using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using TMPro; using Photon.Pun; public class SliderSyncDirect : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks, IPunObservable { public Slider yearSlider; public TextMeshProUGUI yearText; public OVRInput.Controller controller; void Start() { //yearSlider.value = 0.5f; } void Update() { if (yearSlider != null) { // Setting the Slider's minimum and maximum values yearSlider.minValue = 1990; yearSlider.maxValue = 2018; yearSlider.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate { UpdateYearText(); }); } // Initialise year text UpdateYearText(); } void UpdateYearText() { int year = (int)yearSlider.value; yearText.text = year.ToString(); //put in logic for year change/color changes/also for updated ui values f? } public void OnValueChanged() { //if (OVRInput.GetDown(OVRInput.Button.SecondaryIndexTrigger, controller)) //float currentValue = yearSlider.value; //float triggerValue = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Button.SecondaryIndexTrigger, controller); //float sliderValue = Mathf.Lerp(yearSlider.minValue, yearSlider.maxValue, triggerValue); //yearSlider.value = sliderValue; } public void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info) { if (stream.IsWriting) { // Local player sends data stream.SendNext(yearSlider.value); } else { // Remote player receives data yearSlider.value = (float)stream.ReceiveNext(); UpdateYearText(); } } }