(0, path, t1); t2.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0(); } }, _closeCurrentCanvas$0() { var t2, t3, t1 = this._canvasPool; if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null) { t1._restoreContextSave$0(); t1._contextHandle.reset$0(0); t2 = t1._activeCanvasList; if (t2 == null) t2 = t1._activeCanvasList = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CanvasElement); t3 = t1.__engine$_canvas; t3.toString; t2.push(t3); t1._contextHandle = t1.__engine$_context = t1.__engine$_canvas = null; } this._childOverdraw = true; this._cachedLastCssFont = null; }, drawText$5$shadows$style(text, x, y, shadows, style) { var t1 = this._canvasPool, ctx = t1.get$context(t1); if (style === B.PaintingStyle_1) ctx.strokeText(text, x, y); else B.CanvasRenderingContext2D_methods.fillText$3(ctx, text, x, y); }, drawText$4$style(text, x, y, style) { return this.drawText$5$shadows$style(text, x, y, null, style); }, drawParagraph$2(_, paragraph, offset) { var value, paragraphElement, t1, t2, clipElements, t3, _i, clipElement, _this = this; if (paragraph.drawOnCanvas && !_this._childOverdraw && !_this._renderStrategy.isInsideSvgFilterTree) { value = paragraph.__CanvasParagraph__paintService; if (value === $) { A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(value, "_paintService"); value = paragraph.__CanvasParagraph__paintService = new A.TextPaintService(paragraph); } value.paint$2(_this, offset); return; } paragraphElement = A.drawParagraphElement(paragraph, offset, null); t1 = _this._canvasPool; t2 = t1.clipStack; t1 = t1._currentTransform; if (t2 != null) { clipElements = A._clipContent(t2, paragraphElement, offset, t1); for (t1 = clipElements.length, t2 = _this.rootElement, t3 = _this.__engine$_children, _i = 0; _i < clipElements.length; clipElements.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(clipElements), ++_i) { clipElement = clipElements[_i]; t2.appendChild(clipElement); t3.push(clipElement); } } else { A.setElementTransform(paragraphElement, A.transformWithOffset(t1, offset).__engine$_m4storage); _this.rootElement.appendChild(paragraphElement); } _this.__engine$_children.push(paragraphElement); t1 = paragraphElement.style; t1.left = "0px"; t1.top = "0px"; _this._closeCurrentCanvas$0(); }, endOfPaint$0() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, paintOrderElement, t6, t7, firstChild, _this = this; _this._canvasPool.endOfPaint$0(); t1 = _this._elementCache; if (t1 != null) t1.commitFrame$0(); if (_this._contains3dTransform) { t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); t1 = t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1; } else t1 = false; if (t1) for (t1 = _this.rootElement, t2 = J.get$children$x(t1), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = _this.__engine$_children, t4 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) { t5 = t4._as(t2.__interceptors$_current); paintOrderElement = document.createElement("div"); t6 = paintOrderElement.style; t7 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t6, "transform"); t6.setProperty(t7, "translate3d(0,0,0)", ""); paintOrderElement.appendChild(t5); t1.appendChild(paintOrderElement); t3.push(paintOrderElement); } firstChild = _this.rootElement.firstChild; if (firstChild != null && type$.HtmlElement._is(firstChild) && firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase() === "canvas") { t1 = firstChild.style; t1.zIndex = "-1"; } } }; A.SurfaceCanvas.prototype = { save$0(_) { var t1 = this.__engine$_canvas; t1._paintBounds.saveTransformsAndClip$0(); t1._commands.push(B.C_PaintSave); ++t1._saveCount; }, saveLayer$2(_, bounds, paint) { var t1 = this.__engine$_canvas; type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint); t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true; t1._commands.push(B.C_PaintSave); t1._paintBounds.saveTransformsAndClip$0(); ++t1._saveCount; }, restore$0(_) { var t2, clipRect, t1 = this.__engine$_canvas; if (!t1._recordingEnded && t1._saveCount > 1) { t2 = t1._paintBounds; t2._currentMatrix = t2.__engine$_transforms.pop(); clipRect = t2._clipStack.pop(); if (clipRect != null) { t2._currentClipLeft = clipRect.left; t2._currentClipTop = clipRect.top; t2._currentClipRight = clipRect.right; t2._currentClipBottom = clipRect.bottom; t2._clipRectInitialized = true; } else if (t2._clipRectInitialized) t2._clipRectInitialized = false; } t2 = t1._commands; if (t2.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2) instanceof A.PaintSave) t2.pop(); else t2.push(B.C_PaintRestore); --t1._saveCount; }, translate$2(_, dx, dy) { var t1 = this.__engine$_canvas, t2 = t1._paintBounds; if (dx !== 0 || dy !== 0) t2._currentMatrixIsIdentity = false; t2._currentMatrix.translate$2(0, dx, dy); t1._commands.push(new A.PaintTranslate(dx, dy)); }, transform$1(_, matrix4) { var t1 = A.toMatrix32(matrix4), t2 = this.__engine$_canvas, t3 = t2._paintBounds; t3._currentMatrix.multiply$1(0, new A.Matrix40(t1)); t3._currentMatrixIsIdentity = t3._currentMatrix.isIdentity$0(0); t2._commands.push(new A.PaintTransform(t1)); }, clipRect$3$clipOp$doAntiAlias(_, rect, clipOp, doAntiAlias) { var t1 = this.__engine$_canvas, command = new A.PaintClipRect(rect, clipOp, -1 / 0, -1 / 0, 1 / 0, 1 / 0); switch (clipOp.index) { case 1: t1._paintBounds.clipRect$2(0, rect, command); break; case 0: break; } t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true; t1._commands.push(command); }, clipRect$2$doAntiAlias($receiver, rect, doAntiAlias) { return this.clipRect$3$clipOp$doAntiAlias($receiver, rect, B.ClipOp_1, doAntiAlias); }, clipRect$1($receiver, rect) { return this.clipRect$3$clipOp$doAntiAlias($receiver, rect, B.ClipOp_1, true); }, clipRRect$2$doAntiAlias(_, rrect, doAntiAlias) { var t1 = this.__engine$_canvas, command = new A.PaintClipRRect(rrect, -1 / 0, -1 / 0, 1 / 0, 1 / 0); t1._paintBounds.clipRect$2(0, new A.Rect(rrect.left, rrect.top, rrect.right, rrect.bottom), command); t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true; t1._commands.push(command); }, clipRRect$1($receiver, rrect) { return this.clipRRect$2$doAntiAlias($receiver, rrect, true); }, clipPath$2$doAntiAlias(_, path, doAntiAlias) { var command, t1 = this.__engine$_canvas; type$.SurfacePath._as(path); command = new A.PaintClipPath(path, -1 / 0, -1 / 0, 1 / 0, 1 / 0); t1._paintBounds.clipRect$2(0, path.getBounds$0(0), command); t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true; t1._commands.push(command); }, clipPath$1($receiver, path) { return this.clipPath$2$doAntiAlias($receiver, path, true); }, drawRect$2(_, rect, paint) { this.__engine$_canvas.drawRect$2(0, rect, type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint)); }, drawRRect$2(_, rrect, paint) { this.__engine$_canvas.drawRRect$2(0, rrect, type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint)); }, drawDRRect$3(_, outer, inner, paint) { this.__engine$_canvas.drawDRRect$3(0, outer, inner, type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint)); }, drawCircle$3(_, c, radius, paint) { var paintSpread, command, distance, t2, t3, t1 = this.__engine$_canvas; type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint); t1._didDraw = t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true; paintSpread = A._getPaintSpread(paint); paint._frozen = true; command = new A.PaintDrawCircle(c, radius, paint._paintData, -1 / 0, -1 / 0, 1 / 0, 1 / 0); distance = radius + paintSpread; t2 = c._dx; t3 = c._dy; t1._paintBounds.growLTRB$5(t2 - distance, t3 - distance, t2 + distance, t3 + distance, command); t1._commands.push(command); }, drawParagraph$2(_, paragraph, offset) { this.__engine$_canvas.drawParagraph$2(0, paragraph, offset); } }; A._DomClip.prototype = { get$childContainer() { return this._DomClip__childContainer; }, createElement$0(_) { var element = this.defaultCreateElement$1("flt-clip"), t1 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag("flt-clip-interior", null); this._DomClip__childContainer = t1; t1 = t1.style; t1.position = "absolute"; t1 = this._DomClip__childContainer; t1.toString; element.appendChild(t1); return element; } }; A.PersistedClipRect.prototype = { recomputeTransformAndClip$0() { var _this = this; _this.transform = _this.parent.transform; if (_this.clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0) _this.localClipBounds = _this.rect; else _this.localClipBounds = null; _this.projectedClip = null; }, createElement$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$_DomClip$createElement(0); t1.setAttribute("clip-type", "rect"); return t1; }, apply$0() { var t5, _this = this, t1 = _this.rootElement.style, t2 = _this.rect, t3 = t2.left, t4 = A.S(t3) + "px"; t1.left = t4; t4 = t2.top; t5 = A.S(t4) + "px"; t1.top = t5; t5 = A.S(t2.right - t3) + "px"; t1.width = t5; t2 = A.S(t2.bottom - t4) + "px"; t1.height = t2; t1 = _this.rootElement; t1.toString; if (_this.clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0) { t1 = t1.style; t1.overflow = "hidden"; t1.zIndex = "0"; } t1 = _this._DomClip__childContainer.style; t3 = A.S(-t3) + "px"; t1.left = t3; t2 = A.S(-t4) + "px"; t1.top = t2; }, update$1(_, oldSurface) { var _this = this; _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface); if (!_this.rect.$eq(0, oldSurface.rect) || _this.clipBehavior !== oldSurface.clipBehavior) { _this.localClipBounds = null; _this.apply$0(); } }, $isClipRectEngineLayer0: 1 }; A.PersistedPhysicalShape.prototype = { recomputeTransformAndClip$0() { var t1, t2, roundRect, rect, _this = this; _this.transform = _this.parent.transform; if (_this.clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0) { t1 = _this.path; t2 = t1.pathRef; roundRect = t2.fIsRRect ? t2._getRRect$0() : null; if (roundRect != null) _this.localClipBounds = new A.Rect(roundRect.left, roundRect.top, roundRect.right, roundRect.bottom); else { rect = t1.pathRef.getRect$0(); if (rect != null) _this.localClipBounds = rect; else _this.localClipBounds = null; } } else _this.localClipBounds = null; _this.projectedClip = null; }, createElement$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$_DomClip$createElement(0); t1.setAttribute("clip-type", "physical-shape"); return t1; }, discard$0() { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$_PersistedPhysicalShape_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip$discard(); t1 = _this._clipElement; if (t1 != null) B.SvgSvgElement_methods.remove$0(t1); _this._clipElement = null; t1 = _this._svgElement; if (t1 != null) B.SvgSvgElement_methods.remove$0(t1); _this._svgElement = null; }, apply$0() { this._applyShape$0(); }, _applyShape$0() { var roundRect, borderRadius, style, rect, ovalRect, rx, ry, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, svgClipPath, rootElementStyle, pathBounds2, boxShadowColor, _this = this, _s13_ = "border-radius", _s6_ = "hidden", t1 = _this.rootElement.style, t2 = _this.color, t3 = A.colorToCssString(t2); t1.backgroundColor = t3 == null ? "" : t3; t1 = _this.path; t3 = t1.pathRef; roundRect = t3.fIsRRect ? t3._getRRect$0() : null; if (roundRect != null) { borderRadius = A.S(roundRect.tlRadiusX) + "px " + A.S(roundRect.trRadiusX) + "px " + A.S(roundRect.brRadiusX) + "px " + A.S(roundRect.blRadiusX) + "px"; style = _this.rootElement.style; t1 = roundRect.left; t2 = A.S(t1) + "px"; style.left = t2; t2 = roundRect.top; t3 = A.S(t2) + "px"; style.top = t3; t3 = A.S(roundRect.right - t1) + "px"; style.width = t3; t3 = A.S(roundRect.bottom - t2) + "px"; style.height = t3; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, _s13_), borderRadius, ""); t3 = _this._DomClip__childContainer.style; t1 = A.S(-t1) + "px"; t3.left = t1; t1 = A.S(-t2) + "px"; t3.top = t1; if (_this.clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0) style.overflow = _s6_; A.applyCssShadow(_this.rootElement, _this.pathBounds, _this.elevation, _this.shadowColor); return; } else { rect = t1.pathRef.getRect$0(); if (rect != null) { style = _this.rootElement.style; t1 = rect.left; t2 = A.S(t1) + "px"; style.left = t2; t2 = rect.top; t3 = A.S(t2) + "px"; style.top = t3; t3 = A.S(rect.right - t1) + "px"; style.width = t3; t3 = A.S(rect.bottom - t2) + "px"; style.height = t3; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, _s13_), "", ""); t3 = _this._DomClip__childContainer.style; t1 = A.S(-t1) + "px"; t3.left = t1; t1 = A.S(-t2) + "px"; t3.top = t1; if (_this.clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0) style.overflow = _s6_; A.applyCssShadow(_this.rootElement, _this.pathBounds, _this.elevation, _this.shadowColor); return; } else { t3 = t1.pathRef; ovalRect = (t3.fIsOval ? t3.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx : -1) === -1 ? null : t3.getBounds$0(0); if (ovalRect != null) { t1 = ovalRect.right; t2 = ovalRect.left; rx = (t1 - t2) / 2; t1 = ovalRect.bottom; t3 = ovalRect.top; ry = (t1 - t3) / 2; borderRadius = rx === ry ? A.S(rx) + "px " : A.S(rx) + "px " + A.S(ry) + "px "; style = _this.rootElement.style; t1 = A.S(t2) + "px"; style.left = t1; t1 = A.S(t3) + "px"; style.top = t1; t1 = A.S(rx * 2) + "px"; style.width = t1; t1 = A.S(ry * 2) + "px"; style.height = t1; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(style, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(style, _s13_), borderRadius, ""); t1 = _this._DomClip__childContainer.style; t2 = A.S(-t2) + "px"; t1.left = t2; t2 = A.S(-t3) + "px"; t1.top = t2; if (_this.clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0) style.overflow = _s6_; A.applyCssShadow(_this.rootElement, _this.pathBounds, _this.elevation, _this.shadowColor); return; } } } t3 = _this.elevation; t4 = t3 === 0; t5 = _this.pathBounds; t6 = t5.right; t7 = t5.bottom; if (t4) { t8 = t5.left; t9 = t5.top; svgClipPath = A.pathToSvgClipPath(t1, -t8, -t9, 1 / (t6 - t8), 1 / (t7 - t9)); } else svgClipPath = A.pathToSvgClipPath(t1, 0, 0, 1 / t6, 1 / t7); t8 = _this._clipElement; if (t8 != null) B.SvgSvgElement_methods.remove$0(t8); t8 = _this._svgElement; if (t8 != null) B.SvgSvgElement_methods.remove$0(t8); _this._clipElement = svgClipPath; _this.rootElement.appendChild(svgClipPath); if (t4) { t1 = _this.rootElement; t1.toString; A.setClipPath(t1, "url(#svgClip" + $._clipIdCounter + ")"); rootElementStyle = _this.rootElement.style; rootElementStyle.overflow = ""; t1 = t5.left; t2 = A.S(t1) + "px"; rootElementStyle.left = t2; t2 = t5.top; t3 = A.S(t2) + "px"; rootElementStyle.top = t3; t3 = A.S(t6 - t1) + "px"; rootElementStyle.width = t3; t3 = A.S(t7 - t2) + "px"; rootElementStyle.height = t3; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(rootElementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(rootElementStyle, _s13_), "", ""); t3 = _this._DomClip__childContainer.style; t1 = "-" + A.S(t1) + "px"; t3.left = t1; t1 = "-" + A.S(t2) + "px"; t3.top = t1; return; } t4 = _this._DomClip__childContainer; t4.toString; A.setClipPath(t4, "url(#svgClip" + $._clipIdCounter + ")"); rootElementStyle = _this.rootElement.style; rootElementStyle.overflow = ""; t4 = t5.left; t8 = A.S(t4) + "px"; rootElementStyle.left = t8; t8 = t5.top; t9 = A.S(t8) + "px"; rootElementStyle.top = t9; t9 = A.S(t6 - t4) + "px"; rootElementStyle.width = t9; t9 = A.S(t7 - t8) + "px"; rootElementStyle.height = t9; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(rootElementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(rootElementStyle, _s13_), "", ""); t9 = _this._DomClip__childContainer.style; t4 = "-" + A.S(t4) + "px"; t9.left = t4; t4 = "-" + A.S(t8) + "px"; t9.top = t4; t4 = A.S(t6) + "px"; t9.width = t4; t4 = A.S(t7) + "px"; t9.height = t4; pathBounds2 = t1.getBounds$0(0); t4 = new A.SurfacePaintData(); t4.style = B.PaintingStyle_0; t4.color = t2; t4 = A.pathToSvgElement(t1, t4, A.S(pathBounds2.right), A.S(pathBounds2.bottom)); _this._svgElement = t4; _this.rootElement.insertBefore(t4, _this._DomClip__childContainer); t3 = A.computeShadow(t5, t3); t3.toString; boxShadowColor = A.toShadowColor(_this.shadowColor); t5 = _this._svgElement.style; t4 = t3.offset; t1 = boxShadowColor.value; t1 = "drop-shadow(" + A.S(t4._dx) + "px " + A.S(t4._dy) + "px " + A.S(t3.blurWidth) + "px rgba(" + (t1 >>> 16 & 255) + ", " + (t1 >>> 8 & 255) + ", " + (t1 & 255) + ", " + A.S((t1 >>> 24 & 255) / 255) + "))"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t5, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t5, "filter"), t1, ""); t1 = "translate(-" + A.S(pathBounds2.left) + "px, -" + A.S(pathBounds2.top) + "px)"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t5, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t5, "transform"), t1, ""); t1 = _this.rootElement.style; t1.backgroundColor = ""; }, update$1(_, oldSurface) { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface); t1 = oldSurface.path === _this.path; if (!t1) _this.localClipBounds = null; t1 = !t1 || oldSurface.elevation !== _this.elevation || !oldSurface.shadowColor.$eq(0, _this.shadowColor) || !oldSurface.color.$eq(0, _this.color); t2 = oldSurface._clipElement; if (t1) { if (t2 != null) B.SvgSvgElement_methods.remove$0(t2); oldSurface._clipElement = null; t1 = oldSurface._svgElement; if (t1 != null) B.SvgSvgElement_methods.remove$0(t1); oldSurface._svgElement = null; t1 = _this._clipElement; if (t1 != null) B.SvgSvgElement_methods.remove$0(t1); _this._clipElement = null; t1 = _this._svgElement; if (t1 != null) B.SvgSvgElement_methods.remove$0(t1); _this._svgElement = null; t1 = _this.rootElement; t1.toString; A.setClipPath(t1, ""); _this._applyShape$0(); } else { _this._clipElement = t2; if (t2 != null) _this.rootElement.appendChild(t2); oldSurface._clipElement = null; t1 = _this._svgElement = oldSurface._svgElement; if (t1 != null) _this.rootElement.insertBefore(t1, _this._DomClip__childContainer); oldSurface._svgElement = null; } }, $isPhysicalShapeEngineLayer0: 1 }; A.PersistedClipPath.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { return this.defaultCreateElement$1("flt-clippath"); }, recomputeTransformAndClip$0() { var _this = this; _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$recomputeTransformAndClip(); if (_this.clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0) { if (_this.localClipBounds == null) _this.localClipBounds = _this.clipPath.getBounds$0(0); } else _this.localClipBounds = null; }, apply$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._clipElement; if (t1 != null) B.SvgSvgElement_methods.remove$0(t1); t1 = _this.rootElement; t1.toString; t1 = A.createSvgClipDef(type$.HtmlElement._as(t1), _this.clipPath); _this._clipElement = t1; _this.rootElement.appendChild(t1); }, update$1(_, oldSurface) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface); if (oldSurface.clipPath !== _this.clipPath) { _this.localClipBounds = null; t1 = oldSurface._clipElement; if (t1 != null) B.SvgSvgElement_methods.remove$0(t1); _this.apply$0(); } else _this._clipElement = oldSurface._clipElement; oldSurface._clipElement = null; }, discard$0() { var t1 = this._clipElement; if (t1 != null) B.SvgSvgElement_methods.remove$0(t1); this._clipElement = null; this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$discard(); }, $isClipPathEngineLayer0: 1 }; A.DomCanvas.prototype = { clipRect$2(_, rect, clipOp) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); }, clipRRect$1(_, rrect) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); }, clipPath$1(_, path) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); }, drawRect$2(_, rect, paint) { var t1 = this.SaveElementStackTracking__elementStack; t1 = t1.length === 0 ? this.rootElement : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1); t1.appendChild(A.buildDrawRectElement(rect, paint, "draw-rect", this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform)); }, drawRRect$2(_, rrect, paint) { var t1, element = A.buildDrawRectElement(new A.Rect(rrect.left, rrect.top, rrect.right, rrect.bottom), paint, "draw-rrect", this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform); A.applyRRectBorderRadius(element.style, rrect); t1 = this.SaveElementStackTracking__elementStack; (t1.length === 0 ? this.rootElement : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1)).appendChild(element); }, drawCircle$3(_, c, radius, paint) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); }, drawPath$2(_, path, paint) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); }, drawParagraph$2(_, paragraph, offset) { var paragraphElement = A.drawParagraphElement(paragraph, offset, this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform), t1 = this.SaveElementStackTracking__elementStack; (t1.length === 0 ? this.rootElement : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1)).appendChild(paragraphElement); }, endOfPaint$0() { } }; A.PersistedOffset.prototype = { recomputeTransformAndClip$0() { var t2, t3, _this = this, t1 = _this.parent.transform; _this.transform = t1; t2 = _this.dx; if (t2 !== 0 || _this.dy !== 0) { t1.toString; t3 = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); t3.setFrom$1(t1); _this.transform = t3; t3.translate$2(0, t2, _this.dy); } _this.projectedClip = null; }, get$localTransformInverse() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._localTransformInverse; if (t1 == null) { t1 = A.Matrix4$identity(); t1.setTranslationRaw$3(-_this.dx, -_this.dy, 0); _this._localTransformInverse = t1; } return t1; }, createElement$0(_) { var element = document.createElement("flt-offset"); A.setElementStyle(element, "position", "absolute"); A.setElementStyle(element, "transform-origin", "0 0 0"); return element; }, apply$0() { var t1 = this.rootElement.style, t2 = "translate(" + A.S(this.dx) + "px, " + A.S(this.dy) + "px)"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform"), t2, ""); }, update$1(_, oldSurface) { var _this = this; _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface); if (oldSurface.dx !== _this.dx || oldSurface.dy !== _this.dy) _this.apply$0(); }, $isOffsetEngineLayer0: 1 }; A.PersistedOpacity.prototype = { recomputeTransformAndClip$0() { var t2, dx, dy, _this = this, t1 = _this.parent.transform; _this.transform = t1; t2 = _this.offset; dx = t2._dx; dy = t2._dy; if (dx !== 0 || dy !== 0) { t1.toString; t2 = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); t2.setFrom$1(t1); _this.transform = t2; t2.translate$2(0, dx, dy); } _this.projectedClip = null; }, get$localTransformInverse() { var t2, t1 = this._localTransformInverse; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this.offset; t2 = A.Matrix4$identity(); t2.setTranslationRaw$3(-t1._dx, -t1._dy, 0); this._localTransformInverse = t2; t1 = t2; } return t1; }, createElement$0(_) { var element = document.createElement("flt-opacity"); A.setElementStyle(element, "position", "absolute"); A.setElementStyle(element, "transform-origin", "0 0 0"); return element; }, apply$0() { var t2, t1 = this.rootElement; t1.toString; A.setElementStyle(t1, "opacity", A.S(this.alpha / 255)); t1 = t1.style; t2 = this.offset; t2 = "translate(" + A.S(t2._dx) + "px, " + A.S(t2._dy) + "px)"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform"), t2, ""); }, update$1(_, oldSurface) { var _this = this; _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface); if (_this.alpha !== oldSurface.alpha || !_this.offset.$eq(0, oldSurface.offset)) _this.apply$0(); }, $isOpacityEngineLayer0: 1 }; A.SurfacePaint.prototype = { set$blendMode(value) { var _this = this; if (_this._frozen) { _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0); _this._frozen = false; } _this._paintData.blendMode = value; }, get$style(_) { var t1 = this._paintData.style; return t1 == null ? B.PaintingStyle_0 : t1; }, set$style(_, value) { var _this = this; if (_this._frozen) { _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0); _this._frozen = false; } _this._paintData.style = value; }, get$strokeWidth() { var t1 = this._paintData.strokeWidth; return t1 == null ? 0 : t1; }, set$strokeWidth(value) { var _this = this; if (_this._frozen) { _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0); _this._frozen = false; } _this._paintData.strokeWidth = value; }, get$color(_) { var t1 = this._paintData.color; return t1 == null ? B.Color_4278190080 : t1; }, set$color(_, value) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._frozen) { _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0); _this._frozen = false; } t1 = _this._paintData; t1.color = A.getRuntimeType(value) === B.Type_Color_MG2 ? value : new A.Color(value.get$value(value)); }, set$shader(value) { var _this = this; if (_this._frozen) { _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0); _this._frozen = false; } _this._paintData.shader = value; }, toString$0(_) { var semicolon, _this = this, t1 = "" + "Paint(", t2 = _this._paintData.style, t3 = t2 == null; if ((t3 ? B.PaintingStyle_0 : t2) === B.PaintingStyle_1) { t1 += (t3 ? B.PaintingStyle_0 : t2).toString$0(0); t2 = _this._paintData.strokeWidth; t3 = t2 == null; if ((t3 ? 0 : t2) !== 0) t1 += " " + A.S(t3 ? 0 : t2); else t1 += " hairline"; semicolon = "; "; } else semicolon = ""; t2 = _this._paintData.color; if (!(t2 == null ? B.Color_4278190080 : t2).$eq(0, B.Color_4278190080)) { t2 = _this._paintData.color; t1 += semicolon + (t2 == null ? B.Color_4278190080 : t2).toString$0(0); } t1 += ")"; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } }; A.SurfacePaintData.prototype = { clone$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = new A.SurfacePaintData(); t1.blendMode = _this.blendMode; t1.filterQuality = _this.filterQuality; t1.maskFilter = _this.maskFilter; t1.shader = _this.shader; t1.color = _this.color; t1.colorFilter = _this.colorFilter; t1.strokeWidth = _this.strokeWidth; t1.style = _this.style; t1.strokeJoin = _this.strokeJoin; t1.strokeCap = _this.strokeCap; return t1; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.Conic.prototype = { toQuads$0() { var dst, t1, t2, t3, controlPointOffset, skipSubdivide, pointCount, hasNonFinitePoints, p, _this = this, pointList = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Offset), subdivideCount = _this._computeSubdivisionCount$1(0.25), quadCount = B.JSInt_methods._shlPositive$1(1, subdivideCount); pointList.push(new A.Offset(_this.p0x, _this.p0y)); if (subdivideCount === 5) { dst = new A._ConicPair(); _this._chop$1(dst); t1 = dst.first; t1.toString; t2 = dst.second; t2.toString; t3 = t1.p1x; if (t3 === t1.p2x && t1.p1y === t1.p2y && t2.p0x === t2.p1x && t2.p0y === t2.p1y) { controlPointOffset = new A.Offset(t3, t1.p1y); pointList.push(controlPointOffset); pointList.push(controlPointOffset); pointList.push(controlPointOffset); pointList.push(new A.Offset(t2.p2x, t2.p2y)); quadCount = 2; skipSubdivide = true; } else skipSubdivide = false; } else skipSubdivide = false; if (!skipSubdivide) A.Conic__subdivide(_this, subdivideCount, pointList); pointCount = 2 * quadCount + 1; p = 0; while (true) { if (!(p < pointCount)) { hasNonFinitePoints = false; break; } t1 = pointList[p]; if (isNaN(t1._dx) || isNaN(t1._dy)) { hasNonFinitePoints = true; break; } ++p; } if (hasNonFinitePoints) for (t1 = pointCount - 1, t2 = _this.p1x, t3 = _this.p1y, p = 1; p < t1; ++p) pointList[p] = new A.Offset(t2, t3); return pointList; }, _chop$1(pair) { var w2, scaleHalf, _this = this, t1 = _this.fW, scale = 1 / (1 + t1), newW = Math.sqrt(0.5 + t1 * 0.5), t2 = _this.p1x, t3 = t1 * t2, t4 = _this.p1y, t5 = t1 * t4, t6 = _this.p0x, t7 = _this.p2x, t8 = (t6 + 2 * t3 + t7) * scale * 0.5, t9 = _this.p0y, t10 = _this.p2y, t11 = (t9 + 2 * t5 + t10) * scale * 0.5, m = new A.Offset(t8, t11); if (isNaN(t8) || isNaN(t11)) { w2 = t1 * 2; scaleHalf = scale * 0.5; m = new A.Offset((t6 + w2 * t2 + t7) * scaleHalf, (t9 + w2 * t4 + t10) * scaleHalf); } t1 = m._dx; t2 = m._dy; pair.first = new A.Conic(t6, t9, (t6 + t3) * scale, (t9 + t5) * scale, t1, t2, newW); pair.second = new A.Conic(t1, t2, (t7 + t3) * scale, (t10 + t5) * scale, t7, t10, newW); }, chopAtYExtrema$1(dst) { var _this = this, t = _this._findYExtrema$0(); if (t == null) { dst.push(_this); return; } if (!_this._chopAt$3$cleanupMiddle(t, dst, true)) { dst.push(_this); return; } }, _findYExtrema$0() { var wP10, quadRoots, _this = this, t1 = _this.p2y, t2 = _this.p0y, p20 = t1 - t2; t1 = _this.fW; wP10 = t1 * (_this.p1y - t2); quadRoots = new A.QuadRoots(); if (quadRoots.findRoots$3(t1 * p20 - p20, p20 - 2 * wP10, wP10) === 1) return quadRoots.root0; return null; }, _chopAt$3$cleanupMiddle(t, dst, cleanupMiddle) { var chopPointX, chopPointY, t2, _this = this, tx0 = _this.p0x, ty0 = _this.p0y, t1 = _this.fW, tx1 = _this.p1x * t1, ty1 = _this.p1y * t1, tx2 = _this.p2x, ty2 = _this.p2y, dx0 = tx0 + (tx1 - tx0) * t, dx2 = tx1 + (tx2 - tx1) * t, dy0 = ty0 + (ty1 - ty0) * t, dz0 = 1 + (t1 - 1) * t, dz2 = t1 + (1 - t1) * t, dz1 = dz0 + (dz2 - dz0) * t, root = Math.sqrt(dz1); if (Math.abs(root - 0) < 0.000244140625) return false; if (Math.abs(dz0 - 0) < 0.000244140625 || Math.abs(dz1 - 0) < 0.000244140625 || Math.abs(dz2 - 0) < 0.000244140625) return false; chopPointX = (dx0 + (dx2 - dx0) * t) / dz1; chopPointY = (dy0 + (ty1 + (ty2 - ty1) * t - dy0) * t) / dz1; t1 = _this.p0y; t2 = _this.p2y; dst.push(new A.Conic(tx0, t1, dx0 / dz0, chopPointY, chopPointX, chopPointY, dz0 / root)); dst.push(new A.Conic(chopPointX, chopPointY, dx2 / dz2, chopPointY, tx2, t2, dz2 / root)); return true; }, _computeSubdivisionCount$1(tolerance) { var a, k, x, y, error, pow2, _this = this; if (tolerance < 0) return 0; a = _this.fW - 1; k = a / (4 * (2 + a)); x = k * (_this.p0x - 2 * _this.p1x + _this.p2x); y = k * (_this.p0y - 2 * _this.p1y + _this.p2y); error = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); for (pow2 = 0; pow2 < 5; ++pow2) { if (error <= tolerance) break; error *= 0.25; } return pow2; }, evalTangentAt$1(t) { var t1, p20x, t2, t3, p20y, cx, cy, quadC, _this = this; if (!(t === 0 && _this.p0x === _this.p1x && _this.p0y === _this.p1y)) t1 = t === 1 && _this.p1x === _this.p2x && _this.p1y === _this.p2y; else t1 = true; if (t1) return new A.Offset(_this.p2x - _this.p0x, _this.p2y - _this.p0y); t1 = _this.p0x; p20x = _this.p2x - t1; t2 = _this.p2y; t3 = _this.p0y; p20y = t2 - t3; t2 = _this.fW; cx = t2 * (_this.p1x - t1); cy = t2 * (_this.p1y - t3); quadC = A.SkQuadCoefficients$(t2 * p20x - p20x, t2 * p20y - p20y, p20x - cx - cx, p20y - cy - cy, cx, cy); return new A.Offset(quadC.evalX$1(t), quadC.evalY$1(t)); } }; A.QuadBounds.prototype = {}; A.ConicBounds.prototype = {}; A._ConicPair.prototype = {}; A.CubicBounds.prototype = {}; A.SurfacePath.prototype = { _resetFields$0() { var _this = this; _this.fLastMoveToIndex = 0; _this._fillType = B.PathFillType_0; _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1; }, _copyFields$1(source) { var _this = this; _this._fillType = source._fillType; _this.fLastMoveToIndex = source.fLastMoveToIndex; _this._convexityType = source._convexityType; _this._firstDirection = source._firstDirection; }, set$fillType(value) { this._fillType = value; }, moveTo$2(_, x, y) { var _this = this, pointIndex = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(0, 0); _this.fLastMoveToIndex = pointIndex + 1; _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex, x, y); _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1; }, _injectMoveToIfNeeded$0() { var t2, x, y, pointIndex, t1 = this.fLastMoveToIndex; if (t1 <= 0) { t2 = this.pathRef; if (t2._fPointsLength === 0) { x = 0; y = 0; } else { pointIndex = 2 * (-t1 - 1); t1 = t2.fPoints; x = t1[pointIndex]; y = t1[pointIndex + 1]; } this.moveTo$2(0, x, y); } }, lineTo$2(_, x, y) { var pointIndex, _this = this; if (_this.fLastMoveToIndex <= 0) _this._injectMoveToIfNeeded$0(); pointIndex = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(1, 0); _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex, x, y); _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1; }, conicTo$5(_, x1, y1, x2, y2, w) { var pointIndex, _this = this; _this._injectMoveToIfNeeded$0(); pointIndex = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(3, w); _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex, x1, y1); _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex + 1, x2, y2); _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1; }, close$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.pathRef, verbCount = t1._fVerbsLength; if (verbCount !== 0 && t1._fVerbs[verbCount - 1] !== 5) t1.growForVerb$2(5, 0); t1 = _this.fLastMoveToIndex; if (t1 >= 0) _this.fLastMoveToIndex = -t1; _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1; }, addRect$1(_, rect) { this.addRectWithDirection$3(rect, 0, 0); }, _hasOnlyMoveTos$0() { var i, t1 = this.pathRef, verbCount = t1._fVerbsLength; for (t1 = t1._fVerbs, i = 0; i < verbCount; ++i) switch (t1[i]) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: return false; } return true; }, addRectWithDirection$3(rect, direction, startIndex) { var pointIndex1, pointIndex2, pointIndex3, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this, isRect = _this._hasOnlyMoveTos$0(), finalDirection = _this._hasOnlyMoveTos$0() ? direction : -1, pointIndex0 = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(0, 0); _this.fLastMoveToIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; pointIndex1 = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(1, 0); pointIndex2 = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(1, 0); pointIndex3 = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(1, 0); _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(5, 0); t1 = _this.pathRef; t2 = rect.left; t3 = rect.top; t4 = rect.right; t5 = rect.bottom; if (direction === 0) { t1.setPoint$3(pointIndex0, t2, t3); _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex1, t4, t3); _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex2, t4, t5); _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex3, t2, t5); } else { t1.setPoint$3(pointIndex3, t2, t5); _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex2, t4, t5); _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex1, t4, t3); _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex0, t2, t3); } t1 = _this.pathRef; t1.fIsRect = isRect; t1.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = direction === 1; t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = 0; _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1; _this._firstDirection = finalDirection; }, addOval$1(_, oval) { this._addOval$3(oval, 0, 0); }, _addOval$3(oval, direction, startIndex) { var t1, _this = this, isOval = _this._hasOnlyMoveTos$0(), left = oval.left, right = oval.right, centerX = (left + right) / 2, $top = oval.top, bottom = oval.bottom, centerY = ($top + bottom) / 2; if (direction === 0) { _this.moveTo$2(0, right, centerY); _this.conicTo$5(0, right, bottom, centerX, bottom, 0.707106781); _this.conicTo$5(0, left, bottom, left, centerY, 0.707106781); _this.conicTo$5(0, left, $top, centerX, $top, 0.707106781); _this.conicTo$5(0, right, $top, right, centerY, 0.707106781); } else { _this.moveTo$2(0, right, centerY); _this.conicTo$5(0, right, $top, centerX, $top, 0.707106781); _this.conicTo$5(0, left, $top, left, centerY, 0.707106781); _this.conicTo$5(0, left, bottom, centerX, bottom, 0.707106781); _this.conicTo$5(0, right, bottom, right, centerY, 0.707106781); } _this.close$0(0); t1 = _this.pathRef; t1.fIsOval = isOval; t1.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = direction === 1; t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = 0; _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1; if (isOval) _this._firstDirection = direction; }, addRRect$1(_, rrect) { var t6, width, height, tlRadiusX, trRadiusX, blRadiusX, brRadiusX, tlRadiusY, trRadiusY, blRadiusY, brRadiusY, scale, _this = this, isRRect = _this._hasOnlyMoveTos$0(), t1 = rrect.left, t2 = rrect.top, t3 = rrect.right, t4 = rrect.bottom, bounds = new A.Rect(t1, t2, t3, t4), t5 = rrect.tlRadiusX; if (t5 === 0 || rrect.tlRadiusY === 0) if (rrect.trRadiusX === 0 || rrect.trRadiusY === 0) if (rrect.blRadiusX === 0 || rrect.blRadiusY === 0) t6 = rrect.brRadiusX === 0 || rrect.brRadiusY === 0; else t6 = false; else t6 = false; else t6 = false; if (t6 || t1 >= t3 || t2 >= t4) _this.addRectWithDirection$3(bounds, 0, 3); else if (A.isRRectOval(rrect)) _this._addOval$3(bounds, 0, 3); else { width = t3 - t1; height = t4 - t2; tlRadiusX = Math.max(0, t5); trRadiusX = Math.max(0, rrect.trRadiusX); blRadiusX = Math.max(0, rrect.blRadiusX); brRadiusX = Math.max(0, rrect.brRadiusX); tlRadiusY = Math.max(0, rrect.tlRadiusY); trRadiusY = Math.max(0, rrect.trRadiusY); blRadiusY = Math.max(0, rrect.blRadiusY); brRadiusY = Math.max(0, rrect.brRadiusY); scale = A._computeMinScale(blRadiusY, brRadiusY, height, A._computeMinScale(tlRadiusY, trRadiusY, height, A._computeMinScale(blRadiusX, brRadiusX, width, A._computeMinScale(tlRadiusX, trRadiusX, width, 1)))); t5 = t4 - scale * blRadiusY; _this.moveTo$2(0, t1, t5); _this.lineTo$2(0, t1, t2 + scale * tlRadiusY); _this.conicTo$5(0, t1, t2, t1 + scale * tlRadiusX, t2, 0.707106781); _this.lineTo$2(0, t3 - scale * trRadiusX, t2); _this.conicTo$5(0, t3, t2, t3, t2 + scale * trRadiusY, 0.707106781); _this.lineTo$2(0, t3, t4 - scale * brRadiusY); _this.conicTo$5(0, t3, t4, t3 - scale * brRadiusX, t4, 0.707106781); _this.lineTo$2(0, t1 + scale * blRadiusX, t4); _this.conicTo$5(0, t1, t4, t1, t5, 0.707106781); _this.close$0(0); _this._firstDirection = isRRect ? 0 : -1; t1 = _this.pathRef; t1.fIsRRect = isRRect; t1.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = false; t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = 6; } }, contains$1(_, point) { var bounds, x, y, t1, windings, evenOddFill, w, onCurveCount, iter, _buffer, tangents, done, oldCount, t2, last, tangent, dx, dy, index, test, t3, offset, _this = this; if (_this.pathRef._fVerbsLength === 0) return false; bounds = _this.getBounds$0(0); x = point._dx; y = point._dy; if (x < bounds.left || y < bounds.top || x > bounds.right || y > bounds.bottom) return false; t1 = _this.pathRef; windings = new A.PathWinding(t1, x, y, new Float32Array(18)); windings._walkPath$0(); evenOddFill = B.PathFillType_1 === _this._fillType; w = windings._w; if ((evenOddFill ? w & 1 : w) !== 0) return true; onCurveCount = windings._onCurveCount; if (onCurveCount <= 1) return B.JSBool_methods.$xor(onCurveCount !== 0, false); t1 = onCurveCount & 1; if (t1 !== 0 || evenOddFill) return t1 !== 0; iter = A.PathIterator$(_this.pathRef, true); _buffer = new Float32Array(18); tangents = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Offset); t1 = iter.pathRef; done = false; do { oldCount = tangents.length; switch (iter.next$1(0, _buffer)) { case 0: case 5: break; case 1: A.tangentLine(_buffer, x, y, tangents); break; case 2: A.tangentQuad(_buffer, x, y, tangents); break; case 3: t2 = iter._conicWeightIndex; A.tangentConic(_buffer, x, y, t1._conicWeights[t2], tangents); break; case 4: A.tangentCubic(_buffer, x, y, tangents); break; case 6: done = true; break; } t2 = tangents.length; if (t2 > oldCount) { last = t2 - 1; tangent = tangents[last]; dx = tangent._dx; dy = tangent._dy; if (Math.abs(dx * dx + dy * dy - 0) < 0.000244140625) B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(tangents, last); else for (index = 0; index < last; ++index) { test = tangents[index]; t2 = test._dx; t3 = test._dy; if (Math.abs(t2 * dy - t3 * dx - 0) < 0.000244140625) { t2 = dx * t2; if (t2 < 0) t2 = -1; else t2 = t2 > 0 ? 1 : 0; if (t2 <= 0) { t2 = dy * t3; if (t2 < 0) t2 = -1; else t2 = t2 > 0 ? 1 : 0; t2 = t2 <= 0; } else t2 = false; } else t2 = false; if (t2) { offset = B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(tangents, last); if (index !== tangents.length) tangents[index] = offset; break; } } } } while (!done); return tangents.length !== 0 || false; }, shift$1(offset) { var t6, t1 = offset._dx, t2 = offset._dy, t3 = this.pathRef, t4 = A.PathRef__fPointsFromSource(t3, t1, t2), t5 = t3._fVerbsCapacity, verbs = new Uint8Array(t5); B.NativeUint8List_methods.setAll$2(verbs, 0, t3._fVerbs); t4 = new A.PathRef(t4, verbs); t5 = t3._conicWeightsCapacity; t4._conicWeightsCapacity = t5; t4._conicWeightsLength = t3._conicWeightsLength; t6 = t3._conicWeights; if (t6 != null) { t5 = new Float32Array(t5); t4._conicWeights = t5; B.NativeFloat32List_methods.setAll$2(t5, 0, t6); } t4._fVerbsCapacity = t3._fVerbsCapacity; t4._fVerbsLength = t3._fVerbsLength; t4._fPointsCapacity = t3._fPointsCapacity; t4._fPointsLength = t3._fPointsLength; t5 = t3.fBoundsIsDirty; t4.fBoundsIsDirty = t5; if (!t5) { t4.fBounds = t3.fBounds.translate$2(0, t1, t2); t5 = t3.cachedBounds; t4.cachedBounds = t5 == null ? null : t5.translate$2(0, t1, t2); t4.fIsFinite = t3.fIsFinite; } t4.fSegmentMask = t3.fSegmentMask; t4.fIsOval = t3.fIsOval; t4.fIsRRect = t3.fIsRRect; t4.fIsRect = t3.fIsRect; t4.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = t3.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW; t4.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = t3.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx; t1 = new A.SurfacePath(t4, B.PathFillType_0); t1._copyFields$1(this); return t1; }, getBounds$0(_) { var t2, iter, points, ltrbInitialized, left, $top, right, bottom, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, cubicBounds, quadBounds, conicBounds, verb, pIndex, pointIndex, x1, pointIndex0, y1, cpX, cpY, x2, y2, t3, t4, t5, denom, t10, tprime, t6, t7, extremaX, extremaY, t20, tprime2, extrema2X, extrema2Y, roots, p20x, wP10x, $B, src2w, p20y, wP10y, startX, startY, cpX1, cpY1, cpX2, cpY2, endX, endY, a, b, s, t, newBounds, _this = this, t1 = _this.pathRef; if ((t1.fIsRRect ? t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx : -1) === -1) t2 = (t1.fIsOval ? t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx : -1) !== -1; else t2 = true; if (t2) return t1.getBounds$0(0); if (!t1.fBoundsIsDirty && t1.cachedBounds != null) { t1 = t1.cachedBounds; t1.toString; return t1; } iter = new A.PathRefIterator(t1); iter.PathRefIterator$1(t1); points = _this.pathRef.fPoints; for (ltrbInitialized = false, left = 0, $top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0, minX = 0, maxX = 0, minY = 0, maxY = 0, cubicBounds = null, quadBounds = null, conicBounds = null; verb = iter.nextIndex$0(), verb !== 6;) { pIndex = iter.iterIndex; switch (verb) { case 0: maxX = points[pIndex]; maxY = points[pIndex + 1]; minY = maxY; minX = maxX; break; case 1: maxX = points[pIndex + 2]; maxY = points[pIndex + 3]; minY = maxY; minX = maxX; break; case 2: if (quadBounds == null) quadBounds = new A.QuadBounds(); pointIndex = pIndex + 1; x1 = points[pIndex]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; y1 = points[pointIndex]; pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; cpX = points[pointIndex0]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; cpY = points[pointIndex]; x2 = points[pointIndex0]; y2 = points[pointIndex0 + 1]; t2 = quadBounds.minX = Math.min(x1, x2); t3 = quadBounds.minY = Math.min(y1, y2); t4 = quadBounds.maxX = Math.max(x1, x2); t5 = quadBounds.maxY = Math.max(y1, y2); denom = x1 - 2 * cpX + x2; if (Math.abs(denom) > 0.000244140625) { t10 = (x1 - cpX) / denom; if (t10 >= 0 && t10 <= 1) { tprime = 1 - t10; t6 = tprime * tprime; t7 = 2 * t10 * tprime; t10 *= t10; extremaX = t6 * x1 + t7 * cpX + t10 * x2; extremaY = t6 * y1 + t7 * cpY + t10 * y2; t2 = Math.min(t2, extremaX); quadBounds.minX = t2; t4 = Math.max(t4, extremaX); quadBounds.maxX = t4; t3 = Math.min(t3, extremaY); quadBounds.minY = t3; t5 = Math.max(t5, extremaY); quadBounds.maxY = t5; } } denom = y1 - 2 * cpY + y2; if (Math.abs(denom) > 0.000244140625) { t20 = (y1 - cpY) / denom; if (t20 >= 0 && t20 <= 1) { tprime2 = 1 - t20; t6 = tprime2 * tprime2; t7 = 2 * t20 * tprime2; t20 *= t20; extrema2X = t6 * x1 + t7 * cpX + t20 * x2; extrema2Y = t6 * y1 + t7 * cpY + t20 * y2; t2 = Math.min(t2, extrema2X); quadBounds.minX = t2; t4 = Math.max(t4, extrema2X); quadBounds.maxX = t4; t3 = Math.min(t3, extrema2Y); quadBounds.minY = t3; t5 = Math.max(t5, extrema2Y); quadBounds.maxY = t5; } maxY = t5; maxX = t4; minY = t3; minX = t2; } else { maxY = t5; maxX = t4; minY = t3; minX = t2; } break; case 3: if (conicBounds == null) conicBounds = new A.ConicBounds(); t2 = t1._conicWeights[iter._conicWeightIndex]; pointIndex = pIndex + 1; x1 = points[pIndex]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; y1 = points[pointIndex]; pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; cpX = points[pointIndex0]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; cpY = points[pointIndex]; x2 = points[pointIndex0]; y2 = points[pointIndex0 + 1]; conicBounds.minX = Math.min(x1, x2); conicBounds.minY = Math.min(y1, y2); conicBounds.maxX = Math.max(x1, x2); conicBounds.maxY = Math.max(y1, y2); roots = new A.QuadRoots(); p20x = x2 - x1; wP10x = t2 * (cpX - x1); if (roots.findRoots$3(t2 * p20x - p20x, p20x - 2 * wP10x, wP10x) !== 0) { t3 = roots.root0; t3.toString; if (t3 >= 0 && t3 <= 1) { $B = 2 * (t2 - 1); denom = (-$B * t3 + $B) * t3 + 1; src2w = cpX * t2; extremaX = (((x2 - 2 * src2w + x1) * t3 + 2 * (src2w - x1)) * t3 + x1) / denom; src2w = cpY * t2; extremaY = (((y2 - 2 * src2w + y1) * t3 + 2 * (src2w - y1)) * t3 + y1) / denom; conicBounds.minX = Math.min(conicBounds.minX, extremaX); conicBounds.maxX = Math.max(conicBounds.maxX, extremaX); conicBounds.minY = Math.min(conicBounds.minY, extremaY); conicBounds.maxY = Math.max(conicBounds.maxY, extremaY); } } p20y = y2 - y1; wP10y = t2 * (cpY - y1); if (roots.findRoots$3(t2 * p20y - p20y, p20y - 2 * wP10y, wP10y) !== 0) { t3 = roots.root0; t3.toString; if (t3 >= 0 && t3 <= 1) { $B = 2 * (t2 - 1); denom = (-$B * t3 + $B) * t3 + 1; src2w = cpX * t2; extrema2X = (((x2 - 2 * src2w + x1) * t3 + 2 * (src2w - x1)) * t3 + x1) / denom; src2w = cpY * t2; extrema2Y = (((y2 - 2 * src2w + y1) * t3 + 2 * (src2w - y1)) * t3 + y1) / denom; conicBounds.minX = Math.min(conicBounds.minX, extrema2X); conicBounds.maxX = Math.max(conicBounds.maxX, extrema2X); conicBounds.minY = Math.min(conicBounds.minY, extrema2Y); conicBounds.maxY = Math.max(conicBounds.maxY, extrema2Y); } } minX = conicBounds.minX; minY = conicBounds.minY; maxX = conicBounds.maxX; maxY = conicBounds.maxY; break; case 4: if (cubicBounds == null) cubicBounds = new A.CubicBounds(); pointIndex = pIndex + 1; startX = points[pIndex]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; startY = points[pointIndex]; pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; cpX1 = points[pointIndex0]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; cpY1 = points[pointIndex]; pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; cpX2 = points[pointIndex0]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; cpY2 = points[pointIndex]; endX = points[pointIndex0]; endY = points[pointIndex0 + 1]; t2 = Math.min(startX, endX); cubicBounds.minX = t2; cubicBounds.minY = Math.min(startY, endY); t3 = Math.max(startX, endX); cubicBounds.maxX = t3; cubicBounds.maxY = Math.max(startY, endY); if (!(startX < cpX1 && cpX1 < cpX2 && cpX2 < endX)) t4 = startX > cpX1 && cpX1 > cpX2 && cpX2 > endX; else t4 = true; if (!t4) { t4 = -startX; a = t4 + 3 * (cpX1 - cpX2) + endX; b = 2 * (startX - 2 * cpX1 + cpX2); s = b * b - 4 * a * (t4 + cpX1); if (s >= 0 && Math.abs(a) > 0.000244140625) { t4 = -b; t5 = 2 * a; if (s === 0) { t = t4 / t5; tprime = 1 - t; if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) { t4 = 3 * tprime; extremaX = tprime * tprime * tprime * startX + t4 * tprime * t * cpX1 + t4 * t * t * cpX2 + t * t * t * endX; cubicBounds.minX = Math.min(extremaX, t2); cubicBounds.maxX = Math.max(extremaX, t3); } } else { s = Math.sqrt(s); t = (t4 - s) / t5; tprime = 1 - t; if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) { t2 = 3 * tprime; extremaX = tprime * tprime * tprime * startX + t2 * tprime * t * cpX1 + t2 * t * t * cpX2 + t * t * t * endX; cubicBounds.minX = Math.min(extremaX, cubicBounds.minX); cubicBounds.maxX = Math.max(extremaX, cubicBounds.maxX); } t = (t4 + s) / t5; tprime = 1 - t; if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) { t2 = 3 * tprime; extremaX = tprime * tprime * tprime * startX + t2 * tprime * t * cpX1 + t2 * t * t * cpX2 + t * t * t * endX; cubicBounds.minX = Math.min(extremaX, cubicBounds.minX); cubicBounds.maxX = Math.max(extremaX, cubicBounds.maxX); } } } } if (!(startY < cpY1 && cpY1 < cpY2 && cpY2 < endY)) t2 = startY > cpY1 && cpY1 > cpY2 && cpY2 > endY; else t2 = true; if (!t2) { t2 = -startY; a = t2 + 3 * (cpY1 - cpY2) + endY; b = 2 * (startY - 2 * cpY1 + cpY2); s = b * b - 4 * a * (t2 + cpY1); if (s >= 0 && Math.abs(a) > 0.000244140625) { t2 = -b; t3 = 2 * a; if (s === 0) { t = t2 / t3; tprime = 1 - t; if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) { t2 = 3 * tprime; extremaY = tprime * tprime * tprime * startY + t2 * tprime * t * cpY1 + t2 * t * t * cpY2 + t * t * t * endY; cubicBounds.minY = Math.min(extremaY, cubicBounds.minY); cubicBounds.maxY = Math.max(extremaY, cubicBounds.maxY); } } else { s = Math.sqrt(s); t = (t2 - s) / t3; tprime = 1 - t; if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) { t4 = 3 * tprime; extremaY = tprime * tprime * tprime * startY + t4 * tprime * t * cpY1 + t4 * t * t * cpY2 + t * t * t * endY; cubicBounds.minY = Math.min(extremaY, cubicBounds.minY); cubicBounds.maxY = Math.max(extremaY, cubicBounds.maxY); } t2 = (t2 + s) / t3; tprime2 = 1 - t2; if (t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1) { t3 = 3 * tprime2; extremaY = tprime2 * tprime2 * tprime2 * startY + t3 * tprime2 * t2 * cpY1 + t3 * t2 * t2 * cpY2 + t2 * t2 * t2 * endY; cubicBounds.minY = Math.min(extremaY, cubicBounds.minY); cubicBounds.maxY = Math.max(extremaY, cubicBounds.maxY); } } } } minX = cubicBounds.minX; minY = cubicBounds.minY; maxX = cubicBounds.maxX; maxY = cubicBounds.maxY; break; } if (!ltrbInitialized) { bottom = maxY; right = maxX; $top = minY; left = minX; ltrbInitialized = true; } else { left = Math.min(left, minX); right = Math.max(right, maxX); $top = Math.min($top, minY); bottom = Math.max(bottom, maxY); } } newBounds = ltrbInitialized ? new A.Rect(left, $top, right, bottom) : B.Rect_0_0_0_0; _this.pathRef.getBounds$0(0); return _this.pathRef.cachedBounds = newBounds; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PathIterator.prototype = { _autoClose$1(outPts) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._lastPointX, t2 = _this._moveToX; if (t1 !== t2 || _this._lastPointY !== _this._moveToY) { if (isNaN(t1) || isNaN(_this._lastPointY) || isNaN(t2) || isNaN(_this._moveToY)) return 5; outPts[0] = t1; outPts[1] = _this._lastPointY; outPts[2] = t2; t1 = _this._moveToY; outPts[3] = t1; _this._lastPointX = t2; _this._lastPointY = t1; return 1; } else { outPts[0] = t2; outPts[1] = _this._moveToY; return 5; } }, _constructMoveTo$0() { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (_this._segmentState === 1) { _this._segmentState = 2; return new A.Offset(_this._moveToX, _this._moveToY); } t1 = _this.pathRef.fPoints; t2 = _this._pointIndex; return new A.Offset(t1[t2 - 2], t1[t2 - 1]); }, next$1(_, outPts) { var t3, verb, autoVerb, offsetX, offsetY, start, _this = this, t1 = _this._verbIndex, t2 = _this.pathRef; if (t1 === t2._fVerbsLength) { if (_this._needClose && _this._segmentState === 2) { if (1 === _this._autoClose$1(outPts)) return 1; _this._needClose = false; return 5; } return 6; } t3 = _this._verbIndex = t1 + 1; verb = t2._fVerbs[t1]; switch (verb) { case 0: if (_this._needClose) { _this._verbIndex = t3 - 1; autoVerb = _this._autoClose$1(outPts); if (autoVerb === 5) _this._needClose = false; return autoVerb; } if (t3 === _this._verbCount) return 6; t1 = t2.fPoints; t2 = _this._pointIndex; t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1; offsetX = t1[t2]; _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1; offsetY = t1[t3]; _this._moveToX = offsetX; _this._moveToY = offsetY; outPts[0] = offsetX; outPts[1] = offsetY; _this._segmentState = 1; _this._lastPointX = offsetX; _this._lastPointY = offsetY; _this._needClose = true; break; case 1: start = _this._constructMoveTo$0(); t1 = t2.fPoints; t2 = _this._pointIndex; t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1; offsetX = t1[t2]; _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1; offsetY = t1[t3]; outPts[0] = start._dx; outPts[1] = start._dy; outPts[2] = offsetX; outPts[3] = offsetY; _this._lastPointX = offsetX; _this._lastPointY = offsetY; break; case 3: ++_this._conicWeightIndex; start = _this._constructMoveTo$0(); outPts[0] = start._dx; outPts[1] = start._dy; t1 = t2.fPoints; t2 = _this._pointIndex; t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1; outPts[2] = t1[t2]; t2 = _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1; outPts[3] = t1[t3]; t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1; t2 = t1[t2]; outPts[4] = t2; _this._lastPointX = t2; _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1; t3 = t1[t3]; outPts[5] = t3; _this._lastPointY = t3; break; case 2: start = _this._constructMoveTo$0(); outPts[0] = start._dx; outPts[1] = start._dy; t1 = t2.fPoints; t2 = _this._pointIndex; t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1; outPts[2] = t1[t2]; t2 = _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1; outPts[3] = t1[t3]; t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1; t2 = t1[t2]; outPts[4] = t2; _this._lastPointX = t2; _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1; t3 = t1[t3]; outPts[5] = t3; _this._lastPointY = t3; break; case 4: start = _this._constructMoveTo$0(); outPts[0] = start._dx; outPts[1] = start._dy; t1 = t2.fPoints; t2 = _this._pointIndex; t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1; outPts[2] = t1[t2]; t2 = _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1; outPts[3] = t1[t3]; t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1; outPts[4] = t1[t2]; t2 = _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1; outPts[5] = t1[t3]; t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1; t2 = t1[t2]; outPts[6] = t2; _this._lastPointX = t2; _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1; t3 = t1[t3]; outPts[7] = t3; _this._lastPointY = t3; break; case 5: verb = _this._autoClose$1(outPts); if (verb === 1) --_this._verbIndex; else { _this._needClose = false; _this._segmentState = 0; } _this._lastPointX = _this._moveToX; _this._lastPointY = _this._moveToY; break; case 6: break; default: throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Unsupport Path verb " + verb, null, null)); } return verb; } }; A.PathRef.prototype = { setPoint$3(pointIndex, x, y) { var index = pointIndex * 2, t1 = this.fPoints; t1[index] = x; t1[index + 1] = y; }, atPoint$1(index) { var t1 = this.fPoints, t2 = index * 2; return new A.Offset(t1[t2], t1[t2 + 1]); }, getRect$0() { var _this = this; if (_this.fIsRect) return new A.Rect(_this.atPoint$1(0)._dx, _this.atPoint$1(0)._dy, _this.atPoint$1(1)._dx, _this.atPoint$1(2)._dy); else return _this._fVerbsLength === 4 ? _this._detectRect$0() : null; }, getBounds$0(_) { var t1; if (this.fBoundsIsDirty) this._computeBounds$0(); t1 = this.fBounds; t1.toString; return t1; }, _detectRect$0() { var width, x2, y2, height, t1, y3, _this = this, _null = null, x0 = _this.atPoint$1(0)._dx, y0 = _this.atPoint$1(0)._dy, x1 = _this.atPoint$1(1)._dx, y1 = _this.atPoint$1(1)._dy; if (_this._fVerbs[1] !== 1 || y1 !== y0) return _null; width = x1 - x0; x2 = _this.atPoint$1(2)._dx; y2 = _this.atPoint$1(2)._dy; if (_this._fVerbs[2] !== 1 || x2 !== x1) return _null; height = y2 - y1; t1 = _this.atPoint$1(3); y3 = _this.atPoint$1(3)._dy; if (_this._fVerbs[3] !== 1 || y3 !== y2) return _null; if (x2 - t1._dx !== width || y3 - y0 !== height) return _null; return new A.Rect(x0, y0, x0 + width, y0 + height); }, getStraightLine$0() { var t1, x0, y0, x1, y1; if (this._fVerbsLength === 2) { t1 = this._fVerbs; t1 = t1[0] !== 0 || t1[1] !== 1; } else t1 = true; if (t1) return null; t1 = this.fPoints; x0 = t1[0]; y0 = t1[1]; x1 = t1[2]; y1 = t1[3]; if (y0 === y1 || x0 === x1) return new A.Rect(x0, y0, x1, y1); return null; }, _getRRect$0() { var pts, cornerIndex, verb, controlPx, controlPy, vector1_0x, vector1_0y, t1, t2, dx, dy, t3, bounds = this.getBounds$0(0), radii = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Radius), iter = new A.PathRefIterator(this); iter.PathRefIterator$1(this); pts = new Float32Array(8); iter.next$1(0, pts); for (cornerIndex = 0; verb = iter.next$1(0, pts), verb !== 6;) if (3 === verb) { controlPx = pts[2]; controlPy = pts[3]; vector1_0x = controlPx - pts[0]; vector1_0y = controlPy - pts[1]; t1 = pts[4]; t2 = pts[5]; if (vector1_0x !== 0) { dx = Math.abs(vector1_0x); dy = Math.abs(t2 - controlPy); } else { dy = Math.abs(vector1_0y); dx = vector1_0y !== 0 ? Math.abs(t1 - controlPx) : Math.abs(vector1_0x); } radii.push(new A.Radius(dx, dy)); ++cornerIndex; } t1 = radii[0]; t2 = radii[1]; t3 = radii[2]; return A.RRect$fromRectAndCorners(bounds, radii[3], t3, t1, t2); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.PathRef && this.equals$1(other); }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.fSegmentMask, _this.fPoints, _this._conicWeights, _this._fVerbs, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, equals$1(ref) { var pointCount, len, t1, t2, i, weightCount, verbCount, _this = this; if (_this.fSegmentMask !== ref.fSegmentMask) return false; pointCount = _this._fPointsLength; if (pointCount !== ref._fPointsLength) return false; len = pointCount * 2; for (t1 = _this.fPoints, t2 = ref.fPoints, i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (t1[i] !== t2[i]) return false; t1 = _this._conicWeights; if (t1 == null) { if (ref._conicWeights != null) return false; } else { t2 = ref._conicWeights; if (t2 == null) return false; weightCount = t1.length; if (t2.length !== weightCount) return false; for (i = 0; i < weightCount; ++i) if (t1[i] !== t2[i]) return false; } verbCount = _this._fVerbsLength; if (verbCount !== ref._fVerbsLength) return false; for (t1 = _this._fVerbs, t2 = ref._fVerbs, i = 0; i < verbCount; ++i) if (t1[i] !== t2[i]) return false; return true; }, _resizePoints$1(newLength) { var t1, newPoints, _this = this; if (newLength > _this._fPointsCapacity) { t1 = newLength + 10; _this._fPointsCapacity = t1; newPoints = new Float32Array(t1 * 2); B.NativeFloat32List_methods.setAll$2(newPoints, 0, _this.fPoints); _this.fPoints = newPoints; } _this._fPointsLength = newLength; }, _resizeVerbs$1(newLength) { var t1, newVerbs, _this = this; if (newLength > _this._fVerbsCapacity) { t1 = newLength + 8; _this._fVerbsCapacity = t1; newVerbs = new Uint8Array(t1); B.NativeUint8List_methods.setAll$2(newVerbs, 0, _this._fVerbs); _this._fVerbs = newVerbs; } _this._fVerbsLength = newLength; }, _resizeConicWeights$1(newLength) { var t1, newWeights, _this = this; if (newLength > _this._conicWeightsCapacity) { t1 = newLength + 4; _this._conicWeightsCapacity = t1; newWeights = new Float32Array(t1); t1 = _this._conicWeights; if (t1 != null) B.NativeFloat32List_methods.setAll$2(newWeights, 0, t1); _this._conicWeights = newWeights; } _this._conicWeightsLength = newLength; }, _computeBounds$0() { var t1, maxX, maxY, accum, len, minY, minX, i, x, y, _this = this, pointCount = _this._fPointsLength; _this.fBoundsIsDirty = false; _this.cachedBounds = null; if (pointCount === 0) { _this.fBounds = B.Rect_0_0_0_0; _this.fIsFinite = true; } else { t1 = _this.fPoints; maxX = t1[0]; maxY = t1[1]; accum = 0 * maxX * maxY; len = 2 * pointCount; for (minY = maxY, minX = maxX, i = 2; i < len; i += 2) { x = t1[i]; y = t1[i + 1]; accum = accum * x * y; minX = Math.min(minX, x); minY = Math.min(minY, y); maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); maxY = Math.max(maxY, y); } if (accum * 0 === 0) { _this.fBounds = new A.Rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY); _this.fIsFinite = true; } else { _this.fBounds = B.Rect_0_0_0_0; _this.fIsFinite = false; } } }, growForVerb$2(verb, weight) { var pCnt, mask, verbCount, weightCount, ptsIndex, _this = this; switch (verb) { case 0: pCnt = 1; mask = 0; break; case 1: pCnt = 1; mask = 1; break; case 2: pCnt = 2; mask = 2; break; case 3: pCnt = 2; mask = 4; break; case 4: pCnt = 3; mask = 8; break; case 5: pCnt = 0; mask = 0; break; case 6: pCnt = 0; mask = 0; break; default: pCnt = 0; mask = 0; break; } _this.fSegmentMask |= mask; _this.fBoundsIsDirty = true; _this.startEdit$0(); verbCount = _this._fVerbsLength; _this._resizeVerbs$1(verbCount + 1); _this._fVerbs[verbCount] = verb; if (3 === verb) { weightCount = _this._conicWeightsLength; _this._resizeConicWeights$1(weightCount + 1); _this._conicWeights[weightCount] = weight; } ptsIndex = _this._fPointsLength; _this._resizePoints$1(ptsIndex + pCnt); return ptsIndex; }, startEdit$0() { var _this = this; _this.fIsRect = _this.fIsRRect = _this.fIsOval = false; _this.cachedBounds = null; _this.fBoundsIsDirty = true; } }; A.PathRefIterator.prototype = { PathRefIterator$1(pathRef) { var t1; this._pointIndex = 0; t1 = this.pathRef; if (t1.fBoundsIsDirty) t1._computeBounds$0(); if (!t1.fIsFinite) this._verbIndex = t1._fVerbsLength; }, nextIndex$0() { var verb, _this = this, t1 = _this._verbIndex, t2 = _this.pathRef; if (t1 === t2._fVerbsLength) return 6; t2 = t2._fVerbs; _this._verbIndex = t1 + 1; verb = t2[t1]; switch (verb) { case 0: t1 = _this._pointIndex; _this.iterIndex = t1; _this._pointIndex = t1 + 2; break; case 1: t1 = _this._pointIndex; _this.iterIndex = t1 - 2; _this._pointIndex = t1 + 2; break; case 3: ++_this._conicWeightIndex; t1 = _this._pointIndex; _this.iterIndex = t1 - 2; _this._pointIndex = t1 + 4; break; case 2: t1 = _this._pointIndex; _this.iterIndex = t1 - 2; _this._pointIndex = t1 + 4; break; case 4: t1 = _this._pointIndex; _this.iterIndex = t1 - 2; _this._pointIndex = t1 + 6; break; case 5: break; case 6: break; default: throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Unsupport Path verb " + verb, null, null)); } return verb; }, next$1(_, outPts) { var t3, verb, points, pointIndex, pointIndex0, _this = this, t1 = _this._verbIndex, t2 = _this.pathRef; if (t1 === t2._fVerbsLength) return 6; t3 = t2._fVerbs; _this._verbIndex = t1 + 1; verb = t3[t1]; points = t2.fPoints; pointIndex = _this._pointIndex; switch (verb) { case 0: pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; outPts[0] = points[pointIndex]; pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; outPts[1] = points[pointIndex0]; break; case 1: outPts[0] = points[pointIndex - 2]; outPts[1] = points[pointIndex - 1]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; outPts[2] = points[pointIndex]; pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; outPts[3] = points[pointIndex0]; break; case 3: ++_this._conicWeightIndex; outPts[0] = points[pointIndex - 2]; outPts[1] = points[pointIndex - 1]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; outPts[2] = points[pointIndex]; pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; outPts[3] = points[pointIndex0]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; outPts[4] = points[pointIndex]; pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; outPts[5] = points[pointIndex0]; break; case 2: outPts[0] = points[pointIndex - 2]; outPts[1] = points[pointIndex - 1]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; outPts[2] = points[pointIndex]; pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; outPts[3] = points[pointIndex0]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; outPts[4] = points[pointIndex]; pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; outPts[5] = points[pointIndex0]; break; case 4: outPts[0] = points[pointIndex - 2]; outPts[1] = points[pointIndex - 1]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; outPts[2] = points[pointIndex]; pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; outPts[3] = points[pointIndex0]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; outPts[4] = points[pointIndex]; pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; outPts[5] = points[pointIndex0]; pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1; outPts[6] = points[pointIndex]; pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1; outPts[7] = points[pointIndex0]; break; case 5: break; case 6: break; default: throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Unsupport Path verb " + verb, null, null)); } _this._pointIndex = pointIndex; return verb; } }; A.QuadRoots.prototype = { findRoots$3(a, b, c) { var t1, dr, q, res, rootCount, rootCount0, t2, _this = this; if (a === 0) { t1 = A.validUnitDivide(-c, b); _this.root0 = t1; return t1 == null ? 0 : 1; } dr = b * b - 4 * a * c; if (dr < 0) return 0; dr = Math.sqrt(dr); if (!isFinite(dr)) return 0; q = b < 0 ? -(b - dr) / 2 : -(b + dr) / 2; res = A.validUnitDivide(q, a); if (res != null) { _this.root0 = res; rootCount = 1; } else rootCount = 0; res = A.validUnitDivide(c, q); if (res != null) { rootCount0 = rootCount + 1; if (rootCount === 0) _this.root0 = res; else _this.root1 = res; rootCount = rootCount0; } if (rootCount === 2) { t1 = _this.root0; t1.toString; t2 = _this.root1; t2.toString; if (t1 > t2) { _this.root0 = t2; _this.root1 = t1; } else if (t1 === t2) return 1; } return rootCount; } }; A.SkQuadCoefficients.prototype = { evalX$1(t) { return (this.ax * t + this.bx) * t + this.cx; }, evalY$1(t) { return (this.ay * t + this.by) * t + this.cy; } }; A.PathWinding.prototype = { _walkPath$0() { var t2, t3, verb, n, winding, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, isMono, conics, _this = this, t1 = _this.pathRef, iter = A.PathIterator$(t1, true); for (t2 = _this.__engine$_buffer, t3 = type$.JSArray_Conic; verb = iter.next$1(0, t2), verb !== 6;) switch (verb) { case 0: case 5: break; case 1: _this._computeLineWinding$0(); break; case 2: n = !A.PathWinding__isQuadMonotonic(t2) ? A.PathWinding__chopQuadAtExtrema(t2) : 0; winding = _this._computeMonoQuadWinding$6(t2[0], t2[1], t2[2], t2[3], t2[4], t2[5]); _this._w += n > 0 ? winding + _this._computeMonoQuadWinding$6(t2[4], t2[5], t2[6], t2[7], t2[8], t2[9]) : winding; break; case 3: t4 = t1._conicWeights[iter._conicWeightIndex]; t5 = t2[0]; t6 = t2[1]; t7 = t2[2]; t8 = t2[3]; t9 = t2[4]; t10 = t2[5]; isMono = A.PathWinding__isQuadMonotonic(t2); conics = A._setArrayType([], t3); new A.Conic(t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t4).chopAtYExtrema$1(conics); _this._computeMonoConicWinding$1(conics[0]); if (!isMono && conics.length === 2) _this._computeMonoConicWinding$1(conics[1]); break; case 4: _this._computeCubicWinding$0(); break; } }, _computeLineWinding$0() { var y1, y0, dir, t2, crossProduct, _this = this, t1 = _this.__engine$_buffer, x0 = t1[0], startY = t1[1], x1 = t1[2], endY = t1[3]; if (startY > endY) { y1 = startY; y0 = endY; dir = -1; } else { y1 = endY; y0 = startY; dir = 1; } t1 = _this.y; if (t1 < y0 || t1 > y1) return; t2 = _this.x; if (A.PathWinding__checkOnCurve(t2, t1, x0, startY, x1, endY)) { ++_this._onCurveCount; return; } if (t1 === y1) return; crossProduct = (x1 - x0) * (t1 - startY) - (endY - startY) * (t2 - x0); if (crossProduct === 0) { if (t2 !== x1 || t1 !== endY) ++_this._onCurveCount; dir = 0; } else if (A.SPath_scalarSignedAsInt(crossProduct) === dir) dir = 0; _this._w += dir; }, _computeMonoQuadWinding$6(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) { var y20, y00, dir, t1, t2, quadRoots, xt, t3, _this = this; if (y0 > y2) { y20 = y0; y00 = y2; dir = -1; } else { y20 = y2; y00 = y0; dir = 1; } t1 = _this.y; if (t1 < y00 || t1 > y20) return 0; t2 = _this.x; if (A.PathWinding__checkOnCurve(t2, t1, x0, y0, x2, y2)) { ++_this._onCurveCount; return 0; } if (t1 === y20) return 0; quadRoots = new A.QuadRoots(); if (0 === quadRoots.findRoots$3(y0 - 2 * y1 + y2, 2 * (y1 - y0), y0 - t1)) xt = dir === 1 ? x0 : x2; else { t3 = quadRoots.root0; t3.toString; xt = ((x2 - 2 * x1 + x0) * t3 + 2 * (x1 - x0)) * t3 + x0; } if (Math.abs(xt - t2) < 0.000244140625) if (t2 !== x2 || t1 !== y2) { ++_this._onCurveCount; return 0; } return xt < t2 ? dir : 0; }, _computeMonoConicWinding$1(conic) { var y20, y00, dir, t1, t2, xt, xt0, t3, $B, quadRoots, t4, _this = this, y0 = conic.p0y, y2 = conic.p2y; if (y0 > y2) { y20 = y0; y00 = y2; dir = -1; } else { y20 = y2; y00 = y0; dir = 1; } t1 = _this.y; if (t1 < y00 || t1 > y20) return; t2 = _this.x; xt = conic.p0x; xt0 = conic.p2x; if (A.PathWinding__checkOnCurve(t2, t1, xt, y0, xt0, y2)) { ++_this._onCurveCount; return; } if (t1 === y20) return; t3 = conic.fW; $B = conic.p1y * t3 - t1 * t3 + t1; quadRoots = new A.QuadRoots(); if (0 === quadRoots.findRoots$3(y2 + (y0 - 2 * $B), 2 * ($B - y0), y0 - t1)) xt = dir === 1 ? xt : xt0; else { t4 = quadRoots.root0; t4.toString; xt = A.Conic_evalNumerator(xt, conic.p1x, xt0, t3, t4) / A.Conic_evalDenominator(t3, t4); } if (Math.abs(xt - t2) < 0.000244140625) if (t2 !== xt0 || t1 !== conic.p2y) { ++_this._onCurveCount; return; } t1 = _this._w; _this._w = t1 + (xt < t2 ? dir : 0); }, _computeCubicWinding$0() { var i, t1 = this.__engine$_buffer, n = A.chopCubicAtYExtrema(t1, t1); for (i = 0; i <= n; ++i) this._windingMonoCubic$1(i * 3 * 2); }, _windingMonoCubic$1(bufferIndex) { var px2, px3, py3, y3, y0, dir, t2, t3, min, max, t, xt, _this = this, t1 = _this.__engine$_buffer, bufferIndex0 = bufferIndex + 1, px0 = t1[bufferIndex], bufferIndex1 = bufferIndex0 + 1, py0 = t1[bufferIndex0], px1 = t1[bufferIndex1]; bufferIndex0 = bufferIndex1 + 1 + 1; px2 = t1[bufferIndex0]; bufferIndex0 = bufferIndex0 + 1 + 1; px3 = t1[bufferIndex0]; py3 = t1[bufferIndex0 + 1]; if (py0 > py3) { y3 = py0; y0 = py3; dir = -1; } else { y3 = py3; y0 = py0; dir = 1; } t2 = _this.y; if (t2 < y0 || t2 > y3) return; t3 = _this.x; if (A.PathWinding__checkOnCurve(t3, t2, px0, py0, px3, py3)) { ++_this._onCurveCount; return; } if (t2 === y3) return; min = Math.min(px0, Math.min(px1, Math.min(px2, px3))); max = Math.max(px0, Math.max(px1, Math.max(px2, px3))); if (t3 < min) return; if (t3 > max) { _this._w += dir; return; } t = A.chopMonoAtY(t1, bufferIndex, t2); if (t == null) return; xt = A.evalCubicPts(px0, px1, px2, px3, t); if (Math.abs(xt - t3) < 0.000244140625) if (t3 !== px3 || t2 !== py3) { ++_this._onCurveCount; return; } t1 = _this._w; _this._w = t1 + (xt < t3 ? dir : 0); } }; A.PaintRequest.prototype = { paintCallback$0() { return this.paintCallback.call$0(); } }; A.PersistedPicture.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { return this.defaultCreateElement$1("flt-picture"); }, preroll$1(prerollContext) { this.super$PersistedSurface$preroll(prerollContext); }, recomputeTransformAndClip$0() { var t2, t3, paintWidth, paintHeight, newDensity, _this = this, t1 = _this.parent.transform; _this.transform = t1; t2 = _this.dx; if (t2 !== 0 || _this.dy !== 0) { t1.toString; t3 = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); t3.setFrom$1(t1); _this.transform = t3; t3.translate$2(0, t2, _this.dy); } t1 = _this.localPaintBounds; paintWidth = t1.right - t1.left; paintHeight = t1.bottom - t1.top; t1 = paintWidth === 0 || paintHeight === 0; newDensity = t1 ? 1 : A._computePixelDensity(_this.transform, paintWidth, paintHeight); if (newDensity !== _this._density) { _this._density = newDensity; _this._requiresRepaint = true; } _this._computeExactCullRects$0(); }, _computeExactCullRects$0() { var clipTransform, bounds, localClipBounds, localInverse, t1, t2, _this = this, parentSurface = _this.parent; if (parentSurface.projectedClip == null) { clipTransform = A.Matrix4$identity(); for (bounds = null; parentSurface != null;) { localClipBounds = parentSurface.localClipBounds; if (localClipBounds != null) bounds = bounds == null ? A.transformRect(clipTransform, localClipBounds) : bounds.intersect$1(A.transformRect(clipTransform, localClipBounds)); localInverse = parentSurface.get$localTransformInverse(); if (localInverse != null && !localInverse.isIdentity$0(0)) clipTransform.multiply$1(0, localInverse); parentSurface = parentSurface.parent; } if (bounds != null) t1 = bounds.right - bounds.left <= 0 || bounds.bottom - bounds.top <= 0; else t1 = false; if (t1) bounds = B.Rect_0_0_0_0; t1 = _this.parent; t1.projectedClip = bounds; } else t1 = parentSurface; t1 = t1.projectedClip; t2 = _this.localPaintBounds; if (t1 == null) { _this._exactLocalCullRect = t2; t1 = t2; } else t1 = _this._exactLocalCullRect = t2.intersect$1(t1); if (t1.right - t1.left <= 0 || t1.bottom - t1.top <= 0) _this._exactGlobalCullRect = _this._exactLocalCullRect = B.Rect_0_0_0_0; }, _computeOptimalCullRect$1(oldSurface) { var oldOptimalLocalCullRect, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, newLocalCullRect, _this = this; if (oldSurface == null || !oldSurface.picture.recordingCanvas._didDraw) { _this._optimalLocalCullRect = _this._exactLocalCullRect; _this._requiresRepaint = true; return; } oldOptimalLocalCullRect = oldSurface === _this ? _this._optimalLocalCullRect : oldSurface._optimalLocalCullRect; if (J.$eq$(_this._exactLocalCullRect, B.Rect_0_0_0_0)) { _this._optimalLocalCullRect = B.Rect_0_0_0_0; if (!J.$eq$(oldOptimalLocalCullRect, B.Rect_0_0_0_0)) _this._requiresRepaint = true; return; } oldOptimalLocalCullRect.toString; t1 = _this._exactLocalCullRect; t1.toString; if (A.rectContainsOther(oldOptimalLocalCullRect, t1)) { _this._optimalLocalCullRect = oldOptimalLocalCullRect; return; } t2 = t1.left; t3 = t1.top; t4 = t1.right; t1 = t1.bottom; t5 = t4 - t2; t6 = A.PersistedPicture__predictTrend(oldOptimalLocalCullRect.left - t2, t5); t7 = t1 - t3; t8 = A.PersistedPicture__predictTrend(oldOptimalLocalCullRect.top - t3, t7); t5 = A.PersistedPicture__predictTrend(t4 - oldOptimalLocalCullRect.right, t5); t7 = A.PersistedPicture__predictTrend(t1 - oldOptimalLocalCullRect.bottom, t7); t9 = _this.localPaintBounds; t9.toString; newLocalCullRect = new A.Rect(t2 - t6, t3 - t8, t4 + t5, t1 + t7).intersect$1(t9); _this._requiresRepaint = !J.$eq$(_this._optimalLocalCullRect, newLocalCullRect); _this._optimalLocalCullRect = newLocalCullRect; }, _applyPaint$1(oldSurface) { var t2, t3, domCanvas, _this = this, t1 = oldSurface == null, oldCanvas = t1 ? null : oldSurface.__engine$_canvas; _this._requiresRepaint = false; t2 = _this.picture.recordingCanvas; if (t2._didDraw) { t3 = _this._optimalLocalCullRect; t3 = t3.get$isEmpty(t3); } else t3 = true; if (t3) { A._recycleCanvas(oldCanvas); if (!t1) oldSurface.__engine$_canvas = null; t1 = _this.rootElement; if (t1 != null) A.removeAllChildren(t1); t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas; if (t1 != null && t1 !== oldCanvas) A._recycleCanvas(t1); _this.__engine$_canvas = null; return; } if (t2.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint) _this._applyBitmapPaint$1(oldCanvas); else { A._recycleCanvas(_this.__engine$_canvas); t1 = _this.rootElement; t1.toString; domCanvas = _this.__engine$_canvas = new A.DomCanvas(t1, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__SaveElementStackEntry), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Element), A.Matrix4$identity()); t1 = _this.rootElement; t1.toString; A.removeAllChildren(t1); t1 = _this._optimalLocalCullRect; t1.toString; t2.applyCommands$2(domCanvas, t1); domCanvas.endOfPaint$0(); } }, matchForUpdate$1(existingSurface) { var didRequireBitmap, requiresBitmap, oldCanvas, oldPixelCount, _this = this, t1 = existingSurface.picture, t2 = _this.picture; if (t1 === t2) return 0; t1 = t1.recordingCanvas; if (!t1._didDraw) return 1; didRequireBitmap = t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint; requiresBitmap = t2.recordingCanvas.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint; if (didRequireBitmap !== requiresBitmap) return 1; else if (!requiresBitmap) return 1; else { oldCanvas = type$.nullable_BitmapCanvas._as(existingSurface.__engine$_canvas); if (oldCanvas == null) return 1; else { t1 = _this._exactLocalCullRect; t1.toString; if (!oldCanvas.doesFitBounds$2(t1, _this._density)) return 1; else { t1 = _this._exactLocalCullRect; t1 = A.BitmapCanvas_widthToPhysical(t1.right - t1.left); t2 = _this._exactLocalCullRect; t2 = A.BitmapCanvas_heightToPhysical(t2.bottom - t2.top); oldPixelCount = oldCanvas.widthInBitmapPixels * oldCanvas.heightInBitmapPixels; if (oldPixelCount === 0) return 1; return 1 - t1 * t2 / oldPixelCount; } } } }, _applyBitmapPaint$1(oldCanvas) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (oldCanvas instanceof A.BitmapCanvas) { t1 = _this._optimalLocalCullRect; t1.toString; t1 = oldCanvas.doesFitBounds$2(t1, _this._density) && oldCanvas._devicePixelRatio === A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); } else t1 = false; if (t1) { t1 = _this._optimalLocalCullRect; t1.toString; oldCanvas.set$bounds(0, t1); _this.__engine$_canvas = oldCanvas; oldCanvas._elementCache = _this._elementCache; oldCanvas.clear$0(0); t1 = _this.picture.recordingCanvas; t1.toString; t2 = _this._optimalLocalCullRect; t2.toString; t1.applyCommands$2(oldCanvas, t2); oldCanvas.endOfPaint$0(); } else { A._recycleCanvas(oldCanvas); t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas; if (t1 instanceof A.BitmapCanvas) t1._elementCache = null; _this.__engine$_canvas = null; t1 = $.paintQueue; t2 = _this._optimalLocalCullRect; t1.push(new A.PaintRequest(new A.Size(t2.right - t2.left, t2.bottom - t2.top), new A.PersistedPicture__applyBitmapPaint_closure(_this))); } }, _findOrCreateCanvas$1(bounds) { var boundsWidth, boundsHeight, requestedPixelCount, t3, bestRecycledCanvas, lastPixelCount, i, candidate, ratio, t4, t5, candidatePixelCount, t6, fits, isSmaller, canvas, _this = this, t1 = bounds.right - bounds.left, t2 = bounds.bottom - bounds.top; for (boundsWidth = t1 + 1, boundsHeight = t2 + 1, requestedPixelCount = t1 * t2, t3 = requestedPixelCount > 1, bestRecycledCanvas = null, lastPixelCount = 1 / 0, i = 0; i < $._recycledCanvases.length; ++i) { candidate = $._recycledCanvases[i]; ratio = window.devicePixelRatio; t4 = ratio === 0 ? 1 : ratio; if (candidate._devicePixelRatio !== t4) continue; t4 = candidate._bounds; t5 = t4.right - t4.left; t4 = t4.bottom - t4.top; candidatePixelCount = t5 * t4; t6 = _this._density; ratio = window.devicePixelRatio; if (candidate.widthInBitmapPixels >= B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(boundsWidth * (ratio === 0 ? 1 : ratio)) + 2) { ratio = window.devicePixelRatio; fits = candidate.heightInBitmapPixels >= B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(boundsHeight * (ratio === 0 ? 1 : ratio)) + 2 && candidate._density === t6; } else fits = false; isSmaller = candidatePixelCount < lastPixelCount; if (fits && isSmaller) if (!(isSmaller && t3 && candidatePixelCount / requestedPixelCount > 4)) { if (t5 === t1 && t4 === t2) { bestRecycledCanvas = candidate; break; } lastPixelCount = candidatePixelCount; bestRecycledCanvas = candidate; } } if (bestRecycledCanvas != null) { B.JSArray_methods.remove$1($._recycledCanvases, bestRecycledCanvas); bestRecycledCanvas.set$bounds(0, bounds); bestRecycledCanvas._elementCache = _this._elementCache; return bestRecycledCanvas; } canvas = A.BitmapCanvas$(bounds, _this.picture.recordingCanvas.renderStrategy, _this._density); canvas._elementCache = _this._elementCache; return canvas; }, _applyTranslate$0() { var t1 = this.rootElement.style, t2 = "translate(" + A.S(this.dx) + "px, " + A.S(this.dy) + "px)"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform"), t2, ""); }, apply$0() { this._applyTranslate$0(); this._applyPaint$1(null); }, build$0(_) { this._computeOptimalCullRect$1(null); this._requiresRepaint = true; this.super$PersistedSurface$build(0); }, update$1(_, oldSurface) { var t1, densityChanged, _this = this; _this.super$PersistedSurface$update(0, oldSurface); _this._elementCache = oldSurface._elementCache; if (oldSurface !== _this) oldSurface._elementCache = null; if (_this.dx !== oldSurface.dx || _this.dy !== oldSurface.dy) _this._applyTranslate$0(); _this._computeOptimalCullRect$1(oldSurface); if (_this.picture === oldSurface.picture) { t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas; densityChanged = t1 instanceof A.BitmapCanvas && _this._density !== t1._density; if (_this._requiresRepaint || densityChanged) _this._applyPaint$1(oldSurface); else _this.__engine$_canvas = oldSurface.__engine$_canvas; } else _this._applyPaint$1(oldSurface); }, retain$0() { var _this = this; _this.super$PersistedSurface$retain(); _this._computeOptimalCullRect$1(_this); if (_this._requiresRepaint) _this._applyPaint$1(_this); }, discard$0() { A._recycleCanvas(this.__engine$_canvas); this.__engine$_canvas = null; this.super$PersistedSurface$discard(); } }; A.PersistedPicture__applyBitmapPaint_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var bitmapCanvas, t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1._optimalLocalCullRect; t2.toString; bitmapCanvas = t1.__engine$_canvas = t1._findOrCreateCanvas$1(t2); bitmapCanvas._elementCache = t1._elementCache; t2 = t1.rootElement; t2.toString; A.removeAllChildren(t2); t1.rootElement.appendChild(bitmapCanvas.rootElement); bitmapCanvas.clear$0(0); t2 = t1.picture.recordingCanvas; t2.toString; t1 = t1._optimalLocalCullRect; t1.toString; t2.applyCommands$2(bitmapCanvas, t1); bitmapCanvas.endOfPaint$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A.PersistedPlatformView.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { return A.createPlatformViewSlot(this.viewId); }, apply$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.rootElement.style, t2 = "translate(" + A.S(_this.dx) + "px, " + A.S(_this.dy) + "px)"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform"), t2, ""); t2 = A.S(_this.width) + "px"; t1.width = t2; t2 = A.S(_this.height) + "px"; t1.height = t2; t1.position = "absolute"; }, canUpdateAsMatch$1(oldSurface) { if (this.super$PersistedSurface$canUpdateAsMatch(oldSurface)) return this.viewId === type$.PersistedPlatformView._as(oldSurface).viewId; return false; }, matchForUpdate$1(existingSurface) { return existingSurface.viewId === this.viewId ? 0 : 1; }, update$1(_, oldSurface) { var _this = this; _this.super$PersistedSurface$update(0, oldSurface); if (_this.dx !== oldSurface.dx || _this.dy !== oldSurface.dy || _this.width !== oldSurface.width || _this.height !== oldSurface.height) _this.apply$0(); } }; A.RecordingCanvas.prototype = { applyCommands$2(engineCanvas, clipRect) { var len, i, len0, i0, command, e, t1, t2, len1, exception; try { t1 = this._pictureBounds; t1.toString; t1 = A.rectContainsOther(clipRect, t1); t2 = this._commands; len1 = t2.length; if (t1) { len = len1; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) t2[i].apply$1(engineCanvas); } else { len0 = len1; for (i0 = 0; i0 < len0; ++i0) { command = t2[i0]; if (command instanceof A.DrawCommand) if (command.isInvisible$1(clipRect)) continue; command.apply$1(engineCanvas); } } } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); if (!J.$eq$(e.name, "NS_ERROR_FAILURE")) throw exception; } }, drawRect$2(_, rect, paint) { var paintSpread, command, _this = this, t1 = paint._paintData; if (t1.shader != null) _this.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true; _this._didDraw = true; paintSpread = A._getPaintSpread(paint); paint._frozen = true; command = new A.PaintDrawRect(rect, t1, -1 / 0, -1 / 0, 1 / 0, 1 / 0); t1 = _this._paintBounds; if (paintSpread !== 0) t1.grow$2(rect.inflate$1(paintSpread), command); else t1.grow$2(rect, command); _this._commands.push(command); }, drawRRect$2(_, rrect, paint) { var paintSpread, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, command, _this = this, t1 = paint._paintData; if (t1.shader != null || !rrect.webOnlyUniformRadii) _this.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true; _this._didDraw = true; paintSpread = A._getPaintSpread(paint); t2 = rrect.left; t3 = rrect.right; t4 = Math.min(t2, t3); t5 = rrect.top; t6 = rrect.bottom; t7 = Math.min(t5, t6); t3 = Math.max(t2, t3); t6 = Math.max(t5, t6); paint._frozen = true; command = new A.PaintDrawRRect(rrect, t1, -1 / 0, -1 / 0, 1 / 0, 1 / 0); _this._paintBounds.growLTRB$5(t4 - paintSpread, t7 - paintSpread, t3 + paintSpread, t6 + paintSpread, command); _this._commands.push(command); }, drawDRRect$3(_, outer, inner, paint) { var scaledOuter, scaledInner, outerTl, outerTr, outerBl, outerBr, innerTl, innerTr, innerBl, innerBr, paintSpread, command, t5, left, right, _this = this, innerRect = new A.Rect(inner.left, inner.top, inner.right, inner.bottom), t1 = outer.left, t2 = outer.top, t3 = outer.right, t4 = outer.bottom, outerRect = new A.Rect(t1, t2, t3, t4); if (outerRect.$eq(0, innerRect) || !outerRect.intersect$1(innerRect).$eq(0, innerRect)) return; scaledOuter = outer.scaleRadii$0(); scaledInner = inner.scaleRadii$0(); outerTl = A._measureBorderRadius(scaledOuter.tlRadiusX, scaledOuter.tlRadiusY); outerTr = A._measureBorderRadius(scaledOuter.trRadiusX, scaledOuter.trRadiusY); outerBl = A._measureBorderRadius(scaledOuter.blRadiusX, scaledOuter.blRadiusY); outerBr = A._measureBorderRadius(scaledOuter.brRadiusX, scaledOuter.brRadiusY); innerTl = A._measureBorderRadius(scaledInner.tlRadiusX, scaledInner.tlRadiusY); innerTr = A._measureBorderRadius(scaledInner.trRadiusX, scaledInner.trRadiusY); innerBl = A._measureBorderRadius(scaledInner.blRadiusX, scaledInner.blRadiusY); innerBr = A._measureBorderRadius(scaledInner.brRadiusX, scaledInner.brRadiusY); if (innerTl > outerTl || innerTr > outerTr || innerBl > outerBl || innerBr > outerBr) return; _this._didDraw = _this.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true; paintSpread = A._getPaintSpread(paint); paint._frozen = true; command = new A.PaintDrawDRRect(outer, inner, paint._paintData, -1 / 0, -1 / 0, 1 / 0, 1 / 0); t5 = A.Path_Path(); t5.set$fillType(B.PathFillType_1); t5.addRRect$1(0, outer); t5.addRRect$1(0, inner); t5.close$0(0); command.path = t5; left = Math.min(t1, t3); right = Math.max(t1, t3); _this._paintBounds.growLTRB$5(left - paintSpread, Math.min(t2, t4) - paintSpread, right + paintSpread, Math.max(t2, t4) + paintSpread, command); _this._commands.push(command); }, drawParagraph$2(_, paragraph, offset) { var t1, left, $top, command, _this = this; type$.EngineParagraph._as(paragraph); if (!paragraph.isLaidOut) return; _this._didDraw = true; t1 = _this.renderStrategy; t1.hasArbitraryPaint = true; t1.hasParagraphs = true; left = offset._dx; $top = offset._dy; command = new A.PaintDrawParagraph(paragraph, offset, -1 / 0, -1 / 0, 1 / 0, 1 / 0); _this._paintBounds.growLTRB$5(left, $top, left + paragraph.get$_layoutService().width, $top + paragraph.get$_layoutService().height, command); _this._commands.push(command); } }; A.PaintCommand.prototype = {}; A.DrawCommand.prototype = { isInvisible$1(clipRect) { var _this = this; if (_this.isClippedOut) return true; return _this.bottomBound < clipRect.top || _this.topBound > clipRect.bottom || _this.rightBound < clipRect.left || _this.leftBound > clipRect.right; } }; A.PaintSave.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { canvas.save$0(0); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PaintRestore.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { canvas.restore$0(0); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PaintTranslate.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { canvas.translate$2(0, this.dx, this.dy); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PaintTransform.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { canvas.transform$1(0, this.matrix4); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PaintClipRect.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { canvas.clipRect$2(0, this.rect, this.clipOp); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PaintClipRRect.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { canvas.clipRRect$1(0, this.rrect); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PaintClipPath.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { canvas.clipPath$1(0, this.path); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PaintDrawRect.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { canvas.drawRect$2(0, this.rect, this.paint); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PaintDrawRRect.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { canvas.drawRRect$2(0, this.rrect, this.paint); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PaintDrawDRRect.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { var t1 = this.paint; if (t1.style == null) t1.style = B.PaintingStyle_0; canvas.drawPath$2(0, this.path, t1); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PaintDrawCircle.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { canvas.drawCircle$3(0, this.c, this.radius, this.paint); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PaintDrawParagraph.prototype = { apply$1(canvas) { canvas.drawParagraph$2(0, this.paragraph, this.offset); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A._PaintBounds.prototype = { clipRect$2(_, rect, command) { var t1, t4, t3, t2, _this = this, left = rect.left, $top = rect.top, right = rect.right, bottom = rect.bottom; if (!_this._currentMatrixIsIdentity) { t1 = $.$get$_PaintBounds__tempRectData(); t1[0] = left; t1[1] = $top; t1[2] = right; t1[3] = bottom; A.transformLTRB(_this._currentMatrix, t1); left = t1[0]; $top = t1[1]; right = t1[2]; bottom = t1[3]; } if (!_this._clipRectInitialized) { _this._currentClipLeft = left; _this._currentClipTop = $top; _this._currentClipRight = right; _this._currentClipBottom = bottom; _this._clipRectInitialized = true; t4 = bottom; t3 = right; t2 = $top; t1 = left; } else { t1 = _this._currentClipLeft; if (left > t1) { _this._currentClipLeft = left; t1 = left; } t2 = _this._currentClipTop; if ($top > t2) { _this._currentClipTop = $top; t2 = $top; } t3 = _this._currentClipRight; if (right < t3) { _this._currentClipRight = right; t3 = right; } t4 = _this._currentClipBottom; if (bottom < t4) { _this._currentClipBottom = bottom; t4 = bottom; } } if (t1 >= t3 || t2 >= t4) command.isClippedOut = true; else { command.leftBound = t1; command.topBound = t2; command.rightBound = t3; command.bottomBound = t4; } }, grow$2(r, command) { this.growLTRB$5(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, command); }, growLTRB$5(left, $top, right, bottom, command) { var t1, transformedPointLeft, transformedPointTop, transformedPointRight, transformedPointBottom, transformedPointRight0, transformedPointLeft0, transformedPointBottom0, transformedPointTop0, _this = this; if (left === right || $top === bottom) { command.isClippedOut = true; return; } if (!_this._currentMatrixIsIdentity) { t1 = $.$get$_PaintBounds__tempRectData(); t1[0] = left; t1[1] = $top; t1[2] = right; t1[3] = bottom; A.transformLTRB(_this._currentMatrix, t1); transformedPointLeft = t1[0]; transformedPointTop = t1[1]; transformedPointRight = t1[2]; transformedPointBottom = t1[3]; } else { transformedPointBottom = bottom; transformedPointRight = right; transformedPointTop = $top; transformedPointLeft = left; } if (_this._clipRectInitialized) { transformedPointRight0 = _this._currentClipRight; if (transformedPointLeft >= transformedPointRight0) { command.isClippedOut = true; return; } transformedPointLeft0 = _this._currentClipLeft; if (transformedPointRight <= transformedPointLeft0) { command.isClippedOut = true; return; } transformedPointBottom0 = _this._currentClipBottom; if (transformedPointTop >= transformedPointBottom0) { command.isClippedOut = true; return; } transformedPointTop0 = _this._currentClipTop; if (transformedPointBottom <= transformedPointTop0) { command.isClippedOut = true; return; } if (transformedPointLeft < transformedPointLeft0) transformedPointLeft = transformedPointLeft0; if (transformedPointRight > transformedPointRight0) transformedPointRight = transformedPointRight0; if (transformedPointTop < transformedPointTop0) transformedPointTop = transformedPointTop0; if (transformedPointBottom > transformedPointBottom0) transformedPointBottom = transformedPointBottom0; } command.leftBound = transformedPointLeft; command.topBound = transformedPointTop; command.rightBound = transformedPointRight; command.bottomBound = transformedPointBottom; if (_this._didPaintInsideClipArea) { _this.__engine$_left = Math.min(Math.min(_this.__engine$_left, transformedPointLeft), transformedPointRight); _this.__engine$_right = Math.max(Math.max(_this.__engine$_right, transformedPointLeft), transformedPointRight); _this.__engine$_top = Math.min(Math.min(_this.__engine$_top, transformedPointTop), transformedPointBottom); _this.__engine$_bottom = Math.max(Math.max(_this.__engine$_bottom, transformedPointTop), transformedPointBottom); } else { _this.__engine$_left = Math.min(transformedPointLeft, transformedPointRight); _this.__engine$_right = Math.max(transformedPointLeft, transformedPointRight); _this.__engine$_top = Math.min(transformedPointTop, transformedPointBottom); _this.__engine$_bottom = Math.max(transformedPointTop, transformedPointBottom); } _this._didPaintInsideClipArea = true; }, saveTransformsAndClip$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._currentMatrix, t2 = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); t2.setFrom$1(t1); _this.__engine$_transforms.push(t2); t1 = _this._clipRectInitialized ? new A.Rect(_this._currentClipLeft, _this._currentClipTop, _this._currentClipRight, _this._currentClipBottom) : null; _this._clipStack.push(t1); }, computeBounds$0() { var t1, maxLeft, maxRight, maxTop, maxBottom, t2, left, right, $top, bottom, _this = this; if (!_this._didPaintInsideClipArea) return B.Rect_0_0_0_0; t1 = _this.maxPaintBounds; maxLeft = t1.left; if (isNaN(maxLeft)) maxLeft = -1 / 0; maxRight = t1.right; if (isNaN(maxRight)) maxRight = 1 / 0; maxTop = t1.top; if (isNaN(maxTop)) maxTop = -1 / 0; maxBottom = t1.bottom; if (isNaN(maxBottom)) maxBottom = 1 / 0; t1 = _this.__engine$_left; t2 = _this.__engine$_right; left = Math.min(t1, t2); right = Math.max(t1, t2); t2 = _this.__engine$_top; t1 = _this.__engine$_bottom; $top = Math.min(t2, t1); bottom = Math.max(t2, t1); if (right < maxLeft || bottom < maxTop) return B.Rect_0_0_0_0; return new A.Rect(Math.max(left, maxLeft), Math.max($top, maxTop), Math.min(right, maxRight), Math.min(bottom, maxBottom)); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.RenderStrategy.prototype = {}; A._WebGlRenderer.prototype = { drawRectToGl$6(targetRect, gl, glProgram, gradient, widthInPixels, heightInPixels) { var t1, t2, t3, colorsBuffer, colors, indexBuffer, t4, _s9_ = "uniform4f", _s10_ = "bindBuffer", _s10_0 = "bufferData", _s19_ = "vertexAttribPointer", _s23_ = "enableVertexAttribArray", left = targetRect.left, $top = targetRect.top, right = targetRect.right, bottom = targetRect.bottom, vertices = new Float32Array(8); vertices[0] = left; vertices[1] = $top; vertices[2] = right; vertices[3] = $top; vertices[4] = right; vertices[5] = bottom; vertices[6] = left; vertices[7] = bottom; t1 = glProgram.program; t2 = gl.glContext; A.callMethod(t2, "uniformMatrix4fv", [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t1, "u_ctransform"), false, A.Matrix4$identity().__engine$_m4storage]); A.callMethod(t2, _s9_, [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t1, "u_scale"), 2 / widthInPixels, -2 / heightInPixels, 1, 1]); A.callMethod(t2, _s9_, [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t1, "u_shift"), -1, 1, 0, 0]); t3 = t2.createBuffer(); t3.toString; A.callMethod(t2, _s10_, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), t3]); t3 = gl.get$kStaticDraw(); A.callMethod(t2, _s10_0, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), vertices, t3]); t3 = gl._kFloat; A.callMethod(t2, _s19_, [0, 2, t3 == null ? gl._kFloat = t2.FLOAT : t3, false, 0, 0]); A.callMethod(t2, _s23_, [0]); colorsBuffer = t2.createBuffer(); A.callMethod(t2, _s10_, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), colorsBuffer]); colors = new Int32Array(A._ensureNativeList(A._setArrayType([4278255360, 4278190335, 4294967040, 4278255615], type$.JSArray_int))); t3 = gl.get$kStaticDraw(); A.callMethod(t2, _s10_0, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), colors, t3]); t3 = gl._kUnsignedByte; A.callMethod(t2, _s19_, [1, 4, t3 == null ? gl._kUnsignedByte = t2.UNSIGNED_BYTE : t3, true, 0, 0]); A.callMethod(t2, _s23_, [1]); indexBuffer = t2.createBuffer(); A.callMethod(t2, _s10_, [gl.get$kElementArrayBuffer(), indexBuffer]); t3 = $.$get$VertexShaders_vertexIndicesForRect(); t4 = gl.get$kStaticDraw(); A.callMethod(t2, _s10_0, [gl.get$kElementArrayBuffer(), t3, t4]); if (A.callMethod(t2, "getUniformLocation", [t1, "u_resolution"]) != null) A.callMethod(t2, "uniform2f", [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t1, "u_resolution"), widthInPixels, heightInPixels]); t1 = gl._kColorBufferBit; A.callMethod(t2, "clear", [t1 == null ? gl._kColorBufferBit = t2.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT : t1]); t2.viewport(0, 0, widthInPixels, heightInPixels); t1 = gl._kTriangles; if (t1 == null) t1 = gl._kTriangles = t2.TRIANGLES; t3 = t3.length; t4 = gl._kUnsignedShort; A.callMethod(t2, "drawElements", [t1, t3, t4 == null ? gl._kUnsignedShort = t2.UNSIGNED_SHORT : t4, 0]); } }; A.SurfaceScene.prototype = { dispose$0(_) { } }; A.PersistedScene.prototype = { recomputeTransformAndClip$0() { var t2, t1 = window.innerWidth; t1.toString; t2 = window.innerHeight; t2.toString; this.localClipBounds = new A.Rect(0, 0, t1, t2); this.projectedClip = null; }, get$localTransformInverse() { var t1 = this._localTransformInverse; return t1 == null ? this._localTransformInverse = A.Matrix4$identity() : t1; }, createElement$0(_) { return this.defaultCreateElement$1("flt-scene"); }, apply$0() { } }; A.SurfaceSceneBuilder.prototype = { _pushSurface$1$1(surface) { var t2, t1 = surface._oldLayer.value; if (t1 != null) t1.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_3; t1 = this._surfaceStack; t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1); t2.__engine$_children.push(surface); surface.parent = t2; t1.push(surface); return surface; }, _pushSurface$1(surface) { return this._pushSurface$1$1(surface, type$.PersistedContainerSurface); }, pushOffset$3$oldLayer(dx, dy, oldLayer) { var t1, t2; type$.nullable_PersistedOffset._as(oldLayer); t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface); t2 = new A.FrameReference(oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null); $.frameReferences.push(t2); return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedOffset(dx, dy, t1, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0)); }, pushTransform$2$oldLayer(matrix4, oldLayer) { var matrix, t1, t2; if (this._surfaceStack.length === 1) matrix = A.Matrix4$identity().__engine$_m4storage; else matrix = A.toMatrix32(matrix4); type$.nullable_PersistedTransform._as(oldLayer); t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface); t2 = new A.FrameReference(oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null); $.frameReferences.push(t2); return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedTransform(matrix, t1, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0)); }, pushClipRect$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer(rect, clipBehavior, oldLayer) { var t1, t2; type$.nullable_PersistedClipRect._as(oldLayer); t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface); t2 = new A.FrameReference(oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null); $.frameReferences.push(t2); return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedClipRect(clipBehavior, rect, null, t1, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0)); }, pushClipPath$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer(path, clipBehavior, oldLayer) { var t1, t2; type$.nullable_PersistedClipPath._as(oldLayer); t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface); t2 = new A.FrameReference(oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null); $.frameReferences.push(t2); return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedClipPath(path, clipBehavior, t1, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0)); }, pushOpacity$3$offset$oldLayer(alpha, offset, oldLayer) { var t1, t2; type$.nullable_PersistedOpacity._as(oldLayer); t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface); t2 = new A.FrameReference(oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null); $.frameReferences.push(t2); return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedOpacity(alpha, offset, t1, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0)); }, pushPhysicalShape$6$clipBehavior$color$elevation$oldLayer$path$shadowColor(clipBehavior, color, elevation, oldLayer, path, shadowColor) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5; type$.nullable_PersistedPhysicalShape._as(oldLayer); type$.SurfacePath._as(path); t1 = color.get$value(color); t2 = shadowColor == null ? null : shadowColor.get$value(shadowColor); if (t2 == null) t2 = 4278190080; t3 = path.getBounds$0(0); t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface); t5 = new A.FrameReference(oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null); $.frameReferences.push(t5); return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedPhysicalShape(path, t3, elevation, new A.Color(t1), new A.Color(t2), clipBehavior, null, t4, t5, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0)); }, addRetained$1(retainedLayer) { var t1; type$.PersistedContainerSurface._as(retainedLayer); if (retainedLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1) retainedLayer.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_2; else retainedLayer.revive$0(); t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._surfaceStack); t1.__engine$_children.push(retainedLayer); retainedLayer.parent = t1; }, pop$0(_) { this._surfaceStack.pop(); }, addPerformanceOverlay$2(enabledOptions, bounds) { if (!$.SurfaceSceneBuilder__webOnlyDidWarnAboutPerformanceOverlay) { $.SurfaceSceneBuilder__webOnlyDidWarnAboutPerformanceOverlay = true; $.$get$printWarning().call$1("The performance overlay isn't supported on the web"); } }, addPicture$4$isComplexHint$willChangeHint(offset, picture, isComplexHint, willChangeHint) { var t1, t2; type$.EnginePicture._as(picture); t1 = picture.recordingCanvas._pictureBounds; t2 = new A.FrameReference(null); $.frameReferences.push(t2); t2 = new A.PersistedPicture(offset._dx, offset._dy, picture, t1, new A.CrossFrameCache(), t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0); t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._surfaceStack); t1.__engine$_children.push(t2); t2.parent = t1; }, addTexture$6$filterQuality$freeze$height$offset$width(textureId, filterQuality, freeze, height, offset, width) { A.throwExpression(A.UnimplementedError$("Textures are not supported in Flutter Web")); }, addPlatformView$4$height$offset$width(viewId, height, offset, width) { var t2, t1 = new A.FrameReference(null); $.frameReferences.push(t1); t1 = new A.PersistedPlatformView(viewId, offset._dx, offset._dy, width, height, t1, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0); t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._surfaceStack); t2.__engine$_children.push(t1); t1.parent = t2; }, setRasterizerTracingThreshold$1(frameInterval) { }, setCheckerboardRasterCacheImages$1(checkerboard) { }, setCheckerboardOffscreenLayers$1(checkerboard) { }, build$0(_) { A.frameTimingsOnBuildFinish(); A.frameTimingsOnRasterStart(); A.timeAction("preroll_frame", new A.SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure(this)); return A.timeAction("apply_frame", new A.SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure0(this)); } }; A.SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure.prototype = { call$0() { for (var t1 = this.$this._surfaceStack; t1.length > 1;) t1.pop(); type$.PersistedScene._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1)).preroll$1(new A.PrerollSurfaceContext()); }, $signature: 0 }; A.SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { var t3, t4, t1 = type$.PersistedScene, t2 = this.$this._surfaceStack; if ($.SurfaceSceneBuilder__lastFrameScene == null) t1._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2)).build$0(0); else { t3 = t1._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2)); t4 = $.SurfaceSceneBuilder__lastFrameScene; t4.toString; t3.update$1(0, t4); } A.commitScene(t1._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2))); $.SurfaceSceneBuilder__lastFrameScene = t1._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2)); return new A.SurfaceScene(t1._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2)).rootElement); }, $signature: 317 }; A.NormalizedGradient.prototype = { setupUniforms$2(gl, glProgram) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, i, t6, res, result, t7, t8, t9, t10, _this = this; for (t1 = _this.thresholdCount, t2 = _this._scale, t3 = gl.glContext, t4 = _this._bias, t5 = glProgram.program, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) { t6 = "bias_" + i; res = t3.getUniformLocation.apply(t3, [t5, t6]); if (res == null) { A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception(t6 + " not found")); result = null; } else result = res; t6 = i * 4; t7 = t6 + 1; t8 = t6 + 2; t9 = t6 + 3; t3.uniform4f.apply(t3, [result, t4[t6], t4[t7], t4[t8], t4[t9]]); t10 = "scale_" + i; res = t3.getUniformLocation.apply(t3, [t5, t10]); if (res == null) { A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception(t10 + " not found")); result = null; } else result = res; t3.uniform4f.apply(t3, [result, t2[t6], t2[t7], t2[t8], t2[t9]]); } for (t1 = _this._thresholds, t2 = t1.length, i = 0; i < t2; i += 4) { t4 = "threshold_" + B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(i, 4); res = t3.getUniformLocation.apply(t3, [t5, t4]); if (res == null) { A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception(t4 + " not found")); result = null; } else result = res; t3.uniform4f.apply(t3, [result, t1[i], t1[i + 1], t1[i + 2], t1[i + 3]]); } } }; A.EngineGradient.prototype = {}; A.GradientLinear.prototype = { createPaintStyle$3(ctx, shaderBounds, density) { var matrix4, offsetX, offsetY, t2, t3, t4, t5, centerX, centerY, gradient, _this = this, t1 = _this.tileMode; if (t1 === B.TileMode_0 || t1 === B.TileMode_3) { matrix4 = _this.matrix4; offsetX = shaderBounds.left; offsetY = shaderBounds.top; t2 = _this.from; t3 = _this.to; t4 = t2._dx; t5 = t3._dx; t2 = t2._dy; t3 = t3._dy; if (matrix4 != null) { centerX = (t4 + t5) / 2 - offsetX; centerY = (t2 + t3) / 2 - offsetY; matrix4.transform$2(0, t4 - centerX, t2 - centerY); t2 = matrix4.transformedX; t4 = matrix4.transformedY; matrix4.transform$2(0, t5 - centerX, t3 - centerY); gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(t2 + centerX - offsetX, t4 + centerY - offsetY, matrix4.transformedX + centerX - offsetX, matrix4.transformedY + centerY - offsetY); } else gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(t4 - offsetX, t2 - offsetY, t5 - offsetX, t3 - offsetY); A._addColorStopsToCanvasGradient(gradient, _this.colors, _this.colorStops, t1 === B.TileMode_3); return gradient; } else { t1 = ctx.createPattern(_this.createImageBitmap$3(shaderBounds, density, false), "no-repeat"); t1.toString; return t1; } }, createImageBitmap$3(shaderBounds, density, createDataUrl) { var widthInPixels, t3, t4, heightInPixels, t5, t6, t7, t8, gl, normalizedGradient, builder, method, t9, t10, fragColor, probeName, shader, cacheKey, cachedProgram, vertexShader, fragmentShader, fromX, fromY, toX, toY, dx, dy, $length, sinVal, cosVal, isRepeated, originX, originY, originTranslation, rotationZ, storage, gradientTransform, image, _this = this, _s18_ = "premultipliedAlpha", _s12_ = "u_resolution", _s10_ = "m_gradient", _s12_0 = "attachShader", _s10_0 = "bindBuffer", t1 = shaderBounds.right, t2 = shaderBounds.left; t1 -= t2; widthInPixels = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(t1); t3 = shaderBounds.bottom; t4 = shaderBounds.top; t3 -= t4; heightInPixels = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(t3); if ($.glRenderer == null) $.glRenderer = new A._WebGlRenderer(); t5 = $.OffScreenCanvas__supported; if (t5 == null ? $.OffScreenCanvas__supported = "OffscreenCanvas" in window : t5) { t5 = new OffscreenCanvas(widthInPixels, heightInPixels); t6 = null; } else { t5 = A.CanvasElement_CanvasElement(heightInPixels, widthInPixels); t5.className = "gl-canvas"; t6 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); t7 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); t8 = t5.style; t8.position = "absolute"; t6 = A.S(widthInPixels / t6) + "px"; t8.width = t6; t6 = A.S(heightInPixels / t7) + "px"; t8.height = t6; t6 = t5; t5 = null; } t7 = $.OffScreenCanvas__supported; if (t7 == null ? $.OffScreenCanvas__supported = "OffscreenCanvas" in window : t7) { t5.toString; t6 = type$.String; t7 = B.OffscreenCanvas_methods.getContext$2(t5, "webgl2", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_s18_, false], t6, type$.dynamic)); t7.toString; gl = new A.GlContext(t7); $.GlContext____programCache.__late_helper$_value = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t6, type$.nullable_GlProgram); gl.__engine$_canvas = t5; t5 = $.GlContext____programCache; } else { t6.toString; t5 = $._cachedWebGLVersion; t5 = (t5 == null ? $._cachedWebGLVersion = A._detectWebGLVersion() : t5) === 1 ? "webgl" : "webgl2"; t7 = type$.String; t5 = B.CanvasElement_methods.getContext$2(t6, t5, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_s18_, false], t7, type$.dynamic)); t5.toString; gl = new A.GlContext(t5); $.GlContext____programCache.__late_helper$_value = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t7, type$.nullable_GlProgram); gl.__engine$_canvas = t6; t5 = $.GlContext____programCache; } gl._widthInPixels = widthInPixels; gl._heightInPixels = heightInPixels; normalizedGradient = A.NormalizedGradient_NormalizedGradient(_this.colors, _this.colorStops); t6 = $.VertexShaders__baseVertexShader; if (t6 == null) { t6 = $._cachedWebGLVersion; if (t6 == null) t6 = $._cachedWebGLVersion = A._detectWebGLVersion(); t7 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ShaderDeclaration); t8 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ShaderMethod); builder = new A.ShaderBuilder(t7, t8, t6 === 2, false, new A.StringBuffer("")); builder.addIn$2$name(11, "position"); builder.addIn$2$name(11, "color"); builder.addUniform$2$name(14, "u_ctransform"); builder.addUniform$2$name(11, "u_scale"); builder.addUniform$2$name(11, "u_shift"); t7.push(new A.ShaderDeclaration("v_color", 11, 3)); method = new A.ShaderMethod("main", A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String)); t8.push(method); method.addStatement$1("gl_Position = ((u_ctransform * position) * u_scale) + u_shift;"); method.addStatement$1("v_color = color.zyxw;"); t6 = $.VertexShaders__baseVertexShader = builder.build$0(0); } t7 = _this.tileMode; t8 = $._cachedWebGLVersion; if (t8 == null) t8 = $._cachedWebGLVersion = A._detectWebGLVersion(); t9 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ShaderDeclaration); t10 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ShaderMethod); t8 = t8 === 2; builder = new A.ShaderBuilder(t9, t10, t8, true, new A.StringBuffer("")); builder.floatPrecision = 1; builder.addIn$2$name(11, "v_color"); builder.addUniform$2$name(9, _s12_); builder.addUniform$2$name(14, _s10_); fragColor = builder._fragmentColorDeclaration; if (fragColor == null) fragColor = builder._fragmentColorDeclaration = new A.ShaderDeclaration(t8 ? "gFragColor" : "gl_FragColor", 11, 3); method = new A.ShaderMethod("main", A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String)); t10.push(method); method.addStatement$1("vec4 localCoord = m_gradient * vec4(gl_FragCoord.x, u_resolution.y - gl_FragCoord.y, 0, 1);"); method.addStatement$1("float st = localCoord.x;"); probeName = A._writeSharedGradientShader(builder, method, normalizedGradient, t7); method.addStatement$1(fragColor.name + " = " + probeName + " * scale + bias;"); shader = builder.build$0(0); cacheKey = t6 + "||" + shader; cachedProgram = J.$index$asx(t5._readField$0(), cacheKey); if (cachedProgram == null) { vertexShader = gl.compileShader$2(0, "VERTEX_SHADER", t6); fragmentShader = gl.compileShader$2(0, "FRAGMENT_SHADER", shader); t6 = gl.glContext; t8 = t6.createProgram(); A.callMethod(t6, _s12_0, [t8, vertexShader]); A.callMethod(t6, _s12_0, [t8, fragmentShader]); A.callMethod(t6, "linkProgram", [t8]); t9 = gl._kLinkStatus; if (!A.callMethod(t6, "getProgramParameter", [t8, t9 == null ? gl._kLinkStatus = t6.LINK_STATUS : t9])) A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception(A.callMethod(t6, "getProgramInfoLog", [t8]))); cachedProgram = new A.GlProgram(t8); J.$indexSet$ax(t5._readField$0(), cacheKey, cachedProgram); } t5 = gl.glContext; t6 = cachedProgram.program; A.callMethod(t5, "useProgram", [t6]); t8 = _this.from; fromX = t8._dx; fromY = t8._dy; t8 = _this.to; toX = t8._dx; toY = t8._dy; dx = toX - fromX; dy = toY - fromY; $length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); t8 = $length < 11920929e-14; sinVal = t8 ? 0 : -dy / $length; cosVal = t8 ? 1 : dx / $length; isRepeated = t7 !== B.TileMode_0; originX = isRepeated ? t1 / 2 : (fromX + toX) / 2 - t2; originY = isRepeated ? t3 / 2 : (fromY + toY) / 2 - t4; originTranslation = A.Matrix4$identity(); originTranslation.setTranslationRaw$3(-originX, -originY, 0); rotationZ = A.Matrix4$identity(); storage = rotationZ.__engine$_m4storage; storage[0] = cosVal; storage[1] = sinVal; storage[4] = -sinVal; storage[5] = cosVal; gradientTransform = A.Matrix4$identity(); if (t7 !== B.TileMode_1) gradientTransform.translate$2(0, 0.5, 0); if ($length > 11920929e-14) gradientTransform.scale$1(0, 1 / $length); t2 = _this.matrix4; if (t2 != null) { t2 = t2.matrix; gradientTransform.scale$2(0, 1, -1); gradientTransform.translate$2(0, -shaderBounds.get$center()._dx, -shaderBounds.get$center()._dy); gradientTransform.multiply$1(0, new A.Matrix40(t2)); gradientTransform.translate$2(0, shaderBounds.get$center()._dx, shaderBounds.get$center()._dy); gradientTransform.scale$2(0, 1, -1); } gradientTransform.multiply$1(0, rotationZ); gradientTransform.multiply$1(0, originTranslation); normalizedGradient.setupUniforms$2(gl, cachedProgram); A.callMethod(t5, "uniformMatrix4fv", [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t6, _s10_), false, gradientTransform.__engine$_m4storage]); A.callMethod(t5, "uniform2f", [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t6, _s12_), widthInPixels, heightInPixels]); $.glRenderer.drawRectToGl$6(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1, 0 + t3), gl, cachedProgram, normalizedGradient, widthInPixels, heightInPixels); image = gl.readPatternData$0(); A.callMethod(t5, _s10_0, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), null]); A.callMethod(t5, _s10_0, [gl.get$kElementArrayBuffer(), null]); image.toString; return image; } }; A.ShaderBuilder.prototype = { addIn$2$name(dataType, $name) { var attrib = new A.ShaderDeclaration($name, dataType, 1); this.declarations.push(attrib); return attrib; }, addUniform$2$name(dataType, $name) { var uniform = new A.ShaderDeclaration($name, dataType, 2); this.declarations.push(uniform); return uniform; }, _writeVariableDeclaration$2(sb, variable) { var t2, t3, _this = this, _s8_ = "varying ", t1 = variable.storage; switch (t1) { case 0: _this.__engine$_buffer._contents += "const "; break; case 1: if (_this.isWebGl2) t2 = "in "; else t2 = _this._isFragmentShader ? _s8_ : "attribute "; _this.__engine$_buffer._contents += t2; break; case 2: _this.__engine$_buffer._contents += "uniform "; break; case 3: t2 = _this.isWebGl2 ? "out " : _s8_; _this.__engine$_buffer._contents += t2; break; } t2 = _this.__engine$_buffer; t3 = t2._contents += A.ShaderBuilder_typeToString(variable.dataType) + " " + variable.name; if (t1 === 0) t1 = t2._contents = t3 + " = "; else t1 = t3; t2._contents = t1 + ";\n"; }, build$0(_) { var t2, t3, _i, t4, method, _this = this, t1 = _this.isWebGl2; if (t1) _this.__engine$_buffer._contents += "#version 300 es\n"; t2 = _this.floatPrecision; if (t2 != null) { if (t2 === 0) t2 = "lowp"; else t2 = t2 === 1 ? "mediump" : "highp"; _this.__engine$_buffer._contents += "precision " + t2 + " float;\n"; } if (t1 && _this._fragmentColorDeclaration != null) { t1 = _this._fragmentColorDeclaration; t1.toString; _this._writeVariableDeclaration$2(_this.__engine$_buffer, t1); } for (t1 = _this.declarations, t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this.__engine$_buffer, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) _this._writeVariableDeclaration$2(t3, t1[_i]); for (t1 = _this._methods, t2 = t1.length, t4 = t3.get$writeln(), _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { method = t1[_i]; t3._contents += "void " + method.name + "() {\n"; B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(method._statements, t4); t3._contents += "}\n"; } t1 = t3._contents; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } }; A.ShaderMethod.prototype = { addStatement$1(statement) { this._statements.push(statement); }, get$name(receiver) { return this.name; } }; A.ShaderDeclaration.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return this.name; } }; A.commitScene_closure.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { var bSize, t1 = a.canvasSize, aSize = t1._dy * t1._dx; t1 = b.canvasSize; bSize = t1._dy * t1._dx; return J.compareTo$1$ns(bSize, aSize); }, $signature: 290 }; A.PersistedSurfaceState.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "PersistedSurfaceState." + this._name; } }; A.PersistedSurface.prototype = { revive$0() { this.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_0; }, canUpdateAsMatch$1(oldSurface) { return oldSurface.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 && A.getRuntimeType(this) === A.getRuntimeType(oldSurface); }, get$childContainer() { return this.rootElement; }, build$0(_) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this.createElement$0(0); _this.rootElement = t1; t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t2 === B.BrowserEngine_1) { t1 = t1.style; t1.zIndex = "0"; } _this.apply$0(); _this.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_1; }, adoptElements$1(oldSurface) { this.rootElement = oldSurface.rootElement; oldSurface.rootElement = null; oldSurface.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_4; }, update$1(_, oldSurface) { this.adoptElements$1(oldSurface); this.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_1; }, retain$0() { if (this.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_2) $.retainedSurfaces.push(this); }, discard$0() { var t1 = this.rootElement; t1.toString; J.remove$0$ax(t1); this.rootElement = null; this.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_4; }, dispose$0(_) { }, defaultCreateElement$1(tagName) { var t1 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(tagName, null), t2 = t1.style; t2.position = "absolute"; return t1; }, get$localTransformInverse() { return null; }, recomputeTransformAndClip$0() { var _this = this; _this.transform = _this.parent.transform; _this.projectedClip = _this.localClipBounds = null; }, preroll$1(prerollContext) { this.recomputeTransformAndClip$0(); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PersistedLeafSurface.prototype = {}; A.PersistedContainerSurface.prototype = { preroll$1(prerollContext) { var t1, $length, i; this.super$PersistedSurface$preroll(prerollContext); t1 = this.__engine$_children; $length = t1.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) t1[i].preroll$1(prerollContext); }, recomputeTransformAndClip$0() { var _this = this; _this.transform = _this.parent.transform; _this.projectedClip = _this.localClipBounds = null; }, build$0(_) { var t1, len, containerElement, i, child, t2; this.super$PersistedSurface$build(0); t1 = this.__engine$_children; len = t1.length; containerElement = this.get$childContainer(); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { child = t1[i]; if (child.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_2) child.retain$0(); else if (child instanceof A.PersistedContainerSurface && child._oldLayer.value != null) { t2 = child._oldLayer.value; t2.toString; child.update$1(0, t2); } else child.build$0(0); containerElement.toString; t2 = child.rootElement; t2.toString; containerElement.appendChild(t2); child.__engine$_index = i; } }, matchForUpdate$1(existingSurface) { return 1; }, update$1(_, oldSurface) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$PersistedSurface$update(0, oldSurface); if (oldSurface.__engine$_children.length === 0) _this._updateZeroToMany$1(oldSurface); else { t1 = _this.__engine$_children.length; if (t1 === 1) _this._updateManyToOne$1(oldSurface); else if (t1 === 0) A.PersistedContainerSurface__discardActiveChildren(oldSurface); else _this._updateManyToMany$1(oldSurface); } }, _updateZeroToMany$1(oldSurface) { var i, newChild, t2, containerElement = this.get$childContainer(), t1 = this.__engine$_children, $length = t1.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { newChild = t1[i]; if (newChild.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_2) newChild.retain$0(); else if (newChild instanceof A.PersistedContainerSurface && newChild._oldLayer.value != null) { t2 = newChild._oldLayer.value; t2.toString; newChild.update$1(0, t2); } else newChild.build$0(0); newChild.__engine$_index = i; containerElement.toString; t2 = newChild.rootElement; t2.toString; containerElement.appendChild(t2); } }, _updateManyToOne$1(oldSurface) { var t1, t2, oldLayer, bestMatch, bestScore, i, candidate, score, t3, oldChild, _this = this, newChild = _this.__engine$_children[0]; newChild.__engine$_index = 0; if (newChild.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_2) { t1 = newChild.rootElement.parentElement; t2 = _this.get$childContainer(); if (t1 == null ? t2 != null : t1 !== t2) { t1 = _this.get$childContainer(); t1.toString; t2 = newChild.rootElement; t2.toString; t1.appendChild(t2); } newChild.retain$0(); A.PersistedContainerSurface__discardActiveChildren(oldSurface); return; } if (newChild instanceof A.PersistedContainerSurface && newChild._oldLayer.value != null) { oldLayer = newChild._oldLayer.value; t1 = oldLayer.rootElement.parentElement; t2 = _this.get$childContainer(); if (t1 == null ? t2 != null : t1 !== t2) { t1 = _this.get$childContainer(); t1.toString; t2 = oldLayer.rootElement; t2.toString; t1.appendChild(t2); } newChild.update$1(0, oldLayer); A.PersistedContainerSurface__discardActiveChildren(oldSurface); return; } for (t1 = oldSurface.__engine$_children, bestMatch = null, bestScore = 2, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) { candidate = t1[i]; if (!newChild.canUpdateAsMatch$1(candidate)) continue; score = newChild.matchForUpdate$1(candidate); if (score < bestScore) { bestScore = score; bestMatch = candidate; } } if (bestMatch != null) { newChild.update$1(0, bestMatch); t2 = newChild.rootElement.parentElement; t3 = _this.get$childContainer(); if (t2 == null ? t3 != null : t2 !== t3) { t2 = _this.get$childContainer(); t2.toString; t3 = newChild.rootElement; t3.toString; t2.appendChild(t3); } } else { newChild.build$0(0); t2 = _this.get$childContainer(); t2.toString; t3 = newChild.rootElement; t3.toString; t2.appendChild(t3); } for (i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) { oldChild = t1[i]; if (oldChild !== bestMatch && oldChild.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1) oldChild.discard$0(); } }, _updateManyToMany$1(oldSurface) { var t1, t2, indexMapNew, indexMapOld, requiresDomInserts, topInNew, newChild, t3, isReparenting, matchedOldChild, oldLayer, indexInOld, backfill, _this = this, containerElement = _this.get$childContainer(), matches = _this._matchChildren$1(oldSurface); for (t1 = _this.__engine$_children, t2 = type$.JSArray_int, indexMapNew = null, indexMapOld = null, requiresDomInserts = false, topInNew = 0; topInNew < t1.length; ++topInNew) { newChild = t1[topInNew]; if (newChild.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_2) { t3 = newChild.rootElement.parentElement; isReparenting = t3 == null ? containerElement != null : t3 !== containerElement; newChild.retain$0(); matchedOldChild = newChild; } else if (newChild instanceof A.PersistedContainerSurface && newChild._oldLayer.value != null) { oldLayer = newChild._oldLayer.value; t3 = oldLayer.rootElement.parentElement; isReparenting = t3 == null ? containerElement != null : t3 !== containerElement; newChild.update$1(0, oldLayer); matchedOldChild = oldLayer; } else { matchedOldChild = matches.$index(0, newChild); if (matchedOldChild != null) { t3 = matchedOldChild.rootElement.parentElement; isReparenting = t3 == null ? containerElement != null : t3 !== containerElement; newChild.update$1(0, matchedOldChild); } else { newChild.build$0(0); isReparenting = true; } } indexInOld = matchedOldChild != null && !isReparenting ? matchedOldChild.__engine$_index : -1; if (!requiresDomInserts && indexInOld !== topInNew) { indexMapNew = A._setArrayType([], t2); indexMapOld = A._setArrayType([], t2); for (backfill = 0; backfill < topInNew; ++backfill) { indexMapNew.push(backfill); indexMapOld.push(backfill); } requiresDomInserts = true; } if (requiresDomInserts && indexInOld !== -1) { indexMapNew.push(topInNew); indexMapOld.push(indexInOld); } newChild.__engine$_index = topInNew; } if (requiresDomInserts) { indexMapOld.toString; _this._insertChildDomNodes$2(indexMapNew, indexMapOld); } A.PersistedContainerSurface__discardActiveChildren(oldSurface); }, _insertChildDomNodes$2(indexMapNew, indexMapOld) { var t1, i, containerElement, t2, refNode, isStationary, t3, stationaryIndices = A.longestIncreasingSubsequence(indexMapOld); for (t1 = stationaryIndices.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) stationaryIndices[i] = indexMapNew[stationaryIndices[i]]; containerElement = this.get$childContainer(); for (t1 = this.__engine$_children, i = t1.length - 1, t2 = type$.HtmlElement, refNode = null; i >= 0; --i, refNode = t3) { indexMapNew.toString; isStationary = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(indexMapNew, i) !== -1 && B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(stationaryIndices, i); t3 = t1[i].rootElement; t3.toString; t2._as(t3); if (!isStationary) if (refNode == null) containerElement.appendChild(t3); else containerElement.insertBefore(t3, refNode); } }, _matchChildren$1(oldSurface) { var i, child, oldChildren, newChildCount, oldChildCount, allMatches, indexInNew, newChild, indexInOld, oldChild, result, match, matchedChild, newChildNeedsMatch, t1 = this.__engine$_children, newUnfilteredChildCount = t1.length, t2 = oldSurface.__engine$_children, oldUnfilteredChildCount = t2.length, newChildren = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface); for (i = 0; i < newUnfilteredChildCount; ++i) { child = t1[i]; if (child.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_0 && child._oldLayer.value == null) newChildren.push(child); } oldChildren = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable_PersistedSurface); for (i = 0; i < oldUnfilteredChildCount; ++i) { child = t2[i]; if (child.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1) oldChildren.push(child); } newChildCount = newChildren.length; oldChildCount = oldChildren.length; if (newChildCount === 0 || oldChildCount === 0) return B.Map_empty5; allMatches = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__PersistedSurfaceMatch); for (indexInNew = 0; indexInNew < newChildCount; ++indexInNew) { newChild = newChildren[indexInNew]; for (indexInOld = 0; indexInOld < oldChildCount; ++indexInOld) { oldChild = oldChildren[indexInOld]; if (oldChild == null || !newChild.canUpdateAsMatch$1(oldChild)) continue; allMatches.push(new A._PersistedSurfaceMatch(newChild, indexInOld, newChild.matchForUpdate$1(oldChild))); } } B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(allMatches, new A.PersistedContainerSurface__matchChildren_closure()); result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.nullable_PersistedSurface, type$.PersistedSurface); for (i = 0; i < allMatches.length; ++i) { match = allMatches[i]; t1 = match.oldChildIndex; matchedChild = oldChildren[t1]; t2 = match.newChild; newChildNeedsMatch = result.$index(0, t2) == null; if (matchedChild != null && newChildNeedsMatch) { oldChildren[t1] = null; result.$indexSet(0, t2, matchedChild); } } return result; }, retain$0() { var t1, len, i; this.super$PersistedSurface$retain(); t1 = this.__engine$_children; len = t1.length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) t1[i].retain$0(); }, revive$0() { var t1, len, i; this.super$PersistedSurface$revive(); t1 = this.__engine$_children; len = t1.length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) t1[i].revive$0(); }, discard$0() { this.super$PersistedSurface$discard(); A.PersistedContainerSurface__discardActiveChildren(this); } }; A.PersistedContainerSurface__matchChildren_closure.prototype = { call$2(m1, m2) { return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(m1.matchQuality, m2.matchQuality); }, $signature: 279 }; A._PersistedSurfaceMatch.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.PrerollSurfaceContext.prototype = {}; A.PersistedTransform.prototype = { get$matrix4() { var t1 = this._matrix4; return t1 == null ? this._matrix4 = new A.Matrix40(this._matrixStorage) : t1; }, recomputeTransformAndClip$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.parent.transform; t1.toString; _this.transform = t1.multiplied$1(_this.get$matrix4()); _this.projectedClip = null; }, get$localTransformInverse() { var t1 = this._localTransformInverse; return t1 == null ? this._localTransformInverse = A.Matrix4_tryInvert0(this.get$matrix4()) : t1; }, createElement$0(_) { var element = document.createElement("flt-transform"); A.setElementStyle(element, "position", "absolute"); A.setElementStyle(element, "transform-origin", "0 0 0"); return element; }, apply$0() { var t1 = this.rootElement.style, t2 = A.float64ListToCssTransform(this._matrixStorage); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform"), t2, ""); }, update$1(_, oldSurface) { var t1, t2, matrixChanged, i, _this = this; _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface); t1 = oldSurface._matrixStorage; t2 = _this._matrixStorage; if (t1 === t2) { _this._matrix4 = oldSurface._matrix4; _this._localTransformInverse = oldSurface._localTransformInverse; return; } i = 0; while (true) { if (!(i < 16)) { matrixChanged = false; break; } if (t2[i] !== t1[i]) { matrixChanged = true; break; } ++i; } if (matrixChanged) { t1 = _this.rootElement.style; t2 = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t2); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform"), t2, ""); } else { _this._matrix4 = oldSurface._matrix4; _this._localTransformInverse = oldSurface._localTransformInverse; } }, $isTransformEngineLayer0: 1 }; A.initializeEngine_closure.prototype = { call$2(_, __) { var t1, _i; for (t1 = $._hotRestartListeners.length, _i = 0; _i < $._hotRestartListeners.length; $._hotRestartListeners.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)($._hotRestartListeners), ++_i) $._hotRestartListeners[_i].call$0(); return A.Future_Future$value(A.ServiceExtensionResponse$result("OK"), type$.ServiceExtensionResponse); }, $signature: 97 }; A.initializeEngine_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this._box_0; if (!t1.waitingForAnimation) { t1.waitingForAnimation = true; B.Window_methods.requestAnimationFrame$1(window, new A.initializeEngine__closure(t1)); } }, $signature: 0 }; A.initializeEngine__closure.prototype = { call$1(highResTime) { var highResTimeMicroseconds, t1, t2, t3; A.frameTimingsOnVsync(); this._box_0.waitingForAnimation = false; highResTimeMicroseconds = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(1000 * highResTime); A.frameTimingsOnBuildStart(); t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); t2 = t1._onBeginFrame; if (t2 != null) { t3 = A.Duration$(highResTimeMicroseconds, 0); A.invoke1(t2, t1._onBeginFrameZone, t3); } t2 = t1._onDrawFrame; if (t2 != null) A.invoke(t2, t1._onDrawFrameZone); }, $signature: 68 }; A._addUrlStrategyListener_closure.prototype = { call$1(jsStrategy) { var t1 = jsStrategy == null ? null : new A.CustomUrlStrategy(jsStrategy); $._isUrlStrategySet = true; $._customUrlStrategy = t1; }, $signature: 257 }; A._addUrlStrategyListener_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { self._flutter_web_set_location_strategy = null; }, $signature: 0 }; A.Keyboard.prototype = { Keyboard$_$0() { var _this = this, t1 = new A.Keyboard$__closure(_this); _this._keydownListener = t1; B.Window_methods.addEventListener$2(window, "keydown", t1); t1 = new A.Keyboard$__closure0(_this); _this._keyupListener = t1; B.Window_methods.addEventListener$2(window, "keyup", t1); $._hotRestartListeners.push(new A.Keyboard$__closure1(_this)); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1, t2, _this = this; B.Window_methods.removeEventListener$2(window, "keydown", _this._keydownListener); B.Window_methods.removeEventListener$2(window, "keyup", _this._keyupListener); for (t1 = _this._keydownTimers, t2 = t1.get$keys(t1), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) t1.$index(0, t2.get$current(t2)).cancel$0(0); t1.clear$0(0); $.Keyboard__instance = _this._keyupListener = _this._keydownListener = null; }, _handleHtmlEvent$1($event) { var t1, t2, t3, metaState, eventData, _this = this; if (!type$.KeyboardEvent._is($event)) return; t1 = $event.code; t1.toString; t2 = $event.key; t2.toString; if (!(t2 === "Meta" || t2 === "Shift" || t2 === "Alt" || t2 === "Control")) { t2 = _this._keydownTimers; t3 = t2.$index(0, t1); if (t3 != null) t3.cancel$0(0); if ($event.type === "keydown") t3 = $event.ctrlKey || $event.shiftKey || $event.altKey || $event.metaKey; else t3 = false; if (t3) t2.$indexSet(0, t1, A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_1000000, new A.Keyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure(_this, t1, $event))); else t2.remove$1(0, t1); } metaState = $event.getModifierState("Shift") ? 1 : 0; if ($event.getModifierState("Alt") || $event.getModifierState("AltGraph")) metaState |= 2; if ($event.getModifierState("Control")) metaState |= 4; if ($event.getModifierState("Meta")) metaState |= 8; _this._lastMetaState = metaState; if ($event.type === "keydown") { t1 = $event.key; if (t1 === "CapsLock") { t1 = metaState | 32; _this._lastMetaState = t1; } else if ($event.code === "NumLock") { t1 = metaState | 16; _this._lastMetaState = t1; } else if (t1 === "ScrollLock") { t1 = metaState | 64; _this._lastMetaState = t1; } else t1 = metaState; } else t1 = metaState; eventData = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["type", $event.type, "keymap", "web", "code", $event.code, "key", $event.key, "location", $event.location, "metaState", t1], type$.String, type$.dynamic); $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/keyevent", B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(eventData), new A.Keyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure0($event)); } }; A.Keyboard$__closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { this.$this._handleHtmlEvent$1($event); }, $signature: 2 }; A.Keyboard$__closure0.prototype = { call$1($event) { this.$this._handleHtmlEvent$1($event); }, $signature: 2 }; A.Keyboard$__closure1.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this.dispose$0(0); }, $signature: 0 }; A.Keyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t2, eventData, t1 = this.$this; t1._keydownTimers.remove$1(0, this.timerKey); t2 = this.event; eventData = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["type", "keyup", "keymap", "web", "code", t2.code, "key", t2.key, "location", t2.location, "metaState", t1._lastMetaState], type$.String, type$.dynamic); $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/keyevent", B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(eventData), A._engine___noopCallback$closure()); }, $signature: 0 }; A.Keyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure0.prototype = { call$1(data) { if (data == null) return; if (A._asBool(J.$index$asx(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(B.C_JSONMessageCodec.decodeMessage$1(data)), "handled"))) this.event.preventDefault(); }, $signature: 11 }; A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { return $event._event.altKey; }, $signature: 13 }; A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure0.prototype = { call$1($event) { return $event._event.altKey; }, $signature: 13 }; A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure1.prototype = { call$1($event) { return $event._event.ctrlKey; }, $signature: 13 }; A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure2.prototype = { call$1($event) { return $event._event.ctrlKey; }, $signature: 13 }; A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure3.prototype = { call$1($event) { return $event._event.shiftKey; }, $signature: 13 }; A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure4.prototype = { call$1($event) { return $event._event.shiftKey; }, $signature: 13 }; A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure5.prototype = { call$1($event) { return $event._event.metaKey; }, $signature: 13 }; A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure6.prototype = { call$1($event) { return $event._event.metaKey; }, $signature: 13 }; A.KeyboardBinding.prototype = { __engine$_addEventListener$2(_, eventName, handler) { var t1 = new A.KeyboardBinding__addEventListener_loggedHandler(handler); this._listeners.$indexSet(0, eventName, t1); B.Window_methods.addEventListener$3(window, eventName, t1, true); }, _onKeyData$1(data) { var t1 = {}; t1.result = null; $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnKeyData$2(data, new A.KeyboardBinding__onKeyData_closure(t1)); t1 = t1.result; t1.toString; return t1; }, _setup$0() { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this.__engine$_addEventListener$2(0, "keydown", new A.KeyboardBinding__setup_closure(_this)); _this.__engine$_addEventListener$2(0, "keyup", new A.KeyboardBinding__setup_closure0(_this)); t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); t2 = type$.int; _this.__KeyboardBinding__converter = new A.KeyboardConverter(_this.get$_onKeyData(), t1 === B.OperatingSystem_4, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.void_Function)); } }; A.KeyboardBinding__addEventListener_loggedHandler.prototype = { call$1($event) { var t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance; if ((t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1).receiveGlobalEvent$1($event)) return this.handler.call$1($event); return null; }, $signature: 21 }; A.KeyboardBinding__onKeyData_closure.prototype = { call$1(handled) { this._box_0.result = handled; }, $signature: 22 }; A.KeyboardBinding__setup_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { return A._lateReadCheck(this.$this.__KeyboardBinding__converter, "_converter").handleEvent$1(new A.FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent(type$.KeyboardEvent._as($event))); }, $signature: 1 }; A.KeyboardBinding__setup_closure0.prototype = { call$1($event) { return A._lateReadCheck(this.$this.__KeyboardBinding__converter, "_converter").handleEvent$1(new A.FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent(type$.KeyboardEvent._as($event))); }, $signature: 1 }; A.FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent.prototype = {}; A.KeyboardConverter.prototype = { _scheduleAsyncEvent$3(duration, getData, callback) { var t2, t1 = {}; t1.canceled = false; t2 = type$.void; A.Future_Future$delayed(duration, t2).then$1$1(0, new A.KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure(t1, this, callback, getData), t2); return new A.KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure0(t1); }, _startGuardingKey$3(physicalKey, logicalKey, currentTimeStamp) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this.onMacOs ? B.Duration_2000000 : B.Duration_1000000, cancelingCallback = _this._scheduleAsyncEvent$3(t1, new A.KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure(_this, currentTimeStamp, physicalKey, logicalKey), new A.KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure0(_this, physicalKey)); t1 = _this._keyGuards; t2 = t1.remove$1(0, physicalKey); if (t2 != null) t2.call$0(); t1.$indexSet(0, physicalKey, cancelingCallback); }, _handleEvent$1($event) { var ms, timeStamp, t3, physicalKey, logicalKeyIsCharacter, character, logicalKey, isPhysicalDown, type, lastLogicalRecord, nextLogicalRecord, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = $event._event, t2 = t1.timeStamp; t2.toString; ms = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t2); timeStamp = A.Duration$(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0((t2 - ms) * 1000), ms); t2 = t1.key; t2.toString; t3 = t1.code; t3.toString; physicalKey = B.Map_KP6BJ.$index(0, t3); if (physicalKey == null) physicalKey = B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(t3) + 98784247808; t3 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, 0); if (!(t3 >= 97 && t3 <= 122)) t3 = t3 >= 65 && t3 <= 90; else t3 = true; logicalKeyIsCharacter = !(t3 && t2.length > 1); if (logicalKeyIsCharacter) character = t2; else character = _null; logicalKey = new A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure($event, character, t2, physicalKey).call$0(); if (t1.type !== "keydown") if (_this.onMacOs) { t2 = t1.code; t2.toString; t2 = t2 === "CapsLock"; isPhysicalDown = t2; } else isPhysicalDown = false; else isPhysicalDown = true; if (_this.onMacOs) { t2 = t1.code; t2.toString; t2 = t2 === "CapsLock"; } else t2 = false; if (t2) { _this._scheduleAsyncEvent$3(B.Duration_0, new A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure0(timeStamp, physicalKey, logicalKey), new A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure1(_this, physicalKey)); type = B.KeyEventType_0; } else if (isPhysicalDown) { t2 = _this._pressingRecords; if (t2.$index(0, physicalKey) != null) { t3 = t1.repeat; if (t3 === true) type = B.KeyEventType_2; else { _this._dispatchKeyData.call$1(new A.KeyData(timeStamp, B.KeyEventType_1, physicalKey, logicalKey, _null, true)); t2.remove$1(0, physicalKey); type = B.KeyEventType_0; } } else type = B.KeyEventType_0; } else { if (_this._pressingRecords.$index(0, physicalKey) == null) { t1.preventDefault(); return; } type = B.KeyEventType_1; } t2 = _this._pressingRecords; lastLogicalRecord = t2.$index(0, physicalKey); switch (type.index) { case 0: nextLogicalRecord = logicalKey; break; case 1: nextLogicalRecord = _null; break; case 2: nextLogicalRecord = lastLogicalRecord; break; default: nextLogicalRecord = _null; } t3 = nextLogicalRecord == null; if (t3) t2.remove$1(0, physicalKey); else t2.$indexSet(0, physicalKey, nextLogicalRecord); $.$get$_kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter().forEach$1(0, new A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure2(_this, $event, timeStamp)); if (logicalKeyIsCharacter) if (!t3) _this._startGuardingKey$3(physicalKey, logicalKey, timeStamp); else { t2 = _this._keyGuards.remove$1(0, physicalKey); if (t2 != null) t2.call$0(); } t2 = lastLogicalRecord == null ? logicalKey : lastLogicalRecord; t3 = type === B.KeyEventType_1 ? _null : character; if (_this._dispatchKeyData.call$1(new A.KeyData(timeStamp, type, physicalKey, t2, t3, false))) t1.preventDefault(); }, handleEvent$1($event) { var _this = this, t1 = {}; t1.sentAnyEvents = false; _this._dispatchKeyData = new A.KeyboardConverter_handleEvent_closure(t1, _this); try { _this._handleEvent$1($event); } finally { if (!t1.sentAnyEvents) _this._dispatchKeyData.call$1(B.KeyData_cgD); _this._dispatchKeyData = null; } } }; A.KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { var _this = this; if (!_this._box_0.canceled && !_this.$this._disposed) { _this.callback.call$0(); _this.$this.performDispatchKeyData.call$1(_this.getData.call$0()); } }, $signature: 10 }; A.KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { this._box_0.canceled = true; }, $signature: 0 }; A.KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.$this.onMacOs ? B.Duration_2000000 : B.Duration_1000000; return new A.KeyData(new A.Duration(_this.currentTimeStamp._duration + t1._duration), B.KeyEventType_1, _this.physicalKey, _this.logicalKey, null, true); }, $signature: 73 }; A.KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._pressingRecords.remove$1(0, this.physicalKey); }, $signature: 0 }; A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var result, altDown, ctrlDown, shiftDown, metaDown, t3, t4, _this = this, t1 = _this.event._event, t2 = t1.key; t2.toString; if (B.Map_8TmdZ.containsKey$1(0, t2)) { t2 = t1.key; t2.toString; t2 = B.Map_8TmdZ.$index(0, t2); result = t2 == null ? null : t2[t1.location]; result.toString; return result; } t2 = _this.character; if (t2 != null) { result = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, 0) & 65535; if (t2.length === 2) result += B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, 1) << 16 >>> 0; return result >= 65 && result <= 90 ? result + 97 - 65 : result; } t2 = _this.eventKey; if (t2 === "Dead") { altDown = t1.altKey; ctrlDown = t1.ctrlKey; shiftDown = t1.shiftKey; metaDown = t1.metaKey; t1 = altDown ? 1073741824 : 0; t2 = ctrlDown ? 268435456 : 0; t3 = shiftDown ? 536870912 : 0; t4 = metaDown ? 2147483648 : 0; return _this.physicalKey + (t1 + t2 + t3 + t4) + 98784247808; } t1 = B.Map_0mogo.$index(0, t2); return t1 == null ? B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(t2) + 98784247808 : t1; }, $signature: 35 }; A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { return new A.KeyData(this.timeStamp, B.KeyEventType_1, this.physicalKey, this.logicalKey, null, true); }, $signature: 73 }; A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure1.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._pressingRecords.remove$1(0, this.physicalKey); }, $signature: 0 }; A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure2.prototype = { call$2(logicalKey, getModifier) { var t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1._pressingRecords; if (t2.containsValue$1(0, logicalKey) && !getModifier.call$1(this.event)) t2.removeWhere$1(t2, new A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent__closure(t1, logicalKey, this.timeStamp)); }, $signature: 236 }; A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent__closure.prototype = { call$2(physicalKey, logicalRecord) { var t1 = this.logicalKey; if (logicalRecord !== t1) return false; this.$this._dispatchKeyData.call$1(new A.KeyData(this.timeStamp, B.KeyEventType_1, physicalKey, t1, null, true)); return true; }, $signature: 235 }; A.KeyboardConverter_handleEvent_closure.prototype = { call$1(data) { this._box_0.sentAnyEvents = true; return this.$this.performDispatchKeyData.call$1(data); }, $signature: 49 }; A.MouseCursor.prototype = {}; A.BrowserHistory.prototype = { get$_unsubscribe() { return A._lateReadCheck(this.__BrowserHistory__unsubscribe, "_unsubscribe"); }, _setupStrategy$1(strategy) { this.__BrowserHistory__unsubscribe = strategy.addPopStateListener$1(0, type$.dynamic_Function_Event._as(this.get$onPopState(this))); }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this; if (_this._isDisposed || _this.get$urlStrategy() == null) return; _this._isDisposed = true; _this._unsubscribe$0(); }, exit$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this; var $async$exit$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = $async$self.get$urlStrategy() != null ? 2 : 3; break; case 2: // then $async$goto = 4; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.tearDown$0(), $async$exit$0); case 4: // returning from await. $async$goto = 5; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.get$urlStrategy().go$1(0, -1), $async$exit$0); case 5: // returning from await. case 3: // join // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$exit$0, $async$completer); }, get$currentPath() { var t1 = this.get$urlStrategy(); t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.getPath$0(0); return t1 == null ? "/" : t1; }, get$currentState() { var t1 = this.get$urlStrategy(); return t1 == null ? null : t1.getState$0(0); }, _unsubscribe$0() { return this.get$_unsubscribe().call$0(); } }; A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory.prototype = { MultiEntriesBrowserHistory$1$urlStrategy(urlStrategy) { var t1, _this = this, strategy = _this.urlStrategy; if (strategy == null) return; _this._setupStrategy$1(strategy); if (!_this._hasSerialCount$1(_this.get$currentState())) { t1 = type$.dynamic; strategy.replaceState$3(0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["serialCount", 0, "state", _this.get$currentState()], t1, t1), "flutter", _this.get$currentPath()); } _this.__MultiEntriesBrowserHistory__lastSeenSerialCount = _this.get$_currentSerialCount(); }, get$_currentSerialCount() { if (this._hasSerialCount$1(this.get$currentState())) { var t1 = this.get$currentState(); t1.toString; return A._asInt(J.$index$asx(type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(t1), "serialCount")); } return 0; }, _hasSerialCount$1(state) { return type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(state) && J.$index$asx(state, "serialCount") != null; }, setRouteName$3$replace$state(routeName, replace, state) { var t2, t3, _s20_ = "_lastSeenSerialCount", t1 = this.urlStrategy; if (t1 != null) { t2 = type$.dynamic; t3 = this.__MultiEntriesBrowserHistory__lastSeenSerialCount; if (replace) { t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["serialCount", A._lateReadCheck(t3, _s20_), "state", state], t2, t2); routeName.toString; t1.replaceState$3(0, t2, "flutter", routeName); } else { t3 = A._lateReadCheck(t3, _s20_) + 1; this.__MultiEntriesBrowserHistory__lastSeenSerialCount = t3; t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["serialCount", A._lateReadCheck(t3, _s20_), "state", state], t2, t2); routeName.toString; t1.pushState$3(0, t2, "flutter", routeName); } } }, setRouteName$1(routeName) { return this.setRouteName$3$replace$state(routeName, false, null); }, onPopState$1(_, $event) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this; if (!_this._hasSerialCount$1(new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy($event.state, true))) { t1 = _this.urlStrategy; t1.toString; t2 = new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy($event.state, true); t3 = type$.dynamic; t1.replaceState$3(0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["serialCount", A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MultiEntriesBrowserHistory__lastSeenSerialCount, "_lastSeenSerialCount") + 1, "state", t2], t3, t3), "flutter", _this.get$currentPath()); } _this.__MultiEntriesBrowserHistory__lastSeenSerialCount = _this.get$_currentSerialCount(); t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); t2 = _this.get$currentPath(); t3 = new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy($event.state, true); t3 = t3 == null ? null : J.$index$asx(t3, "state"); t4 = type$.dynamic; t1.invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/navigation", B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall("pushRouteInformation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["location", t2, "state", t3], t4, t4))), new A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure()); }, tearDown$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, backCount, t1, t2; var $async$tearDown$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$self.dispose$0(0); if ($async$self._isTornDown || $async$self.urlStrategy == null) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$self._isTornDown = true; backCount = $async$self.get$_currentSerialCount(); $async$goto = backCount > 0 ? 3 : 4; break; case 3: // then $async$goto = 5; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.urlStrategy.go$1(0, -backCount), $async$tearDown$0); case 5: // returning from await. case 4: // join t1 = $async$self.get$currentState(); t1.toString; type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(t1); t2 = $async$self.urlStrategy; t2.toString; t2.replaceState$3(0, J.$index$asx(t1, "state"), "flutter", $async$self.get$currentPath()); case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$tearDown$0, $async$completer); }, get$urlStrategy() { return this.urlStrategy; } }; A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { }, $signature: 11 }; A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory.prototype = { SingleEntryBrowserHistory$1$urlStrategy(urlStrategy) { var path, _this = this, strategy = _this.urlStrategy; if (strategy == null) return; _this._setupStrategy$1(strategy); path = _this.get$currentPath(); if (!A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory__isFlutterEntry(new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy(window.history.state, true))) { strategy.replaceState$3(0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["origin", true, "state", _this.get$currentState()], type$.String, type$.dynamic), "origin", ""); _this._setupFlutterEntry$3$path$replace(strategy, path, false); } }, setRouteName$3$replace$state(routeName, replace, state) { var t1 = this.urlStrategy; if (t1 != null) this._setupFlutterEntry$3$path$replace(t1, routeName, true); }, setRouteName$1(routeName) { return this.setRouteName$3$replace$state(routeName, false, null); }, onPopState$1(_, $event) { var t1, _this = this, _s18_ = "flutter/navigation"; if (A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory__isOriginEntry(new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy($event.state, true))) { t1 = _this.urlStrategy; t1.toString; _this._setupFlutterEntry$1(t1); $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3(_s18_, B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(B.MethodCall_popRoute_null), new A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure()); } else if (A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory__isFlutterEntry(new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy($event.state, true))) { t1 = _this._userProvidedRouteName; t1.toString; _this._userProvidedRouteName = null; $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3(_s18_, B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall("pushRoute", t1)), new A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure0()); } else { _this._userProvidedRouteName = _this.get$currentPath(); _this.urlStrategy.go$1(0, -1); } }, _setupFlutterEntry$3$path$replace(strategy, path, replace) { var t1; if (path == null) path = this.get$currentPath(); t1 = this._flutterState; if (replace) strategy.replaceState$3(0, t1, "flutter", path); else strategy.pushState$3(0, t1, "flutter", path); }, _setupFlutterEntry$1(strategy) { return this._setupFlutterEntry$3$path$replace(strategy, null, false); }, tearDown$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2; var $async$tearDown$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$self.dispose$0(0); if ($async$self._isTornDown || $async$self.urlStrategy == null) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$self._isTornDown = true; t1 = $async$self.urlStrategy; $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(t1.go$1(0, -1), $async$tearDown$0); case 3: // returning from await. t2 = $async$self.get$currentState(); t2.toString; t1.replaceState$3(0, J.$index$asx(type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(t2), "state"), "flutter", $async$self.get$currentPath()); case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$tearDown$0, $async$completer); }, get$urlStrategy() { return this.urlStrategy; } }; A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { }, $signature: 11 }; A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure0.prototype = { call$1(_) { }, $signature: 11 }; A.JsUrlStrategy.prototype = {}; A.UrlStrategy.prototype = {}; A.HashUrlStrategy.prototype = { addPopStateListener$1(_, fn) { B.Window_methods.addEventListener$2(window, "popstate", fn); return new A.HashUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure(this, fn); }, getPath$0(_) { var path = window.location.hash; if (path.length === 0 || path === "#") return "/"; return B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, 1); }, getState$0(_) { return new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy(window.history.state, true); }, prepareExternalUrl$1(_, internalUrl) { var t1, t2; if (internalUrl.length === 0) { t1 = window.location.pathname; t1.toString; t2 = window.location.search; t2.toString; t2 = t1 + t2; t1 = t2; } else t1 = "#" + internalUrl; return t1; }, pushState$3(_, state, title, url) { var t1 = this.prepareExternalUrl$1(0, url); window.history.pushState(new A._StructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).walk$1(state), title, t1); }, replaceState$3(_, state, title, url) { var t1 = this.prepareExternalUrl$1(0, url); window.history.replaceState(new A._StructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).walk$1(state), title, t1); }, go$1(_, count) { window.history.go(count); return this._waitForPopState$0(); }, _waitForPopState$0() { var t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), unsubscribe = A._Cell$named("unsubscribe"); unsubscribe.__late_helper$_value = this.addPopStateListener$1(0, new A.HashUrlStrategy__waitForPopState_closure(unsubscribe, new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_void))); return t1; } }; A.HashUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure.prototype = { call$0() { B.Window_methods.removeEventListener$2(window, "popstate", this.fn); return null; }, $signature: 0 }; A.HashUrlStrategy__waitForPopState_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { this.unsubscribe._readLocal$0().call$0(); this.completer.complete$0(0); }, $signature: 2 }; A.CustomUrlStrategy.prototype = { addPopStateListener$1(_, fn) { return J.addPopStateListener$1$x(this.delegate, fn); }, getPath$0(_) { return J.getPath$0$x(this.delegate); }, getState$0(_) { return J.getState$0$x(this.delegate); }, pushState$3(_, state, title, url) { return J.pushState$3$x(this.delegate, state, title, url); }, replaceState$3(_, state, title, url) { return J.replaceState$3$x(this.delegate, state, title, url); }, go$1(_, count) { return J.go$1$x(this.delegate, count); } }; A.PlatformLocation.prototype = {}; A.BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype = {}; A.EnginePictureRecorder.prototype = { beginRecording$1(_, bounds) { var t1, t2; this.__EnginePictureRecorder_cullRect = bounds; this._isRecording = true; t1 = A._lateReadCheck(bounds, "cullRect"); t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PaintCommand); return this.__engine$_canvas = new A.RecordingCanvas(new A._PaintBounds(t1, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Matrix4), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable_Rect), A.Matrix4$identity()), t2, new A.RenderStrategy()); }, get$isRecording() { return this._isRecording; }, endRecording$0() { var t1, _this = this; if (!_this._isRecording) _this.beginRecording$1(0, B.Rect_aha); _this._isRecording = false; t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas; t1._pictureBounds = t1._paintBounds.computeBounds$0(); t1._recordingEnded = true; t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas; A._lateReadCheck(_this.__EnginePictureRecorder_cullRect, "cullRect"); return new A.EnginePicture(t1); } }; A.EnginePicture.prototype = { dispose$0(_) { } }; A.EnginePlatformDispatcher.prototype = { invokeOnMetricsChanged$0() { var t1 = this._onMetricsChanged; if (t1 != null) A.invoke(t1, this._onMetricsChangedZone); }, invokeOnKeyData$2(data, callback) { var onKeyData = this._onKeyData; if (onKeyData != null) A.invoke(new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_invokeOnKeyData_closure(callback, onKeyData, data), this._onKeyDataZone); else callback.call$1(false); }, invokeOnPlatformMessage$3($name, data, callback) { var t1, bytes, methodNameLength, t2, methodName, index, channelNameLength, channelName, parts, _s143_ = "Invalid arguments for 'resize' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (arguments must be a two-element list, channel name and new capacity)", _s143_0 = "Invalid arguments for 'overflow' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (arguments must be a two-element list, channel name and flag state)"; if ($name === "dev.flutter/channel-buffers") try { t1 = $.$get$channelBuffers(); bytes = A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength); if (bytes[0] === 7) { methodNameLength = bytes[1]; if (methodNameLength >= 254) A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception("Unrecognized message sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (method name too long)")); t2 = 2 + methodNameLength; methodName = B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, B.NativeUint8List_methods.sublist$2(bytes, 2, t2)); switch (methodName) { case "resize": if (bytes[t2] !== 12) A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception(_s143_)); index = t2 + 1; if (bytes[index] < 2) A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception(_s143_)); ++index; if (bytes[index] !== 7) A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception("Invalid arguments for 'resize' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (first argument must be a string)")); ++index; channelNameLength = bytes[index]; if (channelNameLength >= 254) A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception("Invalid arguments for 'resize' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (channel name must be less than 254 characters long)")); ++index; t2 = index + channelNameLength; channelName = B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, B.NativeUint8List_methods.sublist$2(bytes, index, t2)); if (bytes[t2] !== 3) A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception("Invalid arguments for 'resize' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (second argument must be an integer in the range 0 to 2147483647)")); t1.resize$2(0, channelName, data.getUint32(t2 + 1, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host())); break; case "overflow": if (bytes[t2] !== 12) A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception(_s143_0)); index = t2 + 1; if (bytes[index] < 2) A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception(_s143_0)); ++index; if (bytes[index] !== 7) A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception("Invalid arguments for 'overflow' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (first argument must be a string)")); ++index; channelNameLength = bytes[index]; if (channelNameLength >= 254) A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception("Invalid arguments for 'overflow' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (channel name must be less than 254 characters long)")); ++index; t1 = index + channelNameLength; B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, B.NativeUint8List_methods.sublist$2(bytes, index, t1)); t1 = bytes[t1]; if (t1 !== 1 && t1 !== 2) A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception("Invalid arguments for 'overflow' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (second argument must be a boolean)")); break; default: A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception("Unrecognized method '" + methodName + "' sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers")); } } else { parts = A._setArrayType(B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, bytes).split("\r"), type$.JSArray_String); if (parts.length === 3 && J.$eq$(parts[0], "resize")) t1.resize$2(0, parts[1], A.int_parse(parts[2], null)); else A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception("Unrecognized message " + A.S(parts) + " sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers.")); } } finally { callback.call$1(null); } else $.$get$channelBuffers().push$3($name, data, callback); }, _sendPlatformMessage$3($name, data, callback) { var decoded, t1, cacheSizeInBytes, url, $navigator, $arguments, label, primaryColor, theme, e, t2, _this = this; switch ($name) { case "flutter/skia": decoded = B.C_JSONMethodCodec.decodeMethodCall$1(data); switch (decoded.method) { case "Skia.setResourceCacheMaxBytes": t1 = A._detectRenderer(); if (t1) { cacheSizeInBytes = A._asInt(decoded.$arguments); _this.get$rasterizer().toString; t1 = A.SurfaceFactory_instance().baseSurface; t1._skiaCacheBytes = cacheSizeInBytes; t1._syncCacheBytes$0(); } _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([A._setArrayType([true], type$.JSArray_bool)])); break; } return; case "flutter/assets": url = B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(data.buffer, 0, null)); $._assetManager.load$1(0, url).then$1$2$onError(0, new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure(_this, callback), new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure0(_this, callback), type$.Null); return; case "flutter/platform": decoded = B.C_JSONMethodCodec.decodeMethodCall$1(data); switch (decoded.method) { case "SystemNavigator.pop": _this._windows.$index(0, 0).get$browserHistory().exit$0().then$1$1(0, new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure1(_this, callback), type$.Null); return; case "HapticFeedback.vibrate": t1 = _this._getHapticFeedbackDuration$1(A._asStringQ(decoded.$arguments)); $navigator = window.navigator; if ("vibrate" in $navigator) $navigator.vibrate(t1); _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true])); return; case string$.System: $arguments = type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(decoded.$arguments); t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments); label = A._asStringQ(t1.$index($arguments, "label")); if (label == null) label = ""; primaryColor = A._asIntQ(t1.$index($arguments, "primaryColor")); if (primaryColor == null) primaryColor = 4278190080; t1 = document; t1.title = label; theme = type$.nullable_MetaElement._as(t1.querySelector("#flutterweb-theme")); if (theme == null) { theme = t1.createElement("meta"); theme.id = "flutterweb-theme"; theme.name = "theme-color"; t1.head.appendChild(theme); } t1 = A.colorToCssString(new A.Color(primaryColor >>> 0)); t1.toString; theme.content = t1; _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true])); return; case "SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations": $arguments = type$.List_dynamic._as(decoded.$arguments); t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder; (t1 == null ? $._flutterViewEmbedder = A.FlutterViewEmbedder$() : t1).setPreferredOrientation$1($arguments).then$1$1(0, new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure2(_this, callback), type$.Null); return; case "SystemSound.play": _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true])); return; case "Clipboard.setData": t1 = window.navigator.clipboard != null ? new A.ClipboardAPICopyStrategy() : new A.ExecCommandCopyStrategy(); new A.ClipboardMessageHandler(t1, A.PasteFromClipboardStrategy_PasteFromClipboardStrategy()).setDataMethodCall$2(decoded, callback); return; case "Clipboard.getData": t1 = window.navigator.clipboard != null ? new A.ClipboardAPICopyStrategy() : new A.ExecCommandCopyStrategy(); new A.ClipboardMessageHandler(t1, A.PasteFromClipboardStrategy_PasteFromClipboardStrategy()).getDataMethodCall$1(callback); return; } break; case "flutter/service_worker": t1 = window; e = document.createEvent("Event"); e.initEvent("flutter-first-frame", true, true); t1.dispatchEvent(e); return; case "flutter/textinput": t1 = $.$get$textEditing(); t1.get$channel(t1).handleTextInput$2(data, callback); return; case "flutter/mousecursor": decoded = B.C_StandardMethodCodec.decodeMethodCall$1(data); $arguments = type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(decoded.$arguments); switch (decoded.method) { case "activateSystemCursor": $.MouseCursor__instance.toString; t1 = A._asStringQ(J.$index$asx($arguments, "kind")); t2 = $._flutterViewEmbedder; t2 = (t2 == null ? $._flutterViewEmbedder = A.FlutterViewEmbedder$() : t2)._glassPaneElement; t2.toString; t1 = B.Map_gFKQ1.$index(0, t1); A.setElementStyle(t2, "cursor", t1 == null ? "default" : t1); break; } return; case "flutter/web_test_e2e": _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([A._handleWebTestEnd2EndMessage(B.C_JSONMethodCodec, data)])); return; case "flutter/platform_views": t1 = _this._platformViewMessageHandler; if (t1 == null) t1 = _this._platformViewMessageHandler = new A.PlatformViewMessageHandler($.$get$platformViewManager(), new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure3()); callback.toString; t1.handlePlatformViewCall$2(data, callback); return; case "flutter/accessibility": $.$get$accessibilityAnnouncements().handleMessage$2(B.C_StandardMessageCodec0, data); _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.encodeMessage$1(true)); return; case "flutter/navigation": _this._windows.$index(0, 0).handleNavigationMessage$1(data).then$1$1(0, new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure4(_this, callback), type$.Null); _this._defaultRouteName = "/"; return; } _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, null); }, _getHapticFeedbackDuration$1(type) { switch (type) { case "HapticFeedbackType.lightImpact": return 10; case "HapticFeedbackType.mediumImpact": return 20; case "HapticFeedbackType.heavyImpact": return 30; case "HapticFeedbackType.selectionClick": return 10; default: return 50; } }, scheduleFrame$0() { var t1 = $.scheduleFrameCallback; if (t1 == null) throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("scheduleFrameCallback must be initialized first.")); t1.call$0(); }, render$2(scene, view) { var t1 = A._detectRenderer(); if (t1) { A.frameTimingsOnBuildFinish(); A.frameTimingsOnRasterStart(); type$.LayerScene._as(scene); this.get$rasterizer().draw$1(scene.layerTree); } else { type$.SurfaceScene._as(scene); t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder; if (t1 == null) t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder = A.FlutterViewEmbedder$(); t1.renderScene$1(scene.webOnlyRootElement); } A.frameTimingsOnRasterFinish(); }, _updatePlatformBrightness$1(value) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._configuration; if (t1.platformBrightness !== value) { _this._configuration = t1.copyWith$1$platformBrightness(value); A.invoke(null, null); A.invoke(_this._onPlatformBrightnessChanged, _this._onPlatformBrightnessChangedZone); } }, _addBrightnessMediaQueryListener$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._brightnessMediaQuery; _this._updatePlatformBrightness$1(t1.matches ? B.Brightness_0 : B.Brightness_1); t2 = new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure(_this); _this._brightnessMediaQueryListener = t2; B.MediaQueryList_methods.addListener$1(t1, t2); $._hotRestartListeners.push(new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure0(_this)); }, get$defaultRouteName() { var t1 = this._defaultRouteName; return t1 == null ? this._defaultRouteName = this._windows.$index(0, 0).get$browserHistory().get$currentPath() : t1; }, get$rasterizer() { var t1, value = this.__EnginePlatformDispatcher_rasterizer; if (value === $) { t1 = A._detectRenderer(); value = this.__EnginePlatformDispatcher_rasterizer = t1 ? new A.Rasterizer(new A.CompositorContext(), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function)) : null; } return value; }, replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, data) { A.Future_Future$delayed(B.Duration_0, type$.void).then$1$1(0, new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_replyToPlatformMessage_closure(callback, data), type$.Null); } }; A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_invokeOnKeyData_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return this.callback.call$1(this.onKeyData.call$1(this.data)); }, $signature: 0 }; A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__zonedPlatformMessageResponseCallback_closure.prototype = { call$1(data) { this.registrationZone.runUnaryGuarded$2(this.callback, data); }, $signature: 11 }; A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure.prototype = { call$1(assetData) { this.$this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(this.callback, assetData); }, $signature: 231 }; A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure0.prototype = { call$1(error) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Error while trying to load an asset: " + A.S(error)); this.$this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(this.callback, null); }, $signature: 3 }; A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure1.prototype = { call$1(_) { this.$this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(this.callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true])); }, $signature: 10 }; A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure2.prototype = { call$1(success) { this.$this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(this.callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([success])); }, $signature: 46 }; A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure3.prototype = { call$1($content) { var t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder; (t1 == null ? $._flutterViewEmbedder = A.FlutterViewEmbedder$() : t1)._glassPaneElement.appendChild($content); }, $signature: 230 }; A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure4.prototype = { call$1(handled) { var t1 = this.callback; if (handled) this.$this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(t1, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true])); else if (t1 != null) t1.call$1(null); }, $signature: 46 }; A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { var t1 = type$.MediaQueryListEvent._as($event).matches; t1.toString; t1 = t1 ? B.Brightness_0 : B.Brightness_1; this.$this._updatePlatformBrightness$1(t1); }, $signature: 2 }; A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this; B.MediaQueryList_methods.removeListener$1(t1._brightnessMediaQuery, t1._brightnessMediaQueryListener); t1._brightnessMediaQueryListener = null; }, $signature: 0 }; A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_replyToPlatformMessage_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { var t1 = this.callback; if (t1 != null) t1.call$1(this.data); }, $signature: 10 }; A.invoke2_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.callback.call$2(this.arg1, this.arg2); }, $signature: 0 }; A.invoke3_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var _this = this; _this.callback.call$3(_this.arg1, _this.arg2, _this.arg3); }, $signature: 0 }; A.PlatformViewManager.prototype = { renderContent$3(viewType, viewId, params) { var slotName = "flt-pv-slot-" + viewId; this._viewIdToType.$indexSet(0, viewId, viewType); return this.__engine$_contents.putIfAbsent$2(0, viewId, new A.PlatformViewManager_renderContent_closure(this, slotName, viewType, viewId, params)); }, _safelyRemoveSlottedElement$1(element) { var t1, tombstoneName, slot; if (element == null) return; t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t1 !== B.BrowserEngine_1) { J.remove$0$ax(element); return; } tombstoneName = "tombstone-" + A.S(element.getAttribute("slot")); slot = document.createElement("slot"); t1 = slot.style; t1.display = "none"; slot.setAttribute("name", tombstoneName); t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder; (t1 == null ? $._flutterViewEmbedder = A.FlutterViewEmbedder$() : t1)._glassPaneShadow.append$1(0, slot); element.setAttribute("slot", tombstoneName); J.remove$0$ax(element); J.remove$0$ax(slot); }, isInvisible$1(viewId) { var viewType = this._viewIdToType.$index(0, viewId); return viewType != null && this._invisibleViews.contains$1(0, viewType); } }; A.PlatformViewManager_renderContent_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1, t2, $content, t3, _this = this, wrapper = document.createElement("flt-platform-view"); wrapper.setAttribute("slot", _this.slotName); t1 = _this.viewType; t2 = _this.$this._factories.$index(0, t1); t2.toString; $content = A._Cell$named("content"); $content.__late_helper$_value = type$.Element_Function_int._as(t2).call$1(_this.viewId); t2 = $content._readLocal$0(); if (t2.style.height.length === 0) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Height of Platform View type: [" + t1 + "] may not be set. Defaulting to `height: 100%`.\nSet `style.height` to any appropriate value to stop this message."); t3 = t2.style; t3.height = "100%"; } if (t2.style.width.length === 0) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Width of Platform View type: [" + t1 + "] may not be set. Defaulting to `width: 100%`.\nSet `style.width` to any appropriate value to stop this message."); t1 = t2.style; t1.width = "100%"; } wrapper.appendChild($content._readLocal$0()); return wrapper; }, $signature: 229 }; A.PlatformViewMessageHandler.prototype = { _createPlatformView$2(methodCall, callback) { var args = type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(methodCall.$arguments), t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(args), viewId = A._asInt(t1.$index(args, "id")), viewType = A._asString(t1.$index(args, "viewType")); t1 = this._contentManager; if (!t1._factories.containsKey$1(0, viewType)) { callback.call$1(B.C_StandardMethodCodec.encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message("unregistered_view_type", "unregistered view type: " + viewType, "trying to create a view with an unregistered type")); return; } if (t1.__engine$_contents.containsKey$1(0, viewId)) { callback.call$1(B.C_StandardMethodCodec.encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message("recreating_view", "view id: " + viewId, "trying to create an already created view")); return; } this._contentHandler.call$1(t1.renderContent$3(viewType, viewId, args)); callback.call$1(B.C_StandardMethodCodec.encodeSuccessEnvelope$1(null)); }, handlePlatformViewCall$2(data, callback) { var t1, decoded = B.C_StandardMethodCodec.decodeMethodCall$1(data); switch (decoded.method) { case "create": this._createPlatformView$2(decoded, callback); return; case "dispose": t1 = this._contentManager; t1._safelyRemoveSlottedElement$1(t1.__engine$_contents.remove$1(0, A._asInt(decoded.$arguments))); callback.call$1(B.C_StandardMethodCodec.encodeSuccessEnvelope$1(null)); return; } callback.call$1(null); } }; A.PointerBinding.prototype = { _createAdapter$0() { var t1, _this = this; if ("PointerEvent" in window) { t1 = new A._PointerAdapter(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$._ButtonSanitizer), _this.glassPaneElement, _this.get$_onPointerData(), _this._pointerDataConverter); t1.setup$0(); return t1; } if ("TouchEvent" in window) { t1 = new A._TouchAdapter(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.int), _this.glassPaneElement, _this.get$_onPointerData(), _this._pointerDataConverter); t1.setup$0(); return t1; } if ("MouseEvent" in window) { t1 = new A._MouseAdapter(new A._ButtonSanitizer(), _this.glassPaneElement, _this.get$_onPointerData(), _this._pointerDataConverter); t1.setup$0(); return t1; } throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("This browser does not support pointer, touch, or mouse events.")); }, _onPointerData$1(data) { var t1 = A._setArrayType(data.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(data)), t2 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); A.invoke1(t2._onPointerDataPacket, t2._onPointerDataPacketZone, new A.PointerDataPacket(t1)); } }; A.PointerSupportDetector.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "pointers:" + ("PointerEvent" in window) + ", touch:" + ("TouchEvent" in window) + ", mouse:" + ("MouseEvent" in window); } }; A._BaseAdapter.prototype = { addEventListener$3$acceptOutsideGlasspane(_, eventName, handler, acceptOutsideGlasspane) { var t1 = new A._BaseAdapter_addEventListener_loggedHandler(this, acceptOutsideGlasspane, handler); $._BaseAdapter__listeners.$indexSet(0, eventName, t1); B.Window_methods.addEventListener$3(window, eventName, t1, true); }, addEventListener$2($receiver, eventName, handler) { return this.addEventListener$3$acceptOutsideGlasspane($receiver, eventName, handler, false); } }; A._BaseAdapter_addEventListener_loggedHandler.prototype = { call$1($event) { var t1; if (!this.acceptOutsideGlasspane && !this.$this.glassPaneElement.contains(type$.nullable_Node._as(J.get$target$x($event)))) return null; t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance; if ((t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1).receiveGlobalEvent$1($event)) this.handler.call$1($event); }, $signature: 21 }; A._WheelEventListenerMixin.prototype = { _addWheelEventListener$1(handler) { var eventOptions = A.createPlainJsObject(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["passive", false], type$.String, type$.nullable_Object)), jsHandler = A.allowInterop(new A._WheelEventListenerMixin__addWheelEventListener_closure(handler)); $._BaseAdapter__nativeListeners.$indexSet(0, "wheel", jsHandler); A.callMethod(this.glassPaneElement, "addEventListener", ["wheel", jsHandler, eventOptions]); }, _handleWheelEvent$1(e) { var deltaX, deltaY, t1, probe, t2, fontSize, res, data, t3, t4, t5, t6; type$.WheelEvent._as(e); deltaX = B.WheelEvent_methods.get$deltaX(e); deltaY = B.WheelEvent_methods.get$deltaY(e); switch (B.WheelEvent_methods.get$deltaMode(e)) { case 1: t1 = $._WheelEventListenerMixin__defaultScrollLineHeight; if (t1 == null) { t1 = document; probe = t1.createElement("div"); t2 = probe.style; t2.fontSize = "initial"; t2.display = "none"; t1.body.appendChild(probe); fontSize = B.DivElement_methods.getComputedStyle$0(probe).fontSize; if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(fontSize, "px")) res = A.Primitives_parseDouble(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(fontSize, "px", "")); else res = null; B.DivElement_methods.remove$0(probe); t1 = $._WheelEventListenerMixin__defaultScrollLineHeight = res == null ? 16 : res / 4; } deltaX *= t1; deltaY *= t1; break; case 2: t1 = $.$get$window(); deltaX *= t1.get$physicalSize()._dx; deltaY *= t1.get$physicalSize()._dy; break; case 0: default: break; } data = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData); t1 = e.timeStamp; t1.toString; t1 = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t1); t2 = e.clientX; e.clientY; t3 = $.$get$window(); t4 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t4 == null) t4 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); e.clientX; t5 = e.clientY; t3 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t3 == null) t3 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); t6 = e.buttons; t6.toString; this._pointerDataConverter.convert$14$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$timeStamp(data, t6, B.PointerChange_3, -1, B.PointerDeviceKind_1, t2 * t4, t5 * t3, 1, 1, 0, deltaX, deltaY, B.PointerSignalKind_1, t1); this.__engine$_callback.call$1(data); if (e.getModifierState("Control")) { t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); if (t1 !== B.OperatingSystem_4) t1 = t1 !== B.OperatingSystem_0; else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; if (t1) return; e.preventDefault(); } }; A._WheelEventListenerMixin__addWheelEventListener_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { return this.handler.call$1($event); }, $signature: 21 }; A._SanitizedDetails.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return A.getRuntimeType(this).toString$0(0) + "(change: " + this.change.toString$0(0) + ", buttons: " + this.buttons + ")"; } }; A._ButtonSanitizer.prototype = { sanitizeDownEvent$2$button$buttons(button, buttons) { var t1; if (this._pressedButtons !== 0) return this.sanitizeMoveEvent$1$buttons(buttons); t1 = (buttons === 0 && button > -1 ? A.convertButtonToButtons(button) : buttons) & 1073741823; this._pressedButtons = t1; return new A._SanitizedDetails(B.PointerChange_4, t1); }, sanitizeMoveEvent$1$buttons(buttons) { var newPressedButtons = buttons & 1073741823, t1 = this._pressedButtons; if (t1 === 0 && newPressedButtons !== 0) return new A._SanitizedDetails(B.PointerChange_3, t1); this._pressedButtons = newPressedButtons; return new A._SanitizedDetails(newPressedButtons === 0 ? B.PointerChange_3 : B.PointerChange_5, newPressedButtons); }, sanitizeMissingRightClickUp$1$buttons(buttons) { if (this._pressedButtons !== 0 && (buttons & 1073741823) === 0) { this._pressedButtons = 0; return new A._SanitizedDetails(B.PointerChange_6, 0); } return null; }, sanitizeUpEvent$1$buttons(buttons) { var t1; if (this._pressedButtons === 0) return null; t1 = this._pressedButtons = (buttons == null ? 0 : buttons) & 1073741823; if (t1 === 0) return new A._SanitizedDetails(B.PointerChange_6, t1); else return new A._SanitizedDetails(B.PointerChange_5, t1); } }; A._PointerAdapter.prototype = { _ensureSanitizer$1(device) { return this._sanitizers.putIfAbsent$2(0, device, new A._PointerAdapter__ensureSanitizer_closure()); }, _removePointerIfUnhoverable$1($event) { if ($event.pointerType === "touch") this._sanitizers.remove$1(0, $event.pointerId); }, _addPointerEventListener$3$acceptOutsideGlasspane(eventName, handler, acceptOutsideGlasspane) { this.addEventListener$3$acceptOutsideGlasspane(0, eventName, new A._PointerAdapter__addPointerEventListener_closure(handler), acceptOutsideGlasspane); }, _addPointerEventListener$2(eventName, handler) { return this._addPointerEventListener$3$acceptOutsideGlasspane(eventName, handler, false); }, setup$0() { var _this = this; _this._addPointerEventListener$2("pointerdown", new A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure(_this)); _this._addPointerEventListener$3$acceptOutsideGlasspane("pointermove", new A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure0(_this), true); _this._addPointerEventListener$3$acceptOutsideGlasspane("pointerup", new A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure1(_this), true); _this._addPointerEventListener$2("pointercancel", new A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure2(_this)); _this._addWheelEventListener$1(new A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure3(_this)); }, _convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(data, details, $event) { var kind, t2, timeStamp, pressure, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t1 = $event.pointerType; t1.toString; kind = this._pointerTypeToDeviceKind$1(t1); t1 = $event.tiltX; t1.toString; t2 = $event.tiltY; t2.toString; if (!(Math.abs(t1) > Math.abs(t2))) t1 = t2; t2 = $event.timeStamp; t2.toString; timeStamp = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t2); pressure = $event.pressure; t2 = this._getPointerId$1($event); t3 = $event.clientX; $event.clientY; t4 = $.$get$window(); t5 = t4._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t5 == null) t5 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); $event.clientX; t6 = $event.clientY; t4 = t4._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t4 == null) t4 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); t7 = pressure == null ? 0 : pressure; this._pointerDataConverter.convert$13$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(data, details.buttons, details.change, t2, kind, t3 * t5, t6 * t4, t7, 1, 0, B.PointerSignalKind_0, t1 / 180 * 3.141592653589793, timeStamp); }, _expandEvents$1($event) { var coalescedEvents; if ("getCoalescedEvents" in $event) { coalescedEvents = J.cast$1$0$ax($event.getCoalescedEvents(), type$.PointerEvent); if (!coalescedEvents.get$isEmpty(coalescedEvents)) return coalescedEvents; } return A._setArrayType([$event], type$.JSArray_PointerEvent); }, _pointerTypeToDeviceKind$1(pointerType) { switch (pointerType) { case "mouse": return B.PointerDeviceKind_1; case "pen": return B.PointerDeviceKind_2; case "touch": return B.PointerDeviceKind_0; default: return B.PointerDeviceKind_4; } }, _getPointerId$1($event) { var t1 = $event.pointerType; t1.toString; if (this._pointerTypeToDeviceKind$1(t1) === B.PointerDeviceKind_1) t1 = -1; else { t1 = $event.pointerId; t1.toString; } return t1; } }; A._PointerAdapter__ensureSanitizer_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return new A._ButtonSanitizer(); }, $signature: 225 }; A._PointerAdapter__addPointerEventListener_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { return this.handler.call$1(type$.PointerEvent._as($event)); }, $signature: 21 }; A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { var up, t3, t1 = this.$this, device = t1._getPointerId$1($event), pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData), sanitizer = t1._ensureSanitizer$1(device), t2 = $event.buttons; t2.toString; up = sanitizer.sanitizeMissingRightClickUp$1$buttons(t2); if (up != null) t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, up, $event); t2 = $event.button; t3 = $event.buttons; t3.toString; t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, sanitizer.sanitizeDownEvent$2$button$buttons(t2, t3), $event); t1.__engine$_callback.call$1(pointerData); }, $signature: 36 }; A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure0.prototype = { call$1($event) { var t2, t3, t4, up, t1 = this.$this, sanitizer = t1._ensureSanitizer$1(t1._getPointerId$1($event)), pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData); for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1._expandEvents$1($event)); t2.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2.get$current(t2); t4 = t3.buttons; t4.toString; up = sanitizer.sanitizeMissingRightClickUp$1$buttons(t4); if (up != null) t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, up, t3); t4 = t3.buttons; t4.toString; t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, sanitizer.sanitizeMoveEvent$1$buttons(t4), t3); } t1.__engine$_callback.call$1(pointerData); }, $signature: 36 }; A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure1.prototype = { call$1($event) { var details, t1 = this.$this, device = t1._getPointerId$1($event), pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData), t2 = t1._sanitizers.$index(0, device); t2.toString; details = t2.sanitizeUpEvent$1$buttons($event.buttons); t1._removePointerIfUnhoverable$1($event); if (details != null) { t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, details, $event); t1.__engine$_callback.call$1(pointerData); } }, $signature: 36 }; A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure2.prototype = { call$1($event) { var t1 = this.$this, device = t1._getPointerId$1($event), pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData), t2 = t1._sanitizers.$index(0, device); t2.toString; t2._pressedButtons = 0; t1._removePointerIfUnhoverable$1($event); t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, new A._SanitizedDetails(B.PointerChange_0, 0), $event); t1.__engine$_callback.call$1(pointerData); }, $signature: 36 }; A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure3.prototype = { call$1($event) { this.$this._handleWheelEvent$1($event); }, $signature: 2 }; A._TouchAdapter.prototype = { _addTouchEventListener$2(eventName, handler) { this.addEventListener$2(0, eventName, new A._TouchAdapter__addTouchEventListener_closure(handler)); }, setup$0() { var _this = this; _this._addTouchEventListener$2("touchstart", new A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure(_this)); _this._addTouchEventListener$2("touchmove", new A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure0(_this)); _this._addTouchEventListener$2("touchend", new A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure1(_this)); _this._addTouchEventListener$2("touchcancel", new A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure2(_this)); }, _convertEventToPointerData$5$change$data$pressed$timeStamp$touch(change, data, pressed, timeStamp, touch) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t1 = touch.identifier; t1.toString; t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(touch.clientX); B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(touch.clientY); t3 = $.$get$window(); t4 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t4 == null) t4 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(touch.clientX); t5 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(touch.clientY); t3 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t3 == null) t3 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); t6 = pressed ? 1 : 0; this._pointerDataConverter.convert$12$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$signalKind$timeStamp(data, t6, change, t1, B.PointerDeviceKind_0, t2 * t4, t5 * t3, 1, 1, 0, B.PointerSignalKind_0, timeStamp); } }; A._TouchAdapter__addTouchEventListener_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { return this.handler.call$1(type$.TouchEvent._as($event)); }, $signature: 21 }; A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { var timeStamp, pointerData, t2, t3, t4, _i, touch, t5, t1 = $event.timeStamp; t1.toString; timeStamp = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t1); pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData); for (t1 = $event.changedTouches, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, t4 = t3._pressedTouches, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { touch = t1[_i]; t5 = touch.identifier; t5.toString; if (!t4.contains$1(0, t5)) { t5 = touch.identifier; t5.toString; t4.add$1(0, t5); t3._convertEventToPointerData$5$change$data$pressed$timeStamp$touch(B.PointerChange_4, pointerData, true, timeStamp, touch); } } t3.__engine$_callback.call$1(pointerData); }, $signature: 37 }; A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure0.prototype = { call$1($event) { var t1, timeStamp, pointerData, t2, t3, t4, _i, touch, t5; $event.preventDefault(); t1 = $event.timeStamp; t1.toString; timeStamp = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t1); pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData); for (t1 = $event.changedTouches, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, t4 = t3._pressedTouches, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { touch = t1[_i]; t5 = touch.identifier; t5.toString; if (t4.contains$1(0, t5)) t3._convertEventToPointerData$5$change$data$pressed$timeStamp$touch(B.PointerChange_5, pointerData, true, timeStamp, touch); } t3.__engine$_callback.call$1(pointerData); }, $signature: 37 }; A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure1.prototype = { call$1($event) { var t1, timeStamp, pointerData, t2, t3, t4, _i, touch, t5; $event.preventDefault(); t1 = $event.timeStamp; t1.toString; timeStamp = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t1); pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData); for (t1 = $event.changedTouches, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, t4 = t3._pressedTouches, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { touch = t1[_i]; t5 = touch.identifier; t5.toString; if (t4.contains$1(0, t5)) { t5 = touch.identifier; t5.toString; t4.remove$1(0, t5); t3._convertEventToPointerData$5$change$data$pressed$timeStamp$touch(B.PointerChange_6, pointerData, false, timeStamp, touch); } } t3.__engine$_callback.call$1(pointerData); }, $signature: 37 }; A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure2.prototype = { call$1($event) { var timeStamp, pointerData, t2, t3, t4, _i, touch, t5, t1 = $event.timeStamp; t1.toString; timeStamp = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t1); pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData); for (t1 = $event.changedTouches, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.$this, t4 = t3._pressedTouches, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { touch = t1[_i]; t5 = touch.identifier; t5.toString; if (t4.contains$1(0, t5)) { t5 = touch.identifier; t5.toString; t4.remove$1(0, t5); t3._convertEventToPointerData$5$change$data$pressed$timeStamp$touch(B.PointerChange_0, pointerData, false, timeStamp, touch); } } t3.__engine$_callback.call$1(pointerData); }, $signature: 37 }; A._MouseAdapter.prototype = { _addMouseEventListener$3$acceptOutsideGlasspane(eventName, handler, acceptOutsideGlasspane) { this.addEventListener$3$acceptOutsideGlasspane(0, eventName, new A._MouseAdapter__addMouseEventListener_closure(handler), acceptOutsideGlasspane); }, _addMouseEventListener$2(eventName, handler) { return this._addMouseEventListener$3$acceptOutsideGlasspane(eventName, handler, false); }, setup$0() { var _this = this; _this._addMouseEventListener$2("mousedown", new A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure(_this)); _this._addMouseEventListener$3$acceptOutsideGlasspane("mousemove", new A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure0(_this), true); _this._addMouseEventListener$3$acceptOutsideGlasspane("mouseup", new A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure1(_this), true); _this._addWheelEventListener$1(new A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure2(_this)); }, _convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(data, details, $event) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t1 = $event.timeStamp; t1.toString; t1 = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t1); t2 = $event.clientX; $event.clientY; t3 = $.$get$window(); t4 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t4 == null) t4 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); $event.clientX; t5 = $event.clientY; t3 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t3 == null) t3 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); this._pointerDataConverter.convert$12$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$signalKind$timeStamp(data, details.buttons, details.change, -1, B.PointerDeviceKind_1, t2 * t4, t5 * t3, 1, 1, 0, B.PointerSignalKind_0, t1); } }; A._MouseAdapter__addMouseEventListener_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { return this.handler.call$1(type$.MouseEvent._as($event)); }, $signature: 21 }; A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { var up, t4, pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData), t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1._sanitizer, t3 = $event.buttons; t3.toString; up = t2.sanitizeMissingRightClickUp$1$buttons(t3); if (up != null) t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, up, $event); t3 = $event.button; t4 = $event.buttons; t4.toString; t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, t2.sanitizeDownEvent$2$button$buttons(t3, t4), $event); t1.__engine$_callback.call$1(pointerData); }, $signature: 57 }; A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure0.prototype = { call$1($event) { var up, pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData), t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1._sanitizer, t3 = $event.buttons; t3.toString; up = t2.sanitizeMissingRightClickUp$1$buttons(t3); if (up != null) t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, up, $event); t3 = $event.buttons; t3.toString; t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, t2.sanitizeMoveEvent$1$buttons(t3), $event); t1.__engine$_callback.call$1(pointerData); }, $signature: 57 }; A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure1.prototype = { call$1($event) { var pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData), t1 = this.$this, sanitizedDetails = t1._sanitizer.sanitizeUpEvent$1$buttons($event.buttons); if (sanitizedDetails != null) { t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, sanitizedDetails, $event); t1.__engine$_callback.call$1(pointerData); } }, $signature: 57 }; A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure2.prototype = { call$1($event) { this.$this._handleWheelEvent$1($event); }, $signature: 2 }; A._PointerState.prototype = {}; A.PointerDataConverter.prototype = { _ensureStateForPointer$3(device, x, y) { return this._pointers.putIfAbsent$2(0, device, new A.PointerDataConverter__ensureStateForPointer_closure(x, y)); }, _generateCompletePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, distance, distanceMax, kind, obscured, orientation, physicalX, physicalY, platformData, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, size, tilt, timeStamp) { var t2, t3, t1 = this._pointers.$index(0, device); t1.toString; t2 = t1.x; t3 = t1.y; t1.x = physicalX; t1.y = physicalY; t1 = t1._pointer; if (t1 == null) t1 = 0; return A.PointerData$(buttons, change, device, distance, distanceMax, kind, false, orientation, physicalX - t2, physicalY - t3, physicalX, physicalY, platformData, t1, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, size, false, tilt, timeStamp); }, _locationHasChanged$3(device, physicalX, physicalY) { var t1 = this._pointers.$index(0, device); t1.toString; return t1.x !== physicalX || t1.y !== physicalY; }, _synthesizePointerData$23$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, distance, distanceMax, kind, obscured, orientation, physicalX, physicalY, platformData, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, size, tilt, timeStamp) { var t2, t3, t1 = this._pointers.$index(0, device); t1.toString; t2 = t1.x; t3 = t1.y; t1.x = physicalX; t1.y = physicalY; t1 = t1._pointer; if (t1 == null) t1 = 0; return A.PointerData$(buttons, change, device, distance, distanceMax, kind, false, orientation, physicalX - t2, physicalY - t3, physicalX, physicalY, platformData, t1, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, B.PointerSignalKind_0, size, true, tilt, timeStamp); }, convert$15$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, tilt, timeStamp) { var alreadyAdded, t1, t2, _this = this; if (signalKind === B.PointerSignalKind_0) switch (change.index) { case 1: _this._ensureStateForPointer$3(device, physicalX, physicalY); result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); break; case 3: alreadyAdded = _this._pointers.containsKey$1(0, device); _this._ensureStateForPointer$3(device, physicalX, physicalY); if (!alreadyAdded) result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$23$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, B.PointerChange_1, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); _this._activeButtons = buttons; break; case 4: alreadyAdded = _this._pointers.containsKey$1(0, device); _this._ensureStateForPointer$3(device, physicalX, physicalY)._pointer = $._PointerState__pointerCount = $._PointerState__pointerCount + 1; if (!alreadyAdded) result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$23$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, B.PointerChange_1, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); if (_this._locationHasChanged$3(device, physicalX, physicalY)) result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$23$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(0, B.PointerChange_3, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, 0, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); _this._activeButtons = buttons; break; case 5: result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); _this._activeButtons = buttons; break; case 6: case 0: t1 = _this._pointers; t2 = t1.$index(0, device); t2.toString; if (change === B.PointerChange_0) { physicalX = t2.x; physicalY = t2.y; } if (_this._locationHasChanged$3(device, physicalX, physicalY)) result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$23$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(_this._activeButtons, B.PointerChange_5, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); if (kind === B.PointerDeviceKind_0) { result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$23$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(0, B.PointerChange_2, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, 0, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); t1.remove$1(0, device); } break; case 2: t1 = _this._pointers; t2 = t1.$index(0, device); t2.toString; result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, t2.x, t2.y, 0, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); t1.remove$1(0, device); break; } else switch (signalKind.index) { case 1: alreadyAdded = _this._pointers.containsKey$1(0, device); _this._ensureStateForPointer$3(device, physicalX, physicalY); if (!alreadyAdded) result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$23$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, B.PointerChange_1, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); if (_this._locationHasChanged$3(device, physicalX, physicalY)) if (buttons !== 0) result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$23$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, B.PointerChange_5, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); else result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$23$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, B.PointerChange_3, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp)); break; case 0: break; case 2: break; } }, convert$14$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, timeStamp) { return this.convert$15$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, timeStamp); }, convert$12$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$signalKind$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, signalKind, timeStamp) { return this.convert$15$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, signalKind, 0, timeStamp); }, convert$13$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, signalKind, tilt, timeStamp) { return this.convert$15$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, 0, 0, signalKind, tilt, timeStamp); } }; A.PointerDataConverter__ensureStateForPointer_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return new A._PointerState(this.x, this.y); }, $signature: 217 }; A.Profiler.prototype = {}; A.JsPromise.prototype = {}; A.ImageDecoder.prototype = {}; A.ImageDecoderOptions.prototype = {}; A.DecodeResult.prototype = {}; A.DecodeOptions.prototype = {}; A.VideoFrame.prototype = {}; A.ImageTrackList.prototype = {}; A.ImageTrack.prototype = {}; A.GlProgram.prototype = {}; A.GlContext.prototype = { drawImage$3(_, context, left, $top) { var t1 = this.__engine$_canvas, t2 = this._widthInPixels, t3 = this._heightInPixels; A.callMethod(context, "drawImage", [t1, 0, 0, t2, t3, left, $top, t2, t3]); }, compileShader$2(_, shaderType, source) { var t2, t1 = this.glContext, shader = t1.createShader(t1[shaderType]); if (shader == null) throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception(A._callMethodUnchecked0(t1, "getError"))); A.callMethod(t1, "shaderSource", [shader, source]); A.callMethod(t1, "compileShader", [shader]); t2 = this._kCompileStatus; if (!A.callMethod(t1, "getShaderParameter", [shader, t2 == null ? this._kCompileStatus = t1.COMPILE_STATUS : t2])) throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Shader compilation failed: " + A.S(A.callMethod(t1, "getShaderInfoLog", [shader])))); return shader; }, get$kArrayBuffer() { var t1 = this._kArrayBuffer; return t1 == null ? this._kArrayBuffer = this.glContext.ARRAY_BUFFER : t1; }, get$kElementArrayBuffer() { var t1 = this._kElementArrayBuffer; return t1 == null ? this._kElementArrayBuffer = this.glContext.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER : t1; }, get$kStaticDraw() { var t1 = this._kStaticDraw; return t1 == null ? this._kStaticDraw = this.glContext.STATIC_DRAW : t1; }, getUniformLocation$2(_, program, uniformName) { var res = A.callMethod(this.glContext, "getUniformLocation", [program, uniformName]); if (res == null) throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception(uniformName + " not found")); else return res; }, readPatternData$0() { var canvas, _this = this, t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas; if ("transferToImageBitmap" in t1) { t1.getContext("webgl2"); return _this.__engine$_canvas.transferToImageBitmap(); } else { t1 = _this._widthInPixels; canvas = A.CanvasElement_CanvasElement(_this._heightInPixels, t1); _this.drawImage$3(0, canvas.getContext("2d"), 0, 0); return canvas; } } }; A.OffScreenCanvas.prototype = {}; A.AccessibilityAnnouncements.prototype = { AccessibilityAnnouncements$_$0() { $._hotRestartListeners.push(new A.AccessibilityAnnouncements$__closure(this)); }, get$_domElement() { var liveRegion, t1 = this.__engine$_element; if (t1 == null) { liveRegion = document.createElement("label"); liveRegion.setAttribute("id", "accessibility-element"); t1 = liveRegion.style; t1.position = "fixed"; t1.overflow = "hidden"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform"), "translate(-99999px, -99999px)", ""); t1.width = "1px"; t1.height = "1px"; this.__engine$_element = liveRegion; t1 = liveRegion; } return t1; }, handleMessage$2(codec, data) { var _this = this, t1 = type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic, message = A._asStringQ(J.$index$asx(t1._as(J.$index$asx(t1._as(codec.decodeMessage$1(data)), "data")), "message")); if (message != null && message.length !== 0) { _this.get$_domElement().setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"); _this.get$_domElement().textContent = message; t1 = document.body; t1.toString; t1.appendChild(_this.get$_domElement()); _this._removeElementTimer = A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_5000000, new A.AccessibilityAnnouncements_handleMessage_closure(_this)); } } }; A.AccessibilityAnnouncements$__closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this._removeElementTimer; if (t1 != null) t1.cancel$0(0); }, $signature: 0 }; A.AccessibilityAnnouncements_handleMessage_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this.__engine$_element; t1.toString; B.LabelElement_methods.remove$0(t1); }, $signature: 0 }; A._CheckableKind.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_CheckableKind." + this._name; } }; A.Checkable.prototype = { update$0(_) { var element, t2, _s4_ = "true", t1 = this.semanticsObject; if ((t1._dirtyFields & 1) !== 0) { switch (this.__engine$_kind.index) { case 0: t1.setAriaRole$2("checkbox", true); break; case 1: t1.setAriaRole$2("radio", true); break; case 2: t1.setAriaRole$2("switch", true); break; } if (t1.enabledState$0() === B.EnabledState_2) { element = t1.element; element.setAttribute("aria-disabled", _s4_); element.setAttribute("disabled", _s4_); } else this._removeDisabledAttribute$0(); t2 = t1.__engine$_flags; t2 = (t2 & 2) !== 0 || (t2 & 131072) !== 0 ? _s4_ : "false"; t1.element.setAttribute("aria-checked", t2); } }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this; switch (_this.__engine$_kind.index) { case 0: _this.semanticsObject.setAriaRole$2("checkbox", false); break; case 1: _this.semanticsObject.setAriaRole$2("radio", false); break; case 2: _this.semanticsObject.setAriaRole$2("switch", false); break; } _this._removeDisabledAttribute$0(); }, _removeDisabledAttribute$0() { var element = this.semanticsObject.element; element.removeAttribute("aria-disabled"); element.removeAttribute("disabled"); } }; A.ImageRoleManager.prototype = { update$0(_) { var t2, t3, _this = this, t1 = _this.semanticsObject; if (t1.get$isVisualOnly()) { t2 = t1.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder; t2 = t2 != null && !B.NativeInt32List_methods.get$isEmpty(t2); } else t2 = false; if (t2) { if (_this._auxiliaryImageElement == null) { _this._auxiliaryImageElement = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag("flt-semantics-img", null); t2 = t1.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder; if (t2 != null && !B.NativeInt32List_methods.get$isEmpty(t2)) { t2 = _this._auxiliaryImageElement.style; t2.position = "absolute"; t2.top = "0"; t2.left = "0"; t3 = t1.__engine$_rect; t3 = A.S(t3.right - t3.left) + "px"; t2.width = t3; t3 = t1.__engine$_rect; t3 = A.S(t3.bottom - t3.top) + "px"; t2.height = t3; } t2 = _this._auxiliaryImageElement.style; t2.fontSize = "6px"; t2 = _this._auxiliaryImageElement; t2.toString; t1.element.appendChild(t2); } _this._auxiliaryImageElement.setAttribute("role", "img"); _this._setLabel$1(_this._auxiliaryImageElement); } else if (t1.get$isVisualOnly()) { t1.setAriaRole$2("img", true); _this._setLabel$1(t1.element); _this._cleanUpAuxiliaryElement$0(); } else { _this._cleanUpAuxiliaryElement$0(); _this._cleanupElement$0(); } }, _setLabel$1(element) { var t1 = this.semanticsObject._label; if (t1 != null && t1.length !== 0) { element.toString; t1.toString; element.setAttribute("aria-label", t1); } }, _cleanUpAuxiliaryElement$0() { var t1 = this._auxiliaryImageElement; if (t1 != null) { J.remove$0$ax(t1); this._auxiliaryImageElement = null; } }, _cleanupElement$0() { var t1 = this.semanticsObject; t1.setAriaRole$2("img", false); t1.element.removeAttribute("aria-label"); }, dispose$0(_) { this._cleanUpAuxiliaryElement$0(); this._cleanupElement$0(); } }; A.Incrementable.prototype = { Incrementable$1(semanticsObject) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.__engine$_element; semanticsObject.element.appendChild(t1); t1.type = "range"; t1.setAttribute("role", "slider"); B.InputElement_methods.addEventListener$2(t1, "change", new A.Incrementable_closure(_this, semanticsObject)); t1 = new A.Incrementable_closure0(_this); _this._gestureModeListener = t1; semanticsObject.owner._gestureModeListeners.push(t1); }, update$0(_) { var _this = this; switch (_this.semanticsObject.owner._gestureMode.index) { case 1: _this._enableBrowserGestureHandling$0(); _this._updateInputValues$0(); break; case 0: _this._disableBrowserGestureHandling$0(); break; } }, _enableBrowserGestureHandling$0() { var t1 = this.__engine$_element, t2 = t1.disabled; t2.toString; if (!t2) return; t1.disabled = false; }, _updateInputValues$0() { var t1, updateNeeded, surrogateTextValue, t2, t3, surrogateMaxTextValue, surrogateMinTextValue, _this = this; if (!_this._pendingResync) { t1 = _this.semanticsObject._dirtyFields; updateNeeded = (t1 & 4096) !== 0 || (t1 & 8192) !== 0 || (t1 & 16384) !== 0; } else updateNeeded = true; if (!updateNeeded) return; _this._pendingResync = false; surrogateTextValue = "" + _this._currentSurrogateValue; t1 = _this.__engine$_element; t1.value = surrogateTextValue; t1.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", surrogateTextValue); t2 = _this.semanticsObject; t3 = t2.__engine$_value; t3.toString; t1.setAttribute("aria-valuetext", t3); surrogateMaxTextValue = t2._increasedValue.length !== 0 ? "" + (_this._currentSurrogateValue + 1) : surrogateTextValue; t1.max = surrogateMaxTextValue; t1.setAttribute("aria-valuemax", surrogateMaxTextValue); surrogateMinTextValue = t2._decreasedValue.length !== 0 ? "" + (_this._currentSurrogateValue - 1) : surrogateTextValue; t1.min = surrogateMinTextValue; t1.setAttribute("aria-valuemin", surrogateMinTextValue); }, _disableBrowserGestureHandling$0() { var t1 = this.__engine$_element, t2 = t1.disabled; t2.toString; if (t2) return; t1.disabled = true; }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this; B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(_this.semanticsObject.owner._gestureModeListeners, _this._gestureModeListener); _this._gestureModeListener = null; _this._disableBrowserGestureHandling$0(); B.InputElement_methods.remove$0(_this.__engine$_element); } }; A.Incrementable_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { var newInputValue, t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1.__engine$_element, t3 = t2.disabled; t3.toString; if (t3) return; t1._pendingResync = true; t2 = t2.value; t2.toString; newInputValue = A.int_parse(t2, null); t2 = t1._currentSurrogateValue; if (newInputValue > t2) { t1._currentSurrogateValue = t2 + 1; t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); A.invoke3(t1._onSemanticsAction, t1._onSemanticsActionZone, this.semanticsObject.id, B.SemanticsAction_64, null); } else if (newInputValue < t2) { t1._currentSurrogateValue = t2 - 1; t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); A.invoke3(t1._onSemanticsAction, t1._onSemanticsActionZone, this.semanticsObject.id, B.SemanticsAction_128, null); } }, $signature: 2 }; A.Incrementable_closure0.prototype = { call$1(mode) { this.$this.update$0(0); }, $signature: 87 }; A.LabelAndValue.prototype = { update$0(_) { var hasLabel, t3, shouldDisplayValue, t4, t5, _this = this, t1 = _this.semanticsObject, t2 = t1.__engine$_value, hasValue = t2 != null && t2.length !== 0; t2 = t1._label; hasLabel = t2 != null && t2.length !== 0; if (hasValue) { t3 = t1.__engine$_actions; t3.toString; shouldDisplayValue = !((t3 & 64) !== 0 || (t3 & 128) !== 0); } else shouldDisplayValue = false; if (!hasLabel && !shouldDisplayValue && true) { _this._cleanUpDom$0(); return; } if (hasLabel) { t2 = "" + A.S(t2); if (shouldDisplayValue) t2 += " "; } else t2 = ""; if (shouldDisplayValue) t2 += A.S(t1.__engine$_value); t3 = t1.element; t2 = t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2; t3.setAttribute("aria-label", t2); if ((t1.__engine$_flags & 512) !== 0) t1.setAriaRole$2("heading", true); if (_this._auxiliaryValueElement == null) { _this._auxiliaryValueElement = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag("flt-semantics-value", null); t4 = t1.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder; if (t4 != null && !B.NativeInt32List_methods.get$isEmpty(t4)) { t4 = _this._auxiliaryValueElement.style; t4.position = "absolute"; t4.top = "0"; t4.left = "0"; t5 = t1.__engine$_rect; t5 = A.S(t5.right - t5.left) + "px"; t4.width = t5; t1 = t1.__engine$_rect; t1 = A.S(t1.bottom - t1.top) + "px"; t4.height = t1; } t1 = _this._auxiliaryValueElement.style; t4 = $._configuration; if (t4 == null) t4 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); t4 = t4.get$debugShowSemanticsNodes(t4) ? "12px" : "6px"; t1.fontSize = t4; t1 = _this._auxiliaryValueElement; t1.toString; t3.appendChild(t1); } _this._auxiliaryValueElement.textContent = t2; }, _cleanUpDom$0() { var t1 = this._auxiliaryValueElement; if (t1 != null) { J.remove$0$ax(t1); this._auxiliaryValueElement = null; } t1 = this.semanticsObject; t1.element.removeAttribute("aria-label"); t1.setAriaRole$2("heading", false); }, dispose$0(_) { this._cleanUpDom$0(); } }; A.LiveRegion.prototype = { update$0(_) { var t1 = this.semanticsObject, t2 = t1._label; t2 = t2 != null && t2.length !== 0; t1 = t1.element; if (t2) t1.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"); else t1.removeAttribute("aria-live"); }, dispose$0(_) { this.semanticsObject.element.removeAttribute("aria-live"); } }; A.Scrollable.prototype = { _recomputeScrollPosition$0() { var t1, t2, t3, semanticsId, _this = this, _null = null; if (_this.get$_domScrollPosition() !== _this._effectiveNeutralScrollPosition) { t1 = _this.semanticsObject; if (!t1.owner.shouldAcceptBrowserGesture$1("scroll")) return; t2 = _this.get$_domScrollPosition(); t3 = _this._effectiveNeutralScrollPosition; _this._neutralizeDomScrollPosition$0(); t1.recomputePositionAndSize$0(); semanticsId = t1.id; if (t2 > t3) { t1 = t1.__engine$_actions; t1.toString; if ((t1 & 32) !== 0 || (t1 & 16) !== 0) { t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); A.invoke3(t1._onSemanticsAction, t1._onSemanticsActionZone, semanticsId, B.SemanticsAction_16, _null); } else { t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); A.invoke3(t1._onSemanticsAction, t1._onSemanticsActionZone, semanticsId, B.SemanticsAction_4, _null); } } else { t1 = t1.__engine$_actions; t1.toString; if ((t1 & 32) !== 0 || (t1 & 16) !== 0) { t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); A.invoke3(t1._onSemanticsAction, t1._onSemanticsActionZone, semanticsId, B.SemanticsAction_32, _null); } else { t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); A.invoke3(t1._onSemanticsAction, t1._onSemanticsActionZone, semanticsId, B.SemanticsAction_8, _null); } } } }, update$0(_) { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this; if (_this._scrollListener == null) { t1 = _this.semanticsObject; t2 = t1.element; t3 = t2.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t3, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t3, "touch-action"), "none", ""); _this._gestureModeDidChange$0(); t1 = t1.owner; t1._oneTimePostUpdateCallbacks.push(new A.Scrollable_update_closure(_this)); t3 = new A.Scrollable_update_closure0(_this); _this._gestureModeListener = t3; t1._gestureModeListeners.push(t3); t3 = new A.Scrollable_update_closure1(_this); _this._scrollListener = t3; J.addEventListener$2$x(t2, "scroll", t3); } }, get$_domScrollPosition() { var t1 = this.semanticsObject, t2 = t1.__engine$_actions; t2.toString; t2 = (t2 & 32) !== 0 || (t2 & 16) !== 0; t1 = t1.element; if (t2) return B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1.scrollTop); else return B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1.scrollLeft); }, _neutralizeDomScrollPosition$0() { var t1 = this.semanticsObject, element = t1.element, t2 = t1.__engine$_actions; t2.toString; if ((t2 & 32) !== 0 || (t2 & 16) !== 0) { element.scrollTop = 10; t1.verticalContainerAdjustment = this._effectiveNeutralScrollPosition = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(element.scrollTop); t1.horizontalContainerAdjustment = 0; } else { element.scrollLeft = 10; t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(element.scrollLeft); this._effectiveNeutralScrollPosition = t2; t1.verticalContainerAdjustment = 0; t1.horizontalContainerAdjustment = t2; } }, _gestureModeDidChange$0() { var _s10_ = "overflow-y", _s10_0 = "overflow-x", t1 = this.semanticsObject, element = t1.element; switch (t1.owner._gestureMode.index) { case 1: t1 = t1.__engine$_actions; t1.toString; if ((t1 & 32) !== 0 || (t1 & 16) !== 0) { t1 = element.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, _s10_), "scroll", ""); } else { t1 = element.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, _s10_0), "scroll", ""); } break; case 0: t1 = t1.__engine$_actions; t1.toString; if ((t1 & 32) !== 0 || (t1 & 16) !== 0) { t1 = element.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, _s10_), "hidden", ""); } else { t1 = element.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, _s10_0), "hidden", ""); } break; } }, dispose$0(_) { var t3, _this = this, t1 = _this.semanticsObject, t2 = t1.element, style = t2.style; style.removeProperty("overflowY"); style.removeProperty("overflowX"); style.removeProperty("touch-action"); t3 = _this._scrollListener; if (t3 != null) J.removeEventListener$2$x(t2, "scroll", t3); B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1.owner._gestureModeListeners, _this._gestureModeListener); _this._gestureModeListener = null; } }; A.Scrollable_update_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._neutralizeDomScrollPosition$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A.Scrollable_update_closure0.prototype = { call$1(_) { this.$this._gestureModeDidChange$0(); }, $signature: 87 }; A.Scrollable_update_closure1.prototype = { call$1(_) { this.$this._recomputeScrollPosition$0(); }, $signature: 2 }; A.SemanticsUpdate.prototype = {}; A.SemanticsNodeUpdate.prototype = {}; A.Role.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Role." + this._name; } }; A._roleFactories_closure.prototype = { call$1(object) { return A.Incrementable$(object); }, $signature: 213 }; A._roleFactories_closure0.prototype = { call$1(object) { return new A.Scrollable(object); }, $signature: 208 }; A._roleFactories_closure1.prototype = { call$1(object) { return new A.LabelAndValue(object); }, $signature: 207 }; A._roleFactories_closure2.prototype = { call$1(object) { return new A.Tappable(object); }, $signature: 204 }; A._roleFactories_closure3.prototype = { call$1(object) { var t3, t4, _s15_ = "editableElement", t1 = new A.TextField(object), t2 = (object.__engine$_flags & 524288) !== 0 ? document.createElement("textarea") : A.InputElement_InputElement(); A._lateWriteOnceCheck($, _s15_); t1.__TextField_editableElement = t2; t3 = A._lateReadCheck(t2, _s15_); t3.spellcheck = false; t3.setAttribute("autocorrect", "off"); t3.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"); t3.setAttribute("data-semantics-role", "text-field"); t3 = A._lateReadCheck(t2, _s15_).style; t3.position = "absolute"; t3.top = "0"; t3.left = "0"; t4 = object.__engine$_rect; t4 = A.S(t4.right - t4.left) + "px"; t3.width = t4; t4 = object.__engine$_rect; t4 = A.S(t4.bottom - t4.top) + "px"; t3.height = t4; object.element.appendChild(A._lateReadCheck(t2, _s15_)); t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); switch (t2.index) { case 0: case 5: case 3: case 4: case 2: case 6: t1._initializeForBlink$0(); break; case 1: t1._initializeForWebkit$0(); break; } return t1; }, $signature: 201 }; A._roleFactories_closure4.prototype = { call$1(object) { return new A.Checkable(A._checkableKindFromSemanticsFlag(object), object); }, $signature: 199 }; A._roleFactories_closure5.prototype = { call$1(object) { return new A.ImageRoleManager(object); }, $signature: 194 }; A._roleFactories_closure6.prototype = { call$1(object) { return new A.LiveRegion(object); }, $signature: 184 }; A.RoleManager.prototype = {}; A.SemanticsObject.prototype = { SemanticsObject$2(id, owner) { var t1 = this.element, t2 = t1.style; t2.position = "absolute"; if (this.id === 0) { t2 = $._configuration; if (t2 == null) t2 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); t2 = !t2.get$debugShowSemanticsNodes(t2); } else t2 = false; if (t2) { t2 = t1.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t2, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t2, "filter"), "opacity(0%)", ""); t2 = t1.style; t2.color = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"; } t2 = $._configuration; if (t2 == null) t2 = $._configuration = new A.FlutterConfiguration(self.window.flutterConfiguration); if (t2.get$debugShowSemanticsNodes(t2)) { t1 = t1.style; t1.outline = "1px solid green"; } }, getOrCreateChildContainer$0() { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._childContainerElement == null) { t1 = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag("flt-semantics-container", null); _this._childContainerElement = t1; t1 = t1.style; t1.position = "absolute"; t1 = _this._childContainerElement; t1.toString; _this.element.appendChild(t1); } return _this._childContainerElement; }, get$isVisualOnly() { var t2, t1 = this.__engine$_flags; if ((t1 & 16384) !== 0) { t2 = this.__engine$_actions; t2.toString; t1 = (t2 & 1) === 0 && (t1 & 8) === 0; } else t1 = false; return t1; }, enabledState$0() { var t1 = this.__engine$_flags; if ((t1 & 64) !== 0) if ((t1 & 128) !== 0) return B.EnabledState_1; else return B.EnabledState_2; else return B.EnabledState_0; }, setAriaRole$2(ariaRoleName, condition) { var t1; if (condition) this.element.setAttribute("role", ariaRoleName); else { t1 = this.element; if (t1.getAttribute("role") === ariaRoleName) t1.removeAttribute("role"); } }, _updateRole$2(role, enabled) { var t1 = this._roleManagers, manager = t1.$index(0, role); if (enabled) { if (manager == null) { manager = $.$get$_roleFactories().$index(0, role).call$1(this); t1.$indexSet(0, role, manager); } manager.update$0(0); } else if (manager != null) { manager.dispose$0(0); t1.remove$1(0, role); } }, recomputePositionAndSize$0() { var containerElement, hasZeroRectOffset, transform, hasIdentityTransform, effectiveTransform, left, $top, effectiveTransformIsIdentity, t4, t5, _this = this, t1 = _this.element, t2 = t1.style, t3 = _this.__engine$_rect; t3 = A.S(t3.right - t3.left) + "px"; t2.width = t3; t3 = _this.__engine$_rect; t3 = A.S(t3.bottom - t3.top) + "px"; t2.height = t3; t2 = _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder; containerElement = t2 != null && !B.NativeInt32List_methods.get$isEmpty(t2) ? _this.getOrCreateChildContainer$0() : null; t2 = _this.__engine$_rect; hasZeroRectOffset = t2.top === 0 && t2.left === 0; transform = _this.__engine$_transform; t2 = transform == null; hasIdentityTransform = t2 || A.transformKindOf(transform) === B.TransformKind_0; if (hasZeroRectOffset && hasIdentityTransform && _this.verticalContainerAdjustment === 0 && _this.horizontalContainerAdjustment === 0) { A.SemanticsObject__clearSemanticElementTransform(t1); if (containerElement != null) A.SemanticsObject__clearSemanticElementTransform(containerElement); return; } effectiveTransform = A._Cell$named("effectiveTransform"); if (!hasZeroRectOffset) if (t2) { t2 = _this.__engine$_rect; left = t2.left; $top = t2.top; t2 = A.Matrix4$identity(); t2.setTranslationRaw$3(left, $top, 0); effectiveTransform.__late_helper$_value = t2; effectiveTransformIsIdentity = left === 0 && $top === 0; } else { t2 = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); t2.setFrom$1(new A.Matrix40(transform)); t3 = _this.__engine$_rect; t2.translate$3(0, t3.left, t3.top, 0); effectiveTransform.__late_helper$_value = t2; effectiveTransformIsIdentity = J.isIdentity$0$z(effectiveTransform._readLocal$0()); } else if (!hasIdentityTransform) { effectiveTransform.__late_helper$_value = new A.Matrix40(transform); effectiveTransformIsIdentity = false; } else effectiveTransformIsIdentity = true; if (!effectiveTransformIsIdentity) { t1 = t1.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform-origin"), "0 0 0", ""); t2 = A.float64ListToCssTransform(effectiveTransform._readLocal$0().__engine$_m4storage); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform"), t2, ""); } else A.SemanticsObject__clearSemanticElementTransform(t1); if (containerElement != null) if (!hasZeroRectOffset || _this.verticalContainerAdjustment !== 0 || _this.horizontalContainerAdjustment !== 0) { t1 = _this.__engine$_rect; t2 = t1.left; t3 = _this.horizontalContainerAdjustment; t1 = t1.top; t4 = _this.verticalContainerAdjustment; t5 = containerElement.style; t4 = A.S(-t1 + t4) + "px"; t5.top = t4; t1 = A.S(-t2 + t3) + "px"; t5.left = t1; } else A.SemanticsObject__clearSemanticElementTransform(containerElement); }, _updateChildrenInTraversalOrder$0() { var t2, len, i, object, containerElement, t3, t4, t5, t6, _i, id, intersectionIndicesNew, intersectionIndicesOld, minLength, newIndex, oldIndex, longestSequence, stationaryIds, refNode, childId, _this = this, _s13_ = "flt-semantics", t1 = _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder; if (t1 == null || t1.length === 0) { t2 = _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder; if (t2 == null || t2.length === 0) { _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder = t1; return; } len = t2.length; for (t1 = _this.owner, t2 = t1._semanticsTree, i = 0; i < len; ++i) { object = t2.$index(0, _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder[i]); t1._detachments.push(object); } _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder = null; t1 = _this._childContainerElement; t1.toString; J.remove$0$ax(t1); _this._childContainerElement = null; _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder = _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder; return; } containerElement = _this.getOrCreateChildContainer$0(); t1 = _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder; if (t1 == null || t1.length === 0) { t1 = _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder = _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder; for (t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this.owner, t4 = t3._semanticsTree, t5 = type$.Role, t6 = type$.nullable_RoleManager, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) { id = t1[_i]; object = t4.$index(0, id); if (object == null) { object = new A.SemanticsObject(id, t3, A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s13_, null), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, t6)); object.SemanticsObject$2(id, t3); t4.$indexSet(0, id, object); } containerElement.appendChild(object.element); object.__engine$_parent = _this; t3._attachments.$indexSet(0, object.id, _this); } _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder = _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder; return; } t1 = type$.JSArray_int; intersectionIndicesNew = A._setArrayType([], t1); intersectionIndicesOld = A._setArrayType([], t1); minLength = Math.min(_this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder.length, _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder.length); newIndex = 0; while (true) { if (!(newIndex < minLength && _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder[newIndex] === _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder[newIndex])) break; intersectionIndicesNew.push(newIndex); intersectionIndicesOld.push(newIndex); ++newIndex; } t2 = _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder.length; t3 = _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder.length; if (t2 === t3 && newIndex === t3) return; for (; t2 = _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder, newIndex < t2.length;) { for (t3 = _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder, t4 = t3.length, oldIndex = 0; oldIndex < t4; ++oldIndex) if (t3[oldIndex] === t2[newIndex]) { intersectionIndicesNew.push(newIndex); intersectionIndicesOld.push(oldIndex); break; } ++newIndex; } longestSequence = A.longestIncreasingSubsequence(intersectionIndicesOld); stationaryIds = A._setArrayType([], t1); for (t1 = longestSequence.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) stationaryIds.push(_this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder[intersectionIndicesOld[longestSequence[i]]]); for (t1 = _this.owner, t2 = t1._semanticsTree, i = 0; i < _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder.length; ++i) if (!B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(intersectionIndicesOld, i)) { object = t2.$index(0, _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder[i]); t1._detachments.push(object); } for (i = _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder.length - 1, t3 = type$.Role, t4 = type$.nullable_RoleManager, refNode = null; i >= 0; --i) { childId = _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder[i]; object = t2.$index(0, childId); if (object == null) { object = new A.SemanticsObject(childId, t1, A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(_s13_, null), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t4)); object.SemanticsObject$2(childId, t1); t2.$indexSet(0, childId, object); } if (!B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(stationaryIds, childId)) { t5 = object.element; if (refNode == null) containerElement.appendChild(t5); else containerElement.insertBefore(t5, refNode); object.__engine$_parent = _this; t1._attachments.$indexSet(0, object.id, _this); } refNode = object.element; } _this._previousChildrenInTraversalOrder = _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.AccessibilityMode.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "AccessibilityMode." + this._name; } }; A.GestureMode.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "GestureMode." + this._name; } }; A.EngineSemanticsOwner.prototype = { EngineSemanticsOwner$_$0() { $._hotRestartListeners.push(new A.EngineSemanticsOwner$__closure(this)); }, _finalizeTree$0() { var t1, t2, t3, _i, object, t4, t5, _this = this; for (t1 = _this._detachments, t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._semanticsTree, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { object = t1[_i]; t4 = _this._attachments; t5 = object.id; if (t4.$index(0, t5) == null) { t3.remove$1(0, t5); object.__engine$_parent = null; t4 = object.element; t5 = t4.parentNode; if (t5 != null) t5.removeChild(t4); } } _this._detachments = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable_SemanticsObject); _this._attachments = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.nullable_int, type$.SemanticsObject); t1 = _this._oneTimePostUpdateCallbacks; t2 = t1.length; if (t2 !== 0) { for (_i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i].call$0(); _this._oneTimePostUpdateCallbacks = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function); } }, set$semanticsEnabled(value) { var t1, t2, t3; if (this._semanticsEnabled) return; this._semanticsEnabled = true; t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); t2 = this._semanticsEnabled; t3 = t1._configuration; if (t2 !== t3.semanticsEnabled) { t1._configuration = t3.copyWith$1$semanticsEnabled(t2); t2 = t1._onSemanticsEnabledChanged; if (t2 != null) A.invoke(t2, t1._onSemanticsEnabledChangedZone); } }, _getGestureModeClock$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._gestureModeClock; if (t1 == null) { t1 = _this._gestureModeClock = new A.AlarmClock(_this._now); t1.callback = new A.EngineSemanticsOwner__getGestureModeClock_closure(_this); } return t1; }, receiveGlobalEvent$1($event) { var t1, _this = this; if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(B.List_Cg9, $event.type)) { t1 = _this._getGestureModeClock$0(); t1.toString; t1.set$datetime(J.add$1$ax(_this._now.call$0(), B.Duration_500000)); if (_this._gestureMode !== B.GestureMode_0) { _this._gestureMode = B.GestureMode_0; _this._notifyGestureModeListeners$0(); } } return _this.semanticsHelper._semanticsEnabler.shouldEnableSemantics$1($event); }, _notifyGestureModeListeners$0() { var t1, i; for (t1 = this._gestureModeListeners, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) t1[i].call$1(this._gestureMode); }, shouldAcceptBrowserGesture$1(eventType) { if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(B.List_click_scroll, eventType)) return this._gestureMode === B.GestureMode_1; return false; }, updateSemantics$1(uiUpdate) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _i, nodeUpdate, t6, object, t7, _this = this; if (!_this._semanticsEnabled) { _this.semanticsHelper._semanticsEnabler.dispose$0(0); _this.set$semanticsEnabled(true); } for (t1 = uiUpdate.__engine$_nodeUpdates, t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._semanticsTree, t4 = type$.Role, t5 = type$.nullable_RoleManager, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { nodeUpdate = t1[_i]; t6 = nodeUpdate.id; object = t3.$index(0, t6); if (object == null) { object = new A.SemanticsObject(t6, _this, A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag("flt-semantics", null), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5)); object.SemanticsObject$2(t6, _this); t3.$indexSet(0, t6, object); } t6 = nodeUpdate.flags; if (object.__engine$_flags !== t6) { object.__engine$_flags = t6; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 1) >>> 0; } t6 = nodeUpdate.value; if (object.__engine$_value !== t6) { object.__engine$_value = t6; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 4096) >>> 0; } t6 = nodeUpdate.valueAttributes; if (object._valueAttributes !== t6) { object._valueAttributes = t6; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 4096) >>> 0; } t6 = nodeUpdate.label; if (object._label !== t6) { object._label = t6; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 1024) >>> 0; } t6 = nodeUpdate.labelAttributes; if (object._labelAttributes !== t6) { object._labelAttributes = t6; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 1024) >>> 0; } t6 = nodeUpdate.rect; if (!J.$eq$(object.__engine$_rect, t6)) { object.__engine$_rect = t6; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 512) >>> 0; } t6 = nodeUpdate.transform; if (object.__engine$_transform !== t6) { object.__engine$_transform = t6; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 65536) >>> 0; } t6 = nodeUpdate.scrollPosition; if (object.__engine$_scrollPosition !== t6) { object.__engine$_scrollPosition = t6; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 64) >>> 0; } t6 = object.__engine$_actions; t7 = nodeUpdate.actions; if (t6 !== t7) { object.__engine$_actions = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 2) >>> 0; t6 = t7; } t7 = nodeUpdate.textSelectionBase; if (object._textSelectionBase !== t7) { object._textSelectionBase = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 4) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.textSelectionExtent; if (object._textSelectionExtent !== t7) { object._textSelectionExtent = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 8) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.scrollChildren; if (object._scrollChildren !== t7) { object._scrollChildren = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 16) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.scrollIndex; if (object.__engine$_scrollIndex !== t7) { object.__engine$_scrollIndex = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 32) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.scrollExtentMax; if (object.__engine$_scrollExtentMax !== t7) { object.__engine$_scrollExtentMax = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 128) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.scrollExtentMin; if (object.__engine$_scrollExtentMin !== t7) { object.__engine$_scrollExtentMin = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 256) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.hint; if (object._hint !== t7) { object._hint = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 2048) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.hintAttributes; if (object._hintAttributes !== t7) { object._hintAttributes = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 2048) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.increasedValue; if (object._increasedValue !== t7) { object._increasedValue = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 8192) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.increasedValueAttributes; if (object._increasedValueAttributes !== t7) { object._increasedValueAttributes = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 8192) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.decreasedValue; if (object._decreasedValue !== t7) { object._decreasedValue = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 16384) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.decreasedValueAttributes; if (object._decreasedValueAttributes !== t7) { object._decreasedValueAttributes = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 16384) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.textDirection; if (object.__engine$_textDirection != t7) { object.__engine$_textDirection = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 32768) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.childrenInHitTestOrder; if (object._childrenInHitTestOrder !== t7) { object._childrenInHitTestOrder = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 1048576) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.childrenInTraversalOrder; if (object.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder !== t7) { object.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 524288) >>> 0; } t7 = nodeUpdate.additionalActions; if (object._additionalActions !== t7) { object._additionalActions = t7; object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 2097152) >>> 0; } t7 = object._label; if (!(t7 != null && t7.length !== 0)) { t7 = object.__engine$_value; if (!(t7 != null && t7.length !== 0)) t7 = false; else t7 = true; } else t7 = true; if (t7) { t7 = object.__engine$_flags; if ((t7 & 16) === 0) { if ((t7 & 16384) !== 0) { t6.toString; t6 = (t6 & 1) === 0 && (t7 & 8) === 0; } else t6 = false; t6 = !t6; } else t6 = false; } else t6 = false; object._updateRole$2(B.Role_2, t6); object._updateRole$2(B.Role_4, (object.__engine$_flags & 16) !== 0); t6 = object.__engine$_actions; t6.toString; object._updateRole$2(B.Role_3, ((t6 & 1) !== 0 || (object.__engine$_flags & 8) !== 0) && (object.__engine$_flags & 16) === 0); t6 = object.__engine$_actions; t6.toString; object._updateRole$2(B.Role_0, (t6 & 64) !== 0 || (t6 & 128) !== 0); t6 = object.__engine$_actions; t6.toString; object._updateRole$2(B.Role_1, (t6 & 32) !== 0 || (t6 & 16) !== 0 || (t6 & 4) !== 0 || (t6 & 8) !== 0); t6 = object.__engine$_flags; object._updateRole$2(B.Role_5, (t6 & 1) !== 0 || (t6 & 65536) !== 0); t6 = object.__engine$_flags; if ((t6 & 16384) !== 0) { t7 = object.__engine$_actions; t7.toString; t6 = (t7 & 1) === 0 && (t6 & 8) === 0; } else t6 = false; object._updateRole$2(B.Role_6, t6); t6 = object.__engine$_flags; object._updateRole$2(B.Role_7, (t6 & 32768) !== 0 && (t6 & 8192) === 0); object._updateChildrenInTraversalOrder$0(); t6 = object._dirtyFields; if ((t6 & 512) !== 0 || (t6 & 65536) !== 0 || (t6 & 64) !== 0) object.recomputePositionAndSize$0(); object._dirtyFields = 0; } if (_this._rootSemanticsElement == null) { t1 = t3.$index(0, 0).element; _this._rootSemanticsElement = t1; t2 = $._flutterViewEmbedder; (t2 == null ? $._flutterViewEmbedder = A.FlutterViewEmbedder$() : t2)._semanticsHostElement.appendChild(t1); } _this._finalizeTree$0(); } }; A.EngineSemanticsOwner$__closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this._rootSemanticsElement; if (t1 != null) J.remove$0$ax(t1); }, $signature: 0 }; A.EngineSemanticsOwner__now_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return new A.DateTime(Date.now(), false); }, $signature: 178 }; A.EngineSemanticsOwner__getGestureModeClock_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this; if (t1._gestureMode === B.GestureMode_1) return; t1._gestureMode = B.GestureMode_1; t1._notifyGestureModeListeners$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A.EnabledState.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "EnabledState." + this._name; } }; A.SemanticsHelper.prototype = {}; A.SemanticsEnabler.prototype = { shouldEnableSemantics$1($event) { if (!this.get$isWaitingToEnableSemantics()) return true; else return this.tryEnableSemantics$1($event); } }; A.DesktopSemanticsEnabler.prototype = { get$isWaitingToEnableSemantics() { return this._semanticsPlaceholder != null; }, tryEnableSemantics$1($event) { var t1, t2; if (this._semanticsPlaceholder == null) return true; t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance; if ((t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1)._semanticsEnabled) return true; if (!J.containsKey$1$x(B.Set_Yabt3._collection$_map, $event.type)) return true; t1 = J.get$target$x($event); t2 = this._semanticsPlaceholder; if (t1 == null ? t2 != null : t1 !== t2) return true; t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance; (t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1).set$semanticsEnabled(true); this.dispose$0(0); return false; }, prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder$0() { var t2, t1 = this._semanticsPlaceholder = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag("flt-semantics-placeholder", null); J.addEventListener$3$x(t1, "click", new A.DesktopSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure(this), true); t1.setAttribute("role", "button"); t1.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"); t1.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); t1.setAttribute("aria-label", "Enable accessibility"); t2 = t1.style; t2.position = "absolute"; t2.left = "-1px"; t2.top = "-1px"; t2.width = "1px"; t2.height = "1px"; return t1; }, dispose$0(_) { var t1 = this._semanticsPlaceholder; if (t1 != null) J.remove$0$ax(t1); this._semanticsPlaceholder = null; } }; A.DesktopSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { this.$this.tryEnableSemantics$1($event); }, $signature: 2 }; A.MobileSemanticsEnabler.prototype = { get$isWaitingToEnableSemantics() { return this._semanticsPlaceholder != null; }, tryEnableSemantics$1($event) { var t1, removeNow, activationPoint, activatingElementRect, t2, t3, t4, deltaX, deltaY, _this = this; if (_this._semanticsPlaceholder == null) return true; if (_this._schedulePlaceholderRemoval) { t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1) { t1 = $event.type; removeNow = t1 === "touchend" || t1 === "pointerup" || t1 === "click"; } else removeNow = true; if (removeNow) _this.dispose$0(0); return true; } t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance; if ((t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1)._semanticsEnabled) return true; if (++_this.semanticsActivationAttempts >= 20) return _this._schedulePlaceholderRemoval = true; if (!J.containsKey$1$x(B.Set_2No4._collection$_map, $event.type)) return true; if (_this.semanticsActivationTimer != null) return false; switch ($event.type) { case "click": activationPoint = J.get$offset$x(type$.MouseEvent._as($event)); break; case "touchstart": case "touchend": t1 = type$.TouchEvent._as($event).changedTouches; t1.toString; t1 = B.TouchList_methods.get$first(t1); activationPoint = new A.Point(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1.clientX), B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1.clientY), type$.Point_num); break; case "pointerdown": case "pointerup": type$.PointerEvent._as($event); activationPoint = new A.Point($event.clientX, $event.clientY, type$.Point_num); break; default: return true; } activatingElementRect = _this._semanticsPlaceholder.getBoundingClientRect(); t1 = activatingElementRect.left; t1.toString; t2 = activatingElementRect.right; t2.toString; t3 = activatingElementRect.top; t3.toString; t4 = activatingElementRect.bottom; t4.toString; deltaX = activationPoint.x - (t1 + (t2 - t1) / 2); deltaY = activationPoint.y - (t3 + (t4 - t3) / 2); if (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY < 1 && true) { _this._schedulePlaceholderRemoval = true; _this.semanticsActivationTimer = A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_300000, new A.MobileSemanticsEnabler_tryEnableSemantics_closure(_this)); return false; } return true; }, prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder$0() { var t2, t1 = this._semanticsPlaceholder = A._ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag("flt-semantics-placeholder", null); J.addEventListener$3$x(t1, "click", new A.MobileSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure(this), true); t1.setAttribute("role", "button"); t1.setAttribute("aria-label", "Enable accessibility"); t2 = t1.style; t2.position = "absolute"; t2.left = "0"; t2.top = "0"; t2.right = "0"; t2.bottom = "0"; return t1; }, dispose$0(_) { var t1 = this._semanticsPlaceholder; if (t1 != null) J.remove$0$ax(t1); this.semanticsActivationTimer = this._semanticsPlaceholder = null; } }; A.MobileSemanticsEnabler_tryEnableSemantics_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this.dispose$0(0); var t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance; (t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1).set$semanticsEnabled(true); }, $signature: 0 }; A.MobileSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { this.$this.tryEnableSemantics$1($event); }, $signature: 2 }; A.Tappable.prototype = { update$0(_) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this.semanticsObject, element = t1.element; element.tabIndex = 0; t1.setAriaRole$2("button", (t1.__engine$_flags & 8) !== 0); if (t1.enabledState$0() === B.EnabledState_2 && (t1.__engine$_flags & 8) !== 0) { element.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); _this._stopListening$0(); } else { t2 = t1.__engine$_actions; t2.toString; if ((t2 & 1) !== 0 && (t1.__engine$_flags & 16) === 0) { if (_this._clickListener == null) { t2 = new A.Tappable_update_closure(_this); _this._clickListener = t2; J.addEventListener$2$x(element, "click", t2); } } else _this._stopListening$0(); } if ((t1._dirtyFields & 1) !== 0 && (t1.__engine$_flags & 32) !== 0) J.focus$0$x(element); }, _stopListening$0() { var t1 = this._clickListener; if (t1 == null) return; J.removeEventListener$2$x(this.semanticsObject.element, "click", t1); this._clickListener = null; }, dispose$0(_) { this._stopListening$0(); this.semanticsObject.setAriaRole$2("button", false); } }; A.Tappable_update_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { var t2, t1 = this.$this.semanticsObject; if (t1.owner._gestureMode !== B.GestureMode_1) return; t2 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); A.invoke3(t2._onSemanticsAction, t2._onSemanticsActionZone, t1.id, B.SemanticsAction_1, null); }, $signature: 2 }; A.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy.prototype = { enable$3$onAction$onChange(_, inputConfig, onAction, onChange) { this.inputConfig = inputConfig; this.onChange = onChange; this.onAction = onAction; }, activate$1(textField) { var t2, t3, _this = this, t1 = _this.activeTextField; if (t1 === textField) return; else if (t1 != null) _this.disable$0(0); _this.activeTextField = textField; _this.domElement = A._lateReadCheck(textField.__TextField_editableElement, "editableElement"); _this._syncStyle$0(); t1 = _this.inputConfig; t1.toString; t2 = _this.onChange; t2.toString; t3 = _this.onAction; t3.toString; _this.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$enable(0, t1, t3, t2); }, disable$0(_) { var t1, i, _this = this; if (!_this.isEnabled) return; _this.isEnabled = false; _this.geometry = _this.style = null; for (t1 = _this.subscriptions, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) J.cancel$0$z(t1[i]); B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t1, 0); _this.lastEditingState = null; t1 = _this.domElement; if (t1 != null) t1.blur(); _this._queuedStyle = _this.activeTextField = _this.domElement = null; }, addEventHandlers$0() { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this, _s18_ = "inputConfiguration"; if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).autofillGroup != null) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(_this.subscriptions, A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).autofillGroup.addInputEventListeners$0()); t1 = _this.subscriptions; t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t3 = _this.get$handleChange(); t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "input", t3, false, type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_Event._precomputed1)); t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "keydown", _this.get$maybeSendAction(), false, type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_KeyboardEvent._precomputed1)); t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(document, "selectionchange", t3, false, type$.Event)); _this.preventDefaultForMouseEvents$0(); }, initializeTextEditing$3$onAction$onChange(inputConfig, onAction, onChange) { this.isEnabled = true; this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration = inputConfig; this.applyConfiguration$1(inputConfig); }, placeElement$0() { A._lateReadCheck(this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, "inputConfiguration"); this.domElement.focus(); }, initializeElementPlacement$0() { }, updateElementPlacement$1(textGeometry) { }, updateElementStyle$1(textStyle) { this._queuedStyle = textStyle; this._syncStyle$0(); }, _syncStyle$0() { var t1 = this._queuedStyle; if (t1 == null || this.domElement == null) return; t1.toString; this.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$updateElementStyle(t1); } }; A.TextField.prototype = { _initializeForBlink$0() { J.addEventListener$2$x(A._lateReadCheck(this.__TextField_editableElement, "editableElement"), "focus", new A.TextField__initializeForBlink_closure(this)); }, _initializeForWebkit$0() { var _this = this, _s15_ = "editableElement", t1 = {}, t2 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); if (t2 === B.OperatingSystem_4) { _this._initializeForBlink$0(); return; } t1.lastTouchStartOffsetY = t1.lastTouchStartOffsetX = null; J.addEventListener$3$x(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__TextField_editableElement, _s15_), "touchstart", new A.TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure(t1), true); J.addEventListener$3$x(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__TextField_editableElement, _s15_), "touchend", new A.TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure0(t1, _this), true); }, update$0(_) { var t3, editingState, needsDomFocusRequest, _this = this, _s15_ = "editableElement", _s10_ = "aria-label", t1 = _this.semanticsObject, t2 = t1._label; t2 = t2 != null && t2.length !== 0; t3 = _this.__TextField_editableElement; if (t2) { t2 = A._lateReadCheck(t3, _s15_); t3 = t1._label; t3.toString; t2.setAttribute(_s10_, t3); } else A._lateReadCheck(t3, _s15_).removeAttribute(_s10_); t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__TextField_editableElement, _s15_).style; t3 = t1.__engine$_rect; t3 = A.S(t3.right - t3.left) + "px"; t2.width = t3; t3 = t1.__engine$_rect; t3 = A.S(t3.bottom - t3.top) + "px"; t2.height = t3; t2 = t1.__engine$_value; editingState = A.EditingState$(t1._textSelectionBase, t1._textSelectionExtent, t2); if ((t1.__engine$_flags & 32) !== 0) { if (!_this._hasFocused) { _this._hasFocused = true; $.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy__instance.activate$1(_this); needsDomFocusRequest = true; } else needsDomFocusRequest = false; if (document.activeElement !== A._lateReadCheck(_this.__TextField_editableElement, _s15_)) needsDomFocusRequest = true; $.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy__instance.setEditingState$1(editingState); } else { if (_this._hasFocused) { t2 = $.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy__instance; if (t2.activeTextField === _this) t2.disable$0(0); t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__TextField_editableElement, _s15_); if (type$.InputElement._is(t2)) t2.value = editingState.text; else if (type$.TextAreaElement._is(t2)) t2.value = editingState.text; else A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("Unsupported DOM element type")); if (_this._hasFocused && document.activeElement === A._lateReadCheck(_this.__TextField_editableElement, _s15_)) A._lateReadCheck(_this.__TextField_editableElement, _s15_).blur(); _this._hasFocused = false; } needsDomFocusRequest = false; } if (needsDomFocusRequest) t1.owner._oneTimePostUpdateCallbacks.push(new A.TextField_update_closure(_this)); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1; J.remove$0$ax(A._lateReadCheck(this.__TextField_editableElement, "editableElement")); t1 = $.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy__instance; if (t1.activeTextField === this) t1.disable$0(0); } }; A.TextField__initializeForBlink_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { var t2, t1 = this.$this.semanticsObject; if (t1.owner._gestureMode !== B.GestureMode_1) return; t2 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); A.invoke3(t2._onSemanticsAction, t2._onSemanticsActionZone, t1.id, B.SemanticsAction_1, null); }, $signature: 2 }; A.TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { var t1, t2; type$.TouchEvent._as($event); t1 = $event.changedTouches; t1.toString; t1 = B.TouchList_methods.get$last(t1); t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1.clientX); B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1.clientY); t1 = this._box_0; t1.lastTouchStartOffsetX = t2; t2 = $event.changedTouches; t2.toString; t2 = B.TouchList_methods.get$last(t2); B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t2.clientX); t1.lastTouchStartOffsetY = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t2.clientY); }, $signature: 2 }; A.TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure0.prototype = { call$1($event) { var t1, t2, t3; type$.TouchEvent._as($event); t1 = this._box_0; if (t1.lastTouchStartOffsetX != null) { t2 = $event.changedTouches; t2.toString; t2 = B.TouchList_methods.get$last(t2); t3 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t2.clientX); B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t2.clientY); t2 = $event.changedTouches; t2.toString; t2 = B.TouchList_methods.get$last(t2); B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t2.clientX); t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t2.clientY); if (t3 * t3 + t2 * t2 < 324) { t2 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance(); A.invoke3(t2._onSemanticsAction, t2._onSemanticsActionZone, this.$this.semanticsObject.id, B.SemanticsAction_1, null); } } t1.lastTouchStartOffsetY = t1.lastTouchStartOffsetX = null; }, $signature: 2 }; A.TextField_update_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var _s15_ = "editableElement", t1 = this.$this; if (document.activeElement !== A._lateReadCheck(t1.__TextField_editableElement, _s15_)) A._lateReadCheck(t1.__TextField_editableElement, _s15_).focus(); }, $signature: 0 }; A._TypedDataBuffer.prototype = { get$length(_) { return this.__engine$_length; }, $index(_, index) { if (index >= this.__engine$_length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, this, null, null, null)); return this.__engine$_buffer[index]; }, $indexSet(_, index, value) { if (index >= this.__engine$_length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, this, null, null, null)); this.__engine$_buffer[index] = value; }, set$length(_, newLength) { var t2, i, newBuffer, _this = this, t1 = _this.__engine$_length; if (newLength < t1) for (t2 = _this.__engine$_buffer, i = newLength; i < t1; ++i) t2[i] = 0; else { t1 = _this.__engine$_buffer.length; if (newLength > t1) { if (t1 === 0) newBuffer = new Uint8Array(newLength); else newBuffer = _this.__engine$_createBiggerBuffer$1(newLength); B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(newBuffer, 0, _this.__engine$_length, _this.__engine$_buffer); _this.__engine$_buffer = newBuffer; } } _this.__engine$_length = newLength; }, __engine$_add$1(_, value) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.__engine$_length; if (t1 === _this.__engine$_buffer.length) _this.__engine$_grow$1(t1); _this.__engine$_buffer[_this.__engine$_length++] = value; }, add$1(_, value) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.__engine$_length; if (t1 === _this.__engine$_buffer.length) _this.__engine$_grow$1(t1); _this.__engine$_buffer[_this.__engine$_length++] = value; }, addAll$3(_, values, start, end) { A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(start, "start"); if (end != null && start > end) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, null, "end", null)); this.__engine$_addAll$3(values, start, end); }, addAll$1($receiver, values) { return this.addAll$3($receiver, values, 0, null); }, __engine$_addAll$3(values, start, end) { var t1, i, value, _this = this; if (A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("List<_TypedDataBuffer.E>")._is(values)) end = end == null ? values.length : end; if (end != null) { _this.__engine$_insertKnownLength$4(_this.__engine$_length, values, start, end); return; } for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(values), i = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) { value = t1.get$current(t1); if (i >= start) _this.__engine$_add$1(0, value); ++i; } if (i < start) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Too few elements")); }, __engine$_insertKnownLength$4(index, values, start, end) { var valuesLength, newLength, t2, _this = this, t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(values); if (start > t1.get$length(values) || end > t1.get$length(values)) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Too few elements")); valuesLength = end - start; newLength = _this.__engine$_length + valuesLength; _this.__engine$_ensureCapacity$1(newLength); t1 = _this.__engine$_buffer; t2 = index + valuesLength; B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$4(t1, t2, _this.__engine$_length + valuesLength, t1, index); B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$4(_this.__engine$_buffer, index, t2, values, start); _this.__engine$_length = newLength; }, __engine$_ensureCapacity$1(requiredCapacity) { var newBuffer, _this = this; if (requiredCapacity <= _this.__engine$_buffer.length) return; newBuffer = _this.__engine$_createBiggerBuffer$1(requiredCapacity); B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(newBuffer, 0, _this.__engine$_length, _this.__engine$_buffer); _this.__engine$_buffer = newBuffer; }, __engine$_createBiggerBuffer$1(requiredCapacity) { var newLength = this.__engine$_buffer.length * 2; if (requiredCapacity != null && newLength < requiredCapacity) newLength = requiredCapacity; else if (newLength < 8) newLength = 8; return new Uint8Array(newLength); }, __engine$_grow$1($length) { var t1 = this.__engine$_createBiggerBuffer$1(null); B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(t1, 0, $length, this.__engine$_buffer); this.__engine$_buffer = t1; }, setRange$4(_, start, end, source, skipCount) { var t1 = this.__engine$_length; if (end > t1) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, 0, t1, null, null)); t1 = this.__engine$_buffer; if (A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_TypedDataBuffer<_TypedDataBuffer.E>")._is(source)) B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$4(t1, start, end, source.__engine$_buffer, skipCount); else B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$4(t1, start, end, source, skipCount); }, setRange$3($receiver, start, end, source) { return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, source, 0); } }; A._IntBuffer.prototype = {}; A.Uint8Buffer0.prototype = {}; A.MethodCall.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return A.getRuntimeType(this).toString$0(0) + "(" + this.method + ", " + A.S(this.$arguments) + ")"; } }; A.JSONMessageCodec.prototype = { encodeMessage$1(message) { return A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(B.C_Utf8Encoder.convert$1(B.C_JsonCodec.encode$1(message)).buffer, 0, null); }, decodeMessage$1(message) { if (message == null) return message; return B.C_JsonCodec.decode$1(0, B.Utf8Decoder_false.convert$1(A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(message.buffer, 0, null))); } }; A.JSONMethodCodec.prototype = { encodeMethodCall$1($call) { return B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["method", $call.method, "args", $call.$arguments], type$.String, type$.dynamic)); }, decodeMethodCall$1(methodCall) { var t1, method, $arguments, _null = null, decoded = B.C_JSONMessageCodec.decodeMessage$1(methodCall); if (!type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(decoded)) throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Expected method call Map, got " + A.S(decoded), _null, _null)); t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(decoded); method = t1.$index(decoded, "method"); $arguments = t1.$index(decoded, "args"); if (typeof method == "string") return new A.MethodCall(method, $arguments); throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid method call: " + A.S(decoded), _null, _null)); } }; A.StandardMessageCodec.prototype = { encodeMessage$1(message) { var buffer = A.WriteBuffer_WriteBuffer(); this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, true); return buffer.done$0(); }, decodeMessage$1(message) { var buffer, result; if (message == null) return null; buffer = new A.ReadBuffer0(message); result = this.readValue$1(0, buffer); if (buffer.__engine$_position < message.byteLength) throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_oCg); return result; }, writeValue$2(_, buffer, value) { var t1, t2, t3, bytes, _this = this; if (value == null) buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, 0); else if (A._isBool(value)) { t1 = value ? 1 : 2; buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, t1); } else if (typeof value == "number") { t1 = buffer.__engine$_buffer; t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 6); buffer.__engine$_alignTo$1(8); buffer.__engine$_eightBytes.setFloat64(0, value, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host()); t1.addAll$1(0, buffer._eightBytesAsList); } else if (A._isInt(value)) { t1 = -2147483648 <= value && value <= 2147483647; t2 = buffer.__engine$_buffer; t3 = buffer.__engine$_eightBytes; if (t1) { t2.__engine$_add$1(0, 3); t3.setInt32(0, value, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host()); t2.addAll$3(0, buffer._eightBytesAsList, 0, 4); } else { t2.__engine$_add$1(0, 4); B.NativeByteData_methods.setInt64$3(t3, 0, value, $.$get$Endian_host()); } } else if (typeof value == "string") { t1 = buffer.__engine$_buffer; t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 7); bytes = B.C_Utf8Encoder.convert$1(value); _this.writeSize$2(buffer, bytes.length); t1.addAll$1(0, bytes); } else if (type$.Uint8List._is(value)) { t1 = buffer.__engine$_buffer; t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 8); _this.writeSize$2(buffer, value.length); t1.addAll$1(0, value); } else if (type$.Int32List._is(value)) { t1 = buffer.__engine$_buffer; t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 9); t2 = value.length; _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t2); buffer.__engine$_alignTo$1(4); t1.addAll$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, 4 * t2)); } else if (type$.Float64List._is(value)) { t1 = buffer.__engine$_buffer; t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 11); t2 = value.length; _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t2); buffer.__engine$_alignTo$1(8); t1.addAll$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, 8 * t2)); } else if (type$.List_dynamic._is(value)) { buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, 12); t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(value); _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1.get$length(value)); for (t1 = t1.get$iterator(value); t1.moveNext$0();) _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, t1.get$current(t1)); } else if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(value)) { buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, 13); t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(value); _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1.get$length(value)); t1.forEach$1(value, new A.StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure0(_this, buffer)); } else throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(value, null, null)); }, readValue$1(_, buffer) { if (buffer.__engine$_position >= buffer.data.byteLength) throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_oCg); return this.readValueOfType$2(buffer.getUint8$0(0), buffer); }, readValueOfType$2(type, buffer) { var result, value, $length, t1, list, i, t2, t3, _this = this; switch (type) { case 0: result = null; break; case 1: result = true; break; case 2: result = false; break; case 3: value = buffer.data.getInt32(buffer.__engine$_position, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host()); buffer.__engine$_position += 4; result = value; break; case 4: result = buffer.getInt64$0(0); break; case 5: $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer); result = A.int_parse(B.Utf8Decoder_false.convert$1(buffer.getUint8List$1($length)), 16); break; case 6: buffer.__engine$_alignTo$1(8); value = buffer.data.getFloat64(buffer.__engine$_position, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host()); buffer.__engine$_position += 8; result = value; break; case 7: $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer); result = B.Utf8Decoder_false.convert$1(buffer.getUint8List$1($length)); break; case 8: result = buffer.getUint8List$1(_this.readSize$1(buffer)); break; case 9: $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer); buffer.__engine$_alignTo$1(4); t1 = buffer.data; list = A.NativeInt32List_NativeInt32List$view(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + buffer.__engine$_position, $length); buffer.__engine$_position = buffer.__engine$_position + 4 * $length; result = list; break; case 10: result = buffer.getInt64List$1(_this.readSize$1(buffer)); break; case 11: $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer); buffer.__engine$_alignTo$1(8); t1 = buffer.data; list = A.NativeFloat64List_NativeFloat64List$view(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + buffer.__engine$_position, $length); buffer.__engine$_position = buffer.__engine$_position + 8 * $length; result = list; break; case 12: $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer); result = []; for (t1 = buffer.data, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { t2 = buffer.__engine$_position; if (t2 >= t1.byteLength) A.throwExpression(B.FormatException_oCg); buffer.__engine$_position = t2 + 1; result.push(_this.readValueOfType$2(t1.getUint8(t2), buffer)); } break; case 13: $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer); t1 = type$.dynamic; result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1); for (t1 = buffer.data, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { t2 = buffer.__engine$_position; if (t2 >= t1.byteLength) A.throwExpression(B.FormatException_oCg); buffer.__engine$_position = t2 + 1; t2 = _this.readValueOfType$2(t1.getUint8(t2), buffer); t3 = buffer.__engine$_position; if (t3 >= t1.byteLength) A.throwExpression(B.FormatException_oCg); buffer.__engine$_position = t3 + 1; result.$indexSet(0, t2, _this.readValueOfType$2(t1.getUint8(t3), buffer)); } break; default: throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_oCg); } return result; }, writeSize$2(buffer, value) { var t1, t2, t3; if (value < 254) buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, value); else { t1 = buffer.__engine$_buffer; t2 = buffer.__engine$_eightBytes; t3 = buffer._eightBytesAsList; if (value <= 65535) { t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 254); t2.setUint16(0, value, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host()); t1.addAll$3(0, t3, 0, 2); } else { t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 255); t2.setUint32(0, value, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host()); t1.addAll$3(0, t3, 0, 4); } } }, readSize$1(buffer) { var value = buffer.getUint8$0(0); switch (value) { case 254: value = buffer.data.getUint16(buffer.__engine$_position, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host()); buffer.__engine$_position += 2; return value; case 255: value = buffer.data.getUint32(buffer.__engine$_position, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host()); buffer.__engine$_position += 4; return value; default: return value; } } }; A.StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure0.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { var t1 = this.$this, t2 = this.buffer; t1.writeValue$2(0, t2, key); t1.writeValue$2(0, t2, value); }, $signature: 54 }; A.StandardMethodCodec.prototype = { decodeMethodCall$1(methodCall) { var buffer, method, $arguments; methodCall.toString; buffer = new A.ReadBuffer0(methodCall); method = B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.readValue$1(0, buffer); $arguments = B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.readValue$1(0, buffer); if (typeof method == "string" && buffer.__engine$_position >= methodCall.byteLength) return new A.MethodCall(method, $arguments); else throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_Qi2); }, encodeSuccessEnvelope$1(result) { var buffer = A.WriteBuffer_WriteBuffer(); buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, 0); B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.writeValue$2(0, buffer, result); return buffer.done$0(); }, encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message(code, details, message) { var buffer = A.WriteBuffer_WriteBuffer(); buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, 1); B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.writeValue$2(0, buffer, code); B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.writeValue$2(0, buffer, message); B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.writeValue$2(0, buffer, details); return buffer.done$0(); } }; A.WriteBuffer0.prototype = { __engine$_alignTo$1(alignment) { var t2, i, t1 = this.__engine$_buffer, mod = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t1.__engine$_length, alignment); if (mod !== 0) for (t2 = alignment - mod, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 0); }, done$0() { var t1, t2; this._debugFinalized = true; t1 = this.__engine$_buffer; t2 = t1.__engine$_buffer; return A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(t2.buffer, 0, t1.__engine$_length * t2.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); } }; A.ReadBuffer0.prototype = { getUint8$0(_) { return this.data.getUint8(this.__engine$_position++); }, getInt64$0(_) { B.NativeByteData_methods.getInt64$2(this.data, this.__engine$_position, $.$get$Endian_host()); }, getUint8List$1($length) { var t1 = this.data, list = A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + this.__engine$_position, $length); this.__engine$_position += $length; return list; }, getInt64List$1($length) { var t1; this.__engine$_alignTo$1(8); t1 = this.data; B.NativeByteBuffer_methods.asInt64List$2(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + this.__engine$_position, $length); }, __engine$_alignTo$1(alignment) { var t1 = this.__engine$_position, mod = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t1, alignment); if (mod !== 0) this.__engine$_position = t1 + (alignment - mod); } }; A.SurfaceShadowData.prototype = {}; A.CanvasParagraph.prototype = { get$width(_) { return this.get$_layoutService().width; }, get$height(_) { return this.get$_layoutService().height; }, get$longestLine() { var t1 = this.get$_layoutService().longestLine; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.width; return t1 == null ? 0 : t1; }, get$maxIntrinsicWidth() { return this.get$_layoutService().maxIntrinsicWidth; }, get$alphabeticBaseline(_) { return this.get$_layoutService().alphabeticBaseline; }, get$ideographicBaseline(_) { return this.get$_layoutService().ideographicBaseline; }, get$didExceedMaxLines(_) { this.get$_layoutService(); return false; }, get$_layoutService() { var t1, t2, _this = this, value = _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService; if (value === $) { t1 = A.CanvasElement_CanvasElement(null, null).getContext("2d"); t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_EngineLineMetrics); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService, "_layoutService"); value = _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService = new A.TextLayoutService(_this, t1, t2); } return value; }, layout$1(_, constraints) { var _this = this; constraints = new A.ParagraphConstraints(Math.floor(constraints.width)); if (constraints.$eq(0, _this._lastUsedConstraints)) return; A._Cell$named("stopwatch"); _this.get$_layoutService().performLayout$1(constraints); _this.isLaidOut = true; _this._lastUsedConstraints = constraints; _this._cachedDomElement = null; }, toDomElement$0() { var t1, domElement = this._cachedDomElement; if (domElement == null) { t1 = this._createDomElement$0(); this._cachedDomElement = t1; return t1; } return type$.HtmlElement._as(domElement.cloneNode(true)); }, _createDomElement$0() { var t4, cssStyle, t5, t6, lines, element, span, i, line, boxes, j, j0, box, t7, t8, color, strokeWidth, adaptedWidth, ratio, value, background, fontSize, updateDecoration, t9, textDecoration, decorationColor, style, ellipsis, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = document, t2 = t1.createElement("p"), t3 = type$.HtmlElement; t3._as(t2); t4 = _this.paragraphStyle; cssStyle = t2.style; t5 = t4.textDirection; t6 = t5 == null ? B.TextDirection_1 : t5; t6 = A.textAlignToCssValue(t4.textAlign, t6); cssStyle.textAlign = t6 == null ? "" : t6; if (t4.get$lineHeight(t4) != null) { t6 = A.S(t4.get$lineHeight(t4)); cssStyle.lineHeight = t6; } if (t5 != null) { t5 = A.textDirectionToCss(t5); cssStyle.direction = t5 == null ? "" : t5; } A._applySpanStylesToParagraph(t2, _this.spans); cssStyle = t2.style; cssStyle.position = "absolute"; cssStyle.whiteSpace = "pre"; if (_this.get$_layoutService().width > _this.get$longestLine()) { t5 = A.S(_this.get$_layoutService().width) + "px"; cssStyle.width = t5; } if (t4.maxLines != null || t4.ellipsis != null) { B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(cssStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(cssStyle, "overflow-y"), "hidden", ""); t4 = A.S(_this.get$_layoutService().height) + "px"; cssStyle.height = t4; } lines = _this.get$_layoutService().lines; for (element = t2, span = _null, i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { t4 = t1.createElement("br"); element.appendChild(t4); } line = lines[i]; boxes = line.boxes; for (j = 0, t4 = ""; j < boxes.length; j = j0) { j0 = j + 1; box = boxes[j]; t5 = box instanceof A.SpanBox; if (t5 && box.span === span) { t4 += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(box.spanometer.paragraph.plainText, box.start.index, box.end.indexWithoutTrailingNewlines); continue; } if (t4.length !== 0) { element.appendChild(t1.createTextNode(t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4)); t4 = ""; t6 = ""; } else t6 = t4; if (t5) { span = box.span; t5 = t1.createElement("span"); t3._as(t5); t6 = span.style; cssStyle = t5.style; t7 = t6.foreground; t8 = t7 == null; color = t8 ? _null : t7.get$color(t7); if (color == null) color = t6.color; if ((t8 ? _null : t7.get$style(t7)) === B.PaintingStyle_1) { cssStyle.color = "transparent"; strokeWidth = t8 ? _null : t7.get$strokeWidth(); if (strokeWidth != null && strokeWidth > 0) adaptedWidth = strokeWidth; else { t7 = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t7 == null) { ratio = window.devicePixelRatio; t7 = ratio === 0 ? 1 : ratio; } adaptedWidth = 1 / t7; } value = A.S(adaptedWidth) + "px " + A.S(A.colorToCssString(color)); t7 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(cssStyle, "text-stroke"); cssStyle.setProperty(t7, value, ""); } else if (color != null) { t7 = A.colorToCssString(color); cssStyle.color = t7 == null ? "" : t7; } t7 = t6.background; background = t7 == null ? _null : t7.get$color(t7); if (background != null) { t7 = A.colorToCssString(background); cssStyle.backgroundColor = t7 == null ? "" : t7; } t7 = t6.height; if (t7 != null) { t7 = A.S(t7); cssStyle.lineHeight = t7; } fontSize = t6.fontSize; if (fontSize != null) { t7 = "" + B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(fontSize) + "px"; cssStyle.fontSize = t7; } t7 = t6.fontWeight; if (t7 != null) { t7 = A.fontWeightToCss(t7); cssStyle.fontWeight = t7 == null ? "" : t7; } t7 = A.canonicalizeFontFamily(t6.fontFamily); cssStyle.fontFamily = t7 == null ? "" : t7; t7 = t6.letterSpacing; if (t7 != null) { t7 = A.S(t7) + "px"; cssStyle.letterSpacing = t7; } t7 = t6.wordSpacing; if (t7 != null) { t7 = A.S(t7) + "px"; cssStyle.wordSpacing = t7; } t7 = t6.decoration; t8 = t7 != null; updateDecoration = t8 && true; if (updateDecoration) if (t8) { t8 = t6.decorationStyle; t7 = t7._mask; t9 = (t7 | 1) === t7 ? "" + "underline " : ""; if ((t7 | 2) === t7) t9 += "overline "; t7 = (t7 | 4) === t7 ? t9 + "line-through " : t9; if (t8 != null) t7 += A.S(A._decorationStyleToCssString(t8)); textDecoration = t7.length === 0 ? _null : t7.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t7 : t7; if (textDecoration != null) { t7 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t7 === B.BrowserEngine_1) { t7 = t5.style; t8 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t7, "-webkit-text-decoration"); t7.setProperty(t8, textDecoration, ""); } else cssStyle.textDecoration = textDecoration; decorationColor = t6.decorationColor; if (decorationColor != null) { t6 = A.colorToCssString(decorationColor); t6.toString; t7 = B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(cssStyle, "text-decoration-color"); cssStyle.setProperty(t7, t6, ""); } } } t2.appendChild(t5); t4 += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(box.spanometer.paragraph.plainText, box.start.index, box.end.indexWithoutTrailingNewlines); element = t5; t5 = t4; } else { if (box instanceof A.PlaceholderBox) { t5 = box.placeholder; element = t1.createElement("span"); style = element.style; style.display = "inline-block"; t7 = A.S(t5.get$width(t5)) + "px"; style.width = t7; t7 = A.S(t5.get$height(t5)) + "px"; style.height = t7; t5 = A._placeholderAlignmentToCssVerticalAlign(t5); style.verticalAlign = t5 == null ? "" : t5; t2.appendChild(element); } else throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Unknown box type: " + A.getRuntimeType(box).toString$0(0))); t5 = t6; element = t2; span = _null; } } if (t4.length !== 0) element.appendChild(t1.createTextNode(t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4)); ellipsis = line.ellipsis; if (ellipsis != null) element.appendChild(t1.createTextNode(ellipsis)); } return t2; }, getBoxesForPlaceholders$0() { return this.get$_layoutService().getBoxesForPlaceholders$0(); }, getBoxesForRange$4$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(start, end, boxHeightStyle, boxWidthStyle) { return this.get$_layoutService().getBoxesForRange$4(start, end, boxHeightStyle, boxWidthStyle); }, getPositionForOffset$1(offset) { return this.get$_layoutService().getPositionForOffset$1(offset); }, $isEngineParagraph: 1 }; A.FlatTextSpan.prototype = {$isParagraphSpan: 1}; A.StyleNode.prototype = { resolveStyle$0() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, _this = this, style = _this._cachedStyle; if (style == null) { t1 = _this.get$_color(_this); t2 = _this.get$_decoration(); t3 = _this.get$_decorationColor(); t4 = _this.get$_decorationStyle(); t5 = _this.get$_decorationThickness(); t6 = _this.get$_fontWeight(_this); t7 = _this.get$_fontStyle(_this); t8 = _this.get$_textBaseline(); t9 = _this.get$_fontFamily(_this); t10 = _this.get$_fontFamilyFallback(); t11 = _this.get$_fontFeatures(); t12 = _this.get$_fontSize(_this); t13 = _this.get$_letterSpacing(_this); t14 = _this.get$_wordSpacing(_this); t15 = _this.get$__engine$_height(_this); t16 = _this.get$_locale(); t14 = A.EngineTextStyle$only(_this.get$_background(_this), t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t9, t10, t11, t12, t7, t6, _this.get$_foreground(), t15, t13, t16, _this.get$_shadows(), t8, t14); _this._cachedStyle = t14; return t14; } return style; } }; A.ChildStyleNode.prototype = { get$_color(_) { var t1 = this.style.color; if (t1 == null) if (this.get$_foreground() == null) { t1 = this.parent; t1 = t1.get$_color(t1); } else t1 = null; return t1; }, get$_decoration() { var t1 = this.style.decoration; return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_decoration() : t1; }, get$_decorationColor() { var t1 = this.style.decorationColor; return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_decorationColor() : t1; }, get$_decorationStyle() { var t1 = this.style.decorationStyle; return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_decorationStyle() : t1; }, get$_decorationThickness() { var t1 = this.style.decorationThickness; return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_decorationThickness() : t1; }, get$_fontWeight(_) { var t1 = this.style.fontWeight; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this.parent; t1 = t1.get$_fontWeight(t1); } return t1; }, get$_fontStyle(_) { var t1 = this.parent; t1 = t1.get$_fontStyle(t1); return t1; }, get$_textBaseline() { var t1 = this.style.textBaseline; return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_textBaseline() : t1; }, get$_fontFamilyFallback() { var t1 = this.style.fontFamilyFallback; return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_fontFamilyFallback() : t1; }, get$_fontFeatures() { var t1 = this.parent.get$_fontFeatures(); return t1; }, get$_fontSize(_) { var t1 = this.style.fontSize; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this.parent; t1 = t1.get$_fontSize(t1); } return t1; }, get$_letterSpacing(_) { var t1 = this.style.letterSpacing; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this.parent; t1 = t1.get$_letterSpacing(t1); } return t1; }, get$_wordSpacing(_) { var t1 = this.style.wordSpacing; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this.parent; t1 = t1.get$_wordSpacing(t1); } return t1; }, get$__engine$_height(_) { var t1 = this.style.height; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this.parent; t1 = t1.get$__engine$_height(t1); } return t1; }, get$_locale() { var t1 = this.style.locale; return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_locale() : t1; }, get$_background(_) { var t1 = this.style.background; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this.parent; t1 = t1.get$_background(t1); } return t1; }, get$_foreground() { var t1 = this.style.foreground; return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_foreground() : t1; }, get$_shadows() { var t1 = this.parent.get$_shadows(); return t1; }, get$_fontFamily(_) { var t1 = this.style; if (t1.isFontFamilyProvided) t1 = t1.fontFamily; else { t1 = this.parent; t1 = t1.get$_fontFamily(t1); } return t1; } }; A.RootStyleNode.prototype = { get$_decoration() { return null; }, get$_decorationColor() { return null; }, get$_decorationStyle() { return null; }, get$_decorationThickness() { return null; }, get$_fontWeight(_) { return this.paragraphStyle.fontWeight; }, get$_fontStyle(_) { return this.paragraphStyle.fontStyle; }, get$_textBaseline() { return null; }, get$_fontFamily(_) { var t1 = this.paragraphStyle.fontFamily; return t1 == null ? "sans-serif" : t1; }, get$_fontFamilyFallback() { return null; }, get$_fontFeatures() { return null; }, get$_fontSize(_) { var t1 = this.paragraphStyle.fontSize; return t1 == null ? 