using Photon.Pun; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using WPM; using PhotonPun = Photon.Pun; using PhotonRealtime = Photon.Realtime; public class GlobeControllerScript : MonoBehaviour { public float rotateSpeed = 100f; private float step; private float rotationY; public float thumbstickThreshold = 0.1f; public int selectedYear; public ColorizeCountriesScript colorizeScript; public DataManager dataManager; public WorldMapGlobe globeScript; public bool itemsSpawned; public GameObject globe; private int globeID; public GameObject globePrefab; public GameObject slider; private int sliderID; public GameObject sliderPrefab; public GameObject UI; private int UIID; public GameObject UIPrefab; // Raycasting [Header("Raycast to select country")] public Transform rayOrigin; public bool isCountryHighlighted = false; public int latestHighlightedCountryIndex = -1, latestTargetRegionIndex = -1; public string highlightedCountryName; int targetCountryIndex, targetRegionIndex; void Start() { selectedYear = 2018; } void Update() { if (OVRInput.GetDown(OVRInput.Button.One) && !itemsSpawned) { Debug.Log("Y button pressed on controller"); SpawnGlobe(); SpawnSlider(); //SpawnUI(); itemsSpawned = true; } Vector2 thumbstickInput = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis2D.SecondaryThumbstick); if (thumbstickInput.magnitude > thumbstickThreshold || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N)) { rotationY = thumbstickInput.x; RotateRPC(rotationY); } // Check if a country is highlighted OnTryCountrySelected(); if(isCountryHighlighted && OVRInput.GetDown(OVRInput.Button.SecondaryIndexTrigger)) { Debug.Log("Country Selected: " + highlightedCountryName); OnCountrySelected(targetCountryIndex, targetRegionIndex); // TODO: Send info to the Data Manager UI } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.V)) { spawnGlobeAndSlider(); } } void spawnGlobeAndSlider() { SpawnGlobe(); SpawnSlider(); } private void SpawnGlobe() { Debug.Log("Spawning Globe"); if (globePrefab == null) { Debug.LogError("Globe prefab is not assigned."); return; } var networkedGlobe = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); globe = networkedGlobe.gameObject; globeScript = globe.GetComponent(); var photonGrabbable = networkedGlobe.GetComponent(); globeID = networkedGlobe.GetComponent().ViewID; if (photonGrabbable == null) { Debug.LogError("PhotonGrabbableObject component is missing on the instantiated globe."); return; } photonGrabbable.TransferOwnershipToLocalPlayer(); } private void SpawnSlider() { Debug.Log("Spawning Slider"); if (sliderPrefab == null) { Debug.LogError("Slider prefab is not assigned."); return; } var networkedSlider = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(, new Vector3(0.184f, -0.5f, -0.5f), Quaternion.identity); slider = networkedSlider.gameObject; var photonGrabbable = networkedSlider.GetComponent(); sliderID = networkedSlider.GetComponent().ViewID; if (photonGrabbable == null) { Debug.LogError("PhotonGrabbableObject component is missing on the instantiated slider."); return; } photonGrabbable.TransferOwnershipToLocalPlayer(); } /* private void SpawnUI() { Debug.Log("Spawning UI"); if (UIPrefab == null) { Debug.LogError("UI prefab is not assigned."); return; } var networkedUI = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(, new Vector3(0, 1, 4), Quaternion.identity); UI = networkedUI.gameObject; var photonGrabbable = networkedUI.GetComponent(); UIID = networkedUI.GetComponent().ViewID; if (photonGrabbable == null) { Debug.LogError("PhotonGrabbableObject component is missing on the instantiated UI."); return; } photonGrabbable.TransferOwnershipToLocalPlayer(); }*/ [PunRPC] void RotateRPC(float direction) { if (globe == null) { Debug.LogError("Globe object is not instantiated."); return; } step = rotateSpeed * direction * Time.deltaTime; globe.transform.Rotate(0, step, 0); } public void updateYearForAll(int year) { gameObject.GetComponent().RPC("UpdateYearRPC", RpcTarget.All, year); UpdateYearRPC(year); } [PunRPC] public void UpdateYearRPC(int year) { if (globe == null) { Debug.LogError("Globe object is not instantiated."); return; } selectedYear = year; colorizeScript.ColorizeCountries(year, globe); } private void OnCountrySelected(int countryIndex, int regionIndex) { var country = globeScript.GetCountry(countryIndex); if (country != null) { var dataForYear = dataManager.GetDataForYear(selectedYear); if (dataForYear != null) { var countryData = dataForYear.Find(c => c.countryName ==; if (countryData != null) { CanvasCountryInfoManager.instance.ShowNewCountryInCanvas(, countryData.co2emissions.ToString()); } else { Debug.LogWarning("No data found for country: " + + " in year: " + selectedYear); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("No data found for year: " + selectedYear); } } } public void OnTryCountrySelected() { if (itemsSpawned) { Ray ray = new Ray(rayOrigin.position, rayOrigin.forward); //int targetCountryIndex, targetRegionIndex; isCountryHighlighted = globeScript.GetCountryIndex(ray, out targetCountryIndex, out targetRegionIndex); if (isCountryHighlighted) { // If the latest highlighted region changed, dehighlight the previous and highlight the new one. if (latestHighlightedCountryIndex != targetCountryIndex) { // Dehighlight globeScript.HideCountryRegionHighlights(false); // Save the latest country in global variables latestHighlightedCountryIndex = targetCountryIndex; latestTargetRegionIndex = targetRegionIndex; // Highlight the new country globeScript.ToggleCountryRegionSurfaceHighlight(latestHighlightedCountryIndex, latestTargetRegionIndex,, true); // Get the name of the country highlightedCountryName = globeScript.countries[targetCountryIndex].name; } //Debug.Log("Highlighted: "+ highlightedCountryName); } else { // If nothing is selected, dehighlight the latest one globeScript.HideCountryRegionHighlights(false); latestHighlightedCountryIndex = -1; highlightedCountryName = ""; } } } }