// World Political Map - Globe Edition for Unity - Main Script
// Created by Ramiro Oliva (Kronnect)
// Don't modify this script - changes could be lost if you upgrade to a more recent version of WPM
// ***************************************************************************
// This is the public API file - every property or public method belongs here
// ***************************************************************************
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using WPM.ClipperLib;
namespace WPM {
public delegate void ProvinceBeforeEnter(int provinceIndex, int regionIndex, ref bool ignoreProvince);
public delegate void ProvinceEvent(int provinceIndex, int regionIndex);
/* Public WPM Class */
public partial class WorldMapGlobe : MonoBehaviour {
public event ProvinceBeforeEnter OnProvinceBeforeEnter;
public event ProvinceEvent OnProvinceEnter;
public event ProvinceEvent OnProvinceExit;
public event ProvinceEvent OnProvincePointerDown;
public event ProvinceEvent OnProvincePointerUp;
public event ProvinceEvent OnProvinceClick;
Province[] _provinces;
/// Complete array of states and provinces and the country name they belong to.
public Province[] provinces {
get {
if (_provinces == null)
return _provinces;
set {
_provinces = value;
lastProvinceLookupCount = -1;
Province _provinceHighlighted;
/// Returns Province under mouse position or null if none.
public Province provinceHighlighted { get { return _provinceHighlighted; } }
int _provinceHighlightedIndex = -1;
/// Returns current highlighted province index.
public int provinceHighlightedIndex { get { return _provinceHighlightedIndex; } }
_enableProvinceHighlight = true;
/// Enable/disable province highlight when mouse is over.
public bool enableProvinceHighlight {
get {
return _enableProvinceHighlight;
set {
if (_enableProvinceHighlight != value) {
_enableProvinceHighlight = value;
isDirty = true;
_provinceHighlightMaxScreenAreaSize = 1f;
/// Defines the maximum area of a highlighted province. To prevent filling the whole screen with the highlight color, you can reduce this value and if the highlighted screen area size is greater than this factor (1=whole screen) the province won't be filled (it will behave as selected though)
public float provinceHighlightMaxScreenAreaSize {
get {
return _provinceHighlightMaxScreenAreaSize;
set {
if (_provinceHighlightMaxScreenAreaSize != value) {
_provinceHighlightMaxScreenAreaSize = value;
isDirty = true;
int _provinceLastClicked = -1;
/// Returns the last clicked province index.
public int provinceLastClicked { get { return _provinceLastClicked; } }
int _provinceRegionLastClicked = -1;
/// Returns the last clicked province region index.
public int provinceRegionLastClicked { get { return _provinceRegionLastClicked; } }
Region _provinceRegionHighlighted;
/// Returns currently highlightd province's region.
/// The country region highlighted.
public Region provinceRegionHighlighted { get { return _provinceRegionHighlighted; } }
int _provinceRegionHighlightedIndex = -1;
/// Returns current highlighted province's region index.
public int provinceRegionHighlightedIndex { get { return _provinceRegionHighlightedIndex; } }
_showProvinces = false;
/// Toggle frontiers visibility.
public bool showProvinces {
get {
return _showProvinces;
set {
if (value != _showProvinces) {
_showProvinces = value;
isDirty = true;
if (_showProvinces) {
if (_provinces == null) {
if (_drawAllProvinces) {
} else {
_drawAllProvinces = false;
/// Forces drawing of all provinces and not only thouse of currently selected country.
public bool drawAllProvinces {
get {
return _drawAllProvinces;
set {
if (value != _drawAllProvinces) {
_drawAllProvinces = value;
isDirty = true;
_provincesFillColor = new Color(0, 0, 1, 0.7f);
/// Fill color to use when the mouse hovers a country's region.
public Color provincesFillColor {
get {
if (hudMatProvince != null) {
return hudMatProvince.color;
} else {
return _provincesFillColor;
set {
if (value != _provincesFillColor) {
_provincesFillColor = value;
isDirty = true;
if (hudMatProvince != null && _provincesFillColor != hudMatProvince.color) {
hudMatProvince.color = _provincesFillColor;
_provincesColor = Color.white;
/// Global color for provinces.
public Color provincesColor {
get {
return _provincesColor;
set {
if (value != _provincesColor) {
_provincesColor = value;
isDirty = true;
_enableProvinceEnclaves = false;
/// Allows a province to be surrounded by another province
public bool enableProvinceEnclaves {
get {
return _enableProvinceEnclaves;
set {
if (value != _enableProvinceEnclaves) {
_enableProvinceEnclaves = value;
isDirty = true;
string _provinceAttributeFile = PROVINCE_ATTRIB_DEFAULT_FILENAME;
public string provinceAttributeFile {
get { return _provinceAttributeFile; }
set {
if (value != _provinceAttributeFile) {
_provinceAttributeFile = value;
if (_provinceAttributeFile == null)
isDirty = true;
#region Public API area
/// Draws the borders of the provinces/states a country by its id. Returns true is country is found, false otherwise.
