276 lines
8.7 KiB
276 lines
8.7 KiB
* D3-Centraliser - A REST API based database management script
* Licence: GPL-3
* Copyright: Jesper Bergman (jesperbe@dsv.su.se)
/* Make sure the CORS support works. */
const corsMiddleware = require('restify-cors-middleware');
const errs = require('restify-errors');
const restify = require("restify");
const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
const os = require('os');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const performance = require('performance-now');
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
const fs = require('fs');
/* Server config. */
const server = restify.createServer();
/* Ugly hack: allow request from everywhere. */
const cors = corsMiddleware({
preflightMaxAge: 5,
origins: ['*'],
allowHeaders: ['*'],
exposeHeaders: ['*', 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8']
/* Activate CORS settings */
/* Allow CORS from everywhere. Does not work...
restify.defaultResponseHeaders = data => {
this.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
this.header('Access-Control-Allowed-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, DELETE');
this.header('Access-Control-Allowed-Headers', '*');
/* Database connection. */
const databaseConnection = new sqlite3.Database("annotations.db", (err) => {
if(err){console.error( "nej nej", err.message);}
/* Receive POST for adding stuff to the database. */
server.post('/api/:command', function (req, res, next){
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
let feedback = req.body;
/* Try - catch after database insertion success/failure */
console.log("Client REQ data: ", req.getQuery(), " . And other than that: ", feedback);
let verr_hash = addToDatabase(feedback, req.getQuery());
res.send(200, verr_hash);
verr_hash = null;
return next();
/* REST API get() stuff from the database. */
server.get('/api/:categories', function (req, res, next){
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
let feedback = req.body;
let categories = databaseConnection.all("SELECT DISTINCT category FROM categories;", function(err,rows){res.send(200, rows)});
//res.send(200, categories);
console.log("Received category")
return next();
/* Main attraction: insert new categories and other data into the DB. Change name to addCategoriesToDatabase*/
function addToDatabase(input, uid){
let inputType = null;
let uuid = uid.split("=");
uuid = uuid[1];
let sqlUUID = "SELECT uuid FROM users WHERE uuid=\'" + uuid + "\'";
/* Verify message intergrity. */
let verification_hashsum = calculateSHA256(input);
console.log("UUID: ", sqlUUID, " Message verification hash sum: ", verification_hashsum);
/* Prepare insertion. */
for(var i in input){
inputType = i;
let com = JSON.parse(inputType)
console.log("Command: " , inputType, com.username, com.fullname);
console.log("This is not a username.")
console.log("NOW WE TALK");
/* Insert username and UUID into DB.
let query = databaseConnection.prepare("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO users (username) VALUES(?,?)");
query.run("Andersson", uuid);
if(inputType == "webpage"){
/* Open up a connection. */
/* Prepare queries for each table. */
let webpageQuery = databaseConnection.prepare("REPLACE INTO webpage (url, domain, sha256, md5, timestamp, uuid) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)");
let categoryQuery = databaseConnection.prepare("REPLACE INTO categories (category, sha256, uuid) VALUES(?,?,?)");
let noteQuery = databaseConnection.prepare("REPLACE INTO notes (note, sha256, uuid) VALUES(?,?,?)");
let highlightedTextQuery = databaseConnection.prepare("REPLACE INTO highlightedText(highlightedText, sha256, uuid) VALUES(?,?,?)");
/* Extract key/values from receivd JSON objects.*/
let firstKey = Object.keys(input);
let firstValue = Object.values(input);
let secondKey = Object.keys(firstValue[0]);
let secondValue = Object.values(firstValue[0]);
let webpage = secondValue[0];
let url = webpage.url;
/* Call D3-Collector and time*/
let date = new Date();
let t1 = performance();
let t2 = null;
let h = date.getHours();
let m = "0" + date.getMinutes();
let s = "0" + date.getSeconds();
let ss = "0" + date.getMilliseconds();
let formattedTime = h + ':' + m.substr(-2) + ':' + s.substr(-2) + '.' + ss.substr(-2);
let ok = archive_webpage(webpage.url);
if(ok != null){
t2 = performance();
let sync_time = t2-t1;
console.log("Fetched .onion page in: ", sync_time, " At: ", formattedTime)
log(("Fetched .onion page " + webpage.url + " in: " + sync_time + " At: " + formattedTime+"\n\n"))
/* Reset */
t1 = null;
t1 = null;
sync_time = null;
/* Parse arrays and refer to the correct SHA256. */
if(webpage.category != "N/A"){
for(var cat in webpage.category){
categoryQuery.run(webpage.category[cat], webpage.sha256, uuid);
for(var note in webpage.notes){
console.log("|- looping through notes: ", webpage.notes[note]);
noteQuery.run(webpage.notes[note], webpage.sha256, uuid);
for(var hlt in webpage.text){
highlightedTextQuery.run(webpage.text[hlt], webpage.sha256, uuid);
/* Write to database. */
t1 = performance();
t2 = performance();
sync_time = t2 - t1;
//t1 = performance();
//2 = performance();
//sync_time = t2 - t1;
console.log("DB web page insert time: ", sync_time);
t1 = performance();
t2 = performance();
sync_time = t2-t1;
console.log("DB category insert time: ", sync_time);
t1 = performance();
t2 = performance();
sync_time = t2-t1;
console.log("DB note insert time: ", sync_time);
t1 = performance();
t2 = performance();
sync_time = t2-t1;
console.log("DB highlightedText page insert time: ", sync_time);
if(inputType == "category"){
let query = databaseConnection.prepare("INSERT INTO categories (category,sha256, uuid) VALUES(?,?,?)");
let stKey = Object.keys(input);
let stValue = Object.values(input);
let ndValue = Object.values(stValue[0]);
console.log("Only categories being added: ", ndValue[0].category);
let categories = ndValue[0].category;
let sha256 = ndValue[0].sha256;
if(categories != "N/A"){
for(var y in categories){
console.log("|-- ", categories[y]);
query.run(categories[y], sha256, uuid);
return verification_hashsum;
verification_hashsum = null;
/* Invoke D3-Collector to archive the web page the URLs are pointing to. */
function archive_webpage(url){
let success = false;
const spawn = require("child_process").spawn;
const spawnedShell = spawn('sh',["../D3-Collector/start-d3-collector.sh"]);
console.log("Spawning .sh to get .onion sites.", url);
// Success or not?
spawnedShell.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
console.log("Data back from D3-Collector: ", data)
if(data != null){
success = true;
return success;
/* Close connection */
function closeDatabaseConnection(){
databaseConnection.close((err) =>{
/* Calculate SHA256 of any input. */
function calculateSHA256(json_candidate){
const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256');
let str = JSON.stringify(json_candidate);
return hash.copy().digest('hex');
str = "";
console.log("Calculating hash sums...")
function log(log_item){
fs.writeFile('d3-centraliser.log', log_item, function (err) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
/* Start up the server */
server.listen(8080, "" , function (){
console.log('%s listening at %s', server.name, server.url);
console.log("And other sufttt.");