![Negin Soltani](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
- Globe Asset - Spatial Anchors - Photon Implementation - Scripts for Globe Control and Initial Country Colorizing - Script for Reading csv file
136 lines
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136 lines
4.9 KiB
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace WPM {
public class DemoGraffiti : MonoBehaviour {
WorldMapGlobe map;
bool enableRotation;
GUIStyle labelStyle, buttonStyle, sliderStyle, sliderThumbStyle;
ColorPicker colorPicker;
Color32[] colors;
Texture2D earthTex;
Color32 penColor = Color.cyan;
int penWidth = 5;
int penStrength = 128;
float lastTextureUpdateTime;
bool needTextureUpdate;
void Start() {
labelStyle = new GUIStyle();
labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
buttonStyle = new GUIStyle(labelStyle);
buttonStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
buttonStyle.normal.background = Texture2D.whiteTexture;
buttonStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
sliderStyle = new GUIStyle();
sliderStyle.normal.background = Texture2D.whiteTexture;
sliderStyle.fixedHeight = 4.0f;
sliderThumbStyle = new GUIStyle();
sliderThumbStyle.normal.background = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("thumb");
sliderThumbStyle.overflow = new RectOffset(0, 0, 8, 0);
sliderThumbStyle.fixedWidth = 20.0f;
sliderThumbStyle.fixedHeight = 12.0f;
colorPicker = gameObject.GetComponent<ColorPicker>();
// setup GUI resizer - only for the demo
GUIResizer.Init(800, 500);
// Get map instance to Globe API methods
map = WorldMapGlobe.instance;
map.OnMouseDown += (cursorLocation, buttonIndex) => { if (buttonIndex==0) PaintEarth(cursorLocation); };
map.OnDrag += PaintEarth;
void OnGUI() {
GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 10, 350, 30), "Click and drag over the Earth to paint", labelStyle);
enableRotation = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(10, 40, 350, 30), enableRotation, "Enable Earth rotation");
map.allowUserRotation = enableRotation;
GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 70, 85, 30), " Pen Width", labelStyle);
penWidth = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(110, 75, 100, 20), penWidth, 2, 50, sliderStyle, sliderThumbStyle);
GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 95, 85, 30), " Pen Alpha", labelStyle);
penStrength = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(110, 100, 100, 20), penStrength, 1, 255, sliderStyle, sliderThumbStyle);
GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.3f, 0.5f);
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 120, 160, 30), " Change Pen Color", buttonStyle)) {
colorPicker.showPicker = true;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 145, 90, 30), " Reset Texture", buttonStyle)) {
if (colorPicker.showPicker) {
penColor = colorPicker.setColor;
void PaintEarth(Vector3 cursorLocation) {
if (enableRotation)
// Convert cursor location to texture coordinates
Vector2 uv = Conversion.GetUVFromSpherePoint(cursorLocation);
// Paints thick pixel on texture position
float srcAlpha = 1f - penStrength / 255f;
int x = (int)(uv.x * earthTex.width);
int y = (int)(uv.y * earthTex.height);
for (int j = -penWidth; j < penWidth; j++) {
int jj = (y + j) * earthTex.width;
for (int k = -penWidth; k < penWidth; k++) {
int colorIndex = jj + x + k;
if (colorIndex < 0 || colorIndex >= colors.Length)
Color32 currentColor = colors[colorIndex];
float r = (float)(j * j + k * k) / (penWidth * penWidth); // for smooth drawing
if (r < srcAlpha)
r = srcAlpha;
else if (r > 1f)
r = 1f;
colors[colorIndex].r = (byte)(currentColor.r * r + penColor.r * (1f - r));
colors[colorIndex].g = (byte)(currentColor.g * r + penColor.g * (1f - r));
colors[colorIndex].b = (byte)(currentColor.b * r + penColor.b * (1f - r));
needTextureUpdate = true;
void Update() {
if (needTextureUpdate && Time.time - lastTextureUpdateTime > 0.1f) {
needTextureUpdate = false;
lastTextureUpdateTime = Time.time;
void ResetTexture() {
// Get current pixels
earthTex = map.earthTexture;
colors = earthTex.GetPixels32();