/// Note: if you need persistent provinces, call DrawProvinces(List...) instead.
public bool DrawProvince(int countryIndex, bool includeNeighbours, bool forceRefresh) {
if (countryIndex >= 0) {
return mDrawProvinces(countryIndex, includeNeighbours, forceRefresh);
return false;
/// Draws the borders of provinces of a list of countries. Province borders remain regardless of country selection.
public void DrawProvinces(List countryIndices) {
if (provinces == null) ReadProvincesPackedString();
for (int k = 0; k < _countries.Length; k++) {
Country c = _countries[k];
c.allowShowProvinces = countryIndices.Contains(c);
_drawAllProvinces = true;
_showProvinces = true;
/// Hides all provinces.
public void HideProvinces() {
if (provincesObj != null) {
countryProvincesDrawnIndex = -1;
/// Gets the province object by its index. This function equals to map.provinces[provinceIndex].
/// The province.
public Province GetProvince(int provinceIndex) {
if (provinceIndex < 0 || provinceIndex >= provinces.Length) return null;
return _provinces[provinceIndex];
/// Gets the province object by its name and country name.
/// The province.
/// Country name.
/// Province name.
public Province GetProvince(string countryName, string provinceName) {
int provinceIndex = GetProvinceIndex(countryName, provinceName);
if (provinceIndex >= 0)
return _provinces[provinceIndex];
return null;
/// Returns the index of a province in the provinces array by its reference.
public int GetProvinceIndex(Province province) {
int provinceIndex;
if (provinceLookup.TryGetValue(province, out provinceIndex))
return provinceIndex;
return -1;
/// Returns the index of a province in the global provinces array.
public int GetProvinceIndex(string countryName, string provinceName) {
int countryIndex = GetCountryIndex(countryName);
return GetProvinceIndex(countryIndex, provinceName);
/// Returns the index of a province in the global provinces array.
public int GetProvinceIndex(int countryIndex, string provinceName) {
if (countryIndex < 0 || countryIndex >= countries.Length)
return -1;
Country country = countries[countryIndex];
if (country.provinces == null)
return -1;
for (int k = 0; k < country.provinces.Length; k++) {
if (country.provinces[k].name.Equals(provinceName)) {
return GetProvinceIndex(country.provinces[k]);
return -1;
/// Returns the province index by screen position.
public bool GetProvinceIndex(int countryIndex, Ray ray, out int provinceIndex, out int regionIndex) {
Vector3 hitPos;
if (GetGlobeIntersection(ray, out hitPos)) {
Vector3 localHit = transform.InverseTransformPoint(hitPos);
if (GetProvinceUnderMouse(countryIndex, localHit, out provinceIndex, out regionIndex))
return true;
provinceIndex = -1;
regionIndex = -1;
return false;
/// Gets the index of the province that contains the provided map coordinates. This will ignore hidden countries.
/// The province index.
public int GetProvinceIndex(Vector3 spherePosition) {
// verify if hitPos is inside any country polygon
int countryIndex = GetCountryIndex(spherePosition);
if (countryIndex >= 0) {
int provinceIndex, provinceRegionIndex;
if (GetProvinceUnderSpherePosition(countryIndex, spherePosition, out provinceIndex, out provinceRegionIndex)) {
return provinceIndex;
return -1;
/// Gets the province that contains a given map coordinate or the province whose center is nearest to that coordinate.
public int GetProvinceNearPoint(Vector3 spherePosition) {
int provinceIndex = GetProvinceIndex(spherePosition);
if (provinceIndex >= 0)
return provinceIndex;
float minDist = float.MaxValue;
for (int k = 0; k < _provinces.Length; k++) {
float dist = FastVector.SqrDistanceByValue(_provinces[k].localPosition, spherePosition); // Vector3.SqrMagnitude (_provinces [k].sphereCenter - spherePosition);
if (dist < minDist) {
minDist = dist;
provinceIndex = k;
return provinceIndex;
/// Returns the province located in the sphere point provided (must provide the country index to which the province belongs). See also GetCountryUnderSpherePosition.
public bool GetProvinceUnderSpherePosition(int countryIndex, Vector3 spherePoint, out int provinceIndex, out int provinceRegionIndex) {
return GetProvinceUnderMouse(countryIndex, spherePoint, out provinceIndex, out provinceRegionIndex);
/// Returns an array of province objects for the specified country.
public Province[] GetProvinces(string countryName) {
int countryIndex = GetCountryIndex(countryName);
return GetProvinces(countryIndex);
/// Returns an array of province objects for the specified country.
public Province[] GetProvinces(Country country) {
if (country == null || provinces == null) {
return null;
return country.provinces;
/// Returns an array of province objects for the specified country.
public Province[] GetProvinces(int countryIndex) {
if (countryIndex < 0 || countryIndex >= countries.Length) {
return null;
return GetProvinces(_countries[countryIndex]);
/// Returns a list of provinces whose center is contained in a given region
public void GetProvinces(Region region, List provinces) {
int provCount = provinces.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < provCount; k++) {
if (region.Contains(_provinces[k].latlonCenter))
/// Returns an array of province names. The returning list can be grouped by country.
