Error response from the API
All errors are served in problem details format (RFC 7807). The type is the complete URI to the listed errors below.
Transcription file not found
The requested file was never attached to the specified transcription.
Invalid callback URI
If the given callback URI when trying to create a new transcription job is not valid (RFC 2396)
Transcription not found
If the id does not reference an existing transcription.
File upload failed
File upload failed for unknown reason, please contact whisper support for help with troubleshooting.
Invalid output format
The specified output format is not supported. The following formats are supported;
- txt
- vtt
- srt
- tsv
- json
Missing filename
Every file must have a, within a transcription job, unique name specified in the X-Filename
Job submission failed
Failed to submit the job for unknown reasons, please contact whisper support for help with troubleshooting.
Invalid language
The given language when creating a transcription is not valid, it must be a valid two-letter ISO-639-1 language code that Whisper supports. Attempting to use an unsupported language is allowed but will result in undefined behavior.