14 : t1; }, get$_letterSpacing(_) { return null; }, get$_wordSpacing(_) { return null; }, get$__engine$_height(_) { return this.paragraphStyle.height; }, get$_locale() { return this.paragraphStyle.locale; }, get$_background(_) { return null; }, get$_foreground() { return null; }, get$_shadows() { return null; }, get$_color() { return B.Color_4294901760; } }; A.CanvasParagraphBuilder.prototype = { get$_currentStyleNode() { var t1 = this._styleStack, t2 = t1.length; return t2 === 0 ? this._rootStyleNode : t1[t2 - 1]; }, get$placeholderScales() { return this._placeholderScales; }, pushStyle$1(_, style) { this._styleStack.push(new A.ChildStyleNode(this.get$_currentStyleNode(), type$.EngineTextStyle._as(style))); }, pop$0(_) { var t1 = this._styleStack; if (t1.length !== 0) t1.pop(); }, addText$1(_, text) { var decoration, _this = this, style = _this.get$_currentStyleNode().resolveStyle$0(), t1 = _this._plainTextBuffer, t2 = t1._contents, t3 = t2 + text; t1._contents = t3; t1 = _this._drawOnCanvas; if (t1) { decoration = style.decoration; if (decoration != null) { t1 = decoration._mask; t1 = B.TextDecoration_0._mask !== t1; } else t1 = false; if (t1) { _this._drawOnCanvas = false; t1 = false; } else t1 = true; } t1; _this._spans.push(new A.FlatTextSpan(style, t2.length, t3.length)); }, build$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._plainTextBuffer._contents; return new A.CanvasParagraph(_this._spans, _this._paragraphStyle, t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1, _this._drawOnCanvas); } }; A.FontCollection.prototype = { registerFonts$1(assetManager) { return this.registerFonts$body$FontCollection(assetManager); }, registerFonts$body$FontCollection(assetManager) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, e, exception, t1, fontManifest, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, family, t8, t9, asset, descriptors, t10, t11, byteData, $async$exception; var $async$registerFonts$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start byteData = null; $async$handler = 4; $async$goto = 7; return A._asyncAwait(assetManager.load$1(0, "FontManifest.json"), $async$registerFonts$1); case 7: // returning from await. byteData = $async$result; $async$handler = 2; // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 4: // catch $async$handler = 3; $async$exception = $async$currentError; t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception); if (t1 instanceof A.AssetManagerException) { e = t1; if (e.httpStatus === 404) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Font manifest does not exist at `" + e.url + "` \u2013 ignoring."); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } else throw $async$exception; } else throw $async$exception; // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 3: // uncaught // goto rethrow $async$goto = 2; break; case 6: // after finally fontManifest = type$.nullable_List_dynamic._as(B.C_JsonCodec.decode$1(0, B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(byteData.buffer, 0, null)))); if (fontManifest == null) throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$(string$.There_)); if ($.$get$supportsFontLoadingApi()) $async$self._assetFontManager = A.FontManager_FontManager(); else $async$self._assetFontManager = new A._PolyfillFontManager(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Future_void)); for (t1 = type$.Map_String_dynamic, t2 = J.cast$1$0$ax(fontManifest, t1), t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2)), t3 = type$.String, t4 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1, t5 = type$.List_dynamic; t2.moveNext$0();) { t6 = t4._as(t2._current); t7 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t6); family = A._asStringQ(t7.$index(t6, "family")); t6 = J.cast$1$0$ax(t5._as(t7.$index(t6, "fonts")), t1); for (t6 = new A.ListIterator(t6, t6.get$length(t6)), t7 = A._instanceType(t6)._precomputed1; t6.moveNext$0();) { t8 = t7._as(t6._current); t9 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t8); asset = A._asString(t9.$index(t8, "asset")); descriptors = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t3); for (t10 = J.get$iterator$ax(t9.get$keys(t8)); t10.moveNext$0();) { t11 = t10.get$current(t10); if (t11 !== "asset") descriptors.$indexSet(0, t11, A.S(t9.$index(t8, t11))); } t8 = $async$self._assetFontManager; t8.toString; family.toString; t8.registerAsset$3(family, "url(" + assetManager.getAssetUrl$1(asset) + ")", descriptors); } } case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); case 2: // rethrow return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$registerFonts$1, $async$completer); }, ensureFontsLoaded$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, t1; var $async$ensureFontsLoaded$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self._assetFontManager; $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait(t1 == null ? null : A.Future_wait(t1._fontLoadingFutures, type$.void), $async$ensureFontsLoaded$0); case 2: // returning from await. t1 = $async$self._testFontManager; $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(t1 == null ? null : A.Future_wait(t1._fontLoadingFutures, type$.void), $async$ensureFontsLoaded$0); case 3: // returning from await. // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$ensureFontsLoaded$0, $async$completer); } }; A.FontManager.prototype = { registerAsset$3(family, asset, descriptors) { var t1 = $.$get$FontManager_startWithDigit()._nativeRegExp; if (t1.test(family) || $.$get$FontManager_notPunctuation().stringMatch$1(family) !== family) this._loadFontFace$3("'" + family + "'", asset, descriptors); this._loadFontFace$3(family, asset, descriptors); }, _loadFontFace$3(family, asset, descriptors) { var fontFace, e, exception; try { fontFace = A.FontFace_FontFace(family, asset, descriptors); this._fontLoadingFutures.push(A.promiseToFuture(fontFace.load(), type$.FontFace).then$1$2$onError(0, new A.FontManager__loadFontFace_closure(fontFace), new A.FontManager__loadFontFace_closure0(family), type$.void)); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); $.$get$printWarning().call$1('Error while loading font family "' + family + '":\n' + A.S(e)); } } }; A.FontManager__loadFontFace_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { document.fonts.add(this.fontFace); }, $signature: 174 }; A.FontManager__loadFontFace_closure0.prototype = { call$1(e) { $.$get$printWarning().call$1('Error while trying to load font family "' + this.family + '":\n' + A.S(e)); }, $signature: 3 }; A._PolyfillFontManager.prototype = { registerAsset$3(family, asset, descriptors) { var fallbackFontName, t3, sansSerifWidth, _fontLoadStart, fontStyleMap, t4, fontFaceDeclaration, fontLoadStyle, _s5_ = "style", _s6_ = "weight", t1 = document, paragraph = t1.createElement("p"), t2 = paragraph.style; t2.position = "absolute"; t2 = paragraph.style; t2.visibility = "hidden"; t2 = paragraph.style; t2.fontSize = "72px"; t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); fallbackFontName = t2 === B.BrowserEngine_4 ? "Times New Roman" : "sans-serif"; t2 = paragraph.style; t2.fontFamily = fallbackFontName; if (descriptors.$index(0, _s5_) != null) { t2 = paragraph.style; t3 = descriptors.$index(0, _s5_); t2.fontStyle = t3 == null ? "" : t3; } if (descriptors.$index(0, _s6_) != null) { t2 = paragraph.style; t3 = descriptors.$index(0, _s6_); t2.fontWeight = t3 == null ? "" : t3; } paragraph.textContent = "giItT1WQy@!-/#"; t1.body.appendChild(paragraph); sansSerifWidth = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(paragraph.offsetWidth); t2 = paragraph.style; t3 = "'" + family + "', " + fallbackFontName; t2.fontFamily = t3; t2 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void); _fontLoadStart = A._Cell$named("_fontLoadStart"); t3 = type$.String; fontStyleMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, type$.nullable_String); fontStyleMap.$indexSet(0, "font-family", "'" + family + "'"); fontStyleMap.$indexSet(0, "src", asset); if (descriptors.$index(0, _s5_) != null) fontStyleMap.$indexSet(0, "font-style", descriptors.$index(0, _s5_)); if (descriptors.$index(0, _s6_) != null) fontStyleMap.$indexSet(0, "font-weight", descriptors.$index(0, _s6_)); t4 = fontStyleMap.get$keys(fontStyleMap); fontFaceDeclaration = A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t4, new A._PolyfillFontManager_registerAsset_closure(fontStyleMap), A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), t3).join$1(0, " "); fontLoadStyle = t1.createElement("style"); fontLoadStyle.type = "text/css"; B.StyleElement_methods.setInnerHtml$1(fontLoadStyle, "@font-face { " + fontFaceDeclaration + " }"); t1.head.appendChild(fontLoadStyle); if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(family.toLowerCase(), "icon")) { B.ParagraphElement_methods.remove$0(paragraph); return; } _fontLoadStart.__late_helper$_value = new A.DateTime(Date.now(), false); new A._PolyfillFontManager_registerAsset__watchWidth(paragraph, sansSerifWidth, new A._AsyncCompleter(t2, type$._AsyncCompleter_void), _fontLoadStart, family).call$0(); this._fontLoadingFutures.push(t2); } }; A._PolyfillFontManager_registerAsset__watchWidth.prototype = { call$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.paragraph; if (B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1.offsetWidth) !== _this.sansSerifWidth) { B.ParagraphElement_methods.remove$0(t1); _this.completer.complete$0(0); } else if (A.Duration$(0, Date.now() - _this._fontLoadStart._readLocal$0()._core$_value)._duration > 2000000) { _this.completer.complete$0(0); throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Timed out trying to load font: " + _this.family)); } else A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_50000, _this); }, $signature: 0 }; A._PolyfillFontManager_registerAsset_closure.prototype = { call$1($name) { return $name + ": " + A.S(this.fontStyleMap.$index(0, $name)) + ";"; }, $signature: 50 }; A.TextLayoutService.prototype = { performLayout$1(constraints) { var t4, spanometer, currentLine, t5, t6, t7, t8, spanIndex, span, nextBreak, t9, additionalWidth, revertedToSpan, _i, line, longestLineWidth, breakToNextLine, widthOfLastSegment, _this = this, t1 = _this.paragraph, t2 = t1.spans, spanCount = t2.length, t3 = _this.width = constraints.width; _this.height = 0; _this.longestLine = null; _this.maxIntrinsicWidth = _this.minIntrinsicWidth = 0; _this.didExceedMaxLines = false; t4 = _this.lines; B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t4, 0); if (spanCount === 0) return; spanometer = new A.Spanometer(t1, _this.context); currentLine = A.LineBuilder$_(t1, spanometer, 0, 0, t3, B.LineBreakResult_vhn); for (t5 = t1.paragraphStyle, t6 = t5.maxLines, t5 = t5.ellipsis, t7 = t5 != null, t8 = t6 == null, spanIndex = 0; true;) { if (spanIndex === spanCount) { if (currentLine._segments.length !== 0 || currentLine.__engine$_end.type !== B.LineBreakType_3) { currentLine.extendToEndOfText$0(); t4.push(currentLine.build$0(0)); } break; } span = t2[spanIndex]; spanometer.set$currentSpan(span); nextBreak = currentLine.findNextBreak$0(); t9 = nextBreak.lineBreak; additionalWidth = currentLine.getAdditionalWidthTo$1(t9); if (currentLine.width + additionalWidth <= t3) { currentLine.extendTo$1(nextBreak); if (t9.type === B.LineBreakType_2) { t4.push(currentLine.build$0(0)); currentLine = currentLine.nextLine$0(); } } else if ((t7 && t8 || t4.length + 1 === t6) && t7) { currentLine.forceBreak$3$allowEmpty$ellipsis(nextBreak, true, t5); t4.push(currentLine.build$1$ellipsis(0, t5)); break; } else if (!currentLine.isBreakable) { currentLine.forceBreak$2$allowEmpty(nextBreak, false); t4.push(currentLine.build$0(0)); currentLine = currentLine.nextLine$0(); } else { currentLine.revertToLastBreakOpportunity$0(); revertedToSpan = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(currentLine._segments).span; for (; span !== revertedToSpan;) { --spanIndex; span = t2[spanIndex]; } t4.push(currentLine.build$0(0)); currentLine = currentLine.nextLine$0(); } if (currentLine.__engine$_end.index >= span.end) { currentLine.createBox$0(); ++spanIndex; } if (t4.length === t6) break; } for (t5 = t4.length, _i = 0; _i < t5; ++_i) { line = t4[_i]; _this.height = _this.height + line.height; if (_this.alphabeticBaseline === -1) { t6 = line.baseline; _this.alphabeticBaseline = t6; _this.ideographicBaseline = t6 * 1.1662499904632568; } t6 = _this.longestLine; longestLineWidth = t6 == null ? null : t6.width; if (longestLineWidth == null) longestLineWidth = 0; if (longestLineWidth < line.width) _this.longestLine = line; } currentLine = A.LineBuilder$_(t1, spanometer, 0, 0, t3, B.LineBreakResult_vhn); for (spanIndex = 0; spanIndex < spanCount;) { span = t2[spanIndex]; spanometer.set$currentSpan(span); nextBreak = currentLine.findNextBreak$0(); currentLine.extendTo$1(nextBreak); breakToNextLine = nextBreak.lineBreak.type === B.LineBreakType_2 && true; if (currentLine.__engine$_end.index >= span.end) ++spanIndex; widthOfLastSegment = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(currentLine._segments).width; if (_this.minIntrinsicWidth < widthOfLastSegment) _this.minIntrinsicWidth = widthOfLastSegment; t1 = _this.maxIntrinsicWidth; t3 = currentLine.widthIncludingSpace; if (t1 < t3) _this.maxIntrinsicWidth = t3; if (breakToNextLine) currentLine = currentLine.nextLine$0(); } }, getBoxesForPlaceholders$0() { var t1, t2, _i, line, t3, t4, $top, lineTop, t5, t6, t7, _i0, box, t8, t9, t10, t11, top0, _s11_ = "startOffset", _s9_ = "lineWidth", boxes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextBox); for (t1 = this.lines, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { line = t1[_i]; for (t3 = line.boxes, t4 = t3.length, $top = line.baseline, lineTop = $top - line.ascent, t5 = line.left, t6 = line.height, t7 = lineTop + t6, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i0) { box = t3[_i0]; if (box instanceof A.PlaceholderBox) { t8 = box.paragraphDirection; t9 = t8 === B.TextDirection_1; t10 = t9 ? A._lateReadCheck(box.__RangeBox_startOffset, _s11_) : A._lateReadCheck(box.__RangeBox_lineWidth, _s9_) - (A._lateReadCheck(box.__RangeBox_startOffset, _s11_) + box.width); t9 = t9 ? A._lateReadCheck(box.__RangeBox_startOffset, _s11_) + box.width : A._lateReadCheck(box.__RangeBox_lineWidth, _s9_) - A._lateReadCheck(box.__RangeBox_startOffset, _s11_); t11 = box.placeholder; switch (t11.get$alignment()) { case B.PlaceholderAlignment_3: top0 = lineTop; break; case B.PlaceholderAlignment_5: top0 = lineTop + B.JSNumber_methods.$sub(t6, t11.get$height(t11)) / 2; break; case B.PlaceholderAlignment_4: top0 = B.JSNumber_methods.$sub(t7, t11.get$height(t11)); break; case B.PlaceholderAlignment_1: top0 = B.JSNumber_methods.$sub($top, t11.get$height(t11)); break; case B.PlaceholderAlignment_2: top0 = $top; break; case B.PlaceholderAlignment_0: top0 = B.JSNumber_methods.$sub($top, t11.get$baselineOffset()); break; default: top0 = null; } boxes.push(new A.TextBox(t5 + t10, top0, t5 + t9, B.JSNumber_methods.$add(top0, t11.get$height(t11)), t8)); } } } return boxes; }, getBoxesForRange$4(start, end, boxHeightStyle, boxWidthStyle) { var $length, boxes, t1, t2, _i, line, t3, t4, _i0, box; if (start >= end || start < 0 || end < 0) return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextBox); $length = this.paragraph.plainText.length; if (start > $length || end > $length) return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextBox); boxes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextBox); for (t1 = this.lines, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { line = t1[_i]; if (start < line.endIndex && line.startIndex < end) for (t3 = line.boxes, t4 = t3.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i0) { box = t3[_i0]; if (box instanceof A.SpanBox && start < box.end.index && box.start.index < end) boxes.push(box.intersect$3(line, start, end)); } } return boxes; }, getPositionForOffset$1(offset) { var dx, _i, box, t3, t4, _s11_ = "startOffset", _s9_ = "lineWidth", line = this._findLineForY$1(offset._dy), t1 = offset._dx, t2 = line.left; if (t1 <= t2) return new A.TextPosition(line.startIndex, B.TextAffinity_1); if (t1 >= t2 + line.widthWithTrailingSpaces) return new A.TextPosition(line.endIndexWithoutNewlines, B.TextAffinity_0); dx = t1 - t2; for (t1 = line.boxes, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { box = t1[_i]; t3 = box.paragraphDirection === B.TextDirection_1; if ((t3 ? A._lateReadCheck(box.__RangeBox_startOffset, _s11_) : A._lateReadCheck(box.__RangeBox_lineWidth, _s9_) - (A._lateReadCheck(box.__RangeBox_startOffset, _s11_) + box.width)) <= dx) { t4 = dx <= (t3 ? A._lateReadCheck(box.__RangeBox_startOffset, _s11_) + box.width : A._lateReadCheck(box.__RangeBox_lineWidth, _s9_) - A._lateReadCheck(box.__RangeBox_startOffset, _s11_)); t3 = t4; } else t3 = false; if (t3) return box.getPositionForX$1(dx); } return new A.TextPosition(line.startIndex, B.TextAffinity_1); }, _findLineForY$1(y) { var t1, t2, _i, line, t3; for (t1 = this.lines, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) { line = t1[_i]; t3 = line.height; if (y <= t3) return line; y -= t3; } return B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1); } }; A.RangeBox.prototype = { get$left(_) { var _this = this, _s11_ = "startOffset"; return _this.paragraphDirection === B.TextDirection_1 ? A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RangeBox_startOffset, _s11_) : A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RangeBox_lineWidth, "lineWidth") - (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RangeBox_startOffset, _s11_) + _this.width); }, get$right(_) { var _this = this, _s11_ = "startOffset"; return _this.paragraphDirection === B.TextDirection_1 ? A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RangeBox_startOffset, _s11_) + _this.width : A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RangeBox_lineWidth, "lineWidth") - A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RangeBox_startOffset, _s11_); } }; A.PlaceholderBox.prototype = {}; A.SpanBox.prototype = { intersect$3(line, start, end) { var before, t2, after, left, right, _this = this, $top = line.baseline - _this.baseline, t1 = _this.start.index; if (start <= t1) before = 0; else { t2 = _this.spanometer; t2.set$currentSpan(_this.span); before = t2._measure$2(t1, start); } t1 = _this.end.indexWithoutTrailingNewlines; if (end >= t1) after = 0; else { t2 = _this.spanometer; t2.set$currentSpan(_this.span); after = t2._measure$2(end, t1); } t1 = _this.contentDirection; if (t1 === B.TextDirection_1) { left = _this.get$left(_this) + before; right = _this.get$right(_this) - after; } else { left = _this.get$left(_this) + after; right = _this.get$right(_this) - before; } t2 = line.left; return new A.TextBox(t2 + left, $top, t2 + right, $top + _this.height, t1); }, getPositionForX$1(x) { var startIndex, endIndex, cutoff, t2, _this = this, t1 = _this.spanometer; t1.set$currentSpan(_this.span); x = _this.contentDirection !== B.TextDirection_1 ? _this.get$right(_this) - x : x - _this.get$left(_this); startIndex = _this.start.index; endIndex = _this.end.indexWithoutTrailingNewlines; cutoff = t1.forceBreak$4$allowEmpty$availableWidth(startIndex, endIndex, true, x); if (cutoff === endIndex) return new A.TextPosition(cutoff, B.TextAffinity_0); t2 = cutoff + 1; if (x - t1._measure$2(startIndex, cutoff) < t1._measure$2(startIndex, t2) - x) return new A.TextPosition(cutoff, B.TextAffinity_1); else return new A.TextPosition(t2, B.TextAffinity_0); } }; A.LineSegment.prototype = {}; A.LineBuilder.prototype = { set$end(_, value) { if (value.type !== B.LineBreakType_1) this.isBreakable = true; this.__engine$_end = value; }, get$alignOffset() { var emptySpace = this.maxWidth - this.width, t1 = this.paragraph.paragraphStyle; switch (t1.textAlign.index) { case 2: return emptySpace / 2; case 1: return emptySpace; case 4: t1 = t1.textDirection; return (t1 == null ? B.TextDirection_1 : t1) === B.TextDirection_0 ? emptySpace : 0; case 5: t1 = t1.textDirection; return (t1 == null ? B.TextDirection_1 : t1) === B.TextDirection_0 ? 0 : emptySpace; default: return 0; } }, getAdditionalWidthTo$1(newEnd) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.__engine$_end.index, t2 = newEnd.indexWithoutTrailingSpaces; if (t1 === t2) return 0; return _this.widthIncludingSpace - _this.width + _this.spanometer._measure$2(t1, t2); }, get$_isLastBoxAPlaceholder() { var t1 = this._boxes; if (t1.length === 0) return false; return B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1) instanceof A.PlaceholderBox; }, get$_currentBoxDirection() { var value = this.__LineBuilder__currentBoxDirection; if (value === $) { value = this.paragraph.paragraphStyle.textDirection; value = this.__LineBuilder__currentBoxDirection = value == null ? B.TextDirection_1 : value; } return value; }, get$_currentContentDirection() { var value = this.__LineBuilder__currentContentDirection; if (value === $) { value = this.paragraph.paragraphStyle.textDirection; value = this.__LineBuilder__currentContentDirection = value == null ? B.TextDirection_1 : value; } return value; }, extendTo$1(newEnd) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.ascent, t2 = _this.spanometer, t3 = t2._currentRuler; _this.ascent = Math.max(t1, t3.get$alphabeticBaseline(t3)); t3 = _this.descent; t1 = t2._currentRuler; t1 = t1.get$height(t1); t2 = t2._currentRuler; _this.descent = Math.max(t3, t1 - t2.get$alphabeticBaseline(t2)); t1 = newEnd.isSpaceOnly; if (!t1) { t2 = newEnd.textDirection; t2 = _this.get$_currentBoxDirection() !== t2 || _this.get$_currentContentDirection() !== t2; } else t2 = true; if (t2) _this.createBox$0(); t2 = newEnd.textDirection; t3 = t2 == null; _this.__LineBuilder__currentBoxDirection = t3 ? _this.get$_currentBoxDirection() : t2; _this.__LineBuilder__currentContentDirection = t3 ? B.TextDirection_1 : t2; _this._addSegment$1(_this._createSegment$1(newEnd.lineBreak)); if (t1) _this.createBox$1$isSpaceOnly(true); }, extendToEndOfText$0() { var t1, endOfText, t2, t3, _this = this; if (_this.__engine$_end.type === B.LineBreakType_3) return; t1 = _this.paragraph.plainText.length; endOfText = new A.LineBreakResult(t1, t1, t1, B.LineBreakType_3); t1 = _this.spanometer; if (t1._currentSpan != null) { t2 = _this.ascent; t3 = t1._currentRuler; _this.ascent = Math.max(t2, t3.get$alphabeticBaseline(t3)); t3 = _this.descent; t2 = t1._currentRuler; t2 = t2.get$height(t2); t1 = t1._currentRuler; _this.descent = Math.max(t3, t2 - t1.get$alphabeticBaseline(t1)); _this._addSegment$1(_this._createSegment$1(endOfText)); } else _this.set$end(0, endOfText); }, _createSegment$1(segmentEnd) { var t3, segmentStart = this.__engine$_end, t1 = this.spanometer, t2 = t1._currentSpan; t2.toString; t3 = segmentStart.index; return new A.LineSegment(t2, segmentStart, segmentEnd, t1._measure$2(t3, segmentEnd.indexWithoutTrailingSpaces), t1._measure$2(t3, segmentEnd.indexWithoutTrailingNewlines)); }, _addSegment$1(segment) { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this._segments.push(segment); t1 = segment.width; if (t1 !== 0) { t2 = _this.width; _this.width = t2 + (_this.widthIncludingSpace - t2 + t1); } _this.widthIncludingSpace = _this.widthIncludingSpace + segment.widthIncludingSpace; _this.set$end(0, segment.end); }, _popSegment$0() { var t2, i, widthOfTrailingSpace, poppedBox, _this = this, t1 = _this._segments, poppedSegment = t1.pop(); if (t1.length === 0) { _this.widthIncludingSpace = _this.width = 0; _this.set$end(0, _this.start); } else { _this.widthIncludingSpace = _this.widthIncludingSpace - poppedSegment.widthIncludingSpace; _this.set$end(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).end); t2 = poppedSegment.width; if (t2 !== 0) { _this.width -= t2; i = t1.length - 1; widthOfTrailingSpace = 0; while (true) { t2 = i >= 0; if (!(t2 && t1[i].width === 0)) break; widthOfTrailingSpace += t1[i].widthIncludingSpace; --i; } if (t2) { t1 = t1[i]; widthOfTrailingSpace += t1.widthIncludingSpace - t1.width; } _this.width -= widthOfTrailingSpace; } } if (_this.get$_currentBoxStart().index > poppedSegment.start.index) { poppedBox = _this._boxes.pop(); _this._currentBoxStartOffset = _this._currentBoxStartOffset - poppedBox.width; if (poppedBox instanceof A.SpanBox && poppedBox.isSpaceOnly) --_this._spaceBoxCount; } return poppedSegment; }, forceBreak$3$allowEmpty$ellipsis(nextBreak, allowEmpty, ellipsis) { var t1, t2, breakingPoint, availableWidth, segmentToBreak, _this = this; if (ellipsis == null) { t1 = _this.widthIncludingSpace; t2 = nextBreak.lineBreak.indexWithoutTrailingSpaces; breakingPoint = _this.spanometer.forceBreak$4$allowEmpty$availableWidth(_this.__engine$_end.index, t2, allowEmpty, _this.maxWidth - t1); if (breakingPoint === t2) _this.extendTo$1(nextBreak); else _this.extendTo$1(new A.DirectionalPosition(new A.LineBreakResult(breakingPoint, breakingPoint, breakingPoint, B.LineBreakType_1), nextBreak.textDirection, nextBreak.isSpaceOnly)); return; } t1 = _this.spanometer; availableWidth = _this.maxWidth - A.measureSubstring(t1.context, ellipsis, 0, ellipsis.length, null); segmentToBreak = _this._createSegment$1(nextBreak.lineBreak); t2 = _this._segments; while (true) { if (!(t2.length !== 0 && _this.widthIncludingSpace > availableWidth)) break; segmentToBreak = _this._popSegment$0(); } t1.set$currentSpan(segmentToBreak.span); breakingPoint = t1.forceBreak$4$allowEmpty$availableWidth(segmentToBreak.start.index, segmentToBreak.end.index, allowEmpty, availableWidth - _this.widthIncludingSpace); t1 = _this._boxes; while (true) { if (!(t1.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).end.index > breakingPoint)) break; t1.pop(); } _this._currentBoxStartOffset = _this.widthIncludingSpace; _this.extendTo$1(new A.DirectionalPosition(new A.LineBreakResult(breakingPoint, breakingPoint, breakingPoint, B.LineBreakType_1), nextBreak.textDirection, nextBreak.isSpaceOnly)); }, forceBreak$2$allowEmpty(nextBreak, allowEmpty) { return this.forceBreak$3$allowEmpty$ellipsis(nextBreak, allowEmpty, null); }, revertToLastBreakOpportunity$0() { for (; this.__engine$_end.type === B.LineBreakType_1;) this._popSegment$0(); }, get$_currentBoxStart() { var t1 = this._boxes; if (t1.length === 0) return this.start; return B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).end; }, createBox$1$isSpaceOnly(isSpaceOnly) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, _this = this, boxStart = _this.get$_currentBoxStart(), boxEnd = _this.__engine$_end; if (boxStart.index === boxEnd.index) return; t1 = _this.spanometer; t2 = _this.widthIncludingSpace; t3 = _this._currentBoxStartOffset; t4 = _this.paragraph.paragraphStyle.textDirection; if (t4 == null) t4 = B.TextDirection_1; t5 = _this.get$_currentBoxDirection(); t6 = _this.get$_currentContentDirection(); t7 = t1._currentSpan; t7.toString; t8 = t1._currentRuler; t8 = t8.get$height(t8); t9 = t1._currentRuler; _this._boxes.push(new A.SpanBox(t1, t7, t6, isSpaceOnly, t8, t9.get$alphabeticBaseline(t9), boxStart, boxEnd, t2 - t3, t4, t5)); if (isSpaceOnly) ++_this._spaceBoxCount; _this._currentBoxStartOffset = _this.widthIncludingSpace; }, createBox$0() { return this.createBox$1$isSpaceOnly(false); }, build$1$ellipsis(_, ellipsis) { var ellipsisWidth, t1, t2, endIndexWithoutNewlines, hardBreak, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _this = this; _this.createBox$0(); _this._positionBoxes$0(); ellipsisWidth = ellipsis == null ? 0 : A.measureSubstring(_this.spanometer.context, ellipsis, 0, ellipsis.length, null); t1 = _this.start.index; t2 = _this.__engine$_end; endIndexWithoutNewlines = Math.max(t1, t2.indexWithoutTrailingNewlines); if (t2.type !== B.LineBreakType_3 && _this.get$_isLastBoxAPlaceholder()) hardBreak = false; else { t2 = _this.__engine$_end.type; hardBreak = t2 === B.LineBreakType_2 || t2 === B.LineBreakType_3; } t2 = _this.__engine$_end; t3 = _this.width; t4 = _this.widthIncludingSpace; t5 = _this.get$alignOffset(); t6 = _this.ascent; t7 = _this.descent; return new A.EngineLineMetrics(ellipsis, t1, t2.index, endIndexWithoutNewlines, _this._boxes, _this._spaceBoxCount, hardBreak, t6, t7, t6 + t7, t3 + ellipsisWidth, t4 + ellipsisWidth, t5, _this.accumulatedHeight + t6, _this.lineNumber); }, build$0($receiver) { return this.build$1$ellipsis($receiver, null); }, _positionBoxes$0() { var t1, i, cumulativeWidth, t2, box, t3, t4, i0, lastNonSpaceBox, t5, _this = this, boxes = _this._boxes; for (t1 = _this.paragraph.paragraphStyle.textDirection, i = 0, cumulativeWidth = 0; t2 = boxes.length, i < t2;) { box = boxes[i]; t3 = t1 == null; t4 = t3 ? B.TextDirection_1 : t1; if (box.boxDirection === t4) { A._lateWriteOnceCheck(box.__RangeBox_startOffset, "startOffset"); box.__RangeBox_startOffset = cumulativeWidth; t2 = _this.width; A._lateWriteOnceCheck(box.__RangeBox_lineWidth, "lineWidth"); box.__RangeBox_lineWidth = t2; cumulativeWidth += box.width; ++i; continue; } i0 = i + 1; lastNonSpaceBox = i; while (true) { if (i0 < t2) { t4 = boxes[i0]; t5 = t3 ? B.TextDirection_1 : t1; t5 = t4.boxDirection !== t5; t4 = t5; } else t4 = false; if (!t4) break; box = boxes[i0]; lastNonSpaceBox = box instanceof A.SpanBox && box.isSpaceOnly ? lastNonSpaceBox : i0; ++i0; } i0 = lastNonSpaceBox + 1; cumulativeWidth += _this._positionBoxesInReverse$4$startOffset(boxes, i, lastNonSpaceBox, cumulativeWidth); i = i0; } }, _positionBoxesInReverse$4$startOffset(boxes, first, last, startOffset) { var i, cumulativeWidth, box, t1; for (i = last, cumulativeWidth = 0; i >= first; --i) { box = boxes[i]; A._lateWriteOnceCheck(box.__RangeBox_startOffset, "startOffset"); box.__RangeBox_startOffset = startOffset + cumulativeWidth; t1 = this.width; A._lateWriteOnceCheck(box.__RangeBox_lineWidth, "lineWidth"); box.__RangeBox_lineWidth = t1; cumulativeWidth += box.width; } return cumulativeWidth; }, findNextBreak$0() { var maxEnd, _this = this, nextBreak = _this._cachedNextBreak, text = _this.paragraph.plainText; if (nextBreak == null || _this.__engine$_end.index >= nextBreak.index) { maxEnd = _this.spanometer._currentSpan.end; nextBreak = _this._cachedNextBreak = A.nextLineBreak(text, _this.__engine$_end.index, maxEnd); } return A.getDirectionalBlockEnd(text, _this.__engine$_end, nextBreak); }, nextLine$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.__engine$_end; return A.LineBuilder$_(_this.paragraph, _this.spanometer, _this.accumulatedHeight + (_this.ascent + _this.descent), _this.lineNumber + 1, _this.maxWidth, t1); } }; A.Spanometer.prototype = { set$currentSpan(span) { var t1, value, t2, t3, ruler, cssFontString, _this = this; if (span === _this._currentSpan) return; _this._currentSpan = span; t1 = span.style; value = t1.__EngineTextStyle_heightStyle; if (value === $) { t2 = t1.get$effectiveFontFamily(); t3 = t1.fontSize; if (t3 == null) t3 = 14; A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(t1.__EngineTextStyle_heightStyle, "heightStyle"); value = t1.__EngineTextStyle_heightStyle = new A.TextHeightStyle(t2, t3, t1.height, null); } ruler = $.Spanometer__rulers.$index(0, value); if (ruler == null) { ruler = new A.TextHeightRuler(value, $.$get$Spanometer__rulerHost(), new A.TextDimensions(document.createElement("p"))); $.Spanometer__rulers.$indexSet(0, value, ruler); } _this._currentRuler = ruler; cssFontString = t1.get$cssFontString(); if (_this._cssFontString !== cssFontString) { _this._cssFontString = cssFontString; _this.context.font = cssFontString; } }, forceBreak$4$allowEmpty$availableWidth(start, end, allowEmpty, availableWidth) { var high, low, mid, width; this._currentSpan.toString; if (availableWidth <= 0) return allowEmpty ? start : start + 1; high = end; low = start; do { mid = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(low + high, 2); width = this._measure$2(start, mid); if (width < availableWidth) low = mid; else { low = width > availableWidth ? low : mid; high = mid; } } while (high - low > 1); return low === start && !allowEmpty ? low + 1 : low; }, _measure$2(start, end) { return A.measureSubstring(this.context, this.paragraph.plainText, start, end, this._currentSpan.style.letterSpacing); } }; A.LineCharProperty.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "LineCharProperty." + this._name; } }; A.LineBreakType.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "LineBreakType." + this._name; } }; A.LineBreakResult.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.index, _this.indexWithoutTrailingNewlines, _this.indexWithoutTrailingSpaces, _this.type, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.LineBreakResult && other.index === _this.index && other.indexWithoutTrailingNewlines === _this.indexWithoutTrailingNewlines && other.indexWithoutTrailingSpaces === _this.indexWithoutTrailingSpaces && other.type === _this.type; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.RulerHost.prototype = { dispose$0(_) { J.remove$0$ax(this._rulerHost); } }; A.TextPaintService.prototype = { paint$2(canvas, offset) { var lastLine, t2, t3, _i, line, t4, lastBox, justifyPerSpaceBox, t5, t6, justifiedOffset, _i0, box, background, t7, rect, t1 = this.paragraph, lines = t1.get$_layoutService().lines; if (lines.length === 0) return; lastLine = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(lines); for (t2 = lines.length, t3 = type$.nullable_SurfacePaint, _i = 0; _i < lines.length; lines.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(lines), ++_i) { line = lines[_i]; t4 = line.boxes; if (t4.length === 0) continue; lastBox = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t4); justifyPerSpaceBox = A._calculateJustifyPerSpaceBox(t1, line, lastLine, lastBox); for (t5 = t4.length, t6 = justifyPerSpaceBox !== 0, justifiedOffset = offset, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t4.length; t4.length === t5 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t4), ++_i0) { box = t4[_i0]; if (!(box === lastBox && box instanceof A.SpanBox && box.isSpaceOnly)) if (box instanceof A.SpanBox) { background = t3._as(box.span.style.background); if (background != null) { t7 = box.intersect$3(line, box.start.index, box.end.index); rect = new A.Rect(t7.left, t7.top, t7.right, t7.bottom).shift$1(justifiedOffset); if (box.isSpaceOnly) rect = A.Rect$fromPoints(new A.Offset(rect.left, rect.top), new A.Offset(rect.right + justifyPerSpaceBox, rect.bottom + 0)); background._frozen = true; canvas.drawRect$2(0, rect, background._paintData); } } this._paintText$4(canvas, justifiedOffset, line, box); if (box instanceof A.SpanBox && box.isSpaceOnly && t6) justifiedOffset = new A.Offset(justifiedOffset._dx + justifyPerSpaceBox, justifiedOffset._dy + 0); } } }, _paintText$4(canvas, offset, line, box) { var t1, foreground, t2, paint, t3, t4, t5, x, y, text, letterSpacing, len, charX, i, char, ctx, ellipsis, _null = null; if (box instanceof A.SpanBox) { t1 = box.span.style; foreground = t1.foreground; t2 = foreground == null; if (!t2) { type$.SurfacePaint._as(foreground); paint = foreground; } else { t3 = A._detectRenderer(); t3 = t3 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); t4 = t1.color; t4.toString; t3.set$color(0, t4); type$.SurfacePaint._as(t3); paint = t3; } t3 = t1.get$cssFontString(); if (t3 !== canvas._cachedLastCssFont) { t4 = canvas._canvasPool; t4.get$context(t4).font = t3; canvas._cachedLastCssFont = t3; } t3 = paint._frozen = true; t4 = paint._paintData; t5 = canvas._canvasPool; t5.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(t4, _null); t4 = offset._dx + line.left; x = t4 + box.get$left(box); y = offset._dy + line.baseline; if (!box.isSpaceOnly) { text = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this.paragraph.plainText, box.start.index, box.end.indexWithoutTrailingNewlines); letterSpacing = t1.letterSpacing; if (letterSpacing != null ? letterSpacing === 0 : t3) { t3 = t2 ? _null : foreground.get$style(foreground); canvas.drawText$5$shadows$style(text, x, y, t1.shadows, t3); } else { len = text.length; for (t1 = t1.shadows, charX = x, i = 0; i < len; ++i) { char = text[i]; t3 = B.JSNumber_methods.roundToDouble$0(charX); canvas.drawText$5$shadows$style(char, t3, y, t1, t2 ? _null : foreground.get$style(foreground)); ctx = t5.__engine$_context; if (ctx == null) { t5._createCanvas$0(); t3 = t5.__engine$_context; t3.toString; ctx = t3; } t3 = ctx.measureText(char).width; t3.toString; charX += letterSpacing + t3; } } } ellipsis = line.ellipsis; if (ellipsis != null && box === B.JSArray_methods.get$last(line.boxes)) { t1 = box.get$right(box); t2 = t2 ? _null : foreground.get$style(foreground); canvas.drawText$4$style(ellipsis, t4 + t1, y, t2); } t5.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0(); } } }; A.EngineLineMetrics.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(null, _this.startIndex, _this.endIndex, _this.hardBreak, _this.ascent, _this.descent, 1 / 0, _this.height, _this.width, _this.left, _this.baseline, _this.lineNumber, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.EngineLineMetrics) if (other.startIndex === _this.startIndex) if (other.endIndex === _this.endIndex) if (other.hardBreak === _this.hardBreak) if (other.ascent === _this.ascent) if (other.descent === _this.descent) t1 = other.height === _this.height && other.width === _this.width && other.left === _this.left && other.baseline === _this.baseline && other.lineNumber === _this.lineNumber; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.EngineParagraphStyle.prototype = { get$lineHeight(_) { var strutStyle = this._strutStyle, t1 = strutStyle == null, strutHeight = t1 ? null : strutStyle.__engine$_height; !t1; return this.height; }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.EngineParagraphStyle) if (other.textAlign === _this.textAlign) if (other.textDirection == _this.textDirection) if (other.fontWeight == _this.fontWeight) t1 = other.maxLines == _this.maxLines && other.fontFamily == _this.fontFamily && other.fontSize == _this.fontSize && other.height == _this.height && J.$eq$(other._textHeightBehavior, _this._textHeightBehavior) && other.ellipsis == _this.ellipsis && J.$eq$(other.locale, _this.locale); else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.textAlign, _this.textDirection, _this.fontWeight, _this.fontStyle, _this.maxLines, _this.fontFamily, _this.fontSize, _this.height, _this._textHeightBehavior, _this.ellipsis, _this.locale, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.EngineTextStyle.prototype = { get$effectiveFontFamily() { var t1 = this.fontFamily; if (t1.length === 0) return "sans-serif"; return t1; }, get$cssFontString() { var t2, t3, t4, _this = this, t1 = _this._cssFontString; if (t1 == null) { t1 = _this.fontWeight; t2 = _this.fontSize; t3 = _this.get$effectiveFontFamily(); "" + "normal"; t4 = "" + "normal "; t1 = (t1 != null ? t4 + A.S(A.fontWeightToCss(t1)) : t4 + "normal") + " "; t1 = (t2 != null ? t1 + B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t2) : t1 + "14") + "px " + A.S(A.canonicalizeFontFamily(t3)); t1 = _this._cssFontString = t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } return t1; }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.EngineTextStyle) if (J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color)) if (J.$eq$(other.decoration, _this.decoration)) if (J.$eq$(other.decorationColor, _this.decorationColor)) if (other.decorationStyle == _this.decorationStyle) if (other.fontWeight == _this.fontWeight) t1 = other.textBaseline == _this.textBaseline && other.fontFamily === _this.fontFamily && other.fontSize == _this.fontSize && other.letterSpacing == _this.letterSpacing && other.wordSpacing == _this.wordSpacing && other.height == _this.height && J.$eq$(other.locale, _this.locale) && other.background == _this.background && other.foreground == _this.foreground && A.listEquals(other.shadows, _this.shadows) && A.listEquals(other.fontFamilyFallback, _this.fontFamilyFallback); else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.color, _this.decoration, _this.decorationColor, _this.decorationStyle, _this.decorationThickness, _this.fontWeight, _this.fontStyle, _this.textBaseline, _this.fontFamily, _this.fontFamilyFallback, _this.fontSize, _this.letterSpacing, _this.wordSpacing, _this.height, _this.locale, _this.background, _this.foreground, _this.shadows, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.TextHeightStyle.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; return other instanceof A.TextHeightStyle && other.get$hashCode(other) === this.get$hashCode(this); }, get$hashCode(_) { var result, _this = this, value = _this.__TextHeightStyle_hashCode; if (value === $) { result = A.hashValues(_this.fontFamily, _this.fontSize, _this.height, A.hashList(_this.fontFeatures), B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__TextHeightStyle_hashCode, "hashCode"); _this.__TextHeightStyle_hashCode = result; value = result; } return value; } }; A.TextDimensions.prototype = {}; A.TextHeightRuler.prototype = { get$alphabeticBaseline(_) { var t1, probe, host, t2, t3, style, t4, height, _this = this, value = _this.__TextHeightRuler_alphabeticBaseline; if (value === $) { value = _this.__TextHeightRuler__probe; if (value === $) { t1 = document; probe = t1.createElement("div"); value = _this.__TextHeightRuler__host; if (value === $) { host = t1.createElement("div"); t1 = host.style; t1.visibility = "hidden"; t1.position = "absolute"; t1.top = "0"; t1.left = "0"; t1.display = "flex"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "flex-direction"), "row", ""); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "align-items"), "baseline", ""); t1.margin = "0"; t1.border = "0"; t1.padding = "0"; t1 = _this._dimensions; t2 = _this.textHeightStyle; t3 = t1.__engine$_element; style = t3.style; t4 = "" + B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t2.fontSize) + "px"; style.fontSize = t4; t4 = A.canonicalizeFontFamily(t2.fontFamily); style.fontFamily = t4 == null ? "" : t4; height = t2.height; if (height != null) { t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.toString$0(height); style.lineHeight = t2; } t1._cachedBoundingClientRect = null; t2 = t3.style; t2.whiteSpace = "pre"; t1._cachedBoundingClientRect = null; t3.textContent = " "; host.appendChild(t3); t1._cachedBoundingClientRect = null; _this.rulerHost._rulerHost.appendChild(host); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__TextHeightRuler__host, "_host"); _this.__TextHeightRuler__host = host; value = host; } value.appendChild(probe); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__TextHeightRuler__probe, "_probe"); _this.__TextHeightRuler__probe = probe; value = probe; } t1 = value.getBoundingClientRect().bottom; t1.toString; A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__TextHeightRuler_alphabeticBaseline, "alphabeticBaseline"); _this.__TextHeightRuler_alphabeticBaseline = t1; value = t1; } return value; }, get$height(_) { var t1, t2, cachedHeight, _this = this, value = _this.__TextHeightRuler_height; if (value === $) { t1 = _this._dimensions; t2 = t1._cachedBoundingClientRect; t1 = (t2 == null ? t1._cachedBoundingClientRect = t1.__engine$_element.getBoundingClientRect() : t2).height; t1.toString; t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t2 === B.BrowserEngine_2 && true) cachedHeight = t1 + 1; else cachedHeight = t1; A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__TextHeightRuler_height, "height"); value = _this.__TextHeightRuler_height = cachedHeight; } return value; } }; A.DirectionalPosition.prototype = {}; A._ComparisonResult.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_ComparisonResult." + this._name; } }; A.UnicodeRange.prototype = { compare$1(value) { if (value < this.start) return B._ComparisonResult_2; if (value > this.end) return B._ComparisonResult_1; return B._ComparisonResult_0; } }; A.UnicodePropertyLookup.prototype = { find$2(_, text, index) { var codePoint = A.getCodePoint(text, index); return codePoint == null ? this.defaultProperty : this.findForChar$1(codePoint); }, findForChar$1(char) { var t1, cacheHit, rangeIndex, result, _this = this; if (char == null) return _this.defaultProperty; t1 = _this.__engine$_cache; cacheHit = t1.$index(0, char); if (cacheHit != null) return cacheHit; rangeIndex = _this._binarySearch$1(char); result = rangeIndex === -1 ? _this.defaultProperty : _this.ranges[rangeIndex].property; t1.$indexSet(0, char, result); return result; }, _binarySearch$1(value) { var min, mid, t1 = this.ranges, max = t1.length; for (min = 0; min < max;) { mid = min + B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(max - min, 1); switch (t1[mid].compare$1(value).index) { case 1: min = mid + 1; break; case 2: max = mid; break; case 0: return mid; } } return -1; } }; A.BrowserAutofillHints.prototype = {}; A.EngineInputType.prototype = { get$submitActionOnEnter() { return true; }, createDomElement$0() { return A.InputElement_InputElement(); }, configureInputMode$1(domElement) { var t1; if (this.get$inputmodeAttribute() == null) return; t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); if (t1 !== B.OperatingSystem_0) t1 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_1 || this.get$inputmodeAttribute() === "none"; else t1 = true; if (t1) { t1 = this.get$inputmodeAttribute(); t1.toString; domElement.setAttribute("inputmode", t1); } } }; A.NoTextInputType.prototype = { get$inputmodeAttribute() { return "none"; } }; A.TextInputType.prototype = { get$inputmodeAttribute() { return "text"; } }; A.NumberInputType.prototype = { get$inputmodeAttribute() { return "numeric"; } }; A.DecimalInputType.prototype = { get$inputmodeAttribute() { return "decimal"; } }; A.PhoneInputType.prototype = { get$inputmodeAttribute() { return "tel"; } }; A.EmailInputType.prototype = { get$inputmodeAttribute() { return "email"; } }; A.UrlInputType.prototype = { get$inputmodeAttribute() { return "url"; } }; A.MultilineInputType.prototype = { get$inputmodeAttribute() { return null; }, get$submitActionOnEnter() { return false; }, createDomElement$0() { return document.createElement("textarea"); } }; A.TextCapitalization.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "TextCapitalization." + this._name; } }; A.TextCapitalizationConfig.prototype = { setAutocapitalizeAttribute$1(domElement) { var t1, autocapitalize, _s9_ = "sentences", _s14_ = "autocapitalize"; switch (this.textCapitalization.index) { case 0: t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); autocapitalize = t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1 ? _s9_ : "words"; break; case 2: autocapitalize = "characters"; break; case 1: autocapitalize = _s9_; break; case 3: default: autocapitalize = "off"; break; } if (type$.InputElement._is(domElement)) domElement.setAttribute(_s14_, autocapitalize); else if (type$.TextAreaElement._is(domElement)) domElement.setAttribute(_s14_, autocapitalize); } }; A.EngineAutofillForm.prototype = { addInputEventListeners$0() { var t1 = this.elements, keys = t1.get$keys(t1), subscriptions = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_StreamSubscription_Event); keys.forEach$1(0, new A.EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey(this, subscriptions)); return subscriptions; } }; A.EngineAutofillForm_fromFrameworkMessage_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { e.preventDefault(); }, $signature: 2 }; A.EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey.prototype = { call$1(key) { var t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1.elements.$index(0, key); t2.toString; this.subscriptions.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "input", new A.EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey_closure(t1, key, t2), false, type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_Event._precomputed1)); }, $signature: 173 }; A.EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { var newEditingState, t1 = this.$this.items, t2 = this.key; if (t1.$index(0, t2) == null) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("AutofillInfo must have a valid uniqueIdentifier.")); else { t1 = t1.$index(0, t2); t1.toString; newEditingState = A.EditingState_EditingState$fromDomElement(this.element); $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/textinput", B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall("TextInputClient.updateEditingStateWithTag", [0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([t1.uniqueIdentifier, newEditingState.toFlutter$0()], type$.nullable_String, type$.dynamic)])), A._engine___emptyCallback$closure()); } }, $signature: 1 }; A.AutofillInfo.prototype = { applyToDomElement$2$focusedElement(domElement, focusedElement) { var t1, _s8_ = "password", autofillHint = this.autofillHint, placeholder = this.placeholder; if (type$.InputElement._is(domElement)) { if (placeholder != null) domElement.placeholder = placeholder; t1 = autofillHint == null; if (!t1) { domElement.name = autofillHint; domElement.id = autofillHint; if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(autofillHint, _s8_)) domElement.type = _s8_; else domElement.type = "text"; } domElement.autocomplete = t1 ? "on" : autofillHint; } else if (type$.TextAreaElement._is(domElement)) { if (placeholder != null) domElement.placeholder = placeholder; t1 = autofillHint == null; if (!t1) { domElement.name = autofillHint; domElement.id = autofillHint; } domElement.setAttribute("autocomplete", t1 ? "on" : autofillHint); } }, applyToDomElement$1(domElement) { return this.applyToDomElement$2$focusedElement(domElement, false); } }; A.EditingState.prototype = { toFlutter$0() { return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["text", this.text, "selectionBase", this.baseOffset, "selectionExtent", this.extentOffset], type$.String, type$.dynamic); }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.text, this.baseOffset, this.extentOffset, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (A.getRuntimeType(_this) !== J.get$runtimeType$(other)) return false; return other instanceof A.EditingState && other.text == _this.text && other.baseOffset === _this.baseOffset && other.extentOffset === _this.extentOffset; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; }, applyToDomElement$1(domElement) { var _this = this; if (type$.InputElement._is(domElement)) { domElement.value = _this.text; domElement.setSelectionRange(_this.baseOffset, _this.extentOffset); } else if (type$.TextAreaElement._is(domElement)) { domElement.value = _this.text; domElement.setSelectionRange(_this.baseOffset, _this.extentOffset); } else throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Unsupported DOM element type: <" + A.S(domElement == null ? null : domElement.tagName) + "> (" + J.get$runtimeType$(domElement).toString$0(0) + ")")); } }; A.InputConfiguration.prototype = {}; A.GloballyPositionedTextEditingStrategy.prototype = { placeElement$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this.geometry; if (t1 != null) { t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2); } if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, "inputConfiguration").autofillGroup != null) { _this.placeForm$0(); t1 = _this.lastEditingState; if (t1 != null) t1.applyToDomElement$1(_this.domElement); _this.get$focusedFormElement().focus(); _this.domElement.focus(); } } }; A.SafariDesktopTextEditingStrategy.prototype = { placeElement$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this.geometry; if (t1 != null) { t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2); } if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, "inputConfiguration").autofillGroup != null) { _this.placeForm$0(); _this.get$focusedFormElement().focus(); _this.domElement.focus(); t1 = _this.lastEditingState; if (t1 != null) { t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2); } } }, initializeElementPlacement$0() { if (this.geometry != null) this.placeElement$0(); this.domElement.focus(); } }; A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy.prototype = { get$focusedFormElement() { var t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, "inputConfiguration").autofillGroup; return t1 == null ? null : t1.formElement; }, initializeTextEditing$3$onAction$onChange(inputConfig, onAction, onChange) { var t1, elementStyle, t2, _this = this, _s11_ = "transparent", _s4_ = "none"; _this.domElement = inputConfig.inputType.createDomElement$0(); _this.applyConfiguration$1(inputConfig); t1 = _this.domElement; t1.classList.add("flt-text-editing"); elementStyle = t1.style; elementStyle.whiteSpace = "pre-wrap"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(elementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(elementStyle, "align-content"), "center", ""); elementStyle.position = "absolute"; elementStyle.top = "0"; elementStyle.left = "0"; elementStyle.padding = "0"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(elementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(elementStyle, "opacity"), "1", ""); elementStyle.color = _s11_; elementStyle.backgroundColor = _s11_; elementStyle.background = _s11_; elementStyle.outline = _s4_; elementStyle.border = _s4_; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(elementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(elementStyle, "resize"), _s4_, ""); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(elementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(elementStyle, "text-shadow"), _s11_, ""); elementStyle.overflow = "hidden"; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(elementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(elementStyle, "transform-origin"), "0 0 0", ""); t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); if (t2 !== B.BrowserEngine_0) if (t2 !== B.BrowserEngine_5) t2 = t2 === B.BrowserEngine_1; else t2 = true; else t2 = true; if (t2) t1.classList.add("transparentTextEditing"); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(elementStyle, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(elementStyle, "caret-color"), _s11_, null); t1 = _this.style; if (t1 != null) { t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2); } if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, "inputConfiguration").autofillGroup == null) { t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder; t1 = (t1 == null ? $._flutterViewEmbedder = A.FlutterViewEmbedder$() : t1)._glassPaneShadow; t1.toString; t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.append$1(0, t2); _this._appendedToForm = false; } _this.initializeElementPlacement$0(); _this.isEnabled = true; _this.onChange = onChange; _this.onAction = onAction; }, applyConfiguration$1(config) { var t1, autofill, autocorrectValue, _this = this, _s8_ = "readonly"; _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration = config; t1 = _this.domElement; if (config.readOnly) t1.setAttribute(_s8_, _s8_); else t1.removeAttribute(_s8_); if (config.obscureText) _this.domElement.setAttribute("type", "password"); if (config.inputType === B.C_NoTextInputType) _this.domElement.setAttribute("inputmode", "none"); autofill = config.autofill; t1 = _this.domElement; if (autofill != null) { t1.toString; autofill.applyToDomElement$2$focusedElement(t1, true); } else t1.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"); autocorrectValue = config.autocorrect ? "on" : "off"; _this.domElement.setAttribute("autocorrect", autocorrectValue); }, initializeElementPlacement$0() { this.placeElement$0(); }, addEventHandlers$0() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this, _s18_ = "inputConfiguration"; if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).autofillGroup != null) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(_this.subscriptions, A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).autofillGroup.addInputEventListeners$0()); t1 = _this.subscriptions; t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t3 = _this.get$handleChange(); t4 = type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_Event._precomputed1; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "input", t3, false, t4)); t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "keydown", _this.get$maybeSendAction(), false, type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_KeyboardEvent._precomputed1)); t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(document, "selectionchange", t3, false, type$.Event)); t3 = _this.domElement; t3.toString; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t3, "blur", new A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(_this), false, t4)); _this.preventDefaultForMouseEvents$0(); }, updateElementPlacement$1(textGeometry) { this.geometry = textGeometry; if (this.isEnabled) this.placeElement$0(); }, updateElementStyle$1(textStyle) { var t1; this.style = textStyle; if (this.isEnabled) { t1 = this.domElement; t1.toString; textStyle.applyToDomElement$1(t1); } }, disable$0(_) { var t2, i, _this = this, _s18_ = "inputConfiguration", t1 = _this.isEnabled = false; _this.geometry = _this.style = _this.lastEditingState = null; for (t2 = _this.subscriptions, i = 0; i < t2.length; ++i) J.cancel$0$z(t2[i]); B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t2, 0); if (_this._appendedToForm) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).autofillGroup; t1 = (t1 == null ? null : t1.formElement) != null; } t2 = _this.domElement; if (t1) { t2.blur(); t1 = _this.domElement; t1.toString; A._hideAutofillElements(t1, true); t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).autofillGroup; if (t1 != null) { t2 = t1.formIdentifier; t1 = t1.formElement; $.formsOnTheDom.$indexSet(0, t2, t1); A._hideAutofillElements(t1, true); } } else { t2.toString; J.remove$0$ax(t2); } _this.domElement = null; }, setEditingState$1(editingState) { var t1; this.lastEditingState = editingState; if (this.isEnabled) t1 = !(editingState.baseOffset >= 0 && editingState.extentOffset >= 0); else t1 = true; if (t1) return; editingState.applyToDomElement$1(this.domElement); }, placeElement$0() { this.domElement.focus(); }, placeForm$0() { var t2, t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, "inputConfiguration").autofillGroup; t1.toString; t2 = this.domElement; t2.toString; t1 = t1.formElement; t1.appendChild(t2); t2 = $._flutterViewEmbedder; (t2 == null ? $._flutterViewEmbedder = A.FlutterViewEmbedder$() : t2)._glassPaneShadow.append$1(0, t1); this._appendedToForm = true; }, handleChange$1($event) { var newEditingState, _this = this, t1 = _this.domElement; t1.toString; newEditingState = A.EditingState_EditingState$fromDomElement(t1); if (!newEditingState.$eq(0, _this.lastEditingState)) { _this.lastEditingState = newEditingState; _this.onChange.call$1(newEditingState); } }, maybeSendAction$1($event) { var t1, _s18_ = "inputConfiguration"; if (type$.KeyboardEvent._is($event)) if (A._lateReadCheck(this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).inputType.get$submitActionOnEnter() && $event.keyCode === 13) { $event.preventDefault(); t1 = this.onAction; t1.toString; t1.call$1(A._lateReadCheck(this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).inputAction); } }, enable$3$onAction$onChange(_, inputConfig, onAction, onChange) { var t1, _this = this; _this.initializeTextEditing$3$onAction$onChange(inputConfig, onAction, onChange); _this.addEventHandlers$0(); t1 = _this.lastEditingState; if (t1 != null) _this.setEditingState$1(t1); _this.domElement.focus(); }, preventDefaultForMouseEvents$0() { var t3, _this = this, t1 = _this.subscriptions, t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t3 = type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_MouseEvent._precomputed1; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "mousedown", new A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure(), false, t3)); t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "mouseup", new A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure0(), false, t3)); t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "mousemove", new A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure1(), false, t3)); } }; A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { this.$this.domElement.focus(); }, $signature: 1 }; A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { _.preventDefault(); }, $signature: 38 }; A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure0.prototype = { call$1(_) { _.preventDefault(); }, $signature: 38 }; A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure1.prototype = { call$1(_) { _.preventDefault(); }, $signature: 38 }; A.IOSTextEditingStrategy.prototype = { initializeTextEditing$3$onAction$onChange(inputConfig, onAction, onChange) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$initializeTextEditing(inputConfig, onAction, onChange); t1 = _this.domElement; t1.toString; inputConfig.inputType.configureInputMode$1(t1); if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, "inputConfiguration").autofillGroup != null) _this.placeForm$0(); t1 = _this.domElement; t1.toString; inputConfig.textCapitalization.setAutocapitalizeAttribute$1(t1); }, initializeElementPlacement$0() { var t1 = this.domElement.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform"), "translate(-9999px, -9999px)", ""); this._canPosition = false; }, addEventHandlers$0() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this, _s18_ = "inputConfiguration"; if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).autofillGroup != null) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(_this.subscriptions, A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).autofillGroup.addInputEventListeners$0()); t1 = _this.subscriptions; t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t3 = _this.get$handleChange(); t4 = type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_Event._precomputed1; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "input", t3, false, t4)); t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "keydown", _this.get$maybeSendAction(), false, type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_KeyboardEvent._precomputed1)); t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(document, "selectionchange", t3, false, type$.Event)); t3 = _this.domElement; t3.toString; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t3, "focus", new A.IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(_this), false, t4)); _this._addTapListener$0(); t3 = _this.domElement; t3.toString; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t3, "blur", new A.IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0(_this), false, t4)); }, updateElementPlacement$1(textGeometry) { var _this = this; _this.geometry = textGeometry; if (_this.isEnabled && _this._canPosition) _this.placeElement$0(); }, disable$0(_) { var t1; this.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$disable(0); t1 = this._positionInputElementTimer; if (t1 != null) t1.cancel$0(0); this._positionInputElementTimer = null; }, _addTapListener$0() { var t1 = this.domElement; t1.toString; this.subscriptions.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t1, "click", new A.IOSTextEditingStrategy__addTapListener_closure(this), false, type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_MouseEvent._precomputed1)); }, _schedulePlacement$0() { var t1 = this._positionInputElementTimer; if (t1 != null) t1.cancel$0(0); this._positionInputElementTimer = A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_100000, new A.IOSTextEditingStrategy__schedulePlacement_closure(this)); }, placeElement$0() { var t1, t2; this.domElement.focus(); t1 = this.geometry; if (t1 != null) { t2 = this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2); } } }; A.IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { this.$this._schedulePlacement$0(); }, $signature: 1 }; A.IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0.prototype = { call$1(_) { var t1 = this.$this; if (document.hasFocus()) t1.domElement.focus(); else t1.owner.sendTextConnectionClosedToFrameworkIfAny$0(); }, $signature: 1 }; A.IOSTextEditingStrategy__addTapListener_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { var t2, t1 = this.$this; if (t1._canPosition) { t2 = t1.domElement.style; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t2, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t2, "transform"), "translate(-9999px, -9999px)", ""); t1._canPosition = false; t1._schedulePlacement$0(); } }, $signature: 38 }; A.IOSTextEditingStrategy__schedulePlacement_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this; t1._canPosition = true; t1.placeElement$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A.AndroidTextEditingStrategy.prototype = { initializeTextEditing$3$onAction$onChange(inputConfig, onAction, onChange) { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$initializeTextEditing(inputConfig, onAction, onChange); t1 = _this.domElement; t1.toString; inputConfig.inputType.configureInputMode$1(t1); if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, "inputConfiguration").autofillGroup != null) _this.placeForm$0(); else { t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder; t1 = (t1 == null ? $._flutterViewEmbedder = A.FlutterViewEmbedder$() : t1)._glassPaneShadow; t1.toString; t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.append$1(0, t2); } t1 = _this.domElement; t1.toString; inputConfig.textCapitalization.setAutocapitalizeAttribute$1(t1); }, addEventHandlers$0() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this, _s18_ = "inputConfiguration"; if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).autofillGroup != null) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(_this.subscriptions, A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).autofillGroup.addInputEventListeners$0()); t1 = _this.subscriptions; t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t3 = _this.get$handleChange(); t4 = type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_Event._precomputed1; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "input", t3, false, t4)); t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "keydown", _this.get$maybeSendAction(), false, type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_KeyboardEvent._precomputed1)); t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(document, "selectionchange", t3, false, type$.Event)); t3 = _this.domElement; t3.toString; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t3, "blur", new A.AndroidTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(_this), false, t4)); }, placeElement$0() { var t1, t2; this.domElement.focus(); t1 = this.geometry; if (t1 != null) { t2 = this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2); } } }; A.AndroidTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { var t1 = this.$this; if (document.hasFocus()) t1.domElement.focus(); else t1.owner.sendTextConnectionClosedToFrameworkIfAny$0(); }, $signature: 1 }; A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy.prototype = { initializeTextEditing$3$onAction$onChange(inputConfig, onAction, onChange) { this.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$initializeTextEditing(inputConfig, onAction, onChange); if (A._lateReadCheck(this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, "inputConfiguration").autofillGroup != null) this.placeForm$0(); }, addEventHandlers$0() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this, _s18_ = "inputConfiguration"; if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).autofillGroup != null) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(_this.subscriptions, A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration, _s18_).autofillGroup.addInputEventListeners$0()); t1 = _this.subscriptions; t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t3 = _this.get$handleChange(); t4 = type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_Event._precomputed1; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "input", t3, false, t4)); t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t5 = type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_KeyboardEvent._precomputed1; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "keydown", _this.get$maybeSendAction(), false, t5)); t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t2, "keyup", new A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(_this), false, t5)); t5 = _this.domElement; t5.toString; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t5, "select", t3, false, t4)); t3 = _this.domElement; t3.toString; t1.push(A._EventStreamSubscription$(t3, "blur", new A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0(_this), false, t4)); _this.preventDefaultForMouseEvents$0(); }, _postponeFocus$0() { A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, new A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy__postponeFocus_closure(this)); }, placeElement$0() { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this.domElement.focus(); t1 = _this.geometry; if (t1 != null) { t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2); } t1 = _this.lastEditingState; if (t1 != null) { t2 = _this.domElement; t2.toString; t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2); } } }; A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { this.$this.handleChange$1($event); }, $signature: 170 }; A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0.prototype = { call$1(_) { this.$this._postponeFocus$0(); }, $signature: 1 }; A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy__postponeFocus_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this.domElement.focus(); }, $signature: 0 }; A.TextInputCommand.prototype = {}; A.TextInputSetClient.prototype = { run$1(textEditing) { var t1 = textEditing._clientId; if (t1 != null && t1 !== this.clientId && textEditing.isEditing) { textEditing.isEditing = false; textEditing.get$strategy().disable$0(0); } textEditing._clientId = this.clientId; textEditing.configuration = this.configuration; } }; A.TextInputUpdateConfig.prototype = { run$1(textEditing) { var t1 = textEditing.get$strategy(), t2 = textEditing.configuration; t2.toString; t1.applyConfiguration$1(t2); } }; A.TextInputSetEditingState.prototype = { run$1(textEditing) { textEditing.get$strategy().setEditingState$1(this.state); } }; A.TextInputShow.prototype = { run$1(textEditing) { if (!textEditing.isEditing) textEditing._startEditing$0(); } }; A.TextInputSetEditableSizeAndTransform.prototype = { run$1(textEditing) { textEditing.get$strategy().updateElementPlacement$1(this.geometry); } }; A.TextInputSetStyle.prototype = { run$1(textEditing) { textEditing.get$strategy().updateElementStyle$1(this.style); } }; A.TextInputClearClient.prototype = { run$1(textEditing) { if (textEditing.isEditing) { textEditing.isEditing = false; textEditing.get$strategy().disable$0(0); } } }; A.TextInputHide.prototype = { run$1(textEditing) { if (textEditing.isEditing) { textEditing.isEditing = false; textEditing.get$strategy().disable$0(0); } } }; A.TextInputSetMarkedTextRect.prototype = { run$1(textEditing) { } }; A.TextInputSetCaretRect.prototype = { run$1(textEditing) { } }; A.TextInputRequestAutofill.prototype = { run$1(textEditing) { } }; A.TextInputFinishAutofillContext.prototype = { run$1(textEditing) { textEditing.sendTextConnectionClosedToFrameworkIfAny$0(); if (this.saveForm) A.saveForms(); A.cleanForms(); } }; A.saveForms_closure.prototype = { call$2(identifier, form) { type$.InputElement._as(J.get$first$ax(form.getElementsByClassName("submitBtn"))).click(); }, $signature: 159 }; A.TextEditingChannel.prototype = { handleTextInput$2(data, callback) { var t1, t2, command, transformList, textAlignIndex, textDirectionIndex, fontWeightIndex, fontWeight, $call = B.C_JSONMethodCodec.decodeMethodCall$1(data); switch ($call.method) { case "TextInput.setClient": t1 = $call.$arguments; t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1); command = new A.TextInputSetClient(A._asInt(t2.$index(t1, 0)), A.InputConfiguration$fromFrameworkMessage(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(t2.$index(t1, 1)))); break; case "TextInput.updateConfig": this.implementation.configuration = A.InputConfiguration$fromFrameworkMessage(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as($call.$arguments)); command = B.C_TextInputUpdateConfig; break; case "TextInput.setEditingState": command = new A.TextInputSetEditingState(A.EditingState_EditingState$fromFrameworkMessage(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as($call.$arguments))); break; case "TextInput.show": command = B.C_TextInputShow; break; case "TextInput.setEditableSizeAndTransform": t1 = type$.Map_String_dynamic._as($call.$arguments); t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1); transformList = A.List_List$from(type$.List_dynamic._as(t2.$index(t1, "transform")), true, type$.double); command = new A.TextInputSetEditableSizeAndTransform(new A.EditableTextGeometry(A._asDouble(t2.$index(t1, "width")), A._asDouble(t2.$index(t1, "height")), new Float32Array(A._ensureNativeList(transformList)))); break; case "TextInput.setStyle": t1 = type$.Map_String_dynamic._as($call.$arguments); t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1); textAlignIndex = A._asInt(t2.$index(t1, "textAlignIndex")); textDirectionIndex = A._asInt(t2.$index(t1, "textDirectionIndex")); fontWeightIndex = A._asIntQ(t2.$index(t1, "fontWeightIndex")); fontWeight = fontWeightIndex != null ? A.fontWeightIndexToCss(fontWeightIndex) : "normal"; command = new A.TextInputSetStyle(new A.EditableTextStyle(A._asDoubleQ(t2.$index(t1, "fontSize")), fontWeight, A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, "fontFamily")), B.List_s2p[textAlignIndex], B.List_TextDirection_0_TextDirection_1[textDirectionIndex])); break; case "TextInput.clearClient": command = B.C_TextInputClearClient; break; case "TextInput.hide": command = B.C_TextInputHide; break; case "TextInput.requestAutofill": command = B.C_TextInputRequestAutofill; break; case "TextInput.finishAutofillContext": command = new A.TextInputFinishAutofillContext(A._asBool($call.$arguments)); break; case "TextInput.setMarkedTextRect": command = B.C_TextInputSetMarkedTextRect; break; case "TextInput.setCaretRect": command = B.C_TextInputSetCaretRect; break; default: $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, null); return; } command.run$1(this.implementation); new A.TextEditingChannel_handleTextInput_closure(callback).call$0(); } }; A.TextEditingChannel_handleTextInput_closure.prototype = { call$0() { $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().replyToPlatformMessage$2(this.callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true])); }, $signature: 0 }; A.HybridTextEditing.prototype = { get$channel(_) { var value = this.__HybridTextEditing_channel; if (value === $) { A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(value, "channel"); value = this.__HybridTextEditing_channel = new A.TextEditingChannel(this); } return value; }, get$strategy() { var t1, result, t2, t3, strategy, _this = this, value = _this.__HybridTextEditing_strategy; if (value === $) { t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance; if ((t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1)._semanticsEnabled) { t1 = A.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy_ensureInitialized(_this); result = t1; } else { t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(); t2 = t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1; if (t2) { t3 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); t3 = t3 === B.OperatingSystem_0; } else t3 = false; if (t3) strategy = new A.IOSTextEditingStrategy(_this, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_StreamSubscription_Event)); else if (t2) strategy = new A.SafariDesktopTextEditingStrategy(_this, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_StreamSubscription_Event)); else { if (t1 === B.BrowserEngine_0) { t2 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); t2 = t2 === B.OperatingSystem_1; } else t2 = false; if (t2) strategy = new A.AndroidTextEditingStrategy(_this, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_StreamSubscription_Event)); else { t2 = type$.JSArray_StreamSubscription_Event; strategy = t1 === B.BrowserEngine_2 ? new A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy(_this, A._setArrayType([], t2)) : new A.GloballyPositionedTextEditingStrategy(_this, A._setArrayType([], t2)); } } result = strategy; } A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__HybridTextEditing_strategy, "strategy"); value = _this.__HybridTextEditing_strategy = result; } return value; }, _startEditing$0() { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this.isEditing = true; t1 = _this.get$strategy(); t2 = _this.configuration; t2.toString; t1.enable$3$onAction$onChange(0, t2, new A.HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure(_this), new A.HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure0(_this)); }, sendTextConnectionClosedToFrameworkIfAny$0() { var t1, _this = this; if (_this.isEditing) { _this.isEditing = false; _this.get$strategy().disable$0(0); _this.get$channel(_this); t1 = _this._clientId; $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/textinput", B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall("TextInputClient.onConnectionClosed", [t1])), A._engine___emptyCallback$closure()); } } }; A.HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure0.prototype = { call$1(editingState) { var t1 = this.$this; t1.get$channel(t1); t1 = t1._clientId; $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/textinput", B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall("TextInputClient.updateEditingState", [t1, editingState.toFlutter$0()])), A._engine___emptyCallback$closure()); }, $signature: 157 }; A.HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure.prototype = { call$1(inputAction) { var t1 = this.$this; t1.get$channel(t1); t1 = t1._clientId; $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/textinput", B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall("TextInputClient.performAction", [t1, inputAction])), A._engine___emptyCallback$closure()); }, $signature: 142 }; A.EditableTextStyle.prototype = { applyToDomElement$1(domElement) { var _this = this, t1 = domElement.style, t2 = A.textAlignToCssValue(_this.textAlign, _this.textDirection); t1.textAlign = t2 == null ? "" : t2; t2 = _this.fontWeight + " " + A.S(_this.fontSize) + "px " + A.S(A.canonicalizeFontFamily(_this.fontFamily)); t1.font = t2; } }; A.EditableTextGeometry.prototype = { applyToDomElement$1(domElement) { var cssTransform = A.float64ListToCssTransform(this.globalTransform), t1 = domElement.style, t2 = A.S(this.width) + "px"; t1.width = t2; t2 = A.S(this.height) + "px"; t1.height = t2; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._setPropertyHelper$3(t1, B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods._browserPropertyName$1(t1, "transform"), cssTransform, ""); } }; A.TransformKind.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "TransformKind." + this._name; } }; A.Matrix40.prototype = { Matrix4$identity$0() { var t1 = this.__engine$_m4storage; t1[15] = 1; t1[0] = 1; t1[5] = 1; t1[10] = 1; }, setFrom$1(arg) { var argStorage = arg.__engine$_m4storage, t1 = this.__engine$_m4storage; t1[15] = argStorage[15]; t1[14] = argStorage[14]; t1[13] = argStorage[13]; t1[12] = argStorage[12]; t1[11] = argStorage[11]; t1[10] = argStorage[10]; t1[9] = argStorage[9]; t1[8] = argStorage[8]; t1[7] = argStorage[7]; t1[6] = argStorage[6]; t1[5] = argStorage[5]; t1[4] = argStorage[4]; t1[3] = argStorage[3]; t1[2] = argStorage[2]; t1[1] = argStorage[1]; t1[0] = argStorage[0]; }, $index(_, i) { return this.__engine$_m4storage[i]; }, translate$3(_, x, y, z) { var t1 = this.__engine$_m4storage, t2 = t1[0], t3 = t1[4], t4 = t1[8], t5 = t1[12], t6 = t1[1], t7 = t1[5], t8 = t1[9], t9 = t1[13], t10 = t1[2], t11 = t1[6], t12 = t1[10], t13 = t1[14], t14 = t1[3], t15 = t1[7], t16 = t1[11], t17 = t1[15]; t1[12] = t2 * x + t3 * y + t4 * z + t5; t1[13] = t6 * x + t7 * y + t8 * z + t9; t1[14] = t10 * x + t11 * y + t12 * z + t13; t1[15] = t14 * x + t15 * y + t16 * z + t17; }, translate$2($receiver, x, y) { return this.translate$3($receiver, x, y, 0); }, scale$2(_, x, y) { var sy = y == null ? x : y, t1 = this.__engine$_m4storage; t1[15] = t1[15]; t1[0] = t1[0] * x; t1[1] = t1[1] * x; t1[2] = t1[2] * x; t1[3] = t1[3] * x; t1[4] = t1[4] * sy; t1[5] = t1[5] * sy; t1[6] = t1[6] * sy; t1[7] = t1[7] * sy; t1[8] = t1[8] * x; t1[9] = t1[9] * x; t1[10] = t1[10] * x; t1[11] = t1[11] * x; t1[12] = t1[12]; t1[13] = t1[13]; t1[14] = t1[14]; }, scale$1($receiver, x) { return this.scale$2($receiver, x, null); }, isIdentity$0(_) { var t1 = this.__engine$_m4storage; return t1[0] === 1 && t1[1] === 0 && t1[2] === 0 && t1[3] === 0 && t1[4] === 0 && t1[5] === 1 && t1[6] === 0 && t1[7] === 0 && t1[8] === 0 && t1[9] === 0 && t1[10] === 1 && t1[11] === 0 && t1[12] === 0 && t1[13] === 0 && t1[14] === 0 && t1[15] === 1; }, isIdentityOrTranslation$0() { var t1 = this.__engine$_m4storage; return t1[15] === 1 && t1[0] === 1 && t1[1] === 0 && t1[2] === 0 && t1[3] === 0 && t1[4] === 0 && t1[5] === 1 && t1[6] === 0 && t1[7] === 0 && t1[8] === 0 && t1[9] === 0 && t1[10] === 1 && t1[11] === 0; }, setTranslationRaw$3(x, y, z) { var t1 = this.__engine$_m4storage; t1[14] = z; t1[13] = y; t1[12] = x; }, copyInverse$1(arg) { var invDet, t1, t2, t3, argStorage = arg.__engine$_m4storage, a00 = argStorage[0], a01 = argStorage[1], a02 = argStorage[2], a03 = argStorage[3], a10 = argStorage[4], a11 = argStorage[5], a12 = argStorage[6], a13 = argStorage[7], a20 = argStorage[8], a21 = argStorage[9], a22 = argStorage[10], a23 = argStorage[11], a30 = argStorage[12], a31 = argStorage[13], a32 = argStorage[14], a33 = argStorage[15], b00 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10, b01 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a10, b02 = a00 * a13 - a03 * a10, b03 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11, b04 = a01 * a13 - a03 * a11, b05 = a02 * a13 - a03 * a12, b06 = a20 * a31 - a21 * a30, b07 = a20 * a32 - a22 * a30, b08 = a20 * a33 - a23 * a30, b09 = a21 * a32 - a22 * a31, b10 = a21 * a33 - a23 * a31, b11 = a22 * a33 - a23 * a32, det = b00 * b11 - b01 * b10 + b02 * b09 + b03 * b08 - b04 * b07 + b05 * b06; if (det === 0) { this.setFrom$1(arg); return 0; } invDet = 1 / det; t1 = this.__engine$_m4storage; t1[0] = (a11 * b11 - a12 * b10 + a13 * b09) * invDet; t1[1] = (-a01 * b11 + a02 * b10 - a03 * b09) * invDet; t1[2] = (a31 * b05 - a32 * b04 + a33 * b03) * invDet; t1[3] = (-a21 * b05 + a22 * b04 - a23 * b03) * invDet; t2 = -a10; t1[4] = (t2 * b11 + a12 * b08 - a13 * b07) * invDet; t1[5] = (a00 * b11 - a02 * b08 + a03 * b07) * invDet; t3 = -a30; t1[6] = (t3 * b05 + a32 * b02 - a33 * b01) * invDet; t1[7] = (a20 * b05 - a22 * b02 + a23 * b01) * invDet; t1[8] = (a10 * b10 - a11 * b08 + a13 * b06) * invDet; t1[9] = (-a00 * b10 + a01 * b08 - a03 * b06) * invDet; t1[10] = (a30 * b04 - a31 * b02 + a33 * b00) * invDet; t1[11] = (-a20 * b04 + a21 * b02 - a23 * b00) * invDet; t1[12] = (t2 * b09 + a11 * b07 - a12 * b06) * invDet; t1[13] = (a00 * b09 - a01 * b07 + a02 * b06) * invDet; t1[14] = (t3 * b03 + a31 * b01 - a32 * b00) * invDet; t1[15] = (a20 * b03 - a21 * b01 + a22 * b00) * invDet; return det; }, multiply$1(_, arg) { var t1 = this.__engine$_m4storage, m33 = t1[15], m00 = t1[0], m01 = t1[4], m02 = t1[8], m03 = t1[12], m10 = t1[1], m11 = t1[5], m12 = t1[9], m13 = t1[13], m20 = t1[2], m21 = t1[6], m22 = t1[10], m23 = t1[14], m30 = t1[3], m31 = t1[7], m32 = t1[11], argStorage = arg.__engine$_m4storage, n33 = argStorage[15], n00 = argStorage[0], n01 = argStorage[4], n02 = argStorage[8], n03 = argStorage[12], n10 = argStorage[1], n11 = argStorage[5], n12 = argStorage[9], n13 = argStorage[13], n20 = argStorage[2], n21 = argStorage[6], n22 = argStorage[10], n23 = argStorage[14], n30 = argStorage[3], n31 = argStorage[7], n32 = argStorage[11]; t1[0] = m00 * n00 + m01 * n10 + m02 * n20 + m03 * n30; t1[4] = m00 * n01 + m01 * n11 + m02 * n21 + m03 * n31; t1[8] = m00 * n02 + m01 * n12 + m02 * n22 + m03 * n32; t1[12] = m00 * n03 + m01 * n13 + m02 * n23 + m03 * n33; t1[1] = m10 * n00 + m11 * n10 + m12 * n20 + m13 * n30; t1[5] = m10 * n01 + m11 * n11 + m12 * n21 + m13 * n31; t1[9] = m10 * n02 + m11 * n12 + m12 * n22 + m13 * n32; t1[13] = m10 * n03 + m11 * n13 + m12 * n23 + m13 * n33; t1[2] = m20 * n00 + m21 * n10 + m22 * n20 + m23 * n30; t1[6] = m20 * n01 + m21 * n11 + m22 * n21 + m23 * n31; t1[10] = m20 * n02 + m21 * n12 + m22 * n22 + m23 * n32; t1[14] = m20 * n03 + m21 * n13 + m22 * n23 + m23 * n33; t1[3] = m30 * n00 + m31 * n10 + m32 * n20 + m33 * n30; t1[7] = m30 * n01 + m31 * n11 + m32 * n21 + m33 * n31; t1[11] = m30 * n02 + m31 * n12 + m32 * n22 + m33 * n32; t1[15] = m30 * n03 + m31 * n13 + m32 * n23 + m33 * n33; }, multiplied$1(arg) { var t1 = new A.Matrix40(new Float32Array(16)); t1.setFrom$1(this); t1.multiply$1(0, arg); return t1; }, transform2$1(vector) { var x = vector[0], y = vector[1], t1 = this.__engine$_m4storage; vector[0] = t1[0] * x + t1[4] * y + t1[12]; vector[1] = t1[1] * x + t1[5] * y + t1[13]; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }; A.EngineFlutterWindow.prototype = { EngineFlutterWindow$2(_windowId, platformDispatcher) { var _this = this, engineDispatcher = _this.platformDispatcher, t1 = _this._windowId; engineDispatcher._windows.$indexSet(0, t1, _this); engineDispatcher._windowConfigurations.$indexSet(0, t1, B.C_ViewConfiguration); if ($._isUrlStrategySet) _this._browserHistory = A.createHistoryForExistingState($._customUrlStrategy); $._hotRestartListeners.push(new A.EngineFlutterWindow_closure(_this)); }, get$browserHistory() { var urlStrategy, t1 = this._browserHistory; if (t1 == null) { if ($._isUrlStrategySet) urlStrategy = $._customUrlStrategy; else urlStrategy = B.C_HashUrlStrategy; $._isUrlStrategySet = true; t1 = this._browserHistory = A.createHistoryForExistingState(urlStrategy); } return t1; }, _useSingleEntryBrowserHistory$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, urlStrategy, strategy, t1; var $async$_useSingleEntryBrowserHistory$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self._browserHistory; if (t1 == null) { if ($._isUrlStrategySet) urlStrategy = $._customUrlStrategy; else urlStrategy = B.C_HashUrlStrategy; $._isUrlStrategySet = true; t1 = $async$self._browserHistory = A.createHistoryForExistingState(urlStrategy); } if (t1 instanceof A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } strategy = t1.get$urlStrategy(); t1 = $async$self._browserHistory; $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(t1 == null ? null : t1.tearDown$0(), $async$_useSingleEntryBrowserHistory$0); case 3: // returning from await. $async$self._browserHistory = A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory$(strategy); case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_useSingleEntryBrowserHistory$0, $async$completer); }, _useMultiEntryBrowserHistory$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, urlStrategy, strategy, t1; var $async$_useMultiEntryBrowserHistory$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self._browserHistory; if (t1 == null) { if ($._isUrlStrategySet) urlStrategy = $._customUrlStrategy; else urlStrategy = B.C_HashUrlStrategy; $._isUrlStrategySet = true; t1 = $async$self._browserHistory = A.createHistoryForExistingState(urlStrategy); } if (t1 instanceof A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } strategy = t1.get$urlStrategy(); t1 = $async$self._browserHistory; $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(t1 == null ? null : t1.tearDown$0(), $async$_useMultiEntryBrowserHistory$0); case 3: // returning from await. $async$self._browserHistory = A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory$(strategy); case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_useMultiEntryBrowserHistory$0, $async$completer); }, _waitInTheLine$1(callback) { return this._waitInTheLine$body$EngineFlutterWindow(callback); }, _waitInTheLine$body$EngineFlutterWindow(callback) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool), $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, result, currentPosition, completer; var $async$_waitInTheLine$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start currentPosition = $async$self._endOfTheLine; completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void); $async$self._endOfTheLine = completer.future; $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(currentPosition, $async$_waitInTheLine$1); case 3: // returning from await. result = false; $async$handler = 4; $async$goto = 7; return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_waitInTheLine$1); case 7: // returning from await. result = $async$result; $async$next.push(6); // goto finally $async$goto = 5; break; case 4: // uncaught $async$next = [2]; case 5: // finally $async$handler = 2; J.complete$0$z(completer); // goto the next finally handler $async$goto = $async$next.pop(); break; case 6: // after finally $async$returnValue = result; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); case 2: // rethrow return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_waitInTheLine$1, $async$completer); }, handleNavigationMessage$1(data) { return this.handleNavigationMessage$body$EngineFlutterWindow(data); }, handleNavigationMessage$body$EngineFlutterWindow(data) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this; var $async$handleNavigationMessage$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$returnValue = $async$self._waitInTheLine$1(new A.EngineFlutterWindow_handleNavigationMessage_closure($async$self, data)); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$handleNavigationMessage$1, $async$completer); }, get$viewConfiguration() { var t1 = this.platformDispatcher._windowConfigurations.$index(0, this._windowId); return t1 == null ? B.C_ViewConfiguration : t1; }, get$physicalSize() { if (this._physicalSize == null) this.computePhysicalSize$0(); var t1 = this._physicalSize; t1.toString; return t1; }, computePhysicalSize$0() { var t1, t2, docWidth, docHeight, windowInnerWidth, windowInnerHeight, _this = this, viewport = window.visualViewport; if (viewport != null) { t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); t2 = _this._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t1 === B.OperatingSystem_0) { t1 = document.documentElement; docWidth = t1.clientWidth; docHeight = t1.clientHeight; windowInnerWidth = docWidth * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2); t1 = _this._debugDevicePixelRatio; windowInnerHeight = docHeight * (t1 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t1); } else { t1 = viewport.width; t1.toString; windowInnerWidth = t1 * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2); t1 = viewport.height; t1.toString; t2 = _this._debugDevicePixelRatio; windowInnerHeight = t1 * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2); } } else { t1 = window.innerWidth; t1.toString; t2 = _this._debugDevicePixelRatio; windowInnerWidth = t1 * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2); t1 = window.innerHeight; t1.toString; t2 = _this._debugDevicePixelRatio; windowInnerHeight = t1 * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2); } _this._physicalSize = new A.Size(windowInnerWidth, windowInnerHeight); }, computeOnScreenKeyboardInsets$1(isEditingOnMobile) { var t1, t2, windowInnerHeight, _this = this, viewport = window.visualViewport; if (viewport != null) { t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem(); t1 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_0 && !isEditingOnMobile; t2 = _this._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t1) { t1 = document.documentElement.clientHeight; windowInnerHeight = t1 * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2); } else { t1 = viewport.height; t1.toString; windowInnerHeight = t1 * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2); } } else { t1 = window.innerHeight; t1.toString; t2 = _this._debugDevicePixelRatio; windowInnerHeight = t1 * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2); } _this._viewInsets = new A.WindowPadding(0, 0, 0, _this._physicalSize._dy - windowInnerHeight); }, isRotation$0() { var height, width, _this = this, t1 = window.visualViewport, t2 = _this._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t1 != null) { t1 = window.visualViewport.height; t1.toString; height = t1 * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2); t1 = window.visualViewport.width; t1.toString; t2 = _this._debugDevicePixelRatio; width = t1 * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2); } else { t1 = window.innerHeight; t1.toString; height = t1 * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2); t1 = window.innerWidth; t1.toString; t2 = _this._debugDevicePixelRatio; width = t1 * (t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2); } t1 = _this._physicalSize; if (t1 != null) { t2 = t1._dy; if (t2 !== height && t1._dx !== width) { t1 = t1._dx; if (!(t2 > t1 && height < width)) t1 = t1 > t2 && width < height; else t1 = true; if (t1) return true; } } return false; } }; A.EngineFlutterWindow_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this._browserHistory; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); }, $signature: 0 }; A.EngineFlutterWindow_handleNavigationMessage_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, t4, decoded, $arguments; var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start decoded = B.C_JSONMethodCodec.decodeMethodCall$1($async$self.data); $arguments = type$.nullable_Map_String_dynamic._as(decoded.$arguments); case 3: // switch switch (decoded.method) { case "selectMultiEntryHistory": // goto case $async$goto = 5; break; case "selectSingleEntryHistory": // goto case $async$goto = 6; break; case "routeUpdated": // goto case $async$goto = 7; break; case "routeInformationUpdated": // goto case $async$goto = 8; break; default: // goto after switch $async$goto = 4; break; } break; case 5: // case $async$goto = 9; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.$this._useMultiEntryBrowserHistory$0(), $async$call$0); case 9: // returning from await. $async$returnValue = true; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 6: // case $async$goto = 10; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.$this._useSingleEntryBrowserHistory$0(), $async$call$0); case 10: // returning from await. $async$returnValue = true; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 7: // case t1 = $async$self.$this; $async$goto = 11; return A._asyncAwait(t1._useSingleEntryBrowserHistory$0(), $async$call$0); case 11: // returning from await. t1 = t1.get$browserHistory(); $arguments.toString; t1.setRouteName$1(A._asStringQ(J.$index$asx($arguments, "routeName"))); $async$returnValue = true; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 8: // case t1 = $async$self.$this.get$browserHistory(); $arguments.toString; t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments); t3 = A._asStringQ(t2.$index($arguments, "location")); t4 = t2.$index($arguments, "state"); t2 = A._asBoolQ(t2.$index($arguments, "replace")); t1.setRouteName$3$replace$state(t3, t2 === true, t4); $async$returnValue = true; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 4: // after switch $async$returnValue = false; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer); }, $signature: 39 }; A.EngineSingletonFlutterWindow.prototype = {}; A.WindowPadding.prototype = {}; A._DomCanvas_EngineCanvas_SaveElementStackTracking.prototype = {}; A._PersistedClipRect_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip.prototype = { adoptElements$1(oldSurface) { this.super$PersistedSurface$adoptElements(oldSurface); this._DomClip__childContainer = oldSurface._DomClip__childContainer; oldSurface._DomClip__childContainer = null; }, discard$0() { this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$discard(); this._DomClip__childContainer = null; } }; A._PersistedPhysicalShape_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip.prototype = { adoptElements$1(oldSurface) { this.super$PersistedSurface$adoptElements(oldSurface); this._DomClip__childContainer = oldSurface._DomClip__childContainer; oldSurface._DomClip__childContainer = null; }, discard$0() { this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$discard(); this._DomClip__childContainer = null; } }; A.__MouseAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin.prototype = {}; A.__PointerAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin.prototype = {}; A.JS_CONST.prototype = {}; J.Interceptor.prototype = { $eq(receiver, other) { return receiver === other; }, get$hashCode(receiver) { return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver); }, toString$0(receiver) { return "Instance of '" + A.Primitives_objectTypeName(receiver) + "'"; }, noSuchMethod$1(receiver, invocation) { throw A.wrapException(A.NoSuchMethodError$(receiver, invocation.get$memberName(), invocation.get$positionalArguments(), invocation.get$namedArguments())); }, get$runtimeType(receiver) { return A.getRuntimeType(receiver); } }; J.JSBool.prototype = { toString$0(receiver) { return String(receiver); }, $or(receiver, other) { return other || receiver; }, $xor(receiver, other) { return receiver; }, get$hashCode(receiver) { return receiver ? 519018 : 218159; }, get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_bool_lhE; }, $isbool: 1 }; J.JSNull.prototype = { $eq(receiver, other) { return null == other; }, toString$0(receiver) { return "null"; }, get$hashCode(receiver) { return 0; }, get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_Null_Yyn; }, $isNull: 1 }; J.JavaScriptObject.prototype = {}; J.LegacyJavaScriptObject.prototype = { get$hashCode(receiver) { return 0; }, get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_JSObject_8k0; }, toString$0(receiver) { return String(receiver); }, $isJSObject: 1, $isCanvasKit: 1, $isSkFontWeight: 1, $isSkTextDirection: 1, $isSkTextAlign: 1, $isSkTextHeightBehavior: 1, $isSkRectHeightStyle: 1, $isSkRectWidthStyle: 1, $isSkClipOp: 1, $isSkFillType: 1, $isSkStrokeCap: 1, $isSkPaintStyle: 1, $isSkBlendMode: 1, $isSkStrokeJoin: 1, $isSkTileMode: 1, $isSkShader: 1, $isSkPaint: 1, $isSkPath: 1, $isSkPicture: 1, $isSkTextStyle: 1, $isSkTextDecorationStyle: 1, $isSkTextBaseline: 1, $isSkTextShadow: 1, $isSkFontFeature: 1, $isSkFont: 1, $isSkParagraph: 1, $isSkDeletable: 1, $isJsUrlStrategy: 1, get$BlendMode(obj) { return obj.BlendMode; }, get$PaintStyle(obj) { return obj.PaintStyle; }, get$StrokeCap(obj) { return obj.StrokeCap; }, get$StrokeJoin(obj) { return obj.StrokeJoin; }, get$TileMode(obj) { return obj.TileMode; }, get$FillType(obj) { return obj.FillType; }, get$ClipOp(obj) { return obj.ClipOp; }, get$RectHeightStyle(obj) { return obj.RectHeightStyle; }, get$RectWidthStyle(obj) { return obj.RectWidthStyle; }, get$TextAlign(obj) { return obj.TextAlign; }, get$TextHeightBehavior(obj) { return obj.TextHeightBehavior; }, get$TextDirection(obj) { return obj.TextDirection; }, get$FontWeight(obj) { return obj.FontWeight; }, get$Shader(obj) { return obj.Shader; }, get$Path(obj) { return obj.Path; }, computeTonalColors$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.computeTonalColors(p0); }, get$ParagraphBuilder(obj) { return obj.ParagraphBuilder; }, ParagraphStyle$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.ParagraphStyle(p0); }, TextStyle$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.TextStyle(p0); }, get$NoDecoration(obj) { return obj.NoDecoration; }, get$UnderlineDecoration(obj) { return obj.UnderlineDecoration; }, get$OverlineDecoration(obj) { return obj.OverlineDecoration; }, get$LineThroughDecoration(obj) { return obj.LineThroughDecoration; }, get$DecorationStyle(obj) { return obj.DecorationStyle; }, get$TextBaseline(obj) { return obj.TextBaseline; }, get$TypefaceFontProvider(obj) { return obj.TypefaceFontProvider; }, get$Typeface(obj) { return obj.Typeface; }, GetWebGLContext$2(receiver, p0, p1) { return receiver.GetWebGLContext(p0, p1); }, MakeGrContext$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.MakeGrContext(p0); }, MakeOnScreenGLSurface$4(receiver, p0, p1, p2, p3) { return receiver.MakeOnScreenGLSurface(p0, p1, p2, p3); }, MakeSWCanvasSurface$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.MakeSWCanvasSurface(p0); }, then$1$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.then(p0); }, then$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.then(p0); }, getCanvas$0(receiver) { return receiver.getCanvas(); }, flush$0(receiver) { return receiver.flush(); }, get$width(obj) { return obj.width; }, get$height(obj) { return obj.height; }, get$dispose(obj) { return obj.dispose; }, dispose$0(receiver) { return receiver.dispose(); }, setResourceCacheLimitBytes$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setResourceCacheLimitBytes(p0); }, releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext$0(receiver) { return receiver.releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext(); }, delete$0(receiver) { return receiver.delete(); }, get$value(obj) { return obj.value; }, get$Thin(obj) { return obj.Thin; }, get$ExtraLight(obj) { return obj.ExtraLight; }, get$Light(obj) { return obj.Light; }, get$Normal(obj) { return obj.Normal; }, get$Medium(obj) { return obj.Medium; }, get$SemiBold(obj) { return obj.SemiBold; }, get$Bold(obj) { return obj.Bold; }, get$ExtraBold(obj) { return obj.ExtraBold; }, get$ExtraBlack(obj) { return obj.ExtraBlack; }, get$RTL(obj) { return obj.RTL; }, get$LTR(obj) { return obj.LTR; }, get$Left(obj) { return obj.Left; }, get$Right(obj) { return obj.Right; }, get$Center(obj) { return obj.Center; }, get$Justify(obj) { return obj.Justify; }, get$Start(obj) { return obj.Start; }, get$End(obj) { return obj.End; }, get$All(obj) { return obj.All; }, get$DisableFirstAscent(obj) { return obj.DisableFirstAscent; }, get$DisableLastDescent(obj) { return obj.DisableLastDescent; }, get$DisableAll(obj) { return obj.DisableAll; }, get$Tight(obj) { return obj.Tight; }, get$Max(obj) { return obj.Max; }, get$IncludeLineSpacingMiddle(obj) { return obj.IncludeLineSpacingMiddle; }, get$IncludeLineSpacingTop(obj) { return obj.IncludeLineSpacingTop; }, get$IncludeLineSpacingBottom(obj) { return obj.IncludeLineSpacingBottom; }, get$Strut(obj) { return obj.Strut; }, get$Difference(obj) { return obj.Difference; }, get$Intersect(obj) { return obj.Intersect; }, get$Winding(obj) { return obj.Winding; }, get$EvenOdd(obj) { return obj.EvenOdd; }, get$Solid(obj) { return obj.Solid; }, get$Butt(obj) { return obj.Butt; }, get$Round(obj) { return obj.Round; }, get$Square(obj) { return obj.Square; }, get$Stroke(obj) { return obj.Stroke; }, get$Fill(obj) { return obj.Fill; }, get$Clear(obj) { return obj.Clear; }, get$Src(obj) { return obj.Src; }, get$Dst(obj) { return obj.Dst; }, get$SrcOver(obj) { return obj.SrcOver; }, get$DstOver(obj) { return obj.DstOver; }, get$SrcIn(obj) { return obj.SrcIn; }, get$DstIn(obj) { return obj.DstIn; }, get$SrcOut(obj) { return obj.SrcOut; }, get$DstOut(obj) { return obj.DstOut; }, get$SrcATop(obj) { return obj.SrcATop; }, get$DstATop(obj) { return obj.DstATop; }, get$Xor(obj) { return obj.Xor; }, get$Plus(obj) { return obj.Plus; }, get$Modulate(obj) { return obj.Modulate; }, get$Screen(obj) { return obj.Screen; }, get$Overlay(obj) { return obj.Overlay; }, get$Darken(obj) { return obj.Darken; }, get$Lighten(obj) { return obj.Lighten; }, get$ColorDodge(obj) { return obj.ColorDodge; }, get$ColorBurn(obj) { return obj.ColorBurn; }, get$HardLight(obj) { return obj.HardLight; }, get$SoftLight(obj) { return obj.SoftLight; }, get$Exclusion(obj) { return obj.Exclusion; }, get$Multiply(obj) { return obj.Multiply; }, get$Hue(obj) { return obj.Hue; }, get$Saturation(obj) { return obj.Saturation; }, get$Color(obj) { return obj.Color; }, get$Luminosity(obj) { return obj.Luminosity; }, get$Miter(obj) { return obj.Miter; }, get$Bevel(obj) { return obj.Bevel; }, get$Clamp(obj) { return obj.Clamp; }, get$Repeat(obj) { return obj.Repeat; }, get$Mirror(obj) { return obj.Mirror; }, get$Decal(obj) { return obj.Decal; }, isDeleted$0(receiver) { return receiver.isDeleted(); }, MakeLinearGradient$6(receiver, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) { return receiver.MakeLinearGradient(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5); }, setBlendMode$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setBlendMode(p0); }, setStyle$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setStyle(p0); }, setStrokeWidth$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setStrokeWidth(p0); }, setStrokeCap$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setStrokeCap(p0); }, setStrokeJoin$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setStrokeJoin(p0); }, setAntiAlias$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setAntiAlias(p0); }, setColorInt$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setColorInt(p0); }, setShader$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setShader(p0); }, setMaskFilter$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setMaskFilter(p0); }, setColorFilter$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setColorFilter(p0); }, setStrokeMiter$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setStrokeMiter(p0); }, setImageFilter$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setImageFilter(p0); }, MakeFromCmds$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.MakeFromCmds(p0); }, toTypedArray$0(receiver) { return receiver.toTypedArray(); }, setFillType$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.setFillType(p0); }, addOval$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) { return receiver.addOval(p0, p1, p2); }, addRRect$2(receiver, p0, p1) { return receiver.addRRect(p0, p1); }, addRect$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.addRect(p0); }, close$0(receiver) { return receiver.close(); }, get$contains(obj) { return obj.contains; }, contains$2(receiver, p0, p1) { return receiver.contains(p0, p1); }, getBounds$0(receiver) { return receiver.getBounds(); }, toSVGString$0(receiver) { return receiver.toSVGString(); }, copy$0(receiver) { return receiver.copy(); }, get$transform(obj) { return obj.transform; }, transform$9(receiver, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8) { return receiver.transform(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8); }, toCmds$0(receiver) { return receiver.toCmds(); }, get$length(obj) { return obj.length; }, beginRecording$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.beginRecording(p0); }, finishRecordingAsPicture$0(receiver) { return receiver.finishRecordingAsPicture(); }, clear$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.clear(p0); }, clipPath$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) { return receiver.clipPath(p0, p1, p2); }, clipRRect$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) { return receiver.clipRRect(p0, p1, p2); }, clipRect$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) { return receiver.clipRect(p0, p1, p2); }, drawCircle$4(receiver, p0, p1, p2, p3) { return receiver.drawCircle(p0, p1, p2, p3); }, drawDRRect$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) { return receiver.drawDRRect(p0, p1, p2); }, drawPaint$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.drawPaint(p0); }, drawPath$2(receiver, p0, p1) { return receiver.drawPath(p0, p1); }, drawRRect$2(receiver, p0, p1) { return receiver.drawRRect(p0, p1); }, drawRect$2(receiver, p0, p1) { return receiver.drawRect(p0, p1); }, drawShadow$7(receiver, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) { return receiver.drawShadow(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6); }, save$0(receiver) { return receiver.save(); }, saveLayer$4(receiver, p0, p1, p2, p3) { return receiver.saveLayer(p0, p1, p2, p3); }, restore$0(receiver) { return receiver.restore(); }, restoreToCount$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.restoreToCount(p0); }, concat$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.concat(p0); }, translate$2(receiver, p0, p1) { return receiver.translate(p0, p1); }, drawPicture$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.drawPicture(p0); }, drawParagraph$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) { return receiver.drawParagraph(p0, p1, p2); }, MakeFromFontProvider$2(receiver, p0, p1) { return receiver.MakeFromFontProvider(p0, p1); }, addText$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.addText(p0); }, pushStyle$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.pushStyle(p0); }, pushPaintStyle$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) { return receiver.pushPaintStyle(p0, p1, p2); }, pop$0(receiver) { return receiver.pop(); }, addPlaceholder$5(receiver, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) { return receiver.addPlaceholder(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4); }, build$0(receiver) { return receiver.build(); }, set$textAlign(obj, v) { return obj.textAlign = v; }, set$textDirection(obj, v) { return obj.textDirection = v; }, set$textHeightBehavior(obj, v) { return obj.textHeightBehavior = v; }, set$maxLines(obj, v) { return obj.maxLines = v; }, set$ellipsis(obj, v) { return obj.ellipsis = v; }, set$strutStyle(obj, v) { return obj.strutStyle = v; }, get$Double(obj) { return obj.Double; }, get$Dotted(obj) { return obj.Dotted; }, get$Dashed(obj) { return obj.Dashed; }, get$Wavy(obj) { return obj.Wavy; }, get$Alphabetic(obj) { return obj.Alphabetic; }, get$Ideographic(obj) { return obj.Ideographic; }, set$color(obj, v) { return obj.color = v; }, set$decoration(obj, v) { return obj.decoration = v; }, set$locale(obj, v) { return obj.locale = v; }, set$offset(obj, v) { return obj.offset = v; }, set$value(obj, v) { return obj.value = v; }, getGlyphIDs$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.getGlyphIDs(p0); }, getGlyphBounds$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) { return receiver.getGlyphBounds(p0, p1, p2); }, registerFont$2(receiver, p0, p1) { return receiver.registerFont(p0, p1); }, getAlphabeticBaseline$0(receiver) { return receiver.getAlphabeticBaseline(); }, get$didExceedMaxLines(obj) { return obj.didExceedMaxLines; }, didExceedMaxLines$0(receiver) { return receiver.didExceedMaxLines(); }, getHeight$0(receiver) { return receiver.getHeight(); }, getIdeographicBaseline$0(receiver) { return receiver.getIdeographicBaseline(); }, getLongestLine$0(receiver) { return receiver.getLongestLine(); }, getMaxIntrinsicWidth$0(receiver) { return receiver.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(); }, getMinIntrinsicWidth$0(receiver) { return receiver.getMinIntrinsicWidth(); }, getMaxWidth$0(receiver) { return receiver.getMaxWidth(); }, getRectsForRange$4(receiver, p0, p1, p2, p3) { return receiver.getRectsForRange(p0, p1, p2, p3); }, getRectsForPlaceholders$0(receiver) { return receiver.getRectsForPlaceholders(); }, getGlyphPositionAtCoordinate$2(receiver, p0, p1) { return receiver.getGlyphPositionAtCoordinate(p0, p1); }, layout$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.layout(p0); }, get$affinity(obj) { return obj.affinity; }, get$pos(obj) { return obj.pos; }, get$ambient(obj) { return obj.ambient; }, get$spot(obj) { return obj.spot; }, Make$0(receiver) { return receiver.Make(); }, MakeFreeTypeFaceFromData$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.MakeFreeTypeFaceFromData(p0); }, constructor$0(receiver) { return receiver.constructor(); }, get$name(obj) { return obj.name; }, register$2(receiver, p0, p1) { return receiver.register(p0, p1); }, get$size(obj) { return obj.size; }, get$canvasKitBaseUrl(obj) { return obj.canvasKitBaseUrl; }, get$canvasKitForceCpuOnly(obj) { return obj.canvasKitForceCpuOnly; }, get$debugShowSemanticsNodes(obj) { return obj.debugShowSemanticsNodes; }, get$canvasKitMaximumSurfaces(obj) { return obj.canvasKitMaximumSurfaces; }, addPopStateListener$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.addPopStateListener(p0); }, getPath$0(receiver) { return receiver.getPath(); }, getState$0(receiver) { return receiver.getState(); }, pushState$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) { return receiver.pushState(p0, p1, p2); }, replaceState$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) { return receiver.replaceState(p0, p1, p2); }, go$1(receiver, p0) { return receiver.go(p0); } }; J.PlainJavaScriptObject.prototype = {}; J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype = {}; J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype = { toString$0(receiver) { var dartClosure = receiver[$.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME()]; if (dartClosure == null) return this.super$LegacyJavaScriptObject$toString(receiver); return "JavaScript function for " + A.S(J.toString$0$(dartClosure)); }, $isFunction: 1 }; J.JSArray.prototype = { cast$1$0(receiver, $R) { return new A.CastList(receiver, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastList<1,2>")); }, add$1(receiver, value) { if (!!receiver.fixed$length) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("add")); receiver.push(value); }, removeAt$1(receiver, index) { if (!!receiver.fixed$length) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeAt")); if (index < 0 || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$value(index, null)); return receiver.splice(index, 1)[0]; }, insert$2(receiver, index, value) { if (!!receiver.fixed$length) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("insert")); if (index < 0 || index > receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$value(index, null)); receiver.splice(index, 0, value); }, insertAll$2(receiver, index, iterable) { var insertionLength, end; if (!!receiver.fixed$length) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("insertAll")); A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(index, 0, receiver.length, "index"); if (!type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable)) iterable = J.toList$0$ax(iterable); insertionLength = J.get$length$asx(iterable); receiver.length = receiver.length + insertionLength; end = index + insertionLength; this.setRange$4(receiver, end, receiver.length, receiver, index); this.setRange$3(receiver, index, end, iterable); }, removeLast$0(receiver) { if (!!receiver.fixed$length) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeLast")); if (receiver.length === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, -1)); return receiver.pop(); }, remove$1(receiver, element) { var i; if (!!receiver.fixed$length) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("remove")); for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i) if (J.$eq$(receiver[i], element)) { receiver.splice(i, 1); return true; } return false; }, _removeWhere$2(receiver, test, removeMatching) { var i, element, t1, retained = [], end = receiver.length; for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) { element = receiver[i]; if (!test.call$1(element)) retained.push(element); if (receiver.length !== end) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver)); } t1 = retained.length; if (t1 === end) return; this.set$length(receiver, t1); for (i = 0; i < retained.length; ++i) receiver[i] = retained[i]; }, addAll$1(receiver, collection) { var t1; if (!!receiver.fixed$length) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("addAll")); if (Array.isArray(collection)) { this._addAllFromArray$1(receiver, collection); return; } for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(collection); t1.moveNext$0();) receiver.push(t1.get$current(t1)); }, _addAllFromArray$1(receiver, array) { var i, len = array.length; if (len === 0) return; if (receiver === array) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver)); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) receiver.push(array[i]); }, forEach$1(receiver, f) { var i, end = receiver.length; for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) { f.call$1(receiver[i]); if (receiver.length !== end) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver)); } }, map$1$1(receiver, f, $T) { return new A.MappedListIterable(receiver, f, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>")); }, join$1(receiver, separator) { var i, list = A.List_List$filled(receiver.length, "", false, type$.String); for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i) list[i] = A.S(receiver[i]); return list.join(separator); }, join$0($receiver) { return this.join$1($receiver, ""); }, take$1(receiver, n) { return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, 0, A.checkNotNullable(n, "count", type$.int), A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1); }, skip$1(receiver, n) { return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, n, null, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1); }, fold$1$2(receiver, initialValue, combine) { var value, i, $length = receiver.length; for (value = initialValue, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { value = combine.call$2(value, receiver[i]); if (receiver.length !== $length) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver)); } return value; }, fold$2($receiver, initialValue, combine) { return this.fold$1$2($receiver, initialValue, combine, type$.dynamic); }, firstWhere$2$orElse(receiver, test, orElse) { var i, element, end = receiver.length; for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) { element = receiver[i]; if (test.call$1(element)) return element; if (receiver.length !== end) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver)); } throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); }, firstWhere$1($receiver, test) { return this.firstWhere$2$orElse($receiver, test, null); }, lastWhere$2$orElse(receiver, test, orElse) { var i, element, $length = receiver.length; for (i = $length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { element = receiver[i]; if (test.call$1(element)) return element; if ($length !== receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver)); } if (orElse != null) return orElse.call$0(); throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); }, lastWhere$1($receiver, test) { return this.lastWhere$2$orElse($receiver, test, null); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, sublist$2(receiver, start, end) { if (start < 0 || start > receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, receiver.length, "start", null)); if (end == null) end = receiver.length; else if (end < start || end > receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, receiver.length, "end", null)); if (start === end) return A._setArrayType([], A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)); return A._setArrayType(receiver.slice(start, end), A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)); }, sublist$1($receiver, start) { return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null); }, getRange$2(receiver, start, end) { A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length); return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, start, end, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); }, get$last(receiver) { var t1 = receiver.length; if (t1 > 0) return receiver[t1 - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); }, get$single(receiver) { var t1 = receiver.length; if (t1 === 1) return receiver[0]; if (t1 === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooMany()); }, setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) { var $length, otherList, otherStart, t1, i; if (!!receiver.immutable$list) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("setRange")); A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length); $length = end - start; if ($length === 0) return; A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(skipCount, "skipCount"); if (type$.List_dynamic._is(iterable)) { otherList = iterable; otherStart = skipCount; } else { otherList = J.skip$1$ax(iterable, skipCount).toList$1$growable(0, false); otherStart = 0; } t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(otherList); if (otherStart + $length > t1.get$length(otherList)) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooFew()); if (otherStart < start) for (i = $length - 1; i >= 0; --i) receiver[start + i] = t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i); else for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) receiver[start + i] = t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i); }, setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) { return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0); }, any$1(receiver, test) { var i, end = receiver.length; for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) { if (test.call$1(receiver[i])) return true; if (receiver.length !== end) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver)); } return false; }, every$1(receiver, test) { var i, end = receiver.length; for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) { if (!test.call$1(receiver[i])) return false; if (receiver.length !== end) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver)); } return true; }, sort$1(receiver, compare) { if (!!receiver.immutable$list) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("sort")); A.Sort_sort(receiver, compare == null ? J._interceptors_JSArray__compareAny$closure() : compare); }, sort$0($receiver) { return this.sort$1($receiver, null); }, indexOf$1(receiver, element) { var i, $length = receiver.length; if (0 >= $length) return -1; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) if (J.$eq$(receiver[i], element)) return i; return -1; }, lastIndexOf$1(receiver, element) { var i, start = receiver.length - 1; if (start < 0) return -1; for (i = start; i >= 0; --i) if (J.$eq$(receiver[i], element)) return i; return -1; }, contains$1(receiver, other) { var i; for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i) if (J.$eq$(receiver[i], other)) return true; return false; }, get$isEmpty(receiver) { return receiver.length === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(receiver) { return receiver.length !== 0; }, toString$0(receiver) { return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(receiver, "[", "]"); }, toList$1$growable(receiver, growable) { var t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(receiver); return growable ? A._setArrayType(receiver.slice(0), t1) : J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(receiver.slice(0), t1._precomputed1); }, toList$0($receiver) { return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true); }, toSet$0(receiver) { return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(receiver, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1); }, get$iterator(receiver) { return new J.ArrayIterator(receiver, receiver.length); }, get$hashCode(receiver) { return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver); }, get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, set$length(receiver, newLength) { if (!!receiver.fixed$length) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("set length")); if (newLength < 0) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(newLength, 0, null, "newLength", null)); if (newLength > receiver.length) A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1._as(null); receiver.length = newLength; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length)) throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { if (!!receiver.immutable$list) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("indexed set")); if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length)) throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index)); receiver[index] = value; }, $add(receiver, other) { var t1 = A.List_List$of(receiver, true, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1); this.addAll$1(t1, other); return t1; }, set$last(receiver, element) { var t1 = receiver.length; if (t1 === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); this.$indexSet(receiver, t1 - 1, element); }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; J.JSUnmodifiableArray.prototype = {}; J.ArrayIterator.prototype = { get$current(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this.__interceptors$_current); }, moveNext$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this.__interceptors$_iterable, $length = t1.length; if (_this.__interceptors$_length !== $length) throw A.wrapException(A.throwConcurrentModificationError(t1)); t2 = _this.__interceptors$_index; if (t2 >= $length) { _this.__interceptors$_current = null; return false; } _this.__interceptors$_current = t1[t2]; _this.__interceptors$_index = t2 + 1; return true; } }; J.JSNumber.prototype = { compareTo$1(receiver, b) { var bIsNegative; if (receiver < b) return -1; else if (receiver > b) return 1; else if (receiver === b) { if (receiver === 0) { bIsNegative = this.get$isNegative(b); if (this.get$isNegative(receiver) === bIsNegative) return 0; if (this.get$isNegative(receiver)) return -1; return 1; } return 0; } else if (isNaN(receiver)) { if (isNaN(b)) return 0; return 1; } else return -1; }, get$isNegative(receiver) { return receiver === 0 ? 1 / receiver < 0 : receiver < 0; }, get$sign(receiver) { var t1; if (receiver > 0) t1 = 1; else t1 = receiver < 0 ? -1 : receiver; return t1; }, toInt$0(receiver) { var t1; if (receiver >= -2147483648 && receiver <= 2147483647) return receiver | 0; if (isFinite(receiver)) { t1 = receiver < 0 ? Math.ceil(receiver) : Math.floor(receiver); return t1 + 0; } throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".toInt()")); }, ceil$0(receiver) { var truncated, d; if (receiver >= 0) { if (receiver <= 2147483647) { truncated = receiver | 0; return receiver === truncated ? truncated : truncated + 1; } } else if (receiver >= -2147483648) return receiver | 0; d = Math.ceil(receiver); if (isFinite(d)) return d; throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".ceil()")); }, floor$0(receiver) { var truncated, d; if (receiver >= 0) { if (receiver <= 2147483647) return receiver | 0; } else if (receiver >= -2147483648) { truncated = receiver | 0; return receiver === truncated ? truncated : truncated - 1; } d = Math.floor(receiver); if (isFinite(d)) return d; throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".floor()")); }, round$0(receiver) { if (receiver > 0) { if (receiver !== 1 / 0) return Math.round(receiver); } else if (receiver > -1 / 0) return 0 - Math.round(0 - receiver); throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".round()")); }, roundToDouble$0(receiver) { if (receiver < 0) return -Math.round(-receiver); else return Math.round(receiver); }, clamp$2(receiver, lowerLimit, upperLimit) { if (this.compareTo$1(lowerLimit, upperLimit) > 0) throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(lowerLimit)); if (this.compareTo$1(receiver, lowerLimit) < 0) return lowerLimit; if (this.compareTo$1(receiver, upperLimit) > 0) return upperLimit; return receiver; }, toStringAsFixed$1(receiver, fractionDigits) { var result; if (fractionDigits > 20) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(fractionDigits, 0, 20, "fractionDigits", null)); result = receiver.toFixed(fractionDigits); if (receiver === 0 && this.get$isNegative(receiver)) return "-" + result; return result; }, toRadixString$1(receiver, radix) { var result, match, exponent, t1; if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(radix, 2, 36, "radix", null)); result = receiver.toString(radix); if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(result, result.length - 1) !== 41) return result; match = /^([\da-z]+)(?:\.([\da-z]+))?\(e\+(\d+)\)$/.exec(result); if (match == null) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("Unexpected toString result: " + result)); result = match[1]; exponent = +match[3]; t1 = match[2]; if (t1 != null) { result += t1; exponent -= t1.length; } return result + B.JSString_methods.$mul("0", exponent); }, toString$0(receiver) { if (receiver === 0 && 1 / receiver < 0) return "-0.0"; else return "" + receiver; }, get$hashCode(receiver) { var absolute, floorLog2, factor, scaled, intValue = receiver | 0; if (receiver === intValue) return intValue & 536870911; absolute = Math.abs(receiver); floorLog2 = Math.log(absolute) / 0.6931471805599453 | 0; factor = Math.pow(2, floorLog2); scaled = absolute < 1 ? absolute / factor : factor / absolute; return ((scaled * 9007199254740992 | 0) + (scaled * 3542243181176521 | 0)) * 599197 + floorLog2 * 1259 & 536870911; }, $add(receiver, other) { return receiver + other; }, $sub(receiver, other) { return receiver - other; }, $mul(receiver, other) { return receiver * other; }, $mod(receiver, other) { var result = receiver % other; if (result === 0) return 0; if (result > 0) return result; if (other < 0) return result - other; else return result + other; }, $tdiv(receiver, other) { if ((receiver | 0) === receiver) if (other >= 1 || other < -1) return receiver / other | 0; return this._tdivSlow$1(receiver, other); }, _tdivFast$1(receiver, other) { return (receiver | 0) === receiver ? receiver / other | 0 : this._tdivSlow$1(receiver, other); }, _tdivSlow$1(receiver, other) { var quotient = receiver / other; if (quotient >= -2147483648 && quotient <= 2147483647) return quotient | 0; if (quotient > 0) { if (quotient !== 1 / 0) return Math.floor(quotient); } else if (quotient > -1 / 0) return Math.ceil(quotient); throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Result of truncating division is " + A.S(quotient) + ": " + A.S(receiver) + " ~/ " + A.S(other))); }, $shl(receiver, other) { if (other < 0) throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(other)); return other > 31 ? 0 : receiver << other >>> 0; }, _shlPositive$1(receiver, other) { return other > 31 ? 0 : receiver << other >>> 0; }, _shrOtherPositive$1(receiver, other) { var t1; if (receiver > 0) t1 = this._shrBothPositive$1(receiver, other); else { t1 = other > 31 ? 31 : other; t1 = receiver >> t1 >>> 0; } return t1; }, _shrReceiverPositive$1(receiver, other) { if (0 > other) throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(other)); return this._shrBothPositive$1(receiver, other); }, _shrBothPositive$1(receiver, other) { return other > 31 ? 0 : receiver >>> other; }, get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_num_cv7; }, $isdouble: 1, $isnum: 1 }; J.JSInt.prototype = { get$sign(receiver) { var t1; if (receiver > 0) t1 = 1; else t1 = receiver < 0 ? -1 : receiver; return t1; }, get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_int_tHn; }, $isint: 1 }; J.JSNumNotInt.prototype = { get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_double_K1J; } }; J.JSString.prototype = { codeUnitAt$1(receiver, index) { if (index < 0) throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index)); if (index >= receiver.length) A.throwExpression(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index)); return receiver.charCodeAt(index); }, _codeUnitAt$1(receiver, index) { if (index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index)); return receiver.charCodeAt(index); }, allMatches$2(receiver, string, start) { var t1 = string.length; if (start > t1) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, t1, null, null)); return new A._StringAllMatchesIterable(string, receiver, start); }, allMatches$1($receiver, string) { return this.allMatches$2($receiver, string, 0); }, $add(receiver, other) { return receiver + other; }, endsWith$1(receiver, other) { var otherLength = other.length, t1 = receiver.length; if (otherLength > t1) return false; return other === this.substring$1(receiver, t1 - otherLength); }, replaceFirst$2(receiver, from, to) { A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(0, 0, receiver.length, "startIndex"); return A.stringReplaceFirstUnchecked(receiver, from, to, 0); }, split$1(receiver, pattern) { var t1 = A._setArrayType(receiver.split(pattern), type$.JSArray_String); return t1; }, replaceRange$3(receiver, start, end, replacement) { var e = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length); return A.stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, start, e, replacement); }, startsWith$2(receiver, pattern, index) { var endIndex; if (index < 0 || index > receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(index, 0, receiver.length, null, null)); endIndex = index + pattern.length; if (endIndex > receiver.length) return false; return pattern === receiver.substring(index, endIndex); }, startsWith$1($receiver, pattern) { return this.startsWith$2($receiver, pattern, 0); }, substring$2(receiver, start, end) { return receiver.substring(start, A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)); }, substring$1($receiver, start) { return this.substring$2($receiver, start, null); }, toLowerCase$0(receiver) { return receiver.toLowerCase(); }, trim$0(receiver) { var startIndex, t1, endIndex0, result = receiver.trim(), endIndex = result.length; if (endIndex === 0) return result; if (this._codeUnitAt$1(result, 0) === 133) { startIndex = J.JSString__skipLeadingWhitespace(result, 1); if (startIndex === endIndex) return ""; } else startIndex = 0; t1 = endIndex - 1; endIndex0 = this.codeUnitAt$1(result, t1) === 133 ? J.JSString__skipTrailingWhitespace(result, t1) : endIndex; if (startIndex === 0 && endIndex0 === endIndex) return result; return result.substring(startIndex, endIndex0); }, trimLeft$0(receiver) { var result, startIndex; if (typeof receiver.trimLeft != "undefined") { result = receiver.trimLeft(); if (result.length === 0) return result; startIndex = this._codeUnitAt$1(result, 0) === 133 ? J.JSString__skipLeadingWhitespace(result, 1) : 0; } else { startIndex = J.JSString__skipLeadingWhitespace(receiver, 0); result = receiver; } if (startIndex === 0) return result; if (startIndex === result.length) return ""; return result.substring(startIndex); }, trimRight$0(receiver) { var result, endIndex, t1; if (typeof receiver.trimRight != "undefined") { result = receiver.trimRight(); endIndex = result.length; if (endIndex === 0) return result; t1 = endIndex - 1; if (this.codeUnitAt$1(result, t1) === 133) endIndex = J.JSString__skipTrailingWhitespace(result, t1); } else { endIndex = J.JSString__skipTrailingWhitespace(receiver, receiver.length); result = receiver; } if (endIndex === result.length) return result; if (endIndex === 0) return ""; return result.substring(0, endIndex); }, $mul(receiver, times) { var s, result; if (0 >= times) return ""; if (times === 1 || receiver.length === 0) return receiver; if (times !== times >>> 0) throw A.wrapException(B.C_OutOfMemoryError); for (s = receiver, result = ""; true;) { if ((times & 1) === 1) result = s + result; times = times >>> 1; if (times === 0) break; s += s; } return result; }, padLeft$2(receiver, width, padding) { var delta = width - receiver.length; if (delta <= 0) return receiver; return this.$mul(padding, delta) + receiver; }, indexOf$2(receiver, pattern, start) { var t1; if (start < 0 || start > receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, receiver.length, null, null)); t1 = receiver.indexOf(pattern, start); return t1; }, indexOf$1($receiver, pattern) { return this.indexOf$2($receiver, pattern, 0); }, lastIndexOf$2(receiver, pattern, start) { var t1, t2; if (start == null) start = receiver.length; else if (start < 0 || start > receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, receiver.length, null, null)); t1 = pattern.length; t2 = receiver.length; if (start + t1 > t2) start = t2 - t1; return receiver.lastIndexOf(pattern, start); }, lastIndexOf$1($receiver, pattern) { return this.lastIndexOf$2($receiver, pattern, null); }, contains$2(receiver, other, startIndex) { var t1 = receiver.length; if (startIndex > t1) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(startIndex, 0, t1, null, null)); return A.stringContainsUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex); }, contains$1($receiver, other) { return this.contains$2($receiver, other, 0); }, compareTo$1(receiver, other) { var t1; if (receiver === other) t1 = 0; else t1 = receiver < other ? -1 : 1; return t1; }, toString$0(receiver) { return receiver; }, get$hashCode(receiver) { var t1, hash, i; for (t1 = receiver.length, hash = 0, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) { hash = hash + receiver.charCodeAt(i) & 536870911; hash = hash + ((hash & 524287) << 10) & 536870911; hash ^= hash >> 6; } hash = hash + ((hash & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911; hash ^= hash >> 11; return hash + ((hash & 16383) << 15) & 536870911; }, get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_String_k8F; }, get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length)) throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index)); return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isString: 1 }; A._CastIterableBase.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { var t1 = A._instanceType(this); return new A.CastIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$_source()), t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("CastIterator<1,2>")); }, get$length(_) { return J.get$length$asx(this.get$_source()); }, get$isEmpty(_) { return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.get$_source()); }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this.get$_source()); }, skip$1(_, count) { var t1 = A._instanceType(this); return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.skip$1$ax(this.get$_source(), count), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]); }, take$1(_, count) { var t1 = A._instanceType(this); return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.take$1$ax(this.get$_source(), count), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]); }, elementAt$1(_, index) { return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(J.elementAt$1$ax(this.get$_source(), index)); }, get$first(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(J.get$first$ax(this.get$_source())); }, get$last(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(J.get$last$ax(this.get$_source())); }, contains$1(_, other) { return J.contains$1$asx(this.get$_source(), other); }, toString$0(_) { return J.toString$0$(this.get$_source()); } }; A.CastIterator.prototype = { moveNext$0() { return this._source.moveNext$0(); }, get$current(_) { var t1 = this._source; return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t1.get$current(t1)); } }; A.CastIterable.prototype = { get$_source() { return this._source; } }; A._EfficientLengthCastIterable.prototype = {$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1}; A._CastListBase.prototype = { $index(_, index) { return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(J.$index$asx(this._source, index)); }, $indexSet(_, index, value) { J.$indexSet$ax(this._source, index, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(value)); }, set$length(_, $length) { J.set$length$asx(this._source, $length); }, add$1(_, value) { J.add$1$ax(this._source, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(value)); }, remove$1(_, value) { return J.remove$1$ax(this._source, value); }, removeLast$0(_) { return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(J.removeLast$0$ax(this._source)); }, getRange$2(_, start, end) { var t1 = this.$ti; return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.getRange$2$ax(this._source, start, end), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]); }, setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) { var t1 = this.$ti; J.setRange$4$ax(this._source, start, end, A.CastIterable_CastIterable(iterable, t1._rest[1], t1._precomputed1), skipCount); }, setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) { return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0); }, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.CastList.prototype = { cast$1$0(_, $R) { return new A.CastList(this._source, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastList<1,2>")); }, get$_source() { return this._source; } }; A.CastMap.prototype = { cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) { var t1 = this.$ti; return new A.CastMap(this._source, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._bind$1(RK)._bind$1(RV)._eval$1("CastMap<1,2,3,4>")); }, containsKey$1(_, key) { return J.containsKey$1$x(this._source, key); }, $index(_, key) { return this.$ti._eval$1("4?")._as(J.$index$asx(this._source, key)); }, $indexSet(_, key, value) { var t1 = this.$ti; J.$indexSet$ax(this._source, t1._precomputed1._as(key), t1._rest[1]._as(value)); }, putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) { var t1 = this.$ti; return t1._rest[3]._as(J.putIfAbsent$2$x(this._source, t1._precomputed1._as(key), new A.CastMap_putIfAbsent_closure(this, ifAbsent))); }, remove$1(_, key) { return this.$ti._eval$1("4?")._as(J.remove$1$ax(this._source, key)); }, forEach$1(_, f) { J.forEach$1$ax(this._source, new A.CastMap_forEach_closure(this, f)); }, get$keys(_) { var t1 = this.$ti; return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.get$keys$x(this._source), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[2]); }, get$values(_) { var t1 = this.$ti; return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.get$values$x(this._source), t1._rest[1], t1._rest[3]); }, get$length(_) { return J.get$length$asx(this._source); }, get$isEmpty(_) { return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this._source); }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this._source); }, get$entries(_) { return J.get$entries$x(this._source).map$1$1(0, new A.CastMap_entries_closure(this), this.$ti._eval$1("MapEntry<3,4>")); } }; A.CastMap_putIfAbsent_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return this.$this.$ti._rest[1]._as(this.ifAbsent.call$0()); }, $signature() { return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("2()"); } }; A.CastMap_forEach_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { var t1 = this.$this.$ti; this.f.call$2(t1._rest[2]._as(key), t1._rest[3]._as(value)); }, $signature() { return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("~(1,2)"); } }; A.CastMap_entries_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { var t1 = this.$this.$ti, t2 = t1._rest[3]; return new A.MapEntry(t1._rest[2]._as(e.key), t2._as(e.value), t1._eval$1("@<3>")._bind$1(t2)._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>")); }, $signature() { return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("MapEntry<3,4>(MapEntry<1,2>)"); } }; A.LateError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1 = "LateInitializationError: " + this._message; return t1; } }; A.CodeUnits.prototype = { get$length(_) { return this._string.length; }, $index(_, i) { return B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(this._string, i); } }; A.nullFuture_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.Null); }, $signature: 139 }; A.SentinelValue.prototype = {}; A.EfficientLengthIterable.prototype = {}; A.ListIterable.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { return new A.ListIterator(this, this.get$length(this)); }, forEach$1(_, action) { var i, _this = this, $length = _this.get$length(_this); for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { action.call$1(_this.elementAt$1(0, i)); if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this)) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); } }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this.get$length(this) === 0; }, get$first(_) { if (this.get$length(this) === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); return this.elementAt$1(0, 0); }, get$last(_) { var _this = this; if (_this.get$length(_this) === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); return _this.elementAt$1(0, _this.get$length(_this) - 1); }, contains$1(_, element) { var i, _this = this, $length = _this.get$length(_this); for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { if (J.$eq$(_this.elementAt$1(0, i), element)) return true; if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this)) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); } return false; }, join$1(_, separator) { var first, t1, i, _this = this, $length = _this.get$length(_this); if (separator.length !== 0) { if ($length === 0) return ""; first = A.S(_this.elementAt$1(0, 0)); if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this)) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); for (t1 = first, i = 1; i < $length; ++i) { t1 = t1 + separator + A.S(_this.elementAt$1(0, i)); if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this)) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); } return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } else { for (i = 0, t1 = ""; i < $length; ++i) { t1 += A.S(_this.elementAt$1(0, i)); if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this)) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); } return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } }, where$1(_, test) { return this.super$Iterable$where(0, test); }, map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) { return new A.MappedListIterable(this, toElement, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("@")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>")); }, skip$1(_, count) { return A.SubListIterable$(this, count, null, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); }, take$1(_, count) { return A.SubListIterable$(this, 0, A.checkNotNullable(count, "count", type$.int), A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); }, toList$1$growable(_, growable) { return A.List_List$of(this, growable, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); }, toList$0($receiver) { return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true); }, toSet$0(_) { var i, _this = this, result = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); for (i = 0; i < _this.get$length(_this); ++i) result.add$1(0, _this.elementAt$1(0, i)); return result; } }; A.SubListIterable.prototype = { SubListIterable$3(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength, $E) { var endOrLength, t1 = this._start; A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(t1, "start"); endOrLength = this._endOrLength; if (endOrLength != null) { A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(endOrLength, "end"); if (t1 > endOrLength) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(t1, 0, endOrLength, "start", null)); } }, get$_endIndex() { var $length = J.get$length$asx(this._iterable), endOrLength = this._endOrLength; if (endOrLength == null || endOrLength > $length) return $length; return endOrLength; }, get$_startIndex() { var $length = J.get$length$asx(this._iterable), t1 = this._start; if (t1 > $length) return $length; return t1; }, get$length(_) { var endOrLength, $length = J.get$length$asx(this._iterable), t1 = this._start; if (t1 >= $length) return 0; endOrLength = this._endOrLength; if (endOrLength == null || endOrLength >= $length) return $length - t1; return endOrLength - t1; }, elementAt$1(_, index) { var _this = this, realIndex = _this.get$_startIndex() + index; if (index < 0 || realIndex >= _this.get$_endIndex()) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, _this, "index", null, null)); return J.elementAt$1$ax(_this._iterable, realIndex); }, skip$1(_, count) { var newStart, endOrLength, _this = this; A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count"); newStart = _this._start + count; endOrLength = _this._endOrLength; if (endOrLength != null && newStart >= endOrLength) return new A.EmptyIterable(_this.$ti._eval$1("EmptyIterable<1>")); return A.SubListIterable$(_this._iterable, newStart, endOrLength, _this.$ti._precomputed1); }, take$1(_, count) { var endOrLength, t1, newEnd, _this = this; A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count"); endOrLength = _this._endOrLength; t1 = _this._start; newEnd = t1 + count; if (endOrLength == null) return A.SubListIterable$(_this._iterable, t1, newEnd, _this.$ti._precomputed1); else { if (endOrLength < newEnd) return _this; return A.SubListIterable$(_this._iterable, t1, newEnd, _this.$ti._precomputed1); } }, toList$1$growable(_, growable) { var $length, result, i, _this = this, start = _this._start, t1 = _this._iterable, t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1), end = t2.get$length(t1), endOrLength = _this._endOrLength; if (endOrLength != null && endOrLength < end) end = endOrLength; $length = end - start; if ($length <= 0) { t1 = _this.$ti._precomputed1; return growable ? J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, t1) : J.JSArray_JSArray$fixed(0, t1); } result = A.List_List$filled($length, t2.elementAt$1(t1, start), growable, _this.$ti._precomputed1); for (i = 1; i < $length; ++i) { result[i] = t2.elementAt$1(t1, start + i); if (t2.get$length(t1) < end) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); } return result; }, toList$0($receiver) { return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true); } }; A.ListIterator.prototype = { get$current(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this._current); }, moveNext$0() { var t3, _this = this, t1 = _this._iterable, t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1), $length = t2.get$length(t1); if (_this._length !== $length) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1)); t3 = _this._index; if (t3 >= $length) { _this._current = null; return false; } _this._current = t2.elementAt$1(t1, t3); ++_this._index; return true; } }; A.MappedIterable.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { return new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this._iterable), this._f); }, get$length(_) { return J.get$length$asx(this._iterable); }, get$isEmpty(_) { return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this._iterable); }, get$first(_) { return this._f.call$1(J.get$first$ax(this._iterable)); }, get$last(_) { return this._f.call$1(J.get$last$ax(this._iterable)); }, elementAt$1(_, index) { return this._f.call$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(this._iterable, index)); } }; A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable.prototype = {$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1}; A.MappedIterator.prototype = { moveNext$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._iterator; if (t1.moveNext$0()) { _this._current = _this._f.call$1(t1.get$current(t1)); return true; } _this._current = null; return false; }, get$current(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(this._current); } }; A.MappedListIterable.prototype = { get$length(_) { return J.get$length$asx(this._source); }, elementAt$1(_, index) { return this._f.call$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(this._source, index)); } }; A.WhereIterable.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { return new A.WhereIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this._iterable), this._f); }, map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) { return new A.MappedIterable(this, toElement, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedIterable<1,2>")); } }; A.WhereIterator.prototype = { moveNext$0() { var t1, t2; for (t1 = this._iterator, t2 = this._f; t1.moveNext$0();) if (t2.call$1(t1.get$current(t1))) return true; return false; }, get$current(_) { var t1 = this._iterator; return t1.get$current(t1); } }; A.ExpandIterable.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { return new A.ExpandIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this._iterable), this._f, B.C_EmptyIterator); } }; A.ExpandIterator.prototype = { get$current(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(this._current); }, moveNext$0() { var t2, t3, _this = this, t1 = _this._currentExpansion; if (t1 == null) return false; for (t2 = _this._iterator, t3 = _this._f; !t1.moveNext$0();) { _this._current = null; if (t2.moveNext$0()) { _this._currentExpansion = null; t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(t3.call$1(t2.get$current(t2))); _this._currentExpansion = t1; } else return false; } t1 = _this._currentExpansion; _this._current = t1.get$current(t1); return true; } }; A.TakeIterable.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { return new A.TakeIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this._iterable), this._takeCount); } }; A.EfficientLengthTakeIterable.prototype = { get$length(_) { var iterableLength = J.get$length$asx(this._iterable), t1 = this._takeCount; if (iterableLength > t1) return t1; return iterableLength; }, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1 }; A.TakeIterator.prototype = { moveNext$0() { if (--this._remaining >= 0) return this._iterator.moveNext$0(); this._remaining = -1; return false; }, get$current(_) { var t1; if (this._remaining < 0) return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(null); t1 = this._iterator; return t1.get$current(t1); } }; A.SkipIterable.prototype = { skip$1(_, count) { A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(count, "count"); A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count"); return new A.SkipIterable(this._iterable, this._skipCount + count, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("SkipIterable<1>")); }, get$iterator(_) { return new A.SkipIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this._iterable), this._skipCount); } }; A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable.prototype = { get$length(_) { var $length = J.get$length$asx(this._iterable) - this._skipCount; if ($length >= 0) return $length; return 0; }, skip$1(_, count) { A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(count, "count"); A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count"); return new A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable(this._iterable, this._skipCount + count, this.$ti); }, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1 }; A.SkipIterator.prototype = { moveNext$0() { var t1, i; for (t1 = this._iterator, i = 0; i < this._skipCount; ++i) t1.moveNext$0(); this._skipCount = 0; return t1.moveNext$0(); }, get$current(_) { var t1 = this._iterator; return t1.get$current(t1); } }; A.SkipWhileIterable.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { return new A.SkipWhileIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this._iterable), this._f); } }; A.SkipWhileIterator.prototype = { moveNext$0() { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (!_this._hasSkipped) { _this._hasSkipped = true; for (t1 = _this._iterator, t2 = _this._f; t1.moveNext$0();) if (!t2.call$1(t1.get$current(t1))) return true; } return _this._iterator.moveNext$0(); }, get$current(_) { var t1 = this._iterator; return t1.get$current(t1); } }; A.EmptyIterable.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { return B.C_EmptyIterator; }, forEach$1(_, action) { }, get$isEmpty(_) { return true; }, get$length(_) { return 0; }, get$first(_) { throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); }, get$last(_) { throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); }, elementAt$1(_, index) { throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(index, 0, 0, "index", null)); }, contains$1(_, element) { return false; }, map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) { return new A.EmptyIterable($T._eval$1("EmptyIterable<0>")); }, skip$1(_, count) { A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count"); return this; }, take$1(_, count) { A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count"); return this; }, toList$1$growable(_, growable) { var t1 = this.$ti._precomputed1; return growable ? J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, t1) : J.JSArray_JSArray$fixed(0, t1); }, toList$0($receiver) { return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true); }, toSet$0(_) { return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(this.$ti._precomputed1); } }; A.EmptyIterator.prototype = { moveNext$0() { return false; }, get$current(_) { throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); } }; A.FollowedByIterable.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { return new A.FollowedByIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_first), this._second); }, get$length(_) { var t1 = this._second; return J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_first) + t1.get$length(t1); }, get$isEmpty(_) { var t1; if (J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.__internal$_first)) { t1 = this._second; t1 = !t1.get$iterator(t1).moveNext$0(); } else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { var t1; if (!J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this.__internal$_first)) { t1 = this._second; t1 = !t1.get$isEmpty(t1); } else t1 = true; return t1; }, contains$1(_, value) { return J.contains$1$asx(this.__internal$_first, value) || this._second.contains$1(0, value); }, get$first(_) { var t1, iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_first); if (iterator.moveNext$0()) return iterator.get$current(iterator); t1 = this._second; return t1.get$first(t1); }, get$last(_) { var last, t1 = this._second, iterator = new A.ExpandIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t1._iterable), t1._f, B.C_EmptyIterator); if (iterator.moveNext$0()) { t1 = A._instanceType(iterator)._rest[1]; last = t1._as(iterator._current); for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) last = t1._as(iterator._current); return last; } return J.get$last$ax(this.__internal$_first); } }; A.FollowedByIterator.prototype = { moveNext$0() { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._currentIterator.moveNext$0()) return true; t1 = _this._nextIterable; if (t1 != null) { t1 = new A.ExpandIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t1._iterable), t1._f, B.C_EmptyIterator); _this._currentIterator = t1; _this._nextIterable = null; return t1.moveNext$0(); } return false; }, get$current(_) { var t1 = this._currentIterator; return t1.get$current(t1); } }; A.WhereTypeIterable.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { return new A.WhereTypeIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this._source), this.$ti._eval$1("WhereTypeIterator<1>")); } }; A.WhereTypeIterator.prototype = { moveNext$0() { var t1, t2; for (t1 = this._source, t2 = this.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) if (t2._is(t1.get$current(t1))) return true; return false; }, get$current(_) { var t1 = this._source; return this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1.get$current(t1)); } }; A.FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = { set$length(receiver, newLength) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot change the length of a fixed-length list")); }, add$1(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to a fixed-length list")); }, remove$1(receiver, element) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from a fixed-length list")); }, removeLast$0(receiver) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from a fixed-length list")); } }; A.UnmodifiableListMixin.prototype = { $indexSet(_, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list")); }, set$length(_, newLength) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot change the length of an unmodifiable list")); }, add$1(_, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to an unmodifiable list")); }, remove$1(_, element) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from an unmodifiable list")); }, removeLast$0(_) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from an unmodifiable list")); }, setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list")); }, setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) { return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0); } }; A.UnmodifiableListBase.prototype = {}; A.ReversedListIterable.prototype = { get$length(_) { return J.get$length$asx(this._source); }, elementAt$1(_, index) { var t1 = this._source, t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1); return t2.elementAt$1(t1, t2.get$length(t1) - 1 - index); } }; A.Symbol.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var hash = this._hashCode; if (hash != null) return hash; hash = 664597 * J.get$hashCode$(this.__internal$_name) & 536870911; this._hashCode = hash; return hash; }, toString$0(_) { return 'Symbol("' + A.S(this.__internal$_name) + '")'; }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A.Symbol && this.__internal$_name == other.__internal$_name; }, $isSymbol0: 1 }; A.__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A.ConstantMapView.prototype = {}; A.ConstantMap.prototype = { cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) { var t1 = A._instanceType(this); return A.Map_castFrom(this, t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1], RK, RV); }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this.get$length(this) === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { return this.get$length(this) !== 0; }, toString$0(_) { return A.MapBase_mapToString(this); }, $indexSet(_, key, val) { A.ConstantMap__throwUnmodifiable(); }, putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) { A.ConstantMap__throwUnmodifiable(); }, remove$1(_, key) { A.ConstantMap__throwUnmodifiable(); }, get$entries(_) { return this.entries$body$ConstantMap(0, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>")); }, entries$body$ConstantMap($async$_, $async$type) { var $async$self = this; return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() { var _ = $async$_; var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, t1, t2, key; return function $async$get$entries($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self.get$keys($async$self), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), t2 = A._instanceType($async$self), t2 = t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1])._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>"); case 2: // for condition if (!t1.moveNext$0()) { // goto after for $async$goto = 3; break; } key = t1.get$current(t1); $async$goto = 4; return new A.MapEntry(key, $async$self.$index(0, key), t2); case 4: // after yield // goto for condition $async$goto = 2; break; case 3: // after for // implicit return return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration(); case 1: // rethrow return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError); } }; }, $async$type); }, map$2$1(_, transform, K2, V2) { var result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(K2, V2); this.forEach$1(0, new A.ConstantMap_map_closure(this, transform, result)); return result; }, $isMap: 1 }; A.ConstantMap_map_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { var entry = this.transform.call$2(key, value); this.result.$indexSet(0, entry.key, entry.value); }, $signature() { return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(1,2)"); } }; A.ConstantStringMap.prototype = { get$length(_) { return this.__js_helper$_length; }, containsKey$1(_, key) { if (typeof key != "string") return false; if ("__proto__" === key) return false; return this._jsObject.hasOwnProperty(key); }, $index(_, key) { if (!this.containsKey$1(0, key)) return null; return this._jsObject[key]; }, forEach$1(_, f) { var t1, t2, i, key, keys = this._keys; for (t1 = keys.length, t2 = this._jsObject, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) { key = keys[i]; f.call$2(key, t2[key]); } }, get$keys(_) { return new A._ConstantMapKeyIterable(this, this.$ti._eval$1("_ConstantMapKeyIterable<1>")); }, get$values(_) { var t1 = this.$ti; return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(this._keys, new A.ConstantStringMap_values_closure(this), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]); } }; A.ConstantStringMap_values_closure.prototype = { call$1(key) { return this.$this._jsObject[key]; }, $signature() { return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("2(1)"); } }; A._ConstantMapKeyIterable.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { var t1 = this._map._keys; return new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length); }, get$length(_) { return this._map._keys.length; } }; A.GeneralConstantMap.prototype = { _getMap$0() { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this, backingMap = _this.$map; if (backingMap == null) { t1 = _this.$ti; t2 = t1._precomputed1; t3 = A.GeneralConstantMap__typeTest(t2); backingMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(A._js_helper_GeneralConstantMap__constantMapHashCode$closure(), t3, t2, t1._rest[1]); A.fillLiteralMap(_this._jsData, backingMap); _this.$map = backingMap; } return backingMap; }, containsKey$1(_, key) { return this._getMap$0().containsKey$1(0, key); }, $index(_, key) { return this._getMap$0().$index(0, key); }, forEach$1(_, f) { this._getMap$0().forEach$1(0, f); }, get$keys(_) { var t1 = this._getMap$0(); return t1.get$keys(t1); }, get$values(_) { var t1 = this._getMap$0(); return t1.get$values(t1); }, get$length(_) { var t1 = this._getMap$0(); return t1.get$length(t1); } }; A.GeneralConstantMap__typeTest_closure.prototype = { call$1(o) { return this.T._is(o); }, $signature: 23 }; A.Instantiation.prototype = { Instantiation$1(_genericClosure) { if (false) A.instantiatedGenericFunctionType(0, 0); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A.Instantiation && this._genericClosure.$eq(0, other._genericClosure) && A.getRuntimeType(this) === A.getRuntimeType(other); }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.Object_hash(this._genericClosure, A.getRuntimeType(this), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue); }, toString$0(_) { var types = "<" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(this.get$_types(), ", ") + ">"; return this._genericClosure.toString$0(0) + " with " + types; } }; A.Instantiation1.prototype = { get$_types() { return [A.createRuntimeType(this.$ti._precomputed1)]; }, call$1(a0) { return this._genericClosure.call$1$1(a0, this.$ti._rest[0]); }, call$2(a0, a1) { return this._genericClosure.call$1$2(a0, a1, this.$ti._rest[0]); }, call$3(a0, a1, a2) { return this._genericClosure.call$1$3(a0, a1, a2, this.$ti._rest[0]); }, $signature() { return A.instantiatedGenericFunctionType(A.closureFunctionType(this._genericClosure), this.$ti); } }; A.JSInvocationMirror.prototype = { get$memberName() { var t1 = this.__js_helper$_memberName; return t1; }, get$positionalArguments() { var t1, argumentCount, list, index, _this = this; if (_this.__js_helper$_kind === 1) return B.List_empty4; t1 = _this._arguments; argumentCount = t1.length - _this._namedArgumentNames.length - _this._typeArgumentCount; if (argumentCount === 0) return B.List_empty4; list = []; for (index = 0; index < argumentCount; ++index) list.push(t1[index]); return J.JSArray_markUnmodifiableList(list); }, get$namedArguments() { var t1, namedArgumentCount, t2, namedArgumentsStartIndex, map, i, _this = this; if (_this.__js_helper$_kind !== 0) return B.Map_empty0; t1 = _this._namedArgumentNames; namedArgumentCount = t1.length; t2 = _this._arguments; namedArgumentsStartIndex = t2.length - namedArgumentCount - _this._typeArgumentCount; if (namedArgumentCount === 0) return B.Map_empty0; map = new A.JsLinkedHashMap(type$.JsLinkedHashMap_Symbol_dynamic); for (i = 0; i < namedArgumentCount; ++i) map.$indexSet(0, new A.Symbol(t1[i]), t2[namedArgumentsStartIndex + i]); return new A.ConstantMapView(map, type$.ConstantMapView_Symbol_dynamic); } }; A.Primitives_initTicker_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(1000 * this.performance.now()); }, $signature: 35 }; A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure.prototype = { call$2($name, argument) { var t1 = this._box_0; t1.names = t1.names + "$" + $name; this.namedArgumentList.push($name); this.$arguments.push(argument); ++t1.argumentCount; }, $signature: 9 }; A.TypeErrorDecoder.prototype = { matchTypeError$1(message) { var result, t1, _this = this, match = new RegExp(_this._pattern).exec(message); if (match == null) return null; result = Object.create(null); t1 = _this._arguments; if (t1 !== -1) result.arguments = match[t1 + 1]; t1 = _this._argumentsExpr; if (t1 !== -1) result.argumentsExpr = match[t1 + 1]; t1 = _this._expr; if (t1 !== -1) result.expr = match[t1 + 1]; t1 = _this._method; if (t1 !== -1) result.method = match[t1 + 1]; t1 = _this._receiver; if (t1 !== -1) result.receiver = match[t1 + 1]; return result; } }; A.NullError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1 = this._method; if (t1 == null) return "NoSuchMethodError: " + this.__js_helper$_message; return "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '" + t1 + "' on null"; } }; A.JsNoSuchMethodError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t2, _this = this, _s38_ = "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '", t1 = _this._method; if (t1 == null) return "NoSuchMethodError: " + _this.__js_helper$_message; t2 = _this._receiver; if (t2 == null) return _s38_ + t1 + "' (" + _this.__js_helper$_message + ")"; return _s38_ + t1 + "' on '" + t2 + "' (" + _this.__js_helper$_message + ")"; } }; A.UnknownJsTypeError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.__js_helper$_message; return t1.length === 0 ? "Error" : "Error: " + t1; } }; A.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Throw of null ('" + (this._irritant === null ? "null" : "undefined") + "' from JavaScript)"; }, $isException: 1 }; A.ExceptionAndStackTrace.prototype = {}; A._StackTrace.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var trace, t1 = this._trace; if (t1 != null) return t1; t1 = this._exception; trace = t1 !== null && typeof t1 === "object" ? t1.stack : null; return this._trace = trace == null ? "" : trace; }, $isStackTrace: 1 }; A.Closure.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var $constructor = this.constructor, $name = $constructor == null ? null : $constructor.name; return "Closure '" + A.unminifyOrTag($name == null ? "unknown" : $name) + "'"; }, $isFunction: 1, get$$call() { return this; }, "call*": "call$1", $requiredArgCount: 1, $defaultValues: null }; A.Closure0Args.prototype = {"call*": "call$0", $requiredArgCount: 0}; A.Closure2Args.prototype = {"call*": "call$2", $requiredArgCount: 2}; A.TearOffClosure.prototype = {}; A.StaticClosure.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var $name = this.$static_name; if ($name == null) return "Closure of unknown static method"; return "Closure '" + A.unminifyOrTag($name) + "'"; } }; A.BoundClosure.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (!(other instanceof A.BoundClosure)) return false; return this.$_target === other.$_target && this._receiver === other._receiver; }, get$hashCode(_) { return (A.objectHashCode(this._receiver) ^ A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this.$_target)) >>> 0; }, toString$0(_) { return "Closure '" + this.$_name + "' of " + ("Instance of '" + A.Primitives_objectTypeName(this._receiver) + "'"); } }; A.RuntimeError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "RuntimeError: " + this.message; } }; A._Required.prototype = {}; A.JsLinkedHashMap.prototype = { get$length(_) { return this.__js_helper$_length; }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this.__js_helper$_length === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { return !this.get$isEmpty(this); }, get$keys(_) { return new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>")); }, get$values(_) { var _this = this, t1 = A._instanceType(_this); return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(_this.get$keys(_this), new A.JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure(_this), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]); }, containsKey$1(_, key) { var strings, nums, _this = this; if (typeof key == "string") { strings = _this._strings; if (strings == null) return false; return _this._containsTableEntry$2(strings, key); } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) { nums = _this._nums; if (nums == null) return false; return _this._containsTableEntry$2(nums, key); } else return _this.internalContainsKey$1(key); }, internalContainsKey$1(key) { var _this = this, rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest; if (rest == null) return false; return _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(_this._getTableBucket$2(rest, _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key)), key) >= 0; }, containsValue$1(_, value) { return this.get$keys(this).any$1(0, new A.JsLinkedHashMap_containsValue_closure(this, value)); }, addAll$1(_, other) { J.forEach$1$ax(other, new A.JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure(this)); }, $index(_, key) { var strings, cell, t1, nums, _this = this, _null = null; if (typeof key == "string") { strings = _this._strings; if (strings == null) return _null; cell = _this._getTableCell$2(strings, key); t1 = cell == null ? _null : cell.hashMapCellValue; return t1; } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) { nums = _this._nums; if (nums == null) return _null; cell = _this._getTableCell$2(nums, key); t1 = cell == null ? _null : cell.hashMapCellValue; return t1; } else return _this.internalGet$1(key); }, internalGet$1(key) { var bucket, index, _this = this, rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest; if (rest == null) return null; bucket = _this._getTableBucket$2(rest, _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key)); index = _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key); if (index < 0) return null; return bucket[index].hashMapCellValue; }, $indexSet(_, key, value) { var strings, nums, _this = this; if (typeof key == "string") { strings = _this._strings; _this._addHashTableEntry$3(strings == null ? _this._strings = _this._newHashTable$0() : strings, key, value); } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) { nums = _this._nums; _this._addHashTableEntry$3(nums == null ? _this._nums = _this._newHashTable$0() : nums, key, value); } else _this.internalSet$2(key, value); }, internalSet$2(key, value) { var hash, bucket, index, _this = this, rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest; if (rest == null) rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest = _this._newHashTable$0(); hash = _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key); bucket = _this._getTableBucket$2(rest, hash); if (bucket == null) _this._setTableEntry$3(rest, hash, [_this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value)]); else { index = _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key); if (index >= 0) bucket[index].hashMapCellValue = value; else bucket.push(_this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value)); } }, putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) { var value, _this = this; if (_this.containsKey$1(0, key)) return A._instanceType(_this)._rest[1]._as(_this.$index(0, key)); value = ifAbsent.call$0(); _this.$indexSet(0, key, value); return value; }, remove$1(_, key) { var _this = this; if (typeof key == "string") return _this._removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._strings, key); else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) return _this._removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._nums, key); else return _this.internalRemove$1(key); }, internalRemove$1(key) { var hash, bucket, index, cell, _this = this, rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest; if (rest == null) return null; hash = _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key); bucket = _this._getTableBucket$2(rest, hash); index = _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key); if (index < 0) return null; cell = bucket.splice(index, 1)[0]; _this._unlinkCell$1(cell); if (bucket.length === 0) _this._deleteTableEntry$2(rest, hash); return cell.hashMapCellValue; }, clear$0(_) { var _this = this; if (_this.__js_helper$_length > 0) { _this._strings = _this._nums = _this.__js_helper$_rest = _this._first = _this._last = null; _this.__js_helper$_length = 0; _this._modified$0(); } }, forEach$1(_, action) { var _this = this, cell = _this._first, modifications = _this._modifications; for (; cell != null;) { action.call$2(cell.hashMapCellKey, cell.hashMapCellValue); if (modifications !== _this._modifications) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); cell = cell._next; } }, _addHashTableEntry$3(table, key, value) { var cell = this._getTableCell$2(table, key); if (cell == null) this._setTableEntry$3(table, key, this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value)); else cell.hashMapCellValue = value; }, _removeHashTableEntry$2(table, key) { var cell; if (table == null) return null; cell = this._getTableCell$2(table, key); if (cell == null) return null; this._unlinkCell$1(cell); this._deleteTableEntry$2(table, key); return cell.hashMapCellValue; }, _modified$0() { this._modifications = this._modifications + 1 & 67108863; }, _newLinkedCell$2(key, value) { var t1, _this = this, cell = new A.LinkedHashMapCell(key, value); if (_this._first == null) _this._first = _this._last = cell; else { t1 = _this._last; t1.toString; cell._previous = t1; _this._last = t1._next = cell; } ++_this.__js_helper$_length; _this._modified$0(); return cell; }, _unlinkCell$1(cell) { var _this = this, previous = cell._previous, next = cell._next; if (previous == null) _this._first = next; else previous._next = next; if (next == null) _this._last = previous; else next._previous = previous; --_this.__js_helper$_length; _this._modified$0(); }, internalComputeHashCode$1(key) { return J.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3ffffff; }, internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) { var $length, i; if (bucket == null) return -1; $length = bucket.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) if (J.$eq$(bucket[i].hashMapCellKey, key)) return i; return -1; }, toString$0(_) { return A.MapBase_mapToString(this); }, _getTableCell$2(table, key) { return table[key]; }, _getTableBucket$2(table, key) { return table[key]; }, _setTableEntry$3(table, key, value) { table[key] = value; }, _deleteTableEntry$2(table, key) { delete table[key]; }, _containsTableEntry$2(table, key) { return this._getTableCell$2(table, key) != null; }, _newHashTable$0() { var _s20_ = "", table = Object.create(null); this._setTableEntry$3(table, _s20_, table); this._deleteTableEntry$2(table, _s20_); return table; }, $isLinkedHashMap: 1 }; A.JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure.prototype = { call$1(each) { var t1 = this.$this; return A._instanceType(t1)._rest[1]._as(t1.$index(0, each)); }, $signature() { return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("2(1)"); } }; A.JsLinkedHashMap_containsValue_closure.prototype = { call$1(each) { return J.$eq$(this.$this.$index(0, each), this.value); }, $signature() { return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("bool(1)"); } }; A.JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { this.$this.$indexSet(0, key, value); }, $signature() { return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(1,2)"); } }; A.LinkedHashMapCell.prototype = {}; A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable.prototype = { get$length(_) { return this._map.__js_helper$_length; }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this._map.__js_helper$_length === 0; }, get$iterator(_) { var t1 = this._map, t2 = new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator(t1, t1._modifications); t2._cell = t1._first; return t2; }, contains$1(_, element) { return this._map.containsKey$1(0, element); }, forEach$1(_, f) { var t1 = this._map, cell = t1._first, modifications = t1._modifications; for (; cell != null;) { f.call$1(cell.hashMapCellKey); if (modifications !== t1._modifications) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1)); cell = cell._next; } } }; A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator.prototype = { get$current(_) { return this.__js_helper$_current; }, moveNext$0() { var cell, _this = this, t1 = _this._map; if (_this._modifications !== t1._modifications) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1)); cell = _this._cell; if (cell == null) { _this.__js_helper$_current = null; return false; } else { _this.__js_helper$_current = cell.hashMapCellKey; _this._cell = cell._next; return true; } } }; A.initHooks_closure.prototype = { call$1(o) { return this.getTag(o); }, $signature: 29 }; A.initHooks_closure0.prototype = { call$2(o, tag) { return this.getUnknownTag(o, tag); }, $signature: 130 }; A.initHooks_closure1.prototype = { call$1(tag) { return this.prototypeForTag(tag); }, $signature: 129 }; A.JSSyntaxRegExp.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "RegExp/" + this.pattern + "/" + this._nativeRegExp.flags; }, firstMatch$1(string) { var m = this._nativeRegExp.exec(string); if (m == null) return null; return new A._MatchImplementation(m); }, stringMatch$1(string) { var match = this.firstMatch$1(string); if (match != null) return match._match[0]; return null; }, $isRegExp: 1 }; A._MatchImplementation.prototype = { $index(_, index) { return this._match[index]; }, $isMatch: 1 }; A.StringMatch.prototype = { $index(_, g) { if (g !== 0) A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$value(g, null)); return this.pattern; }, $isMatch: 1 }; A._StringAllMatchesIterable.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { return new A._StringAllMatchesIterator(this._input, this._pattern, this.__js_helper$_index); }, get$first(_) { var t1 = this._pattern, index = this._input.indexOf(t1, this.__js_helper$_index); if (index >= 0) return new A.StringMatch(index, t1); throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); } }; A._StringAllMatchesIterator.prototype = { moveNext$0() { var index, end, _this = this, t1 = _this.__js_helper$_index, t2 = _this._pattern, t3 = t2.length, t4 = _this._input, t5 = t4.length; if (t1 + t3 > t5) { _this.__js_helper$_current = null; return false; } index = t4.indexOf(t2, t1); if (index < 0) { _this.__js_helper$_index = t5 + 1; _this.__js_helper$_current = null; return false; } end = index + t3; _this.__js_helper$_current = new A.StringMatch(index, t2); _this.__js_helper$_index = end === _this.__js_helper$_index ? end + 1 : end; return true; }, get$current(_) { var t1 = this.__js_helper$_current; t1.toString; return t1; } }; A._Cell.prototype = { _readLocal$0() { var t1 = this.__late_helper$_value; if (t1 === this) throw A.wrapException(new A.LateError("Local '" + this.__late_helper$_name + "' has not been initialized.")); return t1; }, _readField$0() { var t1 = this.__late_helper$_value; if (t1 === this) throw A.wrapException(A.LateError$fieldNI(this.__late_helper$_name)); return t1; }, set$finalLocalValue(v) { var _this = this; if (_this.__late_helper$_value !== _this) throw A.wrapException(new A.LateError("Local '" + _this.__late_helper$_name + "' has already been initialized.")); _this.__late_helper$_value = v; } }; A.NativeByteBuffer.prototype = { get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_ByteBuffer_RkP; }, asInt64List$2(receiver, offsetInBytes, $length) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Int64List not supported by dart2js.")); }, $isNativeByteBuffer: 1, $isByteBuffer: 1 }; A.NativeTypedData.prototype = { _invalidPosition$3(receiver, position, $length, $name) { var t1 = A.RangeError$range(position, 0, $length, $name, null); throw A.wrapException(t1); }, _checkPosition$3(receiver, position, $length, $name) { if (position >>> 0 !== position || position > $length) this._invalidPosition$3(receiver, position, $length, $name); }, $isNativeTypedData: 1, $isTypedData: 1 }; A.NativeByteData.prototype = { get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_ByteData_zNC; }, getInt64$2(receiver, byteOffset, endian) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Int64 accessor not supported by dart2js.")); }, setInt64$3(receiver, byteOffset, value, endian) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Int64 accessor not supported by dart2js.")); }, $isByteData: 1 }; A.NativeTypedArray.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, _setRangeFast$4(receiver, start, end, source, skipCount) { var count, sourceLength, targetLength = receiver.length; this._checkPosition$3(receiver, start, targetLength, "start"); this._checkPosition$3(receiver, end, targetLength, "end"); if (start > end) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, end, null, null)); count = end - start; if (skipCount < 0) throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(skipCount, null)); sourceLength = source.length; if (sourceLength - skipCount < count) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Not enough elements")); if (skipCount !== 0 || sourceLength !== count) source = source.subarray(skipCount, skipCount + count); receiver.set(source, start); }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1 }; A.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble.prototype = { $index(receiver, index) { A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length); receiver[index] = value; }, setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) { if (type$.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble._is(iterable)) { this._setRangeFast$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount); return; } this.super$ListMixin$setRange(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount); }, setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) { return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0); }, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.NativeTypedArrayOfInt.prototype = { $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length); receiver[index] = value; }, setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) { if (type$.NativeTypedArrayOfInt._is(iterable)) { this._setRangeFast$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount); return; } this.super$ListMixin$setRange(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount); }, setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) { return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0); }, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.NativeFloat32List.prototype = { get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_Float32List_LB7; }, sublist$2(receiver, start, end) { return new Float32Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length))); }, sublist$1($receiver, start) { return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null); }, $isFloat32List: 1 }; A.NativeFloat64List.prototype = { get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_Float64List_LB7; }, sublist$2(receiver, start, end) { return new Float64Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length))); }, sublist$1($receiver, start) { return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null); }, $isFloat64List: 1 }; A.NativeInt16List.prototype = { get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_Int16List_uXf; }, $index(receiver, index) { A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length); return receiver[index]; }, sublist$2(receiver, start, end) { return new Int16Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length))); }, sublist$1($receiver, start) { return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null); } }; A.NativeInt32List.prototype = { get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_Int32List_O50; }, $index(receiver, index) { A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length); return receiver[index]; }, sublist$2(receiver, start, end) { return new Int32Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length))); }, sublist$1($receiver, start) { return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null); }, $isInt32List: 1 }; A.NativeInt8List.prototype = { get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_Int8List_ekJ; }, $index(receiver, index) { A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length); return receiver[index]; }, sublist$2(receiver, start, end) { return new Int8Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length))); }, sublist$1($receiver, start) { return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null); } }; A.NativeUint16List.prototype = { get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_Uint16List_2bx; }, $index(receiver, index) { A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length); return receiver[index]; }, sublist$2(receiver, start, end) { return new Uint16Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length))); }, sublist$1($receiver, start) { return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null); } }; A.NativeUint32List.prototype = { get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_Uint32List_2bx; }, $index(receiver, index) { A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length); return receiver[index]; }, sublist$2(receiver, start, end) { return new Uint32Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length))); }, sublist$1($receiver, start) { return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null); } }; A.NativeUint8ClampedList.prototype = { get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_Uint8ClampedList_Jik; }, get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length); return receiver[index]; }, sublist$2(receiver, start, end) { return new Uint8ClampedArray(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length))); }, sublist$1($receiver, start) { return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null); } }; A.NativeUint8List.prototype = { get$runtimeType(receiver) { return B.Type_Uint8List_WLA; }, get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length); return receiver[index]; }, sublist$2(receiver, start, end) { return new Uint8Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length))); }, sublist$1($receiver, start) { return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null); }, $isNativeUint8List: 1, $isUint8List: 1 }; A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = {}; A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = {}; A.Rti.prototype = { _eval$1(recipe) { return A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(init.typeUniverse, this, recipe); }, _bind$1(typeOrTuple) { return A._Universe_bind(init.typeUniverse, this, typeOrTuple); } }; A._FunctionParameters.prototype = {}; A._Type.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return A._rtiToString(this._rti, null); }, $isType: 1 }; A._Error.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return this.__rti$_message; } }; A._TypeError.prototype = {$isTypeError: 1}; A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback.prototype = { call$1(_) { var t1 = this._box_0, f = t1.storedCallback; t1.storedCallback = null; f.call$0(); }, $signature: 3 }; A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure.prototype = { call$1(callback) { var t1, t2; this._box_0.storedCallback = callback; t1 = this.div; t2 = this.span; t1.firstChild ? t1.removeChild(t2) : t1.appendChild(t2); }, $signature: 122 }; A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback.prototype = { call$0() { this.callback.call$0(); }, $signature: 7 }; A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback.prototype = { call$0() { this.callback.call$0(); }, $signature: 7 }; A._TimerImpl.prototype = { _TimerImpl$2(milliseconds, callback) { if (self.setTimeout != null) this._handle = self.setTimeout(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._TimerImpl_internalCallback(this, callback), 0), milliseconds); else throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("`setTimeout()` not found.")); }, _TimerImpl$periodic$2(milliseconds, callback) { if (self.setTimeout != null) this._handle = self.setInterval(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._TimerImpl$periodic_closure(this, milliseconds, Date.now(), callback), 0), milliseconds); else throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Periodic timer.")); }, cancel$0(_) { var t1; if (self.setTimeout != null) { t1 = this._handle; if (t1 == null) return; if (this._once) self.clearTimeout(t1); else self.clearInterval(t1); this._handle = null; } else throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Canceling a timer.")); }, $isTimer: 1 }; A._TimerImpl_internalCallback.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this; t1._handle = null; t1._tick = 1; this.callback.call$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A._TimerImpl$periodic_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var duration, _this = this, t1 = _this.$this, tick = t1._tick + 1, t2 = _this.milliseconds; if (t2 > 0) { duration = Date.now() - _this.start; if (duration > (tick + 1) * t2) tick = B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(duration, t2); } t1._tick = tick; _this.callback.call$1(t1); }, $signature: 7 }; A._AsyncAwaitCompleter.prototype = { complete$1(_, value) { var t1, _this = this; if (value == null) value = _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(value); if (!_this.isSync) _this._future._asyncComplete$1(value); else { t1 = _this._future; if (_this.$ti._eval$1("Future<1>")._is(value)) t1._chainFuture$1(value); else t1._completeWithValue$1(value); } }, completeError$2(e, st) { var t1 = this._future; if (this.isSync) t1._completeError$2(e, st); else t1._asyncCompleteError$2(e, st); } }; A._awaitOnObject_closure.prototype = { call$1(result) { return this.bodyFunction.call$2(0, result); }, $signature: 14 }; A._awaitOnObject_closure0.prototype = { call$2(error, stackTrace) { this.bodyFunction.call$2(1, new A.ExceptionAndStackTrace(error, stackTrace)); }, $signature: 120 }; A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure.prototype = { call$2(errorCode, result) { this.$protected(errorCode, result); }, $signature: 119 }; A._IterationMarker.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "IterationMarker(" + this.state + ", " + A.S(this.value) + ")"; } }; A._SyncStarIterator.prototype = { get$current(_) { var nested = this._nestedIterator; if (nested == null) return this._async$_current; return nested.get$current(nested); }, moveNext$0() { var t1, value, state, suspendedBodies, inner, _this = this; for (; true;) { t1 = _this._nestedIterator; if (t1 != null) if (t1.moveNext$0()) return true; else _this._nestedIterator = null; value = function(body, SUCCESS, ERROR) { var errorValue, errorCode = SUCCESS; while (true) try { return body(errorCode, errorValue); } catch (error) { errorValue = error; errorCode = ERROR; } }(_this._body, 0, 1); if (value instanceof A._IterationMarker) { state = value.state; if (state === 2) { suspendedBodies = _this._suspendedBodies; if (suspendedBodies == null || suspendedBodies.length === 0) { _this._async$_current = null; return false; } _this._body = suspendedBodies.pop(); continue; } else { t1 = value.value; if (state === 3) throw t1; else { inner = J.get$iterator$ax(t1); if (inner instanceof A._SyncStarIterator) { t1 = _this._suspendedBodies; if (t1 == null) t1 = _this._suspendedBodies = []; t1.push(_this._body); _this._body = inner._body; continue; } else { _this._nestedIterator = inner; continue; } } } } else { _this._async$_current = value; return true; } } return false; } }; A._SyncStarIterable.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { return new A._SyncStarIterator(this._outerHelper()); } }; A.AsyncError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return A.S(this.error); }, $isError: 1, get$stackTrace() { return this.stackTrace; } }; A._BroadcastStream.prototype = { get$isBroadcast() { return true; } }; A._BroadcastSubscription.prototype = { _onPause$0() { }, _onResume$0() { } }; A._BroadcastStreamController.prototype = { set$onPause(_, onPauseHandler) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Broadc)); }, set$onResume(_, onResumeHandler) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Broadc)); }, get$stream(_) { return new A._BroadcastStream(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_BroadcastStream<1>")); }, get$_mayAddEvent() { return this._state < 4; }, _removeListener$1(subscription) { var previous = subscription._async$_previous, next = subscription._async$_next; if (previous == null) this._firstSubscription = next; else previous._async$_next = next; if (next == null) this._lastSubscription = previous; else next._async$_previous = previous; subscription._async$_previous = subscription; subscription._async$_next = subscription; }, _subscribe$4(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, subscription, oldLast, _this = this; if ((_this._state & 4) !== 0) { t1 = new A._DoneStreamSubscription($.Zone__current, onDone, A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_DoneStreamSubscription<1>")); t1._schedule$0(); return t1; } t1 = $.Zone__current; t2 = cancelOnError ? 1 : 0; t3 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(t1, onData); t4 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(t1, onError); t5 = onDone == null ? A.async___nullDoneHandler$closure() : onDone; subscription = new A._BroadcastSubscription(_this, t3, t4, t5, t1, t2, A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_BroadcastSubscription<1>")); subscription._async$_previous = subscription; subscription._async$_next = subscription; subscription._eventState = _this._state & 1; oldLast = _this._lastSubscription; _this._lastSubscription = subscription; subscription._async$_next = null; subscription._async$_previous = oldLast; if (oldLast == null) _this._firstSubscription = subscription; else oldLast._async$_next = subscription; if (_this._firstSubscription === subscription) A._runGuarded(_this.onListen); return subscription; }, _recordCancel$1(sub) { var t1, _this = this; A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_BroadcastSubscription<1>")._as(sub); if (sub._async$_next === sub) return null; t1 = sub._eventState; if ((t1 & 2) !== 0) sub._eventState = t1 | 4; else { _this._removeListener$1(sub); if ((_this._state & 2) === 0 && _this._firstSubscription == null) _this._callOnCancel$0(); } return null; }, _recordPause$1(subscription) { }, _recordResume$1(subscription) { }, _addEventError$0() { if ((this._state & 4) !== 0) return new A.StateError("Cannot add new events after calling close"); return new A.StateError("Cannot add new events while doing an addStream"); }, add$1(_, data) { if (!this.get$_mayAddEvent()) throw A.wrapException(this._addEventError$0()); this._sendData$1(data); }, addError$2(error, stackTrace) { A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object); if (!this.get$_mayAddEvent()) throw A.wrapException(this._addEventError$0()); this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace); }, close$0(_) { var t1, doneFuture, _this = this; if ((_this._state & 4) !== 0) { t1 = _this._doneFuture; t1.toString; return t1; } if (!_this.get$_mayAddEvent()) throw A.wrapException(_this._addEventError$0()); _this._state |= 4; doneFuture = _this._doneFuture; if (doneFuture == null) doneFuture = _this._doneFuture = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void); _this._sendDone$0(); return doneFuture; }, _forEachListener$1(action) { var subscription, id, next, _this = this, t1 = _this._state; if ((t1 & 2) !== 0) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.Cannot)); subscription = _this._firstSubscription; if (subscription == null) return; id = t1 & 1; _this._state = t1 ^ 3; for (; subscription != null;) { t1 = subscription._eventState; if ((t1 & 1) === id) { subscription._eventState = t1 | 2; action.call$1(subscription); t1 = subscription._eventState ^= 1; next = subscription._async$_next; if ((t1 & 4) !== 0) _this._removeListener$1(subscription); subscription._eventState &= 4294967293; subscription = next; } else subscription = subscription._async$_next; } _this._state &= 4294967293; if (_this._firstSubscription == null) _this._callOnCancel$0(); }, _callOnCancel$0() { if ((this._state & 4) !== 0) { var doneFuture = this._doneFuture; if ((doneFuture._state & 30) === 0) doneFuture._asyncComplete$1(null); } A._runGuarded(this.onCancel); }, $isEventSink: 1, set$onListen(val) { return this.onListen = val; }, set$onCancel(receiver, val) { return this.onCancel = val; } }; A._SyncBroadcastStreamController.prototype = { get$_mayAddEvent() { return A._BroadcastStreamController.prototype.get$_mayAddEvent.call(this) && (this._state & 2) === 0; }, _addEventError$0() { if ((this._state & 2) !== 0) return new A.StateError(string$.Cannot); return this.super$_BroadcastStreamController$_addEventError(); }, _sendData$1(data) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._firstSubscription; if (t1 == null) return; if (t1 === _this._lastSubscription) { _this._state |= 2; t1._async$_add$1(0, data); _this._state &= 4294967293; if (_this._firstSubscription == null) _this._callOnCancel$0(); return; } _this._forEachListener$1(new A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendData_closure(_this, data)); }, _sendError$2(error, stackTrace) { if (this._firstSubscription == null) return; this._forEachListener$1(new A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendError_closure(this, error, stackTrace)); }, _sendDone$0() { var _this = this; if (_this._firstSubscription != null) _this._forEachListener$1(new A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendDone_closure(_this)); else _this._doneFuture._asyncComplete$1(null); } }; A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendData_closure.prototype = { call$1(subscription) { subscription._async$_add$1(0, this.data); }, $signature() { return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("~(_BufferingStreamSubscription<1>)"); } }; A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendError_closure.prototype = { call$1(subscription) { subscription._addError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace); }, $signature() { return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("~(_BufferingStreamSubscription<1>)"); } }; A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendDone_closure.prototype = { call$1(subscription) { subscription._async$_close$0(); }, $signature() { return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("~(_BufferingStreamSubscription<1>)"); } }; A._AsyncBroadcastStreamController.prototype = { _sendData$1(data) { var subscription; for (subscription = this._firstSubscription; subscription != null; subscription = subscription._async$_next) subscription._addPending$1(new A._DelayedData(data)); }, _sendError$2(error, stackTrace) { var subscription; for (subscription = this._firstSubscription; subscription != null; subscription = subscription._async$_next) subscription._addPending$1(new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace)); }, _sendDone$0() { var subscription = this._firstSubscription; if (subscription != null) for (; subscription != null; subscription = subscription._async$_next) subscription._addPending$1(B.C__DelayedDone); else this._doneFuture._asyncComplete$1(null); } }; A.Future_Future_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var e, s, exception; try { this.result._complete$1(this.computation.call$0()); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); s = A.getTraceFromException(exception); A._completeWithErrorCallback(this.result, e, s); } }, $signature: 0 }; A.Future_Future$delayed_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.result._complete$1(this.T._as(null)); }, $signature: 0 }; A.Future_wait_handleError.prototype = { call$2(theError, theStackTrace) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._box_0, t2 = --t1.remaining; if (t1.values != null) { t1.values = null; if (t1.remaining === 0 || _this.eagerError) _this._future._completeError$2(theError, theStackTrace); else { _this.error.__late_helper$_value = theError; _this.stackTrace.__late_helper$_value = theStackTrace; } } else if (t2 === 0 && !_this.eagerError) _this._future._completeError$2(_this.error._readLocal$0(), _this.stackTrace._readLocal$0()); }, $signature: 47 }; A.Future_wait_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { var valueList, _this = this, t1 = _this._box_0; --t1.remaining; valueList = t1.values; if (valueList != null) { J.$indexSet$ax(valueList, _this.pos, value); if (t1.remaining === 0) _this._future._completeWithValue$1(A.List_List$from(valueList, true, _this.T)); } else if (t1.remaining === 0 && !_this.eagerError) _this._future._completeError$2(_this.error._readLocal$0(), _this.stackTrace._readLocal$0()); }, $signature() { return this.T._eval$1("Null(0)"); } }; A._Completer.prototype = { completeError$2(error, stackTrace) { A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object); if ((this.future._state & 30) !== 0) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Future already completed")); if (stackTrace == null) stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error); this._completeError$2(error, stackTrace); }, completeError$1(error) { return this.completeError$2(error, null); } }; A._AsyncCompleter.prototype = { complete$1(_, value) { var t1 = this.future; if ((t1._state & 30) !== 0) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Future already completed")); t1._asyncComplete$1(value); }, complete$0($receiver) { return this.complete$1($receiver, null); }, _completeError$2(error, stackTrace) { this.future._asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace); } }; A._FutureListener.prototype = { matchesErrorTest$1(asyncError) { if ((this.state & 15) !== 6) return true; return this.result._zone.runUnary$2(this.callback, asyncError.error); }, handleError$1(asyncError) { var exception, errorCallback = this.errorCallback, result = null, t1 = asyncError.error, t2 = this.result._zone; if (type$.dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(errorCallback)) result = t2.runBinary$3(errorCallback, t1, asyncError.stackTrace); else result = t2.runUnary$2(errorCallback, t1); try { t1 = result; return t1; } catch (exception) { if (type$.TypeError._is(A.unwrapException(exception))) { if ((this.state & 1) !== 0) throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("The error handler of Future.then must return a value of the returned future's type", "onError")); throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("The error handler of Future.catchError must return a value of the future's type", "onError")); } else throw exception; } } }; A._Future.prototype = { then$1$2$onError(_, f, onError, $R) { var result, t1, currentZone = $.Zone__current; if (currentZone === B.C__RootZone) { if (onError != null && !type$.dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(onError) && !type$.dynamic_Function_Object._is(onError)) throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(onError, "onError", string$.Error_)); } else if (onError != null) onError = A._registerErrorHandler(onError, currentZone); result = new A._Future(currentZone, $R._eval$1("_Future<0>")); t1 = onError == null ? 1 : 3; this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, t1, f, onError, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>"))); return result; }, then$1$1($receiver, f, $R) { return this.then$1$2$onError($receiver, f, null, $R); }, _thenAwait$1$2(f, onError, $E) { var result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $E._eval$1("_Future<0>")); this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, 19, f, onError, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($E)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>"))); return result; }, catchError$2$test(onError, test) { var t1 = this.$ti, t2 = $.Zone__current, result = new A._Future(t2, t1); if (t2 !== B.C__RootZone) onError = A._registerErrorHandler(onError, t2); this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, 2, test, onError, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._precomputed1)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>"))); return result; }, catchError$1(onError) { return this.catchError$2$test(onError, null); }, whenComplete$1(action) { var t1 = this.$ti, result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, t1); this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, 8, action, null, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._precomputed1)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>"))); return result; }, _setErrorObject$1(error) { this._state = this._state & 1 | 16; this._resultOrListeners = error; }, _cloneResult$1(source) { this._state = source._state & 30 | this._state & 1; this._resultOrListeners = source._resultOrListeners; }, _addListener$1(listener) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._state; if (t1 <= 3) { listener._nextListener = _this._resultOrListeners; _this._resultOrListeners = listener; } else { if ((t1 & 4) !== 0) { t1 = _this._resultOrListeners; if ((t1._state & 24) === 0) { t1._addListener$1(listener); return; } _this._cloneResult$1(t1); } A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, _this._zone, new A._Future__addListener_closure(_this, listener)); } }, _prependListeners$1(listeners) { var t1, existingListeners, next, cursor, next0, _this = this, _box_0 = {}; _box_0.listeners = listeners; if (listeners == null) return; t1 = _this._state; if (t1 <= 3) { existingListeners = _this._resultOrListeners; _this._resultOrListeners = listeners; if (existingListeners != null) { next = listeners._nextListener; for (cursor = listeners; next != null; cursor = next, next = next0) next0 = next._nextListener; cursor._nextListener = existingListeners; } } else { if ((t1 & 4) !== 0) { t1 = _this._resultOrListeners; if ((t1._state & 24) === 0) { t1._prependListeners$1(listeners); return; } _this._cloneResult$1(t1); } _box_0.listeners = _this._reverseListeners$1(listeners); A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, _this._zone, new A._Future__prependListeners_closure(_box_0, _this)); } }, _removeListeners$0() { var current = this._resultOrListeners; this._resultOrListeners = null; return this._reverseListeners$1(current); }, _reverseListeners$1(listeners) { var current, prev, next; for (current = listeners, prev = null; current != null; prev = current, current = next) { next = current._nextListener; current._nextListener = prev; } return prev; }, _chainForeignFuture$1(source) { var e, s, exception, _this = this; _this._state ^= 2; try { source.then$1$2$onError(0, new A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure(_this), new A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0(_this), type$.Null); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); s = A.getTraceFromException(exception); A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1(_this, e, s)); } }, _complete$1(value) { var listeners, _this = this, t1 = _this.$ti; if (t1._eval$1("Future<1>")._is(value)) if (t1._is(value)) A._Future__chainCoreFuture(value, _this); else _this._chainForeignFuture$1(value); else { listeners = _this._removeListeners$0(); _this._state = 8; _this._resultOrListeners = value; A._Future__propagateToListeners(_this, listeners); } }, _completeWithValue$1(value) { var _this = this, listeners = _this._removeListeners$0(); _this._state = 8; _this._resultOrListeners = value; A._Future__propagateToListeners(_this, listeners); }, _completeError$2(error, stackTrace) { var listeners = this._removeListeners$0(); this._setErrorObject$1(A.AsyncError$(error, stackTrace)); A._Future__propagateToListeners(this, listeners); }, _asyncComplete$1(value) { if (this.$ti._eval$1("Future<1>")._is(value)) { this._chainFuture$1(value); return; } this._asyncCompleteWithValue$1(value); }, _asyncCompleteWithValue$1(value) { this._state ^= 2; A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, this._zone, new A._Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure(this, value)); }, _chainFuture$1(value) { var _this = this; if (_this.$ti._is(value)) { if ((value._state & 16) !== 0) { _this._state ^= 2; A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, _this._zone, new A._Future__chainFuture_closure(_this, value)); } else A._Future__chainCoreFuture(value, _this); return; } _this._chainForeignFuture$1(value); }, _asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace) { this._state ^= 2; A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, this._zone, new A._Future__asyncCompleteError_closure(this, error, stackTrace)); }, $isFuture: 1 }; A._Future__addListener_closure.prototype = { call$0() { A._Future__propagateToListeners(this.$this, this.listener); }, $signature: 0 }; A._Future__prependListeners_closure.prototype = { call$0() { A._Future__propagateToListeners(this.$this, this._box_0.listeners); }, $signature: 0 }; A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { var error, stackTrace, exception, t1 = this.$this; t1._state ^= 2; try { t1._completeWithValue$1(t1.$ti._precomputed1._as(value)); } catch (exception) { error = A.unwrapException(exception); stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception); t1._completeError$2(error, stackTrace); } }, $signature: 3 }; A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0.prototype = { call$2(error, stackTrace) { this.$this._completeError$2(error, stackTrace); }, $signature: 93 }; A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._completeError$2(this.e, this.s); }, $signature: 0 }; A._Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._completeWithValue$1(this.value); }, $signature: 0 }; A._Future__chainFuture_closure.prototype = { call$0() { A._Future__chainCoreFuture(this.value, this.$this); }, $signature: 0 }; A._Future__asyncCompleteError_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._completeError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace); }, $signature: 0 }; A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback.prototype = { call$0() { var e, s, t1, exception, t2, originalSource, _this = this, completeResult = null; try { t1 = _this._box_0.listener; completeResult = t1.result._zone.run$1(t1.callback); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); s = A.getTraceFromException(exception); t1 = _this.hasError && _this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners.error === e; t2 = _this._box_0; if (t1) t2.listenerValueOrError = _this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners; else t2.listenerValueOrError = A.AsyncError$(e, s); t2.listenerHasError = true; return; } if (completeResult instanceof A._Future && (completeResult._state & 24) !== 0) { if ((completeResult._state & 16) !== 0) { t1 = _this._box_0; t1.listenerValueOrError = completeResult._resultOrListeners; t1.listenerHasError = true; } return; } if (type$.Future_dynamic._is(completeResult)) { originalSource = _this._box_1.source; t1 = _this._box_0; t1.listenerValueOrError = J.then$1$1$x(completeResult, new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure(originalSource), type$.dynamic); t1.listenerHasError = false; } }, $signature: 0 }; A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { return this.originalSource; }, $signature: 111 }; A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback.prototype = { call$0() { var e, s, t1, t2, exception; try { t1 = this._box_0; t2 = t1.listener; t1.listenerValueOrError = t2.result._zone.runUnary$2(t2.callback, this.sourceResult); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); s = A.getTraceFromException(exception); t1 = this._box_0; t1.listenerValueOrError = A.AsyncError$(e, s); t1.listenerHasError = true; } }, $signature: 0 }; A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError.prototype = { call$0() { var asyncError, e, s, t1, exception, t2, _this = this; try { asyncError = _this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners; t1 = _this._box_0; if (t1.listener.matchesErrorTest$1(asyncError) && t1.listener.errorCallback != null) { t1.listenerValueOrError = t1.listener.handleError$1(asyncError); t1.listenerHasError = false; } } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); s = A.getTraceFromException(exception); t1 = _this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners; t2 = _this._box_0; if (t1.error === e) t2.listenerValueOrError = t1; else t2.listenerValueOrError = A.AsyncError$(e, s); t2.listenerHasError = true; } }, $signature: 0 }; A._AsyncCallbackEntry.prototype = {}; A.Stream.prototype = { get$isBroadcast() { return false; }, get$length(_) { var t1 = {}, future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_int); t1.count = 0; this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(new A.Stream_length_closure(t1, this), true, new A.Stream_length_closure0(t1, future), future.get$_completeError()); return future; } }; A.Stream_length_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { ++this._box_0.count; }, $signature() { return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(1)"); } }; A.Stream_length_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { this.future._complete$1(this._box_0.count); }, $signature: 0 }; A.StreamSubscription.prototype = {}; A.StreamTransformerBase.prototype = {}; A._StreamController.prototype = { get$stream(_) { return new A._ControllerStream(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>")); }, get$_pendingEvents() { if ((this._state & 8) === 0) return this._varData; return this._varData.get$varData(); }, _ensurePendingEvents$0() { var events, _this = this; if ((_this._state & 8) === 0) { events = _this._varData; return events == null ? _this._varData = new A._StreamImplEvents() : events; } events = _this._varData.get$varData(); return events; }, get$_subscription() { var varData = this._varData; return (this._state & 8) !== 0 ? varData.get$varData() : varData; }, _badEventState$0() { if ((this._state & 4) !== 0) return new A.StateError("Cannot add event after closing"); return new A.StateError("Cannot add event while adding a stream"); }, _ensureDoneFuture$0() { var t1 = this._doneFuture; if (t1 == null) t1 = this._doneFuture = (this._state & 2) !== 0 ? $.$get$Future__nullFuture() : new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void); return t1; }, add$1(_, value) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._state; if (t1 >= 4) throw A.wrapException(_this._badEventState$0()); if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) _this._sendData$1(value); else if ((t1 & 3) === 0) _this._ensurePendingEvents$0().add$1(0, new A._DelayedData(value)); }, addError$2(error, stackTrace) { var t1, _this = this; A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object); t1 = _this._state; if (t1 >= 4) throw A.wrapException(_this._badEventState$0()); if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) _this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace); else if ((t1 & 3) === 0) _this._ensurePendingEvents$0().add$1(0, new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace)); }, close$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._state; if ((t1 & 4) !== 0) return _this._ensureDoneFuture$0(); if (t1 >= 4) throw A.wrapException(_this._badEventState$0()); t1 = _this._state = t1 | 4; if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) _this._sendDone$0(); else if ((t1 & 3) === 0) _this._ensurePendingEvents$0().add$1(0, B.C__DelayedDone); return _this._ensureDoneFuture$0(); }, _subscribe$4(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError) { var subscription, pendingEvents, t1, addState, _this = this; if ((_this._state & 3) !== 0) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Stream has already been listened to.")); subscription = A._ControllerSubscription$(_this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, A._instanceType(_this)._precomputed1); pendingEvents = _this.get$_pendingEvents(); t1 = _this._state |= 1; if ((t1 & 8) !== 0) { addState = _this._varData; addState.set$varData(subscription); addState.resume$0(0); } else _this._varData = subscription; subscription._setPendingEvents$1(pendingEvents); subscription._guardCallback$1(new A._StreamController__subscribe_closure(_this)); return subscription; }, _recordCancel$1(subscription) { var onCancel, cancelResult, e, s, exception, result0, t1, _this = this, result = null; if ((_this._state & 8) !== 0) result = _this._varData.cancel$0(0); _this._varData = null; _this._state = _this._state & 4294967286 | 2; onCancel = _this.onCancel; if (onCancel != null) if (result == null) try { cancelResult = onCancel.call$0(); if (type$.Future_void._is(cancelResult)) result = cancelResult; } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); s = A.getTraceFromException(exception); result0 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void); result0._asyncCompleteError$2(e, s); result = result0; } else result = result.whenComplete$1(onCancel); t1 = new A._StreamController__recordCancel_complete(_this); if (result != null) result = result.whenComplete$1(t1); else t1.call$0(); return result; }, _recordPause$1(subscription) { if ((this._state & 8) !== 0) this._varData.pause$0(0); A._runGuarded(this.onPause); }, _recordResume$1(subscription) { if ((this._state & 8) !== 0) this._varData.resume$0(0); A._runGuarded(this.onResume); }, $isEventSink: 1, set$onListen(val) { return this.onListen = val; }, set$onPause(receiver, val) { return this.onPause = val; }, set$onResume(receiver, val) { return this.onResume = val; }, set$onCancel(receiver, val) { return this.onCancel = val; } }; A._StreamController__subscribe_closure.prototype = { call$0() { A._runGuarded(this.$this.onListen); }, $signature: 0 }; A._StreamController__recordCancel_complete.prototype = { call$0() { var doneFuture = this.$this._doneFuture; if (doneFuture != null && (doneFuture._state & 30) === 0) doneFuture._asyncComplete$1(null); }, $signature: 0 }; A._SyncStreamControllerDispatch.prototype = { _sendData$1(data) { this.get$_subscription()._async$_add$1(0, data); }, _sendError$2(error, stackTrace) { this.get$_subscription()._addError$2(error, stackTrace); }, _sendDone$0() { this.get$_subscription()._async$_close$0(); } }; A._AsyncStreamControllerDispatch.prototype = { _sendData$1(data) { this.get$_subscription()._addPending$1(new A._DelayedData(data)); }, _sendError$2(error, stackTrace) { this.get$_subscription()._addPending$1(new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace)); }, _sendDone$0() { this.get$_subscription()._addPending$1(B.C__DelayedDone); } }; A._AsyncStreamController.prototype = {}; A._SyncStreamController.prototype = {}; A._ControllerStream.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return (A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this._async$_controller) ^ 892482866) >>> 0; }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; return other instanceof A._ControllerStream && other._async$_controller === this._async$_controller; } }; A._ControllerSubscription.prototype = { _onCancel$0() { return this._async$_controller._recordCancel$1(this); }, _onPause$0() { this._async$_controller._recordPause$1(this); }, _onResume$0() { this._async$_controller._recordResume$1(this); } }; A._BufferingStreamSubscription.prototype = { _setPendingEvents$1(pendingEvents) { var _this = this; if (pendingEvents == null) return; _this._pending = pendingEvents; if (pendingEvents.lastPendingEvent != null) { _this._state = (_this._state | 64) >>> 0; pendingEvents.schedule$1(_this); } }, pause$1(_, resumeSignal) { var t2, t3, _this = this, t1 = _this._state; if ((t1 & 8) !== 0) return; t2 = (t1 + 128 | 4) >>> 0; _this._state = t2; if (t1 < 128) { t3 = _this._pending; if (t3 != null) if (t3._state === 1) t3._state = 3; } if ((t1 & 4) === 0 && (t2 & 32) === 0) _this._guardCallback$1(_this.get$_onPause()); }, pause$0($receiver) { return this.pause$1($receiver, null); }, resume$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._state; if ((t1 & 8) !== 0) return; if (t1 >= 128) { t1 = _this._state = t1 - 128; if (t1 < 128) if ((t1 & 64) !== 0 && _this._pending.lastPendingEvent != null) _this._pending.schedule$1(_this); else { t1 = (t1 & 4294967291) >>> 0; _this._state = t1; if ((t1 & 32) === 0) _this._guardCallback$1(_this.get$_onResume()); } } }, cancel$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = (_this._state & 4294967279) >>> 0; _this._state = t1; if ((t1 & 8) === 0) _this._async$_cancel$0(); t1 = _this._cancelFuture; return t1 == null ? $.$get$Future__nullFuture() : t1; }, _async$_cancel$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._state = (_this._state | 8) >>> 0; if ((t1 & 64) !== 0) { t2 = _this._pending; if (t2._state === 1) t2._state = 3; } if ((t1 & 32) === 0) _this._pending = null; _this._cancelFuture = _this._onCancel$0(); }, _async$_add$1(_, data) { var t1 = this._state; if ((t1 & 8) !== 0) return; if (t1 < 32) this._sendData$1(data); else this._addPending$1(new A._DelayedData(data)); }, _addError$2(error, stackTrace) { var t1 = this._state; if ((t1 & 8) !== 0) return; if (t1 < 32) this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace); else this._addPending$1(new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace)); }, _async$_close$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._state; if ((t1 & 8) !== 0) return; t1 = (t1 | 2) >>> 0; _this._state = t1; if (t1 < 32) _this._sendDone$0(); else _this._addPending$1(B.C__DelayedDone); }, _onPause$0() { }, _onResume$0() { }, _onCancel$0() { return null; }, _addPending$1($event) { var t1, _this = this, pending = _this._pending; if (pending == null) pending = new A._StreamImplEvents(); _this._pending = pending; pending.add$1(0, $event); t1 = _this._state; if ((t1 & 64) === 0) { t1 = (t1 | 64) >>> 0; _this._state = t1; if (t1 < 128) pending.schedule$1(_this); } }, _sendData$1(data) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._state; _this._state = (t1 | 32) >>> 0; _this._zone.runUnaryGuarded$2(_this._async$_onData, data); _this._state = (_this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0; _this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0); }, _sendError$2(error, stackTrace) { var cancelFuture, _this = this, t1 = _this._state, t2 = new A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError(_this, error, stackTrace); if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) { _this._state = (t1 | 16) >>> 0; _this._async$_cancel$0(); cancelFuture = _this._cancelFuture; if (cancelFuture != null && cancelFuture !== $.$get$Future__nullFuture()) cancelFuture.whenComplete$1(t2); else t2.call$0(); } else { t2.call$0(); _this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0); } }, _sendDone$0() { var cancelFuture, _this = this, t1 = new A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone(_this); _this._async$_cancel$0(); _this._state = (_this._state | 16) >>> 0; cancelFuture = _this._cancelFuture; if (cancelFuture != null && cancelFuture !== $.$get$Future__nullFuture()) cancelFuture.whenComplete$1(t1); else t1.call$0(); }, _guardCallback$1(callback) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._state; _this._state = (t1 | 32) >>> 0; callback.call$0(); _this._state = (_this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0; _this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0); }, _checkState$1(wasInputPaused) { var t2, isInputPaused, _this = this, t1 = _this._state; if ((t1 & 64) !== 0 && _this._pending.lastPendingEvent == null) { t1 = _this._state = (t1 & 4294967231) >>> 0; if ((t1 & 4) !== 0) if (t1 < 128) { t2 = _this._pending; t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.lastPendingEvent == null; t2 = t2 !== false; } else t2 = false; else t2 = false; if (t2) { t1 = (t1 & 4294967291) >>> 0; _this._state = t1; } } for (; true; wasInputPaused = isInputPaused) { if ((t1 & 8) !== 0) { _this._pending = null; return; } isInputPaused = (t1 & 4) !== 0; if (wasInputPaused === isInputPaused) break; _this._state = (t1 ^ 32) >>> 0; if (isInputPaused) _this._onPause$0(); else _this._onResume$0(); t1 = (_this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0; _this._state = t1; } if ((t1 & 64) !== 0 && t1 < 128) _this._pending.schedule$1(_this); }, $isStreamSubscription: 1 }; A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError.prototype = { call$0() { var onError, t3, t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1._state; if ((t2 & 8) !== 0 && (t2 & 16) === 0) return; t1._state = (t2 | 32) >>> 0; onError = t1._onError; t2 = this.error; t3 = t1._zone; if (type$.void_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(onError)) t3.runBinaryGuarded$3(onError, t2, this.stackTrace); else t3.runUnaryGuarded$2(onError, t2); t1._state = (t1._state & 4294967263) >>> 0; }, $signature: 0 }; A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1._state; if ((t2 & 16) === 0) return; t1._state = (t2 | 42) >>> 0; t1._zone.runGuarded$1(t1._onDone); t1._state = (t1._state & 4294967263) >>> 0; }, $signature: 0 }; A._StreamImpl.prototype = { listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) { return this._async$_controller._subscribe$4(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError === true); }, listen$1(onData) { return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, null, null); }, listen$3$onDone$onError(onData, onDone, onError) { return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError); } }; A._DelayedEvent.prototype = { get$next(receiver) { return this.next; }, set$next(receiver, val) { return this.next = val; } }; A._DelayedData.prototype = { perform$1(dispatch) { dispatch._sendData$1(this.value); } }; A._DelayedError.prototype = { perform$1(dispatch) { dispatch._sendError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace); } }; A._DelayedDone.prototype = { perform$1(dispatch) { dispatch._sendDone$0(); }, get$next(_) { return null; }, set$next(_, _0) { throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No events after a done.")); } }; A._PendingEvents.prototype = { schedule$1(dispatch) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._state; if (t1 === 1) return; if (t1 >= 1) { _this._state = 1; return; } A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._PendingEvents_schedule_closure(_this, dispatch)); _this._state = 1; } }; A._PendingEvents_schedule_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var $event, nextEvent, t1 = this.$this, oldState = t1._state; t1._state = 0; if (oldState === 3) return; $event = t1.firstPendingEvent; nextEvent = $event.get$next($event); t1.firstPendingEvent = nextEvent; if (nextEvent == null) t1.lastPendingEvent = null; $event.perform$1(this.dispatch); }, $signature: 0 }; A._StreamImplEvents.prototype = { add$1(_, $event) { var _this = this, lastEvent = _this.lastPendingEvent; if (lastEvent == null) _this.firstPendingEvent = _this.lastPendingEvent = $event; else { lastEvent.set$next(0, $event); _this.lastPendingEvent = $event; } } }; A._DoneStreamSubscription.prototype = { _schedule$0() { var _this = this; if ((_this._state & 2) !== 0) return; A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, _this._zone, _this.get$_sendDone()); _this._state = (_this._state | 2) >>> 0; }, pause$1(_, resumeSignal) { this._state += 4; }, pause$0($receiver) { return this.pause$1($receiver, null); }, resume$0(_) { var t1 = this._state; if (t1 >= 4) { t1 = this._state = t1 - 4; if (t1 < 4 && (t1 & 1) === 0) this._schedule$0(); } }, cancel$0(_) { return $.$get$Future__nullFuture(); }, _sendDone$0() { var doneHandler, _this = this, t1 = _this._state = (_this._state & 4294967293) >>> 0; if (t1 >= 4) return; _this._state = (t1 | 1) >>> 0; doneHandler = _this._onDone; if (doneHandler != null) _this._zone.runGuarded$1(doneHandler); }, $isStreamSubscription: 1 }; A._StreamIterator.prototype = {}; A._ForwardingStream.prototype = { get$isBroadcast() { return this._async$_source.get$isBroadcast(); }, listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) { var t1 = this.$ti, t2 = $.Zone__current, t3 = cancelOnError === true ? 1 : 0, t4 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(t2, onData), t5 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(t2, onError); t1 = new A._ForwardingStreamSubscription(this, t4, t5, onDone, t2, t3, t1._eval$1("@<_ForwardingStream.S>")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("_ForwardingStream.T"))._eval$1("_ForwardingStreamSubscription<1,2>")); t1._subscription = this._async$_source.listen$3$onDone$onError(t1.get$_handleData(), t1.get$_handleDone(), t1.get$_handleError()); return t1; }, listen$3$onDone$onError(onData, onDone, onError) { return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError); } }; A._ForwardingStreamSubscription.prototype = { _async$_add$1(_, data) { if ((this._state & 2) !== 0) return; this.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_add(0, data); }, _addError$2(error, stackTrace) { if ((this._state & 2) !== 0) return; this.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_addError(error, stackTrace); }, _onPause$0() { var t1 = this._subscription; if (t1 != null) t1.pause$0(0); }, _onResume$0() { var t1 = this._subscription; if (t1 != null) t1.resume$0(0); }, _onCancel$0() { var subscription = this._subscription; if (subscription != null) { this._subscription = null; return subscription.cancel$0(0); } return null; }, _handleData$1(data) { this._stream._handleData$2(data, this); }, _handleError$2(error, stackTrace) { this._addError$2(error, stackTrace); }, _handleDone$0() { this._async$_close$0(); } }; A._WhereStream.prototype = { _handleData$2(inputEvent, sink) { var e, s, exception, satisfies = null; try { satisfies = this._test.call$1(inputEvent); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); s = A.getTraceFromException(exception); sink._addError$2(e, s); return; } if (satisfies) sink._async$_add$1(0, inputEvent); } }; A._Zone.prototype = {}; A._rootHandleError_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.error, t2 = this.stackTrace; A.checkNotNullable(t1, "error", type$.Object); A.checkNotNullable(t2, "stackTrace", type$.StackTrace); A.Error__throw(t1, t2); }, $signature: 0 }; A._RootZone.prototype = { runGuarded$1(f) { var e, s, exception; try { if (B.C__RootZone === $.Zone__current) { f.call$0(); return; } A._rootRun(null, null, this, f); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); s = A.getTraceFromException(exception); A._rootHandleError(e, s); } }, runUnaryGuarded$1$2(f, arg) { var e, s, exception; try { if (B.C__RootZone === $.Zone__current) { f.call$1(arg); return; } A._rootRunUnary(null, null, this, f, arg); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); s = A.getTraceFromException(exception); A._rootHandleError(e, s); } }, runUnaryGuarded$2(f, arg) { return this.runUnaryGuarded$1$2(f, arg, type$.dynamic); }, runBinaryGuarded$2$3(f, arg1, arg2) { var e, s, exception; try { if (B.C__RootZone === $.Zone__current) { f.call$2(arg1, arg2); return; } A._rootRunBinary(null, null, this, f, arg1, arg2); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); s = A.getTraceFromException(exception); A._rootHandleError(e, s); } }, runBinaryGuarded$3(f, arg1, arg2) { return this.runBinaryGuarded$2$3(f, arg1, arg2, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic); }, bindCallbackGuarded$1(f) { return new A._RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure(this, f); }, bindUnaryCallbackGuarded$1$1(f, $T) { return new A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure(this, f, $T); }, $index(_, key) { return null; }, run$1$1(f) { if ($.Zone__current === B.C__RootZone) return f.call$0(); return A._rootRun(null, null, this, f); }, run$1(f) { return this.run$1$1(f, type$.dynamic); }, runUnary$2$2(f, arg) { if ($.Zone__current === B.C__RootZone) return f.call$1(arg); return A._rootRunUnary(null, null, this, f, arg); }, runUnary$2(f, arg) { return this.runUnary$2$2(f, arg, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic); }, runBinary$3$3(f, arg1, arg2) { if ($.Zone__current === B.C__RootZone) return f.call$2(arg1, arg2); return A._rootRunBinary(null, null, this, f, arg1, arg2); }, runBinary$3(f, arg1, arg2) { return this.runBinary$3$3(f, arg1, arg2, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic); }, registerBinaryCallback$3$1(f) { return f; }, registerBinaryCallback$1(f) { return this.registerBinaryCallback$3$1(f, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic); } }; A._RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return this.$this.runGuarded$1(this.f); }, $signature: 0 }; A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure.prototype = { call$1(arg) { return this.$this.runUnaryGuarded$2(this.f, arg); }, $signature() { return this.T._eval$1("~(0)"); } }; A._HashMap.prototype = { get$length(_) { return this._collection$_length; }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this._collection$_length === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { return this._collection$_length !== 0; }, get$keys(_) { return new A._HashMapKeyIterable(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_HashMapKeyIterable<1>")); }, get$values(_) { var t1 = A._instanceType(this); return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(new A._HashMapKeyIterable(this, t1._eval$1("_HashMapKeyIterable<1>")), new A._HashMap_values_closure(this), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]); }, containsKey$1(_, key) { var strings, nums; if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__") { strings = this._collection$_strings; return strings == null ? false : strings[key] != null; } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key) { nums = this._collection$_nums; return nums == null ? false : nums[key] != null; } else return this._containsKey$1(key); }, _containsKey$1(key) { var rest = this._collection$_rest; if (rest == null) return false; return this._findBucketIndex$2(this._getBucket$2(rest, key), key) >= 0; }, addAll$1(_, other) { other.forEach$1(0, new A._HashMap_addAll_closure(this)); }, $index(_, key) { var strings, t1, nums; if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__") { strings = this._collection$_strings; t1 = strings == null ? null : A._HashMap__getTableEntry(strings, key); return t1; } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key) { nums = this._collection$_nums; t1 = nums == null ? null : A._HashMap__getTableEntry(nums, key); return t1; } else return this._get$1(0, key); }, _get$1(_, key) { var bucket, index, rest = this._collection$_rest; if (rest == null) return null; bucket = this._getBucket$2(rest, key); index = this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key); return index < 0 ? null : bucket[index + 1]; }, $indexSet(_, key, value) { var strings, nums, _this = this; if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__") { strings = _this._collection$_strings; _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$3(strings == null ? _this._collection$_strings = A._HashMap__newHashTable() : strings, key, value); } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key) { nums = _this._collection$_nums; _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$3(nums == null ? _this._collection$_nums = A._HashMap__newHashTable() : nums, key, value); } else _this._set$2(key, value); }, _set$2(key, value) { var hash, bucket, index, _this = this, rest = _this._collection$_rest; if (rest == null) rest = _this._collection$_rest = A._HashMap__newHashTable(); hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(key); bucket = rest[hash]; if (bucket == null) { A._HashMap__setTableEntry(rest, hash, [key, value]); ++_this._collection$_length; _this._collection$_keys = null; } else { index = _this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key); if (index >= 0) bucket[index + 1] = value; else { bucket.push(key, value); ++_this._collection$_length; _this._collection$_keys = null; } } }, putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) { var value, _this = this; if (_this.containsKey$1(0, key)) return A._instanceType(_this)._rest[1]._as(_this.$index(0, key)); value = ifAbsent.call$0(); _this.$indexSet(0, key, value); return value; }, remove$1(_, key) { var _this = this; if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__") return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_strings, key); else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key) return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_nums, key); else return _this._remove$1(0, key); }, _remove$1(_, key) { var hash, bucket, index, result, _this = this, rest = _this._collection$_rest; if (rest == null) return null; hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(key); bucket = rest[hash]; index = _this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key); if (index < 0) return null; --_this._collection$_length; _this._collection$_keys = null; result = bucket.splice(index, 2)[1]; if (0 === bucket.length) delete rest[hash]; return result; }, forEach$1(_, action) { var $length, t1, i, key, _this = this, keys = _this._computeKeys$0(); for ($length = keys.length, t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._rest[1], i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { key = keys[i]; action.call$2(key, t1._as(_this.$index(0, key))); if (keys !== _this._collection$_keys) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); } }, _computeKeys$0() { var strings, names, entries, index, i, nums, rest, bucket, $length, i0, _this = this, result = _this._collection$_keys; if (result != null) return result; result = A.List_List$filled(_this._collection$_length, null, false, type$.dynamic); strings = _this._collection$_strings; if (strings != null) { names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(strings); entries = names.length; for (index = 0, i = 0; i < entries; ++i) { result[index] = names[i]; ++index; } } else index = 0; nums = _this._collection$_nums; if (nums != null) { names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(nums); entries = names.length; for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) { result[index] = +names[i]; ++index; } } rest = _this._collection$_rest; if (rest != null) { names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rest); entries = names.length; for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) { bucket = rest[names[i]]; $length = bucket.length; for (i0 = 0; i0 < $length; i0 += 2) { result[index] = bucket[i0]; ++index; } } } return _this._collection$_keys = result; }, _collection$_addHashTableEntry$3(table, key, value) { if (table[key] == null) { ++this._collection$_length; this._collection$_keys = null; } A._HashMap__setTableEntry(table, key, value); }, _collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(table, key) { var value; if (table != null && table[key] != null) { value = A._HashMap__getTableEntry(table, key); delete table[key]; --this._collection$_length; this._collection$_keys = null; return value; } else return null; }, _computeHashCode$1(key) { return J.get$hashCode$(key) & 1073741823; }, _getBucket$2(table, key) { return table[this._computeHashCode$1(key)]; }, _findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) { var $length, i; if (bucket == null) return -1; $length = bucket.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; i += 2) if (J.$eq$(bucket[i], key)) return i; return -1; } }; A._HashMap_values_closure.prototype = { call$1(each) { var t1 = this.$this; return A._instanceType(t1)._rest[1]._as(t1.$index(0, each)); }, $signature() { return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("2(1)"); } }; A._HashMap_addAll_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { this.$this.$indexSet(0, key, value); }, $signature() { return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(1,2)"); } }; A._IdentityHashMap.prototype = { _computeHashCode$1(key) { return A.objectHashCode(key) & 1073741823; }, _findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) { var $length, i, t1; if (bucket == null) return -1; $length = bucket.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; i += 2) { t1 = bucket[i]; if (t1 == null ? key == null : t1 === key) return i; } return -1; } }; A._HashMapKeyIterable.prototype = { get$length(_) { return this._collection$_map._collection$_length; }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this._collection$_map._collection$_length === 0; }, get$iterator(_) { var t1 = this._collection$_map; return new A._HashMapKeyIterator(t1, t1._computeKeys$0()); }, contains$1(_, element) { return this._collection$_map.containsKey$1(0, element); }, forEach$1(_, f) { var $length, i, t1 = this._collection$_map, keys = t1._computeKeys$0(); for ($length = keys.length, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { f.call$1(keys[i]); if (keys !== t1._collection$_keys) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1)); } } }; A._HashMapKeyIterator.prototype = { get$current(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this._collection$_current); }, moveNext$0() { var _this = this, keys = _this._collection$_keys, offset = _this._offset, t1 = _this._collection$_map; if (keys !== t1._collection$_keys) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1)); else if (offset >= keys.length) { _this._collection$_current = null; return false; } else { _this._collection$_current = keys[offset]; _this._offset = offset + 1; return true; } } }; A._LinkedIdentityHashMap.prototype = { internalComputeHashCode$1(key) { return A.objectHashCode(key) & 1073741823; }, internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) { var $length, i, t1; if (bucket == null) return -1; $length = bucket.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { t1 = bucket[i].hashMapCellKey; if (t1 == null ? key == null : t1 === key) return i; } return -1; } }; A._LinkedCustomHashMap.prototype = { $index(_, key) { if (!this._validKey.call$1(key)) return null; return this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalGet(key); }, $indexSet(_, key, value) { this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalSet(key, value); }, containsKey$1(_, key) { if (!this._validKey.call$1(key)) return false; return this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalContainsKey(key); }, remove$1(_, key) { if (!this._validKey.call$1(key)) return null; return this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalRemove(key); }, internalComputeHashCode$1(key) { return this._hashCode.call$1(key) & 1073741823; }, internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) { var $length, t1, i; if (bucket == null) return -1; $length = bucket.length; for (t1 = this._equals, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) if (t1.call$2(bucket[i].hashMapCellKey, key)) return i; return -1; } }; A._LinkedCustomHashMap_closure.prototype = { call$1(v) { return this.K._is(v); }, $signature: 88 }; A._HashSet.prototype = { _newSet$0() { return new A._HashSet(A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_HashSet<1>")); }, get$iterator(_) { return new A._HashSetIterator(this, this._computeElements$0()); }, get$length(_) { return this._collection$_length; }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this._collection$_length === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { return this._collection$_length !== 0; }, contains$1(_, object) { var strings, nums; if (typeof object == "string" && object !== "__proto__") { strings = this._collection$_strings; return strings == null ? false : strings[object] != null; } else if (typeof object == "number" && (object & 1073741823) === object) { nums = this._collection$_nums; return nums == null ? false : nums[object] != null; } else return this._contains$1(object); }, _contains$1(object) { var rest = this._collection$_rest; if (rest == null) return false; return this._findBucketIndex$2(rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)], object) >= 0; }, add$1(_, element) { var strings, nums, _this = this; if (typeof element == "string" && element !== "__proto__") { strings = _this._collection$_strings; return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(strings == null ? _this._collection$_strings = A._HashSet__newHashTable() : strings, element); } else if (typeof element == "number" && (element & 1073741823) === element) { nums = _this._collection$_nums; return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(nums == null ? _this._collection$_nums = A._HashSet__newHashTable() : nums, element); } else return _this._add$1(0, element); }, _add$1(_, element) { var hash, bucket, _this = this, rest = _this._collection$_rest; if (rest == null) rest = _this._collection$_rest = A._HashSet__newHashTable(); hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(element); bucket = rest[hash]; if (bucket == null) rest[hash] = [element]; else { if (_this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) >= 0) return false; bucket.push(element); } ++_this._collection$_length; _this._elements = null; return true; }, addAll$1(_, objects) { var t1; for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(objects); t1.moveNext$0();) this.add$1(0, t1.get$current(t1)); }, remove$1(_, object) { var _this = this; if (typeof object == "string" && object !== "__proto__") return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_strings, object); else if (typeof object == "number" && (object & 1073741823) === object) return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_nums, object); else return _this._remove$1(0, object); }, _remove$1(_, object) { var hash, bucket, index, _this = this, rest = _this._collection$_rest; if (rest == null) return false; hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(object); bucket = rest[hash]; index = _this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, object); if (index < 0) return false; --_this._collection$_length; _this._elements = null; bucket.splice(index, 1); if (0 === bucket.length) delete rest[hash]; return true; }, clear$0(_) { var _this = this; if (_this._collection$_length > 0) { _this._collection$_strings = _this._collection$_nums = _this._collection$_rest = _this._elements = null; _this._collection$_length = 0; } }, _computeElements$0() { var strings, names, entries, index, i, nums, rest, bucket, $length, i0, _this = this, result = _this._elements; if (result != null) return result; result = A.List_List$filled(_this._collection$_length, null, false, type$.dynamic); strings = _this._collection$_strings; if (strings != null) { names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(strings); entries = names.length; for (index = 0, i = 0; i < entries; ++i) { result[index] = names[i]; ++index; } } else index = 0; nums = _this._collection$_nums; if (nums != null) { names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(nums); entries = names.length; for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) { result[index] = +names[i]; ++index; } } rest = _this._collection$_rest; if (rest != null) { names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rest); entries = names.length; for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) { bucket = rest[names[i]]; $length = bucket.length; for (i0 = 0; i0 < $length; ++i0) { result[index] = bucket[i0]; ++index; } } } return _this._elements = result; }, _collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(table, element) { if (table[element] != null) return false; table[element] = 0; ++this._collection$_length; this._elements = null; return true; }, _collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(table, element) { if (table != null && table[element] != null) { delete table[element]; --this._collection$_length; this._elements = null; return true; } else return false; }, _computeHashCode$1(element) { return J.get$hashCode$(element) & 1073741823; }, _findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) { var $length, i; if (bucket == null) return -1; $length = bucket.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) if (J.$eq$(bucket[i], element)) return i; return -1; } }; A._HashSetIterator.prototype = { get$current(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this._collection$_current); }, moveNext$0() { var _this = this, elements = _this._elements, offset = _this._offset, t1 = _this._set; if (elements !== t1._elements) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1)); else if (offset >= elements.length) { _this._collection$_current = null; return false; } else { _this._collection$_current = elements[offset]; _this._offset = offset + 1; return true; } } }; A._LinkedHashSet.prototype = { _newSet$0() { return new A._LinkedHashSet(A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<1>")); }, get$iterator(_) { var t1 = new A._LinkedHashSetIterator(this, this._collection$_modifications); t1._collection$_cell = this._collection$_first; return t1; }, get$length(_) { return this._collection$_length; }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this._collection$_length === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { return this._collection$_length !== 0; }, contains$1(_, object) { var strings, nums; if (typeof object == "string" && object !== "__proto__") { strings = this._collection$_strings; if (strings == null) return false; return strings[object] != null; } else if (typeof object == "number" && (object & 1073741823) === object) { nums = this._collection$_nums; if (nums == null) return false; return nums[object] != null; } else return this._contains$1(object); }, _contains$1(object) { var rest = this._collection$_rest; if (rest == null) return false; return this._findBucketIndex$2(rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)], object) >= 0; }, forEach$1(_, action) { var _this = this, cell = _this._collection$_first, modifications = _this._collection$_modifications; for (; cell != null;) { action.call$1(cell._element); if (modifications !== _this._collection$_modifications) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); cell = cell._collection$_next; } }, get$first(_) { var first = this._collection$_first; if (first == null) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); return first._element; }, get$last(_) { var last = this._collection$_last; if (last == null) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); return last._element; }, add$1(_, element) { var strings, nums, _this = this; if (typeof element == "string" && element !== "__proto__") { strings = _this._collection$_strings; return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(strings == null ? _this._collection$_strings = A._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable() : strings, element); } else if (typeof element == "number" && (element & 1073741823) === element) { nums = _this._collection$_nums; return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(nums == null ? _this._collection$_nums = A._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable() : nums, element); } else return _this._add$1(0, element); }, _add$1(_, element) { var hash, bucket, _this = this, rest = _this._collection$_rest; if (rest == null) rest = _this._collection$_rest = A._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable(); hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(element); bucket = rest[hash]; if (bucket == null) rest[hash] = [_this._collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element)]; else { if (_this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) >= 0) return false; bucket.push(_this._collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element)); } return true; }, remove$1(_, object) { var _this = this; if (typeof object == "string" && object !== "__proto__") return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_strings, object); else if (typeof object == "number" && (object & 1073741823) === object) return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_nums, object); else return _this._remove$1(0, object); }, _remove$1(_, object) { var hash, bucket, index, cell, _this = this, rest = _this._collection$_rest; if (rest == null) return false; hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(object); bucket = rest[hash]; index = _this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, object); if (index < 0) return false; cell = bucket.splice(index, 1)[0]; if (0 === bucket.length) delete rest[hash]; _this._collection$_unlinkCell$1(cell); return true; }, _filterWhere$2(test, removeMatching) { var element, next, modifications, t1, _this = this, cell = _this._collection$_first; for (; cell != null; cell = next) { element = cell._element; next = cell._collection$_next; modifications = _this._collection$_modifications; t1 = test.call$1(element); if (modifications !== _this._collection$_modifications) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); if (true === t1) _this.remove$1(0, element); } }, clear$0(_) { var _this = this; if (_this._collection$_length > 0) { _this._collection$_strings = _this._collection$_nums = _this._collection$_rest = _this._collection$_first = _this._collection$_last = null; _this._collection$_length = 0; _this._collection$_modified$0(); } }, _collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(table, element) { if (table[element] != null) return false; table[element] = this._collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element); return true; }, _collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(table, element) { var cell; if (table == null) return false; cell = table[element]; if (cell == null) return false; this._collection$_unlinkCell$1(cell); delete table[element]; return true; }, _collection$_modified$0() { this._collection$_modifications = this._collection$_modifications + 1 & 1073741823; }, _collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element) { var t1, _this = this, cell = new A._LinkedHashSetCell(element); if (_this._collection$_first == null) _this._collection$_first = _this._collection$_last = cell; else { t1 = _this._collection$_last; t1.toString; cell._collection$_previous = t1; _this._collection$_last = t1._collection$_next = cell; } ++_this._collection$_length; _this._collection$_modified$0(); return cell; }, _collection$_unlinkCell$1(cell) { var _this = this, previous = cell._collection$_previous, next = cell._collection$_next; if (previous == null) _this._collection$_first = next; else previous._collection$_next = next; if (next == null) _this._collection$_last = previous; else next._collection$_previous = previous; --_this._collection$_length; _this._collection$_modified$0(); }, _computeHashCode$1(element) { return J.get$hashCode$(element) & 1073741823; }, _findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) { var $length, i; if (bucket == null) return -1; $length = bucket.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) if (J.$eq$(bucket[i]._element, element)) return i; return -1; } }; A._LinkedHashSetCell.prototype = {}; A._LinkedHashSetIterator.prototype = { get$current(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this._collection$_current); }, moveNext$0() { var _this = this, cell = _this._collection$_cell, t1 = _this._set; if (_this._collection$_modifications !== t1._collection$_modifications) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1)); else if (cell == null) { _this._collection$_current = null; return false; } else { _this._collection$_current = cell._element; _this._collection$_cell = cell._collection$_next; return true; } } }; A.IterableBase.prototype = {}; A.LinkedList.prototype = { contains$1(_, entry) { return entry instanceof A.LinkedListEntry && this === entry._collection$_list; }, get$iterator(_) { return new A._LinkedListIterator(this, this._modificationCount, this._collection$_first); }, get$length(_) { return this._collection$_length; }, get$first(_) { var t1; if (this._collection$_length === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No such element")); t1 = this._collection$_first; t1.toString; return t1; }, get$last(_) { var t1; if (this._collection$_length === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No such element")); t1 = this._collection$_first._collection$_previous; t1.toString; return t1; }, forEach$1(_, action) { var t1, current, _this = this, modificationCount = _this._modificationCount; if (_this._collection$_length === 0) return; t1 = _this._collection$_first; t1.toString; current = t1; do { action.call$1(current); if (modificationCount !== _this._modificationCount) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); t1 = current._collection$_next; t1.toString; if (t1 !== _this._collection$_first) { current = t1; continue; } else break; } while (true); }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this._collection$_length === 0; } }; A._LinkedListIterator.prototype = { get$current(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this._collection$_current); }, moveNext$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._collection$_list; if (_this._modificationCount !== t1._modificationCount) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); if (t1._collection$_length !== 0) t1 = _this._visitedFirst && _this._collection$_next === t1.get$first(t1); else t1 = true; if (t1) { _this._collection$_current = null; return false; } _this._visitedFirst = true; t1 = _this._collection$_next; _this._collection$_current = t1; _this._collection$_next = t1._collection$_next; return true; } }; A.LinkedListEntry.prototype = {}; A.ListBase.prototype = {$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1}; A.ListMixin.prototype = { get$iterator(receiver) { return new A.ListIterator(receiver, this.get$length(receiver)); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return this.$index(receiver, index); }, forEach$1(receiver, action) { var i, $length = this.get$length(receiver); for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { action.call$1(this.$index(receiver, i)); if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver)) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver)); } }, get$isEmpty(receiver) { return this.get$length(receiver) === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(receiver) { return !this.get$isEmpty(receiver); }, get$first(receiver) { if (this.get$length(receiver) === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); return this.$index(receiver, 0); }, get$last(receiver) { if (this.get$length(receiver) === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); return this.$index(receiver, this.get$length(receiver) - 1); }, contains$1(receiver, element) { var i, $length = this.get$length(receiver); for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { if (J.$eq$(this.$index(receiver, i), element)) return true; if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver)) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver)); } return false; }, firstWhere$2$orElse(receiver, test, orElse) { var i, element, $length = this.get$length(receiver); for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { element = this.$index(receiver, i); if (test.call$1(element)) return element; if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver)) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver)); } return orElse.call$0(); }, lastWhere$2$orElse(receiver, test, orElse) { var i, element, $length = this.get$length(receiver); for (i = $length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { element = this.$index(receiver, i); if (test.call$1(element)) return element; if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver)) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver)); } if (orElse != null) return orElse.call$0(); throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); }, join$1(receiver, separator) { var t1; if (this.get$length(receiver) === 0) return ""; t1 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll("", receiver, separator); return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; }, join$0($receiver) { return this.join$1($receiver, ""); }, map$1$1(receiver, f, $T) { return new A.MappedListIterable(receiver, f, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>")); }, skip$1(receiver, count) { return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, count, null, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E")); }, take$1(receiver, count) { return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, 0, A.checkNotNullable(count, "count", type$.int), A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E")); }, toList$1$growable(receiver, growable) { var t1, first, result, i, _this = this; if (_this.get$isEmpty(receiver)) { t1 = J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E")); return t1; } first = _this.$index(receiver, 0); result = A.List_List$filled(_this.get$length(receiver), first, true, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E")); for (i = 1; i < _this.get$length(receiver); ++i) result[i] = _this.$index(receiver, i); return result; }, toList$0($receiver) { return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true); }, toSet$0(receiver) { var i, result = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E")); for (i = 0; i < this.get$length(receiver); ++i) result.add$1(0, this.$index(receiver, i)); return result; }, add$1(receiver, element) { var t1 = this.get$length(receiver); this.set$length(receiver, t1 + 1); this.$indexSet(receiver, t1, element); }, remove$1(receiver, element) { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.get$length(receiver); ++i) if (J.$eq$(this.$index(receiver, i), element)) { this._closeGap$2(receiver, i, i + 1); return true; } return false; }, _closeGap$2(receiver, start, end) { var i, _this = this, $length = _this.get$length(receiver), size = end - start; for (i = end; i < $length; ++i) _this.$indexSet(receiver, i - size, _this.$index(receiver, i)); _this.set$length(receiver, $length - size); }, cast$1$0(receiver, $R) { return new A.CastList(receiver, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastList<1,2>")); }, removeLast$0(receiver) { var result, _this = this; if (_this.get$length(receiver) === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); result = _this.$index(receiver, _this.get$length(receiver) - 1); _this.set$length(receiver, _this.get$length(receiver) - 1); return result; }, $add(receiver, other) { var t1 = A.List_List$of(receiver, true, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E")); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, other); return t1; }, sublist$2(receiver, start, end) { var listLength = this.get$length(receiver); A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, listLength, listLength); return A.List_List$from(this.getRange$2(receiver, start, listLength), true, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E")); }, sublist$1($receiver, start) { return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null); }, getRange$2(receiver, start, end) { A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, this.get$length(receiver)); return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, start, end, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E")); }, fillRange$3(receiver, start, end, fill) { var i; A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E")._as(fill); A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, this.get$length(receiver)); for (i = start; i < end; ++i) this.$indexSet(receiver, i, fill); }, setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) { var $length, otherStart, otherList, t1, i; A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, this.get$length(receiver)); $length = end - start; if ($length === 0) return; A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(skipCount, "skipCount"); if (A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("List")._is(iterable)) { otherStart = skipCount; otherList = iterable; } else { otherList = J.skip$1$ax(iterable, skipCount).toList$1$growable(0, false); otherStart = 0; } t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(otherList); if (otherStart + $length > t1.get$length(otherList)) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooFew()); if (otherStart < start) for (i = $length - 1; i >= 0; --i) this.$indexSet(receiver, start + i, t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i)); else for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) this.$indexSet(receiver, start + i, t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i)); }, setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) { return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0); }, indexOf$1(receiver, element) { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.get$length(receiver); ++i) if (J.$eq$(this.$index(receiver, i), element)) return i; return -1; }, setAll$2(receiver, index, iterable) { var t1, index0; if (type$.List_dynamic._is(iterable)) this.setRange$3(receiver, index, index + iterable.length, iterable); else for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(iterable); t1.moveNext$0(); index = index0) { index0 = index + 1; this.$indexSet(receiver, index, t1.get$current(t1)); } }, toString$0(receiver) { return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(receiver, "[", "]"); } }; A.MapBase.prototype = {}; A.MapBase_mapToString_closure.prototype = { call$2(k, v) { var t2, t1 = this._box_0; if (!t1.first) this.result._contents += ", "; t1.first = false; t1 = this.result; t2 = t1._contents += A.S(k); t1._contents = t2 + ": "; t1._contents += A.S(v); }, $signature: 45 }; A.MapMixin.prototype = { cast$2$0(receiver, RK, RV) { var t1 = A.instanceType(receiver); return A.Map_castFrom(receiver, t1._eval$1("MapMixin.K"), t1._eval$1("MapMixin.V"), RK, RV); }, forEach$1(receiver, action) { var t1, t2, key; for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$keys(receiver)), t2 = A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("MapMixin.V"); t1.moveNext$0();) { key = t1.get$current(t1); action.call$2(key, t2._as(this.$index(receiver, key))); } }, putIfAbsent$2(receiver, key, ifAbsent) { var t1; if (this.containsKey$1(receiver, key)) return A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("MapMixin.V")._as(this.$index(receiver, key)); t1 = ifAbsent.call$0(); this.$indexSet(receiver, key, t1); return t1; }, update$3$ifAbsent(receiver, key, update, ifAbsent) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this.containsKey$1(receiver, key)) { t1 = update.call$1(A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("MapMixin.V")._as(_this.$index(receiver, key))); _this.$indexSet(receiver, key, t1); return t1; } if (ifAbsent != null) { t1 = ifAbsent.call$0(); _this.$indexSet(receiver, key, t1); return t1; } throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(key, "key", "Key not in map.")); }, update$2($receiver, key, update) { return this.update$3$ifAbsent($receiver, key, update, null); }, get$entries(receiver) { return J.map$1$1$ax(this.get$keys(receiver), new A.MapMixin_entries_closure(receiver), A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("MapEntry")); }, map$2$1(receiver, transform, K2, V2) { var t1, t2, key, entry, result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(K2, V2); for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$keys(receiver)), t2 = A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("MapMixin.V"); t1.moveNext$0();) { key = t1.get$current(t1); entry = transform.call$2(key, t2._as(this.$index(receiver, key))); result.$indexSet(0, entry.key, entry.value); } return result; }, addEntries$1(receiver, newEntries) { var t1, t2, t3; for (t1 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(newEntries._iterable), newEntries._f), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._rest[1]; t1.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2._as(t1._current); this.$indexSet(receiver, t3.key, t3.value); } }, removeWhere$1(receiver, test) { var t2, key, _i, t1 = A.instanceType(receiver), keysToRemove = A._setArrayType([], t1._eval$1("JSArray")); for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$keys(receiver)), t1 = t1._eval$1("MapMixin.V"); t2.moveNext$0();) { key = t2.get$current(t2); if (test.call$2(key, t1._as(this.$index(receiver, key)))) keysToRemove.push(key); } for (t1 = keysToRemove.length, _i = 0; _i < keysToRemove.length; keysToRemove.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keysToRemove), ++_i) this.remove$1(receiver, keysToRemove[_i]); }, containsKey$1(receiver, key) { return J.contains$1$asx(this.get$keys(receiver), key); }, get$length(receiver) { return J.get$length$asx(this.get$keys(receiver)); }, get$isEmpty(receiver) { return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.get$keys(receiver)); }, get$isNotEmpty(receiver) { return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this.get$keys(receiver)); }, get$values(receiver) { var t1 = A.instanceType(receiver); return new A._MapBaseValueIterable(receiver, t1._eval$1("@")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("MapMixin.V"))._eval$1("_MapBaseValueIterable<1,2>")); }, toString$0(receiver) { return A.MapBase_mapToString(receiver); }, $isMap: 1 }; A.MapMixin_entries_closure.prototype = { call$1(key) { var t1 = this.$this, t2 = A.instanceType(t1), t3 = t2._eval$1("MapMixin.V"); return new A.MapEntry(key, t3._as(J.$index$asx(t1, key)), t2._eval$1("@")._bind$1(t3)._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>")); }, $signature() { return A.instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("MapEntry(MapMixin.K)"); } }; A._MapBaseValueIterable.prototype = { get$length(_) { return J.get$length$asx(this._collection$_map); }, get$isEmpty(_) { return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this._collection$_map); }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this._collection$_map); }, get$first(_) { var t1 = this._collection$_map, t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1); return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t2.$index(t1, J.get$first$ax(t2.get$keys(t1)))); }, get$last(_) { var t1 = this._collection$_map, t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1); return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t2.$index(t1, J.get$last$ax(t2.get$keys(t1)))); }, get$iterator(_) { var t1 = this._collection$_map; return new A._MapBaseValueIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$x(t1)), t1); } }; A._MapBaseValueIterator.prototype = { moveNext$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._collection$_keys; if (t1.moveNext$0()) { _this._collection$_current = J.$index$asx(_this._collection$_map, t1.get$current(t1)); return true; } _this._collection$_current = null; return false; }, get$current(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(this._collection$_current); } }; A._UnmodifiableMapMixin.prototype = { $indexSet(_, key, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable map")); }, remove$1(_, key) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable map")); }, putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable map")); } }; A.MapView.prototype = { cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) { var t1 = this._collection$_map; return t1.cast$2$0(t1, RK, RV); }, $index(_, key) { return this._collection$_map.$index(0, key); }, $indexSet(_, key, value) { this._collection$_map.$indexSet(0, key, value); }, putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) { return this._collection$_map.putIfAbsent$2(0, key, ifAbsent); }, containsKey$1(_, key) { return this._collection$_map.containsKey$1(0, key); }, forEach$1(_, action) { this._collection$_map.forEach$1(0, action); }, get$isEmpty(_) { var t1 = this._collection$_map; return t1.get$isEmpty(t1); }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { var t1 = this._collection$_map; return t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1); }, get$length(_) { var t1 = this._collection$_map; return t1.get$length(t1); }, get$keys(_) { var t1 = this._collection$_map; return t1.get$keys(t1); }, remove$1(_, key) { return this._collection$_map.remove$1(0, key); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this._collection$_map; return t1.toString$0(t1); }, get$values(_) { var t1 = this._collection$_map; return t1.get$values(t1); }, get$entries(_) { var t1 = this._collection$_map; return t1.get$entries(t1); }, map$2$1(_, transform, K2, V2) { var t1 = this._collection$_map; return t1.map$2$1(t1, transform, K2, V2); }, $isMap: 1 }; A.UnmodifiableMapView.prototype = { cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) { var t1 = this._collection$_map; return new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t1.cast$2$0(t1, RK, RV), RK._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(RV)._eval$1("UnmodifiableMapView<1,2>")); } }; A._DoubleLinkedQueueEntry.prototype = { _link$2(previous, next) { var _this = this; _this._nextLink = next; _this._previousLink = previous; if (previous != null) previous._nextLink = _this; if (next != null) next._previousLink = _this; }, _unlink$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._previousLink; if (t1 != null) t1._nextLink = _this._nextLink; t2 = _this._nextLink; if (t2 != null) t2._previousLink = t1; _this._previousLink = _this._nextLink = null; } }; A._DoubleLinkedQueueElement.prototype = { _remove$0(_) { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this._queue = null; t1 = _this._previousLink; if (t1 != null) t1._nextLink = _this._nextLink; t2 = _this._nextLink; if (t2 != null) t2._previousLink = t1; _this._previousLink = _this._nextLink = null; return _this.element; }, remove$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._queue; if (t1 != null) --t1._elementCount; _this._queue = null; _this._unlink$0(); return _this.element; }, _asNonSentinelEntry$0() { return this; }, $isDoubleLinkedQueueEntry: 1, get$element() { return this.element; } }; A._DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel.prototype = { _asNonSentinelEntry$0() { return null; }, _remove$0(_) { throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); }, get$element() { throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); } }; A.DoubleLinkedQueue.prototype = { get$length(_) { return this._elementCount; }, addFirst$1(value) { var t1 = this._sentinel; new A._DoubleLinkedQueueElement(this, value, t1.$ti._eval$1("_DoubleLinkedQueueElement<1>"))._link$2(t1, t1._nextLink); ++this._elementCount; }, get$first(_) { return this._sentinel._nextLink.get$element(); }, get$last(_) { return this._sentinel._previousLink.get$element(); }, get$isEmpty(_) { var t1 = this._sentinel; return t1._nextLink === t1; }, get$iterator(_) { return new A._DoubleLinkedQueueIterator(this, this._sentinel._nextLink); }, toString$0(_) { return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}"); }, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1 }; A._DoubleLinkedQueueIterator.prototype = { moveNext$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._nextEntry, nextElement = t1 == null ? null : t1._asNonSentinelEntry$0(); if (nextElement == null) { _this._queue = _this._nextEntry = _this._collection$_current = null; return false; } t1 = _this._queue; if (t1 != nextElement._queue) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1)); _this._collection$_current = nextElement.element; _this._nextEntry = nextElement._nextLink; return true; }, get$current(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this._collection$_current); } }; A.ListQueue.prototype = { get$iterator(_) { var _this = this; return new A._ListQueueIterator(_this, _this._tail, _this._modificationCount, _this._head); }, forEach$1(_, f) { var i, t1, _this = this, modificationCount = _this._modificationCount; for (i = _this._head, t1 = _this.$ti._precomputed1; i !== _this._tail; i = (i + 1 & _this._table.length - 1) >>> 0) { f.call$1(t1._as(_this._table[i])); if (modificationCount !== _this._modificationCount) A.throwExpression(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); } }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this._head === this._tail; }, get$length(_) { return (this._tail - this._head & this._table.length - 1) >>> 0; }, get$first(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._head; if (t1 === _this._tail) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); return _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(_this._table[t1]); }, get$last(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._head, t2 = _this._tail; if (t1 === t2) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); t1 = _this._table; return _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1[(t2 - 1 & t1.length - 1) >>> 0]); }, elementAt$1(_, index) { var t1, _this = this; A.RangeError_checkValidIndex(index, _this, null, null); t1 = _this._table; return _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1[(_this._head + index & t1.length - 1) >>> 0]); }, toList$1$growable(_, growable) { var t1, list, t2, t3, i, _this = this, mask = _this._table.length - 1, $length = (_this._tail - _this._head & mask) >>> 0; if ($length === 0) { t1 = J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, _this.$ti._precomputed1); return t1; } t1 = _this.$ti._precomputed1; list = A.List_List$filled($length, _this.get$first(_this), true, t1); for (t2 = _this._table, t3 = _this._head, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) list[i] = t1._as(t2[(t3 + i & mask) >>> 0]); return list; }, toList$0($receiver) { return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true); }, addAll$1(_, elements) { var addCount, $length, t2, t3, t4, newTable, endSpace, preSpace, _this = this, t1 = _this.$ti; if (t1._eval$1("List<1>")._is(elements)) { addCount = elements.length; $length = _this.get$length(_this); t2 = $length + addCount; t3 = _this._table; t4 = t3.length; if (t2 >= t4) { newTable = A.List_List$filled(A.ListQueue__nextPowerOf2(t2 + (t2 >>> 1)), null, false, t1._eval$1("1?")); _this._tail = _this._writeToList$1(newTable); _this._table = newTable; _this._head = 0; B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, $length, t2, elements, 0); _this._tail += addCount; } else { t1 = _this._tail; endSpace = t4 - t1; if (addCount < endSpace) { B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(t3, t1, t1 + addCount, elements, 0); _this._tail += addCount; } else { preSpace = addCount - endSpace; B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(t3, t1, t1 + endSpace, elements, 0); B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(_this._table, 0, preSpace, elements, endSpace); _this._tail = preSpace; } } ++_this._modificationCount; } else for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();) _this._add$1(0, t1.get$current(t1)); }, clear$0(_) { var t2, t3, _this = this, i = _this._head, t1 = _this._tail; if (i !== t1) { for (t2 = _this._table, t3 = t2.length - 1; i !== t1; i = (i + 1 & t3) >>> 0) t2[i] = null; _this._head = _this._tail = 0; ++_this._modificationCount; } }, toString$0(_) { return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}"); }, addFirst$1(value) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._head, t2 = _this._table; t1 = _this._head = (t1 - 1 & t2.length - 1) >>> 0; t2[t1] = value; if (t1 === _this._tail) _this._grow$0(); ++_this._modificationCount; }, removeFirst$0() { var t2, result, _this = this, t1 = _this._head; if (t1 === _this._tail) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); ++_this._modificationCount; t2 = _this._table; result = _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t2[t1]); t2[t1] = null; _this._head = (t1 + 1 & t2.length - 1) >>> 0; return result; }, removeLast$0(_) { var result, _this = this, t1 = _this._head, t2 = _this._tail; if (t1 === t2) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); ++_this._modificationCount; t1 = _this._table; t2 = _this._tail = (t2 - 1 & t1.length - 1) >>> 0; result = _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1[t2]); t1[t2] = null; return result; }, _add$1(_, element) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._table, t2 = _this._tail; t1[t2] = element; t1 = (t2 + 1 & t1.length - 1) >>> 0; _this._tail = t1; if (_this._head === t1) _this._grow$0(); ++_this._modificationCount; }, _grow$0() { var _this = this, newTable = A.List_List$filled(_this._table.length * 2, null, false, _this.$ti._eval$1("1?")), t1 = _this._table, t2 = _this._head, split = t1.length - t2; B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, 0, split, t1, t2); B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, split, split + _this._head, _this._table, 0); _this._head = 0; _this._tail = _this._table.length; _this._table = newTable; }, _writeToList$1(target) { var $length, firstPartSize, _this = this, t1 = _this._head, t2 = _this._tail, t3 = _this._table; if (t1 <= t2) { $length = t2 - t1; B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, 0, $length, t3, t1); return $length; } else { firstPartSize = t3.length - t1; B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, 0, firstPartSize, t3, t1); B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, firstPartSize, firstPartSize + _this._tail, _this._table, 0); return _this._tail + firstPartSize; } } }; A._ListQueueIterator.prototype = { get$current(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this._collection$_current); }, moveNext$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._queue; if (_this._modificationCount !== t1._modificationCount) A.throwExpression(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1)); t2 = _this._position; if (t2 === _this._end) { _this._collection$_current = null; return false; } t1 = t1._table; _this._collection$_current = t1[t2]; _this._position = (t2 + 1 & t1.length - 1) >>> 0; return true; } }; A.SetMixin.prototype = { get$isEmpty(_) { return this.get$length(this) === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { return this.get$length(this) !