public string[] GetProvinceNames(bool groupByCountry) {
List c = new List(provinces.Length + countries.Length);
if (provinces == null)
return c.ToArray();
bool[] countriesAdded = new bool[countries.Length];
for (int k = 0; k < provinces.Length; k++) {
Province province = provinces[k];
if (province != null) { // could be null if country doesn't exist in this level of quality
if (groupByCountry) {
if (!countriesAdded[province.countryIndex]) {
countriesAdded[province.countryIndex] = true;
c.Add(countries[province.countryIndex].name + "|" + province.name + " (" + k + ")");
} else {
c.Add(province.name + " (" + k + ")");
if (groupByCountry) {
int k = -1;
while (++k < c.Count) {
int i = c[k].IndexOf('|');
if (i > 0) {
c[k] = " " + c[k].Substring(i + 1);
return c.ToArray();
/// Returns an array of province names for the specified country.
public string[] GetProvinceNames(int countryIndex) {
List c = new List(100);
if (provinces == null || countryIndex < 0 || countryIndex >= countries.Length)
return c.ToArray();
for (int k = 0; k < provinces.Length; k++) {
Province province = provinces[k];
if (province.countryIndex == countryIndex) {
c.Add(province.name + " (" + k + ")");
return c.ToArray();
/// Returns proposedName if it's unique in the country collection. Otherwise it adds a suffix to the name to make it unique.
/// The country unique name.
public string GetProvinceUniqueName(string proposedName) {
string n = proposedName;
int iteration = 2;
bool repeat = true;
while (repeat) {
repeat = false;
for (int k = 0; k < _provinces.Length; k++) {
if (_provinces[k].name.Equals(proposedName)) {
proposedName = n + " " + iteration++;
repeat = true;
return proposedName;
public string[] GetProvinceCountriesNeighboursNames(int provinceIndex, bool includeProvinceIndex) {
if (provinceIndex < 0 || provinceIndex >= provinces.Length)
return null;
List c = new List(50);
Region region = provinces[provinceIndex].mainRegion;
int countryIndex = provinces[provinceIndex].countryIndex;
int nc = region.neighbours.Count;
if (nc == 0)
return c.ToArray();
for (int k = 0; k < nc; k++) {
Region nr = region.neighbours[k];
Province op = (Province)nr.entity;
int cIndex = op.countryIndex;
if (cIndex == countryIndex)
string s;
if (includeProvinceIndex) {
s = " " + countries[cIndex].name + " (" + cIndex + ")";
} else {
s = " " + countries[cIndex].name;
if (!c.Contains(s))
if (c.Count > 0) {
c.Insert(0, "Neighbours of " + provinces[provinceIndex].name);
return c.ToArray();
/// Returns a list of provinces whose attributes matches predicate
public void GetProvinces(AttribPredicate predicate, List results) {
if (results == null) return;
int provinceCount = provinces.Length;
for (int k = 0; k < provinceCount; k++) {
Province province = _provinces[k];
if (province.hasAttributes && predicate(province.attrib))
/// Gets XML attributes of all provinces in jSON format.
public string GetProvincesAttributes(bool prettyPrint = true) {
if (provinces == null) return null;
return GetProvincesAttributes(new List(provinces), prettyPrint);
/// Gets XML attributes of provided provinces in jSON format.
public string GetProvincesAttributes(List provinces, bool prettyPrint = true) {
JSONObject composed = new JSONObject();
int provinceCount = provinces.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < provinceCount; k++) {
Province province = _provinces[k];
if (province.hasAttributes && province.attrib.keys != null)
composed.AddField(k.ToString(), province.attrib);
return composed.Print(prettyPrint);
/// Sets provinces attributes from a jSON formatted string.
public void SetProvincesAttributes(string jSON) {
JSONObject composed = new JSONObject(jSON);
if (composed.keys == null)
int keyCount = composed.keys.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < keyCount; k++) {
int provinceIndex = int.Parse(composed.keys[k]);
if (provinceIndex >= 0) {
provinces[provinceIndex].attrib = composed[k];
/// Adds a new province which has been properly initialized. Used by the Map Editor. Name must be unique.
/// true if province was added, false otherwise.
public bool ProvinceAdd(Province province) {
if (province.countryIndex < 0 || province.countryIndex >= countries.Length)
return false;
Province[] newProvinces = new Province[provinces.Length + 1];
for (int k = 0; k < provinces.Length; k++) {
newProvinces[k] = provinces[k];
newProvinces[newProvinces.Length - 1] = province;
provinces = newProvinces;
lastProvinceLookupCount = -1;
// add the new province to the country internal list
Country country = countries[province.countryIndex];
if (country.provinces == null)
country.provinces = new Province[0];
Province[] newCountryProvinces = new Province[country.provinces.Length + 1];
for (int k = 0; k < country.provinces.Length; k++) {
newCountryProvinces[k] = country.provinces[k];
newCountryProvinces[newCountryProvinces.Length - 1] = province;
country.provinces = newCountryProvinces;
return true;
/// Renames the province. Name must be unique, different from current and one letter minimum.
