using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace WPM { public delegate bool TileRequestEvent(int zoomLevel, int x, int y, out Texture2D texture, out string error); public delegate void TileEvent(TileInfo ti); public delegate void TileMapVisibleEvent(List visibleTiles); public partial class WorldMapGlobe : MonoBehaviour { public event TileRequestEvent OnTileRequest; public event TileMapVisibleEvent OnTileRecomputed; public event TileEvent OnTileCreated; public event TileEvent OnTileBecameVisible, OnTileBecameInvisible; [SerializeField] int _tileDownloadTimeout = 10; /// /// Gets or sets the timeout for downloading images /// public int tileDownloadTimeout { get { return _tileDownloadTimeout; } set { if (_tileDownloadTimeout != value) { _tileDownloadTimeout = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] int _tileMaxConcurrentDownloads = 10; /// /// Gets or sets the maximum number of concurrent web downloads at a given time. /// public int tileMaxConcurrentDownloads { get { return _tileMaxConcurrentDownloads; } set { if (_tileMaxConcurrentDownloads != value) { _tileMaxConcurrentDownloads = Mathf.Max(value, 1); isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] int _tileMaxTileLoadsPerFrame = 2; /// /// Gets or sets the maximum number of tile loads per frame. /// public int tileMaxTileLoadsPerFrame { get { return _tileMaxTileLoadsPerFrame; } set { if (_tileMaxTileLoadsPerFrame != value) { _tileMaxTileLoadsPerFrame = Mathf.Max(value, 1); isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] bool _tilesShowDebugInfo; /// /// Enables or disables debug information for tiles /// public bool tilesShowDebugInfo { get { return _tilesShowDebugInfo; } set { if (_tilesShowDebugInfo != value) { _tilesShowDebugInfo = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] bool _showTiles; /// /// Enables or disables integration with Online Tile Systems /// public bool showTiles { get { return _showTiles; } set { if (_showTiles != value) { _showTiles = value; RestyleEarth(); isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] bool _tilePreciseRotation; /// /// Automatically switches to camera rotation mode when zoom level >= _tilePreciseRotationZoomLevel and back to Earth rotates when zoom level < _tilePreciseRotationZoomLevel /// public bool tilePreciseRotation { get { return _tilePreciseRotation; } set { if (_tilePreciseRotation != value) { _tilePreciseRotation = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] int _tilePreciseRotationZoomLevel = 18; /// /// Automatically switches to camera rotation mode when zoom level >= this value and back to Earth rotates when zoom level < 16 /// public int tilePreciseRotationZoomLevel { get { return _tilePreciseRotationZoomLevel; } set { if (_tilePreciseRotationZoomLevel != value) { _tilePreciseRotationZoomLevel = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] bool _tileTransparentLayer; /// /// Blends tiles with background imagery. Disabled for performance purposes (when disabled, tiles will use an opaque shader which renders faster) /// public bool tileTransparentLayer { get { return _tileTransparentLayer; } set { if (_tileTransparentLayer != value) { _tileTransparentLayer = value; RestyleEarth(); isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] Color _tileBackgroundColor = Color.white; public Color tileBackgroundColor { get { return _tileBackgroundColor; } set { if (_tileBackgroundColor != value) { _tileBackgroundColor = value; RestyleEarth(); isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] [Range(0, 1f)] float _tileMaxAlpha = 1f; /// /// Gets or sets the tile max alpha (transparency). Reduce to force transparent layers when tiles are opaque. /// public float tileMaxAlpha { get { return _tileMaxAlpha; } set { if (_tileMaxAlpha != value) { _tileMaxAlpha = Mathf.Clamp01(value); ResetTiles(); isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] bool _tileEnableLocalCache = true; /// /// Enables or disables local cache for tile storage. /// public bool tileEnableLocalCache { get { return _tileEnableLocalCache; } set { if (_tileEnableLocalCache != value) { _tileEnableLocalCache = value; isDirty = true; PurgeCacheOldFiles(); } } } [SerializeField] long _tileMaxLocalCacheSize = 200; /// /// Gets or sets the size of the local cache in Mb. /// public long tileMaxLocalCacheSize { get { return _tileMaxLocalCacheSize; } set { if (_tileMaxLocalCacheSize != value) { _tileMaxLocalCacheSize = value; isDirty = true; } } } /// /// Gets number of tiles pending load /// public int tileQueueLength { get { return loadQueue == null ? 0 : loadQueue.Count; } } /// /// Gets current active tile downloads /// public int tileConcurrentLoads { get { return _concurrentLoads; } } /// /// Gets current tile zoom level /// public int tileCurrentZoomLevel { get { return _currentZoomLevel; } } /// /// Gets number of total tiles downloaded from web /// public int tileWebDownloads { get { return _webDownloads; } } /// /// Gets number of total tiles downloaded from the application Resources folder /// public int tileResourceDownloads { get { return _resourceLoads; } } /// /// Gets total size in byte sof tiles downloaded from web /// public long tileWebDownloadsTotalSize { get { return _webDownloadTotalSize; } } /// /// Gets number of total tiles downloaded from local cache /// public int tileCacheLoads { get { return _cacheLoads; } } /// /// Gets total size in byte sof tiles downloaded from local cache /// public long tileCacheLoadsTotalSize { get { return _cacheLoadTotalSize; } } [SerializeField] TILE_SERVER _tileServer = TILE_SERVER.OpenStreeMap; /// /// Gets or sets the tile server. /// public TILE_SERVER tileServer { get { return _tileServer; } set { if (_tileServer != value) { _tileServer = value; ResetTiles(); isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] string _tileServerCustomUrl = "http://$N$$Z$/$X$/$Y$.png"; /// /// Gets or sets the tile server Url. Only used whtn Tile Server is set to Custom. /// public string tileServerCustomUrl { get { return _tileServerCustomUrl; } set { if (_tileServerCustomUrl != value) { _tileServerCustomUrl = value; ResetTiles(); isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] [Range(0.2f, 2f)] float _tileResolutionFactor = 1f; /// /// Gets or sets the tile resolution factor. /// public float tileResolutionFactor { get { return _tileResolutionFactor; } set { if (_tileResolutionFactor != value) { _tileResolutionFactor = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0.2f, 2f); isDirty = true; } } } /// /// Returns the credits or copyright message required to be displayed with the active tile server. Returns null if credit not required. /// /// The tile server credits. public string tileServerCopyrightNotice { get { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_tileServerCopyrightNotice)) { _tileServerCopyrightNotice = GetTileServerCopyrightNotice(_tileServer); } return _tileServerCopyrightNotice; } } /// /// Returns last logged error /// public string tileLastError { get { return _tileLastError; } } /// /// Returns last logged error date & time /// public DateTime tileLastErrorDate { get { return _tileLastErrorDate; } } [SerializeField] string _tileServerAPIKey; /// /// Returns current tile server API key /// public string tileServerAPIKey { get { return _tileServerAPIKey; } set { if (_tileServerAPIKey != value) { _tileServerAPIKey = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] string _tileServerClientId; /// /// Returns current tile server client id used by some providers /// public string tileServerClientId { get { return _tileServerClientId; } set { if (_tileServerClientId != value) { _tileServerClientId = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] string _tileServerLayerTypes; /// /// Returns current tile server layer types used by some providers /// public string tileServerLayerTypes { get { return _tileServerLayerTypes; } set { if (_tileServerLayerTypes != value) { _tileServerLayerTypes = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] string _tileServerTimeOffset = "current"; /// /// Returns current tile server time offset used by some providers /// public string tileServerTimeOffset { get { return _tileServerTimeOffset; } set { if (_tileServerTimeOffset != value) { _tileServerTimeOffset = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] bool _tileDebugErrors = true; /// /// Enables/disables error dump to console or log file. /// public bool tileDebugErrors { get { return _tileDebugErrors; } set { if (_tileDebugErrors != value) { _tileDebugErrors = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] bool _tilePreloadTiles = false; /// /// Tries to load all first zoom level of tiles at start so globe shows complete from the beginning /// public bool tilePreloadTiles { get { return _tilePreloadTiles; } set { if (_tilePreloadTiles != value) { _tilePreloadTiles = value; isDirty = true; } } } /// /// Returns the current disk usage of the tile cache in bytes. /// public long tileCurrentCacheUsage { get { return _tileCurrentCacheUsage; } } [SerializeField] bool _tilesUnloadInactiveTiles = true; /// /// Unloads inactive tiles from memory /// public bool tilesUnloadInactiveTiles { get { return _tilesUnloadInactiveTiles; } set { if (_tilesUnloadInactiveTiles != value) { _tilesUnloadInactiveTiles = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] float _tileKeepAlive = 60f; /// /// Time that an inactive tile remains in memory before being destroyed /// public float tileKeepAlive { get { return _tileKeepAlive; } set { if (_tileKeepAlive != value) { _tileKeepAlive = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] bool _tileEnableOfflineTiles; /// /// Enables or disables loading tiles from application resources. /// public bool tileEnableOfflineTiles { get { return _tileEnableOfflineTiles; } set { if (_tileEnableOfflineTiles != value) { _tileEnableOfflineTiles = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] bool _tileOfflineTilesOnly = true; /// /// If enabled, only tiles from Resources path will be loaded /// public bool tileOfflineTilesOnly { get { return _tileOfflineTilesOnly; } set { if (_tileOfflineTilesOnly != value) { _tileOfflineTilesOnly = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] string _tileResourcePathBase = "Assets/Resources"; /// /// Returns path for the application resource path where tiles can be stored using the tile downloader /// public string tileResourcePathBase { get { return _tileResourcePathBase; } set { if (_tileResourcePathBase != value) { _tileResourcePathBase = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] int _tileMaxZoomLevel = TILE_MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL; /// /// Gets or sets the maximum number of concurrent web downloads at a given time. /// public int tileMaxZoomLevel { get { return _tileMaxZoomLevel; } set { if (_tileMaxZoomLevel != value) { _tileMaxZoomLevel = Mathf.Clamp(value, TILE_MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL, TILE_MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL); isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] int _tileMaxZoomLevelFrontiers = 7; /// /// Gets or sets the maximum zoom level at which country/province borders are visible /// public int tileMaxZoomLevelFrontiers { get { return _tileMaxZoomLevelFrontiers; } set { if (_tileMaxZoomLevelFrontiers != value) { _tileMaxZoomLevelFrontiers = Mathf.Clamp(value, TILE_MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL, TILE_MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL); isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] Texture2D _tileResourceFallbackTexture; /// /// Texture for a tile which is not found in Resources path and tileOfflineTilesOnly is enabled /// public Texture2D tileResourceFallbackTexture { get { if (_tileResourceFallbackTexture == null) { return Texture2D.blackTexture; } else { return _tileResourceFallbackTexture; } } set { if (_tileResourceFallbackTexture != value) { _tileResourceFallbackTexture = value; isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] Material _tilePolesMaterial; public Material tilePolesMaterial { get { return _tilePolesMaterial; } set { if (_tilePolesMaterial != value) { _tilePolesMaterial = value; isDirty = true; } } } public void PurgeTileCache() { PurgeCacheOldFiles(0); } } }