== 0; }, clear$0(_) { this.removeAll$1(this.toList$0(0)); }, addAll$1(_, elements) { var t1; for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();) this.add$1(0, t1.get$current(t1)); }, removeAll$1(elements) { var t1, _i; for (t1 = elements.length, _i = 0; _i < elements.length; elements.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(elements), ++_i) this.remove$1(0, elements[_i]); }, intersection$1(_, other) { var t1, element, result = this.toSet$0(0); for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();) { element = t1.get$current(t1); if (!other.contains$1(0, element)) result.remove$1(0, element); } return result; }, toList$1$growable(_, growable) { return A.List_List$of(this, true, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("SetMixin.E")); }, toList$0($receiver) { return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true); }, map$1$1(_, f, $T) { return new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(this, f, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("@")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>")); }, toString$0(_) { return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}"); }, forEach$1(_, f) { var t1; for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();) f.call$1(t1.get$current(t1)); }, any$1(_, test) { var t1; for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();) if (test.call$1(t1.get$current(t1))) return true; return false; }, take$1(_, n) { return A.TakeIterable_TakeIterable(this, n, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("SetMixin.E")); }, skip$1(_, n) { return A.SkipIterable_SkipIterable(this, n, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("SetMixin.E")); }, get$first(_) { var it = this.get$iterator(this); if (!it.moveNext$0()) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); return it.get$current(it); }, get$last(_) { var result, it = this.get$iterator(this); if (!it.moveNext$0()) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); do result = it.get$current(it); while (it.moveNext$0()); return result; }, elementAt$1(_, index) { var t1, elementIndex, element, _s5_ = "index"; A.checkNotNullable(index, _s5_, type$.int); A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(index, _s5_); for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this), elementIndex = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) { element = t1.get$current(t1); if (index === elementIndex) return element; ++elementIndex; } throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, this, _s5_, null, elementIndex)); } }; A._SetBase.prototype = { difference$1(other) { var t1, element, result = this._newSet$0(); for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();) { element = t1.get$current(t1); if (!other.contains$1(0, element)) result.add$1(0, element); } return result; }, intersection$1(_, other) { var t1, element, result = this._newSet$0(); for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();) { element = t1.get$current(t1); if (other.contains$1(0, element)) result.add$1(0, element); } return result; }, toSet$0(_) { var t1 = this._newSet$0(); t1.addAll$1(0, this); return t1; }, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isSet: 1 }; A._UnmodifiableSetMixin.prototype = { add$1(_, value) { return A._UnmodifiableSetMixin__throwUnmodifiable(); }, clear$0(_) { return A._UnmodifiableSetMixin__throwUnmodifiable(); }, removeAll$1(elements) { return A._UnmodifiableSetMixin__throwUnmodifiable(); }, remove$1(_, value) { return A._UnmodifiableSetMixin__throwUnmodifiable(); } }; A._UnmodifiableSet.prototype = { _newSet$0() { return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(this.$ti._precomputed1); }, contains$1(_, element) { return J.containsKey$1$x(this._collection$_map, element); }, get$iterator(_) { return J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$x(this._collection$_map)); }, get$length(_) { return J.get$length$asx(this._collection$_map); } }; A._ListBase_Object_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin.prototype = {}; A.__SetBase_Object_SetMixin.prototype = {}; A.__UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin.prototype = {}; A._JsonMap.prototype = { $index(_, key) { var result, t1 = this._processed; if (t1 == null) return this._data.$index(0, key); else if (typeof key != "string") return null; else { result = t1[key]; return typeof result == "undefined" ? this._process$1(key) : result; } }, get$length(_) { var t1; if (this._processed == null) { t1 = this._data; t1 = t1.get$length(t1); } else t1 = this._convert$_computeKeys$0().length; return t1; }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this.get$length(this) === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { return this.get$length(this) > 0; }, get$keys(_) { var t1; if (this._processed == null) { t1 = this._data; return t1.get$keys(t1); } return new A._JsonMapKeyIterable(this); }, get$values(_) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._processed == null) { t1 = _this._data; return t1.get$values(t1); } return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(_this._convert$_computeKeys$0(), new A._JsonMap_values_closure(_this), type$.String, type$.dynamic); }, $indexSet(_, key, value) { var processed, original, _this = this; if (_this._processed == null) _this._data.$indexSet(0, key, value); else if (_this.containsKey$1(0, key)) { processed = _this._processed; processed[key] = value; original = _this._original; if (original == null ? processed != null : original !== processed) original[key] = null; } else _this._upgrade$0().$indexSet(0, key, value); }, containsKey$1(_, key) { if (this._processed == null) return this._data.containsKey$1(0, key); if (typeof key != "string") return false; return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._original, key); }, putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) { var value; if (this.containsKey$1(0, key)) return this.$index(0, key); value = ifAbsent.call$0(); this.$indexSet(0, key, value); return value; }, remove$1(_, key) { if (this._processed != null && !this.containsKey$1(0, key)) return null; return this._upgrade$0().remove$1(0, key); }, forEach$1(_, f) { var keys, i, key, value, _this = this; if (_this._processed == null) return _this._data.forEach$1(0, f); keys = _this._convert$_computeKeys$0(); for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { key = keys[i]; value = _this._processed[key]; if (typeof value == "undefined") { value = A._convertJsonToDartLazy(_this._original[key]); _this._processed[key] = value; } f.call$2(key, value); if (keys !== _this._data) throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this)); } }, _convert$_computeKeys$0() { var keys = this._data; if (keys == null) keys = this._data = A._setArrayType(Object.keys(this._original), type$.JSArray_String); return keys; }, _upgrade$0() { var result, keys, i, t1, key, _this = this; if (_this._processed == null) return _this._data; result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic); keys = _this._convert$_computeKeys$0(); for (i = 0; t1 = keys.length, i < t1; ++i) { key = keys[i]; result.$indexSet(0, key, _this.$index(0, key)); } if (t1 === 0) keys.push(""); else B.JSArray_methods.set$length(keys, 0); _this._original = _this._processed = null; return _this._data = result; }, _process$1(key) { var result; if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._original, key)) return null; result = A._convertJsonToDartLazy(this._original[key]); return this._processed[key] = result; } }; A._JsonMap_values_closure.prototype = { call$1(each) { return this.$this.$index(0, each); }, $signature: 98 }; A._JsonMapKeyIterable.prototype = { get$length(_) { var t1 = this._convert$_parent; return t1.get$length(t1); }, elementAt$1(_, index) { var t1 = this._convert$_parent; return t1._processed == null ? t1.get$keys(t1).elementAt$1(0, index) : t1._convert$_computeKeys$0()[index]; }, get$iterator(_) { var t1 = this._convert$_parent; if (t1._processed == null) { t1 = t1.get$keys(t1); t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); } else { t1 = t1._convert$_computeKeys$0(); t1 = new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length); } return t1; }, contains$1(_, key) { return this._convert$_parent.containsKey$1(0, key); } }; A.Utf8Decoder__decoder_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1, exception; try { t1 = new TextDecoder("utf-8", {fatal: true}); return t1; } catch (exception) { } return null; }, $signature: 34 }; A.Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1, exception; try { t1 = new TextDecoder("utf-8", {fatal: false}); return t1; } catch (exception) { } return null; }, $signature: 34 }; A.Base64Codec.prototype = { normalize$3(_, source, start, end) { var inverseAlphabet, i, sliceStart, buffer, firstPadding, firstPaddingSourceIndex, paddingCount, i0, char, i1, char0, value, t1, t2, endLength, $length, _s31_ = "Invalid base64 encoding length "; end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, source.length); inverseAlphabet = $.$get$_Base64Decoder__inverseAlphabet(); for (i = start, sliceStart = i, buffer = null, firstPadding = -1, firstPaddingSourceIndex = -1, paddingCount = 0; i < end; i = i0) { i0 = i + 1; char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i); if (char === 37) { i1 = i0 + 2; if (i1 <= end) { char0 = A.parseHexByte(source, i0); if (char0 === 37) char0 = -1; i0 = i1; } else char0 = -1; } else char0 = char; if (0 <= char0 && char0 <= 127) { value = inverseAlphabet[char0]; if (value >= 0) { char0 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", value); if (char0 === char) continue; char = char0; } else { if (value === -1) { if (firstPadding < 0) { t1 = buffer == null ? null : buffer._contents.length; if (t1 == null) t1 = 0; firstPadding = t1 + (i - sliceStart); firstPaddingSourceIndex = i; } ++paddingCount; if (char === 61) continue; } char = char0; } if (value !== -2) { if (buffer == null) { buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""); t1 = buffer; } else t1 = buffer; t2 = t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, sliceStart, i); t1._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(char); sliceStart = i0; continue; } } throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 data", source, i)); } if (buffer != null) { t1 = buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, sliceStart, end); t2 = t1.length; if (firstPadding >= 0) A.Base64Codec__checkPadding(source, firstPaddingSourceIndex, end, firstPadding, paddingCount, t2); else { endLength = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t2 - 1, 4) + 1; if (endLength === 1) throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s31_, source, end)); for (; endLength < 4;) { t1 += "="; buffer._contents = t1; ++endLength; } } t1 = buffer._contents; return B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(source, start, end, t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1); } $length = end - start; if (firstPadding >= 0) A.Base64Codec__checkPadding(source, firstPaddingSourceIndex, end, firstPadding, paddingCount, $length); else { endLength = B.JSInt_methods.$mod($length, 4); if (endLength === 1) throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s31_, source, end)); if (endLength > 1) source = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(source, end, end, endLength === 2 ? "==" : "="); } return source; } }; A.Base64Encoder.prototype = {}; A.Codec.prototype = {}; A.Converter.prototype = {}; A.Encoding.prototype = {}; A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var safeString = A.Error_safeToString(this.unsupportedObject); return (this.cause != null ? "Converting object to an encodable object failed:" : "Converting object did not return an encodable object:") + " " + safeString; } }; A.JsonCyclicError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Cyclic error in JSON stringify"; } }; A.JsonCodec.prototype = { decode$1(_, source) { var t1 = A._parseJson(source, this.get$decoder()._reviver); return t1; }, encode$2$toEncodable(value, toEncodable) { if (toEncodable == null) toEncodable = null; if (toEncodable == null) return A._JsonStringStringifier_stringify(value, this.get$encoder()._toEncodable, null); return A._JsonStringStringifier_stringify(value, toEncodable, null); }, encode$1(value) { return this.encode$2$toEncodable(value, null); }, get$encoder() { return B.JsonEncoder_null; }, get$decoder() { return B.JsonDecoder_null; } }; A.JsonEncoder.prototype = {}; A.JsonDecoder.prototype = {}; A._JsonStringifier.prototype = { writeStringContent$1(s) { var t1, offset, i, charCode, t2, t3, $length = s.length; for (t1 = this._sink, offset = 0, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { charCode = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(s, i); if (charCode > 92) { if (charCode >= 55296) { t2 = charCode & 64512; if (t2 === 55296) { t3 = i + 1; t3 = !(t3 < $length && (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(s, t3) & 64512) === 56320); } else t3 = false; if (!t3) if (t2 === 56320) { t2 = i - 1; t2 = !(t2 >= 0 && (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(s, t2) & 64512) === 55296); } else t2 = false; else t2 = true; if (t2) { if (i > offset) t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(s, offset, i); offset = i + 1; t2 = t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(92); t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(117); t1._contents = t2; t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(100); t1._contents = t2; t3 = charCode >>> 8 & 15; t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t3 < 10 ? 48 + t3 : 87 + t3); t1._contents = t2; t3 = charCode >>> 4 & 15; t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t3 < 10 ? 48 + t3 : 87 + t3); t1._contents = t2; t3 = charCode & 15; t1._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t3 < 10 ? 48 + t3 : 87 + t3); } } continue; } if (charCode < 32) { if (i > offset) t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(s, offset, i); offset = i + 1; t2 = t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(92); switch (charCode) { case 8: t1._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(98); break; case 9: t1._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(116); break; case 10: t1._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(110); break; case 12: t1._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(102); break; case 13: t1._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(114); break; default: t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(117); t1._contents = t2; t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(48); t1._contents = t2; t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(48); t1._contents = t2; t3 = charCode >>> 4 & 15; t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t3 < 10 ? 48 + t3 : 87 + t3); t1._contents = t2; t3 = charCode & 15; t1._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t3 < 10 ? 48 + t3 : 87 + t3); break; } } else if (charCode === 34 || charCode === 92) { if (i > offset) t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(s, offset, i); offset = i + 1; t2 = t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(92); t1._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode); } } if (offset === 0) t1._contents += s; else if (offset < $length) t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(s, offset, $length); }, _checkCycle$1(object) { var t1, t2, i, t3; for (t1 = this._seen, t2 = t1.length, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) { t3 = t1[i]; if (object == null ? t3 == null : object === t3) throw A.wrapException(new A.JsonCyclicError(object, null)); } t1.push(object); }, writeObject$1(object) { var customJson, e, t1, exception, _this = this; if (_this.writeJsonValue$1(object)) return; _this._checkCycle$1(object); try { customJson = _this._toEncodable.call$1(object); if (!_this.writeJsonValue$1(customJson)) { t1 = A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError$(object, null, _this.get$_partialResult()); throw A.wrapException(t1); } _this._seen.pop(); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); t1 = A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError$(object, e, _this.get$_partialResult()); throw A.wrapException(t1); } }, writeJsonValue$1(object) { var t1, success, _this = this; if (typeof object == "number") { if (!isFinite(object)) return false; _this._sink._contents += B.JSNumber_methods.toString$0(object); return true; } else if (object === true) { _this._sink._contents += "true"; return true; } else if (object === false) { _this._sink._contents += "false"; return true; } else if (object == null) { _this._sink._contents += "null"; return true; } else if (typeof object == "string") { t1 = _this._sink; t1._contents += '"'; _this.writeStringContent$1(object); t1._contents += '"'; return true; } else if (type$.List_dynamic._is(object)) { _this._checkCycle$1(object); _this.writeList$1(object); _this._seen.pop(); return true; } else if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(object)) { _this._checkCycle$1(object); success = _this.writeMap$1(object); _this._seen.pop(); return success; } else return false; }, writeList$1(list) { var t2, i, t1 = this._sink; t1._contents += "["; t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list); if (t2.get$isNotEmpty(list)) { this.writeObject$1(t2.$index(list, 0)); for (i = 1; i < t2.get$length(list); ++i) { t1._contents += ","; this.writeObject$1(t2.$index(list, i)); } } t1._contents += "]"; }, writeMap$1(map) { var t2, keyValueList, i, separator, _this = this, _box_0 = {}, t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(map); if (t1.get$isEmpty(map)) { _this._sink._contents += "{}"; return true; } t2 = t1.get$length(map) * 2; keyValueList = A.List_List$filled(t2, null, false, type$.nullable_Object); i = _box_0.i = 0; _box_0.allStringKeys = true; t1.forEach$1(map, new A._JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure(_box_0, keyValueList)); if (!_box_0.allStringKeys) return false; t1 = _this._sink; t1._contents += "{"; for (separator = '"'; i < t2; i += 2, separator = ',"') { t1._contents += separator; _this.writeStringContent$1(A._asString(keyValueList[i])); t1._contents += '":'; _this.writeObject$1(keyValueList[i + 1]); } t1._contents += "}"; return true; } }; A._JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { var t1, t2, t3, i; if (typeof key != "string") this._box_0.allStringKeys = false; t1 = this.keyValueList; t2 = this._box_0; t3 = t2.i; i = t2.i = t3 + 1; t1[t3] = key; t2.i = i + 1; t1[i] = value; }, $signature: 45 }; A._JsonStringStringifier.prototype = { get$_partialResult() { var t1 = this._sink._contents; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } }; A.Utf8Codec.prototype = { get$name(_) { return "utf-8"; }, decode$2$allowMalformed(_, codeUnits, allowMalformed) { return (allowMalformed === true ? B.Utf8Decoder_true : B.Utf8Decoder_false).convert$1(codeUnits); }, decode$1($receiver, codeUnits) { return this.decode$2$allowMalformed($receiver, codeUnits, null); }, get$encoder() { return B.C_Utf8Encoder; } }; A.Utf8Encoder.prototype = { convert$1(string) { var t1, encoder, end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(0, null, string.length), $length = end - 0; if ($length === 0) return new Uint8Array(0); t1 = new Uint8Array($length * 3); encoder = new A._Utf8Encoder(t1); if (encoder._fillBuffer$3(string, 0, end) !== end) { B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, end - 1); encoder._writeReplacementCharacter$0(); } return B.NativeUint8List_methods.sublist$2(t1, 0, encoder._bufferIndex); } }; A._Utf8Encoder.prototype = { _writeReplacementCharacter$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._buffer, t2 = _this._bufferIndex, t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1; t1[t2] = 239; t2 = _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1; t1[t3] = 191; _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1; t1[t2] = 189; }, _writeSurrogate$2(leadingSurrogate, nextCodeUnit) { var rune, t1, t2, t3, _this = this; if ((nextCodeUnit & 64512) === 56320) { rune = 65536 + ((leadingSurrogate & 1023) << 10) | nextCodeUnit & 1023; t1 = _this._buffer; t2 = _this._bufferIndex; t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1; t1[t2] = rune >>> 18 | 240; t2 = _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1; t1[t3] = rune >>> 12 & 63 | 128; t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1; t1[t2] = rune >>> 6 & 63 | 128; _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1; t1[t3] = rune & 63 | 128; return true; } else { _this._writeReplacementCharacter$0(); return false; } }, _fillBuffer$3(str, start, end) { var t1, t2, stringIndex, codeUnit, t3, stringIndex0, t4, _this = this; if (start !== end && (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(str, end - 1) & 64512) === 55296) --end; for (t1 = _this._buffer, t2 = t1.length, stringIndex = start; stringIndex < end; ++stringIndex) { codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(str, stringIndex); if (codeUnit <= 127) { t3 = _this._bufferIndex; if (t3 >= t2) break; _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1; t1[t3] = codeUnit; } else { t3 = codeUnit & 64512; if (t3 === 55296) { if (_this._bufferIndex + 4 > t2) break; stringIndex0 = stringIndex + 1; if (_this._writeSurrogate$2(codeUnit, B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(str, stringIndex0))) stringIndex = stringIndex0; } else if (t3 === 56320) { if (_this._bufferIndex + 3 > t2) break; _this._writeReplacementCharacter$0(); } else if (codeUnit <= 2047) { t3 = _this._bufferIndex; t4 = t3 + 1; if (t4 >= t2) break; _this._bufferIndex = t4; t1[t3] = codeUnit >>> 6 | 192; _this._bufferIndex = t4 + 1; t1[t4] = codeUnit & 63 | 128; } else { t3 = _this._bufferIndex; if (t3 + 2 >= t2) break; t4 = _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1; t1[t3] = codeUnit >>> 12 | 224; t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t4 + 1; t1[t4] = codeUnit >>> 6 & 63 | 128; _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1; t1[t3] = codeUnit & 63 | 128; } } } return stringIndex; } }; A.Utf8Decoder.prototype = { convert$1(codeUnits) { var t1 = this._allowMalformed, result = A.Utf8Decoder__convertIntercepted(t1, codeUnits, 0, null); if (result != null) return result; return new A._Utf8Decoder(t1).convertGeneral$4(codeUnits, 0, null, true); } }; A._Utf8Decoder.prototype = { convertGeneral$4(codeUnits, start, maybeEnd, single) { var bytes, errorOffset, result, t1, message, _this = this, end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, maybeEnd, J.get$length$asx(codeUnits)); if (start === end) return ""; if (type$.Uint8List._is(codeUnits)) { bytes = codeUnits; errorOffset = 0; } else { bytes = A._Utf8Decoder__makeUint8List(codeUnits, start, end); end -= start; errorOffset = start; start = 0; } result = _this._convertRecursive$4(bytes, start, end, true); t1 = _this._convert$_state; if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) { message = A._Utf8Decoder_errorDescription(t1); _this._convert$_state = 0; throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(message, codeUnits, errorOffset + _this._charOrIndex)); } return result; }, _convertRecursive$4(bytes, start, end, single) { var mid, s1, _this = this; if (end - start > 1000) { mid = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(start + end, 2); s1 = _this._convertRecursive$4(bytes, start, mid, false); if ((_this._convert$_state & 1) !== 0) return s1; return s1 + _this._convertRecursive$4(bytes, mid, end, single); } return _this.decodeGeneral$4(bytes, start, end, single); }, decodeGeneral$4(bytes, start, end, single) { var t1, type, t2, i0, markEnd, i1, m, _this = this, _65533 = 65533, state = _this._convert$_state, char = _this._charOrIndex, buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""), i = start + 1, byte = bytes[start]; $label0$0: for (t1 = _this.allowMalformed; true;) { for (; true; i = i0) { type = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIHHHJEEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKCCCCCCCCCCCCDCLONNNMEEEEEEEEEEE", byte) & 31; char = state <= 32 ? byte & 61694 >>> type : (byte & 63 | char << 6) >>> 0; state = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(" \x000:XECCCCCN:lDb \x000:XECCCCCNvlDb \x000:XECCCCCN:lDb AAAAA\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00AAAAA00000AAAAA:::::AAAAAGG000AAAAA00KKKAAAAAG::::AAAAA:IIIIAAAAA000\x800AAAAA\x00\x00\x00\x00 AAAAA", state + type); if (state === 0) { buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(char); if (i === end) break $label0$0; break; } else if ((state & 1) !== 0) { if (t1) switch (state) { case 69: case 67: buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533); break; case 65: buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533); --i; break; default: t2 = buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533); buffer._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533); break; } else { _this._convert$_state = state; _this._charOrIndex = i - 1; return ""; } state = 0; } if (i === end) break $label0$0; i0 = i + 1; byte = bytes[i]; } i0 = i + 1; byte = bytes[i]; if (byte < 128) { while (true) { if (!(i0 < end)) { markEnd = end; break; } i1 = i0 + 1; byte = bytes[i0]; if (byte >= 128) { markEnd = i1 - 1; i0 = i1; break; } i0 = i1; } if (markEnd - i < 20) for (m = i; m < markEnd; ++m) buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(bytes[m]); else buffer._contents += A.String_String$fromCharCodes(bytes, i, markEnd); if (markEnd === end) break $label0$0; i = i0; } else i = i0; } if (single && state > 32) if (t1) buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533); else { _this._convert$_state = 77; _this._charOrIndex = end; return ""; } _this._convert$_state = state; _this._charOrIndex = char; t1 = buffer._contents; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } }; A.NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { var t1 = this.sb, t2 = this._box_0, t3 = t1._contents += t2.comma; t3 += key.__internal$_name; t1._contents = t3; t1._contents = t3 + ": "; t1._contents += A.Error_safeToString(value); t2.comma = ", "; }, $signature: 106 }; A.Comparable.prototype = {}; A.DateTime.prototype = { add$1(_, duration) { return A.DateTime$_withValue(this._core$_value + B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(duration._duration, 1000), this.isUtc); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A.DateTime && this._core$_value === other._core$_value && this.isUtc === other.isUtc; }, compareTo$1(_, other) { return B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(this._core$_value, other._core$_value); }, get$hashCode(_) { var t1 = this._core$_value; return (t1 ^ B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(t1, 30)) & 1073741823; }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this, y = A.DateTime__fourDigits(A.Primitives_getYear(_this)), m = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getMonth(_this)), d = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getDay(_this)), h = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getHours(_this)), min = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getMinutes(_this)), sec = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getSeconds(_this)), ms = A.DateTime__threeDigits(A.Primitives_getMilliseconds(_this)); if (_this.isUtc) return y + "-" + m + "-" + d + " " + h + ":" + min + ":" + sec + "." + ms + "Z"; else return y + "-" + m + "-" + d + " " + h + ":" + min + ":" + sec + "." + ms; } }; A.Duration.prototype = { $add(_, other) { return new A.Duration(this._duration + other._duration); }, $sub(_, other) { return new A.Duration(this._duration - other._duration); }, $mul(_, factor) { return new A.Duration(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(this._duration * factor)); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A.Duration && this._duration === other._duration; }, get$hashCode(_) { return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this._duration); }, compareTo$1(_, other) { return B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(this._duration, other._duration); }, toString$0(_) { var minutes, minutesPadding, seconds, secondsPadding, paddedMicroseconds, microseconds = this._duration, hours = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(microseconds, 3600000000); microseconds %= 3600000000; if (microseconds < 0) microseconds = -microseconds; minutes = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(microseconds, 60000000); microseconds %= 60000000; minutesPadding = minutes < 10 ? "0" : ""; seconds = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(microseconds, 1000000); secondsPadding = seconds < 10 ? "0" : ""; paddedMicroseconds = B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(microseconds % 1000000), 6, "0"); return "" + hours + ":" + minutesPadding + minutes + ":" + secondsPadding + seconds + "." + paddedMicroseconds; } }; A._Enum.prototype = {}; A.Error.prototype = { get$stackTrace() { return A.getTraceFromException(this.$thrownJsError); } }; A.AssertionError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.message; if (t1 != null) return "Assertion failed: " + A.Error_safeToString(t1); return "Assertion failed"; }, get$message(receiver) { return this.message; } }; A.TypeError.prototype = {}; A.NullThrownError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Throw of null."; } }; A.ArgumentError.prototype = { get$_errorName() { return "Invalid argument" + (!this._hasValue ? "(s)" : ""); }, get$_errorExplanation() { return ""; }, toString$0(_) { var explanation, errorValue, _this = this, $name = _this.name, nameString = $name == null ? "" : " (" + $name + ")", message = _this.message, messageString = message == null ? "" : ": " + A.S(message), prefix = _this.get$_errorName() + nameString + messageString; if (!_this._hasValue) return prefix; explanation = _this.get$_errorExplanation(); errorValue = A.Error_safeToString(_this.invalidValue); return prefix + explanation + ": " + errorValue; }, get$name(receiver) { return this.name; } }; A.RangeError.prototype = { get$_errorName() { return "RangeError"; }, get$_errorExplanation() { var explanation, start = this.start, end = this.end; if (start == null) explanation = end != null ? ": Not less than or equal to " + A.S(end) : ""; else if (end == null) explanation = ": Not greater than or equal to " + A.S(start); else if (end > start) explanation = ": Not in inclusive range " + A.S(start) + ".." + A.S(end); else explanation = end < start ? ": Valid value range is empty" : ": Only valid value is " + A.S(start); return explanation; } }; A.IndexError.prototype = { get$_errorName() { return "RangeError"; }, get$_errorExplanation() { if (this.invalidValue < 0) return ": index must not be negative"; var t1 = this.length; if (t1 === 0) return ": no indices are valid"; return ": index should be less than " + t1; }, get$length(receiver) { return this.length; } }; A.NoSuchMethodError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var $arguments, t1, _i, t2, t3, argument, receiverText, actualParameters, _this = this, _box_0 = {}, sb = new A.StringBuffer(""); _box_0.comma = ""; $arguments = _this._core$_arguments; for (t1 = $arguments.length, _i = 0, t2 = "", t3 = ""; _i < t1; ++_i, t3 = ", ") { argument = $arguments[_i]; sb._contents = t2 + t3; t2 = sb._contents += A.Error_safeToString(argument); _box_0.comma = ", "; } _this._namedArguments.forEach$1(0, new A.NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure(_box_0, sb)); receiverText = A.Error_safeToString(_this._core$_receiver); actualParameters = sb.toString$0(0); t1 = "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '" + _this._memberName.__internal$_name + "'\nReceiver: " + receiverText + "\nArguments: [" + actualParameters + "]"; return t1; } }; A.UnsupportedError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Unsupported operation: " + this.message; } }; A.UnimplementedError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var message = this.message; return message != null ? "UnimplementedError: " + message : "UnimplementedError"; } }; A.StateError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Bad state: " + this.message; } }; A.ConcurrentModificationError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.modifiedObject; if (t1 == null) return "Concurrent modification during iteration."; return "Concurrent modification during iteration: " + A.Error_safeToString(t1) + "."; } }; A.OutOfMemoryError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Out of Memory"; }, get$stackTrace() { return null; }, $isError: 1 }; A.StackOverflowError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Stack Overflow"; }, get$stackTrace() { return null; }, $isError: 1 }; A.CyclicInitializationError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1 = "Reading static variable '" + this.variableName + "' during its initialization"; return t1; } }; A._Exception.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var message = this.message; if (message == null) return "Exception"; return "Exception: " + A.S(message); }, $isException: 1 }; A.FormatException.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1, lineNum, lineStart, previousCharWasCR, i, char, lineEnd, end, start, prefix, postfix, slice, message = this.message, report = "" !== message ? "FormatException: " + message : "FormatException", offset = this.offset, source = this.source; if (typeof source == "string") { if (offset != null) t1 = offset < 0 || offset > source.length; else t1 = false; if (t1) offset = null; if (offset == null) { if (source.length > 78) source = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, 0, 75) + "..."; return report + "\n" + source; } for (lineNum = 1, lineStart = 0, previousCharWasCR = false, i = 0; i < offset; ++i) { char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i); if (char === 10) { if (lineStart !== i || !previousCharWasCR) ++lineNum; lineStart = i + 1; previousCharWasCR = false; } else if (char === 13) { ++lineNum; lineStart = i + 1; previousCharWasCR = true; } } report = lineNum > 1 ? report + (" (at line " + lineNum + ", character " + (offset - lineStart + 1) + ")\n") : report + (" (at character " + (offset + 1) + ")\n"); lineEnd = source.length; for (i = offset; i < lineEnd; ++i) { char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, i); if (char === 10 || char === 13) { lineEnd = i; break; } } if (lineEnd - lineStart > 78) if (offset - lineStart < 75) { end = lineStart + 75; start = lineStart; prefix = ""; postfix = "..."; } else { if (lineEnd - offset < 75) { start = lineEnd - 75; end = lineEnd; postfix = ""; } else { start = offset - 36; end = offset + 36; postfix = "..."; } prefix = "..."; } else { end = lineEnd; start = lineStart; prefix = ""; postfix = ""; } slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, start, end); return report + prefix + slice + postfix + "\n" + B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", offset - start + prefix.length) + "^\n"; } else return offset != null ? report + (" (at offset " + A.S(offset) + ")") : report; }, $isException: 1 }; A.Expando.prototype = { $index(_, object) { var t1 = typeof object == "number" || typeof object == "string"; if (t1) A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(object, string$.Expand, null)); return this._jsWeakMap.get(object); }, toString$0(_) { return "Expando:null"; }, get$name() { return null; } }; A.Iterable.prototype = { cast$1$0(_, $R) { return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), $R); }, followedBy$1(_, other) { var _this = this, t1 = A._instanceType(_this); if (t1._eval$1("EfficientLengthIterable")._is(_this)) return A.FollowedByIterable_FollowedByIterable$firstEfficient(_this, other, t1._eval$1("Iterable.E")); return new A.FollowedByIterable(_this, other, t1._eval$1("FollowedByIterable")); }, map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) { return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(this, toElement, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), $T); }, where$1(_, test) { return new A.WhereIterable(this, test, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("WhereIterable")); }, contains$1(_, element) { var t1; for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();) if (J.$eq$(t1.get$current(t1), element)) return true; return false; }, forEach$1(_, action) { var t1; for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();) action.call$1(t1.get$current(t1)); }, join$1(_, separator) { var t1, iterator = this.get$iterator(this); if (!iterator.moveNext$0()) return ""; if (separator === "") { t1 = ""; do t1 += A.S(J.toString$0$(iterator.get$current(iterator))); while (iterator.moveNext$0()); } else { t1 = "" + A.S(J.toString$0$(iterator.get$current(iterator))); for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) t1 = t1 + separator + A.S(J.toString$0$(iterator.get$current(iterator))); } return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; }, join$0($receiver) { return this.join$1($receiver, ""); }, any$1(_, test) { var t1; for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();) if (test.call$1(t1.get$current(t1))) return true; return false; }, toList$1$growable(_, growable) { return A.List_List$of(this, growable, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); }, toList$0($receiver) { return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true); }, toSet$0(_) { return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); }, get$length(_) { var count, it = this.get$iterator(this); for (count = 0; it.moveNext$0();) ++count; return count; }, get$isEmpty(_) { return !this.get$iterator(this).moveNext$0(); }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { return !this.get$isEmpty(this); }, take$1(_, count) { return A.TakeIterable_TakeIterable(this, count, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); }, skip$1(_, count) { return A.SkipIterable_SkipIterable(this, count, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); }, get$first(_) { var it = this.get$iterator(this); if (!it.moveNext$0()) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); return it.get$current(it); }, get$last(_) { var result, it = this.get$iterator(this); if (!it.moveNext$0()) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); do result = it.get$current(it); while (it.moveNext$0()); return result; }, get$single(_) { var result, it = this.get$iterator(this); if (!it.moveNext$0()) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement()); result = it.get$current(it); if (it.moveNext$0()) throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooMany()); return result; }, firstWhere$2$orElse(_, test, orElse) { var t1, element; for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();) { element = t1.get$current(t1); if (test.call$1(element)) return element; } return orElse.call$0(); }, elementAt$1(_, index) { var t1, elementIndex, element; A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(index, "index"); for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this), elementIndex = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) { element = t1.get$current(t1); if (index === elementIndex) return element; ++elementIndex; } throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, this, "index", null, elementIndex)); }, toString$0(_) { return A.IterableBase_iterableToShortString(this, "(", ")"); } }; A.Iterator.prototype = {}; A.MapEntry.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "MapEntry(" + A.S(this.key) + ": " + A.S(this.value) + ")"; } }; A.Null.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return A.Object.prototype.get$hashCode.call(this, this); }, toString$0(_) { return "null"; } }; A.Object.prototype = {$isObject: 1, $eq(_, other) { return this === other; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this); }, toString$0(_) { return "Instance of '" + A.Primitives_objectTypeName(this) + "'"; }, noSuchMethod$1(_, invocation) { throw A.wrapException(A.NoSuchMethodError$(this, invocation.get$memberName(), invocation.get$positionalArguments(), invocation.get$namedArguments())); }, get$runtimeType(_) { return A.getRuntimeType(this); }, toString() { return this.toString$0(this); } }; A._StringStackTrace.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return ""; }, $isStackTrace: 1 }; A.Stopwatch.prototype = { get$elapsedMicroseconds() { var ticks, t1 = this._stop; if (t1 == null) t1 = $.Primitives_timerTicks.call$0(); ticks = t1 - this._core$_start; if ($.$get$Stopwatch__frequency() === 1000000) return ticks; return ticks * 1000; }, start$0(_) { var _this = this, $stop = _this._stop; if ($stop != null) { _this._core$_start = _this._core$_start + ($.Primitives_timerTicks.call$0() - $stop); _this._stop = null; } }, reset$0(_) { var t1 = this._stop; this._core$_start = t1 == null ? $.Primitives_timerTicks.call$0() : t1; } }; A.RuneIterator.prototype = { get$current(_) { return this._currentCodePoint; }, moveNext$0() { var codeUnit, nextPosition, nextCodeUnit, _this = this, t1 = _this._core$_position = _this._nextPosition, t2 = _this.string, t3 = t2.length; if (t1 === t3) { _this._currentCodePoint = -1; return false; } codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, t1); nextPosition = t1 + 1; if ((codeUnit & 64512) === 55296 && nextPosition < t3) { nextCodeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, nextPosition); if ((nextCodeUnit & 64512) === 56320) { _this._nextPosition = nextPosition + 1; _this._currentCodePoint = A._combineSurrogatePair(codeUnit, nextCodeUnit); return true; } } _this._nextPosition = nextPosition; _this._currentCodePoint = codeUnit; return true; } }; A.StringBuffer.prototype = { get$length(_) { return this._contents.length; }, writeln$1(obj) { this._contents += A.S(obj) + "\n"; }, writeln$0() { return this.writeln$1(""); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this._contents; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } }; A.Uri__parseIPv4Address_error.prototype = { call$2(msg, position) { throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Illegal IPv4 address, " + msg, this.host, position)); }, $signature: 101 }; A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_error.prototype = { call$2(msg, position) { throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Illegal IPv6 address, " + msg, this.host, position)); }, $signature: 102 }; A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex.prototype = { call$2(start, end) { var value; if (end - start > 4) this.error.call$2("an IPv6 part can only contain a maximum of 4 hex digits", start); value = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this.host, start, end), 16); if (value < 0 || value > 65535) this.error.call$2("each part must be in the range of `0x0..0xFFFF`", start); return value; }, $signature: 103 }; A._Uri.prototype = { get$_text() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this, value = _this.___Uri__text; if (value === $) { t1 = _this.scheme; t2 = t1.length !== 0 ? "" + t1 + ":" : ""; t3 = _this._host; t4 = t3 == null; if (!t4 || t1 === "file") { t1 = t2 + "//"; t2 = _this._userInfo; if (t2.length !== 0) t1 = t1 + t2 + "@"; if (!t4) t1 += t3; t2 = _this._port; if (t2 != null) t1 = t1 + ":" + A.S(t2); } else t1 = t2; t1 += _this.path; t2 = _this._query; if (t2 != null) t1 = t1 + "?" + t2; t2 = _this._fragment; if (t2 != null) t1 = t1 + "#" + t2; A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___Uri__text, "_text"); value = _this.___Uri__text = t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } return value; }, get$pathSegments() { var pathToSplit, result, _this = this, value = _this.___Uri_pathSegments; if (value === $) { pathToSplit = _this.path; if (pathToSplit.length !== 0 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(pathToSplit, 0) === 47) pathToSplit = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(pathToSplit, 1); result = pathToSplit.length === 0 ? B.List_empty0 : A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.MappedListIterable(A._setArrayType(pathToSplit.split("/"), type$.JSArray_String), A.core_Uri_decodeComponent$closure(), type$.MappedListIterable_String_dynamic), type$.String); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___Uri_pathSegments, "pathSegments"); value = _this.___Uri_pathSegments = result; } return value; }, get$hashCode(_) { var result, _this = this, value = _this.___Uri_hashCode; if (value === $) { result = B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(_this.get$_text()); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___Uri_hashCode, "hashCode"); _this.___Uri_hashCode = result; value = result; } return value; }, get$userInfo() { return this._userInfo; }, get$host(_) { var host = this._host; if (host == null) return ""; if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(host, "[")) return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, 1, host.length - 1); return host; }, get$port(_) { var t1 = this._port; return t1 == null ? A._Uri__defaultPort(this.scheme) : t1; }, get$query(_) { var t1 = this._query; return t1 == null ? "" : t1; }, get$fragment() { var t1 = this._fragment; return t1 == null ? "" : t1; }, get$hasScheme() { return this.scheme.length !== 0; }, get$hasAuthority() { return this._host != null; }, get$hasQuery() { return this._query != null; }, get$hasFragment() { return this._fragment != null; }, toString$0(_) { return this.get$_text(); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (type$.Uri._is(other)) if (_this.scheme === other.get$scheme()) if (_this._host != null === other.get$hasAuthority()) if (_this._userInfo === other.get$userInfo()) if (_this.get$host(_this) === other.get$host(other)) if (_this.get$port(_this) === other.get$port(other)) if (_this.path === other.get$path(other)) { t1 = _this._query; t2 = t1 == null; if (!t2 === other.get$hasQuery()) { if (t2) t1 = ""; if (t1 === other.get$query(other)) { t1 = _this._fragment; t2 = t1 == null; if (!t2 === other.get$hasFragment()) { if (t2) t1 = ""; t1 = t1 === other.get$fragment(); } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, $isUri: 1, get$scheme() { return this.scheme; }, get$path(receiver) { return this.path; } }; A._Uri__makeQuery_writeParameter.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { var t1 = this.result, t2 = this._box_0; t1._contents += t2.separator; t2.separator = "&"; t2 = t1._contents += A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_nxB, key, B.C_Utf8Codec, true); if (value != null && value.length !== 0) { t1._contents = t2 + "="; t1._contents += A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_nxB, value, B.C_Utf8Codec, true); } }, $signature: 104 }; A._Uri__makeQuery_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { var t1, t2; if (value == null || typeof value == "string") this.writeParameter.call$2(key, value); else for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(value), t2 = this.writeParameter; t1.moveNext$0();) t2.call$2(key, t1.get$current(t1)); }, $signature: 9 }; A.UriData.prototype = { get$uri() { var t2, queryIndex, end, query, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = _this._uriCache; if (t1 == null) { t1 = _this._text; t2 = _this._separatorIndices[0] + 1; queryIndex = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(t1, "?", t2); end = t1.length; if (queryIndex >= 0) { query = A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(t1, queryIndex + 1, end, B.List_CVk, false); end = queryIndex; } else query = _null; t1 = _this._uriCache = new A._DataUri("data", "", _null, _null, A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(t1, t2, end, B.List_qg4, false), query, _null); } return t1; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this._text; return this._separatorIndices[0] === -1 ? "data:" + t1 : t1; } }; A._createTables_build.prototype = { call$2(state, defaultTransition) { var t1 = this.tables[state]; B.NativeUint8List_methods.fillRange$3(t1, 0, 96, defaultTransition); return t1; }, $signature: 105 }; A._createTables_setChars.prototype = { call$3(target, chars, transition) { var t1, i; for (t1 = chars.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) target[B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(chars, i) ^ 96] = transition; }, $signature: 79 }; A._createTables_setRange.prototype = { call$3(target, range, transition) { var i, n; for (i = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(range, 0), n = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(range, 1); i <= n; ++i) target[(i ^ 96) >>> 0] = transition; }, $signature: 79 }; A._SimpleUri.prototype = { get$hasScheme() { return this._schemeEnd > 0; }, get$hasAuthority() { return this._hostStart > 0; }, get$hasPort() { return this._hostStart > 0 && this._portStart + 1 < this._pathStart; }, get$hasQuery() { return this._queryStart < this._fragmentStart; }, get$hasFragment() { return this._fragmentStart < this._uri.length; }, get$scheme() { var t1 = this._schemeCache; return t1 == null ? this._schemeCache = this._computeScheme$0() : t1; }, _computeScheme$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._schemeEnd; if (t1 <= 0) return ""; t2 = t1 === 4; if (t2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "http")) return "http"; if (t1 === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "https")) return "https"; if (t2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "file")) return "file"; if (t1 === 7 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "package")) return "package"; return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this._uri, 0, t1); }, get$userInfo() { var t1 = this._hostStart, t2 = this._schemeEnd + 3; return t1 > t2 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, t2, t1 - 1) : ""; }, get$host(_) { var t1 = this._hostStart; return t1 > 0 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, t1, this._portStart) : ""; }, get$port(_) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this.get$hasPort()) return A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this._uri, _this._portStart + 1, _this._pathStart), null); t1 = _this._schemeEnd; if (t1 === 4 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "http")) return 80; if (t1 === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "https")) return 443; return 0; }, get$path(_) { return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, this._pathStart, this._queryStart); }, get$query(_) { var t1 = this._queryStart, t2 = this._fragmentStart; return t1 < t2 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, t1 + 1, t2) : ""; }, get$fragment() { var t1 = this._fragmentStart, t2 = this._uri; return t1 < t2.length ? B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t2, t1 + 1) : ""; }, get$pathSegments() { var parts, i, start = this._pathStart, end = this._queryStart, t1 = this._uri; if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(t1, "/", start)) ++start; if (start === end) return B.List_empty0; parts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); for (i = start; i < end; ++i) if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, i) === 47) { parts.push(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, start, i)); start = i + 1; } parts.push(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, start, end)); return A.List_List$unmodifiable(parts, type$.String); }, get$hashCode(_) { var t1 = this._hashCodeCache; return t1 == null ? this._hashCodeCache = B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this._uri) : t1; }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; return type$.Uri._is(other) && this._uri === other.toString$0(0); }, toString$0(_) { return this._uri; }, $isUri: 1 }; A._DataUri.prototype = {}; A._FakeUserTag.prototype = {}; A.ServiceExtensionResponse.prototype = {}; A.TimelineTask.prototype = { start$2$arguments(_, $name, $arguments) { A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull($name, "name"); this._stack.push(null); return; }, start$1($receiver, $name) { return this.start$2$arguments($receiver, $name, null); }, finish$0(_) { var t1 = this._stack; if (t1.length === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Uneven calls to start and finish")); if (t1.pop() == null) return; A._argumentsAsJson(null); } }; A.HtmlElement.prototype = {$isHtmlElement: 1}; A.AccessibleNodeList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.AnchorElement.prototype = { toString$0(receiver) { return String(receiver); } }; A.AreaElement.prototype = { toString$0(receiver) { return String(receiver); } }; A.BaseElement.prototype = {$isBaseElement: 1}; A.Blob.prototype = {$isBlob: 1}; A.Body.prototype = {$isBody: 1}; A.BodyElement.prototype = {$isBodyElement: 1}; A.BroadcastChannel.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.ButtonElement.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.CanvasElement.prototype = { getContext$2(receiver, contextId, attributes) { if (attributes != null) return receiver.getContext(contextId, A.convertDartToNative_Dictionary(attributes)); return receiver.getContext(contextId); }, getContext$1($receiver, contextId) { return this.getContext$2($receiver, contextId, null); }, $isCanvasElement: 1 }; A.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype = { fillText$3(receiver, text, x, y) { receiver.fillText(text, x, y); } }; A.CharacterData.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.Credential.prototype = {}; A.CredentialUserData.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.CssKeyframesRule.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.CssPerspective.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.CssRule.prototype = {$isCssRule: 1}; A.CssStyleDeclaration.prototype = { _browserPropertyName$1(receiver, propertyName) { var t1 = $.$get$CssStyleDeclaration__propertyCache(), $name = t1[propertyName]; if (typeof $name == "string") return $name; $name = this._supportedBrowserPropertyName$1(receiver, propertyName); t1[propertyName] = $name; return $name; }, _supportedBrowserPropertyName$1(receiver, propertyName) { var prefixed; if (propertyName.replace(/^-ms-/, "ms-").replace(/-([\da-z])/ig, function(_, letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }) in receiver) return propertyName; prefixed = $.$get$Device_cssPrefix() + propertyName; if (prefixed in receiver) return prefixed; return propertyName; }, _setPropertyHelper$3(receiver, propertyName, value, priority) { if (priority == null) priority = ""; receiver.setProperty(propertyName, value, priority); }, get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, set$height(receiver, value) { receiver.height = value; }, set$left(receiver, value) { receiver.left = value; }, set$overflow(receiver, value) { receiver.overflow = value; }, set$position(receiver, value) { receiver.position = value; }, set$top(receiver, value) { receiver.top = value; }, set$visibility(receiver, value) { receiver.visibility = value; }, set$width(receiver, value) { receiver.width = value; } }; A.CssStyleDeclarationBase.prototype = {}; A.CssStyleSheet.prototype = {$isCssStyleSheet: 1}; A.CssStyleValue.prototype = {}; A.CssTransformComponent.prototype = {}; A.CssTransformValue.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.CssUnparsedValue.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.DataTransferItemList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; } }; A.DivElement.prototype = {}; A.Document.prototype = { createElementNS$2(receiver, namespaceURI, qualifiedName) { var t1 = receiver.createElementNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName); return t1; }, $isDocument: 1 }; A.DomError.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.DomException.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { var errorName = receiver.name, t1 = $.$get$Device_isWebKit(); if (t1 && errorName === "SECURITY_ERR") return "SecurityError"; if (t1 && errorName === "SYNTAX_ERR") return "SyntaxError"; return errorName; }, toString$0(receiver) { return String(receiver); }, $isDomException: 1 }; A.DomRectList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.DomRectReadOnly.prototype = { toString$0(receiver) { var t2, t1 = receiver.left; t1.toString; t1 = "Rectangle (" + A.S(t1) + ", "; t2 = receiver.top; t2.toString; return t1 + A.S(t2) + ") " + A.S(this.get$width(receiver)) + " x " + A.S(this.get$height(receiver)); }, $eq(receiver, other) { var t1, t2; if (other == null) return false; if (type$.Rectangle_num._is(other)) { t1 = receiver.left; t1.toString; t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(other); if (t1 === t2.get$left(other)) { t1 = receiver.top; t1.toString; t1 = t1 === t2.get$top(other) && this.get$width(receiver) === t2.get$width(other) && this.get$height(receiver) === t2.get$height(other); } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(receiver) { var t2, t1 = receiver.left; t1.toString; t2 = receiver.top; t2.toString; return A.Object_hash(t1, t2, this.get$width(receiver), this.get$height(receiver), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue); }, get$_height(receiver) { return receiver.height; }, get$height(receiver) { var t1 = this.get$_height(receiver); t1.toString; return t1; }, get$left(receiver) { var t1 = receiver.left; t1.toString; return t1; }, get$top(receiver) { var t1 = receiver.top; t1.toString; return t1; }, get$_width(receiver) { return receiver.width; }, get$width(receiver) { var t1 = this.get$_width(receiver); t1.toString; return t1; }, $isRectangle: 1 }; A.DomStringList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.DomTokenList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A._ChildrenElementList.prototype = { contains$1(_, element) { return J.contains$1$asx(this._childElements, element); }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this._html$_element.firstElementChild == null; }, get$length(_) { return this._childElements.length; }, $index(_, index) { return type$.Element._as(this._childElements[index]); }, $indexSet(_, index, value) { this._html$_element.replaceChild(value, this._childElements[index]); }, set$length(_, newLength) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize element lists")); }, add$1(_, value) { this._html$_element.appendChild(value); return value; }, get$iterator(_) { var t1 = this.toList$0(this); return new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length); }, setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); }, setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) { return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0); }, remove$1(_, object) { return A._ChildrenElementList__remove(this._html$_element, object); }, insert$2(_, index, element) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (index < 0 || index > _this._childElements.length) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(index, 0, _this.get$length(_this), null, null)); t1 = _this._childElements; t2 = _this._html$_element; if (index === t1.length) t2.appendChild(element); else t2.insertBefore(element, type$.Element._as(t1[index])); }, removeLast$0(_) { var result = this.get$last(this); this._html$_element.removeChild(result); return result; }, get$first(_) { return A._ChildrenElementList__first(this._html$_element); }, get$last(_) { var result = this._html$_element.lastElementChild; if (result == null) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); return result; } }; A._FrozenElementList.prototype = { get$length(_) { return this._nodeList.length; }, $index(_, index) { return this.$ti._precomputed1._as(this._nodeList[index]); }, $indexSet(_, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify list")); }, set$length(_, newLength) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify list")); }, get$first(_) { return this.$ti._precomputed1._as(B.NodeList_methods.get$first(this._nodeList)); }, get$last(_) { return this.$ti._precomputed1._as(B.NodeList_methods.get$last(this._nodeList)); } }; A.Element0.prototype = { get$attributes(receiver) { return new A._ElementAttributeMap(receiver); }, get$children(receiver) { return new A._ChildrenElementList(receiver, receiver.children); }, getComputedStyle$0(receiver) { return window.getComputedStyle(receiver, ""); }, toString$0(receiver) { return receiver.localName; }, createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator) { var t1, t2, contextElement, fragment; if (treeSanitizer == null) { t1 = $.Element__defaultValidator; if (t1 == null) { t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_NodeValidator); t2 = new A.NodeValidatorBuilder(t1); t1.push(A._Html5NodeValidator$(null)); t1.push(A._TemplatingNodeValidator$()); $.Element__defaultValidator = t2; validator = t2; } else validator = t1; t1 = $.Element__defaultSanitizer; if (t1 == null) { t1 = new A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer(validator); $.Element__defaultSanitizer = t1; treeSanitizer = t1; } else { t1.validator = validator; treeSanitizer = t1; } } if ($.Element__parseDocument == null) { t1 = document; t2 = t1.implementation.createHTMLDocument(""); $.Element__parseDocument = t2; $.Element__parseRange = t2.createRange(); t2 = $.Element__parseDocument.createElement("base"); type$.BaseElement._as(t2); t1 = t1.baseURI; t1.toString; t2.href = t1; $.Element__parseDocument.head.appendChild(t2); } t1 = $.Element__parseDocument; if (t1.body == null) { t2 = t1.createElement("body"); t1.body = type$.BodyElement._as(t2); } t1 = $.Element__parseDocument; if (type$.BodyElement._is(receiver)) { t1 = t1.body; t1.toString; contextElement = t1; } else { t1.toString; contextElement = t1.createElement(receiver.tagName); $.Element__parseDocument.body.appendChild(contextElement); } if ("createContextualFragment" in window.Range.prototype && !B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(B.List_ego, receiver.tagName)) { $.Element__parseRange.selectNodeContents(contextElement); t1 = $.Element__parseRange; fragment = t1.createContextualFragment(html); } else { contextElement.innerHTML = html; fragment = $.Element__parseDocument.createDocumentFragment(); for (; t1 = contextElement.firstChild, t1 != null;) fragment.appendChild(t1); } if (contextElement !== $.Element__parseDocument.body) J.remove$0$ax(contextElement); treeSanitizer.sanitizeTree$1(fragment); document.adoptNode(fragment); return fragment; }, createFragment$2$treeSanitizer($receiver, html, treeSanitizer) { return this.createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator($receiver, html, treeSanitizer, null); }, setInnerHtml$1(receiver, html) { receiver.textContent = null; receiver.appendChild(this.createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(receiver, html, null, null)); }, focus$0(receiver) { return receiver.focus(); }, get$tagName(receiver) { return receiver.tagName; }, $isElement0: 1 }; A.Element_Element$html_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { return type$.Element._is(e); }, $signature: 96 }; A.EmbedElement.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.Entry.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; }, _html$_remove$2(receiver, successCallback, errorCallback) { return receiver.remove(A.convertDartClosureToJS(successCallback, 0), A.convertDartClosureToJS(errorCallback, 1)); }, remove$0(receiver) { var t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic), completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_dynamic); this._html$_remove$2(receiver, new A.Entry_remove_closure(completer), new A.Entry_remove_closure0(completer)); return t1; } }; A.Entry_remove_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.completer.complete$0(0); }, $signature: 0 }; A.Entry_remove_closure0.prototype = { call$1(error) { this.completer.completeError$1(error); }, $signature: 108 }; A.Event.prototype = { get$target(receiver) { return A._convertNativeToDart_EventTarget(receiver.target); }, $isEvent: 1 }; A.EventTarget.prototype = { addEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) { if (listener != null) this._addEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, useCapture); }, addEventListener$2($receiver, type, listener) { return this.addEventListener$3($receiver, type, listener, null); }, removeEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) { if (listener != null) this._removeEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, useCapture); }, removeEventListener$2($receiver, type, listener) { return this.removeEventListener$3($receiver, type, listener, null); }, _addEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, options) { return receiver.addEventListener(type, A.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), options); }, _removeEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, options) { return receiver.removeEventListener(type, A.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), options); } }; A.FederatedCredential.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.FieldSetElement.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.File.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; }, $isFile: 1 }; A.FileList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1, $isFileList: 1 }; A.FileSystem.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.FileWriter.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.FontFace.prototype = {$isFontFace: 1}; A.FormElement.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; }, $isFormElement: 1 }; A.Gamepad.prototype = {$isGamepad: 1}; A.History.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.HtmlCollection.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.HtmlDocument.prototype = {}; A.HttpRequest.prototype = { open$3$async(receiver, method, url, async) { return receiver.open(method, url, true); }, $isHttpRequest: 1 }; A.HttpRequest_request_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { var accepted, unknownRedirect, t3, t1 = this.xhr, t2 = t1.status; t2.toString; accepted = t2 >= 200 && t2 < 300; unknownRedirect = t2 > 307 && t2 < 400; t2 = accepted || t2 === 0 || t2 === 304 || unknownRedirect; t3 = this.completer; if (t2) t3.complete$1(0, t1); else t3.completeError$1(e); }, $signature: 109 }; A.HttpRequestEventTarget.prototype = {}; A.IFrameElement.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.ImageData.prototype = {$isImageData: 1}; A.InputElement.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; }, $isInputElement: 1 }; A.KeyboardEvent.prototype = {$isKeyboardEvent: 1}; A.LabelElement.prototype = {}; A.Location.prototype = { toString$0(receiver) { return String(receiver); } }; A.MapElement.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.MediaKeySession.prototype = { remove$0(receiver) { return A.promiseToFuture(receiver.remove(), type$.dynamic); } }; A.MediaList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.MediaQueryList.prototype = { addListener$1(receiver, listener) { return receiver.addListener(A.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1)); }, removeListener$1(receiver, listener) { return receiver.removeListener(A.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1)); } }; A.MediaQueryListEvent.prototype = {$isMediaQueryListEvent: 1}; A.MessagePort.prototype = { addEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) { if (type === "message") receiver.start(); this.super$EventTarget$addEventListener(receiver, type, listener, false); }, $isMessagePort: 1 }; A.MetaElement.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; }, $isMetaElement: 1 }; A.MidiInputMap.prototype = { containsKey$1(receiver, key) { return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)) != null; }, $index(receiver, key) { return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)); }, forEach$1(receiver, f) { var entry, entries = receiver.entries(); for (; true;) { entry = entries.next(); if (entry.done) return; f.call$2(entry.value[0], A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(entry.value[1])); } }, get$keys(receiver) { var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.MidiInputMap_keys_closure(keys)); return keys; }, get$values(receiver) { var values = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Map_dynamic_dynamic); this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.MidiInputMap_values_closure(values)); return values; }, get$length(receiver) { return receiver.size; }, get$isEmpty(receiver) { return receiver.size === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(receiver) { return receiver.size !== 0; }, $indexSet(receiver, key, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported")); }, putIfAbsent$2(receiver, key, ifAbsent) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported")); }, remove$1(receiver, key) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported")); }, $isMap: 1 }; A.MidiInputMap_keys_closure.prototype = { call$2(k, v) { return this.keys.push(k); }, $signature: 9 }; A.MidiInputMap_values_closure.prototype = { call$2(k, v) { return this.values.push(v); }, $signature: 9 }; A.MidiOutputMap.prototype = { containsKey$1(receiver, key) { return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)) != null; }, $index(receiver, key) { return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)); }, forEach$1(receiver, f) { var entry, entries = receiver.entries(); for (; true;) { entry = entries.next(); if (entry.done) return; f.call$2(entry.value[0], A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(entry.value[1])); } }, get$keys(receiver) { var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.MidiOutputMap_keys_closure(keys)); return keys; }, get$values(receiver) { var values = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Map_dynamic_dynamic); this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.MidiOutputMap_values_closure(values)); return values; }, get$length(receiver) { return receiver.size; }, get$isEmpty(receiver) { return receiver.size === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(receiver) { return receiver.size !== 0; }, $indexSet(receiver, key, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported")); }, putIfAbsent$2(receiver, key, ifAbsent) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported")); }, remove$1(receiver, key) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported")); }, $isMap: 1 }; A.MidiOutputMap_keys_closure.prototype = { call$2(k, v) { return this.keys.push(k); }, $signature: 9 }; A.MidiOutputMap_values_closure.prototype = { call$2(k, v) { return this.values.push(v); }, $signature: 9 }; A.MidiPort.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.MimeType.prototype = {$isMimeType: 1}; A.MimeTypeArray.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.MouseEvent.prototype = { get$offset(receiver) { var t1, t2, target, t3, t4, t5, point; if (!!receiver.offsetX) return new A.Point(receiver.offsetX, receiver.offsetY, type$.Point_num); else { t1 = receiver.target; t2 = type$.Element; if (!t2._is(A._convertNativeToDart_EventTarget(t1))) throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("offsetX is only supported on elements")); target = t2._as(A._convertNativeToDart_EventTarget(t1)); t1 = receiver.clientX; t2 = receiver.clientY; t3 = type$.Point_num; t4 = target.getBoundingClientRect(); t5 = t4.left; t5.toString; t4 = t4.top; t4.toString; point = new A.Point(t1, t2, t3).$sub(0, new A.Point(t5, t4, t3)); return new A.Point(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(point.x), B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(point.y), t3); } }, $isMouseEvent: 1 }; A.NavigatorUserMediaError.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A._ChildNodeListLazy.prototype = { get$first(_) { var result = this._this.firstChild; if (result == null) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); return result; }, get$last(_) { var result = this._this.lastChild; if (result == null) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); return result; }, get$single(_) { var t1 = this._this, l = t1.childNodes.length; if (l === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); if (l > 1) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("More than one element")); t1 = t1.firstChild; t1.toString; return t1; }, add$1(_, value) { this._this.appendChild(value); }, addAll$1(_, iterable) { var t1, t2, len, i, t3; if (iterable instanceof A._ChildNodeListLazy) { t1 = iterable._this; t2 = this._this; if (t1 !== t2) for (len = t1.childNodes.length, i = 0; i < len; ++i) { t3 = t1.firstChild; t3.toString; t2.appendChild(t3); } return; } for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(iterable), t2 = this._this; t1.moveNext$0();) t2.appendChild(t1.get$current(t1)); }, removeLast$0(_) { var result = this.get$last(this); this._this.removeChild(result); return result; }, remove$1(_, object) { return false; }, $indexSet(_, index, value) { var t1 = this._this; t1.replaceChild(value, t1.childNodes[index]); }, get$iterator(_) { var t1 = this._this.childNodes; return new A.FixedSizeListIterator(t1, t1.length); }, setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot setRange on Node list")); }, setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) { return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0); }, get$length(_) { return this._this.childNodes.length; }, set$length(_, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot set length on immutable List.")); }, $index(_, index) { return this._this.childNodes[index]; } }; A.Node.prototype = { remove$0(receiver) { var t1 = receiver.parentNode; if (t1 != null) t1.removeChild(receiver); }, replaceWith$1(receiver, otherNode) { var $parent, t1, exception; try { t1 = receiver.parentNode; t1.toString; $parent = t1; J._replaceChild$2$x($parent, otherNode, receiver); } catch (exception) { } return receiver; }, toString$0(receiver) { var value = receiver.nodeValue; return value == null ? this.super$Interceptor$toString(receiver) : value; }, _replaceChild$2(receiver, node, child) { return receiver.replaceChild(node, child); }, $isNode: 1 }; A.NodeList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.ObjectElement.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.OffscreenCanvas.prototype = { getContext$2(receiver, contextType, attributes) { var t1 = receiver.getContext(contextType, A.convertDartToNative_Dictionary(attributes)); return t1; } }; A.OutputElement.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.OverconstrainedError.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.ParagraphElement.prototype = {}; A.ParamElement.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.PasswordCredential.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.PerformanceEntry.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.PerformanceServerTiming.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.Plugin.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; }, $isPlugin: 1 }; A.PluginArray.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.PointerEvent0.prototype = {$isPointerEvent0: 1}; A.ProgressEvent.prototype = {$isProgressEvent: 1}; A.RtcStatsReport.prototype = { containsKey$1(receiver, key) { return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)) != null; }, $index(receiver, key) { return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)); }, forEach$1(receiver, f) { var entry, entries = receiver.entries(); for (; true;) { entry = entries.next(); if (entry.done) return; f.call$2(entry.value[0], A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(entry.value[1])); } }, get$keys(receiver) { var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.RtcStatsReport_keys_closure(keys)); return keys; }, get$values(receiver) { var values = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Map_dynamic_dynamic); this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.RtcStatsReport_values_closure(values)); return values; }, get$length(receiver) { return receiver.size; }, get$isEmpty(receiver) { return receiver.size === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(receiver) { return receiver.size !== 0; }, $indexSet(receiver, key, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported")); }, putIfAbsent$2(receiver, key, ifAbsent) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported")); }, remove$1(receiver, key) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported")); }, $isMap: 1 }; A.RtcStatsReport_keys_closure.prototype = { call$2(k, v) { return this.keys.push(k); }, $signature: 9 }; A.RtcStatsReport_values_closure.prototype = { call$2(k, v) { return this.values.push(v); }, $signature: 9 }; A.ScreenOrientation.prototype = { unlock$0(receiver) { return receiver.unlock(); } }; A.ScriptElement.prototype = {}; A.SelectElement.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.SharedWorkerGlobalScope.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.SlotElement.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.SourceBuffer.prototype = {$isSourceBuffer: 1}; A.SourceBufferList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.SpeechGrammar.prototype = {$isSpeechGrammar: 1}; A.SpeechGrammarList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.SpeechRecognitionResult.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $isSpeechRecognitionResult: 1 }; A.SpeechSynthesisEvent.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.SpeechSynthesisVoice.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.Storage.prototype = { containsKey$1(receiver, key) { return receiver.getItem(A._asString(key)) != null; }, $index(receiver, key) { return receiver.getItem(A._asString(key)); }, $indexSet(receiver, key, value) { receiver.setItem(key, value); }, putIfAbsent$2(receiver, key, ifAbsent) { if (receiver.getItem(key) == null) receiver.setItem(key, ifAbsent.call$0()); return A._asString(receiver.getItem(key)); }, remove$1(receiver, key) { var value; A._asString(key); value = receiver.getItem(key); receiver.removeItem(key); return value; }, forEach$1(receiver, f) { var i, key, t1; for (i = 0; true; ++i) { key = receiver.key(i); if (key == null) return; t1 = receiver.getItem(key); t1.toString; f.call$2(key, t1); } }, get$keys(receiver) { var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.Storage_keys_closure(keys)); return keys; }, get$values(receiver) { var values = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.Storage_values_closure(values)); return values; }, get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, get$isEmpty(receiver) { return receiver.key(0) == null; }, get$isNotEmpty(receiver) { return receiver.key(0) != null; }, $isMap: 1 }; A.Storage_keys_closure.prototype = { call$2(k, v) { return this.keys.push(k); }, $signature: 95 }; A.Storage_values_closure.prototype = { call$2(k, v) { return this.values.push(v); }, $signature: 95 }; A.StyleElement.prototype = {}; A.StyleSheet.prototype = {$isStyleSheet: 1}; A.TableElement.prototype = { createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator) { var table, fragment; if ("createContextualFragment" in window.Range.prototype) return this.super$Element$createFragment(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator); table = A.Element_Element$html("" + html + "
", treeSanitizer, validator); fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); new A._ChildNodeListLazy(fragment).addAll$1(0, new A._ChildNodeListLazy(table)); return fragment; } }; A.TableRowElement.prototype = { createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator) { var t1, fragment; if ("createContextualFragment" in window.Range.prototype) return this.super$Element$createFragment(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator); t1 = document; fragment = t1.createDocumentFragment(); t1 = new A._ChildNodeListLazy(B.TableElement_methods.createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(t1.createElement("table"), html, treeSanitizer, validator)); t1 = new A._ChildNodeListLazy(t1.get$single(t1)); new A._ChildNodeListLazy(fragment).addAll$1(0, new A._ChildNodeListLazy(t1.get$single(t1))); return fragment; } }; A.TableSectionElement.prototype = { createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator) { var t1, fragment; if ("createContextualFragment" in window.Range.prototype) return this.super$Element$createFragment(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator); t1 = document; fragment = t1.createDocumentFragment(); t1 = new A._ChildNodeListLazy(B.TableElement_methods.createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(t1.createElement("table"), html, treeSanitizer, validator)); new A._ChildNodeListLazy(fragment).addAll$1(0, new A._ChildNodeListLazy(t1.get$single(t1))); return fragment; } }; A.TemplateElement.prototype = {$isTemplateElement: 1}; A.TextAreaElement.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; }, select$0(receiver) { return receiver.select(); }, $isTextAreaElement: 1 }; A.TextTrack.prototype = {$isTextTrack: 1}; A.TextTrackCue.prototype = {$isTextTrackCue: 1}; A.TextTrackCueList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.TextTrackList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.TimeRanges.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.Touch.prototype = {$isTouch: 1}; A.TouchEvent.prototype = {$isTouchEvent: 1}; A.TouchList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.TrackDefaultList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.UIEvent.prototype = {}; A.Url.prototype = { toString$0(receiver) { return String(receiver); } }; A.VideoTrackList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.WheelEvent.prototype = { get$deltaY(receiver) { var value = receiver.deltaY; if (value != null) return value; throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("deltaY is not supported")); }, get$deltaX(receiver) { var value = receiver.deltaX; if (value != null) return value; throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("deltaX is not supported")); }, get$deltaMode(receiver) { if (!!receiver.deltaMode) return receiver.deltaMode; return 0; }, $isWheelEvent: 1 }; A.Window.prototype = { requestAnimationFrame$1(receiver, callback) { var t1; this._ensureRequestAnimationFrame$0(receiver); t1 = A._wrapZone(callback, type$.num); t1.toString; return this._requestAnimationFrame$1(receiver, t1); }, _requestAnimationFrame$1(receiver, callback) { return receiver.requestAnimationFrame(A.convertDartClosureToJS(callback, 1)); }, _ensureRequestAnimationFrame$0(receiver) { if (!!(receiver.requestAnimationFrame && receiver.cancelAnimationFrame)) return; (function($this) { var vendors = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"]; for (var i = 0; i < vendors.length && !$this.requestAnimationFrame; ++i) { $this.requestAnimationFrame = $this[vendors[i] + "RequestAnimationFrame"]; $this.cancelAnimationFrame = $this[vendors[i] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || $this[vendors[i] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"]; } if ($this.requestAnimationFrame && $this.cancelAnimationFrame) return; $this.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) { return window.setTimeout(function() { callback(Date.now()); }, 16); }; $this.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) { clearTimeout(id); }; })(receiver); }, get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; }, $isWindow: 1 }; A.WorkerGlobalScope.prototype = {$isWorkerGlobalScope: 1}; A._Attr.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; }, $is_Attr: 1 }; A._CssRuleList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A._DomRect.prototype = { toString$0(receiver) { var t2, t1 = receiver.left; t1.toString; t1 = "Rectangle (" + A.S(t1) + ", "; t2 = receiver.top; t2.toString; t2 = t1 + A.S(t2) + ") "; t1 = receiver.width; t1.toString; t1 = t2 + A.S(t1) + " x "; t2 = receiver.height; t2.toString; return t1 + A.S(t2); }, $eq(receiver, other) { var t1, t2; if (other == null) return false; if (type$.Rectangle_num._is(other)) { t1 = receiver.left; t1.toString; t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(other); if (t1 === t2.get$left(other)) { t1 = receiver.top; t1.toString; if (t1 === t2.get$top(other)) { t1 = receiver.width; t1.toString; if (t1 === t2.get$width(other)) { t1 = receiver.height; t1.toString; t2 = t1 === t2.get$height(other); t1 = t2; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(receiver) { var t2, t3, t4, t1 = receiver.left; t1.toString; t2 = receiver.top; t2.toString; t3 = receiver.width; t3.toString; t4 = receiver.height; t4.toString; return A.Object_hash(t1, t2, t3, t4, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue); }, get$_height(receiver) { return receiver.height; }, get$height(receiver) { var t1 = receiver.height; t1.toString; return t1; }, get$_width(receiver) { return receiver.width; }, get$width(receiver) { var t1 = receiver.width; t1.toString; return t1; } }; A._GamepadList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A._NamedNodeMap.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A._SpeechRecognitionResultList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A._StyleSheetList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver[index]; }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return receiver[index]; }, $isJSIndexable: 1, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A._AttributeMap.prototype = { cast$2$0(_, $K, $V) { var t1 = type$.String; return A.Map_castFrom(this, t1, t1, $K, $V); }, putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) { var t1 = this._html$_element, t2 = t1.hasAttribute(key); if (!t2) t1.setAttribute(key, ifAbsent.call$0()); return A._asString(t1.getAttribute(key)); }, forEach$1(_, f) { var t1, t2, t3, _i, t4; for (t1 = this.get$keys(this), t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._html$_element, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { t4 = A._asString(t1[_i]); f.call$2(t4, A._asString(t3.getAttribute(t4))); } }, get$keys(_) { var keys, len, t2, i, attr, t3, t1 = this._html$_element.attributes; t1.toString; keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); for (len = t1.length, t2 = type$._Attr, i = 0; i < len; ++i) { attr = t2._as(t1[i]); if (attr.namespaceURI == null) { t3 = attr.name; t3.toString; keys.push(t3); } } return keys; }, get$values(_) { var values, len, t2, i, attr, t3, t1 = this._html$_element.attributes; t1.toString; values = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); for (len = t1.length, t2 = type$._Attr, i = 0; i < len; ++i) { attr = t2._as(t1[i]); if (attr.namespaceURI == null) { t3 = attr.value; t3.toString; values.push(t3); } } return values; }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this.get$keys(this).length === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { return this.get$keys(this).length !== 0; } }; A._ElementAttributeMap.prototype = { containsKey$1(_, key) { return typeof key == "string" && this._html$_element.hasAttribute(key); }, $index(_, key) { return this._html$_element.getAttribute(A._asString(key)); }, $indexSet(_, key, value) { this._html$_element.setAttribute(key, value); }, remove$1(_, key) { var t1, value; if (typeof key == "string") { t1 = this._html$_element; value = t1.getAttribute(key); t1.removeAttribute(key); t1 = value; } else t1 = null; return t1; }, get$length(_) { return this.get$keys(this).length; } }; A.EventStreamProvider.prototype = {}; A._EventStream.prototype = { get$isBroadcast() { return true; }, listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) { return A._EventStreamSubscription$(this._target, this._eventType, onData, false, A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1); }, listen$3$onDone$onError(onData, onDone, onError) { return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError); } }; A._ElementEventStreamImpl.prototype = {}; A._EventStreamSubscription.prototype = { cancel$0(_) { var _this = this; if (_this._target == null) return $.$get$nullFuture(); _this._unlisten$0(); _this._onData = _this._target = null; return $.$get$nullFuture(); }, pause$1(_, resumeSignal) { if (this._target == null) return; ++this._pauseCount; this._unlisten$0(); }, pause$0($receiver) { return this.pause$1($receiver, null); }, resume$0(_) { var _this = this; if (_this._target == null || _this._pauseCount <= 0) return; --_this._pauseCount; _this._tryResume$0(); }, _tryResume$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._onData; if (t1 != null && _this._pauseCount <= 0) { t2 = _this._target; t2.toString; J.addEventListener$3$x(t2, _this._eventType, t1, false); } }, _unlisten$0() { var t2, t1 = this._onData; if (t1 != null) { t2 = this._target; t2.toString; J.removeEventListener$3$x(t2, this._eventType, t1, false); } } }; A._EventStreamSubscription_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { return this.onData.call$1(e); }, $signature: 1 }; A._Html5NodeValidator.prototype = { _Html5NodeValidator$1$uriPolicy(uriPolicy) { var _i; if ($._Html5NodeValidator__attributeValidators.get$isEmpty($._Html5NodeValidator__attributeValidators)) { for (_i = 0; _i < 262; ++_i) $._Html5NodeValidator__attributeValidators.$indexSet(0, B.List_2Zi[_i], A.html__Html5NodeValidator__standardAttributeValidator$closure()); for (_i = 0; _i < 12; ++_i) $._Html5NodeValidator__attributeValidators.$indexSet(0, B.List_yrN[_i], A.html__Html5NodeValidator__uriAttributeValidator$closure()); } }, allowsElement$1(element) { return $.$get$_Html5NodeValidator__allowedElements().contains$1(0, A.Element__safeTagName(element)); }, allowsAttribute$3(element, attributeName, value) { var validator = $._Html5NodeValidator__attributeValidators.$index(0, A.Element__safeTagName(element) + "::" + attributeName); if (validator == null) validator = $._Html5NodeValidator__attributeValidators.$index(0, "*::" + attributeName); if (validator == null) return false; return validator.call$4(element, attributeName, value, this); }, $isNodeValidator: 1 }; A.ImmutableListMixin.prototype = { get$iterator(receiver) { return new A.FixedSizeListIterator(receiver, this.get$length(receiver)); }, add$1(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to immutable List.")); }, removeLast$0(receiver) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from immutable List.")); }, remove$1(receiver, object) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from immutable List.")); }, setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot setRange on immutable List.")); }, setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) { return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0); } }; A.NodeValidatorBuilder.prototype = { allowsElement$1(element) { return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(this._validators, new A.NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsElement_closure(element)); }, allowsAttribute$3(element, attributeName, value) { return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(this._validators, new A.NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsAttribute_closure(element, attributeName, value)); }, $isNodeValidator: 1 }; A.NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsElement_closure.prototype = { call$1(v) { return v.allowsElement$1(this.element); }, $signature: 94 }; A.NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsAttribute_closure.prototype = { call$1(v) { return v.allowsAttribute$3(this.element, this.attributeName, this.value); }, $signature: 94 }; A._SimpleNodeValidator.prototype = { _SimpleNodeValidator$4$allowedAttributes$allowedElements$allowedUriAttributes(uriPolicy, allowedAttributes, allowedElements, allowedUriAttributes) { var legalAttributes, extraUriAttributes, t1; this.allowedElements.addAll$1(0, allowedElements); legalAttributes = allowedAttributes.where$1(0, new A._SimpleNodeValidator_closure()); extraUriAttributes = allowedAttributes.where$1(0, new A._SimpleNodeValidator_closure0()); this.allowedAttributes.addAll$1(0, legalAttributes); t1 = this.allowedUriAttributes; t1.addAll$1(0, B.List_empty0); t1.addAll$1(0, extraUriAttributes); }, allowsElement$1(element) { return this.allowedElements.contains$1(0, A.Element__safeTagName(element)); }, allowsAttribute$3(element, attributeName, value) { var _this = this, tagName = A.Element__safeTagName(element), t1 = _this.allowedUriAttributes; if (t1.contains$1(0, tagName + "::" + attributeName)) return _this.uriPolicy.allowsUri$1(value); else if (t1.contains$1(0, "*::" + attributeName)) return _this.uriPolicy.allowsUri$1(value); else { t1 = _this.allowedAttributes; if (t1.contains$1(0, tagName + "::" + attributeName)) return true; else if (t1.contains$1(0, "*::" + attributeName)) return true; else if (t1.contains$1(0, tagName + "::*")) return true; else if (t1.contains$1(0, "*::*")) return true; } return false; }, $isNodeValidator: 1 }; A._SimpleNodeValidator_closure.prototype = { call$1(x) { return !B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(B.List_yrN, x); }, $signature: 28 }; A._SimpleNodeValidator_closure0.prototype = { call$1(x) { return B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(B.List_yrN, x); }, $signature: 28 }; A._TemplatingNodeValidator.prototype = { allowsAttribute$3(element, attributeName, value) { if (this.super$_SimpleNodeValidator$allowsAttribute(element, attributeName, value)) return true; if (attributeName === "template" && value === "") return true; if (element.getAttribute("template") === "") return this._templateAttrs.contains$1(0, attributeName); return false; } }; A._TemplatingNodeValidator_closure.prototype = { call$1(attr) { return "TEMPLATE::" + attr; }, $signature: 50 }; A._SvgNodeValidator.prototype = { allowsElement$1(element) { var t1; if (type$.ScriptElement._is(element)) return false; t1 = type$.SvgElement._is(element); if (t1 && A.Element__safeTagName(element) === "foreignObject") return false; if (t1) return true; return false; }, allowsAttribute$3(element, attributeName, value) { if (attributeName === "is" || B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(attributeName, "on")) return false; return this.allowsElement$1(element); }, $isNodeValidator: 1 }; A.FixedSizeListIterator.prototype = { moveNext$0() { var _this = this, nextPosition = _this._html$_position + 1, t1 = _this._html$_length; if (nextPosition < t1) { _this._html$_current = J.$index$asx(_this._array, nextPosition); _this._html$_position = nextPosition; return true; } _this._html$_current = null; _this._html$_position = t1; return false; }, get$current(_) { return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(this._html$_current); } }; A.Console.prototype = { warn$1(arg) { return typeof console != "undefined" ? window.console.warn(arg) : null; } }; A._DOMWindowCrossFrame.prototype = {}; A._SameOriginUriPolicy.prototype = {}; A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer.prototype = { sanitizeTree$1(node) { var previousTreeModifications, walk = new A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer_sanitizeTree_walk(this); do { previousTreeModifications = this.numTreeModifications; walk.call$2(node, null); } while (previousTreeModifications !== this.numTreeModifications); }, _removeNode$2(node, $parent) { ++this.numTreeModifications; if ($parent == null || $parent !== node.parentNode) J.remove$0$ax(node); else $parent.removeChild(node); }, _sanitizeUntrustedElement$2(element, $parent) { var corruptedTest1, elementText, elementTagName, exception, t1, corrupted = true, attrs = null, isAttr = null; try { attrs = J.get$attributes$x(element); isAttr = attrs._html$_element.getAttribute("is"); corruptedTest1 = function(element) { if (!(element.attributes instanceof NamedNodeMap)) return true; if (element.id == "lastChild" || element.name == "lastChild" || element.id == "previousSibling" || element.name == "previousSibling" || element.id == "children" || element.name == "children") return true; var childNodes = element.childNodes; if (element.lastChild && element.lastChild !== childNodes[childNodes.length - 1]) return true; if (element.children) if (!(element.children instanceof HTMLCollection || element.children instanceof NodeList)) return true; var length = 0; if (element.children) length = element.children.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var child = element.children[i]; if (child.id == "attributes" || child.name == "attributes" || child.id == "lastChild" || child.name == "lastChild" || child.id == "previousSibling" || child.name == "previousSibling" || child.id == "children" || child.name == "children") return true; } return false; }(element); corrupted = corruptedTest1 ? true : !(element.attributes instanceof NamedNodeMap); } catch (exception) { } elementText = "element unprintable"; try { elementText = J.toString$0$(element); } catch (exception) { } try { elementTagName = A.Element__safeTagName(element); this._sanitizeElement$7(element, $parent, corrupted, elementText, elementTagName, attrs, isAttr); } catch (exception) { if (A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.ArgumentError) throw exception; else { this._removeNode$2(element, $parent); window; t1 = "Removing corrupted element " + A.S(elementText); if (typeof console != "undefined") window.console.warn(t1); } } }, _sanitizeElement$7(element, $parent, corrupted, text, tag, attrs, isAttr) { var t1, keys, i, $name, t2, t3, _this = this; if (corrupted) { _this._removeNode$2(element, $parent); window; t1 = "Removing element due to corrupted attributes on <" + text + ">"; if (typeof console != "undefined") window.console.warn(t1); return; } if (!_this.validator.allowsElement$1(element)) { _this._removeNode$2(element, $parent); window; t1 = "Removing disallowed element <" + tag + "> from " + A.S($parent); if (typeof console != "undefined") window.console.warn(t1); return; } if (isAttr != null) if (!_this.validator.allowsAttribute$3(element, "is", isAttr)) { _this._removeNode$2(element, $parent); window; t1 = "Removing disallowed type extension <" + tag + ' is="' + isAttr + '">'; if (typeof console != "undefined") window.console.warn(t1); return; } t1 = attrs.get$keys(attrs); keys = A._setArrayType(t1.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)); for (i = attrs.get$keys(attrs).length - 1, t1 = attrs._html$_element; i >= 0; --i) { $name = keys[i]; t2 = _this.validator; t3 = J.toLowerCase$0$s($name); A._asString($name); if (!t2.allowsAttribute$3(element, t3, t1.getAttribute($name))) { window; t2 = "Removing disallowed attribute <" + tag + " " + $name + '="' + A.S(t1.getAttribute($name)) + '">'; if (typeof console != "undefined") window.console.warn(t2); t1.removeAttribute($name); } } if (type$.TemplateElement._is(element)) { t1 = element.content; t1.toString; _this.sanitizeTree$1(t1); } } }; A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer_sanitizeTree_walk.prototype = { call$2(node, $parent) { var child, nextChild, t2, t3, exception, t1 = this.$this; switch (node.nodeType) { case 1: t1._sanitizeUntrustedElement$2(node, $parent); break; case 8: case 11: case 3: case 4: break; default: t1._removeNode$2(node, $parent); } child = node.lastChild; for (; child != null;) { nextChild = null; try { nextChild = child.previousSibling; if (nextChild != null) { t2 = nextChild.nextSibling; t3 = child; t3 = t2 == null ? t3 != null : t2 !== t3; t2 = t3; } else t2 = false; if (t2) { t2 = A.StateError$("Corrupt HTML"); throw A.wrapException(t2); } } catch (exception) { t2 = child; ++t1.numTreeModifications; t3 = t2.parentNode; if (node !== t3) { if (t3 != null) t3.removeChild(t2); } else node.removeChild(t2); child = null; nextChild = node.lastChild; } if (child != null) this.call$2(child, node); child = nextChild; } }, $signature: 112 }; A._CssStyleDeclaration_JavaScriptObject_CssStyleDeclarationBase.prototype = {}; A._DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._MidiInputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin.prototype = {}; A._MidiOutputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin.prototype = {}; A._MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._RtcStatsReport_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin.prototype = {}; A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._Storage_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin.prototype = {}; A._TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A.__CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A.__CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A.__GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A.__GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A.__NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A.__NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A.__StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A.__StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._StructuredClone.prototype = { findSlot$1(value) { var i, t1 = this.values, $length = t1.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) if (t1[i] === value) return i; t1.push(value); this.copies.push(null); return $length; }, walk$1(e) { var slot, t2, copy, _this = this, t1 = {}; if (e == null) return e; if (A._isBool(e)) return e; if (typeof e == "number") return e; if (typeof e == "string") return e; if (e instanceof A.DateTime) return new Date(e._core$_value); if (type$.RegExp._is(e)) throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("structured clone of RegExp")); if (type$.File._is(e)) return e; if (type$.Blob._is(e)) return e; if (type$.FileList._is(e)) return e; if (type$.ImageData._is(e)) return e; if (type$.NativeByteBuffer._is(e) || type$.NativeTypedData._is(e) || type$.MessagePort._is(e)) return e; if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(e)) { slot = _this.findSlot$1(e); t2 = _this.copies; copy = t1.copy = t2[slot]; if (copy != null) return copy; copy = {}; t1.copy = copy; t2[slot] = copy; J.forEach$1$ax(e, new A._StructuredClone_walk_closure(t1, _this)); return t1.copy; } if (type$.List_dynamic._is(e)) { slot = _this.findSlot$1(e); copy = _this.copies[slot]; if (copy != null) return copy; return _this.copyList$2(e, slot); } if (type$.JSObject._is(e)) { slot = _this.findSlot$1(e); t2 = _this.copies; copy = t1.copy = t2[slot]; if (copy != null) return copy; copy = {}; t1.copy = copy; t2[slot] = copy; _this.forEachObjectKey$2(e, new A._StructuredClone_walk_closure0(t1, _this)); return t1.copy; } throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("structured clone of other type")); }, copyList$2(e, slot) { var i, t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(e), $length = t1.get$length(e), copy = new Array($length); this.copies[slot] = copy; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) copy[i] = this.walk$1(t1.$index(e, i)); return copy; } }; A._StructuredClone_walk_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { this._box_0.copy[key] = this.$this.walk$1(value); }, $signature: 54 }; A._StructuredClone_walk_closure0.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { this._box_0.copy[key] = this.$this.walk$1(value); }, $signature: 113 }; A._AcceptStructuredClone.prototype = { findSlot$1(value) { var i, t1 = this.values, $length = t1.length; for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) if (t1[i] === value) return i; t1.push(value); this.copies.push(null); return $length; }, walk$1(e) { var slot, t1, copy, t2, l, $length, i, _this = this, _box_0 = {}; if (e == null) return e; if (A._isBool(e)) return e; if (typeof e == "number") return e; if (typeof e == "string") return e; if (e instanceof Date) return A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(e.getTime(), true); if (e instanceof RegExp) throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("structured clone of RegExp")); if (typeof Promise != "undefined" && e instanceof Promise) return A.promiseToFuture(e, type$.dynamic); if (A.isJavaScriptSimpleObject(e)) { slot = _this.findSlot$1(e); t1 = _this.copies; copy = _box_0.copy = t1[slot]; if (copy != null) return copy; t2 = type$.dynamic; copy = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t2); _box_0.copy = copy; t1[slot] = copy; _this.forEachJsField$2(e, new A._AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure(_box_0, _this)); return _box_0.copy; } if (e instanceof Array) { l = e; slot = _this.findSlot$1(l); t1 = _this.copies; copy = t1[slot]; if (copy != null) return copy; t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(l); $length = t2.get$length(l); copy = _this.mustCopy ? new Array($length) : l; t1[slot] = copy; for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$ax(copy), i = 0; i < $length; ++i) t1.$indexSet(copy, i, _this.walk$1(t2.$index(l, i))); return copy; } return e; }, convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy(object, mustCopy) { this.mustCopy = mustCopy; return this.walk$1(object); } }; A._AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { var t1 = this._box_0.copy, t2 = this.$this.walk$1(value); J.$indexSet$ax(t1, key, t2); return t2; }, $signature: 114 }; A._convertDartToNative_Value_closure.prototype = { call$1(element) { this.array.push(A._convertDartToNative_Value(element)); }, $signature: 14 }; A.convertDartToNative_Dictionary_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { this.object[key] = A._convertDartToNative_Value(value); }, $signature: 54 }; A._StructuredCloneDart2Js.prototype = { forEachObjectKey$2(object, action) { var t1, t2, _i, key; for (t1 = Object.keys(object), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) { key = t1[_i]; action.call$2(key, object[key]); } } }; A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js.prototype = { forEachJsField$2(object, action) { var t1, t2, _i, key; for (t1 = Object.keys(object), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { key = t1[_i]; action.call$2(key, object[key]); } } }; A.FilteredElementList.prototype = { get$_html_common$_iterable() { var t1 = this._childNodes, t2 = A._instanceType(t1); return new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.FilteredElementList__iterable_closure(), t2._eval$1("WhereIterable")), new A.FilteredElementList__iterable_closure0(), t2._eval$1("MappedIterable")); }, forEach$1(_, f) { B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(A.List_List$from(this.get$_html_common$_iterable(), false, type$.Element), f); }, $indexSet(_, index, value) { var t1 = this.get$_html_common$_iterable(); J.replaceWith$1$x(t1._f.call$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(t1._iterable, index)), value); }, set$length(_, newLength) { var len = J.get$length$asx(this.get$_html_common$_iterable()._iterable); if (newLength >= len) return; else if (newLength < 0) throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid list length", null)); this.removeRange$2(0, newLength, len); }, add$1(_, value) { this._childNodes._this.appendChild(value); }, contains$1(_, needle) { if (!type$.Element._is(needle)) return false; return needle.parentNode === this._html_common$_node; }, setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot setRange on filtered list")); }, setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) { return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0); }, removeRange$2(_, start, end) { var t1 = this.get$_html_common$_iterable(); t1 = A.SkipIterable_SkipIterable(t1, start, t1.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E")); B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(A.List_List$from(A.TakeIterable_TakeIterable(t1, end - start, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")), true, type$.dynamic), new A.FilteredElementList_removeRange_closure()); }, removeLast$0(_) { var t1 = this.get$_html_common$_iterable(), result = t1._f.call$1(J.get$last$ax(t1._iterable)); J.remove$0$ax(result); return result; }, insert$2(_, index, value) { var t1, element; if (index === J.get$length$asx(this.get$_html_common$_iterable()._iterable)) this._childNodes._this.appendChild(value); else { t1 = this.get$_html_common$_iterable(); element = t1._f.call$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(t1._iterable, index)); element.parentNode.insertBefore(value, element); } }, remove$1(_, element) { return false; }, get$length(_) { return J.get$length$asx(this.get$_html_common$_iterable()._iterable); }, $index(_, index) { var t1 = this.get$_html_common$_iterable(); return t1._f.call$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(t1._iterable, index)); }, get$iterator(_) { var t1 = A.List_List$from(this.get$_html_common$_iterable(), false, type$.Element); return new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length); } }; A.FilteredElementList__iterable_closure.prototype = { call$1(n) { return type$.Element._is(n); }, $signature: 96 }; A.FilteredElementList__iterable_closure0.prototype = { call$1(n) { return type$.Element._as(n); }, $signature: 347 }; A.FilteredElementList_removeRange_closure.prototype = { call$1(el) { return J.remove$0$ax(el); }, $signature: 14 }; A.Database.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.Index.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.KeyRange.prototype = {$isKeyRange: 1}; A.ObjectStore.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.VersionChangeEvent.prototype = { get$target(receiver) { return receiver.target; } }; A.JsObject__convertDataTree__convert.prototype = { call$1(o) { var convertedMap, t2, key, convertedList, t1 = this._convertedObjects; if (t1.containsKey$1(0, o)) return t1.$index(0, o); if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(o)) { convertedMap = {}; t1.$indexSet(0, o, convertedMap); for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(o), t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1.get$keys(o)); t2.moveNext$0();) { key = t2.get$current(t2); convertedMap[key] = this.call$1(t1.$index(o, key)); } return convertedMap; } else if (type$.Iterable_dynamic._is(o)) { convertedList = []; t1.$indexSet(0, o, convertedList); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(convertedList, J.map$1$1$ax(o, this, type$.dynamic)); return convertedList; } else return A._convertToJS(o); }, $signature: 98 }; A._convertToJS_closure.prototype = { call$1(o) { var jsFunction = function(_call, f, captureThis) { return function() { return _call(f, captureThis, this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); }; }(A._callDartFunction, o, false); A._defineProperty(jsFunction, $.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME(), o); return jsFunction; }, $signature: 29 }; A._convertToJS_closure0.prototype = { call$1(o) { return new this.ctor(o); }, $signature: 29 }; A._wrapToDart_closure.prototype = { call$1(o) { return new A.JsFunction(o); }, $signature: 116 }; A._wrapToDart_closure0.prototype = { call$1(o) { return new A.JsArray(o, type$.JsArray_dynamic); }, $signature: 117 }; A._wrapToDart_closure1.prototype = { call$1(o) { return new A.JsObject(o); }, $signature: 118 }; A.JsObject.prototype = { $index(_, property) { if (typeof property != "string" && typeof property != "number") throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("property is not a String or num", null)); return A._convertToDart(this._js$_jsObject[property]); }, $indexSet(_, property, value) { if (typeof property != "string" && typeof property != "number") throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("property is not a String or num", null)); this._js$_jsObject[property] = A._convertToJS(value); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A.JsObject && this._js$_jsObject === other._js$_jsObject; }, toString$0(_) { var t1, exception; try { t1 = String(this._js$_jsObject); return t1; } catch (exception) { t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0); return t1; } }, callMethod$2(method, args) { var t1 = this._js$_jsObject, t2 = args == null ? null : A.List_List$from(new A.MappedListIterable(args, A.js___convertToJS$closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(args)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,@>")), true, type$.dynamic); return A._convertToDart(t1[method].apply(t1, t2)); }, callMethod$1(method) { return this.callMethod$2(method, null); }, get$hashCode(_) { return 0; } }; A.JsFunction.prototype = {}; A.JsArray.prototype = { _checkIndex$1(index) { var _this = this, t1 = index < 0 || index >= _this.get$length(_this); if (t1) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(index, 0, _this.get$length(_this), null, null)); }, $index(_, index) { if (A._isInt(index)) this._checkIndex$1(index); return this.super$JsObject$$index(0, index); }, $indexSet(_, index, value) { if (A._isInt(index)) this._checkIndex$1(index); this.super$_JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin$$indexSet(0, index, value); }, get$length(_) { var len = this._js$_jsObject.length; if (typeof len === "number" && len >>> 0 === len) return len; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Bad JsArray length")); }, set$length(_, $length) { this.super$_JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin$$indexSet(0, "length", $length); }, add$1(_, value) { this.callMethod$2("push", [value]); }, removeLast$0(_) { if (this.get$length(this) === 0) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$(-1)); return this.callMethod$1("pop"); }, setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) { var $length, args; A.JsArray__checkRange(start, end, this.get$length(this)); $length = end - start; if ($length === 0) return; args = [start, $length]; B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(args, J.skip$1$ax(iterable, skipCount).take$1(0, $length)); this.callMethod$2("splice", args); }, setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) { return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0); }, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A._JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin.prototype = { $indexSet(_, property, value) { return this.super$JsObject$$indexSet(0, property, value); } }; A.NullRejectionException.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Promise was rejected with a value of `" + (this.isUndefined ? "undefined" : "null") + "`."; }, $isException: 1 }; A.promiseToFuture_closure.prototype = { call$1(r) { return this.completer.complete$1(0, r); }, $signature: 14 }; A.promiseToFuture_closure0.prototype = { call$1(e) { if (e == null) return this.completer.completeError$1(new A.NullRejectionException(e === undefined)); return this.completer.completeError$1(e); }, $signature: 14 }; A.Point.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Point(" + A.S(this.x) + ", " + A.S(this.y) + ")"; }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A.Point && this.x === other.x && this.y === other.y; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.SystemHash_hash2(B.JSNumber_methods.get$hashCode(this.x), B.JSNumber_methods.get$hashCode(this.y), 0); }, $add(_, other) { var t1 = this.$ti, t2 = t1._precomputed1; return new A.Point(t2._as(this.x + other.x), t2._as(this.y + other.y), t1); }, $sub(_, other) { var t1 = this.$ti, t2 = t1._precomputed1; return new A.Point(t2._as(this.x - other.x), t2._as(this.y - other.y), t1); }, $mul(_, factor) { var t1 = this.$ti, t2 = t1._precomputed1; return new A.Point(t2._as(this.x * factor), t2._as(this.y * factor), t1); } }; A.ClipPathElement.prototype = {$isClipPathElement: 1}; A.DefsElement.prototype = {$isDefsElement: 1}; A.GeometryElement.prototype = {}; A.GraphicsElement.prototype = {}; A.Length.prototype = {$isLength: 1}; A.LengthList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver.getItem(index); }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return this.$index(receiver, index); }, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.Number.prototype = {$isNumber: 1}; A.NumberList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver.getItem(index); }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return this.$index(receiver, index); }, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.PathElement.prototype = {$isPathElement: 1}; A.PointList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.ScriptElement0.prototype = {$isScriptElement0: 1}; A.StringList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver.getItem(index); }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return this.$index(receiver, index); }, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A.SvgElement.prototype = { get$children(receiver) { return new A.FilteredElementList(receiver, new A._ChildNodeListLazy(receiver)); }, createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(receiver, svg, treeSanitizer, validator) { var html, t2, fragment, svgFragment, root, t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_NodeValidator); t1.push(A._Html5NodeValidator$(null)); t1.push(A._TemplatingNodeValidator$()); t1.push(new A._SvgNodeValidator()); treeSanitizer = new A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer(new A.NodeValidatorBuilder(t1)); html = '' + svg + ""; t1 = document; t2 = t1.body; t2.toString; fragment = B.BodyElement_methods.createFragment$2$treeSanitizer(t2, html, treeSanitizer); svgFragment = t1.createDocumentFragment(); t1 = new A._ChildNodeListLazy(fragment); root = t1.get$single(t1); for (; t1 = root.firstChild, t1 != null;) svgFragment.appendChild(t1); return svgFragment; }, focus$0(receiver) { return receiver.focus(); }, $isSvgElement: 1 }; A.SvgSvgElement.prototype = {$isSvgSvgElement: 1}; A.Transform0.prototype = {$isTransform0: 1}; A.TransformList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; }, $index(receiver, index) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null)); return receiver.getItem(index); }, $indexSet(receiver, index, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")); }, set$length(receiver, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List.")); }, get$first(receiver) { if (receiver.length > 0) return receiver[0]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, get$last(receiver) { var len = receiver.length; if (len > 0) return receiver[len - 1]; throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements")); }, elementAt$1(receiver, index) { return this.$index(receiver, index); }, $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1 }; A._LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A._TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {}; A._TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {}; A.Endian.prototype = {}; A.ClipOp.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "ClipOp." + this._name; } }; A.PathFillType.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "PathFillType." + this._name; } }; A._ChannelCallbackRecord.prototype = { invoke$2(dataArg, callbackArg) { A.invoke2(this._callback, this._ui$_zone, dataArg, callbackArg); } }; A._StoredMessage.prototype = { invoke$1(dataArg) { A.invoke1(this._callback, this._ui$_zone, dataArg); } }; A._Channel.prototype = { get$length(_) { var t1 = this._ui$_queue; return t1.get$length(t1); }, push$1(message) { var t1, result, _this = this; if (!_this._draining && _this._channelCallbackRecord != null) { _this._channelCallbackRecord.invoke$2(message.data, message.get$invoke()); return false; } t1 = _this._capacity; if (t1 <= 0) return true; result = _this._dropOverflowMessages$1(t1 - 1); _this._ui$_queue._add$1(0, message); return result; }, _dropOverflowMessages$1(lengthLimit) { var t1, result, message; for (t1 = this._ui$_queue, result = false; (t1._tail - t1._head & t1._table.length - 1) >>> 0 > lengthLimit; result = true) { message = t1.removeFirst$0(); A.invoke1(message._callback, message._ui$_zone, null); } return result; }, _drainStep$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._ui$_queue; if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1) && _this._channelCallbackRecord != null) { t1 = t1.removeFirst$0(); _this._channelCallbackRecord.invoke$2(t1.data, t1.get$invoke()); A.scheduleMicrotask(_this.get$_drainStep()); } else _this._draining = false; } }; A.ChannelBuffers.prototype = { push$3($name, data, callback) { this._channels.putIfAbsent$2(0, $name, new A.ChannelBuffers_push_closure()).push$1(new A._StoredMessage(data, callback, $.Zone__current)); }, setListener$2($name, callback) { var channel = this._channels.putIfAbsent$2(0, $name, new A.ChannelBuffers_setListener_closure()), t1 = channel._channelCallbackRecord; channel._channelCallbackRecord = new A._ChannelCallbackRecord(callback, $.Zone__current); if (t1 == null && !channel._draining) { channel._draining = true; A.scheduleMicrotask(channel.get$_drainStep()); } }, resize$2(_, $name, newSize) { var t1 = this._channels, channel = t1.$index(0, $name); if (channel == null) t1.$indexSet(0, $name, new A._Channel(A.ListQueue$(newSize, type$._StoredMessage), newSize)); else { channel._capacity = newSize; channel._dropOverflowMessages$1(newSize); } } }; A.ChannelBuffers_push_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return new A._Channel(A.ListQueue$(1, type$._StoredMessage), 1); }, $signature: 90 }; A.ChannelBuffers_setListener_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return new A._Channel(A.ListQueue$(1, type$._StoredMessage), 1); }, $signature: 90 }; A.OffsetBase.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A.OffsetBase && other._dx === this._dx && other._dy === this._dy; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this._dx, this._dy, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "OffsetBase(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._dx, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._dy, 1) + ")"; } }; A.Offset.prototype = { get$distance() { var t1 = this._dx, t2 = this._dy; return Math.sqrt(t1 * t1 + t2 * t2); }, get$distanceSquared() { var t1 = this._dx, t2 = this._dy; return t1 * t1 + t2 * t2; }, $sub(_, other) { return new A.Offset(this._dx - other._dx, this._dy - other._dy); }, $add(_, other) { return new A.Offset(this._dx + other._dx, this._dy + other._dy); }, $mul(_, operand) { return new A.Offset(this._dx * operand, this._dy * operand); }, $div(_, operand) { return new A.Offset(this._dx / operand, this._dy / operand); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A.Offset && other._dx === this._dx && other._dy === this._dy; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this._dx, this._dy, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "Offset(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._dx, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._dy, 1) + ")"; } }; A.Size.prototype = { get$isEmpty(_) { return this._dx <= 0 || this._dy <= 0; }, $sub(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other instanceof A.Size) return new A.Offset(_this._dx - other._dx, _this._dy - other._dy); if (other instanceof A.Offset) return new A.Size(_this._dx - other._dx, _this._dy - other._dy); throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(other, null)); }, $add(_, other) { return new A.Size(this._dx + other._dx, this._dy + other._dy); }, $mul(_, operand) { return new A.Size(this._dx * operand, this._dy * operand); }, $div(_, operand) { return new A.Size(this._dx / operand, this._dy / operand); }, center$1(origin) { return new A.Offset(origin._dx + this._dx / 2, origin._dy + this._dy / 2); }, contains$1(_, offset) { var t1 = offset._dx; if (t1 >= 0) if (t1 < this._dx) { t1 = offset._dy; t1 = t1 >= 0 && t1 < this._dy; } else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A.Size && other._dx === this._dx && other._dy === this._dy; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this._dx, this._dy, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "Size(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._dx, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._dy, 1) + ")"; } }; A.Rect.prototype = { get$isFinite(_) { var _this = this; return isFinite(_this.left) && isFinite(_this.top) && isFinite(_this.right) && isFinite(_this.bottom); }, get$isEmpty(_) { var _this = this; return _this.left >= _this.right || _this.top >= _this.bottom; }, shift$1(offset) { var _this = this, t1 = offset._dx, t2 = offset._dy; return new A.Rect(_this.left + t1, _this.top + t2, _this.right + t1, _this.bottom + t2); }, translate$2(_, translateX, translateY) { var _this = this; return new A.Rect(_this.left + translateX, _this.top + translateY, _this.right + translateX, _this.bottom + translateY); }, inflate$1(delta) { var _this = this; return new A.Rect(_this.left - delta, _this.top - delta, _this.right + delta, _this.bottom + delta); }, intersect$1(other) { var _this = this; return new A.Rect(Math.max(_this.left, other.left), Math.max(_this.top, other.top), Math.min(_this.right, other.right), Math.min(_this.bottom, other.bottom)); }, expandToInclude$1(other) { var _this = this; return new A.Rect(Math.min(_this.left, other.left), Math.min(_this.top, other.top), Math.max(_this.right, other.right), Math.max(_this.bottom, other.bottom)); }, overlaps$1(other) { var _this = this; if (_this.right <= other.left || other.right <= _this.left) return false; if (_this.bottom <= other.top || other.bottom <= _this.top) return false; return true; }, get$shortestSide() { var _this = this; return Math.min(Math.abs(_this.right - _this.left), Math.abs(_this.bottom - _this.top)); }, get$center() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.left, t2 = _this.top; return new A.Offset(t1 + (_this.right - t1) / 2, t2 + (_this.bottom - t2) / 2); }, contains$1(_, offset) { var _this = this, t1 = offset._dx; if (t1 >= _this.left) if (t1 < _this.right) { t1 = offset._dy; t1 = t1 >= _this.top && t1 < _this.bottom; } else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (A.getRuntimeType(_this) !== J.get$runtimeType$(other)) return false; return other instanceof A.Rect && other.left === _this.left && other.top === _this.top && other.right === _this.right && other.bottom === _this.bottom; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.left, _this.top, _this.right, _this.bottom, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "Rect.fromLTRB(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.left, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.top, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.right, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.bottom, 1) + ")"; } }; A.Radius.prototype = { $sub(_, other) { return new A.Radius(this.x - other.x, this.y - other.y); }, $add(_, other) { return new A.Radius(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y); }, $mul(_, operand) { return new A.Radius(this.x * operand, this.y * operand); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (A.getRuntimeType(_this) !== J.get$runtimeType$(other)) return false; return other instanceof A.Radius && other.x === _this.x && other.y === _this.y; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.x, this.y, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.x, t2 = this.y; return t1 === t2 ? "Radius.circular(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1, 1) + ")" : "Radius.elliptical(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t2, 1) + ")"; } }; A.RRect.prototype = { shift$1(offset) { var _this = this, t1 = offset._dx, t2 = offset._dy; return new A.RRect(_this.left + t1, _this.top + t2, _this.right + t1, _this.bottom + t2, _this.tlRadiusX, _this.tlRadiusY, _this.trRadiusX, _this.trRadiusY, _this.brRadiusX, _this.brRadiusY, _this.blRadiusX, _this.blRadiusY, false); }, inflate$1(delta) { var _this = this; return new A.RRect(_this.left - delta, _this.top - delta, _this.right + delta, _this.bottom + delta, _this.tlRadiusX + delta, _this.tlRadiusY + delta, _this.trRadiusX + delta, _this.trRadiusY + delta, _this.brRadiusX + delta, _this.brRadiusY + delta, _this.blRadiusX + delta, _this.blRadiusY + delta, false); }, _getMin$4(min, radius1, radius2, limit) { var sum = radius1 + radius2; if (sum > limit && sum !== 0) return Math.min(min, limit / sum); return min; }, scaleRadii$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.right, t2 = _this.left, absWidth = Math.abs(t1 - t2), t3 = _this.bottom, t4 = _this.top, absHeight = Math.abs(t3 - t4), t5 = _this.blRadiusY, t6 = _this.tlRadiusY, t7 = _this.tlRadiusX, t8 = _this.trRadiusX, t9 = _this.trRadiusY, t10 = _this.brRadiusY, t11 = _this.brRadiusX, t12 = _this.blRadiusX, scale = _this._getMin$4(_this._getMin$4(_this._getMin$4(_this._getMin$4(1, t5, t6, absHeight), t7, t8, absWidth), t9, t10, absHeight), t11, t12, absWidth); if (scale < 1) return new A.RRect(t2, t4, t1, t3, t7 * scale, t6 * scale, t8 * scale, t9 * scale, t11 * scale, t10 * scale, t12 * scale, t5 * scale, false); return new A.RRect(t2, t4, t1, t3, t7, t6, t8, t9, t11, t10, t12, t5, false); }, contains$1(_, point) { var t3, scaled, radiusX, x, radiusY, y, _this = this, t1 = point._dx, t2 = _this.left; if (!(t1 < t2)) if (!(t1 >= _this.right)) { t3 = point._dy; t3 = t3 < _this.top || t3 >= _this.bottom; } else t3 = true; else t3 = true; if (t3) return false; scaled = _this.scaleRadii$0(); radiusX = scaled.tlRadiusX; if (t1 < t2 + radiusX && point._dy < _this.top + scaled.tlRadiusY) { x = t1 - t2 - radiusX; radiusY = scaled.tlRadiusY; y = point._dy - _this.top - radiusY; } else { t3 = _this.right; radiusX = scaled.trRadiusX; if (t1 > t3 - radiusX && point._dy < _this.top + scaled.trRadiusY) { x = t1 - t3 + radiusX; radiusY = scaled.trRadiusY; y = point._dy - _this.top - radiusY; } else { radiusX = scaled.brRadiusX; if (t1 > t3 - radiusX && point._dy > _this.bottom - scaled.brRadiusY) { x = t1 - t3 + radiusX; radiusY = scaled.brRadiusY; y = point._dy - _this.bottom + radiusY; } else { radiusX = scaled.blRadiusX; if (t1 < t2 + radiusX && point._dy > _this.bottom - scaled.blRadiusY) { x = t1 - t2 - radiusX; radiusY = scaled.blRadiusY; y = point._dy - _this.bottom + radiusY; } else return true; } } } x /= radiusX; y /= radiusY; if (x * x + y * y > 1) return false; return true; }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (A.getRuntimeType(_this) !== J.get$runtimeType$(other)) return false; return other instanceof A.RRect && other.left === _this.left && other.top === _this.top && other.right === _this.right && other.bottom === _this.bottom && other.tlRadiusX === _this.tlRadiusX && other.tlRadiusY === _this.tlRadiusY && other.trRadiusX === _this.trRadiusX && other.trRadiusY === _this.trRadiusY && other.blRadiusX === _this.blRadiusX && other.blRadiusY === _this.blRadiusY && other.brRadiusX === _this.brRadiusX && other.brRadiusY === _this.brRadiusY; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.left, _this.top, _this.right, _this.bottom, _this.tlRadiusX, _this.tlRadiusY, _this.trRadiusX, _this.trRadiusY, _this.blRadiusX, _this.blRadiusY, _this.brRadiusX, _this.brRadiusY, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var t5, t6, _this = this, rect = B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.left, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.top, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.right, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.bottom, 1), t1 = _this.tlRadiusX, t2 = _this.tlRadiusY, t3 = _this.trRadiusX, t4 = _this.trRadiusY; if (new A.Radius(t1, t2).$eq(0, new A.Radius(t3, t4))) { t5 = _this.brRadiusX; t6 = _this.brRadiusY; t5 = new A.Radius(t3, t4).$eq(0, new A.Radius(t5, t6)) && new A.Radius(t5, t6).$eq(0, new A.Radius(_this.blRadiusX, _this.blRadiusY)); } else t5 = false; if (t5) { if (t1 === t2) return "RRect.fromLTRBR(" + rect + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1, 1) + ")"; return "RRect.fromLTRBXY(" + rect + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t2, 1) + ")"; } return "RRect.fromLTRBAndCorners(" + rect + ", topLeft: " + new A.Radius(t1, t2).toString$0(0) + ", topRight: " + new A.Radius(t3, t4).toString$0(0) + ", bottomRight: " + new A.Radius(_this.brRadiusX, _this.brRadiusY).toString$0(0) + ", bottomLeft: " + new A.Radius(_this.blRadiusX, _this.blRadiusY).toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A._HashEnd.prototype = {}; A.webOnlyInitializePlatform_closure.prototype = { call$0() { A.ensureLineLookupInitialized(); }, $signature: 0 }; A.KeyEventType.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "KeyEventType." + this._name; } }; A.KeyData.prototype = { _logicalToString$0() { var t1 = this.logical; return "0x" + B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(t1, 16) + new A.KeyData__logicalToString_closure(B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t1 / 4294967296)).call$0(); }, _escapeCharacter$0() { var t1 = this.character; if (t1 == null) return ""; switch (t1) { case "\n": return '"\\n"'; case "\t": return '"\\t"'; case "\r": return '"\\r"'; case "\b": return '"\\b"'; case "\f": return '"\\f"'; default: return '"' + t1 + '"'; } }, _quotedCharCode$0() { var t1 = this.character; if (t1 == null) return ""; return " (0x" + new A.MappedListIterable(new A.CodeUnits(t1), new A.KeyData__quotedCharCode_closure(), type$.CodeUnits._eval$1("MappedListIterable")).join$1(0, " ") + ")"; }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = "KeyData(type: " + A.S(A.KeyData__typeToString(_this.type)) + ", physical: 0x" + B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(_this.physical, 16) + ", logical: " + _this._logicalToString$0() + ", character: " + _this._escapeCharacter$0() + _this._quotedCharCode$0(); return t1 + (_this.synthesized ? ", synthesized" : "") + ")"; } }; A.KeyData__logicalToString_closure.prototype = { call$0() { switch (this.planeNum) { case 0: return " (Unicode)"; case 1: return " (Unprintable)"; case 2: return " (Flutter)"; case 23: return " (Web)"; } return ""; }, $signature: 40 }; A.KeyData__quotedCharCode_closure.prototype = { call$1(code) { return B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(code, 16), 2, "0"); }, $signature: 121 }; A.Color.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.Color && other.get$value(other) === _this.get$value(_this); }, get$hashCode(_) { return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this.get$value(this)); }, toString$0(_) { return "Color(0x" + B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(this.get$value(this), 16), 8, "0") + ")"; }, get$value(receiver) { return this.value; } }; A.StrokeCap.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "StrokeCap." + this._name; } }; A.StrokeJoin.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "StrokeJoin." + this._name; } }; A.PaintingStyle.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "PaintingStyle." + this._name; } }; A.BlendMode.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "BlendMode." + this._name; } }; A.Clip.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Clip." + this._name; } }; A.FilterQuality.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "FilterQuality." + this._name; } }; A.PlatformDispatcher.prototype = {}; A.PlatformConfiguration.prototype = { copyWith$3$locales$platformBrightness$semanticsEnabled(locales, platformBrightness, semanticsEnabled) { var _this = this, t1 = semanticsEnabled == null ? _this.semanticsEnabled : semanticsEnabled, t2 = platformBrightness == null ? _this.platformBrightness : platformBrightness, t3 = locales == null ? _this.locales : locales; return new A.PlatformConfiguration(_this.accessibilityFeatures, false, t1, t2, _this.textScaleFactor, t3, _this.defaultRouteName); }, copyWith$1$platformBrightness(platformBrightness) { return this.copyWith$3$locales$platformBrightness$semanticsEnabled(null, platformBrightness, null); }, copyWith$1$locales(locales) { return this.copyWith$3$locales$platformBrightness$semanticsEnabled(locales, null, null); }, copyWith$1$semanticsEnabled(semanticsEnabled) { return this.copyWith$3$locales$platformBrightness$semanticsEnabled(null, null, semanticsEnabled); } }; A.ViewConfiguration0.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return A.getRuntimeType(this).toString$0(0) + "[window: null, geometry: " + B.Rect_0_0_0_0.toString$0(0) + "]"; } }; A.FrameTiming.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1 = this._ui$_data; return A.getRuntimeType(this).toString$0(0) + "(buildDuration: " + (A.S((A.Duration$(t1[2], 0)._duration - A.Duration$(t1[1], 0)._duration) * 0.001) + "ms") + ", rasterDuration: " + (A.S((A.Duration$(t1[4], 0)._duration - A.Duration$(t1[3], 0)._duration) * 0.001) + "ms") + ", vsyncOverhead: " + (A.S((A.Duration$(t1[1], 0)._duration - A.Duration$(t1[0], 0)._duration) * 0.001) + "ms") + ", totalSpan: " + (A.S((A.Duration$(t1[4], 0)._duration - A.Duration$(t1[0], 0)._duration) * 0.001) + "ms") + ", layerCacheCount: " + t1[6] + ", layerCacheBytes: " + t1[7] + ", pictureCacheCount: " + t1[8] + ", pictureCacheBytes: " + t1[9] + ", frameNumber: " + B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1) + ")"; } }; A.AppLifecycleState.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "AppLifecycleState." + this._name; } }; A.Locale.prototype = { get$languageCode(_) { var t1 = this._languageCode, t2 = B.Map_YCOho.$index(0, t1); return t2 == null ? t1 : t2; }, get$countryCode() { var t1 = this._countryCode, t2 = B.Map_0Agg9.$index(0, t1); return t2 == null ? t1 : t2; }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (other instanceof A.Locale) if (other.get$languageCode(other) === _this.get$languageCode(_this)) t1 = other.get$countryCode() == _this.get$countryCode(); else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.get$languageCode(this), null, this.get$countryCode(), B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return this._rawToString$1("_"); }, _rawToString$1(separator) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.get$languageCode(_this); if (_this._countryCode != null) t1 += separator + A.S(_this.get$countryCode()); return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } }; A.PointerChange.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "PointerChange." + this._name; } }; A.PointerDeviceKind.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "PointerDeviceKind." + this._name; } }; A.PointerSignalKind.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "PointerSignalKind." + this._name; } }; A.PointerData.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "PointerData(x: " + A.S(this.physicalX) + ", y: " + A.S(this.physicalY) + ")"; } }; A.PointerDataPacket.prototype = {}; A.SemanticsAction.prototype = { toString$0(_) { switch (this.index) { case 1: return "SemanticsAction.tap"; case 2: return "SemanticsAction.longPress"; case 4: return "SemanticsAction.scrollLeft"; case 8: return "SemanticsAction.scrollRight"; case 16: return "SemanticsAction.scrollUp"; case 32: return "SemanticsAction.scrollDown"; case 64: return "SemanticsAction.increase"; case 128: return "SemanticsAction.decrease"; case 256: return "SemanticsAction.showOnScreen"; case 512: return "SemanticsAction.moveCursorForwardByCharacter"; case 1024: return "SemanticsAction.moveCursorBackwardByCharacter"; case 2048: return "SemanticsAction.setSelection"; case 4096: return "SemanticsAction.copy"; case 8192: return "SemanticsAction.cut"; case 16384: return "SemanticsAction.paste"; case 32768: return "SemanticsAction.didGainAccessibilityFocus"; case 65536: return "SemanticsAction.didLoseAccessibilityFocus"; case 131072: return "SemanticsAction.customAction"; case 262144: return "SemanticsAction.dismiss"; case 524288: return "SemanticsAction.moveCursorForwardByWord"; case 1048576: return "SemanticsAction.moveCursorBackwardByWord"; case 2097152: return "SemanticsAction.setText"; } return ""; } }; A.SemanticsFlag.prototype = { toString$0(_) { switch (this.index) { case 1: return "SemanticsFlag.hasCheckedState"; case 2: return "SemanticsFlag.isChecked"; case 4: return "SemanticsFlag.isSelected"; case 8: return "SemanticsFlag.isButton"; case 16: return "SemanticsFlag.isTextField"; case 32: return "SemanticsFlag.isFocused"; case 64: return "SemanticsFlag.hasEnabledState"; case 128: return "SemanticsFlag.isEnabled"; case 256: return "SemanticsFlag.isInMutuallyExclusiveGroup"; case 512: return "SemanticsFlag.isHeader"; case 1024: return "SemanticsFlag.isObscured"; case 2048: return "SemanticsFlag.scopesRoute"; case 4096: return "SemanticsFlag.namesRoute"; case 8192: return "SemanticsFlag.isHidden"; case 16384: return "SemanticsFlag.isImage"; case 32768: return "SemanticsFlag.isLiveRegion"; case 65536: return "SemanticsFlag.hasToggledState"; case 131072: return "SemanticsFlag.isToggled"; case 262144: return "SemanticsFlag.hasImplicitScrolling"; case 524288: return "SemanticsFlag.isMultiline"; case 1048576: return "SemanticsFlag.isReadOnly"; case 2097152: return "SemanticsFlag.isFocusable"; case 4194304: return "SemanticsFlag.isLink"; case 8388608: return "SemanticsFlag.isSlider"; case 16777216: return "SemanticsFlag.isKeyboardKey"; } return ""; } }; A.SemanticsUpdateBuilder.prototype = {}; A.PlaceholderAlignment.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "PlaceholderAlignment." + this._name; } }; A.FontWeight.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1 = B.Map_yXAeS.$index(0, this.index); t1.toString; return t1; } }; A.TextAlign.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "TextAlign." + this._name; } }; A.TextBaseline.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "TextBaseline." + this._name; } }; A.TextDecoration.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A.TextDecoration && other._mask === this._mask; }, get$hashCode(_) { return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this._mask); }, toString$0(_) { var values, t1 = this._mask; if (t1 === 0) return "TextDecoration.none"; values = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) values.push("underline"); if ((t1 & 2) !== 0) values.push("overline"); if ((t1 & 4) !== 0) values.push("lineThrough"); if (values.length === 1) return "TextDecoration." + values[0]; return "TextDecoration.combine([" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(values, ", ") + "])"; } }; A.TextDecorationStyle.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "TextDecorationStyle." + this._name; } }; A.TextLeadingDistribution.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "TextLeadingDistribution." + this._name; } }; A.TextDirection.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "TextDirection." + this._name; } }; A.TextBox.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.TextBox && other.left === _this.left && other.top === _this.top && other.right === _this.right && other.bottom === _this.bottom && other.direction === _this.direction; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.left, _this.top, _this.right, _this.bottom, _this.direction, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "TextBox.fromLTRBD(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.left, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.top, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.right, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.bottom, 1) + ", " + _this.direction.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A.TextAffinity.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "TextAffinity." + this._name; } }; A.TextPosition.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.TextPosition && other.offset === this.offset && other.affinity === this.affinity; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.offset, this.affinity, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return A.getRuntimeType(this).toString$0(0) + "(offset: " + this.offset + ", affinity: " + this.affinity.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A.TextRange.prototype = { get$isValid() { return this.start >= 0 && this.end >= 0; }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; return other instanceof A.TextRange && other.start === this.start && other.end === this.end; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this.start), B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this.end), B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "TextRange(start: " + this.start + ", end: " + this.end + ")"; } }; A.ParagraphConstraints.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.ParagraphConstraints && other.width === this.width; }, get$hashCode(_) { return B.JSNumber_methods.get$hashCode(this.width); }, toString$0(_) { return A.getRuntimeType(this).toString$0(0) + "(width: " + A.S(this.width) + ")"; } }; A.BoxHeightStyle.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "BoxHeightStyle." + this._name; } }; A.BoxWidthStyle.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "BoxWidthStyle." + this._name; } }; A.TileMode.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "TileMode." + this._name; } }; A.FlutterView.prototype = {}; A.FlutterWindow.prototype = {}; A.SingletonFlutterWindow.prototype = {}; A.AccessibilityFeatures.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var features = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); return "AccessibilityFeatures" + A.S(features); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.AccessibilityFeatures && true; }, get$hashCode(_) { return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(0); } }; A.Brightness.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Brightness." + this._name; } }; A.CallbackHandle.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return this === other; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.Object.prototype.get$hashCode.call(this, this); } }; A.GestureSettings.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { var t1; if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.GestureSettings) t1 = true; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(null, null, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "GestureSettings(physicalTouchSlop: null, physicalDoubleTapSlop: null)"; } }; A.AudioBuffer.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.AudioParamMap.prototype = { containsKey$1(receiver, key) { return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)) != null; }, $index(receiver, key) { return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)); }, forEach$1(receiver, f) { var entry, entries = receiver.entries(); for (; true;) { entry = entries.next(); if (entry.done) return; f.call$2(entry.value[0], A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(entry.value[1])); } }, get$keys(receiver) { var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.AudioParamMap_keys_closure(keys)); return keys; }, get$values(receiver) { var values = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Map_dynamic_dynamic); this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.AudioParamMap_values_closure(values)); return values; }, get$length(receiver) { return receiver.size; }, get$isEmpty(receiver) { return receiver.size === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(receiver) { return receiver.size !== 0; }, $indexSet(receiver, key, value) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported")); }, putIfAbsent$2(receiver, key, ifAbsent) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported")); }, remove$1(receiver, key) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported")); }, $isMap: 1 }; A.AudioParamMap_keys_closure.prototype = { call$2(k, v) { return this.keys.push(k); }, $signature: 9 }; A.AudioParamMap_values_closure.prototype = { call$2(k, v) { return this.values.push(v); }, $signature: 9 }; A.AudioTrackList.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A.BaseAudioContext.prototype = {}; A.OfflineAudioContext.prototype = { get$length(receiver) { return receiver.length; } }; A._AudioParamMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin.prototype = {}; A.ActiveInfo.prototype = { get$name(receiver) { return receiver.name; } }; A.HeapPriorityQueue.prototype = { _elementAt$1(index) { var t1 = this._priority_queue$_queue[index]; return t1 == null ? this.$ti._precomputed1._as(null) : t1; }, get$length(_) { return this._priority_queue$_length; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this._priority_queue$_queue; return A.IterableBase_iterableToShortString(A.SubListIterable$(t1, 0, A.checkNotNullable(this._priority_queue$_length, "count", type$.int), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1), "(", ")"); }, _bubbleDown$2(element, index) { var t1, t2, t3, leftChildIndex, leftChild, rightChild, minChild, minChildIndex, child, _this = this, rightChildIndex = index * 2 + 2; for (t1 = _this.comparison, t2 = _this.$ti._precomputed1; t3 = _this._priority_queue$_length, rightChildIndex < t3; index = minChildIndex) { leftChildIndex = rightChildIndex - 1; t3 = _this._priority_queue$_queue; leftChild = t3[leftChildIndex]; if (leftChild == null) leftChild = t2._as(null); rightChild = t3[rightChildIndex]; if (rightChild == null) rightChild = t2._as(null); if (t1.call$2(leftChild, rightChild) < 0) { minChild = leftChild; minChildIndex = leftChildIndex; } else { minChild = rightChild; minChildIndex = rightChildIndex; } if (t1.call$2(element, minChild) <= 0) { B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(_this._priority_queue$_queue, index, element); return; } B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(_this._priority_queue$_queue, index, minChild); rightChildIndex = minChildIndex * 2 + 2; } leftChildIndex = rightChildIndex - 1; if (leftChildIndex < t3) { child = _this._elementAt$1(leftChildIndex); if (t1.call$2(element, child) > 0) { B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(_this._priority_queue$_queue, index, child); index = leftChildIndex; } } B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(_this._priority_queue$_queue, index, element); } }; A.AnimationStatus.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "AnimationStatus." + this._name; } }; A.Animation0.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "#" + A.shortHash(this) + "(" + A.S(this.toStringDetails$0()) + ")"; }, toStringDetails$0() { switch (this.get$status(this)) { case B.AnimationStatus_1: return "\u25b6"; case B.AnimationStatus_2: return "\u25c0"; case B.AnimationStatus_3: return "\u23ed"; case B.AnimationStatus_0: return "\u23ee"; } } }; A._AnimationDirection.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_AnimationDirection." + this._name; } }; A.AnimationBehavior.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "AnimationBehavior." + this._name; } }; A.AnimationController.prototype = { get$value(_) { return A._lateReadCheck(this.__AnimationController__value, "_value"); }, set$value(_, newValue) { var _this = this; _this.stop$0(0); _this._internalSetValue$1(newValue); _this.notifyListeners$0(); _this._checkStatusChanged$0(); }, _internalSetValue$1(newValue) { var _this = this, t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(newValue, 0, 1); _this.__AnimationController__value = t1; if (A._lateReadCheck(t1, "_value") === 0) _this.__AnimationController__status = B.AnimationStatus_0; else if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__AnimationController__value, "_value") === 1) _this.__AnimationController__status = B.AnimationStatus_3; else _this.__AnimationController__status = _this._direction === B._AnimationDirection_0 ? B.AnimationStatus_1 : B.AnimationStatus_2; }, get$status(_) { return A._lateReadCheck(this.__AnimationController__status, "_status"); }, forward$1$from(_, from) { this._direction = B._AnimationDirection_0; if (from != null) this.set$value(0, from); return this._animateToInternal$1(1); }, forward$0($receiver) { return this.forward$1$from($receiver, null); }, reverse$1$from(_, from) { this._direction = B._AnimationDirection_1; return this._animateToInternal$1(0); }, reverse$0($receiver) { return this.reverse$1$from($receiver, null); }, _animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(target, curve, duration) { var remainingFraction, t1, directionDuration, simulationDuration, _this = this, _s6_ = "_value"; A._lateReadCheck($.SemanticsBinding__instance.SemanticsBinding___SemanticsBinding__accessibilityFeatures, "_accessibilityFeatures"); if (duration == null) { remainingFraction = isFinite(1) ? Math.abs(target - A._lateReadCheck(_this.__AnimationController__value, _s6_)) / 1 : 1; if (_this._direction === B._AnimationDirection_1 && _this.reverseDuration != null) { t1 = _this.reverseDuration; t1.toString; directionDuration = t1; } else directionDuration = _this.duration; simulationDuration = new A.Duration(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(directionDuration._duration * remainingFraction)); } else simulationDuration = target === A._lateReadCheck(_this.__AnimationController__value, _s6_) ? B.Duration_0 : duration; _this.stop$0(0); t1 = simulationDuration._duration; if (t1 === B.Duration_0._duration) { if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__AnimationController__value, _s6_) !== target) { _this.__AnimationController__value = B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(target, 0, 1); _this.notifyListeners$0(); } _this.__AnimationController__status = _this._direction === B._AnimationDirection_0 ? B.AnimationStatus_3 : B.AnimationStatus_0; _this._checkStatusChanged$0(); return A.TickerFuture$complete(); } return _this._startSimulation$1(new A._InterpolationSimulation(t1 / 1000000, A._lateReadCheck(_this.__AnimationController__value, _s6_), target, curve, B.Tolerance_Gdw)); }, _animateToInternal$1(target) { return this._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(target, B.C__Linear, null); }, _startSimulation$1(simulation) { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this; _this._simulation = simulation; _this.__AnimationController__value = B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(simulation.x$1(0, 0), 0, 1); t1 = _this._ticker; t1._ticker$_future = new A.TickerFuture(new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void)); if (!t1._muted) t2 = t1._animationId == null; else t2 = false; if (t2) { t2 = $.SchedulerBinding__instance; t2.toString; t1._animationId = t2.scheduleFrameCallback$2$rescheduling(t1.get$_ticker$_tick(), false); } t2 = $.SchedulerBinding__instance; t3 = t2.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase.index; if (t3 > 0 && t3 < 4) { t2 = t2.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp; t2.toString; t1._startTime = t2; } t1 = t1._ticker$_future; t1.toString; _this.__AnimationController__status = _this._direction === B._AnimationDirection_0 ? B.AnimationStatus_1 : B.AnimationStatus_2; _this._checkStatusChanged$0(); return t1; }, stop$1$canceled(_, canceled) { this._simulation = null; this._ticker.stop$1$canceled(0, canceled); }, stop$0($receiver) { return this.stop$1$canceled($receiver, true); }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this; _this._ticker.dispose$0(0); _this._ticker = null; _this.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners.clear$0(0); _this.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners.clear$0(0); _this.super$AnimationEagerListenerMixin$dispose(0); }, _checkStatusChanged$0() { var _this = this, t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__AnimationController__status, "_status"); if (_this._lastReportedStatus !== t1) { _this._lastReportedStatus = t1; _this.notifyStatusListeners$1(t1); } }, _animation_controller$_tick$1(elapsed) { var _this = this, elapsedInSeconds = elapsed._duration / 1000000; _this.__AnimationController__value = B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this._simulation.x$1(0, elapsedInSeconds), 0, 1); if (_this._simulation.isDone$1(elapsedInSeconds)) { _this.__AnimationController__status = _this._direction === B._AnimationDirection_0 ? B.AnimationStatus_3 : B.AnimationStatus_0; _this.stop$1$canceled(0, false); } _this.notifyListeners$0(); _this._checkStatusChanged$0(); }, toStringDetails$0() { var ticker, label, _this = this, t1 = _this._ticker, t2 = t1 == null, paused = !t2 && t1._ticker$_future != null ? "" : "; paused"; if (t2) ticker = "; DISPOSED"; else ticker = t1._muted ? "; silenced" : ""; t1 = _this.debugLabel; label = t1 == null ? "" : "; for " + t1; return A.S(_this.super$Animation$toStringDetails()) + " " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__AnimationController__value, "_value"), 3) + paused + ticker + label; } }; A._InterpolationSimulation.prototype = { x$1(_, timeInSeconds) { var t1, t2, _this = this, t = B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(timeInSeconds / _this._durationInSeconds, 0, 1); if (t === 0) return _this._begin; else { t1 = _this._animation_controller$_end; if (t === 1) return t1; else { t2 = _this._begin; return t2 + (t1 - t2) * _this._curve.transform$1(0, t); } } }, isDone$1(timeInSeconds) { return timeInSeconds > this._durationInSeconds; } }; A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin.prototype = {}; A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin.prototype = {}; A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin.prototype = {}; A._AlwaysCompleteAnimation.prototype = { addListener$1(_, listener) { }, removeListener$1(_, listener) { }, addStatusListener$1(listener) { }, removeStatusListener$1(listener) { }, get$status(_) { return B.AnimationStatus_3; }, get$value(_) { return 1; }, toString$0(_) { return "kAlwaysCompleteAnimation"; } }; A._AlwaysDismissedAnimation.prototype = { addListener$1(_, listener) { }, removeListener$1(_, listener) { }, addStatusListener$1(listener) { }, removeStatusListener$1(listener) { }, get$status(_) { return B.AnimationStatus_0; }, get$value(_) { return 0; }, toString$0(_) { return "kAlwaysDismissedAnimation"; } }; A.AnimationWithParentMixin.prototype = { addListener$1(_, listener) { return this.get$parent(this).addListener$1(0, listener); }, removeListener$1(_, listener) { return this.get$parent(this).removeListener$1(0, listener); }, addStatusListener$1(listener) { return this.get$parent(this).addStatusListener$1(listener); }, removeStatusListener$1(listener) { return this.get$parent(this).removeStatusListener$1(listener); }, get$status(_) { var t1 = this.get$parent(this); return t1.get$status(t1); } }; A.ProxyAnimation.prototype = { set$parent(_, value) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._animations$_parent; if (value == t1) return; if (t1 != null) { _this._status = t1.get$status(t1); t1 = _this._animations$_parent; _this._animations$_value = t1.get$value(t1); if (_this.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter > 0) _this.didStopListening$0(); } _this._animations$_parent = value; if (value != null) { if (_this.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter > 0) _this.didStartListening$0(); t1 = _this._animations$_value; t2 = _this._animations$_parent; t2 = t2.get$value(t2); if (t1 == null ? t2 != null : t1 !== t2) _this.notifyListeners$0(); t1 = _this._status; t2 = _this._animations$_parent; if (t1 != t2.get$status(t2)) { t1 = _this._animations$_parent; _this.notifyStatusListeners$1(t1.get$status(t1)); } _this._animations$_value = _this._status = null; } }, didStartListening$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._animations$_parent; if (t1 != null) { t1.addListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners()); _this._animations$_parent.addStatusListener$1(_this.get$notifyStatusListeners()); } }, didStopListening$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._animations$_parent; if (t1 != null) { t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners()); _this._animations$_parent.removeStatusListener$1(_this.get$notifyStatusListeners()); } }, get$status(_) { var t1 = this._animations$_parent; if (t1 != null) t1 = t1.get$status(t1); else { t1 = this._status; t1.toString; } return t1; }, get$value(_) { var t1 = this._animations$_parent; if (t1 != null) t1 = t1.get$value(t1); else { t1 = this._animations$_value; t1.toString; } return t1; }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._animations$_parent; if (t1 == null) return "ProxyAnimation(null; " + A.S(_this.super$Animation$toStringDetails()) + " " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$value(_this), 3) + ")"; return t1.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9ProxyAnimation"; } }; A.ReverseAnimation.prototype = { addListener$1(_, listener) { var t1; this.didRegisterListener$0(); t1 = this.parent; t1.get$parent(t1).addListener$1(0, listener); }, removeListener$1(_, listener) { var t1 = this.parent; t1.get$parent(t1).removeListener$1(0, listener); this.didUnregisterListener$0(); }, didStartListening$0() { var t1 = this.parent; t1.get$parent(t1).addStatusListener$1(this.get$_statusChangeHandler()); }, didStopListening$0() { var t1 = this.parent; t1.get$parent(t1).removeStatusListener$1(this.get$_statusChangeHandler()); }, _statusChangeHandler$1($status) { this.notifyStatusListeners$1(this._reverseStatus$1($status)); }, get$status(_) { var t1 = this.parent; t1 = t1.get$parent(t1); return this._reverseStatus$1(t1.get$status(t1)); }, get$value(_) { var t1 = this.parent; return 1 - t1.get$value(t1); }, _reverseStatus$1($status) { switch ($status.index) { case 1: return B.AnimationStatus_2; case 2: return B.AnimationStatus_1; case 3: return B.AnimationStatus_0; case 0: return B.AnimationStatus_3; } }, toString$0(_) { return this.parent.toString$0(0) + "\u27aaReverseAnimation"; } }; A.CurvedAnimation.prototype = { _updateCurveDirection$1($status) { var _this = this; switch ($status.index) { case 0: case 3: _this._curveDirection = null; break; case 1: if (_this._curveDirection == null) _this._curveDirection = B.AnimationStatus_1; break; case 2: if (_this._curveDirection == null) _this._curveDirection = B.AnimationStatus_2; break; } }, get$_useForwardCurve() { if (this.reverseCurve != null) { var t1 = this._curveDirection; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this.parent; t1 = t1.get$status(t1); } t1 = t1 !== B.AnimationStatus_2; } else t1 = true; return t1; }, dispose$0(_) { this.parent.removeStatusListener$1(this.get$_updateCurveDirection()); }, get$value(_) { var _this = this, activeCurve = _this.get$_useForwardCurve() ? _this.curve : _this.reverseCurve, t1 = _this.parent, t = t1.get$value(t1); if (activeCurve == null) return t; if (t === 0 || t === 1) return t; return activeCurve.transform$1(0, t); }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.reverseCurve; if (t1 == null) return _this.parent.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9" + _this.curve.toString$0(0); if (_this.get$_useForwardCurve()) return _this.parent.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9" + _this.curve.toString$0(0) + "\u2092\u2099/" + t1.toString$0(0); return _this.parent.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9" + _this.curve.toString$0(0) + "/" + t1.toString$0(0) + "\u2092\u2099"; }, get$parent(receiver) { return this.parent; } }; A._TrainHoppingMode.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_TrainHoppingMode." + this._name; } }; A.TrainHoppingAnimation.prototype = { _statusChangeHandler$1($status) { if ($status !== this._lastStatus) { this.notifyListeners$0(); this._lastStatus = $status; } }, get$status(_) { var t1 = this._currentTrain; return t1.get$status(t1); }, _valueChangeHandler$0() { var t2, hop, _this = this, t1 = _this._nextTrain; if (t1 != null) { switch (_this._mode.index) { case 0: t1 = t1.get$value(t1); t2 = _this._currentTrain; hop = t1 <= t2.get$value(t2); break; case 1: t1 = t1.get$value(t1); t2 = _this._currentTrain; hop = t1 >= t2.get$value(t2); break; default: hop = false; } if (hop) { t1 = _this._currentTrain; t2 = _this.get$_statusChangeHandler(); t1.removeStatusListener$1(t2); t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_valueChangeHandler()); t1 = _this._nextTrain; _this._currentTrain = t1; _this._nextTrain = null; t1.addStatusListener$1(t2); t2 = _this._currentTrain; _this._statusChangeHandler$1(t2.get$status(t2)); } } else hop = false; t1 = _this._currentTrain; t1 = t1.get$value(t1); if (t1 !== _this._lastValue) { _this.notifyListeners$0(); _this._lastValue = t1; } if (hop && _this.onSwitchedTrain != null) _this.onSwitchedTrain.call$0(); }, get$value(_) { var t1 = this._currentTrain; return t1.get$value(t1); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this._currentTrain.removeStatusListener$1(_this.get$_statusChangeHandler()); t1 = _this.get$_valueChangeHandler(); _this._currentTrain.removeListener$1(0, t1); _this._currentTrain = null; t2 = _this._nextTrain; if (t2 != null) t2.removeListener$1(0, t1); _this._nextTrain = null; _this.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners.clear$0(0); _this.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners.clear$0(0); _this.super$AnimationEagerListenerMixin$dispose(0); }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; if (_this._nextTrain != null) return A.S(_this._currentTrain) + "\u27a9TrainHoppingAnimation(next: " + A.S(_this._nextTrain) + ")"; return A.S(_this._currentTrain) + "\u27a9TrainHoppingAnimation(no next)"; } }; A.CompoundAnimation.prototype = { didStartListening$0() { var t3, _this = this, t1 = _this.first, t2 = _this.get$_maybeNotifyListeners(); t1.addListener$1(0, t2); t3 = _this.get$_maybeNotifyStatusListeners(); t1.addStatusListener$1(t3); t1 = _this.next; t1.addListener$1(0, t2); t1.addStatusListener$1(t3); }, didStopListening$0() { var t3, _this = this, t1 = _this.first, t2 = _this.get$_maybeNotifyListeners(); t1.removeListener$1(0, t2); t3 = _this.get$_maybeNotifyStatusListeners(); t1.removeStatusListener$1(t3); t1 = _this.next; t1.removeListener$1(0, t2); t1.removeStatusListener$1(t3); }, get$status(_) { var t1 = this.next; if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_1 || t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_2) return t1.get$status(t1); t1 = this.first; return t1.get$status(t1); }, toString$0(_) { return "CompoundAnimation(" + this.first.toString$0(0) + ", " + this.next.toString$0(0) + ")"; }, _maybeNotifyStatusListeners$1(_) { var _this = this; if (_this.get$status(_this) != _this._lastStatus) { _this._lastStatus = _this.get$status(_this); _this.notifyStatusListeners$1(_this.get$status(_this)); } }, _maybeNotifyListeners$0() { var _this = this; if (!J.$eq$(_this.get$value(_this), _this._lastValue)) { _this._lastValue = _this.get$value(_this); _this.notifyListeners$0(); } } }; A.AnimationMin.prototype = { get$value(_) { var t2, t1 = this.first; t1 = t1.get$value(t1); t2 = this.next; t2 = t2.get$value(t2); return Math.min(A.checkNum(t1), A.checkNum(t2)); } }; A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin.prototype = {}; A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin.prototype = {}; A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin.prototype = {}; A._CurvedAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin.prototype = {}; A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin.prototype = {}; A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin.prototype = {}; A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin.prototype = {}; A._ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin.prototype = {}; A._ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin.prototype = {}; A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin.prototype = {}; A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin.prototype = {}; A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin.prototype = {}; A.ParametricCurve.prototype = { transform$1(_, t) { return this.transformInternal$1(t); }, transformInternal$1(t) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); }, toString$0(_) { return "ParametricCurve"; } }; A.Curve.prototype = { transform$1(_, t) { if (t === 0 || t === 1) return t; return this.super$ParametricCurve$transform(0, t); } }; A._Linear.prototype = { transformInternal$1(t) { return t; } }; A.Interval.prototype = { transformInternal$1(t) { var t1 = this.begin; t = B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2((t - t1) / (this.end - t1), 0, 1); if (t === 0 || t === 1) return t; return this.curve.transform$1(0, t); }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.curve; if (!(t1 instanceof A._Linear)) return "Interval(" + A.S(_this.begin) + "\u22ef" + A.S(_this.end) + ")\u27a9" + t1.toString$0(0); return "Interval(" + A.S(_this.begin) + "\u22ef" + A.S(_this.end) + ")"; } }; A.Threshold.prototype = { transformInternal$1(t) { return t < 0.5 ? 0 : 1; } }; A.Cubic.prototype = { _evaluateCubic$3(a, b, m) { var t1 = 1 - m; return 3 * a * t1 * t1 * m + 3 * b * t1 * m * m + m * m * m; }, transformInternal$1(t) { var t1, t2, start, end, midpoint, estimate, _this = this; for (t1 = _this.a, t2 = _this.c, start = 0, end = 1; true;) { midpoint = (start + end) / 2; estimate = _this._evaluateCubic$3(t1, t2, midpoint); if (Math.abs(t - estimate) < 0.001) return _this._evaluateCubic$3(_this.b, _this.d, midpoint); if (estimate < t) start = midpoint; else end = midpoint; } }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "Cubic(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.a, 2) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.b, 2) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.c, 2) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.d, 2) + ")"; } }; A.FlippedCurve.prototype = { transformInternal$1(t) { return 1 - this.curve.transform$1(0, 1 - t); }, toString$0(_) { return "FlippedCurve(" + this.curve.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A.AnimationLazyListenerMixin.prototype = { didRegisterListener$0() { if (this.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter === 0) this.didStartListening$0(); ++this.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter; }, didUnregisterListener$0() { if (--this.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter === 0) this.didStopListening$0(); } }; A.AnimationEagerListenerMixin.prototype = { didRegisterListener$0() { }, didUnregisterListener$0() { }, dispose$0(_) { } }; A.AnimationLocalListenersMixin.prototype = { addListener$1(_, listener) { var t1; this.didRegisterListener$0(); t1 = this.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners; t1._isDirty = true; t1._list.push(listener); }, removeListener$1(_, listener) { if (this.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners.remove$1(0, listener)) this.didUnregisterListener$0(); }, notifyListeners$0() { var listener, exception, stack, t2, _i, t3, exception0, rti, t4, t5, _this = this, t1 = _this.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners, localListeners = A.List_List$of(t1, true, type$.void_Function); for (t2 = localListeners.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) { t3 = {}; listener = localListeners[_i]; t3.collector = null; try { if (t1.contains$1(0, listener)) listener.call$0(); } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); rti = _this instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(_this) : null; t4 = A.ErrorDescription$("while notifying listeners for " + A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(_this) : rti).toString$0(0)); t3 = t3.collector; t5 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError(); if (t5 != null) t5.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "animation library", t4, t3, false)); } } } }; A.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin.prototype = { addStatusListener$1(listener) { var t1; this.didRegisterListener$0(); t1 = this.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners; t1._isDirty = true; t1._list.push(listener); }, removeStatusListener$1(listener) { if (this.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners.remove$1(0, listener)) this.didUnregisterListener$0(); }, notifyStatusListeners$1($status) { var listener, exception, stack, t2, _i, exception0, rti, t3, t4, _this = this, t1 = _this.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners, localListeners = A.List_List$of(t1, true, type$.void_Function_AnimationStatus); for (t2 = localListeners.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) { listener = localListeners[_i]; try { if (t1.contains$1(0, listener)) listener.call$1($status); } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); rti = _this instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(_this) : null; t3 = A.ErrorDescription$("while notifying status listeners for " + A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(_this) : rti).toString$0(0)); t4 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError(); if (t4 != null) t4.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "animation library", t3, null, false)); } } } }; A.Animatable.prototype = { chain$1($parent) { return new A._ChainedEvaluation($parent, this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_ChainedEvaluation")); } }; A._AnimatedEvaluation.prototype = { get$value(_) { var t1 = this.parent; return this._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1)); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.parent, t2 = this._evaluatable; return t1.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9" + t2.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9" + A.S(t2.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1))); }, toStringDetails$0() { return A.S(this.super$Animation$toStringDetails()) + " " + this._evaluatable.toString$0(0); }, get$parent(receiver) { return this.parent; } }; A._ChainedEvaluation.prototype = { transform$1(_, t) { return this._evaluatable.transform$1(0, this._tween$_parent.transform$1(0, t)); }, toString$0(_) { return this._tween$_parent.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9" + this._evaluatable.toString$0(0); } }; A.Tween.prototype = { lerp$1(t) { var t1 = this.begin; return A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Tween.T")._as(J.$add$ansx(t1, J.$mul$ns(J.$sub$n(this.end, t1), t))); }, transform$1(_, t) { var _this = this; if (t === 0) return A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("Tween.T")._as(_this.begin); if (t === 1) return A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("Tween.T")._as(_this.end); return _this.lerp$1(t); }, toString$0(_) { return "Animatable(" + A.S(this.begin) + " \u2192 " + A.S(this.end) + ")"; }, set$begin(val) { return this.begin = val; }, set$end(receiver, val) { return this.end = val; } }; A.ReverseTween.prototype = { lerp$1(t) { return this.parent.lerp$1(1 - t); } }; A.ColorTween.prototype = { lerp$1(t) { return A.Color_lerp(this.begin, this.end, t); } }; A.RectTween.prototype = { lerp$1(t) { return A.Rect_lerp(this.begin, this.end, t); } }; A.IntTween.prototype = { lerp$1(t) { var t2, t1 = this.begin; t1.toString; t2 = this.end; t2.toString; return B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1 + (t2 - t1) * t); } }; A.CurveTween.prototype = { transform$1(_, t) { if (t === 0 || t === 1) return t; return this.curve.transform$1(0, t); }, toString$0(_) { return "CurveTween(curve: " + this.curve.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A.__AnimatedEvaluation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin.prototype = {}; A.CupertinoDynamicColor.prototype = { get$value(_) { return this._effectiveColor.value; }, get$_isPlatformBrightnessDependent() { var _this = this; return !_this.color.$eq(0, _this.darkColor) || !_this.elevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.darkElevatedColor) || !_this.highContrastColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastColor) || !_this.highContrastElevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastElevatedColor); }, get$_isHighContrastDependent() { var _this = this; return !_this.color.$eq(0, _this.highContrastColor) || !_this.darkColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastColor) || !_this.elevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.highContrastElevatedColor) || !_this.darkElevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastElevatedColor); }, get$_isInterfaceElevationDependent() { var _this = this; return !_this.color.$eq(0, _this.elevatedColor) || !_this.darkColor.$eq(0, _this.darkElevatedColor) || !_this.highContrastColor.$eq(0, _this.highContrastElevatedColor) || !_this.darkHighContrastColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastElevatedColor); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.CupertinoDynamicColor && other._effectiveColor.value === _this._effectiveColor.value && other.color.$eq(0, _this.color) && other.darkColor.$eq(0, _this.darkColor) && other.highContrastColor.$eq(0, _this.highContrastColor) && other.darkHighContrastColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastColor) && other.elevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.elevatedColor) && other.darkElevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.darkElevatedColor) && other.highContrastElevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.highContrastElevatedColor) && other.darkHighContrastElevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastElevatedColor); }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this._effectiveColor.value, _this.color, _this.darkColor, _this.highContrastColor, _this.elevatedColor, _this.darkElevatedColor, _this.darkHighContrastColor, _this.darkHighContrastElevatedColor, _this.highContrastElevatedColor, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = new A.CupertinoDynamicColor_toString_toString(_this), t2 = A._setArrayType([t1.call$2("color", _this.color)], type$.JSArray_String); if (_this.get$_isPlatformBrightnessDependent()) t2.push(t1.call$2("darkColor", _this.darkColor)); if (_this.get$_isHighContrastDependent()) t2.push(t1.call$2("highContrastColor", _this.highContrastColor)); if (_this.get$_isPlatformBrightnessDependent() && _this.get$_isHighContrastDependent()) t2.push(t1.call$2("darkHighContrastColor", _this.darkHighContrastColor)); if (_this.get$_isInterfaceElevationDependent()) t2.push(t1.call$2("elevatedColor", _this.elevatedColor)); if (_this.get$_isPlatformBrightnessDependent() && _this.get$_isInterfaceElevationDependent()) t2.push(t1.call$2("darkElevatedColor", _this.darkElevatedColor)); if (_this.get$_isHighContrastDependent() && _this.get$_isInterfaceElevationDependent()) t2.push(t1.call$2("highContrastElevatedColor", _this.highContrastElevatedColor)); if (_this.get$_isPlatformBrightnessDependent() && _this.get$_isHighContrastDependent() && _this.get$_isInterfaceElevationDependent()) t2.push(t1.call$2("darkHighContrastElevatedColor", _this.darkHighContrastElevatedColor)); t1 = _this._colors$_debugLabel; t1 = (t1 == null ? "CupertinoDynamicColor" : t1) + "(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t2, ", "); return t1 + ", resolved by: UNRESOLVED)"; } }; A.CupertinoDynamicColor_toString_toString.prototype = { call$2($name, color) { var marker = color.$eq(0, this.$this._effectiveColor) ? "*" : ""; return marker + $name + " = " + color.toString$0(0) + marker; }, $signature: 124 }; A._CupertinoDynamicColor_Color_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.CupertinoIconThemeData.prototype = { resolve$1(context) { var t1 = this.color, resolvedColor = A.CupertinoDynamicColor_maybeResolve(t1, context); return J.$eq$(resolvedColor, t1) ? this : this.copyWith$1$color(resolvedColor); }, copyWith$3$color$opacity$size(color, opacity, size) { var _this = this, t1 = color == null ? _this.color : color, t2 = opacity == null ? _this.get$opacity(_this) : opacity; return new A.CupertinoIconThemeData(t1, t2, size == null ? _this.size : size); }, copyWith$1$color(color) { return this.copyWith$3$color$opacity$size(color, null, null); } }; A._CupertinoIconThemeData_IconThemeData_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A._CupertinoLocalizationsDelegate.prototype = { isSupported$1(locale) { return locale.get$languageCode(locale) === "en"; }, load$1(_, locale) { return new A.SynchronousFuture(B.C_DefaultCupertinoLocalizations, type$.SynchronousFuture_CupertinoLocalizations); }, shouldReload$1(old) { return false; }, toString$0(_) { return "DefaultCupertinoLocalizations.delegate(en_US)"; } }; A.DefaultCupertinoLocalizations.prototype = {$isCupertinoLocalizations: 1}; A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin__isPopGestureEnabled(this.route); }, $signature: 125 }; A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.route, t2 = t1._navigator$_navigator; t2.toString; t1 = t1._routes$_controller; t1.toString; t2.didStartUserGesture$0(); return new A._CupertinoBackGestureController(t1, t2); }, $signature() { return this.T._eval$1("_CupertinoBackGestureController<0>()"); } }; A.CupertinoPageTransition.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var textDirection, _this = this, t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t1.toString; textDirection = t1.textDirection; t1 = _this._primaryShadowAnimation; return A.SlideTransition$(A.SlideTransition$(new A.DecoratedBoxTransition(t1, _this.child, t1, null), _this._primaryPositionAnimation, textDirection, true), _this._secondaryPositionAnimation, textDirection, false); } }; A._CupertinoBackGestureDetector.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState(B._StateLifecycle_0, this.$ti._eval$1("_CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState<1>")); }, enabledCallback$0() { return this.enabledCallback.call$0(); }, onStartPopGesture$0() { return this.onStartPopGesture.call$0(); } }; A._CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState.prototype = { initState$0() { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$State$initState(); t1 = A.HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer$(_this); t1.onStart = _this.get$_handleDragStart(); t1.onUpdate = _this.get$_handleDragUpdate(); t1.onEnd = _this.get$_handleDragEnd(); t1.onCancel = _this.get$_handleDragCancel(); _this.___CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState__recognizer = t1; }, dispose$0(_) { var t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.___CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState__recognizer, "_recognizer"); t1._velocityTrackers.clear$0(0); t1.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$dispose(0); this.super$State$dispose(0); }, _handleDragStart$1(details) { this._backGestureController = this._widget.onStartPopGesture$0(); }, _handleDragUpdate$1(details) { var t2, t3, t1 = this._backGestureController; t1.toString; t2 = details.primaryDelta; t2.toString; t3 = this._framework$_element; t3 = this._convertToLogical$1(t2 / t3.get$size(t3)._dx); t1 = t1.controller; t1.set$value(0, A._lateReadCheck(t1.__AnimationController__value, "_value") - t3); }, _handleDragEnd$1(details) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._backGestureController; t1.toString; t2 = _this._framework$_element; t1.dragEnd$1(_this._convertToLogical$1(details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond._dx / t2.get$size(t2)._dx)); _this._backGestureController = null; }, _handleDragCancel$0() { var t1 = this._backGestureController; if (t1 != null) t1.dragEnd$1(0); this._backGestureController = null; }, _route$_handlePointerDown$1($event) { if (this._widget.enabledCallback$0()) A._lateReadCheck(this.___CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState__recognizer, "_recognizer").addPointer$1($event); }, _convertToLogical$1(value) { var t1 = this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t1.toString; switch (t1.textDirection.index) { case 0: return -value; case 1: return value; } }, build$1(_, context) { var t2, dragAreaWidth, _null = null, t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t1.toString; t2 = type$.MediaQuery; dragAreaWidth = t1.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1 ? context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(t2).data.padding.left : context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(t2).data.padding.right; dragAreaWidth = Math.max(dragAreaWidth, 20); return A.Stack$(B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_m1, A._setArrayType([this._widget.child, new A.PositionedDirectional(0, 0, 0, dragAreaWidth, A.Listener$(B.HitTestBehavior_2, _null, _null, this.get$_route$_handlePointerDown(), _null), _null)], type$.JSArray_Widget), B.StackFit_2); } }; A._CupertinoBackGestureController.prototype = { dragEnd$1(velocity) { var t1, t2, animationStatusCallback, _this = this, _s6_ = "_value"; if (Math.abs(velocity) >= 1 ? velocity <= 0 : A._lateReadCheck(_this.controller.__AnimationController__value, _s6_) > 0.5) { t1 = _this.controller; t2 = A.lerpDouble(800, 0, A._lateReadCheck(t1.__AnimationController__value, _s6_)); t2.toString; t2 = A.Duration$(0, Math.min(B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t2), 300)); t1._direction = B._AnimationDirection_0; t1._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(1, B.Cubic_2Vk, t2); } else { _this.navigator.pop$0(0); t1 = _this.controller; t2 = t1._ticker; if (t2 != null && t2._ticker$_future != null) { t2 = A.lerpDouble(0, 800, A._lateReadCheck(t1.__AnimationController__value, _s6_)); t2.toString; t2 = A.Duration$(0, B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t2)); t1._direction = B._AnimationDirection_1; t1._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(0, B.Cubic_2Vk, t2); } } t2 = t1._ticker; if (t2 != null && t2._ticker$_future != null) { animationStatusCallback = A._Cell$named("animationStatusCallback"); animationStatusCallback.__late_helper$_value = new A._CupertinoBackGestureController_dragEnd_closure(_this, animationStatusCallback); t1.addStatusListener$1(animationStatusCallback._readLocal$0()); } else _this.navigator.didStopUserGesture$0(); } }; A._CupertinoBackGestureController_dragEnd_closure.prototype = { call$1($status) { var t1 = this.$this; t1.navigator.didStopUserGesture$0(); t1.controller.removeStatusListener$1(this.animationStatusCallback._readLocal$0()); }, $signature: 5 }; A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration.prototype = { lerpFrom$2(a, t) { var t1; if (a instanceof A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration) { t1 = A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp(a, this, t); t1.toString; return t1; } t1 = A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp(null, this, t); t1.toString; return t1; }, lerpTo$2(b, t) { var t1; if (b instanceof A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration) { t1 = A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp(this, b, t); t1.toString; return t1; } t1 = A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp(this, null, t); t1.toString; return t1; }, createBoxPainter$1(onChanged) { return new A._CupertinoEdgeShadowPainter(this, onChanged); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, t2; if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; if (other instanceof A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration) { t1 = other._colors; t2 = this._colors; t2 = t1 == null ? t2 == null : t1 === t2; t1 = t2; } else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { return J.get$hashCode$(this._colors); } }; A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure.prototype = { call$1(color) { var t1 = A.Color_lerp(null, color, this.t); t1.toString; return t1; }, $signature: 85 }; A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure0.prototype = { call$1(color) { var t1 = A.Color_lerp(null, color, 1 - this.t); t1.toString; return t1; }, $signature: 85 }; A._CupertinoEdgeShadowPainter.prototype = { paint$3(canvas, offset, configuration) { var t1, t2, shadowWidth, shadowHeight, bandWidth, start, shadowDirection, bandColorIndex, dx, t3, paint, colors = this._route$_decoration._colors; if (colors == null) return; t1 = configuration.size; t2 = t1._dx; shadowWidth = 0.05 * t2; shadowHeight = t1._dy; bandWidth = shadowWidth / (colors.length - 1); switch (configuration.textDirection.index) { case 0: start = offset._dx + t2; shadowDirection = 1; break; case 1: start = offset._dx; shadowDirection = -1; break; default: start = null; shadowDirection = null; } for (t1 = offset._dy, t2 = t1 + shadowHeight, bandColorIndex = 0, dx = 0; dx < shadowWidth; ++dx) { if (B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(dx, bandWidth) !== bandColorIndex) ++bandColorIndex; t3 = A._detectRenderer(); paint = t3 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); t3 = A.Color_lerp(colors[bandColorIndex], colors[bandColorIndex + 1], B.JSInt_methods.$mod(dx, bandWidth) / bandWidth); t3.toString; paint.set$color(0, t3); t3 = start + shadowDirection * dx - 1; canvas.drawRect$2(0, new A.Rect(t3, t1, t3 + 1, t2), paint); } } }; A.CupertinoTheme.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var _null = null; return new A._InheritedCupertinoTheme(this, A.IconTheme$(this.child, new A.CupertinoIconThemeData(this.data.get$primaryColor(), _null, _null), _null), _null); } }; A._InheritedCupertinoTheme.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(old) { return this.theme.data !== old.theme.data; } }; A.CupertinoThemeData.prototype = {}; A.NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData.prototype = {}; A._CupertinoThemeDefaults.prototype = {}; A._CupertinoTextThemeDefaults.prototype = {}; A._CupertinoThemeData_NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A._testPlatform_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return null; }, $signature: 131 }; A._browserPlatform_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = window.navigator.platform, navigatorPlatform = t1 == null ? null : t1.toLowerCase(); if (navigatorPlatform == null) navigatorPlatform = ""; if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(navigatorPlatform, "mac")) return B.TargetPlatform_4; if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(navigatorPlatform, "win")) return B.TargetPlatform_5; if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(navigatorPlatform, "iphone") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(navigatorPlatform, "ipad") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(navigatorPlatform, "ipod")) return B.TargetPlatform_2; if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(navigatorPlatform, "android")) return B.TargetPlatform_0; if (window.matchMedia("only screen and (pointer: fine)").matches) return B.TargetPlatform_3; return B.TargetPlatform_0; }, $signature: 132 }; A._ErrorDiagnostic.prototype = { get$value(_) { var t1 = A.DiagnosticsProperty.prototype.get$value.call(this, this); t1.toString; return t1; }, valueToString$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration) { var t1 = A.DiagnosticsProperty.prototype.get$value.call(this, this); t1.toString; return J.join$0$ax(t1); } }; A.ErrorDescription.prototype = {}; A.ErrorSummary.prototype = {}; A.ErrorHint.prototype = {}; A.ErrorSpacer.prototype = {}; A.FlutterErrorDetails.prototype = { exceptionAsString$0() { var message, fullMessage, t1, t2, position, body, splitPoint, longMessage = this.exception; if (type$.AssertionError._is(longMessage)) { message = longMessage.get$message(longMessage); fullMessage = longMessage.toString$0(0); if (typeof message == "string" && message !== fullMessage) { t1 = fullMessage.length; t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(message); if (t1 > t2.get$length(message)) { position = B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$1(fullMessage, message); if (position === t1 - t2.get$length(message) && position > 2 && B.JSString_methods.substring$2(fullMessage, position - 2, position) === ": ") { body = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(fullMessage, 0, position - 2); splitPoint = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(body, " Failed assertion:"); if (splitPoint >= 0) body = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(body, 0, splitPoint) + "\n" + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(body, splitPoint + 1); longMessage = t2.trimRight$0(message) + "\n" + body; } else longMessage = null; } else longMessage = null; } else longMessage = null; if (longMessage == null) longMessage = fullMessage; } else if (!(typeof longMessage == "string")) { t1 = type$.Error._is(longMessage) || type$.Exception._is(longMessage); t2 = J.getInterceptor$(longMessage); longMessage = t1 ? t2.toString$0(longMessage) : " " + A.S(t2.toString$0(longMessage)); } longMessage = J.trimRight$0$s(longMessage); return longMessage.length === 0 ? " " : longMessage; }, _exceptionToDiagnosticable$0() { var t1, exception = this.exception; if (exception instanceof A.FlutterError) return exception; if (type$.AssertionError._is(exception) && exception.get$message(exception) instanceof A.FlutterError) { t1 = J.get$message$z(exception); t1.toString; return type$.FlutterError._as(t1); } return null; }, get$summary() { var t1, summary; if (this._exceptionToDiagnosticable$0() != null) { t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); this.debugFillProperties$1(new A.DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder(t1, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_1)); t1 = new A.CastList(t1, type$.CastList_of_DiagnosticsNode_and_nullable_DiagnosticsNode); summary = t1.firstWhere$2$orElse(t1, new A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure(), new A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure0()); } else summary = null; return summary == null ? A.ErrorSummary$(new A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_formatException(this).call$0()) : summary; }, debugFillProperties$1(properties) { var t1, verb, diagnosticable, errorName, t2, t3, prefix, message, stackFrames, _this = this; _this.super$Diagnosticable$debugFillProperties(properties); t1 = _this.context; verb = A.ErrorDescription$("thrown" + A.S(t1 != null ? A.ErrorDescription$(" " + t1.toString$0(0)) : "")); diagnosticable = _this._exceptionToDiagnosticable$0(); t1 = _this.exception; if (t1 instanceof A.NullThrownError) A.ErrorDescription$("The null value was " + verb.toString$0(0) + "."); else if (typeof t1 == "number") A.ErrorDescription$("The number " + A.S(t1) + " was " + verb.toString$0(0) + "."); else { if (type$.AssertionError._is(t1)) errorName = A.ErrorDescription$("assertion"); else if (typeof t1 == "string") errorName = A.ErrorDescription$("message"); else { t2 = type$.Error._is(t1) || type$.Exception._is(t1); t3 = J.getInterceptor$(t1); errorName = t2 ? A.ErrorDescription$(t3.get$runtimeType(t1).toString$0(0)) : A.ErrorDescription$(t3.get$runtimeType(t1).toString$0(0) + " object"); } A.ErrorDescription$("The following " + errorName.toString$0(0) + " was " + verb.toString$0(0) + ":"); if (diagnosticable != null) B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(diagnosticable.diagnostics, properties.get$add(properties)); else { prefix = J.get$runtimeType$(t1).toString$0(0) + ": "; message = _this.exceptionAsString$0(); A.ErrorSummary$(B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(message, prefix) ? B.JSString_methods.substring$1(message, prefix.length) : message); } } t2 = _this.stack; if (t2 != null) { if (type$.AssertionError._is(t1) && diagnosticable == null) { t1 = A.StackFrame_fromStackString(A.FlutterError__defaultStackTraceDemangler(t2).toString$0(0)); t3 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("SkipWhileIterable<1>"); stackFrames = A.List_List$of(new A.SkipWhileIterable(t1, new A.FlutterErrorDetails_debugFillProperties_closure(), t3), true, t3._eval$1("Iterable.E")); if (stackFrames.length >= 2 && stackFrames[0].$package === "flutter" && stackFrames[1].$package === "flutter") { A.ErrorSpacer$(); A.ErrorHint$("Either the assertion indicates an error in the framework itself, or we should provide substantially more information in this error message to help you determine and fix the underlying cause.\nIn either case, please report this assertion by filing a bug on GitHub:\n https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/new?template=2_bug.md"); } } A.ErrorSpacer$(); A.DiagnosticsStackTrace$("When the exception was thrown, this was the stack", t2, null); } t1 = _this.informationCollector; if (t1 != null) { A.ErrorSpacer$(); J.forEach$1$ax(t1.call$0(), properties.get$add(properties)); } }, toStringShort$0() { var t1 = "Exception caught by " + this.library; return t1; }, toString$0(_) { A._FlutterErrorDetailsNode$(null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_5, this); return ""; } }; A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_formatException.prototype = { call$0() { return J.trimLeft$0$s(this.$this.exceptionAsString$0().split("\n")[0]); }, $signature: 40 }; A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure.prototype = { call$1(node) { return node.get$level(node) === B.DiagnosticLevel_6; }, $signature: 133 }; A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { return null; }, $signature: 7 }; A.FlutterErrorDetails_debugFillProperties_closure.prototype = { call$1(frame) { return frame.packageScheme === "dart"; }, $signature: 134 }; A.FlutterError.prototype = { get$message(_) { return this.toString$0(0); }, toStringShort$0() { return "FlutterError"; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.diagnostics; return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.FlutterError_toString_closure(new A.TextTreeRenderer(4000000000, 65, B.DiagnosticLevel_2, -1)), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, "\n"); }, $isAssertionError: 1, $isDiagnosticableTree: 1 }; A.FlutterError_FlutterError_closure.prototype = { call$1(line) { return A.ErrorDescription$(line); }, $signature: 135 }; A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { return value + 1; }, $signature: 84 }; A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure0.prototype = { call$1(value) { return value + 1; }, $signature: 84 }; A.FlutterError_toString_closure.prototype = { call$1(node) { return B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(this.renderer.render$1(node)); }, $signature: 137 }; A.debugPrintStack_closure.prototype = { call$1(line) { return B.JSString_methods.contains$1(line, "StackTrace.current") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(line, "dart-sdk/lib/_internal") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(line, "dart:sdk_internal"); }, $signature: 28 }; A.DiagnosticsStackTrace.prototype = { get$allowTruncate() { return false; } }; A._FlutterErrorDetailsNode.prototype = { get$builder() { A.DiagnosticableNode.prototype.get$builder.call(this); return null; } }; A._FlutterError_Error_DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = {}; A._FlutterErrorDetails_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.BindingBase.prototype = { BindingBase$0() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this, _null = null; A.Timeline_startSync("Framework initialization", _null, _null); _this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding$initInstances(); $.WidgetsBinding__instance = _this; t1 = type$.Element_2; t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1); t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Element_2); t4 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(_null, _null, type$.void_Function_FocusHighlightMode, type$.int); t5 = A.FocusScopeNode$(true, "Root Focus Scope", false); t5 = t5._manager = new A.FocusManager(new A.HashedObserverList(t4, type$.HashedObserverList_of_void_Function_FocusHighlightMode), t5, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.FocusNode), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__Autofocus), A.List_List$filled(0, _null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)); t4 = A._lateReadCheck($.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyEventManager, "_keyEventManager"); t4.keyMessageHandler = t5.get$_handleKeyMessage(); $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter._globalRoutes.$indexSet(0, t5.get$_focus_manager$_handlePointerEvent(), _null); t1 = new A.BuildOwner(new A._InactiveElements(t2), t3, t5, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.GlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget, t1)); _this.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner = t1; t1.onBuildScheduled = _this.get$_handleBuildScheduled(); $.$get$window().platformDispatcher._onLocaleChanged = _this.get$handleLocaleChanged(); B.OptionalMethodChannel_urv.setMethodCallHandler$1(_this.get$_handleNavigationInvocation()); _this.initServiceExtensions$0(); t1 = type$.String; A.postEvent("Flutter.FrameworkInitialization", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1)); A.Timeline_finishSync(); }, initInstances$0() { }, initServiceExtensions$0() { this.registerStringServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(new A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure(), "connectedVmServiceUri", new A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure0()); this.registerStringServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(new A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure1(), "activeDevToolsServerAddress", new A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure2()); }, lockEvents$1(callback) { var future, timelineTask = A.TimelineTask$(); timelineTask.start$1(0, "Lock events"); ++this._lockCount; future = callback.call$0(); future.whenComplete$1(new A.BindingBase_lockEvents_closure(this, timelineTask)); return future; }, unlocked$0() { }, performReassemble$0() { $.FlutterError__errorCount = 0; return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.void); }, registerBoolServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(getter, $name, setter) { this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A.BindingBase_registerBoolServiceExtension_closure(this, setter, $name, getter), $name); }, registerNumericServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(getter, $name, setter) { this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A.BindingBase_registerNumericServiceExtension_closure(this, $name, setter, getter), $name); }, _postExtensionStateChangedEvent$2($name, value) { A.postEvent("Flutter.ServiceExtensionStateChanged", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["extension", "ext.flutter." + $name, "value", value], type$.String, type$.dynamic)); }, registerStringServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(getter, $name, setter) { this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A.BindingBase_registerStringServiceExtension_closure(this, setter, $name, getter), $name); }, registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(callback, $name) { var methodName = "ext.flutter." + $name; A.registerExtension(methodName, new A.BindingBase_registerServiceExtension_closure(methodName, callback)); }, toString$0(_) { return ""; } }; A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String), $async$returnValue, t1; var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $.connectedVmServiceUri; $async$returnValue = t1 == null ? "" : t1; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer); }, $signature: 83 }; A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure0.prototype = { call$1(uri) { return this.$call$body$BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure0(uri); }, $call$body$BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure0(uri) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void); var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $.connectedVmServiceUri = uri; // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 82 }; A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure1.prototype = { call$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String), $async$returnValue, t1; var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $.activeDevToolsServerAddress; $async$returnValue = t1 == null ? "" : t1; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer); }, $signature: 83 }; A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure2.prototype = { call$1(serverAddress) { return this.$call$body$BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure(serverAddress); }, $call$body$BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure(serverAddress) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void); var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $.activeDevToolsServerAddress = serverAddress; // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 82 }; A.BindingBase_lockEvents_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this; if (--t1._lockCount <= 0) { this.timelineTask.finish$0(0); t1.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding$unlocked(); if (t1.SchedulerBinding__taskQueue._priority_queue$_length !== 0) t1._ensureEventLoopCallback$0(); } }, $signature: 7 }; A.BindingBase_registerBoolServiceExtension_closure.prototype = { call$1(parameters) { return this.$call$body$BindingBase_registerBoolServiceExtension_closure(parameters); }, $call$body$BindingBase_registerBoolServiceExtension_closure(parameters) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_dynamic), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1; var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(parameters); $async$goto = t1.containsKey$1(parameters, "enabled") ? 3 : 4; break; case 3: // then $async$goto = 5; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.setter.call$1(J.$eq$(t1.$index(parameters, "enabled"), "true")), $async$call$1); case 5: // returning from await. $async$goto = 6; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.getter.call$0(), $async$call$1); case 6: // returning from await. t1 = $async$result ? "true" : "false"; $async$self.$this._postExtensionStateChangedEvent$2($async$self.name, t1); case 4: // join $async$temp1 = A; $async$goto = 7; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.getter.call$0(), $async$call$1); case 7: // returning from await. $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["enabled", $async$result ? "true" : "false"], type$.String, type$.dynamic); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 30 }; A.BindingBase_registerNumericServiceExtension_closure.prototype = { call$1(parameters) { return this.$call$body$BindingBase_registerNumericServiceExtension_closure(parameters); }, $call$body$BindingBase_registerNumericServiceExtension_closure(parameters) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_dynamic), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3; var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self.name; t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(parameters); $async$goto = t2.containsKey$1(parameters, t1) ? 3 : 4; break; case 3: // then t2 = t2.$index(parameters, t1); t2.toString; $async$goto = 5; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.setter.call$1(A.double_parse(t2)), $async$call$1); case 5: // returning from await. $async$temp1 = $async$self.$this; $async$temp2 = t1; $async$temp3 = J; $async$goto = 6; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.getter.call$0(), $async$call$1); case 6: // returning from await. $async$temp1._postExtensionStateChangedEvent$2($async$temp2, $async$temp3.toString$0$($async$result)); case 4: // join $async$temp1 = A; $async$temp2 = t1; $async$temp3 = J; $async$goto = 7; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.getter.call$0(), $async$call$1); case 7: // returning from await. $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([$async$temp2, $async$temp3.toString$0$($async$result)], type$.String, type$.dynamic); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 30 }; A.BindingBase_registerStringServiceExtension_closure.prototype = { call$1(parameters) { return this.$call$body$BindingBase_registerStringServiceExtension_closure(parameters); }, $call$body$BindingBase_registerStringServiceExtension_closure(parameters) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_dynamic), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1, $async$temp2; var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(parameters); $async$goto = t1.containsKey$1(parameters, "value") ? 3 : 4; break; case 3: // then t1 = t1.$index(parameters, "value"); t1.toString; $async$goto = 5; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.setter.call$1(t1), $async$call$1); case 5: // returning from await. $async$temp1 = $async$self.$this; $async$temp2 = $async$self.name; $async$goto = 6; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.getter.call$0(), $async$call$1); case 6: // returning from await. $async$temp1._postExtensionStateChangedEvent$2($async$temp2, $async$result); case 4: // join $async$temp1 = A; $async$goto = 7; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.getter.call$0(), $async$call$1); case 7: // returning from await. $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["value", $async$result], type$.String, type$.dynamic); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 30 }; A.BindingBase_registerServiceExtension_closure.prototype = { call$2(method, parameters) { return this.$call$body$BindingBase_registerServiceExtension_closure(method, parameters); }, $call$body$BindingBase_registerServiceExtension_closure(method, parameters) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.ServiceExtensionResponse), $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, result, exception, stack, exception0, t1, $async$exception0, $async$temp1; var $async$call$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(A.debugInstrumentAction("Wait for outer event loop", new A.BindingBase_registerServiceExtension__closure(), type$.void), $async$call$2); case 3: // returning from await. result = A._Cell$named("result"); $async$handler = 5; $async$temp1 = result; $async$goto = 8; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.callback.call$1(parameters), $async$call$2); case 8: // returning from await. $async$temp1.__late_helper$_value = $async$result; $async$handler = 2; // goto after finally $async$goto = 7; break; case 5: // catch $async$handler = 4; $async$exception0 = $async$currentError; exception = A.unwrapException($async$exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception0); t1 = A.ErrorDescription$('during a service extension callback for "' + method + '"'); A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "Flutter framework", t1, null, false)); t1 = type$.String; t1 = B.C_JsonCodec.encode$1(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["exception", J.toString$0$(exception), "stack", J.toString$0$(stack), "method", method], t1, t1)); A.ServiceExtensionResponse__validateErrorCode(-32000); A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(t1, "errorDetail"); $async$returnValue = new A.ServiceExtensionResponse(); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; // goto after finally $async$goto = 7; break; case 4: // uncaught // goto rethrow $async$goto = 2; break; case 7: // after finally J.$indexSet$ax(result._readLocal$0(), "type", "_extensionType"); J.$indexSet$ax(result._readLocal$0(), "method", method); $async$returnValue = A.ServiceExtensionResponse$result(B.C_JsonCodec.encode$1(result._readLocal$0())); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); case 2: // rethrow return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$2, $async$completer); }, $signature: 97 }; A.BindingBase_registerServiceExtension__closure.prototype = { call$0() { return A.Future_Future$delayed(B.Duration_0, type$.void); }, $signature: 17 }; A.DebugReassembleConfig.prototype = {}; A.Listenable.prototype = {}; A.ValueListenable.prototype = {}; A.ChangeNotifier.prototype = { addListener$1(_, listener) { var newListeners, i, _this = this, t1 = _this.ChangeNotifier__count, t2 = _this.ChangeNotifier__listeners, t3 = t2.length; if (t1 === t3) { t2 = type$.nullable_void_Function; if (t1 === 0) { t1 = A.List_List$filled(1, null, false, t2); _this.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1; } else { newListeners = A.List_List$filled(t3 * 2, null, false, t2); for (t1 = _this.ChangeNotifier__count, t2 = _this.ChangeNotifier__listeners, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) newListeners[i] = t2[i]; _this.ChangeNotifier__listeners = newListeners; t1 = newListeners; } } else t1 = t2; t1[_this.ChangeNotifier__count++] = listener; }, _removeAt$1(index) { var newListeners, i, i0, _this = this, t1 = --_this.ChangeNotifier__count, t2 = _this.ChangeNotifier__listeners; if (t1 * 2 <= t2.length) { newListeners = A.List_List$filled(t1, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function); for (t1 = _this.ChangeNotifier__listeners, i = 0; i < index; ++i) newListeners[i] = t1[i]; for (t2 = _this.ChangeNotifier__count, i = index; i < t2; i = i0) { i0 = i + 1; newListeners[i] = t1[i0]; } _this.ChangeNotifier__listeners = newListeners; } else { for (i = index; i < t1; i = i0) { i0 = i + 1; t2[i] = t2[i0]; } t2[t1] = null; } }, removeListener$1(_, listener) { var i, _this = this; for (i = 0; i < _this.ChangeNotifier__count; ++i) if (J.$eq$(_this.ChangeNotifier__listeners[i], listener)) { if (_this.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth > 0) { _this.ChangeNotifier__listeners[i] = null; ++_this.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners; } else _this._removeAt$1(i); break; } }, dispose$0(_) { }, notifyListeners$0() { var i, exception, stack, t2, exception0, rti, t3, newLength, newListeners, newIndex, listener, newIndex0, swapIndex, _this = this, t1 = _this.ChangeNotifier__count; if (t1 === 0) return; ++_this.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth; for (i = 0; i < t1; ++i) try { t2 = _this.ChangeNotifier__listeners[i]; if (t2 != null) t2.call$0(); } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); rti = _this instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(_this) : null; t2 = A.ErrorDescription$("while dispatching notifications for " + A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(_this) : rti).toString$0(0)); t3 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError(); if (t3 != null) t3.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "foundation library", t2, new A.ChangeNotifier_notifyListeners_closure(_this), false)); } if (--_this.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth === 0 && _this.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners > 0) { newLength = _this.ChangeNotifier__count - _this.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners; t1 = _this.ChangeNotifier__listeners; if (newLength * 2 <= t1.length) { newListeners = A.List_List$filled(newLength, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function); for (t1 = _this.ChangeNotifier__count, t2 = _this.ChangeNotifier__listeners, newIndex = 0, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) { listener = t2[i]; if (listener != null) { newIndex0 = newIndex + 1; newListeners[newIndex] = listener; newIndex = newIndex0; } } _this.ChangeNotifier__listeners = newListeners; } else for (i = 0; i < newLength; ++i) if (t1[i] == null) { swapIndex = i + 1; for (; t2 = t1[swapIndex], t2 == null;) ++swapIndex; t1[i] = t2; t1[swapIndex] = null; } _this.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = 0; _this.ChangeNotifier__count = newLength; } }, $isListenable: 1 }; A.ChangeNotifier_notifyListeners_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var _null = null, t1 = this.$this; return A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticsProperty$("The " + A.getRuntimeType(t1).toString$0(0) + " sending notification was", t1, true, B.C__NoDefaultValue, _null, false, _null, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, true, true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9, _null, type$.ChangeNotifier)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); }, $signature: 15 }; A._MergingListenable.prototype = { addListener$1(_, listener) { var t1, t2, _i; for (t1 = this._change_notifier$_children, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i].addListener$1(0, listener); }, removeListener$1(_, listener) { var t1, t2, _i; for (t1 = this._change_notifier$_children, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i].removeListener$1(0, listener); }, toString$0(_) { return "Listenable.merge([" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(this._change_notifier$_children, ", ") + "])"; } }; A.ValueNotifier.prototype = { set$value(_, newValue) { var t1 = this._change_notifier$_value; if (t1 == null ? newValue == null : t1 === newValue) return; this._change_notifier$_value = newValue; this.notifyListeners$0(); }, toString$0(_) { return "#" + A.shortHash(this) + "(" + A.S(this._change_notifier$_value) + ")"; } }; A.DiagnosticLevel.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "DiagnosticLevel." + this._name; } }; A.DiagnosticsTreeStyle.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "DiagnosticsTreeStyle." + this._name; } }; A.TextTreeConfiguration.prototype = {}; A._WordWrapParseMode.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_WordWrapParseMode." + this._name; } }; A._PrefixedStringBuilder.prototype = { incrementPrefixOtherLines$2$updateCurrentLine(suffix, updateCurrentLine) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._currentLine._contents.length === 0 || updateCurrentLine, t2 = _this._nextPrefixOtherLines; if (t1) { t1 = t2 == null ? _this._prefixOtherLines : t2; t1.toString; _this._prefixOtherLines = t1 + suffix; _this._nextPrefixOtherLines = null; } else { t1 = t2 == null ? _this._prefixOtherLines : t2; t1.toString; _this._nextPrefixOtherLines = t1 + suffix; } }, get$requiresMultipleLines() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._numLines; if (t1 <= 1) if (!(t1 === 1 && _this._currentLine._contents.length !== 0)) { t1 = _this._currentLine._contents; t1 = t1.length + (_this._diagnostics$_buffer._contents.length === 0 ? _this.prefixLineOne : _this._prefixOtherLines).length > _this.wrapWidth; } else t1 = true; else t1 = true; return t1; }, _finalizeLine$1(addTrailingLineBreak) { var lines, $length, i, _i, line, _this = this, firstLine = _this._diagnostics$_buffer._contents.length === 0, t1 = _this._currentLine, t2 = t1._contents, text = t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2; t1._contents = ""; t1 = _this._wrappableRanges; if (t1.length === 0) { _this._writeLine$3$firstLine$includeLineBreak(text, firstLine, addTrailingLineBreak); return; } t2 = firstLine ? _this.prefixLineOne.length : _this._prefixOtherLines.length; lines = A._PrefixedStringBuilder__wordWrapLine(text, t1, _this.wrapWidth, _this._prefixOtherLines.length, t2); $length = lines.length; for (t2 = !addTrailingLineBreak, i = 0, _i = 0; _i < lines.length; lines.length === $length || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(lines), ++_i) { line = lines[_i]; ++i; _this._writeLine$3$firstLine$includeLineBreak(line, firstLine, !t2 || i < $length); } B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t1, 0); }, write$2$allowWrap(_, s, allowWrap) { var lines, t1, t2, i, t3, line, wrapStart, wrapEnd, _this = this; if (s.length === 0) return; lines = s.split("\n"); for (t1 = _this._currentLine, t2 = _this._wrappableRanges, i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { _this._finalizeLine$1(true); t3 = _this._nextPrefixOtherLines; if (t3 != null) { _this._prefixOtherLines = t3; _this._nextPrefixOtherLines = null; } } line = lines[i]; t3 = line.length; if (t3 !== 0) { if (allowWrap && true) { wrapStart = t1._contents.length; wrapEnd = wrapStart + t3; if (t2.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2) === wrapStart) B.JSArray_methods.set$last(t2, wrapEnd); else { t2.push(wrapStart); t2.push(wrapEnd); } } t1._contents += line; } } }, write$1($receiver, s) { return this.write$2$allowWrap($receiver, s, false); }, _updatePrefix$0() { var t1 = this._nextPrefixOtherLines; if (t1 != null) { this._prefixOtherLines = t1; this._nextPrefixOtherLines = null; } }, _writeLine$3$firstLine$includeLineBreak(line, firstLine, includeLineBreak) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._diagnostics$_buffer, t2 = t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(A.S(t1._contents.length === 0 ? _this.prefixLineOne : _this._prefixOtherLines) + line); if (includeLineBreak) t1._contents = t2 + "\n"; ++_this._numLines; }, writeRawLines$1(lines) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (lines.length === 0) return; if (_this._currentLine._contents.length !== 0) _this._finalizeLine$1(true); t1 = _this._diagnostics$_buffer; t2 = t1._contents += lines; if (!B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(lines, "\n")) t1._contents = t2 + "\n"; ++_this._numLines; _this._updatePrefix$0(); }, writeStretched$2(text, targetLineLength) { var t1, t2, targetLength, _this = this; _this.write$1(0, text); t1 = _this._currentLine; t2 = t1._contents; targetLength = targetLineLength - (t2.length + (_this._diagnostics$_buffer._contents.length === 0 ? _this.prefixLineOne : _this._prefixOtherLines).length); if (targetLength > 0) t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.$mul(text[text.length - 1], targetLength); B.JSArray_methods.set$length(_this._wrappableRanges, 0); } }; A._PrefixedStringBuilder__wordWrapLine_noWrap.prototype = { call$1(index) { var t1, t2, t3; for (t1 = this._box_0, t2 = this.wrapRanges; true;) { t3 = t1.currentChunk; if (t3 >= t2.length) return true; if (index < t2[t3 + 1]) break; t1.currentChunk = t3 + 2; } return index < t2[t1.currentChunk]; }, $signature: 27 }; A._NoDefaultValue.prototype = {}; A.TextTreeRenderer.prototype = { render$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(node, parentConfiguration, prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines) { var t1 = this._debugRender$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(node, parentConfiguration, prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines); return t1; }, render$1(node) { return this.render$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(node, null, "", null); }, _debugRender$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(node, parentConfiguration, prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines) { var isSingleLine, t1, t2, descendants, t3, t4, t5, builder, children, description, wrapName, wrapDescription, uppercaseTitle, $name, includeName, propertiesIterable, properties, i, t6, property, propertyRender, propertyLines, t7, t8, prefixChildrenRaw, child, childStyle, lastChildPrefixLineOne, childPrefixOtherLines, nextChildStyle, childPrefixLineOne, _this = this, _s1_ = "\n", _box_0 = {}; _box_0.prefixOtherLines = prefixOtherLines; if (node.get$style(node) === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8) isSingleLine = (parentConfiguration == null ? null : parentConfiguration.lineBreakProperties) !== true; else isSingleLine = false; if (prefixOtherLines == null) { _box_0.prefixOtherLines = prefixLineOne; t1 = prefixLineOne; } else t1 = prefixOtherLines; t2 = node.get$textTreeConfiguration(); t2.toString; if (t1.length === 0) t1 = _box_0.prefixOtherLines = t1 + t2.prefixOtherLinesRootNode; if (node.get$style(node) === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_11) { descendants = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); _box_0.lines = _box_0.depth = 0; new A.TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_visitor(_box_0, descendants).call$1(node); if (_box_0.lines > 1) t1 = prefixLineOne + ("This " + A.S(node.name) + " had the following descendants (showing up to depth 5):\n"); else { t1 = node.name; t1 = descendants.length === 1 ? prefixLineOne + ("This " + A.S(t1) + " had the following child:\n") : prefixLineOne + ("This " + A.S(t1) + " has no descendants.\n"); } t1 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(t1, descendants, _s1_); return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } t3 = _this._wrapWidthProperties; t4 = Math.max(_this._wrapWidth, t1.length + t3); t5 = new A.StringBuffer(""); builder = new A._PrefixedStringBuilder(prefixLineOne, t1, t4, new A.StringBuffer(""), t5, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int)); children = node.getChildren$0(); description = node.toDescription$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration); t1 = t2.beforeName; if (t1.length !== 0) builder.write$1(0, t1); t1 = !isSingleLine; wrapName = t1 && node.get$allowNameWrap(); wrapDescription = t1 && node.get$allowWrap(); uppercaseTitle = node.get$style(node) === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_5; $name = node.name; if (uppercaseTitle) $name = $name == null ? null : $name.toUpperCase(); if (description.length === 0) { if (node.get$showName() && $name != null) builder.write$2$allowWrap(0, $name, wrapName); } else { if ($name != null && $name.length !== 0 && node.get$showName()) { builder.write$2$allowWrap(0, $name, wrapName); if (node.showSeparator) builder.write$2$allowWrap(0, t2.afterName, wrapName); builder.write$2$allowWrap(0, t2.isNameOnOwnLine || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(description, _s1_) ? _s1_ : " ", wrapName); includeName = true; } else includeName = false; if (t1 && builder.get$requiresMultipleLines() && t5._contents.length !== 0) builder.write$1(0, _s1_); if (includeName) builder.incrementPrefixOtherLines$2$updateCurrentLine(children.length === 0 ? t2.propertyPrefixNoChildren : t2.propertyPrefixIfChildren, true); if (uppercaseTitle) description = description.toUpperCase(); builder.write$2$allowWrap(0, B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(description), wrapDescription); if (!includeName) builder.incrementPrefixOtherLines$2$updateCurrentLine(children.length === 0 ? t2.propertyPrefixNoChildren : t2.propertyPrefixIfChildren, false); } t1 = t2.suffixLineOne; if (t1.length !== 0) builder.writeStretched$2(t1, t4); t1 = node.getProperties$0(0); t4 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"); propertiesIterable = new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_closure(_this), t4); t1 = _this._maxDescendentsTruncatableNode; if (t1 >= 0 && node.get$allowTruncate()) { t4 = t4._eval$1("Iterable.E"); if (propertiesIterable.get$length(propertiesIterable) < t1) { t4 = A.TakeIterable_TakeIterable(propertiesIterable, t1, t4); properties = A.List_List$of(t4, true, A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); B.JSArray_methods.add$1(properties, A.DiagnosticsNode_DiagnosticsNode$message("...", true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8)); } else properties = A.List_List$of(propertiesIterable, true, t4); if (t1 < children.length) { children = A.SubListIterable$(children, 0, A.checkNotNullable(t1, "count", type$.int), A._arrayInstanceType(children)._precomputed1).toList$0(0); B.JSArray_methods.add$1(children, A.DiagnosticsNode_DiagnosticsNode$message("...", true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8)); } } else properties = A.List_List$of(propertiesIterable, true, t4._eval$1("Iterable.E")); if (properties.length !== 0 || children.length !== 0 || node.get$emptyBodyDescription() != null) t1 = node.showSeparator || description.length !== 0; else t1 = false; if (t1) builder.write$1(0, t2.afterDescriptionIfBody); t1 = t2.lineBreakProperties; if (t1) builder.write$1(0, t2.lineBreak); if (properties.length !== 0) builder.write$1(0, t2.beforeProperties); t4 = t2.bodyIndent; builder.incrementPrefixOtherLines$2$updateCurrentLine(t4, false); if (node.get$emptyBodyDescription() != null && properties.length === 0 && children.length === 0 && prefixLineOne.length !== 0) { t5 = node.get$emptyBodyDescription(); t5.toString; builder.write$1(0, t5); if (t1) builder.write$1(0, t2.lineBreak); } for (t5 = t2.propertySeparator, t1 = !t1, i = 0; t6 = properties.length, i < t6; ++i) { property = properties[i]; if (i > 0) builder.write$1(0, t5); t6 = property.get$textTreeConfiguration(); t6.toString; if (property.get$style(property) === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8) { propertyRender = _this.render$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(property, t2, t6.prefixLineOne, t6.childLinkSpace + t6.prefixOtherLines); propertyLines = propertyRender.split(_s1_); if (propertyLines.length === 1 && t1) builder.write$1(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(propertyLines)); else { builder.write$1(0, propertyRender); if (!B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(propertyRender, _s1_)) builder.write$1(0, _s1_); } } else { t7 = builder._nextPrefixOtherLines; t7 = A.S(t7 == null ? builder._prefixOtherLines : t7) + t6.prefixLineOne; t8 = builder._nextPrefixOtherLines; builder.writeRawLines$1(_this.render$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(property, t2, t7, A.S(t8 == null ? builder._prefixOtherLines : t8) + t6.childLinkSpace + t6.prefixOtherLines)); } } if (t6 !== 0) builder.write$1(0, t2.afterProperties); builder.write$1(0, ""); if (t1) builder.write$1(0, t2.lineBreak); prefixChildrenRaw = A.S(_box_0.prefixOtherLines) + t4; if (children.length === 0) if (t2.addBlankLineIfNoChildren) if (builder.get$requiresMultipleLines()) { t1 = builder._nextPrefixOtherLines; if (t1 == null) t1 = builder._prefixOtherLines; t1.toString; t1 = B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(t1).length !== 0; } else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; if (t1) builder.write$1(0, t2.lineBreak); if (children.length !== 0 && t2.showChildren) { if (t2.isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren && properties.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$first(children).get$textTreeConfiguration().isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren) builder.write$1(0, t2.lineBreak); builder._prefixOtherLines = _box_0.prefixOtherLines; builder._nextPrefixOtherLines = null; for (t1 = t2.lineBreak, t4 = builder.wrapWidth, i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { child = children[i]; childStyle = child.get$style(child); if (childStyle === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8 || childStyle === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9) t5 = t2; else t5 = child.get$textTreeConfiguration(); t5.toString; if (i === children.length - 1) { lastChildPrefixLineOne = prefixChildrenRaw + t5.prefixLastChildLineOne; t6 = t5.childLinkSpace; childPrefixOtherLines = prefixChildrenRaw + t6 + t5.prefixOtherLines; builder.writeRawLines$1(_this.render$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(child, t2, lastChildPrefixLineOne, childPrefixOtherLines)); t7 = t5.footer; if (t7.length !== 0) { builder._prefixOtherLines = prefixChildrenRaw; builder._nextPrefixOtherLines = null; builder.write$1(0, t6 + t7); t5 = t5.mandatoryFooter; if (t5.length !== 0) builder.writeStretched$2(t5, Math.max(t4, t3 + childPrefixOtherLines.length)); builder.write$1(0, t1); } } else { t6 = children[i + 1]; childStyle = t6.get$style(t6); if (childStyle === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8 || childStyle === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9) nextChildStyle = t2; else nextChildStyle = t6.get$textTreeConfiguration(); childPrefixLineOne = prefixChildrenRaw + t5.prefixLineOne; childPrefixOtherLines = prefixChildrenRaw + nextChildStyle.linkCharacter + t5.prefixOtherLines; builder.writeRawLines$1(_this.render$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(child, t2, childPrefixLineOne, childPrefixOtherLines)); t6 = t5.footer; if (t6.length !== 0) { builder._prefixOtherLines = prefixChildrenRaw; builder._nextPrefixOtherLines = null; builder.write$1(0, t5.linkCharacter + t6); t5 = t5.mandatoryFooter; if (t5.length !== 0) builder.writeStretched$2(t5, Math.max(t4, t3 + childPrefixOtherLines.length)); builder.write$1(0, t1); } } } } if (parentConfiguration == null && t2.mandatoryFooter.length !== 0) { builder.writeStretched$2(t2.mandatoryFooter, builder.wrapWidth); builder.write$1(0, t2.lineBreak); } if (builder._currentLine._contents.length !== 0) builder._finalizeLine$1(false); t1 = builder._diagnostics$_buffer._contents; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } }; A.TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_visitor.prototype = { call$1(node) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, child, t5; for (t1 = node.getChildren$0(), t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._box_0, t4 = this.descendants, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { child = t1[_i]; t5 = t3.lines; if (t5 < 25) { ++t3.depth; t4.push(A.S(t3.prefixOtherLines) + B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", t3.depth) + A.S(child)); if (t3.depth < 5) this.call$1(child); --t3.depth; } else if (t5 === 25) t4.push(A.S(t3.prefixOtherLines) + " ...(descendants list truncated after " + t3.lines + " lines)"); ++t3.lines; } }, $signature: 89 }; A.TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_closure.prototype = { call$1(n) { var t1 = n.get$level(n); return t1.index >= this.$this._minLevel.index; }, $signature: 143 }; A.DiagnosticsNode.prototype = { get$level(_) { return B.DiagnosticLevel_3; }, get$emptyBodyDescription() { return null; }, get$allowWrap() { return false; }, get$allowNameWrap() { return false; }, get$allowTruncate() { return false; }, toString$1$minLevel(_, minLevel) { return this.super$Object$toString(0); }, toString$0($receiver) { return this.toString$1$minLevel($receiver, B.DiagnosticLevel_3); }, get$textTreeConfiguration() { switch (this.get$style(this).index) { case 0: return null; case 3: return $.$get$denseTextConfiguration(); case 1: return $.$get$sparseTextConfiguration(); case 2: return $.$get$dashedTextConfiguration(); case 6: return $.$get$whitespaceTextConfiguration(); case 4: return $.$get$transitionTextConfiguration(); case 8: return $.$get$singleLineTextConfiguration(); case 9: return $.$get$errorPropertyTextConfiguration(); case 10: return $.$get$shallowTextConfiguration(); case 5: return $.$get$errorTextConfiguration(); case 11: return $.$get$whitespaceTextConfiguration(); case 7: return $.$get$flatTextConfiguration(); } }, get$name(receiver) { return this.name; }, get$showName() { return this.showName; }, get$style(receiver) { return this.style; } }; A.DiagnosticsProperty.prototype = { valueToString$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration) { var v = this.get$value(this); return type$.DiagnosticableTree._is(v) ? v.toStringShort$0() : J.toString$0$(v); }, toDescription$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration) { var t2, result, _this = this, t1 = _this._description; if (t1 != null) { t2 = _this.tooltip; return t2 == null ? t1 : t1 + " (" + t2 + ")"; } _this._maybeCacheValue$0(); if (_this._diagnostics$_exception != null) { _this._maybeCacheValue$0(); return "EXCEPTION (" + J.get$runtimeType$(_this._diagnostics$_exception).toString$0(0) + ")"; } t1 = _this.ifNull; if (t1 != null && _this.get$value(_this) == null) { t1.toString; t2 = _this.tooltip; if (!(t2 == null)) t1 = t1 + " (" + t2 + ")"; return t1; } result = _this.valueToString$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration); if (result.length === 0 && _this.ifEmpty != null) { t1 = _this.ifEmpty; t1.toString; result = t1; } t1 = _this.tooltip; return t1 == null ? result : result + " (" + t1 + ")"; }, get$value(_) { this._maybeCacheValue$0(); return this._value; }, _maybeCacheValue$0() { return; }, get$isInteresting() { var t1 = this.defaultValue; return J.$eq$(t1, B.C__NoDefaultValue) || !J.$eq$(this.get$value(this), t1); }, get$level(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._defaultLevel; if (t1 === B.DiagnosticLevel_0) return t1; _this._maybeCacheValue$0(); if (_this._diagnostics$_exception != null) return B.DiagnosticLevel_7; if (_this.get$value(_this) == null && _this.missingIfNull) return B.DiagnosticLevel_4; if (!_this.get$isInteresting()) return B.DiagnosticLevel_1; return t1; }, getProperties$0(_) { return B.List_empty; }, getChildren$0() { return B.List_empty; }, get$allowWrap() { return this.allowWrap; }, get$allowNameWrap() { return true; } }; A.DiagnosticableNode.prototype = { get$builder() { var t1 = this._cachedBuilder; return t1; }, get$style(_) { var t1 = this.style; if (t1 == null) t1 = this.get$builder().defaultDiagnosticsTreeStyle; return t1; }, get$emptyBodyDescription() { return ""; }, getProperties$0(_) { return B.List_empty; }, getChildren$0() { return B.List_empty; }, toDescription$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration) { return ""; } }; A.DiagnosticableTreeNode.prototype = { getChildren$0() { return this.value.debugDescribeChildren$0(); } }; A.DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder.prototype = { add$1(_, property) { } }; A.Diagnosticable.prototype = { toStringShort$0() { return "#" + A.shortHash(this); }, toString$1$minLevel(_, minLevel) { var t1 = this.toStringShort$0(); return t1; }, toString$0($receiver) { return this.toString$1$minLevel($receiver, B.DiagnosticLevel_3); }, debugFillProperties$1(properties) { } }; A.DiagnosticableTree.prototype = { toStringShort$0() { return "#" + A.shortHash(this); }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { return B.List_empty; } }; A.DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return this.toDiagnosticsNode$1$style(B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8).super$Object$toString(0); }, toStringDeep$3$minLevel$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(minLevel, prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines) { this.toDiagnosticsNode$0(); return ""; }, toStringShort$0() { return "#" + A.shortHash(this); }, toDiagnosticsNode$2$name$style($name, style) { return A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$($name, style, this); }, toDiagnosticsNode$1$style(style) { return this.toDiagnosticsNode$2$name$style(null, style); }, toDiagnosticsNode$0() { return this.toDiagnosticsNode$2$name$style(null, null); }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { return B.List_empty; } }; A.DiagnosticsBlock.prototype = { getChildren$0() { return this._diagnostics$_children; }, getProperties$0(_) { return this._properties; }, toDescription$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration) { return this._description; }, get$level() { return B.DiagnosticLevel_3; }, get$allowTruncate() { return this.allowTruncate; } }; A._DiagnosticableTree_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.Key.prototype = {}; A.LocalKey.prototype = {}; A.ValueKey.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return this.$ti._is(other) && other.value === this.value; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(A.getRuntimeType(this), this.value, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.$ti, t2 = t1._precomputed1, t3 = this.value, valueString = A.createRuntimeType(t2) === B.Type_String_k8F ? "<'" + t3.toString$0(0) + "'>" : "<" + t3.toString$0(0) + ">"; if (A.getRuntimeType(this) === A.createRuntimeType(t1)) return "[" + valueString + "]"; return "[" + A.createRuntimeType(t2).toString$0(0) + " " + valueString + "]"; } }; A._TypeLiteral.prototype = {}; A.LicenseEntry.prototype = {}; A.LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks.prototype = {}; A.AbstractNode.prototype = { redepthChild$1(child) { var t1 = child._depth, t2 = this._depth; if (t1 <= t2) { child._depth = t2 + 1; child.redepthChildren$0(); } }, redepthChildren$0() { }, get$owner() { return this._node$_owner; }, attach$1(owner) { this._node$_owner = owner; }, detach$0(_) { this._node$_owner = null; }, get$parent(_) { return this._node$_parent; }, adoptChild$1(child) { var t1; child._node$_parent = this; t1 = this._node$_owner; if (t1 != null) child.attach$1(t1); this.redepthChild$1(child); }, dropChild$1(child) { child._node$_parent = null; if (this._node$_owner != null) child.detach$0(0); } }; A.ObserverList.prototype = { get$_observer_list$_set() { var result, _this = this, value = _this.__ObserverList__set; if (value === $) { result = A.HashSet_HashSet(_this.$ti._precomputed1); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__ObserverList__set, "_set"); _this.__ObserverList__set = result; value = result; } return value; }, remove$1(_, item) { this._isDirty = true; this.get$_observer_list$_set().clear$0(0); return B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(this._list, item); }, clear$0(_) { this._isDirty = false; B.JSArray_methods.set$length(this._list, 0); this.get$_observer_list$_set().clear$0(0); }, contains$1(_, element) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._list; if (t1.length < 3) return B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t1, element); if (_this._isDirty) { _this.get$_observer_list$_set().addAll$1(0, t1); _this._isDirty = false; } return _this.get$_observer_list$_set().contains$1(0, element); }, get$iterator(_) { var t1 = this._list; return new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length); }, get$isEmpty(_) { return this._list.length === 0; }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { return this._list.length !== 0; } }; A.HashedObserverList.prototype = { add$1(_, item) { var t1 = this._observer_list$_map, t2 = t1.$index(0, item); t1.$indexSet(0, item, (t2 == null ? 0 : t2) + 1); }, remove$1(_, item) { var t1 = this._observer_list$_map, value = t1.$index(0, item); if (value == null) return false; if (value === 1) t1.remove$1(0, item); else t1.$indexSet(0, item, value - 1); return true; }, contains$1(_, element) { return this._observer_list$_map.containsKey$1(0, element); }, get$iterator(_) { var t1 = this._observer_list$_map; t1 = t1.get$keys(t1); return t1.get$iterator(t1); }, get$isEmpty(_) { var t1 = this._observer_list$_map; return t1.get$isEmpty(t1); }, get$isNotEmpty(_) { var t1 = this._observer_list$_map; return t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1); } }; A.TargetPlatform.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "TargetPlatform." + this._name; } }; A.WriteBuffer.prototype = { _alignTo$1(alignment) { var t1 = this._serialization$_buffer, mod = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t1._typed_buffer$_length, alignment); if (mod !== 0) t1.addAll$3(0, $.$get$WriteBuffer__zeroBuffer(), 0, alignment - mod); }, done$0() { var t1, t2, result, _this = this; if (_this._isDone) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("done() must not be called more than once on the same " + A.getRuntimeType(_this).toString$0(0) + ".")); t1 = _this._serialization$_buffer; t2 = t1._typed_buffer$_buffer; result = A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(t2.buffer, 0, t1._typed_buffer$_length * t2.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); _this._serialization$_buffer = A.Uint8Buffer$(); _this._isDone = true; return result; } }; A.ReadBuffer.prototype = { getUint8$0(_) { return this.data.getUint8(this._serialization$_position++); }, getInt64$0(_) { var t1 = this._serialization$_position, t2 = $.$get$Endian_host(); B.NativeByteData_methods.getInt64$2(this.data, t1, t2); }, getUint8List$1($length) { var t1 = this.data, list = A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + this._serialization$_position, $length); this._serialization$_position += $length; return list; }, getInt64List$1($length) { var t1; this._alignTo$1(8); t1 = this.data; B.NativeByteBuffer_methods.asInt64List$2(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + this._serialization$_position, $length); }, _alignTo$1(alignment) { var t1 = this._serialization$_position, mod = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t1, alignment); if (mod !== 0) this._serialization$_position = t1 + (alignment - mod); } }; A.StackFrame.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.number, _this.$package, _this.line, _this.column, _this.className, _this.method, _this.source, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.StackFrame && other.number === _this.number && other.$package === _this.$package && other.line === _this.line && other.column === _this.column && other.className === _this.className && other.method === _this.method && other.source === _this.source; }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "StackFrame(#" + _this.number + ", " + _this.packageScheme + ":" + _this.$package + "/" + _this.packagePath + ":" + _this.line + ":" + _this.column + ", className: " + _this.className + ", method: " + _this.method + ")"; } }; A.StackFrame_fromStackString_closure.prototype = { call$1(line) { return line.length !== 0; }, $signature: 28 }; A.SynchronousFuture.prototype = { catchError$2$test(onError, test) { return new A._Future($.Zone__current, this.$ti._eval$1("_Future<1>")); }, catchError$1(onError) { return this.catchError$2$test(onError, null); }, then$1$2$onError(_, onValue, onError, $R) { var result = onValue.call$1(this._synchronous_future$_value); if ($R._eval$1("Future<0>")._is(result)) return result; return new A.SynchronousFuture($R._as(result), $R._eval$1("SynchronousFuture<0>")); }, then$1$1($receiver, onValue, $R) { return this.then$1$2$onError($receiver, onValue, null, $R); }, whenComplete$1(action) { var result, e, stack, t1, exception, _this = this; try { result = action.call$0(); if (type$.Future_dynamic._is(result)) { t1 = J.then$1$1$x(result, new A.SynchronousFuture_whenComplete_closure(_this), _this.$ti._precomputed1); return t1; } return _this; } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception); t1 = A.Future_Future$error(e, stack, _this.$ti._precomputed1); return t1; } }, $isFuture: 1 }; A.SynchronousFuture_whenComplete_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { return this.$this._synchronous_future$_value; }, $signature() { return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("1(@)"); } }; A.GestureDisposition.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "GestureDisposition." + this._name; } }; A.GestureArenaMember.prototype = {}; A.GestureArenaEntry.prototype = { resolve$1(disposition) { this._arena._resolve$3(this._arena$_pointer, this._member, disposition); } }; A._GestureArena.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.members; t1 = t1.length === 0 ? "" + "" : "" + new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._GestureArena_toString_closure(_this), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, ", "); if (_this.isOpen) t1 += " [open]"; if (_this.isHeld) t1 += " [held]"; if (_this.hasPendingSweep) t1 += " [hasPendingSweep]"; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } }; A._GestureArena_toString_closure.prototype = { call$1(member) { if (member === this.$this.eagerWinner) return member.toString$0(0) + " (eager winner)"; return member.toString$0(0); }, $signature: 145 }; A.GestureArenaManager.prototype = { add$2(_, pointer, member) { this._arenas.putIfAbsent$2(0, pointer, new A.GestureArenaManager_add_closure(this, pointer)).members.push(member); return new A.GestureArenaEntry(this, pointer, member); }, close$1(_, pointer) { var state = this._arenas.$index(0, pointer); if (state == null) return; state.isOpen = false; this._tryToResolveArena$2(pointer, state); }, sweep$1(pointer) { var i, t1 = this._arenas, state = t1.$index(0, pointer); if (state == null) return; if (state.isHeld) { state.hasPendingSweep = true; return; } t1.remove$1(0, pointer); t1 = state.members; if (t1.length !== 0) { B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).acceptGesture$1(pointer); for (i = 1; i < t1.length; ++i) t1[i].rejectGesture$1(pointer); } }, hold$1(pointer) { var state = this._arenas.$index(0, pointer); if (state == null) return; state.isHeld = true; }, release$1(_, pointer) { var state = this._arenas.$index(0, pointer); if (state == null) return; state.isHeld = false; if (state.hasPendingSweep) this.sweep$1(pointer); }, _resolve$3(pointer, member, disposition) { var state = this._arenas.$index(0, pointer); if (state == null) return; if (disposition === B.GestureDisposition_1) { B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(state.members, member); member.rejectGesture$1(pointer); if (!state.isOpen) this._tryToResolveArena$2(pointer, state); } else if (state.isOpen) { if (state.eagerWinner == null) state.eagerWinner = member; } else this._resolveInFavorOf$3(pointer, state, member); }, _tryToResolveArena$2(pointer, state) { var t1 = state.members.length; if (t1 === 1) A.scheduleMicrotask(new A.GestureArenaManager__tryToResolveArena_closure(this, pointer, state)); else if (t1 === 0) this._arenas.remove$1(0, pointer); else { t1 = state.eagerWinner; if (t1 != null) this._resolveInFavorOf$3(pointer, state, t1); } }, _resolveByDefault$2(pointer, state) { var t1 = this._arenas; if (!t1.containsKey$1(0, pointer)) return; t1.remove$1(0, pointer); B.JSArray_methods.get$first(state.members).acceptGesture$1(pointer); }, _resolveInFavorOf$3(pointer, state, member) { var t1, t2, _i, rejectedMember; this._arenas.remove$1(0, pointer); for (t1 = state.members, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { rejectedMember = t1[_i]; if (rejectedMember !== member) rejectedMember.rejectGesture$1(pointer); } member.acceptGesture$1(pointer); } }; A.GestureArenaManager_add_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return new A._GestureArena(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_GestureArenaMember)); }, $signature: 146 }; A.GestureArenaManager__tryToResolveArena_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return this.$this._resolveByDefault$2(this.pointer, this.state); }, $signature: 0 }; A._Resampler.prototype = { stop$0(_) { var t1, t2, t3; for (t1 = this._resamplers, t2 = t1.get$values(t1), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = this._handlePointerEvent; t2.moveNext$0();) t2.get$current(t2).stop$1(0, t3); t1.clear$0(0); this._frameTime = B.Duration_0; } }; A.GestureBinding.prototype = { _handlePointerDataPacket$1(packet) { var t1 = packet.data, t2 = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio; this.GestureBinding__pendingPointerEvents.addAll$1(0, A.PointerEventConverter_expand(t1, t2 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t2)); if (this._lockCount <= 0) this._flushPointerEventQueue$0(); }, cancelPointer$1(pointer) { var t1 = this.GestureBinding__pendingPointerEvents; if (t1._head === t1._tail && this._lockCount <= 0) A.scheduleMicrotask(this.get$_flushPointerEventQueue()); t1.addFirst$1(A.PointerCancelEvent$(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, B.PointerDeviceKind_0, false, 0, pointer, B.Offset_0_0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, B.Duration_0)); }, _flushPointerEventQueue$0() { for (var t1 = this.GestureBinding__pendingPointerEvents; !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);) this.handlePointerEvent$1(t1.removeFirst$0()); }, handlePointerEvent$1($event) { this.get$_resampler().stop$0(0); this._handlePointerEventImmediately$1($event); }, _handlePointerEventImmediately$1($event) { var hitTestResult, t2, _this = this, t1 = type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event); if (t1 || type$.PointerSignalEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerHoverEvent._is($event)) { hitTestResult = A.HitTestResult$(); t2 = $event.get$position($event); A._lateReadCheck(_this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner")._rootNode.hitTest$2$position(hitTestResult, t2); _this.super$GestureBinding$hitTest(hitTestResult, t2); if (t1) _this.GestureBinding__hitTests.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), hitTestResult); t1 = hitTestResult; } else if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event)) { hitTestResult = _this.GestureBinding__hitTests.remove$1(0, $event.get$pointer()); t1 = hitTestResult; } else t1 = $event.get$down() ? _this.GestureBinding__hitTests.$index(0, $event.get$pointer()) : null; if (t1 != null || type$.PointerAddedEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerRemovedEvent._is($event)) _this.dispatchEvent$2(0, $event, t1); }, hitTest$2(result, position) { var t1 = new A.HitTestEntry(this); result._globalizeTransforms$0(); t1._transform = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(result._transforms); result._path.push(t1); }, dispatchEvent$2(_, $event, hitTestResult) { var exception, stack, entry, exception0, stack0, t1, t2, _i, t3, t4, _s15_ = "gesture library"; if (hitTestResult == null) { try { this.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.route$1($event); } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); A.FlutterError_reportError(A.FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher$(A.ErrorDescription$("while dispatching a non-hit-tested pointer event"), $event, exception, null, new A.GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure($event), _s15_, stack)); } return; } for (t1 = hitTestResult._path, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { entry = t1[_i]; try { J.get$target$x(entry).handleEvent$2($event.transformed$1(entry._transform), entry); } catch (exception) { exception0 = A.unwrapException(exception); stack0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception); t3 = A.ErrorDescription$("while dispatching a pointer event"); t4 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError(); if (t4 != null) t4.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher(exception0, stack0, _s15_, t3, new A.GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure0($event, entry), false)); } } }, handleEvent$2($event, entry) { var _this = this; _this.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.route$1($event); if (type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) _this.GestureBinding_gestureArena.close$1(0, $event.get$pointer()); else if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event)) _this.GestureBinding_gestureArena.sweep$1($event.get$pointer()); else if (type$.PointerSignalEvent._is($event)) _this.GestureBinding_pointerSignalResolver.resolve$1($event); }, _handleSampleTimeChanged$0() { if (this._lockCount <= 0) this.get$_resampler().stop$0(0); }, get$_resampler() { var _this = this, value = _this.GestureBinding___GestureBinding__resampler; if (value === $) { $.$get$Stopwatch__frequency(); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(value, "_resampler"); value = _this.GestureBinding___GestureBinding__resampler = new A._Resampler(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.PointerEventResampler), B.Duration_0, new A.Stopwatch(), B.Duration_0, B.Duration_0, _this.get$_handlePointerEventImmediately(), _this.get$_handleSampleTimeChanged(), B.Duration_16667); } return value; } }; A.GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var _null = null; return A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticsProperty$("Event", this.event, true, B.C__NoDefaultValue, _null, false, _null, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, true, true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9, _null, type$.PointerEvent_2)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); }, $signature: 15 }; A.GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { var _null = null, t1 = this.entry; return A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticsProperty$("Event", this.event, true, B.C__NoDefaultValue, _null, false, _null, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, true, true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9, _null, type$.PointerEvent_2), A.DiagnosticsProperty$("Target", t1.get$target(t1), true, B.C__NoDefaultValue, _null, false, _null, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, true, true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9, _null, type$.HitTestTarget)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); }, $signature: 15 }; A.FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher.prototype = {}; A.PointerEventConverter_expand_closure.prototype = { call$1(datum) { return datum.signalKind !== B.PointerSignalKind_2; }, $signature: 149 }; A.PointerEventConverter_expand_closure0.prototype = { call$1(datum) { var t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, scrollDelta, t1 = this.devicePixelRatio, position = new A.Offset(datum.physicalX, datum.physicalY).$div(0, t1), delta = new A.Offset(datum.physicalDeltaX, datum.physicalDeltaY).$div(0, t1), radiusMinor = datum.radiusMinor / t1, radiusMajor = datum.radiusMajor / t1, radiusMin = datum.radiusMin / t1, radiusMax = datum.radiusMax / t1, timeStamp = datum.timeStamp, kind = datum.kind, t2 = datum.signalKind; switch ((t2 == null ? B.PointerSignalKind_0 : t2).index) { case 0: switch (datum.change.index) { case 1: t1 = datum.device; t2 = datum.pressureMin; t3 = datum.pressureMax; return A.PointerAddedEvent$(t1, datum.distance, datum.distanceMax, 0, kind, false, datum.orientation, position, t3, t2, radiusMax, radiusMin, datum.tilt, timeStamp); case 3: t1 = datum.device; t2 = datum.buttons; t3 = datum.pressureMin; t4 = datum.pressureMax; t5 = datum.distance; t6 = datum.distanceMax; t7 = datum.size; t8 = datum.orientation; t9 = datum.tilt; return A.PointerHoverEvent$(t2, delta, t1, t5, t6, 0, kind, false, t8, position, t4, t3, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, t7, datum.synthesized, t9, timeStamp); case 4: t1 = datum.pointerIdentifier; t2 = datum.device; t3 = A._synthesiseDownButtons(datum.buttons, kind); t4 = datum.pressure; t5 = datum.pressureMin; t6 = datum.pressureMax; t7 = datum.distanceMax; t8 = datum.size; return A.PointerDownEvent$(t3, t2, t7, 0, kind, false, datum.orientation, t1, position, t4, t6, t5, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, t8, datum.tilt, timeStamp); case 5: t1 = datum.pointerIdentifier; t2 = datum.device; t3 = A._synthesiseDownButtons(datum.buttons, kind); t4 = datum.pressure; t5 = datum.pressureMin; t6 = datum.pressureMax; t7 = datum.distanceMax; t8 = datum.size; t9 = datum.orientation; t10 = datum.tilt; return A.PointerMoveEvent$(t3, delta, t2, t7, 0, kind, false, t9, datum.platformData, t1, position, t4, t6, t5, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, t8, datum.synthesized, t10, timeStamp); case 6: t1 = datum.pointerIdentifier; t2 = datum.device; t3 = datum.buttons; t4 = datum.pressure; t5 = datum.pressureMin; t6 = datum.pressureMax; t7 = datum.distance; t8 = datum.distanceMax; t9 = datum.size; return A.PointerUpEvent$(t3, t2, t7, t8, 0, kind, false, datum.orientation, t1, position, t4, t6, t5, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, t9, datum.tilt, timeStamp); case 0: t1 = datum.pointerIdentifier; t2 = datum.device; t3 = datum.buttons; t4 = datum.pressureMin; t5 = datum.pressureMax; t6 = datum.distance; t7 = datum.distanceMax; t8 = datum.size; return A.PointerCancelEvent$(t3, t2, t6, t7, 0, kind, false, datum.orientation, t1, position, t5, t4, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, t8, datum.tilt, timeStamp); case 2: t1 = datum.device; t2 = datum.pressureMin; t3 = datum.pressureMax; return A.PointerRemovedEvent$(t1, datum.distanceMax, 0, kind, false, position, t3, t2, radiusMax, radiusMin, timeStamp); } break; case 1: scrollDelta = new A.Offset(datum.scrollDeltaX, datum.scrollDeltaY).$div(0, t1); return A.PointerScrollEvent$(datum.device, 0, kind, position, scrollDelta, timeStamp); case 2: throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Unreachable")); } }, $signature: 150 }; A.DragDownDetails.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "DragDownDetails(" + this.globalPosition.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A.DragStartDetails.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "DragStartDetails(" + this.globalPosition.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A.DragUpdateDetails.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "DragUpdateDetails(" + this.delta.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A.DragEndDetails.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "DragEndDetails(" + this.velocity.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A.PointerEvent.prototype = { get$localPosition() { return this.position; }, get$localDelta() { return this.delta; }, get$embedderId() { return this.embedderId; }, get$timeStamp(receiver) { return this.timeStamp; }, get$pointer() { return this.pointer; }, get$kind(receiver) { return this.kind; }, get$device(receiver) { return this.device; }, get$position(receiver) { return this.position; }, get$delta() { return this.delta; }, get$buttons(receiver) { return this.buttons; }, get$down() { return this.down; }, get$obscured() { return this.obscured; }, get$pressure(receiver) { return this.pressure; }, get$pressureMin() { return this.pressureMin; }, get$pressureMax() { return this.pressureMax; }, get$distance() { return this.distance; }, get$distanceMax() { return this.distanceMax; }, get$size(receiver) { return this.size; }, get$radiusMajor() { return this.radiusMajor; }, get$radiusMinor() { return this.radiusMinor; }, get$radiusMin() { return this.radiusMin; }, get$radiusMax() { return this.radiusMax; }, get$orientation(receiver) { return this.orientation; }, get$tilt() { return this.tilt; }, get$platformData() { return this.platformData; }, get$synthesized() { return this.synthesized; }, get$transform(receiver) { return this.transform; }, get$original() { return this.original; } }; A._PointerEventDescription.prototype = {$isPointerEvent: 1}; A._AbstractPointerEvent.prototype = {$isPointerEvent: 1}; A._TransformedPointerEvent.prototype = { get$embedderId() { return this.get$original().embedderId; }, get$timeStamp(_) { return this.get$original().timeStamp; }, get$pointer() { return this.get$original().pointer; }, get$kind(_) { return this.get$original().kind; }, get$device(_) { return this.get$original().device; }, get$position(_) { return this.get$original().position; }, get$delta() { return this.get$original().delta; }, get$buttons(_) { return this.get$original().buttons; }, get$down() { return this.get$original().down; }, get$obscured() { this.get$original(); return false; }, get$pressure(_) { return this.get$original().pressure; }, get$pressureMin() { return this.get$original().pressureMin; }, get$pressureMax() { return this.get$original().pressureMax; }, get$distance() { return this.get$original().distance; }, get$distanceMax() { return this.get$original().distanceMax; }, get$size(_) { return this.get$original().size; }, get$radiusMajor() { return this.get$original().radiusMajor; }, get$radiusMinor() { return this.get$original().radiusMinor; }, get$radiusMin() { return this.get$original().radiusMin; }, get$radiusMax() { return this.get$original().radiusMax; }, get$orientation(_) { return this.get$original().orientation; }, get$tilt() { return this.get$original().tilt; }, get$platformData() { return this.get$original().platformData; }, get$synthesized() { return this.get$original().synthesized; }, get$localPosition() { var result, _this = this, value = _this.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition; if (value === $) { result = A.PointerEvent_transformPosition(_this.get$transform(_this), _this.get$original().position); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition, "localPosition"); _this.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition = result; value = result; } return value; }, get$localDelta() { var t1, t2, t3, result, _this = this, value = _this.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta; if (value === $) { t1 = _this.get$transform(_this); t2 = _this.get$original(); t3 = _this.get$original(); result = A.PointerEvent_transformDeltaViaPositions(t1, _this.get$localPosition(), t2.delta, t3.position); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta, "localDelta"); _this.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta = result; value = result; } return value; } }; A._CopyPointerAddedEvent.prototype = {}; A.PointerAddedEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform)) return this; return new A._TransformedPointerAddedEvent(this, transform); } }; A._TransformedPointerAddedEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { return this.original.transformed$1(transform); }, $isPointerAddedEvent: 1, get$original() { return this.original; }, get$transform(receiver) { return this.transform; } }; A._CopyPointerRemovedEvent.prototype = {}; A.PointerRemovedEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform)) return this; return new A._TransformedPointerRemovedEvent(this, transform); } }; A._TransformedPointerRemovedEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { return this.original.transformed$1(transform); }, $isPointerRemovedEvent: 1, get$original() { return this.original; }, get$transform(receiver) { return this.transform; } }; A._CopyPointerHoverEvent.prototype = {}; A.PointerHoverEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform)) return this; return new A._TransformedPointerHoverEvent(this, transform); } }; A._TransformedPointerHoverEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { return this.original.transformed$1(transform); }, $isPointerHoverEvent: 1, get$original() { return this.original; }, get$transform(receiver) { return this.transform; } }; A._CopyPointerEnterEvent.prototype = {}; A.PointerEnterEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform)) return this; return new A._TransformedPointerEnterEvent(this, transform); } }; A._TransformedPointerEnterEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { return this.original.transformed$1(transform); }, $isPointerEnterEvent: 1, get$original() { return this.original; }, get$transform(receiver) { return this.transform; } }; A._CopyPointerExitEvent.prototype = {}; A.PointerExitEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform)) return this; return new A._TransformedPointerExitEvent(this, transform); } }; A._TransformedPointerExitEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { return this.original.transformed$1(transform); }, $isPointerExitEvent: 1, get$original() { return this.original; }, get$transform(receiver) { return this.transform; } }; A._CopyPointerDownEvent.prototype = {}; A.PointerDownEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform)) return this; return new A._TransformedPointerDownEvent(this, transform); } }; A._TransformedPointerDownEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { return this.original.transformed$1(transform); }, $isPointerDownEvent: 1, get$original() { return this.original; }, get$transform(receiver) { return this.transform; } }; A._CopyPointerMoveEvent.prototype = {}; A.PointerMoveEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform)) return this; return new A._TransformedPointerMoveEvent(this, transform); } }; A._TransformedPointerMoveEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { return this.original.transformed$1(transform); }, $isPointerMoveEvent: 1, get$original() { return this.original; }, get$transform(receiver) { return this.transform; } }; A._CopyPointerUpEvent.prototype = {}; A.PointerUpEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform)) return this; return new A._TransformedPointerUpEvent(this, transform); } }; A._TransformedPointerUpEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { return this.original.transformed$1(transform); }, $isPointerUpEvent: 1, get$original() { return this.original; }, get$transform(receiver) { return this.transform; } }; A.PointerSignalEvent.prototype = {}; A._CopyPointerScrollEvent.prototype = {}; A.PointerScrollEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform)) return this; return new A._TransformedPointerScrollEvent(this, transform); } }; A._TransformedPointerScrollEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { return this.original.transformed$1(transform); }, $isPointerSignalEvent: 1, get$original() { return this.original; }, get$transform(receiver) { return this.transform; } }; A._CopyPointerCancelEvent.prototype = {}; A.PointerCancelEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform)) return this; return new A._TransformedPointerCancelEvent(this, transform); } }; A._TransformedPointerCancelEvent.prototype = { transformed$1(transform) { return this.original.transformed$1(transform); }, $isPointerCancelEvent: 1, get$original() { return this.original; }, get$transform(receiver) { return this.transform; } }; A._PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {}; A._PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerAddedEvent.prototype = {}; A._PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {}; A._PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerCancelEvent.prototype = {}; A._PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {}; A._PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerDownEvent.prototype = {}; A._PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {}; A._PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerEnterEvent.prototype = {}; A._PointerEvent_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A._PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {}; A._PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerExitEvent.prototype = {}; A._PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {}; A._PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerHoverEvent.prototype = {}; A._PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {}; A._PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerMoveEvent.prototype = {}; A._PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {}; A._PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerRemovedEvent.prototype = {}; A._PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {}; A._PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScrollEvent.prototype = {}; A._PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {}; A._PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerUpEvent.prototype = {}; A.__TransformedPointerAddedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerAddedEvent.prototype = {}; A.__TransformedPointerCancelEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerCancelEvent.prototype = {}; A.__TransformedPointerDownEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerDownEvent.prototype = {}; A.__TransformedPointerEnterEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerEnterEvent.prototype = {}; A.__TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.__TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {}; A.__TransformedPointerExitEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerExitEvent.prototype = {}; A.__TransformedPointerHoverEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerHoverEvent.prototype = {}; A.__TransformedPointerMoveEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerMoveEvent.prototype = {}; A.__TransformedPointerRemovedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerRemovedEvent.prototype = {}; A.__TransformedPointerScrollEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScrollEvent.prototype = {}; A.__TransformedPointerUpEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerUpEvent.prototype = {}; A.DeviceGestureSettings.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.touchSlop, 23, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.DeviceGestureSettings && other.touchSlop == this.touchSlop; }, toString$0(_) { return "DeviceGestureSettings(touchSlop: " + A.S(this.touchSlop) + ")"; } }; A.HitTestEntry.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "#" + A.shortHash(this) + "(" + this.get$target(this).toString$0(0) + ")"; }, get$target(receiver) { return this.target; } }; A._TransformPart.prototype = {}; A._MatrixTransformPart.prototype = { multiply$1(_, rhs) { return type$.Matrix4._as(this.matrix.$mul(0, rhs)); } }; A._OffsetTransformPart.prototype = { multiply$1(_, rhs) { var t3, tx, ty, t4, t1 = new Float64Array(16), t2 = new A.Matrix4(t1); t2.setFrom$1(rhs); t3 = this.offset; tx = t3._dx; ty = t3._dy; t3 = t1[0]; t4 = t1[3]; t1[0] = t3 + tx * t4; t1[1] = t1[1] + ty * t4; t1[2] = t1[2] + 0 * t4; t1[3] = t4; t4 = t1[4]; t3 = t1[7]; t1[4] = t4 + tx * t3; t1[5] = t1[5] + ty * t3; t1[6] = t1[6] + 0 * t3; t1[7] = t3; t3 = t1[8]; t4 = t1[11]; t1[8] = t3 + tx * t4; t1[9] = t1[9] + ty * t4; t1[10] = t1[10] + 0 * t4; t1[11] = t4; t4 = t1[12]; t3 = t1[15]; t1[12] = t4 + tx * t3; t1[13] = t1[13] + ty * t3; t1[14] = t1[14] + 0 * t3; t1[15] = t3; return t2; } }; A.HitTestResult.prototype = { _globalizeTransforms$0() { var t2, last, t3, _i, t1 = this._localTransforms; if (t1.length === 0) return; t2 = this._transforms; last = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2); for (t3 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { last = t1[_i].multiply$1(0, last); t2.push(last); } B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t1, 0); }, popTransform$0() { var t1 = this._localTransforms; if (t1.length !== 0) t1.pop(); else this._transforms.pop(); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this._path; return "HitTestResult(" + (t1.length === 0 ? "" : B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ")) + ")"; } }; A.LongPressGestureRecognizer.prototype = { isPointerAllowed$1($event) { var t1; switch ($event.get$buttons($event)) { case 1: if (this.onLongPress == null) t1 = true; else t1 = false; if (t1) return false; break; case 2: return false; case 4: return false; default: return false; } return this.super$GestureRecognizer$isPointerAllowed($event); }, didExceedDeadline$0() { var t1, _this = this; _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_0); _this._longPressAccepted = true; t1 = _this._primaryPointer; t1.toString; _this.super$PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer$acceptGesture(t1); _this._checkLongPressStart$0(); }, handlePrimaryPointer$1($event) { var t1, _this = this; if (!$event.get$synthesized()) { if (type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) { t1 = new A.VelocityTracker($event.get$kind($event), A.List_List$filled(20, null, false, type$.nullable__PointAtTime)); _this._velocityTracker = t1; t1.addPosition$2($event.get$timeStamp($event), $event.get$localPosition()); } if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event)) { t1 = _this._velocityTracker; t1.toString; t1.addPosition$2($event.get$timeStamp($event), $event.get$localPosition()); } } if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event)) { if (_this._longPressAccepted) _this._checkLongPressEnd$1($event); else _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1); _this._reset$0(); } else if (type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event)) { _this._checkLongPressCancel$0(); _this._reset$0(); } else if (type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) { _this._longPressOrigin = new A.OffsetPair($event.get$localPosition(), $event.get$position($event)); _this._long_press$_initialButtons = $event.get$buttons($event); _this._checkLongPressDown$1($event); } else if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event)) if ($event.get$buttons($event) !== _this._long_press$_initialButtons) { _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1); t1 = _this._primaryPointer; t1.toString; _this.stopTrackingPointer$1(t1); } else if (_this._longPressAccepted) _this._checkLongPressMoveUpdate$1($event); }, _checkLongPressDown$1($event) { this._longPressOrigin.toString; this._pointerToKind.$index(0, $event.get$pointer()).toString; switch (this._long_press$_initialButtons) { case 1: break; case 2: break; case 4: break; } }, _checkLongPressCancel$0() { if (this._recognizer$_state === B.GestureRecognizerState_1) switch (this._long_press$_initialButtons) { case 1: break; case 2: break; case 4: break; } }, _checkLongPressStart$0() { switch (this._long_press$_initialButtons) { case 1: var t1 = this.onLongPress; if (t1 != null) this.invokeCallback$2("onLongPress", t1); break; case 2: break; case 4: break; } }, _checkLongPressMoveUpdate$1($event) { $event.get$position($event); $event.get$localPosition(); $event.get$position($event).$sub(0, this._longPressOrigin.global); $event.get$localPosition().$sub(0, this._longPressOrigin.local); switch (this._long_press$_initialButtons) { case 1: break; case 2: break; case 4: break; } }, _checkLongPressEnd$1($event) { this._velocityTracker.getVelocityEstimate$0(); $event.get$position($event); $event.get$localPosition(); this._velocityTracker = null; switch (this._long_press$_initialButtons) { case 1: break; case 2: break; case 4: break; } }, _reset$0() { var _this = this; _this._longPressAccepted = false; _this._velocityTracker = _this._long_press$_initialButtons = _this._longPressOrigin = null; }, resolve$1(disposition) { var _this = this; if (disposition === B.GestureDisposition_1) if (_this._longPressAccepted) _this._reset$0(); else _this._checkLongPressCancel$0(); _this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$resolve(disposition); }, acceptGesture$1(pointer) { } }; A._Vector.prototype = { $index(_, i) { return this._lsq_solver$_elements[i + this._lsq_solver$_offset]; }, $mul(_, a) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, result, i; for (t1 = this._lsq_solver$_length, t2 = this._lsq_solver$_elements, t3 = this._lsq_solver$_offset, t4 = a._lsq_solver$_elements, t5 = a._lsq_solver$_offset, result = 0, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) result += t2[i + t3] * t4[i + t5]; return result; } }; A._Matrix.prototype = {}; A.PolynomialFit.prototype = {}; A.LeastSquaresSolver.prototype = { solve$1(degree) { var t3, result, t4, t5, t6, t7, h, i, j, t8, t9, dot, t10, norm, inverseNorm, wy, i0, yMean, sumSquaredError, sumSquaredTotal, err, term, v, t1 = this.x, t2 = t1.length; if (degree > t2) return null; t3 = degree + 1; result = new A.PolynomialFit(new Float64Array(t3)); t4 = t3 * t2; t5 = new Float64Array(t4); for (t6 = this.w, t7 = 0 * t2, h = 0; h < t2; ++h) { t5[t7 + h] = t6[h]; for (i = 1; i < t3; ++i) t5[i * t2 + h] = t5[(i - 1) * t2 + h] * t1[h]; } t4 = new Float64Array(t4); t7 = new Float64Array(t3 * t3); for (j = 0; j < t3; ++j) { for (t8 = j * t2, h = 0; h < t2; ++h) { t9 = t8 + h; t4[t9] = t5[t9]; } for (i = 0; i < j; ++i) { t9 = i * t2; dot = new A._Vector(t8, t2, t4).$mul(0, new A._Vector(t9, t2, t4)); for (h = 0; h < t2; ++h) { t10 = t8 + h; t4[t10] = t4[t10] - dot * t4[t9 + h]; } } t9 = new A._Vector(t8, t2, t4); norm = Math.sqrt(t9.$mul(0, t9)); if (norm < 1e-10) return null; inverseNorm = 1 / norm; for (h = 0; h < t2; ++h) { t9 = t8 + h; t4[t9] = t4[t9] * inverseNorm; } for (t9 = j * t3, i = 0; i < t3; ++i) { t10 = i < j ? 0 : new A._Vector(t8, t2, t4).$mul(0, new A._Vector(i * t2, t2, t5)); t7[t9 + i] = t10; } } t5 = new Float64Array(t2); wy = new A._Vector(0, t2, t5); for (t8 = this.y, h = 0; h < t2; ++h) t5[h] = t8[h] * t6[h]; for (i = t3 - 1, t5 = result.coefficients, i0 = i; i0 >= 0; --i0) { t5[i0] = new A._Vector(i0 * t2, t2, t4).$mul(0, wy); for (t9 = i0 * t3, j = i; j > i0; --j) t5[i0] = t5[i0] - t7[t9 + j] * t5[j]; t5[i0] = t5[i0] / t7[t9 + i0]; } for (yMean = 0, h = 0; h < t2; ++h) yMean += t8[h]; yMean /= t2; for (sumSquaredError = 0, sumSquaredTotal = 0, h = 0; h < t2; ++h) { t4 = t8[h]; err = t4 - t5[0]; for (term = 1, i = 1; i < t3; ++i) { term *= t1[h]; err -= term * t5[i]; } t7 = t6[h]; t7 *= t7; sumSquaredError += t7 * err * err; v = t4 - yMean; sumSquaredTotal += t7 * v * v; } result.__PolynomialFit_confidence = sumSquaredTotal <= 1e-10 ? 1 : 1 - sumSquaredError / sumSquaredTotal; return result; } }; A._DragState.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_DragState." + this._name; } }; A.DragGestureRecognizer.prototype = { isPointerAllowed$1($event) { var _this = this; if (_this._initialButtons == null) switch ($event.get$buttons($event)) { case 1: if (_this.onDown == null && _this.onStart == null && _this.onUpdate == null && _this.onEnd == null && _this.onCancel == null) return false; break; default: return false; } else if ($event.get$buttons($event) !== _this._initialButtons) return false; return _this.super$GestureRecognizer$isPointerAllowed($event); }, addAllowedPointer$1($event) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$addAllowedPointer($event); _this._velocityTrackers.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), A.DragGestureRecognizer__defaultBuilder($event)); t1 = _this._monodrag$_state; if (t1 === B._DragState_0) { _this._monodrag$_state = B._DragState_1; t1 = $event.get$position($event); _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition = new A.OffsetPair($event.get$localPosition(), t1); _this._initialButtons = $event.get$buttons($event); _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset = B.OffsetPair_G6F; _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved = 0; _this._lastPendingEventTimestamp = $event.get$timeStamp($event); _this._lastTransform = $event.get$transform($event); _this._checkDown$0(); } else if (t1 === B._DragState_2) _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_0); }, handleEvent$1($event) { var t1, t2, t3, movedLocally, localToGlobalTransform, _this = this; if (!$event.get$synthesized()) t1 = type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event); else t1 = false; if (t1) { t1 = _this._velocityTrackers.$index(0, $event.get$pointer()); t1.toString; t1.addPosition$2($event.get$timeStamp($event), $event.get$localPosition()); } if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event)) { if ($event.get$buttons($event) !== _this._initialButtons) { _this._giveUpPointer$1($event.get$pointer()); return; } if (_this._monodrag$_state === B._DragState_2) { t1 = $event.get$timeStamp($event); t2 = _this._getDeltaForDetails$1($event.get$localDelta()); t3 = _this._getPrimaryValueFromOffset$1($event.get$localDelta()); _this._checkUpdate$5$delta$globalPosition$localPosition$primaryDelta$sourceTimeStamp(t2, $event.get$position($event), $event.get$localPosition(), t3, t1); } else { _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset, "_pendingDragOffset").$add(0, new A.OffsetPair($event.get$localDelta(), $event.get$delta())); _this._lastPendingEventTimestamp = $event.get$timeStamp($event); _this._lastTransform = $event.get$transform($event); movedLocally = _this._getDeltaForDetails$1($event.get$localDelta()); if ($event.get$transform($event) == null) localToGlobalTransform = null; else { t1 = $event.get$transform($event); t1.toString; localToGlobalTransform = A.Matrix4_tryInvert(t1); } t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved, "_globalDistanceMoved"); t2 = A.PointerEvent_transformDeltaViaPositions(localToGlobalTransform, null, movedLocally, $event.get$localPosition()).get$distance(); t3 = _this._getPrimaryValueFromOffset$1(movedLocally); _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved = t1 + t2 * J.get$sign$in(t3 == null ? 1 : t3); t1 = $event.get$kind($event); if (_this._hasSufficientGlobalDistanceToAccept$2(t1, null)) _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_0); } } if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event)) _this._giveUpPointer$1($event.get$pointer()); }, acceptGesture$1(pointer) { var t1, t2, transform, localUpdateDelta, localToGlobal, globalUpdateDelta, correctedPosition, _this = this, _s16_ = "_initialPosition"; _this._acceptedActivePointers.add$1(0, pointer); if (_this._monodrag$_state !== B._DragState_2) { _this._monodrag$_state = B._DragState_2; t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset, "_pendingDragOffset"); t2 = _this._lastPendingEventTimestamp; t2.toString; transform = _this._lastTransform; switch (_this.dragStartBehavior.index) { case 1: _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition, _s16_).$add(0, t1); localUpdateDelta = B.Offset_0_0; break; case 0: localUpdateDelta = _this._getDeltaForDetails$1(t1.local); break; default: localUpdateDelta = null; } _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset = B.OffsetPair_G6F; _this._lastTransform = _this._lastPendingEventTimestamp = null; _this._checkStart$2(t2, pointer); if (!J.$eq$(localUpdateDelta, B.Offset_0_0) && _this.onUpdate != null) { localToGlobal = transform != null ? A.Matrix4_tryInvert(transform) : null; globalUpdateDelta = A.PointerEvent_transformDeltaViaPositions(localToGlobal, null, localUpdateDelta, A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition, _s16_).local.$add(0, localUpdateDelta)); correctedPosition = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition, _s16_).$add(0, new A.OffsetPair(localUpdateDelta, globalUpdateDelta)); _this._checkUpdate$5$delta$globalPosition$localPosition$primaryDelta$sourceTimeStamp(localUpdateDelta, correctedPosition.global, correctedPosition.local, _this._getPrimaryValueFromOffset$1(localUpdateDelta), t2); } _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_0); } }, rejectGesture$1(pointer) { this._giveUpPointer$1(pointer); }, didStopTrackingLastPointer$1(pointer) { var t1, _this = this; switch (_this._monodrag$_state.index) { case 0: break; case 1: _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1); t1 = _this.onCancel; if (t1 != null) _this.invokeCallback$2("onCancel", t1); break; case 2: _this._checkEnd$1(pointer); break; } _this._velocityTrackers.clear$0(0); _this._initialButtons = null; _this._monodrag$_state = B._DragState_0; }, _giveUpPointer$1(pointer) { var t1, entry; this.stopTrackingPointer$1(pointer); if (!this._acceptedActivePointers.remove$1(0, pointer)) { t1 = this._recognizer$_entries; entry = t1.$index(0, pointer); if (entry != null) { t1.remove$1(0, pointer); entry.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1); } } }, _checkDown$0() { var t1, _this = this, _s16_ = "_initialPosition"; if (_this.onDown != null) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition, _s16_).global; A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition, _s16_); _this.invokeCallback$2("onDown", new A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkDown_closure(_this, new A.DragDownDetails(t1))); } }, _checkStart$2(timestamp, pointer) { var t1, _this = this, _s16_ = "_initialPosition"; if (_this.onStart != null) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition, _s16_).global; A._lateReadCheck(_this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition, _s16_); _this._pointerToKind.$index(0, pointer).toString; _this.invokeCallback$2("onStart", new A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkStart_closure(_this, new A.DragStartDetails(t1))); } }, _checkUpdate$5$delta$globalPosition$localPosition$primaryDelta$sourceTimeStamp(delta, globalPosition, localPosition, primaryDelta, sourceTimeStamp) { if (this.onUpdate != null) this.invokeCallback$2("onUpdate", new A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkUpdate_closure(this, new A.DragUpdateDetails(delta, primaryDelta, globalPosition))); }, _checkEnd$1(pointer) { var t2, estimate, velocity, debugReport, _this = this, t1 = {}; if (_this.onEnd == null) return; t2 = _this._velocityTrackers.$index(0, pointer); t2.toString; t1.details = null; estimate = t2.getVelocityEstimate$0(); if (estimate != null && _this.isFlingGesture$2(estimate, t2.kind)) { t2 = estimate.pixelsPerSecond; velocity = new A.Velocity(t2).clampMagnitude$2(50, 8000); _this._getPrimaryValueFromOffset$1(velocity.pixelsPerSecond); t1.details = new A.DragEndDetails(velocity); debugReport = new A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure(estimate, velocity); } else { t1.details = new A.DragEndDetails(B.Velocity_Offset_0_0); debugReport = new A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure0(estimate); } _this.invokeCallback$3$debugReport("onEnd", new A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure1(t1, _this), debugReport); }, dispose$0(_) { this._velocityTrackers.clear$0(0); this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$dispose(0); } }; A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkDown_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return this.$this.onDown.call$1(this.details); }, $signature: 0 }; A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkStart_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return this.$this.onStart.call$1(this.details); }, $signature: 0 }; A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkUpdate_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return this.