/// true if country was renamed, false otherwise.
public bool ProvinceRename(int countryIndex, string oldName, string newName) {
if (newName == null || newName.Length == 0)
return false;
int provinceIndex = GetProvinceIndex(countryIndex, oldName);
int newProvinceIndex = GetProvinceIndex(countryIndex, newName);
if (provinceIndex < 0 || newProvinceIndex >= 0)
return false;
provinces[provinceIndex].name = newName;
// Updates all cities that depends on this province
int cityCount = cities.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < cityCount; k++) {
if (_cities[k].province.Equals(oldName)) {
_cities[k].province = newName;
lastProvinceLookupCount = -1;
return true;
/// Delete all provinces from specified continent.
public void ProvincesDeleteOfSameContinent(string continentName) {
if (provinces == null)
int numProvinces = _provinces.Length;
List newProvinces = new List(numProvinces);
for (int k = 0; k < numProvinces; k++) {
if (_provinces[k] != null) {
int c = _provinces[k].countryIndex;
if (!countries[c].continent.Equals(continentName)) {
provinces = newProvinces.ToArray();
/// Returns all neighbour provinces
public List ProvinceNeighbours(int provinceIndex) {
List provinceNeighbours = new List();
// Get province object
Province province = provinces[provinceIndex];
// Iterate for all regions (a province can have several separated regions)
for (int provinceRegionIndex = 0; provinceRegionIndex < province.regions.Count; provinceRegionIndex++) {
Region provinceRegion = province.regions[provinceRegionIndex];
// Get the neighbours for this region
for (int neighbourIndex = 0; neighbourIndex < provinceRegion.neighbours.Count; neighbourIndex++) {
Region neighbour = provinceRegion.neighbours[neighbourIndex];
Province neighbourProvince = (Province)neighbour.entity;
if (!provinceNeighbours.Contains(neighbourProvince)) {
return provinceNeighbours;
/// Get neighbours of the main region of a province
public List ProvinceNeighboursOfMainRegion(int provinceIndex) {
List provinceNeighbours = new List();
// Get main region
Province province = provinces[provinceIndex];
Region provinceRegion = province.regions[province.mainRegionIndex];
// Get the neighbours for this region
for (int neighbourIndex = 0; neighbourIndex < provinceRegion.neighbours.Count; neighbourIndex++) {
Region neighbour = provinceRegion.neighbours[neighbourIndex];
Province neighbourProvince = (Province)neighbour.entity;
if (!provinceNeighbours.Contains(neighbourProvince)) {
return provinceNeighbours;
/// Get neighbours of the currently selected region
public List ProvinceNeighboursOfCurrentRegion() {
List provinceNeighbours = new List();
// Get main region
Region selectedRegion = provinceRegionHighlighted;
if (selectedRegion == null)
return provinceNeighbours;
// Get the neighbours for this region
for (int neighbourIndex = 0; neighbourIndex < selectedRegion.neighbours.Count; neighbourIndex++) {
Region neighbour = selectedRegion.neighbours[neighbourIndex];
Province neighbourProvince = (Province)neighbour.entity;
if (!provinceNeighbours.Contains(neighbourProvince)) {
return provinceNeighbours;
/// Starts navigation to target province/state. Returns false if not found.
public CallbackHandler FlyToProvince(string name) {
for (int k = 0; k < provinces.Length; k++) {
if (name.Equals(provinces[k].name)) {
return FlyToProvince(k, _navigationTime);
return null;
/// Starts navigation to target province/state by index in the provinces collection.
public CallbackHandler FlyToProvince(int provinceIndex) {
return FlyToProvince(provinceIndex, _navigationTime);
/// Starts navigation to target province/state by index in the provinces collection and providing the duration in seconds.
public CallbackHandler FlyToProvince(int provinceIndex, float duration) {
return FlyToLocation(provinces[provinceIndex].localPosition, duration);
/// Starts navigating to target province/state by index in the provinces collection with specified duration, ignoring NavigationTime property.
/// Set duration to zero to go instantly.
/// Set zoomLevel to a value from 0 to 1 for the destination zoom level.
public CallbackHandler FlyToProvince(int provinceIndex, float duration, float zoomLevel) {
if (provinceIndex < 0 || provinceIndex >= provinces.Length)
return CallbackHandler.Null;
return FlyToLocation(_provinces[provinceIndex].localPosition, duration, zoomLevel);
/// Starts navigating to target province/state by index in the provinces collection with specified duration, ignoring NavigationTime property.
/// Set duration to zero to go instantly.
/// Set zoomLevel to a value from 0 to 1 for the destination zoom level.
