using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System; using WebSocketSharp; // Ensure this matches the WebSocket library you're using public class WaterConnectUnityWithSensors : MonoBehaviour { // Websocket Service WebSocket ws; public string esp32IPAddress = ""; // Assign your ESP32 IP Address public string esp32WebsocketPort = "81"; // Assign your ESP32 WebSocket port, typically "81" private bool touchDataReceived = false; private int receivedTouchValue = 0; public static bool isTouchDetected = false; int threshhold = 14000; public BoundWaterScript waterScript; private float narrationEndTime; private float waitTime = 15f; private bool objectAppeared = false; // Flag to track whether the object has appeared or not private bool startedMeasuringTime = false; // Flag to track whether the time measurement has started void Start() { ConnectWithESP32(); } public void ConnectWithESP32() { Debug.Log("Connecting Unity with ESP32 via Websockets..."); ws = new WebSocket($"ws://{esp32IPAddress}:{esp32WebsocketPort}"); ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket connected"); ws.Send("Hello from Unity Water Script!"); }; ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("Received message: " + e.Data); int parsedValue; bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(e.Data, out parsedValue); if (isNumeric) { receivedTouchValue = parsedValue; touchDataReceived = true; // Indicate that new data has been received } }; ws.Connect(); Debug.Log("Websocket state - " + ws.ReadyState); } void Update() { if (waterScript.narrationHasFinished && !waterScript.dropHasAppeared) { if (!startedMeasuringTime) { startedMeasuringTime = true; narrationEndTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } float elapsedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - narrationEndTime; if (elapsedTime < waitTime) { Debug.Log("Asking for touch."); ws.Send("Need Touch"); if (touchDataReceived) { if (receivedTouchValue >= threshhold) { Debug.Log("Touch threshold exceeded, action triggered."); isTouchDetected = true; waterScript.collectTouch(); return; // Exit the update loop if touch threshold condition is met } touchDataReceived = false; // Reset for the next message } } else if (!objectAppeared && elapsedTime >= waitTime) { Debug.Log("15 seconds have passed since the end of narration."); // Perform your desired action here after 15 seconds from the end of the narration waterScript.collectTouch(); // Call collectTouch() method after 15 seconds objectAppeared = true; // Set the flag to indicate that the object has appeared } } } void OnDestroy() { if (ws != null && ws.IsAlive) { ws.Close(); } } }