$this.onUpdate.call$1(this.details); }, $signature: 0 }; A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return this.estimate.toString$0(0) + "; fling at " + this.velocity.toString$0(0) + "."; }, $signature: 40 }; A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.estimate; if (t1 == null) return "Could not estimate velocity."; return t1.toString$0(0) + "; judged to not be a fling."; }, $signature: 40 }; A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure1.prototype = { call$0() { return this.$this.onEnd.call$1(this._box_0.details); }, $signature: 0 }; A.VerticalDragGestureRecognizer.prototype = { isFlingGesture$2(estimate, kind) { var minDistance = A.computeHitSlop(kind, null); return Math.abs(estimate.pixelsPerSecond._dy) > 50 && Math.abs(estimate.offset._dy) > minDistance; }, _hasSufficientGlobalDistanceToAccept$2(pointerDeviceKind, deviceTouchSlop) { return Math.abs(A._lateReadCheck(this.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved, "_globalDistanceMoved")) > A.computeHitSlop(pointerDeviceKind, null); }, _getDeltaForDetails$1(delta) { return new A.Offset(0, delta._dy); }, _getPrimaryValueFromOffset$1(value) { return value._dy; } }; A.HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer.prototype = { isFlingGesture$2(estimate, kind) { var minDistance = A.computeHitSlop(kind, null); return Math.abs(estimate.pixelsPerSecond._dx) > 50 && Math.abs(estimate.offset._dx) > minDistance; }, _hasSufficientGlobalDistanceToAccept$2(pointerDeviceKind, deviceTouchSlop) { return Math.abs(A._lateReadCheck(this.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved, "_globalDistanceMoved")) > A.computeHitSlop(pointerDeviceKind, null); }, _getDeltaForDetails$1(delta) { return new A.Offset(delta._dx, 0); }, _getPrimaryValueFromOffset$1(value) { return value._dx; } }; A.PanGestureRecognizer.prototype = { isFlingGesture$2(estimate, kind) { var minDistance = A.computeHitSlop(kind, null); return estimate.pixelsPerSecond.get$distanceSquared() > 2500 && estimate.offset.get$distanceSquared() > minDistance * minDistance; }, _hasSufficientGlobalDistanceToAccept$2(pointerDeviceKind, deviceTouchSlop) { return Math.abs(A._lateReadCheck(this.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved, "_globalDistanceMoved")) > A.computePanSlop(pointerDeviceKind, null); }, _getDeltaForDetails$1(delta) { return delta; }, _getPrimaryValueFromOffset$1(value) { return null; } }; A._CountdownZoned.prototype = { _onTimeout$0() { this._timeout = true; } }; A._TapTracker.prototype = { stopTrackingPointer$1(route) { if (this._isTrackingPointer) { this._isTrackingPointer = false; $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.removeRoute$2(this.pointer, route); } }, isWithinGlobalTolerance$2($event, tolerance) { return $event.get$position($event).$sub(0, this._initialGlobalPosition).get$distance() <= tolerance; } }; A.DoubleTapGestureRecognizer.prototype = { isPointerAllowed$1($event) { var t1; if (this._firstTap == null) switch ($event.get$buttons($event)) { case 1: t1 = this.onDoubleTap == null && true; if (t1) return false; break; default: return false; } return this.super$GestureRecognizer$isPointerAllowed($event); }, addAllowedPointer$1($event) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._firstTap; if (t1 != null) if (!t1.isWithinGlobalTolerance$2($event, 100)) return; else { t1 = _this._firstTap; if (!t1._doubleTapMinTimeCountdown._timeout || $event.get$buttons($event) !== t1.initialButtons) { _this._multitap$_reset$0(); return _this._trackTap$1($event); } } _this._trackTap$1($event); }, _trackTap$1($event) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, tracker, _this = this; _this._stopDoubleTapTimer$0(); t1 = $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_gestureArena.add$2(0, $event.get$pointer(), _this); t2 = $event.get$pointer(); t3 = $event.get$position($event); t4 = $event.get$buttons($event); t5 = new A._CountdownZoned(); A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_40000, t5.get$_onTimeout()); tracker = new A._TapTracker(t2, t1, t3, t4, t5); _this._trackers.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), tracker); t5 = $event.get$transform($event); if (!tracker._isTrackingPointer) { tracker._isTrackingPointer = true; $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.addRoute$3(t2, _this.get$_multitap$_handleEvent(), t5); } }, _multitap$_handleEvent$1($event) { var t3, _this = this, t1 = _this._trackers, t2 = t1.$index(0, $event.get$pointer()); t2.toString; if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event)) { t3 = _this._firstTap; if (t3 == null) { if (_this._doubleTapTimer == null) _this._doubleTapTimer = A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_300000, _this.get$_multitap$_reset()); t3 = t2.pointer; $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_gestureArena.hold$1(t3); t2.stopTrackingPointer$1(_this.get$_multitap$_handleEvent()); t1.remove$1(0, t3); _this._clearTrackers$0(); _this._firstTap = t2; } else { t3 = t3.entry; t3._arena._resolve$3(t3._arena$_pointer, t3._member, B.GestureDisposition_0); t3 = t2.entry; t3._arena._resolve$3(t3._arena$_pointer, t3._member, B.GestureDisposition_0); t2.stopTrackingPointer$1(_this.get$_multitap$_handleEvent()); t1.remove$1(0, t2.pointer); t1 = _this.onDoubleTap; if (t1 != null) _this.invokeCallback$2("onDoubleTap", t1); _this._multitap$_reset$0(); } } else if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event)) { if (!t2.isWithinGlobalTolerance$2($event, 18)) _this._reject$1(t2); } else if (type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event)) _this._reject$1(t2); }, acceptGesture$1(pointer) { }, rejectGesture$1(pointer) { var t1, _this = this, tracker = _this._trackers.$index(0, pointer); if (tracker == null) { t1 = _this._firstTap; t1 = t1 != null && t1.pointer === pointer; } else t1 = false; if (t1) tracker = _this._firstTap; if (tracker != null) _this._reject$1(tracker); }, _reject$1(tracker) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._trackers; t1.remove$1(0, tracker.pointer); t2 = tracker.entry; t2._arena._resolve$3(t2._arena$_pointer, t2._member, B.GestureDisposition_1); tracker.stopTrackingPointer$1(_this.get$_multitap$_handleEvent()); t2 = _this._firstTap; if (t2 != null) if (tracker === t2) _this._multitap$_reset$0(); else { _this._checkCancel$0(); if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) _this._multitap$_reset$0(); } }, dispose$0(_) { this._multitap$_reset$0(); this.super$GestureRecognizer$dispose(0); }, _multitap$_reset$0() { var t1, _this = this; _this._stopDoubleTapTimer$0(); if (_this._firstTap != null) { t1 = _this._trackers; if (t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1)) _this._checkCancel$0(); t1 = _this._firstTap; t1.toString; _this._firstTap = null; _this._reject$1(t1); $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_gestureArena.release$1(0, t1.pointer); } _this._clearTrackers$0(); }, _clearTrackers$0() { var t1 = this._trackers; t1 = t1.get$values(t1); B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")), this.get$_reject()); }, _stopDoubleTapTimer$0() { var t1 = this._doubleTapTimer; if (t1 != null) { t1.cancel$0(0); this._doubleTapTimer = null; } }, _checkCancel$0() { } }; A.PointerRouter.prototype = { addRoute$3(pointer, route, transform) { J.$indexSet$ax(this._routeMap.putIfAbsent$2(0, pointer, new A.PointerRouter_addRoute_closure()), route, transform); }, removeRoute$2(pointer, route) { var t3, t1 = this._routeMap, t2 = t1.$index(0, pointer); t2.toString; t3 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t2); t3.remove$1(t2, route); if (t3.get$isEmpty(t2)) t1.remove$1(0, pointer); }, _dispatch$3($event, route, transform) { var exception, stack, exception0, t1; try { route.call$1($event.transformed$1(transform)); } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("while routing a pointer event"); A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "gesture library", t1, null, false)); } }, route$1($event) { var _this = this, routes = _this._routeMap.$index(0, $event.get$pointer()), t1 = _this._globalRoutes, t2 = type$.void_Function_PointerEvent, t3 = type$.nullable_Matrix4, copiedGlobalRoutes = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(t1, t2, t3); if (routes != null) _this._dispatchEventToRoutes$3($event, routes, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(routes, t2, t3)); _this._dispatchEventToRoutes$3($event, t1, copiedGlobalRoutes); }, _dispatchEventToRoutes$3($event, referenceRoutes, copiedRoutes) { copiedRoutes.forEach$1(0, new A.PointerRouter__dispatchEventToRoutes_closure(this, referenceRoutes, $event)); } }; A.PointerRouter_addRoute_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.void_Function_PointerEvent, type$.nullable_Matrix4); }, $signature: 152 }; A.PointerRouter__dispatchEventToRoutes_closure.prototype = { call$2(route, transform) { if (J.containsKey$1$x(this.referenceRoutes, route)) this.$this._dispatch$3(this.event, route, transform); }, $signature: 153 }; A.PointerSignalResolver.prototype = { resolve$1($event) { return; } }; A.DragStartBehavior.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "DragStartBehavior." + this._name; } }; A.GestureRecognizer.prototype = { addPointer$1($event) { var _this = this; _this._pointerToKind.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), $event.get$kind($event)); if (_this.isPointerAllowed$1($event)) _this.addAllowedPointer$1($event); else _this.handleNonAllowedPointer$1($event); }, addAllowedPointer$1($event) { }, handleNonAllowedPointer$1($event) { }, isPointerAllowed$1($event) { var t1 = this._supportedDevices; return t1 == null || t1.contains$1(0, $event.get$kind($event)); }, dispose$0(_) { }, invokeCallback$1$3$debugReport($name, callback, debugReport) { var exception, stack, exception0, t1, result = null; try { result = callback.call$0(); } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("while handling a gesture"); A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "gesture", t1, null, false)); } return result; }, invokeCallback$2($name, callback) { return this.invokeCallback$1$3$debugReport($name, callback, null, type$.dynamic); }, invokeCallback$3$debugReport($name, callback, debugReport) { return this.invokeCallback$1$3$debugReport($name, callback, debugReport, type$.dynamic); }, $isDiagnosticableTree: 1 }; A.OneSequenceGestureRecognizer.prototype = { addAllowedPointer$1($event) { this.startTrackingPointer$2($event.get$pointer(), $event.get$transform($event)); }, handleNonAllowedPointer$1($event) { this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1); }, acceptGesture$1(pointer) { }, rejectGesture$1(pointer) { }, resolve$1(disposition) { var _i, t1 = this._recognizer$_entries, localEntries = A.List_List$of(t1.get$values(t1), true, type$.GestureArenaEntry); t1.clear$0(0); for (t1 = localEntries.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) localEntries[_i].resolve$1(disposition); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this; _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1); for (t1 = _this._trackedPointers, t2 = new A._HashSetIterator(t1, t1._computeElements$0()), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) { t4 = t3._as(t2._collection$_current); t5 = $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter; t6 = _this.get$handleEvent(); t5 = t5._routeMap; t7 = t5.$index(0, t4); t7.toString; t8 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t7); t8.remove$1(t7, t6); if (t8.get$isEmpty(t7)) t5.remove$1(0, t4); } t1.clear$0(0); _this.super$GestureRecognizer$dispose(0); }, _addPointerToArena$1(pointer) { var t1 = this._team; if (t1 != null) return t1.add$2(0, pointer, this); return $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_gestureArena.add$2(0, pointer, this); }, startTrackingPointer$2(pointer, transform) { var _this = this; $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.addRoute$3(pointer, _this.get$handleEvent(), transform); _this._trackedPointers.add$1(0, pointer); _this._recognizer$_entries.$indexSet(0, pointer, _this._addPointerToArena$1(pointer)); }, stopTrackingPointer$1(pointer) { var t1 = this._trackedPointers; if (t1.contains$1(0, pointer)) { $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.removeRoute$2(pointer, this.get$handleEvent()); t1.remove$1(0, pointer); if (t1._collection$_length === 0) this.didStopTrackingLastPointer$1(pointer); } }, stopTrackingIfPointerNoLongerDown$1($event) { if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event)) this.stopTrackingPointer$1($event.get$pointer()); } }; A.GestureRecognizerState.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "GestureRecognizerState." + this._name; } }; A.PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer.prototype = { addAllowedPointer$1($event) { var _this = this; _this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$addAllowedPointer($event); if (_this._recognizer$_state === B.GestureRecognizerState_0) { _this._recognizer$_state = B.GestureRecognizerState_1; _this._primaryPointer = $event.get$pointer(); _this._initialPosition = new A.OffsetPair($event.get$localPosition(), $event.get$position($event)); _this._recognizer$_timer = A.Timer_Timer(_this.deadline, new A.PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer_addAllowedPointer_closure(_this, $event)); } }, handleNonAllowedPointer$1($event) { if (!this._gestureAccepted) this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$handleNonAllowedPointer($event); }, handleEvent$1($event) { var isPreAcceptSlopPastTolerance, t1, isPostAcceptSlopPastTolerance, _this = this; if (_this._recognizer$_state === B.GestureRecognizerState_1 && $event.get$pointer() === _this._primaryPointer) { if (!_this._gestureAccepted) isPreAcceptSlopPastTolerance = _this._getGlobalDistance$1($event) > 18; else isPreAcceptSlopPastTolerance = false; if (_this._gestureAccepted) { t1 = _this.postAcceptSlopTolerance; isPostAcceptSlopPastTolerance = t1 != null && _this._getGlobalDistance$1($event) > t1; } else isPostAcceptSlopPastTolerance = false; if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event)) t1 = isPreAcceptSlopPastTolerance || isPostAcceptSlopPastTolerance; else t1 = false; if (t1) { _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1); t1 = _this._primaryPointer; t1.toString; _this.stopTrackingPointer$1(t1); } else _this.handlePrimaryPointer$1($event); } _this.stopTrackingIfPointerNoLongerDown$1($event); }, didExceedDeadline$0() { }, acceptGesture$1(pointer) { if (pointer === this._primaryPointer) { this._stopTimer$0(); this._gestureAccepted = true; } }, rejectGesture$1(pointer) { var _this = this; if (pointer === _this._primaryPointer && _this._recognizer$_state === B.GestureRecognizerState_1) { _this._stopTimer$0(); _this._recognizer$_state = B.GestureRecognizerState_2; } }, didStopTrackingLastPointer$1(pointer) { var _this = this; _this._stopTimer$0(); _this._recognizer$_state = B.GestureRecognizerState_0; _this._initialPosition = null; _this._gestureAccepted = false; }, dispose$0(_) { this._stopTimer$0(); this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$dispose(0); }, _stopTimer$0() { var t1 = this._recognizer$_timer; if (t1 != null) { t1.cancel$0(0); this._recognizer$_timer = null; } }, _getGlobalDistance$1($event) { return $event.get$position($event).$sub(0, this._initialPosition.global).get$distance(); } }; A.PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer_addAllowedPointer_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this.didExceedDeadline$0(); return null; }, $signature: 0 }; A.OffsetPair.prototype = { $add(_, other) { return new A.OffsetPair(this.local.$add(0, other.local), this.global.$add(0, other.global)); }, $sub(_, other) { return new A.OffsetPair(this.local.$sub(0, other.local), this.global.$sub(0, other.global)); }, toString$0(_) { return "OffsetPair(local: " + this.local.toString$0(0) + ", global: " + this.global.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A._GestureRecognizer_GestureArenaMember_DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = {}; A.TapDownDetails.prototype = {}; A.BaseTapGestureRecognizer.prototype = { addAllowedPointer$1($event) { var _this = this; if (_this._recognizer$_state === B.GestureRecognizerState_0) { if (_this._down != null && _this._up != null) _this._tap$_reset$0(); _this._down = $event; } if (_this._down != null) _this.super$PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer$addAllowedPointer($event); }, startTrackingPointer$2(pointer, transform) { this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$startTrackingPointer(pointer, transform); }, handlePrimaryPointer$1($event) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event)) { _this._up = $event; _this._checkUp$0(); } else if (type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event)) { _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1); if (_this._sentTapDown) { t1 = _this._down; t1.toString; _this.handleTapCancel$3$cancel$down$reason($event, t1, ""); } _this._tap$_reset$0(); } else { t1 = $event.get$buttons($event); t2 = _this._down; if (t1 !== t2.get$buttons(t2)) { _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1); t1 = _this._primaryPointer; t1.toString; _this.stopTrackingPointer$1(t1); } } }, resolve$1(disposition) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._wonArenaForPrimaryPointer && disposition === B.GestureDisposition_1) { t1 = _this._down; t1.toString; _this.handleTapCancel$3$cancel$down$reason(null, t1, "spontaneous"); _this._tap$_reset$0(); } _this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$resolve(disposition); }, didExceedDeadline$0() { this._tap$_checkDown$0(); }, acceptGesture$1(pointer) { var _this = this; _this.super$PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer$acceptGesture(pointer); if (pointer === _this._primaryPointer) { _this._tap$_checkDown$0(); _this._wonArenaForPrimaryPointer = true; _this._checkUp$0(); } }, rejectGesture$1(pointer) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer$rejectGesture(pointer); if (pointer === _this._primaryPointer) { if (_this._sentTapDown) { t1 = _this._down; t1.toString; _this.handleTapCancel$3$cancel$down$reason(null, t1, "forced"); } _this._tap$_reset$0(); } }, _tap$_checkDown$0() { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._sentTapDown) return; t1 = _this._down; t1.toString; _this.handleTapDown$1$down(t1); _this._sentTapDown = true; }, _checkUp$0() { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (!_this._wonArenaForPrimaryPointer || _this._up == null) return; t1 = _this._down; t1.toString; t2 = _this._up; t2.toString; _this.handleTapUp$2$down$up(t1, t2); _this._tap$_reset$0(); }, _tap$_reset$0() { var _this = this; _this._wonArenaForPrimaryPointer = _this._sentTapDown = false; _this._down = _this._up = null; } }; A.TapGestureRecognizer.prototype = { isPointerAllowed$1($event) { var t1, _this = this; switch ($event.get$buttons($event)) { case 1: if (_this.onTapDown == null) if (_this.onTap == null) t1 = _this.onTapCancel == null; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; if (t1) return false; break; case 2: return false; case 4: return false; default: return false; } return _this.super$GestureRecognizer$isPointerAllowed($event); }, handleTapDown$1$down(down) { var _this = this, t1 = down.get$position(down); down.get$localPosition(); _this._pointerToKind.$index(0, down.get$pointer()).toString; switch (down.get$buttons(down)) { case 1: if (_this.onTapDown != null) _this.invokeCallback$2("onTapDown", new A.TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapDown_closure(_this, new A.TapDownDetails(t1))); break; case 2: break; case 4: break; } }, handleTapUp$2$down$up(down, up) { var t1; up.get$kind(up); up.get$position(up); up.get$localPosition(); switch (down.get$buttons(down)) { case 1: t1 = this.onTap; if (t1 != null) this.invokeCallback$2("onTap", t1); break; case 2: break; case 4: break; } }, handleTapCancel$3$cancel$down$reason(cancel, down, reason) { var t1, note = reason === "" ? reason : reason + " "; switch (down.get$buttons(down)) { case 1: t1 = this.onTapCancel; if (t1 != null) this.invokeCallback$2(note + "onTapCancel", t1); break; case 2: break; case 4: break; } } }; A.TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapDown_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return this.$this.onTapDown.call$1(this.details); }, $signature: 0 }; A._CombiningGestureArenaEntry.prototype = { resolve$1(disposition) { this._combiner._team$_resolve$2(this._team$_member, disposition); }, $isGestureArenaEntry: 1 }; A._CombiningGestureArenaMember.prototype = { acceptGesture$1(pointer) { var t1, t2, _i, member, _this = this; _this._close$0(); if (_this._winner == null) { t1 = _this._team$_owner.captain; _this._winner = t1 == null ? _this._members[0] : t1; } for (t1 = _this._members, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { member = t1[_i]; if (member !== _this._winner) member.rejectGesture$1(pointer); } _this._winner.acceptGesture$1(pointer); }, rejectGesture$1(pointer) { var t1, t2, _i; this._close$0(); for (t1 = this._members, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i].rejectGesture$1(pointer); }, _close$0() { this._resolved = true; this._team$_owner._combiners.remove$1(0, this._team$_pointer); }, _team$_resolve$2(member, disposition) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._resolved) return; if (disposition === B.GestureDisposition_1) { t1 = _this._members; B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1, member); member.rejectGesture$1(_this._team$_pointer); if (t1.length === 0) { t1 = _this._entry; t1._arena._resolve$3(t1._arena$_pointer, t1._member, disposition); } } else { if (_this._winner == null) { t1 = _this._team$_owner.captain; _this._winner = t1 == null ? member : t1; } t1 = _this._entry; t1._arena._resolve$3(t1._arena$_pointer, t1._member, disposition); } } }; A.GestureArenaTeam.prototype = { add$2(_, pointer, member) { var combiner = this._combiners.putIfAbsent$2(0, pointer, new A.GestureArenaTeam_add_closure(this, pointer)); combiner._members.push(member); if (combiner._entry == null) combiner._entry = $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_gestureArena.add$2(0, pointer, combiner); return new A._CombiningGestureArenaEntry(combiner, member); } }; A.GestureArenaTeam_add_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return new A._CombiningGestureArenaMember(this.$this, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_GestureArenaMember), this.pointer); }, $signature: 154 }; A.Velocity.prototype = { $sub(_, other) { return new A.Velocity(this.pixelsPerSecond.$sub(0, other.pixelsPerSecond)); }, $add(_, other) { return new A.Velocity(this.pixelsPerSecond.$add(0, other.pixelsPerSecond)); }, clampMagnitude$2(minValue, maxValue) { var t1 = this.pixelsPerSecond, valueSquared = t1.get$distanceSquared(); if (valueSquared > maxValue * maxValue) return new A.Velocity(t1.$div(0, t1.get$distance()).$mul(0, maxValue)); if (valueSquared < minValue * minValue) return new A.Velocity(t1.$div(0, t1.get$distance()).$mul(0, minValue)); return this; }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A.Velocity && other.pixelsPerSecond.$eq(0, this.pixelsPerSecond); }, get$hashCode(_) { var t1 = this.pixelsPerSecond; return A.hashValues(t1._dx, t1._dy, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.pixelsPerSecond; return "Velocity(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1._dx, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1._dy, 1) + ")"; } }; A.VelocityEstimate.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.pixelsPerSecond; return "VelocityEstimate(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1._dx, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1._dy, 1) + "; offset: " + _this.offset.toString$0(0) + ", duration: " + _this.duration.toString$0(0) + ", confidence: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.confidence, 1) + ")"; } }; A._PointAtTime.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_PointAtTime(" + this.point.toString$0(0) + " at " + this.time.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A.VelocityTracker.prototype = { addPosition$2(time, position) { var t1 = ++this._velocity_tracker$_index; if (t1 === 20) t1 = this._velocity_tracker$_index = 0; this._samples[t1] = new A._PointAtTime(time, position); }, getVelocityEstimate$0() { var newestSample, t2, oldestSample, previousSample, sampleCount, sample, t3, age, position, xFit, yFit, _s10_ = "confidence", t1 = type$.JSArray_double, x = A._setArrayType([], t1), y = A._setArrayType([], t1), w = A._setArrayType([], t1), time = A._setArrayType([], t1), index = this._velocity_tracker$_index; t1 = this._samples; newestSample = t1[index]; if (newestSample == null) return null; t2 = newestSample.time._duration; oldestSample = newestSample; previousSample = oldestSample; sampleCount = 0; do { sample = t1[index]; if (sample == null) break; t3 = sample.time._duration; age = (t2 - t3) / 1000; if (age > 100 || Math.abs(t3 - previousSample.time._duration) / 1000 > 40) break; position = sample.point; x.push(position._dx); y.push(position._dy); w.push(1); time.push(-age); index = (index === 0 ? 20 : index) - 1; ++sampleCount; if (sampleCount < 20) { oldestSample = sample; previousSample = oldestSample; continue; } else { oldestSample = sample; break; } } while (true); if (sampleCount >= 3) { xFit = new A.LeastSquaresSolver(time, x, w).solve$1(2); if (xFit != null) { yFit = new A.LeastSquaresSolver(time, y, w).solve$1(2); if (yFit != null) return new A.VelocityEstimate(new A.Offset(xFit.coefficients[1] * 1000, yFit.coefficients[1] * 1000), A._lateReadCheck(xFit.__PolynomialFit_confidence, _s10_) * A._lateReadCheck(yFit.__PolynomialFit_confidence, _s10_), new A.Duration(t2 - oldestSample.time._duration), newestSample.point.$sub(0, oldestSample.point)); } } return new A.VelocityEstimate(B.Offset_0_0, 1, new A.Duration(t2 - oldestSample.time._duration), newestSample.point.$sub(0, oldestSample.point)); } }; A.ThemeMode.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "ThemeMode." + this._name; } }; A.MaterialApp.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._MaterialAppState(B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A.MaterialApp_createMaterialHeroController_closure.prototype = { call$2(begin, end) { return new A.MaterialRectArcTween(begin, end); }, $signature: 155 }; A.MaterialScrollBehavior.prototype = {}; A._MaterialAppState.prototype = { initState$0() { this.super$State$initState(); this.___MaterialAppState__heroController = A.MaterialApp_createMaterialHeroController(); }, get$_localizationsDelegates() { var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LocalizationsDelegate_dynamic); this._widget.toString; t1.push(B.C__MaterialLocalizationsDelegate); t1.push(B.C__CupertinoLocalizationsDelegate); return t1; }, _inspectorSelectButtonBuilder$2(context, onPressed) { return new A.FloatingActionButton(B.Icon_IconData_58727_null, onPressed, null, false, B._FloatingActionButtonType_1, null, null); }, _materialBuilder$2(context, child) { var t1, platformBrightness, useDarkTheme, highContrast, theme, _this = this, _null = null; _this._widget.toString; t1 = A.MediaQuery_maybeOf(context); platformBrightness = t1 == null ? _null : t1.platformBrightness; if (platformBrightness == null) platformBrightness = B.Brightness_1; useDarkTheme = platformBrightness === B.Brightness_0; t1 = A.MediaQuery_maybeOf(context); t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.highContrast; highContrast = t1 === true; if (useDarkTheme) if (highContrast) _this._widget.toString; if (useDarkTheme) _this._widget.toString; if (highContrast) _this._widget.toString; _this._widget.toString; theme = A.ThemeData_ThemeData(B.Brightness_1); _this._widget.toString; t1 = child == null ? B.SizedBox_0_0_null_null : child; return new A.ScaffoldMessenger(new A.AnimatedTheme(theme, t1, B.C__Linear, B.Duration_200000, _null, _null), _null); }, _buildWidgetApp$1(context) { var t3, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = _this._widget, t2 = t1.home; t1 = t1.title; t3 = _this.get$_localizationsDelegates(); _this._widget.toString; return new A.WidgetsApp(_null, _null, _null, new A._MaterialAppState__buildWidgetApp_closure(), _null, _null, _null, _null, t2, B.Map_empty, _null, _null, B.List_empty3, _this.get$_materialBuilder(), t1, _null, B.TextStyle_kUZ, B.MaterialColor_Map_JNwaj_4280391411, _null, t3, _null, _null, B.List_Locale_en_US, false, false, false, false, _this.get$_inspectorSelectButtonBuilder(), true, _null, _null, _null, false, new A.GlobalObjectKey(_this, type$.GlobalObjectKey_State_StatefulWidget)); }, build$1(_, context) { var _null = null, result = A.Focus$(false, false, this._buildWidgetApp$1(context), _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, new A._MaterialAppState_build_closure(), _null, _null); this._widget.toString; return new A.ScrollConfiguration(B.C_MaterialScrollBehavior, new A.HeroControllerScope(A._lateReadCheck(this.___MaterialAppState__heroController, "_heroController"), result, _null), _null); } }; A._MaterialAppState__buildWidgetApp_closure.prototype = { call$1$2(settings, builder, $T) { var _null = null, t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_Future_bool_Function), t2 = $.Zone__current, t3 = A.ProxyAnimation$(B.C__AlwaysDismissedAnimation), t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_OverlayEntry), t5 = A.List_List$filled(0, _null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function), t6 = $.Zone__current; return new A.MaterialPageRoute(builder, false, t1, new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, $T._eval$1("LabeledGlobalKey<_ModalScopeState<0>>")), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), new A.PageStorageBucket(), _null, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t2, $T._eval$1("_Future<0?>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0?>")), t3, t4, settings, new A.ValueNotifier(_null, t5), new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t6, $T._eval$1("_Future<0?>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0?>")), $T._eval$1("MaterialPageRoute<0>")); }, call$2(settings, builder) { return this.call$1$2(settings, builder, type$.dynamic); }, $signature: 158 }; A._MaterialAppState_build_closure.prototype = { call$2(node, $event) { if (!($event instanceof A.RawKeyDownEvent) || !$event.data.get$logicalKey().$eq(0, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967323)) return B.KeyEventResult_1; return A.Tooltip_dismissAllToolTips() ? B.KeyEventResult_0 : B.KeyEventResult_1; }, $signature: 77 }; A.AppBarTheme.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.brightness, _this.backgroundColor, _this.foregroundColor, _this.elevation, _this.shadowColor, _this.shape, _this.iconTheme, _this.actionsIconTheme, _this.textTheme, _this.centerTitle, _this.titleSpacing, _this.toolbarHeight, _this.toolbarTextStyle, _this.titleTextStyle, _this.systemOverlayStyle, _this.backwardsCompatibility, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.AppBarTheme) if (J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.foregroundColor, _this.foregroundColor)) if (other.elevation == _this.elevation) if (J.$eq$(other.shadowColor, _this.shadowColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape)) if (J.$eq$(other.iconTheme, _this.iconTheme)) if (J.$eq$(other.actionsIconTheme, _this.actionsIconTheme)) if (J.$eq$(other.textTheme, _this.textTheme)) if (other.titleSpacing == _this.titleSpacing) if (other.toolbarHeight == _this.toolbarHeight) if (J.$eq$(other.toolbarTextStyle, _this.toolbarTextStyle)) if (J.$eq$(other.titleTextStyle, _this.titleTextStyle)) t1 = true; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._AppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.MaterialPointArcTween.prototype = { _initialize$0() { var t2, delta, deltaX, deltaY, distanceFromAtoB, t3, t4, c, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this, t1 = _this.begin; t1.toString; t2 = _this.end; t2.toString; delta = t2.$sub(0, t1); deltaX = Math.abs(delta._dx); deltaY = Math.abs(delta._dy); distanceFromAtoB = delta.get$distance(); t3 = t2._dx; t4 = t1._dy; c = new A.Offset(t3, t4); t5 = new A.MaterialPointArcTween__initialize_sweepAngle(_this, distanceFromAtoB); if (deltaX > 2 && deltaY > 2) { t6 = distanceFromAtoB * distanceFromAtoB; t7 = t1._dx; t8 = t2._dy; if (deltaX < deltaY) { t1 = t6 / c.$sub(0, t1).get$distance() / 2; _this._radius = t1; _this._center = new A.Offset(t3 + t1 * J.get$sign$in(t7 - t3), t8); if (t7 < t3) { _this._beginAngle = t5.call$0() * J.get$sign$in(t4 - t8); _this._endAngle = 0; } else { _this._beginAngle = 3.141592653589793 + t5.call$0() * J.get$sign$in(t8 - t4); _this._endAngle = 3.141592653589793; } } else { _this._radius = t6 / c.$sub(0, t2).get$distance() / 2; t1 = J.get$sign$in(t8 - t4); t2 = _this._radius; t2.toString; _this._center = new A.Offset(t7, t4 + t1 * t2); if (t4 < t8) { _this._beginAngle = -1.5707963267948966; _this._endAngle = -1.5707963267948966 + t5.call$0() * J.get$sign$in(t3 - t7); } else { _this._beginAngle = 1.5707963267948966; _this._endAngle = 1.5707963267948966 + t5.call$0() * J.get$sign$in(t7 - t3); } } } else _this._endAngle = _this._beginAngle = null; _this._arc$_dirty = false; }, get$center() { var _this = this; if (_this.begin == null || _this.end == null) return null; if (_this._arc$_dirty) _this._initialize$0(); return _this._center; }, get$radius() { var _this = this; if (_this.begin == null || _this.end == null) return null; if (_this._arc$_dirty) _this._initialize$0(); return _this._radius; }, get$beginAngle() { var _this = this; if (_this.begin == null || _this.end == null) return null; if (_this._arc$_dirty) _this._initialize$0(); return _this._beginAngle; }, get$endAngle() { var _this = this; if (_this.begin == null || _this.end == null) return null; if (_this._arc$_dirty) _this._initialize$0(); return _this._beginAngle; }, set$begin(value) { if (!J.$eq$(value, this.begin)) { this.begin = value; this._arc$_dirty = true; } }, set$end(_, value) { if (!value.$eq(0, this.end)) { this.end = value; this._arc$_dirty = true; } }, lerp$1(t) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this; if (_this._arc$_dirty) _this._initialize$0(); if (t === 0) { t1 = _this.begin; t1.toString; return t1; } if (t === 1) { t1 = _this.end; t1.toString; return t1; } t1 = _this._beginAngle; if (t1 == null || _this._endAngle == null) { t1 = A.Offset_lerp(_this.begin, _this.end, t); t1.toString; return t1; } t1 = A.lerpDouble(t1, _this._endAngle, t); t1.toString; t2 = Math.cos(t1); t3 = _this._radius; t3.toString; t1 = Math.sin(t1); t4 = _this._radius; t4.toString; return _this._center.$add(0, new A.Offset(t2 * t3, t1 * t4)); }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "MaterialPointArcTween(" + A.S(_this.begin) + " \u2192 " + A.S(_this.end) + "; center=" + A.S(_this.get$center()) + ", radius=" + A.S(_this.get$radius()) + ", beginAngle=" + A.S(_this.get$beginAngle()) + ", endAngle=" + A.S(_this.get$endAngle()) + ")"; } }; A.MaterialPointArcTween__initialize_sweepAngle.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this._radius; t1.toString; return 2 * Math.asin(this.distanceFromAtoB / (2 * t1)); }, $signature: 160 }; A._CornerId.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_CornerId." + this._name; } }; A._Diagonal.prototype = {}; A.MaterialRectArcTween.prototype = { _initialize$0() { var t2, t3, _this = this, diagonal = A._maxBy(B.List_oyU, new A.MaterialRectArcTween__initialize_closure(_this, _this.end.get$center().$sub(0, _this.begin.get$center()))), t1 = _this.begin; t1.toString; t2 = diagonal.beginId; t1 = _this._cornerFor$2(t1, t2); t3 = _this.end; t3.toString; _this.__MaterialRectArcTween__beginArc = new A.MaterialPointArcTween(t1, _this._cornerFor$2(t3, t2)); t2 = _this.begin; t2.toString; t3 = diagonal.endId; t2 = _this._cornerFor$2(t2, t3); t1 = _this.end; t1.toString; _this.__MaterialRectArcTween__endArc = new A.MaterialPointArcTween(t2, _this._cornerFor$2(t1, t3)); _this._arc$_dirty = false; }, _cornerFor$2(rect, id) { switch (id.index) { case 0: return new A.Offset(rect.left, rect.top); case 1: return new A.Offset(rect.right, rect.top); case 2: return new A.Offset(rect.left, rect.bottom); case 3: return new A.Offset(rect.right, rect.bottom); } }, get$beginArc() { var _this = this; if (_this.begin == null) return null; if (_this._arc$_dirty) _this._initialize$0(); return A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MaterialRectArcTween__beginArc, "_beginArc"); }, get$endArc() { var _this = this; if (_this.end == null) return null; if (_this._arc$_dirty) _this._initialize$0(); return A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MaterialRectArcTween__endArc, "_endArc"); }, set$begin(value) { if (!J.$eq$(value, this.begin)) { this.begin = value; this._arc$_dirty = true; } }, set$end(_, value) { if (!value.$eq(0, this.end)) { this.end = value; this._arc$_dirty = true; } }, lerp$1(t) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._arc$_dirty) _this._initialize$0(); if (t === 0) { t1 = _this.begin; t1.toString; return t1; } if (t === 1) { t1 = _this.end; t1.toString; return t1; } return A.Rect$fromPoints(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MaterialRectArcTween__beginArc, "_beginArc").lerp$1(t), A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MaterialRectArcTween__endArc, "_endArc").lerp$1(t)); }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "MaterialRectArcTween(" + A.S(_this.begin) + " \u2192 " + A.S(_this.end) + "; beginArc=" + A.S(_this.get$beginArc()) + ", endArc=" + A.S(_this.get$endArc()) + ")"; } }; A.MaterialRectArcTween__initialize_closure.prototype = { call$1(d) { var t4, delta, $length, t1 = this.$this, t2 = this.centersVector, t3 = t1.begin; t3.toString; t3 = t1._cornerFor$2(t3, d.endId); t4 = t1.begin; t4.toString; delta = t3.$sub(0, t1._cornerFor$2(t4, d.beginId)); $length = delta.get$distance(); return t2._dx * delta._dx / $length + t2._dy * delta._dy / $length; }, $signature: 161 }; A.MaterialBannerThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.backgroundColor, _this.contentTextStyle, _this.elevation, _this.padding, _this.leadingPadding, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.MaterialBannerThemeData && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.contentTextStyle, _this.contentTextStyle) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.padding, _this.padding) && J.$eq$(other.leadingPadding, _this.leadingPadding); } }; A._MaterialBannerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.BottomAppBarTheme.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.color, this.elevation, this.shape, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.BottomAppBarTheme && J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && true; } }; A._BottomAppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.BottomNavigationBarThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.backgroundColor, _this.elevation, _this.selectedIconTheme, _this.unselectedIconTheme, _this.selectedItemColor, _this.unselectedItemColor, _this.selectedLabelStyle, _this.unselectedLabelStyle, _this.showSelectedLabels, _this.showUnselectedLabels, _this.type, _this.enableFeedback, _this.landscapeLayout, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.BottomNavigationBarThemeData) if (J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor)) if (other.elevation == _this.elevation) if (J.$eq$(other.selectedIconTheme, _this.selectedIconTheme)) if (J.$eq$(other.unselectedIconTheme, _this.unselectedIconTheme)) if (J.$eq$(other.selectedItemColor, _this.selectedItemColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.unselectedItemColor, _this.unselectedItemColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.selectedLabelStyle, _this.selectedLabelStyle)) if (J.$eq$(other.unselectedLabelStyle, _this.unselectedLabelStyle)) t1 = true; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._BottomNavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.BottomSheetThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.backgroundColor, _this.elevation, _this.modalBackgroundColor, _this.modalElevation, _this.shape, _this.clipBehavior, _this.constraints, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.BottomSheetThemeData) if (J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor)) if (other.elevation == _this.elevation) if (J.$eq$(other.modalBackgroundColor, _this.modalBackgroundColor)) if (other.modalElevation == _this.modalElevation) if (J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape)) t1 = J.$eq$(other.constraints, _this.constraints); else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._BottomSheetThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.RawMaterialButton.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._RawMaterialButtonState(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState), B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._RawMaterialButtonState.prototype = { initState$0() { this.super$State$initState(); this._widget.toString; this.removeMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_6); }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); _this._widget.toString; _this.removeMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_6); t1 = _this.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates; if (t1.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6) && t1.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) _this.removeMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_2); }, get$_effectiveElevation() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates; if (t1.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) return _this._widget.disabledElevation; if (t1.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) return _this._widget.highlightElevation; if (t1.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) return _this._widget.hoverElevation; if (t1.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) return _this._widget.focusElevation; return _this._widget.elevation; }, build$1(_, context) { var densityAdjustment, t3, t4, t5, t6, effectiveMouseCursor, padding, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, minSize, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = _this._widget.textStyle, t2 = _this.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates, effectiveTextColor = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(t1.color, t2, type$.nullable_Color), effectiveShape = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_this._widget.shape, t2, type$.nullable_ShapeBorder); _this._widget.toString; densityAdjustment = new A.Offset(0, 0).$mul(0, 4); t1 = _this._widget.constraints; t3 = t1.maxWidth; t4 = B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(t1.minWidth + new A.Offset(0, 0).$mul(0, 4)._dx, 0, t3); t5 = t1.maxHeight; t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(t1.minHeight + new A.Offset(0, 0).$mul(0, 4)._dy, 0, t5); t6 = _this._widget.mouseCursor; if (t6 == null) t6 = B.C__EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor; effectiveMouseCursor = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(t6, t2, type$.nullable_MouseCursor); _this._widget.toString; t2 = densityAdjustment._dx; t6 = densityAdjustment._dy; padding = B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0.add$1(0, new A.EdgeInsets(t2, t6, t2, t6)).clamp$2(0, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, B._MixedEdgeInsets_QWq); t7 = _this.get$_effectiveElevation(); t8 = _this._widget.textStyle.copyWith$1$color(effectiveTextColor); t9 = _this._widget; t10 = t9.fillColor; t11 = t9.clipBehavior; t9 = t9.focusNode; t12 = _this.updateMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_1); _this._widget.toString; t13 = _this.updateMaterialState$2$onChanged(B.MaterialState_2, _null); t14 = _this._widget; t15 = t14.splashColor; t16 = t14.focusColor; t14 = t14.hoverColor; t17 = _this.updateMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_0); t18 = _this._widget; t19 = t18.onPressed; t20 = A.IconTheme_merge(A.Container$(_null, A.Center$(t18.child, 1, 1), _null, _null, _null, padding, _null), new A.IconThemeData(effectiveTextColor, _null, _null)); t7 = A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, new A.InkWell(t20, t19, _null, _null, _null, _null, t13, t17, effectiveMouseCursor, true, B.BoxShape_0, _null, _null, effectiveShape, t16, t14, _null, _null, t15, _null, true, false, t12, false, t9, true, _null), t11, t10, t7, _null, effectiveShape, t8, B.MaterialType_3); switch (t18.materialTapTargetSize.index) { case 0: minSize = new A.Size(48 + t2, 48 + t6); break; case 1: minSize = B.Size_0_0; break; default: minSize = _null; } return A.Semantics$(true, new A._InputPadding(minSize, new A.ConstrainedBox(new A.BoxConstraints(t4, t3, t1, t5), t7, _null), _null), true, true, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null); } }; A._InputPadding.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A._RenderInputPadding(this.minSize, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$minSize(this.minSize); } }; A._RenderInputPadding.prototype = { set$minSize(value) { if (this._minSize.$eq(0, value)) return; this._minSize = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, _computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, layoutChild) { var childSize, t2, t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) { childSize = layoutChild.call$2(t1, constraints); t1 = childSize._dx; t2 = this._minSize; return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(Math.max(t1, t2._dx), Math.max(childSize._dy, t2._dy))); } return B.Size_0_0; }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { return this._computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild$closure()); }, performLayout$0() { var t2, t3, _this = this, t1 = _this._computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this), A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild$closure()); _this._size = t1; t2 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t2 != null) { t3 = t2.parentData; t3.toString; type$.BoxParentData._as(t3); t2 = t2._size; t2.toString; t3.offset = B.Alignment_0_0.alongOffset$1(type$.Offset._as(t1.$sub(0, t2))); } }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { var center, t1, t2; if (this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position)) return true; center = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size.center$1(B.Offset_0_0); t1 = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); t1.setIdentity$0(); t2 = new A.Vector4(new Float64Array(4)); t2.setValues$4(0, 0, 0, center._dx); t1.setRow$2(0, t2); t2 = new A.Vector4(new Float64Array(4)); t2.setValues$4(0, 0, 0, center._dy); t1.setRow$2(1, t2); return result.addWithRawTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(new A._RenderInputPadding_hitTest_closure(this, center), center, t1); } }; A._RenderInputPadding_hitTest_closure.prototype = { call$2(result, position) { return this.$this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.hitTest$2$position(result, this.center); }, $signature: 19 }; A.__RawMaterialButtonState_State_MaterialStateMixin.prototype = {}; A.ButtonBarThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.alignment, _this.mainAxisSize, _this.buttonTextTheme, _this.buttonMinWidth, _this.buttonHeight, _this.buttonPadding, _this.buttonAlignedDropdown, _this.layoutBehavior, _this.overflowDirection, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.ButtonBarThemeData) if (other.buttonMinWidth == _this.buttonMinWidth) if (other.buttonHeight == _this.buttonHeight) if (J.$eq$(other.buttonPadding, _this.buttonPadding)) t1 = true; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._ButtonBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.ButtonStyle.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.textStyle, _this.backgroundColor, _this.foregroundColor, _this.overlayColor, _this.shadowColor, _this.elevation, _this.padding, _this.minimumSize, _this.fixedSize, _this.maximumSize, _this.side, _this.shape, _this.mouseCursor, _this.visualDensity, _this.tapTargetSize, _this.animationDuration, _this.enableFeedback, _this.alignment, _this.splashFactory, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.ButtonStyle) if (other.textStyle == _this.textStyle) if (other.backgroundColor == _this.backgroundColor) if (other.foregroundColor == _this.foregroundColor) if (other.overlayColor == _this.overlayColor) if (other.shadowColor == _this.shadowColor) if (other.elevation == _this.elevation) if (other.padding == _this.padding) if (other.minimumSize == _this.minimumSize) if (other.fixedSize == _this.fixedSize) if (other.maximumSize == _this.maximumSize) if (other.side == _this.side) if (other.shape == _this.shape) t1 = J.$eq$(other.alignment, _this.alignment) && true; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._LerpProperties.prototype = { resolve$1(states) { var resolvedB, _this = this, t1 = _this.a, resolvedA = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); t1 = _this.b; resolvedB = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); return _this.lerpFunction.call$3(resolvedA, resolvedB, _this.t); }, $isMaterialStateProperty: 1 }; A._LerpSides.prototype = { resolve$1(states) { var resolvedB, _this = this, t1 = _this.a, resolvedA = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); t1 = _this.b; resolvedB = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); t1 = resolvedA == null; if (t1 && resolvedB == null) return null; if (t1) { t1 = resolvedB.color.value; return A.BorderSide_lerp(new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1), resolvedB, _this.t); } if (resolvedB == null) { t1 = resolvedA.color.value; return A.BorderSide_lerp(resolvedA, new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1), _this.t); } return A.BorderSide_lerp(resolvedA, resolvedB, _this.t); }, $isMaterialStateProperty: 1 }; A._LerpShapes.prototype = { resolve$1(states) { var resolvedB, t1 = this.a, resolvedA = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); t1 = this.b; resolvedB = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); return type$.nullable_OutlinedBorder._as(A.ShapeBorder_lerp(resolvedA, resolvedB, this.t)); }, $isMaterialStateProperty: 1 }; A._ButtonStyle_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.ButtonTextTheme.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "ButtonTextTheme." + this._name; } }; A.ButtonThemeData.prototype = { get$padding(_) { switch (0) { case 0: case 1: return B.EdgeInsets_16_0_16_0; } }, get$shape(_) { switch (0) { case 0: case 1: return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_LkV0; } }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.ButtonThemeData) if (J.$eq$(other.get$padding(other), _this.get$padding(_this))) if (J.$eq$(other.get$shape(other), _this.get$shape(_this))) if (J.$eq$(other._buttonColor, _this._buttonColor)) if (J.$eq$(other._focusColor, _this._focusColor)) if (J.$eq$(other._hoverColor, _this._hoverColor)) t1 = J.$eq$(other.colorScheme, _this.colorScheme) && other._materialTapTargetSize == _this._materialTapTargetSize; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(B.ButtonTextTheme_0, 88, 36, _this.get$padding(_this), _this.get$shape(_this), false, _this._buttonColor, _this._disabledColor, _this._focusColor, _this._hoverColor, _this._highlightColor, _this._splashColor, _this.colorScheme, _this._materialTapTargetSize, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A._ButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.CardTheme.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.clipBehavior, _this.color, _this.shadowColor, _this.elevation, _this.margin, _this.shape, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.CardTheme) t1 = J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color) && J.$eq$(other.shadowColor, _this.shadowColor) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.margin, _this.margin) && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape); else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._CardTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.CheckboxThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.mouseCursor, _this.fillColor, _this.checkColor, _this.overlayColor, _this.splashRadius, _this.materialTapTargetSize, _this.visualDensity, _this.shape, _this.side, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.CheckboxThemeData) if (other.fillColor == _this.fillColor) if (other.checkColor == _this.checkColor) if (other.overlayColor == _this.overlayColor) if (other.splashRadius == _this.splashRadius) t1 = J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape) && J.$eq$(other.side, _this.side); else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._LerpProperties4.prototype = { resolve$1(states) { var resolvedB, _this = this, t1 = _this.a, resolvedA = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); t1 = _this.b; resolvedB = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); return _this.lerpFunction.call$3(resolvedA, resolvedB, _this.t); }, $isMaterialStateProperty: 1 }; A._CheckboxThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.ChipThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.backgroundColor, _this.deleteIconColor, _this.disabledColor, _this.selectedColor, _this.secondarySelectedColor, _this.shadowColor, _this.selectedShadowColor, _this.checkmarkColor, _this.labelPadding, _this.padding, _this.side, _this.shape, _this.labelStyle, _this.secondaryLabelStyle, _this.brightness, _this.elevation, _this.pressElevation, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.ChipThemeData && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.deleteIconColor, _this.deleteIconColor) && J.$eq$(other.disabledColor, _this.disabledColor) && J.$eq$(other.selectedColor, _this.selectedColor) && J.$eq$(other.secondarySelectedColor, _this.secondarySelectedColor) && J.$eq$(other.shadowColor, _this.shadowColor) && J.$eq$(other.selectedShadowColor, _this.selectedShadowColor) && J.$eq$(other.checkmarkColor, _this.checkmarkColor) && J.$eq$(other.labelPadding, _this.labelPadding) && J.$eq$(other.padding, _this.padding) && J.$eq$(other.side, _this.side) && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape) && J.$eq$(other.labelStyle, _this.labelStyle) && J.$eq$(other.secondaryLabelStyle, _this.secondaryLabelStyle) && other.brightness == _this.brightness && other.elevation == _this.elevation && other.pressElevation == _this.pressElevation; } }; A._ChipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.ColorScheme.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.ColorScheme) if (other.brightness === _this.brightness) { t1 = other.primary; t2 = _this.primary; if (t1.$eq(0, t2)) { t3 = other.onPrimary; t4 = _this.onPrimary; if (t3.$eq(0, t4)) { t5 = other._primaryContainer; if (t5 == null) t5 = t1; t6 = _this._primaryContainer; if (t5.$eq(0, t6 == null ? t2 : t6)) { t5 = other._onPrimaryContainer; if (t5 == null) t5 = t3; t6 = _this._onPrimaryContainer; if (t5.$eq(0, t6 == null ? t4 : t6)) { t5 = other.secondary; t6 = _this.secondary; if (t5.$eq(0, t6)) { t7 = other.onSecondary; t8 = _this.onSecondary; if (t7.$eq(0, t8)) { t9 = other._secondaryContainer; if (t9 == null) t9 = t5; t10 = _this._secondaryContainer; if (t9.$eq(0, t10 == null ? t6 : t10)) { t9 = other._onSecondaryContainer; if (t9 == null) t9 = t7; t10 = _this._onSecondaryContainer; if (t9.$eq(0, t10 == null ? t8 : t10)) { t9 = other._tertiary; t10 = t9 == null; t11 = t10 ? t5 : t9; t12 = _this._tertiary; t13 = t12 == null; if (t11.$eq(0, t13 ? t6 : t12)) { t11 = other._onTertiary; t14 = t11 == null; t15 = t14 ? t7 : t11; t16 = _this._onTertiary; t17 = t16 == null; if (t15.$eq(0, t17 ? t8 : t16)) { t15 = other._tertiaryContainer; if (t15 == null) { if (t10) t9 = t5; } else t9 = t15; t10 = _this._tertiaryContainer; if (t10 == null) t10 = t13 ? t6 : t12; if (t9.$eq(0, t10)) { t9 = other._onTertiaryContainer; if (t9 == null) t7 = t14 ? t7 : t11; else t7 = t9; t9 = _this._onTertiaryContainer; if (t9 == null) t8 = t17 ? t8 : t16; else t8 = t9; if (t7.$eq(0, t8)) { t7 = other.error; t8 = _this.error; if (t7.$eq(0, t8)) { t9 = other.onError; t10 = _this.onError; if (t9.$eq(0, t10)) { t11 = other._errorContainer; t7 = t11 == null ? t7 : t11; t11 = _this._errorContainer; if (t7.$eq(0, t11 == null ? t8 : t11)) { t7 = other._onErrorContainer; if (t7 == null) t7 = t9; t8 = _this._onErrorContainer; if (t7.$eq(0, t8 == null ? t10 : t8)) if (other.background.$eq(0, _this.background)) { t7 = other.onBackground; t8 = _this.onBackground; if (t7.$eq(0, t8)) { t9 = other.surface; t10 = _this.surface; if (t9.$eq(0, t10)) { t11 = other.onSurface; t12 = _this.onSurface; if (t11.$eq(0, t12)) { t13 = other._surfaceVariant; if (t13 == null) t13 = t9; t14 = _this._surfaceVariant; if (t13.$eq(0, t14 == null ? t10 : t14)) { t13 = other._onSurfaceVariant; if (t13 == null) t13 = t11; t14 = _this._onSurfaceVariant; if (t13.$eq(0, t14 == null ? t12 : t14)) { t13 = other._outline; if (t13 == null) t13 = t7; t14 = _this._outline; if (t13.$eq(0, t14 == null ? t8 : t14)) { t13 = other._shadow; t7 = t13 == null ? t7 : t13; t13 = _this._shadow; if (t7.$eq(0, t13 == null ? t8 : t13)) { t7 = other._inverseSurface; if (t7 == null) t7 = t11; t8 = _this._inverseSurface; if (t7.$eq(0, t8 == null ? t12 : t8)) { t7 = other._onInverseSurface; if (t7 == null) t7 = t9; t8 = _this._onInverseSurface; if (t7.$eq(0, t8 == null ? t10 : t8)) { t7 = other._inversePrimary; t3 = t7 == null ? t3 : t7; t7 = _this._inversePrimary; if (t3.$eq(0, t7 == null ? t4 : t7)) { t3 = other._primaryVariant; t1 = t3 == null ? t1 : t3; t3 = _this._primaryVariant; if (t1.$eq(0, t3 == null ? t2 : t3)) { t1 = other._secondaryVariant; if (t1 == null) t1 = t5; t2 = _this._secondaryVariant; t1 = t1.$eq(0, t2 == null ? t6 : t2); } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; } else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { var t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, _this = this, t1 = _this.primary, t2 = _this.onPrimary, t3 = _this._primaryContainer; if (t3 == null) t3 = t1; t4 = _this._onPrimaryContainer; if (t4 == null) t4 = t2; t5 = _this.secondary; t6 = _this.onSecondary; t7 = _this._secondaryContainer; if (t7 == null) t7 = t5; t8 = _this._onSecondaryContainer; if (t8 == null) t8 = t6; t9 = _this._tertiary; t10 = t9 == null; t11 = t10 ? t5 : t9; t12 = _this._onTertiary; t13 = t12 == null; t14 = t13 ? t6 : t12; t15 = _this._tertiaryContainer; if (t15 == null) { if (t10) t9 = t5; } else t9 = t15; t10 = _this._onTertiaryContainer; if (t10 == null) t10 = t13 ? t6 : t12; t12 = _this.error; t13 = _this.onError; t15 = _this._errorContainer; if (t15 == null) t15 = t12; t16 = _this._onErrorContainer; if (t16 == null) t16 = t13; t17 = _this.onBackground; t18 = _this.surface; t19 = _this.onSurface; t20 = _this._surfaceVariant; if (t20 == null) t20 = t18; t21 = _this._onSurfaceVariant; if (t21 == null) t21 = t19; t22 = _this._outline; if (t22 == null) t22 = t17; t23 = _this._shadow; if (t23 == null) t23 = t17; t24 = _this._inverseSurface; if (t24 == null) t24 = t19; t25 = _this._onInverseSurface; if (t25 == null) t25 = t18; t26 = _this._inversePrimary; if (t26 == null) t26 = t2; t27 = _this._primaryVariant; if (t27 == null) t27 = t1; t28 = _this._secondaryVariant; if (t28 == null) t28 = t5; return A.hashList([_this.brightness, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t11, t14, t9, t10, t12, t13, t15, t16, _this.background, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28]); } }; A._ColorScheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.MaterialColor.prototype = {}; A.DataTableThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.decoration, _this.dataRowColor, _this.dataRowHeight, _this.dataTextStyle, _this.headingRowColor, _this.headingRowHeight, _this.headingTextStyle, _this.horizontalMargin, _this.columnSpacing, _this.dividerThickness, _this.checkboxHorizontalMargin, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.DataTableThemeData && J.$eq$(other.decoration, _this.decoration) && other.dataRowColor == _this.dataRowColor && other.dataRowHeight == _this.dataRowHeight && J.$eq$(other.dataTextStyle, _this.dataTextStyle) && other.headingRowColor == _this.headingRowColor && other.headingRowHeight == _this.headingRowHeight && J.$eq$(other.headingTextStyle, _this.headingTextStyle) && other.horizontalMargin == _this.horizontalMargin && other.columnSpacing == _this.columnSpacing && other.dividerThickness == _this.dividerThickness && other.checkboxHorizontalMargin == _this.checkboxHorizontalMargin; } }; A._LerpProperties3.prototype = { resolve$1(states) { var resolvedB, _this = this, t1 = _this.a, resolvedA = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); t1 = _this.b; resolvedB = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); return _this.lerpFunction.call$3(resolvedA, resolvedB, _this.t); }, $isMaterialStateProperty: 1 }; A._DataTableThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.DialogTheme.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return J.get$hashCode$(this.shape); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.DialogTheme && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape) && J.$eq$(other.alignment, _this.alignment) && J.$eq$(other.titleTextStyle, _this.titleTextStyle) && J.$eq$(other.contentTextStyle, _this.contentTextStyle); } }; A._DialogTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.DividerThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.color, _this.space, _this.thickness, _this.indent, _this.endIndent, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.DividerThemeData && J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color) && other.space == _this.space && other.thickness == _this.thickness && other.indent == _this.indent && other.endIndent == _this.endIndent; } }; A._DividerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.DrawerThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.backgroundColor, _this.scrimColor, _this.elevation, _this.shape, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.DrawerThemeData && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.scrimColor, _this.scrimColor) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape); } }; A._DrawerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.ElevatedButtonThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return J.get$hashCode$(this.style); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.ElevatedButtonThemeData && J.$eq$(other.style, this.style); } }; A._ElevatedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A._DefaultHeroTag.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return ""; } }; A._FloatingActionButtonType.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_FloatingActionButtonType." + this._name; } }; A.FloatingActionButton.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var backgroundColor, focusColor, hoverColor, splashColor, elevation, focusElevation, hoverElevation, disabledElevation, highlightElevation, t1, extendedTextStyle, shape, resolvedChild, sizeConstraints, iconLabelSpacing, padding, t2, _this = this, _null = null, theme = A.Theme_of(context), floatingActionButtonTheme = theme.floatingActionButtonTheme, foregroundColor = floatingActionButtonTheme.foregroundColor; if (foregroundColor == null) foregroundColor = theme.colorScheme.onSecondary; backgroundColor = floatingActionButtonTheme.backgroundColor; if (backgroundColor == null) backgroundColor = theme.colorScheme.secondary; focusColor = floatingActionButtonTheme.focusColor; if (focusColor == null) focusColor = theme.focusColor; hoverColor = floatingActionButtonTheme.hoverColor; if (hoverColor == null) hoverColor = theme.hoverColor; splashColor = floatingActionButtonTheme.splashColor; if (splashColor == null) splashColor = theme.splashColor; elevation = floatingActionButtonTheme.elevation; if (elevation == null) elevation = 6; focusElevation = floatingActionButtonTheme.focusElevation; if (focusElevation == null) focusElevation = 6; hoverElevation = floatingActionButtonTheme.hoverElevation; if (hoverElevation == null) hoverElevation = 8; disabledElevation = floatingActionButtonTheme.disabledElevation; if (disabledElevation == null) disabledElevation = elevation; highlightElevation = floatingActionButtonTheme.highlightElevation; if (highlightElevation == null) highlightElevation = 12; t1 = floatingActionButtonTheme.extendedTextStyle; extendedTextStyle = (t1 == null ? theme.textTheme.labelLarge.copyWith$1$letterSpacing(1.2) : t1).copyWith$1$color(foregroundColor); shape = floatingActionButtonTheme.shape; if (shape == null) shape = _this.isExtended ? B.StadiumBorder_QSQ : B.CircleBorder_IVQ; resolvedChild = _this.child; switch (_this._floatingActionButtonType.index) { case 0: sizeConstraints = floatingActionButtonTheme.sizeConstraints; if (sizeConstraints == null) sizeConstraints = B.BoxConstraints_56_56_56_56; break; case 1: sizeConstraints = floatingActionButtonTheme.smallSizeConstraints; if (sizeConstraints == null) sizeConstraints = B.BoxConstraints_40_40_40_40; break; case 2: sizeConstraints = floatingActionButtonTheme.largeSizeConstraints; if (sizeConstraints == null) sizeConstraints = B.BoxConstraints_96_96_96_96; resolvedChild = A.IconTheme_merge(resolvedChild, B.IconThemeData_null_null_36); break; case 3: sizeConstraints = floatingActionButtonTheme.extendedSizeConstraints; if (sizeConstraints == null) sizeConstraints = B.BoxConstraints_CWG; iconLabelSpacing = floatingActionButtonTheme.extendedIconLabelSpacing; if (iconLabelSpacing == null) iconLabelSpacing = 8; padding = floatingActionButtonTheme.extendedPadding; if (padding == null) padding = new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(_this.isExtended ? 16 : 20, 0, 20, 0); t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget); t1.push(resolvedChild); t2 = _this.isExtended; if (t2) t1.push(A.SizedBox$(_null, _null, iconLabelSpacing)); if (t2) { t2 = _this._extendedLabel; t2.toString; t1.push(t2); } resolvedChild = new A._ChildOverflowBox(new A.Padding(padding, new A.Row(B.Axis_0, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_0, B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, _null, B.VerticalDirection_1, _null, t1, _null), _null), _null); break; default: sizeConstraints = _null; } return new A.MergeSemantics(new A.Hero(B.C__DefaultHeroTag, new A.RawMaterialButton(_this.onPressed, _this.mouseCursor, extendedTextStyle, backgroundColor, focusColor, hoverColor, splashColor, elevation, hoverElevation, focusElevation, highlightElevation, disabledElevation, sizeConstraints, shape, resolvedChild, theme.materialTapTargetSize, _null, false, B.Clip_0, true, _null), _null), _null); } }; A._ChildOverflowBox.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t1.toString; t1 = new A._RenderChildOverflowBox(B.Alignment_0_0, t1.textDirection, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t1.toString; renderObject.set$textDirection(0, t1.textDirection); } }; A._RenderChildOverflowBox.prototype = { computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { var childSize, t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child, t2 = constraints.minWidth, t3 = constraints.maxWidth, t4 = constraints.minHeight, t5 = constraints.maxHeight; if (t1 != null) { childSize = t1.getDryLayout$1(B.BoxConstraints_mlX); return new A.Size(Math.max(t2, Math.min(t3, childSize._dx)), Math.max(t4, Math.min(t5, childSize._dy))); } else return new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, t2, t3), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, t4, t5)); }, performLayout$0() { var _this = this, constraints = A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this), t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child, t2 = constraints.minWidth, t3 = constraints.maxWidth, t4 = constraints.minHeight, t5 = constraints.maxHeight; if (t1 != null) { t1.layout$2$parentUsesSize(0, B.BoxConstraints_mlX, true); t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size; _this._size = new A.Size(Math.max(t2, Math.min(t3, t1._dx)), Math.max(t4, Math.min(t5, t1._dy))); _this.alignChild$0(); } else _this._size = new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, t2, t3), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, t4, t5)); } }; A.FloatingActionButtonLocation.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "FloatingActionButtonLocation"; } }; A.StandardFabLocation.prototype = { getOffset$1(scaffoldGeometry) { var t1 = this.getOffsetX$2(scaffoldGeometry, 0), contentBottom = scaffoldGeometry.contentBottom, bottomSheetHeight = scaffoldGeometry.bottomSheetSize._dy, fabHeight = scaffoldGeometry.floatingActionButtonSize._dy, snackBarHeight = scaffoldGeometry.snackBarSize._dy, fabY = contentBottom - fabHeight - Math.max(16, scaffoldGeometry.minViewPadding.bottom - (scaffoldGeometry.scaffoldSize._dy - contentBottom) + 16); if (snackBarHeight > 0) fabY = Math.min(fabY, contentBottom - snackBarHeight - fabHeight - 16); return new A.Offset(t1, (bottomSheetHeight > 0 ? Math.min(fabY, contentBottom - bottomSheetHeight - fabHeight / 2) : fabY) + 0); } }; A.FabFloatOffsetY.prototype = {}; A.FabEndOffsetX.prototype = { getOffsetX$2(scaffoldGeometry, adjustment) { switch (scaffoldGeometry.textDirection.index) { case 0: return 16 + scaffoldGeometry.minInsets.left - adjustment; case 1: return scaffoldGeometry.scaffoldSize._dx - 16 - scaffoldGeometry.minInsets.right - scaffoldGeometry.floatingActionButtonSize._dx + adjustment; } } }; A._EndFloatFabLocation.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "FloatingActionButtonLocation.endFloat"; } }; A.FloatingActionButtonAnimator.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "FloatingActionButtonAnimator"; } }; A._ScalingFabMotionAnimator.prototype = { getOffset$3$begin$end$progress(begin, end, progress) { if (progress < 0.5) return begin; else return end; } }; A._AnimationSwap.prototype = { get$value(_) { var t1, _this = this; if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.parent.__AnimationController__value, "_value") < _this.swapThreshold) { t1 = _this.first; t1 = t1.get$value(t1); } else { t1 = _this.next; t1 = t1.get$value(t1); } return t1; } }; A.__EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX.prototype = {}; A.__EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX_FabFloatOffsetY.prototype = {}; A.FloatingActionButtonThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.foregroundColor, _this.backgroundColor, _this.focusColor, _this.hoverColor, _this.splashColor, _this.elevation, _this.focusElevation, _this.hoverElevation, _this.disabledElevation, _this.highlightElevation, _this.shape, _this.enableFeedback, _this.sizeConstraints, _this.smallSizeConstraints, _this.largeSizeConstraints, _this.extendedSizeConstraints, _this.extendedIconLabelSpacing, _this.extendedPadding, _this.extendedTextStyle, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.FloatingActionButtonThemeData) if (J.$eq$(other.foregroundColor, _this.foregroundColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.focusColor, _this.focusColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.hoverColor, _this.hoverColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.splashColor, _this.splashColor)) if (other.elevation == _this.elevation) if (other.focusElevation == _this.focusElevation) if (other.hoverElevation == _this.hoverElevation) if (other.disabledElevation == _this.disabledElevation) if (other.highlightElevation == _this.highlightElevation) if (J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape)) t1 = J.$eq$(other.sizeConstraints, _this.sizeConstraints) && J.$eq$(other.smallSizeConstraints, _this.smallSizeConstraints) && J.$eq$(other.largeSizeConstraints, _this.largeSizeConstraints) && J.$eq$(other.extendedSizeConstraints, _this.extendedSizeConstraints) && other.extendedIconLabelSpacing == _this.extendedIconLabelSpacing && J.$eq$(other.extendedPadding, _this.extendedPadding) && J.$eq$(other.extendedTextStyle, _this.extendedTextStyle); else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._FloatingActionButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.InkHighlight.prototype = { _handleAlphaStatusChanged$1($status) { if ($status === B.AnimationStatus_0 && !this._active) { A._lateReadCheck(this.__InkHighlight__alphaController, "_alphaController").dispose$0(0); this.super$InkFeature$dispose(0); } }, dispose$0(_) { A._lateReadCheck(this.__InkHighlight__alphaController, "_alphaController").dispose$0(0); this.super$InkFeature$dispose(0); }, _paintHighlight$3(canvas, rect, paint) { var t1, _this = this; canvas.save$0(0); t1 = _this._ink_highlight$_customBorder; if (t1 != null) canvas.clipPath$1(0, t1.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, _this._ink_highlight$_textDirection)); switch (_this._ink_highlight$_shape.index) { case 1: t1 = rect.get$center(); canvas.drawCircle$3(0, t1, 35, paint); break; case 0: t1 = _this._ink_highlight$_borderRadius; if (!t1.$eq(0, B.BorderRadius_tLn)) canvas.drawRRect$2(0, A.RRect$fromRectAndCorners(rect, t1.bottomLeft, t1.bottomRight, t1.topLeft, t1.topRight), paint); else canvas.drawRect$2(0, rect, paint); break; } canvas.restore$0(0); }, paintFeature$2(canvas, transform) { var t2, t3, originOffset, rect, _this = this, t1 = A._detectRenderer(), paint = t1 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); t1 = _this._ink_well$_color; t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__InkHighlight__alpha, "_alpha"); t3 = t2._evaluatable; t2 = t2.parent; t1 = t1.value; paint.set$color(0, A.Color$fromARGB(t3.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2)), t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255)); originOffset = A.MatrixUtils_getAsTranslation(transform); t1 = _this._rectCallback; if (t1 != null) rect = t1.call$0(); else { t1 = _this.referenceBox._size; rect = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy); } if (originOffset == null) { canvas.save$0(0); canvas.transform$1(0, transform._m4storage); _this._paintHighlight$3(canvas, rect, paint); canvas.restore$0(0); } else _this._paintHighlight$3(canvas, rect.shift$1(originOffset), paint); } }; A._getClipCallback_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.referenceBox._size; return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy); }, $signature: 163 }; A._InkSplashFactory.prototype = {}; A.InkSplash.prototype = { confirm$0(_) { var duration = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(this._targetRadius / 1), t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__InkSplash__radiusController, "_radiusController"); t1.duration = A.Duration$(0, duration); t1.forward$0(0); this._alphaController.forward$0(0); }, _ink_splash$_handleAlphaStatusChanged$1($status) { if ($status === B.AnimationStatus_3) this.dispose$0(0); }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this; A._lateReadCheck(_this.__InkSplash__radiusController, "_radiusController").dispose$0(0); _this._alphaController.dispose$0(0); _this._alphaController = null; _this.super$InkFeature$dispose(0); }, paintFeature$2(canvas, transform) { var t2, t3, center, t4, originOffset, rect, _this = this, t1 = A._detectRenderer(), paint = t1 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); t1 = _this._ink_well$_color; t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__InkSplash__alpha, "_alpha"); t3 = t2._evaluatable; t2 = t2.parent; t1 = t1.value; paint.set$color(0, A.Color$fromARGB(t3.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2)), t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255)); center = _this._ink_splash$_position; if (_this._repositionToReferenceBox) center = A.Offset_lerp(center, _this.referenceBox._size.center$1(B.Offset_0_0), A._lateReadCheck(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__InkSplash__radiusController, "_radiusController").__AnimationController__value, "_value")); center.toString; t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__InkSplash__radius, "_radius"); t2 = t1._evaluatable; t1 = t1.parent; t1 = t2.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1)); t2 = _this._customBorder; t3 = _this._ink_splash$_borderRadius; t4 = _this._clipCallback; originOffset = A.MatrixUtils_getAsTranslation(transform); canvas.save$0(0); if (originOffset == null) canvas.transform$1(0, transform._m4storage); else canvas.translate$2(0, originOffset._dx, originOffset._dy); if (t4 != null) { rect = t4.call$0(); if (t2 != null) canvas.clipPath$1(0, t2.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, _this._ink_splash$_textDirection)); else if (!t3.$eq(0, B.BorderRadius_tLn)) canvas.clipRRect$1(0, A.RRect$fromRectAndCorners(rect, t3.bottomLeft, t3.bottomRight, t3.topLeft, t3.topRight)); else canvas.clipRect$1(0, rect); } canvas.drawCircle$3(0, center, t1, paint); canvas.restore$0(0); } }; A.InteractiveInkFeature.prototype = { set$color(_, value) { if (value.$eq(0, this._ink_well$_color)) return; this._ink_well$_color = value; this._controller.markNeedsPaint$0(); } }; A.InteractiveInkFeatureFactory.prototype = {}; A._ParentInkResponseProvider.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { return this.state !== oldWidget.state; } }; A.InkResponse.prototype = { getRectCallback$1(referenceBox) { return null; }, build$1(_, context) { var _this = this, t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._ParentInkResponseProvider), parentState = t1 == null ? null : t1.state; return new A._InkResponseStateWidget(_this.child, _this.onTap, _this.onTapDown, _this.onTapCancel, _this.onDoubleTap, _this.onLongPress, _this.onHighlightChanged, _this.onHover, _this.mouseCursor, true, _this.highlightShape, _this.radius, _this.borderRadius, _this.customBorder, _this.focusColor, _this.hoverColor, _this.highlightColor, _this.overlayColor, _this.splashColor, _this.splashFactory, true, false, _this.onFocusChange, false, _this.focusNode, _this.canRequestFocus, parentState, _this.get$getRectCallback(), _this.get$debugCheckContext(), null); }, debugCheckContext$1(context) { return true; } }; A._InkResponseStateWidget.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._InkResponseState(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$._HighlightType, type$.nullable_InkHighlight), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__ParentInkResponseState), type$.ObserverList__ParentInkResponseState), null, B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._HighlightType.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_HighlightType." + this._name; } }; A._InkResponseState.prototype = { get$highlightsExist() { var t1 = this._highlights; t1 = t1.get$values(t1); t1 = new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A._InkResponseState_highlightsExist_closure(), A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable")); return !t1.get$isEmpty(t1); }, markChildInkResponsePressed$2(childState, value) { var nowAnyPressed, t1 = this._activeChildren, t2 = t1._list, t3 = t2.length; if (value) { t1._isDirty = true; t2.push(childState); } else t1.remove$1(0, childState); nowAnyPressed = t2.length !== 0; if (nowAnyPressed !== (t3 !== 0)) { t1 = this._widget.parentState; if (t1 != null) t1.markChildInkResponsePressed$2(this, nowAnyPressed); } }, _simulateTap$1(intent) { var t1 = this._framework$_element; t1.toString; this._startSplash$1$context(t1); this._handleTap$0(); }, _simulateTap$0() { return this._simulateTap$1(null); }, initState$0() { this.super$__InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin$initState(); $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._focus_manager$_listeners.add$1(0, this.get$_handleFocusHighlightModeChange()); }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); t1 = _this._widget; t1.toString; if (_this._isWidgetEnabled$1(t1) !== _this._isWidgetEnabled$1(oldWidget)) { t1 = _this._widget; t1.toString; if (_this._isWidgetEnabled$1(t1)) _this.updateHighlight$3$callOnHover$value(B._HighlightType_1, false, _this._hovering); _this._updateFocusHighlights$0(); } }, dispose$0(_) { $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._focus_manager$_listeners.remove$1(0, this.get$_handleFocusHighlightModeChange()); this.super$State$dispose(0); }, get$wantKeepAlive() { if (!this.get$highlightsExist()) { var t1 = this._splashes; t1 = t1 != null && t1._collection$_length !== 0; } else t1 = true; return t1; }, getHighlightColorForType$1(type) { var t1, _this = this; switch (type.index) { case 0: _this._widget.toString; t1 = _this._framework$_element; t1.toString; t1 = A.Theme_of(t1); return t1.highlightColor; case 2: t1 = _this._widget; t1 = t1.focusColor; return t1; case 1: t1 = _this._widget; t1 = t1.hoverColor; return t1; } }, getFadeDurationForType$1(type) { switch (type.index) { case 0: return B.Duration_200000; case 1: case 2: return B.Duration_50000; } }, updateHighlight$3$callOnHover$value(type, callOnHover, value) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, _this = this, _s16_ = "_alphaController", t1 = _this._highlights, highlight = t1.$index(0, type); if (type === B._HighlightType_0) { t2 = _this._widget.parentState; if (t2 != null) t2.markChildInkResponsePressed$2(_this, value); } t2 = highlight == null; if (value === (!t2 && highlight._active)) return; if (value) if (t2) { t2 = _this._framework$_element.get$renderObject(); t2.toString; type$.RenderBox._as(t2); t3 = _this._framework$_element.findAncestorRenderObjectOfType$1$0(type$._RenderInkFeatures); t3.toString; t4 = _this.getHighlightColorForType$1(type); t5 = _this._widget; t6 = t5.highlightShape; t7 = t5.radius; t8 = t5.customBorder; t5 = t5.getRectCallback.call$1(t2); t9 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t9.toString; t10 = _this.getFadeDurationForType$1(type); t2 = new A.InkHighlight(t6, t7, B.BorderRadius_tLn, t8, t5, t9.textDirection, t4, t3, t2, new A._InkResponseState_updateHighlight_handleInkRemoval(_this, type)); t10 = A.AnimationController$(null, t10, null, null, t3.vsync); t10.didRegisterListener$0(); t5 = t10.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners; t5._isDirty = true; t5._list.push(t3.get$markNeedsPaint()); t10.addStatusListener$1(t2.get$_handleAlphaStatusChanged()); t10.forward$0(0); t2.__InkHighlight__alphaController = t10; t10 = A._lateReadCheck(t10, _s16_); t4 = t4.value; t2.__InkHighlight__alpha = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(type$.Animation_double._as(t10), new A.IntTween(0, t4 >>> 24 & 255), type$.IntTween._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")); t3.addInkFeature$1(t2); t1.$indexSet(0, type, t2); _this.updateKeepAlive$0(); } else { highlight._active = true; A._lateReadCheck(highlight.__InkHighlight__alphaController, _s16_).forward$0(0); } else { highlight._active = false; A._lateReadCheck(highlight.__InkHighlight__alphaController, _s16_).reverse$0(0); } switch (type.index) { case 0: _this._widget.onHighlightChanged.call$1(value); break; case 1: if (callOnHover) _this._widget.onHover.call$1(value); break; case 2: break; } }, updateHighlight$2$value(type, value) { return this.updateHighlight$3$callOnHover$value(type, true, value); }, _createInkFeature$1(globalPosition) { var t3, position, t4, color, rectCallback, customBorder, t5, splash, t6, t7, t8, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = {}, t2 = _this._framework$_element.findAncestorRenderObjectOfType$1$0(type$._RenderInkFeatures); t2.toString; t3 = _this._framework$_element.get$renderObject(); t3.toString; type$.RenderBox._as(t3); position = t3.globalToLocal$1(globalPosition); t4 = _this._widget; color = t4.splashColor; rectCallback = t4.getRectCallback.call$1(t3); customBorder = _this._widget.customBorder; t1.splash = null; t4 = _this._framework$_element; t4.toString; A.Theme_of(t4); _this._widget.toString; t4 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t4.toString; t5 = A._getTargetRadius(t3, true, rectCallback, position); splash = new A.InkSplash(position, B.BorderRadius_tLn, customBorder, t5, A._getClipCallback(t3, true, rectCallback), false, t4.textDirection, color, t2, t3, new A._InkResponseState__createInkFeature_onRemoved(t1, _this)); t3 = t2.vsync; t4 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_1000000, _null, _null, t3); t6 = t2.get$markNeedsPaint(); t4.didRegisterListener$0(); t7 = t4.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners; t7._isDirty = true; t7._list.push(t6); t4.forward$0(0); splash.__InkSplash__radiusController = t4; t7 = type$.Tween_double; t8 = type$.Animation_double; splash.__InkSplash__radius = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t8._as(A._lateReadCheck(t4, "_radiusController")), new A.Tween(0, t5, t7), t7._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")); t3 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_200000, _null, _null, t3); t3.didRegisterListener$0(); t7 = t3.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners; t7._isDirty = true; t7._list.push(t6); t3.addStatusListener$1(splash.get$_ink_splash$_handleAlphaStatusChanged()); splash._alphaController = t3; splash.__InkSplash__alpha = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t8._as(t3), new A.IntTween(color.value >>> 24 & 255, 0), type$.IntTween._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")); t2.addInkFeature$1(splash); return t1.splash = splash; }, _handleFocusHighlightModeChange$1(mode) { if (this._framework$_element == null) return; this.setState$1(new A._InkResponseState__handleFocusHighlightModeChange_closure(this)); }, get$_shouldShowFocus() { var mode, _this = this, t1 = _this._framework$_element; t1.toString; t1 = A.MediaQuery_maybeOf(t1); mode = t1 == null ? null : t1.navigationMode; switch ((mode == null ? B.NavigationMode_0 : mode).index) { case 0: t1 = _this._widget; t1.toString; return _this._isWidgetEnabled$1(t1) && _this._hasFocus; case 1: return _this._hasFocus; } }, _updateFocusHighlights$0() { var showFocus, t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._highlightMode; switch ((t1 == null ? A.FocusManager__defaultModeForPlatform() : t1).index) { case 0: showFocus = false; break; case 1: showFocus = this.get$_shouldShowFocus(); break; default: showFocus = null; } this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_2, showFocus); }, _handleFocusUpdate$1(hasFocus) { this._hasFocus = hasFocus; this._updateFocusHighlights$0(); this._widget.onFocusChange.call$1(hasFocus); }, _handleTapDown$1(details) { if (this._activeChildren._list.length !== 0) return; this._startSplash$1$details(details); this._widget.toString; }, _startSplash$2$context$details(context, details) { var t1, t2, globalPosition, splash, _this = this; if (context != null) { t1 = context.get$renderObject(); t1.toString; type$.RenderBox._as(t1); t2 = t1._size; t2 = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy).get$center(); globalPosition = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(t1.getTransformTo$1(0, null), t2); } else globalPosition = details.globalPosition; splash = _this._createInkFeature$1(globalPosition); t1 = _this._splashes; (t1 == null ? _this._splashes = A.HashSet_HashSet(type$.InteractiveInkFeature) : t1).add$1(0, splash); _this._currentSplash = splash; _this.updateKeepAlive$0(); _this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_0, true); }, _startSplash$1$details(details) { return this._startSplash$2$context$details(null, details); }, _startSplash$1$context(context) { return this._startSplash$2$context$details(context, null); }, _handleTap$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._currentSplash; if (t1 != null) t1.confirm$0(0); _this._currentSplash = null; _this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_0, false); _this._widget.toString; t1 = _this._framework$_element; t1.toString; A.Feedback_forTap(t1); _this._widget.onTap.call$0(); }, _handleTapCancel$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._currentSplash; if (t1 != null) { t1 = t1._alphaController; if (t1 != null) t1.forward$0(0); } _this._currentSplash = null; _this._widget.toString; _this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_0, false); }, deactivate$0() { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, value, result, _this = this, t1 = _this._splashes; if (t1 != null) { _this._splashes = null; for (t1 = new A._HashSetIterator(t1, t1._computeElements$0()), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) t2._as(t1._collection$_current).dispose$0(0); _this._currentSplash = null; } for (t1 = _this._highlights, t2 = t1.get$keys(t1), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2.get$current(t2); t4 = t1.$index(0, t3); if (t4 != null) { t5 = A._lateReadCheck(t4.__InkHighlight__alphaController, "_alphaController"); t5._ticker.dispose$0(0); t5._ticker = null; t6 = t5.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners; t6._isDirty = false; B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t6._list, 0); value = t6.__ObserverList__set; if (value === $) { result = A.HashSet_HashSet(t6.$ti._precomputed1); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(t6.__ObserverList__set, "_set"); t6.__ObserverList__set = result; value = result; } if (value._collection$_length > 0) { value._collection$_strings = value._collection$_nums = value._collection$_rest = value._elements = null; value._collection$_length = 0; } t6 = t5.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners; t6._isDirty = false; B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t6._list, 0); value = t6.__ObserverList__set; if (value === $) { result = A.HashSet_HashSet(t6.$ti._precomputed1); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(t6.__ObserverList__set, "_set"); t6.__ObserverList__set = result; value = result; } if (value._collection$_length > 0) { value._collection$_strings = value._collection$_nums = value._collection$_rest = value._elements = null; value._collection$_length = 0; } t5.super$AnimationEagerListenerMixin$dispose(0); t4.super$InkFeature$dispose(0); } t1.$indexSet(0, t3, null); } t1 = _this._widget.parentState; if (t1 != null) t1.markChildInkResponsePressed$2(_this, false); _this.super$__InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin$deactivate(); }, _isWidgetEnabled$1(widget) { return true; }, _handleMouseEnter$1($event) { var t1, _this = this; _this._hovering = true; t1 = _this._widget; t1.toString; if (_this._isWidgetEnabled$1(t1)) _this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_1, _this._hovering); }, _handleMouseExit$1($event) { this._hovering = false; this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_1, false); }, get$_ink_well$_canRequestFocus() { var mode, _this = this, t1 = _this._framework$_element; t1.toString; t1 = A.MediaQuery_maybeOf(t1); mode = t1 == null ? null : t1.navigationMode; switch ((mode == null ? B.NavigationMode_0 : mode).index) { case 0: t1 = _this._widget; t1.toString; return _this._isWidgetEnabled$1(t1) && _this._widget.canRequestFocus; case 1: return true; } }, build$1(_, context) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, effectiveMouseCursor, value, result, t5, t6, _this = this, _null = null; _this.super$AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin$build(0, context); for (t1 = _this._highlights, t2 = t1.get$keys(t1), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2.get$current(t2); t4 = t1.$index(0, t3); if (t4 != null) t4.set$color(0, _this.getHighlightColorForType$1(t3)); } t1 = _this._currentSplash; if (t1 != null) { t2 = _this._widget; t2 = t2.splashColor; t1.set$color(0, t2); } t1 = _this._widget; t2 = t1.mouseCursor; if (t2 == null) t2 = B.C__EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor; t3 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState); if (!_this._isWidgetEnabled$1(t1)) t3.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_6); if (_this._hovering) { t1 = _this._widget; t1.toString; t1 = _this._isWidgetEnabled$1(t1); } else t1 = false; if (t1) t3.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_0); if (_this._hasFocus) t3.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_1); effectiveMouseCursor = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(t2, t3, type$.MouseCursor); value = _this.___InkResponseState__actionMap; if (value === $) { t1 = _this.get$_simulateTap(); t2 = type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent; t3 = type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent; result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Type_ActivateIntent_OT9, new A.CallbackAction(t1, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t2), t3), type$.CallbackAction_ActivateIntent), B.Type_ButtonActivateIntent_6Ij, new A.CallbackAction(t1, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t2), t3), type$.CallbackAction_ButtonActivateIntent)], type$.Type, type$.Action_Intent); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___InkResponseState__actionMap, "_actionMap"); _this.___InkResponseState__actionMap = result; value = result; } t1 = _this._widget.focusNode; t2 = _this.get$_ink_well$_canRequestFocus(); t3 = _this._widget; t3.toString; t3 = _this._isWidgetEnabled$1(t3) ? _this.get$_handleTapDown() : _null; t4 = _this._widget; t4.toString; t4 = _this._isWidgetEnabled$1(t4) ? _this.get$_handleTap() : _null; t5 = _this._widget; t5.toString; t5 = _this._isWidgetEnabled$1(t5) ? _this.get$_handleTapCancel() : _null; t6 = _this._widget; return new A._ParentInkResponseProvider(_this, A.Actions$(value, A.Focus$(false, t2, A.MouseRegion$(A.Semantics$(_null, A.GestureDetector$(B.HitTestBehavior_1, t6.child, B.DragStartBehavior_1, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t4, t5, t3, _null, _null, _null), false, _null, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.get$_simulateTap(), _null, _null, _null, _null), effectiveMouseCursor, _this.get$_handleMouseEnter(), _this.get$_handleMouseExit()), _null, _null, t1, true, _null, _this.get$_handleFocusUpdate(), _null, _null, _null)), _null); }, $is_ParentInkResponseState: 1 }; A._InkResponseState_highlightsExist_closure.prototype = { call$1(highlight) { return highlight != null; }, $signature: 171 }; A._InkResponseState_updateHighlight_handleInkRemoval.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this; t1._highlights.$indexSet(0, this.type, null); t1.updateKeepAlive$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A._InkResponseState__createInkFeature_onRemoved.prototype = { call$0() { var t3, t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1._splashes; if (t2 != null) { t3 = this._box_0; t2.remove$1(0, t3.splash); if (t1._currentSplash == t3.splash) t1._currentSplash = null; t1.updateKeepAlive$0(); } }, $signature: 0 }; A._InkResponseState__handleFocusHighlightModeChange_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._updateFocusHighlights$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A.InkWell.prototype = {}; A.__InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin.prototype = { initState$0() { this.super$State$initState(); if (this.get$wantKeepAlive()) this._ensureKeepAlive$0(); }, deactivate$0() { var t1 = this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle; if (t1 != null) { t1.notifyListeners$0(); this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle = null; } this.super$State$deactivate(); } }; A.FloatingLabelBehavior.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "FloatingLabelBehavior." + this._name; } }; A.FloatingLabelAlignment.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(-1); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.FloatingLabelAlignment && true; }, toString$0(_) { return A.FloatingLabelAlignment__stringify(-1); } }; A.InputDecorationTheme.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashList([null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.FloatingLabelBehavior_1, B.C_FloatingLabelAlignment, false, null, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, null]); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1; if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.InputDecorationTheme) if (B.C_FloatingLabelAlignment.$eq(0, B.C_FloatingLabelAlignment)) t1 = true; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._InputDecorationTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.ListTileThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.dense, _this.shape, _this.style, _this.selectedColor, _this.iconColor, _this.textColor, _this.contentPadding, _this.tileColor, _this.selectedTileColor, _this.horizontalTitleGap, _this.minVerticalPadding, _this.minLeadingWidth, _this.enableFeedback, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.ListTileThemeData) t1 = J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape) && other.style == _this.style && J.$eq$(other.selectedColor, _this.selectedColor) && J.$eq$(other.iconColor, _this.iconColor) && J.$eq$(other.textColor, _this.textColor) && J.$eq$(other.contentPadding, _this.contentPadding) && J.$eq$(other.tileColor, _this.tileColor) && J.$eq$(other.selectedTileColor, _this.selectedTileColor) && other.horizontalTitleGap == _this.horizontalTitleGap && other.minVerticalPadding == _this.minVerticalPadding && other.minLeadingWidth == _this.minLeadingWidth && true; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._ListTileThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.MaterialType.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "MaterialType." + this._name; } }; A.Material.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._MaterialState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey("ink renderer", type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._MaterialState.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var contents, t2, t3, t4, shape, _this = this, _null = null, theme = A.Theme_of(context), t1 = _this._widget, color = t1.color; if (color == null) switch (t1.type.index) { case 0: color = theme.canvasColor; break; case 1: color = theme.cardColor; break; case 3: case 2: case 4: break; } contents = t1.child; t1 = t1.textStyle; if (t1 == null) { t1 = A.Theme_of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium; t1.toString; } t2 = _this._widget; contents = new A.AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(contents, t1, B.C__Linear, t2.animationDuration, _null, _null); t1 = t2; t2 = t1.type; contents = new A.NotificationListener(new A._InkFeatures(color, _this, t2 !== B.MaterialType_4, contents, _this._inkFeatureRenderer), new A._MaterialState_build_closure(_this), _null, type$.NotificationListener_LayoutChangedNotification); if (t2 === B.MaterialType_0 && t1.shape == null && true) { t2 = t1.elevation; color.toString; t3 = A.ElevationOverlay_applyOverlay(context, color, t2); _this._widget.toString; t4 = A.Theme_of(context); return new A.AnimatedPhysicalModel(contents, B.BoxShape_0, t1.clipBehavior, t2, t3, false, t4.shadowColor, B.Cubic_ifx, t1.animationDuration, _null, _null); } shape = _this._getShape$0(); t1 = _this._widget; if (t1.type === B.MaterialType_4) return A._MaterialState__transparentInterior(t1.clipBehavior, contents, context, shape); t2 = t1.animationDuration; t3 = t1.clipBehavior; t1 = t1.elevation; color.toString; t4 = A.Theme_of(context); return new A._MaterialInterior(contents, shape, true, t3, t1, color, t4.shadowColor, B.Cubic_ifx, t2, _null, _null); }, _getShape$0() { var t1 = this._widget, t2 = t1.shape; if (t2 != null) return t2; t1 = t1.type; switch (t1.index) { case 0: case 4: return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_LkV; case 1: case 3: t1 = B.Map_gnuL2.$index(0, t1); t1.toString; return new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(t1, B.BorderSide_0CF); case 2: return B.CircleBorder_IVQ; } } }; A._MaterialState_build_closure.prototype = { call$1(notification) { var t2, t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, this.$this._inkFeatureRenderer).get$renderObject(); t1.toString; type$._RenderInkFeatures._as(t1); t2 = t1._inkFeatures; if (t2 != null && J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(t2)) t1.markNeedsPaint$0(); return false; }, $signature: 172 }; A._RenderInkFeatures.prototype = { addInkFeature$1(feature) { var t1 = this._inkFeatures; J.add$1$ax(t1 == null ? this._inkFeatures = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_InkFeature) : t1, feature); this.markNeedsPaint$0(); }, hitTestSelf$1(position) { return this.absorbHitTest; }, paint$2(context, offset) { var canvas, _this = this, t1 = _this._inkFeatures; if (t1 != null && J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(t1)) { canvas = context.get$canvas(context); canvas.save$0(0); canvas.translate$2(0, offset._dx, offset._dy); t1 = _this._size; canvas.clipRect$1(0, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy)); t1 = _this._inkFeatures; t1.toString; t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1); for (; t1.moveNext$0();) t1.get$current(t1)._paint$1(canvas); canvas.restore$0(0); } _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset); } }; A._InkFeatures.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A._RenderInkFeatures(this.vsync, this.absorbHitTest, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.absorbHitTest = this.absorbHitTest; } }; A.InkFeature.prototype = { dispose$0(_) { var t1 = this._controller, t2 = t1._inkFeatures; t2.toString; J.remove$1$ax(t2, this); t1.markNeedsPaint$0(); this.onRemoved.call$0(); }, _paint$1(canvas) { var t1, t2, t3, transform, index, index0, node = this.referenceBox, descendants = A._setArrayType([node], type$.JSArray_RenderObject); for (t1 = this._controller, t2 = type$.RenderObject; node !== t1; node = t3) { t3 = node._node$_parent; t3.toString; t2._as(t3); descendants.push(t3); } transform = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); transform.setIdentity$0(); for (index = descendants.length - 1; index > 0; index = index0) { index0 = index - 1; descendants[index].applyPaintTransform$2(descendants[index0], transform); } this.paintFeature$2(canvas, transform); }, toString$0(_) { return "#" + A.shortHash(this); } }; A.ShapeBorderTween.prototype = { lerp$1(t) { return A.ShapeBorder_lerp(this.begin, this.end, t); } }; A._MaterialInterior.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._MaterialInteriorState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._MaterialInteriorState.prototype = { forEachTween$1(visitor) { var _this = this; _this._elevation = type$.nullable_Tween_double._as(visitor.call$3(_this._elevation, _this._widget.elevation, new A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure())); _this._shadowColor = type$.nullable_ColorTween._as(visitor.call$3(_this._shadowColor, _this._widget.shadowColor, new A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure0())); _this._border = type$.nullable_ShapeBorderTween._as(visitor.call$3(_this._border, _this._widget.shape, new A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure1())); }, build$1(_, context) { var t2, t3, elevation, t4, t5, t6, _this = this, t1 = _this._border; t1.toString; t2 = _this.get$_animation(); t2 = t1.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2)); t2.toString; t1 = _this._elevation; t1.toString; t3 = _this.get$_animation(); elevation = t1.transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3)); t3 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context); t1 = _this._widget; t4 = t1.clipBehavior; t1 = A.ElevationOverlay_applyOverlay(context, t1.color, elevation); t5 = _this._shadowColor; t5.toString; t6 = _this.get$_animation(); t6 = t5.transform$1(0, t6.get$value(t6)); t6.toString; return new A.PhysicalShape(new A.ShapeBorderClipper(t2, t3), t4, elevation, t1, t6, new A._ShapeBorderPaint(_this._widget.child, t2, true, null), null); } }; A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { return new A.Tween(A._asDouble(value), null, type$.Tween_double); }, $signature: 74 }; A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure0.prototype = { call$1(value) { return new A.ColorTween(type$.Color._as(value), null); }, $signature: 53 }; A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure1.prototype = { call$1(value) { return new A.ShapeBorderTween(type$.ShapeBorder._as(value), null); }, $signature: 175 }; A._ShapeBorderPaint.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var t1 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context); return A.CustomPaint$(this.child, new A._ShapeBorderPainter(this.shape, t1, null), null); } }; A._ShapeBorderPainter.prototype = { paint$2(canvas, size) { this.border.paint$3$textDirection(canvas, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + size._dx, 0 + size._dy), this.textDirection); }, shouldRepaint$1(oldDelegate) { return !oldDelegate.border.$eq(0, this.border); } }; A.__MaterialState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = { activate$0() { this.super$State$activate(); this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0(); this._updateTickers$0(); }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier; if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers()); _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null; _this.super$State$dispose(0); } }; A._MaterialLocalizationsDelegate.prototype = { isSupported$1(locale) { return locale.get$languageCode(locale) === "en"; }, load$1(_, locale) { return new A.SynchronousFuture(B.C_DefaultMaterialLocalizations, type$.SynchronousFuture_MaterialLocalizations); }, shouldReload$1(old) { return false; }, toString$0(_) { return "DefaultMaterialLocalizations.delegate(en_US)"; } }; A.DefaultMaterialLocalizations.prototype = {$isMaterialLocalizations: 1}; A.MaterialState.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "MaterialState." + this._name; } }; A.MaterialStateMouseCursor.prototype = { createSession$1(device) { return new A._SystemMouseCursorSession(this.resolve$1(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState)), device); }, $isMaterialStateProperty: 1 }; A._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor.prototype = { resolve$1(states) { if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) return B.SystemMouseCursor_basic; return B.SystemMouseCursor_click; }, get$debugDescription() { return "MaterialStateMouseCursor(clickable)"; }, get$name() { return "clickable"; } }; A.MaterialStateMixin.prototype = { updateMaterialState$2$onChanged(key, onChanged) { return new A.MaterialStateMixin_updateMaterialState_closure(this, key, onChanged); }, updateMaterialState$1(key) { return this.updateMaterialState$2$onChanged(key, null); }, addMaterialState$1(_state) { if (this.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates.add$1(0, _state)) this.setState$1(new A.MaterialStateMixin_addMaterialState_closure()); }, removeMaterialState$1(_state) { if (this.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates.remove$1(0, _state)) this.setState$1(new A.MaterialStateMixin_removeMaterialState_closure()); } }; A.MaterialStateMixin_updateMaterialState_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { var t1 = this.$this, t2 = this.key; if (t1.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates.contains$1(0, t2) === value) return; if (value) t1.addMaterialState$1(t2); else t1.removeMaterialState$1(t2); }, $signature: 22 }; A.MaterialStateMixin_addMaterialState_closure.prototype = { call$0() { }, $signature: 0 }; A.MaterialStateMixin_removeMaterialState_closure.prototype = { call$0() { }, $signature: 0 }; A.NavigationBarThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.height, _this.backgroundColor, _this.indicatorColor, _this.labelTextStyle, _this.iconTheme, _this.labelBehavior, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.NavigationBarThemeData && other.height == _this.height && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.indicatorColor, _this.indicatorColor) && other.labelTextStyle == _this.labelTextStyle && other.iconTheme == _this.iconTheme && true; } }; A._LerpProperties2.prototype = { resolve$1(states) { var resolvedB, _this = this, t1 = _this.a, resolvedA = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); t1 = _this.b; resolvedB = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); return _this.lerpFunction.call$3(resolvedA, resolvedB, _this.t); }, $isMaterialStateProperty: 1 }; A._NavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.NavigationRailThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.backgroundColor, _this.elevation, _this.unselectedLabelTextStyle, _this.selectedLabelTextStyle, _this.unselectedIconTheme, _this.selectedIconTheme, _this.groupAlignment, _this.labelType, _this.useIndicator, _this.indicatorColor, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.NavigationRailThemeData) if (J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor)) if (other.elevation == _this.elevation) if (J.$eq$(other.unselectedLabelTextStyle, _this.unselectedLabelTextStyle)) if (J.$eq$(other.selectedLabelTextStyle, _this.selectedLabelTextStyle)) if (J.$eq$(other.unselectedIconTheme, _this.unselectedIconTheme)) if (J.$eq$(other.selectedIconTheme, _this.selectedIconTheme)) if (other.groupAlignment == _this.groupAlignment) t1 = J.$eq$(other.indicatorColor, _this.indicatorColor); else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._NavigationRailThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.OutlinedButtonThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return J.get$hashCode$(this.style); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.OutlinedButtonThemeData && J.$eq$(other.style, this.style); } }; A._OutlinedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.MaterialPageRoute.prototype = {}; A.MaterialRouteTransitionMixin.prototype = {}; A._MaterialPageRoute_PageRoute_MaterialRouteTransitionMixin.prototype = {}; A._FadeUpwardsPageTransition.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { return A.SlideTransition$(A.FadeTransition$(this.child, this._opacityAnimation), this._positionAnimation, null, true); } }; A.PageTransitionsBuilder.prototype = {}; A.FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder.prototype = { buildTransitions$1$5(route, context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) { var t4, t1 = $.$get$_FadeUpwardsPageTransition__bottomUpTween(), t2 = $.$get$_FadeUpwardsPageTransition__fastOutSlowInTween(), t3 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_ChainedEvaluation"); type$.Animation_double._as(animation); t4 = $.$get$_FadeUpwardsPageTransition__easeInTween(); return new A._FadeUpwardsPageTransition(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(animation, new A._ChainedEvaluation(t2, t1, t3), t3._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), new A._AnimatedEvaluation(animation, t4, A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), child, null); } }; A.CupertinoPageTransitionsBuilder.prototype = { buildTransitions$1$5(route, context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child, $T) { return A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions(route, context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child, $T); } }; A.PageTransitionsTheme.prototype = { _all$1(builders) { var t1 = type$.MappedListIterable_of_TargetPlatform_and_nullable_PageTransitionsBuilder; return A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(B.List_4fl, new A.PageTransitionsTheme__all_closure(builders), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; t1 = other instanceof A.PageTransitionsTheme; if (t1 && true) return true; return t1 && A.listEquals0(_this._all$1(B.Map_3hES6), _this._all$1(B.Map_3hES6)); }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashList(this._all$1(B.Map_3hES6)); } }; A.PageTransitionsTheme__all_closure.prototype = { call$1(platform) { return this.builders.$index(0, platform); }, $signature: 176 }; A._PageTransitionsTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.PopupMenuThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.color, _this.shape, _this.elevation, _this.textStyle, _this.enableFeedback, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.PopupMenuThemeData && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color) && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape) && J.$eq$(other.textStyle, _this.textStyle) && true; } }; A._PopupMenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.ProgressIndicatorThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.color, _this.linearTrackColor, _this.linearMinHeight, _this.circularTrackColor, _this.refreshBackgroundColor, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.ProgressIndicatorThemeData && J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color) && J.$eq$(other.linearTrackColor, _this.linearTrackColor) && other.linearMinHeight == _this.linearMinHeight && J.$eq$(other.circularTrackColor, _this.circularTrackColor) && J.$eq$(other.refreshBackgroundColor, _this.refreshBackgroundColor); } }; A._ProgressIndicatorThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.RadioThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.mouseCursor, _this.fillColor, _this.overlayColor, _this.splashRadius, _this.materialTapTargetSize, _this.visualDensity, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.RadioThemeData) if (other.fillColor == _this.fillColor) if (other.overlayColor == _this.overlayColor) if (other.splashRadius == _this.splashRadius) t1 = true; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._LerpProperties1.prototype = { resolve$1(states) { var resolvedB, _this = this, t1 = _this.a, resolvedA = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); t1 = _this.b; resolvedB = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); return _this.lerpFunction.call$3(resolvedA, resolvedB, _this.t); }, $isMaterialStateProperty: 1 }; A._RadioThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A._ScaffoldSlot.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_ScaffoldSlot." + this._name; } }; A.ScaffoldMessenger.prototype = { createState$0() { var _null = null; return new A.ScaffoldMessengerState(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(type$.ScaffoldState), A.ListQueue$(_null, type$.ScaffoldFeatureController_MaterialBanner_MaterialBannerClosedReason), A.ListQueue$(_null, type$.ScaffoldFeatureController_SnackBar_SnackBarClosedReason), _null, _null, B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A.ScaffoldMessengerState.prototype = { didChangeDependencies$0() { var t1, _this = this, mediaQuery = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.MediaQuery).data; if (_this._accessibleNavigation === true) if (!mediaQuery.accessibleNavigation) { t1 = _this._snackBarTimer; t1 = t1 != null && t1._handle == null; } else t1 = false; else t1 = false; if (t1) _this.hideCurrentSnackBar$1$reason(B.SnackBarClosedReason_5); _this._accessibleNavigation = mediaQuery.accessibleNavigation; _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies(); }, hideCurrentSnackBar$1$reason(reason) { var t2, completer, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = _this._snackBars; if (t1._head !== t1._tail) { _null.get$status(_null); t2 = false; } else t2 = true; if (t2) return; completer = t1.get$first(t1)._completer; t1 = _this._accessibleNavigation; t1.toString; if (t1) { _null.set$value(0, 0); completer.complete$1(0, reason); } else _null.reverse$0(0).then$1$1(0, new A.ScaffoldMessengerState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure(_this, completer, reason), type$.void); t1 = _this._snackBarTimer; if (t1 != null) t1.cancel$0(0); _this._snackBarTimer = null; }, build$1(_, context) { var t1, route, _this = this; _this._accessibleNavigation = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.MediaQuery).data.accessibleNavigation; t1 = _this._snackBars; if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) { route = A.ModalRoute_of(context, type$.nullable_Object); if (route == null || route.get$isCurrent()) null.get$isCompleted(); } return new A._ScaffoldMessengerScope(_this, _this._widget.child, null); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1 = this._snackBarTimer; if (t1 != null) t1.cancel$0(0); this._snackBarTimer = null; this.super$_ScaffoldMessengerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose(0); } }; A.ScaffoldMessengerState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { var t1 = this.completer; if ((t1.future._state & 30) === 0) t1.complete$1(0, this.reason); }, $signature: 10 }; A._ScaffoldMessengerScope.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(old) { return this._scaffoldMessengerState !== old._scaffoldMessengerState; } }; A.ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry.prototype = {}; A.ScaffoldGeometry.prototype = { copyWith$2$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea(bottomNavigationBarTop, floatingActionButtonArea) { var t1 = bottomNavigationBarTop == null ? this.bottomNavigationBarTop : bottomNavigationBarTop; return new A.ScaffoldGeometry(t1, floatingActionButtonArea == null ? this.floatingActionButtonArea : floatingActionButtonArea); } }; A._ScaffoldGeometryNotifier.prototype = { _updateWith$3$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea$floatingActionButtonScale(bottomNavigationBarTop, floatingActionButtonArea, floatingActionButtonScale) { var _this = this; _this.floatingActionButtonScale = floatingActionButtonScale == null ? _this.floatingActionButtonScale : floatingActionButtonScale; _this.geometry = _this.geometry.copyWith$2$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea(bottomNavigationBarTop, floatingActionButtonArea); _this.notifyListeners$0(); }, _updateWith$1$floatingActionButtonScale(floatingActionButtonScale) { return this._updateWith$3$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea$floatingActionButtonScale(null, null, floatingActionButtonScale); }, _updateWith$2$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea(bottomNavigationBarTop, floatingActionButtonArea) { return this._updateWith$3$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea$floatingActionButtonScale(bottomNavigationBarTop, floatingActionButtonArea, null); } }; A._BodyBoxConstraints.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (!_this.super$BoxConstraints$$eq(0, other)) return false; return other instanceof A._BodyBoxConstraints && other.materialBannerHeight === _this.materialBannerHeight && other.bottomWidgetsHeight === _this.bottomWidgetsHeight && other.appBarHeight === _this.appBarHeight; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(A.BoxConstraints.prototype.get$hashCode.call(_this, _this), _this.materialBannerHeight, _this.bottomWidgetsHeight, _this.appBarHeight, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A._BodyBuilder.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { return this.body; } }; A._ScaffoldLayout.prototype = {}; A._FloatingActionButtonTransition.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._FloatingActionButtonTransitionState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._FloatingActionButtonTransitionState.prototype = { initState$0() { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$State$initState(); t1 = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_200000, null, null, _this); t1.addStatusListener$1(_this.get$_handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged()); _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController = t1; _this._updateAnimations$0(); _this._widget.currentController.set$value(0, 1); }, dispose$0(_) { A._lateReadCheck(this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController, "_previousController").dispose$0(0); this.super$__FloatingActionButtonTransitionState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose(0); }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { var t1, t2, _this = this, _s19_ = "_previousController"; _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); t1 = _this._widget; t2 = oldWidget.child; t1 = t1.child; t1 = J.$eq$(t2.key, t1.key); if (t1) return; t1 = _this._widget; if (oldWidget.fabMotionAnimator !== t1.fabMotionAnimator || oldWidget.fabMoveAnimation !== t1.fabMoveAnimation) _this._updateAnimations$0(); if (A._lateReadCheck(A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController, _s19_).__AnimationController__status, "_status") === B.AnimationStatus_0) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this._widget.currentController.__AnimationController__value, "_value"); if (t1 === 0 || false) { _this._previousChild = null; _this._widget.currentController.forward$0(0); } else { _this._previousChild = t2; t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController, _s19_); t2.set$value(0, t1); t2.reverse$0(0); _this._widget.currentController.set$value(0, 0); } } }, _updateAnimations$0() { var t7, t8, t9, t10, moveScaleAnimation, t11, t12, moveRotationAnimation, _this = this, _null = null, _s19_ = "_previousController", _s22_ = "_currentScaleAnimation", previousExitScaleAnimation = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_JUR0, A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController, _s19_), _null), t1 = type$.Tween_double, t2 = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_JUR0, A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController, _s19_), _null), currentEntranceScaleAnimation = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_JUR0, _this._widget.currentController, _null), t3 = _this._widget, t4 = t3.currentController, t5 = $.$get$_FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__entranceTurnTween(), t6 = type$.Animation_double; t6._as(t4); t3 = t3.fabMoveAnimation; t6._as(t3); t7 = type$.CurveTween._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"); t8 = type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus; t9 = type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus; t10 = type$.double; moveScaleAnimation = A._AnimationSwap$(new A.ReverseAnimation(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t3, new A.CurveTween(new A.FlippedCurve(B.Interval_E4y)), t7), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t8), t9), 0), new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t3, new A.CurveTween(B.Interval_E4y), t7), t3, 0.5, t10); t3 = _this._widget.fabMoveAnimation; t11 = $.$get$_ScalingFabMotionAnimator__rotationTween(); t6._as(t3); t12 = $.$get$_ScalingFabMotionAnimator__thresholdCenterTween(); moveRotationAnimation = A._AnimationSwap$(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t3, t11, t11.$ti._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), new A.ReverseAnimation(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t3, t12, A._instanceType(t12)._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t8), t9), 0), t3, 0.5, t10); _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousScaleAnimation = A.AnimationMin$(moveScaleAnimation, previousExitScaleAnimation, t10); t10 = A.AnimationMin$(moveScaleAnimation, currentEntranceScaleAnimation, t10); _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentScaleAnimation = t10; _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__extendedCurrentScaleAnimation = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t6._as(A._lateReadCheck(t10, _s22_)), new A.CurveTween(B.Interval_75R), t7); _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousRotationAnimation = A.TrainHoppingAnimation$(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t2, new A.Tween(1, 1, t1), t1._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), moveRotationAnimation, _null); _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentRotationAnimation = A.TrainHoppingAnimation$(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t4, t5, t5.$ti._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), moveRotationAnimation, _null); t5 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentScaleAnimation, _s22_); t4 = _this.get$_onProgressChanged(); t5.didRegisterListener$0(); t5 = t5.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners; t5._isDirty = true; t5._list.push(t4); t5 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousScaleAnimation, "_previousScaleAnimation"); t5.didRegisterListener$0(); t5 = t5.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners; t5._isDirty = true; t5._list.push(t4); }, _handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged$1($status) { this.setState$1(new A._FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged_closure(this, $status)); }, build$1(_, context) { var t2, t3, _this = this, _s23_ = "_previousScaleAnimation", _s22_ = "_currentScaleAnimation", t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget); if (A._lateReadCheck(A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController, "_previousController").__AnimationController__status, "_status") !== B.AnimationStatus_0) { t2 = _this._previousChild; t2 = t2 instanceof A.FloatingActionButton && t2.isExtended; t3 = _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousScaleAnimation; if (t2) { t2 = A._lateReadCheck(t3, _s23_); t1.push(A.FadeTransition$(_this._previousChild, t2)); } else { t2 = A._lateReadCheck(t3, _s23_); t3 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousRotationAnimation, "_previousRotationAnimation"); t1.push(A.ScaleTransition$(A.RotationTransition$(_this._previousChild, t3), t2)); } } t2 = _this._widget.child; if (t2.isExtended) { t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__extendedCurrentScaleAnimation, "_extendedCurrentScaleAnimation"); t3 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentScaleAnimation, _s22_); t1.push(A.ScaleTransition$(A.FadeTransition$(_this._widget.child, t3), t2)); } else { t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentScaleAnimation, _s22_); t3 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentRotationAnimation, "_currentRotationAnimation"); t1.push(A.ScaleTransition$(A.RotationTransition$(_this._widget.child, t3), t2)); } return A.Stack$(B.Alignment_1_0, t1, B.StackFit_0); }, _onProgressChanged$0() { var t3, t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousScaleAnimation, "_previousScaleAnimation"), t2 = t1.first; t2 = t2.get$value(t2); t1 = t1.next; t1 = t1.get$value(t1); t1 = Math.min(A.checkNum(t2), A.checkNum(t1)); t2 = A._lateReadCheck(this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentScaleAnimation, "_currentScaleAnimation"); t3 = t2.first; t3 = t3.get$value(t3); t2 = t2.next; t2 = t2.get$value(t2); t2 = Math.max(t1, Math.min(A.checkNum(t3), A.checkNum(t2))); this._widget.geometryNotifier._updateWith$1$floatingActionButtonScale(t2); } }; A._FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged_closure.prototype = { call$0() { if (this.status === B.AnimationStatus_0) this.$this._widget.currentController.forward$0(0); }, $signature: 0 }; A.Scaffold.prototype = { createState$0() { var _null = null, t1 = type$.LabeledGlobalKey_DrawerControllerState; return new A.ScaffoldState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, t1), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, t1), A.RestorableBool$(false), A.RestorableBool$(false), A.ListQueue$(_null, type$.ScaffoldFeatureController_SnackBar_SnackBarClosedReason), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__StandardBottomSheet), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), B.Color_4278190080, _null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.RestorableProperty_nullable_Object, type$.void_Function), _null, true, _null, _null, _null, B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A.ScaffoldState.prototype = { get$restorationId() { this._widget.toString; return null; }, restoreState$2(oldBucket, initialRestore) { var _this = this; _this.registerForRestoration$2(_this._drawerOpened, "drawer_open"); _this.registerForRestoration$2(_this._endDrawerOpened, "end_drawer_open"); }, hideCurrentSnackBar$1$reason(reason) { var t1, t2, mediaQuery, completer, _this = this, _null = null; if (_this._messengerSnackBar != null) { _this._scaffoldMessenger.hideCurrentSnackBar$1$reason(reason); return; } t1 = _this._snackBars; if (t1._head !== t1._tail) { _null.get$status(_null); t2 = false; } else t2 = true; if (t2) return; mediaQuery = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.MediaQuery).data; completer = t1.get$first(t1)._completer; if (mediaQuery.accessibleNavigation) { _null.set$value(0, 0); completer.complete$1(0, reason); } else _null.reverse$0(0).then$1$1(0, new A.ScaffoldState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure(_this, completer, reason), type$.void); t1 = _this._snackBarTimer; if (t1 != null) t1.cancel$0(0); _this._snackBarTimer = null; }, _updateSnackBar$0() { var messengerSnackBar, _this = this, t1 = _this._scaffoldMessenger._snackBars; if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) { t1 = _this._scaffoldMessenger._snackBars; messengerSnackBar = t1.get$first(t1); } else messengerSnackBar = null; if (_this._messengerSnackBar != messengerSnackBar) _this.setState$1(new A.ScaffoldState__updateSnackBar_closure(_this, messengerSnackBar)); }, _updateMaterialBanner$0() { var messengerMaterialBanner, _this = this, t1 = _this._scaffoldMessenger._materialBanners; if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) { t1 = _this._scaffoldMessenger._materialBanners; messengerMaterialBanner = t1.get$first(t1); } else messengerMaterialBanner = null; if (_this._messengerMaterialBanner != messengerMaterialBanner) _this.setState$1(new A.ScaffoldState__updateMaterialBanner_closure(_this, messengerMaterialBanner)); }, _maybeBuildPersistentBottomSheet$0() { this._widget.toString; }, _handleStatusBarTap$0() { var t1 = this._framework$_element; t1.toString; A.PrimaryScrollController_of(t1); }, get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset() { this._widget.toString; return true; }, initState$0() { var t1, _this = this, _null = null; _this.super$State$initState(); t1 = _this._framework$_element; t1.toString; _this.__ScaffoldState__geometryNotifier = new A._ScaffoldGeometryNotifier(t1, B.ScaffoldGeometry_null_null, A.List_List$filled(0, _null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)); _this._widget.toString; _this._floatingActionButtonLocation = B.C__EndFloatFabLocation; _this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonAnimator = B.C__ScalingFabMotionAnimator; _this._previousFloatingActionButtonLocation = B.C__EndFloatFabLocation; _this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonMoveController = A.AnimationController$(_null, new A.Duration(400000), _null, 1, _this); _this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonVisibilityController = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_200000, _null, _null, _this); }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { this._widget.toString; this.super$_ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); }, didChangeDependencies$0() { var t3, $parent, mediaQuery, _this = this, scope = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._ScaffoldMessengerScope), _currentScaffoldMessenger = scope == null ? null : scope._scaffoldMessengerState, t1 = _this._scaffoldMessenger, t2 = t1 == null; if (!t2) t3 = _currentScaffoldMessenger == null || t1 !== _currentScaffoldMessenger; else t3 = false; if (t3) if (!t2) t1._scaffolds.remove$1(0, _this); _this._scaffoldMessenger = _currentScaffoldMessenger; if (_currentScaffoldMessenger != null) { t1 = _currentScaffoldMessenger._scaffolds; t1.add$1(0, _this); $parent = _this._framework$_element.findAncestorStateOfType$1$0(type$.ScaffoldState); if ($parent == null || !t1.contains$1(0, $parent)) { t1 = _currentScaffoldMessenger._snackBars; if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) _this._updateSnackBar$0(); t1 = _currentScaffoldMessenger._materialBanners; if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) _this._updateMaterialBanner$0(); } } mediaQuery = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.MediaQuery).data; if (_this._accessibleNavigation === true) if (!mediaQuery.accessibleNavigation) { t1 = _this._snackBarTimer; t1 = t1 != null && t1._handle == null; } else t1 = false; else t1 = false; if (t1) _this.hideCurrentSnackBar$1$reason(B.SnackBarClosedReason_5); _this._accessibleNavigation = mediaQuery.accessibleNavigation; _this._maybeBuildPersistentBottomSheet$0(); _this.super$_ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$didChangeDependencies(); }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._snackBarTimer; if (t1 != null) t1.cancel$0(0); _this._snackBarTimer = null; A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ScaffoldState__geometryNotifier, "_geometryNotifier"); A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonMoveController, "_floatingActionButtonMoveController").dispose$0(0); A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonVisibilityController, string$.x5ffloat).dispose$0(0); t1 = _this._scaffoldMessenger; if (t1 != null) t1._scaffolds.remove$1(0, _this); _this.super$_ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$dispose(0); }, _addIfNonNull$9$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, maintainBottomViewPadding, removeBottomInset, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding) { var data = this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.MediaQuery).data.removePadding$4$removeBottom$removeLeft$removeRight$removeTop(removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding); if (removeBottomInset) data = data.removeViewInsets$1$removeBottom(true); if (maintainBottomViewPadding && data.viewInsets.bottom !== 0) data = data.copyWith$1$padding(data.padding.copyWith$1$bottom(data.viewPadding.bottom)); if (child != null) children.push(new A.LayoutId(childId, new A.MediaQuery(data, child, null), new A.ValueKey(childId, type$.ValueKey_Object))); }, _addIfNonNull$8$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, removeBottomInset, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding) { return this._addIfNonNull$9$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, false, removeBottomInset, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding); }, _addIfNonNull$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding) { return this._addIfNonNull$9$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, false, false, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding); }, _addIfNonNull$8$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, maintainBottomViewPadding, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding) { return this._addIfNonNull$9$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, maintainBottomViewPadding, false, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding); }, _buildEndDrawer$2(children, textDirection) { this._widget.toString; }, _buildDrawer$2(children, textDirection) { this._widget.toString; }, build$1(_, context) { var textDirection, route, t2, children, t3, stack, snackBarWidth, elevation, t4, minInsets, minViewPadding, _this = this, _null = null, _s35_ = "_floatingActionButtonMoveController", _s17_ = "_geometryNotifier", _box_0 = {}, mediaQuery = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.MediaQuery).data, themeData = A.Theme_of(context), t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t1.toString; textDirection = t1.textDirection; _this._accessibleNavigation = mediaQuery.accessibleNavigation; t1 = _this._snackBars; if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) { route = A.ModalRoute_of(context, type$.nullable_Object); if (route == null || route.get$isCurrent()) _null.get$isCompleted(); else { t2 = _this._snackBarTimer; if (t2 != null) t2.cancel$0(0); _this._snackBarTimer = null; } } children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LayoutId); t2 = _this._widget.body; _this.get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset(); _this._addIfNonNull$8$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, new A._BodyBuilder(t2, false, false, _null), B._ScaffoldSlot_0, true, false, false, false, false); if (_this._showBodyScrim) _this._addIfNonNull$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, A.ModalBarrier$(true, _this._bodyScrimColor, false, _null), B._ScaffoldSlot_2, true, true, true, true); _this._widget.toString; _box_0.isSnackBarFloating = false; _box_0.snackBarWidth = null; if (_this._currentBottomSheet != null || _this._dismissedBottomSheets.length !== 0) { t2 = A.List_List$of(_this._dismissedBottomSheets, true, type$.Widget); t3 = _this._currentBottomSheet; if (t3 != null) t2.push(t3._scaffold$_widget); stack = A.Stack$(B.Alignment_0_1, t2, B.StackFit_0); _this.get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset(); _this._addIfNonNull$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, stack, B._ScaffoldSlot_3, true, false, false, true); } t2 = _this._messengerSnackBar; if (t2 != null) { t2._scaffold$_widget.get$behavior(); _box_0.isSnackBarFloating = false; t2 = _this._messengerSnackBar; if (t2 == null) snackBarWidth = _null; else { t2 = t2._scaffold$_widget; snackBarWidth = t2.get$width(t2); } _box_0.snackBarWidth = snackBarWidth; t2 = _this._messengerSnackBar; t2 = t2 == null ? _null : t2._scaffold$_widget; _this._widget.toString; _this.get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset(); _this._addIfNonNull$8$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, t2, B._ScaffoldSlot_4, false, false, false, false, true); } if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) { t1.get$first(t1)._scaffold$_widget.get$behavior(); _box_0.isSnackBarFloating = false; t2 = t1.get$first(t1)._scaffold$_widget; _box_0.snackBarWidth = t2.get$width(t2); t1 = t1.get$first(t1)._scaffold$_widget; _this._widget.toString; _this.get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset(); _this._addIfNonNull$8$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, t1, B._ScaffoldSlot_4, false, false, false, false, true); } _box_0.extendBodyBehindMaterialBanner = false; if (_this._messengerMaterialBanner != null) { context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.MaterialBannerTheme); t1 = A.Theme_of(context); t2 = _this._messengerMaterialBanner; elevation = t1.bannerTheme.elevation; _box_0.extendBodyBehindMaterialBanner = (elevation == null ? 0 : elevation) !== 0; t1 = t2 == null ? _null : t2._scaffold$_widget; _this._widget.toString; _this.get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset(); _this._addIfNonNull$8$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, t1, B._ScaffoldSlot_5, false, true, false, false, false); } _this._widget.toString; t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonMoveController, _s35_); t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonAnimator, "_floatingActionButtonAnimator"); t3 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ScaffoldState__geometryNotifier, _s17_); t4 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonVisibilityController, string$.x5ffloat); _this._addIfNonNull$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, new A._FloatingActionButtonTransition(_this._widget.floatingActionButton, t1, t2, t3, t4, _null), B._ScaffoldSlot_8, true, true, true, true); switch (themeData.platform.index) { case 2: case 4: _this._addIfNonNull$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, A.GestureDetector$(B.HitTestBehavior_1, _null, B.DragStartBehavior_1, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.get$_handleStatusBarTap(), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), B._ScaffoldSlot_11, true, false, false, true); break; case 0: case 1: case 3: case 5: break; } t1 = _this._endDrawerOpened; if (A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t1._restoration_properties$_value)) { _this._buildDrawer$2(children, textDirection); _this._buildEndDrawer$2(children, textDirection); } else { _this._buildEndDrawer$2(children, textDirection); _this._buildDrawer$2(children, textDirection); } _this.get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset(); t1 = mediaQuery.viewInsets.bottom; minInsets = mediaQuery.padding.copyWith$1$bottom(t1); _this.get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset(); t1 = t1 !== 0 ? 0 : _null; minViewPadding = mediaQuery.viewPadding.copyWith$1$bottom(t1); if (minInsets.bottom <= 0) _this._widget.toString; _this._widget.toString; A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ScaffoldState__geometryNotifier, _s17_); _this._widget.toString; return new A._ScaffoldScope(false, new A.ScrollNotificationObserver(A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, A.AnimatedBuilder$(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonMoveController, _s35_), new A.ScaffoldState_build_closure(_box_0, _this, false, minInsets, minViewPadding, textDirection, children), _null), B.Clip_0, themeData.scaffoldBackgroundColor, 0, _null, _null, _null, B.MaterialType_0), _null), _null); } }; A.ScaffoldState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { var t1 = this.completer; if ((t1.future._state & 30) === 0) t1.complete$1(0, this.reason); }, $signature: 10 }; A.ScaffoldState__updateSnackBar_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._messengerSnackBar = this.messengerSnackBar; }, $signature: 0 }; A.ScaffoldState__updateMaterialBanner_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._messengerMaterialBanner = this.messengerMaterialBanner; }, $signature: 0 }; A.ScaffoldState_build_closure.prototype = { call$2(context, child) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this, t1 = _this.$this; t1._widget.toString; t2 = t1._floatingActionButtonLocation; t2.toString; t3 = A._lateReadCheck(A._lateReadCheck(t1.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonMoveController, "_floatingActionButtonMoveController").__AnimationController__value, "_value"); t4 = A._lateReadCheck(t1.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonAnimator, "_floatingActionButtonAnimator"); t5 = A._lateReadCheck(t1.__ScaffoldState__geometryNotifier, "_geometryNotifier"); t1 = t1._previousFloatingActionButtonLocation; t1.toString; t6 = _this._box_0; t7 = t6.isSnackBarFloating; t8 = t6.extendBodyBehindMaterialBanner; return new A.CustomMultiChildLayout(new A._ScaffoldLayout(_this._extendBody, false, _this.minInsets, _this.minViewPadding, _this.textDirection, t5, t1, t2, t3, t4, t7, t6.snackBarWidth, t8), _this.children, null); }, $signature: 177 }; A._ScaffoldScope.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { return this.hasDrawer !== oldWidget.hasDrawer; } }; A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure.prototype = { call$2(property, listener) { property.removeListener$1(0, listener); }, $signature: 56 }; A._ScaffoldMessengerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = { activate$0() { this.super$State$activate(); this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0(); this._updateTickers$0(); }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier; if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers()); _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null; _this.super$State$dispose(0); } }; A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = { activate$0() { this.super$State$activate(); this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0(); this._updateTickers$0(); }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier; if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers()); _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null; _this.super$State$dispose(0); } }; A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin.prototype = { didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); this.didUpdateRestorationId$0(); }, didChangeDependencies$0() { var oldBucket, needsRestore, t1, didReplaceBucket, _this = this; _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies(); oldBucket = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket; needsRestore = _this.get$restorePending(); t1 = _this._framework$_element; t1.toString; t1 = A.RestorationScope_of(t1); _this.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t1; didReplaceBucket = _this._updateBucketIfNecessary$2$parent$restorePending(t1, needsRestore); if (needsRestore) { _this.restoreState$2(oldBucket, _this.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending); _this.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = false; } if (didReplaceBucket) if (oldBucket != null) oldBucket.dispose$0(0); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1, _this = this; _this.RestorationMixin__properties.forEach$1(0, new A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure()); t1 = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this.RestorationMixin__bucket = null; _this.super$_ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose(0); } }; A.__FloatingActionButtonTransitionState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = { activate$0() { this.super$State$activate(); this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0(); this._updateTickers$0(); }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier; if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers()); _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null; _this.super$State$dispose(0); } }; A.ScrollbarThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.thickness, _this.trackVisibility, _this.showTrackOnHover, _this.isAlwaysShown, _this.interactive, _this.radius, _this.thumbColor, _this.trackColor, _this.trackBorderColor, _this.crossAxisMargin, _this.mainAxisMargin, _this.minThumbLength, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.ScrollbarThemeData && other.thickness == _this.thickness && other.trackVisibility == _this.trackVisibility && other.showTrackOnHover == _this.showTrackOnHover && other.isAlwaysShown == _this.isAlwaysShown && other.interactive == _this.interactive && J.$eq$(other.radius, _this.radius) && other.thumbColor == _this.thumbColor && other.trackColor == _this.trackColor && other.trackBorderColor == _this.trackBorderColor && other.crossAxisMargin == _this.crossAxisMargin && other.mainAxisMargin == _this.mainAxisMargin && other.minThumbLength == _this.minThumbLength; } }; A._LerpProperties5.prototype = { resolve$1(states) { var resolvedB, _this = this, t1 = _this.a, resolvedA = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); t1 = _this.b; resolvedB = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); return _this.lerpFunction.call$3(resolvedA, resolvedB, _this.t); }, $isMaterialStateProperty: 1 }; A._ScrollbarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.SliderThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashList([_this.trackHeight, _this.activeTrackColor, _this.inactiveTrackColor, _this.disabledActiveTrackColor, _this.disabledInactiveTrackColor, _this.activeTickMarkColor, _this.inactiveTickMarkColor, _this.disabledActiveTickMarkColor, _this.disabledInactiveTickMarkColor, _this.thumbColor, _this.overlappingShapeStrokeColor, _this.disabledThumbColor, _this.overlayColor, _this.valueIndicatorColor, _this.overlayShape, _this.tickMarkShape, _this.thumbShape, _this.trackShape, _this.valueIndicatorShape, _this.rangeTickMarkShape, _this.rangeThumbShape, _this.rangeTrackShape, _this.rangeValueIndicatorShape, _this.showValueIndicator, _this.valueIndicatorTextStyle, _this.minThumbSeparation, _this.thumbSelector]); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.SliderThemeData) if (other.trackHeight == _this.trackHeight) if (J.$eq$(other.activeTrackColor, _this.activeTrackColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.inactiveTrackColor, _this.inactiveTrackColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.disabledActiveTrackColor, _this.disabledActiveTrackColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.disabledInactiveTrackColor, _this.disabledInactiveTrackColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.activeTickMarkColor, _this.activeTickMarkColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.inactiveTickMarkColor, _this.inactiveTickMarkColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.disabledActiveTickMarkColor, _this.disabledActiveTickMarkColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.disabledInactiveTickMarkColor, _this.disabledInactiveTickMarkColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.thumbColor, _this.thumbColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.overlappingShapeStrokeColor, _this.overlappingShapeStrokeColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.disabledThumbColor, _this.disabledThumbColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.overlayColor, _this.overlayColor)) if (J.$eq$(other.valueIndicatorColor, _this.valueIndicatorColor)) t1 = J.$eq$(other.valueIndicatorTextStyle, _this.valueIndicatorTextStyle) && other.minThumbSeparation == _this.minThumbSeparation && true; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._SliderThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.SnackBarClosedReason.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "SnackBarClosedReason." + this._name; } }; A.SnackBarThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.backgroundColor, _this.actionTextColor, _this.disabledActionTextColor, _this.contentTextStyle, _this.elevation, _this.shape, _this.behavior, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.SnackBarThemeData && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.actionTextColor, _this.actionTextColor) && J.$eq$(other.disabledActionTextColor, _this.disabledActionTextColor) && J.$eq$(other.contentTextStyle, _this.contentTextStyle) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape) && true; } }; A._SnackBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.SwitchThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.thumbColor, _this.trackColor, _this.materialTapTargetSize, _this.mouseCursor, _this.overlayColor, _this.splashRadius, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.SwitchThemeData) if (other.thumbColor == _this.thumbColor) if (other.trackColor == _this.trackColor) t1 = other.overlayColor == _this.overlayColor && other.splashRadius == _this.splashRadius; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._LerpProperties0.prototype = { resolve$1(states) { var resolvedB, _this = this, t1 = _this.a, resolvedA = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); t1 = _this.b; resolvedB = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states); return _this.lerpFunction.call$3(resolvedA, resolvedB, _this.t); }, $isMaterialStateProperty: 1 }; A._SwitchThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.TabBarTheme.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.indicator, _this.indicatorSize, _this.labelColor, _this.labelPadding, _this.labelStyle, _this.unselectedLabelColor, _this.unselectedLabelStyle, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.TabBarTheme) if (J.$eq$(other.indicator, _this.indicator)) t1 = J.$eq$(other.labelColor, _this.labelColor) && J.$eq$(other.labelPadding, _this.labelPadding) && J.$eq$(other.labelStyle, _this.labelStyle) && J.$eq$(other.unselectedLabelColor, _this.unselectedLabelColor) && J.$eq$(other.unselectedLabelStyle, _this.unselectedLabelStyle); else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._TabBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.TextButtonThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return J.get$hashCode$(this.style); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.TextButtonThemeData && J.$eq$(other.style, this.style); } }; A._TextButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.TextSelectionThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.cursorColor, this.selectionColor, this.selectionHandleColor, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.TextSelectionThemeData && J.$eq$(other.cursorColor, _this.cursorColor) && J.$eq$(other.selectionColor, _this.selectionColor) && J.$eq$(other.selectionHandleColor, _this.selectionHandleColor); } }; A._TextSelectionThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.TextTheme.prototype = { merge$1(other) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, _this = this, _null = null; if (other == null) return _this; t1 = _this.displayLarge; t2 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.merge$1(other.displayLarge); if (t2 == null) t2 = other.displayLarge; t3 = _this.displayMedium; t4 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.merge$1(other.displayMedium); if (t4 == null) t4 = other.displayMedium; t5 = _this.displaySmall; t6 = t5 == null ? _null : t5.merge$1(other.displaySmall); if (t6 == null) t6 = other.displaySmall; t7 = _this.headlineLarge; t8 = t7 == null ? _null : t7.merge$1(other.headlineLarge); if (t8 == null) t8 = other.headlineLarge; t9 = _this.headlineMedium; t10 = t9 == null ? _null : t9.merge$1(other.headlineMedium); if (t10 == null) t10 = other.headlineMedium; t11 = _this.headlineSmall; t12 = t11 == null ? _null : t11.merge$1(other.headlineSmall); if (t12 == null) t12 = other.headlineSmall; t13 = _this.titleLarge; t14 = t13 == null ? _null : t13.merge$1(other.titleLarge); if (t14 == null) t14 = other.titleLarge; t15 = _this.titleMedium; t16 = t15 == null ? _null : t15.merge$1(other.titleMedium); if (t16 == null) t16 = other.titleMedium; t17 = _this.titleSmall; t18 = t17 == null ? _null : t17.merge$1(other.titleSmall); if (t18 == null) t18 = other.titleSmall; t19 = _this.bodyLarge; t20 = t19 == null ? _null : t19.merge$1(other.bodyLarge); if (t20 == null) t20 = other.bodyLarge; t21 = _this.bodyMedium; t22 = t21 == null ? _null : t21.merge$1(other.bodyMedium); if (t22 == null) t22 = other.bodyMedium; t23 = _this.bodySmall; t24 = t23 == null ? _null : t23.merge$1(other.bodySmall); if (t24 == null) t24 = other.bodySmall; t25 = _this.labelLarge; t26 = t25 == null ? _null : t25.merge$1(other.labelLarge); if (t26 == null) t26 = other.labelLarge; t27 = _this.labelMedium; t28 = t27 == null ? _null : t27.merge$1(other.labelMedium); if (t28 == null) t28 = other.labelMedium; t29 = _this.labelSmall; t30 = t29 == null ? _null : t29.merge$1(other.labelSmall); if (t30 == null) t30 = other.labelSmall; if (t2 == null) t2 = _null; t1 = t2 == null ? t1 : t2; t2 = t4 == null ? _null : t4; if (t2 == null) t2 = t3; t3 = t6 == null ? _null : t6; if (t3 == null) t3 = t5; t4 = t8 == null ? t7 : t8; t5 = t10 == null ? _null : t10; if (t5 == null) t5 = t9; t6 = t12 == null ? _null : t12; if (t6 == null) t6 = t11; t7 = t14 == null ? _null : t14; if (t7 == null) t7 = t13; t8 = t16 == null ? _null : t16; if (t8 == null) t8 = t15; t9 = t18 == null ? _null : t18; if (t9 == null) t9 = t17; t10 = t20 == null ? _null : t20; if (t10 == null) t10 = t19; t11 = t22 == null ? _null : t22; if (t11 == null) t11 = t21; t12 = t24 == null ? _null : t24; if (t12 == null) t12 = t23; t13 = t26 == null ? _null : t26; if (t13 == null) t13 = t25; t14 = t28 == null ? t27 : t28; t15 = t30 == null ? _null : t30; return A.TextTheme$(t10, t11, t12, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t13, t14, t15 == null ? t29 : t15, t7, t8, t9); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.TextTheme && J.$eq$(_this.displayLarge, other.displayLarge) && J.$eq$(_this.displayMedium, other.displayMedium) && J.$eq$(_this.displaySmall, other.displaySmall) && J.$eq$(_this.headlineLarge, other.headlineLarge) && J.$eq$(_this.headlineMedium, other.headlineMedium) && J.$eq$(_this.headlineSmall, other.headlineSmall) && J.$eq$(_this.titleLarge, other.titleLarge) && J.$eq$(_this.titleMedium, other.titleMedium) && J.$eq$(_this.titleSmall, other.titleSmall) && J.$eq$(_this.bodyLarge, other.bodyLarge) && J.$eq$(_this.bodyMedium, other.bodyMedium) && J.$eq$(_this.bodySmall, other.bodySmall) && J.$eq$(_this.labelLarge, other.labelLarge) && J.$eq$(_this.labelMedium, other.labelMedium) && J.$eq$(_this.labelSmall, other.labelSmall); }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.displayLarge, _this.displayMedium, _this.displaySmall, _this.headlineLarge, _this.headlineMedium, _this.headlineSmall, _this.titleLarge, _this.titleMedium, _this.titleSmall, _this.bodyLarge, _this.bodyMedium, _this.bodySmall, _this.labelLarge, _this.labelMedium, _this.labelSmall, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A._TextTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.Theme.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var t1 = this.data, t2 = B.CupertinoThemeData_Npb.brightness, t3 = B.CupertinoThemeData_Npb.primaryColor, t4 = B.CupertinoThemeData_Npb.primaryContrastingColor, t5 = B.CupertinoThemeData_Npb.textTheme, t6 = B.CupertinoThemeData_Npb.barBackgroundColor, t7 = B.CupertinoThemeData_Npb.scaffoldBackgroundColor; return new A._InheritedTheme(this, new A.CupertinoTheme(new A.MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData(t1, new A.NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData(t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7), B.C__CupertinoThemeDefaults, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7), A.IconTheme$(this.child, t1.iconTheme, null), null), null); } }; A._InheritedTheme.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(old) { return !this.theme.data.$eq(0, old.theme.data); } }; A.ThemeDataTween.prototype = { lerp$1(t) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57, t58, t59, t60, t61, t62, t63, t64, t65, t66, t67, t68, t69, t70, t71, t72, t73, t74, t75, t76, t77, t78, t79, t80, t81, t82, t83, t84, t85, t86, t87, t88, t89, t90, t91, t92, t93, t94, t95, t96, t97, t98, t99, t100, t101, t102, t103, t104, t105, t106, t107, t108, t109, t110, t111, t112, t113, t114, t115, t116, t117, t118, t119, t120, t121, t122, t123, t124, t125, t126, t127, t128, t129, t130, t131, t132, t133, t134, t135, t136, t137, t138, t139, t140, t141, t142, t143, t144, t145, t146, t147, t148, t149, t150, t151, t152, t153, t154, t155, t156, t157, t158, t159, t160, t161, t162, t163, t164, t165, t166, t167, t168, t169, t170, t171, t172, t173, t174, t175, t176, t177, t178, t179, t180, t181, t182, t183, t184, t185, t186, t187, t188, t189, t190, t191, t192, t193, t194, t195, t196, t197, t198, t199, t200, t201, t202, t203, lerpedBorderSide, t204, t205, t206, t207, t208, t209, t210, t211, t212, t213, t214, t215, t216, t217, t218, t219, t220, t221, t222, t223, t224, t225, t226, t1 = this.begin; t1.toString; t2 = this.end; t2.toString; t3 = t < 0.5; t4 = t3 ? t1.androidOverscrollIndicator : t2.androidOverscrollIndicator; t5 = t3 ? t1.applyElevationOverlayColor : t2.applyElevationOverlayColor; t6 = t3 ? t1.cupertinoOverrideTheme : t2.cupertinoOverrideTheme; t7 = t3 ? t1.inputDecorationTheme : t2.inputDecorationTheme; t8 = t3 ? t1.materialTapTargetSize : t2.materialTapTargetSize; t9 = t3 ? t1.pageTransitionsTheme : t2.pageTransitionsTheme; t10 = t3 ? t1.platform : t2.platform; t11 = t1.scrollbarTheme; t12 = t2.scrollbarTheme; t13 = A.ScrollbarThemeData__lerpProperties(t11.thickness, t12.thickness, t, A.ui__lerpDouble$closure(), type$.nullable_double); t14 = A.ScrollbarThemeData__lerpProperties(t11.trackVisibility, t12.trackVisibility, t, A.scrollbar_theme___lerpBool$closure(), type$.nullable_bool); t15 = t11.showTrackOnHover; t16 = t12.showTrackOnHover; t15 = t3 ? t15 : t16; t16 = t11.isAlwaysShown; t17 = t12.isAlwaysShown; t16 = t3 ? t16 : t17; t17 = t11.interactive; t18 = t12.interactive; t17 = t3 ? t17 : t18; t18 = A.Radius_lerp(t11.radius, t12.radius, t); t19 = type$.nullable_Color; t20 = A.ScrollbarThemeData__lerpProperties(t11.thumbColor, t12.thumbColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t19); t21 = A.ScrollbarThemeData__lerpProperties(t11.trackColor, t12.trackColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t19); t22 = A.ScrollbarThemeData__lerpProperties(t11.trackBorderColor, t12.trackBorderColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t19); t23 = A.lerpDouble(t11.crossAxisMargin, t12.crossAxisMargin, t); t24 = A.lerpDouble(t11.mainAxisMargin, t12.mainAxisMargin, t); t11 = A.lerpDouble(t11.minThumbLength, t12.minThumbLength, t); t12 = t3 ? t1.splashFactory : t2.splashFactory; t25 = t1.visualDensity.horizontal; t26 = t2.visualDensity.horizontal; t27 = A.lerpDouble(t25, t26, t); t27.toString; t26 = A.lerpDouble(t25, t26, t); t26.toString; t25 = t1.colorScheme; t28 = t2.colorScheme; t29 = t3 ? t25.brightness : t28.brightness; t30 = t25.primary; t31 = t28.primary; t32 = A.Color_lerp(t30, t31, t); t32.toString; t33 = t25.onPrimary; t34 = t28.onPrimary; t35 = A.Color_lerp(t33, t34, t); t35.toString; t36 = t25._primaryContainer; if (t36 == null) t36 = t30; t37 = t28._primaryContainer; t36 = A.Color_lerp(t36, t37 == null ? t31 : t37, t); t37 = t25._onPrimaryContainer; if (t37 == null) t37 = t33; t38 = t28._onPrimaryContainer; t37 = A.Color_lerp(t37, t38 == null ? t34 : t38, t); t38 = t25.secondary; t39 = t28.secondary; t40 = A.Color_lerp(t38, t39, t); t40.toString; t41 = t25.onSecondary; t42 = t28.onSecondary; t43 = A.Color_lerp(t41, t42, t); t43.toString; t44 = t25._secondaryContainer; if (t44 == null) t44 = t38; t45 = t28._secondaryContainer; t44 = A.Color_lerp(t44, t45 == null ? t39 : t45, t); t45 = t25._onSecondaryContainer; if (t45 == null) t45 = t41; t46 = t28._onSecondaryContainer; t45 = A.Color_lerp(t45, t46 == null ? t42 : t46, t); t46 = t25._tertiary; t47 = t46 == null; t48 = t47 ? t38 : t46; t49 = t28._tertiary; t50 = t49 == null; t48 = A.Color_lerp(t48, t50 ? t39 : t49, t); t51 = t25._onTertiary; t52 = t51 == null; t53 = t52 ? t41 : t51; t54 = t28._onTertiary; t55 = t54 == null; t53 = A.Color_lerp(t53, t55 ? t42 : t54, t); t56 = t25._tertiaryContainer; if (t56 == null) { if (t47) t46 = t38; } else t46 = t56; t47 = t28._tertiaryContainer; if (t47 == null) t47 = t50 ? t39 : t49; t47 = A.Color_lerp(t46, t47, t); t46 = t25._onTertiaryContainer; if (t46 == null) t41 = t52 ? t41 : t51; else t41 = t46; t46 = t28._onTertiaryContainer; if (t46 == null) t42 = t55 ? t42 : t54; else t42 = t46; t42 = A.Color_lerp(t41, t42, t); t41 = t25.error; t46 = t28.error; t49 = A.Color_lerp(t41, t46, t); t49.toString; t50 = t25.onError; t51 = t28.onError; t52 = A.Color_lerp(t50, t51, t); t52.toString; t54 = t25._errorContainer; t41 = t54 == null ? t41 : t54; t54 = t28._errorContainer; t41 = A.Color_lerp(t41, t54 == null ? t46 : t54, t); t46 = t25._onErrorContainer; if (t46 == null) t46 = t50; t50 = t28._onErrorContainer; t46 = A.Color_lerp(t46, t50 == null ? t51 : t50, t); t50 = A.Color_lerp(t25.background, t28.background, t); t50.toString; t51 = t25.onBackground; t54 = t28.onBackground; t55 = A.Color_lerp(t51, t54, t); t55.toString; t56 = t25.surface; t57 = t28.surface; t58 = A.Color_lerp(t56, t57, t); t58.toString; t59 = t25.onSurface; t60 = t28.onSurface; t61 = A.Color_lerp(t59, t60, t); t61.toString; t62 = t25._surfaceVariant; if (t62 == null) t62 = t56; t63 = t28._surfaceVariant; t62 = A.Color_lerp(t62, t63 == null ? t57 : t63, t); t63 = t25._onSurfaceVariant; if (t63 == null) t63 = t59; t64 = t28._onSurfaceVariant; t63 = A.Color_lerp(t63, t64 == null ? t60 : t64, t); t64 = t25._outline; if (t64 == null) t64 = t51; t65 = t28._outline; t64 = A.Color_lerp(t64, t65 == null ? t54 : t65, t); t65 = t25._shadow; t51 = t65 == null ? t51 : t65; t65 = t28._shadow; t51 = A.Color_lerp(t51, t65 == null ? t54 : t65, t); t54 = t25._inverseSurface; if (t54 == null) t54 = t59; t59 = t28._inverseSurface; t54 = A.Color_lerp(t54, t59 == null ? t60 : t59, t); t59 = t25._onInverseSurface; t56 = t59 == null ? t56 : t59; t59 = t28._onInverseSurface; t56 = A.Color_lerp(t56, t59 == null ? t57 : t59, t); t57 = t25._inversePrimary; t33 = t57 == null ? t33 : t57; t57 = t28._inversePrimary; t33 = A.Color_lerp(t33, t57 == null ? t34 : t57, t); t34 = t25._primaryVariant; t30 = t34 == null ? t30 : t34; t34 = t28._primaryVariant; t30 = A.Color_lerp(t30, t34 == null ? t31 : t34, t); t25 = t25._secondaryVariant; if (t25 == null) t25 = t38; t28 = t28._secondaryVariant; t25 = A.ColorScheme$(t50, t29, t49, t41, t33, t54, t55, t52, t46, t56, t35, t37, t43, t45, t61, t63, t53, t42, t64, t32, t36, t30, t40, t44, A.Color_lerp(t25, t28 == null ? t39 : t28, t), t51, t58, t62, t48, t47); t28 = A.Color_lerp(t1.primaryColor, t2.primaryColor, t); t28.toString; t29 = A.Color_lerp(t1.primaryColorLight, t2.primaryColorLight, t); t29.toString; t30 = A.Color_lerp(t1.primaryColorDark, t2.primaryColorDark, t); t30.toString; t31 = A.Color_lerp(t1.focusColor, t2.focusColor, t); t31.toString; t32 = A.Color_lerp(t1.hoverColor, t2.hoverColor, t); t32.toString; t33 = A.Color_lerp(t1.shadowColor, t2.shadowColor, t); t33.toString; t34 = A.Color_lerp(t1.canvasColor, t2.canvasColor, t); t34.toString; t35 = A.Color_lerp(t1.scaffoldBackgroundColor, t2.scaffoldBackgroundColor, t); t35.toString; t36 = A.Color_lerp(t1.bottomAppBarColor, t2.bottomAppBarColor, t); t36.toString; t37 = A.Color_lerp(t1.cardColor, t2.cardColor, t); t37.toString; t38 = A.Color_lerp(t1.dividerColor, t2.dividerColor, t); t38.toString; t39 = A.Color_lerp(t1.highlightColor, t2.highlightColor, t); t39.toString; t40 = A.Color_lerp(t1.splashColor, t2.splashColor, t); t40.toString; t41 = A.Color_lerp(t1.selectedRowColor, t2.selectedRowColor, t); t41.toString; t42 = A.Color_lerp(t1.unselectedWidgetColor, t2.unselectedWidgetColor, t); t42.toString; t43 = A.Color_lerp(t1.disabledColor, t2.disabledColor, t); t43.toString; t44 = A.Color_lerp(t1.secondaryHeaderColor, t2.secondaryHeaderColor, t); t44.toString; t45 = A.Color_lerp(t1.backgroundColor, t2.backgroundColor, t); t45.toString; t46 = A.Color_lerp(t1.dialogBackgroundColor, t2.dialogBackgroundColor, t); t46.toString; t47 = A.Color_lerp(t1.indicatorColor, t2.indicatorColor, t); t47.toString; t48 = A.Color_lerp(t1.hintColor, t2.hintColor, t); t48.toString; t49 = A.Color_lerp(t1.errorColor, t2.errorColor, t); t49.toString; t50 = A.Color_lerp(t1.toggleableActiveColor, t2.toggleableActiveColor, t); t50.toString; t51 = t1.typography; t52 = t2.typography; t53 = A.TextTheme_lerp(t51.black, t52.black, t); t54 = A.TextTheme_lerp(t51.white, t52.white, t); t55 = A.TextTheme_lerp(t51.englishLike, t52.englishLike, t); t56 = A.TextTheme_lerp(t51.dense, t52.dense, t); t52 = A.TextTheme_lerp(t51.tall, t52.tall, t); t51 = A.TextTheme_lerp(t1.textTheme, t2.textTheme, t); t57 = A.TextTheme_lerp(t1.primaryTextTheme, t2.primaryTextTheme, t); t58 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(t1.iconTheme, t2.iconTheme, t); t59 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(t1.primaryIconTheme, t2.primaryIconTheme, t); t60 = t1.appBarTheme; t61 = t2.appBarTheme; if (t3) t62 = t60.brightness; else t62 = t61.brightness; t63 = A.Color_lerp(t60.backgroundColor, t61.backgroundColor, t); t64 = A.Color_lerp(t60.foregroundColor, t61.foregroundColor, t); t65 = A.lerpDouble(t60.elevation, t61.elevation, t); t66 = A.Color_lerp(t60.shadowColor, t61.shadowColor, t); t67 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(t60.shape, t61.shape, t); t68 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(t60.iconTheme, t61.iconTheme, t); t69 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(t60.actionsIconTheme, t61.actionsIconTheme, t); t70 = A.TextTheme_lerp(t60.textTheme, t61.textTheme, t); if (t3) t71 = t60.centerTitle; else t71 = t61.centerTitle; t72 = A.lerpDouble(t60.titleSpacing, t61.titleSpacing, t); t73 = A.lerpDouble(t60.toolbarHeight, t61.toolbarHeight, t); t74 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t60.toolbarTextStyle, t61.toolbarTextStyle, t); t75 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t60.titleTextStyle, t61.titleTextStyle, t); if (t3) t76 = t60.systemOverlayStyle; else t76 = t61.systemOverlayStyle; if (t3) t60 = t60.backwardsCompatibility; else t60 = t61.backwardsCompatibility; t61 = t63 == null ? null : t63; t63 = t1.bannerTheme; t77 = t2.bannerTheme; t78 = A.Color_lerp(t63.backgroundColor, t77.backgroundColor, t); t79 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t63.contentTextStyle, t77.contentTextStyle, t); t80 = A.lerpDouble(t63.elevation, t77.elevation, t); t81 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(t63.padding, t77.padding, t); t63 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(t63.leadingPadding, t77.leadingPadding, t); t77 = t1.bottomAppBarTheme; t82 = t2.bottomAppBarTheme; t83 = A.Color_lerp(t77.color, t82.color, t); t84 = A.lerpDouble(t77.elevation, t82.elevation, t); if (t3) t77 = t77.shape; else t77 = t82.shape; t82 = t1.bottomNavigationBarTheme; t85 = t2.bottomNavigationBarTheme; t86 = A.Color_lerp(t82.backgroundColor, t85.backgroundColor, t); t87 = A.lerpDouble(t82.elevation, t85.elevation, t); t88 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(t82.selectedIconTheme, t85.selectedIconTheme, t); t89 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(t82.unselectedIconTheme, t85.unselectedIconTheme, t); t90 = A.Color_lerp(t82.selectedItemColor, t85.selectedItemColor, t); t91 = A.Color_lerp(t82.unselectedItemColor, t85.unselectedItemColor, t); t92 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t82.selectedLabelStyle, t85.selectedLabelStyle, t); t93 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t82.unselectedLabelStyle, t85.unselectedLabelStyle, t); if (t3) t94 = t82.showSelectedLabels; else t94 = t85.showSelectedLabels; if (t3) t95 = t82.showUnselectedLabels; else t95 = t85.showUnselectedLabels; if (t3) t96 = t82.type; else t96 = t85.type; if (t3) t97 = t82.enableFeedback; else t97 = t85.enableFeedback; if (t3) t82 = t82.landscapeLayout; else t82 = t85.landscapeLayout; t85 = A.BottomSheetThemeData_lerp(t1.bottomSheetTheme, t2.bottomSheetTheme, t); t85.toString; t98 = A.ButtonBarThemeData_lerp(t1.buttonBarTheme, t2.buttonBarTheme, t); t98.toString; t99 = t3 ? t1.buttonTheme : t2.buttonTheme; t100 = t1.cardTheme; t101 = t2.cardTheme; if (t3) t102 = t100.clipBehavior; else t102 = t101.clipBehavior; t103 = A.Color_lerp(t100.color, t101.color, t); t104 = A.Color_lerp(t100.shadowColor, t101.shadowColor, t); t105 = A.lerpDouble(t100.elevation, t101.elevation, t); t106 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(t100.margin, t101.margin, t); t100 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(t100.shape, t101.shape, t); t101 = t1.checkboxTheme; t107 = t2.checkboxTheme; if (t3) t108 = t101.mouseCursor; else t108 = t107.mouseCursor; t109 = A.CheckboxThemeData__lerpProperties(t101.fillColor, t107.fillColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t19); t110 = A.CheckboxThemeData__lerpProperties(t101.checkColor, t107.checkColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t19); t111 = A.CheckboxThemeData__lerpProperties(t101.overlayColor, t107.overlayColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t19); t112 = A.lerpDouble(t101.splashRadius, t107.splashRadius, t); if (t3) t113 = t101.materialTapTargetSize; else t113 = t107.materialTapTargetSize; if (t3) t114 = t101.visualDensity; else t114 = t107.visualDensity; t115 = type$.nullable_OutlinedBorder; t116 = t115._as(A.ShapeBorder_lerp(t101.shape, t107.shape, t)); t101 = A.CheckboxThemeData__lerpSides(t101.side, t107.side, t); t107 = A.ChipThemeData_lerp(t1.chipTheme, t2.chipTheme, t); t107.toString; t117 = t1.dataTableTheme; t118 = t2.dataTableTheme; t119 = A.Decoration_lerp(t117.decoration, t118.decoration, t); t120 = A.DataTableThemeData__lerpProperties(t117.dataRowColor, t118.dataRowColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t19); t121 = A.lerpDouble(t117.dataRowHeight, t118.dataRowHeight, t); t122 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t117.dataTextStyle, t118.dataTextStyle, t); t123 = A.DataTableThemeData__lerpProperties(t117.headingRowColor, t118.headingRowColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t19); t124 = A.lerpDouble(t117.headingRowHeight, t118.headingRowHeight, t); t125 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t117.headingTextStyle, t118.headingTextStyle, t); t126 = A.lerpDouble(t117.horizontalMargin, t118.horizontalMargin, t); t127 = A.lerpDouble(t117.columnSpacing, t118.columnSpacing, t); t128 = A.lerpDouble(t117.dividerThickness, t118.dividerThickness, t); t118 = A.lerpDouble(t117.checkboxHorizontalMargin, t118.checkboxHorizontalMargin, t); t117 = t1.dialogTheme; t129 = t2.dialogTheme; t130 = A.Color_lerp(t117.backgroundColor, t129.backgroundColor, t); t131 = A.lerpDouble(t117.elevation, t129.elevation, t); t132 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(t117.shape, t129.shape, t); t133 = A.AlignmentGeometry_lerp(t117.alignment, t129.alignment, t); t134 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t117.titleTextStyle, t129.titleTextStyle, t); t117 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t117.contentTextStyle, t129.contentTextStyle, t); t129 = t1.dividerTheme; t135 = t2.dividerTheme; t136 = A.Color_lerp(t129.color, t135.color, t); t137 = A.lerpDouble(t129.space, t135.space, t); t138 = A.lerpDouble(t129.thickness, t135.thickness, t); t139 = A.lerpDouble(t129.indent, t135.indent, t); t129 = A.lerpDouble(t129.endIndent, t135.endIndent, t); t135 = A.DrawerThemeData_lerp(t1.drawerTheme, t2.drawerTheme, t); t135.toString; t140 = A.ElevatedButtonThemeData_lerp(t1.elevatedButtonTheme, t2.elevatedButtonTheme, t); t140.toString; t141 = A.FloatingActionButtonThemeData_lerp(t1.floatingActionButtonTheme, t2.floatingActionButtonTheme, t); t141.toString; t142 = A.ListTileThemeData_lerp(t1.listTileTheme, t2.listTileTheme, t); t142.toString; t143 = A.NavigationBarThemeData_lerp(t1.navigationBarTheme, t2.navigationBarTheme, t); t143.toString; t144 = A.NavigationRailThemeData_lerp(t1.navigationRailTheme, t2.navigationRailTheme, t); t144.toString; t145 = A.OutlinedButtonThemeData_lerp(t1.outlinedButtonTheme, t2.outlinedButtonTheme, t); t145.toString; t146 = A.PopupMenuThemeData_lerp(t1.popupMenuTheme, t2.popupMenuTheme, t); t146.toString; t147 = A.ProgressIndicatorThemeData_lerp(t1.progressIndicatorTheme, t2.progressIndicatorTheme, t); t147.toString; t148 = t1.radioTheme; t149 = t2.radioTheme; if (t3) t150 = t148.mouseCursor; else t150 = t149.mouseCursor; t151 = A.RadioThemeData__lerpProperties(t148.fillColor, t149.fillColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t19); if (t3) t152 = t148.materialTapTargetSize; else t152 = t149.materialTapTargetSize; t153 = A.RadioThemeData__lerpProperties(t148.overlayColor, t149.overlayColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t19); t154 = A.lerpDouble(t148.splashRadius, t149.splashRadius, t); if (t3) t148 = t148.visualDensity; else t148 = t149.visualDensity; t149 = t1.sliderTheme; t155 = t2.sliderTheme; t156 = A.lerpDouble(t149.trackHeight, t155.trackHeight, t); t157 = A.Color_lerp(t149.activeTrackColor, t155.activeTrackColor, t); t158 = A.Color_lerp(t149.inactiveTrackColor, t155.inactiveTrackColor, t); t159 = A.Color_lerp(t149.disabledActiveTrackColor, t155.disabledActiveTrackColor, t); t160 = A.Color_lerp(t149.disabledInactiveTrackColor, t155.disabledInactiveTrackColor, t); t161 = A.Color_lerp(t149.activeTickMarkColor, t155.activeTickMarkColor, t); t162 = A.Color_lerp(t149.inactiveTickMarkColor, t155.inactiveTickMarkColor, t); t163 = A.Color_lerp(t149.disabledActiveTickMarkColor, t155.disabledActiveTickMarkColor, t); t164 = A.Color_lerp(t149.disabledInactiveTickMarkColor, t155.disabledInactiveTickMarkColor, t); t165 = A.Color_lerp(t149.thumbColor, t155.thumbColor, t); t166 = A.Color_lerp(t149.overlappingShapeStrokeColor, t155.overlappingShapeStrokeColor, t); t167 = A.Color_lerp(t149.disabledThumbColor, t155.disabledThumbColor, t); t168 = A.Color_lerp(t149.overlayColor, t155.overlayColor, t); t169 = A.Color_lerp(t149.valueIndicatorColor, t155.valueIndicatorColor, t); t170 = t3 ? t149.overlayShape : t155.overlayShape; t171 = t3 ? t149.tickMarkShape : t155.tickMarkShape; t172 = t3 ? t149.thumbShape : t155.thumbShape; t173 = t3 ? t149.trackShape : t155.trackShape; t174 = t3 ? t149.valueIndicatorShape : t155.valueIndicatorShape; t175 = t3 ? t149.rangeTickMarkShape : t155.rangeTickMarkShape; t176 = t3 ? t149.rangeThumbShape : t155.rangeThumbShape; t177 = t3 ? t149.rangeTrackShape : t155.rangeTrackShape; t178 = t3 ? t149.rangeValueIndicatorShape : t155.rangeValueIndicatorShape; t179 = t3 ? t149.showValueIndicator : t155.showValueIndicator; t180 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t149.valueIndicatorTextStyle, t155.valueIndicatorTextStyle, t); t181 = A.lerpDouble(t149.minThumbSeparation, t155.minThumbSeparation, t); t149 = t3 ? t149.thumbSelector : t155.thumbSelector; t155 = t1.snackBarTheme; t182 = t2.snackBarTheme; t183 = A.Color_lerp(t155.backgroundColor, t182.backgroundColor, t); t184 = A.Color_lerp(t155.actionTextColor, t182.actionTextColor, t); t185 = A.Color_lerp(t155.disabledActionTextColor, t182.disabledActionTextColor, t); t186 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t155.contentTextStyle, t182.contentTextStyle, t); t187 = A.lerpDouble(t155.elevation, t182.elevation, t); t188 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(t155.shape, t182.shape, t); if (t3) t155 = t155.behavior; else t155 = t182.behavior; t182 = t1.switchTheme; t189 = t2.switchTheme; t190 = A.SwitchThemeData__lerpProperties(t182.thumbColor, t189.thumbColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t19); t191 = A.SwitchThemeData__lerpProperties(t182.trackColor, t189.trackColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t19); if (t3) t192 = t182.materialTapTargetSize; else t192 = t189.materialTapTargetSize; if (t3) t193 = t182.mouseCursor; else t193 = t189.mouseCursor; t19 = A.SwitchThemeData__lerpProperties(t182.overlayColor, t189.overlayColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t19); t182 = A.lerpDouble(t182.splashRadius, t189.splashRadius, t); t189 = t1.tabBarTheme; t194 = t2.tabBarTheme; t195 = A.Decoration_lerp(t189.indicator, t194.indicator, t); t196 = t3 ? t189.indicatorSize : t194.indicatorSize; t197 = A.Color_lerp(t189.labelColor, t194.labelColor, t); t198 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(t189.labelPadding, t194.labelPadding, t); t199 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t189.labelStyle, t194.labelStyle, t); t200 = A.Color_lerp(t189.unselectedLabelColor, t194.unselectedLabelColor, t); t194 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t189.unselectedLabelStyle, t194.unselectedLabelStyle, t); t189 = A.TextButtonThemeData_lerp(t1.textButtonTheme, t2.textButtonTheme, t); t189.toString; t201 = A.TextSelectionThemeData_lerp(t1.textSelectionTheme, t2.textSelectionTheme, t); t201.toString; t202 = t1.timePickerTheme; t203 = t2.timePickerTheme; lerpedBorderSide = t202.dayPeriodBorderSide; t204 = lerpedBorderSide == null; if (t204) t205 = t203.dayPeriodBorderSide == null; else t205 = false; if (t205) lerpedBorderSide = null; else if (t204) lerpedBorderSide = t203.dayPeriodBorderSide; else { t204 = t203.dayPeriodBorderSide; if (!(t204 == null)) lerpedBorderSide = A.BorderSide_lerp(lerpedBorderSide, t204, t); } t204 = A.Color_lerp(t202.backgroundColor, t203.backgroundColor, t); t205 = A.Color_lerp(t202.hourMinuteTextColor, t203.hourMinuteTextColor, t); t206 = A.Color_lerp(t202.hourMinuteColor, t203.hourMinuteColor, t); t207 = A.Color_lerp(t202.dayPeriodTextColor, t203.dayPeriodTextColor, t); t208 = A.Color_lerp(t202.dayPeriodColor, t203.dayPeriodColor, t); t209 = A.Color_lerp(t202.dialHandColor, t203.dialHandColor, t); t210 = A.Color_lerp(t202.dialBackgroundColor, t203.dialBackgroundColor, t); t211 = A.Color_lerp(t202.dialTextColor, t203.dialTextColor, t); t212 = A.Color_lerp(t202.entryModeIconColor, t203.entryModeIconColor, t); t213 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t202.hourMinuteTextStyle, t203.hourMinuteTextStyle, t); t214 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t202.dayPeriodTextStyle, t203.dayPeriodTextStyle, t); t215 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t202.helpTextStyle, t203.helpTextStyle, t); t216 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(t202.shape, t203.shape, t); t217 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(t202.hourMinuteShape, t203.hourMinuteShape, t); t115 = t115._as(A.ShapeBorder_lerp(t202.dayPeriodShape, t203.dayPeriodShape, t)); if (t3) t202 = t202.inputDecorationTheme; else t202 = t203.inputDecorationTheme; t203 = A.ToggleButtonsThemeData_lerp(t1.toggleButtonsTheme, t2.toggleButtonsTheme, t); t203.toString; t218 = A.TooltipThemeData_lerp(t1.tooltipTheme, t2.tooltipTheme, t); t218.toString; t219 = A.Color_lerp(t1.textSelectionColor, t2.textSelectionColor, t); t219.toString; t220 = A.Color_lerp(t1.cursorColor, t2.cursorColor, t); t220.toString; t221 = A.Color_lerp(t1.textSelectionHandleColor, t2.textSelectionHandleColor, t); t221.toString; t222 = A.Color_lerp(t1.accentColor, t2.accentColor, t); t222.toString; t223 = t3 ? t1.accentColorBrightness : t2.accentColorBrightness; t224 = A.TextTheme_lerp(t1.accentTextTheme, t2.accentTextTheme, t); t225 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(t1.accentIconTheme, t2.accentIconTheme, t); t226 = A.Color_lerp(t1.buttonColor, t2.buttonColor, t); t226.toString; t1 = t3 ? t1.primaryColorBrightness : t2.primaryColorBrightness; return A.ThemeData$raw(t222, t223, t225, t224, t4, new A.AppBarTheme(t62, t61, t64, t65, t66, t67, t68, t69, t70, t71, t72, t73, t74, t75, t76, t60), t5, t45, new A.MaterialBannerThemeData(t78, t79, t80, t81, t63), t36, new A.BottomAppBarTheme(t83, t84, t77), new A.BottomNavigationBarThemeData(t86, t87, t88, t89, t90, t91, t92, t93, t94, t95, t96, t97, t82), t85, t98, t226, t99, t34, t37, new A.CardTheme(t102, t103, t104, t105, t106, t100), new A.CheckboxThemeData(t108, t109, t110, t111, t112, t113, t114, t116, t101), t107, t25, t6, t220, new A.DataTableThemeData(t119, t120, t121, t122, t123, t124, t125, t126, t127, t128, t118), t46, new A.DialogTheme(t130, t131, t132, t133, t134, t117), t43, t38, new A.DividerThemeData(t136, t137, t138, t139, t129), t135, t140, t49, true, t141, t31, t39, t48, t32, t58, t47, t7, t142, t8, t143, t144, t145, t9, t10, t146, t28, t1, t30, t29, t59, t57, t147, new A.RadioThemeData(t150, t151, t153, t154, t152, t148), t35, new A.ScrollbarThemeData(t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t11), t44, t41, t33, new A.SliderThemeData(t156, t157, t158, t159, t160, t161, t162, t163, t164, t165, t166, t167, t168, t169, t170, t171, t172, t173, t174, t175, t176, t177, t178, t179, t180, t181, t149), new A.SnackBarThemeData(t183, t184, t185, t186, t187, t188, t155), t40, t12, new A.SwitchThemeData(t190, t191, t192, t193, t19, t182), new A.TabBarTheme(t195, t196, t197, t198, t199, t200, t194), t189, t219, t221, t201, t51, new A.TimePickerThemeData(t204, t205, t206, t207, t208, t209, t210, t211, t212, t213, t214, t215, t216, t217, t115, lerpedBorderSide, t202), t203, t50, t218, new A.Typography(t53, t54, t55, t56, t52), t42, false, true, new A.VisualDensity(t27, t26)); } }; A.AnimatedTheme.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._AnimatedThemeState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._AnimatedThemeState.prototype = { forEachTween$1(visitor) { var t1 = visitor.call$3(this._theme$_data, this._widget.data, new A._AnimatedThemeState_forEachTween_closure()); t1.toString; this._theme$_data = type$.ThemeDataTween._as(t1); }, build$1(_, context) { var t2, t1 = this._theme$_data; t1.toString; t2 = this.get$_animation(); return new A.Theme(t1.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2)), this._widget.child, null); } }; A._AnimatedThemeState_forEachTween_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { return new A.ThemeDataTween(type$.ThemeData._as(value), null); }, $signature: 179 }; A.MaterialTapTargetSize.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "MaterialTapTargetSize." + this._name; } }; A.ThemeData.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.ThemeData) if (other.applyElevationOverlayColor === _this.applyElevationOverlayColor) if (other.inputDecorationTheme.$eq(0, _this.inputDecorationTheme)) if (other.materialTapTargetSize === _this.materialTapTargetSize) if (other.pageTransitionsTheme.$eq(0, _this.pageTransitionsTheme)) if (other.platform === _this.platform) if (other.scrollbarTheme.$eq(0, _this.scrollbarTheme)) if (other.splashFactory === _this.splashFactory) if (other.visualDensity.$eq(0, _this.visualDensity)) if (other.colorScheme.$eq(0, _this.colorScheme)) if (other.primaryColor.$eq(0, _this.primaryColor)) if (other.primaryColorLight.$eq(0, _this.primaryColorLight)) if (other.primaryColorDark.$eq(0, _this.primaryColorDark)) if (other.focusColor.$eq(0, _this.focusColor)) if (other.hoverColor.$eq(0, _this.hoverColor)) if (other.shadowColor.$eq(0, _this.shadowColor)) if (other.canvasColor.$eq(0, _this.canvasColor)) if (other.scaffoldBackgroundColor.$eq(0, _this.scaffoldBackgroundColor)) if (other.bottomAppBarColor.$eq(0, _this.bottomAppBarColor)) if (other.cardColor.$eq(0, _this.cardColor)) if (other.dividerColor.$eq(0, _this.dividerColor)) if (other.highlightColor.$eq(0, _this.highlightColor)) if (other.splashColor.$eq(0, _this.splashColor)) if (other.selectedRowColor.$eq(0, _this.selectedRowColor)) if (other.unselectedWidgetColor.$eq(0, _this.unselectedWidgetColor)) if (other.disabledColor.$eq(0, _this.disabledColor)) if (other.secondaryHeaderColor.$eq(0, _this.secondaryHeaderColor)) if (other.backgroundColor.$eq(0, _this.backgroundColor)) if (other.dialogBackgroundColor.$eq(0, _this.dialogBackgroundColor)) if (other.indicatorColor.$eq(0, _this.indicatorColor)) if (other.hintColor.$eq(0, _this.hintColor)) if (other.errorColor.$eq(0, _this.errorColor)) if (other.toggleableActiveColor.$eq(0, _this.toggleableActiveColor)) if (other.typography.$eq(0, _this.typography)) if (other.textTheme.$eq(0, _this.textTheme)) if (other.primaryTextTheme.$eq(0, _this.primaryTextTheme)) if (other.iconTheme.$eq(0, _this.iconTheme)) if (other.primaryIconTheme.$eq(0, _this.primaryIconTheme)) if (other.appBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.appBarTheme)) if (other.bannerTheme.$eq(0, _this.bannerTheme)) if (other.bottomAppBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.bottomAppBarTheme)) if (other.bottomNavigationBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.bottomNavigationBarTheme)) if (other.bottomSheetTheme.$eq(0, _this.bottomSheetTheme)) if (other.buttonBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.buttonBarTheme)) if (other.buttonTheme.$eq(0, _this.buttonTheme)) if (other.cardTheme.$eq(0, _this.cardTheme)) if (other.checkboxTheme.$eq(0, _this.checkboxTheme)) if (other.chipTheme.$eq(0, _this.chipTheme)) if (other.dataTableTheme.$eq(0, _this.dataTableTheme)) if (other.dialogTheme.$eq(0, _this.dialogTheme)) if (other.dividerTheme.$eq(0, _this.dividerTheme)) if (other.drawerTheme.$eq(0, _this.drawerTheme)) if (other.elevatedButtonTheme.$eq(0, _this.elevatedButtonTheme)) if (other.floatingActionButtonTheme.$eq(0, _this.floatingActionButtonTheme)) if (other.listTileTheme.$eq(0, _this.listTileTheme)) if (other.navigationBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.navigationBarTheme)) if (other.navigationRailTheme.$eq(0, _this.navigationRailTheme)) if (other.outlinedButtonTheme.$eq(0, _this.outlinedButtonTheme)) if (other.popupMenuTheme.$eq(0, _this.popupMenuTheme)) if (other.progressIndicatorTheme.$eq(0, _this.progressIndicatorTheme)) if (other.radioTheme.$eq(0, _this.radioTheme)) if (other.sliderTheme.$eq(0, _this.sliderTheme)) if (other.snackBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.snackBarTheme)) if (other.switchTheme.$eq(0, _this.switchTheme)) if (other.tabBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.tabBarTheme)) if (other.textButtonTheme.$eq(0, _this.textButtonTheme)) if (other.textSelectionTheme.$eq(0, _this.textSelectionTheme)) if (other.timePickerTheme.$eq(0, _this.timePickerTheme)) if (other.toggleButtonsTheme.$eq(0, _this.toggleButtonsTheme)) if (other.tooltipTheme.$eq(0, _this.tooltipTheme)) if (other.textSelectionColor.$eq(0, _this.textSelectionColor)) if (other.cursorColor.$eq(0, _this.cursorColor)) if (other.textSelectionHandleColor.$eq(0, _this.textSelectionHandleColor)) if (other.accentColor.$eq(0, _this.accentColor)) if (other.accentColorBrightness === _this.accentColorBrightness) if (other.accentTextTheme.$eq(0, _this.accentTextTheme)) if (other.accentIconTheme.$eq(0, _this.accentIconTheme)) if (other.buttonColor.$eq(0, _this.buttonColor)) t1 = other.primaryColorBrightness === _this.primaryColorBrightness; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashList([_this.androidOverscrollIndicator, _this.applyElevationOverlayColor, _this.cupertinoOverrideTheme, _this.inputDecorationTheme, _this.materialTapTargetSize, _this.pageTransitionsTheme, _this.platform, _this.scrollbarTheme, _this.splashFactory, _this.visualDensity, false, _this.colorScheme, _this.primaryColor, _this.primaryColorLight, _this.primaryColorDark, _this.focusColor, _this.hoverColor, _this.shadowColor, _this.canvasColor, _this.scaffoldBackgroundColor, _this.bottomAppBarColor, _this.cardColor, _this.dividerColor, _this.highlightColor, _this.splashColor, _this.selectedRowColor, _this.unselectedWidgetColor, _this.disabledColor, _this.secondaryHeaderColor, _this.backgroundColor, _this.dialogBackgroundColor, _this.indicatorColor, _this.hintColor, _this.errorColor, _this.toggleableActiveColor, _this.typography, _this.textTheme, _this.primaryTextTheme, _this.iconTheme, _this.primaryIconTheme, _this.appBarTheme, _this.bannerTheme, _this.bottomAppBarTheme, _this.bottomNavigationBarTheme, _this.bottomSheetTheme, _this.buttonBarTheme, _this.buttonTheme, _this.cardTheme, _this.checkboxTheme, _this.chipTheme, _this.dataTableTheme, _this.dialogTheme, _this.dividerTheme, _this.drawerTheme, _this.elevatedButtonTheme, _this.floatingActionButtonTheme, _this.listTileTheme, _this.navigationBarTheme, _this.navigationRailTheme, _this.outlinedButtonTheme, _this.popupMenuTheme, _this.progressIndicatorTheme, _this.radioTheme, _this.sliderTheme, _this.snackBarTheme, _this.switchTheme, _this.tabBarTheme, _this.textButtonTheme, _this.textSelectionTheme, _this.timePickerTheme, _this.toggleButtonsTheme, _this.tooltipTheme, true, _this.textSelectionColor, _this.cursorColor, _this.textSelectionHandleColor, _this.accentColor, _this.accentColorBrightness, _this.accentTextTheme, _this.accentIconTheme, _this.buttonColor, true, _this.primaryColorBrightness]); } }; A.ThemeData_localize_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t1 = this.baseTheme, t2 = this.localTextGeometry, t3 = t2.merge$1(t1.primaryTextTheme), t4 = t2.merge$1(t1.accentTextTheme); t2 = t2.merge$1(t1.textTheme); t5 = t1.colorScheme; t6 = t5.primary; t7 = t5.onPrimary; t8 = t5._primaryContainer; if (t8 == null) t8 = t6; t9 = t5._onPrimaryContainer; if (t9 == null) t9 = t7; t10 = t5.secondary; t11 = t5.onSecondary; t12 = t5._secondaryContainer; if (t12 == null) t12 = t10; t13 = t5._onSecondaryContainer; if (t13 == null) t13 = t11; t14 = t5._tertiary; t15 = t14 == null ? t10 : t14; t16 = t5._onTertiary; t17 = t16 == null ? t11 : t16; t18 = t5._tertiaryContainer; if (t18 == null) { if (t14 == null) t14 = t10; } else t14 = t18; t18 = t5._onTertiaryContainer; if (t18 == null) { if (t16 == null) t16 = t11; } else t16 = t18; t18 = t5.error; t19 = t5.onError; t20 = t5._errorContainer; if (t20 == null) t20 = t18; t21 = t5._onErrorContainer; if (t21 == null) t21 = t19; t22 = t5.onBackground; t23 = t5.surface; t24 = t5.onSurface; t25 = t5._surfaceVariant; if (t25 == null) t25 = t23; t26 = t5._onSurfaceVariant; if (t26 == null) t26 = t24; t27 = t5._outline; if (t27 == null) t27 = t22; t28 = t5._shadow; if (t28 == null) t28 = t22; t29 = t5._inverseSurface; if (t29 == null) t29 = t24; t30 = t5._onInverseSurface; if (t30 == null) t30 = t23; t31 = t5._inversePrimary; if (t31 == null) t31 = t7; t32 = t5._primaryVariant; if (t32 == null) t32 = t6; t33 = t5._secondaryVariant; if (t33 == null) t33 = t10; t14 = A.ColorScheme$(t5.background, t5.brightness, t18, t20, t31, t29, t22, t19, t21, t30, t7, t9, t11, t13, t24, t26, t17, t16, t27, t6, t8, t32, t10, t12, t33, t28, t23, t25, t15, t14); return A.ThemeData$raw(t1.accentColor, t1.accentColorBrightness, t1.accentIconTheme, t4, t1.androidOverscrollIndicator, t1.appBarTheme, t1.applyElevationOverlayColor, t1.backgroundColor, t1.bannerTheme, t1.bottomAppBarColor, t1.bottomAppBarTheme, t1.bottomNavigationBarTheme, t1.bottomSheetTheme, t1.buttonBarTheme, t1.buttonColor, t1.buttonTheme, t1.canvasColor, t1.cardColor, t1.cardTheme, t1.checkboxTheme, t1.chipTheme, t14, t1.cupertinoOverrideTheme, t1.cursorColor, t1.dataTableTheme, t1.dialogBackgroundColor, t1.dialogTheme, t1.disabledColor, t1.dividerColor, t1.dividerTheme, t1.drawerTheme, t1.elevatedButtonTheme, t1.errorColor, true, t1.floatingActionButtonTheme, t1.focusColor, t1.highlightColor, t1.hintColor, t1.hoverColor, t1.iconTheme, t1.indicatorColor, t1.inputDecorationTheme, t1.listTileTheme, t1.materialTapTargetSize, t1.navigationBarTheme, t1.navigationRailTheme, t1.outlinedButtonTheme, t1.pageTransitionsTheme, t1.platform, t1.popupMenuTheme, t1.primaryColor, t1.primaryColorBrightness, t1.primaryColorDark, t1.primaryColorLight, t1.primaryIconTheme, t3, t1.progressIndicatorTheme, t1.radioTheme, t1.scaffoldBackgroundColor, t1.scrollbarTheme, t1.secondaryHeaderColor, t1.selectedRowColor, t1.shadowColor, t1.sliderTheme, t1.snackBarTheme, t1.splashColor, t1.splashFactory, t1.switchTheme, t1.tabBarTheme, t1.textButtonTheme, t1.textSelectionColor, t1.textSelectionHandleColor, t1.textSelectionTheme, t2, t1.timePickerTheme, t1.toggleButtonsTheme, t1.toggleableActiveColor, t1.tooltipTheme, t1.typography, t1.unselectedWidgetColor, false, true, t1.visualDensity); }, $signature: 180 }; A.MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData.prototype = { get$brightness() { return this._materialTheme.colorScheme.brightness; }, get$primaryColor() { return this._materialTheme.colorScheme.primary; } }; A._IdentityThemeDataCacheKey.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return (A.objectHashCode(this.baseTheme) ^ A.objectHashCode(this.localTextGeometry)) >>> 0; }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A._IdentityThemeDataCacheKey && other.baseTheme === this.baseTheme && other.localTextGeometry === this.localTextGeometry; } }; A._FifoCache.prototype = { putIfAbsent$2(_, key, loader) { var t2, t1 = this._cache, result = t1.$index(0, key); if (result != null) return result; if (t1.get$length(t1) === this._maximumSize) { t2 = t1.get$keys(t1); t1.remove$1(0, t2.get$first(t2)); } t2 = loader.call$0(); t1.$indexSet(0, key, t2); return t2; } }; A.VisualDensity.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.VisualDensity && other.horizontal === this.horizontal && other.vertical === this.vertical; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.horizontal, this.vertical, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toStringShort$0() { return this.super$Diagnosticable$toStringShort() + "(h: " + A.debugFormatDouble(this.horizontal) + ", v: " + A.debugFormatDouble(this.vertical) + ")"; } }; A._ThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A._VisualDensity_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.TimePickerThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.backgroundColor, _this.hourMinuteTextColor, _this.hourMinuteColor, _this.dayPeriodTextColor, _this.dayPeriodColor, _this.dialHandColor, _this.dialBackgroundColor, _this.dialTextColor, _this.entryModeIconColor, _this.hourMinuteTextStyle, _this.dayPeriodTextStyle, _this.helpTextStyle, _this.shape, _this.hourMinuteShape, _this.dayPeriodShape, _this.dayPeriodBorderSide, _this.inputDecorationTheme, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.TimePickerThemeData && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.hourMinuteTextColor, _this.hourMinuteTextColor) && J.$eq$(other.hourMinuteColor, _this.hourMinuteColor) && J.$eq$(other.dayPeriodTextColor, _this.dayPeriodTextColor) && J.$eq$(other.dayPeriodColor, _this.dayPeriodColor) && J.$eq$(other.dialHandColor, _this.dialHandColor) && J.$eq$(other.dialBackgroundColor, _this.dialBackgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.dialTextColor, _this.dialTextColor) && J.$eq$(other.entryModeIconColor, _this.entryModeIconColor) && J.$eq$(other.hourMinuteTextStyle, _this.hourMinuteTextStyle) && J.$eq$(other.dayPeriodTextStyle, _this.dayPeriodTextStyle) && J.$eq$(other.helpTextStyle, _this.helpTextStyle) && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape) && J.$eq$(other.hourMinuteShape, _this.hourMinuteShape) && J.$eq$(other.dayPeriodShape, _this.dayPeriodShape) && J.$eq$(other.dayPeriodBorderSide, _this.dayPeriodBorderSide) && true; } }; A._TimePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.ToggleButtonsThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.textStyle, _this.constraints, _this.color, _this.selectedColor, _this.disabledColor, _this.fillColor, _this.focusColor, _this.highlightColor, _this.hoverColor, _this.splashColor, _this.borderColor, _this.selectedBorderColor, _this.disabledBorderColor, _this.borderRadius, _this.borderWidth, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.ToggleButtonsThemeData && J.$eq$(other.textStyle, _this.textStyle) && J.$eq$(other.constraints, _this.constraints) && J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color) && J.$eq$(other.selectedColor, _this.selectedColor) && J.$eq$(other.disabledColor, _this.disabledColor) && J.$eq$(other.fillColor, _this.fillColor) && J.$eq$(other.focusColor, _this.focusColor) && J.$eq$(other.highlightColor, _this.highlightColor) && J.$eq$(other.hoverColor, _this.hoverColor) && J.$eq$(other.splashColor, _this.splashColor) && J.$eq$(other.borderColor, _this.borderColor) && J.$eq$(other.selectedBorderColor, _this.selectedBorderColor) && J.$eq$(other.disabledBorderColor, _this.disabledBorderColor) && J.$eq$(other.borderRadius, _this.borderRadius) && other.borderWidth == _this.borderWidth; } }; A._ToggleButtonsThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.TooltipThemeData.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this, _null = null; return A.hashValues(_this.height, _this.padding, _this.margin, _this.verticalOffset, _this.preferBelow, _this.excludeFromSemantics, _this.decoration, _this.textStyle, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.TooltipThemeData) if (other.height == _this.height) if (J.$eq$(other.padding, _this.padding)) if (J.$eq$(other.margin, _this.margin)) if (other.verticalOffset == _this.verticalOffset) if (J.$eq$(other.decoration, _this.decoration)) if (J.$eq$(other.textStyle, _this.textStyle)) t1 = true; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; } }; A._TooltipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.ScriptCategory.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "ScriptCategory." + this._name; } }; A.Typography.prototype = { geometryThemeFor$1(category) { switch (category.index) { case 0: return this.englishLike; case 1: return this.dense; case 2: return this.tall; } }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.Typography && other.black.$eq(0, _this.black) && other.white.$eq(0, _this.white) && other.englishLike.$eq(0, _this.englishLike) && other.dense.$eq(0, _this.dense) && other.tall.$eq(0, _this.tall); }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.black, _this.white, _this.englishLike, _this.dense, _this.tall, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A._Typography_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.AlignmentGeometry.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var _this = this; if (_this.get$_alignment$_start(_this) === 0) return A.Alignment__stringify(_this.get$_x(), _this.get$_y()); if (_this.get$_x() === 0) return A.AlignmentDirectional__stringify(_this.get$_alignment$_start(_this), _this.get$_y()); return A.Alignment__stringify(_this.get$_x(), _this.get$_y()) + " + " + A.AlignmentDirectional__stringify(_this.get$_alignment$_start(_this), 0); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A.AlignmentGeometry && other.get$_x() === _this.get$_x() && other.get$_alignment$_start(other) === _this.get$_alignment$_start(_this) && other.get$_y() === _this.get$_y(); }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.get$_x(), _this.get$_alignment$_start(_this), _this.get$_y(), B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A.Alignment.prototype = { get$_x() { return this.x; }, get$_alignment$_start(_) { return 0; }, get$_y() { return this.y; }, $sub(_, other) { return new A.Alignment(this.x - other.x, this.y - other.y); }, $add(_, other) { return new A.Alignment(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y); }, $mul(_, other) { return new A.Alignment(this.x * other, this.y * other); }, alongOffset$1(other) { var centerX = other._dx / 2, centerY = other._dy / 2; return new A.Offset(centerX + this.x * centerX, centerY + this.y * centerY); }, resolve$1(direction) { return this; }, toString$0(_) { return A.Alignment__stringify(this.x, this.y); } }; A.AlignmentDirectional.prototype = { get$_x() { return 0; }, get$_alignment$_start(_) { return this.start; }, get$_y() { return this.y; }, $sub(_, other) { return new A.AlignmentDirectional(this.start - other.start, this.y - other.y); }, $add(_, other) { return new A.AlignmentDirectional(this.start + other.start, this.y + other.y); }, $mul(_, other) { return new A.AlignmentDirectional(this.start * other, this.y * other); }, resolve$1(direction) { var _this = this; switch (direction.index) { case 0: return new A.Alignment(-_this.start, _this.y); case 1: return new A.Alignment(_this.start, _this.y); } }, toString$0(_) { return A.AlignmentDirectional__stringify(this.start, this.y); } }; A._MixedAlignment.prototype = { $mul(_, other) { return new A._MixedAlignment(this._x * other, this._alignment$_start * other, this._y * other); }, get$_x() { return this._x; }, get$_alignment$_start(receiver) { return this._alignment$_start; }, get$_y() { return this._y; } }; A.RenderComparison.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "RenderComparison." + this._name; } }; A.Axis.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Axis." + this._name; } }; A.VerticalDirection.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "VerticalDirection." + this._name; } }; A.AxisDirection.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "AxisDirection." + this._name; } }; A.PaintingBinding.prototype = {}; A._SystemFontsNotifier.prototype = { notifyListeners$0() { var t1, t2; for (t1 = this._systemFontsCallbacks, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) t2._as(t1._collection$_current).call$0(); }, addListener$1(_, listener) { this._systemFontsCallbacks.add$1(0, listener); }, removeListener$1(_, listener) { this._systemFontsCallbacks.remove$1(0, listener); } }; A.BorderRadiusGeometry.prototype = { subtract$1(other) { var _this = this; return new A._MixedBorderRadius(_this.get$_topLeft().$sub(0, other.get$_topLeft()), _this.get$_topRight().$sub(0, other.get$_topRight()), _this.get$_bottomLeft().$sub(0, other.get$_bottomLeft()), _this.get$_bottomRight().$sub(0, other.get$_bottomRight()), _this.get$_topStart().$sub(0, other.get$_topStart()), _this.get$_topEnd().$sub(0, other.get$_topEnd()), _this.get$_bottomStart().$sub(0, other.get$_bottomStart()), _this.get$_bottomEnd().$sub(0, other.get$_bottomEnd())); }, add$1(_, other) { var _this = this; return new A._MixedBorderRadius(_this.get$_topLeft().$add(0, other.get$_topLeft()), _this.get$_topRight().$add(0, other.get$_topRight()), _this.get$_bottomLeft().$add(0, other.get$_bottomLeft()), _this.get$_bottomRight().$add(0, other.get$_bottomRight()), _this.get$_topStart().$add(0, other.get$_topStart()), _this.get$_topEnd().$add(0, other.get$_topEnd()), _this.get$_bottomStart().$add(0, other.get$_bottomStart()), _this.get$_bottomEnd().$add(0, other.get$_bottomEnd())); }, toString$0(_) { var visual, t1, comma, logical, _this = this; if (_this.get$_topLeft().$eq(0, _this.get$_topRight()) && _this.get$_topRight().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomLeft()) && _this.get$_bottomLeft().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomRight())) if (!_this.get$_topLeft().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) visual = _this.get$_topLeft().x === _this.get$_topLeft().y ? "BorderRadius.circular(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_topLeft().x, 1) + ")" : "BorderRadius.all(" + _this.get$_topLeft().toString$0(0) + ")"; else visual = null; else { t1 = "" + "BorderRadius.only("; if (!_this.get$_topLeft().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) { t1 += "topLeft: " + _this.get$_topLeft().toString$0(0); comma = true; } else comma = false; if (!_this.get$_topRight().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) { if (comma) t1 += ", "; t1 += "topRight: " + _this.get$_topRight().toString$0(0); comma = true; } if (!_this.get$_bottomLeft().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) { if (comma) t1 += ", "; t1 += "bottomLeft: " + _this.get$_bottomLeft().toString$0(0); comma = true; } if (!_this.get$_bottomRight().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) { if (comma) t1 += ", "; t1 += "bottomRight: " + _this.get$_bottomRight().toString$0(0); } t1 += ")"; visual = t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } if (_this.get$_topStart().$eq(0, _this.get$_topEnd()) && _this.get$_topEnd().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomEnd()) && _this.get$_bottomEnd().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomStart())) if (!_this.get$_topStart().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) logical = _this.get$_topStart().x === _this.get$_topStart().y ? "BorderRadiusDirectional.circular(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_topStart().x, 1) + ")" : "BorderRadiusDirectional.all(" + _this.get$_topStart().toString$0(0) + ")"; else logical = null; else { t1 = "" + "BorderRadiusDirectional.only("; if (!_this.get$_topStart().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) { t1 += "topStart: " + _this.get$_topStart().toString$0(0); comma = true; } else comma = false; if (!_this.get$_topEnd().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) { if (comma) t1 += ", "; t1 += "topEnd: " + _this.get$_topEnd().toString$0(0); comma = true; } if (!_this.get$_bottomStart().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) { if (comma) t1 += ", "; t1 += "bottomStart: " + _this.get$_bottomStart().toString$0(0); comma = true; } if (!_this.get$_bottomEnd().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) { if (comma) t1 += ", "; t1 += "bottomEnd: " + _this.get$_bottomEnd().toString$0(0); } t1 += ")"; logical = t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } t1 = visual != null; if (t1 && logical != null) return A.S(visual) + " + " + logical; if (t1) return visual; if (logical != null) return logical; return "BorderRadius.zero"; }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.BorderRadiusGeometry && other.get$_topLeft().$eq(0, _this.get$_topLeft()) && other.get$_topRight().$eq(0, _this.get$_topRight()) && other.get$_bottomLeft().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomLeft()) && other.get$_bottomRight().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomRight()) && other.get$_topStart().$eq(0, _this.get$_topStart()) && other.get$_topEnd().$eq(0, _this.get$_topEnd()) && other.get$_bottomStart().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomStart()) && other.get$_bottomEnd().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomEnd()); }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.get$_topLeft(), _this.get$_topRight(), _this.get$_bottomLeft(), _this.get$_bottomRight(), _this.get$_topStart(), _this.get$_topEnd(), _this.get$_bottomStart(), _this.get$_bottomEnd(), B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A.BorderRadius.prototype = { get$_topLeft() { return this.topLeft; }, get$_topRight() { return this.topRight; }, get$_bottomLeft() { return this.bottomLeft; }, get$_bottomRight() { return this.bottomRight; }, get$_topStart() { return B.Radius_0_0; }, get$_topEnd() { return B.Radius_0_0; }, get$_bottomStart() { return B.Radius_0_0; }, get$_bottomEnd() { return B.Radius_0_0; }, toRRect$1(rect) { var _this = this; return A.RRect$fromRectAndCorners(rect, _this.bottomLeft, _this.bottomRight, _this.topLeft, _this.topRight); }, subtract$1(other) { if (other instanceof A.BorderRadius) return this.$sub(0, other); return this.super$BorderRadiusGeometry$subtract(other); }, add$1(_, other) { if (other instanceof A.BorderRadius) return this.$add(0, other); return this.super$BorderRadiusGeometry$add(0, other); }, $sub(_, other) { var _this = this; return new A.BorderRadius(_this.topLeft.$sub(0, other.topLeft), _this.topRight.$sub(0, other.topRight), _this.bottomLeft.$sub(0, other.bottomLeft), _this.bottomRight.$sub(0, other.bottomRight)); }, $add(_, other) { var _this = this; return new A.BorderRadius(_this.topLeft.$add(0, other.topLeft), _this.topRight.$add(0, other.topRight), _this.bottomLeft.$add(0, other.bottomLeft), _this.bottomRight.$add(0, other.bottomRight)); }, $mul(_, other) { var _this = this; return new A.BorderRadius(_this.topLeft.$mul(0, other), _this.topRight.$mul(0, other), _this.bottomLeft.$mul(0, other), _this.bottomRight.$mul(0, other)); }, resolve$1(direction) { return this; } }; A._MixedBorderRadius.prototype = { $mul(_, other) { var _this = this; return new A._MixedBorderRadius(_this._topLeft.$mul(0, other), _this._topRight.$mul(0, other), _this._bottomLeft.$mul(0, other), _this._bottomRight.$mul(0, other), _this._topStart.$mul(0, other), _this._topEnd.$mul(0, other), _this._bottomStart.$mul(0, other), _this._bottomEnd.$mul(0, other)); }, resolve$1(direction) { var _this = this; switch (direction.index) { case 0: return new A.BorderRadius(_this._topLeft.$add(0, _this._topEnd), _this._topRight.$add(0, _this._topStart), _this._bottomLeft.$add(0, _this._bottomEnd), _this._bottomRight.$add(0, _this._bottomStart)); case 1: return new A.BorderRadius(_this._topLeft.$add(0, _this._topStart), _this._topRight.$add(0, _this._topEnd), _this._bottomLeft.$add(0, _this._bottomStart), _this._bottomRight.$add(0, _this._bottomEnd)); } }, get$_topLeft() { return this._topLeft; }, get$_topRight() { return this._topRight; }, get$_bottomLeft() { return this._bottomLeft; }, get$_bottomRight() { return this._bottomRight; }, get$_topStart() { return this._topStart; }, get$_topEnd() { return this._topEnd; }, get$_bottomStart() { return this._bottomStart; }, get$_bottomEnd() { return this._bottomEnd; } }; A.BorderStyle.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "BorderStyle." + this._name; } }; A.BorderSide.prototype = { scale$1(_, t) { var t1 = Math.max(0, this.width * t), t2 = t <= 0 ? B.BorderStyle_0 : this.style; return new A.BorderSide(this.color, t1, t2); }, toPaint$0() { switch (this.style.index) { case 1: var t1 = A._detectRenderer(); t1 = t1 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); t1.set$color(0, this.color); t1.set$strokeWidth(this.width); t1.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1); return t1; case 0: t1 = A._detectRenderer(); t1 = t1 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); t1.set$color(0, B.Color_0); t1.set$strokeWidth(0); t1.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1); return t1; } }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.BorderSide && other.color.$eq(0, _this.color) && other.width === _this.width && other.style === _this.style; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.color, this.width, this.style, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "BorderSide(" + this.color.toString$0(0) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this.width, 1) + ", " + this.style.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A.ShapeBorder.prototype = { add$2$reversed(_, other, reversed) { return null; }, add$1($receiver, other) { return this.add$2$reversed($receiver, other, false); }, $add(_, other) { var t1 = this.add$1(0, other); if (t1 == null) t1 = other.add$2$reversed(0, this, true); return t1 == null ? new A._CompoundBorder(A._setArrayType([other, this], type$.JSArray_ShapeBorder)) : t1; }, lerpFrom$2(a, t) { if (a == null) return this.scale$1(0, t); return null; }, lerpTo$2(b, t) { if (b == null) return this.scale$1(0, 1 - t); return null; }, toString$0(_) { return "ShapeBorder()"; } }; A.OutlinedBorder.prototype = {}; A._CompoundBorder.prototype = { get$dimensions() { return B.JSArray_methods.fold$2(this.borders, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, new A._CompoundBorder_dimensions_closure()); }, add$2$reversed(_, other, reversed) { var t2, ours, merged, t1 = other instanceof A._CompoundBorder; if (!t1) { t2 = this.borders; ours = reversed ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2) : B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2); merged = ours.add$2$reversed(0, other, reversed); if (merged == null) merged = other.add$2$reversed(0, ours, !reversed); if (merged != null) { t1 = A.List_List$of(t2, true, type$.ShapeBorder); t1[reversed ? t1.length - 1 : 0] = merged; return new A._CompoundBorder(t1); } } t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ShapeBorder); if (reversed) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, this.borders); if (t1) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, other.borders); else t2.push(other); if (!reversed) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, this.borders); return new A._CompoundBorder(t2); }, add$1($receiver, other) { return this.add$2$reversed($receiver, other, false); }, scale$1(_, t) { var t1 = this.borders, t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,ShapeBorder>"); return new A._CompoundBorder(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._CompoundBorder_scale_closure(t), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"))); }, lerpFrom$2(a, t) { return A._CompoundBorder_lerp(a, this, t); }, lerpTo$2(b, t) { return A._CompoundBorder_lerp(this, b, t); }, getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) { return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this.borders).getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection); }, paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) { var t1, t2, _i, border, t3; for (t1 = this.borders, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { border = t1[_i]; border.paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection); t3 = border.get$dimensions().resolve$1(textDirection); rect = new A.Rect(rect.left + t3.left, rect.top + t3.top, rect.right - t3.right, rect.bottom - t3.bottom); } }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A._CompoundBorder && A.listEquals0(other.borders, this.borders); }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashList(this.borders); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.borders, t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>"); return new A.MappedListIterable(new A.ReversedListIterable(t1, t2), new A._CompoundBorder_toString_closure(), t2._eval$1("MappedListIterable")).join$1(0, " + "); } }; A._CompoundBorder_dimensions_closure.prototype = { call$2(previousValue, border) { return previousValue.add$1(0, border.get$dimensions()); }, $signature: 181 }; A._CompoundBorder_scale_closure.prototype = { call$1(border) { return border.scale$1(0, this.t); }, $signature: 182 }; A._CompoundBorder_toString_closure.prototype = { call$1(border) { return border.toString$0(0); }, $signature: 183 }; A.BoxShape.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "BoxShape." + this._name; } }; A.CircleBorder.prototype = { get$dimensions() { var t1 = this.side.width; return new A.EdgeInsets(t1, t1, t1, t1); }, scale$1(_, t) { return new A.CircleBorder(this.side.scale$1(0, t)); }, lerpFrom$2(a, t) { if (a instanceof A.CircleBorder) return new A.CircleBorder(A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, this.side, t)); return this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpFrom(a, t); }, lerpTo$2(b, t) { if (b instanceof A.CircleBorder) return new A.CircleBorder(A.BorderSide_lerp(this.side, b.side, t)); return this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpTo(b, t); }, getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) { var t1 = A.Path_Path(); t1.addOval$1(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(rect.get$center(), rect.get$shortestSide() / 2)); return t1; }, paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) { var t1 = this.side; switch (t1.style.index) { case 0: break; case 1: canvas.drawCircle$3(0, rect.get$center(), (rect.get$shortestSide() - t1.width) / 2, t1.toPaint$0()); break; } }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.CircleBorder && other.side.$eq(0, this.side); }, get$hashCode(_) { var t1 = this.side; return A.hashValues(t1.color, t1.width, t1.style, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "CircleBorder(" + this.side.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A.ClipContext.prototype = { _clipAndPaint$4(canvasClipCall, clipBehavior, bounds, painter) { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this.get$canvas(_this).save$0(0); switch (clipBehavior.index) { case 0: break; case 1: canvasClipCall.call$1(false); break; case 2: canvasClipCall.call$1(true); break; case 3: canvasClipCall.call$1(true); t1 = _this.get$canvas(_this); t2 = A._detectRenderer(); t1.saveLayer$2(0, bounds, t2 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData())); break; } painter.call$0(); if (clipBehavior === B.Clip_3) _this.get$canvas(_this).restore$0(0); _this.get$canvas(_this).restore$0(0); }, clipPathAndPaint$4(path, clipBehavior, bounds, painter) { this._clipAndPaint$4(new A.ClipContext_clipPathAndPaint_closure(this, path), clipBehavior, bounds, painter); }, clipRectAndPaint$4(rect, clipBehavior, bounds, painter) { this._clipAndPaint$4(new A.ClipContext_clipRectAndPaint_closure(this, rect), clipBehavior, bounds, painter); } }; A.ClipContext_clipPathAndPaint_closure.prototype = { call$1(doAntiAlias) { var t1 = this.$this; return t1.get$canvas(t1).clipPath$2$doAntiAlias(0, this.path, doAntiAlias); }, $signature: 22 }; A.ClipContext_clipRectAndPaint_closure.prototype = { call$1(doAntiAlias) { var t1 = this.$this; return t1.get$canvas(t1).clipRect$2$doAntiAlias(0, this.rect, doAntiAlias); }, $signature: 22 }; A.ColorSwatch.prototype = { $index(_, index) { return this._swatch.$index(0, index); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return _this.super$Color$$eq(0, other) && A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ColorSwatch")._is(other) && A.mapEquals(other._swatch, _this._swatch); }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(A.getRuntimeType(this), this.value, this._swatch, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "ColorSwatch(primary value: " + this.super$Color$toString(0) + ")"; } }; A.Decoration.prototype = { toStringShort$0() { return "Decoration"; }, get$padding(_) { return B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0; }, get$isComplex() { return false; }, lerpFrom$2(a, t) { return null; }, lerpTo$2(b, t) { return null; }, hitTest$3$textDirection(size, position, textDirection) { return true; } }; A.BoxPainter.prototype = { dispose$0(_) { } }; A._Decoration_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.EdgeInsetsGeometry.prototype = { add$1(_, other) { var _this = this; return new A._MixedEdgeInsets(_this.get$_left(_this) + other.get$_left(other), _this.get$_right(_this) + other.get$_right(other), _this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this) + other.get$_edge_insets$_start(other), _this.get$_edge_insets$_end() + other.get$_edge_insets$_end(), _this.get$_top(_this) + other.get$_top(other), _this.get$_bottom(_this) + other.get$_bottom(other)); }, clamp$2(_, min, max) { var _this = this; return new A._MixedEdgeInsets(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.get$_left(_this), min.left, max._left), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.get$_right(_this), min.right, max._right), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this), 0, max._edge_insets$_start), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.get$_edge_insets$_end(), 0, max._edge_insets$_end), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.get$_top(_this), min.top, max._top), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.get$_bottom(_this), min.bottom, max._bottom)); }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; if (_this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this) === 0 && _this.get$_edge_insets$_end() === 0) { if (_this.get$_left(_this) === 0 && _this.get$_right(_this) === 0 && _this.get$_top(_this) === 0 && _this.get$_bottom(_this) === 0) return "EdgeInsets.zero"; if (_this.get$_left(_this) === _this.get$_right(_this) && _this.get$_right(_this) === _this.get$_top(_this) && _this.get$_top(_this) === _this.get$_bottom(_this)) return "EdgeInsets.all(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_left(_this), 1) + ")"; return "EdgeInsets(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_left(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_top(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_right(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_bottom(_this), 1) + ")"; } if (_this.get$_left(_this) === 0 && _this.get$_right(_this) === 0) return "EdgeInsetsDirectional(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_top(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_edge_insets$_end(), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_bottom(_this), 1) + ")"; return "EdgeInsets(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_left(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_top(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_right(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_bottom(_this), 1) + ") + EdgeInsetsDirectional(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this), 1) + ", 0.0, " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_edge_insets$_end(), 1) + ", 0.0)"; }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; return other instanceof A.EdgeInsetsGeometry && other.get$_left(other) === _this.get$_left(_this) && other.get$_right(other) === _this.get$_right(_this) && other.get$_edge_insets$_start(other) === _this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this) && other.get$_edge_insets$_end() === _this.get$_edge_insets$_end() && other.get$_top(other) === _this.get$_top(_this) && other.get$_bottom(other) === _this.get$_bottom(_this); }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.get$_left(_this), _this.get$_right(_this), _this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this), _this.get$_edge_insets$_end(), _this.get$_top(_this), _this.get$_bottom(_this), B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A.EdgeInsets.prototype = { get$_left(_) { return this.left; }, get$_top(_) { return this.top; }, get$_right(_) { return this.right; }, get$_bottom(_) { return this.bottom; }, get$_edge_insets$_start(_) { return 0; }, get$_edge_insets$_end() { return 0; }, add$1(_, other) { if (other instanceof A.EdgeInsets) return this.$add(0, other); return this.super$EdgeInsetsGeometry$add(0, other); }, clamp$2(_, min, max) { var _this = this; return new A.EdgeInsets(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.left, min.left, max._left), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.top, min.top, max._top), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.right, min.right, max._right), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.bottom, min.bottom, max._bottom)); }, $sub(_, other) { var _this = this; return new A.EdgeInsets(_this.left - other.left, _this.top - other.top, _this.right - other.right, _this.bottom - other.bottom); }, $add(_, other) { var _this = this; return new A.EdgeInsets(_this.left + other.left, _this.top + other.top, _this.right + other.right, _this.bottom + other.bottom); }, $mul(_, other) { var _this = this; return new A.EdgeInsets(_this.left * other, _this.top * other, _this.right * other, _this.bottom * other); }, resolve$1(direction) { return this; }, copyWith$4$bottom$left$right$top(bottom, left, right, $top) { var _this = this, t1 = left == null ? _this.left : left, t2 = $top == null ? _this.top : $top, t3 = right == null ? _this.right : right; return new A.EdgeInsets(t1, t2, t3, bottom == null ? _this.bottom : bottom); }, copyWith$1$bottom(bottom) { return this.copyWith$4$bottom$left$right$top(bottom, null, null, null); } }; A.EdgeInsetsDirectional.prototype = { get$_edge_insets$_start(_) { return this.start; }, get$_top(_) { return this.top; }, get$_edge_insets$_end() { return this.end; }, get$_bottom(_) { return this.bottom; }, get$_left(_) { return 0; }, get$_right(_) { return 0; }, add$1(_, other) { if (other instanceof A.EdgeInsetsDirectional) return this.$add(0, other); return this.super$EdgeInsetsGeometry$add(0, other); }, $sub(_, other) { var _this = this; return new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(_this.start - other.start, _this.top - other.top, _this.end - other.end, _this.bottom - other.bottom); }, $add(_, other) { var _this = this; return new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(_this.start + other.start, _this.top + other.top, _this.end + other.end, _this.bottom + other.bottom); }, $mul(_, other) { var _this = this; return new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(_this.start * other, _this.top * other, _this.end * other, _this.bottom * other); }, resolve$1(direction) { var _this = this; switch (direction.index) { case 0: return new A.EdgeInsets(_this.end, _this.top, _this.start, _this.bottom); case 1: return new A.EdgeInsets(_this.start, _this.top, _this.end, _this.bottom); } } }; A._MixedEdgeInsets.prototype = { $mul(_, other) { var _this = this; return new A._MixedEdgeInsets(_this._left * other, _this._right * other, _this._edge_insets$_start * other, _this._edge_insets$_end * other, _this._top * other, _this._bottom * other); }, resolve$1(direction) { var _this = this; switch (direction.index) { case 0: return new A.EdgeInsets(_this._edge_insets$_end + _this._left, _this._top, _this._edge_insets$_start + _this._right, _this._bottom); case 1: return new A.EdgeInsets(_this._edge_insets$_start + _this._left, _this._top, _this._edge_insets$_end + _this._right, _this._bottom); } }, get$_left(receiver) { return this._left; }, get$_right(receiver) { return this._right; }, get$_edge_insets$_start(receiver) { return this._edge_insets$_start; }, get$_edge_insets$_end() { return this._edge_insets$_end; }, get$_top(receiver) { return this._top; }, get$_bottom(receiver) { return this._bottom; } }; A.ImageCache.prototype = { clear$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._pendingImages, t2 = _this._image_cache$_cache, t3 = _this._liveImages; A.Timeline_instantSync("ImageCache.clear", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["pendingImages", t1.get$length(t1), "keepAliveImages", t2.get$length(t2), "liveImages", t3.get$length(t3), "currentSizeInBytes", _this._currentSizeBytes], type$.String, type$.dynamic)); for (t3 = t2.get$values(t2), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) t3.get$current(t3).dispose$0(0); t2.clear$0(0); t1.clear$0(0); _this._currentSizeBytes = 0; } }; A.ImageConfiguration.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.ImageConfiguration && other.bundle == _this.bundle && other.devicePixelRatio == _this.devicePixelRatio && J.$eq$(other.locale, _this.locale) && other.textDirection == _this.textDirection && J.$eq$(other.size, _this.size) && other.platform == _this.platform; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.bundle, _this.devicePixelRatio, _this.locale, _this.size, _this.platform, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var hasArguments, _this = this, t1 = "" + "ImageConfiguration(", t2 = _this.bundle; if (t2 != null) { t1 += "bundle: " + t2.toString$0(0); hasArguments = true; } else hasArguments = false; t2 = _this.devicePixelRatio; if (t2 != null) { if (hasArguments) t1 += ", "; t2 = t1 + ("devicePixelRatio: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t2, 1)); t1 = t2; hasArguments = true; } t2 = _this.locale; if (t2 != null) { if (hasArguments) t1 += ", "; t2 = t1 + ("locale: " + t2.toString$0(0)); t1 = t2; hasArguments = true; } t2 = _this.textDirection; if (t2 != null) { if (hasArguments) t1 += ", "; t2 = t1 + ("textDirection: " + t2.toString$0(0)); t1 = t2; hasArguments = true; } t2 = _this.size; if (t2 != null) { if (hasArguments) t1 += ", "; t2 = t1 + ("size: " + t2.toString$0(0)); t1 = t2; hasArguments = true; } t2 = _this.platform; if (t2 != null) { if (hasArguments) t1 += ", "; t2 = t1 + ("platform: " + t2._name); t1 = t2; } t1 += ")"; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; } }; A.Accumulator.prototype = {}; A.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { var t1; if (other == null) return false; if (other instanceof A.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation) if (other.text === this.text) if (other.semanticsLabel == this.semanticsLabel) t1 = A.listEquals0(other.stringAttributes, this.stringAttributes); else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.text, this.semanticsLabel, this.recognizer, false, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "InlineSpanSemanticsInformation{text: " + this.text + ", semanticsLabel: " + A.S(this.semanticsLabel) + ", recognizer: " + A.S(this.recognizer) + "}"; } }; A.InlineSpan.prototype = { getSpanForPosition$1(position) { var t1 = {}; t1.result = null; this.visitChildren$1(new A.InlineSpan_getSpanForPosition_closure(t1, position, new A.Accumulator())); return t1.result; }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.InlineSpan && J.$eq$(other.style, this.style); }, get$hashCode(_) { return J.get$hashCode$(this.style); } }; A.InlineSpan_getSpanForPosition_closure.prototype = { call$1(span) { var result = span.getSpanForPositionVisitor$2(this.position, this.offset); this._box_0.result = result; return result == null; }, $signature: 62 }; A.RoundedRectangleBorder.prototype = { get$dimensions() { var t1 = this.side.width; return new A.EdgeInsets(t1, t1, t1, t1); }, scale$1(_, t) { var t1 = this.side.scale$1(0, t); return new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(this.borderRadius.$mul(0, t), t1); }, lerpFrom$2(a, t) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (a instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) { t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t); t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(a.borderRadius, _this.borderRadius, t); t2.toString; return new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(t2, t1); } if (a instanceof A.CircleBorder) return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(_this.borderRadius, 1 - t, A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t)); return _this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpFrom(a, t); }, lerpTo$2(b, t) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (b instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) { t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t); t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(_this.borderRadius, b.borderRadius, t); t2.toString; return new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(t2, t1); } if (b instanceof A.CircleBorder) return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(_this.borderRadius, t, A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t)); return _this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpTo(b, t); }, getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) { var t1 = A.Path_Path(); t1.addRRect$1(0, this.borderRadius.resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect)); return t1; }, paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) { var width, t2, outer, inner, paint, t1 = this.side; switch (t1.style.index) { case 0: break; case 1: width = t1.width; t2 = this.borderRadius; if (width === 0) canvas.drawRRect$2(0, t2.resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect), t1.toPaint$0()); else { outer = t2.resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect); inner = outer.inflate$1(-width); t2 = A._detectRenderer(); paint = t2 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); paint.set$color(0, t1.color); canvas.drawDRRect$3(0, outer, inner, paint); } break; } }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder && other.side.$eq(0, this.side) && other.borderRadius.$eq(0, this.borderRadius); }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.side, this.borderRadius, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "RoundedRectangleBorder(" + this.side.toString$0(0) + ", " + this.borderRadius.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder.prototype = { get$dimensions() { var t1 = this.side.width; return new A.EdgeInsets(t1, t1, t1, t1); }, scale$1(_, t) { var t1 = this.side.scale$1(0, t); return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(this.borderRadius.$mul(0, t), t, t1); }, lerpFrom$2(a, t) { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this; if (a instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) { t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t); t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(a.borderRadius, _this.borderRadius, t); t2.toString; return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(t2, _this.circleness * t, t1); } if (a instanceof A.CircleBorder) { t1 = _this.circleness; return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(_this.borderRadius, t1 + (1 - t1) * (1 - t), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t)); } if (a instanceof A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder) { t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t); t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(a.borderRadius, _this.borderRadius, t); t2.toString; t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.circleness, _this.circleness, t); t3.toString; return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(t2, t3, t1); } return _this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpFrom(a, t); }, lerpTo$2(b, t) { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this; if (b instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) { t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t); t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(_this.borderRadius, b.borderRadius, t); t2.toString; return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(t2, _this.circleness * (1 - t), t1); } if (b instanceof A.CircleBorder) { t1 = _this.circleness; return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(_this.borderRadius, t1 + (1 - t1) * t, A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t)); } if (b instanceof A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder) { t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t); t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(_this.borderRadius, b.borderRadius, t); t2.toString; t3 = A.lerpDouble(_this.circleness, b.circleness, t); t3.toString; return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(t2, t3, t1); } return _this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpTo(b, t); }, _rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustRect$1(rect) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, delta, t1 = this.circleness; if (t1 === 0 || rect.right - rect.left === rect.bottom - rect.top) return rect; t2 = rect.right; t3 = rect.left; t4 = t2 - t3; t5 = rect.bottom; t6 = rect.top; t7 = t5 - t6; if (t4 < t7) { delta = t1 * (t7 - t4) / 2; return new A.Rect(t3, t6 + delta, t2, t5 - delta); } else { delta = t1 * (t4 - t7) / 2; return new A.Rect(t3 + delta, t6, t2 - delta, t5); } }, _rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustBorderRadius$2(rect, textDirection) { var resolvedRadius = this.borderRadius.resolve$1(textDirection), t1 = this.circleness; if (t1 === 0) return resolvedRadius; return A.BorderRadius_lerp(resolvedRadius, A.BorderRadius$circular(rect.get$shortestSide() / 2), t1); }, getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) { var t1 = A.Path_Path(), t2 = this._rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustBorderRadius$2(rect, textDirection); t2.toString; t1.addRRect$1(0, t2.toRRect$1(this._rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustRect$1(rect))); return t1; }, paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) { var width, t2, outer, inner, paint, _this = this, t1 = _this.side; switch (t1.style.index) { case 0: break; case 1: width = t1.width; if (width === 0) { t2 = _this._rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustBorderRadius$2(rect, textDirection); t2.toString; canvas.drawRRect$2(0, t2.toRRect$1(_this._rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustRect$1(rect)), t1.toPaint$0()); } else { t2 = _this._rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustBorderRadius$2(rect, textDirection); t2.toString; outer = t2.toRRect$1(_this._rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustRect$1(rect)); inner = outer.inflate$1(-width); t2 = A._detectRenderer(); paint = t2 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); paint.set$color(0, t1.color); canvas.drawDRRect$3(0, outer, inner, paint); } break; } }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder && other.side.$eq(0, _this.side) && other.borderRadius.$eq(0, _this.borderRadius) && other.circleness === _this.circleness; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.side, this.borderRadius, this.circleness, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "RoundedRectangleBorder(" + this.side.toString$0(0) + ", " + this.borderRadius.toString$0(0) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this.circleness * 100, 1) + "% of the way to being a CircleBorder)"; } }; A.StadiumBorder.prototype = { get$dimensions() { var t1 = this.side.width; return new A.EdgeInsets(t1, t1, t1, t1); }, scale$1(_, t) { return new A.StadiumBorder(this.side.scale$1(0, t)); }, lerpFrom$2(a, t) { var t1, _this = this; if (a instanceof A.StadiumBorder) return new A.StadiumBorder(A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t)); if (a instanceof A.CircleBorder) return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(1 - t, A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t)); if (a instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) { t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t); return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(type$.BorderRadius._as(a.borderRadius), 1 - t, t1); } return _this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpFrom(a, t); }, lerpTo$2(b, t) { var t1, _this = this; if (b instanceof A.StadiumBorder) return new A.StadiumBorder(A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t)); if (b instanceof A.CircleBorder) return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(t, A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t)); if (b instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) { t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t); return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(type$.BorderRadius._as(b.borderRadius), t, t1); } return _this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpTo(b, t); }, getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) { var t1 = rect.get$shortestSide() / 2, t2 = A.Path_Path(); t2.addRRect$1(0, A.RRect$fromRectAndRadius(rect, new A.Radius(t1, t1))); return t2; }, paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) { var t2, t1 = this.side; switch (t1.style.index) { case 0: break; case 1: t2 = rect.get$shortestSide() / 2; canvas.drawRRect$2(0, A.RRect$fromRectAndRadius(rect, new A.Radius(t2, t2)).inflate$1(-(t1.width / 2)), t1.toPaint$0()); break; } }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.StadiumBorder && other.side.$eq(0, this.side); }, get$hashCode(_) { var t1 = this.side; return A.hashValues(t1.color, t1.width, t1.style, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "StadiumBorder(" + this.side.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A._StadiumToCircleBorder.prototype = { get$dimensions() { var t1 = this.side.width; return new A.EdgeInsets(t1, t1, t1, t1); }, scale$1(_, t) { return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(t, this.side.scale$1(0, t)); }, lerpFrom$2(a, t) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (a instanceof A.StadiumBorder) return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(_this.circleness * t, A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t)); if (a instanceof A.CircleBorder) { t1 = _this.circleness; return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(t1 + (1 - t1) * (1 - t), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t)); } if (a instanceof A._StadiumToCircleBorder) { t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t); t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.circleness, _this.circleness, t); t2.toString; return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(t2, t1); } return _this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpFrom(a, t); }, lerpTo$2(b, t) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (b instanceof A.StadiumBorder) return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(_this.circleness * (1 - t), A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t)); if (b instanceof A.CircleBorder) { t1 = _this.circleness; return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(t1 + (1 - t1) * t, A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t)); } if (b instanceof A._StadiumToCircleBorder) { t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t); t2 = A.lerpDouble(_this.circleness, b.circleness, t); t2.toString; return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(t2, t1); } return _this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpTo(b, t); }, _adjustRect$1(rect) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, delta, t1 = this.circleness; if (t1 === 0 || rect.right - rect.left === rect.bottom - rect.top) return rect; t2 = rect.right; t3 = rect.left; t4 = t2 - t3; t5 = rect.bottom; t6 = rect.top; t7 = t5 - t6; if (t4 < t7) { delta = t1 * (t7 - t4) / 2; return new A.Rect(t3, t6 + delta, t2, t5 - delta); } else { delta = t1 * (t4 - t7) / 2; return new A.Rect(t3 + delta, t6, t2 - delta, t5); } }, getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) { var t1 = A.Path_Path(); t1.addRRect$1(0, A.BorderRadius$circular(rect.get$shortestSide() / 2).toRRect$1(this._adjustRect$1(rect))); return t1; }, paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) { var width, outer, inner, t2, paint, t1 = this.side; switch (t1.style.index) { case 0: break; case 1: width = t1.width; if (width === 0) canvas.drawRRect$2(0, A.BorderRadius$circular(rect.get$shortestSide() / 2).toRRect$1(this._adjustRect$1(rect)), t1.toPaint$0()); else { outer = A.BorderRadius$circular(rect.get$shortestSide() / 2).toRRect$1(this._adjustRect$1(rect)); inner = outer.inflate$1(-width); t2 = A._detectRenderer(); paint = t2 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); paint.set$color(0, t1.color); canvas.drawDRRect$3(0, outer, inner, paint); } break; } }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A._StadiumToCircleBorder && other.side.$eq(0, this.side) && other.circleness === this.circleness; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.side, this.circleness, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "StadiumBorder(" + this.side.toString$0(0) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this.circleness * 100, 1) + "% of the way to being a CircleBorder)"; } }; A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder.prototype = { get$dimensions() { var t1 = this.side.width; return new A.EdgeInsets(t1, t1, t1, t1); }, scale$1(_, t) { var t1 = this.side.scale$1(0, t); return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(this.borderRadius.$mul(0, t), t, t1); }, lerpFrom$2(a, t) { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this; if (a instanceof A.StadiumBorder) return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(_this.borderRadius, _this.rectness * t, A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t)); if (a instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) { t1 = _this.rectness; return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(_this.borderRadius, t1 + (1 - t1) * (1 - t), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t)); } if (a instanceof A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder) { t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t); t2 = A.BorderRadius_lerp(a.borderRadius, _this.borderRadius, t); t2.toString; t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.rectness, _this.rectness, t); t3.toString; return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(t2, t3, t1); } return _this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpFrom(a, t); }, lerpTo$2(b, t) { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this; if (b instanceof A.StadiumBorder) return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(_this.borderRadius, _this.rectness * (1 - t), A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t)); if (b instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) { t1 = _this.rectness; return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(_this.borderRadius, t1 + (1 - t1) * t, A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t)); } if (b instanceof A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder) { t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t); t2 = A.BorderRadius_lerp(_this.borderRadius, b.borderRadius, t); t2.toString; t3 = A.lerpDouble(_this.rectness, b.rectness, t); t3.toString; return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(t2, t3, t1); } return _this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpTo(b, t); }, _adjustBorderRadius$1(rect) { var t1 = rect.get$shortestSide() / 2; t1 = A.BorderRadius_lerp(this.borderRadius, A.BorderRadius$all(new A.Radius(t1, t1)), 1 - this.rectness); t1.toString; return t1; }, getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) { var t1 = A.Path_Path(); t1.addRRect$1(0, this._adjustBorderRadius$1(rect).toRRect$1(rect)); return t1; }, paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) { var width, outer, inner, t2, paint, t1 = this.side; switch (t1.style.index) { case 0: break; case 1: width = t1.width; if (width === 0) canvas.drawRRect$2(0, this._adjustBorderRadius$1(rect).toRRect$1(rect), t1.toPaint$0()); else { outer = this._adjustBorderRadius$1(rect).toRRect$1(rect); inner = outer.inflate$1(-width); t2 = A._detectRenderer(); paint = t2 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); paint.set$color(0, t1.color); canvas.drawDRRect$3(0, outer, inner, paint); } break; } }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder && other.side.$eq(0, _this.side) && other.borderRadius.$eq(0, _this.borderRadius) && other.rectness === _this.rectness; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.side, this.borderRadius, this.rectness, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "StadiumBorder(" + this.side.toString$0(0) + ", " + this.borderRadius.toString$0(0) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this.rectness * 100, 1) + "% of the way to being a RoundedRectangleBorder)"; } }; A.TextOverflow.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "TextOverflow." + this._name; } }; A.PlaceholderDimensions.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "PlaceholderDimensions(" + this.size.toString$0(0) + ", " + A.S(this.baseline) + ")"; } }; A.TextWidthBasis.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "TextWidthBasis." + this._name; } }; A.TextPainter.prototype = { markNeedsLayout$0() { this._paragraph = null; }, set$text(_, value) { var t1, comparison, _this = this; if (J.$eq$(_this._text_painter$_text, value)) return; t1 = _this._text_painter$_text; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.style; J.$eq$(t1, value.style); t1 = _this._text_painter$_text; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.compareTo$1(0, value); comparison = t1 == null ? B.RenderComparison_3 : t1; _this._text_painter$_text = value; t1 = comparison.index; if (t1 >= 3) _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); else if (t1 >= 2) _this._rebuildParagraphForPaint = true; }, set$textAlign(_, value) { if (this._textAlign === value) return; this._textAlign = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$textDirection(_, value) { if (this._text_painter$_textDirection === value) return; this._text_painter$_textDirection = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$textScaleFactor(value) { if (this._textScaleFactor === value) return; this._textScaleFactor = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$ellipsis(_, value) { if (this._ellipsis == value) return; this._ellipsis = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$locale(_, value) { if (J.$eq$(this._text_painter$_locale, value)) return; this._text_painter$_locale = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$maxLines(_, value) { if (this._maxLines == value) return; this._maxLines = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$textWidthBasis(value) { if (this._textWidthBasis === value) return; this._textWidthBasis = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, setPlaceholderDimensions$1(value) { if (value == null || value.length === 0 || A.listEquals0(value, this._text_painter$_placeholderDimensions)) return; this._text_painter$_placeholderDimensions = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, get$width(_) { var t1 = this._textWidthBasis, t2 = this._paragraph; t1 = t1 === B.TextWidthBasis_1 ? t2.get$longestLine() : t2.get$width(t2); return Math.ceil(t1); }, computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) { var t1; switch (baseline.index) { case 0: t1 = this._paragraph; return t1.get$alphabeticBaseline(t1); case 1: t1 = this._paragraph; return t1.get$ideographicBaseline(t1); } }, _createParagraph$0() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, builder, _this = this, _null = null, text = _this._text_painter$_text; if (text == null) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("TextPainter.text must be set to a non-null value before using the TextPainter.")); t1 = text.style; if (t1 == null) t1 = _null; else { t2 = _this._textAlign; t3 = _this._text_painter$_textDirection; if (t3 == null) t3 = _null; t4 = _this._textScaleFactor; t5 = _this._maxLines; t6 = _this._ellipsis; t7 = _this._text_painter$_locale; t8 = t1.fontWeight; t9 = t1.fontStyle; t10 = t1.fontFamily; t11 = t1.fontSize; if (t11 == null) t11 = 14; t1 = t1.height; t1 = A.ParagraphStyle_ParagraphStyle(t6, t10, t11 * t4, t9, t8, t1, t7, t5, _null, t2, t3, _null); } if (t1 == null) { t1 = _this._textAlign; t2 = _this._text_painter$_textDirection; if (t2 == null) t2 = _null; t3 = _this._textScaleFactor; t4 = _this._maxLines; t5 = _this._text_painter$_textHeightBehavior; t5 = A.ParagraphStyle_ParagraphStyle(_this._ellipsis, _null, 14 * t3, _null, _null, _null, _this._text_painter$_locale, t4, _null, t1, t2, t5); t1 = t5; } builder = A.ParagraphBuilder_ParagraphBuilder(t1); t1 = _this._textScaleFactor; text.build$3$dimensions$textScaleFactor(0, builder, _this._text_painter$_placeholderDimensions, t1); _this._inlinePlaceholderScales = builder.get$placeholderScales(); _this._paragraph = builder.build$0(0); _this._rebuildParagraphForPaint = false; }, _layoutParagraph$2(minWidth, maxWidth) { var newWidth, t1, _this = this; _this._paragraph.layout$1(0, new A.ParagraphConstraints(maxWidth)); if (minWidth !== maxWidth) { switch (_this._textWidthBasis.index) { case 1: newWidth = Math.ceil(_this._paragraph.get$longestLine()); break; case 0: newWidth = Math.ceil(_this._paragraph.get$maxIntrinsicWidth()); break; default: newWidth = null; } newWidth = J.clamp$2$n(newWidth, minWidth, maxWidth); t1 = _this._paragraph; if (newWidth !== Math.ceil(t1.get$width(t1))) _this._paragraph.layout$1(0, new A.ParagraphConstraints(newWidth)); } }, layout$2$maxWidth$minWidth(_, maxWidth, minWidth) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._paragraph == null; if (!t1 && minWidth === _this._lastMinWidth && maxWidth === _this._lastMaxWidth) return; if (_this._rebuildParagraphForPaint || t1) _this._createParagraph$0(); _this._lastMinWidth = minWidth; _this._lastMaxWidth = maxWidth; _this._layoutParagraph$2(minWidth, maxWidth); _this._inlinePlaceholderBoxes = _this._paragraph.getBoxesForPlaceholders$0(); }, layout$0($receiver) { return this.layout$2$maxWidth$minWidth($receiver, 1 / 0, 0); }, paint$2(canvas, offset) { var t1, _this = this, minWidth = _this._lastMinWidth, maxWidth = _this._lastMaxWidth; if (_this._paragraph == null || minWidth == null || maxWidth == null) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("TextPainter.paint called when text geometry was not yet calculated.\nPlease call layout() before paint() to position the text before painting it.")); if (_this._rebuildParagraphForPaint) { _this._createParagraph$0(); _this._layoutParagraph$2(minWidth, maxWidth); } t1 = _this._paragraph; t1.toString; canvas.drawParagraph$2(0, t1, offset); } }; A.TextSpan.prototype = { get$cursor(_) { return this.mouseCursor; }, get$validForMouseTracker() { return true; }, handleEvent$2($event, entry) { type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event); }, build$3$dimensions$textScaleFactor(_, builder, dimensions, textScaleFactor) { var exception, stack, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, exception0, _i, t1 = this.style, hasStyle = t1 != null; if (hasStyle) { t2 = t1.color; t3 = t1.decoration; t4 = t1.decorationColor; t5 = t1.decorationStyle; t6 = t1.decorationThickness; t7 = t1.fontWeight; t8 = t1.fontStyle; t9 = t1.textBaseline; t10 = t1.leadingDistribution; t11 = t1.fontFamily; t12 = t1.get$fontFamilyFallback(); t13 = t1.fontSize; t13 = t13 == null ? null : t13 * textScaleFactor; t14 = t1.letterSpacing; t15 = t1.wordSpacing; t16 = t1.height; t17 = t1.locale; t18 = t1.foreground; t19 = t1.background; if (t19 == null) { t19 = t1.backgroundColor; if (t19 != null) { t20 = A._detectRenderer(); t20 = t20 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); t20.set$color(0, t19); t19 = t20; } else t19 = null; } t20 = t1.shadows; builder.pushStyle$1(0, A.TextStyle_TextStyle(t19, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t11, t12, t1.fontFeatures, t13, t8, t7, t18, t16, t10, t14, t17, t20, t9, t15)); } t1 = this.text; if (t1 != null) try { builder.addText$1(0, t1); } catch (exception0) { t1 = A.unwrapException(exception0); if (t1 instanceof A.ArgumentError) { exception = t1; stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "painting library", A.ErrorDescription$("while building a TextSpan"), null, false)); builder.addText$1(0, "\ufffd"); } else throw exception0; } t1 = this.children; if (t1 != null) for (_i = 0; _i < 1; ++_i) t1[_i].build$3$dimensions$textScaleFactor(0, builder, dimensions, textScaleFactor); if (hasStyle) builder.pop$0(0); }, visitChildren$1(visitor) { var t1, _i; if (this.text != null) if (!visitor.call$1(this)) return false; t1 = this.children; if (t1 != null) for (_i = 0; _i < 1; ++_i) if (!t1[_i].visitChildren$1(visitor)) return false; return true; }, getSpanForPositionVisitor$2(position, offset) { var affinity, targetOffset, t2, endOffset, t1 = this.text; if (t1 == null) return null; affinity = position.affinity; targetOffset = position.offset; t2 = offset._inline_span$_value; endOffset = t2 + t1.length; if (!(t2 === targetOffset && affinity === B.TextAffinity_1)) if (!(t2 < targetOffset && targetOffset < endOffset)) t1 = endOffset === targetOffset && affinity === B.TextAffinity_0; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; if (t1) return this; offset._inline_span$_value = endOffset; return null; }, computeSemanticsInformation$3$inheritedLocale$inheritedSpellOut(collector, inheritedLocale, inheritedSpellOut) { var t2, _i, t1 = this.text; if (t1 != null) { t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_StringAttribute); collector.push(A.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation$(t1, null, null, t2)); } t1 = this.children; if (t1 != null) for (_i = 0; _i < 1; ++_i) t1[_i].computeSemanticsInformation$3$inheritedLocale$inheritedSpellOut(collector, inheritedLocale, false); }, computeSemanticsInformation$1(collector) { return this.computeSemanticsInformation$3$inheritedLocale$inheritedSpellOut(collector, null, false); }, compareTo$1(_, other) { var t1, t2, candidate, result, index, _this = this; if (_this === other) return B.RenderComparison_0; if (A.getRuntimeType(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return B.RenderComparison_3; if (other.text == _this.text) { t1 = _this.children == null ? null : 1; t1 = t1 != (other.children == null ? null : 1) || _this.style == null !== (other.style == null); } else t1 = true; if (t1) return B.RenderComparison_3; t1 = _this.style; if (t1 != null) { t2 = other.style; t2.toString; candidate = t1.compareTo$1(0, t2); result = candidate.index > 0 ? candidate : B.RenderComparison_0; if (result === B.RenderComparison_3) return result; } else result = B.RenderComparison_0; t1 = _this.children; if (t1 != null) for (t2 = other.children, index = 0; index < 1; ++index) { candidate = t1[index].compareTo$1(0, t2[index]); if (candidate.index > result.index) result = candidate; if (result === B.RenderComparison_3) return result; } return result; }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (!_this.super$InlineSpan$$eq(0, other)) return false; if (other instanceof A.TextSpan) if (other.text == _this.text) t1 = _this.mouseCursor.$eq(0, other.mouseCursor) && A.listEquals0(other.children, _this.children); else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this, _null = null; return A.hashValues(A.InlineSpan.prototype.get$hashCode.call(_this, _this), _this.text, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.mouseCursor, A.hashList(_this.children), B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toStringShort$0() { return "TextSpan"; }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { var t2, t1 = this.children; if (t1 == null) return B.List_empty; t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,DiagnosticsNode>"); return A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.TextSpan_debugDescribeChildren_closure(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); }, $isHitTestTarget: 1, $isMouseTrackerAnnotation: 1, get$onEnter() { return null; }, get$onExit() { return null; } }; A.TextSpan_debugDescribeChildren_closure.prototype = { call$1(child) { var t1 = A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$(null, null, child); return t1; }, $signature: 185 }; A.TextStyle.prototype = { get$fontFamilyFallback() { return this._text_style$_fontFamilyFallback; }, get$_text_style$_fontFamily(_) { return this.fontFamily; }, copyWith$24$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontWeight$foreground$height$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(background, backgroundColor, color, debugLabel, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, foreground, height, leadingDistribution, letterSpacing, locale, overflow, $package, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, _this = this, t1 = _this.foreground; if (t1 == null && foreground == null) t2 = color == null ? _this.color : color; else t2 = null; t3 = _this.background; if (t3 == null && background == null) t4 = backgroundColor == null ? _this.backgroundColor : backgroundColor; else t4 = null; t5 = fontSize == null ? _this.fontSize : fontSize; t6 = fontWeight == null ? _this.fontWeight : fontWeight; t7 = letterSpacing == null ? _this.letterSpacing : letterSpacing; t8 = wordSpacing == null ? _this.wordSpacing : wordSpacing; t9 = textBaseline == null ? _this.textBaseline : textBaseline; t10 = height == null ? _this.height : height; t1 = foreground == null ? t1 : foreground; t3 = background == null ? t3 : background; t11 = decoration == null ? _this.decoration : decoration; t12 = decorationColor == null ? _this.decorationColor : decorationColor; t13 = decorationStyle == null ? _this.decorationStyle : decorationStyle; t14 = decorationThickness == null ? _this.decorationThickness : decorationThickness; t15 = fontFamily == null ? _this.get$_text_style$_fontFamily(_this) : fontFamily; t16 = fontFamilyFallback == null ? _this.get$fontFamilyFallback() : fontFamilyFallback; return A.TextStyle$(t3, t4, t2, null, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, _this.fontFeatures, t5, _this.fontStyle, t6, t1, t10, _this.inherit, _this.leadingDistribution, t7, _this.locale, _this.overflow, _this._package, _this.shadows, t9, t8); }, copyWith$1$letterSpacing(letterSpacing) { return this.copyWith$24$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontWeight$foreground$height$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, letterSpacing, null, null, null, null, null, null); }, copyWith$1$color(color) { return this.copyWith$24$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontWeight$foreground$height$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(null, null, color, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); }, merge$1(other) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22; if (other == null) return this; if (!other.inherit) return other; t1 = other.color; t2 = other.backgroundColor; t3 = other.fontSize; t4 = other.fontWeight; t5 = other.fontStyle; t6 = other.letterSpacing; t7 = other.wordSpacing; t8 = other.textBaseline; t9 = other.height; t10 = other.leadingDistribution; t11 = other.locale; t12 = other.foreground; t13 = other.background; t14 = other.shadows; t15 = other.fontFeatures; t16 = other.decoration; t17 = other.decorationColor; t18 = other.decorationStyle; t19 = other.decorationThickness; t20 = other.get$_text_style$_fontFamily(other); t21 = other.get$fontFamilyFallback(); t22 = other._package; return this.copyWith$24$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontWeight$foreground$height$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(t13, t2, t1, null, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t15, t3, t5, t4, t12, t9, t10, t6, t11, other.overflow, t22, t14, t8, t7); }, compareTo$1(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this === other) return B.RenderComparison_0; if (_this.inherit === other.inherit) if (_this.fontFamily == other.fontFamily) if (_this.fontSize == other.fontSize) if (_this.fontWeight == other.fontWeight) if (_this.letterSpacing == other.letterSpacing) if (_this.wordSpacing == other.wordSpacing) if (_this.textBaseline == other.textBaseline) if (_this.height == other.height) t1 = _this.foreground != other.foreground || _this.background != other.background || !A.listEquals0(_this.shadows, other.shadows) || !A.listEquals0(_this.fontFeatures, other.fontFeatures) || !A.listEquals0(_this.get$fontFamilyFallback(), other.get$fontFamilyFallback()) || false; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; if (t1) return B.RenderComparison_3; if (!J.$eq$(_this.color, other.color) || !J.$eq$(_this.backgroundColor, other.backgroundColor) || !J.$eq$(_this.decoration, other.decoration) || !J.$eq$(_this.decorationColor, other.decorationColor) || _this.decorationStyle != other.decorationStyle || _this.decorationThickness != other.decorationThickness) return B.RenderComparison_2; return B.RenderComparison_0; }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.TextStyle) if (other.inherit === _this.inherit) if (J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color)) if (J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor)) if (other.fontSize == _this.fontSize) if (other.fontWeight == _this.fontWeight) if (other.letterSpacing == _this.letterSpacing) if (other.wordSpacing == _this.wordSpacing) if (other.textBaseline == _this.textBaseline) if (other.height == _this.height) if (other.foreground == _this.foreground) if (other.background == _this.background) if (A.listEquals0(other.shadows, _this.shadows)) if (A.listEquals0(other.fontFeatures, _this.fontFeatures)) if (J.$eq$(other.decoration, _this.decoration)) if (J.$eq$(other.decorationColor, _this.decorationColor)) if (other.decorationStyle == _this.decorationStyle) if (other.decorationThickness == _this.decorationThickness) if (other.fontFamily == _this.fontFamily) if (A.listEquals0(other.get$fontFamilyFallback(), _this.get$fontFamilyFallback())) t1 = true; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashList([_this.inherit, _this.color, _this.backgroundColor, _this.fontSize, _this.fontWeight, _this.fontStyle, _this.letterSpacing, _this.wordSpacing, _this.textBaseline, _this.height, _this.leadingDistribution, _this.locale, _this.foreground, _this.background, A.hashList(_this.shadows), A.hashList(_this.fontFeatures), _this.decoration, _this.decorationColor, _this.decorationStyle, _this.decorationThickness, _this.fontFamily, A.hashList(_this.get$fontFamilyFallback()), _this._package, _this.overflow]); }, toStringShort$0() { return "TextStyle"; } }; A._TextStyle_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.Simulation.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Simulation"; } }; A.Tolerance.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Tolerance(distance: \xb1" + A.S(this.distance) + ", time: \xb10.001, velocity: \xb1" + A.S(this.velocity) + ")"; } }; A.RendererBinding.prototype = { handleMetricsChanged$0() { var t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner")._rootNode; t1.toString; t1.set$configuration(this.createViewConfiguration$0()); this.scheduleForcedFrame$0(); }, handlePlatformBrightnessChanged$0() { }, createViewConfiguration$0() { var t1 = $.$get$window(), devicePixelRatio = t1._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (devicePixelRatio == null) devicePixelRatio = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); return new A.ViewConfiguration(t1.get$physicalSize().$div(0, devicePixelRatio), devicePixelRatio); }, _handleSemanticsEnabledChanged$0() { var t1, _this = this; if ($.$get$window().platformDispatcher._configuration.semanticsEnabled) { if (_this.RendererBinding__semanticsHandle == null) _this.RendererBinding__semanticsHandle = A._lateReadCheck(_this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner").ensureSemantics$0(); } else { t1 = _this.RendererBinding__semanticsHandle; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this.RendererBinding__semanticsHandle = null; } }, setSemanticsEnabled$1(enabled) { var t1, _this = this; if (enabled) { if (_this.RendererBinding__semanticsHandle == null) _this.RendererBinding__semanticsHandle = A._lateReadCheck(_this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner").ensureSemantics$0(); } else { t1 = _this.RendererBinding__semanticsHandle; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this.RendererBinding__semanticsHandle = null; } }, _handleWebFirstFrame$1(_) { B.MethodChannel_Gpa._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("first-frame", null, false, type$.void); }, _handleSemanticsAction$3(id, action, args) { var t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner")._semanticsOwner; if (t1 != null) t1.performAction$3(id, action, null); }, _handleSemanticsOwnerCreated$0() { var t2, t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner")._rootNode; t1.toString; t2 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner; t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t1))._nodesNeedingSemantics.add$1(0, t1); t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t1)).requestVisualUpdate$0(); }, _handleSemanticsOwnerDisposed$0() { A._lateReadCheck(this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner")._rootNode.clearSemantics$0(); }, _handlePersistentFrameCallback$1(timeStamp) { this.drawFrame$0(); this._scheduleMouseTrackerUpdate$0(); }, _scheduleMouseTrackerUpdate$0() { $.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A.RendererBinding__scheduleMouseTrackerUpdate_closure(this)); }, allowFirstFrame$0() { --this.RendererBinding__firstFrameDeferredCount; if (!this.RendererBinding__firstFrameSent) this.scheduleWarmUpFrame$0(); }, drawFrame$0() { var _this = this, _s14_ = "_pipelineOwner"; A._lateReadCheck(_this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, _s14_).flushLayout$0(); A._lateReadCheck(_this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, _s14_).flushCompositingBits$0(); A._lateReadCheck(_this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, _s14_).flushPaint$0(); if (_this.RendererBinding__firstFrameSent || _this.RendererBinding__firstFrameDeferredCount === 0) { A._lateReadCheck(_this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, _s14_)._rootNode.compositeFrame$0(); A._lateReadCheck(_this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, _s14_).flushSemantics$0(); _this.RendererBinding__firstFrameSent = true; } } }; A.RendererBinding__scheduleMouseTrackerUpdate_closure.prototype = { call$1(duration) { var t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1.RendererBinding__mouseTracker; t2.toString; t2.updateAllDevices$1(A._lateReadCheck(t1.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner")._rootNode.get$hitTestMouseTrackers()); }, $signature: 8 }; A.BoxConstraints.prototype = { deflate$1(edges) { var _this = this, horizontal = edges.get$_left(edges) + edges.get$_right(edges) + edges.get$_edge_insets$_start(edges) + edges.get$_edge_insets$_end(), vertical = edges.get$_top(edges) + edges.get$_bottom(edges), deflatedMinWidth = Math.max(0, _this.minWidth - horizontal), deflatedMinHeight = Math.max(0, _this.minHeight - vertical); return new A.BoxConstraints(deflatedMinWidth, Math.max(deflatedMinWidth, _this.maxWidth - horizontal), deflatedMinHeight, Math.max(deflatedMinHeight, _this.maxHeight - vertical)); }, enforce$1(constraints) { var _this = this, t1 = constraints.minWidth, t2 = constraints.maxWidth, t3 = constraints.minHeight, t4 = constraints.maxHeight; return new A.BoxConstraints(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.minWidth, t1, t2), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.maxWidth, t1, t2), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.minHeight, t3, t4), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(_this.maxHeight, t3, t4)); }, tighten$2$height$width(height, width) { var t5, t6, _this = this, t1 = width == null, t2 = _this.minWidth, t3 = t1 ? t2 : B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(width, t2, _this.maxWidth), t4 = _this.maxWidth; t1 = t1 ? t4 : B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(width, t2, t4); t2 = height == null; t4 = _this.minHeight; t5 = t2 ? t4 : B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(height, t4, _this.maxHeight); t6 = _this.maxHeight; return new A.BoxConstraints(t3, t1, t5, t2 ? t6 : B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(height, t4, t6)); }, tighten$1$width(width) { return this.tighten$2$height$width(null, width); }, tighten$1$height(height) { return this.tighten$2$height$width(height, null); }, constrain$1(size) { var _this = this; return new A.Size(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(size._dx, _this.minWidth, _this.maxWidth), B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(size._dy, _this.minHeight, _this.maxHeight)); }, $mul(_, factor) { var _this = this; return new A.BoxConstraints(_this.minWidth * factor, _this.maxWidth * factor, _this.minHeight * factor, _this.maxHeight * factor); }, $div(_, factor) { var _this = this; return new A.BoxConstraints(_this.minWidth / factor, _this.maxWidth / factor, _this.minHeight / factor, _this.maxHeight / factor); }, get$isNormalized() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.minWidth; if (t1 >= 0) if (t1 <= _this.maxWidth) { t1 = _this.minHeight; t1 = t1 >= 0 && t1 <= _this.maxHeight; } else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.BoxConstraints && other.minWidth === _this.minWidth && other.maxWidth === _this.maxWidth && other.minHeight === _this.minHeight && other.maxHeight === _this.maxHeight; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.minWidth, _this.maxWidth, _this.minHeight, _this.maxHeight, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var t2, width, height, _this = this, annotation = _this.get$isNormalized() ? "" : "; NOT NORMALIZED", t1 = _this.minWidth; if (t1 === 1 / 0 && _this.minHeight === 1 / 0) return "BoxConstraints(biggest" + annotation + ")"; if (t1 === 0 && _this.maxWidth === 1 / 0 && _this.minHeight === 0 && _this.maxHeight === 1 / 0) return "BoxConstraints(unconstrained" + annotation + ")"; t2 = new A.BoxConstraints_toString_describe(); width = t2.call$3(t1, _this.maxWidth, "w"); height = t2.call$3(_this.minHeight, _this.maxHeight, "h"); return "BoxConstraints(" + width + ", " + height + annotation + ")"; } }; A.BoxConstraints_toString_describe.prototype = { call$3(min, max, dim) { if (min === max) return dim + "=" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(min, 1); return B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(min, 1) + "<=" + dim + "<=" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(max, 1); }, $signature: 187 }; A.BoxHitTestResult.prototype = { addWithPaintTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(hitTest, position, transform) { if (transform != null) { transform = A.Matrix4_tryInvert(A.PointerEvent_removePerspectiveTransform(transform)); if (transform == null) return false; } return this.addWithRawTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(hitTest, position, transform); }, addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(hitTest, offset, position) { var isHit, t1 = offset == null, transformedPosition = t1 ? position : position.$sub(0, offset); t1 = !t1; if (t1) this._localTransforms.push(new A._OffsetTransformPart(new A.Offset(-offset._dx, -offset._dy))); isHit = hitTest.call$2(this, transformedPosition); if (t1) this.popTransform$0(); return isHit; }, addWithRawTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(hitTest, position, transform) { var isHit, t1 = transform == null, transformedPosition = t1 ? position : A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(transform, position); t1 = !t1; if (t1) this._localTransforms.push(new A._MatrixTransformPart(transform)); isHit = hitTest.call$2(this, transformedPosition); if (t1) this.popTransform$0(); return isHit; } }; A.BoxHitTestEntry.prototype = { get$target(_) { return type$.RenderBox._as(this.target); }, toString$0(_) { return "#" + A.shortHash(type$.RenderBox._as(this.target)) + "@" + this.localPosition.toString$0(0); } }; A.BoxParentData.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "offset=" + this.offset.toString$0(0); } }; A.ContainerBoxParentData.prototype = {}; A.RenderBox.prototype = { setupParentData$1(child) { if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.BoxParentData)) child.parentData = new A.BoxParentData(B.Offset_0_0); }, getDryLayout$1(constraints) { var t1, result, _this = this; if ($.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled || $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth === 0) A.Timeline_startSync(A.getRuntimeType(_this).toString$0(0) + ".getDryLayout", B.Map_9aZ6I, null); $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth = $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth + 1; t1 = _this._cachedDryLayoutSizes; if (t1 == null) t1 = _this._cachedDryLayoutSizes = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.BoxConstraints, type$.Size); result = t1.putIfAbsent$2(0, constraints, new A.RenderBox_getDryLayout_closure(_this, constraints)); t1 = $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth - 1; $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth = t1; if ($.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled || t1 === 0) A.Timeline_finishSync(); return result; }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { return B.Size_0_0; }, get$semanticBounds() { var t1 = this._size; return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy); }, getDistanceToBaseline$2$onlyReal(baseline, onlyReal) { var result = this.getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline); if (result == null && !onlyReal) return this._size._dy; return result; }, getDistanceToBaseline$1(baseline) { return this.getDistanceToBaseline$2$onlyReal(baseline, false); }, getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._cachedBaselines; if (t1 == null) t1 = _this._cachedBaselines = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.TextBaseline, type$.nullable_double); t1.putIfAbsent$2(0, baseline, new A.RenderBox_getDistanceToActualBaseline_closure(_this, baseline)); return _this._cachedBaselines.$index(0, baseline); }, computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) { return null; }, markNeedsLayout$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._cachedBaselines; if (!(t1 != null && t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1))) { t1 = _this._cachedIntrinsicDimensions; if (!(t1 != null && t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1))) { t1 = _this._cachedDryLayoutSizes; t1 = t1 != null && t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1); } else t1 = true; } else t1 = true; if (t1) { t1 = _this._cachedBaselines; if (t1 != null) t1.clear$0(0); t1 = _this._cachedIntrinsicDimensions; if (t1 != null) t1.clear$0(0); t1 = _this._cachedDryLayoutSizes; if (t1 != null) t1.clear$0(0); if (_this._node$_parent instanceof A.RenderObject) { _this.markParentNeedsLayout$0(); return; } } _this.super$RenderObject$markNeedsLayout(); }, performResize$0() { this._size = this.computeDryLayout$1(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)); }, performLayout$0() { }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._size.contains$1(0, position)) if (_this.hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) || _this.hitTestSelf$1(position)) { t1 = new A.BoxHitTestEntry(position, _this); result._globalizeTransforms$0(); t1._transform = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(result._transforms); result._path.push(t1); return true; } return false; }, hitTestSelf$1(position) { return false; }, hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) { return false; }, applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) { var offset, t1 = child.parentData; t1.toString; offset = type$.BoxParentData._as(t1).offset; transform.translate$2(0, offset._dx, offset._dy); }, globalToLocal$1(point) { var n, t1, i, d, s, transform = this.getTransformTo$1(0, null); if (transform.copyInverse$1(transform) === 0) return B.Offset_0_0; n = new A.Vector3(new Float64Array(3)); n.setValues$3(0, 0, 1); t1 = new A.Vector3(new Float64Array(3)); t1.setValues$3(0, 0, 0); i = transform.perspectiveTransform$1(t1); t1 = new A.Vector3(new Float64Array(3)); t1.setValues$3(0, 0, 1); d = transform.perspectiveTransform$1(t1).$sub(0, i); t1 = new A.Vector3(new Float64Array(3)); t1.setValues$3(point._dx, point._dy, 0); s = transform.perspectiveTransform$1(t1); t1 = s.$sub(0, d.scaled$1(n.dot$1(s) / n.dot$1(d)))._v3storage; return new A.Offset(t1[0], t1[1]); }, get$paintBounds() { var t1 = this._size; return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy); }, handleEvent$2($event, entry) { this.super$RenderObject$handleEvent($event, entry); } }; A.RenderBox_getDryLayout_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return this.$this.computeDryLayout$1(this.constraints); }, $signature: 188 }; A.RenderBox_getDistanceToActualBaseline_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return this.$this.computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(this.baseline); }, $signature: 189 }; A.RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = { defaultComputeDistanceToFirstActualBaseline$1(baseline) { var t1, childParentData, result, child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.1?"); child != null;) { childParentData = t1._as(child.parentData); result = child.getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline); if (result != null) return result + childParentData.offset._dy; child = childParentData.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } return null; }, defaultComputeDistanceToHighestActualBaseline$1(baseline) { var t1, result, t2, candidate, child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.1"), result = null; child != null;) { t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; t1._as(t2); candidate = child.getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline); if (candidate != null) { candidate += t2.offset._dy; result = result != null ? Math.min(result, candidate) : candidate; } child = t2.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } return result; }, defaultHitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) { var t2, child, _box_0 = {}, t1 = _box_0.child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild; for (t2 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.1"); t1 != null; t1 = child) { t1 = t1.parentData; t1.toString; t2._as(t1); if (result.addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(new A.RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_defaultHitTestChildren_closure(_box_0, position, t1), t1.offset, position)) return true; child = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling; _box_0.child = child; } return false; }, defaultPaint$2(context, offset) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.1"), t2 = offset._dx, t3 = offset._dy; child != null;) { t4 = child.parentData; t4.toString; t1._as(t4); t5 = t4.offset; context.paintChild$2(child, new A.Offset(t5._dx + t2, t5._dy + t3)); child = t4.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } } }; A.RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_defaultHitTestChildren_closure.prototype = { call$2(result, transformed) { return this._box_0.child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed); }, $signature: 19 }; A._ContainerBoxParentData_BoxParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin.prototype = { detach$0(_) { this.super$ParentData$detach(0); } }; A.MultiChildLayoutParentData.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return this.super$BoxParentData$toString(0) + "; id=" + A.S(this.id); } }; A.MultiChildLayoutDelegate.prototype = { layoutChild$2(childId, constraints) { var t1, child = this._idToChild.$index(0, childId); child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(0, constraints, true); t1 = child._size; t1.toString; return t1; }, positionChild$2(childId, offset) { var t1 = this._idToChild.$index(0, childId).parentData; t1.toString; type$.MultiChildLayoutParentData._as(t1).offset = offset; }, _callPerformLayout$2(size, firstChild) { var childParentData, t1, t2, t3, t4, child, looseConstraints, fullWidthConstraints, appBarHeight, contentTop, bottomWidgetsHeight, bottomNavigationBarTop, materialBannerSize, contentBottom, bodyMaxHeight, snackBarSize, bottomSheetSize, floatingActionButtonRect, fabSize, currentGeometry, currentFabOffset, fabOffset, snackBarYOffsetBase, _this = this, previousIdToChild = _this._idToChild; try { _this._idToChild = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Object, type$.RenderBox); for (t1 = type$.MultiChildLayoutParentData, t2 = firstChild; t2 != null; t2 = child) { t3 = t2.parentData; t3.toString; childParentData = t1._as(t3); t3 = _this._idToChild; t3.toString; t4 = childParentData.id; t4.toString; t3.$indexSet(0, t4, t2); child = childParentData.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } t1 = size._dx; t2 = size._dy; looseConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, t1, 0, t2); fullWidthConstraints = looseConstraints.tighten$1$width(t1); if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_1) != null) { appBarHeight = _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_1, fullWidthConstraints)._dy; _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_1, B.Offset_0_0); contentTop = appBarHeight; } else { contentTop = 0; appBarHeight = 0; } if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_7) != null) { bottomWidgetsHeight = 0 + _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_7, fullWidthConstraints)._dy; bottomNavigationBarTop = Math.max(0, t2 - bottomWidgetsHeight); _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_7, new A.Offset(0, bottomNavigationBarTop)); } else { bottomWidgetsHeight = 0; bottomNavigationBarTop = null; } if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_6) != null) { bottomWidgetsHeight += _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_6, new A.BoxConstraints(0, fullWidthConstraints.maxWidth, 0, Math.max(0, t2 - bottomWidgetsHeight - contentTop)))._dy; _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_6, new A.Offset(0, Math.max(0, t2 - bottomWidgetsHeight))); } if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_5) != null) { materialBannerSize = _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_5, fullWidthConstraints); _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_5, new A.Offset(0, appBarHeight)); if (!_this.extendBodyBehindMaterialBanner) contentTop += materialBannerSize._dy; } else materialBannerSize = B.Size_0_0; t3 = _this.minInsets; contentBottom = Math.max(0, t2 - Math.max(t3.bottom, bottomWidgetsHeight)); if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_0) != null) { bodyMaxHeight = Math.max(0, contentBottom - contentTop); t4 = _this.extendBody; if (t4) bodyMaxHeight = B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(bodyMaxHeight + bottomWidgetsHeight, 0, t2 - contentTop); t4 = t4 ? bottomWidgetsHeight : 0; _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_0, new A._BodyBoxConstraints(t4, appBarHeight, materialBannerSize._dy, 0, fullWidthConstraints.maxWidth, 0, bodyMaxHeight)); _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_0, new A.Offset(0, contentTop)); } if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_2) != null) { _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_2, new A.BoxConstraints(0, fullWidthConstraints.maxWidth, 0, contentBottom)); _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_2, B.Offset_0_0); } snackBarSize = _this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_4) != null && !_this.isSnackBarFloating ? _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_4, fullWidthConstraints) : B.Size_0_0; if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_3) != null) { bottomSheetSize = _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_3, new A.BoxConstraints(0, fullWidthConstraints.maxWidth, 0, Math.max(0, contentBottom - contentTop))); _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_3, new A.Offset((t1 - bottomSheetSize._dx) / 2, contentBottom - bottomSheetSize._dy)); } else bottomSheetSize = B.Size_0_0; floatingActionButtonRect = A._Cell$named("floatingActionButtonRect"); if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_8) != null) { fabSize = _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_8, looseConstraints); currentGeometry = new A.ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry(fabSize, bottomSheetSize, contentBottom, t3, _this.minViewPadding, size, snackBarSize, _this.textDirection); currentFabOffset = _this.currentFloatingActionButtonLocation.getOffset$1(currentGeometry); fabOffset = _this.floatingActionButtonMotionAnimator.getOffset$3$begin$end$progress(_this.previousFloatingActionButtonLocation.getOffset$1(currentGeometry), currentFabOffset, _this.floatingActionButtonMoveAnimationProgress); _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_8, fabOffset); t1 = fabOffset._dx; t4 = fabOffset._dy; floatingActionButtonRect.__late_helper$_value = new A.Rect(t1, t4, t1 + fabSize._dx, t4 + fabSize._dy); } if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_4) != null) { if (snackBarSize.$eq(0, B.Size_0_0)) snackBarSize = _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_4, fullWidthConstraints); t1 = floatingActionButtonRect._readLocal$0(); if (!new A.Size(t1.right - t1.left, t1.bottom - t1.top).$eq(0, B.Size_0_0) && _this.isSnackBarFloating) snackBarYOffsetBase = floatingActionButtonRect._readLocal$0().top; else snackBarYOffsetBase = _this.isSnackBarFloating ? Math.min(contentBottom, t2 - _this.minViewPadding.bottom) : contentBottom; _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_4, new A.Offset(0, snackBarYOffsetBase - snackBarSize._dy)); } if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_11) != null) { _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_11, fullWidthConstraints.tighten$1$height(t3.top)); _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_11, B.Offset_0_0); } if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_9) != null) { _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_9, A.BoxConstraints$tight(size)); _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_9, B.Offset_0_0); } if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_10) != null) { _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_10, A.BoxConstraints$tight(size)); _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_10, B.Offset_0_0); } _this.geometryNotifier._updateWith$2$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea(bottomNavigationBarTop, floatingActionButtonRect._readLocal$0()); } finally { _this._idToChild = previousIdToChild; } }, toString$0(_) { return "MultiChildLayoutDelegate"; } }; A.RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox.prototype = { setupParentData$1(child) { if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.MultiChildLayoutParentData)) child.parentData = new A.MultiChildLayoutParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0); }, set$delegate(newDelegate) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._delegate; if (t1 === newDelegate) return; if (A.getRuntimeType(newDelegate) !== A.getRuntimeType(t1) || !t1.minInsets.$eq(0, newDelegate.minInsets) || t1.textDirection !== newDelegate.textDirection || t1.floatingActionButtonMoveAnimationProgress !== newDelegate.floatingActionButtonMoveAnimationProgress || t1.previousFloatingActionButtonLocation !== newDelegate.previousFloatingActionButtonLocation || t1.currentFloatingActionButtonLocation !== newDelegate.currentFloatingActionButtonLocation || t1.extendBody !== newDelegate.extendBody || false) _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); _this._delegate = newDelegate; _this._node$_owner != null; }, attach$1(owner) { this.super$_RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$attach(owner); }, detach$0(_) { this.super$_RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$detach(0); }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight))); }, performLayout$0() { var _this = this, t1 = A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this); t1 = t1.constrain$1(new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, t1.minWidth, t1.maxWidth), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, t1.minHeight, t1.maxHeight))); _this._size = t1; _this._delegate._callPerformLayout$2(t1, _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild); }, paint$2(context, offset) { this.defaultPaint$2(context, offset); }, hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) { return this.defaultHitTestChildren$2$position(result, position); } }; A._RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = { attach$1(owner) { var child, t1, t2; this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner); child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.MultiChildLayoutParentData; child != null;) { child.attach$1(owner); t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } }, detach$0(_) { var child, t1, t2; this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0); child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.MultiChildLayoutParentData; child != null;) { child.detach$0(0); t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } } }; A._RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = {}; A.CustomPainter.prototype = { addListener$1(_, listener) { var t1 = this._repaint; if (t1 != null) t1._systemFontsCallbacks.add$1(0, listener); return null; }, removeListener$1(_, listener) { var t1 = this._repaint; if (t1 != null) t1._systemFontsCallbacks.remove$1(0, listener); return null; }, hitTest$1(position) { return null; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = "#" + A.shortHash(this) + "(", t2 = this._repaint; t2 = t2 == null ? null : "Instance of '" + A.Primitives_objectTypeName(t2) + "'"; return t1 + (t2 == null ? "" : t2) + ")"; } }; A.RenderCustomPaint.prototype = { set$painter(value) { var t1 = this._custom_paint$_painter; if (t1 == value) return; this._custom_paint$_painter = value; this._didUpdatePainter$2(value, t1); }, set$foregroundPainter(value) { var t1 = this._foregroundPainter; if (t1 == value) return; this._foregroundPainter = value; this._didUpdatePainter$2(value, t1); }, _didUpdatePainter$2(newPainter, oldPainter) { var _this = this, t1 = newPainter == null; if (t1) _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); else if (oldPainter == null || A.getRuntimeType(newPainter) !== A.getRuntimeType(oldPainter) || newPainter.shouldRepaint$1(oldPainter)) _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); if (_this._node$_owner != null) { if (oldPainter != null) oldPainter.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint()); if (!t1) newPainter.addListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint()); } if (t1) { if (_this._node$_owner != null) _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); } else if (oldPainter == null || A.getRuntimeType(newPainter) !== A.getRuntimeType(oldPainter) || newPainter.shouldRepaint$1(oldPainter)) _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$preferredSize(value) { if (this._preferredSize.$eq(0, value)) return; this._preferredSize = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, attach$1(owner) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$attach(owner); t1 = _this._custom_paint$_painter; if (t1 != null) t1.addListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint()); t1 = _this._foregroundPainter; if (t1 != null) t1.addListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint()); }, detach$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._custom_paint$_painter; if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint()); t1 = _this._foregroundPainter; if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint()); _this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach(0); }, hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) { var t1 = this._foregroundPainter; if (t1 != null) { t1 = t1.hitTest$1(position); t1 = t1 === true; } else t1 = false; if (t1) return true; return this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$hitTestChildren(result, position); }, hitTestSelf$1(position) { var t1; if (this._custom_paint$_painter != null) t1 = true; else t1 = false; return t1; }, performLayout$0() { this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$performLayout(); this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, computeSizeForNoChild$1(constraints) { return constraints.constrain$1(this._preferredSize); }, _paintWithPainter$3(canvas, offset, painter) { var t1; A._Cell$named("debugPreviousCanvasSaveCount"); canvas.save$0(0); if (!offset.$eq(0, B.Offset_0_0)) canvas.translate$2(0, offset._dx, offset._dy); t1 = this._size; t1.toString; painter.paint$2(canvas, t1); canvas.restore$0(0); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (_this._custom_paint$_painter != null) { t1 = context.get$canvas(context); t2 = _this._custom_paint$_painter; t2.toString; _this._paintWithPainter$3(t1, offset, t2); _this._setRasterCacheHints$1(context); } _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset); if (_this._foregroundPainter != null) { t1 = context.get$canvas(context); t2 = _this._foregroundPainter; t2.toString; _this._paintWithPainter$3(t1, offset, t2); _this._setRasterCacheHints$1(context); } }, _setRasterCacheHints$1(context) { }, describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) { this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config); this._backgroundSemanticsBuilder = null; this._foregroundSemanticsBuilder = null; config._isSemanticBoundary = false; }, assembleSemanticsNode$3(node, config, children) { var t1, hasBackgroundSemantics, hasForegroundSemantics, t2, _this = this; _this._backgroundSemanticsNodes = A.RenderCustomPaint__updateSemanticsChildren(_this._backgroundSemanticsNodes, B.List_empty10); _this._foregroundSemanticsNodes = A.RenderCustomPaint__updateSemanticsChildren(_this._foregroundSemanticsNodes, B.List_empty10); t1 = _this._backgroundSemanticsNodes; hasBackgroundSemantics = t1 != null && !t1.get$isEmpty(t1); t1 = _this._foregroundSemanticsNodes; hasForegroundSemantics = t1 != null && !t1.get$isEmpty(t1); t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode); if (hasBackgroundSemantics) { t2 = _this._backgroundSemanticsNodes; t2.toString; B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, t2); } B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, children); if (hasForegroundSemantics) { t2 = _this._foregroundSemanticsNodes; t2.toString; B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, t2); } _this.super$RenderObject$assembleSemanticsNode(node, config, t1); }, clearSemantics$0() { this.super$RenderObject$clearSemantics(); this._foregroundSemanticsNodes = this._backgroundSemanticsNodes = null; } }; A.DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin.prototype = {}; A.RenderErrorBox.prototype = { RenderErrorBox$1(message) { var builder, t1, exception, _this = this, _s10_ = "_paragraph"; try { t1 = _this.message; if (t1 !== "") { builder = A.ParagraphBuilder_ParagraphBuilder($.$get$RenderErrorBox_paragraphStyle()); J.pushStyle$1$x(builder, $.$get$RenderErrorBox_textStyle()); J.addText$1$x(builder, t1); t1 = J.build$0$x(builder); A._lateWriteOnceCheck(_this.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph, _s10_); _this.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph = t1; } else { A._lateWriteOnceCheck(_this.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph, _s10_); _this.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph = null; } } catch (exception) { } }, get$sizedByParent() { return true; }, hitTestSelf$1(position) { return true; }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { return constraints.constrain$1(B.Size_100000_100000); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var width, left, $top, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, exception, _this = this, _s10_ = "_paragraph"; try { t1 = context.get$canvas(context); t2 = _this._size; t3 = offset._dx; t4 = offset._dy; t5 = t2._dx; t2 = t2._dy; t6 = A._detectRenderer(); t6 = t6 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); t6.set$color(0, $.$get$RenderErrorBox_backgroundColor()); t1.drawRect$2(0, new A.Rect(t3, t4, t3 + t5, t4 + t2), t6); if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph, _s10_) != null) { width = _this._size._dx; left = 0; $top = 0; if (width > 328) { width -= 128; left += 64; } A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph, _s10_).layout$1(0, new A.ParagraphConstraints(width)); t1 = _this._size._dy; t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph, _s10_); if (t1 > 96 + t2.get$height(t2) + 12) $top += 96; t1 = context.get$canvas(context); t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph, _s10_); t2.toString; t1.drawParagraph$2(0, t2, offset.$add(0, new A.Offset(left, $top))); } } catch (exception) { } } }; A.FlexParentData.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return this.super$BoxParentData$toString(0) + "; flex=null; fit=null"; } }; A.MainAxisSize.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "MainAxisSize." + this._name; } }; A.MainAxisAlignment.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "MainAxisAlignment." + this._name; } }; A.CrossAxisAlignment.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "CrossAxisAlignment." + this._name; } }; A.RenderFlex.prototype = { setupParentData$1(child) { if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.FlexParentData)) child.parentData = new A.FlexParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0); }, computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) { if (this._flex$_direction === B.Axis_0) return this.defaultComputeDistanceToHighestActualBaseline$1(baseline); return this.defaultComputeDistanceToFirstActualBaseline$1(baseline); }, _getCrossSize$1(size) { switch (this._flex$_direction.index) { case 0: return size._dy; case 1: return size._dx; } }, _getMainSize$1(size) { switch (this._flex$_direction.index) { case 0: return size._dx; case 1: return size._dy; } }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { var sizes; if (this._crossAxisAlignment === B.CrossAxisAlignment_4) return B.Size_0_0; sizes = this._computeSizes$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild$closure()); switch (this._flex$_direction.index) { case 0: return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(sizes.mainSize, sizes.crossSize)); case 1: return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(sizes.crossSize, sizes.mainSize)); } }, _computeSizes$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, layoutChild) { var t1, t2, t3, lastFlexChild, totalFlex, crossSize, allocatedSize, t4, innerConstraints, childSize, _this = this, _null = null, maxMainSize = _this._flex$_direction === B.Axis_0 ? constraints.maxWidth : constraints.maxHeight, canFlex = maxMainSize < 1 / 0, child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.FlexParentData, t2 = constraints.maxWidth, t3 = constraints.maxHeight, lastFlexChild = _null, totalFlex = 0, crossSize = 0, allocatedSize = 0; child != null;) { t4 = child.parentData; t4.toString; t1._as(t4); if (_this._crossAxisAlignment === B.CrossAxisAlignment_3) switch (_this._flex$_direction.index) { case 0: innerConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(t3, _null); break; case 1: innerConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(_null, t2); break; default: innerConstraints = _null; } else switch (_this._flex$_direction.index) { case 0: innerConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, 1 / 0, 0, t3); break; case 1: innerConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, t2, 0, 1 / 0); break; default: innerConstraints = _null; } childSize = layoutChild.call$2(child, innerConstraints); allocatedSize += _this._getMainSize$1(childSize); crossSize = Math.max(crossSize, A.checkNum(_this._getCrossSize$1(childSize))); child = t4.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } Math.max(0, (canFlex ? maxMainSize : 0) - allocatedSize); return new A._LayoutSizes(canFlex && _this._mainAxisSize === B.MainAxisSize_1 ? maxMainSize : allocatedSize, crossSize, allocatedSize); }, performLayout$0() { var child, t1, maxBaselineDistance, maxSizeAboveBaseline, maxSizeBelowBaseline, t2, distance, actualSizeDelta, remainingSpace, leadingSpace, betweenSpace, flipMainAxis, childMainPosition, t3, t4, t5, childCrossPosition, t6, _this = this, constraints = A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this), sizes = _this._computeSizes$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild$closure()), actualSize = sizes.mainSize, crossSize = sizes.crossSize; if (_this._crossAxisAlignment === B.CrossAxisAlignment_4) { child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.FlexParentData, maxBaselineDistance = 0, maxSizeAboveBaseline = 0, maxSizeBelowBaseline = 0; child != null;) { t2 = _this._flex$_textBaseline; t2.toString; distance = child.getDistanceToBaseline$2$onlyReal(t2, true); if (distance != null) { maxBaselineDistance = Math.max(maxBaselineDistance, distance); maxSizeAboveBaseline = Math.max(distance, maxSizeAboveBaseline); maxSizeBelowBaseline = Math.max(child._size._dy - distance, maxSizeBelowBaseline); crossSize = Math.max(maxSizeAboveBaseline + maxSizeBelowBaseline, crossSize); } t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } } else maxBaselineDistance = 0; switch (_this._flex$_direction.index) { case 0: t1 = _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(actualSize, crossSize)); actualSize = t1._dx; crossSize = t1._dy; break; case 1: t1 = _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(crossSize, actualSize)); actualSize = t1._dy; crossSize = t1._dx; break; } actualSizeDelta = actualSize - sizes.allocatedSize; _this._flex$_overflow = Math.max(0, -actualSizeDelta); remainingSpace = Math.max(0, actualSizeDelta); leadingSpace = A._Cell$named("leadingSpace"); betweenSpace = A._Cell$named("betweenSpace"); t1 = A._startIsTopLeft(_this._flex$_direction, _this._flex$_textDirection, _this._verticalDirection); flipMainAxis = t1 === false; switch (_this._mainAxisAlignment.index) { case 0: leadingSpace.set$finalLocalValue(0); betweenSpace.set$finalLocalValue(0); break; case 1: leadingSpace.set$finalLocalValue(remainingSpace); betweenSpace.set$finalLocalValue(0); break; case 2: leadingSpace.set$finalLocalValue(remainingSpace / 2); betweenSpace.set$finalLocalValue(0); break; case 3: leadingSpace.set$finalLocalValue(0); t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount; betweenSpace.set$finalLocalValue(t1 > 1 ? remainingSpace / (t1 - 1) : 0); break; case 4: t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount; betweenSpace.set$finalLocalValue(t1 > 0 ? remainingSpace / t1 : 0); leadingSpace.set$finalLocalValue(betweenSpace._readLocal$0() / 2); break; case 5: t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount; betweenSpace.set$finalLocalValue(t1 > 0 ? remainingSpace / (t1 + 1) : 0); leadingSpace.set$finalLocalValue(betweenSpace._readLocal$0()); break; } childMainPosition = flipMainAxis ? actualSize - leadingSpace._readLocal$0() : leadingSpace._readLocal$0(); child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.FlexParentData, t2 = crossSize / 2, t3 = betweenSpace.__late_helper$_name; child != null;) { t4 = child.parentData; t4.toString; t1._as(t4); t5 = _this._crossAxisAlignment; switch (t5.index) { case 0: case 1: if (A._startIsTopLeft(A.flipAxis(_this._flex$_direction), _this._flex$_textDirection, _this._verticalDirection) === (t5 === B.CrossAxisAlignment_0)) childCrossPosition = 0; else { t5 = child._size; t5.toString; childCrossPosition = crossSize - _this._getCrossSize$1(t5); } break; case 2: t5 = child._size; t5.toString; childCrossPosition = t2 - _this._getCrossSize$1(t5) / 2; break; case 3: childCrossPosition = 0; break; case 4: if (_this._flex$_direction === B.Axis_0) { t5 = _this._flex$_textBaseline; t5.toString; distance = child.getDistanceToBaseline$2$onlyReal(t5, true); childCrossPosition = distance != null ? maxBaselineDistance - distance : 0; } else childCrossPosition = 0; break; default: childCrossPosition = null; } if (flipMainAxis) { t5 = child._size; t5.toString; childMainPosition -= _this._getMainSize$1(t5); } switch (_this._flex$_direction.index) { case 0: t4.offset = new A.Offset(childMainPosition, childCrossPosition); break; case 1: t4.offset = new A.Offset(childCrossPosition, childMainPosition); break; } if (flipMainAxis) { t5 = betweenSpace.__late_helper$_value; if (t5 === betweenSpace) A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t3)); childMainPosition -= t5; } else { t5 = child._size; t5.toString; t5 = _this._getMainSize$1(t5); t6 = betweenSpace.__late_helper$_value; if (t6 === betweenSpace) A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t3)); childMainPosition += t5 + t6; } child = t4.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } }, hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) { return this.defaultHitTestChildren$2$position(result, position); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this; if (!(_this._flex$_overflow > 1e-10)) { _this.defaultPaint$2(context, offset); return; } t1 = _this._size; if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) return; t1 = _this._flex$_clipRectLayer; if (_this._flex$_clipBehavior === B.Clip_0) { t1.set$layer(0, null); _this.defaultPaint$2(context, offset); } else { t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing, "_needsCompositing"); t3 = _this._size; t1.set$layer(0, context.pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t2, offset, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t3._dx, 0 + t3._dy), _this.get$defaultPaint(), _this._flex$_clipBehavior, t1._layer)); } }, dispose$0(_) { this._flex$_clipRectLayer.set$layer(0, null); this.super$RenderObject$dispose(0); }, describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child) { var t1; if (this._flex$_overflow > 1e-10) { t1 = this._size; t1 = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy); } else t1 = null; return t1; }, toStringShort$0() { var header = this.super$RenderObject$toStringShort(); if (this._flex$_overflow > 1e-10) header += " OVERFLOWING"; return header; } }; A._LayoutSizes.prototype = {}; A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = { attach$1(owner) { var child, t1, t2; this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner); child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.FlexParentData; child != null;) { child.attach$1(owner); t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } }, detach$0(_) { var child, t1, t2; this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0); child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.FlexParentData; child != null;) { child.detach$0(0); t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } } }; A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = {}; A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin.prototype = { reassemble$0() { this.super$RenderObject$reassemble(); } }; A.AnnotationResult.prototype = {}; A.Layer0.prototype = { dispose$0(_) { var t1 = this._engineLayer; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); this._engineLayer = null; }, markNeedsAddToScene$0() { if (this._needsAddToScene) return; this._needsAddToScene = true; }, set$engineLayer(value) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._engineLayer; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this._engineLayer = value; t1 = type$.nullable_ContainerLayer; if (t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(_this, _this)) != null) { t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(_this, _this)).toString; t2 = true; } else t2 = false; if (t2) t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(_this, _this)).markNeedsAddToScene$0(); }, updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene$0() { this._needsAddToScene = this._needsAddToScene || false; }, dropChild$1(child) { this.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); this.super$AbstractNode$dropChild(child); }, remove$0(_) { var t2, t3, _this = this, t1 = type$.nullable_ContainerLayer._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(_this, _this)); if (t1 != null) { t2 = _this._previousSibling; t3 = _this._nextSibling; if (t2 == null) t1._firstChild = t3; else t2._nextSibling = t3; t3 = _this._nextSibling; if (t3 == null) t1._lastChild = t2; else t3._previousSibling = t2; _this._nextSibling = _this._previousSibling = null; t1.dropChild$1(_this); _this._parentHandle.set$layer(0, null); } }, findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return false; }, findAnnotations$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return this.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, type$.Object); }, find$1$1(_, localPosition, $S) { var t1 = A._setArrayType([], $S._eval$1("JSArray>")); this.findAnnotations$3$onlyFirst(new A.AnnotationResult(t1, $S._eval$1("AnnotationResult<0>")), localPosition, true); return t1.length === 0 ? null : B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).get$annotation(); }, _addToSceneWithRetainedRendering$1(builder) { var t1, _this = this; if (!_this._needsAddToScene && _this._engineLayer != null) { t1 = _this._engineLayer; t1.toString; builder.addRetained$1(t1); return; } _this.addToScene$1(builder); _this._needsAddToScene = false; }, toStringShort$0() { var t1 = this.super$DiagnosticableTreeMixin$toStringShort(); return t1 + (this._node$_owner == null ? " DETACHED" : ""); }, $isDiagnosticableTree: 1 }; A.LayerHandle.prototype = { set$layer(_, layer) { var t1 = this._layer; if (layer == t1) return; if (t1 != null) if (--t1._refCount === 0) t1.dispose$0(0); this._layer = layer; if (layer != null) ++layer._refCount; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this._layer; return "LayerHandle(" + (t1 != null ? t1.toString$0(0) : "DISPOSED") + ")"; } }; A.PictureLayer.prototype = { set$picture(picture) { var t1; this.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); t1 = this._picture; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); this._picture = picture; }, dispose$0(_) { this.set$picture(null); this.super$Layer$dispose(0); }, addToScene$1(builder) { var t1 = this._picture; t1.toString; builder.addPicture$4$isComplexHint$willChangeHint(B.Offset_0_0, t1, this._isComplexHint, this._willChangeHint); }, findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return false; }, findAnnotations$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return this.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, type$.Object); } }; A.TextureLayer.prototype = { addToScene$1(builder) { var t1 = this.rect, t2 = t1.left, t3 = t1.top; builder.addTexture$6$filterQuality$freeze$height$offset$width(this.textureId, B.FilterQuality_1, this.freeze, t1.bottom - t3, new A.Offset(t2, t3), t1.right - t2); }, findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return false; }, findAnnotations$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return this.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, type$.Object); } }; A.PlatformViewLayer.prototype = { addToScene$1(builder) { var t1 = this.rect, t2 = t1.left, t3 = t1.top; builder.addPlatformView$4$height$offset$width(this.viewId, t1.bottom - t3, new A.Offset(t2, t3), t1.right - t2); } }; A.PerformanceOverlayLayer.prototype = { addToScene$1(builder) { builder.addPerformanceOverlay$2(this.optionsMask, this._overlayRect); builder.setRasterizerTracingThreshold$1(this.rasterizerThreshold); builder.setCheckerboardRasterCacheImages$1(false); builder.setCheckerboardOffscreenLayers$1(false); }, findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return false; }, findAnnotations$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return this.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, type$.Object); } }; A.ContainerLayer0.prototype = { buildScene$1(builder) { this.updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene$0(); this.addToScene$1(builder); this._needsAddToScene = false; return builder.build$0(0); }, dispose$0(_) { this.removeAllChildren$0(); this.super$Layer$dispose(0); }, updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene$0() { var child, _this = this; _this.super$Layer$updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene(); child = _this._firstChild; for (; child != null;) { child.updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene$0(); _this._needsAddToScene = _this._needsAddToScene || child._needsAddToScene; child = child._nextSibling; } }, findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { var child, t1, t2; for (child = this._lastChild, t1 = result._layer$_entries; child != null; child = child._previousSibling) { if (child.findAnnotations$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, true)) return true; t2 = t1.length; if (t2 !== 0) return false; } return false; }, findAnnotations$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return this.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, type$.Object); }, attach$1(owner) { var child; this.super$AbstractNode$attach(owner); child = this._firstChild; for (; child != null;) { child.attach$1(owner); child = child._nextSibling; } }, detach$0(_) { var child; this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0); child = this._firstChild; for (; child != null;) { child.detach$0(0); child = child._nextSibling; } }, append$1(_, child) { var t1, _this = this; _this.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); _this.super$AbstractNode$adoptChild(child); t1 = child._previousSibling = _this._lastChild; if (t1 != null) t1._nextSibling = child; _this._lastChild = child; if (_this._firstChild == null) _this._firstChild = child; child._parentHandle.set$layer(0, child); }, removeAllChildren$0() { var next, _this = this, child = _this._firstChild; for (; child != null; child = next) { next = child._nextSibling; child._nextSibling = child._previousSibling = null; _this.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); _this.super$AbstractNode$dropChild(child); child._parentHandle.set$layer(0, null); } _this._lastChild = _this._firstChild = null; }, addToScene$1(builder) { this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder); }, addChildrenToScene$1(builder) { var child = this._firstChild; for (; child != null;) { child._addToSceneWithRetainedRendering$1(builder); child = child._nextSibling; } }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { var count, children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode), child = this._firstChild; if (child == null) return children; for (count = 1; true;) { child.toString; children.push(new A.DiagnosticableTreeNode(child, "child " + count, true, true, null, null)); if (child === this._lastChild) break; ++count; child = child._nextSibling; } return children; } }; A.OffsetLayer.prototype = { set$offset(_, value) { if (!value.$eq(0, this._layer$_offset)) this.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); this._layer$_offset = value; }, findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return this.super$ContainerLayer$findAnnotations(result, localPosition.$sub(0, this._layer$_offset), true); }, findAnnotations$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return this.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, type$.Object); }, addToScene$1(builder) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._layer$_offset; _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushOffset$3$oldLayer(t1._dx, t1._dy, type$.nullable_OffsetEngineLayer._as(_this._engineLayer))); _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder); builder.pop$0(0); } }; A.ClipRectLayer.prototype = { findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { if (!this._clipRect.contains$1(0, localPosition)) return false; return this.super$ContainerLayer$findAnnotations(result, localPosition, true); }, findAnnotations$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return this.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, type$.Object); }, addToScene$1(builder) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._clipRect; t1.toString; _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushClipRect$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, _this._layer$_clipBehavior, type$.nullable_ClipRectEngineLayer._as(_this._engineLayer))); _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder); builder.pop$0(0); } }; A.ClipPathLayer.prototype = { findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { if (!this._clipPath.contains$1(0, localPosition)) return false; return this.super$ContainerLayer$findAnnotations(result, localPosition, true); }, findAnnotations$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return this.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, type$.Object); }, addToScene$1(builder) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._clipPath; t1.toString; _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushClipPath$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, _this._layer$_clipBehavior, type$.nullable_ClipPathEngineLayer._as(_this._engineLayer))); _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder); builder.pop$0(0); } }; A.TransformLayer.prototype = { set$transform(_, value) { var _this = this; if (value.$eq(0, _this._layer$_transform)) return; _this._layer$_transform = value; _this._inverseDirty = true; _this.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); }, addToScene$1(builder) { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this._lastEffectiveTransform = _this._layer$_transform; if (!_this._layer$_offset.$eq(0, B.Offset_0_0)) { t1 = _this._layer$_offset; t1 = A.Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(t1._dx, t1._dy, 0); t2 = _this._lastEffectiveTransform; t2.toString; t1.multiply$1(0, t2); _this._lastEffectiveTransform = t1; } _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushTransform$2$oldLayer(_this._lastEffectiveTransform._m4storage, type$.nullable_TransformEngineLayer._as(_this._engineLayer))); _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder); builder.pop$0(0); }, _transformOffset$1(localPosition) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._inverseDirty) { t1 = _this._layer$_transform; t1.toString; _this._invertedTransform = A.Matrix4_tryInvert(A.PointerEvent_removePerspectiveTransform(t1)); _this._inverseDirty = false; } t1 = _this._invertedTransform; if (t1 == null) return null; return A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(t1, localPosition); }, findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { var transformedOffset = this._transformOffset$1(localPosition); if (transformedOffset == null) return false; return this.super$OffsetLayer$findAnnotations(result, transformedOffset, true); }, findAnnotations$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return this.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, type$.Object); } }; A.OpacityLayer.prototype = { addToScene$1(builder) { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this; if (_this._firstChild == null) { _this.set$engineLayer(null); return; } t1 = _this._alpha; t1.toString; t2 = _this._layer$_offset; t3 = _this._engineLayer; if (t1 < 255) _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushOpacity$3$offset$oldLayer(t1, t2, type$.nullable_OpacityEngineLayer._as(t3))); else _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushOffset$3$oldLayer(t2._dx, t2._dy, type$.nullable_OffsetEngineLayer._as(t3))); _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder); builder.pop$0(0); } }; A.PhysicalModelLayer.prototype = { set$clipPath(_, value) { if (value !== this._clipPath) { this._clipPath = value; this.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); } }, set$clipBehavior(value) { if (value !== this._layer$_clipBehavior) { this._layer$_clipBehavior = value; this.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); } }, set$elevation(_, value) { if (value !== this._layer$_elevation) { this._layer$_elevation = value; this.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); } }, set$color(_, value) { if (!value.$eq(0, this._layer$_color)) { this._layer$_color = value; this.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); } }, set$shadowColor(_, value) { if (!value.$eq(0, this._layer$_shadowColor)) { this._layer$_shadowColor = value; this.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); } }, findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { if (!this._clipPath.contains$1(0, localPosition)) return false; return this.super$ContainerLayer$findAnnotations(result, localPosition, true); }, findAnnotations$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) { return this.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, type$.Object); }, addToScene$1(builder) { var t2, t3, t4, _this = this, t1 = _this._clipPath; t1.toString; t2 = _this._layer$_elevation; t2.toString; t3 = _this._layer$_color; t3.toString; t4 = _this._layer$_shadowColor; _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushPhysicalShape$6$clipBehavior$color$elevation$oldLayer$path$shadowColor(_this._layer$_clipBehavior, t3, t2, type$.nullable_PhysicalShapeEngineLayer._as(_this._engineLayer), t1, t4)); _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder); builder.pop$0(0); } }; A._Layer_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = {}; A._MouseState.prototype = { replaceAnnotations$1(value) { var previous = this._annotations; this._annotations = value; return previous; }, toString$0(_) { var _s16_ = "#", describeLatestEvent = "latestEvent: " + (_s16_ + A.shortHash(this._latestEvent)), t1 = this._annotations, describeAnnotations = "annotations: [list of " + t1.get$length(t1) + "]"; return _s16_ + A.shortHash(this) + "(" + describeLatestEvent + ", " + describeAnnotations + ")"; } }; A._MouseTrackerUpdateDetails.prototype = { get$device(_) { var t1 = this.previousEvent; return t1.get$device(t1); } }; A.MouseTracker.prototype = { _hitTestResultToAnnotations$1(result) { var t2, t3, _i, entry, t4, t5, t1 = type$.MouseTrackerAnnotation, annotations = type$.LinkedHashMap_MouseTrackerAnnotation_Matrix4._as(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Matrix4)); for (t2 = result._path, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) { entry = t2[_i]; if (t1._is(entry.get$target(entry))) { t4 = t1._as(entry.get$target(entry)); t5 = entry._transform; t5.toString; annotations.$indexSet(0, t4, t5); } } return annotations; }, _findAnnotations$2(state, hitTest) { var t1 = state._latestEvent, globalPosition = t1.get$position(t1); t1 = state._latestEvent; if (!this._mouseStates.containsKey$1(0, t1.get$device(t1))) return type$.LinkedHashMap_MouseTrackerAnnotation_Matrix4._as(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.MouseTrackerAnnotation, type$.Matrix4)); return this._hitTestResultToAnnotations$1(hitTest.call$1(globalPosition)); }, _handleDeviceUpdate$1(details) { var t1, t2; A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents(details); t1 = details.get$device(details); t2 = details.nextAnnotations; t2 = t2.get$keys(t2); this._mouseCursorMixin.handleDeviceCursorUpdate$3(t1, details.triggeringEvent, A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t2, new A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdate_closure(), A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.MouseCursor)); }, updateWithEvent$2($event, getResult) { var result, device, t1, existingState, mouseWasConnected; if ($event.get$kind($event) !== B.PointerDeviceKind_1) return; if (type$.PointerSignalEvent._is($event)) return; result = type$.PointerRemovedEvent._is($event) ? A.HitTestResult$() : getResult.call$0(); device = $event.get$device($event); t1 = this._mouseStates; existingState = t1.$index(0, device); if (!A.MouseTracker__shouldMarkStateDirty(existingState, $event)) return; mouseWasConnected = t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1); new A.MouseTracker_updateWithEvent_closure(this, existingState, $event, device, result).call$0(); if (mouseWasConnected !== t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1)) this.notifyListeners$0(); }, updateAllDevices$1(hitTest) { new A.MouseTracker_updateAllDevices_closure(this, hitTest).call$0(); } }; A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdate_closure.prototype = { call$1(annotation) { return annotation.get$cursor(annotation); }, $signature: 191 }; A.MouseTracker_updateWithEvent_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var _this = this; new A.MouseTracker_updateWithEvent__closure(_this.$this, _this.existingState, _this.event, _this.device, _this.result).call$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A.MouseTracker_updateWithEvent__closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t2, t3, targetState, previous, nextAnnotations, _this = this, t1 = _this.existingState; if (t1 == null) { t2 = _this.event; _this.$this._mouseStates.$indexSet(0, _this.device, new A._MouseState(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, type$.MouseTrackerAnnotation, type$.Matrix4), t2)); } else { t2 = _this.event; if (type$.PointerRemovedEvent._is(t2)) _this.$this._mouseStates.remove$1(0, t2.get$device(t2)); } t3 = _this.$this; targetState = t3._mouseStates.$index(0, _this.device); if (targetState == null) { t1.toString; targetState = t1; } previous = targetState._latestEvent; targetState._latestEvent = t2; nextAnnotations = type$.PointerRemovedEvent._is(t2) ? type$.LinkedHashMap_MouseTrackerAnnotation_Matrix4._as(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.MouseTrackerAnnotation, type$.Matrix4)) : t3._hitTestResultToAnnotations$1(_this.result); t3._handleDeviceUpdate$1(new A._MouseTrackerUpdateDetails(targetState.replaceAnnotations$1(nextAnnotations), nextAnnotations, previous, t2)); }, $signature: 0 }; A.MouseTracker_updateAllDevices_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, lastEvent, nextAnnotations, previous; for (t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1._mouseStates, t2 = t2.get$values(t2), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = this.hitTest; t2.moveNext$0();) { t4 = t2.get$current(t2); lastEvent = t4._latestEvent; nextAnnotations = t1._findAnnotations$2(t4, t3); previous = t4._annotations; t4._annotations = nextAnnotations; t1._handleDeviceUpdate$1(new A._MouseTrackerUpdateDetails(previous, nextAnnotations, lastEvent, null)); } }, $signature: 0 }; A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure.prototype = { call$2(annotation, transform) { var t1; if (!this.nextAnnotations.containsKey$1(0, annotation)) if (annotation.get$validForMouseTracker() && annotation.get$onExit(annotation) != null) { t1 = annotation.get$onExit(annotation); t1.toString; t1.call$1(this.baseExitEvent.transformed$1(this.lastAnnotations.$index(0, annotation))); } }, $signature: 192 }; A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure0.prototype = { call$1(annotation) { return !this.lastAnnotations.containsKey$1(0, annotation); }, $signature: 193 }; A.__MouseTrackerUpdateDetails_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.ParentData.prototype = { detach$0(_) { }, toString$0(_) { return ""; } }; A.PaintingContext.prototype = { paintChild$2(child, offset) { var t1; if (child.get$isRepaintBoundary()) { this.stopRecordingIfNeeded$0(); if (child._needsPaint) A.PaintingContext__repaintCompositedChild(child, null, true); t1 = child._layerHandle._layer; t1.toString; type$.OffsetLayer._as(t1); t1.set$offset(0, offset); this.appendLayer$1(t1); } else child._paintWithContext$2(this, offset); }, appendLayer$1(layer) { layer.remove$0(0); this._containerLayer.append$1(0, layer); }, get$canvas(_) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._canvas == null) { _this._currentLayer = new A.PictureLayer(_this.estimatedBounds, A.LayerHandle$()); t1 = A.PictureRecorder_PictureRecorder(); _this._recorder = t1; _this._canvas = A.Canvas_Canvas(t1, null); t1 = _this._currentLayer; t1.toString; _this._containerLayer.append$1(0, t1); } t1 = _this._canvas; t1.toString; return t1; }, stopRecordingIfNeeded$0() { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._canvas == null) return; t1 = _this._currentLayer; t1.toString; t1.set$picture(_this._recorder.endRecording$0()); _this._canvas = _this._recorder = _this._currentLayer = null; }, setIsComplexHint$0() { var t1 = this._currentLayer; if (t1 != null) if (!t1._isComplexHint) { t1._isComplexHint = true; t1.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); } }, pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(childLayer, painter, offset, childPaintBounds) { var childContext, _this = this; if (childLayer._firstChild != null) childLayer.removeAllChildren$0(); _this.stopRecordingIfNeeded$0(); _this.appendLayer$1(childLayer); childContext = _this.createChildContext$2(childLayer, childPaintBounds == null ? _this.estimatedBounds : childPaintBounds); painter.call$2(childContext, offset); childContext.stopRecordingIfNeeded$0(); }, pushLayer$3(childLayer, painter, offset) { return this.pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(childLayer, painter, offset, null); }, createChildContext$2(childLayer, bounds) { return new A.PaintingContext(childLayer, bounds); }, pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(needsCompositing, offset, clipRect, painter, clipBehavior, oldLayer) { var layer, offsetClipRect = clipRect.shift$1(offset); if (needsCompositing) { layer = oldLayer == null ? new A.ClipRectLayer(B.Clip_1, A.LayerHandle$()) : oldLayer; if (!offsetClipRect.$eq(0, layer._clipRect)) { layer._clipRect = offsetClipRect; layer.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); } if (clipBehavior !== layer._layer$_clipBehavior) { layer._layer$_clipBehavior = clipBehavior; layer.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); } this.pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(layer, painter, offset, offsetClipRect); return layer; } else { this.clipRectAndPaint$4(offsetClipRect, clipBehavior, offsetClipRect, new A.PaintingContext_pushClipRect_closure(this, painter, offset)); return null; } }, pushClipPath$7$clipBehavior$oldLayer(needsCompositing, offset, bounds, clipPath, painter, clipBehavior, oldLayer) { var layer, offsetBounds = bounds.shift$1(offset), offsetClipPath = clipPath.shift$1(offset); if (needsCompositing) { layer = oldLayer == null ? new A.ClipPathLayer(B.Clip_2, A.LayerHandle$()) : oldLayer; if (offsetClipPath !== layer._clipPath) { layer._clipPath = offsetClipPath; layer.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); } if (clipBehavior !== layer._layer$_clipBehavior) { layer._layer$_clipBehavior = clipBehavior; layer.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); } this.pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(layer, painter, offset, offsetBounds); return layer; } else { this.clipPathAndPaint$4(offsetClipPath, clipBehavior, offsetBounds, new A.PaintingContext_pushClipPath_closure(this, painter, offset)); return null; } }, pushTransform$5$oldLayer(needsCompositing, offset, transform, painter, oldLayer) { var layer, _this = this, t1 = offset._dx, t2 = offset._dy, effectiveTransform = A.Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(t1, t2, 0); effectiveTransform.multiply$1(0, transform); effectiveTransform.translate$2(0, -t1, -t2); if (needsCompositing) { layer = oldLayer == null ? A.TransformLayer$(null) : oldLayer; layer.set$transform(0, effectiveTransform); _this.pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(layer, painter, offset, A.MatrixUtils_inverseTransformRect(effectiveTransform, _this.estimatedBounds)); return layer; } else { t1 = _this.get$canvas(_this); t1.save$0(0); t1.transform$1(0, effectiveTransform._m4storage); painter.call$2(_this, offset); _this.get$canvas(_this).restore$0(0); return null; } }, pushTransform$4(needsCompositing, offset, transform, painter) { return this.pushTransform$5$oldLayer(needsCompositing, offset, transform, painter, null); }, toString$0(_) { return "PaintingContext#" + A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this) + "(layer: " + this._containerLayer.toString$0(0) + ", canvas bounds: " + this.estimatedBounds.toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A.PaintingContext_pushClipRect_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return this.painter.call$2(this.$this, this.offset); }, $signature: 0 }; A.PaintingContext_pushClipPath_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return this.painter.call$2(this.$this, this.offset); }, $signature: 0 }; A.Constraints.prototype = {}; A.SemanticsHandle.prototype = { dispose$0(_) { var t2, t1 = this.listener; if (t1 != null) this._object$_owner._semanticsOwner.removeListener$1(0, t1); t1 = this._object$_owner; if (--t1._outstandingSemanticsHandles === 0) { t2 = t1._semanticsOwner; t2._semantics$_dirtyNodes.clear$0(0); t2._nodes.clear$0(0); t2._detachedNodes.clear$0(0); t2.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose(0); t1._semanticsOwner = null; t1.onSemanticsOwnerDisposed.call$0(); } } }; A.PipelineOwner.prototype = { requestVisualUpdate$0() { this.onNeedVisualUpdate.call$0(); }, set$rootNode(value) { var t1 = this._rootNode; if (t1 === value) return; if (t1 != null) t1.detach$0(0); this._rootNode = value; value.attach$1(this); }, flushLayout$0() { var dirtyNodes, node, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _i; A.Timeline_startSync("LAYOUT", B.Map_9aZ6I, null); try { for (t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner, t2 = type$.JSArray_RenderObject; t3 = this._nodesNeedingLayout, t3.length !== 0;) { dirtyNodes = t3; this._nodesNeedingLayout = A._setArrayType([], t2); t3 = dirtyNodes; t4 = new A.PipelineOwner_flushLayout_closure(); if (!!t3.immutable$list) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("sort")); t5 = t3.length - 1; if (t5 - 0 <= 32) A.Sort__insertionSort(t3, 0, t5, t4); else A.Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(t3, 0, t5, t4); t4 = t3.length; _i = 0; for (; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) { node = t3[_i]; if (node._needsLayout) { t5 = node; t5 = t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t5)) === this; } else t5 = false; if (t5) node._layoutWithoutResize$0(); } } } finally { A.Timeline_finishSync(); } }, flushCompositingBits$0() { var t1, t2, t3, _i, node; A.Timeline_startSync("UPDATING COMPOSITING BITS", B.Map_9aZ6I, null); t1 = this._nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate; B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(t1, new A.PipelineOwner_flushCompositingBits_closure()); for (t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { node = t1[_i]; if (node._needsCompositingBitsUpdate && t3._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(node)) === this) node._updateCompositingBits$0(); } B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t1, 0); A.Timeline_finishSync(); }, flushPaint$0() { var dirtyNodes, node, t1, t2, t3, _i, t4; A.Timeline_startSync("PAINT", B.Map_9aZ6I, null); try { dirtyNodes = this._nodesNeedingPaint; this._nodesNeedingPaint = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RenderObject); for (t1 = dirtyNodes, J.sort$1$ax(t1, new A.PipelineOwner_flushPaint_closure()), t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { node = t1[_i]; if (node._needsPaint) { t4 = node; t4 = t3._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t4)) === this; } else t4 = false; if (t4) if (node._layerHandle._layer._node$_owner != null) A.PaintingContext__repaintCompositedChild(node, null, false); else node._skippedPaintingOnLayer$0(); } } finally { A.Timeline_finishSync(); } }, ensureSemantics$1$listener(listener) { var t1, _this = this; if (++_this._outstandingSemanticsHandles === 1) { t1 = type$.SemanticsNode; _this._semanticsOwner = new A.SemanticsOwner(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, t1), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)); _this.onSemanticsOwnerCreated.call$0(); } if (listener != null) _this._semanticsOwner.addListener$1(0, listener); return new A.SemanticsHandle(_this, listener); }, ensureSemantics$0() { return this.ensureSemantics$1$listener(null); }, flushSemantics$0() { var nodesToProcess, node, t1, nodesToProcess0, t2, t3, _i, t4, _this = this; if (_this._semanticsOwner == null) return; A.Timeline_startSync("SEMANTICS", B.Map_9aZ6I, null); try { t1 = _this._nodesNeedingSemantics; nodesToProcess0 = A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("SetMixin.E")); B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(nodesToProcess0, new A.PipelineOwner_flushSemantics_closure()); nodesToProcess = nodesToProcess0; t1.clear$0(0); for (t1 = nodesToProcess, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { node = t1[_i]; if (node._needsSemanticsUpdate) { t4 = node; t4 = t3._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t4)) === _this; } else t4 = false; if (t4) node._updateSemantics$0(); } _this._semanticsOwner.sendSemanticsUpdate$0(); } finally { A.Timeline_finishSync(); } } }; A.PipelineOwner_flushLayout_closure.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { return a._depth - b._depth; }, $signature: 44 }; A.PipelineOwner_flushCompositingBits_closure.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { return a._depth - b._depth; }, $signature: 44 }; A.PipelineOwner_flushPaint_closure.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { return b._depth - a._depth; }, $signature: 44 }; A.PipelineOwner_flushSemantics_closure.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { return a._depth - b._depth; }, $signature: 44 }; A.RenderObject.prototype = { reassemble$0() { var _this = this; _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); _this.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0(); _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); _this.visitChildren$1(new A.RenderObject_reassemble_closure()); }, dispose$0(_) { this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null); }, setupParentData$1(child) { if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.ParentData)) child.parentData = new A.ParentData(); }, adoptChild$1(child) { var _this = this; _this.setupParentData$1(child); _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); _this.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0(); _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); _this.super$AbstractNode$adoptChild(child); }, dropChild$1(child) { var _this = this; child._cleanRelayoutBoundary$0(); child.parentData.detach$0(0); child.parentData = null; _this.super$AbstractNode$dropChild(child); _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); _this.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0(); _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, visitChildren$1(visitor) { }, _debugReportException$3(method, exception, stack) { A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "rendering library", A.ErrorDescription$("during " + method + "()"), new A.RenderObject__debugReportException_closure(this), false)); }, get$owner() { return type$.nullable_PipelineOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(this)); }, attach$1(owner) { var _this = this; _this.super$AbstractNode$attach(owner); if (_this._needsLayout && _this._relayoutBoundary != null) { _this._needsLayout = false; _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); } if (_this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate) { _this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; _this.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0(); } if (_this._needsPaint && _this._layerHandle._layer != null) { _this._needsPaint = false; _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); } if (_this._needsSemanticsUpdate && _this.get$_semanticsConfiguration()._isSemanticBoundary) { _this._needsSemanticsUpdate = false; _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); } }, get$constraints() { var t1 = this._constraints; if (t1 == null) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("A RenderObject does not have any constraints before it has been laid out.")); return t1; }, markNeedsLayout$0() { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._needsLayout) return; if (_this._relayoutBoundary !== _this) _this.markParentNeedsLayout$0(); else { _this._needsLayout = true; t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner; if (t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)) != null) { t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._nodesNeedingLayout.push(_this); t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)).requestVisualUpdate$0(); } } }, markParentNeedsLayout$0() { this._needsLayout = true; var t1 = this._node$_parent; t1.toString; type$.RenderObject._as(t1); if (!this._doingThisLayoutWithCallback) t1.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, _cleanRelayoutBoundary$0() { var _this = this; if (_this._relayoutBoundary !== _this) { _this._relayoutBoundary = null; _this._needsLayout = true; _this.visitChildren$1(A.object_RenderObject__cleanChildRelayoutBoundary$closure()); } }, _layoutWithoutResize$0() { var e, stack, exception, _this = this; try { _this.performLayout$0(); _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception); _this._debugReportException$3("performLayout", e, stack); } _this._needsLayout = false; _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); }, layout$2$parentUsesSize(_, constraints, parentUsesSize) { var e, stack, e0, stack0, relayoutBoundary, exception, _this = this, t1 = $.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled; if (t1) A.Timeline_startSync(A.getRuntimeType(_this).toString$0(0), B.Map_9aZ6I, null); if (parentUsesSize) if (!_this.get$sizedByParent()) t1 = constraints.minWidth >= constraints.maxWidth && constraints.minHeight >= constraints.maxHeight || !(_this._node$_parent instanceof A.RenderObject); else t1 = true; else t1 = true; if (t1) relayoutBoundary = _this; else { t1 = _this._node$_parent; t1.toString; relayoutBoundary = type$.RenderObject._as(t1)._relayoutBoundary; } if (!_this._needsLayout && constraints.$eq(0, _this._constraints) && relayoutBoundary == _this._relayoutBoundary) { t1 = $.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled; if (t1) A.Timeline_finishSync(); return; } _this._constraints = constraints; t1 = _this._relayoutBoundary; if (t1 != null && relayoutBoundary !== t1) _this.visitChildren$1(A.object_RenderObject__cleanChildRelayoutBoundary$closure()); _this._relayoutBoundary = relayoutBoundary; if (_this.get$sizedByParent()) try { _this.performResize$0(); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception); _this._debugReportException$3("performResize", e, stack); } try { _this.performLayout$0(); _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); } catch (exception) { e0 = A.unwrapException(exception); stack0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception); _this._debugReportException$3("performLayout", e0, stack0); } _this._needsLayout = false; _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); t1 = $.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled; if (t1) A.Timeline_finishSync(); }, layout$1($receiver, constraints) { return this.layout$2$parentUsesSize($receiver, constraints, false); }, get$sizedByParent() { return false; }, get$isRepaintBoundary() { return false; }, get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() { return false; }, get$layer(_) { return this._layerHandle._layer; }, markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0() { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate) return; _this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = true; t1 = _this._node$_parent; if (t1 instanceof A.RenderObject) { if (t1._needsCompositingBitsUpdate) return; if (!_this.get$isRepaintBoundary() && !t1.get$isRepaintBoundary()) { t1.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0(); return; } } t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner; if (t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)) != null) t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate.push(_this); }, _updateCompositingBits$0() { var t1, _this = this, _s17_ = "_needsCompositing"; if (!_this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate) return; t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing, _s17_); _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; _this.visitChildren$1(new A.RenderObject__updateCompositingBits_closure(_this)); if (_this.get$isRepaintBoundary() || _this.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing()) _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = true; if (t1 !== A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing, _s17_)) _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); _this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; }, markNeedsPaint$0() { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._needsPaint) return; _this._needsPaint = true; if (_this.get$isRepaintBoundary()) { t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner; if (t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)) != null) { t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._nodesNeedingPaint.push(_this); t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)).requestVisualUpdate$0(); } } else { t1 = _this._node$_parent; if (t1 instanceof A.RenderObject) t1.markNeedsPaint$0(); else { t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner; if (t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)) != null) t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)).requestVisualUpdate$0(); } } }, _skippedPaintingOnLayer$0() { var t1, node = this._node$_parent; for (; node instanceof A.RenderObject;) { if (node.get$isRepaintBoundary()) { t1 = node._layerHandle._layer; if (t1 == null) break; if (t1._node$_owner != null) break; node._needsPaint = true; } node = node._node$_parent; } }, _paintWithContext$2(context, offset) { var e, stack, t1, exception, _this = this; if (_this._needsLayout) return; t1 = $.debugProfilePaintsEnabled; if (t1) A.Timeline_startSync(A.getRuntimeType(_this).toString$0(0), B.Map_9aZ6I, null); _this._needsPaint = false; try { _this.paint$2(context, offset); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception); _this._debugReportException$3("paint", e, stack); } t1 = $.debugProfilePaintsEnabled; if (t1) A.Timeline_finishSync(); }, paint$2(context, offset) { }, applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) { }, getTransformTo$1(_, ancestor) { var rootNode, renderers, t2, renderer, t3, transform, index, index0, t1 = ancestor == null; if (t1) { rootNode = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(this))._rootNode; if (rootNode instanceof A.RenderObject) ancestor = rootNode; } renderers = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RenderObject); t2 = type$.RenderObject; renderer = this; while (renderer !== ancestor) { renderers.push(renderer); t3 = renderer._node$_parent; t3.toString; t2._as(t3); renderer = t3; } if (!t1) { ancestor.toString; renderers.push(ancestor); } transform = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); transform.setIdentity$0(); for (index = renderers.length - 1; index > 0; index = index0) { index0 = index - 1; renderers[index].applyPaintTransform$2(renderers[index0], transform); } return transform; }, describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child) { return null; }, describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) { }, sendSemanticsEvent$1(semanticsEvent) { var t1; if (type$.nullable_PipelineOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(this))._semanticsOwner == null) return; t1 = this._semantics; if (t1 != null && !t1._isMergedIntoParent) t1.sendEvent$1(semanticsEvent); else { t1 = this._node$_parent; if (t1 != null) type$.RenderObject._as(t1).sendSemanticsEvent$1(semanticsEvent); } }, get$_semanticsConfiguration() { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration == null) { t1 = A.SemanticsConfiguration$(); _this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = t1; _this.describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(t1); } t1 = _this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration; t1.toString; return t1; }, get$debugSemantics() { var t1 = this._semantics; return t1; }, clearSemantics$0() { this._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; this._semantics = null; this.visitChildren$1(new A.RenderObject_clearSemantics_closure()); }, markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0() { var t1, wasSemanticsBoundary, isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary, node, t2, t3, _this = this; if (_this._node$_owner == null || type$.nullable_PipelineOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._semanticsOwner == null) { _this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; return; } if (_this._semantics != null) { t1 = _this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration; wasSemanticsBoundary = (t1 == null ? null : t1._isSemanticBoundary) === true; } else wasSemanticsBoundary = false; _this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary = _this.get$_semanticsConfiguration()._isSemanticBoundary && wasSemanticsBoundary; t1 = type$.RenderObject; node = _this; while (true) { if (!(!isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary && node._node$_parent instanceof A.RenderObject)) break; if (node !== _this && node._needsSemanticsUpdate) break; node._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; t2 = node._node$_parent; t2.toString; t1._as(t2); if (t2._cachedSemanticsConfiguration == null) { t3 = A.SemanticsConfiguration$(); t2._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = t3; t2.describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(t3); } isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary = t2._cachedSemanticsConfiguration._isSemanticBoundary; if (isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary && t2._semantics == null) return; node = t2; } if (node !== _this && _this._semantics != null && _this._needsSemanticsUpdate) type$.nullable_PipelineOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._nodesNeedingSemantics.remove$1(0, _this); if (!node._needsSemanticsUpdate) { node._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner; if (t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)) != null) { t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._nodesNeedingSemantics.add$1(0, node); t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)).requestVisualUpdate$0(); } } }, _updateSemantics$0() { var t1, interestingFragment, result, t2, t3, t4, _this = this, _null = null; if (_this._needsLayout) return; t1 = _this._semantics; if (t1 == null) t1 = _null; else { t1 = type$.nullable_SemanticsNode._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t1, t1)); if (t1 == null) t1 = _null; else t1 = t1._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode || t1._isMergedIntoParent; } interestingFragment = type$._InterestingSemanticsFragment._as(_this._getSemanticsForParent$1$mergeIntoParent(t1 === true)); result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode); t1 = _this._semantics; t2 = t1 == null; t3 = t2 ? _null : t1.parentSemanticsClipRect; t4 = t2 ? _null : t1.parentPaintClipRect; t1 = t2 ? _null : t1.elevationAdjustment; interestingFragment.compileChildren$4$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result(t1 == null ? 0 : t1, t4, t3, result); B.JSArray_methods.get$single(result); }, _getSemanticsForParent$1$mergeIntoParent(mergeIntoParent) { var producesForkingFragment, t1, fragments, toBeMarkedExplicit, t2, t3, result, _this = this, _box_0 = {}, config = _this.get$_semanticsConfiguration(); _box_0.dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings = config.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes; producesForkingFragment = !config._hasBeenAnnotated && !config._isSemanticBoundary; t1 = type$.JSArray__InterestingSemanticsFragment; fragments = A._setArrayType([], t1); toBeMarkedExplicit = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$._InterestingSemanticsFragment); _this.visitChildrenForSemantics$1(new A.RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure(_box_0, _this, mergeIntoParent || config._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants, fragments, toBeMarkedExplicit, config, producesForkingFragment)); for (t2 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(toBeMarkedExplicit, toBeMarkedExplicit._collection$_modifications), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) t3._as(t2._collection$_current).markAsExplicit$0(); _this._needsSemanticsUpdate = false; if (!(_this._node$_parent instanceof A.RenderObject)) { t2 = _box_0.dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings; result = new A._RootSemanticsFragment(A._setArrayType([], t1), A._setArrayType([_this], type$.JSArray_RenderObject), t2); } else { t2 = _box_0.dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings; if (producesForkingFragment) result = new A._ContainerSemanticsFragment(A._setArrayType([], t1), t2); else { result = new A._SwitchableSemanticsFragment(mergeIntoParent, config, A._setArrayType([], t1), A._setArrayType([_this], type$.JSArray_RenderObject), t2); if (config._isSemanticBoundary) result._isExplicit = true; } } result.addAll$1(0, fragments); return result; }, visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) { this.visitChildren$1(visitor); }, assembleSemanticsNode$3(node, config, children) { node.updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config(0, type$.List_SemanticsNode._as(children), config); }, handleEvent$2($event, entry) { }, toStringShort$0() { var t2, target, count, _this = this, header = "#" + A.shortHash(_this), t1 = _this._relayoutBoundary; if (t1 != null && t1 !== _this) { t2 = type$.nullable_RenderObject; target = t2._as(_this._node$_parent); count = 1; while (true) { if (!(target != null && target !== t1)) break; target = t2._as(target._node$_parent); ++count; } header += " relayoutBoundary=up" + count; } if (_this._needsLayout) header += " NEEDS-LAYOUT"; if (_this._needsPaint) header += " NEEDS-PAINT"; if (_this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate) header += " NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE"; if (_this._node$_owner == null) header += " DETACHED"; return header; }, toString$0(_) { return this.toStringShort$0(); }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); }, showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(curve, descendant, duration, rect) { var t1 = this._node$_parent; if (t1 instanceof A.RenderObject) t1.showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(curve, descendant == null ? this : descendant, duration, rect); }, showOnScreen$0() { return this.showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(B.Cubic_JUR, null, B.Duration_0, null); }, $isDiagnosticableTree: 1, $isHitTestTarget: 1 }; A.RenderObject_reassemble_closure.prototype = { call$1(child) { child.reassemble$0(); }, $signature: 31 }; A.RenderObject__debugReportException_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode), t2 = this.$this; t1.push(A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("The following RenderObject was being processed when the exception was fired", B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_10, t2)); t1.push(A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("RenderObject", B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_11, t2)); return t1; }, $signature: 15 }; A.RenderObject__updateCompositingBits_closure.prototype = { call$1(child) { child._updateCompositingBits$0(); if (A._lateReadCheck(child.__RenderObject__needsCompositing, "_needsCompositing")) this.$this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = true; }, $signature: 31 }; A.RenderObject_clearSemantics_closure.prototype = { call$1(child) { child.clearSemantics$0(); }, $signature: 31 }; A.RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure.prototype = { call$1(renderChild) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _i, fragment, siblingLength, i, siblingFragment, t8, _this = this, parentFragment = renderChild._getSemanticsForParent$1$mergeIntoParent(_this.childrenMergeIntoParent); if (parentFragment.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings) { B.JSArray_methods.set$length(_this.fragments, 0); _this.toBeMarkedExplicit.clear$0(0); if (!_this.config._isSemanticBoundary) _this._box_0.dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings = true; } for (t1 = parentFragment.get$interestingFragments(), t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this.fragments, t4 = _this.toBeMarkedExplicit, t5 = _this.config, t6 = _this.$this, t7 = _this.producesForkingFragment, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { fragment = t1[_i]; t3.push(fragment); fragment._ancestorChain.push(t6); fragment.addTags$1(t5._tagsForChildren); if (t5.explicitChildNodes || !(t6._node$_parent instanceof A.RenderObject)) { fragment.markAsExplicit$0(); continue; } if (fragment.get$config() == null || t7) continue; if (!t5.isCompatibleWith$1(fragment.get$config())) t4.add$1(0, fragment); siblingLength = t3.length - 1; for (i = 0; i < siblingLength; ++i) { siblingFragment = t3[i]; t8 = fragment.get$config(); t8.toString; if (!t8.isCompatibleWith$1(siblingFragment.get$config())) { t4.add$1(0, fragment); t4.add$1(0, siblingFragment); } } } }, $signature: 31 }; A.RenderObjectWithChildMixin.prototype = { set$child(value) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) _this.dropChild$1(t1); _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = value; if (value != null) _this.adoptChild$1(value); }, redepthChildren$0() { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) this.redepthChild$1(t1); }, visitChildren$1(visitor) { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) visitor.call$1(t1); }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child, t2 = type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode; return t1 != null ? A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("child", null, t1)], t2) : A._setArrayType([], t2); } }; A.ContainerParentDataMixin.prototype = {}; A.ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = { get$childCount() { return this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount; }, _insertIntoChildList$2$after(child, after) { var t2, t3, t4, _this = this, t1 = child.parentData; t1.toString; t2 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); t2._as(t1); ++_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount; if (after == null) { t1 = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; if (t1 != null) { t1 = t1.parentData; t1.toString; t2._as(t1).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = child; } _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = child; if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild == null) _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = child; } else { t3 = after.parentData; t3.toString; t2._as(t3); t4 = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; if (t4 == null) { t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = after; _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = child; } else { t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t4; t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = after; t1 = t4.parentData; t1.toString; t2._as(t1).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = child; } } }, addAll$1(_, children) { }, _removeFromChildList$1(child) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this, t1 = child.parentData; t1.toString; t2 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); t2._as(t1); t3 = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling; t4 = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; if (t3 == null) _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t4; else { t5 = t3.parentData; t5.toString; t2._as(t5).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t4; } t4 = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; if (t4 == null) _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t3; else { t4 = t4.parentData; t4.toString; t2._as(t4).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t3; } t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = null; --_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount; }, move$2$after(child, after) { var _this = this, t1 = child.parentData; t1.toString; if (A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1")._as(t1).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling == after) return; _this._removeFromChildList$1(child); _this._insertIntoChildList$2$after(child, after); _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, redepthChildren$0() { var t1, t2, t3, child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); child != null;) { t2 = child._depth; t3 = this._depth; if (t2 <= t3) { child._depth = t3 + 1; child.redepthChildren$0(); } t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } }, visitChildren$1(visitor) { var t1, t2, child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); child != null;) { visitor.call$1(child); t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } }, get$firstChild(_) { return this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { var t1, count, t2, children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode), child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; if (child != null) for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), count = 1; true; child = t2) { children.push(new A.DiagnosticableTreeNode(child, "child " + count, true, true, null, null)); if (child === this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild) break; ++count; t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; t2 = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; t2.toString; } return children; } }; A.RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin.prototype = { systemFontsDidChange$0() { this.markNeedsLayout$0(); } }; A._SemanticsFragment.prototype = {}; A._ContainerSemanticsFragment.prototype = { addAll$1(_, fragments) { B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(this.interestingFragments, fragments); }, get$interestingFragments() { return this.interestingFragments; } }; A._InterestingSemanticsFragment.prototype = { get$interestingFragments() { return A._setArrayType([this], type$.JSArray__InterestingSemanticsFragment); }, addTags$1(tags) { var t1; if (tags == null || tags._collection$_length === 0) return; t1 = this._object$_tagsForChildren; (t1 == null ? this._object$_tagsForChildren = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.SemanticsTag) : t1).addAll$1(0, tags); } }; A._RootSemanticsFragment.prototype = { compileChildren$4$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result(elevationAdjustment, parentPaintClipRect, parentSemanticsClipRect, result) { var t3, t4, t5, children, _i, t1 = this._ancestorChain, t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1); if (t2._semantics == null) { t3 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).get$showOnScreen(); t4 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1); t4 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t4))._semanticsOwner; t4.toString; t5 = $.$get$SemanticsNode__kEmptyConfig(); t5 = new A.SemanticsNode(null, 0, t3, B.Rect_0_0_0_0, t5._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants, t5._actions, t5._customSemanticsActions, t5._actionsAsBits, t5._flags, t5._semantics$_attributedLabel, t5._semantics$_attributedValue, t5._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue, t5._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue, t5._semantics$_attributedHint, t5._semantics$_elevation, t5._thickness, t5._semantics$_textDirection); t5.attach$1(t4); t2._semantics = t5; } t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1)._semantics; t2.toString; t2.set$rect(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).get$semanticBounds()); children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode); for (t1 = this._object$_children, t3 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i].compileChildren$4$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result(0, parentPaintClipRect, parentSemanticsClipRect, children); t2.updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config(0, children, null); result.push(t2); }, get$config() { return null; }, markAsExplicit$0() { }, addAll$1(_, fragments) { B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(this._object$_children, fragments); } }; A._SwitchableSemanticsFragment.prototype = { compileChildren$4$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result(elevationAdjustment, parentPaintClipRect, parentSemanticsClipRect, result) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _i, fragment, t6, geometry, node, children, _this = this, _null = null; if (!_this._isExplicit) { t1 = _this._ancestorChain; B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1)._semantics = null; for (t2 = _this._object$_children, t3 = t2.length, t4 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1), t5 = t4._precomputed1, t4 = t4._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>"), _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) { fragment = t2[_i]; t6 = new A.SubListIterable(t1, 1, _null, t4); t6.SubListIterable$3(t1, 1, _null, t5); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(fragment._ancestorChain, t6); fragment.compileChildren$4$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result(elevationAdjustment + _this._config._semantics$_elevation, parentPaintClipRect, parentSemanticsClipRect, result); } return; } t1 = _this._ancestorChain; if (t1.length > 1) { geometry = new A._SemanticsGeometry(); geometry._computeValues$3(parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect, t1); } else geometry = _null; t2 = _this._mergeIntoParent; t3 = !t2; if (t3) { if (geometry == null) t4 = _null; else { t4 = A._lateReadCheck(geometry.___SemanticsGeometry__rect, "_rect"); t4 = t4.get$isEmpty(t4); } t4 = t4 === true; } else t4 = false; if (t4) return; t4 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1); if (t4._semantics == null) t4._semantics = A.SemanticsNode$(_null, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).get$showOnScreen()); node = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1)._semantics; node.set$isMergedIntoParent(t2); node.tags = _this._object$_tagsForChildren; node.elevationAdjustment = elevationAdjustment; if (elevationAdjustment !== 0) { _this._ensureConfigIsWritable$0(); t2 = _this._config; t2.set$elevation(0, t2._semantics$_elevation + elevationAdjustment); } if (geometry != null) { node.set$rect(0, A._lateReadCheck(geometry.___SemanticsGeometry__rect, "_rect")); node.set$transform(0, A._lateReadCheck(geometry.___SemanticsGeometry__transform, "_transform")); node.parentSemanticsClipRect = geometry._semanticsClipRect; node.parentPaintClipRect = geometry._paintClipRect; if (t3 && geometry._markAsHidden) { _this._ensureConfigIsWritable$0(); _this._config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_8192, true); } } children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode); for (t2 = _this._object$_children, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) { fragment = t2[_i]; t4 = node.parentSemanticsClipRect; fragment.compileChildren$4$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result(0, node.parentPaintClipRect, t4, children); } t2 = _this._config; if (t2._isSemanticBoundary) B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).assembleSemanticsNode$3(node, _this._config, children); else node.updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config(0, children, t2); result.push(node); }, get$config() { return this._isExplicit ? null : this._config; }, addAll$1(_, fragments) { var t1, t2, _i, fragment, t3, t4, _this = this; for (t1 = fragments.length, t2 = _this._object$_children, _i = 0; _i < fragments.length; fragments.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(fragments), ++_i) { fragment = fragments[_i]; t2.push(fragment); if (fragment.get$config() == null) continue; if (!_this._isConfigWritable) { _this._config = _this._config.copy$0(0); _this._isConfigWritable = true; } t3 = _this._config; t4 = fragment.get$config(); t4.toString; t3.absorb$1(t4); } }, _ensureConfigIsWritable$0() { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (!_this._isConfigWritable) { t1 = _this._config; t2 = A.SemanticsConfiguration$(); t2._isSemanticBoundary = t1._isSemanticBoundary; t2.explicitChildNodes = t1.explicitChildNodes; t2.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes = t1.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes; t2._hasBeenAnnotated = t1._hasBeenAnnotated; t2._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants = t1._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants; t2._semantics$_textDirection = t1._semantics$_textDirection; t2._semantics$_sortKey = t1._semantics$_sortKey; t2._semantics$_attributedLabel = t1._semantics$_attributedLabel; t2._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = t1._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue; t2._semantics$_attributedValue = t1._semantics$_attributedValue; t2._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = t1._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue; t2._semantics$_attributedHint = t1._semantics$_attributedHint; t2._semantics$_hintOverrides = t1._semantics$_hintOverrides; t2._semantics$_elevation = t1._semantics$_elevation; t2._thickness = t1._thickness; t2._flags = t1._flags; t2._tagsForChildren = t1._tagsForChildren; t2._textSelection = t1._textSelection; t2._scrollPosition = t1._scrollPosition; t2._scrollExtentMax = t1._scrollExtentMax; t2._scrollExtentMin = t1._scrollExtentMin; t2._actionsAsBits = t1._actionsAsBits; t2._indexInParent = t1._indexInParent; t2._scrollIndex = t1._scrollIndex; t2._scrollChildCount = t1._scrollChildCount; t2._platformViewId = t1._platformViewId; t2._maxValueLength = t1._maxValueLength; t2._currentValueLength = t1._currentValueLength; t2._actions.addAll$1(0, t1._actions); t2._customSemanticsActions.addAll$1(0, t1._customSemanticsActions); _this._config = t2; _this._isConfigWritable = true; } }, markAsExplicit$0() { this._isExplicit = true; } }; A._SemanticsGeometry.prototype = { _computeValues$3(parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect, ancestors) { var index, $parent, child, owner, t2, paintRect, _this = this, t1 = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); t1.setIdentity$0(); _this.___SemanticsGeometry__transform = t1; _this._semanticsClipRect = parentSemanticsClipRect; _this._paintClipRect = parentPaintClipRect; for (index = ancestors.length - 1; index > 0;) { $parent = ancestors[index]; --index; child = ancestors[index]; _this._semanticsClipRect = A._SemanticsGeometry__intersectRects(_this._semanticsClipRect, $parent.describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child)); t1 = $.$get$_SemanticsGeometry__temporaryTransformHolder(); t1.setIdentity$0(); A._SemanticsGeometry__applyIntermediatePaintTransforms($parent, child, A._lateReadCheck(_this.___SemanticsGeometry__transform, "_transform"), t1); _this._semanticsClipRect = A._SemanticsGeometry__transformRect(_this._semanticsClipRect, t1); _this._paintClipRect = A._SemanticsGeometry__transformRect(_this._paintClipRect, t1); } owner = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(ancestors); t1 = _this._semanticsClipRect; t1 = t1 == null ? owner.get$semanticBounds() : t1.intersect$1(owner.get$semanticBounds()); _this.___SemanticsGeometry__rect = t1; t2 = _this._paintClipRect; if (t2 != null) { paintRect = t2.intersect$1(A._lateReadCheck(t1, "_rect")); if (paintRect.get$isEmpty(paintRect)) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___SemanticsGeometry__rect, "_rect"); t1 = !t1.get$isEmpty(t1); } else t1 = false; _this._markAsHidden = t1; if (!t1) _this.___SemanticsGeometry__rect = paintRect; } } }; A._RenderObject_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = {}; A.TextParentData.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1 = A._setArrayType(["offset=" + this.offset.toString$0(0)], type$.JSArray_String); t1.push(this.super$BoxParentData$toString(0)); return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, "; "); } }; A.RenderParagraph.prototype = { setupParentData$1(child) { if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.TextParentData)) child.parentData = new A.TextParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0); }, set$text(_, value) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._textPainter; switch (t1._text_painter$_text.compareTo$1(0, value).index) { case 0: case 1: return; case 2: t1.set$text(0, value); _this._cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos = _this._cachedAttributedLabel = null; _this._extractPlaceholderSpans$1(value); _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); break; case 3: t1.set$text(0, value); _this._cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos = _this._cachedAttributedLabel = _this._overflowShader = null; _this._extractPlaceholderSpans$1(value); _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); break; } }, _extractPlaceholderSpans$1(span) { this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PlaceholderSpan); span.visitChildren$1(new A.RenderParagraph__extractPlaceholderSpans_closure(this)); }, set$textAlign(_, value) { var t1 = this._textPainter; if (t1._textAlign === value) return; t1.set$textAlign(0, value); this.markNeedsPaint$0(); }, set$textDirection(_, value) { var t1 = this._textPainter; if (t1._text_painter$_textDirection === value) return; t1.set$textDirection(0, value); this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$softWrap(value) { return; }, set$overflow(_, value) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._overflow === value) return; _this._overflow = value; t1 = value === B.TextOverflow_2 ? "\u2026" : null; _this._textPainter.set$ellipsis(0, t1); _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$textScaleFactor(value) { var t1 = this._textPainter; if (t1._textScaleFactor === value) return; t1.set$textScaleFactor(value); this._overflowShader = null; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$maxLines(_, value) { var t1 = this._textPainter, t2 = t1._maxLines; if (t2 == null ? value == null : t2 === value) return; t1.set$maxLines(0, value); this._overflowShader = null; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$locale(_, value) { var t1 = this._textPainter; if (J.$eq$(t1._text_painter$_locale, value)) return; t1.set$locale(0, value); this._overflowShader = null; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$strutStyle(_, value) { return; }, set$textWidthBasis(value) { var t1 = this._textPainter; if (t1._textWidthBasis === value) return; t1.set$textWidthBasis(value); this._overflowShader = null; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$textHeightBehavior(_, value) { return; }, computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) { this._layoutTextWithConstraints$1(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)); return this._textPainter.computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(B.TextBaseline_0); }, hitTestSelf$1(position) { return true; }, hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) { var t2, hitText, t3, t4, childIndex, t5, t6, transform, child, _box_0 = {}, t1 = this._textPainter, textPosition = t1._paragraph.getPositionForOffset$1(position), span = t1._text_painter$_text.getSpanForPosition$1(textPosition); if (span != null && true) { t2 = new A.HitTestEntry(type$.HitTestTarget._as(span)); result._globalizeTransforms$0(); t2._transform = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(result._transforms); result._path.push(t2); hitText = true; } else hitText = false; t2 = _box_0.child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; t3 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); t4 = type$.TextParentData; childIndex = 0; while (true) { if (!(t2 != null && childIndex < t1._inlinePlaceholderBoxes.length)) break; t2 = t2.parentData; t2.toString; t4._as(t2); t5 = t2.offset; t6 = new Float64Array(16); transform = new A.Matrix4(t6); transform.setIdentity$0(); t6[14] = 0; t6[13] = t5._dy; t6[12] = t5._dx; t5 = t2.scale; transform.scale$3(0, t5, t5, t5); if (result.addWithPaintTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(new A.RenderParagraph_hitTestChildren_closure(_box_0, position, t2), position, transform)) return true; t2 = _box_0.child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t3._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; _box_0.child = child; ++childIndex; t2 = child; } return hitText; }, _layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(maxWidth, minWidth) { this._textPainter.layout$2$maxWidth$minWidth(0, maxWidth, minWidth); }, systemFontsDidChange$0() { this.super$RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin$systemFontsDidChange(); this._textPainter.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, _layoutTextWithConstraints$1(constraints) { this._textPainter.setPlaceholderDimensions$1(this._placeholderDimensions); this._layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.minWidth); }, _layoutChildren$2$dry(constraints, dry) { var child, placeholderDimensions, boxConstraints, t2, childIndex, t3, childSize, _this = this, _s17_ = "_placeholderSpans", t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount; if (t1 === 0) return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PlaceholderDimensions); child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; placeholderDimensions = A.List_List$filled(t1, B.PlaceholderDimensions_Size_0_0_null, false, type$.PlaceholderDimensions); boxConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, constraints.maxWidth, 0, 1 / 0).$div(0, _this._textPainter._textScaleFactor); for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), t2 = !dry, childIndex = 0; child != null;) { if (t2) { child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(0, boxConstraints, true); t3 = child._size; t3.toString; switch (J.$index$asx(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans, _s17_), childIndex).get$alignment()) { case B.PlaceholderAlignment_0: child.getDistanceToBaseline$1(J.get$baseline$z(J.$index$asx(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans, _s17_), childIndex))); break; case B.PlaceholderAlignment_1: case B.PlaceholderAlignment_2: case B.PlaceholderAlignment_4: case B.PlaceholderAlignment_5: case B.PlaceholderAlignment_3: break; } childSize = t3; } else childSize = child.getDryLayout$1(boxConstraints); J.$index$asx(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans, _s17_), childIndex).get$alignment(); placeholderDimensions[childIndex] = new A.PlaceholderDimensions(childSize, J.get$baseline$z(J.$index$asx(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans, _s17_), childIndex))); t3 = child.parentData; t3.toString; child = t1._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; ++childIndex; } return placeholderDimensions; }, _layoutChildren$1(constraints) { return this._layoutChildren$2$dry(constraints, false); }, _setParentData$0() { var t4, t5, child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild, t1 = type$.TextParentData, t2 = this._textPainter, t3 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), childIndex = 0; while (true) { if (!(child != null && childIndex < t2._inlinePlaceholderBoxes.length)) break; t4 = child.parentData; t4.toString; t1._as(t4); t5 = t2._inlinePlaceholderBoxes[childIndex]; t4.offset = new A.Offset(t5.left, t5.top); t4.scale = t2._inlinePlaceholderScales[childIndex]; child = t3._as(t4).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; ++childIndex; } }, _canComputeDryLayout$0() { var t1, t2, _i; for (t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans, "_placeholderSpans"), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) switch (t1[_i].get$alignment()) { case B.PlaceholderAlignment_0: case B.PlaceholderAlignment_1: case B.PlaceholderAlignment_2: return false; case B.PlaceholderAlignment_3: case B.PlaceholderAlignment_5: case B.PlaceholderAlignment_4: continue; } return true; }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (!_this._canComputeDryLayout$0()) return B.Size_0_0; t1 = _this._textPainter; t1.setPlaceholderDimensions$1(_this._layoutChildren$2$dry(constraints, true)); _this._layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.minWidth); t2 = t1.get$width(t1); t1 = t1._paragraph; return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t2, Math.ceil(t1.get$height(t1)))); }, performLayout$0() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, didOverflowHeight, didOverflowWidth, fadeSizePainter, fadeStart, fadeEnd, _this = this, _null = null, constraints = A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this); _this._placeholderDimensions = _this._layoutChildren$1(constraints); _this._layoutTextWithConstraints$1(constraints); _this._setParentData$0(); t1 = _this._textPainter; t2 = t1.get$width(t1); t3 = t1._paragraph; t3 = Math.ceil(t3.get$height(t3)); t4 = t1._paragraph; didOverflowHeight = t4.get$didExceedMaxLines(t4); t4 = _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t2, t3)); didOverflowHeight = t4._dy < t3 || didOverflowHeight; didOverflowWidth = t4._dx < t2; if (didOverflowWidth || didOverflowHeight) switch (_this._overflow.index) { case 3: _this._needsClipping = false; _this._overflowShader = null; break; case 0: case 2: _this._needsClipping = true; _this._overflowShader = null; break; case 1: _this._needsClipping = true; t2 = A.TextSpan$(_null, t1._text_painter$_text.style, "\u2026"); t3 = t1._text_painter$_textDirection; t3.toString; t4 = t1._textScaleFactor; fadeSizePainter = A.TextPainter$(_null, t1._text_painter$_locale, _null, _null, t2, B.TextAlign_4, t3, _null, t4, B.TextWidthBasis_0); fadeSizePainter.layout$0(0); if (didOverflowWidth) { switch (t1._text_painter$_textDirection.index) { case 0: fadeStart = fadeSizePainter.get$width(fadeSizePainter); fadeEnd = 0; break; case 1: fadeEnd = _this._size._dx; fadeStart = fadeEnd - fadeSizePainter.get$width(fadeSizePainter); break; default: fadeStart = _null; fadeEnd = fadeStart; } _this._overflowShader = A.Gradient_Gradient$linear(new A.Offset(fadeStart, 0), new A.Offset(fadeEnd, 0), A._setArrayType([B.Color_4294967295, B.Color_16777215], type$.JSArray_Color), _null, B.TileMode_0); } else { fadeEnd = _this._size._dy; t1 = fadeSizePainter._paragraph; _this._overflowShader = A.Gradient_Gradient$linear(new A.Offset(0, fadeEnd - Math.ceil(t1.get$height(t1)) / 2), new A.Offset(0, fadeEnd), A._setArrayType([B.Color_4294967295, B.Color_16777215], type$.JSArray_Color), _null, B.TileMode_0); } break; } else { _this._needsClipping = false; _this._overflowShader = null; } }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t1, t2, t3, bounds, t4, t5, t6, childIndex, t7, t8, child, paint, _this = this, _box_0 = {}; _this._layoutTextWithConstraints$1(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)); if (_this._needsClipping) { t1 = _this._size; t2 = offset._dx; t3 = offset._dy; bounds = new A.Rect(t2, t3, t2 + t1._dx, t3 + t1._dy); if (_this._overflowShader != null) { t1 = context.get$canvas(context); t2 = A._detectRenderer(); t1.saveLayer$2(0, bounds, t2 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData())); } else context.get$canvas(context).save$0(0); context.get$canvas(context).clipRect$1(0, bounds); } t1 = _this._textPainter; t1.paint$2(context.get$canvas(context), offset); t2 = _box_0.child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; t3 = type$.TextParentData; t4 = offset._dx; t5 = offset._dy; t6 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); childIndex = 0; while (true) { if (!(t2 != null && childIndex < t1._inlinePlaceholderBoxes.length)) break; t2 = t2.parentData; t2.toString; t3._as(t2); t7 = t2.scale; t7.toString; t8 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing, "_needsCompositing"); t2 = t2.offset; context.pushTransform$4(t8, new A.Offset(t4 + t2._dx, t5 + t2._dy), A.Matrix4_Matrix4$diagonal3Values(t7, t7, t7), new A.RenderParagraph_paint_closure(_box_0)); t7 = _box_0.child.parentData; t7.toString; child = t6._as(t7).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; _box_0.child = child; ++childIndex; t2 = child; } if (_this._needsClipping) { if (_this._overflowShader != null) { context.get$canvas(context).translate$2(0, t4, t5); t1 = A._detectRenderer(); paint = t1 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); paint.set$blendMode(B.BlendMode_13); paint.set$shader(_this._overflowShader); t1 = context.get$canvas(context); t2 = _this._size; t1.drawRect$2(0, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy), paint); } context.get$canvas(context).restore$0(0); } }, describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) { var t1, t2, collector, buffer, attributes, t3, offset, _i, t4, info, label, t5, _i0, infoAttribute, originalRange, _this = this; _this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config); t1 = _this._textPainter; t2 = t1._text_painter$_text; t2.toString; collector = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_InlineSpanSemanticsInformation); t2.computeSemanticsInformation$1(collector); _this._semanticsInfo = collector; if (B.JSArray_methods.any$1(collector, new A.RenderParagraph_describeSemanticsConfiguration_closure())) config._isSemanticBoundary = config.explicitChildNodes = true; else { t2 = _this._cachedAttributedLabel; if (t2 == null) { buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""); attributes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_StringAttribute); for (t2 = _this._semanticsInfo, t3 = t2.length, offset = 0, _i = 0, t4 = ""; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) { info = t2[_i]; label = info.semanticsLabel; if (label == null) label = info.text; for (t4 = info.stringAttributes, t5 = t4.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t4.length; t4.length === t5 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t4), ++_i0) { infoAttribute = t4[_i0]; originalRange = infoAttribute.range; attributes.push(infoAttribute.copy$1$range(0, new A.TextRange(offset + originalRange.start, offset + originalRange.end))); } t4 = buffer._contents += label; offset += label.length; } t2 = _this._cachedAttributedLabel = new A.AttributedString(t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4, attributes); } config._semantics$_attributedLabel = t2; config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; t1 = t1._text_painter$_textDirection; t1.toString; config._semantics$_textDirection = t1; } }, assembleSemanticsNode$3(node, config, children) { var newChildCache, t3, t4, currentRect, currentDirection, ordinal, start, _i, info, start0, t5, t6, t7, rects, rect, currentDirection0, t8, configuration, ordinal0, newChild, _this = this, _null = null, newChildren = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode), t1 = _this._textPainter, t2 = t1._text_painter$_textDirection; t2.toString; newChildCache = A.ListQueue$(_null, type$.SemanticsNode); t3 = _this._cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos; if (t3 == null) { t3 = _this._semanticsInfo; t3.toString; t3 = _this._cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos = A.combineSemanticsInfo(t3); } for (t4 = t3.length, currentRect = _null, currentDirection = t2, ordinal = 0, start = 0, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i, start = start0) { info = t3[_i]; t2 = info.text; start0 = start + t2.length; t5 = start < start0; t6 = t5 ? start : start0; t5 = t5 ? start0 : start; t7 = A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this); t1.setPlaceholderDimensions$1(_this._placeholderDimensions); t1.layout$2$maxWidth$minWidth(0, t7.maxWidth, t7.minWidth); rects = t1._paragraph.getBoxesForRange$4$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(t6, t5, B.BoxHeightStyle_0, B.BoxWidthStyle_0); if (rects.length === 0) continue; t5 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(rects); rect = new A.Rect(t5.left, t5.top, t5.right, t5.bottom); currentDirection0 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(rects).direction; for (t5 = A._arrayInstanceType(rects), t6 = new A.SubListIterable(rects, 1, _null, t5._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>")), t6.SubListIterable$3(rects, 1, _null, t5._precomputed1), t6 = new A.ListIterator(t6, t6.get$length(t6)), t5 = A._instanceType(t6)._precomputed1; t6.moveNext$0();) { t7 = t5._as(t6._current); rect = rect.expandToInclude$1(new A.Rect(t7.left, t7.top, t7.right, t7.bottom)); currentDirection0 = t7.direction; } t5 = rect.left; t6 = Math.max(0, t5); t7 = rect.top; t8 = Math.max(0, t7); t5 = Math.min(rect.right - t5, A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this).maxWidth); t7 = Math.min(rect.bottom - t7, A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this).maxHeight); currentRect = new A.Rect(Math.floor(t6) - 4, Math.floor(t8) - 4, Math.ceil(t6 + t5) + 4, Math.ceil(t8 + t7) + 4); configuration = A.SemanticsConfiguration$(); ordinal0 = ordinal + 1; configuration._semantics$_sortKey = new A.OrdinalSortKey(ordinal, _null); configuration._hasBeenAnnotated = true; configuration._semantics$_textDirection = currentDirection; t7 = info.semanticsLabel; t2 = t7 == null ? t2 : t7; configuration._semantics$_attributedLabel = new A.AttributedString(t2, info.stringAttributes); t2 = _this._cachedChildNodes; newChild = (t2 == null ? _null : !t2.get$isEmpty(t2)) === true ? _this._cachedChildNodes.removeFirst$0() : A.SemanticsNode$(_null, _null); newChild.updateWith$1$config(0, configuration); if (!newChild._semantics$_rect.$eq(0, currentRect)) { newChild._semantics$_rect = currentRect; newChild._semantics$_markDirty$0(); } newChildCache._add$1(0, newChild); newChildren.push(newChild); ordinal = ordinal0; currentDirection = currentDirection0; } _this._cachedChildNodes = newChildCache; node.updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config(0, newChildren, config); }, clearSemantics$0() { this.super$RenderObject$clearSemantics(); this._cachedChildNodes = null; }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { var t1 = this._textPainter._text_painter$_text; t1.toString; return A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("text", B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_4, t1)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); } }; A.RenderParagraph__extractPlaceholderSpans_closure.prototype = { call$1(span) { return true; }, $signature: 62 }; A.RenderParagraph_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = { call$2(result, transformed) { return this._box_0.child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed); }, $signature: 19 }; A.RenderParagraph_paint_closure.prototype = { call$2(context, offset) { var t1 = this._box_0.child; t1.toString; context.paintChild$2(t1, offset); }, $signature: 24 }; A.RenderParagraph_describeSemanticsConfiguration_closure.prototype = { call$1(info) { return false; }, $signature: 197 }; A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = { attach$1(owner) { var child, t1, t2; this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner); child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.TextParentData; child != null;) { child.attach$1(owner); t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } }, detach$0(_) { var child, t1, t2; this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0); child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.TextParentData; child != null;) { child.detach$0(0); t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } } }; A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = {}; A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin.prototype = { attach$1(owner) { this.super$_RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$attach(owner); $.PaintingBinding__instance.PaintingBinding__systemFonts._systemFontsCallbacks.add$1(0, this.get$systemFontsDidChange()); }, detach$0(_) { $.PaintingBinding__instance.PaintingBinding__systemFonts._systemFontsCallbacks.remove$1(0, this.get$systemFontsDidChange()); this.super$_RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$detach(0); } }; A.RenderPerformanceOverlay.prototype = { set$optionsMask(value) { if (value === this._optionsMask) return; this._optionsMask = value; this.markNeedsPaint$0(); }, set$rasterizerThreshold(value) { if (value === this._rasterizerThreshold) return; this._rasterizerThreshold = value; this.markNeedsPaint$0(); }, get$sizedByParent() { return true; }, get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() { return true; }, get$_intrinsicHeight() { var t1 = this._optionsMask, result = (t1 | 1) >>> 0 > 0 || (t1 | 2) >>> 0 > 0 ? 80 : 0; return (t1 | 4) >>> 0 > 0 || (t1 | 8) >>> 0 > 0 ? result + 80 : result; }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(1 / 0, this.get$_intrinsicHeight())); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t5, t6, t7, t1 = offset._dx, t2 = offset._dy, t3 = this._size, t4 = t3._dx; t3 = t3._dy; t5 = this._optionsMask; t6 = this._rasterizerThreshold; t7 = A.LayerHandle$(); context.stopRecordingIfNeeded$0(); context.appendLayer$1(new A.PerformanceOverlayLayer(new A.Rect(t1, t2, t1 + t4, t2 + t3), t5, t6, false, false, t7)); } }; A.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "PlatformViewHitTestBehavior." + this._name; } }; A._PlatformViewState.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_PlatformViewState." + this._name; } }; A._factoriesTypeSet_closure.prototype = { call$1(factory) { return factory.get$type(factory); }, $signature() { return this.T._eval$1("Type(Factory<0>)"); } }; A.RenderAndroidView.prototype = { RenderAndroidView$4$clipBehavior$gestureRecognizers$hitTestBehavior$viewController(clipBehavior, gestureRecognizers, hitTestBehavior, viewController) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._viewController; t1._motionEventConverter.___AndroidMotionEventConverter__pointTransformer = new A.RenderAndroidView_closure(_this); _this._updateGestureRecognizersWithCallBack$2(gestureRecognizers, t1.get$dispatchPointerEvent()); _this._viewController._platformViewCreatedCallbacks.push(_this.get$_onPlatformViewCreated()); _this.set$hitTestBehavior(hitTestBehavior); }, set$viewController(viewController) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._viewController; if (t1 === viewController) return; t2 = _this.get$_onPlatformViewCreated(); B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1._platformViewCreatedCallbacks, t2); _this._viewController = viewController; _this._sizePlatformView$0(); if (_this._viewController._platform_views$_state === B._AndroidViewState_2) _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); _this._viewController._platformViewCreatedCallbacks.push(t2); }, _onPlatformViewCreated$1(id) { this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, get$sizedByParent() { return true; }, get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() { return true; }, get$isRepaintBoundary() { return true; }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { return new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight)); }, performResize$0() { this.super$RenderBox$performResize(); this._sizePlatformView$0(); }, _sizePlatformView$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1; var $async$_sizePlatformView$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start if ($async$self._platform_view0$_state !== B._PlatformViewState_1) { t1 = $async$self._size; t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1); } else t1 = true; if (t1) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$self._platform_view0$_state = B._PlatformViewState_1; $async$self.markNeedsPaint$0(); case 3: // do body t1 = $async$self._size; t1.toString; $async$goto = 6; return A._asyncAwait($async$self._viewController.setSize$1(0, t1), $async$_sizePlatformView$0); case 6: // returning from await. $async$self.__RenderAndroidView__currentAndroidViewSize = t1; case 4: // do condition if (!$async$self._size.$eq(0, t1)) { // goto do body $async$goto = 3; break; } case 5: // after do $async$self._platform_view0$_state = B._PlatformViewState_2; $async$self.markNeedsPaint$0(); case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_sizePlatformView$0, $async$completer); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this, _s23_ = "_currentAndroidViewSize"; if (_this._viewController._textureId == null) return; if ((_this._size._dx < A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderAndroidView__currentAndroidViewSize, _s23_)._dx || _this._size._dy < A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderAndroidView__currentAndroidViewSize, _s23_)._dy) && _this._platform_view0$_clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0) { t1 = _this._clipRectLayer; t2 = _this._size; t3 = offset._dx; t4 = offset._dy; t1.set$layer(0, context.pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(true, offset, new A.Rect(t3, t4, t3 + t2._dx, t4 + t2._dy), _this.get$_paintTexture(), _this._platform_view0$_clipBehavior, t1._layer)); return; } _this._clipRectLayer.set$layer(0, null); _this._paintTexture$2(context, offset); }, dispose$0(_) { this._clipRectLayer.set$layer(0, null); this.super$RenderObject$dispose(0); }, _paintTexture$2(context, offset) { var t5, t6, t7, t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__RenderAndroidView__currentAndroidViewSize, "_currentAndroidViewSize"), t2 = offset._dx, t3 = offset._dy, t4 = t1._dx; t1 = t1._dy; t5 = this._viewController._textureId; t5.toString; t6 = this._platform_view0$_state; t7 = A.LayerHandle$(); context.stopRecordingIfNeeded$0(); context.appendLayer$1(new A.TextureLayer(new A.Rect(t2, t3, t2 + t4, t3 + t1), t5, t6 === B._PlatformViewState_1, t7)); }, describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) { var t1; this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config); config._isSemanticBoundary = true; t1 = this._viewController; if (t1._platform_views$_state === B._AndroidViewState_2) config.set$platformViewId(t1.viewId); }, $isMouseTrackerAnnotation: 1 }; A.RenderAndroidView_closure.prototype = { call$1(offset) { return this.$this.globalToLocal$1(offset); }, $signature: 198 }; A.RenderUiKitView.prototype = { updateGestureRecognizers$1(gestureRecognizers) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._gestureRecognizer; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.gestureRecognizerFactories; if (A._factoryTypesSetEquals(gestureRecognizers, t1, type$.OneSequenceGestureRecognizer)) return; t1 = _this._gestureRecognizer; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this._gestureRecognizer = A._UiKitViewGestureRecognizer$(_this._viewController, gestureRecognizers); }, get$sizedByParent() { return true; }, get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() { return true; }, get$isRepaintBoundary() { return true; }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { return new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight)); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t5, t6, t1 = this._size, t2 = offset._dx, t3 = offset._dy, t4 = t1._dx; t1 = t1._dy; t5 = this._viewController; t6 = A.LayerHandle$(); context.stopRecordingIfNeeded$0(); context.appendLayer$1(new A.PlatformViewLayer(new A.Rect(t2, t3, t2 + t4, t3 + t1), t5.id, t6)); }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this.hitTestBehavior === B.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior_2 || !_this._size.contains$1(0, position)) return false; t1 = new A.BoxHitTestEntry(position, _this); result._globalizeTransforms$0(); t1._transform = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(result._transforms); result._path.push(t1); return _this.hitTestBehavior === B.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior_0; }, hitTestSelf$1(position) { return this.hitTestBehavior !== B.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior_2; }, handleEvent$2($event, entry) { var t1; if (!type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) return; this._gestureRecognizer.addPointer$1($event); t1 = $event.get$original(); this._lastPointerDownEvent = t1 == null ? $event : t1; }, _handleGlobalPointerEvent$1($event) { var t1, _this = this; if (!type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) return; t1 = _this._size; if (!new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy).contains$1(0, _this.globalToLocal$1($event.get$position($event)))) return; t1 = $event.get$original(); if (t1 == null) t1 = $event; if (t1 !== _this._lastPointerDownEvent) _this._viewController.rejectGesture$0(); _this._lastPointerDownEvent = null; }, describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) { this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config); config._isSemanticBoundary = true; config.set$platformViewId(this._viewController.id); }, attach$1(owner) { this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner); $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter._globalRoutes.$indexSet(0, this.get$_handleGlobalPointerEvent(), null); }, detach$0(_) { $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter._globalRoutes.remove$1(0, this.get$_handleGlobalPointerEvent()); this._gestureRecognizer.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1); this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0); } }; A._UiKitViewGestureRecognizer.prototype = { _UiKitViewGestureRecognizer$3$supportedDevices(controller, gestureRecognizerFactories, supportedDevices) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = new A.GestureArenaTeam(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$._CombiningGestureArenaMember)); t1.captain = _this; _this._team = t1; t1 = _this.gestureRecognizerFactories; t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable"); _this.___UiKitViewGestureRecognizer__gestureRecognizers = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t1, new A._UiKitViewGestureRecognizer_closure(_this), t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E")); }, addAllowedPointer$1($event) { var t1, t2, t3; this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$addAllowedPointer($event); for (t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.___UiKitViewGestureRecognizer__gestureRecognizers, "_gestureRecognizers"), t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2._as(t1._collection$_current); t3._pointerToKind.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), $event.get$kind($event)); if (t3.isPointerAllowed$1($event)) t3.addAllowedPointer$1($event); else t3.handleNonAllowedPointer$1($event); } }, didStopTrackingLastPointer$1(pointer) { }, handleEvent$1($event) { this.stopTrackingIfPointerNoLongerDown$1($event); }, acceptGesture$1(pointer) { B.MethodChannel_gkc._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("acceptGesture", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["id", this.controller.id], type$.String, type$.dynamic), false, type$.void); }, rejectGesture$1(pointer) { this.controller.rejectGesture$0(); } }; A._UiKitViewGestureRecognizer_closure.prototype = { call$1(recognizerFactory) { var gestureRecognizer = recognizerFactory.constructor$0(0); gestureRecognizer.set$team(this.$this._team); gestureRecognizer.get$onLongPress(); return gestureRecognizer; }, $signature: 67 }; A._PlatformViewGestureRecognizer.prototype = { _PlatformViewGestureRecognizer$3$supportedDevices(handlePointerEvent, gestureRecognizerFactories, supportedDevices) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = new A.GestureArenaTeam(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$._CombiningGestureArenaMember)); t1.captain = _this; _this._team = t1; t1 = _this.gestureRecognizerFactories; t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable"); _this.___PlatformViewGestureRecognizer__gestureRecognizers = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t1, new A._PlatformViewGestureRecognizer_closure(_this), t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E")); _this.___PlatformViewGestureRecognizer__handlePointerEvent = handlePointerEvent; }, get$_platform_view0$_handlePointerEvent() { return A._lateReadCheck(this.___PlatformViewGestureRecognizer__handlePointerEvent, "_handlePointerEvent"); }, addAllowedPointer$1($event) { var t1, t2, t3; this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$addAllowedPointer($event); for (t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.___PlatformViewGestureRecognizer__gestureRecognizers, "_gestureRecognizers"), t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2._as(t1._collection$_current); t3._pointerToKind.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), $event.get$kind($event)); if (t3.isPointerAllowed$1($event)) t3.addAllowedPointer$1($event); else t3.handleNonAllowedPointer$1($event); } }, didStopTrackingLastPointer$1(pointer) { }, handleEvent$1($event) { var t1, _this = this; if (!_this.forwardedPointers.contains$1(0, $event.get$pointer())) { t1 = _this.cachedEvents; if (!t1.containsKey$1(0, $event.get$pointer())) t1.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerEvent_2)); t1.$index(0, $event.get$pointer()).push($event); } else _this._platform_view0$_handlePointerEvent$1($event); _this.stopTrackingIfPointerNoLongerDown$1($event); }, acceptGesture$1(pointer) { var t1 = this.cachedEvents.remove$1(0, pointer); if (t1 != null) J.forEach$1$ax(t1, this.get$_platform_view0$_handlePointerEvent()); this.forwardedPointers.add$1(0, pointer); }, rejectGesture$1(pointer) { this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$stopTrackingPointer(pointer); this.forwardedPointers.remove$1(0, pointer); this.cachedEvents.remove$1(0, pointer); }, stopTrackingPointer$1(pointer) { this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$stopTrackingPointer(pointer); this.forwardedPointers.remove$1(0, pointer); }, reset$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.forwardedPointers; t1.forEach$1(0, A.OneSequenceGestureRecognizer.prototype.get$stopTrackingPointer.call(_this)); t1.clear$0(0); t1 = _this.cachedEvents; t1.get$keys(t1).forEach$1(0, A.OneSequenceGestureRecognizer.prototype.get$stopTrackingPointer.call(_this)); t1.clear$0(0); _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1); }, _platform_view0$_handlePointerEvent$1(arg0) { return this.get$_platform_view0$_handlePointerEvent().call$1(arg0); } }; A._PlatformViewGestureRecognizer_closure.prototype = { call$1(recognizerFactory) { var gestureRecognizer = recognizerFactory.constructor$0(0); gestureRecognizer.set$team(this.$this._team); gestureRecognizer.get$onLongPress(); return gestureRecognizer; }, $signature: 67 }; A._PlatformViewGestureMixin.prototype = { set$hitTestBehavior(value) { var _this = this; if (value !== _this._PlatformViewGestureMixin__hitTestBehavior) { _this._PlatformViewGestureMixin__hitTestBehavior = value; if (_this.get$owner() != null) _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); } }, _updateGestureRecognizersWithCallBack$2(gestureRecognizers, handlePointerEvent) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._PlatformViewGestureMixin__gestureRecognizer; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.gestureRecognizerFactories; if (A._factoryTypesSetEquals(gestureRecognizers, t1, type$.OneSequenceGestureRecognizer)) return; t1 = _this._PlatformViewGestureMixin__gestureRecognizer; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this._PlatformViewGestureMixin__gestureRecognizer = A._PlatformViewGestureRecognizer$(handlePointerEvent, gestureRecognizers); _this._PlatformViewGestureMixin__handlePointerEvent = handlePointerEvent; }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._PlatformViewGestureMixin__hitTestBehavior === B.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior_2 || !_this._size.contains$1(0, position)) return false; t1 = new A.BoxHitTestEntry(position, _this); result._globalizeTransforms$0(); t1._transform = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(result._transforms); result._path.push(t1); return _this._PlatformViewGestureMixin__hitTestBehavior === B.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior_0; }, hitTestSelf$1(position) { return this._PlatformViewGestureMixin__hitTestBehavior !== B.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior_2; }, get$onEnter(_) { return null; }, get$onExit(_) { return null; }, get$cursor(_) { return B.C__NoopMouseCursor; }, get$validForMouseTracker() { return true; }, handleEvent$2($event, entry) { var t1; if (type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) this._PlatformViewGestureMixin__gestureRecognizer.addPointer$1($event); if (type$.PointerHoverEvent._is($event)) { t1 = this._PlatformViewGestureMixin__handlePointerEvent; if (t1 != null) t1.call$1($event); } } }; A._RenderAndroidView_RenderBox__PlatformViewGestureMixin.prototype = { detach$0(_) { this._PlatformViewGestureMixin__gestureRecognizer.reset$0(0); this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0); } }; A.RenderProxyBox.prototype = {}; A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype = { setupParentData$1(child) { if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.ParentData)) child.parentData = new A.ParentData(); }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) return t1.getDryLayout$1(constraints); return this.computeSizeForNoChild$1(constraints); }, performLayout$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) { t1.layout$2$parentUsesSize(0, A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this), true); t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size; t1.toString; _this._size = t1; } else _this._size = _this.computeSizeForNoChild$1(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)); }, computeSizeForNoChild$1(constraints) { return new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight)); }, hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.hitTest$2$position(result, position); return t1 === true; }, applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) { }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) context.paintChild$2(t1, offset); } }; A.HitTestBehavior.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "HitTestBehavior." + this._name; } }; A.RenderProxyBoxWithHitTestBehavior.prototype = { hitTest$2$position(result, position) { var hitTarget, t1, _this = this; if (_this._size.contains$1(0, position)) { hitTarget = _this.hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) || _this.behavior === B.HitTestBehavior_1; if (hitTarget || _this.behavior === B.HitTestBehavior_2) { t1 = new A.BoxHitTestEntry(position, _this); result._globalizeTransforms$0(); t1._transform = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(result._transforms); result._path.push(t1); } } else hitTarget = false; return hitTarget; }, hitTestSelf$1(position) { return this.behavior === B.HitTestBehavior_1; } }; A.RenderConstrainedBox.prototype = { set$additionalConstraints(value) { if (this._additionalConstraints.$eq(0, value)) return; this._additionalConstraints = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, performLayout$0() { var _this = this, constraints = A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this), t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child, t2 = _this._additionalConstraints; if (t1 != null) { t1.layout$2$parentUsesSize(0, t2.enforce$1(constraints), true); t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size; t1.toString; _this._size = t1; } else _this._size = t2.enforce$1(constraints).constrain$1(B.Size_0_0); }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child, t2 = this._additionalConstraints; if (t1 != null) return t1.getDryLayout$1(t2.enforce$1(constraints)); else return t2.enforce$1(constraints).constrain$1(B.Size_0_0); } }; A.RenderLimitedBox.prototype = { set$maxWidth(_, value) { if (this._maxWidth === value) return; this._maxWidth = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$maxHeight(_, value) { if (this._maxHeight === value) return; this._maxHeight = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, _limitConstraints$1(constraints) { var t3, t4, t1 = constraints.minWidth, t2 = constraints.maxWidth; t2 = t2 < 1 / 0 ? t2 : B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(this._maxWidth, t1, t2); t3 = constraints.minHeight; t4 = constraints.maxHeight; return new A.BoxConstraints(t1, t2, t3, t4 < 1 / 0 ? t4 : B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(this._maxHeight, t3, t4)); }, _proxy_box$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, layoutChild) { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) return constraints.constrain$1(layoutChild.call$2(t1, this._limitConstraints$1(constraints))); return this._limitConstraints$1(constraints).constrain$1(B.Size_0_0); }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { return this._proxy_box$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild$closure()); }, performLayout$0() { this._size = this._proxy_box$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this), A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild$closure()); } }; A.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin.prototype = { get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() { if (this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null) { var t1 = this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__currentlyNeedsCompositing; t1.toString; } else t1 = false; return t1; }, set$opacity(_, value) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__opacity; if (t1 === value) return; if (_this._node$_owner != null && t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateOpacity()); _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__opacity = value; if (_this._node$_owner != null) value.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateOpacity()); _this._updateOpacity$0(); }, set$alwaysIncludeSemantics(value) { if (false === this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alwaysIncludeSemantics) return; this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alwaysIncludeSemantics = false; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, _updateOpacity$0() { var didNeedCompositing, _this = this, oldAlpha = _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alpha, t1 = _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__opacity; t1 = _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alpha = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(t1.get$value(t1), 0, 1) * 255); if (oldAlpha !== t1) { didNeedCompositing = _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__currentlyNeedsCompositing; t1 = t1 > 0; _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__currentlyNeedsCompositing = t1; if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null && didNeedCompositing !== t1) _this.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0(); _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); if (oldAlpha === 0 || _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alpha === 0) _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); } }, visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) { var t2, t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) if (this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alpha === 0) { t2 = this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alwaysIncludeSemantics; t2.toString; } else t2 = true; else t2 = false; if (t2) { t1.toString; visitor.call$1(t1); } } }; A.RenderAnimatedOpacity.prototype = {}; A.CustomClipper.prototype = { addListener$1(_, listener) { return null; }, removeListener$1(_, listener) { return null; }, toString$0(_) { return "CustomClipper"; } }; A.ShapeBorderClipper.prototype = { getClip$1(size) { return this.shape.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + size._dx, 0 + size._dy), this.textDirection); }, shouldReclip$1(oldClipper) { if (A.getRuntimeType(oldClipper) !== B.Type_ShapeBorderClipper_QWG) return true; type$.ShapeBorderClipper._as(oldClipper); return !oldClipper.shape.$eq(0, this.shape) || oldClipper.textDirection != this.textDirection; } }; A._RenderCustomClip.prototype = { set$clipper(newClipper) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._clipper; if (t1 == newClipper) return; _this._clipper = newClipper; t2 = newClipper == null; if (t2 || t1 == null || A.getRuntimeType(newClipper) !== A.getRuntimeType(t1) || newClipper.shouldReclip$1(t1)) _this._markNeedsClip$0(); if (_this._node$_owner != null) { if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_markNeedsClip()); if (!t2) newClipper.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_markNeedsClip()); } }, attach$1(owner) { var t1; this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$attach(owner); t1 = this._clipper; if (t1 != null) t1.addListener$1(0, this.get$_markNeedsClip()); }, detach$0(_) { var t1 = this._clipper; if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, this.get$_markNeedsClip()); this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach(0); }, _markNeedsClip$0() { this._clip = null; this.markNeedsPaint$0(); this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$clipBehavior(value) { if (value !== this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior) { this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior = value; this.markNeedsPaint$0(); } }, performLayout$0() { var t1, _this = this, oldSize = _this._size; oldSize = oldSize != null ? oldSize : null; _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$performLayout(); t1 = _this._size; t1.toString; if (!J.$eq$(oldSize, t1)) _this._clip = null; }, _updateClip$0() { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (_this._clip == null) { t1 = _this._clipper; if (t1 == null) t1 = null; else { t2 = _this._size; t2.toString; t2 = t1.getClip$1(t2); t1 = t2; } _this._clip = t1 == null ? _this.get$_defaultClip() : t1; } }, describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child) { var t1; if (this._clipper == null) t1 = null; else { t1 = this._size; t1 = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy); } if (t1 == null) { t1 = this._size; t1 = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy); } return t1; } }; A.RenderClipPath.prototype = { get$_defaultClip() { var t1 = A.Path_Path(), t2 = this._size; t1.addRect$1(0, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy)); return t1; }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { var _this = this; if (_this._clipper != null) { _this._updateClip$0(); if (!_this._clip.contains$1(0, position)) return false; } return _this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this, t1 = _this._layerHandle; if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null) { _this._updateClip$0(); t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing, "_needsCompositing"); t3 = _this._size; t4 = t3._dx; t3 = t3._dy; t5 = _this._clip; t5.toString; t1.set$layer(0, context.pushClipPath$7$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t2, offset, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t4, 0 + t3), t5, A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype.get$paint.call(_this), _this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior, type$.nullable_ClipPathLayer._as(t1._layer))); } else t1.set$layer(0, null); } }; A._RenderPhysicalModelBase.prototype = { set$elevation(_, value) { if (this._proxy_box$_elevation === value) return; this._proxy_box$_elevation = value; this.markNeedsPaint$0(); }, set$shadowColor(_, value) { if (this._proxy_box$_shadowColor.$eq(0, value)) return; this._proxy_box$_shadowColor = value; this.markNeedsPaint$0(); }, set$color(_, value) { if (this._proxy_box$_color.$eq(0, value)) return; this._proxy_box$_color = value; this.markNeedsPaint$0(); }, get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() { return true; }, describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) { this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config); config.set$elevation(0, this._proxy_box$_elevation); } }; A.RenderPhysicalModel.prototype = { set$shape(_, value) { if (this._shape === value) return; this._shape = value; this._markNeedsClip$0(); }, set$borderRadius(_, value) { if (J.$eq$(this._proxy_box$_borderRadius, value)) return; this._proxy_box$_borderRadius = value; this._markNeedsClip$0(); }, get$_defaultClip() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this; switch (_this._shape.index) { case 0: t1 = _this._proxy_box$_borderRadius; if (t1 == null) t1 = B.BorderRadius_tLn; t2 = _this._size; return t1.toRRect$1(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy)); case 1: t1 = _this._size; t2 = 0 + t1._dx; t1 = 0 + t1._dy; t3 = (t2 - 0) / 2; t4 = (t1 - 0) / 2; return new A.RRect(0, 0, t2, t1, t3, t4, t3, t4, t3, t4, t3, t4, t3 === t4); } }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { var _this = this; if (_this._clipper != null) { _this._updateClip$0(); if (!_this._clip.contains$1(0, position)) return false; } return _this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var offsetRRect, offsetRRectAsPath, t1, t2, t3, _this = this; if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null) { _this._updateClip$0(); offsetRRect = _this._clip.shift$1(offset); offsetRRectAsPath = A.Path_Path(); offsetRRectAsPath.addRRect$1(0, offsetRRect); t1 = type$.nullable_PhysicalModelLayer; if (t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$layer.call(_this, _this)) == null) _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, A.PhysicalModelLayer$()); t2 = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$layer.call(_this, _this)); t2.set$clipPath(0, offsetRRectAsPath); t2.set$clipBehavior(_this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior); t3 = _this._proxy_box$_elevation; t2.set$elevation(0, t3); t2.set$color(0, _this._proxy_box$_color); t2.set$shadowColor(0, _this._proxy_box$_shadowColor); t1 = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$layer.call(_this, _this)); t1.toString; context.pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(t1, A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype.get$paint.call(_this), offset, new A.Rect(offsetRRect.left, offsetRRect.top, offsetRRect.right, offsetRRect.bottom)); } else _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null); } }; A.RenderPhysicalShape.prototype = { get$_defaultClip() { var t1 = A.Path_Path(), t2 = this._size; t1.addRect$1(0, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy)); return t1; }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { var _this = this; if (_this._clipper != null) { _this._updateClip$0(); if (!_this._clip.contains$1(0, position)) return false; } return _this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, offsetPath, t5, t6, t7, _this = this; if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null) { _this._updateClip$0(); t1 = _this._size; t2 = offset._dx; t3 = offset._dy; t4 = t1._dx; t1 = t1._dy; offsetPath = _this._clip.shift$1(offset); t5 = type$.nullable_PhysicalModelLayer; if (t5._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$layer.call(_this, _this)) == null) _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, A.PhysicalModelLayer$()); t6 = t5._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$layer.call(_this, _this)); t6.set$clipPath(0, offsetPath); t6.set$clipBehavior(_this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior); t7 = _this._proxy_box$_elevation; t6.set$elevation(0, t7); t6.set$color(0, _this._proxy_box$_color); t6.set$shadowColor(0, _this._proxy_box$_shadowColor); t5 = t5._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$layer.call(_this, _this)); t5.toString; context.pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(t5, A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype.get$paint.call(_this), offset, new A.Rect(t2, t3, t2 + t4, t3 + t1)); } else _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null); } }; A.DecorationPosition.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "DecorationPosition." + this._name; } }; A.RenderDecoratedBox.prototype = { set$decoration(_, value) { var t1, _this = this; if (value.$eq(0, _this._proxy_box$_decoration)) return; t1 = _this._painter; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this._painter = null; _this._proxy_box$_decoration = value; _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); }, set$position(_, value) { if (value === this._proxy_box$_position) return; this._proxy_box$_position = value; this.markNeedsPaint$0(); }, set$configuration(value) { if (value.$eq(0, this._proxy_box$_configuration)) return; this._proxy_box$_configuration = value; this.markNeedsPaint$0(); }, detach$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._painter; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this._painter = null; _this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach(0); _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); }, hitTestSelf$1(position) { var t1 = this._proxy_box$_decoration, t2 = this._size; t2.toString; return t1.hitTest$3$textDirection(t2, position, this._proxy_box$_configuration.textDirection); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t2, t3, filledConfiguration, _this = this, t1 = _this._painter; if (t1 == null) t1 = _this._painter = _this._proxy_box$_decoration.createBoxPainter$1(_this.get$markNeedsPaint()); t2 = _this._proxy_box$_configuration; t3 = _this._size; t3.toString; filledConfiguration = new A.ImageConfiguration(t2.bundle, t2.devicePixelRatio, t2.locale, t2.textDirection, t3, t2.platform); if (_this._proxy_box$_position === B.DecorationPosition_0) { t1.paint$3(context.get$canvas(context), offset, filledConfiguration); if (_this._proxy_box$_decoration.get$isComplex()) context.setIsComplexHint$0(); } _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset); if (_this._proxy_box$_position === B.DecorationPosition_1) { t1 = _this._painter; t1.toString; t1.paint$3(context.get$canvas(context), offset, filledConfiguration); if (_this._proxy_box$_decoration.get$isComplex()) context.setIsComplexHint$0(); } } }; A.RenderTransform.prototype = { set$origin(_, value) { return; }, set$alignment(value) { var _this = this; if (J.$eq$(_this._proxy_box$_alignment, value)) return; _this._proxy_box$_alignment = value; _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$textDirection(_, value) { var _this = this; if (_this._textDirection == value) return; _this._textDirection = value; _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() { return false; }, set$transform(_, value) { var t1, _this = this; if (J.$eq$(_this._proxy_box$_transform, value)) return; t1 = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); t1.setFrom$1(value); _this._proxy_box$_transform = t1; _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$filterQuality(value) { return; }, get$_effectiveTransform() { var result, t1, centerX, centerY, t2, translation, _this = this, resolvedAlignment = _this._proxy_box$_alignment; if (resolvedAlignment == null) resolvedAlignment = null; if (resolvedAlignment == null) return _this._proxy_box$_transform; result = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); result.setIdentity$0(); t1 = _this._size; centerX = t1._dx / 2; centerY = t1._dy / 2; t1 = centerX + resolvedAlignment.x * centerX; t2 = centerY + resolvedAlignment.y * centerY; translation = new A.Offset(t1, t2); result.translate$2(0, t1, t2); t1 = _this._proxy_box$_transform; t1.toString; result.multiply$1(0, t1); result.translate$2(0, -translation._dx, -translation._dy); return result; }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { return this.hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position); }, hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) { var t1 = this.transformHitTests ? this.get$_effectiveTransform() : null; return result.addWithPaintTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(new A.RenderTransform_hitTestChildren_closure(this), position, t1); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t1, childOffset, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this; if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null) { t1 = _this.get$_effectiveTransform(); t1.toString; childOffset = A.MatrixUtils_getAsTranslation(t1); if (childOffset == null) { t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing, "_needsCompositing"); t3 = A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype.get$paint.call(_this); t4 = _this._layerHandle; t5 = t4._layer; t4.set$layer(0, context.pushTransform$5$oldLayer(t2, offset, t1, t3, t5 instanceof A.TransformLayer ? t5 : null)); } else { _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset.$add(0, childOffset)); _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null); } } }, applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) { var t1 = this.get$_effectiveTransform(); t1.toString; transform.multiply$1(0, t1); } }; A.RenderTransform_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = { call$2(result, position) { return this.$this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$hitTestChildren(result, position); }, $signature: 19 }; A.RenderFractionalTranslation.prototype = { set$translation(value) { var _this = this; if (_this._translation.$eq(0, value)) return; _this._translation = value; _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { return this.hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position); }, hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (_this.transformHitTests) { t1 = _this._translation; t2 = _this._size; t2 = new A.Offset(t1._dx * t2._dx, t1._dy * t2._dy); t1 = t2; } else t1 = null; return result.addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(new A.RenderFractionalTranslation_hitTestChildren_closure(_this), t1, position); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null) { t1 = _this._translation; t2 = _this._size; _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, new A.Offset(offset._dx + t1._dx * t2._dx, offset._dy + t1._dy * t2._dy)); } }, applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) { var t1 = this._translation, t2 = this._size; transform.translate$2(0, t1._dx * t2._dx, t1._dy * t2._dy); } }; A.RenderFractionalTranslation_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = { call$2(result, position) { return this.$this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$hitTestChildren(result, position); }, $signature: 19 }; A.RenderPointerListener.prototype = { computeSizeForNoChild$1(constraints) { return new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight)); }, handleEvent$2($event, entry) { var t1, _null = null; if (type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) { t1 = this.onPointerDown.call$1($event); return t1; } if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event)) return _null; if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event)) { t1 = this.onPointerUp; return t1 == null ? _null : t1.call$1($event); } if (type$.PointerHoverEvent._is($event)) return _null; if (type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event)) { t1 = this.onPointerCancel; return t1 == null ? _null : t1.call$1($event); } if (type$.PointerSignalEvent._is($event)) return _null; } }; A.RenderMouseRegion.prototype = { hitTestSelf$1(position) { return true; }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { return this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position) && true; }, handleEvent$2($event, entry) { }, get$cursor(_) { return this._cursor; }, get$validForMouseTracker() { return this._validForMouseTracker; }, attach$1(owner) { this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$attach(owner); this._validForMouseTracker = true; }, detach$0(_) { this._validForMouseTracker = false; this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach(0); }, computeSizeForNoChild$1(constraints) { return new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight)); }, $isMouseTrackerAnnotation: 1, get$onEnter(receiver) { return this.onEnter; }, get$onExit(receiver) { return this.onExit; } }; A.RenderRepaintBoundary.prototype = { get$isRepaintBoundary() { return true; } }; A.RenderIgnorePointer.prototype = { set$ignoring(value) { var t1, _this = this; if (value === _this._ignoring) return; _this._ignoring = value; t1 = _this._ignoringSemantics; if (t1 == null || !t1) _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$ignoringSemantics(value) { var _this = this, oldEffectiveValue = _this._ignoringSemantics; if (value == oldEffectiveValue) return; if (oldEffectiveValue == null) oldEffectiveValue = _this._ignoring; _this._ignoringSemantics = value; if (oldEffectiveValue !== (value == null ? _this._ignoring : value)) _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { return !this._ignoring && this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position); }, visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) { var t2, t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) { t2 = this._ignoringSemantics; t2 = !(t2 == null ? this._ignoring : t2); } else t2 = false; if (t2) { t1.toString; visitor.call$1(t1); } } }; A.RenderOffstage.prototype = { set$offstage(value) { var _this = this; if (value === _this._offstage) return; _this._offstage = value; _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); _this.markParentNeedsLayout$0(); }, computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) { if (this._offstage) return null; return this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeDistanceToActualBaseline(baseline); }, get$sizedByParent() { return this._offstage; }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { if (this._offstage) return new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight)); return this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeDryLayout(constraints); }, performResize$0() { this.super$RenderBox$performResize(); }, performLayout$0() { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._offstage) { t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) t1.layout$1(0, A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)); } else _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$performLayout(); }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { return !this._offstage && this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position); }, paint$2(context, offset) { if (this._offstage) return; this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset); }, visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) { if (this._offstage) return; this.super$RenderObject$visitChildrenForSemantics(visitor); }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 == null) return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); return A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("child", this._offstage ? B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_2 : B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_1, t1)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); } }; A.RenderAbsorbPointer.prototype = { set$absorbing(value) { if (this._absorbing === value) return; this._absorbing = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$ignoringSemantics(value) { return; }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { return this._absorbing ? this._size.contains$1(0, position) : this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position); }, visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) { var t2, t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) { t2 = this._absorbing; t2 = !t2; } else t2 = false; if (t2) { t1.toString; visitor.call$1(t1); } } }; A.RenderSemanticsGestureHandler.prototype = { set$onTap(value) { var t1, _this = this; if (J.$eq$(_this._onTap, value)) return; t1 = _this._onTap; _this._onTap = value; if (value != null !== (t1 != null)) _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$onLongPress(value) { var t1, _this = this; if (J.$eq$(_this._onLongPress, value)) return; t1 = _this._onLongPress; _this._onLongPress = value; if (value != null !== (t1 != null)) _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$onHorizontalDragUpdate(value) { var t1, _this = this; if (J.$eq$(_this._onHorizontalDragUpdate, value)) return; t1 = _this._onHorizontalDragUpdate; _this._onHorizontalDragUpdate = value; if (value != null !== (t1 != null)) _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$onVerticalDragUpdate(value) { var t1, _this = this; if (J.$eq$(_this._onVerticalDragUpdate, value)) return; t1 = _this._onVerticalDragUpdate; _this._onVerticalDragUpdate = value; if (value != null !== (t1 != null)) _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config); t1 = _this._onTap; if (t1 != null) t2 = true; else t2 = false; if (t2) config.set$onTap(t1); t1 = _this._onLongPress; if (t1 != null) t2 = true; else t2 = false; if (t2) config.set$onLongPress(t1); if (_this._onHorizontalDragUpdate != null) { config.set$onScrollRight(_this.get$_performSemanticScrollRight()); config.set$onScrollLeft(_this.get$_performSemanticScrollLeft()); } if (_this._onVerticalDragUpdate != null) { config.set$onScrollUp(_this.get$_performSemanticScrollUp()); config.set$onScrollDown(_this.get$_performSemanticScrollDown()); } }, _performSemanticScrollLeft$0() { var t2, primaryDelta, t1 = this._onHorizontalDragUpdate; if (t1 != null) { t2 = this._size; primaryDelta = t2._dx * -0.8; t2 = t2.center$1(B.Offset_0_0); t2 = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(this.getTransformTo$1(0, null), t2); t1.call$1(new A.DragUpdateDetails(new A.Offset(primaryDelta, 0), primaryDelta, t2)); } }, _performSemanticScrollRight$0() { var t2, primaryDelta, t1 = this._onHorizontalDragUpdate; if (t1 != null) { t2 = this._size; primaryDelta = t2._dx * 0.8; t2 = t2.center$1(B.Offset_0_0); t2 = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(this.getTransformTo$1(0, null), t2); t1.call$1(new A.DragUpdateDetails(new A.Offset(primaryDelta, 0), primaryDelta, t2)); } }, _performSemanticScrollUp$0() { var t2, primaryDelta, t1 = this._onVerticalDragUpdate; if (t1 != null) { t2 = this._size; primaryDelta = t2._dy * -0.8; t2 = t2.center$1(B.Offset_0_0); t2 = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(this.getTransformTo$1(0, null), t2); t1.call$1(new A.DragUpdateDetails(new A.Offset(0, primaryDelta), primaryDelta, t2)); } }, _performSemanticScrollDown$0() { var t2, primaryDelta, t1 = this._onVerticalDragUpdate; if (t1 != null) { t2 = this._size; primaryDelta = t2._dy * 0.8; t2 = t2.center$1(B.Offset_0_0); t2 = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(this.getTransformTo$1(0, null), t2); t1.call$1(new A.DragUpdateDetails(new A.Offset(0, primaryDelta), primaryDelta, t2)); } } }; A.RenderSemanticsAnnotations.prototype = { set$container(value) { if (this._container === value) return; this._container = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$explicitChildNodes(value) { if (this._explicitChildNodes === value) return; this._explicitChildNodes = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$excludeSemantics(value) { return; }, set$checked(_, value) { return; }, set$enabled(_, value) { if (this._enabled == value) return; this._enabled = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$selected(_, value) { return; }, set$button(_, value) { if (this._button == value) return; this._button = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$slider(value) { return; }, set$keyboardKey(value) { return; }, set$link(value) { return; }, set$header(value) { return; }, set$textField(value) { return; }, set$readOnly(_, value) { return; }, set$focusable(value) { if (this._focusable == value) return; this._focusable = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$focused(_, value) { if (this._focused == value) return; this._focused = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$inMutuallyExclusiveGroup(value) { return; }, set$obscured(value) { return; }, set$multiline(_, value) { return; }, set$scopesRoute(value) { if (this._scopesRoute == value) return; this._scopesRoute = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$namesRoute(value) { return; }, set$hidden(_, value) { return; }, set$image(_, value) { return; }, set$liveRegion(value) { return; }, set$maxValueLength(value) { return; }, set$currentValueLength(value) { return; }, set$toggled(value) { return; }, set$attributedLabel(value) { if (J.$eq$(this._attributedLabel, value)) return; this._attributedLabel = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$attributedValue(value) { if (J.$eq$(this._attributedValue, value)) return; this._attributedValue = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$attributedIncreasedValue(value) { if (J.$eq$(this._attributedIncreasedValue, value)) return; this._attributedIncreasedValue = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$attributedDecreasedValue(value) { if (J.$eq$(this._attributedDecreasedValue, value)) return; this._attributedDecreasedValue = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$attributedHint(value) { if (J.$eq$(this._attributedHint, value)) return; this._attributedHint = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$hintOverrides(value) { if (J.$eq$(this._hintOverrides, value)) return; this._hintOverrides = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$textDirection(_, value) { if (this._textDirection == value) return; this._textDirection = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$sortKey(value) { if (this._sortKey == value) return; this._sortKey = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$tagForChildren(value) { if (J.$eq$(this._tagForChildren, value)) return; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); this._tagForChildren = value; }, set$onTap(handler) { var t1, _this = this; if (J.$eq$(_this._onTap, handler)) return; t1 = _this._onTap; _this._onTap = handler; if (handler != null !== (t1 != null)) _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$onDismiss(handler) { var t1, _this = this; if (J.$eq$(_this._onDismiss, handler)) return; t1 = _this._onDismiss; _this._onDismiss = handler; if (handler != null !== (t1 != null)) _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$onLongPress(handler) { var t1, _this = this; if (J.$eq$(_this._onLongPress, handler)) return; t1 = _this._onLongPress; _this._onLongPress = handler; if (handler != null !== (t1 != null)) _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, set$onScrollLeft(handler) { return; }, set$onScrollRight(handler) { return; }, set$onScrollUp(handler) { return; }, set$onScrollDown(handler) { return; }, set$onIncrease(handler) { return; }, set$onDecrease(handler) { return; }, set$onCopy(_, handler) { return; }, set$onCut(_, handler) { return; }, set$onPaste(_, handler) { return; }, set$onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter(handler) { return; }, set$onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter(handler) { return; }, set$onMoveCursorForwardByWord(handler) { return; }, set$onMoveCursorBackwardByWord(handler) { return; }, set$onSetSelection(handler) { return; }, set$onSetText(handler) { return; }, set$onDidGainAccessibilityFocus(handler) { return; }, set$onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus(handler) { return; }, set$customSemanticsActions(value) { return; }, visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) { this.super$RenderObject$visitChildrenForSemantics(visitor); }, describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config); config._isSemanticBoundary = _this._container; config.explicitChildNodes = _this._explicitChildNodes; t1 = _this._enabled; if (t1 != null) { config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_64, true); config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_128, t1); } t1 = _this._button; if (t1 != null) config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_8, t1); t1 = _this._focusable; if (t1 != null) config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_2097152, t1); t1 = _this._focused; if (t1 != null) config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_32, t1); t1 = _this._attributedLabel; if (t1 != null) { config._semantics$_attributedLabel = t1; config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; } t1 = _this._attributedValue; if (t1 != null) { config._semantics$_attributedValue = t1; config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; } t1 = _this._attributedIncreasedValue; if (t1 != null) { config._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = t1; config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; } t1 = _this._attributedDecreasedValue; if (t1 != null) { config._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = t1; config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; } t1 = _this._attributedHint; if (t1 != null) { config._semantics$_attributedHint = t1; config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; } _this._hintOverrides != null; t1 = _this._scopesRoute; if (t1 != null) config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_2048, t1); t1 = _this._textDirection; if (t1 != null) { config._semantics$_textDirection = t1; config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; } t1 = _this._sortKey; if (t1 != null) { config._semantics$_sortKey = t1; config._hasBeenAnnotated = true; } t1 = _this._tagForChildren; if (t1 != null) { t2 = config._tagsForChildren; (t2 == null ? config._tagsForChildren = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.SemanticsTag) : t2).add$1(0, t1); } if (_this._onTap != null) config.set$onTap(_this.get$_performTap()); if (_this._onLongPress != null) config.set$onLongPress(_this.get$_performLongPress()); if (_this._onDismiss != null) config.set$onDismiss(_this.get$_performDismiss()); }, _performTap$0() { var t1 = this._onTap; if (t1 != null) t1.call$0(); }, _performLongPress$0() { var t1 = this._onLongPress; if (t1 != null) t1.call$0(); }, _performDismiss$0() { var t1 = this._onDismiss; if (t1 != null) t1.call$0(); } }; A.RenderBlockSemantics.prototype = { set$blocking(value) { return; }, describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) { this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config); config.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes = true; } }; A.RenderMergeSemantics.prototype = { describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) { this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config); config._hasBeenAnnotated = config._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants = config._isSemanticBoundary = true; } }; A.RenderExcludeSemantics.prototype = { set$excluding(value) { if (value === this._excluding) return; this._excluding = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); }, visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) { if (this._excluding) return; this.super$RenderObject$visitChildrenForSemantics(visitor); } }; A._RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype = { computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) return t1.getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline); return this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeDistanceToActualBaseline(baseline); } }; A._RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderProxyBoxMixin_RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin.prototype = { attach$1(owner) { var _this = this; _this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$attach(owner); _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__opacity.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateOpacity()); _this._updateOpacity$0(); }, detach$0(_) { this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__opacity.removeListener$1(0, this.get$_updateOpacity()); this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach(0); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t1, t2, t3, layer, t4, _this = this; if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null) { t1 = _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alpha; if (t1 === 0) { _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null); return; } t1.toString; t2 = A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype.get$paint.call(_this); t3 = _this._layerHandle; layer = type$.nullable_OpacityLayer._as(t3._layer); if (layer == null) layer = new A.OpacityLayer(B.Offset_0_0, A.LayerHandle$()); t4 = layer._alpha; if (t1 !== t4) { if (t1 === 255 || t4 === 255) layer.set$engineLayer(null); layer._alpha = t1; layer.markNeedsAddToScene$0(); } layer.set$offset(0, offset); context.pushLayer$3(layer, t2, B.Offset_0_0); t3.set$layer(0, layer); } } }; A._RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin.prototype = { attach$1(owner) { var t1; this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner); t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) t1.attach$1(owner); }, detach$0(_) { var t1; this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0); t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) t1.detach$0(0); } }; A._RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype = { computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) return t1.getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline); return this.super$RenderBox$computeDistanceToActualBaseline(baseline); } }; A.RenderShiftedBox.prototype = { computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) { var result, t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) { result = t1.getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline); t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.parentData; t1.toString; type$.BoxParentData._as(t1); if (result != null) result += t1.offset._dy; } else result = this.super$RenderBox$computeDistanceToActualBaseline(baseline); return result; }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t2, t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) { t2 = t1.parentData; t2.toString; context.paintChild$2(t1, type$.BoxParentData._as(t2).offset.$add(0, offset)); } }, hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) { t1 = t1.parentData; t1.toString; type$.BoxParentData._as(t1); return result.addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(new A.RenderShiftedBox_hitTestChildren_closure(this, position, t1), t1.offset, position); } return false; } }; A.RenderShiftedBox_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = { call$2(result, transformed) { return this.$this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed); }, $signature: 19 }; A.RenderPadding.prototype = { _shifted_box$_resolve$0() { var _this = this; if (_this._resolvedPadding != null) return; _this._resolvedPadding = _this._padding.resolve$1(_this._shifted_box$_textDirection); }, set$padding(_, value) { var _this = this; if (_this._padding.$eq(0, value)) return; _this._padding = value; _this._resolvedPadding = null; _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$textDirection(_, value) { var _this = this; if (_this._shifted_box$_textDirection == value) return; _this._shifted_box$_textDirection = value; _this._resolvedPadding = null; _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { var t1, innerConstraints, childSize, _this = this; _this._shifted_box$_resolve$0(); if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null) { t1 = _this._resolvedPadding; return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1.left + t1.right, t1.top + t1.bottom)); } t1 = _this._resolvedPadding; t1.toString; innerConstraints = constraints.deflate$1(t1); childSize = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.getDryLayout$1(innerConstraints); t1 = _this._resolvedPadding; return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1.left + childSize._dx + t1.right, t1.top + childSize._dy + t1.bottom)); }, performLayout$0() { var t1, innerConstraints, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this, constraints = A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this); _this._shifted_box$_resolve$0(); if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null) { t1 = _this._resolvedPadding; _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1.left + t1.right, t1.top + t1.bottom)); return; } t1 = _this._resolvedPadding; t1.toString; innerConstraints = constraints.deflate$1(t1); _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(0, innerConstraints, true); t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; t2 = t1.parentData; t2.toString; type$.BoxParentData._as(t2); t3 = _this._resolvedPadding; t4 = t3.left; t5 = t3.top; t2.offset = new A.Offset(t4, t5); t1 = t1._size; _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t4 + t1._dx + t3.right, t5 + t1._dy + t3.bottom)); } }; A.RenderAligningShiftedBox.prototype = { _shifted_box$_resolve$0() { var _this = this; if (_this._resolvedAlignment != null) return; _this._resolvedAlignment = _this._alignment.resolve$1(_this._shifted_box$_textDirection); }, set$alignment(value) { var _this = this; if (_this._alignment.$eq(0, value)) return; _this._alignment = value; _this._resolvedAlignment = null; _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$textDirection(_, value) { var _this = this; if (_this._shifted_box$_textDirection == value) return; _this._shifted_box$_textDirection = value; _this._resolvedAlignment = null; _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, alignChild$0() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this; _this._shifted_box$_resolve$0(); t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; t2 = t1.parentData; t2.toString; type$.BoxParentData._as(t2); t3 = _this._resolvedAlignment; t3.toString; t4 = _this._size; t4.toString; t1 = t1._size; t1.toString; t2.offset = t3.alongOffset$1(type$.Offset._as(t4.$sub(0, t1))); } }; A.RenderPositionedBox.prototype = { set$widthFactor(value) { if (this._widthFactor == value) return; this._widthFactor = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$heightFactor(value) { if (this._heightFactor == value) return; this._heightFactor = value; this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { var childSize, t2, _this = this, shrinkWrapWidth = _this._widthFactor != null || constraints.maxWidth === 1 / 0, shrinkWrapHeight = _this._heightFactor != null || constraints.maxHeight === 1 / 0, t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) { childSize = t1.getDryLayout$1(new A.BoxConstraints(0, constraints.maxWidth, 0, constraints.maxHeight)); if (shrinkWrapWidth) { t1 = _this._widthFactor; if (t1 == null) t1 = 1; t1 = childSize._dx * t1; } else t1 = 1 / 0; if (shrinkWrapHeight) { t2 = _this._heightFactor; if (t2 == null) t2 = 1; t2 = childSize._dy * t2; } else t2 = 1 / 0; return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1, t2)); } t1 = shrinkWrapWidth ? 0 : 1 / 0; return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1, shrinkWrapHeight ? 0 : 1 / 0)); }, performLayout$0() { var t2, t3, _this = this, constraints = A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this), shrinkWrapWidth = _this._widthFactor != null || constraints.maxWidth === 1 / 0, shrinkWrapHeight = _this._heightFactor != null || constraints.maxHeight === 1 / 0, t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) { t1.layout$2$parentUsesSize(0, new A.BoxConstraints(0, constraints.maxWidth, 0, constraints.maxHeight), true); if (shrinkWrapWidth) { t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size._dx; t2 = _this._widthFactor; t1 *= t2 == null ? 1 : t2; } else t1 = 1 / 0; if (shrinkWrapHeight) { t2 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size._dy; t3 = _this._heightFactor; t2 *= t3 == null ? 1 : t3; } else t2 = 1 / 0; _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1, t2)); _this.alignChild$0(); } else { t1 = shrinkWrapWidth ? 0 : 1 / 0; _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1, shrinkWrapHeight ? 0 : 1 / 0)); } } }; A._RenderShiftedBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin.prototype = { attach$1(owner) { var t1; this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner); t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) t1.attach$1(owner); }, detach$0(_) { var t1; this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0); t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) t1.detach$0(0); } }; A.RelativeRect.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; return other instanceof A.RelativeRect && other.left === _this.left && other.top === _this.top && other.right === _this.right && other.bottom === _this.bottom; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.left, _this.top, _this.right, _this.bottom, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "RelativeRect.fromLTRB(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.left, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.top, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.right, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.bottom, 1) + ")"; } }; A.StackParentData.prototype = { get$isPositioned() { var _this = this; return _this.top != null || _this.right != null || _this.bottom != null || _this.left != null || _this.width != null || false; }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String), t2 = _this.top; if (t2 != null) t1.push("top=" + A.debugFormatDouble(t2)); t2 = _this.right; if (t2 != null) t1.push("right=" + A.debugFormatDouble(t2)); t2 = _this.bottom; if (t2 != null) t1.push("bottom=" + A.debugFormatDouble(t2)); t2 = _this.left; if (t2 != null) t1.push("left=" + A.debugFormatDouble(t2)); t2 = _this.width; if (t2 != null) t1.push("width=" + A.debugFormatDouble(t2)); if (t1.length === 0) t1.push("not positioned"); t1.push(_this.super$BoxParentData$toString(0)); return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, "; "); } }; A.StackFit.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "StackFit." + this._name; } }; A.Overflow.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Overflow." + this._name; } }; A.RenderStack.prototype = { setupParentData$1(child) { if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.StackParentData)) child.parentData = new A.StackParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0); }, _stack$_resolve$0() { var _this = this; if (_this._stack$_resolvedAlignment != null) return; _this._stack$_resolvedAlignment = _this._stack$_alignment.resolve$1(_this._stack$_textDirection); }, set$alignment(value) { var _this = this; if (_this._stack$_alignment.$eq(0, value)) return; _this._stack$_alignment = value; _this._stack$_resolvedAlignment = null; _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, set$textDirection(_, value) { var _this = this; if (_this._stack$_textDirection == value) return; _this._stack$_textDirection = value; _this._stack$_resolvedAlignment = null; _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) { return this.defaultComputeDistanceToHighestActualBaseline$1(baseline); }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { return this._stack$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild$closure()); }, _stack$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, layoutChild) { var width, height, nonPositionedConstraints, child, t1, height0, width0, hasNonPositionedChildren, t2, childSize, _this = this; _this._stack$_resolve$0(); if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount === 0) return new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight)); width = constraints.minWidth; height = constraints.minHeight; switch (_this._fit.index) { case 0: nonPositionedConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, constraints.maxWidth, 0, constraints.maxHeight); break; case 1: nonPositionedConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tight(new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, width, constraints.maxWidth), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, height, constraints.maxHeight))); break; case 2: nonPositionedConstraints = constraints; break; default: nonPositionedConstraints = null; } child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.StackParentData, height0 = height, width0 = width, hasNonPositionedChildren = false; child != null;) { t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; t1._as(t2); if (!t2.get$isPositioned()) { childSize = layoutChild.call$2(child, nonPositionedConstraints); width0 = Math.max(width0, childSize._dx); height0 = Math.max(height0, childSize._dy); hasNonPositionedChildren = true; } child = t2.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } return hasNonPositionedChildren ? new A.Size(width0, height0) : new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, width, constraints.maxWidth), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, height, constraints.maxHeight)); }, performLayout$0() { var child, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _this = this, constraints = A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this); _this._stack$_hasVisualOverflow = false; _this._size = _this._stack$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild$closure()); child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.StackParentData, t2 = type$.Offset; child != null;) { t3 = child.parentData; t3.toString; t1._as(t3); if (!t3.get$isPositioned()) { t4 = _this._stack$_resolvedAlignment; t4.toString; t5 = _this._size; t5.toString; t6 = child._size; t6.toString; t3.offset = t4.alongOffset$1(t2._as(t5.$sub(0, t6))); } else { t4 = _this._size; t4.toString; t5 = _this._stack$_resolvedAlignment; t5.toString; _this._stack$_hasVisualOverflow = A.RenderStack_layoutPositionedChild(child, t3, t4, t5) || _this._stack$_hasVisualOverflow; } child = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } }, hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) { return this.defaultHitTestChildren$2$position(result, position); }, paintStack$2(context, offset) { this.defaultPaint$2(context, offset); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t3, _this = this, t1 = _this._clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0 && _this._stack$_hasVisualOverflow, t2 = _this._stack$_clipRectLayer; if (t1) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing, "_needsCompositing"); t3 = _this._size; t2.set$layer(0, context.pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, offset, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t3._dx, 0 + t3._dy), _this.get$paintStack(), _this._clipBehavior, t2._layer)); } else { t2.set$layer(0, null); _this.defaultPaint$2(context, offset); } }, dispose$0(_) { this._stack$_clipRectLayer.set$layer(0, null); this.super$RenderObject$dispose(0); }, describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child) { var t1; if (this._stack$_hasVisualOverflow) { t1 = this._size; t1 = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy); } else t1 = null; return t1; } }; A._RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = { attach$1(owner) { var child, t1, t2; this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner); child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.StackParentData; child != null;) { child.attach$1(owner); t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } }, detach$0(_) { var child, t1, t2; this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0); child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.StackParentData; child != null;) { child.detach$0(0); t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } } }; A._RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = {}; A.ViewConfiguration.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.ViewConfiguration && other.size.$eq(0, this.size) && other.devicePixelRatio === this.devicePixelRatio; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.size, this.devicePixelRatio, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return this.size.toString$0(0) + " at " + A.debugFormatDouble(this.devicePixelRatio) + "x"; } }; A.RenderView.prototype = { set$configuration(value) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (_this._view$_configuration.$eq(0, value)) return; _this._view$_configuration = value; t1 = _this._updateMatricesAndCreateNewRootLayer$0(); t2 = _this._layerHandle; t2._layer.detach$0(0); t2.set$layer(0, t1); _this.markNeedsPaint$0(); _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, _updateMatricesAndCreateNewRootLayer$0() { var rootLayer, t1 = this._view$_configuration.devicePixelRatio; t1 = A.Matrix4_Matrix4$diagonal3Values(t1, t1, 1); this._rootTransform = t1; rootLayer = A.TransformLayer$(t1); rootLayer.attach$1(this); return rootLayer; }, performResize$0() { }, performLayout$0() { var t2, t1 = this._view$_configuration.size; this._view$_size = t1; t2 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t2 != null) t2.layout$1(0, A.BoxConstraints$tight(t1)); }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) t1.hitTest$2$position(new A.BoxHitTestResult(result._path, result._transforms, result._localTransforms), position); t1 = new A.HitTestEntry(this); result._globalizeTransforms$0(); t1._transform = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(result._transforms); result._path.push(t1); return true; }, hitTestMouseTrackers$1(position) { var result, t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_HitTestEntry), t2 = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); t2.setIdentity$0(); result = new A.BoxHitTestResult(t1, A._setArrayType([t2], type$.JSArray_Matrix4_2), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__TransformPart)); this.hitTest$2$position(result, position); return result; }, get$isRepaintBoundary() { return true; }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) context.paintChild$2(t1, offset); }, applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) { var t1 = this._rootTransform; t1.toString; transform.multiply$1(0, t1); this.super$RenderObject$applyPaintTransform(child, transform); }, compositeFrame$0() { var builder, scene, t1, bounds, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6; A.Timeline_startSync("COMPOSITING", B.Map_9aZ6I, null); try { builder = A.SceneBuilder_SceneBuilder(); t1 = this._layerHandle; scene = t1._layer.buildScene$1(builder); bounds = this.get$paintBounds(); t2 = bounds.get$center(); t3 = this._window; t3.get$viewConfiguration(); t4 = bounds.get$center(); t3.get$viewConfiguration(); t5 = t1._layer; t6 = type$.SystemUiOverlayStyle; t5.find$1$1(0, new A.Offset(t2._dx, 0), t6); switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) { case 0: t1._layer.find$1$1(0, new A.Offset(t4._dx, bounds.bottom - 1 - 0), t6); break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: break; } t3.platformDispatcher.render$2(scene, t3); J.dispose$0$x(scene); } finally { A.Timeline_finishSync(); } }, get$paintBounds() { var t1 = this._view$_size.$mul(0, this._view$_configuration.devicePixelRatio); return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy); }, get$semanticBounds() { var t2, t1 = this._rootTransform; t1.toString; t2 = this._view$_size; return A.MatrixUtils_transformRect(t1, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy)); } }; A._RenderView_RenderObject_RenderObjectWithChildMixin.prototype = { attach$1(owner) { var t1; this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner); t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) t1.attach$1(owner); }, detach$0(_) { var t1; this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0); t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) t1.detach$0(0); } }; A._FrameCallbackEntry.prototype = {}; A.SchedulerPhase.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "SchedulerPhase." + this._name; } }; A.SchedulerBinding.prototype = { addTimingsCallback$1(callback) { var t1 = this.SchedulerBinding__timingsCallbacks; t1.push(callback); if (t1.length === 1) { t1 = $.$get$window().platformDispatcher; t1._onReportTimings = this.get$_executeTimingsCallbacks(); t1._onReportTimingsZone = $.Zone__current; } }, removeTimingsCallback$1(callback) { var t1 = this.SchedulerBinding__timingsCallbacks; B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1, callback); if (t1.length === 0) { t1 = $.$get$window().platformDispatcher; t1._onReportTimings = null; t1._onReportTimingsZone = $.Zone__current; } }, _executeTimingsCallbacks$1(timings) { var callback, exception, stack, t2, _i, exception0, t3, t4, t1 = this.SchedulerBinding__timingsCallbacks, clonedCallbacks = A.List_List$of(t1, true, type$.void_Function_List_FrameTiming); for (t2 = clonedCallbacks.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) { callback = clonedCallbacks[_i]; try { if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t1, callback)) callback.call$1(timings); } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); t3 = A.ErrorDescription$("while executing callbacks for FrameTiming"); t4 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError(); if (t4 != null) t4.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "Flutter framework", t3, null, false)); } } }, handleAppLifecycleStateChanged$1(state) { this.SchedulerBinding__lifecycleState = state; switch (state.index) { case 0: case 1: this._setFramesEnabledState$1(true); break; case 2: case 3: this._setFramesEnabledState$1(false); break; } }, _ensureEventLoopCallback$0() { if (this.SchedulerBinding__hasRequestedAnEventLoopCallback) return; this.SchedulerBinding__hasRequestedAnEventLoopCallback = true; A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, this.get$_runTasks()); }, _runTasks$0() { this.SchedulerBinding__hasRequestedAnEventLoopCallback = false; if (this.handleEventLoopCallback$0()) this._ensureEventLoopCallback$0(); }, handleEventLoopCallback$0() { var entry, exception, exceptionStack, newLength, last, exception0, _this = this, _s10_ = "No element", t1 = _this.SchedulerBinding__taskQueue, t2 = t1._priority_queue$_length === 0; if (t2 || _this._lockCount > 0) return false; if (t2) A.throwExpression(A.StateError$(_s10_)); entry = t1._elementAt$1(0); t2 = entry.priority; if (_this.SchedulerBinding_schedulingStrategy.call$2$priority$scheduler(t2, _this)) { try { if (t1._priority_queue$_length === 0) A.throwExpression(A.StateError$(_s10_)); ++t1._priority_queue$_modificationCount; t1._elementAt$1(0); newLength = t1._priority_queue$_length - 1; last = t1._elementAt$1(newLength); B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(t1._priority_queue$_queue, newLength, null); t1._priority_queue$_length = newLength; if (newLength > 0) t1._bubbleDown$2(last, 0); entry.run$0(); } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); exceptionStack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); t2 = A.ErrorDescription$("during a task callback"); A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, exceptionStack, "scheduler library", t2, null, false)); } return t1._priority_queue$_length !== 0; } return false; }, scheduleFrameCallback$2$rescheduling(callback, rescheduling) { var t1, _this = this; _this.scheduleFrame$0(); t1 = ++_this.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCallbackId; _this.SchedulerBinding__transientCallbacks.$indexSet(0, t1, new A._FrameCallbackEntry(callback)); return _this.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCallbackId; }, get$endOfFrame() { var _this = this; if (_this.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCompleter == null) { if (_this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase === B.SchedulerPhase_0) _this.scheduleFrame$0(); _this.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCompleter = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void); _this.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A.SchedulerBinding_endOfFrame_closure(_this)); } return _this.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCompleter.future; }, get$framesEnabled() { return this.SchedulerBinding__framesEnabled; }, _setFramesEnabledState$1(enabled) { if (this.SchedulerBinding__framesEnabled === enabled) return; this.SchedulerBinding__framesEnabled = enabled; if (enabled) this.scheduleFrame$0(); }, ensureVisualUpdate$0() { switch (this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase.index) { case 0: case 4: this.scheduleFrame$0(); return; case 1: case 2: case 3: return; } }, scheduleFrame$0() { var t1, _this = this; if (!_this.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame) t1 = !(A.SchedulerBinding.prototype.get$framesEnabled.call(_this) && _this.WidgetsBinding__readyToProduceFrames); else t1 = true; if (t1) return; t1 = $.$get$window().platformDispatcher; if (t1._onBeginFrame == null) { t1._onBeginFrame = _this.get$_handleBeginFrame(); t1._onBeginFrameZone = $.Zone__current; } if (t1._onDrawFrame == null) { t1._onDrawFrame = _this.get$_handleDrawFrame(); t1._onDrawFrameZone = $.Zone__current; } t1.scheduleFrame$0(); _this.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame = true; }, scheduleForcedFrame$0() { var _this = this; if (!(A.SchedulerBinding.prototype.get$framesEnabled.call(_this) && _this.WidgetsBinding__readyToProduceFrames)) return; if (_this.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame) return; $.$get$window().platformDispatcher.scheduleFrame$0(); _this.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame = true; }, scheduleWarmUpFrame$0() { var timelineTask, hadScheduledFrame, _this = this; if (_this.SchedulerBinding__warmUpFrame || _this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase !== B.SchedulerPhase_0) return; _this.SchedulerBinding__warmUpFrame = true; timelineTask = A.TimelineTask$(); timelineTask.start$1(0, "Warm-up frame"); hadScheduledFrame = _this.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame; A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, new A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure(_this)); A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, new A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure0(_this, hadScheduledFrame)); _this.lockEvents$1(new A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure1(_this, timelineTask)); }, resetEpoch$0() { var _this = this; _this.SchedulerBinding__epochStart = _this._adjustForEpoch$1(_this.SchedulerBinding__lastRawTimeStamp); _this.SchedulerBinding__firstRawTimeStampInEpoch = null; }, _adjustForEpoch$1(rawTimeStamp) { var t1 = this.SchedulerBinding__firstRawTimeStampInEpoch, rawDurationSinceEpoch = t1 == null ? B.Duration_0 : new A.Duration(rawTimeStamp._duration - t1._duration); return A.Duration$(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(rawDurationSinceEpoch._duration / $._timeDilation) + this.SchedulerBinding__epochStart._duration, 0); }, _handleBeginFrame$1(rawTimeStamp) { if (this.SchedulerBinding__warmUpFrame) { this.SchedulerBinding__rescheduleAfterWarmUpFrame = true; return; } this.handleBeginFrame$1(rawTimeStamp); }, _handleDrawFrame$0() { var _this = this; if (_this.SchedulerBinding__rescheduleAfterWarmUpFrame) { _this.SchedulerBinding__rescheduleAfterWarmUpFrame = false; _this.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A.SchedulerBinding__handleDrawFrame_closure(_this)); return; } _this.handleDrawFrame$0(); }, handleBeginFrame$1(rawTimeStamp) { var callbacks, t3, _this = this, t1 = _this.SchedulerBinding__frameTimelineTask, t2 = t1 == null; if (!t2) t1.start$2$arguments(0, "Frame", B.Map_9aZ6I); if (_this.SchedulerBinding__firstRawTimeStampInEpoch == null) _this.SchedulerBinding__firstRawTimeStampInEpoch = rawTimeStamp; t3 = rawTimeStamp == null; _this.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp = _this._adjustForEpoch$1(t3 ? _this.SchedulerBinding__lastRawTimeStamp : rawTimeStamp); if (!t3) _this.SchedulerBinding__lastRawTimeStamp = rawTimeStamp; _this.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame = false; try { if (!t2) t1.start$2$arguments(0, "Animate", B.Map_9aZ6I); _this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase = B.SchedulerPhase_1; callbacks = _this.SchedulerBinding__transientCallbacks; _this.SchedulerBinding__transientCallbacks = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$._FrameCallbackEntry); J.forEach$1$ax(callbacks, new A.SchedulerBinding_handleBeginFrame_closure(_this)); _this.SchedulerBinding__removedIds.clear$0(0); } finally { _this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase = B.SchedulerPhase_2; } }, handleDrawFrame$0() { var callback, localPostFrameCallbacks, callback0, t3, t4, _i, t5, _this = this, t1 = _this.SchedulerBinding__frameTimelineTask, t2 = t1 == null; if (!t2) t1.finish$0(0); try { _this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase = B.SchedulerPhase_3; for (t3 = _this.SchedulerBinding__persistentCallbacks, t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) { callback = t3[_i]; t5 = _this.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp; t5.toString; _this._invokeFrameCallback$2(callback, t5); } _this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase = B.SchedulerPhase_4; t3 = _this.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks; localPostFrameCallbacks = A.List_List$of(t3, true, type$.void_Function_Duration); B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t3, 0); for (t3 = localPostFrameCallbacks, t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) { callback0 = t3[_i]; t5 = _this.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp; t5.toString; _this._invokeFrameCallback$2(callback0, t5); } } finally { _this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase = B.SchedulerPhase_0; if (!t2) t1.finish$0(0); _this.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp = null; } }, _profileFramePostEvent$1(frameTiming) { var t1 = frameTiming._ui$_data, t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1), t3 = t1[1], t4 = t1[4], t5 = A.Duration$(t4, 0), t6 = t1[0]; A.postEvent("Flutter.Frame", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["number", t2, "startTime", t3, "elapsed", t5._duration - A.Duration$(t6, 0)._duration, "build", A.Duration$(t1[2], 0)._duration - A.Duration$(t3, 0)._duration, "raster", A.Duration$(t4, 0)._duration - A.Duration$(t1[3], 0)._duration, "vsyncOverhead", A.Duration$(t3, 0)._duration - A.Duration$(t6, 0)._duration], type$.String, type$.dynamic)); }, _invokeFrameCallback$3(callback, timeStamp, callbackStack) { var exception, exceptionStack, exception0, t1; try { callback.call$1(timeStamp); } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); exceptionStack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("during a scheduler callback"); A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, exceptionStack, "scheduler library", t1, null, false)); } }, _invokeFrameCallback$2(callback, timeStamp) { return this._invokeFrameCallback$3(callback, timeStamp, null); } }; A.SchedulerBinding_endOfFrame_closure.prototype = { call$1(timeStamp) { var t1 = this.$this; t1.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCompleter.complete$0(0); t1.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCompleter = null; }, $signature: 8 }; A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this.handleBeginFrame$1(null); }, $signature: 0 }; A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this; t1.handleDrawFrame$0(); t1.resetEpoch$0(); t1.SchedulerBinding__warmUpFrame = false; if (this.hadScheduledFrame) t1.scheduleFrame$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure1.prototype = { call$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this; var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.$this.get$endOfFrame(), $async$call$0); case 2: // returning from await. $async$self.timelineTask.finish$0(0); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer); }, $signature: 17 }; A.SchedulerBinding__handleDrawFrame_closure.prototype = { call$1(timeStamp) { var t1 = this.$this; t1.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame = false; t1.scheduleFrame$0(); }, $signature: 8 }; A.SchedulerBinding_handleBeginFrame_closure.prototype = { call$2(id, callbackEntry) { var t2, t3, t1 = this.$this; if (!t1.SchedulerBinding__removedIds.contains$1(0, id)) { t2 = callbackEntry.callback; t3 = t1.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp; t3.toString; t1._invokeFrameCallback$3(t2, t3, callbackEntry.debugStack); } }, $signature: 203 }; A.Ticker.prototype = { set$muted(_, value) { var t1, _this = this; if (value === _this._muted) return; _this._muted = value; if (value) _this.unscheduleTick$0(); else { t1 = _this._ticker$_future != null && _this._animationId == null; if (t1) _this._animationId = $.SchedulerBinding__instance.scheduleFrameCallback$2$rescheduling(_this.get$_ticker$_tick(), false); } }, stop$1$canceled(_, canceled) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._ticker$_future; if (t1 == null) return; _this._startTime = _this._ticker$_future = null; _this.unscheduleTick$0(); if (canceled) t1._cancel$1(_this); else t1._ticker$_complete$0(); }, _ticker$_tick$1(timeStamp) { var t1, _this = this; _this._animationId = null; t1 = _this._startTime; if (t1 == null) t1 = _this._startTime = timeStamp; _this._onTick.call$1(new A.Duration(timeStamp._duration - t1._duration)); if (!_this._muted && _this._ticker$_future != null && _this._animationId == null) _this._animationId = $.SchedulerBinding__instance.scheduleFrameCallback$2$rescheduling(_this.get$_ticker$_tick(), true); }, unscheduleTick$0() { var t2, t1 = this._animationId; if (t1 != null) { t2 = $.SchedulerBinding__instance; t2.SchedulerBinding__transientCallbacks.remove$1(0, t1); t2.SchedulerBinding__removedIds.add$1(0, t1); this._animationId = null; } }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._ticker$_future; if (t1 != null) { _this._ticker$_future = null; _this.unscheduleTick$0(); t1._cancel$1(_this); } }, toString$1$debugIncludeStack(_, debugIncludeStack) { var t1; "" + "Ticker("; t1 = "" + "Ticker()"; return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1; }, toString$0($receiver) { return this.toString$1$debugIncludeStack($receiver, false); } }; A.TickerFuture.prototype = { _ticker$_complete$0() { this._completed = true; this._primaryCompleter.complete$0(0); var t1 = this._secondaryCompleter; if (t1 != null) t1.complete$0(0); }, _cancel$1(ticker) { var t1; this._completed = false; t1 = this._secondaryCompleter; if (t1 != null) t1.completeError$1(new A.TickerCanceled(ticker)); }, whenCompleteOrCancel$1(callback) { var t2, t3, _this = this, t1 = new A.TickerFuture_whenCompleteOrCancel_thunk(callback); if (_this._secondaryCompleter == null) { t2 = _this._secondaryCompleter = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void); t3 = _this._completed; if (t3 != null) if (t3) t2.complete$0(0); else t2.completeError$1(B.TickerCanceled_null); } _this._secondaryCompleter.future.then$1$2$onError(0, t1, t1, type$.void); }, catchError$2$test(onError, test) { return this._primaryCompleter.future.catchError$2$test(onError, test); }, catchError$1(onError) { return this.catchError$2$test(onError, null); }, then$1$2$onError(_, onValue, onError, $R) { return this._primaryCompleter.future.then$1$2$onError(0, onValue, onError, $R); }, then$1$1($receiver, onValue, $R) { return this.then$1$2$onError($receiver, onValue, null, $R); }, whenComplete$1(action) { return this._primaryCompleter.future.whenComplete$1(action); }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = "#" + A.shortHash(this) + "(", t2 = this._completed; if (t2 == null) t2 = "active"; else t2 = t2 ? "complete" : "canceled"; return t1 + t2 + ")"; }, $isFuture: 1 }; A.TickerFuture_whenCompleteOrCancel_thunk.prototype = { call$1(value) { this.callback.call$0(); }, $signature: 14 }; A.TickerCanceled.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1 = this.ticker; if (t1 != null) return "This ticker was canceled: " + t1.toString$0(0); return 'The ticker was canceled before the "orCancel" property was first used.'; }, $isException: 1 }; A.SemanticsBinding.prototype = {}; A.AttributedString.prototype = { $add(_, other) { var t3, newString, newAttributes, _i, attribute, t4, t1 = this.string, t2 = t1.length; if (t2 === 0) return other; t3 = other.string; if (t3.length === 0) return this; newString = t1 + t3; newAttributes = A.List_List$of(this.attributes, true, type$.StringAttribute); t1 = other.attributes; t3 = t1.length; if (t3 !== 0) for (_i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { attribute = t1[_i]; t4 = attribute.range; newAttributes.push(J.copy$1$range$x(attribute, new A.TextRange(t4.start + t2, t4.end + t2))); } return new A.AttributedString(newString, newAttributes); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return J.get$runtimeType$(other) === A.getRuntimeType(this) && other instanceof A.AttributedString && other.string === this.string && A.listEquals0(other.attributes, this.attributes); }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.string, this.attributes, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "AttributedString('" + this.string + "', attributes: " + A.S(this.attributes) + ")"; } }; A.SemanticsData.prototype = { toStringShort$0() { return "SemanticsData"; }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (other instanceof A.SemanticsData) if (other.flags === _this.flags) if (other.actions === _this.actions) if (other.attributedLabel.$eq(0, _this.attributedLabel)) if (other.attributedValue.$eq(0, _this.attributedValue)) if (other.attributedIncreasedValue.$eq(0, _this.attributedIncreasedValue)) if (other.attributedDecreasedValue.$eq(0, _this.attributedDecreasedValue)) if (other.attributedHint.$eq(0, _this.attributedHint)) if (other.textDirection == _this.textDirection) if (other.rect.$eq(0, _this.rect)) if (A.setEquals(other.tags, _this.tags)) if (other.platformViewId == _this.platformViewId) t1 = J.$eq$(other.transform, _this.transform) && other.elevation === _this.elevation && other.thickness === _this.thickness && A.SemanticsData__sortedListsEqual(other.customSemanticsActionIds, _this.customSemanticsActionIds); else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(A.hashValues(_this.flags, _this.actions, _this.attributedLabel, _this.attributedValue, _this.attributedIncreasedValue, _this.attributedDecreasedValue, _this.attributedHint, _this.textDirection, _this.rect, _this.tags, _this.textSelection, _this.scrollChildCount, _this.scrollIndex, _this.scrollPosition, _this.scrollExtentMax, _this.scrollExtentMin, _this.platformViewId, _this.maxValueLength, _this.currentValueLength, _this.transform), _this.elevation, _this.thickness, A.hashList(_this.customSemanticsActionIds), B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A._SemanticsDiagnosticableNode.prototype = { getChildren$0() { return this.value.debugDescribeChildren$1$childOrder(this.childOrder); } }; A.SemanticsProperties.prototype = { toStringShort$0() { return "SemanticsProperties"; } }; A.SemanticsNode.prototype = { set$transform(_, value) { var t1; if (!A.MatrixUtils_matrixEquals(this._semantics$_transform, value)) { t1 = A.MatrixUtils_isIdentity(value); this._semantics$_transform = t1 ? null : value; this._semantics$_markDirty$0(); } }, set$rect(_, value) { if (!this._semantics$_rect.$eq(0, value)) { this._semantics$_rect = value; this._semantics$_markDirty$0(); } }, set$isMergedIntoParent(value) { if (this._isMergedIntoParent === value) return; this._isMergedIntoParent = value; this._semantics$_markDirty$0(); }, _replaceChildren$1(newChildren) { var t2, _i, t3, sawChange, child, t4, i, _this = this, t1 = _this._semantics$_children; if (t1 != null) for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) t1[_i]._dead = true; for (t1 = newChildren.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) newChildren[_i]._dead = false; t1 = _this._semantics$_children; if (t1 != null) for (t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.nullable_SemanticsNode, sawChange = false, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { child = t1[_i]; if (child._dead) { t4 = J.getInterceptor$x(child); if (t3._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t4, child)) === _this) { child._node$_parent = null; if (_this._node$_owner != null) child.detach$0(0); } sawChange = true; } } else sawChange = false; for (t1 = newChildren.length, t2 = type$.nullable_SemanticsNode, _i = 0; _i < newChildren.length; newChildren.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(newChildren), ++_i) { child = newChildren[_i]; t3 = J.getInterceptor$x(child); if (t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t3, child)) !== _this) { if (t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t3, child)) != null) { t3 = t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t3, child)); if (t3 != null) { child._node$_parent = null; if (t3._node$_owner != null) child.detach$0(0); } } child._node$_parent = _this; t3 = _this._node$_owner; if (t3 != null) child.attach$1(t3); t3 = child._depth; t4 = _this._depth; if (t3 <= t4) { child._depth = t4 + 1; child.redepthChildren$0(); } sawChange = true; } } if (!sawChange && _this._semantics$_children != null) for (t1 = _this._semantics$_children, t2 = t1.length, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) if (t1[i]._id !== newChildren[i]._id) { sawChange = true; break; } _this._semantics$_children = newChildren; if (sawChange) _this._semantics$_markDirty$0(); }, get$hasChildren() { var t1 = this._semantics$_children; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.length !== 0; return t1 === true; }, _visitDescendants$1(visitor) { var t2, _i, child, t1 = this._semantics$_children; if (t1 != null) for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { child = t1[_i]; if (!visitor.call$1(child) || !child._visitDescendants$1(visitor)) return false; } return true; }, redepthChildren$0() { var t1 = this._semantics$_children; if (t1 != null) B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(t1, this.get$redepthChild()); }, attach$1(owner) { var t1, t2, _i, _this = this; _this.super$AbstractNode$attach(owner); for (t1 = owner._nodes; t1.containsKey$1(0, _this._id);) _this._id = $.SemanticsNode__lastIdentifier = ($.SemanticsNode__lastIdentifier + 1) % 65535; t1.$indexSet(0, _this._id, _this); owner._detachedNodes.remove$1(0, _this); if (_this._semantics$_dirty) { _this._semantics$_dirty = false; _this._semantics$_markDirty$0(); } t1 = _this._semantics$_children; if (t1 != null) for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i].attach$1(owner); }, detach$0(_) { var t2, t3, _i, child, t4, _this = this, t1 = type$.nullable_SemanticsOwner; t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._nodes.remove$1(0, _this._id); t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._detachedNodes.add$1(0, _this); _this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0); t1 = _this._semantics$_children; if (t1 != null) for (t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.nullable_SemanticsNode, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { child = t1[_i]; t4 = J.getInterceptor$x(child); if (t3._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t4, child)) === _this) t4.detach$0(child); } _this._semantics$_markDirty$0(); }, _semantics$_markDirty$0() { var _this = this; if (_this._semantics$_dirty) return; _this._semantics$_dirty = true; if (_this._node$_owner != null) type$.nullable_SemanticsOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._semantics$_dirtyNodes.add$1(0, _this); }, updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config(_, childrenInInversePaintOrder, config) { var t1, _this = this; if (config == null) config = $.$get$SemanticsNode__kEmptyConfig(); if (_this._semantics$_attributedLabel.$eq(0, config._semantics$_attributedLabel)) if (_this._semantics$_attributedHint.$eq(0, config._semantics$_attributedHint)) if (_this._semantics$_elevation === config._semantics$_elevation) if (_this._thickness === config._thickness) if (_this._semantics$_attributedValue.$eq(0, config._semantics$_attributedValue)) if (_this._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue.$eq(0, config._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue)) if (_this._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue.$eq(0, config._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue)) if (_this._flags === config._flags) if (_this._semantics$_textDirection == config._semantics$_textDirection) if (_this._semantics$_sortKey == config._semantics$_sortKey) if (_this._actionsAsBits === config._actionsAsBits) if (_this._platformViewId == config._platformViewId) t1 = _this._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode !== config._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; if (t1) _this._semantics$_markDirty$0(); _this._semantics$_attributedLabel = config._semantics$_attributedLabel; _this._semantics$_attributedValue = config._semantics$_attributedValue; _this._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = config._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue; _this._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = config._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue; _this._semantics$_attributedHint = config._semantics$_attributedHint; _this._semantics$_hintOverrides = config._semantics$_hintOverrides; _this._semantics$_elevation = config._semantics$_elevation; _this._thickness = config._thickness; _this._flags = config._flags; _this._semantics$_textDirection = config._semantics$_textDirection; _this._semantics$_sortKey = config._semantics$_sortKey; _this._actions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(config._actions, type$.SemanticsAction, type$.void_Function_nullable_Object); _this._customSemanticsActions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(config._customSemanticsActions, type$.CustomSemanticsAction, type$.void_Function); _this._actionsAsBits = config._actionsAsBits; _this._textSelection = config._textSelection; _this._scrollPosition = config._scrollPosition; _this._scrollExtentMax = config._scrollExtentMax; _this._scrollExtentMin = config._scrollExtentMin; _this._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode = config._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants; _this._scrollChildCount = config._scrollChildCount; _this._scrollIndex = config._scrollIndex; _this.indexInParent = config._indexInParent; _this._platformViewId = config._platformViewId; _this._maxValueLength = config._maxValueLength; _this._currentValueLength = config._currentValueLength; _this._replaceChildren$1(childrenInInversePaintOrder == null ? B.List_empty9 : childrenInInversePaintOrder); }, updateWith$1$config($receiver, config) { return this.updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config($receiver, null, config); }, getSemanticsData$0() { var t1, elevation, customSemanticsActionIds, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, _this = this, _box_0 = {}; _box_0.flags = _this._flags; _box_0.actions = _this._actionsAsBits; _box_0.attributedLabel = _this._semantics$_attributedLabel; _box_0.attributedValue = _this._semantics$_attributedValue; _box_0.attributedIncreasedValue = _this._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue; _box_0.attributedDecreasedValue = _this._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue; _box_0.attributedHint = _this._semantics$_attributedHint; _box_0.textDirection = _this._semantics$_textDirection; t1 = _this.tags; _box_0.mergedTags = t1 == null ? null : A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, type$.SemanticsTag); _box_0.textSelection = _this._textSelection; _box_0.scrollChildCount = _this._scrollChildCount; _box_0.scrollIndex = _this._scrollIndex; _box_0.scrollPosition = _this._scrollPosition; _box_0.scrollExtentMax = _this._scrollExtentMax; _box_0.scrollExtentMin = _this._scrollExtentMin; _box_0.platformViewId = _this._platformViewId; _box_0.maxValueLength = _this._maxValueLength; _box_0.currentValueLength = _this._currentValueLength; elevation = _this._semantics$_elevation; _box_0.thickness = _this._thickness; customSemanticsActionIds = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.int); for (t1 = _this._customSemanticsActions, t1 = t1.get$keys(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) customSemanticsActionIds.add$1(0, A.CustomSemanticsAction_getIdentifier(t1.get$current(t1))); _this._semantics$_hintOverrides != null; if (_this._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode) _this._visitDescendants$1(new A.SemanticsNode_getSemanticsData_closure(_box_0, _this, customSemanticsActionIds)); t1 = _box_0.flags; t2 = _box_0.actions; t3 = _box_0.attributedLabel; t4 = _box_0.attributedValue; t5 = _box_0.attributedIncreasedValue; t6 = _box_0.attributedDecreasedValue; t7 = _box_0.attributedHint; t8 = _box_0.textDirection; t9 = _this._semantics$_rect; t10 = _this._semantics$_transform; t11 = _box_0.thickness; t12 = _box_0.mergedTags; t13 = _box_0.textSelection; t14 = _box_0.scrollChildCount; t15 = _box_0.scrollIndex; t16 = _box_0.scrollPosition; t17 = _box_0.scrollExtentMax; t18 = _box_0.scrollExtentMin; t19 = _box_0.platformViewId; t20 = _box_0.maxValueLength; t21 = _box_0.currentValueLength; t22 = A.List_List$of(customSemanticsActionIds, true, customSemanticsActionIds.$ti._eval$1("SetMixin.E")); B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(t22); return new A.SemanticsData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t9, t12, t10, elevation, t11, t22); }, _addToUpdate$2(builder, customSemanticsActionIdsUpdate) { var childrenInTraversalOrder, childrenInHitTestOrder, childCount, sortedChildren, i, t1, t2, customSemanticsActionIds, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this, data = _this.getSemanticsData$0(); if (!_this.get$hasChildren() || _this._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode) { childrenInTraversalOrder = $.$get$SemanticsNode__kEmptyChildList(); childrenInHitTestOrder = childrenInTraversalOrder; } else { childCount = _this._semantics$_children.length; sortedChildren = _this._childrenInTraversalOrder$0(); childrenInTraversalOrder = new Int32Array(childCount); for (i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) childrenInTraversalOrder[i] = sortedChildren[i]._id; childrenInHitTestOrder = new Int32Array(childCount); for (i = childCount - 1, t1 = _this._semantics$_children; i >= 0; --i) childrenInHitTestOrder[i] = t1[childCount - i - 1]._id; } t1 = data.customSemanticsActionIds; t2 = t1.length; if (t2 !== 0) { customSemanticsActionIds = new Int32Array(t2); for (i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) { t2 = t1[i]; customSemanticsActionIds[i] = t2; customSemanticsActionIdsUpdate.add$1(0, t2); } } else customSemanticsActionIds = null; t1 = _this._id; t2 = data.attributedLabel; t3 = data.attributedValue; t4 = data.attributedIncreasedValue; t5 = data.attributedDecreasedValue; t6 = data.attributedHint; t7 = data.transform; t7 = t7 == null ? null : t7._m4storage; if (t7 == null) t7 = $.$get$SemanticsNode__kIdentityTransform(); t8 = customSemanticsActionIds == null ? $.$get$SemanticsNode__kEmptyCustomSemanticsActionsList() : customSemanticsActionIds; builder._nodeUpdates.push(new A.SemanticsNodeUpdate(t1, data.flags, data.actions, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0 / 0, 0 / 0, 0 / 0, data.rect, t2.string, t2.attributes, t6.string, t6.attributes, t3.string, t3.attributes, t4.string, t4.attributes, t5.string, t5.attributes, null, data.textDirection, A.toMatrix32(t7), childrenInTraversalOrder, childrenInHitTestOrder, t8)); _this._semantics$_dirty = false; }, _childrenInTraversalOrder$0() { var t2, childrenInDefaultOrder, everythingSorted, sortNodes, lastSortKey, position, child, sortKey, isCompatibleWithPreviousSortKey, _this = this, inheritedTextDirection = _this._semantics$_textDirection, t1 = type$.nullable_SemanticsNode, ancestor = t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(_this, _this)); while (true) { t2 = inheritedTextDirection == null; if (!(t2 && ancestor != null)) break; inheritedTextDirection = ancestor._semantics$_textDirection; ancestor = t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(ancestor, ancestor)); } childrenInDefaultOrder = _this._semantics$_children; if (!t2) { childrenInDefaultOrder.toString; childrenInDefaultOrder = A._childrenInDefaultOrder(childrenInDefaultOrder, inheritedTextDirection); } t1 = type$.JSArray__TraversalSortNode; everythingSorted = A._setArrayType([], t1); sortNodes = A._setArrayType([], t1); for (lastSortKey = null, position = 0; position < childrenInDefaultOrder.length; ++position) { child = childrenInDefaultOrder[position]; sortKey = child._semantics$_sortKey; lastSortKey = position > 0 ? childrenInDefaultOrder[position - 1]._semantics$_sortKey : null; if (position !== 0) if (J.get$runtimeType$(sortKey) === J.get$runtimeType$(lastSortKey)) { if (sortKey != null) lastSortKey.toString; isCompatibleWithPreviousSortKey = true; } else isCompatibleWithPreviousSortKey = false; else isCompatibleWithPreviousSortKey = true; if (!isCompatibleWithPreviousSortKey && sortNodes.length !== 0) { if (lastSortKey != null) { if (!!sortNodes.immutable$list) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("sort")); t1 = sortNodes.length - 1; if (t1 - 0 <= 32) A.Sort__insertionSort(sortNodes, 0, t1, J._interceptors_JSArray__compareAny$closure()); else A.Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(sortNodes, 0, t1, J._interceptors_JSArray__compareAny$closure()); } B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(everythingSorted, sortNodes); B.JSArray_methods.set$length(sortNodes, 0); } sortNodes.push(new A._TraversalSortNode(child, sortKey, position)); } if (lastSortKey != null) B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(sortNodes); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(everythingSorted, sortNodes); t1 = type$.MappedListIterable__TraversalSortNode_SemanticsNode; return A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(everythingSorted, new A.SemanticsNode__childrenInTraversalOrder_closure(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); }, sendEvent$1($event) { if (this._node$_owner == null) return; B.BasicMessageChannel_8hp.send$1(0, $event.toMap$1$nodeId(this._id)); }, toStringShort$0() { return "SemanticsNode#" + this._id; }, toStringDeep$1$childOrder(childOrder) { A._SemanticsDiagnosticableNode$(childOrder, null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_1, this); return ""; }, toStringDeep$0() { return this.toStringDeep$1$childOrder(B.DebugSemanticsDumpOrder_1); }, toDiagnosticsNode$3$childOrder$name$style(childOrder, $name, style) { return new A._SemanticsDiagnosticableNode(childOrder, this, $name, true, true, null, style); }, toDiagnosticsNode$1$style(style) { return this.toDiagnosticsNode$3$childOrder$name$style(B.DebugSemanticsDumpOrder_1, null, style); }, toDiagnosticsNode$0() { return this.toDiagnosticsNode$3$childOrder$name$style(B.DebugSemanticsDumpOrder_1, null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_1); }, debugDescribeChildren$1$childOrder(childOrder) { var t1 = this.debugListChildrenInOrder$1(childOrder), t2 = A.instanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,DiagnosticsNode>"); return A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SemanticsNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure(childOrder), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { return this.debugDescribeChildren$1$childOrder(B.DebugSemanticsDumpOrder_0); }, debugListChildrenInOrder$1(childOrder) { var t1 = this._semantics$_children; if (t1 == null) return B.List_empty9; switch (childOrder.index) { case 0: return t1; case 1: return this._childrenInTraversalOrder$0(); } }, $isDiagnosticableTree: 1 }; A.SemanticsNode_getSemanticsData_closure.prototype = { call$1(node) { var t2, t3, t1 = this._box_0; t1.flags = t1.flags | node._flags; t1.actions = t1.actions | node._actionsAsBits; if (t1.textDirection == null) t1.textDirection = node._semantics$_textDirection; t1.textSelection = node._textSelection; t1.scrollChildCount = node._scrollChildCount; t1.scrollIndex = node._scrollIndex; t1.scrollPosition = node._scrollPosition; t1.scrollExtentMax = node._scrollExtentMax; t1.scrollExtentMin = node._scrollExtentMin; if (t1.platformViewId == null) t1.platformViewId = node._platformViewId; t1.maxValueLength = node._maxValueLength; t1.currentValueLength = node._currentValueLength; t2 = t1.attributedValue; if (t2.string === "") t1.attributedValue = node._semantics$_attributedValue; t2 = t1.attributedIncreasedValue; if (t2.string === "") t1.attributedIncreasedValue = node._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue; t2 = t1.attributedDecreasedValue; if (t2.string === "") t1.attributedDecreasedValue = node._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue; t2 = node.tags; if (t2 != null) { t3 = t1.mergedTags; (t3 == null ? t1.mergedTags = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.SemanticsTag) : t3).addAll$1(0, t2); } for (t2 = this.$this._customSemanticsActions, t2 = t2.get$keys(t2), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t3 = this.customSemanticsActionIds; t2.moveNext$0();) t3.add$1(0, A.CustomSemanticsAction_getIdentifier(t2.get$current(t2))); node._semantics$_hintOverrides != null; t2 = t1.attributedLabel; t3 = t1.textDirection; t1.attributedLabel = A._concatAttributedString(node._semantics$_attributedLabel, node._semantics$_textDirection, t2, t3); t3 = t1.attributedHint; t2 = t1.textDirection; t1.attributedHint = A._concatAttributedString(node._semantics$_attributedHint, node._semantics$_textDirection, t3, t2); t1.thickness = Math.max(t1.thickness, node._thickness + node._semantics$_elevation); return true; }, $signature: 59 }; A.SemanticsNode__childrenInTraversalOrder_closure.prototype = { call$1(sortNode) { return sortNode.node; }, $signature: 205 }; A.SemanticsNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure.prototype = { call$1(node) { return A._SemanticsDiagnosticableNode$(this.childOrder, null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_1, node); }, $signature: 206 }; A._BoxEdge.prototype = { compareTo$1(_, other) { return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(this.offset, other.offset); } }; A._SemanticsSortGroup.prototype = { compareTo$1(_, other) { return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(this.startOffset, other.startOffset); }, sortedWithinVerticalGroup$0() { var t1, t2, _i, child, t3, horizontalGroups, group, depth, edge, edges = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__BoxEdge); for (t1 = this.nodes, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { child = t1[_i]; t3 = child._semantics$_rect; edges.push(new A._BoxEdge(true, A._pointInParentCoordinates(child, new A.Offset(t3.left - -0.1, t3.top - -0.1))._dx, child)); edges.push(new A._BoxEdge(false, A._pointInParentCoordinates(child, new A.Offset(t3.right + -0.1, t3.bottom + -0.1))._dx, child)); } B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(edges); horizontalGroups = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__SemanticsSortGroup); for (t1 = edges.length, t2 = this.textDirection, t3 = type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode, group = null, depth = 0, _i = 0; _i < edges.length; edges.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(edges), ++_i) { edge = edges[_i]; if (edge.isLeadingEdge) { ++depth; if (group == null) group = new A._SemanticsSortGroup(edge.offset, t2, A._setArrayType([], t3)); group.nodes.push(edge.node); } else --depth; if (depth === 0) { group.toString; horizontalGroups.push(group); group = null; } } B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(horizontalGroups); if (t2 === B.TextDirection_0) { t1 = type$.ReversedListIterable__SemanticsSortGroup; horizontalGroups = A.List_List$of(new A.ReversedListIterable(horizontalGroups, t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); } t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(horizontalGroups)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<1,SemanticsNode>"); return A.List_List$of(new A.ExpandIterable(horizontalGroups, new A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinVerticalGroup_closure(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("Iterable.E")); }, sortedWithinKnot$0() { var t3, nodeMap, edges, t4, t5, t6, _i, node, t7, t8, center, _i0, t9, nextNode, t10, t11, nextCenter, direction, isLtrAndForward, isRtlAndForward, sortedIds, startNodes, t1 = this.nodes, t2 = t1.length; if (t2 <= 1) return t1; t3 = type$.int; nodeMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, type$.SemanticsNode); edges = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t3); for (t4 = this.textDirection, t5 = t4 === B.TextDirection_0, t4 = t4 === B.TextDirection_1, t6 = t2, _i = 0; _i < t6; t9 === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i, t6 = t9) { node = t1[_i]; nodeMap.$indexSet(0, node._id, node); t6 = node._semantics$_rect; t7 = t6.left; t8 = t6.top; center = A._pointInParentCoordinates(node, new A.Offset(t7 + (t6.right - t7) / 2, t8 + (t6.bottom - t8) / 2)); for (t6 = t1.length, t7 = center._dx, t8 = center._dy, _i0 = 0; t9 = t1.length, _i0 < t9; t1.length === t6 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i0) { nextNode = t1[_i0]; if ((node == null ? nextNode == null : node === nextNode) || edges.$index(0, nextNode._id) === node._id) continue; t9 = nextNode._semantics$_rect; t10 = t9.left; t11 = t9.top; nextCenter = A._pointInParentCoordinates(nextNode, new A.Offset(t10 + (t9.right - t10) / 2, t11 + (t9.bottom - t11) / 2)); direction = Math.atan2(nextCenter._dy - t8, nextCenter._dx - t7); isLtrAndForward = t4 && -0.7853981633974483 < direction && direction < 2.356194490192345; if (t5) isRtlAndForward = direction < -2.356194490192345 || direction > 2.356194490192345; else isRtlAndForward = false; if (isLtrAndForward || isRtlAndForward) edges.$indexSet(0, node._id, nextNode._id); } } sortedIds = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int); startNodes = A._setArrayType(t1.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)); B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(startNodes, new A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure()); new A.MappedListIterable(startNodes, new A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(startNodes)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,int>")).forEach$1(0, new A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_search(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t3), edges, sortedIds)); t1 = type$.MappedListIterable_int_SemanticsNode; t1 = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(sortedIds, new A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure1(nodeMap), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>"); return A.List_List$of(new A.ReversedListIterable(t1, t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); } }; A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinVerticalGroup_closure.prototype = { call$1(group) { return group.sortedWithinKnot$0(); }, $signature: 64 }; A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { var bTopLeft, verticalDiff, t1 = a._semantics$_rect, aTopLeft = A._pointInParentCoordinates(a, new A.Offset(t1.left, t1.top)); t1 = b._semantics$_rect; bTopLeft = A._pointInParentCoordinates(b, new A.Offset(t1.left, t1.top)); verticalDiff = B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(aTopLeft._dy, bTopLeft._dy); if (verticalDiff !== 0) return -verticalDiff; return -B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(aTopLeft._dx, bTopLeft._dx); }, $signature: 60 }; A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_search.prototype = { call$1(id) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.visitedIds; if (t1.contains$1(0, id)) return; t1.add$1(0, id); t1 = _this.edges; if (t1.containsKey$1(0, id)) { t1 = t1.$index(0, id); t1.toString; _this.call$1(t1); } _this.sortedIds.push(id); }, $signature: 26 }; A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure0.prototype = { call$1(node) { return node._id; }, $signature: 209 }; A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure1.prototype = { call$1(id) { var t1 = this.nodeMap.$index(0, id); t1.toString; return t1; }, $signature: 210 }; A._childrenInDefaultOrder_closure.prototype = { call$1(group) { return group.sortedWithinVerticalGroup$0(); }, $signature: 64 }; A._TraversalSortNode.prototype = { compareTo$1(_, other) { var t2, t1 = this.sortKey; if (t1 == null || other.sortKey == null) return this.position - other.position; t1.toString; t2 = other.sortKey; t2.toString; return t1.compareTo$1(0, t2); } }; A.SemanticsOwner.prototype = { sendSemanticsUpdate$0() { var customSemanticsActionIds, visitedNodes, t2, t3, t4, t5, localDirtyNodes, t6, t7, _i, node, t8, builder, _this = this, t1 = _this._semantics$_dirtyNodes; if (t1._collection$_length === 0) return; customSemanticsActionIds = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.int); visitedNodes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode); for (t2 = type$.nullable_SemanticsNode, t3 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable"), t4 = t3._eval$1("Iterable.E"), t5 = _this._detachedNodes; t1._collection$_length !== 0;) { localDirtyNodes = A.List_List$of(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure(_this), t3), true, t4); t1.clear$0(0); t5.clear$0(0); t6 = new A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure0(); if (!!localDirtyNodes.immutable$list) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("sort")); t7 = localDirtyNodes.length - 1; if (t7 - 0 <= 32) A.Sort__insertionSort(localDirtyNodes, 0, t7, t6); else A.Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(localDirtyNodes, 0, t7, t6); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(visitedNodes, localDirtyNodes); for (t6 = localDirtyNodes.length, _i = 0; _i < localDirtyNodes.length; localDirtyNodes.length === t6 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(localDirtyNodes), ++_i) { node = localDirtyNodes[_i]; if (node._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode || node._isMergedIntoParent) { t7 = J.getInterceptor$x(node); if (t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t7, node)) != null) { t8 = t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t7, node)); t8 = t8._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode || t8._isMergedIntoParent; } else t8 = false; if (t8) { t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t7, node))._semantics$_markDirty$0(); node._semantics$_dirty = false; } } } } B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(visitedNodes, new A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure1()); $.SemanticsBinding__instance.toString; builder = new A.SemanticsUpdateBuilder(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsNodeUpdate)); for (t2 = visitedNodes.length, _i = 0; _i < visitedNodes.length; visitedNodes.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(visitedNodes), ++_i) { node = visitedNodes[_i]; if (node._semantics$_dirty && node._node$_owner != null) node._addToUpdate$2(builder, customSemanticsActionIds); } t1.clear$0(0); for (t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(customSemanticsActionIds, customSemanticsActionIds._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) $.CustomSemanticsAction__actions.$index(0, t2._as(t1._collection$_current)).toString; $.SemanticsBinding__instance.toString; $.$get$window(); t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance; if (t1 == null) t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_(); t1.updateSemantics$1(new A.SemanticsUpdate(builder._nodeUpdates)); _this.notifyListeners$0(); }, _getSemanticsActionHandlerForId$2(id, action) { var t2, t1 = {}, result = t1.result = this._nodes.$index(0, id); if (result != null) t2 = (result._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode || result._isMergedIntoParent) && !result._actions.containsKey$1(0, action); else t2 = false; if (t2) result._visitDescendants$1(new A.SemanticsOwner__getSemanticsActionHandlerForId_closure(t1, action)); t2 = t1.result; if (t2 == null || !t2._actions.containsKey$1(0, action)) return null; return t1.result._actions.$index(0, action); }, performAction$3(id, action, args) { var handler = this._getSemanticsActionHandlerForId$2(id, action); if (handler != null) { handler.call$1(args); return; } if (action === B.SemanticsAction_256 && this._nodes.$index(0, id)._showOnScreen != null) this._nodes.$index(0, id)._showOnScreen.call$0(); }, toString$0(_) { return "#" + A.shortHash(this); } }; A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure.prototype = { call$1(node) { return !this.$this._detachedNodes.contains$1(0, node); }, $signature: 59 }; A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure0.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { return a._depth - b._depth; }, $signature: 60 }; A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure1.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { return a._depth - b._depth; }, $signature: 60 }; A.SemanticsOwner__getSemanticsActionHandlerForId_closure.prototype = { call$1(node) { if (node._actions.containsKey$1(0, this.action)) { this._box_0.result = node; return false; } return true; }, $signature: 59 }; A.SemanticsConfiguration.prototype = { _addAction$2(action, handler) { var _this = this; _this._actions.$indexSet(0, action, handler); _this._actionsAsBits = _this._actionsAsBits | action.index; _this._hasBeenAnnotated = true; }, _addArgumentlessAction$2(action, handler) { this._addAction$2(action, new A.SemanticsConfiguration__addArgumentlessAction_closure(handler)); }, set$onTap(value) { value.toString; this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_1, value); }, set$onLongPress(value) { value.toString; this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_2, value); }, set$onScrollLeft(value) { this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_4, value); }, set$onDismiss(value) { this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_262144, value); }, set$onScrollRight(value) { this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_8, value); }, set$onScrollUp(value) { this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_16, value); }, set$onScrollDown(value) { this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_32, value); }, set$onIncrease(value) { this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_64, value); }, set$onDecrease(value) { this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_128, value); }, set$onCopy(_, value) { this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_4096, value); }, set$onCut(_, value) { this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_8192, value); }, set$onPaste(_, value) { this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_16384, value); }, set$onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter(value) { this._addAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_512, new A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter_closure(value)); }, set$onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter(value) { this._addAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_1024, new A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter_closure(value)); }, set$onMoveCursorForwardByWord(value) { this._addAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_524288, new A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByWord_closure(value)); }, set$onMoveCursorBackwardByWord(value) { this._addAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_1048576, new A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByWord_closure(value)); }, set$onSetSelection(value) { this._addAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_2048, new A.SemanticsConfiguration_onSetSelection_closure(value)); }, set$onSetText(value) { this._addAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_2097152, new A.SemanticsConfiguration_onSetText_closure(value)); }, set$onDidGainAccessibilityFocus(value) { this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_32768, value); }, set$onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus(value) { this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_65536, value); }, set$platformViewId(value) { if (value === this._platformViewId) return; this._platformViewId = value; this._hasBeenAnnotated = true; }, set$maxValueLength(value) { return; }, set$currentValueLength(value) { return; }, set$elevation(_, value) { if (value === this._semantics$_elevation) return; this._semantics$_elevation = value; this._hasBeenAnnotated = true; }, _setFlag$2(flag, value) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._flags, t2 = flag.index; if (value) _this._flags = t1 | t2; else _this._flags = t1 & ~t2; _this._hasBeenAnnotated = true; }, isCompatibleWith$1(other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null || !other._hasBeenAnnotated || !_this._hasBeenAnnotated) return true; if ((_this._actionsAsBits & other._actionsAsBits) !== 0) return false; if ((_this._flags & other._flags) !== 0) return false; if (_this._platformViewId != null && other._platformViewId != null) return false; if (_this._semantics$_attributedValue.string.length !== 0) t1 = other._semantics$_attributedValue.string.length !== 0; else t1 = false; if (t1) return false; return true; }, absorb$1(child) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (!child._hasBeenAnnotated) return; _this._actions.addAll$1(0, child._actions); _this._customSemanticsActions.addAll$1(0, child._customSemanticsActions); _this._actionsAsBits = _this._actionsAsBits | child._actionsAsBits; _this._flags = _this._flags | child._flags; _this._textSelection = child._textSelection; _this._scrollPosition = child._scrollPosition; _this._scrollExtentMax = child._scrollExtentMax; _this._scrollExtentMin = child._scrollExtentMin; if (_this._semantics$_hintOverrides == null) _this._semantics$_hintOverrides = child._semantics$_hintOverrides; _this._indexInParent = child._indexInParent; _this._scrollIndex = child._scrollIndex; _this._scrollChildCount = child._scrollChildCount; if (_this._platformViewId == null) _this._platformViewId = child._platformViewId; _this._maxValueLength = child._maxValueLength; _this._currentValueLength = child._currentValueLength; t1 = _this._semantics$_textDirection; if (t1 == null) { t1 = _this._semantics$_textDirection = child._semantics$_textDirection; _this._hasBeenAnnotated = true; } if (_this._semantics$_sortKey == null) _this._semantics$_sortKey = child._semantics$_sortKey; t2 = _this._semantics$_attributedLabel; _this._semantics$_attributedLabel = A._concatAttributedString(child._semantics$_attributedLabel, child._semantics$_textDirection, t2, t1); t1 = _this._semantics$_attributedValue; if (t1.string === "") _this._semantics$_attributedValue = child._semantics$_attributedValue; t1 = _this._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue; if (t1.string === "") _this._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = child._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue; t1 = _this._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue; if (t1.string === "") _this._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = child._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue; t1 = _this._semantics$_attributedHint; t2 = _this._semantics$_textDirection; _this._semantics$_attributedHint = A._concatAttributedString(child._semantics$_attributedHint, child._semantics$_textDirection, t1, t2); _this._thickness = Math.max(_this._thickness, child._thickness + child._semantics$_elevation); _this._hasBeenAnnotated = _this._hasBeenAnnotated || child._hasBeenAnnotated; }, copy$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = A.SemanticsConfiguration$(); t1._isSemanticBoundary = _this._isSemanticBoundary; t1.explicitChildNodes = _this.explicitChildNodes; t1.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes = _this.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes; t1._hasBeenAnnotated = _this._hasBeenAnnotated; t1._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants = _this._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants; t1._semantics$_textDirection = _this._semantics$_textDirection; t1._semantics$_sortKey = _this._semantics$_sortKey; t1._semantics$_attributedLabel = _this._semantics$_attributedLabel; t1._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = _this._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue; t1._semantics$_attributedValue = _this._semantics$_attributedValue; t1._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = _this._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue; t1._semantics$_attributedHint = _this._semantics$_attributedHint; t1._semantics$_hintOverrides = _this._semantics$_hintOverrides; t1._semantics$_elevation = _this._semantics$_elevation; t1._thickness = _this._thickness; t1._flags = _this._flags; t1._tagsForChildren = _this._tagsForChildren; t1._textSelection = _this._textSelection; t1._scrollPosition = _this._scrollPosition; t1._scrollExtentMax = _this._scrollExtentMax; t1._scrollExtentMin = _this._scrollExtentMin; t1._actionsAsBits = _this._actionsAsBits; t1._indexInParent = _this._indexInParent; t1._scrollIndex = _this._scrollIndex; t1._scrollChildCount = _this._scrollChildCount; t1._platformViewId = _this._platformViewId; t1._maxValueLength = _this._maxValueLength; t1._currentValueLength = _this._currentValueLength; t1._actions.addAll$1(0, _this._actions); t1._customSemanticsActions.addAll$1(0, _this._customSemanticsActions); return t1; } }; A.SemanticsConfiguration__addArgumentlessAction_closure.prototype = { call$1(args) { this.handler.call$0(); }, $signature: 4 }; A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter_closure.prototype = { call$1(args) { args.toString; this.value.call$1(A._asBool(args)); }, $signature: 4 }; A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter_closure.prototype = { call$1(args) { args.toString; this.value.call$1(A._asBool(args)); }, $signature: 4 }; A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByWord_closure.prototype = { call$1(args) { args.toString; this.value.call$1(A._asBool(args)); }, $signature: 4 }; A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByWord_closure.prototype = { call$1(args) { args.toString; this.value.call$1(A._asBool(args)); }, $signature: 4 }; A.SemanticsConfiguration_onSetSelection_closure.prototype = { call$1(args) { var selection, t1, t2; args.toString; selection = J.cast$2$0$ax(type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(args), type$.String, type$.int); t1 = selection.$index(0, "base"); t1.toString; t2 = selection.$index(0, "extent"); t2.toString; this.value.call$1(A.TextSelection$(t1, t2)); }, $signature: 4 }; A.SemanticsConfiguration_onSetText_closure.prototype = { call$1(args) { args.toString; this.value.call$1(A._asString(args)); }, $signature: 4 }; A.DebugSemanticsDumpOrder.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "DebugSemanticsDumpOrder." + this._name; } }; A.SemanticsSortKey.prototype = { compareTo$1(_, other) { var t1 = this.doCompare$1(other); return t1; }, get$name(receiver) { return this.name; } }; A.OrdinalSortKey.prototype = { doCompare$1(other) { var t1 = other.order === this.order; if (t1) return 0; return B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(this.order, other.order); } }; A._SemanticsData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A._SemanticsNode_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = {}; A._SemanticsSortKey_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.SemanticsEvent.prototype = { toMap$1$nodeId(nodeId) { var $event = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["type", this.type, "data", this.getDataMap$0()], type$.String, type$.dynamic); if (nodeId != null) $event.$indexSet(0, "nodeId", nodeId); return $event; }, toString$0(_) { var _i, key, pairs = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String), dataMap = this.getDataMap$0(), t1 = dataMap.get$keys(dataMap), sortedKeys = A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(sortedKeys); for (t1 = sortedKeys.length, _i = 0; _i < sortedKeys.length; sortedKeys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(sortedKeys), ++_i) { key = sortedKeys[_i]; pairs.push(A.S(key) + ": " + A.S(dataMap.$index(0, key))); } return "SemanticsEvent(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(pairs, ", ") + ")"; } }; A.TapSemanticEvent.prototype = { getDataMap$0() { return B.Map_empty3; } }; A.AssetBundle.prototype = { loadString$2$cache(key, cache) { return this.loadString$body$AssetBundle(key, true); }, loadString$body$AssetBundle(key, cache) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, data; var $async$loadString$2$cache = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.load$1(0, key), $async$loadString$2$cache); case 3: // returning from await. data = $async$result; if (data.byteLength < 51200) { $async$returnValue = B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(data.buffer, 0, null)); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$returnValue = A.compute(A.asset_bundle_AssetBundle__utf8decode$closure(), data, 'UTF8 decode for "' + key + '"', type$.ByteData, type$.String); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$loadString$2$cache, $async$completer); }, toString$0(_) { return "#" + A.shortHash(this) + "()"; } }; A.CachingAssetBundle.prototype = { loadString$2$cache(key, cache) { return this.super$AssetBundle$loadString(key, true); } }; A.PlatformAssetBundle.prototype = { load$1(_, key) { return this.load$body$PlatformAssetBundle(0, key); }, load$body$PlatformAssetBundle(_, key) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.ByteData), $async$returnValue, t2, hasAuthority, path, encoded, asset, t1, userInfo, host, query, fragment, port; var $async$load$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_gnE, key, B.C_Utf8Codec, false); userInfo = A._Uri__makeUserInfo(null, 0, 0); host = A._Uri__makeHost(null, 0, 0, false); query = A._Uri__makeQuery(null, 0, 0, null); fragment = A._Uri__makeFragment(null, 0, 0); port = A._Uri__makePort(null, ""); if (host == null) t2 = userInfo.length !== 0 || port != null || false; else t2 = false; if (t2) host = ""; t2 = host == null; hasAuthority = !t2; path = A._Uri__makePath(t1, 0, t1.length, null, "", hasAuthority); t1 = t2 && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "/"); if (t1) path = A._Uri__normalizeRelativePath(path, hasAuthority); else path = A._Uri__removeDotSegments(path); encoded = B.C_Utf8Encoder.convert$1(A._Uri$_internal("", userInfo, t2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "//") ? "" : host, port, path, query, fragment).path); $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(A._lateReadCheck($.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger, "_defaultBinaryMessenger").send$2(0, "flutter/assets", A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(encoded.buffer, 0, null)), $async$load$1); case 3: // returning from await. asset = $async$result; if (asset == null) throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError_FlutterError("Unable to load asset: " + key)); $async$returnValue = asset; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$load$1, $async$completer); } }; A.BinaryMessenger.prototype = {}; A.ServicesBinding.prototype = { handleMemoryPressure$0() { var t1 = $.$get$rootBundle(); t1._stringCache.clear$0(0); t1._structuredDataCache.clear$0(0); }, handleSystemMessage$1(systemMessage) { return this.handleSystemMessage$body$ServicesBinding(systemMessage); }, handleSystemMessage$body$ServicesBinding(systemMessage) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this; var $async$handleSystemMessage$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start switch (A._asString(J.$index$asx(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(systemMessage), "type"))) { case "memoryPressure": $async$self.handleMemoryPressure$0(); break; } // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$handleSystemMessage$1, $async$completer); }, _addLicenses$0() { var controller = A._Cell$named("controller"); controller.set$finalLocalValue(A.StreamController_StreamController(new A.ServicesBinding__addLicenses_closure(controller), false, type$.LicenseEntry)); return J.get$stream$z(controller._readLocal$0()); }, readInitialLifecycleStateFromNativeWindow$0() { if (this.SchedulerBinding__lifecycleState != null) return; $.$get$window(); var state = A.ServicesBinding__parseAppLifecycleMessage("AppLifecycleState.resumed"); if (state != null) this.handleAppLifecycleStateChanged$1(state); }, _handleLifecycleMessage$1(message) { return this._handleLifecycleMessage$body$ServicesBinding(message); }, _handleLifecycleMessage$body$ServicesBinding(message) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_String), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1; var $async$_handleLifecycleMessage$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start message.toString; t1 = A.ServicesBinding__parseAppLifecycleMessage(message); t1.toString; $async$self.handleAppLifecycleStateChanged$1(t1); $async$returnValue = null; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleLifecycleMessage$1, $async$completer); }, _handlePlatformMessage$1(methodCall) { return this._handlePlatformMessage$body$ServicesBinding(methodCall); }, _handlePlatformMessage$body$ServicesBinding(methodCall) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void); var $async$_handlePlatformMessage$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start type$.List_dynamic._as(methodCall.$arguments); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handlePlatformMessage$1, $async$completer); } }; A.ServicesBinding__addLicenses_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, t1, rawLicenses, $async$temp1; var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start rawLicenses = A._Cell$named("rawLicenses"); $async$temp1 = rawLicenses; $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait($.$get$rootBundle().loadString$2$cache("NOTICES", false), $async$call$0); case 2: // returning from await. $async$temp1.set$finalLocalValue($async$result); t1 = $async$self.controller; $async$temp1 = J; $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(A.compute(A.binding0_ServicesBinding__parseLicenses$closure(), rawLicenses._readLocal$0(), "parseLicenses", type$.String, type$.List_LicenseEntry), $async$call$0); case 3: // returning from await. $async$temp1.forEach$1$ax($async$result, J.get$add$ax(t1._readLocal$0())); $async$goto = 4; return A._asyncAwait(J.close$0$x(t1._readLocal$0()), $async$call$0); case 4: // returning from await. // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer); }, $signature: 17 }; A._DefaultBinaryMessenger.prototype = { send$2(_, channel, message) { var t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_nullable_ByteData); $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance()._sendPlatformMessage$3(channel, message, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__zonedPlatformMessageResponseCallback(new A._DefaultBinaryMessenger_send_closure(new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_nullable_ByteData)))); return t1; }, setMessageHandler$2(channel, handler) { if (handler == null) { channel = $.$get$channelBuffers()._channels.$index(0, channel); if (channel != null) channel._channelCallbackRecord = null; } else $.$get$channelBuffers().setListener$2(channel, new A._DefaultBinaryMessenger_setMessageHandler_closure(handler)); } }; A._DefaultBinaryMessenger_send_closure.prototype = { call$1(reply) { var exception, stack, exception0, t1; try { this.completer.complete$1(0, reply); } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("during a platform message response callback"); A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "services library", t1, null, false)); } }, $signature: 11 }; A._DefaultBinaryMessenger_setMessageHandler_closure.prototype = { call$2(data, callback) { return this.$call$body$_DefaultBinaryMessenger_setMessageHandler_closure(data, callback); }, $call$body$_DefaultBinaryMessenger_setMessageHandler_closure(data, callback) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, exception, stack, exception0, t1, response, $async$exception0; var $async$call$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start response = null; $async$handler = 3; $async$goto = 6; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.handler.call$1(data), $async$call$2); case 6: // returning from await. response = $async$result; $async$next.push(5); // goto finally $async$goto = 4; break; case 3: // catch $async$handler = 2; $async$exception0 = $async$currentError; exception = A.unwrapException($async$exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception0); t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("during a platform message callback"); A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "services library", t1, null, false)); $async$next.push(5); // goto finally $async$goto = 4; break; case 2: // uncaught $async$next = [1]; case 4: // finally $async$handler = 1; callback.call$1(response); // goto the next finally handler $async$goto = $async$next.pop(); break; case 5: // after finally // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); case 1: // rethrow return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$2, $async$completer); }, $signature: 214 }; A.KeyboardLockMode.prototype = {}; A.KeyEvent.prototype = {}; A.KeyDownEvent.prototype = {}; A.KeyUpEvent.prototype = {}; A.KeyRepeatEvent.prototype = {}; A.HardwareKeyboard.prototype = { _dispatchKeyEvent$1($event) { var handled, handler, thisResult, exception, stack, t1, _i, exception0, t2, t3; this._duringDispatch = true; handled = false; for (t1 = this._handlers, _i = 0; false; ++_i) { handler = t1[_i]; try { thisResult = handler.call$1($event); handled = handled || thisResult; } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); t2 = A.ErrorDescription$("while processing a key handler"); t3 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError(); if (t3 != null) t3.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "services library", t2, null, false)); } } this._duringDispatch = false; return handled; } }; A.KeyDataTransitMode.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "KeyDataTransitMode." + this._name; } }; A.KeyMessage.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "KeyMessage(" + A.S(this.events) + ")"; } }; A.KeyEventManager.prototype = { handleKeyData$1(data) { var t1 = this._transitMode; switch ((t1 == null ? this._transitMode = B.KeyDataTransitMode_1 : t1).index) { case 0: return false; case 1: if (data.physical !== 0 && data.logical !== 0) this._keyEventsSinceLastMessage.push(A.KeyEventManager__eventFromData(data)); return false; } }, handleRawKeyMessage$1(message) { return this.handleRawKeyMessage$body$KeyEventManager(message); }, handleRawKeyMessage$body$KeyEventManager(message) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_dynamic), $async$returnValue, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, handled, message0, exception, stack, rawEvent, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _i, $event, physicalKey, logicalKey, lockMode, exception0; var $async$handleRawKeyMessage$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start if ($async$self._transitMode == null) { $async$self._transitMode = B.KeyDataTransitMode_0; $async$self._rawKeyboard._raw_keyboard$_listeners.push($async$self.get$_convertRawEventAndStore()); } rawEvent = A.RawKeyEvent_RawKeyEvent$fromMessage(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(message)); handled = $async$self._rawKeyboard.handleRawKeyEvent$1(rawEvent); for (t1 = $async$self._keyEventsSinceLastMessage, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self._hardwareKeyboard, t4 = t3._pressedKeys, t5 = t3._lockModes, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { $event = t1[_i]; physicalKey = $event.physicalKey; logicalKey = $event.logicalKey; if ($event instanceof A.KeyDownEvent) { t4.$indexSet(0, physicalKey, logicalKey); lockMode = $.$get$KeyboardLockMode__knownLockModes().$index(0, logicalKey.keyId); if (lockMode != null) if (t5.contains$1(0, lockMode)) t5.remove$1(0, lockMode); else t5.add$1(0, lockMode); } else if ($event instanceof A.KeyUpEvent) t4.remove$1(0, physicalKey); handled = t3._dispatchKeyEvent$1($event) || handled; } t2 = $async$self.keyMessageHandler; if (t2 != null) { message0 = new A.KeyMessage(t1, rawEvent); try { handled = t2.call$1(message0) || handled; } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); t2 = A.ErrorDescription$("while processing the key message handler"); A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "services library", t2, null, false)); } } B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t1, 0); $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["handled", handled], type$.String, type$.dynamic); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$handleRawKeyMessage$1, $async$completer); }, _convertRawEventAndStore$1(rawEvent) { var t2, physicalKeysPressed, recordedLogicalMain, timeStamp, character, mainEvent, t3, t4, t5, t6, _null = null, t1 = rawEvent.data, physicalKey = t1.get$physicalKey(), logicalKey = t1.get$logicalKey(); t1 = this._hardwareKeyboard._pressedKeys; t2 = t1.get$keys(t1); physicalKeysPressed = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t2, A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); recordedLogicalMain = t1.$index(0, physicalKey); timeStamp = $.ServicesBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__lastRawTimeStamp; character = rawEvent.character; if (character === "") character = _null; if (rawEvent instanceof A.RawKeyDownEvent) if (recordedLogicalMain == null) { mainEvent = new A.KeyDownEvent(physicalKey, logicalKey, character, timeStamp, false); physicalKeysPressed.add$1(0, physicalKey); } else mainEvent = new A.KeyRepeatEvent(physicalKey, recordedLogicalMain, character, timeStamp, false); else if (recordedLogicalMain == null) mainEvent = _null; else { mainEvent = new A.KeyUpEvent(physicalKey, recordedLogicalMain, _null, timeStamp, false); physicalKeysPressed.remove$1(0, physicalKey); } for (t2 = this._rawKeyboard._keysPressed, t3 = t2.get$keys(t2), t3 = physicalKeysPressed.difference$1(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t3, A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("Iterable.E"))), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3), t4 = this._keyEventsSinceLastMessage; t3.moveNext$0();) { t5 = t3.get$current(t3); t6 = t1.$index(0, t5); t6.toString; t4.push(new A.KeyUpEvent(t5, t6, _null, timeStamp, true)); } for (t1 = t2.get$keys(t2), t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")).difference$1(physicalKeysPressed), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t1.get$current(t1); t5 = t2.$index(0, t3); t5.toString; t4.push(new A.KeyDownEvent(t3, t5, _null, timeStamp, true)); } if (mainEvent != null) t4.push(mainEvent); } }; A._KeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.KeyboardKey.prototype = {}; A.LogicalKeyboardKey.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this.keyId); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.LogicalKeyboardKey && other.keyId === this.keyId; } }; A.PhysicalKeyboardKey.prototype = { get$hashCode(_) { return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this.usbHidUsage); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.PhysicalKeyboardKey && other.usbHidUsage === this.usbHidUsage; } }; A._KeyboardKey_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.MethodCall0.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "MethodCall(" + this.method + ", " + A.S(this.$arguments) + ")"; } }; A.PlatformException.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "PlatformException(" + _this.code + ", " + A.S(_this.message) + ", " + A.S(_this.details) + ", " + A.S(_this.stacktrace) + ")"; }, $isException: 1 }; A.MissingPluginException.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "MissingPluginException(" + A.S(this.message) + ")"; }, $isException: 1 }; A.StringCodec.prototype = { decodeMessage$1(message) { if (message == null) return null; return B.Utf8Decoder_false.convert$1(A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(message.buffer, message.byteOffset, message.byteLength)); }, encodeMessage$1(message) { if (message == null) return null; return A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(B.C_Utf8Encoder.convert$1(message).buffer, 0, null); } }; A.JSONMessageCodec0.prototype = { encodeMessage$1(message) { if (message == null) return null; return B.C_StringCodec.encodeMessage$1(B.C_JsonCodec.encode$1(message)); }, decodeMessage$1(message) { var t1; if (message == null) return message; t1 = B.C_StringCodec.decodeMessage$1(message); t1.toString; return B.C_JsonCodec.decode$1(0, t1); } }; A.JSONMethodCodec0.prototype = { encodeMethodCall$1(methodCall) { var t1 = B.C_JSONMessageCodec0.encodeMessage$1(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["method", methodCall.method, "args", methodCall.$arguments], type$.String, type$.nullable_Object)); t1.toString; return t1; }, decodeMethodCall$1(methodCall) { var t1, method, $arguments, _null = null, decoded = B.C_JSONMessageCodec0.decodeMessage$1(methodCall); if (!type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(decoded)) throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Expected method call Map, got " + A.S(decoded), _null, _null)); t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(decoded); method = t1.$index(decoded, "method"); $arguments = t1.$index(decoded, "args"); if (typeof method == "string") return new A.MethodCall0(method, $arguments); throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid method call: " + A.S(decoded), _null, _null)); }, decodeEnvelope$1(envelope) { var t1, t2, t3, _null = null, decoded = B.C_JSONMessageCodec0.decodeMessage$1(envelope); if (!type$.List_dynamic._is(decoded)) throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Expected envelope List, got " + A.S(decoded), _null, _null)); t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(decoded); if (t1.get$length(decoded) === 1) return t1.$index(decoded, 0); if (t1.get$length(decoded) === 3) if (typeof t1.$index(decoded, 0) == "string") t2 = t1.$index(decoded, 1) == null || typeof t1.$index(decoded, 1) == "string"; else t2 = false; else t2 = false; if (t2) { t2 = A._asString(t1.$index(decoded, 0)); t3 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(decoded, 1)); throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$(t2, t1.$index(decoded, 2), t3, _null)); } if (t1.get$length(decoded) === 4) if (typeof t1.$index(decoded, 0) == "string") if (t1.$index(decoded, 1) == null || typeof t1.$index(decoded, 1) == "string") t2 = t1.$index(decoded, 3) == null || typeof t1.$index(decoded, 3) == "string"; else t2 = false; else t2 = false; else t2 = false; if (t2) { t2 = A._asString(t1.$index(decoded, 0)); t3 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(decoded, 1)); throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$(t2, t1.$index(decoded, 2), t3, A._asStringQ(t1.$index(decoded, 3)))); } throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid envelope: " + A.S(decoded), _null, _null)); }, encodeSuccessEnvelope$1(result) { var t1 = B.C_JSONMessageCodec0.encodeMessage$1([result]); t1.toString; return t1; }, encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message(code, details, message) { var t1 = B.C_JSONMessageCodec0.encodeMessage$1([code, message, details]); t1.toString; return t1; }, encodeErrorEnvelope$2$code$message(code, message) { return this.encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message(code, null, message); } }; A.StandardMessageCodec0.prototype = { encodeMessage$1(message) { var buffer; if (message == null) return null; buffer = A.WriteBuffer$(); this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, message); return buffer.done$0(); }, decodeMessage$1(message) { var buffer, result; if (message == null) return null; buffer = new A.ReadBuffer(message); result = this.readValue$1(0, buffer); if (buffer._serialization$_position < message.byteLength) throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_oCg); return result; }, writeValue$2(_, buffer, value) { var t1, t2, t3, bytes, _this = this, _s17_ = "_eightBytesAsList"; if (value == null) buffer._serialization$_buffer._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 0); else if (A._isBool(value)) { t1 = value ? 1 : 2; buffer._serialization$_buffer._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, t1); } else if (typeof value == "number") { buffer._serialization$_buffer._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 6); buffer._alignTo$1(8); t1 = $.$get$Endian_host(); buffer._eightBytes.setFloat64(0, value, B.C_Endian === t1); buffer._serialization$_buffer.addAll$1(0, A._lateReadCheck(buffer.__WriteBuffer__eightBytesAsList, _s17_)); } else if (A._isInt(value)) { t1 = -2147483648 <= value && value <= 2147483647; t2 = buffer._serialization$_buffer; t3 = buffer._eightBytes; if (t1) { t2._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 3); t1 = $.$get$Endian_host(); t3.setInt32(0, value, B.C_Endian === t1); buffer._serialization$_buffer.addAll$3(0, A._lateReadCheck(buffer.__WriteBuffer__eightBytesAsList, _s17_), 0, 4); } else { t2._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 4); t1 = $.$get$Endian_host(); B.NativeByteData_methods.setInt64$3(t3, 0, value, t1); } } else if (typeof value == "string") { buffer._serialization$_buffer._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 7); bytes = B.C_Utf8Encoder.convert$1(value); _this.writeSize$2(buffer, bytes.length); buffer._serialization$_buffer.addAll$1(0, bytes); } else if (type$.Uint8List._is(value)) { buffer._serialization$_buffer._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 8); _this.writeSize$2(buffer, value.length); buffer._serialization$_buffer.addAll$1(0, value); } else if (type$.Int32List._is(value)) { buffer._serialization$_buffer._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 9); t1 = value.length; _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1); buffer._alignTo$1(4); buffer._serialization$_buffer.addAll$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, 4 * t1)); } else if (type$.Float32List._is(value)) { buffer._serialization$_buffer._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 14); t1 = value.length; _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1); buffer._alignTo$1(4); buffer._serialization$_buffer.addAll$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, 4 * t1)); } else if (type$.Float64List._is(value)) { buffer._serialization$_buffer._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 11); t1 = value.length; _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1); buffer._alignTo$1(8); buffer._serialization$_buffer.addAll$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, 8 * t1)); } else if (type$.List_dynamic._is(value)) { buffer._serialization$_buffer._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 12); t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(value); _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1.get$length(value)); for (t1 = t1.get$iterator(value); t1.moveNext$0();) _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, t1.get$current(t1)); } else if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(value)) { buffer._serialization$_buffer._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 13); t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(value); _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1.get$length(value)); t1.forEach$1(value, new A.StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure(_this, buffer)); } else throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(value, null, null)); }, readValue$1(_, buffer) { if (buffer._serialization$_position >= buffer.data.byteLength) throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_oCg); return this.readValueOfType$2(buffer.getUint8$0(0), buffer); }, readValueOfType$2(type, buffer) { var t1, t2, value, $length, list, result, i, t3, _this = this; switch (type) { case 0: return null; case 1: return true; case 2: return false; case 3: t1 = buffer._serialization$_position; t2 = $.$get$Endian_host(); value = buffer.data.getInt32(t1, B.C_Endian === t2); buffer._serialization$_position += 4; return value; case 4: return buffer.getInt64$0(0); case 6: buffer._alignTo$1(8); t1 = buffer._serialization$_position; t2 = $.$get$Endian_host(); value = buffer.data.getFloat64(t1, B.C_Endian === t2); buffer._serialization$_position += 8; return value; case 5: case 7: $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer); return B.Utf8Decoder_false.convert$1(buffer.getUint8List$1($length)); case 8: return buffer.getUint8List$1(_this.readSize$1(buffer)); case 9: $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer); buffer._alignTo$1(4); t1 = buffer.data; list = A.NativeInt32List_NativeInt32List$view(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + buffer._serialization$_position, $length); buffer._serialization$_position = buffer._serialization$_position + 4 * $length; return list; case 10: return buffer.getInt64List$1(_this.readSize$1(buffer)); case 14: $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer); buffer._alignTo$1(4); t1 = buffer.data; t2 = t1.buffer; t1 = t1.byteOffset + buffer._serialization$_position; A._checkViewArguments(t2, t1, $length); list = new Float32Array(t2, t1, $length); buffer._serialization$_position = buffer._serialization$_position + 4 * $length; return list; case 11: $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer); buffer._alignTo$1(8); t1 = buffer.data; list = A.NativeFloat64List_NativeFloat64List$view(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + buffer._serialization$_position, $length); buffer._serialization$_position = buffer._serialization$_position + 8 * $length; return list; case 12: $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer); result = A.List_List$filled($length, null, false, type$.nullable_Object); for (t1 = buffer.data, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { t2 = buffer._serialization$_position; if (t2 >= t1.byteLength) A.throwExpression(B.FormatException_oCg); buffer._serialization$_position = t2 + 1; result[i] = _this.readValueOfType$2(t1.getUint8(t2), buffer); } return result; case 13: $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer); t1 = type$.nullable_Object; result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1); for (t1 = buffer.data, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) { t2 = buffer._serialization$_position; if (t2 >= t1.byteLength) A.throwExpression(B.FormatException_oCg); buffer._serialization$_position = t2 + 1; t2 = _this.readValueOfType$2(t1.getUint8(t2), buffer); t3 = buffer._serialization$_position; if (t3 >= t1.byteLength) A.throwExpression(B.FormatException_oCg); buffer._serialization$_position = t3 + 1; result.$indexSet(0, t2, _this.readValueOfType$2(t1.getUint8(t3), buffer)); } return result; default: throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_oCg); } }, writeSize$2(buffer, value) { var t1, t2, _s17_ = "_eightBytesAsList"; if (value < 254) buffer._serialization$_buffer._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, value); else { t1 = buffer._serialization$_buffer; t2 = buffer._eightBytes; if (value <= 65535) { t1._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 254); t1 = $.$get$Endian_host(); t2.setUint16(0, value, B.C_Endian === t1); buffer._serialization$_buffer.addAll$3(0, A._lateReadCheck(buffer.__WriteBuffer__eightBytesAsList, _s17_), 0, 2); } else { t1._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 255); t1 = $.$get$Endian_host(); t2.setUint32(0, value, B.C_Endian === t1); buffer._serialization$_buffer.addAll$3(0, A._lateReadCheck(buffer.__WriteBuffer__eightBytesAsList, _s17_), 0, 4); } } }, readSize$1(buffer) { var t1, t2, value = buffer.getUint8$0(0); switch (value) { case 254: t1 = buffer._serialization$_position; t2 = $.$get$Endian_host(); value = buffer.data.getUint16(t1, B.C_Endian === t2); buffer._serialization$_position += 2; return value; case 255: t1 = buffer._serialization$_position; t2 = $.$get$Endian_host(); value = buffer.data.getUint32(t1, B.C_Endian === t2); buffer._serialization$_position += 4; return value; default: return value; } } }; A.StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { var t1 = this.$this, t2 = this.buffer; t1.writeValue$2(0, t2, key); t1.writeValue$2(0, t2, value); }, $signature: 45 }; A.StandardMethodCodec0.prototype = { encodeMethodCall$1(methodCall) { var buffer = A.WriteBuffer$(); B.C_StandardMessageCodec.writeValue$2(0, buffer, methodCall.method); B.C_StandardMessageCodec.writeValue$2(0, buffer, methodCall.$arguments); return buffer.done$0(); }, decodeMethodCall$1(methodCall) { var buffer, method, $arguments; methodCall.toString; buffer = new A.ReadBuffer(methodCall); method = B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer); $arguments = B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer); if (typeof method == "string" && buffer._serialization$_position >= methodCall.byteLength) return new A.MethodCall0(method, $arguments); else throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_Qi2); }, encodeSuccessEnvelope$1(result) { var buffer = A.WriteBuffer$(); buffer._serialization$_buffer._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 0); B.C_StandardMessageCodec.writeValue$2(0, buffer, result); return buffer.done$0(); }, encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message(code, details, message) { var buffer = A.WriteBuffer$(); buffer._serialization$_buffer._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, 1); B.C_StandardMessageCodec.writeValue$2(0, buffer, code); B.C_StandardMessageCodec.writeValue$2(0, buffer, message); B.C_StandardMessageCodec.writeValue$2(0, buffer, details); return buffer.done$0(); }, encodeErrorEnvelope$2$code$message(code, message) { return this.encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message(code, null, message); }, decodeEnvelope$1(envelope) { var buffer, errorCode, errorMessage, errorDetails, errorStacktrace, t1; if (envelope.byteLength === 0) throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_iDw); buffer = new A.ReadBuffer(envelope); if (buffer.getUint8$0(0) === 0) return B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer); errorCode = B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer); errorMessage = B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer); errorDetails = B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer); errorStacktrace = buffer._serialization$_position < envelope.byteLength ? A._asStringQ(B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer)) : null; if (typeof errorCode == "string") t1 = (errorMessage == null || typeof errorMessage == "string") && buffer._serialization$_position >= envelope.byteLength; else t1 = false; if (t1) throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$(errorCode, errorDetails, A._asStringQ(errorMessage), errorStacktrace)); else throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_pSr); } }; A.MouseCursorManager.prototype = { handleDeviceCursorUpdate$3(device, triggeringEvent, cursorCandidates) { var t1, lastSession, nextCursor, t2, nextSession; if (type$.PointerRemovedEvent._is(triggeringEvent)) { this._lastSession.remove$1(0, device); return; } t1 = this._lastSession; lastSession = t1.$index(0, device); nextCursor = A._DeferringMouseCursor_firstNonDeferred(cursorCandidates); if (nextCursor == null) nextCursor = this.fallbackMouseCursor; t2 = lastSession == null; if (J.$eq$(t2 ? null : lastSession.get$cursor(lastSession), nextCursor)) return; nextSession = nextCursor.createSession$1(device); t1.$indexSet(0, device, nextSession); if (!t2) lastSession.dispose$0(0); nextSession.activate$0(); } }; A.MouseCursorSession.prototype = { get$cursor(receiver) { return this.cursor; } }; A.MouseCursor0.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var debugDescription = this.get$debugDescription(); return debugDescription; } }; A._DeferringMouseCursor.prototype = { createSession$1(device) { throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); }, get$debugDescription() { return "defer"; } }; A._NoopMouseCursorSession.prototype = { activate$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void); var $async$activate$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$activate$0, $async$completer); }, dispose$0(_) { } }; A._NoopMouseCursor.prototype = { createSession$1(device) { return new A._NoopMouseCursorSession(this, device); }, get$debugDescription() { return "uncontrolled"; } }; A._SystemMouseCursorSession.prototype = { get$cursor(_) { return type$.SystemMouseCursor._as(this.cursor); }, activate$0() { return B.OptionalMethodChannel_meQ.invokeMethod$1$2("activateSystemCursor", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["device", this.device, "kind", type$.SystemMouseCursor._as(this.cursor).kind], type$.String, type$.dynamic), type$.void); }, dispose$0(_) { } }; A.SystemMouseCursor.prototype = { get$debugDescription() { return "SystemMouseCursor(" + this.kind + ")"; }, createSession$1(device) { return new A._SystemMouseCursorSession(this, device); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.SystemMouseCursor && other.kind === this.kind; }, get$hashCode(_) { return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.kind); } }; A._MouseCursor_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.BasicMessageChannel.prototype = { get$binaryMessenger() { var t1 = A._lateReadCheck($.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger, "_defaultBinaryMessenger"); return t1; }, send$1(_, message) { return this.send$body$BasicMessageChannel(0, message, this.$ti._eval$1("1?")); }, send$body$BasicMessageChannel(_, message, $async$type) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1; var $async$send$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self.codec; $async$temp1 = t1; $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.get$binaryMessenger().send$2(0, $async$self.name, t1.encodeMessage$1(message)), $async$send$1); case 3: // returning from await. $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.decodeMessage$1($async$result); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$send$1, $async$completer); }, setMessageHandler$1(handler) { this.get$binaryMessenger().setMessageHandler$2(this.name, new A.BasicMessageChannel_setMessageHandler_closure(this, handler)); }, get$name(receiver) { return this.name; } }; A.BasicMessageChannel_setMessageHandler_closure.prototype = { call$1(message) { return this.$call$body$BasicMessageChannel_setMessageHandler_closure(message); }, $call$body$BasicMessageChannel_setMessageHandler_closure(message) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_ByteData), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1; var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self.$this.codec; $async$temp1 = t1; $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.handler.call$1(t1.decodeMessage$1(message)), $async$call$1); case 3: // returning from await. $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.encodeMessage$1($async$result); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 75 }; A.MethodChannel.prototype = { get$binaryMessenger() { var t1 = A._lateReadCheck($.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger, "_defaultBinaryMessenger"); return t1; }, _invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk(method, $arguments, missingOk, $T) { return this._invokeMethod$body$MethodChannel(method, $arguments, missingOk, $T, $T._eval$1("0?")); }, _invokeMethod$body$MethodChannel(method, $arguments, missingOk, $T, $async$type) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, result; var $async$_invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self.name; t2 = $async$self.codec; $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.get$binaryMessenger().send$2(0, t1, t2.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall0(method, $arguments))), $async$_invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk); case 3: // returning from await. result = $async$result; if (result == null) { if (missingOk) { $async$returnValue = null; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } throw A.wrapException(A.MissingPluginException$("No implementation found for method " + method + " on channel " + t1)); } $async$returnValue = $T._eval$1("0?")._as(t2.decodeEnvelope$1(result)); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk, $async$completer); }, setMethodCallHandler$1(handler) { var t1 = this.get$binaryMessenger(); t1.setMessageHandler$2(this.name, new A.MethodChannel_setMethodCallHandler_closure(this, handler)); }, _handleAsMethodCall$2(message, handler) { return this._handleAsMethodCall$body$MethodChannel(message, handler); }, _handleAsMethodCall$body$MethodChannel(message, handler) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_ByteData), $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, e, error, t2, exception, t3, t1, $call, $async$exception, $async$temp1; var $async$_handleAsMethodCall$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self.codec; $call = t1.decodeMethodCall$1(message); $async$handler = 4; $async$temp1 = t1; $async$goto = 7; return A._asyncAwait(handler.call$1($call), $async$_handleAsMethodCall$2); case 7: // returning from await. t2 = $async$temp1.encodeSuccessEnvelope$1($async$result); $async$returnValue = t2; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; $async$handler = 2; // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 4: // catch $async$handler = 3; $async$exception = $async$currentError; t2 = A.unwrapException($async$exception); if (t2 instanceof A.PlatformException) { e = t2; t2 = e.code; t3 = e.message; $async$returnValue = t1.encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message(t2, e.details, t3); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } else if (t2 instanceof A.MissingPluginException) { $async$returnValue = null; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } else { error = t2; t1 = t1.encodeErrorEnvelope$2$code$message("error", J.toString$0$(error)); $async$returnValue = t1; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } // goto after finally $async$goto = 6; break; case 3: // uncaught // goto rethrow $async$goto = 2; break; case 6: // after finally case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); case 2: // rethrow return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleAsMethodCall$2, $async$completer); }, get$name(receiver) { return this.name; } }; A.MethodChannel_setMethodCallHandler_closure.prototype = { call$1(message) { return this.$this._handleAsMethodCall$2(message, this.handler); }, $signature: 75 }; A.OptionalMethodChannel.prototype = { invokeMethod$1$2(method, $arguments, $T) { return this.invokeMethod$body$OptionalMethodChannel(method, $arguments, $T, $T._eval$1("0?")); }, invokeMethod$1$1(method, $T) { return this.invokeMethod$1$2(method, null, $T); }, invokeMethod$body$OptionalMethodChannel(method, $arguments, $T, $async$type) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this; var $async$invokeMethod$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$returnValue = $async$self.super$MethodChannel$_invokeMethod(method, $arguments, true, $T); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$invokeMethod$1$2, $async$completer); } }; A.PlatformViewsRegistry.prototype = { getNextPlatformViewId$0() { return this._nextPlatformViewId++; } }; A.PlatformViewsService.prototype = { _onMethodCall$1($call) { var id, t1 = $call.method; switch (t1) { case "viewFocused": id = A._asInt($call.$arguments); t1 = this._focusCallbacks; if (t1.containsKey$1(0, id)) t1.$index(0, id).call$0(); break; default: throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(t1 + " was invoked but isn't implemented by PlatformViewsService")); } return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.void); } }; A.AndroidPointerProperties.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "AndroidPointerProperties(id: " + this.id + ", toolType: " + this.toolType + ")"; } }; A.AndroidPointerCoords.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "AndroidPointerCoords(orientation: " + _this.orientation + ", pressure: " + A.S(_this.pressure) + ", size: " + _this.size + ", toolMajor: " + A.S(_this.toolMajor) + ", toolMinor: " + A.S(_this.toolMinor) + ", touchMajor: " + A.S(_this.touchMajor) + ", touchMinor: " + A.S(_this.touchMinor) + ", x: " + A.S(_this.x) + ", y: " + A.S(_this.y) + ")"; } }; A.AndroidMotionEvent.prototype = { _asList$1(viewId) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.pointerProperties, t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,List>"), t3 = _this.pointerCoords, t4 = A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,List>"); return [viewId, _this.downTime, _this.eventTime, _this.action, _this.pointerCount, A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.AndroidMotionEvent__asList_closure(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")), A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t3, new A.AndroidMotionEvent__asList_closure0(), t4), true, t4._eval$1("ListIterable.E")), _this.metaState, _this.buttonState, _this.xPrecision, _this.yPrecision, _this.deviceId, _this.edgeFlags, _this.source, _this.flags, _this.motionEventId]; }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "AndroidPointerEvent(downTime: " + _this.downTime + ", eventTime: " + _this.eventTime + ", action: " + _this.action + ", pointerCount: " + _this.pointerCount + ", pointerProperties: " + A.S(_this.pointerProperties) + ", pointerCoords: " + A.S(_this.pointerCoords) + ", metaState: " + _this.metaState + ", buttonState: " + _this.buttonState + ", xPrecision: " + _this.xPrecision + ", yPrecision: " + _this.yPrecision + ", deviceId: " + _this.deviceId + ", edgeFlags: " + _this.edgeFlags + ", source: " + _this.source + ", flags: " + _this.flags + ", motionEventId: " + _this.motionEventId + ")"; } }; A.AndroidMotionEvent__asList_closure.prototype = { call$1(p) { return A._setArrayType([p.id, p.toolType], type$.JSArray_int); }, $signature: 218 }; A.AndroidMotionEvent__asList_closure0.prototype = { call$1(p) { return A._setArrayType([p.orientation, p.pressure, p.size, p.toolMajor, p.toolMinor, p.touchMajor, p.touchMinor, p.x, p.y], type$.JSArray_double); }, $signature: 219 }; A._AndroidViewState0.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_AndroidViewState." + this._name; } }; A._AndroidMotionEventConverter.prototype = { get$_pointTransformer() { return A._lateReadCheck(this.___AndroidMotionEventConverter__pointTransformer, "_pointTransformer"); }, handlePointerDownEvent$1($event) { var t2, androidPointerId, toolType, t1 = this.pointerProperties; if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) this.downTimeMillis = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1($event.get$timeStamp($event)._duration, 1000); for (t2 = this.usedAndroidPointerIds, androidPointerId = 0; t2.contains$1(0, androidPointerId);) ++androidPointerId; t2.add$1(0, androidPointerId); t2 = $event.get$pointer(); switch ($event.get$kind($event).index) { case 0: toolType = 1; break; case 1: toolType = 3; break; case 2: toolType = 2; break; case 3: toolType = 4; break; case 4: toolType = 0; break; default: toolType = 0; } t1.