/// Set bounceIntensity to a value from 0 to 1 for a bouncing effect between current position and destination
public CallbackHandler FlyToProvince(int provinceIndex, float duration, float zoomLevel, float bounceIntensity) {
if (provinceIndex < 0 || provinceIndex >= provinces.Length)
return CallbackHandler.Null;
return FlyToLocation(_provinces[provinceIndex].localPosition, duration, zoomLevel, bounceIntensity);
/// Colorize all regions of specified province/state. Returns false if not found.
public bool ToggleProvinceSurface(string countryName, string provinceName, bool visible, Color color) {
int provinceIndex = GetProvinceIndex(countryName, provinceName);
return ToggleProvinceSurface(provinceIndex, visible, color);
/// Colorize all regions of specified province/state.
public bool ToggleProvinceSurface(Province province, bool visible, Color color) {
int provinceIndex = GetProvinceIndex(province);
return ToggleProvinceSurface(provinceIndex, visible, color);
/// Colorize all regions of specified province/state by index in the provinces collection.
public bool ToggleProvinceSurface(int provinceIndex, bool visible, Color color) {
if (provinceIndex < 0 || provinceIndex >= provinces.Length)
return false;
if (!visible) {
return true;
int regionCount = provinces[provinceIndex].regions.Count;
for (int r = 0; r < regionCount; r++) {
ToggleProvinceRegionSurface(provinceIndex, r, visible, color);
return true;
/// Colorize the main region of specified province/state by index in the provinces collection.
public void ToggleProvinceMainRegionSurface(int provinceIndex, bool visible, Color color) {
if (provinceIndex < 0 || provinceIndex >= provinces.Length)
int regionIndex = provinces[provinceIndex].mainRegionIndex;
ToggleProvinceRegionSurface(provinceIndex, regionIndex, visible, color);
/// Colorize the main region of specified province/state by index in the provinces collection.
public void ToggleProvinceMainRegionSurface(int provinceIndex, bool visible, Color color, Texture2D texture) {
if (provinceIndex < 0 || provinceIndex >= provinces.Length)
int regionIndex = provinces[provinceIndex].mainRegionIndex;
ToggleProvinceRegionSurface(provinceIndex, regionIndex, visible, color, texture, Misc.Vector2one, Misc.Vector2zero, 0, false);
/// Colorize the main region of specified province/state by index in the provinces collection.
public void ToggleProvinceMainRegionSurface(int provinceIndex, bool visible, Color color, Texture2D texture, Vector2 textureScale, Vector2 textureOffset, float textureRotation) {
if (provinceIndex < 0 || provinceIndex >= provinces.Length)
int regionIndex = provinces[provinceIndex].mainRegionIndex;
ToggleProvinceRegionSurface(provinceIndex, regionIndex, visible, color, texture, textureScale, textureOffset, textureRotation, false);
/// Colorize or texture a region of specified province/state by index in the provinces collection.
public void ToggleProvinceRegionSurface(int provinceIndex, int regionIndex, bool visible, Color color) {
ToggleProvinceRegionSurface(provinceIndex, regionIndex, visible, color, null, Vector2.one, Vector2.zero, 0, false);
/// Colorize or texture a region of specified province/state by index in the provinces collection.
public void ToggleProvinceRegionSurface(int provinceIndex, int regionIndex, bool visible, Color color, Texture2D texture) {
ToggleProvinceRegionSurface(provinceIndex, regionIndex, visible, color, texture, Misc.Vector2one, Misc.Vector2zero, 0, false);
/// Colorize or texture a region of specified province/state by index in the provinces collection.
public GameObject ToggleProvinceRegionSurface(int provinceIndex, int regionIndex, bool visible, Color color, Texture2D texture, Vector2 textureScale, Vector2 textureOffset, float textureRotation, bool temporary) {
if (!visible) {
HideProvinceRegionSurface(provinceIndex, regionIndex);
return null;
GameObject surf = null;
Region region = provinces[provinceIndex].regions[regionIndex];
int cacheIndex = GetCacheIndexForProvinceRegion(provinceIndex, regionIndex);
// Checks if current cached surface contains a material with a texture, if it exists but it has not texture, destroy it to recreate with uv mappings
surfaces.TryGetValue(cacheIndex, out surf);
// Should the surface be recreated?
