// World Political Map - Globe Edition for Unity - Main Script
// Created by Ramiro Oliva (Kronnect)
// Don't modify this script - changes could be lost if you upgrade to a more recent version of WPM
// ***************************************************************************
// This is the public API file - every property or public method belongs here
// ***************************************************************************
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace WPM {
/* Public WPM Class */
public partial class WorldMapGlobe : MonoBehaviour {
/// Complete list of mount points.
public List mountPoints;
#region Public API area
string _mountPointsAttributeFile = MOUNTPOINTS_ATTRIB_DEFAULT_FILENAME;
/// Returns the file name corresponding to the current mount point data file
public string mountPointsAttributeFile {
get { return _mountPointsAttributeFile; }
set {
if (_mountPointsAttributeFile != value) {
_mountPointsAttributeFile = value;
if (_mountPointsAttributeFile == null) {
isDirty = true;
/// Clears any mount point highlighted (color changed) and resets them to default city color (used from Editor)
public void HideMountPointHighlights() {
if (mountPointsLayer == null)
Renderer[] rr = mountPointsLayer.GetComponentsInChildren(true);
for (int k = 0; k < rr.Length; k++)
rr[k].sharedMaterial = mountPointsMat;
/// Toggles the mount point highlight.
/// Moint point index in the mount points collection.
/// Color.
/// If set to true the color of the mount point will be changed. If set to false the color of the mount point will be reseted to default color
public void ToggleMountPointHighlight(int mountPointIndex, Color color, bool highlighted) {
if (mountPointsLayer == null)
Transform t = mountPointsLayer.transform.Find(mountPointIndex.ToString());
if (t == null)
Renderer rr = t.gameObject.GetComponent();
if (rr == null)
Material mat;
if (highlighted) {
mat = Instantiate(rr.sharedMaterial);
mat.name = rr.sharedMaterial.name;
mat.color = color;
rr.sharedMaterial = mat;
} else {
rr.sharedMaterial = mountPointsMat;
/// Returns an array with the mount points names.
public string[] GetMountPointNames() {
return GetMountPointNames(-1, -1);
/// Returns an array with the mount points names.
public string[] GetMountPointNames(int countryIndex) {
return GetMountPointNames(countryIndex, -1);
/// Returns an array with the mount points names.
public string[] GetMountPointNames(int countryIndex, int provinceIndex) {
List c = new List(20);
for (int k = 0; k < mountPoints.Count; k++) {
if ((mountPoints[k].countryIndex == countryIndex || countryIndex == -1) &&
(mountPoints[k].provinceIndex == provinceIndex || provinceIndex == -1)) {
c.Add(mountPoints[k].name + " (" + k + ")");
return c.ToArray();
/// Returns the index of a mount point in the global mount points collection. Note that country index can be supplied due to repeated mount point names.
/// Pass -1 to countryIndex to ignore filters.
public int GetMountPointIndex(int countryIndex, string mountPointName) {
return GetMountPointIndex(countryIndex, -1, mountPointName);
/// Returns the index of a mount point in the global mount points collection. Note that country (and optionally province) index can be supplied due to repeated mount point names.
/// Pass -1 to countryIndex or provinceIndex to ignore filters.
public int GetMountPointIndex(int countryIndex, int provinceIndex, string mountPointName) {
if (mountPoints == null) return -1;
int mountPointCount = mountPoints.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < mountPointCount; k++) {
if ((mountPoints[k].countryIndex == countryIndex || countryIndex == -1) &&
(mountPoints[k].provinceIndex == provinceIndex || provinceIndex == -1) &&
mountPoints[k].name.Equals(mountPointName)) {
return k;
return -1;
/// Returns the mount point index by screen position.