$indexSet(0, t2, new A.AndroidPointerProperties(androidPointerId, toolType)); }, _platform_views$_remove$1(_, pointer) { var t1, _this = this; _this.pointerPositions.remove$1(0, pointer); t1 = _this.pointerProperties; _this.usedAndroidPointerIds.remove$1(0, t1.$index(0, pointer).id); t1.remove$1(0, pointer); if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) _this.downTimeMillis = null; }, toAndroidMotionEvent$1($event) { var action, t3, t4, _this = this, t1 = _this.pointerPositions, t2 = t1.get$keys(t1), pointers = A.List_List$of(t2, true, A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("Iterable.E")), pointerIdx = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(pointers, $event.get$pointer()), numPointers = pointers.length; if ($event.get$platformData() !== 1) t2 = !type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event) && !type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event) && pointerIdx < numPointers - 1; else t2 = true; if (t2) return null; if (type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) action = numPointers === 1 ? 0 : A.AndroidViewController_pointerAction(pointerIdx, 5); else if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event)) action = numPointers === 1 ? 1 : A.AndroidViewController_pointerAction(pointerIdx, 6); else if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event)) action = 2; else { if (!type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event)) return null; action = 3; } t2 = _this.downTimeMillis; t2.toString; t3 = A._arrayInstanceType(pointers); t4 = t3._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,AndroidPointerProperties>"); t3 = t3._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,AndroidPointerCoords>"); return new A.AndroidMotionEvent(t2, B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1($event.get$timeStamp($event)._duration, 1000), action, t1.get$length(t1), A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(pointers, new A._AndroidMotionEventConverter_toAndroidMotionEvent_closure(_this), t4), true, t4._eval$1("ListIterable.E")), A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(pointers, new A._AndroidMotionEventConverter_toAndroidMotionEvent_closure0(_this), t3), true, t3._eval$1("ListIterable.E")), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, $event.get$embedderId()); }, _pointTransformer$1(arg0) { return this.get$_pointTransformer().call$1(arg0); } }; A._AndroidMotionEventConverter_toAndroidMotionEvent_closure.prototype = { call$1(i) { var t1 = this.$this.pointerProperties.$index(0, i); t1.toString; return t1; }, $signature: 220 }; A._AndroidMotionEventConverter_toAndroidMotionEvent_closure0.prototype = { call$1(i) { var t1 = this.$this.pointerPositions.$index(0, i); t1.toString; return t1; }, $signature: 221 }; A.AndroidViewController.prototype = { create$0(_) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i; var $async$create$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait($async$self._sendCreateMessage$0(), $async$create$0); case 2: // returning from await. $async$self._platform_views$_state = B._AndroidViewState_2; for (t1 = $async$self._platformViewCreatedCallbacks, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self.viewId, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i].call$1(t3); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$create$0, $async$completer); }, sendMotionEvent$1($event) { return this.sendMotionEvent$body$AndroidViewController($event); }, sendMotionEvent$body$AndroidViewController($event) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this; var $async$sendMotionEvent$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait(B.MethodChannel_gkc._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("touch", $event._asList$1($async$self.viewId), false, type$.dynamic), $async$sendMotionEvent$1); case 2: // returning from await. // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$sendMotionEvent$1, $async$completer); }, setLayoutDirection$1(layoutDirection) { return this.setLayoutDirection$body$AndroidViewController(layoutDirection); }, setLayoutDirection$body$AndroidViewController(layoutDirection) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this; var $async$setLayoutDirection$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start if (layoutDirection === $async$self._platform_views$_layoutDirection) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$self._platform_views$_layoutDirection = layoutDirection; if ($async$self._platform_views$_state === B._AndroidViewState_0) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(B.MethodChannel_gkc._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("setDirection", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["id", $async$self.viewId, "direction", A.AndroidViewController__getAndroidDirection(layoutDirection)], type$.String, type$.dynamic), false, type$.void), $async$setLayoutDirection$1); case 3: // returning from await. case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$setLayoutDirection$1, $async$completer); }, dispatchPointerEvent$1($event) { return this.dispatchPointerEvent$body$AndroidViewController($event); }, dispatchPointerEvent$body$AndroidViewController($event) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, position, androidEvent; var $async$dispatchPointerEvent$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start if (type$.PointerHoverEvent._is($event)) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } if (type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) $async$self._motionEventConverter.handlePointerDownEvent$1($event); t1 = $async$self._motionEventConverter; position = t1._pointTransformer$1($event.get$position($event)); t1.pointerPositions.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), new A.AndroidPointerCoords($event.get$orientation($event), $event.get$pressure($event), $event.get$size($event), $event.get$radiusMajor(), $event.get$radiusMinor(), $event.get$radiusMajor(), $event.get$radiusMinor(), position._dx, position._dy)); androidEvent = t1.toAndroidMotionEvent$1($event); if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event)) t1._platform_views$_remove$1(0, $event.get$pointer()); else if (type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event)) t1._platform_views$_remove$1(0, $event.get$pointer()); $async$goto = androidEvent != null ? 3 : 4; break; case 3: // then $async$goto = 5; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.sendMotionEvent$1(androidEvent), $async$dispatchPointerEvent$1); case 5: // returning from await. case 4: // join case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$dispatchPointerEvent$1, $async$completer); }, clearFocus$0() { if (this._platform_views$_state !== B._AndroidViewState_2) return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.void); return B.MethodChannel_gkc._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("clearFocus", this.viewId, false, type$.void); }, dispose$0(_) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, t1; var $async$dispose$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self._platform_views$_state; $async$goto = t1 === B._AndroidViewState_1 || t1 === B._AndroidViewState_2 ? 2 : 3; break; case 2: // then $async$goto = 4; return A._asyncAwait($async$self._sendDisposeMessage$0(), $async$dispose$0); case 4: // returning from await. case 3: // join B.JSArray_methods.set$length($async$self._platformViewCreatedCallbacks, 0); $async$self._platform_views$_state = B._AndroidViewState_3; $.$get$PlatformViewsService__instance()._focusCallbacks.remove$1(0, $async$self.viewId); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$dispose$0, $async$completer); } }; A.TextureAndroidViewController.prototype = { setSize$1(_, size) { return this.setSize$body$TextureAndroidViewController(0, size); }, setSize$body$TextureAndroidViewController(_, size) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this; var $async$setSize$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start if ($async$self._platform_views$_state === B._AndroidViewState_0) { $async$self.__TextureAndroidViewController__size = size; $async$returnValue = $async$self.super$AndroidViewController$create(0); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(B.MethodChannel_gkc._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("resize", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["id", $async$self.viewId, "width", size._dx, "height", size._dy], type$.String, type$.dynamic), false, type$.void), $async$setSize$1); case 3: // returning from await. case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$setSize$1, $async$completer); }, _sendCreateMessage$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, args, paramsByteData; var $async$_sendCreateMessage$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start args = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["id", $async$self.viewId, "viewType", $async$self._viewType, "width", A._lateReadCheck($async$self.__TextureAndroidViewController__size, "_size")._dx, "height", A._lateReadCheck($async$self.__TextureAndroidViewController__size, "_size")._dy, "direction", A.AndroidViewController__getAndroidDirection($async$self._platform_views$_layoutDirection)], type$.String, type$.dynamic); paramsByteData = $async$self._creationParamsCodec.encodeMessage$1($async$self._creationParams); args.$indexSet(0, "params", A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(paramsByteData.buffer, 0, paramsByteData.byteLength)); $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait(B.MethodChannel_gkc._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("create", args, false, type$.int), $async$_sendCreateMessage$0); case 2: // returning from await. $async$self._textureId = $async$result; // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_sendCreateMessage$0, $async$completer); }, _sendDisposeMessage$0() { return B.MethodChannel_gkc._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("dispose", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["id", this.viewId, "hybrid", false], type$.String, type$.dynamic), false, type$.void); } }; A.UiKitViewController.prototype = { setLayoutDirection$1(layoutDirection) { return this.setLayoutDirection$body$UiKitViewController(layoutDirection); }, setLayoutDirection$body$UiKitViewController(layoutDirection) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this; var $async$setLayoutDirection$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start if (layoutDirection === $async$self._platform_views$_layoutDirection) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$self._platform_views$_layoutDirection = layoutDirection; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$setLayoutDirection$1, $async$completer); }, rejectGesture$0() { return B.MethodChannel_gkc._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("rejectGesture", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["id", this.id], type$.String, type$.dynamic), false, type$.void); }, dispose$0(_) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this; var $async$dispose$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$self._platform_views$_debugDisposed = true; $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait(B.MethodChannel_gkc._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("dispose", $async$self.id, false, type$.void), $async$dispose$0); case 2: // returning from await. // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$dispose$0, $async$completer); } }; A.PlatformViewController.prototype = {}; A.KeyboardSide.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "KeyboardSide." + this._name; } }; A.ModifierKey.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "ModifierKey." + this._name; } }; A.RawKeyEventData.prototype = { get$modifiersPressed() { var _i, key, side, result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.ModifierKey, type$.KeyboardSide); for (_i = 0; _i < 9; ++_i) { key = B.List_4LR[_i]; if (this.isModifierPressed$1(key)) { side = this.getModifierSide$1(key); if (side != null) result.$indexSet(0, key, side); } } return result; }, shouldDispatchEvent$0() { return true; } }; A.RawKeyEvent.prototype = {}; A.RawKeyEvent_RawKeyEvent$fromMessage__dataFromWeb.prototype = { call$0() { var t4, t5, t1 = this.message, t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1), key = A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, "key")), t3 = key == null; if (!t3) { t4 = key.length; t4 = t4 !== 0 && t4 === 1; } else t4 = false; if (t4) this._box_0.character = key; t4 = A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, "code")); if (t4 == null) t4 = ""; t3 = t3 ? "" : key; t5 = A._asIntQ(t2.$index(t1, "location")); if (t5 == null) t5 = 0; t1 = A._asIntQ(t2.$index(t1, "metaState")); return new A.RawKeyEventDataWeb(t4, t3, t5, t1 == null ? 0 : t1); }, $signature: 223 }; A.RawKeyDownEvent.prototype = {}; A.RawKeyUpEvent.prototype = {}; A.RawKeyboard.prototype = { handleRawKeyEvent$1($event) { var listener, exception, stack, t1, shouldDispatch, t2, t3, _i, exception0, t4, t5, _this = this; if ($event instanceof A.RawKeyDownEvent) { t1 = $event.data; if (t1.shouldDispatchEvent$0()) { _this._keysPressed.$indexSet(0, t1.get$physicalKey(), t1.get$logicalKey()); shouldDispatch = true; } else { _this._hiddenKeysPressed.add$1(0, t1.get$physicalKey()); shouldDispatch = false; } } else if ($event instanceof A.RawKeyUpEvent) { t1 = _this._hiddenKeysPressed; t2 = $event.data; if (!t1.contains$1(0, t2.get$physicalKey())) { _this._keysPressed.remove$1(0, t2.get$physicalKey()); shouldDispatch = true; } else { t1.remove$1(0, t2.get$physicalKey()); shouldDispatch = false; } } else shouldDispatch = true; if (!shouldDispatch) return true; _this._synchronizeModifiers$1($event); for (t1 = _this._raw_keyboard$_listeners, t2 = A.List_List$of(t1, true, type$.void_Function_RawKeyEvent), t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) { listener = t2[_i]; try { if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t1, listener)) listener.call$1($event); } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); t4 = A.ErrorDescription$("while processing a raw key listener"); t5 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError(); if (t5 != null) t5.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "services library", t4, null, false)); } } return false; }, _synchronizeModifiers$1($event) { var thisKeyModifier, _i, key, thisModifierKeys, mappedKeys, t6, t7, t8, t9, logicalKey, t1 = $event.data, modifiersPressed = t1.get$modifiersPressed(), t2 = type$.PhysicalKeyboardKey, modifierKeys = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.LogicalKeyboardKey), anySideKeys = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t2), t3 = this._keysPressed, t4 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t3.get$keys(t3), t2), t5 = $event instanceof A.RawKeyDownEvent; if (t5) t4.add$1(0, t1.get$physicalKey()); for (thisKeyModifier = null, _i = 0; _i < 9; ++_i) { key = B.List_4LR[_i]; thisModifierKeys = $.RawKeyboard__modifierKeyMap.$index(0, new A._ModifierSidePair(key, B.KeyboardSide_3)); if (thisModifierKeys == null) continue; if (thisModifierKeys.contains$1(0, t1.get$physicalKey())) thisKeyModifier = key; if (modifiersPressed.$index(0, key) === B.KeyboardSide_0) { anySideKeys.addAll$1(0, thisModifierKeys); if (thisModifierKeys.any$1(0, t4.get$contains(t4))) continue; } mappedKeys = modifiersPressed.$index(0, key) == null ? A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t2) : $.RawKeyboard__modifierKeyMap.$index(0, new A._ModifierSidePair(key, modifiersPressed.$index(0, key))); if (mappedKeys == null) continue; for (t6 = new A._LinkedHashSetIterator(mappedKeys, mappedKeys._collection$_modifications), t6._collection$_cell = mappedKeys._collection$_first, t7 = A._instanceType(t6)._precomputed1; t6.moveNext$0();) { t8 = t7._as(t6._collection$_current); t9 = $.$get$RawKeyboard__allModifiers().$index(0, t8); t9.toString; modifierKeys.$indexSet(0, t8, t9); } } t2 = $.RawKeyboard__allModifiersExceptFn.get$keys($.RawKeyboard__allModifiersExceptFn); new A.WhereIterable(t2, new A.RawKeyboard__synchronizeModifiers_closure(anySideKeys), A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("WhereIterable")).forEach$1(0, t3.get$remove(t3)); if (!(t1 instanceof A.RawKeyEventDataFuchsia) && !(t1 instanceof A.RawKeyEventDataMacOs)) t3.remove$1(0, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_18); t3.addAll$1(0, modifierKeys); if (t5 && thisKeyModifier != null && !t3.containsKey$1(0, t1.get$physicalKey())) if (t1 instanceof A.RawKeyEventDataLinux && t1.get$physicalKey().$eq(0, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458982)) { logicalKey = $.RawKeyboard__allModifiersExceptFn.$index(0, t1.get$physicalKey()); if (logicalKey != null) t3.$indexSet(0, t1.get$physicalKey(), logicalKey); } } }; A.RawKeyboard__synchronizeModifiers_closure.prototype = { call$1(key) { return !this.anySideKeys.contains$1(0, key); }, $signature: 224 }; A._ModifierSidePair.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A._ModifierSidePair && other.modifier === this.modifier && other.side == this.side; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.modifier, this.side, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A._RawKeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A._RawKeyEventData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.RawKeyEventDataFuchsia.prototype = {}; A.RawKeyEventDataLinux.prototype = {}; A.RawKeyEventDataMacOs.prototype = {}; A.RawKeyEventDataWeb.prototype = { get$physicalKey() { var t1 = this.code, t2 = B.Map_1k5Ax.$index(0, t1); return t2 == null ? new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(98784247808 + B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(t1)) : t2; }, get$logicalKey() { var newKey, t1 = this.key, t2 = B.Map_8TEJH.$index(0, t1), maybeLocationKey = t2 == null ? null : t2[this.location]; if (maybeLocationKey != null) return maybeLocationKey; t2 = this.code; newKey = B.Map_0mOHH.$index(0, t2); if (newKey != null) return newKey; if (t1.length === 1) return new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1.toLowerCase(), 0)); return new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(t2) + 98784247808); }, isModifierPressed$1(key) { var _this = this; switch (key.index) { case 0: return (_this.metaState & 4) !== 0; case 1: return (_this.metaState & 1) !== 0; case 2: return (_this.metaState & 2) !== 0; case 3: return (_this.metaState & 8) !== 0; case 5: return (_this.metaState & 16) !== 0; case 4: return (_this.metaState & 32) !== 0; case 6: return (_this.metaState & 64) !== 0; case 7: case 8: return false; } }, getModifierSide$1(key) { return B.KeyboardSide_0; }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.RawKeyEventDataWeb && other.code === _this.code && other.key === _this.key && other.location === _this.location && other.metaState === _this.metaState; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.code, _this.key, _this.location, _this.metaState, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A.RestorationManager.prototype = { get$rootBucket() { var _this = this; if (_this._rootBucketIsValid) return new A.SynchronousFuture(_this._restoration$_rootBucket, type$.SynchronousFuture_nullable_RestorationBucket); if (_this._pendingRootBucket == null) { _this._pendingRootBucket = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_nullable_RestorationBucket), type$._AsyncCompleter_nullable_RestorationBucket); _this._getRootBucketFromEngine$0(); } return _this._pendingRootBucket.future; }, _getRootBucketFromEngine$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, config; var $async$_getRootBucketFromEngine$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_fgL.invokeMethod$1$1("get", type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object), $async$_getRootBucketFromEngine$0); case 3: // returning from await. config = $async$result; if ($async$self._pendingRootBucket == null) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$self._parseAndHandleRestorationUpdateFromEngine$1(config); case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_getRootBucketFromEngine$0, $async$completer); }, _parseAndHandleRestorationUpdateFromEngine$1(update) { var t2, t1 = update == null; if (!t1) { t2 = J.$index$asx(update, "enabled"); t2.toString; A._asBool(t2); } else t2 = false; this.handleRestorationUpdateFromEngine$2$data$enabled(t1 ? null : type$.nullable_Uint8List._as(J.$index$asx(update, "data")), t2); }, handleRestorationUpdateFromEngine$2$data$enabled(data, enabled) { var oldRoot, t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._rootBucketIsValid && enabled; _this._isReplacing = t1; if (t1) $.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A.RestorationManager_handleRestorationUpdateFromEngine_closure(_this)); oldRoot = _this._restoration$_rootBucket; if (enabled) { t1 = _this._decodeRestorationData$1(data); t2 = type$.String; if (t1 == null) { t1 = type$.nullable_Object; t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1); } t2 = new A.RestorationBucket(t1, _this, null, "root", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.RestorationBucket), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.List_RestorationBucket)); t1 = t2; } else t1 = null; _this._restoration$_rootBucket = t1; _this._rootBucketIsValid = true; t2 = _this._pendingRootBucket; if (t2 != null) t2.complete$1(0, t1); _this._pendingRootBucket = null; if (_this._restoration$_rootBucket != oldRoot) { _this.notifyListeners$0(); if (oldRoot != null) oldRoot.dispose$0(0); } }, _methodHandler$1($call) { return this._methodHandler$body$RestorationManager($call); }, _methodHandler$body$RestorationManager($call) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, t1; var $async$_methodHandler$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $call.method; switch (t1) { case "push": $async$self._parseAndHandleRestorationUpdateFromEngine$1(type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as($call.$arguments)); break; default: throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(t1 + " was invoked but isn't implemented by " + A.getRuntimeType($async$self).toString$0(0))); } // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_methodHandler$1, $async$completer); }, _decodeRestorationData$1(data) { if (data == null) return null; return type$.nullable_Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(B.C_StandardMessageCodec.decodeMessage$1(A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength))); }, scheduleSerializationFor$1(bucket) { var _this = this; _this._bucketsNeedingSerialization.add$1(0, bucket); if (!_this._serializationScheduled) { _this._serializationScheduled = true; $.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A.RestorationManager_scheduleSerializationFor_closure(_this)); } }, _doSerialization$0() { var t1, t2, t3, encoded, _this = this; if (!_this._serializationScheduled) return; _this._serializationScheduled = false; for (t1 = _this._bucketsNeedingSerialization, t2 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) t3._as(t2._collection$_current)._needsSerialization = false; t1.clear$0(0); encoded = B.C_StandardMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(_this._restoration$_rootBucket._rawData); B.OptionalMethodChannel_fgL.invokeMethod$1$2("put", A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(encoded.buffer, encoded.byteOffset, encoded.byteLength), type$.void); } }; A.RestorationManager_handleRestorationUpdateFromEngine_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { this.$this._isReplacing = false; }, $signature: 8 }; A.RestorationManager_scheduleSerializationFor_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { return this.$this._doSerialization$0(); }, $signature: 8 }; A.RestorationBucket.prototype = { get$_rawChildren() { var t1 = J.putIfAbsent$2$x(this._rawData, "c", new A.RestorationBucket__rawChildren_closure()); t1.toString; return type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(t1); }, get$_rawValues() { var t1 = J.putIfAbsent$2$x(this._rawData, "v", new A.RestorationBucket__rawValues_closure()); t1.toString; return type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(t1); }, remove$1$1(_, restorationId, $P) { var _this = this, needsUpdate = J.containsKey$1$x(_this.get$_rawValues(), restorationId), result = $P._eval$1("0?")._as(J.remove$1$ax(_this.get$_rawValues(), restorationId)); if (J.get$isEmpty$asx(_this.get$_rawValues())) J.remove$1$ax(_this._rawData, "v"); if (needsUpdate) _this._markNeedsSerialization$0(); return result; }, claimChild$2$debugOwner(restorationId, debugOwner) { var child, t2, t3, t4, _this = this, t1 = _this._claimedChildren; if (t1.containsKey$1(0, restorationId) || !J.containsKey$1$x(_this.get$_rawChildren(), restorationId)) { t1 = type$.String; child = new A.RestorationBucket(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.nullable_Object), null, null, restorationId, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.RestorationBucket), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.List_RestorationBucket)); _this.adoptChild$1(child); return child; } t2 = type$.String; t3 = _this._restoration$_manager; t4 = J.$index$asx(_this.get$_rawChildren(), restorationId); t4.toString; child = new A.RestorationBucket(type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(t4), t3, _this, restorationId, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.RestorationBucket), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.List_RestorationBucket)); t1.$indexSet(0, restorationId, child); return child; }, adoptChild$1(child) { var _this = this, t1 = child._restoration$_parent; if (t1 !== _this) { if (t1 != null) t1._removeChildData$1(child); child._restoration$_parent = _this; _this._addChildData$1(child); if (child._restoration$_manager != _this._restoration$_manager) _this._recursivelyUpdateManager$1(child); } }, _dropChild$1(child) { this._removeChildData$1(child); child._restoration$_parent = null; if (child._restoration$_manager != null) { child._restoration$_updateManager$1(null); child._visitChildren$1(this.get$_recursivelyUpdateManager()); } }, _markNeedsSerialization$0() { var t1, _this = this; if (!_this._needsSerialization) { _this._needsSerialization = true; t1 = _this._restoration$_manager; if (t1 != null) t1.scheduleSerializationFor$1(_this); } }, _recursivelyUpdateManager$1(bucket) { bucket._restoration$_updateManager$1(this._restoration$_manager); bucket._visitChildren$1(this.get$_recursivelyUpdateManager()); }, _restoration$_updateManager$1(newManager) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._restoration$_manager; if (t1 == newManager) return; if (_this._needsSerialization) if (t1 != null) t1._bucketsNeedingSerialization.remove$1(0, _this); _this._restoration$_manager = newManager; if (_this._needsSerialization && newManager != null) { _this._needsSerialization = false; _this._markNeedsSerialization$0(); } }, _removeChildData$1(child) { var t1, pendingChildren, t2, _this = this; if (J.$eq$(_this._claimedChildren.remove$1(0, child._restorationId), child)) { J.remove$1$ax(_this.get$_rawChildren(), child._restorationId); t1 = _this._childrenToAdd; pendingChildren = t1.$index(0, child._restorationId); if (pendingChildren != null) { t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(pendingChildren); _this._finalizeAddChildData$1(t2.removeLast$0(pendingChildren)); if (t2.get$isEmpty(pendingChildren)) t1.remove$1(0, child._restorationId); } if (J.get$isEmpty$asx(_this.get$_rawChildren())) J.remove$1$ax(_this._rawData, "c"); _this._markNeedsSerialization$0(); return; } t1 = _this._childrenToAdd; t2 = t1.$index(0, child._restorationId); if (t2 != null) J.remove$1$ax(t2, child); t2 = t1.$index(0, child._restorationId); if ((t2 == null ? null : J.get$isEmpty$asx(t2)) === true) t1.remove$1(0, child._restorationId); }, _addChildData$1(child) { var _this = this; if (_this._claimedChildren.containsKey$1(0, child._restorationId)) { J.add$1$ax(_this._childrenToAdd.putIfAbsent$2(0, child._restorationId, new A.RestorationBucket__addChildData_closure()), child); _this._markNeedsSerialization$0(); return; } _this._finalizeAddChildData$1(child); _this._markNeedsSerialization$0(); }, _finalizeAddChildData$1(child) { this._claimedChildren.$indexSet(0, child._restorationId, child); J.$indexSet$ax(this.get$_rawChildren(), child._restorationId, child._rawData); }, _visitChildren$2$concurrentModification(visitor, concurrentModification) { var t2, children, t1 = this._claimedChildren; t1 = t1.get$values(t1); t2 = this._childrenToAdd; t2 = t2.get$values(t2); children = t1.followedBy$1(0, new A.ExpandIterable(t2, new A.RestorationBucket__visitChildren_closure(), A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("ExpandIterable"))); J.forEach$1$ax(concurrentModification ? A.List_List$of(children, false, A._instanceType(children)._eval$1("Iterable.E")) : children, visitor); }, _visitChildren$1(visitor) { return this._visitChildren$2$concurrentModification(visitor, false); }, rename$1(newRestorationId) { var t1, _this = this; if (newRestorationId === _this._restorationId) return; t1 = _this._restoration$_parent; if (t1 != null) t1._removeChildData$1(_this); _this._restorationId = newRestorationId; t1 = _this._restoration$_parent; if (t1 != null) t1._addChildData$1(_this); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1, _this = this; _this._visitChildren$2$concurrentModification(_this.get$_dropChild(), true); _this._claimedChildren.clear$0(0); _this._childrenToAdd.clear$0(0); t1 = _this._restoration$_parent; if (t1 != null) t1._removeChildData$1(_this); _this._restoration$_parent = null; _this._restoration$_updateManager$1(null); _this._debugDisposed = true; }, toString$0(_) { return "RestorationBucket(restorationId: " + this._restorationId + ", owner: " + A.S(this._debugOwner) + ")"; } }; A.RestorationBucket__rawChildren_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = type$.nullable_Object; return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1); }, $signature: 70 }; A.RestorationBucket__rawValues_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = type$.nullable_Object; return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1); }, $signature: 70 }; A.RestorationBucket__addChildData_closure.prototype = { call$0() { return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RestorationBucket); }, $signature: 227 }; A.RestorationBucket__visitChildren_closure.prototype = { call$1(buckets) { return buckets; }, $signature: 228 }; A.ApplicationSwitcherDescription.prototype = {}; A.SystemSoundType.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "SystemSoundType." + this._name; } }; A.TextSelection.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1, _this = this, _s23_ = ", isDirectional: false)"; if (!_this.get$isValid()) return "TextSelection.invalid"; t1 = _this.baseOffset; return _this.start === _this.end ? "TextSelection.collapsed(offset: " + t1 + ", affinity: " + B.TextAffinity_1.toString$0(0) + _s23_ : "TextSelection(baseOffset: " + t1 + ", extentOffset: " + _this.extentOffset + _s23_; }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (!(other instanceof A.TextSelection)) return false; if (!_this.get$isValid()) return !other.get$isValid(); if (other.baseOffset === _this.baseOffset) if (other.extentOffset === _this.extentOffset) t1 = true; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { var affinityHash, t1, t2, _this = this; if (!_this.get$isValid()) return A.hashValues(-B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(1), -B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(1), A.Primitives_objectHashCode(B.TextAffinity_1), B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); affinityHash = _this.start === _this.end ? A.Primitives_objectHashCode(B.TextAffinity_1) : A.Primitives_objectHashCode(B.TextAffinity_1); t1 = B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(_this.baseOffset); t2 = B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(_this.extentOffset); return A.hashValues(t1, t2, affinityHash, 218159, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A._getParent_closure.prototype = { call$1(ancestor) { this.parent.set$finalLocalValue(ancestor); return false; }, $signature: 55 }; A.Intent.prototype = {}; A.Action.prototype = { isEnabled$1(_, intent) { return true; }, consumesKey$1(intent) { return true; } }; A.CallbackAction.prototype = { invoke$1(intent) { return this.onInvoke.call$1(intent); } }; A.ActionDispatcher.prototype = { invokeAction$3(action, intent, context) { var t1 = action.invoke$1(intent); return t1; } }; A.Actions.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._ActionsState(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.Action_Intent), new A.Object(), B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A.Actions__findDispatcher_closure.prototype = { call$1(element) { type$._ActionsMarker._as(element.get$widget()); return false; }, $signature: 71 }; A.Actions_maybeFind_closure.prototype = { call$1(element) { var _this = this, result = A.Actions__castAction(type$._ActionsMarker._as(element.get$widget()), _this.intent, _this.T); if (result != null) { _this.context.super$Element$dependOnInheritedElement(element, null); _this._box_0.action = result; return true; } return false; }, $signature: 71 }; A._ActionsState.prototype = { initState$0() { this.super$State$initState(); this._updateActionListeners$0(); }, _handleActionChanged$1(action) { this.setState$1(new A._ActionsState__handleActionChanged_closure(this)); }, _updateActionListeners$0() { var widgetActions, removedActions, addedActions, t2, t3, value, result, _this = this, t1 = _this._widget.actions; t1 = t1.get$values(t1); widgetActions = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); removedActions = _this.listenedActions.difference$1(widgetActions); t1 = _this.listenedActions; t1.toString; addedActions = widgetActions.difference$1(t1); for (t1 = removedActions.get$iterator(removedActions), t2 = _this.get$_handleActionChanged(); t1.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t1.get$current(t1)._actions$_listeners; t3._isDirty = true; value = t3.__ObserverList__set; if (value === $) { result = A.HashSet_HashSet(t3.$ti._precomputed1); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(t3.__ObserverList__set, "_set"); t3.__ObserverList__set = result; value = result; } if (value._collection$_length > 0) { value._collection$_strings = value._collection$_nums = value._collection$_rest = value._elements = null; value._collection$_length = 0; } B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t3._list, t2); } for (t1 = addedActions.get$iterator(addedActions); t1.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t1.get$current(t1)._actions$_listeners; t3._isDirty = true; t3._list.push(t2); } _this.listenedActions = widgetActions; }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); this._updateActionListeners$0(); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, value, result, _this = this; _this.super$State$dispose(0); for (t1 = _this.listenedActions, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1, t3 = _this.get$_handleActionChanged(); t1.moveNext$0();) { t4 = t2._as(t1._collection$_current)._actions$_listeners; t4._isDirty = true; value = t4.__ObserverList__set; if (value === $) { result = A.HashSet_HashSet(t4.$ti._precomputed1); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(t4.__ObserverList__set, "_set"); t4.__ObserverList__set = result; value = result; } if (value._collection$_length > 0) { value._collection$_strings = value._collection$_nums = value._collection$_rest = value._elements = null; value._collection$_length = 0; } B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t4._list, t3); } _this.listenedActions = null; }, build$1(_, context) { var t1 = this._widget; return new A._ActionsMarker(null, t1.actions, this.rebuildKey, t1.child, null); } }; A._ActionsState__handleActionChanged_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this.rebuildKey = new A.Object(); }, $signature: 0 }; A._ActionsMarker.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { var t1; if (this.rebuildKey === oldWidget.rebuildKey) t1 = !A.mapEquals(oldWidget.actions, this.actions); else t1 = true; return t1; } }; A.DoNothingAction.prototype = { consumesKey$1(intent) { return this._consumesKey; }, invoke$1(intent) { } }; A.ActivateIntent.prototype = {}; A.ButtonActivateIntent.prototype = {}; A.DismissIntent.prototype = {}; A.DismissAction.prototype = {}; A.PrioritizedIntents.prototype = {}; A.PrioritizedAction.prototype = { isEnabled$1(_, intent) { var t1, _i, candidateIntent, t2, candidateAction, $focus = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._primaryFocus; if ($focus == null || $focus._context == null) return false; for (t1 = type$.Intent, _i = 0; _i < 2; ++_i) { candidateIntent = B.List_2WE[_i]; t2 = $focus._context; t2.toString; candidateAction = A.Actions_maybeFind(t2, candidateIntent, t1); if (candidateAction != null && candidateAction.isEnabled$1(0, candidateIntent)) { this.__PrioritizedAction__selectedAction = candidateAction; this.__PrioritizedAction__selectedIntent = candidateIntent; return true; } } return false; }, invoke$1(intent) { A._lateReadCheck(this.__PrioritizedAction__selectedAction, "_selectedAction").invoke$1(A._lateReadCheck(this.__PrioritizedAction__selectedIntent, "_selectedIntent")); } }; A._Action_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A._ActionDispatcher_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A._Intent_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.WidgetsApp.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._WidgetsAppState(B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._WidgetsAppState.prototype = { get$_initialRouteName() { $.WidgetsBinding__instance.toString; var t1 = $.$get$window().platformDispatcher; if (t1.get$defaultRouteName() !== "/") { $.WidgetsBinding__instance.toString; t1 = t1.get$defaultRouteName(); } else { this._widget.toString; $.WidgetsBinding__instance.toString; t1 = t1.get$defaultRouteName(); } return t1; }, initState$0() { var _this = this; _this.super$State$initState(); _this._updateRouting$0(); $.WidgetsBinding__instance.toString; _this._app$_locale = _this._resolveLocales$2($.$get$window().platformDispatcher._configuration.locales, _this._widget.supportedLocales); $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__observers.push(_this); }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); this._updateRouting$1$oldWidget(oldWidget); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1; B.JSArray_methods.remove$1($.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__observers, this); t1 = this._defaultRouteInformationProvider; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); this.super$State$dispose(0); }, _updateRouting$1$oldWidget(oldWidget) { var t1, _this = this; _this._widget.toString; if (_this.get$_usesNavigator()) { t1 = _this._defaultRouteInformationProvider; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this._defaultRouteInformationProvider = null; if (_this._navigator != null) { _this._widget.toString; oldWidget.toString; t1 = false; } else t1 = true; if (t1) { _this._widget.toString; _this._navigator = new A.GlobalObjectKey(_this, type$.GlobalObjectKey_NavigatorState); } } else { _this._navigator = null; t1 = _this._defaultRouteInformationProvider; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this._defaultRouteInformationProvider = null; } }, _updateRouting$0() { return this._updateRouting$1$oldWidget(null); }, get$_usesNavigator() { var t1 = this._widget; if (t1.home == null) { t1 = t1.routes; if ((t1 == null ? null : t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1)) !== true) { this._widget.toString; t1 = false; } else t1 = true; } else t1 = true; return t1; }, _onGenerateRoute$1(settings) { var _this = this, $name = settings.name, pageContentBuilder = $name === "/" && _this._widget.home != null ? new A._WidgetsAppState__onGenerateRoute_closure(_this) : _this._widget.routes.$index(0, $name); if (pageContentBuilder != null) return _this._widget.pageRouteBuilder.call$1$2(settings, pageContentBuilder, type$.dynamic); _this._widget.toString; return null; }, _onUnknownRoute$1(settings) { return this._widget.onUnknownRoute.call$1(settings); }, didPopRoute$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $navigator; var $async$didPopRoute$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$self._widget.toString; t1 = $async$self._navigator; $navigator = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$currentState(); if ($navigator == null) { $async$returnValue = false; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$returnValue = $navigator.maybePop$0(); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$didPopRoute$0, $async$completer); }, didPushRoute$1(route) { return this.didPushRoute$body$_WidgetsAppState(route); }, didPushRoute$body$_WidgetsAppState(route) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $navigator; var $async$didPushRoute$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$self._widget.toString; t1 = $async$self._navigator; $navigator = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$currentState(); if ($navigator == null) { $async$returnValue = false; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } t1 = $navigator._routeNamed$1$2$arguments(route, null, type$.nullable_Object); t1.toString; t1 = A._RouteEntry$(t1, B._RouteLifecycle_3, null); $navigator._history.push(t1); $navigator._flushHistoryUpdates$0(); $navigator._afterNavigation$1(t1.route); $async$returnValue = true; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$didPushRoute$1, $async$completer); }, _resolveLocales$2(preferredLocales, supportedLocales) { this._widget.toString; return A.basicLocaleListResolution(preferredLocales, supportedLocales); }, didChangeLocales$1(locales) { var _this = this, newLocale = _this._resolveLocales$2(locales, _this._widget.supportedLocales); if (!newLocale.$eq(0, _this._app$_locale)) _this.setState$1(new A._WidgetsAppState_didChangeLocales_closure(_this, newLocale)); }, build$1(_, context) { var t2, t3, t4, result, performanceOverlay, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = {}; t1.routing = null; _this._widget.toString; if (_this.get$_usesNavigator()) { t2 = _this._navigator; t3 = _this.get$_initialRouteName(); t4 = _this._widget; t4 = t4.navigatorObservers; t4.toString; t1.routing = new A.Navigator(t3, _this.get$_onGenerateRoute(), _this.get$_onUnknownRoute(), t4, "nav", A.navigator_Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes$closure(), true, t2); } t1.result = null; t2 = _this._widget; t2.toString; result = new A.Builder(new A._WidgetsAppState_build_closure(t1, _this), _null); t1.result = result; result = t1.result = A.DefaultTextStyle$(result, _null, B.TextOverflow_0, true, t2.textStyle, _null, _null, B.TextWidthBasis_0); t2 = $.WidgetsApp_showPerformanceOverlayOverride; if (t2) performanceOverlay = new A.PerformanceOverlay(15, false, false, _null); else performanceOverlay = _null; t1 = performanceOverlay != null ? t1.result = A.Stack$(B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_m1, A._setArrayType([result, A.Positioned$(_null, performanceOverlay, _null, _null, 0, 0, 0, _null)], type$.JSArray_Widget), B.StackFit_0) : result; t2 = _this._widget; t3 = t2.title; t2 = t2.color.value; t2 = A.Color$fromARGB(255, t2 >>> 16 & 255, t2 >>> 8 & 255, t2 & 255); t4 = _this._app$_locale; t4.toString; t5 = type$.JSArray_LocalizationsDelegate_dynamic; t6 = A._setArrayType([], t5); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t6, _this._widget.localizationsDelegates); t6.push(B.C__WidgetsLocalizationsDelegate); t5 = A._setArrayType(t6.slice(0), t5); A.MediaQuery_maybeOf(context); t6 = _this._widget; t6 = t6.restorationScopeId; t7 = A.WidgetsApp_defaultShortcuts(); t8 = $.$get$WidgetsApp_defaultActions(); t1 = A.Actions$(t8, new A.FocusTraversalGroup(new A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FocusScopeNode, type$._DirectionalPolicyData)), new A._MediaQueryFromWindow(new A.Localizations(t4, t5, new A.Title(t3, t2, t1, _null), _null), _null), _null)); return new A.RootRestorationScope(new A.SharedAppData(new A.Shortcuts(t7, new A.DefaultTextEditingShortcuts(A.DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__shortcuts(), t1, "", _null), "", _null), _null), t6, _null); } }; A._WidgetsAppState__onGenerateRoute_closure.prototype = { call$1(context) { var t1 = this.$this._widget.home; t1.toString; return t1; }, $signature: 25 }; A._WidgetsAppState_didChangeLocales_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._app$_locale = this.newLocale; }, $signature: 0 }; A._WidgetsAppState_build_closure.prototype = { call$1(context) { return this.$this._widget.builder.call$2(context, this._box_0.routing); }, $signature: 25 }; A.__WidgetsAppState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver.prototype = {}; A.KeepAliveNotification.prototype = {}; A.KeepAliveHandle.prototype = {}; A.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin.prototype = { _ensureKeepAlive$0() { this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle = new A.KeepAliveHandle(A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)); this._framework$_element.visitAncestorElements$1(new A.KeepAliveNotification().get$visitAncestor()); }, updateKeepAlive$0() { var t1, _this = this; if (_this.get$wantKeepAlive()) { if (_this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle == null) _this._ensureKeepAlive$0(); } else { t1 = _this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle; if (t1 != null) { t1.notifyListeners$0(); _this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle = null; } } }, build$1(_, context) { if (this.get$wantKeepAlive() && this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle == null) this._ensureKeepAlive$0(); return B._NullWidget_null0; } }; A._NullWidget.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError_FlutterError("Widgets that mix AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin into their State must call super.build() but must ignore the return value of the superclass.")); } }; A.Directionality.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { return this.textDirection !== oldWidget.textDirection; } }; A.CustomPaint.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderCustomPaint(this.painter, this.foregroundPainter, B.Size_0_0, false, false, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$painter(this.painter); renderObject.set$foregroundPainter(this.foregroundPainter); renderObject.set$preferredSize(B.Size_0_0); renderObject.willChange = renderObject.isComplex = false; }, didUnmountRenderObject$1(renderObject) { renderObject.set$painter(null); renderObject.set$foregroundPainter(null); } }; A.ClipPath.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderClipPath(this.clipper, this.clipBehavior, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$clipper(this.clipper); renderObject.set$clipBehavior(this.clipBehavior); }, didUnmountRenderObject$1(renderObject) { renderObject.set$clipper(null); } }; A.PhysicalModel.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var _this = this, t1 = new A.RenderPhysicalModel(_this.shape, _this.borderRadius, _this.elevation, _this.shadowColor, _this.color, null, _this.clipBehavior, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = true; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { var _this = this; renderObject.set$shape(0, _this.shape); renderObject.set$clipBehavior(_this.clipBehavior); renderObject.set$borderRadius(0, _this.borderRadius); renderObject.set$elevation(0, _this.elevation); renderObject.set$color(0, _this.color); renderObject.set$shadowColor(0, _this.shadowColor); } }; A.PhysicalShape.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var _this = this, t1 = new A.RenderPhysicalShape(_this.elevation, _this.shadowColor, _this.color, _this.clipper, _this.clipBehavior, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = true; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { var _this = this; renderObject.set$clipper(_this.clipper); renderObject.set$clipBehavior(_this.clipBehavior); renderObject.set$elevation(0, _this.elevation); renderObject.set$color(0, _this.color); renderObject.set$shadowColor(0, _this.shadowColor); } }; A.Transform.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t3, _this = this, t1 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context), t2 = new A.RenderTransform(_this.transformHitTests, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t2.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t3 = t2.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t2.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = t3; t2.set$child(null); t2.set$transform(0, _this.transform); t2.set$alignment(_this.alignment); t2.set$textDirection(0, t1); t2.set$filterQuality(_this.filterQuality); t2.set$origin(0, null); return t2; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { var _this = this; renderObject.set$transform(0, _this.transform); renderObject.set$origin(0, null); renderObject.set$alignment(_this.alignment); renderObject.set$textDirection(0, A.Directionality_maybeOf(context)); renderObject.transformHitTests = _this.transformHitTests; renderObject.set$filterQuality(_this.filterQuality); } }; A.FractionalTranslation.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderFractionalTranslation(this.translation, this.transformHitTests, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$translation(this.translation); renderObject.transformHitTests = this.transformHitTests; } }; A.Padding.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderPadding(this.padding, A.Directionality_maybeOf(context), null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$padding(0, this.padding); renderObject.set$textDirection(0, A.Directionality_maybeOf(context)); } }; A.Align.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderPositionedBox(this.widthFactor, this.heightFactor, this.alignment, A.Directionality_maybeOf(context), null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$alignment(this.alignment); renderObject.set$widthFactor(this.widthFactor); renderObject.set$heightFactor(this.heightFactor); renderObject.set$textDirection(0, A.Directionality_maybeOf(context)); } }; A.Center.prototype = {}; A.LayoutId.prototype = { applyParentData$1(renderObject) { var t2, targetParent, t1 = renderObject.parentData; t1.toString; type$.MultiChildLayoutParentData._as(t1); t2 = this.id; if (t1.id !== t2) { t1.id = t2; targetParent = renderObject._node$_parent; if (targetParent instanceof A.RenderObject) targetParent.markNeedsLayout$0(); } } }; A.CustomMultiChildLayout.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox(this.delegate, 0, null, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.addAll$1(0, null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$delegate(this.delegate); } }; A.SizedBox.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { return A.RenderConstrainedBox$(A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(this.height, this.width)); }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$additionalConstraints(A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(this.height, this.width)); }, toStringShort$0() { var type, _this = this, t1 = _this.width; if (t1 === 1 / 0 && _this.height === 1 / 0) type = "SizedBox.expand"; else type = t1 === 0 && _this.height === 0 ? "SizedBox.shrink" : "SizedBox"; t1 = _this.key; return t1 == null ? type : type + "-" + t1.toString$0(0); } }; A.ConstrainedBox.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { return A.RenderConstrainedBox$(this.constraints); }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$additionalConstraints(this.constraints); } }; A.LimitedBox.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderLimitedBox(this.maxWidth, this.maxHeight, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$maxWidth(0, this.maxWidth); renderObject.set$maxHeight(0, this.maxHeight); } }; A.Offstage.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderOffstage(this.offstage, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$offstage(this.offstage); }, createElement$0(_) { var t1 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t1; return new A._OffstageElement(t1, this, B._ElementLifecycle_0); } }; A._OffstageElement.prototype = { get$widget() { return type$.Offstage._as(A.SingleChildRenderObjectElement.prototype.get$widget.call(this)); } }; A.Stack.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context); t1 = new A.RenderStack(this.alignment, t1, this.fit, B.Clip_1, A.LayerHandle$(), 0, null, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.addAll$1(0, null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { var t1; renderObject.set$alignment(this.alignment); t1 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context); renderObject.set$textDirection(0, t1); t1 = this.fit; if (renderObject._fit !== t1) { renderObject._fit = t1; renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0(); } if (B.Clip_1 !== renderObject._clipBehavior) { renderObject._clipBehavior = B.Clip_1; renderObject.markNeedsPaint$0(); renderObject.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); } } }; A.Positioned.prototype = { applyParentData$1(renderObject) { var t2, needsLayout, targetParent, _this = this, t1 = renderObject.parentData; t1.toString; type$.StackParentData._as(t1); t2 = _this.left; if (t1.left != t2) { t1.left = t2; needsLayout = true; } else needsLayout = false; t2 = _this.top; if (t1.top != t2) { t1.top = t2; needsLayout = true; } t2 = _this.right; if (t1.right != t2) { t1.right = t2; needsLayout = true; } t2 = _this.bottom; if (t1.bottom != t2) { t1.bottom = t2; needsLayout = true; } t2 = _this.width; if (t1.width != t2) { t1.width = t2; needsLayout = true; } if (needsLayout) { targetParent = renderObject._node$_parent; if (targetParent instanceof A.RenderObject) targetParent.markNeedsLayout$0(); } } }; A.PositionedDirectional.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var right, left, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t1.toString; right = _this.start; switch (t1.textDirection.index) { case 0: left = _null; break; case 1: left = right; right = _null; break; default: right = _null; left = right; } return A.Positioned$(_this.bottom, _this.child, _null, _null, left, right, _this.top, _this.width); } }; A.Flex.prototype = { get$_needTextDirection() { switch (this.direction.index) { case 0: return true; case 1: var t1 = this.crossAxisAlignment; return t1 === B.CrossAxisAlignment_0 || t1 === B.CrossAxisAlignment_1; } }, getEffectiveTextDirection$1(context) { var t1 = this.get$_needTextDirection() ? A.Directionality_maybeOf(context) : null; return t1; }, createRenderObject$1(context) { var _this = this, _null = null, t1 = new A.RenderFlex(_this.direction, _this.mainAxisAlignment, _this.mainAxisSize, _this.crossAxisAlignment, _this.getEffectiveTextDirection$1(context), _this.verticalDirection, _this.textBaseline, B.Clip_0, A.LayerHandle$(), A.List_List$filled(4, A.TextPainter$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.TextAlign_4, B.TextDirection_1, _null, 1, B.TextWidthBasis_0), false, type$.TextPainter), true, 0, _null, _null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.addAll$1(0, _null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.direction; if (renderObject._flex$_direction !== t1) { renderObject._flex$_direction = t1; renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0(); } t1 = _this.mainAxisAlignment; if (renderObject._mainAxisAlignment !== t1) { renderObject._mainAxisAlignment = t1; renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0(); } t1 = _this.mainAxisSize; if (renderObject._mainAxisSize !== t1) { renderObject._mainAxisSize = t1; renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0(); } t1 = _this.crossAxisAlignment; if (renderObject._crossAxisAlignment !== t1) { renderObject._crossAxisAlignment = t1; renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0(); } t1 = _this.getEffectiveTextDirection$1(context); if (renderObject._flex$_textDirection != t1) { renderObject._flex$_textDirection = t1; renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0(); } t1 = _this.verticalDirection; if (renderObject._verticalDirection !== t1) { renderObject._verticalDirection = t1; renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0(); } if (B.Clip_0 !== renderObject._flex$_clipBehavior) { renderObject._flex$_clipBehavior = B.Clip_0; renderObject.markNeedsPaint$0(); renderObject.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); } } }; A.Row.prototype = {}; A.RichText.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t3, t4, t5, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = _this.text, t2 = _this.textDirection; if (t2 == null) { t2 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t2.toString; t2 = t2.textDirection; } t3 = _this.overflow; t4 = A.Localizations_maybeLocaleOf(context); t5 = t3 === B.TextOverflow_2 ? "\u2026" : _null; t3 = new A.RenderParagraph(A.TextPainter$(t5, t4, _this.maxLines, _this.strutStyle, t1, _this.textAlign, t2, _this.textHeightBehavior, _this.textScaleFactor, _this.textWidthBasis), true, t3, 0, _null, _null, A.LayerHandle$()); t3.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t3.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t3.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t3.addAll$1(0, _null); t3._extractPlaceholderSpans$1(t1); return t3; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { var t1, _this = this; renderObject.set$text(0, _this.text); renderObject.set$textAlign(0, _this.textAlign); t1 = _this.textDirection; if (t1 == null) { t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t1.toString; t1 = t1.textDirection; } renderObject.set$textDirection(0, t1); renderObject.set$softWrap(true); renderObject.set$overflow(0, _this.overflow); renderObject.set$textScaleFactor(_this.textScaleFactor); renderObject.set$maxLines(0, _this.maxLines); renderObject.set$strutStyle(0, _this.strutStyle); renderObject.set$textWidthBasis(_this.textWidthBasis); renderObject.set$textHeightBehavior(0, _this.textHeightBehavior); t1 = A.Localizations_maybeLocaleOf(context); renderObject.set$locale(0, t1); } }; A.RichText__extractChildren_closure.prototype = { call$1(span) { return true; }, $signature: 62 }; A.Listener.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var _this = this, _null = null, t1 = new A.RenderPointerListener(_this.onPointerDown, _null, _this.onPointerUp, _null, _this.onPointerCancel, _null, _this.behavior, _null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(_null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { var _this = this; renderObject.onPointerDown = _this.onPointerDown; renderObject.onPointerMove = null; renderObject.onPointerUp = _this.onPointerUp; renderObject.onPointerHover = null; renderObject.onPointerCancel = _this.onPointerCancel; renderObject.onPointerSignal = null; renderObject.behavior = _this.behavior; } }; A.MouseRegion.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._MouseRegionState(B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._MouseRegionState.prototype = { handleExit$1($event) { var t1 = this._widget.onExit; if (t1 != null && this._framework$_element != null) t1.call$1($event); }, getHandleExit$0() { return this._widget.onExit == null ? null : this.get$handleExit(); }, build$1(_, context) { return new A._RawMouseRegion(this, this._widget.child, null); } }; A._RawMouseRegion.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = this.owner, t2 = t1._widget; t2.toString; t2 = new A.RenderMouseRegion(true, t2.onEnter, null, t1.getHandleExit$0(), t2.cursor, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t2.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t2.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t2.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t2.set$child(null); return t2; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { var t1 = this.owner, t2 = t1._widget; t2.toString; renderObject.onEnter = t2.onEnter; renderObject.onHover = null; renderObject.onExit = t1.getHandleExit$0(); t2 = t2.cursor; if (!renderObject._cursor.$eq(0, t2)) { renderObject._cursor = t2; renderObject.markNeedsPaint$0(); } } }; A.RepaintBoundary.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderRepaintBoundary(null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = true; t1.set$child(null); return t1; } }; A.IgnorePointer.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderIgnorePointer(this.ignoring, this.ignoringSemantics, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$ignoring(this.ignoring); renderObject.set$ignoringSemantics(this.ignoringSemantics); } }; A.AbsorbPointer.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderAbsorbPointer(false, null, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$absorbing(false); renderObject.set$ignoringSemantics(null); } }; A.Semantics.prototype = { get$_effectiveAttributedLabel() { var t1 = this.properties.label; t1 = t1 == null ? null : new A.AttributedString(t1, B.List_empty2); return t1; }, get$_effectiveAttributedValue() { return null; }, get$_effectiveAttributedIncreasedValue() { return null; }, get$_effectiveAttributedDecreasedValue() { return null; }, get$_effectiveAttributedHint() { return null; }, createRenderObject$1(context) { var _this = this, _null = null, t1 = _this.properties; t1 = new A.RenderSemanticsAnnotations(_this.container, _this.explicitChildNodes, false, t1.checked, t1.enabled, t1.selected, t1.button, t1.slider, t1.keyboardKey, t1.link, t1.header, t1.textField, t1.readOnly, t1.focusable, t1.focused, t1.inMutuallyExclusiveGroup, t1.obscured, t1.multiline, t1.scopesRoute, t1.namesRoute, t1.hidden, t1.image, t1.liveRegion, t1.maxValueLength, t1.currentValueLength, t1.toggled, _this.get$_effectiveAttributedLabel(), _this.get$_effectiveAttributedValue(), _this.get$_effectiveAttributedIncreasedValue(), _this.get$_effectiveAttributedDecreasedValue(), _this.get$_effectiveAttributedHint(), t1.hintOverrides, _this._getTextDirection$1(context), t1.sortKey, t1.tagForChildren, t1.onTap, t1.onDismiss, t1.onLongPress, t1.onScrollLeft, t1.onScrollRight, t1.onScrollUp, t1.onScrollDown, t1.onIncrease, t1.onDecrease, t1.onCopy, t1.onCut, t1.onPaste, t1.onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter, t1.onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter, _null, _null, t1.onSetSelection, t1.onSetText, t1.onDidGainAccessibilityFocus, t1.onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus, t1.customSemanticsActions, _null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(_null); return t1; }, _getTextDirection$1(context) { var containsText, t1 = this.properties, t2 = t1.textDirection; if (t2 != null) return t2; if (t1.label == null) containsText = false; else containsText = true; if (!containsText) return null; return A.Directionality_maybeOf(context); }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { var t1, t2, _this = this; renderObject.set$container(_this.container); renderObject.set$explicitChildNodes(_this.explicitChildNodes); renderObject.set$excludeSemantics(false); t1 = _this.properties; renderObject.set$scopesRoute(t1.scopesRoute); renderObject.set$enabled(0, t1.enabled); renderObject.set$checked(0, t1.checked); renderObject.set$toggled(t1.toggled); renderObject.set$selected(0, t1.selected); renderObject.set$button(0, t1.button); renderObject.set$slider(t1.slider); renderObject.set$keyboardKey(t1.keyboardKey); renderObject.set$link(t1.link); renderObject.set$header(t1.header); renderObject.set$textField(t1.textField); renderObject.set$readOnly(0, t1.readOnly); renderObject.set$focusable(t1.focusable); renderObject.set$focused(0, t1.focused); renderObject.set$inMutuallyExclusiveGroup(t1.inMutuallyExclusiveGroup); renderObject.set$obscured(t1.obscured); renderObject.set$multiline(0, t1.multiline); renderObject.set$hidden(0, t1.hidden); renderObject.set$image(0, t1.image); renderObject.set$liveRegion(t1.liveRegion); renderObject.set$maxValueLength(t1.maxValueLength); renderObject.set$currentValueLength(t1.currentValueLength); renderObject.set$attributedLabel(_this.get$_effectiveAttributedLabel()); renderObject.set$attributedValue(_this.get$_effectiveAttributedValue()); renderObject.set$attributedIncreasedValue(_this.get$_effectiveAttributedIncreasedValue()); renderObject.set$attributedDecreasedValue(_this.get$_effectiveAttributedDecreasedValue()); renderObject.set$attributedHint(_this.get$_effectiveAttributedHint()); renderObject.set$hintOverrides(t1.hintOverrides); renderObject.set$namesRoute(t1.namesRoute); renderObject.set$textDirection(0, _this._getTextDirection$1(context)); renderObject.set$sortKey(t1.sortKey); renderObject.set$tagForChildren(t1.tagForChildren); renderObject.set$onTap(t1.onTap); renderObject.set$onLongPress(t1.onLongPress); renderObject.set$onScrollLeft(t1.onScrollLeft); renderObject.set$onScrollRight(t1.onScrollRight); renderObject.set$onScrollUp(t1.onScrollUp); renderObject.set$onScrollDown(t1.onScrollDown); renderObject.set$onIncrease(t1.onIncrease); renderObject.set$onDismiss(t1.onDismiss); renderObject.set$onDecrease(t1.onDecrease); renderObject.set$onCopy(0, t1.onCopy); renderObject.set$onCut(0, t1.onCut); renderObject.set$onPaste(0, t1.onPaste); t2 = t1.onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter; renderObject.set$onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter(t2); renderObject.set$onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter(t2); renderObject.set$onMoveCursorForwardByWord(null); renderObject.set$onMoveCursorBackwardByWord(null); renderObject.set$onSetSelection(t1.onSetSelection); renderObject.set$onSetText(t1.onSetText); renderObject.set$onDidGainAccessibilityFocus(t1.onDidGainAccessibilityFocus); renderObject.set$onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus(t1.onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus); renderObject.set$customSemanticsActions(t1.customSemanticsActions); } }; A.MergeSemantics.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderMergeSemantics(null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; } }; A.BlockSemantics.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderBlockSemantics(true, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$blocking(true); } }; A.ExcludeSemantics.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderExcludeSemantics(this.excluding, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$excluding(this.excluding); } }; A.KeyedSubtree.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { return this.child; } }; A.Builder.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { return this.builder.call$1(context); } }; A.ColoredBox.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A._RenderColoredBox(this.color, B.HitTestBehavior_1, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { type$._RenderColoredBox._as(renderObject).set$color(0, this.color); } }; A._RenderColoredBox.prototype = { set$color(_, value) { if (value.$eq(0, this._basic$_color)) return; this._basic$_color = value; this.markNeedsPaint$0(); }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _this = this, t1 = _this._size; if (t1._dx > 0 && t1._dy > 0) { t1 = context.get$canvas(context); t2 = _this._size; t3 = offset._dx; t4 = offset._dy; t5 = t2._dx; t2 = t2._dy; t6 = A._detectRenderer(); t6 = t6 ? A.CkPaint$() : new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData()); t6.set$color(0, _this._basic$_color); t1.drawRect$2(0, new A.Rect(t3, t4, t3 + t5, t4 + t2), t6); } t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child; if (t1 != null) context.paintChild$2(t1, offset); } }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure.prototype = { call$1(parameters) { return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3(parameters); }, $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3(parameters) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_Object), $async$returnValue, data, result, t1; var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $.RendererBinding__instance; if (t1 == null) data = null; else { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(t1.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner")._rootNode; t1.toString; result = t1.super$DiagnosticableTreeMixin$toStringDeep(B.DiagnosticLevel_2, "", ""); data = result; } $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["data", data == null ? "Render tree unavailable." : data], type$.String, type$.Object); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 43 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0.prototype = { call$1(parameters) { return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(parameters); }, $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(parameters) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_Object), $async$returnValue, data, t1; var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $.RendererBinding__instance; if (t1 == null) data = null; else { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(t1.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner")._rootNode.get$debugSemantics(); t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.toStringDeep$0(); data = t1; } $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["data", data == null ? "Semantics not collected." : data], type$.String, type$.Object); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 43 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1.prototype = { call$1(parameters) { return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(parameters); }, $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(parameters) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_Object), $async$returnValue, data, t1; var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $.RendererBinding__instance; if (t1 == null) data = null; else { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(t1.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner")._rootNode.get$debugSemantics(); t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.toStringDeep$1$childOrder(B.DebugSemanticsDumpOrder_0); data = t1; } $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["data", data == null ? "Semantics not collected." : data], type$.String, type$.Object); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 43 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2.prototype = { call$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool), $async$returnValue; var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$returnValue = $.debugProfilePaintsEnabled; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer); }, $signature: 39 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3.prototype = { call$1(value) { return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(value); }, $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(value) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void); var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start if ($.debugProfilePaintsEnabled !== value) $.debugProfilePaintsEnabled = value; // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 51 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4.prototype = { call$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool), $async$returnValue; var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$returnValue = $.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer); }, $signature: 39 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5.prototype = { call$1(value) { return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(value); }, $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(value) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void); var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start if ($.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled !== value) $.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled = value; // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 51 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_dispatchEvent_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t2, result, _this = this, t1 = _this.hitTestResult; if (t1 == null || type$.PointerMoveEvent._is(_this.event)) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.$this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner")._rootNode; t1.toString; t2 = _this.event; t2 = t2.get$position(t2); result = A.BoxHitTestResult$(); t1.hitTest$2$position(result, t2); t1 = result; } return t1; }, $signature: 237 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initInstances_closure.prototype = { call$1(timings) { J.forEach$1$ax(timings, this.$this.get$_profileFramePostEvent()); }, $signature: 58 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.double), $async$returnValue; var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$returnValue = $._timeDilation; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer); }, $signature: 238 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0.prototype = { call$1(value) { return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(value); }, $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(value) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void); var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start A.timeDilation(value); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 239 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_initInstances_closure.prototype = { call$1(message) { return this.$this.handleSystemMessage$1(type$.Object._as(message)); }, $signature: 240 }; A.WidgetsBindingObserver.prototype = { didPopRoute$0() { return A.Future_Future$value(false, type$.bool); }, didPushRoute$1(route) { return A.Future_Future$value(false, type$.bool); }, didPushRouteInformation$1(routeInformation) { var t1 = routeInformation.location; t1.toString; return this.didPushRoute$1(t1); }, didChangeMetrics$0() { }, didChangePlatformBrightness$0() { }, didChangeLocales$1(locales) { } }; A.WidgetsBinding.prototype = { handleLocaleChanged$0() { this.dispatchLocalesChanged$1($.$get$window().platformDispatcher._configuration.locales); }, dispatchLocalesChanged$1(locales) { var t1, t2, _i; for (t1 = this.WidgetsBinding__observers, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i].didChangeLocales$1(locales); }, handlePopRoute$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, _i; var $async$handlePopRoute$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = A.List_List$of($async$self.WidgetsBinding__observers, true, type$.WidgetsBindingObserver), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; case 3: // for condition if (!(_i < t2)) { // goto after for $async$goto = 5; break; } $async$goto = 6; return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].didPopRoute$0(), $async$handlePopRoute$0); case 6: // returning from await. if ($async$result) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } case 4: // for update ++_i; // goto for condition $async$goto = 3; break; case 5: // after for A.SystemNavigator_pop(); case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$handlePopRoute$0, $async$completer); }, handlePushRoute$1(route) { return this.handlePushRoute$body$WidgetsBinding(route); }, handlePushRoute$body$WidgetsBinding(route) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, _i; var $async$handlePushRoute$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = A.List_List$of($async$self.WidgetsBinding__observers, true, type$.WidgetsBindingObserver), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; case 3: // for condition if (!(_i < t2)) { // goto after for $async$goto = 5; break; } $async$goto = 6; return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].didPushRoute$1(route), $async$handlePushRoute$1); case 6: // returning from await. if ($async$result) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } case 4: // for update ++_i; // goto for condition $async$goto = 3; break; case 5: // after for case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$handlePushRoute$1, $async$completer); }, _handlePushRouteInformation$1(routeArguments) { return this._handlePushRouteInformation$body$WidgetsBinding(routeArguments); }, _handlePushRouteInformation$body$WidgetsBinding(routeArguments) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i; var $async$_handlePushRouteInformation$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = A.List_List$of($async$self.WidgetsBinding__observers, true, type$.WidgetsBindingObserver), t2 = t1.length, t3 = J.getInterceptor$asx(routeArguments), _i = 0; case 3: // for condition if (!(_i < t2)) { // goto after for $async$goto = 5; break; } $async$goto = 6; return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].didPushRouteInformation$1(new A.RouteInformation(A._asString(t3.$index(routeArguments, "location")), t3.$index(routeArguments, "state"))), $async$_handlePushRouteInformation$1); case 6: // returning from await. if ($async$result) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } case 4: // for update ++_i; // goto for condition $async$goto = 3; break; case 5: // after for case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handlePushRouteInformation$1, $async$completer); }, _handleNavigationInvocation$1(methodCall) { switch (methodCall.method) { case "popRoute": return this.handlePopRoute$0(); case "pushRoute": return this.handlePushRoute$1(A._asString(methodCall.$arguments)); case "pushRouteInformation": return this._handlePushRouteInformation$1(type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(methodCall.$arguments)); } return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.dynamic); }, _handleBuildScheduled$0() { this.ensureVisualUpdate$0(); }, scheduleAttachRootWidget$1(rootWidget) { A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, new A.WidgetsBinding_scheduleAttachRootWidget_closure(this, rootWidget)); } }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure.prototype = { call$1(parameters) { return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3(parameters); }, $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3(parameters) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_Object), $async$returnValue, t1, t2; var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = "" + (J.get$runtimeType$($.WidgetsBinding__instance).toString$0(0) + " - PROFILE MODE\n"); t2 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__renderViewElement; if (t2 != null) { t2.toDiagnosticsNode$0(); t1 += "\n"; } else t1 += "\n"; $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["data", t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1], type$.String, type$.Object); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 43 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0.prototype = { call$1(_) { return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(_); }, $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(_) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_dynamic), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this; var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["enabled", $async$self.$this.WidgetsBinding__needToReportFirstFrame ? "false" : "true"], type$.String, type$.dynamic); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 30 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1.prototype = { call$1(_) { return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(_); }, $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(_) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_dynamic), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this; var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["enabled", ($async$self.$this.WidgetsBinding__firstFrameCompleter.future._state & 30) !== 0 ? "true" : "false"], type$.String, type$.dynamic); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 30 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2.prototype = { call$1(params) { return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(params); }, $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(params) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_String), $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, t1, className; var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) { $async$currentError = $async$result; $async$goto = $async$handler; } while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start className = A._asStringQ(J.$index$asx(params, "className")); A.throwExpression(A.FlutterError_FlutterError("Cannot instantiate DebugReassembleConfig in profile or release mode.")); $.BindingBase_debugReassembleConfig = new A.DebugReassembleConfig(className); $async$handler = 3; t1 = $async$self.$this; $async$goto = 6; return A._asyncAwait(t1.lockEvents$1(t1.get$performReassemble()), $async$call$1); case 6: // returning from await. $async$next.push(5); // goto finally $async$goto = 4; break; case 3: // uncaught $async$next = [2]; case 4: // finally $async$handler = 2; $.BindingBase_debugReassembleConfig = null; // goto the next finally handler $async$goto = $async$next.pop(); break; case 5: // after finally t1 = type$.String; $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["type", "Success"], t1, t1); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); case 2: // rethrow return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 242 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3.prototype = { call$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool), $async$returnValue; var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$returnValue = $.debugProfileBuildsEnabled; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer); }, $signature: 39 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4.prototype = { call$1(value) { return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(value); }, $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(value) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void); var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start if ($.debugProfileBuildsEnabled !== value) $.debugProfileBuildsEnabled = value; // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer); }, $signature: 51 }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_drawFrame_closure.prototype = { call$1(timings) { var t2, t3, t1 = $.$get$_FakeUserTag__defaultTag(); $.$get$_currentTag(); $._currentTag = t1; A.Timeline_instantSync("Rasterized first useful frame", null); A.postEvent("Flutter.FirstFrame", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic)); t1 = $.SchedulerBinding__instance; t1.toString; t2 = this._box_0; t3 = t2.firstFrameCallback; t3.toString; t1.removeTimingsCallback$1(t3); t2.firstFrameCallback = null; this.$this.WidgetsBinding__firstFrameCompleter.complete$0(0); }, $signature: 58 }; A.WidgetsBinding_scheduleAttachRootWidget_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t3, t4, t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1.WidgetsBinding__renderViewElement; t1.WidgetsBinding__readyToProduceFrames = true; t3 = A._lateReadCheck(t1.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner")._rootNode; t3.toString; t4 = t1.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner; t4.toString; t1.WidgetsBinding__renderViewElement = new A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter(this.rootWidget, t3, "[root]", new A.GlobalObjectKey(t3, type$.GlobalObjectKey_State_StatefulWidget), type$.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_RenderBox).attachToRenderTree$2(t4, type$.nullable_RenderObjectToWidgetElement_RenderBox._as(t1.WidgetsBinding__renderViewElement)); if (t2 == null) $.SchedulerBinding__instance.ensureVisualUpdate$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { var t1 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t1; return new A.RenderObjectToWidgetElement(t1, this, B._ElementLifecycle_0, this.$ti._eval$1("RenderObjectToWidgetElement<1>")); }, createRenderObject$1(context) { return this.container; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { }, attachToRenderTree$2(owner, element) { var t2, t1 = {}; t1.element = element; if (element == null) { owner.lockState$1(new A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure(t1, this, owner)); t2 = t1.element; t2.toString; owner.buildScope$2(t2, new A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure0(t1)); } else { element._newWidget = this; element.markNeedsBuild$0(); } t1 = t1.element; t1.toString; return t1; }, toStringShort$0() { return this.debugShortDescription; } }; A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this, element = A.RenderObjectToWidgetElement$(t1, t1.$ti._precomputed1); this._box_0.element = element; element._owner = this.owner; }, $signature: 0 }; A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this._box_0.element; t1.toString; t1.super$RootRenderObjectElement$mount(null, null); t1._rebuild$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A.RenderObjectToWidgetElement.prototype = { get$widget() { return this.$ti._eval$1("RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter<1>")._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$widget.call(this)); }, visitChildren$1(visitor) { var t1 = this._child; if (t1 != null) visitor.call$1(t1); }, forgetChild$1(child) { this._child = null; this.super$Element$forgetChild(child); }, mount$2($parent, newSlot) { this.super$RootRenderObjectElement$mount($parent, newSlot); this._rebuild$0(); }, update$1(_, newWidget) { this.super$RenderObjectElement$update(0, newWidget); this._rebuild$0(); }, performRebuild$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._newWidget; if (t1 != null) { _this._newWidget = null; _this.super$RenderObjectElement$update(0, _this.$ti._eval$1("RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter<1>")._as(t1)); _this._rebuild$0(); } _this.super$RenderObjectElement$performRebuild(); }, _rebuild$0() { var exception, stack, details, error, exception0, t1, _this = this; try { _this._child = _this.updateChild$3(_this._child, _this.$ti._eval$1("RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter<1>")._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$widget.call(_this)).child, B.C_Object); } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("attaching to the render tree"); details = new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "widgets library", t1, null, false); A.FlutterError_reportError(details); error = A.ErrorWidget__defaultErrorWidgetBuilder(details); _this._child = _this.updateChild$3(null, error, B.C_Object); } }, get$renderObject() { return this.$ti._eval$1("RenderObjectWithChildMixin<1>")._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this)); }, insertRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) { var t1 = this.$ti; t1._eval$1("RenderObjectWithChildMixin<1>")._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this)).set$child(t1._precomputed1._as(child)); }, moveRenderObjectChild$3(child, oldSlot, newSlot) { }, removeRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) { this.$ti._eval$1("RenderObjectWithChildMixin<1>")._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this)).set$child(null); } }; A.WidgetsFlutterBinding.prototype = {$isHitTestTarget: 1}; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding.prototype = { initInstances$0() { this.super$BindingBase$initInstances(); $.GestureBinding__instance = this; var t1 = $.$get$window().platformDispatcher; t1._onPointerDataPacket = this.get$_handlePointerDataPacket(); t1._onPointerDataPacketZone = $.Zone__current; }, unlocked$0() { this.super$BindingBase$unlocked(); this._flushPointerEventQueue$0(); } }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding.prototype = { initInstances$0() { var _this = this; _this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding$initInstances(); $.SchedulerBinding__instance = _this; _this.addTimingsCallback$1(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initInstances_closure(_this)); }, initServiceExtensions$0() { this.super$BindingBase$initServiceExtensions(); this.registerNumericServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(), "timeDilation", new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0()); } }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding.prototype = { initInstances$0() { var t1, t2, _this = this, _s9_ = "_keyboard", _s16_ = "_keyEventManager"; _this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding$initInstances(); $.ServicesBinding__instance = _this; A._lateWriteOnceCheck(_this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger, "_defaultBinaryMessenger"); _this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger = B.C__DefaultBinaryMessenger; t1 = new A.RestorationManager(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.RestorationBucket), A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)); B.OptionalMethodChannel_fgL.setMethodCallHandler$1(t1.get$_methodHandler()); _this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__restorationManager = t1; t1 = new A.HardwareKeyboard(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.PhysicalKeyboardKey, type$.LogicalKeyboardKey), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.KeyboardLockMode), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_bool_Function_KeyEvent)); A._lateWriteOnceCheck(_this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyboard, _s9_); _this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyboard = t1; t1 = new A.KeyEventManager(A._lateReadCheck(t1, _s9_), $.$get$RawKeyboard_instance(), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_KeyEvent)); A._lateWriteOnceCheck(_this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyEventManager, _s16_); _this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyEventManager = t1; t2 = $.$get$window(); t1 = A._lateReadCheck(t1, _s16_).get$handleKeyData(); t2 = t2.platformDispatcher; t2._onKeyData = t1; t2._onKeyDataZone = $.Zone__current; B.BasicMessageChannel_Cfi.setMessageHandler$1(A._lateReadCheck(_this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyEventManager, _s16_).get$handleRawKeyMessage()); t1 = $.LicenseRegistry__collectors; if (t1 == null) t1 = $.LicenseRegistry__collectors = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_Stream_LicenseEntry_Function); t1.push(_this.get$_addLicenses()); B.BasicMessageChannel_Qma.setMessageHandler$1(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_initInstances_closure(_this)); B.BasicMessageChannel_No7.setMessageHandler$1(_this.get$_handleLifecycleMessage()); B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.setMethodCallHandler$1(_this.get$_handlePlatformMessage()); _this.readInitialLifecycleStateFromNativeWindow$0(); }, initServiceExtensions$0() { this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding$initServiceExtensions(); } }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding.prototype = { initInstances$0() { this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding$initInstances(); $.PaintingBinding__instance = this; var t1 = type$.Object; this.PaintingBinding__imageCache = new A.ImageCache(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$._PendingImage), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$._CachedImage), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$._LiveImage)); }, handleMemoryPressure$0() { this.super$ServicesBinding$handleMemoryPressure(); var t1 = this.PaintingBinding__imageCache; if (t1 != null) t1.clear$0(0); }, handleSystemMessage$1(systemMessage) { return this.handleSystemMessage$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding(systemMessage); }, handleSystemMessage$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding(systemMessage) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this; var $async$handleSystemMessage$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.super$ServicesBinding$handleSystemMessage(systemMessage), $async$handleSystemMessage$1); case 3: // returning from await. switch (A._asString(J.$index$asx(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(systemMessage), "type"))) { case "fontsChange": $async$self.PaintingBinding__systemFonts.notifyListeners$0(); break; } // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$handleSystemMessage$1, $async$completer); } }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding.prototype = { initInstances$0() { this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding$initInstances(); $.SemanticsBinding__instance = this; this.SemanticsBinding___SemanticsBinding__accessibilityFeatures = $.$get$window().platformDispatcher._configuration.accessibilityFeatures; } }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding.prototype = { initInstances$0() { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this, _s14_ = "_pipelineOwner"; _this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding$initInstances(); $.RendererBinding__instance = _this; t1 = type$.JSArray_RenderObject; _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner = new A.PipelineOwner(_this.get$ensureVisualUpdate(), _this.get$_handleSemanticsOwnerCreated(), _this.get$_handleSemanticsOwnerDisposed(), A._setArrayType([], t1), A._setArrayType([], t1), A._setArrayType([], t1), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.RenderObject)); t1 = $.$get$window(); t2 = t1.platformDispatcher; t2._onMetricsChanged = _this.get$handleMetricsChanged(); t3 = t2._onMetricsChangedZone = $.Zone__current; t2._onPlatformBrightnessChanged = _this.get$handlePlatformBrightnessChanged(); t2._onPlatformBrightnessChangedZone = t3; t2._onSemanticsEnabledChanged = _this.get$_handleSemanticsEnabledChanged(); t2._onSemanticsEnabledChangedZone = t3; t2._onSemanticsAction = _this.get$_handleSemanticsAction(); t2._onSemanticsActionZone = t3; t1 = new A.RenderView(B.Size_0_0, _this.createViewConfiguration$0(), t1, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = true; t1.set$child(null); A._lateReadCheck(_this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, _s14_).set$rootNode(t1); t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, _s14_)._rootNode; t1._relayoutBoundary = t1; t3 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner; t3._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t1))._nodesNeedingLayout.push(t1); t4 = t1._updateMatricesAndCreateNewRootLayer$0(); t1._layerHandle.set$layer(0, t4); t3._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t1))._nodesNeedingPaint.push(t1); _this.setSemanticsEnabled$1(t2._configuration.semanticsEnabled); _this.SchedulerBinding__persistentCallbacks.push(_this.get$_handlePersistentFrameCallback()); t1 = type$.int; t2 = A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function); _this.RendererBinding__mouseTracker = new A.MouseTracker(new A.MouseCursorManager(B.SystemMouseCursor_basic, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.MouseCursorSession)), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$._MouseState), t2); _this.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(_this.get$_handleWebFirstFrame()); }, initServiceExtensions$0() { var _this = this; _this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding$initServiceExtensions(); _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(), "debugDumpRenderTree"); _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(), "debugDumpSemanticsTreeInTraversalOrder"); _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(), "debugDumpSemanticsTreeInInverseHitTestOrder"); _this.registerBoolServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(), "profileRenderObjectPaints", new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3()); _this.registerBoolServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4(), "profileRenderObjectLayouts", new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5()); }, dispatchEvent$2(_, $event, hitTestResult) { this.RendererBinding__mouseTracker.updateWithEvent$2($event, new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_dispatchEvent_closure(this, hitTestResult, $event)); this.super$GestureBinding$dispatchEvent(0, $event, hitTestResult); }, performReassemble$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$next = [], $async$self = this, t1; var $async$performReassemble$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.super$BindingBase$performReassemble(), $async$performReassemble$0); case 2: // returning from await. t1 = $.BindingBase_debugReassembleConfig; if ((t1 == null ? null : t1.widgetName) == null) { A.Timeline_startSync("Preparing Hot Reload (layout)", B.Map_9aZ6I, null); try { A._lateReadCheck($async$self.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner, "_pipelineOwner")._rootNode.reassemble$0(); } finally { A.Timeline_finishSync(); } } $async$self.scheduleWarmUpFrame$0(); $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait($async$self.get$endOfFrame(), $async$performReassemble$0); case 3: // returning from await. // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$performReassemble$0, $async$completer); } }; A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding.prototype = { initServiceExtensions$0() { var _this = this; _this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding$initServiceExtensions(); _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(), "debugDumpApp"); _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(_this), "didSendFirstFrameEvent"); _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(_this), "didSendFirstFrameRasterizedEvent"); _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(_this), "fastReassemble"); _this.registerBoolServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3(), "profileWidgetBuilds", new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4()); }, handleMetricsChanged$0() { var t1, t2, _i; this.super$RendererBinding$handleMetricsChanged(); for (t1 = this.WidgetsBinding__observers, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i].didChangeMetrics$0(); }, handlePlatformBrightnessChanged$0() { var t1, t2, _i; this.super$RendererBinding$handlePlatformBrightnessChanged(); for (t1 = this.WidgetsBinding__observers, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i].didChangePlatformBrightness$0(); }, handleAppLifecycleStateChanged$1(state) { var t1, _i; this.super$SchedulerBinding$handleAppLifecycleStateChanged(state); for (t1 = this.WidgetsBinding__observers.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) ; }, handleMemoryPressure$0() { var t1, _i; this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding$handleMemoryPressure(); for (t1 = this.WidgetsBinding__observers.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) ; }, drawFrame$0() { var firstFrameCallback, t2, _this = this, t1 = {}; t1.firstFrameCallback = null; if (_this.WidgetsBinding__needToReportFirstFrame) { firstFrameCallback = new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_drawFrame_closure(t1, _this); t1.firstFrameCallback = firstFrameCallback; $.SchedulerBinding__instance.addTimingsCallback$1(firstFrameCallback); } try { t2 = _this.WidgetsBinding__renderViewElement; if (t2 != null) _this.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.buildScope$1(t2); _this.super$RendererBinding$drawFrame(); _this.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.finalizeTree$0(); } finally { } if (_this.WidgetsBinding__needToReportFirstFrame) t2 = _this.RendererBinding__firstFrameSent || _this.RendererBinding__firstFrameDeferredCount === 0; else t2 = false; if (t2) A.Timeline_instantSync("Widgets built first useful frame", null); t2 = _this.WidgetsBinding__needToReportFirstFrame = false; t1 = t1.firstFrameCallback; if (t1 != null) t2 = !(_this.RendererBinding__firstFrameSent || _this.RendererBinding__firstFrameDeferredCount === 0); if (t2) { _this.WidgetsBinding__needToReportFirstFrame = true; t2 = $.SchedulerBinding__instance; t2.toString; t1.toString; t2.removeTimingsCallback$1(t1); } }, performReassemble$0() { var t1 = this.WidgetsBinding__renderViewElement; if (t1 != null) this.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.reassemble$2(t1, $.BindingBase_debugReassembleConfig); return this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding$performReassemble(); } }; A.DecoratedBox.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderDecoratedBox(this.decoration, this.position, A.createLocalImageConfiguration(context), null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$decoration(0, this.decoration); renderObject.set$configuration(A.createLocalImageConfiguration(context)); renderObject.set$position(0, this.position); } }; A.Container.prototype = { get$_paddingIncludingDecoration() { var decorationPadding, t1 = this.decoration; if (t1 == null || t1.get$padding(t1) == null) return this.padding; decorationPadding = t1.get$padding(t1); t1 = this.padding; if (t1 == null) return decorationPadding; decorationPadding.toString; return t1.add$1(0, decorationPadding); }, build$1(_, context) { var t1, effectivePadding, _this = this, _null = null, current = _this.child; if (current == null) { t1 = _this.constraints; if (t1 != null) t1 = !(t1.minWidth >= t1.maxWidth && t1.minHeight >= t1.maxHeight); else t1 = true; } else t1 = false; if (t1) current = new A.LimitedBox(0, 0, new A.ConstrainedBox(B.BoxConstraints_ALM, _null, _null), _null); t1 = _this.alignment; if (t1 != null) current = new A.Align(t1, _null, _null, current, _null); effectivePadding = _this.get$_paddingIncludingDecoration(); if (effectivePadding != null) current = new A.Padding(effectivePadding, current, _null); t1 = _this.color; if (t1 != null) current = new A.ColoredBox(t1, current, _null); t1 = _this.decoration; if (t1 != null) current = A.DecoratedBox$(current, t1, B.DecorationPosition_0); t1 = _this.constraints; if (t1 != null) current = new A.ConstrainedBox(t1, current, _null); t1 = _this.margin; if (t1 != null) current = new A.Padding(t1, current, _null); current.toString; return current; } }; A.DefaultTextEditingShortcuts.prototype = {}; A.KeyEventResult.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "KeyEventResult." + this._name; } }; A._Autofocus.prototype = {}; A.FocusAttachment.prototype = { detach$0(_) { var t2, t1 = this._node; if (t1._attachment === this) { if (!t1.get$hasPrimaryFocus()) { t2 = t1._manager; t2 = t2 != null && t2._markedForFocus === t1; } else t2 = true; if (t2) t1.unfocus$1$disposition(B.UnfocusDisposition_1); t2 = t1._manager; if (t2 != null) { if (t2._primaryFocus === t1) t2._primaryFocus = null; t2._dirtyNodes.remove$1(0, t1); } t2 = t1._focus_manager$_parent; if (t2 != null) t2._removeChild$1(0, t1); t1._attachment = null; } }, reparent$0() { var t2, $parent, t1 = this._node; if (t1._attachment === this) { t2 = t1._context; t2.toString; $parent = A.Focus_maybeOf(t2, true); ($parent == null ? t1._context._owner.focusManager.rootScope : $parent)._reparent$1(t1); } } }; A.UnfocusDisposition.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "UnfocusDisposition." + this._name; } }; A.FocusNode.prototype = { set$skipTraversal(value) { var t1, _this = this; if (value !== _this._skipTraversal) { _this._skipTraversal = value; t1 = _this._manager; if (t1 != null) { t1._markNeedsUpdate$0(); t1._dirtyNodes.add$1(0, _this); } } }, get$canRequestFocus() { var scope, t1, t2, _i; if (!this._focus_manager$_canRequestFocus) return false; scope = this.get$enclosingScope(); if (scope != null && !scope.get$canRequestFocus()) return false; for (t1 = this.get$ancestors(), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) t1[_i].toString; return true; }, set$canRequestFocus(value) { var t1, _this = this; if (value !== _this._focus_manager$_canRequestFocus) { _this._focus_manager$_canRequestFocus = value; if (_this.get$hasFocus() && !value) _this.unfocus$1$disposition(B.UnfocusDisposition_1); t1 = _this._manager; if (t1 != null) { t1._markNeedsUpdate$0(); t1._dirtyNodes.add$1(0, _this); } } }, set$descendantsAreFocusable(value) { return; }, get$descendants() { var result, t2, _i, child, t1 = this._descendants; if (t1 == null) { result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_FocusNode); for (t1 = this._children, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { child = t1[_i]; B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(result, child.get$descendants()); result.push(child); } this._descendants = result; t1 = result; } return t1; }, get$traversalDescendants() { var t1 = this.get$descendants(); return new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.FocusNode_traversalDescendants_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>")); }, get$ancestors() { var result, $parent, t1 = this._ancestors; if (t1 == null) { result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_FocusNode); $parent = this._focus_manager$_parent; for (; $parent != null;) { result.push($parent); $parent = $parent._focus_manager$_parent; } this._ancestors = result; t1 = result; } return t1; }, get$hasFocus() { if (!this.get$hasPrimaryFocus()) { var t1 = this._manager; if (t1 == null) t1 = null; else { t1 = t1._primaryFocus; t1 = t1 == null ? null : B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t1.get$ancestors(), this); } t1 = t1 === true; } else t1 = true; return t1; }, get$hasPrimaryFocus() { var t1 = this._manager; return (t1 == null ? null : t1._primaryFocus) === this; }, get$nearestScope() { return this.get$enclosingScope(); }, get$enclosingScope() { var t1, t2, _i, node; for (t1 = this.get$ancestors(), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) { node = t1[_i]; if (node instanceof A.FocusScopeNode) return node; } return null; }, get$rect(_) { var bottomRight, object = this._context.get$renderObject(), t1 = object.getTransformTo$1(0, null), t2 = object.get$semanticBounds(), topLeft = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(t1, new A.Offset(t2.left, t2.top)); t2 = object.getTransformTo$1(0, null); t1 = object.get$semanticBounds(); bottomRight = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(t2, new A.Offset(t1.right, t1.bottom)); return new A.Rect(topLeft._dx, topLeft._dy, bottomRight._dx, bottomRight._dy); }, unfocus$1$disposition(disposition) { var t1, scope, _this = this; if (!_this.get$hasFocus()) { t1 = _this._manager; t1 = t1 == null || t1._markedForFocus !== _this; } else t1 = false; if (t1) return; scope = _this.get$enclosingScope(); if (scope == null) return; switch (disposition.index) { case 0: if (scope.get$canRequestFocus()) B.JSArray_methods.set$length(scope._focusedChildren, 0); for (; !scope.get$canRequestFocus();) { scope = scope.get$enclosingScope(); if (scope == null) { t1 = _this._manager; scope = t1 == null ? null : t1.rootScope; } } scope._doRequestFocus$1$findFirstFocus(false); break; case 1: if (scope.get$canRequestFocus()) B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(scope._focusedChildren, _this); for (; !scope.get$canRequestFocus();) { t1 = scope.get$enclosingScope(); if (t1 != null) B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1._focusedChildren, scope); scope = scope.get$enclosingScope(); if (scope == null) { t1 = _this._manager; scope = t1 == null ? null : t1.rootScope; } } scope._doRequestFocus$1$findFirstFocus(true); break; } }, unfocus$0() { return this.unfocus$1$disposition(B.UnfocusDisposition_0); }, _markNextFocus$1(newFocus) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._manager; if (t1 != null) { if (t1._primaryFocus === _this) t1._markedForFocus = null; else { t1._markedForFocus = _this; t1._markNeedsUpdate$0(); } return; } newFocus._setAsFocusedChildForScope$0(); newFocus._notify$0(); if (newFocus !== _this) _this._notify$0(); }, _removeChild$2$removeScopeFocus(_, node, removeScopeFocus) { var t1, t2, _i; if (removeScopeFocus) { t1 = node.get$enclosingScope(); if (t1 != null) B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1._focusedChildren, node); } node._focus_manager$_parent = null; B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(this._children, node); for (t1 = this.get$ancestors(), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) t1[_i]._descendants = null; this._descendants = null; }, _removeChild$1($receiver, node) { return this._removeChild$2$removeScopeFocus($receiver, node, true); }, _updateManager$1(manager) { var t1, t2, _i, descendant; this._manager = manager; for (t1 = this.get$descendants(), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) { descendant = t1[_i]; descendant._manager = manager; descendant._ancestors = null; } }, _reparent$1(child) { var oldScope, hadFocus, t1, t2, _i, inherited, _this = this; if (child._focus_manager$_parent === _this) return; oldScope = child.get$enclosingScope(); hadFocus = child.get$hasFocus(); t1 = child._focus_manager$_parent; if (t1 != null) t1._removeChild$2$removeScopeFocus(0, child, oldScope != _this.get$nearestScope()); _this._children.push(child); child._focus_manager$_parent = _this; child._ancestors = null; child._updateManager$1(_this._manager); for (t1 = child.get$ancestors(), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) t1[_i]._descendants = null; if (hadFocus) { t1 = _this._manager; if (t1 != null) { t1 = t1._primaryFocus; if (t1 != null) t1._setAsFocusedChildForScope$0(); } } if (oldScope != null && child._context != null && child.get$enclosingScope() !== oldScope) { inherited = child._context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._FocusTraversalGroupMarker); t1 = inherited == null ? null : inherited.policy; if (t1 != null) t1.changedScope$2$node$oldScope(child, oldScope); } if (child._requestFocusWhenReparented) { child._doRequestFocus$1$findFirstFocus(true); child._requestFocusWhenReparented = false; } }, dispose$0(_) { var t1 = this._attachment; if (t1 != null) t1.detach$0(0); this.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose(0); }, _notify$0() { var _this = this; if (_this._focus_manager$_parent == null) return; if (_this.get$hasPrimaryFocus()) _this._setAsFocusedChildForScope$0(); _this.notifyListeners$0(); }, requestFocus$0() { this._doRequestFocus$1$findFirstFocus(true); }, _doRequestFocus$1$findFirstFocus(findFirstFocus) { var t1, _this = this; if (!_this.get$canRequestFocus()) return; if (_this._focus_manager$_parent == null) { _this._requestFocusWhenReparented = true; return; } _this._setAsFocusedChildForScope$0(); if (_this.get$hasPrimaryFocus()) { t1 = _this._manager._markedForFocus; t1 = t1 == null || t1 === _this; } else t1 = false; if (t1) return; _this._markNextFocus$1(_this); }, _setAsFocusedChildForScope$0() { var t1, t2, t3, scopeFocus, scopeFocus0, t4; for (t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(this.get$ancestors()), t2 = new A.WhereTypeIterator(t1, type$.WhereTypeIterator_FocusScopeNode), t3 = type$.FocusScopeNode, scopeFocus = this; t2.moveNext$0(); scopeFocus = scopeFocus0) { scopeFocus0 = t3._as(t1.get$current(t1)); t4 = scopeFocus0._focusedChildren; B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t4, scopeFocus); t4.push(scopeFocus); } }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { var t2, t3, t1 = {}; t1.count = 1; t2 = this._children; t3 = A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,DiagnosticsNode>"); return A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A.FocusNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure(t1), t3), true, t3._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); }, toStringShort$0() { var t1, extraData, _this = this; _this.get$hasFocus(); t1 = _this.get$hasFocus() && !_this.get$hasPrimaryFocus() ? "[IN FOCUS PATH]" : ""; extraData = t1 + (_this.get$hasPrimaryFocus() ? "[PRIMARY FOCUS]" : ""); t1 = "#" + A.shortHash(_this); return t1 + (extraData.length !== 0 ? "(" + extraData + ")" : ""); }, $isListenable: 1, $isDiagnosticableTree: 1 }; A.FocusNode_traversalDescendants_closure.prototype = { call$1(node) { return !node._skipTraversal && node.get$canRequestFocus(); }, $signature: 16 }; A.FocusNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure.prototype = { call$1(child) { return A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("Child " + this._box_0.count++, null, child); }, $signature: 244 }; A.FocusScopeNode.prototype = { get$nearestScope() { return this; }, setFirstFocus$1(scope) { if (scope._focus_manager$_parent == null) this._reparent$1(scope); if (this.get$hasFocus()) scope._doRequestFocus$1$findFirstFocus(true); else scope._setAsFocusedChildForScope$0(); }, _doRequestFocus$1$findFirstFocus(findFirstFocus) { var t2, focusedChild, _this = this, t1 = _this._focusedChildren; while (true) { if ((t1.length !== 0 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1) : null) != null) t2 = !(t1.length !== 0 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1) : null).get$canRequestFocus(); else t2 = false; if (!t2) break; t1.pop(); } focusedChild = t1.length !== 0 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1) : null; if (!findFirstFocus || focusedChild == null) { if (_this.get$canRequestFocus()) { _this._setAsFocusedChildForScope$0(); _this._markNextFocus$1(_this); } return; } focusedChild._doRequestFocus$1$findFirstFocus(true); } }; A.FocusHighlightMode.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "FocusHighlightMode." + this._name; } }; A.FocusHighlightStrategy.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "FocusHighlightStrategy." + this._name; } }; A.FocusManager.prototype = { _updateHighlightMode$0() { var t1, newMode, t2, _this = this; switch (0) { case 0: t1 = _this._lastInteractionWasTouch; if (t1 == null) return; newMode = t1 ? B.FocusHighlightMode_0 : B.FocusHighlightMode_1; break; } t1 = _this._highlightMode; if (t1 == null) t1 = A.FocusManager__defaultModeForPlatform(); t2 = _this._highlightMode = newMode; if (t2 !== t1) _this._notifyHighlightModeListeners$0(); }, _notifyHighlightModeListeners$0() { var listener, exception, stack, localListeners, _i, t3, exception0, rti, t4, _this = this, t1 = _this._focus_manager$_listeners, t2 = t1._observer_list$_map; if (t2.get$isEmpty(t2)) return; localListeners = A.List_List$of(t1, true, type$.void_Function_FocusHighlightMode); for (t1 = localListeners.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) { listener = localListeners[_i]; try { if (t2.containsKey$1(0, listener)) { t3 = _this._highlightMode; if (t3 == null) t3 = A.FocusManager__defaultModeForPlatform(); listener.call$1(t3); } } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); rti = _this instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(_this) : null; t3 = A.ErrorDescription$("while dispatching notifications for " + A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(_this) : rti).toString$0(0)); t4 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError(); if (t4 != null) t4.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "widgets library", t3, null, false)); } } }, _focus_manager$_handlePointerEvent$1($event) { var expectedMode, t1, _this = this; switch ($event.get$kind($event).index) { case 0: case 2: case 3: _this._lastInteractionWasTouch = true; expectedMode = B.FocusHighlightMode_0; break; case 1: case 4: _this._lastInteractionWasTouch = false; expectedMode = B.FocusHighlightMode_1; break; default: expectedMode = null; } t1 = _this._highlightMode; if (expectedMode !== (t1 == null ? A.FocusManager__defaultModeForPlatform() : t1)) _this._updateHighlightMode$0(); }, _handleKeyMessage$1(message) { var t1, handled, t2, t3, t4, _i, node, results, t5, _this = this; _this._lastInteractionWasTouch = false; _this._updateHighlightMode$0(); t1 = _this._primaryFocus; if (t1 == null) return false; t1 = A._setArrayType([t1], type$.JSArray_FocusNode); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, _this._primaryFocus.get$ancestors()); t2 = t1.length; t3 = type$.JSArray_KeyEventResult; t4 = message.rawEvent; _i = 0; while (true) { if (!(_i < t1.length)) { handled = false; break; } c$1: { node = t1[_i]; results = A._setArrayType([], t3); t5 = node.onKey; if (t5 != null) results.push(t5.call$2(node, t4)); switch (A.combineKeyEventResults(results).index) { case 1: break c$1; case 0: handled = true; break; case 2: handled = false; break; default: handled = false; } break; } t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1); ++_i; } return handled; }, _markNeedsUpdate$0() { if (this._haveScheduledUpdate) return; this._haveScheduledUpdate = true; A.scheduleMicrotask(this.get$_applyFocusChange()); }, _applyFocusChange$0() { var previousFocus, t1, t2, t3, _i, autofocus, t4, t5, shouldApply, previousPath, nextPath, _this = this; _this._haveScheduledUpdate = false; previousFocus = _this._primaryFocus; for (t1 = _this._pendingAutofocuses, t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this.rootScope, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { autofocus = t1[_i]; t4 = autofocus.scope; if (t4._focus_manager$_parent != null || t4 === t3) if (t4._manager === _this) { t5 = t4._focusedChildren; t4 = (t5.length !== 0 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t5) : null) == null && B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(autofocus.autofocusNode.get$ancestors(), t4); shouldApply = t4; } else shouldApply = false; else shouldApply = false; if (shouldApply) autofocus.autofocusNode._doRequestFocus$1$findFirstFocus(true); } B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t1, 0); t1 = _this._primaryFocus; if (t1 == null && _this._markedForFocus == null) _this._markedForFocus = t3; t2 = _this._markedForFocus; if (t2 != null && t2 !== t1) { if (previousFocus == null) previousPath = null; else { t1 = previousFocus.get$ancestors(); t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1); previousPath = t1; } if (previousPath == null) previousPath = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.FocusNode); t1 = _this._markedForFocus.get$ancestors(); nextPath = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1); t1 = _this._dirtyNodes; t1.addAll$1(0, nextPath.difference$1(previousPath)); t1.addAll$1(0, previousPath.difference$1(nextPath)); t1 = _this._primaryFocus = _this._markedForFocus; _this._markedForFocus = null; } if (previousFocus != t1) { if (previousFocus != null) _this._dirtyNodes.add$1(0, previousFocus); t1 = _this._primaryFocus; if (t1 != null) _this._dirtyNodes.add$1(0, t1); } for (t1 = _this._dirtyNodes, t2 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications), t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) t3._as(t2._collection$_current)._notify$0(); t1.clear$0(0); if (previousFocus != _this._primaryFocus) _this.notifyListeners$0(); }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { return A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("rootScope", null, this.rootScope)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); }, $isListenable: 1, $isDiagnosticableTree: 1 }; A._FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = {}; A._FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier.prototype = {}; A._FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = {}; A._FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier.prototype = {}; A.Focus.prototype = { get$onKeyEvent() { var t1 = this.focusNode; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.onKeyEvent; return t1; }, get$onKey() { var t1 = this._onKey; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this.focusNode; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.onKey; } return t1; }, get$canRequestFocus() { var t1 = this._canRequestFocus; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this.focusNode; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$canRequestFocus(); } return t1 !== false; }, get$skipTraversal() { var t1 = this._focus_scope$_skipTraversal; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this.focusNode; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1._skipTraversal; } return t1 === true; }, get$descendantsAreFocusable() { var t1 = this._descendantsAreFocusable; if (t1 == null) t1 = this.focusNode != null || null; return t1 !== false; }, get$debugLabel() { var t1 = this._debugLabel; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this.focusNode; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1._focus_manager$_debugLabel; } return t1; }, createState$0() { return A._FocusState$(); } }; A._FocusState.prototype = { get$focusNode(_) { var t1 = this._widget.focusNode; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this._internalNode; t1.toString; } return t1; }, initState$0() { this.super$State$initState(); this._initNode$0(); }, _initNode$0() { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this; if (_this._widget.focusNode == null) if (_this._internalNode == null) _this._internalNode = _this._createNode$0(); t1 = _this.get$focusNode(_this); _this._widget.get$descendantsAreFocusable(); t1.set$descendantsAreFocusable(true); _this._widget.get$skipTraversal(); _this.get$focusNode(_this).set$skipTraversal(_this._widget.get$skipTraversal()); if (_this._widget._canRequestFocus != null) { t1 = _this.get$focusNode(_this); t2 = _this._widget._canRequestFocus; t2.toString; t1.set$canRequestFocus(t2); } _this.___FocusState__couldRequestFocus = _this.get$focusNode(_this).get$canRequestFocus(); _this.get$focusNode(_this); _this.___FocusState__descendantsWereFocusable = true; _this.___FocusState__hadPrimaryFocus = _this.get$focusNode(_this).get$hasPrimaryFocus(); t1 = _this.get$focusNode(_this); t2 = _this._framework$_element; t2.toString; _this._widget.get$onKeyEvent(); t3 = _this._widget.get$onKey(); t1._context = t2; t1.onKey = t3 == null ? t1.onKey : t3; _this._focusAttachment = t1._attachment = new A.FocusAttachment(t1); _this.get$focusNode(_this).addListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleFocusChanged()); }, _createNode$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._widget.get$debugLabel(), t2 = _this._widget.get$canRequestFocus(); _this._widget.get$descendantsAreFocusable(); return A.FocusNode$(t2, t1, true, null, null, _this._widget.get$skipTraversal()); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1, _this = this; _this.get$focusNode(_this).removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleFocusChanged()); _this._focusAttachment.detach$0(0); t1 = _this._internalNode; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this.super$State$dispose(0); }, didChangeDependencies$0() { this.super$State$didChangeDependencies(); var t1 = this._focusAttachment; if (t1 != null) t1.reparent$0(); this._handleAutofocus$0(); }, _handleAutofocus$0() { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this; if (!_this._didAutofocus && _this._widget.autofocus) { t1 = _this._framework$_element; t1.toString; t1 = A.FocusScope_of(t1); t2 = _this.get$focusNode(_this); if (t2._focus_manager$_parent == null) t1._reparent$1(t2); t3 = t1._manager; if (t3 != null) t3._pendingAutofocuses.push(new A._Autofocus(t1, t2)); t1 = t1._manager; if (t1 != null) t1._markNeedsUpdate$0(); _this._didAutofocus = true; } }, deactivate$0() { this.super$State$deactivate(); var t1 = this._focusAttachment; if (t1 != null) t1.reparent$0(); this._didAutofocus = false; }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); t1 = oldWidget.focusNode; t2 = _this._widget; if (t1 == t2.focusNode) { if (!J.$eq$(t2.get$onKey(), _this.get$focusNode(_this).onKey)) _this.get$focusNode(_this).onKey = _this._widget.get$onKey(); _this._widget.get$onKeyEvent(); _this.get$focusNode(_this); _this._widget.get$skipTraversal(); _this.get$focusNode(_this).set$skipTraversal(_this._widget.get$skipTraversal()); if (_this._widget._canRequestFocus != null) { t1 = _this.get$focusNode(_this); t2 = _this._widget._canRequestFocus; t2.toString; t1.set$canRequestFocus(t2); } t1 = _this.get$focusNode(_this); _this._widget.get$descendantsAreFocusable(); t1.set$descendantsAreFocusable(true); } else { _this._focusAttachment.detach$0(0); if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleFocusChanged()); _this._initNode$0(); } if (oldWidget.autofocus !== _this._widget.autofocus) _this._handleAutofocus$0(); }, _handleFocusChanged$0() { var t1, _this = this, hasPrimaryFocus = _this.get$focusNode(_this).get$hasPrimaryFocus(), canRequestFocus = _this.get$focusNode(_this).get$canRequestFocus(); _this.get$focusNode(_this); t1 = _this._widget.onFocusChange; if (t1 != null) t1.call$1(_this.get$focusNode(_this).get$hasFocus()); if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FocusState__hadPrimaryFocus, "_hadPrimaryFocus") !== hasPrimaryFocus) _this.setState$1(new A._FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure(_this, hasPrimaryFocus)); if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FocusState__couldRequestFocus, "_couldRequestFocus") !== canRequestFocus) _this.setState$1(new A._FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure0(_this, canRequestFocus)); if (!A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FocusState__descendantsWereFocusable, "_descendantsWereFocusable")) _this.setState$1(new A._FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure1(_this, true)); }, build$1(_, context) { var t1, child, t2, _this = this, _null = null; _this._focusAttachment.reparent$0(); t1 = _this._widget; child = t1.child; if (t1.includeSemantics) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FocusState__couldRequestFocus, "_couldRequestFocus"); t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___FocusState__hadPrimaryFocus, "_hadPrimaryFocus"); child = A.Semantics$(_null, _this._widget.child, false, _null, false, t1, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null); } return A._FocusMarker$(child, _this.get$focusNode(_this)); } }; A._FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this.___FocusState__hadPrimaryFocus = this.hasPrimaryFocus; }, $signature: 0 }; A._FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this.___FocusState__couldRequestFocus = this.canRequestFocus; }, $signature: 0 }; A._FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure1.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this.___FocusState__descendantsWereFocusable = this.descendantsAreFocusable; }, $signature: 0 }; A.FocusScope.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._FocusScopeState(B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._FocusScopeState.prototype = { _createNode$0() { var t1 = this._widget.get$debugLabel(); return A.FocusScopeNode$(this._widget.get$canRequestFocus(), t1, this._widget.get$skipTraversal()); }, build$1(_, context) { var t1, _this = this, _null = null; _this._focusAttachment.reparent$0(); t1 = _this.get$focusNode(_this); return A.Semantics$(_null, A._FocusMarker$(_this._widget.child, t1), false, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null); } }; A._FocusMarker.prototype = {}; A._getAncestor_closure.prototype = { call$1(ancestor) { var t1 = this._box_0; if (--t1.count === 0) { t1.target = ancestor; return false; } return true; }, $signature: 55 }; A._FocusTraversalGroupInfo.prototype = {}; A.TraversalDirection.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "TraversalDirection." + this._name; } }; A.FocusTraversalPolicy.prototype = { _findInitialFocus$2$fromEnd(currentNode, fromEnd) { var sorted, scope = currentNode.get$nearestScope(), t1 = scope._focusedChildren, candidate = t1.length !== 0 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1) : null; if (candidate == null && scope.get$descendants().length !== 0) { sorted = this._sortAllDescendants$2(scope, currentNode); if (sorted.length === 0) candidate = null; else candidate = fromEnd ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(sorted) : B.JSArray_methods.get$first(sorted); } return candidate == null ? currentNode : candidate; }, _findInitialFocus$1(currentNode) { return this._findInitialFocus$2$fromEnd(currentNode, false); }, invalidateScopeData$1(node) { }, changedScope$2$node$oldScope(node, oldScope) { }, _getMarker$1(context) { var t1; if (context == null) t1 = null; else { t1 = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._FocusTraversalGroupMarker); t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$widget(); } return type$.nullable__FocusTraversalGroupMarker._as(t1); }, _sortAllDescendants$2(scope, currentNode) { var groups, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _i, node, t7, ancestor, groupNode, parentContext, parentNode, sortedDescendants, _null = null, scopeGroupMarker = this._getMarker$1(scope._context), t1 = scopeGroupMarker == null, defaultPolicy = t1 ? _null : scopeGroupMarker.policy; if (defaultPolicy == null) defaultPolicy = new A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FocusScopeNode, type$._DirectionalPolicyData)); groups = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.nullable_FocusNode, type$._FocusTraversalGroupInfo); for (t2 = scope.get$descendants(), t3 = t2.length, t4 = type$.nullable__FocusTraversalGroupMarker, t5 = type$._FocusTraversalGroupMarker, t6 = type$.JSArray_FocusNode, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) { node = t2[_i]; t7 = node._context; if (t7 == null) t7 = _null; else { t7 = t7._inheritedWidgets; ancestor = t7 == null ? _null : t7.$index(0, A.createRuntimeType(t5)); t7 = ancestor == null ? _null : ancestor.get$widget(); } t4._as(t7); groupNode = t7 == null ? _null : t7.focusNode; if (J.$eq$(node, groupNode)) { t7 = groupNode._context; t7.toString; parentContext = A._getAncestor(t7, 2); if (parentContext == null) t7 = _null; else { t7 = parentContext._inheritedWidgets; ancestor = t7 == null ? _null : t7.$index(0, A.createRuntimeType(t5)); t7 = ancestor == null ? _null : ancestor.get$widget(); } t4._as(t7); parentNode = t7 == null ? _null : t7.focusNode; if (groups.$index(0, parentNode) == null) groups.$indexSet(0, parentNode, A._FocusTraversalGroupInfo$(t7, defaultPolicy, A._setArrayType([], t6))); groups.$index(0, parentNode).members.push(groupNode); continue; } if (node.get$canRequestFocus() && !node._skipTraversal) { if (groups.$index(0, groupNode) == null) groups.$indexSet(0, groupNode, A._FocusTraversalGroupInfo$(t7, defaultPolicy, A._setArrayType([], t6))); groups.$index(0, groupNode).members.push(node); } } for (t2 = groups.get$keys(groups), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2.get$current(t2); t4 = groups.$index(0, t3).policy.sortDescendants$2(groups.$index(0, t3).members, currentNode); t4 = A._setArrayType(t4.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t4)); B.JSArray_methods.set$length(groups.$index(0, t3).members, 0); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(groups.$index(0, t3).members, t4); } sortedDescendants = A._setArrayType([], t6); if (groups.get$isNotEmpty(groups)) t2 = groups.containsKey$1(0, t1 ? _null : scopeGroupMarker.focusNode); else t2 = false; if (t2) { t2 = groups.$index(0, t1 ? _null : scopeGroupMarker.focusNode); t2.toString; new A.FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_visitGroups(groups, sortedDescendants).call$1(t2); } if (!!sortedDescendants.fixed$length) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeWhere")); B.JSArray_methods._removeWhere$2(sortedDescendants, new A.FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_closure(), true); return sortedDescendants; }, _moveFocus$2$forward(currentNode, $forward) { var t2, focusedChild, firstFocus, sortedNodes, previousNode, previousNode0, _this = this, t1 = currentNode.get$nearestScope(); t1.toString; _this.super$FocusTraversalPolicy$invalidateScopeData(t1); _this.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__policyData.remove$1(0, t1); t2 = t1._focusedChildren; focusedChild = t2.length !== 0 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2) : null; if (focusedChild == null) { firstFocus = $forward ? _this._findInitialFocus$1(currentNode) : _this._findInitialFocus$2$fromEnd(currentNode, true); A._focusAndEnsureVisible(firstFocus, $forward ? B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_1 : B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_2); return true; } sortedNodes = _this._sortAllDescendants$2(t1, currentNode); if ($forward && focusedChild === B.JSArray_methods.get$last(sortedNodes)) { A._focusAndEnsureVisible(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(sortedNodes), B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_1); return true; } if (!$forward && focusedChild === B.JSArray_methods.get$first(sortedNodes)) { A._focusAndEnsureVisible(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(sortedNodes), B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_2); return true; } for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax($forward ? sortedNodes : new A.ReversedListIterable(sortedNodes, A._arrayInstanceType(sortedNodes)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>"))), previousNode = null; t1.moveNext$0(); previousNode = previousNode0) { previousNode0 = t1.get$current(t1); if (previousNode == focusedChild) { t1 = $forward ? B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_1 : B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_2; previousNode0.requestFocus$0(); t2 = previousNode0._context; t2.toString; A.Scrollable_ensureVisible(t2, 1, t1); return true; } } return false; } }; A.FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_visitGroups.prototype = { call$1(info) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, node, t5; for (t1 = info.members, t2 = t1.length, t3 = this.sortedDescendants, t4 = this.groups, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { node = t1[_i]; if (t4.containsKey$1(0, node)) { t5 = t4.$index(0, node); t5.toString; this.call$1(t5); } else t3.push(node); } }, $signature: 246 }; A.FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_closure.prototype = { call$1(node) { return !node.get$canRequestFocus() || node._skipTraversal; }, $signature: 16 }; A._DirectionalPolicyDataEntry.prototype = {}; A._DirectionalPolicyData.prototype = {}; A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin.prototype = { findFirstFocusInDirection$2(currentNode, direction) { var _this = this; switch (direction.index) { case 0: return _this._sortAndFindInitial$3$first$vertical(currentNode, false, true); case 2: return _this._sortAndFindInitial$3$first$vertical(currentNode, true, true); case 3: return _this._sortAndFindInitial$3$first$vertical(currentNode, false, false); case 1: return _this._sortAndFindInitial$3$first$vertical(currentNode, true, false); } }, _sortAndFindInitial$3$first$vertical(currentNode, first, vertical) { var nodes = currentNode.get$nearestScope().get$traversalDescendants(), sorted = A.List_List$of(nodes, true, nodes.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E")); A.mergeSort(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFindInitial_closure(vertical, first), type$.FocusNode); if (sorted.length !== 0) return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(sorted); return null; }, _sortAndFilterHorizontally$3(direction, target, nearestScope) { var result, nodes = nearestScope.get$traversalDescendants(), sorted = A.List_List$of(nodes, true, nodes.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E")); A.mergeSort(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure(), type$.FocusNode); switch (direction.index) { case 3: result = new A.WhereIterable(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure0(target), A._arrayInstanceType(sorted)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>")); break; case 1: result = new A.WhereIterable(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure1(target), A._arrayInstanceType(sorted)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>")); break; case 0: case 2: result = null; break; default: result = null; } return result; }, _sortAndFilterVertically$3(direction, target, nodes) { var sorted = A.List_List$of(nodes, true, nodes.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E")); A.mergeSort(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure(), type$.FocusNode); switch (direction.index) { case 0: return new A.WhereIterable(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure0(target), A._arrayInstanceType(sorted)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>")); case 2: return new A.WhereIterable(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure1(target), A._arrayInstanceType(sorted)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>")); case 3: case 1: break; } return null; }, _popPolicyDataIfNeeded$3(direction, nearestScope, focusedChild) { var t3, popOrInvalidate, _this = this, t1 = _this.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__policyData, policyData = t1.$index(0, nearestScope), t2 = policyData != null; if (t2) { t3 = policyData.history; t3 = t3.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t3).direction !== direction; } else t3 = false; if (t3) { t3 = policyData.history; if (B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t3).node._focus_manager$_parent == null) { _this.super$FocusTraversalPolicy$invalidateScopeData(nearestScope); t1.remove$1(0, nearestScope); return false; } popOrInvalidate = new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__popPolicyDataIfNeeded_popOrInvalidate(_this, policyData, nearestScope); switch (direction.index) { case 2: case 0: switch (B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t3).direction.index) { case 3: case 1: _this.super$FocusTraversalPolicy$invalidateScopeData(nearestScope); t1.remove$1(0, nearestScope); break; case 0: case 2: if (popOrInvalidate.call$1(direction)) return true; break; } break; case 3: case 1: switch (B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t3).direction.index) { case 3: case 1: if (popOrInvalidate.call$1(direction)) return true; break; case 0: case 2: _this.super$FocusTraversalPolicy$invalidateScopeData(nearestScope); t1.remove$1(0, nearestScope); break; } break; } } if (t2 && policyData.history.length === 0) { _this.super$FocusTraversalPolicy$invalidateScopeData(nearestScope); t1.remove$1(0, nearestScope); } return false; }, inDirection$2(currentNode, direction) { var firstFocus, eligibleNodes, found, sorted, t2, inBand, policyData, newEntry, _this = this, _null = null, nearestScope = currentNode.get$nearestScope(), t1 = nearestScope._focusedChildren, focusedChild = t1.length !== 0 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1) : _null; if (focusedChild == null) { firstFocus = _this.findFirstFocusInDirection$2(currentNode, direction); if (firstFocus == null) firstFocus = currentNode; switch (direction.index) { case 0: case 3: A._focusAndEnsureVisible(firstFocus, B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_2); break; case 1: case 2: A._focusAndEnsureVisible(firstFocus, B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_1); break; } return true; } if (_this._popPolicyDataIfNeeded$3(direction, nearestScope, focusedChild)) return true; t1 = focusedChild._context; t1.toString; A.Scrollable_of(t1); t1 = direction.index; switch (t1) { case 2: case 0: eligibleNodes = _this._sortAndFilterVertically$3(direction, focusedChild.get$rect(focusedChild), nearestScope.get$traversalDescendants()); if (!eligibleNodes.get$iterator(eligibleNodes).moveNext$0()) { found = _null; break; } sorted = A.List_List$of(eligibleNodes, true, A._instanceType(eligibleNodes)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); if (direction === B.TraversalDirection_0) { t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(sorted)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>"); sorted = A.List_List$of(new A.ReversedListIterable(sorted, t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); } inBand = new A.WhereIterable(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure(new A.Rect(focusedChild.get$rect(focusedChild).left, -1 / 0, focusedChild.get$rect(focusedChild).right, 1 / 0)), A._arrayInstanceType(sorted)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>")); if (!inBand.get$isEmpty(inBand)) { found = inBand.get$first(inBand); break; } A.mergeSort(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure0(focusedChild), type$.FocusNode); found = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(sorted); break; case 1: case 3: eligibleNodes = _this._sortAndFilterHorizontally$3(direction, focusedChild.get$rect(focusedChild), nearestScope); if (!eligibleNodes.get$iterator(eligibleNodes).moveNext$0()) { found = _null; break; } sorted = A.List_List$of(eligibleNodes, true, A._instanceType(eligibleNodes)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); if (direction === B.TraversalDirection_3) { t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(sorted)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>"); sorted = A.List_List$of(new A.ReversedListIterable(sorted, t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")); } inBand = new A.WhereIterable(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure1(new A.Rect(-1 / 0, focusedChild.get$rect(focusedChild).top, 1 / 0, focusedChild.get$rect(focusedChild).bottom)), A._arrayInstanceType(sorted)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>")); if (!inBand.get$isEmpty(inBand)) { found = inBand.get$first(inBand); break; } A.mergeSort(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure2(focusedChild), type$.FocusNode); found = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(sorted); break; default: found = _null; } if (found != null) { t2 = _this.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__policyData; policyData = t2.$index(0, nearestScope); newEntry = new A._DirectionalPolicyDataEntry(direction, focusedChild); if (policyData != null) policyData.history.push(newEntry); else t2.$indexSet(0, nearestScope, new A._DirectionalPolicyData(A._setArrayType([newEntry], type$.JSArray__DirectionalPolicyDataEntry))); switch (t1) { case 0: case 3: A._focusAndEnsureVisible(found, B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_2); break; case 2: case 1: A._focusAndEnsureVisible(found, B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_1); break; } return true; } return false; } }; A._ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_changedScope_closure.prototype = { call$1(entry) { return entry.node === this.node; }, $signature: 247 }; A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFindInitial_closure.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { if (this.vertical) if (this.first) return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(a.get$rect(a).top, b.get$rect(b).top); else return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(b.get$rect(b).bottom, a.get$rect(a).bottom); else if (this.first) return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(a.get$rect(a).left, b.get$rect(b).left); else return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(b.get$rect(b).right, a.get$rect(a).right); }, $signature: 32 }; A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(a.get$rect(a).get$center()._dx, b.get$rect(b).get$center()._dx); }, $signature: 32 }; A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure0.prototype = { call$1(node) { var t1 = this.target; return !node.get$rect(node).$eq(0, t1) && node.get$rect(node).get$center()._dx <= t1.left; }, $signature: 16 }; A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure1.prototype = { call$1(node) { var t1 = this.target; return !node.get$rect(node).$eq(0, t1) && node.get$rect(node).get$center()._dx >= t1.right; }, $signature: 16 }; A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(a.get$rect(a).get$center()._dy, b.get$rect(b).get$center()._dy); }, $signature: 32 }; A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure0.prototype = { call$1(node) { var t1 = this.target; return !node.get$rect(node).$eq(0, t1) && node.get$rect(node).get$center()._dy <= t1.top; }, $signature: 16 }; A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure1.prototype = { call$1(node) { var t1 = this.target; return !node.get$rect(node).$eq(0, t1) && node.get$rect(node).get$center()._dy >= t1.bottom; }, $signature: 16 }; A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__popPolicyDataIfNeeded_popOrInvalidate.prototype = { call$1(direction) { var alignmentPolicy, lastNode = this.policyData.history.pop().node, t1 = lastNode._context; t1.toString; A.Scrollable_of(t1); t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._primaryFocus._context; t1.toString; A.Scrollable_of(t1); switch (direction.index) { case 0: case 3: alignmentPolicy = B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_2; break; case 1: case 2: alignmentPolicy = B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_1; break; default: alignmentPolicy = null; } A._focusAndEnsureVisible(lastNode, alignmentPolicy); return true; }, $signature: 249 }; A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure.prototype = { call$1(node) { var t1 = node.get$rect(node).intersect$1(this.band); return !t1.get$isEmpty(t1); }, $signature: 16 }; A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure0.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { var t1 = this.focusedChild; return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(Math.abs(a.get$rect(a).get$center()._dx - t1.get$rect(t1).get$center()._dx), Math.abs(b.get$rect(b).get$center()._dx - t1.get$rect(t1).get$center()._dx)); }, $signature: 32 }; A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure1.prototype = { call$1(node) { var t1 = node.get$rect(node).intersect$1(this.band); return !t1.get$isEmpty(t1); }, $signature: 16 }; A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure2.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { var t1 = this.focusedChild; return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(Math.abs(a.get$rect(a).get$center()._dy - t1.get$rect(t1).get$center()._dy), Math.abs(b.get$rect(b).get$center()._dy - t1.get$rect(t1).get$center()._dy)); }, $signature: 32 }; A._ReadingOrderSortData.prototype = { get$directionalAncestors() { var t1 = this._directionalAncestors; if (t1 == null) { t1 = this.node._context; t1.toString; t1 = this._directionalAncestors = new A._ReadingOrderSortData_directionalAncestors_getDirectionalityAncestors().call$1(t1); } t1.toString; return t1; } }; A._ReadingOrderSortData_commonDirectionalityOf_closure.prototype = { call$1(member) { var t1 = member.get$directionalAncestors(); return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1); }, $signature: 250 }; A._ReadingOrderSortData_sortWithDirectionality_closure.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { switch (this.directionality.index) { case 1: return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(a.rect.left, b.rect.left); case 0: return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(b.rect.right, a.rect.right); } }, $signature: 86 }; A._ReadingOrderSortData_directionalAncestors_getDirectionalityAncestors.prototype = { call$1(context) { var t2, ancestor, result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Directionality), t1 = type$.Directionality, directionalityElement = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(t1); for (; directionalityElement != null;) { result.push(t1._as(directionalityElement.get$widget())); t2 = A._getAncestor(directionalityElement, 1); if (t2 == null) directionalityElement = null; else { t2 = t2._inheritedWidgets; ancestor = t2 == null ? null : t2.$index(0, A.createRuntimeType(t1)); directionalityElement = ancestor; } } return result; }, $signature: 252 }; A._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData.prototype = { get$rect(_) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this; if (_this._rect == null) for (t1 = _this.members, t1 = new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_rect_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Rect>")), t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1)), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2._as(t1._current); t4 = _this._rect; if (t4 == null) { _this._rect = t3; t4 = t3; } _this._rect = t4.expandToInclude$1(t3); } t1 = _this._rect; t1.toString; return t1; } }; A._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_rect_closure.prototype = { call$1(data) { return data.rect; }, $signature: 253 }; A._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_sortWithDirectionality_closure.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { switch (this.directionality.index) { case 1: return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(a.get$rect(a).left, b.get$rect(b).left); case 0: return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(b.get$rect(b).right, a.get$rect(a).right); } }, $signature: 254 }; A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy.prototype = { _collectDirectionalityGroups$1(candidates) { var t2, _i, candidate, currentDirection0, t3, currentDirection = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(candidates).directionality, t1 = type$.JSArray__ReadingOrderSortData, currentGroup = A._setArrayType([], t1), result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData); for (t2 = candidates.length, _i = 0; _i < candidates.length; candidates.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(candidates), ++_i) { candidate = candidates[_i]; currentDirection0 = candidate.directionality; if (currentDirection0 == currentDirection) { currentGroup.push(candidate); continue; } result.push(new A._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData(currentGroup)); currentGroup = A._setArrayType([candidate], t1); currentDirection = currentDirection0; } if (currentGroup.length !== 0) result.push(new A._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData(currentGroup)); for (t1 = result.length, _i = 0; _i < result.length; result.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(result), ++_i) { t2 = result[_i].members; if (t2.length === 1) continue; t3 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2).directionality; t3.toString; A._ReadingOrderSortData_sortWithDirectionality(t2, t3); } return result; }, _pickNext$1(candidates) { var topmost, inBandOfTop, nearestCommonDirectionality, bandGroups; A.mergeSort(candidates, new A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_closure(), type$._ReadingOrderSortData); topmost = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(candidates); inBandOfTop = new A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand().call$2(topmost, candidates); if (J.get$length$asx(inBandOfTop) <= 1) return topmost; nearestCommonDirectionality = A._ReadingOrderSortData_commonDirectionalityOf(inBandOfTop); nearestCommonDirectionality.toString; A._ReadingOrderSortData_sortWithDirectionality(inBandOfTop, nearestCommonDirectionality); bandGroups = this._collectDirectionalityGroups$1(inBandOfTop); if (bandGroups.length === 1) return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(bandGroups).members); A._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_sortWithDirectionality(bandGroups, nearestCommonDirectionality); return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(bandGroups).members); }, sortDescendants$2(descendants, currentNode) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, node, t5, t6, ancestor, sortedList, current, next; if (descendants.length <= 1) return descendants; t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__ReadingOrderSortData); for (t2 = descendants.length, t3 = type$.nullable_Directionality, t4 = type$.Directionality, _i = 0; _i < descendants.length; descendants.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(descendants), ++_i) { node = descendants[_i]; t5 = node.get$rect(node); t6 = node._context._inheritedWidgets; ancestor = t6 == null ? null : t6.$index(0, A.createRuntimeType(t4)); t6 = t3._as(ancestor == null ? null : ancestor.get$widget()); t1.push(new A._ReadingOrderSortData(t6 == null ? null : t6.textDirection, t5, node)); } sortedList = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_FocusNode); current = this._pickNext$1(t1); sortedList.push(current.node); B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1, current); for (; t1.length !== 0;) { next = this._pickNext$1(t1); sortedList.push(next.node); B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1, next); } return sortedList; } }; A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_closure.prototype = { call$2(a, b) { return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(a.rect.top, b.rect.top); }, $signature: 86 }; A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand.prototype = { call$2(current, candidates) { var t1 = current.rect, t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(candidates)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"); return A.List_List$of(new A.WhereIterable(candidates, new A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand_closure(new A.Rect(-1 / 0, t1.top, 1 / 0, t1.bottom)), t2), true, t2._eval$1("Iterable.E")); }, $signature: 255 }; A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand_closure.prototype = { call$1(item) { var t1 = item.rect.intersect$1(this.band); return !t1.get$isEmpty(t1); }, $signature: 256 }; A.FocusTraversalGroup.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._FocusTraversalGroupState(B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._FocusTraversalGroupState.prototype = { initState$0() { this.super$State$initState(); this.focusNode = A.FocusNode$(false, "FocusTraversalGroup", true, null, null, true); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1 = this.focusNode; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); this.super$State$dispose(0); }, build$1(_, context) { var _null = null, t1 = this._widget, t2 = t1.policy, t3 = this.focusNode; t3.toString; return new A._FocusTraversalGroupMarker(t2, t3, A.Focus$(false, false, t1.child, _null, true, t3, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, true), _null); } }; A._FocusTraversalGroupMarker.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { return false; } }; A.RequestFocusAction.prototype = { invoke$1(intent) { A._focusAndEnsureVisible(intent.get$focusNode(intent), B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_0); } }; A.NextFocusIntent.prototype = {}; A.NextFocusAction.prototype = { invoke$1(intent) { var t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._primaryFocus; t1._context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._FocusTraversalGroupMarker).policy._moveFocus$2$forward(t1, true); } }; A.PreviousFocusIntent.prototype = {}; A.PreviousFocusAction.prototype = { invoke$1(intent) { var t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._primaryFocus; t1._context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._FocusTraversalGroupMarker).policy._moveFocus$2$forward(t1, false); } }; A.DirectionalFocusAction.prototype = { invoke$1(intent) { var t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._primaryFocus, inherited = t1._context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._FocusTraversalGroupMarker); inherited.policy.inDirection$2(t1, intent.direction); } }; A._FocusTraversalPolicy_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A._ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin.prototype = { changedScope$2$node$oldScope(node, oldScope) { var t1; this.super$FocusTraversalPolicy$changedScope(node, oldScope); t1 = this.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__policyData.$index(0, oldScope); if (t1 != null) { t1 = t1.history; if (!!t1.fixed$length) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeWhere")); B.JSArray_methods._removeWhere$2(t1, new A._ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_changedScope_closure(node), true); } } }; A.__ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.__ReadingOrderSortData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.UniqueKey.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "[#" + A.shortHash(this) + "]"; } }; A.GlobalKey.prototype = { get$currentState() { var t1, element = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, this); if (element instanceof A.StatefulElement) { t1 = element._framework$_state; t1.toString; if (A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._is(t1)) return t1; } return null; } }; A.LabeledGlobalKey.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._framework$_debugLabel, label = t1 != null ? " " + t1 : ""; if (A.getRuntimeType(_this) === B.Type_LabeledGlobalKey_6TW) return "[GlobalKey#" + A.shortHash(_this) + label + "]"; return "[" + ("#" + A.shortHash(_this)) + label + "]"; } }; A.GlobalObjectKey.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return this.$ti._is(other) && other.value === this.value; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.objectHashCode(this.value); }, toString$0(_) { var _s15_ = "GlobalObjectKey"; return "[" + (B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(_s15_, ">") ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_s15_, 0, -8) : _s15_) + " " + ("#" + A.shortHash(this.value)) + "]"; } }; A.Widget.prototype = { toStringShort$0() { var t1 = this.key; return t1 == null ? "Widget" : "Widget-" + t1.toString$0(0); }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return this.super$Object$$eq(0, other); }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.Object.prototype.get$hashCode.call(this, this); } }; A.StatelessWidget.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { var t1 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t1; return new A.StatelessElement(t1, this, B._ElementLifecycle_0); } }; A.StatefulWidget.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { return A.StatefulElement$(this); } }; A._StateLifecycle.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_StateLifecycle." + this._name; } }; A.State.prototype = { initState$0() { }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { }, setState$1(fn) { fn.call$0(); this._framework$_element.markNeedsBuild$0(); }, deactivate$0() { }, activate$0() { }, dispose$0(_) { }, didChangeDependencies$0() { } }; A.ProxyWidget.prototype = {}; A.ParentDataWidget.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { var t1 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t1; return new A.ParentDataElement(t1, this, B._ElementLifecycle_0, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ParentDataElement")); } }; A.InheritedWidget.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { return A.InheritedElement$(this); } }; A.RenderObjectWidget.prototype = { updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { }, didUnmountRenderObject$1(renderObject) { } }; A.LeafRenderObjectWidget.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { var t1 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t1; return new A.LeafRenderObjectElement(t1, this, B._ElementLifecycle_0); } }; A.SingleChildRenderObjectWidget.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { return A.SingleChildRenderObjectElement$(this); } }; A.MultiChildRenderObjectWidget.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { return A.MultiChildRenderObjectElement$(this); } }; A._ElementLifecycle.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_ElementLifecycle." + this._name; } }; A._InactiveElements.prototype = { _unmount$1(element) { element.visitChildren$1(new A._InactiveElements__unmount_closure(this, element)); element.unmount$0(); }, _unmountAll$0() { var elements, t1, elements0, _this = this; _this._locked = true; t1 = _this._framework$_elements; elements0 = A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("SetMixin.E")); B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(elements0, A.framework_Element__sort$closure()); elements = elements0; t1.clear$0(0); try { t1 = elements; new A.ReversedListIterable(t1, A.instanceType(t1)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>")).forEach$1(0, _this.get$_unmount()); } finally { _this._locked = false; } }, add$1(_, element) { if (element._lifecycleState === B._ElementLifecycle_1) { element.deactivate$0(); element.visitChildren$1(A.framework__InactiveElements__deactivateRecursively$closure()); } this._framework$_elements.add$1(0, element); } }; A._InactiveElements__unmount_closure.prototype = { call$1(child) { this.$this._unmount$1(child); }, $signature: 6 }; A.BuildOwner.prototype = { scheduleBuildFor$1(element) { var _this = this; if (element._inDirtyList) { _this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting = true; return; } if (!_this._scheduledFlushDirtyElements && _this.onBuildScheduled != null) { _this._scheduledFlushDirtyElements = true; _this.onBuildScheduled.call$0(); } _this._dirtyElements.push(element); element._inDirtyList = true; }, lockState$1(callback) { try { callback.call$0(); } finally { } }, buildScope$2(context, callback) { var element, e, stack, element0, t2, rti, exception, t3, t4, _i, _this = this, _box_1 = {}, t1 = callback == null; if (t1 && _this._dirtyElements.length === 0) return; _box_1.debugTimelineArguments = B.Map_9aZ6I; A.Timeline_startSync("BUILD", B.Map_9aZ6I, null); try { _this._scheduledFlushDirtyElements = true; if (!t1) { _box_1.debugPreviousBuildTarget = null; _this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting = false; try { callback.call$0(); } finally { } } t1 = _this._dirtyElements; B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(t1, A.framework_Element__sort$closure()); _this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting = false; _box_1.dirtyCount = t1.length; _box_1.index = 0; for (t2 = 0; t2 < _box_1.dirtyCount;) { element = t1[t2]; t2 = $.debugProfileBuildsEnabled; if (t2) { t2 = element.get$widget(); rti = t2 instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(t2) : null; A.Timeline_startSync(A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(t2) : rti).toString$0(0), B.Map_9aZ6I, null); } try { element.rebuild$0(); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception); t2 = A.ErrorDescription$("while rebuilding dirty elements"); t3 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError(); if (t3 != null) t3.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(e, stack, "widgets library", t2, new A.BuildOwner_buildScope_closure(_box_1, _this, element), false)); } t2 = $.debugProfileBuildsEnabled; if (t2) A.Timeline_finishSync(); t2 = ++_box_1.index; t3 = _box_1.dirtyCount; t4 = t1.length; if (t3 >= t4) { t3 = _this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting; t3.toString; } else t3 = true; if (t3) { if (!!t1.immutable$list) A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("sort")); t2 = t4 - 1; if (t2 - 0 <= 32) A.Sort__insertionSort(t1, 0, t2, A.framework_Element__sort$closure()); else A.Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(t1, 0, t2, A.framework_Element__sort$closure()); t2 = _this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting = false; _box_1.dirtyCount = t1.length; while (true) { t3 = _box_1.index; if (!(t3 > 0 ? t1[t3 - 1]._dirty : t2)) break; _box_1.index = t3 - 1; } t2 = t3; } } } finally { for (t1 = _this._dirtyElements, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) { element0 = t1[_i]; element0._inDirtyList = false; } B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t1, 0); _this._scheduledFlushDirtyElements = false; _this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting = null; A.Timeline_finishSync(); } }, buildScope$1(context) { return this.buildScope$2(context, null); }, finalizeTree$0() { var e, stack, exception; A.Timeline_startSync("FINALIZE TREE", B.Map_9aZ6I, null); try { this.lockState$1(this._inactiveElements.get$_unmountAll()); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception); A._debugReportException(A.ErrorSummary$("while finalizing the widget tree"), e, stack, null); } finally { A.Timeline_finishSync(); } }, reassemble$2(root, reassembleConfig) { A.Timeline_startSync("Preparing Hot Reload (widgets)", null, null); try { root._debugReassembleConfig = reassembleConfig; root.reassemble$0(); } finally { A.Timeline_finishSync(); } } }; A.BuildOwner_buildScope_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var _null = null, _s48_ = "The element being rebuilt at the time was index ", t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode), t2 = this._box_1, t3 = t2.index, t4 = this.$this._dirtyElements; if (t3 < t4.length) J.add$1$ax(t1, A.DiagnosticsProperty$(_s48_ + t3 + " of " + t2.dirtyCount, this.element, true, B.C__NoDefaultValue, _null, false, _null, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, true, true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9, _null, type$.Element_2)); else J.add$1$ax(t1, A.ErrorHint$(_s48_ + t3 + " of " + t2.dirtyCount + ", but _dirtyElements only had " + t4.length + " entries. This suggests some confusion in the framework internals.")); return t1; }, $signature: 15 }; A.Element.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; return this === other; }, get$hashCode(_) { return this._cachedHash; }, get$widget() { var t1 = this._widget; t1.toString; return t1; }, reassemble$0() { var _this = this; if (A._debugShouldReassemble(_this._debugReassembleConfig, _this._widget)) { _this.markNeedsBuild$0(); _this._debugReassembleConfig = null; } _this.visitChildren$1(new A.Element_reassemble_closure(_this)); _this._debugReassembleConfig = null; }, get$renderObject() { var t1 = {}; t1.result = null; new A.Element_renderObject_visit(t1).call$1(this); return t1.result; }, visitChildren$1(visitor) { }, updateChild$3(child, newWidget, newSlot) { var t1, newChild, _this = this, _null = null; if (newWidget == null) { if (child != null) _this.deactivateChild$1(child); return _null; } if (child != null) { t1 = child.get$widget().$eq(0, newWidget); if (t1) { if (!J.$eq$(child._slot, newSlot)) _this.updateSlotForChild$2(child, newSlot); t1 = child; } else { t1 = child.get$widget(); t1 = A.getRuntimeType(t1) === A.getRuntimeType(newWidget) && J.$eq$(t1.key, newWidget.key); if (t1) { if (!J.$eq$(child._slot, newSlot)) _this.updateSlotForChild$2(child, newSlot); t1 = $.debugProfileBuildsEnabled; if (t1) A.Timeline_startSync(A.getRuntimeType(newWidget).toString$0(0), B.Map_9aZ6I, _null); child.update$1(0, newWidget); t1 = $.debugProfileBuildsEnabled; if (t1) A.Timeline_finishSync(); t1 = child; } else { _this.deactivateChild$1(child); t1 = $.debugProfileBuildsEnabled; if (t1) A.Timeline_startSync(A.getRuntimeType(newWidget).toString$0(0), B.Map_9aZ6I, _null); newChild = _this.inflateWidget$2(newWidget, newSlot); t1 = $.debugProfileBuildsEnabled; if (t1) A.Timeline_finishSync(); t1 = newChild; } } } else { t1 = $.debugProfileBuildsEnabled; if (t1) A.Timeline_startSync(A.getRuntimeType(newWidget).toString$0(0), B.Map_9aZ6I, _null); newChild = _this.inflateWidget$2(newWidget, newSlot); t1 = $.debugProfileBuildsEnabled; if (t1) A.Timeline_finishSync(); t1 = newChild; } return t1; }, mount$2($parent, newSlot) { var t1, key, _this = this; _this._parent = $parent; _this._slot = newSlot; _this._lifecycleState = B._ElementLifecycle_1; t1 = $parent != null; _this.__Element__depth = t1 ? A._lateReadCheck($parent.__Element__depth, "_depth") + 1 : 1; if (t1) _this._owner = $parent._owner; key = _this.get$widget().key; if (key instanceof A.GlobalKey) _this._owner._globalKeyRegistry.$indexSet(0, key, _this); _this._updateInheritance$0(); }, update$1(_, newWidget) { this._widget = newWidget; }, updateSlotForChild$2(child, newSlot) { new A.Element_updateSlotForChild_visit(newSlot).call$1(child); }, _updateSlot$1(newSlot) { this._slot = newSlot; }, _updateDepth$1(parentDepth) { var expectedDepth = parentDepth + 1; if (A._lateReadCheck(this.__Element__depth, "_depth") < expectedDepth) { this.__Element__depth = expectedDepth; this.visitChildren$1(new A.Element__updateDepth_closure(expectedDepth)); } }, detachRenderObject$0() { this.visitChildren$1(new A.Element_detachRenderObject_closure()); this._slot = null; }, attachRenderObject$1(newSlot) { this.visitChildren$1(new A.Element_attachRenderObject_closure(newSlot)); this._slot = newSlot; }, _retakeInactiveElement$2(key, newWidget) { var t1, $parent, element = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, key); if (element == null) return null; t1 = element.get$widget(); if (!(A.getRuntimeType(t1) === A.getRuntimeType(newWidget) && J.$eq$(t1.key, newWidget.key))) return null; $parent = element._parent; if ($parent != null) { $parent.forgetChild$1(element); $parent.deactivateChild$1(element); } this._owner._inactiveElements._framework$_elements.remove$1(0, element); return element; }, inflateWidget$2(newWidget, newSlot) { var newChild, updatedChild, _this = this, key = newWidget.key; if (key instanceof A.GlobalKey) { newChild = _this._retakeInactiveElement$2(key, newWidget); if (newChild != null) { newChild._parent = _this; newChild._updateDepth$1(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__Element__depth, "_depth")); newChild.activate$0(); newChild.visitChildren$1(A.framework_Element__activateRecursively$closure()); newChild.attachRenderObject$1(newSlot); updatedChild = _this.updateChild$3(newChild, newWidget, newSlot); updatedChild.toString; return updatedChild; } } newChild = newWidget.createElement$0(0); newChild.mount$2(_this, newSlot); return newChild; }, deactivateChild$1(child) { child._parent = null; child.detachRenderObject$0(); this._owner._inactiveElements.add$1(0, child); }, forgetChild$1(child) { }, activate$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._dependencies, t2 = t1 == null, hadDependencies = !t2 && t1._collection$_length !== 0 || _this._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies; _this._lifecycleState = B._ElementLifecycle_1; if (!t2) t1.clear$0(0); _this._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; _this._updateInheritance$0(); if (_this._dirty) _this._owner.scheduleBuildFor$1(_this); if (hadDependencies) _this.didChangeDependencies$0(); }, deactivate$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._dependencies; if (t1 != null && t1._collection$_length !== 0) for (t1 = new A._HashSetIterator(t1, t1._computeElements$0()), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) t2._as(t1._collection$_current)._dependents.remove$1(0, _this); _this._inheritedWidgets = null; _this._lifecycleState = B._ElementLifecycle_2; }, unmount$0() { var t1, _this = this, key = _this._widget.key; if (key instanceof A.GlobalKey) { t1 = _this._owner._globalKeyRegistry; if (J.$eq$(t1.$index(0, key), _this)) t1.remove$1(0, key); } _this._dependencies = _this._widget = null; _this._lifecycleState = B._ElementLifecycle_3; }, get$size(_) { var t1, renderObject = this.get$renderObject(); if (renderObject instanceof A.RenderBox) { t1 = renderObject._size; t1.toString; return t1; } return null; }, dependOnInheritedElement$2$aspect(ancestor, aspect) { var t1 = this._dependencies; (t1 == null ? this._dependencies = A.HashSet_HashSet(type$.InheritedElement) : t1).add$1(0, ancestor); ancestor.updateDependencies$2(this, aspect); return ancestor.get$widget(); }, dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0($T) { var t1 = this._inheritedWidgets, ancestor = t1 == null ? null : t1.$index(0, A.createRuntimeType($T)); if (ancestor != null) return $T._as(this.dependOnInheritedElement$2$aspect(ancestor, null)); this._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = true; return null; }, getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0($T) { var t1 = this._inheritedWidgets; return t1 == null ? null : t1.$index(0, A.createRuntimeType($T)); }, _updateInheritance$0() { var t1 = this._parent; this._inheritedWidgets = t1 == null ? null : t1._inheritedWidgets; }, findAncestorStateOfType$1$0($T) { var t1, t2, ancestor = this._parent; for (; t1 = ancestor == null, !t1;) { if (ancestor instanceof A.StatefulElement) { t2 = ancestor._framework$_state; t2.toString; t2 = $T._is(t2); } else t2 = false; if (t2) break; ancestor = ancestor._parent; } type$.nullable_StatefulElement._as(ancestor); if (t1) t1 = null; else { t1 = ancestor._framework$_state; t1.toString; } return $T._eval$1("0?")._as(t1); }, findAncestorRenderObjectOfType$1$0($T) { var ancestor = this._parent; for (; ancestor != null;) { if (ancestor instanceof A.RenderObjectElement && $T._is(ancestor.get$renderObject())) return $T._as(ancestor.get$renderObject()); ancestor = ancestor._parent; } return null; }, visitAncestorElements$1(visitor) { var ancestor = this._parent; while (true) { if (!(ancestor != null && visitor.call$1(ancestor))) break; ancestor = ancestor._parent; } }, didChangeDependencies$0() { this.markNeedsBuild$0(); }, toStringShort$0() { var t1 = this._widget; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.toStringShort$0(); return t1 == null ? "#" + A.shortHash(this) + "(DEFUNCT)" : t1; }, toDiagnosticsNode$2$name$style($name, style) { return A._ElementDiagnosticableTreeNode$($name, false, style, this); }, toDiagnosticsNode$0() { return this.toDiagnosticsNode$2$name$style(null, null); }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { var children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); this.visitChildren$1(new A.Element_debugDescribeChildren_closure(children)); return children; }, markNeedsBuild$0() { var _this = this; if (_this._lifecycleState !== B._ElementLifecycle_1) return; if (_this._dirty) return; _this._dirty = true; _this._owner.scheduleBuildFor$1(_this); }, rebuild$0() { if (this._lifecycleState !== B._ElementLifecycle_1 || !this._dirty) return; this.performRebuild$0(); }, $isBuildContext: 1 }; A.Element_reassemble_closure.prototype = { call$1(child) { child._debugReassembleConfig = this.$this._debugReassembleConfig; child.reassemble$0(); }, $signature: 6 }; A.Element_renderObject_visit.prototype = { call$1(element) { if (element._lifecycleState === B._ElementLifecycle_3) return; else if (element instanceof A.RenderObjectElement) this._box_0.result = element.get$renderObject(); else element.visitChildren$1(this); }, $signature: 6 }; A.Element_updateSlotForChild_visit.prototype = { call$1(element) { element._updateSlot$1(this.newSlot); if (!(element instanceof A.RenderObjectElement)) element.visitChildren$1(this); }, $signature: 6 }; A.Element__updateDepth_closure.prototype = { call$1(child) { child._updateDepth$1(this.expectedDepth); }, $signature: 6 }; A.Element_detachRenderObject_closure.prototype = { call$1(child) { child.detachRenderObject$0(); }, $signature: 6 }; A.Element_attachRenderObject_closure.prototype = { call$1(child) { child.attachRenderObject$1(this.newSlot); }, $signature: 6 }; A.Element_debugDescribeChildren_closure.prototype = { call$1(child) { this.children.push(child.toDiagnosticsNode$0()); }, $signature: 6 }; A._ElementDiagnosticableTreeNode.prototype = {}; A.ErrorWidget.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = this.message, t2 = new A.RenderErrorBox(t1, A.LayerHandle$()); t2.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t2.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t2.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t2.RenderErrorBox$1(t1); return t2; } }; A.ComponentElement.prototype = { mount$2($parent, newSlot) { this.super$Element$mount($parent, newSlot); this._firstBuild$0(); }, _firstBuild$0() { this.rebuild$0(); }, performRebuild$0() { var e, stack, e0, stack0, exception, built0, _this = this, built = null; try { built = _this.build$0(0); _this.get$widget(); } catch (exception) { e = A.unwrapException(exception); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception); built0 = A.ErrorWidget__defaultErrorWidgetBuilder(A._debugReportException(A.ErrorDescription$("building " + _this.toString$0(0)), e, stack, new A.ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure(_this))); built = built0; } finally { _this._dirty = false; } try { _this._framework$_child = _this.updateChild$3(_this._framework$_child, built, _this._slot); } catch (exception) { e0 = A.unwrapException(exception); stack0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception); built0 = A.ErrorWidget__defaultErrorWidgetBuilder(A._debugReportException(A.ErrorDescription$("building " + _this.toString$0(0)), e0, stack0, new A.ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure0(_this))); built = built0; _this._framework$_child = _this.updateChild$3(null, built, _this._slot); } }, visitChildren$1(visitor) { var t1 = this._framework$_child; if (t1 != null) visitor.call$1(t1); }, forgetChild$1(child) { this._framework$_child = null; this.super$Element$forgetChild(child); } }; A.ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); return t1; }, $signature: 15 }; A.ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); return t1; }, $signature: 15 }; A.StatelessElement.prototype = { get$widget() { return type$.StatelessWidget._as(A.Element.prototype.get$widget.call(this)); }, build$0(_) { return type$.StatelessWidget._as(A.Element.prototype.get$widget.call(this)).build$1(0, this); }, update$1(_, newWidget) { this.super$Element$update(0, newWidget); this._dirty = true; this.rebuild$0(); } }; A.StatefulElement.prototype = { build$0(_) { return this._framework$_state.build$1(0, this); }, reassemble$0() { var _this = this; if (A._debugShouldReassemble(_this._debugReassembleConfig, _this._widget)) _this._framework$_state.toString; _this.super$Element$reassemble(); }, _firstBuild$0() { var debugCheckForReturnedFuture, _this = this; try { _this._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = true; debugCheckForReturnedFuture = _this._framework$_state.initState$0(); } finally { _this._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = false; } _this._framework$_state.didChangeDependencies$0(); _this.super$ComponentElement$_firstBuild(); }, performRebuild$0() { var _this = this; if (_this._didChangeDependencies) { _this._framework$_state.didChangeDependencies$0(); _this._didChangeDependencies = false; } _this.super$ComponentElement$performRebuild(); }, update$1(_, newWidget) { var oldWidget, debugCheckForReturnedFuture, t1, t2, _this = this; _this.super$Element$update(0, newWidget); t1 = _this._framework$_state; t2 = t1._widget; t2.toString; oldWidget = t2; _this._dirty = true; t2 = _this._widget; t2.toString; t1._widget = type$.StatefulWidget._as(t2); try { _this._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = true; debugCheckForReturnedFuture = t1.didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget); } finally { _this._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = false; } _this.rebuild$0(); }, activate$0() { this.super$Element$activate(); this._framework$_state.activate$0(); this.markNeedsBuild$0(); }, deactivate$0() { this._framework$_state.deactivate$0(); this.super$Element$deactivate(); }, unmount$0() { var _this = this; _this.super$Element$unmount(); _this._framework$_state.dispose$0(0); _this._framework$_state = _this._framework$_state._framework$_element = null; }, dependOnInheritedElement$2$aspect(ancestor, aspect) { return this.super$Element$dependOnInheritedElement(ancestor, aspect); }, didChangeDependencies$0() { this.super$Element$didChangeDependencies(); this._didChangeDependencies = true; }, toDiagnosticsNode$2$name$style($name, style) { return A._ElementDiagnosticableTreeNode$($name, true, style, this); }, toDiagnosticsNode$0() { return this.toDiagnosticsNode$2$name$style(null, null); } }; A.ProxyElement.prototype = { get$widget() { return type$.ProxyWidget._as(A.Element.prototype.get$widget.call(this)); }, build$0(_) { return this.get$widget().child; }, update$1(_, newWidget) { var _this = this, oldWidget = _this.get$widget(); _this.super$Element$update(0, newWidget); _this.updated$1(oldWidget); _this._dirty = true; _this.rebuild$0(); }, updated$1(oldWidget) { this.notifyClients$1(oldWidget); } }; A.ParentDataElement.prototype = { get$widget() { return this.$ti._eval$1("ParentDataWidget<1>")._as(A.ProxyElement.prototype.get$widget.call(this)); }, _applyParentData$1(widget) { this.visitChildren$1(new A.ParentDataElement__applyParentData_applyParentDataToChild(widget)); }, notifyClients$1(oldWidget) { this._applyParentData$1(this.$ti._eval$1("ParentDataWidget<1>")._as(A.ProxyElement.prototype.get$widget.call(this))); } }; A.ParentDataElement__applyParentData_applyParentDataToChild.prototype = { call$1(child) { if (child instanceof A.RenderObjectElement) this.widget.applyParentData$1(child.get$renderObject()); else child.visitChildren$1(this); }, $signature: 6 }; A.InheritedElement.prototype = { get$widget() { return type$.InheritedWidget._as(A.ProxyElement.prototype.get$widget.call(this)); }, _updateInheritance$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._parent, incomingWidgets = t1 == null ? null : t1._inheritedWidgets; t1 = type$.Type; t2 = type$.InheritedElement; if (incomingWidgets != null) { t1 = A.HashMap_HashMap(t1, t2); t1.addAll$1(0, incomingWidgets); _this._inheritedWidgets = t1; } else t1 = _this._inheritedWidgets = A.HashMap_HashMap(t1, t2); t1.$indexSet(0, A.getRuntimeType(_this.get$widget()), _this); }, updateDependencies$2(dependent, aspect) { this._dependents.$indexSet(0, dependent, null); }, notifyDependent$2(oldWidget, dependent) { dependent.didChangeDependencies$0(); }, updated$1(oldWidget) { if (this.get$widget().updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget)) this.super$ProxyElement$updated(oldWidget); }, notifyClients$1(oldWidget) { var t1, t2; for (t1 = this._dependents, t1 = new A._HashMapKeyIterator(t1, t1._computeKeys$0()), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) this.notifyDependent$2(oldWidget, t2._as(t1._collection$_current)); } }; A.RenderObjectElement.prototype = { get$widget() { return type$.RenderObjectWidget._as(A.Element.prototype.get$widget.call(this)); }, get$renderObject() { var t1 = this._renderObject; t1.toString; return t1; }, _findAncestorRenderObjectElement$0() { var ancestor = this._parent; while (true) { if (!(ancestor != null && !(ancestor instanceof A.RenderObjectElement))) break; ancestor = ancestor._parent; } return type$.nullable_RenderObjectElement._as(ancestor); }, _findAncestorParentDataElement$0() { var ancestor, _box_0 = {}, t1 = _box_0.ancestor = this._parent; _box_0.result = null; while (true) { if (!(t1 != null && !(t1 instanceof A.RenderObjectElement))) break; if (t1 instanceof A.ParentDataElement) { _box_0.result = t1; break; } ancestor = t1._parent; _box_0.ancestor = ancestor; t1 = ancestor; } return _box_0.result; }, mount$2($parent, newSlot) { var _this = this; _this.super$Element$mount($parent, newSlot); _this._renderObject = _this.get$widget().createRenderObject$1(_this); _this.attachRenderObject$1(newSlot); _this._dirty = false; }, update$1(_, newWidget) { this.super$Element$update(0, newWidget); this._performRebuild$0(); }, performRebuild$0() { this._performRebuild$0(); }, _performRebuild$0() { var _this = this; _this.get$widget().updateRenderObject$2(_this, _this.get$renderObject()); _this._dirty = false; }, updateChildren$3$forgottenChildren(oldChildren, newWidgets, forgottenChildren) { var oldChild, newWidget, rti, oldChildrenBottom0, haveOldChildren, oldKeyedChildren, key, t3, _this = this, _null = null, replaceWithNullIfForgotten = new A.RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_replaceWithNullIfForgotten(forgottenChildren), slotFor = new A.RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_slotFor(_null), t1 = newWidgets.length, newChildrenBottom = t1 - 1, t2 = oldChildren.length, oldChildrenBottom = t2 - 1, newChildren = t2 === t1 ? oldChildren : A.List_List$filled(t1, $.$get$_NullElement_instance(), false, type$.Element_2), previousChild = _null, newChildrenTop = 0, oldChildrenTop = 0; while (true) { if (!(oldChildrenTop <= oldChildrenBottom && newChildrenTop <= newChildrenBottom)) break; oldChild = replaceWithNullIfForgotten.call$1(oldChildren[oldChildrenTop]); newWidget = newWidgets[newChildrenTop]; if (oldChild != null) { t1 = oldChild.get$widget(); rti = t1 instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(t1) : _null; t2 = A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(t1) : rti); rti = newWidget instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(newWidget) : _null; t1 = !(t2 === A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(newWidget) : rti) && J.$eq$(t1.key, newWidget.key)); } else t1 = true; if (t1) break; t1 = _this.updateChild$3(oldChild, newWidget, slotFor.call$2(newChildrenTop, previousChild)); t1.toString; newChildren[newChildrenTop] = t1; ++newChildrenTop; ++oldChildrenTop; previousChild = t1; } oldChildrenBottom0 = oldChildrenBottom; while (true) { haveOldChildren = oldChildrenTop <= oldChildrenBottom0; if (!(haveOldChildren && newChildrenTop <= newChildrenBottom)) break; oldChild = replaceWithNullIfForgotten.call$1(oldChildren[oldChildrenBottom0]); newWidget = newWidgets[newChildrenBottom]; if (oldChild != null) { t1 = oldChild.get$widget(); rti = t1 instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(t1) : _null; t2 = A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(t1) : rti); rti = newWidget instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(newWidget) : _null; t1 = !(t2 === A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(newWidget) : rti) && J.$eq$(t1.key, newWidget.key)); } else t1 = true; if (t1) break; --oldChildrenBottom0; --newChildrenBottom; } if (haveOldChildren) { oldKeyedChildren = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Key, type$.Element_2); for (; oldChildrenTop <= oldChildrenBottom0;) { oldChild = replaceWithNullIfForgotten.call$1(oldChildren[oldChildrenTop]); if (oldChild != null) if (oldChild.get$widget().key != null) { t1 = oldChild.get$widget().key; t1.toString; oldKeyedChildren.$indexSet(0, t1, oldChild); } else { oldChild._parent = null; oldChild.detachRenderObject$0(); t1 = _this._owner._inactiveElements; if (oldChild._lifecycleState === B._ElementLifecycle_1) { oldChild.deactivate$0(); oldChild.visitChildren$1(A.framework__InactiveElements__deactivateRecursively$closure()); } t1._framework$_elements.add$1(0, oldChild); } ++oldChildrenTop; } haveOldChildren = true; } else oldKeyedChildren = _null; for (; newChildrenTop <= newChildrenBottom; previousChild = t1) { newWidget = newWidgets[newChildrenTop]; if (haveOldChildren) { key = newWidget.key; if (key != null) { oldChild = oldKeyedChildren.$index(0, key); if (oldChild != null) { t1 = oldChild.get$widget(); rti = t1 instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(t1) : _null; t2 = A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(t1) : rti); rti = newWidget instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(newWidget) : _null; if (t2 === A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(newWidget) : rti) && J.$eq$(t1.key, key)) oldKeyedChildren.remove$1(0, key); else oldChild = _null; } } else oldChild = _null; } else oldChild = _null; t1 = _this.updateChild$3(oldChild, newWidget, slotFor.call$2(newChildrenTop, previousChild)); t1.toString; newChildren[newChildrenTop] = t1; ++newChildrenTop; } newChildrenBottom = newWidgets.length - 1; while (true) { if (!(oldChildrenTop <= oldChildrenBottom && newChildrenTop <= newChildrenBottom)) break; t1 = _this.updateChild$3(oldChildren[oldChildrenTop], newWidgets[newChildrenTop], slotFor.call$2(newChildrenTop, previousChild)); t1.toString; newChildren[newChildrenTop] = t1; ++newChildrenTop; ++oldChildrenTop; previousChild = t1; } if (haveOldChildren && oldKeyedChildren.get$isNotEmpty(oldKeyedChildren)) for (t1 = oldKeyedChildren.get$values(oldKeyedChildren), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) { t2 = t1.get$current(t1); if (!forgottenChildren.contains$1(0, t2)) { t2._parent = null; t2.detachRenderObject$0(); t3 = _this._owner._inactiveElements; if (t2._lifecycleState === B._ElementLifecycle_1) { t2.deactivate$0(); t2.visitChildren$1(A.framework__InactiveElements__deactivateRecursively$closure()); } t3._framework$_elements.add$1(0, t2); } } return newChildren; }, deactivate$0() { this.super$Element$deactivate(); }, unmount$0() { var _this = this, oldWidget = _this.get$widget(); _this.super$Element$unmount(); oldWidget.didUnmountRenderObject$1(_this.get$renderObject()); _this._renderObject.dispose$0(0); _this._renderObject = null; }, _updateSlot$1(newSlot) { var t1, _this = this, oldSlot = _this._slot; _this.super$Element$_updateSlot(newSlot); t1 = _this._ancestorRenderObjectElement; t1.toString; t1.moveRenderObjectChild$3(_this.get$renderObject(), oldSlot, _this._slot); }, attachRenderObject$1(newSlot) { var t1, parentDataElement, _this = this; _this._slot = newSlot; t1 = _this._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _this._findAncestorRenderObjectElement$0(); if (t1 != null) t1.insertRenderObjectChild$2(_this.get$renderObject(), newSlot); parentDataElement = _this._findAncestorParentDataElement$0(); if (parentDataElement != null) parentDataElement.$ti._eval$1("ParentDataWidget<1>")._as(A.ProxyElement.prototype.get$widget.call(parentDataElement)).applyParentData$1(_this.get$renderObject()); }, detachRenderObject$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._ancestorRenderObjectElement; if (t1 != null) { t1.removeRenderObjectChild$2(_this.get$renderObject(), _this._slot); _this._ancestorRenderObjectElement = null; } _this._slot = null; }, insertRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) { }, moveRenderObjectChild$3(child, oldSlot, newSlot) { }, removeRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) { } }; A.RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_replaceWithNullIfForgotten.prototype = { call$1(child) { var t1 = this.forgottenChildren.contains$1(0, child); return t1 ? null : child; }, $signature: 258 }; A.RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_slotFor.prototype = { call$2(newChildIndex, previousChild) { return new A.IndexedSlot(previousChild, newChildIndex, type$.IndexedSlot_nullable_Element); }, $signature: 259 }; A.RootRenderObjectElement.prototype = { mount$2($parent, newSlot) { this.super$RenderObjectElement$mount($parent, newSlot); } }; A.LeafRenderObjectElement.prototype = { forgetChild$1(child) { this.super$Element$forgetChild(child); }, insertRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) { }, moveRenderObjectChild$3(child, oldSlot, newSlot) { }, removeRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) { }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { type$.RenderObjectWidget._as(A.Element.prototype.get$widget.call(this)); return B.List_empty; } }; A.SingleChildRenderObjectElement.prototype = { get$widget() { return type$.SingleChildRenderObjectWidget._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$widget.call(this)); }, visitChildren$1(visitor) { var t1 = this._framework$_child; if (t1 != null) visitor.call$1(t1); }, forgetChild$1(child) { this._framework$_child = null; this.super$Element$forgetChild(child); }, mount$2($parent, newSlot) { var _this = this; _this.super$RenderObjectElement$mount($parent, newSlot); _this._framework$_child = _this.updateChild$3(_this._framework$_child, _this.get$widget().child, null); }, update$1(_, newWidget) { var _this = this; _this.super$RenderObjectElement$update(0, newWidget); _this._framework$_child = _this.updateChild$3(_this._framework$_child, _this.get$widget().child, null); }, insertRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) { var t1 = this._renderObject; t1.toString; type$.RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderObject._as(t1).set$child(child); }, moveRenderObjectChild$3(child, oldSlot, newSlot) { }, removeRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) { var t1 = this._renderObject; t1.toString; type$.RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderObject._as(t1).set$child(null); } }; A.MultiChildRenderObjectElement.prototype = { get$widget() { return type$.MultiChildRenderObjectWidget._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$widget.call(this)); }, get$renderObject() { return type$.ContainerRenderObjectMixin_of_RenderObject_and_ContainerParentDataMixin_RenderObject._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this)); }, insertRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) { var renderObject = this.get$renderObject(), t1 = slot.value; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$renderObject(); renderObject.adoptChild$1(child); renderObject._insertIntoChildList$2$after(child, t1); }, moveRenderObjectChild$3(child, oldSlot, newSlot) { var renderObject = this.get$renderObject(), t1 = newSlot.value; renderObject.move$2$after(child, t1 == null ? null : t1.get$renderObject()); }, removeRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) { var renderObject = this.get$renderObject(); renderObject._removeFromChildList$1(child); renderObject.dropChild$1(child); }, visitChildren$1(visitor) { var t1, t2, t3, _i, child; for (t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__MultiChildRenderObjectElement__children, "_children"), t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._forgottenChildren, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { child = t1[_i]; if (!t3.contains$1(0, child)) visitor.call$1(child); } }, forgetChild$1(child) { this._forgottenChildren.add$1(0, child); this.super$Element$forgetChild(child); }, inflateWidget$2(newWidget, newSlot) { return this.super$Element$inflateWidget(newWidget, newSlot); }, mount$2($parent, newSlot) { var t1, children, t2, previousChild, i, newChild, _this = this; _this.super$RenderObjectElement$mount($parent, newSlot); t1 = _this.get$widget().children.length; children = A.List_List$filled(t1, $.$get$_NullElement_instance(), false, type$.Element_2); for (t2 = type$.IndexedSlot_nullable_Element, previousChild = null, i = 0; i < t1; ++i, previousChild = newChild) { newChild = _this.super$Element$inflateWidget(_this.get$widget().children[i], new A.IndexedSlot(previousChild, i, t2)); children[i] = newChild; } _this.__MultiChildRenderObjectElement__children = children; }, update$1(_, newWidget) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$RenderObjectElement$update(0, newWidget); t1 = _this._forgottenChildren; _this.__MultiChildRenderObjectElement__children = _this.updateChildren$3$forgottenChildren(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MultiChildRenderObjectElement__children, "_children"), _this.get$widget().children, t1); t1.clear$0(0); } }; A.IndexedSlot.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; return other instanceof A.IndexedSlot && this.index === other.index && J.$eq$(this.value, other.value); }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.index, this.value, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A._NullElement.prototype = { performRebuild$0() { return A.throwExpression(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); } }; A._NullWidget0.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { return A.throwExpression(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); } }; A._State_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.GestureRecognizerFactory.prototype = {}; A.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers.prototype = { constructor$0(_) { return this._constructor.call$0(); }, initializer$1(instance) { return this._initializer.call$1(instance); } }; A.GestureDetector.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var t1, _this = this, gestures = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Type, type$.GestureRecognizerFactory_GestureRecognizer); if (_this.onTapDown == null) if (_this.onTap == null) if (_this.onTapCancel == null) t1 = false; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; if (t1) gestures.$indexSet(0, B.Type_TapGestureRecognizer_62h, new A.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers(new A.GestureDetector_build_closure(_this), new A.GestureDetector_build_closure0(_this), type$.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers_TapGestureRecognizer)); if (_this.onDoubleTap != null) gestures.$indexSet(0, B.Type_DoubleTapGestureRecognizer_oyU, new A.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers(new A.GestureDetector_build_closure1(_this), new A.GestureDetector_build_closure2(_this), type$.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers_DoubleTapGestureRecognizer)); if (_this.onLongPress == null) t1 = false; else t1 = true; if (t1) gestures.$indexSet(0, B.Type_LongPressGestureRecognizer_46y, new A.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers(new A.GestureDetector_build_closure3(_this), new A.GestureDetector_build_closure4(_this), type$.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers_LongPressGestureRecognizer)); t1 = _this.onVerticalDragStart != null || _this.onVerticalDragUpdate != null || _this.onVerticalDragEnd != null || false; if (t1) gestures.$indexSet(0, B.Type_mLh, new A.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers(new A.GestureDetector_build_closure5(_this), new A.GestureDetector_build_closure6(_this), type$.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers_VerticalDragGestureRecognizer)); if (_this.onHorizontalDragDown == null) t1 = _this.onHorizontalDragUpdate != null || _this.onHorizontalDragEnd != null || _this.onHorizontalDragCancel != null; else t1 = true; if (t1) gestures.$indexSet(0, B.Type_Vq1, new A.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers(new A.GestureDetector_build_closure7(_this), new A.GestureDetector_build_closure8(_this), type$.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers_HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer)); if (_this.onPanDown == null) t1 = _this.onPanUpdate != null || _this.onPanEnd != null || false; else t1 = true; if (t1) gestures.$indexSet(0, B.Type_PanGestureRecognizer_bbH, new A.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers(new A.GestureDetector_build_closure9(_this), new A.GestureDetector_build_closure10(_this), type$.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers_PanGestureRecognizer)); return new A.RawGestureDetector(_this.child, gestures, _this.behavior, _this.excludeFromSemantics, null, null); } }; A.GestureDetector_build_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = type$.int, t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1); return new A.TapGestureRecognizer(B.Duration_100000, 18, B.GestureRecognizerState_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t2, this.$this, null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind)); }, $signature: 260 }; A.GestureDetector_build_closure0.prototype = { call$1(instance) { var t1 = this.$this; instance.onTapDown = t1.onTapDown; instance.onTapUp = null; instance.onTap = t1.onTap; instance.onTapCancel = t1.onTapCancel; instance.onTertiaryTapCancel = instance.onTertiaryTapUp = instance.onTertiaryTapDown = instance.onSecondaryTapCancel = instance.onSecondaryTapUp = instance.onSecondaryTapDown = instance.onSecondaryTap = null; }, $signature: 261 }; A.GestureDetector_build_closure1.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = type$.int; return new A.DoubleTapGestureRecognizer(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$._TapTracker), this.$this, null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind)); }, $signature: 262 }; A.GestureDetector_build_closure2.prototype = { call$1(instance) { instance.onDoubleTapDown = null; instance.onDoubleTap = this.$this.onDoubleTap; instance.onDoubleTapCancel = null; }, $signature: 263 }; A.GestureDetector_build_closure3.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = type$.int, t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1); return new A.LongPressGestureRecognizer(B.Duration_500000, null, B.GestureRecognizerState_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t2, this.$this, null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind)); }, $signature: 264 }; A.GestureDetector_build_closure4.prototype = { call$1(instance) { instance.onLongPressCancel = instance.onLongPressDown = null; instance.onLongPress = this.$this.onLongPress; instance.onTertiaryLongPressEnd = instance.onTertiaryLongPressUp = instance.onTertiaryLongPressMoveUpdate = instance.onTertiaryLongPressStart = instance.onTertiaryLongPress = instance.onTertiaryLongPressCancel = instance.onTertiaryLongPressDown = instance.onSecondaryLongPressEnd = instance.onSecondaryLongPressUp = instance.onSecondaryLongPressMoveUpdate = instance.onSecondaryLongPressStart = instance.onSecondaryLongPress = instance.onSecondaryLongPressCancel = instance.onSecondaryLongPressDown = instance.onLongPressEnd = instance.onLongPressUp = instance.onLongPressMoveUpdate = instance.onLongPressStart = null; }, $signature: 265 }; A.GestureDetector_build_closure5.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = type$.int, t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1); return new A.VerticalDragGestureRecognizer(B.DragStartBehavior_1, B._DragState_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.VelocityTracker), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t2, this.$this, null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind)); }, $signature: 266 }; A.GestureDetector_build_closure6.prototype = { call$1(instance) { var t1; instance.onDown = null; t1 = this.$this; instance.onStart = t1.onVerticalDragStart; instance.onUpdate = t1.onVerticalDragUpdate; instance.onEnd = t1.onVerticalDragEnd; instance.onCancel = null; instance.dragStartBehavior = t1.dragStartBehavior; }, $signature: 267 }; A.GestureDetector_build_closure7.prototype = { call$0() { return A.HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer$(this.$this); }, $signature: 268 }; A.GestureDetector_build_closure8.prototype = { call$1(instance) { var t1 = this.$this; instance.onDown = t1.onHorizontalDragDown; instance.onStart = null; instance.onUpdate = t1.onHorizontalDragUpdate; instance.onEnd = t1.onHorizontalDragEnd; instance.onCancel = t1.onHorizontalDragCancel; instance.dragStartBehavior = t1.dragStartBehavior; }, $signature: 269 }; A.GestureDetector_build_closure9.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = type$.int, t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1); return new A.PanGestureRecognizer(B.DragStartBehavior_1, B._DragState_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.VelocityTracker), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t2, this.$this, null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind)); }, $signature: 270 }; A.GestureDetector_build_closure10.prototype = { call$1(instance) { var t1 = this.$this; instance.onDown = t1.onPanDown; instance.onStart = null; instance.onUpdate = t1.onPanUpdate; instance.onEnd = t1.onPanEnd; instance.onCancel = null; instance.dragStartBehavior = t1.dragStartBehavior; }, $signature: 271 }; A.RawGestureDetector.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A.RawGestureDetectorState(B.Map_empty2, B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A.RawGestureDetectorState.prototype = { initState$0() { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this.super$State$initState(); t1 = _this._widget; t2 = t1.semantics; _this._gesture_detector$_semantics = t2 == null ? new A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate(_this) : t2; _this._syncAll$1(t1.gestures); }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (!(oldWidget.semantics == null && _this._widget.semantics == null)) { t1 = _this._widget.semantics; _this._gesture_detector$_semantics = t1 == null ? new A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate(_this) : t1; } _this._syncAll$1(_this._widget.gestures); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1; for (t1 = this._recognizers, t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) t1.get$current(t1).dispose$0(0); this._recognizers = null; this.super$State$dispose(0); }, _syncAll$1(gestures) { var t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this, t1 = _this._recognizers; t1.toString; _this._recognizers = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Type, type$.GestureRecognizer); for (t2 = gestures.get$keys(gestures), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2.get$current(t2); t4 = _this._recognizers; t4.toString; t5 = t1.$index(0, t3); t4.$indexSet(0, t3, t5 == null ? gestures.$index(0, t3).constructor$0(0) : t5); t4 = gestures.$index(0, t3); t4.toString; t3 = _this._recognizers.$index(0, t3); t3.toString; t4.initializer$1(t3); } for (t2 = t1.get$keys(t1), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2.get$current(t2); if (!_this._recognizers.containsKey$1(0, t3)) t1.$index(0, t3).dispose$0(0); } }, _gesture_detector$_handlePointerDown$1($event) { var t1, t2; for (t1 = this._recognizers, t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) { t2 = t1.get$current(t1); t2._pointerToKind.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), $event.get$kind($event)); if (t2.isPointerAllowed$1($event)) t2.addAllowedPointer$1($event); else t2.handleNonAllowedPointer$1($event); } }, _updateSemanticsForRenderObject$1(renderObject) { this._gesture_detector$_semantics.assignSemantics$1(renderObject); }, build$1(_, context) { var t4, t5, result, t1 = this._widget, t2 = t1.behavior, t3 = t2 == null; if (t3) t4 = t1.child == null ? B.HitTestBehavior_2 : B.HitTestBehavior_0; else t4 = t2; t5 = t1.child; result = A.Listener$(t4, t5, null, this.get$_gesture_detector$_handlePointerDown(), null); if (!t1.excludeFromSemantics) { if (t3) t1 = t5 == null ? B.HitTestBehavior_2 : B.HitTestBehavior_0; else t1 = t2; result = new A._GestureSemantics(t1, this.get$_updateSemanticsForRenderObject(), result, null); } return result; } }; A._GestureSemantics.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var renderObject = new A.RenderSemanticsGestureHandler(B.HitTestBehavior_0, null, A.LayerHandle$()); renderObject.get$isRepaintBoundary(); renderObject.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); renderObject.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; renderObject.set$child(null); renderObject.behavior = this.behavior; this.assignSemantics.call$1(renderObject); return renderObject; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.behavior = this.behavior; this.assignSemantics.call$1(renderObject); } }; A.SemanticsGestureDelegate.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "SemanticsGestureDelegate()"; } }; A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate.prototype = { assignSemantics$1(renderObject) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.detectorState._recognizers; t1.toString; renderObject.set$onTap(_this._getTapHandler$1(t1)); renderObject.set$onLongPress(_this._getLongPressHandler$1(t1)); renderObject.set$onHorizontalDragUpdate(_this._getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler$1(t1)); renderObject.set$onVerticalDragUpdate(_this._getVerticalDragUpdateHandler$1(t1)); }, _getTapHandler$1(recognizers) { var tap = type$.nullable_TapGestureRecognizer._as(recognizers.$index(0, B.Type_TapGestureRecognizer_62h)); if (tap == null) return null; return new A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getTapHandler_closure(tap); }, _getLongPressHandler$1(recognizers) { var longPress = type$.nullable_LongPressGestureRecognizer._as(recognizers.$index(0, B.Type_LongPressGestureRecognizer_46y)); if (longPress == null) return null; return new A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getLongPressHandler_closure(longPress); }, _getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler$1(recognizers) { var horizontal = type$.nullable_HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer._as(recognizers.$index(0, B.Type_Vq1)), pan = type$.nullable_PanGestureRecognizer._as(recognizers.$index(0, B.Type_PanGestureRecognizer_bbH)), horizontalHandler = horizontal == null ? null : new A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure(horizontal), panHandler = pan == null ? null : new A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure0(pan); if (horizontalHandler == null && panHandler == null) return null; return new A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure1(horizontalHandler, panHandler); }, _getVerticalDragUpdateHandler$1(recognizers) { var vertical = type$.nullable_VerticalDragGestureRecognizer._as(recognizers.$index(0, B.Type_mLh)), pan = type$.nullable_PanGestureRecognizer._as(recognizers.$index(0, B.Type_PanGestureRecognizer_bbH)), verticalHandler = vertical == null ? null : new A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure(vertical), panHandler = pan == null ? null : new A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure0(pan); if (verticalHandler == null && panHandler == null) return null; return new A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure1(verticalHandler, panHandler); } }; A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getTapHandler_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.tap, t2 = t1.onTapDown; if (t2 != null) t2.call$1(new A.TapDownDetails(B.Offset_0_0)); t1 = t1.onTap; if (t1 != null) t1.call$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getLongPressHandler_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.longPress.onLongPress; if (t1 != null) t1.call$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure.prototype = { call$1(details) { var t1 = this.horizontal, t2 = t1.onDown; if (t2 != null) t2.call$1(new A.DragDownDetails(B.Offset_0_0)); t2 = t1.onStart; if (t2 != null) t2.call$1(new A.DragStartDetails(B.Offset_0_0)); t2 = t1.onUpdate; if (t2 != null) t2.call$1(details); t1 = t1.onEnd; if (t1 != null) t1.call$1(new A.DragEndDetails(B.Velocity_Offset_0_0)); }, $signature: 18 }; A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure0.prototype = { call$1(details) { var t1 = this.pan, t2 = t1.onDown; if (t2 != null) t2.call$1(new A.DragDownDetails(B.Offset_0_0)); t2 = t1.onStart; if (t2 != null) t2.call$1(new A.DragStartDetails(B.Offset_0_0)); t2 = t1.onUpdate; if (t2 != null) t2.call$1(details); t1 = t1.onEnd; if (t1 != null) t1.call$1(new A.DragEndDetails(B.Velocity_Offset_0_0)); }, $signature: 18 }; A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure1.prototype = { call$1(details) { var t1 = this.horizontalHandler; if (t1 != null) t1.call$1(details); t1 = this.panHandler; if (t1 != null) t1.call$1(details); }, $signature: 18 }; A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure.prototype = { call$1(details) { var t1 = this.vertical, t2 = t1.onDown; if (t2 != null) t2.call$1(new A.DragDownDetails(B.Offset_0_0)); t2 = t1.onStart; if (t2 != null) t2.call$1(new A.DragStartDetails(B.Offset_0_0)); t2 = t1.onUpdate; if (t2 != null) t2.call$1(details); t1 = t1.onEnd; if (t1 != null) t1.call$1(new A.DragEndDetails(B.Velocity_Offset_0_0)); }, $signature: 18 }; A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure0.prototype = { call$1(details) { var t1 = this.pan, t2 = t1.onDown; if (t2 != null) t2.call$1(new A.DragDownDetails(B.Offset_0_0)); t2 = t1.onStart; if (t2 != null) t2.call$1(new A.DragStartDetails(B.Offset_0_0)); t2 = t1.onUpdate; if (t2 != null) t2.call$1(details); t1 = t1.onEnd; if (t1 != null) t1.call$1(new A.DragEndDetails(B.Velocity_Offset_0_0)); }, $signature: 18 }; A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure1.prototype = { call$1(details) { var t1 = this.verticalHandler; if (t1 != null) t1.call$1(details); t1 = this.panHandler; if (t1 != null) t1.call$1(details); }, $signature: 18 }; A.HeroFlightDirection.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "HeroFlightDirection." + this._name; } }; A.Hero.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._HeroState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A.Hero__allHeroesFor_inviteHero.prototype = { call$2(hero, tag) { var t1 = hero._widget; t1.toString; type$.Hero._as(t1); t1 = hero._framework$_state; t1.toString; type$._HeroState._as(t1); if (!this.isUserGestureTransition || false) this.result.$indexSet(0, tag, t1); else t1.endFlight$0(); }, $signature: 273 }; A.Hero__allHeroesFor_visitor.prototype = { call$1(element) { var tag, heroRoute, t1, _this = this, widget = element.get$widget(); if (widget instanceof A.Hero) { type$.StatefulElement._as(element); tag = widget.tag; if (A.Navigator_of(element) === _this.navigator) _this.inviteHero.call$2(element, tag); else { heroRoute = A.ModalRoute_of(element, type$.nullable_Object); if (heroRoute != null) t1 = heroRoute.get$isCurrent(); else t1 = false; if (t1) _this.inviteHero.call$2(element, tag); } } element.visitChildren$1(_this); }, $signature: 6 }; A._HeroState.prototype = { startFlight$1$shouldIncludedChildInPlaceholder(shouldIncludedChildInPlaceholder) { var t1, _this = this; _this._shouldIncludeChild = shouldIncludedChildInPlaceholder; t1 = _this._framework$_element.get$renderObject(); t1.toString; _this.setState$1(new A._HeroState_startFlight_closure(_this, type$.RenderBox._as(t1))); }, startFlight$0() { return this.startFlight$1$shouldIncludedChildInPlaceholder(false); }, endFlight$1$keepPlaceholder(keepPlaceholder) { var _this = this; if (keepPlaceholder || _this._placeholderSize == null) return; _this._placeholderSize = null; if (_this._framework$_element != null) _this.setState$1(new A._HeroState_endFlight_closure()); }, endFlight$0() { return this.endFlight$1$keepPlaceholder(false); }, build$1(_, context) { var t3, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = _this._placeholderSize, t2 = t1 == null, showPlaceholder = !t2; if (showPlaceholder) _this._widget.toString; if (showPlaceholder && !_this._shouldIncludeChild) { t2 = t1._dx; return A.SizedBox$(_null, t1._dy, t2); } t3 = t2 ? _null : t1._dx; t1 = t2 ? _null : t1._dy; return A.SizedBox$(new A.Offstage(showPlaceholder, new A.TickerMode(t2, new A.KeyedSubtree(_this._widget.child, _this._heroes$_key), _null), _null), t1, t3); } }; A._HeroState_startFlight_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.box._size; t1.toString; this.$this._placeholderSize = t1; }, $signature: 0 }; A._HeroState_endFlight_closure.prototype = { call$0() { }, $signature: 0 }; A._HeroFlightManifest.prototype = { get$animation(_) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this.type === B.HeroFlightDirection_0) { t1 = _this.toRoute._animationProxy; t1.toString; } else { t1 = _this.fromRoute._animationProxy; t1.toString; } return A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t1, _this.isDiverted ? null : new A.FlippedCurve(B.Cubic_ifx)); }, createHeroRectTween$2$begin$end(begin, end) { var t1; this.toHero._widget.toString; t1 = this.createRectTween.call$2(begin, end); return t1 == null ? new A.RectTween(begin, end) : t1; }, get$fromHeroLocation() { var t1, result, _this = this, value = _this.___HeroFlightManifest_fromHeroLocation; if (value === $) { t1 = _this.fromHero._framework$_element; t1.toString; result = A._HeroFlightManifest__boundingBoxFor(t1, $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, _this.fromRoute._subtreeKey)); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___HeroFlightManifest_fromHeroLocation, "fromHeroLocation"); _this.___HeroFlightManifest_fromHeroLocation = result; value = result; } return value; }, get$toHeroLocation() { var t1, result, _this = this, value = _this.___HeroFlightManifest_toHeroLocation; if (value === $) { t1 = _this.toHero._framework$_element; t1.toString; result = A._HeroFlightManifest__boundingBoxFor(t1, $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, _this.toRoute._subtreeKey)); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___HeroFlightManifest_toHeroLocation, "toHeroLocation"); _this.___HeroFlightManifest_toHeroLocation = result; value = result; } return value; }, get$isValid() { var t1, result, _this = this, value = _this.___HeroFlightManifest_isValid; if (value === $) { t1 = _this.get$toHeroLocation(); if (t1.get$isFinite(t1)) if (!_this.isDiverted) { t1 = _this.get$fromHeroLocation(); t1 = t1.get$isFinite(t1); result = t1; } else result = true; else result = false; A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___HeroFlightManifest_isValid, "isValid"); value = _this.___HeroFlightManifest_isValid = result; } return value; }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.fromHero; t1 = "_HeroFlightManifest(" + _this.type.toString$0(0) + " tag: " + t1._widget.tag.toString$0(0) + " from route: " + _this.fromRoute._settings.toString$0(0) + " to route: " + _this.toRoute._settings.toString$0(0) + " with hero: " + t1.toString$0(0) + " to " + _this.toHero.toString$0(0) + ")"; return t1 + (_this.get$isValid() ? "" : ", INVALID"); } }; A._HeroFlight.prototype = { _buildOverlay$1(context) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this, _s8_ = "manifest"; if (_this.shuttle == null) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_); t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_); t2 = t2.get$animation(t2); t3 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).type; t4 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).fromHero._framework$_element; t4.toString; t5 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).toHero._framework$_element; t5.toString; _this.shuttle = t1.shuttleBuilder.call$5(context, t2, t3, t4, t5); } return A.AnimatedBuilder$(A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, "_proxyAnimation"), new A._HeroFlight__buildOverlay_closure(_this), _this.shuttle); }, _performAnimationUpdate$1($status) { var _this = this, _s15_ = "_proxyAnimation", _s8_ = "manifest", t1 = $status === B.AnimationStatus_3; if (t1 || $status === B.AnimationStatus_0) { A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, _s15_).set$parent(0, null); _this.overlayEntry.remove$0(0); _this.overlayEntry = null; A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).fromHero.endFlight$1$keepPlaceholder(t1); A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).toHero.endFlight$1$keepPlaceholder($status === B.AnimationStatus_0); _this.onFlightEnded.call$1(_this); A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, _s15_).removeListener$1(0, _this.get$onTick()); } }, _handleAnimationUpdate$1($status) { var _this = this, _s8_ = "manifest", t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).fromRoute._navigator$_navigator; if ((t1 == null ? null : t1.userGestureInProgressNotifier._change_notifier$_value) !== true) { _this._performAnimationUpdate$1($status); return; } if (_this._scheduledPerformAnimationUpdate) return; t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).fromRoute._navigator$_navigator; t1.toString; _this._scheduledPerformAnimationUpdate = true; t1.userGestureInProgressNotifier.addListener$1(0, new A._HeroFlight__handleAnimationUpdate_delayedPerformAnimationUpdate(_this, t1)); }, onTick$0() { var t1, toHeroOrigin, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _this = this, _s8_ = "manifest", _s13_ = "heroRectTween", _s15_ = "_proxyAnimation", toHeroBox = !_this._aborted && A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).toHero._framework$_element != null ? type$.nullable_RenderBox._as(A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).toHero._framework$_element.get$renderObject()) : null; if (toHeroBox != null && toHeroBox._node$_owner != null && toHeroBox._size != null) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).toRoute; t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, t1._subtreeKey); t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$renderObject(); toHeroOrigin = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(toHeroBox.getTransformTo$1(0, type$.nullable_RenderBox._as(t1)), B.Offset_0_0); } else toHeroOrigin = null; t1 = toHeroOrigin != null; if (t1 && isFinite(toHeroOrigin._dx) && isFinite(toHeroOrigin._dy)) { t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween, _s13_).end; if (!J.$eq$(toHeroOrigin, new A.Offset(t2.left, t2.top))) { t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween, _s13_).end; t3 = t2.right; t4 = t2.left; t5 = t2.bottom; t2 = t2.top; t6 = toHeroOrigin._dx; t7 = toHeroOrigin._dy; _this.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).createHeroRectTween$2$begin$end(A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween, _s13_).begin, new A.Rect(t6, t7, t6 + (t3 - t4), t7 + (t5 - t2))); } } else { t2 = _this._heroOpacity; if (t2.get$status(t2) === B.AnimationStatus_3) { t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, _s15_); t3 = $.$get$_HeroFlight__reverseTween(); t4 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, _s15_); t4 = t4.get$value(t4); t5 = A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("_ChainedEvaluation"); _this._heroOpacity = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(type$.Animation_double._as(t2), new A._ChainedEvaluation(new A.CurveTween(new A.Interval(t4, 1, B.C__Linear)), t3, t5), t5._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")); } } if (t1) t1 = !(isFinite(toHeroOrigin._dx) && isFinite(toHeroOrigin._dy)); else t1 = true; _this._aborted = t1; }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this, _s8_ = "manifest", from = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).fromRoute._settings, to = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).toRoute._settings; return "HeroFlight(for: " + A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).fromHero._widget.tag.toString$0(0) + ", from: " + from.toString$0(0) + ", to: " + to.toString$0(0) + " " + A.S(A._lateReadCheck(_this.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, "_proxyAnimation")._animations$_parent) + ")"; } }; A._HeroFlight__buildOverlay_closure.prototype = { call$2(context, child) { var _null = null, t1 = this.$this, t2 = A._lateReadCheck(t1.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween, "heroRectTween"), t3 = A._lateReadCheck(t1.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, "_proxyAnimation"); t3 = t2.transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3)); t3.toString; t2 = A._lateReadCheck(t1.___HeroFlight_manifest, "manifest").navigatorSize; return A.Positioned$(t2._dy - t3.bottom, new A.IgnorePointer(true, _null, new A.RepaintBoundary(A.FadeTransition$(child, t1._heroOpacity), _null), _null), _null, _null, t3.left, t2._dx - t3.right, t3.top, _null); }, $signature: 274 }; A._HeroFlight__handleAnimationUpdate_delayedPerformAnimationUpdate.prototype = { call$0() { var t2, t1 = this.$this; t1._scheduledPerformAnimationUpdate = false; this.navigator.userGestureInProgressNotifier.removeListener$1(0, this); t2 = A._lateReadCheck(t1.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, "_proxyAnimation"); t1._performAnimationUpdate$1(t2.get$status(t2)); }, $signature: 0 }; A.HeroController.prototype = { didStopUserGesture$0() { var t1, t2, invalidFlights, _i; if (this._navigator$_navigator.userGestureInProgressNotifier._change_notifier$_value) return; t1 = this._flights; t1 = t1.get$values(t1); t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable"); invalidFlights = A.List_List$of(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.HeroController_didStopUserGesture_isInvalidFlight(), t2), false, t2._eval$1("Iterable.E")); for (t1 = invalidFlights.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) invalidFlights[_i]._handleAnimationUpdate$1(B.AnimationStatus_0); }, _maybeStartHeroTransition$4(fromRoute, toRoute, flightType, isUserGestureTransition) { var t1, animation; if (toRoute != fromRoute && toRoute instanceof A.PageRoute && fromRoute instanceof A.PageRoute) { if (flightType === B.HeroFlightDirection_0) { t1 = toRoute._animationProxy; t1.toString; animation = t1; } else { t1 = fromRoute._animationProxy; t1.toString; animation = t1; } switch (flightType.index) { case 1: if (animation.get$value(animation) === 0) return; break; case 0: if (animation.get$value(animation) === 1) return; break; } if (isUserGestureTransition && flightType === B.HeroFlightDirection_1 && true) this._startHeroTransition$5(fromRoute, toRoute, animation, flightType, isUserGestureTransition); else { t1 = toRoute._animationProxy; toRoute.set$offstage(t1.get$value(t1) === 0); $.WidgetsBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A.HeroController__maybeStartHeroTransition_closure(this, fromRoute, toRoute, animation, flightType, isUserGestureTransition)); } } }, _startHeroTransition$5(from, to, animation, flightType, isUserGestureTransition) { var $navigator, t1, overlay, navigatorRenderObject, fromSubtreeContext, fromHeroes, toSubtreeContext, toHeroes, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, tag, fromHero, toHero, existingFlight, manifest, t17, t18, t19, shouldIncludeChildInPlaceholder, _this = this, _null = null, _s8_ = "manifest", _s15_ = "_proxyAnimation", _s13_ = "heroRectTween"; to.set$offstage(false); $navigator = _this._navigator$_navigator; t1 = $navigator == null; overlay = t1 ? _null : A._lateReadCheck($navigator.__NavigatorState__overlayKey, "_overlayKey").get$currentState(); if (t1 || overlay == null) return; navigatorRenderObject = $navigator._framework$_element.get$renderObject(); if (!(navigatorRenderObject instanceof A.RenderBox)) return; fromSubtreeContext = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, from._subtreeKey); fromHeroes = fromSubtreeContext != null ? A.Hero__allHeroesFor(fromSubtreeContext, isUserGestureTransition, $navigator) : B.Map_empty1; toSubtreeContext = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, to._subtreeKey); toHeroes = toSubtreeContext != null ? A.Hero__allHeroesFor(toSubtreeContext, isUserGestureTransition, $navigator) : B.Map_empty1; for (t1 = fromHeroes.get$entries(fromHeroes), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), t2 = _this.get$_defaultHeroFlightShuttleBuilder(), t3 = _this.createRectTween, t4 = _this._flights, t5 = type$.LabeledGlobalKey__OverlayEntryWidgetState, t6 = type$.nullable_void_Function, t7 = _this.get$_handleFlightEnded(), t8 = type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus, t9 = type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus, t10 = type$.JSArray_of_void_Function, t11 = type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function, t12 = type$.Tween_double, t13 = type$.Animation_double, t14 = t12._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"), t15 = type$.ReverseTween_nullable_Rect; t1.moveNext$0();) { t16 = t1.get$current(t1); tag = t16.key; fromHero = t16.value; toHero = toHeroes.$index(0, tag); existingFlight = t4.$index(0, tag); if (toHero == null) manifest = _null; else { t16 = navigatorRenderObject._size; t16.toString; toHero._widget.toString; fromHero._widget.toString; manifest = new A._HeroFlightManifest(flightType, overlay, t16, from, to, fromHero, toHero, t3, t2, isUserGestureTransition, existingFlight != null); } if (manifest != null && manifest.get$isValid()) { toHeroes.remove$1(0, tag); if (existingFlight != null) { if (A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).type === B.HeroFlightDirection_0 && manifest.type === B.HeroFlightDirection_1) { A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, _s15_).set$parent(0, new A.ReverseAnimation(manifest.get$animation(manifest), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t8), t9), 0)); t16 = A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween, _s13_); existingFlight.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween = new A.ReverseTween(t16, t16.end, t16.begin, t15); } else if (A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).type === B.HeroFlightDirection_1 && manifest.type === B.HeroFlightDirection_0) { t16 = A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, _s15_); t17 = manifest.get$animation(manifest); t18 = A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_); t18 = t18.get$animation(t18); t18 = t18.get$value(t18); t16.set$parent(0, new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t13._as(t17), new A.Tween(t18, 1, t12), t14)); t16 = A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).fromHero; t17 = manifest.toHero; t18 = existingFlight.___HeroFlight_manifest; if (t16 !== t17) { A._lateReadCheck(t18, _s8_).fromHero.endFlight$1$keepPlaceholder(true); t17.startFlight$0(); existingFlight.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween = A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).createHeroRectTween$2$begin$end(A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween, _s13_).end, manifest.get$toHeroLocation()); } else existingFlight.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween = A._lateReadCheck(t18, _s8_).createHeroRectTween$2$begin$end(A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween, _s13_).end, A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween, _s13_).begin); } else { t16 = A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_); t17 = A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween, _s13_); t18 = A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, _s15_); existingFlight.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween = t16.createHeroRectTween$2$begin$end(t17.transform$1(0, t18.get$value(t18)), manifest.get$toHeroLocation()); existingFlight.shuttle = null; t16 = manifest.type; t17 = existingFlight.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation; if (t16 === B.HeroFlightDirection_1) A._lateReadCheck(t17, _s15_).set$parent(0, new A.ReverseAnimation(manifest.get$animation(manifest), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t8), t9), 0)); else A._lateReadCheck(t17, _s15_).set$parent(0, manifest.get$animation(manifest)); A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).fromHero.endFlight$1$keepPlaceholder(true); A._lateReadCheck(existingFlight.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).toHero.endFlight$1$keepPlaceholder(true); manifest.fromHero.startFlight$1$shouldIncludedChildInPlaceholder(t16 === B.HeroFlightDirection_0); manifest.toHero.startFlight$0(); t16 = existingFlight.overlayEntry._key.get$currentState(); if (t16 != null) t16._markNeedsBuild$0(); } existingFlight.___HeroFlight_manifest = manifest; } else { t16 = new A._HeroFlight(t7, B.C__AlwaysCompleteAnimation); t17 = A._setArrayType([], t8); t18 = new A.ObserverList(t17, t9); t19 = new A.ProxyAnimation(t18, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t10), t11), 0); t19._status = B.AnimationStatus_0; t19._animations$_value = 0; t19.didRegisterListener$0(); t18._isDirty = true; t17.push(t16.get$_handleAnimationUpdate()); t16.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation = t19; t16.___HeroFlight_manifest = manifest; switch (A._lateReadCheck(manifest, _s8_).type.index) { case 1: t17 = A._lateReadCheck(t16.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, _s15_); t18 = A._lateReadCheck(t16.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_); t17.set$parent(0, new A.ReverseAnimation(t18.get$animation(t18), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t8), t9), 0)); shouldIncludeChildInPlaceholder = false; break; case 0: t17 = A._lateReadCheck(t16.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, _s15_); t18 = A._lateReadCheck(t16.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_); t17.set$parent(0, t18.get$animation(t18)); shouldIncludeChildInPlaceholder = true; break; default: shouldIncludeChildInPlaceholder = _null; } t16.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween = A._lateReadCheck(t16.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).createHeroRectTween$2$begin$end(A._lateReadCheck(t16.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).get$fromHeroLocation(), A._lateReadCheck(t16.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).get$toHeroLocation()); A._lateReadCheck(t16.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).fromHero.startFlight$1$shouldIncludedChildInPlaceholder(shouldIncludeChildInPlaceholder); A._lateReadCheck(t16.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).toHero.startFlight$0(); t17 = A._lateReadCheck(t16.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).overlay; t18 = new A.OverlayEntry(t16.get$_buildOverlay(), false, new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, t5), A.List_List$filled(0, _null, false, t6)); t16.overlayEntry = t18; t17.insert$1(0, t18); t18 = A._lateReadCheck(t16.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, _s15_); t18.didRegisterListener$0(); t18 = t18.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners; t18._isDirty = true; t18._list.push(t16.get$onTick()); t4.$indexSet(0, tag, t16); } } else if (existingFlight != null) existingFlight._aborted = true; } for (t1 = toHeroes.get$values(toHeroes), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) t1.get$current(t1).endFlight$0(); }, _handleFlightEnded$1(flight) { this._flights.remove$1(0, A._lateReadCheck(flight.___HeroFlight_manifest, "manifest").fromHero._widget.tag); }, _defaultHeroFlightShuttleBuilder$5(flightContext, animation, flightDirection, fromHeroContext, toHeroContext) { return type$.Hero._as(toHeroContext.get$widget()).child; } }; A.HeroController_didStopUserGesture_isInvalidFlight.prototype = { call$1(flight) { var t1, _s8_ = "manifest"; if (A._lateReadCheck(flight.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).isUserGestureTransition) if (A._lateReadCheck(flight.___HeroFlight_manifest, _s8_).type === B.HeroFlightDirection_1) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(flight.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation, "_proxyAnimation"); t1 = t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_0; } else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, $signature: 277 }; A.HeroController__maybeStartHeroTransition_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { var _this = this; _this.$this._startHeroTransition$5(_this.from, _this.to, _this.animation, _this.flightType, _this.isUserGestureTransition); }, $signature: 8 }; A.Icon.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var textDirection, iconThemeData, t2, iconTheme, t3, iconSize, iconOpacity, iconColor, iconWidget, _null = null, t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t1.toString; textDirection = t1.textDirection; iconThemeData = A.IconTheme__getInheritedIconThemeData(context).resolve$1(context); t1 = iconThemeData.color; t2 = t1 == null; if (!t2 && iconThemeData.get$opacity(iconThemeData) != null && iconThemeData.size != null) iconTheme = iconThemeData; else { t3 = iconThemeData.size; if (t3 == null) t3 = 24; if (t2) t1 = B.Color_4278190080; t2 = iconThemeData.get$opacity(iconThemeData); iconTheme = iconThemeData.copyWith$3$color$opacity$size(t1, t2 == null ? B.IconThemeData_Color_4278190080_1_24.get$opacity(B.IconThemeData_Color_4278190080_1_24) : t2, t3); } iconSize = iconTheme.size; iconOpacity = iconTheme.get$opacity(iconTheme); if (iconOpacity == null) iconOpacity = 1; t1 = iconTheme.color; t1.toString; if (iconOpacity !== 1) iconColor = A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(255 * ((t1.get$value(t1) >>> 24 & 255) / 255 * iconOpacity)), t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255); else iconColor = t1; t1 = A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(this.icon.codePoint); iconWidget = A.RichText$(_null, _null, B.TextOverflow_3, true, _null, A.TextSpan$(_null, A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, iconColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, "MaterialIcons", _null, _null, iconSize, _null, _null, _null, _null, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), t1), B.TextAlign_4, textDirection, _null, 1, B.TextWidthBasis_0); return A.Semantics$(_null, new A.ExcludeSemantics(true, A.SizedBox$(A.Center$(iconWidget, _null, _null), iconSize, iconSize), _null), false, _null, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null); } }; A.IconData.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { var t1; if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.IconData) if (other.codePoint === this.codePoint) t1 = true; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.codePoint, "MaterialIcons", null, false, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "IconData(U+" + B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(this.codePoint, 16).toUpperCase(), 5, "0") + ")"; } }; A.IconTheme.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { return !this.data.$eq(0, oldWidget.data); } }; A.IconTheme_merge_closure.prototype = { call$1(context) { return A.IconTheme$(this.child, A.IconTheme__getInheritedIconThemeData(context).merge$1(this.data), this.key); }, $signature: 278 }; A.IconThemeData.prototype = { copyWith$3$color$opacity$size(color, opacity, size) { var _this = this, t1 = color == null ? _this.color : color, t2 = opacity == null ? _this.get$opacity(_this) : opacity; return new A.IconThemeData(t1, t2, size == null ? _this.size : size); }, merge$1(other) { return this.copyWith$3$color$opacity$size(other.color, other.get$opacity(other), other.size); }, resolve$1(context) { return this; }, get$opacity(_) { var t1 = this._opacity; return t1 == null ? null : B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(t1, 0, 1); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.IconThemeData && J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color) && other.get$opacity(other) == _this.get$opacity(_this) && other.size == _this.size; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.color, _this.get$opacity(_this), _this.size, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A._IconThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.DecorationTween.prototype = { lerp$1(t) { var t1 = A.Decoration_lerp(this.begin, this.end, t); t1.toString; return t1; } }; A.BorderRadiusTween.prototype = { lerp$1(t) { return A.BorderRadius_lerp(this.begin, this.end, t); } }; A.TextStyleTween.prototype = { lerp$1(t) { var t1 = A.TextStyle_lerp(this.begin, this.end, t); t1.toString; return t1; } }; A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget.prototype = {}; A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState.prototype = { get$_implicit_animations$_controller() { var t1, result, _this = this, value = _this.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller; if (value === $) { t1 = _this._widget.duration; result = A.AnimationController$(null, t1, null, null, _this); A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller, "_controller"); _this.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller = result; value = result; } return value; }, get$_animation() { var t1, _this = this, value = _this.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation; if (value === $) { t1 = _this.get$_implicit_animations$_controller(); value = _this.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation = A.CurvedAnimation$(_this._widget.curve, t1, null); } return value; }, initState$0() { var _this = this; _this.super$State$initState(); _this.get$_implicit_animations$_controller().addStatusListener$1(new A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_initState_closure(_this)); _this._constructTweens$0(); }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (_this._widget.curve !== oldWidget.curve) { _this.get$_animation().dispose$0(0); t1 = _this.get$_implicit_animations$_controller(); _this.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation = A.CurvedAnimation$(_this._widget.curve, t1, null); } _this.get$_implicit_animations$_controller().duration = _this._widget.duration; if (_this._constructTweens$0()) { _this.forEachTween$1(new A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_didUpdateWidget_closure(_this)); t1 = _this.get$_implicit_animations$_controller(); t1.set$value(0, 0); t1.forward$0(0); } }, dispose$0(_) { this.get$_animation().dispose$0(0); this.get$_implicit_animations$_controller().dispose$0(0); this.super$_ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin$dispose(0); }, _updateTween$2(tween, targetValue) { var t1; if (tween == null) return; t1 = this.get$_animation(); tween.set$begin(tween.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1))); tween.set$end(0, targetValue); }, _constructTweens$0() { var t1 = {}; t1.shouldStartAnimation = false; this.forEachTween$1(new A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__constructTweens_closure(t1, this)); return t1.shouldStartAnimation; } }; A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_initState_closure.prototype = { call$1($status) { switch ($status.index) { case 3: this.$this._widget.toString; break; case 0: case 1: case 2: break; } }, $signature: 5 }; A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_didUpdateWidget_closure.prototype = { call$3(tween, targetValue, $constructor) { this.$this._updateTween$2(tween, targetValue); return tween; }, $signature: 65 }; A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__constructTweens_closure.prototype = { call$3(tween, targetValue, $constructor) { var t1; if (tween == null) tween = $constructor.call$1(targetValue); t1 = tween.end; if (!J.$eq$(targetValue, t1 == null ? tween.begin : t1)) this._box_0.shouldStartAnimation = true; return tween; }, $signature: 65 }; A.AnimatedWidgetBaseState.prototype = { initState$0() { this.super$ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState$initState(); var t1 = this.get$_implicit_animations$_controller(); t1.didRegisterListener$0(); t1 = t1.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners; t1._isDirty = true; t1._list.push(this.get$_handleAnimationChanged()); }, _handleAnimationChanged$0() { this.setState$1(new A.AnimatedWidgetBaseState__handleAnimationChanged_closure()); } }; A.AnimatedWidgetBaseState__handleAnimationChanged_closure.prototype = { call$0() { }, $signature: 0 }; A.AnimatedDefaultTextStyle.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState.prototype = { forEachTween$1(visitor) { this._implicit_animations$_style = type$.nullable_TextStyleTween._as(visitor.call$3(this._implicit_animations$_style, this._widget.style, new A._AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState_forEachTween_closure())); }, build$1(_, context) { var t2, t1 = this._implicit_animations$_style; t1.toString; t2 = this.get$_animation(); t2 = t1.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2)); return A.DefaultTextStyle$(this._widget.child, null, B.TextOverflow_0, true, t2, null, null, B.TextWidthBasis_0); } }; A._AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState_forEachTween_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { return new A.TextStyleTween(type$.TextStyle._as(value), null); }, $signature: 280 }; A.AnimatedPhysicalModel.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState.prototype = { forEachTween$1(visitor) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._borderRadius; _this._widget.toString; _this._borderRadius = type$.nullable_BorderRadiusTween._as(visitor.call$3(t1, B.BorderRadius_tLn, new A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure())); _this._implicit_animations$_elevation = type$.nullable_Tween_double._as(visitor.call$3(_this._implicit_animations$_elevation, _this._widget.elevation, new A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure0())); t1 = type$.nullable_ColorTween; _this._implicit_animations$_color = t1._as(visitor.call$3(_this._implicit_animations$_color, _this._widget.color, new A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure1())); _this._implicit_animations$_shadowColor = t1._as(visitor.call$3(_this._implicit_animations$_shadowColor, _this._widget.shadowColor, new A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure2())); }, build$1(_, context) { var t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _this = this, t1 = _this._widget, t2 = t1.shape; t1 = t1.clipBehavior; t3 = _this._borderRadius; t3.toString; t4 = _this.get$_animation(); t4 = t3.transform$1(0, t4.get$value(t4)); t3 = _this._implicit_animations$_elevation; t3.toString; t5 = _this.get$_animation(); t5 = t3.transform$1(0, t5.get$value(t5)); t3 = _this._widget.color; t6 = _this._implicit_animations$_shadowColor; t6.toString; t7 = _this.get$_animation(); t7 = t6.transform$1(0, t7.get$value(t7)); t7.toString; return new A.PhysicalModel(t2, t1, t4, t5, t3, t7, _this._widget.child, null); } }; A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { return new A.BorderRadiusTween(type$.BorderRadius._as(value), null); }, $signature: 281 }; A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure0.prototype = { call$1(value) { return new A.Tween(A._asDouble(value), null, type$.Tween_double); }, $signature: 74 }; A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure1.prototype = { call$1(value) { return new A.ColorTween(type$.Color._as(value), null); }, $signature: 53 }; A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure2.prototype = { call$1(value) { return new A.ColorTween(type$.Color._as(value), null); }, $signature: 53 }; A._ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = { dispose$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier; if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTicker()); _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null; _this.super$State$dispose(0); }, activate$0() { this.super$State$activate(); this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0(); this._updateTicker$0(); } }; A.InheritedModel.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { var t1 = A.HashMap_HashMap(type$.Element_2, type$.nullable_Object), t2 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t2; return new A.InheritedModelElement(t1, t2, this, B._ElementLifecycle_0, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("InheritedModelElement")); } }; A.InheritedModelElement.prototype = { get$widget() { return this.$ti._eval$1("InheritedModel<1>")._as(A.InheritedElement.prototype.get$widget.call(this)); }, updateDependencies$2(dependent, aspect) { var t1 = this._dependents, t2 = this.$ti, dependencies = t2._eval$1("Set<1>?")._as(t1.$index(0, dependent)); if (dependencies != null && dependencies.get$isEmpty(dependencies)) return; t1.$indexSet(0, dependent, A.HashSet_HashSet(t2._precomputed1)); }, notifyDependent$2(oldWidget, dependent) { var t1 = this.$ti, dependencies = t1._eval$1("Set<1>?")._as(this._dependents.$index(0, dependent)); if (dependencies == null) return; if (dependencies.get$isEmpty(dependencies) || t1._eval$1("InheritedModel<1>")._as(A.InheritedElement.prototype.get$widget.call(this)).updateShouldNotifyDependent$2(oldWidget, dependencies)) dependent.didChangeDependencies$0(); } }; A.InheritedNotifier.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { return oldWidget.notifier !== this.notifier; }, createElement$0(_) { var t1 = A.HashMap_HashMap(type$.Element_2, type$.nullable_Object), t2 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t2; t2 = new A._InheritedNotifierElement(t1, t2, this, B._ElementLifecycle_0, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_InheritedNotifierElement")); this.notifier.addListener$1(0, t2.get$_handleUpdate()); return t2; } }; A._InheritedNotifierElement.prototype = { get$widget() { return this.$ti._eval$1("InheritedNotifier<1>")._as(A.InheritedElement.prototype.get$widget.call(this)); }, update$1(_, newWidget) { var t1, _this = this, oldNotifier = _this.$ti._eval$1("InheritedNotifier<1>")._as(A.InheritedElement.prototype.get$widget.call(_this)).notifier, newNotifier = newWidget.notifier; if (oldNotifier !== newNotifier) { t1 = _this.get$_handleUpdate(); oldNotifier.removeListener$1(0, t1); newNotifier.addListener$1(0, t1); } _this.super$ProxyElement$update(0, newWidget); }, build$0(_) { var _this = this; if (_this._inherited_notifier$_dirty) { _this.super$InheritedElement$notifyClients(_this.$ti._eval$1("InheritedNotifier<1>")._as(A.InheritedElement.prototype.get$widget.call(_this))); _this._inherited_notifier$_dirty = false; } return _this.super$ProxyElement$build(0); }, _handleUpdate$0() { this._inherited_notifier$_dirty = true; this.markNeedsBuild$0(); }, notifyClients$1(oldWidget) { this.super$InheritedElement$notifyClients(oldWidget); this._inherited_notifier$_dirty = false; }, unmount$0() { var _this = this; _this.$ti._eval$1("InheritedNotifier<1>")._as(A.InheritedElement.prototype.get$widget.call(_this)).notifier.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleUpdate()); _this.super$Element$unmount(); } }; A.InheritedTheme.prototype = {}; A._Pending.prototype = {}; A._loadAll_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { return this._box_0.completedValue = value; }, $signature: 29 }; A._loadAll_closure0.prototype = { call$1(p) { return p.futureValue; }, $signature: 282 }; A._loadAll_closure1.prototype = { call$1(values) { var t1, t2, t3, i; for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(values), t2 = this._box_1, t3 = this.output, i = 0; i < t1.get$length(values); ++i) t3.$indexSet(0, A.createRuntimeType(A._instanceType(t2.pendingList[i].delegate)._eval$1("LocalizationsDelegate.T")), t1.$index(values, i)); return t3; }, $signature: 283 }; A.LocalizationsDelegate.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "LocalizationsDelegate[" + A.createRuntimeType(A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("LocalizationsDelegate.T")).toString$0(0) + "]"; } }; A._WidgetsLocalizationsDelegate.prototype = { isSupported$1(locale) { return true; }, load$1(_, locale) { return new A.SynchronousFuture(B.C_DefaultWidgetsLocalizations, type$.SynchronousFuture_WidgetsLocalizations); }, shouldReload$1(old) { return false; }, toString$0(_) { return "DefaultWidgetsLocalizations.delegate(en_US)"; } }; A.DefaultWidgetsLocalizations.prototype = {$isWidgetsLocalizations: 1}; A._LocalizationsScope.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(old) { return this.typeToResources !== old.typeToResources; } }; A.Localizations.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._LocalizationsState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Type, type$.dynamic), B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._LocalizationsState.prototype = { initState$0() { this.super$State$initState(); this.load$1(0, this._widget.locale); }, _anyDelegatesShouldReload$1(old) { var delegates, oldDelegates, i, delegate, oldDelegate, rti, t1 = this._widget.delegates, t2 = old.delegates; if (t1.length !== t2.length) return true; delegates = A._setArrayType(t1.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)); oldDelegates = A._setArrayType(t2.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)); for (i = 0; i < delegates.length; ++i) { delegate = delegates[i]; oldDelegate = oldDelegates[i]; rti = delegate instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(delegate) : null; t1 = A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(delegate) : rti); rti = oldDelegate instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(oldDelegate) : null; if (t1 === A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(oldDelegate) : rti)) { delegate.shouldReload$1(oldDelegate); t1 = false; } else t1 = true; if (t1) return true; } return false; }, didUpdateWidget$1(old) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(old); if (_this._widget.locale.$eq(0, old.locale)) { _this._widget.toString; t1 = _this._anyDelegatesShouldReload$1(old); } else t1 = true; if (t1) _this.load$1(0, _this._widget.locale); }, load$1(_, locale) { var typeToResourcesFuture, _this = this, t1 = {}, delegates = _this._widget.delegates, t2 = delegates.length; if (t2 === 0) { _this._localizations$_locale = locale; return; } t1.typeToResources = null; typeToResourcesFuture = A._loadAll(locale, delegates).then$1$1(0, new A._LocalizationsState_load_closure(t1), type$.Map_Type_dynamic); t1 = t1.typeToResources; if (t1 != null) { _this._typeToResources = t1; _this._localizations$_locale = locale; } else { ++$.RendererBinding__instance.RendererBinding__firstFrameDeferredCount; typeToResourcesFuture.then$1$1(0, new A._LocalizationsState_load_closure0(_this, locale), type$.void); } }, get$_localizations$_textDirection() { type$.WidgetsLocalizations._as(J.$index$asx(this._typeToResources, B.Type_WidgetsLocalizations_43h)); return B.TextDirection_1; }, build$1(_, context) { var t1, t2, t3, _this = this, _null = null; if (_this._localizations$_locale == null) return A.Container$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null); t1 = _this.get$_localizations$_textDirection(); _this._localizations$_locale.toString; t2 = _this._typeToResources; t3 = _this.get$_localizations$_textDirection(); return A.Semantics$(_null, new A._LocalizationsScope(_this, t2, A.Directionality$(_this._widget.child, t3), _this._localizedResourcesScopeKey), false, _null, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t1); } }; A._LocalizationsState_load_closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { return this._box_0.typeToResources = value; }, $signature: 284 }; A._LocalizationsState_load_closure0.prototype = { call$1(value) { var t1 = this.$this; if (t1._framework$_element != null) t1.setState$1(new A._LocalizationsState_load__closure(t1, value, this.locale)); $.RendererBinding__instance.allowFirstFrame$0(); }, $signature: 285 }; A._LocalizationsState_load__closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this; t1._typeToResources = this.value; t1._localizations$_locale = this.locale; }, $signature: 0 }; A.MediaQueryData.prototype = { copyWith$2$padding$platformBrightness(padding, platformBrightness) { var _this = this, t1 = padding == null ? _this.padding : padding; return A.MediaQueryData$(_this.accessibleNavigation, false, _this.boldText, _this.devicePixelRatio, _this.disableAnimations, _this.displayFeatures, _this.gestureSettings, _this.highContrast, _this.invertColors, _this.navigationMode, t1, _this.platformBrightness, _this.size, _this.systemGestureInsets, _this.textScaleFactor, _this.viewInsets, _this.viewPadding); }, copyWith$1$platformBrightness(platformBrightness) { return this.copyWith$2$padding$platformBrightness(null, platformBrightness); }, copyWith$1$padding(padding) { return this.copyWith$2$padding$platformBrightness(padding, null); }, removePadding$4$removeBottom$removeLeft$removeRight$removeTop(removeBottom, removeLeft, removeRight, removeTop) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _this = this, _null = null; if (!(removeLeft || removeTop || removeRight || removeBottom)) return _this; t1 = _this.padding; t2 = removeLeft ? 0 : _null; t3 = removeTop ? 0 : _null; t4 = removeRight ? 0 : _null; t2 = t1.copyWith$4$bottom$left$right$top(removeBottom ? 0 : _null, t2, t4, t3); t3 = _this.viewPadding; t4 = removeLeft ? Math.max(0, t3.left - t1.left) : _null; t5 = removeTop ? Math.max(0, t3.top - t1.top) : _null; t6 = removeRight ? Math.max(0, t3.right - t1.right) : _null; return A.MediaQueryData$(_this.accessibleNavigation, false, _this.boldText, _this.devicePixelRatio, _this.disableAnimations, _this.displayFeatures, _this.gestureSettings, _this.highContrast, _this.invertColors, B.NavigationMode_0, t2, _this.platformBrightness, _this.size, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, _this.textScaleFactor, _this.viewInsets, t3.copyWith$4$bottom$left$right$top(removeBottom ? Math.max(0, t3.bottom - t1.bottom) : _null, t4, t6, t5)); }, removeViewInsets$1$removeBottom(removeBottom) { var _this = this, _null = null, t1 = _this.viewPadding, t2 = _this.viewInsets, t3 = Math.max(0, t1.bottom - t2.bottom); t1 = t1.copyWith$4$bottom$left$right$top(t3, _null, _null, _null); return A.MediaQueryData$(_this.accessibleNavigation, false, _this.boldText, _this.devicePixelRatio, _this.disableAnimations, _this.displayFeatures, _this.gestureSettings, _this.highContrast, _this.invertColors, B.NavigationMode_0, _this.padding, _this.platformBrightness, _this.size, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, _this.textScaleFactor, t2.copyWith$4$bottom$left$right$top(0, _null, _null, _null), t1); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; if (other instanceof A.MediaQueryData) if (other.size.$eq(0, _this.size)) if (other.devicePixelRatio === _this.devicePixelRatio) if (other.textScaleFactor === _this.textScaleFactor) if (other.platformBrightness === _this.platformBrightness) if (other.padding.$eq(0, _this.padding)) if (other.viewPadding.$eq(0, _this.viewPadding)) if (other.viewInsets.$eq(0, _this.viewInsets)) t1 = other.highContrast === _this.highContrast && other.disableAnimations === _this.disableAnimations && other.invertColors === _this.invertColors && other.accessibleNavigation === _this.accessibleNavigation && other.boldText === _this.boldText && other.navigationMode === _this.navigationMode && other.gestureSettings.$eq(0, _this.gestureSettings) && A.listEquals0(other.displayFeatures, _this.displayFeatures); else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.size, _this.devicePixelRatio, _this.textScaleFactor, _this.platformBrightness, _this.padding, _this.viewPadding, _this.viewInsets, false, _this.highContrast, _this.disableAnimations, _this.invertColors, _this.accessibleNavigation, _this.boldText, _this.navigationMode, _this.gestureSettings, A.hashList(_this.displayFeatures), B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "MediaQueryData(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(A._setArrayType(["size: " + _this.size.toString$0(0), "devicePixelRatio: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.devicePixelRatio, 1), "textScaleFactor: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.textScaleFactor, 1), "platformBrightness: " + _this.platformBrightness.toString$0(0), "padding: " + _this.padding.toString$0(0), "viewPadding: " + _this.viewPadding.toString$0(0), "viewInsets: " + _this.viewInsets.toString$0(0), "alwaysUse24HourFormat: false", "accessibleNavigation: " + _this.accessibleNavigation, "highContrast: " + _this.highContrast, "disableAnimations: " + _this.disableAnimations, "invertColors: " + _this.invertColors, "boldText: " + _this.boldText, "navigationMode: " + _this.navigationMode._name, "gestureSettings: " + _this.gestureSettings.toString$0(0), "displayFeatures: " + A.S(_this.displayFeatures)], type$.JSArray_String), ", ") + ")"; } }; A.MediaQuery.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { return !this.data.$eq(0, oldWidget.data); } }; A.NavigationMode.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "NavigationMode." + this._name; } }; A._MediaQueryFromWindow.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._MediaQueryFromWindowState(B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._MediaQueryFromWindowState.prototype = { initState$0() { this.super$State$initState(); $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__observers.push(this); }, didChangeMetrics$0() { this.setState$1(new A._MediaQueryFromWindowState_didChangeMetrics_closure()); }, didChangePlatformBrightness$0() { this.setState$1(new A._MediaQueryFromWindowState_didChangePlatformBrightness_closure()); }, build$1(_, context) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, data; $.WidgetsBinding__instance.toString; t1 = $.$get$window(); t2 = t1.get$physicalSize(); t3 = t1._debugDevicePixelRatio; t2 = t2.$div(0, t3 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t3); t3 = t1._debugDevicePixelRatio; if (t3 == null) t3 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio(); t4 = t1.platformDispatcher._configuration; t1.get$viewConfiguration(); t5 = t1._debugDevicePixelRatio; t5 = A.EdgeInsets$fromWindowPadding(B.WindowPadding_0_0_0_0, t5 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t5); t1.get$viewConfiguration(); t6 = t1._debugDevicePixelRatio; t6 = A.EdgeInsets$fromWindowPadding(B.WindowPadding_0_0_0_0, t6 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t6); t7 = t1._viewInsets; t8 = t1._debugDevicePixelRatio; t7 = A.EdgeInsets$fromWindowPadding(t7, t8 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t8); t1.get$viewConfiguration(); t8 = t1._debugDevicePixelRatio; t8 = A.EdgeInsets$fromWindowPadding(B.WindowPadding_0_0_0_0, t8 == null ? A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_browserDevicePixelRatio() : t8); t1.get$viewConfiguration(); t1.get$viewConfiguration(); data = new A.MediaQueryData(t2, t3, t4.textScaleFactor, t4.platformBrightness, t7, t5, t6, t8, false, false, false, false, false, false, B.NavigationMode_0, new A.DeviceGestureSettings(null), B.List_empty5).copyWith$1$platformBrightness($.debugBrightnessOverride); return new A.MediaQuery(data, this._widget.child, null); }, dispose$0(_) { B.JSArray_methods.remove$1($.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__observers, this); this.super$State$dispose(0); } }; A._MediaQueryFromWindowState_didChangeMetrics_closure.prototype = { call$0() { }, $signature: 0 }; A._MediaQueryFromWindowState_didChangePlatformBrightness_closure.prototype = { call$0() { }, $signature: 0 }; A.__MediaQueryFromWindowState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver.prototype = {}; A.ModalBarrier.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var t1, _null = null; switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) { case 0: case 1: case 3: case 5: break; case 2: case 4: break; } t1 = this.color; return A.BlockSemantics$(new A.ExcludeSemantics(true, new A._ModalBarrierGestureDetector(A.Semantics$(_null, A.MouseRegion$(new A.ConstrainedBox(B.BoxConstraints_ALM, t1 == null ? _null : new A.ColoredBox(t1, _null, _null), _null), B.SystemMouseCursor_basic, _null, _null), false, _null, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), new A.ModalBarrier_build_handleDismiss(this, context), _null), _null)); } }; A.ModalBarrier_build_handleDismiss.prototype = { call$0() { A.SystemSound_play(B.SystemSoundType_1); }, $signature: 0 }; A._AnyTapGestureRecognizer.prototype = { isPointerAllowed$1($event) { if (this.onAnyTapUp == null) return false; return this.super$GestureRecognizer$isPointerAllowed($event); }, handleTapDown$1$down(down) { }, handleTapUp$2$down$up(down, up) { var t1 = this.onAnyTapUp; if (t1 != null) t1.call$0(); }, handleTapCancel$3$cancel$down$reason(cancel, down, reason) { } }; A._ModalBarrierSemanticsDelegate.prototype = { assignSemantics$1(renderObject) { renderObject.set$onTap(this.onDismiss); } }; A._AnyTapGestureRecognizerFactory.prototype = { constructor$0(_) { var t1 = type$.int, t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1); return new A._AnyTapGestureRecognizer(B.Duration_100000, 18, B.GestureRecognizerState_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t2, null, null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind)); }, initializer$1(instance) { instance.onAnyTapUp = this.onAnyTapUp; } }; A._ModalBarrierGestureDetector.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var t1 = this.onDismiss; return new A.RawGestureDetector(this.child, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Type__AnyTapGestureRecognizer_5RQ, new A._AnyTapGestureRecognizerFactory(t1)], type$.Type, type$.GestureRecognizerFactory_GestureRecognizer), B.HitTestBehavior_1, false, new A._ModalBarrierSemanticsDelegate(t1), null); } }; A.RoutePopDisposition.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "RoutePopDisposition." + this._name; } }; A.Route.prototype = { get$overlayEntries() { return B.List_empty8; }, install$0() { }, didPush$0() { var t1 = A.TickerFuture$complete(); t1.then$1$1(0, new A.Route_didPush_closure(this), type$.void); return t1; }, didAdd$0() { var t1 = this._navigator$_navigator; if (t1 == null) t1 = null; else { t1._widget.toString; t1 = true; } if (t1 === true) A.TickerFuture$complete().then$1$1(0, new A.Route_didAdd_closure(this), type$.void); }, didReplace$1(oldRoute) { }, willPop$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.RoutePopDisposition), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this; var $async$willPop$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$returnValue = $async$self.get$isFirst() ? B.RoutePopDisposition_2 : B.RoutePopDisposition_0; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$willPop$0, $async$completer); }, get$willHandlePopInternally() { return false; }, didPop$1(result) { this.didComplete$1(result); return true; }, didComplete$1(result) { this._popCompleter.complete$1(0, null); }, didPopNext$1(nextRoute) { }, didChangeNext$1(nextRoute) { }, didChangePrevious$1(previousRoute) { }, changedInternalState$0() { }, changedExternalState$0() { }, dispose$0(_) { this._navigator$_navigator = null; }, get$isCurrent() { var currentRouteEntry, t1 = this._navigator$_navigator; if (t1 == null) return false; t1 = t1._history; t1 = new A.CastList(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("CastList<1,_RouteEntry?>")); currentRouteEntry = t1.lastWhere$2$orElse(t1, new A.Route_isCurrent_closure(), new A.Route_isCurrent_closure0()); if (currentRouteEntry == null) return false; return currentRouteEntry.route === this; }, get$isFirst() { var currentRouteEntry, t1 = this._navigator$_navigator; if (t1 == null) return false; t1 = t1._history; t1 = new A.CastList(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("CastList<1,_RouteEntry?>")); currentRouteEntry = t1.firstWhere$2$orElse(t1, new A.Route_isFirst_closure(), new A.Route_isFirst_closure0()); if (currentRouteEntry == null) return false; return currentRouteEntry.route === this; }, get$hasActiveRouteBelow() { var t2, _i, entry, t3, t1 = this._navigator$_navigator; if (t1 == null) return false; for (t1 = t1._history, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) { entry = t1[_i]; if (entry.route === this) return false; t3 = entry.currentState.index; if (t3 <= 10 && t3 >= 1) return true; } return false; }, get$isActive() { var t1 = this._navigator$_navigator; if (t1 == null) return false; t1 = t1._history; t1 = new A.CastList(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("CastList<1,_RouteEntry?>")); t1 = t1.firstWhere$2$orElse(t1, new A.Route_isActive_closure(this), new A.Route_isActive_closure0()); return (t1 == null ? null : t1.get$isPresent()) === true; } }; A.Route_didPush_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { var t2, t1 = this.$this._navigator$_navigator; if (t1 == null) t2 = null; else { t1._widget.toString; t2 = true; } if (t2 === true) t1.focusScopeNode.requestFocus$0(); }, $signature: 10 }; A.Route_didAdd_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { var t1 = this.$this._navigator$_navigator; if (t1 != null) t1.focusScopeNode.requestFocus$0(); }, $signature: 10 }; A.Route_isCurrent_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { return e != null && e.get$isPresent(); }, $signature: 20 }; A.Route_isCurrent_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { return null; }, $signature: 7 }; A.Route_isFirst_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { return e != null && e.get$isPresent(); }, $signature: 20 }; A.Route_isFirst_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { return null; }, $signature: 7 }; A.Route_isActive_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { return e != null && A._RouteEntry_isRoutePredicate(this.$this).call$1(e); }, $signature: 20 }; A.Route_isActive_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { return null; }, $signature: 7 }; A.RouteSettings.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return 'RouteSettings("' + A.S(this.name) + '", ' + A.S(this.$arguments) + ")"; }, get$name(receiver) { return this.name; } }; A.NavigatorObserver.prototype = {}; A.HeroControllerScope.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { return oldWidget.controller != this.controller; } }; A.RouteTransitionRecord.prototype = {}; A.TransitionDelegate.prototype = {}; A.DefaultTransitionDelegate.prototype = {}; A.Navigator.prototype = { createState$0() { var _null = null, t1 = type$.nullable_void_Function, t2 = type$._NavigatorObservation; return new A.NavigatorState(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__RouteEntry), new A._HistoryProperty(A.List_List$filled(0, _null, false, t1)), A.ListQueue$(_null, t2), A.ListQueue$(_null, t2), A.FocusScopeNode$(true, "Navigator Scope", false), new A.RestorableNum(0, A.List_List$filled(0, _null, false, t1), type$.RestorableNum_int), new A.ValueNotifier(false, A.List_List$filled(0, _null, false, t1)), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.int), _null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.RestorableProperty_nullable_Object, type$.void_Function), _null, true, _null, _null, _null, B._StateLifecycle_0); }, onGenerateInitialRoutes$2(arg0, arg1) { return this.onGenerateInitialRoutes.call$2(arg0, arg1); } }; A.Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes_closure.prototype = { call$1(route) { return route == null; }, $signature: 287 }; A._RouteLifecycle.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_RouteLifecycle." + this._name; } }; A._NotAnnounced.prototype = {}; A._RouteEntry.prototype = { get$restorationId() { var t1 = this.restorationInformation; if (t1 != null) return "r+" + t1.get$restorationScopeId(); return null; }, handlePush$4$isNewFirst$navigator$previous$previousPresent(isNewFirst, $navigator, previous, previousPresent) { var t2, routeFuture, t3, _this = this, previousState = _this.currentState, t1 = _this.route; t1._navigator$_navigator = $navigator; t1.install$0(); t2 = _this.currentState; if (t2 === B._RouteLifecycle_3 || t2 === B._RouteLifecycle_4) { routeFuture = t1.didPush$0(); _this.currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_5; routeFuture.whenCompleteOrCancel$1(new A._RouteEntry_handlePush_closure(_this, $navigator)); } else { t1.didReplace$1(previous); _this.currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_7; } if (isNewFirst) t1.didChangeNext$1(null); t2 = previousState === B._RouteLifecycle_6 || previousState === B._RouteLifecycle_4; t3 = $navigator._observedRouteAdditions; if (t2) t3._add$1(0, new A._NavigatorReplaceObservation(t1, previousPresent)); else t3._add$1(0, new A._NavigatorPushObservation(t1, previousPresent)); }, handlePop$2$navigator$previousPresent($navigator, previousPresent) { var t1, _this = this; _this.currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_11; t1 = _this.route; if ((t1._popCompleter.future._state & 30) !== 0) return true; if (!t1.didPop$1(_this.pendingResult)) { _this.currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_7; return false; } _this.pendingResult = null; return true; }, remove$0(_) { if (this.currentState.index >= 10) return; this._reportRemovalToObserver = true; this.currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_10; }, dispose$0(_) { var t1, t2, t3, mountedEntries, listener, t4, _box_0 = {}; this.currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_14; t1 = this.route; t2 = t1.get$overlayEntries(); t3 = new A._RouteEntry_dispose_closure(); mountedEntries = new A.WhereIterable(t2, t3, A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>")); if (!mountedEntries.get$iterator(mountedEntries).moveNext$0()) t1.dispose$0(0); else { _box_0.mounted = mountedEntries.get$length(mountedEntries); for (t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(t2), t3 = new A.WhereIterator(t1, t3); t3.moveNext$0();) { t2 = t1.get$current(t1); listener = A._Cell$named("listener"); t4 = new A._RouteEntry_dispose_closure0(_box_0, this, t2, listener); listener.__late_helper$_value = t4; t2.addListener$1(0, t4); } } }, get$isPresent() { var t1 = this.currentState.index; return t1 <= 10 && t1 >= 1; } }; A._RouteEntry_handlePush_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this; if (t1.currentState === B._RouteLifecycle_5) { t1.currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_7; this.navigator._flushHistoryUpdates$0(); } }, $signature: 0 }; A._RouteEntry_dispose_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { return e._mounted; }, $signature: 288 }; A._RouteEntry_dispose_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._box_0; --t1.mounted; _this.entry.removeListener$1(0, _this.listener._readLocal$0()); if (t1.mounted === 0) _this.$this.route.dispose$0(0); }, $signature: 0 }; A._RouteEntry_isRoutePredicate_closure.prototype = { call$1(entry) { return entry.route === this.route; }, $signature: 33 }; A._NavigatorObservation.prototype = {}; A._NavigatorPushObservation.prototype = { notify$1(observer) { observer._maybeStartHeroTransition$4(this.secondaryRoute, this.primaryRoute, B.HeroFlightDirection_0, false); } }; A._NavigatorPopObservation.prototype = { notify$1(observer) { if (!observer._navigator$_navigator.userGestureInProgressNotifier._change_notifier$_value) observer._maybeStartHeroTransition$4(this.primaryRoute, this.secondaryRoute, B.HeroFlightDirection_1, false); } }; A._NavigatorRemoveObservation.prototype = { notify$1(observer) { } }; A._NavigatorReplaceObservation.prototype = { notify$1(observer) { var t1 = this.primaryRoute, t2 = t1.get$isCurrent(); if (t2) observer._maybeStartHeroTransition$4(this.secondaryRoute, t1, B.HeroFlightDirection_0, false); } }; A.NavigatorState.prototype = { initState$0() { var t1, _i, _this = this; _this.super$State$initState(); for (t1 = _this._widget.observers, _i = 0; false; ++_i) t1[_i]._navigator$_navigator = _this; _this.__NavigatorState__effectiveObservers = _this._widget.observers; t1 = _this._framework$_element.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.HeroControllerScope); t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$widget(); type$.nullable_HeroControllerScope._as(t1); _this._updateHeroController$1(t1 == null ? null : t1.controller); _this._widget.toString; B.OptionalMethodChannel_urv.invokeMethod$1$1("selectSingleEntryHistory", type$.void); }, restoreState$2(oldBucket, initialRestore) { var t1, t2, _i, page, t3, entry, initialRoute, _this = this; _this.registerForRestoration$2(_this._rawNextPagelessRestorationScopeId, "id"); t1 = _this._serializableHistory; _this.registerForRestoration$2(t1, "history"); for (; t2 = _this._history, t2.length !== 0;) J.dispose$0$x(t2.pop()); _this.__NavigatorState__overlayKey = new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_OverlayState); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t1.restoreEntriesForPage$2(null, _this)); _this._widget.toString; _i = 0; for (; false; ++_i) { page = B.List_empty6[_i]; t2 = _this._framework$_element; t2.toString; t2 = page.createRoute$1(t2); t3 = $.$get$_RouteEntry_notAnnounced(); entry = new A._RouteEntry(t2, null, B._RouteLifecycle_1, t3, t3, t3); _this._history.push(entry); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(_this._history, t1.restoreEntriesForPage$2(entry, _this)); } if (t1._pageToPagelessRoutes == null) { t1 = _this._widget; initialRoute = t1.initialRoute; t2 = _this._history; B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, J.map$1$1$ax(t1.onGenerateInitialRoutes$2(_this, initialRoute), new A.NavigatorState_restoreState_closure(_this), type$._RouteEntry)); } _this._flushHistoryUpdates$0(); }, didToggleBucket$1(oldBucket) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$RestorationMixin$didToggleBucket(oldBucket); t1 = _this._serializableHistory; if (_this.RestorationMixin__bucket != null) t1.update$1(0, _this._history); else t1.clear$0(0); }, get$restorationId() { return this._widget.restorationScopeId; }, didChangeDependencies$0() { var host, t1, t2, _i, _this = this; _this.super$_NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$didChangeDependencies(); host = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.HeroControllerScope); _this._updateHeroController$1(host == null ? null : host.controller); for (t1 = _this._history, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i].route.changedExternalState$0(); }, _updateHeroController$1(newHeroController) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._heroControllerFromScope; if (t1 != newHeroController) { if (newHeroController != null) newHeroController._navigator$_navigator = _this; t2 = t1 == null; if ((t2 ? null : t1._navigator$_navigator) === _this) if (!t2) t1._navigator$_navigator = null; _this._heroControllerFromScope = newHeroController; _this._updateEffectiveObservers$0(); } }, _updateEffectiveObservers$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this._heroControllerFromScope, t2 = _this._widget; if (t1 != null) _this.__NavigatorState__effectiveObservers = B.JSArray_methods.$add(t2.observers, A._setArrayType([t1], type$.JSArray_NavigatorObserver)); else _this.__NavigatorState__effectiveObservers = t2.observers; }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { var t1, _i, t2, _this = this; _this.super$_NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); t1 = oldWidget.observers; if (t1 !== _this._widget.observers) { for (_i = 0; false; ++_i) t1[_i]._navigator$_navigator = null; for (t1 = _this._widget.observers, _i = 0; false; ++_i) t1[_i]._navigator$_navigator = _this; _this._updateEffectiveObservers$0(); } _this._widget.toString; for (t1 = _this._history, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i].route.changedExternalState$0(); }, deactivate$0() { var t1, t2, _i; for (t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__NavigatorState__effectiveObservers, "_effectiveObservers"), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) t1[_i]._navigator$_navigator = null; this.super$State$deactivate(); }, activate$0() { var t1, t2, _i; this.super$_NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$activate(); for (t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__NavigatorState__effectiveObservers, "_effectiveObservers"), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) t1[_i]._navigator$_navigator = this; }, dispose$0(_) { var t1, t2, _i, _this = this; _this._updateHeroController$1(null); _this.focusScopeNode.dispose$0(0); for (t1 = _this._history, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) J.dispose$0$x(t1[_i]); _this.super$_NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$dispose(0); }, get$_allRouteOverlayEntries() { var t2, t3, _i, t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_OverlayEntry); for (t2 = this._history, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, t2[_i].route.get$overlayEntries()); return t1; }, _flushHistoryUpdates$1$rearrangeOverlay(rearrangeOverlay) { var t1, index, entry, previous, toBeDisposed, t2, poppedRoute, next, canRemoveOrAdd, seenTopActiveRoute, index0, t3, t4, previous0, lastEntry, routeName, _i, _i0, _this = this, _null = null; _this._flushingHistory = true; t1 = _this._history; index = t1.length - 1; entry = t1[index]; previous = index > 0 ? t1[index - 1] : _null; toBeDisposed = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__RouteEntry); for (t1 = _this._observedRouteDeletions, t2 = _this._observedRouteAdditions, poppedRoute = _null, next = poppedRoute, canRemoveOrAdd = false, seenTopActiveRoute = false; index >= 0;) { switch (entry.currentState.index) { case 1: index0 = _this._getIndexBefore$2(index - 1, A.navigator__RouteEntry_isPresentPredicate$closure()); t3 = index0 >= 0 ? _this._history[index0] : _null; t3 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.route; t4 = entry.route; t4._navigator$_navigator = _this; t4.install$0(); entry.currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_2; t2._add$1(0, new A._NavigatorPushObservation(t4, t3)); continue; case 2: if (canRemoveOrAdd || next == null) { t3 = entry.route; t3.didAdd$0(); entry.currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_7; if (next == null) t3.didChangeNext$1(_null); continue; } break; case 3: case 4: case 6: t3 = previous == null ? _null : previous.route; index0 = _this._getIndexBefore$2(index - 1, A.navigator__RouteEntry_isPresentPredicate$closure()); t4 = index0 >= 0 ? _this._history[index0] : _null; t4 = t4 == null ? _null : t4.route; entry.handlePush$4$isNewFirst$navigator$previous$previousPresent(next == null, _this, t3, t4); if (entry.currentState === B._RouteLifecycle_7) continue; break; case 5: if (!seenTopActiveRoute && poppedRoute != null) { entry.route.didPopNext$1(poppedRoute); entry.lastAnnouncedPoppedNextRoute = poppedRoute; } seenTopActiveRoute = true; break; case 7: if (!seenTopActiveRoute && poppedRoute != null) { entry.route.didPopNext$1(poppedRoute); entry.lastAnnouncedPoppedNextRoute = poppedRoute; } canRemoveOrAdd = true; seenTopActiveRoute = true; break; case 8: index0 = _this._getIndexBefore$2(index, A.navigator__RouteEntry_willBePresentPredicate$closure()); t3 = index0 >= 0 ? _this._history[index0] : _null; if (!entry.handlePop$2$navigator$previousPresent(_this, t3 == null ? _null : t3.route)) continue; if (!seenTopActiveRoute) { if (poppedRoute != null) { entry.route.didPopNext$1(poppedRoute); entry.lastAnnouncedPoppedNextRoute = poppedRoute; } poppedRoute = entry.route; } t3 = entry.route; index0 = _this._getIndexBefore$2(index, A.navigator__RouteEntry_willBePresentPredicate$closure()); t4 = index0 >= 0 ? _this._history[index0] : _null; t1._add$1(0, new A._NavigatorPopObservation(t3, t4 == null ? _null : t4.route)); if (entry.currentState === B._RouteLifecycle_13) continue; canRemoveOrAdd = true; break; case 11: break; case 9: t3 = entry.route; t3 = t3._popCompleter.future; if ((t3._state & 30) !== 0) A.throwExpression(A.StateError$("Future already completed")); t3._asyncComplete$1(_null); entry.pendingResult = null; entry.currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_10; continue; case 10: if (!seenTopActiveRoute) { if (poppedRoute != null) entry.route.didPopNext$1(poppedRoute); poppedRoute = _null; } index0 = _this._getIndexBefore$2(index, A.navigator__RouteEntry_willBePresentPredicate$closure()); t3 = index0 >= 0 ? _this._history[index0] : _null; t3 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.route; entry.currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_12; if (entry._reportRemovalToObserver) t1._add$1(0, new A._NavigatorRemoveObservation(entry.route, t3)); continue; case 12: if (!canRemoveOrAdd && next != null) break; entry.currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_13; continue; case 13: toBeDisposed.push(B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(_this._history, index)); entry = next; break; case 14: case 0: break; } --index; previous0 = index > 0 ? _this._history[index - 1] : _null; next = entry; entry = previous; previous = previous0; } _this._flushObserverNotifications$0(); _this._flushRouteAnnouncement$0(); _this._widget.toString; t1 = _this._history; t1 = new A.CastList(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("CastList<1,_RouteEntry?>")); lastEntry = t1.lastWhere$2$orElse(t1, new A.NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure(), new A.NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure0()); routeName = lastEntry == null ? _null : lastEntry.route._settings.name; if (routeName != null && routeName !== _this._lastAnnouncedRouteName) { A.SystemNavigator_routeInformationUpdated(routeName, false, _null); _this._lastAnnouncedRouteName = routeName; } for (t1 = toBeDisposed.length, _i = 0; _i < toBeDisposed.length; toBeDisposed.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(toBeDisposed), ++_i) { entry = toBeDisposed[_i]; for (t2 = entry.route.get$overlayEntries(), t3 = t2.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i0) J.remove$0$ax(t2[_i0]); entry.dispose$0(0); } if (rearrangeOverlay) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__NavigatorState__overlayKey, "_overlayKey").get$currentState(); if (t1 != null) t1.rearrange$1(_this.get$_allRouteOverlayEntries()); } if (_this.RestorationMixin__bucket != null) _this._serializableHistory.update$1(0, _this._history); _this._flushingHistory = false; }, _flushHistoryUpdates$0() { return this._flushHistoryUpdates$1$rearrangeOverlay(true); }, _flushObserverNotifications$0() { var t1, observation, _this = this, _s19_ = "_effectiveObservers"; if (J.get$length$asx(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__NavigatorState__effectiveObservers, _s19_)) === 0) { _this._observedRouteDeletions.clear$0(0); _this._observedRouteAdditions.clear$0(0); return; } for (t1 = _this._observedRouteAdditions; !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);) { observation = t1.removeLast$0(0); J.forEach$1$ax(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__NavigatorState__effectiveObservers, _s19_), observation.get$notify()); } for (t1 = _this._observedRouteDeletions; !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);) { observation = t1.removeFirst$0(); J.forEach$1$ax(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__NavigatorState__effectiveObservers, _s19_), observation.get$notify()); } }, _flushRouteAnnouncement$0() { var entry, t1, next, t2, t3, index0, _this = this, _null = null, index = _this._history.length - 1; for (; index >= 0;) { entry = _this._history[index]; t1 = entry.currentState.index; if (!(t1 <= 12 && t1 >= 3)) { --index; continue; } next = _this._getRouteAfter$2(index + 1, A.navigator__RouteEntry_suitableForTransitionAnimationPredicate$closure()); t1 = next == null; t2 = t1 ? _null : next.route; t3 = entry.lastAnnouncedNextRoute; if (t2 != t3) { if ((t1 ? _null : next.route) == null) { t2 = entry.lastAnnouncedPoppedNextRoute; t2 = t2 != null && t2 === t3; } else t2 = false; if (!t2) { t2 = entry.route; t2.didChangeNext$1(t1 ? _null : next.route); } entry.lastAnnouncedNextRoute = t1 ? _null : next.route; } --index; index0 = _this._getIndexBefore$2(index, A.navigator__RouteEntry_suitableForTransitionAnimationPredicate$closure()); t1 = index0 >= 0 ? _this._history[index0] : _null; t2 = t1 == null; t3 = t2 ? _null : t1.route; if (t3 != entry.lastAnnouncedPreviousRoute) { t3 = entry.route; t3.didChangePrevious$1(t2 ? _null : t1.route); entry.lastAnnouncedPreviousRoute = t2 ? _null : t1.route; } } }, _getRouteBefore$2(index, predicate) { index = this._getIndexBefore$2(index, predicate); return index >= 0 ? this._history[index] : null; }, _getIndexBefore$2(index, predicate) { while (true) { if (!(index >= 0 && !predicate.call$1(this._history[index]))) break; --index; } return index; }, _getRouteAfter$2(index, predicate) { var t1; while (true) { t1 = this._history; if (!(index < t1.length && !predicate.call$1(t1[index]))) break; ++index; } t1 = this._history; return index < t1.length ? t1[index] : null; }, _routeNamed$1$3$allowNull$arguments($name, allowNull, $arguments, $T) { var settings, t1, route; if (allowNull) this._widget.toString; settings = new A.RouteSettings($name, $arguments); t1 = $T._eval$1("Route<0>?"); route = t1._as(this._widget.onGenerateRoute.call$1(settings)); return route == null && !allowNull ? t1._as(this._widget.onUnknownRoute.call$1(settings)) : route; }, _routeNamed$1$2$arguments($name, $arguments, $T) { return this._routeNamed$1$3$allowNull$arguments($name, false, $arguments, $T); }, _afterNavigation$1(route) { var settings, settingsJsonable, t3, t1 = type$.String, t2 = type$.dynamic, routeJsonable = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2); routeJsonable.$indexSet(0, "description", route instanceof A.TransitionRoute ? A.TransitionRoute.prototype.get$debugLabel.call(route) + "(" + A.S(route._settings.name) + ")" : route.toString$0(0)); settings = route._settings; settingsJsonable = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["name", settings.name], t1, t2); t3 = settings.