Material surfMaterial;
if (surf != null) {
surfMaterial = surf.GetComponent().sharedMaterial;
if (texture != null && (region.customMaterial == null || textureScale != region.customTextureScale || textureOffset != region.customTextureOffset ||
textureRotation != region.customTextureRotation || !region.customMaterial.name.Equals(provinceTexturizedMat.name))) {
surf = null;
// If it exists, activate and check proper material, if not create surface
bool isHighlighted = provinceHighlightedIndex == provinceIndex && provinceRegionHighlightedIndex == regionIndex && _enableProvinceHighlight;
if (surf != null) {
bool needMaterial = false;
if (!surf.activeSelf) {
needMaterial = true;
} else {
// Check if material is ok
surfMaterial = surf.GetComponent().sharedMaterial;
if ((texture == null && !surfMaterial.name.Equals(provinceColoredMat.name)) || (texture != null && !surfMaterial.name.Equals(provinceTexturizedMat.name))
|| (surfMaterial.color != color && !isHighlighted) || (texture != null && region.customMaterial.mainTexture != texture))
needMaterial = true;
if (needMaterial) {
Material goodMaterial = GetProvinceColoredTexturedMaterial(color, texture);
region.customMaterial = goodMaterial;
region.customTextureOffset = textureOffset;
region.customTextureRotation = textureRotation;
region.customTextureScale = textureScale;
ApplyMaterialToSurface(surf, goodMaterial);
} else {
surfMaterial = GetProvinceColoredTexturedMaterial(color, texture);
surf = GenerateProvinceRegionSurface(provinceIndex, regionIndex, surfMaterial, textureScale, textureOffset, textureRotation, temporary);
// If it was highlighted, highlight it again
if (region.customMaterial != null && isHighlighted && region.customMaterial.color != hudMatProvince.color) {
Material clonedMat = Instantiate(region.customMaterial);
clonedMat.name = region.customMaterial.name;
clonedMat.color = hudMatProvince.color;
surf.GetComponent().sharedMaterial = clonedMat;
provinceRegionHighlightedObj = surf;
return surf;
/// Disables all province regions highlights. This doesn't destroy custom materials.
public void HideProvinceRegionHighlights(bool destroyCachedSurfaces) {
if (_provinces == null)
int provincesCount = provinces.Length;
for (int c = 0; c < provincesCount; c++) {
Province province = _provinces[c];
if (province == null || province.regions == null)
for (int cr = 0; cr < province.regions.Count; cr++) {
Region region = province.regions[cr];
int cacheIndex = GetCacheIndexForProvinceRegion(c, cr);
GameObject surf;
if (surfaces.TryGetValue(cacheIndex, out surf)) {
if (surf == null) {
} else {
if (destroyCachedSurfaces) {
} else {
if (region.customMaterial == null) {
} else {
ApplyMaterialToSurface(surf, region.customMaterial);
/// Hides all colorized regions of all provinces/states.
public void HideProvinceSurfaces() {
if (provinces == null)
for (int p = 0; p < provinces.Length; p++) {
/// Hides all colorized regions of one province/state.
public void HideProvinceSurfaces(int provinceIndex, bool destroyCachedSurface = false) {
if (provinces[provinceIndex].regions == null)
for (int r = 0; r < provinces[provinceIndex].regions.Count; r++) {
HideProvinceRegionSurface(provinceIndex, r, destroyCachedSurface);
/// Hides all regions of one province.
public void HideProvinceRegionSurface(int provinceIndex, int regionIndex, bool destroyCachedSurface = false) {
int cacheIndex = GetCacheIndexForProvinceRegion(provinceIndex, regionIndex);
GameObject surf = null;
if (surfaces.TryGetValue(cacheIndex, out surf)) {
if (surf == null) {
} else if (destroyCachedSurface) {
} else {
provinces[provinceIndex].regions[regionIndex].customMaterial = null;
/// Flashes specified province by index in the global province array.
public void BlinkProvince(int provinceIndex, Color color1, Color color2, float duration, float blinkingSpeed, bool smoothBlink = false) {
int mainRegionIndex = provinces[provinceIndex].mainRegionIndex;
BlinkProvince(provinceIndex, mainRegionIndex, color1, color2, duration, blinkingSpeed, smoothBlink);
/// Flashes specified province's region.
public void BlinkProvince(int provinceIndex, int regionIndex, Color color1, Color color2, float duration, float blinkingSpeed, bool smoothBlink = false) {
int cacheIndex = GetCacheIndexForProvinceRegion(provinceIndex, regionIndex);
GameObject surf;
bool disableAtEnd;
if (surfaces.ContainsKey(cacheIndex)) {
surf = surfaces[cacheIndex];
disableAtEnd = !surf.activeSelf;
} else {
surf = GenerateProvinceRegionSurface(provinceIndex, regionIndex, hudMatProvince, true);
disableAtEnd = true;
SurfaceBlinker sb = surf.AddComponent();
sb.blinkMaterial = hudMatProvince;
sb.color1 = color1;
sb.color2 = color2;
sb.duration = duration;
sb.speed = blinkingSpeed;
sb.disableAtEnd = disableAtEnd;
sb.customizableSurface = provinces[provinceIndex].regions[regionIndex];
sb.smoothBlink = smoothBlink;
/// Returns the colored surface (game object) of a province. If it has not been colored yet, it will return null.
public GameObject GetProvinceRegionSurfaceGameObject(int provinceIndex, int regionIndex) {
int cacheIndex = GetCacheIndexForProvinceRegion(provinceIndex, regionIndex);
GameObject surf = null;
surfaces.TryGetValue(cacheIndex, out surf);
return surf;
/// Returns the zoom level which shows the province main region in full screen
/// The province region zoom level.
