using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using WPM; public class ColorizeCountriesScript : MonoBehaviour { public DataManager dataManager; public WorldMapGlobe map; void Start() { map = WorldMapGlobe.instance; //map.ToggleCountrySurface("Brazil", true,; } public void ColorizeCountries(int year) { List data = dataManager.GetDataForYear(year); if (data == null) { Debug.LogError("No data available for year " + year); return; } float minCO2 = float.MaxValue; float maxCO2 = float.MinValue; foreach (DataFormatWorld entry in data) { if (entry.co2emissions < minCO2) minCO2 = entry.co2emissions; if (entry.co2emissions > maxCO2) maxCO2 = entry.co2emissions; } foreach (DataFormatWorld entry in data) { Color color = CalculateColor(entry.co2emissions, minCO2, maxCO2); //Applying the appropriate color to the contry map.ToggleCountrySurface(entry.countryName, true, color); } } private Color CalculateColor(float value, float min, float max) { float normalized = (value - min) / (max - min); return Color.Lerp(,, normalized); } }