$arguments; if (t3 != null) settingsJsonable.$indexSet(0, "arguments", B.C_JsonCodec.encode$2$toEncodable(t3, new A.NavigatorState__afterNavigation_closure())); routeJsonable.$indexSet(0, "settings", settingsJsonable); A.postEvent("Flutter.Navigation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["route", routeJsonable], t1, t2)); this._cancelActivePointers$0(); }, maybePop$1$1(result) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, lastEntry, disposition, t1; var $async$maybePop$1$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) $async$outer: switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self._history; t1 = new A.CastList(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("CastList<1,_RouteEntry?>")); lastEntry = t1.lastWhere$2$orElse(t1, new A.NavigatorState_maybePop_closure(), new A.NavigatorState_maybePop_closure0()); if (lastEntry == null) { $async$returnValue = false; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(lastEntry.route.willPop$0(), $async$maybePop$1$1); case 3: // returning from await. disposition = $async$result; if ($async$self._framework$_element == null) { $async$returnValue = true; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } t1 = $async$self._history; t1 = new A.CastList(t1, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("CastList<1,_RouteEntry?>")); if (lastEntry !== t1.lastWhere$2$orElse(t1, new A.NavigatorState_maybePop_closure1(), new A.NavigatorState_maybePop_closure2())) { $async$returnValue = true; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } switch (disposition.index) { case 2: $async$returnValue = false; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break $async$outer; case 0: $async$self.pop$1(0, result); $async$returnValue = true; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break $async$outer; case 1: $async$returnValue = true; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break $async$outer; } case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$maybePop$1$1, $async$completer); }, maybePop$0() { return this.maybePop$1$1(null, type$.nullable_Object); }, pop$1$1(_, result) { var entry = B.JSArray_methods.lastWhere$1(this._history, A.navigator__RouteEntry_isPresentPredicate$closure()); entry.pendingResult = result; entry.currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_8; this._flushHistoryUpdates$1$rearrangeOverlay(false); this._afterNavigation$1(entry.route); }, pop$0($receiver) { return this.pop$1$1($receiver, null, type$.nullable_Object); }, pop$1($receiver, result) { return this.pop$1$1($receiver, result, type$.nullable_Object); }, finalizeRoute$1(route) { B.JSArray_methods.firstWhere$1(this._history, A._RouteEntry_isRoutePredicate(route)).currentState = B._RouteLifecycle_13; if (!this._flushingHistory) this._flushHistoryUpdates$1$rearrangeOverlay(false); }, set$_userGesturesInProgress(value) { this._userGesturesInProgressCount = value; this.userGestureInProgressNotifier.set$value(0, value > 0); }, didStartUserGesture$0() { var routeIndex, route, previousRoute, t1, t2, _i, _this = this; _this.set$_userGesturesInProgress(_this._userGesturesInProgressCount + 1); if (_this._userGesturesInProgressCount === 1) { routeIndex = _this._getIndexBefore$2(_this._history.length - 1, A.navigator__RouteEntry_willBePresentPredicate$closure()); route = _this._history[routeIndex].route; previousRoute = !route.get$willHandlePopInternally() && routeIndex > 0 ? _this._getRouteBefore$2(routeIndex - 1, A.navigator__RouteEntry_willBePresentPredicate$closure()).route : null; for (t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__NavigatorState__effectiveObservers, "_effectiveObservers"), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i]._maybeStartHeroTransition$4(route, previousRoute, B.HeroFlightDirection_1, true); } }, didStopUserGesture$0() { var t1, t2, _i, _this = this; _this.set$_userGesturesInProgress(_this._userGesturesInProgressCount - 1); if (_this._userGesturesInProgressCount === 0) for (t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__NavigatorState__effectiveObservers, "_effectiveObservers"), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) t1[_i].didStopUserGesture$0(); }, _handlePointerDown$1($event) { this._activePointers.add$1(0, $event.get$pointer()); }, _handlePointerUpOrCancel$1($event) { this._activePointers.remove$1(0, $event.get$pointer()); }, _cancelActivePointers$0() { if ($.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase === B.SchedulerPhase_0) { var t1 = A._lateReadCheck(this.__NavigatorState__overlayKey, "_overlayKey"); t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, t1); this.setState$1(new A.NavigatorState__cancelActivePointers_closure(t1 == null ? null : t1.findAncestorRenderObjectOfType$1$0(type$.RenderAbsorbPointer))); } t1 = this._activePointers; B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("SetMixin.E")), $.WidgetsBinding__instance.get$cancelPointer()); }, build$1(_, context) { var t4, _this = this, _null = null, _s11_ = "_overlayKey", t1 = _this.get$_handlePointerUpOrCancel(), t2 = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket, t3 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__NavigatorState__overlayKey, _s11_); if (A._lateReadCheck(_this.__NavigatorState__overlayKey, _s11_).get$currentState() == null) { t4 = _this.get$_allRouteOverlayEntries(); t4 = J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(t4.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t4)._precomputed1); } else t4 = B.List_empty8; return new A.HeroControllerScope(_null, A.Listener$(B.HitTestBehavior_0, new A.AbsorbPointer(false, A.FocusScope$(true, A.UnmanagedRestorationScope$(t2, new A.Overlay(t4, t3)), _null, _this.focusScopeNode), _null), t1, _this.get$_handlePointerDown(), t1), _null); } }; A.NavigatorState_restoreState_closure.prototype = { call$1(route) { var t2, t3, t1 = route._settings.name; if (t1 != null) { t2 = this.$this._rawNextPagelessRestorationScopeId; t3 = t2.$ti._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t2._restoration_properties$_value); t2.super$RestorableValue$value(0, t3 + 1); t1 = new A._NamedRestorationInformation(t3, t1, null, B._RouteRestorationType_0); } else t1 = null; return A._RouteEntry$(route, B._RouteLifecycle_1, t1); }, $signature: 291 }; A.NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { return e != null && e.get$isPresent(); }, $signature: 20 }; A.NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { return null; }, $signature: 7 }; A.NavigatorState__afterNavigation_closure.prototype = { call$1(object) { return A.S(object); }, $signature: 292 }; A.NavigatorState_maybePop_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { return e != null && e.get$isPresent(); }, $signature: 20 }; A.NavigatorState_maybePop_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { return null; }, $signature: 7 }; A.NavigatorState_maybePop_closure1.prototype = { call$1(e) { return e != null && e.get$isPresent(); }, $signature: 20 }; A.NavigatorState_maybePop_closure2.prototype = { call$0() { return null; }, $signature: 7 }; A.NavigatorState__cancelActivePointers_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.absorber; if (t1 != null) t1.set$absorbing(true); }, $signature: 0 }; A._RouteRestorationType.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "_RouteRestorationType." + this._name; } }; A._RestorationInformation.prototype = { get$isRestorable() { return true; }, computeSerializableData$0() { return A._setArrayType([this.type.index], type$.JSArray_Object); } }; A._NamedRestorationInformation.prototype = { computeSerializableData$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.super$_RestorationInformation$computeSerializableData(), t2 = A._setArrayType([_this.restorationScopeId, _this.name], type$.JSArray_Object), t3 = _this.$arguments; if (t3 != null) t2.push(t3); B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, t2); return t1; }, createRoute$1($navigator) { var t1 = $navigator._routeNamed$1$3$allowNull$arguments(this.name, false, this.$arguments, type$.dynamic); t1.toString; return t1; }, get$restorationScopeId() { return this.restorationScopeId; }, get$name(receiver) { return this.name; } }; A._AnonymousRestorationInformation.prototype = { get$isRestorable() { return false; }, computeSerializableData$0() { A.PluginUtilities_getCallbackHandle(this.routeBuilder); }, createRoute$1($navigator) { var t1 = $navigator._framework$_element; t1.toString; return this.routeBuilder.call$2(t1, this.$arguments); }, get$restorationScopeId() { return this.restorationScopeId; } }; A._HistoryProperty.prototype = { update$1(_, $history) { var newRoutesForCurrentPage, t1, oldRoutesForCurrentPage, newMap, removedPages, currentPage, needsSerialization, restorationEnabled, _i, entry, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this, _null = null, wasUninitialized = _this._pageToPagelessRoutes == null; if (wasUninitialized) _this._pageToPagelessRoutes = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.List_Object); newRoutesForCurrentPage = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object); t1 = _this._pageToPagelessRoutes; t1.toString; oldRoutesForCurrentPage = J.$index$asx(t1, null); if (oldRoutesForCurrentPage == null) oldRoutesForCurrentPage = B.List_empty7; newMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.nullable_String, type$.List_Object); t1 = _this._pageToPagelessRoutes; t1.toString; removedPages = J.toSet$0$ax(J.get$keys$x(t1)); for (t1 = $history.length, currentPage = _null, needsSerialization = wasUninitialized, restorationEnabled = true, _i = 0; _i < $history.length; $history.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)($history), ++_i) { entry = $history[_i]; if (entry.currentState.index > 7) { t2 = entry.route; t2._restorationScopeId.set$value(0, _null); continue; } if (restorationEnabled) { t2 = entry.restorationInformation; restorationEnabled = (t2 == null ? _null : t2.get$isRestorable()) === true; } else restorationEnabled = false; t2 = entry.route; t3 = restorationEnabled ? entry.get$restorationId() : _null; t2._restorationScopeId.set$value(0, t3); if (restorationEnabled) { t2 = entry.restorationInformation; t3 = t2._serializableData; t2 = t3 == null ? t2._serializableData = t2.computeSerializableData$0() : t3; if (!needsSerialization) { t3 = J.getInterceptor$asx(oldRoutesForCurrentPage); t4 = t3.get$length(oldRoutesForCurrentPage); t5 = newRoutesForCurrentPage.length; needsSerialization = t4 <= t5 || !J.$eq$(t3.$index(oldRoutesForCurrentPage, t5), t2); } else needsSerialization = true; newRoutesForCurrentPage.push(t2); } } needsSerialization = needsSerialization || newRoutesForCurrentPage.length !== J.get$length$asx(oldRoutesForCurrentPage); _this._finalizePage$4(newRoutesForCurrentPage, currentPage, newMap, removedPages); if (needsSerialization || removedPages.get$isNotEmpty(removedPages)) { _this._pageToPagelessRoutes = newMap; _this.notifyListeners$0(); } }, _finalizePage$4(routes, page, pageToRoutes, pagesToRemove) { var restorationId, t1 = routes.length; if (t1 !== 0) { restorationId = page == null ? null : page.get$restorationId(); pageToRoutes.$indexSet(0, restorationId, routes); pagesToRemove.remove$1(0, restorationId); } }, clear$0(_) { if (this._pageToPagelessRoutes == null) return; this._pageToPagelessRoutes = null; this.notifyListeners$0(); }, restoreEntriesForPage$2(page, $navigator) { var t1, serializedData, t2, route, t3, result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__RouteEntry); if (this._pageToPagelessRoutes != null) t1 = page != null && page.get$restorationId() == null; else t1 = true; if (t1) return result; t1 = this._pageToPagelessRoutes; t1.toString; serializedData = J.$index$asx(t1, page == null ? null : page.get$restorationId()); if (serializedData == null) return result; for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(serializedData); t1.moveNext$0();) { t2 = A._RestorationInformation__RestorationInformation$fromSerializableData(t1.get$current(t1)); route = t2.createRoute$1($navigator); t3 = $.$get$_RouteEntry_notAnnounced(); result.push(new A._RouteEntry(route, t2, B._RouteLifecycle_1, t3, t3, t3)); } return result; }, createDefaultValue$0() { return null; }, fromPrimitives$1(data) { data.toString; return J.map$2$1$ax(type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(data), new A._HistoryProperty_fromPrimitives_closure(), type$.nullable_String, type$.List_Object); }, initWithValue$1(value) { this._pageToPagelessRoutes = value; }, toPrimitives$0() { return this._pageToPagelessRoutes; }, get$enabled(_) { return this._pageToPagelessRoutes != null; } }; A._HistoryProperty_fromPrimitives_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { return new A.MapEntry(A._asStringQ(key), A.List_List$from(type$.List_dynamic._as(value), true, type$.Object), type$.MapEntry_of_nullable_String_and_List_Object); }, $signature: 293 }; A._NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure.prototype = { call$2(property, listener) { property.removeListener$1(0, listener); }, $signature: 56 }; A._NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = { activate$0() { this.super$State$activate(); this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0(); this._updateTickers$0(); }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier; if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers()); _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null; _this.super$State$dispose(0); } }; A._NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin.prototype = { didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); this.didUpdateRestorationId$0(); }, didChangeDependencies$0() { var oldBucket, needsRestore, t1, didReplaceBucket, _this = this; _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies(); oldBucket = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket; needsRestore = _this.get$restorePending(); t1 = _this._framework$_element; t1.toString; t1 = A.RestorationScope_of(t1); _this.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t1; didReplaceBucket = _this._updateBucketIfNecessary$2$parent$restorePending(t1, needsRestore); if (needsRestore) { _this.restoreState$2(oldBucket, _this.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending); _this.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = false; } if (didReplaceBucket) if (oldBucket != null) oldBucket.dispose$0(0); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1, _this = this; _this.RestorationMixin__properties.forEach$1(0, new A._NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure()); t1 = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this.RestorationMixin__bucket = null; _this.super$_NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose(0); } }; A.Notification0.prototype = { visitAncestor$1(element) { var widget; if (element instanceof A.StatelessElement) { widget = type$.StatelessWidget._as(A.Element.prototype.get$widget.call(element)); if (widget instanceof A.NotificationListener) if (widget._notification_listener$_dispatch$2(this, element)) return false; } return true; }, toString$0(_) { return "Notification(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String), ", ") + ")"; } }; A.NotificationListener.prototype = { _notification_listener$_dispatch$2(notification, element) { if (this.$ti._precomputed1._is(notification)) return this.onNotification.call$1(notification); return false; }, build$1(_, context) { return this.child; } }; A.OverlayEntry.prototype = { set$opaque(value) { var t1; if (this._opaque === value) return; this._opaque = value; t1 = this._overlay; if (t1 != null) t1._didChangeEntryOpacity$0(); }, set$maintainState(value) { if (this._maintainState) return; this._maintainState = true; this._overlay._didChangeEntryOpacity$0(); }, _updateMounted$1(value) { if (value === this._mounted) return; this._mounted = value; this.notifyListeners$0(); }, remove$0(_) { var t2, t1 = this._overlay; t1.toString; this._overlay = null; if (t1._framework$_element == null) return; B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1._entries, this); t2 = $.SchedulerBinding__instance; if (t2.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase === B.SchedulerPhase_3) t2.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A.OverlayEntry_remove_closure(t1)); else t1._markDirty$0(); }, markNeedsBuild$0() { var t1 = this._key.get$currentState(); if (t1 != null) t1._markNeedsBuild$0(); }, toString$0(_) { return "#" + A.shortHash(this) + "(opaque: " + this._opaque + "; maintainState: " + this._maintainState + ")"; } }; A.OverlayEntry_remove_closure.prototype = { call$1(duration) { this.overlay._markDirty$0(); }, $signature: 8 }; A._OverlayEntryWidget.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._OverlayEntryWidgetState(B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._OverlayEntryWidgetState.prototype = { initState$0() { this.super$State$initState(); this._widget.entry._updateMounted$1(true); }, dispose$0(_) { this._widget.entry._updateMounted$1(false); this.super$State$dispose(0); }, build$1(_, context) { var t1 = this._widget; return new A.TickerMode(t1.tickerEnabled, t1.entry.builder.call$1(context), null); }, _markNeedsBuild$0() { this.setState$1(new A._OverlayEntryWidgetState__markNeedsBuild_closure()); } }; A._OverlayEntryWidgetState__markNeedsBuild_closure.prototype = { call$0() { }, $signature: 0 }; A.Overlay.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A.OverlayState(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_OverlayEntry), null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A.OverlayState.prototype = { initState$0() { this.super$State$initState(); this.insertAll$1(0, this._widget.initialEntries); }, _insertionIndex$2(below, above) { return this._entries.length; }, insert$1(_, entry) { entry._overlay = this; this.setState$1(new A.OverlayState_insert_closure(this, null, null, entry)); }, insertAll$1(_, entries) { var _i, t1 = entries.length; if (t1 === 0) return; for (_i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) entries[_i]._overlay = this; this.setState$1(new A.OverlayState_insertAll_closure(this, null, null, entries)); }, rearrange$1(newEntries) { var newEntriesList, t1, old, _i, entry, _this = this; if (type$.List_OverlayEntry._is(newEntries)) newEntriesList = newEntries; else newEntriesList = J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(newEntries.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(newEntries)._precomputed1); if (newEntriesList.length === 0) return; t1 = _this._entries; if (A.listEquals0(t1, newEntriesList)) return; old = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, type$.OverlayEntry); for (t1 = newEntriesList.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) { entry = newEntriesList[_i]; if (entry._overlay == null) entry._overlay = _this; } _this.setState$1(new A.OverlayState_rearrange_closure(_this, newEntriesList, old, null, null)); }, _markDirty$0() { if (this._framework$_element != null) this.setState$1(new A.OverlayState__markDirty_closure()); }, _didChangeEntryOpacity$0() { this.setState$1(new A.OverlayState__didChangeEntryOpacity_closure()); }, build$1(_, context) { var t1, i, onstage, onstageCount, entry, t2, children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget); for (t1 = this._entries, i = t1.length - 1, onstage = true, onstageCount = 0; i >= 0; --i) { entry = t1[i]; if (onstage) { ++onstageCount; children.push(new A._OverlayEntryWidget(entry, true, entry._key)); onstage = !entry._opaque || false; } else if (entry._maintainState) children.push(new A._OverlayEntryWidget(entry, false, entry._key)); } t1 = children.length; this._widget.toString; t2 = type$.ReversedListIterable_Widget; return new A._Theatre(t1 - onstageCount, B.Clip_1, A.List_List$of(new A.ReversedListIterable(children, t2), false, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")), null); } }; A.OverlayState_insert_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.$this; B.JSArray_methods.insert$2(t1._entries, t1._insertionIndex$2(_this.below, _this.above), _this.entry); }, $signature: 0 }; A.OverlayState_insertAll_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.$this; B.JSArray_methods.insertAll$2(t1._entries, t1._insertionIndex$2(_this.below, _this.above), _this.entries); }, $signature: 0 }; A.OverlayState_rearrange_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t3, t4, _this = this, t1 = _this.$this, t2 = t1._entries; B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t2, 0); t3 = _this.newEntriesList; B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, t3); t4 = _this.old; t4.removeAll$1(t3); B.JSArray_methods.insertAll$2(t2, t1._insertionIndex$2(_this.below, _this.above), t4); }, $signature: 0 }; A.OverlayState__markDirty_closure.prototype = { call$0() { }, $signature: 0 }; A.OverlayState__didChangeEntryOpacity_closure.prototype = { call$0() { }, $signature: 0 }; A._Theatre.prototype = { createElement$0(_) { var t1 = A.HashSet_HashSet(type$.Element_2), t2 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t2; return new A._TheatreElement(t1, t2, this, B._ElementLifecycle_0); }, createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t1.toString; t1 = new A._RenderTheatre(t1.textDirection, this.skipCount, this.clipBehavior, A.LayerHandle$(), 0, null, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.addAll$1(0, null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { var t1 = this.skipCount; if (renderObject._overlay$_skipCount !== t1) { renderObject._overlay$_skipCount = t1; renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0(); } t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t1.toString; renderObject.set$textDirection(0, t1.textDirection); t1 = this.clipBehavior; if (t1 !== renderObject._overlay$_clipBehavior) { renderObject._overlay$_clipBehavior = t1; renderObject.markNeedsPaint$0(); renderObject.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); } } }; A._TheatreElement.prototype = { get$widget() { return type$._Theatre._as(A.MultiChildRenderObjectElement.prototype.get$widget.call(this)); }, get$renderObject() { return type$._RenderTheatre._as(A.MultiChildRenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this)); } }; A._RenderTheatre.prototype = { setupParentData$1(child) { if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.StackParentData)) child.parentData = new A.StackParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0); }, _overlay$_resolve$0() { if (this._overlay$_resolvedAlignment != null) return; this._overlay$_resolvedAlignment = B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_m1.resolve$1(this._overlay$_textDirection); }, set$textDirection(_, value) { var _this = this; if (_this._overlay$_textDirection === value) return; _this._overlay$_textDirection = value; _this._overlay$_resolvedAlignment = null; _this.markNeedsLayout$0(); }, get$_firstOnstageChild() { var child, toSkip, t1, t2, _this = this; if (_this._overlay$_skipCount === A.ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype.get$childCount.call(_this)) return null; child = A.ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype.get$firstChild.call(_this, _this); for (toSkip = _this._overlay$_skipCount, t1 = type$.StackParentData; toSkip > 0; --toSkip) { t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } return child; }, computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) { var t1, result, t2, candidate, child = this.get$_firstOnstageChild(); for (t1 = type$.StackParentData, result = null; child != null;) { t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; t1._as(t2); candidate = child.getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline); if (candidate != null) { candidate += t2.offset._dy; result = result != null ? Math.min(result, candidate) : candidate; } child = t2.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } return result; }, get$sizedByParent() { return true; }, computeDryLayout$1(constraints) { return new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight)); }, performLayout$0() { var t1, nonPositionedConstraints, child, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _this = this; _this._hasVisualOverflow = false; if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount - _this._overlay$_skipCount === 0) return; _this._overlay$_resolve$0(); t1 = A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this); nonPositionedConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tight(new A.Size(B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, t1.minWidth, t1.maxWidth), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(1 / 0, t1.minHeight, t1.maxHeight))); child = _this.get$_firstOnstageChild(); for (t1 = type$.StackParentData, t2 = type$.Offset; child != null;) { t3 = child.parentData; t3.toString; t1._as(t3); if (!t3.get$isPositioned()) { child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(0, nonPositionedConstraints, true); t4 = _this._overlay$_resolvedAlignment; t4.toString; t5 = _this._size; t5.toString; t6 = child._size; t6.toString; t3.offset = t4.alongOffset$1(t2._as(t5.$sub(0, t6))); } else { t4 = _this._size; t4.toString; t5 = _this._overlay$_resolvedAlignment; t5.toString; _this._hasVisualOverflow = A.RenderStack_layoutPositionedChild(child, t3, t4, t5) || _this._hasVisualOverflow; } child = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } }, hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) { var t2, i, child, _this = this, _box_0 = {}, t1 = _box_0.child = _this._overlay$_skipCount === A.ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype.get$childCount.call(_this) ? null : _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild; for (t2 = type$.StackParentData, i = 0; i < _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount - _this._overlay$_skipCount; ++i, t1 = child) { t1 = t1.parentData; t1.toString; t2._as(t1); if (result.addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(new A._RenderTheatre_hitTestChildren_closure(_box_0, position, t1), t1.offset, position)) return true; child = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling; _box_0.child = child; } return false; }, paintStack$2(context, offset) { var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, child = this.get$_firstOnstageChild(); for (t1 = type$.StackParentData, t2 = offset._dx, t3 = offset._dy; child != null;) { t4 = child.parentData; t4.toString; t1._as(t4); t5 = t4.offset; context.paintChild$2(child, new A.Offset(t5._dx + t2, t5._dy + t3)); child = t4.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } }, paint$2(context, offset) { var t3, _this = this, t1 = _this._hasVisualOverflow && _this._overlay$_clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0, t2 = _this._overlay$_clipRectLayer; if (t1) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing, "_needsCompositing"); t3 = _this._size; t2.set$layer(0, context.pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, offset, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t3._dx, 0 + t3._dy), _this.get$paintStack(), _this._overlay$_clipBehavior, t2._layer)); } else { t2.set$layer(0, null); _this.paintStack$2(context, offset); } }, dispose$0(_) { this._overlay$_clipRectLayer.set$layer(0, null); this.super$RenderObject$dispose(0); }, visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) { var t1, t2, child = this.get$_firstOnstageChild(); for (t1 = type$.StackParentData; child != null;) { visitor.call$1(child); t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } }, describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child) { var t1; if (this._hasVisualOverflow) { t1 = this._size; t1 = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy); } else t1 = null; return t1; }, debugDescribeChildren$0() { var count, onstage, t2, t1 = type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode, offstageChildren = A._setArrayType([], t1), onstageChildren = A._setArrayType([], t1), child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild, firstOnstageChild = this.get$_firstOnstageChild(); for (t1 = type$.StackParentData, count = 1, onstage = false; child != null;) { if (child === firstOnstageChild) { count = 1; onstage = true; } if (onstage) onstageChildren.push(new A.DiagnosticableTreeNode(child, "onstage " + count, true, true, null, null)); else offstageChildren.push(new A.DiagnosticableTreeNode(child, "offstage " + count, true, true, null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_2)); t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; ++count; } t1 = A.List_List$of(onstageChildren, true, type$.DiagnosticsNode); if (offstageChildren.length !== 0) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, offstageChildren); else t1.push(A.DiagnosticsNode_DiagnosticsNode$message("no offstage children", true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_2)); return t1; } }; A._RenderTheatre_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = { call$2(result, transformed) { return this._box_0.child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed); }, $signature: 19 }; A._OverlayState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = { activate$0() { this.super$State$activate(); this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0(); this._updateTickers$0(); }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier; if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers()); _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null; _this.super$State$dispose(0); } }; A.__RenderTheatre_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = { attach$1(owner) { var child, t1, t2; this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner); child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.StackParentData; child != null;) { child.attach$1(owner); t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } }, detach$0(_) { var child, t1, t2; this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0); child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild; for (t1 = type$.StackParentData; child != null;) { child.detach$0(0); t2 = child.parentData; t2.toString; child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling; } } }; A.PageStorageBucket.prototype = {}; A.PageStorage.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { return this.child; } }; A.PageRoute.prototype = {}; A.PerformanceOverlay.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderPerformanceOverlay(this.optionsMask, 0, false, false, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = true; return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$optionsMask(this.optionsMask); renderObject.set$rasterizerThreshold(0); } }; A.AndroidView.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._AndroidViewState(B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A.UiKitView.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._UiKitViewState(B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._AndroidViewState.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var _this = this, _null = null, t1 = _this._focusNode, t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___AndroidViewState__controller, "_controller"), t3 = _this._widget.gestureRecognizers; return A.Focus$(false, _null, new A._AndroidPlatformView(t2, B.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior_0, t3, B.Clip_1, _null), _null, _null, t1, true, _null, _this.get$_onFocusChange(), _null, _null, _null); }, _initializeOnce$0() { var _this = this; if (_this._initialized) return; _this._initialized = true; _this._createNewAndroidView$0(); _this._focusNode = A.FocusNode$(true, "AndroidView(id: " + A.S(_this._platform_view$_id) + ")", true, null, null, false); }, didChangeDependencies$0() { var newLayoutDirection, t1, t2, _this = this; _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies(); newLayoutDirection = _this._findLayoutDirection$0(); t1 = _this._layoutDirection; _this._layoutDirection = newLayoutDirection; _this._initializeOnce$0(); if (t1 !== newLayoutDirection) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___AndroidViewState__controller, "_controller"); t2 = _this._layoutDirection; t2.toString; t1.setLayoutDirection$1(t2); } }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { var newLayoutDirection, t1, t2, _this = this, _s11_ = "_controller"; _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); newLayoutDirection = _this._findLayoutDirection$0(); t1 = _this._layoutDirection; _this._layoutDirection = newLayoutDirection; if (_this._widget.viewType !== oldWidget.viewType) { A._lateReadCheck(_this.___AndroidViewState__controller, _s11_).dispose$0(0); _this._createNewAndroidView$0(); return; } if (t1 !== newLayoutDirection) { t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.___AndroidViewState__controller, _s11_); t2 = _this._layoutDirection; t2.toString; t1.setLayoutDirection$1(t2); } }, _findLayoutDirection$0() { this._widget.toString; var t1 = this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t1.toString; return t1.textDirection; }, dispose$0(_) { A._lateReadCheck(this.___AndroidViewState__controller, "_controller").dispose$0(0); this.super$State$dispose(0); }, _createNewAndroidView$0() { var t2, t3, t4, _this = this, t1 = $.$get$platformViewsRegistry().getNextPlatformViewId$0(); _this._platform_view$_id = t1; t2 = _this._widget; t3 = t2.viewType; t4 = _this._layoutDirection; t4.toString; t3 = A.PlatformViewsService_initAndroidView(t2.creationParams, t2.creationParamsCodec, t1, t4, new A._AndroidViewState__createNewAndroidView_closure(_this), t3); _this.___AndroidViewState__controller = t3; _this._widget.toString; t1 = A._lateReadCheck(t3, "_controller"); t2 = _this._widget.onPlatformViewCreated; t1._platformViewCreatedCallbacks.push(t2); }, _onFocusChange$1(isFocused) { var _s11_ = "_controller"; if (A._lateReadCheck(this.___AndroidViewState__controller, _s11_)._platform_views$_state !== B._AndroidViewState_2) return; if (!isFocused) { A._lateReadCheck(this.___AndroidViewState__controller, _s11_).clearFocus$0().catchError$1(new A._AndroidViewState__onFocusChange_closure()); return; } B.OptionalMethodChannel_PLF.invokeMethod$1$2("TextInput.setPlatformViewClient", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["platformViewId", this._platform_view$_id, "usesVirtualDisplay", true], type$.String, type$.dynamic), type$.void).catchError$1(new A._AndroidViewState__onFocusChange_closure0()); } }; A._AndroidViewState__createNewAndroidView_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._focusNode.requestFocus$0(); }, $signature: 0 }; A._AndroidViewState__onFocusChange_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { if (e instanceof A.MissingPluginException) return; }, $signature: 3 }; A._AndroidViewState__onFocusChange_closure0.prototype = { call$1(e) { if (e instanceof A.MissingPluginException) return; }, $signature: 3 }; A._UiKitViewState.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var t2, t1 = this._platform_view$_controller; if (t1 == null) return B.SizedBox_yzX; t2 = this._widget.gestureRecognizers; return new A._UiKitPlatformView(t1, B.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior_0, t2, null); }, _initializeOnce$0() { if (this._initialized) return; this._initialized = true; this._createNewUiKitView$0(); }, didChangeDependencies$0() { var newLayoutDirection, t1, t2, _this = this; _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies(); newLayoutDirection = _this._findLayoutDirection$0(); t1 = _this._layoutDirection; _this._layoutDirection = newLayoutDirection; _this._initializeOnce$0(); if (t1 !== newLayoutDirection) { t1 = _this._platform_view$_controller; if (t1 != null) { t2 = _this._layoutDirection; t2.toString; t1.setLayoutDirection$1(t2); } } }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { var newLayoutDirection, t1, _this = this; _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); newLayoutDirection = _this._findLayoutDirection$0(); t1 = _this._layoutDirection; _this._layoutDirection = newLayoutDirection; if (_this._widget.viewType !== oldWidget.viewType) { t1 = _this._platform_view$_controller; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this._createNewUiKitView$0(); return; } if (t1 !== newLayoutDirection) { t1 = _this._platform_view$_controller; if (t1 != null) t1.setLayoutDirection$1(newLayoutDirection); } }, _findLayoutDirection$0() { this._widget.toString; var t1 = this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality); t1.toString; return t1.textDirection; }, dispose$0(_) { var t1 = this._platform_view$_controller; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); this.super$State$dispose(0); }, _createNewUiKitView$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, controller, id, t1, t2, t3; var $async$_createNewUiKitView$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start id = $.$get$platformViewsRegistry().getNextPlatformViewId$0(); t1 = $async$self._widget; t2 = t1.viewType; t3 = $async$self._layoutDirection; t3.toString; $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait(A.PlatformViewsService_initUiKitView(t1.creationParams, t1.creationParamsCodec, id, t3, t2), $async$_createNewUiKitView$0); case 3: // returning from await. controller = $async$result; if ($async$self._framework$_element == null) { controller.dispose$0(0); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$self._widget.onPlatformViewCreated.call$1(id); $async$self.setState$1(new A._UiKitViewState__createNewUiKitView_closure($async$self, controller)); case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_createNewUiKitView$0, $async$completer); } }; A._UiKitViewState__createNewUiKitView_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._platform_view$_controller = this.controller; }, $signature: 0 }; A._AndroidPlatformView.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var _this = this; return A.RenderAndroidView$(_this.clipBehavior, _this.gestureRecognizers, _this.hitTestBehavior, _this.controller); }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { var t1, _this = this; renderObject.set$viewController(_this.controller); renderObject.set$hitTestBehavior(_this.hitTestBehavior); renderObject._updateGestureRecognizersWithCallBack$2(_this.gestureRecognizers, renderObject._viewController.get$dispatchPointerEvent()); t1 = _this.clipBehavior; if (t1 !== renderObject._platform_view0$_clipBehavior) { renderObject._platform_view0$_clipBehavior = t1; renderObject.markNeedsPaint$0(); renderObject.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); } } }; A._UiKitPlatformView.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A.RenderUiKitView(this.controller, this.hitTestBehavior, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = true; t1.updateGestureRecognizers$1(this.gestureRecognizers); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { var t1 = this.controller, t2 = renderObject._viewController; renderObject._viewController = t1; renderObject.markNeedsPaint$0(); if (t2.id !== t1.id) renderObject.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0(); renderObject.hitTestBehavior = this.hitTestBehavior; renderObject.updateGestureRecognizers$1(this.gestureRecognizers); } }; A.PrimaryScrollController.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { return this.controller !== oldWidget.controller; } }; A.RestorationScope.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._RestorationScopeState(null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.RestorableProperty_nullable_Object, type$.void_Function), null, true, null, B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._RestorationScopeState.prototype = { get$restorationId() { return this._widget.restorationId; }, restoreState$2(oldBucket, initialRestore) { }, build$1(_, context) { return A.UnmanagedRestorationScope$(this.RestorationMixin__bucket, this._widget.child); } }; A.UnmanagedRestorationScope.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { return oldWidget.bucket != this.bucket; } }; A.RootRestorationScope.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._RootRestorationScopeState(B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._RootRestorationScopeState.prototype = { didChangeDependencies$0() { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies(); t1 = _this._framework$_element; t1.toString; _this._ancestorBucket = A.RestorationScope_of(t1); _this._loadRootBucketIfNecessary$0(); if (_this._okToRenderBlankContainer == null) { _this._widget.toString; _this._okToRenderBlankContainer = false; } }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); this._loadRootBucketIfNecessary$0(); }, get$_isWaitingForRootBucket() { this._widget.toString; return false; }, _loadRootBucketIfNecessary$0() { var _this = this; if (_this.get$_isWaitingForRootBucket() && !_this._isLoadingRootBucket) { _this._isLoadingRootBucket = true; ++$.RendererBinding__instance.RendererBinding__firstFrameDeferredCount; A._lateReadCheck($.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__restorationManager, "_restorationManager").get$rootBucket().then$1$1(0, new A._RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary_closure(_this), type$.Null); } }, _replaceRootBucket$0() { var _this = this; _this._rootBucketValid = false; _this._rootBucket = null; A._lateReadCheck($.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__restorationManager, "_restorationManager").removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_replaceRootBucket()); _this._loadRootBucketIfNecessary$0(); }, dispose$0(_) { if (this._rootBucketValid) A._lateReadCheck($.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__restorationManager, "_restorationManager").removeListener$1(0, this.get$_replaceRootBucket()); this.super$State$dispose(0); }, build$1(_, context) { var t2, t3, _this = this, t1 = _this._okToRenderBlankContainer; t1.toString; if (t1 && _this.get$_isWaitingForRootBucket()) return B.SizedBox_0_0_null_null; t1 = _this._ancestorBucket; if (t1 == null) t1 = _this._rootBucket; t2 = _this._widget; t3 = t2.restorationId; return A.UnmanagedRestorationScope$(t1, new A.RestorationScope(t2.child, t3, null)); } }; A._RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary_closure.prototype = { call$1(bucket) { var t1 = this.$this; t1._isLoadingRootBucket = false; if (t1._framework$_element != null) { A._lateReadCheck($.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__restorationManager, "_restorationManager").addListener$1(0, t1.get$_replaceRootBucket()); t1.setState$1(new A._RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary__closure(t1, bucket)); } $.RendererBinding__instance.allowFirstFrame$0(); }, $signature: 294 }; A._RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary__closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this; t1._rootBucket = this.bucket; t1._rootBucketValid = true; t1._okToRenderBlankContainer = false; }, $signature: 0 }; A.RestorableProperty.prototype = { get$enabled(_) { return true; } }; A.RestorationMixin.prototype = { didToggleBucket$1(oldBucket) { }, registerForRestoration$2(property, restorationId) { var _this = this, t1 = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket, hasSerializedValue = (t1 == null ? null : J.containsKey$1$x(t1.get$_rawValues(), restorationId)) === true, initialValue = hasSerializedValue ? property.fromPrimitives$1(J.$index$asx(_this.RestorationMixin__bucket.get$_rawValues(), restorationId)) : property.createDefaultValue$0(); if (property._restoration0$_restorationId == null) { property._restoration0$_restorationId = restorationId; property._restoration0$_owner = _this; t1 = new A.RestorationMixin_registerForRestoration_listener(_this, property); property.addListener$1(0, t1); _this.RestorationMixin__properties.$indexSet(0, property, t1); } property.initWithValue$1(initialValue); if (!hasSerializedValue && property.get$enabled(property) && _this.RestorationMixin__bucket != null) _this._updateProperty$1(property); }, didUpdateRestorationId$0() { var t1, oldBucket, _this = this; if (_this.RestorationMixin__currentParent != null) { t1 = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1._restorationId; t1 = t1 == _this.get$restorationId() || _this.get$restorePending(); } else t1 = true; if (t1) return; oldBucket = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket; if (_this._updateBucketIfNecessary$2$parent$restorePending(_this.RestorationMixin__currentParent, false)) if (oldBucket != null) oldBucket.dispose$0(0); }, get$restorePending() { var t1, potentialNewParent, _this = this; if (_this.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending) return true; if (_this.get$restorationId() == null) return false; t1 = _this._framework$_element; t1.toString; potentialNewParent = A.RestorationScope_of(t1); if (potentialNewParent != _this.RestorationMixin__currentParent) { if (potentialNewParent == null) t1 = null; else { t1 = potentialNewParent._restoration$_manager; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1._isReplacing; t1 = t1 === true; } t1 = t1 === true; } else t1 = false; return t1; }, _updateBucketIfNecessary$2$parent$restorePending($parent, restorePending) { var t1, t2, _this = this; if (_this.get$restorationId() == null || $parent == null) return _this._setNewBucketIfNecessary$2$newBucket$restorePending(null, restorePending); if (restorePending || _this.RestorationMixin__bucket == null) { t1 = _this.get$restorationId(); t1.toString; return _this._setNewBucketIfNecessary$2$newBucket$restorePending($parent.claimChild$2$debugOwner(t1, _this), restorePending); } t1 = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket; t1.toString; t2 = _this.get$restorationId(); t2.toString; t1.rename$1(t2); t2 = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket; t2.toString; $parent.adoptChild$1(t2); return false; }, _setNewBucketIfNecessary$2$newBucket$restorePending(newBucket, restorePending) { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket; if (newBucket == t1) return false; _this.RestorationMixin__bucket = newBucket; if (!restorePending) { if (newBucket != null) { t2 = _this.RestorationMixin__properties; t2.get$keys(t2).forEach$1(0, _this.get$_updateProperty()); } _this.didToggleBucket$1(t1); } return true; }, _updateProperty$1(property) { var t3, t1 = property.get$enabled(property), t2 = this.RestorationMixin__bucket; if (t1) { if (t2 != null) { t1 = property._restoration0$_restorationId; t1.toString; t3 = property.toPrimitives$0(); if (!J.$eq$(J.$index$asx(t2.get$_rawValues(), t1), t3) || !J.containsKey$1$x(t2.get$_rawValues(), t1)) { J.$indexSet$ax(t2.get$_rawValues(), t1, t3); t2._markNeedsSerialization$0(); } } } else if (t2 != null) { t1 = property._restoration0$_restorationId; t1.toString; t2.remove$1$1(0, t1, type$.Object); } } }; A.RestorationMixin_registerForRestoration_listener.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this.$this; if (t1.RestorationMixin__bucket == null) return; t1._updateProperty$1(this.property); }, $signature: 0 }; A.__RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure.prototype = { call$2(property, listener) { property.removeListener$1(0, listener); }, $signature: 56 }; A.__RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin.prototype = { didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); this.didUpdateRestorationId$0(); }, didChangeDependencies$0() { var oldBucket, needsRestore, t1, didReplaceBucket, _this = this; _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies(); oldBucket = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket; needsRestore = _this.get$restorePending(); t1 = _this._framework$_element; t1.toString; t1 = A.RestorationScope_of(t1); _this.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t1; didReplaceBucket = _this._updateBucketIfNecessary$2$parent$restorePending(t1, needsRestore); if (needsRestore) { _this.restoreState$2(oldBucket, _this.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending); _this.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = false; } if (didReplaceBucket) if (oldBucket != null) oldBucket.dispose$0(0); }, dispose$0(_) { var t1, _this = this; _this.RestorationMixin__properties.forEach$1(0, new A.__RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure()); t1 = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this.RestorationMixin__bucket = null; _this.super$State$dispose(0); } }; A.RestorableValue.prototype = { set$value(_, newValue) { var t1 = this._restoration_properties$_value; if (newValue == null ? t1 != null : newValue !== t1) { this._restoration_properties$_value = newValue; this.didUpdateValue$1(t1); } }, initWithValue$1(value) { this._restoration_properties$_value = value; } }; A._RestorablePrimitiveValueN.prototype = { createDefaultValue$0() { return this._defaultValue; }, didUpdateValue$1(oldValue) { this.notifyListeners$0(); }, fromPrimitives$1(serialized) { return A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_RestorablePrimitiveValueN.T")._as(serialized); }, toPrimitives$0() { return A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(this._restoration_properties$_value); } }; A._RestorablePrimitiveValue.prototype = { fromPrimitives$1(serialized) { return this.super$_RestorablePrimitiveValueN$fromPrimitives(serialized); }, toPrimitives$0() { var t1 = this.super$_RestorablePrimitiveValueN$toPrimitives(); t1.toString; return t1; } }; A.RestorableNum.prototype = {}; A.RestorableBool.prototype = {}; A.RouteInformation.prototype = {}; A.RouteInformationProvider.prototype = {}; A.PlatformRouteInformationProvider.prototype = { _platformReportsNewRouteInformation$1(routeInformation) { var _this = this; if (_this._router$_value === routeInformation) return; _this._valueInEngine = _this._router$_value = routeInformation; _this.notifyListeners$0(); }, addListener$1(_, listener) { if (this.ChangeNotifier__count <= 0) $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__observers.push(this); this.super$ChangeNotifier$addListener(0, listener); }, removeListener$1(_, listener) { this.super$ChangeNotifier$removeListener(0, listener); if (this.ChangeNotifier__count <= 0) B.JSArray_methods.remove$1($.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__observers, this); }, dispose$0(_) { if (this.ChangeNotifier__count > 0) B.JSArray_methods.remove$1($.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__observers, this); this.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose(0); }, didPushRouteInformation$1(routeInformation) { return this.didPushRouteInformation$body$PlatformRouteInformationProvider(routeInformation); }, didPushRouteInformation$body$PlatformRouteInformationProvider(routeInformation) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this; var $async$didPushRouteInformation$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$self._platformReportsNewRouteInformation$1(routeInformation); $async$returnValue = true; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$didPushRouteInformation$1, $async$completer); }, didPushRoute$1(route) { return this.didPushRoute$body$PlatformRouteInformationProvider(route); }, didPushRoute$body$PlatformRouteInformationProvider(route) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this; var $async$didPushRoute$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$self._platformReportsNewRouteInformation$1(new A.RouteInformation(route, null)); $async$returnValue = true; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$didPushRoute$1, $async$completer); } }; A._PlatformRouteInformationProvider_RouteInformationProvider_WidgetsBindingObserver.prototype = {}; A._PlatformRouteInformationProvider_RouteInformationProvider_WidgetsBindingObserver_ChangeNotifier.prototype = {}; A.OverlayRoute.prototype = { get$overlayEntries() { return this._overlayEntries; }, install$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = A.OverlayEntry$(_this.get$_buildModalBarrier(), false); _this.__ModalRoute__modalBarrier = t1; t2 = A.OverlayEntry$(_this.get$_buildModalScope(), true); _this.__ModalRoute__modalScope = t2; B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(_this._overlayEntries, A._setArrayType([t1, t2], type$.JSArray_OverlayEntry)); _this.super$Route$install(); }, didPop$1(result) { var _this = this; _this.super$Route$didPop(result); if (A._lateReadCheck(_this._routes$_controller.__AnimationController__status, "_status") === B.AnimationStatus_0 && !_this._popFinalized) _this._navigator$_navigator.finalizeRoute$1(_this); return true; }, dispose$0(_) { B.JSArray_methods.set$length(this._overlayEntries, 0); this.super$Route$dispose(0); } }; A.TransitionRoute.prototype = { get$animation(_) { return this._routes$_animation; }, get$secondaryAnimation() { return this._secondaryAnimation; }, _handleStatusChanged$1($status) { var t1, _this = this; switch ($status.index) { case 3: t1 = _this._overlayEntries; if (t1.length !== 0) B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).set$opaque(true); break; case 1: case 2: t1 = _this._overlayEntries; if (t1.length !== 0) B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).set$opaque(false); break; case 0: if (!_this.get$isActive()) { _this._navigator$_navigator.finalizeRoute$1(_this); _this._popFinalized = true; } break; } }, install$0() { var _this = this, t1 = A.TransitionRoute.prototype.get$debugLabel.call(_this) + "(" + A.S(_this._settings.name) + ")", t2 = _this._navigator$_navigator; t2.toString; t2 = _this._routes$_controller = A.AnimationController$(t1, B.Duration_300000, B.Duration_300000, null, t2); t2.addStatusListener$1(_this.get$_handleStatusChanged()); _this._routes$_animation = t2; _this.super$OverlayRoute$install(); t1 = _this._routes$_animation; if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_3 && _this._overlayEntries.length !== 0) B.JSArray_methods.get$first(_this._overlayEntries).set$opaque(true); }, didPush$0() { this.super$Route$didPush(); return this._routes$_controller.forward$0(0); }, didAdd$0() { this.super$Route$didAdd(); this._routes$_controller.set$value(0, 1); }, didReplace$1(oldRoute) { var t1; if (oldRoute instanceof A.TransitionRoute) { t1 = this._routes$_controller; t1.toString; t1.set$value(0, A._lateReadCheck(oldRoute._routes$_controller.__AnimationController__value, "_value")); } this.super$Route$didReplace(oldRoute); }, didPop$1(result) { this._result = result; this._routes$_controller.reverse$0(0); this.super$OverlayRoute$didPop(result); return true; }, didPopNext$1(nextRoute) { this._updateSecondaryAnimation$1(nextRoute); this.super$Route$didPopNext(nextRoute); }, didChangeNext$1(nextRoute) { this._updateSecondaryAnimation$1(nextRoute); this.super$Route$didChangeNext(nextRoute); }, _updateSecondaryAnimation$1(nextRoute) { var t2, current, t3, t4, t5, newAnimation, _this = this, t1 = {}, previousTrainHoppingListenerRemover = _this._trainHoppingListenerRemover; _this._trainHoppingListenerRemover = null; if (nextRoute instanceof A.TransitionRoute) t2 = true; else t2 = false; if (t2) { current = _this._secondaryAnimation._animations$_parent; if (current != null) { t2 = current instanceof A.TrainHoppingAnimation ? current._currentTrain : current; t2.toString; t3 = nextRoute._routes$_animation; t3.toString; t4 = J.$eq$(t2.get$value(t2), A._lateReadCheck(t3.__AnimationController__value, "_value")) || A._lateReadCheck(t3.__AnimationController__status, "_status") === B.AnimationStatus_3 || A._lateReadCheck(t3.__AnimationController__status, "_status") === B.AnimationStatus_0; t5 = nextRoute._transitionCompleter.future; if (t4) _this._setSecondaryAnimation$2(t3, t5); else { t1.newAnimation = null; t4 = new A.TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation__jumpOnAnimationEnd(_this, t3, nextRoute); _this._trainHoppingListenerRemover = new A.TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure(t1, t3, t4); t3.addStatusListener$1(t4); newAnimation = A.TrainHoppingAnimation$(t2, t3, new A.TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure0(t1, _this, nextRoute)); t1.newAnimation = newAnimation; _this._setSecondaryAnimation$2(newAnimation, t5); } } else _this._setSecondaryAnimation$2(nextRoute._routes$_animation, nextRoute._transitionCompleter.future); } else _this._setSecondaryAnimation$1(B.C__AlwaysDismissedAnimation); if (previousTrainHoppingListenerRemover != null) previousTrainHoppingListenerRemover.call$0(); }, _setSecondaryAnimation$2(animation, disposed) { this._secondaryAnimation.set$parent(0, animation); if (disposed != null) disposed.then$1$1(0, new A.TransitionRoute__setSecondaryAnimation_closure(this, animation), type$.Null); }, _setSecondaryAnimation$1(animation) { return this._setSecondaryAnimation$2(animation, null); }, dispose$0(_) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._routes$_animation; if (t1 != null) t1.removeStatusListener$1(_this.get$_handleStatusChanged()); t1 = _this._routes$_controller; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); _this._transitionCompleter.complete$1(0, _this._result); _this.super$OverlayRoute$dispose(0); }, get$debugLabel() { return "TransitionRoute"; }, toString$0(_) { return "TransitionRoute(animation: " + A.S(this._routes$_controller) + ")"; } }; A.TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation__jumpOnAnimationEnd.prototype = { call$1($status) { var t1, t2; switch ($status.index) { case 3: case 0: t1 = this.$this; t1._setSecondaryAnimation$2(this.nextTrain, this.nextRoute._transitionCompleter.future); t2 = t1._trainHoppingListenerRemover; if (t2 != null) { t2.call$0(); t1._trainHoppingListenerRemover = null; } break; case 1: case 2: break; } }, $signature: 5 }; A.TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.nextTrain.removeStatusListener$1(this._jumpOnAnimationEnd); var t1 = this._box_0.newAnimation; if (t1 != null) t1.dispose$0(0); }, $signature: 0 }; A.TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure0.prototype = { call$0() { var t2, t1 = this.$this; t1._setSecondaryAnimation$2(this._box_0.newAnimation._currentTrain, this.nextRoute._transitionCompleter.future); t2 = t1._trainHoppingListenerRemover; if (t2 != null) { t2.call$0(); t1._trainHoppingListenerRemover = null; } }, $signature: 0 }; A.TransitionRoute__setSecondaryAnimation_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { var t1 = this.$this._secondaryAnimation, t2 = this.animation; if (t1._animations$_parent == t2) { t1.set$parent(0, B.C__AlwaysDismissedAnimation); if (t2 instanceof A.TrainHoppingAnimation) t2.dispose$0(0); } }, $signature: 3 }; A.LocalHistoryRoute.prototype = { get$willHandlePopInternally() { var t1 = this.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory; return t1 != null && t1.length !== 0; } }; A._DismissModalAction.prototype = { isEnabled$1(_, intent) { A.ModalRoute_of(this.context, type$.dynamic).toString; return false; }, invoke$1(intent) { return A.Navigator_of(this.context).maybePop$0(); } }; A._ModalScopeStatus.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(old) { return this.isCurrent !== old.isCurrent || this.canPop !== old.canPop || this.route !== old.route; } }; A._ModalScope.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._ModalScopeState(A.FocusScopeNode$(true, B.Type__ModalScopeState_Yap.toString$0(0) + " Focus Scope", false), new A.ScrollController(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ScrollPosition), A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)), B._StateLifecycle_0, this.$ti._eval$1("_ModalScopeState<1>")); } }; A._ModalScopeState.prototype = { initState$0() { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this.super$State$initState(); t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Listenable); t2 = _this._widget.route._animationProxy; if (t2 != null) t1.push(t2); t2 = _this._widget.route._secondaryAnimationProxy; if (t2 != null) t1.push(t2); _this.___ModalScopeState__listenable = new A._MergingListenable(t1); if (_this._widget.route.get$isCurrent()) { _this._widget.route._navigator$_navigator._widget.toString; t1 = true; } else t1 = false; if (t1) _this._widget.route._navigator$_navigator.focusScopeNode.setFirstFocus$1(_this.focusScopeNode); }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { var t1, _this = this; _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (_this._widget.route.get$isCurrent()) { _this._widget.route._navigator$_navigator._widget.toString; t1 = true; } else t1 = false; if (t1) _this._widget.route._navigator$_navigator.focusScopeNode.setFirstFocus$1(_this.focusScopeNode); }, didChangeDependencies$0() { this.super$State$didChangeDependencies(); this._page = null; }, _forceRebuildPage$0() { this.setState$1(new A._ModalScopeState__forceRebuildPage_closure(this)); }, dispose$0(_) { this.focusScopeNode.dispose$0(0); this.super$State$dispose(0); }, get$_shouldIgnoreFocusRequest() { var t1 = this._widget.route._animationProxy; if ((t1 == null ? null : t1.get$status(t1)) !== B.AnimationStatus_2) { t1 = this._widget.route._navigator$_navigator; t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.userGestureInProgressNotifier._change_notifier$_value; t1 = t1 === true; } else t1 = true; return t1; }, build$1(_, context) { var _this = this, _null = null, t1 = _this._widget.route, t2 = t1.get$isCurrent(), t3 = _this._widget.route; if (!t3.get$hasActiveRouteBelow()) { t3 = t3.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory; t3 = t3 != null && t3.length !== 0; } else t3 = true; return A.AnimatedBuilder$(t1._restorationScopeId, new A._ModalScopeState_build_closure(_this), new A._ModalScopeStatus(t2, t3, t1, new A.Offstage(_this._widget.route._routes$_offstage, new A.PageStorage(new A.Builder(new A._ModalScopeState_build_closure0(_this), _null), _null), _null), _null)); } }; A._ModalScopeState__forceRebuildPage_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._page = null; }, $signature: 0 }; A._ModalScopeState_build_closure.prototype = { call$2(context, child) { var t1 = this.$this._widget.route._restorationScopeId._change_notifier$_value; child.toString; return new A.RestorationScope(child, t1, null); }, $signature: 296 }; A._ModalScopeState_build_closure0.prototype = { call$1(context) { var _null = null, t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Type_DismissIntent_Fb0, new A._DismissModalAction(context, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent))], type$.Type, type$.Action_Intent), t2 = this.$this, t3 = t2.focusScopeNode, t4 = A._lateReadCheck(t2.___ModalScopeState__listenable, "_listenable"), t5 = t2._page; if (t5 == null) t5 = t2._page = new A.RepaintBoundary(new A.Builder(new A._ModalScopeState_build__closure(t2), _null), t2._widget.route._subtreeKey); return A.Actions$(t1, new A.PrimaryScrollController(t2.primaryScrollController, A.FocusScope$(false, new A.FocusTrap(t3, new A.RepaintBoundary(A.AnimatedBuilder$(t4, new A._ModalScopeState_build__closure0(t2), t5), _null), _null), _null, t3), _null)); }, $signature: 297 }; A._ModalScopeState_build__closure0.prototype = { call$2(context, child) { var t4, t5, platform, matchingBuilder, t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1._widget.route, t3 = t2._animationProxy; t3.toString; t4 = t2._secondaryAnimationProxy; t4.toString; t5 = t2._navigator$_navigator; t5 = t5 == null ? null : t5.userGestureInProgressNotifier; if (t5 == null) t5 = new A.ValueNotifier(false, A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)); t1 = A.AnimatedBuilder$(t5, new A._ModalScopeState_build___closure(t1), child); A.Theme_of(context); platform = A.Theme_of(context).platform; matchingBuilder = B.Map_3hES6.$index(0, t2._navigator$_navigator.userGestureInProgressNotifier._change_notifier$_value ? B.TargetPlatform_2 : platform); if (matchingBuilder == null) matchingBuilder = B.C_FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder; return matchingBuilder.buildTransitions$1$5(t2, context, t3, t4, t1, t2.$ti._precomputed1); }, $signature: 78 }; A._ModalScopeState_build___closure.prototype = { call$2(context, child) { var t1 = this.$this, ignoreEvents = t1.get$_shouldIgnoreFocusRequest(); t1.focusScopeNode.set$canRequestFocus(!ignoreEvents); return new A.IgnorePointer(ignoreEvents, null, child, null); }, $signature: 298 }; A._ModalScopeState_build__closure.prototype = { call$1(context) { var _null = null, t1 = this.$this._widget.route; t1._animationProxy.toString; t1._secondaryAnimationProxy.toString; return A.Semantics$(_null, t1.builder.call$1(context), false, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null); }, $signature: 25 }; A.ModalRoute.prototype = { setState$1(fn) { var t2, t1 = this._scopeKey; if (t1.get$currentState() != null) { t1 = t1.get$currentState(); if (t1._widget.route.get$isCurrent()) if (!t1.get$_shouldIgnoreFocusRequest()) { t1._widget.route._navigator$_navigator._widget.toString; t2 = true; } else t2 = false; else t2 = false; if (t2) t1._widget.route._navigator$_navigator.focusScopeNode.setFirstFocus$1(t1.focusScopeNode); t1.setState$1(fn); } else fn.call$0(); }, install$0() { var _this = this; _this.super$TransitionRoute$install(); _this._animationProxy = A.ProxyAnimation$(A.TransitionRoute.prototype.get$animation.call(_this, _this)); _this._secondaryAnimationProxy = A.ProxyAnimation$(A.TransitionRoute.prototype.get$secondaryAnimation.call(_this)); }, didPush$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._scopeKey; if (t1.get$currentState() != null) { _this._navigator$_navigator._widget.toString; t2 = true; } else t2 = false; if (t2) _this._navigator$_navigator.focusScopeNode.setFirstFocus$1(t1.get$currentState().focusScopeNode); return _this.super$TransitionRoute$didPush(); }, didAdd$0() { var t2, _this = this, t1 = _this._scopeKey; if (t1.get$currentState() != null) { _this._navigator$_navigator._widget.toString; t2 = true; } else t2 = false; if (t2) _this._navigator$_navigator.focusScopeNode.setFirstFocus$1(t1.get$currentState().focusScopeNode); _this.super$TransitionRoute$didAdd(); }, set$offstage(value) { var t1, _this = this; if (_this._routes$_offstage === value) return; _this.setState$1(new A.ModalRoute_offstage_closure(_this, value)); t1 = _this._animationProxy; t1.toString; t1.set$parent(0, _this._routes$_offstage ? B.C__AlwaysCompleteAnimation : A.TransitionRoute.prototype.get$animation.call(_this, _this)); t1 = _this._secondaryAnimationProxy; t1.toString; t1.set$parent(0, _this._routes$_offstage ? B.C__AlwaysDismissedAnimation : A.TransitionRoute.prototype.get$secondaryAnimation.call(_this)); _this.changedInternalState$0(); }, willPop$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.RoutePopDisposition), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, _i, $async$temp1; var $async$willPop$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$self._scopeKey.get$currentState(); t1 = A.List_List$of($async$self._willPopCallbacks, true, type$.Future_bool_Function), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; case 3: // for condition if (!(_i < t2)) { // goto after for $async$goto = 5; break; } $async$temp1 = J; $async$goto = 6; return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].call$0(), $async$willPop$0); case 6: // returning from await. if (!$async$temp1.$eq$($async$result, true)) { $async$returnValue = B.RoutePopDisposition_1; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } case 4: // for update ++_i; // goto for condition $async$goto = 3; break; case 5: // after for $async$returnValue = $async$self.super$_ModalRoute_TransitionRoute_LocalHistoryRoute$willPop(); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$willPop$0, $async$completer); }, didChangePrevious$1(previousRoute) { this.super$Route$didChangePrevious(previousRoute); this.changedInternalState$0(); }, changedInternalState$0() { var _this = this; _this.super$Route$changedInternalState(); _this.setState$1(new A.ModalRoute_changedInternalState_closure()); A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ModalRoute__modalBarrier, "_modalBarrier").markNeedsBuild$0(); A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ModalRoute__modalScope, "_modalScope").set$maintainState(true); }, changedExternalState$0() { this.super$Route$changedExternalState(); A._lateReadCheck(this.__ModalRoute__modalBarrier, "_modalBarrier").markNeedsBuild$0(); var t1 = this._scopeKey; if (t1.get$currentState() != null) t1.get$currentState()._forceRebuildPage$0(); }, _buildModalBarrier$1(context) { var _null = null, barrier = A.ModalBarrier$(true, _null, false, _null), t1 = this._animationProxy; if (t1.get$status(t1) !== B.AnimationStatus_2) { t1 = this._animationProxy; t1 = t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_0; } else t1 = true; return new A.IgnorePointer(t1, _null, barrier, _null); }, _buildModalScope$1(context) { var _this = this, _null = null, t1 = _this._modalScopeCache; return t1 == null ? _this._modalScopeCache = A.Semantics$(_null, new A._ModalScope(_this, _this._scopeKey, _this.$ti._eval$1("_ModalScope<1>")), false, _null, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.OrdinalSortKey_0_null, _null, _null) : t1; }, toString$0(_) { return "ModalRoute(" + this._settings.toString$0(0) + ", animation: " + A.S(this._routes$_animation) + ")"; } }; A.ModalRoute_offstage_closure.prototype = { call$0() { this.$this._routes$_offstage = this.value; }, $signature: 0 }; A.ModalRoute_changedInternalState_closure.prototype = { call$0() { }, $signature: 0 }; A.FocusTrap.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t1 = new A._RenderFocusTrap(new A.Expando(new WeakMap()), this.focusScopeNode, B.HitTestBehavior_0, null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = false; t1.set$child(null); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { if (renderObject instanceof A._RenderFocusTrap) renderObject.set$focusScopeNode(this.focusScopeNode); } }; A._RenderFocusTrap.prototype = { set$focusScopeNode(value) { if (this._focusScopeNode === value) return; this._focusScopeNode = value; }, hitTest$2$position(result, position) { var hitTarget, entry, _this = this; if (_this._size.contains$1(0, position)) { hitTarget = _this.hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) || _this.behavior === B.HitTestBehavior_1; if (hitTarget) { entry = new A.BoxHitTestEntry(position, _this); _this.cachedResults._jsWeakMap.set(entry, result); result._globalizeTransforms$0(); entry._transform = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(result._transforms); result._path.push(entry); } } else hitTarget = false; return hitTarget; }, get$_shouldIgnoreEvents() { switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) { case 0: case 2: return false; case 3: case 4: case 5: case 1: return false; } }, handleEvent$2($event, entry) { var t1, result, focusNode, renderObject, hitCurrentFocus, t2, _i, _this = this; if (type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) if ($event.get$buttons($event) === 1) if ($event.get$kind($event) === B.PointerDeviceKind_1) if (!_this.get$_shouldIgnoreEvents()) { t1 = _this._focusScopeNode._focusedChildren; t1 = (t1.length !== 0 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1) : null) == null; } else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; if (t1) return; A.Expando__checkType(entry); result = _this.cachedResults._jsWeakMap.get(entry); t1 = _this._focusScopeNode._focusedChildren; focusNode = t1.length !== 0 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1) : null; if (focusNode == null || result == null) return; t1 = focusNode._context; renderObject = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$renderObject(); if (renderObject == null) return; t1 = result._path; t2 = t1.length; _i = 0; while (true) { if (!(_i < t1.length)) { hitCurrentFocus = false; break; } entry = t1[_i]; if (entry.get$target(entry).$eq(0, renderObject)) { hitCurrentFocus = true; break; } t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1); ++_i; } if (!hitCurrentFocus) focusNode.unfocus$0(); } }; A._ModalRoute_TransitionRoute_LocalHistoryRoute.prototype = { willPop$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.RoutePopDisposition), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1; var $async$willPop$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory; if (t1 != null && t1.length !== 0) { $async$returnValue = B.RoutePopDisposition_0; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$returnValue = $async$self.super$Route$willPop(); // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$willPop$0, $async$completer); }, didPop$1(result) { var entry, _this = this, t1 = _this.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory; if (t1 != null && t1.length !== 0) { entry = t1.pop(); entry._routes$_owner = null; entry._notifyRemoved$0(); if (_this.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory.length === 0) _this.changedInternalState$0(); return false; } _this.super$TransitionRoute$didPop(result); return true; } }; A.ScrollBehavior.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "ScrollBehavior"; } }; A.ScrollConfiguration.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { var t1; if (A.getRuntimeType(this.behavior) === A.getRuntimeType(oldWidget.behavior)) t1 = false; else t1 = true; return t1; } }; A.ScrollController.prototype = { get$position(_) { return B.JSArray_methods.get$single(this._positions); }, toString$0(_) { var description = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String); description.push("no clients"); return "#" + A.shortHash(this) + "(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(description, ", ") + ")"; } }; A._ScrollNotificationObserverScope.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(old) { return this._scrollNotificationObserverState !== old._scrollNotificationObserverState; } }; A.ScrollNotificationObserver.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A.ScrollNotificationObserverState(new A.LinkedList(type$.LinkedList__ListenerEntry), B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A.ScrollNotificationObserverState.prototype = { _notifyListeners$1(notification) { var entry, exception, stack, localListeners, _i, exception0, rti, t2, t3, _this = this, t1 = _this._scroll_notification_observer$_listeners; if (t1._collection$_length === 0) return; localListeners = A.List_List$of(t1, true, type$._ListenerEntry); for (t1 = localListeners.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) { entry = localListeners[_i]; try { if (entry._collection$_list != null) J.listener$1$z(entry, notification); } catch (exception0) { exception = A.unwrapException(exception0); stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0); rti = _this instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(_this) : null; t2 = A.ErrorDescription$("while dispatching notifications for " + A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(_this) : rti).toString$0(0)); t3 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError(); if (t3 != null) t3.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "widget library", t2, new A.ScrollNotificationObserverState__notifyListeners_closure(_this), false)); } } }, build$1(_, context) { return new A.NotificationListener(new A._ScrollNotificationObserverScope(this, this._widget.child, null), new A.ScrollNotificationObserverState_build_closure(this), null, type$.NotificationListener_ScrollNotification); }, dispose$0(_) { this._scroll_notification_observer$_listeners = null; this.super$State$dispose(0); } }; A.ScrollNotificationObserverState__notifyListeners_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var _null = null, t1 = this.$this; return A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticsProperty$("The " + A.getRuntimeType(t1).toString$0(0) + " sending notification was", t1, true, B.C__NoDefaultValue, _null, false, _null, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, true, true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9, _null, type$.ScrollNotificationObserverState)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode); }, $signature: 15 }; A.ScrollNotificationObserverState_build_closure.prototype = { call$1(notification) { this.$this._notifyListeners$1(notification); return false; }, $signature: 299 }; A.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy." + this._name; } }; A.Scrollable_ensureVisible_closure.prototype = { call$1(_) { return null; }, $signature: 300 }; A.ScrollIncrementType.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "ScrollIncrementType." + this._name; } }; A.ScrollIncrementDetails.prototype = {}; A.ScrollIntent.prototype = {}; A.ScrollAction.prototype = { isEnabled$1(_, intent) { var t1, $focus = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._primaryFocus; if ($focus != null && $focus._context != null) { t1 = $focus._context; t1.toString; A.Scrollable_of(t1); t1 = $focus._context; t1.toString; if (A.PrimaryScrollController_of(t1) != null) { t1 = $focus._context; t1.toString; A.PrimaryScrollController_of(t1) != null; return false; } } return false; }, _calculateScrollIncrement$2$type(state, type) { var t1; state.get$widget().get$incrementCalculator(); t1 = state.get$widget().get$incrementCalculator(); state.get$position(state); t1 = t1.call$1(new A.ScrollIncrementDetails()); return t1; }, _getIncrement$2(state, intent) { var increment = this._calculateScrollIncrement$2$type(state, intent.type); switch (intent.direction.index) { case 2: switch (state.get$axisDirection()) { case B.AxisDirection_0: return -increment; case B.AxisDirection_2: return increment; case B.AxisDirection_1: case B.AxisDirection_3: return 0; } break; case 0: switch (state.get$axisDirection()) { case B.AxisDirection_0: return increment; case B.AxisDirection_2: return -increment; case B.AxisDirection_1: case B.AxisDirection_3: return 0; } break; case 3: switch (state.get$axisDirection()) { case B.AxisDirection_1: return -increment; case B.AxisDirection_3: return increment; case B.AxisDirection_0: case B.AxisDirection_2: return 0; } break; case 1: switch (state.get$axisDirection()) { case B.AxisDirection_1: return increment; case B.AxisDirection_3: return -increment; case B.AxisDirection_0: case B.AxisDirection_2: return 0; } break; } }, invoke$1(intent) { var primaryScrollController, state, increment, t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._primaryFocus._context; t1.toString; A.Scrollable_of(t1); t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._primaryFocus._context; t1.toString; primaryScrollController = A.PrimaryScrollController_of(t1); t1 = primaryScrollController.get$position(primaryScrollController); state = A.Scrollable_of(t1.get$context(t1).get$notificationContext()); state.get$_physics(); t1 = state.get$_physics().shouldAcceptUserOffset$1(state.get$position(state)); if (!t1) return; increment = this._getIncrement$2(state, intent); if (increment === 0) return; state.get$position(state).moveTo$3$curve$duration(0, state.get$position(state).get$pixels().$add(0, increment), B.Cubic_xDo, B.Duration_100000); } }; A.SharedAppData.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._SharedAppDataState(B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._SharedAppDataState.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var t1 = this._widget.child, value = this.___SharedAppDataState_data; return new A._SharedAppModel(value === $ ? this.___SharedAppDataState_data = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Object, type$.nullable_Object) : value, t1, null); } }; A._SharedAppModel.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(old) { return this.data !== old.data; }, updateShouldNotifyDependent$2(old, keys) { var t1, t2, t3, t4; for (t1 = keys.get$iterator(keys), t2 = this.data, t3 = old.data; t1.moveNext$0();) { t4 = t1.get$current(t1); if (!J.$eq$(t2.$index(0, t4), t3.$index(0, t4))) return true; } return false; } }; A.SingleActivator.prototype = {$isShortcutActivator: 1}; A._ActivatorIntentPair.prototype = {}; A.ShortcutManager.prototype = { set$shortcuts(value) { var _this = this; if (!A.mapEquals(_this._shortcuts, value)) { _this._shortcuts = value; _this._indexedShortcutsCache = null; _this.notifyListeners$0(); } }, get$_indexedShortcuts() { var t1 = this._indexedShortcutsCache; return t1 == null ? this._indexedShortcutsCache = A.ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts(this._shortcuts) : t1; }, _find$2($event, state) { var t2, t3, t4, _i, activatorIntent, t5, t6, pressed, candidatesByKey = this.get$_indexedShortcuts().$index(0, $event.data.get$logicalKey()), candidatesByNull = this.get$_indexedShortcuts().$index(0, null), t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__ActivatorIntentPair); if (candidatesByKey != null) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, candidatesByKey); if (candidatesByNull != null) B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, candidatesByNull); for (t2 = t1.length, t3 = $event instanceof A.RawKeyDownEvent, t4 = state._keysPressed, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) { activatorIntent = t1[_i]; t5 = activatorIntent.activator; t6 = t4.get$values(t4); pressed = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(A._instanceType(t6)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); pressed.addAll$1(0, t6); if (t3) { t6 = pressed.contains$1(0, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934848) || pressed.contains$1(0, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934849); if (t5.control === t6) { t6 = pressed.contains$1(0, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934850) || pressed.contains$1(0, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934851); if (t5.shift === t6) { t6 = pressed.contains$1(0, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934852) || pressed.contains$1(0, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934853); if (t5.alt === t6) { t6 = pressed.contains$1(0, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934854) || pressed.contains$1(0, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934855); t6 = t5.meta === t6; t5 = t6; } else t5 = false; } else t5 = false; } else t5 = false; } else t5 = false; if (t5) return activatorIntent.intent; } return null; }, handleKeypress$2(context, $event) { var t1, primaryContext, action, matchedIntent = this._find$2($event, $.$get$RawKeyboard_instance()); if (matchedIntent != null) { t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._primaryFocus; primaryContext = t1 == null ? null : t1._context; if (primaryContext != null) { action = A.Actions_maybeFind(primaryContext, matchedIntent, type$.Intent); if (action != null && action.isEnabled$1(0, matchedIntent)) { primaryContext.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._ActionsMarker); t1 = A.Actions__findDispatcher(primaryContext); t1.invokeAction$3(action, matchedIntent, primaryContext); return action.consumesKey$1(matchedIntent) ? B.KeyEventResult_0 : B.KeyEventResult_2; } } } return B.KeyEventResult_1; } }; A.ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts_closure.prototype = { call$2(activator, intent) { var nullableTriggers = [activator.trigger], t1 = this.result, _i = 0; for (; _i < 1; ++_i) J.add$1$ax(t1.putIfAbsent$2(0, nullableTriggers[_i], new A.ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts__closure()), new A._ActivatorIntentPair(activator, intent)); }, $signature: 301 }; A.ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts__closure.prototype = { call$0() { return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__ActivatorIntentPair); }, $signature: 302 }; A.Shortcuts.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._ShortcutsState(B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._ShortcutsState.prototype = { get$manager() { this._widget.toString; var t1 = this._internalManager; t1.toString; return t1; }, dispose$0(_) { this.super$State$dispose(0); }, initState$0() { var _this = this; _this.super$State$initState(); _this._widget.toString; _this._internalManager = A.ShortcutManager$(); _this.get$manager().set$shortcuts(_this._widget.shortcuts); }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { var _this = this; _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); _this._widget.toString; _this.get$manager().set$shortcuts(_this._widget.shortcuts); }, _handleOnKey$2(node, $event) { var t1, t2; if (node._context == null) return B.KeyEventResult_1; t1 = this.get$manager(); t2 = node._context; t2.toString; return t1.handleKeypress$2(t2, $event); }, build$1(_, context) { var _null = null, t1 = B.Type_Shortcuts_6TW.toString$0(0); return A.Focus$(false, false, new A._ShortcutsMarker(this.get$manager(), this._widget.child, _null), t1, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, this.get$_handleOnKey(), _null, _null); } }; A._ShortcutsMarker.prototype = {}; A._ShortcutManager_ChangeNotifier_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A._SingleActivator_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.__ActivatorIntentPair_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {}; A.DefaultTextStyle.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { var t1; if (this.style.$eq(0, oldWidget.style)) if (this.overflow === oldWidget.overflow) t1 = this.textWidthBasis !== oldWidget.textWidthBasis || false; else t1 = true; else t1 = true; return t1; } }; A._NullWidget1.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError_FlutterError("A DefaultTextStyle constructed with DefaultTextStyle.fallback cannot be incorporated into the widget tree, it is meant only to provide a fallback value returned by DefaultTextStyle.of() when no enclosing default text style is present in a BuildContext.")); } }; A.Text.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var effectiveTextStyle, t2, t3, t4, result, _null = null, t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.DefaultTextStyle); if (t1 == null) t1 = B.DefaultTextStyle_40S; effectiveTextStyle = this.style; if (effectiveTextStyle == null || effectiveTextStyle.inherit) effectiveTextStyle = t1.style.merge$1(effectiveTextStyle); t2 = A.MediaQuery_maybeOf(context); t2 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.boldText; if (t2 === true) effectiveTextStyle = effectiveTextStyle.merge$1(B.TextStyle_oqK); t2 = A.MediaQuery_maybeOf(context); t2 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.textScaleFactor; if (t2 == null) t2 = 1; t3 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.DefaultTextHeightBehavior); t3 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.get$textHeightBehavior(t3); t4 = this.textSpan; t4 = t4 != null ? A._setArrayType([t4], type$.JSArray_InlineSpan) : _null; result = A.RichText$(_null, t1.maxLines, t1.overflow, true, _null, A.TextSpan$(t4, effectiveTextStyle, this.data), B.TextAlign_4, _null, t3, t2, t1.textWidthBasis); return result; } }; A.DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent.prototype = {}; A.TickerMode.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._TickerModeState(new A.ValueNotifier(true, A.List_List$filled(0, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function)), B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._TickerModeState.prototype = { didChangeDependencies$0() { var widget, t1, _this = this; _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies(); widget = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._EffectiveTickerMode); t1 = widget == null ? null : widget.enabled; _this._ancestorTicketMode = t1 !== false; _this._updateEffectiveMode$0(); }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); this._updateEffectiveMode$0(); }, dispose$0(_) { this.super$State$dispose(0); }, _updateEffectiveMode$0() { var t1 = this._ancestorTicketMode && this._widget.enabled; this._effectiveMode.set$value(0, t1); }, build$1(_, context) { var t1 = this._effectiveMode; return new A._EffectiveTickerMode(t1._change_notifier$_value, t1, this._widget.child, null); } }; A._EffectiveTickerMode.prototype = { updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) { return this.enabled !== oldWidget.enabled; } }; A.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = { createTicker$1(onTick) { var t1, _this = this; _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = new A.Ticker(onTick, null); _this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0(); _this._updateTicker$0(); t1 = _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker; t1.toString; return t1; }, _updateTicker$0() { var t1 = this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker; if (t1 != null) t1.set$muted(0, !this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier._change_notifier$_value); }, _updateTickerModeNotifier$0() { var newNotifier, _this = this, t1 = _this._framework$_element; t1.toString; newNotifier = A.TickerMode_getNotifier(t1); t1 = _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier; if (newNotifier === t1) return; if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTicker()); newNotifier.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTicker()); _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = newNotifier; } }; A.TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = { createTicker$1(onTick) { var result, _this = this; if (_this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier == null) _this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0(); if (_this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers == null) _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$._WidgetTicker); result = new A._WidgetTicker(_this, onTick, null); result.set$muted(0, !_this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier._change_notifier$_value); _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers.add$1(0, result); return result; }, _updateTickers$0() { var muted, t2, t1 = this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers; if (t1 != null) { muted = !this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier._change_notifier$_value; for (t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications), t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) t2._as(t1._collection$_current).set$muted(0, muted); } }, _updateTickerModeNotifier$0() { var newNotifier, _this = this, t1 = _this._framework$_element; t1.toString; newNotifier = A.TickerMode_getNotifier(t1); t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier; if (newNotifier === t1) return; if (t1 != null) t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers()); newNotifier.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers()); _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = newNotifier; } }; A._WidgetTicker.prototype = { dispose$0(_) { this._creator.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers.remove$1(0, this); this.super$Ticker$dispose(0); } }; A.Title.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { A.SystemChrome_setApplicationSwitcherDescription(new A.ApplicationSwitcherDescription(this.title, this.color.value)); return this.child; } }; A.AnimatedWidget.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A._AnimatedState(B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._AnimatedState.prototype = { initState$0() { this.super$State$initState(); this._widget.listenable.addListener$1(0, this.get$_handleChange()); }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); t1 = oldWidget.listenable; if (_this._widget.listenable !== t1) { t2 = _this.get$_handleChange(); t1.removeListener$1(0, t2); _this._widget.listenable.addListener$1(0, t2); } }, dispose$0(_) { this._widget.listenable.removeListener$1(0, this.get$_handleChange()); this.super$State$dispose(0); }, _handleChange$0() { this.setState$1(new A._AnimatedState__handleChange_closure()); }, build$1(_, context) { return this._widget.build$1(0, context); } }; A._AnimatedState__handleChange_closure.prototype = { call$0() { }, $signature: 0 }; A.SlideTransition.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var _this = this, t1 = type$.Animation_Offset._as(_this.listenable), offset = t1.get$value(t1); if (_this.textDirection === B.TextDirection_0) offset = new A.Offset(-offset._dx, offset._dy); return new A.FractionalTranslation(offset, _this.transformHitTests, _this.child, null); } }; A.ScaleTransition.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var t2, t3, _null = null, t1 = type$.Animation_double._as(this.listenable); t1 = t1.get$value(t1); t2 = t1 == null; t3 = t2 ? _null : t1; if (t3 == null) t3 = 1; if (t2) t1 = _null; return new A.Transform(A.Matrix4_Matrix4$diagonal3Values(t3, t1 == null ? 1 : t1, 1), B.Alignment_0_0, true, _null, this.child, _null); } }; A.RotationTransition.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var t2, c, s, t1 = type$.Animation_double._as(this.listenable); t1 = t1.get$value(t1) * 3.141592653589793 * 2; t2 = new Float64Array(16); t2[15] = 1; c = Math.cos(t1); s = Math.sin(t1); t2[0] = c; t2[1] = s; t2[2] = 0; t2[4] = -s; t2[5] = c; t2[6] = 0; t2[8] = 0; t2[9] = 0; t2[10] = 1; t2[3] = 0; t2[7] = 0; t2[11] = 0; return new A.Transform(new A.Matrix4(t2), B.Alignment_0_0, true, null, this.child, null); } }; A.FadeTransition.prototype = { createRenderObject$1(context) { var t2, _null = null, t1 = new A.RenderAnimatedOpacity(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, A.LayerHandle$()); t1.get$isRepaintBoundary(); t2 = t1.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing(); t1.__RenderObject__needsCompositing = t2; t1.set$child(_null); t1.set$opacity(0, this.opacity); t1.set$alwaysIncludeSemantics(false); return t1; }, updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) { renderObject.set$opacity(0, this.opacity); renderObject.set$alwaysIncludeSemantics(false); } }; A.DecoratedBoxTransition.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var t1 = this.decoration, t2 = t1.parent; return A.DecoratedBox$(this.child, t1._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2)), B.DecorationPosition_0); } }; A.AnimatedBuilder.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { return this.builder.call$2(context, this.child); } }; A.MyApp.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { return new A.MaterialApp(new A.MapSample(null), "Flutter Google Maps Demo", null); } }; A.MapSample.prototype = { createState$0() { return new A.MapSampleState(new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_GoogleMapController), type$._AsyncCompleter_GoogleMapController), B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A.MapSampleState.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { return new A.Scaffold(new A.GoogleMap(new A.MapSampleState_build_closure(this), B.CameraPosition_xLo, B.MapType_1, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.Marker_hS2, B.Marker_7LA], type$.Marker), null), new A.FloatingActionButton(B.Icon_IconData_57811_null, this.get$_goToTheLake(), B.SystemMouseCursor_click, true, B._FloatingActionButtonType_3, B.Text_0, null), null); }, _goToTheLake$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, controller, t1; var $async$_goToTheLake$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait($async$self._main$_controller.future, $async$_goToTheLake$0); case 2: // returning from await. controller = $async$result; t1 = A._setArrayType(["newCameraPosition", B.CameraPosition_ckG.toMap$0()], type$.JSArray_Object); $.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance().channel$1(0, controller.mapId)._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("camera#animate", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["cameraUpdate", t1], type$.String, type$.Object), false, type$.void); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_goToTheLake$0, $async$completer); } }; A.MapSampleState_build_closure.prototype = { call$1(controller) { this.$this._main$_controller.complete$1(0, controller); }, $signature: 303 }; A.GoogleMapController.prototype = { _connectStreams$1(mapId) { var t1, _this = this; _this._googleMapState._widget.toString; t1 = type$.MapEvent_dynamic; A.Where_whereType($.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance()._events$1(mapId), t1, type$.MarkerTapEvent).listen$1(new A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure(_this)); A.Where_whereType($.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance()._events$1(mapId), t1, type$.MarkerDragStartEvent).listen$1(new A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure0(_this)); A.Where_whereType($.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance()._events$1(mapId), t1, type$.MarkerDragEvent).listen$1(new A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure1(_this)); A.Where_whereType($.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance()._events$1(mapId), t1, type$.MarkerDragEndEvent).listen$1(new A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure2(_this)); A.Where_whereType($.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance()._events$1(mapId), t1, type$.InfoWindowTapEvent).listen$1(new A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure3(_this)); A.Where_whereType($.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance()._events$1(mapId), t1, type$.PolylineTapEvent).listen$1(new A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure4(_this)); A.Where_whereType($.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance()._events$1(mapId), t1, type$.PolygonTapEvent).listen$1(new A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure5(_this)); A.Where_whereType($.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance()._events$1(mapId), t1, type$.CircleTapEvent).listen$1(new A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure6(_this)); A.Where_whereType($.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance()._events$1(mapId), t1, type$.MapTapEvent).listen$1(new A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure7(_this)); A.Where_whereType($.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance()._events$1(mapId), t1, type$.MapLongPressEvent).listen$1(new A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure8(_this)); } }; A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure.prototype = { call$1(e) { var t1 = e.value, marker = this.$this._googleMapState._markers.$index(0, t1); if (marker == null) A.throwExpression(A.UnknownMapObjectIdError$("marker", t1, "onTap")); marker.toString; return null; }, $signature: 304 }; A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure0.prototype = { call$1(e) { var t1 = e.value, marker = this.$this._googleMapState._markers.$index(0, t1); if (marker == null) A.throwExpression(A.UnknownMapObjectIdError$("marker", t1, "onDragStart")); marker.toString; return null; }, $signature: 305 }; A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure1.prototype = { call$1(e) { var t1 = e.value, marker = this.$this._googleMapState._markers.$index(0, t1); if (marker == null) A.throwExpression(A.UnknownMapObjectIdError$("marker", t1, "onDrag")); marker.toString; return null; }, $signature: 306 }; A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure2.prototype = { call$1(e) { var t1 = e.value, marker = this.$this._googleMapState._markers.$index(0, t1); if (marker == null) A.throwExpression(A.UnknownMapObjectIdError$("marker", t1, "onDragEnd")); marker.toString; return null; }, $signature: 307 }; A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure3.prototype = { call$1(e) { var t1 = e.value, marker = this.$this._googleMapState._markers.$index(0, t1); if (marker == null) A.throwExpression(A.UnknownMapObjectIdError$("marker", t1, "InfoWindow onTap")); marker.toString; return null; }, $signature: 308 }; A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure4.prototype = { call$1(e) { var t1 = e.value, polyline = this.$this._googleMapState._polylines.$index(0, t1); A.throwExpression(A.UnknownMapObjectIdError$("polyline", t1, "onTap")); polyline.get$onTap().call$0(); return null; }, $signature: 309 }; A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure5.prototype = { call$1(e) { var t1 = e.value, polygon = this.$this._googleMapState._polygons.$index(0, t1); A.throwExpression(A.UnknownMapObjectIdError$("polygon", t1, "onTap")); polygon.get$onTap().call$0(); return null; }, $signature: 310 }; A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure6.prototype = { call$1(e) { var t1 = e.value, circle = this.$this._googleMapState._circles.$index(0, t1); A.throwExpression(A.UnknownMapObjectIdError$("marker", t1, "onTap")); circle.get$onTap().call$0(); return null; }, $signature: 311 }; A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure7.prototype = { call$1(e) { this.$this._googleMapState._widget.toString; return null; }, $signature: 312 }; A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure8.prototype = { call$1(e) { this.$this._googleMapState._widget.toString; return null; }, $signature: 313 }; A.UnknownMapObjectIdError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { var t1 = "Unknown " + this.objectType + ' ID "' + this.objectId.value + '" in ' + this.context; return t1; } }; A.GoogleMap.prototype = { createState$0() { var t1 = $._nextMapCreationId; $._nextMapCreationId = t1 + 1; return new A._GoogleMapState(t1, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_GoogleMapController), type$._AsyncCompleter_GoogleMapController), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.MarkerId, type$.Marker), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.PolygonId, type$.Polygon), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.PolylineId, type$.Polyline), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.CircleId, type$.Circle), B._StateLifecycle_0); } }; A._GoogleMapState.prototype = { build$1(_, context) { var t2, t3, t4, _this = this, t1 = $.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance(); _this._widget.toString; t2 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context); if (t2 == null) t2 = B.TextDirection_1; t3 = _this._widget; t4 = t3.initialCameraPosition; t3 = t3.markers; return t1.buildViewWithTextDirection$10$circles$gestureRecognizers$initialCameraPosition$mapOptions$markers$polygons$polylines$textDirection(_this._mapId, _this.get$onPlatformViewCreated(), B.Set_empty0, B.Set_empty3, t4, A._lateReadCheck(_this.___GoogleMapState__googleMapOptions, "_googleMapOptions").toMap$0(), t3, B.Set_empty2, B.Set_empty1, t2); }, initState$0() { var t1, t2, _this = this; _this.super$State$initState(); t1 = _this._widget; t1.toString; _this.___GoogleMapState__googleMapOptions = A._GoogleMapOptions$fromWidget(t1); t2 = type$.Marker; t1 = A.keyByMapsObjectId(t1.markers, t2); _this._markers = t1.cast$2$0(t1, type$.MarkerId, t2); _this._widget.toString; t2 = type$.Polygon; t1 = A.keyByMapsObjectId(B.Set_empty2, t2); _this._polygons = t1.cast$2$0(t1, type$.PolygonId, t2); _this._widget.toString; t2 = type$.Polyline; t1 = A.keyByMapsObjectId(B.Set_empty1, t2); _this._polylines = t1.cast$2$0(t1, type$.PolylineId, t2); _this._widget.toString; t2 = type$.Circle; t1 = A.keyByMapsObjectId(B.Set_empty0, t2); _this._circles = t1.cast$2$0(t1, type$.CircleId, t2); }, dispose$0(_) { this._disposeController$0(); this.super$State$dispose(0); }, _disposeController$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this; var $async$_disposeController$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait($async$self._google_maps_flutter$_controller.future, $async$_disposeController$0); case 2: // returning from await. $.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance(); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_disposeController$0, $async$completer); }, didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) { var _this = this; _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); _this._updateOptions$0(); _this._updateMarkers$0(); _this._updatePolygons$0(); _this._updatePolylines$0(); _this._updateCircles$0(); _this._updateTileOverlays$0(); }, _updateOptions$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, newOptions, updates, controller, t1; var $async$_updateOptions$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start t1 = $async$self._widget; t1.toString; newOptions = A._GoogleMapOptions$fromWidget(t1); updates = A._lateReadCheck($async$self.___GoogleMapState__googleMapOptions, "_googleMapOptions").updatesMap$1(newOptions); if (updates.get$isEmpty(updates)) { // goto return $async$goto = 1; break; } $async$goto = 3; return A._asyncAwait($async$self._google_maps_flutter$_controller.future, $async$_updateOptions$0); case 3: // returning from await. controller = $async$result; $.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance().channel$1(0, controller.mapId)._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("map#update", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["options", updates], type$.String, type$.dynamic), false, type$.void); $async$self.___GoogleMapState__googleMapOptions = newOptions; case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_updateOptions$0, $async$completer); }, _updateMarkers$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, t2, controller, t1; var $async$_updateMarkers$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait($async$self._google_maps_flutter$_controller.future, $async$_updateMarkers$0); case 2: // returning from await. controller = $async$result; t1 = $async$self._markers; t1 = t1.get$values(t1); t1 = A.MarkerUpdates$from(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")), $async$self._widget.markers); $.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance().channel$1(0, controller.mapId)._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("markers#update", t1.toJson$0(), false, type$.void); t1 = type$.Marker; t2 = A.keyByMapsObjectId($async$self._widget.markers, t1); $async$self._markers = t2.cast$2$0(t2, type$.MarkerId, t1); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_updateMarkers$0, $async$completer); }, _updatePolygons$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, t2, controller, t1; var $async$_updatePolygons$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait($async$self._google_maps_flutter$_controller.future, $async$_updatePolygons$0); case 2: // returning from await. controller = $async$result; t1 = $async$self._polygons; t1 = t1.get$values(t1); t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); $async$self._widget.toString; t1 = A.PolygonUpdates$from(t1, B.Set_empty2); $.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance().channel$1(0, controller.mapId)._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("polygons#update", t1.toJson$0(), false, type$.void); $async$self._widget.toString; t1 = type$.Polygon; t2 = A.keyByMapsObjectId(B.Set_empty2, t1); $async$self._polygons = t2.cast$2$0(t2, type$.PolygonId, t1); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_updatePolygons$0, $async$completer); }, _updatePolylines$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, t2, controller, t1; var $async$_updatePolylines$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait($async$self._google_maps_flutter$_controller.future, $async$_updatePolylines$0); case 2: // returning from await. controller = $async$result; t1 = $async$self._polylines; t1 = t1.get$values(t1); t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); $async$self._widget.toString; t1 = A.PolylineUpdates$from(t1, B.Set_empty1); $.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance().channel$1(0, controller.mapId)._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("polylines#update", t1.toJson$0(), false, type$.void); $async$self._widget.toString; t1 = type$.Polyline; t2 = A.keyByMapsObjectId(B.Set_empty1, t1); $async$self._polylines = t2.cast$2$0(t2, type$.PolylineId, t1); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_updatePolylines$0, $async$completer); }, _updateCircles$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, t2, controller, t1; var $async$_updateCircles$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait($async$self._google_maps_flutter$_controller.future, $async$_updateCircles$0); case 2: // returning from await. controller = $async$result; t1 = $async$self._circles; t1 = t1.get$values(t1); t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); $async$self._widget.toString; t1 = A.CircleUpdates$from(t1, B.Set_empty0); $.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance().channel$1(0, controller.mapId)._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("circles#update", t1.toJson$0(), false, type$.void); $async$self._widget.toString; t1 = type$.Circle; t2 = A.keyByMapsObjectId(B.Set_empty0, t1); $async$self._circles = t2.cast$2$0(t2, type$.CircleId, t1); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_updateCircles$0, $async$completer); }, _updateTileOverlays$0() { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, currentTileOverlays, t4, previousSet, updates, t5, controller; var $async$_updateTileOverlays$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait($async$self._google_maps_flutter$_controller.future, $async$_updateTileOverlays$0); case 2: // returning from await. controller = $async$result; $async$self._widget.toString; t1 = $.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance(); t2 = controller.mapId; t3 = t1._tileOverlays; currentTileOverlays = t3.$index(0, t2); if (currentTileOverlays != null) { t4 = currentTileOverlays.$ti; t4 = A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.get$values$x(currentTileOverlays._source), t4._rest[1], t4._rest[3]); previousSet = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t4, A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); } else previousSet = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.TileOverlay); updates = A.TileOverlayUpdates$from(previousSet, B.Set_empty); t4 = type$.TileOverlay; t5 = A.keyByMapsObjectId(B.Set_empty, t4); t3.$indexSet(0, t2, t5.cast$2$0(t5, type$.TileOverlayId, t4)); t1.channel$1(0, t2)._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("tileOverlays#update", updates.toJson$0(), false, type$.void); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_updateTileOverlays$0, $async$completer); }, onPlatformViewCreated$1(id) { return this.onPlatformViewCreated$body$_GoogleMapState(id); }, onPlatformViewCreated$body$_GoogleMapState(id) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void), $async$self = this, controller; var $async$onPlatformViewCreated$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start $async$goto = 2; return A._asyncAwait(A.GoogleMapController_init(id, $async$self._widget.initialCameraPosition, $async$self), $async$onPlatformViewCreated$1); case 2: // returning from await. controller = $async$result; $async$self._google_maps_flutter$_controller.complete$1(0, controller); $async$self._updateTileOverlays$0(); $async$self._widget.onMapCreated.call$1(controller); // implicit return return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$onPlatformViewCreated$1, $async$completer); } }; A._GoogleMapOptions.prototype = { toMap$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.padding; return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["compassEnabled", true, "mapToolbarEnabled", true, "cameraTargetBounds", _this.cameraTargetBounds.toJson$0(), "mapType", _this.mapType.index, "minMaxZoomPreference", [null, null], "rotateGesturesEnabled", true, "scrollGesturesEnabled", true, "tiltGesturesEnabled", true, "zoomControlsEnabled", true, "zoomGesturesEnabled", true, "liteModeEnabled", false, "trackCameraPosition", _this.trackCameraPosition, "myLocationEnabled", false, "myLocationButtonEnabled", true, "padding", A._setArrayType([t1.top, t1.left, t1.bottom, t1.right], type$.JSArray_double), "indoorEnabled", false, "trafficEnabled", false, "buildingsEnabled", true], type$.String, type$.dynamic); }, updatesMap$1(newOptions) { var prevOptionsMap = this.toMap$0(), t1 = newOptions.toMap$0(); t1.removeWhere$1(t1, new A._GoogleMapOptions_updatesMap_closure(prevOptionsMap)); return t1; } }; A._GoogleMapOptions_updatesMap_closure.prototype = { call$2(key, value) { return J.$eq$(this.prevOptionsMap.$index(0, key), value); }, $signature: 315 }; A.MapEvent.prototype = {}; A._PositionedMapEvent.prototype = {}; A.CameraMoveStartedEvent.prototype = {}; A.CameraMoveEvent.prototype = {}; A.CameraIdleEvent.prototype = {}; A.MarkerTapEvent.prototype = {}; A.InfoWindowTapEvent.prototype = {}; A.MarkerDragStartEvent.prototype = {}; A.MarkerDragEvent.prototype = {}; A.MarkerDragEndEvent.prototype = {}; A.PolylineTapEvent.prototype = {}; A.PolygonTapEvent.prototype = {}; A.CircleTapEvent.prototype = {}; A.MapTapEvent.prototype = {}; A.MapLongPressEvent.prototype = {}; A.UnknownMapIDError.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "Unknown map ID " + this.mapId; } }; A.MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter.prototype = { channel$1(_, mapId) { var channel = this._method_channel_google_maps_flutter$_channels.$index(0, mapId); if (channel == null) throw A.wrapException(new A.UnknownMapIDError(mapId)); return channel; }, ensureChannelInitialized$1(mapId) { var t1 = this._method_channel_google_maps_flutter$_channels, channel = t1.$index(0, mapId); if (channel == null) { channel = new A.MethodChannel("plugins.flutter.io/google_maps_" + mapId, B.C_StandardMethodCodec0); channel.setMethodCallHandler$1(new A.MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter_ensureChannelInitialized_closure(this, mapId)); t1.$indexSet(0, mapId, channel); } return channel; }, _events$1(mapId) { var t1 = this._mapEventStreamController, t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_BroadcastStream<1>"); return new A._WhereStream(new A.MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter__events_closure(mapId), new A._BroadcastStream(t1, t2), t2._eval$1("_WhereStream<1>")); }, _handleMethodCall$2($call, mapId) { return this._handleMethodCall$body$MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter($call, mapId); }, _handleMethodCall$body$MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter($call, mapId) { var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.dynamic), $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, tileOverlaysForThisMap, tileOverlayId; var $async$_handleMethodCall$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) { if ($async$errorCode === 1) return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer); while (true) $async$outer: switch ($async$goto) { case 0: // Function start switch ($call.method) { case "camera#onMoveStarted": $async$self._mapEventStreamController.add$1(0, new A.CameraMoveStartedEvent(mapId, null)); break; case "camera#onMove": t1 = A.CameraPosition_fromMap(J.$index$asx($call.$arguments, "position")); t1.toString; $async$self._mapEventStreamController.add$1(0, new A.CameraMoveEvent(mapId, t1)); break; case "camera#onIdle": $async$self._mapEventStreamController.add$1(0, new A.CameraIdleEvent(mapId, null)); break; case "marker#onTap": $async$self._mapEventStreamController.add$1(0, new A.MarkerTapEvent(mapId, new A.MarkerId(J.$index$asx($call.$arguments, "markerId")))); break; case "marker#onDragStart": t1 = $call.$arguments; t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1); t3 = A.LatLng_fromJson(t2.$index(t1, "position")); t3.toString; $async$self._mapEventStreamController.add$1(0, new A.MarkerDragStartEvent(t3, mapId, new A.MarkerId(t2.$index(t1, "markerId")))); break; case "marker#onDrag": t1 = $call.$arguments; t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1); t3 = A.LatLng_fromJson(t2.$index(t1, "position")); t3.toString; $async$self._mapEventStreamController.add$1(0, new A.MarkerDragEvent(t3, mapId, new A.MarkerId(t2.$index(t1, "markerId")))); break; case "marker#onDragEnd": t1 = $call.$arguments; t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1); t3 = A.LatLng_fromJson(t2.$index(t1, "position")); t3.toString; $async$self._mapEventStreamController.add$1(0, new A.MarkerDragEndEvent(t3, mapId, new A.MarkerId(t2.$index(t1, "markerId")))); break; case "infoWindow#onTap": $async$self._mapEventStreamController.add$1(0, new A.InfoWindowTapEvent(mapId, new A.MarkerId(J.$index$asx($call.$arguments, "markerId")))); break; case "polyline#onTap": $async$self._mapEventStreamController.add$1(0, new A.PolylineTapEvent(mapId, new A.PolylineId(J.$index$asx($call.$arguments, "polylineId")))); break; case "polygon#onTap": $async$self._mapEventStreamController.add$1(0, new A.PolygonTapEvent(mapId, new A.PolygonId(J.$index$asx($call.$arguments, "polygonId")))); break; case "circle#onTap": $async$self._mapEventStreamController.add$1(0, new A.CircleTapEvent(mapId, new A.CircleId(J.$index$asx($call.$arguments, "circleId")))); break; case "map#onTap": t1 = A.LatLng_fromJson(J.$index$asx($call.$arguments, "position")); t1.toString; $async$self._mapEventStreamController.add$1(0, new A.MapTapEvent(t1, mapId, null)); break; case "map#onLongPress": t1 = A.LatLng_fromJson(J.$index$asx($call.$arguments, "position")); t1.toString; $async$self._mapEventStreamController.add$1(0, new A.MapLongPressEvent(t1, mapId, null)); break; case "tileOverlay#getTile": tileOverlaysForThisMap = $async$self._tileOverlays.$index(0, mapId); tileOverlayId = J.$index$asx($call.$arguments, "tileOverlayId"); if (tileOverlaysForThisMap != null) tileOverlaysForThisMap.$ti._eval$1("4?")._as(J.$index$asx(tileOverlaysForThisMap._source, new A.TileOverlayId(tileOverlayId))); t1 = B.C_Tile.toJson$0(); $async$returnValue = t1; // goto return $async$goto = 1; break $async$outer; default: throw A.wrapException(A.MissingPluginException$(null)); } case 1: // return return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer); } }); return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleMethodCall$2, $async$completer); }, buildViewWithTextDirection$11$circles$gestureRecognizers$initialCameraPosition$mapOptions$markers$polygons$polylines$textDirection$tileOverlays(creationId, onPlatformViewCreated, circles, gestureRecognizers, initialCameraPosition, mapOptions, markers, polygons, polylines, textDirection, tileOverlays) { var _null = null, _s30_ = "plugins.flutter.io/google_maps", creationParams = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["initialCameraPosition", initialCameraPosition.toMap$0(), "options", mapOptions, "markersToAdd", A.serializeMapsObjectSet(markers), "polygonsToAdd", A.serializeMapsObjectSet(polygons), "polylinesToAdd", A.serializeMapsObjectSet(polylines), "circlesToAdd", A.serializeMapsObjectSet(circles), "tileOverlaysToAdd", A.serializeMapsObjectSet(tileOverlays)], type$.String, type$.dynamic); if (A.defaultTargetPlatform() === B.TargetPlatform_0) return new A.AndroidView(_s30_, onPlatformViewCreated, gestureRecognizers, creationParams, B.C_StandardMessageCodec, _null); else if (A.defaultTargetPlatform() === B.TargetPlatform_2) return new A.UiKitView(_s30_, onPlatformViewCreated, creationParams, B.C_StandardMessageCodec, gestureRecognizers, _null); return new A.Text(A.defaultTargetPlatform().toString$0(0) + " is not yet supported by the maps plugin", _null, _null, _null); }, buildViewWithTextDirection$10$circles$gestureRecognizers$initialCameraPosition$mapOptions$markers$polygons$polylines$textDirection(creationId, onPlatformViewCreated, circles, gestureRecognizers, initialCameraPosition, mapOptions, markers, polygons, polylines, textDirection) { return this.buildViewWithTextDirection$11$circles$gestureRecognizers$initialCameraPosition$mapOptions$markers$polygons$polylines$textDirection$tileOverlays(creationId, onPlatformViewCreated, circles, gestureRecognizers, initialCameraPosition, mapOptions, markers, polygons, polylines, textDirection, B.Set_empty); } }; A.MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter_ensureChannelInitialized_closure.prototype = { call$1($call) { return this.$this._handleMethodCall$2($call, this.mapId); }, $signature: 63 }; A.MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter__events_closure.prototype = { call$1($event) { return $event.mapId === this.mapId; }, $signature: 316 }; A.GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.prototype = {}; A.BitmapDescriptor.prototype = { toJson$0() { return B.List_defaultMarker; } }; A.CameraPosition.prototype = { toMap$0() { var _this = this, t1 = _this.target; return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["bearing", _this.bearing, "target", A._setArrayType([t1.latitude, t1.longitude], type$.JSArray_double), "tilt", _this.tilt, "zoom", _this.zoom], type$.String, type$.Object); }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (A.getRuntimeType(_this) !== J.get$runtimeType$(other)) return false; type$.CameraPosition._as(other); return _this.bearing === other.bearing && _this.target.$eq(0, other.target) && _this.tilt === other.tilt && _this.zoom === other.zoom; }, get$hashCode(_) { var _this = this; return A.hashValues(_this.bearing, _this.target, _this.tilt, _this.zoom, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "CameraPosition(bearing: " + A.S(_this.bearing) + ", target: " + _this.target.toString$0(0) + ", tilt: " + A.S(_this.tilt) + ", zoom: " + A.S(_this.zoom) + ")"; } }; A.CircleId.prototype = {}; A.CircleUpdates.prototype = {}; A.LatLng.prototype = { toJson$0() { return A._setArrayType([this.latitude, this.longitude], type$.JSArray_double); }, toString$0(_) { return A.getRuntimeType(this).toString$0(0) + "(" + A.S(this.latitude) + ", " + A.S(this.longitude) + ")"; }, $eq(_, o) { if (o == null) return false; return o instanceof A.LatLng && o.latitude === this.latitude && o.longitude === this.longitude; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(this.latitude, this.longitude, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); } }; A.MapsObjectId.prototype = { $eq(_, other) { var _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return _this.value === A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("MapsObjectId")._as(other).value; }, get$hashCode(_) { return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.value); }, toString$0(_) { return "MapsObjectId(" + this.value + ")"; } }; A.MapsObjectUpdates.prototype = { MapsObjectUpdates$from$3$objectName(previous, current, objectName, $T) { var currentObjectIds, t2, t3, t4, previousObjects = A.keyByMapsObjectId(previous, $T), currentObjects = A.keyByMapsObjectId(current, $T), t1 = previousObjects.get$keys(previousObjects), previousObjectIds = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); t1 = currentObjects.get$keys(currentObjects); currentObjectIds = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")); t1 = new A.MapsObjectUpdates$from__idToCurrentObject(currentObjects, $T); this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectIdsToRemove = previousObjectIds.difference$1(currentObjectIds); t2 = currentObjectIds.difference$1(previousObjectIds); t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("@")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>"); this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToAdd = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t2, t1, t3), t3._eval$1("Iterable.E")); t3 = currentObjectIds.intersection$1(0, previousObjectIds); t2 = A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("@")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>"); t4 = t2._eval$1("WhereIterable"); this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToChange = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.WhereIterable(new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t3, t1, t2), new A.MapsObjectUpdates$from_hasChanged(previousObjects, $T), t4), t4._eval$1("Iterable.E")); }, toJson$0() { var t3, t4, _this = this, updateMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Object), t1 = new A.MapsObjectUpdates_toJson_addIfNonNull(updateMap), t2 = _this.objectName; t1.call$2(t2 + "sToAdd", A.serializeMapsObjectSet(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToAdd, "_objectsToAdd"))); t1.call$2(t2 + "sToChange", A.serializeMapsObjectSet(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToChange, "_objectsToChange"))); t2 += "IdsToRemove"; t3 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectIdsToRemove, "_objectIdsToRemove"); t4 = A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable"); t1.call$2(t2, A.List_List$of(new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t3, new A.MapsObjectUpdates_toJson_closure(_this), t4), true, t4._eval$1("Iterable.E"))); return updateMap; }, $eq(_, other) { var _this = this, _s13_ = "_objectsToAdd", _s18_ = "_objectIdsToRemove", _s16_ = "_objectsToChange"; if (other == null) return false; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; return other instanceof A.MapsObjectUpdates && A.setEquals(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToAdd, _s13_), A._lateReadCheck(other.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToAdd, _s13_)) && A.setEquals(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectIdsToRemove, _s18_), A._lateReadCheck(other.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectIdsToRemove, _s18_)) && A.setEquals(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToChange, _s16_), A._lateReadCheck(other.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToChange, _s16_)); }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(A.hashList(A._lateReadCheck(this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToAdd, "_objectsToAdd")), A.hashList(A._lateReadCheck(this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectIdsToRemove, "_objectIdsToRemove")), A.hashList(A._lateReadCheck(this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToChange, "_objectsToChange")), B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "MapsObjectUpdates(add: " + A._lateReadCheck(this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToAdd, "_objectsToAdd").toString$0(0) + ", remove: " + A._lateReadCheck(this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectIdsToRemove, "_objectIdsToRemove").toString$0(0) + ", change: " + A._lateReadCheck(this.__MapsObjectUpdates__objectsToChange, "_objectsToChange").toString$0(0) + ")"; } }; A.MapsObjectUpdates$from__idToCurrentObject.prototype = { call$1(id) { var t1 = this.currentObjects.$index(0, id); t1.toString; return t1; }, $signature() { return this.T._eval$1("0(MapsObjectId<0>)"); } }; A.MapsObjectUpdates$from_hasChanged.prototype = { call$1(current) { return !J.$eq$(current, this.previousObjects.$index(0, this.T._eval$1("MapsObjectId<0>")._as(current.markerId))); }, $signature() { return this.T._eval$1("bool(0)"); } }; A.MapsObjectUpdates_toJson_addIfNonNull.prototype = { call$2(fieldName, value) { this.updateMap.$indexSet(0, fieldName, value); }, $signature: 42 }; A.MapsObjectUpdates_toJson_closure.prototype = { call$1(m) { return m.value; }, $signature() { return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("String(MapsObjectId)"); } }; A.InfoWindow.prototype = { _toJson$0() { var json = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Object), t1 = new A.InfoWindow__toJson_addIfPresent(json); t1.call$2("title", this.title); t1.call$2("snippet", null); t1.call$2("anchor", A._setArrayType([0.5, 0], type$.JSArray_Object)); return json; }, $eq(_, other) { var t1; if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(this)) return false; if (this.title == type$.InfoWindow._as(other).title) t1 = B.Offset_chs0.$eq(0, B.Offset_chs0); else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(J.get$hashCode$(this.title), null, B.Offset_chs0, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "InfoWindow{title: " + A.S(this.title) + ", snippet: null, anchor: " + B.Offset_chs0.toString$0(0) + "}"; } }; A.InfoWindow__toJson_addIfPresent.prototype = { call$2(fieldName, value) { if (value != null) this.json.$indexSet(0, fieldName, value); }, $signature: 42 }; A.MarkerId.prototype = {}; A.Marker.prototype = { toJson$0() { var t2, _this = this, json = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Object), t1 = new A.Marker_toJson_addIfPresent(json); t1.call$2("markerId", _this.markerId.value); t1.call$2("alpha", _this.alpha); t2 = _this.anchor; t1.call$2("anchor", A._setArrayType([t2._dx, t2._dy], type$.JSArray_Object)); t1.call$2("consumeTapEvents", false); t1.call$2("draggable", false); t1.call$2("flat", false); t1.call$2("icon", B.List_defaultMarker); t1.call$2("infoWindow", _this.infoWindow._toJson$0()); t2 = _this.position; t1.call$2("position", A._setArrayType([t2.latitude, t2.longitude], type$.JSArray_double)); t1.call$2("rotation", _this.rotation); t1.call$2("visible", true); t1.call$2("zIndex", _this.zIndex); return json; }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, _this = this; if (other == null) return false; if (_this === other) return true; if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeType(_this)) return false; type$.Marker._as(other); if (_this.markerId.$eq(0, other.markerId)) if (_this.alpha === other.alpha) if (_this.anchor.$eq(0, other.anchor)) if (_this.icon === other.icon) if (_this.infoWindow.$eq(0, other.infoWindow)) if (_this.position.$eq(0, other.position)) if (_this.rotation === other.rotation) t1 = _this.zIndex === other.zIndex; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.markerId.value); }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "Marker{markerId: " + _this.markerId.toString$0(0) + ", alpha: " + _this.alpha + ", anchor: " + _this.anchor.toString$0(0) + ", consumeTapEvents: false, draggable: false, flat: false, icon: " + _this.icon.toString$0(0) + ", infoWindow: " + _this.infoWindow.toString$0(0) + ", position: " + _this.position.toString$0(0) + ", rotation: " + _this.rotation + ", visible: true, zIndex: " + _this.zIndex + ", onTap: " + A.S(_this.onTap) + ", onDragStart: " + A.S(_this.onDragStart) + ", onDrag: " + A.S(_this.onDrag) + ", onDragEnd: " + A.S(_this.onDragEnd) + "}"; }, $isMapsObject: 1 }; A.Marker_toJson_addIfPresent.prototype = { call$2(fieldName, value) { this.json.$indexSet(0, fieldName, value); }, $signature: 42 }; A.MarkerUpdates.prototype = {}; A.PolygonId.prototype = {}; A.PolygonUpdates.prototype = {}; A.PolylineId.prototype = {}; A.PolylineUpdates.prototype = {}; A.Tile.prototype = { toJson$0() { var json = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Object), t1 = new A.Tile_toJson_addIfPresent(json); t1.call$2("width", -1); t1.call$2("height", -1); t1.call$2("data", null); return json; } }; A.Tile_toJson_addIfPresent.prototype = { call$2(fieldName, value) { if (value != null) this.json.$indexSet(0, fieldName, value); }, $signature: 42 }; A.TileOverlayId.prototype = {}; A.TileOverlayUpdates.prototype = {}; A.MapType.prototype = { toString$0(_) { return "MapType." + this._name; } }; A.CameraTargetBounds.prototype = { toJson$0() { return [null]; }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (A.getRuntimeType(this) !== J.get$runtimeType$(other)) return false; type$.CameraTargetBounds._as(other); return true; }, get$hashCode(_) { return B.JSNull_methods.get$hashCode(null); }, toString$0(_) { return "CameraTargetBounds(bounds: null)"; } }; A.MinMaxZoomPreference.prototype = { toJson$0() { return [null, null]; }, $eq(_, other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this === other) return true; if (A.getRuntimeType(this) !== J.get$runtimeType$(other)) return false; type$.MinMaxZoomPreference._as(other); return true; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.hashValues(null, null, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd, B.C__HashEnd); }, toString$0(_) { return "MinMaxZoomPreference(minZoom: null, maxZoom: null)"; } }; A.keyByMapsObjectId_closure.prototype = { call$1(object) { var t1 = this.T, t2 = t1._eval$1("MapsObjectId<0>")._as(object.markerId), t3 = object.alpha, t4 = object.anchor, t5 = object.icon, t6 = object.infoWindow, t7 = object.position, t8 = object.rotation, t9 = object.zIndex, t10 = object.onTap, t11 = object.onDragStart, t12 = object.onDrag, t13 = object.onDragEnd; return new A.MapEntry(t2, new A.Marker(t2, t3, t4, false, false, false, t5, t6, t7, t8, true, t9, t10, t11, t13, t12), t1._eval$1("@>")._bind$1(t1)._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>")); }, $signature() { return this.T._eval$1("MapEntry,0>(0)"); } }; A.serializeMapsObjectSet_closure.prototype = { call$1(p) { return p.toJson$0(); }, $signature: 318 }; A.PlatformInterface.prototype = {}; A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers_closure.prototype = { call$0() { var t2, t3, t4, _this = this, t1 = {}; t1.valuesDone = false; t2 = _this._this; t3 = _this.controller; t4 = _this._box_1; t4.subscription = t2.listen$3$onDone$onError(new A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure(_this.handleData, t3, _this.S), new A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure0(t1, _this.handleDone, t3), new A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure1(_this.handleError, t3)); if (!t2._async$_source.get$isBroadcast()) { t2 = t4.subscription; t3.set$onPause(0, t2.get$pause(t2)); t2 = t4.subscription; t3.set$onResume(0, t2.get$resume(t2)); } t3.set$onCancel(0, new A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure2(t4, t1)); }, $signature: 0 }; A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure.prototype = { call$1(value) { return this.handleData.call$2(value, this.controller); }, $signature() { return this.S._eval$1("~(0)"); } }; A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure1.prototype = { call$2(error, stackTrace) { this.handleError.call$3(error, stackTrace, this.controller); }, $signature: 93 }; A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure0.prototype = { call$0() { this._box_0.valuesDone = true; this.handleDone.call$1(this.controller); }, $signature: 0 }; A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure2.prototype = { call$0() { var t1 = this._box_1, toCancel = t1.subscription; t1.subscription = null; if (!this._box_0.valuesDone) return toCancel.cancel$0(0); return null; }, $signature: 319 }; A.Where_whereType_closure.prototype = { call$2($event, sink) { if (this.S._is($event)) sink.add$1(0, $event); }, $signature() { return this.T._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(this.S)._eval$1("~(1,EventSink<2>)"); } }; A.TypedDataBuffer.prototype = { get$length(_) { return this._typed_buffer$_length; }, $index(_, index) { if (index >= this._typed_buffer$_length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, this, null, null, null)); return this._typed_buffer$_buffer[index]; }, $indexSet(_, index, value) { if (index >= this._typed_buffer$_length) throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, this, null, null, null)); this._typed_buffer$_buffer[index] = value; }, set$length(_, newLength) { var t2, i, newBuffer, _this = this, t1 = _this._typed_buffer$_length; if (newLength < t1) for (t2 = _this._typed_buffer$_buffer, i = newLength; i < t1; ++i) t2[i] = 0; else { t1 = _this._typed_buffer$_buffer.length; if (newLength > t1) { if (t1 === 0) newBuffer = new Uint8Array(newLength); else newBuffer = _this._createBiggerBuffer$1(newLength); B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(newBuffer, 0, _this._typed_buffer$_length, _this._typed_buffer$_buffer); _this._typed_buffer$_buffer = newBuffer; } } _this._typed_buffer$_length = newLength; }, _typed_buffer$_add$1(_, value) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._typed_buffer$_length; if (t1 === _this._typed_buffer$_buffer.length) _this._typed_buffer$_grow$1(t1); _this._typed_buffer$_buffer[_this._typed_buffer$_length++] = value; }, add$1(_, value) { var _this = this, t1 = _this._typed_buffer$_length; if (t1 === _this._typed_buffer$_buffer.length) _this._typed_buffer$_grow$1(t1); _this._typed_buffer$_buffer[_this._typed_buffer$_length++] = value; }, addAll$3(_, values, start, end) { A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(start, "start"); if (end != null && start > end) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, null, "end", null)); this._addAll$3(values, start, end); }, addAll$1($receiver, values) { return this.addAll$3($receiver, values, 0, null); }, _addAll$3(values, start, end) { var t1, i, value; if (type$.List_dynamic._is(values)) end = end == null ? values.length : end; if (end != null) { this._insertKnownLength$4(this._typed_buffer$_length, values, start, end); return; } for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(values), i = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) { value = t1.get$current(t1); if (i >= start) this._typed_buffer$_add$1(0, value); ++i; } if (i < start) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Too few elements")); }, _insertKnownLength$4(index, values, start, end) { var t1, valuesLength, newLength, t2, _this = this; if (type$.List_dynamic._is(values)) { t1 = values.length; if (start > t1 || end > t1) throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Too few elements")); } valuesLength = end - start; newLength = _this._typed_buffer$_length + valuesLength; _this._ensureCapacity$1(newLength); t1 = _this._typed_buffer$_buffer; t2 = index + valuesLength; B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$4(t1, t2, _this._typed_buffer$_length + valuesLength, t1, index); B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$4(_this._typed_buffer$_buffer, index, t2, values, start); _this._typed_buffer$_length = newLength; }, _ensureCapacity$1(requiredCapacity) { var newBuffer, _this = this; if (requiredCapacity <= _this._typed_buffer$_buffer.length) return; newBuffer = _this._createBiggerBuffer$1(requiredCapacity); B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(newBuffer, 0, _this._typed_buffer$_length, _this._typed_buffer$_buffer); _this._typed_buffer$_buffer = newBuffer; }, _createBiggerBuffer$1(requiredCapacity) { var newLength = this._typed_buffer$_buffer.length * 2; if (requiredCapacity != null && newLength < requiredCapacity) newLength = requiredCapacity; else if (newLength < 8) newLength = 8; return new Uint8Array(newLength); }, _typed_buffer$_grow$1($length) { var t1 = this._createBiggerBuffer$1(null); B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(t1, 0, $length, this._typed_buffer$_buffer); this._typed_buffer$_buffer = t1; }, setRange$4(_, start, end, source, skipCount) { var t1 = this._typed_buffer$_length; if (end > t1) throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, 0, t1, null, null)); t1 = this._typed_buffer$_buffer; if (A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("TypedDataBuffer")._is(source)) B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$4(t1, start, end, source._typed_buffer$_buffer, skipCount); else B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$4(t1, start, end, source, skipCount); }, setRange$3($receiver, start, end, source) { return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, source, 0); } }; A._IntBuffer0.prototype = {}; A.Uint8Buffer.prototype = {}; A.Matrix4.prototype = { setFrom$1(arg) { var argStorage = arg._m4storage, t1 = this._m4storage; t1[15] = argStorage[15]; t1[14] = argStorage[14]; t1[13] = argStorage[13]; t1[12] = argStorage[12]; t1[11] = argStorage[11]; t1[10] = argStorage[10]; t1[9] = argStorage[9]; t1[8] = argStorage[8]; t1[7] = argStorage[7]; t1[6] = argStorage[6]; t1[5] = argStorage[5]; t1[4] = argStorage[4]; t1[3] = argStorage[3]; t1[2] = argStorage[2]; t1[1] = argStorage[1]; t1[0] = argStorage[0]; }, toString$0(_) { var _this = this; return "[0] " + _this.getRow$1(0).toString$0(0) + "\n[1] " + _this.getRow$1(1).toString$0(0) + "\n[2] " + _this.getRow$1(2).toString$0(0) + "\n[3] " + _this.getRow$1(3).toString$0(0) + "\n"; }, $index(_, i) { return this._m4storage[i]; }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, t2, t3; if (other == null) return false; if (other instanceof A.Matrix4) { t1 = this._m4storage; t2 = t1[0]; t3 = other._m4storage; t1 = t2 === t3[0] && t1[1] === t3[1] && t1[2] === t3[2] && t1[3] === t3[3] && t1[4] === t3[4] && t1[5] === t3[5] && t1[6] === t3[6] && t1[7] === t3[7] && t1[8] === t3[8] && t1[9] === t3[9] && t1[10] === t3[10] && t1[11] === t3[11] && t1[12] === t3[12] && t1[13] === t3[13] && t1[14] === t3[14] && t1[15] === t3[15]; } else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.Object_hashAll(this._m4storage); }, setRow$2(row, arg) { var argStorage = arg._v4storage, t1 = this._m4storage; t1[row] = argStorage[0]; t1[4 + row] = argStorage[1]; t1[8 + row] = argStorage[2]; t1[12 + row] = argStorage[3]; }, getRow$1(row) { var t1 = new Float64Array(4), t2 = this._m4storage; t1[0] = t2[row]; t1[1] = t2[4 + row]; t1[2] = t2[8 + row]; t1[3] = t2[12 + row]; return new A.Vector4(t1); }, $mul(_, arg) { var t1; if (typeof arg == "number") { t1 = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); t1.setFrom$1(this); t1.scale$3(0, arg, null, null); return t1; } if (arg instanceof A.Matrix4) { t1 = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); t1.setFrom$1(this); t1.multiply$1(0, arg); return t1; } throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(arg, null)); }, $add(_, arg) { var t1 = new A.Matrix4(new Float64Array(16)); t1.setFrom$1(this); t1.add$1(0, arg); return t1; }, $sub(_, arg) { var oStorage, t1 = new Float64Array(16), t2 = new A.Matrix4(t1); t2.setFrom$1(this); oStorage = arg._m4storage; t1[0] = t1[0] - oStorage[0]; t1[1] = t1[1] - oStorage[1]; t1[2] = t1[2] - oStorage[2]; t1[3] = t1[3] - oStorage[3]; t1[4] = t1[4] - oStorage[4]; t1[5] = t1[5] - oStorage[5]; t1[6] = t1[6] - oStorage[6]; t1[7] = t1[7] - oStorage[7]; t1[8] = t1[8] - oStorage[8]; t1[9] = t1[9] - oStorage[9]; t1[10] = t1[10] - oStorage[10]; t1[11] = t1[11] - oStorage[11]; t1[12] = t1[12] - oStorage[12]; t1[13] = t1[13] - oStorage[13]; t1[14] = t1[14] - oStorage[14]; t1[15] = t1[15] - oStorage[15]; return t2; }, translate$2(_, x, y) { var t1 = this._m4storage, t2 = t1[0], t3 = t1[4], t4 = t1[8], t5 = t1[12], t6 = t1[1], t7 = t1[5], t8 = t1[9], t9 = t1[13], t10 = t1[2], t11 = t1[6], t12 = t1[10], t13 = t1[14], t14 = t1[3], t15 = t1[7], t16 = t1[11], t17 = t1[15]; t1[12] = t2 * x + t3 * y + t4 * 0 + t5; t1[13] = t6 * x + t7 * y + t8 * 0 + t9; t1[14] = t10 * x + t11 * y + t12 * 0 + t13; t1[15] = t14 * x + t15 * y + t16 * 0 + t17; }, scale$3(_, x, y, z) { var sy, sz, sx, t1; if (typeof x == "number") { sy = y == null ? x : y; sz = z == null ? x : z; } else throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null)); sx = x; t1 = this._m4storage; t1[0] = t1[0] * sx; t1[1] = t1[1] * sx; t1[2] = t1[2] * sx; t1[3] = t1[3] * sx; t1[4] = t1[4] * sy; t1[5] = t1[5] * sy; t1[6] = t1[6] * sy; t1[7] = t1[7] * sy; t1[8] = t1[8] * sz; t1[9] = t1[9] * sz; t1[10] = t1[10] * sz; t1[11] = t1[11] * sz; t1[12] = t1[12]; t1[13] = t1[13]; t1[14] = t1[14]; t1[15] = t1[15]; }, setIdentity$0() { var t1 = this._m4storage; t1[0] = 1; t1[1] = 0; t1[2] = 0; t1[3] = 0; t1[4] = 0; t1[5] = 1; t1[6] = 0; t1[7] = 0; t1[8] = 0; t1[9] = 0; t1[10] = 1; t1[11] = 0; t1[12] = 0; t1[13] = 0; t1[14] = 0; t1[15] = 1; }, copyInverse$1(arg) { var invDet, t1, t2, t3, argStorage = arg._m4storage, a00 = argStorage[0], a01 = argStorage[1], a02 = argStorage[2], a03 = argStorage[3], a10 = argStorage[4], a11 = argStorage[5], a12 = argStorage[6], a13 = argStorage[7], a20 = argStorage[8], a21 = argStorage[9], a22 = argStorage[10], a23 = argStorage[11], a30 = argStorage[12], a31 = argStorage[13], a32 = argStorage[14], a33 = argStorage[15], b00 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10, b01 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a10, b02 = a00 * a13 - a03 * a10, b03 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11, b04 = a01 * a13 - a03 * a11, b05 = a02 * a13 - a03 * a12, b06 = a20 * a31 - a21 * a30, b07 = a20 * a32 - a22 * a30, b08 = a20 * a33 - a23 * a30, b09 = a21 * a32 - a22 * a31, b10 = a21 * a33 - a23 * a31, b11 = a22 * a33 - a23 * a32, det = b00 * b11 - b01 * b10 + b02 * b09 + b03 * b08 - b04 * b07 + b05 * b06; if (det === 0) { this.setFrom$1(arg); return 0; } invDet = 1 / det; t1 = this._m4storage; t1[0] = (a11 * b11 - a12 * b10 + a13 * b09) * invDet; t1[1] = (-a01 * b11 + a02 * b10 - a03 * b09) * invDet; t1[2] = (a31 * b05 - a32 * b04 + a33 * b03) * invDet; t1[3] = (-a21 * b05 + a22 * b04 - a23 * b03) * invDet; t2 = -a10; t1[4] = (t2 * b11 + a12 * b08 - a13 * b07) * invDet; t1[5] = (a00 * b11 - a02 * b08 + a03 * b07) * invDet; t3 = -a30; t1[6] = (t3 * b05 + a32 * b02 - a33 * b01) * invDet; t1[7] = (a20 * b05 - a22 * b02 + a23 * b01) * invDet; t1[8] = (a10 * b10 - a11 * b08 + a13 * b06) * invDet; t1[9] = (-a00 * b10 + a01 * b08 - a03 * b06) * invDet; t1[10] = (a30 * b04 - a31 * b02 + a33 * b00) * invDet; t1[11] = (-a20 * b04 + a21 * b02 - a23 * b00) * invDet; t1[12] = (t2 * b09 + a11 * b07 - a12 * b06) * invDet; t1[13] = (a00 * b09 - a01 * b07 + a02 * b06) * invDet; t1[14] = (t3 * b03 + a31 * b01 - a32 * b00) * invDet; t1[15] = (a20 * b03 - a21 * b01 + a22 * b00) * invDet; return det; }, add$1(_, o) { var oStorage = o._m4storage, t1 = this._m4storage; t1[0] = t1[0] + oStorage[0]; t1[1] = t1[1] + oStorage[1]; t1[2] = t1[2] + oStorage[2]; t1[3] = t1[3] + oStorage[3]; t1[4] = t1[4] + oStorage[4]; t1[5] = t1[5] + oStorage[5]; t1[6] = t1[6] + oStorage[6]; t1[7] = t1[7] + oStorage[7]; t1[8] = t1[8] + oStorage[8]; t1[9] = t1[9] + oStorage[9]; t1[10] = t1[10] + oStorage[10]; t1[11] = t1[11] + oStorage[11]; t1[12] = t1[12] + oStorage[12]; t1[13] = t1[13] + oStorage[13]; t1[14] = t1[14] + oStorage[14]; t1[15] = t1[15] + oStorage[15]; }, multiply$1(_, arg) { var t1 = this._m4storage, m00 = t1[0], m01 = t1[4], m02 = t1[8], m03 = t1[12], m10 = t1[1], m11 = t1[5], m12 = t1[9], m13 = t1[13], m20 = t1[2], m21 = t1[6], m22 = t1[10], m23 = t1[14], m30 = t1[3], m31 = t1[7], m32 = t1[11], m33 = t1[15], argStorage = arg._m4storage, n00 = argStorage[0], n01 = argStorage[4], n02 = argStorage[8], n03 = argStorage[12], n10 = argStorage[1], n11 = argStorage[5], n12 = argStorage[9], n13 = argStorage[13], n20 = argStorage[2], n21 = argStorage[6], n22 = argStorage[10], n23 = argStorage[14], n30 = argStorage[3], n31 = argStorage[7], n32 = argStorage[11], n33 = argStorage[15]; t1[0] = m00 * n00 + m01 * n10 + m02 * n20 + m03 * n30; t1[4] = m00 * n01 + m01 * n11 + m02 * n21 + m03 * n31; t1[8] = m00 * n02 + m01 * n12 + m02 * n22 + m03 * n32; t1[12] = m00 * n03 + m01 * n13 + m02 * n23 + m03 * n33; t1[1] = m10 * n00 + m11 * n10 + m12 * n20 + m13 * n30; t1[5] = m10 * n01 + m11 * n11 + m12 * n21 + m13 * n31; t1[9] = m10 * n02 + m11 * n12 + m12 * n22 + m13 * n32; t1[13] = m10 * n03 + m11 * n13 + m12 * n23 + m13 * n33; t1[2] = m20 * n00 + m21 * n10 + m22 * n20 + m23 * n30; t1[6] = m20 * n01 + m21 * n11 + m22 * n21 + m23 * n31; t1[10] = m20 * n02 + m21 * n12 + m22 * n22 + m23 * n32; t1[14] = m20 * n03 + m21 * n13 + m22 * n23 + m23 * n33; t1[3] = m30 * n00 + m31 * n10 + m32 * n20 + m33 * n30; t1[7] = m30 * n01 + m31 * n11 + m32 * n21 + m33 * n31; t1[11] = m30 * n02 + m31 * n12 + m32 * n22 + m33 * n32; t1[15] = m30 * n03 + m31 * n13 + m32 * n23 + m33 * n33; }, transform3$1(arg) { var argStorage = arg._v3storage, t1 = this._m4storage, t2 = t1[0], t3 = argStorage[0], t4 = t1[4], t5 = argStorage[1], t6 = t1[8], t7 = argStorage[2], t8 = t1[12], t9 = t1[1], t10 = t1[5], t11 = t1[9], t12 = t1[13], t13 = t1[2], t14 = t1[6], t15 = t1[10]; t1 = t1[14]; argStorage[0] = t2 * t3 + t4 * t5 + t6 * t7 + t8; argStorage[1] = t9 * t3 + t10 * t5 + t11 * t7 + t12; argStorage[2] = t13 * t3 + t14 * t5 + t15 * t7 + t1; return arg; }, perspectiveTransform$1(arg) { var argStorage = arg._v3storage, t1 = this._m4storage, t2 = t1[0], t3 = argStorage[0], t4 = t1[4], t5 = argStorage[1], t6 = t1[8], t7 = argStorage[2], t8 = t1[12], t9 = t1[1], t10 = t1[5], t11 = t1[9], t12 = t1[13], t13 = t1[2], t14 = t1[6], t15 = t1[10], t16 = t1[14], w_ = 1 / (t1[3] * t3 + t1[7] * t5 + t1[11] * t7 + t1[15]); argStorage[0] = (t2 * t3 + t4 * t5 + t6 * t7 + t8) * w_; argStorage[1] = (t9 * t3 + t10 * t5 + t11 * t7 + t12) * w_; argStorage[2] = (t13 * t3 + t14 * t5 + t15 * t7 + t16) * w_; return arg; } }; A.Vector3.prototype = { setValues$3(x, y, z) { var t1 = this._v3storage; t1[0] = x; t1[1] = y; t1[2] = z; }, setFrom$1(other) { var otherStorage = other._v3storage, t1 = this._v3storage; t1[0] = otherStorage[0]; t1[1] = otherStorage[1]; t1[2] = otherStorage[2]; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this._v3storage; return "[" + A.S(t1[0]) + "," + A.S(t1[1]) + "," + A.S(t1[2]) + "]"; }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, t2, t3; if (other == null) return false; if (other instanceof A.Vector3) { t1 = this._v3storage; t2 = t1[0]; t3 = other._v3storage; t1 = t2 === t3[0] && t1[1] === t3[1] && t1[2] === t3[2]; } else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.Object_hashAll(this._v3storage); }, $sub(_, other) { var argStorage, t1 = new Float64Array(3), t2 = new A.Vector3(t1); t2.setFrom$1(this); argStorage = other._v3storage; t1[0] = t1[0] - argStorage[0]; t1[1] = t1[1] - argStorage[1]; t1[2] = t1[2] - argStorage[2]; return t2; }, $add(_, other) { var t1 = new A.Vector3(new Float64Array(3)); t1.setFrom$1(this); t1.add$1(0, other); return t1; }, $mul(_, scale) { var t1 = new Float64Array(3), t2 = new A.Vector3(t1); t2.setFrom$1(this); t1[2] = t1[2] * scale; t1[1] = t1[1] * scale; t1[0] = t1[0] * scale; return t2; }, $index(_, i) { return this._v3storage[i]; }, get$length(_) { var t1 = this._v3storage, t2 = t1[0], t3 = t1[1]; t1 = t1[2]; return Math.sqrt(t2 * t2 + t3 * t3 + t1 * t1); }, dot$1(other) { var otherStorage = other._v3storage, t1 = this._v3storage; return t1[0] * otherStorage[0] + t1[1] * otherStorage[1] + t1[2] * otherStorage[2]; }, add$1(_, arg) { var argStorage = arg._v3storage, t1 = this._v3storage; t1[0] = t1[0] + argStorage[0]; t1[1] = t1[1] + argStorage[1]; t1[2] = t1[2] + argStorage[2]; }, scaled$1(arg) { var t1 = new Float64Array(3), t2 = new A.Vector3(t1); t2.setFrom$1(this); t1[2] = t1[2] * arg; t1[1] = t1[1] * arg; t1[0] = t1[0] * arg; return t2; } }; A.Vector4.prototype = { setValues$4(x_, y_, z_, w_) { var t1 = this._v4storage; t1[3] = w_; t1[2] = z_; t1[1] = y_; t1[0] = x_; }, setFrom$1(other) { var otherStorage = other._v4storage, t1 = this._v4storage; t1[3] = otherStorage[3]; t1[2] = otherStorage[2]; t1[1] = otherStorage[1]; t1[0] = otherStorage[0]; }, toString$0(_) { var t1 = this._v4storage; return A.S(t1[0]) + "," + A.S(t1[1]) + "," + A.S(t1[2]) + "," + A.S(t1[3]); }, $eq(_, other) { var t1, t2, t3; if (other == null) return false; if (other instanceof A.Vector4) { t1 = this._v4storage; t2 = t1[0]; t3 = other._v4storage; t1 = t2 === t3[0] && t1[1] === t3[1] && t1[2] === t3[2] && t1[3] === t3[3]; } else t1 = false; return t1; }, get$hashCode(_) { return A.Object_hashAll(this._v4storage); }, $sub(_, other) { var argStorage, t1 = new Float64Array(4), t2 = new A.Vector4(t1); t2.setFrom$1(this); argStorage = other._v4storage; t1[0] = t1[0] - argStorage[0]; t1[1] = t1[1] - argStorage[1]; t1[2] = t1[2] - argStorage[2]; t1[3] = t1[3] - argStorage[3]; return t2; }, $add(_, other) { var t1 = new A.Vector4(new Float64Array(4)); t1.setFrom$1(this); t1.add$1(0, other); return t1; }, $mul(_, scale) { var t1 = new Float64Array(4), t2 = new A.Vector4(t1); t2.setFrom$1(this); t1[0] = t1[0] * scale; t1[1] = t1[1] * scale; t1[2] = t1[2] * scale; t1[3] = t1[3] * scale; return t2; }, $index(_, i) { return this._v4storage[i]; }, get$length(_) { var t1 = this._v4storage, t2 = t1[0], t3 = t1[1], t4 = t1[2]; t1 = t1[3]; return Math.sqrt(t2 * t2 + t3 * t3 + t4 * t4 + t1 * t1); }, add$1(_, arg) { var argStorage = arg._v4storage, t1 = this._v4storage; t1[0] = t1[0] + argStorage[0]; t1[1] = t1[1] + argStorage[1]; t1[2] = t1[2] + argStorage[2]; t1[3] = t1[3] + argStorage[3]; } }; (function aliases() { var _ = A._SaveStackTracking.prototype; _.super$_SaveStackTracking$clear = _.clear$0; _.super$_SaveStackTracking$save = _.save$0; _.super$_SaveStackTracking$restore = _.restore$0; _.super$_SaveStackTracking$translate = _.translate$2; _.super$_SaveStackTracking$transform = _.transform$1; _.super$_SaveStackTracking$clipRect = _.clipRect$1; _.super$_SaveStackTracking$clipRRect = _.clipRRect$1; _.super$_SaveStackTracking$clipPath = _.clipPath$1; _ = A.CkCanvas.prototype; _.super$CkCanvas$clear = _.clear$1; _.super$CkCanvas$clipPath = _.clipPath$2; _.super$CkCanvas$clipRRect = _.clipRRect$2; _.super$CkCanvas$clipRect = _.clipRect$3; _.super$CkCanvas$drawCircle = _.drawCircle$3; _.super$CkCanvas$drawDRRect = _.drawDRRect$3; _.super$CkCanvas$drawPaint = _.drawPaint$1; _.super$CkCanvas$drawParagraph = _.drawParagraph$2; _.super$CkCanvas$drawPath = _.drawPath$2; _.super$CkCanvas$drawPicture = _.drawPicture$1; _.super$CkCanvas$drawRRect = _.drawRRect$2; _.super$CkCanvas$drawRect = _.drawRect$2; _.super$CkCanvas$drawShadow = _.drawShadow$4; _.super$CkCanvas$restore = _.restore$0; _.super$CkCanvas$restoreToCount = _.restoreToCount$1; _.super$CkCanvas$save = _.save$0; _.super$CkCanvas$saveLayer = _.saveLayer$2; _.super$CkCanvas$transform = _.transform$1; _.super$CkCanvas$translate = _.translate$2; _ = A.ContainerLayer.prototype; _.super$ContainerLayer$preroll = _.preroll$2; _ = A._DomClip.prototype; _.super$_DomClip$createElement = _.createElement$0; _ = A.PersistedSurface.prototype; _.super$PersistedSurface$revive = _.revive$0; _.super$PersistedSurface$canUpdateAsMatch = _.canUpdateAsMatch$1; _.super$PersistedSurface$build = _.build$0; _.super$PersistedSurface$adoptElements = _.adoptElements$1; _.super$PersistedSurface$update = _.update$1; _.super$PersistedSurface$retain = _.retain$0; _.super$PersistedSurface$discard = _.discard$0; _.super$PersistedSurface$preroll = _.preroll$1; _ = A.PersistedContainerSurface.prototype; _.super$PersistedContainerSurface$recomputeTransformAndClip = _.recomputeTransformAndClip$0; _.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update = _.update$1; _.super$PersistedContainerSurface$discard = _.discard$0; _ = A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy.prototype; _.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$initializeTextEditing = _.initializeTextEditing$3$onAction$onChange; _.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$updateElementStyle = _.updateElementStyle$1; _.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$disable = _.disable$0; _.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$enable = _.enable$3$onAction$onChange; _ = A._PersistedPhysicalShape_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip.prototype; _.super$_PersistedPhysicalShape_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip$discard = _.discard$0; _ = J.Interceptor.prototype; _.super$Interceptor$toString = _.toString$0; _ = J.LegacyJavaScriptObject.prototype; _.super$LegacyJavaScriptObject$toString = _.toString$0; _ = A.JsLinkedHashMap.prototype; _.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalContainsKey = _.internalContainsKey$1; _.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalGet = _.internalGet$1; _.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalSet = _.internalSet$2; _.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalRemove = _.internalRemove$1; _ = A._BroadcastStreamController.prototype; _.super$_BroadcastStreamController$_addEventError = _._addEventError$0; _ = A._BufferingStreamSubscription.prototype; _.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_add = _._async$_add$1; _.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_addError = _._addError$2; _ = A.ListMixin.prototype; _.super$ListMixin$setRange = _.setRange$4; _ = A.Iterable.prototype; _.super$Iterable$where = _.where$1; _ = A.Object.prototype; _.super$Object$$eq = _.$eq; _.super$Object$toString = _.toString$0; _ = A.Element0.prototype; _.super$Element$createFragment = _.createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator; _ = A.EventTarget.prototype; _.super$EventTarget$addEventListener = _.addEventListener$3; _ = A._SimpleNodeValidator.prototype; _.super$_SimpleNodeValidator$allowsAttribute = _.allowsAttribute$3; _ = A.JsObject.prototype; _.super$JsObject$$index = _.$index; _.super$JsObject$$indexSet = _.$indexSet; _ = A._JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin.prototype; _.super$_JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin$$indexSet = _.$indexSet; _ = A.Color.prototype; _.super$Color$$eq = _.$eq; _.super$Color$toString = _.toString$0; _ = A.Animation0.prototype; _.super$Animation$toStringDetails = _.toStringDetails$0; _ = A.ParametricCurve.prototype; _.super$ParametricCurve$transform = _.transform$1; _ = A.AnimationEagerListenerMixin.prototype; _.super$AnimationEagerListenerMixin$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A.BindingBase.prototype; _.super$BindingBase$initInstances = _.initInstances$0; _.super$BindingBase$initServiceExtensions = _.initServiceExtensions$0; _.super$BindingBase$unlocked = _.unlocked$0; _.super$BindingBase$performReassemble = _.performReassemble$0; _ = A.ChangeNotifier.prototype; _.super$ChangeNotifier$addListener = _.addListener$1; _.super$ChangeNotifier$removeListener = _.removeListener$1; _.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A.Diagnosticable.prototype; _.super$Diagnosticable$toStringShort = _.toStringShort$0; _.super$Diagnosticable$debugFillProperties = _.debugFillProperties$1; _ = A.DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype; _.super$DiagnosticableTreeMixin$toStringDeep = _.toStringDeep$3$minLevel$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines; _.super$DiagnosticableTreeMixin$toStringShort = _.toStringShort$0; _ = A.AbstractNode.prototype; _.super$AbstractNode$attach = _.attach$1; _.super$AbstractNode$detach = _.detach$0; _.super$AbstractNode$adoptChild = _.adoptChild$1; _.super$AbstractNode$dropChild = _.dropChild$1; _ = A.GestureBinding.prototype; _.super$GestureBinding$hitTest = _.hitTest$2; _.super$GestureBinding$dispatchEvent = _.dispatchEvent$2; _ = A.GestureRecognizer.prototype; _.super$GestureRecognizer$isPointerAllowed = _.isPointerAllowed$1; _.super$GestureRecognizer$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A.OneSequenceGestureRecognizer.prototype; _.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$addAllowedPointer = _.addAllowedPointer$1; _.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$handleNonAllowedPointer = _.handleNonAllowedPointer$1; _.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$resolve = _.resolve$1; _.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$dispose = _.dispose$0; _.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$startTrackingPointer = _.startTrackingPointer$2; _.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$stopTrackingPointer = _.stopTrackingPointer$1; _ = A.PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer.prototype; _.super$PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer$addAllowedPointer = _.addAllowedPointer$1; _.super$PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer$acceptGesture = _.acceptGesture$1; _.super$PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer$rejectGesture = _.rejectGesture$1; _ = A.__InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin.prototype; _.super$__InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin$initState = _.initState$0; _.super$__InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin$deactivate = _.deactivate$0; _ = A.InkFeature.prototype; _.super$InkFeature$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A._ScaffoldMessengerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype; _.super$_ScaffoldMessengerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype; _.super$_ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin.prototype; _.super$_ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$didUpdateWidget = _.didUpdateWidget$1; _.super$_ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$didChangeDependencies = _.didChangeDependencies$0; _.super$_ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A.__FloatingActionButtonTransitionState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype; _.super$__FloatingActionButtonTransitionState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A.BorderRadiusGeometry.prototype; _.super$BorderRadiusGeometry$subtract = _.subtract$1; _.super$BorderRadiusGeometry$add = _.add$1; _ = A.ShapeBorder.prototype; _.super$ShapeBorder$lerpFrom = _.lerpFrom$2; _.super$ShapeBorder$lerpTo = _.lerpTo$2; _ = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry.prototype; _.super$EdgeInsetsGeometry$add = _.add$1; _ = A.InlineSpan.prototype; _.super$InlineSpan$$eq = _.$eq; _ = A.RendererBinding.prototype; _.super$RendererBinding$handleMetricsChanged = _.handleMetricsChanged$0; _.super$RendererBinding$handlePlatformBrightnessChanged = _.handlePlatformBrightnessChanged$0; _.super$RendererBinding$drawFrame = _.drawFrame$0; _ = A.BoxConstraints.prototype; _.super$BoxConstraints$$eq = _.$eq; _ = A.BoxParentData.prototype; _.super$BoxParentData$toString = _.toString$0; _ = A.RenderBox.prototype; _.super$RenderBox$computeDistanceToActualBaseline = _.computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1; _.super$RenderBox$performResize = _.performResize$0; _.super$RenderBox$hitTest = _.hitTest$2$position; _ = A._RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype; _.super$_RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$attach = _.attach$1; _.super$_RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$detach = _.detach$0; _ = A.Layer0.prototype; _.super$Layer$dispose = _.dispose$0; _.super$Layer$updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene = _.updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene$0; _ = A.ContainerLayer0.prototype; _.super$ContainerLayer$findAnnotations = _.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst; _ = A.OffsetLayer.prototype; _.super$OffsetLayer$findAnnotations = _.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst; _ = A.ParentData.prototype; _.super$ParentData$detach = _.detach$0; _ = A.RenderObject.prototype; _.super$RenderObject$reassemble = _.reassemble$0; _.super$RenderObject$dispose = _.dispose$0; _.super$RenderObject$attach = _.attach$1; _.super$RenderObject$markNeedsLayout = _.markNeedsLayout$0; _.super$RenderObject$applyPaintTransform = _.applyPaintTransform$2; _.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration = _.describeSemanticsConfiguration$1; _.super$RenderObject$clearSemantics = _.clearSemantics$0; _.super$RenderObject$visitChildrenForSemantics = _.visitChildrenForSemantics$1; _.super$RenderObject$assembleSemanticsNode = _.assembleSemanticsNode$3; _.super$RenderObject$handleEvent = _.handleEvent$2; _.super$RenderObject$toStringShort = _.toStringShort$0; _ = A.RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin.prototype; _.super$RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin$systemFontsDidChange = _.systemFontsDidChange$0; _ = A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype; _.super$_RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$attach = _.attach$1; _.super$_RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$detach = _.detach$0; _ = A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype; _.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeDryLayout = _.computeDryLayout$1; _.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$performLayout = _.performLayout$0; _.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$hitTestChildren = _.hitTestChildren$2$position; _.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint = _.paint$2; _ = A._RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin.prototype; _.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$attach = _.attach$1; _.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach = _.detach$0; _ = A._RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype; _.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeDistanceToActualBaseline = _.computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1; _ = A.SchedulerBinding.prototype; _.super$SchedulerBinding$handleAppLifecycleStateChanged = _.handleAppLifecycleStateChanged$1; _ = A.Ticker.prototype; _.super$Ticker$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A.AssetBundle.prototype; _.super$AssetBundle$loadString = _.loadString$2$cache; _ = A.ServicesBinding.prototype; _.super$ServicesBinding$handleMemoryPressure = _.handleMemoryPressure$0; _.super$ServicesBinding$handleSystemMessage = _.handleSystemMessage$1; _ = A.MethodChannel.prototype; _.super$MethodChannel$_invokeMethod = _._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk; _ = A.AndroidViewController.prototype; _.super$AndroidViewController$create = _.create$0; _ = A.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin.prototype; _.super$AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin$build = _.build$1; _ = A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding.prototype; _.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding$initInstances = _.initInstances$0; _.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding$unlocked = _.unlocked$0; _ = A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding.prototype; _.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding$initInstances = _.initInstances$0; _.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding$initServiceExtensions = _.initServiceExtensions$0; _ = A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding.prototype; _.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding$initInstances = _.initInstances$0; _.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding$initServiceExtensions = _.initServiceExtensions$0; _ = A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding.prototype; _.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding$initInstances = _.initInstances$0; _.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding$handleMemoryPressure = _.handleMemoryPressure$0; _ = A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding.prototype; _.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding$initInstances = _.initInstances$0; _ = A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding.prototype; _.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding$initInstances = _.initInstances$0; _.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding$initServiceExtensions = _.initServiceExtensions$0; _.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding$performReassemble = _.performReassemble$0; _ = A.FocusTraversalPolicy.prototype; _.super$FocusTraversalPolicy$invalidateScopeData = _.invalidateScopeData$1; _.super$FocusTraversalPolicy$changedScope = _.changedScope$2$node$oldScope; _ = A.State.prototype; _.super$State$initState = _.initState$0; _.super$State$didUpdateWidget = _.didUpdateWidget$1; _.super$State$deactivate = _.deactivate$0; _.super$State$activate = _.activate$0; _.super$State$dispose = _.dispose$0; _.super$State$didChangeDependencies = _.didChangeDependencies$0; _ = A.Element.prototype; _.super$Element$reassemble = _.reassemble$0; _.super$Element$mount = _.mount$2; _.super$Element$update = _.update$1; _.super$Element$_updateSlot = _._updateSlot$1; _.super$Element$inflateWidget = _.inflateWidget$2; _.super$Element$forgetChild = _.forgetChild$1; _.super$Element$activate = _.activate$0; _.super$Element$deactivate = _.deactivate$0; _.super$Element$unmount = _.unmount$0; _.super$Element$dependOnInheritedElement = _.dependOnInheritedElement$2$aspect; _.super$Element$didChangeDependencies = _.didChangeDependencies$0; _ = A.ComponentElement.prototype; _.super$ComponentElement$_firstBuild = _._firstBuild$0; _.super$ComponentElement$performRebuild = _.performRebuild$0; _ = A.ProxyElement.prototype; _.super$ProxyElement$build = _.build$0; _.super$ProxyElement$update = _.update$1; _.super$ProxyElement$updated = _.updated$1; _ = A.InheritedElement.prototype; _.super$InheritedElement$notifyClients = _.notifyClients$1; _ = A.RenderObjectElement.prototype; _.super$RenderObjectElement$mount = _.mount$2; _.super$RenderObjectElement$update = _.update$1; _.super$RenderObjectElement$performRebuild = _.performRebuild$0; _ = A.RootRenderObjectElement.prototype; _.super$RootRenderObjectElement$mount = _.mount$2; _ = A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState.prototype; _.super$ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState$initState = _.initState$0; _ = A._ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype; _.super$_ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A.Route.prototype; _.super$Route$install = _.install$0; _.super$Route$didPush = _.didPush$0; _.super$Route$didAdd = _.didAdd$0; _.super$Route$didReplace = _.didReplace$1; _.super$Route$willPop = _.willPop$0; _.super$Route$didPop = _.didPop$1; _.super$Route$didPopNext = _.didPopNext$1; _.super$Route$didChangeNext = _.didChangeNext$1; _.super$Route$didChangePrevious = _.didChangePrevious$1; _.super$Route$changedInternalState = _.changedInternalState$0; _.super$Route$changedExternalState = _.changedExternalState$0; _.super$Route$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A._RestorationInformation.prototype; _.super$_RestorationInformation$computeSerializableData = _.computeSerializableData$0; _ = A._NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype; _.super$_NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$activate = _.activate$0; _.super$_NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A._NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin.prototype; _.super$_NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$didUpdateWidget = _.didUpdateWidget$1; _.super$_NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$didChangeDependencies = _.didChangeDependencies$0; _.super$_NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A.RestorationMixin.prototype; _.super$RestorationMixin$didToggleBucket = _.didToggleBucket$1; _ = A.RestorableValue.prototype; _.super$RestorableValue$value = _.set$value; _ = A._RestorablePrimitiveValueN.prototype; _.super$_RestorablePrimitiveValueN$fromPrimitives = _.fromPrimitives$1; _.super$_RestorablePrimitiveValueN$toPrimitives = _.toPrimitives$0; _ = A.OverlayRoute.prototype; _.super$OverlayRoute$install = _.install$0; _.super$OverlayRoute$didPop = _.didPop$1; _.super$OverlayRoute$dispose = _.dispose$0; _ = A.TransitionRoute.prototype; _.super$TransitionRoute$install = _.install$0; _.super$TransitionRoute$didPush = _.didPush$0; _.super$TransitionRoute$didAdd = _.didAdd$0; _.super$TransitionRoute$didPop = _.didPop$1; _ = A._ModalRoute_TransitionRoute_LocalHistoryRoute.prototype; _.super$_ModalRoute_TransitionRoute_LocalHistoryRoute$willPop = _.willPop$0; })(); (function installTearOffs() { var _static_0 = hunkHelpers._static_0, _static_1 = hunkHelpers._static_1, _instance_0_u = hunkHelpers._instance_0u, _instance_1_u = hunkHelpers._instance_1u, _instance_1_i = hunkHelpers._instance_1i, _instance_0_i = hunkHelpers._instance_0i, _static_2 = hunkHelpers._static_2, _instance = hunkHelpers.installInstanceTearOff, _instance_2_u = hunkHelpers._instance_2u, _static = hunkHelpers.installStaticTearOff; _static_0(A, "_engine_SkiaObjects_postFrameCleanUp$closure", "SkiaObjects_postFrameCleanUp", 0); _static_1(A, "_engine___noopCallback$closure", "_noopCallback", 11); _static_1(A, "_engine___emptyCallback$closure", "_emptyCallback", 14); _instance_0_u(A.AlarmClock.prototype, "get$_timerDidFire", "_timerDidFire$0", 0); _instance_1_u(A.HtmlViewEmbedder.prototype, "get$_releaseOverlay", "_releaseOverlay$1", 26); _instance_0_u(A.FontFallbackData.prototype, "get$_ensureFallbackFonts", "_ensureFallbackFonts$0", 0); var _; _instance_1_i(_ = A.FallbackFontDownloadQueue.prototype, "get$add", "add$1", 136); _instance_0_u(_, "get$startDownloads", "startDownloads$0", 17); _instance_1_u(A.SkiaFontCollection.prototype, "get$_getArrayBuffer", "_getArrayBuffer$1", 92); _instance_1_u(_ = A.Surface.prototype, "get$_contextRestoredListener", "_contextRestoredListener$1", 1); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_contextLostListener", "_contextLostListener$1", 1); _instance_1_u(A.SurfaceFactory.prototype, "get$_removeFromDom", "_removeFromDom$1", 234); _instance_1_u(_ = A.FlutterViewEmbedder.prototype, "get$_metricsDidChange", "_metricsDidChange$1", 324); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_languageDidChange", "_languageDidChange$1", 1); _instance_1_u(A.KeyboardBinding.prototype, "get$_onKeyData", "_onKeyData$1", 49); _instance_1_i(A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory.prototype, "get$onPopState", "onPopState$1", 4); _instance_1_i(A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory.prototype, "get$onPopState", "onPopState$1", 4); _instance_1_u(A.PointerBinding.prototype, "get$_onPointerData", "_onPointerData$1", 226); _instance_0_i(A.RulerHost.prototype, "get$dispose", "dispose$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_ = A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy.prototype, "get$handleChange", "handleChange$1", 1); _instance_1_u(_, "get$maybeSendAction", "maybeSendAction$1", 1); _static_2(J, "_interceptors_JSArray__compareAny$closure", "JSArray__compareAny", 320); _instance_1_i(A._CastIterableBase.prototype, "get$contains", "contains$1", 23); _static_1(A, "_js_helper_GeneralConstantMap__constantMapHashCode$closure", "GeneralConstantMap__constantMapHashCode", 66); _static_0(A, "_js_helper_Primitives_dateNow$closure", "Primitives_dateNow", 35); _instance_1_i(A.JsLinkedHashMap.prototype, "get$remove", "remove$1", "2?(Object?)"); _static_1(A, "async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride$closure", "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride", 52); _static_1(A, "async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate$closure", "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate", 52); _static_1(A, "async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer$closure", "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer", 52); _static_0(A, "async___startMicrotaskLoop$closure", "_startMicrotaskLoop", 0); _static_1(A, "async___nullDataHandler$closure", "_nullDataHandler", 14); _static_2(A, "async___nullErrorHandler$closure", "_nullErrorHandler", 47); _static_0(A, "async___nullDoneHandler$closure", "_nullDoneHandler", 0); _instance_0_u(_ = A._BroadcastSubscription.prototype, "get$_onPause", "_onPause$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_onResume", "_onResume$0", 0); _instance_1_i(A._BroadcastStreamController.prototype, "get$add", "add$1", 4); _instance(A._Completer.prototype, "get$completeError", 0, 1, null, ["call$2", "call$1"], ["completeError$2", "completeError$1"], 115, 0, 0); _instance_2_u(A._Future.prototype, "get$_completeError", "_completeError$2", 47); _instance_1_i(A._StreamController.prototype, "get$add", "add$1", 4); _instance_0_u(_ = A._ControllerSubscription.prototype, "get$_onPause", "_onPause$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_onResume", "_onResume$0", 0); _instance(_ = A._BufferingStreamSubscription.prototype, "get$pause", 1, 0, null, ["call$1", "call$0"], ["pause$1", "pause$0"], 110, 0, 0); _instance_0_i(_, "get$resume", "resume$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_onPause", "_onPause$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_onResume", "_onResume$0", 0); _instance_0_u(A._DoneStreamSubscription.prototype, "get$_sendDone", "_sendDone$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_ = A._ForwardingStreamSubscription.prototype, "get$_onPause", "_onPause$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_onResume", "_onResume$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleData", "_handleData$1", 4); _instance_2_u(_, "get$_handleError", "_handleError$2", 107); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_handleDone", "_handleDone$0", 0); _static_2(A, "collection___defaultEquals$closure", "_defaultEquals", 323); _static_1(A, "collection___defaultHashCode$closure", "_defaultHashCode", 66); _instance_1_i(A._LinkedCustomHashMap.prototype, "get$remove", "remove$1", "2?(Object?)"); _instance_1_i(A._HashSet.prototype, "get$contains", "contains$1", 23); _instance_1_i(A._LinkedHashSet.prototype, "get$contains", "contains$1", 23); _instance_1_i(A._UnmodifiableSet.prototype, "get$contains", "contains$1", 23); _static_1(A, "convert___defaultToEncodable$closure", "_defaultToEncodable", 29); _static_1(A, "core_Uri_decodeComponent$closure", "Uri_decodeComponent", 50); _instance_1_i(A.Iterable.prototype, "get$contains", "contains$1", 23); _instance(A.StringBuffer.prototype, "get$writeln", 0, 0, null, ["call$1", "call$0"], ["writeln$1", "writeln$0"], 100, 0, 0); _static(A, "html__Html5NodeValidator__standardAttributeValidator$closure", 4, null, ["call$4"], ["_Html5NodeValidator__standardAttributeValidator"], 91, 0); _static(A, "html__Html5NodeValidator__uriAttributeValidator$closure", 4, null, ["call$4"], ["_Html5NodeValidator__uriAttributeValidator"], 91, 0); _instance_1_u(A.Console.prototype, "get$warn", "warn$1", 4); _static_1(A, "js___convertToJS$closure", "_convertToJS", 325); _static_1(A, "js___convertToDart$closure", "_convertToDart", 326); _static(A, "ui_Size_lerp$closure", 3, null, ["call$3"], ["Size_lerp"], 327, 0); _static(A, "ui__lerpDouble$closure", 3, null, ["call$3"], ["lerpDouble"], 328, 0); _static(A, "ui_Color_lerp$closure", 3, null, ["call$3"], ["Color_lerp"], 329, 0); _instance_1_u(A._StoredMessage.prototype, "get$invoke", "invoke$1", 11); _instance_0_u(A._Channel.prototype, "get$_drainStep", "_drainStep$0", 0); _instance_1_u(A.AnimationController.prototype, "get$_animation_controller$_tick", "_animation_controller$_tick$1", 8); _instance_1_u(A.ReverseAnimation.prototype, "get$_statusChangeHandler", "_statusChangeHandler$1", 5); _instance_1_u(A.CurvedAnimation.prototype, "get$_updateCurveDirection", "_updateCurveDirection$1", 5); _instance_1_u(_ = A.TrainHoppingAnimation.prototype, "get$_statusChangeHandler", "_statusChangeHandler$1", 5); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_valueChangeHandler", "_valueChangeHandler$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_ = A.CompoundAnimation.prototype, "get$_maybeNotifyStatusListeners", "_maybeNotifyStatusListeners$1", 5); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_maybeNotifyListeners", "_maybeNotifyListeners$0", 0); _instance_0_u(A.AnimationLocalListenersMixin.prototype, "get$notifyListeners", "notifyListeners$0", 0); _instance_1_u(A.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin.prototype, "get$notifyStatusListeners", "notifyStatusListeners$1", 5); _instance_1_u(_ = A._CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState.prototype, "get$_handleDragStart", "_handleDragStart$1", 126); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleDragUpdate", "_handleDragUpdate$1", 18); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleDragEnd", "_handleDragEnd$1", 128); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_handleDragCancel", "_handleDragCancel$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_route$_handlePointerDown", "_route$_handlePointerDown$1", 48); _static(A, "assertions_FlutterError_dumpErrorToConsole$closure", 1, null, ["call$2$forceReport", "call$1"], ["FlutterError_dumpErrorToConsole", function(details) { return A.FlutterError_dumpErrorToConsole(details, false); }], 330, 0); _static_1(A, "assertions_DiagnosticsStackTrace__createStackFrame$closure", "DiagnosticsStackTrace__createStackFrame", 331); _instance_1_i(A.DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder.prototype, "get$add", "add$1", 89); _instance_1_u(A.AbstractNode.prototype, "get$redepthChild", "redepthChild$1", 144); _static_1(A, "stack_frame_StackFrame_fromStackTraceLine$closure", "StackFrame_fromStackTraceLine", 332); _instance_1_u(_ = A.GestureBinding.prototype, "get$_handlePointerDataPacket", "_handlePointerDataPacket$1", 147); _instance_1_u(_, "get$cancelPointer", "cancelPointer$1", 26); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_flushPointerEventQueue", "_flushPointerEventQueue$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handlePointerEventImmediately", "_handlePointerEventImmediately$1", 12); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_handleSampleTimeChanged", "_handleSampleTimeChanged$0", 0); _static_1(A, "monodrag_DragGestureRecognizer__defaultBuilder$closure", "DragGestureRecognizer__defaultBuilder", 333); _instance_1_u(A.DragGestureRecognizer.prototype, "get$handleEvent", "handleEvent$1", 12); _instance_0_u(A._CountdownZoned.prototype, "get$_onTimeout", "_onTimeout$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_ = A.DoubleTapGestureRecognizer.prototype, "get$_multitap$_handleEvent", "_multitap$_handleEvent$1", 12); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_reject", "_reject$1", 151); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_multitap$_reset", "_multitap$_reset$0", 0); _instance(A.OneSequenceGestureRecognizer.prototype, "get$stopTrackingPointer", 0, 1, null, ["call$1"], ["stopTrackingPointer$1"], 26, 0, 1); _instance_1_u(A.PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer.prototype, "get$handleEvent", "handleEvent$1", 12); _instance_2_u(_ = A._MaterialAppState.prototype, "get$_inspectorSelectButtonBuilder", "_inspectorSelectButtonBuilder$2", 156); _instance_2_u(_, "get$_materialBuilder", "_materialBuilder$2", 78); _instance_1_u(A.InkHighlight.prototype, "get$_handleAlphaStatusChanged", "_handleAlphaStatusChanged$1", 5); _instance_1_u(A.InkSplash.prototype, "get$_ink_splash$_handleAlphaStatusChanged", "_ink_splash$_handleAlphaStatusChanged$1", 5); _instance_1_u(_ = A.InkResponse.prototype, "get$getRectCallback", "getRectCallback$1", 164); _instance_1_u(_, "get$debugCheckContext", "debugCheckContext$1", 165); _instance(_ = A._InkResponseState.prototype, "get$_simulateTap", 0, 0, function() { return [null]; }, ["call$1", "call$0"], ["_simulateTap$1", "_simulateTap$0"], 166, 0, 0); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleFocusHighlightModeChange", "_handleFocusHighlightModeChange$1", 167); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleFocusUpdate", "_handleFocusUpdate$1", 22); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleTapDown", "_handleTapDown$1", 168); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_handleTap", "_handleTap$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_handleTapCancel", "_handleTapCancel$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleMouseEnter", "_handleMouseEnter$1", 169); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleMouseExit", "_handleMouseExit$1", 76); _instance_1_u(_ = A._FloatingActionButtonTransitionState.prototype, "get$_handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged", "_handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged$1", 5); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_onProgressChanged", "_onProgressChanged$0", 0); _instance_0_u(A.ScaffoldState.prototype, "get$_handleStatusBarTap", "_handleStatusBarTap$0", 0); _static(A, "scrollbar_theme___lerpBool$closure", 3, null, ["call$3"], ["_lerpBool"], 334, 0); _static(A, "edge_insets_EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp$closure", 3, null, ["call$3"], ["EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp"], 335, 0); _static(A, "text_style_TextStyle_lerp$closure", 3, null, ["call$3"], ["TextStyle_lerp"], 336, 0); _instance_0_u(_ = A.RendererBinding.prototype, "get$_handleSemanticsEnabledChanged", "_handleSemanticsEnabledChanged$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleWebFirstFrame", "_handleWebFirstFrame$1", 8); _instance(_, "get$_handleSemanticsAction", 0, 3, null, ["call$3"], ["_handleSemanticsAction$3"], 186, 0, 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_handleSemanticsOwnerCreated", "_handleSemanticsOwnerCreated$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_handleSemanticsOwnerDisposed", "_handleSemanticsOwnerDisposed$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handlePersistentFrameCallback", "_handlePersistentFrameCallback$1", 8); _instance_2_u(A.RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype, "get$defaultPaint", "defaultPaint$2", 24); _static_1(A, "object_RenderObject__cleanChildRelayoutBoundary$closure", "RenderObject__cleanChildRelayoutBoundary", 31); _instance_0_u(_ = A.RenderObject.prototype, "get$markNeedsPaint", "markNeedsPaint$0", 0); _instance(_, "get$showOnScreen", 0, 0, null, ["call$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect", "call$0"], ["showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect", "showOnScreen$0"], 195, 0, 0); _instance_0_u(A.RenderParagraph.prototype, "get$systemFontsDidChange", "systemFontsDidChange$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_ = A.RenderAndroidView.prototype, "get$_onPlatformViewCreated", "_onPlatformViewCreated$1", 26); _instance_2_u(_, "get$_paintTexture", "_paintTexture$2", 24); _instance_1_u(A.RenderUiKitView.prototype, "get$_handleGlobalPointerEvent", "_handleGlobalPointerEvent$1", 12); _instance_1_u(A._UiKitViewGestureRecognizer.prototype, "get$handleEvent", "handleEvent$1", 12); _instance_1_u(A._PlatformViewGestureRecognizer.prototype, "get$handleEvent", "handleEvent$1", 12); _instance(A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype, "get$paint", 0, 2, null, ["call$2"], ["paint$2"], 24, 0, 1); _instance_0_u(A.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin.prototype, "get$_updateOpacity", "_updateOpacity$0", 0); _instance_0_u(A._RenderCustomClip.prototype, "get$_markNeedsClip", "_markNeedsClip$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_ = A.RenderSemanticsGestureHandler.prototype, "get$_performSemanticScrollLeft", "_performSemanticScrollLeft$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_performSemanticScrollRight", "_performSemanticScrollRight$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_performSemanticScrollUp", "_performSemanticScrollUp$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_performSemanticScrollDown", "_performSemanticScrollDown$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_ = A.RenderSemanticsAnnotations.prototype, "get$_performTap", "_performTap$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_performLongPress", "_performLongPress$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_performDismiss", "_performDismiss$0", 0); _instance_2_u(A.RenderStack.prototype, "get$paintStack", "paintStack$2", 24); _instance_1_u(A.RenderView.prototype, "get$hitTestMouseTrackers", "hitTestMouseTrackers$1", 200); _static_2(A, "binding_SchedulerBinding__taskSorter$closure", "SchedulerBinding__taskSorter", 337); _static(A, "binding__defaultSchedulingStrategy$closure", 0, null, ["call$2$priority$scheduler"], ["defaultSchedulingStrategy"], 338, 0); _instance_1_u(_ = A.SchedulerBinding.prototype, "get$_executeTimingsCallbacks", "_executeTimingsCallbacks$1", 58); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_runTasks", "_runTasks$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$ensureVisualUpdate", "ensureVisualUpdate$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleBeginFrame", "_handleBeginFrame$1", 8); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_handleDrawFrame", "_handleDrawFrame$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_profileFramePostEvent", "_profileFramePostEvent$1", 202); _instance_1_u(A.Ticker.prototype, "get$_ticker$_tick", "_ticker$_tick$1", 8); _static_1(A, "asset_bundle_AssetBundle__utf8decode$closure", "AssetBundle__utf8decode", 339); _static_1(A, "binding0_ServicesBinding__parseLicenses$closure", "ServicesBinding__parseLicenses", 340); _instance_0_u(_ = A.ServicesBinding.prototype, "get$_addLicenses", "_addLicenses$0", 211); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleLifecycleMessage", "_handleLifecycleMessage$1", 212); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handlePlatformMessage", "_handlePlatformMessage$1", 61); _instance_1_u(_ = A.KeyEventManager.prototype, "get$handleKeyData", "handleKeyData$1", 49); _instance_1_u(_, "get$handleRawKeyMessage", "handleRawKeyMessage$1", 215); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_convertRawEventAndStore", "_convertRawEventAndStore$1", 216); _instance_1_u(A.PlatformViewsService.prototype, "get$_onMethodCall", "_onMethodCall$1", 61); _instance_1_u(A.AndroidViewController.prototype, "get$dispatchPointerEvent", "dispatchPointerEvent$1", 222); _instance_1_u(A.RestorationManager.prototype, "get$_methodHandler", "_methodHandler$1", 61); _instance_1_u(_ = A.RestorationBucket.prototype, "get$_dropChild", "_dropChild$1", 69); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_recursivelyUpdateManager", "_recursivelyUpdateManager$1", 69); _instance_1_u(A._ActionsState.prototype, "get$_handleActionChanged", "_handleActionChanged$1", 289); _instance_1_u(_ = A._WidgetsAppState.prototype, "get$_onGenerateRoute", "_onGenerateRoute$1", 232); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_onUnknownRoute", "_onUnknownRoute$1", 233); _instance_1_u(A._MouseRegionState.prototype, "get$handleExit", "handleExit$1", 76); _instance_0_u(_ = A.WidgetsBinding.prototype, "get$handleLocaleChanged", "handleLocaleChanged$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleNavigationInvocation", "_handleNavigationInvocation$1", 63); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_handleBuildScheduled", "_handleBuildScheduled$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_ = A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding.prototype, "get$handleMetricsChanged", "handleMetricsChanged$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$handlePlatformBrightnessChanged", "handlePlatformBrightnessChanged$0", 0); _instance_0_u(_, "get$performReassemble", "performReassemble$0", 17); _instance_1_u(_ = A.FocusManager.prototype, "get$_focus_manager$_handlePointerEvent", "_focus_manager$_handlePointerEvent$1", 12); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleKeyMessage", "_handleKeyMessage$1", 245); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_applyFocusChange", "_applyFocusChange$0", 0); _instance_0_u(A._FocusState.prototype, "get$_handleFocusChanged", "_handleFocusChanged$0", 0); _static_1(A, "framework__InactiveElements__deactivateRecursively$closure", "_InactiveElements__deactivateRecursively", 6); _static_2(A, "framework_Element__sort$closure", "Element__sort", 341); _static_1(A, "framework_Element__activateRecursively$closure", "Element__activateRecursively", 6); _instance_1_u(_ = A._InactiveElements.prototype, "get$_unmount", "_unmount$1", 6); _instance_0_u(_, "get$_unmountAll", "_unmountAll$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_ = A.RawGestureDetectorState.prototype, "get$_gesture_detector$_handlePointerDown", "_gesture_detector$_handlePointerDown$1", 48); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_updateSemanticsForRenderObject", "_updateSemanticsForRenderObject$1", 272); _instance_1_u(_ = A._HeroFlight.prototype, "get$_buildOverlay", "_buildOverlay$1", 25); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleAnimationUpdate", "_handleAnimationUpdate$1", 5); _instance_0_u(_, "get$onTick", "onTick$0", 0); _instance_1_u(_ = A.HeroController.prototype, "get$_handleFlightEnded", "_handleFlightEnded$1", 275); _instance(_, "get$_defaultHeroFlightShuttleBuilder", 0, 5, null, ["call$5"], ["_defaultHeroFlightShuttleBuilder$5"], 276, 0, 0); _static(A, "icon_theme_data_IconThemeData_lerp$closure", 3, null, ["call$3"], ["IconThemeData_lerp"], 342, 0); _instance_0_u(A.AnimatedWidgetBaseState.prototype, "get$_handleAnimationChanged", "_handleAnimationChanged$0", 0); _instance_0_u(A._InheritedNotifierElement.prototype, "get$_handleUpdate", "_handleUpdate$0", 0); _static_2(A, "navigator_Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes$closure", "Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes", 343); _static_1(A, "navigator__RouteEntry_isPresentPredicate$closure", "_RouteEntry_isPresentPredicate", 33); _static_1(A, "navigator__RouteEntry_suitableForTransitionAnimationPredicate$closure", "_RouteEntry_suitableForTransitionAnimationPredicate", 33); _static_1(A, "navigator__RouteEntry_willBePresentPredicate$closure", "_RouteEntry_willBePresentPredicate", 33); _instance_1_u(A._NavigatorPushObservation.prototype, "get$notify", "notify$1", 41); _instance_1_u(A._NavigatorPopObservation.prototype, "get$notify", "notify$1", 41); _instance_1_u(A._NavigatorRemoveObservation.prototype, "get$notify", "notify$1", 41); _instance_1_u(A._NavigatorReplaceObservation.prototype, "get$notify", "notify$1", 41); _instance_1_u(_ = A.NavigatorState.prototype, "get$_handlePointerDown", "_handlePointerDown$1", 48); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_handlePointerUpOrCancel", "_handlePointerUpOrCancel$1", 12); _instance_1_u(A.Notification0.prototype, "get$visitAncestor", "visitAncestor$1", 55); _instance_2_u(A._RenderTheatre.prototype, "get$paintStack", "paintStack$2", 24); _instance_1_u(A._AndroidViewState.prototype, "get$_onFocusChange", "_onFocusChange$1", 22); _instance_0_u(A._RootRestorationScopeState.prototype, "get$_replaceRootBucket", "_replaceRootBucket$0", 0); _instance_1_u(A.RestorationMixin.prototype, "get$_updateProperty", "_updateProperty$1", 295); _instance_1_u(A.TransitionRoute.prototype, "get$_handleStatusChanged", "_handleStatusChanged$1", 5); _instance_1_u(_ = A.ModalRoute.prototype, "get$_buildModalBarrier", "_buildModalBarrier$1", 25); _instance_1_u(_, "get$_buildModalScope", "_buildModalScope$1", 25); _instance_2_u(A._ShortcutsState.prototype, "get$_handleOnKey", "_handleOnKey$2", 77); _instance_0_u(A.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype, "get$_updateTicker", "_updateTicker$0", 0); _instance_0_u(A.TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype, "get$_updateTickers", "_updateTickers$0", 0); _instance_0_u(A._AnimatedState.prototype, "get$_handleChange", "_handleChange$0", 0); _instance_0_u(A.MapSampleState.prototype, "get$_goToTheLake", "_goToTheLake$0", 17); _instance_1_u(A._GoogleMapState.prototype, "get$onPlatformViewCreated", "onPlatformViewCreated$1", 314); _static(A, "from_handlers__TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleError$closure", 3, null, ["call$1$3", "call$3"], ["TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleError", function(error, stackTrace, sink) { return A.TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleError(error, stackTrace, sink, type$.dynamic); }], 344, 0); _static(A, "from_handlers__TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleDone$closure", 1, null, ["call$1$1", "call$1"], ["TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleDone", function(sink) { return A.TransformByHandlers__defaultHandleDone(sink, type$.dynamic); }], 345, 0); _static(A, "print__debugPrintThrottled$closure", 1, null, ["call$2$wrapWidth", "call$1"], ["debugPrintThrottled", function(message) { return A.debugPrintThrottled(message, null); }], 346, 0); _static_0(A, "print___debugPrintTask$closure", "_debugPrintTask", 0); _static_2(A, "layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild$closure", "ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild", 72); _static_2(A, "layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild$closure", "ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild", 72); })(); (function inheritance() { var _mixin = hunkHelpers.mixin, _mixinHard = hunkHelpers.mixinHard, _inherit = hunkHelpers.inherit, _inheritMany = hunkHelpers.inheritMany; _inherit(A.Object, null); _inheritMany(A.Object, [A.AlarmClock, A.AssetManager, A.Closure, A.AssetManagerException, A._Enum, A._SaveStackTracking, A.ContextStateHandle, A.CkCanvas, A.CkPictureSnapshot, A.CkPaintCommand, J.Interceptor, A.ProductionCollector, A.SkiaObjectCollectionError, A.CanvasKitCanvas, A.HtmlViewEmbedder, A.ViewClipChain, A.EmbeddedViewParams, A.Mutator, A.Iterable, A.ViewListDiffResult, A.FontFallbackData, A.NotoFont, A.CodeunitRange, A._ResolvedNotoFont, A._ResolvedNotoSubset, A.FallbackFontDownloadQueue, A.NotoDownloader, A.SkiaFontCollection, A.RegisteredFont, A.IntervalTree, A.IntervalTreeNode, A.Layer, A.PrerollContext, A.PaintContext, A.LayerScene, A.LayerSceneBuilder, A.LayerTree, A.Frame, A.CompositorContext, A.CkNWayCanvas, A.SkiaObject, A.CkPictureRecorder, A.Rasterizer, A.SkiaObjectCache, A.SynchronousSkiaObjectCache, A.SurfaceFrame, A.Surface, A.CkSurface, A.SurfaceFactory, A.CkParagraphStyle, A.CkTextStyle, A.CkParagraphBuilder, A._ParagraphCommand, A.Error, A.ClipboardMessageHandler, A.ClipboardAPICopyStrategy, A.ClipboardAPIPasteStrategy, A.ExecCommandCopyStrategy, A.ExecCommandPasteStrategy, A.FlutterConfiguration, A.FlutterViewEmbedder, A.EngineCanvas, A.SaveStackEntry, A.SaveClipEntry, A._SaveElementStackEntry, A.SaveElementStackTracking, A.FrameReference, A.CrossFrameCache, A.ShadowDomHostNode, A.ElementHostNode, A.SurfaceCanvas, A._DomClip, A.PersistedSurface, A.SurfacePaint, A.SurfacePaintData, A.Conic, A.QuadBounds, A.ConicBounds, A._ConicPair, A.CubicBounds, A.SurfacePath, A.PathIterator, A.PathRef, A.PathRefIterator, A.QuadRoots, A.SkQuadCoefficients, A.PathWinding, A.PaintRequest, A.RecordingCanvas, A.PaintCommand, A._PaintBounds, A.RenderStrategy, A._WebGlRenderer, A.SurfaceScene, A.SurfaceSceneBuilder, A.NormalizedGradient, A.EngineGradient, A.ShaderBuilder, A.ShaderMethod, A.ShaderDeclaration, A._PersistedSurfaceMatch, A.PrerollSurfaceContext, A.Keyboard, A.KeyboardBinding, A.FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent, A.KeyboardConverter, A.MouseCursor, A.BrowserHistory, A.UrlStrategy, A.PlatformLocation, A.EnginePictureRecorder, A.EnginePicture, A.PlatformDispatcher, A.PlatformViewManager, A.PlatformViewMessageHandler, A.PointerBinding, A.PointerSupportDetector, A._BaseAdapter, A._WheelEventListenerMixin, A._SanitizedDetails, A._ButtonSanitizer, A._PointerState, A.PointerDataConverter, A.Profiler, A.GlProgram, A.GlContext, A.OffScreenCanvas, A.AccessibilityAnnouncements, A.RoleManager, A.SemanticsUpdate, A.SemanticsNodeUpdate, A.SemanticsObject, A.EngineSemanticsOwner, A.SemanticsHelper, A.SemanticsEnabler, A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy, A._ListBase_Object_ListMixin, A.MethodCall, A.JSONMessageCodec, A.JSONMethodCodec, A.StandardMessageCodec, A.StandardMethodCodec, A.WriteBuffer0, A.ReadBuffer0, A.SurfaceShadowData, A.CanvasParagraph, A.FlatTextSpan, A.StyleNode, A.CanvasParagraphBuilder, A.FontCollection, A.FontManager, A.TextLayoutService, A.RangeBox, A.LineSegment, A.LineBuilder, A.Spanometer, A.LineBreakResult, A.RulerHost, A.TextPaintService, A.EngineLineMetrics, A.EngineParagraphStyle, A.EngineTextStyle, A.TextHeightStyle, A.TextDimensions, A.TextHeightRuler, A.DirectionalPosition, A.UnicodeRange, A.UnicodePropertyLookup, A.BrowserAutofillHints, A.EngineInputType, A.TextCapitalizationConfig, A.EngineAutofillForm, A.AutofillInfo, A.EditingState, A.InputConfiguration, A.TextInputCommand, A.TextEditingChannel, A.HybridTextEditing, A.EditableTextStyle, A.EditableTextGeometry, A.Matrix40, A.FlutterView, A.WindowPadding, A.JS_CONST, J.ArrayIterator, A.CastIterator, A.MapMixin, A.SentinelValue, A.ListIterator, A.Iterator, A.ExpandIterator, A.EmptyIterator, A.FollowedByIterator, A.WhereTypeIterator, A.FixedLengthListMixin, A.UnmodifiableListMixin, A.Symbol, A.MapView, A.ConstantMap, A.JSInvocationMirror, A.TypeErrorDecoder, A.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException, A.ExceptionAndStackTrace, A._StackTrace, A._Required, A.LinkedHashMapCell, A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator, A.JSSyntaxRegExp, A._MatchImplementation, A.StringMatch, A._StringAllMatchesIterator, A._Cell, A.Rti, A._FunctionParameters, A._Type, A._TimerImpl, A._AsyncAwaitCompleter, A._IterationMarker, A._SyncStarIterator, A.AsyncError, A.Stream, A._BufferingStreamSubscription, A._BroadcastStreamController, A._Completer, A._FutureListener, A._Future, A._AsyncCallbackEntry, A.StreamSubscription, A.StreamTransformerBase, A._StreamController, A._SyncStreamControllerDispatch, A._AsyncStreamControllerDispatch, A._DelayedEvent, A._DelayedDone, A._PendingEvents, A._DoneStreamSubscription, A._StreamIterator, A._Zone, A._HashMapKeyIterator, A.__SetBase_Object_SetMixin, A._HashSetIterator, A._LinkedHashSetCell, A._LinkedHashSetIterator, A._LinkedListIterator, A.LinkedListEntry, A.ListMixin, A._MapBaseValueIterator, A._UnmodifiableMapMixin, A._DoubleLinkedQueueEntry, A._DoubleLinkedQueueIterator, A._ListQueueIterator, A.SetMixin, A._UnmodifiableSetMixin, A.Codec, A._JsonStringifier, A._Utf8Encoder, A._Utf8Decoder, A.Comparable, A.DateTime, A.Duration, A.OutOfMemoryError, A.StackOverflowError, A._Exception, A.FormatException, A.Expando, A.MapEntry, A.Null, A._StringStackTrace, A.Stopwatch, A.RuneIterator, A.StringBuffer, A._Uri, A.UriData, A._SimpleUri, A._FakeUserTag, A.ServiceExtensionResponse, A.TimelineTask, A.CssStyleDeclarationBase, A.EventStreamProvider, A._Html5NodeValidator, A.ImmutableListMixin, A.NodeValidatorBuilder, A._SimpleNodeValidator, A._SvgNodeValidator, A.FixedSizeListIterator, A.Console, A._DOMWindowCrossFrame, A._SameOriginUriPolicy, A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer, A._StructuredClone, A._AcceptStructuredClone, A.JsObject, A.NullRejectionException, A.Point, A.Endian, A._ChannelCallbackRecord, A._StoredMessage, A._Channel, A.ChannelBuffers, A.OffsetBase, A.Rect, A.Radius, A.RRect, A._HashEnd, A.KeyData, A.Color, A.PlatformConfiguration, A.ViewConfiguration0, A.FrameTiming, A.Locale, A.PointerData, A.PointerDataPacket, A.SemanticsAction, A.SemanticsFlag, A.SemanticsUpdateBuilder, A.FontWeight, A.TextDecoration, A.TextBox, A.TextPosition, A.TextRange, A.ParagraphConstraints, A.AccessibilityFeatures, A.CallbackHandle, A.GestureSettings, A.HeapPriorityQueue, A.Listenable, A.Simulation, A.AnimationWithParentMixin, A.ParametricCurve, A.AnimationLazyListenerMixin, A.AnimationEagerListenerMixin, A.AnimationLocalListenersMixin, A.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin, A.Animatable, A._IconThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.LocalizationsDelegate, A.DefaultCupertinoLocalizations, A._DiagnosticableTree_Object_Diagnosticable, A._State_Object_Diagnosticable, A._CupertinoBackGestureController, A._Decoration_Object_Diagnosticable, A.BoxPainter, A.NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData, A._CupertinoThemeDefaults, A._CupertinoTextThemeDefaults, A.DiagnosticsNode, A._FlutterErrorDetails_Object_Diagnosticable, A.BindingBase, A.DebugReassembleConfig, A.ChangeNotifier, A.TextTreeConfiguration, A._PrefixedStringBuilder, A._NoDefaultValue, A.TextTreeRenderer, A.DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder, A.Diagnosticable, A.DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A.Key, A._TypeLiteral, A.LicenseEntry, A.AbstractNode, A.WriteBuffer, A.ReadBuffer, A.StackFrame, A.SynchronousFuture, A.GestureArenaMember, A.GestureArenaEntry, A._GestureArena, A.GestureArenaManager, A._Resampler, A.GestureBinding, A.DragDownDetails, A.DragStartDetails, A.DragUpdateDetails, A.DragEndDetails, A._PointerEvent_Object_Diagnosticable, A._PointerEventDescription, A._AbstractPointerEvent, A._CopyPointerAddedEvent, A._CopyPointerRemovedEvent, A._CopyPointerHoverEvent, A._CopyPointerEnterEvent, A._CopyPointerExitEvent, A._CopyPointerDownEvent, A._CopyPointerMoveEvent, A._CopyPointerUpEvent, A._CopyPointerScrollEvent, A._CopyPointerCancelEvent, A.DeviceGestureSettings, A.HitTestEntry, A._TransformPart, A.HitTestResult, A._Vector, A._Matrix, A.PolynomialFit, A.LeastSquaresSolver, A._CountdownZoned, A._TapTracker, A.PointerRouter, A.PointerSignalResolver, A.OffsetPair, A.TapDownDetails, A._CombiningGestureArenaEntry, A.GestureArenaTeam, A.Velocity, A.VelocityEstimate, A._PointAtTime, A.VelocityTracker, A.ScrollBehavior, A._AppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A._Diagonal, A._MaterialBannerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._BottomAppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A._BottomNavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._BottomSheetThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._ButtonBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._ButtonStyle_Object_Diagnosticable, A._LerpProperties, A._LerpSides, A._LerpShapes, A._ButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._CardTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A._CheckboxThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._LerpProperties4, A._ChipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._ColorScheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A._DataTableThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._LerpProperties3, A._DialogTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A._DividerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._DrawerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._ElevatedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._DefaultHeroTag, A.FloatingActionButtonLocation, A.FabFloatOffsetY, A.FabEndOffsetX, A.FloatingActionButtonAnimator, A._FloatingActionButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.InkFeature, A.InteractiveInkFeatureFactory, A.FloatingLabelAlignment, A._InputDecorationTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A._ListTileThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.DefaultMaterialLocalizations, A._MouseCursor_Object_Diagnosticable, A.MaterialStateMixin, A._NavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._LerpProperties2, A._NavigationRailThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._OutlinedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Route, A.MaterialRouteTransitionMixin, A.PageTransitionsBuilder, A._PageTransitionsTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A._PopupMenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._ProgressIndicatorThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._RadioThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._LerpProperties1, A.ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry, A.ScaffoldGeometry, A.Constraints, A.MultiChildLayoutDelegate, A._ScrollbarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._LerpProperties5, A._SliderThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._SnackBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._SwitchThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._LerpProperties0, A._TabBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A._TextButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._TextSelectionThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._TextTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A._ThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._IdentityThemeDataCacheKey, A._FifoCache, A._VisualDensity_Object_Diagnosticable, A._TimePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._ToggleButtonsThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._TooltipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._Typography_Object_Diagnosticable, A.AlignmentGeometry, A.PaintingBinding, A.BorderRadiusGeometry, A.BorderSide, A.ShapeBorder, A.ClipContext, A.EdgeInsetsGeometry, A.ImageCache, A.ImageConfiguration, A.Accumulator, A.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation, A.PlaceholderDimensions, A.TextPainter, A._TextStyle_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Tolerance, A.RendererBinding, A.ParentData, A.RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin, A.DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin, A._LayoutSizes, A.AnnotationResult, A.LayerHandle, A._MouseState, A.__MouseTrackerUpdateDetails_Object_Diagnosticable, A.SemanticsHandle, A.PipelineOwner, A.RenderObjectWithChildMixin, A.ContainerParentDataMixin, A.ContainerRenderObjectMixin, A.RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin, A._SemanticsFragment, A._SemanticsGeometry, A._PlatformViewGestureMixin, A.RenderProxyBoxMixin, A.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin, A.RelativeRect, A.ViewConfiguration, A._FrameCallbackEntry, A.SchedulerBinding, A.Ticker, A.TickerFuture, A.TickerCanceled, A.SemanticsBinding, A.AttributedString, A._SemanticsData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._BoxEdge, A._TraversalSortNode, A.SemanticsConfiguration, A._SemanticsSortKey_Object_Diagnosticable, A.SemanticsEvent, A.AssetBundle, A.BinaryMessenger, A.ServicesBinding, A.KeyboardLockMode, A._KeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable, A.HardwareKeyboard, A.KeyMessage, A.KeyEventManager, A._KeyboardKey_Object_Diagnosticable, A.MethodCall0, A.PlatformException, A.MissingPluginException, A.StringCodec, A.JSONMessageCodec0, A.JSONMethodCodec0, A.StandardMessageCodec0, A.StandardMethodCodec0, A.MouseCursorManager, A.MouseCursorSession, A.BasicMessageChannel, A.MethodChannel, A.PlatformViewsRegistry, A.PlatformViewsService, A.AndroidPointerProperties, A.AndroidPointerCoords, A.AndroidMotionEvent, A._AndroidMotionEventConverter, A.PlatformViewController, A.UiKitViewController, A._RawKeyEventData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._RawKeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable, A.RawKeyboard, A._ModifierSidePair, A.RestorationBucket, A.ApplicationSwitcherDescription, A._Intent_Object_Diagnosticable, A._Action_Object_Diagnosticable, A._ActionDispatcher_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Notification0, A.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin, A.WidgetsBindingObserver, A.WidgetsBinding, A._Autofocus, A.FocusAttachment, A._FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A._FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A._FocusTraversalGroupInfo, A._FocusTraversalPolicy_Object_Diagnosticable, A._DirectionalPolicyDataEntry, A._DirectionalPolicyData, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin, A.__ReadingOrderSortData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.__ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_Object_Diagnosticable, A._InactiveElements, A.BuildOwner, A.IndexedSlot, A.GestureRecognizerFactory, A.SemanticsGestureDelegate, A._HeroFlightManifest, A._HeroFlight, A.NavigatorObserver, A.IconData, A._Pending, A.DefaultWidgetsLocalizations, A.MediaQueryData, A.RouteSettings, A.RouteTransitionRecord, A.TransitionDelegate, A._NavigatorObservation, A._RestorationInformation, A.PageStorageBucket, A.RestorationMixin, A.RouteInformation, A.LocalHistoryRoute, A.ScrollIncrementDetails, A._SingleActivator_Object_Diagnosticable, A.__ActivatorIntentPair_Object_Diagnosticable, A.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin, A.TickerProviderStateMixin, A.GoogleMapController, A._GoogleMapOptions, A.MapEvent, A.PlatformInterface, A.BitmapDescriptor, A.CameraPosition, A.MapsObjectId, A.MapsObjectUpdates, A.LatLng, A.InfoWindow, A.Marker, A.Tile, A.CameraTargetBounds, A.MinMaxZoomPreference, A.Matrix4, A.Vector3, A.Vector4]); _inheritMany(A.Closure, [A.AssetManager__baseUrl_closure, A.Closure0Args, A.ProductionCollector_closure, A.patchCanvasKitModule_closure0, A.patchCanvasKitModule_closure2, A.HtmlViewEmbedder_getOverlayCanvases_closure, A.HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure, A.HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure0, A.Closure2Args, A.HtmlViewEmbedder__updateOverlays_closure, A.FontFallbackData_ensureFontsSupportText_closure, A._registerSymbolsAndEmoji_extractUrlFromCss, A.findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits_closure, A.findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits_closure0, A.NotoDownloader_downloadAsBytes_closure, A.NotoDownloader_downloadAsBytes__closure, A.NotoDownloader_downloadAsString_closure, A.NotoDownloader_downloadAsString__closure, A.SkiaFontCollection__getArrayBuffer_closure, A.initializeCanvasKit_closure, A.initializeCanvasKit__closure0, A._startDownloadingCanvasKit_closure, A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges__makeBalancedTree, A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges__computeHigh, A._getEffectiveFontFamilies_closure, A.ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure, A.ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure0, A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure, A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure0, A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall__closure, A.FlutterViewEmbedder_reset_closure, A.FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure, A.FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure0, A.sendFontChangeMessage_closure, A.sendFontChangeMessage__closure, A.initializeEngine__closure, A._addUrlStrategyListener_closure, A.Keyboard$__closure, A.Keyboard$__closure0, A.Keyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure0, A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure, A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure0, A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure1, A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure2, A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure3, A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure4, A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure5, A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure6, A.KeyboardBinding__addEventListener_loggedHandler, A.KeyboardBinding__onKeyData_closure, A.KeyboardBinding__setup_closure, A.KeyboardBinding__setup_closure0, A.KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure, A.KeyboardConverter_handleEvent_closure, A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure, A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure, A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure0, A.HashUrlStrategy__waitForPopState_closure, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__zonedPlatformMessageResponseCallback_closure, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure0, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure1, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure2, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure3, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure4, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_replyToPlatformMessage_closure, A._BaseAdapter_addEventListener_loggedHandler, A._WheelEventListenerMixin__addWheelEventListener_closure, A._PointerAdapter__addPointerEventListener_closure, A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure, A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure0, A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure1, A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure2, A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure3, A._TouchAdapter__addTouchEventListener_closure, A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure, A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure0, A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure1, A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure2, A._MouseAdapter__addMouseEventListener_closure, A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure, A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure0, A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure1, A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure2, A.Incrementable_closure, A.Incrementable_closure0, A.Scrollable_update_closure0, A.Scrollable_update_closure1, A._roleFactories_closure, A._roleFactories_closure0, A._roleFactories_closure1, A._roleFactories_closure2, A._roleFactories_closure3, A._roleFactories_closure4, A._roleFactories_closure5, A._roleFactories_closure6, A.DesktopSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure, A.MobileSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure, A.Tappable_update_closure, A.TextField__initializeForBlink_closure, A.TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure, A.TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure0, A.FontManager__loadFontFace_closure, A.FontManager__loadFontFace_closure0, A._PolyfillFontManager_registerAsset_closure, A.EngineAutofillForm_fromFrameworkMessage_closure, A.EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey, A.EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey_closure, A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure, A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure, A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure0, A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure1, A.IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure, A.IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0, A.IOSTextEditingStrategy__addTapListener_closure, A.AndroidTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure, A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure, A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0, A.HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure0, A.HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure, A.CastMap_entries_closure, A.ConstantStringMap_values_closure, A.GeneralConstantMap__typeTest_closure, A.Instantiation, A.TearOffClosure, A.JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure, A.JsLinkedHashMap_containsValue_closure, A.initHooks_closure, A.initHooks_closure1, A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback, A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure, A._awaitOnObject_closure, A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendData_closure, A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendError_closure, A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendDone_closure, A.Future_wait_closure, A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure, A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure, A.Stream_length_closure, A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure, A._HashMap_values_closure, A._LinkedCustomHashMap_closure, A.MapMixin_entries_closure, A._JsonMap_values_closure, A._createTables_setChars, A._createTables_setRange, A.Element_Element$html_closure, A.Entry_remove_closure0, A.HttpRequest_request_closure, A._EventStreamSubscription_closure, A.NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsElement_closure, A.NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsAttribute_closure, A._SimpleNodeValidator_closure, A._SimpleNodeValidator_closure0, A._TemplatingNodeValidator_closure, A._convertDartToNative_Value_closure, A.FilteredElementList__iterable_closure, A.FilteredElementList__iterable_closure0, A.FilteredElementList_removeRange_closure, A.JsObject__convertDataTree__convert, A._convertToJS_closure, A._convertToJS_closure0, A._wrapToDart_closure, A._wrapToDart_closure0, A._wrapToDart_closure1, A.promiseToFuture_closure, A.promiseToFuture_closure0, A.KeyData__quotedCharCode_closure, A._CupertinoBackGestureController_dragEnd_closure, A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure, A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure0, A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure, A.FlutterErrorDetails_debugFillProperties_closure, A.FlutterError_FlutterError_closure, A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure, A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure0, A.FlutterError_toString_closure, A.debugPrintStack_closure, A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure0, A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure2, A.BindingBase_registerBoolServiceExtension_closure, A.BindingBase_registerNumericServiceExtension_closure, A.BindingBase_registerStringServiceExtension_closure, A._PrefixedStringBuilder__wordWrapLine_noWrap, A.TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_visitor, A.TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_closure, A.StackFrame_fromStackString_closure, A.SynchronousFuture_whenComplete_closure, A._GestureArena_toString_closure, A.PointerEventConverter_expand_closure, A.PointerEventConverter_expand_closure0, A._MaterialAppState__buildWidgetApp_closure, A.MaterialRectArcTween__initialize_closure, A._InkResponseState_highlightsExist_closure, A._MaterialState_build_closure, A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure, A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure0, A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure1, A.MaterialStateMixin_updateMaterialState_closure, A.PageTransitionsTheme__all_closure, A.ScaffoldMessengerState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure, A.ScaffoldState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure, A._AnimatedThemeState_forEachTween_closure, A._CompoundBorder_scale_closure, A._CompoundBorder_toString_closure, A.ClipContext_clipPathAndPaint_closure, A.ClipContext_clipRectAndPaint_closure, A.InlineSpan_getSpanForPosition_closure, A.TextSpan_debugDescribeChildren_closure, A.RendererBinding__scheduleMouseTrackerUpdate_closure, A.BoxConstraints_toString_describe, A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdate_closure, A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure0, A.RenderObject_reassemble_closure, A.RenderObject__updateCompositingBits_closure, A.RenderObject_clearSemantics_closure, A.RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure, A.RenderParagraph__extractPlaceholderSpans_closure, A.RenderParagraph_describeSemanticsConfiguration_closure, A._factoriesTypeSet_closure, A.RenderAndroidView_closure, A._UiKitViewGestureRecognizer_closure, A._PlatformViewGestureRecognizer_closure, A.SchedulerBinding_endOfFrame_closure, A.SchedulerBinding__handleDrawFrame_closure, A.TickerFuture_whenCompleteOrCancel_thunk, A.SemanticsNode_getSemanticsData_closure, A.SemanticsNode__childrenInTraversalOrder_closure, A.SemanticsNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure, A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinVerticalGroup_closure, A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_search, A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure0, A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure1, A._childrenInDefaultOrder_closure, A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure, A.SemanticsOwner__getSemanticsActionHandlerForId_closure, A.SemanticsConfiguration__addArgumentlessAction_closure, A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter_closure, A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter_closure, A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByWord_closure, A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByWord_closure, A.SemanticsConfiguration_onSetSelection_closure, A.SemanticsConfiguration_onSetText_closure, A._DefaultBinaryMessenger_send_closure, A.BasicMessageChannel_setMessageHandler_closure, A.MethodChannel_setMethodCallHandler_closure, A.AndroidMotionEvent__asList_closure, A.AndroidMotionEvent__asList_closure0, A._AndroidMotionEventConverter_toAndroidMotionEvent_closure, A._AndroidMotionEventConverter_toAndroidMotionEvent_closure0, A.RawKeyboard__synchronizeModifiers_closure, A.RestorationManager_handleRestorationUpdateFromEngine_closure, A.RestorationManager_scheduleSerializationFor_closure, A.RestorationBucket__visitChildren_closure, A._getParent_closure, A.Actions__findDispatcher_closure, A.Actions_maybeFind_closure, A._WidgetsAppState__onGenerateRoute_closure, A._WidgetsAppState_build_closure, A.RichText__extractChildren_closure, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initInstances_closure, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_initInstances_closure, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_drawFrame_closure, A.FocusNode_traversalDescendants_closure, A.FocusNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure, A._getAncestor_closure, A.FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_visitGroups, A.FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_closure, A._ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_changedScope_closure, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure0, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure1, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure0, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure1, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__popPolicyDataIfNeeded_popOrInvalidate, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure1, A._ReadingOrderSortData_commonDirectionalityOf_closure, A._ReadingOrderSortData_directionalAncestors_getDirectionalityAncestors, A._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_rect_closure, A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand_closure, A._InactiveElements__unmount_closure, A.Element_reassemble_closure, A.Element_renderObject_visit, A.Element_updateSlotForChild_visit, A.Element__updateDepth_closure, A.Element_detachRenderObject_closure, A.Element_attachRenderObject_closure, A.Element_debugDescribeChildren_closure, A.ParentDataElement__applyParentData_applyParentDataToChild, A.RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_replaceWithNullIfForgotten, A.GestureDetector_build_closure0, A.GestureDetector_build_closure2, A.GestureDetector_build_closure4, A.GestureDetector_build_closure6, A.GestureDetector_build_closure8, A.GestureDetector_build_closure10, A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure, A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure0, A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure1, A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure, A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure0, A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure1, A.Hero__allHeroesFor_visitor, A.HeroController_didStopUserGesture_isInvalidFlight, A.HeroController__maybeStartHeroTransition_closure, A.IconTheme_merge_closure, A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_initState_closure, A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_didUpdateWidget_closure, A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__constructTweens_closure, A._AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState_forEachTween_closure, A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure, A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure0, A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure1, A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure2, A._loadAll_closure, A._loadAll_closure0, A._loadAll_closure1, A._LocalizationsState_load_closure, A._LocalizationsState_load_closure0, A.Route_didPush_closure, A.Route_didAdd_closure, A.Route_isCurrent_closure, A.Route_isFirst_closure, A.Route_isActive_closure, A.Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes_closure, A._RouteEntry_dispose_closure, A._RouteEntry_isRoutePredicate_closure, A.NavigatorState_restoreState_closure, A.NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure, A.NavigatorState__afterNavigation_closure, A.NavigatorState_maybePop_closure, A.NavigatorState_maybePop_closure1, A.OverlayEntry_remove_closure, A._AndroidViewState__onFocusChange_closure, A._AndroidViewState__onFocusChange_closure0, A._RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary_closure, A.TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation__jumpOnAnimationEnd, A.TransitionRoute__setSecondaryAnimation_closure, A._ModalScopeState_build_closure0, A._ModalScopeState_build__closure, A.ScrollNotificationObserverState_build_closure, A.Scrollable_ensureVisible_closure, A.MapSampleState_build_closure, A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure, A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure0, A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure1, A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure2, A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure3, A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure4, A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure5, A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure6, A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure7, A.GoogleMapController__connectStreams_closure8, A.MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter_ensureChannelInitialized_closure, A.MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter__events_closure, A.MapsObjectUpdates$from__idToCurrentObject, A.MapsObjectUpdates$from_hasChanged, A.MapsObjectUpdates_toJson_closure, A.keyByMapsObjectId_closure, A.serializeMapsObjectSet_closure, A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure]); _inheritMany(A.Closure0Args, [A.AssetManager__baseUrl_closure0, A.ProductionCollector_collect_closure, A.patchCanvasKitModule_closure, A.patchCanvasKitModule_closure1, A.HtmlViewEmbedder__compositeWithParams_closure, A.HtmlViewEmbedder__applyMutators_closure, A.FontFallbackData_createNotoFontTree_closure, A.FontFallbackData_registerFallbackFont_closure, A._makeResolvedNotoFontFromCss_closure, A.FallbackFontDownloadQueue_startDownloads_closure, A.SkiaFontCollection_ensureFontsLoaded_closure, A.SkiaFontCollection_ensureFontsLoaded_closure0, A.Frame_raster_closure, A.Frame_raster_closure0, A.CkTextStyle_skTextStyle_closure, A.PersistedPicture__applyBitmapPaint_closure, A.SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure, A.SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure0, A.initializeEngine_closure0, A._addUrlStrategyListener_closure0, A.Keyboard$__closure1, A.Keyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure, A.KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure0, A.KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure, A.KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure0, A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure, A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure0, A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure1, A.HashUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_invokeOnKeyData_closure, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure0, A.invoke2_closure, A.invoke3_closure, A.PlatformViewManager_renderContent_closure, A._PointerAdapter__ensureSanitizer_closure, A.PointerDataConverter__ensureStateForPointer_closure, A.AccessibilityAnnouncements$__closure, A.AccessibilityAnnouncements_handleMessage_closure, A.Scrollable_update_closure, A.EngineSemanticsOwner$__closure, A.EngineSemanticsOwner__now_closure, A.EngineSemanticsOwner__getGestureModeClock_closure, A.MobileSemanticsEnabler_tryEnableSemantics_closure, A.TextField_update_closure, A._PolyfillFontManager_registerAsset__watchWidth, A.IOSTextEditingStrategy__schedulePlacement_closure, A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy__postponeFocus_closure, A.TextEditingChannel_handleTextInput_closure, A.EngineFlutterWindow_closure, A.EngineFlutterWindow_handleNavigationMessage_closure, A.CastMap_putIfAbsent_closure, A.nullFuture_closure, A.Primitives_initTicker_closure, A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback, A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback, A._TimerImpl_internalCallback, A._TimerImpl$periodic_closure, A.Future_Future_closure, A.Future_Future$delayed_closure, A._Future__addListener_closure, A._Future__prependListeners_closure, A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1, A._Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure, A._Future__chainFuture_closure, A._Future__asyncCompleteError_closure, A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback, A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback, A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError, A.Stream_length_closure0, A._StreamController__subscribe_closure, A._StreamController__recordCancel_complete, A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError, A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone, A._PendingEvents_schedule_closure, A._rootHandleError_closure, A._RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure, A.Utf8Decoder__decoder_closure, A.Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal_closure, A.Entry_remove_closure, A.ChannelBuffers_push_closure, A.ChannelBuffers_setListener_closure, A.webOnlyInitializePlatform_closure, A.KeyData__logicalToString_closure, A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure, A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure0, A._testPlatform_closure, A._browserPlatform_closure, A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_formatException, A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure0, A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure, A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure1, A.BindingBase_lockEvents_closure, A.BindingBase_registerServiceExtension__closure, A.ChangeNotifier_notifyListeners_closure, A.GestureArenaManager_add_closure, A.GestureArenaManager__tryToResolveArena_closure, A.GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure, A.GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure0, A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkDown_closure, A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkStart_closure, A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkUpdate_closure, A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure, A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure0, A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure1, A.PointerRouter_addRoute_closure, A.PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer_addAllowedPointer_closure, A.TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapDown_closure, A.GestureArenaTeam_add_closure, A.MaterialPointArcTween__initialize_sweepAngle, A._getClipCallback_closure, A._InkResponseState_updateHighlight_handleInkRemoval, A._InkResponseState__createInkFeature_onRemoved, A._InkResponseState__handleFocusHighlightModeChange_closure, A.MaterialStateMixin_addMaterialState_closure, A.MaterialStateMixin_removeMaterialState_closure, A._FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged_closure, A.ScaffoldState__updateSnackBar_closure, A.ScaffoldState__updateMaterialBanner_closure, A.ThemeData_localize_closure, A.RenderBox_getDryLayout_closure, A.RenderBox_getDistanceToActualBaseline_closure, A.MouseTracker_updateWithEvent_closure, A.MouseTracker_updateWithEvent__closure, A.MouseTracker_updateAllDevices_closure, A.PaintingContext_pushClipRect_closure, A.PaintingContext_pushClipPath_closure, A.RenderObject__debugReportException_closure, A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure, A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure0, A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure1, A.ServicesBinding__addLicenses_closure, A.RawKeyEvent_RawKeyEvent$fromMessage__dataFromWeb, A.RestorationBucket__rawChildren_closure, A.RestorationBucket__rawValues_closure, A.RestorationBucket__addChildData_closure, A._ActionsState__handleActionChanged_closure, A._WidgetsAppState_didChangeLocales_closure, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_dispatchEvent_closure, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3, A.WidgetsBinding_scheduleAttachRootWidget_closure, A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure, A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure0, A._FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure, A._FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure0, A._FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure1, A.BuildOwner_buildScope_closure, A.ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure, A.ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure0, A.GestureDetector_build_closure, A.GestureDetector_build_closure1, A.GestureDetector_build_closure3, A.GestureDetector_build_closure5, A.GestureDetector_build_closure7, A.GestureDetector_build_closure9, A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getTapHandler_closure, A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getLongPressHandler_closure, A._HeroState_startFlight_closure, A._HeroState_endFlight_closure, A._HeroFlight__handleAnimationUpdate_delayedPerformAnimationUpdate, A.AnimatedWidgetBaseState__handleAnimationChanged_closure, A._LocalizationsState_load__closure, A._MediaQueryFromWindowState_didChangeMetrics_closure, A._MediaQueryFromWindowState_didChangePlatformBrightness_closure, A.ModalBarrier_build_handleDismiss, A.Route_isCurrent_closure0, A.Route_isFirst_closure0, A.Route_isActive_closure0, A._RouteEntry_handlePush_closure, A._RouteEntry_dispose_closure0, A.NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure0, A.NavigatorState_maybePop_closure0, A.NavigatorState_maybePop_closure2, A.NavigatorState__cancelActivePointers_closure, A._OverlayEntryWidgetState__markNeedsBuild_closure, A.OverlayState_insert_closure, A.OverlayState_insertAll_closure, A.OverlayState_rearrange_closure, A.OverlayState__markDirty_closure, A.OverlayState__didChangeEntryOpacity_closure, A._AndroidViewState__createNewAndroidView_closure, A._UiKitViewState__createNewUiKitView_closure, A._RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary__closure, A.RestorationMixin_registerForRestoration_listener, A.TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure, A.TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure0, A._ModalScopeState__forceRebuildPage_closure, A.ModalRoute_offstage_closure, A.ModalRoute_changedInternalState_closure, A.ScrollNotificationObserverState__notifyListeners_closure, A.ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts__closure, A._AnimatedState__handleChange_closure, A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers_closure, A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure0, A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure2]); _inheritMany(A._Enum, [A.BrowserEngine, A.OperatingSystem, A.MutatorType, A._ParagraphCommandType, A.PersistedSurfaceState, A._CheckableKind, A.Role, A.AccessibilityMode, A.GestureMode, A.EnabledState, A.LineCharProperty, A.LineBreakType, A._ComparisonResult, A.TextCapitalization, A.TransformKind, A.ClipOp, A.PathFillType, A.KeyEventType, A.StrokeCap, A.StrokeJoin, A.PaintingStyle, A.BlendMode, A.Clip, A.FilterQuality, A.AppLifecycleState, A.PointerChange, A.PointerDeviceKind, A.PointerSignalKind, A.PlaceholderAlignment, A.TextAlign, A.TextBaseline, A.TextDecorationStyle, A.TextLeadingDistribution, A.TextDirection, A.TextAffinity, A.BoxHeightStyle, A.BoxWidthStyle, A.TileMode, A.Brightness, A.AnimationStatus, A._AnimationDirection, A.AnimationBehavior, A._TrainHoppingMode, A.DiagnosticLevel, A.DiagnosticsTreeStyle, A._WordWrapParseMode, A.TargetPlatform, A.GestureDisposition, A._DragState, A.DragStartBehavior, A.GestureRecognizerState, A.ThemeMode, A._CornerId, A.ButtonTextTheme, A._FloatingActionButtonType, A._HighlightType, A.FloatingLabelBehavior, A.MaterialType, A.MaterialState, A._ScaffoldSlot, A.SnackBarClosedReason, A.MaterialTapTargetSize, A.ScriptCategory, A.RenderComparison, A.Axis, A.VerticalDirection, A.AxisDirection, A.BorderStyle, A.BoxShape, A.TextOverflow, A.TextWidthBasis, A.MainAxisSize, A.MainAxisAlignment, A.CrossAxisAlignment, A.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior, A._PlatformViewState, A.HitTestBehavior, A.DecorationPosition, A.StackFit, A.Overflow, A.SchedulerPhase, A.DebugSemanticsDumpOrder, A.KeyDataTransitMode, A._AndroidViewState0, A.KeyboardSide, A.ModifierKey, A.SystemSoundType, A.KeyEventResult, A.UnfocusDisposition, A.FocusHighlightMode, A.FocusHighlightStrategy, A.TraversalDirection, A._StateLifecycle, A._ElementLifecycle, A.HeroFlightDirection, A.NavigationMode, A.RoutePopDisposition, A._RouteLifecycle, A._RouteRestorationType, A.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy, A.ScrollIncrementType, A.MapType]); _inherit(A.CanvasPool, A._SaveStackTracking); _inherit(A.RecordingCkCanvas, A.CkCanvas); _inheritMany(A.CkPaintCommand, [A.CkClearCommand, A.CkSaveCommand, A.CkRestoreCommand, A.CkRestoreToCountCommand, A.CkTranslateCommand, A.CkTransformCommand, A.CkClipRectCommand, A.CkClipRRectCommand, A.CkClipPathCommand, A.CkDrawPaintCommand, A.CkDrawRectCommand, A.CkDrawRRectCommand, A.CkDrawDRRectCommand, A.CkDrawCircleCommand, A.CkDrawPathCommand, A.CkDrawShadowCommand, A.CkDrawParagraphCommand, A.CkDrawPictureCommand, A.CkSaveLayerCommand]); _inheritMany(J.Interceptor, [J.JavaScriptObject, J.JSBool, J.JSNull, J.JSArray, J.JSNumber, J.JSString, A.NativeByteBuffer, A.NativeTypedData]); _inheritMany(J.JavaScriptObject, [J.LegacyJavaScriptObject, A.EventTarget, A.AccessibleNodeList, A.Blob, A.Body, A.CanvasRenderingContext2D, A.Credential, A.CredentialUserData, A.CssRule, A.CssTransformComponent, A._CssStyleDeclaration_JavaScriptObject_CssStyleDeclarationBase, A.StyleSheet, A.CssStyleValue, A.DataTransferItemList, A.DomError, A.DomException, A._DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.DomRectReadOnly, A._DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.DomTokenList, A.Entry, A.Event, A._FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.FileSystem, A.FontFace, A.Gamepad, A.History, A._HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ImageData, A.Location, A.MediaList, A._MidiInputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin, A._MidiOutputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin, A.MimeType, A._MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.NavigatorUserMediaError, A._NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.OverconstrainedError, A.PerformanceEntry, A.PerformanceServerTiming, A.Plugin, A._PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A._RtcStatsReport_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin, A.SpeechGrammar, A._SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.SpeechRecognitionResult, A.SpeechSynthesisVoice, A._Storage_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin, A._TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.TimeRanges, A.Touch, A._TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.TrackDefaultList, A.Url, A.__CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.__GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.__NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.__StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.Index, A.KeyRange, A.ObjectStore, A.Length, A._LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.Number, A._NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.PointList, A._StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.Transform0, A._TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.AudioBuffer, A._AudioParamMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin, A.ActiveInfo]); _inheritMany(J.LegacyJavaScriptObject, [A.CanvasKit, A.CanvasKitInitOptions, A.CanvasKitInitPromise, A.ColorSpace, A.SkWebGLContextOptions, A.SkSurface, A.SkGrContext, A.SkFontSlantEnum, A.SkFontSlant, A.SkFontWeightEnum, A.SkFontWeight, A.SkAffinityEnum, A.SkAffinity, A.SkTextDirectionEnum, A.SkTextDirection, A.SkTextAlignEnum, A.SkTextAlign, A.SkTextHeightBehaviorEnum, A.SkTextHeightBehavior, A.SkRectHeightStyleEnum, A.SkRectHeightStyle, A.SkRectWidthStyleEnum, A.SkRectWidthStyle, A.SkVertexModeEnum, A.SkVertexMode, A.SkPointModeEnum, A.SkPointMode, A.SkClipOpEnum, A.SkClipOp, A.SkFillTypeEnum, A.SkFillType, A.SkPathOpEnum, A.SkPathOp, A.SkBlurStyleEnum, A.SkBlurStyle, A.SkStrokeCapEnum, A.SkStrokeCap, A.SkPaintStyleEnum, A.SkPaintStyle, A.SkBlendModeEnum, A.SkBlendMode, A.SkStrokeJoinEnum, A.SkStrokeJoin, A.SkTileModeEnum, A.SkTileMode, A.SkFilterModeEnum, A.SkFilterMode, A.SkMipmapModeEnum, A.SkMipmapMode, A.SkAlphaTypeEnum, A.SkAlphaType, A.SkColorTypeEnum, A.SkColorType, A.SkAnimatedImage, A.SkImage, A.SkShaderNamespace, A.SkShader, A.SkMaskFilterNamespace, A.SkPaint, A.CkFilterOptions, A.SkMaskFilter, A.SkColorFilterNamespace, A.SkColorFilter, A.SkImageFilterNamespace, A.SkImageFilter, A.SkPathNamespace, A._NativeFloat32ArrayType, A.SkFloat32List, A.SkPath, A.SkContourMeasureIter, A.SkContourMeasure, A.SkPictureRecorder, A.SkCanvas, A.SkPicture, A.SkParagraphBuilderNamespace, A.SkParagraphBuilder, A.SkParagraphStyle, A.SkParagraphStyleProperties, A.SkTextStyle, A.SkTextDecorationStyleEnum, A.SkTextDecorationStyle, A.SkTextBaselineEnum, A.SkTextBaseline, A.SkPlaceholderAlignmentEnum, A.SkPlaceholderAlignment, A.SkTextStyleProperties, A.SkStrutStyleProperties, A.SkFontStyle, A.SkTextShadow, A.SkFontFeature, A.SkTypeface, A.SkFont, A.SkFontMgr, A.SkLineMetrics, A.SkParagraph, A.SkTextPosition, A.SkTextRange, A.SkVertices, A.SkTonalColors, A.SkFontMgrNamespace, A.TypefaceFontProviderNamespace, A.SkTypefaceFactory, A.SkDeletable, A.JsConstructor, A.SkObjectFinalizationRegistry, A.SkData, A.SkImageInfo, A.SkPartialImageInfo, A.JsFlutterConfiguration, A.JsUrlStrategy, A.JsPromise, A.ImageDecoder, A.ImageDecoderOptions, A.DecodeResult, A.DecodeOptions, A.VideoFrame, A.ImageTrackList, A.ImageTrack, J.PlainJavaScriptObject, J.UnknownJavaScriptObject, J.JavaScriptFunction]); _inheritMany(A.CkFilterOptions, [A._CkCubicFilterOptions, A._CkTransformFilterOptions]); _inherit(A.TypefaceFontProvider, A.SkFontMgr); _inheritMany(A.Closure2Args, [A.HtmlViewEmbedder_submitFrame_closure1, A.initializeCanvasKit__closure, A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges_closure, A.IntervalTree_IntervalTree$createFromRanges_closure0, A.Surface_acquireFrame_closure, A.commitScene_closure, A.PersistedContainerSurface__matchChildren_closure, A.initializeEngine_closure, A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure2, A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent__closure, A.StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure0, A.saveForms_closure, A.CastMap_forEach_closure, A.ConstantMap_map_closure, A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure, A.JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure, A.initHooks_closure0, A._awaitOnObject_closure0, A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure, A.Future_wait_handleError, A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0, A._HashMap_addAll_closure, A.MapBase_mapToString_closure, A._JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure, A.NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure, A.Uri__parseIPv4Address_error, A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_error, A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex, A._Uri__makeQuery_writeParameter, A._Uri__makeQuery_closure, A._createTables_build, A.MidiInputMap_keys_closure, A.MidiInputMap_values_closure, A.MidiOutputMap_keys_closure, A.MidiOutputMap_values_closure, A.RtcStatsReport_keys_closure, A.RtcStatsReport_values_closure, A.Storage_keys_closure, A.Storage_values_closure, A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer_sanitizeTree_walk, A._StructuredClone_walk_closure, A._StructuredClone_walk_closure0, A._AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure, A.convertDartToNative_Dictionary_closure, A.AudioParamMap_keys_closure, A.AudioParamMap_values_closure, A.CupertinoDynamicColor_toString_toString, A.BindingBase_registerServiceExtension_closure, A.PointerRouter__dispatchEventToRoutes_closure, A.MaterialApp_createMaterialHeroController_closure, A._MaterialAppState_build_closure, A._RenderInputPadding_hitTest_closure, A.ScaffoldState_build_closure, A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure, A._CompoundBorder_dimensions_closure, A.RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_defaultHitTestChildren_closure, A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure, A.PipelineOwner_flushLayout_closure, A.PipelineOwner_flushCompositingBits_closure, A.PipelineOwner_flushPaint_closure, A.PipelineOwner_flushSemantics_closure, A.RenderParagraph_hitTestChildren_closure, A.RenderParagraph_paint_closure, A.RenderTransform_hitTestChildren_closure, A.RenderFractionalTranslation_hitTestChildren_closure, A.RenderShiftedBox_hitTestChildren_closure, A.SchedulerBinding_handleBeginFrame_closure, A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure, A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure0, A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure1, A._DefaultBinaryMessenger_setMessageHandler_closure, A.StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFindInitial_closure, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure0, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure2, A._ReadingOrderSortData_sortWithDirectionality_closure, A._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_sortWithDirectionality_closure, A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_closure, A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand, A.RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_slotFor, A.Hero__allHeroesFor_inviteHero, A._HeroFlight__buildOverlay_closure, A._HistoryProperty_fromPrimitives_closure, A._NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure, A._RenderTheatre_hitTestChildren_closure, A.__RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure, A._ModalScopeState_build_closure, A._ModalScopeState_build__closure0, A._ModalScopeState_build___closure, A.ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts_closure, A._GoogleMapOptions_updatesMap_closure, A.MapsObjectUpdates_toJson_addIfNonNull, A.InfoWindow__toJson_addIfPresent, A.Marker_toJson_addIfPresent, A.Tile_toJson_addIfPresent, A.TransformByHandlers_transformByHandlers__closure1, A.Where_whereType_closure]); _inheritMany(A.Iterable, [A.MutatorsStack, A._CastIterableBase, A.EfficientLengthIterable, A.MappedIterable, A.WhereIterable, A.ExpandIterable, A.TakeIterable, A.SkipIterable, A.SkipWhileIterable, A.FollowedByIterable, A.WhereTypeIterable, A._ConstantMapKeyIterable, A._StringAllMatchesIterable, A.IterableBase, A.LinkedList, A.DoubleLinkedQueue, A.ObserverList, A.HashedObserverList]); _inheritMany(A.Layer, [A.ContainerLayer, A.PictureLayer0, A.PlatformViewLayer0]); _inheritMany(A.ContainerLayer, [A.RootLayer, A.ClipPathEngineLayer, A.ClipRectEngineLayer, A.OpacityEngineLayer, A.TransformEngineLayer, A.PhysicalShapeEngineLayer]); _inherit(A.OffsetEngineLayer, A.TransformEngineLayer); _inheritMany(A.SkiaObject, [A.ManagedSkiaObject, A.CkParagraph]); _inheritMany(A.ManagedSkiaObject, [A.CkPaint, A.CkPath, A.CkPicture, A.CkShader]); _inherit(A.CkGradientLinear, A.CkShader); _inheritMany(A.Error, [A.CanvasKitError, A.LateError, A.TypeError, A.JsNoSuchMethodError, A.UnknownJsTypeError, A.RuntimeError, A._Error, A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError, A.AssertionError, A.NullThrownError, A.ArgumentError, A.NoSuchMethodError, A.UnsupportedError, A.UnimplementedError, A.StateError, A.ConcurrentModificationError, A.CyclicInitializationError, A._FlutterError_Error_DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A.UnknownMapObjectIdError, A.UnknownMapIDError]); _inheritMany(A.EngineCanvas, [A.BitmapCanvas, A._DomCanvas_EngineCanvas_SaveElementStackTracking]); _inheritMany(A.PersistedSurface, [A.PersistedContainerSurface, A.PersistedLeafSurface]); _inheritMany(A.PersistedContainerSurface, [A._PersistedClipRect_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip, A._PersistedPhysicalShape_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip, A.PersistedClipPath, A.PersistedOffset, A.PersistedOpacity, A.PersistedScene, A.PersistedTransform]); _inherit(A.PersistedClipRect, A._PersistedClipRect_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip); _inherit(A.PersistedPhysicalShape, A._PersistedPhysicalShape_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip); _inherit(A.DomCanvas, A._DomCanvas_EngineCanvas_SaveElementStackTracking); _inheritMany(A.PersistedLeafSurface, [A.PersistedPicture, A.PersistedPlatformView]); _inheritMany(A.PaintCommand, [A.DrawCommand, A.PaintSave, A.PaintRestore, A.PaintTranslate, A.PaintTransform]); _inheritMany(A.DrawCommand, [A.PaintClipRect, A.PaintClipRRect, A.PaintClipPath, A.PaintDrawRect, A.PaintDrawRRect, A.PaintDrawDRRect, A.PaintDrawCircle, A.PaintDrawParagraph]); _inherit(A.GradientLinear, A.EngineGradient); _inheritMany(A.BrowserHistory, [A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory, A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory]); _inheritMany(A.UrlStrategy, [A.HashUrlStrategy, A.CustomUrlStrategy]); _inherit(A.BrowserPlatformLocation, A.PlatformLocation); _inherit(A.EnginePlatformDispatcher, A.PlatformDispatcher); _inheritMany(A._BaseAdapter, [A.__PointerAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin, A._TouchAdapter, A.__MouseAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin]); _inherit(A._PointerAdapter, A.__PointerAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin); _inherit(A._MouseAdapter, A.__MouseAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin); _inheritMany(A.RoleManager, [A.Checkable, A.ImageRoleManager, A.Incrementable, A.LabelAndValue, A.LiveRegion, A.Scrollable, A.Tappable, A.TextField]); _inheritMany(A.SemanticsEnabler, [A.DesktopSemanticsEnabler, A.MobileSemanticsEnabler]); _inheritMany(A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy, [A.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy, A.GloballyPositionedTextEditingStrategy, A.SafariDesktopTextEditingStrategy]); _inherit(A.ListBase, A._ListBase_Object_ListMixin); _inheritMany(A.ListBase, [A._TypedDataBuffer, A.UnmodifiableListBase, A._ChildrenElementList, A._FrozenElementList, A._ChildNodeListLazy, A.FilteredElementList, A.TypedDataBuffer]); _inherit(A._IntBuffer, A._TypedDataBuffer); _inherit(A.Uint8Buffer0, A._IntBuffer); _inheritMany(A.StyleNode, [A.ChildStyleNode, A.RootStyleNode]); _inherit(A._PolyfillFontManager, A.FontManager); _inheritMany(A.RangeBox, [A.PlaceholderBox, A.SpanBox]); _inheritMany(A.EngineInputType, [A.NoTextInputType, A.TextInputType, A.NumberInputType, A.DecimalInputType, A.PhoneInputType, A.EmailInputType, A.UrlInputType, A.MultilineInputType]); _inheritMany(A.GloballyPositionedTextEditingStrategy, [A.IOSTextEditingStrategy, A.AndroidTextEditingStrategy, A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy]); _inheritMany(A.TextInputCommand, [A.TextInputSetClient, A.TextInputUpdateConfig, A.TextInputSetEditingState, A.TextInputShow, A.TextInputSetEditableSizeAndTransform, A.TextInputSetStyle, A.TextInputClearClient, A.TextInputHide, A.TextInputSetMarkedTextRect, A.TextInputSetCaretRect, A.TextInputRequestAutofill, A.TextInputFinishAutofillContext]); _inherit(A.FlutterWindow, A.FlutterView); _inherit(A.SingletonFlutterWindow, A.FlutterWindow); _inherit(A.EngineFlutterWindow, A.SingletonFlutterWindow); _inherit(A.EngineSingletonFlutterWindow, A.EngineFlutterWindow); _inherit(J.JSUnmodifiableArray, J.JSArray); _inheritMany(J.JSNumber, [J.JSInt, J.JSNumNotInt]); _inheritMany(A._CastIterableBase, [A.CastIterable, A.__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin]); _inherit(A._EfficientLengthCastIterable, A.CastIterable); _inherit(A._CastListBase, A.__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin); _inherit(A.CastList, A._CastListBase); _inherit(A.MapBase, A.MapMixin); _inheritMany(A.MapBase, [A.CastMap, A.JsLinkedHashMap, A._HashMap, A._JsonMap, A._AttributeMap]); _inherit(A.CodeUnits, A.UnmodifiableListBase); _inheritMany(A.EfficientLengthIterable, [A.ListIterable, A.EmptyIterable, A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable, A._HashMapKeyIterable, A._MapBaseValueIterable]); _inheritMany(A.ListIterable, [A.SubListIterable, A.MappedListIterable, A.ReversedListIterable, A.ListQueue, A._JsonMapKeyIterable]); _inherit(A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable, A.MappedIterable); _inheritMany(A.Iterator, [A.MappedIterator, A.WhereIterator, A.TakeIterator, A.SkipIterator, A.SkipWhileIterator]); _inherit(A.EfficientLengthTakeIterable, A.TakeIterable); _inherit(A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable, A.SkipIterable); _inherit(A._UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin, A.MapView); _inherit(A.UnmodifiableMapView, A._UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin); _inherit(A.ConstantMapView, A.UnmodifiableMapView); _inheritMany(A.ConstantMap, [A.ConstantStringMap, A.GeneralConstantMap]); _inherit(A.Instantiation1, A.Instantiation); _inherit(A.NullError, A.TypeError); _inheritMany(A.TearOffClosure, [A.StaticClosure, A.BoundClosure]); _inheritMany(A.NativeTypedData, [A.NativeByteData, A.NativeTypedArray]); _inheritMany(A.NativeTypedArray, [A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin, A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin]); _inherit(A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin, A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin); _inherit(A.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble, A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin); _inherit(A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin, A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin); _inherit(A.NativeTypedArrayOfInt, A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin); _inheritMany(A.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble, [A.NativeFloat32List, A.NativeFloat64List]); _inheritMany(A.NativeTypedArrayOfInt, [A.NativeInt16List, A.NativeInt32List, A.NativeInt8List, A.NativeUint16List, A.NativeUint32List, A.NativeUint8ClampedList, A.NativeUint8List]); _inherit(A._TypeError, A._Error); _inherit(A._SyncStarIterable, A.IterableBase); _inheritMany(A.Stream, [A._StreamImpl, A._ForwardingStream, A._EventStream]); _inherit(A._ControllerStream, A._StreamImpl); _inherit(A._BroadcastStream, A._ControllerStream); _inheritMany(A._BufferingStreamSubscription, [A._ControllerSubscription, A._ForwardingStreamSubscription]); _inherit(A._BroadcastSubscription, A._ControllerSubscription); _inheritMany(A._BroadcastStreamController, [A._SyncBroadcastStreamController, A._AsyncBroadcastStreamController]); _inherit(A._AsyncCompleter, A._Completer); _inheritMany(A._StreamController, [A._AsyncStreamController, A._SyncStreamController]); _inheritMany(A._DelayedEvent, [A._DelayedData, A._DelayedError]); _inherit(A._StreamImplEvents, A._PendingEvents); _inherit(A._WhereStream, A._ForwardingStream); _inherit(A._RootZone, A._Zone); _inherit(A._IdentityHashMap, A._HashMap); _inheritMany(A.JsLinkedHashMap, [A._LinkedIdentityHashMap, A._LinkedCustomHashMap]); _inherit(A._SetBase, A.__SetBase_Object_SetMixin); _inheritMany(A._SetBase, [A._HashSet, A._LinkedHashSet, A.__UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin]); _inheritMany(A._DoubleLinkedQueueEntry, [A._DoubleLinkedQueueElement, A._DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel]); _inherit(A._UnmodifiableSet, A.__UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin); _inheritMany(A.Codec, [A.Base64Codec, A.Encoding, A.JsonCodec]); _inherit(A.Converter, A.StreamTransformerBase); _inheritMany(A.Converter, [A.Base64Encoder, A.JsonEncoder, A.JsonDecoder, A.Utf8Encoder, A.Utf8Decoder]); _inherit(A.JsonCyclicError, A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError); _inherit(A._JsonStringStringifier, A._JsonStringifier); _inherit(A.Utf8Codec, A.Encoding); _inheritMany(A.ArgumentError, [A.RangeError, A.IndexError]); _inherit(A._DataUri, A._Uri); _inheritMany(A.EventTarget, [A.Node, A.BroadcastChannel, A.FileWriter, A.HttpRequestEventTarget, A.MediaKeySession, A.MediaQueryList, A.MessagePort, A.MidiPort, A.OffscreenCanvas, A.ScreenOrientation, A.WorkerGlobalScope, A.SourceBuffer, A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin, A.TextTrack, A.TextTrackCue, A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin, A.VideoTrackList, A.Window, A.Database, A.AudioTrackList, A.BaseAudioContext]); _inheritMany(A.Node, [A.Element0, A.CharacterData, A.Document, A._Attr]); _inheritMany(A.Element0, [A.HtmlElement, A.SvgElement]); _inheritMany(A.HtmlElement, [A.AnchorElement, A.AreaElement, A.BaseElement, A.BodyElement, 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A._DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin); _inherit(A.DomStringList, A._DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin); _inheritMany(A.Credential, [A.FederatedCredential, A.PasswordCredential]); _inherit(A.File, A.Blob); _inherit(A._FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin); _inherit(A.FileList, A._FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin); _inherit(A._HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin); _inherit(A.HtmlCollection, A._HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin); _inherit(A.HtmlDocument, A.Document); _inherit(A.HttpRequest, A.HttpRequestEventTarget); _inheritMany(A.Event, [A.UIEvent, A.MediaQueryListEvent, A.ProgressEvent, A.SpeechSynthesisEvent, A.VersionChangeEvent]); _inheritMany(A.UIEvent, [A.KeyboardEvent, A.MouseEvent, A.TouchEvent]); _inherit(A.MidiInputMap, A._MidiInputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin); 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A.CustomPainter, A._SystemFontsNotifier, A.CustomClipper]); _inheritMany(A.Animation0, [A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin, A._AlwaysCompleteAnimation, A._AlwaysDismissedAnimation, A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin, A._ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin, A._CurvedAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin, A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin, A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin, A.__AnimatedEvaluation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin]); _inherit(A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin, A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin); _inherit(A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin, A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin); _inherit(A.AnimationController, A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin); _inherit(A._InterpolationSimulation, A.Simulation); _inherit(A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin, A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin); _inherit(A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin, A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin); _inherit(A.ProxyAnimation, A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin); _inherit(A._ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin, A._ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin); _inherit(A.ReverseAnimation, A._ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin); _inherit(A.CurvedAnimation, A._CurvedAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin); _inherit(A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin, A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin); _inherit(A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin, A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin); _inherit(A.TrainHoppingAnimation, A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin); _inherit(A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin, A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin); _inherit(A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin, A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin); _inherit(A.CompoundAnimation, A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin); _inheritMany(A.CompoundAnimation, [A.AnimationMin, A._AnimationSwap]); _inherit(A.Curve, A.ParametricCurve); _inheritMany(A.Curve, [A._Linear, A.Interval, A.Threshold, A.Cubic, A.FlippedCurve]); _inherit(A._AnimatedEvaluation, A.__AnimatedEvaluation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin); _inheritMany(A.Animatable, [A._ChainedEvaluation, A.Tween, A.CurveTween]); _inheritMany(A.Tween, [A.ReverseTween, A.ColorTween, A.RectTween, A.IntTween, A.MaterialPointArcTween, A.ShapeBorderTween, A.ThemeDataTween, A.DecorationTween, A.BorderRadiusTween, A.TextStyleTween]); _inheritMany(A.Color, [A._CupertinoDynamicColor_Color_Diagnosticable, A.ColorSwatch]); _inherit(A.CupertinoDynamicColor, A._CupertinoDynamicColor_Color_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.IconThemeData, A._IconThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A._CupertinoIconThemeData_IconThemeData_Diagnosticable, A.IconThemeData); _inherit(A.CupertinoIconThemeData, A._CupertinoIconThemeData_IconThemeData_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.LocalizationsDelegate, [A._CupertinoLocalizationsDelegate, A._MaterialLocalizationsDelegate, A._WidgetsLocalizationsDelegate]); _inherit(A.DiagnosticableTree, A._DiagnosticableTree_Object_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.DiagnosticableTree, [A.Widget, A.InlineSpan, A.SemanticsProperties, A.Element]); _inheritMany(A.Widget, [A.StatelessWidget, A.StatefulWidget, A.ProxyWidget, A.RenderObjectWidget, A._NullWidget0]); _inheritMany(A.StatelessWidget, [A.CupertinoPageTransition, A.CupertinoTheme, A.FloatingActionButton, A.InkResponse, A._ShapeBorderPaint, A._FadeUpwardsPageTransition, A._BodyBuilder, A.Theme, A._NullWidget, A.PositionedDirectional, A.KeyedSubtree, A.Builder, A.Container, A.GestureDetector, A.Icon, A.ModalBarrier, A._ModalBarrierGestureDetector, A.NotificationListener, A.PageStorage, A._NullWidget1, A.Text, A.Title, A.MyApp]); _inheritMany(A.StatefulWidget, [A._CupertinoBackGestureDetector, A.MaterialApp, A.RawMaterialButton, A._InkResponseStateWidget, A.Material, A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget, A.ScaffoldMessenger, A._FloatingActionButtonTransition, A.Scaffold, A.Actions, A.WidgetsApp, A.MouseRegion, A.Shortcuts, A.Focus, A.FocusTraversalGroup, A.RawGestureDetector, A.Hero, A.Localizations, A._MediaQueryFromWindow, A.Navigator, A._OverlayEntryWidget, A.Overlay, A.AndroidView, A.UiKitView, A.RestorationScope, A.RootRestorationScope, A._ModalScope, A.ScrollNotificationObserver, A.SharedAppData, A.TickerMode, A.AnimatedWidget, A.MapSample, A.GoogleMap]); _inherit(A.State, A._State_Object_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.State, [A._CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState, A._MaterialAppState, A.__RawMaterialButtonState_State_MaterialStateMixin, A.__InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin, A.__MaterialState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin, A._ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin, A._ScaffoldMessengerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin, A.__FloatingActionButtonTransitionState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin, A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin, A._ActionsState, A.__WidgetsAppState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver, A._MouseRegionState, A._FocusState, A._FocusTraversalGroupState, A.RawGestureDetectorState, A._HeroState, A._LocalizationsState, A.__MediaQueryFromWindowState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver, A._NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin, A._OverlayEntryWidgetState, A._OverlayState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin, A._AndroidViewState, A._UiKitViewState, A.__RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin, A._RootRestorationScopeState, A._ModalScopeState, A.ScrollNotificationObserverState, A._SharedAppDataState, A._ShortcutsState, A._TickerModeState, A._AnimatedState, A.MapSampleState, A._GoogleMapState]); _inherit(A.Decoration, A._Decoration_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration, A.Decoration); _inherit(A._CupertinoEdgeShadowPainter, A.BoxPainter); _inheritMany(A.ProxyWidget, [A.InheritedWidget, A.ParentDataWidget]); _inheritMany(A.InheritedWidget, [A._InheritedCupertinoTheme, A._ParentInkResponseProvider, A._ScaffoldMessengerScope, A._ScaffoldScope, A.InheritedTheme, A._ActionsMarker, A.Directionality, A.InheritedNotifier, A._FocusTraversalGroupMarker, A.InheritedModel, A._LocalizationsScope, A.MediaQuery, A.HeroControllerScope, A.PrimaryScrollController, A.UnmanagedRestorationScope, A._ModalScopeStatus, A.ScrollConfiguration, A._ScrollNotificationObserverScope, A._EffectiveTickerMode]); _inherit(A._CupertinoThemeData_NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData_Diagnosticable, A.NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData); _inherit(A.CupertinoThemeData, A._CupertinoThemeData_NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.DiagnosticsNode, [A.DiagnosticsProperty, A.DiagnosticsBlock, A.DiagnosticableNode]); _inheritMany(A.DiagnosticsProperty, [A._ErrorDiagnostic, A.ErrorSpacer]); _inheritMany(A._ErrorDiagnostic, [A.ErrorDescription, A.ErrorSummary, A.ErrorHint]); _inherit(A.FlutterErrorDetails, A._FlutterErrorDetails_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.FlutterError, A._FlutterError_Error_DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _inherit(A.DiagnosticsStackTrace, A.DiagnosticsBlock); _inheritMany(A.DiagnosticableNode, [A._FlutterErrorDetailsNode, A.DiagnosticableTreeNode, A._SemanticsDiagnosticableNode]); _inheritMany(A.ChangeNotifier, [A.ValueNotifier, A._ScaffoldGeometryNotifier, A.MouseTracker, A.SemanticsOwner, A.RestorationManager, A.KeepAliveHandle, A.RestorableProperty, A.OverlayEntry, A.ScrollController, A._ShortcutManager_ChangeNotifier_Diagnosticable]); _inheritMany(A.Key, [A.LocalKey, A.GlobalKey]); _inheritMany(A.LocalKey, [A.ValueKey, A.UniqueKey]); _inherit(A.LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks, A.LicenseEntry); _inherit(A.FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher, A.FlutterErrorDetails); _inherit(A.PointerEvent, A._PointerEvent_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.__TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable, A._AbstractPointerEvent); _inherit(A.__TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable__PointerEventDescription, A.__TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A._TransformedPointerEvent, A.__TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable__PointerEventDescription); _inheritMany(A.PointerEvent, [A._PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A.PointerSignalEvent, A._PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription]); _inherit(A._PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerAddedEvent, A._PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription); _inherit(A.PointerAddedEvent, A._PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerAddedEvent); _inheritMany(A._TransformedPointerEvent, [A.__TransformedPointerAddedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerAddedEvent, A.__TransformedPointerRemovedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerRemovedEvent, A.__TransformedPointerHoverEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerHoverEvent, A.__TransformedPointerEnterEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerEnterEvent, A.__TransformedPointerExitEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerExitEvent, A.__TransformedPointerDownEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerDownEvent, A.__TransformedPointerMoveEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerMoveEvent, A.__TransformedPointerUpEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerUpEvent, A.__TransformedPointerScrollEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScrollEvent, A.__TransformedPointerCancelEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerCancelEvent]); _inherit(A._TransformedPointerAddedEvent, A.__TransformedPointerAddedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerAddedEvent); _inherit(A._PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerRemovedEvent, A._PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription); _inherit(A.PointerRemovedEvent, A._PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerRemovedEvent); _inherit(A._TransformedPointerRemovedEvent, A.__TransformedPointerRemovedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerRemovedEvent); _inherit(A._PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerHoverEvent, A._PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription); _inherit(A.PointerHoverEvent, A._PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerHoverEvent); _inherit(A._TransformedPointerHoverEvent, A.__TransformedPointerHoverEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerHoverEvent); _inherit(A._PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerEnterEvent, A._PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription); _inherit(A.PointerEnterEvent, A._PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerEnterEvent); _inherit(A._TransformedPointerEnterEvent, A.__TransformedPointerEnterEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerEnterEvent); _inherit(A._PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerExitEvent, A._PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription); _inherit(A.PointerExitEvent, A._PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerExitEvent); _inherit(A._TransformedPointerExitEvent, A.__TransformedPointerExitEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerExitEvent); _inherit(A._PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerDownEvent, A._PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription); _inherit(A.PointerDownEvent, A._PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerDownEvent); _inherit(A._TransformedPointerDownEvent, A.__TransformedPointerDownEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerDownEvent); _inherit(A._PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerMoveEvent, A._PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription); _inherit(A.PointerMoveEvent, A._PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerMoveEvent); _inherit(A._TransformedPointerMoveEvent, A.__TransformedPointerMoveEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerMoveEvent); _inherit(A._PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerUpEvent, A._PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription); _inherit(A.PointerUpEvent, A._PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerUpEvent); _inherit(A._TransformedPointerUpEvent, A.__TransformedPointerUpEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerUpEvent); _inherit(A._PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription, A.PointerSignalEvent); _inherit(A._PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScrollEvent, A._PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription); _inherit(A.PointerScrollEvent, A._PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScrollEvent); _inherit(A._TransformedPointerScrollEvent, A.__TransformedPointerScrollEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScrollEvent); _inherit(A._PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerCancelEvent, A._PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription); _inherit(A.PointerCancelEvent, A._PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerCancelEvent); _inherit(A._TransformedPointerCancelEvent, A.__TransformedPointerCancelEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerCancelEvent); _inheritMany(A._TransformPart, [A._MatrixTransformPart, A._OffsetTransformPart]); _inheritMany(A.GestureArenaMember, [A._GestureRecognizer_GestureArenaMember_DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A._CombiningGestureArenaMember]); _inherit(A.GestureRecognizer, A._GestureRecognizer_GestureArenaMember_DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _inheritMany(A.GestureRecognizer, [A.OneSequenceGestureRecognizer, A.DoubleTapGestureRecognizer]); _inheritMany(A.OneSequenceGestureRecognizer, [A.PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer, A.DragGestureRecognizer, A._UiKitViewGestureRecognizer, A._PlatformViewGestureRecognizer]); _inheritMany(A.PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer, [A.LongPressGestureRecognizer, A.BaseTapGestureRecognizer]); _inheritMany(A.DragGestureRecognizer, [A.VerticalDragGestureRecognizer, A.HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer, A.PanGestureRecognizer]); _inheritMany(A.BaseTapGestureRecognizer, [A.TapGestureRecognizer, A._AnyTapGestureRecognizer]); _inherit(A.MaterialScrollBehavior, A.ScrollBehavior); _inherit(A.AppBarTheme, A._AppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.MaterialRectArcTween, A.RectTween); _inherit(A.MaterialBannerThemeData, A._MaterialBannerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.BottomAppBarTheme, A._BottomAppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.BottomNavigationBarThemeData, A._BottomNavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.BottomSheetThemeData, A._BottomSheetThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A._RawMaterialButtonState, A.__RawMaterialButtonState_State_MaterialStateMixin); _inheritMany(A.RenderObjectWidget, [A.SingleChildRenderObjectWidget, A.MultiChildRenderObjectWidget, A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter, A.LeafRenderObjectWidget]); _inheritMany(A.SingleChildRenderObjectWidget, [A._InputPadding, A._ChildOverflowBox, A._InkFeatures, A.CustomPaint, A.ClipPath, A.PhysicalModel, A.PhysicalShape, A.Transform, A.FractionalTranslation, A.Padding, A.Align, A.SizedBox, A.ConstrainedBox, A.LimitedBox, A.Offstage, A.Listener, A._RawMouseRegion, A.RepaintBoundary, A.IgnorePointer, A.AbsorbPointer, A.Semantics, A.MergeSemantics, A.BlockSemantics, A.ExcludeSemantics, A.ColoredBox, A.DecoratedBox, A._GestureSemantics, A.FocusTrap, A.FadeTransition]); _inheritMany(A.AbstractNode, [A._RenderObject_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A._Layer_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A._SemanticsNode_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin]); _inherit(A.RenderObject, A._RenderObject_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _inheritMany(A.RenderObject, [A.RenderBox, A._RenderView_RenderObject_RenderObjectWithChildMixin]); _inheritMany(A.RenderBox, [A._RenderShiftedBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin, A._RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin, A._RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin, A.RenderErrorBox, A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin, A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin, A.RenderPerformanceOverlay, A._RenderAndroidView_RenderBox__PlatformViewGestureMixin, A.RenderUiKitView, A._RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin, A.__RenderTheatre_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin]); _inherit(A.RenderShiftedBox, A._RenderShiftedBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin); _inheritMany(A.RenderShiftedBox, [A._RenderInputPadding, A.RenderAligningShiftedBox, A.RenderPadding]); _inherit(A.ButtonBarThemeData, A._ButtonBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.ButtonStyle, A._ButtonStyle_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.ButtonThemeData, A._ButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.CardTheme, A._CardTheme_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.CheckboxThemeData, A._CheckboxThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.ChipThemeData, A._ChipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.ColorScheme, A._ColorScheme_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.MaterialColor, A.ColorSwatch); _inherit(A.DataTableThemeData, A._DataTableThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.DialogTheme, A._DialogTheme_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.DividerThemeData, A._DividerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.DrawerThemeData, A._DrawerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.ElevatedButtonThemeData, A._ElevatedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.RenderAligningShiftedBox, [A._RenderChildOverflowBox, A.RenderPositionedBox]); _inherit(A.StandardFabLocation, A.FloatingActionButtonLocation); _inherit(A.__EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX, A.StandardFabLocation); _inherit(A.__EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX_FabFloatOffsetY, A.__EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX); _inherit(A._EndFloatFabLocation, A.__EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX_FabFloatOffsetY); _inherit(A._ScalingFabMotionAnimator, A.FloatingActionButtonAnimator); _inherit(A.FloatingActionButtonThemeData, A._FloatingActionButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.InteractiveInkFeature, A.InkFeature); _inheritMany(A.InteractiveInkFeature, [A.InkHighlight, A.InkSplash]); _inherit(A._InkSplashFactory, A.InteractiveInkFeatureFactory); _inherit(A._InkResponseState, A.__InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin); _inherit(A.InkWell, A.InkResponse); _inherit(A.InputDecorationTheme, A._InputDecorationTheme_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.ListTileThemeData, A._ListTileThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A._MaterialState, A.__MaterialState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin); _inherit(A._RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin, A._RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin); _inherit(A.RenderProxyBox, A._RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin); _inheritMany(A.RenderProxyBox, [A._RenderInkFeatures, A.RenderCustomPaint, A.RenderProxyBoxWithHitTestBehavior, A.RenderConstrainedBox, A.RenderLimitedBox, A._RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderProxyBoxMixin, A._RenderCustomClip, A.RenderDecoratedBox, A.RenderTransform, A.RenderFractionalTranslation, A.RenderMouseRegion, A.RenderRepaintBoundary, A.RenderIgnorePointer, A.RenderOffstage, A.RenderAbsorbPointer, A.RenderSemanticsAnnotations, A.RenderBlockSemantics, A.RenderMergeSemantics, A.RenderExcludeSemantics]); _inheritMany(A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget, [A._MaterialInterior, A.AnimatedTheme, A.AnimatedDefaultTextStyle, A.AnimatedPhysicalModel]); _inherit(A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState, A._ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin); _inherit(A.AnimatedWidgetBaseState, A.ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState); _inheritMany(A.AnimatedWidgetBaseState, [A._MaterialInteriorState, A._AnimatedThemeState, A._AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState, A._AnimatedPhysicalModelState]); _inherit(A._ShapeBorderPainter, A.CustomPainter); _inherit(A.MouseCursor0, A._MouseCursor_Object_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.MouseCursor0, [A.MaterialStateMouseCursor, A._DeferringMouseCursor, A._NoopMouseCursor, A.SystemMouseCursor]); _inherit(A._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor, A.MaterialStateMouseCursor); _inherit(A.NavigationBarThemeData, A._NavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.NavigationRailThemeData, A._NavigationRailThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.OutlinedButtonThemeData, A._OutlinedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.Route, [A.OverlayRoute, A._NotAnnounced]); _inherit(A.TransitionRoute, A.OverlayRoute); _inherit(A._ModalRoute_TransitionRoute_LocalHistoryRoute, A.TransitionRoute); _inherit(A.ModalRoute, A._ModalRoute_TransitionRoute_LocalHistoryRoute); _inherit(A.PageRoute, A.ModalRoute); _inherit(A._MaterialPageRoute_PageRoute_MaterialRouteTransitionMixin, A.PageRoute); _inherit(A.MaterialPageRoute, A._MaterialPageRoute_PageRoute_MaterialRouteTransitionMixin); _inheritMany(A.PageTransitionsBuilder, [A.FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder, A.CupertinoPageTransitionsBuilder]); _inherit(A.PageTransitionsTheme, A._PageTransitionsTheme_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.PopupMenuThemeData, A._PopupMenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.ProgressIndicatorThemeData, A._ProgressIndicatorThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.RadioThemeData, A._RadioThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.ScaffoldMessengerState, A._ScaffoldMessengerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin); _inherit(A.BoxConstraints, A.Constraints); _inherit(A._BodyBoxConstraints, A.BoxConstraints); _inherit(A._ScaffoldLayout, A.MultiChildLayoutDelegate); _inherit(A._FloatingActionButtonTransitionState, A.__FloatingActionButtonTransitionState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin); _inherit(A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin, A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin); _inherit(A.ScaffoldState, A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin); _inherit(A.ScrollbarThemeData, A._ScrollbarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.SliderThemeData, A._SliderThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.SnackBarThemeData, A._SnackBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.SwitchThemeData, A._SwitchThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.TabBarTheme, A._TabBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.TextButtonThemeData, A._TextButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.TextSelectionThemeData, A._TextSelectionThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.TextTheme, A._TextTheme_Object_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.InheritedTheme, [A._InheritedTheme, A.IconTheme, A.DefaultTextStyle]); _inherit(A.ThemeData, A._ThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData, A.CupertinoThemeData); _inherit(A.VisualDensity, A._VisualDensity_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.TimePickerThemeData, A._TimePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.ToggleButtonsThemeData, A._ToggleButtonsThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.TooltipThemeData, A._TooltipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.Typography, A._Typography_Object_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.AlignmentGeometry, [A.Alignment, A.AlignmentDirectional, A._MixedAlignment]); _inheritMany(A.BorderRadiusGeometry, [A.BorderRadius, A._MixedBorderRadius]); _inheritMany(A.ShapeBorder, [A.OutlinedBorder, A._CompoundBorder]); _inheritMany(A.OutlinedBorder, [A.CircleBorder, A.RoundedRectangleBorder, A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder, A.StadiumBorder, A._StadiumToCircleBorder, A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder]); _inheritMany(A.EdgeInsetsGeometry, [A.EdgeInsets, A.EdgeInsetsDirectional, A._MixedEdgeInsets]); _inherit(A.TextSpan, A.InlineSpan); _inherit(A.TextStyle, A._TextStyle_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.BoxHitTestResult, A.HitTestResult); _inherit(A.BoxHitTestEntry, A.HitTestEntry); _inherit(A.BoxParentData, A.ParentData); _inherit(A._ContainerBoxParentData_BoxParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin, A.BoxParentData); _inherit(A.ContainerBoxParentData, A._ContainerBoxParentData_BoxParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin); _inheritMany(A.ContainerBoxParentData, [A.MultiChildLayoutParentData, A.FlexParentData, A.TextParentData, A.StackParentData]); _inherit(A._RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin, A._RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin); _inherit(A.RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox, A._RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin); _inherit(A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin, A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin); _inherit(A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin, A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin); _inherit(A.RenderFlex, A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin); _inherit(A.Layer0, A._Layer_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _inheritMany(A.Layer0, [A.PictureLayer, A.TextureLayer, A.PlatformViewLayer, A.PerformanceOverlayLayer, A.ContainerLayer0]); _inheritMany(A.ContainerLayer0, [A.OffsetLayer, A.ClipRectLayer, A.ClipPathLayer, A.PhysicalModelLayer]); _inheritMany(A.OffsetLayer, [A.TransformLayer, A.OpacityLayer]); _inherit(A._MouseTrackerUpdateDetails, A.