/// Country index.
public float GetProvinceMainRegionZoomExtents(int provinceIndex) {
if (provinceIndex < 0 || provinceIndex >= provinces.Length)
return 0;
Province province = _provinces[provinceIndex];
return GetProvinceRegionZoomExtents(provinceIndex, province.mainRegionIndex);
/// Returns the zoom level which shows the province region in full screen
/// The province region zoom level.
/// Province index.
/// Region index.
public float GetProvinceRegionZoomExtents(int provinceIndex, int regionIndex) {
if (provinceIndex < 0 || provinceIndex >= provinces.Length)
return 0;
Province province = _provinces[provinceIndex];
if (regionIndex < 0 || regionIndex >= province.regions.Count)
return 0;
return GetRegionZoomExtents(province.regions[regionIndex]);
/// Returns a list of provinces that are visible (front facing camera)
public List GetVisibleProvinces() {
if (provinces == null)
return null;
List vc = GetVisibleCountries();
List vp = new List(30);
Camera cam = mainCamera;
for (int k = 0; k < vc.Count; k++) {
Country country = vc[k];
if (country.provinces == null)
for (int p = 0; p < country.provinces.Length; p++) {
Province prov = country.provinces[p];
Vector3 center = transform.TransformPoint(prov.localPosition);
Vector3 dir = center - transform.position;
float d = Vector3.Dot(cam.transform.forward, dir);
if (d < -0.2f) {
Vector3 vpos = cam.WorldToViewportPoint(center);
float viewportMinX = cam.rect.xMin;
float viewportMaxX = cam.rect.xMax;
float viewportMinY = cam.rect.yMin;
float viewportMaxY = cam.rect.yMax;
if (vpos.x >= viewportMinX && vpos.x <= viewportMaxX && vpos.y >= viewportMinY && vpos.y <= viewportMaxY) {
return vp;
/// Returns a list of provinces that are visible and overlaps the rectangle defined by two given sphere points
public List GetVisibleProvinces(Vector3 rectTopLeft, Vector3 rectBottomRight) {
Vector2 latlon0, latlon1;
latlon0 = Conversion.GetBillboardPosFromSpherePoint(rectTopLeft);
latlon1 = Conversion.GetBillboardPosFromSpherePoint(rectBottomRight);
Rect rect = new Rect(latlon0.x, latlon1.y, latlon1.x - latlon0.x, latlon0.y - latlon1.y);
List selectedProvinces = new List();
if (_provinces == null)
List countries = GetVisibleCountries(rectTopLeft, rectBottomRight);
int countryCount = countries.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < countryCount; k++) {
Country country = countries[k];
if (country.hidden)
if (country.provinces == null)
for (int p = 0; p < country.provinces.Length; p++) {
Province province = country.provinces[p];
if (selectedProvinces.Contains(province))
// Check if any of province's regions is inside rect
if (province.regions == null)
if (province.regions == null)
int crc = province.regions.Count;
for (int cr = 0; cr < crc; cr++) {
Region region = province.regions[cr];
if (rect.Overlaps(region.rect2Dbillboard)) {
return selectedProvinces;
/// Makes provinceIndex absorb sourceProvinceIndex. All regions are transfered to target province.
/// This function is quite slow with high definition frontiers. Note that the province indices may change after this operation.
/// Province index of the conquering province.
/// The index for the source province to be absorved.
public bool ProvinceMerge(int provinceIndex, int sourceProvinceIndex, bool redraw) {
if (provinceIndex < 0 || provinceIndex >= provinces.Length || sourceProvinceIndex < 0 || sourceProvinceIndex >= provinces.Length) {
return false;
Region sourceProvinceRegion = provinces[sourceProvinceIndex].mainRegion;
return ProvinceTransferProvinceRegion(provinceIndex, sourceProvinceRegion, redraw);
/// Make the first province absorb the rest of provinces. This function is quite slow with high definition frontiers. Note that the province indices may change after this operation.
public bool ProvincesMerge(List provinces, bool redraw, bool redrawNeighbours = false) {
if (provinces == null || provinces.Count < 2) return false;
Province firstProvince = provinces[0];
List affectedCountries = BufferPool.Get();
for (int k=1;k.Release(affectedCountries);
return false;
if (redraw) {
for (int k = 0; k < affectedCountries.Count; k++) {
DrawProvince(affectedCountries[k], redrawNeighbours, true);
return true;
/// Makes provinceIndex absorb another province providing any of its regions. All regions are transfered to target province.
/// This function is quite slow with high definition frontiers.
/// Province index of the conquering province.
