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<div class="flex flex-col w-full lg:pl-10 py-10 lg:ml-[300px]"><div class="doc flex flex-col gap-5 svelte-yue6wq"><h1>Proxima Inspector FAQ</h1>
<div class="bg-[#1d1d1d] p-3 shadow-lg flex gap-2 flex-col text-left"><button><div class="flex gap-2 items-center font-bold"><img class="w-[15px] mt-1" src="../icons/arrow.png" alt="">
<div>Which property types does Proxima support?</div></div></button>
<div class=""><div slot="answer"><p>Proxima supports editing most types of properties:</p>
<div class="m-5"><div class="bg-gray-800 p-5 text-zinc-300"><div class="font-bold mb-3">Supported Property Types:</div>
<ul class="ml-5 list-disc"><li>All <a href="https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/builtin-types/built-in-types" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">C# built-in value types</a>, except decimal.</li>
<li>string, Vector2, Vector2Int, Vector3, Vector3Int, Quaternion, Vector4, Rect, RectInt, Bounds, BoundsInt, Color, LayerMask</li>
<li>All enums and flags.</li>
<li>Any struct or class marked as [Serializable] (since Update 1.2).</li>
<li>View, but not edit, all Unity object references (GameObjects, Components, Assets, etc.)</li>
<li>Arrays and Lists of any of the above.</li></ul></div></div>
<p>If you think Proxima is missing an important type, please post your suggestion on the Discord Server.</p></div></div></div>
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<div>Will Proxima Inspector affect my game performance?</div></div></button>
<div class=""><div class="flex flex-col gap-2" slot="answer"><p>Proxima Inspector is designed to have minimal impact on your game performance. It uses a WebSocket connection to send minimal changes to the browser, and will only performs work when the relevant browser page is open:</p>
<ul class="list-disc ml-5 flex flex-col gap-2"><li><b>Hierarchy Page</b>: To detect these updates, Proxima will scan up to 10 gameObjects per frame for changes. You can modify this number by changing &quot;ProximaInspector.MaxGameObjectUpdatesPerFrame&quot;.</li>
<li><b>Inspector Page</b>: Proxima will scan one component on the selected gameObject per frame for property changes. You can adjust the frequency each component is scanned by adjusting ProximaInspector.MaxComponentUpdateFrequency.</li>
<li><b>Logs Page</b>: Proxima records log messages in a circular list so that you can see what happened in the recent past when you visit the Logs page. You can change the size of this list by editing the <b>Log Buffer Size</b> property on the inspector component.</li>
<li><b>Console Page</b>: No performance impact until a command is issued.</li></ul></div></div></div>
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<div>Why are my root gameObjects out of order?</div></div></button>
<div class=""><p slot="answer">Unity does not preserve the order of gameObjects in the scene of a built game. Even assigning a sibling index to the transform component will have no effect. This is why you can&#39;t reorder root gameObjects.
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<div>Why do some component properties appear differently than in the Editor?</div></div></button>
<div class=""><p slot="answer">Proxima searches for serialized fields on components to display them in the inspector. This is the same as Unity&#39;s default behavior for MonoBehaviours.
However, some components have custom editors which control their appearance in the Unity inspector.
All custom editor code is stripped out of a built game, and so Proxima cannot access this information.
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<div>Why are some components missing properties?</div></div></button>
<div class=""><div slot="answer"><a target="_blank" href="https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ManagedCodeStripping.html" rel="noreferrer">Managed Code Stripping</a>
may be removing some fields or properties from a built game if they are not used by your game code. By default, this happens for built-in Unity component properties which are
configured in the editor, but not referenced in your code. You can control this setting under <div>&quot;Project Settings &gt; Player &gt; Optimization &gt; Managed Stripping Level&quot;</div><br>
<p>Proxima prevents code stripping for many Unity component properties like Transform&#39;s localPosition by explicitly referencing them
in <b>Proxima/Runtime/Generated/ProximaReflection.Generated.cs</b>. You can use one of the techniques described in the link above to prevent your components from being stripped.</p></div></div></div>
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<div>Why are tags not a dropdown list?</div></div></button>
<div class=""><p slot="answer">Unity does not preserve the list of tags in a built game. You can assign a tag to any string.
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<div>Why does Proxima stop updating when my game is not selected?</div></div></button>
<div class=""><p slot="answer">Proxima depends on Unity&#39;s update loop to detect gameObject and component updates.
When your game is not in focus, the update loop may be paused. You can configure this setting in Unity under:
&quot;Project Settings &gt; Player &gt; Resolution and Presentation &gt; Run In Background&quot;
<div class="h-[200px] flex flex-col"><p class="text-gray-400 m-10">© 2023 Virtual Maker Corporation</p></div></div></div>