__MouseTrackerUpdateDetails_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.PaintingContext, A.ClipContext); _inheritMany(A._SemanticsFragment, [A._ContainerSemanticsFragment, A._InterestingSemanticsFragment]); _inheritMany(A._InterestingSemanticsFragment, [A._RootSemanticsFragment, A._SwitchableSemanticsFragment]); _inherit(A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin, A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin); _inherit(A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin, A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin); _inherit(A.RenderParagraph, A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin); _inherit(A.RenderAndroidView, A._RenderAndroidView_RenderBox__PlatformViewGestureMixin); _inherit(A._RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderProxyBoxMixin_RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin, A._RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderProxyBoxMixin); _inherit(A.RenderAnimatedOpacity, A._RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderProxyBoxMixin_RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin); _inherit(A.ShapeBorderClipper, A.CustomClipper); _inheritMany(A._RenderCustomClip, [A.RenderClipPath, A._RenderPhysicalModelBase]); _inheritMany(A._RenderPhysicalModelBase, [A.RenderPhysicalModel, A.RenderPhysicalShape]); _inheritMany(A.RenderProxyBoxWithHitTestBehavior, [A.RenderPointerListener, A.RenderSemanticsGestureHandler, A._RenderColoredBox, A._RenderFocusTrap]); _inherit(A._RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin, A._RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin); _inherit(A.RenderStack, A._RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin); _inherit(A.RenderView, A._RenderView_RenderObject_RenderObjectWithChildMixin); _inherit(A.SemanticsData, A._SemanticsData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.SemanticsNode, A._SemanticsNode_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _inherit(A._SemanticsSortGroup, A.Comparable); _inherit(A.SemanticsSortKey, A._SemanticsSortKey_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.OrdinalSortKey, A.SemanticsSortKey); _inherit(A.TapSemanticEvent, A.SemanticsEvent); _inherit(A.CachingAssetBundle, A.AssetBundle); _inherit(A.PlatformAssetBundle, A.CachingAssetBundle); _inherit(A._DefaultBinaryMessenger, A.BinaryMessenger); _inherit(A.KeyEvent, A._KeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.KeyEvent, [A.KeyDownEvent, A.KeyUpEvent, A.KeyRepeatEvent]); _inherit(A.KeyboardKey, A._KeyboardKey_Object_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.KeyboardKey, [A.LogicalKeyboardKey, A.PhysicalKeyboardKey]); _inheritMany(A.MouseCursorSession, [A._NoopMouseCursorSession, A._SystemMouseCursorSession]); _inherit(A.OptionalMethodChannel, A.MethodChannel); _inherit(A.AndroidViewController, A.PlatformViewController); _inherit(A.TextureAndroidViewController, A.AndroidViewController); _inherit(A.RawKeyEventData, A._RawKeyEventData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.RawKeyEvent, A._RawKeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.RawKeyEvent, [A.RawKeyDownEvent, A.RawKeyUpEvent]); _inheritMany(A.RawKeyEventData, [A.RawKeyEventDataFuchsia, A.RawKeyEventDataLinux, A.RawKeyEventDataMacOs, A.RawKeyEventDataWeb]); _inherit(A.TextSelection, A.TextRange); _inherit(A.Intent, A._Intent_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.Action, A._Action_Object_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.Action, [A.CallbackAction, A.DoNothingAction, A.DismissAction, A.PrioritizedAction, A.RequestFocusAction, A.NextFocusAction, A.PreviousFocusAction, A.DirectionalFocusAction, A.ScrollAction]); _inherit(A.ActionDispatcher, A._ActionDispatcher_Object_Diagnosticable); _inheritMany(A.Intent, [A.ActivateIntent, A.ButtonActivateIntent, A.DismissIntent, A.PrioritizedIntents, A.NextFocusIntent, A.PreviousFocusIntent, A.ScrollIntent, A.DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent]); _inherit(A._WidgetsAppState, A.__WidgetsAppState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver); _inherit(A.KeepAliveNotification, A.Notification0); _inherit(A.Center, A.Align); _inheritMany(A.ParentDataWidget, [A.LayoutId, A.Positioned]); _inheritMany(A.MultiChildRenderObjectWidget, [A.CustomMultiChildLayout, A.Stack, A.Flex, A.RichText, A._Theatre]); _inheritMany(A.Element, [A.RenderObjectElement, A.ComponentElement, A._NullElement]); _inheritMany(A.RenderObjectElement, [A.SingleChildRenderObjectElement, A.RootRenderObjectElement, A.LeafRenderObjectElement, A.MultiChildRenderObjectElement]); _inherit(A._OffstageElement, A.SingleChildRenderObjectElement); _inherit(A.Row, A.Flex); _inherit(A.RenderObjectToWidgetElement, A.RootRenderObjectElement); _inherit(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding, A.BindingBase); _inherit(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding); _inherit(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding); _inherit(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding); _inherit(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding); _inherit(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding); _inherit(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding); _inherit(A.WidgetsFlutterBinding, A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding); _inherit(A.DefaultTextEditingShortcuts, A.Shortcuts); _inherit(A._FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier, A._FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _inherit(A.FocusNode, A._FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier); _inherit(A.FocusScopeNode, A.FocusNode); _inherit(A._FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier, A._FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _inherit(A.FocusManager, A._FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier); _inherit(A.FocusScope, A.Focus); _inherit(A._FocusScopeState, A._FocusState); _inheritMany(A.InheritedNotifier, [A._FocusMarker, A._ShortcutsMarker]); _inherit(A.FocusTraversalPolicy, A._FocusTraversalPolicy_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A._ReadingOrderSortData, A.__ReadingOrderSortData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData, A.__ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A._ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin, A.FocusTraversalPolicy); _inherit(A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy, A._ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin); _inheritMany(A.GlobalKey, [A.LabeledGlobalKey, A.GlobalObjectKey]); _inherit(A._ElementDiagnosticableTreeNode, A.DiagnosticableTreeNode); _inheritMany(A.LeafRenderObjectWidget, [A.ErrorWidget, A.PerformanceOverlay, A._AndroidPlatformView, A._UiKitPlatformView]); _inheritMany(A.ComponentElement, [A.StatelessElement, A.StatefulElement, A.ProxyElement]); _inheritMany(A.ProxyElement, [A.ParentDataElement, A.InheritedElement]); _inheritMany(A.GestureRecognizerFactory, [A.GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers, A._AnyTapGestureRecognizerFactory]); _inheritMany(A.SemanticsGestureDelegate, [A._DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate, A._ModalBarrierSemanticsDelegate]); _inherit(A.HeroController, A.NavigatorObserver); _inheritMany(A.InheritedElement, [A.InheritedModelElement, A._InheritedNotifierElement]); _inherit(A._MediaQueryFromWindowState, A.__MediaQueryFromWindowState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver); _inherit(A.DefaultTransitionDelegate, A.TransitionDelegate); _inherit(A._RouteEntry, A.RouteTransitionRecord); _inheritMany(A._NavigatorObservation, [A._NavigatorPushObservation, A._NavigatorPopObservation, A._NavigatorRemoveObservation, A._NavigatorReplaceObservation]); _inherit(A._NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin, A._NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin); _inherit(A.NavigatorState, A._NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin); _inheritMany(A._RestorationInformation, [A._NamedRestorationInformation, A._AnonymousRestorationInformation]); _inheritMany(A.RestorableProperty, [A._HistoryProperty, A.RestorableValue]); _inherit(A.OverlayState, A._OverlayState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin); _inherit(A._TheatreElement, A.MultiChildRenderObjectElement); _inherit(A._RenderTheatre, A.__RenderTheatre_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin); _inherit(A._RestorationScopeState, A.__RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin); _inherit(A._RestorablePrimitiveValueN, A.RestorableValue); _inherit(A._RestorablePrimitiveValue, A._RestorablePrimitiveValueN); _inheritMany(A._RestorablePrimitiveValue, [A.RestorableNum, A.RestorableBool]); _inherit(A.RouteInformationProvider, A.ValueListenable); _inherit(A._PlatformRouteInformationProvider_RouteInformationProvider_WidgetsBindingObserver, A.RouteInformationProvider); _inherit(A._PlatformRouteInformationProvider_RouteInformationProvider_WidgetsBindingObserver_ChangeNotifier, A._PlatformRouteInformationProvider_RouteInformationProvider_WidgetsBindingObserver); _inherit(A.PlatformRouteInformationProvider, A._PlatformRouteInformationProvider_RouteInformationProvider_WidgetsBindingObserver_ChangeNotifier); _inherit(A._DismissModalAction, A.DismissAction); _inherit(A._SharedAppModel, A.InheritedModel); _inherit(A.SingleActivator, A._SingleActivator_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A._ActivatorIntentPair, A.__ActivatorIntentPair_Object_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A.ShortcutManager, A._ShortcutManager_ChangeNotifier_Diagnosticable); _inherit(A._WidgetTicker, A.Ticker); _inheritMany(A.AnimatedWidget, [A.SlideTransition, A.ScaleTransition, A.RotationTransition, A.DecoratedBoxTransition, A.AnimatedBuilder]); _inheritMany(A.MapEvent, [A._PositionedMapEvent, A.CameraMoveStartedEvent, A.CameraMoveEvent, A.CameraIdleEvent, A.MarkerTapEvent, A.InfoWindowTapEvent, A.PolylineTapEvent, A.PolygonTapEvent, A.CircleTapEvent]); _inheritMany(A._PositionedMapEvent, [A.MarkerDragStartEvent, A.MarkerDragEvent, A.MarkerDragEndEvent, A.MapTapEvent, A.MapLongPressEvent]); _inherit(A.GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform, A.PlatformInterface); _inherit(A.MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter, A.GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform); _inheritMany(A.MapsObjectId, [A.CircleId, A.MarkerId, A.PolygonId, A.PolylineId, A.TileOverlayId]); _inheritMany(A.MapsObjectUpdates, [A.CircleUpdates, A.MarkerUpdates, A.PolygonUpdates, A.PolylineUpdates, A.TileOverlayUpdates]); _inherit(A._IntBuffer0, A.TypedDataBuffer); _inherit(A.Uint8Buffer, A._IntBuffer0); _mixin(A._DomCanvas_EngineCanvas_SaveElementStackTracking, A.SaveElementStackTracking); _mixinHard(A._PersistedClipRect_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip, A._DomClip); _mixinHard(A._PersistedPhysicalShape_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip, A._DomClip); _mixin(A.__MouseAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin, A._WheelEventListenerMixin); _mixin(A.__PointerAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin, A._WheelEventListenerMixin); _mixin(A.UnmodifiableListBase, A.UnmodifiableListMixin); _mixin(A.__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin, A.FixedLengthListMixin); _mixin(A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin, A.FixedLengthListMixin); _mixin(A._AsyncStreamController, A._AsyncStreamControllerDispatch); _mixin(A._SyncStreamController, A._SyncStreamControllerDispatch); _mixin(A._ListBase_Object_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin, A._UnmodifiableMapMixin); _mixin(A.__SetBase_Object_SetMixin, A.SetMixin); _mixin(A.__UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin, A._UnmodifiableSetMixin); _mixin(A._CssStyleDeclaration_JavaScriptObject_CssStyleDeclarationBase, A.CssStyleDeclarationBase); _mixin(A._DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._MidiInputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin, A.MapMixin); _mixin(A._MidiOutputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin, A.MapMixin); _mixin(A._MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._RtcStatsReport_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin, A.MapMixin); _mixin(A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._Storage_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin, A.MapMixin); _mixin(A._TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A.__CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A.__CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A.__GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A.__GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A.__NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A.__NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A.__StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A.__StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixinHard(A._JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin, A.ListMixin); _mixin(A._TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin); _mixin(A._AudioParamMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin, A.MapMixin); _mixin(A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin, A.AnimationEagerListenerMixin); _mixin(A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin, A.AnimationLocalListenersMixin); _mixin(A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin, A.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin); _mixin(A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin, A.AnimationLazyListenerMixin); _mixin(A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin, A.AnimationLocalListenersMixin); _mixin(A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin, A.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin); _mixin(A._CurvedAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin, A.AnimationWithParentMixin); _mixin(A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin, A.AnimationLazyListenerMixin); _mixin(A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin, A.AnimationLocalListenersMixin); _mixin(A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin, A.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin); _mixin(A._ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin, A.AnimationLazyListenerMixin); _mixin(A._ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin, A.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin); _mixin(A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin, A.AnimationEagerListenerMixin); _mixin(A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin, A.AnimationLocalListenersMixin); _mixin(A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin, A.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin); _mixin(A.__AnimatedEvaluation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin, A.AnimationWithParentMixin); _mixin(A._CupertinoDynamicColor_Color_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._CupertinoIconThemeData_IconThemeData_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._CupertinoThemeData_NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._FlutterError_Error_DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A.DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _mixin(A._FlutterErrorDetails_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._DiagnosticableTree_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerEventDescription); _mixin(A._PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerAddedEvent, A._CopyPointerAddedEvent); _mixin(A._PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerEventDescription); _mixin(A._PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerCancelEvent, A._CopyPointerCancelEvent); _mixin(A._PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerEventDescription); _mixin(A._PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerDownEvent, A._CopyPointerDownEvent); _mixin(A._PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerEventDescription); _mixin(A._PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerEnterEvent, A._CopyPointerEnterEvent); _mixin(A._PointerEvent_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerEventDescription); _mixin(A._PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerExitEvent, A._CopyPointerExitEvent); _mixin(A._PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerEventDescription); _mixin(A._PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerHoverEvent, A._CopyPointerHoverEvent); _mixin(A._PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerEventDescription); _mixin(A._PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerMoveEvent, A._CopyPointerMoveEvent); _mixin(A._PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerEventDescription); _mixin(A._PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerRemovedEvent, A._CopyPointerRemovedEvent); _mixin(A._PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerEventDescription); _mixin(A._PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScrollEvent, A._CopyPointerScrollEvent); _mixin(A._PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerEventDescription); _mixin(A._PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerUpEvent, A._CopyPointerUpEvent); _mixin(A.__TransformedPointerAddedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerAddedEvent, A._CopyPointerAddedEvent); _mixin(A.__TransformedPointerCancelEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerCancelEvent, A._CopyPointerCancelEvent); _mixin(A.__TransformedPointerDownEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerDownEvent, A._CopyPointerDownEvent); _mixin(A.__TransformedPointerEnterEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerEnterEvent, A._CopyPointerEnterEvent); _mixin(A.__TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A.__TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable__PointerEventDescription, A._PointerEventDescription); _mixin(A.__TransformedPointerExitEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerExitEvent, A._CopyPointerExitEvent); _mixin(A.__TransformedPointerHoverEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerHoverEvent, A._CopyPointerHoverEvent); _mixin(A.__TransformedPointerMoveEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerMoveEvent, A._CopyPointerMoveEvent); _mixin(A.__TransformedPointerRemovedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerRemovedEvent, A._CopyPointerRemovedEvent); _mixin(A.__TransformedPointerScrollEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScrollEvent, A._CopyPointerScrollEvent); _mixin(A.__TransformedPointerUpEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerUpEvent, A._CopyPointerUpEvent); _mixin(A._GestureRecognizer_GestureArenaMember_DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A.DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _mixin(A._AppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._MaterialBannerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._BottomAppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._BottomNavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._BottomSheetThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A.__RawMaterialButtonState_State_MaterialStateMixin, A.MaterialStateMixin); _mixin(A._ButtonBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._ButtonStyle_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._ButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._CardTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._CheckboxThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._ChipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._ColorScheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._DataTableThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._DialogTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._DividerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._DrawerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._ElevatedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A.__EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX, A.FabEndOffsetX); _mixin(A.__EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX_FabFloatOffsetY, A.FabFloatOffsetY); _mixin(A._FloatingActionButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixinHard(A.__InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin, A.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin); _mixin(A._InputDecorationTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._ListTileThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixinHard(A.__MaterialState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin, A.TickerProviderStateMixin); _mixin(A._NavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._NavigationRailThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._OutlinedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._MaterialPageRoute_PageRoute_MaterialRouteTransitionMixin, A.MaterialRouteTransitionMixin); _mixin(A._PageTransitionsTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._PopupMenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._ProgressIndicatorThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._RadioThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixinHard(A._ScaffoldMessengerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin, A.TickerProviderStateMixin); _mixinHard(A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin, A.TickerProviderStateMixin); _mixinHard(A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin, A.RestorationMixin); _mixinHard(A.__FloatingActionButtonTransitionState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin, A.TickerProviderStateMixin); _mixin(A._ScrollbarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._SliderThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._SnackBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._SwitchThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._TabBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._TextButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._TextSelectionThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._TextTheme_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._ThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._VisualDensity_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._TimePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._ToggleButtonsThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._TooltipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._Typography_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._Decoration_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._TextStyle_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixinHard(A._ContainerBoxParentData_BoxParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin, A.ContainerParentDataMixin); _mixinHard(A._RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin, A.ContainerRenderObjectMixin); _mixin(A._RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin, A.RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin); _mixinHard(A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin, A.ContainerRenderObjectMixin); _mixin(A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin, A.RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin); _mixinHard(A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin, A.DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin); _mixin(A._Layer_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A.DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _mixin(A.__MouseTrackerUpdateDetails_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._RenderObject_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A.DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _mixinHard(A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin, A.ContainerRenderObjectMixin); _mixin(A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin, A.RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin); _mixinHard(A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin, A.RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin); _mixinHard(A._RenderAndroidView_RenderBox__PlatformViewGestureMixin, A._PlatformViewGestureMixin); _mixinHard(A._RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderProxyBoxMixin, A.RenderProxyBoxMixin); _mixinHard(A._RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderProxyBoxMixin_RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin, A.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin); _mixinHard(A._RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin, A.RenderObjectWithChildMixin); _mixinHard(A._RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin, A.RenderProxyBoxMixin); _mixinHard(A._RenderShiftedBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin, A.RenderObjectWithChildMixin); _mixinHard(A._RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin, A.ContainerRenderObjectMixin); _mixin(A._RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin, A.RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin); _mixinHard(A._RenderView_RenderObject_RenderObjectWithChildMixin, A.RenderObjectWithChildMixin); _mixin(A._SemanticsData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._SemanticsNode_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A.DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _mixin(A._SemanticsSortKey_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._KeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._KeyboardKey_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._MouseCursor_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._RawKeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._RawKeyEventData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._Action_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._ActionDispatcher_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._Intent_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A.__WidgetsAppState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver, A.WidgetsBindingObserver); _mixinHard(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding, A.GestureBinding); _mixinHard(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding, A.SchedulerBinding); _mixinHard(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding, A.ServicesBinding); _mixinHard(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding, A.PaintingBinding); _mixinHard(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding, A.SemanticsBinding); _mixinHard(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding, A.RendererBinding); _mixinHard(A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding, A.WidgetsBinding); _mixin(A._FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A.DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _mixin(A._FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier, A.ChangeNotifier); _mixin(A._FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin, A.DiagnosticableTreeMixin); _mixin(A._FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier, A.ChangeNotifier); _mixin(A._FocusTraversalPolicy_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixinHard(A._ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin, A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin); _mixin(A.__ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A.__ReadingOrderSortData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._State_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._IconThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixinHard(A._ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin, A.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin); _mixin(A.__MediaQueryFromWindowState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver, A.WidgetsBindingObserver); _mixinHard(A._NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin, A.TickerProviderStateMixin); _mixinHard(A._NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin, A.RestorationMixin); _mixinHard(A._OverlayState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin, A.TickerProviderStateMixin); _mixinHard(A.__RenderTheatre_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin, A.ContainerRenderObjectMixin); _mixinHard(A.__RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin, A.RestorationMixin); _mixin(A._PlatformRouteInformationProvider_RouteInformationProvider_WidgetsBindingObserver, A.WidgetsBindingObserver); _mixin(A._PlatformRouteInformationProvider_RouteInformationProvider_WidgetsBindingObserver_ChangeNotifier, A.ChangeNotifier); _mixinHard(A._ModalRoute_TransitionRoute_LocalHistoryRoute, A.LocalHistoryRoute); _mixin(A._ShortcutManager_ChangeNotifier_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A._SingleActivator_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); _mixin(A.__ActivatorIntentPair_Object_Diagnosticable, A.Diagnosticable); })(); var init = { typeUniverse: {eC: new Map(), tR: {}, eT: {}, tPV: {}, sEA: []}, mangledGlobalNames: {int: "int", double: "double", num: "num", String: "String", bool: "bool", Null: "Null", List: "List"}, mangledNames: {}, types: ["~()", "~(Event)", "Null(Event)", "Null(@)", "~(Object?)", "~(AnimationStatus)", "~(Element)", "Null()", "~(Duration)", "~(String,@)", "Null(~)", "~(ByteData?)", "~(PointerEvent)", "bool(FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent)", "~(@)", "List()", "bool(FocusNode)", "Future<~>()", "~(DragUpdateDetails)", "bool(BoxHitTestResult,Offset)", "bool(_RouteEntry?)", "@(Event)", "~(bool)", "bool(Object?)", "~(PaintingContext,Offset)", "Widget(BuildContext)", "~(int)", "bool(int)", "bool(String)", "@(@)", "Future>(Map)", "~(RenderObject)", "int(FocusNode,FocusNode)", "bool(_RouteEntry)", "@()", "int()", "Null(PointerEvent0)", "Null(TouchEvent)", "~(MouseEvent)", "Future()", "String()", "~(NavigatorObserver)", "~(String,Object?)", "Future>(Map)", "int(RenderObject,RenderObject)", "~(Object?,Object?)", "Null(bool)", "~(Object,StackTrace)", "~(PointerDownEvent)", "bool(KeyData)", "String(String)", "Future<~>(bool)", "~(~())", "ColorTween(@)", "~(@,@)", "bool(Element)", "~(RestorableProperty,~())", "Null(MouseEvent)", "~(List)", "bool(SemanticsNode)", "int(SemanticsNode,SemanticsNode)", "Future<~>(MethodCall0)", "bool(InlineSpan)", "Future<@>(MethodCall0)", "List(_SemanticsSortGroup)", "Tween<@>?(Tween<@>?,@,Tween<@>(@))", "int(Object?)", "OneSequenceGestureRecognizer(Factory)", "~(num)", "~(RestorationBucket)", "Map()", "bool(InheritedElement)", "Size(RenderBox,BoxConstraints)", "KeyData()", "Tween(@)", "Future(ByteData?)", "~(PointerExitEvent)", "KeyEventResult(FocusNode,RawKeyEvent)", "Widget(BuildContext,Widget?)", "~(Uint8List,String,int)", "List()", "List()", "Future<~>(String)", "Future()", "int(int)", "Color(Color)", "int(_ReadingOrderSortData,_ReadingOrderSortData)", "~(GestureMode)", "bool(@)", "~(DiagnosticsNode)", "_Channel()", "bool(Element0,String,String,_Html5NodeValidator)", "Future(Body)", "Null(Object,StackTrace)", "bool(NodeValidator)", "~(String,String)", "bool(Node)", "Future(String,Map)", "@(Object?)", "ByteBuffer(@)", "~([Object?])", "~(String,int)", "~(String,int?)", "int(int,int)", "~(String,String?)", "Uint8List(@,@)", "~(Symbol0,@)", "~(@,StackTrace)", "~(DomException)", "~(ProgressEvent)", "~([Future<~>?])", "_Future<@>(@)", "~(Node,Node?)", "Null(@,@)", "@(@,@)", "~(Object[StackTrace?])", "JsFunction(@)", "JsArray<@>(@)", "JsObject(@)", "~(int,@)", "Null(@,StackTrace)", "String(int)", "Null(~())", "Future(Body)", "String(String,Color)", "bool()", "~(DragStartDetails)", "String(@)", "~(DragEndDetails)", "@(String)", "@(@,String)", "TargetPlatform?()", "TargetPlatform()", "bool(DiagnosticsNode?)", "bool(StackFrame)", "ErrorDescription(String)", "~(_ResolvedNotoSubset)", "String(DiagnosticsNode)", "bool(NotoFont)", "Future()", "String?(String)", "Null(SkDeletable)", "~(String?)", "bool(DiagnosticsNode)", "~(AbstractNode)", "String(GestureArenaMember)", "_GestureArena()", "~(PointerDataPacket)", "String(String,String)", "bool(PointerData)", "_PointerEventDescription(PointerData)", "~(_TapTracker)", "Map<~(PointerEvent),Matrix4?>()", "~(~(PointerEvent),Matrix4?)", "_CombiningGestureArenaMember()", "MaterialRectArcTween(Rect?,Rect?)", "Widget(BuildContext,~())", "~(EditingState?)", "MaterialPageRoute<0^>(RouteSettings,Widget(BuildContext))", "~(String,FormElement)", "double()", "double(_Diagonal)", "~(CanvasKit)", "Rect()", "Rect()?(RenderBox)", "bool(BuildContext)", "~([Intent?])", "~(FocusHighlightMode)", "~(TapDownDetails)", "~(PointerEnterEvent)", "~(KeyboardEvent)", "bool(InkHighlight?)", "bool(LayoutChangedNotification)", "~(String)", "Null(FontFace)", "ShapeBorderTween(@)", "PageTransitionsBuilder?(TargetPlatform)", "CustomMultiChildLayout(BuildContext,Widget?)", "DateTime()", "ThemeDataTween(@)", "ThemeData()", "EdgeInsetsGeometry(EdgeInsetsGeometry,ShapeBorder)", "ShapeBorder(ShapeBorder)", "String(ShapeBorder)", "LiveRegion(SemanticsObject)", "DiagnosticsNode(InlineSpan)", "~(int,SemanticsAction,ByteData?)", "String(double,double,String)", "Size()", "double?()", "CkCanvas(CkPictureRecorder)", "MouseCursor0(MouseTrackerAnnotation)", "~(MouseTrackerAnnotation,Matrix4)", "bool(MouseTrackerAnnotation)", "ImageRoleManager(SemanticsObject)", "~({curve:Curve,descendant:RenderObject?,duration:Duration,rect:Rect?})", "bool(SurfaceFrame,CkCanvas)", "bool(InlineSpanSemanticsInformation)", "Offset(Offset)", "Checkable(SemanticsObject)", "HitTestResult(Offset)", "TextField(SemanticsObject)", "~(FrameTiming)", "~(int,_FrameCallbackEntry)", "Tappable(SemanticsObject)", "SemanticsNode(_TraversalSortNode)", "DiagnosticsNode(SemanticsNode)", "LabelAndValue(SemanticsObject)", "Scrollable(SemanticsObject)", "int(SemanticsNode)", "SemanticsNode(int)", "Stream()", "Future(String?)", "Incrementable(SemanticsObject)", "Future<~>(ByteData?,~(ByteData?))", "Future>(@)", "~(RawKeyEvent)", "_PointerState()", "List(AndroidPointerProperties)", "List(AndroidPointerCoords)", "AndroidPointerProperties(int)", "AndroidPointerCoords(int)", "Future<~>(PointerEvent)", "RawKeyEventData()", "bool(PhysicalKeyboardKey)", "_ButtonSanitizer()", "~(Iterable)", "List()", "List(List)", "Element0()", "~(Element0)", "Null(ByteData)", "Route<@>?(RouteSettings)", "Route<@>(RouteSettings)", "~(Surface)", "bool(int,int)", "~(int,bool(FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent))", "HitTestResult()", "Future()", "Future<~>(double)", "Future<~>(@)", "bool(bool)", "Future>(Map)", "SkTextStyle()", "DiagnosticsNode(FocusNode)", "bool(KeyMessage)", "~(_FocusTraversalGroupInfo)", "bool(_DirectionalPolicyDataEntry)", "ViewClipChain()", "bool(TraversalDirection)", "Set(_ReadingOrderSortData)", "~(int,int)", "List(BuildContext)", "Rect(_ReadingOrderSortData)", "int(_ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData,_ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData)", "List<_ReadingOrderSortData>(_ReadingOrderSortData,Iterable<_ReadingOrderSortData>)", "bool(_ReadingOrderSortData)", "~(JsUrlStrategy?)", "Element?(Element)", "Object?(int,Element?)", "TapGestureRecognizer()", "~(TapGestureRecognizer)", "DoubleTapGestureRecognizer()", "~(DoubleTapGestureRecognizer)", "LongPressGestureRecognizer()", "~(LongPressGestureRecognizer)", "VerticalDragGestureRecognizer()", "~(VerticalDragGestureRecognizer)", "HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer()", "~(HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer)", "PanGestureRecognizer()", "~(PanGestureRecognizer)", "~(RenderSemanticsGestureHandler)", "~(StatefulElement,Object)", "Positioned(BuildContext,Widget?)", "~(_HeroFlight)", "Widget(BuildContext,Animation0,HeroFlightDirection,BuildContext,BuildContext)", "bool(_HeroFlight)", "IconTheme(BuildContext)", "int(_PersistedSurfaceMatch,_PersistedSurfaceMatch)", "TextStyleTween(@)", 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Broadc: "Broadcast stream controllers do not support pause callbacks", Cannot: "Cannot fire new event. Controller is already firing an event", Error_: "Error handler must accept one Object or one Object and a StackTrace as arguments, and return a value of the returned future's type", Expand: "Expandos are not allowed on strings, numbers, booleans or null", System: "SystemChrome.setApplicationSwitcherDescription", There_: "There was a problem trying to load FontManifest.json", x5ffloat: "_floatingActionButtonVisibilityController" }; var type$ = (function rtii() { var findType = A.findType; return { Action_Intent: findType("Action"), AndroidPointerCoords: findType("AndroidPointerCoords"), AndroidPointerProperties: findType("AndroidPointerProperties"), Animation_Offset: findType("Animation0"), Animation_double: findType("Animation0"), AssertionError: findType("AssertionError"), AutofillInfo: findType("AutofillInfo"), BaseElement: findType("BaseElement"), BasicMessageChannel_nullable_Object: findType("BasicMessageChannel"), Blob: findType("Blob"), Body: findType("Body"), BodyElement: findType("BodyElement"), BorderRadius: findType("BorderRadius"), BoxConstraints: findType("BoxConstraints"), BoxParentData: findType("BoxParentData"), ByteBuffer: findType("ByteBuffer"), ByteData: findType("ByteData"), CallbackAction_ActivateIntent: findType("CallbackAction"), CallbackAction_ButtonActivateIntent: findType("CallbackAction"), CameraPosition: findType("CameraPosition"), CameraTargetBounds: findType("CameraTargetBounds"), CastList_of_DiagnosticsNode_and_nullable_DiagnosticsNode: findType("CastList"), CastList_of_nullable_Route_dynamic_and_Route_dynamic: findType("CastList?,Route<@>>"), ChangeNotifier: findType("ChangeNotifier"), Circle: findType("Circle"), CircleId: findType("CircleId"), CircleTapEvent: findType("CircleTapEvent"), CkPaint: findType("CkPaint"), CkParagraph: findType("CkParagraph"), CkParagraphStyle: findType("CkParagraphStyle"), CkPath: findType("CkPath"), CkPicture: findType("CkPicture"), CkPictureRecorder: findType("CkPictureRecorder"), CkStrutStyle: findType("CkStrutStyle"), CkTextStyle: findType("CkTextStyle"), ClipPathElement: findType("ClipPathElement"), CodeUnits: findType("CodeUnits"), Color: findType("Color"), ConstantMapView_Symbol_dynamic: findType("ConstantMapView"), ConstantStringMap_String_Null: findType("ConstantStringMap"), ConstantStringMap_String_String: findType("ConstantStringMap"), ConstantStringMap_String_int: findType("ConstantStringMap"), ContainerLayer: findType("ContainerLayer"), ContainerRenderObjectMixin_of_RenderObject_and_ContainerParentDataMixin_RenderObject: findType("ContainerRenderObjectMixin>"), CssStyleSheet: findType("CssStyleSheet"), CupertinoUserInterfaceLevel: findType("CupertinoUserInterfaceLevel"), CurveTween: findType("CurveTween"), CustomSemanticsAction: findType("CustomSemanticsAction"), DefaultAssetBundle: findType("DefaultAssetBundle"), DefaultTextHeightBehavior: findType("DefaultTextHeightBehavior"), DefaultTextStyle: findType("DefaultTextStyle"), DefsElement: findType("DefsElement"), DiagnosticableTree: findType("DiagnosticableTree"), DiagnosticsNode: findType("DiagnosticsNode"), Directionality: findType("Directionality"), Document: findType("Document"), EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic: findType("EfficientLengthIterable<@>"), Element: findType("Element0"), Element_2: findType("Element"), Element_Function_int: findType("Element0(int)"), EngineParagraph: findType("EngineParagraph"), EngineParagraphStyle: findType("EngineParagraphStyle"), EnginePicture: findType("EnginePicture"), EnginePictureRecorder: findType("EnginePictureRecorder"), EngineTextStyle: findType("EngineTextStyle"), Error: findType("Error"), Event: findType("Event"), Exception: findType("Exception"), ExpandIterable__SemanticsSortGroup_SemanticsNode: findType("ExpandIterable<_SemanticsSortGroup,SemanticsNode>"), File: findType("File"), FileList: findType("FileList"), FlexParentData: findType("FlexParentData"), Float32List: findType("Float32List"), Float64List: findType("Float64List"), FlutterError: findType("FlutterError"), FocusNode: findType("FocusNode"), FocusScopeNode: findType("FocusScopeNode"), FontFace: findType("FontFace"), Function: findType("Function"), Future_bool_Function: findType("Future()"), Future_dynamic: findType("Future<@>"), Future_void: findType("Future<~>"), GeneralConstantMap_int_Color: findType("GeneralConstantMap"), GeneralConstantMap_int_PhysicalKeyboardKey: findType("GeneralConstantMap"), GestureArenaEntry: findType("GestureArenaEntry"), GestureRecognizer: findType("GestureRecognizer"), GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers_DoubleTapGestureRecognizer: findType("GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers"), GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers_HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer: findType("GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers"), GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers_LongPressGestureRecognizer: findType("GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers"), GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers_PanGestureRecognizer: findType("GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers"), GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers_TapGestureRecognizer: findType("GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers"), GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers_VerticalDragGestureRecognizer: findType("GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers"), GestureRecognizerFactory_GestureRecognizer: findType("GestureRecognizerFactory"), GlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget: findType("GlobalKey>"), GlobalObjectKey_NavigatorState: findType("GlobalObjectKey"), GlobalObjectKey_State_StatefulWidget: findType("GlobalObjectKey>"), GoogleMapController: findType("GoogleMapController"), HashedObserverList_of_void_Function_FocusHighlightMode: findType("HashedObserverList<~(FocusHighlightMode)>"), HeapPriorityQueue__TaskEntry_dynamic: findType("HeapPriorityQueue<_TaskEntry<@>>"), Hero: findType("Hero"), HeroControllerScope: findType("HeroControllerScope"), HitTestResult: findType("HitTestResult"), HitTestTarget: findType("HitTestTarget"), HtmlElement: findType("HtmlElement"), HttpRequest: findType("HttpRequest"), IconTheme: findType("IconTheme"), ImageData: findType("ImageData"), IndexedSlot_nullable_Element: findType("IndexedSlot"), InfoWindow: findType("InfoWindow"), InfoWindowTapEvent: findType("InfoWindowTapEvent"), InheritedElement: findType("InheritedElement"), InheritedWidget: findType("InheritedWidget"), InputElement: findType("InputElement"), Int32List: findType("Int32List"), IntTween: findType("IntTween"), Intent: findType("Intent"), InteractiveInkFeature: findType("InteractiveInkFeature"), Iterable_dynamic: findType("Iterable<@>"), JSArray_CanvasElement: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_CkCanvas: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_CkPaintCommand: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_CkTextStyle: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_CodeunitRange: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Color: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Conic: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_DiagnosticsNode: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Directionality: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Element: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Element_2: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_EngineLineMetrics: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_FocusNode: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_FrameReference_dynamic: findType("JSArray>"), JSArray_FrameTiming: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Future_nullable_RegisteredFont: findType("JSArray>"), JSArray_Future_void: findType("JSArray>"), JSArray_GestureArenaMember: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_HitTestEntry: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_InkFeature: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_InlineSpan: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_InlineSpanSemanticsInformation: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_KeyEvent: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_KeyEventResult: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Layer: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_LayoutId: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_LicenseEntry: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_LineSegment: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Listenable: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Locale: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_LocalizationsDelegate_dynamic: findType("JSArray>"), JSArray_Map_dynamic_dynamic: findType("JSArray>"), JSArray_Matrix4: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Matrix4_2: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Mutator: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_NavigatorObserver: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Node: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_NodeValidator: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_NotoFont: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Object: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Offset: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_OverlayEntry: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_PaintCommand: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_PaintRequest: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_ParagraphSpan: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_PersistedContainerSurface: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_PersistedSurface: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_PlaceholderDimensions: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_PlaceholderSpan: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_PointerData: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_PointerEvent: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_PointerEvent_2: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Radius: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_RangeBox: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_RegisteredFont: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_RenderObject: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_RestorationBucket: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_SaveClipEntry: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_SaveStackEntry: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_ScrollPosition: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_SemanticsNode: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_SemanticsNodeUpdate: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_ShaderDeclaration: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_ShaderMethod: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_ShapeBorder: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_SkDeletable: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_SkFont: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_StreamSubscription_Event: findType("JSArray>"), JSArray_String: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_StringAttribute: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_StyleNode: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Surface: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_TextBox: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Uint8List: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_Widget: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_WidgetsBindingObserver: findType("JSArray"), JSArray__ActivatorIntentPair: findType("JSArray<_ActivatorIntentPair>"), JSArray__Autofocus: findType("JSArray<_Autofocus>"), JSArray__BoxEdge: findType("JSArray<_BoxEdge>"), JSArray__DirectionalPolicyDataEntry: findType("JSArray<_DirectionalPolicyDataEntry>"), JSArray__InterestingSemanticsFragment: findType("JSArray<_InterestingSemanticsFragment>"), JSArray__ParagraphCommand: findType("JSArray<_ParagraphCommand>"), JSArray__ParentInkResponseState: findType("JSArray<_ParentInkResponseState>"), JSArray__Pending: findType("JSArray<_Pending>"), JSArray__PersistedSurfaceMatch: findType("JSArray<_PersistedSurfaceMatch>"), JSArray__ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData: findType("JSArray<_ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData>"), JSArray__ReadingOrderSortData: findType("JSArray<_ReadingOrderSortData>"), JSArray__ResolvedNotoSubset: findType("JSArray<_ResolvedNotoSubset>"), JSArray__RouteEntry: findType("JSArray<_RouteEntry>"), JSArray__SaveElementStackEntry: findType("JSArray<_SaveElementStackEntry>"), JSArray__SemanticsSortGroup: findType("JSArray<_SemanticsSortGroup>"), JSArray__StandardBottomSheet: findType("JSArray<_StandardBottomSheet>"), JSArray__TransformPart: findType("JSArray<_TransformPart>"), JSArray__TraversalSortNode: findType("JSArray<_TraversalSortNode>"), JSArray_bool: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_double: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_dynamic: findType("JSArray<@>"), JSArray_int: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_nullable_PersistedSurface: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_nullable_Rect: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_nullable_Route_dynamic: findType("JSArray?>"), JSArray_nullable_SemanticsObject: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_nullable_ShapeBorder: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_nullable__AsyncBlock: findType("JSArray<_AsyncBlock?>"), JSArray_nullable_int: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_of_Future_bool_Function: findType("JSArray()>"), JSArray_of_Stream_LicenseEntry_Function: findType("JSArray()>"), JSArray_of_bool_Function_KeyEvent: findType("JSArray"), JSArray_of_nullable_void_Function_GestureMode: findType("JSArray<~(GestureMode)?>"), JSArray_of_void_Function: findType("JSArray<~()>"), JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent: findType("JSArray<~(Action)>"), JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus: findType("JSArray<~(AnimationStatus)>"), JSArray_of_void_Function_Duration: findType("JSArray<~(Duration)>"), JSArray_of_void_Function_List_FrameTiming: findType("JSArray<~(List)>"), JSArray_of_void_Function_int: findType("JSArray<~(int)>"), JSIndexable_dynamic: findType("JSIndexable<@>"), JSNull: findType("JSNull"), JSObject: findType("JSObject"), JavaScriptFunction: findType("JavaScriptFunction"), JavaScriptIndexingBehavior_dynamic: findType("JavaScriptIndexingBehavior<@>"), JsArray_dynamic: findType("JsArray<@>"), JsFunction: findType("JsFunction"), JsLinkedHashMap_Symbol_dynamic: findType("JsLinkedHashMap"), Key: findType("Key"), KeyRange: findType("KeyRange"), KeyboardEvent: findType("KeyboardEvent"), KeyboardLockMode: findType("KeyboardLockMode"), KeyboardSide: findType("KeyboardSide"), LabeledGlobalKey_DrawerControllerState: findType("LabeledGlobalKey"), LabeledGlobalKey_OverlayState: findType("LabeledGlobalKey"), LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget: findType("LabeledGlobalKey>"), LabeledGlobalKey__OverlayEntryWidgetState: findType("LabeledGlobalKey<_OverlayEntryWidgetState>"), Layer: findType("Layer"), LayerScene: findType("LayerScene"), LicenseEntry: findType("LicenseEntry"), LineCharProperty: findType("LineCharProperty"), LinkedHashMap_MouseTrackerAnnotation_Matrix4: findType("LinkedHashMap"), LinkedList__ListenerEntry: findType("LinkedList<_ListenerEntry>"), List_CodeunitRange: findType("List"), List_LicenseEntry: findType("List"), List_Object: findType("List"), List_OverlayEntry: findType("List"), List_PointerEvent: findType("List"), List_RestorationBucket: findType("List"), List_SemanticsNode: findType("List"), List_SkFont: findType("List"), List__ActivatorIntentPair: findType("List<_ActivatorIntentPair>"), List_double: findType("List"), List_dynamic: findType("List<@>"), List_nullable_Object: findType("List"), Locale: findType("Locale"), LogicalKeyboardKey: findType("LogicalKeyboardKey"), MapEntry_of_nullable_String_and_List_Object: findType("MapEntry>"), MapEvent_dynamic: findType("MapEvent<@>"), MapLongPressEvent: findType("MapLongPressEvent"), MapTapEvent: findType("MapTapEvent"), Map_String_Object: findType("Map"), Map_String_String: findType("Map"), Map_String_dynamic: findType("Map"), Map_Type_dynamic: findType("Map"), Map_dynamic_dynamic: findType("Map<@,@>"), Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object: findType("Map"), Map_of_void_Function_PointerEvent_and_nullable_Matrix4: findType("Map<~(PointerEvent),Matrix4?>"), MappedIterable_of_String_and_nullable_StackFrame: findType("MappedIterable"), MappedListIterable_String_String: findType("MappedListIterable"), MappedListIterable_String_dynamic: findType("MappedListIterable"), MappedListIterable__TraversalSortNode_SemanticsNode: findType("MappedListIterable<_TraversalSortNode,SemanticsNode>"), MappedListIterable_int_SemanticsNode: findType("MappedListIterable"), MappedListIterable_of_TargetPlatform_and_nullable_PageTransitionsBuilder: findType("MappedListIterable"), Marker: findType("Marker"), MarkerDragEndEvent: findType("MarkerDragEndEvent"), MarkerDragEvent: findType("MarkerDragEvent"), MarkerDragStartEvent: findType("MarkerDragStartEvent"), MarkerId: findType("MarkerId"), MarkerTapEvent: findType("MarkerTapEvent"), MaterialBannerTheme: findType("MaterialBannerTheme"), MaterialLocalizations: findType("MaterialLocalizations"), MaterialState: findType("MaterialState"), Matrix4: findType("Matrix4"), MediaQuery: findType("MediaQuery"), MediaQueryListEvent: findType("MediaQueryListEvent"), MessagePort: findType("MessagePort"), MinMaxZoomPreference: findType("MinMaxZoomPreference"), ModifierKey: findType("ModifierKey"), MouseCursor: findType("MouseCursor0"), MouseCursorSession: findType("MouseCursorSession"), 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findType("PointerEvent0"), PointerEventResampler: findType("PointerEventResampler"), PointerEvent_2: findType("PointerEvent"), PointerHoverEvent: findType("PointerHoverEvent"), PointerMoveEvent: findType("PointerMoveEvent"), PointerRemovedEvent: findType("PointerRemovedEvent"), PointerSignalEvent: findType("PointerSignalEvent"), PointerUpEvent: findType("PointerUpEvent"), Polygon: findType("Polygon"), PolygonId: findType("PolygonId"), PolygonTapEvent: findType("PolygonTapEvent"), Polyline: findType("Polyline"), PolylineId: findType("PolylineId"), PolylineTapEvent: findType("PolylineTapEvent"), PrimaryScrollController: findType("PrimaryScrollController"), ProgressEvent: findType("ProgressEvent"), ProxyWidget: findType("ProxyWidget"), Rectangle_num: findType("Rectangle"), RegExp: findType("RegExp"), RenderAbsorbPointer: findType("RenderAbsorbPointer"), RenderBox: findType("RenderBox"), RenderObject: findType("RenderObject"), RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_RenderBox: findType("RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter"), RenderObjectWidget: findType("RenderObjectWidget"), RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderObject: findType("RenderObjectWithChildMixin"), RestorableNum_int: findType("RestorableNum"), RestorableProperty_nullable_Object: findType("RestorableProperty"), RestorationBucket: findType("RestorationBucket"), ReverseTween_nullable_Rect: findType("ReverseTween"), ReversedListIterable_Widget: findType("ReversedListIterable"), ReversedListIterable__SemanticsSortGroup: findType("ReversedListIterable<_SemanticsSortGroup>"), Role: findType("Role"), RoutePopDisposition: findType("RoutePopDisposition"), Route_dynamic_Function_2_BuildContext_and_nullable_Object: findType("Route<@>(BuildContext,Object?)"), SaveClipEntry: findType("SaveClipEntry"), ScaffoldFeatureController_MaterialBanner_MaterialBannerClosedReason: findType("ScaffoldFeatureController"), ScaffoldFeatureController_SnackBar_SnackBarClosedReason: findType("ScaffoldFeatureController"), ScaffoldState: findType("ScaffoldState"), ScriptElement: findType("ScriptElement0"), ScrollNotificationObserverState: findType("ScrollNotificationObserverState"), SemanticsAction: findType("SemanticsAction"), SemanticsNode: findType("SemanticsNode"), SemanticsObject: findType("SemanticsObject"), SemanticsTag: findType("SemanticsTag"), ServiceExtensionResponse: findType("ServiceExtensionResponse"), ShapeBorder: findType("ShapeBorder"), ShapeBorderClipper: findType("ShapeBorderClipper"), SingleChildRenderObjectWidget: findType("SingleChildRenderObjectWidget"), Size: findType("Size"), SkDeletable: findType("SkDeletable"), SkPaint: findType("SkPaint"), SkPath: findType("SkPath"), SkPicture: findType("SkPicture"), SkShader: findType("SkShader"), SkipWhileIterable_String: findType("SkipWhileIterable"), StackParentData: findType("StackParentData"), StackTrace: findType("StackTrace"), StatefulElement: findType("StatefulElement"), StatefulWidget: findType("StatefulWidget"), StatelessWidget: findType("StatelessWidget"), String: findType("String"), StringAttribute: findType("StringAttribute"), SurfacePaint: findType("SurfacePaint"), SurfacePath: findType("SurfacePath"), SurfaceScene: findType("SurfaceScene"), SvgElement: findType("SvgElement"), SvgSvgElement: findType("SvgSvgElement"), Symbol: findType("Symbol0"), SynchronousFuture_CupertinoLocalizations: findType("SynchronousFuture"), SynchronousFuture_Map_Type_dynamic: findType("SynchronousFuture>"), SynchronousFuture_MaterialLocalizations: findType("SynchronousFuture"), SynchronousFuture_WidgetsLocalizations: findType("SynchronousFuture"), SynchronousFuture_nullable_RestorationBucket: findType("SynchronousFuture"), SystemMouseCursor: findType("SystemMouseCursor"), SystemUiOverlayStyle: findType("SystemUiOverlayStyle"), TemplateElement: findType("TemplateElement"), TextAreaElement: findType("TextAreaElement"), TextBaseline: findType("TextBaseline"), TextPainter: findType("TextPainter"), TextParentData: findType("TextParentData"), TextStyle: findType("TextStyle"), ThemeData: findType("ThemeData"), ThemeDataTween: findType("ThemeDataTween"), TileOverlay: findType("TileOverlay"), TileOverlayId: findType("TileOverlayId"), Timer: findType("Timer"), TouchEvent: findType("TouchEvent"), Tween_double: findType("Tween"), Type: findType("Type"), TypeError: findType("TypeError"), TypedData: findType("TypedData"), UiKitViewController: findType("UiKitViewController"), Uint8List: findType("Uint8List"), UnicodePropertyLookup_LineCharProperty: findType("UnicodePropertyLookup"), UnicodeRange_TextDirection: findType("UnicodeRange"), UnknownJavaScriptObject: findType("UnknownJavaScriptObject"), UnmanagedRestorationScope: findType("UnmanagedRestorationScope"), Uri: findType("Uri"), ValueKey_Object: findType("ValueKey"), VelocityTracker: findType("VelocityTracker"), WheelEvent: findType("WheelEvent"), WhereIterable_String: findType("WhereIterable"), WhereTypeIterable_StackFrame: findType("WhereTypeIterable"), WhereTypeIterable_nullable_MetaElement: findType("WhereTypeIterable"), WhereTypeIterator_FocusScopeNode: findType("WhereTypeIterator"), Widget: findType("Widget"), WidgetsBindingObserver: findType("WidgetsBindingObserver"), WidgetsLocalizations: findType("WidgetsLocalizations"), Window: findType("Window"), WorkerGlobalScope: findType("WorkerGlobalScope"), _ActionsMarker: findType("_ActionsMarker"), _AsyncCompleter_GoogleMapController: findType("_AsyncCompleter"), _AsyncCompleter_HttpRequest: findType("_AsyncCompleter"), _AsyncCompleter_bool: findType("_AsyncCompleter"), _AsyncCompleter_dynamic: findType("_AsyncCompleter<@>"), _AsyncCompleter_nullable_ByteData: findType("_AsyncCompleter"), _AsyncCompleter_nullable_RestorationBucket: findType("_AsyncCompleter"), _AsyncCompleter_void: findType("_AsyncCompleter<~>"), _Attr: findType("_Attr"), _ButtonSanitizer: findType("_ButtonSanitizer"), _CachedImage: findType("_CachedImage"), _ChildNodeListLazy: findType("_ChildNodeListLazy"), _CombiningGestureArenaMember: findType("_CombiningGestureArenaMember"), _DirectionalPolicyData: findType("_DirectionalPolicyData"), _EffectiveTickerMode: findType("_EffectiveTickerMode"), _ElementEventStreamImpl_Event: findType("_ElementEventStreamImpl"), _ElementEventStreamImpl_KeyboardEvent: findType("_ElementEventStreamImpl"), _ElementEventStreamImpl_MouseEvent: findType("_ElementEventStreamImpl"), _FocusMarker: findType("_FocusMarker"), _FocusTraversalGroupInfo: findType("_FocusTraversalGroupInfo"), _FocusTraversalGroupMarker: findType("_FocusTraversalGroupMarker"), _FrameCallbackEntry: findType("_FrameCallbackEntry"), _FrozenElementList_Element: findType("_FrozenElementList"), _Future_GoogleMapController: findType("_Future"), _Future_HttpRequest: findType("_Future"), _Future_bool: findType("_Future"), _Future_dynamic: findType("_Future<@>"), _Future_int: findType("_Future"), _Future_nullable_ByteData: findType("_Future"), _Future_nullable_RestorationBucket: findType("_Future"), _Future_void: findType("_Future<~>"), _GestureArena: findType("_GestureArena"), _HeroFlight: findType("_HeroFlight"), _HeroState: findType("_HeroState"), _HighlightType: findType("_HighlightType"), _IdentityHashMap_dynamic_dynamic: findType("_IdentityHashMap<@,@>"), _InheritedCupertinoTheme: findType("_InheritedCupertinoTheme"), _InheritedTheme: findType("_InheritedTheme"), _InterestingSemanticsFragment: findType("_InterestingSemanticsFragment"), _ListenerEntry: findType("_ListenerEntry"), _LiveImage: findType("_LiveImage"), _LocalizationsScope: findType("_LocalizationsScope"), _ModalScopeStatus: findType("_ModalScopeStatus"), _MouseState: findType("_MouseState"), _NavigatorObservation: findType("_NavigatorObservation"), _ParentInkResponseProvider: findType("_ParentInkResponseProvider"), _PendingImage: findType("_PendingImage"), _PointerState: findType("_PointerState"), _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData: findType("_ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData"), _ReadingOrderSortData: findType("_ReadingOrderSortData"), _RenderColoredBox: findType("_RenderColoredBox"), _RenderInkFeatures: findType("_RenderInkFeatures"), _RenderTheatre: findType("_RenderTheatre"), _ResolvedNotoSubset: findType("_ResolvedNotoSubset"), _RouteEntry: findType("_RouteEntry"), _ScaffoldMessengerScope: findType("_ScaffoldMessengerScope"), _ScrollableScope: findType("_ScrollableScope"), _StoredMessage: findType("_StoredMessage"), _TapTracker: findType("_TapTracker"), _Theatre: findType("_Theatre"), _UnmodifiableSet_String: findType("_UnmodifiableSet"), _WidgetTicker: findType("_WidgetTicker"), bool: findType("bool"), double: findType("double"), dynamic: findType("@"), dynamic_Function_Event: findType("@(Event)"), dynamic_Function_Object: findType("@(Object)"), dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace: findType("@(Object,StackTrace)"), int: findType("int"), legacy_Never: findType("0&*"), legacy_Object: findType("Object*"), nullable_BitmapCanvas: findType("BitmapCanvas?"), nullable_BorderRadiusTween: findType("BorderRadiusTween?"), nullable_ByteData: findType("ByteData?"), nullable_CkPaint: findType("CkPaint?"), nullable_CkShader: findType("CkShader?"), nullable_ClipPathEngineLayer: findType("ClipPathEngineLayer0?"), nullable_ClipPathLayer: findType("ClipPathLayer?"), nullable_ClipRectEngineLayer: findType("ClipRectEngineLayer0?"), nullable_Color: findType("Color?"), nullable_ColorTween: findType("ColorTween?"), nullable_ContainerLayer: findType("ContainerLayer0?"), nullable_Directionality: findType("Directionality?"), nullable_EdgeInsetsGeometry: findType("EdgeInsetsGeometry?"), nullable_EngineStrutStyle: findType("EngineStrutStyle?"), nullable_FocusNode: findType("FocusNode?"), nullable_Future_Null: findType("Future?"), nullable_GlProgram: findType("GlProgram?"), nullable_HeroControllerScope: findType("HeroControllerScope?"), nullable_HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer: findType("HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer?"), nullable_IconThemeData: findType("IconThemeData?"), nullable_InkHighlight: findType("InkHighlight?"), nullable_List_dynamic: findType("List<@>?"), nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey: findType("LogicalKeyboardKey?"), nullable_LongPressGestureRecognizer: findType("LongPressGestureRecognizer?"), nullable_Map_String_dynamic: findType("Map?"), nullable_Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object: findType("Map?"), nullable_Matrix4: findType("Matrix4?"), nullable_MetaElement: findType("MetaElement?"), nullable_MouseCursor: findType("MouseCursor0?"), nullable_Node: findType("Node?"), nullable_Object: findType("Object?"), nullable_OffsetEngineLayer: findType("OffsetEngineLayer0?"), nullable_OffsetLayer: findType("OffsetLayer?"), nullable_OpacityEngineLayer: findType("OpacityEngineLayer0?"), nullable_OpacityLayer: findType("OpacityLayer?"), nullable_OutlinedBorder: findType("OutlinedBorder?"), nullable_PanGestureRecognizer: findType("PanGestureRecognizer?"), nullable_PersistedClipPath: findType("PersistedClipPath?"), nullable_PersistedClipRect: findType("PersistedClipRect?"), nullable_PersistedOffset: findType("PersistedOffset?"), nullable_PersistedOpacity: findType("PersistedOpacity?"), nullable_PersistedPhysicalShape: findType("PersistedPhysicalShape?"), nullable_PersistedSurface: findType("PersistedSurface?"), nullable_PersistedTransform: findType("PersistedTransform?"), nullable_PhysicalModelLayer: findType("PhysicalModelLayer?"), nullable_PhysicalShapeEngineLayer: findType("PhysicalShapeEngineLayer0?"), nullable_PipelineOwner: findType("PipelineOwner?"), nullable_RegisteredFont: findType("RegisteredFont?"), nullable_RenderBox: findType("RenderBox?"), nullable_RenderObject: findType("RenderObject?"), nullable_RenderObjectElement: findType("RenderObjectElement?"), nullable_RenderObjectToWidgetElement_RenderBox: findType("RenderObjectToWidgetElement?"), nullable_RoleManager: findType("RoleManager?"), nullable_SemanticsNode: findType("SemanticsNode?"), nullable_SemanticsOwner: findType("SemanticsOwner?"), nullable_ShapeBorder: findType("ShapeBorder?"), nullable_ShapeBorderTween: findType("ShapeBorderTween?"), nullable_Size: findType("Size?"), nullable_StatefulElement: findType("StatefulElement?"), nullable_String: findType("String?"), nullable_SurfacePaint: findType("SurfacePaint?"), nullable_TapGestureRecognizer: findType("TapGestureRecognizer?"), nullable_TextStyle: findType("TextStyle?"), nullable_TextStyleTween: findType("TextStyleTween?"), nullable_TransformEngineLayer: findType("TransformEngineLayer0?"), nullable_Tween_double: findType("Tween?"), nullable_Uint8List: findType("Uint8List?"), nullable_VerticalDragGestureRecognizer: findType("VerticalDragGestureRecognizer?"), nullable__EffectiveTickerMode: findType("_EffectiveTickerMode?"), nullable__FocusTraversalGroupMarker: findType("_FocusTraversalGroupMarker?"), nullable__PointAtTime: findType("_PointAtTime?"), nullable__TaskEntry_dynamic: findType("_TaskEntry<@>?"), nullable_bool: findType("bool?"), nullable_double: findType("double?"), nullable_int: findType("int?"), nullable_void_Function: findType("~()?"), num: findType("num"), void: findType("~"), void_Function: findType("~()"), void_Function_AnimationStatus: findType("~(AnimationStatus)"), void_Function_Duration: findType("~(Duration)"), void_Function_FocusHighlightMode: findType("~(FocusHighlightMode)"), void_Function_List_FrameTiming: findType("~(List)"), void_Function_Object: findType("~(Object)"), void_Function_Object_StackTrace: findType("~(Object,StackTrace)"), void_Function_PointerEvent: findType("~(PointerEvent)"), void_Function_RawKeyEvent: findType("~(RawKeyEvent)"), void_Function_nullable_Object: findType("~(Object?)") }; })(); (function constants() { var makeConstList = hunkHelpers.makeConstList; B.BodyElement_methods = A.BodyElement.prototype; B.CanvasElement_methods = A.CanvasElement.prototype; B.CanvasRenderingContext2D_methods = A.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype; B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods = A.CssStyleDeclaration.prototype; B.DivElement_methods = A.DivElement.prototype; B.FormElement_methods = A.FormElement.prototype; B.HtmlDocument_methods = A.HtmlDocument.prototype; B.HttpRequest_methods = A.HttpRequest.prototype; B.InputElement_methods = A.InputElement.prototype; B.Interceptor_methods = J.Interceptor.prototype; B.JSArray_methods = J.JSArray.prototype; B.JSBool_methods = J.JSBool.prototype; B.JSInt_methods = J.JSInt.prototype; B.JSNull_methods = J.JSNull.prototype; B.JSNumber_methods = J.JSNumber.prototype; B.JSString_methods = J.JSString.prototype; B.JavaScriptFunction_methods = J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype; B.JavaScriptObject_methods = J.JavaScriptObject.prototype; B.LabelElement_methods = A.LabelElement.prototype; B.MediaQueryList_methods = A.MediaQueryList.prototype; B.MetaElement_methods = A.MetaElement.prototype; B.NativeByteBuffer_methods = A.NativeByteBuffer.prototype; B.NativeByteData_methods = A.NativeByteData.prototype; B.NativeFloat32List_methods = A.NativeFloat32List.prototype; B.NativeInt32List_methods = A.NativeInt32List.prototype; B.NativeUint8List_methods = A.NativeUint8List.prototype; B.NodeList_methods = A.NodeList.prototype; B.OffscreenCanvas_methods = A.OffscreenCanvas.prototype; B.ParagraphElement_methods = A.ParagraphElement.prototype; B.PlainJavaScriptObject_methods = J.PlainJavaScriptObject.prototype; B.ScriptElement_methods = A.ScriptElement.prototype; B.StyleElement_methods = A.StyleElement.prototype; B.SvgSvgElement_methods = A.SvgSvgElement.prototype; B.TableElement_methods = A.TableElement.prototype; B.TouchList_methods = A.TouchList.prototype; B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods = J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype; B.WheelEvent_methods = A.WheelEvent.prototype; B.Window_methods = A.Window.prototype; B.AccessibilityMode_0 = new A.AccessibilityMode(0, "unknown"); B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_m1 = new A.AlignmentDirectional(-1, -1); B.Alignment_0_0 = new A.Alignment(0, 0); B.Alignment_0_1 = new A.Alignment(0, 1); B.Alignment_1_0 = new A.Alignment(1, 0); B.AnimationBehavior_0 = new A.AnimationBehavior(0, "normal"); B.AnimationStatus_0 = new A.AnimationStatus(0, "dismissed"); B.AnimationStatus_1 = new A.AnimationStatus(1, "forward"); B.AnimationStatus_2 = new A.AnimationStatus(2, "reverse"); B.AnimationStatus_3 = new A.AnimationStatus(3, "completed"); B.AppBarTheme_6cf = new A.AppBarTheme(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); B.AppLifecycleState_0 = new A.AppLifecycleState(0, "resumed"); B.AppLifecycleState_1 = new A.AppLifecycleState(1, "inactive"); B.AppLifecycleState_2 = new A.AppLifecycleState(2, "paused"); B.AppLifecycleState_3 = new A.AppLifecycleState(3, "detached"); B.AxisDirection_0 = new A.AxisDirection(0, "up"); B.AxisDirection_1 = new A.AxisDirection(1, "right"); B.AxisDirection_2 = new A.AxisDirection(2, "down"); B.AxisDirection_3 = new A.AxisDirection(3, "left"); B.Axis_0 = new A.Axis(0, "horizontal"); B.Axis_1 = new A.Axis(1, "vertical"); B.C_StandardMessageCodec = new A.StandardMessageCodec0(); B.BasicMessageChannel_8hp = new A.BasicMessageChannel("flutter/accessibility", B.C_StandardMessageCodec, type$.BasicMessageChannel_nullable_Object); B.C_JSONMessageCodec0 = new A.JSONMessageCodec0(); B.BasicMessageChannel_Cfi = new A.BasicMessageChannel("flutter/keyevent", B.C_JSONMessageCodec0, type$.BasicMessageChannel_nullable_Object); B.C_StringCodec = new A.StringCodec(); B.BasicMessageChannel_No7 = new A.BasicMessageChannel("flutter/lifecycle", B.C_StringCodec, A.findType("BasicMessageChannel")); B.BasicMessageChannel_Qma = new A.BasicMessageChannel("flutter/system", B.C_JSONMessageCodec0, type$.BasicMessageChannel_nullable_Object); B.BlendMode_13 = new A.BlendMode(13, "modulate"); B.BlendMode_3 = new A.BlendMode(3, "srcOver"); B.Radius_0_0 = new A.Radius(0, 0); B.BorderRadius_tLn = new 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return quickMap[tag] || tag; } hooks.getTag = getTagFirefox; }; B.C_JS_CONST4 = function(hooks) { var userAgent = typeof navigator == "object" ? navigator.userAgent : ""; if (userAgent.indexOf("Trident/") == -1) return hooks; var getTag = hooks.getTag; var quickMap = { "BeforeUnloadEvent": "Event", "DataTransfer": "Clipboard", "HTMLDDElement": "HTMLElement", "HTMLDTElement": "HTMLElement", "HTMLPhraseElement": "HTMLElement", "Position": "Geoposition" }; function getTagIE(o) { var tag = getTag(o); var newTag = quickMap[tag]; if (newTag) return newTag; if (tag == "Object") { if (window.DataView && (o instanceof window.DataView)) return "DataView"; } return tag; } function prototypeForTagIE(tag) { var constructor = window[tag]; if (constructor == null) return null; return constructor.prototype; } hooks.getTag = getTagIE; hooks.prototypeForTag = prototypeForTagIE; }; B.C_JS_CONST3 = function(hooks) { return hooks; } ; B.C_JsonCodec = new A.JsonCodec(); B.C_MaterialScrollBehavior = new 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= new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294967555); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971393 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971393); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968065 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968065); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968066 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968066); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968067 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968067); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968068 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968068); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968579 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968579); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970625 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970625); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970626 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970626); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970627 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970627); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970882 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970882); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970628 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970628); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970629 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970629); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970630 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970630); 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A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970374); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970375 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970375); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971394 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971394); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968835 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968835); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971395 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971395); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968580 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968580); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970634 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970634); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970635 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970635); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968321 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968321); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969857 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969857); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970642 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970642); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969091 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969091); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970636 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970636); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970637 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970637); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970638 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970638); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970639 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970639); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970640 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970640); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970641 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970641); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969092 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969092); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968581 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968581); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969093 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969093); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968322 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968322); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968323 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968323); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968324 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968324); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970703 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970703); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970643 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970643); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970644 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970644); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969108 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969108); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968836 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968836); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968069 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968069); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971396 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971396); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967309 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294967309); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968325 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968325); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968326 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968326); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968582 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968582); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970645 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970645); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969345 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969345); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969354 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969354); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969355 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969355); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969356 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969356); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969357 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969357); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969358 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969358); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969359 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969359); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969360 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969360); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969361 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969361); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969362 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969362); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969363 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969363); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969346 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969346); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969364 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969364); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969365 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969365); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969366 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969366); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969367 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969367); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969368 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969368); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969347 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969347); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969348 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969348); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969349 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969349); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969350 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969350); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969351 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969351); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969352 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969352); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969353 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969353); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970646 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970646); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970647 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970647); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970648 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970648); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970649 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970649); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970650 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970650); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970651 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970651); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970652 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970652); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970653 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970653); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970654 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970654); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970655 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970655); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970656 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970656); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970657 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970657); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969094 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969094); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968583 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968583); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967559 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294967559); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971397 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971397); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971398 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971398); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969095 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969095); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969096 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969096); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969097 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969097); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969098 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969098); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970658 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970658); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970659 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970659); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970660 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970660); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969105 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969105); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969106 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969106); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969109 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969109); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971399 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971399); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968584 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968584); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968841 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968841); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969110 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969110); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969111 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969111); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968070 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968070); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967560 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294967560); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970661 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970661); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968327 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968327); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970662 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970662); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969107 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969107); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969112 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969112); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969113 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969113); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969114 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969114); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971905 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971905); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971906 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971906); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971400 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971400); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970118 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970118); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970113 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970113); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970126 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970126); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970114 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970114); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970124 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970124); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970127 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970127); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970115 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970115); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970116 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970116); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970117 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970117); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970125 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970125); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970119 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970119); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970120 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970120); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970121 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970121); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970122 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970122); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970123 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970123); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970663 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970663); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970664 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970664); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970665 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970665); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970666 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970666); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968837 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968837); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969858 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969858); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969859 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969859); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969860 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969860); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971402 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971402); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970667 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970667); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970704 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970704); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970715 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970715); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970668 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970668); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970669 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970669); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970670 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970670); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970671 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970671); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969861 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969861); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970672 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970672); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970673 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970673); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970674 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970674); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970705 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970705); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970706 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970706); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970707 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970707); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970708 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970708); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969863 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969863); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970709 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970709); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969864 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969864); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969865 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969865); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970886 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970886); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970887 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970887); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970889 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970889); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970888 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970888); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969099 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969099); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970710 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970710); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970711 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970711); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970712 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970712); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970713 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970713); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969866 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969866); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969100 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969100); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970675 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970675); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970676 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970676); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969101 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969101); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971401 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971401); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970677 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970677); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969867 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969867); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968071 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968071); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968072 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968072); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970714 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970714); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968328 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968328); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968585 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968585); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970678 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970678); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970679 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970679); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970680 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970680); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970681 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970681); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968586 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968586); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970682 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970682); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970683 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970683); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970684 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970684); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968838 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968838); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968839 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968839); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969102 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969102); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969868 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969868); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968840 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968840); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969103 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969103); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968587 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968587); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970685 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970685); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970686 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970686); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970687 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970687); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968329 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968329); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970688 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970688); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969115 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969115); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970693 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970693); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970694 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970694); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969869 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969869); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970689 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970689); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970690 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970690); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968588 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968588); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970691 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970691); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967569 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294967569); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969104 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969104); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969601 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969601); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969602 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969602); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969603 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969603); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969604 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969604); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969605 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969605); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969606 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969606); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969607 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969607); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969608 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969608); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971137 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971137); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971138 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971138); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969870 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969870); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970692 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970692); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968842 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968842); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970695 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970695); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967566 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294967566); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967567 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294967567); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967568 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294967568); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970697 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970697); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971649 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971649); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971650 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971650); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971651 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971651); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971652 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971652); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971653 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971653); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971654 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971654); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971655 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971655); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970698 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970698); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971656 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971656); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971657 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971657); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971658 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971658); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971659 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971659); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971660 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971660); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971661 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971661); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971662 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971662); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971663 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971663); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971664 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971664); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971665 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971665); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971666 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971666); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971667 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971667); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970699 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970699); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971668 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971668); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971669 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971669); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971670 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971670); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971671 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971671); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971672 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971672); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971673 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971673); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971674 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971674); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971675 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971675); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967305 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294967305); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970696 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970696); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968330 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968330); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967297 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294967297); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970700 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970700); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971403 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294971403); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968843 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968843); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970701 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970701); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969116 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969116); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969117 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294969117); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968589 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968589); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968590 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294968590); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970702 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(4294970702); B.Map_0mOHH = new A.ConstantStringMap(300, {AVRInput: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970632, AVRPower: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970633, Accel: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967553, Accept: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968577, Again: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968578, AllCandidates: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969089, Alphanumeric: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969090, AltGraph: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967555, AppSwitch: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971393, ArrowDown: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968065, ArrowLeft: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968066, ArrowRight: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968067, ArrowUp: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968068, Attn: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968579, AudioBalanceLeft: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970625, AudioBalanceRight: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970626, AudioBassBoostDown: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970627, AudioBassBoostToggle: 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B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969104, Soft1: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969601, Soft2: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969602, Soft3: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969603, Soft4: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969604, Soft5: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969605, Soft6: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969606, Soft7: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969607, Soft8: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969608, SpeechCorrectionList: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971137, SpeechInputToggle: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971138, SpellCheck: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969870, SplitScreenToggle: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970692, Standby: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968842, Subtitle: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970695, Super: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967566, Symbol: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967567, SymbolLock: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967568, TV: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970697, TV3DMode: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971649, TVAntennaCable: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971650, TVAudioDescription: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971651, TVAudioDescriptionMixDown: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971652, TVAudioDescriptionMixUp: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971653, TVContentsMenu: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971654, TVDataService: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971655, TVInput: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970698, TVInputComponent1: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971656, TVInputComponent2: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971657, TVInputComposite1: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971658, TVInputComposite2: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971659, TVInputHDMI1: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971660, TVInputHDMI2: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971661, TVInputHDMI3: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971662, TVInputHDMI4: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971663, TVInputVGA1: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971664, TVMediaContext: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971665, TVNetwork: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971666, TVNumberEntry: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971667, TVPower: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970699, TVRadioService: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971668, TVSatellite: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971669, TVSatelliteBS: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971670, TVSatelliteCS: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971671, TVSatelliteToggle: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971672, TVTerrestrialAnalog: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971673, TVTerrestrialDigital: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971674, TVTimer: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971675, Tab: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967305, Teletext: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970696, Undo: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968330, Unidentified: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967297, VideoModeNext: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970700, VoiceDial: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294971403, WakeUp: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968843, Wink: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970701, Zenkaku: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969116, ZenkakuHankaku: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294969117, ZoomIn: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968589, ZoomOut: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968590, ZoomToggle: B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294970702}, B.List_0mM, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.Map_0mogo = new A.ConstantStringMap(300, {AVRInput: 4294970632, AVRPower: 4294970633, Accel: 4294967553, Accept: 4294968577, Again: 4294968578, AllCandidates: 4294969089, Alphanumeric: 4294969090, AltGraph: 4294967555, AppSwitch: 4294971393, ArrowDown: 4294968065, ArrowLeft: 4294968066, ArrowRight: 4294968067, ArrowUp: 4294968068, Attn: 4294968579, AudioBalanceLeft: 4294970625, AudioBalanceRight: 4294970626, AudioBassBoostDown: 4294970627, AudioBassBoostToggle: 4294970882, AudioBassBoostUp: 4294970628, AudioFaderFront: 4294970629, AudioFaderRear: 4294970630, AudioSurroundModeNext: 4294970631, AudioTrebleDown: 4294970884, AudioTrebleUp: 4294970885, AudioVolumeDown: 4294969871, AudioVolumeMute: 4294969873, AudioVolumeUp: 4294969872, Backspace: 4294967304, BrightnessDown: 4294968833, BrightnessUp: 4294968834, BrowserBack: 4294970369, BrowserFavorites: 4294970370, BrowserForward: 4294970371, BrowserHome: 4294970372, BrowserRefresh: 4294970373, BrowserSearch: 4294970374, BrowserStop: 4294970375, Call: 4294971394, Camera: 4294968835, CameraFocus: 4294971395, Cancel: 4294968580, CapsLock: 4294967556, ChannelDown: 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F5: 4294969349, F6: 4294969350, F7: 4294969351, F8: 4294969352, F9: 4294969353, FavoriteClear0: 4294970646, FavoriteClear1: 4294970647, FavoriteClear2: 4294970648, FavoriteClear3: 4294970649, FavoriteRecall0: 4294970650, FavoriteRecall1: 4294970651, FavoriteRecall2: 4294970652, FavoriteRecall3: 4294970653, FavoriteStore0: 4294970654, FavoriteStore1: 4294970655, FavoriteStore2: 4294970656, FavoriteStore3: 4294970657, FinalMode: 4294969094, Find: 4294968583, Fn: 4294967558, FnLock: 4294967559, GoBack: 4294971397, GoHome: 4294971398, GroupFirst: 4294969095, GroupLast: 4294969096, GroupNext: 4294969097, GroupPrevious: 4294969098, Guide: 4294970658, GuideNextDay: 4294970659, GuidePreviousDay: 4294970660, HangulMode: 4294969105, HanjaMode: 4294969106, Hankaku: 4294969109, HeadsetHook: 4294971399, Help: 4294968584, Hibernate: 4294968841, Hiragana: 4294969110, HiraganaKatakana: 4294969111, Home: 4294968070, Hyper: 4294967560, Info: 4294970661, Insert: 4294968327, InstantReplay: 4294970662, JunjaMode: 4294969107, KanaMode: 4294969112, KanjiMode: 4294969113, Katakana: 4294969114, Key11: 4294971905, Key12: 4294971906, LastNumberRedial: 4294971400, LaunchApplication1: 4294970118, LaunchApplication2: 4294970113, LaunchAssistant: 4294970126, LaunchCalendar: 4294970114, LaunchContacts: 4294970124, LaunchControlPanel: 4294970127, LaunchMail: 4294970115, LaunchMediaPlayer: 4294970116, LaunchMusicPlayer: 4294970117, LaunchPhone: 4294970125, LaunchScreenSaver: 4294970119, LaunchSpreadsheet: 4294970120, LaunchWebBrowser: 4294970121, LaunchWebCam: 4294970122, LaunchWordProcessor: 4294970123, Link: 4294970663, ListProgram: 4294970664, LiveContent: 4294970665, Lock: 4294970666, LogOff: 4294968837, MailForward: 4294969858, MailReply: 4294969859, MailSend: 4294969860, MannerMode: 4294971402, MediaApps: 4294970667, MediaAudioTrack: 4294970704, MediaClose: 4294970715, MediaFastForward: 4294970668, MediaLast: 4294970669, MediaPause: 4294970670, MediaPlay: 4294970671, MediaPlayPause: 4294969861, MediaRecord: 4294970672, MediaRewind: 4294970673, MediaSkip: 4294970674, MediaSkipBackward: 4294970705, MediaSkipForward: 4294970706, MediaStepBackward: 4294970707, MediaStepForward: 4294970708, MediaStop: 4294969863, MediaTopMenu: 4294970709, MediaTrackNext: 4294969864, MediaTrackPrevious: 4294969865, MicrophoneToggle: 4294970886, MicrophoneVolumeDown: 4294970887, MicrophoneVolumeMute: 4294970889, MicrophoneVolumeUp: 4294970888, ModeChange: 4294969099, NavigateIn: 4294970710, NavigateNext: 4294970711, NavigateOut: 4294970712, NavigatePrevious: 4294970713, New: 4294969866, NextCandidate: 4294969100, NextFavoriteChannel: 4294970675, NextUserProfile: 4294970676, NonConvert: 4294969101, Notification: 4294971401, NumLock: 4294967562, OnDemand: 4294970677, Open: 4294969867, PageDown: 4294968071, PageUp: 4294968072, Pairing: 4294970714, Paste: 4294968328, Pause: 4294968585, PinPDown: 4294970678, PinPMove: 4294970679, PinPToggle: 4294970680, PinPUp: 4294970681, Play: 4294968586, PlaySpeedDown: 4294970682, PlaySpeedReset: 4294970683, PlaySpeedUp: 4294970684, Power: 4294968838, PowerOff: 4294968839, PreviousCandidate: 4294969102, Print: 4294969868, PrintScreen: 4294968840, Process: 4294969103, Props: 4294968587, RandomToggle: 4294970685, RcLowBattery: 4294970686, RecordSpeedNext: 4294970687, Redo: 4294968329, RfBypass: 4294970688, Romaji: 4294969115, STBInput: 4294970693, STBPower: 4294970694, Save: 4294969869, ScanChannelsToggle: 4294970689, ScreenModeNext: 4294970690, ScrollLock: 4294967564, Select: 4294968588, Settings: 4294970691, ShiftLevel5: 4294967569, SingleCandidate: 4294969104, Soft1: 4294969601, Soft2: 4294969602, Soft3: 4294969603, Soft4: 4294969604, Soft5: 4294969605, Soft6: 4294969606, Soft7: 4294969607, Soft8: 4294969608, SpeechCorrectionList: 4294971137, SpeechInputToggle: 4294971138, SpellCheck: 4294969870, SplitScreenToggle: 4294970692, Standby: 4294968842, Subtitle: 4294970695, Super: 4294967566, Symbol: 4294967567, SymbolLock: 4294967568, TV: 4294970697, TV3DMode: 4294971649, TVAntennaCable: 4294971650, TVAudioDescription: 4294971651, TVAudioDescriptionMixDown: 4294971652, TVAudioDescriptionMixUp: 4294971653, TVContentsMenu: 4294971654, TVDataService: 4294971655, TVInput: 4294970698, TVInputComponent1: 4294971656, TVInputComponent2: 4294971657, TVInputComposite1: 4294971658, TVInputComposite2: 4294971659, TVInputHDMI1: 4294971660, TVInputHDMI2: 4294971661, TVInputHDMI3: 4294971662, TVInputHDMI4: 4294971663, TVInputVGA1: 4294971664, TVMediaContext: 4294971665, TVNetwork: 4294971666, TVNumberEntry: 4294971667, TVPower: 4294970699, TVRadioService: 4294971668, TVSatellite: 4294971669, TVSatelliteBS: 4294971670, TVSatelliteCS: 4294971671, TVSatelliteToggle: 4294971672, TVTerrestrialAnalog: 4294971673, TVTerrestrialDigital: 4294971674, TVTimer: 4294971675, Tab: 4294967305, Teletext: 4294970696, Undo: 4294968330, Unidentified: 4294967297, VideoModeNext: 4294970700, VoiceDial: 4294971403, WakeUp: 4294968843, Wink: 4294970701, Zenkaku: 4294969116, ZenkakuHankaku: 4294969117, ZoomIn: 4294968589, ZoomOut: 4294968590, ZoomToggle: 4294970702}, B.List_0mM, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_int); B.List_1kC = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["Abort", "Again", "AltLeft", "AltRight", "ArrowDown", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight", "ArrowUp", "AudioVolumeDown", "AudioVolumeMute", "AudioVolumeUp", "Backquote", "Backslash", "Backspace", "BassBoost", "BracketLeft", "BracketRight", "BrightnessAuto", "BrightnessDown", "BrightnessMaximum", "BrightnessMinimum", "BrightnessToggle", "BrightnessUp", "BrowserBack", "BrowserFavorites", "BrowserForward", "BrowserHome", "BrowserRefresh", "BrowserSearch", "BrowserStop", "CapsLock", "ChannelDown", "ChannelUp", "Close", "ClosedCaptionToggle", "Comma", "ContextMenu", "ControlLeft", "ControlRight", "Convert", "Copy", "Cut", "Delete", "Digit0", "Digit1", "Digit2", "Digit3", "Digit4", "Digit5", "Digit6", "Digit7", "Digit8", "Digit9", "DisplayToggleIntExt", "Eject", "End", "Enter", "Equal", "Escape", "Exit", "F1", "F10", "F11", "F12", "F13", "F14", "F15", "F16", "F17", "F18", "F19", "F2", "F20", "F21", "F22", "F23", "F24", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "Find", "Fn", "FnLock", "GameButton1", "GameButton10", "GameButton11", "GameButton12", "GameButton13", "GameButton14", "GameButton15", "GameButton16", "GameButton2", "GameButton3", "GameButton4", "GameButton5", "GameButton6", "GameButton7", "GameButton8", "GameButton9", "GameButtonA", "GameButtonB", "GameButtonC", "GameButtonLeft1", "GameButtonLeft2", "GameButtonMode", "GameButtonRight1", "GameButtonRight2", "GameButtonSelect", "GameButtonStart", "GameButtonThumbLeft", "GameButtonThumbRight", "GameButtonX", "GameButtonY", "GameButtonZ", "Help", "Home", "Hyper", "Info", "Insert", "IntlBackslash", "IntlRo", "IntlYen", "KanaMode", "KbdIllumDown", "KbdIllumUp", "KeyA", "KeyB", "KeyC", "KeyD", "KeyE", "KeyF", "KeyG", "KeyH", "KeyI", "KeyJ", "KeyK", "KeyL", "KeyM", "KeyN", "KeyO", "KeyP", "KeyQ", "KeyR", "KeyS", "KeyT", "KeyU", "KeyV", "KeyW", "KeyX", "KeyY", "KeyZ", "KeyboardLayoutSelect", "Lang1", "Lang2", "Lang3", "Lang4", "Lang5", "LaunchApp1", "LaunchApp2", "LaunchAssistant", "LaunchAudioBrowser", "LaunchCalendar", "LaunchContacts", "LaunchControlPanel", "LaunchDocuments", "LaunchInternetBrowser", "LaunchKeyboardLayout", "LaunchMail", "LaunchPhone", "LaunchScreenSaver", "LaunchSpreadsheet", "LaunchWordProcessor", "LockScreen", "LogOff", "MailForward", "MailReply", "MailSend", "MediaFastForward", "MediaLast", "MediaPause", "MediaPlay", "MediaPlayPause", "MediaRecord", "MediaRewind", "MediaSelect", "MediaStop", "MediaTrackNext", "MediaTrackPrevious", "MetaLeft", "MetaRight", "MicrophoneMuteToggle", "Minus", "New", "NonConvert", "NumLock", "Numpad0", "Numpad1", "Numpad2", "Numpad3", "Numpad4", "Numpad5", "Numpad6", "Numpad7", "Numpad8", "Numpad9", "NumpadAdd", "NumpadBackspace", "NumpadClear", "NumpadClearEntry", "NumpadComma", "NumpadDecimal", "NumpadDivide", "NumpadEnter", "NumpadEqual", "NumpadMemoryAdd", "NumpadMemoryClear", "NumpadMemoryRecall", "NumpadMemoryStore", "NumpadMemorySubtract", "NumpadMultiply", "NumpadParenLeft", "NumpadParenRight", "NumpadSignChange", "NumpadSubtract", "Open", "PageDown", "PageUp", "Paste", "Pause", "Period", "Power", "Print", "PrintScreen", "PrivacyScreenToggle", "ProgramGuide", "Props", "Quote", "Redo", "Resume", "Save", "ScrollLock", "Select", "SelectTask", "Semicolon", "ShiftLeft", "ShiftRight", "ShowAllWindows", "Slash", "Sleep", "Space", "SpeechInputToggle", "SpellCheck", "Super", "Suspend", "Tab", "Turbo", "Undo", "UsbErrorRollOver", "UsbErrorUndefined", "UsbPostFail", "UsbReserved", "WakeUp", "ZoomIn", "ZoomOut", "ZoomToggle"]), type$.JSArray_String); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458907 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458907); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458873 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458873); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458978 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458978); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458982 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458982); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458833 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458833); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458832 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458832); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458831 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458831); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458834 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458834); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458881 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458881); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458879 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458879); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458880 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458880); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458805 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458805); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458801 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458801); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458794 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458794); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786661 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786661); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458799 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458799); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458800 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458800); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786549 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786549); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786544 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786544); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786548 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786548); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786547 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786547); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786546 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786546); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786543 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786543); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786980 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786980); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786986 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786986); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786981 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786981); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786979 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786979); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786983 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786983); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786977 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786977); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786982 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786982); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458809 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458809); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786589 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786589); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786588 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786588); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786947 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786947); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786529 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(786529); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458806 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458806); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458853 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458853); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458976 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458976); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458980 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458980); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458890 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458890); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458876 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458876); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458875 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458875); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458828 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458828); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458791 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458791); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458782 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458782); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458783 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458783); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458784 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458784); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458785 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458785); B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458786 = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(458786); 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B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787081, MailSend: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787084, MediaFastForward: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786611, MediaLast: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786563, MediaPause: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786609, MediaPlay: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786608, MediaPlayPause: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786637, MediaRecord: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786610, MediaRewind: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786612, MediaSelect: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786819, MediaStop: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786615, MediaTrackNext: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786613, MediaTrackPrevious: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786614, MetaLeft: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458979, MetaRight: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458983, MicrophoneMuteToggle: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_24, Minus: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458797, New: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786945, NonConvert: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458891, NumLock: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458835, Numpad0: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458850, Numpad1: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458841, Numpad2: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458842, Numpad3: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458843, Numpad4: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458844, Numpad5: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458845, Numpad6: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458846, Numpad7: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458847, Numpad8: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458848, Numpad9: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458849, NumpadAdd: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458839, NumpadBackspace: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458939, NumpadClear: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458968, NumpadClearEntry: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458969, NumpadComma: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458885, NumpadDecimal: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458851, NumpadDivide: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458836, NumpadEnter: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458840, NumpadEqual: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458855, NumpadMemoryAdd: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458963, NumpadMemoryClear: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458962, NumpadMemoryRecall: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458961, NumpadMemoryStore: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458960, NumpadMemorySubtract: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458964, NumpadMultiply: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458837, NumpadParenLeft: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458934, NumpadParenRight: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458935, NumpadSignChange: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458967, NumpadSubtract: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458838, Open: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458868, PageDown: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458830, PageUp: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458827, Paste: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458877, Pause: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458824, Period: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458807, Power: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458854, Print: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786952, PrintScreen: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458822, PrivacyScreenToggle: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_23, ProgramGuide: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786573, Props: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458915, Quote: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458804, Redo: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787065, Resume: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_21, Save: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786951, ScrollLock: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458823, Select: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458871, SelectTask: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786850, Semicolon: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458803, ShiftLeft: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458977, ShiftRight: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458981, ShowAllWindows: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787103, Slash: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458808, Sleep: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_65666, Space: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458796, SpeechInputToggle: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786639, SpellCheck: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786859, Super: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_17, Suspend: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_20, Tab: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458795, Turbo: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_22, Undo: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458874, UsbErrorRollOver: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458753, UsbErrorUndefined: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458755, UsbPostFail: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458754, UsbReserved: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458752, WakeUp: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_65667, ZoomIn: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786989, ZoomOut: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786990, ZoomToggle: B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786994}, B.List_1kC, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.List_8TI = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["*", "+", "-", ".", "/", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "Alt", "ArrowDown", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight", "ArrowUp", "Clear", "Control", "Delete", "End", "Enter", "Home", "Insert", "Meta", "PageDown", "PageUp", "Shift"]), type$.JSArray_String); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_42 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(42); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935146 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935146); B.List_MHC = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_42, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935146]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_43 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(43); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935147 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935147); B.List_MHC0 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_43, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935147]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_45 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(45); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935149 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935149); B.List_MHC1 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_45, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935149]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_46 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(46); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935150 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935150); B.List_MHC2 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_46, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935150]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_47 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(47); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935151 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935151); B.List_MHC3 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_47, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935151]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_48 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(48); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935152 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935152); B.List_yHZ = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_48, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935152]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_49 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(49); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935153 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935153); B.List_yHZ0 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_49, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935153]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_50 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(50); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935154 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935154); B.List_yHZ1 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_50, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935154]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_51 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(51); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935155 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935155); B.List_yHZ2 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_51, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935155]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_52 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(52); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935156 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935156); B.List_yHZ3 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_52, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935156]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_53 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(53); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935157 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935157); B.List_yHZ4 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_53, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935157]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_54 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(54); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935158 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935158); B.List_yHZ5 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_54, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935158]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_55 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(55); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935159 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935159); B.List_yHZ6 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_55, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935159]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_56 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(56); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935160 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935160); B.List_Sxn = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_56, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935160]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_57 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(57); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935161 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935161); B.List_Sxn0 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_57, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935161]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_gzb = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934852, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934853, null]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_RsV = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968065, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935154]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_RsV0 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968066, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935156]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_RsV1 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968067, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935158]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_3Vk = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968068, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935160]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_6FR = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968321, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935157]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_gzb0 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934848, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934849, null]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_IAQ = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967423, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935150]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_RsV2 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968069, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935153]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935117 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(8589935117); B.List_bnV = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967309, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935117]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_RsV3 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968070, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935159]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_6FR0 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968327, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935152]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_gzb1 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934854, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934855, null]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_RsV4 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968071, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935155]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_mDg = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968072, null, null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935161]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.List_gzb2 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([null, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934850, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589934851, null]), type$.JSArray_nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey); B.Map_8TEJH = new A.ConstantStringMap(31, {"*": B.List_MHC, "+": B.List_MHC0, "-": B.List_MHC1, ".": B.List_MHC2, "/": B.List_MHC3, "0": B.List_yHZ, "1": B.List_yHZ0, "2": B.List_yHZ1, "3": B.List_yHZ2, "4": B.List_yHZ3, "5": B.List_yHZ4, "6": B.List_yHZ5, "7": B.List_yHZ6, "8": B.List_Sxn, "9": B.List_Sxn0, Alt: B.List_gzb, ArrowDown: B.List_RsV, ArrowLeft: B.List_RsV0, ArrowRight: B.List_RsV1, ArrowUp: B.List_3Vk, Clear: B.List_6FR, Control: B.List_gzb0, Delete: B.List_IAQ, End: B.List_RsV2, Enter: B.List_bnV, Home: B.List_RsV3, Insert: B.List_6FR0, Meta: B.List_gzb1, PageDown: B.List_RsV4, PageUp: B.List_mDg, Shift: B.List_gzb2}, B.List_8TI, A.findType("ConstantStringMap>")); B.List_42_null_null_8589935146 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([42, null, null, 8589935146]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_43_null_null_8589935147 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([43, null, null, 8589935147]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_45_null_null_8589935149 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([45, null, null, 8589935149]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_46_null_null_8589935150 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([46, null, null, 8589935150]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_47_null_null_8589935151 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([47, null, null, 8589935151]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_48_null_null_8589935152 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([48, null, null, 8589935152]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_49_null_null_8589935153 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([49, null, null, 8589935153]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_50_null_null_8589935154 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([50, null, null, 8589935154]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_51_null_null_8589935155 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([51, null, null, 8589935155]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_52_null_null_8589935156 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([52, null, null, 8589935156]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_53_null_null_8589935157 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([53, null, null, 8589935157]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_54_null_null_8589935158 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([54, null, null, 8589935158]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_55_null_null_8589935159 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([55, null, null, 8589935159]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_56_null_null_8589935160 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([56, null, null, 8589935160]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_57_null_null_8589935161 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([57, null, null, 8589935161]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_null_8589934852_8589934853_null = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([null, 8589934852, 8589934853, null]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_4294968065_null_null_8589935154 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([4294968065, null, null, 8589935154]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_4294968066_null_null_8589935156 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([4294968066, null, null, 8589935156]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_4294968067_null_null_8589935158 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([4294968067, null, null, 8589935158]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_4294968068_null_null_8589935160 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([4294968068, null, null, 8589935160]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_4294968321_null_null_8589935157 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([4294968321, null, null, 8589935157]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_null_8589934848_8589934849_null = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([null, 8589934848, 8589934849, null]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_4294967423_null_null_8589935150 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([4294967423, null, null, 8589935150]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_4294968069_null_null_8589935153 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([4294968069, null, null, 8589935153]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_4294967309_null_null_8589935117 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([4294967309, null, null, 8589935117]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_4294968070_null_null_8589935159 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([4294968070, null, null, 8589935159]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_4294968327_null_null_8589935152 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([4294968327, null, null, 8589935152]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_null_8589934854_8589934855_null = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([null, 8589934854, 8589934855, null]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_4294968071_null_null_8589935155 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([4294968071, null, null, 8589935155]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_4294968072_null_null_8589935161 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([4294968072, null, null, 8589935161]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.List_null_8589934850_8589934851_null = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([null, 8589934850, 8589934851, null]), type$.JSArray_nullable_int); B.Map_8TmdZ = new A.ConstantStringMap(31, {"*": B.List_42_null_null_8589935146, "+": B.List_43_null_null_8589935147, "-": B.List_45_null_null_8589935149, ".": B.List_46_null_null_8589935150, "/": B.List_47_null_null_8589935151, "0": B.List_48_null_null_8589935152, "1": B.List_49_null_null_8589935153, "2": B.List_50_null_null_8589935154, "3": B.List_51_null_null_8589935155, "4": B.List_52_null_null_8589935156, "5": B.List_53_null_null_8589935157, "6": B.List_54_null_null_8589935158, "7": B.List_55_null_null_8589935159, "8": B.List_56_null_null_8589935160, "9": B.List_57_null_null_8589935161, Alt: B.List_null_8589934852_8589934853_null, ArrowDown: B.List_4294968065_null_null_8589935154, ArrowLeft: B.List_4294968066_null_null_8589935156, ArrowRight: B.List_4294968067_null_null_8589935158, ArrowUp: B.List_4294968068_null_null_8589935160, Clear: B.List_4294968321_null_null_8589935157, Control: B.List_null_8589934848_8589934849_null, Delete: B.List_4294967423_null_null_8589935150, End: B.List_4294968069_null_null_8589935153, Enter: B.List_4294967309_null_null_8589935117, Home: B.List_4294968070_null_null_8589935159, Insert: B.List_4294968327_null_null_8589935152, Meta: B.List_null_8589934854_8589934855_null, PageDown: B.List_4294968071_null_null_8589935155, PageUp: B.List_4294968072_null_null_8589935161, Shift: B.List_null_8589934850_8589934851_null}, B.List_8TI, A.findType("ConstantStringMap>")); B.List_mode = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["mode"]), type$.JSArray_String); B.Map_9aZ6I = new A.ConstantStringMap(1, {mode: "basic"}, B.List_mode, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_String); B.Color_4294638330 = new A.Color(4294638330); B.Color_4294309365 = new A.Color(4294309365); B.Color_4293848814 = new A.Color(4293848814); B.Color_4292927712 = new A.Color(4292927712); B.Color_4292269782 = new A.Color(4292269782); B.Color_4290624957 = new A.Color(4290624957); B.Color_4288585374 = new A.Color(4288585374); B.Color_4284572001 = new A.Color(4284572001); B.Color_4282532418 = new A.Color(4282532418); B.Color_4280361249 = new A.Color(4280361249); B.Map_HFpTk = new A.GeneralConstantMap([50, B.Color_4294638330, 100, B.Color_4294309365, 200, B.Color_4293848814, 300, B.Color_4292927712, 350, B.Color_4292269782, 400, B.Color_4290624957, 500, B.Color_4288585374, 600, B.Color_4285887861, 700, B.Color_4284572001, 800, B.Color_4282532418, 850, B.Color_4281348144, 900, B.Color_4280361249], type$.GeneralConstantMap_int_Color); B.Color_4294962158 = new A.Color(4294962158); B.Color_4294954450 = new A.Color(4294954450); B.Color_4293892762 = new A.Color(4293892762); B.Color_4293227379 = new A.Color(4293227379); B.Color_4293874512 = new A.Color(4293874512); B.Color_4294198070 = new A.Color(4294198070); B.Color_4293212469 = new A.Color(4293212469); B.Color_4292030255 = new A.Color(4292030255); B.Color_4291176488 = new A.Color(4291176488); B.Color_4290190364 = new A.Color(4290190364); B.Map_JNc9P = new A.GeneralConstantMap([50, B.Color_4294962158, 100, B.Color_4294954450, 200, B.Color_4293892762, 300, B.Color_4293227379, 400, B.Color_4293874512, 500, B.Color_4294198070, 600, B.Color_4293212469, 700, B.Color_4292030255, 800, B.Color_4291176488, 900, B.Color_4290190364], type$.GeneralConstantMap_int_Color); B.Color_4293128957 = new A.Color(4293128957); B.Color_4290502395 = new A.Color(4290502395); B.Color_4287679225 = new A.Color(4287679225); B.Color_4284790262 = new A.Color(4284790262); B.Color_4282557941 = new A.Color(4282557941); B.Color_4280391411 = new A.Color(4280391411); B.Color_4280191205 = new A.Color(4280191205); B.Color_4279858898 = new A.Color(4279858898); B.Color_4279592384 = new A.Color(4279592384); B.Color_4279060385 = new A.Color(4279060385); B.Map_JNwaj = new A.GeneralConstantMap([50, B.Color_4293128957, 100, B.Color_4290502395, 200, B.Color_4287679225, 300, B.Color_4284790262, 400, B.Color_4282557941, 500, B.Color_4280391411, 600, B.Color_4280191205, 700, B.Color_4279858898, 800, B.Color_4279592384, 900, B.Color_4279060385], type$.GeneralConstantMap_int_Color); B.List_KPc = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["Abort", "Again", "AltLeft", "AltRight", "ArrowDown", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight", "ArrowUp", "AudioVolumeDown", "AudioVolumeMute", "AudioVolumeUp", "Backquote", "Backslash", "Backspace", "BassBoost", "BracketLeft", "BracketRight", "BrightnessAuto", "BrightnessDown", "BrightnessMaximum", "BrightnessMinimum", "BrightnessToggle", "BrightnessUp", "BrowserBack", "BrowserFavorites", "BrowserForward", "BrowserHome", "BrowserRefresh", "BrowserSearch", "BrowserStop", "CapsLock", "ChannelDown", "ChannelUp", "Close", "ClosedCaptionToggle", "Comma", "ContextMenu", "ControlLeft", "ControlRight", "Convert", "Copy", "Cut", "Delete", "Digit0", "Digit1", "Digit2", "Digit3", "Digit4", "Digit5", "Digit6", "Digit7", "Digit8", "Digit9", "DisplayToggleIntExt", "Eject", "End", "Enter", "Equal", "Escape", "Exit", "F1", "F10", "F11", "F12", "F13", "F14", "F15", "F16", "F17", "F18", "F19", "F2", "F20", "F21", "F22", "F23", "F24", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "Find", "Fn", "FnLock", "GameButton1", "GameButton10", "GameButton11", "GameButton12", "GameButton13", "GameButton14", "GameButton15", "GameButton16", "GameButton2", "GameButton3", "GameButton4", "GameButton5", "GameButton6", "GameButton7", "GameButton8", "GameButton9", "GameButtonA", "GameButtonB", "GameButtonC", "GameButtonLeft1", "GameButtonLeft2", "GameButtonMode", "GameButtonRight1", "GameButtonRight2", "GameButtonSelect", "GameButtonStart", "GameButtonThumbLeft", "GameButtonThumbRight", "GameButtonX", "GameButtonY", "GameButtonZ", "Help", "Home", "Hyper", "Info", "Insert", "IntlBackslash", "IntlRo", "IntlYen", "KanaMode", "KbdIllumDown", "KbdIllumUp", "KeyA", "KeyB", "KeyC", "KeyD", "KeyE", "KeyF", "KeyG", "KeyH", "KeyI", "KeyJ", "KeyK", "KeyL", "KeyM", "KeyN", "KeyO", "KeyP", "KeyQ", "KeyR", "KeyS", "KeyT", "KeyU", "KeyV", "KeyW", "KeyX", "KeyY", "KeyZ", "KeyboardLayoutSelect", "Lang1", "Lang2", "Lang3", "Lang4", "Lang5", "LaunchApp1", "LaunchApp2", "LaunchAssistant", "LaunchAudioBrowser", "LaunchCalendar", "LaunchContacts", "LaunchControlPanel", "LaunchDocuments", "LaunchInternetBrowser", "LaunchKeyboardLayout", "LaunchMail", "LaunchPhone", "LaunchScreenSaver", "LaunchSpreadsheet", "LaunchWordProcessor", "LockScreen", "LogOff", "MailForward", "MailReply", "MailSend", "MediaFastForward", "MediaLast", "MediaPause", "MediaPlay", "MediaPlayPause", "MediaRecord", "MediaRewind", "MediaSelect", "MediaStop", "MediaTrackNext", "MediaTrackPrevious", "MetaLeft", "MetaRight", "Minus", "New", "NonConvert", "NumLock", "Numpad0", "Numpad1", "Numpad2", "Numpad3", "Numpad4", "Numpad5", "Numpad6", "Numpad7", "Numpad8", "Numpad9", "NumpadAdd", "NumpadBackspace", "NumpadClear", "NumpadClearEntry", "NumpadComma", "NumpadDecimal", "NumpadDivide", "NumpadEnter", "NumpadEqual", "NumpadMemoryAdd", "NumpadMemoryClear", "NumpadMemoryRecall", "NumpadMemoryStore", "NumpadMemorySubtract", "NumpadMultiply", "NumpadParenLeft", "NumpadParenRight", "NumpadSignChange", "NumpadSubtract", "Open", "PageDown", "PageUp", "Paste", "Pause", "Period", "Power", "Print", "PrintScreen", "PrivacyScreenToggle", "ProgramGuide", "Props", "Quote", "Redo", "Resume", "Save", "ScrollLock", "Select", "SelectTask", "Semicolon", "ShiftLeft", "ShiftRight", "ShowAllWindows", "Slash", "Sleep", "Space", "SpeechInputToggle", "SpellCheck", "Super", "Suspend", "Tab", "Turbo", "Undo", "UsbErrorRollOver", "UsbErrorUndefined", "UsbPostFail", "UsbReserved", "WakeUp", "ZoomIn", "ZoomOut", "ZoomToggle"]), type$.JSArray_String); B.Map_KP6BJ = new A.ConstantStringMap(268, {Abort: 458907, Again: 458873, AltLeft: 458978, AltRight: 458982, ArrowDown: 458833, ArrowLeft: 458832, ArrowRight: 458831, ArrowUp: 458834, AudioVolumeDown: 458881, AudioVolumeMute: 458879, AudioVolumeUp: 458880, Backquote: 458805, Backslash: 458801, Backspace: 458794, BassBoost: 786661, BracketLeft: 458799, BracketRight: 458800, BrightnessAuto: 786549, BrightnessDown: 786544, BrightnessMaximum: 786548, BrightnessMinimum: 786547, BrightnessToggle: 786546, BrightnessUp: 786543, BrowserBack: 786980, BrowserFavorites: 786986, BrowserForward: 786981, BrowserHome: 786979, BrowserRefresh: 786983, BrowserSearch: 786977, BrowserStop: 786982, CapsLock: 458809, ChannelDown: 786589, ChannelUp: 786588, Close: 786947, ClosedCaptionToggle: 786529, Comma: 458806, ContextMenu: 458853, ControlLeft: 458976, ControlRight: 458980, Convert: 458890, Copy: 458876, Cut: 458875, Delete: 458828, Digit0: 458791, Digit1: 458782, Digit2: 458783, Digit3: 458784, Digit4: 458785, Digit5: 458786, Digit6: 458787, Digit7: 458788, Digit8: 458789, Digit9: 458790, DisplayToggleIntExt: 65717, Eject: 786616, End: 458829, Enter: 458792, Equal: 458798, Escape: 458793, Exit: 786580, F1: 458810, F10: 458819, F11: 458820, F12: 458821, F13: 458856, F14: 458857, F15: 458858, F16: 458859, F17: 458860, F18: 458861, F19: 458862, F2: 458811, F20: 458863, F21: 458864, F22: 458865, F23: 458866, F24: 458867, F3: 458812, F4: 458813, F5: 458814, F6: 458815, F7: 458816, F8: 458817, F9: 458818, Find: 458878, Fn: 18, FnLock: 19, GameButton1: 392961, GameButton10: 392970, GameButton11: 392971, GameButton12: 392972, GameButton13: 392973, GameButton14: 392974, GameButton15: 392975, GameButton16: 392976, GameButton2: 392962, GameButton3: 392963, GameButton4: 392964, GameButton5: 392965, GameButton6: 392966, GameButton7: 392967, GameButton8: 392968, GameButton9: 392969, GameButtonA: 392977, GameButtonB: 392978, GameButtonC: 392979, GameButtonLeft1: 392980, GameButtonLeft2: 392981, GameButtonMode: 392982, GameButtonRight1: 392983, GameButtonRight2: 392984, GameButtonSelect: 392985, GameButtonStart: 392986, GameButtonThumbLeft: 392987, GameButtonThumbRight: 392988, GameButtonX: 392989, GameButtonY: 392990, GameButtonZ: 392991, Help: 458869, Home: 458826, Hyper: 16, Info: 786528, Insert: 458825, IntlBackslash: 458852, IntlRo: 458887, IntlYen: 458889, KanaMode: 458888, KbdIllumDown: 786554, KbdIllumUp: 786553, KeyA: 458756, KeyB: 458757, KeyC: 458758, KeyD: 458759, KeyE: 458760, KeyF: 458761, KeyG: 458762, KeyH: 458763, KeyI: 458764, KeyJ: 458765, KeyK: 458766, KeyL: 458767, KeyM: 458768, KeyN: 458769, KeyO: 458770, KeyP: 458771, KeyQ: 458772, KeyR: 458773, KeyS: 458774, KeyT: 458775, KeyU: 458776, KeyV: 458777, KeyW: 458778, KeyX: 458779, KeyY: 458780, KeyZ: 458781, KeyboardLayoutSelect: 787101, Lang1: 458896, Lang2: 458897, Lang3: 458898, Lang4: 458899, Lang5: 458900, LaunchApp1: 786836, LaunchApp2: 786834, LaunchAssistant: 786891, LaunchAudioBrowser: 786871, LaunchCalendar: 786830, LaunchContacts: 786829, LaunchControlPanel: 786847, LaunchDocuments: 786855, LaunchInternetBrowser: 786838, LaunchKeyboardLayout: 786862, LaunchMail: 786826, LaunchPhone: 786572, LaunchScreenSaver: 786865, 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NumpadMultiply: 458837, NumpadParenLeft: 458934, NumpadParenRight: 458935, NumpadSignChange: 458967, NumpadSubtract: 458838, Open: 458868, PageDown: 458830, PageUp: 458827, Paste: 458877, Pause: 458824, Period: 458807, Power: 458854, Print: 786952, PrintScreen: 458822, PrivacyScreenToggle: 23, ProgramGuide: 786573, Props: 458915, Quote: 458804, Redo: 787065, Resume: 21, Save: 786951, ScrollLock: 458823, Select: 458871, SelectTask: 786850, Semicolon: 458803, ShiftLeft: 458977, ShiftRight: 458981, ShowAllWindows: 787103, Slash: 458808, Sleep: 65666, Space: 458796, SpeechInputToggle: 786639, SpellCheck: 786859, Super: 17, Suspend: 20, Tab: 458795, Turbo: 22, Undo: 458874, UsbErrorRollOver: 458753, UsbErrorUndefined: 458755, UsbPostFail: 458754, UsbReserved: 458752, WakeUp: 65667, ZoomIn: 786989, ZoomOut: 786990, ZoomToggle: 786994}, B.List_KPc, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_int); B.Map_Q5S3m = new A.GeneralConstantMap([16, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_16, 17, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_17, 18, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_18, 19, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_19, 20, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_20, 21, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_21, 22, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_22, 23, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_23, 24, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_24, 65666, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_65666, 65667, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_65667, 65717, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_65717, 392961, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392961, 392962, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392962, 392963, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392963, 392964, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392964, 392965, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392965, 392966, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392966, 392967, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392967, 392968, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392968, 392969, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392969, 392970, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392970, 392971, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392971, 392972, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392972, 392973, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392973, 392974, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392974, 392975, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392975, 392976, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392976, 392977, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392977, 392978, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_392978, 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B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786563, 786572, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786572, 786573, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786573, 786580, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786580, 786588, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786588, 786589, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786589, 786608, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786608, 786609, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786609, 786610, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786610, 786611, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786611, 786612, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786612, 786613, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786613, 786614, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786614, 786615, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786615, 786616, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786616, 786637, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786637, 786639, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786639, 786661, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786661, 786819, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786819, 786820, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786820, 786822, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786822, 786826, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786826, 786829, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786829, 786830, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786830, 786834, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786834, 786836, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786836, 786838, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786838, 786844, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786844, 786846, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786846, 786847, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786847, 786850, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786850, 786855, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786855, 786859, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786859, 786862, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786862, 786865, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786865, 786871, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786871, 786891, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786891, 786945, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786945, 786947, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786947, 786951, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786951, 786952, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786952, 786977, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786977, 786979, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786979, 786980, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786980, 786981, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786981, 786982, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786982, 786983, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786983, 786986, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786986, 786989, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786989, 786990, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786990, 786994, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786994, 787065, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787065, 787081, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787081, 787083, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787083, 787084, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787084, 787101, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787101, 787103, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787103], type$.GeneralConstantMap_int_PhysicalKeyboardKey); B.List_YCM = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["in", "iw", "ji", "jw", "mo", "aam", "adp", "aue", "ayx", "bgm", "bjd", "ccq", "cjr", "cka", "cmk", "coy", "cqu", "drh", "drw", "gav", "gfx", "ggn", "gti", "guv", "hrr", "ibi", "ilw", "jeg", "kgc", "kgh", "koj", "krm", "ktr", "kvs", "kwq", "kxe", "kzj", "kzt", "lii", "lmm", "meg", "mst", "mwj", "myt", "nad", "ncp", "nnx", "nts", "oun", "pcr", "pmc", "pmu", "ppa", "ppr", "pry", "puz", "sca", "skk", "tdu", "thc", "thx", "tie", "tkk", "tlw", "tmp", "tne", "tnf", "tsf", "uok", "xba", "xia", "xkh", "xsj", "ybd", "yma", "ymt", "yos", "yuu"]), type$.JSArray_String); B.Map_YCOho = new A.ConstantStringMap(78, {in: "id", iw: "he", ji: "yi", jw: "jv", mo: "ro", aam: "aas", adp: "dz", aue: "ktz", ayx: "nun", bgm: "bcg", bjd: "drl", ccq: "rki", cjr: "mom", cka: "cmr", cmk: "xch", coy: "pij", cqu: "quh", drh: "khk", drw: "prs", gav: "dev", gfx: "vaj", ggn: "gvr", gti: "nyc", guv: "duz", hrr: "jal", ibi: "opa", ilw: "gal", jeg: "oyb", kgc: "tdf", kgh: "kml", koj: "kwv", krm: "bmf", ktr: "dtp", kvs: "gdj", kwq: "yam", kxe: "tvd", kzj: "dtp", kzt: "dtp", lii: "raq", lmm: "rmx", meg: "cir", mst: "mry", mwj: "vaj", myt: "mry", nad: "xny", ncp: "kdz", nnx: "ngv", nts: "pij", oun: "vaj", pcr: "adx", pmc: "huw", pmu: "phr", ppa: "bfy", ppr: "lcq", pry: "prt", puz: "pub", sca: "hle", skk: "oyb", tdu: "dtp", thc: "tpo", thx: "oyb", tie: "ras", tkk: "twm", tlw: "weo", tmp: "tyj", tne: "kak", tnf: "prs", tsf: "taj", uok: "ema", xba: "cax", xia: "acn", xkh: "waw", xsj: "suj", ybd: "rki", yma: "lrr", ymt: "mtm", yos: "zom", yuu: "yug"}, B.List_YCM, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_String); B.Map_eRea7 = new A.GeneralConstantMap([9, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458793, 10, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458782, 11, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458783, 12, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458784, 13, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458785, 14, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458786, 15, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458787, 16, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458788, 17, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458789, 18, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458790, 19, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458791, 20, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458797, 21, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458798, 22, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458794, 23, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458795, 24, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458772, 25, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458778, 26, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458760, 27, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458773, 28, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458775, 29, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458780, 30, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458776, 31, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458764, 32, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458770, 33, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458771, 34, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458799, 35, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458800, 36, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458792, 37, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458976, 38, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458756, 39, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458774, 40, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458759, 41, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458761, 42, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458762, 43, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458763, 44, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458765, 45, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458766, 46, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458767, 47, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458803, 48, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458804, 49, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458805, 50, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458977, 51, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458801, 52, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458781, 53, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458779, 54, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458758, 55, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458777, 56, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458757, 57, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458769, 58, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458768, 59, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458806, 60, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458807, 61, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458808, 62, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458981, 63, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458837, 64, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458978, 65, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458796, 66, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458809, 67, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458810, 68, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458811, 69, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458812, 70, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458813, 71, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458814, 72, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458815, 73, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458816, 74, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458817, 75, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458818, 76, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458819, 77, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458835, 78, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458823, 79, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458847, 80, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458848, 81, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458849, 82, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458838, 83, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458844, 84, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458845, 85, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458846, 86, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458839, 87, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458841, 88, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458842, 89, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458843, 90, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458850, 91, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458851, 93, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458900, 94, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458852, 95, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458820, 96, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458821, 97, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458887, 98, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458898, 99, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458899, 100, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458890, 101, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458888, 102, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458891, 104, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458840, 105, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458980, 106, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458836, 107, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458822, 108, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458982, 110, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458826, 111, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458834, 112, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458827, 113, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458832, 114, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458831, 115, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458829, 116, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458833, 117, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458830, 118, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458825, 119, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458828, 121, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458879, 122, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458881, 123, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458880, 124, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458854, 125, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458855, 126, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458967, 127, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458824, 128, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787103, 129, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458885, 130, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458896, 131, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458897, 132, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458889, 133, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458979, 134, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458983, 135, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458853, 136, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786982, 137, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458873, 139, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458874, 140, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458871, 141, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458876, 142, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458868, 143, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458877, 144, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458878, 145, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458875, 146, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458869, 148, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786834, 150, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_65666, 151, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_65667, 152, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786836, 158, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786838, 160, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786846, 163, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786826, 164, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786986, 166, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786980, 167, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786981, 169, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786616, 171, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786613, 172, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786637, 173, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786614, 174, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786615, 175, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786610, 176, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786612, 177, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786572, 179, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786819, 180, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786979, 181, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786983, 182, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786580, 187, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458934, 188, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458935, 189, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786945, 190, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787065, 191, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458856, 192, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458857, 193, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458858, 194, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458859, 195, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458860, 196, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458861, 197, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458862, 198, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458863, 199, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458864, 200, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458865, 201, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458866, 202, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458867, 209, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786609, 214, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786947, 215, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786608, 216, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786611, 217, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786661, 218, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786952, 225, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786977, 232, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786544, 233, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786543, 235, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_65717, 237, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786554, 238, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786553, 239, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787084, 240, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787081, 241, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787083, 242, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786951, 243, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786855, 252, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786549, 256, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_24, 366, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786528, 370, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786573, 378, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786529, 380, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786994, 382, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786862, 400, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786871, 405, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786830, 413, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786563, 418, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786588, 419, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786589, 426, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786989, 427, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786990, 429, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786820, 431, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786822, 437, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786829, 439, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786546, 440, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786859, 441, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786844, 587, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786847, 588, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786850, 589, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786865, 590, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786639, 591, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786891, 592, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_787101, 600, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786547, 601, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_786548, 641, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_23], type$.GeneralConstantMap_int_PhysicalKeyboardKey); B.Map_empty1 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty7, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.List_empty16 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface); B.Map_empty5 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty16, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.List_empty17 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray")); B.Map_empty4 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty17, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.Map_empty = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty0, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.Map_empty3 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty0, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.List_empty18 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray")); B.Map_empty0 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty18, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.List_empty19 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray")); B.Map_empty2 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty19, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.List_gFn = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["alias", "allScroll", "basic", "cell", "click", "contextMenu", "copy", "forbidden", "grab", "grabbing", "help", "move", "none", "noDrop", "precise", "progress", "text", "resizeColumn", "resizeDown", "resizeDownLeft", "resizeDownRight", "resizeLeft", "resizeLeftRight", "resizeRight", "resizeRow", "resizeUp", "resizeUpDown", "resizeUpLeft", "resizeUpRight", "resizeUpLeftDownRight", "resizeUpRightDownLeft", "verticalText", "wait", "zoomIn", "zoomOut"]), type$.JSArray_String); B.Map_gFKQ1 = new A.ConstantStringMap(35, {alias: "alias", allScroll: "all-scroll", basic: "default", cell: "cell", click: "pointer", contextMenu: "context-menu", copy: "copy", forbidden: "not-allowed", grab: "grab", grabbing: "grabbing", help: "help", move: "move", none: "none", noDrop: "no-drop", precise: "crosshair", progress: "progress", text: "text", resizeColumn: "col-resize", resizeDown: "s-resize", resizeDownLeft: "sw-resize", resizeDownRight: "se-resize", resizeLeft: "w-resize", resizeLeftRight: "ew-resize", resizeRight: "e-resize", resizeRow: "row-resize", resizeUp: "n-resize", resizeUpDown: "ns-resize", resizeUpLeft: "nw-resize", resizeUpRight: "ne-resize", resizeUpLeftDownRight: "nwse-resize", resizeUpRightDownLeft: "nesw-resize", verticalText: "vertical-text", wait: "wait", zoomIn: "zoom-in", zoomOut: "zoom-out"}, B.List_gFn, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_String); B.MaterialType_0 = new A.MaterialType(0, "canvas"); B.MaterialType_1 = new A.MaterialType(1, "card"); B.MaterialType_2 = new A.MaterialType(2, "circle"); B.MaterialType_3 = new A.MaterialType(3, "button"); B.MaterialType_4 = new A.MaterialType(4, "transparency"); B.Radius_2_2 = new A.Radius(2, 2); B.BorderRadius_tLn0 = new A.BorderRadius(B.Radius_2_2, B.Radius_2_2, B.Radius_2_2, B.Radius_2_2); B.Map_gnuL2 = new A.GeneralConstantMap([B.MaterialType_0, null, B.MaterialType_1, B.BorderRadius_tLn0, B.MaterialType_2, null, B.MaterialType_3, B.BorderRadius_tLn0, B.MaterialType_4, null], A.findType("GeneralConstantMap")); B.Color_4289200107 = new A.Color(4289200107); B.Color_4284809178 = new A.Color(4284809178); B.Color_4280150454 = new A.Color(4280150454); B.Color_4278239141 = new A.Color(4278239141); B.Map_iTYZn = new A.GeneralConstantMap([100, B.Color_4289200107, 200, B.Color_4284809178, 400, B.Color_4280150454, 700, B.Color_4278239141], type$.GeneralConstantMap_int_Color); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_32 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(32); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_33 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(33); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_34 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(34); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_35 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(35); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_36 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(36); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_37 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(37); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_38 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(38); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_39 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(39); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_40 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(40); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_41 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(41); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_44 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(44); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_58 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(58); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_59 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(59); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_60 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(60); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_61 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(61); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_62 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(62); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_63 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(63); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_64 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(64); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_91 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(91); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_92 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(92); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_93 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(93); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_94 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(94); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_95 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(95); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_96 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(96); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_97 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(97); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_98 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(98); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_99 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(99); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_100 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(100); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_101 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(101); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_102 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(102); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_103 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(103); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_104 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(104); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_105 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(105); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_106 = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(106); B.LogicalKeyboardKey_107 = new 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B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935390, 8589935391, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935391], A.findType("GeneralConstantMap")); B.Map_yXAeS = new A.GeneralConstantMap([0, "FontWeight.w100", 1, "FontWeight.w200", 2, "FontWeight.w300", 3, "FontWeight.w400", 4, "FontWeight.w500", 5, "FontWeight.w600", 6, "FontWeight.w700", 7, "FontWeight.w800", 8, "FontWeight.w900"], A.findType("GeneralConstantMap")); B.SingleActivator_mmH = new A.SingleActivator(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_32, false, false, false, false); B.SingleActivator_gc6 = new A.SingleActivator(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967309, false, false, false, false); B.SingleActivator_soA = new A.SingleActivator(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_8589935117, false, false, false, false); B.SingleActivator_Qwp = new A.SingleActivator(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967323, false, false, false, false); B.SingleActivator_gc60 = new A.SingleActivator(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967305, false, false, false, false); B.SingleActivator_gc61 = new A.SingleActivator(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967305, false, true, false, false); B.SingleActivator_j8H10 = new A.SingleActivator(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968068, false, false, false, false); B.SingleActivator_j8H7 = new A.SingleActivator(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968065, false, false, false, false); B.SingleActivator_j8H8 = new A.SingleActivator(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968066, false, false, false, false); B.SingleActivator_j8H9 = new A.SingleActivator(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968067, false, false, false, false); B.SingleActivator_4MF = new A.SingleActivator(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968072, false, false, false, false); B.SingleActivator_j8H33 = new A.SingleActivator(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294968071, false, false, false, false); B.C_PrioritizedIntents = new A.PrioritizedIntents(); B.C_ButtonActivateIntent = new A.ButtonActivateIntent(); B.C_DismissIntent = new A.DismissIntent(); B.C_NextFocusIntent = new A.NextFocusIntent(); B.C_PreviousFocusIntent = new A.PreviousFocusIntent(); B.ScrollIncrementType_0 = new A.ScrollIncrementType(0, "line"); B.ScrollIntent_ssH = new A.ScrollIntent(B.AxisDirection_0, B.ScrollIncrementType_0); B.ScrollIntent_cKo = new A.ScrollIntent(B.AxisDirection_2, B.ScrollIncrementType_0); B.ScrollIntent_qNW = new A.ScrollIntent(B.AxisDirection_3, B.ScrollIncrementType_0); B.ScrollIntent_wij = new A.ScrollIntent(B.AxisDirection_1, B.ScrollIncrementType_0); B.ScrollIntent_qxw = new A.ScrollIntent(B.AxisDirection_0, B.ScrollIncrementType_1); B.Map_zPybB = new A.GeneralConstantMap([B.SingleActivator_mmH, B.C_PrioritizedIntents, B.SingleActivator_gc6, B.C_ButtonActivateIntent, B.SingleActivator_soA, B.C_ButtonActivateIntent, B.SingleActivator_Qwp, B.C_DismissIntent, B.SingleActivator_gc60, B.C_NextFocusIntent, B.SingleActivator_gc61, B.C_PreviousFocusIntent, B.SingleActivator_j8H10, B.ScrollIntent_ssH, B.SingleActivator_j8H7, B.ScrollIntent_cKo, B.SingleActivator_j8H8, B.ScrollIntent_qNW, B.SingleActivator_j8H9, B.ScrollIntent_wij, B.SingleActivator_4MF, B.ScrollIntent_qxw, B.SingleActivator_j8H33, B.ScrollIntent_KrF], A.findType("GeneralConstantMap")); B.MarkerId__kGooglePlex = new A.MarkerId("_kGooglePlex"); B.Offset_chs1 = new A.Offset(0.5, 1); B.C_BitmapDescriptor = new A.BitmapDescriptor(); B.Offset_chs0 = new A.Offset(0.5, 0); B.InfoWindow_UcM = new A.InfoWindow("DSV Kista"); B.Marker_7LA = new A.Marker(B.MarkerId__kGooglePlex, 1, B.Offset_chs1, false, false, false, B.C_BitmapDescriptor, B.InfoWindow_UcM, B.LatLng_QsV, 0, true, 0, null, null, null, null); B.InfoWindow_Gustavsberg = new A.InfoWindow("Gustavsberg"); B.LatLng_A8T = new A.LatLng(59.322092, 18.388238); B.Marker_hS2 = new A.Marker(B.MarkerId__kGooglePlex, 1, B.Offset_chs1, false, false, false, B.C_BitmapDescriptor, B.InfoWindow_Gustavsberg, B.LatLng_A8T, 0, true, 0, null, null, null, null); B.MaterialBannerThemeData_6JY = new A.MaterialBannerThemeData(null, null, null, null, null); B.MaterialColor_Map_JNwaj_4280391411 = new A.MaterialColor(B.Map_JNwaj, 4280391411); B.MaterialState_0 = new A.MaterialState(0, "hovered"); B.MaterialState_1 = new A.MaterialState(1, "focused"); B.MaterialState_2 = new A.MaterialState(2, "pressed"); B.MaterialState_6 = new A.MaterialState(6, "disabled"); B.MaterialTapTargetSize_0 = new A.MaterialTapTargetSize(0, "padded"); B.MaterialTapTargetSize_1 = new A.MaterialTapTargetSize(1, "shrinkWrap"); B.MethodCall_popRoute_null = new A.MethodCall("popRoute", null); B.MethodChannel_Gpa = new A.MethodChannel("flutter/service_worker", B.C_StandardMethodCodec0); B.MethodChannel_gkc = new A.MethodChannel("flutter/platform_views", B.C_StandardMethodCodec0); B.MutatorType_0 = new A.MutatorType(0, "clipRect"); B.MutatorType_1 = new A.MutatorType(1, "clipRRect"); B.MutatorType_2 = new A.MutatorType(2, "clipPath"); B.MutatorType_3 = new A.MutatorType(3, "transform"); B.MutatorType_4 = new A.MutatorType(4, "opacity"); B.NavigationBarThemeData_Jeh = new A.NavigationBarThemeData(null, null, null, null, null, null); B.NavigationMode_0 = new A.NavigationMode(0, "traditional"); B.NavigationRailThemeData_Tlj = new A.NavigationRailThemeData(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); B.Offset_0_0 = new A.Offset(0, 0); B.OffsetPair_G6F = new A.OffsetPair(B.Offset_0_0, B.Offset_0_0); B.Offset_1_0 = new A.Offset(1, 0); B.Offset_Oho = new A.Offset(-0.3333333333333333, 0); B.Offset_chs = new A.Offset(0, 0.25); B.OperatingSystem_0 = new A.OperatingSystem(0, "iOs"); B.OperatingSystem_1 = new A.OperatingSystem(1, "android"); B.OperatingSystem_2 = new A.OperatingSystem(2, "linux"); B.OperatingSystem_3 = new A.OperatingSystem(3, "windows"); B.OperatingSystem_4 = new A.OperatingSystem(4, "macOs"); B.OperatingSystem_5 = new A.OperatingSystem(5, "unknown"); B.C_JSONMethodCodec0 = new A.JSONMethodCodec0(); B.OptionalMethodChannel_PLF = new A.OptionalMethodChannel("flutter/textinput", B.C_JSONMethodCodec0); B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd = new A.OptionalMethodChannel("flutter/platform", B.C_JSONMethodCodec0); B.OptionalMethodChannel_fgL = new A.OptionalMethodChannel("flutter/restoration", B.C_StandardMethodCodec0); B.OptionalMethodChannel_meQ = new A.OptionalMethodChannel("flutter/mousecursor", B.C_StandardMethodCodec0); B.OptionalMethodChannel_urv = new A.OptionalMethodChannel("flutter/navigation", B.C_JSONMethodCodec0); B.OrdinalSortKey_0_null = new A.OrdinalSortKey(0, null); B.OutlinedButtonThemeData_null = new A.OutlinedButtonThemeData(null); B.Overflow_1 = new A.Overflow(1, "clip"); B.PaintingStyle_0 = new A.PaintingStyle(0, "fill"); B.PaintingStyle_1 = new A.PaintingStyle(1, "stroke"); B.PathFillType_0 = new A.PathFillType(0, "nonZero"); B.PathFillType_1 = new A.PathFillType(1, "evenOdd"); B.PersistedSurfaceState_0 = new A.PersistedSurfaceState(0, "created"); B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 = new A.PersistedSurfaceState(1, "active"); B.PersistedSurfaceState_2 = new A.PersistedSurfaceState(2, "pendingRetention"); B.PersistedSurfaceState_3 = new A.PersistedSurfaceState(3, "pendingUpdate"); B.PersistedSurfaceState_4 = new A.PersistedSurfaceState(4, "released"); B.PlaceholderAlignment_0 = new A.PlaceholderAlignment(0, "baseline"); B.PlaceholderAlignment_1 = new A.PlaceholderAlignment(1, "aboveBaseline"); B.PlaceholderAlignment_2 = new A.PlaceholderAlignment(2, "belowBaseline"); B.PlaceholderAlignment_3 = new A.PlaceholderAlignment(3, "top"); B.PlaceholderAlignment_4 = new A.PlaceholderAlignment(4, "bottom"); B.PlaceholderAlignment_5 = new A.PlaceholderAlignment(5, "middle"); B.Size_0_0 = new A.Size(0, 0); B.PlaceholderDimensions_Size_0_0_null = new A.PlaceholderDimensions(B.Size_0_0, null); B.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior_0 = new A.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior(0, "opaque"); B.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior_2 = new A.PlatformViewHitTestBehavior(2, "transparent"); B.PointerChange_0 = new A.PointerChange(0, "cancel"); B.PointerChange_1 = new A.PointerChange(1, "add"); B.PointerChange_2 = new A.PointerChange(2, "remove"); B.PointerChange_3 = new A.PointerChange(3, "hover"); B.PointerChange_4 = new A.PointerChange(4, "down"); B.PointerChange_5 = new A.PointerChange(5, "move"); B.PointerChange_6 = new A.PointerChange(6, "up"); B.PointerDeviceKind_0 = new A.PointerDeviceKind(0, "touch"); B.PointerDeviceKind_1 = new A.PointerDeviceKind(1, "mouse"); B.PointerDeviceKind_2 = new A.PointerDeviceKind(2, "stylus"); B.PointerDeviceKind_4 = new A.PointerDeviceKind(4, "unknown"); B.PointerSignalKind_0 = new A.PointerSignalKind(0, "none"); B.PointerSignalKind_1 = new A.PointerSignalKind(1, "scroll"); B.PointerSignalKind_2 = new A.PointerSignalKind(2, "unknown"); B.PopupMenuThemeData_XJe = new A.PopupMenuThemeData(null, null, null, null, null); B.ProgressIndicatorThemeData_Z49 = new A.ProgressIndicatorThemeData(null, null, null, null, null); B.RadioThemeData_gDe = new A.RadioThemeData(null, null, null, null, null, null); B.Rect_aha = new A.Rect(-1000000000, -1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000); B.RenderComparison_0 = new A.RenderComparison(0, "identical"); B.RenderComparison_2 = new A.RenderComparison(2, "paint"); B.RenderComparison_3 = new A.RenderComparison(3, "layout"); B.Role_0 = new A.Role(0, "incrementable"); B.Role_1 = new A.Role(1, "scrollable"); B.Role_2 = new A.Role(2, "labelAndValue"); B.Role_3 = new A.Role(3, "tappable"); B.Role_4 = new A.Role(4, "textField"); B.Role_5 = new A.Role(5, "checkable"); B.Role_6 = new A.Role(6, "image"); B.Role_7 = new A.Role(7, "liveRegion"); B.RoundedRectangleBorder_LkV = new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(B.BorderRadius_tLn, B.BorderSide_0CF); B.RoundedRectangleBorder_LkV0 = new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(B.BorderRadius_tLn0, B.BorderSide_0CF); B.RoutePopDisposition_0 = new A.RoutePopDisposition(0, "pop"); B.RoutePopDisposition_1 = new A.RoutePopDisposition(1, "doNotPop"); B.RoutePopDisposition_2 = new A.RoutePopDisposition(2, "bubble"); B.RouteSettings_null_null = new A.RouteSettings(null, null); B.ScaffoldGeometry_null_null = new A.ScaffoldGeometry(null, null); B.SchedulerPhase_0 = new A.SchedulerPhase(0, "idle"); B.SchedulerPhase_1 = new A.SchedulerPhase(1, "transientCallbacks"); B.SchedulerPhase_2 = new A.SchedulerPhase(2, "midFrameMicrotasks"); B.SchedulerPhase_3 = new A.SchedulerPhase(3, "persistentCallbacks"); B.SchedulerPhase_4 = new A.SchedulerPhase(4, "postFrameCallbacks"); B.ScriptCategory_0 = new A.ScriptCategory(0, "englishLike"); B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_0 = new A.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy(0, "explicit"); B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_1 = new A.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy(1, "keepVisibleAtEnd"); B.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy_2 = new A.ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy(2, "keepVisibleAtStart"); B.ScrollbarThemeData_NUU = new A.ScrollbarThemeData(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); B.SemanticsAction_1 = new A.SemanticsAction(1); B.SemanticsAction_1024 = new A.SemanticsAction(1024); B.SemanticsAction_1048576 = new A.SemanticsAction(1048576); B.SemanticsAction_128 = new A.SemanticsAction(128); B.SemanticsAction_16 = new A.SemanticsAction(16); B.SemanticsAction_16384 = new A.SemanticsAction(16384); B.SemanticsAction_2 = new A.SemanticsAction(2); B.SemanticsAction_2048 = new A.SemanticsAction(2048); B.SemanticsAction_2097152 = new A.SemanticsAction(2097152); B.SemanticsAction_256 = new A.SemanticsAction(256); B.SemanticsAction_262144 = new A.SemanticsAction(262144); B.SemanticsAction_32 = new A.SemanticsAction(32); B.SemanticsAction_32768 = new A.SemanticsAction(32768); B.SemanticsAction_4 = new A.SemanticsAction(4); B.SemanticsAction_4096 = new A.SemanticsAction(4096); B.SemanticsAction_512 = new A.SemanticsAction(512); B.SemanticsAction_524288 = new A.SemanticsAction(524288); B.SemanticsAction_64 = new A.SemanticsAction(64); B.SemanticsAction_65536 = new A.SemanticsAction(65536); B.SemanticsAction_8 = new A.SemanticsAction(8); B.SemanticsAction_8192 = new A.SemanticsAction(8192); B.SemanticsFlag_1 = new A.SemanticsFlag(1); B.SemanticsFlag_1024 = new A.SemanticsFlag(1024); B.SemanticsFlag_1048576 = new A.SemanticsFlag(1048576); B.SemanticsFlag_128 = new A.SemanticsFlag(128); B.SemanticsFlag_131072 = new A.SemanticsFlag(131072); B.SemanticsFlag_16 = new A.SemanticsFlag(16); B.SemanticsFlag_16384 = new A.SemanticsFlag(16384); B.SemanticsFlag_16777216 = new A.SemanticsFlag(16777216); B.SemanticsFlag_2 = new A.SemanticsFlag(2); B.SemanticsFlag_2048 = new A.SemanticsFlag(2048); B.SemanticsFlag_2097152 = new A.SemanticsFlag(2097152); B.SemanticsFlag_256 = new A.SemanticsFlag(256); B.SemanticsFlag_32 = new A.SemanticsFlag(32); B.SemanticsFlag_32768 = new A.SemanticsFlag(32768); B.SemanticsFlag_4 = new A.SemanticsFlag(4); B.SemanticsFlag_4096 = new A.SemanticsFlag(4096); B.SemanticsFlag_4194304 = new A.SemanticsFlag(4194304); B.SemanticsFlag_512 = new A.SemanticsFlag(512); B.SemanticsFlag_524288 = new A.SemanticsFlag(524288); B.SemanticsFlag_64 = new A.SemanticsFlag(64); B.SemanticsFlag_65536 = new A.SemanticsFlag(65536); B.SemanticsFlag_8 = new A.SemanticsFlag(8); B.SemanticsFlag_8192 = new A.SemanticsFlag(8192); B.SemanticsFlag_8388608 = new A.SemanticsFlag(8388608); B.List_2No = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["click", "touchstart", "touchend", "pointerdown", "pointermove", "pointerup"]), type$.JSArray_String); B.Map_2NPLv = new A.ConstantStringMap(6, {click: null, touchstart: null, touchend: null, pointerdown: null, pointermove: null, pointerup: null}, B.List_2No, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_Null); B.Set_2No4 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_2NPLv, type$._UnmodifiableSet_String); B.Map_69gc6 = new A.GeneralConstantMap([B.OperatingSystem_4, null, B.OperatingSystem_2, null, B.OperatingSystem_3, null], A.findType("GeneralConstantMap")); B.Set_69tl2 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_69gc6, A.findType("_UnmodifiableSet")); B.List_Yab = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["click", "keyup", "keydown", "mouseup", "mousedown", "pointerdown", "pointerup"]), type$.JSArray_String); B.Map_Yae5Z = new A.ConstantStringMap(7, {click: null, keyup: null, keydown: null, mouseup: null, mousedown: null, pointerdown: null, pointerup: null}, B.List_Yab, type$.ConstantStringMap_String_Null); B.Set_Yabt3 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_Yae5Z, type$._UnmodifiableSet_String); B.List_empty20 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray")); B.Map_empty6 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty20, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.Set_empty0 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_empty6, A.findType("_UnmodifiableSet")); B.List_empty21 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray>")); B.Map_empty7 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty21, A.findType("ConstantStringMap,Null>")); B.Set_empty3 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_empty7, A.findType("_UnmodifiableSet>")); B.List_empty22 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray")); B.Map_empty8 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty22, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.Set_empty4 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_empty8, A.findType("_UnmodifiableSet")); B.List_empty23 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray")); B.Map_empty9 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty23, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.Set_empty2 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_empty9, A.findType("_UnmodifiableSet")); B.List_empty24 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray")); B.Map_empty10 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty24, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.Set_empty1 = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_empty10, A.findType("_UnmodifiableSet")); B.List_empty25 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray")); B.Map_empty11 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty25, A.findType("ConstantStringMap")); B.Set_empty = new A._UnmodifiableSet(B.Map_empty11, A.findType("_UnmodifiableSet")); B.List_wIv = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["serif", "sans-serif", "monospace", "cursive", "fantasy", "system-ui", "math", "emoji", "fangsong"]), type$.JSArray_String); B.Map_wImu2 = new A.ConstantStringMap(9, {serif: null, "sans-serif": null, 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null, null); B.TextStyle_8hD = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackHelsinki displaySmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_a9P = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackHelsinki headlineLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_T7e = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackHelsinki headlineMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_gMT0 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackHelsinki headlineSmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_MRv = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackHelsinki titleLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_nVV = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackHelsinki titleMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_KzQ = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4278190080, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackHelsinki titleSmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_b88 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackHelsinki bodyLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_wwo = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackHelsinki bodyMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_gA4 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackHelsinki bodySmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_46y0 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackHelsinki labelLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_8dr = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4278190080, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackHelsinki labelMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_AcR = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4278190080, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackHelsinki labelSmall", null, null, null); B.TextTheme_AZd = new A.TextTheme(B.TextStyle_eea, B.TextStyle_liY, B.TextStyle_8hD, B.TextStyle_a9P, B.TextStyle_T7e, B.TextStyle_gMT0, B.TextStyle_MRv, B.TextStyle_nVV, B.TextStyle_KzQ, B.TextStyle_b88, B.TextStyle_wwo, B.TextStyle_gA4, B.TextStyle_46y0, B.TextStyle_8dr, B.TextStyle_AcR); B.TextStyle_4t1 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, ".SF UI Display", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino displayLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_8eb0 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, ".SF UI Display", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino displayMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_i7B = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, ".SF UI Display", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino displaySmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_gkc = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, ".SF UI Display", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino headlineLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_zLf = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, ".SF UI Display", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino headlineMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_yzp = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, ".SF UI Display", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino headlineSmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_2E5 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, ".SF UI Display", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino titleLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_Bcj = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, ".SF UI Text", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino titleMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_Q1p = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4278190080, null, ".SF UI Text", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino titleSmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_mT8 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, ".SF UI Text", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino bodyLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_CKg = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, ".SF UI Text", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino bodyMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_D3E = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, ".SF UI Text", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino bodySmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_2jN = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, ".SF UI Text", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino labelLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_cWd = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4278190080, null, ".SF UI Text", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino labelMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_4QF = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4278190080, null, ".SF UI Text", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackCupertino labelSmall", null, null, null); B.TextTheme_QJO = new A.TextTheme(B.TextStyle_4t1, B.TextStyle_8eb0, B.TextStyle_i7B, B.TextStyle_gkc, B.TextStyle_zLf, B.TextStyle_yzp, B.TextStyle_2E5, B.TextStyle_Bcj, B.TextStyle_Q1p, B.TextStyle_mT8, B.TextStyle_CKg, B.TextStyle_D3E, B.TextStyle_2jN, B.TextStyle_cWd, B.TextStyle_4QF); B.TextStyle_OTZ = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView displayLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_CDT = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView displayMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_Kg1 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView displaySmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_woc = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView headlineLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_gcQ = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView headlineMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_Qq8 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView headlineSmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_89t = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView titleLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_Azp = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView titleMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_23h = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4278190080, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView titleSmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_2Hq = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView bodyLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_muG = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView bodyMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_fXI = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView bodySmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_rgA = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3707764736, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView labelLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_4y8 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4278190080, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView labelMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_8bC = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4278190080, null, "Roboto", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackMountainView labelSmall", null, null, null); B.TextTheme_WrZ = new A.TextTheme(B.TextStyle_OTZ, B.TextStyle_CDT, B.TextStyle_Kg1, B.TextStyle_woc, B.TextStyle_gcQ, B.TextStyle_Qq8, B.TextStyle_89t, B.TextStyle_Azp, B.TextStyle_23h, B.TextStyle_2Hq, B.TextStyle_muG, B.TextStyle_fXI, B.TextStyle_rgA, B.TextStyle_4y8, B.TextStyle_8bC); B.TextStyle_yPr = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3019898879, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki displayLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_0TE = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3019898879, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki displayMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_g8S = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3019898879, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki displaySmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_oUC = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3019898879, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki headlineLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_U0a = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3019898879, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki headlineMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_XZn = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4294967295, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki headlineSmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_iL9 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4294967295, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki titleLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_Odg = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4294967295, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki titleMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_86y = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4294967295, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki titleSmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_kUZ0 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4294967295, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki bodyLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_3Tv = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4294967295, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki bodyMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_CF2 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3019898879, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki bodySmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_Sh2 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4294967295, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki labelLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_Qug = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4294967295, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki labelMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_Sh20 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4294967295, null, "Roboto", B.List_Exl, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteHelsinki labelSmall", null, null, null); B.TextTheme_Zy0 = new A.TextTheme(B.TextStyle_yPr, B.TextStyle_0TE, B.TextStyle_g8S, B.TextStyle_oUC, B.TextStyle_U0a, B.TextStyle_XZn, B.TextStyle_iL9, B.TextStyle_Odg, B.TextStyle_86y, B.TextStyle_kUZ0, B.TextStyle_3Tv, B.TextStyle_CF2, B.TextStyle_Sh2, B.TextStyle_Qug, B.TextStyle_Sh20); B.TextStyle_C72 = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 112, B.FontWeight_0, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike displayLarge 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_q3P = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 56, B.FontWeight_3, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike displayMedium 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_00 = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 45, B.FontWeight_3, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike displaySmall 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_Amm = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 40, B.FontWeight_3, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike headlineLarge 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_KjO = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 34, B.FontWeight_3, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike headlineMedium 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_saY = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 24, B.FontWeight_3, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike headlineSmall 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_eFJ = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 20, B.FontWeight_4, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike titleLarge 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_23h0 = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 16, B.FontWeight_3, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike titleMedium 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_Met = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 14, B.FontWeight_4, null, 0.1, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike titleSmall 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_UGQ = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 14, B.FontWeight_4, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike bodyLarge 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_yFD = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 14, B.FontWeight_3, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike bodyMedium 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_mes = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 12, B.FontWeight_3, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike bodySmall 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_gkc0 = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 14, B.FontWeight_4, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike labelLarge 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_u5H = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 12, B.FontWeight_3, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike labelMedium 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_gsm = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 10, B.FontWeight_3, null, 1.5, null, B.TextBaseline_0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "englishLike labelSmall 2014", null, null, null); B.TextTheme_gSp = new A.TextTheme(B.TextStyle_C72, B.TextStyle_q3P, B.TextStyle_00, B.TextStyle_Amm, B.TextStyle_KjO, B.TextStyle_saY, B.TextStyle_eFJ, B.TextStyle_23h0, B.TextStyle_Met, B.TextStyle_UGQ, B.TextStyle_yFD, B.TextStyle_mes, B.TextStyle_gkc0, B.TextStyle_u5H, B.TextStyle_gsm); B.TextBaseline_1 = new A.TextBaseline(1, "ideographic"); B.TextStyle_kaS = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 112, B.FontWeight_0, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "dense displayLarge 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_IFX = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 56, B.FontWeight_3, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "dense displayMedium 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_yzu = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 45, B.FontWeight_3, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 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B.TextBaseline_1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "dense bodySmall 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_WfU = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 15, B.FontWeight_4, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "dense labelLarge 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_2Vk0 = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 12, B.FontWeight_3, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "dense labelMedium 2014", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_7Tu = new A.TextStyle(false, null, null, null, null, null, 11, B.FontWeight_3, null, null, null, B.TextBaseline_1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "dense labelSmall 2014", null, null, null); B.TextTheme_jnH = new A.TextTheme(B.TextStyle_kaS, B.TextStyle_IFX, B.TextStyle_yzu, B.TextStyle_mR7, B.TextStyle_8MP, B.TextStyle_2Vk, B.TextStyle_oqF, B.TextStyle_NQk, B.TextStyle_EYU, B.TextStyle_kJ4, B.TextStyle_oge, B.TextStyle_Kx9, B.TextStyle_WfU, B.TextStyle_2Vk0, B.TextStyle_7Tu); B.TextStyle_kmR = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Segoe UI", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackRedmond displayLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_ald = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Segoe UI", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackRedmond displayMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_04u = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Segoe UI", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "blackRedmond displaySmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_ZY1 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_2315255808, null, "Segoe UI", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, 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"whiteRedwoodCity headlineLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_sIv0 = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_3019898879, null, ".AppleSystemUIFont", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteRedwoodCity headlineMedium", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_oyU = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4294967295, null, ".AppleSystemUIFont", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteRedwoodCity headlineSmall", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_Feh = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4294967295, null, ".AppleSystemUIFont", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, B.TextDecoration_0, null, null, null, "whiteRedwoodCity titleLarge", null, null, null); B.TextStyle_A2C = new A.TextStyle(true, B.Color_4294967295, null, ".AppleSystemUIFont", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 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A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458977, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458981], t1), B._ModifierSidePair_ModifierKey_1_KeyboardSide_0, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458977], t1), B._ModifierSidePair_ModifierKey_0_KeyboardSide_1, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458976], t1), B._ModifierSidePair_ModifierKey_0_KeyboardSide_2, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458980], t1), B._ModifierSidePair_ModifierKey_0_KeyboardSide_3, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458976, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458980], t1), B._ModifierSidePair_ModifierKey_0_KeyboardSide_0, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458976], t1), B._ModifierSidePair_ModifierKey_3_KeyboardSide_1, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458979], t1), B._ModifierSidePair_ModifierKey_3_KeyboardSide_2, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458983], t1), B._ModifierSidePair_ModifierKey_3_KeyboardSide_3, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458979, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458983], t1), B._ModifierSidePair_ModifierKey_3_KeyboardSide_0, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458979], t1), B._ModifierSidePair_ModifierKey_4_KeyboardSide_3, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458809], t1), B._ModifierSidePair_ModifierKey_5_KeyboardSide_3, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458835], t1), B._ModifierSidePair_ModifierKey_6_KeyboardSide_3, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458823], t1), B._ModifierSidePair_ModifierKey_7_KeyboardSide_3, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal([B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_18], t1)], A.findType("_ModifierSidePair"), A.findType("Set")); }(); $.RawKeyboard__allModifiersExceptFn = 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J.get$Bold$x(J.get$FontWeight$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$ExtraBold$x(J.get$FontWeight$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$ExtraBlack$x(J.get$FontWeight$x(A.canvasKit()))], A.findType("JSArray"))); _lazyFinal($, "_skTextDirections", "$get$_skTextDirections", () => A._setArrayType([J.get$RTL$x(J.get$TextDirection$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$LTR$x(J.get$TextDirection$x(A.canvasKit()))], A.findType("JSArray"))); _lazyFinal($, "_skTextAligns", "$get$_skTextAligns", () => A._setArrayType([J.get$Left$x(J.get$TextAlign$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Right$x(J.get$TextAlign$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Center$x(J.get$TextAlign$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Justify$x(J.get$TextAlign$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Start$x(J.get$TextAlign$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$End$x(J.get$TextAlign$x(A.canvasKit()))], A.findType("JSArray"))); _lazyFinal($, "_skTextHeightBehaviors", "$get$_skTextHeightBehaviors", () => A._setArrayType([J.get$All$x(J.get$TextHeightBehavior$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$DisableFirstAscent$x(J.get$TextHeightBehavior$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$DisableLastDescent$x(J.get$TextHeightBehavior$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$DisableAll$x(J.get$TextHeightBehavior$x(A.canvasKit()))], A.findType("JSArray"))); _lazyFinal($, "_skRectHeightStyles", "$get$_skRectHeightStyles", () => A._setArrayType([J.get$Tight$x(J.get$RectHeightStyle$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Max$x(J.get$RectHeightStyle$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$IncludeLineSpacingMiddle$x(J.get$RectHeightStyle$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$IncludeLineSpacingTop$x(J.get$RectHeightStyle$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$IncludeLineSpacingBottom$x(J.get$RectHeightStyle$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Strut$x(J.get$RectHeightStyle$x(A.canvasKit()))], A.findType("JSArray"))); _lazyFinal($, "_skRectWidthStyles", "$get$_skRectWidthStyles", () => A._setArrayType([J.get$Tight$x(J.get$RectWidthStyle$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Max$x(J.get$RectWidthStyle$x(A.canvasKit()))], A.findType("JSArray"))); _lazyFinal($, "_skClipOps", "$get$_skClipOps", () => 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J.get$SoftLight$x(J.get$BlendMode$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Difference$x(J.get$BlendMode$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Exclusion$x(J.get$BlendMode$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Multiply$x(J.get$BlendMode$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Hue$x(J.get$BlendMode$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Saturation$x(J.get$BlendMode$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Color$x(J.get$BlendMode$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Luminosity$x(J.get$BlendMode$x(A.canvasKit()))], A.findType("JSArray"))); _lazyFinal($, "_skStrokeJoins", "$get$_skStrokeJoins", () => A._setArrayType([J.get$Miter$x(J.get$StrokeJoin$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Round$x(J.get$StrokeJoin$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Bevel$x(J.get$StrokeJoin$x(A.canvasKit()))], A.findType("JSArray"))); _lazyFinal($, "_skTileModes", "$get$_skTileModes", () => A._setArrayType([J.get$Clamp$x(J.get$TileMode$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Repeat$x(J.get$TileMode$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Mirror$x(J.get$TileMode$x(A.canvasKit())), J.get$Decal$x(J.get$TileMode$x(A.canvasKit()))], A.findType("JSArray"))); 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"$get$FontFallbackData__instance", () => { var t1 = type$.int; return new A.FontFallbackData(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.FontFallbackData_createNotoFontTree(), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RegisteredFont), A._setArrayType(["Roboto"], type$.JSArray_String), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, t1), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1)); }); _lazy($, "_notoSansSC", "$get$_notoSansSC", () => A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans SC", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_12288_12591, B.CodeunitRange_12800_13311, B.CodeunitRange_19968_40959, B.CodeunitRange_65072_65135, B.CodeunitRange_65280_65519], type$.JSArray_CodeunitRange))); _lazy($, "_notoSansTC", "$get$_notoSansTC", () => A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans TC", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_12288_12351, B.CodeunitRange_12549_12585, B.CodeunitRange_19968_40959], type$.JSArray_CodeunitRange))); _lazy($, "_notoSansHK", "$get$_notoSansHK", () => A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans HK", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_12288_12351, B.CodeunitRange_12549_12585, B.CodeunitRange_19968_40959], type$.JSArray_CodeunitRange))); _lazy($, "_notoSansJP", "$get$_notoSansJP", () => A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans JP", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_12288_12543, B.CodeunitRange_19968_40959, B.CodeunitRange_65280_65519], type$.JSArray_CodeunitRange))); _lazy($, "_cjkFonts", "$get$_cjkFonts", () => A._setArrayType([$.$get$_notoSansSC(), $.$get$_notoSansTC(), $.$get$_notoSansHK(), $.$get$_notoSansJP()], type$.JSArray_NotoFont)); _lazy($, "_notoFonts", "$get$_notoFonts", () => { var t1 = type$.JSArray_CodeunitRange; return A._setArrayType([$.$get$_notoSansSC(), $.$get$_notoSansTC(), $.$get$_notoSansHK(), $.$get$_notoSansJP(), A.NotoFont$("Noto Naskh Arabic UI", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_1536_1791, B.CodeunitRange_8204_8206, B.CodeunitRange_8208_8209, B.CodeunitRange_8271_8271, B.CodeunitRange_11841_11841, B.CodeunitRange_64336_65023, B.CodeunitRange_65132_65276], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Armenian", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_1328_1424, B.CodeunitRange_64275_64279], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Bengali UI", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_2404_2405, B.CodeunitRange_2433_2555, B.CodeunitRange_8204_8205, B.CodeunitRange_8377_8377, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Myanmar UI", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_4096_4255, B.CodeunitRange_8204_8205, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_77824_78894], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Ethiopic", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_4608_5017, B.CodeunitRange_11648_11742, B.CodeunitRange_43777_43822], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Georgian", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_1417_1417, B.CodeunitRange_4256_4351, B.CodeunitRange_11520_11567], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Gujarati UI", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_2404_2405, B.CodeunitRange_2688_2815, B.CodeunitRange_8204_8205, B.CodeunitRange_8377_8377, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676, B.CodeunitRange_43056_43065], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_2404_2405, B.CodeunitRange_2561_2677, B.CodeunitRange_8204_8205, B.CodeunitRange_8377_8377, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676, B.CodeunitRange_9772_9772, B.CodeunitRange_43056_43065], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Hebrew", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_1424_1535, B.CodeunitRange_8362_8362, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676, B.CodeunitRange_64285_64335], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Devanagari UI", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_2304_2431, B.CodeunitRange_7376_7414, B.CodeunitRange_7416_7417, B.CodeunitRange_8204_8205, B.CodeunitRange_8360_8360, B.CodeunitRange_8377_8377, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676, B.CodeunitRange_43056_43065, B.CodeunitRange_43232_43259], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Kannada UI", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_2404_2405, B.CodeunitRange_3202_3314, B.CodeunitRange_8204_8205, B.CodeunitRange_8377_8377, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Khmer UI", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_6016_6143, B.CodeunitRange_8204_8204, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans KR", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_12593_12686, B.CodeunitRange_12800_12828, B.CodeunitRange_12896_12923, B.CodeunitRange_44032_55215], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Lao UI", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_3713_3807, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Malayalam UI", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_775_775, B.CodeunitRange_803_803, B.CodeunitRange_2404_2405, B.CodeunitRange_3330_3455, B.CodeunitRange_8204_8205, B.CodeunitRange_8377_8377, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Sinhala", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_2404_2405, B.CodeunitRange_3458_3572, B.CodeunitRange_8204_8205, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Tamil UI", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_2404_2405, B.CodeunitRange_2946_3066, B.CodeunitRange_8204_8205, B.CodeunitRange_8377_8377, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Telugu UI", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_2385_2386, B.CodeunitRange_2404_2405, B.CodeunitRange_3072_3199, B.CodeunitRange_7386_7386, B.CodeunitRange_8204_8205, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans Thai UI", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_3585_3675, B.CodeunitRange_8204_8205, B.CodeunitRange_9676_9676], t1)), A.NotoFont$("Noto Sans", A._setArrayType([B.CodeunitRange_0_255, B.CodeunitRange_305_305, B.CodeunitRange_338_339, B.CodeunitRange_699_700, B.CodeunitRange_710_710, B.CodeunitRange_730_730, B.CodeunitRange_732_732, B.CodeunitRange_8192_8303, B.CodeunitRange_8308_8308, B.CodeunitRange_8364_8364, B.CodeunitRange_8482_8482, B.CodeunitRange_8593_8593, B.CodeunitRange_8595_8595, B.CodeunitRange_8722_8722, B.CodeunitRange_8725_8725, B.CodeunitRange_65279_65279, B.CodeunitRange_65533_65533, B.CodeunitRange_1024_1119, B.CodeunitRange_1168_1169, B.CodeunitRange_1200_1201, B.CodeunitRange_8470_8470, B.CodeunitRange_1120_1327, B.CodeunitRange_7296_7304, B.CodeunitRange_8372_8372, B.CodeunitRange_11744_11775, B.CodeunitRange_42560_42655, B.CodeunitRange_65070_65071, B.CodeunitRange_880_1023, B.CodeunitRange_7936_8191, B.CodeunitRange_256_591, B.CodeunitRange_601_601, B.CodeunitRange_7680_7935, B.CodeunitRange_8224_8224, B.CodeunitRange_8352_8363, B.CodeunitRange_8365_8399, B.CodeunitRange_8467_8467, B.CodeunitRange_11360_11391, B.CodeunitRange_42784_43007, B.CodeunitRange_258_259, B.CodeunitRange_272_273, B.CodeunitRange_296_297, B.CodeunitRange_360_361, B.CodeunitRange_416_417, B.CodeunitRange_431_432, B.CodeunitRange_7840_7929, B.CodeunitRange_8363_8363], t1))], type$.JSArray_NotoFont); }); _lazy($, "notoDownloadQueue", "$get$notoDownloadQueue", () => { var t1 = type$._ResolvedNotoSubset; return new A.FallbackFontDownloadQueue(new A.NotoDownloader(), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, t1)); }); _lazyFinal($, "SkiaObjects_expensiveCache", "$get$SkiaObjects_expensiveCache", () => { var t1 = A.findType("SkiaObject"); return new A.SkiaObjectCache(1024, A.DoubleLinkedQueue$(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, A.findType("DoubleLinkedQueueEntry>"))); }); _lazy($, "CkParagraph__paragraphCache", "$get$CkParagraph__paragraphCache", () => { var t1 = A.findType("SkiaObject"); return new A.SynchronousSkiaObjectCache(500, A.DoubleLinkedQueue$(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, A.findType("DoubleLinkedQueueEntry>"))); }); _lazyFinal($, "CkParagraphBuilder__defaultTextForeground", "$get$CkParagraphBuilder__defaultTextForeground", () => new self.window.flutterCanvasKit.Paint()); _lazyFinal($, "CkParagraphBuilder__defaultTextBackground", "$get$CkParagraphBuilder__defaultTextBackground", () => { var t1 = new self.window.flutterCanvasKit.Paint(); J.setColorInt$1$x(t1, 0); return t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "_fontChangeMessage", "$get$_fontChangeMessage", () => B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["type", "fontsChange"], type$.String, type$.dynamic))); _lazyFinal($, "kSvgResourceHeader", "$get$kSvgResourceHeader", () => { var t1 = A.SvgSvgElement_SvgSvgElement(); t1.setAttribute("width", 0); t1.setAttribute("height", 0); B.CssStyleDeclaration_methods.set$position(t1.style, "absolute"); return t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "_PaintBounds__tempRectData", "$get$_PaintBounds__tempRectData", () => A.NativeFloat32List_NativeFloat32List(4)); _lazyFinal($, "VertexShaders_vertexIndicesForRect", "$get$VertexShaders_vertexIndicesForRect", () => A.NativeUint16List_NativeUint16List$fromList(A._setArrayType([0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0], type$.JSArray_int))); _lazyFinal($, "platformViewManager", "$get$platformViewManager", () => { var t1 = type$.String, t2 = type$.int; return new A.PlatformViewManager(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Function), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.Element), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t1)); }); _lazyFinal($, "_kLogicalAltLeft", "$get$_kLogicalAltLeft", () => { var t1 = B.Map_8TmdZ.$index(0, "Alt")[1]; t1.toString; return t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "_kLogicalAltRight", "$get$_kLogicalAltRight", () => { var t1 = B.Map_8TmdZ.$index(0, "Alt")[2]; t1.toString; return t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "_kLogicalControlLeft", "$get$_kLogicalControlLeft", () => { var t1 = B.Map_8TmdZ.$index(0, "Control")[1]; t1.toString; return t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "_kLogicalControlRight", "$get$_kLogicalControlRight", () => { var t1 = B.Map_8TmdZ.$index(0, "Control")[2]; t1.toString; return t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "_kLogicalShiftLeft", "$get$_kLogicalShiftLeft", () => { var t1 = B.Map_8TmdZ.$index(0, "Shift")[1]; t1.toString; return t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "_kLogicalShiftRight", "$get$_kLogicalShiftRight", () => { var t1 = B.Map_8TmdZ.$index(0, "Shift")[2]; t1.toString; return t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "_kLogicalMetaLeft", "$get$_kLogicalMetaLeft", () => { var t1 = B.Map_8TmdZ.$index(0, "Meta")[1]; t1.toString; return t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "_kLogicalMetaRight", "$get$_kLogicalMetaRight", () => { var t1 = B.Map_8TmdZ.$index(0, "Meta")[2]; t1.toString; return t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "_kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter", "$get$_kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter", () => A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([$.$get$_kLogicalAltLeft(), new A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure(), $.$get$_kLogicalAltRight(), new A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure0(), $.$get$_kLogicalControlLeft(), new A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure1(), $.$get$_kLogicalControlRight(), new A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure2(), $.$get$_kLogicalShiftLeft(), new A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure3(), $.$get$_kLogicalShiftRight(), new A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure4(), $.$get$_kLogicalMetaLeft(), new A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure5(), $.$get$_kLogicalMetaRight(), new A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure6()], type$.int, A.findType("bool(FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent)"))); _lazyFinal($, "EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance", "$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance", () => { var computedStyleMap, fontSizeObject, fontSize, _s16_ = "computedStyleMap", t1 = A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_parseBrowserLanguages(), t2 = A.document().documentElement; t2.toString; if (A.hasProperty(t2, _s16_)) { computedStyleMap = A._callMethodUnchecked0(t2, _s16_); if (computedStyleMap != null) { fontSizeObject = A._callMethodUnchecked1(computedStyleMap, "get", "font-size"); fontSize = fontSizeObject != null ? A.getProperty(fontSizeObject, "value") : null; } else fontSize = null; } else fontSize = null; if (fontSize == null) fontSize = A.parseFloat(J.getComputedStyle$0$x(t2).fontSize); t2 = type$.Object; t2 = new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher(A.PlatformConfiguration$(B.C_AccessibilityFeatures, false, "/", t1, B.Brightness_1, false, (fontSize == null ? 16 : fontSize) / 16), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, A.findType("FlutterWindow")), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, A.findType("ViewConfiguration0")), A.window().matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)")); t2._addBrightnessMediaQueryListener$0(); return t2; }); _lazy($, "_frameTimingsLastSubmitTime", "$get$_frameTimingsLastSubmitTime", () => A._nowMicros()); _lazyFinal($, "supportsFontLoadingApi", "$get$supportsFontLoadingApi", () => A.hasProperty(A.window(), "FontFace")); _lazyFinal($, "supportsFontsClearApi", "$get$supportsFontsClearApi", () => { if (A.hasProperty(A.document(), "fonts")) { var t1 = A.document().fonts; t1.toString; t1 = A.hasProperty(t1, "clear"); } else t1 = false; return t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "accessibilityAnnouncements", "$get$accessibilityAnnouncements", () => { var t1 = $.AccessibilityAnnouncements__instance; return t1 == null ? $.AccessibilityAnnouncements__instance = A.AccessibilityAnnouncements$_() : t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "_roleFactories", "$get$_roleFactories", () => A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Role_0, new A._roleFactories_closure(), B.Role_1, new A._roleFactories_closure0(), B.Role_2, new A._roleFactories_closure1(), B.Role_3, new A._roleFactories_closure2(), B.Role_4, new A._roleFactories_closure3(), B.Role_5, new A._roleFactories_closure4(), B.Role_6, new A._roleFactories_closure5(), B.Role_7, new A._roleFactories_closure6()], type$.Role, A.findType("RoleManager(SemanticsObject)"))); _lazyFinal($, "FontManager_notPunctuation", "$get$FontManager_notPunctuation", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("[a-z0-9\\s]+", false)); _lazyFinal($, "FontManager_startWithDigit", "$get$FontManager_startWithDigit", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("\\b\\d", true)); 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_lazyFinal($, "BrowserAutofillHints__singletonInstance", "$get$BrowserAutofillHints__singletonInstance", () => { var t1 = type$.String; return new A.BrowserAutofillHints(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["birthday", "bday", "birthdayDay", "bday-day", "birthdayMonth", "bday-month", "birthdayYear", "bday-year", "countryCode", "country", "countryName", "country-name", "creditCardExpirationDate", "cc-exp", "creditCardExpirationMonth", "cc-exp-month", "creditCardExpirationYear", "cc-exp-year", "creditCardFamilyName", "cc-family-name", "creditCardGivenName", "cc-given-name", "creditCardMiddleName", "cc-additional-name", "creditCardName", "cc-name", "creditCardNumber", "cc-number", "creditCardSecurityCode", "cc-csc", "creditCardType", "cc-type", "email", "email", "familyName", "family-name", "fullStreetAddress", "street-address", "gender", "sex", "givenName", "given-name", "impp", "impp", "jobTitle", "organization-title", "language", "language", "middleName", "middleName", "name", "name", "namePrefix", "honorific-prefix", "nameSuffix", "honorific-suffix", "newPassword", "new-password", "nickname", "nickname", "oneTimeCode", "one-time-code", "organizationName", "organization", "password", "current-password", "photo", "photo", "postalCode", "postal-code", "streetAddressLevel1", "address-level1", "streetAddressLevel2", "address-level2", "streetAddressLevel3", "address-level3", "streetAddressLevel4", "address-level4", "streetAddressLine1", "address-line1", "streetAddressLine2", "address-line2", "streetAddressLine3", "address-line3", "telephoneNumber", "tel", "telephoneNumberAreaCode", "tel-area-code", "telephoneNumberCountryCode", "tel-country-code", "telephoneNumberExtension", "tel-extension", "telephoneNumberLocal", "tel-local", "telephoneNumberLocalPrefix", "tel-local-prefix", "telephoneNumberLocalSuffix", "tel-local-suffix", "telephoneNumberNational", "tel-national", "transactionAmount", "transaction-amount", "transactionCurrency", "transaction-currency", "url", "url", "username", "username"], t1, t1)); 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} }))); _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn({$method$: null, toString: function() { return "$receiver$"; } }))); _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn(null))); _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(function() { var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$"; try { null.$method$($argumentsExpr$); } catch (e) { return e.message; } }())); _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn(void 0))); _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(function() { var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$"; try { (void 0).$method$($argumentsExpr$); } catch (e) { return e.message; } }())); _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn(null))); _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(function() { try { null.$method$; } catch (e) { return e.message; } }())); _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn(void 0))); _lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(function() { try { (void 0).$method$; } catch (e) { return e.message; } }())); _lazyFinal($, "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure", "$get$_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure", () => A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate()); _lazyFinal($, "Future__nullFuture", "$get$Future__nullFuture", () => A.findType("_Future")._as($.$get$nullFuture())); _lazyFinal($, "Utf8Decoder__decoder", "$get$Utf8Decoder__decoder", () => new A.Utf8Decoder__decoder_closure().call$0()); _lazyFinal($, "Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal", "$get$Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal", () => new A.Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal_closure().call$0()); _lazyFinal($, "_Base64Decoder__inverseAlphabet", "$get$_Base64Decoder__inverseAlphabet", () => A.NativeInt8List__create1(A._ensureNativeList(A._setArrayType([-2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, 62, -2, 62, -2, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -2, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -2, -2, -2, -2, 63, -2, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2], type$.JSArray_int)))); _lazyFinal($, "_Uri__needsNoEncoding", "$get$_Uri__needsNoEncoding", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^[\\-\\.0-9A-Z_a-z~]*$", true)); _lazy($, "_hasErrorStackProperty", "$get$_hasErrorStackProperty", () => new Error().stack != void 0); _lazyFinal($, "_hashSeed", "$get$_hashSeed", () => A.objectHashCode(B.Type_Object_xQ6)); _lazyFinal($, "Stopwatch__frequency", "$get$Stopwatch__frequency", () => { A.Primitives_initTicker(); return $.Primitives_timerFrequency; }); _lazyFinal($, "_scannerTables", "$get$_scannerTables", () => A._createTables()); _lazyFinal($, "_FakeUserTag__defaultTag", "$get$_FakeUserTag__defaultTag", () => A._FakeUserTag__FakeUserTag("Default")); _lazy($, "_currentTag", "$get$_currentTag", () => $.$get$_FakeUserTag__defaultTag()); _lazyFinal($, "CssStyleDeclaration__propertyCache", "$get$CssStyleDeclaration__propertyCache", () => ({})); _lazyFinal($, "_Html5NodeValidator__allowedElements", "$get$_Html5NodeValidator__allowedElements", () => A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(["A", "ABBR", "ACRONYM", "ADDRESS", "AREA", "ARTICLE", "ASIDE", "AUDIO", "B", "BDI", "BDO", "BIG", "BLOCKQUOTE", "BR", "BUTTON", "CANVAS", "CAPTION", "CENTER", "CITE", "CODE", "COL", "COLGROUP", "COMMAND", "DATA", "DATALIST", "DD", "DEL", "DETAILS", "DFN", "DIR", "DIV", "DL", "DT", "EM", "FIELDSET", "FIGCAPTION", "FIGURE", "FONT", "FOOTER", "FORM", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "HEADER", "HGROUP", "HR", "I", "IFRAME", "IMG", "INPUT", "INS", "KBD", "LABEL", "LEGEND", "LI", "MAP", "MARK", "MENU", "METER", "NAV", "NOBR", "OL", "OPTGROUP", "OPTION", "OUTPUT", "P", "PRE", "PROGRESS", "Q", "S", "SAMP", "SECTION", "SELECT", "SMALL", "SOURCE", "SPAN", "STRIKE", "STRONG", "SUB", "SUMMARY", "SUP", "TABLE", "TBODY", "TD", "TEXTAREA", "TFOOT", "TH", "THEAD", "TIME", "TR", "TRACK", "TT", "U", "UL", "VAR", "VIDEO", "WBR"], type$.String)); _lazyFinal($, "Device_isOpera", "$get$Device_isOpera", () => B.JSString_methods.contains$2(A.Device_userAgent(), "Opera", 0)); _lazyFinal($, "Device_isIE", "$get$Device_isIE", () => !$.$get$Device_isOpera() && B.JSString_methods.contains$2(A.Device_userAgent(), "Trident/", 0)); _lazyFinal($, "Device_isFirefox", "$get$Device_isFirefox", () => B.JSString_methods.contains$2(A.Device_userAgent(), "Firefox", 0)); _lazyFinal($, "Device_isWebKit", "$get$Device_isWebKit", () => !$.$get$Device_isOpera() && B.JSString_methods.contains$2(A.Device_userAgent(), "WebKit", 0)); _lazyFinal($, "Device_cssPrefix", "$get$Device_cssPrefix", () => "-" + $.$get$Device_propertyPrefix() + "-"); _lazyFinal($, "Device_propertyPrefix", "$get$Device_propertyPrefix", () => { if ($.$get$Device_isFirefox()) var t1 = "moz"; else if ($.$get$Device_isIE()) t1 = "ms"; else t1 = $.$get$Device_isOpera() ? "o" : "webkit"; return t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "_context", "$get$_context", () => A._castToJsObject(A._wrapToDart(self))); _lazyFinal($, "_DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME", "$get$_DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME", () => A.getIsolateAffinityTag("_$dart_dartObject")); _lazyFinal($, "_dartProxyCtor", "$get$_dartProxyCtor", () => function DartObject(o) { this.o = o; }); _lazyFinal($, "Endian_host", "$get$Endian_host", () => A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(A.NativeUint16List_NativeUint16List$fromList(A._setArrayType([1], type$.JSArray_int)).buffer, 0, null).getInt8(0) === 1 ? B.C_Endian : B.C_Endian0); _lazyFinal($, "channelBuffers", "$get$channelBuffers", () => new A.ChannelBuffers(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, A.findType("_Channel")))); _lazyFinal($, "_kRightMiddleTween", "$get$_kRightMiddleTween", () => A.Tween$(B.Offset_1_0, B.Offset_0_0, type$.Offset)); _lazyFinal($, "_kMiddleLeftTween", "$get$_kMiddleLeftTween", () => A.Tween$(B.Offset_0_0, B.Offset_Oho, type$.Offset)); _lazy($, "_CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_kTween", "$get$_CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_kTween", () => new A.DecorationTween(B._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_null, B._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_yjC)); _lazyFinal($, "_testPlatform", "$get$_testPlatform", () => new A._testPlatform_closure().call$0()); _lazyFinal($, "_browserPlatform", "$get$_browserPlatform", () => new A._browserPlatform_closure().call$0()); _lazy($, "FlutterError_onError", "$get$FlutterError_onError", () => $.FlutterError_presentError); _lazyFinal($, "sparseTextConfiguration", "$get$sparseTextConfiguration", () => A.TextTreeConfiguration$(true, "", ":", "", "", "", "", "", true, false, "\n", true, "\u2502", "", "\u2514\u2500", "\u251c\u2500", " ", " ", "\u2502 ", " ", "", true, "")); _lazyFinal($, "dashedTextConfiguration", "$get$dashedTextConfiguration", () => A.TextTreeConfiguration$(true, "", ":", "", "", "", "", "", true, false, "\n", true, "\u254e", "", "\u2514\u254c", "\u254e\u254c", " ", " ", "\u2502 ", " ", "", true, "")); _lazyFinal($, "denseTextConfiguration", "$get$denseTextConfiguration", () => A.TextTreeConfiguration$(false, "", ":", ")", "", "(", "", "", false, false, "\n", false, "\u2502", "", "\u2514", "\u251c", "", "", "\u2502", " ", ", ", true, "")); _lazyFinal($, "transitionTextConfiguration", "$get$transitionTextConfiguration", () => A.TextTreeConfiguration$(false, ":", " \u2550\u2550\u2550", "", "", "", " ", " \u255a\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550", false, true, "\n", true, "\u2502", "", "\u2558\u2550\u2566\u2550\u2550 ", "\u255e\u2550\u2566\u2550\u2550 ", " \u2551 ", "", "", "", "", true, "")); _lazyFinal($, "errorTextConfiguration", "$get$errorTextConfiguration", () => A.TextTreeConfiguration$(false, "", ":", "", "\u2550\u2550\u2561 ", "", "", " \u255a\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550", false, false, "\n", true, "\u2502", "\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550", "\u2558\u2550\u2566", "\u255e\u2550\u2566", " \u2551 ", "", "", "", "", true, " \u255e\u2550\u2550")); _lazyFinal($, "whitespaceTextConfiguration", "$get$whitespaceTextConfiguration", () => A.TextTreeConfiguration$(false, ":", ":", "", "", "", "", "", false, false, "\n", true, " ", "", "", "", " ", " ", "", "", "", true, "")); _lazyFinal($, "flatTextConfiguration", "$get$flatTextConfiguration", () => A.TextTreeConfiguration$(false, ":", ":", "", "", "", "", "", false, false, "\n", true, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", true, "")); _lazyFinal($, "singleLineTextConfiguration", "$get$singleLineTextConfiguration", () => A.TextTreeConfiguration$(false, "", ":", ")", "", "(", "", "", true, false, "", false, "", "", "", "", "", "", " ", " ", ", ", false, "")); _lazyFinal($, "errorPropertyTextConfiguration", "$get$errorPropertyTextConfiguration", () => A.TextTreeConfiguration$(false, "", ":", ")", "", "(", "", "", true, true, "\n", false, "", "", "", "", "", "", " ", " ", ", ", false, "")); _lazyFinal($, "shallowTextConfiguration", "$get$shallowTextConfiguration", () => A.TextTreeConfiguration$(false, ":", ":", "", "", "", "", "", false, false, "\n", true, " ", "", "", "", " ", " ", "", "", "", false, "")); _lazyFinal($, "_debugPrintBuffer", "$get$_debugPrintBuffer", () => A.ListQueue$(null, type$.String)); _lazyFinal($, "_debugPrintStopwatch", "$get$_debugPrintStopwatch", () => A.Stopwatch$()); _lazyFinal($, "WriteBuffer__zeroBuffer", "$get$WriteBuffer__zeroBuffer", () => A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$fromList(A._setArrayType([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], type$.JSArray_int))); _lazyFinal($, "StackFrame__webNonDebugFramePattern", "$get$StackFrame__webNonDebugFramePattern", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^\\s*at ([^\\s]+).*$", true)); _lazyFinal($, "_ScalingFabMotionAnimator__rotationTween", "$get$_ScalingFabMotionAnimator__rotationTween", () => A.Tween$(0.75, 1, type$.double)); _lazyFinal($, "_ScalingFabMotionAnimator__thresholdCenterTween", "$get$_ScalingFabMotionAnimator__thresholdCenterTween", () => A.CurveTween$(B.C_Threshold)); _lazyFinal($, "_FadeUpwardsPageTransition__bottomUpTween", "$get$_FadeUpwardsPageTransition__bottomUpTween", () => A.Tween$(B.Offset_chs, B.Offset_0_0, type$.Offset)); _lazyFinal($, "_FadeUpwardsPageTransition__fastOutSlowInTween", "$get$_FadeUpwardsPageTransition__fastOutSlowInTween", () => A.CurveTween$(B.Cubic_ifx)); _lazyFinal($, "_FadeUpwardsPageTransition__easeInTween", "$get$_FadeUpwardsPageTransition__easeInTween", () => A.CurveTween$(B.Cubic_JUR0)); _lazyFinal($, "_FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__entranceTurnTween", "$get$_FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__entranceTurnTween", () => A.Tween$(0.875, 1, type$.double).chain$1(A.CurveTween$(B.Cubic_JUR0))); _lazyFinal($, "Theme__kFallbackTheme", "$get$Theme__kFallbackTheme", () => A.ThemeData_ThemeData$fallback()); _lazyFinal($, "ThemeData__localizedThemeDataCache", "$get$ThemeData__localizedThemeDataCache", () => new A._FifoCache(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(A.findType("_IdentityThemeDataCacheKey"), type$.ThemeData), 5, A.findType("_FifoCache<_IdentityThemeDataCacheKey,ThemeData>"))); _lazyFinal($, "MatrixUtils__minMax", "$get$MatrixUtils__minMax", () => A.NativeFloat64List_NativeFloat64List(4)); _lazy($, "RenderErrorBox_backgroundColor", "$get$RenderErrorBox_backgroundColor", () => B.Color_4039164096); _lazy($, "RenderErrorBox_textStyle", "$get$RenderErrorBox_textStyle", () => { var _null = null; return A.TextStyle_TextStyle(_null, B.Color_4281348144, _null, _null, _null, _null, "sans-serif", _null, _null, 18, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null); }); _lazy($, "RenderErrorBox_paragraphStyle", "$get$RenderErrorBox_paragraphStyle", () => { var _null = null; return A.ParagraphStyle_ParagraphStyle(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.TextAlign_0, B.TextDirection_1, _null); }); _lazyFinal($, "_SemanticsGeometry__temporaryTransformHolder", "$get$_SemanticsGeometry__temporaryTransformHolder", () => A.Matrix4$zero()); _lazyFinal($, "SemanticsNode__kEmptyConfig", "$get$SemanticsNode__kEmptyConfig", () => A.SemanticsConfiguration$()); _lazyFinal($, "SemanticsNode__kEmptyChildList", "$get$SemanticsNode__kEmptyChildList", () => A.NativeInt32List_NativeInt32List(0)); _lazyFinal($, "SemanticsNode__kEmptyCustomSemanticsActionsList", "$get$SemanticsNode__kEmptyCustomSemanticsActionsList", () => A.NativeInt32List_NativeInt32List(0)); _lazyFinal($, "SemanticsNode__kIdentityTransform", "$get$SemanticsNode__kIdentityTransform", () => A.Matrix4_Matrix4$identity()._m4storage); _lazyFinal($, "rootBundle", "$get$rootBundle", () => { var t1 = type$.String; return new A.PlatformAssetBundle(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, A.findType("Future")), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.Future_dynamic)); }); _lazyFinal($, "KeyboardLockMode__knownLockModes", "$get$KeyboardLockMode__knownLockModes", () => A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([4294967562, B.KeyboardLockMode_LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967562, 4294967564, B.KeyboardLockMode_LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967564, 4294967556, B.KeyboardLockMode_LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967556], type$.int, type$.KeyboardLockMode)); _lazyFinal($, "platformViewsRegistry", "$get$platformViewsRegistry", () => new A.PlatformViewsRegistry()); _lazyFinal($, "PlatformViewsService__instance", "$get$PlatformViewsService__instance", () => { var t1 = new A.PlatformViewsService(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.void_Function)); B.MethodChannel_gkc.setMethodCallHandler$1(t1.get$_onMethodCall()); return t1; }); _lazyFinal($, "RawKeyboard_instance", "$get$RawKeyboard_instance", () => { var t1 = type$.PhysicalKeyboardKey; return new A.RawKeyboard(A._setArrayType([], A.findType("JSArray<~(RawKeyEvent)>")), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.LogicalKeyboardKey), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1)); }); _lazyFinal($, "RawKeyboard__allModifiers", "$get$RawKeyboard__allModifiers", () => { var t2, t3, t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.PhysicalKeyboardKey, type$.LogicalKeyboardKey); t1.$indexSet(0, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_18, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967558); for (t2 = $.RawKeyboard__allModifiersExceptFn.get$entries($.RawKeyboard__allModifiersExceptFn), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) { t3 = t2.get$current(t2); t1.$indexSet(0, t3.key, t3.value); } return t1; }); _lazy($, "WidgetsApp_defaultActions", "$get$WidgetsApp_defaultActions", () => { var t1 = A.findType("~(Action)"); return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Type_DoNothingIntent_IQR, A.DoNothingAction$(true), B.Type_s8I, A.DoNothingAction$(false), B.Type_RequestFocusIntent_OPB, new A.RequestFocusAction(A.ObserverList$(t1)), B.Type_NextFocusIntent_6xB, new A.NextFocusAction(A.ObserverList$(t1)), B.Type_PreviousFocusIntent_wsa, new A.PreviousFocusAction(A.ObserverList$(t1)), B.Type_DirectionalFocusIntent_evN, new A.DirectionalFocusAction(A.ObserverList$(t1)), B.Type_ScrollIntent_mpH, new A.ScrollAction(A.ObserverList$(t1)), B.Type_PrioritizedIntents_fLu, new A.PrioritizedAction(A.ObserverList$(t1))], type$.Type, type$.Action_Intent); }); _lazyFinal($, "DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__webShortcuts", "$get$DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__webShortcuts", () => { var t3, _i, pressShift, t4, t5, t1 = type$.Intent, t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(A.findType("ShortcutActivator"), t1); for (t3 = A.findType("SingleActivator"), _i = 0; _i < 2; ++_i) { pressShift = B.List_true_false[_i]; for (t4 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([A.SingleActivator$(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967304, false, false, false, pressShift), B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent, A.SingleActivator$(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967423, false, false, false, pressShift), B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent, A.SingleActivator$(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967304, true, false, false, pressShift), B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent, A.SingleActivator$(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967423, true, false, false, pressShift), B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent, A.SingleActivator$(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967304, false, true, false, pressShift), B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent, A.SingleActivator$(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967423, false, true, false, pressShift), B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent, A.SingleActivator$(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967304, false, false, true, pressShift), B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent, A.SingleActivator$(B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967423, false, false, true, pressShift), B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent], t3, t1), t4 = t4.get$entries(t4), t4 = t4.get$iterator(t4); t4.moveNext$0();) { t5 = t4.get$current(t4); t2.$indexSet(0, t5.key, t5.value); } } t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H0, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H1, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H2, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H3, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H4, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H5, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H6, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H7, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H8, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H9, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H10, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H11, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H12, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H13, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H14, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H15, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H16, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H17, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H18, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H19, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H20, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H21, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H22, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H23, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H24, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H25, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H26, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H27, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H28, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H29, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H30, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H31, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_j8H32, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_mmH, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_mmH0, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_mmH1, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_mmH2, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_mmH3, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_mmH4, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_mmH5, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_mmH6, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); t2.$indexSet(0, B.SingleActivator_mmH7, B.C_DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent); return t2; }); _lazy($, "_NullElement_instance", "$get$_NullElement_instance", () => { var t1 = ($.Element__nextHashCode + 1) % 16777215; $.Element__nextHashCode = t1; return new A._NullElement(t1, B._NullWidget_null, B._ElementLifecycle_0); }); _lazyFinal($, "_HeroFlight__reverseTween", "$get$_HeroFlight__reverseTween", () => A.Tween$(1, 0, type$.double)); _lazy($, "_RouteEntry_notAnnounced", "$get$_RouteEntry_notAnnounced", () => { var t1 = A.ValueNotifier$(null), t2 = A.Completer_Completer(type$.void); return new A._NotAnnounced(B.RouteSettings_null_null, t1, t2); }); _lazyFinal($, "GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__token", "$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__token", () => new A.Object()); _lazy($, "GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance", "$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__instance", () => { var t1 = type$.int, t2 = A.StreamController_StreamController$broadcast(false, type$.MapEvent_dynamic); $.$get$GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform__token(); return new A.MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, A.findType("MethodChannel")), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, A.findType("Map")), t2); }); })(); (function nativeSupport() { !function() { var intern = function(s) { var o = {}; o[s] = 1; return Object.keys(hunkHelpers.convertToFastObject(o))[0]; }; init.getIsolateTag = function(name) { return intern("___dart_" + name + init.isolateTag); }; var tableProperty = "___dart_isolate_tags_"; var usedProperties = Object[tableProperty] || (Object[tableProperty] = Object.create(null)); var rootProperty = "_ZxYxX"; for (var i = 0;; i++) { var property = intern(rootProperty + "_" + i + "_"); if (!(property in usedProperties)) { usedProperties[property] = 1; init.isolateTag = property; break; } } init.dispatchPropertyName = init.getIsolateTag("dispatch_record"); }(); hunkHelpers.setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag({WebGL: J.Interceptor, AnimationEffectReadOnly: J.JavaScriptObject, AnimationEffectTiming: J.JavaScriptObject, AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly: J.JavaScriptObject, AnimationTimeline: J.JavaScriptObject, AnimationWorkletGlobalScope: J.JavaScriptObject, AuthenticatorAssertionResponse: J.JavaScriptObject, AuthenticatorAttestationResponse: J.JavaScriptObject, AuthenticatorResponse: J.JavaScriptObject, BackgroundFetchFetch: J.JavaScriptObject, BackgroundFetchManager: J.JavaScriptObject, BackgroundFetchSettledFetch: J.JavaScriptObject, BarProp: J.JavaScriptObject, BarcodeDetector: J.JavaScriptObject, BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptor: J.JavaScriptObject, BudgetState: J.JavaScriptObject, CacheStorage: J.JavaScriptObject, CanvasGradient: J.JavaScriptObject, CanvasPattern: J.JavaScriptObject, Client: J.JavaScriptObject, Clients: J.JavaScriptObject, CookieStore: J.JavaScriptObject, Coordinates: J.JavaScriptObject, CredentialsContainer: J.JavaScriptObject, Crypto: J.JavaScriptObject, CryptoKey: J.JavaScriptObject, CSS: J.JavaScriptObject, CSSVariableReferenceValue: J.JavaScriptObject, CustomElementRegistry: J.JavaScriptObject, DataTransfer: J.JavaScriptObject, DataTransferItem: J.JavaScriptObject, DeprecatedStorageInfo: J.JavaScriptObject, DeprecatedStorageQuota: J.JavaScriptObject, DeprecationReport: J.JavaScriptObject, DetectedBarcode: J.JavaScriptObject, DetectedFace: J.JavaScriptObject, DetectedText: J.JavaScriptObject, DeviceAcceleration: J.JavaScriptObject, DeviceRotationRate: J.JavaScriptObject, DirectoryReader: J.JavaScriptObject, WebKitDirectoryReader: J.JavaScriptObject, webkitFileSystemDirectoryReader: J.JavaScriptObject, FileSystemDirectoryReader: J.JavaScriptObject, DocumentOrShadowRoot: J.JavaScriptObject, DocumentTimeline: J.JavaScriptObject, DOMImplementation: J.JavaScriptObject, Iterator: J.JavaScriptObject, DOMMatrix: J.JavaScriptObject, DOMMatrixReadOnly: J.JavaScriptObject, DOMParser: J.JavaScriptObject, DOMPoint: J.JavaScriptObject, DOMPointReadOnly: J.JavaScriptObject, DOMQuad: J.JavaScriptObject, DOMStringMap: J.JavaScriptObject, External: J.JavaScriptObject, FaceDetector: J.JavaScriptObject, FontFaceSource: J.JavaScriptObject, FormData: J.JavaScriptObject, GamepadButton: J.JavaScriptObject, GamepadPose: J.JavaScriptObject, Geolocation: J.JavaScriptObject, Position: J.JavaScriptObject, GeolocationPosition: J.JavaScriptObject, Headers: J.JavaScriptObject, HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils: J.JavaScriptObject, IdleDeadline: J.JavaScriptObject, ImageBitmap: J.JavaScriptObject, ImageBitmapRenderingContext: J.JavaScriptObject, ImageCapture: J.JavaScriptObject, InputDeviceCapabilities: J.JavaScriptObject, IntersectionObserver: J.JavaScriptObject, IntersectionObserverEntry: J.JavaScriptObject, InterventionReport: J.JavaScriptObject, KeyframeEffect: J.JavaScriptObject, KeyframeEffectReadOnly: J.JavaScriptObject, MediaCapabilities: J.JavaScriptObject, MediaCapabilitiesInfo: J.JavaScriptObject, MediaDeviceInfo: J.JavaScriptObject, MediaError: J.JavaScriptObject, MediaKeyStatusMap: J.JavaScriptObject, MediaKeySystemAccess: J.JavaScriptObject, MediaKeys: J.JavaScriptObject, MediaKeysPolicy: J.JavaScriptObject, MediaMetadata: J.JavaScriptObject, MediaSession: J.JavaScriptObject, MediaSettingsRange: J.JavaScriptObject, MemoryInfo: J.JavaScriptObject, MessageChannel: J.JavaScriptObject, Metadata: J.JavaScriptObject, MutationObserver: J.JavaScriptObject, WebKitMutationObserver: J.JavaScriptObject, MutationRecord: J.JavaScriptObject, NavigationPreloadManager: J.JavaScriptObject, Navigator: J.JavaScriptObject, NavigatorAutomationInformation: J.JavaScriptObject, NavigatorConcurrentHardware: J.JavaScriptObject, NavigatorCookies: J.JavaScriptObject, NodeFilter: J.JavaScriptObject, NodeIterator: J.JavaScriptObject, NonDocumentTypeChildNode: J.JavaScriptObject, NonElementParentNode: J.JavaScriptObject, NoncedElement: J.JavaScriptObject, OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D: J.JavaScriptObject, PaintRenderingContext2D: J.JavaScriptObject, PaintSize: J.JavaScriptObject, PaintWorkletGlobalScope: J.JavaScriptObject, Path2D: J.JavaScriptObject, PaymentAddress: J.JavaScriptObject, PaymentInstruments: J.JavaScriptObject, PaymentManager: J.JavaScriptObject, PaymentResponse: J.JavaScriptObject, PerformanceNavigation: J.JavaScriptObject, PerformanceObserver: J.JavaScriptObject, PerformanceObserverEntryList: J.JavaScriptObject, PerformanceTiming: J.JavaScriptObject, Permissions: J.JavaScriptObject, PhotoCapabilities: J.JavaScriptObject, PositionError: J.JavaScriptObject, GeolocationPositionError: J.JavaScriptObject, Presentation: J.JavaScriptObject, PresentationReceiver: J.JavaScriptObject, PushManager: J.JavaScriptObject, PushMessageData: J.JavaScriptObject, PushSubscription: J.JavaScriptObject, PushSubscriptionOptions: J.JavaScriptObject, Range: J.JavaScriptObject, RelatedApplication: J.JavaScriptObject, ReportBody: J.JavaScriptObject, ReportingObserver: J.JavaScriptObject, ResizeObserver: J.JavaScriptObject, ResizeObserverEntry: J.JavaScriptObject, RTCCertificate: J.JavaScriptObject, RTCIceCandidate: J.JavaScriptObject, mozRTCIceCandidate: J.JavaScriptObject, RTCLegacyStatsReport: J.JavaScriptObject, RTCRtpContributingSource: J.JavaScriptObject, RTCRtpReceiver: J.JavaScriptObject, RTCRtpSender: J.JavaScriptObject, RTCSessionDescription: J.JavaScriptObject, mozRTCSessionDescription: J.JavaScriptObject, RTCStatsResponse: J.JavaScriptObject, Screen: J.JavaScriptObject, ScrollState: J.JavaScriptObject, ScrollTimeline: J.JavaScriptObject, Selection: J.JavaScriptObject, SharedArrayBuffer: J.JavaScriptObject, SpeechRecognitionAlternative: J.JavaScriptObject, StaticRange: J.JavaScriptObject, StorageManager: J.JavaScriptObject, StyleMedia: J.JavaScriptObject, StylePropertyMap: J.JavaScriptObject, StylePropertyMapReadonly: J.JavaScriptObject, SyncManager: J.JavaScriptObject, TextDetector: J.JavaScriptObject, TextMetrics: J.JavaScriptObject, TrackDefault: J.JavaScriptObject, TreeWalker: J.JavaScriptObject, TrustedHTML: J.JavaScriptObject, TrustedScriptURL: J.JavaScriptObject, TrustedURL: J.JavaScriptObject, UnderlyingSourceBase: J.JavaScriptObject, URLSearchParams: J.JavaScriptObject, VRCoordinateSystem: J.JavaScriptObject, VRDisplayCapabilities: J.JavaScriptObject, VREyeParameters: J.JavaScriptObject, VRFrameData: J.JavaScriptObject, VRFrameOfReference: J.JavaScriptObject, VRPose: J.JavaScriptObject, VRStageBounds: J.JavaScriptObject, VRStageBoundsPoint: J.JavaScriptObject, VRStageParameters: J.JavaScriptObject, ValidityState: J.JavaScriptObject, VideoPlaybackQuality: J.JavaScriptObject, VideoTrack: J.JavaScriptObject, VTTRegion: J.JavaScriptObject, WindowClient: J.JavaScriptObject, WorkletAnimation: J.JavaScriptObject, WorkletGlobalScope: J.JavaScriptObject, XPathEvaluator: J.JavaScriptObject, XPathExpression: J.JavaScriptObject, XPathNSResolver: J.JavaScriptObject, XPathResult: J.JavaScriptObject, XMLSerializer: J.JavaScriptObject, XSLTProcessor: J.JavaScriptObject, Bluetooth: J.JavaScriptObject, BluetoothCharacteristicProperties: J.JavaScriptObject, BluetoothRemoteGATTServer: J.JavaScriptObject, BluetoothRemoteGATTService: J.JavaScriptObject, BluetoothUUID: J.JavaScriptObject, BudgetService: J.JavaScriptObject, Cache: J.JavaScriptObject, DOMFileSystemSync: J.JavaScriptObject, DirectoryEntrySync: J.JavaScriptObject, DirectoryReaderSync: J.JavaScriptObject, EntrySync: J.JavaScriptObject, FileEntrySync: J.JavaScriptObject, FileReaderSync: J.JavaScriptObject, FileWriterSync: J.JavaScriptObject, HTMLAllCollection: J.JavaScriptObject, Mojo: J.JavaScriptObject, MojoHandle: J.JavaScriptObject, MojoWatcher: J.JavaScriptObject, NFC: J.JavaScriptObject, PagePopupController: J.JavaScriptObject, Report: J.JavaScriptObject, SubtleCrypto: J.JavaScriptObject, USBAlternateInterface: J.JavaScriptObject, USBConfiguration: J.JavaScriptObject, USBDevice: J.JavaScriptObject, USBEndpoint: J.JavaScriptObject, USBInTransferResult: J.JavaScriptObject, USBInterface: J.JavaScriptObject, USBIsochronousInTransferPacket: J.JavaScriptObject, USBIsochronousInTransferResult: J.JavaScriptObject, USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket: J.JavaScriptObject, USBIsochronousOutTransferResult: J.JavaScriptObject, USBOutTransferResult: J.JavaScriptObject, WorkerLocation: J.JavaScriptObject, WorkerNavigator: J.JavaScriptObject, Worklet: J.JavaScriptObject, IDBCursor: J.JavaScriptObject, IDBCursorWithValue: J.JavaScriptObject, IDBFactory: J.JavaScriptObject, IDBObservation: J.JavaScriptObject, IDBObserver: J.JavaScriptObject, IDBObserverChanges: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGAngle: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGAnimatedAngle: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGAnimatedBoolean: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGAnimatedEnumeration: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGAnimatedInteger: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGAnimatedLength: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGAnimatedLengthList: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGAnimatedNumber: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGAnimatedNumberList: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGAnimatedRect: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGAnimatedString: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGAnimatedTransformList: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGMatrix: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGPoint: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGPreserveAspectRatio: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGRect: J.JavaScriptObject, SVGUnitTypes: J.JavaScriptObject, AudioListener: J.JavaScriptObject, AudioParam: J.JavaScriptObject, AudioTrack: J.JavaScriptObject, AudioWorkletGlobalScope: J.JavaScriptObject, AudioWorkletProcessor: J.JavaScriptObject, PeriodicWave: J.JavaScriptObject, ANGLEInstancedArrays: J.JavaScriptObject, ANGLE_instanced_arrays: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLBuffer: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLCanvas: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLColorBufferFloat: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLCompressedTextureASTC: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLCompressedTextureATC: J.JavaScriptObject, WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLCompressedTextureETC1: J.JavaScriptObject, WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLCompressedTextureETC: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLCompressedTexturePVRTC: J.JavaScriptObject, WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLCompressedTextureS3TC: J.JavaScriptObject, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLCompressedTextureS3TCsRGB: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLDebugRendererInfo: J.JavaScriptObject, WEBGL_debug_renderer_info: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLDebugShaders: J.JavaScriptObject, WEBGL_debug_shaders: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLDepthTexture: J.JavaScriptObject, WEBGL_depth_texture: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLDrawBuffers: J.JavaScriptObject, WEBGL_draw_buffers: J.JavaScriptObject, EXTsRGB: J.JavaScriptObject, EXT_sRGB: J.JavaScriptObject, EXTBlendMinMax: J.JavaScriptObject, EXT_blend_minmax: J.JavaScriptObject, EXTColorBufferFloat: J.JavaScriptObject, EXTColorBufferHalfFloat: J.JavaScriptObject, EXTDisjointTimerQuery: J.JavaScriptObject, EXTDisjointTimerQueryWebGL2: J.JavaScriptObject, EXTFragDepth: J.JavaScriptObject, EXT_frag_depth: J.JavaScriptObject, EXTShaderTextureLOD: J.JavaScriptObject, EXT_shader_texture_lod: J.JavaScriptObject, EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic: J.JavaScriptObject, EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLFramebuffer: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLGetBufferSubDataAsync: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLLoseContext: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLExtensionLoseContext: J.JavaScriptObject, WEBGL_lose_context: J.JavaScriptObject, OESElementIndexUint: J.JavaScriptObject, OES_element_index_uint: J.JavaScriptObject, OESStandardDerivatives: J.JavaScriptObject, OES_standard_derivatives: J.JavaScriptObject, OESTextureFloat: J.JavaScriptObject, OES_texture_float: J.JavaScriptObject, OESTextureFloatLinear: J.JavaScriptObject, OES_texture_float_linear: J.JavaScriptObject, OESTextureHalfFloat: J.JavaScriptObject, OES_texture_half_float: J.JavaScriptObject, OESTextureHalfFloatLinear: J.JavaScriptObject, OES_texture_half_float_linear: J.JavaScriptObject, OESVertexArrayObject: J.JavaScriptObject, OES_vertex_array_object: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLProgram: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLQuery: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLRenderbuffer: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLRenderingContext: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGL2RenderingContext: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLSampler: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLShader: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLSync: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLTexture: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLTimerQueryEXT: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLTransformFeedback: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLUniformLocation: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLVertexArrayObject: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES: J.JavaScriptObject, WebGL2RenderingContextBase: J.JavaScriptObject, ArrayBuffer: A.NativeByteBuffer, ArrayBufferView: A.NativeTypedData, DataView: A.NativeByteData, Float32Array: A.NativeFloat32List, Float64Array: A.NativeFloat64List, Int16Array: A.NativeInt16List, Int32Array: A.NativeInt32List, Int8Array: A.NativeInt8List, Uint16Array: A.NativeUint16List, Uint32Array: A.NativeUint32List, Uint8ClampedArray: A.NativeUint8ClampedList, CanvasPixelArray: A.NativeUint8ClampedList, Uint8Array: A.NativeUint8List, HTMLAudioElement: A.HtmlElement, HTMLBRElement: A.HtmlElement, HTMLContentElement: A.HtmlElement, 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A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "EventTarget"; A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "EventTarget"; A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "EventTarget"; })(); Function.prototype.call$0 = function() { return this(); }; Function.prototype.call$1 = function(a) { return this(a); }; Function.prototype.call$2 = function(a, b) { return this(a, b); }; Function.prototype.call$3 = function(a, b, c) { return this(a, b, c); }; Function.prototype.call$4 = function(a, b, c, d) { return this(a, b, c, d); }; Function.prototype.call$1$1 = function(a) { return this(a); }; Function.prototype.call$1$0 = function() { return this(); }; Function.prototype.call$5 = function(a, b, c, d, e) { return this(a, b, c, d, e); }; Function.prototype.call$2$1 = function(a) { return this(a); }; Function.prototype.call$1$2 = function(a, b) { return this(a, b); }; Function.prototype.call$1$5 = function(a, b, c, d, e) { return this(a, b, c, d, e); }; Function.prototype.call$2$0 = function() { return this(); }; Function.prototype.call$9 = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { return this(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i); }; Function.prototype.call$7 = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { return this(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); }; Function.prototype.call$6 = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { return this(a, b, c, d, e, f); }; convertAllToFastObject(holders); convertToFastObject($); (function(callback) { if (typeof document === "undefined") { callback(null); return; } if (typeof document.currentScript != "undefined") { callback(document.currentScript); return; } var scripts = document.scripts; function onLoad(event) { for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i) scripts[i].removeEventListener("load", onLoad, false); callback(event.target); } for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i) scripts[i].addEventListener("load", onLoad, false); })(function(currentScript) { init.currentScript = currentScript; var callMain = A.main; if (typeof dartMainRunner === "function") dartMainRunner(callMain, []); else callMain([]); }); })(); //# sourceMappingURL=main.dart.js.map