using Photon.Pun; using UnityEngine; using WPM; using PhotonPun = Photon.Pun; using PhotonRealtime = Photon.Realtime; public class GlobeControllerScript : MonoBehaviour //PunCallbacks { //private bool isInteracting = false; public float rotateSpeed = 100f; private float step; private float rotationY; public float thumbstickThreshold = 0.1f; // Tröskelvärde för att avgöra om thumbsticken används public int selectedYear; public ColorizeCountriesScript colorizeScript; //public DataManager dataManager; public GameObject globe; //public WorldMapGlobe globeScript; //public GlobePhotonColorControlScript globePhotonScript; //public PhotonView photonView; private int globeID; public GameObject globePrefab; //public WorldMapGlobe map; void Start() { } void Update() { // Kontrollera om trigger på kontrollen trycks ner Spawna isåfall globen, lägg till block för om en redan finns. if (OVRInput.GetDown(OVRInput.Button.One)) { Debug.Log("Y button pressed on controller"); SpawnGlobe(); } //Get thumbstick input för rotation Vector2 thumbstickInput = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis2D.SecondaryThumbstick); //Check to see that its above threshhold, eg being used if (thumbstickInput.magnitude > thumbstickThreshold || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N)) { //photonView.RPC("RotateLeftRPC", RpcTarget.Others); rotationY = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis2D.SecondaryThumbstick).x; RotateRPC(rotationY); //Debug.Log("Pressed N or thumb"); } if (OVRInput.GetDown(OVRInput.Button.PrimaryIndexTrigger)) { //selectedYear = Mathf.Min(selectedYear + 1, 2018); SelectNextYear(); Debug.Log("Pressed Next year "); } if (OVRInput.GetDown(OVRInput.Button.SecondaryIndexTrigger)) { //selectedYear = Mathf.Max(selectedYear - 1, 1991); SelectPreviousYear(); Debug.Log("Pressed prev year "); } } private void SpawnGlobe() { Debug.Log("Went to method"); if (globePrefab == null) { Debug.LogError("Globe prefab is not assigned."); return; } var networkedGlobe = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); Debug.Log("Instantiated Globe"); globe = networkedGlobe.gameObject; //Pho var photonGrabbable = networkedGlobe.GetComponent(); globeID = networkedGlobe.GetComponent().ViewID; //globePhotonScript = globe.GetComponent(); selectedYear = 2018; //photonView = networkedGlobe.GetComponent(); if (photonGrabbable == null) { Debug.LogError("PhotonGrabbableObject component is missing on the instantiated globe."); return; } photonGrabbable.TransferOwnershipToLocalPlayer(); Debug.Log("Ownership transferred to local player."); } [PunRPC] void RotateRPC(float direction) { step = rotateSpeed * direction * Time.deltaTime; globe.transform.Rotate(0, step, 0); } //These two methods need to be changed to get year from SLIDER and then use the ** Marked line** only public void SelectNextYear() { Debug.Log("Pressed to select next year"); //selectedYear = Mathf.Min(selectedYear + 1, 2018); //*** gameObject.GetComponent ().RPC("UpdateYearRPC", RpcTarget.All, selectedYear); //*** Debug.Log("This is after the RPC call next year"); } public void SelectPreviousYear() { Debug.Log("Pressed to select previous year"); //selectedYear = Mathf.Max(selectedYear - 1, 1991); gameObject.GetComponent().RPC("UpdateYearRPC", RpcTarget.All, selectedYear); Debug.Log("This is after the RPC call prev year"); //UpdateYearRPC(selectedYear); //colorizeCountriesScript.ColorizeCountries(selectedYear, this.gameObject); //photonView.RPC("colorizeScript.ColorizeCountries", RpcTarget.All, selectedYear, globe); } //Change above methods for SLIDER logic [PunRPC] public void UpdateYearRPC(int year) { Debug.Log("This is the first line within RPC method UpdateYearRPC"); GameObject myGlobe = PhotonPun.PhotonView.Find(globeID).gameObject; Debug.Log("Updated to: " + selectedYear); colorizeScript.ColorizeCountries(year, myGlobe); //photonView.RPC("colorizeScript.ColorizeCountries", RpcTarget.All, selectedYear); Debug.Log("This is the last line within RPC method UpdateYearRPC"); } //**Interaction and Ownership handling** //**Interaction and Ownership handling End** }