public bool GetMountPointIndex(Ray ray, out int mountPointIndex, int countryIndex = -1) {
Vector3 hitPos;
if (GetGlobeIntersection(ray, out hitPos)) {
Vector3 localHit = transform.InverseTransformPoint(hitPos);
int c = GetMountPointNearPoint(localHit, countryIndex);
if (c >= 0) {
mountPointIndex = c;
return true;
mountPointIndex = -1;
return false;
/// Deletes all mount points of current selected country's continent
public void MountPointsDeleteFromSameContinent(string continentName) {
int k = -1;
while (++k < mountPoints.Count) {
int cindex = mountPoints[k].countryIndex;
if (cindex >= 0) {
string mpContinent = countries[cindex].continent;
if (mpContinent.Equals(continentName)) {
/// Returns a list of mount points that are visible (front facing camera)
public List GetVisibleMountPoints() {
List vc = new List(30);
if (mountPoints == null) return null;
Camera cam = mainCamera;
for (int k = 0; k < mountPoints.Count; k++) {
MountPoint mp = mountPoints[k];
// Check if city is facing camera
Vector3 center = transform.TransformPoint(mp.localPosition);
Vector3 dir = center - transform.position;
float d = Vector3.Dot(cam.transform.forward, dir);
if (d < -0.2f) {
// Check if city is inside viewport
Vector3 vpos = cam.WorldToViewportPoint(center);
float viewportMinX = cam.rect.xMin;
float viewportMaxX = cam.rect.xMax;
float viewportMinY = cam.rect.yMin;
float viewportMaxY = cam.rect.yMax;
if (vpos.x >= viewportMinX && vpos.x <= viewportMaxX && vpos.y >= viewportMinY && vpos.y <= viewportMaxY) {
return vc;
/// Returns a list of mount points that are visible and located inside the rectangle defined by two given sphere points
public List GetVisibleMountPoints(Vector3 rectTopLeft, Vector3 rectBottomRight) {
Vector2 latlon0, latlon1;
latlon0 = Conversion.GetBillboardPosFromSpherePoint(rectTopLeft);
latlon1 = Conversion.GetBillboardPosFromSpherePoint(rectBottomRight);
Rect rect = new Rect(latlon0.x, latlon1.y, latlon1.x - latlon0.x, latlon0.y - latlon1.y);
List selectedMountPoints = new List();
int mpCount = mountPoints.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < mpCount; k++) {
MountPoint mp = mountPoints[k];
Vector2 bpos = Conversion.GetBillboardPosFromSpherePoint(mp.localPosition);
if (rect.Contains(bpos)) {
return selectedMountPoints;
/// Returns mount points belonging to a provided country.
/// Provided by the user. The list will be filled with the results.
/// Number of mount points found.
public int GetMountPoints(int countryIndex, List results) {
if (results == null) return 0;
int mountPointCount = mountPoints.Count;
for (int c = 0; c < mountPointCount; c++) {
if (mountPoints[c].countryIndex == countryIndex)
return results.Count;
/// Returns mount points belonging to a provided country and province.
/// Provided by the user. The list will be filled with the results.
/// Number of mount points found.
public int GetMountPoints(int countryIndex, int provinceIndex, List results) {
if (results == null) return 0;
int mountPointCount = mountPoints.Count;
for (int c = 0; c < mountPointCount; c++) {
if (mountPoints[c].countryIndex == countryIndex && mountPoints[c].provinceIndex == provinceIndex)
return results.Count;
/// Returns mount points enclosed by a region.
/// Provided by the user. The list will be filled with the results.
/// Number of mount points found.
public int GetMountPoints(Region region, List results) {
if (results == null) return 0;
int mountPointCount = mountPoints.Count;
for (int c = 0; c < mountPointCount; c++) {
if (region.Contains(mountPoints[c].latlon)) {
return results.Count;
/// Returns a list of mount points whose attributes matches predicate
public void GetMountPoints(AttribPredicate predicate, List results) {
if (results == null) return;
int mountPointCount = mountPoints.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < mountPointCount; k++) {
MountPoint mountPoint = mountPoints[k];
if (mountPoint.hasAttributes && predicate(mountPoint.attrib))
/// Gets XML attributes of all mount points in jSON format.
public string GetMountPointsAttributes(bool prettyPrint = true) {
return GetMountPointsAttributes(new List(mountPoints), prettyPrint);
/// Gets XML attributes of provided mount points in jSON format.
public string GetMountPointsAttributes(List mountPoints, bool prettyPrint = true) {
JSONObject composed = new JSONObject();
int mountPointCount = mountPoints.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < mountPointCount; k++) {
MountPoint mountPoint = mountPoints[k];
if (mountPoint.hasAttributes && mountPoint.attrib.keys != null) {
composed.AddField(k.ToString(), mountPoint.attrib);
return composed.Print(prettyPrint);
/// Sets mount points attributes from a jSON formatted string.
public void SetMountPointsAttributes(string jSON) {
JSONObject composed = new JSONObject(jSON);
if (composed.keys == null)
int keyCount = composed.keys.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < keyCount; k++) {
int mountPointIndex = int.Parse(composed.keys[k]);
mountPoints[mountPointIndex].attrib = composed[k];