/// Source region of the loosing province.
public bool ProvinceTransferProvinceRegion(int provinceIndex, Region sourceProvinceRegion, bool redraw) {
int sourceProvinceIndex = GetProvinceIndex((Province)sourceProvinceRegion.entity);
if (provinceIndex < 0 || sourceProvinceIndex < 0 || provinceIndex == sourceProvinceIndex)
return false;
// Transfer cities
Province sourceProvince = provinces[sourceProvinceIndex];
Province targetProvince = provinces[provinceIndex];
if (sourceProvince.countryIndex != targetProvince.countryIndex) {
// Transfer source province to target country province
if (!CountryTransferProvinceRegion(targetProvince.countryIndex, sourceProvinceRegion)) {
return false;
int cityCount = cities.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < cityCount; k++) {
if (_cities[k].countryIndex == sourceProvince.countryIndex && _cities[k].province.Equals(sourceProvince.name))
_cities[k].province = targetProvince.name;
// Transfer mount points
int mountPointCount = mountPoints.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < mountPointCount; k++) {
if (mountPoints[k].provinceIndex == sourceProvinceIndex)
mountPoints[k].provinceIndex = provinceIndex;
// Transfer regions
if (sourceProvince.regions.Count > 0) {
List targetRegions = new List(targetProvince.regions);
for (int k = 0; k < sourceProvince.regions.Count; k++) {
targetProvince.regions = targetRegions;
// Fusion any adjacent regions that results from merge operation
RegionSanitize(targetProvince.regions, false);
targetProvince.mainRegionIndex = 0; // will be updated on RefreshProvinceDefinition
// Finish operation
if (provinceIndex > sourceProvinceIndex) {
if (redraw) {
} else {
return true;
/// Deletes current region or province if this was the last region.
public void ProvinceDeleteAndDependencies(int provinceIndex) {
if (provinceIndex < 0 || provinceIndex >= provinces.Length)
// Clears references from mount points
if (mountPoints != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < mountPoints.Count; k++) {
if (mountPoints[k].provinceIndex == provinceIndex) {
mountPoints[k].provinceIndex = -1;
List newProvinces = new List(_provinces.Length);
// Clears references from cities
int countryIndex = _provinces[provinceIndex].countryIndex;
if (countryIndex >= 0 && countryIndex < _countries.Length) {
string provinceName = _provinces[provinceIndex].name;
if (cities != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < _cities.Count; k++) {
if (_cities[k].countryIndex == countryIndex && _cities[k].name.Equals(provinceName)) {
_cities[k].name = "";
// Remove it from the country array
Country country = _countries[countryIndex];
if (country.provinces != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < country.provinces.Length; k++) {
if (!country.provinces[k].name.Equals(provinceName))
country.provinces = newProvinces.ToArray();
// Remove from the global array
for (int k = 0; k < _provinces.Length; k++) {
if (k != provinceIndex) {
provinces = newProvinces.ToArray();
/// Makes provinceIndex absorb an hexagonal portion of the map. If that portion belong to another province, it will be substracted from that province as well.
/// This function is quite slow with high definition frontiers.
/// Province index of the conquering province.
/// Index of the cell to add to the province.
public bool ProvinceTransferCell(int provinceIndex, int cellIndex, bool redraw = true) {
if (provinceIndex < 0 || cellIndex < 0 || cells == null || cellIndex >= cells.Length)
return false;
// Start process
Province province = provinces[provinceIndex];
Cell cell = cells[cellIndex];
// Create a region for the cell
Region sourceRegion = new Region(province, province.regions.Count);
// Convert cell points to latlon coordinates
// Transfer cities
List citiesInCell = GetCities(sourceRegion);
int cityCount = citiesInCell.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < cityCount; k++) {
City city = citiesInCell[k];
if (city.countryIndex != province.countryIndex) {
city.countryIndex = province.countryIndex;
city.province = ""; // clear province since it does not apply anymore
// Transfer mount points
List mountPointsInCell = new List();
int mountPointCount = GetMountPoints(sourceRegion, mountPointsInCell);
for (int k = 0; k < mountPointCount; k++) {
MountPoint mp = mountPointsInCell[k];
if (mp.countryIndex != province.countryIndex) {
mp.countryIndex = province.countryIndex;
mp.provinceIndex = -1; // same as cities - province cleared in case it's informed since it does not apply anymore
// Add region to target country's polygon - only if the country is touching or crossing target country frontier
Region targetRegion = province.mainRegion;
RegionMagnet(sourceRegion, targetRegion);
Clipper clipper = new Clipper();
clipper.AddPath(sourceRegion, PolyType.ptClip);
clipper.AddPaths(province.regions, PolyType.ptSubject);
clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctUnion, province);
// Finish operation with the country
RegionSanitize(province.regions, true);
// Substract cell region from any other country
for (int k = 0; k < _provinces.Length; k++) {
Province otherProvince = _provinces[k];
if (otherProvince == province || !otherProvince.Overlaps(sourceRegion))
clipper = new Clipper();
clipper.AddPath(sourceRegion, PolyType.ptClip);
clipper.AddPaths(otherProvince.regions, PolyType.ptSubject);
clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctDifference, otherProvince);
RegionSanitize(otherProvince.regions, true);
int otherProvinceIndex = GetProvinceIndex(otherProvince);
if (otherProvince.regions.Count == 0) {
if (k >= otherProvinceIndex)
} else {
if (redraw)
return true;